JC-elektronika Ethernet to M-Bus converter User Manual
Below you will find brief information for Ethernet to M-Bus converter. This document describes a device that functions as a simple Ethernet to serial converter, enabling communication between M-Bus meters and a network. The device can operate in several modes, allowing it to act as a server or client for TCP/IP data transfer, as well as a data server for M-Bus readings, providing access to meter data through a table, CSV or XML export, or as a virtual M-Bus meter for TCP/IP or UDP communication. The user manual outlines the configuration options for setting up the device, including IP addresses, communication settings, and data export settings. It also provides information on the M-Bus table, which gives an overview of meter status and measuring data.
Web Interface for
Ethernet to M-Bus converters
Version: 0.35 EN
18. 9. 2014
Juraj Čaplický - Elektronika
Version 0.35 W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
Web Interface
The Web Interface allows setting the converter parameters and provides information about its status.
It also provides access to the M-Bus meter data.
To open the Web Interface type the IP address of the converter into the address bar of a web browser. The
IP address of the converter depends on the configuration. A static IP address is configured as default. A different factory preset may be provided when ordered.
The Web Interface works on all web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera or Safari. It has been engineered with high level of browser compatibility and thus should work on personal computer as well as smartphone, tablet or netbook varieties of web browsers.
Start page
Start page of the Web Interface.
1 - Header information area
Hover the mouse cursor over this area to reveal the following additional information:
MAC address of the converter
Converter type / model
Firmware version
Web Interface version
2 - Configuration button
Opens converter Configuration.
3 - M-Bus meter table button
Opens the M-Bus table which lists all set up M-Bus meters.
must be enabled in the configuration under Allow M-Bus table export.
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A login page will be shown after pressing the Configuration or M-Bus meter table button if a password has been set in the configuration. Enter the password into the password field (1) and login by clicking the OK button (2) or pressing the
key in the password field.
The login screen will not appear if no password is configured. The user will be logged in automatically.
Login page.
Note 1:
Up to 5 users can be logged in simultaneously to the Web Interface. Further login requests over the limit will result in an error message.
Note 2:
An automatic logout will be performed after 30 minutes of user inactivity.
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W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
Initial configuration screen.
1 - Status
Summary information about the current converter state.
2 - Converter mode
Converter's mode of operation. There are three modes in which the converter can work. Each has its own settings accessible through the Configure button (C)
3 - Ethernet configuration.
Settings of IP address, net mask, Ethernet related functions, etc.
4 - M-Bus line configuration
Serial settings of the M-Bus line. Settings of speed, parity, etc.
5 - E-mail configuration
E-mail notification settings.
6 - Security settings
Enable / disable converter features concerning the safety of the converter and the data.
7 - Change passwords
Set or clear passwords for Web Interface and Telnet access.
8 - M-Bus table
Table with the M-Bus meter data. Only available in Smart M-Bus application mode.
9 - M-Bus meter search
Search for attached M-Bus meters addresses. Only available in Smart M-Bus application mode.
10 - Save settings
Save changes in the configuration. Converter will restart with new settings.
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L - Logout button
Logout from the configuration or M-Bus meter page. Leads back to the Start page after logout.
M - Current converter mode
Shows current converter mode. Mode can be changed by choosing one of the options.
C - Configure button
Opens mode configuration screen. Settings depend on the selected mode.
Version 0.35
Summary information about the current converter state. The following information is listed:
Converter type. Hardware type of the M-Bus converter.
Firmware version.
Converter name. This can be set on the Ethernet configuration page under Converter name.
IP address of the converter. If the converter is set up with a dynamic IP it shows the obtained IP address.
MAC address of the converter.
M-Bus line speed.
M-Bus line configuration. M-Bus data format bit setting, see M-Bus line settings for details.
Converter mode: TCP/IP, UDP to M-Bus converter or Smart M-Bus application. In case of TCP/IP to M-Bus converter mode also connection type: active or passive.
DNS host name if enabled
Backup destination IP addresses and ports if enabled
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Converter mode
Converter's mode of operation.
W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
Modes overview
TCP/IP to M-Bus converter
In this mode the converter works as a simple Ethernet to serial converter. It uses TCP packets to transport serial data trough Ethernet. The converter can be set to work as a server or a host (client).
