User manual | ABB MicroSCADA Application Objects
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MicroSCADA is a microcomputer-based, programmable and distributed supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. It is mainly used for remote and local supervision and control of electricity and distribution on medium voltage level. It is used to control the process signals registered in stations and control the signals sent from the stations to the process equipment.
Issue date: 29.02.00
Program revision: 8.4.3
Documentation version: A
Copyright © 2000 ABB Substation Automation Oy
All rights reserved.
Application Objects
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The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any error that may occur in this document.
Notice 2
This document version complies with the program revision 8.4.3.
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Additional information such as Release Notes and Last Minute Remarks can be found on the program distribution media.
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Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Related SYS 500 and MicroSCADA Technology Manuals
The following SYS 500 manuals are published with this software release.
Picture Editing
Visual SCIL User Interface Design
Visual SCIL Objects
System Management
The following MicroSCADA technology manuals are published with this software release.
Connecting LONWORKS Devices to MicroSCADA
System Configuration
System Objects
Application Objects
Programming Language SCIL
Status Codes
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
1 Introduction ....................................................................................1
2 Object Handling .............................................................................7
Defining Application Objects.............................................................. 7
Using Application Objects in SCIL ..................................................... 8
Some SCIL Commands................................................................... 12
3 Process Objects...........................................................................15
General ........................................................................................... 15
Configurable Process Object Attributes ........................................... 23
Basic Definition Attributes ......................................................... 23
Identification Attributes ............................................................. 25
Addresses ................................................................................ 26
Operational State...................................................................... 29
Unit and Scale .......................................................................... 31
Limit Value Supervision ............................................................ 33
Alarm Handling ......................................................................... 36
Event Handling ......................................................................... 42
Saving the Event History .......................................................... 47
Printout Handling ...................................................................... 51
Miscellaneous Attributes........................................................... 54
Dynamic Process Object Attributes ................................................. 56
Object Value ............................................................................. 57
Time and Validation Stamps ..................................................... 61
Alarm and Warning States........................................................ 63
Blocking Attributes .................................................................... 66
Operation Counters Attributes .................................................. 68
Minimum and Maximum Values................................................ 69
Stamps Set by the Communication System.............................. 71
S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU Specific Attributes ........................................ 74
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
IEC Specific Attributes ..............................................................75
File Transfer Attributes ..............................................................77
Event History Attributes.............................................................81
Defining Process Objects.................................................................84
Process Object Group Attributes......................................................85
4 Scales............................................................................................87
General ............................................................................................87
Scale Attributes................................................................................88
Defining SCALE Objects Using SCIL ...............................................90
5 Data Objects .................................................................................91
General ............................................................................................91
Data Object Attributes......................................................................95
Basic Definition .........................................................................95
Execution Definitions.................................................................98
Registered Data ......................................................................100
Execution Control....................................................................102
Storage ...................................................................................103
Defining Data Objects Using SCIL .................................................105
6 Command Procedures ...............................................................107
General ..........................................................................................107
Command Procedure Attributes .....................................................109
Basic Attributes .......................................................................109
Program ..................................................................................111
Time and Validation Stamps ...................................................111
Execution Control....................................................................112
Storage Attributes ...................................................................114
Defining Command Procedures with SCIL .....................................115
7 Time Channels............................................................................117
General ..........................................................................................117
Time Channel Attributes.................................................................119
Basic Attributes .......................................................................120
Operational Status ..................................................................120
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Initialisation and Execution ..................................................... 121
Parallel Execution ................................................................... 123
Time Tagging.......................................................................... 124
Comment................................................................................ 125
Defining Time Channels with SCIL ................................................ 126
8 Event Channels ..........................................................................127
General ......................................................................................... 127
Event Channel Attributes............................................................... 130
Predefined Event Channels ........................................................... 132
Defining Event Channels with SCIL ............................................... 136
9 Event Objects .............................................................................137
10 Variable Objects.........................................................................141
11 Free Type Objects (F) ................................................................143
11.1 General ......................................................................................... 143
11.2 Type Defining Attributes ................................................................ 145
11.3 Attributes for Defining Attributes .................................................... 146
11.4 Defining Free Type Objects ........................................................... 151
12 Using Object Definition Tools...................................................153
12.1 Object Navigator............................................................................ 153
12.2 Creating and Editing Objects ......................................................... 165
12.3 General Principles for Using Object Definition Tools ..................... 174
13 Process Object Definition Tool.................................................177
13.1 Overview ....................................................................................... 177
13.2 Common Area ............................................................................... 178
13.3 Configurable Attributes .................................................................. 179
13.4 Dynamic Attributes ........................................................................ 186
13.5 All Attributes .................................................................................. 190
14 Scale Object Definition Tool .....................................................191
15 Data Object Definition Tool .......................................................195
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
16 Command Procedure Definition Tool .......................................203
17 Time Channel Definition Tool....................................................209
18 Event Channel Definition Tool ..................................................217
19 Free Type Object Definition Tools ............................................221
19.1 Free Type Process Object Tool......................................................221
19.2 Free Type Object Tool ...................................................................223
ABB Automation
1 Introduction
2 Object Handling
3 Process Object
4 Scales
5 Data Objects
6 Command Procedures
7 Time Channels
8 Event Channels
9 Event Objects
10 Variable Objects
11 Free Type Objects (F)
12 Using Object Definition Tools
13 Process Object Definition Tool
14 Scale Object Definition Tool
15 Data Object Definition Tool
16 Command Procedure Definition Tool
17 Time Channel Definition Tool
18 Event Channel Definition Tool
19 Free Type Object Definition Tools
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
1 Introduction
About this Chapter
This chapter introduces the MicroSCADA supervisory control system and describes the role of application objects.
MicroSCADA is a microcomputer-based, programmable and distributed supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. It is mainly used for remote and local supervision and control of electricity and distribution on medium voltage level. It can also be used for the supervision and control of heat and water distribution, industrial processes, water purification, traffic, etc.
The “control centers” of MicroSCADA are named base systems. These computers run the supervisory control software. The MicroSCADA base system software is composed of the MicroSCADA kernel (main program), a number of facility programs, engineering and system handling tools, configuration software and application software.
The MicroSCADA kernel software is independent of the application area and extent of use. It is the same in all base systems. So are also most of the engineering and system handling tools. The configuration software is specified for the base system in question and adapted to the device configuration of the entire MicroSCADA distributed system.
A base system contains one or more application software packages, called applications. The application software specifies the functions of the MicroSCADA base system as a supervisory control system to suit for a certain process. The application software takes into account the user’s needs regarding the level of information, user interface, control operations, and so on.
Each application has a certain supervisory control task, for example, the control of electricity distribution or heat distribution. An application may control its own process and have its own connections to the process equipment, or it may share the equipment with other applications. Each application has its own directory branch on hard disk (see the System Management manual), and its own databases in the primary memory and on hard disk. Different applications can communicate transparently through SCIL statements, whether they are situated in the same base system or in separate ones.
In simple terms, you could say that an application is composed of a set of objects that communicate with each other, with the user and with the process equipment, see
Figure 1. The objects are of two categories:
User interface objects (such as pictures, dialogs and dialog items) which form the user interface of the application, the screen views. An application may contain
1 Introduction
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
1MRS751253-MEN several pictures. An hour glas cursor is shown while the picture is changed. For semigraphic pictures the hour glas is shown only when the monitor is of type
Application objects that specify control functions, calculations, data storage, process control, etc. The application objects are composed of process data (process objects), report data (data objects), control programs (command procedures) and activation mechanisms (event channels, time channels and event objects).
User interface objects as well as application objects are programmed and controlled using SCIL language, which is an application language specifically developed for MicroSCADA.
User interface objects are described in the manuals Picture Editing, Visual SCIL User
Interface Design, and Visual SCIL Objects, while this manual describes the application objects.
Object intercommunication
Figure 1.
A simplified scheme of a MicroSCADA application
Application Objects
Application objects are programmable units that perform various tasks, such as real time process supervision, control procedures, data registration and storage, calculations, automatic time and event activation, etc. There are nine types of application objects, each performing a particular task:
Process objects (P). Process objects are images of connected process signals.
These objects store and supervise the real time state of the process.
Scales (X). Scales are algorithms for scaling the data transferred from the stations to the real values of the measured entity.
Data objects (D). Data objects register and store sampled or calculated data.
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
1 Introduction
Command procedures (C). These objects are SCIL programs, which can be executed automatically or manually.
Time channels (T). These objects control the automatic time based data registrations and program executions.
Event channels (A). These objects control automatic event based data registration and program execution.
Event objects (E). These objects activate automatic event controlled program execution (for example updating) in user interface objects.
Variable objects (V). Variable objects are temporary lists of attributes and attribute values.
Free Type objects (F). Free Type objects define user-defined process object types.
The first seven types are illustrated in Figure 2.
The capital letter after each type in the list above is an identification mark for the object type when used in SCIL. All types of SCADA objects, except variable objects, are global and accessible using SCIL throughout the entire MicroSCADA network.
ABB Automation 3
1 Introduction
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Application objects
User interface objects
Data Objects
Figure 2.
An illustration of the application objects and their interconnections
4 ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
1 Introduction
Information and data associated with objects - their values, functions, properties and activities - are stored in attributes. An object normally has many different attributes and, thus, it can contain several types of data. Different object types have different sets of attributes.
The attributes not only contain the dynamic data of the objects but also define the objects and their functions. For example static (defining) attributes are the object names, addresses, activation criteria, activity states, connections to other objects, alarm handling specifications, SCIL programs and expressions. Examples of dynamic attributes are the object values, historical data, status codes and time tags. Figure 3 shows an imaginary object (data object) and its static (defining) and dynamic attributes.
Copied from:
Activated by:
Data: 0.785
Validation Stamp:
Time Stamp:
ABB Automation
Figure 3.
An imaginary object (data object) and few of its static and dynamic attributes
Attribute values can be used in SCIL expressions and programs, for example in calculations, displays, conditional statements, etc. The values can be changed automatically by the process or system, or manually using SCIL. All dynamic and static attributes can be accessed using SCIL, though all of them cannot be set using it.
As a rule, attributes are the only way to store, access, use and modify information in objects and to operate through them. Attributes are therefore the most essential part of objects.
Defining Application Objects
Creation and definition of application objects is a part of application engineering, that is the composition of an application software package. The object definitions may also be modified in a running application. Objects can be created and modified as follows:
Using type specific definition tools. In the object definition tools, objects are defined by filling in data and making appropriate choices.
Using the standard application library LIB 500. Creation of objects using the standard application library is mostly invisible to the user.
1 Introduction
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Using SCIL commands. This is the basic method and the other two methods are actually based on this one, because the tools are built with SCIL.
Event objects are event based activation signals that execute picture program parts.
They are generated by process objects or by SCIL. These objects have no attributes and no other definitions beside activation criteria, and the object name when activated by SCIL. The picture program parts activated by the event objects are stored within the pictures in the picture database and can be activated only when the picture is visible on the screen.
Variable objects are always created with SCIL. The variable objects are used as variables and as temporary storages for data.
Most application object types are stored in databases (a database is a set of related data stored in a structured form).
The process objects, scales and free type objects are stored in the Process Database.
The data objects, command procedures, time channels and event channels are stored in a database named Report Database, and these objects are called report objects with a common name.
Variable objects are stored in the same way as variables (The Programming Language
SCIL manual, Chapter 5). Event objects are not stored.
Each application may only contain one process database and one report database. The process and report database files are described in the System Management manual.
6 ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
2 Object Handling
Object Handling
This chapter presents the principles on how to define application objects and how to use the objects in SCIL. It is divided into the following three sections:
Defining application objects: the possibilities for defining objects, the principles for using the object definition tools, the principles for defining objects with SCIL.
Using application objects in SCIL: the object notation and how to use object notations in SCIL, accessing attributes.
Some SCIL commands for application object handling.
Defining Application Objects
As mentioned in Chapter 1, application objects can be created (defined) and modified in three ways:
Using application object definition tools.
Using the standard application library LIB 500.
By typing SCIL programs.
Using Definition Tools
By using application object definition tools, the engineer defines the objects’ one by one by entering attributes in fields or by making selections from various options.
The user interface of the application object definition tools depends on the type of the
MicroSCADA monitor you are using. When you open a MicroSCADA monitor, you choose a monitor type, either “X” type or “VS” type. In VS type monitors, the tools are composed of SCIL dialogs. In X type monitors, the tools are composed of semigraphic pictures.
Generally, there is no need to use X type monitors (only in special cases), and therefore this manual will describe the tools based on dialogs. If you have a semi-graphic monitor or a monitor configured as X type, see the MicroSCADA 8.2 Object Description manual to learn how to use them.
The application object definition tools are accessed from the Tool Manager by double-clicking the Object Navigator. In the Object Navigator the user can view object lists, access the definition of selected objects, add new objects, copy objects within the same application or from one application to another, delete objects, etc.
The application object definition tools are described in Part II of this manual. The
Object Navigator and the principles for using the object definition tools are discussed in Chapter 12.
ABB Automation 7
2 Object Handling
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Although objects have been created with SCIL or with the LIB 500 tools, you can view and edit them using the object definition tools.
Using LIB 500
LIB 500 is a set of standard application libraries for fast standardised application engineering. The LIB 500 libraries contain various types of application components.
The application engineer uses these components to compose a complete application.
The composition is done using the picture based library tools. The library tools create required application objects collectively. The programmer only gives some basic information.
Defining Objects with SCIL
New application objects can be created with the SCIL command #CREATE, objects can be modified with the #MODIFY command and objects can be deleted with the
#DELETE command. See the brief description of SCIL commands in Chapter 2 or the complete description in the Programming Language SCIL manual.
In fact, application objects are always created, modified and deleted with SCIL, since both the definition tools and the library tools are built with SCIL.
Using Application Objects in SCIL
In SCIL the application objects are used mainly through their attributes. Object data can be included in SCIL programs and expressions via the attributes. Object data can, for instance, be shown in windows, it can form the basis for control operations or be used in the definition of other objects, etc. Objects and their attributes are identified by an object notation, see below.
All types of objects can be used in SCIL. However, the event objects cannot be included in expressions as they have no data and no attributes.
Object Notation
Object notations have the following format:
Is the object name
Is the logical application number
Is the object type
Is an attribute name
ABB Automation
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
2 Object Handling
’index’ Is an index number
The information within brackets is not always obligatory. The parameters are explained below. See the examples below under the headline Using Object Notation.
The names of data objects, command procedures, time channels and event channels may contain max. 10 characters. The names of process, scale, event, variable and free type objects may contain max. 63 characters.
Characters allowed are the letters A - Z, all digits, underscore (_) and points (.). The object name must begin with a letter, a digit or an underscore.
Object names can be freely chosen. Within an application, the object name must be unique for a specific object type, but objects of different types may have the same name.
Examples of correct object names:
Examples of incorrect object names:
Contains an extended character (Scandinavian letter)
Contains a blank space
Process objects defined in LIB 500 must obey tighter rules: a maximum of nine characters is allowed for relay picture functions and ten characters for all the other types of picture functions. The names must not start with a number.
Application is the logical number of the application where the object is stored. It is the application number as known to the present application (according to the application mapping, the APL:BAP attribute, see the System Objects manual). The number can be omitted when the object is in the current application (the normal case).
Including an application number (other than the current one) in an object notation brings about a data transfer between two applications, within the same or different basesystems (provided that the basesystems are connected). A prerequisite is that the applications recognise each other through the application mapping.
The object type is indicated with a letter in accordance with the following:
P Process objects
2 Object Handling
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Scale objects
Data objects
Command procedures
Time channels
Event channels
Event objects
Variable objects
Free type objects
An attribute represents the value or feature to be read or written with the object notation. It is generally named by a predefined attribute name, which is a combination of two letters, A ... Z. Variable objects can have freely chosen attribute names of any length up to 63 characters.
Reading an attribute means that the attribute value is used in an expression. Writing
an attribute means that the attribute value is changed or updated with the #SET or
#MODIFY commands. See the examples under the headline “Using Object Notations” below.
The attribute of an object notation determines the value and the data type (see the
Programming Language SCIL manual, Chapter 3) of the entire notation. An object notation without an attribute may still refer to a special attribute, the default attribute
(mentioned in the subsequent object descriptions, normally the object value).
Object notations can be used without an attribute together with some commands (section 2.3.). In these cases they refer to the entire object. Event objects can only be used without an attribute.
Indices are used to differentiate attribute values with equal object notations in all other respects. Such attribute values are handled as a vector, where the elements are accessed using indices.
As a rule, indices refer to the elements of an attribute of vector type. The actual attribute determines the data type of the elements. Predefined process object types are an exception. For these objects, the indices refer to the individual objects in a group, not to attributes of vector type. However, for a certain attribute, the values are handled as elements in a vector.
In SCIL, an index or index range is marked in any of the following ways:
With an integer number, either a positive integer value or an octal number. An index of a variable object where the attribute is not composed of two letters must be embraced by brackets. In all other cases, no brackets are needed.
With an integer type expression. The expression must be embraced by brackets.
ABB Automation
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
2 Object Handling
With an interval (i..j), where ’i’ is the first index number and ’j’ the last. If the index limits are given as expressions (for example an object notation or a variable) they should be embraced by brackets or spaces. Two points surrounded by brackets, (..), are interpreted as all the indices of the actual object notation. (i..) Indicates all indices larger than or equal to ’i’, and (..j) all indices less than or equal to
No space is allowed between the index and the rest of the object notation.
Using Object Notations
Object notations can be used in SCIL statements and expressions (event object notations cannot be used in expressions). When used in expressions, the value of the attribute in the notation replaces the entire object notation. It can, for example, be part of a window definition expression, entailing that object data is shown in the window.
It can also be included in data object definitions or in conditional expressions, etc.
See the Programming Language SCIL manual, Chapter 6.
The value of the OV attribute of the process object OBJ with index 2 is read from the process database and displayed in the window WINDOW
@V = DATA:DRT + 60
A variable is assigned the value of the latest registration time added with 60 seconds
The process object BREAKER is closed. If the object represents a real physical object, the command is sent to the process station (RTU), which closes the real breaker.
The third registered value of the data object DAT_OBJ situated in application 2 is shown in the window (Assumes that application 2 is known to the present application.)
Attribute Access Level
There are four main levels of access to the application object attributes:
Read-only: Usually the attribute can be read using the object notation. It cannot be written with the #SET or #MODIFY commands, nor can it be given value when creating new object with #CREATE.
Read-only, configurable: Usually the attribute can be read and it can be assigned a value when a new object is created with the #CREATE command or modified with the #MODIFY command. It cannot be assigned values with the #SET command.
Read, conditional write: Usually the attribute can be read. It can be written provided that certain conditions are fulfilled.
2 Object Handling
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
No limitations: These attributes can be both read and written freely, in some cases provided that the object is in use (IU=1).
These terms are used in the attribute descriptions in Chapters 3 ... 11.
Some SCIL Commands
A detailed description of SCIL is found in the Programming Language SCIL manual.
This section briefly describes a few SCIL commands, which are important for application object handling. The commands are here given along with the arguments necessary for making a complete statement. The arguments are written in lowercase letters.
Setting Object Values
#SET object [= expression]
Assigns the value of ’expression’ to the attribute in ’object’, which must be a complete object notation. The object can be any object type, except an event object. Concerning process objects, the command may entail control of the process.
Executing Objects
#EXEC object [(variable_list)]
Executes an object. The ’object’ can be a data object, a command procedure, an event object or an event channel. The command entails that a data object is registered, a command procedure is executed, an event object is generated or an event channel is started. The variable list, which can be omitted, defines the variables to be used in the command procedure or in the data object expression.
Event Object Handling
#ON event_object [statement]
Defines a statement or a program sequence to be executed in the picture - main picture, part picture, control board picture, or picture function - each time the named event object is generated (Chapter 9).
12 ABB Automation
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Technical Reference Manual
2 Object Handling
Updating Process Database
#GET object
Gets process values from stations connected on ANSI lines (station type STA) and updates them in the process data base. The ’object’ must be a process object or a communication system object with the attribute ME (see the System Objects manual).
Process Query
#INIT_QUERY n [condition]
Initialises a process query. The process query is performed with the SCIL function
PROD_QUERY, which returns a list of process object attribute values. The command states the type of the following process query as well as which process objects are included in the query. The type of the process query can be: the whole process database, the alarm buffer (for alarms lists) or the history buffer (for event lists).
Creating Objects
#CREATE object [= expression]
Creates a new object and assigns it the attributes of the expression, which must be of list type. Using this command all application object types can be created, except event objects. The expression, which must be of list type, assigns the object desired attributes. It can be the LIST function or a variable object that has been assigned desired attributes with FETCH, PHYS_FETCH, NEXT, PREV. The latter case means that the new object is copied from an existing one (must be of the same type).
Modifying Objects
#MODIFY object = expression
Changes the object definition according to the attributes in the list type expression.
The object can be of any application object type, except event objects. Most attributes can be modified with this command, except those that are generated by the system.
Unlike the #SET command, the #MODIFY command allows several attributes to be written simultaneously. Some attributes that cannot be changed with #SET can be changed with #MODIFY.
ABB Automation 13
2 Object Handling
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Deleting Objects
#DELETE object
Deletes the object definition. The object can be of any application object type, except event objects.
Searching through Objects
#SEARCH n appl type order [start [condition]]
Searches objects of a specified type and with specified features for browsing with the
SCIL functions NEXT and PREV. Up to ten search sequences can be initialised simultaneously in each picture or command procedure. Searching among variable objects and event objects is not possible.
14 ABB Automation
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3 Process Objects
3 Process Objects
This chapter describes the process objects and their attributes. It is divided into five sections with the following contents:
General: This section describes the basic features, use and functions of process objects, process object types, user defined process object types, an overview of process object attributes, process objects, the storage of process objects, etc.
Configurable process object attributes: This section lists and describes in details process object attributes that define the functions of the objects.
Dynamic process object attributes: This section lists and describes in details process object attributes that contain the dynamic, real time data of the objects.
Defining process objects: required attributes, default values, principles for creating process objects using SCIL, examples.
Configurable process object group attributes: This section lists and describes in details process object group attributes that define the functions of the object groups.
3.1 General
ABB Automation
Process objects are typically data images of physical process devices, such as breakers, disconnectors, switches, relays, detectors, sensors, regulators. These devices are connected to MicroSCADA through Remote Terminal Units (RTUs), Protective
Equipment, Programmable Logics, Central Stations, etc., all of which will be referred to as process units or stations in the following text.
Process objects supervise the process signals registered in stations and control the signals sent from the stations to the process equipment. Generally, each input and output connection in a station is represented by a process object in the MicroSCADA process database. Additionally, general supervision and status information stored in a station can be represented by process objects.
There are also process objects that have no physical correspondence, nor any data correspondence in the stations. These process objects are used for process simulations, for manually updated values, system message handling, etc.
Process objects constitute the links between the control system and the controlled process. A process object contains the process data, various stamps related to the data
(for example time and validation stamps or stamps set by the stations) and alarm state
3 Process Objects
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
1MRS751253-MEN information. It also contains functional definitions, such as scale definition, automatic activation, etc., see Figure 4. Both the dynamic data that reflect the real-time state of the process and the functional definitions are defined by attributes.
A process device is controlled by setting the object value of the corresponding output object with the #SET command. The order is passed out to the NET unit and to the process device via the station. Likewise, a spontaneous message from a station updates the corresponding input objects in the process database. Under certain conditions, the process objects of input type can also be updated using SCIL (with #SET, see the SS attribute). Process objects without process connection are always updated using SCIL.
Every update of a process object, whether it comes from the process or from SCIL, may cause the following effects, “post-processing”, (depending on the process object definition and the value of the update):
Alarm activation (input objects) including alarm signals, alarm printout and registration in the alarm buffer (alarm list).
Automatic printout.
Event-based updating in pictures (through event objects).
Activation of an event channel.
Registration in the history buffer (event list).
Each update gets a validation stamp (the OS attribute) and a time stamp (the RT and
RM attributes), and also other markings possibly.
If an object does not exist when an update comes, an event channel
(UNDEF_PROC:A) is activated, see the Chapter 8.
Process Object Types
The type of a certain process object depends on the type of the corresponding input/output connection in the station. This connection corresponds to the main attribute of the process objects, the object value (the OV attribute). MicroSCADA supports ten predefined process object types:
Analog Input and Output.
Binary Input and Output.
Digital Input and Output.
Double Indication (input).
Pulse Counter (input).
Bit Stream (output and input).
File Transfer (output and input).
Table 1 shows the relationship between the MicroSCADA process object types and the corresponding signal types in S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU and SPACOM stations.
16 ABB Automation
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3 Process Objects
User Defined Types
In addition to the predefined process object types listed above, the MicroSCADA application engineer can define up to 155 different user-defined types. These process object types are defined by free type objects described in the Chapter 11 of this manual.
Using free type objects the application engineer can define his own process object types for which he can select the type of object value, other attributes and type of activation. Unlike the predefined object types, where the activations are always connected to the object value, any attribute of the user defined object types can be defined to cause post-processing.
ABB Automation 17
3 Process Objects
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Process Displays Alarm Signals Alarm List Event List
Event and
Alarm Printout
Trends and
Process Objects
Report Database
Figure 4.
The functions of the process database
18 ABB Automation
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3 Process Objects
Table 1.
The S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU and SPACOM specific data types and the corresponding process object types. The bit stream and file transfer object types are not included as they have no correspondence within these types of stations.
Process Object Types
Binary Input, BI
Binary Output, BO
S.P.I.D.E.R RTU Data Types
Indication single
Indication single event recording
Object command
Regulation command
SPACOM Data types
Binary Signals
Select open/close of secured control
Execute command
Cancel selection
Direct open/close commands
Lower/raise commands
Digital Input, DI
Digital Output, DO
Analog Input, AI
Digital value
Digital setpoint
Analog value
Analog event recording
Measured data (current, voltage, integrated energy values, tap changer position, etc.).
Analog Output, AO
Double Binary Indication, DB
Pulse Counter, PC
Analog setpoint
General persistent output
Indication double
Indication double event recording
Pulse counter
Breaker and disconnector states
(open + close)
Pulse counters
Table 2 lists the attributes of different process object types. This table lists both the dynamic attributes that reflect the real time state of the process and the definition attributes that specify the function of the process objects. In the attribute descriptions in sections 3.2 and 3.3 these two main types of attributes are kept apart.
If no value is given to an attribute when an object is defined, the attribute is assigned a default value. The default values of the attributes are given in the attribute descriptions in section 3.2 and 3.3 They are also given within parenthesis in Table 2.
Objects of the user-defined types have all the common attributes. In addition, they have a number of user-defined attributes that can have any two-letter attribute name except the common attribute names. The user-defined attributes are defined by the free type objects described in the Chapter 11.
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Table 2.
The process object attributes of different process object types. The default values are given within parenthesis. R = the attribute is read only.
Object Types
Object Value
Time and Validation Stamps
Alarm State
Operation State
Unit and Scale
Limit Values
All Types
AT(R), YT,
BO(0) AI(0)
Predefined Types
DO(0) DB(0) PC(0) BS(0)
Alarm Handling
AD(0), PI,
AG(0) LA(0),
Min / Max Values
Stamps set by the Stations
Event Handling
Printout Handling
History Buffering
Blocking Attributes
RTU Attributes
IEC Specific
AF(0), AH,
AN, EE(0)
PA(0), PF,
PH, PU(0)
20 ABB Automation
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3 Process Objects
Object Types
Event History
File Transfer
All Types
Predefined Types
Process Object Groups
Process objects of predefined types are regarded as parts of process object groups, where all objects have the same name and individual objects are identified by means of indices. Up to 10 000 related process objects of the predefined types can be given the same name. Different I/O points of a motor control for example, can be given the same object name. Process objects of several different predefined types can be included in the same group. Likewise, both real and process objects without process connection (see below) can be contained in the same group. Objects of user defined types cannot be included in a group.
Every object in a group is defined separately and independently of the other objects in the group. Individual attribute values are elements in a vector, formed by the corresponding attribute values of all objects in the group. Each attribute value is identified by the index of the object.
ABB Automation
The process objects are stored in the process database, which is located on disk as well as in RAM (primary memory). All the attributes are stored in RAM. Depending on the switch state (see the attribute SS), the process object values (OV) are updated alternatively both on disk and in RAM, only on disk, or only in RAM.
A full size process database is limited by the file size limit of 32 Mb. The maximum number of process objects varies between 4000 and 320 000 depending on the size of the attribute values. The lower limit is an extreme case where the database is filled with bitstream objects each having an object value (bit string) of length 65000 and fully equipped text attributes. Also scales occupy space in the process database.
Note also that a process database including 320000 process objects occupies 80 Mb of the primary memory. The memory pool should hence be configured accordingly.
The name of the process database file is APL_PROCES.PRD.
At application start-up, the process database is copied from disk to RAM. As the values stored on disk are probably out-dated, the process database should be updated from the stations. This is managed differently for different types of stations:
S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs send all object values (input data) automatically to the process database when the NET unit has been started (the NET unit has sent an SCI
(Status Check Instruction)). When the NET unit is running, process database can
3 Process Objects
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1MRS751253-MEN be updated from the RTUs by setting the STAn:SSC attribute for all RTUs. For more information on this attribute see the System Objects manual. For example the setting can be done in the initialisation programs, which are application dependent command procedures started by the event channels APL_INIT_1 and
APL_INIT_2. For more information on event channels see Chapter 8.
The process data of stations on ANSI lines (Allen-Bradley, SRIO, etc.) is read and updated in the process database by means of the #GET command (section 2.3.), for example, situated in the initialisation programs.
Process data of SPACOM units are updated in the process database when the
STAn:SUP attribute of the stations (see the System Objects manual) is set. For example, the statement #SET STA2:SUP = 1 means that all process data of the
SPACOM unit defined as STA2 is updated in the process database.
Process Object Notation
The process object attributes are accessed in SCIL with the following notation (see also Chapter 2):
name: {a}P{at}{(i)}
Is the name of the process object group (predefined types) or process object (user-defined types)
Is the logical application number
Is the attribute name
’i’ Is an index or index range
For predefined object types, the indices refer to the individual object(s) in a group. An object notation without an index normally refers to the process object with the lowest index, but it refers to the whole group if the attribute is common to the group. For user-defined object types, the indices refer to elements in user-defined attributes of vector type. The predefined common attributes cannot be indexed. In the following attribute descriptions (sections 3.2 and 3.3), indexing is only explained for special cases.
As a rule, a process object notation without attribute refers to the object value OV
(BI, BO, AI, AO, DI, DO, DB, PC or BS). For user-defined objectd types, notation without attribute refers to the main attribute of the object. However, the commands
#LIST, #CREATE, #DELETE and #MODIFY refer to the whole object or, if the notation contains no index, to the whole process object group.
The process data stored in stations using the ANSI X3.28 protocol can be directly accessed with the system object attribute STAn:SME (see the System Objects manual).
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3 Process Objects
Configurable Process Object Attributes
This section describes the process object attributes that define the objects and their functions. The attributes are grouped into the following sub-sections:
3.2.1 Basic Definition:
3.2.2 Identification:
3.2.3 Addresses:
3.2.4 Operational State:
3.2.5 Unit and Scale:
3.2.6 Limit Value Supervision:
3.2.7 Alarm Handling:
3.2.8 Event Handling:
3.2.9 Saving the Event History:
3.2.10 Printout Handling:
3.2.11 Miscellaneous Attributes:
Basic Definition Attributes
IX Index
The index of a process object of predefined type. The individual objects in a group (a maximum of 10 000 objects with the same name) are identified by indices.
In principle, the index for a new process object can be freely chosen. However, the following convention is used: The index of an event recording object in S.P.I.D.E.R.
RTUs should be assigned the index of the supervised object plus 100.
Data type:
1...10 000
Read-only, configurable
LN Logical Name
The logical name of the process object. The name is common to all objects in the group (predefined types). The individual process objects in the group (a maximum of
10 000) are identified by indices (the IX attribute).
3 Process Objects
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Data type:
Maximum length of the name is 63 characters. The name must follow the rules for object names given in section 2.2.
When referring to an individual object of a predefined type, the object index (the IX attribute) is used.
When referring to a group, the attribute is not indexed.
For user-defined objects the attribute is always used without an index.
Read-only, configurable Access:
Modifying the LN attribute:
@A = FETCH(0,"P","ABC",1)
PT Process Object Type
The type of the object. The system groups the process objects into nine predefined process object types depending on the type of the object value. The object value can be: binary input, binary output, analog input, analog output, digital input, digital output, pulse counter, double binary indication and bit stream. For more information see the headline "Process Object Types" in section 3.1). In addition to predefined object types, there may be up to 156 user defined types.
