Nortel 5500 5510-24T, 5510-48T, 5520-24T-PWR, 5520-48T-PWR, 5530-24TFD Ethernet Routing Switch User Manual
Below you will find brief information for 5500 5510-24T, 5500 5510-48T, 5500 5520-24T-PWR, 5500 5520-48T-PWR, 5500 5530-24TFD. These Nortel Ethernet Routing Switches offer IP routing capabilities between VLANs, supporting static routes, RIP, and OSPF protocols. They feature multinetting for multiple IP subnets per VLAN and brouter ports for uninterrupted routed traffic. These switches are configurable via CLI and Java Device Manager.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing
Document status: Standard
Document version: 03.01
Document date: 27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
All Rights Reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The statements, configurations, technical data, and recommendations in this document a re believed to be accurate and reliable, but are presented without express or implied warranty. Users must take full responsibility for their applications of any products specified in this document. The information in this document is proprietary to Nortel Networks .
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license. The software license agreement is included in this document.
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In the interest of improving internal design, operational function, and/or reliability, Nortel Networks reserves the right to make changes to the products described in this document without notice.
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Revision History
Date Revised
July 2005
Reason for revision
New document for Software Release 4.2.
July 2006 2.00
Document updated for Software Release 5.0.
August 2 00 7 3 .01
u pdated for Software elease 5 .1
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
6 Revision History
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series 9
Finding the latest updates on the Nortel web site 11
An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 21
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) 23
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol 27
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) 37
Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP) 38
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) / Bootstrap Protocol (BootP) 39
Avoiding duplicate IP addresses 44
IGMP snooping configuration rules 49
IP Routing Configuration and Management
IP routing initial configuration 51
Global IP routing configuration 51
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) initial configuration 52
IP routing configuration using the CLI 55
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
8 Contents
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) commands 64
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) commands 67
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) commands 82
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) commands 104
Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP) commands 110
UDP broadcast forwarding commands 113
IP routing configuration examples 120
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) configuration 120
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) configuration 122
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) configuration 134
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) configuration 190
Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) 204
IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 206
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) configuration 222
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) configuration 228
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) 277
Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP) 284
UDP broadcast interface deletion 295
Configuring IGMP snooping using the Java Device Manager 305
Configuring IGMP using Web-based management
Configuring IGMP using the Web-based Management Interface 309
Displaying multicast membership using the Web-based Management Interface 312
Index 314
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
This document provides information and instructions on the configuration of IP Routing on the 5500 Series Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch. Consult any documentation included with the switch and the product release notes
"Related publications" (page 10)
) for any errata before beginning the configuration process.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
"5500 Series Switch Platforms" (page 9)
outlines the switches that are part of the 5500 Series of Nortel Ethernet Routing Switches
5500 Series Switch Platforms
5500 Series Switch Model
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
Key Features
A 24 port, 10/100/1GBase-T, Layer 4, diffserv-capable, stackable Ethernet switch.
This switch contains two shared SFP ports.
A 48 port, 10/100/1GBase-T, Layer 4, diffserv-capable, stackable Ethernet switch.
This switch contains two shared SFP ports.
A 24 port, 10/100/1GBase-T, Layer 4, diffserv-capable, stackable Ethernet switch with full Power over Ethernet (PoE) capability on all copper ports. This switch contains four shared
SFP ports.
A 48 port, 10/100/1GBase-T, Layer 4, diffserv-capable, stackable Ethernet switch with full Power over Ethernet (PoE) capability on all copper ports. This switch contains four shared
SFP ports.
A 24 port, 10/100/1GBase-T, Layer 4, diffserv-capable, stackable Ethernet switch.
This switch contains twelve shared SFP ports and two XFP ports.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
10 Preface
Related publications
For more information about the management, configuration, and use of the
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series, refer to the publications listed in
"Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series Documentation" (page 10)
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series Documentation
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Release 5.1
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Release 5.1 Series
Configuration - System
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch
5500 Release 5.1
Series Configuration -
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Release 5.1
Configuration - VLANs,
Spanning Tree, and
Link Aggregation
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch
5500 Release 5.1
Configuration - IP
Routing Protocols
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Release 5.1
Configuration - Quality of Service
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch
5500 Release 5.1
Configuration - System
Instructions for the installation of a switch in the Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series. It also provides an overview of hardware key to the installation, configuration, and maintenance of the switch.
Instructions for the general configuration of switches in the 5500
Series that are not covered by the other documentation.
Instructions for the configuration and management of security for switches in the 5500 Series.
Instructions for the configuration of spanning and trunking protocols on
5500 Series switches
Instructions for the configuration of
IP routing protocols on 5500 Series switches.
Instructions for the configuration and implementation of QoS and filtering on 5500 Series switches.
Instructions for the configuration, implementation, and use of system monitoring on 5500 Series switches.
Part Number
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
Finding the latest updates on the Nortel web site 11
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Release Notes
- Release 5.1
Provides an overview of new features, fixes, and limitations of the 5500 Series switches. Also included are any supplementary documentation and document errata.
Instructions for the installation and use of the Nortel Ethernet RPS 15.
Installing the Nortel
Ethernet Redundant
Power Supply 15
DC-DC Converter
Module for the
Baystack 5000 Series
Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500
Series Release 5.1
Installation - SFP
Instructions for the installation and use of the DC-DC power converter.
Instructions for the installation and use of SFP transceivers.
Part Number
You can access technical documentation online at the Nortel Technical
Support web site, located at . Use the following procedure to access documents on the Technical Support web site:
• If it is not already selected, click the Browse product support tab.
• From the list provided in the product family box, select Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch.
• From the product list, select the desired 5500 Series Switch.
• From the content list, select Documentation.
• Click Go.
You can view documents online, download them for future reference, or printed them. All documents available on the Technical Support web site are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) format.
Finding the latest updates on the Nortel web site
The content of this documentation was current at the time of release. To check for updates to the documentation and software for the Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series, use the links provided in the following table.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series Software
"Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
12 Preface
How to get help
If a service contract for the Nortel product has been purchased from a distributor or authorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.
If a Nortel service program was purchased, contact Nortel Technical
The following information is available online:
• contact information for Nortel Technical Support
• information about the Nortel Technical Solutions Centers
• information about the Express Routing Code (ERC) for your product
An ERC is available for many Nortel products and services. When an ERC is used, the call is routed to technical support personnel who specialize in supporting the service or product. The ERC for a particular product or service is available online.
The main Nortel support portal is available at .
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
This chapter provides an introduction to IP routing and IP routing protocols used in the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series. Subsequent chapters will provide a more detailed description of switch capabilities and configuration procedures.
IP routing
To configure IP routing on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series, use virtual local area networks (VLAN) to create virtual router interfaces by assigning an IP address to the VLAN. This section discusses this concept in depth.
For a more detailed description about VLANs and their use, consult Nortel
Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series Release 5.1 Configuration - VLANs,
Spanning Tree, and Link Aggregation.
IP addressing
An IP version 4 (IPv4) address consists of 32 bits expressed in a dotted-decimal format (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX). The IPv4 address space is divided into classes, with classes A, B, and C reserved for unicast addresses and accounting for 87.5 percent of the 32-bit IP address space. Class D is reserved for multicast addressing.
" IP address classifications" (page
13) lists the breakdown of the IP address space by address range and mask.
IP address classifications
Class Address Range Mask
Number of
Nodes per
16,777,214 A -
Note: Although technically part of Class A addressing, network 127 is reserved for loopback.
C - -
16,384 2,097,152
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
14 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Class Address Range Mask
Number of
Nodes per
D -
Note: Class D addresses are primarily reserved for multicast operations although the addresses and are used by OSPF and is used by RIP.
E -
Note: Class E addresses are reserved for research purposes.
To express an IP address in dotted-decimal notation, each octet of the
IP address is converted to a decimal number and separated by decimal points. For example, the 32-bit IP address 10000000 00100000 00001010
10100111 is expressed in dotted-decimal notation as
Each IP address class, when expressed in binary notation, has a different boundary point between the network and host portions of the address, as illustrated in
"Network and host boundaries in IP address classes" (page
14) . The network portion is a network number field from 8 through 24 bits.
The remaining 8 through 24 bits identify a specific host on the network.
Network and host boundaries in IP address classes
Subnet addressing
Subnetworks (or subnets) are an extension of the IP addressing scheme.
Subnets allow an organization to use one IP address range for multiple networks. Subnets are two or more physical networks that share a common network-identification field (the network portion of the 32-bit IP address).
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing 15
A subnet address is created by increasing the network portion to include a subnet address, thus decreasing the host portion of the IP address. For example, in the address, the network portion is 128.32, while the subnet is found in the first octet of the host portion (10). A subnet mask is applied to the IP address and identifies the network and host portions of the address.
" Subnet masks for Class B and Class C IP addresses" (page 15) illustrates
how subnet masks used with Class B and Class C addresses can create differing numbers of subnets and hosts. This example shows the use of the zero subnet, which is permitted on a Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5510.
Subnet masks for Class B and Class C IP addresses
Number of bits
Subnet Mask
Number of Subnets
Class B
Class C
4 094
8 190
16 382
1 022
2 046
Number of Hosts per Subnet
16 382
8 190
4 094
2 046
1 022
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
16 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Variable-length subnet masking (VLSM) is the ability to divide an intranet into pieces that match network requirements. Routing is based on the longest subnet mask or network that matches.
IP routing using VLANs
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series supports wire-speed IP routing between virtual LANs (VLAN). This type of routing is also referred to as virtual routing. When a virtual router interface is created for a specified
VLAN, a specific IP address is associated with the specific VLAN. In this release, the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series supports static routing, in which the identifiers of the devices being routed between are entered manually.
This virtual router interface does not have an association with any specified port or set of ports (it is called a virtual router interface because it is not associated with any particular port). The VLAN IP address can be reached through any of the ports in the VLAN specified as a virtual router interface, and the assigned IP address is the gateway through which packets are routed out of that VLAN. Routed traffic can be forwarded to another VLAN within the switch or stack of Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series.
Once routing is enabled on two VLANs by assigning IP addresses, routing can be performed between those two VLANs (refer to
IP routing with VLANs
IP routing is enabled or disabled globally on the Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series. By default, IP routing is disabled.
Note: All IP routing parameters can be configured on the Nortel
Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series before routing is actually enabled on the switch.
There is no longer a one-to-one correspondence between the physical port and the router interface, because a given port can belong to multiple
VLANs. The VLANs may be configured for routing on the switch.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing 17
As with any IP address, virtual router interface addresses are also used for device management. For management over IP, any virtual router interface
IP address can be used to access the switch as long as routing is enabled.
When the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series switch or stack is used without routing enabled, the Management VLAN is reachable only through the switch or stack IP address. With IP routing enabled on the switch or stack, any of the virtual router IP interfaces can be used for management over IP.
Once routing is enabled on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series switches, the Management VLAN behaves like all other routable VLANs.
The IP address is reachable through any virtual router interface, as long as a route is available. Actually, all virtual router interfaces can be used as the
Management VLAN over IP.
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series supports the definition and configuration of up to eight secondary interfaces on each VLAN
(multinetting). With IP multinetting, you can associate multiple IP subnets with one VLAN. That is, connected hosts can belong to different IP subnets on the same VLAN.
Multinetting can be configured using the CLI or the Device Manager.
The following diagram illustrates a network with configured IP multinetting.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
18 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Network with Multinetting
You can configure a static route with the next hop on the secondary interface. You can also add static ARP for a given IP address in the same subnet of a secondary interface.
Here are some limitations when you are working with secondary interfaces:
• you can have a maximum of eight secondary interfaces on each VLAN
• you can have a total maximum of 256 IP interfaces (including primary and secondary)
• all of the secondary interfaces on a VLAN are enabled or disabled together. There is no provision for configuring the administrative state of the secondary IP interfaces individually.
• dynamic routing is not available for secondary IP interfaces
• secondary interfaces are not supported on brouters
• a primary IP interface must be in place before secondary IP interfaces can be added; secondary interfaces must be deleted before you can delete the primary
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing 19
If secondary interfaces are configured on the management VLAN, routing cannot be disabled globally or on the management VLAN. Secondary IP interfaces on the management VLAN are purged from NVRAM when
• a unit leaves the stack and the switch does not have a manually configured IP
• the switch fails to get the IP address through the BootP mode
The following are not supported on secondary interfaces:
• Proxy ARP
• UDP broadcast
For information about configuring secondary interfaces on VLANs, see
"IP routing using VLANs" (page 16)
Brouter port
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series supports the concept of brouter ports. A brouter port is a single-port VLAN that can route IP packets as well as bridge all non-routable traffic. The difference between a brouter port and a standard IP protocol-based VLAN configured to do routing is that the routing interface of the brouter port is not subject to the spanning tree state of the port. A brouter port can be in the blocking state for non-routable traffic and still be able to route IP traffic. This feature removes any interruptions caused by Spanning Tree Protocol recalculations in routed traffic. A brouter port is actually a one-port VLAN; therefore, each brouter port decreases the number of available VLANs by one and uses one VLAN ID.
When a brouter port is created, the following actions are also taking place on the switch:
• A port-based VLAN is created.
• The brouter port is added to the new port-based VLAN.
• The PVID of the brouter port is changed to the VLAN ID of the new
• The STP participation of the brouter port is disabled.
• An IP address is assigned to the brouter VLAN.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
20 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Management VLAN
Prior to Software Release 4.0, the Management VLAN was the only VLAN that was used to carry the management traffic, including Telnet, Web,
SNMP, BootP and TFTP for the switch. The Management VLAN always exists on the switch and cannot be removed. All IP settings, including switch
IP address, stack IP address, subnet mask and default gateway, apply only to the Management VLAN.
In this release of Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series, a regular
Layer 2 (L2) VLAN behaves like a routable L3 VLAN if a pair of IP addresses and a MAC address are attached to the VLAN. When routing is enabled in
L3 mode, every L3 VLAN is capable of doing routing as well as carrying the management traffic. Any L3 VLAN can be used instead of the Management
VLAN to manage the switch.
Layer 2 versus Layer 3 mode
When the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series is configured to route
IP traffic between different VLANs, the switch is considered to be running in
L3 mode; otherwise, the switch runs in L2 mode.
The L3 manager determines in which mode a switch or a stack should be run. The mode is determined based on the user settings and events. But the general rule is to select:
• L3 mode: if routing is turned on globally for the switch or stack.
• L2 mode: if routing is turned off globally for the switch or stack.
Routing and management
In L3 mode, the Management VLAN, as well as all other L3 VLANs, has the capability to route and carry the management traffic. In this release of the
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series, the settings apply to all L3
VLANs or only to the Management VLAN.
"VLAN settings" (page 20) shows
all possible settings and default settings for each type of VLAN.
VLAN settings
Management VLAN
(L2 mode)
Management VLAN
(L3 mode)
On/off (on)
On/off (on)
On/off (on)
Default Route
Yes (Management
VLAN only)
Yes (global)
Setting IP routing
To set IP routing (or L3 VLANs), take the following steps:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing 21
Step Action
Enable IP routing globally.
Assign an IP address to the specific VLAN or brouter port.
Enable IP routing on the interface.
Refer to subsequent chapters in this document for detailed instructions on configuring IP routes.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Network stations using the IP protocol need both a physical address and an
IP address to transmit a packet. If a network station knows only a network host’s IP address, the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) enables the network station to determine a network host’s physical address and bind the 32-bit IP address to a 48-bit MAC address. A network station can use
ARP across a single network only, and the network hardware must support physical broadcasts.
If a network station wants to send a packet to a host but knows only the host’s IP address, the network station uses ARP to determine the host’s physical address as follows:
1. The network station broadcasts a special packet, called an ARP request, that asks the host at the specified IP address to respond with its physical address.
2. All network hosts receive the broadcast message.
3. Only the specified host responds with its hardware address.
4. The network station then maps the host’s IP address to its physical address and saves the results in an address resolution table for future use.
5. The network station’s ARP table displays the association of the known
MAC addresses to IP addresses.
Note: The default timeout value for ARP entries is 6 hours.
Static ARP entries can be created and individual ARP entries deleted.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
22 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Proxy Address Resolution Protocol (Proxy ARP)
Proxy ARP allows a network station to respond to an ARP request from a locally attached host or end station for a remote destination. It does so by sending an ARP response back to the local host with its own MAC address of the network station interface for the subnet on which the ARP request was received. The reply is generated only if the switch has an active route to the destination network.
The figure below is an example of proxy ARP operation. In this example, host C with a 24-bit mask appears to be locally attached to host B with a
16-bit mask, so host B sends an ARP request for host C. However, the 5500
Series switch is between the two hosts. To enable communication between the two hosts, the 5500 Series switch would respond to the ARP request with host C’s IP address but with its own MAC address.
Proxy ARP Operation
Static routes
Once routable VLANs are created though IP address assignment, static routes can be created. Static routes allow for the manual creation of specific routes to a destination IP address. Static routes can also be used to specify a route to all networks for which there are no explicit routes in the Forwarding
Information Base or the routing table. This static default route is a route to the network address as defined by the IEEE RFC 1812 standard.
Because of their static nature, this type of solution is not scalable. Thus, in a large or growing network this type of route management may not be desirable. Also, static routes do not have the capacity to determine the failure of paths. Thus, a router can still attempt to use a path after it has failed.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing 23
Non-local static routes
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series supports the usage of non-local static routes. A non-local static route is almost identical to a static route with the exception that the next hop of the route is not directly connected to the network entity. Non-local static routes are useful in situations where there are multiple paths to a network and the number of static routes could be reduced by using only one route with a remote gateway.
Because of their static nature, this type of solution is not scalable. Thus, in a large or growing network this type of route management may not be desirable. Also, non-local static routes do not have the capacity to determine the failure of paths. Thus, a router can still attempt to use a path after it has failed.
Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a standard, dynamic routing protocol based on the Bellman-Ford (or distance vector) algorithm. It is used as an
Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). RIP allows routers to exchange information to compute routes through an IPv4-based network. The hop count, or distance, is used as a metric to determine the best path to a remote network or host. The hop count cannot exceed 15 hops (assuming a cost of one hop for each network).
RIP is defined in RFC 1058 for RIP version 1 and RFC 2453 for RIP version
2. The most significant difference between the two versions is that RIP version 2 supports subnet masks and next hop information in the RIP packet.
RIP operation
RIP uses User Datagram Protocol (UDP) data packets to exchange routing information. Each router maintains a routing table, which lists the optimal route to every destination in the system. Each router advertises its routing information by sending a routing information update at regular intervals. Neighboring routers use this information to recalculate their routing tables and retransmit the routing information. For RIP version 1, no mask information is exchanged; the natural mask is always applied by the router receiving the update. For RIP version 2, mask information is always included.
The sequence of processes governed by the routing algorithm is as follows:
1. When a router starts, it initializes the RIP data structures and then waits for indications from lower-level protocols that its interfaces are functional.
2. RIP advertisements are send on all the interfaces that are configured to send routing information.
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24 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
3. The neighbors will send their routing tables and the new router will update its routing table based on the advertisements received.
4. From now on periodic updates are send by each router in the network to ensure a correct routing database.
If a router does not receive an update from another router within a timeout period, it deletes the routes served by the nonupdating router from its routing table. However, it keeps these routes temporarily in a garbage list and continues to advertise them with a metric of 16 for a holddown period, so that neighbors know that the routes are unreachable. If a valid update for a garbage route is received within the holddown period, the router adds the route back into its routing table. If no update is received, the router completely deletes all garbage list entries for the nonupdating router.
To prevent routing loops and to promote fast convergence, RIP uses the mechanisms of split horizon, with or without poisoned reverse, and triggered updates. Simple split horizon means that IP routes learned from a neighbor are not advertised back in updates to that neighbor. Split horizon with poisoned reverse means that these routes are advertised back to the neighbor, but they are “poisoned” with a metric of 16, which represents infinite hops in the network. The receiver neighbor therefore ignores this route. Triggered updates means that a router is required to send update messages whenever it changes the metric for a route, even if it is not yet time for a regular update message.
RIP sends routing information updates every 30 seconds. These updates contain information about known networks and the distances (hop count) associated with each. For RIP version 1, no mask information is exchanged; the natural mask is always applied by the router receiving the update. Mask information is always included for RIP version 2.
If information about a network is not received for within the allotted timeout period (180 seconds by default), it is removed from the routing table and the route is moved to the garbage list . From the garbage list it will be advertised for the allotted holdown period (120 seconds by default) with metric set to infinity (16). These timers can be changed by configuring the RIP Interface
Timeout Timer and Holddown Timer parameters.
RIP supports the following standard behavior:
• periodic RIP updates about effective best routes
• garbage collection
• split horizon with or without poisoned reverse
• triggered update for changed RIP routes
• unicast to the specific query requestor
• broadcast/multicast of regular and triggered updates
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IP routing 25
• subnet mask (RIP version 2)
• routing table update based on the received RIP message
• global update timer
• holddown timer and timeout timer per device and per interface
• cost per device and per interface
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series implementation of RIP also supports the following features:
• in and out routing policies
• auto-aggregation (also known as auto-summarization) of groups of adjacent routes into single entries
Many RIP features are configurable. The actual behavior of the protocol depends on the feature configurations.
RIP metrics
RIP is known as a distance vector protocol. The vector is the network number and next hop, and the distance is the cost associated with the network number. RIP identifies network reachability based on cost, and cost is defined as hop count. The distance from one router to the next is considered to be one hop. This cost or hop count is known as the metric The illustration below depicts the hop counts between various units in a network.
RIP hop counts
A directly connected network has a metric of zero. An unreachable network has a metric of 16. Therefore, 15 hops or 15 routers is the highest possible metric between any two networks.
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26 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
RIP Send and Receive Modes
RIP can be configured to use a number of different send and receive modes depending on the specifics of the network configuration. The following table lists the send and receive modes supported.
RIP send and receive modes
Send Mode Description rip1comp This mode is used to broadcast RIP version
2 updates using RFC
1058 route consumption rules. This is the default send mode for the Nortel
Ethernet Routing Switch
5500 Series.
rip1 This mode is used to broadcast RIP updates that are compliant with
RFC 1058.
• Destination MAC is a broadcast, ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff
• Destination IP is a broadcast for the network (for example,
• RIP Update is formed as a
RIP version 2 update, including network mask
• RIP version = 2
• Destination MAC is a broadcast, ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff
• Destination IP is a broadcast for the network (for example,
• RIP Update is formed as a RIP version 1 update, no network mask included
• RIP version = 1 rip2 This mode is used to broadcast multicast RIP version 2 updates.
• Destination MAC is a multicast,
• Destination IP is the RIP version
2 multicast address,
• RIP Update is formed as a
RIP version 2 update including network mask
• RIP version = 2 nosend No RIP updates are sent on the interface.
Result Receive
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IP routing 27 rip1OrRip2 rip1 rip2
RIP version 1 or RIP version 2 updates are accepted.
RIP version 1 and RIP version 1 compatible updates only are accepted.
RIP version 2 updates only are accepted.
RIP has the following limitations:
• The protocol is limited to networks whose longest path is 15 hops.
• The protocol depends on counting to infinity to resolve certain unusual situations.
• The protocol uses fixed metrics (the hop number) to compare alternative routes, as opposed to real-time parameters such as measured delay, reliability, or load.
• RIP does not support address-less links.
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol
The Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Protocol is an Interior Gateway
Protocol (IGP) that distributes routing information between routers belonging to a single autonomous system (AS). Intended for use in large networks,
OSPF is a link-state protocol which supports IP subnetting and the tagging of externally-derived routing information.
Note: The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series implementation of OSPF only supports broadcast and passive interfaces. Point-to-point and NBMA interfaces are not supported.
In an OSPF network, each router maintains a link-state database that describes the topology of the autonomous system (AS). The database contains the local state for each router in the AS, including the router’s usable interfaces and reachable neighbors.
Each router periodically checks for changes in its local state and shares any changes detected by flooding link-state advertisements (LSAs) throughout the AS. Routers synchronize their topological databases based on the sharing of information from LSAs.
From the topological database, each router constructs a shortest-path tree, with itself as the root. The shortest-path tree gives the optimal route to each destination in the AS. Routing information from outside the AS appears on the tree as leaves.
OSPF routes IP traffic based solely on the destination IP address and subnet mask contained in the IP packet header.
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28 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Benefits in large networks OSPF offers the following benefits:
• Fast convergence
In the event of topological changes, OSPF recalculates routes quickly.
• Minimal routing protocol traffic
Unlike distance vector routing protocols such as RIP, OSPF generates a minimum of routing protocol traffic.
• Load sharing
OSPF provides support for equal-cost multipath routing. If several equal-cost routes to a destination exist, traffic is distributed equally among them.
• Because OSPF does not use hop count in its calculation, the routing domain is scalable.
OSPF routing algorithm
A separate copy of the OSPF routing algorithm runs in each area. Routers which are connected to multiple areas run multiple copies of the algorithm.
The sequence of processes governed by the routing algorithm is as follows:
1. When a router starts, it initializes the OSPF data structures and then waits for indications from lower-level protocols that its interfaces are functional.
2. A router then uses the Hello Protocol to discover neighbors. On point-to-point and broadcast networks the router dynamically detects its neighbors by sending hello packets to the multicast address
AllSPFRouters. On non-broadcast multiaccess networks, some configuration information is required in order to discover neighbors.
3. On all multiaccess networks (broadcast or non-broadcast), the Hello
Protocol also elects a DR for the network.
4. The router attempts to form adjacencies with some of its neighbors.
On multiaccess networks, the DR determines which routers become adjacent. This behavior does not occur if a router is configured as a passive interface, because passive interfaces do not form adjacencies.
5. Adjacent neighbors synchronize their topological databases.
6. The router periodically advertises its link-state, and also does so when its local state changes. LSAs include information about adjacencies enabling quick detection of dead routers on the network.
7. LSAs are flooded throughout the area, ensuring that all routers in an area have exactly the same topological database.
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IP routing 29
8. From this database each router calculates a shortest-path tree, with itself as root. This shortest-path tree in turn yields a routing table for the protocol.
OSPF router types
Routers in an OSPF network can take on different roles depending their configuration. The following table describes the router types in an OSPF network.
OSPF router types
Router Type
Autonomous System
Boundary Router
Area Border Router
Internal Router (IR)
Designated Router
Backup Designated
Router (BDR)
A router attached at the edge of an OSPF network is called an AS boundary router (ASBR). An ASBR generally has one or more interfaces that run an inter-domain routing protocol. In addition, any router distributing static routes or RIP routes into OSPF is considered an ASBR. The ASBR forwards external routes into the OSPF domain. In this way, routers inside the OSPF network learn about destinations outside their domain.
A router attached to two or more areas inside an OSPF network is considered an area border router (ABR). ABRs play an important role in OSPF networks by condensing the amount of OSPF information that is disseminated.
A router that has interfaces only within a single area inside an OSPF network is considered an internal router
(IR). Unlike ABRs, IRs have topological information only about the area in which they are contained.
In a broadcast network a single router is elected to be the designated router (DR) for that network. A DR assumes the responsibility of making sure all routers on the network are synchronized with one another and also advertises that network to the rest of the AS.
A backup designated router (BDR) is elected in addition to the designated router (DR) and, in the event of failure of the DR, will assume its role quickly.
OSPF host route
An OSPF router with hosts directly attached to its interfaces can use host routes to advertise the attached hosts to its neighbors. You can configure up to 32 host routes.
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
30 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Host routes are managed with Nortel Networks Command Line Interface
(NNCLI) commands and SNMP MIBs and are identified by the host IP address and the configured route type of service (TOS). For each host directly connected to the router, configure the cost of the link to the host during host creation. You cannot modify this cost.
Note: Always set TOS to 0 because TOS-based routing is not supported.
When a host is added to, or deleted from, a host route, the router updates the router LSAs and floods them to neighbors in each area where that router has an interface.
Following is an example of parameters for a host route advertised in the LSA.
Host route in LSA
• Type: 3 (stub network)
• LinkID: IP address of host directly connected to router
• Link Data: 0xFFFFFFFF
• Metric: configured cost of host
OSPF Enhancements
• Host route - Allows a router to advertise to its neighbors all hosts that are directly attached to that router’s interfaces. Up to 32 host routes can be configured.
• Virtual links - The OSPF network can be partitioned into multiple areas. However, a backbone area must exist and be contiguous, and every non-backbone area must be connected to the backbone area using either a physical or a logical link. In a network where a physical connection between the non-backbone area and backbone area is impossible, use of a virtual link provides the logical connection through another non-backbone area, called the transit area. Virtual links can be created manually or automatically. The 5500 Series switch supports up to 16 virtual links.
When 5500 Series switches are stacked, and a unit leaves the stack and becomes standalone, the router ID is automatically changed to its default value if IP blocking is turned off and OSPF is globally enabled. This prevents duplication of a router ID in the OSPF routing domain. The new router ID value is temporary, that is, it is not saved to NVRAM. Therefore, upon reset, the old router ID is restored. Configurable using NNCLI, ACG, and Device Manager.
Example configurations The following is an example for creating a host route:
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IP routing 31
Creating Host Route
Example : 1
R3(config)#router ospf
R3(config-router)#host-route metric 10
R3(config-router)#show ip ospf host-route
Host IP
The following is an example for deleting a host route:
Deleting Host Route
Example : 1
R3(config-router)#no host-route
R3(config-router)#show ip ospf host-route
Host IP Metric
OSPF virtual link
On an OSPF network, a router acting as an area boundary router (ABR) must be directly connected to the backbone. If no physical connection is available, you can create a virtual link.
A virtual link is established between two endpoint ABRs and is a logical connection to the backbone area through a non-backbone area called a transit area. In the following diagram, non-backbone ABR 2 establishes a virtual link with backbone ABR1 across transition area, area 1. The virtual link connects area 2 to area 0.
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Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
32 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Virtual link diagram
Note: Stub or NSSA areas cannot be transit areas.
A virtual link can be created manually or automatically.
Manual virtual link creation can conserve resources and provide specific control of virtual link placement in the OSPF configuration.
To add a virtual link manually, configure both endpoint ABRs with a neighbor router ID and transit area ID. You can configure up to 16 virtual links.
Note: You can modify parameters for manually added virtual links.
To accept automatic virtual link creation, enable automatic virtual link on both endpoint ABRs (the default value is disabled). Automatic virtual links are removed when the transit area is deleted, auto virtual link is disabled, or the router is no longer an ABR.
Note: Auto-created virtual links use default settings that cannot be modified.
Example Configuration
Consider the following situation:
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IP routing 33
In this case, R4 in Area2 cannot be physically connected to Area0 (for some reason) and it will be connected to R3 which is NOT a backbone ABR (like
R1 is for instance). As Area2 is not directly connected to backbone Area0 or directly connected to a backbone ABR router, clients from Area2 will not be able to access anything outside Area2. Also, router R3 is an ABR router connected to two non-backbone areas.
In order to solve these problems, virtual-link must be configured between router R3 and R1 which are both ABRs. Virtual-link cannot be configured on non-ABR routers.
Consider the following Router IDs:
• R1 :
• R3 :
• R4 :
Virtual-link can be configured in two ways on ABR routers :
• Configuring virtual link manually
• Configuring virtual link automatically
The following is an example for creating an auto virtual link:
Creating auto virtual link
R1 (config-router)#auto-vlink
Example : 1
R1(config)#show ip ospf
Router ID:
Admin Status: Enabled
Version Number: 2
Area Border Router Oper Status: True
AS Boundary Router Config Status: False
External Link-State Advertisements: 0
External Link-State Checksum: 0(0x0)
Type-of-Service (TOS) Routing Supported: False
Originated Link-State Advertisements: 67
New Link-State Advertisements Received: 722
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34 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
OSPF Traps: Disabled
Auto Virtual Link Creation: Enabled
SPF Hold-Down Time: 10
RFC 1583 Compatibility: Enabled
R3 (config-router)#auto-vlink
Example : 2
R3(config)#show ip ospf
Router ID:
Admin Status: Enabled
Version Number: 2
Area Border Router Oper Status: True
AS Boundary Router Config Status: False
External Link-State Advertisements: 0
External Link-State Checksum: 0(0x0)
Type-of-Service (TOS) Routing Supported: False
Originated Link-State Advertisements: 67
New Link-State Advertisements Received: 722
OSPF Traps: Disabled
Auto Virtual Link Creation: Enabled
SPF Hold-Down Time: 10
RFC 1583 Compatibility: Enabled
The following is an example for deleting an auto virtual link:
Deleting auto virtual link
R1 (config-router)#no auto-vlink
Example : 1
R1(config)#show ip ospf
Router ID:
Admin Status: Enabled
Version Number: 2
Area Border Router Oper Status: True
AS Boundary Router Config Status: False
External Link-State Advertisements: 0
External Link-State Checksum: 0(0x0)
Type-of-Service (TOS) Routing Supported: False
Originated Link-State Advertisements: 67
New Link-State Advertisements Received: 722
OSPF Traps: Disabled
Auto Virtual Link Creation: Disabled
SPF Hold-Down Time: 10
RFC 1583 Compatibility: Enabled
R3 (config-router)#no auto-vlink
Example : 2
R3(config)#show ip ospf
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IP routing 35
Router ID:
Admin Status: Enabled
Version Number: 2
Area Border Router Oper Status: True
AS Boundary Router Config Status: False
External Link-State Advertisements: 0
External Link-State Checksum: 0(0x0)
Type-of-Service (TOS) Routing Supported: False
Originated Link-State Advertisements: 67
New Link-State Advertisements Received: 722
OSPF Traps: Disabled
Auto Virtual Link Creation: Disabled
SPF Hold-Down Time: 10
RFC 1583 Compatibility: Enabled
Virtual-Link can also be configured using the Java Device Manager (JDM).
Just go under IP Routing > OSPF menu. There you can find : ‘General’ tab for Auto-Vlink creation, ‘Virtual If’ tab, and ‘Virtual Neighbors’ tab.
Route policies
Route policies are a Nortel proprietary improvement on existing routing schemes. Using existing routing schemes, packets are forwarded based on routes that have been learned by the router through routing protocols such as RIP and OSPF or through the introduction of static routes. Route policies introduce the ability to forward packets based on rule sets created by the network administrator. These rule sets, or policies, are then applied to the learned or static routes.
Route policies on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series supports the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Open Shortest Path First
(OSPF) protocol. When used in conjunction with these protocols, route policies can be used to perform the following tasks that are not possible using traditional routing methods:
• Listen for routing updates from specific gateways.
• Listen for routing updates from specific networks.
• Assign a specific subnet mask to be included with a network in the routing table.
• Advertise routing updates from specific gateways.
• Advertise routing updates to specific networks.
• Assign a specific subnet mask to be included in the route summary packets.
• Advertise routes learned by one protocol to another.
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36 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Route policies supports the following types of policies:
• Accept (In) Policies
Accept polices are applied to incoming routing updates before they are applied to the routing table. In the case of RIP, accept policies can be applied to all incoming packets and only one policy can be created for each RIP interface. In the case of OSPF, accept policies are only applied to Type 5 External routes based on the advertising router ID.
There can only be one OSPF accept policy per switch and the policy is applied before updates are added to the routing table from the link state database.
• Announce (Out) Policies
Announce policies are applied to outgoing routing updates before the routing update packets are actually transmitted from the switch.
In the case of RIP, announce policies can be applied to all outgoing packets and only one policy can be created for each RIP interface.
Announce policies are not supported for OSPF as OSPF requires routing information to be consistent throughout the OSPF domain.
• Redistribution Policies
Redistribution policies are used to provide notification of addition or deletion of a route in the routing table by one protocol to another protocol. OSPF redistribution policies send redistributed routes as Type
5 External routes. There can be only one OSPF redistribution route per switch and it must be configured as a ASBR with redistribution enabled.
Route policies consist of the following items:
• Prefix Lists
— List of IP addresses with subnet masks.
— Identified by a prefix list name and unique identifier.
— Prefix lists support the comparison of ranges of incoming masks.
• Route Maps
— Contain a set of match and set parameters.
— Match and set parameters can contain several prefix lists.
— A set of match and set parameters are identified by a sequence number.
— Accept and deny actions are associated with each sequenced parameter set.
— Sequence numbers act as a preference setting. Sets with a lower sequence number are preferred over those with a higher sequence number.
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IP routing 37
To configure routing policies, create the appropriate prefix lists and then assign those prefix lists to route maps. Once all route maps have been created, assign them to the appropriate type of policy.
In a stacked environment, the following rules are applied to routing policies:
• The policy database is stored in all stack units.
• Policy configuration is supported from only the base unit. The base unit sends updates to non-base units to update the policy database in each stack unit.
• During database updates, only the database in the base unit is synchronized with the non-base unit. The database in the non-base units are deleted during the exchange.
• Only the policies stored in the base unit are used by RIP and OSPF for policy application.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is designed to eliminate the single point of failure that can occur when the single static default gateway router for an end station is lost. VRRP introduces the concept of a virtual IP address (transparent to users) shared between two or more routers connecting a common subnet to the enterprise network. With the virtual IP address as the default gateway on end hosts, VRRP provides dynamic default gateway redundancy in the event of failure.
VRRP uses the following terms:
• VRRP router - a router running the VRRP protocol.
• Virtual router - the abstract object managed by VRRP that is assigned the virtual IP address and that acts as the default router for a set of IP addresses across a common network. Each virtual router is assigned a virtual router ID.
• Virtual router master - the VRRP router that assumes responsibility for forwarding packets sent to the IP address associated with the virtual router. The master router also responds to packets sent to the virtual router IP address and answers ARP requests for this IP address.
• Virtual router backup - the router or routers that can serve as the failover router if the master router becomes unavailable. If the master router fails, an election process provides a dynamic transition of forwarding responsibility to a new master router.
• Priority - an 8-bit value assigned to all VRRP routers. A higher value represents a higher priority for election to the master router. The priority can be a value from 1 to 255. When a master router fails, an election process takes place among the backup routers to dynamically reassign the role of the master router.
