Viking E-35 -EWP Handsfree Speaker Phone, E-50 Video Entry Phone Technical Practice

Below you will find brief information for Handsfree Speaker Phone E-35, Handsfree Speaker Phone E-35-EWP, Video Entry Phone E-50. The E-35 is a weather and vandal resistant handsfree speaker phone designed to provide quick and reliable handsfree communication and CCTV video of who is at your door or gate. The E-35 can be connected directly to a C.O. line, analog PABX/KSU station, or a Viking Door/Gate Controller: C-200, C-250 or C-2000B. It features non-volatile memory, a built-in dialer, a built-in high resolution color video camera, and intelligent call progress detection for automatic hang-up when the call is completed. The E-35 can be programmed to dial up to 5 different numbers on ring-no-answer or busy and can be configured to dial these numbers until answered.

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Viking Handsfree Speaker Phone E-35 Technical Practice | Manualzz




Key features

  • Weather and vandal resistant
  • Handsfree speaker phone
  • CCTV video
  • Built-in dialer
  • High resolution color camera
  • Intelligent call progress detection
  • Programmable to dial up to 5 numbers
  • Enhanced Weather Protection (EWP)
  • Optional surface mount box

Frequently asked questions

The E-35 is a handsfree speaker phone designed to provide quick and reliable handsfree communication and CCTV video of who is at your door or gate.

The E-35 is available in two models: the standard E-35 and the E-35-EWP. The E-35-EWP model is designed for extreme outdoor environments or corrosive atmospheres.

The E-35 can be programmed to dial up to 5 different numbers.
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