Data type:
1 ... 255
The type numbers 1 ... 99 are reserved for predefined types
100 ... 255 can be used for user defined types.
There are the following predefined types:
3 = Binary input (BI)
5 = Binary output (BO)
6 = Digital input (DI)
7 = Digital output (DO)
9 = Analog input (AI)
11 = Analog output (AO)
12 = Double Binary Indication (DB)
13 = Pulse Counter (PC)
14 = Bit Stream (BS)
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3 Process Objects
15 = File Transfer (FT)
Read-only, configurable with #CREATE but not #MODIFY
ZT Modification Time
The time when the object was created or modified. This attribute is set by the main program when the object is created and each time the object is updated by the
#MODIFY command (for example, by the process object definition tool).
Data type: Time
Access: Read-only
Identification Attributes
CX Comment Text
A freely chosen text. This attribute is not included in the history buffer.
Data type:
No limitations
OI Object Identifier
A freely chosen text that can be used as an identifier for the object, a descriptive text or a comment. The OI attribute is contained in the history buffer and event log (starting at column 231). Hence, it can be included in the event list. The attribute can be divided in sub-strings according to application specific conventions.
Data type:
Text of max. 63 characters
No limitations
OX Object Text
A freely chosen text.
Data type: Text
Text of maximum 63 characters
No limitations
3 Process Objects
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3.2.3 Addresses
The attributes in this section specify the relationship between the process objects and the corresponding input and output signals and data in the process units. For a certain process object, the UN attribute (Unit Number) specifies the unit where the corresponding process signal is registered. The OA and OB attributes (Object Address and
Bit Address) specify the address to the signal.
OA Object Address
The address to the process object. All real objects (the objects that are connected to a process) require an object address. A possible bit address is given separately with the attribute OB.
For process objects belonging to stations using the ANSI X3.28 protocol the object address is the same as the word address defined in the station.
For process objects belonging to S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs and SPA units, the object address is a number coded according to the formula:
4096 * object type number + logical address where
‘object type number' is 0 ... 11 according to the following:
0 = No object type (simple input, counter input, measurand input in P214)
1 = Object command (S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs), binary output (SPA)
2 = Regulation command (S.P.I.D.E.R . RTUs), command output (P214)
3 = Digital setpoint
4 = Analog setpoint
5 = General persistent output (S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU), setpoint output (P214)
6 = Analog value
7 = Indication (single or double)
8 = Pulse counter
9 = Digital value
10 = Indication event recording
11 = Analog event recording
26 ABB Automation
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3 Process Objects
’logical address’ Is the type specific logical address:
For S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs the block address.
For SPA units: the SPA point address defined in NET.
The object address of process objects belonging to REX stations (REF, RED, REC,
REL, etc., relays on a LON) is the address given in the process units.
The object address of process objects belonging to LMK stations (LSG device,
Weidmuller, etc., on LON) is the address defined in NET by the corresponding
ORKS i point definition (see the System Objects manual).
In the Process Object Definition Tool both the OA attribute and the logical address can be used.
Data type:
0 ... 2 147 483 647
0 = No object address. In the process object Definition Tool the
OT attribute (Output Type) indicates whether the address is read/written in decimal or octal form. For FT type process objects
0 is the only permissible value.
0 Default value:
Access: Read-only, configurable
OB Object Bit Address
The bit address of the object value in the station. All real binary and double indication objects require a bit address, except S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU objects of binary output type
(object commands and regulation commands) which may not be given bit addresses.
Double binary indications are given even bit addresses. Using an even address for a double binary input object is only possible if the subsequent odd bit address is free.
Giving a bit address requires that the word address (the attribute OA) has been specified.
Data type:
0 ... 15
In the Process Object Definition Tool the OT attribute indicates whether the address is displayed in decimal or octal form. On the other hand when using SCIl the address is always read/written in the decimal form. For FT type process objects 16, no bit address, is the only permissible value.
Default value: 16 = No bit address i L
is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation.
ABB Automation 27
3 Process Objects
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Technical Reference Manual
Access: Read-only, configurable
OT Output Type
The format - decimal, octal or hexadecimal form - used when displaying the addresses of the object (the attributes OA and OB).
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 = Decimal representation
1 = Octal representation
2 = Hexadecimal representation
No limitations
TI Table Index
Table index attribute supports configuring COM 500 object addressing. Reserved for use by LIB 500.
Data type: Integer
No range checking
No limitations
UN Unit Number
The logical number of the station where the object is found. The logical number is the number as known to the application. The number is translated according to the station mapping attribute APLn:BST, see the System Objects manual, Chapter 5. Objects with a UN value of 1 … 2000 are connected to the process through the communication system.
Data type: Integer
0 ... 65535
Read-only, configurable
28 ABB Automation
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3 Process Objects
Operational State
IU In Use
Status of use. This attribute determines whether the object can be operated or not.
Taking an object out of use (IU = 0) means that all functions of the object, such as updating and alarm and event handling, are switched off. No attributes (except IU) can be used or changed. However, the object definition is preserved and the object can be put back into use again at any time by setting the IU attribute to 1. If the switch state is AUTO (SS = 2) or FICTITIOUS (SS = 3) when the object is put into use (IU set to 1), the OS attribute (Object Status) receives the value 10 (see the OS attribute).
This applies all the other object types other than output objects (BO, DO or AO).
Data type:
0 = Out of use
1 = In use
0 Default value:
No limitations
The process object ABC with index 3 is taken out of use:
SS Switch State
This attribute describes how the object value (the attributes AI, AO, BI, BO, DI, DO,
DB, PC and OV) is updated: manually, automatically or not at all.
Data type:
0 … 3:
0 =
1 =
2 =
OFF, no updating, the object is disconnected. The
#SET and #GET commands cannot be used with the object.
MAN, manual updating. The object is updated by
SCIL (#SET). Updating from the process is inhibited and changes in output values (AO, BO, BS, DO) do not affect the process. The object value is updated both on disk and in RAM. #GET is not possible.
AUTO, updating both from the process and from
SCIL. The AI, BI, DI, PC and DB attributes can be updated from SCIL only if the object’s UN = 0 and
SS = 2. The object values are updated only in RAM,
3 Process Objects
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3 = except process objects with UN = 0 and SS =2, which are updated both on disk and in RAM.
FICTIVE. The object is fictitious. Unit number (UN) and object addresses (OS, OB) are not required, but if given they have only an informative function. They are not used for data transfer between the process database and the station.
Default value: 0
Access: No limitations
Table 3.
The table shows how different switch states affect the reading and writing of the OV attribute.
When the value is changed with a definition tool, it is changed according to the principles in the modify column.
#SET obj:pov[ix] = value #MODIFY obj:p[ix] = LIST(ov = value)
not possible, error 2013 (prof object switched off) is produced changes DISK value changes RAM and DISK values changes RAM and DISK values
UN = 0: changes RAM value
UN = 0: changes RAM and DISK values
status 2013 defined
UN = 0: defined
defined defined defined
UN > 0: UN > 0: input objects >> not possible, error 2018 (prof update capability error) is produced input objects >> changes DISK value output objects >> changes DISK value output objects >> changes
RAM value changes RAM value changes RAM and DISK values
UN > 0: input objects >> status 10 output objects >> defined defined defined
SU Substitution State
A common attribute to all predefined process object types. The value of SU attribute is stored on a disk. When SU is set to 1, the value of the OV attribute is stored on disk as well, even if the switch state of the object is AUTO.
The attribute may be set by a simple #SET command or a list type #SET command may be used to set the SU attribute and the corresponding OV attribute at the same time, for example:
#SET x:Py = LIST (SU = 1, BI = 1)
SU attribute is automatically reset from 1 to 0, when the value of the OV attribute is updated. The OV attribute is updated by process if the switch state is in AUTO, or by
SCIL in other switch states.
Setting the SU attribute generates an event if EE == 1 and activates an event channel, printout and/or history logging if enabled.
30 ABB Automation
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3 Process Objects
The value of SU attribute is included in the snapshot variables.
Data type: Integer
Value: 0 = Not substituted
1 = Substituted
0 Default value:
Access: No limitations
Unit and Scale
These attributes apply to AI, AO and/or PC type objects.
BC Bit Count
The number of bits in the maximum value of the pulse counter. This attribute applies to Pulse Counter (PC) objects and is just informative. It entails no automatic functions in the process database, but can be used in SCIL programs.
Data type:
Default value:
1 ... 32
16 (31 in the definition tool)
No limitations
IR Integer Representation
Configuration attribute for AI and AO type process objects for defining the representation of the analog value.
When IR = 1, the following attributes are represented as integer values:
AI objects: AI, MV, XV, LI, HI, LW, HW, ZD
AO objects: AO, LO, HO
Furthermore, when IR = 1, the value is not scaled between the database and the ACP message. The scale name attribute SN must be empty, if given at all, when the object is created.
Data type:
Default value:
0 = Floating point representation. Data type Real in SCIL
1 = 32-bit signed integer representation. Data type Integer in SCIL
3 Process Objects
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Access: Read-only, configurable. It can be created with the #CREATE command, but it cannot be modified with the #MODIFY command.
SC Scaling
This attribute concerns only objects of type Pulse Counter (PC). It indicates the number of units that one pulse corresponds to. The unit is determined by the ST (Sort
Type) attribute.
The attribute has only an informative function. For S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs the attribute is automatically set in the RTUs.
Data type:
Access: No limitations
SN Scale Name
The name of the scale used for the scaling of the object. The scale is an algorithm for the transformation of analog process values to computer data scaled in accordance with the unit of the object (the ST attribute). This attribute concerns only analog objects (AI and AO). Every analog process object must have a scale (see Chapter 4).
The scale must exist in the database before the process object can be created.
Scaling is executed in the process database before the object value is registered (AI) or sent to the process (AO).
Data type:
Maximum 63 characters
Read-only, configurable
ST Sort Type
The unit of the object value. This attribute concerns only analog and pulse counter objects (AI, AO and PC).
Data type:
Maximum 10 characters
No limitations
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3 Process Objects
Limit Value Supervision
These attributes apply to analog objects (AI and AO). The LI, HI, HW and LW attributes (Low Input, High Input, High Warning and Low Warning), specify the alarm and warning limits of analog objects. These attributes are also valid for user-defined objects of data types real and integer.
For compatibility reasons, the following rule applies to the limit values: If the warning and alarm limits have been set equal (HI = HW and LI = LW) and the alarm limits are changed, the warning limits will always be changed accordingly.
HI Higher Input
Upper alarm limit for analog input values. Alarm is raised (AL = 1), when the AI attribute exceeds this value (provided that SZ = 1).
Data type:
Default value:
Integer, if IR=1
>= LI and HW
The HI attribute cannot be set below the LI and HW attributes
Integer, if IR=1
No limitations
HO Higher Output
Upper limit for analog output values (AO). If the attribute AO exceeds this value, an error status is raised.
Data type:
Default value:
Integer, if IR=1
>= LO
Integer, if IR=1
No limitations
HW Higher Warning
The upper warning limit for analog input objects (if SZ = 1).
Data type: Real
Integer, if IR=1
3 Process Objects
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Technical Reference Manual
Default value:
>= LW and <= HI
The HW attribute cannot be set higher than the HI attribute, nor lower than the LW attribute.
Integer, if IR=1
The HI attribute
No limitations
LI Lower Input
Lower alarm limit for analog input values. Alarm arises (AL = 1) when the AI attribute goes below this value (provided that SZ = 1).
Data type:
Default value:
<= HI and LW
The LI attribute cannot be set above the HI and LW attributes
No limitations
LO Lower Output
Lower limit for the analog output value (AO). If the AO attribute goes below this value, an error message is produced.
Data type: Real
Integer, if IR=1
Value: <= HO
Integer, if IR=1
Default value:
No limitations
LW Lower Warning
Lower warning limit for analog input objects (if SZ = 1).
Data type:
Default value:
Integer, if IR=1
<= HW and >= LI
The LW attribute cannot be set smaller than LI
Integer, if IR=1
The LI attribute
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3 Process Objects
Access: No limitations
SZ SCADA Zone Supervision
This attribute determines whether the warning and alarm supervision are managed by the station or by MicroSCADA. If the supervision is handled in the station, the station determines the alarm and warning state of the object, independent of the HI, LI, HW and LW attributes (see above). Warning and alarm supervision affect the alarm, event and printout generation.
For S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU objects the SZ attribute should normally be 0 (supervision in the RTU).
Data type:
Default value:
0 = Supervision in the station
1 = Supervision in MicroSCADA
No limitations
ZE Zero deadband supervision Enabled
Analog input objects can be defined with zero deadband supervision. If supervision is enabled and the value of the object lies within the deadband, exact zero is stored as the object value ( AI ). As long as the value lies within the deadband zone, the measured entity (for example current, voltage) is regarded as switched off and the variations are regarded as negligible disturbances.
When zero deadband is in use, the value 0 is not considered to be an alarming value even though a lower alarm limit LI >=0 is given. When the object gets the value 0, the alarm zone attribute AZ is set to 0. The Minimum Value attribute (MV) is not updated.
Data type: Integer
0 = No zero deadband supervision
1 = Zero deadband supervision is enabled
No limitations
ZD Zero Deadband
The width of the zero deadband, see Figure 5. The value of the object is regarded as zero when it lies within the shaded zone, that is, within the range -ZD ... +ZD. See also the ZE attribute above.
3 Process Objects
Data type:
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Integer, if IR=1
Width of the zero deadband
Integer, if IR=1
No limitations
Figure 5.
An illustration of the ZD attribute
Alarm Handling
The following object types can be equipped with alarm handling:
Analog input objects (AI).
Binary input objects (BI).
Double binary objects (DB).
Objects of user-defined types.
Alarm handling is roughly illustrated in Figure 6. If an object has no alarm class
(alarm class 0), it has no alarm function either. If there is an alarm class, and the alarm is not blocked (see section 3.3.4), an alarm is activated when the object value receives an alarming value.
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3 Process Objects
Alarm Handling
Updating of OV Process
AL = 1
(alarm on)
= 0
= 1
AC ?
> 0
AZ = 1
AZ = 2
= 0
AL = 0
= 0
Alarm Buffer
= 1
= 1
AR ?
PI ?
PF ?
Alarm Picture
Alarm printout
External Alarm Signals
PF ?
Figure 6.
A rough outline of the alarm handling attributes for analog input and binary input objects. OS is supposed to be 0. If the old OS = 10 the monitor alarm, alarm printout and external alarm signals depend on the PU attribute (Picture at First Update, see section 3.2.10).
“Alarm on” as well as ”alarm off” always cause a registration in the “alarm buffer”, which contains all active and unacknowledged alarms (if there is a demand for ac-
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1MRS751253-MEN knowledgment). The alarm buffer is sorted according to the alarm time (the AT and
AM attributes, see section 3.3.3). If a new alarm occurs in an object that already is in the buffer, the alarm time of the object is changed, and the buffer is resorted.
If an object has an alarm delay (the AD attribute), a short alarm state can pass without alarm activation (not included in Figure 6). However, the alarm time attributes (AT,
AM, YT and YM) are updated.
Regarding automatic printout, see section 3.2.10.
Every time an alarm occurs an event channel named APL_ALARM is activated (if it exists), see Chapter 8.
Alarm Generation
For analog input (AI) objects, alarm generating values are specified by alarm limits,
(the HI and LI attributes described in section 3.2.6), provided that SCADA supervision is used (the SZ attribute). For binary and double binary objects, alarm generation is specified by the following attributes:
AG Alarm Generation
Alarm generation for binary input objects (BI). This attribute indicates which bit value, 0, 1 or both, will generate an alarm. When the BI attribute gets this value, an alarm is generated. If both bit states generate an alarm, the alarm generation at the first update can be prevented by means of the Normal Value (the NV attribute, see below).
The attribute is also valid for user defined object types of data type Boolean.
Data type:
Default value:
0 = Bit value 0 generates an alarm
1 = Bit value 1 generates an alarm
2 = Both bit value 0 and bit value 1 generate an alarm
3 = Both bit values 0 and 1 generate an alarm on each update, even if the value hasn’t changed.
No limitations
LA Alarm Activation
The alarm generating states for double binary indications (DB), given as bit masks.
Several states, even all four states can be alarm generating.
If one, two or three states are defined to be alarm generating, an alarm is generated when the object value (the OV attribute) receives any of these states. The alarm disappears when a no-alarm state is received. If all four states are defined to generate an
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3 Process Objects alarm (LA = 15), each new update causes a new alarm. In this case, the alarm disappears, that is, the AL attribute becomes = 0, when the alarm is acknowledged.
When an object with LA = 15 is updated for the first time (OS goes from 10 to 0) and the object value is the normal value (NV), or the normal value is 4, no alarm is generated. See the NV attribute.
Data type:
0 ... 15. The alarm generating states given as bit masks
0 = No alarm generation
0 Default value:
No limitations
The OV values 0 and 2 will be alarm generating and the value of DB:PLA value will be 5:
NV Normal Value
The normal value of a binary indication or double binary indication.
The NV attribute is important only at the first update and when all bit states are alarm generating. At the first update the former OS value is 10. All bit states ar alarm generating when the AG = 2 for binary input objects and LA = 15 for DB objects. In these cases, the object does not cause any alarm if its value is the same as the NV attribute or if NV = 4.
Data type:
Default value:
0, 1 or 2 for binary input (BI) objects and 0 ... 4 for double binary indications (DB)
2 for binary objects and 4 for double indications. These values mean that no alarm is generated at start-up for objects that are defined to be alarm generating in all states.
No limitations Access:
If a binary input object defined to generate alarm in all states (AG = 2) has NV = 1, no alarm is generated if BI = 1 at the first update. However, if BI = 0 at first update, an alarm is generated. If the NV attribute of the object = 2, no alarm is generated at first update independent of the value of BI.
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Alarm Handling Attributes
The following attributes specify the alarm functions of the object:
AC Alarm Class
There are seven equally significant alarm classes for grouping alarms. The application engineer chooses how to group the objects in alarm classes. They can, for example, be grouped based on the location of the process objects or alarm type. An object with alarm class 0 has no alarm function.
The alarm class is of significance when connecting the objects to audiovisual alarm signals through additional circuit boards. All objects belonging to the same class have the same type of audiovisual alarms. The audiovisual alarm signals to standard alarm devises only work for objects with at least one printer, that is LD > 0.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 ... 7
0 = no alarm function
No limitations
AD Alarm Delay
AD specifies the delay between the registration of an alarm value in the process database and the generation of that alarm. If there is a delay, the alarm value is updated in the process object as normal, but the alarm messages and consequential activations are not activated. There are several types of consequential activations: printout, audio and picture alarm, registration in alarm list and history buffer, event channel activation. When the delay time expires, the AL attribute (Alarm, see section 3.3.3) is set to
1 and the alarm signals are activated, provided that the alarming value remains. Otherwise, if the object value has been updated to a non-alarm value during the delay, no alarm is activated.
The alarm delay does not affect alarms generated by a FAULTY status of the object.
Neither does the alarm delay apply when the alarm is cleared. In these cases, alarm messages and activations are activated as usual.
Independent of the alarm delay, the alarm time stamps (AT, AM, YT and YM) are set to the time when the object was updated to the alarm value (that is the real alarm time). When the alarm delay expires, the RT and RM attributes are updated if the alarm state remains.
For analog input objects, the warnings are delayed according to the AD attribute value because of the alarm delay. If a situation occurs where the object value is updated to an alarm value during a warning delay, the delay is restarted. If the value returns to
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3 Process Objects normal during the alarm delay, no alarm or warning is produced. However, if the value returns to a warning state, a warning is immediately produced.
Data type:
Default value:
0 ... 65535
No limitations
PD Picture Devices
The logical monitor numbers of the alarm monitors, that is, the monitors where the picture alarm message and the alarm picture will be shown. An object can have up to
15 alarm monitors (the monitors with logical numbers 1 ... 15).
Data type:
0 ... 65534, even numbers. The monitor numbers of the alarm monitors given as a bit map. The alarm monitor numbers are the bit numbers of the ones in the bit representation of the integer. The monitors are given with the logical numbers known to the application (according to the monitor mapping, the APLn:BMP attribute, see the System Objects manual).
No limitations
Monitors with the logical numbers 2 and 4 will receive monitor alarms:
PI Picture
The name of the alarm picture, that is the picture shown with the command !INT_PIC
(section 2.2.).
When an alarm occurs, the alarm picture is placed as the last item in a monitor specific alarm picture queue. At the same time a monitor alarm signal (a red flashing square in the upper right corner) is issued. The command !INT_PIC shows the alarm picture that is first in the queue. When the picture is shown, it is removed from the queue. The alarm picture can be shown when the monitor alarm signal has been issued. Even if the alarm disappears before the picture has been shown, the alarm picture remains in the queue. When a semi-graphic monitor is closed (by the !CLOSE
command), or when a picture is exited with the emergency exit key in the upper left corner, the remaining alarm pictures in the alarm picture queue of the monitor are shown one by one. If an alarm occurs while the monitor is closed, it is automatically produced on screen immediately.
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Using the PU attribute (Printout at First Update, see section 3.2.10), alarm messages, including the monitor alarm and the alarm picture, can be inhibited when the object is updated for the first time, for example when the previous OS value is 10.
Data type:
Picture name
No limitations
Monitor alarm signal is shown only if the object has an alarm picture.
RC Receipt
Demand for acknowledgement. The attribute states whether acknowledgement is obligatory or not. If acknowledgement is required, the alarm is not removed from the alarm queue until it is acknowledged with the AR attribute.
Data type:
Default value:
0 = No acknowledgement demand
1 = Demand for acknowledgement
No limitations
Event Handling
The attributes in this section determine event channels and event activated updating in pictures. The history buffering attributes that specify the registration in the history buffer and in the event lists, are described in section 3.2.9, printout handling attributes in section 3.2.10. Event handling can be blocked. For more information on blocking, see the attributes in section 3.3.4.
AA Action Activation
This attribute determines the object value related situations, that cause an event channel activation. It only applies for objects with event channel (AE = 1, see below). Regarding objects of user-defined types, any user defined attribute can be defined to activate the event channel of the object.
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Using the AF attribute it is possible to select whether event channel will be activated when the object value is updated for the first time (OS = 10). It is always activated when an object value already exists (OS < 10).
Data type:
0 ... 5
The activation criteria:
Activation only when the AL attribute changes (that is an alarm comes or goes).
Activation each time the OV attribute is changed, OS is changed to
1 or 3, or SE or SP is set. Includes activation at alarm.
Activation each time the OV attribute is updated (even if it is not changed), or SE or SP is set. If updating from the station is marked
INTERROGATED, no event channel is activated, if the object value has not changed and the AF attribute is = 0 (no activation at first update). For more information on INTERROGATED, see the
CT attribute. Includes activation at alarm.
Activation when the warning or alarm state changes (the AL or AZ attributes, see section 3.3.3), or SE or SP is set.
4 = UP
Activation when a binary object is changed from 0 to 1, or the value of a double binary object is changed from 0 to 1, from 1 to 2, from 2 to 3, from 3 to 2 or 1 to 0. No meaning for other object types. Includes activation at alarm.
Default value:
5 = DOWN
Activation when a binary object is changed from 1 to 0, or the value of a double binary object is changed from 0 to 1, from 2 to 3, from 3 to 2, from 2 to 1 or 1 to 0. No meaning for other object types. Includes activation at alarm.
No limitations
AE Action Enabled
The connection of an event channel (Chapter 8) to the process object. The event channel transmits the process object events to another object, which can be a data object or a command procedure. The situations, which activate the connected event channel, are determined by the AA attribute. Besides, for user defined object types,
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1MRS751253-MEN each of the user-defined attributes can cause an event channel activation. All process objects can be connected to an event channel.
When an event channel is activated, the values of the following process object attributes are transmitted to variables with the same names as the attributes ("snapshot variables"), see Chapter 8.
Data type:
Default value:
0 = No event channel
1 = The process object is equipped with an event channel
No limitations
AF Action at First Update
This attribute determines whether the event channel (the AN attribute) is also activated when the process object is updated for the first time. The process object is updated for the first time when the previous object value has the status 10 (OS = 10,
NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS). The attribute only concerns those cases where the AA attribute would give cause for activation.
If updating from the station is marked SPONTANEOUS (see the CT attribute in section 3.3.7), event activation takes place at the first updating independent of the value of AF.
The AF attribute only concerns objects with event channel (AE = 1).
Data type: Integer
Value: 0 = No activation at first update
1 = Activation also at first update (OS = 10)
Default value:
No limitations
AH Action on History
This attribute specifies whether or not updates marked HISTORY (see the CT attribute in section 3.3.7), will cause an event channel activation.
Data type:
0 = No event channel activation for HISTORY events
1 = Event channel is activated for HISTORY events according to the same activation criteria as for real time data
44 ABB Automation
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No limitations
AN Action Name
The name of the event channel connected to the process object. Several process objects can have the same event channel. However, each process object can be connected to only one event channel.
Data type: Text
Maximum 63 characters
No limitations
EE Event Enabled
This attribute states whether or not the process object is equipped with automatic event activation of programs in user interface objects. If the object has this feature, an event object with the same name and index as the process object is generated when certain changes occur in the object. Changes in any of the following process object attributes cause an event object generation:
SP, HW, LW, IU + blocking attributes + user defined attributes.
Regarding the attributes PC, RC, SE and SP, not only a change but also an update to the attributes causes the generation of an event object. In addition, each user-defined attribute may cause an event object generation.
When an event object is generated, it starts event specific SCIL programs or program sequences in the user interface objects that are currently displayed on screen, see
Chapter 9. Event object activation can be used for updating the display, for triggering
Network Topology functions, etc. Event objects do not transmit any information of the attribute that caused the event.
Data type:
Default value:
0 = No event object generation
1 = Event object generation
No limitations
TH Threshold
Event channel activation with threshold means that the event channel connected to the process object is not activated immediately when the value is updated in the process
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1MRS751253-MEN database. Instead, some type of algorithm is used to calculate when the activation is to happen.
The purpose of thresholding is to lower the load of frequent event channel activations, for example in cases where the event channel is used to send the value to another control station via a slow communication channel. Event channel activation with threshold applies to analog input process objects. TH attribute implements the threshold.
The algorithm guarantees that if the value is changed once and then stays in that new value, the change is sooner or later reported. The attributes AE and XB are honoured.
AA should be set to UPDATE or NEW VALUE. AF should usually be set to 1 ( It is normally not sensible to filter out the first activation ). If AF=1, the event channel is activated immediately without threshold calculation, when the object is updated first time after the startup of the application.
If AI crosses a warning or alarm boundary, the event channel is activated immediately
(or after the delay specified by AD) and the threshold calculation is stopped.
In an HSB system, the intermediate values of the integral are not shadowed due to excessive load.
Consequently, the threshold calculation is started from the beginning after a switchover. Assigning a new value to TH does not restart the possible on-going threshold calculation. The algorithm always uses the current value of TH.
Data type: Non-negative real value
Non-negative real value
0 (no threshold used)
No limitations
The algorithm used is an integrating threshold algorithm that works like this:
1. A value of AI attribute is received and event channel is activated. The value is named reported value.
2. When AI is updated and the new value differs from the reported value, threshold calculation is started.
3. On each calculation cycle, 100 ms in current implementation, the time integral of the difference between AI and the reported value is calculated. For example, if the reported value is 240.0 and
AI is 243.0, value 0.3 is added to the integral.
4. If the absolute value of the integral reaches or exceeds the TH attribute value, the associated event channel is activated and the threshold calculation is stopped.
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TH = 0,5
Event channel activation
Last reported value
Event channel activation
Treshold exceed
Event channel activation
Last reported value
Event channel activation
Last reported value
Treshold exceed
Treshold exceed
Last reported value
Treshold exceed
Time / (0,1 * s)
Figure 7.
Event channel activation with treshold. Primary(left) y-axis represents the analog input value, here without unit. Secondary(right) y-axis is the time integral of the analog input value. The value of the TH attribute in this example is 0,5. When the value of the treshold reaches or exceeds he value of 0,5, an event channel is activated and the treshold calculation is reset.
3.2.9 Saving the Event History
ABB Automation
There is two ways to store the event history:
Using history database.
Using event log and history buffer.
The application engineer chooses one of them when he creates the application. Attribute HP determines which one is in use. By default the event log is chosen, for compatibility reasons. For more information about the HP attribute, refer to the System Objects manual, Chapter 5 and for information on the function
HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER, refer to the Programming Language SCIL manual, Chapter 8. System Configuration manual, Chapter 13, also explains how to configure storing the event history. History database information related to each event contains some extra attributes, which are described later in this Chapter.
History Database
History database consists of history database files each containing events of one day.
The files are named according to the date as APL_yymmdd.PHD. For example file
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APL_980115.PHD contains the events logged on 15-Jan-1998. For fast access in time stamp order, there is also an index file corresponding each data file. The name extension of the index file is PHI. The history database is the basis for event lists made by
LIB 500 version 4.0.2.
History Buffering
The event history for eligible process objects can also be stored in a history buffer located in the primary memory and in a history log on disk. All types of objects can be registered in the history buffer and in the history log. The history buffer or the history log is the basis for event lists made by LIB 500 version 4.0.1 or earlier versions of application libraries. The history buffer is read by process queries (the SCIL command
#INIT_QUERY and the SCIL function PROD_QUERY). The history log is an ASCII file.
Most attributes stored in primary memory are transmitted to the history buffer, and to the event log if such is used. Thus, event registrations have the same attributes as ordinary objects. In addition they get another attribute: the CA attribute.
If a process object has history buffering (HE = 1), the data of the process object will be copied to the history buffer when any of the following attributes is changed:
Object value: OV. The OV attribute causes history registrations according to the
HA attribute.
Operational state: SS, IU.
Limit values: HI, LI, LW, HW, HO, LO.
Alarm definition: AC.
Blocking attributes: AB, HB, PB, UB, XB.
Alarm state: AL, AR.
SE, SP. If HA is unlike 0, not only a change but also an updating of these attributes causes registration in the history buffer. If HA = 0, these attributes cause no registration in the history buffer.
In addition, each user-defined attribute can be defined to cause a registration in the history buffer.
The size of the buffer is application dependent and can be changed with the
APLn:BHB attribute. When the history buffer is full, the oldest registered value is omitted for each new registration.
History Configuration Attributes
HA History Activation
This attribute specifies the registration of history values caused by the OV attribute. It applies to process objects with registration in the history buffer (HE = 1).
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Data type:
Default value:
0 ... 5
The history registration criteria:
History registration only when the AL attribute changes (that is an alarm comes or goes)
History registration each time the OV attribute is changed, OS is changed to 1 or 3, or SE or SP is set. Includes activation at alarm.
History registration each time the OV attribute is updated (even if it is not changed), or SE or SP is set. No history registration is made if the update from the station is marked INTERROGATED and the object value has not changed and the HF attribute is = 0.
Includes activation at alarm.
History registration when the warning or alarm state changes (the
AL or AZ attributes, see section 3.3.3), or SE or SP is set.
4 = UP
History registration when a binary object is changed from 0 to 1, or the value of a double binary object is changed from 0 to 1, from
1 to 2, from 2 to 3, from 3 to 2 or 1 to 0. No meaning for other object types. Includes activation at alarm.
5 = DOWN
History registration when a binary object is changed from 1 to 0, or the value of a double binary object is changed from 0 to 1, from
2 to 3, from 3 to 2, from 2 to 1 or 1 to 0. No meaning for other object types. Includes activation at alarm.
No limitations
HE History Enabled
This attribute states whether or not history registrations of the object will be copied to the history buffer. All types of objects can be included in the history buffer.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 = History registrations are not stored
1 = History registrations are stored
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Access: No limitations
HF History at First Update
This attribute determines whether the object is also registered in the history buffer when the process object is updated for the first time. The process object is updated for the first time when the previous object value has the status 10
(NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS, OS = 10) and the HA attribute would give cause for an a registration.
If the update from the station is marked SPONTANEOUS (see the CT attribute in section 3.3), history registration takes place at the first update independent of the value of HF.
The attribute concerns only objects with history registration (HE = 1).
Data type:
Default value:
0 = No registration at first update
1 = Registration also at first update
No limitations
HH History on History
This attribute specifies whether or not updates marked HISTORY (see the CT attribute in section 3.3) will be registered in the history buffer.
Data type:
0 = Updates marked HISTORY are not logged in the history buffer
1 = HISTORY events are logged according to the same activation criteria as real time data
No limitations
HL History Log Number
This attribute is only valid when the history log and history buffer are used for storing the event history. It specifies the numbers of the printers used as event log printers.
