Pentair HWAT L, M, R, FS A-2X, FS B-2X, FS C-2X, FS C10-2X, AT-TS-13, AT-TS-14, RAYSTAT ECO-10, RAYSTAT CONTROL-10, CONTROL-11-DIN Technical Handbook
Below you will find brief information for Hot Water Temperature Maintenance HWAT L, Hot Water Temperature Maintenance HWAT M, Hot Water Temperature Maintenance HWAT R, Frost Protection FS A-2X, Frost Protection FS B-2X, Frost Protection FS C-2X, Frost Protection FS C10-2X, Thermostat AT-TS-13, Frost Protection Controller RAYSTAT ECO-10, Line-sensing Thermostat RAYSTAT CONTROL-10. This document contains product information and installation instructions for Pentair's line of self-regulating heating cables. These cables are designed to provide frost protection for pipes, maintain hot water temperature, and provide heat for other applications. The document includes details on selecting the right cable for your specific application, as well as detailed installation instructions.
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TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 2013 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS WWW.THERMAL.PENTAIR.COM BUILDING & INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS We provide quality solutions for winter safety, comfort and performance to building and infrastructure design, construction, operation and maintenance professionals. From pipe freeze protection to maintaining fluid temperatures and melting snow, detecting leaks or heating floors, you can rely on Pentair Thermal Managements’ solutions & services for greater safety, comfort and performance. THE HEART OF OUR SOLUTIONS In 1970, Raychem first developed and launched self-regulating electric heating cables. The cable delivers the right amount of heat exactly when and where it is needed. As the temperature drops, more heat is produced. Conversely, as the temperature rises, less heat is produced. But there are many more benefits: ǩ 7KHVPDUWFDEOHVFDQEHRYHUODSSHGZLWKRXWDQ\ULVNRIRYHUKHDWLQJ ǩ 7KHKHDWLQJFDEOHVFDQEHFXWWROHQJWKǡLQWKHILHOGǢ7KLVPHDQVDGGLWLRQDO flexibility when plans do not correspond to the ”real life” situation on site. ǩ 7KHOHQJWKRISLSHFRUUHVSRQGVWRWKHOHQJWKRIFDEOHWKDW\RXQHHG. A COLD AMBIENT = HIGH POWER OUTPUT If the temperature in the immediate vicinity of the self-regulating heating cable is cold, the heat output from the heating cable is increased. The polymeric core of the cable contracts, which creates many electrical paths across the integrated carbon particles. B WARM AMBIENT = LOW POWER OUTPUT In response to a warmer environment, the heat output of the self-regulating cable is reduced. The polymeric core of the cable expands, reducing the electrical paths. C HOT AMBIENT = VIRTUALLY NO OUTPUT If the temperature in the environment of the self-regulating heating cable reaches a high temperature, the heat output is minimal. Due to the maximum expansion of the polymeric core of the cable, most of the electrical paths are broken. A B TESTED AND QUALIFIED ROBUST CONSTRUCTION ǩ Stringent production monitoring ǩ Approved BS EN 62395 (IEC 60800) ǩ VDE approved ǩ CE marked ǩ Long service life assured through modified polyolefin or fluorpolymer insulation and jacket materials. Member of the European Radiant Floor Heating Association e.v. Our products satisfy the requirements of the relevant European Directives. 2 C THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS LIFE TIME ǩ Intensive tests according to recognized scientific procedures. Results: self-regulating heating cables have a service life in excess of 20 years. IT’S NOT ONLY THE CABLE! The combination of a self-regulating heating cable and a smart control unit allows for dynamic management of the heating cable’s power output dependent on parameters such as ambient temperature and moisture. These will help you and your customers to comply with today’s building regulations on energy savings. A complete Raychem system can result in energy savings of up to 80% ! Our control units (e.g. HWAT-ECO) are designed for easy set-up and operation. They are easy to access for fast wiring. Ergonomic buttons, intuitive menu-driven operation and pre-installed programmes allow for quick set-up. Specific connection systems have been designed and configured to be fully compatible with our heating cables. The RayClic connection system cuts installation time by 80%. Inserting the stripped cable into the module and a few screws is all it takes. Smart Services Raychem offers a set of tools and services that aim to simplify the professional´s life. Not only do we offer the best quality products, we also support them with unrivalled services. AN EFFICIENT CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE ǩ Multi-lingual customer service representatives to answer all your questions ǩ Fast order handling & shipment Europe-wide ǩ Free documentation service LARGE TECHNICAL SUPPORT TEAM ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ “On demand” technical advice Free designs and quotations Direct support to specifiers and installers Training support upon request Complete after-sales service Also for non-standard applications our team can assist you in finding the right heating solution. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Free phone 0800 96 90 13 or Free fax 0800 96 86 24. Pentair Thermal Management is also a proud industry supporter offering approved CPD courses via the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers. Courses include technical and application information for electrical underfloor heating and hot water temperature maintenance systems. For further information, please consult the CIBSE Course Directory 2010 or contact Pentair Thermal Management. WWW.THERMAL.PENTAIR.COM Our website provides you with all information – from product selection to downloadable installation manuals. TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 3 OVERVIEW OF APPLICATIONS 3 1 5 4 4 2 4 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS CONTENTS 1 Hot water temperature 2 Frost protection for pipes maintenance 16 3 Frost protection for gutters and downpipes 37 4 Snowmelting of ramps, steps, footpaths and accessways 47 Electrical underfloor heating 50 5 6 General installation instructions for self-regulating heat-tracing systems 14 / 34 / 58 Technical data – Choice of accessories 61 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 5 HOT WATER TEMPERATURE MAINTENANCE Providing the comfort of instant hot water is the key requirement of any modern hot water system. The Raychem single-pipe system keeps water at the right temperature in a building’s water distribution pipe work. The intelligent system first keeps the investment cost low and then it operates economically and efficiently. AN HYGIENIC SYSTEM 1 Less water volume and less heat loss in the pipe work help prevent bacteriological problems. A FLEXIBLE AND SPACE-SAVING SYSTEM The space requirement for pipes has been reduced because there are no return pipes. Risers, shafts and openings can be optimised freeing space for other services. 2 3 LOW INVESTMENT COSTS The heating cable is simply fixed on the supply pipe. There is no need for return pipe work, valves or pumps, nor for complex design and balancing work associated with return systems. LOWER POWER CONSUMPTION The heat loss in the system is significantly lower as only the heat loss from the feed pipe (and not from the return pipe) is to be compensated for. There is also no power requirement for circulation pumps. The single-pipe system can be used with a smaller boiler and as there is no cold return water coming into the boiler, the heat-up of the water is more efficient. The intelligent HWAT-ECO control unit saves power e.g. it can lower the temperature or switch off during water consumption peaks. 3 4 5 6 7 NO MAINTENANCE COSTS The system has no mechanical parts such as a recirculation pump or control valves. There are no parts to wear out. 6 1 Gel-filled end seal (RayClic-E-02) 2 Heating cable (HWAT-L, M or R) 3 4 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS 5 Sensor HWAT-ECO (incl.) A three-wire PT-100 temperature sensor (HARD-78) can be installed optionally in an immersion pipe installed on site. 4-way connection (RayClic-X-02) 6 Residual current device (rcd) (30 mA) Circuit-breaker (C type) Power connection (RayClic-CE-02) 7 Temperature control unit (HWAT-ECO) DESIGN GUIDE, CONTROL UNITS AND ACCESSORIES 1 HEATING CABLE SELECTION Optimum water temperature maintenance for single family houses, flats, offices, hotels, hospitals, convalescent homes, sports centres, ... Heating cable type HWAT-L HWAT-M HWAT-R Power output 7W/m at 45°C 9 W/m at 55°C 12 W/m at 70°C Max. exposure temperature 65°C 65°C 80°C Outer jacket colour Control unit HWAT-ECO yellow – orange recommended for enhanced energy efficiency red essential Legionella preventio Possibility of thermal legionella prevention up to the draw-off points 2 COMPOSITION OF THE HWAT-L/M/R HEATING CABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Copper conductor (1.2 mm2) 2 Self-regulating heating element 3 Modified polyolefin insulation 4 Aluminium foil wrap 5 Protective tinned copper braid 6 Modified polyolefin protective outer jacket. Technical data: see page 61 3 HEATING CABLE LENGTH The heating cable is installed in a straight line on the pipework The heating cable can be traced right up to the draw-off points Total length of pipe to be traced + approx. 0.3 m per connection + approx. 1.0 m per T-connection + approx. 1.2 m per 4-way connection = required heating cable length 4 INSULATION THICKNESSES Pipe size (mm) 15 22 28 35 42 54 Insulation thickness (mm) 20 20 25 30 40 50 Ambient temperature: 18°C Thermal conductivity λ = 0.035 W/(m.K) For other thermal conductivity insulation materials, contact your Pentair Thermal Management representative. Thermal losses in W/m, pipe 55°C in 18°C ambient temp. Insulation DN 15 DN 20 DN 32 DN 40 DN 50 15 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm 50 mm 60 mm 10 9 7 6 6 5 12 10 8 7 7 6 16 14 11 9 8 8 18 15 12 10 9 8 21 18 14 12 10 9 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 7 HOT WATER TEMPERATURE MAINTENANCE Thermal losses in W/m, pipe 55°C in 5°C ambient temp. Insulation DN 32 DN 40 DN 50 15 mm DN 15 13 DN 20 16 21 24 28 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm 50 mm 60 mm 12 10 8 8 7 13 11 10 9 8 18 14 12 11 10 20 16 13 12 11 23 18 15 13 12 Calculations with TraceCalc PRO ǩ 0DLQWDLQWHPSHUDWXUHr& ǩ %XLOGLQJLQWHULRU ǩ 6DIHW\IDFWRU ǩ 0LQHUDOZRROWKHUPDOFRQGXFWLYLW\DWr&:PN 5 ELECTRICAL PROTECTION ǩ 7KHWRWDOOHQJWKRIKHDWLQJFDEOHGHWHUPLQHVWKHQXPEHUDQGVL]HRIWKH circuit breakers ǩ 5HVLGXDOFXUUHQWGHYLFHUFGP$UHTXLUHG ǩ 3RZHUFDEOLQJIRUWKHKHDWLQJFDEOHVDFFRUGLQJWRORFDOUHJXODWLRQVZ ǩ 7KHSRZHUFRQQHFWLRQPXVWEHFDUULHGRXWE\DQDSSURYHGHOHFWULFDO installer Circuit-breaker to BSEN 60898 (type C) : the maximum length of the heating circuit is based on a minimum start-up temperature of +12°C, 230 VAC. HWAT-L HWAT-M HWAT-R 10 A 80 m 50 m 50 m 13 A 16 A 110 m 140 m 65 m 80 m 65 m 80 m 20 A 180 m 100 m 100 m 6 CHECKLIST FOR PLANNING THE INSTALLATION The system design should take into account: ǩ 3LSHGLDPHWHUDQGPDWHULDO ǩ ,QVXODWLRQW\SHDQGWKLFNQHVV ǩ $PELHQWWHPSHUDWXUH ǩ &LUFXLWVVKRXOGGLYLGHWKHSOXPELQJLQWRORJLFDOVHJPHQWV ǩ 'RQǢWH[FHHGWKHPD[LPXPFLUFXLWOHQJWK ǩ 6KRZFRQQHFWLRQORFDWLRQVRQWKHGUDZLQJV ǩ /RFDWHSRZHUFRQQHFWLRQVQHDUWKHHOHFWULFDOSDQHO ǩ /RFDWH7FRQQHFWLRQVLQDFFHVVLEOHDUHDV 7 TESTING OF THE INSTALLATION See page 58 8 CONTROL PANELS Control Panel: Steel plate housing, wall-mounted version, equipped with mains power switch, RCD/CB combination, inlet and outlet terminals. Completely assembled, turnkey condition wired and inspected cable guides in base of housing. The control panel contains a HWAT-ECO temperature control. SBS-01-HM-ECO-10 Control panel for heating circuit, basic version. ǩ 3&1 8 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS SBS-03-HV-ECO-10 Control panel for 2 to 3 heating circuits. ǩ 3&1 SBS-06-HV-ECO-10 Control panel for 4 to 6 heating circuits. ǩ 3&1 SBS-09-HV-ECO-10 Control panel for 7 to 9 heating circuits. ǩ 3&1 9 CONTROL UNITS HWAT-ECO Electronic temperature control unit with integrated clock ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ %XLOGLQJVSHFLILFSURJUDPPH %RLOHUWHPSHUDWXUHPRQLWRULQJ (FRQRP\SURJUDPPHV 3DVVZRUGSURWHFWLRQ 6LPSOHXVHULQWHUIDFH &RPSDWLEOHZLWK+:$7/05KHDWLQJFDEOHV %06LQWHUIDFH $ODUPRXWSXWV Technical data: see page 12 HARD-78 PT-100 temperature sensor (HARD-78) for assembly in sensor pipe installed on site. ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ 'LDPHWHURIVHQVRUFDEOHPP 'LDPHWHURIVHQVRUHOHPHQWPP /HQJWKRIVHQVRUHOHPHQWPP 6HQVRUOHQJWKWRWDOP 10 ACCESSORIES RayClic-CE-02 Power connection ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ RayClic-T-02 T-connection ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ RayClic-PT-02 :LWKPSRZHUFDEOH (QGVHDODQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ / PP W = 64 mm H = 47 mm &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHV (QGVHDODQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ / PP W = 105 mm H = 42 mm Power T-connection ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ FRQQHFWLRQVZLWKLQWHJUDOPSRZHUFDEOH HQGVHDOVDQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 105 mm H = 42mm TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 9 HOT WATER TEMPERATURE MAINTENANCE RayClic-S-02 Splice for joining 2 lengths of heating cable ǩ &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHVZLWKVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ǩ ,3 ǩ ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 64 mm H = 47 mm RayClic-PS-02 Powered splice ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ RayClic-X-02 4-way connection ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ RayClic-E-02 &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHVZLWKLQWHJUDOPSRZHUFDEOH HQGVHDOVDQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ / PP W = 105 mm H = 42 m &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHV HQGVHDOVDQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ / PP W = 105 mm H = 42 mm Gel-filled end seal ǩ )RUV\VWHPH[WHQVLRQVWREHRUGHUHGVHSDUDWHO\ ǩ ,3 KBL-10 Cable ties ǩ 2QHSDFNRIUHTXLUHGIRUDSSUR[PRISLSHZRUN ǩ /HQJWKPP ǩ 7HPSHUDWXUHDQG89UHVLVWDQW Use ATE-180 on plastic pipes GT-66 Heat-resistant glass cloth tape ǩ )RUVWHHOSLSHVRUIRUDQ\LQVWDOODWLRQEHORZr& ǩ PUROOIRUDSSUR[PRISLSHZRUN Use ATE-180 on plastic pipes GS-54 Glass cloth tape for attaching heating cable to pipe ǩ )RUVWDLQOHVVVWHHOSLSHVRUIRUDQ\LQVWDOODWLRQEHORZr& ǩ PSHUUROOPPZLGWK 10 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS ATE-180 Aluminium adhesive tape ǩ +HDWUHVLVWDQWXSWRr& ǩ PUROOIRUDSSUR[PRISLSHZRUN On plastic pipes: the heating cable must be covered with aluminium adhesive tape along its entire length IEK-20-M (for HWAT-L, -M) / IEK-25-04 (for HWAT-R) Insulation entry kit LAB-I-01 Electric traced label ǩ ,QVHUWLRQRIKHDWLQJFDEOHLQPHWDOFODGGLQJ ǩ &RQVLVWVRIPHWDOIDVWHQHUVPHWULFJODQGDQGMRLQWVHDO ǩ 7REHSODFHGDWPLQWHUYDOVRQLQVXODWLRQVXUIDFH ELECTRIC TRACED R 11 GENERAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION Cabinet type unit SBS-01-HMECO-10 Number of heating circuits Enclosure version Dimensions Weight (ready to dispatch) See page 61 SBS-03-HVECO-10 SBS-06-HVECO-10 SBS-09-HVECO-10 1 3 6 9 Wall version Wall version Wall version Wall version Width mm 380 380 600 600 Height mm 600 600 600 600 Depth mm 210 210 210 210 approx. kg 21 22 32 33 kW 4,5 14 28 42 A 1 x 25A NH-00 3 x 32A NH-00 3 x 40A NH-00 3 x 63A NH-00 Mains isolator switch, 3-pin, 25 A Unit 1 1 Mains isolator switch, 3-pin, 32 A Unit 1 Mains isolator switch, 3-pin, 63 A Unit Connected rating Customer fuse protection max. Enclosure Features 1 1 Line protection switch, S 2A Unit 1 1 1 1 Transformer 230/24 VAC Unit 1 1 1 1 Combination of RCD / Circuit breaker, C 20A, 30 mA, 4-pin with auxiliary switch Unit 1* 1 2 3 Power contactor 3 x 35° Unit 1 2 3 Auxiliary contactor Unit 1 2 2 2 `Operating‘ indicator Unit 1 1 2 3 `Fault‘ indicator Unit 1 1 1 1 HWAT-ECO Control Unit 1 1 1 1 Programmable logic module Unit – – 1 1 * 2-pin TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 11 HWAT-ECO TEMPERATURE CONTROL UNIT MODULE LAYOUT A Power supply on (green LED) A B C D E B Power to heater on (green LED) C Legionella prevention (green LED) - heating cable 100% powered increased risk of scalding D Maintain temperature lowered following boiler temperature decrease (green LED) - boiler temperature is lower than expected. E Error (red LED) Change menu selection or position cursor Escape, backspace or NO Confirm selection, new value or YES TECHNICAL DATA 165 85 70 85 Product description HWAT-ECO Use Only for HWAT-L/M/R heating cables Selectable maintain temperature 37°C to 65°C in max. 48 timer blocs per day Operating voltage 230 VAC (+10%, –10%), 50 Hz Switching capacity 20 A / AC 230V Internal power consumption 2,5 VA Circuit breaker Max. 20 A, C-Characteristic Power cable section entry 1.5 - 4 mm2 for fixed wiring only Auxiliary cable section entry Up to 16 AWG (1.3 mm2) Weight 880 g Mounting options Wall mount with 2 screws or DIN rail Cable glands (entries) 2 x M20 and 1 x PG13.5 with 3 inputs for external wires of 3-5 mm Protection level IP 54 Ambient temperature 0°C to 40°C Housing material ABS Internal temperature alarm 85°C Master/slave cable 2-wire twisted pair shielded, max. 1.3 mm2 core and insulation of 500 V Master/Slave Master is selectable in the unit, up to 8 slaves can be connected BMS interface 0 - 10 VDC Alarm relay contacts Max. 24VDC or 24 VAC, 1 A, SPDT voltage free Boiler temperature sensor PTC KTY 81-210 or PT 100 2-wire Power correction factor 60% to 140% (fine tuning of maintained temperature) Clock back-up time Min. 1 year with lithium battery CR2025 (3V) Clock accuracy ±10 minutes per year Real time clock Automatic summer/winter time and leap year correction Parameters stored in non-volatile All parameters, except date and time memory Approval VDE according to EN 60730 EMC According to EN 50081-1/2 for emission and EN 50082-1/2 for immunity (Dimensions in mm) 12 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Raychem requires the use of a 30 mA residual current device and a C-Characteristic circuit breaker to provide maximum safety and protection from fire. The unit complies with IEC1000-3-3 (flicker) if installed according to part 3 of VDE 0838. To avoid flicker install the unit in such a way that at the current value of the systems start-up temperature (max. 20 A per heating circuit) the voltage drop does not exceed 1% at the power supply of the lighting apparatus (normally subpanel). PROGRAMME The HWAT-ECO has 7 different building specific time/temperature programmes. These programmes are based on our long experience for optimum comfort and energy saving. For user specific changes in the programming, the Edit timer programme can be used. Programme name Building type Programme 0 Constant temperature (±55°C) Programme 1 Apartment block Programme 2 Prison / Barracks Programme 3 Hospital Programme 4 Hotel Programme 5 Sports centre / Swimming pool Programme 6 Office In addition, user specific programmes can be created Temperature can be varied in 1/2 h blocks to any desired temperature between: OFF, economy t°, maintain t° and legionella prevention (100% powered, increased risk of scalding) WIRING DIAGRAM FOR HWAT-L / HWAT-M / HWAT-R WITH HWAT-ECO TEMPERATURE CONTROL UNIT L1 L2 L3 N * ** *** Optional L BMS B N HWAT-ECO + L’ N’ cable type RS-485, 2-pole contact **** A TEMP PE L B N HWAT-ECO BMS + L’ N’ L A TEMP BMS PE + B N HWAT-ECO L’ N’ A TEMP PE PE Alarm Self-regulating heating cable Alarm Alarm Temperature sensor Self-regulating heating cable Self-regulating heating cable * Two- or four-pole electrical protection by circuit breaker may be needed for local circumstances, standards and regulations ** Depending on the application, one- or three-pole circuit-breakers or contactors may be used *** Optional: Potential-free circuit-breaker for connection to the BMS **** The earth wire of shielded RS-485 cable needs to be connected to the BMS (-) terminal of each HWAT-ECO in the Master / Slave network. TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 13 HOT WATER TEMPERATURE MAINTENANCE 12 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HWAT-L/M/R CABLES ǩ 7KHKHDWLQJFDEOHVKRXOGEHLQVWDOOHGLQDVWUDLJKWOLQH on the pipework. ǩ ,QVWDOORQGU\VXUIDFHV ǩ 0LQLPXPLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHǞr& max. 300 mm ca. 45° Horizontal pipe ca. 45° horizontal pipes Cable tie KBL-10 Vertical pipe For plastic pipes use aluminium adhesive tape ATE-180. Place it over the entire length of the pipe Cut the heating cable at right angles Smallest bending radius: 10 mm GT-66 / GS-54 adhesive tape It is not necessary to spiral the cable around the pipe 90° Install the heating cables on the outside of the pipe bend Installation of self-regulating heating cables ǩ 6WRUHLQDGU\DQGFOHDQSODFH ǩ 7HPSHUDWXUHUDQJHǞr&WRr& ǩ 3URWHFWDQ\FDEOHHQGVZLWKDQHQGVHDO Avoid: ǩ VKDUSHGJHV ǩ KLJKWUDFWLYHIRUFH ǩ NLQNLQJDQGFUXVKLQJ ǩ ZDONLQJRUGULYLQJRYHUWKHFDEOH ǩ PRLVWXUHDWFDEOHLQWHUIDFHV 14 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Wall/Floor transit The thickness of thermal insulation must be continuous otherwise compensate by adding heating cable. Standard Installation of PT100 Sensor with in-pipe sensor probe. MASTER HWAT L N 230V RayClic PT100 sensor probe installed within the hot water supply pipe work. ǩ 5XQWKHFDEOHRYHUSLSHVXVSHQVLRQV ǩ 'RQRWFODPSWKHFDEOH ≤ 3 m HWAT-L ≤3m ≤ 3 m HWAT-M and HWAT-R ≤3m insulation > 3m + Rayclic >3m RayClic RayClic-T-connection Electric traced label IEK-20-M / IEK-25-04 for insertion of heating cable in metal cladding TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 15 FROST PROTECTION FOR PIPES Frozen pipes can be a costly problem. When pipes are exposed to sub-zero temperatures they can burst, leading to considerable damage and disruption. The Raychem frost protection system for pipes provides an efficient solution. The self-regulating heating cable, combined with an adequate insulation, prevents water pipes, fire mains, sprinkler systems and fuel oil lines from freezing. EASY TO INSTALL The heating cable is simply fixed onto the pipe – under the thermal insulation. Connections are quickly made with the fast RayClic connectors. 2 DURABLE AND RELIABLE 1 The cable’s large copper conductors make it a reliable solution and its specially formulated outer jacket protects it from severe environmental conditions. 3 5 LOW POWER CONSUMPTION 4 The smart RAYSTAT -ECO control unit calculates a duty-cycle proportional to the expected minimum temperature. Where a simple ambient thermostat would energize the heating cable for 100%, the “smart” controller would energize for a fraction of the time, resulting in significant extra savings. 6 7 8 Optional: SBS-xx-SV control panel contains: RCD (30 mA), Circuit breaker (CB) (C characteristics) space available in switch cabinet for installation of a thermostat. 