Agilent Technologies ESA-E E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, ESA-L E4411B, E4403B, E4408B Spectrum Analyzer Calibration Guide
Below you will find brief information for Spectrum Analyzer ESA-E E4402B, Spectrum Analyzer ESA-E E4404B, Spectrum Analyzer ESA-E E4405B, Spectrum Analyzer ESA-E E4407B, Spectrum Analyzer ESA-L E4411B. This guide provides calibration instructions for the Agilent Technologies ESA Spectrum Analyzers, including the ESA-E and ESA-L series. These instruments are capable of measuring signals from 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz and can be utilized in various applications, such as testing RF and microwave circuits, analyzing signals in the communication band, and performing EMC measurements.
Calibration Guide Agilent Technologies ESA Spectrum Analyzers This manual provides documentation for the following instruments: Agilent ESA-E Series E4402B (9 kHz - 3.0 GHz) E4404B (9 kHz - 6.7 GHz) E4405B (9 kHz - 13.2 GHz) E4407B (9 kHz - 26.5 GHz) and Agilent ESA-L Series E4411B (9 kHz - 1.5 GHz) E4403B (9 kHz - 3.0 GHz) E4408B (9 kHz - 26.5 GHz) Manufacturing Part Number: E4401-90493 Supersedes March 2005 Printed in USA May 2014 © Copyright 2000-2014 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Agilent Technologies makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Agilent Technologies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. The following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize yourself with the symbols and their meaning before operating this instrument. WARNING Warning denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or loss of life. Do not proceed beyond a warning note until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met. CAUTION Caution denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of the instrument. Do not proceed beyond a caution sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met. WARNING This is a Safety Class 1 Product (provided with a protective earthing ground incorporated in the power cord. The mains plug shall only be inserted in a socket outlet provided with a protective earth contact. Any interruption of the protective conductor inside or outside of the product is likely to make the product dangerous. Intentional interruption is prohibited. WARNING If this product is not used as specified, the protection provided by the equipment could be impaired. This product must be used in a normal condition (in which all means for protection are intact) only. CAUTION Always use the three-prong ac power cord supplied with this product. Failure to ensure adequate earth grounding by not using this cord may cause product damage. CAUTION This instrument has autoranging line voltage input, be sure the supply voltage is within the specified range. 2 Where to Find the Latest Information Documentation is updated periodically. For the latest information about Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers, including firmware upgrades and application information, please visit the following Internet URL: 3 4 Contents 1. Calibrating Calibration Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Before You Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2. Performance Verification Tests Tests included in this section: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 5. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 6. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 7. Noise Sidebands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets: Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B . . . . 70 9. System-Related Sidebands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 10. Residual FM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 11. Sweep Time Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 12. Display Scale Fidelity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B . . 129 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, 5 Contents E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . .143 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . .187 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B . . . . . . . .231 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . .244 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .255 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . .273 33. Gain Compression: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . . .290 34. Gain Compression: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . . .294 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .299 36. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4402B and E4403B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309 37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .316 38. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4407B and E4408B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323 39. Residual Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .330 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option AYX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .333 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .335 6 Contents 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) 343 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) . . . . 350 45. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 49. Tracking Generator LO Feedthrough: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B(Option 1DN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 52. First LO OUTPUT Power Accuracy (Option AYZ only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 53. IF INPUT Accuracy (Option AYZ only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 58. GSM Phase and Frequency Error (Options BAH and B7E) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409 3. Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 7 Contents Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .479 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .495 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .525 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .557 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .596 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .617 4. If You Have a Problem What You’ll Find in This Chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .636 Before You Call Agilent Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .637 How to Return Your Analyzer for Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .640 8 1 Calibrating 9 Calibrating Calibration verifies that the analyzer performance is within all specifications. It is time consuming and requires extensive test equipment. Calibration consists of all the performance tests. For a complete listing of the performance tests, see the performance verification tests table for your specific analyzer. Allow the analyzer to warm up in accordance with the temperature stability specifications before performing the tests in this chapter. None of these test procedures involve removing the cover of the analyzer. 10 Chapter 1 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Calibration Cycle The performance tests in chapter 2 should be used to check the analyzer against its specifications once every year. Specifications are listed in the Specifications Guide. Performance Verification Test Tables The tables on the following pages list the performance tests in Chapter 2 , “Performance Verification Tests,” required for each model number. Perform all the tests marked with a dot in the “Std” (standard) column. If any options are installed in the analyzer, also perform all tests marked with a dot in the appropriate option column. Chapter 1 11 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-1 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracyb 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy • 5. Frequency Span Accuracy • 7. Noise Sidebands • 9. System-Related Sidebands • 10. Residual FM • 11. Sweep Time Accuracy • 12. Display Scale Fidelity • 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty • 14. Reference Level Accuracy • 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty • 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) • 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy • 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy • 22. Frequency Response • 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On) 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses • 30. Spurious Responses • 33. Gain Compression • 35. Displayed Average Noise Level • 39. Residual Responses • 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy AYX 1D6 1D5 1DS 1DQ 1DN Stda Performance Test Name • • • • • • 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness • • 45. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs • • 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs • • 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy • 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error • a. Perform these tests for all E4401B analyzers. b. Perform this test only on analyzers not equipped with Option 1D5. 12 Chapter 1 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-2 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy • 6. Frequency Span Accuracy • 7. Noise Sidebands • 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets • 9. System-Related Sidebands • 10. Residual FM • 11. Sweep Time Accuracy • 12. Display Scale Fidelity • 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty • 15. Reference Level Accuracy • 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty • 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) • 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy • 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy • 23. Frequency Response • 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On) 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses • 31. Spurious Responses • 33. Gain Compression • 36. Displayed Average Noise Level • 39. Residual Responses • 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy • 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness • 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 49. Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough • 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy • 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error • 54. Comms Frequency Response 55. (This test has been deleted.) Chapter 1 • • B7E BAH 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracyb BAC 1. AYX 1D6 1D5 1DS 1DN Stda Performance Test Name • • • • 13 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-2 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: 56. (This test has been deleted.) 57. (This test has been deleted.) 58. GSM Phase and Frequency Errorc 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) B7E BAH BAC AYX 1D6 1D5 1DS 1DN Stda Performance Test Name • • • a. Perform these tests for all E4402B analyzers. b. Perform this test only on analyzers not equipped with Option 1D5. c. Perform this test only on instruments having Option BAH, GSM Measurement Personality. 14 Chapter 1 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-3 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: 1DN Stda Performance Test Name 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy • 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy • 6. Frequency Span Accuracy • 7. Noise Sidebands • 9. System-Related Sidebands • 10. Residual FM • 11. Sweep Time Accuracy • 12. Display Scale Fidelity • 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty • 15. Reference Level Accuracy • 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty • 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) • 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy • 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy • 23. Frequency Response • 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses • 31. Spurious Responses • 33. Gain Compression • 36. Displayed Average Noise Level • 39. Residual Responses • 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy • 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness • 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 49. Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough • a. Perform these tests on all E4403B analyzers. Chapter 1 15 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-4 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy • 6. Frequency Span Accuracy • 7. Noise Sidebands • 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets • 9. System-Related Sidebands • 10. Residual FM • 11. Sweep Time Accuracy • 12. Display Scale Fidelity • 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty • 15. Reference Level Accuracy • 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty • 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) • 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy • 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy • 24. Frequency Response • 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On) 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses • 32. Spurious Responses • 34. Gain Compression • 37. Displayed Average Noise Level • 39. Residual Responses • 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy • 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness • 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 49. Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough • 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy • 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error • 54. Comms Frequency Response 55. (This test has been deleted.) 16 • • B7E BAH 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracyb BAC 1. AYX 1D6 1D5 1DS 1DN Stda Performance Test Name • • • • Chapter 1 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-4 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: 56. (This test has been deleted.) 57. (This test has been deleted.) 58. GSM Phase and Frequency Errorc 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) B7E BAH BAC AYX 1D6 1D5 1DS 1DN Stda Performance Test Name • • • a. Perform these tests on all Agilent E4404B analyzers. b. Perform this test only on analyzers not equipped with Option 1D5. c. Perform this test only on instruments having Option BAH, GSM Measurement Personality. Chapter 1 17 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-5 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy • 6. Frequency Span Accuracy • 7. Noise Sidebands • 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets • 9. System-Related Sidebands • 10. Residual FM • 11. Sweep Time Accuracy • 12. Display Scale Fidelity • 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty • 15. Reference Level Accuracy • 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty • 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) • 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy • 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy • 24. Frequency Response • 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On) 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses • 32. Spurious Responses • 34. Gain Compression • 37. Displayed Average Noise Level • 39. Residual Responses • 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy • 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness • 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 49. Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough • 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy • 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error • 54. Comms Frequency Response 55. (This test has been deleted.) 18 • • B7E BAH 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracyb BAC 1. AYX 1D6 1D5 1DS 1DN Stda Performance Test Name • • • • Chapter 1 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-5 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: 56. (This test has been deleted.) 57. (This test has been deleted.) 58. GSM Phase and Frequency Errorc 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) B7E BAH BAC AYX 1D6 1D5 1DS 1DN Stda Performance Test Name • • • a. Perform these tests on all E4405B analyzers. b. Perform this test only if the analyzer is not equipped with Option 1D5. c. Perform this test only on instruments having Option BAH, GSM Measurement Personality. Chapter 1 19 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-6 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracyb 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy • 6. Frequency Span Accuracy • 7. Noise Sidebands • 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets • 9. System-Related Sidebands • 10. Residual FM • 11. Sweep Time Accuracy • 12. Display Scale Fidelity • 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty • 15. Reference Level Accuracy • 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty • 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) • 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy • 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy • 24. Frequency Response • 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On) 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses • 32. Spurious Responses • 34. Gain Compression • 38. Displayed Average Noise Level • 39. Residual Responses • 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy • 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness • 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 49. Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough • 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy • 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error • 20 B7E BAH BAC AYZ AYX 1D6 1D5 1DS 1DN Stda Performance Test Name • • • • Chapter 1 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-6 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: First LO OUTPUT Power Accuracy • 53. IF Input Accuracy • 54. Comms Frequency Response 55. (This test has been deleted.) 56. (This test has been deleted.) 57. (This test has been deleted.) 58. GSM - Phase and Frequency Errorc 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) • • B7E BAH 52. BAC AYZ AYX 1D6 1D5 1DS 1DN Stda Performance Test Name • • • a. Perform these tests on all E4407B analyzers. b. Perform this test only on analyzers not equipped with Option 1D5. c. Perform this test only on instruments having Option BAH, GSM Measurement Personality. Chapter 1 21 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Table 1-7 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Tests Calibration for Instrument Option: 1DN Stda Performance Test Name 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy • 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy • 6. Frequency Span Accuracy • 7. Noise Sidebands • 9. System-Related Sidebands • 10. Residual FM • 11. Sweep Time Accuracy • 12. Display Scale Fidelity • 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty • 15. Reference Level Accuracy • 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty • 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) • 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy • 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy • 24. Frequency Response • 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses • 32. Spurious Responses • 34. Gain Compression • 38. Displayed Average Noise Level • 39. Residual Responses • 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy • 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness • 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs • 49. Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough • a. Perform these tests on all E4408B analyzers. 22 Chapter 1 Calibrating Calibration Cycle Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Tests 1DQ Calibration for Instrument Option: Stda Performance Test Name 1DN Table 1-8 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy • 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy • 5. Frequency Span Accuracy • 7. Noise Sidebands • 9. System-Related Sidebands • 10. Residual FM • 11. Sweep Time Accuracy • 12. Display Scale Fidelity • 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty • 14. Reference Level Accuracy • 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty • 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) • 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy • 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy • 22. Frequency Response • 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses • 30. Spurious Responses • 33. Gain Compression • 35. Displayed Average Noise Level • 39. Residual Responses • 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy • • 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness • • 45. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs • • 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs • • a. Perform these tests on all E4411B analyzers. Chapter 1 23 Calibrating Before You Start Before You Start This brief procedure should be performed before starting the performance verification tests: 1. Switch the analyzer on and let it warm up for five minutes. 2. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, or E4408B, connect a cable from AMPTD REF OUT to the 50 Ω Input. 3. Press System, Alignments, Align Now, All, and wait for the auto alignments to finish. 4. Read the remainder of this section before you start any of the tests, and make a copy of the Performance Verification Test Record described below in "Recording the test results." Recording the test results Performance verification test records, for each analyzer, are provided in the chapter following the tests. Each test result is identified as a TR Entry in the performance tests and on the performance verification test record. We recommend that you make a copy of the performance verification test record, record the test results on the copy, and keep the copy for your calibration test record. This record could prove valuable in tracking gradual changes in test results over long periods of time. Performing Self-Alignment Perform a complete self-alignment at least once per day, or if the analyzer fails a verification test. To perform a self-alignment, press System, Alignment, Align Now, All. The instrument must be up to operating temperature in order for this test to be valid. If the analyzer continuously fails one or more specifications, complete any remaining tests and record all test results on a copy of the test record. Then refer to Chapter 4 , “If You Have a Problem,” for instructions on how to solve the problem. 24 Chapter 1 Calibrating Before You Start Periodic verification of operation The analyzer requires periodic verification of operation. Under most conditions of use, you should test the analyzer at least once a year with the complete set of performance verification tests. Test equipment you will need The following tables list the recommended test equipment for the performance tests. The tables also list recommended equipment for the analyzer adjustment procedures which are located in the Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers Service Guide. Any equipment that meets the critical specifications given in the table can be substituted for the recommended model. Table 1-9 Recommended Test Equipment Critical Specifications for Equipment Equipment Substitution Recommended HP/Agilent Model Use a Digital Multimeter Input Resistance ≥10 megohms Accuracy: ±10 mV on 100 V range 3458A P,A,T DVM Test Leads For use with HP/Agilent 3458A Digital Multimeter 34118B T Universal Counter Frequency Range: 10 MHz ±100 Hz Time Interval Range: 25 ms to 100 ms Single Trigger Operation Range: 2.5 Vdc to –2.5 Vdc External Reference Input Gate Time: ≥10 seconds Frequency Resolution: 0.01 Hz 53132A P,A,T Frequency Standard Frequency: 10 MHz Timebase Accuracy (Aging): <1×10−9/day 5071A P,A Chapter 1 25 Calibrating Before You Start Table 1-9 Recommended Test Equipment Equipment Critical Specifications for Equipment Substitution Recommended HP/Agilent Model Use a Oscilloscope Bandwidth: dc to 100 MHz Vertical Scale Factor of 0.5 V to 5 V/Div Two channels Minimum Timebase Setting: <100 ns Digitizing display with pulse width and time interval measurement functions Delta –T measurement accuracy in 200 ns / div: <450 ps 54820A T Power Meter Compatible with HP/Agilent 8480 series power sensors. dB relative mode. Resolution: 0.01 dB Reference Accuracy: ±1.2% E4419B P,A,T RF Power Sensor (2 required) Frequency Range: 100 kHz to 3 GHz Maximum SWR: 1.60 (100 kHz to 300 kHz) 1.20 (300 kHz to 1 MHz) 1.1 (1 MHz to 2.0 GHz) 1.18 (2.0 GHz to 3.0 GHz) Amplitude range: –25 dBm to 10 dBm 8482A P,A,T Microwave Power Sensor Frequency Range: 50 MHz to 26.5 GHz Maximum SWR: 1.15 (50 MHz to 100 MHz) 1.10 (100 MHz to 2 GHz) 1.15 (2 GHz to 12.4 GHz) 1.20 (12.4 GHz to 18 GHz) 1.25 (18 GHz to 26.5 GHz) Amplitude range: –25 dBm to 0 dBm 8485A P,A,T Power Sensor, Low Power Frequency Range: 50 MHz to 3.0 GHz Amplitude Range: –20 dBm to –70 dBm Maximum SWR: 1.4 (10 MHz to 30 MHz) 1.15 (30 MHz to 3.0 GHz) 8481D P,A,T Synthesized Signal Generator Frequency Range: 100 kHz to 1500 MHz Amplitude Range: –35 to 16 dBm SSB Noise: <–120 dBc/Hz at 20 kHz offset 8663A P,A 26 Chapter 1 Calibrating Before You Start Table 1-9 Recommended Test Equipment Critical Specifications for Equipment Equipment Substitution Wide Offset Phase Noise Signal Generator Frequency Range: 1 GHz ±1 MHz Amplitude Range: 0 dBM ±5 dB Phase Noise: <−131 dBc/Hz typical @ 100 kHz offset <−145 dBc/Hz typical @ 1 MHz offset <−147 dBc/Hz typical @ 5 MHz offset <−149 dBc/Hz typical @ 10 MHz offset Signal Generator (Option BAH) Frequency Range: 900 MHz to 1800 MHz Amplitude Range: –30 to 0 dBm Phase Error: <0.5° Frequency Error: <2.5 Hz Spectrum Analyzer, Microwave Frequency Range: 100 kHz to 7 GHz Relative Amplitude Accuracy: 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz: <±1.8 dB Frequency Accuracy: <±10 kHz at 7 GHz Synthesized Sweeper (2 required) Frequency Range: E4407B or E4408B: 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz All others: 10 MHz to 13.2 GHz Frequency Accuracy (CW): ±0.02% Leveling Modes: Internal and External Modulation Modes: AM Power Level Range: –40 to 16 dBm Recommended HP/Agilent Model Use a 8665B P E4433B Option UN8, 1E5 P 8563E P,T P,A,T 83630/40/50B 83620/30/B 40/50B Function Generator Frequency Range: 0.1 Hz to 15 MHz Frequency Accuracy: ±0.02% Waveform: Triangle, Square, Sine 33120A or 3325B P,A,T Attenuator/Switch Driver Compatible with HP/Agilent 8494G and 8496G Programmable step attenuators 11713A P Chapter 1 27 Calibrating Before You Start Table 1-9 Recommended Test Equipment Equipment Critical Specifications for Equipment Substitution Recommended HP/Agilent Model Use a Attenuator, 1 dB Step Attenuation Range: 0 to 11 dB Frequency Range: 50 MHz ±1 MHz Connectors: Type-N female Calibrated at 50 MHz with accuracy of 1 to 11 dB attenuation: ±0.010 dB. 8494A/G P Attenuator, 10 dB Step Attenuation Range: 0 to 110 dB Frequency Range: 50 MHz ±1 MHz Connectors: Type-N female Calibrated at 50 MHz with accuracy of: 0 to 40 dB attenuation: ±0.020 dB 50 to 100 dB attenuation: ±0.065 dB 110 dB attenuation: ±0.075 dB 8496A/G P Attenuator, 10 dB Fixed Nominal attenuation: 10 dB Frequency Range: dc to 3 GHz Connectors: Type-N(m) and Type-N(f) 8491A Option 010 P Attenuator, 6 dB Fixed (2 required) Nominal attenuation: 6 dB Frequency Range: 50 MHz ±1 MHz VSWR: <1.1: 1 at 50 MHz 8491A Option 006 P Attenuator, 20 dB Fixed Nominal attenuation: 20 dB Frequency Range: 100 kHz to 3 GHz VSWR: <1.2: 1 at ≤3 GHz 8491A Option 020 P Attenuator Interconnect Kit Mechanically and electrically connects HP/Agilent 8494A/G and HP/Agilent 8496A/G 11716 Series a. P = Performance Test, A = Adjustment, T = Troubleshooting Table 1-10 Recommended Accessories Equipment Directional Bridge 28 Critical Specifications for Accessory Recommended Substitution HP/Agilent Model Frequency Range: 5 MHz to 3 GHz Directivity: >40 dB Coupling factor: 16 dB nominal Insertion Loss: 2 dB maximum 86205A Use a P Chapter 1 Calibrating Before You Start Table 1-10 Recommended Accessories Equipment Critical Specifications for Accessory Recommended Substitution HP/Agilent Model Power Splitter (for E4401B/ 02B/03B/11B) Frequency Range: 9 kHz to 13.2 GHz Insertion Loss: 6 dB nominal Output Tracking: <0.25 dB Equivalent Output SWR: <1.22:1 11667A Power Splitter (for E4404B/ 05B/07B/08B) Frequency Range: 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz Insertion Loss: 6 dB nominal Output Tracking: <0.25 dB Equivalent Output SWR: <1.22:1 11667B Directional Coupler (for E4404B/05B/ 07B/08B) Frequency Range: 2 GHz to 15 GHz Directivity: >16 dB Max.VSWR: 1.35:1 Transmission Arm Loss: <1.5 dB (nominal) Coupled Arm Loss: ~ 10 dB (nominal) 87300B Termination, 50 Ω (2 required for Option 1DN) Impedance: 50 Ω nominal Connector: Type-N (m) Termination, 50 Ω Use a P,A 909A P,T Impedance: 50 Ω (nominal) Connector: BNC (m) 11593A P,A Termination, 75 Ω (Option 1DQ, 1DP) Impedance: 75 Ω (nominal) (2 required for Option 1DQ) (1 required for Option 1DP) 909E Option 201 P,T 50 MHz Low Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency: 50 MHz Rejection at 65 MHz: >40 MHz Rejection at 75 MHz: >60 dB 0955-0306 P 300 MHz Low Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency: 300 MHz Rejection at >435 MHz: >45 dB 0955-0455 P 1 GHz Low Pass Filter Cutoff Frequency: 1 GHz Rejection at >2 GHz: >60 dB 0955-0487 P Chapter 1 29 Calibrating Before You Start Table 1-10 Recommended Accessories Equipment Critical Specifications for Accessory Recommended Substitution HP/Agilent Model Use a 1.8 GHz Low Pass Filter (for E4404/5/7/8B) Cutoff Frequency: 1.8 GHz Rejection at >3 GHz: >45 dB 0955-0491 (2 required) P 4.4 GHz Low Pass Filter (for E4404/5/7/8B) Cutoff Frequency: 4.4 GHz Rejection at >5.5 GHz: >42 dB 9135-0005 or 360D (2 required) P a. P = Performance Test, A = Adjustment, T = Troubleshooting 30 Chapter 1 Calibrating Before You Start Table 1-11 Recommended Adapters Recommended HP/Agilent Model Use a BNC (m) to BNC (m) 1250-0216 P,T BNC tee (f,m,f) 1250-0781 A,T Type-N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) 1250-1745 P,A,T Type-N (f) to BNC (m) 1250-1477 P,T Type-N (f) to BNC (m), 75 Ω (2 required for Option 1DQ) (1 required for Option 1DP) 1250-1534 P,A,T Type-N (m) to BNC (f) (4 required) 1250-1476 P,A,T Type-N (m) to BNC (m) (2 required) 1250-1473 P,T Type-N (m) to BNC (m), 75 Ω (Option 1DP) 1250-1533 P,A,T Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) 1250-1472 P,T Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) 1250-1475 P,A,T Type-N (f) to Type-N (f), 75 Ω (Option 1DP) 1250-1529 P,A,T Type-N (f), 75 Ω, to Type-N (m), 50 Ω (Option 1DP) 1250-0597 P,A,T Type-N (m) to SMA (m) 1250-1636 P 11852B P,A,T Critical Specifications for Adapter Substitution 50 to 75 Ω Minimum Loss Frequency Range: dc to 1.5 GHz Insertion Loss: 5.7 dB, nominal (Option 1DP) Type N(f) to Type N(f) 1250-0777 Type N(f) to BNC(f), 75 ohm (Option 1DP only) 1250-1535 Type N (m) to APC 3.5 (f) (3 required) 1250-1744 APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f) 1250-1749 Dual Banana to BNC (f) 1251-2277 Type N (m) to BNC (f) (2 required) 1250-0780 P,A,T a. P = Performance Test, A = Adjustment, T = Troubleshooting Chapter 1 31 Calibrating Before You Start Table 1-12 Recommended Cables Recommended HP/Agilent Model Use a Frequency Range: dc to 1 GHz Length: ≥122 cm (48 in) Connectors: BNC (m) both ends (4 required) 10503A P,A,T Type-N, 62 cm (24 in) 11500C P,T Type-N, 152 cm (60 in) (2 required) 11500D P,A,T Frequency Range: dc to 310 MHz Length: 23 cm (9 in) Connectors: BNC (m) both ends 10502A P,T 5062-6452 P,A,T 85680-60093 T 8120-4921 P,A,T Critical Specifications for Cable Substitution BNC, 75 Ω, 30 cm (12 in) (Option 1DP) Cable, Test Length: ≥91 cm (36 in) Connectors: SMB (f) to BNC (m) (2 required) APC 3.5 Cable Frequency: 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz Connectors: APC 3.5 (m) Length: >92 cm (36 in) (2 required) a. P = Performance Test, A = Adjustment, T = Troubleshooting 32 Chapter 1 2 Performance Verification Tests These tests verify the electrical performance of the analyzer. Allow the analyzer to warm up in accordance with the temperature stability specifications before performing the tests. 33 Performance Verification Tests Tests included in this section: Tests included in this section: 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D5) 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 5. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 6. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 7. Noise Sidebands 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets: Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B 9. System-Related Sidebands 10. Residual FM 11. Sweep Time Accuracy 12. Display Scale Fidelity 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 34 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests Tests included in this section: 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 33. Gain Compression: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B 34. Gain Compression: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 36. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4402B and E4403B 37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B 38. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4407B and E4408B 39. Residual Responses 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option AYX) 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) 45. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Chapter 2 35 Performance Verification Tests Tests included in this section: 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) 49. Tracking Generator LO Feedthrough: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B(Option 1DN) 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) 52. First LO OUTPUT Power Accuracy (Option AYZ only) 53. IF INPUT Accuracy (Option AYZ only) 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) 55. This Test Has Been Deleted (Modulation Accuracy − Rho) 56. This Test Has Been Deleted (CDMA Modulation Accuracy − EVM) 57. This Test Has Been Deleted (CDMA Code Domain Power) 58. GSM Phase and Frequency Error (Options BAH and B7E) 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) 36 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests Tests included in this section: Calibration To perform calibration: 1. Run all performance verification tests listed in Column 1 of Table 2-1 that are applicable to the analyzer being calibrated and the installed options. Refer to the Performance Verification test tables in Chapter 1 for a list of the tests that are applicable to the analyzer being calibrated. 2. If any of the performance verification tests fail, perform the appropriate calibration adjustments listed in Column 2 of Table 2-1 which corresponds to the failure. 3. Repeat all of the performance verification tests listed in Column 1 of Table 2-1 if any calibration adjustments were made in step 2. This will confirm that there is no interaction between adjustments which could negatively impact analyzer performance. Table 2-1 lists the performance verification tests and adjustments needed for calibration. The performance tests are located in the following pages of this chapter. Adjustment information is located in the service guide. Chapter 2 37 Performance Verification Tests Tests included in this section: Table 2-1 Calibration Requirements Test # Performance Verification Tests Calibration Adjustments 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy 10 MHz Frequency Reference Adjustment 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy 10 MHz Frequency Reference Adjustment 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy None 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy None 5. Frequency Span Accuracy None 6. Frequency Span Accuracy None 7. Noise Sidebands None 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets None 9. System-Related Sidebands IF Amplitude 10. Residual FM None 11. Sweep Time Accuracy None 12. Display Scale Fidelity IF Amplitude 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty 50 MHz Amplitude Reference 14. Reference Level Accuracy IF Amplitude 15. Reference Level Accuracy IF Amplitude 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty IF Amplitude 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) None 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) None 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy Frequency Response Adjustment 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy None 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy IF Amplitude 22. Frequency Response Frequency Response 23. Frequency Response Frequency Response 38 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests Tests included in this section: Table 2-1 Calibration Requirements Test # Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response Frequency Response 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On) Frequency Response 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On) Frequency Response 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On) Frequency Response 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses None 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses None 30. Spurious Responses None 31. Spurious Responses None 32. Spurious Responses None 33. Gain Compression None 34. Gain Compression None 35. Displayed Average Noise Level Frequency Response 36. Displayed Average Noise Level Frequency Response 37. Displayed Average Noise Level Frequency Response 38. Displayed Average Noise Level Frequency Response 39. Residual Responses None 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy None 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy Tracking Generator ALC and Tracking Generator Frequency Slope 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy Tracking Generator ALC and Tracking Generator Frequency Slope 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness Tracking Generator ALC and Tracking Generator Frequency Slope 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness Tracking Generator ALC and Tracking Generator Frequency Slope 45. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs None 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs None Chapter 2 Calibration Adjustments 39 Performance Verification Tests Tests included in this section: Table 2-1 Calibration Requirements Test # Performance Verification Tests Calibration Adjustments 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs None 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs None 49. Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough LO Power 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy None 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error None 52. First LO OUTPUT Power Accuracy LO Power 53. IF INPUT Accuracy IF INPUT Correction 54. Comms Frequency Response Frequency Response Error Correction 55. Deleted None 56. Deleted None 57. Deleted None 58. GSM Phase and Frequency Error None 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy IF Amplitude Adjustment Manual use of Agilent 8494G and Agilent 8496G Attenuators with the Agilent 11713A When using the programmable versions of the 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuator (Agilent 8494G and Agilent 8496G), the Agilent 11713A Attenuator/ Switch Driver must be used to control the attenuators. The Agilent 8494G 1 dB step attenuator should be connected as Attenuator X and the Agilent 8496G 10 dB step attenuator should be connected as Attenuator Y. Use Table 2-2 to determine which of the Attenuator X and Attenuator Y settings are use to set the step attenuators to the desired value. In the columns labeled Attenuator X and Attenuator Y, a “1” indicates that section is on (the LED in the button will be lit), while a “0” indicates that section is off. For example, if the 1 dB step attenuator should be set to 2 dB and the 10 dB step attenuator should be set to 60 dB, sections 2, 6, and 7 should be on (lit) and all other sections should be off. 40 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests Tests included in this section: Table 2-2 Agilent 11713A Settings for Agilent 8494G and Agilent 8496G 1 dB Step Atten (dB) Attenuator X 1 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 3 1 4 10 dB Step Atten (dB) Attenuator Y 5 6 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 30 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 40 0 0 1 0 5 1 0 1 0 50 1 0 1 0 6 0 1 1 0 60 0 1 1 0 7 1 1 1 0 70 1 1 1 0 8 0 0 1 1 80 0 0 1 1 9 1 0 1 1 90 1 0 1 1 10 0 1 1 1 100 0 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 110 1 1 1 1 Chapter 2 41 Performance Verification Tests 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy The setability is measured by changing the settings of the digital-to-analog converter (DAC), which controls the frequency of the timebase. The difference in frequency for each DAC step is calculated and compared to the specification. The related adjustment for this performance verification test is the “10 MHz Reference Frequency Adjustment.” Equipment Required Universal counter (Instructions are for Agilent 53132A. For Agilent 5316B, refer to its user documentation.) Frequency standard Cable, BNC, 122-cm (48-in) (2 required) Figure 2-1 10 MHz Reference Test Setup Procedure 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-1. The frequency standard provides the reference for the universal counter. 2. Check that the analyzer is not in external reference mode. If Ext Ref appears on the screen, the analyzer is in external reference mode. If the analyzer is in external reference mode, disconnect the external reference. 3. Ensure that the analyzer has been on and in internal frequency mode for at least five minutes before proceeding. 4. Set the universal counter controls as follows: a. Press Gate & ExtArm. b. Press any one of the arrow keys until TIME is displayed. c. Press Gate & ExtArm again. Using the arrow keys, set the time to 42 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy 10 s. d. Press Enter. e. On Channel 1, press 50 Ω/1 MΩ until the LED is lit. f. On Channel 1, press x10 Attenuator until the LEd is extinguished. g. On Channel 1, press AC/DC until the LED next to DC is extinguished. h. On Channel 1, press 100 kHz Filter until the LED is extinguished. i. On Channel 1, press Trigger/Sensitivity until Auto Trig is displayed. j. Use the arrow keys to toggle to off. k. Press Freq & Ratio. 5. Wait for the universal counter reading to stabilize. Record the universal counter reading in Table 2-3 as Counter Reading 1 with 0.1 Hz resolution. 6. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: System, Alignments, Timebase, Fine 7. Record the number in the active function block of the analyzer in Table 2-3 as Timebase Fine. 8. Press the ↑ (up arrow) key on the analyzer. 9. Wait for the frequency counter reading to stabilize. Record the frequency counter reading in Table 2-3 as Counter Reading 2 with 0.1 Hz resolution. 10.Press the ↓ (down arrow) key on the analyzer 2 times. 11.Wait for the frequency counter reading to stabilize. Record the frequency counter reading in Table 2-3 as Counter Reading 3 with 0.1 Hz resolution. 12.Press Preset on the analyzer to return the DAC settings to their initial values. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. 13.Subtract Counter Reading 1 from Counter Reading 2 and record the difference in Table 2-3 as the Positive Frequency Change. Positive Frequency Change = Counter Reading 2 – Counter Reading 1 14.Subtract Counter Reading 3 from Counter Reading 1 and record the difference in Table 2-3 as the Positive Frequency Change. Negative Frequency Change = Counter Reading 1 – Counter Reading 3 15.Of the Positive Frequency Change and negative frequency change values recorded in Table 2-3, record the largest value in Table 2-3 as Chapter 2 43 Performance Verification Tests 1. 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy the maximum frequency change. 16.Divide the maximum frequency change by two and record the result as the settability. Table 2-3 44 10 MHz Reference Accuracy Worksheet Description Measurement Counter Reading 1 ___________ Hz Timebase Fine DAC ___________ Hz Counter Reading 2 ___________ Hz Counter Reading 3 ___________ Hz Positive Frequency Change ___________ Hz Negative Frequency Change ___________ Hz Maximum Frequency Change ___________ Hz Settability ___________ Hz Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D5) 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D5) This test applies only to analyzers equipped with the high-stability frequency reference, Option 1D5. If your analyzer does not have Option 1D5, perform the “10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy” test instead. This test measures the warmup characteristics of the 10 MHz reference oscillator. The ability of the 10 MHz oscillator to meet its warmup characteristics gives a high level of confidence that it will also meet its yearly aging specification. The universal counter is connected to the 10 MHz REF OUT. After the analyzer has been allowed to cool for at least 60 minutes, the analyzer is powered on. A frequency measurement is made five minutes after power is applied and the frequency is recorded. Another frequency measurement is made 10 minutes later (15 minutes after power is applied) and the frequency is recorded. A final frequency measurement is made 60 minutes after power is applied. The difference between each of the first two frequency measurements and the last frequency measurement is calculated and recorded. The related adjustment for this performance verification test is the “10 MHz Reference Frequency Adjustment.” Equipment Required ❏ Universal counter (Instructions are for Agilent 53132A. For Agilent 5316B, refer to its user documentation.) ❏ Frequency standard ❏ Cable, BNC, 122-cm (48-in) (2 required) Figure 2-2 Frequency Reference Test Setup Chapter 2 45 Performance Verification Tests 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D5) Procedure The analyzer must have been allowed to sit with the power off for at least 60 minutes before performing this procedure. This adequately simulates a cold start. 1. Allow the analyzer to sit with the power off for at least 60 minutes before proceeding. 2. Switch the power to the analyzer on. Record the Power On Time below. Power On Time___________ 3. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-2. The frequency standard provides the reference for the universal counter. Disconnect any cable to the 10 MHz REF INPUT of the analyzer. 4. Check that the analyzer is not in external reference mode. Ext Ref will appear on the display if the analyzer is in external reference mode. If the analyzer is in external reference mode, disconnect the external reference. 5. Set the universal counter controls as follows: a. Press Gate & ExtArm. b. Press any one of the arrow keys until TIME is displayed. c. Press Gate & ExtArm again. Using the arrow keys, set the TIME to 10s. d. Press Enter e. On Channel 1, press 50 Ω/1 MΩ to light the LED next to 50 Ω. f. On Channel 1, press AC/DC to extinguish the LED next to DC. g. On Channel 1, press x10 Attenuator to extinguish the LED next to x10 Attenuator. h. On Channel 1, press 100 kHz Filter to extinguish the LED next to 100 kHz Filter. i. On Channel 1, press Trigger/Sensitivity until Auto Trig is displayed. j. Use the arrows keys to toggle to off. k. Press Freq & Ratio 6. Continue with the next step 5 minutes after the Power On Time noted in step 2. 7. Wait for the universal counter reading to make at least two readings. Record the universal counter reading in Table 2-3 as Counter Reading 1 with 0.001 Hz resolution. 46 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 2. 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D5) 8. Continue with next step 15 minutes after the Power On Time noted in step 2. 9. Wait for the universal counter reading to make at least two readings. Record the universal counter reading in Table 2-3 as Counter Reading 2 with 0.001 Hz resolution. 10.Continue with next step 60 minutes after the Power On Time noted in step 2. 11.Wait for the universal counter reading to make at least two readings. Record the universal counter reading in Table 2-3 as Counter Reading 3 with 0.001 Hz resolution. 12.Calculate the 5 Minute Warm-up Error (in ppm) by subtracting Counter Reading 3 from Counter Reading 1 and dividing the result by 10. 5 Minute Warm-up Error = ( Counter Reading 1 – Counter Reading 3 ) ⁄ 10 NOTE Dividing the frequency by 10 is equivalent to dividing the difference first by 10 MHz (to normalize the difference to the reference frequency) and then multiplying by 1 x 106 to convert the result to parts-per-million (ppm). 13.Record the 5 Minute Warm-up Error (in ppm) in the performance verification test record as Test Record entry 1. 14.Calculate the 15 Minute Warm-up Error (in ppm) by subtracting Counter Reading 3 from Counter Reading 2 and dividing the result by 10. 15 Minute Warm-up Error = ( Counter Reading 2 – Counter Reading 3 ) ⁄ 10 15.Record the 15 Minute Warm-up Error in the performance verification test record as Test Record entry 2. Table 2-4 Chapter 2 10 MHz Reference Accuracy Worksheet Description Measurement Counter Reading 1 ___________ Hz Counter Reading 2 ___________ Hz Counter Reading 3 ___________ Hz 47 Performance Verification Tests 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B The frequency readout accuracy of the analyzer is tested with an input signal of known frequency. By using the same frequency standard for the analyzer and the synthesized sweeper, the frequency reference error is eliminated. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper Adapter, Type N (f) to APC 3.5 (m) Cable, Type N, 183 cm (72 in) Cable, BNC, 122 cm (48 in) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Pad, minimum loss Adapter, Type N (f) to BNC (m), 75 Ω Procedure Figure 2-3 Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Accuracy Test Setup This performance test consists of two parts: “Part 1: Frequency Readout Accuracy” 48 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B “Part 2: Marker Count Accuracy” Perform “Part 1: Frequency Readout Accuracy” before “Part 2: Marker Count Accuracy”. Part 1: Frequency Readout Accuracy 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-3. Remember to connect the 10 MHz REF OUT of the analyzer to the 10 MHz REF INPUT of the synthesized sweeper. CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω inputs, or the input connector will be damaged. 2. Perform the following steps to set up the equipment: a. Press INSTRUMENT PRESET on the synthesized sweeper, then set the controls as follows: CW, 1.490 GHz (Agilent E4401B and E4411B) CW, 1.5 GHz (Agilent E4402B and E4403B) POWER LEVEL, –10 dBm b. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 1.5 GHz SPAN, 20 MHz 3. Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer to measure the frequency readout accuracy. 4. Record the marker frequency reading in the performance verification test record. 5. Repeat step 3 and step 4 above for the remaining spans listed in Table 2-5. Table 2-5 Frequency Readout Accuracy Analyzer Span (MHz) Test Record Entry, Actual Marker Frequency 20 1) 10 2) 1 3) Part 2: Marker Count Accuracy Perform "Part 1: Frequency Readout Accuracy" before performing this procedure. 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is Chapter 2 49 Performance Verification Tests 3. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B displayed. Set the analyzer to measure the marker count accuracy by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 1.490 GHz (Agilent E4401B and E4411B) FREQUENCY, 1.5 GHz (Agilent E4402B and E4403B) SPAN, 10 MHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 100 kHz (Man) Freq Count, Marker Count (On) Resolution (Man), 1 Hz 2. Press Peak Search (or Search), then wait for a count be taken (it may take several seconds). 3. Record the counter (Cntr1) frequency reading as Test Record entry 4 of the performance verification test record. 4. On the analyzer, press SPAN, 1 MHz. 5. Press Peak Search (or Search), then wait for a count be taken (it may take several seconds). 6. Record the counter (Cntr1) frequency reading as Test Record entry 5 of the performance verification test record. 50 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B The frequency readout accuracy of the analyzer is tested with an input signal of known frequency. By using the same frequency standard for the analyzer and the synthesized sweeper, the frequency reference error is eliminated. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper Adapter, Type N (m) to APC 3.5 (f) Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Cable, APC 3.5, 91 cm (36 in) Cable, BNC, 122 cm (48 in) Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Figure 2-4 Frequency Readout and Marker Count Accuracy Test Setup Chapter 2 51 Performance Verification Tests 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Procedure This performance verification test consists of two parts: “Part 1: Frequency Readout Accuracy” “Part 2: Marker Count Accuracy” Perform “Part 1: Frequency Readout Accuracy” before “Part 2: Marker Count Accuracy.” Part 1: Frequency Readout Accuracy 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-4. Remember to connect the 10 MHz REF OUT of the analyzer to the 10 MHz REF INPUT of the synthesized sweeper. Option BAB only: Use the APC 3.5 adapter to connect the cable to the analyzer input. 2. Perform the following steps to set up the equipment: a. Press INSTRUMENT PRESET on the synthesized sweeper, then set the controls as follows: CW, 1.5 GHz POWER LEVEL, –10 dBm b. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 1.5 GHz SPAN, 20 MHz 3. Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer to measure the frequency readout accuracy. 4. Record the marker (Mkr1) frequency reading in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-6. 5. Change to the next analyzer span setting listed in Table 2-6. 6. Repeat step 3 through step 5 for each analyzer frequency and span setting and synthesized sweeper CW frequency setting listed in Table 2-6 for the analyzer being tested. Table 2-6 Frequency Readout Accuracy Synthesized Sweeper CW Frequency (MHz) 1500 52 Analyzer Span (MHz) 20 Analyzer Center Frequency (GHz) 1.5 Test Record Entry Frequency (GHz) 1) Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-6 Frequency Readout Accuracy Synthesized Sweeper CW Frequency (MHz) Analyzer Span (MHz) Analyzer Center Frequency (GHz) Test Record Entry Frequency (GHz) 1500 10 1.5 2) 1500 1 1.5 3) 4000 20 4.0 4) 4000 10 4.0 5) 4000 1 4.0 6) Stop here for Agilent E4404B. 9000 20 9.0 7) 9000 10 9.0 8) 9000 1 9.0 9) Stop here for Agilent E4405B. 16000 20 16.0 10) 16000 10 16.0 11) 16000 1 16.0 12) 21000 20 21.0 13) 21000 10 21.0 14) 21000 1 21.0 15) Part 2: Marker Count Accuracy Perform "Part 1: Frequency Readout Accuracy" before performing this procedure. 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer to measure the marker count accuracy by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 1.5 GHz SPAN, 20 MHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 100 kHz (Man) Freq Count, Marker Count (On) Resolution (Man) 2. Press Peak Search (or Search), then wait for a count be taken (it may take several seconds). 3. Record the counter (Cntr1) frequency reading in the performance Chapter 2 53 Performance Verification Tests 4. Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B verification test record as indicated in Table 2-7. 4. Repeat step 2 and step 3 for each analyzer center frequency and span setting and synthesized sweeper CW frequency setting listed in Table 2-7 for the analyzer being tested. Performance verification test “Frequency Readout Accuracy and Marker Count Accuracy” is now complete. Table 2-7 Marker Count Accuracy Synthesized Sweeper CW Frequency Analyzer Center Frequency Analyzer Span Counter Frequency (Cntr1) MHz GHz MHz Test Record Entry 1500 1.5 20 16) 1500 1.5 1 17) 4000 4.0 20 18) 4000 4.0 1 19) Stop here for Agilent E4404B. 9000 9.0 20 20) 9000 9.0 1 21) Stop here for Agilent E4405B. 16000 16.0 20 22) 16000 16.0 1 23) 21000 21.0 20 24) 21000 21.0 1 25) 54 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 5. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 5. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B For testing each frequency span, two synthesized sources are used to provide two precisely-spaced signals. The analyzer marker functions are used to measure this frequency difference. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper Synthesized signal generator Power splitter Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60-in) (2 required) Cable, BNC, 122-cm (48-in) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Pad, minimum loss Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Procedure Full Span Frequency Span Readout Accuracy 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-5. Note that the power splitter is used as a combiner. The synthesized signal generator provides the frequency reference for the synthesized sweeper. 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. 3. Press PRESET on the synthesized sweeper and set the controls as follows: CW, 1350 MHz POWER LEVEL, –5 dBm 4. On the synthesized signal generator, set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 150 MHz AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm Chapter 2 55 Performance Verification Tests 5. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Figure 2-5 Frequency Span Readout Accuracy Test Setup 5. Adjust the analyzer center frequency, if necessary, to place the lower frequency on the second vertical graticule line (one division from the left-most graticule line). 6. On the analyzer, press Single. Wait for the completion of a new sweep, then press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta Peak Search (or Search) Next Peak The two markers should be on the signals near the second and tenth vertical graticule lines (the first graticule line is the left-most). 7. If necessary, continue pressing Next Peak until the active marker is on the right-most signal (1350 MHz). 8. Record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency reading as Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record. 100 kHz and 100 MHz Frequency Span Readout Accuracy 1. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 10 MHz Stop Freq, 110 MHz Sweep, Sweep (Cont) 2. On the synthesized sweeper set the controls as follows: 56 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 5. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B CW, 100 MHz POWER LEVEL, –5 dBm 3. Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 20 MHz AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm 4. Adjust the analyzer center frequency to center the two signals on the display. 5. On the analyzer, press Single. Wait for the completion of a new sweep, then press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta Peak Search (or Search) Next Peak The two markers should be on the signals near the second and tenth vertical graticule lines (the first graticule line is the left-most). 6. If necessary, continue pressing Next Peak until the active marker is on the right-most signal (100 MHz). Record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency reading in the performance test record as Test Record entry 2. 7. Press Marker, More, Marker All Off on the analyzer. 8. Change to the next equipment settings listed in Table 2-8. 9. On the analyzer, press Single. Wait for the completion of a newsweep, then press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta Peak Search (or Search) Next Peak 10.If necessary, continue pressing Next Peak until the marker delta is on the right-most signal. Record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency reading in the performance test record. 11.Repeat step 7 through step 10 for the remaining analyzer span settings listed in Table 2-8. Table 2-8 Frequency Span Readout Accuracy Analyzer Start Frequency Analyzer Stop Frequency (MHz) 0 Chapter 2 Synthesized Sweeper Frequency (MHz) Synthesized Signal Generator Frequency (MHz) 1500 150 1350 Test Record Entry (MHz) Analyzer Span (MHz) 1) 1500 57 Performance Verification Tests 5. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Table 2-8 Frequency Span Readout Accuracy Analyzer Start Frequency Analyzer Stop Frequency (MHz) Test Record Entry Synthesized Sweeper Frequency (MHz) Synthesized Signal Generator Frequency (MHz) 10 110 20 100 2) 100 10 10.1 10.01 10.09 3) 0.1 800 900 810 890 4) 100 800 800.1 800.01 800.09 5) 0.1 1400 1500 1410 1490 6) 100 1499 1499.1 1499.01 1499.09 7) 0.1 58 (MHz) Analyzer Span (MHz) Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 6. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 6. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B For testing each frequency span, two synthesized sources are used to provide two precisely-spaced signals. The analyzer marker functions are used to measure this frequency difference. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper Synthesized signal generator Power splitter Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60-in) (2 required) Cable, BNC, 122-cm (48-in) Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (m), to APC 3.5 (f) Procedure Full Span Frequency Span Readout Accuracy 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-6. Note that the power splitter is used as a combiner. The synthesized signal generator provides the frequency reference for the synthesized sweeper. 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Stop Freq, 3 GHz 3. Press PRESET on the synthesized sweeper and set the controls as follows: CW, 2700 MHz POWER LEVEL, –5 dBm 4. On the synthesized signal generator, set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 300 MHz AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm Chapter 2 59 Performance Verification Tests 6. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Figure 2-6 Frequency Span Readout Accuracy Test Setup 5. Adjust the analyzer center frequency, if necessary, to place the lower frequency on the second vertical graticule line (one division from the left-most graticule line). 6. On the analyzer, press Single. Wait for the completion of a new sweep, then press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta Peak Search (or Search) Next Peak NOTE The two markers should be on the signals near the second and tenth vertical graticule lines (the first graticule line is the left-most). 7. If necessary, continue pressing Next Peak until the active marker is on the right-most signal (2700 MHz). 8. Record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency reading as Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record. 100 kHz and 100 MHz Frequency Span Readout Accuracy 1. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 10 MHz Stop Freq, 110 MHz Sweep, Sweep (Cont) 2. On the synthesized sweeper set the controls as follows: CW, 100 MHz 60 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 6. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B POWER LEVEL, –5 dBm 3. Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 20 MHz AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm 4. Adjust the analyzer center frequency to center the two signals on the display. 5. On the analyzer, press Single. Wait for the completion of a new sweep, then press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta Peak Search (or Search) Next Peak The two markers should be on the signals near the second and tenth vertical graticule lines (the first graticule line is the left-most). 6. If necessary, continue pressing Next Peak until the active marker is on the right-most signal (100 MHz). Record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency reading in the performance test record as Test Record entry 2. 7. Press Marker, More, Marker Off on the analyzer. 8. Change to the next equipment settings listed in Table 2-9. 9. On the analyzer, press Single. Wait for the completion of a new sweep, then press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta Peak Search (or Search) Next Peak 10.If necessary, continue pressing Next Peak until the marker delta is on the right-most signal. Record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency reading in the performance test record. 11.Repeat step 7 through step 10 for the remaining analyzer span settings listed in Table 2-9. Chapter 2 61 Performance Verification Tests 6. Frequency Span Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-9 Frequency Span Readout Accuracy Analyzer Start Frequency Analyzer Stop Frequency (MHz) Test Record Entry Synthesized Sweeper Frequency (MHz) Synthesized Signal Generator Frequency (MHz) 0 3000 300 2700 1) 3000 10 110 20 100 2) 100 10 10.1 10.01 10.09 3) 0.1 800 900 810 890 4) 100 800 800.1 800.01 800.09 5) 0.1 1400 1500 1410 1490 6) 100 1499 1499.1 1499.01 1499.09 7) 0.1 62 (MHz) Analyzer Span (MHz) Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 7. Noise Sidebands 7. Noise Sidebands A 1 GHz CW signal is applied to the input of the analyzer. The marker functions are used to measure the amplitude of the carrier and the noise level at 10 kHz, 20 kHz, and 30 kHz above and below the carrier. The 100 kHz offset from the carrier is also tested on Agilent E4401B and E4411B analyzers. For all other analyzers, the 100 kHz offset from the carrier is tested in performance test 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets: Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60-in) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Pad, minimum loss Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f), to APC 3.5 (f) Figure 2-7 Noise Sidebands Test Setup CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or the connectors will be damaged. Chapter 2 63 Performance Verification Tests 7. Noise Sidebands Procedure This performance test consists of five parts: Part 1: Noise Sideband Suppression at 10 kHz (measured in 1 kHz RBW) Part 2: Noise Sideband Suppression at 10 kHz (measured in 100 Hz RBW) Part 3: Noise Sideband Suppression at 20 kHz Part 4: Noise Sideband Suppression at 30 kHz Part 5: Noise Sideband Suppression at 100 kHz (Agilent E4401B and E4411B only) • For E4401B or E4411B, do Parts 1, 3, 4 and 5. • For E4402B, E4404B, E4405B or E4407B with Option 1DR and serial prefixes greater than or equal to US4510, SG4510, or MY4510, do Parts 2, 3 and 4. • For all other ESA series analyzers do Parts 1, 3 and 4. A worksheet is provided at the end of this procedure for calculating the noise sideband suppression. Part 1: Noise Sideband Suppression at 10 kHz (measured in 1 kHz RBW) 1. Perform the following steps to set up the equipment: Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 1000 MHz AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, 6 dBm (75 Ω Input only) AM OFF FM OFF 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-7. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 1 GHz SPAN, 10 MHz AMPLITUDE, Attenuation 10 dB (Man) 4. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the carrier amplitude: Peak Search (or Search) FREQUENCY, Signal Track (On) SPAN, 50 kHz BW/Avg, 1 kHz Video BW, 30 Hz (Man) FREQUENCY, Signal Track (Off) 64 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 7. Noise Sidebands Det/Demod, Detector, Sample Sweep, Sweep Time, 5 sec Single Wait for the completion of a sweep, then press Peak Search (or Search). 5. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at 10 kHz: Marker, Delta More, Function, Marker Noise (or Noise) AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm FREQUENCY, CF Step, 10 kHz Center Freq, ↑ SPAN, Zero Span Single Record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-10 as the Upper Sideband Noise Level at 10 kHz. 6. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at −10 kHz: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, ↓, ↓ Single Record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-10 as the Lower Sideband Noise Level at −10 kHz. 7. Press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, ↑ 8. Continue with Part 3: Noise Sideband Suppression at 20 kHz. Part 2: Noise Sideband Suppression at 10 kHz (measured in 100 Hz RBW) 1. Perform the following steps to set up the equipment: Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 1000 MHz AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm AM, OFF FM, OFF 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-7. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 1 GHz SPAN, 10 MHz AMPLITUDE, Attenuation 10 dB (Man) Chapter 2 65 Performance Verification Tests 7. Noise Sidebands 4. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the carrier amplitude: Peak Search (or Search) FREQUENCY, Signal Track (On) SPAN, 50 kHz BW/Avg, 100 Hz Video BW, 30 Hz (Man) FREQUENCY, Signal Track (Off) Det/Demod, Detector, Sample Sweep, Sweep Time, 5 sec Single Wait for the completion of a sweep, then press Peak Search (or Search). 5. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at 10 kHz: Marker, Delta More, Function, Marker Noise (or Noise) AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm FREQUENCY, CF Step, 10 kHz Center Freq, ↑ SPAN, Zero Span Single Record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-10 as the Upper Sideband Noise Level at 10 kHz. 6. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at −10 kHz: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, ↓, ↓ Single Record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-10 as the Lower Sideband Noise Level at −10 kHz. 7. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 1 GHz SPAN, 10 MHz AMPLITUDE, Attenuation 10 dB (Man) 8. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the carrier amplitude: Peak Search (or Search) FREQUENCY, Signal Track (On) SPAN, 50 kHz BW/Avg, 1 kHz Video BW, 30 Hz (Man) FREQUENCY, Signal Track (Off) Det/Demod, Detector, Sample 66 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 7. Noise Sidebands Sweep, Sweep Time, 5 sec Single Wait for the completion of a sweep, then press Peak Search (or Search). 9. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at 10 kHz: Marker, Delta More, Function, Marker Noise (or Noise) AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm 10.Continue with Part 3: Noise Sideband Suppression at 20 kHz Part 3: Noise Sideband Suppression at 20 kHz 1. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at 20 kHz: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 20 kHz Center Freq, ↑ Single Record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-10 as the Upper Sideband Noise Level at 20 kHz. 2. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at −20 kHz: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, ↓, ↓ Single Record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-10 as the Lower Sideband Noise Level at −20 kHz. 3. Press ↑. Part 4: Noise Sideband Suppression at 30 kHz 1. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at 30 kHz: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 30 kHz Center Freq, ↑ Single Record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-10 as the Upper Sideband Noise Level at 30 kHz. 2. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at −30 kHz: Chapter 2 67 Performance Verification Tests 7. Noise Sidebands FREQUENCY, ↓, ↓ Single Record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-10 as the Lower Sideband Noise Level at −30 kHz. 3. Press ↑. 4. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4401B or E4411B, continue with Part 5: Noise Sideband Suppression at 100 kHz (Agilent E4401B and E4411B only). Otherwise, continue with the next step. 5. In Table 2-10, record the more positive values (either Upper Noise Sideband Level, or Lower Noise Sideband Level) at the three offset frequencies and record them in the table as the Worst-Case offsets. Record these Worst-Case offset values in the performance verification test record in locations 1, 2 and 3 respectively. 6. This completes the Noise Sidebands test for the Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B analyzers. Part 5: Noise Sideband Suppression at 100 kHz (Agilent E4401B and E4411B only) 1. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at 100 kHz: CF Step, 98 kHz Center Freq, ↑ Single 2. Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-10 as the Upper Sideband Noise Level at 100 kHz. NOTE A spur may exist at 100 kHz offset from the carrier. Measuring at ±98 kHz offset from the carrier will yield a noise sideband level worse than the reading at ±100 kHz offset. 3. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at −100 kHz: FREQUENCY, ↓, ↓ Single 4. Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-10 as the Lower Sideband Noise Level at −100 kHz. 5. In Table 2-10, record the more positive values (either Upper Noise Sideband Level, or Lower Noise Sideband Level) at the four offset frequencies and record them in the table as the Worst-Case offsets. Record these Worst-Case offset values in the performance 68 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 7. Noise Sidebands verification test record in locations 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. 6. This completes the Noise Sidebands test for the Agilent E4401B or E4411B analyzer. Table 2-10 Noise Sidebands Worksheet Noise Sideband Amplitude Offset (kHz) Upper (dBc/Hz) Lower (dBc/Hz) Worst (dBc/Hz) Test Record Entry 10 kHz 1) 20 kHz 2) 30 kHz 3) 100 kHza 4) a. This offset frequency is tested on Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B analyzers as part of performance test 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets: Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B. Chapter 2 69 Performance Verification Tests 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets: Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets: Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B A 1 GHz CW signal is applied to the input of the analyzer. The marker functions are used to measure the amplitude of the carrier and the noise level at 100 kHz, 1 MHz, 5 MHz, and 10 MHz above and below the carrier. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Wide offset phase noise signal generator Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60-in) Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f), to APC 3.5 (f) Figure 2-8 Noise Sidebands Test Setup Procedure This performance test consists of four parts: Part 1: Noise Sideband Suppression at 100 kHz Part 2: Noise Sideband Suppression at 1 MHz Part 3: Noise Sideband Suppression at 5 MHz Part 4: Noise Sideband Suppression at 10 MHz Perform part 1 before performing parts 2-4 of this procedure. A worksheet is provided at the end of this procedure for calculating the 70 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets: Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B noise sideband suppression. Part 1: Noise Sideband Suppression at 100 kHz 1. Perform the following steps to set up the equipment: Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 1 GHz AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm AM OFF FM OFF 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-8. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press the following keys on the analyzer: FREQUENCY, 1 GHz SPAN, 1 MHz 4. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the carrier amplitude: Peak Search (or Search) FREQUENCY, Signal Track (On) SPAN, 10 kHz FREQUENCY, Signal Track (Off) Det/Demod, Detector, Sample BW/Avg, 1 kHz 5. Adjust the signal generator AMPLITUDE to place the signal peak within 0.5 dB of the reference level on the analyzer. Press Single and then press Peak Search (or Search). 6. Press the following analyzer keys: Marker, Delta More, Function, Marker Noise (or Noise) AMPLITUDE, –40 dBm SPAN, Zero Span 7. Press BW/Avg, Average On 10, Enter to set the analyzer to video average 10 sweeps. 8. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at 100 kHz: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 99.8 kHz Center Freq, ↑ Single Wait for the analyzer to average ten sweeps. 9. Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-11 as the Upper Sideband Noise Level at 100 kHz. Chapter 2 71 Performance Verification Tests 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets: Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B NOTE A spur may exist at 100 kHz offset from the carrier. Measuring at ±98 kHz offset from the carrier will yield a noise sideband level worse than the reading at ±100 kHz offset. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at −100 kHz: FREQUENCY, ↓, ↓ Single Wait for the analyzer to average ten sweeps. 10.Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-11 as the Lower Sideband Noise Level at −100 kHz. 11.Press ↑. Part 2: Noise Sideband Suppression at 1 MHz 1. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at 1 MHz: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 980 kHz Center Freq, ↑ Single Wait for the analyzer to average ten sweeps. 2. Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-11 as the Upper Sideband Noise Level at 1 MHz. NOTE A spur may exist at 1 MHz offset from the carrier. Measuring at ±980 kHz offset from the carrier will yield a noise sideband level worse than the reading at ±1 MHz offset. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at −1 MHz: FREQUENCY, ↓, ↓ Single Wait for the analyzer to average ten sweeps. 3. Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-11 as the Lower Sideband Noise Level at −1 MHz. 4. Press ↑. 72 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets: Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B Part 3: Noise Sideband Suppression at 5 MHz 1. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at 5 MHz: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 5 MHz Center Freq, ↑ Single Wait for the analyzer to average ten sweeps. 2. Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-11 as the Upper Sideband Noise Level at 5 MHz. 3. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at −5 MHz: FREQUENCY, ↓, ↓ Single Wait for the analyzer to average ten sweeps. 4. Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-11 as the Lower Sideband Noise Level at −5 MHz. 5. Press ↑. Part 4: Noise Sideband Suppression at 10 MHz 1. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at 10 MHz: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 9.99 MHz Center Freq, ↑ Single Wait for the analyzer to average ten sweeps. 2. Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude noise reading in Table 2-11 as the Upper Sideband Noise Level at 10 MHz. NOTE A spur may exist at 10 MHz offset from the carrier. Measuring at ±9.99 MHz offset from the carrier will yield a noise sideband level worse than the reading at ±10 MHz offset. Press the following analyzer keys to measure the noise sideband level at −10 MHz: FREQUENCY, ↓, ↓ Single Wait for the analyzer to average ten sweeps. 3. Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude noise Chapter 2 73 Performance Verification Tests 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets: Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B and E4407B reading in Table 2-11 as the Lower Sideband Noise Level at −10 MHz. 4. In Table 2-11, record the more positive values (either Upper Noise Sideband Level, or Lower Noise Sideband Level) at the four offset frequencies and record them in the table as the Worst-Case offsets. Record these Worst-Case offset values in the performance verification test record in locations 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Table 2-11 Noise Sidebands Worksheet Noise Sideband Amplitude Offset (kHz) Upper (dBc/Hz) Lower (dBc/Hz) Worst (dBc/Hz) Test Record Entry 100 kHz 1) 1 MHz 2) 5 MHz 3) 10 MHz 4) 74 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 9. System-Related Sidebands 9. System-Related Sidebands A 500 MHz CW signal is applied to the input of the analyzer. The marker functions are used to measure the amplitude of the carrier and the amplitude of any system-related sidebands more than 30 kHz away from the carrier. System-related sidebands are any internally generated sidebands related to the line, power supply or local oscillator. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60-in) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Pad, minimum loss Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f), to APC 3.5 (f) Figure 2-9 System-related Sidebands Test Setup CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or the connectors will be damaged. Procedure 1. Perform the following steps to set up the equipment: Chapter 2 75 Performance Verification Tests 9. System-Related Sidebands a. Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 500 MHz AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, 6 dBm (75 Ω Input only) AM Off FM Off b. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-9. c. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 500 MHz SPAN, 10 MHz 2. Set the analyzer to measure the system-related sideband above the signal by performing the following steps: a. Press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) FREQUENCY, Signal Track (On) SPAN, 200 kHz BW/Avg, 1 kHz Video BW, 30 Hz (Man) Allow the analyzer to take two complete sweeps. Then press the following keys: FREQUENCY, Signal Track (Off) CF Step, 130 kHz (Man) b. Press Single and wait for the completion of the sweep. Press Peak Search (or Search), then Marker, Delta. c. Press the following keys: FREQUENCY ↑(step-up key) 3. Measure the system-related sideband above the signal by pressing Single on the analyzer. Wait for the completion of a new sweep, then press Peak Search (or Search). 4. Record the marker delta amplitude as Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record. 5. Set the analyzer to measure the system-related sideband below the signal by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY ↓ (step-down key) ↓ (step-down key) 6. Measure the system-related sideband below the signal by pressing 76 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 9. System-Related Sidebands Single. Wait for the completion of a new sweep, then press Peak Search (or Search). Record the marker delta amplitude as Test Record entry 2 of the performance verification test record. Chapter 2 77 Performance Verification Tests 10. Residual FM 10. Residual FM This test measures the inherent short-term instability of the analyzer LO system. With the analyzer in zero span, a stable signal is applied to the input and slope detected on the linear portion of the IF bandwidth filter skirt. Any instability in the LO transfers to the IF signal in the mixing process. The test determines the slope of the IF filter in Hz/dB and then measures the signal amplitude variation caused by the residual FM. Multiplying these two values yields the residual FM in Hz. For instruments having Option 1DR (Narrow Bandwidths), since the 10 Hz resolution bandwidth filter is digitally implemented, its slope is well known. The measured amplitude variation is simply multiplied by the known slope to yield the residual FM in a 10 Hz resolution bandwidth. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60-in) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Pad, minimum loss Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f), to APC 3.5 (f) Figure 2-10 Residual FM Test Setup 78 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 10. Residual FM CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or the connectors will be damaged. Procedure This performance test consists of two parts: “Part 1: Residual FM” “Part 2: Residual FM for Option 1DR and 1D5” Perform “Part 2: Residual FM for Option 1DR and 1D5” in addition to Part 1, only if your analyzer is equipped with Option 1DR and 1D5. Part 1: Residual FM Determining the IF Filter Slope 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-10. 2. Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 1000 MHz AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, –4 dBm (75 Ω Input only) AM OFF FM OFF 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 1 GHz SPAN, 1 MHz AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –9 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, 39.8 dBmV (75 Ω Input only) Scale/Div, 2 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz 4. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) SPAN, Span Zoom, 5 kHz Wait for the Span 5kHz message to appear, then press: Peak Search (or Search), Marker →, Marker → Ref Lvl, Marker, Off 5. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Single (Wait for the sweep to finish) Peak Search (or Search) Meas Tools, Delta 6. On the analyzer, rotate knob counterclockwise until the marker Chapter 2 79 Performance Verification Tests 10. Residual FM delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads −8 dB ±0.3 dB. 7. Press Delta, then rotate the knob counterclockwise until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) reads −4 dB ±0.3 dB. If you have difficulty achieving the ±0.3 dB setting, then make the following analyzer settings: Sweep, Sweep (Cont) SPAN, 2 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz (Man) Repeat step 5 through step 7. 8. Divide the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency in Hertz by the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude in dB to obtain the slope of the resolution bandwidth filter. For example, if the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency is 275 Hz and the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude is 3.92 dB, the slope would be equal to 70.15 Hz/dB. Record the result below: Slope ____________ Hz/ dB Measuring the Residual FM 9. On the analyzer, press: Marker, Off Peak Search (or Search) Meas Tools Delta 10.Rotate the knob counterclockwise until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads −10 dB ±0.3 dB. 11.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Marker, Normal Marker →, Mkr → CF Single BW/Avg, Video BW (Man), 1 kHz SPAN, Zero Span Sweep, Sweep Time 100 ms, Single The displayed trace should be about five divisions below the reference level. If it is not, press Sweep, Sweep (Cont), FREQUENCY, and use the knob to place the displayed trace about five divisions below the reference level. Press Single. 12.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Pk-Pk Search. Read the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude, take its absolute value, and record the result as the Deviation. Deviation ____________ dB 13.Calculate the Residual FM by multiplying the Slope recorded in 80 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 10. Residual FM step 8 by the Deviation recorded in step 12. Record this value as Test Record entry 1 (Residual FM, 1 kHz Res BW) in the performance verification test record. Part 2: Residual FM for Option 1DR and 1D5 Perform this additional procedure only if Option 1DR and Option 1D5 are present. Perform “Part 1: Residual FM” before performing this procedure. 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 1 GHz SPAN, 1 MHz AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –9 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, 39.8 dBmV (75 Ω Input only) Scale/Div, 2 dB 2. On the analyzer press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) SPAN, Span Zoom, 5 kHz Wait for the “Span 5 kHz” message to appear. Press the following keys: BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz (Man) SPAN, 100 Hz 3. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker →, Mkr → Ref Lvl Marker, Off Peak Search (or Search) Meas Tools Delta 4. On the analyzer, rotate the knob counterclockwise until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads −10 dB ±0.3 dB. 5. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Marker, Normal Marker →, Mkr → CF Single BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 Hz (Man) SPAN, Zero Span Sweep, Sweep Time, 20 ms Single The displayed trace should be about five divisions below the Chapter 2 81 Performance Verification Tests 10. Residual FM reference level. If it is not, press Sweep, Sweep (Cont), FREQUENCY, and use the knob to place the displayed trace about five divisions below the reference level. Press Single. 6. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Pk-Pk Search. Read the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude, take its absolute value, and record the result as the Deviation. Deviation ____________ dB 7. Calculate the Residual FM by multiplying the deviation recorded in step 6 by 0.426 Hz/dB. This is the slope of the 10 Hz Res BW filter at 10 dB below the peak of the filter. Record this value as Test Record entry 2 (Residual FM (10 Hz RBW)) in the performance verification test record. 82 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 11. Sweep Time Accuracy 11. Sweep Time Accuracy This test uses a function generator to amplitude-modulate a 500 MHz CW signal from another signal generator. The analyzer demodulates this signal in zero span to display the response in the time domain. The marker ∆ function on the analyzer is used to read out the sweep time accuracy. If the analyzer is equipped with Option AYX, also perform “Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy” in addition to this procedure. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Function generator Synthesized signal generator Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60-in) Cable, BNC, 120-cm (48-in) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Pad, minimum loss Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f), to APC 3.5 (f) Figure 2-11 Sweep Time Accuracy Test Setup CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω Chapter 2 83 Performance Verification Tests 11. Sweep Time Accuracy connectors, or the connectors will be damaged. Procedure 1. Set the synthesized signal generator to output a 500 MHz, −10 dBm, CW signal. Set the AM and FM controls to off. 75 Ω Input only: Set output level to −4 dBm. 2. Set the function generator to output a 2 kHz, 1.14 Vp-p triangle waveform signal. 3. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-11. 4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 500 MHz SPAN, 10 MHz SPAN, Span Zoom, 50 kHz 5. Wait for the Span 50 kHz message to appear. Set Signal Track (Off). 6. Set the span to 0 Hz and set the analyzer as follows: BW/Avg, Res BW, 3 MHz Sweep, Sweep Time, 5 ms AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Lin) Peak Search (or Search) More, Search Parameters (or Search Criteria) Peak Excursion, 3 dB Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude as necessary for a mid-screen display (marker amplitude should read approximately 110 mV). 7. Set the synthesized signal generator modulation source to EXT DC. Set AM ON at 90% modulation. 8. On the analyzer, press Trig then Video. Set the video trigger level to 110 mV (mid-screen). 9. On the analyzer, press Single. After the completion of the sweep, press Peak Search (or Search), 0, s, Meas Tools, Next Pk Right. This is the marked signal. 10.Press Marker, Delta, then Peak Search (or Search) and press Next Pk Right eight times so the delta marker is on the eighth signal peak from the marked signal. 11.Read the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) time. Calculate the sweeptime 84 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 11. Sweep Time Accuracy accuracy as follows: ∆Mkr1 – ( 0.8 × Sweep Time ) Sweep Time Accuracy = 100 × -----------------------------------------------------------------------Sweep Time The sweep time accuracy is defined as a percentage of the indicated sweep time, not of the indicated signal separation. Therefore, it is appropriate to divide the difference between the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) reading and the nominal signal separation by the sweep time, rather than dividing by the nominal signal separation. NOTE 12.Record the calculated sweeptime accuracy in Table 2-12. 13.If the analyzer is not equipped with Option AYX, fast time domain sweeps, or Option B7D, DSP and Fast ADC, repeat step 9 through step 12 only for sweeptime settings between 5 ms and 10 s as indicated in Table 2-12. For each sweeptime setting, set the function generator to the frequency indicated in Table 2-12. 14.If the analyzer is equipped with Option AYX, fast time domain sweeps, or Option B7D, DSP and Fast ADC, repeat step 9 through step 12 for all sweeptime settings as indicated in Table 2-12. For each sweeptime setting, set the function generator to the frequency indicated in Table 2-12. Table 2-12 Sweep Time Accuracy Marker Delta (∆ Mkr1) Reading Test Record Entry Analyzer Sweep Time Setting Synthesizer Function Generator Frequency 5 ms 2.0 kHz 1) 20 ms 500.0 Hz 2) 100 ms 100.0 Hz 3) 1s 10.0 Hz 4) 10 s 1.0 Hz 5) Sweep Time Accuracy (%) The following entries only apply to analyzers equipped with Option AYX or B7D. 1 ms 10.0 kHz 6) 500 µs 20.0 kHz 7) 100 µs 100.0 kHz 8) Chapter 2 85 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity 12. Display Scale Fidelity A 50 MHz CW signal is applied to the input of the analyzer through two calibrated step attenuators. The attenuators are the amplitude reference standard. The source is adjusted for a response at the reference level. The attenuators are then set to achieve a nominal amplitude below the reference level. The analyzer amplitude marker is compared to the actual total attenuation to determine the scale fidelity error. The test is performed in both log and linear amplitude scales. The related adjustment for this performance test is “IF Amplitude.” Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator 1 dB step attenuator 10 dB step attenuator 6 dB fixed attenuator (2 required) Attenuator switch driver (if programmable step attenuators are used) Cable, Type-N 152-cm (60-in) (2 required) Cable, BNC 122-cm (48-in) Attenuator interconnect kit Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input 50 Ω to 75 Ω minimum loss pad Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f), to APC 3.5 (f) 86 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity Figure 2-12 Scale Fidelity Test Setup CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, and adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or the connectors will be damaged. Procedure Calculate the Actual Attenuation Errors 1. From the calibration data supplied with the 10 dB step attenuator, enter into Column 4 of Table 2-13 through Table 2-17 the actual attenuation for the corresponding nominal attenuation settings. Enter data in Table 2-14, Table 2-16, and Table 2-17 only if the analyzer has Option 1DR. If the calibration data does not indicate an actual attenuation value for the 0 dB setting, enter 0 dB. NOTE The Agilent 8496G programmable attenuator has four attenuator sections consisting of 10 dB, 20 dB, and 40 dB attenuators. If using the Agilent 8496G programmable attenuator, enter the calibration data for the section three, 40 dB step, rather than the section four, 40 dB step. 2. From the calibration data supplied with the 1 dB step attenuator, enter into Column 5 of Table 2-13 through Table 2-17 the actual attenuation for the corresponding nominal attenuation settings. Enter data in Table 2-14, Table 2-16, and Table 2-17 only if the analyzer has Option 1DR. Chapter 2 87 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity If the calibration data does not indicate an actual attenuation value for the 0 dB setting, enter 0 dB. NOTE The Agilent 8494G programmable attenuator has four attenuator sections consisting of 1 dB, 2 dB, 4 dB, and 4 dB attenuators. If using the Agilent 8494G programmable attenuator, enter the calibration data for the section three, 4 dB step, rather than the section four, 4 dB step. 3. For each row in Table 2-13 and Table 2-14, add the 10 dB and the 1 dB Step Attenuator Actual Attenuation values (Columns 4 and 5) and place the results into the Total Actual Attenuation (Column 6). Total Actual Attenuation = 1 dB Step Attenuator Actual Attenuation + 10 dB Step Attenuator Actual Attenuation Example for –36 dB from REF LVL setting: 1 dB Step Attenuator Actual Attenuation ( 6 dB ) = 5.998 dB 10dB Step Attenuator Actual Attenuation ( 30 dB ) = 30.012 dB Total Actual Attenuation = 5.998dB + 30.012 dB = 36.010 dB 4. Enter the total actual attenuation (0 dB from the reference level) below: Total actual attenuation (0 dB from Ref Level) = __________ dB Part 1: Log Display Scale Fidelity, Analog Bandwidths Setup for Log Scale Measurement 1. Connect the equipment as indicated in Figure 2-12. 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off FREQUENCY, 50 MHz SPAN, 45 kHz BW/Avg, 3 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 kHz 3. Preset the synthesized signal generator, then press Blue Key, Special, 0.0. Press the following keys: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, +9 dBm 4. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to 0 dB. 5. Set the 10 dB step attenuator to 0 dB. 88 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity 6. Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer. 7. Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude until the analyzer marker amplitude reads 0 dBm±0.1 dB. 75 Ω Input: Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude until the analyzer marker reads 48.75 dBmV ±±0.1 dB. Do not adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude after the reference is established. NOTE 8. On the analyzer, press Marker, Delta. Measure the Cumulative Log Fidelity 1. Perform step 2 to step 4 for each measurement value in Table 2-13. 2. Set the 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators as indicated in Column 2 and Column 3 of Table 2-13 for the various dB from REF LVL settings. For settings of –64 dB and lower, press the following keys: BW/Avg, Average (On) 5, Enter 3. Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer and record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) reading in Column 7 of Table 2-13. 4. Calculate the Cumulative Log Fidelity Error (CLFE) as follows, and record the result in the performance verification test record as indicated in Column 8 of Table 2-13: CLFE = Total Actual Attenuation + Mkr∆ Reading – Total Actual Atten ( 0 dB from Ref Level ) Table 2-13 Column 1 dB from REF LVL Cumulative and Incremental Log Scale Fidelity Worksheet, Analog Resolution Bandwidths Measured at 3 kHz Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 10 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 10 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) 0 (Ref) 0 0 Chapter 2 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Column 9 Total Actual Attenuation Marker Delta (∆ Mkr1) Reading Test Record Entry – CLFE Test Record Entry – ILFE (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) 0 (Ref) 0 (Ref) NA 89 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity Table 2-13 Column 1 dB from REF LVL Cumulative and Incremental Log Scale Fidelity Worksheet, Analog Resolution Bandwidths Measured at 3 kHz Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 10 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 10 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Column 9 Total Actual Attenuation Marker Delta (∆ Mkr1) Reading Test Record Entry – CLFE Test Record Entry – ILFE (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) –4 0 4 1) 22) –8 0 8 2) 23) –12 10 2 3) 24) –16 10 6 4) 25) –20 20 0 5) 26) –24 20 4 6) 27) –28 20 8 7) 28) –32 30 2 8) 29) –36 30 6 9) 30) –40 40 0 10) 31) –44 40 4 11) 32) –48 40 8 12) 33) –52 50 2 13) 34) –56 50 6 14) 35) –60 60 0 15) 36) –64 60 4 16) 37) –68 60 8 17) 38) –72 70 2 18) 39) –76 70 6 19) 40) –80 80 0 20) 41) –84 80 4 21) NA Calculate Incremental Log Fidelity 1. Calculate the Incremental Log Fidelity Error (ILFE) for dB from REF LVL settings of –4 dB to −80 dB using the current and previous Cumulative Log Fidelity Errors (CLFEs): 90 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity ILFE = CLFE(current) – CLFE(previous) Example Calculation for ILFE at –20 dB from REFLVL setting: Previous CLFE ( –16 dB from REF LVL ) = – 0.07 dB Current CLFE ( – 20 dB from REF LVL ) = 0.02 dB ILFE ( – 20 dB ) = 0.02 dB – ( – 0.07 dB ) = 0.09 dB 2. Record the result in the performance verification test record as indicated in Column 9 of Table 2-13. Part 2: Log Display Scale Fidelity, Digital Bandwidths This section is for analyzers with Option 1DR (narrow resolution bandwidths) only. Setup for Log Scale Measurement 1. Set the following parameters on the analyzer: SPAN, 150 Hz BW/Avg, 10 Hz (ESA-E Series only) BW/Avg, 100 Hz (ESA-L Series only) BW/Avg, Video BW, 3 Hz 2. Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer. 3. Adjust the amplitude of the synthesized signal generator until the analyzer marker amplitude reads 0 dBm ±0.1 dB. 75 Ω Input only: Adjust the amplitude of the synthesized signal generator until the analyzer marker amplitude reads 48.75 dBmV ±0.1 dB. 4. Set the 1 dB and the 10 dB step attenuators to 0 dB. NOTE Do not adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude after the reference is established. 5. On the analyzer, press Marker, Delta. Measure the Cumulative Log Fidelity 1. Perform step 2 to step 4 for each measurement value in Table 2-14. 2. Set the 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators as indicated in Table 2-14 for the various dB from REF LVL settings. For settings of –84 dB and lower, press the following keys: Chapter 2 91 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity BW/Avg, Average (On) 5, Enter 3. Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer and record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) reading in Column 7 of Table 2-14. 4. Calculate the Cumulative Log Fidelity Error (CLFE) as follows and record the result in the performance verification test record as indicated in Column 8 of Table 2-14: CLFE = Total Actual Attenuation + Mkr∆Reading – Total Actual Atten ( 0 dB from R Table 2-14 Cumulative and Incremental Log Scale Fidelity Worksheet, Option 1DR Narrow Resolution Bandwidths Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 dB from REF LVL 10 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 10 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) 0 (Ref) 0 0 –4 0 –8 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Column 9 Total Actual Attenuation Marker Delta (∆ Mkr1) Reading Test Record Entry – CLFE Test Record Entry – ILFE (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) 0 (Ref) NA 4 43) 68) 0 8 44) 69) –12 10 2 45) 70) –16 10 6 46) 71) –20 20 0 47) 72) –24 20 4 48) 73) –28 20 8 49) 74) –32 30 2 50) 75) –36 30 6 51) 76) –40 40 0 52) 77) –44 40 4 53) 78) –48 40 8 54) 79) –52 50 2 55) 80) –56 50 6 56) 81) –60 60 0 57) 82) 92 0 (Ref) Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity Table 2-14 Cumulative and Incremental Log Scale Fidelity Worksheet, Option 1DR Narrow Resolution Bandwidths Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 dB from REF LVL 10 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 10 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Column 9 Total Actual Attenuation Marker Delta (∆ Mkr1) Reading Test Record Entry – CLFE Test Record Entry – ILFE (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) –64 60 4 58) 83) –68 60 8 59) 84) –72 70 2 60) 85) –76 70 6 61) 86) –80 80 0 62) 87) –84 80 4 63) NA –88 80 8 64) NA –92 90 2 65) NA –96 90 6 66) NA –98 90 8 67) NA Calculate incremental log fidelity: Calculate the Incremental Log Fidelity Error (ILFE) for dB from REF LVL settings of –4 dB to −80 dB using the current and previous Cumulative Log Fidelity Errors (CLFEs): ILFE = CLFE ( current ) – CLFE ( previous ) Record the result in the performance verification test record as indicated in Column 9 of Table 2-14. Part 3: Linear Display Scale Fidelity, Analog Bandwidths Setup for linear scale measurement: 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off FREQUENCY, 50 MHz Chapter 2 93 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity SPAN, 10 kHz BW/Avg, 3 kHz AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Lin) Input/Output (or Input), Input Z Corr (50) (75 Ω Input only) 2. Preset the synthesized signal generator, by pressing Blue Key, Special, 0, 0. Press the following keys: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, –3 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, 4 dBm (75 Ω Input only) 3. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to 0 dB. 4. Set the 10 dB step attenuator to 0 dB. 5. Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer. 6. Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude until the analyzer marker amplitude reads 223.6 mV ±4 mV. NOTE Do not adjust the amplitude of the synthesized signal generator after the reference is established. Calculate ideal marker amplitude: 7. Considering Total Actual Attenuation at the 0 dB from REF LVL setting to be ATref, and the Total Actual Attenuation at any other dB from REF LVL setting to be ATmeas, calculate the Ideal Mkr Reading, in millivolts, as follows, and enter the result in Column 7 of Table 2-15. Ideal Mkr Reading ( mV ) = 1000 0.05 × 10 ( – ATmeas + ATref ) ⁄ 10 For example, if ATref = 0.012 dB and ATmeas = 7.982, the Ideal Mkr Reading for the −8 dB from Ref Level setting would be: Ideal Mkr Reading(mV) = 1000 0.05 × 10 ( – 7.982 + 0.012 ) ⁄ 10 = 89.3 mV Measure Linear Fidelity: 8. Perform step 9 to step 11 for each measurement value in Table 2-15. 9. Set the 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators as indicated in Column 2 and Column 3 of Table 2-15 for the dB from REF LVL settings. 10.Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer and record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading as the actual Mkr reading in Column 8 of 94 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity Table 2-15. 11.Calculate the Linear Fidelity Error (LFE) as a percentage of reference level (RL), and record the result in the performance verification test record as indicated in Column 9 of Table 2-15. Actual Mkr Reading – Ideal Mkr Reading LFE ( % of RL ) = 100 × ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------223.6 mV Example calculation for LFE(% of RL): Actual Mkr Reading = 85.0 mV Ideal Mkr Reading = 89.3 mV 85.0 – 89.3 LFE ( %of RL ) = 100 × --------------------------223.6 LFE ( %of RL ) = 1.92% of RL Table 2-15 Linear Scale Fidelity Worksheet, Analog Resolution Bandwidths Measured at 3 kHz Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 dB from REF LVL 10 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 10 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) Column 6 Total Actual Attenuation (dB) Column 7 Ideal Mkr Reading (mV) 0 (Ref) Column 8 Column 9 Actual Mkr Reading Test Record Entry – LFE (mV) (% of RL) 0 (Ref) 0 0 0 (Ref) 0 (Ref) –4 0 4 93) –8 0 8 94) –12 10 2 95) –16 10 6 96) –20 20 0 97) Part 4: Linear Display Scale Fidelity, Digital Bandwidths This section is for analyzers with Option 1DR (narrow resolution bandwidths) only. Chapter 2 95 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity Setup for linear scale measurement: 1. Set the following parameters on the analyzer: SPAN, 100, Hz (ESA-E Series only) SPAN, 300, Hz (ESA-L Series only) BW/Avg, 10 Hz (ESA-E Series only) BW/Avg, 100 Hz (ESA-L Series only) Video BW, 1 Hz 2. Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer. 3. Set the 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators to 0 dB. 4. Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude until the analyzer marker amplitude reads 223.6 mV ±4 mV. NOTE Do not adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude after the reference is established. Calculate ideal marker amplitude: 5. Considering Total Actual Attenuation at the 0 dB from REF LVL setting to be ATref and the Total Actual Attenuation at any other dB from REF LVL setting to be ATmeas, calculate the Ideal Mkr Reading, in millivolts, as follows and enter the result in Column 7 of Table 2-16. Ideal Mkr Reading ( mV ) = 1000 0.05 × 10 ( – ATmeas + ATref ) ⁄ 10 Measure linear fidelity: 6. Perform step 7 to step 9 for each measurement value in Table 2-16. 7. Set the 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators as indicated in Table 2-16 for the dB from REF LVL settings. 8. Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer and record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading as the actual Mkr reading in Column 8 of Table 2-16. 9. Calculate the Linear Fidelity Error (LFE) as a percentage of reference level (RL), and record the result in the performance verification test record as indicated in Column 9 of Table 2-16. Actual Mkr Reading – Ideal Mkr Reading LFE ( %of RL ) = 100 × ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------223.6 mV 96 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity Table 2-16 Linear Scale Fidelity Worksheet, Option 1DR Narrow Resolution Bandwidths Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 dB from REF LVL 10 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 10 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) Column 6 Total Actual Attenuation (dB) Column 7 Ideal Mkr Reading (mV) 0 (Ref) Column 8 Column 9 Actual Mkr Reading Test Record Entry – LFE (mV) (% of RL) 0 (Ref) 0 0 0 (Ref) 0 (Ref) –4 0 4 98) –8 0 8 99) –12 10 2 100) –16 10 6 101) –20 20 0 102) 10.If the analyzer has a 75W Input press: Input/Output (or Input) Input Z Corr (75) Zero Span Log Fidelity, Digital Bandwidths This section is for analyzers with Option 1DR (narrow resolution bandwidths) only. Setup for zero span measurements 11. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to 11 dB and the 10 dB step attenuator to 110 dB. 12. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: System, Alignments Align Now, All (wait for the alignment sequence to complete) 13. Set the 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators to 0 dB. 14. Set the following parameters on the analyzer: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz SPAN, 100 Hz (ESA-E Series only) SPAN, 500 Hz (ESA-L Series only) BW/Avg, 10 Hz (ESA-E Series only) BW/Avg, 100 Hz (ESA-L Series only) 15. On the analyzer press Peak Search (or Search), Marker –>, and Marker –> CF. Chapter 2 97 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity 16. Press SPAN, Zero Span on the analyzer. 17. Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude until the analyzer marker amplitude reads 0 dBm ± 0.1 dB. 75 Ω Input: Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude until the analyzer marker amplitude reads 48.75 dBmV ± 0.1 dB. NOTE Do not adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude after the reference is established. 18. On the analyzer, press Marker, Delta. Measure the Cumulative Log Fidelity 19.On the analyzer, press Single, BW/Avg, Average, 5, Enter. 20.Perform step 22 to step 24 for each measurement value in Table 2-17. 21.Set the 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators as indicated in Column 2 and Column 3 of Table 2-16 for the various dB from REF LVL settings. 22.Press Single and wait for “VAvg 5” to be displayed to the right of the graticule area. 23.Record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading in Column 7 of Table 2-16. 24.Calculate the Cumulative Log Fidelity Error (CLFE) as follows, and record the result in the performance verification test record as indicated in Column 8 of Table 2-16. CLFE = Total Actual Attenuation + ∆Mkr Reading – Total Actual Atten (0 dB from Ref Level) 98 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 12. Display Scale Fidelity Table 2-17 Column 1 dB from REF LVL Zero Span Cumulative Log Fidelity Worksheet, Opt 1DR Narrow Resolution Bandwidths Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 10 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Nominal Attenuation 10 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation 1 dB Step Atten Actual Attenuation (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dB) Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Total Actual Attenuation DMkr Reading Test Record EntryCLFE (dB) (dB) (dB) 0 (Ref) 0 0 0 (Ref) 0 (Ref) –4 0 4 103) –8 0 8 104) –12 10 2 105) –16 10 6 106) –20 20 0 107) –24 20 4 108) –28 20 8 109) –32 30 2 110) –36 30 6 111) –40 40 0 112) –44 40 4 113) –48 40 8 114) –52 50 2 115) –56 50 6 116) –60 60 0 117) –64 60 4 118) –68 60 8 119) –70 70 0 120) Post-Test Instrument Restoration 25. Remove the RF cable from the analyzer input connector. 26. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Preset System, Alignments, Auto Align, All Chapter 2 99 Performance Verification Tests 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty A 50 MHz CW signal is applied to the input of the analyzer through two calibrated step attenuators. The attenuators are the amplitude reference standard. The source is adjusted for a response at the reference level. The internal attenuators are then varied between settings and the external attenuators are changed accordingly to maintain the same input level at the mixer. The analyzer marker functions are used to measure the amplitude differences. The actual attenuation values of the step attenuators are used to correct the marker amplitude readings yielding the input attenuation switching error. The related adjustment for this performance test is “Frequency Response.” Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator 1 dB step attenuator 10 dB step attenuator Attenuator switch driver (if programmable step attenuators are used) 6 dB fixed attenuator (2 required) Cable, Type-N 152-cm (60-in) (2 required) Cable, BNC 122-cm (48-in) Attenuator interconnect kit Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input 50 Ω to 75 Ω minimum loss pad Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f), to APC 3.5 (f) 100 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Figure 2-13 Input Attenuator Switching Uncertainty Test Setup CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or the connectors will be damaged. Procedure Calculate Actual Attenuation Values 1. From the calibration data supplied with the 1 dB step attenuator, enter into Column 2 of Table 2-18 the actual attenuation for the corresponding nominal attenuation settings. If the calibration data does not indicate an actual attenuation value for the 0 dB setting, enter 0 dB. NOTE The Agilent 8494G programmable attenuator has four attenuator sections consisting of 1 dB, 2 dB, 4 dB, and 4 dB attenuators. If using the Agilent 8494G programmable attenuator, enter the calibration data for the section three 4 dB step rather than the section four 4 dB step. 2. From the calibration data supplied with the 10 dB step attenuator, enter into Column 4 of Table 2-18 the actual attenuation for the corresponding nominal attenuation settings. If the calibration data does not indicate an actual attenuation value for the 0 dB setting, enter 0 dB. NOTE The Agilent 8496G programmable attenuator has four attenuator sections consisting of 10 dB, 20 dB, 40 dB, and 40 dB attenuators. If Chapter 2 101 Performance Verification Tests 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty using the Agilent 8496G programmable attenuator, enter the calibration data for the section three 40 dB step rather than the section four 40 dB step. 3. For each Total Nominal Attenuation setting indicated in Table 2-18, calculate the Total Actual Attenuation from the actual attenuation Columns for the 1 dB and the 10 dB step attenuators and enter the result into Column 6 of Table 2-18. Total Actual Attenuation = 1 dB Step Attenuator Actual Attenuation + 10 dB Step Attenuator Actual Attenuation Example for 35 dB total nominal attenuation setting: 1dB Step Attenuator Actual Attenuation ( 5 dB ) = 5.021 dB 10 dB Step Attenuator Actual Attenuation ( 30 dB ) = 29.981 dB Total Actual Attenuation = 5.998 dB + 30.012 dB = 35.002 dB Table 2-18 Actual Attenuation Worksheet Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 1 dB step Attenuator Nominal Attenuation (dB) 1 dB step Attenuator Actual Attenuation (dB) 10 dB step Attenuator Nominal Attenuation (dB) 10 dB step Attenuator Actual Attenuation (dB) Total Nominal Attenuation (dB) Total Actual Attenuation (dB) 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 10 10 5 10 15 0 20 20 5 20 25 0 30 30 5 30 35 0 40 40 5 40 45 0 50 50 5 50 55 0 60 60 5 60 65 102 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty 4. For each attenuation error value in Column 4 of Table 2-19, calculate the attenuation errors by subtracting the difference between the Table 2-18 Total Actual Attenuation and Total Nominal Attenuation from the difference between the Total Actual Attenuation and Total Nominal Attenuation at 55 dB. Note that the total nominal attenuations listed in Table 2-19 are in a different order than those listed in Table 2-18. AttenErr = (ActAtten(55 dB) - 55 dB) - (ActAtten(X dB) NomAtten(X dB)) Where: AttenErr = Attenuator Error between the X dB and 55 dB settings ActAtten(55 dB) = Actual Attenuation of the 55 dB setting ActAtten(X dB) = Actual Attenuation of the X dB setting NomAtten(X dB) = Nominal Attenuation of the X dB setting Example of attenuation error calculation for 35 dB nominal attenuation: ActAtten (55 dB) = 55.15 dB ActAtten (35 dB) = 35.002 dB NomAtten (35 dB) = 35 dB AttenErr = ( 55.15 – 55 ) – ( 35.002 – 35 ) AttenErr = 0.15 – 0.002 AttenErr = 0.148 dB Setup for Switching Uncertainty Measurement 5. Connect the equipment as indicated in Figure 2-13. The 6 dB fixed attenuator (or minimum loss pad for 75 Ω input analyzers) should be connected directly to the input connector of the analyzer. 6. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz SPAN, 100 kHz AMPLITUDE, –55 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, –6.2 dBmV (75 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB AMPLITUDE, Scale/Div, 2 dB BW/Avg, 30 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 100 Hz Chapter 2 103 Performance Verification Tests 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty 7. Preset the synthesized signal generator (Blue Key, Special, 0, 0) and set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, 12 dBm 8. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to 5 dB attenuation. Set the 10 dB step attenuator to 50 dB. Refer to the Agilent 11713A attenuator switch driver manual for information on manually controlling a programmable step attenuator. 9. Press Peak Search (or Search) on the analyzer. 10.Adjust the amplitude of the synthesized signal generator until the marker amplitude of the analyzer reads −57 dBm± 0.1 dB. 75 Ω Input only: Adjust the amplitude of the synthesized signal generator until the marker of the analyzer reads −8.2 dBmV ± 0.1 dB. NOTE Do not adjust the amplitude of the synthesized signal generator after the reference is established. 11.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta. Table 2-19 Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Worksheet Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Analyzer Internal Attenuation Setting Analyzer Reference Level Setting 50 W Input/ 75 W Input Total Nominal Attenuation Setting Column 4 Attenuation Error Column 5 Ideal Marker Delta Reading Column 6 Column 7 Marker Delta Reading Test Record Entry – Switching Error (dB) (dB) 10 dB –55 dBm / –6.2 dBmV 55 dB 0 dB –65 dBm / –16.2 dBmV 65 dB −10 dB 1) 5 dB –60 dBm / –11.2 dBmV 60 dB −5 dB 2) 15 dB –50 dBm / –1.2 dBmV 50 dB 5 dB 3) 20 dB –45 dBm / 3.8 dBmV 45 dB 10 dB 4) 25 dB –40 dBm / 8.8 dBmV 40 dB 15 dB 5) 30 dB –35 dBm / 13.8 dBmV 35 dB 20 dB 6) 104 0 (dB) 0 dB 0 Ref Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Table 2-19 Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Worksheet Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Analyzer Internal Attenuation Setting Analyzer Reference Level Setting 50 W Input/ 75 W Input Total Nominal Attenuation Setting Column 4 Attenuation Error Column 5 Ideal Marker Delta Reading (dB) Column 6 Column 7 Marker Delta Reading Test Record Entry – Switching Error (dB) (dB) 35 dB –30 dBm / 18.8 dBmV 30 dB 25 dB 7) 40 dB –25 dBm / 23.8 dBmV 25 dB 30 dB 8) 45 dB –20 dBm / 28.8 dBmV 20 dB 35 dB 9) 50 dB –15 dBm / 33.8 dBmV 15 dB 40 dB 10) 55 dB –10 dBm / 38.8 dBmV 10 dB 45 dB 11) 60 dB –5 dBm / 43.8 dBmV 5 dB 50 dB 12) 65 dBa 0 dBm / 48.8 dBmV 0 dB 55 dB 13) a. Does not apply to Agilent E4401B or E4411B. Measure Switching Uncertainty Perform step 12 to step 15 for each measurement value in Table 2-19. 12.Set the 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators to the Total Nominal Attenuation setting value as indicated in Column 3 of Table 2-19 for the various analyzer attenuation settings for each measurement. Table 2-18 may be used as a reference for setting the step attenuators to achieve the desired total nominal attenuation. 13.Similarly, set the corresponding analyzer attenuation and reference level settings as indicated in Column 1 and Column 2 of Table 2-19. 14.Press Single, then Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude reading as the Marker Delta Reading in Column 6 of Table 2-19. 15.Calculate the Switching Error (Table 2-19, Column 7) by subtracting the Ideal Marker Delta Reading and the Attenuation Error from the Marker Delta Reading. Record the result in the performance verification test record. Chapter 2 105 Performance Verification Tests 13. Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Switching Error = Marker Delta Reading – Ideal Marker Delta Reading – Attenuattio Example for 25 dB analyzer internal attenuation setting: Marker Delta Reading = 14.790 dB Ideal Marker Delta Reading = 15 dB Attenuation Error = – 0.148 dB Switching Error = 14.790 – 15 – ( – 0.148 ) = – 0.062 dB Post-test Instrument Restoration 16.Remove the RF cable from the analyzer input connector. 17.On the analyzer, press Preset, System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. 106 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B A 50 MHz CW signal is applied to the 50 Ω input of the analyzer through two step attenuators. The amplitude of the source is decreased in 10 dB steps and the analyzer marker functions are used to measure the amplitude difference between steps. The external attenuator is used as the reference standard. The test is performed in both log and linear amplitude scales. It is only necessary to test reference levels as low as −90 dBm (−41.25 dBmv for 75 Ω inputs) (with 10 dB internal attenuation) since lower reference levels are a function of the analyzer microprocessor manipulating the trace data. There is no error associated with the trace data manipulation. The related adjustment for this performance test is “IF Amplitude.” Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator 1 dB step attenuator 10 dB step attenuator 6 dB fixed attenuator (2 required) Attenuator switch driver (if programmable step attenuators are used) Cable, Type-N 152-cm (60-in) (2 required) Cable, BNC 122-cm (48-in) Attenuator interconnect kit Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Pad, minimum loss Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Chapter 2 107 Performance Verification Tests 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Procedure Figure 2-14 Reference Level Accuracy Test Setup Calculate the Actual Attenuation Errors 1. From the calibration data supplied with the 10 dB step attenuator, enter into Column 2 of Table 2-20 through Table 2-23 the actual attenuation for the corresponding nominal attenuation settings. Enter data into Table 2-21 and Table 2-23 if the analyzer has Option 1DR. If no calibration data is supplied for 0 dB, enter zero. NOTE The Agilent 8496G programmable attenuator has four attenuator sections consisting of 10 dB, 20 dB, 40 dB and 40 dB attenuators. If using the Agilent 8496G programmable attenuator, enter the calibration data for the section three 40 dB step rather than the section four 40 dB step. 2. To calculate the Actual Attenuation Step, subtract the 10dB Actual Attenuation Error at all settings from the 10dB Actual Attenuation (20 dB) and enter the result in Column 3 of Table 2-20 through Table 2-23. Enter data into Table 2-21 and Table 2-23 if the analyzer has Option 1DR. Actual Attenuator Step ( X dB ) = ( Actual Attenuation ( 20 dB ) – Actual Attenuation ( X dB ) ) 108 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Example for 50 dB attenuator setting: Actual Attenuation ( 50 dB ) = 50.08 dB Actual Attenuation ( 20 dB ) = 19.85 dB Actual Attenuator Step ( 50 dB ) = ( 19.85 dB – 50.08dB ) = – 30.23dB Log Scale, Analog Bandwidths 1. Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, 12 dBm 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-14. Set the 10 dB step attenuator to 20 dB attenuation and the 1 dB step attenuator to 5 dB attenuation. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) AMPLITUDE, –25 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, 28.75 dBmV (75 Ω Input only) Scale/Div, 1 dB SPAN, 50 kHz BW/Avg, 3 kHz Video BW, 30 Hz 4. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to place the signal peak 1 to 3 dB (1 to 3 divisions) below the reference level. 5. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Single Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta 6. Set the 10 dB step attenuator and analyzer reference level according to Column 1 and Column 4 of Table 2-20. At each setting, do the following: a. Press Single on the analyzer. b. Press Peak Search (or Search). c. Record the marker delta amplitude reading in Column 5 of Table 2-20. d. Add the Actual Attenuation Step to the analyzer marker delta Chapter 2 109 Performance Verification Tests 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B amplitude and enter the result as the Test Record entry in the performance test record. The following is an example for –35 dBm reference level: Analyzer marker ∆ amplitude = ( – 10.17 ) dB Actual Attenuator Step ( 30 dB ) = ( – 10.07 ) dB Test Record Entry = ( – 10.17 ) dB – ( – 10.07 ) dB = ( – 0.10 ) dB 110 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Table 2-20 Log Scale, Analog Bandwidths Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 10 dB Attenuator Nominal Attenuation (dB) 10 dB Attenuator Actual Attenuation (dB) Actual Attenuator Step Analyzer Reference Levela (dBm) (dBmV) (dB) Column 5 Column 6 Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude (dB) Test Record Entry 0 (Ref) (Ref) −25 28.75 10 −15 38.75 1) 0 −5 48.75 2) 30 −35 18.75 3) 40 −45 8.75 4) 50 −55 −1.25 5) 60 −65 −11.25 6) 70 −75 −21.25 7) 20 0 (Ref) a. Use the dBm column values for analyzers with a 50 Ω input and the dBmV column for analyzers with a 75 Ω input. Log Scale, Digital Bandwidths, Option 1DR NOTE If the analyzer is an E4401B that is not equipped with Option 1DR (narrow resolution bandwidths) or an E4411B (with or without Option 1DR), skip to the next section (Linear Scale, Analog Bandwidths). 1. On the analyzer, press the following keys: SPAN, 150 Hz BW/Avg, 10 Hz Video BW, 1 Hz 2. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to place the signal peak 1 to 3 dB (1 to 3 divisions) below the reference level. 3. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Single Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta 4. Set the 10 dB step attenuator and analyzer reference level according to Column 1 and Column 4 of Table 2-21. At each setting, do the following: Chapter 2 111 Performance Verification Tests 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B a. Press Single on the analyzer. b. Press Peak Search (or Search). c. Record the Marker Delta Amplitude reading in Column 5 of Table 2-21. d. Add the Actual Attenuator Step to the Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude and enter the result as the Test Record entry in the performance test record. 112 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Table 2-21 Log Mode, Digital Bandwidths Worksheet, Option 1DR Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 10 dB Attenuator Nominal Attenuation (dB) 10 dB Attenuator Actual Attenuation (dB) Actual Attenuator Step Analyzer Reference Levela Test Record Entry (dB) (dBm) (dBmV) Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude (dB) 0 (Ref) (Ref) −25 28.75 10 −15 38.75 8) 0 −5 48.75 9) 30 −35 18.75 10) 40 −45 8.75 11) 50 −55 −1.25 12) 60 −65 −11.25 13) 70 −75 −21.25 14) 20 0 (Ref) a. Use the dBm column values for analyzers with a 50 Ω input and the dBmV column for analyzers with a 75 Ω input. Linear Scale, Analog Bandwidths 1. Set the 10 dB step attenuator to 20 dB attenuation. 2. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to 5 dB attenuation. 3. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: AMPLITUDE, –25 dBm (50 Ω input only) AMPLITUDE, 28.75 dBmV (75 Ω input only) AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Lin) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm (50 Ω input only) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBmV (75 Ω input only) SPAN, 50 kHz BW/Avg, 3 kHz Video BW, 30 Hz Sweep, Sweep Cont Marker, Off 4. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to place the signal peak one to three divisions below the reference level. 5. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Single Chapter 2 113 Performance Verification Tests 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta 6. Set the 10 dB step attenuator and analyzer reference level according to Column 1 and Column 4 of Table 2-22. At each setting, do the following: a. Press Single on the analyzer. b. Press Peak Search (or Search). c. Record the marker delta amplitude reading in Column 5 of Table 2-22. d. Add the Actual Attenuator Step to the Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude and enter the result in the performance test record. 114 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Table 2-22 Linear Mode, Analog Bandwidths Worksheet Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 10 dB Attenuator Nominal Attenuation (dB) 10 dB Attenuator Actual Attenuation (dB) Actual Attenuator Step Analyzer Reference Levela Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude (dB) (dBm) (dBmV) (dB) Column 6 Test Record Entry −25 28.75 10 −15 38.75 15) 0 −5 48.75 16) 30 −35 18.75 17) 40 −45 8.75 18) 50 −55 −1.25 19) 60 −65 −11.25 20) 70 −75 −21.25 21) 20 0 (Ref) 0 (Ref) (Ref) a. Use the dBm column values for analyzers with a 50 Ω input and the dBmV column for analyzers with a 75 Ω input. Linear Scale, Digital Bandwidths, Option 1DR NOTE If the analyzer is an E4401B that is not equipped with Option 1DR (narrow resolution bandwidths) or an E4411B (with or without Option 1DR), continue with the next section (Post-test Instrument Restoration). 1. On the analyzer, press the following keys: SPAN, 150 Hz BW/Avg, 10 Hz Video BW, 1 Hz 2. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to place the signal peak 1 to 3 divisions below the reference level. 3. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Single Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta 4. Set the 10 dB step attenuator and analyzer reference level according to Column 1 and Column 4 of Table 2-23. At each setting, do the following: Chapter 2 115 Performance Verification Tests 14. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B a. Press Single on the analyzer. b. Press Peak Search (or Search). c. Record the marker delta amplitude reading in Column 5 of Table 2-23. d. Add the Actual Attenuator Step to the Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude and enter the result as the Test Record entry in the performance test record. Table 2-23 Linear Mode, Digital Bandwidths, Option 1DR Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 10 dB Attenuator Nominal Attenuation (dB) 10 dB Attenuator Actual Attenuation (dB) Actual Attenuator Step Analyzer Reference Levela Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude (dBm) (dBmV) (dB) (dB) Column 6 Test Record Entry −25 28.75 10 −15 38.75 22) 0 −5 48.75 23) 30 −35 18.75 24) 40 −45 8.75 25) 50 −55 −1.25 26) 60 −65 −11.25 27) 70 −75 −21.25 28) 20 0 (Ref) 0 (Ref) (Ref) a. Use the dBm column values for analyzers with a 50 Ω input and the dBmV column for analyzers with a 75 Ω input. Post-test Instrument Restoration 1. Remove the RF cable from the analyzer input connector. 2. To restore the default settings on the analyzer, press Preset, System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. 116 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. A 50 MHz CW signal is applied to the 50 Ω Input of the analyzer through two step attenuators. The amplitude of the source is decreased in 10 dB steps and the analyzer marker functions are used to measure the amplitude difference between steps. The external attenuator is used as the reference standard. The test is performed in both log and linear amplitude scales. It is only necessary to test reference levels as low as −90 dBm (with 10 dB internal attenuation) since lower reference levels are a function of the analyzer microprocessor manipulating the trace data. There is no error associated with the trace data manipulation. The related adjustment for this performance test is “IF Amplitude.” Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator 1 dB step attenuator 10 dB step attenuator 6 dB fixed attenuator (2 required) Attenuator switch driver (if programmable step attenuators are used) Cable, Type-N 152-cm (60-in) (2 required) Cable, BNC 122-cm (48-in) Attenuator interconnect kit Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Chapter 2 117 Performance Verification Tests 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. Figure 2-15 Reference Level Accuracy Test Setup Procedure Calculate the Actual Attenuation Errors 1. From the calibration data supplied with the 10 dB step attenuator, enter into Column 2 of Table 2-24 through Table 2-27 the actual attenuation for the corresponding nominal attenuation settings. Enter data into Table 2-25 and Table 2-27 if the analyzer has Option 1DR. If no calibration data is supplied for 0 dB, enter zero. NOTE The Agilent 8496G programmable attenuator has four attenuator sections consisting of 10 dB, 20 dB, 40 dB and 40 dB attenuators. If using the Agilent 8496G programmable attenuator, enter the calibration data for the section three 40 dB step rather than the section four 40 dB step. 2. To calculate the attenuation error at other nominal attenuator settings, subtract the attenuation error at the other settings from the reference attenuator error and enter the result in Column 3 of Table 2-24 through Table 2-27. Enter data into Table 2-25 and Table 2-27 if the analyzer has Option 1DR. Actual Attenuator Step ( X dB ) = ( Actual Attenuation ( 20 dB ) – Actual Attenuation ( X dB ) ) 118 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. Example for 50 dB attenuator setting: Actual Attenuation ( 50 dB ) = 50.08 dB Actual Attenuation ( 20 dB ) = 19.85 dB Actual Attenuator Step ( 50 dB ) = ( 19.85 dB – 50.08dB ) = – 30.23dB Log Scale, Analog Bandwidths 1. Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, 12 dBm 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-15. Set the 10 dB step attenuator to 20 dB attenuation and the 1 dB step attenuator to 5 dB attenuation. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, –20 dBm Attenuation, 10 dB Scale/Div, 1 dB SPAN, 50 kHz BW/Avg, 3 kHz Video BW, 30 Hz 4. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to place the signal peak 1 to 3 divisions below the reference level. 5. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Single Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta 6. Set the 10 dB step attenuator and analyzer reference level according to Column 1 and Column 4 of Table 2-24. At each setting, do the following: a. Press Single on the analyzer. b. Press Peak Search (or Search). c. Record the marker delta amplitude reading in Column 5 of Table 2-24. d. Add the Actual Attenuator Step to the analyzer marker delta amplitude and enter the result as the Test Record entry in the Chapter 2 119 Performance Verification Tests 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. performance test record. The following is an example for –30 dBm reference level: Analyzer marker ∆ amplitude = ( – 10.17 ) dB Actual Attenuator Step ( 30 dB ) = ( – 10.07 ) dB Test Record Entry = ( – 10.17 ) dB – ( – 10.07 ) dB = ( – 0.10 ) dB Table 2-24 Log Mode, Analog Bandwidths Worksheet Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 10 dB Attenuator Nominal Attenuation (dB) 10 dB Attenuator Actual Attenuation (dB) Actual Attenuator Step Analyzer Reference Level Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude (dB) (dBm) 0 (Ref) −20 20 Column 6 Test Record Entry (dB) 0 (Ref) (Ref) 10 −10 1) 0 0 2) 30 −30 3) 40 −40 4) 50 −50 5) 60 −60 6) 70 −70 7) 80 −80 8) Log Scale, Digital Bandwidths, Option 1DR NOTE If the analyzer is an E4404B/E4405B/E4407B that is not equipped with Option 1DR (narrow resolution bandwidths) or an E4403B/E4408B (with or without Option 1DR), skip to the next section (Linear Scale, Analog Bandwidths). 7. On the analyzer, press the following keys: SPAN, 150 Hz BW/Avg, 10 Hz Video BW, 1 Hz 8. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to set the signal peak 1 to 3 divisions below the reference level. 120 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. 9. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Single Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta 10.Set the 10 dB step attenuator and analyzer reference level according to Column 1 and Column 4 of Table 2-25. At each setting, do the following: a. Press Single on the analyzer. b. Press Peak Search (or Search). c. Record the marker delta amplitude reading in Column 5 of Table 2-25. d. Add the Actual Attenuator Step to the analyzer marker delta amplitude and enter the result as the Test Record entry in the performance test record. Table 2-25 Log Mode, Digital Bandwidths Worksheet, Option 1DR Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 10 dB Attenuator Nominal Attenuation (dB) 10 dB Attenuator Actual Attenuation, (dB) Actual Attenuator Step Analyzer Reference Level Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude (dB) (dBm) 0 (Ref) −20 20 Column 6 Test Record Entry (dB) 0 (Ref) (Ref) 10 −10 9) 0 0 10) 30 −30 11) 40 −40 12) 50 −50 13) 60 −60 14) 70 −70 15) 80 −80 16) Linear Scale, Analog Bandwidths 1. Set the 10 dB step attenuator to 20 dB attenuation. 2. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to 5 dB attenuation. 3. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: Chapter 2 121 Performance Verification Tests 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Lin) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, –20 dBm SPAN, 50 kHz BW/Avg, 3 kHz Video BW, 30 Hz Sweep, Sweep Cont Marker, Off 4. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to place the signal peak 1 to 3 divisions below the reference level. 5. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Single Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta 6. Set the 10 dB step attenuator and analyzer reference level according to Column 1 and Column 4 of Table 2-26. At each setting, do the following: a. Press Single on the analyzer. b. Press Peak Search (or Search). c. Record the marker delta amplitude reading in Column 5 of Table 2-26. d. Add the Actual Attenuator Step to the Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude and enter the result as the Test Record entry in the performance test record. 122 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. Table 2-26 Linear Mode, Analog Bandwidths Worksheet Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 10 dB Attenuator Nominal Attenuation (dB) 10 dB Attenuator Actual Attenuation (dB) Actual Attenuator Step Analyzer Reference Level Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude (dB) (dBm) 0 (Ref) −20 20 Column 6 Test Record Entry (dB) 0 (Ref) (Ref) 10 −10 17) 0 0 18) 30 −30 19) 40 −40 20) 50 −50 21) 60 −60 22) 70 −70 23) 80 −80 24) Linear Scale, Digital Bandwidths, Option 1DR NOTE If the analyzer is an E4404B/E4405B/E4407B that is not equipped with Option 1DR (narrow resolution bandwidths) or an E4403B/E4408B (with or without Option 1DR), skip to the next section (Post-Test Instrument Restoration). 1. On the analyzer, press the following keys: SPAN, 150 Hz BW/Avg, 10 Hz Video BW, 1 Hz 2. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to place the signal peak 1 to 3 divisions below the reference level. 3. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Single Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta 4. Set the 10 dB step attenuator and analyzer reference level according to Column 1 and Column 4 of Table 2-27. At each setting, do the following: a. Press Single on the analyzer. Chapter 2 123 Performance Verification Tests 15. Reference Level Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B. b. Press Peak Search (or Search). c. Record the marker delta amplitude reading in Column 5 of Table 2-27. d. Add the Actual Attenuator Step to the analyzer marker delta amplitude and enter the result as the Test Record entry in the performance test record. Table 2-27 Linear Mode, Digital Bandwidths Worksheet, Option 1DR Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 10 dB Attenuator Nominal Attenuation (dB) 10 dB Attenuator Actual Attenuation (dB) Actual Attenuator Step Analyzer Reference Level Analyzer Marker Delta Amplitude (dB) (dBm) 0 (Ref) −20 20 Column 6 Test Record Entry (dB) 0 (Ref) (Ref) 10 −10 25) 0 0 26) 30 −30 27) 40 −40 28) 50 −50 29) 60 −60 30) 70 −70 31) 80 −80 32) Post-test Instrument Restoration 1. Remove the RF cable from the analyzer input connector. 2. To restore the default settings on the analyzer, press Preset, System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. 124 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty To measure the resolution bandwidth switching uncertainty an amplitude reference is taken with the resolution bandwidth set to 1 kHz using the marker delta function. The resolution bandwidth is changed to settings between 5 MHz and 1 Hz, as applicable, and the amplitude variation is measured at each setting and compared to the specification. The span is changed as necessary to maintain approximately the same aspect ratio. The related adjustment for this performance test is “IF Amplitude.” Equipment Required for Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B BNC Cable: Agilent (E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f): Agilent (E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B) Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Figure 2-16 Resolution Bandwidth Switching Test Setup Procedure 1. On the Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, or E4408B, connect a BNC cable from the AMPTD REF OUT to the 50 Ω Input using adapters as necessary. Refer to Figure 2-16. 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer controls by pressing the following keys: Chapter 2 125 Performance Verification Tests 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Input/Output (or Input), Amptd Ref (On) (Agilent E4401B, E4411B) Input/Output (or Input), Amptd Ref Out (On) (Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407, E4408B) FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 5 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, –25 dBm (Agilent E4401B, E4411B) AMPLITUDE, –19 dBm (Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B) AMPLITUDE, Scale/Div, 1 dB BW/Avg, 1 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 300 Hz 3. Press AMPLITUDE and use the knob to adjust the reference level until the signal appears five divisions below the reference level, then press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker→, Mkr →CF Marker, Delta 4. Set the analyzer span and resolution bandwidth according to Table 2-28. 5. Press Peak Search (or Search), Marker→, Mkr →CF, Peak Search (or Search) then record the marker delta amplitude reading in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-28. 6. Repeat step 4 and step 5 for each of the remaining resolution bandwidth and span settings listed in Table 2-28. Table 2-28 Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Marker Delta Amplitude Reading Analyzer Settings 126 RES BW SPAN Test Record Entry 1 kHz 5 kHz 0 (Ref) 3 kHz 10 kHz 1) 9 kHza 50 kHz 2) 10 kHz 50 kHz 3) 30 kHz 100 kHz 4) 100 kHz 500 kHz 5) 120 kHza 500 kHz 6) 300 kHz 1 MHz 7) Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Table 2-28 Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Marker Delta Amplitude Reading Analyzer Settings RES BW SPAN Test Record Entry 1 MHz 5 MHz 8) 3 MHz 10 MHz 9) 5 MHz 25 MHz 10) a. These Res BW Settings must be entered from the keypad; they cannot be accessed from the step keys or knob. 7. If you are testing an analyzer equipped with Option 1DR, press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz, SPAN 10 kHz and continue with step 8. If the analyzer is not equipped with Option 1DR, stop here. 8. Set the resolution bandwidth and span according to Table 2-29. 9. Press Peak Search (or Search), Marker→, Mkr →CF, Peak Search (or Search) then record the Marker Delta Amplitude Reading in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-29. 10.If the analyzer is an ESA-L Series analyzer, repeat step 8 and step 9 for Res BW settings of 300 Hz and 100 Hz with the corresponding span settings listed in Table 2-29. 11.If the analyzer is an ESA-E Series analyzer, repeat step 8 and step 9 for Res BW settings of 300 Hz through 10 Hz with the corresponding span settings listed in Table 2-29. 12.If the analyzer is an ESA-E Series analyzer with firmware revision A.08.00 or later and it is equipped with Option 1D5 (high stability frequency reference), repeat step 8 and step 9 for all the Res BW settings listed in Table 2-29. Table 2-29 Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty for Option 1DR Marker Delta Amplitude Reading Analyzer Settings RES BW SPAN Test Record Entry 300 Hz 1 kHz 11) 200 Hza 1 kHz 12) 100 Hz 500 Hz 13) 30 Hzb 100 Hz 14) Chapter 2 127 Performance Verification Tests 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Table 2-29 Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty for Option 1DR Marker Delta Amplitude Reading Analyzer Settings RES BW SPAN Test Record Entry 10 Hzb 100 Hz 15) 3 Hzc,b 100 Hz 16) 1 Hzc,b 100 Hz 17) a. These Res BW settings must be entered from the keypad; they cannot be accessed from the step keys or knob. b. These Res BW settings are not available on ESA-L Series analyzers with Option 1DR. c. These resolution bandwidths are available only on analyzers having options 1DR and 1D5 (High-Stability Frequency Reference) and firmware revision A.08.00 and later. 128 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B A power sensor (the “buried sensor”), power splitter, and attenuator combination is characterized at 50 MHz using a second power sensor (the “reference sensor”). The attenuator is then connected to the input of the analyzer and the signal generator power level is adjusted for the appropriate level at 50 MHz. A complete auto alignment is performed. The 50 MHz signal is then measured with the spectrum analyzer. The difference between the power meter reading (corrected for the splitter/attenuator tracking error) and spectrum analyzer readings is calculated. For analyzers with 75Ω inputs, a minimum loss pad is used between the attenuator and the analyzer, and a lower-value attenuator is used. For analyzers with Option 1DS, Preamplifier, the test is repeated with preamp on Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Power meter RF power sensor (2 required) Power splitter 20 dB attenuator Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60-in) Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Power sensor, 75 Ω Adapter, mechanical, Type-N (f), 75 Ω to Type-N (m) 50 Ω Pad, minimum loss Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω 10 dB attenuator Procedure This performance test consists of three parts: Part 1. Splitter/Attenuator Characterization Part 2. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp Off Part 3. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp On (Option 1DS) Parts 1 and 2 should be performed on all Agilent Spectrum Analyzers. Part 3 should be performed only on ESA-E Series Spectrum Analyzers Chapter 2 129 Performance Verification Tests 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B equipped with Option 1DS, Preamplifier. Part 1. Splitter/Attenuator Characterization Figure 2-17 Power Splitter/Attenuator Characterization Setup 1. Refer to Figure 2-17. Connect one RF power sensor to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Connect the other RF power sensor to Channel B of the power meter. This will be the “buried” sensor. 75Ω Inputs, Opt 1DP: Connect the 75Ω power sensor to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. 2. Zero and calibrate both power sensors. 3. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the reference sensor’s reference calibration factor. 4. On the power meter, set the Channel B calibration factor to 100%. Do not change this calibration factor during this test. 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-17, “Power Splitter/Attenuator Characterization Setup,”. Use the 20 dB fixed attenuator for 50Ω analyzers. Use the 10 dB fixed attenuator and the minimum loss pad for 75Ω analyzers. Note that the reference sensor connects to either the fixed attenuator (50Ω analyzers) or the minimum loss pad (75Ω analyzers). 6. Set the synthesized signal generator frequency to 50 MHz and amplitude to +12 dBm 130 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B 7. Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of −14 dBm ±0.1 dB. 75Ω Inputs, Opt 1DP: Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of −10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 8. Record the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings below: Channel A (reference sensor): ________ dBm Channel B (buried sensor): ________ dBm 9. Calculate the splitter/attenuator tracking error as follows and record the result below: Tracking Error = Channel A Power − Channel B Power For example, if Channel A Power is −14.07 dBm and Channel B power is +6.23 dBm, the splitter tracking error is −20.30 dB. Tracking Error: _______ dB NOTE NOTE: Tracking errors when using the minimum loss pad will be nominally −15.7 dB 10.Proceed to Part 2: Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp Off. Part 2. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp Off Figure 2-18 Absolute Amplitude Accuracy Test Setup 1. On the synthesized signal generator set the controls as follows: Chapter 2 131 Performance Verification Tests 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, –1 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, –2.3 dBm (75 Ω Input only) RF ON AM OFF FM OFF 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. (Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed.) 3. Press System, Alignments, Align Now, All. Wait for the auto alignment to finish. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. 4. Refer to Figure 2-18. Disconnect the reference sensor from the fixed attenuator. Connect the fixed attenuator or minimum loss pad to the input of the analyzer using an adapter. Do not use a cable. 75Ω Input: Disconnect the reference sensor from the minimum loss pad. Connect the minimum loss pad to the input of the analyzer using an adapter, do not use a cable. 5. Calculate the ideal buried sensor reading by subtracting the Tracking Error recorded in step 9 of Part 1 from the ideal input level to the analyzer, as indicated in the table below: Input Impedance Ideal Input Level 50Ω −27 dBm 75Ω −24 dBm Tracking Error from Part 1, step 9 Ideal Buried Sensor Reading Ideal Buried Sensor Reading = Ideal Input Level − Tracking Error 6. Adjust the synthesized signal generator to obtain the Ideal Buried Sensor Reading calculated above ±0.1 dB. 7. Calculate the Corrected Power Meter Reading by adding the current power meter reading to the Tracking Error recorded in Part 1, step 9 and record the result below: Corrected Power Meter Reading = Power Meter Reading + Tracking Error Example: If the Power Meter Reading is 0.24 dBm and the Tracking Error is −20.3 dB, the Corrected Power Meter Reading is −20.06 dBm Corrected Power Meter Reading ______ dBm 8. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 2 kHz 132 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B BW/ Avg, Resolution BW, 1 kHz (Man) BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 kHz (Man) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units, dBm (50Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units, dBmV (75Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, −25 dBm (50Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, +28.75 dBmV (75Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Log) Det/Demod, Detector, Sample 9. Press AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), Volts. 10.Press Peak Search (or Search). 11.Convert the marker amplitude reading from Volts to dBm using the appropriate equation below: 2 V 50Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛ Mkr ⎛ ----------⎞ ⎞ ⎝ ⎝ 0.05⎠ ⎠ 2 V 75Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛ Mkr ⎛ -------------⎞ ⎞ ⎝ ⎝ 0.075⎠ ⎠ Marker Amptd (dBm) ________ dBm 12.Subtract the Corrected Power Meter Reading noted in step 7 from the Marker Amptd (dBm) recorded in step 11. Record the difference, Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Log), as TR Entry 1 in the performance verification test record: Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Log) = Marker Amptd (dBm) − Corrected Power Meter Reading (dBm) 13.Press AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Lin), More, Y-Axis Units (or Amptd Units), Volts. 14.Press Peak Search (or Search). 15.Convert the marker amplitude reading from Volts to dBm using the appropriate equation below: 2 V 50Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛⎝ Mkr ⎛⎝ ----------⎞⎠ ⎞⎠ 0.05 2 V 75Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛⎝ Mkr ⎛⎝ -------------⎞⎠ ⎞⎠ 0.075 Marker Amptd (dBm) ________ dBm 16.Subtract the Corrected Power Meter Reading noted in step 7 from the Marker Amptd (dBm) recorded in step 15. Record the difference, Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Lin), as TR Entry 2 in the performance verification test record: Chapter 2 133 Performance Verification Tests 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Lin) = Marker Amptd (dBm) − Corrected Power Meter Reading (dBm) 17.If the analyzer is not equipped with Option 1DS, Press Preset and wait for the preset routine to finish. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. 18.If the analyzer is equipped with Option 1DS, Preamplifier, proceed to Part 3. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp On (Option 1DS). Part 3. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp On (Option 1DS) 1. On the synthesized signal generator set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, –4 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, –8.3 dBm (75 Ω Input only) RF ON AM OFF FM OFF 2. Calculate the ideal buried sensor reading by subtracting the Tracking Error recorded in step 9 of Part 1 from −30 dBm, the ideal input level to the analyzer, as indicated below: Ideal Buried Sensor Reading = −30 dBm − Tracking Error 3. Adjust the synthesized signal generator to obtain the Ideal Buried Sensor Reading calculated above ±0.1 dB. 4. Calculate the Corrected Power Meter Reading by adding the current power meter reading to the Tracking Error recorded in Part 1, step 9 and record the result below: Corrected Power Meter Reading = Power Meter Reading + Tracking Error Example: If the Power Meter Reading is −9.74 dBm and the Tracking Error is −20.3 dB, the Corrected Power Meter Reading is −30.04 dBm Corrected Power Meter Reading ________ dBm 5. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 2 kHz BW/ Avg, Resolution BW, 1 kHz (Man) BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 kHz (Man) AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Log) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units, dBm (50Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units, dBmV (75Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, −30 dBm (50Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, +18.75 dBmV (75Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (On) 134 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 17. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4401B and E4411B Det/Demod, Detector, Sample 6. Press AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), Volts. 7. Press Peak Search (or Search). 8. Convert the marker amplitude reading from Volts to dBm using the appropriate equation below: 2 V 50Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛ Mkr ⎛ ----------⎞ ⎞ ⎝ ⎝ 0.05⎠ ⎠ 2 V 75Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛⎝ Mkr ⎛⎝ -------------⎞⎠ ⎞⎠ 0.075 Marker Amptd (dBm) ________ dBm 9. Subtract the Corrected Power Meter Reading noted in step 4 from the Marker Amptd (dBm) recorded in step 8. Record the difference, Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Log), as TR Entry 3 in the performance verification test record: Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Log) = Marker Amptd (dBm) Corrected Power Meter Reading (dBm) 10.Press AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Lin), More, Y-Axis Units (or Amptd Units), Volts. 11.Press Peak Search (or Search). 12.Convert the marker amplitude reading from Volts to dBm using the appropriate equation below: 2 V 50Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛⎝ Mkr ⎛⎝ ----------⎞⎠ ⎞⎠ 0.05 2 V 75Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛⎝ Mkr ⎛⎝ -------------⎞⎠ ⎞⎠ 0.075 Marker Amptd (dBm) ________ dBm 13.Subtract the Corrected Power Meter Reading noted in step 4 from the Marker Amptd (dBm) recorded in step 12. Record the difference, Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Lin), as TR Entry 4 in the performance verification test record: Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Lin) = Marker Amptd (dBm) Corrected Power Meter Reading (dBm) 14.Press Preset and wait for the preset routine to finish. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. Chapter 2 135 Performance Verification Tests 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B A power sensor (the “buried sensor”), power splitter, and attenuator combination is characterized at 50 MHz using a second power sensor (the “reference sensor”). The attenuator is then connected to the input of the analyzer and the signal generator power level is adjusted for the appropriate level at 50 MHz. A complete auto alignment is performed. The 50 MHz signal is then measured with the spectrum analyzer. The difference between the power meter reading (corrected for the splitter/attenuator tracking error) and spectrum analyzer readings is calculated. For analyzers with Option 1DS, Preamplifier, the test is repeated with preamp on Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Power meter RF power sensor (2 required) Power splitter 20 dB attenuator Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60 in) Adapter, Type-N (m to Type-N (m) Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (m) to APC 3.5 (f) Procedure This performance test consists of three parts: Part 1. Splitter/Attenuator Characterization Part 2. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp Off Part 3. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp On (Option 1DS) Parts 1 and 2 should be performed on all ESA Series Spectrum Analyzers. Part 3 should be performed only on ESA-E Series Spectrum Analyzers equipped with Option 1DS, Preamplifier. 136 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Part 1. Splitter/Attenuator Characterization Figure 2-19 Power Splitter/Attenuator Characterization Setup 1. Refer to Figure 2-19. Connect one RF power sensor to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Connect the other RF power sensor to Channel B of the power meter. This will be the “buried” sensor. 2. Zero and calibrate both power sensors. 3. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the reference sensor’s reference calibration factor. 4. On the power meter, set the Channel B calibration factor to 100%. Do not change this calibration factor during this test. 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-19, “Power Splitter/Attenuator Characterization Setup,”. 6. Set the synthesized signal generator frequency to 50 MHz and amplitude to +12 dBm 7. Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of −14 dBm ±0.1 dB. 8. Record the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings below: Channel A (reference sensor): ________ dBm Channel B (buried sensor): ________ dBm 9. Calculate the splitter/attenuator tracking error as follows and record the result below: Chapter 2 137 Performance Verification Tests 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Tracking Error = Channel A Power − Channel B Power For example, if Channel A Power is −14.07 dBm and Channel B power is +6.23 dBm, the splitter tracking error is −20.30 dB. Tracking Error: _______ dB 10.Proceed to Part 2: Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp Off. Part 2. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp Off Figure 2-20 Absolute Amplitude Accuracy Test Setup 1. On the synthesized signal generator set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, +6 dBm RF ON AM OFF FM OFF 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. (Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed.) 3. Use a BNC cable and adapter to connect the AMPTD REF OUT to the INPUT 50Ω. 4. Press System, Alignments, Align Now, All. Wait for the auto alignment to finish. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. 5. Refer to Figure 2-20. Disconnect the reference sensor from the fixed attenuator. Connect the fixed attenuator to the input of the analyzer using an adapter. Do not use a cable. 138 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 6. Calculate the ideal buried sensor reading by subtracting the Tracking Error recorded in step 9 of Part 1 from −20 dBm, the ideal input level to the analyzer. Ideal Buried Sensor Reading = −20 dBm − Tracking Error 7. Adjust the synthesized signal generator to obtain the Ideal Buried Sensor Reading calculated above ±0.1 dB. 8. Calculate the Corrected Power Meter Reading by adding the current power meter reading to the Tracking Error recorded in Part 1, step 9 and record the result below: Corrected Power Meter Reading = Power Meter Reading + Tracking Error Example: If the Power Meter Reading is 0.24 dBm and the Tracking Error is −20.3 dB, the Corrected Power Meter Reading is −20.06 dBm Corrected Power Meter Reading ______ dBm 9. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 2 kHz BW/ Avg, Resolution BW, 1 kHz (Man) BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 kHz (Man) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units, dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, −20 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Log) Det/Demod, Detector, Sample 10.Press AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), Volts. 11.Press Peak Search (or Search). 12.Convert the marker amplitude reading from Volts to dBm using the equation below: 2 V 50Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛⎝ Mkr ⎛⎝ ----------⎞⎠ ⎞⎠ 0.05 Marker Amptd (dBm) ________ dBm 13.Subtract the Corrected Power Meter Reading noted in step 8 from the Marker Amptd (dBm) recorded in step 12. Record the difference, Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Log), as TR Entry 1 in the performance verification test record: Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Log) = Marker Amptd (dBm) − Corrected Power Meter Reading (dBm) 14.Press AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Lin), More, Y-Axis Units (or Amptd Units), Volts. Chapter 2 139 Performance Verification Tests 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 15.Press Peak Search (or Search). 16.Convert the marker amplitude reading from Volts to dBm using the equation below: 2 V 50Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛ Mkr ⎛ ----------⎞ ⎞ ⎝ ⎝ 0.05⎠ ⎠ Marker Amptd (dBm) ________ dBm 17.Subtract the Corrected Power Meter Reading noted in step 8 from the Marker Amptd (dBm) recorded in step 16. Record the difference, Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Lin), as TR Entry 2 in the performance verification test record: Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Lin) = Marker Amptd (dBm) − Corrected Power Meter Reading (dBm) 18.If the analyzer is not equipped with Option 1DS, Press Preset and wait for the preset routine to finish. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. 19.If the analyzer is equipped with Option 1DS, Preamplifier, proceed to Part 3. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp On (Option 1DS). Part 3. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy, Preamp On (Option 1DS) 1. On the synthesized signal generator set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, –4 dBm RF ON AM OFF FM OFF 2. Calculate the ideal buried sensor reading by subtracting the Tracking Error recorded in step 9 of Part 1 from −30dBm, the ideal input level to the analyzer, as indicated below: Ideal Buried Sensor Reading = −30 dBm − Tracking Error 3. Adjust the synthesized signal generator to obtain the Ideal Buried Sensor Reading calculated above ±0.1 dB. 4. Calculate the Corrected Power Meter Reading by adding the current power meter reading to the Tracking Error recorded in Part 1, step 9 and record the result below: Corrected Power Meter Reading = Power Meter Reading + Tracking Error Example: If the Power Meter Reading is −9.74 dBm and the Tracking Error is −20.3 dB, the Corrected Power Meter Reading is −30.04 dBm Corrected Power Meter Reading ________ dBm 140 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 5. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 2 kHz BW/ Avg, Resolution BW, 1 kHz (Man) BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 kHz (Man) AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Log) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units, dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, −30 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (On) Det/Demod, Detector, Sample 6. Press AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), Volts. 7. Press Peak Search (or Search). 8. Convert the marker amplitude reading from Volts to dBm using the equation below: 2 V 50Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛⎝ Mkr ⎛⎝ ----------⎞⎠ ⎞⎠ 0.05 Marker Amptd (dBm) ________ dBm 9. Subtract the Corrected Power Meter Reading noted in step 4 from the Marker Amptd (dBm) recorded in step 8. Record the difference, Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Log), as TR Entry 3 in the performance verification test record: Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Log) = Marker Amptd (dBm) Corrected Power Meter Reading (dBm) 10.Press AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Lin), More, Y-Axis Units (or Amptd Units), Volts. 11.Press Peak Search (or Search). 12.Convert the marker amplitude reading from Volts to dBm using the equation below: 2 V 50Ω Input Marker Amptd (dBm) =10 × log 10 ⎛ Mkr ⎛ ----------⎞ ⎞ ⎝ ⎝ 0.05⎠ ⎠ Marker Amptd (dBm) ________ dBm 13.Subtract the Corrected Power Meter Reading noted in step 4 from the Marker Amptd (dBm) recorded in step 12. Record the difference, Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Lin), as TR Entry 4 in the performance verification test record: Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Lin) = Marker Amptd (dBm) Corrected Power Meter Reading (dBm) 14.Press Preset and wait for the preset routine to finish. Press System, Chapter 2 141 Performance Verification Tests 18. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings): Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Alignments, Auto Align, All. 142 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B This test measures the absolute amplitude of the analyzer at 50 MHz. A synthesized signal generator and attenuators are used as the signal source to the analyzer. A power meter is used to measure this signal source with the attenuators set to 0 dB. The value measured is recorded as the source amplitude. The attenuators are used to adjust the signal levels applied to the analyzer between the initial signal amplitude (set with the power meter) and –50 dBm. The amplitude measured by the analyzer is compared to the actual signal level and the amplitude error is calculated. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator 10 dB step attenuator 1 dB step attenuator Attenuator interconnection kit Attenuator driver (if programmable step attenuators are used) 6 dB fixed attenuator (2 required) Power meter Power sensor Cable, Type-N, 62-cm (24 in.) (m) (2 required) Cable, BNC Adapter, Type-N (f) to Type-N (f) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Power sensor, 75 Ω Pad, minimum loss Adapter, mechanical, Type-N (f), 75 Ω to Type-N (m) 50 Ω Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Adapter, Type-N (f) to Type-N (f), 75 Ω Procedure Measuring 0 dBm Reference Level 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. 2. Perform a complete self-alignment and set Auto Align Off. Press System, Alignments, Align Now, All, and wait for the alignment routine to finish. Then, press Return, Auto Align, Off. Chapter 2 143 Performance Verification Tests 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 3. Zero and calibrate the power meter and power sensor connected to Channel A of the power meter. 75 Ω Inputs: Zero and calibrate the power meter and 75 Ω power sensor connected to Channel A of the power meter. Figure 2-21 Measure Source Test Setup 4. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-21. The power sensor should connect directly to the 6 dB fixed attenuator using an adapter. 75 Ω Inputs: Use the minimum loss pad in place of the 6 dB fixed attenuator and a 75 Ω Type-N (f) to Type-N (f) adapter. 5. Preset the synthesized signal generator. Manually press Blue Key, Special, 0, 0. Set the signal generator as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, 12 dBm 6. Set the 10 dB and 1 dB step attenuators to 0 dB. 7. Obtain the actual attenuation for the 0 dB setting of each attenuator at 50 MHz from the metrology data for the step attenuators. In some cases this value might be zero, by definition. Add the two actual attenuations to obtain the 0 dB reference attenuation. RefAtten 0dB = 10 dB Actual 0dB + 1 dB Actual 0dB For example, if the actual attenuation for the 10 dB step attenuator is 0.03 dB, 10 dB Actual0dB is 0.03 dB. If the actual attenuation for the 1 dB step attenuator is 0.02 dB, 1 dB Actual0dB is 0.02 dB. In this case RefAtten0dB is 0.05 dB. 144 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 8. Obtain the metrology data for the step attenuators at 50 MHz. Enter the actual attenuation values for each attenuator setting as indicated in Table 2-30. If using a programmable attenuator, the section three 40 dB step should be used for the 40 dB setting on the 10 dB step attenuator. Similarly, the section three 4 dB step should be used for the 4 dB setting on the 1 dB step attenuator. Table 2-30 Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, 0 dBm Reference Level 1 dB Step Attenuator 10 dB Step Attenuator Total Attenuation Setting Setting Setting Actual Actual Nominal Amptd. Actual Meas. Amptd. Amptd. Accuracy Test Record Entry 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 dBm 1) 0 dB 10 dB 10 dB –10 dBm 2) 0 dB 20 dB 20 dB –20 dBm 3) 0 dB 30 dB 30 dB –30 dBm 4) 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –40 dBm 5) 0 dB 50 dB 50 dB –50 dBm 6) 9. Calculate the actual total attenuation by adding the actual attenuation for the 1 dB step attenuator to the actual attenuation for the 10 dB step attenuator for each total attenuation setting listed in Table 2-30. NOTE The external attenuators and cables are now part of the “source.” 10.Adjust the signal generator amplitude for a power meter reading of 0 dBm ±0.2 dB. Record the power meter reading here: Amptd0dBm = _______ dBm 11.Connect the equipment as indicated in Figure 2-22. The fixed attenuator must connect directly to the analyzer input. 75 Ω Inputs: The minimum loss pad should be connected to the analyzer input using a Type N (f) to BNC (m) 75 Ω adapter. Chapter 2 145 Performance Verification Tests 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Figure 2-22 Amplitude Accuracy Test Setup 12.Set the analyzer as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 6 kHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, 0 dBm Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) 13.Perform the following steps for each of the nominal amplitude values listed in Table 2-30: a. b. c. d. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-30. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-30. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). Even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting, the marker can still make a valid measurement. e. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the measured amplitude in Table 2-30. f. If the nominal amplitude is 0 dBm, calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – Amptd 0dBm g. If the amplitude is less than 0 dBm, calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd 0dBm – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) h. Record the amplitude accuracy in the performance verification 146 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B test record as indicated in Table 2-30. Measuring –20 dBm Reference Level 1. Press AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –20 dBm. 2. Copy the actual total attenuation values from Table 2-30 into the actual total attenuation column in Table 2-31. Not all values in Table 2-30 will be required in Table 2-31. Table 2-31 1 dB Step Attenuator Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, –20 dBm Reference Level 10 dB Step Attenuator Amplitude Accuracy Total Attenuation Nominal Amplitude Setting Actual Setting Measured Amplitude Test Record Entry Actual 0 dB 20 dB 20 dB –20 dBm 7) 0 dB 30 dB 30 dB –30 dBm 8) 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –40 dBm 9) 0 dB 50 dB 50 dB –50 dBm 10) 3. Perform the following steps for each of the nominal amplitude values listed in Table 2-31: a. b. c. d. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-31. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-31. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). Even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting, the marker can still make a valid measurement. e. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the measured amplitude in Table 2-31. f. Calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd 0dBm – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) g. Record the amplitude accuracy in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-31. Measuring –40 dBm Reference Level 1. Press AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –40 dBm. 2. Copy the actual total attenuation values from Table 2-31 into the actual total attenuation column in Table 2-32. Not all values in Table 2-31 will be required in Table 2-32. Chapter 2 147 Performance Verification Tests 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Table 2-32 Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, –40 dBm Reference Level 1 dB Step Attenuator 10 dB Step Attenuator Total Attenuation Nominal Amplitude Measured Amplitude Setting Actual Setting 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –40 dBm 11) 0 dB 50 dB 50 dB –50 dBm 12) Actual Amplitude Accuracy Test Record Entry 3. Perform the following steps for each of the nominal amplitude values listed in Table 2-32: a. b. c. d. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-32. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-32. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). Even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting, the marker can still make a valid measurement. e. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the measured amplitude in Table 2-32. f. Calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd 0dBm – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) g. Record the amplitude accuracy in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-32. Measuring –50 dBm Reference Level 1. Press AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –50 dBm. 2. Copy the actual total attenuation values from Table 2-32 into the actual total attenuation column in Table 2-33. Not all values in Table 2-32 will be required in Table 2-33. Table 2-33 Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, –50 dBm Reference Level 1 dB Step Attenuator 10 dB Step Attenuator Total Attenuation Setting Actual Setting 0 dB 50 dB 50 dB Nominal Amplitude Actual Measured Amplitude Amplitude Accuracy Test Record Entry –50 dBm 13) 3. Perform the following steps for each of the nominal amplitude values listed in Table 2-33: a. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-33. b. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-33. 148 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 19. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B c. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. d. Press Peak Search (or Search). Even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting, the marker can still make a valid measurement. e. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the measured amplitude in Table 2-33. f. Calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd 0dBm – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) g. Record the amplitude accuracy in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-33. Chapter 2 149 Performance Verification Tests 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B This test measures the absolute amplitude of the analyzer at 50 MHz. A synthesized signal generator and attenuators are used as the signal source to the analyzer. A power meter is used to measure this signal source with the attenuators set to 0 dB. The value measured is recorded as the source amplitude. The attenuators are used to adjust the signal levels applied to the analyzer from the initial signal amplitude (set with the power meter) and –50 dBm. The amplitude measured by the analyzer is compared to the actual signal level and the amplitude error is calculated. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator 10 dB step attenuator 1 dB step attenuator Attenuator interconnection kit Attenuator driver (if programmable step attenuators are used) 6 dB fixed attenuator (2 required) Power meter RF power sensor Cable, Type-N, 62 cm (24 in.) (m) (2 required) Cable, BNC Adapter, Type-N (f) to Type-N (f) Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Procedure Measuring 0 dBm Reference Level 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. 2. Connect a BNC cable from AMPTD REF OUT to the 50 Ω Input connector using a Type N (m) to BNC (f) adapter. 3. Perform a complete self-alignment and set Auto Align Off. Press System, Alignments, Align Now, All, and wait for the alignment routine to finish. Then, press Return, Auto Align, Off. 150 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 4. Zero and calibrate the power meter and power sensor connected to Channel A of the power meter. 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-23. The power sensor should connect directly to the 6 dB fixed attenuator using an adapter. Figure 2-23 Measure Source Test Setup 6. Preset the synthesized signal generator. Manually press Blue Key, Special, 0, 0. Set the signal generator as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, 12 dBm 7. Set the 10 dB and 1 dB step attenuators to 0 dB. 8. Obtain the actual attenuation for the 0 dB setting of each attenuator at 50 MHz from the metrology data for the step attenuators. In some cases this value might be zero, by definition. Add the two actual attenuations to obtain the 0 dB reference attenuation. RefAtten 0dB = 10 dB Actual 0dB + 1 dB Actual 0dB For example, if the actual attenuation for the 10 dB step attenuator is 0.03 dB, 10 dB Actual0dB is 0.03 dB. If the actual attenuation for the 1 dB step attenuator is 0.02 dB, 1 dB Actual0dB is 0.02 dB. In this case RefAtten0dB is 0.05 dB. 9. Obtain the metrology data for the step attenuators at 50 MHz. Enter the actual attenuation values for each attenuator setting as indicated in Table 2-34. If using a programmable attenuator, the section three 40 dB step should be used for the 40 dB setting on the 10 dB step attenuator. Similarly, the section three 4 dB step should Chapter 2 151 Performance Verification Tests 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B be used for the 4 dB setting on the 1 dB step attenuator. Table 2-34 Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, 0 dBm Reference Level 1 dB Step Attenuator Setting 10 dB Step Attenuator Actual Setting Actual Total Attenuation Setting Nominal Amptd. Amptd. Accuracy Test Record Entry Meas. Amptd. Actual 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 dBm 1) 0 dB 10 dB 10 dB –10 dBm 2) 0 dB 20 dB 20 dB –20 dBm 3) 0 dB 30 dB 30 dB –30 dBm 4) 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –40 dBm 5) 0 dB 50 dB 50 dB –50 dBm 6) 10.Calculate the actual total attenuation by adding the actual attenuation for the 1 dB step attenuator to the actual attenuation for the 10 dB step attenuator for each total attenuation setting listed in Table 2-34. NOTE The external attenuators and cables are now part of the “source.” 11.Adjust the signal generator amplitude for a power meter reading of 0 dBm ±0.2 dB. Record the power meter reading here: Amptd0dBm = _______ dBm 12.Connect the equipment as indicated in Figure 2-24. The fixed attenuator must connect directly to the analyzer input. 152 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Figure 2-24 Amplitude Accuracy Test Setup 13.Set the analyzer as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 6 kHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, 0 dBm Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) 14.Perform the following steps for each of the nominal amplitude values listed in Table 2-34: a. b. c. d. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-34. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-34. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). Even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting, the marker can still make a valid measurement. e. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the measured amplitude in Table 2-34. f. If the nominal amplitude is 0 dBm, calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – Amptd 0dBm g. If the amplitude is less than 0 dBm, calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd 0dBm – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) h. Record the amplitude accuracy in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-34. Chapter 2 153 Performance Verification Tests 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Measuring –20 dBm Reference Level 1. Press AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –20 dBm. 2. Copy the actual total attenuation values from Table 2-34 into the actual total attenuation column in Table 2-35. Not all values in Table 2-34 will be required in Table 2-35. Table 2-35 1 dB Step Attenuator Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, –20 dBm Reference Level 10 dB Step Attenuator Amplitude Accuracy Total Attenuation Nominal Amplitude Setting Actual Setting Measured Amplitude Test Record Entry Actual 0 dB 20 dB 20 dB –20 dBm 7) 0 dB 30 dB 30 dB –30 dBm 8) 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –40 dBm 9) 0 dB 50 dB 50 dB –50 dBm 10) 3. Perform the following steps for each of the nominal amplitude values listed in Table 2-35: a. b. c. d. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-35. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-35. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). Even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting, the marker can still make a valid measurement. e. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the measured amplitude in Table 2-35. f. Calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd 0dBm – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) g. Record the amplitude accuracy in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-35. Measuring –40 dBm Reference Level 1. Press AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –40 dBm. 2. Copy the actual total attenuation values from Table 2-34 into the actual total attenuation column in Table 2-36. Not all values in 154 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-34 will be required in Table 2-36. Table 2-36 1 dB Step Attenuator Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, –40 dBm Reference Level 10 dB Step Attenuator Amplitude Accuracy Total Attenuation Nominal Amplitude Setting Actual Setting Measured Amplitude Actual Test Record Entry 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –40 dBm 11) 0 dB 50 dB 50 dB –50 dBm 12) 3. Perform the following steps for each of the nominal amplitude values listed in Table 2-36: a. b. c. d. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-36. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-36. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). Even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting, the marker can still make a valid measurement. e. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the measured amplitude in Table 2-36. f. Calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd 0dBm – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) g. Record the amplitude accuracy in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-36. Measuring –50 dBm Reference Level 1. Press AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –50 dBm. 2. Copy the actual total attenuation values from Table 2-34 into the actual total attenuation column in Table 2-37. Not all values in Table 2-34 will be required in Table 2-37. Table 2-37 1 dB Step Attenuator Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, –50 dBm Reference Level 10 dB Step Attenuator Amplitude Accuracy Total Attenuation Nominal Amplitude Setting 0 dB Actual 50 dB Setting 50 dB Actual –50 dBm Measured Amplitude Test Record Entry 13) 3. Perform the following steps for each of the nominal amplitude values listed in Table 2-37: Chapter 2 155 Performance Verification Tests 20. Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B a. b. c. d. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-37. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated in Table 2-37. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). Even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting, the marker can still make a valid measurement. e. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the measured amplitude in Table 2-37. f. Calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd 0dBm – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) g. Record the amplitude accuracy in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-37. 156 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy The output of a synthesized signal generator is connected to the Input of the analyzer, characterized through a 1 dB step attenuator set to 3 dB. The amplitude of the synthesized signal generator is set to a reference amplitude 5 dB below the top of the screen. A marker reference is set and the attenuator is set to 0 dB. The markers of the analyzer are then used to measure the 3 dB bandwidth. The first marker is set on the left filter skirt so that the marker delta amplitude is 1 dB plus the attenuator error for the 3 dB setting. The second marker is similarly set on the right filter skirt. The frequency difference between the two markers is the 3 dB bandwidth. Resolution bandwidth settings £300 Hz (Option 1DR) are not measured. These bandwidths are digitally derived; therefore, their accuracy is verified by design. The related adjustment for this performance test is “IF Amplitude.” Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Cable, BNC, 122-cm (48-in) Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60-in) (2 required) 1 dB step attenuator Attenuator/switch driver (if programmable step attenuators are used) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Pad, minimum loss Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f), to APC 3.5 (f) Chapter 2 157 Performance Verification Tests 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Figure 2-25 Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Test Setup CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or the connectors will be damaged. Procedure 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-25. 2. On the synthesized signal generator, press Blue Key, Special, 0, 0 and set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, 6 dBm (75 Ω Input only) 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz SPAN, 7.5 MHz AMPLITUDE, Scale/Div 1 dB AMPLITUDE, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm BW/Avg, 5 MHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz 4. Set the 1 dB step attenuator to 3 dB. 5. Note the error of the external 1 dB step attenuator at 3 dB and 6 dB below using its calibration records. Attenuator Error (3 dB) ___________ dB 158 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Attenuator Error (6 dB) ___________ dB 3 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy 6. Press Peak Search (or Search), Meas Tools, Mkr→ CF on the analyzer. 7. Adjust the amplitude of the synthesized signal generator for a marker amplitude reading of −5 dBm ±0.2 dB. 8. Press Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta on the analyzer. 9. Set the attenuator to 0 dB. 10.On the analyzer, press Marker. Lower the marker frequency by adjusting the knob until the marker delta amplitude is 0 dB plus the attenuator error (3 dB) noted in step 5 to a tolerance of ±0.05 dB. 11.Record the marker frequency readout in Column 3 of Table 2-38. 12.Using the analyzer knob, raise the marker frequency so that the marker delta amplitude is maximum. Continue increasing the marker frequency until the marker reads 0.0 dB plus the attenuator error (3 dB) noted in step 5 to a tolerance of ±0.05 dB. 13.Record the marker frequency readout in Column 4 of Table 2-38. 14.Set the attenuator to 3 dB. 15.Press Marker, Normal on the analyzer. 16.Repeat step 6 through step 15 for each of the analyzer Res BW and Analyzer Span settings listed in Table 2-38. 17.Subtract the Lower Marker Frequency from the Upper Marker Frequency. Record the difference as the 3 dB Bandwidth, in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-38. 3 db Bandwidth = Upper Marker Frequency − Lower Marker Chapter 2 159 Performance Verification Tests 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Frequency Table 2-38 3 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Analyzer Res BW Analyzer Span Lower Marker Frequency Upper Marker Frequency 5 MHz 7.5 MHz 1) 3 MHz 4.5 MHz 2) 1 MHz 1.5 MHz 3) 300 kHz 450 kHz 4) 100 kHz 150 kHz 5) 30 kHz 45 kHz 6) 10 kHz 15 kHz 7) 3 kHz 4.5 kHz 8) 1 kHz 1.5 kHz 9) Test Record Entry 3 dB Bandwidth 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy 18.Set the analyzer Res BW to 120 kHz and the analyzer span to 180 kHz as shown in Table 2-39. 19.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Meas Tools, Mkr→ CF. 20.Set the external 1 dB step attenuator to 6 dB and adjust the amplitude of the synthesized signal generator for a marker amplitude reading of −7 dBm ±0.2 dB. 21.Press Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta on the analyzer. 22.Set the attenuator to 0 dB. 23.On the analyzer, press Marker. Lower the marker frequency by adjusting the knob until the marker delta amplitude is 0 dB plus the attenuator error (6 dB) noted in step 5 to tolerance of ±0.05 dB. 24.Record the marker frequency readout in Column 3 of Table 2-39. 25.Using the analyzer knob, raise the marker frequency so that the marker delta amplitude is maximum. Continue increasing the marker frequency until the marker reads 0.0 dB plus the attenuator error (6 dB) noted in step 5 to a tolerance of ±0.05 dB. 26.Record the marker frequency readout in Column 4 of Table 2-39. 27.Set the attenuator to 6 dB. 160 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy 28.Press Marker, Normal on the analyzer. 29.Repeat step 19 through step 28 for each of the analyzer Res BW and analyzer span settings listed in Table 2-39. 30.Subtract the Lower Marker Frequency from the Upper Marker Frequency. Record the difference as the 6 dB bandwidth, in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-39. 6 dB Bandwidth = Upper Marker Frequency – Lower Marker Frequency Table 2-39 6 dB Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Analyzer Res BW Analyzer Span Lower Marker Frequency Upper Marker Frequency 120 kHz 180 kHz 10) 9 kHz 13.5 kHz 11) Test Record Entry 3 dB Bandwidth Post-test Instrument Restoration 31.Remove the RF cable from the analyzer input connector. 32.Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. Chapter 2 161 Performance Verification Tests 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B This test measures the amplitude error of the analyzer as a function of frequency. To measure frequencies of 100 kHz and greater, the output of a signal generator is fed through a power splitter to a power sensor and the analyzer. To measure frequencies below 100 kHz, a digital voltmeter (DVM) with a 50 Ω load replaces the power sensor and a function generator is used as the source. For improved amplitude accuracy, the power splitter is characterized using a power sensor (the “reference” sensor) connected to one power splitter output port. The other power splitter output port connects to the “buried” sensor; it is not removed from the power splitter. Once the characterization is done, the reference sensor is removed and replaced by the analyzer. This procedure does not test frequency response with the optional preamplifier (Option 1DS) turned on. If the analyzer is equipped with Option 1DS, also perform the “Frequency Response, Preamp On” procedure. The related adjustment for this performance test is “Frequency Response.” Analyzers with 75 Ω inputs are tested down to 1 MHz only. Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Function generator Power meter RF power sensor, (2 required) RF Power splitter Digital multimeter Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Dual banana plug to BNC (f) BNC Tee (BNC f,m,f) Cable, BNC, 120-cm (48-in) (2 required) Cable, Type-N, 183-cm (72-in) Termination, 50 Ω, BNC (m) 162 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Power sensor, 75 Ω Minimum Loss Pad, Type-N (f) 75 Ω to Type-N (m) 50 Ω Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (m), 75 Ω CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or damage to the connectors will occur. Procedure Source/Splitter Characterization 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-26. Connect one of the Agilent 8482A power sensors to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Connect the other Agilent 8482A power sensor to Channel B of the power meter. This will be the “buried” sensor. 75 Ω Inputs, Option 1DP: Connect the Agilent 8483A power sensor to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Figure 2-26 Source/Splitter Characterization Setup 2. Zero and calibrate both power sensors. 3. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the Chapter 2 163 Performance Verification Tests 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B calibration factor of the reference sensor for 100 kHz. 75 Ω Inputs, Option 1DP: Use the calibration factor of the reference sensor for 1 MHz. 4. On the power meter, set the Channel B calibration factor to 100%. Do not change this calibration factor during this test. 5. Set the source frequency to 100 kHz and amplitude to –4 dBm. 75 Ω Inputs, Option 1DP: Set the source frequency to 1 MHz and amplitude to 2 dBm. 6. Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 7. Record the source amplitude setting, and both the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-40. 8. Tune the source to the next frequency in Table 2-40. 9. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor for the current source frequency. 10.Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 11.Record the source amplitude setting, and both the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-40. 12.Repeat step 8 through step 11 for each frequency in Table 2-40. 13.For each entry in Table 2-40, calculate the Splitter Tracking Error as follows: Splitter Tracking Error = Channel A Power – Channel B Power For example, if Channel A Power is –10.05 dBm and Channel B Power is –10.23 dBm, the Splitter Tracking Error is 0.18 dB. NOTE Tracking errors are nominally –5.7 dB when using the minimum loss pad. 164 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Table 2-40 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A (dBm) Channel B (dBm) Splitter Tracking Error (dB) Source Power Setting (dBm) 100 kHza 500 kHza 1 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 50 MHz 75 MHz 175 MHz 275 MHz 375 MHz 475 MHz 575 MHz 675 MHz 775 MHz 825 MHz 875 MHz 925 MHz 975 MHz 1025 MHz 1075 MHz 1175 MHz 1275 MHz 1375 MHz 1500 MHz a. These values do not apply to analyzers with 75 Ω inputs (Option 1DP). Chapter 2 165 Performance Verification Tests 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Measuring Frequency Response, 100 kHz to 1.5 GHz 1. Refer to Figure 2-27. Remove the reference sensor (Channel A sensor) from the power splitter. Connect the power splitter to the analyzer 50 Ω Input using an adapter. Do not use a cable. Figure 2-27 Frequency Response Test Setup, 100 kHz to 1.5 GHz 75 Ω inputs, Option 1DP: Connect the power splitter to the analyzer 75 Ω Input using a mechanical adapter and a 75 Ω, Type-N(m) to BNC(m) adapter. 2. Set the source frequency to 100 kHz: 75 Ω inputs, Option 1DP: Set the source frequency to 1 MHz. 3. Set the source amplitude to the value corresponding to the source power setting in Table 2-41 for the current source frequency (100 kHz or 1 MHz). 4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 100 kHz (50 Ω Input) FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 1 MHz (75 Ω Input) CF Step, 100 MHz SPAN, 20 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (Off) (Option 1DS only) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –5 dBm Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) Scale/Div, 1 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 3 kHz (Man) 166 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Video BW, 3 kHz (Man) 5. Adjust the source AMPLITUDE to obtain the Channel B power meter reading recorded in Table 2-40 ±0.1 dB. 6. Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-41 as the Current Channel B reading. 7. On the analyzer, press Single then Peak Search (or Search). 8. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-41. 9. Set the source to the next frequency listed in Table 2-41. 10.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-41. 11.Adjust the source AMPLITUDE to obtain the Channel B power meter reading recorded in Table 2-40 ±0.1 dB for the current frequency. 12.Record the current Channel B power meter reading in Table 2-41 as the Current Channel B Reading. 13.On the analyzer, press Single then Peak Search (or Search). 14.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-41. 15.Repeat step 9 through step 14 for each frequency in Table 2-41. 16.Copy the splitter tracking errors from Table 2-40 into Table 2-41. 17.Calculate the Flatness Error for each frequency in Table 2-41 as follows: Flatness Error = Mkr1 Amptd dBm – Current Channel B dBm – Splitter Tracking Error dB For example, if marker (Mkr1) Amptd is –10.32 dBm, Current Channel B is –10.2 dBm and Splitter Tracking Error is 0.18 dB, Flatness Error would be –0.30 dB. 18.Record the Flatness Error for 50 MHz below as the 50 MHz Ref Amptd: 50 MHz Ref Amptd __________ 19.Calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-41 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB and 50 MHz Ref Amptd is Chapter 2 167 Performance Verification Tests 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 0.15 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.45 dB. Table 2-41 Frequency Frequency Response Worksheet, 100 kHz to 1.5 GHz Current Channel B Reading Marker (Mkr1) Amplitude Splitter Tracking Error Flatness Error Flatness Relative to 50 MHz 100 kHza 500 kHza 1 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz 50 MHz 75 MHz 175 MHz 275 MHz 375 MHz 475 MHz 575 MHz 675 MHz 775 MHz 825 MHz 875 MHz 925 MHz 975 MHz 1025 MHz 1075 MHz 1175 MHz 1275 MHz 1375 MHz 1500 MHz a. These values do not apply to analyzers with 75 Ω inputs (Option 1DP). 168 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Measuring Frequency Response, ≤100 kHz If the analyzer has Option 1DP, skip to the Test Results section. 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-28. Figure 2-28 Frequency Response Test Setup, ≤100 kHz 2. Set the function generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 100 kHz AMPLITUDE, –4 dBm 3. Set the DVM as follows: Function Synchronous ac Volts Math dBm RES Register 50 Ω Front/Rear Terminals Front Range Auto 4. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, 100 kHz. 5. Adjust the function generator amplitude until the DVM reading is –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 6. Record the actual DVM reading in Table 2-42 as the DVM amplitude reading. 7. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta. 8. Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-42. 9. Set the function generator frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-42. Chapter 2 169 Performance Verification Tests 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 10.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 11.Adjust the function generator amplitude until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.05 dB. 12.Record the DVM reading in Table 2-42 as the DVM amplitude reading. 13.Repeat step 8 through step 12 for each frequency in Table 2-42. 14.For each of the frequencies in Table 2-42, subtract the DVM amplitude from the DVM Amplitude at 100 kHz recorded in step 6. Record the result as the Response Relative to 100 kHz in Table 2-42. 15.From Table 2-41, note the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for the 100 kHz frequency. Record this below as the 100 kHz error relative to 50 MHz: 100 kHz Error Relative to 50 MHz __________ dB 16.Add the 100 kHz error relative to 50 MHz that was recorded in step 15 above to each of the Response Relative to 100 kHz entries in Table 2-42. Record the results as the Response Relative to 50 MHz in Table 2-42. Table 2-42 Frequency Response Worksheet, ≤100 kHz Frequency DVM Amplitude 100 kHz Response Relative to 100 kHz Response Relative to 50 MHz 0 dB (Ref) 75 kHz 50 kHz 20 kHz 9 kHz Test Results 1. Enter the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-41: ____________ dB 2. Enter the most positive number from the Response Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-42: ____________ dB 75 Ω inputs, Option 1DP: The frequency range below 100 kHz was not tested; no entry from Table 2-42 is necessary. 3. Record the more positive of numbers from step 1 and step 2 in Table 2-43 as the Maximum Response for Band 0. 170 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 22. Frequency Response: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 4. Enter the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-41: ____________ dB 5. Enter the most negative number from the Response Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-42: ____________ dB 75 Ω inputs, Option 1DP: The frequency range below 100 kHz was not tested; no entry from Table 2-42 is necessary. 6. Record the more negative of numbers from step 4 and step 5 in Table 2-43 as the Minimum Response for Band 0. 7. Subtract the Minimum Response for Band 0 from the Maximum Response for Band 0 and record the result as the Peak-to-Peak Response for Band 0 in Table 2-43. Table 2-43 Frequency Response Results Maximum Response Test Record Entry Band dB 0 1) Chapter 2 Minimum Response Test Record Entry dB 2) Peak-to-Peak Response Test Record Entry dB 3) 171 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B This test measures the amplitude error of the analyzer as a function of frequency. To measure frequencies of 100 kHz and greater, the output of a source is fed through a power splitter to a power sensor and the analyzer. A function generator is used as the source from 100 kHz to 10 MHz, and a synthesized sweeper at 10 MHz and greater. To measure frequencies below 100 kHz, a DVM with a 50 Ω load replaces the power sensor. For improved amplitude accuracy the power splitter is characterized using a “reference” sensor connected to one power splitter output port. The other power splitter output port connects to the “buried” sensor; it is not removed from the power splitter. Once the characterization is done, the reference sensor is removed and replaced by the analyzer. Measurements are made at the same frequencies used in the characterization. The analyzer marker amplitude measurements are corrected using the characterization data to determine the absolute flatness error and the flatness error relative to 50 MHz. This procedure does not test frequency response with the optional preamplifier (Option 1DS) turned on. If the analyzer is equipped with Option 1DS, also perform the “Frequency Response, Preamp On” procedure. Analyzers with Option UKB are tested down to 100 Hz in dc coupled mode. In ac coupled mode, Agilent E4402B analyzers are tested down to 100 kHz. The related adjustment for this performance test is “Frequency Response.” Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper Function generator Power meter RF power sensor (2 required) RF Power splitter Digital multimeter Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Dual banana plug to BNC (f) BNC Tee (BNC f,m,f) Cable, BNC, 122-cm (48-in) (2 required) Cable, Type-N, 183-cm (72-in) Termination, 50 Ω, BNC (m) 172 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B Procedure Source/Splitter Characterization 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-29; use the function generator as the source. Connect one of the Agilent 8482A power sensors to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Connect the other Agilent 8482A power sensor to Channel B of the power meter. This will be the “buried” sensor. Figure 2-29 Source/Splitter Characterization Setup 2. Zero and calibrate both power sensors. 3. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor for 100 kHz. 4. On the power meter, set the Channel B calibration factor to 100%. Do not change this calibration factor during this test. 5. Set the function generator frequency to 100 kHz and amplitude to –4 dBm. 6. Adjust the function generator amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 7. Record the function generator amplitude setting, and both the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-44. 8. Tune the source to the next frequency in Table 2-44. 9. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor for the current source frequency. Chapter 2 173 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B 10.Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 11.Record the source amplitude setting, and both the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-44. 12.Repeat step 8 through step 11 for frequencies up through 10 MHz. 13.Replace the function generator with the synthesized sweeper. 14.Set the synthesized sweeper CW frequency to 10 MHz and the amplitude to –4 dBm. 15.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 16.Record the synthesized sweeper power level and both the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-44. 17.Repeat step 8 through step 11 for each remaining frequency in Table 2-44. 18.For each entry in Table 2-44, calculate the Splitter Tracking Error as follows: Splitter Tracking Error = Channel A Power – Channel B Power For example, if Channel A Power is –10.05 dBm and Channel B Power is –10.23 dBm, the Splitter Tracking Error is 0.18 dB. Table 2-44 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error Source Power Setting 100 kHz 500 kHz 1 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHza 10 MHzb 20 MHz 0 dB (Ref) 50 MHz 75 MHz 175 MHz 275 MHz 375 MHz 174 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B Table 2-44 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error Source Power Setting 475 MHz 575 MHz 675 MHz 775 MHz 825 MHz 875 MHz 925 MHz 975 MHz 1025 MHz 1075 MHz 1175 MHz 1275 MHz 1375 MHz 1500 MHz 1525 MHz 1625 MHz 1675 MHz 1725 MHz 1775 MHz 1825 MHz 1875 MHz 1925 MHz 1975 MHz 2025 MHz 2125 MHz 2325 MHz 2525 MHz 2725 MHz Chapter 2 175 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B Table 2-44 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error Source Power Setting 2925 MHz 2999 MHz a. This entry is for data taken with the function generator as source. b. This entry is for data taken with the synthesized sweeper as source. Measuring Frequency Response, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz 1. Refer to Figure 2-30. Remove the reference sensor (Channel A sensor) from the power splitter. Connect the power splitter to the 50 Ω Input of the analyzer using an adapter. Do not use a cable. Figure 2-30 Frequency Response Test Setup, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz 2. Set the source frequency to 10 MHz. 3. Set the source power level to the value corresponding to the source power setting in Table 2-44 for the current source frequency (10 MHz). 4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 10 MHz 176 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B CF Step, 100 MHz SPAN, 20 kHz Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (DC) (Agilent E4402B, Option UKB only) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp, (Off) (Option 1DS only) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –5 dBm Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) Scale/Div, 1 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 3 kHz (Man) Video BW, 3 kHz (Man) 5. Adjust the source power level to obtain the Channel B power meter reading recorded in Table 2-44 ±0.1 dB. 6. Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-45 as the Current Channel B Reading for dc (coupling). 7. On the analyzer, press Single then Peak Search (or Search). 8. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-45 for dc (coupling). 9. Set the source to the next frequency listed in Table 2-45. 10.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-45. 11.Adjust the source power level to obtain the Channel B power meter reading recorded in Table 2-45 ±0.1 dB for the current frequency. 12.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-45 as the current Channel B reading. 13.On the analyzer, press Single then Peak Search (or Search). 14.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-45. 15.Repeat step 9 through step 14 for each remaining frequency in Table 2-45. 16.Replace the synthesized sweeper with the function generator. 17.Set the function generator amplitude to –4 dBm. 18.Set the function generator frequency to 100 kHz. 19.On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 100 kHz. 20.Adjust the function generator amplitude to obtain the Channel B power meter reading recorded in Table 2-44 ±0.1 dB for 100 kHz. 21.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-45 as the current Channel B reading. 22.On the analyzer, press Single then Peak Search (or Search). 23.Record the analyzer marker (Mkr1) Amplitude Reading in Table 2-45 Chapter 2 177 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B as marker (Mkr1) Amplitude. 24.Repeat step 18 through step 23 for frequencies between 100 kHz and 10 MHz. 25.Copy the Splitter Tracking Errors from Table 2-44 into Table 2-45. 26.Calculate the Flatness Error for each frequency in Table 2-45 as follows: Flatness Error = Mkr1 Amptd dBm – Current Channel B dBm – Splitter Tracking Error dB For example, if marker (Mkr1) Amptd is –10.32 dBm, Current Channel B is –10.2 dBm and Splitter Tracking Error is 0.18 dB, Flatness Error would be –0.30 dB. 27.Record the Flatness Error for 50 MHz below as the 50 MHz Ref Amptd: 50 MHz Ref Amptd: __________ 28.Calculate the setup change error (error due to changing the test setup from using a synthesized sweeper to using a function generator) as follows: a. Record the Flatness Error from Table 2-45 at 10 MHz using the function generator as FlatErrorFG: FlatErrorFG=__________ dB b. Record the Flatness Error from Table 2-45 at 10 MHz using the synthesized sweeper as FlatErrorSS: FlatErrorSS=__________ dB c. Subtract FlatErrorSS from FlatErrorFG and record the result as the Setup Change Error: Setup Change Error = FlatErrorFG – FlatErrorSS Setup Change Error =__________ dB 29.For frequencies less than 10 MHz calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-45 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd – Setup Change Error For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB, 50 MHz Ref Amptd is 0.15 dB and Setup Change Error is –0.19 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.26 dB. 30.For frequencies 10 MHz and greater, calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-45 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd 178 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB and 50 MHz Ref Amptd is 0.15 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.45 dB. 31.If the analyzer has Option UKB, continue with this procedure. Otherwise, perform the procedure in “Measuring Frequency Response Less Than or Equal to 100 kHz.” 32.Replace the function generator with the synthesized sweeper. 33.Set the source frequency to 10 MHz and the source power level to the value corresponding to the source power setting in Table 2-44 for the current source frequency (10 MHz). 34.For an Agilent E4402B only, press Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (AC) on the analyzer. 35.For an Agilent E4402B only, repeat step 5 through step 30 for ac coupling. 36. Perform the procedure in “Measuring Frequency Response Less Than or Equal to 100 kHz.” Table 2-45 Freq. (MHz) Frequency Response Worksheet, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Splitter Tracking Error Current Channel B Reading dc ac Marker (Mkr1) Amptd dc ac Flatness Error dc ac Flatness Relative to 50 MHz dc ac 0 dB (ref) 0 dB (ref) 0.1 0.5 1 5 10a 10b 20 50 75 175 275 375 475 Chapter 2 179 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B Table 2-45 Freq. (MHz) Frequency Response Worksheet, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Splitter Tracking Error Current Channel B Reading dc ac Marker (Mkr1) Amptd dc ac Flatness Error dc ac Flatness Relative to 50 MHz dc ac 575 675 775 825 875 925 975 1025 1075 1175 1275 1375 1500 1525 1625 1675 1725 1775 1825 1875 1925 1975 2025 2125 2325 2525 2725 180 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B Table 2-45 Freq. (MHz) Frequency Response Worksheet, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Splitter Tracking Error Current Channel B Reading dc ac Marker (Mkr1) Amptd dc ac Flatness Error dc ac Flatness Relative to 50 MHz dc ac 2925 2999 a. This entry is for data taken with the function generator as source. b. This entry is for data taken with the synthesized sweeper as source. Chapter 2 181 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B Measuring Frequency Response Less Than or Equal to 100 kHz 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-31. Figure 2-31 Frequency Response Test Setup, ≤100 kHz 2. Set the function generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 100 kHz AMPLITUDE, –4 dBm Amptd Increment, 0.05 dB 3. Set the DVM as follows: Function Synchronous AC Volts Math dBm RES Register 50 Ω Front/Rear Terminals Front Range Auto 4. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, 100 kHz. 5. If the analyzer has Option UKB, press Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (DC). Then press SPAN, 100 Hz, BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz, Video BW, 10 Hz. 6. Adjust the function generator amplitude until the DVM reading is –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 7. Record the actual DVM reading in Table 2-46 as the DVM Amplitude reading. 8. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta. 9. Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-46. 10.Set the function generator frequency to the next frequency listed in 182 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B Table 2-46. Frequencies less than 9 kHz only apply to analyzers with Option UKB. 11.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 12.Adjust the function generator amplitude until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.05 dB. 13.Record the DVM reading in Table 2-46 as the DVM Amplitude reading. 14.Repeat step 9 through step 13 for each frequency setting listed in Table 2-46. 15.For each of the frequencies in Table 2-46, subtract the DVM Amplitude from the DVM Amplitude at 100 kHz recorded in step 7. Record the result as the Response Relative to 100 kHz in Table 2-46. 16.From Table 2-45, note the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for the 100 kHz frequency. Record this below as the 100 kHz Error Relative to 50 MHz: 100 kHz Error Relative to 50 MHz =__________ dB 17.Add the 100 kHz Error Relative to 50 MHz that was recorded in step 16 above to each of the Response Relative to 100 kHz entries in Table 2-46. Record the results as the Response Relative to 50 MHz in Table 2-46. Table 2-46 Frequency Response Worksheet, ≤100 kHz Frequency 100 kHz DVM Amplitude Response Relative to 100 kHz Response Relative to 50 MHz 0 dB (Ref) 75 kHz 50 kHz 20 kHz 9 kHz 5 kHza 2 kHza 1 kHza 500 Hza 200 Hza 100 Hza a. These frequencies apply only to analyzers with Option UKB. Chapter 2 183 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B Test Results Perform the following steps to verify the frequency response of the analyzer. 1. Enter the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-45: ____________ dB 2. Enter the most positive number from the Response Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-46: ____________ dB 3. Record the most positive of numbers from step 1 and step 2 into Table 2-47 as the Maximum Response for Band 0. 4. Enter the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-45: ____________ dB 5. Enter the most negative number from the Response Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-46: ____________ dB 6. Record the most negative of numbers from step 4 and step 5 into Table 2-47 as the Minimum Response for Band 0. 7. For Band 0 in Table 2-47, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 8. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4403B or an E4402B with a serial number less than US39441006 then transfer the values in Table 2-47 into the test record in this guide. The frequency response test is complete for those instruments only. 9. If the analyzer has Option UKB then perform step 18 through step 27. Otherwise, perform step 10 through step 16. 10.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-45 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-47 as the Maximum Response for Band 0A. 11.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-45 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-47 as the Minimum Response for Band 0A. 12.For Band 0A in Table 2-47, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 184 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B 13.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-45 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-47 as the Maximum Response for Band 0B. 14.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-45 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-47 as the Minimum Response for Band 0B. 15.For Band 0B in Table 2-47, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 16.Transfer the values entered in Table 2-47 to the test record in this guide. 17.The frequency response test for analyzers without Option UKB is now complete. The following steps apply only to analyzers having Option UKB. 18.Record the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-45 as the Maximum Response for Band 0 in Table 2-48. 19.Record the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-45 as the Minimum Response for Band 0 in Table 2-48. 20.For Band 0 in Table 2-48, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 21.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-45 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-48 as the Maximum Response for Band 0A. 22.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-45 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-48 as the Minimum Response for Band 0A. 23.For Band 0A in Table 2-48, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 24.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-45 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-48 as the Maximum Response for Band 0B. 25.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-45 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz Chapter 2 185 Performance Verification Tests 23. Frequency Response, Agilent E4402B and E4403B and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-48 as the Minimum Response for Band 0B. 26.For Band 0B in Table 2-48, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 27.Transfer the values entered in Table 2-48 to the test record in this guide. 28.The frequency response test for analyzers with Option UKB is now complete. Table 2-47 Band Frequency Response Results, dc Coupled Maximum Response Test Record Entry dB Minimum Response Test Record Entry dB Peak-to-Peak Response Test Record Entry dB 0 1) 2) 3) 0A 4) 5) 6) 0B 7) 8) 9) Table 2-48 Frequency Response Results, ac Coupled Maximum Response Minimum Response Test Record Entry Test Record Entry Band dB dB Peak-to-Peak Response dB Test Record Entry 0 10) 11) 12) 0A 13) 14) 15) 0B 16) 17) 18) 186 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B This test measures the amplitude error of the analyzer as a function of frequency. To measure frequencies of 100 kHz and greater, the output of a source is fed through a power splitter to a power sensor and the analyzer. A function generator is used as the source from 100 kHz to 10 MHz, and a synthesized sweeper at 10 MHz and greater. To measure frequencies below 100 kHz, a DVM with a 50 Ω load replaces the power sensor. For improved amplitude accuracy the power splitter is characterized using a “reference” sensor connected to one power splitter output port. The other power splitter output port connects to the “buried” sensor; it is not removed from the power splitter. Once the characterization is done, the reference sensor is removed and replaced by the analyzer. Measurements are made at the same frequencies used in the characterization. The analyzer marker amplitude measurements are corrected using the characterization data to determine the absolute flatness error and the flatness error relative to 50 MHz. To measure frequencies greater than 3 GHz, the source power level is adjusted at 50 MHz to place the displayed signal at the analyzer center horizontal graticule line. The power meter is then set to measure dB relative to the power at 50 MHz. At each new source frequency and analyzer center frequency, the source power level is adjusted to place the signal at the center horizontal graticule line. The power meter displays the inverse of the frequency response relative to 50 MHz. This procedure does not test frequency response with the optional preamplifier (Option 1DS) turned on. If the analyzer is equipped with a preamplifier, also perform the “Frequency Response, Preamp On” procedure. Analyzers with Option UKB are tested down to 100 Hz in dc coupled mode. In ac coupled mode, Agilent E4404B and E4405B analyzers are tested down to 100 kHz. Agilent E4407B analyzers with Option UKB are tested down to 10 MHz in ac coupled mode. The related adjustment for this performance test is “Frequency Response.” Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper Function generator Power meter RF Power sensor (2 required) Microwave power sensor Microwave power splitter Digital multimeter Chapter 2 187 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Dual banana plug to BNC (f) BNC Tee (BNC f,m,f) Cable, BNC, 122-cm (48-in) (2 required) Cable, APC 3.5 Termination, 50 Ω, BNC (m) Procedure Source/Splitter Characterization 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-32. Use the function generator as the source. Connect one of the Agilent 8482A power sensors to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Connect the other Agilent 8482A power sensor to Channel B of the power meter. This will be the “buried” sensor. Figure 2-32 Source/Splitter Characterization Setup 2. Zero and calibrate both power sensors. 3. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor for 100 kHz. 4. On the power meter, set the Channel B calibration factor to 100%. Do not change this calibration factor during this test. 5. Set the function generator frequency to 100 kHz and amplitude to –4 dBm. 6. Adjust the function generator amplitude to obtain a Channel A 188 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 7. Record the function generator amplitude setting, and both the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-49. 8. Tune the source to the next frequency in Table 2-49. 9. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor for the current source frequency. 10.Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 11.Record the source amplitude setting, and both the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-49. 12.Repeat step 8 through step 11 for frequencies up through 10 MHz. 13.Replace the function generator with the synthesized sweeper. 14.Set the synthesized sweeper CW frequency to 10 MHz and the amplitude to –4 dBm. 15.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 16.Record the synthesized sweeper power level and both the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-49. 17.Repeat step 8 through step 11 for each remaining frequency in Table 2-49. 18.For each entry in Table 2-49, calculate the Splitter Tracking Error as follows: Splitter Tracking Error = Channel A Power – Channel B Power For example, if Channel A Power is –10.05 dBm and Channel B Power is –10.23 dBm, the Splitter Tracking Error is 0.18 dB. Table 2-49 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error Source Power Setting 100 kHz 500 kHz 1 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHza 10 MHzb Chapter 2 189 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-49 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A 20 MHz Channel B Splitter Tracking Error Source Power Setting 0 dB (Ref) 50 MHz 75 MHz 175 MHz 275 MHz 375 MHz 475 MHz 575 MHz 675 MHz 775 MHz 825 MHz 875 MHz 925 MHz 975 MHz 1025 MHz 1075 MHz 1175 MHz 1275 MHz 1375 MHz 1500 MHz 1525 MHz 1625 MHz 1675 MHz 1725 MHz 1775 MHz 1825 MHz 1875 MHz 1925 MHz 190 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-49 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error Source Power Setting 1975 MHz 2025 MHz 2125 MHz 2325 MHz 2525 MHz 2725 MHz 2925 MHz 2999 MHz a. This entry is for data taken with the function generator as source. b. This entry is for data taken with the synthesized sweeper as source. Measuring Frequency Response, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz 1. Refer to Figure 2-33. Remove the reference sensor (Channel A sensor) from the power splitter. Connect the power splitter to the 50 Ω Input of the analyzer using an adapter. Do not use a cable. Figure 2-33 Frequency Response Test Setup, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Chapter 2 191 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 2. Set the source frequency to 10 MHz. 3. Set the source power level to the value corresponding to the source power setting in Table 2-49 for the current source frequency (10 MHz). 4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 10 MHz CF Step, 100 MHz SPAN, 20 kHz Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (DC) (Agilent E4404B, E4405B, or any model with Option UKB) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp, (Off) (Option 1DS only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –5 dBm Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) Scale/Div, 1 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 3 kHz (Man) Video BW, 3 kHz (Man) 5. Adjust the source power level to obtain the Channel B power meter reading recorded in Table 2-49 ±0.1 dB. 6. Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-50 as the Current Channel B Reading for dc (coupling). 7. On the analyzer, press Single then Peak Search (or Search). 8. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-50 for dc (coupling). 9. Set the source to the next frequency listed in Table 2-50. 10.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-50. 11.Adjust the source power level to obtain the Channel B power meter reading recorded in Table 2-49 ±0.1 dB for the current frequency. 12.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-50 as the current Channel B reading. 13.On the analyzer, press Single then Peak Search (or Search). 14.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-50. 15.Repeat step 9 through step 14 for each remaining frequency in Table 2-50. 16.If the analyzer under test is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB and is being tested in ac coupled mode, continue with step 26. These analyzers are specified only down to 10 MHz in ac coupled mode. 17.Replace the synthesized sweeper with the function generator. 192 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 18.Set the function generator amplitude to –4 dBm. 19.Set the function generator frequency to 100 kHz. 20.On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 100 kHz. 21.Adjust the function generator amplitude to obtain the Channel B power meter reading recorded in Table 2-49 ±0.1 dB for 100 kHz. 22.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-50 as the current Channel B reading. 23.On the analyzer, press Single then Peak Search (or Search). 24.Record the analyzer marker (Mkr1) Amplitude Reading in Table 2-50 as marker (Mkr1) Amplitude. 25.Repeat step 19 through step 24 for frequencies between 100 kHz and 10 MHz. 26.Copy the Splitter Tracking Errors from Table 2-49 into Table 2-50. 27.Calculate the Flatness Error for each frequency in Table 2-50 as follows: Flatness Error = Mkr1 Amptd dBm – Current Channel B dBm – Splitter Tracking Error dB For example, if marker (Mkr1) Amptd is –10.32 dBm, Current Channel B is –10.2 dBm and Splitter Tracking Error is 0.18 dB, Flatness Error would be –0.30 dB. 28.Record the Flatness Error for 50 MHz below as the 50 MHz Ref Amptd: 50 MHz Ref Amptd: __________ 29.Continue with step 31 if the analyzer under test is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB and is being tested in ac coupled mode. Calculate the setup change error (error due to changing the test setup from using a synthesized sweeper to using a function generator) as follows: a. Record the Flatness Error from Table 2-50 at 10 MHz using the function generator as FlatErrorFG: FlatErrorFG=__________ dB b. Record the Flatness Error from Table 2-50 at 10 MHz using the synthesized sweeper as FlatErrorSS: FlatErrorSS=__________ dB c. Subtract FlatErrorSS from FlatErrorFG and record the result as the Setup Change Error: Setup Change Error = FlatErrorFG – FlatErrorSS Chapter 2 193 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Setup Change Error =__________ dB 30.For frequencies less than 10 MHz calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-50 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd – Setup Change Error For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB, 50 MHz Ref Amptd is 0.15 dB and Setup Change Error is –0.19 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.26 dB. 31.For frequencies 10 MHz and greater, calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-50 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB and 50 MHz Ref Amptd is 0.15 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.45 dB. 32.If the analyzer under test is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB, E4404B or E4405B, continue with this procedure. Otherwise, perform the procedure in “Measuring Frequency Response Less Than or Equal to 100 kHz.” 33.Replace the function generator with the synthesized sweeper. 34.Set the source frequency to 10 MHz and the source power level to the value corresponding to the source power setting in Table 2-49 for the current source frequency (10 MHz). 35.On the analyzer, press Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (AC). 36.Repeat step 5 through step 31 for ac coupling. 37. Perform the procedure in “Measuring Frequency Response Less Than or Equal to 100 kHz.” Table 2-50 Freq. (MHz) Frequency Response Worksheet, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Splitter Tracking Error Current Channel B Reading dc ac Marker (Mkr1) Amptd dc ac Flatness Error dc ac Flatness Relative to 50 MHz dc ac 0.1a 0.5a 1a 5a 10ab 194 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-50 Freq. (MHz) Frequency Response Worksheet, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Splitter Tracking Error Current Channel B Reading dc ac Marker (Mkr1) Amptd dc ac Flatness Error dc ac Flatness Relative to 50 MHz dc ac 0 dB (ref) 0 dB (ref) 10c 20 50 75 175 275 375 475 575 675 775 825 875 925 975 1025 1075 1175 1275 1375 1500 1525 1625 1675 1725 1775 Chapter 2 195 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-50 Freq. (MHz) Frequency Response Worksheet, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz Splitter Tracking Error Current Channel B Reading dc ac Marker (Mkr1) Amptd dc ac Flatness Error dc ac Flatness Relative to 50 MHz dc ac 1825 1875 1925 1975 2025 2125 2325 2525 2725 2925 2999 a. This frequency is not tested on Agilent E4407B analyzers with Option UKB when in ac coupled mode. b. This entry is for data taken with the function generator as source. c. This entry is for data taken with the synthesized sweeper as source. 196 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Measuring Frequency Response Less Than or Equal to 100 kHz NOTE Do not perform this procedure for Agilent E4407B analyzers having Option UKB in ac coupled mode. 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-34. Figure 2-34 Frequency Response Test Setup, ≤100 kHz 2. Set the function generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 100 kHz AMPLITUDE, –4 dBm Amptd Increment, 0.05 dB 3. Set the DVM as follows: Function Synchronous AC Volts Math dBm RES Register 50 Ω Front/Rear Terminals Front Range Auto 4. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, 100 kHz. 5. If the analyzer under test is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB, E4404B or E4405B, press Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (DC). 6. If the analyzer under test has Option UKB then press SPAN, 100 Hz, BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz, Video BW, 10 Hz. 7. Adjust the function generator amplitude until the DVM reading is –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 8. Record the actual DVM reading in Table 2-51 as the DVM Amplitude reading. Chapter 2 197 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 9. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta. 10.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-51. 11.Set the function generator frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-51. Frequencies less than 9 kHz only apply to analyzers with Option UKB. 12.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 13.Adjust the function generator amplitude until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.05 dB. 14.Record the DVM reading in Table 2-51 as the DVM Amplitude reading. 15.Repeat step 10 through step 14 for each frequency setting listed in Table 2-51. 16.For each of the frequencies in Table 2-51, subtract the DVM Amplitude from the DVM Amplitude at 100 kHz recorded in step 8. Record the result as the Response Relative to 100 kHz in Table 2-51. 17.From Table 2-50, note the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for the 100 kHz frequency. Record this below as the 100 kHz Error Relative to 50 MHz: 100 kHz Error Relative to 50 MHz =__________ dB 18.Add the 100 kHz Error Relative to 50 MHz that was recorded in step 17 above to each of the Response Relative to 100 kHz entries in Table 2-51. Record the results as the Response Relative to 50 MHz in Table 2-51. Table 2-51 Frequency Response Worksheet, ≤100 kHz Frequency 100 kHz DVM Amplitude Response Relative to 100 kHz Response Relative to 50 MHz 0 dB (Ref) 75 kHz 50 kHz 20 kHz 9 kHz 5 kHza 2 kHza 1 kHza 198 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-51 Frequency Response Worksheet, ≤100 kHz Frequency DVM Amplitude Response Relative to 100 kHz Response Relative to 50 MHz 500 Hza 200 Hza 100 Hza a. These frequencies apply only to analyzers with Option UKB. Chapter 2 199 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Measuring Frequency Response, >3 GHz 1. Replace the Channel B power sensor with the microwave power sensor. Zero and calibrate the power sensor and power meter in log mode. Enter the 50 MHz calibration factor of the power sensor into the power meter. 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-35. Figure 2-35 Frequency Response Test Setup, >3 GHz 3. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB, E4404B or E4405B, then press Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (DC). This sets the analyzer to dc coupled mode. 4. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, 50 MHz, CF Step 250 MHz. 5. Set the synthesized sweeper CW frequency to 50 MHz and FREQ STEP to 250 MHz. 6. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level for a power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.05 dB. 7. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 8. On the analyzer, press Marker, Delta. 9. Activate the dB relative mode on the power meter. Power meter readings will now be displayed relative to the power meter reading at 50 MHz. 10.Set the synthesized sweeper CW frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-52. 11.Enter the appropriate power sensor calibration factor into the power meter. 12.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Amplitude, 200 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Presel Center. 13.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the analyzer marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading is 0 dB ±0.05 dB. 14.Record the negative of the power meter reading in Table 2-52 as the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for dc coupled mode. NOTE Record this power meter reading as the negative, or opposite polarity from the measured value. For example, a measured value of –0.75 dB is recorded as +0.75 dB; a measured value of +0.25 dB is recorded as –0.25 dB. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4407B without Option UKB, make all entries in the dc coupled column. 15.Repeat step 10 through step 14 for frequencies up through 6.699 GHz in Table 2-52. On the analyzer, pressing FREQUENCY, ↑ will allow you to step through most of the frequencies. Similarly, on the synthesized sweeper, pressing CW, ↑ will allow you to step through most of the frequencies. 16.If the analyzer is an Agilent E4404B, continue with the next step. Otherwise, continue with step 20. 17. On the analyzer, press Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (AC). This sets the analyzer to ac coupled mode. 18.Repeat step 4 through step 15, making entries in the ac Coupled column of Table 2-52. 19.Continue with “Agilent E4404B/E4405B Test Results” (for an Agilent E4404B only). The following steps apply to the Agilent E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B only. 20.Set the synthesized sweeper FREQ STEP to 400 MHz. Set the analyzer center frequency step size to 400 MHz by manually pressing FREQUENCY, CF Step, 400 MHz. 21.Repeat step 10 through step 14 for frequencies up through 13.199 GHz in Table 2-52. 22.If the analyzer is an Agilent E4405B, continue with the next step. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4407B or E4408B, continue with step 27. 23. On the analyzer, press Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (AC). This sets the analyzer to ac coupled mode. 24.Repeat step 4 through step 15, making entries in the ac Coupled column of Table 2-52. 25.Set the synthesized sweeper FREQ STEP to 400 MHz. Set the analyzer center frequency step size to 400 MHz by pressing FREQUENCY, CF Step, 400 MHz. Chapter 2 201 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 26.Repeat step 10 through step 14 for frequencies up through 13.199 GHz making entries in the ac Coupled column of Table 2-52. 27.Continue with “Agilent E4404B/E4405B Test Results” (for an Agilent E4405B only). The following steps apply to the Agilent E4407B and E4408B only. 28.Set the synthesized sweeper FREQ STEP to 500 MHz. Set the analyzer center frequency step size to 500 MHz by pressing FREQUENCY, CF Step, 500 MHz. 29.Repeat step 10 through step 14 for the remaining frequencies in Table 2-52. If the analyzer under test is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB then continue with the next step. Otherwise, continue with “Agilent E4407B/E4408B Test Results” (for an Agilent E4407B or E4408B only). 30. On the analyzer, press Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (AC). This sets the analyzer to ac coupled mode. 31.Repeat step 4 through step 15, making entries in the ac Coupled column of Table 2-52. 32.Set the synthesized sweeper FREQ STEP to 400 MHz. Set the analyzer center frequency step size by pressing FREQUENCY, CF Step, 400 MHz. 33.Repeat step 10 through step 14 for the remaining frequencies in Table 2-52, making entries in the ac Coupled column. 34.Continue with “Agilent E4407B/E4408B Test Results.” Table 2-52 Frequency Response Worksheet, >3 GHz Frequency Flatness Relative to 50 MHz, dB dc Coupled ac Coupled 3.05 GHz 3.25 GHz 3.5 GHz 3.75 GHz 4.0 GHz 4.25 GHz 4.5 GHz 4.75 GHz 5.0 GHz 202 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-52 Frequency Response Worksheet, >3 GHz Frequency Flatness Relative to 50 MHz, dB dc Coupled ac Coupled 5.25 GHz 5.5 GHz 5.75 GHz 6.0 GHz 6.25 GHz 6.5 GHz 6.699 GHz End of worksheet recording for Agilent E4404B 6.8 GHz 7.0 GHz 7.4 GHz 7.8 GHz 8.2 GHz 8.6 GHz 9.0 GHz 9.4 GHz 9.8 GHz 10.2 GHz 10.6 GHz 11.0 GHz 11.4 GHz 11.8 GHz 12.2 GHz 12.6 GHz 12.8 GHz 13.199 GHz End of worksheet recording for Agilent E4405B 13.3 GHz Chapter 2 203 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-52 Frequency Response Worksheet, >3 GHz Frequency Flatness Relative to 50 MHz, dB dc Coupled ac Coupled 13.5 GHz 14.0 GHz 14.5 GHz 15.0 GHz 15.5 GHz 16.0 GHz 16.5 GHz 17.0 GHz 17.5 GHz 18.0 GHz 18.5 GHz 19.0 GHz 19.5 GHz 20.0 GHz 20.5 GHz 21.0 GHz 21.5 GHz 22.0 GHz 22.5 GHz 23.0 GHz 23.5 GHz 24.0 GHz 24.5 GHz 25.0 GHz 25.5 GHz 26.0 GHz 26.5 GHz 204 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Agilent E4404B/E4405B Test Results Perform the following steps to verify the frequency response of the analyzer. 1. Enter the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-50: ____________ dB 2. Enter the most positive number from the Response Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-51: ____________ dB 3. Record the most positive of numbers from step 1 and step 2 in Table 2-53 as the Maximum Response for Band 0. 4. Enter the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-50: ____________ dB 5. Enter the most negative number from the Response Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-51: ____________ dB 6. Record the most negative of numbers from step 4 and step 5 in Table 2-53 as the Minimum Response for Band 0. 7. For Band 0 in Table 2-53, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 8. Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 3.0 GHz and 6.7 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-53 as the Maximum Response for Band 1. 9. Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 3.0 GHz and 6.7 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-53 as the Minimum Response for Band 1. 10.For Band 1 in Table 2-53, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 11.If the analyzer is an Agilent E4404B, then continue with step 15. 12.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 6.7 GHz and 13.2 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-53 as the Maximum Response for Band 2. 13.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to Chapter 2 205 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 6.7 GHz and 13.2 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-53 as the Minimum Response for Band 2. 14.For Band 2 in Table 2-53, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 15.Record the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50 as the Maximum Response for Band 0 in Table 2-54. 16.Record the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50 as the Minimum Response for Band 0 in Table 2-54. 17.For Band 0 in Table 2-54, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 18.If the analyzer is an Agilent E4404B with a serial number less than US39440498 or an E4405B with a serial number less than US39440327, then continue with step 25. 19.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-54 as the Maximum Response for Band 0A. 20.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-54 as the Minimum Response for Band 0A. 21.For Band 0A in Table 2-54, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 22.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-54 as the Maximum Response for Band 0B. 23.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-54 as the Minimum Response for Band 0B. 24.For Band 0B in Table 2-54, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 25.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 3.0 GHz and 206 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 6.7 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-54 as the Maximum Response for Band 1. 26.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 3.0 GHz and 6.7 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-54 as the Minimum Response for Band 1. 27.For Band 1 in Table 2-54, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 28.If the analyzer is an Agilent E4404B then the frequency response test is complete; transfer the values entered in Table 2-54 to the test record in this guide. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4405B, continue this procedure. 29.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 6.7 GHz and 13.2 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-54 as the Maximum Response for Band 2. 30.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 6.7 GHz and 13.2 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-54 as the Minimum Response for Band 2. 31.For Band 2 in Table 2-54, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 32.Transfer the values entered in Table 2-54 to the test record in this guide. 33.The frequency response test for Agilent E4405B analyzers is now complete. Table 2-53 Frequency Response Results, Agilent E4404B/E4405B, dc Coupled Maximum Response Test Record Entry Band dB Minimum Response Test Record Entry dB Peak-to-Peak Response Test Record Entry dB 0 1) 2) 3) 1 4) 5) 6) 2 7) 8) 9) Chapter 2 207 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-54 Frequency Response Results, Agilent E4404B/E4405B, ac Coupled Maximum Response Test Record Entry Band dB Minimum Response dB Test Record Entry Peak-to-Peak Response dB Test Record Entry 0 10) 11) 12) 0A 13) 14) 15) 0B 16) 17) 18) 1 19) 20) 21) 2 22) 23) 24) Agilent E4407B/E4408B Test Results Perform the following steps to verify the frequency response of the analyzer. 1. Enter the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-50: ____________ dB 2. Enter the most positive number from the Response Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-51: ____________ dB 3. Record the most positive of numbers from step 1 and step 2 in Table 2-55 as the Maximum Response for Band 0. 4. Enter the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-50: ____________ dB 5. Enter the most negative number from the Response Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-51: ____________ dB 6. Record the most negative of numbers from step 4 and step 5 in Table 2-55 as the Minimum Response for Band 0. 7. For Band 0 in Table 2-55, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 8. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4408B, an E4407B with Option UKB, or is an E4407B with a serial number less than US39440871, then 208 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B continue with step 15. 9. Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-55 as the Maximum Response for Band 0A. 10.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-55 as the Minimum Response for Band 0A. 11.For Band 0A in Table 2-55, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 12.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-55 as the Maximum Response for Band 0B. 13.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-55 as the Minimum Response for Band 0B. 14.For Band 0B in Table 2-55, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 15.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 3.0 GHz and 6.7 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-55 as the Maximum Response for Band 1. 16.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 3.0 GHz and 6.7 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-55 as the Minimum Response for Band 1. 17.For Band 1 in Table 2-55, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 18.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 6.7 GHz and 13.2 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-55 as the Maximum Response for Band 2. 19.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 6.7 GHz and 13.2 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-55 as the Minimum Response for Band 2. Chapter 2 209 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 20.For Band 2 in Table 2-55, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 21.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 13.2 GHz and 26.5 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-55 as the Maximum Response for Band 3. 22.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 13.2 GHz and 26.5 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-55 as the Minimum Response for Band 3. 23.For Band 3 in Table 2-55, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 24.Transfer the values entered in Table 2-55 to the test record in this guide. 25.If the analyzer is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB, continue with this procedure. Otherwise, the frequency response test for Agilent E4407B or E4408B analyzers is now complete. Table 2-55 Frequency Response Results, Agilent E4407B/E4408B, dc Coupled Maximum Response Minimum Response Test Record Entry Test Record Entry Band dB dB Peak-to-Peak Response Test Record Entry dB 0 1) 2) 3) 0A 4) 5) 6) 0B 7) 8) 9) 1 10) 11) 12) 2 13) 14) 15) 3 16) 17) 18) Agilent E4407B, Option UKB Test Results Perform the following steps to verify the frequency response of the analyzer. 1. Note the most positive of numbers from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Maximum Response for Band 0. 2. Note the most negative of numbers from the Flatness Relative to 50 210 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Minimum Response for Band 0. 3. For Band 0 in Table 2-56, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 4. Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Maximum Response for Band 0A. 5. Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Minimum Response for Band 0A. 6. For Band 0A in Table 2-56, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 7. Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Maximum Response for Band 0B. 8. Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-50 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Minimum Response for Band 0B. 9. For Band 0B in Table 2-56, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 10.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 3.0 GHz and 6.7 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Maximum Response for Band 1. 11.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 3.0 GHz and 6.7 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Minimum Response for Band 1. 12.For Band 1 in Table 2-56, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 13.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 6.7 GHz and 13.2 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Maximum Response for Band 2. Chapter 2 211 Performance Verification Tests 24. Frequency Response, Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 14.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 6.7 GHz and 13.2 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Minimum Response for Band 2. 15.For Band 2 in Table 2-56, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 16.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 13.2 GHz and 26.5 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Maximum Response for Band 3. 17.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-52 for frequencies between 13.2 GHz and 26.5 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-56 as the Minimum Response for Band 3. 18.For Band 3 in Table 2-56, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 19.Transfer the values entered in Table 2-56 to the test record in this guide. 20.The frequency response test for Agilent E4407B analyzers with Option UKB is now complete. Table 2-56 Frequency Response Results, Agilent E4407B Option UKB, ac Coupled Maximum Response Minimum Response Test Record Entry Test Record Entry Band dB dB Peak-to-Peak Response dB Test Record Entry 0 19) 20) 21) 0A 22) 23) 24) 0B 25) 26) 27) 1 28) 29) 30) 2 31) 32) 33) 3 34) 35) 36) 212 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B This test measures the amplitude error of the analyzer as a function of frequency. The output of a source is fed through a power splitter to a power sensor and the analyzer. The power level of the source is adjusted at 50 MHz to place the displayed signal at approximately –32 dBm. At each new source frequency and analyzer center frequency, the power level of the source is adjusted to place the signal at approximately –32 dBm. For improved amplitude accuracy the power splitter is characterized using a power sensor (the “reference” sensor) connected to one power splitter output port. The other power splitter output port connects to the “buried” sensor; it is not removed from the power splitter. Once the characterization is done, the reference sensor is removed and replaced by the analyzer. Analyzers with 75 Ω inputs are tested down to 1 MHz only. This procedure only tests frequency response with the optional preamplifier (Option 1DS) turned on. Perform the “Frequency Response” procedure to test all other frequency response specifications. The related adjustment for this performance test is “Frequency Response.” Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Power meter RF power sensor (2 required for 50 Ω inputs) 20 dB fixed attenuator Power splitter Cable, Type-N (m), 183 cm Cable, BNC, 120 cm Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Power sensor, 75 Ω Minimum Loss Pad, Type-N (m) 50 Ω to Type-N (f) 75 Ω Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (m), 75 Ω Chapter 2 213 Performance Verification Tests 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B Procedure Source/Splitter Characterization 1. Refer to Figure 2-36. Connect one RF power sensor to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Connect the other RF power sensor to Channel B of the power meter. This will be the “buried” sensor. 75 Ω inputs: Connect the 75 Ω power sensor to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Figure 2-36 CAUTION Source/Splitter Characterization Setup Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or damage to the connectors will occur. 2. Zero and calibrate both power sensors. 3. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor at 100 kHz. 75 Ω inputs: Set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor at 1 MHz. 4. On the power meter, set the Channel B calibration factor to 100%. Do not change this calibration factor during this test. 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-36. Note that the reference sensor connects to the 20 dB fixed attenuator. 214 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B 75 Ω inputs: Connect the reference sensor to the power splitter and attenuator using the minimum loss pad. 6. Set the source frequency to 100 kHz and amplitude to 6 dBm. 75 Ω inputs: Set the source frequency to 1 MHz and amplitude to 12 dBm. 7. Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –20 dBm ±0.1 dB. 8. Record the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-57. 9. Tune the source to the next frequency in Table 2-57. 10.On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor for the current source frequency. 11.Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –20 dBm ±0.1 dB. 12.Record the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-57. 13.Repeat step 9 through step 12 for each frequency in Table 2-57. 14.For each entry in Table 2-57, calculate the Splitter Tracking Error as follows: Splitter Tracking Error = Channel A Power – Channel B Power For example, if Channel A Power is –20.3 dBm and Channel B power is –0.23 dBm, the splitter tracking error is –20.07 dB. NOTE Tracking errors are nominally –25.7 dB when using the minimum loss pad. Table 2-57 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error 100 kHza 500 kHza 1 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHz Chapter 2 215 Performance Verification Tests 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B Table 2-57 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error 20 MHz 50 MHz 75 MHz 175 MHz 275 MHz 375 MHz 475 MHz 575 MHz 675 MHz 775 MHz 825 MHz 875 MHz 925 MHz 975 MHz 1025 MHz 1075 MHz 1175 MHz 1275 MHz 1375 MHz 1500 MHz a. These values do not apply to analyzers with 75 Ω inputs (Option 1DP). Measuring Frequency Response, Preamp On 1. Refer to Figure 2-37. Remove the reference sensor (Channel A sensor) from the 20 dB fixed attenuator. Connect the 20 dB fixed attenuator to the analyzer 50 Ω Input using an adapter. Do not use a cable. 216 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B Figure 2-37 Frequency Response Test Setup, Preamp On 75 Ω inputs: Connect the 20 dB fixed attenuator to the analyzer 75 Ω Input using a mechanical adapter and a 75 Ω, Type-N(m) to BNC(m) adapter. 2. Set the source frequency to 100 kHz: 75 Ω inputs: Set the source frequency to 1 MHz. 3. Set the source amplitude to –6 dBm. 4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 100 kHz (50 Ω Input) FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 1 MHz (75 Ω Input) CF Step, 100 MHz SPAN, 20 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (On) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –30 dBm Attenuation, 0 dB (Man) Scale/Div, 2 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 3 kHz (Man) Video BW, 3 kHz (Man) 5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 6. Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a marker amplitude reading on the analyzer of –32.00 dBm ±0.2 dB. 7. Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-58 as the Current Channel B reading. Chapter 2 217 Performance Verification Tests 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B 8. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-58. 9. Set the source to the next frequency listed in Table 2-58. 10.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-58. 11.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 12.Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a marker amplitude reading on the analyzer of –32.00 dBm ±0.2 dB. 13.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-58 as the Current Channel B reading. 14.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-58 as marker (Mkr1) Amptd. 15.Repeat step 9 through step 14 for each frequency in Table 2-58. 16.Copy the splitter tracking errors from Table 2-57 into Table 2-58. 17.Calculate the Flatness Error for each frequency in Table 2-58 as follows: Flatness Error = Mkr1 Amptd dBm – Current Channel B dBm – Splitter Tracking Error dB For example, if marker (Mkr1) Amptd is –33.32 dBm, Current Channel B is –12.4 dBm, and Splitter Tracking Error is –20.07 dB, Flatness Error would be –0.85 dB. 18.Record the Flatness Error for 50 MHz below as the 50 MHz Ref Amptd: 50 MHz Ref Amptd __________ 19.Calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-58 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB and 50 MHz Ref Amptd is 0.15 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.45 dB. Table 2-58 Frequency Frequency Response Worksheet, Preamp On Current Channel B Reading Marker (Mkr1) Amptd Splitter Tracking Error Flatness Error Flatness Relative to 50 MHz 100 kHza 500 kHza 1 MHz 5 MHz 218 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B Table 2-58 Frequency Frequency Response Worksheet, Preamp On Current Channel B Reading Marker (Mkr1) Amptd Splitter Tracking Error Flatness Relative to 50 MHz Flatness Error 10 MHz 20 MHz 50 MHz 0 dB (Ref) 75 MHz 175 MHz 275 MHz 375 MHz 475 MHz 575 MHz 675 MHz 775 MHz 825 MHz 875 MHz 925 MHz 975 MHz 1025 MHz 1075 MHz 1175 MHz 1275 MHz 1375 MHz 1500 MHz a. These values do not apply to analyzers with 75 Ω inputs (Option 1DP). Test Results 1. Record the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-58 as the Maximum Response in Table 2-59 and as Entry 1 in the performance verification test record. 2. Record the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-58 as the Minimum Response in Table 2-59 and as Entry 2 in the performance verification test record. Chapter 2 219 Performance Verification Tests 25. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4401B 3. In Table 2-59, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column, and as Entry 3 in the performance verification test record. Table 2-59 Frequency Response Results Maximum Response Minimum Response Test Record Entry Test Record Entry dB 1) 220 dB 2) Peak-to-Peak Response dB Test Record Entry 3) Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B This test measures the amplitude error of the analyzer as a function of frequency. The output of a source is fed through a power splitter to a power sensor and the analyzer. The power level of the source is adjusted at 50 MHz to place the displayed signal at approximately –32 dBm. At each new source frequency and analyzer center frequency, the power level of the source is adjusted to place the signal at approximately –32 dBm. For improved amplitude accuracy the power splitter is characterized using a power sensor (the “reference” sensor) connected to one power splitter output port. The other power splitter output port connects to the “buried” sensor; it is not removed from the power splitter. Once the characterization is done, the reference sensor is removed and replaced by the analyzer. This procedure only tests frequency response with the optional preamplifier (Option 1DS) turned on. Perform the “Frequency Response” procedure to test all other frequency response specifications. The related adjustment for this performance test is “Frequency Response.” Equipment Required Function generator Synthesized sweeper Power meter RF power sensor (2 required) 20 dB fixed attenuator Power splitter Cable, Type-N (m), 183 cm Cable, BNC, 120 cm Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Procedure Source/Splitter Characterization 1. Connect one RF power sensor to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Connect the other RF power sensor to Channel B of the power meter. This will be the “buried” sensor. 2. Zero and calibrate both power sensors. 3. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the Chapter 2 221 Performance Verification Tests 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B calibration factor of the reference sensor at 1 MHz. 4. On the power meter, set the Channel B calibration factor to 100%. Do not change this calibration factor during this test. 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-38. Use the function generator as the source. Note that the reference sensor connects to the 20 dB fixed attenuator. Figure 2-38 Source/Splitter Characterization Setup 6. Set the function generator frequency to 1 MHz and amplitude to 450 mV rms (approximately 6 dBm). 7. Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –20 dBm ±0.1 dB. 8. Record the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-60. 9. Tune the source to the next frequency in Table 2-60. 10.On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor for the current source frequency. 11.Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –20 dBm ±0.1 dB. 12.Record the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-60. 13.Repeat step 9 through step 12 for frequencies up through 10 MHz. 14.Replace the function generator with the synthesized sweeper. 222 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B 15.Set the synthesized sweeper CW frequency to 10 MHz and the amplitude to 6 dBm. 16.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –20 dBm ±0.1 dB. 17.Record both Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-60. 18.Repeat step 9 through step 12 for each remaining frequency in Table 2-60. 19.For each entry in Table 2-60, calculate the Splitter Tracking Error as follows: Splitter Tracking Error = Channel A Power – Channel B Power For example, if Channel A Power is –20.3 dBm and Channel B power is –0.23 dBm, the splitter tracking error is –20.07 dB. Table 2-60 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error 1 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHza 10 MHzb 20 MHz 50 MHz 75 MHz 175 MHz 275 MHz 375 MHz 475 MHz 575 MHz 675 MHz 775 MHz 825 MHz 875 MHz 925 MHz Chapter 2 223 Performance Verification Tests 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B Table 2-60 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error 975 MHz 1025 MHz 1075 MHz 1175 MHz 1275 MHz 1375 MHz 1500 MHz 1525 MHz 1675 MHz 1725 MHz 1775 MHz 1825 MHz 1875 MHz 1925 MHz 1975 MHz 2025 MHz 2125 MHz 2325 MHz 2525 MHz 2725 MHz 2925 MHz 2999 MHz a. This entry is for data taken with the function generator as source. b. This entry is for data taken with the synthesized sweeper as source. Measuring Frequency Response, Preamp On 1. Refer to Figure 2-39. Remove the reference sensor (Channel A sensor) from the 20 dB fixed attenuator. Connect the 20 dB fixed attenuator to the 50 Ω Input of the analyzer using an adapter. Do not 224 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B use a cable. 2. Set the source frequency to 10 MHz. 3. Set the source power level to –6 dBm. Figure 2-39 Frequency Response Test Setup, Preamp On 4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 10 MHz CF Step, 100 MHz SPAN, 20 kHz Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (DC) (Option UKB only) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp, On AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –30 dBm Attenuation, 0 dB (Man) Scale/Div, 2 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 3 kHz (Man) Video BW, 3 kHz (Man) 5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 6. Adjust the source power level to obtain a marker amplitude reading on the analyzer of –32.00 dBm ±0.2 dB. 7. Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-61 as the Current Channel B Reading. 8. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-61. 9. Set the source to the next frequency listed in Table 2-61. Chapter 2 225 Performance Verification Tests 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B 10.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-61. 11.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 12.Adjust the source power level to obtain a marker amplitude reading on the analyzer of –32.00 dBm ±0.2 dB. 13.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-61 as the current Channel B reading. 14.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-61. 15.Repeat step 9 through step 14 for each remaining frequency in Table 2-61. 16.Replace the synthesized sweeper with the function generator. 17.Set the function generator amplitude to 112 mV rms (–6 dBm, or –12 dBm plus nominal power splitter insertion loss). 18.Set the function generator frequency to 1 MHz. 19.Set the analyzer center frequency to 1 MHz. 20. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 21.Adjust the function generator amplitude to obtain a marker amplitude reading of –32.00 dBm ±0.2 dB. 22.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-61 as the current Channel B reading. 23.Record the analyzer marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-61 as marker (Mkr1) amplitude. 24.Repeat step 18 through step 23 for frequencies between 100 kHz and 10 MHz. 25.Copy the Splitter Tracking Error values from Table 2-60 into Table 2-61. 26.Calculate the Flatness Error for each frequency in Table 2-61 as follows: Flatness Error = Mkr1 Amptd dBm – Current Channel B dBm – Splitter Tracking Error dB For example, if marker (Mkr1) Amptd is –33.32 dBm, Current Channel B is –12.4 dBm, and Splitter Tracking Error is –20.07 dB, Flatness Error would be –0.85 dB. 27.Record the Flatness Error for 50 MHz below as the 50 MHz Ref Amptd: 50 MHz Ref Amptd: __________ dB 28.Calculate the Setup Change Error (error due to changing the test setup from using a synthesized sweeper to using a function 226 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B generator) as follows: a. Record the Flatness Error from Table 2-61 at 10 MHz using the function generator as FlatErrorFG: FlatErrorFG=__________ dB b. Record the Flatness Error from Table 2-61 at 10 MHz using the synthesized sweeper as FlatErrorSS: FlatErrorSS=__________ dB c. Subtract FlatErrorSS from FlatErrorFG and record the result as the Setup Change Error: Setup Change Error = FlatErrorFG – FlatErrorSS Setup Change Error =__________ dB 29.For frequencies less than 10 MHz calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-61 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd – Setup Change Error For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB, 50 MHz Ref Amptd is 0.15 dB, and Setup Change Error is –0.19 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.26 dB. 30.For frequencies 10 MHz and greater, calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-61 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB and 50 MHz Ref Amptd is 0.15 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.45 dB. Table 2-61 Frequency Frequency Response Worksheet, Preamp On Current Channel B Reading Mkr1 Amptd Splitter Tracking Error Flatness Error Flatness Relative to 50 MHz 1 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHza 10 MHzb 20 MHz 50 MHz 0 dB (Ref) 75 MHz Chapter 2 227 Performance Verification Tests 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B Table 2-61 Frequency Frequency Response Worksheet, Preamp On Current Channel B Reading Mkr1 Amptd Splitter Tracking Error Flatness Error Flatness Relative to 50 MHz 175 MHz 275 MHz 375 MHz 475 MHz 575 MHz 675 MHz 775 MHz 825 MHz 875 MHz 925 MHz 975 MHz 1025 MHz 1075 MHz 1175 MHz 1275 MHz 1375 MHz 1500 MHz 1525 MHz 1675 MHz 1725 MHz 1775 MHz 1825 MHz 1875 MHz 1925 MHz 1975 MHz 2025 MHz 2125 MHz 2325 MHz 228 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B Table 2-61 Frequency Frequency Response Worksheet, Preamp On Current Channel B Reading Mkr1 Amptd Splitter Tracking Error Flatness Error Flatness Relative to 50 MHz 2525 MHz 2725 MHz 2925 MHz 2999 MHz a. This entry is for data taken with the function generator as source. b. This entry is for data taken with the synthesized sweeper as source. Test Results 1. Record the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-61 as the Maximum Response for Band 0 in Table 2-62. 2. Record the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-61 as the Minimum Response for Band 0 in Table 2-62. 3. For Band 0 in Table 2-62, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 4. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4402B with a serial number greater than or equal to US39441006 then continue with the next step. Otherwise, transfer the values entered in Table 2-62 to the test record in this guide; the frequency response test is now complete. 5. Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-61 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-62 as the Maximum Response for Band 0A. 6. Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-61 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-62 as the Minimum Response for Band 0A. 7. For Band 0A in Table 2-62, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 8. Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column of Table 2-61 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-62 as the Maximum Response for Band 0B. Chapter 2 229 Performance Verification Tests 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4402B 9. Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50MHz column of Table 2-61 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record this number in Table 2-62 as the Minimum Response for Band 0B. 10.For Band 0B in Table 2-62, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 11.Transfer the values entered in Table 2-62 to the test record in this guide. 12.The frequency response test is now complete. Table 2-62 Frequency Response Results Maximum Response Minimum Response Test Record Entry Test Record Entry Band dB dB Peak-to-Peak Response Test Record Entry dB 0 1) 2) 3) 0A 4) 5) 6) 0B 7) 8) 9) 230 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B This test measures the amplitude error of the analyzer as a function of frequency. The output of a source is fed through a power splitter to a power sensor and the analyzer. The power level of the source is adjusted at 50 MHz to place the displayed signal at approximately –32 dBm. At each new source frequency and analyzer center frequency, the power level of the source is adjusted to place the signal at approximately –32 dBm. For improved amplitude accuracy the power splitter is characterized using a power sensor (the “reference” sensor) connected to one power splitter output port. The other power splitter output port connects to the “buried” sensor; it is not removed from the power splitter. Once the characterization is done, the reference sensor is removed and replaced by the analyzer. This procedure only tests frequency response with the optional preamplifier (Option 1DS) turned on. Perform the “Frequency Response” procedure to test all other frequency response specifications. The related adjustment for this performance test is “Frequency Response.” Equipment Required Function generator Synthesized sweeper Power meter RF power sensor (2 required) 20 dB fixed attenuator Power splitter Cable, Type-N (m), 183 cm Cable, BNC, 120 cm Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (m) to APC 3.5 (f) Procedure Source/Splitter Characterization 1. Connect one RF power sensor to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Connect the other RF power sensor to Chapter 2 231 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B Channel B of the power meter. This will be the “buried” sensor. 2. Zero and calibrate both power sensors. 3. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor at 1 MHz. 4. On the power meter, set the Channel B calibration factor to 100%. Do not change this calibration factor during this test. 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-40. Use the function generator as the source. Note that the reference sensor connects to the 20 dB fixed attenuator. Figure 2-40 Source/Splitter Characterization Setup 6. Set the function generator frequency to 1 MHz and amplitude to 446 mV rms (approximately 6 dBm). 7. Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –20 dBm ±0.1 dB. 8. Record the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-63. 9. Tune the source to the next frequency in Table 2-63. 10.On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor for the current source frequency. 11.Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –20 dBm ±0.1 dB. 12.Record the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in 232 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B Table 2-63. 13.Repeat step 9 through step 12 for frequencies up through 10 MHz. 14.Replace the function generator with the synthesized sweeper. 15.Set the synthesized sweeper CW frequency to 10 MHz and the amplitude to 6 dBm. 16.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –20 dBm ±0.1 dB. 17.Record the synthesized sweeper power level and both Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-63. 18.Repeat step 9 through step 12 for each remaining frequency in Table 2-63. 19.For each entry in Table 2-63, calculate the Splitter Tracking Error as follows: Splitter Tracking Error = Channel A Power – Channel B Power For example, if Channel A Power is –20.3 dBm and Channel B power is –0.23 dBm, the splitter tracking error is –20.07 dB. Table 2-63 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error 1 MHz 5 MHz 10 MHza 10 MHzb 20 MHz 50 MHz 75 MHz 175 MHz 275 MHz 375 MHz 475 MHz 575 MHz 675 MHz Chapter 2 233 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B Table 2-63 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Channel B Splitter Tracking Error 775 MHz 825 MHz 875 MHz 925 MHz 975 MHz 1025 MHz 1075 MHz 1175 MHz 1275 MHz 1375 MHz 1500 MHz 1525 MHz 1675 MHz 1725 MHz 1775 MHz 1825 MHz 1875 MHz 1925 MHz 1975 MHz 2025 MHz 2125 MHz 2325 MHz 2525 MHz 2725 MHz 2925 MHz 2999 MHz a. This entry is for data taken with the function generator as source. 234 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B b. This entry is for data taken with the synthesized sweeper as source. Measuring Frequency Response, Preamp On 1. Refer to Figure 2-41. Remove the reference sensor (Channel A sensor) from the 20 dB fixed attenuator. Connect the 20 dB fixed attenuator to the 50 Ω Input of the analyzer using an adapter. Do not use a cable. Figure 2-41 Frequency Response Test Setup, Preamp On 2. Set the source frequency to 10 MHz. 3. Set the source power level to –6 dBm. 4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 10 MHz CF Step, 100 MHz SPAN, 20 kHz Input/Output (or Input), Coupling, (DC) (Agilent E4404B, E4405B, or any model with Option UKB) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp, On AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –30 dBm Attenuation, 0 dB (Man) Scale/Div, 2 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 3 kHz (Man) Video BW, 3 kHz (Man) Chapter 2 235 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B 5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 6. Adjust the source power level to obtain a marker amplitude reading on the analyzer of –32.00 dBm ±0.2 dB. 7. Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-64 as the Current Channel B Reading for ac or dc coupling, as appropriate. If the analyzer does not have switchable ac/dc coupling, enter all data into the dc columns. 8. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-64. 9. Set the source to the next frequency listed in Table 2-64. 10.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-64. 11.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 12.Adjust the source power level to obtain a marker amplitude reading on the analyzer of –32.00 dBm ±0.2 dB. 13.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-64 as the current Channel B reading in the ac or dc column, as appropriate. 14.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-64. 15.Repeat step 9 through step 14 for each remaining frequency in Table 2-64. 16.If the analyzer is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB and is being tested in ac coupled mode, continue with step 26. These analyzers are specified only down to 10 MHz in ac coupled mode. 17.Replace the synthesized sweeper with the function generator. 18.Set the function generator amplitude to 112 mV rms (–6 dBm, or –12 dBm plus nominal power splitter insertion loss). 19.Set the function generator frequency to 1 MHz. 20.Set the analyzer center frequency to 1 MHz. 21.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 22.Adjust the function generator amplitude to obtain a marker amplitude reading of –00 dBm ±0.2 dB. 23.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-64 as the current Channel B reading. 24.Record the analyzer marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-64 as marker (Mkr1) amplitude. 25.Repeat step 19 through step 24 for frequencies between 1 MHz and 10 MHz. 26.Copy the Splitter Tracking Error values from Table 2-63 into Table 2-64. 236 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B 27.Calculate the Flatness Error for each frequency in Table 2-64 as follows: Flatness Error = Mkr1 Amptd dBm – Current Channel B dBm – Splitter Tracking Error dB For example, if marker (Mkr1) Amptd is –33.32 dBm, Current Channel B is –12.4 dBm, and Splitter Tracking Error is –20.07 dB, Flatness Error would be –0.85 dB. 28.Record the Flatness Error for 50 MHz below as the 50 MHz Ref Amptd: 50 MHz Ref Amptd: __________ 29.If the analyzer is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB and is being tested in ac coupled mode, continue with step 31. Calculate the Setup Change Error (error due to changing the test setup from using a synthesized sweeper to using a function generator) as follows: a. Record the Flatness Error from Table 2-64 at 10 MHz using the function generator as FlatErrorFG: FlatErrorFG=__________ dB b. Record the Flatness Error from Table 2-64 at 10 MHz using the synthesized sweeper as FlatErrorSS: FlatErrorSS=__________ dB c. Subtract FlatErrorSS from FlatErrorFG and record the result as the Setup Change Error: Setup Change Error = FlatErrorFG – FlatErrorSS Setup Change Error =__________ dB 30.For frequencies less than 10 MHz calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-64 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd – Setup Change Error For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB, 50 MHz Ref Amptd is 0.15 dB, and Setup Change Error is –0.19 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.26 dB. 31.For frequencies 10 MHz and greater, calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-64 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd For example, if Flatness Error is –0.30 dB and 50 MHz Ref Amptd is 0.15 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.45 dB. 32.Replace the function generator with the synthesized sweeper. Chapter 2 237 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B 33.If the analyzer is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB then repeat step 2 through step 31 using ac coupled mode. 238 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B Table 2-64 Freq. (MHz) Frequency Response Worksheet, Preamp On Splitter Tracking Error Current Channel B Reading dc ac Marker (Mkr1) Amptd dc ac Flatness Error dc ac Flatness Relative to 50 MHz dc ac 0 dB (ref) 0 dB (ref) 1a 5a 10ab 10c 20 50 75 175 275 375 475 575 675 775 825 875 925 975 1025 1075 1175 1275 1375 1500 1525 1675 Chapter 2 239 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B Table 2-64 Freq. (MHz) Frequency Response Worksheet, Preamp On Splitter Tracking Error Current Channel B Reading dc ac Marker (Mkr1) Amptd dc ac Flatness Error dc ac Flatness Relative to 50 MHz dc ac 1725 1775 1825 1875 1925 1975 2025 2125 2325 2525 2725 2925 2999 a. This frequency is not tested on Agilent E4407B analyzers with Option UKB when in ac coupled mode. b. This entry is for data taken with the function generator as source. c. This entry is for data taken with the synthesized sweeper as source. Test Results 1. Record the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-64 as the Maximum Response for Band 0 in Table 2-65. 2. Record the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-64 as the Minimum Response for Band 0 in Table 2-65. 3. For Band 0 in Table 2-65, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 4. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4404B with a serial number greater than or equal to US39440498 then continue with step 8. Otherwise, transfer the values entered in Table 2-65 to the test record in this guide; the frequency response test is now complete. 240 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B 5. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4405B with a serial number greater than or equal to US39440327 then continue with step 8. Otherwise, transfer the values entered in Table 2-65 to the test record in this guide; the frequency response test is now complete. 6. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4407B with a serial number greater than or equal to US39440871 and does not have Option UKB then continue with step 8. Otherwise, transfer the values entered in Table 2-65 to the test record in this guide; the frequency response test is now complete. 7. If the analyzer is an Agilent E4407B with Option UKB, continue with step 16. 8. Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-64 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record the number in Table 2-65 as the Maximum Response for Band 0A. 9. Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-64 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record the number in Table 2-65 as the Minimum Response for Band 0A. 10.For Band 0A in Table 2-65, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 11.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-64 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record the number in Table 2-65 as the Maximum Response for Band 0B. 12.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (dc) column of Table 2-64 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record the number in Table 2-65 as the Minimum Response for Band 0B. 13.For Band 0B in Table 2-65, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 14.Transfer the values entered in Table 2-65 to the test record in this guide. Chapter 2 241 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B 15.The frequency response (preamp on) test is now complete. Table 2-65 Frequency Response Results, dc Coupled Maximum Response Minimum Response Test Record Entry Test Record Entry Band dB dB Peak-to-Peak Response Test Record Entry dB 0 1) 2) 3) 0A 4) 5) 6) 0B 7) 8) 9) 16.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-64. Record the number in Table 2-66 as the Maximum Response for Band 0. 17.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-64. Record the number in Table 2-66 as the Minimum Response for Band 0. 18.For Band 0 in Table 2-66, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 19.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-64 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record the number in Table 2-66 as the Maximum Response for Band 0A. 20.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-64 for frequencies between 800 MHz and 1.0 GHz. Record the number in Table 2-66 as the Minimum Response for Band 0A. 21.For Band 0A in Table 2-66, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 22.Note the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-64 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record the number in Table 2-66 as the Maximum Response for Band 0B. 23.Note the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz (ac) column of Table 2-64 for frequencies between 1.7 GHz and 2.0 GHz. Record the number in Table 2-66 as the Minimum Response for Band 0B. 24.For Band 0B in Table 2-66, subtract the Minimum Response value from the Maximum Response value and record the result in the Peak-to-Peak Response column. 242 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On): Agilent E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B 25.Transfer the values entered in Table 2-66 to the test record in this guide. 26.The frequency response (preamp on) test is now complete. Table 2-66 Frequency Response Results, Agilent E4407B Option UKB Maximum Response Band dB Test Record Entry Minimum Response dB Test Record Entry Peak-to-Peak Response dB Test Record Entry 0 10) 11) 12) 0A 13) 14) 15) 0B 16) 17) 18) Chapter 2 243 Performance Verification Tests 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B This test measures the ability of the analyzer to reject image and multiple responses. A synthesized source and the analyzer are set to the same frequency and the amplitude of the source is set to –20 dBm. A marker amplitude reference is set on the analyzer. The source is then tuned to several different frequencies which should generate image and multiple responses. At each source frequency, the source amplitude is set to –20 dBm and the amplitude of the response, if any, is measured using the analyzer marker functions. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Power meter RF power sensor Adapter, Type-N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Adapter, Type-N (f) to Type-N (f) Cable, Type-N, 152-cm (60-in) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Power sensor, 75 Ω Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Adapter, BNC (m), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Pad, minimum loss Procedure 1. Zero and calibrate the power meter and RF power sensor in log mode (power reads out in dBm), as described in the power meter operation manual. Enter the 500 MHz calibration factor of the power sensor into the power meter. 75 Ω Input only: Use a 75 Ω power sensor. 2. Press Preset on the synthesized sweeper and set the controls as follows: CW, 542.8 MHz POWER LEVEL, –10 dBm 3. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-42 with the output of the synthesized sweeper connected to the power sensor using an adapter between the cable and the power sensor. 244 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 75 Ω Input only: Use the minimum loss pad and 75 Ω adapters to connect to the 75 Ω power sensor. 4. Adjust the power level of the synthesized sweeper for a −10 dBm ±0.1 dB reading on the power meter. 5. On the synthesized sweeper, press SAVE, 1. Figure 2-42 Other Input Related Spurious Responses Power Setting Setup 6. Set the CW frequency on the synthesized sweeper to 510.7 MHz. 7. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level for a −10 dBm ±0.1 dB reading on the power meter. 8. On the synthesized sweeper, press SAVE 2. 9. Enter the 1 GHz calibration factor for the power sensor into the power meter. 10.Set the CW frequency on the synthesized sweeper to 1310.7 MHz. 11.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level for a −10 dBm ±0.1 dB reading on the power meter. 12.On the synthesized sweeper, press SAVE 3. 13.Enter the 100 MHz calibration factor of the power sensor into the power meter. 14.Set the CW frequency of the synthesized sweeper to 100 MHz. 15.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level for a −10 dBm ±0.1 dB reading on the power meter. Chapter 2 245 Performance Verification Tests 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 16.On the synthesized sweeper, press SAVE 4. 17.Set the CW frequency on the synthesized sweeper to 500 MHz. 18.Adjust the power level of the synthesized sweeper for a −10 dBm ±0.1 dB reading on the power meter. 19.Connect the synthesized sweeper to the Input of the analyzer using the appropriate cable and adapters. See Figure 2-43. 75 Ω Input only: Use the minimum loss pad and a 75 Ω adapter as shown in Figure 2-43. Figure 2-43 Other Input Related Spurious Responses Measurement Setup 20.Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 500 MHz SPAN, 200 kHz AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz Peak Search (or Search), Marker →, Mkr → Ref Lvl Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta Single 21.On the synthesized sweeper, press RECALL, 1. 22.On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the completion of a new sweep. 23.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), and record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-67. 246 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 24.On the synthesized sweeper, press RECALL, 2. 25.On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the completion of a new sweep. 26.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude in the performance verification test record as indicated in Table 2-67. 27.On the synthesized sweeper, press RECALL, 4. 28.On the analyzer press the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 100 MHz AMPLITUDE, –5 dBm(50 Ω Input) AMPLITUDE, 48.75 dBmV (75 Ω Input) Marker, Normal Sweep, Sweep (Cont) Peak Search (or Search), Meas Tools, Mkr → Ref Lvl Peak Search (or Search), Meas Tools, Delta Single 29.On the synthesized sweeper, press RECALL 3 for a CW frequency of 1310.7 MHz. 30.Press Single on the analyzer and wait for a completion of a new sweep. 31.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude in the performance test record as indicated in Table 2-67. Chapter 2 247 Performance Verification Tests 28. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Table 2-67 Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Worksheet Synthesized Sweeper CW Frequency Test Record Entry Marker Delta (∆ Mkr1) Save Register CW Power Level 1 542.8 MHza –10 dBm 1) 2 510.7 MHzb –10 dBm 2) 3 1310.7 MHzb –10 dBm 3) 4 100 MHz –10 dBm N/A a. Image response b. Multiple response 248 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B This test measures the ability of the analyzer to reject image, multiple, and out-of-band responses. A synthesized source and the analyzer are set to the same frequency and the amplitude of the source is set to –10 dBm and –20 dBm. A marker amplitude reference is set on the analyzer for each source amplitude setting. The source is then tuned to several different frequencies which should generate image, multiple, and out-of-band responses. At each source frequency, the source amplitude is set to the appropriate amplitude and the amplitude of the response, if any, is measured using the analyzer marker functions. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper Power meter RF power sensor, (Agilent E4402B, E4403B) Microwave power sensor (Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B) RF power splitter (Agilent E4402B, E4403B) Microwave power splitter (Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, E4408B) Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to APC 3.5 (m) Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Cable, APC 3.5, 91 cm (36 in) Procedure Band 0 1. Zero and calibrate the power meter and power sensor in log mode (power reads out in dBm), as described in the power meter operation manual. Enter the power sensor 2 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 2. Preset the synthesized sweeper and set the controls as follows: CW, 2000 MHz POWER LEVEL, –4 dBm 3. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-44. The analyzer provides the 10 MHz reference for the synthesized sweeper. Chapter 2 249 Performance Verification Tests 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Figure 2-44 Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Test Setup 4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 2 GHz SPAN, 200 kHz AMPLITUDE, Ref Level –10 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation 0 dBm (Man) BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz 5. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level for a −10 dBm ±0.1 dB reading on the power meter. 6. On the analyzer, press Single, and wait for the sweep to finish. Then press following keys: Marker, Select Marker (1) Peak Search (or Search) Marker Delta The signal peak might be slightly above the reference level, but the marker function can still make an accurate measurement. 7. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level for a −20 dBm ±0.1 dB reading on the power meter. 8. On the analyzer, press Single, and wait for the sweep to finish. Press following keys: Marker, Select Marker (2) Peak Search (or Search) Marker Delta 9. On the analyzer, press AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –30 dBm. 250 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 10.Repeat step a through step h using the data in Table 2-68 for Band 0. a. Set the synthesized sweeper to the listed CW frequency. Do not set the synthesized sweeper to frequencies outside the frequency range of the analyzer. b. Enter the appropriate power sensor calibration factor into the power meter. c. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the power meter reading is equal to the Mixer Level in Table 2-68, ±0.1 dB. d. On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the completion of a new sweep. Then, press Peak Search (or Search). e. If the Mixer Level in Table 2-68 is –20 dBm, press Marker, Select Marker (2). f. If the Mixer Level in Table 2-68 is –10 dBm, press Marker, Select Marker (1). g. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). h. Record the delta marker (∆ Mkr) amplitude reading in Table 2-68 and in the appropriate entry locations in the performance verification test record. 11.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Marker, More, Marker All Off Auto Couple SPAN, 1 MHz AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –10 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB Sweep, Sweep (Cont) NOTE End of procedure for Agilent E4402B and E4403B. Band 1 12.On the analyzer, press the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 4 GHz 13.On the synthesized sweeper, press CW, 4 GHz. 14.Enter the power sensor 4 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 15.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Marker, More, Marker All Off Amplitude, Presel Center 16.Repeat step 5 through step 11 for the synthesized sweeper CW Chapter 2 251 Performance Verification Tests 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B frequencies listed in Table 2-68 for Band 1. NOTE End of procedure for Agilent E4404B. Band 2 17.On the analyzer, press the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 9 GHz 18.On the synthesized sweeper, press CW, 9 GHz. 19.Enter the power sensor 9 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 20.On the analyzer press the following keys: AMPLITUDE, Presel Center Marker, More, Marker All Off 21.Repeat step 5 through step 11 for the synthesized sweeper CW frequencies listed in Table 2-68 for Band 2. NOTE End of procedure for Agilent E4405B. Band 3 22.On the analyzer, press the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 15 GHz 23.On the synthesized sweeper, press: CW, 15 GHz. 24.Enter the power sensor 15 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 25.On the analyzer press the following keys: AMPLITUDE, Presel Center Marker, More, Marker All Off 26.Repeat step 5 through step 11 for the synthesized sweeper CW frequencies listed in Table 2-68 for Band 3 for the 15 GHz analyzer center frequency. Band 4 27.On the analyzer, press: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 21 GHz 28.On the synthesized sweeper, press: CW, 21 GHz. 29.Enter the power sensor 21 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 252 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 30.On the analyzer, press AMPLITUDE, Presel Center. 31.On the analyzer, press the following: Marker, More, Marker All Off 32.Repeat step 5 through step 11 for the synthesized sweeper CW frequencies listed in Table 2-68 for Band 4 for the 21 GHz analyzer center frequency. Table 2-68 Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Band 0 Analyzer Center Frequency (GHz) Synthesized Sweeper CW Frequency (MHz) Mixer Level (dBm) Test Record Entry ∆ Mkr1 or ∆ Mkr2 Amplitude 2.0 2042.8a –20 1) 2.0 2642.8a –20 2) 2.0 1820.8b –20 3) 2.0 278.5b –20 4) Note: The following data applies only to the Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B and E4408B 0 1 2.0 5600.0c –10 5) 2.0 6242.8c –10 6) 4.0 4042.8a –20 7) 4.0 4642.8a –20 8) 4.0 3742.9b –20 9) 4.0 2242.8c –10 10) Note: The following data applies only to the Agilent E4405B, E4407B and E4408B 2 9.0 9042.8a –20 11) 9.0 9642.8a –20 12) 9.0 4982.1b –20 13) 9.0 9342.8c –10 14) Note: The following data applies only to the Agilent E4407B and E4408B 3 15.0 Chapter 2 15042.8a –20 15) 253 Performance Verification Tests 29. Other Input-Related Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-68 Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Analyzer Center Frequency (GHz) Band 4 Synthesized Sweeper CW Frequency (MHz) Mixer Level (dBm) Test Record Entry ∆ Mkr1 or ∆ Mkr2 Amplitude 15.0 15642.8a –20 16) 15.0 18830.35b –20 17) 15.0 4151.75c –10 18) 21.0 21042.8a –20 19) 21.0 21642.8a –20 20) 21.0 21342.8b –20 21) 21.0 5008.95c –10 22) a. Image response b. Multiple response c. Out-of-band response 254 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B This test is performed in two parts. Part 1 measures third order intermodulation distortion. Part 2 measures second harmonic distortion. To test second harmonic distortion, a low pass filter is used to filter the source output, ensuring that harmonics read by the analyzer are internally generated and not coming from the source. To measure the distortion products, the power at the mixer is set 25 dB higher than specified. For example, if the specification states that with −40 dBm at the input mixer, the distortion products should be suppressed by >75 dBc, the equivalent second harmonic intercept (SHI) is >35 dBm(−40 dBm + 75 dBc). Measuring with −15 dBm at the mixer and verifying the distortion products suppressed by >50 dBc also ensures the SHI is >35 dBm (−15 dBm + 50 dBc). For third order intermodulation distortion, two signals are combined in a directional bridge to provide isolation. These two signals are applied to the analyzer input. The power level of the two signals is several dB higher than specified, so the distortion products should be suppressed by less than the amount specified. In this manner, the equivalent third order intercept (TOI) is measured. For example, if the specification states that with two −30 dBm signals at the input mixer, the distortion products should be suppressed by >80 dBc, which yields a third order intercept of >10 dBm (−30 dBm + (80 dBc/2)). Measuring with −20 dBm at the mixer and verifying the distortion products are suppressed by >60 dBc, the equivalent TOI is also >10 dBm (−20 dBm + (60 dBc/2)). There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Synthesized sweeper Power meter, dual channel RF power sensor Power splitter Directional bridge 50 MHz low pass filter Cable, BNC, 120-cm Cable, APC 3.5, 91-cm (2 required) Adapter, Type-N (m) to APC 3.5 (f) (3 required) Adapter, Type-N (m) to SMA (m) Chapter 2 255 Performance Verification Tests 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, SMA (f) to BNC (m) Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Power sensor, 75 Ω Adapter, mechanical, Type-N (m) 50 Ω, to Type-N (m), 75 Ω Adapter, Type-N (m), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Procedure This performance test consists of two parts: Part 1: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Part 2: Second Harmonic Distortion Perform Part 1 before Part 2. Part 1: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion 1. Zero and calibrate the power meter and RF power sensor in log mode (power reads out in dBm), as described in the power meter operation manual. 