EUROSTAR EV-97 Microlght Aeroplane Pilot’s Operating Manual

Below you will find brief information for Microlght Aeroplane EV-97. This manual provides information for the safe and efficient operation of the EV-97 teamEUROSTAR UK microlight aeroplane. It contains supplemental data which may be found useful and it also contains checklists and detailed procedures for coping with various emergencies that may occur. The EV-97 teamEUROSTAR UK has been approved by UK Civil Aviation Authority against the requirements of BCAR section S.

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EV-97 Pilot’s Operating Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Daytime VFR flights only
  • Single engine, all metal, low-wing monoplane
  • Tricycle landing gear
  • ROTAX 912 UL engine
  • 2 side-by-side seats

Frequently asked questions

The maximum take-off weight is 450 kg (992 lbs).

The never exceed speed is 146 mph (235 km/h) or 143 mph (230 km/h) CAS.

Regular or premium unleaded automobile fuel to EN 228, minimum RON 90, or AVGAS 100LL. The higher lead content in AVGAS can result in wear of valve seats and increased combustion chamber deposits. Use AVGAS only if other fuels are not available.

The maximum permitted empty weight is 268 kg (591 lbs).

The maximum baggage weight allowed is 15 kg (33 lbs).
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