TCP connection is more reliable than an UDP connection.
UDP to M-Bus converter
In this mode the converter works as a simple Ethernet to serial converter. It uses UDP packets to transport serial data trough Ethernet.
Smart M-Bus application
In this mode the converter works as an M-Bus server. It is collecting data from connected M-Bus meters to its internal memory. The M-Bus values are then accessible trough several options:
M-Bus protocol over TCP/IP or UDP connection
Web page with the M-Bus data in a table
XML export
CSV export
Configuring a mode
The current mode of the converter is indicated by the selected optionbox (M).
To change the mode, choose one of the options and press the Configure button (C).
To configure the current mode just press the Configure button (C).
The mode or the new configuration is set by pressing the Apply settings button on the following Mode configuration page.
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TCP/IP to M-Bus converter
Converter works as a simple Ethernet TCP/IP to serial M-Bus converter.
It can operate in two modes:
TCP/IP active connection mode
TCP/IP passive connection mode
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TCP/IP active connection mode
Converter works as a host. It is connecting to the server IP address + port.
The destination address can be defined as a static IP number or it can be a web address. DNS is used to resolve the destination IP from the web address.
The destination IP address can use three additional destination IP address and port backups.
These will be used in succession if a connection cannot be established.
Mode configuration page for TCP/IP to M-Bus converter.
1 - Connection type: [
] Active (Host) [
] Passive (Server)
Select the Active (Host) connection mode option.
2 - Destination IP: [
] Static [
] Dynamic
Static - destination IP address with a static IP number.
Dynamic - destination IP address via a host name.
3 - Destination IP:
For Static IP address only. Enter four numbers in a 0 - 255 range separated by dots without a dot at the end.
4 - Destination Port:
Enter the number of the destination port. Port of the server.
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5 - Source Port:
Enter the number of the source port. Port of the converter.
6 - Wait time for connection establish:
Enter a number in a 0 - 65535 range.
The maximum amount of time to wait for establishing a connection. Connection status is checked approximately every 100 ms. If no connection is established within the wait time, the next connection
attempt is made. The amount of attempts is set under Number of retries when connecting.
7 - Enable backup destinations IP addresses [
Check the checkbox if you want to enable backup destination addresses.
If not enabled only one destination address will be used.
8 - Number of retries when connecting (1-9):
Enter number of retries to connect to the destination server if the connection fails.
If 0 is entered, only the initial connection attempt will be made without a retry. The maximum amount of retries is 9.
9, 11, 13 - Destination IP -
Backup destination address. The converter will use these backup addresses if the connection to the default
IP address wasn’t successful. The use of the backup addresses must be enabled under Enable backup
destinations IP addresses [x*].
Enter four numbers in a 0 - 255 range separated by dots without a dot at the end.
If you don’t want to use a backup address enter "" (without quotes). These addresses will be skipped.
Connection attempts will be made in sequential order from address 1 to 3.
- sequence number of the backup IP address. There are three backup IP addresses available.
10, 12, 14 - Destination Port:
Enter the number of the destination port for the backup destination IP address.
B - Back button
Returns back to the Converter mode page.
A - Apply settings button
Applies the configuration. This operation just stores the new settings in converter's RAM. Some functionality may already use the new settings however the settings need to be saved and the converter restarted for
been applied.
Dynamic destination IP
In case Destination IP: Dynamic has been selected the Destination IP input field (3) will be replaced by two input fields: Host name (15) and Backup destination IP (16). The rest of the settings will remain identical to static destination IP mode.
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15 - Host name (max. 29 char)
Enter a web address (URL) for the destination server (e.g. www.yourwebsite.com). Maximum length of the
Host name is 29 characters.
16 - Backup destination IP:
Enter four numbers in a 0 - 255 range separated by dots without a dot at the end. This address is used when the DNS resolution of the host name fails.
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
TCP/IP passive connection mode
Converter works as a server. It awaits connection on its source port.
17 - Source Port:
Enter the number of the source port. Source port of the converter on which to await a connection.
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
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Version 0.35 W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
UDP to M-Bus converter
Converter works as a simple Ethernet UDP to serial M-Bus converter.
Mode configuration page for UDP to M-Bus converter.
