Microsoft 3.1 Windows User Manual
Below you will find brief information for Windows Windows 3.1, Windows Windows 3.1, Windows Windows 3.1. This guide is intended to assist you in setting up and using the Windows 3.1 operating system for your computer. It covers everything from installing the software to troubleshooting common problems. With Windows 3.1, you can run multiple applications simultaneously, open files in different windows, and easily access and manage files on your hard drive.
Index ; as .INI file comment character, 159 ! as field delimiter, 128 * denoting built-in devices in SYSTEM.INI entries, 100, 193 ^ in WIN.INI, 171 .2GR grabber files, 94, 290, 184, 409, 410 [.3gr] font sections in SETUP.INF, 96 32-bit disk access, 193, 245, 520-523 386 enhanced mode Windows. See also Standard mode Windows; Windows 3.1 described, 63, 238-239 memory expanded memory, 238, 240-243, 249 extended memory, 239 system requirements, 9, 63, 217, 420 virtual memory, 243-247 networks, 36, 370-373 optimizing, 260, 271 removing support for, 502 troubleshooting, 34-36, 420-422 [386enh] section in SYSTEM.INI, 117, 193-218 .3GR grabber files, 94, 184, 290, 409, 410 386MAX memory manager, 34, 93, 154, 243, 247, 373, 421 [386 max] section in SETUP.INF, 93 3C505 Network Adapter Card, 375 3Com networks, 102, 143, 374-375 80286 and 80386 machines files installed during Setup, 105-106, memory, 228-229, 234, 247 system requirements, 9 8086 and 8088 machines, 229, 231 8514 display, 104-105, 139, 150, 312-314, 411 A A20 handler, 35, 44, 118, 193, 418 Acer computer, 35, 418 Adapter card. See Display adapter Adapter segment, 231, 240, 241, 447, 455 Ad Lib, See MIDI Administrative Setup (setup /a), 72-74 Adobe Type Manager (ATM), 28, 32, 44, 315, 336 Advanced Power Management driver, 140, 150 All ChargeCard, 375 ALR computers, troubleshooting, 12 AMI BIOS, troubleshooting, 12 Anarkey, 405 ANSI character set, 76, 188, 310, 315, 317 API (application programming interface), defined, 447 Append utility (MS-DOS), 405, 414 Apple LaserWriter Plus, 333 Application. See also Non-Windows applications; Windows applications defined, 284, 447 files copied during Windows installation, 107-108 running at Windows startup, 168 Windows vs. non-Windows, described, 284 Application execution error, 39 Application swap files, 243-244, 290 APPS.INF content summary, 121-125 customizing, 133 editing procedure, 87 format, 88-89 non-Windows applications with PIF data in, 296-297 Apricot Laser printer, 325 ARCNet, 36, 11 Arial font, 113, 310, 311, 317-320 Artisoft LANtastic, 31, 113, 102-103, 375-377, 406 ASCII character set, 310 ASP Integrity Toolkit, 404 Aspect ratio, and fonts, 314 AST computer, troubleshooting, BIOS, 12 AT computer. See IBM AT ATI display adapter, 411 AT&T computer, 138, 139, 149, 187-188, 418 Attrib command (MS-DOS), 369 Audio CD, troubleshooting, 49, 435 Austin computers, troubleshooting, 12 Auto-detection for Setup, troubleshooting, 401, 432 AUTOEXEC.BAT editing, with System Editor, 161 modifying during Setup, 369 optimizing MS-DOS 5.0 configuration, 248 running a shared copy of Windows, 368 troubleshooting, 13-14, 398, 413, 416, 432 AutoFont Support files, 315 Automated Setup (setup /h), 75-81 Award BIOS, troubleshooting, 12 B Backfilling and bank switching, 211, 231, 234, 447 Banyan VINES, 31, 102-103, 143, 150, 377-378 Batch Mode Setup. See Automated Setup Baud rate, 174 BIOS (basic input/output system) EBIOS identified in Setup, 120 SYSTEM.INI entries, 199 troubleshooting, 12, 23, 37, 421 Bitmap files, for wallpaper, 153-154 Bitstream fonts, 29, 34, 315, 336, 426 Block devices, 34, 113 [Blowaway] section in SETUP.INF, 116 [Blue Max] section in SETUP.INF, 93 Bold document and syntax conventions, 4, 6, 159 font characteristic, 310, 313 Boolean, as .INI entry value, 159 [Boot] section in SYSTEM.INI, 184-186 [Boot.Description] section in SYSTEM.INI, 187 Boot disk, creating, 13, 14, 398 BOOT.SYS, 406 Break points, 206, 213 Buffers COM port, 196 data transfer, 209, 372 defined, 447 DMA, 198, 201, 208, 372 Windows Resource Kit 526 Index Buffers, continued double buffering, defined, 449 FIFO, 196 hard disk, 201 keyboard, 202 network, 208-209, 218, 372 non-Windows applications requirements, 190 permanent swap file, 210 printing from serial ports, 344 settings in CONFIG.SYS, 259 Building-font-database message, 328-329 C Cannot-find-file error message, 414-415 Canon Laser Beam printer fonts, 336-337 Caret (^), and filename extensions, 171 CD (audio) troubleshooting, 49 CD-ROM, 21, 119, 