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38 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP)
The Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP) feature allows routers to determine equal cost paths to the same destination prefix. The multiple paths can be used for load sharing of traffic and allows faster convergence to other active paths in case of network failure. By maximizing load sharing among equal-cost paths, links between routers can be used more efficiently when sending
IP traffic. The ECMP feature supports and complements the following protocols types:
• Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)
• Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
• Static Routes
ECMP is only supported on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5520 and
5530. ECMP will work in a mixed stack but will not run on any Nortel
Ethernet Routing Switch 5510 units in the stack.
UDP broadcast forwarding
Some network applications, such as the NetBIOS name service, rely on User Datagram Protocol (UDP) broadcasts to request a service or locate a application. If a host is on a network, subnet segment, or VLAN that includes a server for the service, UDP broadcasts are by default not forwarded to the server located on a different network segment or VLAN.
This is resolved by forwarding the broadcasts to the server through physical or virtual interfaces.
UDP broadcast forwarding is a general mechanism for selectively forwarding limited UDP broadcasts received on an IP interface to a configured IP address. The packet is sent as a unicast packet to the server.
The following are the basic steps for UDP broadcast forwarding configuration:
1. Enter the UDP protocols to be forwarded.
2. Create forwarding policies by defining UDP protocol and server pairs.
3. Assemble these policies into lists.
4. Apply these lists to the appropriate interfaces.
When a UDP broadcast is received on a router interface, it must meet the following criteria if it is to be considered for forwarding:
• It must be a MAC-level broadcast.
• It must be an IP-limited broadcast.
• It must be for a configured UDP protocol.
• It must have a TTL value of at least 2.
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IP routing 39
For each ingress interface and protocol, the UDP broadcast packets are forwarded only to a unicast host address (the unicast IP address of the server for example).
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) / Bootstrap Protocol
DHCP-BootP relay
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an extension of the
Bootstrap protocol (BootP) and provides host configuration information to workstations on a dynamic basis. To lower administrative overhead, network managers prefer to configure a small number of DHCP servers in a central location. It is necessary for routers to support the BootP/DHCP relay function so that hosts can access configuration information from servers several router hops away.
Differences between DHCP and BootP
The following differences between DHCP and BootP are specified in RFC
2131 and include functions that BootP does not address:
• The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series supports the Bootstrap protocol (BootP). BootP enables the retrieval of an ASCII configuration file name and configuration server address.
• A properly configured BootP server enables the switch to automatically learn its assigned IP address, subnet mask and the IP address of the default router (default gateway).
• DHCP defines mechanisms through which clients can be assigned a network address for a finite lease (allowing for reuse of IP addresses).
• DHCP provides the mechanism for clients to acquire all of the IP configuration parameters needed to operate.
DHCP uses the BootP message format defined in RFC 951. The remainder of the options field consists of a list of tagged parameters that are called
"options" (RFC 2131).
Summary of DHCP relay operation
BootP/DHCP clients (workstations) generally use UDP/IP broadcasts to determine their IP addresses and configuration information. If such a host is on a network or a subnet segment (or VLAN) that does not include a
DHCP server, the UDP broadcasts are by default not forwarded to the server located on a different network segment or VLAN. The Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series can be configured to resolve this issue by forwarding the broadcasts to the server. The router interfaces can be configured to forward DHCP broadcasts to other locally connected network segments or directly to the server’s IP address. DHCP must be enabled on a per-VLAN basis.
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Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
40 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
"DHCP operation" (page 40) Figure DHCP operation shows an end station
connected to subnet 1, corresponding to VLAN 1. The Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series connects two subnets by means of the virtual routing function. When the end station generates a DHCP request as a limited UDP broadcast to the IP address of all 1s (that is, with the DHCP relay function configured, the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
5500 Series forwards DHCP requests to subnet 2 or to the host address of the DHCP server, depending on the configuration.
DHCP operation
Forwarding DHCP packets
In the example shown in
"Forwarding DHCP packets" (page 40) , the agent
address is To configure the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
5500 Series to forward DHCP packets from the end station to the server, use as the server address.
Forwarding DHCP packets
All BootP broadcast packets, including DHCP packets that appear on the
VLAN 1 router interface (, will be forwarded to the DHCP server. In this case, the DHCP packets are forwarded as unicast to the
DHCP server’s IP address.
Multiple BootP-DHCP servers
Most enterprise networks use multiple BootP/DHCP servers for fault tolerance. The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series allows switch configuration to forward BootP/DHCP requests to multiple servers. Up to 10 servers can be configured to receive copies of the forwarded BootP/DHCP messages.
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IP routing 41
If a DHCP client is connected to a routable interface, to configure DHCP requests to be sent to up to 512 different routable interfaces or 512 different server IP addresses, enable DHCP on the client (agent address) and then enable DHCP from the client to each of the interfaces or IP addresses
(server addresses).
In the example shown in
"Multiple BootP/DHCP servers" (page 41) , two
DHCP servers are located on two different subnets. To configure the
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series to forward the copies of the
BootP/DHCP packets from the end station to both servers, specify the switch
( as the agent address. Then enable DHCP to each of the
DHCP servers by entering and as the server addresses.
Multiple BootP/DHCP servers
Setting DHCP
To set DHCP, take the following steps:
Step Action
Enable IP routing on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series and on the target VLAN interface.
Enable DHCP globally.
Note: DHCP is enabled by default.
3 Set the DHCP forwarding paths, using the VLAN IP as the starting point, or agent IP.
Set the mode for each DHCP forwarding path.
Enable DHCP for the specific VLAN.
Enable the DHCP broadcast message for the specific VLAN.
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42 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
Any of the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series switch management systems can be used to set DHCP.
DHCP relay
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a mechanism to assign network IP addresses to clients who request an address. It is built on top of the existing BOOTP protocol and can be specified for DHCP, BOOTP, or both.
The DHCP relay feature relays client requests to DHCP servers on different
L3 VLANs. It also relays server replies back to the clients.
DHCP relay can be configured through Command Line Interface or Java
Device Manager. DHCP can only be configured on the base unit from
CLI, like all L3 commands. There are three parts in the DHCP relay configurations. They are:
• global DHCP enable/disable
• interface configurations
• forward path configurations
To relay DHCP messages, two VLANs must be created and IP addresses assigned to them. The client and server must reside on different L3 VLANS to use DHCP relay. IP routing and global DHCP relay must be enabled on both the client as well as server.
Note: The DHCP Relay feature shares resources with QoS. If the
DHCP Relay feature is enabled, a QoS policy with a precedence of 11 cannot be installed.
For further information on QoS policies refer to Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series Configuration - Quality of Service (Part Number
Global DHCP relay configuration This configuration enables or disables
DHCP relay for the entire unit or stack. Once DHCP relay is disabled, the switch/stack will not relay DHCP/BOOTP
across L3 VLANs. However, the settings will still be configurable.
describes the global DHCP relay commands.
Global DHCP relay commands
Command show ip dhcp-relay no ip dhcp-relay ip dhcp-relay
Description shows global DHCP relay state disables DHCP relay globally enables DHCP relay globally
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IP routing 43
These commands must be executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
Interface DHCP relay configurations These configurations are associated with the L3 VLAN that the client or server resides on. IP routing must be enabled and a valid IP address must be assigned to the L3 VLAN before it generates the default settings for DHCP relay.
"Interface DHCP relay commands" (page 43) describes the interface DHCP
relay commands. To change the interface DHCP relay configurations, switch to the Interface Configuration command mode.
Interface DHCP relay commands
Command show vlan dhcp-relay ip dhcp-relay min-sec 30 ip dhcp-relay mode dhcp no ip dhcp-relay ip dhcp-relay broadcast
Description shows vlan dhcp relay state sets min-sec to 30 sets mode to dhcp disables ip dhcp-relay enables broadcast for this interface
DHCP Relay forward path configurations These configurations are made per interface IP address and server IP address.
" DHCP relay forward path commands" (page 43) DHCP relay forward path commands table
describes the ip dhcp relay fwd-path commands.
DHCP relay forward path commands
Command show ip dhcp-relay fwd-path ip dhcp-relay fwd-path
<agent IP> <server IP> mode bootp-dhcp ip dhcp-relay fwd-path
<agent IP> <server IP> disable no dhcp-relay fwd-path
<agent IP> <server IP> no ip dhcp-relay ip dhcp-relay broadcast
Shows ip dhcp-relay fwd-path.
Creates interface IP and server IP path with modes DHCP & BootP.
Disables the interface/server pair, enable = false.
Deletes the interface/server pair.
Disables ip dhcp-relay.
Enables broadcast for this interface.
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44 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
DHCP relay uses a hardware resource that is shared by switch Quality of
Service applications. When DHCP relay is enabled globally, the Quality of Service filter manager will not be able to use precedence 11 for configurations. For the filter manager to be able to use this resource, DHCP relay must be disabled for the entire unit or stack.
Avoiding duplicate IP addresses
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series has built-in safeguards to avoid issuing duplicate IP addresses, because the switch functions as a stack as well as a stand-alone system. These safeguards apply to stack configuration changes (for example, when a stack is forming or after a unit is removed from a stack).
The system allows the use of an existing IP address under the following conditions:
• When a unit leaves a stack:
— If the unit was the acting Base Unit (BU) of the stack and the stack consisted of only two units.
— If the IP blocking mode in the stack was set to none.
• When a unit boots up:
— If the unit was never in a stack.
— If IP blocking was manually turned off prior to the current boot.
— If the unit was the designated Base Unit (BU); that is, selected by hardware switch on the unit, either on the back or on the UI button on the front; and the stack consisted of only two units.
— If the IP blocking mode was set to none.
If the desired switch IP address is blocked by the system, then the address must be configured manually in the command line interface.
Automatic router ID change
If a unit leaves the stack and becomes standalone (when the stack disjoins), the router ID is automatically changed to its default value. This prevents router ID duplication in the OSPF routing domain.
Prerequisites: IP blocking must be turned off (set to none) and OSPF must be globally enabled.
TIP: The change in router ID is temporary (not saved in non-volatile random access memory) and, upon reset, the router ID is restored.
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IP routing 45
IP blocking
IP Blocking is a Layer 3 feature of the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
5500 Series that provides built-in safeguards for the usage of duplicate IP addresses in a stacked environment. IP Blocking is used whenever a unit leaves a stack or is rebooting inside the context of a stack. Depending on the setting in use, Layer 3 functionality is either continued or blocked by this feature.
IP Blocking can exist in either a none or full condition. When IP Blocking is set to none, duplicate IP addresses are permitted in the stack unconditionally. When the full condition is set, duplicate IP addresses are blocked in the stack unconditionally.
In a stack environment, Nortel recommends that IP blocking mode none be used in a stack of 2 units. In such a stack environment and IP blocking mode combination, the following functional characteristics can be expected:
• If the stack base unit becomes non-operational the following will occur:
— Layer 3 functionality will continue to run on the non-base unit.
— Dynamic routing protocols still run on the non-base unit.
• If the stack non-base unit becomes non-operational the following will occur:
— Layer 3 functionality will continue to run on the base unit.
— Dynamic routing protocols run on the base unit.
A disadvantage of this configuration is that if the non-operational unit does not rejoin the stack, address duplication will occur.
In stack environments of more than 2 units, Nortel recommends using IP blocking mode full. In such a stack environment and IP blocking mode combination, the following functional characteristics can be expected:
• If the stack base unit becomes non-operational the following will occur:
— The temporary base unit takes over base unit duties.
— The temporary base unit runs the Layer 3 and DRP functionality.
— The takeover of the temporary base unit will cause the MAC addresses of the Layer 3 interfaces to change and the MAC addresses from the temporary base unit MAC address pool are used. This may cause a minor disruption in routing traffic. To facilitate quick failover in this instance, gratuitous ARP messages are sent out for each interface for 5 minutes at 15 second intervals.
• If a stack non-base unit becomes non-operational the following will occur:
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46 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
— The stack will continue to run normally with the base unit controlling
Layer 3 and DRP functionality.
— If the non-operational non-base unit does not rejoin the stack, no
Layer 3 or DRP functionality will run on it.
IGMP snooping
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series can sense Internet Group
Management Protocol (IGMP) host membership reports from attached stations and use this information to set up a dedicated path between the requesting station and a local IP Multicast router. After the pathway is established, the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series switch blocks the IP Multicast stream from exiting any other port that does not connect to another host member, thus conserving bandwidth. The following section describes how Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series switches provide the same benefit as IP Multicast routers, but in the local area.
IGMP is used by IP Multicast routers to learn about the existence of host group members on their directly attached subnets (see RFC 2236). The IP
Multicast routers get this information by broadcasting IGMP queries and listening for IP hosts reporting their host group memberships. This process is used to set up a client/server relationship between an IP Multicast source that provides the data streams and the clients that want to receive the data.
By default, unknown multicast traffic is flooded to all ports in a VLAN. In situations in which there is a multicast transmitter that is not doing IGMP and there are no multicast receivers, the traffic transmitted by the transmitter is flooded.
The CLI commands for IGMP allow the sending of all unknown multicast traffic to IGMP static router ports only. This traffic will not be forwarded to dynamically discovered m-router ports. If it is desirable to forward unknown unicast traffic to certain ports only, those ports can be set as static m-router ports.
• When disabled, the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series switch treats unknown multicast traffic as it does broadcast traffic (flood). This is the default behavior.
• User settings for the Unknown Multicast No Flood feature is stored in
NVRAM. In a stack, if settings on different units differ, the Base Unit setting will take precedence. This feature can be enabled or disabled at any time.
• Nortel Networks recommends this feature be enabled when IGMP snooping is enabled.
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IGMP snooping 47
"IP multicast propagation with IGMP routing" (page 47) shows how IGMP
is used to set up the path between the client and server. As shown in this example, the IGMP host provides an IP Multicast stream to designated routers that forward the IP Multicast stream on their local network only if there is a recipient.
The client/server path is set up as follows:
1. The designated router sends out a host membership query to the subnet and receives host membership reports from end stations on the subnet.
2. The designated routers then set up a path between the IP Multicast stream source and the end stations.
3. Periodically, the router continues to query end stations about whether to continue participation.
4. As long as any client continues to participate, all clients, including non-participating end stations on that subnet, receive the IP Multicast stream.
Note: Although the non-participating end stations can filter the IP
Multicast traffic, the IP Multicast traffic still exists on the subnet and consumes bandwidth.
IP Multicast can be optimized in a LAN by using IP Multicast filtering switches, such as the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series.
As shown in
"IP multicast propagation with IGMP routing" (page 47) , a
non-IP Multicast filtering switch causes IP Multicast traffic to be sent to all segments on the local subnet.
IP multicast propagation with IGMP routing
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48 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series can automatically set up IP
Multicast filters so the IP Multicast traffic is only directed to the participating end nodes (see ).
In ,
"5500 Series switch filtering IP multicast streams (1 of 2)" (page
48) switches S1 to S4 represent a LAN connected to an IP Multicast router.
The router periodically sends Host Membership Queries to the LAN and listens for a response from end stations. All of the clients connected to switches S1 to S4 are aware of the queries from the router.
One client, connected to S2, responds with a host membership report.
Switch S2 intercepts the report from that port, and generates a proxy report to its upstream neighbor, S1. Also, two clients connected to S4 respond with host membership reports, causing S4 to intercept the reports and to generate a consolidated proxy report to its upstream neighbor, S1.
5500 Series switch filtering IP multicast streams (1 of 2)
Switch S1 treats the consolidated proxy reports from S2 and S4 as if they were reports from any client connected to its ports, and generates a consolidated proxy report to the designated router. In this way, the router receives a single consolidated report from that entire subnet.
After the switches learn which ports are requesting access to the IP
Multicast stream, all other ports not responding to the queries are blocked
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5500 Series switch filtering IP multicast streams (2 of 2)
IGMP snooping 49
The consolidated proxy report generated by the switch remains transparent to Layer 3 of the International Standardization Organization, Open Systems
Interconnection (ISO/OSI) model. (The switch IP address and MAC address are not part of proxy report generation.) The last reporting IGMP group member in each VLAN represents all of the hosts in that VLAN and IGMP group.
IGMP snooping configuration rules
The IGMP snooping feature operates according to specific configuration rules. When configuring the switch for IGMP snooping, consider the following rules that determine how the configuration reacts in any network topology:
• There is a maximum of 240 groups on the Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series.
• A port that is configured for port mirroring cannot be configured as a static router port.
• If a MultiLink Trunk member is configured as a static router port, all of the MultiLink trunk members are configured as static router ports. Also, if a static router port is removed, and it is a MultiLink Trunk member, all
MultiLink trunk members are removed as static router port members, automatically.
• Static router ports must be port members of at least one VLAN.
• The IGMP snooping feature is not STP dependent.
• The IGMP snooping feature is not Rate Limiting dependent.
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50 An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols
• The snooping field must be enabled for the proxy field to have any valid meaning.
• Static router ports are configured per VLAN and per IGMP Version.
Note: Because IGMP snooping is set up per VLAN, all IGMP changes are implemented according to the VLAN configuration for the specified ports.
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IP Routing Configuration and
This chapter describes the configuration and management of IP routing in the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series. IP Routing configuration is accomplished through the Command Line Interface (CLI), Web-based
Management Interface, or the Java Device Manager (JDM).
This chapter contains the following topics:
"IP routing initial configuration" (page 51)
"IP routing configuration examples" (page 120)
"IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager" (page 206)
IP routing initial configuration
This section provides step by step instructions for the initial configuration of the IP routing protocols supported by the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
5500 Series. For conceptual information about IP routing topics covered in this section, refer to
"An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols" (page 13) .
This section contains the following topics:
"Global IP routing configuration" (page 51)
"Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) initial configuration" (page 52)
This chapter also contains in-depth configuration examples that can aid in the advanced configuration of the switch. Refer to
"IP routing configuration examples" (page 120)
for these advanced examples.
Global IP routing configuration
Before IP routing configuration can take place, IP routing must be globally enabled on the switch. Use the set of commands outlined below to enter the
Global Configuration mode of the switch and enable IP routing.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# ip routing
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52 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) initial configuration
This section contains the steps necessary for the initial configuration of
OSPF on the switch. More advanced configuration examples can be found in the
"IP routing configuration examples" (page 120)
Basic OSPF configuration
A basic OSPF configuration will learn OSPF routes from other OSPF devices and propagate routes to other OSPF devices. The following procedure outlines the creation of a basic OSPF configuration:
Step Action
Log into User EXEC mode.
5530-24TFD> enable
Log into Global Configuration mode.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
The switch will respond with the following line:
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
End with
Enable IP routing globally.
5530-24TFD(config)# ip routing
Enable OSPF globally.
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf en
Log into the OSPF router configuration mode. It is not necessary to make any changes at this time but entering the router configuration mode is a good way to verify that the mode has been activated.
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
Note: The remainder of this procedure refers to VLAN 35.
Although VLAN 35 is used for this example, any port type VLAN could be used.
Create a port type VLAN as VLAN number 35 in spanning tree protocol group 1.
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 35 type port 1
Log into the Interface Configuration mode for VLAN 35.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 35
Enable IP routing on VLAN 35.
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip routing
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IP routing initial configuration 53
Assign an IP address to VLAN 35.
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
Enable OSPF in VLAN 35.
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf en
Return to Global Configuration mode.
5530-24TFD(config-if)# exit
By default all ports belong to a newly created VLAN. This command removes all of the ports from VLAN 35 .
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan members remove 35 all
Add ports 1 through 10 to VLAN 35.
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan members add 35 1-10
Basic ASBR configuration
The Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR) is used in OSPF to import routes that come from non-OSPF sources such as:
• Local interfaces that are not part of OSPF.
• RIP interfaces.
• RIP learned routes.
• Static routes.
This quick reference will help in the configuration of OSPF to import these types of routes. This will allow the rest of the OSPF network to learn them as
OSPF routes. To create a basic ASBR configuration, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Log into User EXEC mode.
5530-24TFD> enable
Log into Global Configuration mode.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
The switch will respond with the following line:
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
End with
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54 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Log into the OSPF router configuration mode.
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
Enable ASBR functionality.
5530-24TFD(config-router)# as-boundary-router en
Use the following commands to select the type of routes that OSPF will distribute to other OSPF devices. RIP, direct, and static routes are supported.
5530-24TFD(config-router)# redistribute rip en
5530-24TFD(config-router)# redistribute direct en
5530-24TFD(config-router)# redistribute static en
Return to Global Configuration mode.
5530-24TFD(config-router)# exit
Once the commands in step 5 have be used to select the types of routes to redistribute, apply the changes globally with the following commands.
5530-24TFD(config)#ip ospf apply redistribute rip
5530-24TFD(config)#ip ospf apply redistribute direct
5530-24TFD(config)#ip ospf apply redistribute static
Configuring ECMP for OSPF
Usage of ECMP with OSPF is supported on the 5520 and 5530 models only. To configure ECMP with OSPF, use the following procedure:
Step Action
Log into User EXEC mode.
5530-24TFD> enable
Log into Global Configuration mode.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
The switch will respond with the following line:
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
End with
Set the number of ECMP paths to use with OSPF. Up to four paths can be used.
5530-24TFD(config)# ospf maximum-path 2
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 55
This command tells the router to use up to two paths to get to any
OSPF network destination.
The configuration can be verified using the following command.
5530-24TFD(config)# show ecmp
IP routing configuration using the CLI
This section describes the various Command Line Interface commands available for the configuration and management of IP routing. Depending on the type of command and the context in which it is being used, these commands are executed in the various CLI command modes.
IP configuration commands
This section describes the commands for the global IP configuration at the switch level.
ip routing command
The ip routing command enables global routing at the switch level.
The syntax for the ip routing command is: ip routing
The ip routing command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
no ip routing command
The no ip routing command disables IP routing.
The syntax for the no ip routing command is: no ip routing
The no ip routing command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
ip blocking-mode command
Use this command to set the level of IP blocking to perform in the stack. The syntax for this command is: ip blocking-mode {full | none}
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
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56 IP Routing Configuration and Management ip blocking-mode parameters
Parameter full none
Select this parameter to set IP blocking to full. This never allows a duplicate IP address in a stack.
Select this parameter to set IP blocking to none.
This allows duplicate IP addresses unconditionally.
This command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
Layer 3 routable VLANs
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series are Layer 3 (L3) switches.
This means that a regular L2 VLAN becomes a routable L3 VLAN if an
IP address and MAC address are attached to the VLAN. When routing is enabled in L3 mode, every L3 VLAN is capable of routing as well as carrying the management traffic. The user can use any L3 VLAN instead of the
Management VLAN to manage the switch.
This section covers the commands that are used to set up and configure routable VLANs.
interface vlan command
The interface vlan command only takes to the interface config mode.
The ip routing command in the interface-config mode enables routing on a specific vlan.
The syntax for the interface VLAN command is: interface vlan <1 - 4094>
The interface VLAN command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
ip address command
The ip address command enables routing on a VLAN.
The syntax for the ip address command is: ip address <A.B.C.D> <W.X.Y.Z> [<1 - 256>] [secondary]
The ip address command is executed in the Interface Configuration command mode.
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 57 ip address parameters
<1 - 256> secondary
The IP address to attach to the VLAN.
The subnet mask to attach to the VLAN
The MAC offset value. Specify the value 1 for the
Management VLAN only.
Use this option to set up a secondary IP interface on a VLAN. You can have a maximum of eight secondary IP interfaces for every primary and the primary must be set up before any secondary interfaces are configured.
no ip address command
The no ip address command disables routing on a VLAN.
The syntax for the no ip address command is: no ip address <A.B.C.D> <W.X.Y.Z >
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
no ip address parameters
<W.X.Y.Z >
The IP address to disable routing on.
The subnet mask to disable routing on.
The no ip address command is executed in the Interface Configuration command mode.
To add a secondary IP interface to a VLAN, known as Multinetting, use the following procedure:
Adding secondary IP interfaces
Step Action
Put the switch into interface mode for the specific VLAN.
interface vlan <vlan #>
Create a primary interface before adding secondary interfaces (if a primary interface has not yet been created).
ip address <ip address> <mask> [<mac offset>]
Define a secondary IP interface on the VLAN.
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58 IP Routing Configuration and Management ip address <ip address> <mask> [<mac offset>] secondary
Example Adding secondary IP interfaces to a VLAN
Primary and secondary interfaces must reside on different subnets. In the following example, is the primary IP and is the secondary IP.
interface vlan 4 ip address 6 ip address 6
Removing primary IP interfaces from a VLAN when secondary interfaces are configured
Step Action
Put the switch into interface mode for the VLAN.
interface vlan <vlan #>
Remove the secondary IP interface from the VLAN.
no ip address <ip address secondary> <mask>
Remove the primary IP interface from the VLAN.
no ip address <ip address primary> <mask> [<mac offset>]
Example removing primary IP interface from a VLAN when secondary interfaces are configured
In the following example, is the primary IP and is the secondary IP.
interface vlan 4 no ip address
no ip address
Example removing secondary IP interface only from a VLAN interface vlan 4 no ip address
show vlan ip command
The show vlan ip command shows routable VLAN configurations.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 59
The syntax for the show vlan ip command is: show vlan ip [vid <1 - 4094>]
Substitute <1 - 4094> above with the VLAN ID of the VLAN to be displayed.
Static route commands
This section discusses the commands used to display and configure static routes on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series.
show ip route static command
The show ip route static command displays all static routes, whether these routes are active or inactive.
The syntax for the show ip route static command is: show ip route static [<A.B.C.D>] [-s <O.P.Q.R> <W.X.Y.Z>]
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
ip route static parameters
< A.B.C.D>
-s <O.P.Q.R>
< W.X.Y.Z>
Enter IP address to display the static route for the specific IP address.
Enter IP address for the subnet to display.
Enter subnet mask address for the subnet to display.
The show ip route static command is executed in the User EXEC command mode.
show ip route command
The show ip route command displays all active routes in the routing table.
Route entries appear in ascending order of the destination IP addresses.
The syntax for the show ip route command is: show ip route [<A.B.C.D.|W.X.Y.Z.> <summary>] show ip route command output
Ip Route
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60 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Total Routes: 3
1 ---C DB 0
TYPE Legend: I=Indirect Route, D=Direct Route, A=Alternative Route, B=Best Route, E=Ecmp
Route, U=Unresolved Route, N=Not in HW
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
show ip route parameters
<W.X.Y.Z> summary
Enter IP address to display the route for the specific
IP address.
Enter subnet mask address for the subnet to display.
Display a summary of IP route information.
The show ip route command is executed in the User EXEC command mode.
show ip route summary command
The show ip route summary command displays the software IP routing table.
The syntax for the show ip route summary command is: show ip route summary show ip route summary command output
Connected routes :
Static routes :
RIP routes
OSPF routes
Total routes : 1091
The show ip route summary command is executed in the User EXEC command mode.
ip route command
The ip route command creates and configures a static route.
The syntax for the ip route command is: ip route <A.B.C.D> <W.X.Y.Z> <O.P.Q.R> <1-65535>
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 61 ip route parameters
<1 - 65535>
Enter IP address of the destination point of the route being added.
Enter subnet mask address of the destination node for the route being added.
Enter the IP address of the next hop of the route being added.
Enter the weight, or cost, of the route being added.
The ip route command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
no ip route command
The no ip route command removes a static route.
The syntax for the no ip route command is: no ip route <A.B.C.D> <W.X.Y.Z> <O.P.Q.R>
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
no ip route parameters
Enter IP address of the destination point of the route being removed.
Enter subnet mask address of the destination node for the route being removed.
Enter the IP address of the next hop of the route being removed.
The no ip route command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
ip route enable command
The ip route enable command enables a static route.
The syntax for the ip route enable command is: ip route <A.B.C.D> <W.X.Y.Z> <O.P.Q.R> enable
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
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62 IP Routing Configuration and Management ip route enable parameters
Enter IP address of the destination point of the route being enabled.
Enter subnet mask address of the destination node for the route being enabled.
Enter the IP address of the next hop of the route being enabled.
The ip route enable command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
ip route disable command
The ip route disable command disables a static route.
The syntax for the ip route disable command is: ip route <A.B.C.D> <W.X.Y.Z> <O.P.Q.R> disable
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
ip route disable parameters
Enter IP address of the destination point of the route being disabled.
Enter subnet mask address of the destination node for the route being disabled.
Enter the IP address of the next hop of the route being disabled.
The ip route disable command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
traceroute command
The traceroute command displays the route taken by IP packets to a specified host.
Note: The traceroute command, when applied to a stack, can be executed only on the base unit.
TIP: Type CTRL+C to interrupt the command.
The syntax for the traceroute command is:
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 63 traceroute <Hostname|A.B.C.D.|ip> <-m> <-p> <-q> <-v> <-w>
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
traceroute parameters
Enter the name of the remote host.
Enter the A.B.C.D. name of the remote host.
Enter the IP address of the remote host.
Specifies the maximum time to live (ttl). The value for this parameter is in the rage from 1-255. The default value is 10.
Example: traceroute -m 10
Specifies the base UDP port number. The value for this parameter is in the range from 0-65535.
Example: traceroute -p 87
Specifies the number of probes per time to live. The value for this parameter is in the range from 1-255. The default value is 3.
Example: traceroute -q 3
Specifies verbose mode.
Example: traceroute -v
Specifies the wait time per probe. The value for this parameter is in the range from 1-255. The default value is 5 seconds.
Example: traceroute -w 15
Specifies the UDP probe packet size.
TIP: probe packet size is 40 plus specified data length in bytes.
Example: traceroute -w 60
ip route weight command
The ip route weight command changes the weight, or cost, of a static route.
The syntax for the ip route weight command is: ip route <A.B.C.D> <W.X.Y.Z> <O.P.Q.R> weight <1-65535>
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
ip route weight parameters
Enter IP address of the destination point of the route being modified.
Enter subnet mask address of the destination node for the route being modified.
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64 IP Routing Configuration and Management
<1 - 65535>
Enter the IP address of the next hop of the route being modified.
Enter the new weight, or cost, of the static route.
The ip route weight command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) commands
Use the CLI to display, create, configure, and remove ARP entries.
show arp command
The show arp-table command displays ARP entries.
The syntax for the show arp-table command is: show arp-table [<A.B.C.D>]
Substitute <A.B.C.D> above with the IP address of the ARP table to be displayed.
The show arp-table command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
show ip arp command
The show ip arp command displays the IP addresses of ARP entries.
The syntax for the show ip arp command is: show ip arp [<-s> <A.B.C.D.|W.X.Y.Z.>] [<static>]
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
show ip arp parameters
<W.X.Y.Z> static
Specify the subnet of the ARP entries to be displayed.
Specify the IP address of the ARP entry to be displayed. This option is invalid if the switch is not in
Layer 3 mode.
Enter subnet mask address in dotted decimal notation.
Display the software ARP table - all configured static entries, including those without a valid route.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 65
The show ip arp command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
show ip arp static command
The show ip arp static command displays all configured static entries in an ARP table, including those without a valid route.
The syntax for the show ip arp static command is: show ip arp static
The show ip arp static command can be executed in any command mode.
show ip arp static command output
IP Address
Age (min)
MAC Address
Total ARP entries: 1
Flags Legend: S=Static, D=Dynamic, L=Local, B=Broadcast
ip arp command
The ip arp command creates and enables a static ARP entry. The requested information for connection to the device must be supplied.
The syntax for the ip arp command is: ip arp <A.B.C.D> <aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff> <unit / port> [vid
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
ip arp parameters
<unit / port> vid <1 - 4094>
Enter the IP address of the device being set as a static ARP entry.
Enter the MAC address of the device being set as a static ARP entry.
Enter the unit and port number of the device being set as a static ARP entry.
Enter the VLAN ID to which the static ARP entry is being added to.
The ip arp command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
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66 IP Routing Configuration and Management
no ip arp command
The no ip arp command removes an ARP entry.
The syntax for the no ip arp command is: no ip arp <A.B.C.D>
Substitute <A.B.C.D> above with the IP address of the static ARP entry to remove.
The no ip arp command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
ip arp timeout command
The ip arp timeout command configures an aging time for the ARP entries.
The syntax for the ip arp timeout command is: ip arp timeout <5-360>
Substitute <5-360> above with the amount of time in minutes before an
ARP entry ages out. The default value is 360 minutes.
The ip arp timeout command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
Proxy ARP commands
This section outlines the commands used to configure and manage Proxy
ARP on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series.
ip arp-proxy command
The ip arp-proxy command is used to enable proxy ARP functionality on the switch
The syntax of the ip arp-proxy command is: ip arp-proxy enable
The ip arp-proxy command is executed in the Layer 3 IP VLAN Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip arp-proxy command
The no ip arp-proxy command is used to disable proxy ARP functionality on the switch.
The syntax of the no ip arp-proxy command is:
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 67 no ip arp-proxy [enable]
The no ip arp-proxy command is executed in the Layer 3 IP VLAN
Interface Configuration mode.
default ip arp-proxy command
The default ip arp-proxy command is used to return the switch to the default proxy ARP settings.
The syntax of the default ip arp-proxy command is: default ip arp-proxy [enable]
The default ip arp-proxy command is executed in the Layer 3 IP
VLAN Interface Configuration mode.
show ip arp-proxy interface command
The show ip arp-proxy interface command is used to display the status of proxy ARP on an interface.
The syntax of the show ip arp-proxy interface command is: show ip arp-proxy interface [vlan <vlan_id>]
The show ip arp-proxy interface command is executed in the User
EXEC mode.
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) commands
This section describes the CLI commands used to configure and manage the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) on the Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series. RIP is a distance vector protocol used to dynamically discover network routes based on information passed between routers in the network. RIP is useful in network environments where using static route administration would be difficult.
router rip enable command
The router rip enable command is used to globally enable RIP on the switch. RIP must be globally enabled on the switch before it becomes operational.
The syntax of the router rip enable command is: router rip enable
The router rip enable command is executed in the Global
Configuration command mode.
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68 IP Routing Configuration and Management
router rip command
The router rip command is used to enter the Router Configuration mode for RIP. Router Configuration mode is used to configure various aspects of RIP, OSPF ( router ospf command), and VRRP ( router vrrp command).
The syntax of the router rip command is: router rip
The router rip command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
network command
The network command is used to enable RIP on an IP interface.
The syntax of the network command is: network <ip_address>
The <ip_address> parameter represents the IP address of the interface to be configured.
The network command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no network command
The no network command is used to disable RIP on an IP interface.
The syntax of the no network command is: no network <ip_address>
The <ip_address> parameter represents the IP address of the interface to be disabled.
The no network command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
timers basic holddown command
The timers basic holddown command is used to set the RIP holddown timer.
The syntax of the timers basic holddown command is: timers basic holddown <timer_value>
The <timer_value> parameter represents a value between 0 and 360 seconds.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 69
The timers basic holddown command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
timers basic timeout command
The timers basic timeout command is used to set the RIP timeout timer.
The syntax of the timers basic timeout command is: timers basic timeout <timer_value>
The <timer_value> parameter represents a value between 15 and
259200 seconds.
The timers basic timeout command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
timers basic update command
The timers basic update command is used to set the RIP update timer.
The syntax of the timers basic update command is: timers basic update <timer_value>
The <timer_value> parameter represents a value between 0 and 360 seconds.
The default timers basic update command is executed in the
Router Configuration mode.
ip rip advertise-when-down command
The ip rip advertise-when-down command is used to enable RIP advertisements on the interface being configured even when that interface is not operational. The subnet on which the switch has a RIP enabled interface is advertised even if that particular network is no longer connected
(no link in the connected VLAN is in the Link-Up state). This setting will take effect whenever the value is changed by the user or after the first
Link-Down transition.
The syntax of the ip rip advertise-when-down command is: ip rip advertise-when-down {enable}
Advertise when down functionality is disabled by default.
The ip rip advertise-when-down command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
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70 IP Routing Configuration and Management
no ip rip advertise-when-down command
The ip rip advertise-when-down command is used to disable RIP advertisements on the interface being configured even when that interface is not operational.
The syntax of the no ip rip advertise-when-down command is: no ip rip advertise-when-down {enable}
The no ip rip advertise-when-down command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
ip rip auto-aggregation command
The ip rip auto-aggregation command is used to enable auto aggregation on the RIP interface. This allows for the automatic aggregation of routes to their natural net mask when they are advertised on an interface in a different class network.
The syntax of the ip rip auto-aggregation command is: ip rip auto-aggregation {enable}
Auto aggregation is disabled by default.
The ip rip auto-aggregation command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip rip auto-aggregation command
The no ip rip auto-aggregation command is used to disable auto-aggregation on the RIP interface.
The syntax of the no ip rip auto-aggregation command is: no ip rip auto-aggregation {enable}
The no ip rip auto-aggregation command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
ip rip cost command
The ip rip cost command is used to set the administrative path cost of the interface.
The syntax of the ip rip cost command is: ip rip cost <path_cost>
The <path_cost> parameter represents a value between 1 and 15.
The default path cost is 1.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 71
The ip rip cost command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
ip rip default-listen command
The ip rip default-listen command is used to enable the acceptance of default route advertisements.
The syntax of the ip rip default-listen command is: ip rip default-listen {enable}
The ip rip default-listen command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip rip default-listen command
The no ip rip default-listen command is used to disable the acceptance of default route advertisements.
The syntax of the no ip rip default-listen command is: no ip rip default-listen {enable}
The no ip rip default-listen command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip rip default-supply command
The ip rip default-supply command is used to enable the advertisement of default routes on the interface.
The syntax of the ip rip default-supply command is: ip rip default-supply {enable}
The ip rip default-supply command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip rip default-supply command
The no ip rip default-supply command is used to disable the advertisement of default routes on the interface.
The syntax of the no ip rip default-supply command is: no ip rip default-supply {enable}
The no ip rip default-supply command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
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72 IP Routing Configuration and Management
ip rip holddown command
The ip rip holddown command is used to set the value of the holddown timer on the RIP interface.
