Danfoss ADAP-KOOL EKC, AKA 243A, AKA 243B, EKC 200, EKC 300, EKC 400, EKC 210, EKC 301, EKC 331, TP78-05 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Controls Guide d'installation
Below you will find brief information for ADAP-KOOL EKC 200, ADAP-KOOL EKC 300, ADAP-KOOL EKC 400, ADAP-KOOL AKA 243A, ADAP-KOOL AKA 243B and TP78-05. This document provides instructions and recommendations for installing and configuring the ADAP-KOOL EKC system, which uses LonWorks technology for communication. The guide covers various aspects of the installation process, including cable selection, cabling layout, addressing and troubleshooting. The document also provides information on how to configure the control system using the included software for monitoring and control.
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Controls
Guide d'installation
Ligne de transmission de données pour les commandes frigorifiques ADAP-KOOL
EKC - LonWorks
Commandes frigorifiques
Introduction ............................................................................ 2
Principes ................................................................................ 3
FTT 10 .................................................................................... 4
RS 485 ................................................................................... 6
Pont (Bridge) ou Amplificateur ............................................... 8
Régulateurs EKC 200, 300 et 400 ......................................... 8
Ce guide d’installation concerne la section du système de commande frigorifique équipée pour communiquer avec la ligne de transmission de données LonWorks ® .
Il ne décrit que la partie assurant l’interface avec les régulateurs actuels et il étudie les deux principes de transmission LonWorks ® utilisés par Danfoss, à savoir l’interface FTT
10 et l’interface RS 485.
Les recommandations données par ce document s’adressent aux monteurs et électriciens frigoristes chargés de l’installation des régulateurs frigorifiques Danfoss. Mais les principes supérieurs de LonWorks
restent valables et ils sont disponibles dans les entreprises qui connaissent bien l’installation des réseaux LonWorks ® .
Section objet de ce guide
Ce guide étudie :
- les principes de configuration
- le câble à utiliser
- la longueur du câble
- le bouclage du câble
- la nécessité ou non d’un amplificateur
- la visibilité de chaque régulateur sur le réseau
- le procédé à suivre pour le remplacement d’un régulateur
- le procédé à suivre pour le remplacement d’une passerelle
A l’heure actuelle, l’AKA 243 peut desservir un maximum de
60 adresses (régulateurs) sur le réseau LON. Les autres adresses (de 61 à 125) sont réservées à la section
DANBUSS. Si on a besoin de plus de 60 adresses, il faut ajouter d’autres réseaux avec chacun son AKA 243.
Les produits et leur sortie de transmission de données
AKA 243A
AKA 243B
Il existe deux types de passerelles. L’AKA 243A est dotée d’une interface de transfert FTT 10 et l’AKA
243B d’un transfert RS485.
Régulateurs de la série EKC 200, 300
et 400.
Pont (Bridge)
Ces régulateurs peuvent être
élargis d’une carte à circuits imprimés comprenant soit FTT
10 ou RS 485
Le pont comporte une connexion
FTT 10 et une connexion RS 485
Le programme ne comprend actuellement pas d’amplificateurs. Cette fonction s’obtient avec deux ponts montés dos à dos.
2 Guide d'installation RC.8A.C2.04
© Danfoss 12-2001 EKC - LonWorks ®
Cette page présente les principes des deux formes de transmission de données, leurs câbles de liaison et l’utilisation respective d’amplificateurs.
FTT 10 ou RS 485 ?
Il appartient à l’utilisateur de choisir la forme de transmission, mais le facteur déterminant est souvent le prix qui depend de la configuration de l’installation et du nombre de régulateurs. Il faut évidemment tenir compte des autres composants
que l’on désire ajouter à l’installation.
FTT 10
• On peut installer le câble de façon pratique pour l’installation en question. Les dérivations de toutes sortes sont admises.
• Longueur maximum du câble : 500 m.
• Nombre maximum de régulateurs AKA 243A non comprise est 60.
• Si la longueur totale des câbles d’une distance partielle dépasse 500 m, il faut installer un amplificateur.
RS 485
Pour la configuration avec FTT 10, se reporter aux pages 4 et suivantes.
• Installer le câble de façon à relier les régulateurs en série.
Il faut éviter les bifurcations.
• Longueur maximum du câble : 1200 m
• Nombre maximum de régulateurs AKA 243B non comprise est 60.
• Si la longueur totale des câbles d’une distance partielle dépasse 1200 m, il faut installer un amplificateur.
Pour la configuration avec RS 485, se reporter aux pages 6 et suivantes.
• On peut combiner les deux types au moyen d’un pont.
• Le nombre maximum est toujours 60.
• Un pont n’a pas d’adresse
• Respecter les contraintes de chacun des deux types.
EKC - LonWorks ® Guide d'installation RC.8A.C2.04
© Danfoss 12-2001 3
FTT 10
Type de câble
Pour obtenir une transmission satisfaisante des données, il faut que le câble soit conforme aux spécifications émises par l’ECHELON Corporation. En voici les critères les plus importants :
Utiliser un câble à paires de conducteurs torsadés, de préférence avec blindage. La section du conducteur doit être de 0,60 mm au moins.
Exemples de câbles à utiliser :
- Belden 7701NH unifilaire 1 x 2 x 0,65 mm, non blindé
Belden 7702NH unifilaire 2 x 2 x 0,65 mm, non blindé
Belden 7703NH unifilaire 1 x 2 x 0,65 mm, blindé
Belden 7704NH unifilaire 2 x 2 x 0,65 mm, blindé
LAPP UNITRONIC Li2YCY(TP) multifilaire 2 x 2 x 0,65 mm, blindé
Dätwyler Uninet 3002 4P unifilaire 4 x 2 x 0,6 mm, blindé
Le câblage est au choix et les bifurcations sont admises.
Eloigner le câble des sources de nuisances électriques et de leurs câbles (les relais, les contacteurs et surtout le « ballast
électronique » des tubes fluorescents sont de puissantes sources de bruit électrique). Un écart de 10 à 15 cm au moins convient.
Il faut amplifier le signal pour chaque 500 m de câble. Il faut au maximum 250 m entre un régulateur et une passerelle ou entre un régulateur et un amplificateur.
Veiller à relier les bons fils du câble au régulateur. Même avec
4 conducteurs dans le câble à l’intérieur du blindage, on ne peut pas choisir les couleurs facilement. Les fils sont torsadés par paires, et il faut absolument utiliser une paire de fils torsadés ensemble.