1 - Source Port:
Enter the number of the source port. Port of the converter.
2 - Destination IP:
Destination IP address. Enter four numbers in a 0 - 255 range separated by dots without a dot at the end.
3 - Destination Port:
Enter the number of the destination port.
B - Back button
Returns back to the Converter mode page.
A - Apply settings button
Applies the configuration. This operation just stores the new settings in converter's RAM. Some functionality may already use the new settings however the settings need to be saved and the converter restarted for
been applied.
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
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Smart M-Bus application
Converter works as an M-Bus data server. The converter reads and stores the data from the connected M-Bus meters. This data can be:
Viewed in a table on a web page, directly in the Web Interface or on a standalone HTML page.
Downloaded as a CSV or XML export,
URL links to the exports are also directly accessible which makes them suitable for further software processing.
Received as an M-Bus respond. Converter acts like virtual M-Bus meters.
Mode configuration page for Smart M-Bus application.
1 - Set M-Bus meters address
Submenu for setting the M-Bus slave addresses.
2 - Set read period
Submenu for setting readout periods of the M-Bus slave meters.
3 - Set retry count
Submenu for setting the retry count for repeating the M-Bus reads if they fail.
4 - Set timeout for response
Submenu for setting the maximum wait time for receiving an M-Bus response.
5 - Extended M-Bus settings
Submenu for setting extended M-Bus parameters for each M-Bus meter.
6 - M-Bus list exports
Submenu for enabling / disabling meter data exports.
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7 - TCP/UDP connection to virtual M-Bus
The converter can also work as a set of virtual M-Bus meters connected to the TCP or UDP port.
Enabling this functionality is done in this submenu. It also leads to the configuration of the TCP/UDP connection to the virtual M-Bus.
B - Back button
Returns back to the Converter mode page.
A - Apply settings button
Applies the configuration. This operation just stores the new settings in converter's RAM. Some functionality may already use the new settings however the settings need to be saved and the converter restarted for
been applied.
Set M-Bus meters address
Set primary M-Bus addresses of all meters.
1,2,3,4,5 - Set M-Bus meter
Set primary address for M-Bus slave meter number
Valid range of the addresses is from 0 to 250.
Meter with an address value of 255 is switched off. The converter will not use a meter with this address.
Address 254 is broadcast. Meters on all addresses respond to this request. This settings is useful only if one meter is connected to the converter.
- meter number. Converter models supporting only four M-Bus meters will show only four input fields.
- current value or state loaded from the converter. No meter addresses are configured initially and the fields are empty.
Set read period
Set two read time periods for the read cycle of the M-Bus meters. Setting at which one of these time-outs will
the meters be read can be done in the Extended M-Bus settings menu.
The time-out range is 1 to 65535 seconds (max. 18 hours).
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1 - Default read period:
Enter the default read period. The meters will be read periodically in this time interval. Each read consists of a sequential readout of all meters which use this read period. If the total time of all meter readouts is longer then the read period, the next read will start after all meter readouts are finished. The first read starts immediately after power up or reset of the converter.
2 - Extended read period:
Enter extended read period. The meters will be read periodically in this time interval. Each read consists of a sequential readout of all meters which use this read period. If the total time of all meter readouts is longer then the read period, the next read will start after all meter readouts are finished. The first read starts immediately after power up or reset of the converter.
Note 1: x*
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
Note 2:
Each meter can use either the default or the extended read period. Which one will be used depends
on the Extended M-Bus settings.
Set retry count
Set the retry count for repeating the M-Bus read after no response or bad response is received.
Retry range is from 0 to 7. Zero means no repeating after no or bad response.
1 - Default retry count:
Enter default retry count.
2 - Extended retry count:
Enter extended retry count.
Note 1: x*
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
Note 2:
Each meter can use either the default or the extended retry count. Which one will be used depends
on the Extended M-Bus settings.
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Set timeout for response
Maximum wait time for an M-Bus response. The reception of an M-Bus response is terminated if no data is received within this time. The valid range is between 10 - 5000 milliseconds.
M-Bus message reception will not be possible if this value is shorter than the response time. The response time means the time needed by an M-Bus meter to start a response.