16 1 Thermostat with line or ambient temperature sensor 5 Power connection (RayClic-CE-02) (Not for FS-C-2X / FS-C10-2X) 2 Residual current device (30 mA) Circuit-breaker (C type) 6 Electrical traced label (LAB-I-01) 3 Junction box (JB16-02) 7 Frost protection heating cable (FS-A-2X, FS-B-2X, FS-C-2X or FS-C10-2X) 4 T-Connection (RayClic-T-02) (Not for FS-C-2X / FS-C10-2X) 8 End seal (RayClic-E-02) (Not for FS-C-2X / FS-C10-2X) THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS DESIGN GUIDE, CONTROL UNITS AND ACCESSORIES 1 HEATING CABLE SELECTION Application Frost protection for pipework at max. 65°C operating temperature FS-A-2X 10 W/m at 5°C FS-B-2X 26 W/m at 5°C Frost protection for pipework at max. 95°C operating temperature and temperature maintenance for metal waste pipes with fatty waste water FS-C-2X 31 W/m at 5°C 22 W/m at 40°C Frost Protection for pipework to maximum 90°C operating temperature. For long circuit applications and central heating pipework. FS-C10-2X 10 W/m at 5°C TraceCalc.Net Construction is a software tool for product selection based on actual project data. Visit 2 COMPOSITION OF THE FS-A/B/C/C10-2X HEATING CABLE 1 2 3 4 5 1 Copper conductor (1.2 mm2) 2 Self-regulating heating element 3 Modified polyolefin insulation (FS-C-2X: Fluoropolymer) 4 Protective tinned copper braid 5 Modified polyolefin protective outer jacket. Note: FS-C10-2X comprises copper conductors (1.4 mm2) 3 HEATING CABLE LENGTH Frost protection down to –20°C. Pipe diameter Insulation mm 15 22 thicknesses Inches 1/2” 3/4” 10 mm FS-A-2X FS-B-2X FS-C10-2X 15 mm FS-A-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-C10-2X 20 mm FS-A-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-C10-2X 25 mm FS-A-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-C10-2X 30 mm FS-A-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-C10-2X 40 mm FS-A-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-C10-2X 50 mm FS-A-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-C10-2X 28 1” FS-B-2X 35 5/4” FS-B-2X 42 11/2” FS-B-2X 54 2” FS-B-2X 67 21/2” FS-B-2X 76 3” 108 4” 125 5” 150 6” 200 8” FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-A-2X FS-C10-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X FS-A-2X FS-B-2X FS-C10-2X FS-B-2X FS-B-2X Frost protection cables FS-A-2X, FS-B-2X and FS-C10-2X are suitable for any pipe material (copper, threaded pipes, stainless steel pipes, plastic pipes and composite metal pipes without restriction). For plastic pipes, please use aluminium adhesive tape ATE-180. The frost protection cable should be covered along its entire length. Heat insulation O = 0.035 W/(m.K) or better. Important note: frost protection heating cables with fluorpolymer protective jacket (e.g. type BTV2-CT) must be used for solvent-containing, mixed and/or bitumen-coated heat insulation. TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 17 FROST PROTECTION FOR PIPES 40°C temperature maintenance on pipelines for fatty waste water Insulation thicknesses 30 mm 40 mm 50 mm 60 mm Pipe diameter (mm) 42 54 67 11/2” 2” 21/2” FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X 76 3” 108 4” 125 5” 150 6” 200 8” FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X FS-C-2X Min. ambient temperature –10°C. Heat insulation O = 0.035 W/(m.K) or better. Cable type FS-C-2X should only be used in conjunction with pipework with a minimum continuous temperature resistance of 90°C. A line-sensing control thermostat (type AT-TS-14, RAYSTAT-CONTROL-10 or RAYSTAT-CONTROL-11-DIN) must be used on plastic pipework (setting approx. 40°C). 4 CABLE LENGTH The heating cable should be installed in a straight line on the pipework. Cable loops instead of T-connections can be made on short dead legs. (up to approx. 3 m) + approx. 0.3 m per connection + approx. 1.0 m per T-connection + approx. 1.2 m per 4-way connection Additional cable required for increased heat sinks at valves from 2” and for uninsulated pipe supports (approx. 1 m) = required heating cable length 5 ELECTRICAL PROTECTION ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ The total length of heating cable determines the number and size of the fuses Residual current device (rcd) : 30 mA required, max. 500 m heating cable per rcd Installation according to local regulations The power connections must be carried out by an approved electrical installer Use C type circuit-breakers Max. length of the heating circuit is based on a minimum switch-on temperature of 0°C, 230 VAC. 4A 6A 10 A 13 A 16 A 20 A FS-A-2X 45 m 70 m 110 m 130 m 150 m – FS-B-2X 25 m 35 m 65 m 85 m 105 m – FS-C-2X 20 m 30 m 55 m 70 m 90 m – FS-C10-2X 45 m 70 m 110 m 130 m 150 m 180 m Note: A splice can also be made using an S-06 6 TESTING OF THE INSTALLATION 7 CONTROL PANELS See page 58 Steel plate housing, wall-mounted version, equipped with mains isolator, RCD/CB combination(s), power contactor(s), indicators for‚ `Operation and Fault‘, operating mode selector switch, inlet and outlet terminals. Completely assembled, turnkey condition, wired and inspected. wiring schematics in panel housing An installation slot is provided for a RAYSTAT-CONTROL-11-DIN, RAYSTAT-CONTROL-10 and/or RAYSTAT-ECO-10 thermostat, each serving 3 heating circuits. Factory fitted. Please contact us for more information. Technical data: See page 25. 18 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS SBS-03-SV Switch cabinet for 1 to 3 heating circuits. ǩ 3&1 SBS-06-SV Control Panel for 4 to 6 heating circuits. ǩ 3&1 SBS-09-SV Control Panel for 7 to 9 heating circuits. ǩ 3&1 SBS-12-SV Control panel for 10 to 12 heating circuits. ǩ 3&1 For sprinkler systems Steel plate housing, wall-mounted version, equipped with mains power switch, low-voltage (LV) relay, RCD/CB combination(s), buzzer, power contactor(s), auxiliary contactor(s), operating mode selector switch, Indicators for `Operating and Fault‘, `Mains power‘, inlet and outlet terminals. Completely assembled, wired and inspected. Wiring schematics included in housing 1 temperature controller is installed per heating circuit in the switch cabinet. SBS-02-SNR Control panel for 2 heating circuits (Inc. redundant). SBS-04-SNR Control panel for 4 heating circuits (Inc. redundant). SBS-06-SNR Control panel for 6 heating circuits (Inc. redundant). SBS-08-SNR Control Panel for 8 heating circuits (Inc. redundant). SBS-10-SNR Control panel for 10 heating circuits (Inc. redundant). SBS-12-SNR Control panel for 12 heating circuits (Inc. redundant). 8 THERMOSTATS AT-TS-13 Thermostat ǩ $GMXVWDEOHWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJHǞr&WRr& ǩ /LQHVHQVLQJFRQWUROWKHUPRVWDWRUDPELHQWWKHUPRVWDW ǩ 0D[VZLWFKLQJFXUUHQW$9$& 30 60 0 90 C° 12 0 AT -T S- Technical data: see page 26 13 AT-TS-14 Thermostat ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ 30 $GMXVWDEOHWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJHr&WRr& 7HPSHUDWXUHPDLQWHQDQFHRQSLSHOLQHVIRUIDWW\ZDVWHZDWHU /LQHVHQVLQJFRQWUROWKHUPRVWDW 0D[VZLWFKLQJFXUUHQW$9$& 60 0 90 C° 12 0 AT -T S14 Technical data: see page 26 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 19 FROST PROTECTION FOR PIPES RAYSTAT-ECO-10 Ambient temperature thermostat ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ $GMXVWDEOHWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJHr&WRr& 0D[VZLWFKLQJFXUUHQW$9$& 3$6&3URSRUWLRQDO$PELHQW6HQVLQJ&RQWUROIRUHQHUJ\VDYLQJ $ODUPUHOD\$YROWIUHHZLWKLQGLFDWLRQRIVHQVRUHUURUVYROWDJHHUURUV and low or high temperature alarm ǩ 'LVSOD\IRUYLVXDOLQGLFDWLRQRISDUDPHWHUV Technical data: see page 28 RAYSTAT-CONTROL-10 Line-sensing thermostat ǩ $GMXVWDEOHWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJHr&WRr& ǩ 0D[VZLWFKLQJFXUUHQW$9$& ǩ $ODUPUHOD\$YROWIUHHZLWKLQGLFDWLRQRIVHQVRUHUURUVYROWDJHHUURUV and low or high temperature alarm ǩ 'LVSOD\IRUYLVXDOLQGLFDWLRQRISDUDPHWHUV Technical data: see page 30 RAYSTAT-CONTROL-11-DIN Line sensing thermostat with digital display for DIN rail mounting applications. ǩ 6HWWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJHr& ǩ 'LJLWDOGLVSOD\RIPDLQWDLQWHPSHUDWXUHDQGDODUPLQIRUPDWLRQ 16A switching. ǩ /RZWHPSHUDWXUHDODUPIXQFWLRQ ǩ ',1UDLO3DQHOPRXQWDEOHFRQWURO ǩ 6HQVRUW\SH37 Technical data: see page 32 SB-100 Stainless steel support bracket ǩ 6SHFLDOO\FRQVWUXFWHGWRSURYLGHKHDWLQJFDEOHSURWHFWLRQEHWZHHQSLSHDQG junction box via a tubular leg. ǩ )RUXVHZLWK$776$776-%DQG5$<67$7&21752/ SB-101 Dual-leg support bracket, stainless steel ǩ +HLJKWOHJPP ǩ )RUXVHZLWK$776$776-%DQG5$<67$7&21752/ 20 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS SB-110 Support bracket, stainless steel ǩ +HLJKWOHJPP ǩ )RUXVHZLWK$776$776DQG-% SB-111 Support bracket, stainless steel ǩ +HLJKWOHJPP ǩ )RUXVHZLWK$776$776DQG-% 9 ACCESSORIES FOR FS-A-2X AND FS-B-2X CABLES FS-A-2X / FS-B-2X Power connection Splice Powered splice T-connection Powered T-connection Four way connection RayClic-CE-02 RayClic-S-02 RayClic-PS-02 RayClic-T-02 RayClic-PT-02 RayClic-X-02 Note: A splice can also be made using an S-06 RayClic-CE-02 Power connection ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ :LWKPSRZHUFDEOH (QGVHDODQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 64 mm H = 47 mm Note: RayClic components are not compatible with FS-C-2X /FS-C10-2X RayClic-T-02 T-connection ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHV (QGVHDODQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 105 mm H = 42 mm Note: RayClic components are not compatible with FS-C-2X /FS-C10-2X RayClic-PT-02 Power T-connection ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ FRQQHFWLRQVZLWKLQWHJUDOPSRZHUFDEOH HQGVHDOVDQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 105 mm H = 42 mm Note: RayClic components are not compatible with FS-C-2X /FS-C10-2X TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 21 FROST PROTECTION FOR PIPES RayClic-S-02 Splice for joining 2 lengths of heating cable ǩ &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHVZLWKVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ǩ ,3 ǩ ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 64 mm H = 47 mm Note: RayClic components are not compatible with FS-C-2X /FS-C10-2X RayClic-PS-02 Powered splice ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHVZLWKLQWHJUDOPSRZHUFDEOH HQGVHDOVDQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 105 mm H = 42 mm Note: RayClic components are not compatible with FS-C-2X /FS-C10-2X RayClic-X-02 4-way connection ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHV HQGVHDOVDQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 105 mm H = 42 mm Note: RayClic components are not compatible with FS-C-2X /FS-C10-2X RayClic-E-02 Gel-filled end seal ǩ )RUV\VWHPH[WHQVLRQVWREHRUGHUHGVHSDUDWHO\ ǩ ,3 Note: RayClic components are not compatible with FS-C-2X /FS-C10-2X 10 ACCESSORIES FOR FS-C-2X, FS-C10-2X AND BTV-2-CT CABLES For BTV-2-CT For FS-C-2X/ FS-C10-2X Power connection 1 JB16-02 + 1 C25-21 + 1 E-06 + 1 CE20-01 + JB-SB-08 Splice 1 JB16-02 + 2 C25-21 + 1 E-06 + 2 CE20-01 + JB-SB-08 Powered splice 1 JB16-02 + 2 C25-21 + 2 E-06 + 2 CE20-01 + JB-SB-08 T-connection 1 JB16-02 + 3 C25-21 + 2 E-06 + 3 CE20-01 + JB-SB-08 Powered T-connection 1 JB16-02 + 3 C25-21 + 3 E-06 + 3 CE20-01 + JB-SB-08 Four way connection 1 JB16-02 + 4 C25-21 + 3 E-06 + 4 CE20-01 + JB-SB-08 JB16-02 Temperature-resistant junction box ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ JB AC 1 IP 6 6 -0 2 66 60 V 22 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS )RU)6&;)6&;DQG%79&7 )RUSRZHUFRQQHFWLRQRU7FRQQHFWLRQ ,3 [PP2 terminals 3J0NQRFNRXWHQWULHV JB-SB-08 Single-leg support bracket ǩ IRUMXQFWLRQDQGFRQQHFWLRQER[-% CE20-01 Connection and end seal kit for FS-C-2X/FS-C10-2X cables ǩ +HDWVKULQNWHFKQLTXH ǩ 0JODQG C25-21 Connection kit for BTV2-CT ǩ +HDWVKULQNWHFKQLTXH ǩ 0JODQG E-06 End seal kit for BTV2-CT CCE-04-CT Cold lead connection and end seal kit ǩ &RQQHFWLRQRI[PP2 or 3 x 2.5 mm2 cold lead cable to self-regulating heating cables BTV-CT, FS-C -2X and FS-C10-2X. 11 GENERAL ACCESSORIES S-06 In-line splice kit ǩ IRU)6$;DQG)6%; TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 23 FROST PROTECTION FOR PIPES S-19 In-line splice kit ǩ IRU)6&;)6&;DQG%79&7 CCE-03-CR Cold lead connection and end seal kit ǩ &RQQHFWLRQRI[PP2 or 3 x 2.5 mm2 cold lead cable to self-regulating heating cables FS-A-2X and FS-B-2X KBL-10 Cable ties ǩ 2QHSDFNRIUHTXLUHGIRUDSSUR[PRISLSHZRUN ǩ /HQJWKPP ǩ 7HPSHUDWXUHDQG89UHVLVWDQW Use ATE-180 on plastic pipes GT-66 Heat-resistant glass cloth tape ǩ )RUVWHHOSLSHVRUIRUDQ\LQVWDOODWLRQEHORZr& ǩ PUROOIRUDSSUR[PRISLSHZRUN Use ATE-180 on plastic pipes GS-54 Glass cloth tape for attaching heating cable to pipe ǩ )RUVWDLQOHVVVWHHOSLSHVRUIRUDQ\LQVWDOODWLRQEHORZr& ǩ PSHUUROOPPZLGWK ATE-180 Aluminium adhesive tape ǩ +HDWUHVLVWDQW ǩ PUROOIRUDSSUR[PRISLSHZRUN On plastic pipes: the heating cable must be covered with aluminium adhesive tape along its entire length 24 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS IEK-20-M Insulation entry kit ǩ ,QVHUWLRQRIKHDWLQJFDEOHLQPHWDOFODGGLQJ ǩ &RQVLVWVRIPHWDOIDVWHQHUPHWULFJODQGDQGMRLQWVHDO LAB-I-01 Electric traced label ǩ 7REHSODFHGDWPLQWHUYDOVRQLQVXODWLRQVXUIDFH ELECTRIC TRACED R 12 GENERAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS See page 61 13 SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PLACING OF SENSOR Sensor Junction box Heating cable Unheated premises Ambient sensor Fasten the pipe sensor to the pipework (e.g. aluminium adhesive tape) Cabinet type SBS-03-SV Max. number of heating circuits Enclosure version Dimensions Weight SBS-06-SV Outdoors Always place the sensor in the coldest part of the installation SBS-09-SV SBS-12-SV 3 6 9 12 Wall version Wall version Wall version Wall version Width mm 380 600 760 760 Height mm 600 600 760 760 Depth mm 210 210 210 210 approx. kg 20 30 50 52 kW 11 22 33 42 A 3 x 25A NH-00 3 x 32A NH-00 3 x 63A NH-00 3 x 80A NH-00 Mains isolator switch, 3-pin, 25 A Unit 1 Mains isolator switch, 3-pin, 32 A Unit Mains isolator switch, 3-pin, 63 A Unit Connected rating Customer fuse protection max. Switch cabinet equipment 1 1 Mains isolator switch, 3-pin, 100 A Unit Power isolator, S 2° Unit 1 1 1 1 1 Combination of RCD/CB, C 16A, 30 mA, 4-pin, with auxiliary switch Unit 1 2 3 4 Power contactor, 3 x 35A Unit 1 2 3 4 Auxiliary contactor Unit 1 1 1 1 Switch, 3 settings, 1-pin, ‚Manual-0-Automatic‘ Unit 1 2 3 4 Indicator ‚Operating‘ Unit 1 2 3 4 Indicator ‚Fault‘ Unit 1 1 1 1 When using standard control panels for frost protection additional control devices need to be installed. Factory fitting is possible. Please contact the person responsible at Pentair Thermal Management. TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 25 LINE-SENSING CONTROL AND AMBIENT THERMOSTATS (AT-TS-13 AND AT-TS-14) UNIT LAYOUT A B C A Green LED Heating cable on B Red LED Sensor break C Red LED Sensor short-circuit R TECHNICAL DATA 55 120 122 Supply voltage 230 VAC +10% –15% 50/60 Hz Power consumption ≤ 1.8 VA Approval CE Max. switching current 16 A, 250 VAC Max. conductor size 2.5 mm2 Switching differential 0.6 to 1 K Switching accuracy AT-TS-13 ±1 K at 5°C (calibration point) AT-TS-14 ±2 K at 60°C (calibration point) R HOUSING TEMPERATUR SENSING (HARD-69) Switch type SPST (normally open) Adjustable temperature range AT-TS-13 –5°C to +15°C AT-TS-14 0°C to +120°C Temperature setting inside Exposure temperature –20°C to +50°C Ingress protection IP65 according to EN 60529 Entries 1 x M20 for supply cable ( 8-13 mm) 1 x M25 for connection heating cable ( 11–17 mm) 1 x M16 for sensor Weight (without sensor) approx. 440 g Material ABS Lid fixing nickel-plated quick release screws Mounting On wall or on support bracket SB-110/SB-111 Type PTC KTY 83-110 Length sensor cable 3m Diameter sensor cable 5.5 mm Diameter sensor head 6.5 mm Max. exposure temperature sensor cable 160°C The sensor cable may be extended up to 100 m using a cable with a cross-section of 1.5 mm2. The sensor cable should be shielded if it is laid in cable ducts or in the vicinity of high-voltage cables. 26 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS WIRING DIAGRAM FOR THERMOSTAT AT-TS-13 OR AT-TS-14 AT-TS-13/14 DIRECT L1 N max. 16A/C * 30 mA 30 60 0 5 1 2 12 0 AT -T S- Thermostat 90 C° 3 13 Self-regulating heating cable 6 8 9 4 Temp. Pt 100 sensor AT-TS-13/14 WITH CONTACTOR L1 L2 L3 N max. 16A/C * * 30 mA Thermostat 5 1 2 3 6 8 9 4 ** *** Self-regulating heating cable Temp. Pt 100 sensor * Two- or four-pole electrical pro-tection by circuit-breaker may be needed for local circumstances, standards and regulations ** Depending on the application, one- or three-pole circuit-breakers or contactors may be used *** Optional: Potential-free circuit-breaker for connection to the BMS TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 27 ENERGY SAVING FROST PROTECTION CONTROLLER RAYSTAT-ECO-10 DISPLAY A -1 -2 -3 -4 TECHNICAL DATA V DE A 1 2 3 4 LED Display (parameter and error indications) Battery activation Parameter menu selection Increase value Decrease value Operating Voltage Power Consumption Main Relay (heating) Main Terminals Alarm Relay Alarm Terminals 230 VAC, +10%/–10%, 50/60 Hz ≤ 14 VA Imax 25 A, 250 VAC, SPST 3 x 0.75 mm2 to 4 mm2 Imax 2 A, 250 VAC, SPDT, voltfree (3 + ) x 0.75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2 Accuracy Main parameter settings Energy Saving Algorithm ±0.5 K at 5°C Temperature Setpoint Minimum Expected Ambient Temperature Heater Operation if Sensor Error Voltage Free Operation Proportional Ambient Sensing Control (PASC) active below setpoint 0°C to + 30°C (switch off temperature) –30°C to 0°C (heating 10 powered) ON (100%) or OFF YES or NO Energy saving with Proportional Ambient Sensing Control (PASC) Duty cycle (power to heater on) depends on the ambient temperature. For example: If minimum temperature= –15°C and if maintain temperature (set point)= +5°C ambient t° % ON –15 100 Min. Ambient –10 75 –5 50 0 25 5 0 Set point Result: At ambient temperature of –5°C, 50% energy is saved –15 –10 –5 0 5 Ambient temperature % ON 100 80 60 40 20 0 10 % ON Diagnosed alarms Sensor Errors Low Temperature Sensor short / Sensor open circuit Min. expected ambient temperature reached Voltage Errors Low supply voltage / Output voltage / fault Parameters can be programmed without power supply and parameters are stored in non-volatile memory. HOUSING TEMPERATURE SENSOR 28 Size Material Exposure Temperature Range Ingress Protection Entries Weight Lid Mounting 120 mm x 160 mm x 90 mm Grey polycarbonate –40°C to +80°C IP 65 2 x M25, 1 x M20, 1 x M16 Approx. 800 g Transparent with 4 captive screws On wall or on support bracket SB-100/SB-101 Sensor Type 3-wire Pt100 according to IEC Class B Sensor Head 6 mm Sensor cable can be extended up to 150 m when a cross-section of 3 x 1.5 mm2 is used. The sensor cable should be shielded if it is laid in cable ducts or in the vicinity of high-voltage cables. THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS WIRING DIAGRAM FOR RAYSTAT-ECO-10 NORMAL OPERATION Heating cable Temp. Pt 100 sensor VOLTAGE FREE OPERATION: REMOVE LINKS W1 AND W2 Temp. Pt 100 sensor Heating cable * Electrical protection by circuit breaker may be needed for local circumstances, standards and regulations. ** Depending on the application, one or three-pole circuit breakers or contactors may be used. TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 29 LINE-SENSING THERMOSTAT WITH ALARM RELAY RAYSTAT-CONTROL-10 DISPLAY A -1 -2 -3 -4 TECHNICAL DATA V DE A 1 2 3 4 LED Display (parameter and error indications) Battery activation Parameter menu selection Increase value Decrease value Operating Voltage 230 VAC, +10%/–10%, 50/60 Hz Power Consumption ≤ 14 VA Main Relay (heating) Imax 25 A, 250 VAC, SPST Main Terminals 3 x 0.75 mm2 to 4 mm2 Alarm Relay Imax 2 A, 250 VAC, SPDT, voltfree Alarm Terminals (3 + ) x 0.75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2 Accuracy ±0.5 K at 5°C Ambient temperature –40°C to +40°C Parameter settings Temperature Setting 0°C to +150°C Hysteresis 1 K to 5 K Low Temperature Alarm –40°C to +148°C High Temperature Alarm +2°C to +150°C or switched OFF Heater Operation if Sensor Error ON or OFF Voltage Free Operation YES or NO Diagnosed errors Sensor Errors Sensor short / Sensor open circuit Temperature Extremes High temperature / Low temperature Voltage Errors Low supply voltage / Output fault Parameters can be programmed without power supply and parameters are stored in non-volatile memory. HOUSING Size Material Ingress Protection Entries Weight Lid Mounting TEMPERATURE SENSOR Sensor Type 30 120 mm x 160 mm x 90 mm Grey polycarbonate IP 65 2 x M25, 1 x M20, 1 x M16 Approx. 800 g Transparent with 4 captive screws On wall or on support bracket SB-100/SB-101 3-wire Pt100 according to IEC / Class B Sensor Head 50 mm x 6 mm Sensor Cable Length 3 m x 4 mm Cable Exposure Temperature –40°C to +150°C (+215°C, 1000 h max.) Sensor cable can be extended up to 150 m when a cross-section of 3 x 1.5 mm2 is used. The sensor cable should be shielded if it is laid in cable ducts or in the vicinity of high-voltage cables. THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS WIRING DIAGRAM FOR RAYSTAT-CONTROL-10 NORMAL OPERATION Heating cable Temp. Pt 100 sensor VOLTAGE FREE OPERATION: REMOVE LINKS W1 AND W2 Temp. Pt 100 sensor Heating cable * Electrical protection by circuit breaker may be needed for local circumstances, standards and regulations ** Depending on the application, one or three-pole circuit breakers or contactors may be used *** Optional TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 31 RAYSTAT-CONTROL-11-DIN LINE-SENSING THERMOSTAT FOR RACK MOUNTING WITH ALARM RELAY DISPLAY A 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 A 4 3 LED display (parameter and error indications) Control relay ON Alarm relay activated Programming button Reduce value Increase value 2 TECHNICAL DATA Operating voltage 230 Vac, +10%/–10%, 50/60 Hz Power consumption ≤5 VA Control relay (heating) Connecting terminals Alarm relay Accuracy Operating temperature Storage temperature Imax 16 A, AC 250 V, SPST 2.5 mm2 screwed Imax 8 A, AC 250 V, SPDT, voltage-free ±1 K at 0 to 50°C –10°C to +55°C –20°C to +60°C Programmable parameter settings Temperature setting Hysteresis Low temperature alarm Heater operation if sensor error Voltage-free operation HOUSING 0°C to +63°C 1 K to 5 K –15°C to 0°C or „Off“ position. ON or OFF YES Factory setting 5°C 1K 0°C ON Diagnosed errors Sensor error Sensor short-circuit / Sensor open-circuit / 3-wire sensor missing Temperature error Low temperature All parameters are stored in a non-volatile memory. TEMPERATURE SENSOR Dimensions 51.5 mm x 87.5 mm x 58 mm (W x H x D) Material Ingress protection Mounting Housing in ABS IP 20 (IP 30 installed in switchgear cabinet) DIN 35 mm rack mounting Type Pt 100 (3-wire technology) as per IEC class B Sensor element 50 mm x 6 mm stainless steel sheath Protection rating IP 68 Sensor cable length 3 m x 5 mm Ambient temperature –50°C to 105°C The sensor can be extended with a 3-wire shielded cable with max. 7.5 : per wire (with 3 x 1.5 mm2 max. 150 m). The shielding should be earthed in the switchgear cabinet. 