En cas de plusieurs fils « disponibles » dans le câble, il ne faut les utiliser que pour la transmission de données.
4 Guide d'installation RC.8A.C2.04
© Danfoss 12-2001 EKC - LonWorks ®
Embouts des câbles / Bouclage
a a b
Pour obtenir une transmission satisfaisante des données, il faut respecter certains principes pour les embouts des câbles et leur bouclage.
Ne dénuder que la longueur de câble nécessaire. Poursuivre la torsade des fils jusqu’aux bornes.
Relier un blindage éventuel à la passerelle et aux amplificateurs s’il y en a.
Lorsque tous les câbles ont été installés sur les différentes unités, il faut boucler le câble.
- a
Pour la première distance reliée à la passerelle, on courtcircuite le contact à cavalier situé près de la borne. Ceci s’applique uniquement si aucun des branchements en étoile ne dépasse 250 m.
(Le contact à crochet d’une AKA 243A se boucle à 52,3 ohm.)
Si des amplificateurs sont installés, il faut également boucler la distance subséquente. Pour ceci, installer une résistance unique à travers les fils du câble. On peut installer les résistances à n’importe quel point du câble. Noter la valeur de la résistance.
- c
Si une distance de câble dépasse 250 m, le bouclage doit
être double, c’est à dire qu’il faut installer une résistance à chaque bout du câble.
Les autres distances en étoile éventuelles ne sont pas à boucler. Noter la valeur des résistances. Il faut ouvrir le contact à crochet.
(On peut accepter que les résistances 52.3 ohm aient une valeur comprise entre 50 et 60 ohm.)
(On peut accepter que les résistances 120 ohm aient une valeur comprise entre 100 et 130 ohm.)
EKC - LonWorks ® Guide d'installation RC.8A.C2.04
© Danfoss 12-2001 5
RS 485
Type de câble
Pour obtenir une transmission satisfaisante des données, il faut que le câble soit conforme aux spécifications émises pour la ligne série RS 485. En voici les critères les plus importants :
Utiliser un câble à paires de conducteurs torsadés, de préférence avec blindage. La section du conducteur doit être
0,60 mm au moins.
Exemples de câbles à utiliser :
- Belden 7701NH unifilaire 1 x 2 x 0,65 mm, non blindé
- Belden 7702NH unifilaire 2 x 2 x 0,65 mm, non blindé
- Belden 7703NH unifilaire 1 x 2 x 0,65 mm, blindé
- Belden 7704NH unifilaire 2 x 2 x 0,65 mm, blindé
- LAPP UNITRONIC Li2YCY(TP) multifilaire 2 x 2 x 0,65 mm, blindé
- Dätwyler Uninet 3002 4P unifilaire 4 x 2 x 0,6 mm, blindé
Le câblage se fait de régulateur à régulateur, et les dérivations ne sont pas permises.
Eloigner le câble des sources de nuisances électriques et de leurs câbles (les relais, les contacteurs et surtout le « ballast
électronique » des tubes fluorescents sont de puissantes sources de bruit électrique). Un écart de 10 à 15 cm au moins convient.
Il faut amplifier le signal pour chaque 1200 m de câble.
Veiller à relier les bons fils du câble au régulateur. Même avec
4 conducteurs dans le câble à l’intérieur du blindage, on ne peut pas choisir les couleurs facilement : les fils sont torsadés par paires, et il faut absolument utiliser une paire de fils torsadés ensemble.
En cas de plusieurs fils « disponibles » dans le câble, il ne les utiliser que pour la transmission de données.
6 Guide d'installation RC.8A.C2.04
© Danfoss 12-2001 EKC - LonWorks ®
Embouts des câbles / Bouclage
Pour obtenir une transmission satisfaisante des données, il faut respecter certains principes pour les embouts de câbles et leur bouclage.
Ne dénuder que la longueur de câble nécessaire. Poursuivre la torsade des fils jusqu’aux bornes.
Relier un blindage éventuel à la passerelle et aux amplificateurs s’il y en a.
Lorsque tous les câbles ont été installés sur les différentes unités, il faut boucler le câble.
- Une distance de câble à RS485 est obligatoirement bouclée aux deux bouts.
- Pour la première distance reliée à la passerelle, on courtcircuite le contact à cavalier situé près de la borne.
(Le contact à crochet d’une AKA 243B se boucle à 120 ohm.)
- Les autres bouts de câbles sont bouclés au moyen de résistances.
(On peut accepter que les résistances 120 ohm aient une valeur comprise entre 100 et
130 ohm.)
Ici, un régulateur unique est installé dans une armoire. Se méfier de l’écart entre le câble et le régulateur. Le système le considère comme un bras de réactance de la ligne de transfert. Assurer un écart convenable par rapport aux relais, leurs câbles et tout autre élément émetteur de bruit électrique.
Ici, plusieurs régulateurs sont installés dans une armoire.
Utiliser un câble toronné – entre les régulateurs aussi.
Ici, plusieurs régulateurs sont installés dans une armoire.
Utiliser un câble toronné – entre les régulateurs aussi.
Assurer un écart convenable par rapport aux relais, leurs câbles et tout autre élément émetteur de bruit électrique.
EKC - LonWorks ® Guide d'installation RC.8A.C2.04
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Pont (Bridge)
Type = TP78-05
Numéro de code = 084B2255
AKA 243A
« A
« B
AKA 243B
« A
« B
Un amplificateur pour un transfert FTT 10 peut être généré par deux ponts..
(On peut accepter que les résistances 52.3 ohm aient une valeur comprise entre 50 et 60 ohm.)
(On peut accepter que les résistances 120 ohm aient une valeur comprise entre 100 et 130 ohm.)
Un amplificateur pour un transfert RS485 peut être généré par deux ponts.
Régulateurs EKC
Après installation des régulateurs, il faut signaler à la passerelle qu’ils sont prêts à fonctionner sur le réseau et lui communiquer leurs adresses. Procéder comme suit :
1) Le menu o03 de chaque régulateur permet d’inscrire une adresse. Une adresse est un numéro entre 1 et 60.
2) Pour porter cette adresse à la connaissance de la passerelle, passer au menu suivant (o04) et le régler sur
ON. Le régulateur apparaît alors à la passerelle (message de service).
3) Au bout de 30 secondes environ, la passerelle envoie l’adresse choisie pour affichage sur le régulateur EKC.
Si par erreur on choisit la même adresse pour deux régulateurs ou plus, le premier seulement est visible pour la passerelle.