75 Ω Input only: Use a 75 Ω power sensor. CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or damage to the connectors will occur. 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-45 with the output of the directional bridge connected to the power sensor. 75 Ω Input only: Use the 75 Ω power sensor with the 50 Ω to 75 Ω mechanical adapter. 256 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Figure 2-45 Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Test Setup 3. Perform step 4 through step 29 using the information and entries from Table 2-69. Then continue with step 30 through step 38. Table 2-69 Test Equipment Settings for Testing TOI F1 F2 (MHz) (MHz) TOI Test Low Pass Filter (MHz) 1 50.0 50.05 50 Option 1DR 50.0 50.05 50 4. Press Blue Key, Special, 0, 0 on the signal generator. Set the frequency to the F1 value for TOI Test 1 in Table 2-69. Set the amplitude to 4 dBm. 5. Press PRESET on the synthesized sweeper. Set the CW frequency of the synthesized sweeper to the F2 value for TOI Test 1 in Table 2-69. Then press the following: POWER LEVEL, –10 dBm RF Off 6. Enter the power sensor calibration factor for the signal generator Chapter 2 257 Performance Verification Tests 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B frequency into the power meter. 7. Adjust the amplitude of the signal generator until the power meter reads –12 dBm ±0.1 dB. 75 Ω Input only: The power measured at the output of the 50 Ω directional bridge by the 75 Ω power sensor is the equivalent power “seen” by the 75 Ω analyzer. 8. Disconnect the power sensor from the directional bridge. Connect the directional bridge directly to the analyzer input using an adapter (do not use a cable). 75 Ω Input only: Use a 50 Ω to 75 Ω mechanical adapter and a 75 Ω Type-N(m) to BNC(m) adapter. CAUTION Support the directional bridge and low pass filter to minimize stress on the analyzer input connector. 9. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer center frequency to the F1 value for TOI Test 1 in Table 2-69. Then, set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 50 kHz (Man) SPAN, 20 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –5 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –10 dBm (75 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 5 dB (Man) (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB (Man) (75 Ω Input only) BW/Avg, 1 kHz (Man) BW/Avg, Video BW, 300 Hz (Man) Peak Search (or Search), More, Search Param, Peak Excursn, 3 dB 10.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Meas Tools Mkr → CF, Delta 11.On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, ↑. 12.If the resolution bandwidth is ≥1kHz, press SPAN, 4 kHz. 13.On the synthesized sweeper, set the RF On. 14.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 15.On the synthesized sweeper, adjust the power level until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.05 dB. 16.On the analyzer, press: FREQUENCY, ↓, ↓. The center frequency should now be lower than the signal generator frequency by the CF Step value. 258 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 17.Set the analyzer reference level to –15 dBm. 75 Ω Input only: Set the reference level to –20 dBm. 18.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average, 20, and wait for “Vavg 20” to appear along the left side of the display. 19.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-70 as the Lower Distortion Amplitude. 20.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average Off. 21.On the analyzer, increment the center frequency by three times the CF Step value. Press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, ↑, ↑, ↑. The center frequency should now be one CF Step value above the synthesized sweeper frequency. 22.Set the synthesized signal generator frequency to F2 as indicated in Table 2-69. 23.Set the synthesized sweeper CW frequency to F1 as indicated in Table 2-69. 24.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average, 20, and wait for Vavg 20 to appear along the left side of the display. 25.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-70 as the Upper Distortion Amplitude. 26.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average Off. 27.Of the Lower Distortion Amplitude and Upper Distortion Amplitudes recorded in Table 2-70, enter the most positive value as the Worst Distortion Amplitude in Table 2-70. For example, if the Upper Distortion Amplitude is –62 dBc and the Lower Distortion Amplitude is –63 dBc, enter –62 dBc as the Worst Distortion Amplitude. 28.If the analyzer has a 50 Ω input, enter –17 dBm as the Mixer Level in Table 2-70 (–12 dBm input power – 5 dB input attenuation). If the analyzer has a 75 Ω input, enter 36.75 dBmV as the Mixer Level in Table 2-70 (–12 dBm = 36.75 dBmV). 29.Calculate the equivalent TOI by subtracting one half of the Worst Distortion Amplitude (in dB) from the Mixer Level (in dBm or dBmV). Enter the result in Table 2-70 as the Calculated TOI. For example, if the Worst Distortion Amplitude is –62 dBc and the Mixer Level is –17 dBm, the Calculated TOI would be: Chapter 2 259 Performance Verification Tests 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B dB-⎞ = – 17 dBm + 31 dB = +14 dBm TOI = – 17 dBm – ⎛⎝ – 62 ------------2 ⎠ Table 2-70 Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Worksheet Lower Distortion Amplitude TOI Test Upper Distortion Amplitude Worst Distortion Amplitude Mixer Level Test Record Entry Calculated TOI 1 1) Option 1DR 2) 30.If the analyzer is an E4401B and is equipped with Option 1DR, Narrow Resolution Bandwidth, perform step 31 through step 36. Otherwise, continue with step 37. 31.Set synthesized signal generator frequency to the F1 value used in TOI Test 1 of Table 2-69. 32.Set synthesized sweeper CW frequency to the F2 value used in TOI Test 1 of Table 2-69. 33.Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer to the F1 value for TOI Test Option 1DR in Table 2-69. Then set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 50 kHz (Man) SPAN, 20 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –5 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –10 dBm (75 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 5 dB (Man) (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB (Man) (75 Ω Input only) BW/Avg, 1 kHz (Man) BW/Avg, Video BW, 300 Hz (Man) Peak Search (or Search), More Search Param (or Search Criteria), Peak Excursn, 3 dB 34.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker → Mkr → CF 35.Set the analyzer as follows: SPAN, 500 Hz BW/Avg, Res BW, 30 Hz BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 Hz 260 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 36.Repeat step 10 through step 29. This is the TOI test for Option 1DR. 37.On the analyzer, press System, Alignments, Auto Align, On. 38.Part 1: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion is complete. Continue with Part 2: Second Harmonic Distortion. Part 2: Second Harmonic Distortion 1. Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 40 MHz AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, –4.3 dBm (75 Ω Input only) 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-46. Figure 2-46 Second Harmonic Distortion Test Setup 75 Ω Input only: Connect the minimum loss adapter between the LPF and INPUT 75 Ω. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 40 MHz SPAN, 1 MHz AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, 44 dBmV (75 Ω Input only) Attenuation Auto Man 10 dB BW/Avg, 30 kHz 4. Adjust the synthesized signal generator amplitude to place the peak of the signal at the reference level. Chapter 2 261 Performance Verification Tests 30. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 5. Set the analyzer control as follows: SPAN, 50 kHz BW/Avg, 1 kHz Video BW Auto Man, 100 Hz 6. Wait for two sweeps to finish, then press the following analyzer keys: Peak Search (or Search) Mkr →, Mkr → CF Step Marker, Delta FREQUENCY, Center Freq, ↑ 7. Press Peak Search (or Search). The marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading is the second harmonic suppression. 8. If the analyzer has a 50 Ω input, calculate the second harmonic intercept (SHI) using the second harmonic suppression value read in step 7 as follows: SHI = – 20 dBm – Second Harmonic Suppression For example, if the second harmonic suppression is –62 dB, the SHI would be 42 dBm: 42 dBm = – 20 dBm – ( – 62 dB ) 9. If the analyzer has a 75 Ω input, calculate the second harmonic intercept (SHI) using the second harmonic suppression value read in step 7 as follows: SHI = 34 dBmV – Second Harmonic Suppression For example, if the second harmonic suppression is –65 dB, the SHI would be 99 dBmV: 99 dBmV = 34 dBmV – ( – 65 dB ) 10.Record the SHI result as Entry 3 in the performance verification test record. 262 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B This test is performed in two parts. Part 1 measures third order intermodulation distortion; Part 2 measures second harmonic distortion. To test second harmonic distortion, a low pass filter is used to filter the source output, ensuring that harmonics read by the analyzer are internally generated and not coming from the source. To measure the distortion products, the power at the mixer is set 25 dB higher than specified. For example, if the specification states that with −30 dBm at the input mixer, the distortion products should be suppressed by >75 dBc, the equivalent second harmonic intercept (SHI) is >45 dBm (−30 dBm + 75 dBc). Measuring with −15 dBm at the mixer and verifying the distortion products suppressed by >60 dBc also ensures the SHI is >45 dBm (−15 dBm + 60 dBc). For third order intermodulation distortion, two signals are combined in a directional bridge to provide isolation. These two signals are applied to the analyzer input. The power level of the two signals is several dB higher than specified, so the distortion products should be suppressed by less than the amount specified. In this manner, the equivalent third order intercept (TOI) is measured. For example, if the specification states that with two −30 dBm signals at the input mixer, the distortion products should be suppressed by >82 dBc, which yields a third order intercept of >11 dBm (−30 dBm + (82 dBc/2)). Measuring with −20 dBm at the mixer and verifying the distortion products are suppressed by >62 dBc, the equivalent TOI is also >11 dBm (−20 dBm + (62 dBc/2)). There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Synthesized sweeper Power meter, dual channel RF power sensor Power splitter Directional bridge 300 MHz low pass filter Cable, APC 3.5, 91-cm (2 required) Cable, BNC, 120-cm Adapter, Type-N (m) to APC 3.5 (f) (3 required) Adapter, Type-N (m) to SMA (m) Chapter 2 263 Performance Verification Tests 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, SMA (f) to BNC (m) Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Procedure This performance test consists of two parts: Part 1: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Part 2: Second Harmonic Distortion Perform Part 1 before Part 2. Part 1: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion 1. Zero and calibrate the power meter and RF power sensor in log mode (power reads out in dBm), as described in the power meter operation manual. 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-47 with the output of the directional bridge connected to the power sensor. Figure 2-47 Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Test Setup 264 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B 3. Perform step 4 through step 29 using the information and entries from Table 2-71. Then continue with step 30 through step 38. Table 2-71 Test Equipment Settings for TOI F1 F2 (MHz) (MHz) TOI Test Low Pass Filter (MHz) 1 300.0 300.05 300 Option 1DR 300.0 300.05 300 4. Press Blue Key, Special, 0, 0 on the signal generator. Set the frequency to F1 in Table 2-71 for TOI Test 1. Set the amplitude to 4 dBm. 5. Press PRESET on the synthesized sweeper, and set the frequency to F2 in Table 2-71 for TOI Test 1. Set the synthesized sweeper controls as follows: POWER LEVEL, –10 dBm RF Off 6. Enter the power sensor calibration factor for the signal generator frequency into the power meter. 7. Adjust the amplitude of the signal generator until the power meter reads –12 dBm ±0.1 dB. 8. Disconnect the power sensor from the directional bridge. Connect the directional bridge directly to the analyzer input using an adapter (do not use a cable). CAUTION Support the directional bridge and low pass filter to minimize stress on the analyzer input connector. 9. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer center frequency to the F1 value for TOI Test 1 in Table 2-71. Then, set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 50 kHz (Man) SPAN, 20 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –5 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 5 dB (Man) BW/Avg, 1 kHz (Man) BW/Avg, Video BW, 300 Hz (Man) Peak Search (or Search), More Search Param (or Search Criteria), Peak Excursn, 3 dB 10.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Chapter 2 265 Performance Verification Tests 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B Marker → Mkr → CF Delta 11.On the analyzer, press: FREQUENCY, ↑. 12.If the resolution bandwidth is ≥1 kHz, press: SPAN, 4 kHz. 13.On the synthesized sweeper, set the RF on. 14.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 15.On the synthesized sweeper, adjust the power level until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.05 dB. 16.On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, ↓, ↓. The center frequency should now be lower than the signal generator frequency by the CF Step value. 17.Set the analyzer reference level to –15 dBm. 18.On the analyzer, press: BW/Avg, Average, 20, and wait for “Vavg 20” to appear along the left side of the display. 19.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-72 as the Lower Distortion Amplitude. 20.On the analyzer, press: BW/Avg, Average Off. 21.On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, ↑, ↑, ↑. The center frequency should now be one CF Step value above the synthesized sweeper frequency. 22.Set the synthesized signal generator frequency to F2 as indicated in Table 2-71. 23.Set the synthesized sweep CW frequency to F1 as indicated in Table 2-71. 24.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average, 20, and wait for “Vavg 20” to appear along the left side of the display. 25.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-72 as the Upper Distortion Amplitude. 26.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average Off. 27.Of the Lower Distortion Amplitude and Upper Distortion Amplitudes recorded in Table 2-72, enter the most positive value as the Worst Distortion Amplitude in Table 2-72. For example, if the Upper Distortion Amplitude is –62 dBc and the Lower Distortion Amplitude is –63 dBc, enter –62 dBc as the Worst Distortion Amplitude. 28.Enter –17 dBm as the Mixer Level in Table 2-72 (–12 dBm input power –5 dB input attenuation). 29.Calculate the equivalent TOI by subtracting one half of the Worst 266 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B Distortion Amplitude (in dB) from the Mixer Level (in dBm). Enter the result in Table 2-72 as the Calculated TOI. For example, if the Worst Distortion Amplitude is –62 dBc and the Mixer Level is –17 dBm, the Calculated TOI would be: dB-⎞ = – 17 dBm + 31 dB = +14 dBm TOI = – 17 dBm – ⎛ – 62 ------------⎝ 2 ⎠ Table 2-72 Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Worksheet TOI Test Lower Distortion Amplitude Upper Distortion Amplitude Worst Distortion Amplitude Mixer Level Test Record Entry Calculated TOI 1 1) Option 1DR 2) 30.If the analyzer is an E4402B and is equipped with Option 1DR, Narrow Resolution Bandwidth, perform step 31 through step 36. Otherwise, continue with step 37. 31.Set synthesized signal generator frequency to F1 as indicated in Table 2-71 for TOI Test 1. 32.Set synthesized sweeper CW frequency to F2 as indicated in Table 2-71 for TOI Test 1. 33.Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer center frequency to the F1 value for TOI Test Option 1DR in Table 2-71. Then, set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 50 kHz (Man) SPAN, 20 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –5 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 5 dB (Man) BW/Avg, 1 kHz (Man) BW/Avg, Video BW, 300 Hz (Man) Peak Search (or Search), More, Search Param (or Search Criteria), Peak Excursn, 3 dB 34.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker → Mkr → CF 35.Set the analyzer as follows: SPAN, 500 Hz BW/Avg, Res BW, 30 Hz Video BW, 10 Hz Chapter 2 267 Performance Verification Tests 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B 36.Repeat step 10 through step 29. This is the TOI test for Option 1DR. 37.On the analyzer, press System, Alignments, Auto Align, On. 38.Part 1: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion is complete. Continue with Part 2: Second Harmonic Distortion. Part 2: Second Harmonic Distortion 1. Zero and calibrate the power meter and RF power sensor. Enter the power sensor 300 MHz calibration factor into the power meter. Measuring the 300 MHz Frequency Response Error 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 300 MHz SPAN, 10 MHz 3. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-48, with the output of the synthesized sweeper connected to the power splitter input and the power splitter outputs connected to the analyzer and power sensor. Figure 2-48 Second Harmonic Distortion Test Setup 4. Preset the synthesized sweeper and set the controls as follows: CW, 300 MHz POWER LEVEL, 0 dBm 5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta. 268 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B 6. Record the power meter reading at 300 MHz in Table 2-73. 7. Set the synthesized sweeper CW to 600 MHz. 8. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, 600 MHz, then Peak Search (or Search). 9. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.10 dB. 10.Enter the power sensor 600 MHz calibration factor into the power meter. 11.Record the power meter reading at 600 MHz in Table 2-73. 12.Subtract the power meter reading at 600 MHz from the power meter reading at 300 MHz. Record this difference as the 300 MHz Frequency Response Error in Table 2-73. For example, if the power meter reading at 600 MHz is –6.45 dBm and the power meter reading at 300 MHz is –7.05 dBm, the 300 MHz Frequency Response Error would be –0.60 dB: – 0.60 dB = – 7.05 dBm – ( –6.45 dBm ) Table 2-73 Second Harmonic Distortion Worksheet Description Measurement Power Meter Reading at 300 MHz ________________ dBm Power Meter Reading at 600 MHz ________________ dBm 300 MHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) ________________ dB Power Meter Reading at 900 MHz ________________ dBm Power Meter Reading at 1800 MHz ________________ dBm 900 MHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) ________________ dB Measuring 900 MHz Frequency Response Error 13.On the synthesized sweeper, press the following: CW, 900 MHz POWER LEVEL, 0 dBm 14.On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 900 MHz. 15.Enter the power sensor 1 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 16.On the analyzer, press Marker, Off Peak Search (or Search). Marker, Delta Chapter 2 269 Performance Verification Tests 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B 17.Record the power meter reading in Table 2-73 as the 900 MHz power meter reading. 18.On the synthesized sweeper, press CW, 1.8 GHz. 19.On the analyzer, press the following: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 1.8 GHz Peak Search (or Search) AMPLITUDE 20.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 21.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.1 dB. 22.Enter the power sensor 2 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 23.Record the power meter reading in Table 2-73 as the 1.8 GHz power meter reading. 24.On the analyzer, press Marker, Off. 25.Subtract the power meter reading at 1.8 GHz from the power meter reading at 900 MHz. Record this difference as the 900 MHz Frequency Response Error in Table 2-73. For example, if the power meter reading at 1.8 GHz is –6.35 dBm and the power meter reading at 900 MHz is –7.05 dBm, the 900 MHz Frequency Response Error would be –0.7 dB: – 0.70 dB = – 7.05 dBm – ( –6.35 dBm ) Measuring the 300 MHz Second Harmonic Distortion 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-48 using the 300 MHz Low Pass Filter. 2. On the synthesized sweeper, press: CW, 300 MHz POWER LEVEL, –10 dBm 3. Enter the power sensor 300 MHz calibration factor into the power meter. 4. On the analyzer, press the following: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 300 MHz SPAN, 100 kHz AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –10 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) BW/Avg, Res BW 1 kHz (Man) Video BW, 1 kHz (Man) Markers, Off 270 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B 5. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the power meter reading is –10 dBm ±0.2 dB. 6. On the analyzer, press the following: Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta FREQUENCY, 600 MHz BW/Avg, 10 Wait for the “Vavg 10” to appear along the left side of the display. 7. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). The marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude is the second harmonic suppression. 8. On the synthesized sweeper, press Marker, Off. 9. Calculate the 300 MHz Second Harmonic Intercept (SHI) using the second harmonic suppression value read in step 7 and the 300 MHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) from Table 2-73 as follows: 300 MHz SHI = – 20 dBm – Second Harmonic Suppression + 300 MHz FRE For example, if the second harmonic suppression is –59 dB, and the 300 MHz FRE is –0.60 dB, the SHI would be 38.4 dBm: 38.4 dBm = – 20 dBm – ( – 59 dB ) + ( – 0.60 dB ) 10.Record the 300 MHz SHI as Entry 3 in the performance verification test record. Measuring 900 MHz Second Harmonic Distortion 1. Replace the 300 MHz low pass filter with the 1 GHz low pass filter as shown in Figure 2-48. 2. On the synthesized sweeper, press the following: CW, 900 MHz POWER LEVEL, –10 dBm 3. Enter the power sensor 1 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 4. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 900 MHz. 5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 6. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the power meter reading is –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 7. On the analyzer, press the following: Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 1.8 GHz 8. On the analyzer, press the following: Chapter 2 271 Performance Verification Tests 31. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4402B and E4403B AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –20 dBm BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz (Man) 9. On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average, 10 Hz. Wait until “VAvg 10” is displayed along the left side of the display. 10.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). The marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading is the second harmonic suppression. 11.Calculate the 900 MHz Second Harmonic Intercept (SHI) using the second harmonic suppression value read in step 10 and the 300 MHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) from Table 2-73 as follows: 900 MHz SHI = – 20 dBm – Second Harmonic Suppression + 900 GHz FRE For example, if the second harmonic suppression is –73 dB, and the 900 MHz FRE is 0.70 dB, the SHI would be 52.3 dBm: 52.3 dBm = – 20 dBm – ( – 73 dB ) + ( – 0.70 dB ) 12.Record the 900 MHz SHI as Entry 4 in the performance verification test record. 272 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B This test is performed in two parts. Part 1 measures third order intermodulation distortion. Part 2 measures second harmonic distortion. To test second harmonic distortion, a low pass filter is used to filter the source output, ensuring that harmonics read by the analyzer are internally generated and not coming from the source. To measure the distortion products, the power at the mixer is set 25 dB higher than specified. A power meter, power sensor, and power splitter are used to characterize the frequency response of the analyzer so this uncertainty can be eliminated. For example, if the specification states that with −30 dBm at the input mixer, the distortion products should be suppressed by >75 dBc, the equivalent second harmonic intercept (SHI) is >45dBm (−30 dBm + 75 dBc). Measuring with −15 dBm at the mixer and verifying the distortion products suppressed by >60 dBc also ensures the SHI is >45 dBm (−15 dBm + 60 dBc). For third order intermodulation distortion, two signals are combined in a directional bridge or directional coupler to provide isolation. These two signals are applied to the analyzer input. The power level of the two signals is several dB higher than specified, so the distortion products should be suppressed by less than the amount specified. In this manner, the equivalent third order intercept (TOI) is measured. For example, if the specification states that with two −30 dBm signals at the input mixer, the distortion products should be suppressed by >75 dBc, which yields a third order intercept of >7.5 dBm (−30 dBm + (75 dBc/2)). Measuring with −20 dBm at the mixer and verifying the distortion products are suppressed by >55 dBc, the equivalent TOI is also >7.5 dBm (−20 dBm + (55 dBc/2)). There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper (2 required) Power meter, dual channel Microwave power sensor Microwave power splitter Directional bridge Directional coupler 300 MHz low pass filter 1 GHz low pass filter Chapter 2 273 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 1.8 GHz low pass filter (2 required) 4.4 GHz low pass filter (2 required) Cable, BNC, 120-cm (48-in) Cable, APC 3.5, 91-cm (48-in) (2 required) Adapter, Type-N (m) to APC 3.5 (f) (3 required) Adapter, Type-N (m) to SMA (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, SMA (f) to BNC (m) Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Procedure This performance test consists of two parts: Part 1: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Part 2: Second Harmonic Distortion Perform Part 1 before Part 2. Part 1: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion 1. Zero and calibrate the power meter and microwave power sensor in log mode (power reads out in dBm), as described in the power meter operation manual. 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-49 using the 300 MHz low pass filter with the output of the directional bridge connected to the power sensor. 274 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Figure 2-49 Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Test Setup 3. Perform step 4 through step 29 using the information and entries from Table 2-74. Then continue with step 31 through step 43. Table 2-74 Test Equipment Settings for TOI TOI Test F1 F2 (MHz) (MHz) Low Pass Filter (MHz) Bridge or Coupler Presel Center 1 300.0 300.05 300 Bridge No Option 1DR 300.0 300.05 300 Bridge No 2 5000.0 5000.05 None Coupler Yes 3 8000.0a 8000.05a None Coupler Yes a. This frequency is not tested on the Agilent E4404B. 4. Press PRESET on synthesized sweeper 1. Set the CW frequency to F1 as indicated in Table 2-74, and set the power level to 4 dBm. 5. Press PRESET on synthesized sweeper 2. Set the CW frequency to F2 as indicated in Table 2-74, and set the controls as follows: POWER LEVEL, –10 dBm RF Off 6. Enter the power sensor calibration factor for F1 into the power meter. 7. Adjust the power level of synthesized sweeper 1 until the power Chapter 2 275 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B meter reads –12 dBm ±0.1 dB. 8. Disconnect the power sensor from the directional bridge (or directional coupler). Connect the directional bridge (or directional coupler) directly to the analyzer input using an adapter (do not use a cable). CAUTION Support the directional bridge (or directional coupler) and low pass filter to minimize stress on the analyzer input connector. 9. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer center frequency to the F1 value for TOI Test 1 in Table 2-74. Then set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 50 kHz (Man) SPAN, 20 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –5 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 5 dB (Man) BW/Avg, 1 kHz (Man) BW/Avg, Video BW, 300 Hz (Man) Peak Search (or Search), More Search Param, Peak Excursn, 3 dB 10.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker → Mkr → CF Delta 11.On the analyzer, Press FREQUENCY, ↑. The center frequency should now be equal to synthesized sweeper 2 frequency. 12.If the resolution bandwidth is ≥1 kHz, press SPAN, 4 kHz. 13.On the synthesized sweeper 2, set the RF On. 14.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 15.Adjust the power level of synthesized sweeper 2 until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.05 dB. 16.On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, ↓, ↓. The center frequency should now be lower than synthesized sweeper 1 by the CF Step value. 17.Set the analyzer reference level to –15 dBm. 18.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average, 20, and wait for “Vavg 20” to appear along the left side of the display. 19.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-75 as the Lower Distortion Amplitude. 276 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 20.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average Off. 21.On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, ↑, ↑, ↑. The center frequency should now be one CF Step value above synthesized sweeper 2 frequency. 22.Set synthesized sweeper 1 CW to F2 as indicated in Table 2-74. 23.Set synthesized sweeper 2 CW to F1 as indicated in Table 2-74. 24.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average, 20, and wait for “Vavg 20” to appear along the left side of the display. 25.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-75 as the Upper Distortion Amplitude. 26.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average Off. 27.Of the Lower Distortion Amplitude and Upper Distortion Amplitudes recorded in Table 2-75, enter the most positive value as the Worst Distortion Amplitude in Table 2-75. For example, if the Upper Distortion Amplitude is –62 dBc and the Lower Distortion Amplitude is –63 dBc, enter –62 dBc as the Worst Distortion Amplitude. 28.Enter –17 dBm as the Mixer Level in Table 2-75 (–12 dBm input power – 5 dB input attenuation). 29.Calculate the equivalent TOI by subtracting one half of the Worst Distortion Amplitude (in dB) from the Mixer Level (in dBm). Enter the result in Table 2-75 as the Calculated TOI. For example, if the Worst Distortion Amplitude is –62 dBc and the Mixer Level is –17 dBm, the Calculated TOI would be: dB-⎞ = – 17 dBm + 31 dB = +14 dBm TOI = – 17 dBm – ⎛⎝ – 62 ------------2 ⎠ 30.Record the Calculated TOI in the performance verification test record as specified in Table 2-75. Table 2-75 Third Order Intermodulation Distortion Worksheet Lower Distortion Amplitude TOI Test Upper Distortion Amplitude Worst Distortion Amplitude Mixer Level Calculated TOI Test Record Entry 1 1) Option 1DR 2) 2 3) 3 4) Chapter 2 277 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 31.If the analyzer is an E4404B, E4405B or E4407B and is equipped with Option 1DR, Narrow Resolution Bandwidth, perform step 32 through step 36. Otherwise, continue with step 37. 32.Set synthesized sweeper 1 CW frequency to F1 as indicated in TOI Test 1 of Table 2-74. 33.Set synthesized sweeper 2 CW frequency to F2 as indicated in TOI Test 1 of Table 2-74. 34.Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer center frequency to the F1 value for TOI Test Option 1DR in Table 2-74. Then, set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, CF Step, 50 kHz (Man) SPAN, 20 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –5 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 5 dB (Man) BW/Avg, 1 kHz (Man) BW/Avg, Video BW, 300 Hz (Man) Peak Search (or Search), More Search Param (or Search Criteria), Peak Excursn, 3 dB 35.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Meas Tools Mkr → CF SPAN, 500 Hz BW/Avg, Res BW, 30 Hz BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 Hz 36.Repeat step 9 through step 26. This is the TOI test for Option 1DR. 37.See Figure 2-49. Replace the directional bridge with the directional coupler. The cable from synthesized sweeper 1 should be connected directly to the input of the directional coupler; no low pass filter is required when testing frequencies >3 GHz. 38.Connect the output of the directional coupler to the power sensor. 39.Repeat step 4 through step 29 using information and entries for TOI Test 2 in Table 2-74 and Table 2-75. 40.Connect the output of the directional bridge to the power sensor. 41. Repeat step 4 through step 29 using information and entries for TOI Test 3 in Table 2-74 and Table 2-75. 42.On the analyzer, press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. 43.Part 1: Third Order Intermodulation Distortion is complete. Continue with Part 2: Second Harmonic Distortion. 278 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Part 2: Second Harmonic Distortion 1. Zero and calibrate the power meter and microwave power sensor. Enter the power sensor 300 MHz calibration factor into the power meter. Measuring the Noise Level at 6.2 GHz 2. Remove any cables or adapters from the analyzer Input. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 6.2 GHz SPAN, 0 Hz AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –40 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB BW/Avg, Res BW 1 kHz Video BW, 30 Hz Sweep, Sweep time, 5 s 4. Wait until “VAvg 10” is displayed along the left side of the display. 5. Press Peak Search (or Search) and record the marker amplitude reading as the 6.2 GHz Noise Level in Table 2-76. Measuring 300 MHz Frequency Response Error 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 300 MHz SPAN, 10 MHz 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-50, with the output of the synthesized sweeper connected to the power splitter input and the power splitter outputs connected to the analyzer and power sensor. Chapter 2 279 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Figure 2-50 Second Harmonic Distortion Test Setup 3. Preset the synthesized sweeper and set the controls as follows: CW, 300 MHz POWER LEVEL, 0 dBm 4. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta. 5. Record the power meter reading at 300 MHz in Table 2-76. 6. Set the synthesized sweeper CW to 600 MHz. 7. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, 600 MHz, then Peak Search (or Search). 8. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.10 dB. 9. Enter the power sensor 600 MHz calibration factor into the power meter. 10.Record the power meter reading at 600 MHz in Table 2-76. 280 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 11.Subtract the power meter reading at 600 MHz from the power meter reading at 300 MHz. Record this difference as the 300 MHz Frequency Response Error in Table 2-76. For example, if the power meter reading at 600 MHz is –6.45 dBm and the power meter reading at 300 MHz is –7.05 dBm, the 300 MHz Frequency Response Error would be –0.60 dB: – 0.60 dB = – 7.05 dBm – ( –6.45 dBm ) Measuring 900 MHz Frequency Response Error 12.On the synthesized sweeper, press the following: CW, 900 MHz POWER LEVEL, 0 dBm 13.On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, 900 MHz. 14.Enter the power sensor 1 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 15.On the analyzer, press Marker, Off Peak Search (or Search). Marker, Delta 16.Record the power meter reading in Table 2-76 as the 900 MHz power meter reading. 17.On the synthesized sweeper, press CW, 1.8 GHz. 18.On the analyzer, press the following: FREQUENCY, 1.8 GHz Peak Search (or Search) AMPLITUDE 19.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 20.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.1 dB. 21.Enter the power sensor 2 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 22.Record the power meter reading in Table 2-76 as the 1.8 GHz power meter reading. 23.On the analyzer, press Marker, Off. 24.Subtract the power meter reading at 1.8 GHz from the power meter reading at 900 MHz. Record this difference as the 900 MHz Frequency Response Error in Table 2-76. For example, if the power meter reading at 1.8 GHz is –6.35 dBm and the power meter reading Chapter 2 281 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B at 900 MHz is –7.05 dBm, the 900 MHz Frequency Response Error would be –0.7 dB: – 0.70 dB = – 7.05 dBm – ( –6.35 dBm ) Measuring 1.55 GHz Frequency Response Error 1. On the synthesized sweeper, press the following: CW, 1.55 GHz POWER LEVEL, 0 dBm 2. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, 1.55 GHz. 3. Enter the power sensor 2 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 4. On the analyzer, press the following: Marker, Off Peak Search (or Search) 5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta. 6. Record the power meter reading in Table 2-76 as the 1.55 GHz power meter reading. 7. On the synthesized sweeper, press CW, 3.1 GHz. 8. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, 3.1 GHz. 9. On the analyzer, press the following: Peak Search (or Search) AMPLITUDE Presel Center 10.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 11.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.1 dB. 12.Enter the power sensor 3 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 13.Record the power meter reading in Table 2-76 as the 3.1 GHz power meter reading. 14.On the analyzer, press Marker, Off. 15.Subtract the power meter reading at 3.1 GHz from the power meter reading at 1.55 GHz. Record this difference as the 1.55 GHz Frequency Response Error in Table 2-76. For example, if the power meter reading at 3.1 GHz is –6.05 dBm and the power meter reading at 1.55 GHz is –7.35 dBm, the 3.1 GHz Frequency Response Error 282 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B would be –1.2 dB: – 1.2 dB = – 7.35 dBm – ( –6.15 dBm ) Measuring 3.1 GHz Frequency Response Error 1. On the synthesized sweeper, press the following: CW, 3.1 GHz POWER LEVEL, 0 dBm 2. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, 3.1 GHz. 3. Enter the power sensor 3 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 4. On the analyzer, press the following: Marker, Off Peak Search (or Search) AMPLITUDE Presel Center 5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta. 6. Record the power meter reading in Table 2-76 as the 3.1 GHz power meter reading. 7. On the synthesized sweeper, press CW, 6.2 GHz. 8. On the analyzer, press the following: FREQUENCY, 6.2 GHz Peak Search (or Search) AMPLITUDE Presel Center 9. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 10.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reads 0 dB ±0.1 dB. 11.Enter the power sensor 6 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 12.Record the power meter reading in Table 2-76 as the 6.2 GHz power meter reading. 13.On the analyzer, press Marker, Off. 14.Subtract the power meter reading at 6.2 GHz from the power meter reading at 3.1 GHz. Record this difference as the 3.1 GHz Frequency Response Error in Table 2-76. For example, if the power meter reading at 6.2 GHz is –6.05 dBm and the power meter reading at 3.1 GHz is –7.25 dBm, the 3.1 GHz Frequency Response Error would Chapter 2 283 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B be –1.2 dB: – 1.2 dB = – 7.25 dBm – ( –6.05 dBm ) Table 2-76 Second Harmonic Distortion Worksheet Description Measurement 6.2 GHz Noise Level ________________ dBm Power Meter Reading at 300 MHz ________________ dBm Power Meter Reading at 600 MHz ________________ dBm 300 MHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) ________________ dB Power Meter Reading at 900 MHz ________________ dBm Power Meter Reading at 1.8 GHz ________________ dBm 900 MHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) ________________ dB Power Meter Reading at 1.55 GHz ________________ dBm Power Meter Reading at 3.1 GHz ________________ dBm 1.55 GHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) ________________ dB Power Meter Reading at 3.1 GHz ________________ dBm Power Meter Reading at 6.2 GHz ________________ dBm 3.1 GHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) ________________ dB Measuring 300 MHz Second Harmonic Distortion 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-50 using the 300 MHz Low Pass Filter. 2. On the synthesized sweeper, press the following: CW, 300 MHz POWER LEVEL, –10 dBm 3. Enter the power sensor 300 MHz calibration factor into the power meter. 4. On the analyzer, press the following: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 300 MHz SPAN, 100 kHz AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –10 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) BW/Avg, Res BW 1 kHz (Man) Video BW, 1 kHz (Man) Markers, Off 5. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the power meter 284 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B reading is –10 dBm ±0.2 dB. 6. On the analyzer, press the following: Peak Search (or Search), Marker, Delta FREQUENCY, 600 MHz BW/Avg, 10 Wait for the “VAvg 10” to appear along the left side of the display. 7. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). The marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude is the second harmonic suppression. 8. Calculate the 300 MHz Second Harmonic Intercept (SHI) using the second harmonic suppression value read in step 7 and the 300 MHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) from Table 2-76 as follows: 300 MHz SHI = – 20 dBm – Second Harmonic Suppression + 300 MHz FRE For example, if the second harmonic suppression is –59 dB, and the 300 MHz FRE is –0.60 dB, the SHI would be 38.4 dBm: +38.4 dBm = – 20 dBm – ( –59 dB ) + ( – 0.60 dB ) 9. Record the 300 MHz SHI as Entry 5 in the performance verification test record. Measuring 900 MHz Second Harmonic Distortion 1. Replace the 300 MHz low pass filter with the 1 GHz low pass filter as shown in Figure 2-50. 2. On the synthesized sweeper, press the following: CW, 900 MHz POWER LEVEL, –10 dBm 3. Enter the power sensor 1 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 4. On the analyzer, press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 900 MHz. 5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 6. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the power meter reading is –10 dBm ±0.1 dB. 7. On the analyzer, press the following: Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 1.8 GHz 8. On the analyzer, press the following: Chapter 2 285 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –20 dBm BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz (Man) 9. On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average, 10 Hz. Wait until “VAvg 10” is displayed along the left side of the display. 10.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). The marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading is the second harmonic suppression. 11.Calculate the 900 MHz Second Harmonic Intercept (SHI) using the second harmonic suppression value read in step 10 and the 300 MHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) from Table 2-76 as follows: 900 MHz SHI = – 20 dBm – Second Harmonic Suppression + 900 MHz FRE For example, if the second harmonic suppression is –73 dB, and the 900 MHz FRE is 0.70 dB, the SHI would be 52.3 dBm: 52.3 dBm = – 20 dBm – ( – 73 dB ) + ( – 0.70 dB ) 12.Record the 900 MHz SHI as Entry 6 in the performance verification test record. 286 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Measuring 1.55 GHz Second Harmonic Distortion 1. Replace the 1.GHz low pass filter with the two 1.8 GHz low pass filters as shown in Figure 2-50. Two filters are necessary to reduce the second harmonics from the source to less than –100 dBc. 2. On the synthesized sweeper, press the following: CW, 1.55 GHz POWER LEVEL, 6 dBm 3. Enter the power sensor 2 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 4. On the analyzer, press the following: FREQUENCY, 1.55 GHz AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, 0 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) Peak Search (or Search). 5. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the power meter reading is 0 dBm ±0.1 dB. 6. On the analyzer, press the following: Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 3.1 GHz 7. See Figure 2-50. Remove the 1.8 GHz low pass filters and connect the synthesized sweeper output directly to the power splitter input. 8. On the analyzer, press the following: Peak Search (or Search) AMPLITUDE Presel Center 9. Reinstall the filters between the synthesized sweeper and the power splitter. 10.On the analyzer, press the following: AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –40 dBm BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz (Man) 11.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average, 10 Hz. Wait until “VAvg 10” is displayed along the left side of the display. 12.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). The marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading is the second harmonic suppression. Chapter 2 287 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 13.Calculate the 1.55 GHz Second Harmonic Intercept (SHI) using the second harmonic suppression value read in step 12 and the 300 MHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) from Table 2-76 as follows: 1.55GHz SHI = –20 dBm – Second Harmonic Suppression + 1.55 GHz FRE For example, if the second harmonic suppression is –93 dB, and the 1.55 GHz FRE is –1.05 dB, the SHI would be 81.95 dBm: 81.95 dBm = – 10 dBm – ( –93 dB ) + ( – 1.05 dB ) 14.Record the 1.55 GHz SHI as Entry 7 in the performance verification test record. Measuring 3.1 GHz Second Harmonic Distortion 1. Replace the 1.8 GHz low pass filters with the two 4.4 GHz low pass filters as shown in Figure 2-50. Two filters are necessary to reduce the second harmonics from the source to less than –110 dBc. 2. On the synthesized sweeper, press the following: CW, 3.1 GHz POWER LEVEL, 6 dBm 3. Enter the power sensor 3 GHz calibration factor into the power meter. 4. On the analyzer, press the following: FREQUENCY, 3.1 GHz AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, 0 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB (Man) 5. On the analyzer, press the following: Peak Search (or Search) AMPLITUDE Presel Center 6. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level until the power meter reading is 0 dBm ±0.1 dB. 7. On the analyzer, press the following: Peak Search (or Search) Marker Delta 8. On the analyzer, press the following: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 6.2 GHz 9. See Figure 2-50. Remove the 4.4 GHz low pass filters and connect 288 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 32. Spurious Responses: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B the synthesized sweeper output directly to the power splitter input. 10.On the analyzer, press the following: Peak Search (or Search) AMPLITUDE Presel Center 11.Reinstall the filters between the synthesized sweeper and the power splitter. 12.On the analyzer, press the following: AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –40 dBm BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz (Man) 13.On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Average, 10 Hz. Wait until “VAvg 10” is displayed along the left side of the display. 14.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). The marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading is the second harmonic suppression. 15.If the marker does not appear to be on a signal, do the following: a. Press Marker, Select Marker (2) b. Compare the marker 2 (Mkr2) and the 6.2 GHz Noise Level recorded in Table 2-76. c. If the difference between marker 2 (Mkr2) and the 6.2 GHz Noise Level recorded in Table 2-76 is less than 2 dB, check the box on the performance verification test record that the 3.1 GHz SHI test was noise limited. 16.If the measurement is not noise limited, calculate the 3.1 GHz Second Harmonic Intercept (SHI) using the second harmonic suppression value read in step 14 and the 3.1 GHz Frequency Response Error (FRE) from Table 2-76 as follows: 3.1GHz SHI = –10 dBm – Second Harmonic Suppression + 3.1 GHz FRE For example, if the second harmonic suppression is –103 dB, and the 3.1 GHz FRE is –1.20 dB, the SHI would be 91.8 dBm: 91.8 dBm = – 10 dBm – ( –103 dB ) + ( – 1.20 dB ) 17.Record the 3.1 GHz SHI as Entry 8 in the performance verification test record. Chapter 2 289 Performance Verification Tests 33. Gain Compression: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B 33. Gain Compression: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B This test verifies the ability of the analyzer to measure relatively low-amplitude signals in the presence of higher-amplitude signals. Gain compression is measured by applying two signals, separated by a defined amount in frequency. The higher-amplitude signal is set to yield the specified total power at the input mixer (the power at the input mixer is defined as the input power level minus the input attenuation). The lower-amplitude signal is set at least 35 dB below the higher-amplitude signal, such that its power does not significantly add to the total power. The higher-amplitude signal is turned off and the lower-amplitude signal level is measured. This is the uncompressed amplitude. The higher-amplitude signal is turned on and the amplitude of the lower-amplitude signal is again measured. This is the compressed amplitude. The difference between the uncompressed and compressed amplitude is the measured gain compression. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper Synthesized signal generator Power meter, dual channel RF power sensor Directional bridge Cable, BNC, 120-cm (48-in) Cable, APC 3.5 (m) (2 required) Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to APC 3.5 (f) (3 required) Adapter, Type-N (m) to SMA (m) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Power sensor, 75 Ω Adapter, Type-N (m), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Adapter, mechanical, Type-N (m), 50 Ω to Type-N (f), 75 Ω Procedure 1. Zero and calibrate the power meter and power sensor combination in log mode (power reads out in dBm) as described in the power meter operation manual. 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-51, with port 1 of the 290 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 33. Gain Compression: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B directional bridge connected to the power sensor. 75 Ω Input only: Use the 75 Ω power sensor with the mechanical adapter. The power measured at the output of the 50 Ω directional bridge by the 75 Ω power sensor is the equivalent power “seen” by the 75 Ω analyzer. Figure 2-51 CAUTION Gain Compression Test Setup Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or damage to the connectors will occur. 3. Set the synthesized signal generator controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, –100 dBm 4. On the synthesized sweeper press INSTRUMENT PRESET, then set the controls as follows: CW, 53 MHz POWER LEVEL, –3 dBm 5. Enter the power sensor calibration factor for the synthesizer frequency into the power meter. 6. Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level setting until the power meter reading is the same as indicated in Table 2-77. Chapter 2 291 Performance Verification Tests 33. Gain Compression: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B 7. Record the actual synthesized sweeper power level setting in Table 2-77 for each frequency indicated. Table 2-77 Source Frequency and Amplitude Settings Synthesized Signal Generator Synthesized Sweeper Frequency Amplitude (GHz) (dBm) CW Frequency (MHz) Desired Power Level (dBm) 0.05 −40 53 0.0 0.05a −40 50.004 0.0 1.40 −40 1403 0.0 2.50b −40b 2503b 0.0b Actual Power Level (dBm) a. Agilent E4401B and E4402B with Option 1DR only. b. Agilent E4402B and E4403B only. Table 2-78 Analyzer Settings Test Frequency Center Freq (GHz) Span RBW VBW (kHz) (kHz) 53 0.05 150 50.004a 0.05a 1403 2503b (MHz) Test Record Entry Analyzer Scale Atten (kHz) Ref Lvl (dBm) (dB) (dB) 30 0.300 −10.0 10 0.0 1) 1.0a 0.030a 0.030a −10.0a 10a 0.0a 2) 1.40 150 30 0.300 −10.0 10 0.0 3) 2.50b 150b 30b 0.300b −10.0b 10b 0.0b 4) a. Agilent E4401B and E4402B with Option 1DR only. b. Agilent E4402B and E4403B only. 8. Repeat step 3 through step 7 for each of the settings listed in Table 2-77. The test at 50 MHz with a span of 1 kHz, is only for the E4401B and E4402B with Option 1DR. 9. Disconnect the power sensor from the directional bridge and connect the directional bridge to the input of the analyzer using an adapter. Do not use a cable. 75 Ω Input only: Use a 75 Ω adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (m) and a mechanical adapter, Type-N (m) 50 Ω to Type-N (f) 75 Ω 292 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 33. Gain Compression: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4403B, and E4411B 10.Set the synthesized sweeper amplitude Off. 11.Set the synthesized signal generator amplitude to −24 dBm. 12.Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz (or as indicated in Table 2-78) SPAN, 150 kHz (or as indicated in Table 2-78) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –10 dBm, Attenuation 0 dB AMPLITUDE, Scale/Div, 10 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 30 kHz (or as indicated in Table 2-78) BW/Avg, Video BW, 300 Hz (or as indicated in Table 2-78) 13.On the synthesized sweeper, set the appropriate power level to the setting recorded in Table 2-77. Then set RF to Off. 75 Ω Input only: Adjust the power level for a −2.0 dBm reading. 14.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 15.Adjust the amplitude of the synthesized signal generator to achieve a marker amplitude reading within 0.5 dB of the value indicated in Table 2-77. The marker amplitude is the uncompressed amplitude. 16.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker Delta 17.On the synthesized sweeper, set RF to On. The amplitude should be the same as recorded in Table 2-77. 18.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). This is the compressed amplitude. The marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude is the measured gain compression. 19.Record the measured gain compression in the performance test record as the Entry listed in Table 2-78. 20.Repeat step 6 through step 19 for each set of settings in Table 2-77 and Table 2-78. Chapter 2 293 Performance Verification Tests 34. Gain Compression: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 34. Gain Compression: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B This test verifies the ability of the analyzer to measure relatively low-amplitude signals in the presence of higher-amplitude signals. Gain compression is measured by applying two signals, separated by a defined amount in frequency. The higher-amplitude signal is set to yield the specified total power at the input mixer (the power at the input mixer is defined as the input power level minus the input attenuation). The lower-amplitude signal is set at least 35 dB below the higher-amplitude signal, such that its power does not significantly add to the total power. The higher-amplitude signal is turned off and the lower-amplitude signal level is measured. This is the uncompressed amplitude. The higher-amplitude signal is turned on and the amplitude of the lower-amplitude signal is again measured. This is the compressed amplitude. The difference between the uncompressed and compressed amplitude is the measured gain compression. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper (2 required) Power meter, dual channel Microwave power sensor Directional bridge Directional coupler Cable, BNC, 120-cm (48-in) Cable, APC 3.5 (m) (2 required) Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to APC 3.5 (f) (3 required) Adapter, Type-N (m) to SMA (m) Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (m), to APC 3.5 (f) Procedure 1. Zero and calibrate the power meter and power sensor combination in log mode (power reads out in dBm) as described in the power meter operation manual. 2. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-50, with the load port of the directional bridge connected to the power sensor. The directional bridge should be used for measurements of frequencies 294 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 34. Gain Compression: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B less than or equal to 2.5 GHz. Use the directional coupler for higher frequency measurements. Figure 2-52 Gain Compression Test Setup 3. On the synthesized sweeper 1 press PRESET, then set the controls as follows: CW, 50 MHz POWER LEVEL, –100 dBm 4. On the synthesized sweeper 2 press PRESET, then set the controls as follows: CW, 53 MHz POWER LEVEL, –3 dBm 5. Enter the power sensor calibration factor for the synthesized sweeper 2 frequency into the power meter. 6. Adjust the synthesized sweeper 2 power level setting until the power meter reading is the same as indicated in Table 2-80. 7. Record the actual synthesized sweeper 2 power level setting in Chapter 2 295 Performance Verification Tests 34. Gain Compression: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B Table 2-80 for each frequency indicated. Table 2-79 Source Frequency and Amplitude Settings First Synthesized Sweeper Power Level CW Frequency (MHz) (dBm) Second Synthesized Sweeper CW Frequency (MHz) Desired Power Level (dBm) 50 −40 53 −0.0 50a −40a 50.004a −0.0a 1400 −40 1403 0.0 2500 −40 2503 0.0 4400 −40 4403 0.0 7600b −40 7603 −3.0 14000c –40 14003 −5.0 Actual Power Level (dBm) a. Agilent E4404B, E4405B and E4407B with Option 1DR only. b. Agilent E4405B, E4407B and E4408B only. c. Agilent E4407B and E4408B only. Table 2-80 Analyzer Settings Test Frequency Test Record Entry Analyzer Settings Span RBW VBW (MHz) Center Freq (GHz) Scale Atten (kHz) Ref Lvl (dBm) (kHz) (kHz) (dB) (dB) 53 0.05 150 30 0.300 −10.0 10 0.0 1) 50.004a 0.05a 1.0a 0.030a 0.030a −10.0a 10a 0.0a 2) 1403 1.40 150 30 0.300 −10.0 10 0.0 3) 2503 2.50 150 30 0.300 −10.0 10 0.0 4) 4403 4.40 150 30 0.300 −10.0 10 0.0 5) 7603b 7.60 150 30 0.300 −10.0 10 0.0 6) 14003c 14.0 150 30 0.300 –10.0 10 0.0 7) a. Agilent E4404B, E4405B and E4407B with Option 1DR only. b. Agilent E4405B, E4407B and E4408B only. 296 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 34. Gain Compression: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B c. Agilent E4407B and E4408B only. 8. Repeat step 3 through step 7 for each of the settings listed in Table 2-79. Use the directional bridge in place of the coupler for frequencies less than or equal to 2503 MHz. The test at 50 MHz with a span of 1 kHz is only for E4404B, E4405B or E4407B with Option 1DR. 9. Disconnect the power sensor from the directional bridge and connect the directional bridge to the input of the analyzer using an adapter. Do not use a cable. 10.Set the synthesized sweeper 2 power level to Off. 11.Set the synthesized sweeper 1 power level to −24 dBm. 12.Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz (or as indicated in Table 2-80) SPAN, 150 kHz (or as indicated in Table 2-80) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –10 dBm, Attenuation 0 dB AMPLITUDE, Scale/Div, 10 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 30 kHz (or as indicated in Table 2-80) BW/Avg, Video BW, 300 Hz (or as indicated in Table 2-80) 13.On the synthesized sweeper 2, set the appropriate power level to the setting recorded in Table 2-79. Then set RF to Off. 14.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 15.Adjust the power level of the synthesized sweeper 1 to achieve a marker amplitude reading within 0.5 dB of the value indicated in Table 2-79. The marker amplitude is the uncompressed amplitude. 16.On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker Delta 17.On the synthesized sweeper 2, set RF to On. The amplitude should be the same as recorded in Table 2-79. 18.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). This is the compressed amplitude. The marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude is the measured gain compression. 19.Record the measured gain compression in the performance test record as the Entries indicated in Table 2-80. 20.Repeat step 10 through step 19 for each set of settings in Table 2-79 and Table 2-80 for frequencies less than or equal to 2503 MHz. Chapter 2 297 Performance Verification Tests 34. Gain Compression: Agilent E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 21.Replace the directional bridge with the directional coupler. 22.Repeat step 10 through step 19 for the remaining frequencies in Table 2-79. 298 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B This performance test measures the Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) within the frequency range specified. The analyzer input is terminated in its characteristic impedance. If the analyzer is also equipped with a tracking generator (Option 1DN or 1DQ), the tracking generator is also terminated in its characteristic impedance and set for maximum leveled output power. The test tunes the analyzer frequency across the band and uses the marker to locate the frequency with the highest response. It then reads the average noise in zero span using the minimum resolution bandwidth (RBW) specified for the analyzer. Analyzers having Option 1DN (Tracking Generator) installed are tested in a 1 kHz RBW. Analyzers having Option 1DR (Narrow Bandwidths) installed have a minimum RBW of either 100 Hz or 10 Hz. Even though analyzers having Option 1D5 (High Stability Frequency Reference) and firmware revision A.08.00 or later installed have a minimum RBW of 1 Hz, DANL for these analyzers is specified and tested with a 10 Hz RBW. To reduce measurement uncertainty due to input attenuator switching and resolution bandwidth switching, a reference level offset is added. The 50 MHz alignment signal is used as the amplitude reference for determining the amount of offset required. The offset is removed at the end of the test by pressing instrument preset. The related adjustment for this procedure is “Frequency Response.” Equipment Required Termination, 50 Ω, Type-N (m) (2 required for Options 1DN or 1DQ) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Termination, 75 Ω, Type-N (m) (2 required for Option 1DQ) Adapter, Type-N (f), to BNC (m), 75 Ω Procedure CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or damage to the connectors will occur. 1. Set up the analyzers as shown in Figure 2-53. Chapter 2 299 Performance Verification Tests 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Figure 2-53 Displayed Average Noise Level Test Setup 2. Press System, More, Show System. If there is an entry shown which reads 1DR: Narrow Resolution BW and the analyzer is an E4401B, then enter 10 Hz below as the Minimum RBW. If there is an entry shown which reads 1DR: Narrow Resolution BW and the analyzer is an E4411B, then enter 100 Hz below as the Minimum RBW. Otherwise, enter 1 kHz as the Minimum RBW (resolution bandwidth). Keep this value in mind as you continue to perform this procedure. Also, take note of whether or not Options 1DN or 1DQ (1.5 GHz Tracking Generator) and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) are installed. Minimum RBW____________ Hz Option 1DN or 1DQ: ____________ Option 1DS: ____________ 3. On the analyzer, press Preset. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Then press the following keys: Input/Output (or Input), Amptd Ref (On) FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 2 kHz AMPLITUDE, –25 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, 28.75 dBmV (75 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 kHz Det/Demod, Detector, Sample 4. On the analyzer, press Single, Peak Search (or Search) and record the Ref Amptd reading below. Ref Amptd ____________ dBm (50 Ω Input only) Ref Amptd ____________ dBmv (75 Ω Input only) 5. If the analyzer does not have Option 1DN or 1DQ (1.5 GHz Tracking 300 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Generator) installed and the minimum RBW is 100 Hz or 10 Hz, continue with step 10. 6. If the analyzer has a minimum RBW of 1 kHz or has Option 1DN or 1DQ (1.5 GHz Tracking Generator) installed then continue with step 7. 7. On the analyzer, press the following keys: AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB SPAN, 20 kHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz 8. On the analyzer, press Single, Peak Search (or Search) and record the amplitude reading below as Meas Amptd(1 kHz RBW). Meas Amptd (1 kHz RBW) ____________ dBm (50 Ω Input only) Meas Amptd (1 kHz RBW) ____________ dBmv (75 Ω Input only) 9. Calculate the necessary reference level offset by subtracting the Meas Amptd in step 8 from the Ref Amptd in step 4. If the calculated Ref Lvl Offset is greater than 0.05 dB or less than –0.05 dB, record the Ref Lvl Offset value below. Otherwise, enter 0. Ref Lvl Offset (1 kHz RBW) = Ref Amptd – Meas Amptd (1 kHz RBW) Ref Lvl Offset (1 kHz RBW)____________ dB 10.If the analyzer is not equipped with Option 1DR, continue with step 14. 11.On the analyzer, press the following keys: AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB SPAN, 500 Hz BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz (E4401B) BW/Avg, Res BW, 100 Hz (E4411A) BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 Hz 12.On the analyzer, press Single, Peak Search (or Search) and record the amplitude reading below as Meas Amptd (100 Hz/10 Hz RBW). Meas Amptd (100 Hz/10 Hz RBW) ____________ dBm (50 Ω Input only) Meas Amptd (100 Hz/10 Hz RBW) ____________ dBmv (75 Ω Input only) 13.Calculate the necessary reference level offset by subtracting the Meas Amptd in step 12 from the Ref Amptd in step 4. If the calculated Ref Lvl Offset is greater than 0.05 dB or less than –0.05 dB, record the Ref Lvl Offset value below. Otherwise, enter 0. Ref Lvl Offset(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW) = Ref Amptd – Meas Amptd(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW) Chapter 2 301 Performance Verification Tests 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Ref Lvl Offset (100 Hz/10 Hz RBW) ____________ dB 14.On the analyzer, press Input, Amptd Ref (Off). Then press AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, and enter the value recorded in step 9. 15.Connect the 50 Ω termination to the analyzer input as shown in Figure 2-53. 75 Ω Input only: Connect the 75 Ω termination to the analyzer Input 75 Ω using an adapter. 16.If the analyzer has Option 1DN, 50 Ω tracking generator, do the following: a. On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz. b. Press Source, Amplitude, 0 dBm. c. Connect a 50 Ω termination to the RF OUT 50 Ω. 17.If the analyzer has Option 1DQ (1.5 GHz, 75 Ω Tracking Generator) installed do the following: a. On the analyzer, press Source, Amplitude, 42.75 dBmv. b. Connect a 75 Ω termination to the RF OUT 75 Ω. Measurement Sequence The following option-specific DANL Measurement Sequence tables list the procedures to be performed and the parameters to be used in each procedure. Also listed in the tables are test record entry numbers for recording the results in the performance verification test record. 1. Perform all of the following steps (through step 7) that apply to your analyzer using the appropriate subsets in Table 2-81 Table 2-82, Table 2-83 or Table 2-84. Then record the display line amplitude setting as the indicated Test Record entry in the performance verification test record. 2. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 1 kHz, perform those procedures listed as Subset A in the appropriate table. 3. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 1 kHz and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) is installed, also perform those procedures listed in Subset B in the appropriate table. 4. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 100 Hz or 10 Hz and Option 1DN or 1DQ (1.5 GHz Tracking Generator) is installed, perform those procedures listed in Subset A in the appropriate table. 5. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 10 Hz and both Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) and Option 1DN or 1DQ (1.5 GHz Tracking Generator) are installed, also perform those procedures listed in Subset B in the appropriate table. 6. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 100 Hz or 10 Hz, also 302 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B perform those procedures listed in Subset C in the appropriate table. 7. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 10 Hz and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) is installed, also perform those procedures listed in Subset D in the appropriate table. 8. After performing all applicable DANL measurement procedures, continue with “Remove Reference Level Offset”. Chapter 2 303 Performance Verification Tests 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Table 2-81 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4401B 50 Ω Inputs Procedure Parameters Subset A B C D Table 2-82 Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Meas. DANL at 400 kHz N/A N/A 1 kHz Off 1) Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 1 kHz Off 2) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 1 kHz Off 3) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz Off 4) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 1 kHz Off 5) Meas. DANL at 400 kHz N/A N/A 1 kHz On 6) Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 1 kHz On 7) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 1 kHz On 8) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz On 9) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 1 kHz On 10) Meas. DANL at 400 kHz N/A N/A 10 Hz Off 11) Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 10 Hz Off 12) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 10 Hz Off 13) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz Off 14) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 10 Hz Off 15) Meas. DANL at 400 kHz N/A N/A 10 Hz On 16) Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 10 Hz On 17) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 10 Hz On 18) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz On 19) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 10 Hz On 20) DANL Measurement Sequence, E4411B 50 Ω Inputs Procedure Parameters Subset A Test Record Entry Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entry Meas. DANL at 400 kHz N/A N/A 1 kHz Off 1) Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 1 kHz Off 2) 304 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Table 2-82 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4411B 50 Ω Inputs Procedure Parameters Subset C Table 2-83 Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 1 kHz Off 3) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz Off 4) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 1 kHz Off 5) Meas. DANL at 400 kHz N/A N/A 100 Hz Off 11) Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 100 Hz Off 12) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 100 Hz Off 13) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 100 Hz Off 14) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 100 Hz Off 15) DANL Measurement Sequence, E4401B 75 Ω Inputs Procedure Parameters Subset A B C D Test Record Entry Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entry Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 1 kHz Off 21) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 1 kHz Off 22) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz Off 23) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 1 kHz Off 24) Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 1 kHz On 25) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 1 kHz On 26) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz On 27) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 1 kHz On 28) Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 10 Hz Off 29) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 10 Hz Off 30) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz Off 31) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 10 Hz Off 32) Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 10 Hz On 33) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 10 Hz On 34) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz On 35) Chapter 2 305 Performance Verification Tests 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Table 2-83 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4401B 75 Ω Inputs Procedure Parameters Subset Procedure Measure DANL Table 2-84 Start Freq 1 GHz Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State 1.5 GHz 10 Hz On A C 36) DANL Measurement Sequence, E4411B 75 Ω Inputs Procedure Parameters Subset Test Record Entry Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entry Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 1 kHz Off 21) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 1 kHz Off 22) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz Off 23) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 1 kHz Off 24) Measure DANL 1 MHz 10 MHz 100 Hz Off 29) Measure DANL 10 MHz 500 MHz 100 Hz Off 30) Measure DANL 500 MHz 1 GHz 100 Hz Off 31) Measure DANL 1 GHz 1.5 GHz 100 Hz Off 32) Measuring Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) Use the following procedure for testing DANL over most frequency ranges. The start and stop frequencies and test RBW (1 kHz, 100 Hz or 10 Hz) are specified in the DANL Measurement Sequence Table (Table 2-81 Table 2-82, Table 2-83 or Table 2-84). 1. If the test RBW is 100 Hz or 10 Hz and the analyzer has Option 1DN (1.5 GHz Tracking Generator) installed, press Source, Amplitude (Off). 2. Set the analyzer as follows: Auto Couple FREQUENCY, Start Freq, (enter specified start frequency) FREQUENCY, Stop Freq, (enter specified stop frequency) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –70 dBm (50 Ω Input only) Attenuation, 0 dB AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units) dBmV, More, Ref Level, –21.24 dBmV (75 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (1 kHz) if test RBW = 1 kHz) AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (100 Hz/10 306 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B Hz) if test RBW = 100 Hz or 10 Hz) BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 MHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (Off) (if preamp state = Off) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (On) (if preamp state = On) Sweep, Sweep (Cont) Sweep, Sweep Time (Auto) 3. On the analyzer, press Single, View/Trace, Trace 1, Clear Write, BW/Avg, Average Type (Video), Average, 3, Enter, Single. Wait until VAvg 3 is displayed to the left of the graticule (the analyzer will take three sweeps, then stop). 4. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). Then press: BW/Avg, Average (Off) Marker →, Mkr → CF 5. If the test RBW is 1 kHz or 100 Hz, press SPAN, 20 kHz. If the test RBW is 10 Hz, press SPAN, 500 Hz. 6. If the test RBW is 1 kHz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz, Video BW, 30 Hz. If the test RBW is 10 Hz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 100 Hz, Video BW, 1 Hz. If the test RBW is 10 Hz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz, Video BW, 1 Hz. 7. On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the new sweep to finish. 8. Read the average of the trace data, ignoring any residual responses. On the analyzer, press Display, Display Line (On), and adjust the display line so that it is centered on the average trace noise, ignoring any residual responses (refer to the Residual Responses verification test for any suspect residuals). Measuring Displayed Average Noise Level at 400 kHz Non-Option 1DP (50 Ω input only) 1. If the test RBW is 10 Hz and the analyzer has Option 1DN (1.5 GHz Tracking Generator) installed, press Source, Amplitude (Off). 2. Press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 400 kHz. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: SPAN, 20 kHz (if test RBW = 1 kHz) SPAN, 500 Hz (if test RBW = 10 Hz or 100 Hz) AMPLITUDE, –70 dBm (50 Ω Input only) Attenuation, 0 dB AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (1 kHz) if test RBW = 1 kHz) Chapter 2 307 Performance Verification Tests 35. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4401B and E4411B AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (100 Hz/10 Hz) if test RBW = 10 Hz or 100 Hz) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (Off) (if preamp state = Off) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (On) (if preamp state = On) BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz (if test RBW = 1 kHz) BW/Avg, Res BW, 100 Hz (if test RBW = 100 Hz) BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz (if test RBW = 10 Hz) BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz (if test RBW = 1 kHz) BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 Hz (if test RBW = 100 Hz or 10 Hz) 3. On the analyzer, press Single and wait for a new sweep to complete. 4. On the analyzer, press Display, Display Line (On). Adjust the display line so that it is centered on the average trace noise, ignoring any residual responses (refer to the Residual Responses verification test for any suspect residuals). Remove Reference Level Offset 1. Press AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, 0 dB. 2. On the analyzer, press Preset. 3. This performance test is now complete. 308 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 36. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4402B and E4403B 36. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4402B and E4403B This performance test measures the Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) within the frequency range specified. The analyzer input is terminated in its characteristic impedance. If the analyzer is also equipped with a tracking generator (Option 1DN or 1DQ), the tracking generator is also terminated in its characteristic impedance and set for maximum leveled output power. The test tunes the analyzer frequency across the band and uses the marker to locate the frequency with the highest response. It then reads the average noise in zero span using the minimum resolution bandwidth (RBW) specified for the analyzer. Analyzers having Option 1DN (Tracking Generator) installed are tested in a 1 kHz RBW. Analyzers having Option 1DR (Narrow Bandwidths) installed have a minimum RBW of 100 Hz or 10 Hz. Even though analyzers having Option 1D5 (High Stability Frequency Reference) and firmware revision A.08.00 or later installed have a minimum RBW of 1 Hz, DANL for these analyzers is specified and tested with a 10 Hz RBW. To reduce measurement uncertainty due to input attenuator switching and resolution bandwidth switching, a reference level offset is added. The 50 MHz alignment signal is used as the amplitude reference for determining the amount of offset required. The offset is removed at the end of the test by pressing instrument preset. The related adjustment for this procedure is “Frequency Response.” Equipment Required Termination, 50 Ω, Type-N (m) (2 required for Option 1DN) Cable, BNC Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Procedure 1. Connect the AMPTD REF OUT to the 50 Ω Input using a BNC cable and adapter as shown in Figure 2-54. Chapter 2 309 Performance Verification Tests 36. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4402B and E4403B Figure 2-54 Displayed Average Noise Level Test Setup 2. Press System, More, Show System. If there is an entry shown which reads 1DR: Narrow Resolution BW, and the analyzer is an E4402B, then enter 10 Hz below as the minimum RBW. If there is an entry shown which reads 1DR:Narrow Resolution BW and the analyzer is an E4403B, then enter 100 Hz. Otherwise, enter 1 kHz as the minimum RBW (resolution bandwidth). Keep this value in mind as you continue to perform this procedure. Also, take note of whether or not Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) are installed. Minimum RBW____________ Hz Option 1DN: ____________ Option 1DS: ____________ 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Then press the following keys: Input/Output (or Input), Amptd Ref Out (On) FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 2 kHz AMPLITUDE, –20 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 kHz Det/Demod, Detector, Sample, Return 4. On the analyzer, press Single, Peak Search (or Search) and record the Ref Amptd reading below. Ref Amptd ____________ dBm 5. If the analyzer does not have Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) installed and the minimum RBW is 100 Hz or 10 Hz, 310 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 36. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4402B and E4403B continue with step 11. 6. If the analyzer has a minimum RBW of 1 kHz or has Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) installed then continue with step 7. 7. On the analyzer, press the following keys: AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB SPAN, 20 kHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz 8. On the analyzer, press Single. 9. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the amplitude reading below as Meas Amptd (1 kHz RBW). Meas Amptd (1 kHz RBW)____________ dBm 10.Calculate the necessary reference level offset by subtracting the Meas Amptd in step 9 from the Ref Amptd in step 4. If the calculated Ref Lvl Offset is greater than 0.05 dB or less than –0.05 dB, record the Ref Lvl Offset value below. Otherwise, enter 0. Ref Lvl Offset(1 kHz RBW) = Ref Amptd – Meas Amptd(1 kHz RBW) Ref Lvl Offset(1 kHz RBW)____________ dB 11.If the analyzer is not equipped with Option 1DR, continue with step 15. 12.On the analyzer, press the following keys: AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB SPAN, 500 Hz BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz (E4401B) BW/Avg, Res BW, 100 Hz (E4403B) BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 Hz 13.On the analyzer, press Single, Peak Search (or Search) and record the amplitude reading below as Meas Amptd(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW). Meas Amptd(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW)____________ dB 14.Calculate the necessary reference level offset by subtracting the Meas Amptd in step 13 from the Ref Amptd in step 4. If the calculated Ref Lvl Offset is greater than 0.05 dB or less than –0.05 dB, record the Ref Lvl Offset value below. Otherwise, enter 0. Ref Lvl Offset(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW) = Ref Amptd – Meas Amptd(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW) Ref Lvl Offset(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW)____________ dB 15.On the analyzer, press Input, Amptd Ref Out (Off), then AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, and enter the value recorded in step 10. 16.Connect the 50 Ω termination to the analyzer input as shown in Chapter 2 311 Performance Verification Tests 36. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4402B and E4403B Figure 2-54. 17.Disconnect the BNC cable and adapter from the AMPTD REF OUT and the 50 Ω Input. 18.If the analyzer has Option 1DN, 50 Ω tracking generator, do the following: a. On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz. b. Press Source, Amplitude, 0 dBm. c. Connect a 50 Ω termination to the RF OUT 50 Ω. Measurement Sequence The following DANL Measurement Sequence table lists the procedures to be performed and the parameters to be used in each procedure. Also listed in the table are test record entry numbers for recording the results in the performance verification test record. 1. Perform all of the following steps (through step 7) that apply to your analyzer using the appropriate subsets in Table 2-85 (for E4402B) or Table 2-86 (for E4403B). Then record the display line amplitude setting as the indicated Test Record entry in the performance verification test record. 2. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 1 kHz, perform those procedures listed as Subset A in Table 2-85 or Table 2-86. 3. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 1 kHz and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) is installed, also perform those procedures listed in Subset B in Table 2-85. 4. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 100 Hz or 10 Hz and Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) is installed, perform those procedures listed in Subset A in Table 2-85 or Table 2-86. 5. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 10 Hz and both Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) and Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) are installed, also perform those procedures listed in Subset B in Table 2-85. 6. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 100 Hz or 10 Hz, perform those procedures listed in Subset C in Table 2-85 or Table 2-86. 7. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 10 Hz and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) is installed, also perform those procedures listed in 312 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 36. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4402B and E4403B Subset D in Table 2-85. Table 2-85 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4402B Procedure Parameters Subset A B C D Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entrya Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz Off 1) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz Off 2) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz Off 3) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz On 4/13) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz On 5/14) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz On 6/15) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz Off 7) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 10 Hz Off 8) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 10 Hz Off 9) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz On 10/16) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 10 Hz On 11/17) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 10 Hz On 12/18) a. There are two possible entries for measurements made with the preamplifier on, depending upon the ambient temperature. The first entry is for measurements made with an ambient temperature outside of the 20° to 30° C range, but within the 0° to 55° C range. The second entry is for measurements made with an ambient temperature within the 20° to 30° C range. Table 2-86 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4403B Procedure Parameters Subset A C Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entry Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz Off 1) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz Off 2) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz Off 3) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 100 Hz Off 7) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 100 Hz Off 8) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 100 Hz Off 9) 8. After performing all applicable DANL measurement procedures, Chapter 2 313 Performance Verification Tests 36. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4402B and E4403B continue with “Remove Reference Level Offset”. Measuring Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) Use the following procedure for testing DANL over most frequency ranges. The start and stop frequencies and test RBW (1 kHz, 100 Hz or 10 Hz) are specified in the DANL Measurement Sequence Table (Table 2-85 or Table 2-86). 1. If the test RBW is 100 Hz or 10 Hz and the analyzer has Option 1DN (1.5 GHz Tracking Generator) installed, press Source, Amplitude (Off). 2. Set the analyzer as follows: Auto Couple FREQUENCY, Start Freq, (enter specified start frequency) FREQUENCY, Stop Freq, (enter specified stop frequency) AMPLITUDE, –70 dBm Attenuation, 0 dB AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (1 kHz) if test RBW = 1 kHz) AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (100 Hz/10 Hz) if test RBW = 100 Hz or 10 Hz) BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 MHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (Off) (if preamp state = Off) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (On) (if preamp state = On) Sweep, Sweep (Cont) Sweep, Sweep Time (Auto) 3. On the analyzer, press Single, View/Trace, Trace 1, Clear Write, BW/Avg, Average Type (Video), Average, 3, Enter, Single 4. Wait until VAvg 3 is displayed to the left of the graticule (the analyzer will take three sweeps, then stop). 5. On the analyzer, press the following keys: BW/Avg, Average (Off) Peak Search (or Search) BW/Avg, Average (On) Marker→ , Mkr→ CF 6. If the test RBW is 1 kHz, press SPAN, 20 kHz. If the test RBW is 100 Hz or 10 Hz, press SPAN, 500 Hz. 7. If the test RBW is 1 kHz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz, Video BW, 30 Hz. If the test RBW is 100 Hz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 100 Hz, Video BW, 10 Hz. If the test RBW is 10 Hz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz, 314 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 36. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4402B and E4403B Video BW, 1 Hz. 8. On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the new sweep to finish. 9. Read the average of the trace data, ignoring any residual responses. On the analyzer, press Display, Display Line (On), and adjust the display line so that it is centered on the average trace noise, ignoring any residual responses (refer to the Residual Responses verification test for any suspect residuals). Remove Reference Level Offset 1. Press AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, 0 dB. 2. On the analyzer, press Preset. 3. This performance test is now complete. Chapter 2 315 Performance Verification Tests 37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B 37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B This performance test measures the displayed average noise level (DANL) within the frequency range specified. The analyzer input is terminated in its characteristic impedance. If the analyzer is also equipped with a tracking generator (Option 1DN), the tracking generator is also terminated in its characteristic impedance and set for maximum leveled output power. The test tunes the analyzer frequency across the band and uses the marker to locate the frequency with the highest response. It then reads the average noise in zero span using the minimum resolution bandwidth (RBW) specified for the analyzer. Analyzers having Option 1DN (Tracking Generator) installed are tested in a 1 kHz RBW. Analyzers having Option 1DR (Narrow Bandwidths) installed have a minimum RBW of 100 Hz or 10 Hz. Even though analyzers having Option 1D5 (High Stability Frequency Reference) and firmware revision A.08.00 or later installed have a minimum RBW of 1 Hz, DANL for these analyzers is specified and tested with a 10 Hz RBW. To reduce measurement uncertainty due to input attenuator switching and resolution bandwidth switching, a reference level offset is added. The 50 MHz alignment signal is used as the amplitude reference for determining the amount of offset required. The offset is removed at the end of the test by pressing instrument preset. The related adjustment for this procedure is “Frequency Response.” Equipment Required Termination, 50 Ω, Type-N (m) (2 required for Option 1DN) Cable, BNC Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Procedure 1. Connect the AMPTD REF OUT to the 50 Ω Input using a BNC cable and adapter as shown in Figure 2-55. 316 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B Figure 2-55 Displayed Average Noise Level Test Setup 2. Press System, More, Show System. If there is an entry shown which reads 1DR: Narrow Resolution BW, then enter 10 Hz below; otherwise enter 1 kHz as the minimum RBW (resolution bandwidth). Keep this value in mind as you continue to perform this procedure. Also, take note of whether or not Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) are installed. Minimum RBW____________ Hz Option 1DN: ____________ Option 1DS: ____________ 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Then press the following keys: Input/Output (or Input), Amptd Ref Out (On) FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 2 kHz AMPLITUDE, –20 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 kHz Det/Demod, Detector, Sample, Return 4. On the analyzer, press Single, Peak Search (or Search) and record the Ref Amptd reading below. Ref Amptd ____________ dBm 5. If the analyzer does not have Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) installed and the minimum RBW is 10 Hz, continue with step 10. Chapter 2 317 Performance Verification Tests 37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B 6. If the analyzer has a minimum RBW of 1 kHz or has Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) installed then continue with step 7. 7. On the analyzer, press the following keys: AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB SPAN, 20 kHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz 8. On the analyzer, press Single, Peak Search (or Search) and record the amplitude reading below as Meas Amptd (1 kHz RBW). Meas Amptd (1 kHz RBW)____________ dB 9. Calculate the necessary reference level offset by subtracting the Meas Amptd in step 8 from the Ref Amptd in step 4. If the calculated Ref Lvl Offset is greater than 0.05 dB or less than –0.05 dB, record the Ref Lvl Offset value below. Otherwise, enter 0. Ref Lvl Offset (1 kHz RBW) = Ref Amptd – Meas Amptd (1 kHz RBW) Ref Lvl Offset (1 kHz RBW)____________ dB 10.If the analyzer is not equipped with Option 1DR, continue with step 14. 11.On the analyzer, press the following keys: AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB SPAN, 500 Hz BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 Hz 12.On the analyzer, press Single, Peak Search (or Search) and record the amplitude reading below as Meas Amptd (10 Hz RBW). Meas Amptd (10 Hz RBW)____________ dB 13.Calculate the necessary reference level offset by subtracting the Meas Amptd in step 12 from the Ref Amptd in step 4. If the calculated Ref Lvl Offset is greater than 0.05 dB or less than –0.05 dB, record the Ref Lvl Offset value below. Otherwise, enter 0. Ref Lvl Offset (10 Hz RBW) = Ref Amptd – Meas Amptd (10 Hz RBW) Ref Lvl Offset (10 Hz RBW)____________ dB 14.On the analyzer, press Input, Amptd Ref Out (Off), then AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, and enter the value recorded in step 8. 15.Connect the 50 Ω termination to the analyzer input as shown in Figure 2-55. 16.Disconnect the BNC cable and adapter from the AMPTD REF OUT and the 50 Ω Input. 318 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B 17.If the analyzer has Option 1DN, 50 Ω tracking generator, do the following: a. On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz. b. Press Source, Amplitude, 0 dBm. c. Connect a 50 Ω termination to the RF OUT 50 Ω. Measurement Sequence The following model-specific DANL Measurement Sequence tables list the procedures to be performed and the parameters to be used in each procedure. Also listed in the tables are test record entry numbers for recording the results in the performance verification test record. 1. Perform all of the following steps (through step 7) that apply to your analyzer using the appropriate subsets in Table 2-87 or Table 2-88. Then record the display line amplitude setting as the indicated Test Record entry in the performance verification test record. 2. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 1 kHz, perform those procedures listed as Subset A in Table 2-87 or Table 2-88. 3. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 1 kHz and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) is installed, also perform those procedures listed in Subset B in Table 2-87 or Table 2-88. 4. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 10 Hz and Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) is installed, perform those procedures listed in Subset A in Table 2-87 or Table 2-88. 5. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 10 Hz and both Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) and Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) are installed, also perform those procedures listed in Subset B in Table 2-87 or Table 2-88. 6. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 10 Hz, also perform those procedures listed in Subset C in Table 2-87 or Table 2-88. 7. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 10 Hz and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) is installed, also perform those procedures listed in Subset D in Table 2-87 or Table 2-88. 