Quick Installation Guide
Portable 3G/4G Wireless N Router
Hardware Connection
3G/4G Router Mode (Default)
In this mode, the TL-MR3020 is connected to a 3G/4G USB modem and wirelessly share the 3G/4G mobile connection to multiple users.
Package Contents
Portable 3G/4G Wireless N Router
Power Adapter USB Cable
Resource CD Ethernet Cable
System Requirement
The following operating systems are supported:
• Windows XP • Windows Vista • Windows 7
• Windows 98 • Windows 2000 • Windows 2003
• Windows Me • Mac • Linux
The following browsers are supported:
• Internet Explorer • FireFox
• Safari • Chrome
Physical Description
Mode Switch
RJ45 Ethernet
150Mbps TL-MR3020
WISP Client Router Mode
In this mode, the TL-MR3020 is wirelessly connected to the WISP
(Wireless Internet Service Provider) and share the Internet with multiple users.
3G/4G USB Port
Mini USB Port
RJ45 Ethernet Port
150Mbps TL-MR3020
3G/4G USB Port
Mini USB Port
This port is used to plug a 3G/4G modem/card into.
This port is used to connect the provided power adapter.
RJ45 Ethernet Port
This port can be LAN or WAN port depending on the working mode.
Mode Switch
This button is used to switch the working mode of the
To use WPS function, please push the button for less than 5 seconds, and then the WPS LED will flash; to reset the Router, please push the button for at least 10 seconds.
RJ45 Ethernet
The Router is on.
The Router is off.
The Router is connected to the Internet, but there is no data being transferred.
The Router is transferring data.
The Router is not connected to the Internet.
Wi-Fi is enabled.
There is data being transferred through
Wi-Fi is disabled.
The Ethernet port is connected, but there is no data being transferred.
The Ethernet port is transferring data.
The Ethernet port is not connected.
Standard AP Mode
In this mode, the TL-MR3020 is connected to a wired network and transforms the wired Internet access into wireless so that multiple users can share the Internet.
Mode Switch
NOTE: 1. TL-MR3020 can be powered by Power Adapter or laptop/PC through the USB cable.
2. TL-MR3020 will restart automatically after you turn the Mode Switch.
Mode Switch
SSID: 123
Connect to Network
Here we take Wireless Network Connection as example, please make sure your device is wirelessly enabled.
For Windows XP
Click the icon at the bottom of your desktop.
Click Refresh network list, and then select the SSID
(wireless network name) of TL-MR3020. Click Connect.
For Windows 7
Click the icon at the bottom of your desktop.
Click refresh button and then select the target network. Click
Wired Network
Mode Switch
1 Click the icon at the right top of your desktop.
2 Make sure the status of Airport is On, and then select the
SSID (network name) of TL-MR3020 and click it.
NOTE: 1. The default SSID of the network is TP-LINK_POCKET_3020_xxxxxx. (The xxxxxx is the last six characters of the Router’s MAC address.)
2. The pre-encryption of TL-MR3020 is written on the product label, please refer to it when you connect to the wireless network.
Router Configurations
Open a web browser, type in the address field, and press Enter. At the prompt, enter the default User Name and Password: admin. Click OK to enter the Router’s management page.
After a successful login, please configure the Router according to the working mode you choose.
NOTE: For your convenience, TL-MR3020 will keep the following two items when you switch the working mode:
1. WAN information (Internet information), such as the User name and Password of 3G/4G ISP and PPPoE, the Dynamic IP address setting, etc.
2. Wireless settings, such as SSID (Wireless Network Name), Key Type and Password.
(To be continued)
Router Configurations
3G/4G Router Mode
1 Go to Status and check the 3G/4G status. When the 3G/4G USB Modem is identified, go to the next step.
3 Choose the Internet Access type, and then click Next. Here we recommend
3G/4G Only.
4 Select your Location and Mobile ISP.
Then click Next.
5 Set your wireless parameters. It’s recommended that you edit the following two items, and then click Next.
6 Click Reboot to make the settings take effect.
After the rebooting, please reconnect to the network according to Step 3 Connect to
2 Go to Quick Setup and click Next.
If you can’t find your location in the pull-down menu, please tick “Set the
Dial Number, APN, Username and
Password manually” to manually set them according to the information your
3G/4G ISP provides.
WISP Client Router Mode
1 Go to Quick Setup and click Next. b) If Dynamic IP is selected, set the MAC Clone page and click Next.
3 Click Survey button to find the available wireless networks.
5 The SSID and BSSID will be automatically filled into the wireless setting figure.
Choose the Key type and fill in the
Password according to the target wireless network.
Set the Local SSID as your local wireless network name. Then click Next.
2 Choose your WAN Connection Type and click Next to continue. Usually we use
Dynamic IP as the WAN Connection
a) If PPPoE is selected, please enter the
User Name and Password given by your WISP. Then click Next.
c) If Static IP is selected, please enter the IP
Address and Subnet Mask given by your
WISP. Then click Next.
4 Select the target wireless network and click Connect.
6 Click the Reboot button to make your wireless configuration take effect and finish the Quick Setup. (You’re recommended to go to Wireless >
Wireless Security to set up the wireless security.)
NOTE: After the rebooting, please reconnect to the network according to Step 3 Connect to Network.