Après le remplacement d’un régulateur sur le réseau, il ne faut pas oublier de lui donner la même adresse et de la communiquer à nouveau à la passerelle. (Ceci s’applique même si le module LON reste en place.)
Après un changement de passerelle, les adresses EKC sont importées à l’aide d’une fonction de lecture dans la passerelle
(fonction utilisée à la place de la fonction « o04 »).
La fonction est enclenchée en utilisant la console AKA 21 ; elle s’appelle « Press Enter to scan LON bus » (appuyer sur
ENTER pour importer bus LON).
est la marque déposée de l’ECHELON Corporation.
Danfoss n'assume aucune responsabilité quant aux erreurs qui se seraient glissées dans les catalogues, brochures ou autres documentations écrites.Dans un souci constant d'amélioration, Danfoss se réserve le droit d'apporter sans préavis toutes modfications à ses produits, y compris ceux se trouvant déjà en commande, sous réserve, toutefois, que ces modifications n'affectent pas les caractéristiques déjà arrêtées en accord avec le client. Toutes les marques de fabrique de cette documentation sont la propriété des sociétés correspondantes.
Danfoss et le logotype Danfoss sont des marques de fabrique de Danfoss A/S. Tous droits réservés.
Guide d'installation RC.8A.C2.04
© Danfoss 12-2001 EKC - LonWorks ®
RS.8A.S1.02 5-2001
m2 communication with
EKC201/301 controllers
2 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC201/301
Introduction ...................................................................... 3
Principle ........................................................................... 3
Operation via the Key Pad .............................................. 4
Setting the EKC 201/301 Controllers .............................. 5
Configuring the EKC201/301 Controller via the Key Pad5
External Communication via a PC .................................. 7
Configuring Controllers via a PC .................................... 7
EKC 201/301 Controller Parameters Available Via Danfoss
Central Station ........................................................... 15
EKC 201/301 3 -Sensor Controller Parameters Available Via
Danfoss Central Station ............................................. 16
This manual provides a description of the configuration and operation of the m2 functions relating to the EKC 210/301 controllers only. For a full description of all the standard m2 functions, refer to Manual m2 -
The m2 has the facility to communicate 2-way with the EKC 201 and
EKC 301 controllers. This enables the following facilities via the m2 unit: display and modification of defined controller setup parameters.
provides alarms generated as a result of readings returned by the controller (local), or alarm reporting as a result of alarm states detected by the controller itself (remote).
Shown on this page is the principle of the data communication and wiring to the controllers.
This document was made in May 2001 and applies to m2 software version B2.0 onwards.
m2 Communication with EKC201/301 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 3
Operation via the Key Pad
EKC 201/301 Controller
Point Detail Screen
To view the Controller Point Detail Screen is the same procedure as a standard Point Detail Screen. The Controller Point Detail
Screen is displayed as shown.
There are five informations area that are displayed. These areas display the following information: this area will display icons indicating the status of the controller, the icons being of the following:
- cooling
- defrost
- fans this indicates the main temperature.
this indicates the secondary temperature.
this indicates whether the point has been setup for 'Local' or 'Remote' alarms.
- Local
- Remote
This area also displays 'inhibit', 'defrost' and 'pulldown' icons, if the point has been setup for 'Local'.
- an inhibited point.
- a point in inhibit pulldown.
- a point in defrost.
- a point in defrost pulldown.
Indicates the upper alarm limit setting. When the
of the symbol is scrolling, it indicates that the upper alarm limit has been exceeded.
Indicates the setpoint setting.
Indicates the lower alarm limit setting. When the part of the symbol is scrolling, it indicates that the lower alarm limit has been exceeded.
Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC201/301
Setting the EKC 201/301
A EKC 201/301 controller is logged onto a m2 system from the controller only.
Shown in the table below is the operation for logging a EKC 201/
301 controller onto a m2 system.
The symbols for pushing of buttons have the following meanings:
Push the upper button Push the lower button
Push both buttons simultaneously
EKC Controller Addressing
Configuring the EKC201/301
Controller via the Key Pad
Controller Point Setup
m2 Communication with EKC201/301
When a EKC controller is logged onto a m2 system, whatever the controllers address is parameter (o03) will be automatically be assigned as the point number on the m2. This will include overwriting any previous settings set to that point number.
Ensure before logging a EKC controller onto a m2 system, that the address set is available in the m2. If not available then change the address on the controller.
To configure a controller point, the controller must first be logged on, after which select the Point Setup option from the Setup menu and select the point number of the EKC controller. The controller
Point Setup screen is as displayed.
The controller point setup screen differs from the standard point setup screen as follows:
This field is automatically set when
(Setting the Point Type)
the controller is logged on and therefore must be adjusted.
Defr PDown
(Defrost Pulldown)
In ‘Local Alarms’ mode this field is used to specify the defrost lockout in minutes, by using the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys. In ‘Remote Alarms’ mode this field is not used.
Alarms (Setting the
Alarms Source)
Use this field to specify the source of the alarms. The two settings are:
This will set the m2 to generate alarms as a result of readings returned by the controller, and administer the locking out of these alarms during defrost. In this mode the defrost icon will be displayed in the bottom right of the Point Detail screen in addition to the left hand window. This will change to the defrost pulldown icon during pulldown.
This will set the m2 to report alarms as a result of alarm states detected by the controller, and allows the controller to manage defrost lockout.
The point setup screen will differ depending on whether the point has been set to 'Local' or 'Remote'. The differences are as follows:
The 'Local' screen the same as a standard point setup screen
(refer to m2- Manual RS.8A.N for more information).
Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 5
Controller Point Setup (Screen 2)
Defrost Schedule
Alarm History
The 'Remote' screen has the following fields:
Alm Act (Setting the
Alarm Action)
War Act (Setting the
Warning Action)
Use the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys to set the required alarm action zone for the controllers alarms.
Use the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys to set the required alarm action zone for the controllers warnings.
With the 'Type' field highlighted, press the ' u
' key to display the second Point Setup screen. To return to the first screen, press the
' key.
The controller point setup screen 2 for the EKC 201/301 only allows the 'Y Axis' and 'Y Base fields to be modified, the remote addressing and temperature fields are set from the EKC unit only.