8. After performing all applicable DANL measurement procedures, continue with Remove Reference Level Offset. Table 2-87 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4404B Procedure Parameters Subset A Procedure Measure DANL Chapter 2 Start Freq 10 MHz Stop Freq 1 GHz Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entrya 1 kHz Off 1) 319 Performance Verification Tests 37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B Table 2-87 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4404B Procedure Parameters Subset B C D Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entrya Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz Off 2) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz Off 3) Measure DANL 3 GHz 6 GHz 1 kHz Off 4) Measure DANL 6 GHz 6.7 GHz 1 kHz Off 5) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz On 6/17) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz On 7/18) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz On 8/19) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz Off 9) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 10 Hz Off 10) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 10 Hz Off 11) Measure DANL 3 GHz 6 GHz 10 Hz Off 12) Measure DANL 6 GHz 6.7 GHz 10 Hz Off 13) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz On 14/20) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 10 Hz On 15/21) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 10 Hz On 16/22) a. There are two possible entries for measurements made with the preamplifier on, depending upon the ambient temperature. The first entry is for measurements made with an ambient temperature outside of the 20° to 30° C range, but within the 0° to 55° C range. The second entry is for measurements made with an ambient temperature within the 20° to 30° C range. Table 2-88 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4405B Procedure Parameters Subset A Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entrya Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz Off 1) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz Off 2) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz Off 3) Measure DANL 3 GHz 6 GHz 1 kHz Off 4) Measure DANL 6 GHz 12 GHz 1 kHz Off 5) 320 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B Table 2-88 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4405B Procedure Parameters Subset B C D Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entrya Measure DANL 12 GHz 13.2 GHz 1 kHz Off 6) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz On 7/19) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz On 8/20) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz On 9/21) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz Off 10) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 10 Hz Off 11) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 10 Hz Off 12) Measure DANL 3 GHz 6 GHz 10 Hz Off 13) Measure DANL 6 GHz 12 GHz 10 Hz Off 14) Measure DANL 12 GHz 13.2 GHz 10 Hz Off 15) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz On 16/22) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 10 Hz On 17/23) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 10 Hz On 18/24) a. There are two possible entries for measurements made with the preamplifier on, depending upon the ambient temperature. The first entry is for measurements made with an ambient temperature outside of the 20° to 30° C range, but within the 0° to 55° C range. The second entry is for measurements made with an ambient temperature within the 20° to 30° C range. Measuring Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) Use the following procedure for testing DANL over most frequency ranges. The start and stop frequencies and test RBW (1 kHz or 10 Hz) are specified in the DANL Measurement Sequence Table (Table 2-87 or Table 2-88). 1. If the test RBW is 10 Hz and the analyzer has Option 1DN (1.5 GHz Tracking Generator) installed, press Source, Amplitude (Off). 2. Set the analyzer as follows: Auto Couple FREQUENCY, Start Freq, (enter specified start frequency) FREQUENCY, Stop Freq, (enter specified stop frequency) AMPLITUDE, –70 dBm Attenuation 0 dB AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (1 kHz) if test Chapter 2 321 Performance Verification Tests 37. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4404B and E4405B RBW = 1 kHz) AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (10 Hz) if test RBW = 10 Hz) BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 MHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (Off) (if preamp state = Off) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (On) (if preamp state = On) Sweep, Sweep (Cont) Sweep, Sweep Time (Auto) 3. If the analyzer is equipped with Option 1DN and the current stop frequency is >3 GHz, press Source, Amplitude (Off). 4. On the analyzer, press Single, View/Trace, Trace 1, Clear Write, BW/Avg, Average Type (Video), Average, 3, Enter, Single. Wait until VAvg 3 is displayed to the left of the graticule (the analyzer will take three sweeps, then stop). 5. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) BW/Avg Average (Off) Marker→, Mkr→ CF 6. If the test RBW is 1 kHz, press SPAN, 20 kHz. If the test RBW is 10 Hz, press SPAN, 500 Hz. 7. If the test RBW is 1 kHz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz, Video BW, 30 Hz. If the test RBW is 10 Hz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz, Video BW, 1 Hz. 8. On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the new sweep to finish. 9. Read the average of the trace data, ignoring any residual responses. On the analyzer, press Display, Display Line (On), and adjust the display line so that it is centered on the average trace noise, ignoring any residual responses (refer to the Residual Responses verification test for any suspect residuals). Remove Reference Level Offset 1. Press AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, 0 dB. 2. On the analyzer, press Preset. 3. This performance test is now complete. 322 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 38. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4407B and E4408B 38. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4407B and E4408B This performance test measures the displayed average noise level (DANL) within the frequency range specified. The analyzer input is terminated in its characteristic impedance. If the analyzer is also equipped with a tracking generator (Option 1DN), the tracking generator is also terminated in its characteristic impedance and set for maximum leveled output power. The test tunes the analyzer frequency across the band and uses the marker to locate the frequency with the highest response. It then reads the average noise in zero span using the minimum resolution bandwidth (RBW) specified for the analyzer. Analyzers having Option 1DN (Tracking Generator) installed are tested in a 1 kHz RBW. Analyzers having Option 1DR (Narrow Bandwidths) installed have a minimum RBW of 100 Hz or 10 Hz. Even though analyzers having Option 1D5 (High Stability Frequency Reference) and firmware revision A.08.00 or later installed have a minimum RBW of 1 Hz, DANL for these analyzers is specified and tested with a 10 Hz RBW. To reduce measurement uncertainty due to input attenuator switching and resolution bandwidth switching, a reference level offset is added. The 50 MHz alignment signal is used as the amplitude reference for determining the amount of offset required. The offset is removed at the end of the test by pressing instrument preset. The related adjustment for this procedure is “Frequency Response.” Equipment Required Termination, 50 Ω, Type-N (m) (2 required for Option 1DN) Cable, BNC Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to Type-N (f) Procedure 1. Connect the AMPTD REF OUT to the 50 Ω Input using a BNC cable and adapter as shown in Figure 2-56. Chapter 2 323 Performance Verification Tests 38. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4407B and E4408B Figure 2-56 Displayed Average Noise Level Test Setup 2. Press System, More, Show System. If there is an entry shown which reads 1DR: Narrow Resolution BW and the analyzer is an E4407B, then enter 10 Hz below as the Minimum RBW. If there is an entry shown which reads 1DR: Narrow Resolution BW and the analyzer is an E4408B, then enter 100 Hz. Otherwise, enter 1 kHz as the minimum RBW (resolution bandwidth). Keep this value in mind as you continue to perform this procedure. Also, take note of whether or not Options 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) are installed. Minimum RBW____________ Hz Option 1DN: ____________ Option 1DS: ____________ 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Then press the following keys: Input/Output (or Input), Amptd Ref Out (On) FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 2 kHz AMPLITUDE, –20 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 10 dB BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 kHz Det/Demod, Detector, Sample, Return 4. On the analyzer, press Single. 5. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the Ref Amptd reading below. Ref Amptd ____________ dBm 324 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 38. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4407B and E4408B 6. If the analyzer does not have Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) installed and the minimum RBW is 100 Hz or 10 Hz, continue with step 12. 7. If the analyzer has a minimum RBW of 1 kHz or has Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) installed then continue with step 8. 8. On the analyzer, press the following keys: AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB SPAN, 20 kHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 30 Hz 9. On the analyzer, press Single. 10.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the amplitude reading below as Meas Amptd(1 kHz RBW). Meas Amptd(1 kHz RBW)____________ dB 11.Calculate the necessary reference level offset by subtracting the Meas Amptd in step 10 from the Ref Amptd in step 5. If the calculated Ref Lvl Offset is greater than 0.05 dB or less than –0.05 dB, record the Ref Lvl Offset value below. Otherwise, enter 0. Ref Lvl Offset(1 kHz RBW) = Ref Amptd – Meas Amptd(1 kHz RBW) Ref Lvl Offset(1 kHz RBW)____________ dB 12.If the analyzer is not equipped with Option 1DR, continue with step 17. 13.On the analyzer, press the following keys: AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB SPAN, 500 Hz BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz (E4407B) BW/Avg, Res BW, 100 Hz (E4408B) BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 Hz 14.On the analyzer, press Single. 15.On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search) and record the amplitude reading below as Meas Amptd(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW). Meas Amptd(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW)____________ dB 16.Calculate the necessary reference level offset by subtracting the Meas Amptd in step 15 from the Ref Amptd in step 5. If the calculated Ref Lvl Offset is greater than 0.05 dB or less than –0.05 dB, record the Ref Lvl Offset value below. Otherwise, enter 0. Ref Lvl Offset(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW) = Ref Amptd – Meas Amptd(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW) Ref Lvl Offset(100 Hz/10 Hz RBW)____________ dB Chapter 2 325 Performance Verification Tests 38. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4407B and E4408B 17.On the analyzer, press Input, Amptd Ref Out (Off), then AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, and enter the value recorded in step 10. 18.Connect the 50 Ω termination to the analyzer input as shown in Figure 2-56. 19.Disconnect the BNC cable and adapter from the AMPTD REF OUT and the 50 Ω Input. 20.If the analyzer is equipped with Option 1DN, 50 Ω tracking generator, do the following: a. On the analyzer, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz. b. Press Source, Amplitude, 0 dBm. c. Connect a 50 Ω termination to the RF OUT 50 Ω. Measurement Sequence The following model-specific DANL Measurement Sequence table lists the procedures to be performed and the parameters to be used in each procedure. Also listed in the table are test record entry numbers for recording the results in the performance verification test record. 1. Perform all of the following steps (through step 7) that apply to your analyzer using the appropriate subsets in Table 2-89 (E4407B) or Table 2-90 (E4408B). Then record the display line amplitude setting as the indicated Test Record entry in the performance verification test record. 2. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 1 kHz, perform those procedures listed as Subset A in Table 2-89 or Table 2-90. 3. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 1 kHz and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) is installed, also perform those procedures listed in Subset B in Table 2-89. 4. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 100 Hz or 10 Hz and Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) is installed, perform those procedures listed in Subset A in Table 2-89 or Table 2-90. 5. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 10 Hz and both Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) and Option 1DN (3.0 GHz Tracking Generator) are installed, also perform those procedures listed in Subset B in Table 2-89. 6. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 100 Hz or 10 Hz, also perform those procedures listed in Subset C in Table 2-89 or Table 2-90. 7. If the minimum RBW of the analyzer is 10 Hz and Option 1DS (RF Preamplifier) is installed, also perform those procedures listed in 326 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 38. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4407B and E4408B Subset D in Table 2-89. Table 2-89 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4407B Procedure Parameters Subset A B C D Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entrya Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz Off 1) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz Off 2) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz Off 3) Measure DANL 3 GHz 6 GHz 1 kHz Off 4) Measure DANL 6 GHz 12 GHz 1 kHz Off 5) Measure DANL 12 GHz 22 GHz 1 kHz Off 6) Measure DANL 22 GHz 26.5 GHz 1 kHz Off 7) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz On 8/21) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz On 9/22) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz On 10/23) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz Off 11) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 10 Hz Off 12) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 10 Hz Off 13) Measure DANL 3 GHz 6 GHz 10 Hz Off 14) Measure DANL 6 GHz 12 GHz 10 Hz Off 15) Measure DANL 12 GHz 22 GHz 10 Hz Off 16) Measure DANL 22 GHz 26.5 GHz 10 Hz Off 17) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 10 Hz On 18/24) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 10 Hz On 19/25) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 10 Hz On 20/26) a. There are two possible entries for measurements made with the preamplifier on, depending upon the ambient temperature. The first entry is for measurements made with an ambient temperature outside of the 20° to 30° C range, but within the 0° to 55° C range. The second entry is for measurements made with an ambient temperature within the 20° to 30° C range. Chapter 2 327 Performance Verification Tests 38. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4407B and E4408B Table 2-90 DANL Measurement Sequence, E4408B Procedure Parameters Subset A C Procedure Start Freq Stop Freq Test RBW Preamp State Test Record Entry Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 1 kHz Off 1) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 1 kHz Off 2) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 1 kHz Off 3) Measure DANL 3 GHz 6 GHz 1 kHz Off 4) Measure DANL 6 GHz 12 GHz 1 kHz Off 5) Measure DANL 12 GHz 22 GHz 1 kHz Off 6) Measure DANL 22 GHz 26.5 GHz 1 kHz Off 7) Measure DANL 10 MHz 1 GHz 100 Hz Off 11) Measure DANL 1 GHz 2 GHz 100 Hz Off 12) Measure DANL 2 GHz 3 GHz 100 Hz Off 13) Measure DANL 3 GHz 6 GHz 100 Hz Off 14) Measure DANL 6 GHz 12 GHz 100 Hz Off 15) Measure DANL 12 GHz 22 GHz 100 Hz Off 16) Measure DANL 22 GHz 26.5 GHz 100 Hz Off 17) 8. After performing all applicable DANL measurement procedures, continue with Remove Reference Level Offset. Measuring Displayed Average Noise Level Use the following procedure for testing DANL over most frequency ranges. The start and stop frequencies and test RBW (1 kHz, 100 Hz or 10 Hz) are specified in the DANL Measurement Sequence Table (Table 2-89 or Table 2-90). 1. If the test RBW is 100 Hz or 10 Hz and the analyzer has Option 1DN (1.5 GHz Tracking Generator) installed, press Source, Amplitude (Off). 2. Set the analyzer as follows: Auto Couple FREQUENCY, Start Freq, (enter specified start frequency) FREQUENCY, Stop Freq, (enter specified stop frequency) AMPLITUDE, –70 dBm Attenuation, 0 dB AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (1 kHz) if test 328 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 38. Displayed Average Noise Level: Agilent E4407B and E4408B RBW = 1 kHz) AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, (enter Ref Lvl Offset (100 Hz/10 Hz) if test RBW = 10 Hz or 100 Hz) BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 MHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (Off) (if preamp state = Off) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp (On) (if preamp state = On) Sweep, Sweep (Cont) Sweep, Sweep Time (Auto) 3. If the analyzer is equipped with Option 1DN and the current stop frequency is >3 GHz, press Source, Amplitude (Off). 4. On the analyzer, press Single, View/Trace, Trace 1, Clear Write, BW/Avg, Average Type (Video), Average, 3, Enter, Single. Wait until VAvg 3 is displayed to the left of the graticule (the analyzer will take three sweeps, then stop). 5. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) BW/Avg, Average (Off) Marker→, Mkr→ CF 6. If the test RBW is 1 kHz, press SPAN, 20 kHz. If the test RBW is 100 Hz or 10 Hz, press SPAN, 500 Hz. 7. If the test RBW is 1 kHz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz, Video BW, 30 Hz. If the test RBW is 100 Hz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 100 Hz, Video BW, 10 Hz. If the test RBW is 10 Hz, press BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 Hz, Video BW, 1 Hz. 8. On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the new sweep to finish. 9. Read the average of the trace data, ignoring any residual responses. On the analyzer, press Display, Display Line (On), and adjust the display line so that it is centered on the average trace noise, ignoring any residual responses (refer to the Residual Responses verification test for any suspect residuals). Remove Reference Level Offset 10.Press AMPLITUDE, More, Ref Lvl Offst, 0 dB. 11.On the analyzer, press Preset. 12.This performance test is now complete. Chapter 2 329 Performance Verification Tests 39. Residual Responses 39. Residual Responses The analyzer input is terminated and the analyzer is swept from 150 kHz to 1 MHz. Then the analyzer is swept in incremental 10 MHz spans from 1 MHz to the upper frequency range. Any responses above the specification are noted. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Termination, 50 Ω Type-N (m) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Termination, 75 Ω, BNC (m) Adapter, Type-N (f) to BNC (m), 75 Ω Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω input, or damage to the input connector will occur. Procedure 150 kHz to 1 MHz 1. Connect the 50 Ω termination to the analyzer input as shown in Figure 2-57. 75 Ω Input: Use the adapter to connect the 75 Ω termination, and continue with step 4. 330 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 39. Residual Responses Figure 2-57 Residual Response Test Setup 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Start Freq, 150 kHz FREQUENCY, Stop Freq, 1 MHz AMPLITUDE, –60 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB BW/Avg, 3 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 1 kHz Display, Display Line On, –90 dBm 3. Press Single and wait for a new sweep to finish. Look for any residual responses at or above the display line. If a residual is suspected, press Single again. A residual response will persist on successive sweeps, but a noise peak will not. Note the frequency and amplitude of any residual responses above the display line in Table 2-91. 4. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 5.9 MHz FREQUENCY, CF Step, 9.9 MHz SPAN, 10 MHz AMPLITUDE, –60 dBm (50 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, –11.2 dBmV (75 Ω Input only) AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB BW/Avg, 10 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 3 kHz Display, Display Line On, –90 dBm, (50 Ω Input only) Display, Display Line On, –36 dBmV (75 Ω Input only) 5. Repeat step 6 and step 7 until the complete range of frequencies has Chapter 2 331 Performance Verification Tests 39. Residual Responses been checked for the model and frequency ranges below. Agilent Model Frequency Range E4401B and E4411B 1 MHz to 1.5 GHz E4402B and E4403B 1 MHz to 3.0 GHz E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B 1 MHz to 6.7 GHz 6. Press Single and wait for a new sweep to finish. Look for any residual responses at or above the display line. If a residual is suspected, press Single again. A residual response will persist on successive sweeps, but a noise peak will not. Record the frequency and amplitude of any residual responses above the display line in Table 2-91. 7. Press FREQUENCY, Center Freq, ↑. If there are any residuals at or near the frequency specification limits (1 MHz, 1.5 GHz, 3 GHz, or 6.7 GHz), it is recommended that a known frequency source be used as a frequency marker. This will ensure that testing is done at or below the specification limits. Table 2-91 Residual Responses Worksheet Frequency (MHz) Amplitude (dBm or dBmV) 8. Record the highest residual from Table 2-91 as Test Record entry 1 in the performance verification test record. If no residuals are found, then record “N/A” in the performance verification test record. 332 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option AYX) 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option AYX) The analyzer amplitude reference signal is used to compare the amplitude level of a normal sweep time (≥5 ms) to a fast sweep time (≤5 ms) using the marker functions. The difference should be less than the marker readout resolution specification for the fast sweep times. Equipment Required Cable, BNC, 122 cm (48 in) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Procedure Fast Sweep Time Amplitude Accuracy 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-58. Figure 2-58 NOTE Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy Test Setup No test setup is required for the Agilent E4401B. 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. 3. Set the analyzer as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz SPAN, Zero Span Sweep 5 ms Input/Output (or Input), Amptd Ref (On) (Agilent E4401B only) Chapter 2 333 Performance Verification Tests 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option AYX) Input/Output (or Input), Amptd Ref Out (On) (Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B only) AMPLITUDE, Scale Type (Lin) AMPLITUDE, More, Y-Axis Units (or Amptd Units), Volts AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, 12.57 mV (Agilent E4401B, 50 W only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, 15.05 mV (Agilent E4401B, 75 W only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, 30.73 mV (Agilent E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B only) 4. On the analyzer, press: Marker, More 1 of 2, Function Marker Noise, Single Marker, Delta Sweep, 1 ms Single 5. If the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude readout (the second line) is not expressed as a percentage, subtract 1 from the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude (ignore the “X”) and multiply the result by 100 to obtain the amplitude error in percent: Amplitude Error = ( ∆Mkr1 – 1.0 ) × 100 6. If the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude readout is expressed as a percentage, subtract 100% from the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading to obtain the amplitude error in percent: Amplitude Error = ∆Mkr1 – 100% 7. Record the Amplitude Error as Test Record entry 1 in the performance verification test record. 334 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) A calibrated power sensor is connected to the tracking generator output to measure the power level at 50 MHz. The power meter is set to relative mode so that future power level readings are in dB relative to the reference power level setting. The output power level setting is decreased in 1 dB steps and the power level is measured at each step. The difference between the ideal and actual power levels is calculated at each step. Since a power sweep is accomplished by stepping through the vernier settings, the peak-to-peak variation of the vernier accuracy is equal to the power sweep accuracy. The related adjustments for this performance test are “Tracking Generator ALC Calibration” and “Tracking Generator Frequency Slope.” Equipment Required Power meter, compatible with power sensor RF power sensor, 50 Ω Additional Equipment for Option 1DQ Power sensor, 75 Ω Adapter, Type-N (f) to BNC (m), 75 Ω Adapter, Type-N (f), 75 Ω to Type-N (m), 50 Ω Procedure CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors, or damage to the connectors will occur. For Agilent E4411B analyzers, this test must be performed at 20 to 30° C. 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, Zero Span AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm (Option 1DN) AMPLITUDE, 42.76 dBmV (Option 1DQ) Source, Amplitude (On), 0 dBm (Option 1DN) Chapter 2 335 Performance Verification Tests 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Source, Amplitude (On), 42.76 dBmV (Option 1DQ) Source, Attenuation, 0 dB Single 2. Zero and calibrate the power meter and power sensor in log mode (power reads out in dBm), as described in the power meter operation manual. Enter the 50 MHz Cal Factor of the power sensor into the power meter. 3. Connect the 50 Ω power sensor to the RF OUT as shown in Figure 2-59. Figure 2-59 Absolute Amplitude, Vernier, and Power Sweep Accuracy Test Setup Option 1DQ: Connect the 75 Ω power sensor to the RF OUT 75 Ω as shown in Figure 2-59. 4. Read the power level displayed on the power meter and record the result as Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record as the Absolute Amplitude Accuracy. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy at 50 MHz = ___________dB Option 1DQ: Add 6 dB to the power level displayed on the power meter and record the result as Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record as the Absolute Amplitude Accuracy. 5. Set the power meter to dB relative mode as described in the power meter operation manual so that the readout is in power level relative to the power level at 50 MHz (press Rel/Offset, Rel). 6. Set the source amplitude to the settings indicated in Table 2-92. Option 1DQ: Use the source amplitude settings for Option 1DQ analyzers. 7. Press Single on the analyzer. At each setting, record the power level displayed on the power meter as Measured Power Level in Table 2-92. 8. Calculate the Vernier Accuracy by subtracting the Source Vernier 336 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Setting from the Measured Power Level for each Source Amplitude Setting in Table 2-92. Vernier Accuracy = Measured Power Level (dB) – Source Vernier Setting (dB) 9. Locate the most positive and most negative Vernier Accuracy Values for Source Vernier Settings of −1 dBm to −10 dBm recorded in Table 2-92. Record the Positive Vernier Accuracy as Test Record entry 2 and the Negative Vernier Accuracy as Test Record entry 3 in the performance verification test record. Option 1DQ: For source amplitudes of 41.76 dBmV to 27.76 dBmV. Positive Vernier Accuracy ____________ dB Negative Vernier Accuracy ____________ dB 10.Locate the most positive and most negative Vernier Accuracy values for all Source Amplitude Settings in Table 2-92 and record these values below: Positive Power Sweep Accuracy ____________ dB Negative Power Sweep Accuracy ____________ dB 11.Calculate the Power Sweep Accuracy by subtracting the Negative Power Sweep Accuracy recorded in the previous step from the Positive Power Sweep Accuracy recorded in the previous step. Record the Power Sweep Accuracy as Test Record entry 4 in the performance verification test record. Power Sweep Accuracy = Positive Power Sweep Accuracy – Negative Power Sweep Accuracy Power Sweep Accuracy ____________ dB Chapter 2 337 Performance Verification Tests 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Table 2-92 Vernier Accuracy Worksheet Source Amplitude Setting Option 1DN (dBm) 0 (Ref) Option 1DQ (dBmV) 42.76 (Ref) Source Vernier Setting Measured Power Level Vernier Accuracy (dB) (dB) (dB) 0 (Ref) NA −1 41.76 −1 −2 40.76 −2 −3 39.76 −3 −4 38.76 −4 −5 37.76 −5 −6 36.76 −6 −7 35.76 −7 −8 34.76 −8 −9 33.76 −9 −10 32.76 −10 −11 31.76 −11 −12 30.76 −12 −13 29.76 −13 −14 28.76 −14 −15 27.76 −15 338 NA Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 41. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Chapter 2 339 Performance Verification Tests 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) A calibrated power sensor is connected to the tracking generator output to measure the power level at 50 MHz. The power meter is set to relative mode so that future power level readings are in dB relative to the reference power level setting. The output power level setting is decreased in 1 dB steps and the power level is measured at each step. The difference between the ideal and actual power levels is calculated at each step. Since a power sweep is accomplished by stepping through the vernier settings, the peak-to-peak variation of the vernier accuracy is equal to the power sweep accuracy. The related adjustment for this performance test is the front panel Align Now, TG (Ext Cable) under the System, Alignments menu. Equipment Required Power meter, compatible with power sensor Power sensor, 50 Ω Procedure 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, Zero Span AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off Source Amptd, Amplitude (On), –20 dBm Source Amptd, Attenuation (Man), 16 dB Single Sweep 2. Zero and calibrate the power meter and power sensor in log mode (power reads out in dBm), as described in the power meter operation manual. Enter the 50 MHz Cal Factor of the power sensor into the power meter. 3. Connect the 50 Ω power sensor to the RF output as shown in Figure 2-60. Figure 2-60 Absolute Amplitude, Vernier, and Power Sweep Accuracy Test 340 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) Setup 4. Read the power level displayed on the power meter, add 20 dB, and record the result as Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record as the Absolute Amplitude Accuracy. Absolute Amplitude Accuracy at 50 MHz = ___________dB 5. Set the power meter to dB relative mode as described in the power meter operation manual so that the readout is in power level relative to the power level at 50 MHz (press Rel/Offset, Rel). 6. Press Single on the analyzer. At each setting, record the power level displayed on the power meter in Table 2-93. 7. Set the source amplitude to the settings indicated in Table 2-93. Table 2-93 Vernier and Power Sweep Accuracy Worksheet Source Amplitude Setting (dBm) Source Vernier Setting Measured Power Level Vernier Accuracy (dBm) (dB) (dB) −18 -2 2) -19 -3 3) -20 (Ref) -4 -21 -5 4) -22 -6 5) -23 -7 6) -24 -8 7) -25 -9 8) -26 -10 9) N/A N/A 8. Calculate the Vernier Accuracy by adding 4 dB to the Source Vernier Chapter 2 341 Performance Verification Tests 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) setting and subtracting the result from the Measured Power Level for each Source Amplitude Setting in Table 2-93. Vernier Accuracy = Measured Power Level (dB) – ( Source Vernier Setting (dB) + 4 dB ) 9. Record the vernier accuracy values from Table 2-93 as test record entries (TR entries) 2 through 9 in the performance test record. 10.Copy the Absolute Vernier Accuracy values from Table 2-93 into columns 2 and 3 of Table 2-94 on page 342, as indicated by the TR entry numbers. 11.Calculate the Incremental Vernier Accuracy for each Source Vernier Setting by subtracting the Absolute Vernier Accuracy value in Column 3 of Table 2-94 from the Absolute Vernier Accuracy value in Column 2. Record the result in Column 4 of Table 2-94 and in the Performance Test Record as indicated by the TR entry number. Example: If the Absolute Vernier Accuracy for the −7 dB vernier setting is 0.23 dB (TR entry 6) and the Absolute Vernier Accuracy for the −8 dB vernier setting is 0.08 dB (TR entry 7), the Incremental Vernier Accuracy for the −8 dB vernier setting would be −0.15 dB (−0.15 = 0.08 − 0.23). Table 2-94 Incremental Vernier Accuracy Worksheet Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Source Vernier Setting (dB) Absolute Vernier Accuracy (dB) Absolute Vernier Accuracy (dB) Incremental Vernier Accuracy (dB) −2 2) 3) 10) −3 3) 0.0 11) −4 0.0 (Ref) 0.0 (Ref) 0.0 (Ref) −5 4) 0.0 12) −6 5) 4) 13) −7 6) 5) 14) −8 7) 6) 15) −9 8) 7) 16) −10 9) 8) 17) 12.Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. 342 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) This test verifies that analyzers with the tracking generator option (1DN or 1DQ) meet their tracking generator level flatness specification. A calibrated power sensor is connected to the tracking generator output to measure the power level at 50 MHz. The power meter is set for dB relative mode so that future power level readings are in dB, relative to the power level at 50 MHz. Next, the tracking generator is stepped to several frequencies throughout its range, and the output power difference relative to the power level at 50 MHz is measured for each frequency recorded. For frequencies below 100 kHz, a digital voltmeter and precision 50 Ω termination are used to measure the power of the tracking generator output. The DVM is set to read out in dBm using the MATH function with R value set to 50 Ω. The following equation is used to calculate dBm: 2 dBm = 10 log 10 ( ( E ⁄ R ) ⁄ 1mW ) The DVM readout is corrected by making the readings relative to the 100 kHz reading from the power sensor. Option 1DN, 50 Ω tracking generators are tested from 9 kHz to 1500 MHz. Option 1DQ, 75 Ω tracking generators are tested from 1 MHz to 1500 MHz. The related adjustments for this procedure are “Tracking Generator ALC Calibration” and “Tracking Generator Frequency Slope.” Equipment Required Power meter Power sensor, 50 Ω, 100 kHz to 1.5 GHz Digital multimeter Termination, 50 Ω Cable, BNC Adapter, Type-N tee, (m) (f) (f) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Adapter, BNC (f) to dual banana plug Chapter 2 343 Performance Verification Tests 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Additional Equipment for Option 1DQ Power sensor, 75 Ω, 1 MHz to 1.5 GHz Adapter, Type-N (f) to BNC (m), 75 Ω CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on the 75 Ω input of an Option 1DQ or damage to the input connector will occur. Procedure Tracking Generator Level Flatness, Center Frequency ≥100 kHz 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. 2. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz FREQUENCY, CF Step, 150 MHz SPAN, Zero Span Source, Amplitude On, 0 dBm (Option 1DN) Source, Amplitude On, 42.76 dBmV (Option 1DQ) Single 3. Zero and calibrate the power meter with the power sensor in log mode (power reads out in dBm), as described in the power meter operation manual. Option 1DQ: Use a 75 Ω power sensor. 4. Connect the power sensor to the RF Out on the analyzer. See Figure 2-61. Figure 2-61 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Test Setup, ≥100 kHz 5. Set the power meter to relative mode, as described in the power meter operation manual. Power levels now read out in power level 344 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) relative to the power level at 50 MHz. Perform the next four steps for each measurement value in Table 2-95. 1. Set the center frequency of the analyzer according to the values in Table 2-95. For 100 kHz, press FREQUENCY, 100 kHz. The step up key (⇑) may be used to tune to center frequencies above 100 MHz. Option 1DQ: Start at 1 MHz by pressing FREQUENCY, 1 MHz. 2. Press Single on the analyzer. 3. Enter the appropriate power sensor Cal Factor into the power meter as indicated in Table 2-95. 4. Record the power level displayed on the power meter in the Level Flatness column in Table 2-95. Table 2-95 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Worksheet, ≥100 kHz Center Frequency Level Flatness (dB) Cal Factor (MHz) 100 kHza 0.1 300 kHza 0.3 500 kHza 0.3 1 MHz 1 2 MHz 3 5 MHz 3 10 MHz 10 20 MHz 30 40 MHz 50 50 MHz 0 (Ref) 50 80 MHz 100 100 MHz 100 250 MHz 300 400 MHz 300 550 MHz 300 700 MHz 1000 850 MHz 1000 Chapter 2 345 Performance Verification Tests 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Table 2-95 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Worksheet, ≥100 kHz Center Frequency Level Flatness (dB) Cal Factor (MHz) 1000 MHz 1000 1150 MHz 1000 1300 MHz 1000 1450 MHz 1000 1500 MHz 2000 a. These frequencies do not apply to analyzers with Option 1DQ Tracking Generators (75 Ω RF Output). 5. Disconnect the power sensor from the RF Out on the analyzer. 346 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Tracking Generator Level Flatness, Center Frequency ≤100 kHz NOTE Perform step 1 to step 7 for 50 Ω tracking generators only (Option 1DN). 1. Set up the digital multimeter as follows. Parameter AC/DC Setting AC Volts Impedance & Units: Set to 50 Ω impedance SMATH 10a Set to dBm MATH 5a Set to Synchronous SETACV 3a Sub-sampled mode a. To set the Agilent 3458A multimeter functions from the front panel, press the blue shift key, then Recall State (T) key. Use the ⇑ (up) and ⇓ (down) arrows to select the appropriate function, then enter the value from the numeric keypad and press enter. NOTE Perform step 2 to step 7 for each measurement value in Table 2-97. 2. Refer to Figure 2-62 to set up the equipment. Figure 2-62 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Test Setup, ≤100 kHz 3. To set the analyzer center frequency to 9 kHz, press FREQUENCY, 9 kHz (or as indicated in Table 2-96). Chapter 2 347 Performance Verification Tests 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) 4. Press Single. 5. Record the DVM readout in Table 2-96. 6. Subtract the 100 kHz Level Flatness readout in Table 2-95 from the 100 kHz DVM Readout in Table 2-96 and record as the DVM Offset at 100 kHz. DVM Offset at 100 kHz ___________ dB For example, if the Level Flatness reading from Table 2-95 is 0.7 dB and the DVM Readout from Table 2-96 is −0.53 dBm, the DVM offset would be −1.23 dB. DVM Offset = DVM Readout – Level Flatness 7. Add the DVM Offset at 100 kHz from step 6, above, to each of the DVM Readouts in Table 2-96 and record as the Corrected Level Flatness in Column 3. For example, if the DVM Readout from Table 2-96 is 0.22 dBm, and the DVM Offset is −1.23 dB, the Corrected Level Flatness would be −1.01 dB. Corrected Level Flatness = DVM + DVM Offset Table 2-96 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Worksheet, ≤100 kHz Center Frequency DVM Readout (dBm) Corrected Level Flatness (dB) 9 kHz 20 kHz 40 kHz 60 kHz 80 kHz 100 kHz 8. For 50 Ω tracking generators only, locate the most positive Level Flatness reading in Table 2-95 and Table 2-96 for frequencies <1 MHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record. 9. For 50 Ω tracking generators only, locate the most negative Level Flatness reading in Table 2-95 and Table 2-96 for frequencies <1 MHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 2 of the 348 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) performance verification test record. 10.Locate the most positive Level Flatness reading in Table 2-95 and Table 2-96 for frequencies ≥1 MHz and ≤10 MHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 3 of the performance verification test record. 11.Locate the most negative Level Flatness reading in Table 2-95 and Table 2-96 for frequencies ≥1 MHz and ≤10 MHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 4 of the performance verification test record. 12.Locate the most positive Level Flatness reading in Table 2-95 for frequencies ≥10 MHz and ≤1.5 GHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 5 of the performance verification test record. 13.Locate the most negative Level Flatness reading in Table 2-95 for frequencies ≥10 MHz and ≤1.5 GHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 6 of the performance verification test record. Chapter 2 349 Performance Verification Tests 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) This test verifies that analyzers with the tracking generator option 1DN meet their tracking generator level flatness specification. In this test, a calibrated power sensor is connected to the tracking generator output to measure the power level at 50 MHz. The power meter is set for dB Relative mode so that future power level readings are in dB, relative to the power level at 50 MHz. Next, the tracking generator is stepped to several frequencies throughout its range, and the output power difference relative to the power level at 50 MHz is measured for each frequency recorded. For frequencies below 100 kHz, a digital voltmeter and precision 50 Ω termination are used to measure the power of the tracking generator output. The DVM is set to read out in dBm using the MATH function with R value set to 50 Ω. The following equation is used to calculate dBm: 2 dBm = 10 log 10 ( ( E ⁄ R ) ⁄ 1mW ) The DVM readout is corrected by making the readings relative to the 100 kHz reading from the power sensor. • Option 1DN, 50 Ω tracking generators are tested from 9 kHz to 3000 MHz. The related adjustment for this performance test is the front panel Align Now, TG (Ext Cable) under the System, Alignments menu. Equipment Required Power meter Power sensor, 50 Ω Digital multimeter Termination, 50 Ω Cable, BNC Cable, Type-N (m) (m) Adapter, Type-N tee, (m) (f) (f) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Adapter, BNC (f) to dual banana plug Procedure 350 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) Tracking Generator Level Flatness, Center Frequency ≥100 kHz 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. 2. Connect the Type-N cable between the RF Input and the tracking generator RF OUT, as shown in Figure 2-63. Do not connect the power sensor to the analyzer yet. Figure 2-63 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Test Setup ≥100 kHz 3. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz FREQUENCY, CF Step, 150 MHz SPAN, Zero Span System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off Marker Source, Amplitude (On), Source, More, Tracking Peak (Wait for the Peaking message to disappear.) Source, Amplitude, −20 dBm Single 4. Disconnect the Type-N cable. 5. Zero and calibrate the power meter with the power sensor in log mode (power reads out in dBm), as described in the power meter operation manual. 6. Connect the 50 Ω power sensor to the RF OUT 50 Ω on the analyzer. See Figure 2-63. 7. Set the power meter to relative mode, as described in the power meter operation manual. Power levels now read out in power level relative to the power level at 50 MHz. Perform the next four steps for each measurement value in Table 2-97. 8. Set the center frequency of the analyzer according to the values in Chapter 2 351 Performance Verification Tests 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) Table 2-97. For 100 kHz, press FREQUENCY, 100 kHz. The ⇑ (step up key) may be used to tune to most center frequencies above 100 MHz. 9. Press Single on the analyzer. 10.Enter the appropriate power sensor Cal Factor into the power meter as indicated in Table 2-97. 11.Record the power level displayed on the power meter in the Level Flatness column in Table 2-97. Table 2-97 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Worksheet, ≥100 kHz Center Frequency Level Flatness (dB) Cal Factor (MHz) 100 kHz 0.1 300 kHz 0.3 500 kHz 0.3 1 MHz 1 2 MHz 3 5 MHz 3 10 MHz 10 20 MHz 30 40 MHz 50 50 MHz 0 (Ref) 50 80 MHz 100 100 MHz 100 250 MHz 300 400 MHz 300 550 MHz 300 700 MHz 1000 850 MHz 1000 1000 MHz 1000 1150 MHz 1000 1300 MHz 1000 1450 MHz 1000 1600 MHz 2000 1750 MHz 2000 352 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) Table 2-97 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Worksheet, ≥100 kHz Center Frequency Level Flatness (dB) Cal Factor (MHz) 1900 MHz 2000 2050 MHz 2000 2200 MHz 2000 2350 MHz 2000 2500 MHz 3000 2650 MHz 3000 2800 MHz 3000 2950 MHz 3000 3000 MHz 3000 12.See Figure 2-63. Disconnect the power sensor from the RF Out 50 Ω on the analyzer. Tracking Generator Level Flatness, Center Frequency ≤100 kHz 1. Refer to Figure 2-64 to set up the equipment. Figure 2-64 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Test Setup, ≤100 kHz Set up the digital multimeter as follows. Parameter Setting AC/DC AC Volts Impedance & Units: Chapter 2 353 Performance Verification Tests 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) Parameter Setting Set to 50 Ω impedance SMATH 10a Set to dBm MATH 5a Set to Synchronous SETACV 3a Sub-sampled mode a. To set the Agilent 3458A multimeter functions from the front panel, press the blue shift key, then Recall State (T) key. Use the ⇑ (up) and ⇓ (down) arrows to select the appropriate function, then enter the value from the numeric keypad and press enter. 2. Set the analyzer resolution bandwidth to 10 kHz by pressing BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 kHz. Repeat step 3 through step 7 for each Center Frequency value in Table 2-98. 3. Set the analyzer center frequency to 9 kHz, by pressing FREQUENCY, 9 kHz. 4. Press Single. 5. Record the DVM readout in Table 2-98. 6. Subtract the 100 kHz Level Flatness readout in Table 2-97 from the 100 kHz DVM Readout in Table 2-98 and record as the DVM Offset at 100 kHz. DVM Offset at 100 kHz ___________ dB For example, if the Level Flatness reading from Table 2-97 is 0.7 dB and the DVM Readout from Table 2-98 is −0.53 dBm, the DVM offset would be −1.23 dB. DVM Offset = DVM Readout – Level Flatness 7. Add the DVM Offset at 100 kHz from step 6, above, to each of the DVM Readouts in Table 2-98 and record as the Corrected Level Flatness in Column 3. For example, if the DVM Readout from Table 2-98 is 0.22 dBm, and the DVM Offset is −1.23 dB, the Corrected Level Flatness would be −1.01 dB. Corrected Level Flatness = DVM Readout + DVM Offset 8. Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. 354 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) Table 2-98 Tracking Generator Level Flatness Worksheet, 100 kHz Center Frequency DVM Readout (dBm) Corrected Level Flatness (dB) 9 kHz 20 kHz 40 kHz 60 kHz 80 kHz 100 kHz 1. Locate the most positive Level Flatness reading in Table 2-97 and Table 2-98 for frequencies <1 MHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record. 2. Locate the most negative Level Flatness reading in Table 2-97 and Table 2-98 for frequencies <1 MHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 2 of the performance verification test record. 3. Locate the most positive Level Flatness reading in Table 2-97 and Table 2-98 for frequencies ≥1 MHz and ≤10 MHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 3 of the performance verification test record. 4. Locate the most negative Level Flatness reading in Table 2-97 and Table 2-98 for frequencies ≥1 MHz and ≤10 MHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 4 of the performance verification test record. 5. Locate the most positive Level Flatness reading in Table 2-97 for frequencies ≥10 MHz and ≤1.5 GHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 5 of the performance verification test record. 6. Locate the most negative Level Flatness reading in Table 2-97 for frequencies ≥10 MHz and ≤1.5 GHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 6 of the performance verification test record. 7. Locate the most positive Level Flatness reading in Table 2-97 for frequencies >1.5 GHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 7 of the performance verification test record. 8. Locate the most negative Level Flatness reading in Table 2-97 for frequencies >1.5 GHz and enter this value as Test Record entry 8 of the performance verification test record. Chapter 2 355 Performance Verification Tests 45. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) 45. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) The measurement for tracking generator harmonic spurious outputs determines the maximum level of tracking generator harmonics. The tracking generator output is connected to the input of a microwave analyzer, then tuned to several different frequencies as the amplitude of the second and third harmonics relative to the fundamental are measured at each frequency. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Microwave analyzer Cable, Type-N, 62 cm (24 in) Cable, BNC to BNC, 23 cm (9 in) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Additional Equipment Required for Option 1DQ 50 Ω to 75 Ω Minimum loss pad Adapter, Type-N (f) to BNC (m), 75 Ω Procedure CAUTION Use only 75 Ω cables, connectors, or adapters on instruments with 75 Ω connectors or damage to the connectors will occur. NOTE The following steps are for an Agilent 8563E microwave analyzer, the steps may be different if you are using another microwave analyzer. 1. Connect the 10 MHz reference output from the microwave analyzer to the 10 MHz reference input of the analyzer as shown in Figure 2-65. 356 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 45. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Figure 2-65 Harmonic Spurious Outputs Test Setup 2. Complete this step only if more than 24 hours have elapsed since performing a front-panel calibration of the microwave analyzer. The microwave analyzer should be allowed to warm up for at least 5 minutes before proceeding. Complete a front-panel calibration of the microwave analyzer by performing the following steps: a. Preset the microwave analyzer. b. Connect a BNC cable between CAL OUTPUT and 50 Ω Input. c. Press CAL, REALIGN LO & IF. d. Set FREQUENCY, 300 MHz. e. Set SPAN, 20 MHz. f. Set AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm. g. Press PEAK SEARCH. h. Press CAL, REF LVL ADJ and use the ⇑ ⇓ arrows to adjust the DAC value to a marker amplitude reading of −10 dBm. Press STORE REF LVL. i. Disconnect the BNC cable from between the CAL OUTPUT and 50 Ω Input. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer under test. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. 4. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 10 MHz SPAN, Zero Span BW/Avg, 10 kHz Source, Amplitude (On) Chapter 2 357 Performance Verification Tests 45. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Source, Amplitude (On), 0 dBm (Option 1DN) Source, Amplitude (On), 42.76 dBmV (Option 1DQ) Single 5. Set the microwave analyzer controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 10 MHz FREQUENCY, CF STEP, 10 MHz SPAN, 10 kHz AMPLITUDE, 5 dBm (Option 1DN) AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm (Option 1DQ) BW, 1 kHz 6. Refer to Figure 2-65 to connect the Type-N cable from the spectrum analyzer RF OUT to the input of the microwave analyzer. NOTE The following steps are for an Agilent 8563E microwave analyzer, the steps may be different if you are using another microwave analyzer. Perform step 7 and step 8 for each measurement value in Table 2-99. 7. Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-99. Similarly, set the microwave analyzer frequency and step size to match the analyzer center frequency. Press Single on the analyzer. 8. On the microwave analyzer: a. Press MKR, SIG TRK (On). Wait for the signal to be displayed at center screen. b. Press PEAK SEARCH, MKR, SIG TRK (Off), MARKER DELTA. c. Press FREQUENCY and ⇑ (step-up key) to tune to the second harmonic. d. Press PEAK SEARCH and record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-99 as the 2nd Harmonic Level for the appropriate Tracking Generator Output Frequency. e. Perform this step only if the Tracking Generator Output Frequency is ≤500 MHz. Press FREQUENCY and ⇑ (step-up key) to tune to the third harmonic. Press PEAK SEARCH. Record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-99 as the 3rd Harmonic Level for the appropriate Tracking Generator Output Frequency. 358 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 45. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) f. Press MKR, MARKERS (Off). Table 2-99 Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Response Worksheet 1.5 GHz Tracking Generator Output Frequency 2nd Harmonic Level (dBc) 3rd Harmonic Level (dBc) 10 MHz 100 MHz 300 MHz 750 MHz N/A 9. From Table 2-99, enter the 2nd Harmonic Level at 10 MHz as Test Record entry 1 and copy this value into the performance verification test record. • Test Record entry 1: TG 2nd Harmonic Spurious Output __________ dB 10.From Table 2-99, locate the most positive 2nd Harmonic Level for tracking generator frequencies of 100 MHz to 750 MHz and record this value as Test Record entry 2 and copy this value into the performance verification test record. • Test Record entry 2: TG 2nd Harmonic Spurious Output __________ dB 11.From Table 2-99, enter the 3rd Harmonic Level at 10 MHz as Test Record entry 3 and copy this value into the performance verification test record. • Test Record entry 3: TG 3rd Harmonic Spurious Output __________ dB 12.From Table 2-99, locate the most positive 3rd Harmonic Level for tracking generator frequencies of 100 MHz to 750 MHz and record this value as Test Record entry 4 and copy this value into the performance verification test record. • Test Record entry 4: TG 3rd Harmonic Spurious Output __________ dB Chapter 2 359 Performance Verification Tests 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) The measurement for tracking generator harmonic spurious outputs determines the maximum level of tracking generator harmonics. The tracking generator output is connected to the input of a microwave analyzer, then tuned to several different frequencies as the amplitude of the second and third harmonics (relative to the fundamental) are measured at each frequency. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Microwave analyzer Cable, Type-N, 62 cm (24 in) Cable, BNC to BNC, 23 cm (9 in) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Procedure NOTE The following steps are for an Agilent 8563E microwave analyzer, the steps may be different if you are using another microwave analyzer. 1. Use the Type-N cable to connect the RF INPUT to the tracking generator RF OUT as shown in Figure 2-66. Do not connect the Type-N cable to the microwave analyzer yet. Connect the 10 MHz Reference from the output of the microwave analyzer to the 10 MHz Reference Input of the analyzer being tested. 360 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) Figure 2-66 NOTE Harmonic Spurious Outputs Test Setup Complete this step only if more than 24 hours have elapsed since performing a front-panel calibration of the microwave analyzer. The microwave analyzer should be allowed to warm up for at least 5 minutes before proceeding. Complete a front-panel calibration of the microwave analyzer by performing the following steps: a. Preset the microwave analyzer. b. Connect a BNC cable between CAL OUTPUT and 50 Ω Input. c. Press CAL, REALIGN LO & IF. d. Set FREQUENCY, 300 MHz. e. Set SPAN, 20 MHz. f. Set AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm. g. Press PEAK SEARCH. h. Press CAL, REF LVL ADJ and use the ⇑ ⇓ arrows to adjust the DAC value to a marker amplitude reading of −10 dBm. Press STORE REF LVL. i. Disconnect the BNC cable from between the CAL OUTPUT and 50 Ω Input. 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. 3. Set the analyzer under test by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 10 MHz SPAN, Zero Span Chapter 2 361 Performance Verification Tests 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) BW/Avg, 10 kHz System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off Marker Source, Amplitude (On) Source, Tracking Peak (Wait for the Peaking message to appear.) Source, Amplitude (On), –2 dBm Single 4. Set the microwave analyzer controls as follows: FREQUENCY, 9 kHz FREQUENCY, CF STEP, 9 kHz SPAN, 10 kHz AMPLITUDE, 5 dBm BW, 1 kHz 5. Disconnect the Type-N cable from between the analyzer RF INPUT and the tracking generator RF OUT. Refer to Figure 2-66 to connect the Type-N cable from the analyzer RF OUT to the input of the microwave analyzer. NOTE The following steps are for an Agilent 8563E microwave analyzer, the steps may be different if you are using another microwave analyzer. Perform step 6 and step 7 for each measurement value in Table 2-100. 6. Set the analyzer under test center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-100. Similarly, set the microwave analyzer frequency and step size to match the analyzer under test center frequency. Press Single on the analyzer under test. 7. On the microwave analyzer: a. Press MKR, SIG TRK (On). Wait for the signal to be displayed at center screen. b. Press PEAK SEARCH, MKR, SIG TRK (Off), MARKER DELTA. c. Press FREQUENCY and ⇑ (step up key) to tune to the second harmonic. d. Press PEAK SEARCH and record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-100 as the 2nd Harmonic Level for the appropriate Tracking Generator Output Frequency. e. Perform this step only if the Tracking Generator Output Frequency is ≤900 MHz. Press FREQUENCY and ⇑ (step up key) to tune to the third harmonic. Press PEAK SEARCH. Record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-100 as the 3rd Harmonic Level for the appropriate Tracking Generator Output Frequency. 362 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 46. Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) f. Press MKR, MARKERS (Off). Table 2-100 Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Response Worksheet 1.5 GHz Tracking Generator Output Frequency 2nd Harmonic Level (dBc) 3rd Harmonic Level (dBc) 9 kHz 25 kHz 100 MHz 300 MHz 900 MHz 1500 MHz N/A 8. From Table 2-100, enter the 2nd Harmonic Level at 9 kHz as Test Record entry 1 and copy this value into the performance verification test record. • Test Record entry 1: TG 2nd Harmonic Spurious Output __________ dB 9. From Table 2-100, locate the most positive 2nd Harmonic Level for tracking generator frequencies of 9 kHz to 750 MHz and record this value as Test Record entry 2 and copy this value into the performance verification test record. • Test Record entry 2: TG 2nd Harmonic Spurious Output __________ dB 10.From Table 2-100, enter the 3rd Harmonic Level at 9 kHz as Test Record entry 3 and copy this value into the performance verification test record. • Test Record entry 3: TG 3rd Harmonic Spurious Output __________ dB 11.From Table 2-100, locate the most positive 3rd Harmonic Level for tracking generator frequencies of 25 kHz to 1500 MHz and record this value as Test Record entry 4 and copy this value into the performance verification test record. • Test Record entry 4: TG 3rd Harmonic Spurious Output __________ dB 12.Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. Chapter 2 363 Performance Verification Tests 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) This procedure determines the maximum level of the non-harmonic spurious outputs of the tracking generator. The tracking generator output is set to several different output frequencies. For each output frequency, several sweeps are taken on the microwave analyzer over different frequency spans and the highest displayed spurious response is measured in each span. Responses at the fundamental frequency of the tracking generator output or their harmonics are ignored. The amplitude of the highest spurious response is recorded. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Microwave analyzer Cable, Type-N, 62 cm (24 in) Cable, BNC, 23 cm (9 in) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Additional Equipment for 75 Ω Input Pad, minimum loss Adapter, Type-N (f) to BNC (m), 75 Ω Procedure 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-67. 364 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Figure 2-67 NOTE Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs Test Setup The following steps are for an Agilent 8563E microwave analyzer, the steps may be different if you are using another microwave analyzer. 1. Complete this step only if more than two hours have elapsed since performing a front-panel calibration of the microwave analyzer. The microwave analyzer should be allowed to warm up for at least 30 minutes before proceeding. Complete a front-panel calibration of the microwave analyzer by performing the following steps: a. Preset the microwave analyzer. b. Connect a BNC cable between CAL OUTPUT and 50 Ω Input. c. Press CAL, REALIGN LO & IF. d. Set FREQUENCY, 300 MHz. e. Set SPAN, 20 MHz. f. Set AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm. g. Press PEAK SEARCH. h. Press CAL, REF LVL ADJ and use the ⇑ ⇓ arrows to adjust the DAC value to a marker amplitude reading of −10 dBm. Press STORE REF LVL. i. Disconnect the BNC cable from between the CAL OUTPUT and 50 Ω Input. 2. Press Preset on the analyzer under test. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: Chapter 2 365 Performance Verification Tests 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) FREQUENCY, 50 MHz SPAN, Zero Span BW/Avg, 30 kHz Marker Source, Amplitude On, 0 dBm Source, Amplitude On, 42.76 dBmV (75 Ω Option only) 3. Set the microwave analyzer by pressing the following keys: • • • • • SPAN, 100 kHz AMPLITUDE, 5 dBm AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm (75 Ω Option only) AMPLITUDE, ATTEN, 20 dB AMPLITUDE, LOG dB/DIV, 10 dB 4. Disconnect the Type-N cable from between the analyzer RF INPUT and the tracking generator RF OUT. Refer to Figure 2-67 to connect the Type-N cable from the analyzer RF OUT to the microwave analyzer 50 Ω Input. Measuring Fundamental Amplitudes Perform the following two steps for each fundamental frequency in Table 2-101. 1. Set the analyzer under test center frequency to the fundamental frequency listed in Table 2-101 and press Single to activate a single sweep. Set the microwave analyzer to the same frequency. 2. On the microwave analyzer, press PEAK SEARCH. Press MKR →, MARKER → REF LVL. Wait for another sweep to finish. Press PEAK SEARCH. Record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-101 as the Fundamental Amplitude. Table 2-101 Tracking Generator Fundamental Response Worksheet Fundamental Frequency Fundamental Amplitude (dBm) 10 MHz 750 MHz 1.5 GHz Measuring Non-Harmonic Responses 1. On the analyzer under test, set the center frequency to the initial value indicated in the first row of Table 2-101. Press Single on the analyzer to trigger a single sweep. 2. Set the microwave analyzer Start Freq, Stop Freq, and Res BW as indicated in the first row of Table 2-102. 366 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) 75 Ω outputs only: Measure only at start frequencies of 1 MHz and greater. 3. Press SGL SWP on the microwave analyzer to activate a single sweep and wait for the sweep to finish. Press PEAK SEARCH to locate the largest spurious response. 4. Verify that the marked signal is not the fundamental or a harmonic of the fundamental by performing the following steps: NOTE The following steps are for an Agilent 8563E microwave analyzer, the steps may be different if you are using another microwave analyzer. a. Divide the marker frequency by the fundamental frequency (the analyzer center frequency setting). For example, if the marker frequency is 30.3 MHz and the fundamental frequency is 10 MHz, dividing 30.3 MHz by 10 MHz yields 3.03. b. Round the number calculated in step a to the nearest whole number. In the example above, 3.03 should be rounded to 3. Values less than 1 should be rounded up to 1. c. Multiply the fundamental frequency by the number calculated in step b. Following the example, multiplying 10 MHz by 3 yields 30 MHz. d. Calculate the difference between the marker frequency and the frequency calculated in step c above. Continuing the example, the difference would be 300 kHz. e. Due to span accuracy uncertainties in the microwave analyzer, the marker frequency might not equal the actual frequency. Given the marker frequency, check if the difference calculated in step d is within the appropriate tolerance: For marker frequencies <5 MHz, tolerance = ±200 kHz For marker frequencies <55 MHz, tolerance = ±750 kHz For marker frequencies >55 MHz, tolerance = ±10 MHz f. If the difference in step d is within the indicated tolerance, the signal in question is the fundamental signal (if the number in step b = 1) or a harmonic of the fundamental (if the number in step b >1). This response should be ignored. 5. Verify that the marked signal is a true response and not a random noise peak by pressing SINGLE to trigger a new sweep and press PEAK SEARCH. A true response will remain at the same frequency and amplitude on successive sweeps but a noise peak will not. If the marked signal is not the fundamental or a harmonic of the fundamental and is a true response, continue with step 7. 6. If the marked signal is either the fundamental or a harmonic of the fundamental or a noise peak, move the marker on the microwave Chapter 2 367 Performance Verification Tests 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) analyzer to the next highest signal by pressing NEXT PEAK. Repeat step 4 above. Perform step 7 only if the marker signal is a true response and not a fundamental or harmonic of the fundamental. Otherwise, continue with step 8. 7. Calculate the difference between the amplitude of marked signal and the fundamental amplitude as listed in Table 2-101. For example, if the fundamental amplitude for a fundamental frequency of 10 MHz is 1.2 dBm and the marker amplitude is −40.8 dBm, the difference is −42 dBc. Record this difference as the non-harmonic response amplitude for the appropriate analyzer center frequency and microwave analyzer start and stop frequency settings in Table 2-102. Non-harmonic Amplitude = Marker Amplitude – Fundamental Amplitude 8. If a true non-harmonic spurious response is not found, record “NOISE” as the Amplitude of Non-Harmonic Response in Table 2-102 for the appropriate analyzer center frequency and microwave analyzer start and stop frequency settings. 9. Repeat step 1 through step 8 for the remaining analyzer center frequency and microwave analyzer settings in Table 2-102. Table 2-102 Analyzer Center Frequency 1.5 GHz Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Response Worksheet Microwave Analyzer Resolution Bandwidth Microwave Analyzer Start Frequency Microwave Analyzer Stop Frequency 10 MHz 9 kHza 100 kHza 300 Hza 10 MHz 100 kHzb 5 MHz 10 kHz 10 MHz 5 MHz 55 MHz 100 kHz 10 MHz 55 MHz 1240 MHz 1 MHz 10 MHz 1240 MHz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 750 MHz 9 kHza 100 kHza 300 Hza 750 MHz 100 kHzb 5 MHz 10 kHz 750 MHz 5 MHz 55 MHz 100 kHz 750 MHz 55 MHz 1240 MHz 1 MHz 750 MHz 1240 MHz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1.5 GHz 9 kHza 100 kHza 300 Hza 368 Amplitude of Non-Harmonic Response (dBc) Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 47. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4401B and E4411B (Option 1DN or 1DQ) Table 2-102 Analyzer Center Frequency 1.5 GHz Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Response Worksheet Microwave Analyzer Resolution Bandwidth Microwave Analyzer Start Frequency Microwave Analyzer Stop Frequency 1.5 GHz 100 kHzb 5 MHz 10 kHz 1.5 GHz 5 MHz 55 MHz 100 kHz 1.5 GHz 55 MHz 1240 MHz 1 MHz 1.5 GHz 1240 MHz 1500 MHz 1 MHz Amplitude of Non-Harmonic Response (dBc) a. 75 Ω RF Outputs: Omit this frequency range. b. 75 Ω RF Outputs: Set the start frequency to 1 MHz. Determining the Highest Non-harmonic Spurious Response 1. In Table 2-102, locate the most positive non-harmonic response amplitude. Record this amplitude as the highest non-harmonic response amplitude in Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record. Chapter 2 369 Performance Verification Tests 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) This procedure determines the maximum level of the non-harmonic spurious outputs of the tracking generator. The tracking generator output is set to several different output frequencies. For each output frequency, several sweeps are taken on the microwave analyzer over different frequency spans and the highest displayed spurious response is measured in each span. Responses at the fundamental frequency of the tracking generator output or their harmonics are ignored. The amplitude of the highest spurious response is recorded. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Microwave analyzer Cable, Type-N, 62 cm (24 in) Cable, BNC, 23 cm (9 in) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Procedure 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-68. Figure 2-68 NOTE Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs Test Setup The following steps are for an Agilent 8563E microwave analyzer, the steps may be different if you are using another microwave analyzer. 370 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) 1. Complete this step only if more than two hours have elapsed since performing a front-panel calibration of the microwave analyzer. The microwave analyzer should be allowed to warm up for at least 30 minutes before proceeding. Complete a front-panel calibration of the microwave analyzer by performing the following steps: a. Preset the microwave analyzer. b. Connect a BNC cable between CAL OUTPUT and 50 Ω Input. c. Press CAL, REALIGN LO & IF. d. Set FREQUENCY, 300 MHz. e. Set SPAN, 20 MHz. f. Set AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm. g. Press PEAK SEARCH. h. Press CAL, REF LVL ADJ and use the ⇑ ⇓ arrows to adjust the DAC value to a marker amplitude reading of −10 dBm. Press STORE REF LVL. i. Disconnect the BNC cable from between the CAL OUTPUT and 50 Ω Input. 2. Use the Type-N cable to connect the RF Input to the RF OUT of the tracking generator as shown in Figure 2-68. Do not connect to the RF Input of the microwave analyzer yet. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer under test. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz SPAN, Zero Span BW/Avg, 30 kHz System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off Marker Source, Tracking Peak (wait for the Peaking message to appear) Source, Amplitude On, –2 dBm Single 4. Set the microwave analyzer by pressing the following keys: • • • • SPAN, 100 kHz AMPLITUDE, 5 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 20 dB AMPLITUDE, LOG dB/DIV, 10 dB 5. Disconnect the Type-N cable from between the analyzer RF INPUT and the tracking generator RF OUT. Refer to Figure 2-68 to connect the Type-N cable from the analyzer RF OUT to the microwave Chapter 2 371 Performance Verification Tests 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) analyzer 50 Ω Input. Measuring Fundamental Amplitudes Perform the following two steps for each measurement value in Table 2-103. 6. Set the analyzer center frequency to the Fundamental Frequency listed in Table 2-103 and press Single to activate a single sweep. Set the microwave analyzer to the same frequency. 7. On the microwave analyzer, press PEAK SEARCH. Press MARKER →, MKR → REF LVL. Wait for another sweep to finish. Press PEAK SEARCH. Record the marker amplitude reading in Table 2-103 as the fundamental amplitude. Table 2-103 Tracking Generator Fundamental Response Worksheet Fundamental Frequency Fundamental Amplitude (dBm) 10 MHz 1.5 GHz 3.0 GHz Measuring Non-Harmonic Responses 8. On the analyzer, set the center frequency to the initial value indicated in the first row of Table 2-103. Press Single on the analyzer to trigger a single sweep. 9. Set the Start Freq, Stop Freq, and Res BW of the microwave analyzer as indicated in the first row of Table 2-104. 10.Press SGL SWP on the microwave analyzer to activate a single sweep and wait for the sweep to finish. Press PEAK SEARCH to locate the largest spurious response. 11.Verify that the marked signal is not the fundamental or a harmonic of the fundamental by performing the following steps: NOTE The following steps are for an Agilent 8563E microwave analyzer, the steps may be different if you are using another microwave analyzer. a. Divide the marker frequency by the fundamental frequency (the analyzer center frequency setting). For example, if the marker frequency is 30.3 MHz and the fundamental frequency is 10 MHz, dividing 30.3 MHz by 10 MHz yields 3.03. b. Round the number calculated in step a to the nearest whole number. In the example above, 3.03 should be rounded to 3. Values less than 1 should be rounded up to 1. 372 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) c. Multiply the fundamental frequency by the number calculated in step b. Following the example, multiplying 10 MHz by 3 yields 30 MHz. d. Calculate the difference between the marker frequency and the frequency calculated in step c above. Continuing the example, the difference would be 300 kHz. e. Due to span accuracy uncertainties in the microwave analyzer, the marker frequency might not equal the actual frequency. Given the marker frequency, check if the difference calculated in step d is within the appropriate tolerance: For marker frequencies <5 MHz, tolerance = ±200 kHz For marker frequencies <55 MHz, tolerance = ±750 kHz For marker frequencies >55 MHz, tolerance = ±10 MHz f. If the difference in step d is within the indicated tolerance, the signal in question is the fundamental signal (if the number in step b = 1) or a harmonic of the fundamental (if the number in step b >1). This response should be ignored. 12.Verify that the marked signal is a true response and not a random noise peak by pressing SINGLE to trigger a new sweep and press PEAK SEARCH. A true response will remain at the same frequency and amplitude on successive sweeps but a noise peak will not. If the marked signal is not the fundamental or a harmonic of the fundamental and is a true response, continue with step 14. 13.If the marked signal is either the fundamental or a harmonic of the fundamental or a noise peak, move the marker on the microwave analyzer to the next highest signal by pressing NEXT PEAK. Repeat step 11 above. Perform step 14 only if the marker signal is a true response and not a fundamental or harmonic of the fundamental. Otherwise, continue with step 15. 14.Calculate the difference between the amplitude of marked signal and the fundamental amplitude as listed in Table 2-103. For example, if the fundamental amplitude for a fundamental frequency of 10 MHz is 1.2 dBm and the marker amplitude is −40.8 dBm, the difference is −42 dBc. Record this difference as the non-harmonic response amplitude for the appropriate analyzer center frequency and microwave analyzer start and stop frequency settings in Table 2-104. Non-harmonic Amplitude = Marker Amplitude – Fundamental Amplitude 15.If a true non-harmonic spurious response is not found, record “NOISE” as the non-harmonic response Amplitude in Table 2-104 for the appropriate analyzer center frequency and microwave analyzer Chapter 2 373 Performance Verification Tests 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) start and stop frequency settings. 16.Repeat step 8 through step 15 for the remaining analyzer center frequency and microwave analyzer settings in Table 2-104. 17.Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All Table 2-104 Analyzer Center Frequency 3.0 GHz Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Response Worksheet Microwave Analyzer Resolution Bandwidth Microwave Analyzer Start Frequency Microwave Analyzer Stop Frequency 10 MHz 9 kHz 100 kHz 300 Hz 10 MHz 100 kHz 5 MHz 10 kHz 10 MHz 5 MHz 55 MHz 100 kHz 10 MHz 55 MHz 1240 MHz 1 MHz 10 MHz 1240 MHz 2000 MHz 1 MHz 10 MHz 2000 MHz 3000 MHz 1 MHz 1.5 GHz 9 kHz 100 kHz 300 Hz 1.5 GHz 100 kHz 5 MHz 10 kHz 1.5 GHz 5 MHz 55 MHz 100 kHz 1.5 GHz 55 MHz 1240 MHz 1 MHz 1.5 GHz 1240 MHz 2000 MHz 1 MHz 1.5 GHz 2000 MHz 3000 MHz 1 MHz 3.0 GHz 9 kHz 100 kHz 300 Hz 3.0 GHz 100 kHz 5 MHz 10 kHz 3.0 GHz 5 MHz 55 MHz 100 kHz 3.0 GHz 55 MHz 1240 MHz 1 MHz 3.0 GHz 1240 MHz 2000 MHz 1 MHz 3.0 GHz 2000 MHz 3000 MHz 1 MHz Amplitude of Non-Harmonic Response (dBc) Determining the Highest Non-harmonic Spurious Response 1. In Table 2-104, locate the most positive non-harmonic response amplitude for microwave analyzer stop frequency settings ≤2000 MHz. Record this amplitude as the highest non-harmonic response amplitude in Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record. 2. In Table 2-104, locate the most positive non-harmonic response 374 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 48. Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B (Option 1DN) amplitude for microwave analyzer start frequency settings ≥2000 MHz. Record this amplitude as the highest non-harmonic response amplitude in Test Record entry 2 of the performance verification test record. Chapter 2 375 Performance Verification Tests 49. Tracking Generator LO Feedthrough: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B(Option 1DN) 49. Tracking Generator LO Feedthrough: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B(Option 1DN) The tracking generator output is connected to the analyzer 50 W Input, and the tracking is adjusted at 50 MHz for a maximum signal level. The tracking generator output is then connected to the input of a microwave analyzer. The tracking generator is tuned to several different frequencies and the LO Feedthrough is measured at the frequency extremes of the LO. The related adjustment for this procedure is “TG LO Leveling.” Equipment Required Microwave analyzer Cable, Type-N, 62 cm (24 in) Cable, BNC, 23 cm (9 in) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Procedure 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-69. Figure 2-69 NOTE LO Feedthrough Amplitude Test Setup Note that the following steps are for an Agilent 8563E microwave analyzer, the steps may be different if you are using another microwave analyzer. 1. Press PRESET on the microwave analyzer. The microwave analyzer should be allowed to warm up for at least 376 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 49. Tracking Generator LO Feedthrough: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B(Option 1DN) five minutes before proceeding. Complete step 2 only if more than 24 hours have elapsed since performing a front-panel calibration of the microwave analyzer. 2. Perform a front-panel calibration of the microwave analyzer by performing the following steps: a. Connect a BNC cable between CAL OUTPUT and 50 Ω Input. b. Press CAL, REALIGN LO & IF. c. Set FREQUENCY, 300 MHz. d. Set SPAN, 20 MHz. e. Set AMPLITUDE, –10 dBm. f. Press PEAK SEARCH. g. Press CAL, REF LVL ADJ and use the ⇑ ⇓ arrows to adjust the DAC value to a marker amplitude reading of −10 dBm. Press STORE REF LVL. h. Disconnect the BNC cable from between the CAL OUTPUT and 50 Ω Input. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer under test. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. 4. Use the type-N cable to connect the RF Input to the tracking generator RF OUT on the analyzer under test as shown in Figure 2-69. Do not connect to the microwave analyzer RF Input yet. 5. Initialize the test equipment by pressing the following keys on the analyzer under test: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz SPAN, Zero Span BW / Avg, 30 kHz System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off Marker Source, Amplitude On, –5 dBm Source, Tracking Peak (Wait for the PEAKING SIGNAL message to disappear.) FREQUENCY, 9 kHz Source, Amplitude On, –2 dBm Single 6. On the microwave analyzer, press the following keys: FREQUENCY, 3.921409 GHz SPAN, 100 kHz AMPLITUDE, 0 dBm BW, 1 kHz 7. Disconnect the type-N cable from between the analyzer RF INPUT Chapter 2 377 Performance Verification Tests 49. Tracking Generator LO Feedthrough: Agilent E4402B, E4403B, E4404B, E4405B, E4407B, and E4408B(Option 1DN) and the Tracking Generator RF OUT. Refer to Figure 2-69 to connect the type-N cable from the analyzer RF OUT to the microwave analyzer 50 W Input. 8. On the microwave analyzer, press: PEAK SEARCH MKR, SIG TRK (On) Wait for the signal to be displayed at center screen, then press SIG TRK (Off). 9. On the microwave analyzer, press AUX CTRL, INTERNAL MIXER, PRESEL AUTO PK then wait for the PEAKING message to disappear. 10.Record the microwave analyzer marker amplitude in Table 2-105 as the LO Feedthrough Amplitude for the Microwave analyzer CENTER FREQUENCY at 3.921409 GHz. 11.Repeat step 8 through step 10 for the remaining Analyzer CENTER FREQUENCY and Microwave Analyzer CENTER FREQUENCY settings listed in Table 2-105. Press Single on the analyzer to activate a single sweep each time the center frequency is changed. 12.Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. 13.In Table 2-105, for analyzer center frequencies of 9 kHz to 1.5 GHz, locate the highest LO Feedthrough Amplitude then record this amplitude as Test Record entry 1 of the performance verification test record. 14.In Table 2-105, for the Analyzer Center Frequency of 3.0 GHz, record this LO Feedthrough Amplitude as Test Record entry 2 of the performance verification test record. Table 2-105 Tracking Generator LO Feedthrough Amplitude Worksheet Analyzer Center Frequency Microwave Analyzer Center Frequency 9 kHz 3.921409 GHz 70 MHz 3.9914 GHz 150 MHz 4.0714 GHz 1.5 GHz 5.4214 GHz 3.0 GHz 6.9214 GHz 378 LO Feedthrough Amplitude (dBm) Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) The method used for measuring the gate length times is determined by the length of the gate. Shorter gate-length times are measured with an oscilloscope, and longer gate-length times are measured with a counter. For shorter gate-length times, the output signal of a pulse generator is used to trigger the gate circuitry. To measure the gate delay, ∆t markers are used. The oscilloscope pulse width measurement feature is used to measure the short gate-length. For longer gate-length times, a universal counter is used to measure the time period from the rising edge of the gate output to its falling edge. Because the gate-length time is equivalent to the clock accuracy of the analyzer, the gate-length time is compared to the specification for clock accuracy. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Universal counter Function generator Oscilloscope (This procedure is written for the Agilent 54820A.) Cable, BNC, 120 cm (48 in) (four required) Adapter, BNC tee (m) (f) (f) (two required) Procedure 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-70. Connect the GATE OUT to Channel 2. 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: SPAN, Zero Span Sweep, Sweep Time, 100 s Sweep, Gate (On) Gate Setup, Edge Setup (or Edge Gate) Gate Delay, 1 µs Gate Length, 1 µs NOTE The oscilloscope measurement is much more stable using slow sweep times on the analyzer. The response on the analyzer display will not be valid, but the Gate Delay and Gate Length accuracy are being measured externally with the universal counter and oscilloscope. Chapter 2 379 Performance Verification Tests 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) Figure 2-70 Gate Delay and Gate Length Test Setup 3. Set up the function generator as follows: Waveform Square Frequency 100 Hz Amplitude 2.5 V Offset 1.25 V 4. Press Default Setup on the oscilloscope and set the controls as follows: Timebase 500 ns/div Trigger Edge Trigger Source 2 Trigger Level 2.0 V Channel 1 V/Div 1V Coupling DC Offset 2.0 V Channel 2 380 V/Div 1V Coupling DC Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) Offset 3.0 V 5. On the oscilloscope, adjust the horizontal position to place the area between the rising edges of channel 1 and channel 2 at the center of the display. The horizontal position at the bottom of the grid should be between −500 ns and −650 ns. 6. Set the oscilloscope timebase to 200 ns/div. The rising edges of channel 1 and channel 2 should still be displayed. If not, adjust the horizontal position so the rising edges of channel 1 and channel 2 are displayed. 7. Use the mouse connected to the oscilloscope and click on the mouse icon in the upper right-hand corner of the display. 8. Set the oscilloscope statistics on. Click on Measure and verify that “Show Statistics” is checked. 9. Define the conditions for a delta time measurement on the oscilloscope. Leave the oscilloscope in Auto Trigger “Free Run” mode until all connections and setups are completed on both the oscilloscope and the analyzer. This allows you to confirm that both channels on the oscilloscope are receiving a valid signal. a. Click on Measure, Customize, Measurement Definitions. b. Set Threshold Definition to “10%, 50%, 90%”. c. Set Top-Base Definition to “Standard”. d. Set From Edge # to 1, and set To Edge # to 2. e. Set both Direction selections to “Rising”. f. Set both Threshold selections to “Middle Level”. g. Click Close. 10.Activate the delta time measurement. a. Click Measure, Time, Delta Time. b. Set Source 1 to “Channel 1”. c. Set Source 2 to “Channel 2”. d. Click OK. 11.Wait a few seconds for the minimum and maximum values displayed at the bottom of the oscilloscope grid to stabilize. 12.Refer to the measurement statistics at the bottom of the oscilloscope grid. Record the ∆Time (1)-(2) min value as Minimum Gate Delay in Table Chapter 2 381 Performance Verification Tests 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) 2-106. Record the ∆Time (1)-(2) max value as the Maximum Gate Delay in Table 2-106. 13.Clear all current oscilloscope measurements. Click on Measure, Clear, and All Measurements. 14.Adjust the oscilloscope horizontal position to center the pulse on Channel 2 on the display. Switching the trigger source to channel 2 will help with the measurement. 15.Activate the pulse width measurement function for channel 2 of the oscilloscope. Click on Measure, Time, and click on +width. Set the Source to be channel 2 and click OK. 16.Record the +width (2) mean value in Table 2-106 as the 1 µs Gate Length. 17.On the analyzer, press Sweep, Sweep Time 150 ms, Sweep Gate Setup (or Gate), Edge Setup (or Edge Gate) Gate Delay, 10ms Sweep, Gate Setup Edge Setup (or Edge Gate), Gate Length, 65 ms 18.Set the universal counter controls as follows: Function Pos Width 1 Gate Time 0.1 s Auto Trigger On Channel 1 Coupling DC Impedance 1 MΩ X10 Atten Off 100 kHz Filter Off Common 1 On 19.Record the universal counter readout value as the 65ms Gate Length in Table 2-106. 382 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 50. Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) Table 2-106 Gate Delay and Gate Length Accuracy Worksheet Description Value Test Record Entry Minimum Gate Delay 1) Maximum Gate Delay 2) 1 µs Gate Length 3) 65 ms Gate Length 4) Chapter 2 383 Performance Verification Tests 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) This procedure measures the additional amplitude error while gate mode is turned on. An amplitude reference is established while gate mode is off. Gate mode is then turned on with a function generator providing the gate trigger input. The amplitude with gate mode on is then measured using the marker delta function. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator Function generator Cable, Type-N (f), 50 Ω Cable, BNC, 120 cm Additional Equipment for Option 1DP Adapter, Type-N (f) to BNC (m), 75 Ω Minimum loss pad Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type-N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Procedure 1. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-71. 2. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: FREQUENCY, 300 MHz SPAN, Zero Span AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –20 dBm (50 Ω Inputs only) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –10 dBm (75 Ω Inputs only) AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm Sweep, 20 ms 384 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) Figure 2-71 Gate Delay and Gate Length Accuracy Test Setup 3. Set up the function generator as follows: Waveform Square Duty Cycle 50% Frequency 100 Hz Amplitude 2.5 V pk-pk Offset 1.25V 4. On the synthesized signal generator, press Blue Key, Special, 0, 0. Set the signal generator as follows: FREQUENCY 300 MHz AMPLITUDE –20 dBm (50 Ω Inputs only) AMPLITUDE –10 dBm (75 Ω Inputs only) 5. On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). 6. On the analyzer, press Marker, Delta. 7. Set the analyzer as follows: Trig, External (Pos) Sweep, Gate (On) Gate Setup, Edge Setup (or Edge Gate), Gate Delay, 1 µσ Gate Length, 1 µσ Sweep, Gate Setup (or Gate), Trig Type (Level) (or Gate Control (Level)) 8. On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Chapter 2 385 Performance Verification Tests 51. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error: Agilent E4401B, E4402B, E4404B, E4405B, and E4407B (Option 1D6) Peak Search (or Search). 9. Record the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) amplitude reading as Test Record entry 1 in the performance test record. 386 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 52. First LO OUTPUT Power Accuracy (Option AYZ only) 52. First LO OUTPUT Power Accuracy (Option AYZ only) This test applies only to analyzers equipped with external mixing (Option AYZ). This test verifies that analyzers with external mixing (Option AYZ) meet their specification for First LO (local oscillator) output level. The flatness of the First LO output determines the flatness of measurements made using external mixers. In this test, a calibrated power sensor is connected to the First LO output to measure the power level at frequencies between 2.9 GHz and 7.1 GHz. The analyzer is put into external mixing mode using a harmonic number of –10. The tuned frequency of the spectrum will therefore be 321.4 MHz (the frequency of the Second IF) below the Tenth harmonic of the First LO. A 321.4 MHz frequency offset is used so that the center frequency will be exactly 10 times the First LO frequency. Setting the center frequency step size to 2 GHz allows the LO frequency to be stepped in 200 MHz increments. The related adjustment for this performance test is “LO Power Adjustment.” Equipment Required Power meter Microwave power sensor Adapter, type-N (m) to SMA (f) Figure 2-72 First LO Output Amplitude Accuracy Test Setup Chapter 2 387 Performance Verification Tests 52. First LO OUTPUT Power Accuracy (Option AYZ only) Procedure 1. Zero and calibrate the power sensor and power meter combination at 50 MHz. Set the power meter for dBm output. 2. Enter the 3 GHz calibration factor of the power sensor into the power meter. 3. Remove the termination from the First LO OUTPUT connector of the analyzer. 4. Connect the power sensor to the First LO OUTPUT connector of the analyzer as shown in Figure 2-72. 5. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: Input/Output, Input Mixer, Input Mixer (Ext) Mixer Config, Harmonic, –10 SPAN, Zero Span FREQUENCY, 30 GHz CF Step, 2 GHz Freq Offset, 321.4 MHz System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off 6. Press FREQUENCY, on the analyzer. 7. Read the power displayed on the power meter and record it as Test Record entry 1 in the Performance Verification Test Record. 8. Press the ⇑ key on the analyzer to select the next center frequency and First LO frequency. 9. Enter the appropriate power sensor calibration factor into the power meter as shown in Table 2-107. 10.Read the power displayed on the power meter and record it in the Performance Verification Test Record as indicated in the Test Record entry column of Table 2-107. 11.Repeat step 8 through step 10 for the remaining center frequency and First LO frequencies listed in Table 2-107. 388 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 52. First LO OUTPUT Power Accuracy (Option AYZ only) Table 2-107 First LO Output Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet First LO Frequency Center Frequency (GHz) (GHz) Calibration Factor Frequency (GHz) Test Record Entry 2.9 29 3.0 1) 3.3 33 3.0 2) 3.7 37 4.0 3) 3.9 39 4.0 4) 4.1 41 4.0 5) 4.5 45 5.0 6) 4.9 49 5.0 7) 5.3 53 5.0 8) 5.7 57 6.0 9) 5.9 59 6.0 10) 6.1 61 6.0 11) 6.5 65 7.0 12) 6.9 69 7.0 13) 7.1 71 7.0 14) Post-Test Instrument Restoration 12.Disconnect the power sensor from the 1st LO OUTPUT connector. 13.Replace the 50 Ω termination on the 1st LO OUTPUT connector. 14.Press Preset the analyzer. 15.Press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All. Chapter 2 389 Performance Verification Tests 53. IF INPUT Accuracy (Option AYZ only) 53. IF INPUT Accuracy (Option AYZ only) This test only applies to analyzers equipped with external mixing (Option AYZ). This test measures the accuracy of the IF INPUT. A nominal –30 dBm, 321.4 MHz signal is applied to a power sensor and the power level is recorded. The actual frequency must be offset slightly to compensate for the IF centering error of the 1 kHz resolution bandwidth. This frequency offset is measured using the 321.4 MHz signal applied to the 50 Ω Input connector. The signal is measured with frequency corrections on and off. The difference between these two measurements is the IF centering error. The 321.4 MHz signal is then offset by the IF centering error. This signal is then applied to the IF INPUT of the analyzer which is set to external mixing mode in A band (26.5 GHz to 40 GHz). Amplitude corrections are set to 0 dB. The amplitude is measured by the analyzer and then recorded. The difference between the two measurements is the IF INPUT accuracy. The related adjustment procedure for this performance test is “IF INPUT Correction.” Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper Power meter Low-power power sensor 30 dB reference attenuator Cable, APC 3.5 Cable, BNC Adapter, type-N (m) to APC 3.5 (f) (not required for Option BAB) Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f) (two required for Option BAB) Adapter, type-N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) 390 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 53. IF INPUT Accuracy (Option AYZ only) Figure 2-73 IF INPUT Accuracy Test Setup Procedure Determining the IF Centering Error 1. Preset the synthesized sweeper and set the controls as follows: CW321.4 MHz POWER LEVEL–30 dBm RFOn 2. Connect the synthesized sweeper output to the analyzer 50 Ω Input connector. The analyzer provides the frequency reference for the synthesized sweeper. 3. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off FREQUENCY, 321.4 MHz SPAN, 5 kHz AMPLITUDE, –30 dBm BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz 4. On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. 5. On the analyzer, press the following keys: Peak Search (or Search) Marker, Delta System, Alignments, Freq Correct (Off). Chapter 2 391 Performance Verification Tests 53. IF INPUT Accuracy (Option AYZ only) 6. On the analyzer, press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. 7. On the analyzer, press Peak Search (or Search). 8. Note the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency. 9. Calculate the new synthesized sweeper CW frequency by adding the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency to 321.4 MHz. Set the synthesized sweeper CW frequency to the new calculated frequency. New CW Frequency = 321.4 MHz + ∆Mkr1 Frequency For example, if the marker delta (∆ Mkr1) frequency is 725 Hz, the new CW frequency would be 321.400725 MHz. 10.On the analyzer, press System, Alignments, Freq Correct (On). Setting the Synthesized Sweeper Power Level 11.Zero and calibrate the low-power sensor and power meter in dBm mode using the 30 dB reference attenuator. Enter the 300 MHz calibration factor of the power sensor into the power meter. 12.Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-73, with the output of the synthesized sweeper connected to the power sensor using an adapter between the cable and the power sensor. 13.Adjust the synthesized sweeper power level for a power meter reading of –30 dBm ±0.1 dB. 14.Record the power meter reading as Input Power. Input Power ____________dBm Measuring the IF INPUT Accuracy 15.Connect the APC 3.5 cable from the RF OUTPUT of the synthesized sweeper to the IF INPUT of the analyzer. 16.Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the analyzer by pressing the following keys: System, Alignments, Auto Align, Off AMPLITUDE, More 1 of 2, Corrections, Corrections (Off) AMPLITUDE, –30 dBm Input/Output, Input Mixer, Input Mixer (Ext) Ext Mix Band, 26.5–40 GHz FREQUENCY, 30 GHz SPAN, Zero Span BW/Avg, Res BW, 1 kHz 17.Press Peak Search on the analyzer. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading as the Measured Power. Measured Power ____________dBm 392 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 53. IF INPUT Accuracy (Option AYZ only) 18.Subtract the Input Power (step 14) from the Measured Power (step 17) and record the difference as the IF INPUT Accuracy. IF INPUT Accuracy = Measured Power – Input Power For example, if the Measured Power is –29.34 dBm and the Input Power is –30.08 dBm, the IF INPUT Accuracy would be 0.74 dB. 19.Record the IF INPUT Accuracy as Test Record entry 1 in the Performance Verification Test Record. Post-Test Instrument Restoration 20.Disconnect the cable from the IF INPUT connector. 21.Preset the analyzer. 22.On the analyzer, press the following keys: System, Alignments Auto Align, All Chapter 2 393 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) This test measures the analyzer amplitude error as a function of frequency. The output of a source is fed through a power splitter to a power sensor and the analyzer. The source’s power level is adjusted at 50 MHz to place the displayed signal at the analyzer center graticule line. The power meter is then set to measure dB relative to the power level at 50 MHz. At each new analyzer source frequency and center frequency, the source power level is adjusted to place the signal at the center horizontal graticule line. The power meter displays the inverse of the frequency response relative to 50 MHz. For improved amplitude accuracy in the PCS and Cellular bands, a power splitter is characterized using a second power sensor (the “reference” sensor) connected to one power splitter output port. The other power splitter output port connects to the “buried” sensor; it is not removed from the power splitter. Once the characterization is done, the reference sensor is removed and replaced by the analyzer. This procedure also tests frequency response with the optional preamplifier (Option 1DS) turned on if the analyzer is equipped with Option 1DS. When testing the preamplifier, it is necessary to re-characterize the power splitter/buried sensor combination. The related adjustment for this performance test is “Frequency Response.” NOTE There is no performance test record provided for recording the results of this test. Results of this test are required by test 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH), located in this chapter. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Synthesized sweeper Function generator Power meter RF Power sensor (2 required) Microwave power sensor Microwave power splitter Adapter, APC 3.5 (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Adapter, Type-N (m) to Type-N (m) Adapter, Type-N (m) to BNC (f) Fixed Attenuator, 20 dB BNC Tee (BNC f,m,f) Cable, BNC, 122-cm (48-in) (2 required) 394 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) Cable, Type-N, 183-cm (72-in) Cable, APC 3.5 Termination, 50 Ω, BNC (m) Procedure Part 1: Source/Splitter Characterization NOTE On analyzers equipped with the optional preamplifier, Option 1DS, this characterization will be performed twice. The first characterization, which will be performed on all analyzers, will be performed without the 20 dB fixed attenuator connected. The second characterization, which will be performed only on analyzers with Option 1DS, will be performed with the 20 dB fixed attenuator connected. 1. Connect the Agilent 8482A to Channel A of the power meter. This will be the “reference” sensor. Connect the other Agilent 8482A to Channel B of the power meter. This will be the “buried” sensor. Refer to Figure 2-74. Figure 2-74 Source/Splitter Characterization Setup 2. Zero and calibrate both power sensors. 3. On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor for 50 MHz. 4. On the power meter, set the Channel B calibration factor to 100%. Do not change this calibration factor during this test. 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-74. Do not use the 20 dB fixed attenuator unless frequency response with the Preamp On Chapter 2 395 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) is being measured. 6. Set the source frequency to 50 MHz and amplitude to 0 dBm. 7. Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.1 dB (if the preamp is not being tested), or a power meter reading of –20 dBm ±0.1 dB (if the preamp is being tested). 8. Record the source amplitude setting, and both the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-108. 9. Tune the source to the next frequency in Table 2-108. 10.On the power meter, set the Channel A calibration factor to the calibration factor of the reference sensor for the current source frequency. 11.Adjust the source amplitude to obtain a Channel A power meter reading of –10 dBm ±0.1 dB (if the preamp is not being tested), or a power meter reading of –20 dBm ±0.1 dB (if the preamp is being tested). 12.Record the source amplitude setting, and both the Channel A and Channel B power meter readings in Table 2-108. If the preamp is being measured, enter these values in the “Preamp On” columns. Otherwise, enter these values in the “Preamp Off” columns. 13.Repeat step 9 through step 12 for frequencies up to 2000 MHz in Table 2-108. 