All events registered in the history buffer are copied to the printer log files of the event log printers. The printers should be configured as virtual printers (without physical correspondence) with printer logging (see System Configuration, Chapter
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13). Each time the history buffer is updated, most attributes of the object are written to the files as a long line text (374 characters).
The following attribute values are included in the history log:
GT (3), PT (3), LN (10), IX (3), CA (2), OV (12), OS (5), UN (3), OA (5), OB (2),
OT (1), RM (3), RT (10), IU (1), SS (1), HA (1), AB (1), AC (1), AL (1), AR (1), AS
(2), AD (3), RC (1), PF (10), OX (30), ST (10), AZ (1), HI (12), HO (12), HW (12),
LI (12), LO (12), LW (12), SZ (1), LA (2), NV (1), AG (1), BC (2), CE (1), CL (10),
CO (1), CV (10), OF (1), SE (1), SP (1), OI (30), BL (1), SB (1), OR (1), RA (11), RB
(11), CT (1), RI (11), RX (10), PH (11), AH (1), HH (1), PB (1), XB (1), HB (1), UB
(1), ZE(1), ZD (12), TH (12), OG (5), QL (5), TY (5).
The numbers within parenthesis indicate the field length in number of characters reserved for each attribute value. There is no space between the fields. The attribute names are not included in the log.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
The logical printer number, 1 ... 15, given as bit mask
0 = No history log
No limitations
Printout Handling
The attributes in this section specify the printouts related to the process objects, the printing devices and the automatic activation of printing procedures on the occurrence of certain process events. The automatic printing described in this section can be temporarily blocked by means of the Blocking Attributes (see section 3.3).
LD Listing Devices
The printers to be used for automatic printing of the physical format picture (defined by the PF attribute, see below). The printers are selected with logical printer number in the range 1 ... 15. The logical printer numbers are determined with the printer mapping attribute (APLn:BPR, see the System Objects manual, Chapter 5).
Data type:
Default value:
0 ... 65534, even numbers
Printer numbers given as a bit mask. The bit numbers of the ones in the bit representation of the integer state which printers to use.
The printers are given by logical printer numbers as defined to the application by the printer mapping (see the System Objects manual, Chapter 5).
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No limitations
The printer numbers 1, 3 and 5 are alarm and event printers (ABC:PLD2 == 42):
The standard audio-visual alarm unit requires that at least one listing device is connected to the process object (LD > 0).
PA Printout Activation
This attribute indicates which process events that will cause automatic printing: a change of alarm state, a change of warning state, a change of object value or updating of object value. The attribute is valid for all process objects supplied with a physical format picture (the PF attribute) and at least one listing device (the LD attribute). The
PA attribute also affects the releasing of possible external alarm signals. The PU attribute (see below) states whether automatic printing is also activated at first update
(when OS = 10). Independent of this attribute, each user-defined attribute can be defined to cause automatic printing.
Data type:
0 … 5
The printing criteria:
Automatic printing is activated when the alarm state changes (an alarm comes or goes)
Automatic printing is activated when the object value (the OV attribute) changes, the OS attribute changes to 1 or 3, or SE or SP is set. Includes activation at alarm.
Automatic printing is activated when the object value (the OV attribute) is updated (even if it is not changed), or SE or SP is set. If the object value is alarming, external alarm signals are produced for each new update. Nothing is printed automatically, if the update from the station is marked INTERROGATED and the object value has not changed and the PA attribute is = 0. Includes activation at alarm.
Automatic printing is activated when the warning state or alarm
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Default value:
Access: state changes (the AZ attribute, see section 3.3.3), or SE or SP is set.
4 = UP
Automatic printing is activated when a binary object is changed from 0 to 1, or the value of a double binary object is changed from
0 to 1, from 1 to 2, from 2 to 3, from 3 to 2 or 1 to 0. No meaning for other object types. Includes activation at alarm.
5 = DOWN
Automatic printing is activated when a binary object is changed from 1 to 0, or the value of a double binary object is changed from
0 to 1, from 2 to 3, from 3 to 2, from 2 to 1 or 1 to 0. No meaning for other object types. Includes activation at alarm.
No limitations
PF Physical Format
The name of the automatically printed picture. The picture is printed out in accordance with the PA attribute, see above. It is also printed when a user-defined attribute causes a printout. In addition, the picture is printed with the command #LIST (see
Chapter 2) if the object notation is given with an index (predefined object types).
Each object can have its own physical format picture, or several objects can share the same picture. Regarding the construction of format pictures, see the Picture Editing manual.
When automatic printing is activated, a number of variables are defined which get both their names and values from some attributes ("snapshot variables"). These attributes are:
CA (Changed Attribute, see section 3.3.11)
AL, OS, RT, RM, AT, AM, AS, AZ (analog input objects), YT, YM
SE, SP and OF (S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU objects)
Blocking attributes, section 3.3.4.
Min. max attributes, section 3.3.6.
Stamps set by the station, section 3.3.7.
Corresponding variables (for example %AI) can be used in the format picture. In addition, each of the user-defined attributes can be a "snapshot variable". Another auto-
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1MRS751253-MEN matically defined variable, %CHANGE, tells what kind of changes in the OV attribute that caused the printout. The %CHANGE variable is described in Chapter 8.
Data type:
Picture name
No limitations
PH Printout on History
The attribute specifies whether or not updates marked HISTORY (see the CT attribute
3.3.7) will activate automatic printing.
Data type: Integer
0 = No printout activation for updates marked HISTORY
1 = HISTORY events are printed according to the same activation criteria as real time data
No limitations
PU Printout at First Update
This attribute determines whether automatic printing and alarm signals are also generated when the process object is updated for the first time. The process objects are updated for the first time when the previous object value has status 10 (OS = 10,
NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS). The attribute concerns automatic printing, alarm picture and audio-visual alarm signals.
If an update is marked SPONTANEOUS in the station (see the CT attribute in section
3.3.7), a printout is generated when the object is updated for the first time independent of the value of PU.
Data type:
Default value:
0 = No activation at first update
1 = Activation also at first update
No limitations
Miscellaneous Attributes
Counter Definition Attributes
These attributes apply for BI, BO and DB type process objects.
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CE Counter Enable
Operation counting is taken into use by setting this attribute to one.
Data type:
0 = No counting
1 = Counting in use
No limitations
CL Counter Limit
The upper limit for the counter. When the counter value (the CV attribute) goes above this limit, counter overflow (the CO attribute) is set On.
Data type:
No limitations
SCIL Attributes
These attributes are optional for all types of objects.
DX Directive Text
This attribute is reserved by ABB Substation Automation and should not be used in application programs.
FI Free Integer
An integer attribute that can be freely used for any application purpose.
Data type:
Integer (32 bit)
No limitations
FX Free Text
A text attribute that can be freely used for any application purpose.
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Data type:
Text of maximum 63 characters
No limitations
RI Reserved Integer
An integer for use in standard application software LIB 500. The attribute may take any integer value. It is of informative character and has no influence on the function of the process object. The attribute is stored both on disk and in RAM.
Data type:
Default value:
No limitations. Reserved for use in engineering software, such as
LIB 500
RX Reserved Text
A text attribute for use in standard application software LIB 500. The attribute may take any text value. It has an informative character and does not influence the function of the process object. The attribute is stored both on disk and in RAM.
Data type: Text
Default value:
Maximum 63 characters
No limitations. Reserved for LIB 500
Dynamic Process Object Attributes
This section describes the process object attributes that reflect the real time state of the process. The attributes are grouped into the following subsections:
3.3.1 Object Value: AI, AO, BI, BO, BS, DB, DI, DO, OV,
3.3.2 Time and Validation Stamps: OS, RM, RT
3.3.3 Alarm and Warning States:
3.3.4 Blocking attributes:
3.3.5 Operation Counters:
3.3.6 Minimum and Maximum Values:
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3.3.7 Stamps Set by the Protocol: BL, CT, OR, RA, RB, SB
3.3.8 S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU Specific Attributes: OF, SE, SP, EP
3.3.9 IEC Specific Attributes:
3.3.10 File Transfer Attributes:
3.3.11 Event History Attributes:
Within each sub-section, the attributes are in alphabetical order.
Object Value
The attributes described in this section represent the actual value of the object. For real objects (process objects connected to the process), the object values of input type are automatically updated from the process stations (unless updating is blocked, see the Blocking Attributes in section 3.2.10). The object values of output type are sent out to the process stations when set with the #SET command.
AI Analog Input
An analog input value - measured value - from the station via the communication system to the base system. The value is scaled in the process database according to the scale defined by the SN attribute (see section 3.2.4 and Chapter 4).
Data type:
Default value:
Integer, if IR=1
When IR = 1, the value is not scaled between the database and the
ACP message
Real or integer
Read, conditional write. The attribute can be written only if the switch state is manual (SS = 1) or fictive (SS = 3), or if it’s UN = 0 and SS = 2.
The analog process objects are always stored as real data. Therefore, process data that are logical integers may contain decimals after scaling. If this is a problem in calculations, use the SCIL function ROUND to transform the object value to an integer.
ABB Automation
AO Analog Output
An analog output value (for example a set value, an analog setpoint, general output) from the base system to the station, via the communication system. The value is
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1MRS751253-MEN scaled according to the scale given by the SN attribute (see section 3.2.4.) before it leaves the process database.
Data type:
Integer, if IR=1
When IR = 1, the value is not scaled between the database and the
ACP message
Real or integer
Default value:
Read, conditional write. The attribute cannot be written if the process object is OFF (SS = 0).
BI Binary Input
A binary input signal (indication) from the station to the base system via the communication system.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 or 1 (one bit)
Read, conditional write. The attribute can be written with SCIL if the switch state is manual (SS = 1) or fictive (SS = 3) or if it´s UN
= 0 and SS = 2, but not otherwise.
BO Binary Output
A binary output signal (control signal, object command, regulation command) from the base system via the communication system to the station.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 or 1 (one bit)
Read, conditional write. The attribute cannot be written if the process object is OFF (SS = 0).
BS Bit Stream
An output and input signal of bit string type.
Data type: Bit string
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Length maximum 65535
Read, conditional write. The attribute cannot be written if the process object is OFF (SS = 0).
DB Double Binary Indication
A double binary indication from the station. In some stations double binary indications are handled as two single binary input values. In MicroSCADA the first bit means "closed", and the second bit "open".
Data type:
Default value:
0 = Intermediate position
1 = Closed
2 = Open
3 = Faulty position
Read, conditional write. The attribute can be written only if the switch state is manual (SS = 1) or fictive (SS = 3) or if it’s UN = 0 or SS = 2.
DI Digital Input
A digital input value from the station via the communication system to the base system.
Data type:
Default value:
0 ... 65535 (16 bits)
Read, conditional write. The attribute can be written only if the switch state is manual (SS = 1) or fictive (SS = 3) or if it’s UN = 0 and SS = 2.
DO Digital Output
A digital output value (digital setpoint) from the base system via the communication system to the station.
Data type:
Default value:
0 ... 65535 (16 bits)
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Access: Read, conditional write. The attribute cannot be written if the process object is OFF (SS = 0).
OV Object Value
The OV attribute of output objects of IEC/REX type (BO, DO, AO, BS) is set with syntax given in Table 4 on page 76 of this chapter. For an object of IEC/REX type in auto state only output objects (BO, DO, AO, BS) is set with syntax given in Table 4 on page 76.
The intended use of the OV attribute is:
As a comprehensive name for one of the attributes AI, AO, BI, BO, BS, DI, DO,
DB, PC and FT depending on the object type. For user-defined object types, the programmer selects, which attribute, if any, will be the OV attribute. Setting the
OV attribute of an input object is meaningful only in case the object is in manual or fictive state.
If the object type is unknown, the object is assumed to be of type IEC.
As default attribute when no attribute name is given at assigning a value of an object. For example, the #SET commands:
#SET A:PAI1 = 0
#SET A:POV1 = 0
#SET A:P1 = 0 of an analog input object are equivalent.
For input objects of any type and output objects of other type than IEC, the OV attribute can be set manually together with the attributes listed in the example according to the following model:
#SET name:Pi = LIST(OV=exp1[,RT=exp2, RM=exp3, OS=exp4, OF= exp5, BL= exp6,-
SB= exp7, OR= exp8, RA= exp9, RB= exp10, CT= exp11,-
TY= exp12, QL= exp13, OG= exp14]) which is analogous to
#SET name:POVi = LIST(OV=exp1[,RT=exp2, RM=exp3, OS=exp4, OF= exp5,-
BL= exp6, SB= exp7, OR= exp8, RA= exp9, RB= exp10,-
CT= exp11, TY= exp12, QL= exp13, OG= exp14]) where ’exp1’, ’exp2’, ’exp3’ etc. are expressions assigned to the attributes. The part within square brackets can be omitted, whereby the RM and OS attributes are set to 0.
Attributes RT and RM are assigned values at registration time if not given in the list.
Attributes TY, QL and OG apply to IEC/REX type objects only. For objects of type
IEC/REX also the OV attribute is optional.
Also the stamps set in the stations (see section 3.3.7) can be written in this way.
Data type:
Integer, real or bit string
Integer 0 or 1 for binary objects
Real for analog objects
Integer for DI, DO and PC objects
Integer 0 ... 3 for DB objects
Bit string for BS objects
Integer for FT objects
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Default value:
See the AI, AO, BI, BO, BS, DI, DO, DB, PC and FT attributes
PC Pulse Counter
A pulse counter value from the station. The type of reading when the process object belongs to a S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU (“End of period” or “intermediate”), is given by the EP attribute of the objects, see section 3.3.8.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
Read, conditional write. The attribute can be written only if the switch state is manual (SS = 1), or fictive (SS = 3) or if it’s UN = 0 and SS = 2.
Time and Validation Stamps
These attributes are related to the object value. Each update of the object value in the process database gets a validation stamp (the OS attribute) and time stamps (the RT and RM attributes), independent of whether the object value changes or not.
OS Object Status
The status code of the process object. This attribute indicates the reliability of the object value (the OV attribute).
Data type:
0, 1, 2, 3 or 10:
The RTU has marked the process object value faulty (concerns
S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs only). An update with this status sets the object to alarm state (AL = 1), provided that AC > 0 (section 3.2.). The alarm state prevails until a new update comes with OS = 0.
The value is uncertain. The reason can be that the connection to
3 Process Objects
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Default value:
Access: the station is broken. The OS attribute automatically gets this value when a system message with DATA_INVALIDATION flag is sent from the station. The obsolete status is also set for output objects at application startup.
The RTU has marked the registration time faulty (concerns
S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs only).
The status when the value has not been read in the station or the object has been out of use (IU = 0) or modified with the
#MODIFY command, or the SS attribute has been changed. For example, the value in the station might not have been read after system start-up.
10 for most of the process objects.
By default the OS attribute of BO, DO and AO objects is set to 2
(OBSOLETE_STATUS) at application startup.
Read-only. The OS attribute can be set manually along with the
OV attribute, see the OV attribute, section 3.3.1.
RM Registration Milliseconds
The milliseconds of the registration time. The value of this attribute is set by the station. If the station does not give any milliseconds, or in case the update comes from
SCIL, the RM attribute is set by the base system. Otherwise, the RM attribute is updated in the same way as the RT attribute.
Data type:
0 ... 999
Read-only. The RM attribute can be set manually along with the
RT and OV attributes, see the OV attribute, section 3.3.1.
RT Registration Time
The time when the object was last updated. The time stamp may originate from the station, NET or the base system. If the update from the station contains a time stamp, the time is copied to the RT attribute. If the time stamp does not contain a date, the date is supplied by the base system. SPA input objects are time stamped in NET. In other cases, the RT attribute is set by the base system time.
When an object is updated with SCIL (with #SET), the time stamp is always given by the base system. Output objects are time stamped before the command is sent to NET.
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The RT attribute of BO type objects is also updated when SE or SP is set (section
If an object has an alarm delay (the AD attribute, section 3.2.), the RT attribute is updated when the alarm delay expires provided that the alarm state is prevailing.
Data type: Time
Initial value:
At system start-up, the attribute gets the value of the time when the process object was established in the RAM memory of the process database.
Access: Read-only. The RT attribute can be set manually along with the
OV attribute, see section 3.3.1.
Alarm and Warning States
The attributes in this section show the alarm and warning states of the process objects.
Alarm and warning handling is defined by the alarm handling attributes in section
3.2.7 and the limit values in section 3.2.6.
AL Alarm
This attribute indicates whether alarm is prevailing or not. The attribute is generated automatically by the system. If AC >0, and the AB attribute does not prevent an alarm, this attribute is set to 1 (= alarm is generated) in the following cases:
The value of an analogue input object (or an object of an integer or real userdefined type) comes into the low alarm or high alarm zone (see the AZ attribute in section 3.2.5). If the alarm supervision is handled by MicroSCADA, and the object value exceeds the alarm limits (the HI and LI attributes) or the limits are changed so that the object value falls outside the limits.
A binary input object (or a Boolean object of a user-defined type) gets the alarm generating value (the AG attribute).
A binary double indication gets any of the alarm states (the LA attribute). At the first update, the alarm can be prevented by the NV attribute.
The OS attribute gets the value 1.
When an alarm is generated (AL=1), an alarm signal is a red blinking sign in the upper right corner of the screen (supposing the object is equipped with an alarm picture). At the same time the alarm picture of the object is placed in a monitor specific alarm picture queue, and the object is placed in the alarm buffer. The alarm buffer contains most of the object attributes. It can be read with process queries (the function
PROD_QUERY). In addition, a printout (see section 3.2.10) and external alarm can be produced.
Data type: Integer
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Initial value:
0 = No alarm (normal state)
1 = Alarm is prevailing
AR Alarm Receipt
Status of acknowledgement. This attribute indicates whether or not the alarm has been acknowledged in the cases where acknowledgement is required.
Data type:
0 = The alarm is not acknowledged
1 = The alarm is acknowledged or there is no demand for acknowledgement
Default value:
No limitations
AS Alarm State
The alarm state is a number calculated from the alarm class (AC), the alarm (AL) and the state of acknowledgement (AR).
Data type:
0 ... 14
When an alarm arises, the attribute gets the value of AC (1 ... 7), if
RC = 1, and AC + 7, if RC = 0. When the alarm is acknowledged,
7 is added to the attribute value. When the alarm disappears, the attribute gets the value 0, supposing that it has been acknowledged, or there is no demand for acknowledgement.
Initial value:
AM Alarm Milliseconds
The milliseconds of the alarm time (see the AT attribute below), that is, the time when an alarm last arose or was cleared. Generally, the alarm milliseconds are the same as the RM attribute of the update that caused the change of alarm state. However, in case the object has an alarm delay there may be a difference, see the AT attribute.
Data type:
0 ... 999
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AT Alarm Time
The alarm time in seconds when an alarm last arose or was cleared. Generally, the alarm time is the same as the RT attribute of the update that caused the change of alarm state. If the object has an alarm delay, the AT and AM attributes are updated when an alarm occurs. The RT and RM attributes are updated when the alarm delay expires, provided that the alarm state prevails.
Data type: Time
Initial value:
At system start-up, the attribute gets the value of the time when the process object was established in the RAM memory of the process database.
Access: Read-only
AZ Alarm Zone
The alarm and warning state of the object, see Figure 8. This attribute is only valid for
AI objects. Depending on the SZ attribute, the value of the AZ is set either by Micro-
SCADA according to the limit values or by the RTU, see section 3.2.6.
Data type:
Default value:
0 ... 4:
0 = Normal state
1 = Low alarm
2 = High alarm
3 = Low warning
4 = High warning
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Higher Input, HI
Higher Warning, HW
Lower Warning, LW
Lower Input, LI
AZ = 2
AZ = 4
AZ = 0
AZ = 3
AZ = 1
Figure 8.
An illustration of the AZ attribute (SZ = 1)
YM Alarm on time Milliseconds
The milliseconds of the time when an alarm last occurred in the object. This attribute is identical to AM while the object alarm is active, but unlike the AM attribute, the
YM attribute is not updated when the alarm is cleared.
Data type: Integer
YT Alarm on Time
The time when an alarm last occurred in the object. This attribute is identical to the
AT attribute while the object alarm is active. Unlike the AT attribute, the YT attribute does not change when the alarm is cleared.
Data type:
Blocking Attributes
The following attributes are used to temporarily block the updating of a process object or to block the post-processing (printouts, event channel activation and event lists) normally caused by process object update. If the value is changed, the new value of the blocking attribute is stored on disk. Like the dynamic attributes, they are in-
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3 Process Objects cluded in the “snapshot variable” list. The setting of any of the attributes is logged in the history buffer and in the history log if there is any. Also, an event is generated.
AB Alarm Blocking
This attribute indicates whether the alarm function is on or off (blocked). See also the
NV attribute in section 3.2.7 and the PU attribute in section 3.2.10.
Data type:
Default value:
0 = No blocking, the alarm function works
1 = Blocking, the alarm is off. Those situations that normally would have caused an alarm do not cause any alarm when
AB = 1.
No limitations
HB History Blocking
Blocks and unblocks the registration in the history buffer. When history registration is blocked, no events are registered in the history buffer (nor in the event log on disk), not even in situations that would have caused a registration according to the HA attribute.
Data type: Integer
0 or 1
1 = The history buffer (event list) is blocked
No limitations
PB Printout Blocking
Blocks and unblocks printout generation. When printout is blocked, no printout is generated even though the situation according to the PA attribute would generate a printout.
Data type: Integer
0 or 1
1 = The printout is blocked
No limitations
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UB Update Blocking
This attribute blocks and unblocks the updating of the process object. When the object is blocked (UB = 1), it is not updated the process, nor from SCIL. An error status is generated if the OV value is set by SCIL. Consequently, both input and output via the OV attribute is blocked. The OV attribute may, however, be read by SCIL.
When UB is set to 1, the OS attribute of the object is set to INVALID ( 2 ) to indicate that the value may be outdated.
Data type:
0 = Updating is not blocked
1 = Updating is blocked
0 Default:
Access: No limitations
XB Activation Blocking
Blocks and unblocks event channel activation. When event channel activation is blocked, nothing is activated, even though the situation would imply so.
Data type: Integer
0 or 1
1 = The event channel activation is blocked
No limitations
Operation Counters Attributes
These attributes are used for counting the operation of an object. They can be used, for example, for monitoring the need for service. The attributes are valid for BI, BO and DB objects.
CO Counter Overflow
This attribute is set to 1 when the CL attribute (Counter Limit) is exceeded. The attribute is automatically reset when the CV attribute is reset.
Data type:
0 or 1
1 = Overflow on
Access: Read-only
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3 Process Objects
CV Counter Value
This attribute counts how many times the object is set to one (1). The CV attribute is incremented each time the object is changed to one (1), independent of whether the set order comes from the process or from SCIL.
The attribute can be reset with SCIL (no automatic reset).
Data type:
Initial value:
No limitations. Cannot be fetch with FETCH (SCIL section 8.7), nor modified with #MODIFY.
Minimum and Maximum Values
The attributes in this section apply to analog input (AI) objects. All the minimum and maximum attributes are stored on RAM only, not on disk. They are passed as snapshot variables to format pictures and event channels.
MM Minimum time Milliseconds
The milliseconds of the time when the minimum value (the MV attribute) occurred.
Data type:
0 ... 999
MT Minimum Time
The time in seconds when the minimum value (the MV attribute) occurred.
Data type: Time
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MV Minimum Value
Records the lowest value of the AI attribute since last reset. At the first update of the object after application startup, the MV attribute is reset to the current value. It may also be reset by SCIL by writing any value into the MV attribute (normally it is reset to the current value of AI).
Data type:
Integer, if IR=1
Real or integer
The value of the object at application start-up
No limitations
XM Maximum time Milliseconds
The milliseconds of the time when the maximum value (the XV attribute) occurred.
Data type:
0 ... 999
XT Maximum Time
The time in seconds when the maximum value (the XV attribute) occurred.
Data type: Time
XV Maximum Value
Records the highest value of the AI attribute since last reset. At the first update of the object after application startup, the MV attribute is reset to the current value. It may also be reset by SCIL by writing any value to the MV attribute (normally it is reset to the current value of AI).
Data type:
Integer, if IR=1
Real or integer
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3 Process Objects
The value of the object at application start-up
No limitations
Stamps Set by the Communication System
The attributes in this section contain information set in NET on the basis of stamps set by the process units (in the relays or RTUs) in accordance with the IEC 870 - 5 - 103 standard. If the communication protocol supports these attributes, they are updated in the process database along with the object value. The following rules apply for the
BL, SB, OR and OF attributes:
A change of a quality attribute generates an event if EE = 1.
A change of a quality attribute activates an event channel, a printout and/or history logging if the activation is enabled (AE == 1, LD <> 0 or HE == 1) and the activation criterion (AA, PA or HA) is "NEW VALUE" or "UPDATE".
In such activation, the changed attribute is reported as the value of CA pseudoattribute. If more than one attribute is changed at the same time, each change will be reported separately in any order. For example, if OV changes from 0 to 1 and
SB from 1 to 0, two activations occur, one with CA == "BI", BI == 1 and SB ==
0, the other with CA == "SB", BI == 1 and SB == 0.
When the switch state (SS) or the substitution state (SU) of the object is changed, the quality attributes are set to 0.
RA and RB attributes are of informative character and do not affect the function of the process object. The CT attribute affects the activation of the post-processing.
The attributes are supported by protocols based on the IEC 870 - 5 - 103 standard, also possibly by other protocols (CT). If a protocol does not support the attributes, they can still be used but must be set with SCIL. However, the attributes cannot be set one by one using the #SET command. They may only be set along with the OV attribute using list value in the #SET command, see the OV attribute in section 3.3.1.
All attributes in this section are stored only in RAM.
BL Blocked
The updating of the value has been blocked in the relay.
Data type:
Data type:
0 or 1
Read-only. Can be written together with the OV attribute, see section 3.3.1.
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CT Cause of Transmission
The type of the data transmission from the station to the process database. The function of the CT attribute can be determined by setting a base system STY object attribute, see the System Objects manual, Chapter 9.
There are the following types of data transmission:
Updating is not marked regarding the type of transmission because the protocol does not support the attribute
Spontaneous updating caused by a change in the station
The transmission started on an interrogation from Micro-
The transmission contains history data from the history buffer of the station
If CT = UNKNOWN, the process object is updated in the process database and the consequential actions (post-processing) takes place according to the activation attributes, that is, the update is regarded as spontaneous.
If CT = SPONTANEOUS, there is a slight difference in the case of the first update of the process object (when OS is 10 before the event). Post-processing (printout, event channel activation and history logging) is done regardless of the value of the corresponding control attribute (PU, AF or HF, section 3.2).
If CT = INTERROGATED and the object value has not changed, there is a slight difference in the post-processing when the activation criteria is UPDATE, see the AA,
HA and PA attributes in section 3.2.
If CT = HISTORY, the process database is not updated at all. Only post-processing
(printout, event channel activation and/or history logging) is done. The snapshot variable list and the history buffer (and history log) entry contains the received OV value and the received communication protocol attribute values. The rest of attributes are copied from the process object. The pseudo-attribute CA is set to "CT".
Data type:
Default value:
0 ... 255 as defined by the CT attribute of the station type (the
STYn:BCT attribute, see the System Objects manual, Chapter 9).
The following values apply to stations of type REX:
0 = UNKNOWN (applies to all station types)
Value 0 may mean that the attribute is not supported by the protocol.
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Access: Read-only. The attribute can be written along with the OV attribute, see section 3.3.1.
OR Out of Range
The station cannot handle the signal read from the process. An example could be that the signal value is larger or smaller than the range supported by an analog/digital converter.
Data type: Integer
0 or 1
Read only. The attribute can be written along with the OV attribute, see section 3.3.1.
RA Reserved A
RB Reserved B
These attributes are used for protocol dependent data. At present they are used by the
RP571 protocol as follows:
Data type:
Data type:
Relative time
Event number
Read only. The attribute can be written along with the OV attribute, see section 3.3.1.
SB Substituted
The value read from the process has been substituted by another value in the station.
For example, the value has been changed manually on the relay front panel.
Data type:
Read-only. The attribute can be written along with the OV attribute, see section 3.3.1.
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S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU Specific Attributes
EP End of Period
This attribute concerns only PC (Pulse Counter) type objects and tells the type of pulse counter reading. Each pulse counter update has this attribute.
Data type: Integer
Initial value:
0 = Intermediate reading
1 = End of period reading (including intermediate reading)
OF Overflow
This attribute indicates is there an overflow in the event recording buffer or pulse counter history buffer of the RTU.
The attribute is only valid for pulse counters and event recording objects (see section
3.3). Each update of these objects, originating from the RTU, contains the OF attribute.
Data type: Integer
0 = No overflow
1 = Overflow
SE Selection
Selecting the object means that MicroSCADA performs a check-back before executing the operation.
Selection of a IEC or REX type object in manual or fictive state is done with the predefined semantics given in Table 4 on page 76 of this chapter. For an object of
IEC/REX type in auto state only output objects (BO, DO, AO, BS) is set with #SET
LIST command, see Table 4 on page 76.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 = Cancelling the selection (IHC)
1 = Selection (CBXC)
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Read, conditional write. It can be written with #SET, provided that the object is in use (IU = 1). Not configurable. Not included in
SE = 1 may mean that the object is already selected by another operator. The object can not be selected again until SE is set to 0.
ABB Automation
Selection of a RTU command object (BO).
If not already selected, the command object CMD1 is selected, otherwise an error message "ALREADY SELECTED" is displayed. If the selection succeeded, the command object is set to 0, otherwise an error message "SELECTION FAILED" is displayed. If the set operation did not succeed, an error message "FAILED" is displayed.
SP Stop Execution
Writing to this attribute interrupts the RTU200 object command under execution.
Data type:
Access: Read, conditional write. It can be written with #SET, provided that the object is in use (IU = 1). Not configurable. Not included in
IEC Specific Attributes
Following attributes are needed for store and/or forward all the needed information when IEC protocol is used for communication.
They have a predefined semantics only for REX and IEC stations: For output objects they are configuration attributes that are sent within ACP messages (see below). For input objects they are dynamic attributes received in ACP messages. The attributes
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1MRS751253-MEN are included in the snapshot variable lists. To fully support selection and its cancellation in the IEC protocols, the schema presented in Table 4 is to be used.
CT, OG and TY are always sent in the ACP message if corresponding attribute is specified in the "#SET" list. If not in the list, the values in the corresponding database attributes are sent unless they are zero.
New OP_SUBITEM = 17, Codes for OP_SUBITEM are:
0 = Activate, execute
1 = Activate, select
2 = Deactivate, execute
3 = Deactivate, select
Table 4.
Schema concerning SCIL interface, process database and ACP messages. SOV stands for Selected
OV, a value stored in the database (without a SCIL attribute name).
Action SCIL
Select Open
Select Close
Select Deactivate
Execute Open
Execute Close
Execute Deactivate
#SET n:PSEi= list(OV="open"[,CT=a][,OG=b][,TY=c])
#SET n:PSEi=list(OV="close"[,CT=a][,OG=b][,TY=c])
#SET n:PSEi=0 |
#SET n:PSEi=list(SE=0[,CT=a][,OG=b][,TY=c])
#SET n:POV="open" |
#SET n:POVi= list(OV="open"[,CT=a][,OG=b][,TY=c])
#SET n:POVi="open" |
#SET n:POVi= list(OV="open"[,CT=a][,OG=b][,TY=c])
#SET n:PSEi=0 |
#SET n:PSEi=list(SE=0[,CT=a][,OG=b][,TY=c])
ACP (* Process database
SE=1, SOV=OV OV="open", OP=1 [,TY=c]
OV="close", OP=1, [,TY=c] SE=1,SOV=OV
SE=0 OV=SOV, OP=3, [,TY=c]
OV="open" [,TY=c]
OV="open", SE=0
OV="close", SE=0
OV=OV, if SE==0 OP=2 else OP=3,
[,TY=c] [,CT=a][,OG=b]
OG OriGinator identification
Defines the source system of the data, for both input and output objects. For input objects this is dynamic information, for output respectively a configuration attribute.
OG is sent along the ACP message in control messages if its value differs from 0. See also table above.
Data type:
0 … 65535
No limitations
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QL command QuaLifier
Extra qualifier for commands, various purposes, for both input and output objects. For input objects this is dynamic information, for output a configuration attribute. QL is sent along the ACP message in control messages if its value differs from 0. See also table above.