The EKC 201/301 controller alarms are shown in the alarm history list displaying the alarm codes across both the 'St' and 'Reason' columns and are as follows:
High Temp High temperature alarm
Low Temp Low temperature alarm
Open Door Open door alarm
EKC Faulty Faulty EKC unit alarm
Air Sen. OC Air probe open circuit
Air Sen. SC Air probe closed circuit
Def Sen. OC Defrost probe open circuit
Def Sen. SC Defrost probe closed circuit
Comms Fail EKC communication failure alarm
Controller currently disconnected
For a '3 Sensor' EKC 201 controller, a different list of alarm codes are shown in the alarm history and are as follows:
Sdef Bad Defrost probe error
Sout High Sout high temperature alarm
Sout Low
Sin High
Sin Low
Sout Bad
Sin Bad
Sout low temperature alarm
Sin high temperature alarm
Sin low temperature alarm
Sout probe error
Sin probe error
EKC Faulty Faulty EKC unit alarm
Max. StandbyMaximum standby time after slave defrost (o16)
Comms Fail EKC communication failure alarm
Controller currently disconnected
This option allows you to setup a defrost schedule for a particular point. From the Setup Menu, select the Defrost Schedule option.
Use the ‘
’ to highlight the field to be modified. Use the ‘ ’ and
‘ ’ keys to cycle through the character list and the ‘ ’ or ‘ ’ key to move the cursor left or right respectively.
Set the values as follows:
Set this to the point number required for the
defrost schedule.
Enter the name required for this defrost (this can also be the point name).
Defrosts per
Enter the amount of defrosts per day required, then the times within a 24 hour period that these defrosts are to start.
Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC201/301
External Communication via a PC
EKC 201/301 Controller System
When viewing the System Status screen from a PC via Danfoss Central
Station, the value displayed for a controller will be the Primary temperature and under the 'St' column the code ok will be displayed, indicating that the readings are within the alarm settings/time frame.
When an alarm occurs, a fault message in red will appear across both the 'St' and 'Reasons' columns. When the alarm has been acknowleged, the fault message will change to white.
Note: Any controller points cannot be cleared until all the alarms associated with the controller are cleared.
Display Alarm Information
In the Alarm List the controller alarm reason will be displayed. The alarm reasons displayed will be as previously listed.
Configuring Controllers via a
Modifying the Input Point
Local Modify Point Data Screen
To configure a controller point, the controller must first be logged on, after which, via a PC using Danfoss Central Station, press 2 from the
Modify Menu to display the Modify Point Data Screen. Select the point number of the controller. The Modify Point Data screen is as displayed.
The controller modify point data screen differs from the standard point setup screen depending on what the Alarm Generation has been set to.
There are two Alarm Generation settings available, the two being:
This will set the m2 to generate alarms as a result of readings returned by the controller, and administer the locking out of these alarms during defrost. In this mode the defrost icon will be displayed in the bottom right of the
Point Detail screen in addition to the left hand window.
This will change to the defrost pulldown icon during pulldown.
This will set the m2 to report alarms as a result of alarm states detected by the controller, and allows the controller to manage defrost lockout.
m2 Communication with EKC201/301 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 7
Remote Modify Point Data Screen
Remote Controller Parameters
With Alarm Generation set to 'Local' the following Modify Point Data screen will be displayed. The fields that differ from the standard modify point data screen are as follows:
Defrost Pulldown
required a defrost
Use the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys to set the time in minutes allowed for pulldown.
Alarms Generation
Prim/Secndry Temp
Cannot be modified.
Cannot be modified.
With Alarm Generation set to 'Remote' the following Modify Point
Data screen will be displayed. The fields that differ from the standard modify point data screen are as follows:
Warning Action
required controllers
Use the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys to set the alarm action zone for the warnings.
Alarm Action
required controllers alarms.
Use the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys to set the alarm action zone for the
Defrost Pulldown
Alarms Generation
Prim/Secndry Temp
In ‘Remote Alarms’ mode this field is not used.
Cannot be modified.
Cannot be modified.
The controllers parameters can be modified via Danfoss Central
Station. To access the Remote Config screen, from the first System
Status screen press the relevant controller point number, then select
'send' or press ENTER.
The following parameter screens have a status line above the parameters displaying one of the following in red, if they are active:
Evaporator, Fans or Defrost.
The different parameter screens available are as follows:
EKC 201/301
Controller Remote Parameter Screen
All these parameters are explained in the 'EKC 201/301 Data Sheet -
Note: Parameters followed by a '=' indicate information only, while parameters followed by a ':' indicate these parameters can be modified.
To modify a parameter, place the cursor next to the parameter to be modified, press 'M' and modify after which press 'Enter'. Once all the parameters have been set on a screen, the 'Esc' key must be pressed to send the changes to the controller.
8 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC201/301
Controller Thermostat Parameters Screen
To view the controllers thermostat parameters, press 'R' to display the
Remote Thermostat Parameters screen
Controller Remote Compressor Parameters
To view the controllers compressor parameters, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'C' to display the Remote Compressor
Parameters screen.
Controller Remote Defrost Parameters
To view the controllers defrost parameters, from the Remote Parameters screen, press 'D' to display the Remote Defrost Parameters screen.
m2 Communication with EKC201/301 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 9
Controller Remote Fan Parameters Screen
To view the controllers fan parameters, from the Remote Parameters screen, press 'F' to display the Remote Fan Parameters screen.
Controller Remote Alarm Parameters Screen
To view the controllers alarm parameters, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'A' to display the Remote Alarm
Parameters screen.
Controller Remote Other Parameters Screen
To view the controllers other parameters, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'O' to display the Remote Other
Parameters screen.
10 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC201/301
Controller Remote Alarm Status Screen
To view the current status of the controllers alarms, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'W' to display the Remote Alarm screen.
Note: These fields cannot be modified.
EKC 201 - 3 Sensor
Controller Remote Parameter Screen
All these parameters are explained in the 'EKC 201/301 For
Temperature Control' Functional Description - RC.8A.D.
Note: Parameters followed by a '=' indicate information only, while parameters followed by a ':' indicate these parameters can be modified.
To modify a parameter, place the cursor next to the parameter to be modified, press 'M' and modify after which press 'Enter'. Once all the parameters have been set on a screen, the 'Esc' key must be pressed to send the changes to the controller.
Controller Thermostat Parameters Screen
To view the controllers thermostat parameters, press 'R' to display the Remote Thermostat Parameters screen m2 Communication with EKC201/301 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 11
Controller Remote Compressor Parameters
To view the controllers compressor parameters, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'C' to display the Remote Compressor
Parameters screen.