After some data is received the timeout for response value is divided by two. This value is then used as the timeout for the end of the M-Bus response. If this divided value is smaller than 200 ms then 200 ms is used instead.
Any further delays in the M-Bus response time must be shorter than this value.
1 - Default timeout for response:
Enter default wait time for an M-Bus response.
2 - Extended timeout for response:
Enter extended wait time for an M-Bus response.
Note 1: x*
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
Note 2:
Each meter can use either the default or the extended timeout for response. Which one will be used
depends on the Extended M-Bus settings.
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Extended M-Bus settings
Set extended parameters for individual M-Bus meters.
Version 0.35
1 2
3 4
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - M-Bus meter
Extended settings for the
The following options can be set for each meter:
I - Extended read period: [
Check the checkbox to use extended read period for meter
Leave the checkbox unchecked to use the default read period value.
II - Extended retry counter: [
Check the checkbox to use extended retry count for meter
Leave the checkbox unchecked to use the default retry count value.
III - Extended timeout for response: [
Check the checkbox to use the extended response wait time for meter
Leave the checkbox unchecked to use the default timeout value.
IV - Simplified HTML export: [
Check the checkbox to enable a simplified data export of the M-Bus values on the HTML page.
Leave the checkbox unchecked for full export of the M-Bus values.
- meter number. Converter models supporting only four M-Bus meters will show only four sets of extended settings.
- the input shows current value loaded from the converter
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M-Bus export settings
Enable or disable M-Bus exports.
W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
1 - Allow M-Bus list to XML export [
Check the checkbox to enable XML export of the M-Bus meter data. This enables both XML and XML (REST) file type exports. Leave the checkbox unchecked to disable this export.
2 - Allow M-Bus list to CSV export [
Check the checkbox to enable CSV export of the M-Bus meter data. Leave the checkbox unchecked to disable this export.
The CSV export format is a plain text file with comma-separated values. It uses a dot (.) as a decimal separator and is in UTF-8 encoding. It is a standard spreadsheet interchange format used in software office suites.
3 - Allow M-Bus table export [
Check the checkbox to enable the M-Bus meter data web page in the Web Interface and the standalone
HTML page. Leave the checkbox unchecked to disable it.
Note 1: x*
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
Note 2:
When the option is enabled a link to the appropriate file export will be shown. The links will become valid after settings have been saved.
Note 3:
M-Bus table link works only when No password option is set under M-Bus table password.
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TCP/UDP connection to virtual M-Bus
To enable the virtual M-Bus meters functionality check the Allow connection to virtual M-Bus checkbox (1).
To set up the network parameters for the TCP/UDP connection to the virtual M-Bus click the Configure button (C).
This leads to the Connection to virtual M-Bus configuration page. On that page you can choose between a TCP/
IP or UDP type of connection for the communication to the virtual M-Bus meters and set up further network parameters.
TCP/IP connection to virtual M-Bus
Set up TCP/IP network parameters.
Settings are the same as in the TCP/IP to M-Bus converter menu.
The only difference is the additional option (2) to switch between TCP/IP and UDP connection type.
UDP connection to virtual M-Bus
Set up UDP network parameters.
Settings are the same as in the UDP to M-Bus converter menu.
The only difference is the additional option (2) to switch between TCP/IP and UDP connection type.
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Ethernet configuration
Static IP address
Dynamic IP address
1 - IP address: [
] Static [
] Dynamic ?
Switch between the static and dynamic IP address assignation by ticking the appropriate optionbox. The options on the page will change according to the selected IP address assignation mode.
2 - IP address:
Static IP address. Enter four numbers in a 0 - 255 range separated by dots without a dot at the end.
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The IP address must be set to a unique value in the network.
3 - Gateway IP address:
Enter four numbers in a 0 - 255 range separated by dots without a dot at the end. The gateway address or router allows communication with other LAN segments. The gateway address should be the IP address of the router connected to the same LAN segment as the converter. The gateway address must be within the local network.
4 - Netmask: number of bits for host part (0=default)
Enter number of bits for the net mask. Value can be in a 0 - 31 range. A subnet mask defines the number of bits taken from the IP address that are assigned for the host part.
5 - TCP keepalive (1 - 65s):
Enter a number in a 1 - 65 range.