Data type:
0 … 65535
No limitations
TY TYpe identification
Defines how the command should be interpreted by the communication unit, (e.g. single/double bit command, regulating step command). For input objects this is dynamic information, for output objects a configuration attribute. TY is sent along the ACP message in control messages if its value differs from 0. See also table above. ASDU type or number of received command or indication is written to the TY attribute of the input process object. The ASDU types vary according to the used protocol. For example ASDU type 45 for IEC870-5-101 protocol is IEC single command.
Data type:
0 ... 65535
Unlimited Access
File Transfer Attributes
The term File Transfer is used to mean any bulk data transfer between MicroSCADA and a station. A file is a sequence of bytes, of any length, with no interpretation of its contents. The implementation of file transfer in MicroSCADA is protocol independent.
In MicroSCADA, a file is represented by a disk file and identified by its disk file name. In a station a file is typically, but not necessarily, a memory segment in RAM and the identification or naming is protocol dependent. The ID is handled in Micro-
SCADA as a byte string with no interpretation.
File transfer is always initiated by MicroSCADA, spontaneous file transfer from station to MicroSCADA is not supported. File transfer is done asynchronously. It is initiated by SCIL, but the SCIL command does not wait for the completion of the transfer. File transfer is implemented via the process database.
FT (File Transfer) process object type implements the file transfer functionality. The following functions are supported by this implementation:
Receiving (uploading) a file from a station.
Sending (downloading) a file to a station.
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Browsing the file hierarchy of a station.
Reading file attributes from a station.
Deleting a file or directory in a station.
The process objects of this type have all the same common attributes as “real” process objects. Especially, the post-processing attributes, such as EE and AE, may be used to report the completion of the transfer to the application. The completion of the transfer is indicated by a change of the value of FT attribute. The address attributes OA and
OB have no meaning in conjunction with FT objects, OA should be set to 0, if set at all. There may be any number of FT objects connected to one station, for example each configured to a specific download/upload.
DC Directory Contents
This attribute contains the contents of a transferred folder.
Data Type: Vector list
Value: TYPE
Text value “FILE” or “DIRECTORY”
Byte string, the file’s ID in the station
NAME Text value, the name of the file in the station
Integer value, length of the file as bytes
Byte string value, station specific auxiliary information
AUXILIARY are returned only if supported by the station.
Access: Read-only
@FILE_1 = %UPLOAD(1)
FF File Function
The functions to be performed on a file.
Data type:
0 … 4:
0 = None
1 = Send a file
2 = Receive a file
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Default value:
3 = Read Directory
4 = Delete a file or directory
Setting FF to 0 cancels the ongoing transfer
Read, conditional write. May be written only when switch state is
FN File Name
The tag of the disk file to be sent or received.
Data type: Byte string
Byte string
No limitations
#SET FT:PFN10 = FM_FILE(“C:\sc\conf.txt”)
FP File Transfer Progress
Displays the number of bytes transferred between NET and the station during current transfer (FT==1) or last transfer (FT==4). Valid only when FF==1 or FF==2, otherwise 0.
Data type:
0 … 2 GB
FT File Transfer
Displays the state of transfer.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 … 4:
0 = Idle
1 = Transfer in progress
2 = Cancelled, by the user
3 = Aborted,by the station or a communication error
4 = Ready
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Access: Read-only
ID Identification
The file’s ID in the station. May be a fixed value known by the SCIL programmer in advance, or may be retrieved by reading the directory structure of the station. ID is given protocol specifically in little-endian or big-endian way depending on whether the LSB or the MSB is read first.
Data type: Byte string
Byte string
No limitations
#SET FT:PID10 = PACK_STR(VECTOR(97,234),”byte_string”,1,”big_endian”)
ST Status
A SCIL status code giving more information when the transfer is aborted (FT = 3).
Data type:
A SCIL status code
Default value:
Examples of Using File Transfer
The following sequence may be used in a SCIL program to receive a file from a station or send a file to a station:
Set attributes FN and ID (in any order) to identify the file both in MicroSCADA and in the station. Setting one of these attributes automatically sets FT to 0 (idle state).
Set FF to 1 or 2 to initiate the transfer. This step generates a SCIL error if the station cannot accept the request (invalid ID, not enough memory to receive the file, etc.).
Wait (in a way or another) for the completion of the transfer or cancel it by setting
FF to 0.
The following sequence may be used to browse the directory structure in a station:
Set ID to zero length byte string (indicating the root directory of the station).
Set FF to 3 to initiate the transfer.
Wait for the completion (or cancel by setting FF to 0).
Read the result from the DC attribute.
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Pick up the ID of the desired file and start a file transfer, or pick up the ID of a subdirectory, set it to the ID attribute and repeat steps 2 to 5.
The following sequence may be used to read attributes of a file:
Set attribute ID to identify the file in a station.
Set FF to 3 to initiate the query.
Wait for the completion.
Read the result from the DC attribute (DC contains the attributes of the file as oneelement long vectors).
The following sequence may be used to delete a file in a station:
Set ID attribute to identify the file in the station.
Set FF to 4.
Wait for the completion.
Event History Attributes
Each event in the history database contains the snapshot of all the attributes of the process object, except CX attribute. So all the attribute values are saved at the moment of the event. Additionally, information related to each event contains some extra attributes described below. These attributes are not “real attributes”, rather “virtual attributes”. They may be used in process database queries in addition to the other process object attributes. For more information about the commands used for queries, see
Chapter 8 in the manual Programming Language SCIL and for information on how to configure the even history see System Configuration manual, Chapter 13. History configuration attributes are described earlier in this Chapter.
If the event log and history buffer are used instead of history database, the only value in the following list that is stored is the value of CA attribute. In addition to the value of CA attribute, also the values of the attributes listed in the description of HL attributes are stored.
CA Changed Attribute
This attribute is the name of the process object attribute that changed and caused the event activation.
In addition to the fact that it is used in the history database, the attribute is included in the history buffer. From the buffer it is transmitted as a "snapshot variable" (%CA) to the physical format picture (PF) and the event channel (AN). Unlike ordinary attributes, it cannot be included in an object notation.
Data type:
A text of two characters, the name of the attribute, for example
Read only. The attribute can only be read using the SCIL function
PROD_QUERY and as %CA in the physical format picture (see
3 Process Objects
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1MRS751253-MEN the PF attribute, section 3.2.10) and in objects started by the event channel (see the AE attribute in this chapter). It cannot be read with an object notation and it cannot be written.
ED Event Daylight saving
Indicates is the daylight saving time in use when the value of ET attribute is calculated.
Data type: Integer
0 = Not known
1 = Daylight saving time not in use
2 = Daylight saving time in use
EM Event time Milliseconds
The milliseconds of the time the event appears. So when this attribute is used with the
ET attribute, you are able to know the time in accuracy of a millisecond. EM attribute of an event is usually equal to RM, but not always. For example, if XB is changed by
SCIL, EM tells the time of change and RM reflects the latest update of OV attribute.
Data type:
0 ... 999
ET Event Time
The time the event appears, in accuracy of a second. ET attribute of an event is usually equal to RT, but not always. For example, if XB is changed by SCIL, ET tells the time of change and RT reflects the latest update of OV attribute.
Data type: Time
Data type:
Event comment teXt
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3 Process Objects
Value: Maximum 255 characters
Default Value: Empty
Access: No limitations
HD History logging Daylight saving
Indicates is the daylight saving time in use when the value of HT attribute is calculated.
Data type: Integer
0 = Not known
1 = Daylight saving time not in use
2 = Daylight saving time in use
HM History logging time Milliseconds
Records the milliseconds of the time when the event was written to the history database. So when this attribute is used with the HT attribute, you are able to know the time in accuracy of a millisecond.
Data type: Integer
0 ... 999
HT History logging Time
Records the time when the event was written to the history database.
Data type:
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Defining Process Objects
When a new process object of predefined type is defined, some definition attributes are obligatory, others are optional and some attributes are not valid depending on the object type, see Table 2. The following attributes are the minimum requirements:
Logical name (common to a group)
Index (not for user-defined object types)
PT or any of the attributes AI, AO, BI, BO, BS, DI, DO, DB, PC.
In addition to the three attributes mentioned above, real objects with process communication require the following attributes:
UN and OA plus the OB attribute for binary objects (except S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU objects of BO type).
All analogue objects require:
SN Scale Name
For example, the following optional features can be defined as follows:
Alarm generating objects: the alarm handling attribute AC (Alarm Class), alarm limits or AG, LA, the SZ attribute for SCADA supervision.
Monitor alarm: the PI and PD attributes.
Automatic printing: the PF and LD attributes.
External alarm: the LD attribute.
Event channel: at least the AN and AE attributes.
Event object (event controlled updating in pictures): the EE attribute.
History buffering (including the object in the event list): the HE attribute.
Switch state AUTO: the SS attribute.
Taking the object into use: the IU attribute.
Creating Process Objects with SCIL
To create a process object with SCIL, create it with the #CREATE command and assign it attributes using LIST. The LN and IX attributes need not be given.
To copy an existing process object to a new one:
Create a variable object with #CREATE and assign it attributes with some SCIL database function (FETCH, PHYS_FETCH, NEXT or PREV).
If desired, change the attributes with #SET or #MODIFY.
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3 Process Objects
Create the process object with #CREATE and assign it the value of the variable object as a variable.
Example 1:
#CREATE PROC:P 1= LIST(AI = 0, SN = "S")
An analogue input object is created with the name PROC, index 1, analogue input value 0 and scale name "S".
Example 2:
@V = FETCH(0,"P","OLD",1)
A process object called "NEW" is created with the same attributes as the process object "OLD" with index 1 in the same application.
Process Object Group Attributes
This section describes the process object group attributes that define the object groups and their functions. The attributes of a process object group are common for all the process objects under that certain group, except for ZT which is separately defined for the process object groups and the process objects. The configurable process object attributes have been introduced already in an earlier section of this chapter.
GC Group Comment
A freely chosen text.
Data type: Text
No limitations
GT Group Type
An arbitrary type number defined by the programmer.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 ... 255
No limitations
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LF Logical Format
The name of the "logical" format picture. The picture is printed with the command
#LIST, see Chapter 2. When printing the picture with #LIST, the object notation should be given without an index, otherwise the physical format (the PF attribute) is used. Objects of user-defined types do not have this attribute.
When printing the picture with the #LIST command, a variable with the name LN is automatically formed and assigned the name of the object group (the attribute LN).
The variable %LN can be used as the process object name in the format picture. In this way, several different objects can use the same logical format picture.
Data type:
Picture name
No index, the attribute is common for all objects in the group
No limitations
ZT Modification Time
The time when the object group was created or modified. This attribute is set by the main program when the object group is created and each time the object group is updated by the #MODIFY command (for example, by the process object group definition tool).
Data type:
Data type:
86 ABB Automation
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4 Scales
4 Scales
About this Chapter
This chapter describes scale objects and their attributes:
General: The basic properties of scale objects, their use and function, etc.
Scale attributes: The Scale attributes listed and described in alphabetical order.
Defining scales using SCIL: Required attributes and an example.
4.1 General
Scales define algorithms for the transformation of data transferred from the process stations to the values stored in the process database. The values stored in the process database should be the same as the measured quantities.
Every definition for analog process object includes a scale name (the process object attribute SN), which is the name of the scale to be used in the transformation. The same scale can be used by several analog process objects, independent of their type
(analog input or output). With regard to fictitious process objects, scales have no meaning, yet they are required in the process object definition.
The stations (RTUs, protective equipment, PLCs and other process control units) receive analog signals from the process instrumentation as electrical currents (mA) or voltages (V). In the stations, these values are transformed to digital values. In the process database the digital values are scaled to the analog unit of the process object using the scaling algorithm given by the scale name of the process object. The analog output values are scaled correspondingly in the process database before they are sent out to the stations.
As an example, scaling can mean that the digital number 0 is translated to 20 o
C and the digital number 1000 to 100 o
C (see Figure 9).
Scale Object Notation
Scale attributes can be accessed from SCIL with the notation:
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1MRS751253-MEN where
‘name’ Is the object name
See also Chapter 2.
Is the logical application number
Is the attribute name
All scale attributes can be both read and written from SCIL without limitations.
Scales are stored in the process database on disk and in RAM.
Scale Attributes
LN Logical Name
The name of the scale.
Data type: Text
The name must follow the rules for object names given in section
Read-only, configurable
SA Scaling Algorithm
The algorithm by which scaling is performed: one-to-one, linear or stepwise linear scaling, see Figure 9.
Data type: Integer
0 = 1:1 scaling.
1 = Linear scaling
2 = Stepwise linear scaling. The scale is linear in a number of intervals, but the scale as a whole is non-linear.
Read-only, configurable
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4 Scales
SC Scaling Constants
The constants that determine the inclination of the linear scaling and the inclination of the linear intervals of the stepwise linear scaling. The inclination is given as pairs of corresponding MicroSCADA process database values and RTU values.
Data type: Vector
Value: If SA = 1: Vector with four real elements
If SA = 2: Vector of maximum 100 real elements representing the
Default value:
Access: coordinates of 50 points on the scaling curve
If SA = 1:
Index 1 = The lower station value
Index 2 = The upper station value
Index 3 = The lower process database value
Index 4 = The upper process database value
If SA = 2:
An odd index refers to a station value and the following even index to corresponding process database value. The values of odd indices must be ascending.
Read-only, configurable
Linear Scaling
Stepwise Linear Scaling
50 50
0 500 1000
0 500 1000
SA = 2
SC = (0,20,200,10,500,40,750,50,1000,100)
SA = 1
SC = (0,1000,20,100)
Figure 9.
An illustration of linear and stepwise linear scaling
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ZT Modification Time
The time at which the object was created or modified. This attribute is set by the main program when the object is created and each time it is updated in the application object definition tool or using SCIL (the #CREATE and #MODIFY commands).
Data type: Time
Access: Read-only
Defining SCALE Objects Using SCIL
Required Attributes
When defining a new scale object, the LN attribute is required. If no other attribute is defined, the scale will be a 1 to 1 scale (SA = 0). If the SA attribute is set to 1 or 2, the
SC attribute must be defined as well.
Creating a linear scale named LINEAR:
#CREATE LINEAR:X = LIST( SA = 1, SC = (1,100,10,500))
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5 Data Objects
5 Data Objects
This chapter describes the data objects, their attributes and how to define data objects with SCIL. It is divided into the following sections:
The use of data objects, the activation and function of the data objects, etc.
Data object attributes: The data object attributes are listed and described.
The attributes are grouped in sub-sections according to their functions.
The principles for defining data objects using SCIL and examples.
5.1 General
Data objects (datalog objects) are used to sample and calculate, register and store data. A data object can contain one or more, up to 500 000, registered values. Each registered value has a validity stamp (status code) and a time stamp.
Data objects can be used for storing trend data, historical data, running plan data, data for system configuration, optimisation, calculation, etc. Data objects can also be used as global variables when there is a need for using the same data in several different
SCIL contexts (pictures, command procedures, Visual SCIL contexts).
Each data registration is done according to a SCIL expression and a logging function.
The execution of data registration can be started manually or automatically.
The data of a data object is sampled or calculated in accordance with a SCIL expres-
sion, that can contain constants and variables as well as data from other objects. (See the Programming Language SCIL manual.) The variables used in an expression must be defined to the data object. The final data registration is performed via a logging
function, that enables, for example, an automatic calculation of mean values, sums, integral values, etc. The logging function is carried out using each new calculated or sampled value and the latest internal object value. Every internal and registered object value gets a status code and a time stamp.
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Figure 10.
The execution of data objects
The registered values can be accessed as vector elements by means of indices. The oldest registered value has the index 1. The maximum number of registered values to be stored can be chosen freely. When the number of registrations exceeds the maximum number, the oldest registered value will be omitted.
The execution of a data object, i.e. a new data registration, can be started in the following ways:
From a SCIL program - a picture program, a command procedure or a method with the command #EXEC (section 2.3.).
From a time channel, which implies an automatic time dependent execution. Execution through a time channel is performed in accordance with the priority of the data object. For more information see the EP attribute in Chapter 5). Time activation is used, e.g., when trend data is sampled from a process object.
From an event channel, which implies an automatic event dependent execution caused by a change in a process object. A data object can, for example, store the event history of a certain process object. The registration time of a process object can be copied to the data object. For more information see the TS attribute,
Chapter 5.
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5 Data Objects
All three kinds of activations can be applied to the same data object.
Variables that are to be used in the expression must be known by the data object. If the object is executed with #EXEC, variables can be transmitted with the variable list
(see Chapter 2). When execution starts from an event channel, certain attribute values of the process object are transmitted as variables with the same name. See Chapter 8.
When the data object is executed through a time channel, the data object expression can include variables that were defined in command procedures, which were executed earlier by the same time channel.
Executing Tasks
There are a number of different tasks, at least 2 and at most 17, which execute data objects, command procedures and time channels. If a task is busy when an execution order comes, the order is put into a queue. The order is executed when the task becomes free.
A task always executes an object completely before it starts to execute the next object. Depending on the PE attribute (see Chapter 5), the execution is handled by a parallel or non-parallel task. The maximum number of parallel queues in use for a particular application is defined by attribute PQ. The executing task can be determined in accordance with Figure 11.
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Figure 11.
The tasks that execute the data objects, command procedures and time channels
5 Data Objects
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Data objects are stored in the report database, which is on disk, or in files specified by the HN attribute. In addition, the most frequently used data objects may be stored in the primary memory (report cache memory), where they share the memory space with other report objects (command procedures, time channels, event channels). The memory space reserved for this purpose is application dependent and set with the attribute
SYS:BRC or with a tool.
To get faster reporting, the dynamic data of a data object can be stored exclusively in primary memory. This is determined by an attribute (the MO attribute, section 5.2.5).
Data Object Notation
Data object attributes - the registered data as well as the static attributes - are accessed from SCIL with the following object notation:
Is the name of the object
Is the logical application number
Is an attribute name
Is an index or index range that refers to the registered object values
(the OV, OS and RT attributes). The oldest registered value has the index 1.
For example, the notation DATA:DOV32 is the 32:nd registered data in the data object named DATA.
A data object notation without an attribute refers to the object value (the OV attribute), except with the command #EXEC, which refers to the whole object. The OV, OS and RT attributes without an index refer to the "internal object value".
Editing Data Objects
Registered values can be changed with the SCIL command #SET (section 2.3) and the data object notation. The #SET command is, for example, used in the definitions tool
(section 5.3.1.). An object value changed with #SET always gets an OK status (OS =
0). The registration time (the RT attribute) is updated. Changing a registered object value with #SET does not affect subsequent registrations. However, changing the object value (the OV attribute) without an index means that the "internal object value" is changed, which will affect subsequent registrations.
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5 Data Objects
Clearing Data Object Registrations
The following situations clear all registered object values, which means that the object values get "Not sampled" status (OS = 10) and the next registration starts from index number 1:
The time channel, that executes the data object, is initialised (see Chapter 7).
The logging function (the LF attribute) is changed.
The LR attribute (last registration) is set to 0.
In the last case, when the LR attribute is set to 0, the registered data object values are certainly cleared. However the "internal object value" (see Figure 10) is preserved and will affect the new registrations.
If the chosen number of maximum registrations (the HR attribute) is changed to a lower number, the oldest registered values are cleared.
Data Object Attributes
Here the data object attributes are grouped into the following sub-sections:
5.2.1 Basic Definitions: CM, FI, FX, IU, LN, VL, VT, ZT
5.2.2 Execution Definitions:
5.2.3 Registered Data:
5.2.4 Execution Control:
5.2.5 Storage:
The data attributes in section 5.2.3. represent the registered data, the validation stamps and time stamps. All other attributes describe the definition of the object.
CM Comment
The comment text of the object.
Data type:
No limitations
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FI Free Integer
This attribute is reserved for the SCIL application, it has not any semantics known to the base system.
Data type:
Default value:
Access: Full access by SCIL
FX Free Text
This attribute is reserved for the SCIL application, it has not any semantics known to the base system.
Data type:
Maximum 255 characters
Default value:
Full access by SCIL
IU In Use
The IU attribute specifies whether the object is in use or not. When the object is not in use (IU = 0), it cannot be executed. However, its definition is preserved and the attributes can both be read and written as usual.
Data type: Integer
0 = Out of use
1 = In use
No limitations
LN Logical Name
The logical name of the data object. The name must follow the rules for object names given in section 2.2.
Data type:
Maximum 63 characters
Read-only, configurable
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5 Data Objects
VL Value Length
Maximum string length. This attribute is used to define the length of the VT attribute.
Data type:
1 … 255, if VT="TEXT", otherwise 0
Read only, configurable
The allowed LF (Logging Function) values for this data type:
VT Value Type
VT attribute supports REAL, INTEGER, TIME and TEXT values for data objects.
Data type: Text
Value: "REAL", "INTEGER", "TIME" or "TEXT"
Read only, configurable with #CREATE but not with #MODIFY.
The allowed LF (Logging Function) values for this data type:
The evaluation of the IN attribute must result to the data type defined by the VT attribute. However, if VT is INTEGER, the following data conversions are done automatically: real values are rounded to nearest integer value and boolean values are converted to 0 (= FALSE) or 1 (= TRUE).
ZT Modification Time
The time when the object was created or modified. This attribute is set by the main program when the object is created and each time it is updated by the application object definition tool or by SCIL (the #CREATE and #MODIFY commands).
5 Data Objects
Data type:
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
IN Instruction
The SCIL expression of the data object. This expression must follow the rules for
SCIL, see the Programming Language SCIL manual, Chapter 6. Data registration starts with the calculation of this expression, see Figure 10.
Data type:
Access: Read-only, configurable
The evaluation of this attribute must result to the data type defined by the VT attribute. However, if VT is INTEGER, the following data conversions are done automatically: real values are rounded to nearest integer value and boolean values are converted to 0 (= FALSE) or 1 (= TRUE).
LF Logging Function
The operation to be performed on the calculated/sampled value before registration.
The logging functions use the calculated/sampled values and the internal object value
(see Figure 10).
Data type:
0 ... 10:
No calculation is performed. The value calculated/sampled with the SCIL expression is directly registered.
1 = SUM
The sum of all calculated/sampled values
The mean value of all calculated/sampled values. (The time interval between samplings is not regarded.) The mean value is calculated as the mean value of the last sampled/calculated value and the last stored mean value (= the internal object value).
The time integral of all calculated/sampled values. The values are considered to be constant between executions. The time is calculated in seconds, and it starts from 0 with the first execution of the
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5 Data Objects
Access: data object. The value is calculated as the integral value of the last sampled/calculated value and the last stored value.
The difference between two consequently calculated/sampled values. The value is calculated as the difference value of the last sampled/calculated value and the last stored value.
The same as above, but the expression is regarded to be a pulse counter, which is set to zero, when a certain value (the attribute
PS) is obtained.
The time derivative of two consequent calculated/sampled values.
The time unit is seconds. The value is calculated as the time derivate value of the last sampled/calculated value and the last stored value.
The same as above, but the expression is regarded to be a pulse counter, which is set to zero, when a fixed value (the attribute PS) is obtained.
The last registered value is the largest calculated/sampled value since the initiation of the data object. Smaller values entail no registration.
The last registered value is the smallest calculated/sampled value since the initiation of the data object. Only smaller values are registered, values larger than this entail no registration.
10 = COPY
Copies the registered values into another data object. The status codes and the time stamps are also copied.
Read-only, configurable
PS Pulse Scale
If the logging function is PULSE DIFFERENCE (LF = 5) or PULSE DERIVATIVE
(LF = 7), the expression (the IN attribute) is regarded as a pulse counter. The PS attribute indicates at which value the physical pulse counter is set to zero and counting restarts. Set the PS attribute to the maximum value of the pulse counter +1 (to regard the zero value).
Data type: Integer or real
5 Data Objects
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Integer or real
Read-only, configurable
SR Source
The name of the data object to be copied when the logging function is COPY (LF =
Data type:
Text, maximum 63 characters
Read-only, configurable
TS Time Stamp
The TS attribute determines whether the RT attribute is updated by the operating system time or from the variable %RT.
When the data object is started by an event channel, the %RT variable is the registration time of the activating process object. Using the %RT variable as the registration time is useful when there is a time delay between the data object execution and the process event causing the execution.
Data type: Integer
0 = The RT attribute is set according to the operating system time when the object is executed
1 = The RT attribute is copied from the variable %RT if such a variable has been defined to the data object (see 5.1
No limitations
Registered Data
OS Object Status
This attribute is generated automatically at each data registration. It describes the reliability of the registered value.
Data type:
Integer or vector
Integer or vector of integers. A status code, see the manual Status
Codes. The object status can be any status code corresponding to errors that can occur in expressions. Examples:
0 = The value is OK
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5 Data Objects
1 = The value is uncertain. The data object gets this status code if calculation of the expression failed and the logging function is anything else than DIRECT.
10 =The data object has not been calculated, for example, because it is new or since the MicroSCADA system has been out of use.
History registration number. The attribute without an index refers to the internal object value (see Figure 10).
No limitations
OV Object Value
The object value, i.e., the value obtained when the expression has been calculated and the logging function performed.
Data type:
Real, integer, text or time. Defined by the VT attribute.
Real, integer, text or time
If text, maximum 255 characters
History registration number. The attribute without an index refers to the "internal" object value which is the same as the last registered object value, unless some of the values have been changed with #SET.
No limitations
Setting a registered object value with the #SET command (with an index or index range) does not affect the subsequent registrations. However, setting the object value without an index means setting the internal object value and, hence, affects subsequent registrations, unless the logging function is DIRECT or COPY.
ABB Automation
RT Registration Time
The registration time of the object value with an accuracy of one second. The time stamp is either set by the operating system or copied from a variable named %RT (see the TS attribute in this chapter.). If the registered value is altered with #SET, the RT attribute also changes, so that it gets the value of the update time (set according to the operating system time).
Data type:
Time or time vector
Time or time vector
History registration number. The attribute without an index refers to the "internal" object value (Figure 10).
5 Data Objects
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Read, conditional write. It can be written with the #SET command.
EP Execution Priority
The priority of the data object in relation to other data objects and command procedures executed by the same time channel. When the time channel is activated, the objects are executed in the order determined by their priority. Objects with the same priority can be executed in any order.
Data type:
Default value:
0 ... 255
0 means the highest priority
Read-only, configurable
PE Parallel Execution
This attribute indicates whether the object is executed by a parallel task or not, see
Figure 11.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 = Non-parallel execution
1 = Parallel execution. The object is executed by the task determined by the PQ attribute.
No limitations
PQ Parallel Queue
The number of the parallel queue, if there is a parallel execution (PE = 1). See Figure
Data type: Integer
0 ... APL:BPQ. PQ = 0 means that the system places the execution order in the parallel queue that is emptied first (on the condition that PE = 1). PQ <> 0 is recommended for especially time critical or time consuming objects.
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5 Data Objects
Access: No limitations
SE Start-up Execution
During application start-up, all time channels, which would have started during system break, are activated to make the reporting catch up real time. With this attribute you can select to execute the data object or not during application start-up. Those data objects that are not executed are marked with NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS (OS = 10).
The SE attribute concerns data objects, which are in use, and connected to a time channel, which is in use.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 = The data object is not executed during application start-up
1 = The data object is executed during application start-up as started by the time channel
No limitations
TC Time Channel
The name of the time channel that starts the execution of the data object.
Data type:
Maximum length 63 characters
Read-only, configurable
5.2.5 Storage
HN History File Number
Data objects (the definitions as well as history registrations), command procedures, time channels and event channels are stored in files named APL_REPORT.nnn, where
’nnn’ is a sequence number specified by the HN attribute. Each file can contain up to
32 Mb data. The file number can be freely chosen from the range 0 ... 399.
Data type:
Default value:
0 ... 399, file number
Read-only, configurable
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HR History Registrations
The maximum number of registrations. When the number of registrations has reached this value, the oldest registered value will be omitted with every new registration.
When a new data object is created, required memory space is reserved for the maximum number of registered data.
Data type:
0 ... 500 000
HR = 0 means that the data object contains only the "stored" object value (see Figure 10), which is accessed with out index.
0 Default value:
Access: Read-only, configurable
LR Latest Registration
The index for the latest registered value. Higher indices than this cannot be used in
SCIL. The next registration gets the index LR + 1 as long as this number is less than or equal to the HR attribute. If LR is set with #SET to a lower value, all data registrations above the new LR gets NOT SAMPLED status. Setting the LR attribute does not affect the internal object value.
Data type:
Less or equal to the attribute HR
No limitations. Not included in FETCH, section 8.7.
MO Memory Only
This attribute determines the way of storing the attributes OV, LR, OS and RT. These attributes can either be stored both on disk and in RAM (primary memory) or only in
RAM. All other attributes are stored both on disk and in RAM or only on disk. In the primary memory, the data objects use the report cache memory.
Use memory only (MO = 1) for frequently executed and less critical data objects.
Data type:
Default value:
0 = All attributes are stored both on disk and in primary memory
1 = The attributes OV, LR, OS and RT are stored only in primary memory.
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5 Data Objects
Access: Read-only, configurable
Defining Data Objects Using SCIL
A new data object is created by giving it a name (= the LN attribute). Other attributes get the default values mentioned in the attribute descriptions, for example:
Expression, IN = No expression
Logging function, LF = DIRECT
Number of history registrations, HR = 0
Execution priority, EP =
In use, IU =
When a new data object is created, all registered values get the status code 10 (OS =
In the example below, a data object named "data" is created with the following attributes:
Expression =
Logging function =
Maximum history registrations =
State of use =
In use
SCIL program:
#CREATE DATA:D = LIST( IN = “%A", LF = 1, HR = 2000, IU = 1)
In the following example, an existing data object is copied using the FETCH function:
@V = FETCH(0,”D”,”DATA1”)
In the latter example, the new data object DATA2 will get all the registered values of the copied data object DATA1.
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6 Command Procedures
6 Command Procedures
This chapter describes the command procedures and their attributes. The chapter is divided into the following sections:
General: The use of command procedures, the activation and function of command procedures, the use of variables in command procedures, etc.
Command procedure attributes: The attributes listed and described. The attributes are grouped into sub-sections according to their functions.
Defining command procedures: The principles for defining command procedures using SCIL and an example.
6.1 General
Command procedures contain SCIL programs of up to 10 000 program lines (SCIL statements) which can be started automatically or manually. They can be used for all kinds of automatic operations, for example, calculations, control operations, report printouts, automatic system and communication configuration, etc. Command procedures are, for example, used for the execution of automatic operations at system startup. Generally, the user interface related operations can not be handled by command procedures, see "Program" below.
A command procedure can be started in the following three ways:
From a SCIL program (a picture program, a command procedure or a method) with the command #EXEC (see Chapter 2), for example, #EXEC PROG:C.
From time channels (Chapter 7), giving an automatic time controlled execution.
Execution through a time channel is performed in accordance with the priority of the command procedure For more information, see the EP attribute, Chapter 6.
From event channels (Chapter 8), giving an automatic event controlled execution from a process object.
It is possible to use all the above three ways for starting the same command procedure. In addition, the program of the command procedure can be handled as a text vector, which can be executed completely or partly with the #DO command.
When an execution order comes from an #EXEC command, a time channel or an event channel, the order is executed at once provided that the executing task is free, see below. If the executing task is occupied at that moment, the execution order is put in a queue. When started, the command procedure is executed completely to the end without interruptions (unless interrupted by an error).
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A command procedure may contain any SCIL statements, except commands for handling user interface objects (picture commands, graphics commands, Visual SCIL commands). However, a command procedure program run with the #DO command may also contain user interface related commands, provided that the #DO command is executed in a user interface object (picture, dialog).
Rules for program construction can be found in the manual "MicroSCADA, Programming Language SCIL".
Besides the variables defined in the command procedure in question, the command procedure can use the following variables:
If execution is started with #EXEC, the command procedure can use the variables in the variable list of the command (see Chapter 2).
If the command procedure is started by an event channel, it can use some automatically defined variables ("snapshot variables") which get both their names and values from certain process object attributes (see Chapter 8).
When the command procedure is started from a time channel, the command procedure can use variables defined in other command procedures started earlier by the same time channel. These command procedures have a higher priority.
If the program of the command procedure is executed with #DO, all variables in the executing picture or command procedure can be used.
Executing Tasks
There are a number of tasks, at least 2 and at most 17, which execute data objects, command procedures and time channels. If a task is busy when an execution order comes, the order is put in a queue, and the object is executed when the task becomes free. A task always executes an object completely before it starts to execute the next object. Depending on the PE attribute (see Chapter 6), execution is handled by a parallel or non-parallel task. The executing task can be determined in accordance with
Chapter 5, Executing Tasks.