32 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS WIRING DIAGRAM FOR RAYSTAT-CONTROL-11-DIN NORMAL OPERATION 3-wire sensor 2-wire sensor 2A Max C 16A L N (AC 230V) 10 11 16 17 18 16 17 18 30 mA Network mains K2 Alarm K1 heating cable 4 5 6 7 8 9 RAYSTAT-CONTROL-11-DIN Heating cable VOLTAGE-FREE OPERATION WITH POWER CONTACTOR 3-wire sensor 2-wire sensor 2A L N (AC 230V) 10 11 Max. C 16A Network mains 16 17 18 K2 alarm 16 17 18 K1 heating cable 4 5 6 7 8 9 * Regional factors, standards and regulations may require two to four-pole disconnection by circuit breakers/ground fault circuit interrupters. ** Depending on the application, both single and multipole contactors are possible. TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 33 FROST PROTECTION FOR PIPES 12 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR FS-A/B/C/C10-2X CABLES ǩ 7KHKHDWLQJFDEOHVKRXOGEHLQVWDOOHGLQDVWUDLJKWOLQHRQWKHSLSHZRUN ǩ ,QVWDOORQGU\VXUIDFHV ǩ 0LQLPXPLQVWDOODWLRQWHPSHUDWXUHǞr& ca. 45° Horizontal pipe max. 300 mm ca. 45° horizontal pipes Cable tie KBL-10 Vertical pipe For plastic pipes use aluminium adhesive tape ATE-180. Place it over the entire length of the pipe Cut the heating cable at right angles Smallest bending radius: 10 mm GT-66 / GS-54 adhesive tape It is not necessary to spiral the cable around the pipe 90° Install the heating cables on the outside of the pipe bend Installation of self-regulating heating cables ǩ 6WRUHLQDGU\DQGFOHDQSODFH ǩ 7HPSHUDWXUHUDQJHǞr&WRr& ǩ 3URWHFWDQ\FDEOHHQGVZLWKDQHQGVHDO Avoid: ǩ VKDUSHGJHV ǩ KLJKWUDFWLYHIRUFH ǩ NLQNLQJDQGFUXVKLQJ ǩ ZDONLQJRUGULYLQJRYHUWKHFDEOH ǩ PRLVWXUHDWFDEOHLQWHUIDFHV 34 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Wall/Floor transit The thickness of thermal insulation must be continuous otherwise compensate by adding heating cable. ǩ 5XQWKHFDEOHRYHUSLSHVXVSHQVLRQV ǩ 'RQRWFODPSWKHFDEOH ≤3m ≤3m > 3m + Rayclic >3m Frost protection at valves: ǩ 9DOYHVXSWRǥ'1LQVWDOOWKH frost protection heating cables in a straight line ǩ ȉǥOD\DVVKRZQ ǩ $OZD\VLQVXODWHYDOYHV RayClic RayClic-T-connection Electric traced label IEK-20-M for insertion of heating cable in metal cladding TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 35 FROST PROTECTION FOR GUTTERS AND DOWNPIPES Melting and refreezing of ice can damage roofs and gutters. Heavy icicles may fall and cause injury. Standing water can leak through interior walls onto furnishings. The Raychem self-regulating snow melting system maintains water flow in gutters and drain pipes and provides a path whereby melting ice and snow can drain safely off the roof, along the gutter and down the drain pipe. PRACTICAL TO INSTALL The self-regulating cable can be closely spaced in gutters without the risk for overheating or burn-outs. There is a cable for each type of roof material. 6 ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE The self-regulating effect saves energy by automatically increasing its heat output in icy water and decreasing its output in dry air. The smart EMDR-10 control unit only switches the heating cable on when necessary: after the detection of both low temperature and moisture. 2 1 4 7 5 3 Optional: SBS-xx.EV-10 control panel Contains: Residual current device (RCD 30 mA), Circuit Breaker (C characteristics) EMDR-10 control unit Do not install RayClic immersed in water. Do not bury RayClic in the ground. 36 8 1 Connection (RayClic-CE-02) 5 Heating cable (GM-2X) 2 Temperature sensor EMDR-10 (Incl.) 6 Control unit (EMDR-10) 3 Moisture sensor EMDR-10 (Incl.) 7 Residual current device (rcd 30 mA) Circuit-breaker (C type) 4 Fixing bracket (GM-RAKE) 8 End seal (RayClic-E-02) THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS DESIGN GUIDE, CONTROL UNITS AND ACCESSORIES 1 HEATING CABLE SELECTION GM-2X, GM-2XT Self-regulating heating cable for gutters, drain pipes and roof surfaces: ǩ :PLQLFHGZDWHUDQG:PLQDLUDWr& 2 COMPOSITION OF THE FS-A/B/C/C10-2X HEATING CABLE 1 2 3 4 5 1 Copper conductor (1.2 mm2) 2 Self-regulating heating element 3 Insulation made of modified polyolefin 4 Tinned copper braid 5 Protective jacket (UV-resistent) Important note: When laying cables on asphalt, bitumen, roofing felt, etc., a cable with a special fluoropolymer jacket (8BTV- 2-CT) must be used. Technical data: see page 61 3 CABLE LENGTH ǩ 7KHKHDWLQJFDEOHVKRXOGEHLQVWDOOHGLQDVWUDLJKWOLQHLQWKHJXWWHU ǩ 7KHFDEOHOHQJWKVVKRXOGEHDGMXVWHGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHJHRJUDSKLFDOVLWXDWLRQ and the gutters ǩ 0RUHWKDQRQHFDEOHVKRXOGEHODLGLQZLGHYDOOH\SDUDSHWRUER[ gutters Gutter length + drainpipe length + 1 m per connection + 1 m in the soil (frost line) = required heating cable length 4 ELECTRICAL PROTECTION ǩ 7KHOHQJWKRIKHDWLQJFDEOHGHWHUPLQHVWKHQXPEHUDQGVL]HRIWKH circuit breakers ǩ 5HVLGXDOFXUUHQWGHYLFHUFGP$UHTXLUHGPD[PKHDWLQJFDEOH per rcd ǩ ,QVWDOODWLRQDFFRUGLQJWRORFDOUHJXODWLRQV ǩ 7KHSRZHUFRQQHFWLRQVPXVWEHFDUULHGRXWE\DQDSSURYHGHOHFWULFDOLQVWDOOHU ǩ 8VH&W\SHFLUFXLWEUHDNHUV Max. length of the heating circuit is based on a minimum switch-on temperature of –10°C, 230 VAC. GM-2X, GM-2XT 5 TESTING OF THE INSTALLATION 6A 25 m 10 A 40 m 13 A 50 m 16 A 20 A 60 m 80 m See page 58 TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 37 FROST PROTECTION FOR GUTTERS AND DOWNPIPES 6 CONTROL UNITS EMDR-10 Smart control unit R AC 23 IP 20 0V 50 /60 Hz Relai s: Ala 10(4 rm : 2( )A, AC 1)A, EM DR -10 PE PE AC PE 1 –1 0 1 2 –2 3 –3 4 45 6 5 3 2 7 C 6 8 1 –2 0 –1 9 5 –2 10 5 TE –1 ST 0 10 2 5 15 3 –5 4C 0 20 5 230V 230V Do Nic not ope Ne ht untern wh pas Sp ile ouv ann energi rir sou ung zed s tenöffnen sion 6 m 25 in T2A ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ :LWKWHPSHUDWXUHDQGPRLVWXUHVHQVRU 8VHUIULHQGO\FRQWURO 6DYHVXSWRHQHUJ\ 0D[VZLWFKLQJFDSDFLW\$RWKHUZLVHVZLWFKLQJE\FRQWDFWRU 3RWHQWLDOIUHHDODUPIRUVHQVRUEUHDNDJHVHQVRUVKRUWDQGSRZHUORVV 7IEC 12 8 7– 2/ 9V 10 11 HTS-D Technical data: see page 44 Standard thermostat 30 20 10 0 -1 0 -2 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ LQGHSHQGDQWVZLWFKLQJSRLQWV 0D[VZLWFKLQJFXUUHQW$9$& 7HPSHUDWXUHDGMXVWPHQWUDQJHǞr&WRr& 2XWGRRULQVWDOODWLRQ (FRQRPLFDOIRUFLUFXLWOHQJWKVXSWRP Technical data: see page 46 7 ACCESSORIES FOR GM-2X/GM-2XT RayClic-CE-02 Power connection ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ RayClic-T-02 T-connection ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ 38 :LWKPSRZHUFDEOH (QGVHDODQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 64 mm H = 47 mm THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHV HQGVHDODQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 105 mm H = 42 mm RayClic-PT-02 Power T-connection ǩ &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHVZLWK integral 1.5 m power cable ǩ HQGVHDOVDQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ǩ ,3 ǩ ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 105 mm H = 42mm RayClic-PS-02 Powered splice ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ RayClic-E-02 &RQQHFWLRQIRUFDEOHVZLWKLQWHJUDOPSRZHUFDEOH HQGVHDOVDQGVXSSRUWEUDFNHW ,3 ([WHUQDOGLPHQVLRQ/ PP W = 105 mm H = 42 m Gel-filled end seal ǩ )RUV\VWHPH[WHQVLRQVWREHRUGHUHGVHSDUDWHO\ ǩ ,3 RayClic-SB-02 Wall-mounted support bracket GM-RAKE ǩ )L[LQJEUDFNHWHGJHSURWHFWLRQIRUGUDLQSLSHV ǩ 6SDFHUIRUXVHLQZLGHFKDQQHOVRUJXWWHUVZKHUHPRUHWKDQRQHUXQRIFDEOH is required (a spacer is placed every 100 cm) ǩ 9$VWHHOZLWK89UHVLVWDQWFDEOHWLHV IceStop-GMK-RC Roof clip to secure heating cables to roofs and gutters. Adhesive can be applied on the underside of the roof clip. After curing of the adhesive the heating cable can be clipped between the clamps. TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 39 FROST PROTECTION FOR GUTTERS AND DOWNPIPES GM-SEAL-02 Adhesive for sticking and sealing common construction materials with a base of polyurethane perfectly suitable for metal or plastic gutters, roofing tiles and even asphalt and bitumen surfaces. ǩ POSDFN CCE-03-CR (for GM-2X only) Cold lead connection and end seal kit ǩ &RQQHFWLRQRI[PP2 or 3 x 2.5 mm2 cold lead cable to self-regulating heating cable GM-2X CCE-04-CT (for GM-2XT only) Cold lead connection and end seal kit ǩ &RQQHFWLRQRI[PP2 or 3 x 2.5 mm2 cold lead cable to self-regulating heating cables GM-2XT 8 GENERAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Installation of self-regulating heating cables ǩ Store in a dry and clean place. ǩ Temperature range: –40°C to +60°C. ǩ Protect any cable ends with an end seal. 40 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Avoid: ǩ sharp edges ǩ high tractive force ǩ kinking and crushing ǩ walking or driving over the cable ǩ moisture at cable interfaces 9 CONTROL PANEL Steel plate housing, wall-mounted version, equipped with mains isolator, RCD/CB combination(s), indicators for `Operation and Fault‘, inlet and outlet terminals. Completely assembled, wired and inspected. Cable guides in base of housing An EMDR-10 control unit is installed in each switch cabinet. Technical data: see page 47 SBS-03-EV-10 Control panel up to 3 heating circuits ǩ 3&1 SBS-06-EV-10 Control panel up to 6 heating circuits ǩ 3&1 SBS-09-EV-10 Control panel up to 9 heating circuits ǩ 3&1 SBS-12-EV-10 Control panel up to 12 heating circuits ǩ 3&1 10 CONTROL UNIT EMDR-10 R AC 23 IP 20 0V 50 /60 EM DR -10 PE PE Hz Relai s: Ala 10(4 rm: )A 2(1) , AC A, AC PE 1 –1 0 1 2 –2 3 –3 4 45 6 5 3 2 7 C 6 8 1 –2 0 –1 9 5 –2 10 5 TE –1 ST 0 10 2 5 15 3 –5 4C 0 20 5 230V 230V Do Nic not ope Ne ht untern wh pas Sp ile ouv ann energi rir sou ung zed s tenöffnen sion 6 m 25 in T2A ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ :LWKWHPSHUDWXUHDQGKXPLGLW\VHQVRU 6DYHVXSWRHQHUJ\ 0D[SHUPLWWHGVZLWFKLQJFXUUHQW$RWKHUZLVHVZLWFKYLDSRZHUFRQWDFWRU $ODUPUHOD\FRQWDFWIRUVHQVRUEUHDNVHQVRUVKRUWFLUFXLWDQGSRZHUIDLOXUH 3&1 Technical data: see page 46. 7IEC 12 8 7– 2/ 9V 10 11 HTS-D Thermostat 30 20 10 0 -1 0 -2 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ ǩ 7ZRLQGHSHQGHQWO\DGMXVWDEOHVZLWFKLQJSRLQWV 0D[SHUPLWWHGVZLWFKLQJFXUUHQW$$&9 $GMXVWPHQWUDQJHǞr&WRr& $VVHPEO\LQH[WHUQDODUHD 3&1& Technical data: see page 48. TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 41 FROST PROTECTION FOR GUTTERS AND DOWNPIPES 11 SPECIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Box gutter < 200 mm ǩ 2QHKHDWLQJFDEOHRI*0;RQO\ ≥ 200 mm Box gutter > 200 mm ǩ 0XOWLSOHKHDWLQJFDEOHVRI*0; ǩ SFVSDFHU*05$.(SHUPHWHURI gutter edges: GM-RAKE provides mechanical protection against damages In the drainpipe: always install the cable as far as the frost-free area (approx. 1m deep) Fastening of the gutter cables On the roof, eaves bricks, gutter and drainpipe with GM-RAKE edge protection brackets (incl. cable ties). Do not install RayClic immersed in water. Do not bury RayClic in the ground. 