Setting of how many seconds the converter waits during a silent connection before attempting to see if the currently connected network device is still on the network. If the converter gets no response, it drops the connection.
6 - ARP cache timeout (1 - 600s):
Enter a number in a 1 - 600 range.
When the converter communicates with another device on the network it adds an entry into its ARP table.
The ARP Cache timeout option allows you to define how many seconds will the converter wait before timing out this table.
7 - DNS server IP address:
Enter four numbers in a 0 - 255 range separated by dots without a dot at the end. The DNS server allows the name of a remote device to be resolved automatically. If the device is DHCP enabled, the DHCP server provides the DNS server IP address. This address will be used first. If the DNS resolve fails, user defined DNS server IP address will be used.
8 - Converter name (max. 24 char):
Enter the converter's name. Maximum length is 24 characters. Only ANSI characters are allowed.
This name identifies the converter. It should contain some customer relevant information.
This name is displayed on the start of telnet menu and on the Web Setup (Web Interface) pages. The XML and CSV exports will contain this name as well.
9 - Auto IP enable: [
Check the checkbox to enable generation of an IP in the 169.254.x.x address range with a Class B subnet.
10 - DHCP enable: [
Check the checkbox to enable the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) to assign a leased IP address to the converter automatically.
11 - BOOT enable [
Check the checkbox to enable the Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server to assign the IP address from a pool of addresses automatically.
12 - DHCP device name (max. 16 char):
DHCP name is the name associated with converter's current IP address if the IP address was obtained dynamically. Enter a new DHCP name. Maximum length is 16 characters.
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A - Apply settings button
Applies the configuration. This operation just stores the new settings in converter's RAM. Some functionality may already use the new settings however the settings need to be saved and the converter restarted for
been applied.
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
M-Bus line settings
Communication settings of the M-Bus line.
1 - Baud rate:
Enter the baud rate of the M-Bus line.
Allowed speeds: 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300 bps.
2 - Normal M-Bus data format [
] Yes [
] No (user defined)
Set M-Bus data format. Select the Yes option to use the default parameters.
Default M-Bus format is 8E1 - 8 data bits, even parity and one stop bit.
If you need other data format select the No (user defined) option and fill in the I/F Mode - user data format input field.
3 - I/F Mode - user data format
Enter a hex number representing special settings of the M-Bus data format.
The table below shows bit meanings of the number.
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W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s Version 0.35
Default 0x7C
No parity
Even parity
Odd parity
1 Stop bit
2 Stop bit
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0
1 0
1 1
0 0
1 1
0 1
0 1
1 1
This is an expert setting which usually does not need to be set.
The M-Bus data format should use the default setting under normal circumstances.
A - Apply settings button
Applies the configuration. This operation just stores the new settings in converter's RAM. Some functionality may already use the new settings however the settings need to be saved and the converter restarted for
been applied.
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
E-mail configuration
Configuration of the e-mail functionality.
E-mail server IP, port, name, setup of the recipient's e-mail address, allow or disable e-mail exports and reports.
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1 - Use domain name for e-mail address [
Check the checkbox to set the destination IP address as a host name. Leave the checkbox unchecked to use only server IP.
Server IP becomes a backup IP address if a domain name is used.
2 - Domain name of the e-mail server (max. 23 char):
Enter the web address of the e-mail server. The maximum length of the host name is 23 characters. Press
if you don’t want change the current value.
3 - Mail server IP address:
E-mail server IP address. Enter four numbers in a 0 - 255 range separated by dots without a dot at the end.
4 - Port of the e-mail server:
Enter the e-mail server port number. Default value is 25.
5 - Timeout for sending M-Bus exports:
Enter the sending time-out value for the M-Bus exports. The exports will be sent periodically in this time interval. The first e-mail is sent after the converter reads all the meters after power up or reset.
Time-out range is 1 to 65535 minutes.
6 - 1st e-mail address for M-Bus exports (max. 29 char):
An E-mail address to which the M-Bus meter data exports are sent to.
Enter a valid e-mail address. The maximum length of the e-mail address is 29 characters.
7 - 2nd e-mail address for M-Bus exports (max. 29 char):
A secondary e-mail address to which the M-Bus meter data exports are sent to. If set, a copy of the M-Bus exports e-mail will be sent to this address. This address will be shown in the Cc field of the e-mail.