Command procedures are stored on disk in the report database, in the files specified by the HN attribute. In addition, the most frequently used command procedures can be stored in the primary memory in a memory space (report cache) which they share with other report objects (data objects, time channels, event channels). The size of this memory space can be changed with the attribute SYS:BRC or with a tool.
To get faster execution, the dynamic data of a command procedure (the RT and OS attributes) can be stored only in primary memory. This is determined by an attribute: the MO attribute (section 6.2.6).
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6 Command Procedures
Object Notation
The command procedure attributes are accessed from SCIL with the following object notation (see also Chapter 2):
Is the name of the object
Is logical application number
Is attribute name
’i’ Is an index
An object notation without an attribute refers to the program, i.e., the IN attribute.
This is how the object notation is used with the #EXEC command. For example, executing the command procedure named COMPROC1:
Indexing is only used along with the IN attribute and then the indices to the line numbers.
Command Procedure Attributes
In this description the command procedure attributes are grouped in the following sub-sections:
6.2.1 Basic Attributes:
6.2.2 Program:
6.2.3 Time and Validation Stamps:
6.2.4 Execution Control:
6.2.5 Storage:
Basic Attributes
CM Comment
A freely chosen comment text. The maximum length of the text is 255 characters.
Data type: Text
No limitations
6 Command Procedures
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FI Free Integer
This attribute is reserved for the SCIL application, it has not any semantics known to the base system.
Data type:
Default value:
Access: Full access by SCIL
FX Free Text
This attribute is reserved for the SCIL application, it has not any semantics known to the base system.
Data type:
Maximum 255 characters
Default value:
Full access by SCIL
IU In Use
The attribute states whether the object is in use or not. When the object is out of use
(IU = 0), it cannot be executed. However, the attributes can both be read and written as usual.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 = Out of use
1 = In use
No limitations
LN Logical Name
The logical name of the command procedure. The name must follow the rules for object names given in section 2.2.
Data type:
Maximum 63 characters
Read-only, configurable
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6 Command Procedures
ZT Modification Time
The time when the object was created or modified. This attribute is set by the main program when the object is created and each time it is updated by the object definition tool or by SCIL (the #CREATE and #MODIFY commands).
Data type: Time
Access: Read-only
6.2.2 Program
CP Compiled Program
The byte code compiled from the source program (attribute IN) of a command procedure object is stored as this attribute. When the IN attribute is modified alone (without
CP attribute), the CP attribute is cleared.
Data type:
Byte string
Byte string value containing the byte code (zero length byte string if none exists)
Read only, configurable
IN Instruction
The program of the command procedure as a text vector.
Data type: Vector
Text vector
Program line number, 0 ... 10 000. The attribute without an index means the whole program.
Access: Read-only, configurable
Time and Validation Stamps
OS Object Status
This attribute indicates how the last program execution succeeded.
Data type:
All status codes that can be produced during a program execution.
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0 = The program was correctly executed
10 = The program execution failed
Read, conditional write. It can be written with #SET.
RT Registration Time
The registration time with an accuracy of one second. Time stamping is performed by the operating system when program execution is completed (TS = 0), or it is copied from the variable %RT (TS = 1), see the TS attribute below.
Data type:
Read, conditional write. It can be written with #SET.
TS Time Stamp
The TS attribute determines whether the RT attribute is updated by the operating system time or from the variable %RT.
When the data object is started by an event channel, the %RT variable is the registration time of the activating process object. Using the %RT variable as the registration time is useful when there is a time delay between the command procedure execution and the process event causing the execution.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 = The RT attribute is set according to the operating system time when the command procedure has been executed
1 = The RT attribute is copied from the variable %RT if such a variable has been defined to the data object (see 6.1)
No limitations
EP Execution Priority
The priority order of the program in relation to other command procedures and data objects started by the same time channel. The attribute states the order in which objects started by the same time channel will be executed. Objects with the same priority order may be executed in any order.
Data type: Integer
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6 Command Procedures
Default value:
0 ... 255
0 is the highest and 255 the lowest priority order
Read-only, configurable
PE Parallel Execution
This attribute indicates whether the object is executed by a parallel task or not, see
Chapter 5.
Data type:
0 = Non-parallel execution
1 = Parallel execution
0 Default value:
Access: No limitations
PQ Parallel Queue
The number of the parallel queue, if there is parallel execution (PE = 1). See Chapter
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 ... APLn:BPQ. PQ = 0 means that the system places the execution order in the parallel queue that first becomes empty (on the condition that PE = 1). PQ <> 0 is recommended for time critical or time consuming objects.
No limitations
SE Start-up Execution
This attribute indicates whether the command procedure is executed during application start-up while reporting is catching up real time, i.e. all time channels, which would have started during system break, are activated.
The SE attribute concerns command procedures that are in use (IU = 1) and connected to a time channel that is in use.
Data type:
0 = The command procedure is not executed during application start-up
6 Command Procedures
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Default value:
1 = the command procedure is executed during application start-up as started by the time channel
No limitations
TC Time Channel
The name of the time channel (Chapter 7) which starts the command procedure.
Data type: Text
Maximum length 63 characters
Read-only, configurable
Storage Attributes
HN History File Number
Command procedures, together with data objects, time channels and event channels, are stored in files named APL_REPORT.Fnn, where ’nn’ is a sequence number. For command procedures and data objects the file number is specified by the HN attribute. The file numbers can be freely chosen from the range 0 ... 99. Time channels and event channels are always stored in APL_REPORT.F00. Each file can contain up to
32 MB.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 ... 399, file number
Read-only, configurable
MO Memory Only
This attribute determines the storage area of the attributes OS and RT. These attributes can either be stored both on disk and in RAM (primary memory) or only in
RAM. All other attributes are stored both on disk and in RAM or only on disk. Storing the OS and RT attributes only in RAM reduces the memory access time when the
OS and RT attributes are written.
In the primary memory the command procedures use the report cache.
Data type: Integer
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6 Command Procedures
Default value:
0 = All attributes are stored both on disk and in primary memory
1 = The attributes OS and RT are stored only on primary memory
Read-only, configurable
Defining Command Procedures with SCIL
The minimum to be defined when creating a new command procedure is the logical name, the LN attribute.
Other attributes get the default values mentioned in the attribute descriptions above, for example:
Program, IN No program
Execution priority, EP 255
In use, IU 0
The following SCIL program example creates a command procedure called LIST for the printout of a process object:
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7 Time Channels
7 Time Channels
This chapter describes the time channels, the time channel attributes and the definition of time channels. It contains the following sub-sections:
General: The use and function of time channels, the object notation and the storage of time channels.
Attributes: The time channel attributes listed and described. The attributes are grouped according to the their function.
The principles for defining time channels with SCIL.
7.1 General
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Time channels provide schedules for automatic time activated start-up of operations in the report database: the registration of data objects and the execution of command procedures. One time channel can start one or more objects. If a time channel starts several objects, they are started in priority order. See Figure 12. Each data object or command procedure can be connected to only one time channel at a time.
A time channel is activated at chosen times, either at an absolute point of time or cyclically at fixed intervals. Discontinuous time activation is handled by means of conditions.
Time channels are used for cyclic program execution or data registration, time dependent reports, trends, regular checks, time control, etc.
A time channel has two functions: execution and initialisation, see Figure 12. Execution of a time channel means that the objects connected to the time channel are executed, i.e. the data objects are registered and the command procedure programs are executed. The objects are executed according to their priority (the EP attribute). Initialisation implies that data objects attached to the time channel are emptied of all registered data, unless the logging function is COPY. For command procedures the initialisation has no meaning.
Both initialisation and execution can occur cyclically at a fixed cycle time.
Periodic initialisation and execution are synchronised at chosen synchronisation
times. At synchronisation time the periodic initialisation/execution is restarted, independent of the phase of the cycle in progress. This means that initialisation/execution always takes place at the synchronisation times. If no cycle is given, initialisation/execution occurs only at synchronisation times. Synchronisation can occur once at a selected time or periodically once a year, once a month, once a week, once a day or once an hour. See Figure 12.
7 Time Channels
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Discontinuous initialisation and execution are obtained by means of conditions. The conditions, which often contain some time functions, regulate the activities, so that initialisation/execution is performed only when the conditions are fulfilled.
When execution and initialisation coincide, execution precedes initialisation. This is valid whether the initialisation and execution occur in the same or in separate time channels. If the execution of two time channels coincides, the one with the shorter cycle time is executed fully before the other one starts.
Time Channel
- Period
- Synchronization
- Condition
- Period
- Synchronisation
- Condition
The objects are emptied of all registered data.
Data Object
Time Channel: X
Priority: 1
Time Channel: X
Priority: 2
Event Channel
Figure 12.
The function of time channels. Data objects and command procedures are started in accordance with their priority (the EP attribute).
The time ch annel is created
Initialization synchronization
Initialization Initialization
Initialization cycle
Execution cycle Execution cycleExecution cycle
Initialization cycle Initialization cycle
Execution cycle Execution cycle Execution cycle Execution cycle
Execution Execution Execution Execution Execution Execution Execution
Execution synchronization
Figure 13.
The time activation of a time channel with periodic execution and initialisation
Time channels can also be executed by event channels (Chapter 8) and by the #EXEC command (section 2.3.). In these cases, execution occurs immediately and independent of the condition. Execution in this way does not affect the subsequent function of the time channel.
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7 Time Channels
When an application is restarted after a break, all time channels that would have been started during the break are executed. All connected data objects and certain selected command procedures are executed.
Executing Tasks
There are a number of different tasks, at least 2 and at most 17, which execute data objects, command procedures and time channels. If a task is busy when an execution order comes, the order is put in a queue, and the object is executed when the task becomes free. A task always executes an object completely before it starts to execute the next object. Depending on the PE attribute the execution is handled by a parallel or non-parallel task. The executing task can be determined in accordance with Chapter 5.
Object Notation
The time channel attributes are accessed from SCIL with the following object notation (see also Chapter 2):
Is the name of the object
Is logical application number
Is attribute name
’i’ Is an index
A time channel object notation can be used without an attribute only with the command #EXEC. Indices are used to distinguish initialisation and execution.
Time channels are stored in the report database on disk, in the file named
APL_REPORT.F00. In addition, the most frequently used time channels can be stored in the primary memory, where they share the memory space with other report objects
(command procedures, data objects, event channels). The memory space reserved for this purpose is application dependent and can be set with the attribute SYS:BRC or with a tool.
Each application can contain up to 255 time channels.
Time Channel Attributes
The time channel attributes are grouped into the following subsections:
7.2.1 Basic Attributes: LN, ZT
7 Time Channels
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7.2.2 Operational Status:
7.2.3 Initialisation and Execution:
7.2.4 Parallel Execution:
7.2.5 Time Tagging:
7.2.6 Comment:
Basic Attributes
LN Logical Name
The name of the time channel.
Data type: Text
Maximum length 63 characters. The name must follow the rules for object names given in section 2.2.
Read-only, configurable
ZT Modification Time
The time when the object was created or modified. This attribute is set by the main program when the object is created and each time it is updated by the object definition tool or by SCIL (the #CREATE and #MODIFY commands).
Data type:
Operational Status
IU In Use
This attribute indicates whether the time channel is activated or not. When the time channel is not in use (IU = 0), it cannot be activated. However, the attributes can both be read and written as usual. Taking the time channel out of use and into use again does not affect the subsequent function of the time channel (neither the initialisation/execution period nor the synchronisation).
Data type:
Default value:
0 = Out of use
1 = In use
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7 Time Channels
Access: No limitations
Initialisation and Execution
CD Condition
Initialisation/execution can take place only if this condition is fulfilled. The condition is a Boolean type SCIL expression.
Data type:
Default value:
Vector of two text elements consisting of Boolean expressions
Index 1 = The condition for initialisation
Index 2 = The condition for execution
No condition
No limitations
Time functions included in the condition always refer to the current system time, also when the time channel is activated during application start-up.
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CY Cycle
The time interval between periodic initialisations/executions. The cycle starts at the synchronisation times.
Data type: Vector
Vector of two integers, >=0
Index 1 = The initialisation cycle
Index 2 = The execution cycle
No limitations
SU Synchronisation Unit
Defines how often periodic synchronisation takes place. The exact point of time of synchronisation is defined by the SY attribute.
Data type: Vector
7 Time Channels
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Default value:
Vector of two integer elements, 0 ... 6:
0 = No synchronisation or once at the time determined by the SY
1 = Once a year at the time determined by the SY attribute
2 = Once a month at the time determined by SY
3 = Last day of month at the time determined by the SY attribute
4 = Once a week on the weekday and time fixed by the SY
5 = Once a day at the hour and minute determined by the SY
6 = Once an hour at the minute determined by the SY attribute
Index 1 = Initialisation
Index 2 = Execution
Both elements = 0
No limitations
The synchronisation time has been set to 1991-02-14 13:40:38. If
SU = 2 (synchronisation once a month), synchronisation occurs at
13:40:38 o’clock on the 14th of every month.
SY Synchronisation Time
The time of synchronisation. At the synchronisation time, initialisation/execution occurs, and the periodic initialisation/execution is restarted. See the SU attribute.
Data type:
Vector of two time elements
Indexing: Index 1 = Initialisation
Index 2 = Execution
Default value: Present time (the time when the object is created) for execution and 1978-01-01 00:00 (zero time) for initialisation.
No limitations
The time channel X is executed after an hour. If the time channel has periodic execution, the period is restarted:
#SET X:TSY2 = CLOCK + 3600
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7 Time Channels
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PE Parallel Execution
This attribute indicates whether the object is executed by a parallel task or not, see
Chapter 5.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 = Non-parallel execution
1 = Parallel execution. The object is executed by the task determined by the PQ attribute.
No limitations
PQ Parallel Queue
The number of the parallel queue, if there is parallel execution (PE = 1). See Chapter
Data type: Integer
0 ... APLn:BPQ. PQ = 0 means that the system places the execution order in the parallel queue that is emptied first (on the condition that PE = 1)
No limitations
SX Synchronised Execution
Determines if the parallel objects of the time channel are executed to the end before the next non-parallel object is started, see Figure 14.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 = No
1 = Yes
No limitations
7 Time Channels
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1 2
1 2
Figure 14.
An illustration of the SX attribute. The numbered boxes represent data objects and command procedures that are activated by the same time cannel. Objects 3, 4 and 5 are parallel, the others are nonparallel. SX =
1 should be chosen if object number 6 is dependent on the results from objects 3, 4 and 5.
Time Tagging
RB Registered Begin Time
RB attribute registers the real time of the last execution (or initialisation) of the time channel. It is updated after the time channel has finished. It includes the time taken by command procedures and catalogues executed by the command procedures that are directly run by the time channel, but it excludes any executions in parallel queues.
This attribute is not updated if the time channel is executed by the SCIL command
Data type:
2 time type values
Access: Read only
RE Registered End Time
RE attribute registers the real time of the last execution (or initialisation) of the time channel. It is updated after the time channel has finished. It includes the time taken by command procedures and catalogues executed by the command procedures that are directly run by the time channel, but it excludes any executions in parallel queues.
This attribute is not updated if the time channel is executed by the SCIL command
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7 Time Channels
Data type:
2 time type values
Read only
RT Registration Time
The latest scheduled initialisation/execution time. The RT attribute is updated each time the time channel is initialised or executed, except when the time channel is executed by the #EXEC command or by an event channel. Though the RT attribute of a time channel is always updated when a channel is executed, the objects connected to the time channel are not executed if the condition is not fulfilled.
Data type:
Vector of two time elements
Index 1 refers to the initialisation time and index 2 to the execution time
RS Registered Synchronisation
The last synchronisation time.
Data type:
Vector of two time elements
Index 1 refers to the initialisation time and index 2 to the execution time
7.2.6 Comment
CM Comment
A freely chosen text.
Data type: Text
No limitations
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Defining Time Channels with SCIL
When defining a new time channel, the logical name (LN) is obligatory. The rest of the attributes get the default values mentioned above.
@V = FETCH(2,"T","TC_1")
#CREATE TC_2:T = %V---
A new time channel is created by copying an existing one and adding a condition for execution.
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8 Event Channels
8 Event Channels
This chapter describes event channels and their attributes, as well as how to define the event channels. It is divided in the following four sections:
The use of event channels and their function, the variables transferred to the event channels.
Event channel attributes in alphabetical order.
Predefined event channels. The event channels with predefined names and functions.
Defining event channels with SCIL.
8.1 General
Event channels are facilities for automatic event-activated start-up of operations in the report database. An event channel can start the registration of data objects, the execution of command procedures and the activation of time channels. Event channels are activated using process events (changes in the process object values). In other words, event channels transmit the process events from the process database to the report database where they activate consequential operations. Event channels can also be activated by SCIL.
The event channels are, for example, used for:
Storing the process events in the report database.
Event activated program execution, for example process control, calculation, printout, etc.
Forwarding process data to other objects.
Automatic dial-up of stations or remote workstations.
Event-activated system configuration.
An event channel can be activated in two ways (besides predefined event channels that are activated by special events, section 8.4):
From a process object defined with an event channel (the AN attribute). Certain changes in the process objects (in the process database) activate the event channel
(see below).
Using the SCIL command #EXEC.
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The activation of an event channel from a process object (predefined types) depends on the AA attribute of the process object (see Chapter 3). There are the following four levels of event channel activation:
Activation when the alarm state (the AL attribute) changes, that are, at “alarm on” and “alarm off” events.
Activation when the alarm and warning state changes (concerns analog input objects). Activation depends on the AI, HI, LW, HW and SZ attributes.
Activation each time the object value (OV) is changed, the object gets status code
(OS) 1 or 3, or the SE or SP attributes are set.
Activation each time the object value (OV) is updated (even if it does not change), or the SE or SP attributes are set.
For a process object of a user-defined type, any of the user-defined attribute can be defined to cause an event channel activation.
Process objects of all types can be connected to an event channel. A process object can have one event channel or none at all (the AN attribute in Chapter 3), but several process objects can activate the same event channel. An event channel, in turn, can activate up to 11 report objects, see Figure 15. One of the activated objects is the primary object that is activated first at the moment of activation. The other ten are secondary objects are activated in the same order in which they are defined in the ST attribute.
Event channels are always executed by the event channel task, see Chapter 5.
Process Database
Process objects
Event Channel Activation
Event channel
Report Database
Data objects
Time channels
Command procedures
Figure 15.
The activation of an event channel
When an event channel is activated, the values of the following process object attributes are transmitted to equally named variables, "snapshot variables", in the objects started by the event channel:
Basic attributes: LN, IX
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8 Event Channels
Object value:
Alarm handling attributes:
Time and validation stamps:
Event handling attributes:
Blocking attributes:
Minimum and maximum values:
OV and one of the attributes BI, BO, AO,
AI, DI, DO, DB, PC or BS
AL, AS, AF, AZ (analog input objects)
Stamps set by the stations:
S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU specific attributes:
The snapshot variables, for example, %AI, can be used in the expressions of the data objects and in the programs of the command procedures, which the event channel activate. If the event channel activates time channels, the variables can also be used in the data objects and command procedures started by the time channels. As one event channel normally serves several process objects, snapshot variables should be used instead of the complete object notations in the activated objects. This is the only way to guarantee that the right process object values are used.
Depending on the data object definition, the RT attribute of the data object can be copied directly from %RT (see the TS attribute, Chapter 5).
Besides the snapshot variables, a variable CHANGE is generated automatically when an event channel is activated from a process object. The CHANGE variable tells what kind of change in the OV attribute caused the event channel activation. The variable can have the following four values:
OV not changed
Value of OV has changed
Alarm zone of an AI object has changed
Alarm state of the object has changed
When an event channel is activated with the #EXEC command, variable values can be transferred with the variable list of the #EXEC statement.
Predefined Event Channels
Each application can contain some event channels with predefined names and activating events. Examples of these are event channels activated at alarm, at application start-up and various system events. These event channels are described in section 8.4.
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Object Notation
Event channel attributes can be accessed from SCIL with the following object notation (see also Chapter 2):
Is object name
Is the logical application number
Is attribute name
The notation can be used without attributes only with the #EXEC command.
Event channels are stored in the report database, in the APL_REPORT.F00 file, which is on disk. In addition, the most frequently used event channels can be stored in the primary memory (report cache memory), where they share the memory space with other report objects (data objects, time channels, command procedures). The memory space reserved for this purpose is application dependent and set with the attribute
SYS:BRC or with the Base System Configuration Tool.
Event Channel Attributes
CM Comment
A freely formed comment text.
Data type: Text
No limitations
LN Logical Name
The name of the event channel.
Data type: Text
Maximum length 63 characters. The name must follow the rules given in section 2.2.
Read-only, configurable
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8 Event Channels
ON Object Name
The name of the primary object activated by the event channel.
Data type:
Object name. Maximum length 63 characters.
No limitations
OT Object Type
The type of the primary object activated by the event channel.
Data type:
"D", "C" or "T"
No limitations
SN Secondary object Names
The names of the secondary objects, up to ten, that are activated by the event channel.
The corresponding object types must be given with the ST attribute.
Data type: Vector
A text vector of up to 10 object names
Secondary object number. The same indexing must be used in the
ST attribute.
Read only, configurable
ST Secondary object Types
The types of secondary objects activated by the event channel.
Data type: Vector
A text vector of the same length as SN containing the types of objects:
Data object
Command procedure object
Time channel object
Secondary object number. The same indexing as in the SN attribute.
Read only, configurable
8 Event Channels
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ZT Modification Time
The time when the object was created or modified. This attribute is set by the main program when the object is created and each time it is updated by an object definition tool or by SCIL (the #CREATE and #MODIFY commands).
Data type: Time
Access: Read only
Predefined Event Channels
Each application can contain a number of event channels that are activated by certain process or system events. These event channels have predefined names, but they do not exist until they are defined by the application engineer as described above.
Initiating Event Channels
Two event channels under the names APL_INIT_1 and APL_INIT_2 are activated at each application start-up (unless the application has been the receiving part in a hot stand-by relation, see below). APL_INIT_1 is activated when the application has been set to "HOT" (section 12.3.2) and the process database has been copied from the disk storage to the primary memory. APL_INIT_2 is activated when the reporting has caught real time, that is when all active time channels, which would have been started during the break, have been executed.
When an application, which has been the receiving part in a hot stand-by (shadowing) relation, is set to Hot, an event channel named APL_INIT_H is executed. The event channels mentioned above (APL_INIT_1 and APL_INIT_2) are not executed.
Event Channel Activated at Alarm
The event channel named APL_ALARM is activated for each alarm on or alarm off event in the process database. The following six variables are passed from the process object to the event channel:
Alarm class of the alarm object
AL attribute of the object (0 or 1)
Alarm Time
Alarm Milliseconds
Logical name of the object
Index of the object
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8 Event Channels
Monitor Events
When a login, logout or communication fault occurs in a monitor object (a monitor or application window) an event channel named MON_EVENT is executed. The following variables are transferred to the event channel and can be used in the command procedure or data object that it starts:
%VIDEO_NR = Logical monitor number (as known to the application)
%MO = MONn:B object number of the monitor
%EVENT = The event that caused the activation:
1 = Login
2 = Logout
3 = Monitor error (a semi-graphic workstation does not respond to diagnostic commands, or an application window has been closed using the window manager facilities).
Unknown Process Object
When an effort is made to update a process object that does not exist, an event channel called UNDEF_PROC is executed. The attributes UN and OA are transferred to the event channel and can be used as variables, that is %UN and %OA, in the command procedure or data object that the event channel starts.
System Events
Depending on a base system definition, the APLn:BEE attribute (see the System Objects manual, Chapter 5), certain system events activate an event channel named
SYS_EVENT. The event causing the activation as well as the event source and event time are transferred to the event channel as variables. The SYS_EVENT channel is activated by the events described in this section.
The following variables are transferred to the event channel and can be used in the command procedure or data object, which it starts:
The source of the event identified by text
The source number
The event that caused the activation, given as a text
Event time as time data
Milliseconds of the event time, integer
The following system events are generated whenever one of the printer, node or external clock objects changes its state:
"PRI" =
"NOD" =
External clock
If source is "PRI": PRI object number
8 Event Channels
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If source is "NOD": NOD object number
Other sources: 0
If source ="PRI": "OUTPUT LOST" = Printer connection lost(printer queue over flow)
Source ="NOD": "LOST" = Connection to node lost
"FOUND" = Connection re-established
Source ="CLOCK": "LOST" = Clock data is invalid
"FREE" = Clock has lost the synchronising connection
"FOUND" = Clock is synchronised again after a disturbance
The PC31/32 clock has issued an announcement of coming shift of time season. When the time season change announcement bit (bit D3) of the clock has changed to 1, the SYS_EVENT event channel is activated the next time the base system time is updated from the clock.
The following system event is generated whenever an application changes its state
(APL:BAS) to enable application supervision:
Application number
The following system event is generated whenever an application changes its shadowing phase (APL:BSP) to enable application supervision:
Application number
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8 Event Channels
The following system event is generated to enable global memory pool supervision:
“CACHE BORROW” event is generated when the global memory pool manager reduces the size of picture or report cache.
“OVERFLOW” event is generated when a memory allocation request fails due to insufficient global memory.
These two events are generated only once per system startup. However, they may be re-enabled by setting SYS attribute ME.
The system may fail to generate the "OVERFLOW" event because generation of an event requires itself some global memory.
The following system events are generated to enable local memory pool supervision:
“PRIN_POOLi” i = Monitor number (1 … 50) i = Queue number (1 … 17) i = 1 (process printouts) or i = 2 (report printouts)
Application number
These events are generated only once per application startup. However, they may be re-enabled by setting APL attribute ME.
The following system events are generated to supervise various queues of an application:
"APL_QMi" APL:BQU(i) > APL:BQM(i): i = 1 (time channel queue) i = 2 (event queue, process + SCIL) i = 3 (parallel queues) i = 4 (delayed execution queue)
"APL_PMi" APL:BPU(i) > APL:BPM(i): i = 1 (process printouts) i = 2 (SCIL printouts)
Application number
Each of these events is generated only once per application startup. However, they may be re-enabled by setting APL attribute QE.
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Events in Stations
Certain events related to stations activate an event channel named APL_EVENT. The event causing the activation as well as the event source are transferred to the event channel as variables. The APL_EVENT channel is activated when the connection to a station is lost or re-established.
The following variables are transferred to the event channel and can be used in the command procedure or data object that it starts:
%SOURCE The source of the event identified by a text:
"UN" = station
%SOURCE_NR Integer
If source is "UN": Unit number (station number as known to the application)
%EVENT The event that caused the activation given as a text as follows:
If source = "UN": "SUSPENDED" = Connection to the station is lost. This event is generated when the OS attribute of the process objects of the stations set to 2.
“RUNNING” = Connection to the station reestablished
Event time as time data
Milliseconds of the event time, integer
Defining Event Channels with SCIL
Creating an event channel connected to the command procedure PRINT:
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9 Event Objects
Event Objects
Event objects facilitate for automatic event-activated start-up of various operations, normally updating, in user interface objects (pictures and Visual SCIL objects). The operations to be started are defined as program sequences in the pictures (with the
#ON command, section 2.3) and as event activated methods in the Visual SCIL objects.
The event objects are useful, for example, for the following purposes:
To get an automatic and immediate update of pictures when a change occurs in the process database. The process objects are defined with event object activation, that is the process object attribute EE is set to 1. The appropriate SCIL commands are defined in the pictures as #ON sequences, designated to event objects with the same name and index as the activating process object. See Figure 16 and the next example. This makes regular updating with update programs unnecessary.
To execute SCIL sequences or event activated methods in user interface objects when an event in a process object or in another object occurs. An #EXEC command in a command procedure can activate an event object to execute a SCIL(=
#ON) sequence or a method in a user interface object.
Event objects are activated by process events or by SCIL (see below). The activation of an event object is noted in all monitors belonging to the application. In pictures displayed at that moment it causes the execution of the SCIL sequences defined for the actual event object by means of the #ON command. In dialogs and dialog items
(Visual SCIL objects) displayed at the moment, it causes the execution of the event methods specified to be started by the event in question.
When a picture is brought to screen and an #ON command is detected in a picture program, the statement or block of the command will not be executed at once. The statement will be stored. Always when the event object of an #ON command is activated, the command will be executed provided that the picture is still on screen. See
Figure 16. The #ON blocks are stored as long as the picture is displayed on screen or stored as fast picture. An event object activation causes no reaction if there are no valid #ON blocks for the actual event object at the event moment. Regarding fast pictures, the event object activations are noted and the #ON blocks are executed when the pictures are displayed on screen.
The #ON commands are only valid for the picture in which they are situated (main picture, window picture or picture function). Hence, although a picture can contain only one valid #ON block at a time for a certain event object, one display can contain several different #ON blocks, which are started by the same event object. Event activated methods in Visual SCIL objects obey same rules as #ON commands in pictures.
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(EE = 1)
Figure 16.
An example that illustrates the use of event objects in pictures
Event Object Execution
As was mentioned above, an event object can be executed (generated) in two ways:
From the process database. A change in a process object defined with event object activation (EE = 1, see Chapter 3) automatically activates an event object with the same name and index as the process object. Event object activation occurs when any of the following attributes is changed:
For user-defined process object types other attributes may also cause an event object execution.
Activation takes place independently of the cause of the change - a change of state in a station or an assignment in a SCIL program (by the command #SET, section 2.3). The value of the changed attribute is not transmitted to the event object, nor any information about which attribute has changed.
From a SCIL program (in a picture or a command procedure). The event objects are activated with the command #EXEC (section 2.3). In this case, the name of the event object can be chosen freely. However, bear in mind that event objects are global, and one event object can cause different reactions in different pictures if the same name is used.
Event objects are not stored.
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9 Event Objects
Event Object Notation
The event objects are utilised in SCIL with the following object notation:
’name’ Is the event object name
Is the logical application number
Is an index
An event object notation does not contain any attribute. Event objects have no values, hence they cannot be parts of expressions. They can only be used with the #EXEC and #ON commands.
If the process object
BREAKER3:P2 is equipped with event object execution (BREAKER3:PEE2 = 1), the event object
BREAKER2:E2 is executed each time a change in the process object (for instance the attribute BI) occurs in the process database, see figure 16.
The process picture containing the object could contain the SCIL statement:
#ON BREAKER3:E2 !SHOW BREAKER3 BREAKER3:PBI2 which implies that the process object value BREAKER3:PBI2 is shown in the window BREAKER3 each time the event object is generated. It is shown provided that the picture is displayed for the moment and the #ON statement has been executed.
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10 Variable Objects
Variable Objects
Variable objects serve as temporary storage places for attributes (attributes gathered from other objects or arbitrary attributes). They are used to form lists, for example, alarm and event lists, to browse through the object properties, to copy objects, to create and change objects, etc.
The variable objects have no attributes of their own, but they may be assigned attributes belonging to other object types or arbitrary attributes. The objects as a whole, including all attributes, can be handled as variables of the data type list.
Variable objects can be created and assigned values in two ways:
By creating the variable object with the #CREATE command and assigning it attribute values with the #SET or #MODIFY commands (section 2.3). The attribute names may be freely selected and composed of up to 63 characters.
By assigning a variable the value of a list type expression: a list type function, a list type variable or a list aggregate (see the manual "The Programming Language
SCIL", Chapter 3). At the same time a variable object with the same name is formed. The variable object gets all the attributes of the list expression.
When a variable object is created in one of these ways, the new definition automatically replaces a possible existing one. Variable objects can be modified with
#MODIFY and deleted, even individual attributes, with #DELETE.
A variable object is at the same time both an object and a variable of list type. The list as a whole is handled as a variable, for example %V, while the attributes in the list are accessed with a variable object notation, e.g. V:VOV. When handled as a variable, it can be copied to another variable or assigned to an object with the #CREATE and
#MODIFY commands, see "Examples" below.
Like variables, the variable objects belong to the picture or command procedure in which they are assigned values. The same name may be used for different variable objects, provided that they occur in different circumstances. Handled as variables, the variable objects can be transferred to printout pictures and command procedures, see the Programming Language SCIL manual Chapter 5.
As mentioned above, the variable objects may be assigned arbitrary attribute names.
Unlike the other object types, the variable objects can have attribute names containing
10 Variable Objects
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1MRS751253-MEN up to 63 characters. All alphanumerical characters as well as underscores are allowed in the attribute names, but the first character may not be an underscore or a digit.
The variable object attributes are used in the same way as other application object attributes. In addition, they can be used in variable expansions (the Programming Language SCIL manual Chapter 5).