42 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS TEMPERATURE AND MOISTURE CONTROL UNIT EMDR-10 TECHNICAL DATA EMDR-10 2 3 4 4 3 5 2 6 1 –2 –3 5 6 7 8 9 10 C 90 –20 –15 –25 TEST PE PE PE 1 2 3 4 5 20 30 40 –10 50 10 –5 C 0 6 60 min 7 8 9 10 11 58 53 (Dimensions in mm) HOUSING AMBIENT TEMPERATURE SENSOR (VIA-DU-A10) 40 38 52 50 max. 4 VA Max. switching capacity Imax 10(4)A / 230 VAC, SPST, potential 230 VAC Temperature adjustment range –3°C to +6°C (factory setting +2°C) Lower limit temperature test, –25°C to –5°C (factory setting adjustment range –15°C) Operating differential ±0.5 K Measuring accuracy ±1.5 K Moisture adjustment range 1 (max. sensibility) to 10 (min. sensibility) (factory setting 5) Post heating time adjustment range 0 to 60 minutes (factory setting 60 minutes) Alarm relay Imax 2(1)A / 230 VAC, SPDT, potential-free Moisture sensor (output) Imax 315mA / 230 VAC, with fuse 5 x 20mm T 315mA according to IEC127-2/V Mounting DIN rail according to DIN EN 50022-35 T2A IEC127–2/V 106 35 230 VAC, ±10%, 50Hz Power consumption Do not open while energized Nicht unter Spannung öffnen Ne pas ouvrir sous tension AC 230V 50/60Hz Relais: 10(4)A, AC 230V IP 20 Alarm: 2(1)A, AC 230V R –10 1 Supply voltage Low voltage directive EN 60730 EMC EN 50081-1 (emission) and EN 50082-1 (immunity) Terminals 2.5 mm2 (stranded conductors), 4 mm2 (solid conductors) Protection class II (panel mounted) Ambient temperature range 0°C to +50°C Ingress protection IP20 Housing material Noryl (self-extinguishing according to UL 94 V-0) Weight approx. 350 g Sensor type PTC (FL 103) Ingress protection IP54 Terminals 2.5 mm2 Sensor cable 2 x 1.5 mm2, max. 100 m (not included) Exposure temperature –30°C to +80°C Mounting Wall mounting PG9 (Dimensions in mm) MOISTURE SENSOR (HARD-45) 4m 650 active sensor length 500 Sensor type PTC Power consumption 9 W to 18 W Ambient temperature range –30°C to +65°C continuous Supply voltage 230 VAC, ±10%, 50Hz Connection cable 3 x 1.5 mm2, 4 m, the connection cable can be extended to max. 100 m at 3 x 1.5 mm 12 x 6 Ø 9,5 (Dimensions in mm) TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 43 WIRING DIAGRAM FOR EMDR-10 EMDR-10 WITHOUT CONTACTOR -10 PE PE PE Hz Relai s: Ala 10 rm (4)A : 2( , 1)A, AC 23 AC 0V 230V DR –1 0 1 2 –2 3 –3 4 45 6 5 3 2 7 C 6 8 1 –2 0 –1 9 5 10 5 –1 0 10 5 15 –5 4C 0 20 DC Do Nic not ope Ne ht untern wh pas Sp ile ouv ann energi rir sou ung zed s tenöffnen sion 30mA –2 1 TEST 2 3 5 Alarm EMDR-10 /60 EM Laod AC 23 IP 20 0V 50 R Moisture sensor L N PE AC 6 m 25 in T2A 7IEC 12 8 7– 2/ 9V 10 11 9 10 8 7 6 Moisture sensor 5 4 3 2 1 PE PE PE 11 Temperature sensor Heating cable EMDR-10 WITH CONTACTOR L1 L2 L3 N PE PE PE PE N N N L * L LS T1 T2 Alarm Two- or four-pole electrical protection by circuit breaker may be needed for local circumstances, standards and regulations ** Depending on the application, one or three-pole circuit breakers or contactors may be used *** Potential-free alarm contacts for connection to the BMS 44 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS THERMOSTAT HTS-D TECHNICAL DATA 122 mm 110 mm 120 mm 90 mm 45 mm 29 mm Temperature range –20°C to +25°C Operating voltage AC 230 V, 50 Hz Max. switch current 16 A / AC 250 V Max. exposure temperature 50°C Switch temperature difference 1K-3K Temperature setting under the housing cover Protective system IP 65 WIRING DIAGRAM FOR HTS-D HTS-D DIRECT 30 20 10 0 -1 0 -2 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 Self-regulating heating cable * Two- or four-pole electrical protection by circuit-breaker may be needed for local circumstances, standards and regulations TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 45 CONTROL PANEL TECHNICAL DATA Safety system for roof gutters The standard control panels for 3, 6, 9 or 12 heating circuits comprise a steel plate housing and are completely assembled, in turnkey condition, wired and inspected. Paintwork Structural paint, RAL 7035, light gray Protection class IP54 Location Interior Ambient temperatures: +5°C to +35°C Cable inserts Metal plate in base of housing with metric breakout apertures Version acc. to VDE 0660, Part 500 and VBG 4 Mains power connection 3-phase to 400V/230V, 50 Hz, with N and PE Cabinet type Max. number of heating circuits Enclosure version Dimensions SBS-03-EV-10 SBS-06-EV-10 SBS-09-EV-10 SBS-12-EV-10 3 6 9 12 Wall version Wall version Wall version Wall version Width mm 380 380 600 760 Height mm 600 600 600 760 Depth mm 210 210 210 210 Weight approx. kg 20 30 32 52 Connected rating kW 14 28 42 56 A 3 x 32A NH-00 3 x 40A NH-00 3 x 63A NH-00 3 x 80A NH-00 Mains isolator switch, 3-pin, 32 A Unit 1 Mains isolator switch, 3-pin, 63 A Unit 1 1 Mains isolator switch, 3-pin, 100 A Unit Power isolator, S 2° Unit 1 1 1 1 Combination of RCD/CB, C 20A, 30 mA, 4-pin with auxiliary switch Unit 1 2 3 4 Power contactor, 3 x 35° Unit 1 2 3 4 Auxiliary contactor Unit 1 1 1 1 Indicator‘Operating‘ Unit 1 2 3 4 Indicator ‘Fault‘ Unit 1 1 1 1 EMDR-10 control unit Unit 1 1 1 1 Fuse protection provided by customer max. Switch cabinet equipment 46 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS 1 SNOW MELTING FOR RAMPS, ACCESS WAYS, AND FOOTPATHS Ice and snow on paths, loading bays, driveways, ramps, stairs and other access ways, can present a major problem causing accidents and delays. To help prevent this liability, Raychem provides a complete range of ground heating solutions to prevent snow and ice formation. APPLICATION IN CONCRETE The Raychem range of products has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of commercial, industrial, and residential applications. Whether in concrete, sand, or asphalt, a Raychem system exists to provide a fast, reliable, and easy install solution. 1 Each Raychem heating solution is complete with a Smart control and monitoring unit, providing useful user data and excellent energy efficient performance. The multi-sensor control and monitoring device (VIA-DU-20) is compatible with all ramp snow melting solutions. 3 2 5 4 6 7 6 Optional: SBS-xx-VV-20/SBS-xx-CW-40/ SBS-xx-CM-20 Contains: Control panel with RCD (30 mA), Circuit Breaker (C characteristics), mains contactor VIA-DU 20 control unit 1 Ambient temperature sensor* VIA-DU-A10 (incl.) 5 Control unit (VIA-DU-20) 2 Temperature and moisture sensor VIA-DU-S20 6 Connection and end seal kit (VIA-CE1) 3 Connection and end seal kit (VIA-CE1) 7 4 Connection cable (VIA-L1) Self-regulating heating cable (EM2-XR) or constant power heating cable (EM4-CW) * Optional, only needed when “local detection” is selected. RAYCHEM SOLUTIONS FOR CONCRETE Product Description Reinforced concrete surfaces EM2-XR Self-Regulating heating cable for reinforced concrete ramps Domestic and light commercial ground heating applications. EM2-CM Pre-terminated constant wattage heating mat for ramp, pavement and track heating Stairs; wheelchair access ramps EM4-CW 400V Pre-terminated constant wattage heating cable solution for larger concrete areas and stairs TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 47 SNOW MELTING FOR RAMPS, ACCESS WAYS, AND FOOTPATHS APPLICATION IN ASPHALT 1 2 6 3 4 5 Optional: SBS-xx-MV-20 Contains: control panel with RCD (30 mA), circuit breaker (C characteristics) Mains contactor for VIA-DU-20 control unit 1 Ambient temperature sensor* VIA-DU-A10 (incl.) 5 Pre-engineered cold lead 2 Temperature and moisture sensor VIA-DU-S20 6 Mineral-Insulated heating cable (EM2-MI) 3 Connection between heater cable and cold lead (Pre-engineered) 7 Control unit (VIA-DU-20) * Optional, only needed when “local detection” is selected. RAYCHEM SOLUTIONS FOR INSTALLATION DIRECTLY BELOW HOT-POURED ASPHALT Installation in hot asphalt Product Description EM2-MI Mineral insulated, high temperature resistant heating cable for asphalt ramps For more information on snow melting products, please refer to document CDE-1540. 48 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS SYSTEM OVERVIEW Product Features & Selection Guide: Product Features EM2-XR EM2-MI EM2-CM EM4-CW Product Description Self-regulating heating cable Mineral Insulated constant power heating cable Constant power polymeric pre-terminated ramp heating mat system Constant power polymeric pre-terminated heating cable system Features Extremely robust self-regulating heating cable for flexible installation under severe site conditions Pre-terminated heating cable with exceptional resistance to high temperature asphalt surfaces Pre-terminated ramp, walkway, and track heating (Roll-out) mat for fast and simple installation Pre-terminated constant power heating cable for larger areas & 400 V power supplies Voltage Rating 230 Vac 230 Vac 230 Vac 400 Vac 2 Nominal power output 90 W/m @ 0°C 50 W/m 300 W/m 25 W/m Maximum circuit length 85 m 136 m 12.6 m2 (Mat size = 21 m x 0,60 m) 250 m Maximum exposure temperature 100°C 250°C 65°C 65°C Connections & termination Cut-to-length system for flexible field termination (using Raychem heat-shrink components). Pre-terminated cable lengths (fixed or configured) available. Contact us. Factory pre-terminated Factory pre-terminated Factory pre-terminated Compatible control unit VIA-DU-20 VIA-DU-20 VIA-DU-20 VIA-DU-20 Approvals VDE / CE VDE / CE VDE / CE VDE / CE Suitable for installation on reinforcement bar ★★★ Highly recommended ★★ Recommended Suitable for installation in direct contact with hot poured asphalt ★★ Recommended ★★★ Highly recommended Suitable for embedding in sand sub-level ★★ Recommended ★★ Recommended ★★★ Highly recommended ★★★ Highly recommended Cold lead included Not as standard. Contact Pentair Thermal Management for information on Configured EM2-XR heating elements. 3 m (at each end of heater cable) 4m 4m Dual Wire / Single Wire construction Dual Single Dual Dual TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 49 ELECTRICAL UNDERFLOOR HEATING Comfort is everything, especially in the home. With Raychem’s smart electrical underfloor heating, you can offer a beautiful warm floor; hassle free to your customers! 5 GOOD REASONS TO CHOOSE RAYCHEM SMART UNDERFLOOR HEATING 1 Comfortable and safe 2 Hassle free installation and maintenance free 3 Energy-efficient and cost saving 4 Can be installed under all floor coverings 5 Total care warranty THE RAYCHEM UNDERFLOOR HEATING RANGE COMPRISES: ǩ 75HG7KHLQQRYDWLYHDQGXQLTXHVHOIUHJXODWLQJIORRUKHDWLQJFDEOH ǩ 75HGZLWK75HIOHFWD7KHHQHUJ\VDYLQJXQGHUIORRUKHDWLQJV\VWHP This system combines the self-regulating heating cable T2Red with T2Reflecta, the grooved, thermally insulated, aluminium-covered plate. ǩ 74XLFN1HW7KHXOWUDWKLQKHDWLQJPDWWZRSRZHURSWLRQVDYDLODEOH ǩ 7%OXH7KHUREXVWIOH[LEOHSUHWHUPLQDWHGGXDOZLUHDQGVFUHHQHGFDEOH system. ǩ &HUD3UR7KHXOWUDWKLQUREXVWXQGHUWLOHKHDWLQJFDEOHVROXWLRQZLWK “Tape & Mesh” fixing accessories included. ǩ Ǥ6PDUWǥWKHUPRVWDWVZKLFKRIIHU]RQHGSURJUDPPDEOHKHDWLQJFRQWURO a requirement of Part L of the building regulations. ǩ $FRPSOHWHUDQJHRILQVWDOODWLRQDFFHVVRULHVDQGFRPSRQHQWVLQFOXGLQJ – Floor primers – Adhesives – Fixing accessories 50 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS SMART SERVICES FOR DESIGN AND SPECIFICATION Raychem offers a comprehensive design and specification service for consultants and architects, free of charge. Using bespoke floor heating design software, we provide: ǩ 2SWLPLVHGLQVWDOODWLRQSODQVIRUWKHGHVLJQHUDQGLQVWDOOHULQGLPHQVLRQDO views. ǩ =RQHE\]RQHSURGXFWGDWDLQFOXGLQJKHDWRXWSXWSHUURRPDQGSHUP2 in the room. ǩ 'HWDLOHGELOORIPDWHULDOVRSWLPLVHGE\WKHVRIWZDUHWRPLQLPLVHZDVWH With a design proposal complete, we provide specification support to ensure quality procurement. SUPPORT TOOLS ON THE WEB Design and specification tools are available at: ǩ 3URGXFWVHOHFWLRQJXLGH ǩ $Ǥ:HGHVLJQLWIRU\RXǥHUHTXHVWVHUYLFH LOCAL SUPPORT FROM AN EXPERT TEAM The Raychem systems and services are supported by a dedicated specifications team. We can provide sound design advice specific to your project needs. We are also available to: ǩ 6XSSRUWFRQVXOWDQWVDQGDUFKLWHFWVDWHDUO\GHVLJQFRQFHSWVWDJHDQG provide floor heating options. ǩ 9LVLWWKHSURMHFWVLWHWRVXUYH\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGPDNHUHFRPPHQGDWLRQV for the consultant, client, and contractor. ǩ 3URYLGHFRQWDFWGHWDLOVRIORFDOVXSSOLHUVDQGLQVWDOOHUVRI5D\FKHPIORRU