The syntax of the ip rip holddown command is: ip rip holddown <timer_value>
The <timer_value> parameter is an integer value between 0 and 360 seconds.
The ip rip holddown command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip rip in-policy command
The ip rip in-policy command is used to add an in policy to this RIP interface.
The syntax of the ip rip in-policy command is: ip rip in-policy <policy_name>
The <policy_name> parameter represents the name of a previously configured switch policy.
The ip rip in-policy command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip rip in-policy command
The no ip rip in-policy command is used to remove a in policy for the RIP interface.
The syntax of the no ip rip in-policy command is: no ip rip in-policy <policy_name>
The <policy_name> parameter represents the name of a previously configured switch policy.
The no ip rip in-policy command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip rip listen command
The ip rip listen command is used to allow this interface to listen for
RIP advertisements.
The syntax of the ip rip listen command is:
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 73 ip rip listen {enable}
The ip rip listen command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
no ip rip listen command
The no ip rip listen command is used to prevent this interface from listening for RIP advertisements.
The syntax of the no ip rip listen command is: ip rip listen {enable}
The no ip rip listen command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip rip out-policy command
The ip rip out-policy command is used to add an out policy to this
RIP interface.
The syntax of the ip rip out-policy command is: ip rip out-policy <policy_name>
The <policy_name> parameter represents the name of a previously configured switch policy.
The ip rip out-policy command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip rip out-policy command
The no ip rip out-policy command is used to remove an out policy from the RIP interface.
The syntax of the no ip rip out-policy command is: no ip rip out-policy <policy_name>
The <policy_name> parameter represents the name of a previously configured switch policy.
The no ip rip out-policy command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip rip poison command
The ip rip poison command is used to enable poison reverse on this
RIP interface.
The syntax of the ip rip poison command is:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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74 IP Routing Configuration and Management ip rip poison {enable}
The ip rip poison command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
no ip rip poison command
The no ip rip poison command is used to disable poison reverse on this RIP interface.
The syntax of the no ip rip poison command is: no ip rip poison {enable}
The no ip rip poison command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip rip proxy-announce command
The ip rip proxy-announce command is used to enable proxy announcements on this RIP interface. When proxy announcements are enabled, the source of a route and its next hop are treated as the same when processing received updates. So, instead of the advertising router being used as the source, the next hop is.
The syntax of the ip rip proxy-announce command is: ip rip proxy-announce {enable}
Proxy announcements are disabled by default.
The ip rip proxy-announce command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip rip proxy-announce command
The no ip rip proxy-announce command is used to disable proxy announcements on this RIP interface.
The syntax of the no ip rip proxy-announce command is: no ip rip proxy-announce {enable}
The no ip rip proxy-announce command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip rip receive command
The ip rip receive command is used to set the RIP version received on this interface.
The syntax of the ip rip receive command is: ip rip receive version <rip_version>
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 75
The <rip_version> parameter indicates the RIP version. The valid values for this parameter are:
• rip1
• rip1orrip2
• rip2
The ip rip receive command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
ip rip send command
The ip rip send command is used to set the RIP version sent on this interface.
The syntax of the ip rip send command is: ip rip send version <rip_version>
The <rip_version> parameter indicates the RIP version. The valid values for this parameter are:
• notsend
• rip1
• rip1comp
• rip2
The ip rip send command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
ip rip supply command
The ip rip supply command is used to enable RIP route advertisement on this interface.
The syntax of the ip rip supply command is: ip rip supply {enable}
The ip rip supply command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
no ip rip supply command
The no ip rip supply command is used to disable RIP route advertisement on this interface.
The syntax of the no ip rip supply command is: no ip rip supply {enable}
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76 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The no ip rip supply command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip rip timeout command
The ip rip timeout command is used to set the RIP timeout value on this interface.
The syntax of the ip rip timeout command is: ip rip timeout <timer_value>
The <timer_value> parameter is an integer value between 15 and
259200 seconds.
The default timeout value is 180 seconds.
The command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
ip rip triggered command
The ip rip triggered command is used to enable triggered updates on this RIP interface.
The syntax of the ip rip triggered command is: ip rip triggered {enable}
The ip rip triggered command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip rip triggered command
The no ip rip triggered command is used to disable triggered updates on this RIP interface.
The syntax of the no ip rip triggered command is: no ip rip triggered {enable}
The no ip rip triggered command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
show ip rip command
The show ip rip command is used to display configuration and statistical information about RIP.
The syntax of the show ip rip command is: show ip rip [interface]
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 77
Use the interface key word to display RIP statistics by interface. Omission of this key word displays general RIP information
The show ip rip command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
default router rip command
The default router rip command is used to return the switch to the default global RIP state (disabled).
The syntax of the default router rip command is: default router rip enable
The default router rip command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
default default-metric command
The default default-metric command is used to return the switch to the factory default RIP default import metric.
The syntax of the default default-metric command is: default default-metric
The default default-metric command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
default timers basic holddown command
The default timers basic holddown command is used to return the switch to the factory default RIP holddown timer.
The syntax of the default timers basic holddown command is: default timers basic holddown
The default timers basic holddown command is executed in the
Router Configuration mode.
default timers basic timeout command
The default timers basic timeout command is used to return the switch to the factory default RIP timeout timer.
The syntax of the default timers basic timeout command is: default timers basic timeout
The default timers basic timeout command is executed in the
Router Configuration mode.
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78 IP Routing Configuration and Management
default timers basic update command
The default timers basic update command is used to return the switch to the factory default RIP update timer.
The syntax of the default timers basic update command is: default timers basic update
The default timers basic update command is executed in the
Router Configuration mode.
default-metric command
The default-metric command is used to set the default RIP metric value.
The syntax of the default-metric command is: default-metric <metric_value>
The <metric_value> parameter is an integer value between 0 and 15.
The default-metric command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
default ip rip advertise-when-down command
The default ip rip advertise-when-down command is used to restore the default RIP advertise when down setting for the interface
The syntax of the default ip rip advertise-when-down command is: default ip rip advertise-when-down enable
The default ip rip advertise-when-down command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
default ip rip auto-aggregation command
The default ip rip auto-aggregation command is used to restore the default RIP auto aggregation setting for the interface (disabled).
The syntax of the default ip rip auto-aggregation command is: default ip rip auto-aggregation enable
The default ip rip auto-aggregation command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 79
default ip rip cost command
The default ip rip cost command is used to restore the default RIP costing settings for the interface.
The syntax of the default ip rip cost command is: default ip rip cost [[out-policy <policy_name>] | [poison enable] | [proxy-announce enable] | [receive <rip_version>]
| [send <rip_version>] | [supply enable] | [timeout] |
[triggered enable]]
The default ip rip cost command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
default ip rip default-listen command
The default ip rip default-listen command is used to restore the default RIP route listening setting for the interface (disabled).
The syntax of the default ip rip default-listen command is: default ip rip default-listen enable
The default ip rip default-listen command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
default ip rip default-supply command
The default ip rip default-supply command is used to restore the default RIP route advertisement setting for the interface (disabled).
The syntax of the default ip rip default-supply command is: default ip rip default-supply enable
The default ip rip default-supply command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
default ip rip enable command
The default ip rip enable command is used to globally disable RIP on the interface.
The syntax of the default ip rip enable command is: default ip rip enable
The default ip rip enable command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
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80 IP Routing Configuration and Management
default ip rip holddown command
The default ip rip holddown command is used to restore the default
RIP holddown setting for the interface.
The syntax of the default ip rip holddown command is: default ip rip holddown
The default ip rip holddown command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
default ip rip in-policy command
The default ip rip in-policy command is used to delete the in policy associated with this interface.
The syntax of the default ip rip in-policy command is: default ip rip in-policy <policy_name>
The default ip rip in-policy command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
default ip rip listen command
The default ip rip listen command is used to set the ip rip listen to the default value which is enabled.
The syntax of the default ip rip listen command is: default ip rip listen enable
The default ip rip listen command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
default ip rip out-policy command
The default ip rip out-policy command is used to delete the out policy associated with this interface.
The syntax of the default ip rip out-policy command is: default ip rip out-policy <policy_name>
The default ip rip out-policy command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
default ip rip poison command
The default ip rip poison command is used to disable RIP poison reverse on the interface.
The syntax of the default ip rip poison command is:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 81 default ip rip poison enable
The default ip rip poison command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
default ip rip proxy-announce command
The default ip rip proxy-announce command is used to disable proxy announcement on the interface.
The syntax of the default ip rip proxy-announce command is: default ip rip proxy-announce enable
The default ip rip proxy-announce command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
default ip rip receive command
The default ip rip receive command is used to set the default RIP version to listen to on this interface.
The syntax of the default ip rip receive command is: default ip rip receive <rip_version>
The default ip rip receive command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
default ip rip send command
The default ip rip send command is used to set the default RIP version to send on this interface.
The syntax of the default ip rip send command is: default ip rip send <rip_version>
The default ip rip send command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
default ip rip supply command
The default ip rip supply command is used to set ip rip supply to the default value which is enabled.
The syntax of the default ip rip supply command is: default ip rip supply enable
The default ip rip supply command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
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82 IP Routing Configuration and Management
default ip rip timeout command
The default ip rip timeout command is used to restore the default
RIP timeout setting for the interface.
The syntax of the default ip rip timeout command is: default ip rip timeout
The default ip rip timeout command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
default ip rip triggered command
The default ip rip triggered command is used disabled triggered updates on this switch.
The syntax of the default ip rip triggered command is: default ip rip triggered enable
The default ip rip triggered command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) commands
This section describes the CLI commands used to configure and manage the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol on the Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series. The Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Protocol is an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) that distributes routing information between routers belonging to a single autonomous system (AS). Intended for use in large networks, OSPF is a link-state protocol which supports IP subnetting and the tagging of externally-derived routing information.
Note: OSPF commands used during the configuration and management of VLANs in the Interface Configuration mode can be used to configure
any VLAN regardless of the one used to log into the command mode.
Insert the keyword vlan with the number of the VLAN to be configured after the command keywords ip ospf. The current VLAN will remain at the one used to log into the Interface Configuration command mode after the command execution.
ip ospf apply accept command
The ip ospf apply accept command is used to apply OSPF accept policies to the switch.
The syntax of the ip ospf apply accept command is: ip ospf apply accept
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 83
The ip ospf apply accept command is executed in the Global
Configuration mode.
ip ospf apply redistribute direct command
The ip ospf apply redistribute direct command is used to apply only direct OSPF redistribution configuration to the switch.
The syntax of the ip ospf apply redistribute direct command is: ip ospf apply redistribute direct
The ip ospf apply redistribute direct command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
ip ospf apply redistribute rip command
The ip ospf apply redistribute rip command is used to apply only RIP OSPF redistribution configuration on the switch.
The syntax of the ip ospf apply redistribute rip command is: ip ospf apply redistribute rip
The ip ospf apply redistribute rip command is executed in the
Global Configuration mode.
ip ospf apply redistribute static command
The ip ospf apply redistribute static command is used to apply only static OSPF redistribution configuration on the switch.
The syntax of the ip ospf apply redistribute static command is: ip ospf apply redistribute static
The ip ospf apply redistribute static command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
ip ospf spf-run command
The ip ospf spf-run command is used to immediately initiate an SPF run upon holddown timer expiration to update the link state database.
The syntax of the ip ospf spf-run command is: ip ospf spf-run
The ip ospf spf-run command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
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84 IP Routing Configuration and Management
router ospf enable command
The router ospf enable command is used to enable OSPF globally on the switch.
The syntax of the router ospf enable command is: router ospf enable
The router ospf enable command is executed in the Global
Configuration mode.
no router ospf enable command
The no router ospf enable command is used to disable OSPF globally on the switch.
The syntax of the no router ospf enable command is: no router ospf enable
The no router ospf enable command is executed in the Global
Configuration mode.
router ospf command
The router ospf command is used to place the switch into Router
Configuration mode for the purposes of OSPF configuration.
The syntax of the router ospf command is: router ospf
The router ospf command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
default router ospf command
The default router ospf command is used to return the switch to the default OSPF setting; which is disabled.
The syntax of the default router ospf command is: default router ospf enable
The default router ospf command is executed in the Global
Configuration mode.
accept adv-rtr command
The accept adv-rtr command is used to configure the router to accept advertisements from another router in the system.
The syntax of the accept adv-rtr command is:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration using the CLI 85 accept adv-rtr <router_ip_address> [enable] [metric-type {any
| type1 | type2}] [route-policy {policy_name}]
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
accept adv-rtr parameters
Parameter router_ip_address enable metric-type {any | type1 | type2} route-policy
This parameter represents the IP address of the router advertisements will be accepted from. The value denotes that advertisements from all routers will be accepted.
Enables the accept entry for the router specified in the
<ip_address> parameter.
Indicates the type of OSPF external routes that will be accepted from this router.
Specifies the name of the route policy to be used for filtering external routes advertised by the specified advertising router before accepting them into the routing table.
The accept adv-rtr command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no accept adv-rtr command
The no accept adv-rtr command is used to configure the router to not accept advertisements from another router in the system.
The syntax of the no accept adv-rtr command is: no accept adv-rtr <router_ip_address> enable
The <router_ip_address> parameter represents the address of the router from which advertisements will no longer be accepted. The value denotes that advertisements from all routers will be blocked.
The no accept adv-rtr command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
area command
The area command is used to configure OSPF area parameters.
The syntax of the area command is: area <ip_address> [default-cost {0-16777215}] [import
{external | noexternal | nssa}] [import-summaries {enable}]
[range {subnet_mask} [{nssa-entlink | summary-link}]
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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86 IP Routing Configuration and Management
[advertise-mode {no-summarize | summarize | suppress}]
[advertise-metric {0-65535}]]
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
area parameters
Parameter ip_address default-cost
{0-16777215} import {external | noexternal | nssa} import-summaries
{enable} range {subnet_mask}
[{nssa-entlink | summary-link}]
{ no-summarize
| summarize
| suppress}]
Specifies the Area ID expressed as IP address (A.B.C.D).
The default cost associated with an OSPF stub area.
The area’s support for importing Autonomous System external link state advertisements.
Controls the import of summary link state advertisements into stub areas. This setting has no effect on other areas.
Used to specify range parameters for the OSPF area.
The area command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
Note: The configuration of a totally stubby area (no summary advertising) is a two step process. First, define an area with the import flag set to noexternal. Second, disable import summaries in the same area with the command no area <ip_address> import-summaries enable .
no area command
The no area command is used to disable configured OSPF area parameters.
The syntax of the no area command is: no area <ip_address> [import-summaries {enable} | range
{subnet_mask} {nssa-entlink | summary-link}]
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration using the CLI 87 no area parameters
Parameter ip_address import-summaries
{enable} range {subnet_mask}
{nssa-entlink | summary-link}
Specifies the Area ID expressed as IP address (A.B.C.D).
Controls the import of summary link state advertisements into stub areas. This setting has no effect on other areas.
Used to specify range parameters for the OSPF area.
The no area command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
Note: The configuration of a totally stubby area (no summary advertising) is a two step process. First, define an area with the import flag set to noexternal. Second, disable import summaries in the same area with the command no area <ip_address> import-summaries enable .
as-boundary-router command
The as-boundary-router command is used to denote a router as an
Autonomous System Boundary Router.
The syntax of the as-boundary-router command is: as-boundary-router {enable}
The as-boundary-router command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
no as-boundary-router command
The no as-boundary-router command is used to withdraw a router as an Autonomous System Boundary Router.
The syntax of the no as-boundary-router command is: no as-boundary-router {enable}
The no as-boundary-router command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
default-cost ethernet command
The default-cost ethernet command is used to define the default cost metric of an ethernet (10 Mbps) port.
The syntax of the default-cost ethernet command is: default-cost ethernet <metric_value>
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
88 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The <metric_value> parameter represents the cost value to assign to the port. This value is an integer between 1 and 65535.
The default-cost ethernet command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
default-cost fast-ethernet command
The default-cost fast-ethernet command is used to define the default cost metric of a fast ethernet (100 Mbps) port.
The syntax of the default-cost fast-ethernet command is: default-cost fast-ethernet <metric_value>
The <metric_value> parameter represents the cost value to assign to the port. This value is an integer between 1 and 65535.
The default-cost fast-ethernet command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
default-cost gig-ethernet command
The default-cost gig-ethernet command is used to define the default cost metric of a gig ethernet (1000 Mbps) port.
The syntax of the default-cost gig-ethernet command is: default-cost gig-ethernet <metric_value>
The <metric_value> parameter represents the cost value to assign to the port. This value is an integer between 1 and 65535.
The default-cost gig-ethernet command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
default-cost ten-gig-ethernet command
The default-cost ten-gig-ethernet command is used to define the default cost metric of a ten gig ethernet (10000 Mbps) port.
The syntax of the default-cost ten-gig-ethernet command is: default-cost ten-gig-ethernet <metric_value>
The <metric_value> parameter represents the cost value to assign to the port. This value is an integer between 1 and 65535.
The default-cost ten-gig-ethernet command is executed in the
Router Configuration mode.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 89
host-route command
Use the host-route command to add a host to a router. For more information about host routes, see
The syntax for the host-route command is: host-route <A.B.C.D.> metric <0-65535> where <A.B.C.D.> is the host IP address and metric is an integer between 0 and 65535 representing the configured cost of the host
The host-route command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no host-route command
Use the no host-route command to delete a host from a router.
The syntax for the no host-route command is: no host-route <A.B.C.D.> where <A.B.C.D.> is the host IP address
The no host-route command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
network command
The network command is used to enable OSPF routing on an interface and assign an OSPF interface to an area.
The syntax of the network command is: network <ip_address> [area <ip_address>]
The following table describes the parameters of this command.
network parameters
<ip_address> area <area_Id>
The IP address of interface to be enabled for OSPF routing.
The area assigned to the interface.
The network command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no network command
The no network command is used to disable OSPF routing on an interface.
The syntax of the no network command is:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
90 IP Routing Configuration and Management no network <ip_address>
The <ip_address> parameter represents the IP address of the interface to be disabled.
The no network command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
redistribute command
The redistribute command is used to configure OSPF route redistribution. Direct, RIP, and static route redistribution is currently supported.
The syntax of the redistribute command is: redistribute <route_type> [enable] [metric <metric_value>]
[metric-type <metric_type>] [route-policy <policy_name>]
[subnets <subnet_setting>]
The parameters for this command are listed below.
redistribute parameters
The type of route to be configured. Valid options are
direct, rip, and static.
The metric value to associate with the route redistribution.
This is an integer value between 0 and 65535.
The metric type to associate with the route redistribution.
Valid options are type1 and type2.
The route policy to associate with route redistribution.
This is the name of an existing route policy.
The subnet advertisement setting of this route redistribution. This determines whether individual subnets are advertised. Valid options are allow and suppress.
The redistribute command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no redistribute command
The no redistribute command is used to disable an OSPF route policy or OSPF route redistribution completely.
The syntax of the no redistribute command is: redistribute <route_type> [enable] [route-policy
The parameters for this command are listed below.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration using the CLI 91 no redistribute parameters
The type of route to be configured. Valid options are
direct, rip, and static.
The route policy to remove from the route redistribution.
This is the name of an existing route policy.
The no redistribute command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
rfc1583-compatibility command
The rfc1583-compatibility command is used to enable compatibility for RFC 1583 in the switch OSPF implementation.
The syntax of the rfc1583-compatibility command is: rfc1583-compatibility enable
The rfc1583-compatibility command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
no rfc1583-compatibility command
The no rfc1583-compatibility command is used to disable compatibility for RFC 1583 in the switch OSPF implementation.
The syntax of the no rfc1583-compatibility command is: no rfc1583-compatibility enable
The no rfc1583-compatibility command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
router-id command
The router-id command is used to set the identifier to the user-configured router ID, which is expressed in the form of an IP address.
The syntax of the router-id command is: router-id <router_id>
The <router_id> parameter is used as the unique identifier for the router.
The router-id command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no router-id command
The no router-id command is used to reset the router ID to
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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27 August 2007
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92 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The syntax of the no router-id command is: no router-id
The no router-id command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
timers basic holddown command
The timers basic holddown command is used to configure the OSPF holddown timer.
The syntax of the timers basic holddown command is: timers basic holddown <timer_value>
The <timer_value> parameter represents a second value between 3 and 60 seconds.
The command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
trap command
The trap command is used to enable OSPF system traps.
The syntax of the trap command is: trap enable
The trap command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no trap command
The no trap command is used to disable OSPF system traps.
The syntax of the no trap command is: no trap enable
The no trap command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
area virtual-link command
Use the area virtual-link command to create a virtual interface.
The syntax for the area virtual-link command is: area virtual-link <A.B.C.D.> <W.X.Y.Z> {[authentication-key
<WORD>] [authentication-type {none|simple|message-digest}]
[primary-md5-key <1-255>] [dead-interval <0-2147483647>]
[hello-interval <1-65535>] [retransmit-interval <0-3600>]
[transit-delay <0-3600>]
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration using the CLI 93 area virtual-link parameters
<A.B.C.D./0-32> authentication-key
<WORD> authentication-type
Specifies the transit area ID expressed as an IP address.
Specifies the neighbor router ID expressed as an IP address.
Specifies the unique identifier assigned to the authentication key.
Specifies one of the following authentication types:
• none
• simple
• password
• message digest MD5 primary-md5-key dead-interval hello-interval retransmit-interval transit-delay
TIP: Up to 2 MD5 keys are allowed for message digest.
The default authentication type is none.
Specifies the user-selected key used to encrypt OSPF protocol packets for transmission.
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, that a Hello packet has not been transmitted from the virtual interface before its neighbors declare it down. Expressed as an integer from 0-2147483647, the default dead interval value is 60 seconds.
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, between transmission of Hello packets from the virtual interface.
Expressed as an integer from 1-65535, the hello-interval default value is 10 seconds.
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, between link stage advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to the virtual interface. Expressed as an integer from 0-3600, the default value is 5 seconds.
Specifies the estimated number of seconds required to transmit a link state update packet over the virtual interface. Expressed as an integer from 0-3600, the default value is 1 second.
The area vitual-link command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no area virtual-link command
Use the no area virtual-link command to delete a virtual interface.
The syntax for the no area virtual link command is:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
94 IP Routing Configuration and Management no area virtual-link <A.B.C.D.> <W.X.Y.Z> [authenticationkey] no area virtual-link command parameters
<W.X.Y.Z> authentication-key
Specifies the transit area Id expressed as an IP address.
Specifies the neighbor router ID expressed as an IP address.
Specifies the unique identifier assigned to the authentication key
The no area virtual-link command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
area virtual-link message-digest-key command
Use the area virtual-link message-digest-key command to create a virtual interface message digest key.
The syntax for the area virtual-link message-digest-key command is: area virtual-link message-digest-key <A.B.C.D.> <A.B.C.D./0-
32> <1-255> md5-key <WORD> area virtual-link message-digest key command parameters
<1-255> md5-key <WORD>
Specifies the transit area Id expressed as an IP address.
Specifies the neighbor router ID expressed as an IP address.
Specifies the primary MD5 key value, expressed as an integer from 1-255.
Specifies the user-selected key used to encrypt OSPF protocol packets for transmission.
The area virtual-link message-digest-key command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no area virtual-link message-digest-key command
Use the no area virtual-link message-digest-key command to delete a virtual interface message digest key.
The syntax for the no area virtual-link message-digest-key command is:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration using the CLI 95 no area virtual-link message-digest-key <A.B.C.D.> <W.X.Y.Z>
<1-255> no area virtual-link message-digest-key command parameters
Specifies the transit area ID expressed as an IP address.
Specifies the neighbor router ID expressed as an IP address.
Specifies the primary MD5 key value, expressed as an integer from 1-255.
The no area virtual-link message-digest-key command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
auto-vlink command
Use the auto-vlink command to enable global automatic Virtual Link creation.
For more information about Virtual Link, see
The syntax for the auto-vlink command is: auto-vlink
The auto-vlink command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no auto-vlink command
Use the no auto-vlink command to disable global automatic Virtual
Link creation.
The syntax for the no auto-vlink command is: no auto-vlink
The no auto-vlink command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
ip ospf advertise-when-down command
The ip ospf advertise-when-down command is used to enable advertisement of the OSPF interface even when the interface is operationally unavailable.
The syntax of the ip ospf advertise-when-down command is: ip ospf advertise-when-down enable
The ip ospf advertise-when-down command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
96 IP Routing Configuration and Management
ip ospf area command
The ip ospf area command is used to assign an interface to an OSPF area.
The syntax of the ip ospf area command is: ip ospf area <ip_address>
The <ip_address> parameter represents the unique ID of the area to which the interface connects. An area ID of indicates the OSPF area backbone and is created automatically by the switch.
The ip ospf area command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
ip ospf authentication-key command
The ip ospf authentication-key command is used to configure an interface authentication password.
The syntax of the ip ospf authentication-key command is: ip opsf authentication-key <password>
The <password> parameter is the password to be configured. This password can be up to 8 characters in length.
The ip opsf authentication-key command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
ip ospf authentication-type command
The ip ospf authentication-type command is used to configure the interface authentication type.
The syntax of the ip ospf authentication-type command is: ip ospf authentication-type {message-digest | simple | none}
The ip ospf authentication-type command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
ip ospf cost command
The ip ospf cost command is used to assign a cost to an interface.
The syntax of the ip ospf cost command is: ip ospf cost <interface_cost>
The <interface_cost> parameter is the cost assigned to the interface.
This is an integer value between 1 and 65535.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 97
The ip ospf cost command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
ip ospf dead-interval command
The ip ospf dead-interval command is used to configure a dead interval for the interface. This is the interval of time that a Hello packet has not been transmitted from this interface before its neighbors declare it down.
The syntax of the ip ospf dead-interval command is: ip ospf dead-interval <interval>
The <interval> parameter represents the amount of time in seconds to set this interval at. This is an integer value between 0 and 2147483647.
The ip ospf dead-interval command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip ospf hello-interval command
The ip ospf hello-interval command is used to configure the amount of time between transmission of hello packets from this interface.
The syntax of the ip ospf hello-interval command is: ip ospf hello-interval <interval>
The <interval> parameter is the amount of time in seconds between hello packets. This is an integer value between 1 and 65535.
The ip ospf hello-interval command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip ospf mtu-ignore command
The ip ospf mtu-ignore command is used to instruct the interface to ignore the packet MTU size specified in Database Descriptors.
The syntax of the ip ospf mtu-ignore command is: ip ospf mtu-ignore enable
The ip ospf mtu-ignore command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip ospf network command
The ip ospf network command is used to define the type of OSPF interface this interface is.
The syntax of the ip ospf network command is:
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
98 IP Routing Configuration and Management ip ospf network {broadcast | passive}
The ip ospf network command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip ospf primary-md5-key command
The ip ospf primary-md5-key command is used to configure the primary MD5 key to use for authentication in instances where interface authentication uses an MD5 key.
The syntax of the ip ospf primary-md5-key command is: ip ospf primary-md5-key <key_value>
The <key_value> parameter is an integer value between 1 and 255.
The ip ospf primary-md5-key command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip ospf priority command
The ip ospf priority command is used to assign a priority to the interface for the purposes of Designated Router election.
The syntax of the ip ospf priority command is: ip ospf priority <priority_value>
The <priority_value> parameter is the priority value assigned to the interface. This is an integer value between 0 and 255.
The ip ospf priority command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip ospf retransmit-interval command
The ip ospf retransmit-interval command is used to define the number of seconds between link state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface.
The syntax of the ip ospf retransmit-interval command is: ip ospf retransmit-interval <interval>
The <interval> parameter is the number of seconds between retransmissions. This is an integer value between 0 and 3600.
The ip ospf retransmit-interval command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 99
ip ospf transmit-delay command
The ip ospf transmit-delay command is used to define the transmit delay for this OSPF interface.
The syntax of the ip ospf transmit-delay command is: ip ospf transmit-delay <interval>
The <interval> parameter is the transmit delay in seconds. This is an integer value between 0 and 3600.
The ip ospf transmit-delay command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip ospf message-digest-key command
The ip ospf message-digest-key command is used to define the
MD5 keys referenced in the ip ospf primary-md5-key command.
The syntax of the ip ospf message-digest-key command is: ip ospf message-digest-key <key_number> md5 <key_value>
The <key_number> parameter represents the MD5 key to be configured.
This is an integer value between 1 and 255. The <key_value> parameter represents the value of the key being configured. This is a string value of up to 16 characters in length.
The ip ospf message-digest-key command is executed in the
Interface Configuration mode.
OSPF show commands
OSPF functionality provides a wide range of commands used to display statistics and configured parameters for the router. These commands are available for use in any command mode. OSPF Show commands are outlined in the table below.
OSPF show commands
Command show ip ospf show ip ospf accept show ip ospf area
Displays general information on OSPF configuration.
Displays information on OSPF advertising routers.
Displays configuration information about the
OSPF area specified in the <ip_address> parameter. Omitting this parameter displays information for all OSPF areas.
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100 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Command show ip ospf area-range
<ip_address> show ip ospf ase show ip ospf default show ip ospf default-cost
Displays configuration information about the
OSPF area range specified in the <ip_address> parameter. Omitting this parameter displays information for all OSPF area ranges.
Displays information about the OSPF
Autonomous System external links state advertisements.
Displays OSPF default metrics associated with various port types.
Displays the default costs associated with various port types.
show ip ospf ifstats
<ip_address> {detail | mismatch} show ip ospf int-auth show ip ospf int-timers
Displays OSPF interface statistics. All parameters for this command are optional. Not specifying an address of an area will display statistics for the backbone area.
Displays the authentication type and key for each OSPF interface.
Displays the configured timers for each OSPF interface.
Displays the link state database for the selected parameter.
show ip ospf lsdb {adv-rtr
<ip_address> | area
<ip_address> | detail
<ip_address> | lsa-type
<type> | lsid <ip_address>} show ip ospf neighbor show ip ospf redistribute
Displays information about the router’s OSPF neighbors.
Displays information about OSPF redistribution policies.
show ip ospf stats show ip ospf timer interface show ip ospf authentication interface show ip ospf interface show ip ospf virtual-links
Displays OSPF statistics.
TIP: To clear OSPF statistics counters, execute the clear ip ospf counters command.
Displays configured OSPF timers.
Displays interface MD5 authentication keys.
Displays general OSPF interface information.
Displays OSPF virtual link information.
show ip ospf timer virtual-links Displays OSPF transit delay, retransmit interval, hello interval and retransmit dead interval information for the virtual interface.
show ip ospf authentication virtual links
Displays virtual interface MD5 authentication keys.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 101
Command show ip ospf host-route
Description show ip ospf virtual-neighbors Displays general information about virtual neighbors.
Displays the host IP address and cost for a host route.
clear ip ospf counters command
The clear ip ospf counters command clears OSPF statistics counters, including mismatch counters.
TIP: If no VLAN is specified, the command clears OSPF global counters.
Note: The clear ip ospf counters command is applicable only to the base unit in a stack.
The syntax for the clear ip ospf counters command is: clear ip ospf counters <1-4094> where the optional parameter <1-4094> is the VLAN ID.
The clear ip ospf counters command is executed in the
Configuration mode.
Route policy commands
Route policies are a Nortel proprietary improvement on existing routing schemes. Using existing routing schemes, packets are forwarded based on routes that have been learned by the router through routing protocols such as RIP and OSPF or through the introduction of static routes. Route policies introduce the ability to forward packets based on rule sets created by the network administrator. These rule sets, or policies, are then applied to the learned or static routes.
This section describes the configuration and management of route policies using the Command Line Interface.
ip prefix-list command
The ip prefix-list command is used to configure up to four prefix lists for use in route policies.
The syntax of the ip prefix-list command is: ip prefix-list <prefix_name> {<ip_address/mask> [ge
<mask_from>] [le <mask_to>] | name <new_prefix_name>}
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
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102 IP Routing Configuration and Management ip prefix-list parameters
The name assigned to the prefix list.
<ip_address/mask> The IP address and subnet mask of the prefix list. The subnet mask is expressed as a value between 0 and 32.
<mask_from> The subnet range covered by the prefix list from the stated
IP address.
<mask_to> The subnet range covered by the prefix list to the stated IP address.
<new_prefix_name> Used to assign a new name to previously configured prefix list.
The ip prefix-list command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
route-map command
The route-map command is used to define route maps used in the configuration of route policies.
The syntax of the route-map command is: route-map <map_name> [permit | deny] <sequence_number>
[enable] [match {interface <prefix_list> | next-hop
<prefix_list> | protocol <protocol_name> | routesource <prefix_list> | route-type <route_type>}] [name
<new_map_name>] [set {injectlist <prefix_list> | mask
<ip_address> | metric <metric_value> | metric-type
<metric_type> | nssa-pbit enable}]
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
route-map parameters
[permit | deny]
The name associated with this route map.
Specifies the action to be taken when this policy is selected for a specific route. A value of permit indicates that the route will be used while deny indicates that the route will be ignored.
enable inside a larger policy group.
Indicates whether the policy is enabled. Disabled policies should not be used for routing.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 103
<prefix_list> Indicates a previously defined prefix list to be used with the command. This parameter is used with various options in this command.
<protocol_name> The name of a protocol to be used. Options are direct, static, rip, ospf, and any. Multiple protocols can be specified by using a comma-separated list.
<route_type> A route type to be used. Options are any, external, external-1, external-2, internal, and local.
<new_map_name> A new name to be assigned to a previously configured route map.
An IP address and subnet mask to be used.
Indicates the value of the metric to be used while sending an update for routes. This is an integer value between 0 and
Indicates the metric type for routes to be imported into the
OSPF routing protocol. Options are type1 and type2.
The route-map command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
ip rip in-policy command
The ip rip in-policy command is used to specify a RIP Accept (In) policy for an interface. This policy takes the form of a previously configured route map.
The syntax of the ip rip in-policy command is: ip rip in-policy <rmap_name>
The <rmap_name> parameter represents the name of a previously configured route map.
The ip rip in-policy command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip rip out-policy command
The ip rip out-policy command is used to specify a RIP Announce
(Out) policy for an interface. This policy takes the form of a previously configured route map.
The syntax of the ip rip out-policy command is: ip rip out-policy <rmap_name>
The <rmap_name> parameter represents the name of a previously configured route map.
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104 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The ip rip out-policy command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) commands
The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is designed to eliminate the single point of failure that can occur when the single static default gateway router for an end station is lost.
This section describes the CLI commands used to configure VRRP.
router vrrp enable command
The router vrrp enable command is used to globally enable VRRP on a switch.
The syntax of the router vrrp enable command is: router vrrp enable
The router vrrp enable command is executed in the Global
Configuration mode.
no router vrrp enable command
The no router vrrp enable command is used to globally disable
VRRP on a switch.
The syntax of the no router vrrp enable command is: no router vrrp enable
The no router vrrp enable command is executed in the Global
Configuration mode.
router vrrp command
The router vrrp command is used to place the switch into Router
Configuration mode for the purposes of VRRP configuration.
The syntax of the router vrrp command is: router vrrp
The router vrrp command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
ping-virtual-address enable command
The ping-virtual-address enable command is used to enable ICMP echo replies from VRRP associated addresses.
The syntax of the ping-virtual-address enable command is:
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 105 ping-virtual-address enable
The ping-virtual-address enable command is executed in the
Router Configuration mode.
no ping-virtual-address enable command
The no ping-virtual-address enable command is used to disable
ICMP echo replies from VRRP associated addresses.
The syntax of the no ping-virtual-address enable command is: no ping-virtual-address enable
The no ping-virtual-address enable command is executed in the
Router Configuration mode.
send-trap enable command
The send-trap enable command is used to enable the sending of
SNMP notifications after virtual router state changes.
The syntax of the send-trap enable command is: send-trap enable
The send-trap enable command is executed in the Router Configuration mode.
no send-trap enable command
The no send-trap enable command is used to disable the sending of
SNMP notifications after virtual router state changes.
The syntax of the no send-trap enable command is: no send-trap enable
The no send-trap enable command is executed in the Router
Configuration mode.
ip vrrp address command
The ip vrrp address command is used to associated an IP address with a virtual router ID.
The syntax of the ip vrrp address command is: ip vrrp address <vr_id> <ip_address>
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
This is a value between 1 and 255. The <ip_address> parameter represents the address to be used in the association.
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106 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The ip vrrp address command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip vrrp address command
The no ip vrrp address command is used to delete the association of an IP address with a virtual router ID.
The syntax of the no ip vrrp address command is: no ip vrrp address <vr_id> <ip_address>
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
This is a value between 1 and 255. The <ip_address> parameter represents the address to be used in the association.
The no ip vrrp address command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip vrrp action command
The ip vrrp action command is used to define the action this interface will take when a holddown timer threshold has been reached.
The syntax of the ip vrrp action command is: ip vrrp action <vr_id> {none | preempt}
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured. If none is selected as the action, no action is taken when a holddown timer threshold is reached. If preempt is selected as the action, the holddown timer is cancelled.
The ip vrrp action command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
ip vrrp adver-int command
The ip vrrp adver-int command is used to set the VRRP advertisement interval.
The syntax of the ip vrrp adver-int command is: ip vrrp <vr_id> adver-int <interval>
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured. The
<interval> parameter represents the advertisement interval in seconds.
This is an integer value between 1 and 255.
The ip vrrp adver-int command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 107
ip vrrp backup-master command
The ip vrrp backup-master command is used to enable the VRRP backup / master functionality.
The syntax of the ip vrrp backup-master command is: ip vrrp <vr_id> backup-master enable
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
The ip vrrp backup-master command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip vrrp backup-master command
The no ip vrrp backup-master command is used to disable the
VRRP backup / master functionality.