Enter a valid e-mail address. The maximum length of the e-mail address is 29 characters.
Leaving this field empty will disable sending of the copy.
8 - E-mail address for error exports (max. 28 char):
Enter an e-mail address to which the converter error reports are sent to. The maximum length of the e-mail address is 28 characters.
9 - Enable M-Bus exports [
Check the checkbox to enable sending of the e-mails with the M-Bus meters data. The body of the sent e-mail will contain a brief summary of the converter information. The data will be attached as a file to the
e-mail. The format of the attachment depends on the Exported list file type setting.
10 - Exported list file type: [
] xml [
] xml (REST) [
] csv
Choose what type of M-Bus data export to send.
The xml option stands for an M-Bus export in the xml format, xml (REST) provides the xml file in a
Representational State Transfer format. The csv export is a standard coma delimited spreadsheet format.
11 - Enable error report about reset/power up [
] ?
Check the checkbox to enable sending of an e-mail report about reset or power up status of the converter.
The e-mail will be sent to the error e-mail address set under E-mail address for error exports.
The e-mail will contain information about the IP address, the name of the converter and the text "Reset or power up".
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W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s Version 0.35
12 - Enable error report about M-Bus meter communication malfunction [
] ?
Check the checkbox to enable sending of an e-mail report about communication status of the M-Bus meters which are in the state "no comm." or "no response". The e-mail will be sent to the error e-mail address set
under E-mail address for error exports.
The e-mail will contain information about the IP address, the name of the converter and a text listing the meters with communication issues. For example:
"M-Bus meters without communication: 1,2,6*,
*new meter."
Explanations for the list example:
M-Bus meters with address 1 and 2 do not communicate. Their state did not change from last e-mail report.
M-Bus meter with address 6 stopped communicating.
A - Apply settings button
Applies the configuration. This operation just stores the new settings in converter's RAM. Some functionality may already use the new settings however the settings need to be saved and the converter restarted for
been applied.
Note 1:
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
Note 2:
- current e-mail address.
E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s J C - e l e k t r o n i k a Page 22
Version 0.35
Security settings of the converter.
W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
1 - Disable Telnet Setup: [
Check the checkbox to disable the Telnet setup. Default state is unchecked - Telnet setup is enabled.
The Telnet setup can be re-enabled only trough the Web Interface.
2 - Disable TFTP Firmware Update: [
Check the checkbox to disable the use of TFTP to perform firmware updates through network.
Default state is checked - updates via TFTP enabled.
3 - Disable Port 77FEh [
Port 77FE is a setting that allows the Lantronix DeviceInstaller and custom programs to configure the converter remotely through this port. You may want to disable this capability for security reasons.
Check the checkbox to disable this feature. Default state is unchecked.
4 - Disable Web Server [
Check the checkbox to disable the web server. No web services will be available. Default state is unchecked.
5 - Enable CPU high power [
Change CPU clocking frequency. Default state is unchecked which means normal CPU performance. If a faster response is required from the converter enable this option.
6 - Disable Web Setup [
Check the checkbox to disable the Web Interface. The Web Interface can be re-enabled only trough the
Telnet setup.
A - Apply settings button
Applies the configuration. This operation just stores the new settings in converter's RAM. Some functionality may already use the new settings however the settings need to be saved and the converter restarted for
been applied.
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W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
- current value or state loaded from the converter.
Change passwords
Access protection configuration.
Version 0.35
1 - Web Interface and Telnet password
Option for protecting the access to the Web Interface and Telnet setup with a password. Choose one of the three options: Use current password, Change password or No password. Selecting the Change password option will reveal two input fields. One to change the password (3) and one to confirm the new password (4).
2 - M-Bus table password
Option for protecting the access to the M-Bus table page with a password. Choose one of the three options:
Use current password, Change password or No password. Selecting the Change password option will reveal two input fields. One to change the password (5) and one to confirm the new password (6).
3, 5 - Change password:
Enter a new password. The maximum length of the password is 16 characters.
4, 6 - Retype password:
Retype the new password. Both Change and Retype password fields must contain the same password text for the password to be valid.