Controller Remote Defrost Parameters
To view the controllers defrost parameters, from the Remote Parameters screen, press 'D' to display the Remote Defrost Parameters screen.
Controller Remote Fan Parameters Screen
To view the controllers fan parameters, from the Remote Parameters screen, press 'F' to display the Remote Fan Parameters screen.
12 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC201/301
Controller Remote Alarm Parameters Screen
To view the controllers alarm parameters, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'A' to display the Remote Alarm
Parameters screen.
Controller Remote Other Parameters Screen
To view the controllers other parameters, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'O' to display the Remote Other
Parameters screen.
Controller Remote Alarm Status Screen
To view the current status of the controllers alarms, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'W' to display the Remote Alarm screen.
Note: These fields cannot be modified.
m2 Communication with EKC201/301 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 13
EKC Defrost Schedule Screen
To set up a the EKC controller defrost schedule via a PC using
Danfoss Central Station, press 9 from the Modify Menu to display the
EKC Defrost Schedule screen.
Note: The number of defrosts per dsay must be set. If more times are entered than the set number of defrosts, they will be ignored.
14 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC201/301
EKC 201/301 Controller Parameters Available Via Danfoss Central Station
N o n c o n f i g u r a b l e P a r a m e t e r s
A i r T e m p
D e f T e m p
C o m p r e s s o r R e l a y
D e f r o s t R e l a y
F a n R e l a y
D i g i t a l I n p u t S t a t e
S o f t w a r e V e r s i o n / R e v i s i o n
R e g u l a t o r S t a t e
O r d e r N u m b e r 4 L a s t D i g i t
L O N S o f t w a r e V e r s i o n / R e v i s i o n
A l a r m P a r a m e t e r s ( N o n c o n f i g u r a b l e )
C o m m s F a i l ( A )
H i g h T e m p ( A )
L o w T e m p ( W )
O p e n D o o r ( W )
E K C F a u l t y ( W )
A i r S e n .
O C ( A )
A i r S e n .
S C ( A )
D e f .
S e n .
O C ( W )
D e f .
S e n .
S C ( W )
C o n f i g u r a b l e P a r a m e t e r s
T h e r m o s t a t P a r a m e t e r s
T e m p e r a t u r e S e t p o i n t
D i f f e r e n c e B a n d ( r 0 1 )
H i g h S e t p o i n t L o c k ( r 0 2 )
L o w S e t p o i n t L o c k ( r 0 3 )
C a l i b r a t i o n O f f s e t ( r 0 4 )
T e m p U n i t s R e a d o u t ( r 0 5 )
C o m p r e s s o r P a r a m e t e r s
M i n i m u m O N T i m e ( c 0 1 )
R e s t a r t T i m e ( c 0 2 )
D u t y C y c l e O n E r r o r ( c 0 3 )
C o m p .
C u t O u t O p e n D o o r ( c 0 4 )
D e f r o s t P a r a m e t e r s
D e f r o s t T y p e ( d 0 1 )
D e f r o s t T e r m .
T e m p .
( d 0 2 )
D e f .
I n t .
b e t w e e n s t .
( d 0 3 )
M a x .
D e f r o s t D u r a t i o n ( d 0 4 )
D e f r o s t O f f s e t T i m e ( d 0 5 )
D r i p D o w n T i m e ( d 0 6 )
F a n D e l a y A f t e r D e f .
( d 0 7 )
F a n S t a r t T e m p e r a t u r e ( d 0 8 )
F a n O N D u r i n g D e f r o s t ( d 0 9 )
D e f r o s t P r o b e ( d 1 0 )
P o s t D e f r o s t D e l a y ( d 1 1 )
D e f r o s t S t a r t / S t o p
D e l a y e d D i s p l a y U p d a t e ( d 1 2 )
D e f r o s t a t P o w e r u p ( d 1 3 )
A l a r m P a r a m e t e r s
H i g h A l a r m D e v i a t i o n ( A 0 1 )
L o w A l a r m D e v i a t i o n ( A 0 2 )
T e m p .
A l a r m D e l a y ( A 0 3 )
D o o r A l a r m D e l a y ( A 0 4 )
A l a r m R e l a y
O t h e r P a r a m e t e r s
O u t p u t D e l a y P o w e r u p ( o 0 1 )
D i g i t a l I n p u t C o n t r o l ( o 0 2 )
M a n u a l C o n t r o l
R e s e t T o F a c t o r y S e t t i n g s
M a x .
S e n d T i m e
P a s s w o r d ( o 0 5 )
S e n s o r T y p e P T = 0 / P T C = 1 ( o 0 6 ) m2 Communication with EKC201/301 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 15
EKC 201/301 3 -Sensor Controller Parameters Available Via Danfoss
Central Station
N o n c o n f i g u r a b l e P a r a m e t e r s A l a r m P a r a m e t e r s ( N o n c o n f i g u r a b l e )
S o u t
S i n
D i g i t I n p u t S t a t e
C o m m s F a i l ( A )
E K C F a u l t y ( A )
S d e f B a d ( W )
E K C S t a t e
F a n R e l a y
S d e f
S o f t w a r e V e r s i o n / R e v i s i o n
D e f r o s t
L O N S o f t w a r e V e r s i o n / R e v i s i o n
S o u t H i g h ( A )
S o u t L o w ( A )
S i n H i g h ( A )
S i n L o w ( A )
S o u t B a d ( A )
S i n B a d ( A )
M a x S t a n d b y ( W )
C o n f i g u r a b l e P a r a m e t e r s
T h e r m o s t a t P a r a m e t e r s
S o u t S e t p o i n t
S i n S e t p o i n t
T e m p U n i t s R e a d o u t ( r 0 5 )
S o u t D i f f e r e n c e B a n d ( r 0 7 )
S i n D i f f e r e n c e B a n d ( r 0 8 )
S o u t C a l i b r a t i o n O f f s e t ( r 0 9 )
S i n C a l i b r a t i o n O f f s e t ( r 1 0 )
C o m p r e s s o r P a r a m e t e r s
M i n i m u m O N T i m e ( c 0 1 )
R e s t a r t T i m e ( c 0 2 )
D u t y C y c l e O n E r r o r ( c 0 3 )
D e f r o s t P a r a m e t e r s
D e f r o s t T y p e ( d 0 1 )
D e f r o s t T e r m .
T e m p .
( d 0 2 )
D e f .
I n t .
b e t w e e n s t .
( d 0 3 )
M a x .