The syntax of the no ip vrrp backup-master command is: no ip vrrp <vr_id> backup-master enable
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
The no ip vrrp backup-master command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip vrrp critical-ip command
The ip vrrp critical-ip command is used to enable the VRRP critical IP functionality.
The syntax of the ip vrrp critical-ip command is: ip vrrp <vr_id> critical-ip enable
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
The ip vrrp critical-ip command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip vrrp critical-ip command
The no ip vrrp critical-ip command is used to disable the VRRP critical IP functionality.
The syntax of the no ip vrrp critical-ip command is: no ip vrrp <vr_id> critical-ip enable
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
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108 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The no ip vrrp critical-ip command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip vrrp critical-ip-addr command
The ip vrrp critical-ip-addr command is used to set the IP address used with the VRRP critical IP functionality.
The syntax of the ip vrrp critical-ip-addr command is: ip vrrp <vr_id> critical-ip-addr <ip_address>
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured. The
<ip_address> parameter represents the IP address to be used.
The ip vrrp critical-ip-addr command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip vrrp enable command
The ip vrrp enable command is used to enable the virtual router.
The syntax of the ip vrrp enable command is: ip vrrp <vr_id> enable
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
The ip vrrp enable command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
no ip vrrp enable command
The no ip vrrp enable command is used to disable the virtual router.
The syntax of the no ip vrrp enable command is: no ip vrrp <vr_id> enable
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
The no ip vrrp enable command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip vrrp fast-adv command
The ip vrrp fast-adv command is used to enable the VRRP fast advertisement functionality.
The syntax of the ip vrrp fast-adv command is: ip vrrp <vr_id> fast-adv enable
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 109
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
The ip vrrp fast-adv command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
no ip vrrp fast-adv command
The no ip vrrp fast-adv command is used to disable the VRRP fast advertisement functionality.
The syntax of the no ip vrrp fast-adv command is: no ip vrrp <vr_id> fast-adv enable
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
The no ip vrrp fast-adv command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip vrrp fast-adv-int command
The ip vrrp fast-adv-int command is used to set the interval used in the VRRP fast advertisement functionality.
The syntax of the ip vrrp fast-adv-int command is: ip vrrp <vr_id> fast-adv-int <interval>
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured. The
<interval> parameter represents the fast advertisement interval. This is a value in milliseconds between 200 and 1000.
The ip vrrp fast-adv-int command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
ip vrrp holddown-timer command
The ip vrrp holddown-timer command is used to set the VRRP holddown timer.
The syntax of the ip vrrp holddown timer command is: ip vrrp <vr_id> holddown-timer <timer_value>
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured. The
<timer_value> parameter represents the holddown timer value. This is a value in seconds between 0 and 21600.
The ip vrrp holddown-timer command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
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110 IP Routing Configuration and Management
ip vrrp priority command
The ip vrrp priority command is used to assign a priority to a virtual router.
The syntax of the ip vrrp priority command is: ip vrrp <vr_id> priority <priority_value>
The <vr_id> parameter represents the virtual router being configured.
The <priority_value> parameter represents the priority assigned to the virtual router. This is a value between 1 and 255.
The ip vrrp priority command is executed in the Interface
Configuration mode.
show ip vrrp command
The show ip vrrp command is used to display VRRP configuration information and statistics.
The syntax of the show ip vrrp command is: show ip vrrp [address] [interface]
Use either the address key word to display address-related VRRP information or interface to display interface-related VRRP information.
Using neither displays basic global configuration information.
The command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP) commands
The Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP) feature allows routers to determine equal cost paths to the same destination prefix. The multiple paths can be used for load sharing of traffic and allows faster convergence to other active paths in case of network failure. This section describes the CLI commands used to configure ECMP on the switch.
Note: ECMP is only supported on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
5520 and 5530. ECMP will work in a mixed stack but will not run on any
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5510 units in the stack.
rip maximum-path command
The rip maximum-path command is used to configure the number of
ECMP paths allotted for the Routing Information Protocol (RIP).
The syntax of the rip maximum-path command is: rip maximum-path <path_count>
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 111
The <path_count> parameter represents the number of ECMP paths allotted. This is a value between 1 and 4. The default is 1.
The rip maximum-path command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
ospf maximum-path command
The ospf maximum-path command is used to configure the number of
ECMP paths allotted for the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol.
The syntax of the ospf maximum-path command is: ospf maximum-path <path_count>
The <path_count> parameter represents the number of ECMP paths allotted. This is a value between 1 and 4. The default is 1.
The ospf maximum-path command is executed in the Global
Configuration mode.
maximum-path command
The maximum-path command is used to configure the number of ECMP paths allotted to static routes.
The syntax of the maximum-path command is: maximum-path <path_count>
The <path_count> parameter represents the number of ECMP paths allotted. This is a value between 1 and 4. The default is 1.
The maximum-path command is executed in the Global Configuration mode.
show ecmp command
The show ecmp command is used to display ECMP path information.
The syntax of the show ecmp command is: show ecmp
The show ecmp command is executed in the User EXEC Configuration mode.
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112 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Brouter port commands
A brouter port is a single-port VLAN that can route IP packets as well as bridge all non-routable traffic. The following section describes the CLI commands used to configure and manage brouter ports on the Nortel
Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series.
brouter command
The brouter command is used to create and manage a brouter port on the switch.
The syntax of the brouter command is: brouter [port <brouter_port>] vlan <vid> subnet
<ip_address/mask> [routing enable]
The following table describes the parameters of this command.
brouter parameters
The brouter port. When creating a brouter this is the port to be used for the new brouter. When modifying a brouter this is the port of the existing brouter to modify.
The VLAN ID of the brouter. When creating a new brouter port, this is the VLAN ID assigned to the brouter port.
<ip_address/mask> The IP address and subnet mask of the brouter. When creating a new brouter, this is the IP address and subnet mask assigned. When modifying a brouter port, this is the new IP address and subnet mask to assign to the port.
The subnet mask portion is expressed as a value between
0 and 32.
The brouter command is executed in the FastEthernet IEEE 802.3
Interface Configuration mode.
no brouter command
The no brouter command is used to disable or remove a brouter from the switch.
The syntax of the no brouter command is: no brouter [port <brouter_port>] [routing enable]
The <brouter_port> parameter represents the brouter port to disable or remove from the switch.
The no brouter command is executed in the FastEthernet IEEE 802.3
Interface Configuration mode.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 113
show brouter command
The show brouter command is used to display information about the brouter configuration on the switch.
The syntax of the show brouter command is: show brouter [port <brouter_port>]
Usage of the optional port <brouter_port> port narrows the scope the command to the specified port. Omission of this parameter displays all ports.
The show brouter command is executed in the User EXEC mode.
UDP broadcast forwarding commands
UDP broadcast forwarding is a general mechanism for selectively forwarding limited UDP broadcasts received on an IP interface to a configured IP address. This section outlines the CLI commands used to configure and manage UDP broadcast forwarding on the switch.
ip forward-protocol udp command
The ip forward-protocol udp command is used to configure and manage UDP broadcast forwarding on the switch.
The syntax of the ip forward-protocol udp command is: ip forward-protocol udp [<forwarding_port>
<protocol_name>] [portfwdlist <forward_list> <udp_port>
<destination_ip_address> name <list_name>]
The following table outlines the parameters of this command.
ip forward-protocol udp parameters
The port on which the UDP protocol operates.
The name of the UDP protocol to be forwarded.
A list of ports to which the UDP protocol will be forwarded.
The UDP port on which the forwarding originates.
<list_name> The name of the forwarding list being created.
The ip forward-protocol udp command is executed in the Global
Configuration mode.
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114 IP Routing Configuration and Management
clear ip forward-protocol udp counters command
The clear ip forward-protocol udp counters command clears the UDP broadcast counters on each interface.
TIP: Stacking - the clear ip forward-protocol udp counters command is executed only on the base unit in a stack.
The syntax for the clear ip forward-protocol udp counters command is: clear ip forward-protocol udp counters <1-4094> where the parameter <1-4094> specifies the VLAN ID.
The clear ip forward-protocol udp counters command is executed in the Configuration mode.
ip forward-iprotocol udp command (interface mode)
The ip forward-protocol udp command command, in interface mode, is used to attach and configure UDP broadcast forwarding lists on
VLAN interfaces (only one list can be attached to a VLAN interface at a time).
The syntax of the ip forward-protocol udp command (interface mode) command is: ip forward-protocol udp [vlan <vlan_id> portfwdlist
<forward_list> broadcastmask <bcast_mask> maxttl <max_ttl>]
The following table outlines the parameters of this command: ip forward-protocol udp (interface mode) parameters
The VLAN ID of the interface on which the UDP forwarding list will be attached.
The ID of the UDP forwarding list which will be attached to the selected VLAN interface.
The 32 bit mask which will be used by the selected
VLAN interface to take forwarding decisions based on the destination IP address of the incoming UDP broadcast traffic.
The TTL value which will be inserted in the IP headers of the forwarded UDP packets coming out of the selected
VLAN interface.
The ip forward-protocol udp command (interface mode) command is executed in the Interface Configuration mode.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 115
DHCP relay commands
This section covers the commands that are used to configure and manage
DHCP on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series, both globally on the switch and on each VLAN.
Setting DHCP
To set DHCP, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
Enable DHCP globally.
Set a VLAN IP as the DHCP agent and a Server IP as the DHCP server, to configure an ip dhcp-relay forwarding path.
Set the mode for each DHCP forwarding path.
Enable DHCP for the specific VLAN.
Enable the DHCP broadcast message for the specific VLAN.
ip dhcp-relay command
The ip dhcp-relay command is used to enable DHCP relay. DHCP relay is enabled by default.
The syntax for this command is: ip dhcp-relay
This command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
This command has no parameters.
no ip dhcp-relay command
The no ip dhcp-relay command is used to disable DHCP relay.
The syntax for this command is: no ip dhcp-relay
This command is executed in the Global Configuration command mode.
This command has no parameters.
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116 IP Routing Configuration and Management
show ip dhcp-relay counters command
The show ip dhcp-relay counters command displays the current
DHCP relay counters configuration globally on the Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series. This includes the number of requests and the number of replies.
The syntax for the show ip dhcp-relay counters command is: show ip dhcp-relay counters
The show ip dhcp-relay counters command is executed in the User
EXEC command mode.
ip dhcp-relay clear-counters
The ip dhcp-relay clear-counters command clears the counters for an interface.
The syntax for this command is: ip dhcp-relay clear-counters
This command is executed in the Interface Configuration command mode while editing a VLAN only.
This command has no parameters.
show ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command
The show ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command displays the current
DHCP relay forward path configuration globally on the Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series which includes the interface, the server, the state (enabled or disabled), and the mode.
The syntax for the show ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command is: show ip dhcp-relay fwd-path
The show ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command is executed in the User
EXEC command mode.
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command
The ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command sets the mode for the specific forwarding path DHCP relay settings globally on the Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series.
The syntax for the ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command is: ip dhcp-relay fwd-path <A.B.C.D> <O.P.Q.R>
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 117 ip dhcp-relay fwd-path parameters
Enter the IP address of the DHCP agent on the forwarding path to be configured.
Enter the IP address of the DHCP server on the forwarding path to be configured.
The ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command is executed in the Global
Configuration command mode.
The DHCP relay feature is enabled by default, and the default mode is
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path enable command
The ip dhcp-relay fwd-path enable command enables the specific
DHCP forwarding path globally on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500
The syntax for the ip dhcp-relay fwd-path enable command is: ip dhcp-relay fwd-path <A.B.C.D> <O.P.Q.R> enable
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path enable parameters
Enter the IP address of the DHCP agent on the forwarding path to be enabled.
Enter the IP address of the DHCP server on the forwarding path to be enabled.
The ip dhcp-relay fwd-path enable command is executed in the
Global Configuration command mode.
The DHCP feature is enabled by default.
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path disable command
The ip dhcp-relay fwd-path disable command disables the specific DHCP forwarding path globally on the Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series.
The syntax for the ip dhcp-relay fwd-path disable command is: ip dhcp-relay fwd-path <A.B.C.D> <O.P.Q.R> disable
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118 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The following table describes the parameters for this command.
ip dhcp-relay fwd-path disable parameters
Enter the IP address of the DHCP agent on the forwarding path to be disabled.
Enter the IP address of the DHCP server on the forwarding path to be disabled.
The ip dhcp-relay fwd-path disable command is executed in the
Global Configuration command mode.
The DHCP relay feature is enabled by default.
no ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command
The no ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command removes the specified
DHCP forwarding path globally on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500
The syntax for the no ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command is: no ip dhcp-relay fwd-path <A.B.C.D> <O.P.Q.R>
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
no ip dhcp-relay fwd-path parameters
Enter the IP address of the DHCP agent on the forwarding path to be removed.
Enter the IP address of the DHCP server on the forwarding path to be removed.
The no ip dhcp-relay fwd-path command is executed in the Global
Configuration command mode.
show vlan dhcp-relay command
The show vlan dhcp-relay command displays the current DHCP relay forward path configuration for each VLAN on the Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series.
The syntax for the show vlan dhcp-relay command is: show vlan dhcp-relay [<1-4094>]
Substitute <1-4094> above with the VLAN ID of the VLAN to be displayed.
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IP routing configuration using the CLI 119
The show vlan dhcp-relay command is executed in the User EXEC command mode.
ip dhcp-relay command
The ip dhcp-relay command allows configures DHCP relay settings on a VLAN.
The syntax for the ip dhcp-relay command is: ip dhcp-relay [min-sec <0-65535>] [mode {bootp | dhcp | bootp_dhcp}]
The following table outlines the parameters for this command.
ip dhcp-relay parameters
Parameter min-sec <0-65535> mode {bootp | dhcp | bootp_dhcp}
Enter the minimum number of seconds to wait between receiving the DHCP packet and forwarding it to the destination device. The default is 0.
Enter the type of DHCP packets this VLAN supports:
• bootp - Supports BootP only
• dhcp - Supports DHCP only
• bootp_dhcp - Supports both BootP and DHCP
The ip dhcp-relay command is executed in the Interface Configuration command mode.
no ip dhcp-relay command
The no ip dhcp-relay command disables DHCP relay on a VLAN.
The syntax for the no ip dhcp-relay command is: no ip dhcp-relay
The no ip dhcp-relay command is executed in the Interface
Configuration command mode.
ip dhcp-relay broadcast command
The ip dhcp-relay broadcast command enables DHCP relay broadcast on a VLAN.
The syntax for the ip dhcp-relay broadcast command is:
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120 IP Routing Configuration and Management ip dhcp-relay broadcast
The ip dhcp-relay broadcast command is executed in the Interface
Configuration command mode.
no ip dhcp-relay broadcast command
The no ip dhcp-relay broadcast command disables DHCP relay broadcast on a VLAN.
The syntax for the no ip dhcp-relay broadcast command is: no ip dhcp-relay broadcast
The no ip dhcp-relay broadcast command is executed in the
Interface Configuration command mode.
IP routing configuration examples
This section provides configuration examples for common IP routing tasks using the Command Line Interface (CLI). For conceptual information about the IP routing topics covered in this section, refer to
Note: In many of the following configuration examples, a brouter port is used to create a connection to the network core. This practice does not imply that a brouter port is the only means through which a core connection can be established. The use of a brouter port is only one of many ways to create such a connection.
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) configuration
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series provides the following
Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) features:
• Default ARP aging
• Static ARP entries
• Proxy ARP
Static ARP entries can be used to solve the following instances encountered on many networks:
• To communicate with a device that does not respond to an ARP request.
• To prevent an existing ARP entry from aging out.
When a static ARP entry is configured, both the IP address and MAC address of a device is assigned to a physical port. This includes the VLAN number if the physical port is associated with a VLAN.
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IP routing configuration examples 121
This section contains the following topics:
"Changing the default ARP aging time" (page 121)
"Adding a static ARP entry to a VLAN" (page 121)
"Adding a static ARP entry to a brouter port" (page 122)
"Deleting a static ARP entry" (page 122)
Changing the default ARP aging time
The default ARP aging time value is set for 360 minutes. To change this default aging time use the ip arp timeout command. This command has the following syntax: ip arp timeout <minutes>
The <minutes> parameter represents the number of minutes to set for the new timeout setting. This is a value in the range of 5 to 360.
The following is an example of setting a new default aging time:
5530-24TFD(config)# ip arp timeout 180
The new setting can be confirmed by using the show ip routing command.
Adding a static ARP entry to a VLAN
To add a static ARP entry to a VLAN, use the ip arp command. This command has the following syntax: ip arp ip <ip_address> mac <mac_address> port <port_number> vid <vid_number>
The following table outlines the parameters of this command ip arp parameters
Parameter ip_address mac_address port_number vid_number
The IP address of the entry.
The MAC address of the entry.
The slot/port number of the brouter port.
The VLAN ID of the entry.
The following is an example of adding a static ARP entry to a VLAN:
5530-24TFD(config)# ip arp 00:00:11:43:54:23 1/48 vid 1
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122 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Adding a static ARP entry to a brouter port
To add a static ARP entry to a brouter port, use the ip arp command. This command has the following syntax: ip arp ip <ip_address> mac <mac_address> port <port_number> vid <vid_number>
The following table outlines the parameters of this command ip arp parameters
Parameter ip_address mac_address port_number vid_number
The IP address of the entry.
The MAC address of the entry.
The slot/port number of the brouter port.
The VLAN ID of the entry.
The following is an example of adding a static ARP entry to a brouter port:
5530-24TFD(config)# ip arp 00:00:98:22:33:44 1/46 vid 1
Deleting a static ARP entry
To delete a static ARP entry, use the no ip arp command. This command has the following syntax: no ip arp ip <ip_address>
The <ip_address> parameter represents the IP address of the entry to delete.
The following is an example of deleting a static ARP entry:
5530-24TFD(config)# no ip arp
Note: Deleting a static ARP entry is applicable to both VLANs and brouter ports.
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) configuration
This section provides examples of the common RIP configuration tasks and includes the CLI commands used to create the configuration.
RIP configuration tasks
RIP is configured on a VLAN or brouter port basis. This section presents the steps in RIP configuration and accompanying command syntax examples.
To configure RIP on an interface, perform the following steps:
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IP routing configuration examples 123
Note: The command examples below demonstrate the configuration of RIP on a VLAN.
Step Action
Configure the interface, assign an IP address and add ports.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD#config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 51 name "VLAN-51" type port
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
5530-24TFD(config-if)# exit
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan members add 51 8-9
Enable RIP.
Note: Perform one of the following command sequences to enable RIP.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
Disable Supply RIP Updates, if required.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip supply disable
Disable Listen for RIP Updates, if required.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD#config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)#interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip listen disable
Enable Default Route Supply, if a default route exists in the route table.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
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124 IP Routing Configuration and Management
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip default-supply enable
Enable Default Route Listen to add a default route to the route table, if advertised from another router.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip default-listen enable
Add the In or Out Route Policy.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip out-policy map1
Enable Triggered Updates, if required.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip triggered enable
Configure the cost of the link by entering a value of 1 to 15; where 1 is the default.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip cost 2
Configure send mode parameters.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip enable
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip send version rip2
Configure receive mode parameters.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip enable
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip receive version rip2
Enable poison reverse.
Note: RIP Split Horizon is enabled by default. By setting the
Poison parameter to true, Poison Reverse is enabled. If Poison
Reverse is enabled, the RIP updates sent to a neighbor from which a route is learned are poisoned with a metric of 16.
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IP routing configuration examples 125
Therefore, the receiver neighbor ignores this route because the metric 16 indicates infinite hops in the network. These mechanisms prevent routing loops.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 51
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip poison enable
Configuring RIP
This section describes the set up of a basic RIP configuration between two
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series routers. As illustrated in the following diagram, router ERS2 is configured between router ERS1 and the edge of the network core. Two VLANs (VLAN 2 and 3) are associated with ERS1.
RIP configuration example
For the purposes of this example:
• ERS1 is an edge switch with two configured VLANs, VLAN 2 and 3. It is connected to aggregation switch ERS2 on ports 1/47 and 1/48.
• Port 2/7 of ERS2 is configured as a brouter port with RIP to connect to the network core.
Use the following procedure to configure router ERS 2 and reproduce the illustrated RIP configuration:
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126 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Step Action
Configure tagging on ports 1/47 and 1/48. Tagging is required to support multiple VLANs on the same interface.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan ports 1/47-48 tagging tagAll
Configure ERS2 for VLAN 2 access.
a. Create a port-based VLAN (VLAN 2) using spanning tree group
1 and include ports 1/47 and 1/48 in VLAN 2.
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 2 name "VLAN-2" type port
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan member add 2 port 1/47-48 b. Assign the IP address to VLAN 2.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
c. Enable RIP for VLAN 2 and disable RIP supply and listen. RIP supply and listen are not required because no router is attached to VLAN 2.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip supply disable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip listen disable
Configure ERS2 for VLAN 3 access.
a. Create a port-based VLAN (VLAN 3) using spanning tree group
1 and include ports 1/47 and 1/48 in VLAN3.
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 3 name "VLAN-3" type port
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan member add 3 port 1/47-48 b. Assign the IP address to VLAN 3.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 3
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
c. Enable RIP for VLAN 3 and disable RIP supply and listen. RIP supply and listen are not required because no router is attached to VLAN 3.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 3
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip supply disable
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IP routing configuration examples 127
5530-24TFD(config-if)#ip rip listen disable
Configure brouter port 2/7 on ERS2.
a. Assign the IP address to port 2/7 using brouter
VLAN 2090.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface FastEthernet 2/7
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter vlan 2090 subnet
Note: Usage of the brouter command above requires the usage of Variable Length Subnetting. Usage of a dotted decimal subnet mask is not allowed.
b. Enable RIP on the interface.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface FastEthernet 2/7
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
Enable IP routing and RIP globally.
5530-24TFD(config)# ip routing
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip enable
A list of the commands used to create this configuration can be displayed using the show running-config command. Using this command on
ERS2 would list the following commands:
! *** VLAN *** !
vlan igmp unknown-mcast-no-flood disable vlan configcontrol strict auto-pvid vlan name 1 "VLAN #1" vlan create 2 name "VLAN-2" type port vlan create 3 name "VLAN-3" type port vlan members 2 1/47-48 vlan members 3 1/47-48
! *** RIP *** !
router rip router rip enable timers basic holddown 120 timers basic timeout 180 update 30 default-metric 8 network
interface vlan 2 no ip rip listen enable no ip rip supply enable
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128 IP Routing Configuration and Management interface vlan 3 no ip rip listen enable no ip rip supply enable
! *** Brouter Port *** !
interface fastEthernet ALL brouter port 2/7 vlan 3 subnet
The following commands can be used to confirm the configuration of RIP parameters:
Command show vlan
This command is used to display information about the currently configured switch VLANs.
show vlan ip This command is used to display IP address information about VLANs that have been assigned addresses on the switch.
show ip rip This command displays information on the global switch RIP configuration.
show ip route This command displays the switch routing table.
show ip rip interface
This command displays information about the RIP interfaces present on the switch.
Configuring RIP version 2
When RIP is enabled on an interface, it operates by default in
rip1compatible send mode and rip1orRip2 receive mode. Depending on configuration requirements, the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series can be configured to operate using RIP version 1 or 2. The configuration illustrated below demonstrates a Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500
Series switch that has been configured to operate use RIP version 2 only.
Note: This example builds on the previous RIP configuration.
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RIPv2 configuration example
IP routing configuration examples 129
Use the following procedure to configure ERS2 to add RIP version 2 to
VLAN 2, VLAN 3, and the brouter port:
Step Action
Configure RIP version 2 on VLAN 2. Enable RIP version 2 mode on the IP address used for VLAN 2.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip enable
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip send version rip2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip receive version rip2
Configure RIP version 2 on VLAN 3. Enable RIP version 2 mode on the IP address used for VLAN 3.
5530-24TFD# enable
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip enable
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 3
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip send version rip2
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip enable
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 3
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip receive version rip2
Configure RIP version 2 on the brouter port. Enable RIP version 2 mode on the IP address used for the brouter port.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface FastEthernet 2/7
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip send version rip2
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130 IP Routing Configuration and Management
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip receive version rip2
Using RIP accept policies
RIP accept policies are used on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500
Series to selectively accept routes from RIP updates. If no policies are defined, the default behavior is applied. This default behavior is to add all learned routes to the route table. RIP accept policies are used to:
• Listen to RIP updates only from certain gateways.
• Listen only for specific networks.
• Assign a specific mask to be included with a network in the routing table
(such as a network summary).
In the configuration illustrated below, the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
5500 Series (ERS1) is configured with a RIP accept policy. This creates a single route directed to ERS3 for all networks configured on it. The accept policy accepts any network from to, and creates a single entry in the routing table on ERS1.
A summary route is calculated by comparing the common bits in the address range to derive the summary address. For example, if the range of
IP addresses is from to
1. Determine the third octet of the first address: = 1111 0000.
2. Determine the third octet of the ending address: = 1111
3. Extract the common bits: 240 = 1111 0000 255 = 1111 1111 1111
= 20 bit mask.
Therefore, the network address to use for this example is
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Accept policy configuration
IP routing configuration examples 131
Use the following steps to recreate the above configuration example:
Step Action
Configure the IP prefix list on ERS1.
Create a prefix list named Prefix_1 with an IP range from
5530-24TFD(config)# ip prefix-list Prefix_1 ge 20 le 32
Configure the route policy named rip_pol_1 with match criteria using the IP prefix configured in step 1. This injects one route of into the route table.
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_1 1
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_1 1 enable
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_1 permit 1 enable
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_1 permit 1 match network Prefix_1
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_1 permit 1 set-injectlist Prefix_1
Add the route policy created in step 2 to both RIP core ports.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface FastEthernet 2/7
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter vlan 2090 subnet
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip in-policy rip_pol_1
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132 IP Routing Configuration and Management
5530-24TFD(config)# interface FastEthernet 2/8
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter vlan 2091 subnet
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip in-policy rip_pol_1
The show running-config command is used to display the current configuration of a switch. Using this command on the above configuration would yield the following results: rip_pol_1
! *** Route Policies *** !
ip prefix-list Prefix_1 ge 20 le 32 route-map rip_pol_1 route-map rip_pol_1 1 enable no route-map rip_pol_1 1 match interface route-map rip_pol_1 1 match metric 0 route-map rip_pol_1 1 match network Prefix_1 no route-map rip_pol_1 1 match next-hop route-map rip_pol_1 1 match route-type any no route-map rip_pol_1 match route-source route-map rip_pol_1 1 set injectlist Prefix_1 route-map rip_pol_1 set mask
route-map rip_pol_1 set metric 0 route-map rip_pol_1 set nssa-pbit enable route-map rip_pol_1 set ip-preference 0
! *** Brouter Port *** !
interface fastEthernet ALL brouter port 2/7 vlan 2090 subnet ip rip in-policy rip_pol_1 brouter port 2/8 vlan 2091 subnet ip rip in-policy rip_pol_1
Using RIP announce policies
In the previous configuration example, a RIP accept policy is used on ERS1 to insert a single route into its route table for all networks from ERS3.
Instead of using an accept policy on ERS1, a RIP announce policy on ERS3 could be used to announce a single route to both ERS1 and ERS2 for the local network range.
To configure the RIP announce policy on ERS3, use the following configuration steps:
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IP routing configuration examples 133
Step Action
Configure the IP prefix list on ERS3 named Prefix_1 with the IP address
5530-24TFD(config)# ip prefix-list Prefix_1 ge 20 le 32
Configure the route policy named Policy_Rip with match criteria using the IP prefix configured in step 1.
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_1 1
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_1 1 enable
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_1 permit 1 enable
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_1 permit 1 set-injectlist Prefix_1
Add the route policy created in step 2 to both RIP core ports.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface FastEthernet 2/1
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter vlan 2091 subnet
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip out-policy rip_pol_1
5530-24TFD(config)# interface FastEthernet 2/8
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter vlan 2090 subnet
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip out-policy rip_pol_1
To limit the advertising of routes using the announce policy from the routing table, a route policy should be created to deny the route. To configure the
RIP announce policy with a limited announce policy on ERS3, use the following configuration steps:
Step Action
Configure the IP prefix list named Prefix_2 with the IP address
5530-24TFD(config)# ip prefix-list Prefix_2 ge 20 le 20
Configure the IP route policy named rip_pol_2 with match criteria using the IP prefix configured in Step 1.
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_2 deny 1 enable match network Prefix_2
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134 IP Routing Configuration and Management
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map rip_pol_2 1 match network Prefix_2
Add the Route Policy created in step 2 to both RIP core ports.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface FastEthernet 2/1
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter vlan 2091 subnet
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)#ip rip out-policy rip_pol_2
5530-24TFD(config)# interface FastEthernet 2/8
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter vlan 2090 subnet
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip out-policy rip_pol_2
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) configuration
This section contains examples of common OSPF-related configuration tasks.
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series supports the following
OSPF standards:
• RFC 2328 (OSPF version 2)
• RFC 1850 (OSPF Management Information Base)
• RFC 2178 (OSPF MD5 cryptographic authentication)
This section provides examples of the common OSPF configuration tasks and includes the CLI commands used to create the configuration.
configuring an IP OSPF interface
An OSPF interface can be configured on a brouter port or on a VLAN. The following section demonstrates the creation of the example OSPF interface illustrated below.
OSPF interface example topology
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IP routing configuration examples 135
To create the OSPF interface illustrated above for router R1, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Configure brouter port OSPF interface.
Configure port 2 as a brouter port with VLAN ID of 2134 and enable
OSPF on this interface.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 2 vlan 2134 subnet
5530-24TFD(config-if)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
Configure the VLAN OSPF interface.
Create a port-based VLAN (VLAN 2) using spanning tree group
1, assign IP address to VLAN 2 and enable OSPF on this interface.
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 2 type port
5530-24TFD(config)# spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan member add 2 1
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
5530-24TFD(config-if)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
Assign a router ID to the new interface and enable OSPF globally.
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# router-id
5530-24TFD(config-router)# exit
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
OSPF security
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series implementation of OSPF includes security mechanisms to prevent the OSPF routing domain from being attacked by unauthorized routers. These security mechanisms prevent a malicious person from joining an OSPF domain and advertising false information in its OSPF link state advertisements. Likewise, the security prevents a misconfigured router from joining an OSPF domain.
Currently there are two security mechanisms supported: simple password security and Message Digest 5 (MD5) security.
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136 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Simple password mechanism The simple password security mechanism transmits a text password in the OSPF headers. Only routers that contain the same authentication ID in their OSPF headers can communicate with each other.
Note: Nortel recommends not using this security mechanism because the password is stored in plain text and can be read from the configuration file or from the OSPF packet.
To configure this authentication type on an OSPF interface of VLAN 2 using the password test1234, use the following commands:
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf authentication-type simple
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf authentication-key test1234
Message Digest 5 The Message Digest 5 (MD5) mechanism provides
128-bit encrypted authentication based on the RFC 1321 standard. MD5 authentication for OSPF security, makes it very hard for a malicious user to compute or extrapolate the decrypting codes from the OSPF packets.
Basically, each OSPF packet has a message digest appended to it, which needs to be matched between sending and receiving routers. The message digest is calculated on either side, based on the MD5 Key and any padding, then compared for a match. If the message digest does not meet the match criteria, the packet is rejected.
Each OSPF interface supports up to 2 keys, identifiable by key ID, to facilitate a smooth key transition during the rollover process. Only the selected primary key is used to encrypt the OSPF transmit packets.
The process of key change is as follows:
Note: Assume that all routers already use the same key for authentication and a new key is required.
1. Add the second key to all routers. The routers will continue to send
OSPF packets encrypted with the old key.
2. Activate the second key on all routers by setting it as the primary key.
Routers will send OSPF packets encrypted with the new key while still accepting packets using the old key. This is necessary as some routers will not have activated the new key.
3. Remove the old key when all routers activate the new key.
MD5 configuration example In the configuration example illustrated below, MD5 is configured between router R1 and R2.
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MD5 configuration example
IP routing configuration examples 137
To replicate the above configuration example using the key ID 2 and key value qwsdf89, perform the following steps:
Step Action
Configure MD5 authentication on R1.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf message-digest-key 2 md5 qwsdf89
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf primary-md5-key 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf authentication-type message-digest
Configure MD5 authentication on R2.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf message-digest-key 2 md5 qwsdf89
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf primary-md5-key 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf authentication-type message-digest
Configuring OSPF network types
OSPF network types were created to allow OSPF-neighboring between routers over different types of network infrastructures. With this feature, each interface can be configured to support the various network types.
In the example configuration illustrated below, VLAN 2 on Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series R1 is configured for OSPF with the interface type field value set as passive. Because VLAN 2 is set as passive, OSPF hello messages are not sent on this segment, although R1 continues to advertise this interface to the remaining OSPF network.
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138 IP Routing Configuration and Management
OSPF network example
To create the configuration illustrated above for router R1, use the following commands:
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 2 type port
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan mem add 2 1
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf network passive
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series supports the following types of networks:
• Broadcast - Automatically discovers every OSPF router on the network by sending OSPF hellos to the multicast group AllSPFRouters
( Neighboring is automatic and requires no configuration.
This interface type is typically used in an Ethernet environment.
• Passive - Allows interface network to be included in OSPF without generating LSAs or forming adjacencies. Typically used on an access network, or on an interface that is used for BGP peering. This also limits the amount of CPU cycles required to process the OSPF routing algorithm.
Configuring OSPF areas
In large networks with many routers and networks, the link state database
(LSDB) and routing table can become very large. Large route tables and link state databases (LSDB) consume memory. The processing of link state advertisements results in more CPU cycles required to make forwarding decisions. To help reduce these undesired effects, an OSPF network can be divided into subdomains called areas. An area is made up of a number of OSPF routers that have the same area identification.
By dividing a network into multiple areas, a separate LSDB, consisting of router link state advertisements (LSA) and network LSAs are maintained for each area. Each router within an area maintains an LSDB only for the area to which it belongs. For example, the area router LSAs and network
LSAs are not flooded beyond the area borders.
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IP routing configuration examples 139
The impact of a topology change is localized to the area in which it occurs.
The only exception to this is for the area border routers, which must maintain an LSDB for each area to which they belong. Changes in topology are advertised to the rest of the network by the area border routers by advertising summary LSAs.
A 32-bit Area ID, expressed in IP address format such as for
0 identifies areas. Area 0 is also known as the backbone area and is responsible for distributing routing information to all other areas.
If multiple areas are used, they must all be attached to the backbone through an Area Border Router (ABR), which connects area to the non-backbone areas.
Normal area A normal area is a collection of routers that use the same
Area-ID that calculates inter-area and external routes through the use of the following link state advertisements:
• Summary LSAs
• ASBR-summary LSAs
• AS-external LSAs
As illustrated in the following figure, a normal area supports Area Border
Routers (ABRs) and Autonomous System Border Routers (ASBRs).
OSPF normal area
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series automatically becomes an
ABR when more than one area is configured for it and each area has at least one operational interface. To designate a router as an ASBR, use the
as-boundary-router enable command.
5530-24TFD(config-router)# as-boundary-router enable
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140 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Stub and Not So Stubby areas Stub areas do not receive advertisements for external routes (AS-external LSAs, type 5) from an ABR, which reduces the size of the link state database. Instead, routing to external destinations from within a stub area is based on the default route that is originated by the stub area ABR (Summary LSA, type 3).
Import summary can be disabled on a stub area ABR to further prevent redistribution of summary routes from other areas into the stub area. In this case, the stub area ABR advertises only default routes into the stub area.
Note: Disabling import summaries is only allowed in the stub area.
As shown in the following figure, a stub area has only one ABR. All packets that are destined to be forwarded outside the stub area are routed to the stub areas border exit point, where the ABR first examines the packets and then forwarded to a destination.
OSPF stub area
Note: Stub areas do not support ASBRs. In all routers attached to the stub area, the area must be configured as a stub area.
In the configuration example illustrated below, the Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series R1 is configured in Stub Area 2, and R2 is configured as a Stub ABR for Area 2.
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OSPF stub area example
IP routing configuration examples 141
Note: AS-external LSAs are not flooded into a stub area. Instead, only one default route to external destinations is distributed into the stub area by the stub ABR router. The area default cost specifies the cost for advertising the default route into stub area by the ABR.
Use the procedure outlined below to perform the stub area configuration illustrated above:
Note: This example assumes that global IP routing has been enabled on the switch. Global IP routing is enabled on the switch in Global
Configuration mode using the ip routing command.
Step Action
1 Configure router R1.
a. Configure the OSPF interface on R1.
Configure port 2/6 as a brouter port in VLAN 100.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 2/6
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 2/6 vlan 100 subnet b. Configure VLAN 2 on R1.
Create VLAN 2 and assign an IP address to it.
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 2 type port
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan mem add 2 1/20
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
c. Enable OSPF on R1.
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142 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Configure R1 in stub area 2 with the Router-ID Add the
OSPF interfaces to area 2 and enable OSPF on these interfaces.
5530-24TFD(config-router)# router-id
5530-24TFD(config-router)# area import noexternal
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network area
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network area
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
Configure router R2.
a. Configure the OSPF interface on R2.
Configure port 2/6 as a brouter port in VLAN 100.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 2/6
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 2/6 vlan 100 subnet b. Configure the second OSPF interface on R2.
Configure port 2/1 as a brouter port in VLAN 300. Enable OSPF on this interface.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 2/1
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 2/1 vlan 300 subnet
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf enable c. Enable OSPF on R2.
Configure R2 in stub area 2 with an area default cost of 10.
Disable import summary to prevent R2 from sending summary
LSAs of area 0 into area 2. R2 will originate only summary LSA for default route into area 2. Note that, by default, OSPF interface is placed into OSPF area Because one additional area of is added and OSPF interface
is added to area, R2 automatically becomes a stub ABR.
