Sierra Monitor Corporation Sentry 5000, 5100-02, 5100-03, 5100-04, 5100-05, 5100-06, 5100-07, 5100-12, 5100-13, 5100-10, 5100-16, 5100-19, 5100-21, 5100-22, 5100-27, 5100-25 User manual

Below you will find brief information for Sentry 5000, 5100-02, 5100-03, 5100-04, 5100-05, 5100-25. This manual covers the service and maintenance of various gas sensor modules for the Sentry 5000 gas monitoring system. It details troubleshooting, adjustment procedures, and sensor replacement instructions for combustible gas, oxygen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, toxic gas, and ammonia modules. Learn how to calibrate sensors, address error messages, and ensure accurate readings.

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Sentry 5000 Gas Sensor Modules User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Multiple gas sensor modules
  • Detailed troubleshooting guides
  • Step-by-step calibration procedures
  • Sensor replacement instructions
  • Error message explanations
  • Adjustment procedures for various sensors

Frequently asked questions

Error messages vary by sensor type; common ones include CHK BRIDGE VOLT, SENSOR FAILURE, LOW SENSITIVITY, CHANGE SENSOR, REPLACE SENSOR.

Replacement frequency varies by sensor type, generally ranging from 12-18 months for oxygen sensors to 24-30 months for others.

Calibration involves adjusting bridge voltage, zero adjustment, and span adjustment using a gas calibrator and specific formulas.

Power must be removed. Remove the transmitter, sensor, and housing components. Carefully replace old sensor, reassemble, and recalibrate.

Adjust the span potentiometer, remove power, and access and adjust the gain potentiometer on the sensor electronics, and then recalibrate.
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