Variable Object Notation
The variable object attributes are accessed with the following object notation:
Is the name of the object
Is the logical application number
Is an attribute name, 1 ... 63 characters long
’i’ Is an index referring to the elements of a vector type attribute. If the attribute name is longer than two characters, the index must be surrounded by parentheses. In NAME:VAA1, for example, the digit is regarded as an index. In NAME:VAAA1 the digit is regarded as a part of the attribute name. In NAME:VAAA(1) the digit is an index.
A variable object notation must always contain an attribute. If the attribute is of vector type, the vector elements are named by means of indices. An object notation without an index refers to the entire vector. All variable object attributes can be accessed without limitations.
The variable objects are stored like variables, see the Programming Language SCIL manual, Chapter 5.
Creating a simple alarm list:
Creating a data object by copying an existing one:
@V = FETCH(0,”D”,”DATA1”)
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11 Free Type Objects (F)
11 Free Type Objects (F)
About this Chapter
This chapter describes free type objects, their attributes and how to define them. It is divided into the following sections:
General: The use of the free type objects and an overview of the attributes.
Type Defining Attributes.
Attributes for Defining Attributes.
Defining Free Type Objects in SCIL, examples.
11.1 General
ABB Automation
Free type objects are used for defining new process object types, the user-defined process object types (see Chapter 3), and their user-defined attributes. Using free type objects the programmer can define up to 156 process object types. Each new process object type gets the common process object attributes (see Table 2). In addition, the programmer can design new type specific attributes with desired features. Each userdefined object type has a type number that is used as type definition when creating process objects of the type in question.
Free type objects are mainly used for designing process object types to be used by integrated programs.
Free type objects have two types of attributes:
Elementary attributes that are related to the process object type: name, type number, main attribute (object value attribute), type comment text and the total number of user-defined attributes.
Attributes that define the user-defined attributes: attribute name, data type, automatic activation functions, etc. Each user-defined attribute is defined by a number of free type attributes, which give the user-defined attribute its properties. The user-defined attributes are identified by sequential numbers given as indices.
Object Definition
Free type objects are defined with the #CREATE command and deleted with the
#DELETE command. A free type object can not be deleted until all process objects of the corresponding type have been deleted. Individual attributes cannot be deleted.
11 Free Type Objects (F)
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After a free type object has been created, its attributes can be changed with
#MODIFY, though with some restrictions:
The attribute name (AN) is used to identify the attribute. Therefore the attribute name itself may not be changed. A new attribute name is regarded as a new userdefined attribute.
Due to memory reservation, the new attributes given with #MODIFY do not become valid for the process objects until the application is restarted.
Free type object
Name (LN)
Type Number (PT)
Object Value (OV)
Comment (CX)
Number of Attributes (NA)
Process Object Type
Attribute Name (AN)
Datatype (AT)
Printout Activation (AP) etc.
1 2 3 4 5
Figure 17.
The attributes of free type objects. The type number, that is the PT attribute, is the same as the PT attribute for the process objects. The OV attribute specifies which attribute will be regarded as the OV attribute of the process objects. The other attributes have nothing to do with the process object attributes.
The free type objects can also created using an object definition tool. It can be accessed in the Tool Manager by double-clicking the Free Types icon in the Application
Objects page.
Free type objects are stored in the process database in RAM where they are read each time a user-defined process object is handled.
Object Notation
Free type objects are handled using the following object notation:
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11 Free Type Objects (F) where
Object name
Application number
Attribute name
Index that identifies the user-defined process object attribute of the actual type, used with attribute defining attributes only.
Type Defining Attributes
An application can contain up to 156 user-defined process object types. The free type objects have the following five elementary attributes for defining a user-defined process object type:
LN Logical Name
The name of the free type object (and the name of the process object type).
Data type:
The name must follow the rules given in section 2.2
Read-only, configurable. Cannot be modified with #MODIFY.
PT Process Object Type
The type number of the process object type.
Data type: Integer
100 ... 255
Read-only, configurable. Cannot be modified with #MODIFY.
OV Attribute Name
The name of the attribute that represents the main attribute (the object value). All automatic functions connected to the OV attribute (for example alarm handling, history buffering, automatic printout) will be related to this attribute. The attribute must be of some simple data type.
The attribute OV attribute is not obligatory. If omitted, the automatic OV attribute functions are not performed.
Data type: Text
11 Free Type Objects (F)
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Value: Text of two letters (attribute name), or an empty text string (if no
OV attribute).
Access: No limitations
#MODIFY TYPE_1:F=list(OV="BB")
CX Comment Text
A comment text related to the free type object (the user-defined process object type).
Data type: Text
No limitations
NA Number of Attributes
The number of user-defined attributes defined for the type. This attribute is informative only.
Data type:
ZT Modification Time
The time when the object was created or modified. This attribute is set by the main program when the object is created and each time it is updated by Free Type definition tool or by SCIL (the #CREATE and #MODIFY commands).
Data type: Time
Data type:
Attributes for Defining Attributes
Each user-defined process object type can have a number of type specific user-defined attributes (up to 255). Each user-defined attribute is defined by a name, a data type, and desired activation functions. All features are defined by the F object attributes described below. The attributes are indexed with a sequential number, which identifies the user-defined attributes of the actual type. For example, AN (3) refers to the name of the third attribute of the actual type (defined by the actual F object).
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11 Free Type Objects (F)
AN Attribute Name
The name of the attribute. The name can be any two-letter combination not used as a common predefined process attribute name. However, some attribute names include special functions:
If the OV value of the object type is integer or real, the LW, HW, LI and HI attributes will have the same function as the same attributes for analogue input process objects.
If the OV value of the object type is a Boolean value, the AG attribute will have the same function as the AG attribute for binary process objects (predefined types).
Data type: Text
Read-only, configurable. Cannot be modified with #MODIFY, only new user-defined attributes can be appended.
AI Attribute Indexing
The maximum index of the attribute (maximum number of elements) if it is a vector.
All elements in the vector must be of the same data type, which is given with the AT attribute.
Data type:
0 ... 10000. 0 or 1 means that the attribute is not indexed. It is a simple data type.
Read-only, configurable. Cannot be modified with #MODIFY, only new user-defined attributes can be appended.
AT Attribute Value Type
The data type of the attribute, or of the elements of an indexed attribute.
Data type: Text
Value: "INTEGER"
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Access: Read-only, configurable. Cannot be modified with #MODIFY, only new user-defined attributes can be appended.
AL Attribute Length
The length of the attribute value or the elements of an indexed attribute.
Data type: Integer
The value depends on the AT value (that is the data type of the attribute) in the following way:
0 = Default = the same as 4 (see below)
4 = Signed 32 bit value
2 = Signed 16 bit value
-2 = Unsigned 16 bit value
1 = Signed 8 bit value
-1 = Unsigned 8 bit value
(+)n = Fixed size of n characters
-n = Variable size, max. n characters where 1 <= ’n’ <= 255
"BIT_STRING": (+)n = Fixed size of n bits
-n = Variable size of max. n bits where 1 <= ’n’ <= 65535
For REAL, TIME and BOOLEAN values the attribute is ignored.
The length is fixed to 4, 4 and 1 bytes respectively.
Read-only, configurable. Cannot be modified with #MODIFY, only new user-defined attributes can be appended.
AP Attribute Printout
The selection of printout generation at attribute changes. If printout generation is selected, the format picture of the process object (the PF attribute) is printed each time the attribute changes.
Data type:
0 = No printout generation
1 = Printout generation
No limitations
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11 Free Type Objects (F)
AA Attribute Action
The selection of event channel activation caused by changes of the attribute value. If event channel activation is selected, the event channel of the process object (the AN attribute) is activated each time the attribute is changed.
Data type: Integer
Default value:
0 = No event channel activation
1 = Event channel activation
No limitations
AH Attribute History
Selection of history buffer registration when the attribute is changed.
Data type:
0 = No history buffer registration
1 = History buffer registration
No limitations
AE Attribute Event
Selection of event object generation. If event object generation is selected, an event object is generated each time the attribute is changed.
Data type:
0 = No event object generation
1 = Event object generation
No limitations
AD Attribute on Disk
Updating of the attribute in the process database on disk when the attribute changes.
Data type: Integer
Value: 0 = No updating
1 = Updating
11 Free Type Objects (F)
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No limitations
AS Attribute Snapshot
Defining the attribute as a predefined variable ("snapshot variable") transferred to the event channel and format picture of the process object.
Data type:
0 = No (the attribute will not be snapshot variable)
1 = Yes (the attribute will be a snapshot variable)
No limitations
AX Attribute Comment Text
A freely formed comment text relating to the attribute.
Data type:
No limitations
AO Attribute Offset
An informative attribute that tells the starting memory byte number of the userdefined process object attributes stored in consecutive bytes.
Data type:
A process object has four user-defined attributes of the following byte length:
1 byte
2 bytes
4 bytes
AO(1) = 0
AO(2) = 1
AO(3) = 3
AO(4) = 7
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11 Free Type Objects (F)
Defining Free Type Objects
T1:FLN = = "T1"
T1:FPT = = 101
T1:FOV = = "BB"
The free type object T1 represents a user-defined process object type with type number 101. The object value (main attribute) of this type is called BB.
Suppose that the BB attribute is the first user-defined attribute of the type (index 1), and that it has the following properties:
T1:FAN(1) == "BB"
T1:FAT(1) == "INTEGER"
T1:FAL(1) == 4
T1:FAP(1) == 1
This means that the BB attribute is a signed integer of 32 bits. A change in the attribute generates an automatic printout.
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12 Using Object Definition Tools
Using Object Definition Tools
This chapter describes how to access object definition tools through the Object Navigator and how to use the Navigator for application object management (listing, copying, moving, deleting, etc.). It gives also some general principles for using the object definition tools.
Object Navigator
The Object Navigator provides the following object handling functions:
Listing objects of selected types.
Accessing the object definition forms for viewing and editing.
Adding new objects.
Moving an object from one application to another.
Copying objects within the same application or from one application to another.
Deleting objects.
Renaming objects.
Application data export.
All application objects, pictures and vso files are accessible in the Object Navigator.
In addition, contents of representation files can be viewed.
Entering and Exiting Object Navigator
To enter the Object Navigator, double-click the Object Navigator icon in the Application Object page of the MicroSCADA Tool Manager. To exit the Object Navigator, choose Exit from the Object menu.
Object Navigator Composition
The Object Navigator is composed of four main areas, see Figure 18. First is the menu bar, where the functions are generally selected. Secondly, there is the application and object type tree, where the handled application and object types are selected. Thirdly, there is an area for listing object names and indices. Status bar in the bottom of the page shows information on the selected object.
If Process Objets is selected from the object tree, the view options are Objects by
Group and Objects in Table. The view option is selected from the Options menu.
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Figure 18.
Object Navigator outlook, when process objects are viewed in groups.
Status bar shows information on the selected index.
The title of the Object Navigator can be for example as follows: TUTOR[1] /
510_402_1:B_MONITOR(1) - Process Object. The beginning of the title, TUTOR, identifies the name of the current application of the MicroSCADA monitor. The
] stands for the number of monitors open to the TUTOR application. The 510_402_1 illustrates the object source application name. In the end of the example title there is the B_MONITOR part, which is the name of the process object that is displayed. If an object shown in the application object form is from other than the current application, the application name is shown before the object name in the object form title.
The + or - sign to the left of an application name works as collapse/expand command key. Clicking the + sign makes the object type names visible and accessible, clicking the - sign makes the type names disappear. This makes the list easier to view.
When selecting an object type in an application, the object names of the type in question appear in the list to the right of the object type list. If process objects were selected, the Navigator shows a third list box furthest to the right. This list contains the indices of the selected process object group. By default, all object names, up to one thousand names that meet the filtering criteria of the selected type, are listed.
The button with the number 1000 and a downwards arrow, , is enabled if there are more than one thousand names. Clicking this button results in displaying the next thousand items, or as many as there are left. In general, the buttons having the number
1000 and the downward or the upward arrow is enabled if there are more object names in either direction.
The scroll bars allow you to browse up and down in the lists.
The Object Navigator functions for handling pictures, vso files and representations are not included in the current version of this manual.
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12 Using Object Definition Tools
Status Bar
The status bar shows information depending on the selected object. See Table 5 and
Table 6 below.
Table 5.
If the object is selected from object tree, status bar shows this information.
Selected object Information
Application - The type of application (LOCAL or EXTERNAL)
- State of application (HOT, WARM, COLD or ERROR)
- The error text, if the state is error
- Computer name, if the type is EXTERNAL
- Base system version, if the type is EXTERNAL
Object type - How many objects are shown in the table
Table 6.
If the object is selected from object table, status bar shows this information.
Selected object Information
Process Object
- In Use or not
- Switch State
- Object type
- Object value
- Registration time
Scale Object - Scaling algorithm (Linear 1:1, Linear or Stepwise Linear)
- Modification time
Data Object
Command Procedure
Time Channel
Event Channel
Free Type Process
Free Type Object
- In Use or not
- Comment Text
- Numbers of history registration
- Registration Time
- In Use or not
- Comment Text
- Connected Time Cannel
- Registration Time
- In Use or not
- Comment Text
- Registration Time
- Comment Text
- Primary Object
- The two first Secondary Object(s)
- In Use or not
- Switch State
- Comment Text
- Output Type
- Registration Time
- Comment Text
- Process Object Type
In Figure 19, the status bar shows that the Process Object AA1FT with index 2 is In use, Switch State is automatic, the object type is File Transfer LAG 1.4, the value is 0 and registration time was 99-11-01 14:50:32.949.
12 Using Object Definition Tools
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Figure 19.
The status bar gives information about the selected Process Object AA1FT
If an object is selected from object tree, but no attribute is selected from the table, the status bar shows the number of objects in view. For example, when Command Procedures is selected from the Object tree as shown in Figure 20.
Figure 20.
Object Navigator. The status bar shows that the Command Procedures from number one to number 42 are shown in the list.
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12 Using Object Definition Tools
Accessible Applications
When the Object Navigator is entered, the application and object type tree shows the accessible applications and object types available for the current application. The symbols for the accessible applications are:
Local application. Green symbol for HOT state and cyan symbol for WARM state applications.
External application. Only HOT state applications, green symbol, are accessible.
Possible application node types:
Green symbol.
Cyan symbol.
Magenta symbol.
Green symbol.
Grey symbol.
It is possible to handle objects in the following application types and states only:
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Figure 21.
The status bar and the application symbol show that TUTOR application is local and hot
External Applications
It is possible to handle objects in external applications in the same way as in local applications, if the mapped applications have SYS 500 version 8.4.3 or later. With older versions of MicroSCADA, it is only possible to paste objects to external applications.
If there are external applications mapped to the current application, the Show External
Application check box is enabled as shown in Figure 22. The mapped external applications are shown only when the check box is selected.
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12 Using Object Definition Tools
Figure 22.
External applications are shown by checking the Show External Applications checkbox. Local application ELGARO and external application
SR_TEST1 are hot.
When an object type is selected from an external application, field for the name (and possible index) of the external object is displayed in the right side of the Object Navigator window. The object to be handled can be defined by inputting its name (and index) directly to these fields. Below the field(s) is Recent Objects list. See Figure 23.
These are objects that the Object Navigator can assume to exist in the external application, for example after a copy operation. The Recent Objects list is cleared every time Object Navigator is re-started. When an object is selected from the Recent Objects list, the name (and index) field is updated respectively. If a name is typed directly to name-field, selection in the Recent Objects list is cleared. Each external application displayed has its own set of Recent Objects.
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Figure 23.
Object Navigator showing the Recent Objects list for the SR_TEST2 mapped external application
Representation Options for Process Objects
Process Objects has two representation possibilities: the list format that includes
Logical Name (LN) and Index (IX) and the table format. List format is the traditional option. To view the list format, choose Options > View Process Objects by Groups.
To view the table format, choose Options > View Process Objects in Table. See
Figure 24.
Figure 24.
The Options menu shows that the representation format at the moment is
For table format, the default attributes are LN, IX, UN (Unit Number), OA (Object
Address), OB (Object Bit Address), OI (Object Identifier) and OX (Object Text). The values of OA and OB are encoded depending on object type, but in the list, they are displayed in decimal format. For this reason, they are shown between brackets
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12 Using Object Definition Tools
If some column header is double-clicked in the table, the table becomes sorted by the values of that column.
It is also possible to show one additional attribute in the table. The attribute can be selected from the User-defined drop-down list. See Figure 25. The list includes all the attributes that are not shown as default in the table. The empty line (the last item in the drop-down list) removes the user-defined attribute from the table.
Figure 25.
An additional attribute can be selected from the User-defined drop-down list, if the attributes are shown in table format.
Page Length
It is possible to change the page length for the table view by selecting Process Object
Table Page Length from the Options menu. The Table Page Length dialog opens and the number of objects can be selected. See Figure 26.
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Figure 26.
Page length can be defined for process object attributes, if table format is selected.
Refresh Functionality
This functionality is needed for updating the view of dynamic attributes, when the objects are presented in list format. Refresh function can be carried out by selecting
View > Refresh from the menu bar or pressing the F5 key on keyboard.
To restrict the listed object names, enter a Filter. As the filter, you can use an asterisk to denote one or more characters at the end of the name. For example POT* lists objects beginning with a string "POT" and "*" lists all objects, *P is not a valid filter.
All object names that match the filter are listed in the object name list. A single asterisk in the filter box means that all objects are listed.
12 Using Object Definition Tools
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Filtering Process Objects
When viewing the Process Objects, an empty filter is used by default. The filters are stored into a parameter file when the Object Navigator is closed, and restored when the tool is opened next time. The last 20 filters can be selected from the drop-down list. A filter can be activated by selecting it from the list. In Figure 27 the Process
Objects are viewed in a table form.
Figure 27.
Process Objects are viewed in a table form. In this picture there is no filter activated.
Defining a Filter
A new filter can be defined, if View > Set Filter ... is selected from the menu bar. This command opens a filter dialog. See Figure 28.
Figure 28.
Filter dialog for defining and editing filters. There are two conditions specified in this dialog: LN == A_* AND IX >= 10. The quotation marks are automatically added, if the attribute type is text.
Only the value should be typed into a value field. If a quotation mark is needed, it is automatically added to the filter.
If there is no filter selected in Object Navigator when the filter dialog is opened, only the first drop-down list is enabled. It is possible to choose any attribute from the Attribute drop-down list. After the attribute is selected, the next drop-down list becomes
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12 Using Object Definition Tools enabled. From this list, it is possible to choose the comparison signs < (smaller than),
<= (smaller than or equal to), == (equal to), >= (bigger than or equal to), > (bigger than) or <> (unequal). In the text box, it is possible to type any text. AND or OR has to be chosen from the last drop-down list, to be able to enter the next filter condition.
After filling the dialog, the new filter is appended to the drop-down list in the Object
Navigator, when OK or Apply is clicked, if no SCIL errors were found. If the number of items reaches 20, the last item in the drop-down list is erased.
A validation check is done, when OK or Apply is clicked, or if OR or AND function is chosen. The following message is shown, if in the first filter condition, for example text is entered as an attribute value that should be integer.
Figure 29.
Filter Status info dialog tells that the given attribute value is invalid
OK button updates the contents of process object list in Object Navigator and closes the Filter dialog. Apply button refreshes the contents of process object list in Object
Navigator, according to defined filter. Clear button clears all fields and combo boxes and Cancel button closes the dialog without any changes to the Object Navigator.
It is also possible to type the filter condition directly in the Filter field. Another check is performed when OK or Apply is clicked. If there is any SCIL error in the filter field, an error message is shown.
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Figure 30.
This error message is caused by a missing attribute name in the filter field
Editing a filter
If a filter is selected from the drop-down list when the filter dialog is opened, it can be edited in the dialog. The selected filter is shown in the Filter field. It is also possible to edit the filter directly in that field.
12 Using Object Definition Tools
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Editing Attribute Values of Process Objects
In the Edit dialog, it is possible to change the attribute value(s) of one or several Process Objects at a time.
From the menu bar, choose Options > View Process Objects in Table.
From the table, select the attribute (or attributes) that you want to change.
Click right mouse button on the table and select Edit from the pop-up menu.
Figure 31.
Several attributes have been selected from the table and right mouse button has been clicked. To edit the attributes, select Edit from the pop-up menu.
The Edit dialog opens and it contains the values of the object that was first selected from the table.
Figure 32.
Edit dialog contains the values of the attribute that was selected first. If several attributes are selected from the table, the fields for UN, OA and
OB attribute values are disabled.
The text fields for UN, OA and OB are disabled, if more than one object is selected from the object table. These fields are also disabled if the attributes of the selected object type are not editable.
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The last text field gets the value of the user-defined attribute, if it exists in the table.
The IU check box becomes unavailable, if the IU (In Use) attributes of the selected objects are unequal.
The OK and Apply buttons become enabled after something has been modified.
Clicking Apply will update the selected object(s) both in the database and in the table.
Clicking OK will do the same as Apply and close the edit dialog as well.
Error messages are displayed, if something goes wrong during the save operation.
Viewing or Editing Objects
To view or edit the definition of an existing object:
Click the object type name below the name of the application where the object is stored.
All objects of the selected type appear in the list box to the right. In the case of Process Objects of predefined type, the list shows the names of the process object groups.
The object names are listed in alphabetical order.
Double-click the name of the object and possibly the index (if the object is a process object of a predefined type), or click and choose Properties from the
Object menu.
The object definition tool of the selected object appears and you can edit it. Refer to the following chapters to learn how to use the object definition tools. See also Chapter
11 where some common functions are described.
Creating and Editing Objects
Creating New Application Objects
To create and define a new object:
Click the object type in the application where the object will be stored.
Choose New from the Object menu, or use the shortcut key Ctrl+N.
Type the name in the dialog that appears.
The object (object group for process objects) is created with the given name and the name appears in the object list. The name is the LN attribute of the object.
The following step 4 is required only for process object groups.
If you are creating a new process object, index and object type is requested:
Select the process object group where the index is created to.
Choose Object/New and input an index that doesn’t exist under the selected group.
Define the process object type and the station type in the dialog that appears.
See Figure 33. It is possible to change the focus between the two list boxes,
12 Using Object Definition Tools
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1MRS751253-MEN possible check boxes and the command buttons with the Tabulator key. For
Analog Input and Analog Output object types, there is a possibility to choose the object representation to be real or 32-bit integer. Default data type is real and the 32-bit integer representation can be chosen by selecting a check box shown in Figure 34. Also when creating Analog Input and Binary Input DNP,
RTU 200 and RTU 200 (EDU) base objects, an option for automatic creation of secondary object is given, see Figure 34. The automatic creation of the secondary object is done during the creation of the base object.
The given index will be the IX attribute of the object and the selected object type will be the PT attribute. The 32-bit integer representation for the Analog Input and Output types will be the IR attribute.
The object has been created with the default values given in Chapters 3 ... 11. For some object types, obligatory attributes are assigned values.
Figure 33.
The dialog, box where you can choose the object type (PT attribute) of a new process object. Here a binary object will be created.
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Figure 34.
For the Analog Input and Output object types, there is a check box for selecting a 32-bit integer representation. Also for the Analog and Binary
Input DNP, RTU 200 and RTU 200 (EDU) objects there is check box for automatic creation of secondary object.
Creating New Data Objects
To create a new Data Object:
From the menu bar, choose Object > New.
Give name for the new data object and click OK.
Give the VT and VL values (VL only if VT is TEXT) in the dialog that opens. See
Figure 35.
ABB Automation
Figure 35.
The selected value type is real. In this case, it is not possible to give the
VL attribute value.
Click OK.
Event Recording Objects
Event recording objects are process objects created for RTU 200 and RTU 200 (EDU) objects. Their index (IX) should be the index of the supervised object plus 100. The event recording object can be of type BI, AI or DB.
When a new RTU-200 event recording object is created, it gets the Block Address,
OB, UN and OI of the supervised object. If the supervised object does not exist, the
12 Using Object Definition Tools
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OA, OB, UN and OI get default values given by the base system. For this reason the supervised object should be created first.
Defining an Application Object
To define the application object:
Enter the Object Navigator.
Select an object type from the application and object tree.
Double-click the object name in the list.
The object definition tool for the selected object type appears. The attributes have the default values. Define the application object. See the following sections and chapters for more information on how to use the tools.
Defining a Process Object Group
To define the process object group:
Enter the Object Navigator.
Select the Process Objects group type from the application and object tree.
Double-click a process object group name in the list.
The definition tool for the selected object group appears. The tool is shown in
Figure 36. Enter the definitions in it. The name of the logical format picture can also be browsed.
Figure 36.
The definition tool for process object group
For process object groups the group indices have to be defined separately by doubleclicking on the index that is to be defined.
Renaming Application Objects
To change the name of an object:
In the left list box, click the application object type you want to rename.
Click the name of the object in the second list box. In the case of process objects, click the process object groups and then the index.
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12 Using Object Definition Tools
Choose Rename from the Object menu.
Type the name of the object in the white text box of the dialog that appears. Click
Copying Application Objects
To quicken application engineering, application objects and their definitions can be copied to create several objects with same configurations. A maximum of 10 000 objects may be copied per one copy operation, and the same concerns the paste operation as well. Note that the cut operation allows a maximum of 50 objects to be cut at one time. To copy application objects from one application to another:
Click the object type under the name of the application from which you wish to copy objects.
Select an object for copying by clicking the name of the object. Several objects can be selected by holding the Ctrl key down while you click the objects or pressing the mouse button down and dragging the pointer over the objects.
Choose Copy from the Edit menu.
Click the object type below the application to which you wish to copy the objects.
Choose Paste from the Edit menu.
When a Process Object that has reference to a Scale Object, is copied from one application and pasted to another, the referenced Scale Object is automatically copied and pasted at the same time. If the Scale Object did not exist before the paste operation in the application where it was pasted to, it will be created there. Figure 37 shows an example of the informative dialog box that appears when referenced Scale Objects are created into an application while pasting.
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Figure 37.
The Paste dialog informs that two Scale Objects were created in the application
The copying of objects from a local application to an external application is done in the same way as copying between two local applications. Objects that are successfully pasted to an external application are displayed in the Recent Objects list for the object type under the application. Objects in an external application can not be copied.
To copy application objects within an application:
Click the object type under the name of the application where you want to copy objects.
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Select an object for copying by clicking the name of the object. Several objects can be selected by holding the Ctrl key down while you click the objects or pressing the mouse button down and dragging the pointer over the objects.
Choose Copy from the Edit menu.
Choose Paste from the Edit menu.
In both cases, the user is reminded of a duplication of object names with the following dialog. The dialog contains four buttons:
Retries to paste, use if fields have been edited.
Overwrites existing object.
Continues to paste but skips the currently overlapping object.
Stops pasting, pasted objects are not cancelled.
Figure 38.
Duplicate Object names are not allowed
Copying Process Objects Index
To copy the definition of a process object and to paste the definition to another object index:
Select application.
Select process object group.
Select an index or several indices.
Click Copy on the Edit menu.
Select target application.
Select target in one of the following manners:
Case 1 Select a process object group whereas the indexes are pasted under that group
Case 2 No group is selected, the indices are pasted under the object group name stored at copy
Case 3 If several object groups are selected, indices are pasted under the first group in the selection.
Click Paste on the Edit menu.
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12 Using Object Definition Tools
If Address Overlap error occurs when pasting the process object index, the dialog in
Figure 39 is shown.
Figure 39.
Address Overlap dialog
The user may fill in a new unit number, a new object address or check the "Remove
Overlapping Addresses…" check box. If the check box is selected, all the overlapping addresses of objects that remain to be pasted are cleared after a retry. The addresses that were cleared during pasting are shown in a dialog alongside the corresponding indexes, see Figure 40. Changing the unit number is useful when copying a whole process object group to another station where the object addresses should be the same.
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Figure 40.
Dialog presenting the addresses that were cleared during operation, alongside the corresponding indexes.
Attempt to overwrite a process object index with an index of a different process type (PT) is not allowed. The message “Object can’t be overwritten, PT’s don’t match” is shown.
12 Using Object Definition Tools
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Moving Objects
To move an application object:
Choose the application from where to move, the object type and the object. You can also move several objects by selecting them at the same time with the help of the Ctrl key.
Choose Cut from the Edit menu.
It is possible to cut a maximum of 50 objects at one time.
Choose another application where you want to insert the object or the objects.
Choose Paste from the Edit menu.
Deleting Application Objects
If only a process object group and no indices is selected, the whole group and ALL
INDICES under it will be deleted.
You cannot undo delete operation!
A maximum of 10000 objects can be deleted at a time.
To delete an application object:
Choose the application from which you want to delete objects.
Choose the object type and the objects to be deleted. Several objects can be selected by holding the Ctrl key down while you click the objects or pressing the mouse button down and dragging the pointer over the objects. In the case of a process object, choose the object group and then the indexes to be deleted. Note, that if only a process object group and no indexes is selected, the whole group and all indexes under it will be deleted. External application objects can be selected from the Recent Objects list.
Choose Delete from the Edit menu. The delete prompt appears.
Click OK to delete or Cancel to cancel the deletion.
Process object groups in external applications can not be deleted. If copied application objects are going to be deleted the dialog box shown in Figure 41 appears. In the dialog box, the user has to confirm whether the delete operation is continued or not. In this case continuing the operation will cause the copied application object to disappear also from the Clipboard.
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12 Using Object Definition Tools
Figure 41.
The dialog box, that appears when a copied application object is being deleted.
Application Data Export
To enter the Data Export Tool:
Click Export... on the Data menu.
The Data Export Tool dialog opens. For further instructions, see the SYS 500
System Management manual.
File Transfer
File transfer is implemented via process database. It is possible to create File Transfer
LAG 1.4 Process Objects in the same way as other Process Objects.
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Figure 42.
File transfer objects are created in the same way as other Process Objects
It is not possible to set the address for File Transfer LAG 1.4, only the station UN can be modified. There is an own page for File Transfer objects under the Dynamic tab.
See Figure 43.
The following functions are supported in current release:
Receiving (uploading) a file from a station.
Sending (downloading) a file to a station.
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Browsing the file hierarchy of a station.
Reading file attributes from a station.
Deleting a file or directory in a station.
Figure 43.
There is an own page for File Transfer objects under the Dynamic tab
The process objects of this type have all the same common attributes as other process objects. Especially, the post-processing attributes, such as EE, AE etc., may be used to report the completion of the transfer to the application.
The address attributes OA and OB have no meaning in conjunction with FT objects.
OA should be set to zero (if set at all).
There may be any number of FT objects connected to one station, e.g. each configured to a specific download / upload.
General Principles for Using Object Definition Tools
Definition Tool Title
The title of an object definition tool shows the name of the object and the object type.
It also shows the name and number of the application where from the tool is started
.In the case of process objects, the object name is followed by the index.
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12 Using Object Definition Tools
Most of the object definition tools are composed of pages, which can be accessed by clicking the tabs. In some cases, the tool contains so many pages that not all of them can be shown on screen at the same time. In these cases, you make the tabs visible by moving to the left and right with the arrow keys.
Figure 44 shows an example of an object definition tool, the data object definition tool. It has five visible tabs. The black right arrow indicates that the whole row of tabs is not shown. In this case, the rightmost tab, All attributes, is not completely visible.
User Interaction
The user interface of the object definition tools follows Windows standard interface.
To those who are not familiar with this standard a few explanations are given.
Data that you cannot change for the object in question, for example because of some previous selections, is made unavailable. In Figure 44, the Source and Pulse Scale texts are disabled, which indicates that these features cannot be changed.
Text boxes that provide a drop-down list of options are equipped with a down arrow.
You make a choice by clicking the arrow and then selecting an option in the list (or by pressing the mouse button on the arrow and keeping it down while dragging the pointer to the option where you release the button). In Figure 44, the Logging function has a drop-down list of options. A button with three dots opens a dialog where you can make a choice by clicking in a selection box. In Figure 44 the button is besides the Source text box.
Check boxes are used when an attribute or feature can be either active or inactive. A cross in the box means that the attribute or feature is selected. You change the selection by clicking the check box.
In the tool descriptions in the next chapters, the attributes are described in brief. To get a detailed description of the attributes, refer to the corresponding descriptions in
Chapters 3 ... 11.
Storing the Object and Exiting the Tool
When object definition is complete, you can choose to save the object and exit the tool, cancel the definitions and exit the tool, or save the definition without exiting the tool. These options are at the bottom of the dialog:
Saves the object definition (updates the object if it was changed) and closes the tool.
Cancels the definition and closes the tool.
Apply Saves the definition but does not close the tool.
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Figure 44.
An example page of a definition tool
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13 Process Object Definition Tool
13 Process Object Definition Tool
About this Chapter
This chapter describes the definition tool for defining process objects of predefined types. It is divided into five sections as follows:
Overview: a summary of the definition tool.