5530-24TFD(config-router)# router-id
5530-24TFD(config-router)# area import noexternal
5530-24TFD(config-router)# no area
import-summary enable
5530-24TFD(config-router)# area default-cost
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network area
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
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IP routing configuration examples 143
Not So Stubby Areas (NSSA) Similar to stub areas, the not so stubby area (NSSA) can also prevent the flooding of AS-External Link State advertisements into the NSSA by replacing them with a default route.
However, NSSA can also import small stub (non-OSPF) routing domains into OSPF. This allows the NSSA to import external routes, such as RIP routes, and then advertise these routes throughout the network.
External routing information is imported into NSSA by using type 7 LSAs.
These LSAs are translated at the NSSA boundary into LSA type 5. The N/P bit in the type 7 LSA Options field indicates whether the type 7 LSA must be translated. Only those LSAs with the N/P-bit set are translated.
The NSSA configuration example illustrated below demonstrates a Nortel
Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series configured as a NSSA ASBR router.
NSSA configuration example
To configure the example illustrated above, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Configure router R1.
a. Configure the RIP interface on R1.
Configure port 1/20 as a brouter port in VLAN 100 and enable
RIP on this interface.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 1/20
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 1/20 vlan 100 subnet
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
b. Enable RIP globally and configure the RIP version 2 interface.
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip enable
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144 IP Routing Configuration and Management
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 100
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip receive version rip2 send version rip2 c. Configure the OSPF interface on R1.
Configure port 2/6 as a brouter port in VLAN 200.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 2/6
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 2/6 vlan 200 subnet d. Enable OSPF on R1.
Configure R1 as an ASBR, assign OSPF Router-ID, create OSPF NSSA area 2, add the OSPF interface to area 2, and enable OSPF on the interface.
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# as-boundary-router enable
5530-24TFD(config-router)# router-id
5530-24TFD(config-router)# area import nssa
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network area
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable e. Configure a route policy to distribute Direct and OSPF to RIP.
Create a route policy named Rip_Dist that distributes directly connected and OSPF routes into RIP.
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map Rip_Dist permit 1 enable match protocol direct,ospf set metric-type type1 f.
Apply the Rip_Dist route policy to RIP Out Policy.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 100
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip out-policy Rip_Dist g. Configure OSPF route distribution to distribute RIP routes as
AS-external LSA type 1.
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# redistribute rip enable metric-type type1
5530-24TFD(config)# ip ospf apply redistribute rip
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IP routing configuration examples 145
Configuring Area Border Routers (ABR)
Configuration of an OSPF ABR is an automatic process on the Nortel
Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series; no user intervention is required. The
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series automatically becomes an
OSPF ABR when it has operational OSPF interfaces belonging to more than one area.
In the configuration example below, the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
5500 Series R1 is automatically configured as an OSPF ABR after it is configured with an OSPF interface for area and
ABR configuration example
To recreate the illustrated ABR configuration, use the following procedure:
Step Action
Configure an OSPF interface on port 2/6.
Configure port 2/6 as a brouter port in VLAN 100.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 2/6
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 2/6 vlan 100 subnet
Configure an OSPF interface on port 2/1.
Configure port 2/1 as a brouter port in VLAN 200 and enable OSPF on this interface.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 2/1
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 2/1 vlan 200 subnet
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip ospf enable
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146 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Enable OSPF.
Configure R1 as an ABR. Note that, by default, OSPF interface is placed into OSPF area Because one additional area of is created and OSPF interface is added to area, R1 automatically becomes an ABR.
5530-24TFD(config-router)# router-id
5530-24TFD(config-router)# area
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
Configure area range.
Configure R1 to enclose the two networks ( and into an address range entry in area R1 will generate a single summary advertisement into the backbone for with metric 100.
5530-24TFD(config-router)# area range summary-link advertise-mode summarize advertise-metric 100
To display the created areas, use the show ip ospf area command.
Usage of this command on the example configuration would yield the following output:
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 2
Reachable Area Border Routers: 0
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 0
Link-State Advertisements: 0
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 0(0x0)
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 2
Reachable Area Border Routers: 1
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 0
Link-State Advertisements: 0
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 0(0x0)
To display area ranges, use the show ip ospf area-range command.
Usage of this command on the example configuration would yield the following output:
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IP routing configuration examples 147
Area ID Range Subnet/Mask Range Type Advertise Mode Metric
----------- ------------------ ------------- -------------- ------ Summary Link Summarize 100
To display ABR status, use the show ip ospf command. Usage of this command on the example configuration would yield the following output:
Router ID:
Admin Status: Enabled
Version Number: 2
Area Border Router Oper Status: True
AS Boundary Router Config Status: False
External Link-State Advertisements: 2
External Link-State Checksum: 45698(0xb282)
Type-of-Service (TOS) Routing Supported: False
Originated Link-State Advertisements: 5
New Link-State Advertisements Received: 34
OSPF Traps: Disabled
Auto Virtual Link Creation: Disabled
SPF Hold-Down Time: 10
RFC 1583 Compatibility: Enabled
Configuring Autonomous System Border Routers (ASBR)
An ASBR is a router that has a connection to another Autonomous System to distribute any external routes that originated from a protocol into OSPF. A
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series configured as an ASBR can:
• Distribute all OSPF routes to RIP.
• Distribute RIP, direct, or static routes to OSPF.
Distributing OSPF routes to RIP and RIP to OSPF using AS-external
LSA Type 1 metrics The configuration example illustrated below, displays a Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series configured as an ASBR between an OSPF and RIP version 2 network. In this example, the router distributes all OSPF routes to the RIP network and all RIP routes to the
OSPF network.
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148 IP Routing Configuration and Management
ASBR distribution example
Use the following procedure to replicate the ASBR distribution example:
Step Action
Configure RIP.
Configure the RIP interface on R1 by configuring port 1/31 as a brouter port in VLAN 100 and enabling RIP on this interface.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 1/31
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 1/31 vlan 100 subnet
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
Configure the RIP interface for RIP version 2 mode only.
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip enable
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 100
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip receive version rip2 send version rip2
Configure the OSPF interface.
Configure port 2/7 as a brouter port in VLAN 200 and enable OSPF on this interface.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 2/7
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 2/7 vlan 200 subnet
5530-24TFD(config-if)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
Make R1 the ASBR.
Configure R1 as an ASBR and assign the OSPF Router-ID.
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
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IP routing configuration examples 149
5530-24TFD(config-router)# as-boundary-router enable
5530-24TFD(config-router)# router-id
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
Configure OSPF route distribution.
Configure OSPF route distribution to import RIP into OSPF. The
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series distributes the RIP routes as AS-external LSA (LSA type 5), using external metric type 1.
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# redistribute rip enable metric 10 metric-type type1
5530-24TFD(config)# ip ospf apply redistribute rip
Configure a route policy.
A route policy is required for OSPF to RIP route redistribution. After the route policy is created, apply it to the RIP interface. The following command creates a route policy named allow which distributes both direct and OSPF interfaces.
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map allow permit 1 enable match protocol direct,ospf
Apply the route policy to the RIP Out Policy.
The following commands apply the route policy created in step 6 to
RIP interface
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 100
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip out-policy allow
The configuration steps described in the above example distributes all OSPF routes to RIP. However, there are times when it can be more advantageous to distribute only a default route to RIP. The following configuration steps describe how to distribute only a default route to RIP instead of all OSPF routes to RIP.
To configure R1 to distribute a default route only to RIP, complete the following steps:
Step Action
1 Configure an IP prefix list with a default route.
The following command creates an IP prefix list named default with an IP address of
5530-24TFD(config)# ip prefix-list default
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150 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Configure a route policy.
Create a route policy named Policy_Default which distributes the IP prefix list created in step 1. Note that ospf is selected as the match-protocol value. This causes the default route to be advertised through RIP only if OSPF is operational.
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map Policy_Default permit 1 enable match protocol ospf set injectlist default
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map Policy_Default
1 set metric-type type1
Apply the route policy to the RIP Out Policy.
Apply the route policy created in step 2 to RIP interface
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 100
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip out-policy Policy_Default
Controlling NSSA external route advertisements
In an OSPF NSSA, the NSSA N/p-bit (in the OSPF hello packets Options field) is used to tell the ABR which external routes can be advertised to other areas. When the NSSA N/p-bit is set true, the ABR exports the external route. This is the default setting for the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500
Series. When the NSSA N/p-bit is not set true, the ABR drops the external route. A route policy can be created on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
5500 Series to manipulate the N/ p-bit value.
For example, the illustration below shows a RIP network located in NSSA
2. If advertising the network to area 0 is the only desired action, perform the following tasks:
• Enable R1 as an OSPF ASBR.
• Create NSSA area
• Create a route policy to advertise OSPF and direct interfaces to RIP.
• Create a route policy to only advertise RIP network to area 0 by using the NSSA N/p-bit.
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External route advertisement example
IP routing configuration examples 151
The following procedure outlines the commands used to replicate the above configuration example:
Step Action
Configure the RIP interface.
Configure port 1/20 as a brouter port in VLAN 200 and enables RIP on this interface.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 1/20
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 1/20 vlan 200 subnet
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
Globally enable RIP and configure a RIP interface for RIP version 2.
5530-24TFD(config)# router rip enable
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 200
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip receive version rip2 send version rip2
Configure the OSPF interface.
Configure port 2/6 as a brouter port.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface fast 2/6
5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter port 2/6 vlan 100 subnet
Enable OSPF.
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152 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Configure R1 as an ASBR, assign the OSPF Router-ID, create OSPF NSSA area 2, add the OSPF interface to area 2, and enable OSPF on the interface. Enable ASBR and OSPF globally.
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# router-id
5530-24TFD(config-router)# as-boundary-router enable
5530-24TFD(config-router)# area import nssa
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network area
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
Create a route policy named Rip_Dist that distributes directly connected and OSPF routes into RIP.
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map Rip_Dist permit 1 enable match protocol direct,ospf set metric-type type1
Apply route policy to RIP Out Policy.
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 200
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip out-policy Rip_Dist
Add two prefix lists (15net and 14net) that are associated with the network addresses from the RIP version 2 network.
5530-24TFD(config)# ip prefix-list 15net
5530-24TFD(config)# ip prefix-list 14net
Create a route policy named P_bit that sets the NSSA N/P-bit only for the prefix list named 15net.
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map P_bit permit 1 enable match network 15net set nssa-pbit enable
5530-24TFD(config)# route-map P_bit permit 2 enable match network 14net
5530-24TFD(config)# no route-map P_bit 2 set nssa-pbit enable
Configure OSPF route distribution to distribute RIP routes as
AS-external LSA Type 1.
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# redistribute rip enable metric-type type1 route-policy P_bit
5530-24TFD(config)# ip ospf apply redistribute rip
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IP routing configuration examples 153
Configuring a multi-area complex
The multi-area complex configuration example described in this section uses five Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series devices (R1 to R5) in a multi-area configuration.
Many of the concepts and topology descriptions that are used in this example configuration are described in the previous sections of this chapter.
The concepts shown in those examples are combined in this example configuration to show a real world topology example with command descriptions.
Multi-area complex example
For this configuration example, the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500
Series devices R1 through R5 are configured as follows:
• R1 is an OSPF ABR that is associated with OSPF Area 0 and 3.
• R2 is an OSPF Stub ABR for OSPF Area 2 and ABR to OSPF Area 3.
• R3 is an OSPF ASBR and is configured to distribute OSPF to RIP and
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154 IP Routing Configuration and Management
• R4 is an OSPF internal router in Area 3.
• R5 is an internal OSPF stub router in Area 2.
• All interfaces used for this configuration are ethernet, therefore the
OSPF interfaces are broadcast.
• The interface priority value on R5 is set to 0, therefore R5 cannot become a designated router (DR).
• Configure the OSPF Router Priority so that R1 becomes the DR (priority of 100) and R2 becomes backup designated router (BDR) with a priority value of 50.
Stub and NSSA areas are used to reduce the LSDB size by excluding external LSAs. The stub ABR advertises a default route into the stub area for all external routes.
The following list outlines the commands used to create the illustrated configuration. A similar listing could be provided by using the show running-config command.
1. R1 configuration commands
! *** STP (Phase 1) *** !
spanning-tree stp 2 create spanning-tree stp 3 create spanning-tree cost-calc-mode dot1d spanning-tree port-mode normal spanning-tree stp 1 priority 8000 spanning-tree stp 1 hello-time 2 spanning-tree stp 1 max-age 20 spanning-tree stp 1 forward-time 15 spanning-tree stp 1 tagged-bpdu disable tagged-bpdu-vid 4001 spanning-tree stp 1 multicast-address 01:80:c2:00:00:00 spanning-tree stp 2 priority 8000 spanning-tree stp 2 hello-time 2 spanning-tree stp 2 max-age 20 spanning-tree stp 2 forward-time 15 spanning-tree stp 2 tagged-bpdu enable tagged-bpdu-vid 4002 spanning-tree stp 2 multicast-address 01:80:c2:00:00:00 spanning-tree stp 3 priority 8000 spanning-tree stp 3 hello-time 2 spanning-tree stp 3 max-age 20 spanning-tree stp 3 forward-time 15 spanning-tree stp 3 tagged-bpdu enable tagged-bpdu-vid 4003 spanning-tree stp 3 multicast-address 01:80:c2:00:00:00
! *** VLAN *** !
vlan configcontrol autopvid auto-pvid
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration examples 155 vlan name 1 "VLAN #1" vlan create 102 name "VLAN #102" type port vlan create 103 name "VLAN #103" type port vlan ports 1-24 tagging unTagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan ports 25-26 tagging tagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan members 1 24-26 vlan members 102 1-2 vlan members 103 7-8 vlan ports 1-2 pvid 102 vlan ports 3-6 pvid 1 vlan ports 7-8 pvid 103 vlan ports 9-26 pvid 1 vlan igmp unknown-mcast-no-flood disable vlan igmp 1 snooping disable vlan igmp 1 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 102 snooping disable vlan igmp 102 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 103 snooping disable vlan igmp 103 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan mgmt 1
! *** MLT (Phase 1) *** !
no mlt mlt 1 name "Trunk #1" enable member 7-8 learning normal mlt 1 learning normal mlt 1 bpdu all-ports mlt 1 loadbalance basic mlt 2 name "Trunk #2" enable member 1-2 learning normal mlt 2 learning normal mlt 2 bpdu all-ports mlt 2 loadbalance basic
! *** STP (Phase 2) *** !
spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 1 spanning-tree stp 2 add-vlan 102 spanning-tree stp 3 add-vlan 103 spanning-tree stp 2 enable spanning-tree stp 3 enable interface FastEthernet ALL spanning-tree port 24-26 learning normal spanning-tree port 1-2 stp 2 learning normal spanning-tree port 7-8 stp 3 learning normal spanning-tree port 24-26 cost 1 priority 80 spanning-tree port 1-2 stp 2 cost 1 priority 80 spanning-tree port 7-8 stp 3 cost 1 priority 80 spanning-tree bpdu-filtering port 1-26 timeout 120 no spanning-tree bpdu-filtering port 1-26
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
156 IP Routing Configuration and Management enable exit
! *** MLT (Phase 2) *** !
mlt spanning-tree 1 stp 3 learning normal mlt spanning-tree 2 stp 2 learning normal
! *** L3 *** !
no ip directed-broadcast enable ip routing interface vlan 102 ip address 2 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 103 ip address 3 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit ip arp timeout 360 ip dhcp-relay ip blocking-mode none
! *** OSPF *** !
router ospf enable router ospf router-id
no as-boundary-router enable no trap enable timers basic holddown 10 rfc1583-compatibility enable default-cost ethernet 100 default-cost fast-ethernet 10 default-cost gig-ethernet 1 default-cost ten-gig-ethernet 1 area import external area import-summaries enable exit enable configure terminal interface vlan 103 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 100 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf transmit-delay 1 ip ospf retransmit-interval 5 ip ospf hello-interval 10
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration examples 157 ip ospf dead-interval 40 ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 102 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 100 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf enable exit
2. R2 configuration commands
! ! *** STP (Phase 1) *** !
spanning-tree stp 2 create spanning-tree cost-calc-mode dot1d spanning-tree port-mode normal spanning-tree stp 1 priority 8000 spanning-tree stp 1 hello-time 2 spanning-tree stp 1 max-age 20 spanning-tree stp 1 forward-time 15 spanning-tree stp 1 tagged-bpdu disable tagged-bpdu-vid 4001 spanning-tree stp 1 multicast-address 01:80:c2:00:00:00 spanning-tree stp 2 priority 8000 spanning-tree stp 2 hello-time 2 spanning-tree stp 2 max-age 20 spanning-tree stp 2 forward-time 15 spanning-tree stp 2 tagged-bpdu enable tagged-bpdu-vid 4002 spanning-tree stp 2 multicast-address 01:80:c2:00:00:00
! *** VLAN *** !
vlan configcontrol autopvid auto-pvid vlan name 1 "VLAN #1" vlan create 100 name "VLAN #100" type port vlan create 101 name "VLAN #101" type port vlan create 102 name "VLAN #102" type port vlan ports 1-2 tagging tagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan ports 3-6 tagging unTagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan ports 7-8 tagging tagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan ports 9-26 tagging unTagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan members 1 1-26 vlan members 100 5-6 vlan members 101 7-8
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
158 IP Routing Configuration and Management vlan members 102 1-2 vlan ports 1-2 pvid 102 vlan ports 3-4 pvid 1 vlan ports 5-6 pvid 100 vlan ports 7-8 pvid 101 vlan ports 9-26 pvid 1 vlan igmp unknown-mcast-no-flood disable vlan igmp 1 snooping disable vlan igmp 1 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 100 snooping disable vlan igmp 100 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 101 snooping disable vlan igmp 101 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 102 snooping disable vlan igmp 102 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan mgmt 1
! *** MLT (Phase 1) *** !
no mlt mlt 1 name "Trunk #1" enable member 7-8 learning normal mlt 1 learning normal mlt 1 bpdu all-ports mlt 1 loadbalance basic mlt 2 name "Trunk #2" enable member 1-2 learning normal mlt 2 learning normal mlt 2 bpdu all-ports mlt 2 loadbalance basic mlt 5 name "Trunk #5" enable member 5-6 learning normal mlt 5 learning normal mlt 5 bpdu all-ports mlt 5 loadbalance basic
! *** STP (Phase 2) *** !
spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 1 spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 100 spanning-tree stp 2 add-vlan 101 spanning-tree stp 2 add-vlan 102 spanning-tree stp 2 enable interface FastEthernet ALL spanning-tree port 1-26 learning normal spanning-tree port 1-2,7-8 stp 2 learning normal spanning-tree port 1-26 cost 1 priority 80 spanning-tree port 1-2,7-8 stp 2 cost 1 priority 80 spanning-tree bpdu-filtering port 1-26 timeout 120 no spanning-tree bpdu-filtering port 1-26 enable exit
! *** MLT (Phase 2) *** !
mlt spanning-tree 1 stp 1 learning normal
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration examples 159 mlt spanning-tree 1 stp 2 learning normal mlt spanning-tree 2 stp 1 learning normal mlt spanning-tree 2 stp 2 learning normal mlt spanning-tree 5 stp 1 learning normal
! *** L3 *** !
no ip directed-broadcast enable ip routing interface vlan 1 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 100 ip address 2 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 101 ip address 3 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 102 ip address 4 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit ip arp timeout 360 ip dhcp-relay ip blocking-mode none
! *** ECMP *** !
maximum-path 1 rip maximum-path 1 ospf maximum-path 1
! *** OSPF *** !
router ospf enable router ospf router-id
no as-boundary-router enable no trap enable timers basic holddown 10 rfc1583-compatibility enable default-cost ethernet 100 default-cost fast-ethernet 10 default-cost gig-ethernet 1 default-cost ten-gig-ethernet 1 area import noexternal
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
160 IP Routing Configuration and Management default-cost 1 area import-summaries enable area import external area import-summaries enable exit enable configure terminal interface vlan 101 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 50 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf transmit-delay 1 ip ospf retransmit-interval 5 ip ospf hello-interval 10 ip ospf dead-interval 40 ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 100 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 50 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 102 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 50 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 1 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable no ip ospf enable exit
3. R3 configuration commands
! *** STP (Phase 1) *** !
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IP routing configuration examples 161 spanning-tree stp 3 create spanning-tree cost-calc-mode dot1d spanning-tree port-mode normal spanning-tree stp 1 priority 8000 spanning-tree stp 1 hello-time 2 spanning-tree stp 1 max-age 20 spanning-tree stp 1 forward-time 15 spanning-tree stp 1 tagged-bpdu disable tagged-bpdu-vid 4001 spanning-tree stp 1 multicast-address 01:80:c2:00:00:00 spanning-tree stp 3 priority 8000 spanning-tree stp 3 hello-time 2 spanning-tree stp 3 max-age 20 spanning-tree stp 3 forward-time 15 spanning-tree stp 3 tagged-bpdu enable tagged-bpdu-vid 4003 spanning-tree stp 3 multicast-address 01:80:c2:00:00:00
! *** VLAN *** !
vlan configcontrol automatic auto-pvid vlan name 1 "VLAN #1" vlan create 103 name "VLAN #103" type port vlan create 104 name "VLAN #104" type port vlan create 105 name "VLAN #105" type port vlan create 1001 name "VLAN #1001" type port vlan ports 1-2 tagging tagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan ports 3-6 tagging unTagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan ports 7-8 tagging tagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan ports 9-26 tagging unTagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan members 1 4-6,9,12,15-26 vlan members 103 7-8 vlan members 104 1-2 vlan members 105 13-14 vlan members 1001 10 vlan ports 1-2 pvid 104 vlan ports 3-6 pvid 1 vlan ports 7-8 pvid 103 vlan ports 9 pvid 1 vlan ports 10 pvid 1001 vlan ports 11-12 pvid 1 vlan ports 13-14 pvid 105 vlan ports 15-26 pvid 1 vlan igmp unknown-mcast-no-flood disable vlan igmp 1 snooping disable vlan igmp 1 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
162 IP Routing Configuration and Management vlan igmp 103 snooping disable vlan igmp 103 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 104 snooping disable vlan igmp 104 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 105 snooping disable vlan igmp 105 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 1001 snooping disable vlan igmp 1001 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan mgmt 1
! *** MLT (Phase 1) *** !
no mlt mlt 1 name "Trunk #1" enable member 7-8 learning normal mlt 1 learning normal mlt 1 bpdu all-ports mlt 1 loadbalance basic mlt 2 name "Trunk #2" enable member 1-2 learning normal mlt 2 learning normal mlt 2 bpdu all-ports mlt 2 loadbalance basic mlt 4 name "Trunk #4" enable member 13-14 learning normal mlt 4 learning normal mlt 4 bpdu all-ports mlt 4 loadbalance basic
! *** STP (Phase 2) *** !
spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 1 spanning-tree stp 3 add-vlan 103 spanning-tree stp 3 add-vlan 104 spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 105 spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 1001 spanning-tree stp 3 enable interface FastEthernet ALL spanning-tree port 4-6,9,12-26 learning normal spanning-tree port 1-2,7-8 stp 3 learning normal spanning-tree port 4-6,9,12-26 cost 1 priority 80 spanning-tree port 1-2,7-8 stp 3 cost 1 priority 80 spanning-tree bpdu-filtering port 1-26 timeout 120 no spanning-tree bpdu-filtering port 1-26 enable exit interface FastEthernet ALL spanning-tree port 10 learning disable exit interface FastEthernet ALL exit
! *** MLT (Phase 2) *** !
mlt spanning-tree 1 stp 3 learning normal mlt spanning-tree 2 stp 3 learning normal
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration examples 163 mlt spanning-tree 4 stp 1 learning normal
! *** L3 *** !
no ip directed-broadcast enable ip routing interface vlan 1 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 103 ip address 3 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 104 ip address 4 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 105 ip address 5 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 1001 ip address 2 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit ip arp timeout 360 ip dhcp-relay ip blocking-mode none
! *** Route Policies *** !
route-map Allow permit 1 route-map Allow 1 enable route-map Allow 1 match protocol direct,ospf no route-map Allow 1 match interface route-map Allow 1 match metric 0 no route-map Allow 1 match network no route-map Allow 1 match next-hop route-map Allow 1 match route-type any no route-map Allow 1 match route-source no route-map Allow 1 set injectlist route-map Allow 1 set mask
route-map Allow 1 set metric 5 route-map Allow 1 set nssa-pbit enable
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
164 IP Routing Configuration and Management route-map Allow 1 set ip-preference 0
! *** OSPF *** !
router ospf enable router ospf router-id
as-boundary-router enable no trap enable timers basic holddown 10 rfc1583-compatibility enable default-cost ethernet 100 default-cost fast-ethernet 10 default-cost gig-ethernet 1 default-cost ten-gig-ethernet 1 area import external area import-summaries enable area import external area import-summaries enable redistribute direct metric 10 metric-type type2 subnets allow redistribute direct enable redistribute rip metric 10 metric-type type2 subnets allow redistribute rip enable exit enable configure terminal interface vlan 103 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf transmit-delay 1 ip ospf retransmit-interval 5 ip ospf hello-interval 10 ip ospf dead-interval 40 ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 104 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 105 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration examples 165 ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable no ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 1001 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 1 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable no ip ospf enable exit
! *** RIP *** !
router rip router rip enable timers basic holddown 120 timers basic timeout 180 update 30 default-metric 8 no network
no network
no network
no network
exit enable configure terminal interface vlan 103 no ip rip advertise-when-down enable no ip rip auto-aggregation enable no ip rip default-listen enable no ip rip default-supply enable ip rip cost 1 ip rip holddown 120 ip rip listen enable no ip rip poison enable no ip rip proxy-announce enable ip rip receive version rip1OrRip2 ip rip send version rip1Comp
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
166 IP Routing Configuration and Management ip rip timeout 180 no ip rip triggered enable ip rip supply enable exit interface vlan 104 no ip rip advertise-when-down enable no ip rip auto-aggregation enable no ip rip default-listen enable no ip rip default-supply enable ip rip cost 1 ip rip holddown 120 ip rip listen enable no ip rip poison enable no ip rip proxy-announce enable ip rip receive version rip1OrRip2 ip rip send version rip1Comp ip rip timeout 180 no ip rip triggered enable ip rip supply enable exit interface vlan 105 no ip rip advertise-when-down enable no ip rip auto-aggregation enable no ip rip default-listen enable no ip rip default-supply enable ip rip cost 1 ip rip holddown 120 ip rip listen enable ip rip out-policy Allow no ip rip poison enable no ip rip proxy-announce enable ip rip receive version rip1OrRip2 ip rip send version rip1Comp ip rip timeout 180 no ip rip triggered enable ip rip supply enable exit interface vlan 1001 no ip rip advertise-when-down enable no ip rip auto-aggregation enable no ip rip default-listen enable no ip rip default-supply enable ip rip cost 1 ip rip holddown 120 ip rip listen enable no ip rip poison enable no ip rip proxy-announce enable ip rip receive version rip1OrRip2 ip rip send version rip1Comp ip rip timeout 180
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration examples 167 no ip rip triggered enable ip rip supply enable exit interface vlan 1 no ip rip advertise-when-down enable no ip rip auto-aggregation enable no ip rip default-listen enable no ip rip default-supply enable ip rip cost 1 ip rip holddown 120 ip rip listen enable no ip rip poison enable no ip rip proxy-announce enable ip rip receive version rip1OrRip2 ip rip send version rip1Comp ip rip timeout 180 no ip rip triggered enable ip rip supply enable exit
4. R4 configuration commands
! *** STP (Phase 1) *** !
spanning-tree stp 3 create spanning-tree cost-calc-mode dot1d spanning-tree port-mode normal spanning-tree stp 1 priority 8000 spanning-tree stp 1 hello-time 2 spanning-tree stp 1 max-age 20 spanning-tree stp 1 forward-time 15 spanning-tree stp 1 tagged-bpdu disable tagged-bpdu-vid 4001 spanning-tree stp 1 multicast-address 01:80:c2:00:00:00 spanning-tree stp 3 priority 8000 spanning-tree stp 3 hello-time 2 spanning-tree stp 3 max-age 20 spanning-tree stp 3 forward-time 15 spanning-tree stp 3 tagged-bpdu enable tagged-bpdu-vid 4003 spanning-tree stp 3 multicast-address 01:80:c2:00:00:00
! *** VLAN *** !
vlan configcontrol automatic auto-pvid vlan name 1 "VLAN #1" vlan create 101 name "VLAN #101" type port vlan create 104 name "VLAN #104" type port vlan ports 1-26 tagging unTagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan members 1 3-6,9-26 vlan members 101 7-8 vlan members 104 1-2
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
NN47200-503 03.01
27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
168 IP Routing Configuration and Management vlan ports 1-2 pvid 104 vlan ports 3-6 pvid 1 vlan ports 7-8 pvid 101 vlan ports 9-26 pvid 1 vlan igmp unknown-mcast-no-flood disable vlan igmp 1 snooping disable vlan igmp 1 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 101 snooping disable vlan igmp 101 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 104 snooping disable vlan igmp 104 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan mgmt 1
! *** MLT (Phase 1) *** !
no mlt mlt 1 name "Trunk #1" enable member 7-8 learning normal mlt 1 learning normal mlt 1 bpdu all-ports mlt 1 loadbalance basic mlt 2 name "Trunk #2" enable member 1-2 learning normal mlt 2 learning normal mlt 2 bpdu all-ports mlt 2 loadbalance basic
! *** STP (Phase 2) *** !
spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 1 spanning-tree stp 3 add-vlan 101 spanning-tree stp 3 add-vlan 104 spanning-tree stp 3 enable interface FastEthernet ALL spanning-tree port 3-6,9-26 learning normal spanning-tree port 1-2,7-8 stp 3 learning normal spanning-tree port 3-6,9-26 cost 1 priority 80 spanning-tree port 1-2,7-8 stp 3 cost 1 priority 80 spanning-tree bpdu-filtering port 1-26 timeout 120 no spanning-tree bpdu-filtering port 1-26 enable exit
! *** MLT (Phase 2) *** !
mlt spanning-tree 1 stp 3 learning normal mlt spanning-tree 2 stp 3 learning normal
! *** L3 *** !
no ip directed-broadcast enable ip routing interface vlan 1 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 101 ip address 2
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration examples 169 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 104 ip address 3 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit ip arp timeout 360 ip dhcp-relay ip blocking-mode none
! *** OSPF *** !
router ospf enable router ospf router-id
no as-boundary-router enable no trap enable timers basic holddown 10 rfc1583-compatibility enable default-cost ethernet 100 default-cost fast-ethernet 10 default-cost gig-ethernet 1 default-cost ten-gig-ethernet 1 area import external area import-summaries enable area import external area import-summaries enable exit enable configure terminal interface vlan 101 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf transmit-delay 1 ip ospf retransmit-interval 5 ip ospf hello-interval 10 ip ospf dead-interval 40 ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 104 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
170 IP Routing Configuration and Management no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 1 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable no ip ospf enable exit
5. R5 configuration commands
! *** STP (Phase 1) *** !
spanning-tree cost-calc-mode dot1d spanning-tree port-mode normal spanning-tree stp 1 priority 8000 spanning-tree stp 1 hello-time 2 spanning-tree stp 1 max-age 20 spanning-tree stp 1 forward-time 15 spanning-tree stp 1 tagged-bpdu disable tagged-bpdu-vid 4001 spanning-tree stp 1 multicast-address 01:80:c2:00:00:00
! *** VLAN *** !
vlan configcontrol autopvid auto-pvid vlan name 1 "VLAN #1" vlan create 100 name "VLAN #100" type port vlan create 1000 name "VLAN #1000" type port vlan ports 1-26 tagging unTagAll filter-untagged-frame disable filter-unregistered-frames enable priority 0 vlan members 1 24-26 vlan members 100 5-6 vlan members 1000 10 vlan ports 1-4 pvid 1 vlan ports 5-6 pvid 100 vlan ports 7-9 pvid 1 vlan ports 10 pvid 1000 vlan ports 11-26 pvid 1 vlan igmp unknown-mcast-no-flood disable vlan igmp 1 snooping disable vlan igmp 1 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 100 snooping disable vlan igmp 100 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan igmp 1000 snooping disable
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
IP routing configuration examples 171 vlan igmp 1000 proxy disable robust-value 2 query-interval 125 vlan mgmt 1
! *** MLT (Phase 1) *** !
mlt 5 name "Trunk #5" enable member 5-6 learning normal mlt 5 learning normal mlt 5 bpdu all-ports mlt 5 loadbalance basic
! *** STP (Phase 2) *** !
spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 1 spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 100 spanning-tree stp 1 add-vlan 1000 interface FastEthernet ALL spanning-tree port 5-6,24-26 learning normal spanning-tree port 5-6,24-26 cost 1 priority 80 spanning-tree bpdu-filtering port 1-26 timeout 120 no spanning-tree bpdu-filtering port 1-26 enable exit interface FastEthernet ALL spanning-tree port 10 learning disable exit
! *** MLT (Phase 2) *** !
mlt spanning-tree 5 stp 1 learning normal
! *** L3 *** !
no ip directed-broadcast enable ip routing interface vlan 1 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 100 ip address 2 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit interface vlan 1000 ip address 3 ip dhcp-relay min-sec 0 mode bootp_dhcp no ip dhcp-relay broadcast ip dhcp-relay exit ip arp timeout 360 ip dhcp-relay ip blocking-mode none
! *** OSPF *** !
router ospf enable router ospf router-id
no as-boundary-router enable
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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27 August 2007
Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
172 IP Routing Configuration and Management no trap enable timers basic holddown 10 rfc1583-compatibility enable default-cost ethernet 100 default-cost fast-ethernet 10 default-cost gig-ethernet 1 default-cost ten-gig-ethernet 1 area import external area import-summaries enable area import noexternal default-cost 1 area import-summaries enable exit enable configure terminal interface vlan 100 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 0 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf transmit-delay 1 ip ospf retransmit-interval 5 ip ospf hello-interval 10 ip ospf dead-interval 40 ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 1000 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable ip ospf enable exit interface vlan 1 ip ospf area
ip ospf network broadcast ip ospf priority 1 ip ospf authentication-type none ip ospf mtu-ignore enable no ip ospf advertise-when-down enable no ip ospf enable exit
The following commands illustrate the status of the routers in the configuration example. Accompanying each command is the output matching to the configuration example.