If Wireless Security is enabled, you need to enter the password you’ve just set to successfully finish the connecting.
AP mode
There are four types of sub-mode under AP mode: Access Point(AP), Repeater, Bridge and Client. You can directly use its default mode Access Point without any further configuration after pluging the WAN cable into the Ethernet Port.
While, if you want to use the other three modes, please refer to the User Guide included on the resource CD for their detailed configuration.
T1. What should I do if I don’t know or forget my login
(1) Restore the Router’s configuration to its factory default
settings. With the Router powered on, press and hold the
WPS/RESET button on the rear panel for 8 to 10 seconds
before releasing it.
(2) Use the default user name and password: admin, admin.
(3) Try to configure your Router once again by following the
previous step of this QIG.
T2. What should I do if I cannot log in the web-based
management page after I have successfully
connected the Router?
You need to configure your PC(s) to “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically”.
As for this, please follow the instructions below.
1) For Windows XP:
Click “Start -> Control Panel -> Network and Internet
Connections -> Network Connections”.
For Windows 7:
Click “Start -> Control Panel ->Network and Internet
-> View network status and tasks -> Change adapter
For Windows Vista:
Click “Start -> Control Panel ->Network and Internet
-> View network status and tasks -> Manage network
2) Right-click “Local Area Connection”, and then click “Properties”.
3) Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” in Windows XP/2000 or
“Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” in Windows Vista/7.
Then click “Properties”.
4) Select “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS
server address automatically”. Then click “OK”.
T3. What should I do if I cannot get Internet access with an
identified 3G/4G USB modem?
(1) Please insert a suited SIM/UIM card into the 3G/4G USB
modem correctly.
(2) Please plug your 3G/4G USB modem directly into your PC
and disable the PIN verification via modem utility.
(3) Please verify that your Internet connection is working on
your PC.
(4) Ask your ISP for the latest dial number and APN, correct the
pre-set information manually.
T4. What should I do when the “Unknown Modem” message
(1) Please go to our website: www.tp-link.com, click the tab
“Support” and select “3G/4G USB Modem Compatibility
List”.Then please check and make sure that your 3G/4G USB
modem is on the compatibility list.
(2) If your 3G/4G USB modem is on our list but the Router shows
”Unknown Modem”, please go to our website to download
the latest firmware or bin file and upgrade the Router.
(3) If the latest firmware or bin file cannot support your modem,
please contact our technical support.
T5. How to update the firmware?
(1) We're continuously testing newly emerged 3G/4G modem
worldwide to provide the best compatibility between our
3G/4G Router and the 3G/4G USB modems. To enjoy the best
user experience, we strongly suggest that you download the
latest firmware from our website:
(2) Choose menu “ System Tools -> Firmware Upgrade”, and
then you can update the latest version of firmware for the
Router on the following screen.
Technical Support
For more troubleshooting help, go to http://www.tp-link.com/en/support/faq
To download the latest Firmware, Driver, Utility and User Guide, go to http://www.tp-link.com/en/support/download
For all other technical support, please contact us by using the following details:
Tel: +86 755 26504400
E-mail : [email protected]
Service time: 24hrs, 7days a week
Tel: +65 62840493
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: 24hrs, 7days a week
Tel: +33 (0) 820 800 860 (French service)
Email: [email protected]
Fee: 0.118 EUR/min from France
Service time: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Except French Bank holidays)
Toll Free: +1 866 225 8139
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: 24hrs,7days a week
Tel: 1300 88 875465 (1300 88TPLINK)
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: 24 hrs a day,
7days a week
Tel: 444 19 25(Turkish Service)
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM,
7days a week
Tel: +48 (0) 801 080 618 / +48 22
7217563 (if calls from mobile phone)
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. GMT+1 or GMT+2
(Daylight Saving Time)
Tel :+49 1805 875465 (German Service)
+49 1805 TPLINK
E-mail: [email protected]
Fee: 0.14 EUR/min from the German fixed phone network and up to 0.42
EUR/min from mobile phone
Service Time: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. GMT+1 or GMT+2
(Daylight Saving Time in Germany)
* Except bank holidays in Hesse
Australia & New Zealand
Tel: AU 1300 87 5465
NZ 0800 87 5465
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: 24hrs, 7 days a week
Tel: +44 (0) 845 147 0017
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: 24hrs, 7days a week
Tel: +39 02 66987799
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: Monday to Friday
9:00 AM to1:00 PM, 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Tel: 0-800-505-508
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: Monday to Friday
14:00 PM to 22:00 PM
Toll Free: 0800-770-4337
(Portuguese Service)
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: Monday to Saturday
08:00 AM to 08:00 PM
Tel: (+62) 021 6259 135
E-mail : [email protected]
Service time : Monday to Friday
9:00 -12:00; 13:00 -18:00
*Except public holidays
Tel: +41 (0) 848 800998 (German Service)
E-mail: [email protected]
Fee: 4-8 Rp/min, depending on rate of different time
Service time: Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to
6:00 PM. GMT+ 1 or GMT+ 2
(Daylight Saving Time)
Russian Federation
Tel: 8 (499) 754-55-60
8 (800) 250-55-60
(toll-free call from any RF region)
E-mail: [email protected]
Service time: from 10:00 to 18:00
(Moscow time)
*Except weekends and holidays in
Russian Federation