D e f r o s t D u r a t i o n ( d 0 4 )
D e f r o s t O f f s e t T i m e ( d 0 5 )
D r i p D o w n T i m e ( d 0 6 )
F a n D e l a y A f t e r D e f .
( d 0 7 )
F a n S t a r t T e m p e r a t u r e ( d 0 8 )
F a n O N D u r i n g D e f r o s t ( d 0 9 )
D e f r o s t P r o b e ( d 1 0 )
P o s t D e f r o s t D e l a y ( d 1 1 )
D e f r o s t S t a r t / S t o p
D e l a y e d D i s p l a y U p d a t e ( d 1 2 )
D e f r o s t a t P o w e r u p ( d 1 3 )
F a n s
F a n S t o p / C o m p .
C u t O u t ( f 0 1 )
F a n D e l a y C o m p .
C u t O u t ( f 0 2 )
Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001
A l a r m P a r a m e t e r s
T e m p .
A l a r m D e l a y ( A 0 3 )
S o u t H i g h A l a r m D e v i a t i o n ( A 0 5 )
S o u t L o w A l a r m D e v i a t i o n ( A 0 6 )
S i n H i g h A l a r m D e v i a t i o n ( A 0 7 )
S i n L o w A l a r m D e v i a t i o n ( A 0 8 )
S i n A l a r m O f f s e t ( N i g h t ) ( A 0 9 )
O t h e r P a r a m e t e r s
O u t p u t D e l a y P o w e r u p ( o 0 1 )
D i g i t a l I n p u t C o n t r o l ( o 0 2 )
M a n u a l C o n t r o l
R e s e t T o F a c t o r y S e t t i n g s
P a s s w o r d ( o 0 5 )
S e n s o r T y p e P T = 0 / P T C = 1 ( o 0 6 )
D i g i t a l O u t p u t C o n t r o l ( o 1 3 )
D i g i t a l O u t p u t S t a t e
A c t i v e S e n s o r ( o 1 4 )
0 .
5 S t e p s ( o 1 5 )
M a x .
S t a n d b y S l a v e D e f ( o 1 6 )
S h o w S e n s o r ( o 1 7 )
H o l d A f t e r D e f r o s t m2 Communication with EKC201/301
List of Literature
Manual RS.8A.N
Provides full instructions on how to operate the m2 unit.
Instructions RI.8B.L
Provides full instructions on how to mount the m2 unit and connection to the EKC controllers.
Data Sheet
Provides information on the EKC201 and EKC301 controllers, their functions, and their applications.
Provides full instructions on how to mount and program the 3 Sensor EKC 201/301 controllers.
Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alternations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respecitve companies. Danfoss and Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.
m2 Communication with EKC201/301 Manual RS.8A.S1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 17
Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alternations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respecitve companies. Danfoss and Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.
RS.8A.T1.02 5-2001
m2 communication with
EKC 331 Capacity
2 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC331
Introduction ...................................................................... 3
Principle ........................................................................... 3
Operation via the Key Pad .............................................. 4
Setting the EKC 331 Controllers ..................................... 5
Configuring the EKC331 Controller via the Key Pad ...... 5
External Communication via a PC .................................. 6
Configuring Controllers via a PC .................................... 8
EKC 331 Controller Parameters Available Via Danfoss
Central Station ........................................................... 12
This manual provides a description of the configuration and operation of the m2 functions relating to the EKC 331 capacity controller only. For a full description of all the standard m2 functions, refer to Manual m2 -
The m2 has the facility to communicate 2-way with the EKC 331 capacity controller. This enables the following facilities via the m2 unit: display and modification of defined controller setup parameters.
provides alarms generated as a result of readings returned by the controller (local), or alarm reporting as a result of alarm states detected by the controller itself (remote).
Shown on this page is the principle of the data communication and wiring to the controllers.
This document was made in May 2001 and applies to m2 software version B2.0 onwards.
m2 Communication with EKC331 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 3
Operation via the Key Pad
EKC 331 Controller
Point Detail Screen
To view the Controller Point Detail Screen is the same procedure as a standard Point Detail Screen. The Controller Point Detail
Screen is displayed as shown.
There are five information areas that are displayed. These areas display the following information: this area will display icons indicating the status of the controller, the icons being of the following:
- fans on
- compressors on this indicates the compressor or condenser pressure.
this indicates whether the point has been setup for 'Local' or 'Remote' alarms.
- Local
- Remote
This area also displays 'inhibit' and
'inhibit pulldown' icons, if the point has been setup for 'Local'.
- an inhibited point.
- a point in inhibit pulldown.
Indicates the upper alarm limit setting. When the of the symbol is scrolling, it indicates that the upper alarm limit has been exceeded.
Indicates the setpoint setting.
Indicates the lower alarm limit setting. When the part of the symbol is scrolling, it indicates that the lower alarm limit has been exceeded.
4 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC331
Setting the EKC 331 Controllers
A EKC 331 controller is logged onto a m2 system from the controller only.
Shown in the table below is the operation for logging a EKC 331 controller onto a m2 system.
The symbols for pushing of buttons have the following meanings:
Push the upper button Push the lower button
Push both buttons simultaneously
Configuring the EKC331
Controller via the Key Pad
Controller Point Setup
When a EKC controller is logged on to a m2 system, whatever the controllers address is parameter (o03) will automatically be assigned as the point number on the m2. This will include overwriting any previous settings set to that point number.
Ensure before logging a EKC controller onto a m2 system, that the address set is available in the m2. If not available then change the address on the controller.
To configure a controller point, the controller must first be logged on, after which select the Point Setup option from the Setup menu and select the point number of the EKC controller. The controller
Point Setup screen is as displayed.
The controller point setup screen differs from the standard point setup screen as follows:
This field is automatically set when
(Setting the Point Type)
the controller is logged on and therefore must be adjusted.
Defr PDown
(Defrost Pulldown)
This field is not used.
Alarms (Setting the
Alarms Source)
Use this field to specify the source of the alarms. The two settings are:
This will set the m2 to generate alarms as a result of readings returned by the controller, and administer the locking out of these alarms during defrost. In this mode the defrost icon will be displayed in the bottom right of the Point Detail screen in addition to the left hand window. This will change to the defrost pulldown icon during pulldown.
This will set the m2 to report alarms as a result of alarm states detected by the controller, and allow the controller to manage defrost lockout.