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IP routing configuration examples 173
Router R1 Status show vlan
Id Name Type Protocol User PID Active IVL/SVL Mgmt
--- --------- ---- -------- -------- ------ ------- ----
1 VLAN #1 Port None 0x0000 Yes
Port Members: 1-2,5-7,9-14,16-17,19-26
0x0000 Yes IVL No 2 VLAN #2 Port None
Port Members: 3-4,8,18
5 VLAN #5 Port None
Port Members: 15
0x0000 Yes IVL No
Total VLANs:3 show vlan ip
Id ifIndex Address Mask MacAddress Offset Routing
Primary Interfaces
1 10001
00:11:F9:35:84:40 1 Enabled
00:11:F9:35:84:41 2
00:11:F9:35:84:44 5
Secondary Interfaces
2 14096
00:11:F9:35:84:42 3 Enabled
2 18190
00:11:F9:35:84:43 4 Enabled show ip ospf
Router ID:
Admin Status: Enabled
Version Number: 2
Area Border Router Oper Status: True
AS Boundary Router Config Status: False
External Link-State Advertisements: 2
External Link-State Checksum: 49786(0xc27a)
Type-of-Service (TOS) Routing Supported: False
Originated Link-State Advertisements: 427
New Link-State Advertisements Received: 811
OSPF Traps: Disabled
Auto Virtual Link Creation: Disabled
SPF Hold-Down Time: 10
RFC 1583 Compatibility: Enabled
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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174 IP Routing Configuration and Management show ip ospf area
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 35
Reachable Area Border Routers: 2
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 0
Link-State Advertisements: 15
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 551120(0x868d0)
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 37
Reachable Area Border Routers: 2
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 1
Link-State Advertisements: 13
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 454461(0x6ef3d) show ip ospf interface
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 100
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 100
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10 show ip ospf neighbor
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IP routing configuration examples 175
Interface Nbr Router ID Nbr IP Address Pri State RetransQLen Perm
--------- ------------- -------------- --- ----- ----------- ----
Total OSPF Neighbors: 2
1 Full 0
50 Full 0
Dyn show ip route
Ip Route
20 30
1 20
Total Routes: 9
102 T#2 O
103 T#1 O
103 T#1 O
102 ---- C
102 T#2 O
103 ---- C
103 T#1 O
TYPE Legend: I=Indirect Route, D=Direct Route, A=Alternative Route,
B=Best Route, E=Ecmp Route, U=Unresolved Route, N=Not in HW
Router R2 Status show vlan
Id Name Type Protocol User PID Active IVL/SVL Mgmt
--- --------- ---- -------- -------- ------ ------- ----
1 VLAN #1 Port None
Port Members: 1-26
0x0000 Yes IVL Yes
0x0000 Yes IVL No 100 VLAN #100 Port None
Port Members: 5-6
101 VLAN #101 Port None
Port Members: 7-8
0x0000 Yes IVL No
102 VLAN #102 Port None
Port Members: 1-2
0x0000 Yes IVL No show vlan ip
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176 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Id ifIndex Address
1 10001
100 10100
101 10101
102 10102
MacAddress Offset Routing
00:15:9B:F3:70:40 1 00:15:9B:F3:70:41 2 00:15:9B:F3:70:42 3 00:15:9B:F3:70:43 4
Enabled show ip ospf
Router ID:
Admin Status: Enabled
Version Number: 2
Area Border Router Oper Status: True
AS Boundary Router Config Status: False
External Link-State Advertisements: 2
External Link-State Checksum: 49786(0xc27a)
Type-of-Service (TOS) Routing Supported: False
Originated Link-State Advertisements: 99
New Link-State Advertisements Received: 66
OSPF Traps: Disabled
Auto Virtual Link Creation: Disabled
SPF Hold-Down Time: 10
RFC 1583 Compatibility: Enabled show ip ospf area
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 8
Reachable Area Border Routers: 2
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 0
Link-State Advertisements: 15
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 551120(0x868d0)
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: No External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 10
Reachable Area Border Routers: 1
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 0
Link-State Advertisements: 9
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 274851(0x431a3)
Stub Metric: 1
Stub Metric Type: OSPF Metric
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 13
Reachable Area Border Routers: 2
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 1
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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IP routing configuration examples 177
Link-State Advertisements: 13
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 454461(0x6ef3d) show ip ospf interface
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 50
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 50
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 50
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Disabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 1
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10 show ip ospf neighbor
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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178 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Interface Nbr Router ID Nbr IP Address Pri State RetransQLen Perm
--------- ------------- -------------- --- ----- ----------- ----
Total OSPF Neighbors: 3
Full 0
Full 0
100 Full 0
Dyn show ip route
Ip Route
20 100 T#5 O IB 20
10 101 T#1 O
30 101 T#1 O
1 1
10 101
---- C
T#1 O
20 101 T#1 O
1 102 ---- C
1 100 ---- C
1 101 ---- C
30 101 T#1 O
Total Routes: 10
TYPE Legend: I=Indirect Route, D=Direct Route, A=Alternative Route,
B=Best Route,E=Ecmp Route, U=Unresolved Route, N=Not in HW
Router R3 Status show vlan
Id Name Type Protocol User PID Active IVL/SVL Mgmt
-------------- -------- -------- ------ ------- ----
1 VLAN #1 Port None
Port Members: 4-6,9,12,15-26
0x0000 Yes IVL Yes
0x0000 Yes IVL No 103 VLAN #103 Port None
Port Members: 7-8
104 VLAN #104 Port None
Port Members: 1-2
0x0000 Yes IVL No
105 VLAN #105 Port None
Port Members: 13-14
1001 VLAN #1001 Port None
Port Members: 10
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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IP routing configuration examples 179 show vlan ip
Id ifIndex Address
1 10001
MacAddress Offset Routing
00:15:9B:F1:FC:40 1 Enabled
103 10103
104 10104 00:15:9B:F1:FC:42 3 00:15:9B:F1:FC:43 4
105 10105
1001 11001
00:15:9B:F1:FC:44 5
00:15:9B:F1:FC:41 2
Enabled show ip rip
Default Import Metric: 8
HoldDown Time: 120
Queries: 0 Rip: Enabled
Route Changes: 1
Timeout Interval: 180
Update Time: 30 show ip rip interface
IP Address Enable Send Receive Advertise When Down
--------------- ------ -------------- ------------ -------------------
false false rip1Compatible rip1OrRip2 rip1Compatible rip1OrRip2 false false
true false false
RIP Dflt rip1Compatible rip1OrRip2 rip1Compatible rip1OrRip2 rip1Compatible rip1OrRip2
Dflt Trigger AutoAgg false false false
IP Address Cost Supply Listen Update Enable Supply Listen Poison Proxy
------------- ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -----
1 false
1 false false false false false false false true true true true false false false false
1 false
1 false false false false false 1 false false false
IP Address RIP In Policy false false false true true true true true true false false false false false false
IP Address RIP Out Policy
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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180 IP Routing Configuration and Management
IP Address Holddown Timeout
--------------- -------- -------
180 show route-map detail
Route Policy
Name Allow, Id 1, Seq 1
Match: enable : enable mode : permit match-protocol : direct,ospf match-interface : match-metric : 0 match-network : match-next-hop : match-route-type : any match-route-src :
Set: set-injectlist : set-mask :
set-metric : 5 set-metric-type : type2 set-nssa-pbit : enable set-metric-type-internal : 0 set-preference : 0
----------------------------------------------------------------show ip ospf redistribute
Source Metric Metric Type Subnet Enabled Route Policy
------ ------ ----------- -------- ------- ------------
Direct 10
RIP 10
Type 2
Type 2
True show ip ospf
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IP routing configuration examples 181
Router ID:
Admin Status: Enabled
Version Number: 2
Area Border Router Oper Status: False
AS Boundary Router Config Status: True
External Link-State Advertisements: 2
External Link-State Checksum: 49786(0xc27a)
Type-of-Service (TOS) Routing Supported: False
Originated Link-State Advertisements: 9
New Link-State Advertisements Received: 39
OSPF Traps: Disabled
Auto Virtual Link Creation: Disabled
SPF Hold-Down Time: 10
RFC 1583 Compatibility: Enabled show ip ospf area
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 1
Reachable Area Border Routers: 0
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 0
Link-State Advertisements: 0
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 0(0x0)
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 4
Reachable Area Border Routers: 2
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 1
Link-State Advertisements: 13
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 448840(0x6d948) show ip ospf
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 1
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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182 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Priority: 1
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Disabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 1
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 1
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Disabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 1
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10 show ip ospf neighbor
Interface Nbr Router ID Nbr IP Address Pri State RetransQLen Perm
--------------------- -------------- --- ----- ----------- ----
Total OSPF Neighbors: 2
100 Full
1 Full
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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IP routing configuration examples 183 show ip route
Ip Route
2 105 T#4 R IB 100
103 T#1 O
1001 ---- C
1 105 ---- C
30 103 T#1 O
20 103 T#1 O
Total Routes: 9
---- C
T#2 O
---- C
TYPE Legend: I=Indirect Route, D=Direct Route, A=Alternative Route,
B=Best Route,E=Ecmp Route, U=Unresolved Route, N=Not in HW
Router R4 Status show vlan
Id Name Type Protocol User PID Active IVL/SVL Mgmt
-------------- -------- -------- ------ ------- ----
1 VLAN #1 Port None
Port Members: 3-6,9-26
0x0000 Yes IVL Yes
0x0000 Yes IVL No 101 VLAN #101 Port None
Port Members: 7-8
104 VLAN #104 Port None
Port Members: 1-2
0x0000 Yes IVL No show vlan ip
Id ifIndex Address
1 10001
101 10101
104 10104
MacAddress Offset Routing
00:15:9B:F2:2C:40 1 00:15:9B:F2:2C:41 2 00:15:9B:F2:2C:42 3
Enabled show ip ospf
Router ID:
Admin Status: Enabled
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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184 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Version Number: 2
Area Border Router Oper Status: False
AS Boundary Router Config Status: False
External Link-State Advertisements: 2
External Link-State Checksum: 45698(0xb282)
Type-of-Service (TOS) Routing Supported: False
Originated Link-State Advertisements: 5
New Link-State Advertisements Received: 34
OSPF Traps: Disabled
Auto Virtual Link Creation: Disabled
SPF Hold-Down Time: 10
RFC 1583 Compatibility: Enabled show ip ospf area
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 1
Reachable Area Border Routers: 0
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 0
Link-State Advertisements: 0
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 0(0x0)
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 3
Reachable Area Border Routers: 2
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 1
Link-State Advertisements: 13
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 409758(0x6409e) show ip ospf interface
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 1
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 1
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series
Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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IP routing configuration examples 185
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Disabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 1
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10 show ip ospf neighbor
Interface Nbr Router ID Nbr IP Address Pri State RetransQLen Perm
--------- ------------- --------------- --- --------- ----------- ----
Total OSPF Neighbors: 2
Dyn show ip route
Ip Route
10 104 T#2 O IB 120
10 104 T#2 O
20 101 T#1 O
20 101 T#1 O
1 104 ---- C
---- C
T#2 O
Total Routes: 9
TYPE Legend: I=Indirect Route, D=Direct Route, A=Alternative Route,
B=Best Route,E=Ecmp Route, U=Unresolved Route, N=Not in HW
Router R5 Status
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186 IP Routing Configuration and Management show vlan
Id Name Type Protocol User PID Active IVL/SVL Mgmt
------------ ---- -------- -------- ------ ------- ----
1 VLAN #1 Port None
Port Members: 24-26
0x0000 Yes IVL Yes
0x0000 Yes IVL No 100 VLAN #100 Port None
Port Members: 5-6
1000 VLAN #1000 Port None
Port Members: 10
0x0000 Yes IVL No show vlan ip
Id ifIndex Address
1 10001
100 10100
1000 11000
MacAddress Offset Routing
00:15:9B:F8:1C:40 1 00:15:9B:F8:1C:41 2 00:15:9B:F8:1C:42 3
Enabled show ip ospf
Router ID:
Admin Status: Enabled
Version Number: 2
Area Border Router Oper Status: False
AS Boundary Router Config Status: False
External Link-State Advertisements: 0
External Link-State Checksum: 0(0x0)
Type-of-Service (TOS) Routing Supported: False
Originated Link-State Advertisements: 48
New Link-State Advertisements Received: 387
OSPF Traps: Disabled
Auto Virtual Link Creation: Disabled
SPF Hold-Down Time: 10
RFC 1583 Compatibility: Enabled show ip ospf area
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
Import Type: External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 3
Reachable Area Border Routers: 0
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 0
Link-State Advertisements: 0
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 0(0x0)
Area ID:
Import Summaries: Yes
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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IP routing configuration examples 187
Import Type: No External
Intra-Area SPF Runs: 11
Reachable Area Border Routers: 1
Reachable Autonomous System Border Routers: 0
Link-State Advertisements: 9
Link-State Advertisements Checksum: 274851(0x431a3)
Stub Metric: 1
Stub Metric Type: OSPF Metric show ip ospf interface
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 0
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Enabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 1
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10
Area ID:
Admin State: Disabled
Type: Broadcast
Priority: 1
Designated Router:
Backup Designated Router:
Authentication Type: None
MTU Ignore: Yes
Advertise When Down: No
Metric Value: 10 show ip ospf
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks
188 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Interface Nbr Router ID Nbr IP Address Pri State RetransQLen Perm
--------- --------------- --------------- --- --------- ----------- ----
Total OSPF Neighbors: 1
50 Full 0 Dyn show ip route
Ip Route
1 1000 ---- C DB 0
40 100 T#5 O
1 100 ---- C
Total Routes: 8
TYPE Legend: I=Indirect Route, D=Direct Route, A=Alternative Route,
B=Best Route,E=Ecmp Route, U=Unresolved Route, N=Not in HW
Diagnosing neighbor state problems
At initial startup, routers transmit hello packets in an attempt to find other
OSPF routers with which form adjacencies. After the hello packets are received, the routers perform an initialization process, which causes the routers to transition through various states before the adjacency is established. The following table lists the states a router can go through during the process of forming an adjacency.
OSPF neighbor states
2 Attempt
Indicates that a neighbor was configured manually, but the router did not received any information from the other router. This state can occur only on
NBMA interfaces.
On an NBMA interface, this state occurs when the router attempts to send unicast hellos to any configured interfaces. The Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series does not support NBMA type.
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IP routing configuration examples 189
The router received a general hello packet (without its Router ID) from another router.
The router received a Hello directed to it from another router. (The hello contains its Router ID)
Indicates the start of the Master/Slave election process.
Indicates the link state database (LSDB) is exchanged
Indicates the processing state of the LSDB for input into the routing table. The router can request LSA for missing or corrupt routes.
Indicates the normal full adjacency state.
OSPF neighbor state information Neighbor state information can be accessed by using the show ip ospf neighbor command.
5530-24TFD#show ip ospf neighbor
Interface Nbr Router ID Nbr IP Address Pri State RetransQLen Perm
--------- ------------- -------------- --- ----- ----------- ----
100 Full 0 Dyn
Full 0
Full 0
Problems with OSPF occur most often during the initial startup, when the router cannot form adjacencies with other routers and the state is stuck in the Init or ExStart/Exchange state.
Init State Problems A router can become stuck in an Init state and not form adjacencies. There are several possible causes for this problem:
• Authentication mismatch or configuration problem
• Area mismatch for Stub or NSSA
• Area ID mismatch
• Hello Interval or Dead Interval mismatch
To determine any mismatches in OSPF configuration, use the show ip ospf ifstats mismatch command.
ExStart/Exchange problems Even though routers can recognize each other and have moved beyond two way communications, routers can become stuck in the ExStart/Exchange state.
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190 IP Routing Configuration and Management
A mismatch in maximum transmission unit (MTU) sizes between the routers usually causes this type of problem. For example, one router could be set for a high MTU size and the other router a smaller value. Depending on the size of the link state database, the router with the smaller value may not be able to process the larger packets and thus be stuck in this state. To avoid this problem, ensure that the MTU size value for both routers match. This problem is usually encountered during interoperations in networks with other vendor devices.
Note: The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series automatically checks for OSPF MTU mismatches.
In the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series, the supported MTU size for OSPF is 1500 bytes by default. Incoming OSPF database description
(DBD) packets are dropped if their MTU size is greater than this value.
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) configuration
This section describes how to create a basic VRRP configuration on a
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series.
VRRP uses an election process to select a master router that hosts use as the default gateway. If the master router (the default gateway) fails, the
VRRP backup router automatically replaces the master router and becomes the new default gateway. In either case, the default gateway IP address and
MAC address does not change, thereby providing transparent operation.
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series can be configured in a master-master configuration for load-balancing applications that use
Split MultiLink Trunking (SMLT). This configuration allows both switches to respond to ARPs and forward traffic.
VRRP Priority settings can be configured to select the VRRP master router for a specified VLAN. The VRRP Priority setting is an integer value, in the range 1 and 255, where the highest value is used to elect the VRRP master router. If two or more switches have the same priority value, the switch with the highest numerical IP address value is selected and becomes the VRRP master. The host is unaware of the entire process.
When a host sends traffic to a different subnet, it sends an ARP request for the MAC address of the default gateway. In this case, the Nortel Ethernet
Routing Switch 5500 Series VRRP master router replies with its virtual
MAC address. The benefit of using a virtual MAC address is that, if the master router fails, the VRRP backup router uses the same virtual MAC address. The virtual MAC address on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
5500 Series does not need to be configured. The virtual MAC address is automatically set as:
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IP routing configuration examples 191
Where the VRID is an integer value in the range 1 to 255 that represents the virtual router identification.
The virtual MAC address is assigned when VRRP is configured on a switch port or VLAN. The following example represents this process:
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp address 199
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp 199 enable
Configuring normal VRRP operation
The following configuration example (illustrated below) shows how to provide VRRP service for two edge host locations.
VRRP example topology
In this example, the switches have the following duties:
• R1 is the VRRP master for S2
• R2 is the VRRP master for S1
In this example, VRRP is enabled with OSPF as the routing protocol on
R1 and R2.
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Configuration-IP Routing Protocols
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192 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The VRRP priority setting is used to determine which router will become the VRRP master and which will become the VRRP backup. In instances where the priority setting is the same for two routers, the higher IP address becomes the tie breaker. Therefore, it is very important to set the correct
VRRP priority. VRRP fast advertisement will also be enabled in this example to allow for fast failover detection.
The following procedure outlines the steps necessary to reproduce the example described above:
Step Action
1 Configure VLAN 2 on router R1.
a. Create VLAN 2 on router R1.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 2 type port b. Configure the ports for VLAN 2 on R1.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan members add 2 1/15 c. Configure an IP address for VLAN 2.
Add IP address / to VLAN 2.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
d. Configure an OSPF interface for VLAN 2.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
e. Configure VRRP on VLAN 2.
The VRRP VIP address of is added to VLAN 2 using a VRID of 1.
Note 1: The VRRP priority is not configured here; it is left at factory default of 100. Instead, the priority setting on router
R2 will be set to a higher value when R2 is configured.
Note 2: Fast advertisement is disabled by default. Fast advertisement is proprietary to Nortel to support an advertisement interval from 200 to 1000 milliseconds (ms) with a default of 200. If fast VRRP advertisement is desired, enable fast advertisement.
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IP routing configuration examples 193
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router vrrp ena
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp address 1
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 enable
Configure VLAN 3 on router R1.
a. Configure VLAN 3 on router R1 using spanning tree group 1.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD# vlan create 3 type port b. Configure the ports for VLAN 3 on R1.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan members add 3 1/14 c. Configure an IP address for VLAN 3.
Add IP address / to VLAN 3.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 3
5530-24TFD(config)# ip address
d. Configure an OSPF interface for VLAN 3.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
e. Configure VRRP on VLAN 3.
The VRRP VIP address of is added to VLAN 2 using a VRID of 2.
Note: Fast advertisement is disabled by default. Fast advertisement is proprietary to Nortel to support an advertisement interval from 200 to 1000 milliseconds (ms) with a default of 200. If fast VRRP advertisement is desired, enable fast advertisement.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router vrrp ena
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 3
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp address 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp 2 priority 200
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp 2 enable
Configure VLAN 2 on router R2.
a. Create VLAN 2 on router R2.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
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194 IP Routing Configuration and Management
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 2 type port b. Configure the ports for VLAN 2 on R2.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan members add 2 1/15 c. Configure an IP address for VLAN 2.
Add IP address / to VLAN 2.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
d. Configure an OSPF interface for VLAN 2.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
e. Configure VRRP on VLAN 2.
The VRRP VIP address of is added to VLAN 2 using a VRID of 1.
Note 1: For this example the VRRP priority value is set to
200. This allows router R2 to be elected as the VRRP master router.
Note 2: Fast advertisement is disabled by default. Fast advertisement is proprietary to Nortel to support an advertisement interval from 200 to 1000 milliseconds (ms) with a default of 200. If fast VRRP advertisement is desired, enable fast advertisement.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router vrrp ena
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp address 1
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 priority 200
Configure VLAN 3 on router R2.
a. Configure VLAN 3 on router R2.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 3 type port b. Configure the ports for VLAN 3 on R1.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan members add 3 1/14
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IP routing configuration examples 195 c. Configure an IP address for VLAN 3.
Add IP address / to VLAN 3.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 3
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
d. Configure an OSPF interface for VLAN 3.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
e. Configure VRRP on VLAN 3.
The VRRP VIP address of is added to VLAN 2 using a VRID of 2.
Note: Fast advertisement is disabled by default. Fast advertisement is proprietary to Nortel to support an advertisement interval from 200 to 1000 milliseconds (ms) with a default of 200. If fast VRRP advertisement is desired, enable fast advertisement.
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router vrrp ena
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 3
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp address 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp 2 enable
After the VRRP configuration has been completed, use the show ip vrrp and show ip vrrp interface verbose commands to display VRRP configuration information and statistics.
Configuration command listing This following list is a complete sequence of the commands used in this configuration:
1. VLAN Configuration for Router R1 config t vlan create 2 type port vlan members remove 2 1/1-1/14,2/1-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 2 1/15 interface vlan 2 ip address
router ospf enable router ospf network
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196 IP Routing Configuration and Management router vrrp ena interface vlan 2 ip vrrp address 1
ip vrrp 1 enable vlan create 3 type port interface vlan 3 ip address
router ospf enable router ospf network
router vrrp ena interface vlan 3 ip vrrp address 2
ip vrrp 2 priority 200 ip vrrp 2 enable
2. VLAN Configuration for Router R2 config t vlan create 2 type port vlan members remove 2 1/1-1/14,2/1-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 2 1/15 interface vlan 2 ip address
router ospf enable router ospf network
router vrrp ena interface vlan 2 ip vrrp address 1
ip vrrp 1 priority 200 ip vrrp 1 enable vlan create 3 type port vlan members remove 3 1/1-1/14,1/15,2/1-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 3 1/14 interface vlan 3 ip address
router ospf enable router ospf network
router vrrp ena interface vlan 3 ip vrrp address 2
ip vrrp 2 enable
Configuring VRRP with SMLT
This configuration example shows how you can provide high availability for a Layer 2 edge switch feeding into a Layer 3 core. As demonstrated below, both R1 and R2 switches are configured with a port-based VLAN (VLAN
2) with SMLT and VRRP set to enabled. This topology provides failover protection and load-balancing.
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IP routing configuration examples 197
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series (E1), running in Layer 2 mode, is configured with one port-based VLAN and one MultiLink Trunking
(MLT) group for the aggregate uplink ports. The Nortel Ethernet Routing
Switch 5500 Series switches (R1 and R2) are configured with backup master enabled so that both switches can reply to ARP.
VRRP with SMLT configuration
The following procedure would be used to recreate the illustrated topology:
Step Action
1 Configure the IST VLAN on R1 a. Configure IST VLAN 3999 on R1
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 3999 type port
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 3999
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
b. Configure IST MLT on R1
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# mlt 1 member 2/1-2/2
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan port 2/1-2/2 tagging enable
5530-24TFD(config)# mlt 1 enable c. Configure the IST and add the IST to VLAN 3999
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface mlt 1
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198 IP Routing Configuration and Management
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ist enable peer-ip
vlan 3999
Configure VRRP and SMLT for access VLAN to E1 a. Configure VLAN 2 on R1
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 2 type port b. Create IP address for VLAN 2
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
c. Configure the access port for VLAN 2 on R1 and add VLAN 2 to the IST and SMLT groups
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan members add 2
Note: 2/1 and 2/2 are IST ports. 1/48,1/47 are SMLT ports.
d. Create SMLT on R1
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# mlt 2 member 1/47,1/48
5530-24TFD(config)# mlt 2 enable
5530-24TFD(config)# interface mlt 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# smlt 1 e. Enable OSPF interface on VLAN 2 of R1
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
Configure VRRP VIP address for VLAN2 of R1
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router vrrp ena
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config)# ip vrrp address 1
5530-24TFD(config)# ip vrrp 1 enable
5530-24TFD(config)# ip vrrp 1 backup-master enable
Note: Fast advertisement is disabled by default. Fast advertisement is proprietary to Nortel to support an advertisement interval from 200 to 1000 milliseconds (ms) with a default of 200. If fast VRRP advertisement is desired, enable fast advertisement.
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IP routing configuration examples 199
Configure the IST VLAN for router R2 a. Configure IST VLAN 3999 on R2
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 3999 type port
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 3999
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
b. Configure IST MLT on R2
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# mlt 1 member 2/1-2/2
5530-24TFD(config)# mlt 1 enable
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan port 2/1-2/2 tagging enable c. Configure an IST peer for R2 and add the IST to VLAN 3999
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface mlt 1
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ist enable peer-ip
vlan 3999
Configure VRRP and SMLT for VLAN access to E1 a. Configure VLAN 2 on R2
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan create 2 type port b. Create an IP address for VLAN 2
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip address
c. Configure the access port for VLAN 2 on R2 and add VLAN 2 to the IST and SMLT groups
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# vlan members add 2 1/47, 1/48,
Note: 1/47 and 1/48 are SMLT ports. 2/1 and 2/2 are IST ports.
d. Create SMLT on R2
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# mlt 2 member 1/47, 1/48
5530-24TFD(config)# mlt 2 enable
5530-24TFD(config)# interface mlt 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# smlt 1 e. Enable OSPF interface for VLAN 2 on R2
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200 IP Routing Configuration and Management
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf enable
5530-24TFD(config)# router ospf
5530-24TFD(config-router)# network
Configure VRRP VIP address for VLAN 2 on R2
5530-24TFD# config terminal
5530-24TFD(config)# router vrrp ena
5530-24TFD(config)# interface vlan 2
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp address 1
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 enable
5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip vrrp 1 backup-master enable
Note: Fast Advertisement is disabled by default. Fast advertisement is proprietary to Nortel to support an advertisement interval from 200 to 1000 milliseconds (ms) with a default of 200. If fast VRRP advertisement is desired, enable fast advertisement.
Configuration command listing This following list is a complete sequence of the commands used in this configuration:
1. Configuration for R1
#MLT CONFIGURATION # config t mlt 1 member 2/1-2/2 mlt 1 ena vlan port 2/2-2/2 tagging enable interface mlt 1 ist enable peer-ip vlan 3999 mlt 2 member 1/48,1/47 mlt 2 enable interface mlt 2 smlt 1
#VLAN CONFIGURATION # config t vlan members remove 1 1/47-1/48,2/1-2/2 vlan create 2 type port vlan members remove 2 1/1-1/46,2/3-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 2 1/47-1/48,2/1-2/2 interface vlan 2 ip address
router ospf enable router ospf network
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IP routing configuration examples 201 router vrrp ena interface vlan 2 ip vrrp address 1
ip vrrp 1 enable ip vrrp 1 backup-master enable vlan create 3999 type port vlan members remove 3999 1/1-1/47,2/3-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 3999 2/1-2/2 interface vlan 3999 ip address
#PORT CONFIGURATION – PHASE II # config t mlt spanning-tree 1 stp all learning disable mlt spanning-tree 2 stp all learning disable
2. Configuration for R2
#MLT CONFIGURATION # config t mlt 1 member 2/1-2/2 mlt 1 enable vlan port 2/2-2/2 tagging enable interface mlt 1 ist enable peer-ip vlan 3999 mlt 2 member 1/48,1/47 mlt 2 enable interface mlt 2 smlt 1
#VLAN CONFIGURATION # config t vlan members remove 1 1/47-1/48,2/1-2/2 vlan create 2 type port vlan members remove 2 1/1-1/46,2/3-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 2 1/47-1/48,2/1-2/2 interface vlan 2 ip address
router ospf enable router ospf network
router vrrp ena interface vlan 2 ip vrrp address 1
ip vrrp 1 enable ip vrrp 1 backup-master enable vlan create 3999 type port vlan members remove 3999 1/1-1/47,2/3-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 3999 2/1-2/2 interface vlan 3999 ip address
#PORT CONFIGURATION – PHASE II # config t mlt spanning-tree 1 stp all learning disable
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202 IP Routing Configuration and Management mlt spanning-tree 2 stp all learning disable
Configuring VRRP with SLT
The following illustration and configuration file examples demonstrate a
VRRP configuration with SLT.
VRRP with SLT configuration
The following commands would recreate the above configuration:
1. Configuration for R1
#MLT CONFIGURATION # config t mlt 1 member 2/1-2/2 mlt 1 enable vlan port 2/2-2/2 tagging enable interface mlt 1 ist enable peer-ip vlan 3999 interface fast-Ethernet 1/48 smlt 1
#VLAN CONFIGURATION # config t vlan members remove 1 1/48,2/1-2/2 vlan create 2 type port vlan members remove 2 1/1-1/47,2/3-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 2 1/47,2/1-2/2 interface vlan 2 ip address
router ospf enable router ospf network
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IP routing configuration examples 203 router vrrp ena interface vlan 2 ip vrrp address 1
ip vrrp 1 enable ip vrrp 1 backup-master enable vlan create 3999 type port vlan members remove 3999 1/1-1/47,2/3-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 3999 2/1-2/2 interface vlan 3999 ip address
#PORT CONFIGURATION – PHASE II # config t mlt spanning-tree 1 stp all learning disable interface fast-Ethernet 1/48 spanning-tree stp 1 learning disable
2. Configuration for R2
#MLT CONFIGURATION # config t mlt 1 member 2/1-2/2 mlt 1 enable vlan port 2/2-2/2 tagging enable interface mlt 1 ist enable peer-ip vlan 3999 interface fast-Ethernet 1/48 smlt 1
#VLAN CONFIGURATION # config t vlan members remove 1 1/48,2/1-2/2 vlan create 2 type port vlan members remove 2 1/1-1/47,2/3-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 2 1/48,2/1-2/2 interface vlan 2 ip address
router ospf enable router ospf network
router vrrp ena interface vlan 2 ip vrrp address 1
ip vrrp 1 enable ip vrrp 1 backup-master enable vlan create 3999 type port vlan members remove 3999 1/1-1/47,2/3-2/8,3/1-3/8 vlan members add 3999 2/1-2/2 interface vlan 3999 ip address
#PORT CONFIGURATION – PHASE II # config t mlt spanning-tree 1 stp all learning disable
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204 IP Routing Configuration and Management interface fast-Ethernet 1/48 spanning-tree stp 1 learning disable
Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP)
Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) is an IP feature for load-balancing routed IP traffic across up to four equal-cost paths for each supported protocol. ECMP supports OSPF, RIP, and static routes. Some benefits of using ECMP:
• Supported protocols will rerun when an ECMP path fails, and the other configured paths will automatically take the load.
• Load sharing implies better use of network facilities.
ECMP is selected based on the source and destination IP address in the packet. The hash_control register has a HASH_SELECT field which is set to 5 (lower CRC-32).
R1 = CRC32 (SIP, DIP)
R2 = R1 & 0x1F(The Least Significant 5 bits are selected) ecmp_index = R2 % (ecmp_count + 1)
Note: The value ecmp_count above is zero-based in the hardware so if four paths are present then the value is three. This is why the value is ecmp_count + 1.
The ECMP traffic distribution algorithm is demonstrated in the following example:
Consider two network devices, Device 1 at the IP address and
Device 2 at Device 1 send to Device 2 so that is the source IP address (SIP) and is the destination IP address (Device
To calculate the CRC32 for the example source and destination IP address noted above, the following calculations would be made:
• CRC32 polynomial : x ^ 32 + x ^ 28 + x ^ 23 + x ^ 22 + x ^ 16 + x ^ 12 + x ^ 11 + x ^ 10 + x ^ 8 + x ^ 7 + x ^ 5 + x ^ 4 + x ^ 2 + x ^ 1 + 1
• R1 = CRC32 ( 0xc0010103, 0xc0010104 ) = 0xf474b549
• R2 = ( 0xf474b549 & 0x1f ) = 9
If, for the purposes of this example, it is assumed that the ECMP count is 4
(hardware entries 0 though 3), the following calculation is then made:
• ecmp_index = 9 % ( 4+1 ) = 1
This means that in this example, the second path at hardware index 1 in the ECMP table will be used.
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IP routing configuration examples 205
In the configuration example illustrated below, the following command would enable two OSPF ECMP paths on router R1:
5530-24TFD(config)#ospf maximum-path 2
ECMP configuration example
Use the following commands to enable ECMP on each of the supported protocols:
• OSPF ospf maximum-path <path_count>
• RIP rip maximum-path <path_count>
• Static Routes maximum-path <path_count>
In all commands above, the <path_count> parameter represents the number of ECMP paths allotted. This is a value between 1 and 4. The default is 1.
Displaying the IP routing table
After ECMP configuration is complete, verify the ECMP paths in the routing table using the show ip route command. The following example displays the output for this command:
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206 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Ip Route
10 1
1 2
1 1
Total Routes: 6
TYPE Legend: I=Indirect Route, D=Direct Route, A=Alternative Route,
B=Best Route,E=Ecmp Route, U=Unresolved Route, N=Not in HW
Paths shown with the letter E in the TYPE column are designated equal-cost paths. In this example, two routes to IP address and two routes to
IP address are displayed.
Displaying global ECMP configuration
To confirm global ECMP configuration, use the show ecmp command. A sample output from this command is displayed below:
5530-24TFD# show ecmp
Protocol MAX-PATH
1 rip: ospf:
IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager
This section describes the procedures for IP routing configuration using the
Java Device Manager (JDM).
Layer 3 routable VLANs
The Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series are Layer 3 (L3) switches.
This means that a regular L2 VLAN becomes a routable L3 VLAN if an
IP address and MAC address are attached to the VLAN. When routing is enabled in L3 mode, every L3 VLAN is capable of routing as well as carrying the management traffic. The user can use any L3 VLAN instead of the
Management VLAN to manage the switch.
This section covers the functionality in the Java Device Manager used to make Layer 3 Routable VLANs possible.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 207
Creating a Layer 3 routable VLAN
Note: The creation of a Management VLAN in the JDM requires the assignment of an IP address to a VLAN. Ensure that IP forwarding is turned on before proceeding.
To enable IP forwarding on the switch, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the IP dialog by selecting IP Routing > IP from the Device
Manager menu. The IP dialog opens with the Globals tab selected.
This tab is illustrated below.
IP dialog - Globals tab
In the Forwarding section, select the forwarding option.
Click Apply.
With IP forwarding enabled on the switch, the creation of a Layer 3
Routable VLAN can proceed. To create a Layer 3 Routable VLAN, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the VLANs screen by selecting VLAN > VLANs from the JDM menu.
Select the VLAN for Management VLAN assignment.
Click IP. The IP VLAN screen opens with the IP Address tab selected. This screen and tab are illustrated below.
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208 IP Routing Configuration and Management
IP VLAN screen
The following table describes the IP Address tab fields.
IP Address tab fields
The IP address associated with the selected
The subnet mask address.
The IP broadcast address format used on this interface.
The size of the largest IP datagram which this entity can reassemble from fragmented incoming IP datagrams received on this interface.
The VLAN number. A value of -1 indicates that the VLAN ID is ignored.
Used to translate the IP address into a MAC address. The valid range is 1--256.
Indicates whether or not this entry corresponds to a secondary interface. If the value is false, then this is the primary IP address, if the value is true, then this is a secondary IP address.
Note: You can assign 1 primary IP address and up to 8 secondary IP addresses to a VLAN.
Click Insert. The Insert IP Address screen opens. This screen is illustrated below.
Insert IP Address screen
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 209
Type the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Mac Address Offset in the fields provided.
Click Insert.
IP routing
IP routing tasks are performed in the JDM using the IP screen. To open the
IP screen, select IP Routing > IP from the menu. This screen is illustrated below.
IP screen
This section outlines the various tabs on this screen and their use in IP routing configuration.
Globals tab
The Globals tab is used to configure global IP routing information. To configure this information, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the IP screen by selecting IP Routing > IP from the menu.
Select the Globals tab. This tab is illustrated below.
2 In the fields provided, enter the necessary configuration information.
The following table outlines the fields on this tab.
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210 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Globals tab fields
Indicates whether the switch is forwarding datagrams received by it but not addressed to it. Generally, IP routers forward datagrams but
IP hosts do not (except those source-routed through the host).
Default value inserted into the Time-To-Live field of the IP header of datagrams originated at this entity, whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol.
Default value is 64.
Maximum number of seconds that received fragments are held while they await reassembly at this entity. Default value is 60.
The lifetime in minutes of an ARP entry within the system.
3 Click Apply.
Addresses tab
The Addresses tab displays IP information for the switch. To view the information on this tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the IP screen by selecting IP Routing > IP from the menu.
Select the Addresses tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Addresses tab
The Addresses tab is a read-only tab. Click Refresh to immediately refresh the information it displays. The fields on this tab are outlined in the following table.
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Addresses tab fields
The port number or VLAN ID.
The device IP address.
The subnet mask address.
The IP broadcast address used.
The size of the largest IP datagram that this entity can reassemble from incoming
IP fragmented datagrams received on this interface.
The VLAN number. A value of -1 indicates that the VLAN ID is ignored.
Used to calculate the offset of the VLAN MAC from the switch MAC.
The SecondaryIf field is set to True if the
VLAN IP address is a secondary IP address and False if the IP address for the VLAN is the primary IP address.
Routes tab
The Routes tab lists the different routes (dynamic or static) known to the switch. To view the known routes, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the IP screen by selecting IP Routing > IP from the menu.
Select the Routes tab. This tab is illustrated below.
IP dialog- Routes tab
2 Using the fields provided, view the information provided on switch routes. The fields on this tab are described in the following table.
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212 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Routes tab fields
The destination address of the route.
The subnet mask used by the route destination.
The next hop in the listed route.
The OSPF hop count or metric associated with the route.
The interface associated with the route.
The protocol associated with the route.
The route path type.
The preference value associated with the route.
Note: Routes will not be displayed until at least one port in the VLAN has link.
The route list can be updated by clicking the Refresh button. The route list can also be filtered. This is described below.
Filtering route information
The Routes tab can be filtered to display only the desired switch routes.
Use the following procedure to filter the Routes tab:
Step Action
1 With the Routes tab open, click the Filter button. The Filter dialog is displayed. This dialog is illustrated below.
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2 Using the fields provided, set the filter for the tab. These fields are described in the following table.
Filter dialog fields
Ignore Case
All Records
When using multiple filter expressions on the tab, this is the condition that is used to join them together.
Denotes whether filters are case sensitive or insensitive.
Denotes the type of criteria that will be applied to values used for filtering.
Select this check box to clear any filters and display all rows.
Select this check box and enter a value to filter on the route destination value.
Select this check box and enter a value to filter on the route destination subnet mask value.
Select this check box and enter a value to filter on the route next hop value.
Select this check box and enter a value to filter on the hop count or metric of the route.
Select this check box and enter a value to filter on the route’s associated interface.
Select this check box and enter a value to filter on the route protocol.
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214 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Select this check box and enter a value to filter on the route path type.
Select this check box and enter a value to filter on the route preference value.
3 Click Filter.
The tab will now be filtered on the criteria specified.
Static Routes tab
The Static Routes tab is used to configure static routes for the switch. To configure a static route with this tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the IP screen by selecting IP Routing > IP from the menu.
Select the Static Routes tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Static Routes tab
2 Click Insert. The Insert Static Route screen opens. This screen is illustrated below.
Insert Static Route screen
3 In the fields provided, enter the information for the new static route.
The following table outlines the fields on this screen.
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Insert Static Route fields
The destination IP address of the route. is considered the default route. Multiple routes to a single destination can appear in the table, but access to such multiple entries is dependent on the table-access mechanisms defined by the network management protocol in use.
The destination mask of the route.
The IP address of the next hop of this route.
In the case of a route bound to an interface that is realized through a broadcast media, the value of this field is the agent IP address on that interface.
This field represents the cost of the static route.
It is used to choose the best route (the one with the smallest cost) to a certain destination.
This field has a range of 1 to 65535. If this metric is not used, the value is set to -1.
Enable the new static route.
Click Insert. The new static route is displayed on the Static Routes tab.
ARP tab
The ARP tab is used to configure Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) entries for the switch. To configure the ARP tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the IP screen by selecting IP Routing > IP from the menu.
Select the ARP tab. This tab is illustrated below.