Common Area: the attributes and options in the common area of the tool.
Configurable Attributes: the Configurable page and its sub-pages.
Dynamic Attributes: the Dynamic page and its sub-pages.
All Attributes: the All attributes page.
To get a detailed description of the attributes mentioned in this chapter, refer to
Chapter 3 of this manual.
13.1 Overview
The tool for defining process objects of predefined types is accessed from the Object
Navigator by double-clicking a process object. Process objects are created in the Object Navigator. The procedure is described in the Chapter 12. The Process Object
Definition Tool can also be accessed from the Event Channel Definition Tool.
The Process Object Definition Tool contains a common area and three main tabs:
Configurable. Below this tab there are a number of sub-tabs each of which represent a page with configurable attributes.
Dynamic. This tab presents several pages that show the values of the dynamic attributes at the moment the tool is opened. The content of the tool can also be updated.
All attributes. This page lists all attributes in alphabetical order.
The page All attributes has no sub-page. It is the same page no matter which process object type was chosen. The other two pages, Dynamic Attributes and Configurable
Attributes, have sub-pages, which vary depending on the process object type. The names of the sub-pages, as well as their contents, differ.
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The common area above and below the pages, see Figure 45, contains basic definitions that are common to all object types.
Figure 45.
The Process Object Definition Tool. This picture shows the part of the tool that is common for all process objects. It also shows notebook pages, which differ according to the process object type.
This section of the tool specifies the identification attributes of the objects, see
Chapter 3. The GC attribute is common to all objects of the same group.
Operation State
Take the object into use and out of use with the In Use check box. The selection is applied to the process object when OK or Apply is clicked. The selection specifies the
IU attribute. The Switch State is the SS attribute. See Chapter 3.
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13 Process Object Definition Tool
If the object is not in use, changes to some dynamic attributes will not be updated.
Process Object Type
Here you select the type of station, which reads or controls the object, and the object type as it is defined in the station. This is not an attribute.
Other Information
The Modification Time text box below the pages shows the time when the object was last modified, no matter was it modified in the tool or with SCIL commands
The Next and Previous Process Object Index (IX) and Group (LN) command buttons below the pages make it easier to move from one Process Object Index or Group to another. When any of the four command buttons is active it means that there is one or more object(s) or index(es) in the respective direction of the button.
Values shown in the tool are the values at the moment the tool was opened. If you want to update the values of the tool, click the Fetch button.
Configurable Attributes
The configurable attributes are grouped into the following sub-pages, which may be shown or hidden depending on the object type:
Unit and Scale (analog objects and pulse counters).
Limit values (analog objects).
Alarm Generation (binary input objects and double binary indications).
Alarm Handling (AI, BI and DB type objects).
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In the Addresses page (see Figure 46) you define the addressing attributes.
Figure 46.
Example of the attributes that are defined in the Address page
Station Unit Number, UN Click the buttons with three dots and select a station number in the list that appears, or type the station number directly into the field.
Output Type, OT
Type the object address (the OA attribute) and the bit address (OB attribute). With some station types (for example RTU) the addresses are encoded. This means that the addresses shown on the page are not directly
OA or OB -values, but they are encoded from these with some encoding method. Similarly when encoding is typed, it is converted to OA or OB using the same method. If address encoding is needed, the appearance of the page changes. Instead of OA and OB, the name of the encoded value is shown to the left of the text box, which displays the encoded value.
Select output type by choosing an option from the drop-down list box. The item is available when there is no address encoding.
For process object types SPA and RTU200, the block address value “” is interpreted as 0 (zero). The Object Bit Address (OB) is set to value 16 whenever the block address is 0 (zero).
Limit Values
The Limit Values page (see Figure 47) is present when defining an analog object. The pages for analog input and analog output objects are different. In the following list are the attributes that are defined on the pages.
Limit Values
SCADA Zone Supervision
The alarm and warning limits of analog objects. The
HI, HW, HO, LW, LO and LI attributes.
Choose one of the options in the drop-down list: MicroSCADA or station. If “station” is chosen, the
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13 Process Object Definition Tool
Zero Deadband Superv.
alarm and warning state is supervised by the station and the alarm and warning limits have no meaning.
(See the SZ attribute in Chapter 3).
Enable zero deadband by selecting the check box (the
ZE attribute). If zero deadband is enabled, enter the size of the deadband in the text box (the ZD attribute).
Figure 47.
The Limit Values page for a process object of type analog input
Alarm Generation
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Figure 48.
The Alarm Generation page of a binary input objet
For binary input objects and double binary indications, there is an Alarm Generation page (see Figure 48) which contains the following attributes:
Alarm Generation, AG
Alarm Activation, LA
The alarm generating value(s) of a binary input object.
The alarm generating value(s) of double binary indications.
Normal Value, NV The normal value of a binary input object or double indication.
These attributes are all described in Chapter 3.
13 Process Object Definition Tool
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Figure 49.
Alarm Generation drop-down list includes four options
Alarm Handling
The Alarm Handling page (see Figure 50) is shown for all objects types. You can define the following alarm handling functions:
Alarm Class, AC
Alarm Blocking, AB
Choose the alarm class group you want to use by choosing a class in the drop-down list box.
Click the check box to block and unblock the alarm function. The alarm function is blocked when a cross is shown in the box.
Alarm Delay, AD
Alarm Monitors, PD
Picture, PI
Receipt Required, RC
Define the delay between alarm registration in the database and the alarm generation. You can enter a value or browse up and down by clicking the arrows.
Choose the monitors where you want to show the alarm messages and pictures by checking the corresponding check boxes. The monitor numbers are the logical monitor numbers chosen when opening the monitors (application session).
Enter an alarm picture name either by typing it in the box or by choosing it in the picture list dialog produced by clicking the button with three small dots.
Click the check box to insert and remove demand for alarm acknowledgement.
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13 Process Object Definition Tool
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Figure 50.
The Alarm Handling page
Unit and Scale
The Unit and Scale page is shown only for analog objects and pulse counters. A Scale
Name (SN) is obligatory for all analog objects. The page for analog objects contains also the ST attribute and Show button, which opens the Scale Object Definition Tool.
The attributes BC, ST and SC are also defined for pulse counter in the Unit and Scale page.
In the Events page (see Figure 51) you define the following:
Event Channel To connect the process object to an event channel, select the check box Action Enabled (the AE attribute) and enter the name of the event channel in the
Action Name (AN) text box. You can choose an event channel from the event channel list obtained by clicking the button with three dots. You access the definition tool of the event channel by clicking the
Show... button to the right. Choose activation criteria in the Action Activation (AA) drop-down list, and by selecting the check boxes Action at First Update (AF) and Action on History Values (AH).
Event Object Enabled, EE A check in the check box means that an event object with the same name as the process object will be generated at each change in the process object.
13 Process Object Definition Tool
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Figure 51.
The Events page
In the History page (see Figure 52) you define the History buffering attributes:
History Enabled, HE
History Activation, HA
Select the check box if you wish to include the process object in the history buffer (in the event list).
Choose the activation criteria for history registration by clicking an option in the drop-down list.
History at First Update, HF Select the check box if you wish history registration at first update of the process object.
History on History, HH
History Log Printers, HL
Select the check box if you wish history registration of updates marked as HISTORY.
Select a logical printer number for registration in event log on disk. If event logging on disk will be used, a PRI object must defined in the base system for printer logging, see the System Configuration manual.
Figure 52.
The History Page
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13 Process Object Definition Tool
In the Printouts page (see Figure 53) you can define the following printing functions:
Printout Activation, PA Choose activation criteria by clicking and option in the drop-down list.
Printout at First Upd., PU
Printout on History, PH
Select the check box if you wish printout at the first update.
Select the check box if you wish printout at updates marked as HISTORY.
Format Picture, PF
Printers, LD
The name of the printed picture. Enter a picture name or choose one from the drop-down list.
Select the printers that will be used for automatic printout. The printer numbers are logical numbers.
The printer number 15 is greyed out because it cannot be selected. It is used by microlibrary.
Figure 53.
The Printouts page
In the Miscellaneous page you can define the use of operational counters and some attributes used in SCIL. The Miscellaneous attributes are detailed in Chapter 3 of this manual.
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Figure 54.
The Miscellaneous page for Pulse Counters
Dynamic Attributes
Object State
The Object State page (see Figure 55) shows the following object information:
Object Value The present object value (OV), the time stamps (RT and RM), and the validation stamp (OS). The upper row shows the values stored in RAM. The lower row shows the object value stored on disk. This value can be edited.
Communication These attribute shows markings set in the stations or in NET.
The attributes are detailed in section 3.3 of this manual.
Figure 55.
The Object State page
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13 Process Object Definition Tool
File Transfer
The file transfer page is visible only for the file transfer objects. The following attributes are shown:
File Transfer, FT
Identification, ID
File Name, FN
Status, ST
Displays the state of transfer.
File Function, FF Displays the function to be performed on the file.
File transfer Progress, FP Displays the number of bytes transferred between NET and the station during current transfer or last transfer.
The file’s identification in the station.
The tag of the disk file to be sent or received.
Directory Contents, DC
A SCIL status code giving more information when the transfer is aborted.
Gives information about the contents of the file or directory in the form of type, ID, name, creation time, length and auxiliary elements.
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Figure 56.
The File Transfer page
Value History
The value history attributes are analog input (AI) specific.
Minimum Value, MV
Maximum Value, XV
Minimum Time, MT
Minimum time Milliseconds, MM
The lowest value of the AI attribute since the last reset.
The highest value of the AI attribute since last reset.
The time in seconds when the minimum value (the MV attribute) occurred.
The milliseconds of the time when the minimum value, MV, occurred.
13 Process Object Definition Tool
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Maximum Time, XT
Maximum time Milliseconds, XM
The time in seconds when the maximum value (the XV attribute) occurred.
The milliseconds of the time when the maximum value (the XV attribute) occurred.
Figure 57.
The Value History Page
The Alarm page (see Figure 58) shows the present alarm state of the object. The following attributes are shown:
The alarm ON/OFF state.
Alarm, AL
Alarm State, AS A value that indicate the alarm state and the state of acknowledgement.
Alarm Receipt, AR Acknowledged or not acknowledged. Yes may also mean that the object has no demand for acknowledgement.
Alarm Activated at, YT, YM
Alarm Activated/Deactivated at
Alarm Zone, AZ
The time when the latest alarm was activated.
The time when an active alarm was activated (turned ON) or when the latest alarm was deactivated (turned OFF) if it is no longer active.
The attribute is defined for Analog Output objects.
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Figure 58.
The Alarm page
In the Blocking page (see Figure 59) you can temporarily block printout, history buffering, event activation and updating. Block the functions by selecting the corresponding check boxes.
Figure 59.
The Blocking page
The Counters page (see Figure 60) shows the values of the operational counters.
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Figure 60.
The Counters page
13 Process Object Definition Tool
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All Attributes
The All Attributes page (see Figure 61) lists all process object attributes. The attribute values shown in a white text box can be edited. The attribute values shown on a gray background cannot be edited. When the attribute name is dimmed, the attribute is not valid for the process object type in question.
Figure 61.
The All Attributes page
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14 Scale Object Definition Tool
Scale Object Definition Tool
About this Chapter
This chapter presents the definition tool for defining scales and provides a point-bypoint description of the data and text boxes in the tool.
The definition tool for defining scales is accessed from the Object Navigator by double-clicking a scale object. A new object is created in the Object Navigator. The procedure is described in the Chapter 12. The tool is also obtained from the Process Object Definition Tool by selecting to view the scale of a process object.
The definition tool contains a common area and one or two pages. The alternative pages are All Attributes, Linear Scaling and Stepwise Linear Scaling. The Scaling Algorithm determines which pages are shown. See Figure 62. The page All Attributes contains all attributes in alphabetical order. Here you can check and edit the attributes.
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Figure 62.
The tool for defining scales. Here the scaling algorithm is one-to-one scaling.
Common Area
The common area above and below the pages, contain the following definitions and information:
Scaling, SA Here you select the scaling algorithm of the scale: one-toone, linear or stepwise linear scaling. Click the desired algorithm in the list of options. You must make this selection before you can continue the definition, because it determines which pages will be shown in the tool. Linear and stepwise
14 Scale Object Definition Tool
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Last Modified linear scaling requires further definitions in the Linear and
Stepwise linear pages respectively. One-to-one scaling requires no further definitions. For process objects without process connection, always use one-to-one scaling. Default value is one-to-one scaling.
Below the pages is the point of time when the scale was created or last modified.
Linear Scaling
Figure 63 shows the Linear Scaling page of the Scale definition tool.
Figure 63.
The Linear Scaling page
To define a linear scale, enter scaling constants as follows:
Low Process
Low Database
High Process
High Database
Enter a low value used in the stations.
Enter the corresponding value used in the MicroSCADA process database.
Enter a higher value used in the stations.
Enter the corresponding value used in the MicroSCADA process database.
The low value does not need to be the lowest possible value and the high value does not need to be the highest possible value.
These boxes define the SC attribute when the scaling algorithm is linear.
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14 Scale Object Definition Tool
Stepwise Linear Scaling
Figure 64 shows the page for defining stepwise linear scaling.
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Figure 64.
The Stepwise linear page of the scale definition tool
The page shows 50 pairs of text boxes, each of which corresponding to a coordinate on the scaling algorithm curve, Chapter 4. The text boxes to the left show the values in the stations (the process) and the text boxes to the right show the values in the MicroSCADA process database. You can browse upward and downward in the list using the scroll bar to the right.
Each point in the scaling algorithm curve that means a turn in the line direction must be specified, and the points must be given in ascending order. For each number, enter the process values in the text boxes to the left and the corresponding MicroSCADA process database values in the text boxes to the right.
The Insert button allows you to enter scaling points in-between two points. The Delete button deletes the selected point. The insertion and deletion place is determined by clicking one of the text boxes in the correct row. Inserting moves the selected row and all rows below it one row downwards. Deleting removes the selected row and moves all the rows below it one row upwards.
Entering superfluous data points makes no harm, provided that they represent correct relations between process values and values stored in the MicroSCADA process database.
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15 Data Object Definition Tool
Data Object Definition Tool
About this Chapter
This chapter describes how to define data objects using the definition tool.
You access the Data Object Definition Tool from the Object Navigator by doubleclicking a data object. A new object is created in the Object Navigator. The procedure is described in the Chapter 12. The tool is also accessed from the definition tools for time channel and event channel.
The Data Object Definition Tool, see Figure 65, is composed of a common area and five pages. The pages contain the following definitions and information:
The Data Registration page defines the calculation of the object.
The Data page lists the registered data and provides means for editing the object value, the status code and registration time of certain indices.
The Execution Control page defines the automatic time activation of the data object and the executing tasks.
The Storage page defines the file where the object is saved. It also defines things concerning the registration and storage of data.
The All Attribute page lists all attributes with their values in alphabetical order.
To define a new data object or edit an existing one, double-click the object name in the Object Navigator and modify the desired attribute values on the data object form.
You can check all attributes in the All Attributes page, and view registered data in the
Data page.
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Figure 65.
The Data Object Definition Tool includes five pages. In the first one,
Data Registration, you can define the calculation of the object.
Common Area
The tool has a common area above and below the pages.
Enter the following in the common area above the pages:
Comment, CM
In use, IU
Enter a freely chosen text comment text of maximum 255 characters. The comment text, which is optional but recommended, should describe the object briefly.
Take the object into use and out of use with the In Use check box. The selection is applied to the data object when
OK or Apply is clicked. The selection specifies the IU attribute.
The Value Type (VT) is shown in the upper right hand corner.
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A data object that is out of use cannot be executed.
The Last Modified date in the bottom of the tool page shows the time when the object was created or last edited, the ZT attribute.
Data Registration
The Data Registration page specifies the calculations to be performed at data object execution. The list of SR (Source) shows only Data Objects of the same type (VT).
The list can be opened by clicking the button. See Figure 65. This button is enabled only when the "Copy Data from Another Data Object" is marked.
Enter the following data in this page:
Instruction, IN The SCIL expression to be used in calculating or sampling the data object.
Logging function, LF Choose logging function by browsing in the list. The chosen function determines the value of the attribute LF as follows:
= 1
= 2
= 3
= 4
= 5
= 6
= 7
Copy Data from ...
Source, SR
Pulse Scale, PS
= 8
= 9
Select this check box to choose logging function COPY (the object is copied from another object). If chosen a possible selection in the Logging function list is disregarded. When you select this check box, the LF attribute is set to COPY.
See Figure 66.
The name of the data object to be copied if the logging function is COPY. This text box is shaded and disabled if the logging function is another than COPY.
This text box is enabled when PULSE DIFFERENCE or
PULSE DERIVATIVE is chosen as logging function. Enter the value, at which the pulse counter is set to zero.
15 Data Object Definition Tool
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Figure 66.
Copy Data from Another Data Object check box is checked to enable logging function COPY
The second page of the Data Object Definition Tool is shown in Figure 67. This page shows the dynamic values of the data objects - value (OV), status (OS) and registration time (RT).
In the area showing the registered values, the indices are shown to the left. You can browse through the indices using the scroll bars. Above the registered values is the internal object value (stored value) with status codes and registration time.
The tool reads the values from the report database. The shown values can be updated by clicking the Fetch button in the Data page. There are also possibilities for listing the registered values. The listing order and the listed indices can be defined using the controls to the right from the Registered Values list. You can change the dynamic attributes in the tool.
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Figure 67.
The second page of the Data Object Definition Tool contains dynamic data of the Data Objects. You can view or change the data.
To change the registered attributes or the internal value:
Click the data post you wish to edit.
Click the Edit... button.
The dialog in Figure 68 is shown on screen. The upper row shows the old values of the attributes. Type the new values in the lower text box row.
Click OK to exit the dialog and confirm the changes or Cancel to exit without saving the changes.
The value is updated directly to the database immediately as you click OK. This means that you cannot cancel the changes by clicking Cancel in the definition tool.
15 Data Object Definition Tool
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Figure 68.
Using this dialog you can change the values of OV, OS and RT attributes.
Execution Control
Figure 69 shows the Execution control page of the Data Object Definition Tool. In this page you can specify the time activation and the executing tasks.
Figure 69.
The Execution Control page of the Data Object Definition Tool
Time Channel, TC The name of the time channel that will execute the data object. You can choose time channel by typing the name in the text box, or by selecting it in the list
(produced by clicking the button with three dots).
You access the definition of the chosen time channel by clicking the Show TC button to the right.
Execution Priority
Start-up Execution, SE
EP The execution priority of the data object (1...255) in relation to other data objects and command procedures started by the same time channel. The default value is 255, which is the lowest priority. This can be changed by scrolling to the right number with the help of the black arrows.
A cross in the box means that the data object is executed during application start-up. Click the box to change the selection.
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15 Data Object Definition Tool
Parallel Execution, PE
Queue (PQ)
A cross in the box means that parallel execution is allowed. Click the box to change the selection.
If parallel execution is allowed, enter the queue number in the text box to the right.
Figure 70 shows the Storage page of the Data Object Definition Tool.
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Figure 70.
The storage page of the Data Object Definition Tool
Enter the following definitions in the page:
Data in, HN
Attributes in RAM, MO
If desired, enter the file number, 0 ... 99, which will be used in the extension of the name of the file where the object will be saved. The HN attribute.
Here you can choose to save the dynamic attributes
(OV, OS, LR and RT) in RAM only.
Time stamp, TS
History Registrations, HR
Choose whether the time stamp of the data registration will be taken from the operating system time or copied from the variable %RT. When started by an event channel the %RT variable has the value of the time stamp (the RT attribute) of the process object that activated the event channel.
Enter the maximum number of registrations that will be saved. When this value is exceeded, the oldest registered values will drop out of the object.
At the bottom of the page is the number of the latest registration in the data object, the
LR attribute. The value can be edited.
15 Data Object Definition Tool
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All Attributes
The page named All Attributes is shown in Figure 71. The page lists all attributes in alphabetical order. The attribute values in white text boxes can be edited. The attribute values with grey background cannot be edited. The attributes whose names are greyed out are not valid for the data object. Browse through the attribute list by moving the scroll bar.
Figure 71.
The All Attributes page of the Data Object Definition Tool
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16 Command Procedure Definition
Command Procedure Definition Tool
This chapter describes how to define command procedures using the definition tools.
The definition tool for command procedures is accessed from the Object Navigator by double-clicking a command procedure. A new object is created in the Object Navigator. The procedure is described in the Chapter 12. It can also be accessed from time channel and event channel tools.
The Command Procedure Definition Tool comprises a common area and four pages.
The pages contain the following definitions and information:
The Procedure page contains the program of the command procedure.
The page Execution control defines the automatic time activation of the command procedure and the executing tasks.
The Storage page defines the file where the object is saved and the origin of the time stamp.
The All Attributes page finally lists all attributes in alphabetical order.
Common Area
Enter the following in the common area:
In Use
Enter a comment text. The comment text, which is optional but recommended, is a freely chosen text of maximum 255 characters. The text should describe the object briefly. The
CM attribute.
Take the object into use and out of use with the In Use check box. The selection is applied to the object when OK or Apply is clicked. The selection specifies the IU attribute.
If the object is not taken into use, it cannot be executed.
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Procedure Page
Figure 72 shows the Procedure page of the Command Procedure Definition Tool. The
Instruction (IN): list contains the program. You can browse up and down, to the left and to the right in the program by using the scrollbars.
16 Command Procedure Definition
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To type a new program or edit an existing one:
Click the Edit button or doubleclick the Instruction (IN): list.
The SCIL editor appears as a separate dialog. The general functions of the SCIL
Editor are described in the Programming Language SCIL manual. It is also possible to import and export text from the SCIL Program Editor. To import choose Import and to export choose Export from the File menu. The import function opens a file chooser, where the name of the file to be imported is specified. If you click OK or Apply, the contents of the file is loaded to the SCIL
Program Editor. It is placed starting from the row where the cursor is, if the row is empty. It there is text in the row, the contents is placed starting from the next row.
The Export function opens also a file chooser where the name of the file is specified. If no text is selected, everything in the SCIL Program Editor is transferred to the specified file. Note that if existing file is specified, export overwrites previous contents of the file.
Compile IN when Edited If check box is checked, the compilation is done always when user edits and updates the IN-attribute. A successful compilation updates the IN and CPattributes.
Compiling a Command Procedure:
Click Edit. The SCIL editor is opened. Enter the Command Procedure or edit an old one. If the Compile IN when Edited procedure mentioned above has been done, the following step 2. can be skipped, otherwise proceed to step 2.
In the SCIL editor, check the Compilation in Use option on the Options menu.
Choose Update on the File menu.
Choose Exit on the File menu.
‘Compile IN when Edited’ is checked because compilation was taken into use in the
SCIL editor. A successful compilation updates the IN and CP-attributes and ‘Compiled’ is shown in the ‘Compile Status:’ field.
If compilation is cancelled in the SCIL editor (IN could not be compiled or user cancelled the compilation), the IN attribute is updated and the CP attribute is emptied.
If compiled program exists 'Uncompile'-button can be used to clear the CP-attribute.
If the command procedure is compiled (CP not empty), the Command Procedure tool automatically checks the 'Compile IN when edited' check box on 'Procedure'-tab. Otherwise (not compiled) the check box is not checked as default.
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16 Command Procedure Definition
Figure 72.
The Procedure page of the Command Procedure Definition Tool
Execution Control Page
Figure 73 shows the Execution Control page.
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Figure 73.
The Execution Control page of the Command Procedure Definition Tool
The upper section of the page specifies the time activation of the command procedure:
Time channel If time activation will be used, enter the name of the activating time channel, either by typing it in the box or by browsing in the list for the desired time channel. The visible
16 Command Procedure Definition
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Execution Priority
Start-up Execution time channel name is the activating time channel. By clicking the Show button to the right you get access to the definition tool of the selected time channel and can edit it if desired.
The execution priority of the command procedure within the time channel. Value 255 is the lowest priority.
A cross in the box means that start-up execution is set. Click the box to set or clear start-up execution. If start-up execution is set, the object will be executed at application start-up, in case the time channel would have started while the application was not running.
The lower section of the page defines the executing tasks.
Storage Page
Figure 74 shows the Storage page of the definition tool.
Figure 74.
The Storage page of the Command Procedure Definition Tool
The upper section of the page specifies the file where the command procedure will be saved and the storage of the OS and RT attributes in RAM only. Generally, use RAM only (a cross in the box) for all command procedures, unless the OS and RT attributes are of special importance.
The lower section of the tool defines the origin of the time stamp, that is, the RT attribute.
All Attributes
Figure 75 shows the page All Attributes. This page lists all command procedure attributes in alphabetical order.
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16 Command Procedure Definition
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Figure 75.
All Attributes page of the Command Procedure Definition Tool
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17 Time Channel Definition Tool
Time Channel Definition Tool
About this Chapter
This chapter provides a point-by-point description of the input fields and function buttons in the Time Channel Definition Tool.
The Time Channel Definition Tool, see Figure 76, comprises a common area and five pages containing the following definitions and information:
The Execution page specifies the Execution of the time channel.
The Initialisation page specifies the Initialisation of the time channel.
The Execution Control page defines the executing tasks.
The Objects page shows the objects connected to the time channel.
The All Attribute page finally lists all attributes in alphabetical order.
Common Area
The common area of the Time Channel Definition Tool contains the following definitions:
In Use
Enter a freely chosen text of maximum 255 characters. The comment text, which is optional but recommended, should describe the object briefly. The text will be the CM attribute.
Take the object into use and out of use with the In Use check box. The selection is applied to the object when OK or Apply is clicked. The selection specifies the IU attribute.
If the object is not taken into use, it cannot be executed.
Execution Page
The Execution page specifies the execution time of the time channel. See Chapter 7 to get an explanation of the execution of time channels.
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Figure 76.
The Execution page of the Time Channel Definition Tool
Execution cycle
Condition for ...
The time interval for periodically recurrent executions if such is desired. The fields can be left empty. The CY attribute, index 2.
A conditional expression according to the rules of SCIL.
Enter a condition if you wish to limit the execution. Initialisation/execution occurs only when the condition is fulfilled.
The CD attribute.
The synchronisation times. The selections are a combination of SU and SY attributes.
The synchronisation time is determined as follows:
No synchronisation.
Synchronisation once.
Synchronisation once a year.
Synchronisation once a month.
Last day of month.
Once a week.
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17 Time Channel Definition Tool
Specific day of week.
Last day of month.
Once a day.
Once an hour.
The time stamps of the time channel farthest down on the page show the last execution time and the last synchronisation time.
Initialisation Page
Figure 77 shows the initialisation page. This page specifies the initialisation times of the time channel. See Chapter 7 to get an explanation of what initialisation means.
Execution cycle
Condition for ...
The time interval for periodically recurrent executions if such is desired. The fields can be left empty. The CY attribute, index 2.
A conditional expression according to the rules of SCIL.
Enter a condition if you wish to limit the occurrences of executions. Initialisation/execution occurs only when the condition is fulfilled. The CD attribute.
The synchronisation times. The selections are a combination of SU and SY attributes. The synchronisation alternatives are the same as for execution.
The time settings farthest down on the page show the latest initialisation and synchronisation times.
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Figure 77.
The Initialisation page of the Time Channel Definition Tool
Execution Control Page
Figure 78 shows the Execution Control page.
Parallel Execution
Synchronised Exe...
A cross in the box means that parallel execution is allowed.
Click the box to change the selection. If parallel execution is allowed, enter the queue number in the field to the right.
The PE and PQ attributes.
The SX attribute.
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17 Time Channel Definition Tool
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Figure 78.
The Execution Control page of the Time Channel Definition Tool
Objects Page
The Objects page provides an overview of all data objects and command procedures connected to the time channel. See Figure 5. To get the list of the connected objects and command procedures, click the Fetch button. Only the first 10 000 objects are shown in the list. If there are more than 10 000 connections, the user is informed with a Time Channel dialog. See Figure 79.
17 Time Channel Definition Tool
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Figure 79.
This Time Channel dialog informs that there are more than 10 000 connected objects, but only the first 10 000 are shown.
Each row in the list contains the name of an object, the priority within the time channel and the object type The page is of informative character and the list of connected objects cannot be edited here. Objects are added to the list when they are defined in their respective tools to be activated by the time channel in question. However, the object definitions are accessed from the list.
To view or edit any of the objects in the list, click the object and then the Show Object button.
The definition of the selected object appears in a new window.
Figure 80.
The Objects page of the Time Channel Definition Tool
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17 Time Channel Definition Tool
All Attributes
Figure 81 shows the page All Attributes. The page lists all time channel attributes in alphabetical order. All attributes, except the read-only attributes, can be changed. The data fields of the read-only attributes are grey.
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Figure 81.
The All Attributes page of the Time Channel Definition Tool
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18 Event Channel Definition Tool
Event Channel Definition Tool
About this Chapter
This chapter describes how to define event channels using the object definition tools.
The definition tool for defining event channels is accessed from the Object Navigator by double-clicking an event channel. A new object is created in the Object Navigator.
The procedure is described in the Chapter 12. The tool is also obtained from the Process Object Definition Tool by selecting to view the event channel of a process object.
The Event Channel Definition Tool, see Figure 82, comprises a common area and three pages containing the following definitions and information:
The page Activated Objects specifies the primary and secondary objects activated by the event channel.
The page Process Objects lists all process objects connected to the event channel.
The list cannot be edited, but the process object definitions are accessible in the page.
The page All Attributes lists all attributes in alphabetical order.
Common Area
Comment The comment text is optional but recommended, a freely chosen text of maximum 255 characters, the CM attribute. The comment text should describe the event channel briefly.
Activated Objects
Figure 82 shows the page Activated Objects. This page specifies the data objects and command procedures activated by the event channel.
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Figure 82.
Activated Objects page of an Event Channel
Primary Object
Secondary Objects
The name and the type of the primary object (data object, command procedure or time channel) started by the event channel. The OT and ON attributes.
The names and types of the secondary objects (data objects, command procedures and time channels) started by the event channel. The ST and SN attributes.
To view the object definitions of the activated objects, click the object name in the list and then click the Show... button.
To add a new secondary object, click the Add... button.
To edit an object name or type in the list, click the object name and then the Set...
To remove a secondary object from the list, click the object name and then Remove.
Process Objects
The Process Objects page (see Figure 83) lists all process objects that activate the event channel.
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18 Event Channel Definition Tool
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Figure 83.
The Process Objects page
The connection of process objects to the event channel is done in the process object definition. Hence, the list cannot be edited. To view or edit the process object definitions, click the object in the list and then click the Show... button. The Show... button opens the Process Object Definition Tool where the selected objects can be edited as described in Chapter 3. The Fetch button updates the contents of the list. The list is not automatically updated when the tool is opened, so Fetch must always be clicked to view the connected process objects.
Attribute List
This page, see Figure 84, lists all event channel attributes in alphabetical order. The attributes can be edited.
18 Event Channel Definition Tool
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Figure 84.
All event channel attributes are listed in alphabetical order
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19 Free Type Object Definition
Free Type Object Definition Tools
This chapter introduces the Free Type Object Tool and the Free Type Process Object
Tool. These tools are Application Object handling tools and are launched from the
Application Object Navigator.
The tool for handling application objects, Application Object Navigator, is accessed through Tool Manager. The Application Object Navigator presents objects classified by type in a tree where application names form the nodes and object types form the leafs. The Free Type Object tools are accessed by choosing object type and name of the object of interest.
Free Type Process Object Tool
Accessing the Tool
Clicking the Free Type Process Object type in the tree of Application Object Navigator shows the object names in the listbox to right. To access the Free Type Process
Object tool, double-click an object name. The dialog box shown in Figure 85 is opened.
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Figure 85.
The Free Type Process Object tool as it appears after double clicking an object named ´A_SPA_ANSW´ in the Object Navigator and expanding the ´Identification´ node with the default view ´Standard´.
Logical Name (LN)
Process Object Type (PT)
Comment Text (CX)
Attribute tree
Attribute box
Value (text) of the LN-attribute. The logical name of the process object (OBJ_NAME:PLN).
Value (integer) of the PT-attribute
Value (text) of the CX-attribute. The value of this attribute is supposed to serve as a description of the object (OBJ_NAME:PCX).
This drop-down combo box offers two alternative views to the attribute tree. The alternative views are
Standard and User Attributes.
The attributes are displayed in a tree structure according to category.
Contains facilities for editing the attribute values displayed in the ’Attribute Tree’.
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19 Free Type Object Definition
Attribute information A description of the attribute or its function.