The point setup screen will differ depending on whether the point has been set to 'Local' or 'Remote'. The differences are as follows: m2 Communication with EKC331 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 5
Controller Point Setup (Screen 2)
The 'Local' screen the same as a standard point setup screen
(refer to m2- Manual RS.8A.N for more information).
The 'Remote' screen has the following fields:
Alm Act (Setting the
Use the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys
Alarm Action)
to set the required alarm
War Act (Setting the
Warning Action)
action zone for the controllers alarms.
Use the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys to set the required alarm action zone for the controllers warnings.
With the 'Type' field highlighted, press the ' u
' key to display the second Point Setup screen. To return to the first screen, press the
' key.
The controller point setup screen 2 for the EKC 331 only allows the 'Y Axis' and 'Y Base' fields to be modified, the remote addressing and temperature fields are set form the EKC unit only.
Alarm History
The EKC 331 controller alarms are shown in the alarm history list displaying the alarm codes across both the 'St' and 'Reason' columns and are as follows:
High Press.
High pressure
Low Press.
Low pressure
Err Press.
Pressure error
EKC Faulty Faulty EKC unit alarm
Comms Fail EKC communication failure alarm
Controller currently disconnected
External Communication via a
EKC 331 Controller System Status
When viewing the System Status screen from a PC via Danfoss
Central Station, the value displayed for a controller will be the
Primary temperature and under the 'St' column the code ok will be displayed, indicating that the readings are within the alarm settings/time frame.
When an alarm occurs, a fault message in red will appear across both the 'St' and 'Reasons' columns. When the alarm has been acknowleged, the the fault message will change to white.
Note: Any controller points cannot be cleared until all the alarms associated with the controller are cleared.
6 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC331
Display Alarm Information
In the Alarm List the controller alarm reason will be displayed. The alarm reasons displayed will be as previously listed.
m2 Communication with EKC331 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 7
Configuring Controllers via a
Modifying the Input Point
Local Modify Point Data Screen
To configure a controller point, the controller must first be logged on, after which, via a PC using Danfoss Central Station press 2 from the
Modify Menu to display the Modify Point Data Screen. Select the point number of the EKC controller. Modify Point Data screen is as displayed.
The controller modify point data screen differs from the standard point setup screen depending on what the Alarm Generation has been set to.
There are two Alarm Generation settings available, the two being:
This will set the m2 to generate alarms as a result of readings returned by the controller, and administer the locking out of these alarms during defrost. In this mode the defrost icon will be displayed in the bottom right of the
Point Detail screen in addition to the left hand window.
This will change to the defrost pulldown icon during pulldown.
This will set the m2 to report alarms as a result of alarm states detected by the controller, and allow the controller to manage defrost lockout.
With Alarm Generation set to 'Local' the following Modify Point Data screen will be displayed. The fields that differ from the standard modify point data screen are as follows:
Defrost Pulldown
Use the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys to set the required time in minutes for a defrost.
Alarms Generation
Prim/Secndry Temp
Cannot be modified.
Cannot be modified.
Remote Modify Point Data Screen
With Alarm Generation set to 'Remote' the following Modify Point Data screen will be displayed. The fields that differ from the standard modify point data screen are as follows:
Warning Action
Alarm Action
Use the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys to set the required alarm action zone for the controllers warnings.
Use the ‘
’and ‘
’ keys to set the required alarm action zone for the controllers alarms.
Defrost Pulldown
Alarms Generation
Prim/Secndry Temp
In ‘Remote Alarms’ mode this field is not used.
Cannot be modified.
Cannot be modified.
Remote Controller Parameters
The controllers parameters can be modified via Danfoss Central
Station. To access the Remote Config screen, from the first System
Status screen press the relevant controller point number, then select
'send' or press ENTER.
The following parameter screens have a status line above the parameters displaying one of the following in red, if they are active:
Comp 1 - 4 or Fans 1 - 4
Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC331
Controller Remote Parameter Screen
The different parameter screens available are as follows:
All these parameters are explained in the 'EKC 331 Manual' -
Note: Parameters followed by a '=' indicate information only, while parameters followed by a ':' indicate these parameters can be modified.
To modify a parameter, place the cursor next to the parameter to be modified, press 'M' and modify after which press 'Enter'. Once all the parameters have been set on a screen, the 'Esc' key must be pressed to send the changes to the controller.
Controller Remote Reference Parameters
To view the controllers reference parameters, press 'R' to display the
Remote Reference Parameters screen.
Controller Remote Alarm Parameters Screen
To view the controllers alarm parameters, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'A' to display the Remote Alarm
Parameters screen.
m2 Communication with EKC331 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 9
Controller Remote Capacity Parameters
To view the controllers capacity parameters, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'C' to display the Remote Capacity
Parameters screen.
Controller Remote Miscellaneous
Parameters Screen
To view the controllers miscellaneous parameters, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'O' to display the Remote Fan Parameters screen.
Controller Remote Manual Control
Parameters Screen
To view the controllers manual control parameters, from the Remote
Parameters screen, press 'L' to display the Remote Manual Controls
Parameters screen.
10 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC331
Controller Remote Alarm Status Screen
To view the current status of the controllers alarms, from the
Remote Parameters screen, press 'W' to display the Remote
Alarm screen.
Note: These fields cannot be modified.
m2 Communication with EKC331 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 11
EKC 331 Controller Parameters Available Via Danfoss Central Station
N o n c o n f i g u r a b l e P a r a m e t e r s
P r e s s u r e
D O 1 R e l a y S t a t u s
D O 2 R e l a y S t a t u s
D O 3 R e l a y S t a t u s
D O 4 R e l a y S t a t u s
D i g i t a l I n p u t S t a t e
S o f t w a r e V e r s i o n / R e v i s i o n
L O N S o f t w a r e V e r s i o n / R e v i s i o n
A l a r m P a r a m e t e r s ( N o n c o n f i g u r a b l e )
C o m m s F a i l ( A )
H i g h P r e s s .
( A )
L o w P r e s s .
( A )
E K C F a u l t y ( A )
E r r .
P r e s s .
( A )
C o n f i g u r a b l e P a r a m e t e r s
R e f e r e n c e P a r a m e t e r s
E K C S t a t e
P r e s s u r e S e t p o i n t
N e u t r a l Z o n e ( r 0 1 )
M a x .
L i m .
S e t P r e s s u r e ( r 0 2 )
M i n .
L i m .
S e t P r e s s u r e ( r 0 3 )
P r e s s u r e U n i t ( r 0 5 )
P r e s s u r e O f f s e t ( r 1 3 )
A l a r m P a r a m e t e r s
M a x .