ARP tab
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216 IP Routing Configuration and Management
2 Click Insert. The Insert ARP Entry screen opens. This screen is illustrated below.
Insert ARP Entry screen
To determine the interface and VLAN to use for the ARP entry, do the following: a. Select a VLAN from the Port in VLAN drop down list.
b. Using the provided dialog, select the ports that will be used in this entry.
c. The Interface field will be populated with the appropriate VLAN
/ interface information.
In the fields provided, enter the remainder of the required information for the new ARP entry. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Insert ARP Entry fields
The unique hardware address of the device.
The IP address of the device used to represent a point of attachment in a TCP/IP internetwork.
Click Insert. The ARP tab is displayed with the new entry.
ARP Interfaces tab
The ARP Interfaces tab is used to configure proxy ARP on the switch.
Proxy ARP allows the switch to respond to an ARP request from a locally attached host (or end station) for a remote destination.
To configure proxy ARP, use the following procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > IP from the Device Manager menu. The IP dialog opens with the Globals tab selected.
Select the ARP Interfaces tab. This tab is illustrated below.
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IP screen - ARP Interfaces tab
Using the provided fields, configure proxy ARP. These fields are outlined in the following table.
ARP Interfaces tab fields
The index of the configured switch interface.
Enable or disable proxy ARP on the interface.
Enable or disable the sending of ARP responses on the specified interface.
Click Apply.
ARP Inspection VLAN tab
To view and change ARP inspection status for VLANs, use the following procedure:
Step Action
From the Device Manager, select IP Routing > IP. The IP window appears.
Select the ARP Inspection-VLAN tab. The ARP Inspection-VLAN window appears.
ARP Inspection-VLAN tab
To change the ARP Inspection status for a VLAN, select the VLAN.
Double click the ArpInspectionEnabled field for the VLAN.
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218 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Select true to enable ARP Inspection-VLAN or falseto disable ARP
Click Apply.
ARP Inspection port tab
To view and change ARP inspection status for ports, use the following procedure:
Step Action
From the Device Manager, select IP Routing > IP. The IP window appears.
Select the ARP Inspection-port tab. The ARP Inspection-port window appears.
ARP Inspection-port tab
To change the ARP Inspection status for a port, select the port.
Double click the ArpInspectionIfTrusted field for the port.
Select true enable ARP Inspection or falseto disable ARP
Click Apply.
Note: ArpInspectionIfTrusted controls whether or not the interface is trusted for ARP inspection.
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TCP tab
The TCP tab displays Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) information for the switch. This is a read-only tab. To view information on the TCP tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the IP screen by selecting IP Routing > IP from the menu.
Select the TCP tab. This tab is illustrated below.
TCP tab
2 Click Refresh to immediately refresh the information this tab displays.
The following table outlines the fields on this tab.
TCP tab fields
The algorithm used to determine the timeout value used for retransmitting unacknowledged octets.
The minimum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout, measured in milliseconds.
The maximum value permitted by a TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout, measured in milliseconds.
The limit on the total number of TCP connections that the entity can support.
In entities where the maximum number of connections is dynamic, this object contains the value -1.
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220 IP Routing Configuration and Management
TCP Connections tab
This tab displays information on the current TCP connections the switch maintains. This tab is read-only. To view information on this tab, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the IP screen by selecting IP Routing > IP from the menu.
Select the TCP Connections tab. This tab is illustrated below.
TCP Connections tab
2 Click Refresh to immediately refresh the information this tab displays.
The following table describes the fields on this tab.
TCP Connections tab fields
The local IP address for this TCP connection.
In the case of a connection in the listen state, which is willing to accept connections for any
IP interface associated with the node, the value is used.
The local port number for this TCP connection.
The remote IP address for this TCP connection.
The remote port number for this TCP connection.
The state of this TCP connection.
UDP Listeners tab
This tab displays information on the UDP listeners currently maintained by the switch. This tab is read-only. To view the information on this tab, follow this procedure:
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Step Action
1 Open the IP screen by selecting IP Routing > IP from the menu.
Select the UDP Listeners tab. This tab is illustrated below.
UDP Listeners tab
2 Click Refresh to immediately refresh the information displayed.
The following table outlines the fields on this tab.
UDP Listeners tab fields
The local IP address for this UDP listener.
In the case of a UDP listener that accepts datagrams for any IP interface associated with the node, the value is used.
The local port number for this UDP listener.
ECMP tab
The ECMP tab is used to configure the Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) feature on the switch.
To configure ECMP, use the following procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > IP from the Device Manager menu. The IP dialog opens with the Globals tab selected
Select the ECMP tab. This tab is illustrated below.
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222 IP Routing Configuration and Management
IP dialog - ECMP tab
Using the provided fields, configure ECMP. These fields are outlined in the following table.
ECMP tab fields
The routing protocol to be configured.
The maximum number of ECMP paths assigned to the protocol.
Click Apply.
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) configuration
This section describes the Java Device Manager procedures used to configure and manage the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) on the Nortel
Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series. RIP is a distance vector protocol used to dynamically discover network routes based on information passed between routers in the network. RIP is useful in network environments where using static route administration would be difficult.
Global RIP configuration
Global RIP configuration is used to configure the RIP parameters that will apply to all active RIP interfaces. To configure global parameters, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > RIP from the Device Manager menu. The RIP dialog is opened with the Globals tab selected. This tab is illustrated below.
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RIP dialog - Globals tab
Using the fields provided, configure the global RIP parameters. The following table describes these parameters.
Globals tab fields
Enables or disables the operation of RIP on all interfaces. The default is disabled.
The time interval between RIP updates on all interfaces. It is a global parameter for the box; that is, it applies to all interfaces and cannot be set individually for each interface. The default is 30 seconds.
The number of route changes made to the IP Route
Database by RIP; does not include the refresh of a route’s age.
The number of responses sent to RIP queries from other systems.
Sets the length of time that RIP will continue to advertise a network after determining it is unreachable. The range is 0 to 360 seconds. The default is 120 seconds.
The time out interval between RIP update and all interfaces.
Sets the value of the default import metric to import a route into a RIP domain. For announcing OSPF internal routes into a RIP domain, if the policy does not specify a metric value, the default import metric should be used. For OSPF external routes, the external cost is used.
Click Apply.
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224 IP Routing Configuration and Management
RIP interface configuration
RIP interface configuration is used to tailor RIP to the individual interfaces.
To configure a RIP interface, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > RIP from the Device Manager menu. The RIP dialog is opened. Select the Interface tab. This tab is illustrated below.
RIP dialog - Interface tab
2 Using the fields provided, configure the interface. The following table describes these fields.
Interface tab fields
The IP address of the RIP interface. This field is for organizational purposes only and cannot be edited.
Sets the RIP version sent on this interface. The following values are valid:
• doNotSend - No RIP updates sent on this interface.
• ripVersion1 - RIP updates compliant with RFC
• rip1Compatible - Broadcasts RIPv2 updates using RFC 1058 route subsumption rules.
• ripVersion2 - Multicasting RIPv2 updates.
The default is rip1Compatible.
Sets the RIP version received on this interface: rip1, rip2, or rip1OrRip2 The default is rip1OrRip2. Note that rip2 and rip1OrRip2 imply reception of multicast packets.
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3 Click Apply.
IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 225
Advanced RIP interface configuration
Advanced RIP interface configuration is used to fine tune and further configure a RIP interface. To configure advanced RIP interface options, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > RIP from the Device Manager menu. The RIP dialog is opened. Select the Interface Advance tab. This tab is illustrated below.
RIP dialog - Interface Advance tab
2 Using the fields provided, configure the advanced RIP features.
These fields are described in the following table.
Interface Advance tab fields
The IP address of the RIP interface. This field is for organizational purposes only and cannot be edited.
The switch interface that corresponds to the listed
IP address.
Enables or disables RIP on this interface.
Determines whether this interface supplies RIP advertisements.
Determines whether this interface listens for RIP advertisements.
Enables or disables poison reverse on this interface.
Determines whether this interface advertises default routes.
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226 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Determines whether this interface listens for default route advertisements.
Enables or disables triggered updates on this interface.
Enables or disables auto aggregation on this interface.
Associates a previously configured switch policy with this interface for use as an in policy.
Associates a previously configured switch policy with this interface for use as an out policy.
The cost associated with this interface.
Sets the holddown timer for this interface. This is an integer value in seconds between 0 and 360.
Sets the timeout interval for this interface. This is an integer value between 15 and 259200.
ProxyAnnounceFlag Enables or disables proxy announcements on this interface.
Click Apply.
RIP Statistics
The Stats tab provides statistical information about the currently configured
RIP interfaces. To view these RIP statistics, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > RIP from the Device Manager menu. The RIP dialog opens with the Globals tab selected.
Select the Stats tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Stats tab
3 RIP statistics for the configured interfaces are displayed. The fields on this tab are outlined in the following table.
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Stats tab fields
The RIP interface address.
The number of RIP response packets received by the interface that have been discarded.
The number of RIP routes received by the interface that have been ignored.
The number of triggered RIP updates actually sent on this interface. This does not include full updates sent containing new information.
To graph these statistics, select a row from the Stats tab and click the
Graph button. A new dialog will open with the statistics for the selected interface. This dialog is illustrated below.
RIP Stats Graph dialog
Select a graph type by clicking the appropriate graphing button.
VLAN RIP configuration
The RIP tab of the IP VLAN screen is used to configure RIP parameters for the interface.
To configure VLAN RIP parameters, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select VLAN > VLANs from the Device Manager menu. The VLAN dialog opens with the Basic tab selected.
On the Basic tab, select an interface and click the IP button.
The IP VLAN screen opens with the IP Address tab selected.
Select the RIP tab. This tab is illustrated below.
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228 IP Routing Configuration and Management
IP VLAN screen - RIP tab
Using the provided fields, configure the interface RIP parameters.
These fields are outlined in the following table.
RIP tab fields
Determines whether or not poison reverse is implemented on this interface.
Determines whether or not the interface implements the default supply mechanism.
DefaultListen Determines whether or not the interface implements the default listen mechanism.
AutoAggregateEnable Determines whether or not auto aggregation is enabled on this interface.
AdvertiseWhenDown Determines whether or not this interface will advertise even when non-operational.
Cost The cost associated with this interface.
Click Apply.
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) configuration
The Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Protocol is an Interior Gateway
Protocol (IGP) that distributes routing information between routers belonging to a single autonomous system (AS). Intended for use in large networks,
OSPF is a link-state protocol which supports IP subnetting and the tagging of externally-derived routing information.
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This section describes the configuration of OSPF on the switch using the
Java Device Manager.
Global OSPF configuration
The General tab of the OSPF dialog is used to configure global OSPF parameters. To configure these parameters, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open with the General tab selected. This tab is illustrated below.
OSPF dialog - General tab
2 Using the fields provided, configure the global OSPF parameters.
These fields are described in the following table.
General tab fields
The unique ID of the router in the Autonomous
The administrative status of OSPF on the router.
The current OSPF version number.
Denotes whether this router is an Area
Border Router.
Denotes whether this router is an
Autonomous System Border Router.
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230 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The number of external (link state type 5) link-state advertisements in the link state database.
The sum of the link state checksums of the external link state advertisements contained in the link state database. This sum can be used to determine if there has been a change in a router’s link state database and to compare the link state database of two routers.
The number of new link state advertisements that have been originated. This number is incremented each time the router originates a new link state advertisement.
RxNewLsas The number of link state advertisements received determined to be new instantiations.
This number does not include newer instantiations of self-originated link state advertisements.
10MbpsPortDefaultMetric The default metric of a 10 Mbps port. This is an integer value between 1 and 65535.
100MbpsPortDefaultMetric The default metric of a 100 Mbps port. This is an integer value between 1 and 65535.
1000MbpsPortDefaultMetricThe default metric of a 1000 Mbps port. This is an integer value between 1 and 65535.
OspfAction is an integer value between 1 and 65535.
Indicates whether OSPF traps should be sent.
Indicates status of OSPF automatic Virtual
Link. The default setting is disabled.
The SPF Hold Down Timer value is an integer between 3 and 60. The SPF will run, at most, once per hold down timer value.
An immediate OSPF action to take. Select
runSpf and click Apply to do an immediate
SPF run.
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Controls the preference rules used when choosing among multiple Autonomous
System external link state advertisements advertising the same destination. When this is enabled, the preference rule will be the same as specified by RFC 1583.
When disabled, the new preference rule, as described in RFC 2328, will be applicable.
This potentially prevents the routing loops when Autonomous System external link state advertisements for the same destination have been originated from different areas.
Used to indicate the time the last SPF calculation was done.
Click Apply.
OSPF area configuration
The Areas tab of the OSPF dialog is used to configure OSPF area parameters. To configure these parameters, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Areas tab. This tab is illustrated below.
OSPF dialog - Areas tab
2 Using the fields provided, configure the existing OSPF areas. These fields are described in the table below.
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232 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Areas tab fields
The area’s unique identifier. Area ID is used for the OSPF backbone.
The area’s support for importing Autonomous
System external link state advertisements.
The options available are: importExternal, importNoExternal, and importNssa.
The number of times that the intra-area route table has been calculated using this area link state database.
The total number of Area Border Routers reachable within this area. This is initially zero and is calculated in each SPF pass.
The total number of Autonomous System
Border Routers reachable within this area. This is initially zero, and is calculated in each SPF pass.
The total number of link state advertisements in this area’s link state database, excluding
Autonomous System external link state advertisements.
The sum of the link state advertisements’ checksums contained in this area’s link state database. This sum excludes external (link state type 5) link state advertisements. The sum can be used to determine if there has been a change in a router’s link state database, and to compare the link state database of two routers.
Controls the import of summary link state advertisements into stub areas. It has no effect on other areas. If the value is noAreaSummary, the router will neither originate nor propagate summary link state advertisements into the stub area. If the value is sendAreaSummary, the router will both summarize and propagate summary link state advertisements.
Click Apply.
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OSPF area creation
The Areas tab can also be used to create a new OSPF area. To create a new OSPF area, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Areas tab. This tab is illustrated above.
Click Insert.
3 The Insert Areas dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
Insert Areas dialog
Using the fields provided, create the new area. These fields are described in the following table.
Insert Areas dialog fields
The area’s unique identifier. Area ID is used for the OSPF backbone.
The area’s support for importing Autonomous
System external link state advertisements.
The options available in this drop down list are: importExternal, importNoExternal, and importNssa.
Click Insert.
OSPF area deletion
To delete an OSPF area, use the following procedure.
Deleting an OSPF area
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234 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog opens.
Select the Areas tab.
Select an AreaID to delete.
Click Delete.
Stub Area Metrics configuration
The Stub Area Metrics tab of the OSPF dialog is used to configure stub area metrics associated with different types of service. To configure these parameters, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Stub Area Metrics tab. This tab is illustrated below.
OSPF dialog - Stub Area Metrics tab
2 Using the fields provided, configure the stub area metrics. These fields are described in the table below.
Stub Area Metrics tab fields
The unique ID of the stub area.
The Type of Service associated with the metric.
The metric value applied to the indicated type of service. By default, this equals the least metric at the type of service among the interfaces to other areas.
Displays the status of the entry; Active or Not Active.
This field is read-only.
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3 Click Apply.
IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 235
Interface configuration
The Interfaces tab of the OSPF dialog is used to configure OSPF interfaces.
To configure OSPF interfaces, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Interfaces tab. This tab is illustrated below.
OSPF dialog - Interfaces tab
2 Using the fields provided, configure the OSPF interface. These fields are described in the table below.
Interfaces tab fields
The IP address of the OSPF interface.
The unique ID of the area to which the interface connects. Area ID indicates the OSPF backbone.
The administrative status of the OSPF interface.
Correct DR state of the OSPF interface (DR,
BDR, OtherDR).
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236 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The IP address of the Designated Router.
BackupDesignatedRouter The IP address of the Backup Designated
The OSPF interface type. The options available are: broadcast or passive.
AuthType The interface authentication type. The options available are: none, simplePassword, or md5.
The priority of the interface. Used in multi-access networks, this field is used in the designated router election algorithm.
The value 0 signifies that the router is not eligible to become the designated router on this network. In the event of a tie in this value, routers will use their Router ID as a tie breaker. This is an integer value between 0 and 255.
The interface authentication key. This key is for when AuthType is simplePassword.
The MD5 primary key if it exists. Otherwise this field will display 0.
The interval in seconds between the Hello packets sent by the router on this interface.
This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common network. This is an integer value between 1 and 65535.
The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet over this interface. This is an integer value between
0 and 3600.
The number of seconds between link state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface.
This value is also used when retransmitting database description and link state request packets. This is an integer value between
0 and 3600.
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The number of seconds that a router’s Hello packets have not been transmitted before the router neighbors declare it down. This value should be some multiple of the Hello interval and must be the same for all routers attached to the common network. This is an integer value between 0 and 2147483647 and must be multiple of the HelloInterval value.
The number of seconds allocated between polls.
Indicates if this interface advertises even when it is non-operational.
Indicates whether the MTU value is ignored.
The number of times this OSPF interface has changed its state or an error has occurred.
Click Apply.
Interface Metric configuration
The If Metrics tab of the OSPF dialog is used to configure OSPF interface metrics. To configure OSPF interface metrics, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the If Metrics tab. This tab is illustrated below.
OSPF dialog - If Metrics tab
2 Using the fields provided, configure the interface metrics. These fields are described in the table below.
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If Metrics tab fields
The IP address of the interface.
The Type of Service associated with the metric.
The value advertized to other areas indicating the distance from the OSPF router to any network in the range. This is an integer value between 0 and 65535.
Displays the status of the entry; Active or Not Active.
This field is read-only.
Click Apply.
Neighbor information
The Neighbors tab of the OSPF dialog is used to view OSPF neighbor information. To view OSPF neighbors, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Neighbors tab. This tab is illustrated below.
OSPF dialog - Neighbors tab
2 Using the fields provided, view the OSPF neighbor information.
These fields are explained in the table below.
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Neighbor tab fields
The IP address this neighbor is using as an IP source address. On addressless links, this will not be represented as but as the address of another of the neighbor’s interfaces.
The corresponding value of the interface index on addressless links. This value is zero for interfaces having an IP address.
The unique ID of the neighboring router in the Autonomous System.
A value corresponding to the neighbor’s
Options field.
The priority of the neighbor in the designated router election algorithm. A value of 0 indicates that the neighbor is not eligible to become the designated router on this particular network. This is a value between 0 and 255.
The state of the relationship with this neighbor.
The number of times this neighbor relationship has changed state or an error has occurred.
RetransmissionQueueLength The current length of the retransmission queue.
NbmaNbrPermanence The status of the entry. The values
dynamic and permanent refer to how the neighbor came to be known.
This field indicates whether Hello packets are being suppressed to the neighbor.
The neighbor’s interface address.
Click Refresh to update the information.
Virtual interface information
Use the Virtual If tab of the OSPF dialog to view virtual interface information.
Use the following procedure to view OSPF Virtual Interface information:
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240 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Step Action
Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog opens.
Select the Virtual If tab. The Virtual If tab is illustrated below.
Virtual If tab
3 Use the fields on the tab, as described in the following table, to view the Virtual Interface information.
Virtual Interface fields
Specifies the unique ID of the area connected to the interface. TIP: an area ID of indicates the
OSPF backbone.
Specifies ID of adjacent, reachable routers.
Specifies the estimated number of seconds required to transmit a link state update packet over the virtual interface. The transit delay is expressed as an integer between 0 and 3600.
Specifies the number of seconds between link state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to the virtual interface. The retransmit interval is also used to transmit database description and link state request packets. The retransmit interval is expressed as an integer between 0 and 3600.
Specifies the interval, in seconds, between the Hello packets sent by the router on the virtual interface.
TIP: This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common network. The hello interval is expressed as an integer between 1 and 65535.
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Field Description
RtrDeadInterval Specifies the number of seconds since a router last transmitted hello packets before neighbor routers declare it down. The retransmit dead interval is expressed as an integer between 0 and 2147483647.
TIP: The retransmit dead interval should be a multiple of the hello interval and must be the same for all routers attached to a common network.
AuthType Specifies the interface authentication type.
The available authentication types are: none, simplePassword, or MD5.
PrimaryMd5Key Specifies the MD5 primary key. If no MD5 primary key exists, the value in this field is 0.
Specifies the interface authentication key used with the simplePassword authentication type.
Specifies the current DR state of the interface. States are designated router (DR), backup designated router
(BDR), or OtherDR.
Specifies the number of times the virtual interface has changed state or the number of times an error has occurred.
Specifies whether the virtual interface is broadcast or passive.
Click one of the labelled buttons across the bottom of the tab to refresh the information in the view, insert or delete information, apply changes, copy or paste settings, reset changes, export information to an external file or print.
Virtual interface creation
To create an OSPF virtual interface, use the following procedure.
Creating an OSPF virtual interface
Step Action
From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing.
Select OSPF. The OSPF window opens with the General tab open.
Select the Virtual If tab. The Virtual If window opens.
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242 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Virtual interface tab
4 Click Insert. The OSPF, Insert Virtual If dialog opens.
Insert virtual interface dialog
5 Enter the information in the fields on the Virtual If window.
OSPF Insert Virtual Interface fields
Specifies the unique identifier of the area connected to the interface.
TIP: an area ID of indicates the OSPF backbone.
Specifies the ID of adjacent, reachable routers.
Specifies the estimated number of seconds required to transmit a link state update packet over the virtual interface. Transit delay is expressed as an integer between 0-3600. The default value is 0.
Specifies the number of seconds between link state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to the virtual interface. The retransmit interval is also used to transmit database description and link state request packets. The retransmit interval is expressed as an interval between 0-3600. The default value is 5.
Specifies the interval, in seconds, between the Hello packets sent by the router on the virtual interface. TIP: This value must be the same for all routers attached to a common network. The hello interval is expressed as an integer between 1-65535. The default value is 10.
Specifies the number of seconds since a router last transmitted hello packets before neighbor routers declare it down. The retransmit dead interval is expressed as an integer between 0-2147483647. The default value is 60.
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Specifies the interface authentication type. The available authentication types are: none, simple password, or MD5. If you select simplePassword, you must supply an authorization key.
Specifies the interface authentication key used with the simplePassword authentication type.
Click Insert.
Virtual interface deletion
To delete an OSPF virtual interface, use the following procedure.
Deleting an OSPF virtual interface
Step Action
From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing.
Select OSPF. The OSPF window opens.
Select the Virtual If tab.
Select an AreaId to delete.
Click Delete.
Automatic Virtual Link creation
Use the AutoVirtLinkEnable box on the OSPF General tab to create an automatic virtual link. For more information about Virtual Link, see
"OSPF virtual link" (page 31) .
Use the following procedure to create an automatic Virtual Link.
Creating an automatic Virtual Link
Step Action
From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing > OSPF.
The OSPF dialog opens.
On the General tab, enter the router ID in the RouterId box for one of the end point ABRs.
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244 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Check the AutoVirtLinkEnable box.
Click Apply.
Enter the router ID in the RouterId box for the other end point ABR.
Check the AutoVirtLinkEnable box.
Click Apply.
Automatic Virtual Link Deletion
To delete an automatic Virtual Link use the following procedure.
Deleting an automatic Virtual Link
Step Action
From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing > OSPF.
The OSPF dialog opens.
On the General tab, enter the router ID in the RouterId box for one of the end point ABRs.
Deselect the AutoVirtLinkEnable box.
Click Apply.
Enter the router ID in the RouterId box for the other end point ABR.
Deselect the AutoVirtLinkEnable box.
Click Apply.
Automatic Virtual Links are also removed when the transit area is deleted or when the router is no longer an ABR.
Virtual neighbors information
Use the Virtual Neighbors tab of the OSPF dialog to view virtual neighbor information.
Use the following procedure to view OSPF Virtual Neighbors information:
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Step Action
Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog opens.
Select the Virtual Neighbors tab. The Virtual Neighbors tab is illustrated below.
Virtual Neighbors tab
Use the fields on the tab, as described in the following table, to view the Virtual Neighbors information.
Virtual Neighbors tab fields
Specifies the subnetwork in which the virtual neighbor resides.
Specifies the 32-bit integer (represented as a type
IpAddress) uniquely identifying the neighboring router in the autonomous system. .
Specifies the IP address of the virtual neighboring router.
Specifies a bit mask corresponding to the option field of the neighbor.
Specifies the state of the Virtual Neighbor
Specifies the number of state changes or error events that have occurred between the OSPF router and the neighbor router.
RetransQLen Specifies the current length of the retransmission queue (the number of elapsed seconds between advertising retransmissions of the same packet to a neighbor).
HelloSuppressed Specifies whether Hello packets to the virtual neighbor are suppressed or not.
Click one of the labelled buttons across the bottom of the tab to refresh the information in the view, insert information, copy settings, or print.
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246 IP Routing Configuration and Management
OSPF Hosts information
Use the Hosts tab of the OSPF dialog to view virtual neighbor information.
Use the following procedure to view OSPF Hosts information:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog opens.
Select the Hosts tab. The Hosts tab illustration follows.
Hosts tab
Use the fields on the tab, as described in the following table, to view the Hosts information.
Hosts fields
Specifies the host IP address.
Specifies the configured route type of service.
TIP: the value in this field should be 0 as TOS-based routing is not supported.
Specifies the configured cost of the host.
Specifies the ID of the area connected to the host.
Click one of the labelled buttons across the bottom of the tab to refresh the information in the view, insert or delete information, copy settings, export information to an external file, or print.
OSPF Host creation
To create an OSPF host, use the following procedure.
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Creating an OSPF host
Step Action
1 From the Device main menu, select OSPF. The OSPF window opens.
Select the Hosts tab. The Hosts window opens.
Click Insert. The OSPF Insert Hosts dialog opens.
Enter the information on the Insert Hosts dialog.
OSPF Insert Hosts dialog
Specifies the host IP address.
Specifies the configured cost of the host.
Click Insert.
OSPF Host deletion
To delete an OSPF host, use the following procedure.
Deleting an OSPF host
Step Action
From the Device Manager main menu, select OSPF.
Select Hosts.
Select the IpAddress to delete.
Click Delete.
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248 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Link State Database information
The Link State Database tab of the OSPF dialog is used to view link state information. To view OSPF link states, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Link State Database tab. This tab is illustrated below.
OSPF dialog - Link State Database tab
2 Using the fields provided, view the link state database. These fields are described in the following table.
Link State Database fields
The unique identifier of the Area the link state advertisement was received from.
The type of link state advertisement. Each link state type has a separate advertisement format.
The Link State ID is a link state type-specific field containing either a Router ID or an IP address. This field identifies the section of the routing domain that is being described by the advertisement.
The unique identifier of the originating router in the
Autonomous System.
This field is used to detect old or duplicate link state advertisements by assigning an incremental number to duplicate advertisements. The higher the sequence number, the more recent the advertisement.
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The age of the link state advertisement in seconds.
The checksum of the complete content of the advertisement, excluding the Age field. This field is excluded so that the advertisement’s age can be increased without updating the checksum. The checksum used is the same as that used in ISO connectionless datagrams and is commonly referred to as the Fletcher checksum.
Click Refresh to update the information.
External Link State Database information
The Ext. Link State Database tab of the OSPF dialog is used to view external link state information. To view OSPF external link states, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Ext. Link State Database tab.
This tab is illustrated below.
OSPF dialog - Ext. Link State Database tab
2 Using the fields provided, view the external link state database.
These fields are described in the following table.
Ext. Link State Database fields
The type of link state advertisement. Each link state type has a separate advertisement format.
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250 IP Routing Configuration and Management
The Link State ID is a link state type-specific field containing either a Router ID or an IP address. This field identifies the section of the routing domain that is being described by the advertisement.
The unique identifier of the originating router in the
Autonomous System.
This field is used to detect old or duplicate link state advertisements by assigning an incremental number to duplicate advertisements. The higher the sequence number, the more recent the advertisement.
The age of the link state advertisement in seconds.
The checksum of the complete content of the advertisement, excluding the Age field. This field is excluded so that the advertisement’s age can be increased without updating the checksum.
The checksum used is the same as that used in
ISO connectionless datagrams and is commonly referred to as the Fletcher checksum.
The entire link state advertisement including the header."
Click Refresh to update the information.
Area Aggregate configuration
The Area Aggregate tab of the OSPF dialog is used to configure area aggregate information. To configure OSPF area aggregates, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Area Aggregate tab. This tab is illustrated below.
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OSPF dialog - Area Aggregate tab
2 Using the fields provided, configure the area aggregate information.
These fields are described in the following table.
Area Aggregate tab fields
The unique identifier of the Area this address aggregate is found in.
The type of address aggregate. This field specifies the link state database type that this address aggregate applies to. Select one of the following types: Summary Link, Aggregated Summary Link, nssaExternal link, or Not so Stubby Area Link.
The IP address of the network or subnetwork indicated by the aggregate range.
The subnet mask that pertains to the network or subnetwork.
This field indicates the aggregates effect. Subnets subsumed by aggregate ranges either trigger the advertisement of the indicated aggregate
(advertiseMatching value) or result in the subnet not being advertised at all outside the area. Select one of the following types: AdvertiseMatching
(Advertise the aggregate summary LSA with same LSID), DoNotAdvertiseMatching (Suppress all networks that fall within the entire range) or
AdvertiseDoNotAggregate (Advertise individual networks).
The advertisement metric associated with this aggregate. Enter an integer value between 0 and
65535 which represents the Metric cost value for the OSPF area range.
3 Click Apply.
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252 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Area Aggregate creation
To create a new OSPF area aggregate, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Area Aggregate tab. This tab is illustrated above.
Click Insert.
3 The Insert Area Aggregate dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
Insert Area Aggregate dialog
4 Using the fields provided, create the new area aggregate. These fields are described in the following table.
Insert Area Aggregate dialog fields
The unique identifier of the Area this address aggregate is found in.
The type of address aggregate. This field specifies the link state database type that this address aggregate applies to. Options available are: summaryLink and nssaExternalLink.
The IP address of the network or subnetwork indicated by the aggregate range.
The subnet mask that pertains to the network or subnetwork.
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This field indicates the aggregates effect.
Subnets subsumed by aggregate ranges either trigger the advertisement of the indicated aggregate (advertiseMatching value) or result in the subnet not being advertised at all outside the area. Options available are: advertiseMatching, doNotAdvertiseMatching, and advertiseDoNotAggregate.
The advertisement metric associated with this aggregate. This is an integer value between 0 and 65535.
Click Insert.
Area Aggregate deletion
To delete an OSPF area aggregate, use the following procedure.
Deleting an OSPF area aggregate
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing. The IP
Routing menu appears.
Select OSPF. The OSPF dialog opens.
Select the Area Aggregate tab. The Area Aggregate window opens.
Select an AreaID to delete.
Click Delete.
OSPF redistribution configuration
The Redistribution tab of the OSPF dialog is used to configure OSPF redistribution settings. To configure OSPF redistribution, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Redistribute tab. This tab is illustrated below.
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OSPF dialog - Redistribute tab
Use the fields provided on this tab to configure redistribution. These fields are described in the following table.
Redistribute tab fields
Select the route source protocol for redistribution
(RIP, Direct or Static).
Indicates whether the redistribution entry is active.
A value between 0 and 65535 that indicates the metric to be announced in the advertisement.
The field specifies the metric type. The value
type1 is treated as an internal metric and type2 is treated as an external metric.
This field indicates whether subnetworks need to be advertised individually. Options available are: allow and suppress.
The name of an existing route policy that will be used to determine whether a specific route should be advertised to a given protocol.
Click Apply.
Redistribution creation
To create a new redistribution entry, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Redistribute tab. This tab is illustrated above.
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Click Insert.
IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 255
The Insert Redistribute dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
Insert Redistribute dialog
Using the fields provided, create the new redistribution entry. These fields are described in the following table.
Insert Redistribute dialog fields
This field indicates that the protocol is either interested or not interested in knowing the routes learned from this source.
Indicates whether the redistribution entry is active.
A value between 0 and 65535 that indicates the metric to be announced in the advertisement.
The field specifies the metric type. The value
type1 is treated as an internal metric and type2 is treated as an external metric.
This field indicates whether subnetworks need to be advertised individually. Options available are: allow and supress.
The name of an existing switch policy that will be used to determine whether a specific route should be advertised to a given protocol.
Click Insert.
Redistribution deletion
To delete a redistribution entry, use the following procedure.
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256 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Deleting a redistribution entry
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing. The IP
Routing menu appears.
Select OSPF. The OSPF dialog opens.
Select the Redistribute tab. The Redistribute window opens.
Select a RouteSource to delete.
Click Delete.
Message Digest information
The Message Digest tab of the OSPF dialog is used to view OSPF message digest settings. To view OSPF message digests, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Message Digest tab. This tab is illustrated below.
OSPF dialog - Message Digest tab
2 Using the fields provided, view the message digest information.
These fields are described in the following table.
Message Digest tab fields
The IP address associated with the digest entry.
The index value of the digest entry. This is an integer value between 1 and 255.
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The type of digest entry. Only MD5 is supported.
The key value associated with the digest entry.
Click Refresh to update the displayed information.
Message Digest creation
To create a new OSPF message digest entry, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Message Digest tab. This tab is illustrated above.
Click Insert.
3 The Insert Message Digest dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
Insert Message Digest dialog
Using the fields provided, create the new digest entry. These fields are described in the following table.
Insert Message Digest dialog fields
The IP address associated with the digest entry.
The index value of the digest entry. This is an integer value between 1 and 255.
The type of digest entry. Only MD5 is supported.
The key value associated with the digest entry.
Click Insert.
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258 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Message Digest deletion
To delete an OSPF message digest entry, use the following procedure.
Deleting an OSPF message digest entry
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing. The IP
Routing menu appears.
Select OSPF. The OSPF dialog opens.
Select the Message Digest tab. The Message Digest window opens.
Select an IpAddress to delete.
Click Delete.
Virtual If Message Digest information
Use the Virtual If Message Digest tab of the OSPF dialog to view OSPF virtual message digest settings.
To view OSPF virtual message digest settings, use the following procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog opens.
Select the Virtual If Message Digest tab. See the following illustration of Virtual If Message Digest tab
Virtual If Message Digest tab
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Use the fields in the following table to view Virtual If Message Digest information:
Virtual If Message Digest fields
Specifies the ID of the area associated with the virtual interface message digest entry.
Specifies the IP address of the neighbor router associated with the virtual interface message digest entry.
Specifies the index value of the virtual interface message digest entry. The value is an integer between 1 and 255.
Specifies the type of virtual interface digest entry.
Specifies the key associated with the virtual interface message digest entry.
Click one of the labelled buttons across the bottom of the tab to refresh the information in the view, insert or delete information, copy settings, export information to an external file, or print.
Virtual If Message Digest creation
To create a Virtual Message Digest entry, use the following procedure.
Creating a Virtual If Message Digest entry
Step Action
From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing. The IP
Routing menu appears.
Select OSPF. The OSPF window opens.
Select the Virtual If Message Digest tab. The Virtual If Message
Digest screen opens.
Click Insert. The OSPF, Insert Virtual If Message Digest window opens.
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OSPF Insert Virtual If Message Digest window
Enter the information in the fields provided.
Click Insert.
Virtual If Message Digest deletion
To delete a Virtual Message Digest entry, use the following procedure.
Deleting a Virtual If Message Digest entry
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing. The IP
Routing menu appears.
Select OSPF. The OSPF dialog opens.
Select the Virtual If Message Digest tab. The Virtual If Message
Digest window opens.
Select an AreaId to delete.
Click Delete.
OSPF statistics
The Stats tab of the OSPF dialog is used to view OSPF statistics. To view
OSPF statistics, use the following procedure:
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Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > OSPF from the Device Manager menu. The
OSPF dialog will open. Select the Stats tab. This tab is illustrated below.
OSPF dialog Stats tab
2 Using the fields provided, view the OSPF statistics. These fields are described in the table below.
Stats tab fields
Indicates the number of entries in the link state database.
Indicates the number of packets transmitted by OSPF.
Indicates the number of packets received by
Indicates the number of packets dropped by
OSPF before transmission.
Indicates the number of packets dropped before receipt by OSPF.
Indicates the number of bad packets received by OSPF.
Indicates the total number of SPF calculations performed. This also includes the number of partial route table calculations.
Indicates the total number of buffers allocated for OSPF.
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Indicates the total number of buffers that are freed by OSPF.
Indicates the number of times that OSPF has failed to allocate buffers.
Indicates the number of times that OSPF has failed to allocate buffers.
Values on the Stats tab will refresh automatically based on the value selected in the Poll Interval field. To clear the counters and start over at zero, click Clear Counters.
VLAN OSPF statistics
OSPF statistical information can also be viewed on a per-interface basis. To view VLAN OSPF statistics, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select VLAN > VLANs from the Device Manager menu. The VLAN dialog opens.
Select an interface from those listed on the Basic tab.
Click the IP button.
On the IP VLAN dialog, select the OSPF Stats tab. This tab is illustrated below.
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OSPF Stats tab
OSPF Stats tab fields
The following table describes the fields on this tab.
The number of version mismatches received by this interface.
The number of area mismatches received by this interface.
The number of AuthType mismatches received by this interface.
The number of authentication failures on this interface.
The number of net mask mismatches received by this interface.
The number of hello interval mismatches received by this interface.
The number of dead interval mismatches received by this interface.
The number of option mismatches received by this interface.
The number of hello packets received by this interface.
The number of database descriptor packets received by this interface.
The number of link state update packets received by this interface.
The number of link state request packets received by this interface.
The number of link state acknowledge packets received by this interface.
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The number hello packets transmitted by this interface.
The number of database descriptor packets transmitted by this interface.
The number of link state update packets transmitted by this interface.
The number of link state request packets transmitted by this interface.
The number of link state acknowledge packets transmitted by this interface.
To graph the statistical information, select the desired data and click the appropriate graph button at the bottom of the screen.