14.For each entry in Table 2-108, calculate the splitter tracking error as follows: Splitter Tracking Error = Channel A Power – Channel B Power For example, if Channel A Power is –10.05 dBm and Channel B Power is –10.23 dBm, the Splitter Tracking Error is 0.18 dB. NOTE When calculating the splitter tracking error with the 20 dB fixed attenuator in place, the splitter tracking errors will be nominally 20 dB. Table 2-108 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Preamp Off Preamp On Splitter Tracking Error Source Power Setting Channel B Preamp Off Preamp On Preamp Off Preamp On Preamp Off Preamp On 50 MHz 800 MHz 396 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) Table 2-108 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Preamp Off Preamp On Splitter Tracking Error Source Power Setting Channel B Preamp Off Preamp On Preamp Off Preamp On Preamp Off Preamp On 810 MHz 820 MHz 830 MHz 840 MHz 850 MHz 860 MHz 880 MHz 890 MHz 900 MHz 910 MHz 920 MHz 930 MHz 940 MHz 950 MHz 960 MHz 970 MHz 980 MHz 990 MHz 1000 MHz 1700 MHz 1710 MHz 1720 MHz 1730 MHz 1740 MHz 1750 MHz 1760 MHz 1770 MHz 1780 MHz Chapter 2 397 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) Table 2-108 Source/Splitter Characterization Power Meter Reading Frequency Channel A Preamp Off Preamp On Splitter Tracking Error Source Power Setting Channel B Preamp Off Preamp On Preamp Off Preamp On Preamp Off Preamp On 1790 MHz 1800 MHz 1810 MHz 1820 MHz 1830 MHz 1840 MHz 1850 MHz 1860 MHz 1870 MHz 1880 MHz 1890 MHz 1900 MHz 1910 MHz 1920 MHz 1930 MHz 1940 MHz 1950 MHz 1960 MHz 1970 MHz 1980 MHz 1990 MHz 2000 MHz 398 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) Part 2: Measuring Frequency Response, 800 MHz to 1000 MHz, 1700 MHz to 2000 MHz (0 dB, 5 dB, 10 dB, 25 dB, and 40 dB Attenuation) Figure 2-75 Comms Frequency Response Test Setup 1. This procedure will be performed several times with various combinations of input attenuation, resolution bandwidth, and preamp settings as described in Table 2-109. Make 6 copies of Table 2-110 (7 copies if the analyzer is equipped with the preamp, Option 1DS). Label each copy with the information listed in Table 2-109. Table 2-109 Comms Frequency Response Measurement Conditions Test Measurement Attenuation Res BW Preamp 40 dB 10 kHz Off 25 dB 10 kHz Off 10 dB 10 kHz Off GSM Transmit Power Accuracy 40 dB 300 kHz Off 5 dB 300 kHz Off 6 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy 0 dB 10 kHz Off 7 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy (Preamp On) 0 dB 10 kHz On 1 2 cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy 3 4 5 2. Remove the reference sensor (Channel A sensor) from the power Chapter 2 399 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) splitter. Connect the power splitter to the analyzer 50 Ω Input using an adapter. Do not use a cable. If measuring with the preamp on, connect the 20 dB attenuator to the analyzer input. Refer to Figure 2-75. 3. Set the source frequency to 50 MHz. 4. Set the source POWER LEVEL to –6 dBm. 5. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Set the controls as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 800 MHz CF Step, 10 MHz SPAN, 0 kHz Input/Output (or Input), Coupling (AC) (ESA 6.7 GHz and 13.2 GHz only) (Tests 1–6) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp, (Off) (Option 1DS only) (Test 7) AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp, (On) (Option 1DS only) AMPLITUDE, More, Y-Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm (Tests 1–6) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –10 dBm (Test 7) AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –30 dBm Attenuation, x dB (Man) Where x is listed in Table 2-109. Scale/Div, 1 dB (Tests 1, 2, 3, 6, 7) BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 kHz (Man) (Tests 4, 5) BW/Avg, Res BW, 300 kHz (Man) Video BW, 10 kHz (Man) 6. Press Marker. 7. Adjust the source POWER LEVEL to obtain a marker amplitude reading of –12 dBm ±0.1 dB (Tests 1–6) or –32 dBm ±0.1 dB (Tests 7) 8. Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-110 as the current Channel B reading. 9. Trigger a sweep on the analyzer. 10.Perform a peak search on the analyzer. Manually press Peak Search (or Search). 11.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-110. 12.Set the source to the next frequency listed in Table 2-110. 13.Set the analyzer center frequency to the next frequency listed in Table 2-110 by pressing the FREQUENCY and up arrow keys to step the center frequency. 14.Adjust the source POWER LEVEL to obtain a marker amplitude reading of –12 dBm ±0.1 dB (Tests 1–6) or –32 dBm ±0.1 dB (Tests 7) 15.Record the current Channel B power reading in Table 2-110 as the current Channel B reading. 16.Trigger a sweep on the analyzer. 400 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) 17.Perform a peak search on the analyzer. Manually press Search. 18.Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude reading in Table 2-110 as marker (Mkr1) Amptd. 19.Repeat step 12 through step 18 for each frequency in Table 2-110. 20.Copy the splitter tracking errors from Table 2-108 into Table 2-110. For Tests 1–6, use the Preamp Off values. For Test 7, use the Preamp On values. 21.Calculate the Flatness Error for each frequency in Table 2-110 as follows: Flatness Error = Mkr1 Amptd – Current Channel B – Splitter Tracking Error For example, if marker (Mkr1) Amptd is –10.32 dBm, Current Channel B is –10.2 and Splitter Tracking Error is 0.18 dB, Flatness Error would be –0.30 dB. 22.Record the Flatness Error for 50 MHz below as the 50 MHz Ref Amptd: 50 MHz Ref Amptd: __________ 23.Calculate the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz for each frequency in Table 2-110 as follows: Flatness Relative to 50 MHz = Flatness Error – 50 MHz Ref Amptd For example, if Flatness Error is –30.0 dB, 50 MHz Ref Amptd is 0.15 dB and setup change error is –0.19 dB, Flatness Relative to 50 MHz would be –0.45 dB. 24.Repeat step 2 through step 23 of Part 2 using the attenuation and resolution bandwidth settings as indicated in Table 2-109 for Tests 2–6. 25.If the analyzer is equipped with the optional preamplifier, Option 1DS, perform Part 1, the Source/Splitter Characterization again for the Preamp On case. 26.If the analyzer is equipped with the optional preamplifier, Option 1DS, perform step 2 through step 23, Part 2, using the attenuation and resolution bandwidth settings as indicated in Table 2-109 for Test 7. 27.Proceed to Part 3: Test Results. Chapter 2 401 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) Table 2-110 Frequency Frequency Response Worksheet Test:_______ Atten:_______ RBW:_______ Current Channel B Reading 50 MHz Marker (Mkr1) Amptd Splitter Tracking Error Preamp:_______ Flatness Error Flatness Relative to 50 MHz 0 dB (Ref) 800 MHz 810 MHz 820 MHz 830 MHz 840 MHz 850 MHz 860 MHz 870 MHz 880 MHz 890 MHz 900 MHz 910 MHz 920 MHz 930 MHz 940 MHz 950 MHz 960 MHz 970 MHz 980 MHz 990 MHz 1000 MHz 1700 MHz 1710 MHz 1720 MHz 1730 MHz 402 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) Table 2-110 Frequency Frequency Response Worksheet Test:_______ Atten:_______ RBW:_______ Current Channel B Reading Marker (Mkr1) Amptd Splitter Tracking Error Preamp:_______ Flatness Error Flatness Relative to 50 MHz 1740 MHz 1750 MHz 1760 MHz 1770 MHz 1780 MHz 1790 MHz 1800 MHz 1810 MHz 1820 MHz 1830 MHz 1840 MHz 1850 MHz 1860 MHz 1870 MHz 1880 MHz 1890 MHz 1900 MHz 1910 MHz 1920 MHz 1930 MHz 1940 MHz 1950 MHz 1960 MHz 1970 MHz 1980 MHz 1990 MHz 2000 MHz Chapter 2 403 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) Part 3: Test Results 1. Repeat the following steps using the Table 2-110 data for each set of test data for Tests 1–6 (Option 1DS, Tests 1–7): a. Record the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column for the 800 MHz to 1000 MHz range in Table 2-110 as the Maximum Response in the 800 MHz to 1000 MHz Cellular Band for the appropriate test number. b. Record the most positive number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column for the 1700 MHz to 2000 MHz range in Table 2-110 as the Maximum Response in the 1700 MHz to 2000 MHz PCS Band for the appropriate test number. c. Record the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column for the 800 MHz to 1000 MHz range in Table 2-110 as the Minimum Response in the 800 MHz to 1000 MHz Cellular Band for the appropriate test number. d. Record the most negative number from the Flatness Relative to 50 MHz column for the 1700 MHz to 2000 MHz range in Table 2-110 as the Minimum Response in the 1700 MHz to 2000 MHz PCS Band for the appropriate test number. Table 2-111 Absolute Frequency Response 800 MHz to 1000 MHz Cellular Band 1700 MHz to 2000 MHz PCS Band Test Minimum Response (dB) Maximum Response (dB) Minimum Response (dB) Maximum Response (dB) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2. Repeat the following using the data in Table 2-111 for Tests 1–6 (Option 1DS, Tests 1–7): a. Subtract the Minimum Response for the 800 MHz to 1000 MHz Cellular Band from The Maximum Response for the 800 MHz to 1000 MHz Cellular Band and record the difference as the Peak-to-Peak Response in Table 2-112 for the appropriate test number. 404 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 54. Comms Frequency Response (Option BAC or BAH) b. Subtract the Minimum Response for the 1700 MHz to 2000 MHz PCS Band from The Maximum Response for the 1700 MHz to 2000 MHz PCS Band and record the difference as the Peak-to-Peak Response in Table 2-113 for the appropriate test number. 3. The Comms Frequency Response test is completed Table 2-112 Test 1 Comms Frequency Response Test Results, Cellular Bands Measurement Res BW Preamp 40 dB 10 kHz Off 25 dB 10 kHz Off 10 dB 10 kHz Off GSM Transmit Power Accuracy 40 dB 300 kHz Off 5 dB 300 kHz Off 6 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy 0 dB 10 kHz Off 7 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy (Preamp On) 0 dB 10 kHz On 2 cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy Attenuation 3 4 5 Peak-to-Peak Response (dB) NOTE There is no performance test record provided for recording the results of this test. Results of this test are required by test 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH), located in this chapter. Table 2-113 Comms Frequency Response Test Results, PCS Bands Test 1 Measurement Res BW Preamp 40 dB 10 kHz Off 25 dB 10 kHz Off 10 dB 10 kHz Off GSM Transmit Power Accuracy 40 dB 300 kHz Off 5 dB 300 kHz Off 6 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy 0 dB 10 kHz Off 7 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy (Preamp On) 0 dB 10 kHz On 2 cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy Attenuation 3 4 5 Chapter 2 Peak-to-Peak Response (dB) 405 Performance Verification Tests 58. GSM Phase and Frequency Error (Options BAH and B7E) 58. GSM Phase and Frequency Error (Options BAH and B7E) This test verifies the ability of a UUT (unit under test) to measure phase and frequency error in the GSM personality (Option BAH). ESA Series Spectrum Analyzers that use both Options BAH and B7E are used to measure and verify the performance of the phase and frequency error in the GSM personality. Phase and frequency error in the GSM personality is measured by generating a GSM forward link carrier with a single active time slot. Note that Option B7D is a required Option for B7E. This test is repeated at different frequencies and amplitude signal levels. There are no related adjustment procedures for this performance test. Equipment Required Sythesized signal generator with GSM capabilities Cable, BNC, 120-cm (48-in.) Cable, Type N, 183-cm (73-in.) Figure 2-76 GSM Phase and Frequency Test Setup Procedure Set the signal generator to generate a single forward link GSM modulated carrier with a single time slot by performing the following steps: NOTE The signal generator provides the 10 MHz reference for the analyzer. 406 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 58. GSM Phase and Frequency Error (Options BAH and B7E) 1. Set up the equipment as shown in Figure 2-76. 2. Preset the signal generator by pressing the PRESET hardkey. 3. To enter the GSM setup, press the following signal generator keys: MODE, Real Time I/Q Baseband TDMA, GSM 4. Press the Data Format Continuous/Framed softkey and highlight Framed to select a single time slot. 5. Turn on the GSM setup screen by pressing the GSM ON/OFF softkey and highlighting ON. 6. Turn RF on by pressing the RF ON/OFF softkey. 7. Set the signal generator frequency to the first frequency listed in Column 1 of Table 2-114. 8. Set the signal generator amplitude to the first amplitude listed in Column 2 of Table 2-114. 9. Set the analyzer to measure GSM phase and frequency error by performing the following steps: a. Preset the analyzer by pressing the Preset hardkey. b. Enter the GSM personality by pressing the Mode hardkey followed by the GSM softkey. c. Initiate the phase and frequency measurement by pressing the Measure hardkey followed by the Phase and Frequency softkey. d. Use the first frequency listed in the Table 2-114 by pressing the Frequency hardkey, Channel Freq and entering the numeric value. 10. Press Meas Setup. If the Average Type softkey is present, press Average Type to highlight Mean. 11.Press Average Number, 10, Enter. 12.Press Single. The analyzer will make ten measurements and report the average values for peak and RMS phase errors and frequency error. 13.Enter the peak and RMS phase errors and the frequency error in the appropriate row of Table 2-114. Table 2-114 GSM - Phase and Frequency Measurement Table ESA/ESG Frequency (MHz) ESG Amplitude (dBm) Phase Error (deg) Peak 900 Chapter 2 Frequency Error (Hz) RMS 0 407 Performance Verification Tests 58. GSM Phase and Frequency Error (Options BAH and B7E) Table 2-114 GSM - Phase and Frequency Measurement Table ESA/ESG Frequency (MHz) ESG Amplitude (dBm) Phase Error (deg) Peak 900 –30 1800 0 1800 –30 Frequency Error (Hz) RMS 14. Repeat step 7 through step 13 for each of the frequencies and amplitudes listed in Table 2-114. 15.Record the worst peak phase error from Column 3 as Entry 1 in the performance test record. 16.Record the worst RMS phase error from Column 4 as Entry 2 in the performance test record. 17.Record the worst frequency error from Column 5 as Entry 3 in the performance test record. 408 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) This test measures the absolute amplitude of the ESA Series Spectrum Analyzer at numerous input levels, attenuator settings, and log levels. The test also measures the amplitude accuracy with the Preamp On when Option 1DS is present. The measured performance, when added to the absolute frequency response over a 20 to 30 °C temperature range, yields the Comms Absolute Accuracy. The absolute frequency response is tested separately. Refer to the Frequency Response performance test. The frequency response is not specified in the Cellular nor PCS bands; therefore, the Comms Frequency Response test must be completed first. The worksheet data will be used with the results of the Comms Amplitude Accuracy at 50 MHz to yield to the Comms absolute accuracy in the Cellular and PCS bands. A sythesized signal generator and attenuators are used as the signal source to the analyzer. A power meter is used to measure the signal source (with the attenuators set to 0 dB). The value measured is recorded as the source amplitude. 15 dBm as well as 0 dBm are the source levels used. The attenuators are used to adjust the signal levels applied to the analyzer from the initial signal amplitude. The amplitude measured by the analyzer is compared to the actual signal level and the amplitude error is then calculated. This test is repeated at different frequencies and amplitude signal levels. The related adjustment for this performance test is the “IF Amplitude Adjustment.” Equipment Required Synthesized signal generator 10 dB step attenuator 1 dB step attenuator Attenuator interconnection kit Attenuator driver (if programmable step attenuators are used) Power meter Power sensor Cable, Type-N, 62 cm (24 in.) (m) (2 required) Cable, BNC Adapter, Type-N (f) to Type-N (f) Chapter 2 409 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) Additional Equipment for Option BAB Adapter, Type N (f) to APC 3.5 (f) Figure 2-77 Measure Source Test Setup Procedure Part 1: cdmaOne Channel Power and GSM Transmit Power Table 2-115, Table 2-116, Table 2-119, and Table 2-120 list the reference level, input attenuation, and nominal input level for the analyzer, and nominal attenuation for the calibrated 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators for the amplitude accuracy measurements. Table 2-115 cdmaOne Channel Power (Option BAC), Preamp Off, Input Level ≥–25 dBm Nominal Input Level Reference Level Resolution Bandwidth Internal Attenuator 1 dB Step Attenuator 10 dB Step Attenuator Nominal Source Level (dBm) (dBm) (kHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dBm) 15 15 10 40 0 0 15 15 30 10 40 0 0 15 –5 –5 10 25 0 20 15 –5 15 10 25 0 20 15 –25 –25 10 10 0 40 15 410 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) Table 2-115 cdmaOne Channel Power (Option BAC), Preamp Off, Input Level ≥–25 dBm Nominal Input Level Reference Level Resolution Bandwidth Internal Attenuator 1 dB Step Attenuator 10 dB Step Attenuator Nominal Source Level (dBm) (dBm) (kHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dBm) –25 –5 Table 2-116 10 10 0 40 15 GSM Transmit Power (Option BAH), Preamp Off, Input Level >−20 dBm Nominal Input Level Reference Level Resolution Bandwidth Internal Attenuator 1 dB Step Attenuator 10 dB Step Attenuator Nominal Source Level (dBm) (dBm) (kHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) (dBm) 15 15 300 40 0 0 15 15 30 300 40 0 0 15 1. Press Preset on the analyzer. Press the Factory Preset softkey, if it is displayed. Wait for the preset routine to finish. 2. Perform a complete self-alignment and set Auto Align Off. Press System, Alignments, Align Now, All, and wait for the alignment routine to finish. Then, press Return, Auto Align, Off. 3. Zero and calibrate the power meter and power sensor connected to Channel A of the power meter. 4. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-77. 5. Preset the synthesized signal generator. Press: Blue Key, Special, 0, 0 and set the signal generator as follows: FREQUENCY, 50 MHz AMPLITUDE, 15 dBm 6. Set the 10 dB and 1 dB step attenuators to 0 dB. 7. Obtain the actual attenuation for the 0 dB setting of each attenuator at 50 MHz from the metrology data for the step attenuators. In some cases this value might be zero, by definition. Add the two actual attenuations to obtain the 0 dB reference attenuation. RefAtten 0dB = 10 dB Actual 0dB + 1 dB Actual 0dB For example, if the actual attenuation for the 10 dB step attenuator at the 0 dB setting is 0.03 dB, then 10 dB Actual0dB is 0.03 dB. If the actual attenuation for the 1 dB step attenuator at the 0 dB setting is Chapter 2 411 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) 0.02 dB, then 1 dB Actual0dB is 0.02 dB. In this case RefAtten0dB is 0.05 dB. 8. Obtain the metrology data for the step attenuators at 50 MHz. Enter the actual attenuation values for each attenuator setting as indicated in Table 2-117, Table 2-118, Table 2-121, and Table 2-122. Table 2-117 1 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, cdmaOne, Input Level ≥–25 dBm 10 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Total Attenuation Setting Ref Level Actual Nominal Input Amptd 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 15 dBm 15 dBm 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 30 dBm 15 dBm 0 dB 20 dB 20 dB –5 dBm –5 dBm 0 dB 20 dB 20 dB 15 dBm –5 dBm 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –25 dBm –25 dBm 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –5 dBm –25 dBm Table 2-118 1 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Meas Amptd Amptd Accuracy Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, GSM, Input Level >–20 dBm 10 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Total Attenuation Setting Ref Level Actual Nominal Input Amptd 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 15 dBm 15 dBm 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 30 dBm 15 dBm Meas Amptd Amptd Accuracy 9. Calculate the actual total attenuation by adding the actual attenuation for the 1 dB step attenuator to the actual attenuation for the 10 dB step attenuator for each total attenuation setting listed in Table 2-117, Table 2-118, Table 2-121, and Table 2-122. NOTE The external attenuators and cables are now part of the “source.” 10.Adjust the signal generator amplitude for a power meter reading of 15 dBm ±0.2 dB. Record the power meter reading here: Amptd15dBm = _______ dBm 11.Connect the equipment as indicated in Figure 2-78. 412 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) Figure 2-78 Amplitude Accuracy Test Setup 12.Set the analyzer as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 0 kHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, 15 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 40 dB 13.Perform the following steps for each of the nominal amplitude values listed in Table 2-115 and Table 2-116: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated. Set the analyzer reference level as indicated. Set the analyzer input attenuation as indicated. Set the analyzer resolution bandwidth as indicated. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). The marker can still make a valid measurement even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting. h. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the Measured Amplitude in Table 2-117 and Table 2-118. i. If the nominal amplitude is 15 dBm, calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – Amptd 15dBm j. If the amplitude is less than 15 dBm, calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Chapter 2 413 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd 15dBm – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) 14.Set the 10 dB and 1 dB step attenuators to 0 dB. 15.Disconnect the cable from the analyzer input connector and connect the cable to the adapter and power sensor as shown in Figure 2-77. 16.Adjust the signal generator AMPLITUDE for a power meter reading of 0 dbm ± 0.2 dB. Record the power meter reading here: Amptd0dBm = _______ dBm 17.Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-78. 18.Perform the following steps for each of the “Nominal Input Amplitude” values listed in Table 2-119 and Table 2-120. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated. Set the analyzer reference level as indicated. Set the analyzer input attenuation as indicated. Set the analyzer resolution bandwidth as indicated. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). The marker can still make a valid measurement, even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting. h. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the Measured Amplitude in Table 2-121 and Table 2-122. i. Calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd0dB – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) Table 2-119 Nominal Input Amplitude (dBm) cdmaOne Channel Power (Option BAC), Preamp Off, Input level <−25 dBm Reference Level Resolution Bandwidth Input Attenuation 1 dB Step Attenuator 10 dB Step Attenuator (dBm) (kHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) Nominal Source Level (dBm) −45 −45 10 10 5 40 0 −45 −25 10 10 5 40 0 −55 −55 10 10 5 50 0 −55 −35 10 10 5 50 0 −70 −70 10 10 0 70 0 −70 −50 10 10 0 70 0 414 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) Table 2-120 GSM Transmit Power (Option BAH), Preamp Off, Input level ≤−20 dBm Nominal Source Level (dBm) Nominal Input Amplitude (dBm) Reference Level Resolution Bandwidth Input Attenuation 1 dB Step Attenuator 10 dB Step Attenuator (dBm) (kHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) −20 0 300 5 0 20 0 −20 −20 300 5 0 20 0 −30 −10 300 5 0 30 0 −30 −30 300 5 0 30 0 −40 −20 300 5 0 40 0 −40 −40 300 5 0 40 0 −50 −30 300 5 0 50 0 −50 −50 300 5 0 50 0 −60 −40 300 5 0 60 0 −60 −60 300 5 0 60 0 Table 2-121 1 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, cdmaOne, Input Level <–25 dBm 10 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Total Attenuation Setting Ref Level Nominal Input Amptd Actual 5 dB 40 dB 45 dB –45 dBm –45 dBm 5 dB 40 dB 45 dB –25 dBm –45 dBm 5 dB 50 dB 55 dB –55 dBm –55 dBm 5 dB 50 dB 55 dB –35 dBm –55 dBm 0 dB 70 dB 70 dB –70 dBm –70 dBm 0 dB 70 dB 70 dB –50 dBm –70 dBm Table 2-122 1 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Meas Amptd Amptd Accuracy Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, GSM, Input Level ≤–20 dBm 10 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Total Attenuation Setting Ref Level Actual Nominal Input Amptd 0 dB 20 dB 20 dB 0 dBm –20 dBm 0 dB 20 dB 20 dB –20 dBm –20 dBm 0 dB 30 dB 30 dB –10 dBm –30 dBm Chapter 2 Meas Amptd Amptd Accuracy 415 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) Table 2-122 1 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet, GSM, Input Level ≤–20 dBm 10 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Total Attenuation Setting Ref Level Actual Nominal Input Amptd 0 dB 30 dB 30 dB –30 dBm –30 dBm 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –20 dBm –40 dBm 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –40 dBm –40 dBm 0 dB 50 dB 50 dB –30 dBm –50 dBm 0 dB 50 dB 50 dB –50 dBm –50 dBm 0 dB 60 dB 60 dB –40 dBm –60 dBm 0 dB 60 dB 60 dB –60 dBm –60 dBm Meas Amptd Amptd Accuracy 19.Table 2-117 and Table 2-121 have two Amplitude Accuracy entries for each nominal input amplitude setting. For each of the nominal input amplitude setting pairs in Table 2-117 and Table 2-121, record the worst of the two Amplitude Accuracy values in Table 2-123 and Table 2-124 as the 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy for the same Nominal Input Amplitude setting. 20.Table 2-118 and Table 2-122 have two Amplitude Accuracy entries for each nominal input amplitude setting. For each of the nominal input amplitude setting pairs in Table 2-118 and Table 2-122, record the worst of the two Amplitude Accuracy values in Table 2-125 and Table 2-126 as the 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy for the same Nominal Input Amplitude setting. 21.Copy into Table 2-123 and Table 2-124 the peak-to-peak frequency response error for the appropriate input attenuation setting from the Comms Frequency Response Performance Test for both the 800 MHz to 1 GHz Cellular Band, and the 1.7 GHz to 2 GHz PCS Band measured in a 10 kHz resolution bandwidth. 22.Copy into Table 2-125 and Table 2-126 the peak-to-peak frequency response error for the appropriate input attenuation setting from the Comms Frequency Response Performance Test for both the 800 MHz to 1 GHz Cellular Band, and the 1.7 GHz to 2 GHz PCS Band measured in a 300 kHz resolution bandwidth. 23.For each Nominal Input Amplitude setting listed in Table 2-123, add the values for the 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy (Column 2), the peak-to-peak response (Column 4), and the uncertainty (Column 5). Record the sum as the cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy (Column 6). Repeat this step for Table 2-124, Table 2-125, and Table 2-126. 24.Record the cdmaOne Channel Power and GSM Transmit Power Results in the test record as indicated by the test record entry 416 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) numbers in parenthesis. 25.Continue with Part 2. Table 2-123 cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy (Cellular Band) Nominal Input Amplitude 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy Input Attenuation (dBm) (dB) (dB) Peak to Peak Response (800 MHz to 1 GHz) (dB) cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy (dB) Columns 2+4+5 Uncertainty (dB) 15 40 0.19 1) −5 25 0.19 2) −25 10 0.19 3) −45 10 0.19 4) −55 10 0.19 5) −70 10 0.19 6) Table 2-124 cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy (PCS Band) Nominal Input Amplitude 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy Input Attenuation (dBm) (dB) (dB) Peak to Peak Response (1.7 GHz to 2 GHz) Uncertainty (dB) (dB) cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy (dB) Columns 2+4+5 (dB) 15 40 0.19 7) −5 25 0.19 8) −25 10 0.19 9) −45 10 0.19 10) −55 10 0.19 11) −70 10 0.19 12) Chapter 2 417 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) Table 2-125 GSM Transmit Power Accuracy (Cellular Band) Nominal Input Amplitude 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy Input Attenuation (dBm) (dB) (dB) Peak to Peak Response (800 MHz to 1 GHz) Uncertainty GSM Channel Power Accuracy Columns 2+4+5 (dB) (dB) (dB) 15 40 0.19 13) −20 5 0.19 14) −30 5 0.19 15) −40 5 0.19 16) −50 5 0.19 17) −60 5 0.19 18) Table 2-126 GSM Transmit Power Accuracy (PCS Band) Nominal Input Amplitude 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy Input Attenuation (dBm) (dB) (dB) Peak to Peak Response (1.7 GHz to 2 GHz) Uncertainty GSM Channel Power Accuracy Columns 2+4+5 (dB) (dB) (dB) 15 40 0.19 19) −20 5 0.19 20) −30 5 0.19 21) −40 5 0.19 22) −50 5 0.19 23) −60 5 0.19 24) 418 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) Part 2: cdmaOne Receive Channel Power (Preamp Off) Table 2-127 lists the reference level, input attenuation, and nominal input level for the analyzer, and nominal attenuation for the calibrated 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators for the amplitude accuracy measurements. Table 2-127 Nominal Input Amplitude (dBm) cdmaOne Receive Channel Power, Preamp Off (Option BAC) Reference Level Resolution Bandwidth Input Attenuation 1 dB Step Attenuator 10 dB Step Attenuator (dBm) (kHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) Source Nominal Level (dBm) −40 −20 10 0 0 40 0 −40 −40 10 0 0 40 0 −60 −40 10 0 0 60 0 −60 −60 10 0 0 60 0 −70 −50 10 0 0 70 0 −70 −70 10 0 0 70 0 −80 −60 10 0 0 80 0 −80 −80 10 0 0 80 0 −85 −65 10 0 5 80 0 −85 −85 10 0 5 80 0 1. Set the 10 dB step attenuator to 40 dB and the 1 dB step attenuator to 0 dB. 2. Obtain the actual attenuation for the 0 dB setting of each attenuator at 50 MHz from the metrology data for the step attenuators. In some cases this value might be zero, by definition. Add the two actual attenuations to obtain the 0 dB reference attenuation. RefAtten 40dB = 10 dB Actual 40dB + 1 dB Actual 0dB For example, if the actual attenuation for the 10 dB step attenuator at the 0 dB setting is 40.03 dB, then 10 dB Actual40dB is 40.03 dB. If the actual attenuation for the 1 dB step attenuator at the 0 dB setting is 0.02 dB, then 1 dB Actual0dB is 0.02 dB. In this case RefAtten40dB is 40.05 dB. 3. Obtain the metrology data for the step attenuators at 50 MHz. 4. Calculate the actual total attenuation by adding the actual attenuation for the 1 dB step attenuator to the actual attenuation for the 10 dB step attenuator for each total attenuation setting listed in Table 2-128. Chapter 2 419 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) NOTE The external attenuators and cables are now part of the “source.” Table 2-128 Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet 1 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual 10 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Total Attenuation Setting Ref. Level Nominal Input Amptd Actual 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –20 dBm –40 dBm 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –40 dBm –40 dBm 0 dB 60 dB 60 dB –40 dBm –60 dBm 0 dB 60 dB 60 dB –60 dBm –60 dBm 0 dB 70 dB 70 dB –50 dBm –70 dBm 0 dB 70 dB 70 dB –70 dBm –70 dBm 0 dB 80 dB 80 dB –60 dBm –80 dBm 0 dB 80 dB 80 dB –80 dBm –80 dBm 0 dB 80 dB 80 dB –65 dBm –85 dBm 5 dB 80 dB 85 dB –85 dBm –85 dBm Meas Amptd Amptd Accuracy 5. Set the analyzer as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 0 kHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y-Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –20 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp Off 6. Perform the following steps for each of the “Nominal Input Amplitude” values listed in Table 2-127. a. b. c. d. e. f. Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated. Set the analyzer reference level as indicated. Set the analyzer input attenuation as indicated. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Press Peak Search (or Search). The marker can still make a valid measurement, even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting. g. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the Measured Amplitude in Table 2-128. 420 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) h. Calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd0dB – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 40dB ) + 40dB 7. Table 2-128 has two Amplitude Accuracy entries for each nominal input amplitude setting. For each of the nominal input amplitude setting pairs in Table 2-128, record the worst of the two Amplitude Accuracy values in Table 2-129 and Table 2-130 as the 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy for the same Nominal Input Amplitude setting. Table 2-129 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power (Cellular Band) Preamp Off Nominal Input Amplitude 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy Input Attenuation (dBm) (dB) (dB) Peak to Peak Response (1.7 GHz to 2 GHz) Uncertainty (dB) (dB) cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy, Preamp Off Columns 2+4+5 (dB) −40 0 0.24 25) −60 0 0.24 26) −70 0 0.24 27) −80 0 0.24 28) −85 0 0.24 29) Table 2-130 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power (PCS Band) Preamp Off Nominal Input Amplitude 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy Input Attenuation (dBm) (dB) (dB) Peak to Peak Response (1.7 GHz to 2 GHz) Uncertainty (dB) (dB) cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy, Preamp Off Columns 2+4+5 (dB) −40 0 0.24 30) −60 0 0.24 31) −70 0 0.24 32) −80 0 0.24 33) −85 0 0.24 34) 8. Copy into Table 2-129 and Table 2-130 the peak-to-peak frequency response error for the appropriate input attenuation setting from the Comms Frequency Response Performance Test for both the 800 MHz Chapter 2 421 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) to 1 GHz Cellular Band, and the 1.7 GHz to 2 GHz PCS Band measured in a 10 kHz resolution bandwidth with the preamplifier off. 9. For each Nominal Input Amplitude setting listed in Table 2-129, add the values for the 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy (Column 2), the peak-to-peak response (Column 4), and the uncertainty (Column 5). Record the sum as the cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy (Column 6). Repeat this step for Table 2-130. 10.Record the worst-case cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy Result from Table 2-129 (Cellular band) in the test record as test record entry number 21. 11.Record the worst-case cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy Result from Table 2-130 (PCS band) in the test record as test record entry number 22. 12.If the analyzer has Option 1DS (preamplifier) installed, continue with Part 3. If the analyzer does not have Option 1DS, this test procedure is completed. 422 Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) Part 3: cdmaOne Receive Channel Power (Preamplifier On) This procedure applies only to analyzers with Option 1DS (preamplifier) installed. Table 2-131 lists the reference level, input attenuation, and nominal input level for the analyzer, and nominal attenuation for the calibrated 1 dB and 10 dB step attenuators for the amplitude accuracy measurements. Table 2-131 Nominal Input Amplitude (dBm) cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Preamp On (Option BAC) Reference Level Resolution Bandwidth Input Attenuation 1 dB Step Attenuator 10 dB Step Attenuator (dBm) (kHz) (dB) (dB) (dB) Source Nominal Level (dBm) −40 −20 10 0 0 40 0 −40 −40 10 0 0 40 0 −60 −40 10 0 0 60 0 −60 −60 10 0 0 60 0 −70 −50 10 0 0 70 0 −70 −70 10 0 0 70 0 −80 −60 10 0 0 80 0 −80 −80 10 0 0 80 0 −90 −70 10 0 0 90 0 −90 −90 10 0 0 90 0 −100 −80 10 0 0 100 0 −100 −100 10 0 0 100 0 1. Set the 10 dB step attenuator to 40 dB and the 1 dB step attenuator to 0 dB. 2. Obtain the actual attenuation for the 0 dB setting of each attenuator at 50 MHz from the metrology data for the step attenuators. In some cases this value might be zero, by definition. Add the two actual attenuations to obtain the 0 dB reference attenuation. RefAtten 40dB = 10 dB Actual 40dB + 1 dB Actual 0dB For example, if the actual attenuation for the 10 dB step attenuator at the 0 dB setting is 40.03 dB, then 10 dB Actual40dB is 40.03 dB. If the actual attenuation for the 1 dB step attenuator at the 0 dB setting is 0.02 dB, then 1 dB Actual0dB is 0.02 dB. In this case RefAtten40dB is 40.05 dB. 3. Obtain the metrology data for the step attenuators at 50 MHz. Chapter 2 423 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) 4. Calculate the actual total attenuation by adding the actual attenuation for the 1 dB step attenuator to the actual attenuation for the 10 dB step attenuator for each total attenuation setting listed in Table 2-132. NOTE The external attenuators and cables are now part of the “source.” Table 2-132 Amplitude Accuracy Worksheet 1 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual 10 dB Step Attenuator Setting Actual Total Attenuation Setting Ref Level Nominal Input Amptd Actual 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –20 dBm –40 dBm 0 dB 40 dB 40 dB –40 dBm –40 dBm 0 dB 60 dB 60 dB –40 dBm –60 dBm 0 dB 60 dB 60 dB –60 dBm –60 dBm 0 dB 70 dB 70 dB –50 dBm –70 dBm 0 dB 70 dB 70 dB –70 dBm –70 dBm 0 dB 80 dB 80 dB –60 dBm –80 dBm 0 dB 80 dB 80 dB –80 dBm –80 dBm 0 dB 90 dB 90 dB –70 dBm –90 dBm 0 dB 90 dB 90 dB –90 dBm –90 dBm 0 dB 100 dB 100 dB –80 dBm –100 dBm 0 dB 100 dB 100 dB –100 dBm –100 dBm Meas Amptd Amptd Accy 5. Set the analyzer as follows: FREQUENCY, Center Freq, 50 MHz SPAN, 0 kHz BW/Avg, Res BW, 10 kHz BW/Avg, Video BW, 10 kHz AMPLITUDE, More, Y-Axis Units (or Amptd Units), dBm AMPLITUDE, Ref Level, –20 dBm AMPLITUDE, Attenuation, 0 dB AMPLITUDE, More, Int Preamp On 6. Perform the following steps for each of the “Nominal Input Amplitude” values listed in Table 2-131. a. b. c. d. e. 424 Set the 1 dB step attenuator as indicated. Set the 10 dB step attenuator as indicated. Set the analyzer reference level as indicated. Set the analyzer input attenuation as indicated. Press Single and wait for the sweep to finish. Chapter 2 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) f. Press Peak Search (or Search). The marker can still make a valid measurement, even though the signal may be slightly above the reference level for the first nominal amplitude setting. g. Record the marker (Mkr1) amplitude value as the Measured Amplitude in Table 2-132. h. Calculate the amplitude accuracy as follows: Amplitude Accuracy = Measured Amplitude – ( Amptd 0dB – ActualTotalAtten + RefAtten 0dB ) + 40dB 7. Table 2-132 has two Amplitude Accuracy entries for each nominal input amplitude setting. For each of the nominal input amplitude setting pairs in Table 2-132, record the worst of the two Amplitude Accuracy values in Table 2-133 and Table 2-134 as the 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy for the same Nominal Input Amplitude setting. 8. Copy into Table 2-133 and Table 2-134 the peak-to-peak frequency response error for the appropriate input attenuation setting from the Comms Frequency Response Performance Test for both the 800 MHz to 1 GHz Cellular Band, and the 1.7 GHz to 2 GHz PCS Band measured in a 10 kHz resolution bandwidth with the preamplifier on. 9. For each Nominal Input Amplitude setting listed in Table 2-133, add the values for the 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy (Column 2), the peak-to-peak response (Column 4), and the uncertainty (Column 5). Record the sum as the cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy, Preamp On (Column 6). Repeat this step for Table 2-134. 10.Record the cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy, Preamplifier On Results from Table 2-133 and Table 2-134 into the test record as indicated by the test record entry in parenthesis. 11.This test procedure is now complete. Table 2-133 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power (Cellular Band) Preamp On Nominal Input Amplitude 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy Input Attenuation (dBm) (dB) (dB) Peak to Peak Response (1.7 GHz to 2 GHz) Uncertainty (dB) (dB) cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy, Preamp On Columns 2+4+5 (dB) −40 0 0.24 35) −60 0 0.24 36) −70 0 0.24 37) −80 0 0.24 38) Chapter 2 425 Performance Verification Tests 59. Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) Table 2-133 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power (Cellular Band) Preamp On Nominal Input Amplitude 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy Input Attenuation (dBm) (dB) (dB) Peak to Peak Response (1.7 GHz to 2 GHz) Uncertainty (dB) (dB) cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy, Preamp On Columns 2+4+5 (dB) −90 0 0.24 39) −100 0 0.24 40) Table 2-134 cdmaOne Receive Channel Power (PCS Band) Preamp On Nominal Input Amplitude 50 MHz Amplitude Accuracy Input Attenuation (dBm) (dB) (dB) Peak to Peak Response (1.7 GHz to 2 GHz) Uncertainty (dB) (dB) cdmaOne Receive Channel Power Accuracy, Preamp On Columns 2+4+5 (dB) −40 0 0.24 41) −60 0 0.24 42) −70 0 0.24 43) −80 0 0.24 44) −90 0 0.24 45) −100 0 0.24 46) 426 Chapter 2 3 Performance Verification Test Records 427 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Tests for the Agilent E4401B only are included in this test record, therefore not all test numbers are included. Table 3-1 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Address: _____________________________________ Report No. ______________________ _____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ _____________________________________________ Model E4401B Serial No. ___________________ Ambient temperature _______° C Options _____________________ Relative humidity_______% Firmware Revision ____________ Power mains line frequency ______ Hz (nominal) Customer ____________________________________ Tested by _______________________________ Test Equipment Used: Description Model No. Trace No. Cal Due Date Synthesized Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper ___________ ___________ ___________ Function Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Meter, Dual-Channel ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #2 50 Ω Input (No Option 1DP) ___________ ___________ ___________ Low-Power Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ 75 Ω Power Sensor (Option 1DP only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Digital Multimeter ___________ ___________ ___________ Universal Counter ___________ ___________ ___________ Frequency Standard ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Splitter ___________ ___________ ___________ 428 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-1 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record 50 Ω Termination ___________ ___________ ___________ Minimum Loss Pad (Option 1DP only) ___________ ___________ ___________ 1 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ 10 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ Oscilloscope (Option 1D6 only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Spectrum Analyzer (Option 1DN or 1DQ only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Notes/comments: Table 3-2 _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 1. Minimum 3. Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy (Non-Option 1D5 only) –5.0 Hz (1)________ 5.0 Hz ±293.3 µHz 5 Minute Warm-Up Error –0.1 ppm (1)________ 0.1 ppm ±0.000072 ppm 15 Minute Warm-Up Error –0.01 ppm (2)________ 0.01 ppm ±0.000070 ppm 1489.83 MHz (1)________ 1490.17 MHz ±0 Hz Settability 2. Results Measured 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy (Option 1D5 only) Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy Frequency Readout Accuracy Center Freq 1490 MHz Span 20 MHz Chapter 3 429 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1490 MHz 10 MHz 1489.91 MHz (2)________ 1490.09 MHz ±0 Hz 1490 MHz 1 MHz 1489.991 MHz (3)________ 1490.009 MHz ±0 Hz Marker Count Accuracy Center Freq 5. 1490 MHz 10 MHz 1489.999999 MHz (4)________ 1490.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 1490 MHz 1 MHz 1489.999999 MHz (5)________ 1490.000001 MHz ±0 Hz Frequency Span Accuracy Span Start Freq 1500 MHz 0 Hz 1185 MHz (1)________ 1215 MHz ±3.06 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 79 MHz (2)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (3)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (4)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (5)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (6)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (7)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 10 kHz (1)________ –93 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –100 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –104 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 100 kHz (4)________ –113 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 100 kHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 800 MHz 800 MHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 7. Span 1400 MHz 1499 MHz Noise Sidebands Offset from 1 GHz signal 9. System-Related Sidebands 430 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Offset from 500 MHz signal 10. 11. 30 kHz to 230 kHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±1.3 dB –30 kHz to –230 kHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±1.3 dB 1 kHz Res BW, (Non-Option 1D5) (1)_________ 150 Hz ±21 Hz 1 kHz Res BW, (Option 1D5) (1)_________ 100 Hz ±21 Hz 10 Hz Res BW (Options 1DR and 1D5 only) (2)_________ 2 Hz ±0.27 Hz Residual FM Sweep Time Accuracy Sweep Time 12. 5 ms –1.0% (1)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 20 ms –1.0% (2)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 100 ms –1.0% (3)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 1s –1.0% (4)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 10 s –1.0% (5)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 1 ms (Option AYX only) –1.0% (6)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 500 µs (Option AYX only) –1.0% (7)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 100 µs (Option AYX only) –1.0% (8)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% –4 –0.30 dB (1)________ 0.30 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.30 dB (2)________ 0.30 dB ±0.078 dB Display Scale Fidelity Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 431 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –12 –0.40 dB (3)________ 0.40 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.40 dB (4)________ 0.40 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.40 dB (5)________ 0.40 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.50 dB (6)________ 0.50 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.50 dB (7)________ 0.50 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.60 dB (8)________ 0.60 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.60 dB (9)________ 0.60 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.70 dB (11)________ 0.70 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.70dB (13)________ 0.70 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.70 dB (14)________ 0.70 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.70 dB (15)________ 0.70 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.80 dB (16)________ 0.80 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.80 dB (17)________ 0.80 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.80 dB (18)________ 0.80 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.80 dB (19)________ 0.80 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.80 dB (20)________ 0.80 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.15 dB (21)________ 1.15 dB ±0.086 dB –4 –0.4 dB (22)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (23)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (24)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (25)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level 432 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –20 –0.4 dB (26)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (27)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (28)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (29)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (30)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (31)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (32)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (33)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (34)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (35)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (36)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (37)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (38)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (39)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (40)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (41)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –4 –0.34 dB (43)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (44)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (45)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (46)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (47)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 433 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –24 –0.54 dB (48)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (49)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (50)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (51)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.70 dB (52)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (53)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (54)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (55)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (56)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (57)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (58)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.98 dB (59)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (60)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –1.06 dB (61)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (62)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.14 dB (63)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –88 –1.18 dB (64)________ 1.18 dB ±0.085 dB –92 –1.22 dB (65)________ 1.22 dB ±0.100 dB –96 –1.26 dB (66)________ 1.26 dB ±0.099 dB –98 –1.28 dB (67)________ 1.28 dB ±0.098 dB –4 –0.4 dB (68)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (69)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 434 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –12 –0.4 dB (70)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (71)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (72)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (73)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (74)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (75)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (76)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (77)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (78)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (79)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (80)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (81)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (82)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (83)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (84)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (85)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (86)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (87)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –4 –2.0% (93)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (94)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (95)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (96)________ 2.0% ±0.064% Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 435 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –2.0% (97)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –2.0% (98)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (99)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (100)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (101)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (102)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –0.36 dB (103)_________ 0.36 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.42 dB (104)________ 0.42 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.48 dB (105)________ 0.48 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.54 dB (106)________ 0.54 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.60 dB (107)________ 0.60 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.66 dB (108)________ 0.66 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.72 dB (109)________ 0.72 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.78 dB (110)________ 0.78 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.84 dB (111)________ 0.84 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.90 dB (112)________ 0.90 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.96 dB (113)________ 0.96 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –1.02 dB (114)________ 1.02 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –1.08 dB (115)________ 1.08 dB ±0.080 dB –20 Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Zero Span, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 436 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 13. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –56 –1.14 dB (116)________ 1.14 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –1.20 dB (117)________ 1.20 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –1.5 dB (118)________ 1.5 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –1.5 dB (119)________ 1.5 dB ±0.080 dB –70 –1.5 dB (120)________ 1.5 dB ±0.084 dB 0 dB –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.101 dB 5 dB –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.104 dB 15 dB –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.102 dB 20 dB –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.098 dB 25 dB –0.35 dB (5)________ 0.35 dB ±0.098 dB 30 dB –0.40 dB (6)________ 0.40 dB ±0.096 dB 35 dB –0.45 dB (7)________ 0.45 dB ±0.099 dB 40 dB –0.50 dB (8)________ 0.50 dB ±0.096 dB 45 dB –0.55 dB (9)________ 0.55 dB ±0.099 dB 50 dB –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.095 dB 55 dB –0.65 dB (11)________ 0.65 dB ±0.099 dB 60 dB –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.100 dB –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Input Attenuation Setting 14. Reference Level Accuracy Log, Res BW ≥1 kHz Reference Level 50 Ω (dBm) –15 75 Ω (dBmV) 33.75 Chapter 3 437 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –5 43.75 –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –35 13.75 –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –45 3.75 –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –55 –6.25 –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –65 –16.25 –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –75 –26.25 –0.7 dB (7)________ 0.7 dB ±0.099 dB Linear, Res BW ≤300 Hz Reference Level 50 Ω (dBm) 75 Ω (dBmV) –15 33.75 –0.3 dB (8)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB –5 43.75 –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –35 13.75 –0.3 dB (10)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –45 3.75 –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –55 –6.25 –0.5 dB (12)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –65 –16.25 –0.5 dB (13)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –75 –26.25 –0.7 dB (14)________ 0.7 dB ±0.099 dB Log, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) Reference Level 50 Ω (dBm) 75 Ω (dBmV) –15 33.75 –0.3 dB (15)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB –5 43.75 –0.3 dB (16)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –35 13.75 –0.3 dB (17)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –45 3.75 –0.3 dB (18)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –55 –6.25 –0.5 dB (19)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –65 –16.25 –0.5 dB (20)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB 438 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description –75 Minimum –26.25 Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –0.7 dB (21)________ 0.7 dB ±0.099 dB Linear, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) Reference Level 50 Ω (dBm) 16. 75 Ω (dBmV) –15 33.75 –0.3 dB (22)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB –5 43.75 –0.3 dB (23)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –35 13.75 –0.3 dB (24)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –45 3.75 –0.3 dB (25)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –55 –6.25 –0.5 dB (26)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –65 –16.25 –0.5 dB (27)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –75 –26.25 –0.7 dB (28)________ 0.7 dB ±0.099 dB 3 kHz –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 9 kHz –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 kHz –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 kHz –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 kHz –0.3 dB (5)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 120 kHz –0.3 dB (6)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 300 kHz –0.3 dB (7)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1 MHz –0.3 dB (8)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 MHz –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 5 MHz –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.076 dB 300 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Resolution Bandwidth Chapter 3 439 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 17. 19. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 200 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (13)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (14)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (15)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 Hz (Option 1DR and 1D5 only) Firmware Revision A.08.00 or later –0.3 dB (16)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1Hz (Option 1DR and 1D5 only) Firmware Revision A.08.00 or later –0.3 dB (17)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Log, Preamp Off –0.30 dB (1)________ 0.30 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp Off –0.30 dB (2)________ 0.30 dB ±0.09 dB Log, Preamp On (Option 1DS only) –0.37 dB (3)________ 0.37 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp On (Option 1DS only) –0.37 dB (4)________ 0.37 dB ±0.09 dB 0 dBm input –0.54 dB (1)________ 0.54 dB ±0.234 dB –10 dBm input –0.54 dB (2)________ 0.54 dB ±0.115 dB –20 dBm input –0.54 dB (3)________ 0.54 dB ±0.110 dB –30 dBm input –0.54 dB (4)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (5)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (6)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy 0 dBm Reference Level –20 dBm Reference Level 440 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –20 dBm input –0.54 dB (7)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –30 dBm input –0.54 dB (8)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (9)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (10)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (11)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (12)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB –0.54 dB (13)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB 5 MHz 3.5 MHz (1)________ 6.5 MHz ±110 kHz 3 MHz 2.55 MHz (2)________ 3.45 MHz ±66 kHz 1 MHz 0.85 MHz (3)________ 1.15 MHz ±22 kHz 300 kHz 255 kHz (4)________ 345 kHz ±6.6 kHz 100 kHz 85 kHz (5)________ 115 kHz ±2.2 kHz 30 kHz 25.5 kHz (6)________ 34.5 kHz ±660 Hz 10 kHz 8.5 kHz (7)________ 11.5 kHz ±220 Hz 3 kHz 2.55 kHz (8)________ 3.45 kHz ±66 Hz 1 kHz 850 Hz (9)________ 1.15 kHz ±22 Hz 120 kHz 96 kHz (10)________ 144 kHz ±2.17 kHz 9 kHz 7.2 kHz (11)________ 10.8 kHz ±163 Hz Frequency Response Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. –40 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm input 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Resolution Bandwidth 22. Chapter 3 441 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 20 to 30° C 50 Ω Input (Non-Option 1DP) (9 kHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 0.50 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 0.50 dB ±0.11 dB Option 1DP (75 Ω) Band 0 (1 MHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB 0 to 55° C 50 Ω Input (Non-Option 1DP) (9 kHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB Option 1DP (75 Ω) (1 MHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 442 ±0.11 dB (2)________ (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 25. Minimum Frequency Response (Preamp On) (Option 1DS only) Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. 20 to 30° C 50 Ω Input (No Option 1DP) (100 kHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.0 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB (1)________ 1.50 dB ±0.28 dB Option 1DP (75 Ω) (1 MHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (1)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB 0 to 55° C 50 Ω Input (No Option 1DP) (100 kHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (1)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB Option 1DP (75 Ω) (1 MHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Chapter 3 (2)________ ±0.28 dB 443 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Maximum Measurement Uncertainty (3)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB 542.8 MHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±0.889 dB 510.7 MHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±0.889 dB 1310.7 MHz (3)________ –45 dBc ±0.889 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 28. Results Measured Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Input Frequency 30. 33. Spurious Responses Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the input impedance and serial number of the analyzer. 50 MHz TOI, 1 kHz RBW, 50 Ω (Serial Number less than US39440413) 10 dBm (1)________ ±0.93 dB 50 MHz TOI, 1 kHz RBW, 50 Ω (Serial Number US39440413 or greater) 13.5 dBm (1)________ ±0.93 dB 50 MHz TOI, 1 kHz RBW, 75 Ω 58.75 dBmV (1)________ ±0.93 dB 50 MHz TOI, 30 Hz RBW, 50 Ω (Option 1DR only) (Serial Number less than US39440413) 10 dBm (2)________ ±0.93 dB 50 MHz TOI, 30 Hz RBW, 50 Ω (Option 1DR only) (Serial Number US39440413 or greater) 13.5 dBm (2)________ ±0.93 dB 50 MHz TOI, 30 Hz RBW, 75 Ω (Option 1DR only) 58.75 dBmV (2)________ ±0.93 dB 40 MHz SHI, 50 Ω 35 dBm (3)________ ±0.50 dB 40 MHz SHI, 75 Ω 83.75 dBmV (3)________ ±0.50 dB Gain Compression Test Frequency 444 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 35. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 53 MHz (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 50.004 MHz (Option 1DR only) (2)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 1403 MHz (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB Displayed Average Noise Level Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the input impedance and serial number of the analyzer. 50 Ω, 1 kHz RBW, Preamp Off 400 kHz (1)________ –115 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (2)________ –115 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (3)________ –119 dBm ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (4)________ –117 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (5)________ –114 dBm ±1.23 dB 400 kHz (6)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (7)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (8)________ –135 dBm ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (9)________ –133 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (10)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 400 kHz (11)________ –134 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (12)________ –134 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (13)________ –138 dBm ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (14)________ –136 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (15)________ –133 dBm ±1.23 dB 50 Ω, 1 kHz RBW, Preamp On 50 Ω, 10 Hz RBW, Preamp Off Chapter 3 445 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 50 Ω, 10 Hz RBW, Preamp On 400 kHz (16)________ –150 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (17)________ –150 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (18)________ –154 dBm ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (19)________ –152 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (20)________ –150 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (21)________ –64 dBmV ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (22)________ –66 dBmV ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (23)________ –60 dBmV ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (24)________ –56 dBmV ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (25)________ –80 dBmV ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (26)________ –81 dBmV ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (27)________ –81 dBmV ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (28)________ –75 dBmV ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (29)________ –83 dBmV ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (30)________ –85 dBmV ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (31)________ –79 dBmV ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (32)________ –75 dBmV ±1.23 dB 75 Ω, 1 kHz RBW, Preamp Off 75 Ω, 1 kHz RBW, Preamp On: 75 Ω, 10 Hz RBW, Preamp Off 75 Ω, 10 Hz RBW, Preamp On: 446 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 39. 40. 41. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1 MHz to 10 MHz (33)________ –99 dBmV ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (34)________ –100 dBmV ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (35)________ –100 dBmV ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (36)________ –94 dBmV ±1.23 dB Residual Responses Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the input impedance and serial number of the analyzer. 50 Ω, 150 kHz to 1.5 GHz (1)________ –90 dBm ±0.87 dB 75 Ω, 1 MHz to 1.5 GHz (1)________ –36 dBmV ±0.87 dB (1)________ 0.3% ±0.029% Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy (Option AYX only) Amplitude Error –0.3% Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the input impedance and serial number of the analyzer. (Option 1DN or Option 1DQ only) Absolute Amplitude Accuracy –0.5 dB Positive Vernier Accuracy Negative Vernier Accuracy –0.75 dB Power Sweep Accuracy (1)________ 0.5 dB ±0.096 dB (2)________ 0.75 dB ±0.008 dB ±0.008 dB (3)________ (4)________ 1.5 dB ±0.008 dB (1)________ 1.5 dB ±0.096 dB (2)________ 0.9 dB ±0.008 dB 75 Ω (Option 1DQ) Absolute Amplitude Accuracy –1.5 dB Positive Vernier Accuracy Negative Vernier Accuracy –0.9 dB Chapter 3 (3)________ ±0.008 dB 447 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Power Sweep Accuracy 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness Results Measured (4)________ Maximum 1.8 dB Measurement Uncertainty ±0.008 dB Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the input impedance of the analyzer. (Option 1DN or Option 1DQ only) Positive Level Flatness, <1 MHz Negative Level Flatness, <1 MHz (1)________ –2.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Positive Level Flatness, >10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, >10 MHz –1.5 dB 2.0 dB ±0.190 dB ±0.190 dB (4)________ (5)________ ±0.73 dB ±0.73 dB (2)________ (3)________ –2.0 dB 2.0 dB 1.5 dB ±0.190 dB ±0.190 dB (6)________ 75 Ω (Option 1DQ) Positive Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz (3)________ –2.5 dB Positive Level Flatness, >10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, >10 MHz 45. ±0.190 dB ±0.190 dB (4)________ (5)________ –2.0 dB 2.5 dB 2.0 dB ±0.190 dB ±0.190 dB (6)________ Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN or Option 1DQ only) 2nd Harmonic, <20 MHz 448 (1)________ –20 dBc ±2.6 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-2 Agilent E4401B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4401B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 47. Minimum 51. Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 2nd Harmonic, ≥20 MHz (2)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, <20 MHz (3)________ –20 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, ≥20 MHz (4)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB (1)________ –35 dBc ±2.65 dB Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN or Option 1DQ only) Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude 50. Results Measured Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy (Option 1D6 only) Minimum Gate Delay 499.9 ns (1)________ 1.5001 µs ±549 ps Maximum Gate Delay 499.9 ns (2)________ 1.5001 µs ±549 ps 1 µs Gate Length 499.9 ns (3)________ 1.5001 µs ±520 ps 65 ms Gate Length 64.993 ms (4)________ 65.007 ms ±647 ns –0.2 dB (1)________ 0.2 dB ±0.023 dB Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error (Option 1D6 only) Amplitude Error Chapter 3 449 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Tests for the Agilent E4402B only are included in this test record, therefore not all test numbers are included. Table 3-3 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Address: _____________________________________ Report No. ______________________ _____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ _____________________________________________ Model E4402B Serial No. ___________________ Ambient temperature _______° C Options _____________________ Relative humidity_______% Firmware Revision ____________ Power mains line frequency ______ Hz (nominal) Customer ____________________________________ Tested by _______________________________ Test Equipment Used: Description Model No. Trace No. Cal Due Date Synthesized Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Wide Offset Phase Noise Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper ___________ ___________ ___________ Function Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Meter, Dual-Channel ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #2 ___________ ___________ ___________ Low-Power Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ Digital Multimeter ___________ ___________ ___________ Universal Counter ___________ ___________ ___________ Frequency Standard ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Splitter ___________ ___________ ___________ 50 Ω Termination ___________ ___________ ___________ 1 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ 450 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-3 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record 10 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ Oscilloscope (Option 1D6 only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Spectrum Analyzer (Option 1DN only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Notes/comments: Table 3-4 _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 1. Minimum Measurement Uncertainty –5.0 Hz (1)________ 5.0 Hz ±293.3 µHz –0.1 ppm (1)________ 0.1 ppm ±0.000072 ppm –0.01 ppm (2)________ 0.01 ppm ±0.000070 ppm 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy (Option 1D5 only) 5 Minute Warm-Up Error 15 Minute Warm-Up Error 3. Maximum 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy (Non-Option 1D5 only) Settability 2. Results Measured Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy Frequency Readout Accuracy Center Freq Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.83 MHz (1)________ 1500.17 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 10 MHz 1499.91 MHz (2)________ 1500.09 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.991 MHz (3)________ 1500.009 MHz ±0 Hz Marker Count Accuracy Chapter 3 451 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Center Freq 6. Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Span 1500 MHz 10 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (4)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (5)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz Frequency Span Accuracy Span Start Freq 3000 MHz 0 Hz 2370 MHz (1)________ 2430 MHz ±6.12 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 79 MHz (2)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (3)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (4)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (5)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (6)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (7)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 10 kHz (1)________ –90 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –100 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –106 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 kHz (1)________ –98 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –104 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –110 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 100 kHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 7. Results Measured 10 MHz 800 MHz 800 MHz 1400 MHz 1499 MHz Noise Sidebands Offset from 1 GHz signal (Serial Prefix < US4510, SG4510 or MY4510) (Serial Prefix ≥ US4510, SG4510 or MY4510, Option 1DR) 452 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty (Serial Prefix ≥ US4510, SG4510 or MY4510, Non-Option 1DR) 8. 10 kHz (1)________ –90 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –104 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –110 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon whether or not Option 120 (ACPR Dynamic Range Extension) is installed. Non-Option 120 Offset from 1 GHz signal 100 kHz (1)________ –118 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 1 MHz (2)________ –125 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 5 MHz (3)________ –127 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 MHz (4)________ –131 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 100 kHz (1)________ –118 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 1 MHz (2)________ –133 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 5 MHz (3)________ –135 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 MHz (4)________ –137 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz to 230 kHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB –30 kHz to –230 kHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB Option 120 Offset from 1 GHz signal 9. System-Related Sidebands Offset from 500 MHz signal 10. Residual FM Chapter 3 453 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1 kHz Res BW, (Non-Option 1D5) (1)_________ 150 Hz ±21 Hz 1 kHz Res BW, (Option 1D5) (1)_________ 100 Hz ±21 Hz (3)_________ 2 Hz ±0.27 Hz 10 Hz Res BW (Options 1DR and 1D5 only) 11. Results Measured Sweep Time Accuracy Sweep Time 12. 5 ms –1.0% (1)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 20 ms –1.0% (2)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 100 ms –1.0% (3)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 1s –1.0% (4)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 10 s –1.0% (5)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 1 ms (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (6)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 500 µs (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (7)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 100 µs (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (8)________ 1.0% ±0.16% –4 –0.30 dB (1)________ 0.30 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.30 dB (2)________ 0.30 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.40 dB (3)________ 0.40 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.40 dB (4)________ 0.40 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.40 dB (5)________ 0.40 dB ±0.078 dB Display Scale Fidelity Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level 454 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –24 –0.50 dB (6)________ 0.50 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.50 dB (7)________ 0.50 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.60 dB (8)________ 0.60 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.60 dB (9)________ 0.60 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.70 dB (11)________ 0.70 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.70dB (13)________ 0.70 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.70 dB (14)________ 0.70 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.70 dB (15)________ 0.70 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.80 dB (16)________ 0.80 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.80 dB (17)________ 0.80 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.80 dB (18)________ 0.80 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.80 dB (19)________ 0.80 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.80 dB (20)________ 0.80 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.15 dB (21)________ 1.15 dB ±0.086 dB –4 –0.4 dB (22)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (23)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (24)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (25)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (26)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (27)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (28)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 455 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –32 –0.4 dB (29)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (30)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (31)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (32)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (33)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (34)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (35)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (36)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (37)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (38)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (39)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (40)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (41)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –4 –0.34 dB (43)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (44)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (45)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (46)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (47)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.54 dB (48)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (49)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (50)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (51)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 456 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –40 –0.70 dB (52)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (53)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (54)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (55)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (56)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (57)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (58)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.98 dB (59)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (60)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –1.06 dB (61)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (62)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.14 dB (63)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –88 –1.18 dB (64)________ 1.18 dB ±0.085 dB –92 –1.22 dB (65)________ 1.22 dB ±0.100 dB –96 –1.26 dB (66)________ 1.26 dB ±0.099 dB –98 –1.28 dB (67)________ 1.28 dB ±0.098 dB –4 –0.4 dB (68)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (69)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (70)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (71)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (72)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (73)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 457 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –28 –0.4 dB (74)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (75)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (76)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (77)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (78)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (79)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (80)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (81)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (82)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (83)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (84)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (85)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (86)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (87)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –4 –2.0% (93)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (94)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (95)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (96)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (97)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –2.0% (98)________ 2.0% ±0.064% Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level –4 458 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –8 –2.0% (99)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (100)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (101)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (102)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –0.36 dB (103)_________ 0.36 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.42 dB (104)________ 0.42 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.48 dB (105)________ 0.48 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.54 dB (106)________ 0.54 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.60 dB (107)________ 0.60 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.66 dB (108)________ 0.66 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.72 dB (109)________ 0.72 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.78 dB (110)________ 0.78 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.84 dB (111)________ 0.84 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.90 dB (112)________ 0.90 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.96 dB (113)________ 0.96 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –1.02 dB (114)________ 1.02 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –1.08 dB (115)________ 1.08 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –1.14 dB (116)________ 1.14 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –1.20 dB (117)________ 1.20 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –1.5 dB (118)________ 1.5 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –1.5 dB (119)________ 1.5 dB ±0.080 dB –70 –1.5 dB (120)________ 1.5 dB ±0.084 dB Zero Span, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 459 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 13. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Input Attenuation Setting 15. 0 dB –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.101 dB 5 dB –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.104 dB 15 dB –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.102 dB 20 dB –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.098 dB 25 dB –0.35 dB (5)________ 0.35 dB ±0.098 dB 30 dB –0.40 dB (6)________ 0.40 dB ±0.096 dB 35 dB –0.45 dB (7)________ 0.45 dB ±0.099 dB 40 dB –0.50 dB (8)________ 0.50 dB ±0.096 dB 45 dB –0.55 dB (9)________ 0.55 dB ±0.099 dB 50 dB –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.095 dB 55 dB –0.65 dB (11)________ 0.65 dB ±0.099 dB 60 dB –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.100 dB 65 dB –0.75 dB (13)________ 0.75 dB ±0.111 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB Reference Level Accuracy Log, Res BW ≥1 kHz Reference Level 460 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –70 dBm –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (8)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (10)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (13)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (14)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (15)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (16)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (17)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (18)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (19)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (20)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (21)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (22)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (23)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (24)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB Linear, Res BW ≥1 kHz Reference Level Log, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) Reference Level Linear, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) Reference Level Chapter 3 461 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 16. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –10 dBm –0.3 dB (25)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (26)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (27)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (28)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (29)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (30)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (31)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (32)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB 3 kHz –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 9 kHz –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 kHz –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 kHz –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 kHz –0.3 dB (5)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 120 kHz –0.3 dB (6)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 300 kHz –0.3 dB (7)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1 MHz –0.3 dB (8)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 MHz –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 5 MHz –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.076 dB 300 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 200 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (13)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (14)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (15)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Resolution Bandwidth 462 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 18. 20. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 3 Hz (Option 1DR and 1D5 only) Firmware Revision A.08.00 or later –0.3 dB (16)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1Hz (Option 1DR and 1D5 only) Firmware Revision A.08.00 or later –0.3 dB (17)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Log, Preamp Off –0.34 dB (1)________ 0.34 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp Off –0.34 dB (2)________ 0.34 dB ±0.09 dB Log, Preamp On (Option 1DS only) –0.37 dB (3)________ 0.37 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp On (Option 1DS only) –0.37 dB (4)________ 0.37 dB ±0.09 dB 0 dBm input –0.54 dB (1)________ 0.54 dB ±0.234 dB –10 dBm input –0.54 dB (2)________ 0.54 dB ±0.115 dB –20 dBm input –0.54 dB (3)________ 0.54 dB ±0.110 dB –30 dBm input –0.54 dB (4)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (5)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (6)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –20 dBm input –0.54 dB (7)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –30 dBm input –0.54 dB (8)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (9)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (10)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy 0 dBm Reference Level −20 dBm Reference Level Chapter 3 463 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty −40 dBm Reference Level –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (11)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (12)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB –0.54 dB (13)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB 5 MHz 3.5 MHz (1)________ 6.5 MHz ±110 kHz 3 MHz 2.55 MHz (2)________ 3.45 MHz ±66 kHz 1 MHz 0.85 MHz (3)________ 1.15 MHz ±22 kHz 300 kHz 255 kHz (4)________ 345 kHz ±6.6 kHz 100 kHz 85 kHz (5)________ 115 kHz ±2.2 kHz 30 kHz 25.5 kHz (6)________ 34.5 kHz ±660 Hz 10 kHz 8.5 kHz (7)________ 11.5 kHz ±220 Hz 3 kHz 2.55 kHz (8)________ 3.45 kHz ±66 Hz 1 kHz 850 Hz (9)________ 1.15 kHz ±22 Hz 120 kHz 96 kHz (10)________ 144 kHz ±2.17 kHz 9 kHz 7.2 kHz (11)________ 10.8 kHz ±163 Hz Frequency Response Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. −50 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm input 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Resolution Bandwidth 23. 20 to 30° C Non-Option UKB Band 0 (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response 464 (1)________ 0.46 dB ±0.19 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Minimum Response –0.46 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 0.92 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 0.50 dB ±0.19 dB Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (100 Hz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB (4)________ 0.46 dB ±0.11 dB Non-Option UKB Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39441006 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.46 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (5)________ (6)________ 0.92 dB ±0.11 dB (7)________ 0.46 dB ±0.11 dB Non-Option UKB Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39441006 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.46 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Chapter 3 ±0.11 dB (8)________ (9)________ 0.92 dB ±0.11 dB 465 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0 (100 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (10)________ –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 0.50 dB ±0.11 dB ±0.11 dB (11)________ (12)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (13)________ 0.50 dB ±0.11 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (14)________ (15)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (16)________ 0.50 dB ±0.11 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (17)________ (18)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (1)________ 0.76 dB ±0.19 dB 0 to 55° C Non-Option UKB Band 0 (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response 466 –0.76 dB (2)________ ±0.19 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Peak-to-Peak Response Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty (3)________ 1.52 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB Option UKB dc coupled Band 0 (100 Hz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.19 dB (4)________ 0.76 dB ±0.11 dB Non-Option UKB Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39441006 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.76 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (5)________ (6)________ 1.52 dB ±0.11 dB (7)________ 0.76 dB ±0.11 dB Non-Option UKB Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39441006 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.76 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Chapter 3 ±0.11 dB (8)________ (9)________ 1.52 dB ±0.11 dB 467 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0 (100 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (10)________ –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB ±0.11 dB (11)________ (12)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB (13)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (14)________ (15)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB (16)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response Peak-to-Peak Response 26. Frequency Response (Preamp On) (Option 1DS Only) –1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (17)________ (18)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. 20 to 30° C Band 0 (1 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response 468 (1)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (4)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39441006 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (5)________ (6)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (7)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39441006 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (8)________ (9)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (1)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB 0 to 55° C Band 0 (1 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Chapter 3 ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB 469 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39441006 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response (4)________ –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (5)________ (6)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB (7)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39441006 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 (9)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB 2042.8 MHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2642.8 MHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 1820.8 MHz (3)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 278.5 MHz (4)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 29. ±0.28 dB (8)________ Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Input Frequency 31. Spurious Responses 300 MHz TOI, 1 kHz RBW 11 dBm (1)________ ±0.93 dB 300 MHz TOI, 30 Hz RBW (Option 1DR only) 11 dBm (2)________ ±0.93 dB 300 MHz SHI 35 dBm (3)________ ±0.41 dB 900 MHz SHI 45 dBm (4)________ ±0.41 dB 470 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB (2)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 1403 MHz (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 2503 MHz (4)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB Test Description 33. Minimum Gain Compression Test Frequency 53 MHz 50.004 MHz (Option 1DR only) 36. Displayed Average Noise Level Note: Enter results with preamp on in the appropriate section based upon the ambient temperature when the test was performed. 1 kHz RBW, Preamp Off 10 MHz to 1 GHz (1)________ –117 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (2)________ –116 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (3)________ –114 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (4)________ –132 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (5)________ –132 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (6)________ –129 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (7)________ –136 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (8)________ –135 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (9)________ –133 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (10)________ –151 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (11)________ –151 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (12)________ –148 dBm ±1.23 dB 1kHz RBW, Preamp On, 0 to 55° C 10 Hz RBW, Preamp Off 10 Hz RBW, Preamp On, 0 to 55° C Chapter 3 471 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1kHz RBW, Preamp On, 20 to 30° C 10 MHz to 1 GHz (13)________ –133 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (14)________ –134 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (15)________ –132 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (16)________ –152 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (17)________ –152 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (18)________ –151 dBm ±1.23 dB (1)________ –90 dBm ±0.87 dB –0.3% (1)________ 0.3% ±0.029% –0.75 dB (1)________ 0.75 dB ±0.096 dB –2 dB –0.5 dB (2)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.5 dB (3)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.5 dB (4)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB 10 Hz RBW, Preamp On, 20 to 30° C 39. Residual Responses 150 kHz to 3.0 GHz 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy (Option AYX only) Amplitude Error 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy (Option 1DN only) Absolute Amplitude Accuracy Absolute Vernier Accuracy 472 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –8 dB –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.5 dB (8)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.5 dB (9)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –2 dB –0.2 dB (10)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.2 dB (11)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.2 dB (12)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.2 dB (13)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.2 dB (14)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.2 dB (15)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.2 dB (16)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.2 dB (17)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB (1)________ 3.0 dB ±0.284 dB Incremental Vernier Accuracy 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness (Option 1DN only) Positive Level Flatness, <1 MHz Negative Level Flatness, <1 MHz –3.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz (3)________ –3.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz Chapter 3 3.0 dB (6)________ ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB (4)________ (5)________ –2.0 dB ±0.284 dB (2)________ 2.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB 473 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Positive Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz 46. 48. 49. Results Measured (7)________ –2.0 dB Maximum 2.0 dB Measurement Uncertainty ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB (8)________ Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) 2nd Harmonic, <20 kHz (1)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 2nd Harmonic, ≥20 kHz (2)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, <20 kHz (3)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, ≥20 kHz (4)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 9 kHz to 2 GHz (1)________ –27 dBc ±2.63 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 2 GHz to 3 GHz (2)________ –23 dBc ±3.14 dB 9 kHz to 2.9 GHz (1)________ –16 dBm ±2.58 dB 2.9 GHz to 3.0 GHz (2)________ –16 dBm ±3.03 dB Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough (Option 1DN only) 474 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 50. 51. Minimum 59. Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy (Option 1D6 only) Minimum Gate Delay 499.9 ns (1)________ 1.5001 µs ±549 ps Maximum Gate Delay 499.9 ns (2)________ 1.5001 µs ±549 ps 1 µs Gate Length 499.9 ns (3)________ 1.5001 µs ±520 ps 65 ms Gate Length 64.993 ms (4)________ 65.007 ms ±647 ns –0.2 dB (1)________ 0.2 dB ±0.023 dB Peak Phase Error –2.1 Deg (1)________ 2.1 Deg ±0.52 Deg RMS Phase Error –1.1 Deg (2)________ 1.1 Deg ±0.000063 Deg Frequency Error –10 Hz (3)________ 10 Hz ±0.006 Hz 15 dBm –0.90 dB (1)________ 0.90 dB ±0.173 dB −5 dBm –0.90 dB (2)________ 0.90 dB ±0.161 dB −25 dBm –0.86 dB (3)________ 0.86 dB ±0.161 dB Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error (Option 1D6 only) Amplitude Error 58. Results Measured GSM Phase and Frequency Error (Option BAH and B7E) Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) 20 to 30° C cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude Chapter 3 475 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty −45 dBm –0.70 dB (4)________ 0.70 dB ±0.152 dB −55 dBm –0.78 dB (5)________ 0.78 dB ±0.152 dB −70 dBm –0.90 dB (6)________ 0.90 dB ±0.161 dB 15 dBm –0.74 dBa (7)________ 0.74 dBb ±0.173 dB −5 dBm –0.74 dBa (8)________ 0.74 dBb ±0.161 dB −25 dBm –0.69 dBa (9)________ 0.69 dBb ±0.161 dB −45 dBm –0.70 dBa (10)________ 0.70 dBb ±0.152 dB −55 dBm –0.78 dBa (11)________ 0.78 dBb ±0.152 dB −70 dBm –0.90 dBa (12)________ 0.90 dBb ±0.161 dB 15 dBm –0.99 dB (13)________ 0.99 dB ±0.173 dB −20 dBm –0.99 dB (14)________ 0.99 dB ±0.161 dB −30 dBm –0.92 dB (15)________ 0.92 dB ±0.156 dB −40 dBm –0.97 dB (16)________ 0.97 dB ±0.161 dB −50 dBm –1.16 dB (17)________ 1.16 dB ±0.152 dB −60 dBm –1.29 dB (18)________ 1.29 dB ±0.161 dB 15 dBm –0.83 dBa (19)________ 0.83 dBb ±0.173 dB −20 dBm –0.83 dBa (20)________ 0.83 dBb ±0.161 dB PCS Band Input Amplitude GSM Transmit Power Accuracy (Option BAH only) GSM Band Input Amplitude DCS and PCS Bands Input Amplitude 476 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty −30 dBm –0.75 dBa (21)________ 0.75 dBb ±0.156 dB −40 dBm –0.80 dBa (22)________ 0.80 dBb ±0.161 dB −50 dBm –0.99 dBa (23)________ 0.99 dBb ±0.152 dB −60 dBm –1.12 dBa (24)________ 1.12 dBb ±0.161 dB −40 dBm –1.58 dB (25)________ 1.58 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.58 dB (26)________ 1.58 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.58 dB (27)________ 1.58 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.58 dB (28)________ 1.58 dB ±0.161 dB −85 dBm –1.58 dB (29)________ 1.58 dB ±0.152 dB −40 dBm –1.52 dBa (30)________ 1.52 dBb ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.52 dBa (31)________ 1.52 dBb ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.52 dBa (32)________ 1.52 dBb ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.52 dBa (33)________ 1.52 dBb ±0.161 dB −85 dBm –1.52 dBa (34)________ 1.52 dBb ±0.152 dB cdmaOne Receive Channel Power, Preamp Off (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude PCS Band Input Amplitude cdmaOne Receive Channel Power, Preamp On (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude Chapter 3 477 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-4 Agilent E4402B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4402B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty −40 dBm –1.77 dB (35)________ 1.77 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.77 dB (36)________ 1.77 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.77 dB (37)________ 1.77 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.77 dB (38)________ 1.77 dB ±0.161 dB −90 dBm –3.00 dB (39)________ 3.00 dB ±0.161 dB −100 dBm –3.00 dB (40)________ 3.00 dB ±0.161 dB −40 dBm –1.86 dB (41)________ 1.86 dBb ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.86 dB (42)________ 1.86 dBb ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.86 dB (43)________ 1.86 dBb ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.86 dB (44)________ 1.86 dBb ±0.161 dB −90 dBm –3.09 dB (45)________ 3.09 dBb ±0.161 dB −100 dBm –3.09 dB (46)________ 3.09 dBb ±0.161 dB PCS Band Input Amplitude a. Subtract 0.10 dB if the analyzer has Option UKB installed. b. Add 0.10 dB if the analyzer has Option UKB installed. 478 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Tests for the Agilent E4403B only are included in this test record, therefore not all test numbers are included. Table 3-5 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Address: _____________________________________ Report No. ______________________ _____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ _____________________________________________ Model E4403B Serial No. ___________________ Ambient temperature _______° C Options _____________________ Relative humidity _______% Firmware Revision ____________ Power mains line frequency ______ Hz (nominal) Customer ____________________________________ Tested by _______________________________ Test Equipment Used: Description Model No. Trace No. Cal Due Date Synthesized Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper ___________ ___________ ___________ Function Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Meter, Dual-Channel ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #2 ___________ ___________ ___________ Low-Power Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ Digital Multimeter ___________ ___________ ___________ Universal Counter ___________ ___________ ___________ Frequency Standard ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Splitter ___________ ___________ ___________ 50 Ω Termination ___________ ___________ ___________ 1 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ 10 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ Chapter 3 479 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-5 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Microwave Spectrum Analyzer (Option 1DN only) Notes/comments: Table 3-6 ___________ ___________ ___________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 1. Minimum Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy Settability 3. Results Measured –5.0 Hz (1)________ 5.0 Hz ±293.3 µHz Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy Frequency Readout Accuracy Center Freq Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.83 MHz (1)________ 1500.17 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 10 MHz 1499.91 MHz (2)________ 1500.09 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.991 MHz (3)________ 1500.009 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.83 MHz (4)________ 4000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 10 MHz 3999.91 MHz (5)________ 4000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.991 MHz (6)________ 4000.009 MHz ±0 Hz Marker Count Accuracy Center Freq Span 1500 MHz 10 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (4)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (5)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 480 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 6. Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Frequency Span Accuracy Span Start Freq 3000 MHz 0 Hz 2370 MHz (1)________ 2430 MHz ±6.12 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 79 MHz (2)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (3)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (4)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (5)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (6)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (7)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 10 kHz (1)________ –90 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –100 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –106 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz to 230 kHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB –30 kHz to –230 kHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB (1)________ 150 Hz ±21 Hz (1)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 100 kHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 7. Minimum 10 MHz 800 MHz 800 MHz 1400 MHz 1499 MHz Noise Sidebands Offset from 1 GHz signal 9. System-Related Sidebands Offset from 500 MHz signal 10. Residual FM 1 kHz Res BW 11. Sweep Time Accuracy Sweep Time 5 ms –1.0% Chapter 3 481 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 12. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 20 ms –1.0% (2)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 100 ms –1.0% (3)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 1s –1.0% (4)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 10 s –1.0% (5)________ 1.0% ±0.16% –4 –0.34 dB (1)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (2)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (3)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (4)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (5)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.54 dB (6)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (7)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (8)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (9)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.70 dB (10)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (11)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (12)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (13)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (14)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (15)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (16)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.98 dB (17)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (18)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB Display Scale Fidelity Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level 482 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –76 –1.06 dB (19)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (20)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.14 dB (21)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –4 –0.4 dB (22)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (23)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (24)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (25)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (26)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (27)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (28)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (29)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (30)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (31)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (32)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (33)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (34)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (35)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (36)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (37)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (38)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (39)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (40)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (41)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 483 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level –4 –0.34 dB (43)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (44)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (45)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (46)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (47)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.54 dB (48)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (49)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (50)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (51)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.70 dB (52)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (53)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (54)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (55)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (56)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (57)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (58)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.98 dB (59)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (60)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –1.06 dB (61)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (62)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.14 dB (63)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –88 –1.18 dB (64)________ 1.18 dB ±0.085 dB 484 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –92 –1.22 dB (65)________ 1.22 dB ±0.100 dB –96 –1.26 dB (66)________ 1.26 dB ±0.099 dB –98 –1.28 dB (67)________ 1.28 dB ±0.098 dB –4 –0.4 dB (68)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (69)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (70)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (71)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (72)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (73)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (74)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (75)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (76)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (77)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (78)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (79)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (80)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (81)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (82)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (83)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (84)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (85)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (86)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 485 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –0.4 dB (87)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –4 –2.0% (93)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (94)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (95)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (96)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (97)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –2.0% (98)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (99)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (100)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (101)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (102)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –0.36 dB (103)_________ 0.36 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.42 dB (104)________ 0.42 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.48 dB (105)________ 0.48 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.54 dB (106)________ 0.54 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.60 dB (107)________ 0.60 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.66 dB (108)________ 0.66 dB ±0.074 dB –80 Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Zero Span, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 486 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 13. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –28 –0.72 dB (109)________ 0.72 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.78 dB (110)________ 0.78 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.84 dB (111)________ 0.84 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.90 dB (112)________ 0.90 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.96 dB (113)________ 0.96 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –1.02 dB (114)________ 1.02 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –1.08 dB (115)________ 1.08 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –1.14 dB (116)________ 1.14 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –1.20 dB (117)________ 1.20 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –1.5 dB (118)________ 1.5 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –1.5 dB (119)________ 1.5 dB ±0.080 dB –70 –1.5 dB (120)________ 1.5 dB ±0.084 dB 0 dB –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.101 dB 5 dB –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.104 dB 15 dB –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.102 dB 20 dB –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.098 dB 25 dB –0.35 dB (5)________ 0.35 dB ±0.098 dB 30 dB –0.40 dB (6)________ 0.40 dB ±0.096 dB 35 dB –0.45 dB (7)________ 0.45 dB ±0.099 dB 40 dB –0.50 dB (8)________ 0.50 dB ±0.096 dB 45 dB –0.55 dB (9)________ 0.55 dB ±0.099 dB 50 dB –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.095 dB 55 dB –0.65 dB (11)________ 0.65 dB ±0.099 dB Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Input Attenuation Setting Chapter 3 487 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 15. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 60 dB –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.100 dB 65 dB –0.75 dB (13)________ 0.75 dB ±0.111 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (8)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (10)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (13)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (14)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (15)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (16)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB Reference Level Accuracy Log Reference Level Linear Reference Level 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty 488 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Resolution Bandwidth 18. 20. 3 kHz –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 9 kHz –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 kHz –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 kHz –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 kHz –0.3 dB (5)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 120 kHz –0.3 dB (6)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 300 kHz –0.3 dB (7)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1 MHz –0.3 dB (8)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 MHz –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 5 MHz –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.076 dB 300 Hz (Option 1DR only) −3.0 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 200 Hz (Option 1DR only) −3.0 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 Hz (Option 1DR only) −3.0 dB (13)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Log, Preamp Off –0.4 dB (1)________ 0.4 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp Off –0.4 dB (2)________ 0.4 dB ±0.09 dB 0 dBm input –0.6 dB (1)________ 0.6 dB ±0.234 dB –10 dBm input –0.6 dB (2)________ 0.6 dB ±0.115 dB –20 dBm input –0.6 dB (3)________ 0.6 dB ±0.110 dB –30 dBm input –0.6 dB (4)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy 0 dBm Reference Level Chapter 3 489 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –40 dBm input –0.6 dB (5)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.6 dB (6)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –20 dBm input –0.6 dB (7)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –30 dBm input –0.6 dB (8)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.6 dB (9)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.6 dB (11)________ 0.6 dB ±0.087 dB –50 dBm input –0.6 dB (12)________ 0.6 dB ±0.087 dB –0.6 dB (13)________ 0.6 dB ±0.087 dB 5 MHz 3.5 MHz (1)________ 6.5 MHz ±110 kHz 3 MHz 2.55 MHz (2)________ 3.45 MHz ±66 kHz 1 MHz 0.85 MHz (3)________ 1.15 MHz ±22 kHz 300 kHz 255 kHz (4)________ 345 kHz ±6.6 kHz 100 kHz 85 kHz (5)________ 115 kHz ±2.2 kHz 30 kHz 25.5 kHz (6)________ 34.5 kHz ±660 Hz 10 kHz 8.5 kHz (7)________ 11.5 kHz ±220 Hz 3 kHz 2.55 kHz (8)________ 3.45 kHz ±66 Hz 1 kHz 850 Hz (9)________ 1.15 kHz ±22 Hz 120 kHz 96 kHz (10)________ 144 kHz ±2.17 kHz 9 kHz 7.2 kHz (11)________ 10.8 kHz ±163 Hz –20 dBm Reference Level –40 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm input 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Resolution Bandwidth 490 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 23. Minimum Frequency Response Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed. 20 to 30° C Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –0.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 0.5 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB 0 to 55° C Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.19 dB 2042.8 MHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±0.891 dB 2642.8 MHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±0.891 dB 1820.8 MHz (3)________ –65 dBc ±0.891 dB 278.5 MHz (4)________ –65 dBc ±0.891 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 29. ±0.19 dB (2)________ Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Input Frequency 31. 33. Spurious Responses Note: Entry 2 does not apply to the Agilent E4403B. 300 MHz TOI 7.5 dBm (1)________ ±0.93 dB 300 MHz SHI 30 dBm (3)________ ±0.41 dB 900 MHz SHI 40 dBm (4)________ ±0.41 dB Gain Compression Note: Entry 2 does not apply to the Agilent E4403B. Test Frequency 53 MHz (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 1403 MHz (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 2503 MHz (4)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB Chapter 3 491 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 36. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Displayed Average Noise Level 1 kHz RBW 10 MHz to 1 GHz (1)________ –117 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (2)________ –116 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (3)________ –114 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (7)________ –125 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (8)________ –124 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (9)________ –122 dBm ±1.23 dB (1)________ –90 dBm ±0.87 dB –0.75 dB (1)________ 0.75 dB ±0.096 dB –2 dB –0.5 dB (2)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.5 dB (3)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.5 dB (4)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.5 dB (8)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.5 dB (9)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB 100 Hz RBW 39. Residual Responses 150 kHz to 3.0 GHz 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy (Option 1DN only) Absolute Amplitude Accuracy Absolute Vernier Accuracy 492 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Incremental Vernier Accuracy 44. –2 dB –0.2 dB (10)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.2 dB (11)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.2 dB (12)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.2 dB (13)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.2 dB (14)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.2 dB (15)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.2 dB (16)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.2 dB (17)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB (1)________ 3.0 dB ±0.284 dB Tracking Generator Level Flatness (Option 1DN only) Positive Level Flatness, <1 MHz Negative Level Flatness, <1 MHz –3.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz (3)________ –3.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz Positive Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz Chapter 3 (8)________ ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB 2.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB (6)________ (7)________ –2.0 dB 3.0 dB (4)________ (5)________ –2.0 dB ±0.284 dB (2)________ 2.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB 493 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-6 Agilent E4403B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4403B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 46. 48. 49. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) 2nd Harmonic, <20 kHz (1)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 2nd Harmonic, ≥20 kHz (2)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, <20 kHz (3)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, ≥20 kHz (4)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 9 kHz to 2 GHz (1)________ –27 dBc ±2.63 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 2 GHz to 3 GHz (2)________ –23 dBc ±3.14 dB 9 kHz to 2.9 GHz (1)________ –16 dBm ±2.58 dB 2.9 GHz to 3.0 GHz (2)________ –16 dBm ±3.08 dB Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough (Option 1DN only) 494 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Tests for the Agilent E4404B only are included in this test record, therefore not all test numbers are included. Table 3-7 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Address: _____________________________________ Report No. ______________________ _____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ _____________________________________________ Model E4404B Serial No. ___________________ Ambient temperature _______° C Options _____________________ Relative humidity _______% Firmware Revision ____________ Power mains line frequency ______ Hz (nominal) Customer ____________________________________ Tested by _______________________________ Test Equipment Used: Description Model No. Trace No. Cal Due Date Synthesized Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Wide Offset Phase Noise Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper #2 ___________ ___________ ___________ Function Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Meter, Dual-Channel ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #2 ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ Low-Power Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ Digital Multimeter ___________ ___________ ___________ Universal Counter ___________ ___________ ___________ Frequency Standard ___________ ___________ ___________ Chapter 3 495 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-7 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Power Splitter ___________ ___________ ___________ 50 Ω Termination ___________ ___________ ___________ 1 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ 10 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ Oscilloscope (Option 1D6 only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Spectrum Analyzer (Option 1DN only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Notes/comments: Table 3-8 _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 1. Minimum 4. Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 MHz Reference Accuracy (Non-Option 1D5 only) –5.0 Hz (1)________ 5.0 Hz ±293.3 µHz 5 Minute Warm-Up Error –0.1 ppm (1)________ 0.1 ppm ±0.000072 ppm 15 Minute Warm-Up Error –0.01 ppm (2)________ 0.01 ppm ±0.000070 ppm Settability 2. Results Measured 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy (Option 1D5 only) Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy Frequency Readout Accuracy Center Freq Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.83 MHz (1)________ 1500.17 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 10 MHz 1499.91 MHz (2)________ 1500.09 MHz ±0 Hz 496 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.991 MHz (3)________ 1500.009 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.83 MHz (4)________ 4000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 10 MHz 3999.91 MHz (5)________ 4000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.991 MHz (6)________ 4000.009 MHz ±0 Hz Marker Count Accuracy Center Freq 6. Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (16)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (17)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.999999 MHz (18)________ 4000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.999999 MHz (19)________ 4000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz Frequency Span Accuracy Span Start Freq 3000 MHz 0 Hz 2370 MHz (1)________ 2430 MHz ±6.12 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 79 MHz (2)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (3)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (4)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (5)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (6)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (7)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 100 kHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 10 MHz 800 MHz 800 MHz 1400 MHz 1499 MHz Chapter 3 497 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 7. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Noise Sidebands Offset from 1 GHz signal (Serial Prefix < US4510, SG4510 or MY4510) 10 kHz (1)________ –90 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –100 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –106 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 kHz (1)________ –98 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –104 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –110 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 kHz (1)________ –90 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –104 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –110 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB (Serial Prefix ≥ US4510, SG4510 or MY4510, Option 1DR) (Serial Prefix ≥ US4510, SG4510 or MY4510, Non-Option 1DR) 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon whether or not Option 120 (ACPR Dynamic Range Extension) is installed. Non-Option 120 Offset from 1 GHz signal 100 kHz (1)________ –118 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 1 MHz (2)________ –125 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 5 MHz (3)________ –127 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 MHz (4)________ –131 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 498 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Results Measured Maximum 100 kHz (1)________ –118 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 1 MHz (2)________ –133 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 5 MHz (3)________ –135 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 MHz (4)________ –137 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz to 230 kHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB –30 kHz to –230 kHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB 1 kHz Res BW, (Non-Option 1D5) (1)_________ 150 Hz ±21 Hz 1 kHz Res BW, (Option 1D5) (1)_________ 100 Hz ±21 Hz 10 Hz Res BW (Options 1DR and 1D5 only) (2)_________ 2 Hz ±0.27 Hz Test Description Minimum Measurement Uncertainty Option 120 Offset from 1 GHz signal 9. System-Related Sidebands Offset from 500 MHz signal 10. 11. Residual FM Sweep Time Accuracy Sweep Time 5 ms –1.0% (1)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 20 ms –1.0% (2)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 100 ms –1.0% (3)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 1s –1.0% (4)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 10 s –1.0% (5)________ 1.0% ±0.16% Chapter 3 499 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 12. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1 ms (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (6)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 500 µs (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (7)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 100 µs (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (8)________ 1.0% ±0.16% –4 –0.30 dB (1)________ 0.30 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.30 dB (2)________ 0.30 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.40 dB (3)________ 0.40 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.40 dB (4)________ 0.40 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.40 dB (5)________ 0.40 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.50 dB (6)________ 0.50 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.50 dB (7)________ 0.50 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.60 dB (8)________ 0.60 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.60 dB (9)________ 0.60 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.70 dB (11)________ 0.70 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.70dB (13)________ 0.70 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.70 dB (14)________ 0.70 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.70 dB (15)________ 0.70 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.80 dB (16)________ 0.80 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.80 dB (17)________ 0.80 dB ±0.080 dB Display Scale Fidelity Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level 500 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –72 –0.80 dB (18)________ 0.80 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.80 dB (19)________ 0.80 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.80 dB (20)________ 0.80 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.15 dB (21)________ 1.15 dB ±0.086 dB –4 –0.4 dB (22)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (23)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (24)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (25)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (26)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (27)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (28)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (29)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (30)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (31)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (32)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (33)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (34)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (35)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (36)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (37)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (38)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (39)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (40)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 501 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –0.4 dB (41)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –4 –0.34 dB (43)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (44)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (45)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (46)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (47)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.54 dB (48)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (49)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (50)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (51)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.70 dB (52)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (53)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (54)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (55)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (56)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (57)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (58)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.98 dB (59)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (60)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –1.06 dB (61)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (62)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.14 dB (63)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –80 Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 502 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –88 –1.18 dB (64)________ 1.18 dB ±0.085 dB –92 –1.22 dB (65)________ 1.22 dB ±0.100 dB –96 –1.26 dB (66)________ 1.26 dB ±0.099 dB –98 –1.28 dB (67)________ 1.28 dB ±0.098 dB –4 –0.4 dB (68)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (69)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (70)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (71)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (72)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (73)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (74)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (75)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (76)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (77)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (78)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (79)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (80)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (81)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (82)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (83)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (84)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (85)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 503 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –76 –0.4 dB (86)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (87)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –4 –2.0% (93)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (94)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (95)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (96)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (97)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –2.0% (98)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (99)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (100)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (101)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (102)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –0.36 dB (103)_________ 0.36 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.42 dB (104)________ 0.42 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.48 dB (105)________ 0.48 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.54 dB (106)________ 0.54 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.60 dB (107)________ 0.60 dB ±0.078 dB Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Zero Span, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 504 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 13. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –24 –0.66 dB (108)________ 0.66 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.72 dB (109)________ 0.72 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.78 dB (110)________ 0.78 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.84 dB (111)________ 0.84 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.90 dB (112)________ 0.90 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.96 dB (113)________ 0.96 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –1.02 dB (114)________ 1.02 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –1.08 dB (115)________ 1.08 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –1.14 dB (116)________ 1.14 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –1.20 dB (117)________ 1.20 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –1.5 dB (118)________ 1.5 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –1.5 dB (119)________ 1.5 dB ±0.080 dB –70 –1.5 dB (120)________ 1.5 dB ±0.084 dB 0 dB –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.101 dB 5 dB –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.104 dB 15 dB –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.102 dB 20 dB –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.098 dB 25 dB –0.35 dB (5)________ 0.35 dB ±0.098 dB 30 dB –0.40 dB (6)________ 0.40 dB ±0.096 dB 35 dB –0.45 dB (7)________ 0.45 dB ±0.099 dB 40 dB –0.50 dB (8)________ 0.50 dB ±0.096 dB 45 dB –0.55 dB (9)________ 0.55 dB ±0.099 dB 50 dB –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.095 dB Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Input Attenuation Setting Chapter 3 505 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 15. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 55 dB –0.65 dB (11)________ 0.65 dB ±0.099 dB 60 dB –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.100 dB 65 dB –0.75 dB (13)________ 0.75 dB ±0.111 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (8)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (10)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (13)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (14)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (15)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (16)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB Reference Level Accuracy Log, Res BW ≥1 kHz Reference Level Linear, Res BW ≥1 kHz Reference Level 506 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Log, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) Reference Level –10 dBm –0.3 dB (17)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (18)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (19)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (20)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (21)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (22)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (23)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (24)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (25)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (26)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (27)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (28)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (29)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (30)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (31)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (32)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB 3 kHz –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 9 kHz –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Linear, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) Reference Level 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Resolution Bandwidth Chapter 3 507 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 18. 20. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 kHz –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 kHz –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 kHz –0.3 dB (5)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 120 kHz –0.3 dB (6)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 300 kHz –0.3 dB (7)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1 MHz –0.3 dB (8)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 MHz –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 5 MHz –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.076 dB 300 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 200 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (13)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (14)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (15)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 Hz (Option 1DR and 1D5 only) Firmware Revision A.08.00 or later –0.3 dB (16)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1Hz (Option 1DR and 1D5 only) Firmware Revision A.08.00 or later –0.3 dB (17)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Log, Preamp Off –0.34 dB (1)________ 0.34 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp Off –0.34 dB (2)________ 0.34 dB ±0.09 dB Log, Preamp On (Option 1DS only) –0.37 dB (3)________ 0.37 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp On (Option 1DS only) –0.37 dB (4)________ 0.37 dB ±0.09 dB Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy 508 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 0 dBm Reference Level 0 dBm input –0.54 dB (1)________ 0.54 dB ±0.234 dB –10 dBm input –0.54 dB (2)________ 0.54 dB ±0.115 dB –20 dBm input –0.54 dB (3)________ 0.54 dB ±0.110 dB –30 dBm input –0.54 dB (4)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (5)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (6)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –20 dBm input –0.54 dB (7)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –30 dBm input –0.54 dB (8)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (9)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (10)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (11)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (12)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB –0.54 dB (13)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB 5 MHz 3.5 MHz (1)________ 6.5 MHz ±110 kHz 3 MHz 2.55 MHz (2)________ 3.45 MHz ±66 kHz 1 MHz 0.85 MHz (3)________ 1.15 MHz ±22 kHz 300 kHz 255 kHz (4)________ 345 kHz ±6.6 kHz 100 kHz 85 kHz (5)________ 115 kHz ±2.2 kHz 30 kHz 25.5 kHz (6)________ 34.5 kHz ±660 Hz –20 dBm Reference Level –40 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm input 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Resolution Bandwidth Chapter 3 509 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 24. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 kHz 8.5 kHz (7)________ 11.5 kHz ±220 Hz 3 kHz 2.55 kHz (8)________ 3.45 kHz ±66 Hz 1 kHz 850 Hz (9)________ 1.15 kHz ±22 Hz 120 kHz 96 kHz (10)________ 144 kHz ±2.17 kHz 9 kHz 7.2 kHz (11)________ 10.8 kHz ±163 Hz Frequency Response Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. 20 to 30° C Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –0.46 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 0.46 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 0.92 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 0.50 dB ±0.19 dB Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (100 Hz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB (4)________ 1.5 dB ±0.39 dB dc Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response 510 –1.5 dB (5)________ ±0.39 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Peak-to-Peak Response Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty (6)________ 2.6 dB ±0.39 dB (10)________ 0.5 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 0 (100 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (11)________ (12)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (13)________ 0.5 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440498 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (14)________ (15)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (16)________ 0.5 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440498 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (17)________ (18)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Chapter 3 511 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Maximum Response Minimum Response Results Measured (19)________ –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Maximum 1.5 dB Measurement Uncertainty ±0.39 dB ±0.39 dB (20)________ (21)________ 2.6 dB ±0.39 dB (1)________ 0.76 dB ±0.19 dB 0 to 55° C Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.76 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.52 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (100 Hz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.19 dB (4)________ 2.5 dB ±0.39 dB dc Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response Peak-to-Peak Response 512 –2.5 dB ±0.39 dB (5)________ (6)________ 3.0 dB ±0.39 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty ac Coupled Band 0 (100 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (10)________ –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB ±0.11 dB (11)________ (12)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB (13)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440498 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (14)________ (15)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB (16)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440498 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (17)________ (18)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB (19)________ 2.5 dB ±0.39 dB ac Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.5 dB Chapter 3 (20)________ ±0.39 dB 513 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Peak-to-Peak Response 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On) (Option 1DS Only) Results Measured (21)________ Maximum 3.0 dB Measurement Uncertainty ±0.39 dB Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. 20 to 30° C Band 0 (1 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (4)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440498 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (5)________ (6)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (7)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440498 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response Peak-to-Peak Response 514 –1.5 dB ±0.28 dB (8)________ (9)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 0 to 55° C Band 0 (1 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB (4)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440498 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (5)________ (6)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB (7)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440498 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB (9)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB 2.0 GHz 2042.8 MHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 2642.8 MHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 1820.8 MHz (3)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 278.5 MHz (4)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 29. ±0.28 dB (8)________ Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Center Freq Input Freq Chapter 3 515 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 32. 34. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 2.0 GHz 5600.0 MHz (5)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 6242.8 MHz (6)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 4042.8 MHz (7)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 4642.8 MHz (8)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 3742.9 MHz (9)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 2242.8 MHz (10)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB Spurious Responses 300 MHz TOI, 1 kHz RBW 12.5 dBm (1)________ ±0.93 dB 300 MHz TOI, 30 Hz RBW (Option 1DR only) 12.5 dBm (2)________ ±0.93 dB 5 GHz TOI 11 dBm (3)________ ±0.93 dB 300 MHz SHI 35 dBm (5)________ ±0.41 dB 900 MHz SHI 45 dBm (6)________ ±0.41 dB 1.55 GHz SHI 75 dBm (7)________ ±0.41 dB 3.1 GHz SHI 90 dBm (8)________ ±0.41 dB Gain Compression Test Frequency (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB (2)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 1403 MHz (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 2503 MHz (4)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 4403 MHz (5)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 53 MHz 50.004 MHz (Option 1DR only) 37. Displayed Average Noise Level Note: Enter results with preamp on in the appropriate section based upon the ambient temperature when the test was performed. 1 kHz RBW, Preamp Off 516 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 MHz to 1 GHz (1)________ –116 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (2)________ –116 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (3)________ –112 dBm ±1.23 dB 3 GHz to 6 GHz (4)________ –112 dBm ±1.23 dB 6 GHz to 6.7 GHz (5)________ –111 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (6)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (7)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (8)________ –127 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (9)________ –135 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (10)________ –135 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (11)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 3 GHz to 6 GHz (12)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 6 GHz to 6.7 GHz (13)________ –130 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (14)________ –150 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (15)________ –150 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (16)________ –146 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (17)________ –132 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (18)________ –132 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (19)________ –130 dBm ±1.23 dB 1kHz RBW, Preamp On, 0 to 55° C 10 Hz RBW, Preamp Off 10 Hz RBW, Preamp On, 0 to 55° C 1 kHz RBW, Preamp On, 20 to 30° C Chapter 3 517 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 Hz RBW, Preamp On, 20 to 30° C 39. 10 MHz to 1 GHz (20)________ –151 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (21)________ –151 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (22)________ –149 dBm ±1.23 dB (1)________ –90 dBm ±0.87 dB –0.3% (1)________ 0.3% ±0.029% –0.75 dB (1)________ 0.75 dB ±0.096 dB –2 dB –0.5 dB (2)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.5 dB (3)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.5 dB (4)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.5 dB (8)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.5 dB (9)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB Residual Responses 150 kHz to 6.7 GHz 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy (Option AYX only) Amplitude Error 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy Option 1DN only) Absolute Amplitude Accuracy Absolute Vernier Accuracy Incremental Vernier Accuracy 518 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 44. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –2 dB –0.2 dB (10)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.2 dB (11)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.2 dB (12)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.2 dB (13)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.2 dB (14)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.2 dB (15)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.2 dB (16)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.2 dB (17)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB (1)________ 3.0 dB ±0.284 dB Tracking Generator Level Flatness Option 1DN only) Positive Level Flatness, <1 MHz Negative Level Flatness, <1 MHz –3.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz (3)________ –3.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz Positive Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz Chapter 3 (8)________ ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB 2.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB (6)________ (7)________ –2.0 dB 3.0 dB (4)________ (5)________ –2.0 dB ±0.284 dB (2)________ 2.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB 519 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 46. 48. 49. 50. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) 2nd Harmonic, <20 kHz (1)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 2nd Harmonic, ≥ 20 kHz (2)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, <20 kHz (3)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, ≥ 20 kHz (4)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 9 kHz to 2 GHz (1)________ –27 dBc ±2.63 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 2 GHz to 3 GHz (2)________ –23 dBc ±3.14 dB 9 kHz to 2.9 GHz (1)________ –16 dBm ±2.58 dB 2.9 GHz to 3.0 GHz (2)________ –16 dBm ±3.03 dB Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough (Option 1DN only) Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy (Option 1D6 only) Minimum Gate Delay 499.9 ns (1)________ 1.5001 µs ±549 ps Maximum Gate Delay 499.9 ns (2)________ 1.5001 µs ±549 ps 1 µs Gate Length 499.9 ns (3)________ 1.5001 µs ±520 ps 520 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum 59. Measurement Uncertainty (4)________ 65.007 ms ±647 ns –0.2 dB (1)________ 0.2 dB ±0.023 dB Peak Phase Error –2.1 Deg (1)________ 2.1 Deg 0.52 Deg RMS Phase Error –1.1 Deg (2)________ 1.1 Deg 0.000063 Deg Frequency Error –10 Hz (3)________ 10 Hz ±0.006 Hz 15 dBm –0.82 dB (1)________ 0.82 dB ±0.173 dB −5 dBm –0.82 dB (2)________ 0.82 dB ±0.161 dB −25 dBm –0.78 dB (3)________ 0.78 dB ±0.161 dB −45 dBm –0.69 dB (4)________ 0.69 dB ±0.152 dB −55 dBm –0.77 dB (5)________ 0.77 dB ±0.152 dB −70 dBm –0.89 dB (6)________ 0.89 dB ±0.161 dB 15 dBm –0.78 dB (7)________ 0.78 dB ±0.173 dB −5 dBm –0.78 dB (8)________ 0.78 dB ±0.161 dB Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error (Option 1D6 only) Amplitude Error 58. Maximum 64.993 ms 65 ms Gate Length 51. Results Measured GSM Phase and Frequency Error (Option BAH and B7E) Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) 20 to 30° C cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude PCS Band Input Amplitude Chapter 3 521 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty −25 dBm –0.74 dB (9)________ 0.74 dB ±0.161 dB −45 dBm –0.71 dB (10)________ 0.71 dB ±0.152 dB −55 dBm –0.79 dB (11)________ 0.79 dB ±0.152 dB −70 dBm –0.91 dB (12)________ 0.91 dB ±0.161 dB 15 dBm –0.81 dB (13)________ 0.81 dB ±0.173 dB −20 dBm –0.81 dB (14)________ 0.81 dB ±0.161 dB −30 dBm –0.74 dB (15)________ 0.74 dB ±0.156 dB −40 dBm –0.79 dB (16)________ 0.79 dB ±0.161 dB −50 dBm –0.95 dB (17)________ 0.95 dB ±0.152 dB −60 dBm –1.09 dB (18)________ 1.09 dB ±0.161 dB 15 dBm –0.77 dB (19)________ 0.77 dB ±0.173 dB −20 dBm –0.77 dB (20)________ 0.77 dB ±0.161 dB −30 dBm –0.70 dB (21)________ 0.70 dB ±0.156 dB −40 dBm –0.75 dB (22)________ 0.75 dB ±0.161 dB −50 dBm –0.91 dB (23)________ 0.91 dB ±0.152 dB −60 dBm –1.05 dB (24)________ 1.05 dB ±0.161 dB GSM Transmit Power Accuracy (Option BAH only) GSM Band Input Amplitude DCS and PCS Bands Input Amplitude cdmaOne Receive Channel Power, Preamp Off (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude 522 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty −40 dBm –1.46 dB (25)________ 1.46 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.46 dB (26)________ 1.46 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.46 dB (27)________ 1.46 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.46 dB (28)________ 1.46 dB ±0.161 dB −85 dBm –1.46 dB (29)________ 1.46 dB ±0.152 dB −40 dBm –1.35 dB (30)________ 1.35 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.35 dB (31)________ 1.35 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.35 dB (32)________ 1.35 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.35 dB (33)________ 1.35 dB ±0.161 dB −85 dBm –1.35 dB (34)________ 1.35 dB ±0.152 dB −40 dBm –1.88 dB (35)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.88 dB (36)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.88 dB (37)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.88 dB (38)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −90 dBm –2.95 dB (39)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB −100 dBm –2.95 dB (40)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB −40 dBm –1.88 dB (41)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.88 dB (42)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB PCS Band Input Amplitude cdmaOne Receive Channel Power, Preamp On (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude PCS Band Input Amplitude Chapter 3 523 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-8 Agilent E4404B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4404B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty −70 dBm –1.88 dB (43)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.88 dB (44)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −90 dBm –2.95 dB (45)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB −100 dBm –2.95 dB (46)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB 524 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Tests for the Agilent E4405B only are included in this test record, therefore not all test numbers are included. Table 3-9 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Address: _____________________________________ Report No. ______________________ _____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ _____________________________________________ Model E4405B Serial No. ___________________ Ambient temperature _______° C Options _____________________ Relative humidity______% Firmware Revision ____________ Power mains line frequency ______ Hz (nominal) Customer ____________________________________ Tested by _______________________________ Test Equipment Used: Description Model No. Trace No. Cal Due Date Synthesized Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Wide Offset Phase Noise Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper #2 ___________ ___________ ___________ Function Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Meter, Dual-Channel ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #2 ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ Low-Power Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ Digital Multimeter ___________ ___________ ___________ Universal Counter ___________ ___________ ___________ Frequency Standard ___________ ___________ ___________ Chapter 3 525 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-9 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Power Splitter ___________ ___________ ___________ 50 Ω Termination ___________ ___________ ___________ 1 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ 10 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ Oscilloscope (Option 1D6 only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Spectrum Analyzer (Option 1DN only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Notes/comments: Table 3-10 _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 1. Minimum 4. Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy (Non-Option 1D5 only) –5.0 Hz (1)________ 5.0 Hz ±293.3 µHz 5 Minute Warm-Up Error –0.1 ppm (1)________ 0.1 ppm ±0.000072 ppm 15 Minute Warm-Up Error –0.01 ppm (2)________ 0.01 ppm ±0.000070 ppm Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy Note: Test Record Entries 10 through 15 do not apply to the Agilent E4405B. Settability 2. Results Measured 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Accuracy (Option 1D5 only) Frequency Readout Accuracy Center Freq Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.83 MHz (1)________ 1500.17 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 10 MHz 1499.91 MHz (2)________ 1500.09 MHz ±0 Hz 526 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.991 MHz (3)________ 1500.009 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.83 MHz (4)________ 4000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 10 MHz 3999.91 MHz (5)________ 4000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.991 MHz (6)________ 4000.009 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 20 MHz 8999.83 MHz (7)________ 9000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 10 MHz 8999.91 MHz (8)________ 9000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 1 MHz 8999.991 MHz (9)________ 9000.009 MHz ±0 Hz Marker Count Accuracy Note: Enter results in the appropriate section below based upon the firmware revision of the analyzer. Firmware Revision Prior to A.03.00 Center Freq Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.999998 MHz (16)________ 1500.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.999998 MHz (17)________ 1500.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.999998 MHz (18)________ 4000.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.999998 MHz (19)________ 4000.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 20 MHz 8999.999997 MHz (20)________ 9000.000003 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 1 MHz 8999.999997 MHz (21)________ 9000.000003 MHz ±0 Hz Marker Count Accuracy Firmware Revision A.03.00 or later Chapter 3 527 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Center Freq 6. Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (16)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (17)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.999999 MHz (18)________ 4000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.999999 MHz (19)________ 4000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 20 MHz 8999.999999 MHz (20)________ 9000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 1 MHz 8999.999999 MHz (21)________ 9000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz Frequency Span Accuracy Span Start Freq 3000 MHz 0 Hz 2370 MHz (1)________ 2430 MHz ±6.12 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 79 MHz (2)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (3)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (4)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (5)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (6)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (7)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz (1)________ –90 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 100 kHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 7. Results Measured 10 MHz 800 MHz 800 MHz 1400 MHz 1499 MHz Noise Sidebands Offset from 1 GHz signal (Serial Prefix < US4510, SG4510 or MY4510) 10 kHz 528 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Results Measured Maximum 20 kHz (2)________ –100 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –106 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 kHz (1)________ –98 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –104 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –110 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 kHz (1)________ –90 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –104 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –110 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB Test Description Minimum Measurement Uncertainty (Serial Prefix ≥ US4510, SG4510 or MY4510, Option 1DR) (Serial Prefix ≥ US4510, SG4510 or MY4510, Non-Option 1DR) 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon whether or not Option 120 (ACPR Dynamic Range Extension) is installed. Non-Option 120 Offset from 1 GHz signal 100 kHz (1)________ –118 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 1 MHz (2)________ –125 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 5 MHz (3)________ –127 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 MHz (4)________ –131 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 100 kHz (1)________ –118 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 1 MHz (2)________ –133 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 5 MHz (3)________ –135 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB Option 120 Offset from 1 GHz signal Chapter 3 529 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Results Measured Maximum (4)________ –137 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz to 230 kHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB –30 kHz to –230 kHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB 1 kHz Res BW (Non-Option 1D5) (1)_________ 150 Hz ±21 Hz 1 kHz Res BW (Option 1D5) (1)_________ 100 Hz ±21 Hz 10 Hz Res BW (Options 1DR and 1D5 only) (2)_________ 2 Hz ±0.27 Hz Test Description Minimum 10 MHz 9. Measurement Uncertainty System-Related Sidebands Offset from 500 MHz signal 10. 11. Residual FM Sweep Time Accuracy Sweep Time 12. 5 ms –1.0% (1)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 20 ms –1.0% (2)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 100 ms –1.0% (3)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 1s –1.0% (4)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 10 s –1.0% (5)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 1 ms (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (6)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 500 µs (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (7)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 100 µs (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (8)________ 1.0% ±0.16% Display Scale Fidelity 530 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level –4 –0.30 dB (1)________ 0.30 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.30 dB (2)________ 0.30 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.40 dB (3)________ 0.40 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.40 dB (4)________ 0.40 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.40 dB (5)________ 0.40 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.50 dB (6)________ 0.50 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.50 dB (7)________ 0.50 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.60 dB (8)________ 0.60 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.60 dB (9)________ 0.60 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.70 dB (11)________ 0.70 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.70dB (13)________ 0.70 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.70 dB (14)________ 0.70 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.70 dB (15)________ 0.70 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.80 dB (16)________ 0.80 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.80 dB (17)________ 0.80 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.80 dB (18)________ 0.80 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.80 dB (19)________ 0.80 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.80 dB (20)________ 0.80 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.15 dB (21)________ 1.15 dB ±0.086 dB Chapter 3 531 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level –4 –0.4 dB (22)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (23)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (24)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (25)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (26)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (27)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (28)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (29)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (30)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (31)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (32)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (33)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (34)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (35)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (36)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (37)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (38)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (39)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (40)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (41)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 532 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –4 –0.34 dB (43)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (44)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (45)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (46)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (47)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.54 dB (48)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (49)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (50)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (51)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.70 dB (52)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (53)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (54)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (55)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (56)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (57)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (58)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.98 dB (59)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (60)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –1.06 dB (61)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (62)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.14 dB (63)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –88 –1.18 dB (64)________ 1.18 dB ±0.085 dB –92 –1.22 dB (65)________ 1.22 dB ±0.100 dB –96 –1.26 dB (66)________ 1.26 dB ±0.099 dB –98 –1.28 dB (67)________ 1.28 dB ±0.098 dB Chapter 3 533 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level –4 –0.4 dB (68)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (69)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (70)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (71)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (72)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (73)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (74)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (75)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (76)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (77)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (78)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (79)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (80)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (81)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (82)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (83)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (84)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (85)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (86)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (87)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level 534 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –4 –2.0% (93)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (94)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (95)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (96)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (97)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –2.0% (98)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (99)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (100)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (101)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (102)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –0.36 dB (103)_________ 0.36 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.42 dB (104)________ 0.42 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.48 dB (105)________ 0.48 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.54 dB (106)________ 0.54 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.60 dB (107)________ 0.60 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.66 dB (108)________ 0.66 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.72 dB (109)________ 0.72 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.78 dB (110)________ 0.78 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.84 dB (111)________ 0.84 dB ±0.075 dB Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Zero Span, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 535 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 13. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –40 –0.90 dB (112)________ 0.90 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.96 dB (113)________ 0.96 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –1.02 dB (114)________ 1.02 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –1.08 dB (115)________ 1.08 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –1.14 dB (116)________ 1.14 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –1.20 dB (117)________ 1.20 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –1.5 dB (118)________ 1.5 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –1.5 dB (119)________ 1.5 dB ±0.080 dB –70 –1.5 dB (120)________ 1.5 dB ±0.084 dB 0 dB –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.101 dB 5 dB –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.104 dB 15 dB –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.102 dB 20 dB –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.098 dB 25 dB –0.35 dB (5)________ 0.35 dB ±0.098 dB 30 dB –0.40 dB (6)________ 0.40 dB ±0.096 dB 35 dB –0.45 dB (7)________ 0.45 dB ±0.099 dB 40 dB –0.50 dB (8)________ 0.50 dB ±0.096 dB 45 dB –0.55 dB (9)________ 0.55 dB ±0.099 dB 50 dB –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.095 dB 55 dB –0.65 dB (11)________ 0.65 dB ±0.099 dB 60 dB –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.100 dB 65 dB –0.75 dB (13)________ 0.75 dB ±0.111 dB Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Input Attenuation Setting 536 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 15. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Reference Level Accuracy Log, Res BW ≥1 kHz Reference Level –10 dBm –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (8)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (10)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (13)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (14)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (15)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (16)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –0.3 dB (17)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB Linear, Res BW ≥1 kHz Reference Level Log, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) Reference Level –10 dBm Chapter 3 537 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 0 dBm –0.3 dB (18)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (19)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (20)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (21)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (22)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (23)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (24)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (25)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (26)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (27)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (28)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (29)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (30)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (31)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (32)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB 3 kHz –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 9 kHz –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 kHz –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 kHz –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 kHz –0.3 dB (5)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Linear, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) Reference Level 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Resolution Bandwidth 538 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 18. 20. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 120 kHz –0.3 dB (6)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 300 kHz –0.3 dB (7)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1 MHz –0.3 dB (8)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 MHz –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 5 MHz –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.076 dB 300 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 200 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (13)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (14)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (15)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 Hz (Option 1DR and 1D5 only) Firmware Revision A.08.00 or later –0.3 dB (16)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1Hz (Option 1DR and 1D5 only) Firmware Revision A.08.00 or later –0.3 dB (17)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Log, Preamp Off –0.34 dB (1)________ 0.34 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp Off –0.34 dB (2)________ 0.34 dB ±0.09 dB Log, Preamp On (Option 1DS only) –0.37 dB (3)________ 0.37 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp On (Option 1DS only) –0.37 dB (4)________ 0.37 dB ±0.09 dB –0.54 dB (1)________ 0.54 dB ±0.234 dB Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy 0 dBm Reference Level 0 dBm input Chapter 3 539 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –10 dBm input –0.54 dB (2)________ 0.54 dB ±0.115 dB –20 dBm input –0.54 dB (3)________ 0.54 dB ±0.110 dB –30 dBm input –0.54 dB (4)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (5)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (6)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –20 dBm input –0.54 dB (7)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –30 dBm input –0.54 dB (8)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (9)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (10)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (11)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (12)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB –0.54 dB (13)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB 5 MHz 3.5 MHz (1)________ 6.5 MHz ±110 kHz 3 MHz 2.55 MHz (2)________ 3.45 MHz ±66 kHz 1 MHz 0.85 MHz (3)________ 1.15 MHz ±22 kHz 300 kHz 255 kHz (4)________ 345 kHz ±6.6 kHz 100 kHz 85 kHz (5)________ 115 kHz ±2.2 kHz 30 kHz 25.5 kHz (6)________ 34.5 kHz ±660 Hz 10 kHz 8.5 kHz (7)________ 11.5 kHz ±220 Hz 3 kHz 2.55 kHz (8)________ 3.45 kHz ±66 Hz –20 dBm Reference Level –40 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm input 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Resolution Bandwidth 540 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 24. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1 kHz 850 Hz (9)________ 1.15 kHz ±22 Hz 120 kHz 96 kHz (10)________ 144 kHz ±2.17 kHz 9 kHz 7.2 kHz (11)________ 10.8 kHz ±163 Hz Frequency Response Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. 20 to 30° C Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –0.46 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 0.46 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 0.92 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 0.50 dB ±0.19 dB Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (100 Hz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB (4)________ 1.5 dB ±0.39 dB dc Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Chapter 3 ±0.39 dB (5)________ (6)________ 2.6 dB ±0.39 dB 541 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty dc Coupled Band 2 (6.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (7)________ –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 2.0 dB ±0.40 dB ±0.40 dB (8)________ (9)________ 3.6 dB ±0.40 dB (10)________ 0.5 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 0 (100 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (11)________ (12)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (13)________ 0.5 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440327 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response Peak-to-Peak Response –0.5 dB ±0.11 dB (14)________ (15)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (16)________ 0.5 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440327 or greater) Maximum Response 542 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Minimum Response –0.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty ±0.11 dB (17)________ (18)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (19)________ 1.5 dB ±0.39 dB ac Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.39 dB (20)________ (21)________ 2.6 dB ±0.39 dB (22)________ 2.0 dB ±0.40 dB ac Coupled Band 2 (6.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.40 dB (23)________ (24)________ 3.6 dB ±0.40 dB (1)________ 0.76 dB ±0.19 dB 0 to 55° C Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.76 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Chapter 3 ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.52 dB ±0.19 dB 543 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (100 Hz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.19 dB (4)________ 2.5 dB ±0.39 dB dc Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.39 dB (5)________ (6)________ 3.0 dB ±0.39 dB (7)________ 3.0 dB ±0.40 dB dc Coupled Band 2 (6.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –3.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.40 dB (8)________ (9)________ 4.0 dB ±0.40 dB (10)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 0 (100 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response Peak-to-Peak Response 544 –1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (11)________ (12)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty ac Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440327 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response (13)________ –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB ±0.11 dB (14)________ (15)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB (16)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB ac Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440327 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (17)________ (18)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB (19)________ 2.5 dB ±0.39 dB ac Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.39 dB (20)________ (21)________ 3.0 dB ±0.39 dB (22)________ 3.0 dB ±0.40 dB ac Coupled Band 2 (6.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –3.0 dB Chapter 3 (23)________ ±0.40 dB 545 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Peak-to-Peak Response 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On) (Option 1DS Only) Results Measured (24)________ Maximum 4.0 dB Measurement Uncertainty ±0.40 dB Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. 20 to 30° C Band 0 (1 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (4)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440327 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (5)________ (6)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (7)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440327 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response Peak-to-Peak Response 546 –1.5 dB ±0.28 dB (8)________ (9)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 0 to 55° C Band 0 (1 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB (4)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440327 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (5)________ (6)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB (7)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440327 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB (9)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB 2.0 GHz 2042.8 MHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 2642.8 MHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 1820.8 MHz (3)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 278.5 MHz (4)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 29. ±0.28 dB (8)________ Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Center Freq Input Freq Chapter 3 547 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 32. 34. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 2.0 GHz 5600.0 MHz (5)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 6242.8 MHz (6)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 4042.8 MHz (7)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 4642.8 MHz (8)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 3742.9 MHz (9)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 2242.8 MHz (10)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 9042.8 MHz (11)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 9642.8 MHz (12)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 9342.8 MHz (13)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 4982.1 MHz (14)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB Spurious Responses 300 MHz TOI, 1 kHz RBW 12.5 dBm (1)________ ±0.93 dB 300 MHz TOI, 30 Hz RBW (Option 1DR only) 12.5 dBm (2)________ ±0.93 dB 5 GHz TOI 11 dBm (3)________ ±0.93 dB 8 GHz TOI 7.5 dBm (4)________ ±0.93 dB 300 MHz SHI 35 dBm (5)________ ±0.41 dB 900 MHz SHI 45 dBm (6)________ ±0.41 dB 1.55 GHz SHI 75 dBm (7)________ ±0.41 dB 3.1 GHz SHI 90 dBm (8)________ ±0.41 dB Gain Compression Test Frequency 53 MHz (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 50.004 MHz (Option 1DR only) (2)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 548 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 37. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1403 MHz (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 2503 MHz (4)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 4403 MHz (5)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 7603 MHz (6)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB Displayed Average Noise Level Note: Enter results with preamp on in the appropriate section based upon the ambient temperature when the test was performed. 1 kHz RBW, Preamp Off 10 MHz to 1 GHz (1)________ –116 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (2)________ –116 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (3)________ –112 dBm ±1.23 dB 3 GHz to 6 GHz (4)________ –112 dBm ±1.23 dB 6 GHz to 12 GHz (5)________ –111 dBm ±1.23 dB 12 GHz to 13.2 GHz (6)________ –107 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (7)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (8)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (9)________ –127 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (10)________ –135 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (11)________ –135 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (12)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 3 GHz to 6 GHz (13)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 6 GHz to 12 GHz (14)________ –130 dBm ±1.23 dB 12 GHz to 13.2 GHz (15)________ –120 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 kHz RBW, Preamp On, 0 to 55° C 10 Hz RBW, Preamp Off Chapter 3 549 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 Hz RBW, Preamp On, 0 to 55° C 10 MHz to 1 GHz (16)________ –150 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (17)________ –150 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (18)________ –146 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (19)________ –132 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (20)________ –132 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (21)________ –130 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (22)________ –151 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (23)________ –151 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (24)________ –149 dBm ±1.23 dB (1)________ –90 dBm ±0.87 dB –0.3% (1)________ 0.3% ±0.029% –0.75 dB (1)________ 0.75 dB ±0.096 dB 1 kHz RBW, Preamp On, 20 to 30° C 10 Hz RBW, Preamp On, 20 to 30° C 39. Residual Responses 150 kHz to 6.7 GHz 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy (Option AYX only) Amplitude Error 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy (Option 1DN only) Absolute Amplitude Accuracy Absolute Vernier Accuracy 550 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –2 dB –0.5 dB (2)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.5 dB (3)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.5 dB (4)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.5 dB (8)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.5 dB (9)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –2 dB –0.2 dB (10)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.2 dB (11)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.2 dB (12)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.2 dB (13)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.2 dB (14)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.2 dB (15)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.2 dB (16)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.2 dB (17)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB (1)________ 3.0 dB ±0.284 dB Incremental Vernier Accuracy 44. Tracking Generator Level Flatness (Option 1DN only) Positive Level Flatness, <1 MHz Negative Level Flatness, <1 MHz –3.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Chapter 3 ±0.284 dB (2)________ (3)________ 3.0 dB ±0.142 dB 551 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Negative Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz –3.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz –2.0 dB 46. 48. 49. Measurement Uncertainty ±0.142 dB 2.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB (6)________ (7)________ –2.0 dB Maximum (4)________ (5)________ Positive Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz Results Measured 2.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB (8)________ Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) 2nd Harmonic, <20 kHz (1)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 2nd Harmonic, ≥ 20 kHz (2)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, <20 kHz (3)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, ≥ 20 kHz (4)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 9 kHz to 2 GHz (1)________ –27 dBc ±2.63 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 2 GHz to 3 GHz (2)________ –23 dBc ±3.14 dB Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough (Option 1DN only) 552 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 50. 51. Minimum 59. Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 9 kHz to 2.9 GHz (1)________ –16 dBm ±2.58 dB 2.9 GHz to 3.0 GHz (2)________ –16 dBm ±3.03 dB Gate Delay Accuracy and Gate Length Accuracy (Option 1D6 only) Minimum Gate Delay 499.9 ns (1)________ 1.5001µs ±549 ps Maximum Gate Delay 499.9 ns (2)________ 1.5001µs ±549 ps 1 µs Gate Length 499.9 ns (3)________ 1.5001µs ±520 ps 65 ms Gate Length 64.993 ms (4)________ 65.007 ms ±647 ns –0.2 dB (1)________ 0.2 dB ±0.023 dB Peak Phase Error –2.1 Deg (1)________ 2.1 Deg 0.52 Deg RMS Phase Error –1.1 Deg (2)________ 1.1 Deg 0.000063 Deg Frequency Error –10 Hz (3)________ 10 Hz ±0.006 Hz –0.82 dB (1)________ 0.82 dB ±0.173 dB Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error (Option 1D6 only) Amplitude Error 58. Results Measured GSM Phase and Frequency Error (Option BAH and B7E) Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) 20 to 30° C cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude 15 dBm Chapter 3 553 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty −5 dBm –0.82 dB (2)________ 0.82 dB ±0.161 dB −25 dBm –0.78 dB (3)________ 0.78 dB ±0.161 dB −45 dBm –0.69 dB (4)________ 0.69 dB ±0.152 dB −55 dBm –0.77 dB (5)________ 0.77 dB ±0.152 dB −70 dBm –0.89 dB (6)________ 0.89 dB ±0.161 dB 15 dBm –0.78 dB (7)________ 0.78 dB ±0.173 dB −5 dBm –0.78 dB (8)________ 0.78 dB ±0.161 dB −25 dBm –0.74 dB (9)________ 0.74 dB ±0.161 dB −45 dBm –0.71 dB (10)________ 0.71 dB ±0.152 dB −55 dBm –0.79 dB (11)________ 0.79 dB ±0.152 dB −70 dBm –0.91 dB (12)________ 0.91 dB ±0.161 dB 15 dBm –0.81 dB (13)________ 0.81 dB ±0.173 dB −20 dBm –0.81 dB (14)________ 0.81 dB ±0.161 dB −30 dBm –0.74 dB (15)________ 0.74 dB ±0.156 dB −40 dBm –0.79 dB (16)________ 0.79 dB ±0.161 dB −50 dBm –0.95 dB (17)________ 0.95 dB ±0.152 dB −60 dBm –1.09 dB (18)________ 1.09 dB ±0.161 dB –0.77 dB (19)________ 0.77 dB ±0.173 dB PCS Band Input Amplitude GSM Transmit Power Accuracy (Option BAH only) GSM Band Input Amplitude DCS and PCS Bands Input Amplitude 15 dBm 554 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty −20 dBm –0.77 dB (20)________ 0.77 dB ±0.161 dB −30 dBm –0.70 dB (21)________ 0.70 dB ±0.156 dB −40 dBm –0.75 dB (22)________ 0.75 dB ±0.161 dB −50 dBm –0.91 dB (23)________ 0.91 dB ±0.152 dB −60 dBm –1.05 dB (24)________ 1.05 dB ±0.161 dB −40 dBm –1.46 dB (25)________ 1.46 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.46 dB (26)________ 1.46 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.46 dB (27)________ 1.46 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.46 dB (28)________ 1.46 dB ±0.161 dB −85 dBm –1.46 dB (29)________ 1.46 dB ±0.152 dB −40 dBm –1.35 dB (30)________ 1.35 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.35 dB (31)________ 1.35 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.35 dB (32)________ 1.35 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.35 dB (33)________ 1.35 dB ±0.161 dB −85 dBm –1.35 dB (34)________ 1.35 dB ±0.152 dB cdmaOne Receive Channel Power, Preamp Off (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude PCS Band Input Amplitude cdmaOne Receive Channel Power, Preamp On (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude Chapter 3 555 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-10 Agilent E4405B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4405B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty −40 dBm –1.88 dB (35)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.88 dB (36)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.88 dB (37)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.88 dB (38)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −90 dBm –2.95 dB (39)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB −100 dBm –2.95 dB (40)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB −40 dBm –1.88 dB (41)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.88 dB (42)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.88 dB (43)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.88 dB (44)________ 1.88 dB ±0.161 dB −90 dBm –2.95 dB (45)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB −100 dBm –2.95 dB (46)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB PCS Band Input Amplitude 556 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Tests for the Agilent E4407B only are included in this test record, therefore not all test numbers are included. Table 3-11 E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Address: _____________________________________ Report No. ______________________ _____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ _____________________________________________ Model E4407B Serial No. ___________________ Ambient temperature _______° C Options _____________________ Relative humidity_______% Firmware Revision ____________ Power mains line frequency ______ Hz (nominal) Customer ____________________________________ Tested by _______________________________ Test Equipment Used: Description Model No. Trace No. Cal Due Date Synthesized Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Wide Offset Phase Noise Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper #2 ___________ ___________ ___________ Function Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Meter, Dual-Channel ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #2 ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ Low-Power Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ Digital Multimeter ___________ ___________ ___________ Universal Counter ___________ ___________ ___________ Frequency Standard ___________ ___________ ___________ Chapter 3 557 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-11 E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Power Splitter ___________ ___________ ___________ 50 Ω Termination ___________ ___________ ___________ 1 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ 10 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ Oscilloscope (Option 1D6 only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Spectrum Analyzer (Option 1DN only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Notes/comments: Table 3-12 _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 1. Minimum Measurement Uncertainty –5.0 Hz (1)________ 5.0 Hz ±293.3 µHz –0.1 ppm (1)________ 0.1 ppm ±0.000072 ppm –0.01 ppm (2)________ 0.01 ppm ±0.000070 ppm 10 MHz High-Stability Frequency Reference Output Accuracy (Option 1D5 only) 5 Minute Warm-Up Error 15 Minute Warm-Up Error 4. Maximum 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy (Non-Option 1D5 only) Settability 2. Results Measured Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy Frequency Readout Accuracy Center Freq Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.83 MHz (1)________ 1500.17 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 10 MHz 1499.91 MHz (2)________ 1500.09 MHz ±0 Hz 558 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.991 MHz (3)________ 1500.009 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.83 MHz (4)________ 4000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 10 MHz 3999.91 MHz (5)________ 4000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.991 MHz (6)________ 4000.009 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 20 MHz 8999.83 MHz (7)________ 9000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 10 MHz 8999.91 MHz (8)________ 9000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 1 MHz 8999.991 MHz (9)________ 9000.009 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 20 MHz 15999.83 MHz (10)________ 16000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 10 MHz 15999.91 MHz (11)________ 16000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 1 MHz 15999.991 MHz (12)________ 16000.009 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 20 MHz 20999.83 MHz (13)________ 21000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 10 MHz 20999.91 MHz (14)________ 21000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 1 MHz 20999.991 MHz (15)________ 21000.009 MHz ±0 Hz Marker Count Accuracy Note: Enter results in the appropriate section below based upon the firmware revision of the analyzer. Firmware Revision Prior to A.03.00 Center Freq 1500 MHz Span 20 MHz 1499.999998 MHz Chapter 3 (16)________ 1500.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 559 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.999998 MHz (17)________ 1500.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.999998 MHz (18)________ 4000.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.999998 MHz (19)________ 4000.