Using the Tool
The Free Type Process Object tool is used for displaying and setting the values of attributes of free type process objects. For object identification the tool presents essential identification attributes (LN, PT and CX).
Storing Settings and Exiting the Tool
The value of some attributes shown in the attribute box may be edited, others only viewed.
Save settings and close dialog. In case of an error the dialog stays open and the status code of the error is shown.
Close the tool without saving. If settings have been changed during the session the user is asked to confirm the action.
Save settings and leave dialog open. Use for intermediate save.
Free Type Object Tool
Accessing the Tool
The Free Type Object tool is accessed from Application Object Navigator by doubleclicking the ´Free Type Objects´ leaf in the tree.
Using the Tool
The Free Type Object tool is used for displaying and setting the values of attributes of free type objects. For object identification the tool presents essential identification attributes (LN and PT). The dialog consists of two main components; the ´Attribute
Definition´ tab and the ´Attribute Tree´ tab.
Attribute Definition
User attribute names are presented in a listbox. The order in which they are presented is determined by the elements in the textvector that is the value of the AN-attribute.
This can be checked using the ´Examine´ tab of Test Dialog and entering
OBJ_NAME:FAN in the inspection field.
The properties of a single User Attribute are shown in the right side of the User Attribute list. The properties displayed belong to the User Attribute currently selected in the User Attribute list. The values of AN, AI, AT and AL indexes can not be configured on existing User Attributes.
ABB Automation 223
19 Free Type Object Definition
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Figure 86.
´Attribute Definition´ tab of the Free Type Object definition tool
New User Attributes are defined by clicking the ´New Attribute´ button, see Figure
86. This action adds a ´+´ sign to the attribute list, focuses the Name(AN) field and assigns default values to the rest of the attribute indices. As the User Attribute name is defined, the name is shown in the User Attributes list preceded by a ´+´ sign. The ´+´ sign disappears as the definition is saved. The attribute indices AN, AI, AT and AL are modifiable until the User Attribute definition is saved. Removal of User Attributes can be done prior to saving. Saved User Attributes can not be removed. After saving the User Attributes, the attributes appear on the View User Attributes tree of the same type of process object in the Free Type Process Object Tool, see section 19.1.
Attribute Tree
The ´Attribute Tree´ tab is used for grouping, displaying and modifying Free Type
Object attributes. The groups and attributes displayed in the tree are predefined (in file attrib_f.scl). When an attribute in the tree is selected an attribute data type specific edit field is displayed in the edit box.
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
19 Free Type Object Definition
ABB Automation
Figure 87.
The ´Attribute Tree´ tab of Free Type Object definition tool
Storing Settings and Exiting the Tool
The value of attribute indices only for viewing are dimmed.
Save settings and close dialog. In case of an error the dialog stays open and the status code of the error is shown.
Close the tool without saving. If settings have been changed during the session the user is asked to confirm the action.
Save settings and leave dialog open. Use for intermediate save.
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
AA ............................................................................................................................... 42, 153
AB........................................................................................................................................ 67
AC........................................................................................................................................ 40
Accessible applications...................................................................................................... 161 acknowledgement................................................................................................................. 42 action activation................................................................................................................... 42 action enabled ...................................................................................................................... 43 action name .......................................................................................................................... 45
Action on History................................................................................................................. 44 activation as first update ...................................................................................................... 44
Activation Blocking ............................................................................................................. 68
AD ............................................................................................................................... 40, 153
Addressing attributes ......................................................................................................... 184
AE................................................................................................................................ 43, 153
AF ........................................................................................................................................ 44
AG ....................................................................................................................................... 38
AH ............................................................................................................................... 44, 153
AI ..................................................................................................................... 22, 24, 57, 151
AL................................................................................................................................ 64, 152 alarm .............................................................................................................................. 16, 64 alarm activation.................................................................................................................... 38 alarm blocking ..................................................................................................................... 67 alarm buffer.......................................................................................................................... 16 alarm class ........................................................................................................................... 40 alarm delay........................................................................................................................... 40 alarm generation .................................................................................................................. 38 alarm handling ..................................................................................................................... 37 alarm list .................................................................................................................... 143, 144 alarm milliseconds ............................................................................................................... 65 alarm monitor....................................................................................................................... 41
Alarm on Time..................................................................................................................... 67
Alarm on time Milliseconds................................................................................................. 66 alarm picture ........................................................................................................................ 41 alarm picture queue.............................................................................................................. 41 alarm receipt ........................................................................................................................ 64 alarm state ............................................................................................................................ 65 alarm time ............................................................................................................................ 65 alarm zone............................................................................................................................ 66
AM....................................................................................................................................... 65
AN ............................................................................................................................... 45, 151
Analog Input ................................................................................................................ 57, 170
Analog Output.............................................................................................................. 58, 170
AND................................................................................................................................... 167
AO ................................................................................................................... 22, 24, 58, 154
AP ...................................................................................................................................... 152
APL_ALARM.................................................................................................................... 134
ABB Automation
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Technical Reference Manual
basesystem............................................................................................................................. 1
BC ....................................................................................................................................... 31
BI ............................................................................................................................ 22, 24, 58
Binary Input................................................................................................................... 16, 58
Binary Output ...................................................................................................................... 59 bit count............................................................................................................................... 31
Bit Stream................................................................................................................ 16, 24, 59
BL........................................................................................................................................ 72
BLocked .............................................................................................................................. 72
BO ........................................................................................................................... 22, 24, 59
BS............................................................................................................................ 22, 24, 59
APL_EVENT. ................................................................................................................... 137
APL_INIT_1 ............................................................................................................... 22, 134
APL_INIT_2 ............................................................................................................... 22, 134
APL_INIT_H .................................................................................................................... 134
APL_REPORT .......................................................................................................... 116, 132 application ......................................................................................................................... 1, 9 application objects................................................................................................................. 4
AR ....................................................................................................................................... 64
AS................................................................................................................................ 65, 154
AT ............................................................................................................................... 65, 151 attribute............................................................................................................................ 5, 19
Attribute .............................................................................................................................. 23
Attribute Access .................................................................................................................. 11
Attribute access level........................................................................................................... 11
Attribute Action................................................................................................................. 153
Attribute Event .................................................................................................................. 153
Attribute History................................................................................................................ 153
Attribute Indexing ............................................................................................................. 151
Attribute Length ................................................................................................................ 152 attribute name .................................................................................................................. 8, 10
Attribute Name .................................................................................................................. 151
Attribute Offset.................................................................................................................. 154
Attribute on Disk ............................................................................................................... 153
Attribute Printout............................................................................................................... 152
Attribute Snapshot ............................................................................................................. 154
Attribute Value Type ......................................................................................................... 151
Attribute Values
Editing ......................................................................................................................... 168
automatic dial-up ............................................................................................................... 129 automatic printout.......................................................................................................... 16, 53
AX ..................................................................................................................................... 154
AZ........................................................................................................................................ 66
CA ....................................................................................................................................... 82
Cause of Transmission......................................................................................................... 72
CD ..................................................................................................................... 123, 214, 215
CE........................................................................................................................................ 55
CHANGE .......................................................................................................................... 131 changed attribute ................................................................................................................. 82
CL........................................................................................................................................ 55
CM............................................................................... 97, 111, 127, 132, 200, 207, 213, 221
CO ....................................................................................................................................... 69 command procedure ...................................................................................................... 3, 120
ABB Automation
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Technical Reference Manual
command procedures ................................................................................................. 109, 207
Command Procedures ........................................................................................................ 160 command QuaLifier ............................................................................................................. 77
Comment...................................................................................................... 97, 111, 127, 132 comment text........................................................................................................................ 25
Comment Text ........................................................................................................... 150, 154 communication system........................................................................................................... 1
Compiled Program............................................................................................................. 113 condition .................................................................................................................... 119, 120
Condition ........................................................................................................................... 123
COPY................................................................................................................................. 101
Copying.............................................................................................................................. 173
Copying objects ................................................................................................................. 173 counter enable ...................................................................................................................... 55 counter limit......................................................................................................................... 55 counter overflow .................................................................................................................. 69 counter value........................................................................................................................ 69
CP ...................................................................................................................................... 113
CREATE.............................................................................................................................. 13
Creating Application Objects............................................................................................. 169 creating objects .................................................................................................................... 13
CT ........................................................................................................................................ 72
CV........................................................................................................................................ 69
CX................................................................................................................................ 25, 150
CY...................................................................................................................... 123, 214, 215
Cyan symbol ...................................................................................................................... 161
Cycle .................................................................................................................................. 123 cycle time........................................................................................................................... 119
data .......................................................................................................................... 93, 95, 98 data object.................................................................................................. 2, 93, 94, 120, 199 data type............................................................................................................................... 10 database ................................................................................................................................. 6 datalog object....................................................................................................................... 93
DB............................................................................................................................ 22, 24, 59
DC........................................................................................................................................ 79
Defining a filter.................................................................................................................. 166
Defining Application Objects ............................................................................................ 172 defining objects...................................................................................................................... 5
Defining Process Object Group ......................................................................................... 172
DELETE .............................................................................................................................. 14
Deleting.............................................................................................................................. 176 deleting objects .................................................................................................................... 14
DI ............................................................................................................................. 22, 24, 60
DIFFERENCE ................................................................................................................... 101
Digital Input................................................................................................................... 16, 60
Digital Output ...................................................................................................................... 60
DIRECT............................................................................................................................. 100 directive text ........................................................................................................................ 56
Directory Contents ............................................................................................................... 79
DO ................................................................................................................... 22, 24, 60, 109
Double Binary Indication............................................................................................... 24, 59
DX ....................................................................................................................................... 56
ED........................................................................................................................................ 82
ABB Automation
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Technical Reference Manual
EE........................................................................................................................................ 45
EM....................................................................................................................................... 83 end of period........................................................................................................................ 74
EP ........................................................................................................ 74, 104, 109, 114, 204
ET........................................................................................................................................ 83 event activated screen control.............................................................................................. 45 event channel ........................................................................... 3, 16, 44, 45, 94, 95, 129, 132 event channel activation .............................................................................................. 42, 130 event channel task.............................................................................................................. 130 event channels ................................................................................................................... 221
Event comment teXt ............................................................................................................ 83
Event Daylight saving.......................................................................................................... 82 event enabled....................................................................................................................... 45 event handling ..................................................................................................................... 42 event list ............................................................................................................................ 143 event methods.................................................................................................................... 139 event object ....................................................................................................... 3, 12, 16, 139
Event object....................................................................................................................... 139 event object handling........................................................................................................... 12 event recording object ......................................................................................................... 23 event recording objects........................................................................................................ 15
Event recording objects ..................................................................................................... 171
Event Time .......................................................................................................................... 83
Event time Milliseconds ...................................................................................................... 83
EX ....................................................................................................................................... 83
EXEC ...................................................................... 12, 94, 95, 109, 110, 129, 131, 140, 141 executing objects ................................................................................................................. 12 executing task ...................................................................................................... 95, 110, 121 execution ........................................................................................................... 119, 120, 121
Execution................................................................................................................... 109, 113
Execution Priority...................................................................................................... 104, 114 expression.............................................................................................................. 93, 95, 201
External application........................................................................................................... 161
External Applications ........................................................................................................ 162
Fetch .................................................................................................................................. 183
FF ........................................................................................................................................ 79
FI .................................................................................................................................. 56, 98
File Function........................................................................................................................ 79
File Name ............................................................................................................................ 79
File Transfer .................................................................................................... 16, 24, 80, 177
File transfer Progress........................................................................................................... 80
Filter .................................................................................................................................. 166
Editing ......................................................................................................................... 167
Quotation mark............................................................................................................ 166
Filtering ............................................................................................................................. 165
Process Objects ........................................................................................................... 166
FN........................................................................................................................................ 79
FP ........................................................................................................................................ 80 free integer........................................................................................................................... 56
Free Integer ................................................................................................................. 98, 112 free text................................................................................................................................ 56
Free Text ..................................................................................................................... 98, 112 free type object ...................................................................................................................... 3 free type objects................................................................................................................. 147
FT .................................................................................................................................. 24, 80
ABB Automation
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Technical Reference Manual
FX .................................................................................................................................. 56, 98
HA ....................................................................................................................................... 49
HB........................................................................................................................................ 67
HD ....................................................................................................................................... 83
HE........................................................................................................................................ 50
HF ........................................................................................................................................ 50
HH ....................................................................................................................................... 50
HI ......................................................................................................................................... 33 higher input .......................................................................................................................... 33 higher warning ..................................................................................................................... 33 historical data....................................................................................................................... 93 history activation.................................................................................................................. 49 history at first update ........................................................................................................... 50
History Blocking.................................................................................................................. 67 history buffer.................................................................................................................. 16, 50 history buffering................................................................................................................... 48
History Database.................................................................................................................. 48 history enabled ..................................................................................................................... 50
History File Number .................................................................................................. 105, 116 history log number ............................................................................................................... 51
History logging Daylight saving .......................................................................................... 83
History logging Time ........................................................................................................... 84
History logging time Milliseconds ....................................................................................... 84
History on History................................................................................................................ 50
History Registrations ......................................................................................................... 106
HL........................................................................................................................................ 51
HM....................................................................................................................................... 84
HN ............................................................................................................... 96, 105, 110, 116
HO ....................................................................................................................................... 33
HOT state........................................................................................................................... 161
HR...................................................................................................................................... 106
HT........................................................................................................................................ 84
HW ...................................................................................................................................... 33
GC........................................................................................................................................ 86
GET ..................................................................................................................................... 13 global variables .................................................................................................................... 93
Green symbol ..................................................................................................................... 161
Grey symbol....................................................................................................................... 161 group .............................................................................................................................. 22, 23
Group ................................................................................................................................. 172 group comment .................................................................................................................... 86 group type ............................................................................................................................ 86
GT........................................................................................................................................ 86
ID ......................................................................................................................................... 80
Identification........................................................................................................................ 80
IEC....................................................................................................................................... 76
IN ............................................................................................................... 100, 111, 113, 201
In Use............................................................................................................. 29, 98, 112, 122 index .................................................................................................................. 10, 21, 22, 23
Index .................................................................................................................................... 23
INIT_QUERY ..................................................................................................................... 13
ABB Automation
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Technical Reference Manual
1MRS751253-MEN initialisation ....................................................................................................... 119, 120, 121
Instruction.................................................................................................................. 100, 113
Integer Representation......................................................................................................... 31
INTEGRAL ....................................................................................................................... 100
IR ........................................................................................................................................ 31
IR attribute......................................................................................................................... 170
IU .................................................................................................................. 29, 98, 112, 122
IU check box ..................................................................................................................... 169
IX ........................................................................................................................................ 23
IX attribute ........................................................................................................................ 170
LA........................................................................................................................................ 38
LAG 1.4............................................................................................................................. 177
Latest Registration............................................................................................................. 106
LD ....................................................................................................................................... 52
LF ........................................................................................................................ 86, 100, 201
LI ........................................................................................................................................ 34
LIB500 .................................................................................................................................. 8 linear scaling.................................................................................................................. 90, 91 list ...................................................................................................................................... 143
LIST .................................................................................................................................... 86 listing device........................................................................................................................ 52
LN ........................................................................................... 23, 90, 98, 112, 122, 132, 149
LO ....................................................................................................................................... 34
Local application ............................................................................................................... 161 logging function................................................................................................................... 93
Logging Function .............................................................................................................. 100 logical format ...................................................................................................................... 86
Logical Name .......................................................................... 23, 90, 98, 112, 122, 132, 149 lower input........................................................................................................................... 34 lower output......................................................................................................................... 34 lower warning ...................................................................................................................... 34
LR...................................................................................................................................... 106
LW....................................................................................................................................... 34
Magenta symbol ................................................................................................................ 161
MAXIMUM ...................................................................................................................... 101
MaXimum Time .................................................................................................................. 71
MaXimum time Milliseconds .............................................................................................. 70
MaXimum Value ................................................................................................................. 71
MEAN VALUE................................................................................................................. 100
Memory Only ............................................................................................................ 106, 116
MINIMUM........................................................................................................................ 101
Minimum Time.................................................................................................................... 70
Minimum time Milliseconds................................................................................................ 70
Minimum Value................................................................................................................... 70
MM...................................................................................................................................... 70
MO .................................................................................................................... 106, 110, 116
Modification Time............................................................. 25, 87, 92, 99, 113, 122, 134, 150
MODIFY ............................................................................................................................. 13
MON_EVENT .................................................................................................................. 135
Moving .............................................................................................................................. 176
MT....................................................................................................................................... 70
MV ...................................................................................................................................... 70
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
OA ............................................................................................................................... 26, 168
OB.......................................................................................................................... 26, 27, 168
Object Bit Address............................................................................................................... 27
Object Identifier................................................................................................................... 25 object name............................................................................................................................ 9
Object Name ...................................................................................................................... 133
Object Navigator................................................................................................................ 157 object notation ................................................................................................................. 8, 11
Object Status........................................................................................................ 62, 102, 113 object text ............................................................................................................................ 25
Object Type ....................................................................................................................... 133
Object Value .......................................................................................................... 57, 60, 103
Objects by Group ............................................................................................................... 157
Objects in Table................................................................................................................. 157
OF ........................................................................................................................................ 75
OG ....................................................................................................................................... 77
OI ......................................................................................................................................... 25
ON ............................................................................................................... 12, 133, 139, 141
Options............................................................................................................................... 164
Options menu............................................................................................................. 157, 165
OR................................................................................................................................ 73, 167
OriGinator identification...................................................................................................... 77
OS .............................................................................................. 16, 62, 64, 96, 102, 110, 113
OT.................................................................................................................. 27, 28, 133, 222
Out of Range........................................................................................................................ 73
Output Type ......................................................................................................................... 28
OV ..................................................................................................... 16, 22, 60, 96, 103, 149
OV Attribute Name............................................................................................................ 149 overflow............................................................................................................................... 75
OX ....................................................................................................................................... 25
NA ..................................................................................................................................... 150
New.................................................................................................................................... 169
NEXT .................................................................................................................................. 14
Next Group ........................................................................................................................ 183
Next Index ......................................................................................................................... 183
Normal Value....................................................................................................................... 39
Not sampled ......................................................................................................................... 97
Number of Attributes ......................................................................................................... 150
NV ....................................................................................................................................... 39
PA ........................................................................................................................................ 52
Page Length ....................................................................................................................... 165
Parallel Execution .............................................................................................. 104, 115, 125
Parallel Queue............................................................................................................ 104, 125
Parallel Queue.................................................................................................................... 115
PB ........................................................................................................................................ 68
PC ............................................................................................................................ 22, 24, 61
PD ........................................................................................................................................ 41
PE ........................................................................................................ 95, 104, 110, 115, 125
PF......................................................................................................................................... 53
PH ........................................................................................................................................ 54 physical format..................................................................................................................... 53
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
QL ....................................................................................................................................... 77
PI ........................................................................................................................................ 41 picture.................................................................................................................................. 41 picture at first update ........................................................................................................... 54 picture devices..................................................................................................................... 41
PQ...................................................................................................................... 104, 115, 125 predefined event channel ................................................................................................... 134
PREV................................................................................................................................... 14
Previous Group.................................................................................................................. 183
Previous Index................................................................................................................... 183 printer .................................................................................................................................. 52 printout ................................................................................................................................ 51 printout activation................................................................................................................ 52
Printout Blocking ................................................................................................................ 68
Printout on History .............................................................................................................. 54 priority....................................................................................................................... 119, 120 process database ............................................................................................ 6, 16, 18, 21, 65
Process database limits ........................................................................................................ 21 process object ................................................................................................................ 2, 140 process object group............................................................................................................ 21
Process object groups ........................................................................................................ 176 process object notation ........................................................................................................ 22
Process Object Type.................................................................................................... 24, 149 process objects......................................................................................................... 15, 16, 23
Process Objets ................................................................................................................... 157 process query....................................................................................................................... 13
PROD_QUERY............................................................................................................. 13, 48
PS .............................................................................................................................. 101, 201
PT ................................................................................................................................ 24, 149
PT attribute........................................................................................................................ 170
PU........................................................................................................................................ 54
Pulse Counter .......................................................................................................... 16, 24, 61
PULSE DERIVATIVE...................................................................................................... 101
PULSE DIFFERENCE...................................................................................................... 101
Pulse Scale......................................................................................................................... 101
RA ....................................................................................................................................... 74
RAM.............................................................................................................................. 21, 65
RB ............................................................................................................................... 74, 126
RC ....................................................................................................................................... 42
RE...................................................................................................................................... 126 reading an attribute .............................................................................................................. 10 receipt .................................................................................................................................. 42
Recent Objects list............................................................................................. 163, 173, 176
Registered Begin Time ...................................................................................................... 126
Registered End Time ......................................................................................................... 126
Registered Synchronisation ............................................................................................... 127
Registration Milliseconds .................................................................................................... 63
Registration Time ........................................................................................ 63, 103, 114, 127
Renaming........................................................................................................................... 172 report cache ....................................................................................................................... 132 report database....................................................................................................... 6, 129, 132 report object .......................................................................................................................... 6
Reserved A .......................................................................................................................... 74
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Reserved B........................................................................................................................... 74
Reserved Integer .................................................................................................................. 56
Reserved Text ...................................................................................................................... 56
RI ......................................................................................................................................... 56
RM ................................................................................................................................. 16, 63
RS ...................................................................................................................................... 127
RT .................................................................................................. 63, 96, 103, 110, 114, 127
RTU ............................................................................................................................... 16, 26
RX........................................................................................................................................ 56
SA .................................................................................................................................. 90, 91
SB ........................................................................................................................................ 74
SC .................................................................................................................................. 32, 91
SCADA.................................................................................................................................. 1
SCADA zone supervision .................................................................................................... 35 scale ....................................................................................................................................... 2 scale name............................................................................................................................ 32 scales.................................................................................................................................. 195
SCALES .............................................................................................................................. 89 scaling .................................................................................................................................. 32 scaling algorithm.................................................................................................................. 89
Scaling Algorithm................................................................................................................ 90
Scaling Constants................................................................................................................. 91
SCIL................................................................................................................... 6, 7, 8, 11, 12
SCIL commands................................................................................................................... 12
SCIL expression................................................................................................................... 93
SCIL program .................................................................................................................... 109
SE ........................................................................................................................ 75, 105, 115
SEARCH.............................................................................................................................. 14 searching through objects .................................................................................................... 14
Secondary object............................................................................................................... . 170
Secondary object Names.................................................................................................... 133
Secondary object Types ..................................................................................................... 133 selection ............................................................................................................................... 75
SET .................................................................................................................... 10, 11, 12, 96
SN .......................................................................................................................... 32, 89, 133 snapshot variable................................................................................................................ 130 sort type ............................................................................................................................... 32
Source ................................................................................................................................ 102
SP......................................................................................................................................... 76
SR ...................................................................................................................................... 102
SS................................................................................................................................... 16, 29
ST .......................................................................................................................... 32, 81, 133
Start-up Execution ..................................................................................................... 105, 115 station................................................................................................................................... 15
Status ................................................................................................................................... 81
Status bar ........................................................................................................................... 159 stepwise linear scaling ................................................................................................... 90, 91 stop execution ...................................................................................................................... 76
Storage ................................................................................................................................. 21
Storing ............................................................................................................................... 179
SU ................................................................................................................................ 30, 123
SuBstituted........................................................................................................................... 74
SUM................................................................................................................................... 100
Switch State ......................................................................................................................... 29
SX .............................................................................................................................. 125, 126
ABB Automation
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Technical Reference Manual
SY.............................................................................................................................. 123, 124 synchronisation.................................................................................. 119, 123, 124, 127, 214
Synchronisation Time........................................................................................................ 124
Synchronisation Unit ......................................................................................................... 123
Synchronized Execution .................................................................................................... 125
SYS_EVENT .................................................................................................................... 135
SZ ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Table Index.......................................................................................................................... 28
Table Page Length............................................................................................................. 165 task ...................................................................................................................................... 95
TC...................................................................................................................... 105, 116, 204
TH ....................................................................................................................................... 46
Threshold............................................................................................................................. 46
TI ........................................................................................................................................ 28 time activation ................................................................................................................... 105 time channel....................................................................................... 3, 94, 95, 119, 120, 213
Time Channel ............................................................................................................ 105, 116
TIME DERIVATIVE ........................................................................................................ 101 time stamp ..................................................................................................................... 16, 63
Time Stamp ............................................................................................................... 102, 114 trend data ............................................................................................................................. 93
TS .............................................................................................................................. 102, 114
TY ....................................................................................................................................... 78 type ........................................................................................................................................ 9
TYpe identification.............................................................................................................. 78
UB ....................................................................................................................................... 68
UN ............................................................................................................................... 28, 168
UNDEF_PROC ................................................................................................................. 135
Unit Number........................................................................................................................ 28
Update Blocking.................................................................................................................. 68 updating process database ................................................................................................... 13 user-defined attribute................................................................................................. 147, 150
User-defined attribute ................................................................................................ 165, 169
Using Object Definition Tools .......................................................................................... 178
validation stamp................................................................................................................... 16
Value field ......................................................................................................................... 166
Value Lenght ....................................................................................................................... 99
Value Type .......................................................................................................................... 99 variable .............................................................................................................. 130, 135, 143
Variable ............................................................................................................................... 95 variable object ............................................................................................................... 3, 143 variables ............................................................................................................................ 110
View options...................................................................................................................... 157
VL ....................................................................................................................................... 99
VT ....................................................................................................................................... 99
WARM state...................................................................................................................... 161 workstation ............................................................................................................................ 1 writing an attribute............................................................................................................... 10
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
XB........................................................................................................................................ 68
XM....................................................................................................................................... 70
XT........................................................................................................................................ 71
XV ....................................................................................................................................... 71
YM....................................................................................................................................... 66
YT........................................................................................................................................ 67
ZD.................................................................................................................................. 35, 36
ZE ........................................................................................................................................ 35
Zero Deadband..................................................................................................................... 35
Zero deadband supervision Enabled .................................................................................... 35
ZT ...................................................................................... 25, 87, 92, 99, 113, 122, 134, 150
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Customer Feedback
About This Chapter
This chapter contains information on how to send customer feedback and how to get technical support from the SA Help Desk.
Customer Feedback Database
Customer Feedback is a Lotus Notes database, using which ABB companies can report errors, make improvement proposals and queries related to products manufactured by ABB Substation Automation Oy. Customer Feedback database is connected to the change management system of ABB Substation Automation Oy, which handles all error corrections and improvements made to the products.
Please note that the Customer Feedback database is primarily intended for writing reports about released products. If you are using for example a beta release in a pilot project, this should be clearly stated.
Writing A Customer Feedback Report
When writing a Customer Feedback report, the following general instructions should be taken in consideration:
Write the report in English.
Write only one error report, query or improvement proposal in a Customer Feedback report.
If you are reporting an error, try to isolate the error as well as possible. Describe the sequence of events and actions that lead to the error. If any error messages or other debug information is provided by the system, please write it down. Include also information of the system, e.g. a system diagram, revision information and configuration data.
If you are making an improvement proposal, try to describe how the improved function should work and avoid providing solutions. Information about the importance of the improvement, e.g. number of projects that require the improvement, helps us to make the decision whether and when the improvement should be implemented.
To make a Customer Feedback report, select Feedback Report from the Create menu.
This opens an empty Customer Feedback document. Fill out the fields listed below. A question mark next to a field provides help for filling out the field.
Subject. This should contain a short description of the issue. A more detailed description can be given in the Description of Feedback field below.
Type of Feedback: Comment/Improvement, Query or Complaint/Error.
Customer Information.
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
Reporting Information. This should contain detailed information of the product the report is about.
The person who you want to send the feedback to and whether you want to get a reply from that person.
Information related to internal handling of the report (not obligatory).
You can issue the report by clicking the Issue Feedback button. This will send the report to the selected person and change its status to “in progress”.
When ABB Substation Automation Oy receives a Customer Feedback report, it is analysed by a sales person or a representative of the technical support. The analyser may ask for additional information in order to completed the analysis. After the report has been analysed, one of the following actions is taken:
In case of a clear error, the report is moved to the change management system of
ABB Substation Automation Oy. In this system, the error is analysed in detail and corrected in a future patch release or major release depending on the severity and impact of the error.
In case of an improvement proposal, the report is also moved to the change management system, where it is taken as a requirement to future releases.
In case of a query, an answer is provided.
When Customer Feedback reports are handled in the change management system, the outcome can be one of the following:
No Actions It is decided that the report requires no further action. If, for example, the problem is caused by a configuration error, it belongs to this category.
Will be implemented in patch/current release
Moved to future release
This result means that the correction or new feature will be available in the next official program release.
This result means that the new feature will be available in some new program release in the near future.
SA Help Desk
ABB Substation Automation Oy provides a technical support service called SA Help
Desk to support local engineering centres in their system projects. The purpose of SA
Help Desk is to provide support for urgent issues such as:
Year 2000 issues.
High-priority issues concerning systems at customers’ sites.
ABB Automation
Application Objects
Technical Reference Manual
For other kind of technical support, please use the Customer Feedback database. SA
Help Desk is available every day from 06:00 to 21:00 Central European Time.
SA Help Desk can be contacted by telephone. The number is:
+358 50 334 1900
ABB Automation
Key Features
- Microcomputer-based
- Programmable
- Distributed
- Remote and local supervision
- Control of electricity and distribution
- Medium voltage level
Related manuals
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is MicroSCADA?
What is MicroSCADA mainly used for?
What does MicroSCADA contain?
Table of contents
- 9 Introduction
- 15 Object Handling
- 15 Defining Application Objects
- 16 Using Application Objects in SCIL
- 20 Some SCIL Commands
- 23 Process Objects
- 23 General
- 31 Configurable Process Object Attributes
- 31 Basic Definition Attributes
- 33 Identification Attributes
- 34 Addresses
- 37 Operational State
- 39 Unit and Scale
- 41 Limit Value Supervision
- 44 Alarm Handling
- 50 Event Handling
- 55 Saving the Event History
- 59 Printout Handling
- 62 Miscellaneous Attributes
- 64 Dynamic Process Object Attributes
- 65 Object Value
- 69 Time and Validation Stamps
- 71 Alarm and Warning States
- 74 Blocking Attributes
- 76 Operation Counters Attributes
- 77 Minimum and Maximum Values
- 79 Stamps Set by the Communication System
- 82 S.P.I.D.E.R. RTU Specific Attributes
- 83 IEC Specific Attributes
- 85 File Transfer Attributes
- 89 Event History Attributes
- 92 Defining Process Objects
- 93 Process Object Group Attributes
- 95 Scales
- 95 General
- 96 Scale Attributes
- 98 Defining SCALE Objects Using SCIL
- 99 Data Objects
- 99 General
- 103 Data Object Attributes
- 103 Basic Definition
- 106 Execution Definitions
- 108 Registered Data
- 110 Execution Control
- 111 Storage
- 113 Defining Data Objects Using SCIL
- 115 Command Procedures
- 115 General
- 117 Command Procedure Attributes
- 117 Basic Attributes
- 119 Program
- 119 Time and Validation Stamps
- 120 Execution Control
- 122 Storage Attributes
- 123 Defining Command Procedures with SCIL
- 125 Time Channels
- 125 General
- 127 Time Channel Attributes
- 128 Basic Attributes
- 128 Operational Status
- 129 Initialisation and Execution
- 131 Parallel Execution
- 132 Time Tagging
- 133 Comment
- 134 Defining Time Channels with SCIL
- 135 Event Channels
- 135 General
- 138 Event Channel Attributes
- 140 Predefined Event Channels
- 144 Defining Event Channels with SCIL
- 145 Event Objects
- 149 10 Variable Objects
- 151 11 Free Type Objects (F)
- 151 11.1 General
- 153 11.2 Type Defining Attributes
- 154 11.3 Attributes for Defining Attributes
- 159 11.4 Defining Free Type Objects
- 161 12 Using Object Definition Tools
- 161 12.1 Object Navigator
- 173 12.2 Creating and Editing Objects
- 182 12.3 General Principles for Using Object Definition Tools
- 185 13 Process Object Definition Tool
- 185 13.1 Overview
- 186 13.2 Common Area
- 187 13.3 Configurable Attributes
- 194 13.4 Dynamic Attributes
- 198 13.5 All Attributes
- 199 14 Scale Object Definition Tool
- 203 15 Data Object Definition Tool
- 211 16 Command Procedure Definition Tool
- 217 17 Time Channel Definition Tool
- 225 18 Event Channel Definition Tool
- 229 19 Free Type Object Definition Tools
- 229 19.1 Free Type Process Object Tool
- 231 19.2 Free Type Object Tool