A - Apply settings button
Applies the configuration. This operation just stores the new settings in converter's RAM. Some functionality may already use the new settings however the settings need to be saved and the converter restarted for
been applied.
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Version 0.35 W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
M-Bus table
Lists meter status and additional information as well as the measuring data received from all connected meters.
This web page is periodically updated and shows meter information from the most recent readout.
This table is available only when the converter works in the Smart M-Bus application mode. Also
access to this table must be enabled in the configuration under Allow M-Bus table export.
1 - Status
Current communication status with the meter.
2 - Type
Type of utility meter and brief manufacturer information.
3 - Values
Values read from the meter. Detailed information will be listed also if it is provided by the meter. See the
Values section for further details.
4 - SN
Serial number of the meter. This is a fixed number set by the manufacturer of the meter which cannot be changed.
C - Config
This button switches the Web Interface back into the configuration mode.
Do not use the back button on your web browser to go back to the Web Interface configuration mode.
L - Logout
Logout from the configuration or M-Bus meter page. Leads back to the Start page after logout.
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W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
Version 0.35
1 - Primary address of the meter
2 - Status of the meter
3 - Amount of incorrect responses
4 - Amount of correct responses
Note: * -
The maximum value is 255. Both values will be divided by 2 on the next increase of a value equal to 255.
Meter statuses
1 - Wait to init
No communication with the meter occurred yet.
Status after reset of the converter.
2 - OK
Meter is communicating correctly.
3 - Interference
Last one or two readouts were incorrect. For example there was no response after the OK status.
4 - No communication
The meter does not communicate. All data read from the meter before are deleted.
1 - Type of meter
For example: Electricity, Water, Gas, Heat, Pressure, Steam, Oil etc.
2 - Manufacturer info
Manufacturer abbreviation and meter version information (when provided).
3 - Meter icon
Icon according to the type of meter.
1 - Type of measured value
2 - Additional information
<none> - Current value
Min. - Historic minimum of the measured value.
Max. - Historic maximum of the measured value.
Err. - Value was measured during a communication error.
S[n] - Storage. Value (3) is from meter history.
n - order in history (1st is latest)
T[n] - Tariff, metering rate.
n - tariff number
3 - Value in measured units
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Version 0.35
W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
1 - Serial number of the meter.
M-Bus meter search
Search for the primary addresses of the connected meters.
This feature is available only when the converter works in the Smart M-Bus application mode.
1 - Beginning address (0 -250):
Enter a number in a 0 to 250 range. The search will start incrementally from this address number ending at the address 250. Addresses above 250 cannot be used for searching.
2 - Search speed (Baud rate):
Chose one of the available baud speeds. Normally the default use current setting should suffice. It is the
speed set in the M-Bus line settings.
3 - Start
Starts the search. The current progress will be shown in the Results area (5).
Multiple users may start the search simultaneously on one converter. In such a case the Results
area (5) will show the current search in progress for all logged in users.
4 - Stop
Stops the search.
5 - Results area
Lists the search progress and results.
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W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
Save settings
Save the current configuration.
Version 0.35
1 - Restore factory defaults button
This button restores all settings to their factory defaults. Restart of the converter will be needed.
2 - Revert all changes button
This button will undo all changes from all settings pages done using the Apply settings button. No restart will be necessary.
3 - Save settings button
The Apply settings button on each configuration page transfers the new settings to the converter's RAM.
They are not permanently stored in the flash memory. Some functionality will be already using the new setting but some functions require a certain time cycle to get refreshed or a complete converter restart in order to become valid.
settings have been saved successfully. The converter will then need to be restarted using the Restart button so it can start working with the new settings.
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Version 0.35 W e b I n t e r f a c e f o r E t h e r n e t t o M - B u s c o n v e r t e r s
Restart page
Prompts for restart of the converter when new settings have been saved or when default factory settings have been restored.
4 - Restart button
Pressing this button will restart the converter. The Web Interface will auto refresh the entire web page after a 5 second time-out.
If the converter's IP address setting has been changed you will need to open the Web Interface at the new address.
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Key features
- Ethernet to serial data conversion
- TCP/IP and UDP communication modes
- M-Bus data server
- Web Interface for configuration and data access
- M-Bus table for meter status and data
- CSV and XML data export
- Virtual M-Bus meter functionality