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 20 MHz 8999.999997 MHz (20)________ 9000.000003 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 1 MHz 8999.999997 MHz (21)________ 9000.000003 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 20 MHz 15999.999995 MHz (22)________ 16000.000005 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 1 MHz 20999.999995 MHz (23)________ 21000.000005 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 20 MHz 20999.999995 MHz (24)________ 21000.000005 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 1 MHz 20999.999995 MHz (25)________ 21000.000005 MHz ±0 Hz Firmware Revision A.03.00 or later Center Freq Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (16)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (17)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.999999 MHz (18)________ 4000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.999999 MHz (19)________ 4000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 20 MHz 8999.999999 MHz (20)________ 9000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 560 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 9000 MHz 6. Minimum 1 MHz Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 8999.999999 MHz (21)________ 9000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 20 MHz 15999.999999 MHz (22)________ 16000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 1 MHz 20999.999999 MHz (23)________ 21000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 20 MHz 20999.999999 MHz (24)________ 21000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 1 MHz 20999.999999 MHz (25)________ 21000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 2370 MHz (1)________ 2430 MHz ±6.12 MHz Frequency Span Accuracy Span Start Freq 3000 MHz 7. Results Measured 0 Hz 100 MHz 10 MHz 79 MHz (2)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 100 kHz 10 MHz 79 kHz (3)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 100 MHz 800 MHz 79 MHz (4)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 100 kHz 800 MHz 79 kHz (5)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 100 MHz 1400 MHz 79 MHz (6)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 100 kHz 1499 MHz 79 kHz (7)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 10 kHz (1)________ –90 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –100 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –106 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB Noise Sidebands Offset from 1 GHz signal (Serial Prefix < US4510, SG4510 or MY4510) Chapter 3 561 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty (Serial Prefix ≥ US4510, SG4510 or MY4510, Option 1DR) 10 kHz (1)________ –98 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –104 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –110 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 kHz (1)________ –90 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –104 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –110 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB (Serial Prefix ≥ US4510, SG4510 or MY4510, Non-Option 1DR) 8. Noise Sidebands - Wide Offsets Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon whether or not Option 120 (ACPR Dynamic Range Extension) is installed. Non-Option 120 Offset from 1 GHz signal 100 kHz (1)________ –118 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 1 MHz (2)________ –125 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 5 MHz (3)________ –127 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 MHz (4)________ –131 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 100 kHz (1)________ –118 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 1 MHz (2)________ –133 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 5 MHz (3)________ –135 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 10 MHz (4)________ –137 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB Option 120 Offset from 1 GHz signal 562 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 9. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty System-Related Sidebands Offset from 500 MHz signal 10. 11. 30 kHz to 230 kHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB –30 kHz to –230 kHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB 1 kHz Res BW, (Non-Option 1D5) (1)_________ 150 Hz ±21 Hz 1 kHz Res BW, (Option 1D5) (1)_________ 100 Hz ±21 Hz 10 Hz Res BW (Options 1DR and 1D5 only) (2)_________ 2 Hz ±0.27 Hz Residual FM Sweep Time Accuracy Sweep Time 12. 5 ms –1.0% (1)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 20 ms –1.0% (2)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 100 ms –1.0% (3)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 1s –1.0% (4)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 10 s –1.0% (5)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 1 ms (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (6)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 500 µs (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (7)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 100 µs (Option AYX or B7D only) –1.0% (8)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% Display Scale Fidelity Chapter 3 563 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level –4 –0.30 dB (1)________ 0.30 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.30 dB (2)________ 0.30 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.40 dB (3)________ 0.40 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.40 dB (4)________ 0.40 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.40 dB (5)________ 0.40 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.50 dB (6)________ 0.50 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.50 dB (7)________ 0.50 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.60 dB (8)________ 0.60 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.60 dB (9)________ 0.60 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.70 dB (11)________ 0.70 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.70dB (13)________ 0.70 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.70 dB (14)________ 0.70 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.70 dB (15)________ 0.70 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.80 dB (16)________ 0.80 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.80 dB (17)________ 0.80 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.80 dB (18)________ 0.80 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.80 dB (19)________ 0.80 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.80 dB (20)________ 0.80 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.15 dB (21)________ 1.15 dB ±0.086 dB 564 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level –4 –0.4 dB (22)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (23)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (24)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (25)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (26)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (27)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (28)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (29)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (30)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (31)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (32)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (33)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (34)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (35)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (36)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (37)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (38)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (39)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (40)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (41)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 565 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –4 –0.34 dB (43)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (44)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (45)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (46)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (47)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.54 dB (48)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (49)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (50)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (51)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.70 dB (52)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (53)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (54)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (55)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (56)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (57)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (58)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.98 dB (59)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (60)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –1.06 dB (61)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (62)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.14 dB (63)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –88 –1.18 dB (64)________ 1.18 dB ±0.085 dB –92 –1.22 dB (65)________ 1.22 dB ±0.100 dB –96 –1.26 dB (66)________ 1.26 dB ±0.099 dB –98 –1.28 dB (67)________ 1.28 dB ±0.098 dB 566 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level –4 –0.4 dB (68)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (69)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (70)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (71)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (72)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (73)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (74)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (75)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (76)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (77)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (78)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (79)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (80)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (81)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (82)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (83)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (84)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (85)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (86)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (87)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 567 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –4 –2.0% (93)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (94)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (95)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (96)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (97)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –2.0% (98)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (99)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (100)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (101)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (102)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –0.36 dB (103)_________ 0.36 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.42 dB (104)________ 0.42 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.48 dB (105)________ 0.48 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.54 dB (106)________ 0.54 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.60 dB (107)________ 0.60 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.66 dB (108)________ 0.66 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.72 dB (109)________ 0.72 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.78 dB (110)________ 0.78 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.84 dB (111)________ 0.84 dB ±0.075 dB Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Zero Span, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 568 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 13. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –40 –0.90 dB (112)________ 0.90 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.96 dB (113)________ 0.96 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –1.02 dB (114)________ 1.02 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –1.08 dB (115)________ 1.08 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –1.14 dB (116)________ 1.14 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –1.20 dB (117)________ 1.20 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –1.5 dB (118)________ 1.5 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –1.5 dB (119)________ 1.5 dB ±0.080 dB –70 –1.5 dB (120)________ 1.5 dB ±0.084 dB 0 dB –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.101 dB 5 dB –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.104 dB 15 dB –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.102 dB 20 dB –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.098 dB 25 dB –0.35 dB (5)________ 0.35 dB ±0.098 dB 30 dB –0.40 dB (6)________ 0.40 dB ±0.096 dB 35 dB –0.45 dB (7)________ 0.45 dB ±0.099 dB 40 dB –0.50 dB (8)________ 0.50 dB ±0.096 dB 45 dB –0.55 dB (9)________ 0.55 dB ±0.099 dB 50 dB –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.095 dB 55 dB –0.65 dB (11)________ 0.65 dB ±0.099 dB 60 dB –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.100 dB 65 dB –0.75 dB (13)________ 0.75 dB ±0.111 dB Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Input Attenuation Setting Chapter 3 569 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 15. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Reference Level Accuracy Log, Res BW ≥1 kHz Reference Level –10 dBm –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (8)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (10)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (13)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (14)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (15)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (16)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –0.3 dB (17)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB Linear, Res BW ≥1 kHz Reference Level Log, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) Reference Level –10 dBm 570 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 0 dBm –0.3 dB (18)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (19)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (20)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (21)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (22)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (23)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (24)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (25)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (26)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (27)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (28)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (29)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (30)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (31)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (32)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB 3 kHz –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 9 kHz –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 kHz –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 kHz –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 kHz –0.3 dB (5)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Linear, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) Reference Level 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Resolution Bandwidth Chapter 3 571 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 18. 20. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 120 kHz –0.3 dB (6)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 300 kHz –0.3 dB (7)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1 MHz –0.3 dB (8)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 MHz –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 5 MHz –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.076 dB 300 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 200 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (13)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (14)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 Hz (Option 1DR only) –0.3 dB (15)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 Hz (Option 1DR and 1D5 only) Firmware Revision A.08.00 or later –0.3 dB (16)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1Hz (Option 1DR and 1D5 only) Firmware Revision A.08.00 or later –0.3 dB (17)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Log, Preamp Off –0.34 dB (1)________ 0.34 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp Off –0.34 dB (2)________ 0.34 dB ±0.09 dB Log, Preamp On (Option 1DS only) –0.37 dB (3)________ 0.37 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp On (Option 1DS only) –0.37 dB (4)________ 0.37 dB ±0.09 dB –0.54 dB (1)________ 0.54 dB ±0.234 dB Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy 0 dBm Reference Level 0 dBm input 572 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –10 dBm input –0.54 dB (2)________ 0.54 dB ±0.115 dB –20 dBm input –0.54 dB (3)________ 0.54 dB ±0.110 dB –30 dBm input –0.54 dB (4)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (5)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (6)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –20 dBm input –0.54 dB (7)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –30 dBm input –0.54 dB (8)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (9)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (10)________ 0.54 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.54 dB (11)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB –50 dBm input –0.54 dB (12)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB –0.54 dB (13)________ 0.54 dB ±0.087 dB 5 MHz 3.5 MHz (1)________ 6.5 MHz ±110 kHz 3 MHz 2.55 MHz (2)________ 3.45 MHz ±66 kHz 1 MHz 0.85 MHz (3)________ 1.15 MHz ±22 kHz 300 kHz 255 kHz (4)________ 345 kHz ±6.6 kHz 100 kHz 85 kHz (5)________ 115 kHz ±2.2 kHz 30 kHz 25.5 kHz (6)________ 34.5 kHz ±660 Hz 10 kHz 8.5 kHz (7)________ 11.5 kHz ±220 Hz 3 kHz 2.55 kHz (8)________ 3.45 kHz ±66 Hz –20 dBm Reference Level –40 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm input 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Resolution Bandwidth Chapter 3 573 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 24. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1 kHz 850 Hz (9)________ 1.15 kHz ±22 Hz 120 kHz 96 kHz (10)________ 144 kHz ±2.17 kHz 9 kHz 7.2 kHz (11)________ 10.8 kHz ±163 Hz Frequency Response Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. 20 to 30° C Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response (1)________ Minimum Response –0.46 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 0.46 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 0.92 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 0.5 dB ±0.19 dB Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (100 Hz to 3.0 GHz Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB (4)________ 0.46 dB ±0.11 dB Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.46 dB 574 (5)________ ±0.11 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Peak-to-Peak Response Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty (6)________ 0.92 dB ±0.11 dB (7)________ 0.46 dB ±0.11 dB Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.46 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (8)________ (9)________ 0.92 dB ±0.11 dB (10)________ 1.5 dB ±0.39 dB dc Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.39 dB (11)________ (12)________ 2.6 dB ±0.39 dB (13)________ 2.0 dB ±0.40 dB dc Coupled Band 2 (6.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.40 dB (14)________ (15)________ 3.6 dB ±0.40 dB (16)________ 2.0 dB ±0.59 dB dc Coupled Band 3 (13.2 GHz to 26.5 GHz) Maximum Response Chapter 3 575 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty ±0.59 dB (17)________ (18)________ 3.6 dB ±0.59 dB (19)________ 0.5 dB ±0.11 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0 (10 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (20)________ (21)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (22)________ 0.5 dB ±0.11 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (23)________ (24)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (25)________ 0.5 dB ±0.11 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 576 ±0.11 dB (26)________ (27)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty ac Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response (28)________ Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.5 dB ±0.39 dB ±0.39 dB (29)________ (30)________ 2.6 dB ±0.39 dB (31)________ 2.0 dB ±0.40 dB ac Coupled Band 2 (6.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.40 dB (32)________ (33)________ 3.6 dB ±0.40 dB (34)________ 2.0 dB ±0.59 dB ac Coupled Band 3 (13.2 GHz to 26.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.59 dB (35)________ (36)________ 3.6 dB ±0.59 dB (1)________ 0.76 dB ±0.19 dB 0 to 55° C Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.76 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Chapter 3 ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.52 dB ±0.19 dB 577 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (100 Hz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response (1)________ Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.19 dB (4)________ 0.76 dB ±0.11 dB Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.76 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (5)________ (6)________ 1.52 dB ±0.11 dB (7)________ 0.76 dB ±0.11 dB Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.76 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (8)________ (9)________ 1.52 dB ±0.11 dB dc Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) 578 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Maximum Response Results Measured (10)________ Minimum Response –2.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Maximum 2.5 dB Measurement Uncertainty ±0.39 dB ±0.39 dB (11)________ (12)________ 3.0 dB ±0.39 dB (13)________ 3.0 dB ±0.40 dB dc Coupled Band 2 (6.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –3.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.40 dB (14)________ (15)________ 4.0 dB ±0.40 dB (16)________ 3.0 dB ±0.59 dB dc Coupled Band 3 (13.2 GHz to 26.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –3.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.59 dB (17)________ (18)________ 4.0 dB ±0.59 dB (19)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0 (10 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Chapter 3 ±0.11 dB (20)________ (21)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB 579 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response (22)________ Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB ±0.11 dB (23)________ (24)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB (25)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (26)________ (27)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB (28)________ 2.5 dB ±0.39 dB ac Coupled Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.39 dB (29)________ (30)________ 3.0 dB ±0.39 dB (31)________ 3.0 dB ±0.40 dB ac Coupled Band 2 (6.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz) Maximum Response 580 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Minimum Response –3.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty ±0.40 dB (32)________ (33)________ 4.0 dB ±0.40 dB (34)________ 3.0 dB ±0.59 dB ac Coupled Band 3 (13.2 GHz to 26.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –3.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 27. Frequency Response (Preamp On) (Option 1DS Only) ±0.59 dB (35)________ (36)________ 4.0 dB ±0.59 dB Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. 20 to 30° C Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (1 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response (1)________ Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (4)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Chapter 3 ±0.28 dB (5)________ (6)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB 581 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response (7)________ Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (8)________ (9)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (10)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0 (10 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (11)________ (12)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (13)________ 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 582 ±0.28 dB (14)________ (15)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response (16)________ Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.5 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (17)________ (18)________ 3.0 dB ±0.28 dB (1)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB 0 to 55° C Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0 (1 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (2)________ (3)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB (4)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response Chapter 3 ±0.28 dB (5)________ (6)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB 583 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Non-Option UKB dc Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response (7)________ Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (8)________ (9)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB (10)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0 (10 MHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.28 dB (11)________ (12)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB (13)________ 2.0 dB ±0.28 dB Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0A (800 MHz to 1.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 584 ±0.28 dB (14)________ (15)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Option UKB ac Coupled Band 0B (1.7 GHz to 2.0 GHz) (serial number US39440871 or greater) Maximum Response (16)________ Minimum Response –2.0 dB ±0.28 dB ±0.28 dB (17)________ (18)________ 4.0 dB ±0.28 dB 2.0 GHz 2042.8 MHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 2642.8 MHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 1820.8 MHz (3)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 278.5 MHz (4)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 5600.0 MHz (5)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 6242.8 MHz (6)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 4042.8 MHz (7)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 4642.8 MHz (8)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 3742.9 MHz (9)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 2242.8 MHz (10)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 9042.8 MHz (11)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 9642.8 MHz (12)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 9342.8 MHz (13)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 4982.1 MHz (14)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 15.0 GHz 15042.8 MHz (15)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 15.0 GHz 15642.8 MHz (16)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 29. 2.0 dB Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Center Freq Input Freq Chapter 3 585 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 32. 34. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 15.0 GHz 18830.35 MHz (17)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 15.0 GHz 4151.75 MHz (18)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 21.0 GHz 21042.8 MHz (19)________ –65 dBc ±.971 dB 21.0 GHz 21642.8 MHz (20)________ –65 dBc ±.971 dB 21.0 GHz 21342.8 MHz (21)________ –65 dBc ±.971 dB 21.0 GHz 5008.95 MHz (22)________ –80 dBc ±.971 dB Spurious Responses 300 MHz TOI, 1 kHz RBW 12.5 dBm (1)________ ±0.93 dB 300 MHz TOI, 30 Hz RBW (Option 1DR only) 12.5 dBm (2)________ ±0.93 dB 5 GHz TOI 11 dBm (3)________ ±0.93 dB 8 GHz TOI 7.5 dBm (4)________ ±0.93 dB 300 MHz SHI 35 dBm (5)________ ±0.41 dB 900 MHz SHI 45 dBm (6)________ ±0.41 dB 1.55 GHz SHI 75 dBm (7)________ ±0.41 dB 3.1 GHz SHI 90 dBm (8)________ ±0.41 dB Gain Compression Test Frequency 53 MHz (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 50.004 MHz (Option 1DR only) (2)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 1403 MHz (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 2503 MHz (4)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 4403 MHz (5)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 7603 MHz (6)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 586 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum 14003 MHz 38. Results Measured (7)________ Displayed Average Noise Level Maximum 1.0 dB Measurement Uncertainty ±0.123 dB Note: Enter results with preamp on in the appropriate section based upon the ambient temperature when the test was performed. 1 kHz RBW, Preamp Off 10 MHz to 1 GHz (1)________ –116 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (2)________ –116 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (3)________ –112 dBm ±1.23 dB 3 GHz to 6 GHz (4)________ –112 dBm ±1.23 dB 6 GHz to 12 GHz (5)________ –111 dBm ±1.23 dB 12 GHz to 22 GHz (6)________ –107 dBm ±1.23 dB 22 GHz to 26.5 GHz (7)________ –106 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (8)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (9)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (10)________ –133 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (11)________ –135 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (12)________ –135 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (13)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 3 GHz to 6 GHz (14)________ –131 dBm ±1.23 dB 6 GHz to 12 GHz (15)________ –130 dBm ±1.23 dB 12 GHz to 22 GHz (16)________ –126 dBm ±1.23 dB 22 GHz to 26.5 GHz (17)________ –125 dBm ±1.23 dB 1kHz RBW, Preamp On, 0 to 55° C 10 Hz RBW, Preamp Off 10 Hz RBW, Preamp On, 0 to 55° C Chapter 3 587 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 MHz to 1 GHz (18)________ –150 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (19)________ –150 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (20)________ –146 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (21)________ –132 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (22)________ –132 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (23)________ –130 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (24)________ –151 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (25)________ –151 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (26)________ –149 dBm ±1.23 dB (1)________ –90 dBm ±0.87 dB –0.3% (1)________ 0.3% ±0.029% –0.75 dB (1)________ 0.75 dB ±0.096 dB –2 dB –0.5 dB (2)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.5 dB (3)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB 1kHz RBW, Preamp On, 20 to 30° C 10 Hz RBW, Preamp On, 20 to 30° C 39. Residual Responses 150 kHz to 6.7 GHz 40. Fast Time Domain Amplitude Accuracy (Option AYX only) Amplitude Error 42. Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy (Option 1DN only) Absolute Amplitude Accuracy Absolute Vernier Accuracy 588 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –5 dB –0.5 dB (4)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.5 dB (8)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.5 dB (9)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –2 dB –0.2 dB (10)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.2 dB (11)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.2 dB (12)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.2 dB (13)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.2 dB (14)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.2 dB (15)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.2 dB (16)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.2 dB (17)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB (1)________ 3.0 dB ±0.284 dB Incremental Vernier Accuracy 43. Tracking Generator Output Level Flatness (Option 1DN only) Positive Level Flatness, <1 MHz Negative Level Flatness, <1 MHz –3.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz (3)________ –3.0 dB Chapter 3 ±0.284 dB (2)________ (4)________ 3.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB 589 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Positive Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz (5)________ –2.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz 46. 48. 49. Results Measured 2.0 dB Measurement Uncertainty ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB (6)________ (7)________ –2.0 dB Maximum 2.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB (8)________ Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) 2nd Harmonic, <20 kHz (1)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 2nd Harmonic, ≥20 kHz (2)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, <20 kHz (3)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, ≥20 kHz (4)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 9 kHz to 2 GHz (1)________ –27 dBc ±2.63 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 2 GHz to 3 GHz (2)________ –23 dBc ±3.14 dB 9 kHz to 2.9 GHz (1)________ –16 dBm ±2.58 dB 2.9 GHz to 3.0 GHz (2)________ –16 dBm ±3.03 dB Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough (Option 1DN only) 590 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 50. 51. 52. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Gate Delay and Gate Length Accuracy (Option 1D6 only) Minimum Gate Delay 499.9 ns (1)________ 1.5001µs ±549 ps Maximum Gate Delay 499.9 ns (2)________ 1.5001µs ±549 ps 1 µs Gate Length 499.9 ns (3)________ 1.5001µs ±520 ps 65 ms Gate Length 64.993ms (4)________ 65.007ms ±647 ns Amplitude Error –0.2 dB (1)________ 0.2 dB ±0.023 dB First LO Output Power Accuracy (Option AYZ only) 20 to 30° C Note: Enter data in the appropriate section based upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed. Gate Mode Additional Amplitude Error (Option 1D6 only) First LO Frequency 2.9 GHz 15.5 dBm (1)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 3.3 GHz 15.5 dBm (2)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 3.7 GHz 15.5 dBm (3)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 3.9 GHz 15.5 dBm (4)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 4.1 GHz 15.5 dBm (5)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 4.5 GHz 15.5 dBm (6)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 4.9 GHz 15.5 dBm (7)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 5.3 GHz 15.5 dBm (8)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 5.7 GHz 15.5 dBm (9)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 5.9 GHz 15.5 dBm (10)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 6.1 GHz 15.5 dBm (11)________ 17.0 dBm ±0.16 dB 6.5 GHz 13.0 dBm (12)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB Chapter 3 591 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 6.9 GHz 13.0 dBm (13)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 7.1 GHz 13.0 dBm (14)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 2.9 GHz 15.0 dBm (1)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 3.3 GHz 15.0 dBm (2)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 3.7 GHz 15.0 dBm (3)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 3.9 GHz 15.0 dBm (4)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 4.1 GHz 15.0 dBm (5)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 4.5 GHz 15.0 dBm (6)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 4.9 GHz 15.0 dBm (7)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 5.3 GHz 15.0 dBm (8)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 5.7 GHz 15.0 dBm (9)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 5.9 GHz 15.0 dBm (10)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 6.1 GHz 15.0 dBm (11)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 6.5 GHz 13.0 dBm (12)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 6.9 GHz 13.0 dBm (13)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB 7.1 GHz 13.0 dBm (14)________ 17.5 dBm ±0.16 dB IF Input Accuracy (Option AYZ only) Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed. 0 to 55° C First LO Frequency 53. 20 to 30° C IF Input Accuracy –1.0 dB (1)________ 1.0 dBm ±0.102 dB –1.5 dB (1)________ 1.5 dBm ±0.102 dB 0 to 50° C IF Input Accuracy 592 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 58. 59. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty GSM Phase and Frequency Error (Option BAH and B7E) Peak Phase Error –2.1 Deg (1)________ 2.1 Deg 0.52 Deg RMS Phase Error –1.1 Deg (2)________ 1.1 Deg 0.000063 Deg Frequency Error –10 Hz (3)________ 10 Hz ±0.006 Hz 15 dBm –0.95 dB (1)________ 0.95 dB ±0.173 dB −5 dBm –0.95 dB (2)________ 0.95 dB ±0.161 dB −25 dBm –0.84 dB (3)________ 0.84 dB ±0.161 dB −45 dBm –0.87 dB (4)________ 0.87 dB ±0.152 dB −55 dBm –0.95 dB (5)________ 0.95 dB ±0.152 dB −70 dBm –1.07 dB (6)________ 1.07 dB ±0.161 dB 15 dBm –0.93 dB (7)________ 0.93 dB ±0.173 dB −5 dBm –0.93 dB (8)________ 0.93 dB ±0.161 dB −25 dBm –0.78 dB (9)________ 0.78 dB ±0.161 dB −45 dBm –0.77 dB (10)________ 0.77 dB ±0.152 dB −55 dBm –0.85 dB (11)________ 0.85 dB ±0.152 dB −70 dBm –0.97 dB (12)________ 0.97 dB ±0.161 dB Comms Absolute Power Accuracy (Options BAC or BAH) 20 to 30° C cdmaOne Channel Power Accuracy (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude PCS Band Input Amplitude Chapter 3 593 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty GSM Transmit Power Accuracy (Option BAH only) GSM Band Input Amplitude 15 dBm –0.94 dB (13)________ 0.94 dB ±0.173 dB −20 dBm –0.94 dB (14)________ 0.94 dB ±0.161 dB −30 dBm –0.80 dB (15)________ 0.80 dB ±0.156 dB −40 dBm –0.83 dB (16)________ 0.83 dB ±0.161 dB −50 dBm –0.99 dB (17)________ 0.99 dB ±0.152 dB −60 dBm –1.13 dB (18)________ 1.13 dB ±0.161 dB 15 dBm –0.92 dB (19)________ 0.92 dB ±0.173 dB −20 dBm –0.92 dB (20)________ 0.92 dB ±0.161 dB −30 dBm –0.74 dB (21)________ 0.74 dB ±0.156 dB −40 dBm –0.79 dB (22)________ 0.79 dB ±0.161 dB −50 dBm –0.95 dB (23)________ 0.95 dB ±0.152 dB −60 dBm –1.09 dB (24)________ 1.09 dB ±0.161 dB −40 dBm –1.56 dB (25)________ 1.56 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.56 dB (26)________ 1.56 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.56 dB (27)________ 1.56 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.56 dB (28)________ 1.56 dB ±0.161 dB DCS and PCS Bands Input Amplitude cdmaOne Receive Channel Power, Preamp Off (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude 594 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-12 Agilent E4407B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4407B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum −85 dBm Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –1.56 dB (29)________ 1.56 dB ±0.152 dB −40 dBm –1.45 dB (30)________ 1.45 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –1.45 dB (31)________ 1.45 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –1.45 dB (32)________ 1.45 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –1.45 dB (33)________ 1.45 dB ±0.161 dB −85 dBm –1.45 dB (34)________ 1.45 dB ±0.152 dB −40 dBm –2.15 dB (35)________ 2.15 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –2.15 dB (36)________ 2.15 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –2.15 dB (37)________ 2.15 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –2.15 dB (38)________ 2.15 dB ±0.161 dB −90 dBm –2.95 dB (39)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB −100 dBm –2.95 dB (40)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB −40 dBm –2.15 dB (41)________ 2.15 dB ±0.161 dB −60 dBm –2.15 dB (42)________ 2.15 dB ±0.161 dB −70 dBm –2.15 dB (43)________ 2.15 dB ±0.161 dB −80 dBm –2.15 dB (44)________ 2.15 dB ±0.161 dB −90 dBm –2.95 dB (45)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB −100 dBm –2.95 dB (46)________ 2.95 dB ±0.161 dB PCS Band Input Amplitude cdmaOne Receive Channel Power, Preamp On (Option BAC only) Cellular Band Input Amplitude PCS Band Input Amplitude Chapter 3 595 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Tests for the Agilent E4408B only are included in this test record, therefore not all test numbers are included. Table 3-13 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Address: _____________________________________ Report No. ______________________ _____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ _____________________________________________ Model E4408B Serial No. ___________________ Ambient temperature _______° C Options _____________________ Relative humidity_______% Firmware Revision ____________ Power mains line frequency ______ Hz (nominal) Customer ____________________________________ Tested by _______________________________ Test Equipment Used: Description Model No. Trace No. Cal Due Date Synthesized Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper #2 ___________ ___________ ___________ Function Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Meter, Dual-Channel ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #2 ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ Low-Power Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ Digital Multimeter ___________ ___________ ___________ Universal Counter ___________ ___________ ___________ Frequency Standard ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Splitter ___________ ___________ ___________ 50 Ω Termination ___________ ___________ ___________ 596 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-13 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record 1 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ 10 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Spectrum Analyzer (Option 1DN only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Notes/comments: Table 3-14 _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 1. Minimum Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy Settability 4. Results Measured –5.0 Hz (1)________ 5.0 Hz ±293.3 µHz Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy Frequency Readout Accuracy Center Freq Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.83 MHz (1)________ 1500.17 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 10 MHz 1499.91 MHz (2)________ 1500.09 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.991 MHz (3)________ 1500.009 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.83 MHz (4)________ 4000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 10 MHz 3999.91 MHz (5)________ 4000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.991 MHz (6)________ 4000.009 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 20 MHz 8999.83 MHz (7)________ 9000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 10 MHz 8999.91 MHz (8)________ 9000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 1 MHz 8999.991 MHz (9)________ 9000.009 MHz ±0 Hz Chapter 3 597 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 16000 MHz 20 MHz 15999.83 MHz (10)________ 16000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 10 MHz 15999.91 MHz (11)________ 16000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 1 MHz 15999.991 MHz (12)________ 16000.009 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 20 MHz 20999.83 MHz (13)________ 21000.17 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 10 MHz 20999.91 MHz (14)________ 21000.09 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 1 MHz 20999.991 MHz (15)________ 21000.009 MHz ±0 Hz Marker Count Accuracy Note: Enter results in the appropriate section below based upon the firmware revision of the analyzer. Firmware Revision Prior to A.03.00 Center Freq Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.999998 MHz (16)________ 1500.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.999998 MHz (17)________ 1500.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.999998 MHz (18)________ 4000.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.999998 MHz (19)________ 4000.000002 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 20 MHz 8999.999997 MHz (20)________ 9000.000003 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 1 MHz 8999.999997 MHz (21)________ 9000.000003 MHz ±0 Hz 15999.999995 MHz (22)________ 16000.000005 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 20 MHz 598 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 16000 MHz 1 MHz 20999.999995 MHz (23)________ 21000.000005 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 20 MHz 20999.999995 MHz (24)________ 21000.000005 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 1 MHz 20999.999995 MHz (25)________ 21000.000005 MHz ±0 Hz Firmware Revision A.03.00 or later Center Freq 6. Span 1500 MHz 20 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (16)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 1500 MHz 1 MHz 1499.999999 MHz (17)________ 1500.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 20 MHz 3999.999999 MHz (18)________ 4000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 4000 MHz 1 MHz 3999.999999 MHz (19)________ 4000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 20 MHz 8999.999999 MHz (20)________ 9000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 9000 MHz 1 MHz 8999.999999 MHz (21)________ 9000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 20 MHz 15999.999999 MHz (22)________ 16000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 16000 MHz 1 MHz 20999.999999 MHz (23)________ 21000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 20 MHz 20999.999999 MHz (24)________ 21000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz 21000 MHz 1 MHz 20999.999999 MHz (25)________ 21000.000001 MHz ±0 Hz Frequency Span Accuracy Chapter 3 599 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Span Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Start Freq 3000 MHz 0 Hz 2370 MHz (1)________ 2430 MHz ±6.12 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 79 MHz (2)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (3)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (4)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (5)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (6)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (7)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 10 kHz (1)________ –90 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –100 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –106 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz to 230 kHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB –30 kHz to –230 kHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB (1)________ 150 Hz ±21 Hz 100 kHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 7. Minimum 10 MHz 800 MHz 800 MHz 1400 MHz 1499 MHz Noise Sidebands Offset from 1 GHz signal 9. System-Related Sidebands Offset from 500 MHz signal 10. Residual FM 1 kHz Res BW 11. Sweep Time Accuracy Sweep Time 5 ms –1.0% (1)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 20 ms –1.0% (2)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 100 ms –1.0% (3)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 600 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 12. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1s –1.0% (4)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% 10 s –1.0% (5)________ ±1.0% ±0.16% –4 –0.34 dB (1)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (2)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (3)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (4)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (5)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.54 dB (6)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (7)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (8)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (9)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.70 dB (10)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (11)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (12)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (13)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (14)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (15)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (16)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.98 dB (17)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (18)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –1.06 dB (19)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (20)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB Display Scale Fidelity Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 601 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –1.14 dB (21)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –4 –0.4 dB (22)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (23)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (24)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (25)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (26)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (27)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (28)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (29)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (30)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (31)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (32)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (33)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (34)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (35)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (36)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (37)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (38)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (39)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (40)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (41)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –84 Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level 602 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level –4 –0.34 dB (43)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (44)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (45)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (46)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (47)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.54 dB (48)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (49)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (50)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (51)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.70 dB (52)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (53)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (54)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (55)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (56)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (57)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (58)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.98 dB (59)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (60)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –1.06 dB (61)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (62)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.14 dB (63)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –88 –1.18 dB (64)________ 1.18 dB ±0.085 dB Chapter 3 603 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –92 –1.22 dB (65)________ 1.22 dB ±0.100 dB –96 –1.26 dB (66)________ 1.26 dB ±0.099 dB –98 –1.28 dB (67)________ 1.28 dB ±0.098 dB –4 –0.4 dB (68)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (69)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (70)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (71)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (72)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (73)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (74)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (75)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (76)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (77)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (78)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (79)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (80)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (81)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (82)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (83)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (84)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (85)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (86)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 604 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –0.4 dB (87)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –4 –2.0% (93)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (94)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (95)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (96)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (97)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –2.0% (98)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (99)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (100)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (101)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (102)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –0.36 dB (103)_________ 0.36 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.42 dB (104)________ 0.42 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.48 dB (105)________ 0.48 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.54 dB (106)________ 0.54 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.60 dB (107)________ 0.60 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.66 dB (108)________ 0.66 dB ±0.074 dB –80 Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Zero Span, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 605 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 13. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –28 –0.72 dB (109)________ 0.72 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.78 dB (110)________ 0.78 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.84 dB (111)________ 0.84 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.90 dB (112)________ 0.90 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.96 dB (113)________ 0.96 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –1.02 dB (114)________ 1.02 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –1.08 dB (115)________ 1.08 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –1.14 dB (116)________ 1.14 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –1.20 dB (117)________ 1.20 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –1.5 dB (118)________ 1.5 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –1.5 dB (119)________ 1.5 dB ±0.080 dB –70 –1.5 dB (120)________ 1.5 dB ±0.084 dB 0 dB –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.101 dB 5 dB –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.104 dB 15 dB –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.102 dB 20 dB –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.098 dB 25 dB –0.35 dB (5)________ 0.35 dB ±0.098 dB 30 dB –0.40 dB (6)________ 0.40 dB ±0.096 dB 35 dB –0.45 dB (7)________ 0.45 dB ±0.099 dB 40 dB –0.50 dB (8)________ 0.50 dB ±0.096 dB 45 dB –0.55 dB (9)________ 0.55 dB ±0.099 dB 50 dB –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.095 dB 55 dB –0.65 dB (11)________ 0.65 dB ±0.099 dB Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Input Attenuation Setting 606 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 15. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 60 dB –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.100 dB 65 dB –0.75 dB (13)________ 0.75 dB ±0.111 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (8)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB –10 dBm –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB 0 dBm –0.3 dB (10)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –30 dBm –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –40 dBm –0.3 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –50 dBm –0.5 dB (13)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –60 dBm –0.5 dB (14)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –70 dBm –0.5 dB (15)________ 0.5 dB ±0.099 dB –80 dBm –0.7 dB (16)________ 0.7 dB ±0.101 dB Reference Level Accuracy Log Reference Level Linear Reference Level 16. Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Chapter 3 607 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Resolution Bandwidth 18. 20. 3 kHz –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 9 kHz –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 kHz –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 kHz –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 kHz –0.3 dB (5)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 120 kHz –0.3 dB (6)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 300 kHz –0.3 dB (7)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1 MHz –0.3 dB (8)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 MHz –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 5 MHz –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.076 dB 300 Hz (Option 1DR only) −3.0 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 200 Hz (Option 1DR only) −3.0 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 Hz (Option 1DR only) −3.0 dB (13)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Log, Preamp Off –0.4 dB (1)________ 0.4 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp Off –0.4 dB (2)________ 0.4 dB ±0.09 dB 0 dBm input –0.6 dB (1)________ 0.6 dB ±0.234 dB –10 dBm input –0.6 dB (2)________ 0.6 dB ±0.115 dB –20 dBm input –0.6 dB (3)________ 0.6 dB ±0.110 dB –30 dBm input –0.6 dB (4)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy 0 dBm Reference Level 608 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –40 dBm input –0.6 dB (5)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.6 dB (6)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –20 dBm input –0.6 dB (7)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –30 dBm input –0.6 dB (8)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.6 dB (9)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.6 dB (11)________ 0.6 dB ±0.087 dB –50 dBm input –0.6 dB (12)________ 0.6 dB ±0.087 dB –0.6 dB (13)________ 0.6 dB ±0.087 dB 5 MHz 3.5 MHz (1)________ 6.5 MHz ±110 kHz 3 MHz 2.55 MHz (2)________ 3.45 MHz ±66 kHz 1 MHz 0.85 MHz (3)________ 1.15 MHz ±22 kHz 300 kHz 255 kHz (4)________ 345 kHz ±6.6 kHz 100 kHz 85 kHz (5)________ 115 kHz ±2.2 kHz 30 kHz 25.5 kHz (6)________ 34.5 kHz ±660 Hz 10 kHz 8.5 kHz (7)________ 11.5 kHz ±220 Hz 3 kHz 2.55 kHz (8)________ 3.45 kHz ±66 Hz 1 kHz 850 Hz (9)________ 1.15 kHz ±22 Hz 120 kHz 96 kHz (10)________ 144 kHz ±2.17 kHz 9 kHz 7.2 kHz (11)________ 10.8 kHz ±163 Hz –20 dBm Reference Level –40 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm input 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Resolution Bandwidth Chapter 3 609 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 24. Minimum Frequency Response Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. 20 to 30° C Band 0 (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz) Maximum Response (1)________ Minimum Response –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 0.50 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB (10)________ 1.5 dB ±0.39 dB Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.39 dB (11)________ (12)________ 2.6 dB ±0.39 dB (13)________ 2.0 dB ±0.40 dB Band 2 (6.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.40 dB (14)________ (15)________ 3.6 dB ±0.40 dB (16)________ 2.0 dB ±0.59 dB Band 3 (13.2 GHz to 26.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 610 ±0.59 dB (17)________ (18)________ 3.6 dB ±0.59 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 0 to 55° C Band 0 (9 kHz to 3.0 GHz Maximum Response (1)________ Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.19 dB (10)________ 2.5 dB ±0.39 dB Band 1 (3.0 GHz to 6.7 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –2.5 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.39 dB (11)________ (12)________ 3.0 dB ±0.39 dB (13)________ 3.0 dB ±0.40 dB Band 2 (6.7 GHz to 13.2 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –3.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.40 dB (14)________ (15)________ 4.0 dB ±0.40 dB (16)________ 3.0 dB ±0.59 dB Band 3 (13.2 GHz to 26.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –3.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 29. ±0.59 dB (17)________ (18)________ 4.0 dB ±0.59 dB Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Center Freq Input Freq Chapter 3 611 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 32. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 2.0 GHz 2042.8 MHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 2642.8 MHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 1820.8 MHz (3)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 278.5 MHz (4)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 5600.0 MHz (5)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 2.0 GHz 6242.8 MHz (6)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 4042.8 MHz (7)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 4642.8 MHz (8)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 3742.9 MHz (9)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 4.0 GHz 2242.8 MHz (10)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 9042.8 MHz (11)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 9642.8 MHz (12)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 9342.8 MHz (13)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 9.0 GHz 4982.1 MHz (14)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 15.0 GHz 15042.8 MHz (15)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 15.0 GHz 15642.8 MHz (16)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 15.0 GHz 18830.35 MHz (17)________ –65 dBc ±.891 dB 15.0 GHz 4151.75 MHz (18)________ –80 dBc ±.891 dB 21.0 GHz 21042.8 MHz (19)________ –65 dBc ±.971 dB 21.0 GHz 21642.8 MHz (20)________ –65 dBc ±.971 dB 21.0 GHz 21342.8 MHz (21)________ –65 dBc ±.971 dB 21.0 GHz 5008.95 MHz (22)________ –80 dBc ±.971 dB Spurious Responses Note: Test Record Entry 2 does not apply to the Agilent E4408B. 300 MHz TOI 7.5 dBm (1)________ ±0.93 dB 5 GHz TOI 7.5 dBm (3)________ ±0.93 dB 612 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 34. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 8 GHz TOI 5 dBm (4)________ ±0.93 dB 300 MHz SHI 30 dBm (5)________ ±0.41 dB 900 MHz SHI 40 dBm (6)________ ±0.41 dB 1.55 GHz SHI 70 dBm (7)________ ±0.41 dB 3.1 GHz SHI 85 dBm (8)________ ±0.41 dB Gain Compression Note: Test Record Entry 2 does not apply to the Agilent E4408B. Test Frequency 38. 53 MHz (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 1403 MHz (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 2503 MHz (4)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 4403 MHz (5)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 7603 MHz (6)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 14003 MHz (7)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (1)________ –116 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (2)________ –115 dBm ±1.23 dB 2 GHz to 3 GHz (3)________ –112 dBm ±1.23 dB 3 GHz to 6 GHz (4)________ –112 dBm ±1.23 dB 6 GHz to 12 GHz (5)________ –110 dBm ±1.23 dB 12 GHz to 22 GHz (6)________ –107 dBm ±1.23 dB 22 GHz to 26.5 GHz (7)________ –101 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 1 GHz (11)________ –124 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 2 GHz (12)________ –123 dBm ±1.23 dB Displayed Average Noise Level 1 kHz RBW 100 Hz RBW Chapter 3 613 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 39. Minimum Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 2 GHz to 3 GHz (13)________ –120 dBm ±1.23 dB 3 GHz to 6 GHz (14)________ –120 dBm ±1.23 dB 6 GHz to 12 GHz (15)________ –118 dBm ±1.23 dB 12 GHz to 22 GHz (16)________ –115 dBm ±1.23 dB 22 GHz to 26.5 GHz (17)________ –109 dBm ±1.23 dB (1)________ –90 dBm ±0.87 dB –0.75 dB (1)________ 0.75 dB ±0.096 dB –2 dB –0.5 dB (2)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.5 dB (3)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.5 dB (4)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –6 dB –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.5 dB (7)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.5 dB (8)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.5 dB (9)________ 0.5 dB ±0.008 dB –2 dB –0.2 dB (10)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –3 dB –0.2 dB (11)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –5 dB –0.2 dB (12)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB Residual Responses 150 kHz to 6.7 GHz 42. Results Measured Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy (Option 1DN only) Absolute Amplitude Accuracy Absolute Vernier Accuracy Incremental Vernier Accuracy 614 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 44. Minimum Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –6 dB –0.2 dB (13)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –7 dB –0.2 dB (14)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –8 dB –0.2 dB (15)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –9 dB –0.2 dB (16)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB –10 dB –0.2 dB (17)________ 0.2 dB ±0.008 dB (1)________ 3.0 dB ±0.284 dB Tracking Generator Level Flatness (Option 1DN only) Positive Level Flatness, <1 MHz Negative Level Flatness, <1 MHz –3.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz –3.0 dB Negative Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz Positive Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz Negative Level Flatness, >1.5 GHz ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB 2.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB (6)________ (7)________ –2.0 dB 3.0 dB (4)________ (5)________ –2.0 dB ±0.284 dB (2)________ (3)________ Positive Level Flatness, >10 MHz to 1.5 GHz 46. Results Measured 2.0 dB ±0.142 dB ±0.142 dB (8)________ Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) 2nd Harmonic, <20 kHz (1)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 2nd Harmonic, ≥20 kHz (2)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB Chapter 3 615 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-14 Agilent E4408B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4408B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 48. 49. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 3rd Harmonic, <20 kHz (3)________ –15 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, ≥20 kHz (4)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 9 kHz to 2 GHz (1)________ –27 dBc ±2.63 dB Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude, 2 GHz to 3 GHz (2)________ –23 dBc ±3.14 dB 9 kHz to 2.9 GHz (1)________ –16 dBm ±2.58 dB 2.9 GHz to 3.0 GHz (2)________ –16 dBm ±3.03 dB Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN only) Tracking Generator L.O. Feedthrough (Option 1DN only) 616 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Tests for the Agilent E4411B only are included in this test record, therefore not all test numbers are included. Table 3-15 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Address: _____________________________________ Report No. ______________________ _____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ _____________________________________________ Model E4411B Serial No. ___________________ Ambient temperature _______° C Options _____________________ Relative humidity_______% Firmware Revision ____________ Power mains line frequency ______ Hz (nominal) Customer ____________________________________ Tested by _______________________________ Test Equipment Used: Description Model No. Trace No. Cal Due Date Synthesized Signal Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Synthesized Sweeper ___________ ___________ ___________ Function Generator ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Meter, Dual-Channel ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #1 ___________ ___________ ___________ RF Power Sensor #2 50 Ω Input (No Option 1DP) ___________ ___________ ___________ Low-Power Power Sensor ___________ ___________ ___________ 75Ω Power Sensor (Option 1DP only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Digital Multimeter ___________ ___________ ___________ Universal Counter ___________ ___________ ___________ Frequency Standard ___________ ___________ ___________ Power Splitter ___________ ___________ ___________ Chapter 3 617 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-15 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record 50Ω Termination ___________ ___________ ___________ Minimum Loss Pad (Option 1DP only) ___________ ___________ ___________ 1 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ 10 dB Step Attenuator ___________ ___________ ___________ Microwave Spectrum Analyzer (Option 1DN or 1DQ only) ___________ ___________ ___________ Notes/comments: Table 3-16 _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 1. Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –5.0 Hz (1)________ 5.0 Hz ±293.3 µHz 10 MHz Reference Output Accuracy Settability 3. Results Measured Minimum Frequency Readout and Marker Frequency Count Accuracy Frequency Readout Accuracy Center Freq Span 1490 MHz 20 MHz 1489.83 MHz (1)________ 1490.17 MHz ±0 Hz 1490 MHz 10 MHz 1489.91 MHz (2)________ 1490.09 MHz ±0 Hz 1490 MHz 1 MHz 1489.991 MHz (3)________ 1490.009 MHz ±0 Hz 1489.999998 MHz (4)________ 1490.000002 MHz ±0 Hz Marker Count Accuracy Center Freq 1490 MHz Span 10 MHz 618 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum 1490 MHz 5. Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 1489.999998 MHz (5)________ 1490.000002 MHz ±0 Hz Frequency Span Accuracy Span Start Freq 1500 MHz 0 Hz 1185 MHz (1)________ 1215 MHz ±3.06 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 79 MHz (2)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (3)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (4)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (5)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 79 MHz (6)________ 81 MHz ±204 kHz 79 kHz (7)________ 81 kHz ±204 Hz 10 kHz (1)________ –93 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 20 kHz (2)________ –100 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz (3)________ –104 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 100 kHz (4)________ –113 dBc/Hz ±2.44 dB 30 kHz to 230 kHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB –30 kHz to –230 kHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±1.30 dB (1)________ 150 Hz ±21 Hz 100 kHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 800 MHz 800 MHz 100 MHz 100 kHz 7. 1 MHz Results Measured 1400 MHz 1499 MHz Noise Sidebands Offset from 1 GHz signal 9. System-Related Sidebands Offset from 500 MHz signal 10. Residual FM 1 kHz Res BW 11. Sweep Time Accuracy Chapter 3 619 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Sweep Time 12. 5 ms –1.0% (1)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 20 ms –1.0% (2)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 100 ms –1.0% (3)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 1s –1.0% (4)________ 1.0% ±0.16% 10 s –1.0% (5)________ 1.0% ±0.16% –4 –0.34 dB (1)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (2)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (3)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (4)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (5)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.54 dB (6)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (7)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (8)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (9)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.70 dB (10)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (11)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (12)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (13)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (14)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (15)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (16)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB Display Scale Fidelity Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level 620 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –68 –0.98 dB (17)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (18)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –1.06 dB (19)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (20)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB –84 –1.14 dB (21)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –4 –0.4 dB (22)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (23)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (24)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (25)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (26)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (27)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (28)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (29)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (30)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (31)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (32)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (33)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (34)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (35)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (36)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (37)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (38)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –0.4 dB (39)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 621 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –76 –0.4 dB (40)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (41)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –4 –0.34 dB (43)________ 0.34 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.38 dB (44)________ 0.38 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.42 dB (45)________ 0.42 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.46 dB (46)________ 0.46 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.50 dB (47)________ 0.50 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.54 dB (48)________ 0.54 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.58 dB (49)________ 0.58 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.62 dB (50)________ 0.62 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.66 dB (51)________ 0.66 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.70 dB (52)________ 0.70 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.74 dB (53)________ 0.74 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.78 dB (54)________ 0.78 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.82 dB (55)________ 0.82 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.86 dB (56)________ 0.86 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.90 dB (57)________ 0.90 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.94 dB (58)________ 0.94 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.98 dB (59)________ 0.98 dB ±0.080 dB –72 –1.02 dB (60)________ 1.02 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –1.06 dB (61)________ 1.06 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –1.10 dB (62)________ 1.10 dB ±0.089 dB Cumulative Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 622 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –84 –1.14 dB (63)________ 1.14 dB ±0.086 dB –88 –1.18 dB (64)________ 1.18 dB ±0.085 dB –92 –1.22 dB (65)________ 1.22 dB ±0.100 dB –96 –1.26 dB (66)________ 1.26 dB ±0.099 dB –98 –1.28 dB (67)________ 1.28 dB ±0.098 dB –4 –0.4 dB (68)________ 0.4 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.4 dB (69)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.4 dB (70)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.4 dB (71)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –20 –0.4 dB (72)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.4 dB (73)________ 0.4 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.4 dB (74)________ 0.4 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.4 dB (75)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.4 dB (76)________ 0.4 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.4 dB (77)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.4 dB (78)________ 0.4 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –0.4 dB (79)________ 0.4 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –0.4 dB (80)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –0.4 dB (81)________ 0.4 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –0.4 dB (82)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –0.4 dB (83)________ 0.4 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –0.4 dB (84)________ 0.4 dB ±0.080 dB Incremental Log Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Chapter 3 623 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –72 –0.4 dB (85)________ 0.4 dB ±0.084 dB –76 –0.4 dB (86)________ 0.4 dB ±0.083 dB –80 –0.4 dB (87)________ 0.4 dB ±0.089 dB –4 –2.0% (93)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (94)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (95)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (96)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (97)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –2.0% (98)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –8 –2.0% (99)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –12 –2.0% (100)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –16 –2.0% (101)________ 2.0% ±0.064% –20 –2.0% (102)________ 2.0% ±0.063% –4 –0.36 dB (103)_________ 0.36 dB ±0.082 dB –8 –0.42 dB (104)________ 0.42 dB ±0.078 dB –12 –0.48 dB (105)________ 0.48 dB ±0.075 dB –16 –0.54 dB (106)________ 0.54 dB ±0.073 dB Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≥1 kHz dB from Ref Level Linear Fidelity, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level Zero Span, Res BW ≤300 Hz (Option 1DR only) dB from Ref Level 624 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 13. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –20 –0.60 dB (107)________ 0.60 dB ±0.078 dB –24 –0.66 dB (108)________ 0.66 dB ±0.074 dB –28 –0.72 dB (109)________ 0.72 dB ±0.073 dB –32 –0.78 dB (110)________ 0.78 dB ±0.077 dB –36 –0.84 dB (111)________ 0.84 dB ±0.075 dB –40 –0.90 dB (112)________ 0.90 dB ±0.081 dB –44 –0.96 dB (113)________ 0.96 dB ±0.077 dB –48 –1.02 dB (114)________ 1.02 dB ±0.076 dB –52 –1.08 dB (115)________ 1.08 dB ±0.080 dB –56 –1.14 dB (116)________ 1.14 dB ±0.078 dB –60 –1.20 dB (117)________ 1.20 dB ±0.084 dB –64 –1.5 dB (118)________ 1.5 dB ±0.081 dB –68 –1.5 dB (119)________ 1.5 dB ±0.080 dB –70 –1.5 dB (120)________ 1.5 dB ±0.084 dB 0 dB –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.101 dB 5 dB –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.104 dB 15 dB –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.102 dB 20 dB –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.098 dB 25 dB –0.35 dB (5)________ 0.35 dB ±0.098 dB 30 dB –0.40 dB (6)________ 0.40 dB ±0.096 dB 35 dB –0.45 dB (7)________ 0.45 dB ±0.099 dB 40 dB –0.50 dB (8)________ 0.50 dB ±0.096 dB 45 dB –0.55 dB (9)________ 0.55 dB ±0.099 dB Input Attenuation Switching Uncertainty Input Attenuation Setting Chapter 3 625 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 14. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 50 dB –0.60 dB (10)________ 0.60 dB ±0.095 dB 55 dB –0.65 dB (11)________ 0.65 dB ±0.099 dB 60 dB –0.70 dB (12)________ 0.70 dB ±0.100 dB Reference Level Accuracy Log Reference Level 50 Ω (dBm) 75 Ω (dBmV) –15 33.75 –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB –5 43.75 –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –35 13.75 –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –45 3.75 –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –55 –6.25 –0.5 dB (5)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –65 –16.25 –0.5 dB (6)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –75 –26.25 –0.7 dB (7)________ 0.7 dB ±0.099 dB Linear Reference Level 50Ω (dBm) 75Ω (dBmV) –15 33.75 –0.3 dB (8)________ 0.3 dB ±0.091 dB –5 43.75 –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.100 dB –35 13.75 –0.3 dB (10)________ 0.3 dB ±0.092 dB –45 3.75 –0.3 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.094 dB –55 –6.25 –0.5 dB (12)________ 0.5 dB ±0.095 dB –65 –16.25 –0.5 dB (13)________ 0.5 dB ±0.097 dB –75 –26.25 –0.7 dB (14)________ 0.7 dB ±0.099 dB 626 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 16. Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty Resolution Bandwidth Switching Uncertainty Resolution Bandwidth 17. 19. 3 kHz –0.3 dB (1)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 9 kHz –0.3 dB (2)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 10 kHz –0.3 dB (3)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 30 kHz –0.3 dB (4)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 kHz –0.3 dB (5)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 120 kHz –0.3 dB (6)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 300 kHz –0.3 dB (7)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 1 MHz –0.3 dB (8)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 3 MHz –0.3 dB (9)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 5 MHz –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.076 dB 300 Hz (Option 1DR only) −3.0 dB (11)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 200 Hz (Option 1DR only) −3.0 dB (12)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB 100 Hz (Option 1DR only) −3.0 dB (13)________ 0.3 dB ±0.048 dB Log, Preamp Off –0.4 dB (1)________ 0.4 dB ±0.09 dB Lin, Preamp Off –0.4 dB (2)________ 0.4 dB ±0.09 dB 0 dBm input –0.6 dB (1)________ 0.6 dB ±0.234 dB –10 dBm input –0.6 dB (2)________ 0.6 dB ±0.115 dB –20 dBm input –0.6 dB (3)________ 0.6 dB ±0.110 dB Absolute Amplitude Accuracy (Reference Settings) Overall Absolute Amplitude Accuracy 0 dBm Reference Level Chapter 3 627 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty –30 dBm input –0.6 dB (4)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.6 dB (5)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.6 dB (6)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –20 dBm input –0.6 dB (7)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –30 dBm input –0.6 dB (8)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.6 dB (9)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –50 dBm input –0.6 dB (10)________ 0.6 dB ±0.109 dB –40 dBm input –0.6 dB (11)________ 0.6 dB ±0.087 dB –50 dBm input –0.6 dB (12)________ 0.6 dB ±0.087 dB –0.6 dB (13)________ 0.6 dB ±0.087 dB 5 MHz 3.5 MHz (1)________ 6.5 MHz ±110 kHz 3 MHz 2.55 MHz (2)________ 3.45 MHz ±66 kHz 1 MHz 0.85 MHz (3)________ 1.15 MHz ±22 kHz 300 kHz 255 kHz (4)________ 345 kHz ±6.6 kHz 100 kHz 85 kHz (5)________ 115 kHz ±2.2 kHz 30 kHz 25.5 kHz (6)________ 34.5 kHz ±660 Hz 10 kHz 8.5 kHz (7)________ 11.5 kHz ±220 Hz 3 kHz 2.55 kHz (8)________ 3.45 kHz ±66 Hz 1 kHz 850 Hz (9)________ 1.15 kHz ±22 Hz 120 kHz 96 kHz (10)________ 144 kHz ±2.17 kHz –20 dBm Reference Level –40 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm Reference Level –50 dBm input 21. Resolution Bandwidth Accuracy Resolution Bandwidth 628 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description 22. Minimum Results Measured (11)________ Maximum 10.8 kHz Measurement Uncertainty ±163 Hz 9 kHz 7.2 kHz Frequency Response Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the ambient temperature at which the test was performed and installed options. 20 to 30° C 50 Ω Input (No Option 1DP) (9 kHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response (1)________ –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 0.50 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 0.50 dB ±0.11 dB Option 1DP (75 Ω) (1 MHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –0.50 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.11 dB (2)________ (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.19 dB 0 to 55° C 50 Ω Input (No Option 1DP) (9 kHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Minimum Response –1.0 dB Peak-to-Peak Response ±0.19 dB (2)________ (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.19 dB (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.11 dB Option 1DP (75 Ω) (1 MHz to 1.5 GHz) Maximum Response Chapter 3 629 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Minimum Response –1.0 dB Maximum Measurement Uncertainty ±0.11 dB (2)________ (3)________ 2.0 dB ±0.11 dB 542.8 MHz (1)________ –65 dBc ±.889 dB 510.7 MHz (2)________ –65 dBc ±.889 dB 1310.7 MHz (3)________ –45 dBc ±.889 dB Peak-to-Peak Response 28. Results Measured Other Input-Related Spurious Responses Input Frequency 30. 33. Spurious Responses Note: Enter the results in the appropriate lines below based upon the input impedance of the analyzer. Test Record Entry 2 does not apply to Agilent E4411B. 50 MHz TOI, 50 Ω 7.5 dBm (1)________ ±0.93 dB 50 MHz TOI, 75 Ω 56.25 dBmV (1)________ ±0.93 dB 40 MHz SHI, 50 Ω 35 dBm (3)________ ±.050 dB 40 MHz SHI, 75 Ω 83.75 dBmV (3)________ ±.050 dB Gain Compression Note: Test Record Entry 2 does not apply to Agilent E4411B. Test Frequency 35. 53 MHz (1)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB 1403 MHz (3)________ 1.0 dB ±0.123 dB Displayed Average Noise Level Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the input impedance and serial number of the analyzer. 50 Ω, 1 kHz RBW 400 kHz (1)________ –115 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (2)________ –115 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (3)________ –119 dBm ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (4)________ –117 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (5)________ –113 dBm ±1.23 dB 630 Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty 50 Ω, 100 Hz RBW 400 kHz (11)________ –123 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (12)________ –123 dBm ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (13)________ –127 dBm ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (14)________ –125 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (15)________ –121 dBm ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (21)________ –63 dBmV ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (22)________ –65 dBmV ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (23)________ –60 dBmV ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (24)________ –53 dBmV ±1.23 dB 1 MHz to 10 MHz (29)________ –72 dBmV ±1.23 dB 10 MHz to 500 MHz (30)________ –74 dBmV ±1.23 dB 500 MHz to 1 GHz (31)________ –68 dBmV ±1.23 dB 1 GHz to 1.5 GHz (32)________ –61 dBmV ±1.23 dB 75 Ω, 1 kHz RBW 75 Ω, 100 Hz RBW 39. 41. Residual Responses Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the input impedance and serial number of the analyzer. 50 Ω, 150 kHz to 1.5 GHz (1)________ –90 dBm ±0.87 dB 75 Ω, 1 MHz to 1.5 GHz (1)________ –36 dBmV ±0.87 dB Tracking Generator Absolute Amplitude and Vernier Accuracy Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the input impedance and serial number of the analyzer. 50 Ω (Option 1DN) Absolute Amplitude Accuracy –0.5 dB Positive Vernier Accuracy Chapter 3 (1)________ 0.5 dB ±0.096 dB (2)________ 0.75 dB ±0.008 dB 631 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Negative Vernier Accuracy –0.75 dB Power Sweep Accuracy Results Measured Maximum Measurement Uncertainty ±0.008 dB (3)________ (4)________ 1.5 dB ±0.008 dB (1)________ 1.5 dB ±0.096 dB (2)________ 0.9 dB ±0.008 dB 75 Ω (Option 1DQ) Absolute Amplitude Accuracy –1.5 dB Positive Vernier Accuracy Negative Vernier Accuracy –0.9 dB Power Sweep Accuracy 43. Tracking Generator Level Flatness ±0.008 dB (3)________ (4)________ 1.8 dB ±0.008 dB Note: Enter data in the appropriate section below depending upon the input impedance and serial number of the analyzer. 50Ω (Option 1DN) Positive Level Flatness, <1 MHz Negative Level Flatness, <1 MHz (1)________ –2.0 dB Positive Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Positive Level Flatness, >10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, >10 MHz –1.5 dB 2.0 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (4)________ (5)________ ±0.73 dB ±0.73 dB (2)________ (3)________ –2.0 dB 2.0 dB 1.5 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (6)________ 75 Ω (Option 1DQ) Positive Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, 1 MHz to 10 MHz 632 (3)________ –2.5 dB (4)________ 2.5 dB ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB Chapter 3 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Table 3-16 Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record Agilent Technologies Model E4411B Report No. ___________ Serial No. ___________ Date ___________ Test Description Minimum Positive Level Flatness, >10 MHz Negative Level Flatness, >10 MHz 45. 47. Results Measured (5)________ –2.0 dB Maximum 2.0 dB Measurement Uncertainty ±0.19 dB ±0.19 dB (6)________ Tracking Generator Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN or Option 1DQ only) 2nd Harmonic, <20 MHz (1)________ –20 dBc ±2.6 dB 2nd Harmonic, ≥20 MHz (2)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, <20 MHz (3)________ –20 dBc ±2.6 dB 3rd Harmonic, ≥20 MHz (4)________ –25 dBc ±2.6 dB (1)________ –35 dBc ±2.64 dB Tracking Generator Non-Harmonic Spurious Outputs (Option 1DN or Option 1DQ only) Highest Non-Harmonic Spurious Output Amplitude Chapter 3 633 Performance Verification Test Records Agilent E4411B Performance Verification Test Record 634 Chapter 3 4 If You Have a Problem This chapter includes information on how to check for a problem with your Agilent ESA Series Spectrum Analyzer, and how to return it for service. It also includes descriptions of the types of built-in messages. 635 If You Have a Problem What You’ll Find in This Chapter What You’ll Find in This Chapter This chapter includes information on how to check for a problem with your Agilent ESA Series Spectrum Analyzer, and how to return it for service. It also includes descriptions of all of the analyzer built-in messages. Your analyzer is built to provide dependable service. However, if you experience a problem, desire additional information, or wish to order parts, options, or accessories, Agilent Technologies’ worldwide sales and service organization is ready to provide the support you need. In general, a problem can be caused by a hardware failure, a software error, or a user error. Follow these general steps to determine the cause and to resolve the problem. 1. Perform the quick checks listed in “Check the Basics” in this chapter. It is possible that a quick check may eliminate your problem altogether. 2. If the problem is a hardware problem, you have several options: • Repair it yourself; see the “Service Options” section in this chapter. • Return the analyzer to Agilent Technologies for repair; if the analyzer is still under warranty or is covered by an Agilent Technologies maintenance contract, it will be repaired under the terms of the warranty or plan (the warranty is at the front of this manual). • If the analyzer is no longer under warranty or is not covered by an Agilent Technologies maintenance plan, Agilent Technologies will notify you of the cost of the repair after examining the instrument. See “How to Call Agilent Technologies” and “How to Return Your Analyzer for Service” for more information. WARNING No operator serviceable parts inside the analyzer. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. To prevent electrical shock do not remove covers. 636 Chapter 4 If You Have a Problem Before You Call Agilent Technologies Before You Call Agilent Technologies Check the Basics A problem can often be resolved by repeating the procedure you were following when the problem occurred. Before calling Agilent Technologies or returning the analyzer for service, please make the following checks: ❏ Check the line fuse. ❏ Is there power at the receptacle? ❏ Is the analyzer turned on? Make sure the fan is running, which indicates that the power supply is on. ❏ If the display is dark or dim, press the upper Viewing Angle key in the upper-left corner of the front panel. If the display is too bright, adjust the lower Viewing Angle key in the upper-left corner of the front panel. ❏ If other equipment, cables, and connectors are being used with your Agilent ESA Series Spectrum Analyzer, make sure they are connected properly and operating correctly. ❏ Review the procedure for the measurement being performed when the problem appeared. Are all the settings correct? ❏ If the analyzer is not functioning as expected, return the analyzer to a known state by pressing the Preset key. Some analyzer settings are not affected by a Preset. If you wish to reset the analyzer configuration to the state it was in when it was originally sent from the factory, press System, Power On/Preset, Factory Preset (if it is displayed). ❏ Is the measurement being performed, and the results that are expected, within the specifications and capabilities of the analyzer? Refer to the “Specifications and Characteristics” chapters in the Specifications Guide. ❏ In order to meet specifications, the analyzer must be aligned. Either Auto Align All must be selected (press System, Alignments, Auto Align, All), or the analyzer must be manually aligned at least once per hour, or whenever the temperature changes more than 3° C. When Auto Align, All is selected, AA appears on the left edge of the display. ❏ If the necessary test equipment is available, perform the tests listed in Chapter 1, “Calibrating,” for your instrument. Record all results on the appropriate form in Chapter 3 , “Performance Verification Test Records,” which follows the performance verification tests Chapter 4 637 If You Have a Problem Before You Call Agilent Technologies chapter. ❏ If the equipment to perform the performance verification tests is not available, you may still be able to perform the functional checks in the Agilent ESA Series Spectrum Analyzers User’s Guide. Read the Warranty The warranty for your analyzer is at the front of this manual. Please read it and become familiar with its terms. If your analyzer is covered by a separate maintenance agreement, please be familiar with its terms. Service Options Agilent Technologies offers several optional maintenance plans to service your analyzer after the warranty has expired. Call your Agilent Technologies sales and service office for full details. If you want to service the analyzer yourself after the warranty expires, you can purchase the service documentation that provides all of the necessary test and maintenance information. You can order the service documentation, Option 0BV (component level information including parts lists, component location diagrams and schematic diagrams) and Option 0BW (assembly level troubleshooting and adjustment procedures), through your Agilent Technologies sales and service office. Service documentation is described under “Component Level Service Documentation (Option 0BV)” and “Service Documentation and Adjustment Software (Option 0BW)” in Chapter 6 of the user’s guide. How to Call Agilent Technologies Agilent Technologies has sales and service offices around the world to provide you with complete support for your analyzer. To obtain servicing information or to order replacement parts, contact the nearest Agilent Technologies sales and service office listed in Table 4-1. In any correspondence or telephone conversations, refer to your analyzer by its product number, full serial number, and firmware revision. (Press System, More 1 of 3, Show System, and the product number, serial number, and firmware revision information will be displayed on your analyzer screen.) A serial number label is also attached to the rear panel of the analyzer. 638 Chapter 4 If You Have a Problem Before You Call Agilent Technologies Table 4-1 Agilent Technologies Sales and Service Offices UNITED STATES Instrument Support Center Agilent Technologies, Inc. (800) 403-0801 EUROPEAN FIELD OPERATIONS Headquarters Agilent Technologies S.A. 150, Route du Nant-d’Avril 1217 Meyrin 2/ Geneva Switzerland (41 22) 780.8111 France Agilent Technologies France 1 Avenue Du Canada Zone D’Activite De Courtaboeuf F-91947 Les Ulis Cedex France (33 1) 69 82 60 60 Germany Agilent Technologies GmbH Agilent Technologies Strasse 61352 Bad Homburg v.d.H Germany (49 6172) 16-0 Great Britain Agilent Technologies Ltd. Eskdale Road, Winnersh Triangle Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 5DZ England (44 118) 9696622 INTERCON FIELD OPERATIONS Headquarters Agilent Technologies, Inc. 3495 Deer Creek Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94304-1316 USA (415) 857-5027 Japan Agilent Technologies Japan, Ltd. Measurement Assistance Center 9-1, Takakura-Cho, Hachioji-Shi, Tokyo 192-8510, Japan TEL (81) -426-56-7832 FAX (81) -426-56-7840 Australia Agilent Technologies Australia Ltd. 31-41 Joseph Street Blackburn, Victoria 3130 (61 3) 895-2895 Canada Agilent Technologies (Canada) Ltd. 17500 South Service Road Trans-Canada Highway Kirkland, Quebec H9J 2X8 Canada (514) 697-4232 Singapore Agilent Technologies Singapore (Pte.) Ltd. 150 Beach Road #29-00 Gateway West Singapore 0718 (65) 291-9088 Taiwan Agilent Technologies Taiwan 8th Floor, H-P Building 337 Fu Hsing North Road Taipei, Taiwan (886 2) 712-0404 China China Agilent Technologies, Inc. 38 Bei San Huan X1 Road Shuang Yu Shu Hai Dian District Beijing, China (86 1) 256-6888 Chapter 4 639 If You Have a Problem How to Return Your Analyzer for Service How to Return Your Analyzer for Service Service Tag If you are returning your analyzer to Agilent Technologies for servicing, fill in and attach a blue service tag. Several service tags are supplied at the rear of this chapter. Please be as specific as possible about the nature of the problem. If you have recorded any error messages that appeared on the display, or have completed a Performance Test Record, or have any other specific data on the performance of your analyzer, please send a copy of this information with your return. Original Packaging Before shipping, pack the unit in the original factory packaging materials if they are available. If the original materials were not retained, see “Other Packaging”. NOTE Ensure that the instrument handle is in the rear-facing position in order to reduce the possibility of damage during shipping. Refer to Figure 4-1. NOTE Install the transportation disk into the floppy drive to reduce the possibility of damage during shipping. If the original transportation disk is not available, a blank floppy may be substituted. 640 Chapter 4 If You Have a Problem How to Return Your Analyzer for Service Figure 4-1 Chapter 4 641 If You Have a Problem How to Return Your Analyzer for Service Other Packaging CAUTION Analyzer damage can result from using packaging materials other than those specified. Never use styrene pellets in any shape as packaging materials. They do not adequately cushion the equipment or prevent it from shifting in the carton. They cause equipment damage by generating static electricity and by lodging in the analyzer louvers, blocking airflow. You can repackage the instrument with commercially available materials, as follows: 1. Attach a completed service tag to the instrument. 2. Install the transportation disk or a blank floppy disk into the disk drive. 3. If you have a front-panel cover, install it on the instrument. If you do not have a front panel cover, make sure the instrument handle is in the forward-facing position to protect the control panel. 4. Wrap the instrument in antistatic plastic to reduce the possibility of damage caused by electrostatic discharge. 5. Use a strong shipping container. A double-walled, corrugated cardboard carton with 159 kg (350 lb) bursting strength is adequate. The carton must be both large enough and strong enough to accommodate the analyzer. Allow at least 3 to 4 inches on all sides of the analyzer for packing material. 6. Surround the equipment with three to four inches of packing material and prevent the equipment from moving in the carton. If packing foam is not available, the best alternative is S.D.-240 Air Cap™ from Sealed Air Corporation (Hayward, California, 94545). Air Cap looks like a plastic sheet filled with 1-1/4 inch air bubbles. Use the pink-colored Air Cap to reduce static electricity. Wrapping the equipment several times in this material should both protect the equipment and prevent it from moving in the carton. 7. Seal the shipping container securely with strong nylon adhesive tape. 8. Mark the shipping container “FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE” to assure careful handling. 9. Retain copies of all shipping papers. 642 Chapter 4 ">

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Key features
- Frequency range up to 26.5 GHz
- Multiple series and models
- Calibration procedures for verification
- Verification of performance tests
- Testing RF and microwave circuits
- Analyzing communication band signals
- EMC measurements
Frequently asked questions
The Agilent ESA-E series Spectrum Analyzers have frequency ranges that vary depending on the model. The E4402B covers 9 kHz - 3.0 GHz, the E4404B covers 9 kHz - 6.7 GHz, the E4405B covers 9 kHz - 13.2 GHz, and the E4407B covers 9 kHz - 26.5 GHz.
This calibration guide provides instructions for verifying the performance of the Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers. It outlines tests to ensure the instruments meet their specified specifications.
The Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzers can be used in a variety of applications, including testing RF and microwave circuits, analyzing signals in the communication band, and performing EMC measurements.
It is recommended to calibrate your Agilent ESA Spectrum Analyzer at least once a year to ensure its performance meets the specified specifications.