P r e s s u r e ( A 1 0 )
M i n .
P r e s s u r e ( A 1 1 )
P r e s s u r e A l a r m D e l a y ( A 0 3 )
C a p a c i t y P a r a m e t e r s
S t e p D e l a y I n c r e m e n t ( c 0 5 )
S t e p D e l a y D e c r e m e n t ( c 0 6 )
M i n .
R e c y c l i n g T i m e ( c 0 7 )
M i n .
O N T i m e ( c 0 1 )
S t e p M o d e ( c 0 8 )
C a p c i t y U n i L o a d e r R e l .
( c 0 9 )
M i s c e l l a n e o u s P a r a m e t e r s
A p p l i c a t i o n M o d e ( o 1 0 )
N u m b e r o f S t e p s ( o 1 9 )
N e t w o r k I d e n t i f i e r ( o 0 3 )
M a i n s F r e q u e n c y ( o 1 2 )
M a x .
T r a n s P r e s s u r e ( o 2 1 )
M i n .
T r a n s P r e s s u r e ( o 2 0 )
D i g i t a l I n p u t C o n t r o l ( o 2 2 )
D O 1 R u n n i n g H o u r s ( o 2 3 )
D O 2 R u n n i n g H o u r s ( o 2 4 )
D O 3 R u n n i n g H o u r s ( o 2 5 )
D O 4 R u n n i n g H o u r s ( o 2 6 )
M a n u a l C o n t r o l P a r a m e t e r s
M a n u a l C o n t r o l
D O R e l a y 1
D O R e l a y 2
D O R e l a y 3
D O R e l a y 4
A l a r m R e l a y S e t
12 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 m2 Communication with EKC331
List of Literature
Manual RS.8A.N
Provides full instructions on how to operate the m2 unit.
Instructions RI.8B.L
Provides full instructions on how to mount the m2 unit and connection to the controllers.
Manual RS.8A.G
Provides full instructions on how to operate the EKC331
Capacity Controller.
Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alternations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respecitve companies. Danfoss and Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.
m2 Communication with EKC331 Manual RS.8A.T1.02
© Danfoss 5-2001 13
Datacommunication Module type EKA 171, 173, 174, 175
Montage / Asembly / Einbau / Montaje
EKC 201
EKA 17x
EKC 3xx
EKA 17x
Princip / Principle /
Prinzip / Principe / Principio
Tilslutning / Connection /
Anschluß / Raccordement / Conexión
Se klemmenumrene på regulatoren.
See terminal numbers on the controller.
Siehe Klemmenummern am Regler.
Pour les numéros des bornes, voir le régulateur.
Ver los números de los terminales en el controlador
Kabeltype / Cable type / Kabeltyp / Spécifications du câble / Tipo de cable
Det er vigtigt at installationen af datakommunikationskablet udføres korrekt.
Se separat litteratur nr. RC.8A.C...
The correct installation of the data communication cable is highly important.
Please refer to separate literature no. RC.8A.C...
Der korrekten Installation des Datenkommunikationskabels muß besondere
Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden. Siehe Ergänzungsliteratur Nr. RC.8A.C...
L'installation correcte du câble de transmission est essentielle.
Voir la documentation spéciale RC.8A.C...
Es muy importante la correcta instalación del cable de comunicación de datos.
Ver documentación separada RC.8A.C...
® RI.8B.J3.53 02-2002
Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures and other printed material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products already on order provided that such alternations can be made without subsequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respecitve companies. Danfoss and Danfoss logotype are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.
R S 4 8 5
E K A 1 7 1
R S 4 8 5
F T T 1 0
F T T 1 0
F T T 1 0
E K A 1 7 3
F T T 1 0
F T T 1 0
E K A 1 7 4 R S 4 8 5
E K A 1 7 5
R S 4 8 5
R S 4 8 5
R S 4 8 5 0 8 4 B 7 0 7 4
0 8 4 B 7 0 9 5
0 8 4 B 7 0 7 5
0 8 4 B 7 0 7 2
0 8 4 B 7 0 9 4
0 8 4 B 7 0 7 3
0 8 4 B 7 1 2 5
0 8 4 B 7 0 9 2
Med galvanisk adskillelse
With galvanic separation
Mit galvanischer Trennung
Avec isolation galvanique
Con separación galvánica
RI.8B.J3.53 02-2002 Danfoss 2
LON, RS485 / FTT10
Det er vigtigt at installationen af datakommunikationskablet udføres korrekt. Se separat litteratur nr. RC.8A.C..
The correct installation of the data communication cable is highly important. Please refer to separate literature no. RC.8A.C..
Der korrekten Installation des Datenkommunikationskabels muß besondere Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden. Siehe
Ergänzungsliteratur Nr. RC.8A.C..
L'installation correcte du câble de transmission est essentielle. Voir la documentation spéciale RC.8A.C..
Es muy importante la correcta instalación del cable de comunicación de datos. Ver documentación separada RC.8A.C..
L’installazione corretta del cavo di comunicazione dati è estremamente importante. Prego fare riferimento al documento n°
® RI.8B.D4.67
R = 120 ohm = Sort / Black / Schwarz / Noir / Negro / Nero
RS 485 - RS 485
(Use 2 x 084B2255)
R = 52,3 ohm = Gul / Yellow / Gelb / Jaune / Amarillo / Giallo
R = 120 ohm = Sort / Black / Schwarz / Noir / Negro / Nero
FTT10 - FTT10
(Use 2 x 084B2255)
- Terminal A skal forbindes til terminal A og terminal B til B.
- Terminal A must be connected to terminal A, and terminal B to B.
- Klemme A muß mit Klemme A und
Klemme B mit B verbunden werden.
- Relier sans faute la borne A à la borne A, la borne B à la borne B.
- Terminal A debe conectarse a terminal A, y terminal B a B.
- Il morsetto A deve essere collegato al morsetto A ed il morsetto B al morsetto B.
R = 52,3 ohm = Gul / Yellow / Gelb / Jaune / Amarillo / Giallo
R = 120 ohm = Sort / Black / Schwarz / Noir / Negro / Nero
Instruction RI.8B.D4.67
© Danfoss 12/2001
RS485 / FTT10
Key features
- Danfoss ADAP-KOOL EKC System
- LonWorks technology for communication
- Cable selection, cabling layout, addressing
- Monitoring and control software
- Installation guide
- Troubleshooting