Route policies
Route policies are a Nortel proprietary improvement on existing routing schemes. Using existing routing schemes, packets are forwarded based on routes that have been learned by the router through routing protocols such as RIP and OSPF or through the introduction of static routes. Route policies introduce the ability to forward packets based on rule sets created by the network administrator. These rule sets, or policies, are then applied to the learned or static routes.
This section describes the configuration and management of route policies using the Java Device Manager.
Prefix List configuration
The Prefix List tab is used for the configuration of policy prefix lists. Prefix lists are the base item in a routing policy. Prefix lists contain lists of IP addresses with their associated masks that support the comparison of ranges of masks.
To configure a prefix list, following this procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > Policy from the Device Manager menu. The
Policy dialog opens with the Prefix List tab selected. This tab is illustrated below.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 265
Policy dialog - Prefix List tab
Using the fields provided, configure the selected Prefix List. These fields are described in the following table.
Prefix List tab fields
The unique identifier of this prefix list.
The IP address associated with this prefix list.
The subnet mask length associated with this prefix list.
The name associated with this prefix list.
The mask length from the stated subnet mask.
The mask length up to the stated subnet mask.
Click Apply.
Prefix List creation
To create a new prefix list, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > Policy from the Device Manager menu. The
Policy dialog opens with the Prefix List tab selected. This tab is illustrated above.
Click Insert.
3 The Insert Prefix List dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
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266 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Insert Prefix List dialog
Using the fields provided, create a new prefix list. These fields are described in the following table.
Insert Prefix List dialog fields
The unique identifier of this prefix list.
The IP address associated with this prefix list.
The subnet mask length associated with this prefix list.
The name associated with this prefix list.
The mask length from the stated subnet mask.
The mask length up to the stated subnet mask.
Click Insert.
Prefix List deletion
To delete a prefix list, use the following procedure.
Deleting a Prefix List
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > Policy from the Device Manager menu. The
Policy dialog opens with the Prefix List tab selected.
Select an Id to delete.
Click Delete.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 267
Route Policy configuration
The Route Policy tab is used to configure route policies on the switch.
Route policies are created and then applied to switch in either an accept
(in), announce (out), or redistribution capacity.
To configure route policies on the switch, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > Policy from the Device Manager menu. The
Policy dialog will open with the Prefix List tab selected. Select the
Route Policy tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Policy dialog - Route Policy tab
2 Using the fields provided, configure the route policy. These fields are described in the following tab.
Route Policy tab fields
The index value used to uniquely identify a group of policies.
The secondary index value assigned to individual policies inside a larger policy group.
The name associated with this policy.
Indicates whether the policy is enabled. Disabled policies should not be used for routing.
Specifies the action to be taken when this policy is selected for a specific route. A value of permit indicates that the route will be used while deny indicates that the route will be ignored.
Select the appropriate protocol (RIP, Static,
Direct, OSPF or Any). If configured, matches the protocol through which the route is learned. This field is used only for RIP announce purposes.
If configured, the switch matches the destination network against the contents of the specified prefix list.
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268 IP Routing Configuration and Management
MatchIpRouteSource If configured, matches the next hop IP address for RIP routes and advertising router IDs for OSPF routes against the contents of the specified prefix list. This option is ignored for all other route types.
If configured, matches the next hop IP address of the route against the contents of the specified prefix list. This field applies only to non-local routes.
If configured, the switch matches the IP address of the interface by which the RIP route was learned against the contents of the specified prefix list. This field is used only for RIP routes and ignored for all other type of route.
Sets a specific route-type to be matched (applies only to OSPF routes). Externaltype1, and
Externaltype2 specify the OSPF routes of the specified type only. OSPF internal refers to intraand inter-area routes.
If configured, the switch matches the metric of the incoming advertisement or existing route against the specified value (1 to 655535). If 0, then this field is ignored. The default is 0.
SetRoutePreference Setting the preference greater than zero, specifies the route preference value to be assigned to the routes which matches this policy.
This applies to Accept policies only. You can set a value from 0 to 255. The default value is 0. If the default is configured, the global preference value is used.
Set or reset the P bit in specified type 7 LSA. By default the P bit is always set in case the user set it to a disable state for a particular route policy than all type 7. LSAs associated with that route policy will have the P bit cleared with this intact
NSSA ABR will not perform translation of these
LSAs to type 5. Default is enabled.
If configured, the switch sets the metric value for the route while announcing or redistributing.
The default-import-metric is 0. If the default is configured, the original cost of the route is advertised into OSPF; for RIP, the original cost of the route or the default value is used.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 269
Applicable to OSPF protocol only. If configured, sets the metric type for the routes to be announced into the OSPF routing protocol that matches this policy. The default is type 2. This field is applicable only for OSPF announce policies.
If configured, the switch replaces the destination network of the route that matches this policy with the contents of the specified prefix list.
Indicates the mask to used for routes that pass the policy matching criteria.
Click Apply.
Route Policy creation
To create a new route policy, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > Policy from the Device Manager menu. The
Policy dialog will open with the Prefix List tab selected. Select the
Route Policy tab. This tab is illustrated above.
Click Insert.
3 The Insert Route Policy dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
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270 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Insert Route Policy dialog
4 Using the fields provided, create the new route policy. These fields are described in the following table.
Insert Route Policy fields
The index value used to uniquely identify a group of policies.
The secondary index value assigned to individual policies inside a larger policy group.
The name associated with this policy.
Indicates whether the policy is enabled.
Disabled policies should be used for routing.
Specifies the action to be taken when this policy is selected for a specific route. A value of permit indicates that the route will be used while deny indicates that the route will be ignored.
Select the appropriate protocol (RIP, Static,
Direct, OSPF or Any). If configured, matches the protocol through which the route is learned. This field is used only for RIP announce purposes.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 271
If configured, the switch matches the destination network against the contents of the specified prefix list.
If configured, matches the next hop IP address for RIP routes and advertising router
IDs for OSPF routes against the contents of the specified prefix list. This option is ignored for all other route types.
If configured, matches the next hop IP address of the route against the contents of the specified prefix list. This field applies only to non-local routes.
If configured, the switch matches the IP address of the interface by which the RIP route was learned against the contents of the specified prefix list. This field is used only for RIP routes and ignored for all other type of route.
Sets a specific route-type to be matched
(applies only to OSPF routes). Externaltype1, and Externaltype2 specify the OSPF routes of the specified type only. OSPF internal refers to intra- and inter-area routes.
If configured, the switch matches the metric of the incoming advertisement or existing route against the specified value (1 to 655535). If
0, then this field is ignored. The default is 0.
Set or reset the P bit in specified type 7
LSA. By default the P bit is always set in case the user set it to a disable state for a particular route policy than all type 7. LSAs associated with that route policy will have the
P bit cleared with this intact NSSA ABR will not perform translation of these LSAs to type
5. Default is enabled.
Setting the preference greater than zero, specifies the route preference value to be assigned to the routes which matches this policy. This applies to Accept policies only.
You can set a value from 0 to 255. The default value is 0. If the default is configured, the global preference value is used.
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272 IP Routing Configuration and Management
If configured, the switch sets the metric value for the route while announcing or redistributing. The default-import-metric is 0.
If the default is configured, the original cost of the route is advertised into OSPF; for RIP, the original cost of the route or the default value is used.
Applicable to OSPF protocol only. If configured, sets the metric type for the routes to be announced into the OSPF routing protocol that matches this policy. The default is type 2. This field is applicable only for
OSPF announce policies.
If configured, the switch replaces the destination network of the route that matches this policy with the contents of the specified prefix list.
Indicates the mask to used for routes that pass the policy matching criteria.
5 Click Insert.
Route policy deletion
To delete a route policy, use the following procedure.
Deleting a route policy
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing. The IP
Routing menu appears.
Select Policy. The Policy dialog opens.
Select the Route Policy tab.
Select an Id to delete.
Click Delete.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 273
Applying OSPF policies
The Applying Policy tab is used to apply configured OSPF policies to the switch. To configure policy application, perform the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > Policy from the Device Manager menu. The
Policy dialog opens with the Prefix List tab selected. Select the
Applying Policy tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Policy dialog - Applying Policy tab
Using the fields provided, select the policies to be applied. These fields are described in the following table.
Applying Policy tab fields
Select this check box to apply OSPF accept policies.
Select this check box to apply OSPF redistribution policies.
If applying OSPF redistribution policies, select the type of redistribution from the available options.
Click Apply.
OSPF Accept Policy configuration
The OSPF Accept tab is used to configure OSPF accept policies on the switch. To configure OSPF accept policies, perform the following tasks:
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274 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > Policy from the Device Manager menu. The
Policy dialog opens with the Prefix List tab selected. Select the
OSPF Accept tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Policy dialog - OSPF Accept tab
Using the fields provided, configure the desired accept policy. These fields are described in the following table.
OSPF Accept tab fields
The advertising router associated with the accept policy.
Indicates whether the policy is enabled.
Indicates the metric type associated with the policy. Available options are: type1, type2, and any.
Indicates the name associated with the policy.
Click Apply.
OSPF Accept Policy creation
To create a new OSPF accept policy, follow this procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > Policy from the Device Manager menu. The
Policy dialog opens with the Prefix List tab selected. Select the
OSPF Accept tab. This tab is illustrated above.
Click Insert.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 275
The Insert OSPF Accept dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
Insert OSPF Accept dialog
Using the fields provided, create the new accept policy. These fields are described in the following table.
Insert OSPF Accept fields
The advertising router associated with the accept policy.
Indicates whether the policy is enabled.
Indicates the metric type associated with the policy. Available options are: type 1, type 2, and any.
Indicates the name associated with the policy.
Click Insert.
OSPF Accept Policy deletion
To delete an OSPF accept policy, use the following procedure.
Deleting an OSPF accept policy
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing. The IP
Routing menu appears.
Select Policy. The Policy dialog appears.
Select the OSPF Accept tab. The OSPF Accept window opens.
Select an AdvertisingRtr to delete.
Click Delete.
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276 IP Routing Configuration and Management
RIP In and Out Policy configuration
The RIP In/Out Policy tab is used to configure RIP accept and announce policies on switch interfaces. To configure these policies, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > Policy from the Device Manager menu. The
Policy dialog opens with the Prefix List tab selected. Select the RIP
In/Out Policy tab. This tab is illustrated below.
Policy dialog - RIP In/Out Policy tab
Using the fields provided, configure the RIP policies. These fields are described in the following table.
RIP In/Out Policy tab fields
The address of the RIP interface.
The associated switch interface.
A previously configured policy that will be used as the accept policy on this interface.
A previously configured policy that will be used as the announce policy on this interface.
Click Apply.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 277
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is designed to eliminate the single point of failure that can occur when the single static default gateway router for an end station is lost.
This section describes the procedures used to configure VRRP using the
Java Device Manager.
Global VRRP configuration
The Device Manager can be used to configure global VRRP settings. This is done from the VRRP Globals tab.
To configure global VRRP settings, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > VRRP from the Device Manager menu. The
VRRP dialog opens with the Globals tab selected. This tab is illustrated below.
VRRP dialog - Globals tab
2 Using the provided fields, configure the global VRRP settings. These fields are illustrated in the following table.
Globals tab fields
Indicates whether VRRP is globally enabled on the switch.
Indicates the version of VRRP supported on this switch.
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278 IP Routing Configuration and Management
NotificationCntl Indicates whether the VRRP-enabled router generates Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) traps based on VRRP events:
• Enabled - SNMP traps are sent.
• Disabled - SNMP traps are not sent.
PingVirtualAddrEnabled Indicates whether this device should respond to pings directed to a virtual router’s IP address.
Click Apply.
VRRP interface creation
The Interface Address tab of the VRRP dialog is used to create new VRRP interfaces. Configuration and management of these interfaces is performed on the Interfaces tab.
To create new VRRP interfaces, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > VRRP from the Device Manager menu. The
VRRP dialog opens with the Globals tab selected. Select the
Interface Address tab. This tab is illustrated below.
VRRP dialog - Interface Address tab
Click Insert.
The Insert Interface Address dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 279
Insert Interface Address dialog
Using the provided fields, create the new interface. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Insert Interface Address dialog fields
The interface index to assign to the new interface. Click the button at the end of the field to select a previously configured interface.
Otherwise, enter an index value directly.
The virtual router ID to assign to this interface.
The IP address to assign to this interface.
The status of the interface; active or inactive.
Click Insert.
VRRP Interface deletion
To delete a VRRP interface, use the following procedure.
Deleting a VRRP interface
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager menu, select IP Routing. The IP Routing menu appears.
Select VRRP. The VRRP window opens.
Select the Interface Address tab. The Interface Address window opens.
Select an IfIndex to delete.
Click Delete.
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280 IP Routing Configuration and Management
VRRP interface management
The Interfaces tab is used to manage VRRP interfaces created on the
Interface Address tab.
To manage VRRP interfaces, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > VRRP from the Device Manager menu. The
VRRP dialog opens with the Globals tab selected. Select the
Interfaces tab. This tab is illustrated below.
VRRP dialog - Interfaces tab
2 Manage VRRP interfaces using the provided fields. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Interfaces tab fields
The interface index of the VRRP interface.
A number that uniquely identifies a virtual router on a given VRRP router.
An IP address selected from the set of real interface addresses. VRRP advertisements are always sent using the primary IP address as the source of the IP packet.
The virtual MAC address of the virtual router.
The current state of the virtual router.
A virtual router can be in one of the following states: initalize (indicates the virtual router is waiting for a startup event), backup (indicates the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router), or master\ (indicates the virtual router is forwarding packets for IP addresses associated with the router).
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 281
Indicates the administrative status of the virtual router.
Indicates the priority to be used for the virtual router master election process.
This is an integer value between 1 and
255. The priority value for the VRRP router that owns the IP addresses associated with the virtual router must be
255. The default priority value for VRRP routers backing up a virtual router is 100.
Indicates the master router’s real
(primary) IP address. This is the IP address listed as the source in the
VRRP advertisement last received by this virtual router.
Indicates the time interval, in seconds, between transmission of advertisement messages. Only the master router sends
VRRP advertisements. This is an integer value between 1 and 255. The default value is 1.
Indicates the amount of time this virtual router has spent out of the initialize state.
The amount of time (in seconds) to wait before preempting the current VRRP master. This is an integer value between
0 and 21600.
The holddown state of this VRRP interface.
The amount of time (in seconds) left before the holddown timer will expire.
Used to trigger an action on this VRRP interface. Options available are: none
(no action) or preemptHoldDownTimer.
Indicates whether the user-defined critical IP address is enabled. If the user-defined critical IP address is not enabled, a default critical IP address of will be used.
The IP address of the interface that will cause a shutdown event.
Indicates whether the backup/master functionality is enabled on this interface.
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282 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Indicates the state of the backup/master functionality.
Indicates if the Faster Advertisement
Interval should be used. The default value is false.
The fast advertisement interval, in milliseconds, between sending advertisement messages. This is an integer value between 200 and 1000.
The default value is 200.
Click Apply.
Graphing VRRP interface information
Statistical information about the VRRP interface can be viewed and graphed on the Interfaces tab.
To view and graph this statistical information, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > VRRP from the Device Manager menu. The
VRRP dialog opens with the Globals tab selected. Select the
Interfaces tab. This tab is illustrated above.
Select a listed interface and click Graph.
The VRRP Stats dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
VRRP Stats dialog
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 283
Using the provided fields, view and graph the VRRP statistical information. The following table outlines these fields
VRRP Stats fields
The total number of times that this virtual router’s state has transitioned to MASTER.
The total number of VRRP advertisements received by this virtual router.
The total number of VRRP advertisement packets received for which the advertisement interval is different than the one configured for the local virtual router.
The total number of VRRP packets received by the virtual router with IP TTL
(Time-To-Live) not equal to 255.
The total number of VRRP packets received by the virtual router with a priority of 0.
The total number of VRRP packets sent by the virtual router with a priority of 0.
The number of VRRP packets received by the virtual router with an invalid value in the
type field.
The total number of packets received for which the address list does not match the locally configured list for the virtual router.
The total number of VRRP packets received that do not pass the authentication check.
The total number of packets received with an unknown authentication type.
The total number of packets received with Auth Type not equal to the locally configured authentication method.
The total number of packets received with a packet length less than the length of the
VRRP header.
Viewing general VRRP statistics
General VRRP statistics can be viewed and graphed on the Stats tab.
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284 IP Routing Configuration and Management
To view and graph general VRRP statistics, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > VRRP from the Device Manager menu. The
VRRP dialog opens with the Globals tab selected. Select the Stats tab. This tab is illustrated below.
VRRP dialog - Stats tab
2 Using the provided fields to view and graph the general VRRP statistics. The following table outlines these fields.
Stats tab fields
The total number of VRRP packets received with an invalid VRRP checksum value.
The total number of VRRP packets received with an unknown or unsupported version number.
The total number of VRRP packets received with an invalid VRID for this virtual router.
Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP)
The Equal Cost MultiPath (ECMP) feature allows routers to determine equal cost paths to the same destination prefix. The multiple paths can be used for load sharing of traffic and allows faster convergence to other active paths in case of network failure. This section describes the procedures used to configure ECMP on the switch using the Java Device Manager.
Note: ECMP is only supported on the Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch
5520 and 5530. ECMP will work in a mixed stack but will not run on any
Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5510 units in the stack.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 285
ECMP configuration
The ECMP tab is used to configure and manage ECMP settings for RIP,
OSPF, and static routes.
To configure ECMP, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > IP from the Device Manager menu. The IP dialog opens with the Globals tab selected. Select the ECMP tab.
This tab is illustrated below.
Using the MaxPath field, enter the number of paths allotted to each protocol listed. Up to 4 paths can be allotted to each. The default is 1.
Click Apply.
Brouter port
A brouter port is a single-port VLAN that can route IP packets as well as bridge all non-routable traffic. The following section describes the procedures necessary to configure and manage brouter ports on the Nortel
Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series using the Java Device Manager.
Configuration and management of Brouter ports
The IP Address tab of the Port dialog is used to configure and manage the switch brouter ports.
To configure and manage brouter ports, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select a port on the Device Manager Front Panel view.
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286 IP Routing Configuration and Management
2 Select Edit > Port from the Device Manager menu. The Port dialog opens with the Interface tab selected. Select the IP Address tab.
This tab is illustrated below.
Port dialog - IP Address tab
3 Use the provided fields to view the brouter port settings. These fields are outlined in the following table.
IP Address tab fields
The IP address assigned to this brouter.
The subnet mask associated with the brouter
IP address.
The IP broadcast address format used on this interface.
The size of the largest IP datagram which this entity can reassemble from incoming
IP fragmented datagrams received on this interface.
The VLAN ID associated with this brouter port.
The MAC address offset associated with this brouter port.
Creating a Brouter port
To create a new brouter port, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select a port on the Device Manager Front Panel view.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 287
Select Edit > Port from the Device Manager menu. The Port dialog opens with the Interface tab selected. Select the IP Address tab.
This tab is illustrated above.
Click Insert.
The Insert IP Address dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
Insert IP Address dialog
Using the provided fields, create the new brouter port. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Insert IP Address dialog fields
The IP address assigned to this brouter.
The subnet mask associated with the brouter
IP address.
The VLAN ID associated with this brouter port.
The MAC address offset associated with this brouter port.
Click Insert.
Note: Brouter ports are treated as routable VLANs and are displayed on the Basic tab of the VLANs screen.
Deleting a Brouter port
To delete a brouter port, use the following procedure:
Step Action
Select a port on the Device Manager Front Panel view.
Select Edit > Port from the Device Manager menu. The Port dialog opens with the Interface tab selected. Select the IP Address tab.
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288 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Select a brouter port from these listed on the tab by clicking in the row.
Click Delete.
UDP broadcast forwarding
UDP broadcast forwarding is a general mechanism for selectively forwarding limited UDP broadcasts received on an IP interface to a configured IP address. This section outlines the procedures used to configure and manage UDP broadcast forwarding using the Java Device Manager.
UDP protocol configuration
The Protocols tab of the UDP Forward dialog is used to define UDP ports for use in UDP forwarding.
To configure a UDP port, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > UDP Forwarding from the Device Manager menu. The UDP Forwarding dialog opens with the Protocols tab selected. This tab is illustrated below.
UDP Forward dialog - Protocols tab
Click Insert.
The Insert Protocols dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
Insert Protocols dialog
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Using the provided fields, configure the new UDP protocol. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Insert Protocols dialog fields
The port the new UDP protocol will use.
The name associated with the UDP protocol.
Click Insert.
UDP forwarding configuration
The Forwardings tab of the UDP Forward dialog is used to assign a server
IP address to a previously configured protocol.
To configure a UDP forwarding, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > UDP Forwarding from the Device Manager menu. The UDP Forwarding dialog opens with the Protocols tab selected. Select the Forwardings tab. This tab is illustrated below.
UDP Forward dialog - Forwardings tab
Click Insert.
The Insert Forwardings dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
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290 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Insert Forwardings dialog
Using the provided fields, configure the UDP forwarding. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Insert Forwardings dialog fields
The destination port of the UDP forwarding.
These are configured on the Protocols tab.
The server IP address.
Click Insert.
UDP forwarding deletion
To delete a server IP address from a previously configured protocol, use the following procedure.
Deleting a UDP forwarding
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing. The IP
Routing menu appears.
Select UDP Forwarding. The UDP Forwarding dialog opens.
Select the Forwardings tab.
Select a DestPort to delete.
Click Delete.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 291
UDP forwarding list configuration
The Forwarding Lists tab of the UDP Forward dialog is used to group the port/server IP pairs configured on the Forwardings tab into lists and assign name to the lists.
To configure a forwarding list, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > UDP Forwarding from the Device Manager menu. The UDP Forwarding dialog opens with the Protocols tab selected. Select the Forwarding Lists tab. This tab is illustrated below.
UDP Forward dialog - Forwarding Lists tab
Using the provided fields, configure the forwarding list. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Forwarding Lists tab fields
The unique identifier assigned to the forwarding list.
The name assigned to the forwarding list.
The identifiers of the port/server IP pairs created on the Forwardings tab and associated with the forwarding list.
Click Apply.
UDP forwarding list creation
To create a new forwarding list, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > UDP Forwarding from the Device Manager menu. The UDP Forwarding dialog opens with the Protocols tab
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292 IP Routing Configuration and Management
3 selected. Select the Forwarding Lists tab. This tab is illustrated above.
Click Insert.
The Insert Forwarding Lists dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
Insert Forwarding Lists dialog
Using the provided fields, configure the new forwarding list. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Insert Forwarding Lists dialog fields
The unique identifier assigned to the forwarding list.
The name assigned to the forwarding list.
The identifiers of the port/server IP pairs created on the Forwardings tab and associated with the forwarding list.
Click Insert.
UDP forwarding list deletion
To delete a UDP forwarding list, use the following procedure.
Deleting a UDP forwarding list
Step Action
From the Device Manager menu, select IP Routing . The IP
Routing menu appears.
Select UDP Forwarding. The UDP Forwarding dialog opens with the Protocols tab selected.
Select the Forwarding Lists tab.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 293
Select an Id to delete.
Click Delete.
Configuring UDP broadcast interfaces
The Broadcast Interfaces tab is used to assign a forwarding list to an interface. The TTL for outgoing packets and the broadcast mask for incoming packets are also added on this tab.
To configure the broadcast interface, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Select IP Routing > UDP Forwarding from the Device Manager menu. The UDP Forwarding dialog opens with the Protocols tab selected. Select the Broadcast Interfaces tab. This tab is illustrated below.
UDP Forward dialog - Broadcast Interfaces tab
2 Using the provided fields, configure the broadcast interface. These fields are outlined in the following table.
Broadcast Interface tab fields
The IP address of the local interface.
The port forwarding lists associated with the interface. This ID is defined in the
Forwarding Lists tab.
Indicates the maximum number of hops an IP broadcast packet can take from the source device to the destination device.
This is an integer value between 1 and 16.
The total number of UDP broadcast packets received by this local interface.
The total number of UDP broadcast packets forwarded.
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294 IP Routing Configuration and Management
NumDropPktsDestUnreach The total number of UDP broadcast packets dropped because the destination was unreachable.
NumDropPktsUnknownPort The total number of UDP broadcast packets dropped because the destination port or protocol specified has no matching forwarding policy.
BroadCastMask The subnet mask of the local interface that is used for broadcasting the UDP broadcast packets.
Click Apply.
UDP broadcast interface creation
To create a new broadcast interface, use the following procedure:
Step Action
Select IP Routing > UDP Forwarding from the Device Manager menu. The UDP Forwarding dialog opens with the Protocols tab selected. Select the Broadcast Interfaces tab. This tab is illustrated above.
Click Insert.
3 The Insert Broadcast Interface dialog opens. This dialog is illustrated below.
Insert Broadcast Interfaces dialog
4 Using the provided fields, create the new broadcast interface. These fields are outlined in the following table.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 295
Insert Broadcast Interfaces dialog fields
The IP address of the local interface.
The port forwarding lists associated with the interface. This ID is defined in the Forwarding
Lists tab.
Indicates the maximum number of hops an IP broadcast packet can take from the source device to the destination device. This is an integer value between 1 and 16.
The subnet mask of the local interface that is used for broadcasting the UDP broadcast packets.
Click Insert.
UDP broadcast interface deletion
To delete a UDP broadcast interface, use the following procedure.
Deleting a UDP broadcast interface
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager main menu, select IP Routing. The IP routing menu appears.
Select UDP Forwarding. The UDP Forwarding dialog opens.
Select the Broadcast Interfaces tab. The Broadcast Interfaces window opens.
Select a LocalIfAddr to delete.
Click Delete.
DHCP configuration
The following topics describe DHCP configuration using the Device
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296 IP Routing Configuration and Management
DHCP Relay
Use the DHCP relay tab to view and configure the DHCP settings for the switch.
To view the DHCP Relay tab, select IP Routing > DHCP from the Device
Manager menu. The following figure illustrates the DHCP Relay tab.
DHCP Relay tab
To configure a DHCP entry, use the following procedure:
Creating a DHCP entry
Step Action
From the Device Manager, select IP Routing > DHCP. The DHCP
Relay tab appears.
Click the Insert button. The DHCP, Insert DHCP Relay dialog, as illustrated in the following figure, appears.
Insert DHCP Relay
3 Make the new DHCP progressRelay entry in the fields provided. The following table describes the fields in the Insert DHCP Relay dialog.
Insert DHCP Relay fields
The IP address configured on an interface.
The IP address of the DHCP server. This IP address should be a remote address, so the
DHCP packet is sent through unicast to the remote device.
Enables the DHCP mode.
Indicate whether this entry pertains to BOOTP packets, DHCP packets, or both.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 297
Click Insert. The new DHCP entry displays on the DHCP Relay screen.
To delete a DHCP entry, use the following procedure.
Deleting a DHCP entry
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager, select IP Routing > DHCP. The DHCP
Relay tab appears.
Select a DHCP relay entry to delete.
Click Delete.
DHCP Snooping
To enable DHCP Snooping, use the following procedure.
Step Action
From the Device Manager menu, select IP Routing > DHCP. The
DHCP window appears.
Select the DHCP Snooping tab. DHCP Snooping dialog appears.
DHCP Snooping tab
To enable DHCP Snooping, click the check box. The status appears.
Click Apply.
DHCP Snooping VLAN
To view DHCP Snooping information for VLANs, use the following procedure.
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298 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Step Action
From the Device Manager menu, select IP Routing > DHCP. The
DHCP window appears.
Select the DHCP Snooping-VLAN tab. The DHCP Snooping-VLAN window appears. If DHCP Snooping is enabled for a VLAN the field is true. If DHCP Snooping is disabled for a VLAN, the field is false.
DHCP Snooping-VLAN tab
Select a VlanId.
To change the status, double click the DhcpSnoopingEnabled box for the VLAN.
Select true or false.
Click Apply.
DHCP Snooping port
To view DHCP Snooping information for ports, use the following procedure.
Step Action
From the Device Manager menu, select IP Routing > DHCP. The
DHCP window appears.
Select the DHCP Snooping-port tab. The DHCP Snooping-port window appears.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 299
DHCP Snooping-port tab
Select a port.
To change the status, double click the DhcpSnoopingIfTrusted box for the port.
Note: The DhcpSnoopingIfTrusted field value is used to control whether this interface is trusted for DHCP snooping purposes.
Select true or false.
Click Apply.
DHCP bindings
To view information about learned DHCP bindings, use the following procedure.
Step Action
From the Device Manager menu, select IP Routing > DHCP. The
DHCP window appears.
Select the DHCP Bindings tab. The DHCP Bindings window appears.
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300 IP Routing Configuration and Management
DHCP Bindings
The following table describes the fields in the DHCP Bindings window.
Specifies the VLAN ID for the DHCP client..
Specifies the VLAN MAC address for the DHCP client.
Specifies the type of address contained in the corresponding binding address.
Specifies the IP address for the DHCP client.
Specifies the interface to which the DHCP client is connected.
Specifies the DHCP client binding lease time, in seconds.
IP Source Guard port
To view IP Source Guard status for ports, use the following procedure.
Step Action
1 From the Device Manager menu, select IP Routing > DHCP. The
DHCP Relay window appears.
DHCP Relay tab
2 Select the IP Source Guard-port tab. The IP Source Guard-port window appears.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 301
IP Source Guard-port tab
To change the port mode, select a port.
Double click the mode box.
Select ip or disabled.
Click Apply.
IP Source Guard addresses
To view IP Source Guard address information, use the following procedure.
Step Action
From the Device Manager menu, select IP Routing > DHCP. The
DHCP Relay window opens.
Select the IP Source Guard-addresses tab. The IP Source
Guard-addresses window appears.
IP Source Guard-addresses tab
The following table describes the fields in the IP Source Guard-addresses window:
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302 IP Routing Configuration and Management
Specifies the IP Source Guard-enabled port number.
Specifies the port type.
Specifies the IP address allowed to communicate with the port.
TIP: Up to 10 IP addresses are allowed on an IP Source
Guard-enabled port. Traffic from other addresses is dropped.
Specifies the address source.
VLAN DHCP configuration
DHCP can also be configured for Layer 3 VLANs. To configure DHCP for a
Layer 3 VLAN, follow this procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the VLANs screen by selecting VLAN > VLANs from the JDM menu.
Highlight the VLAN for which DHCP is to be configured.
Click IP. The IP VLAN screen opens. Select the DHCP tab. This tab is illustrated below.
DHCP tab fields
The following table describes the DHCP tab fields.
DHCP tab fields
Specifies whether DHCP is enabled or disabled.
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IP routing configuration using the Java Device Manager 303
Indicates the minimum number of seconds to wait between receiving a DHCP packet and actually forwarding the DHCP packet to the destination device. A value of zero(0) indicates forwarding should be done immediately without any delay.
Indicates what type of DHCP packets this interface supports. A value of none(1) results in all incoming DHCP and BOOTP packets being dropped.
Indicates if DHCP Reply packets should be broadcast to the DHCP client on this interface.
Make changes as necessary in the fields provided.
Click Apply.
Note: A procedure for viewing and graphing DHCP statistics can be found in Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch Configuration - System
Monitoring Part Number NN47200-505
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304 IP Routing Configuration and Management
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Configuring IGMP snooping using the
Java Device Manager
This section describes the methods and procedures to configure and manage IGMP snooping using the Java Device Manager. For more information, refer to
To enable IGMP Snooping for a VLAN, use the following procedure.
Enabling IGMP Snooping for a VLAN
Step Action
From the Device Manager main menu, select >VLAN. The VLAN dialog opens.
Select the Snoop tab. The Snoop dialog opens.
VLAN Snoop tab
Select a VLAN.
To enable snooping, double click the Enable field for the VLAN and select true.
To enable proxy reporting, double click the field and select true.
To change other field values, click the field and enter the value.
Click Apply to commit the configuration changes.
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306 Configuring IGMP snooping using the Java Device Manager
TIP: You can change the presentation order of the VLANs in the Snoop table. Click the column name of any column. An up or down arrow, indicating ascending or descending order, appears next to the column name.
VLAN Snoop tab fields
The number assigned to the VLAN during creation.
The VLAN name.
Specifies snooping status:
• if false, snooping is disabled
• if true, snooping is enabled
Specifies the IGMP report proxy status.
• if false, no proxy report generates
• if true, a proxy report (IGMP host membership report) generates
The default ReportProxyEnable setting is false (disabled).
Specifies the robust value. Use a Robustness value to tune the system for the expected packet loss on a subnet.
Note: If a subnet experiences unacceptably high packet losses, increase the Robustness value.
The default Robustness value is 2.
Specifies the query time, in seconds, between IGMP host and query packets transmitted on an interface.
QueryInterval, the time between general queries sent by the multicast router, controls the number of IGMP messages allowed on the subnet
The default setting is 125 seconds.
Displays the set of ports in the VLAN providing connectivity to an IP multicast router.
Displays the set of ports in the VLAN providing connectivity to an IP Multicast router using IGMP version
Displays the set of ports in the VLAN providing connectivity to an IP Multicast router using IGMP version
ActiveMRouterPorts Displays the set of active ports in the VLAN providing connectivity to an IP Multicast router.
ActiveQuerier Displays the IP address of a multicast querier router.
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Enabling IGMP Snooping for a VLAN 307
Displays the port on which the multicast querier router was heard.
Displays the multicast querier router aging timeout value.
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308 Configuring IGMP snooping using the Java Device Manager
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Configuring IGMP using Web-based management
This chapter describes the methods and procedures for the configuration and management of IGMP.
Configuring IGMP using the Web-based Management Interface
The Web-based Management Interface provides tools for the configuration and management of IGMP. To configure IGMP using these tools, use the following procedure:
Step Action
1 Open the IGMP Configuration window by choosing Applications >
IGMP > IGMP Configuration from the menu.
IGMP Configuration screen
2 Click the icon in the Action column beside the VLAN for the IGMP to be configured. The IGMP: VLAN Configuration window appears.
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310 Configuring IGMP using Web-based management
IGMP: VLAN Configuration screen
3 In the fields provided in the IGMP VLAN Setting window, configure
IGMP for the VLAN. The following table outlines the fields in this window.
IGMP VLAN Setting fields
The number assigned to the VLAN when the
VLAN was created.
Select to enable or disable the IGMP snooping feature.
Note: This field affects only the VLAN specified in the page’s VLAN field.
The default setting is Disabled.
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Configuring IGMP using the Web-based Management Interface 311
Select to enable or disable the Proxy feature.
This feature lets the switch to consolidate
IGMP Host Membership Reports received on its downstream ports and to generate a consolidated proxy report for forwarding to its upstream neighbor.
Robust Value
Note: This field affects only the VLAN specified in the page’s VLAN field.
The default setting is Disabled.
Type the robust value in the appropriate format. This feature lets you set the switch to offset expected packet loss on a subnet. If packet losses on a subnet are unacceptably high, the Robust Value field can be increased to a higher value.
Note: This field affects only the VLAN specified in the page’s VLAN field.
Query Time
The default setting is 2.
Type the query time (in seconds) in the appropriate format. This feature lets you control the number of IGMP messages allowed on the subnet by varying the query interval
(the interval between general queries sent by the multicast router).
Note: This field affects only the VLAN specified in the page’s VLAN field.
The default setting is 125 seconds.
Static Router Ports
(Version 1 and Version
Select the check boxes of the router ports to associate with the VLAN (alternatively, select the check box to uncheck a selected router port).
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312 Configuring IGMP using Web-based management
Field Description
Note: This field affects only the VLAN specified in the page’s VLAN field.
4 Click Submit.
The VLAN Configuration screen reopens and the settings are saved.
Displaying multicast membership using the Web-based Management
Use the following procedure to display Multicast membership in the
Web-based Management Interface:
Step Action
1 Open the IGMP Multicast Group Membership window by choosing
Applications > IGMP > Multicast Group from the menu.
IGMP Multicast Group Membership window
Select the VLAN whose membership is to be viewed from the VLAN list in the Multicast Group Membership Selection (View By) section.
Click Submit.
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Displaying multicast membership using the Web-based Management Interface 313
The membership information appears in the Multicast Group Membership
Table section.
The following table describes the IGMP Multicast Group Membership page fields.
IGMP Multicast Group Membership page fields
Multicast Group
Selection (View
Multicast Group
Membership Table
Multicast Group
Select the VLAN on which to view configured IP addresses.
The IP Multicast group addresses that are currently active on the associated port.
The port numbers associated with the IP
Multicast group addresses displayed in the IP Multicast Group Address field.
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Accessing technical assistance 12
An Introduction to IP Routing Protocols 13
ARP configuration examples 120
automatic router ID assignment, if router
automatic virtual link delete 244
Avoiding duplicate IP addresses 44
Configuring IGMP using Web-based
create an automatic virtual link 243
D default router ID auto assigned if router
delete automatic virtual link 244
DHCP forward path commands
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ECMP configuration examples 204
Global DHCP commands
Interface DHCP commands
IP Routing Configuration and
Multicast membership pages 312
OSPF configuration examples 134
RIP configuration examples 122
Index 315
Switch platforms
UDP broadcast forwarding commands 113
UDP broadcast forwarding screens 288
virtual link creation automatic 243
VRRP configuration examples 190
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316 Index
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All Rights Reserved.
Publication: NN47200-503
Document status: Standard
Document version: 03.01
Document date: 27 August 2007
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Nortel Networks reserves the right to make changes in design or components as progress in engineering and manufacturing may warrant.
*Nortel, Nortel Networks, the Nortel logo, and the Globemark are trademarks of Nortel Networks.

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Key features
- Wire-speed IP routing between VLANs
- Support for static, RIP, and OSPF routing protocols
- Multinetting for multiple IP subnets per VLAN
- Brouter ports for uninterrupted routed traffic
- CLI and Java Device Manager configuration