heating systems. SAFETY AND RELIABILITY 12 Total care warranty 20 Total care warranty 4XDOLW\SURGXFWVLQVWDOOHGDQGFKHFNHGE\DSURIHVVLRQDOHOHFWULFLDQDVVXUH home owners the comfort of a warm floor with Total Care. When installing Raychem floor heating systems, electricians can now offer a 12 Year Total Care Warranty to their customers. Certified Pro* installers can extend the Total Care Warranty up to 20 years. Total Care = doing what it takes to assure a warm floor. In the rare event that our product would fail and we cannot repair it, we will not only provide you with a new product and pay the costs of installing it. We will also take care that the floor covering is repaired or replaced to the equivalent standard. * For more information: ask for the Floorheating handbook or go to TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 51 ELECTRICAL UNDERFLOOR HEATING T2RED: THE INTELLIGENT UNDERFLOOR HEATING SYSTEM Re Le ve l siv e Ad he Wo od lin Wa siv La g c ter ca e mi bl om ba na Wo e r te r u po i o n e de d f r un rla loo d Su Pr y r im Su bfl er bf oor lo or d o Wo le e siv e dh A te ina floor lay m r La ood nde reed W u Sc b ca ed R T2 h es m il l a et Fo M n io at l su In Su d r T2 Expa nsi joint on ive es Til dhes A lo o he Til es bf Ad Senses other sources of heat and adjusts its heat output accordingly. ǩ 0DNHVZHWIORRUVGU\IDVWHU ǩ 1RULVNRIRYHUKHDWLQJ ǩ &DQEHLQVWDOOHGRQDOOVXEIORRUVSODVWLFFRQFUHWHZRRG carpets) - in dry or wet areas. ǩ &DQEHDGDSWHGWRDOOURRPVL]HV T2RED WITH T2REFLECTA: THE ENERGY-EFFICIENT SOLUTION ǩ 7KH75HIOHFWDV\VWHPFRPELQHVWKHVHOIUHJXODWLQJ75HGKHDWLQJFDEOHZLWK the pre-grooved T2Reflecta; a thermally insulated, aluminium-covered plate. ǩ 3URYLGHVH[WUDHQHUJ\VDYLQJVRIRUPRUH ǩ &DQEHDGDSWHGWRDOOURRPVL]HVDQGEHLQVWDOOHGRQ most sub floors. ǩ )LUVWFKRLFHIRUZRRGHQRUODPLQDWHIORRUVLQGU\DUHDV ǩ $XWRPDWLFDOO\DGMXVWVLWVKHDWRXWSXWGHSHQGHQWRQ ambient floor temperature. od wo or e t y le rla ina cab s nde Lam u ng i r t te o ea flo Pla dh od ta e o c R W T2 fle Re T2 Expa ns joint ion o gc in ell ev L 52 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS d un o mp or flo b Su T2QUICKNET: THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR RENOVATION ǩ 7KHWKLQ74XLFN1HWPDWLVWKHLGHDOVROXWLRQIRUUHQRYDWLRQHVSHFLDOO\IRUWLOH floors. The ultra-thin (3 mm) mat is laid directly in the filler. ǩ ,WFDQEHLQVWDOOHGRQDOOVXEIORRUVZKLFKDUHVXIILFLHQWO\LQVXODWHGDQG conforming to applicable building regulations. ǩ 74XLFN1HWH[LVWVLQWZRYHUVLRQVDYHU\SRSXODU:P2 version and a 160 W/m2 version when more output is required. Exp r loo f Top ansi ve esi on jo int adh Tile t Ne ick u 2Q T er im Pr r loo f ub S T2QUICKNET + ISOLECTA INSULATION BOARD: THE INSULATED, THIN HEATING MAT SOLUTION FOR RENOVATION Ideal for renovation projects: ǩ ([WUDLQVXODWLRQOD\HU ǩ )DVWKHDWXS5HGXFLQJKHDWXSWLPHE\DGGLWLRQDOLQVXODWLRQOD\HU XQGHUQHDWKRI74XLFN1HW ǩ (QHUJ\VDYLQJVXSWRGXULQJKHDWXSDQGLQVWHDG\VWDWH conditions s Exp Tile ans ve esi Tile adh ion t Ne join t ick Qu T2 m m ta 10 ec ol Is r o lo f ub S TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 53 ELECTRICAL UNDERFLOOR HEATING T2BLUE: THE FLEXIBLE UNDERFLOOR HEATING CABLE ǩ 7KHIOH[LEOHXQGHUIORRUKHDWLQJFDEOHLVVXLWDEOHIRULQVWDOODWLRQGLUHFWO\LQD levelling compound, screed, or concrete. ǩ +HDWLQJFDEOHZLWKSUHIDEULFDWHGSRZHUFRQQHFWLRQFDEOH ǩ ,GHDOIRUFRPSOH[IORRUOD\RXWV ǩ 3RZHURXWSXWIOH[LELOLW\E\YDU\LQJWKHGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQKHDWLQJFDEOHV ǩ 6XLWDEOHIRUOD\LQJLQPLOOHGJURRYHVLQWKHVFUHHGFRQFUHWHZLWKRXWLQFUHDVLQJ the total height of the floor structure l) Expan na o pti Adh ion ans t join Exp sion ran mb ound e f m mp le ab roo g co c p r r g e te in llin Wa ve Prim eat or Le h lo bf lue u B S T2 e siv he nd d ou ea Til omp c g lin e ev s e Til r L T2 Bl ue Fo Me h il ta l m ea t in es In g h su ca la bl tio e n Su t yp bfl e oo e e siv s Tile o e( 54 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS join t CERAPRO + ISOLECTA: THE ROBUST, UNDER TILE HEATING CABLE SOLUTION ǩ 7KHXOWUDWKLQUREXVWKHDWLQJFDEOHFDQEHLQVWDOOHGGLUHFWO\LQWKHWLOHDGKHVLYH without the need for additional screeding over the heater. ǩ 7KHKLJKJUDGH)OXRURSRO\PHUPDWHULDOJLYHKLJKUHVLVWDQFHWRPHFKDQLFDO damage during installation when compared with market alternatives. ǩ ,WFDQEHLQVWDOOHGRQERWKZRRGHQDQGFRQFUHWHVXEIORRUVPD[LPXPLQVWDOOHG output of 100 W/m2 on wooden subfloors.) ǩ 7KHKHDWHUVSDFLQJFDQEHDGMXVWHGWRDOORZIRUW\SLFDORXWSXWVEHWZHHQ 100 and 150 W/m2. ǩ 7KHNLWVL]HVDUHVXSSOLHGFRPSOHWHZLWKǤ7DSHǡQǢ0HVKǥLQVWDOODWLRQSURGXFWV and an easy to use cable spacing guide. ǩ ,VROHFWDLQVXODWLRQOD\HU s Tile Tileesive adh e ap dt sh Me le ub Do e sid Exp an join sion t ble ca g tin m ea 0m 1 oh r P ta ra lec Ce Iso r o lo f ub S TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 55 MULTIPLE APPLICATION CONTROL & MONITORING SYSTEM Raychem ACS-30 Multi-circuit, multi-application Control & Monitoring system for commercial heat tracing applications. RAYCHEM ACS-30 The Raychem ACS-30 system provides electronic control & monitoring for multi-circuit heat tracing applications, including pipe frost protection, surface snow melting, hot water temperature maintenance, gutter & roof de-icing, temperature flow maintenance, and electrical underfloor heating. The Raychem ACS-30 can control up to 260 heat tracing circuits of any application, from a single user interface, allowing building owners and facilities managers to monitor and manage their building’s heat tracing systems from a single point. ACS-30 is a modular control & monitoring solution which can be designed to exactly meet the needs of the building. Power and control modules (PCMs) can be positioned throughout the building in accordance with the building system requirements. Multiple PCMs can be connected together providing a complete view of the buildings heat tracing systems. ACS-30-EU-UIT2 User Interface Terminal (UIT) PCN: 1244-012864 ǩ 3DQHOPRXQWHGWRXFKVFUHHQGLVSOD\ ǩ &RQWURO0RQLWRULQJRIKHDWLQJFLUFXLWV ǩ FP;*$FRORXUWRXFKVFUHHQGLVSOD\ ǩ 5656RU%DVH7(WKHUQHWFRPPXQLFDWLRQSRUWVWRDOORZ communication with external distributed control systems or building management systems (BMS). ǩ %$&QHW0HWDV\V1DQG/RQ:RUNVWR0RGEXVSURWRFROJDWHZD\VZLWK pre-programmed Modbus registration is also available. ǩ 7KH$&6(88,7XQLWLVGHVLJQHGIRULQGRRUXVHLQQRQKD]DUGRXVORFDWLRQ installations ACS-30-EU-PCM2 (Power & Control Module) 6 Version available as standard: ǩ DQGFLUFXLWFRQWUROSHUSDQHO ǩ $RU$VZLWFKLQJFDSDFLW\SHUFLUFXLWDYDLODEOH ǩ 3RZHUFRQQHFWLRQFRQWURODQGSRZHUGLVWULEXWLRQWRWKHKHDWWUDFLQJFLUFXLWV ǩ 5REXVWHQFORVXUHLVDSSURYHGIRUQRQKD]DUGRXVLQVWDOODWLRQLQGRRU ǩ 3&0SURYLGHVFRQQHFWLRQWRWKHLQFRPLQJSRZHUVXSSO\DQGSRZHUGLVWULEXWLRQ & electrical protection to the heat tracing circuits. The PCM module also provides: ǩ *URXQGIDXOWPRQLWRULQJ ǩ /LQHFXUUHQWPRQLWRULQJ ǩ $ODUPFDSDELOLW\ ǩ 57'5HVLVWDQFH7HPSHUDWXUH'HWHFWRULQSXWFDSDELOLW\IRUHDFKLQGLYLGXDO heating circuit. 56 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS PCN Product Name 1244-012868 ACS-30-EU-PCM2-5-20A 1244-012869 ACS-30-EU-PCM2-10-20A 1244-012870 ACS-30-EU-PCM2-15-20A 1244-012871 ACS-30-EU-PCM2-5-32A 1244-012872 ACS-30-EU-PCM2-10-32A 1244-012873 ACS-30-EU-PCM2-15-32A Product Description EAN Code Power Control Module for ACS-30 (5 circuit module with 20Amp electrical protection per circuit) Power Control Module for ACS-30 (10 circuit module with 20Amp electrical protection per circuit) Power Control Module for ACS-30 (15 circuit module with 20Amp electrical protection per circuit) Power Control Module for ACS-30 (5 circuit module with 32Amp electrical protection per circuit) Power Control Module for ACS-30 (10 circuit module with 32Amp electrical protection per circuit) Power Control Module for ACS-30 (15 circuit module with 32Amp electrical protection per circuit) 5414506014341 5414506014358 5414506014365 5414506014372 5414506014389 5414506014396 ACS-30-EU-MONI-RMM2-E PCN: 1244-012867 ǩ &ROOHFWVVHQVRUWHPSHUDWXUHLQSXWVIRUPRQLWRULQJRIWKHKHDWWUDFLQJ ǩ 500SURYLGHVXSWRVHQVRULQSXWVSHUPRGXOHZLWKIHHGEDFN to the ACS-30-EU-UIT2 ǩ 0D[LPXP500GHYLFHVSHU8VHULQWHUIDFHWHUPLQDO8,7 ǩ 7ZLVWHGSDLU56FDEOHFRQQHFWVXSWR500XQLWVSURYLGLQJ additional temperature monitoring sensor inputs. ǩ 5HPRWHO\ORFDWHGDGMDFHQWWRWKHGHVLUHGPHDVXUHPHQWORFDWLRQV ǩ $&6(8021,500(PRGXOHFRPHVSUHLQVWDOOHGLQVLGHDFRPSDFW enclosure. ACS-30-EU-EMDR-10-MOD PCN: 1244-012865 ǩ ([WHUQDO6HQVRUGHYLFHIRU*XWWHUVQRZPHOWLQJGHLFLQJDSSOLFDWLRQV ǩ 3URYLGHVVPDUWVHQVRULQSXWIRUURRIJXWWHUGHLFLQJDSSOLFDWLRQV ǩ 7HPSHUDWXUHPRLVWXUHVHQVLQJLQSXWIRUWKH$&6FRQWUROV\VWHP ǩ 0RGXOHFDQEHSRVLWLRQHGQHDUWRWKHKHDWHGDUHDDQGLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKH3&0 module via a 3-wire cable. ǩ PH[WHUQDOWHPSHUDWXUHDQGPRLVWXUHVHQVRUWREHSRVLWLRQHGDWWKHKHDWHG surface. The sensor cold lead cable can be extended to a maximum length of 100 m (using 3 x 1.5 mm2 cable.) ǩ 7KHRXWSXWIURPWKH$&6(8(0'5PRGXOHHQDEOHVWKHVZLWFKLQJRIWKH heating circuits within the power & control module (PCM). ACS-30-EU-VIA-DU-20-MOD PCN: 1244-012866 ǩ ([WHUQDO6HQVRUGHYLFHIRUJURXQGVXUIDFHVQRZPHOWLQJDSSOLFDWLRQV ǩ 3URYLGHVVPDUWVHQVRULQSXWIRUVXUIDFHVQRZPHOWLQJDQGGHLFLQJ applications. ǩ 7KHPRGXOHSURYLGHVJURXQGWHPSHUDWXUHDQGPRLVWXUHVHQVLQJIRUWKH$&6 control system. ǩ 3RVLWLRQHGQHDUWRWKHKHDWHGDUHDDQGLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKH3&0PRGXOHYLDD 3-wire cable. ǩ 3URYLGHGZLWKDPH[WHUQDOJURXQGWHPSHUDWXUHDQGPRLVWXUHVHQVRUWREH positioned at the heated surface. ǩ 7KHRXWSXWIURPWKH$&6(89,$'802'HQDEOHVWKHVZLWFKLQJRIWKH heating circuits within the power & control module (PCM). TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 57 GENERAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CHECKLIST FOR PROBLEM-FREE INSTALLATION AND SAFE OPERATION Typical installation schedule for hot water temperature maintenance General order of events ǩ 7KHV\VWHPLVGHVLJQHGDQGWKHLQVWDOODWLRQSODQQHG ǩ 7KHSLSHZRUNLVSUHVVXUHWHVWHGRURWKHUZLVHFKHFNHGIRUOHDNV ǩ 7KH+:$7/05FDEOHLVWHVWHGDQGWKHQLQVWDOOHGRQWKHGHVLJQDWHGSLSHV ǩ 7KHFRPSRQHQWVDUHLQVWDOOHGDQGHDFKFLUFXLWLVWHVWHG ǩ 7KHFRUUHFWWKHUPDOLQVXODWLRQLVDSSOLHGZLWKRXWGHOD\ODEHOOHGDQGWKH system test repeated ǩ 7KHVXSSO\YROWDJHFDEOHVDQGFLUFXLWEUHDNHUVDUHLQVWDOOHGWRHDFKFLUFXLW ǩ 7KHV\VWHPLVFRPPLVVLRQHGVHHǤ6\VWHPVWDUWXSǥEHORZ Circuit protection, testing and operation for all systems Circuit protection ǩ 6XSSO\YROWDJH9$&+] ǩ 7KHUHTXLUHGSURWHFWLYHPHDVXUHVRIWKHUHOHYDQWUHJXODWLRQVPXVWEH complied with. ǩ &W\SHFLUFXLWEUHDNHUDQWLVXUJHIXVH ǩ 5HVLGXDOFXUUHQWGHYLFHUFGP$UHTXLUHG0D[LPXPDSSUR[PRI self-regulating heating cable can be monitored per rcd Measurement A Testing ǩ 9LVXDOLQVSHFWLRQIRUGDPDJHDQGIDXOWIUHHLQVWDOODWLRQRIWKHDFFHVVRULHV ǩ 3URSHULQVWDOODWLRQRIWKHV\VWHP ǩ +HDWLQJFDEOHDIIL[HGWRDOOQHFHVVDU\SLSHV ǩ 1RPHFKDQLFDOGDPDJHWRKHDWLQJFDEOHHJFXWVFUDFNVHWF ǩ 1RWKHUPDOGDPDJH ǩ 3URSHUFRQQHFWLRQRIDOOFRPSRQHQWVLQFOXGLQJSRZHUVXSSOLHV ǩ ,QVXODWLRQUHVLVWDQFHPHDVXUHPHQWZKHQKHDWLQJFDEOHLVUHFHLYHGDQGEHIRUH and after installation of the thermal insulation. The test voltage should be 2500 Vdc, but it must not be lower than 500 Vdc. The insulation resistance, irrespective of the cable length, must not be less than 100 Mohms. If the resistance falls below this value, the source of the fault must be investigated, eliminated, and re-tested. ǩ 0HDVXUHPHQW$3KDVHDQGQHXWUDOWRWKHEUDLG ǩ 0HDVXUHPHQW%%UDLGWRWKHSLSHZRUN ǩ $IWHUVZLWFKLQJRQWKHFDEOHHQGVPXVWEHZDUPDIWHUWR minutes Instructions for the placing of the heat insulation ǩ )RUSUREOHPIUHHRSHUDWLRQRIWKHVHOIUHJXODWLQJKHDWLQJFDEOHVWKHPDWHULDO quality and thickness of the thermal insulation should be in accordance with the design parameters, and this insulation must be installed correctly ǩ $OOSDUWVRIWKHSLSHZRUNLQFOXGLQJYDOYHVZDOOWUDQVLWSRLQWVHWFPXVWEHIXOO\ insulated Measurement B 58 Operation/System start-up ǩ )RUVPDOOLQVWDOODWLRQVWXUQRQWKHFLUFXLWEUHDNHUVDQGSUHIHUDEO\OHDYHWKH system overnight for the water to warm up and stabilise 2) For bigger installations or for a faster start-up, first turn on the main water heater and open the outlet/tap at the end of the pipework run until the water feels warm and then turn on the circuit breakers If the piping system is closed, such as by pressure-reducing valves or isolation valves, you must provide some method of pressure relief to allow for thermal expansion of the water during heat-up ǩ 8QGHUQRUPDORSHUDWLQJFRQGLWLRQVWKHKHDWLQJFDEOHVDUHPDLQWHQDQFHIUHH Pentair Thermal Management recommend that the insulation resistance should be checked periodically and compared with the original values. If the reading falls below the minimum value (100 Mohms) determine the cause and rectify before re-use ǩ 7KHVSHFLILHGPD[LPXPDPELHQWDQGRSHUDWLQJWHPSHUDWXUHVVKRXOGQRWEH exceeded ǩ ,QWKHHYHQWRIUHSDLUWRWKHSLSHZRUNWKHKHDWLQJFDEOHPXVWEHSURWHFWHG against damage. Correct function of the electrical protection system should be maintained. To prevent shock or personal injury, turn off the power at the circuit breaker before testing or working on the heating cable or piping THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS ǩ )ROORZLQJWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHUHSDLUZRUNWKHFLUFXLWVKRXOGRQFHDJDLQEH tested (see above) ǩ $OOWKHLPSRUWDQWSDUWVRIWKHFRQWUROVWKHUPRVWDWVHWFPXVWEHFKHFNHGIRU correct operation once a year, normally in the autumn Only for hot water temperature maintenance Newly installed heating cables have lower power at start-up of the installation. The nominal power will be reached after approximately 4 weeks of continuous operation ǩ 7KHPDLQWHQDQFHWHPSHUDWXUHVKRXOGEHr&WRr&EHORZWKHKRWZDWHU temperature in the boiler Standard installation times The actual installation times achieved may deviate according to the conditions on site. Pipework Installation of heating cable on pipes including fastening, standard installation: 25 metres/hour Connection system (electrical connection) RayClic-CE-02 2 min/pc. RayClic-S-02/RayClic-PS-02 4 min/pc. RayClic-T-02/RayClic-PT-02 6 min/pc. RayClic-X-02 8 min/pc. RayClic-E-02 1 min/pc. Heat-shrink connection system (electrical connection) C25-21 E-06 CE20-01 15 min/pc. 5 min/pc. 20 min/pc. Other Testing, visual inspection, insulation resistance measurement (2x) 10 min/heating circuit Connecting the heating circuit in the switch box 10 min/heating circuit TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 59 GENERAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Trouble shooting guide Fault Possible causes Measures Circuit-breaker trips: Circuit breaker wrong type: e.g. type B instead of C: Change to C Type Circuit breaker undersized If the power supply cable permits, install a larger circuit breaker RCD residual current device trips: Pipeline does not become warm Heating cable cold: Water temperature is not maintained but the cable gives high output: Circuit too long Split the circuit on 2 circuit breakers Short-circuit/earth fault Eliminate short-circuit/earth fault (cable ends should not be twisted) Circuit breaker faulty Replace faulty circuit breaker No end seal Install end seal Conductor (or cable) twisted Un-twist and install end seal More than 500 m of frost protection heating cable installed per rcd Install additional rcd residual current device Earth fault at connection or in end seal Rectify earth fault Cable damaged Repair cable where damaged Moisture in the junction box Eliminate moisture Circuit-breaker has tripped See section circuit breaker Residual current device has tripped See section residual current device No mains voltage Switch on Cable or cold lead not connected Connect cable or cold lead Cable not inserted correctly in connection system or end seal Insert cable according to installation instructions (fully insert cable) No insulation Insulation thickness insufficient Insulation according to tables in design guides Insulation wet Dry insulation Cold water is running from the boiler Test boiler temperature Cold water is pumping through mixer tap into the hot water pipe. Insulation according to tables in design guides. Test the mixer tap Note: Installation and operation information is available from Pentair Thermal Management in document reference: CDE-1547. 60 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS 85°C 13.7 x 7.6 85°C Max. exposure temperature (power-on condition – 800 h. cumulative) 13.8 x 6.8 0.12 kg/m BS / ÖVE / VDE / SEV / CSTB / SVGW / DVGW / CE / VDE QWT-05 HWAT-ECO** HWAT-ECO** AT-TS-13 HWAT-ECO** AT-TS-14 RAYSTAT-CONTROL-10 RAYSTAT-ECO-10** RAYSTAT-CONTROL-11-DIN Max. dimensions in mm (W x H) Weight Approvals Control units TECHNICAL HANDBOOK 61 RayClic included in the kit Connection kit Support bracket included in the kit RayClic – included in the kit RayClic – 0.14 kg/m 16.1 x 6.7 90°C 80°C 10 mm * For max circuit, Raystat controller will be required. ** Approvals: BS/VDE/ÖVE/ERFA/CE – Junction box Connection system 65°C 65°C Max. continous exposure temperature 0.12 kg/m 10 mm 10 mm included in the kit RayClic – 0.13 kg/m 13.7 x 6.2 85°C 65°C 10 mm 150 m 16 A Min. bending radius 100 m 20 A 100 m 20 A 180 m 20 A max. 16 A Max. circuit length max. 20 A max. 20 A 10 W/m at 5°C max. 20 A C-type circuitbreaker according to selected kit 12 W/m at 70°C included in the kit RayClic – AT-TS-13 AT-TS-14 RAYSTAT-CONTROL-10 RAYSTAT-ECO-10** RAYSTAT-CONTROL-11-DIN 0.13 kg/m 13.7 x 6.2 85°C 65°C 10 mm 105 m 16 A max. 16 A 26 W/m at 5°C JB-SB-08 CE20-01 JB16-02 AT-TS-13 AT-TS-14 RAYSTAT-CONTROL-10 RAYSTAT-CONTROL-11-DIN 0.13 kg/m 12.7 x 5.3 95°C 95°C 10 mm 90 m 16 A max. 16 A 31 W/m at 5°C 22 W/m at 40°C 0.13 kg/m 13.7 x 6.2 85°C 65°C 10 mm 80 m 20 A max. 20 A 36 W/m in ice and 18 W/m in air at 0°C 0.13 kg/m 16.1 x 6.2 85°C 65°C 12,7 mm (at 20°C) 80 m 20 A JB-SB-08 CE20-01 JB16-02 included in the kit RayClic – JB-SB-08 CE25-21 E-06 JB16-02 – min 4,8; max. 6,3 250°C 250°C 50 mm 136 m max. 20 A CE / VDE – 5,0 x 7,0 65°C 65°C – 21 m (12.6 m2) max. 20 A 300 W/m2 230 VAC EM2-CM – 5,0 x 7,0 65°C 65°C 30 mm 250 m max. 20 A 25 W/m 400 VAC EM4-CW – VIA-CE1 VIA-JB2 – Pre-installed VIA-JB-2 – VIA-JB-2 – VIA-JB-2 VIA-DU-20** VIA-DU-20** VIA-DU-20** VIA-DU-20** 0.27 kg/m 18.9 x 9.5 110°C 100°C 50 mm 85 m 50 A max. 50 A 50 W/m 90 W/m at 0°C 18 W/m in air at 0°C 36 W/m in ice at 0°C max. 20 A 230 VAC 230 VAC 230 VAC Glossy EM2-MI Snow melting for ramps, access ways, and footpaths 8BTV-2-CT EM2-XR EMDR-10** – AT-TS-13 HTS-D AT-TS-14 RAYSTAT-CONTROL-10* RAYSTAT-ECO-10** RAYSTAT-CONTROL-11-DIN 0.14 kg/m 16 x 6.8 90°C 90°C 10 mm 180 m 20 A max. 20 A 10 W/m at 5°C 9 W/m at 55°C 230 VAC GM-2X 7 W/m at 45°C 230 VAC FS-C10-2X Nominal power output (*on insulated metal pipes) 230 VAC FS-C-2X 230 VAC 230 VAC FS-B-2X Matt 230 VAC FS-A-2X 230 VAC HWAT-R 230 VAC HWAT-M Frost protection for gutters and downpipes Nominal voltage HWAT-L Frost protection for pipes Colour Cable type Hot water temperature maintenance TECHNICAL DATA Choice of accessories TECHNICAL DATA Dimensions of power cables Maximum power (Cold Lead) cable lengths based on circuit breaker sizing and cable conductor cross sectional area. C-type Circuit Breaker Cable type Max. length of the power cable Max. Circuit length (m) 3 x 1,5 mm2 3 x 2,5 mm2 3 x 4 mm2 3 x 6 mm2 3 x 10 mm2 3 x 16 mm2 (Ampères) HWAT-L 10 13 16 20 25 32 80 120 205 325 490 n.a. n.a. HWAT-M 50 185 310 490 740 n.a. n.a. HWAT-R 50 135 220 355 535 n.a. n.a. FS-A-2X/FS-C10-2X 110 50 85 135 205 n.a. n.a. FS-B-2X 65 40 70 110 165 n.a. n.a. FS-C-2X 55 45 75 115 175 n.a. n.a. GM-2X/GM-2XT 40 45 70 115 175 n.a. n.a. EM2-XR 17 50 85 135 205 n.a. n.a. EM-MI-PACK-26M 26 n.p. 110 180 270 n.a. n.a. EM-MI-PACK-36M 36 n.p. 80 130 195 n.a. n.a. HWAT-L 110 95 155 250 375 n.a. n.a. HWAT-M 65 120 200 325 485 n.a. n.a. HWAT-R 65 115 190 300 455 n.a. n.a. FS-A-2X/FS-C10-2X 130 45 70 115 175 n.a. n.a. FS-B-2X 85 30 55 85 125 n.a. n.a. FS-C-2X 70 35 60 95 140 n.a. n.a. GM-2X/GM-2XT 50 35 60 95 140 n.a. n.a. EM2-XR 22 40 65 105 160 n.a. n.a. EM-MI-PACK-48M 48 n.p. 60 95 145 n.a. n.a. HWAT-L 140 70 115 185 280 n.a. n.a. HWAT-M 80 105 175 280 420 n.a. n.a. HWAT-R 80 90 150 245 370 n.a. n.a. FS-A-2X/FS-C10-2X 150 40 65 100 150 n.a. n.a. FS-B-2X 105 25 45 70 105 n.a. n.a. FS-C-2X 90 30 45 70 110 n.a. n.a. GM-2X/GM-2XT 60 30 50 75 115 n.a. n.a. EM2-XR 28 30 50 80 125 n.a. n.a. EM-MI-PACK-60M 60 n.p. 45 75 115 195 n.a. HWAT-L 180 n.p. 90 145 220 365 n.a. HWAT-M 100 n.p. 145 230 345 570 n.a. HWAT-R 100 n.p. 120 195 295 490 n.a. FS-C10-2X 180 n.p. 45 70 110 n.a. n.a. GM-2X/GM-2XT 80 n.p. 35 60 85 145 n.a. EM2-XR 35 n.p. 40 65 100 165 n.a. EM-MI-PACK-70M 70 n.p. 40 65 100 165 n.a. EM2-XR 45 n.p. n.p. 50 75 130 n.a. EM-MI-PACK-88M 88 n.p. n.p. 50 80 130 n.a. EM2-XR 55 n.p. n.p. n.p. 65 105 n.a. n.a. = Not applicable n.p. = Not permitted 62 THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS Raychem offers a set of tools and services that aim to simplify the professional´s life. Not only do we offer the best quality products, we also support them with unrivalled services. AN EFFICIENT CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE: ǩ 0XOWLOLngual customer service representatives to answer all your questions ǩ )DVWRUGHUKDQGOLQJVKLSPHQW(XURSHZLGH ǩ )UHHGRFXPHQWDWLRQVHUYLFH LARGE TECHNICAL SUPPORT TEAM: ǩ Ǥ2QGHPDQGǥWHFKQLFDODGYLFHDQGSURGXFWVHOHFWLRQ ǩ 'HVLJQVXSSRUWDQGFRVWHVWLPDWHV ǩ 6SHFLILFDWLRQVXSSRUW ǩ 7UDLQLQJVXSSRUW ǩ ,QVWDOODWLRQWHVWDQGFRPPLVVLRQLQJVXSSRUW ǩ &RPSOHWHDIWHUVDOHVVHUYLFH ǩ 2QOLQHGHVLJQDESIGN WIZARD TRACECALC NET ǩ 2QOLQHWHFKQLFDO6XSSRUWWWW.THERMAL.PENTAIR.COM [email protected] CALL 0800 96 90 13 FAX 0800 96 86 24 CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERS Pentair Thermal Management is also a proud industry supporter offering approved CPD courses via the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers. Courses include technical and application information for electrical underfloor heating and hot water temperature maintenance systems. For further information, please consult the CIBSE Course Directory or contact Pentair Thermal Management. Member of the European Radiant Floor Heating Association e.v. Our products satisfy the requirements of the relevant European Directives. Alliance Integrated Systems, HWAT, RayClic, RAYSTAT, TraceCalc Net, Trace&DOF1HW/RJR%79)OH[L&OLF75HG75HIOHFWD74XLFN1HW7%OXHDUHRZQHGE\ Pentair or its global affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. WWW.THERMAL.PENTAIR.COM UNITED KINGDOM IRELAND Tel: 0800 969 013 Fax: 0800 968 624 [email protected] Tel: 1800 654 241 Fax: 1800 654 240 [email protected] All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair. All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered marks of their respective owners. Because we are continuously improving our products and services, Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. Pentair is an equal opportunity employer. © 2013 Pentair All Rights Reserved THERMAL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS EN-Raychem-TH-CDE0517 Rev9 PCN 1244-001241
Key Features
- Self-regulating heating
- Energy efficient design
- Easy installation
- Durable and reliable
- Wide range of applications
- Smart control units
- Various accessories
- Tested and qualified
- Long service life