435-436 CEMM.EXE, 243, 247, 448 CGA display, 145, 147, 149, 150 Character-based interface, defined, 448 Character sets, 314 ANSI, 310, 315, 321 ASCII, 310 extended character codes, 321 matching screen fonts to printer fonts, 316 OEM, 310, 315, 321 Windows 3.1, 316, 317 Characters-per-inch (CPI), 311, 322 Chips and Technologies, troubleshooting, 12, 410-411 Chkdsk command (MS-DOS), 260 Clean-boot floppy, 13, 14, 398 Client application, defined, 353, 448 Clipboard data formats and OLE, 355-356 non-Windows applications, 291 Clock speed, 448 CMOS, 12, 25, 213, 430, 448 Code pages defined, 448 files in Setup, 97, 99 translation tables, 147, 188 U.S., 146, 448 [Codepages] section in SETUP.INF, 99 Code segments, kinds of, 236 Color, 182, 207, 222 [Colors] section in WIN.INI, 182 COMMAND.COM, for troubleshooting, 13-14 Command environment, 189 Command prompt, 448 Comments, in initialization files, 159 Communications driver, 140, 184 Compaq, MS-DOS version, 35, 433 COM port in 386 enhanced mode, 206 buffering, 196 configuring, 174, 195-197 driver, 140, 184 hardware interrupts, 25, 197, 343 printing from, 343-345 ROM BIOS address conflicts, 346-348 troubleshooting, 19, 31, 427-428 Compound documents Clipboard support, 354-356 described, 352-358, 448 Compound documents, continued Windows Resource Kit Edit menu commands supporting, 354, 357-358 File Manager support, 354-355 Compressed files, and installing Windows 3.1, 59 Computers compatible with Windows 3.1, 488-494 identified in Setup, 117-118 specifying for Automated Setup, 78 CONFIG.SYS editing, with System Editor, 161 network adapter cards in, 371 optimizing performance, 248, 259 troubleshooting, 13-14, 398, 413, 432 Context-sensitive help, 273, 277, 300 CONTROL.INF content summary, 126-128 editing procedure, 87 format, 88-89 Windows installation, 77 CONTROL.INI, 161, 222 Control Panel changing values in .INI files, 159 initialization (.INI) file, 222 installation information (.INF) file, 126-128 maintaining Windows with, 82 multimedia extensions, 46 supporting files, 151 CONTROL.SRC, 161 Conventional memory described, 228-229 freeing, 263 operating problems, 44 specifying for PIFs, 301 Windows operating modes, 217, 235, 238 Copy command (MS-DOS), 59, 73 Core files (Windows), 136-137, 250-251 [Country] section in CONTROL.INF, 128 Courier font, 112, 313, 314, 317, 320, 336 Courier New font, 318, 320 CPU (central processing unit), 448 CTRL+ALT+DEL defining behavior, in SYSTEM.INI, 204 when to use, 256, 294-295 Cursor, WIN.INI entry, 164 Customizing files changing .INF files for custom applications, 130 custom groups to Program Manager, 132 custom PIF information, 133 custom Setup, 128 creating custom installation script, 77-78 D Data Physician Plus, 404 [Data] section in SETUP.INF, 90 Date, defining formats, 172 DDE (dynamic data exchange), defined, 439 Debugging COM ports, 19, 346-347 DEC Pathworks, 102, 143 150, 381, 379-382 Default in .INI files, 159 printer, WIN.INI entries, 165-166 _DEFAULT.PIF, 285, 289, 294, 300, 305-306 Deleting files, 155, 500-504 [DelFiles] section in SETUP.INF, 107-108 Demand paging, 448, 451 Desktop, 169-170, 182, 403, 442 Index [Desktop] section in WIN.INI, 169, 170 Destination document (OLE), 353 Device defined in WIN.INI, 181 global, 201 synonyms in SYSTEM.INI, 183 Device command (MS-DOS), 264 Device contention, and non-Windows applications, 291 Device drivers. See also specific device driver types defined, 449 memory management, 230 specifying during installation, 77-78 SYSTEM.INI entries, 187, 204 troubleshooting, 10, 34, 46, 430 Devicehigh command (MS-DOS), 248, 264-265, 413 [Devices] section in WIN.INI, 181 [Dialog] section in SETUP.INF, 90 Direct Graphics Interface Standard (DGIS) display adapter, 412 Direct memory access. See DMA Discardable code segment (in Windows applications), 236, 449 Disk cache, 416, 441, 449. See also SMARTDrive Disk compacting utility, 245, 260 Diskless workstation, 74, 259, 262, 369 Disk partition, troubleshooting, 13-14 Disk space. See also Swap files freeing by deleting files, 155, 500-504 TrueType requirements, 320 [Disks] section in SETUP.INF, 91 Disk swapping. See Swap files Display adapters compatible with Windows 3.1, 139, 495 resolutions, supported by Windows 3.1, 144-145 SYSTEM.INI entries, 194, 198 troubleshooting, 20, 26, 408-420 Display driver files, 139 identified in Setup, 94-96 optimizing performance, 260 SYSTEM.INI entry, 185 troubleshooting, 20, 27, 37, 44, 403, 408-412 [Display] section in SETUP.INF, 95, 129 DLL (dynamic-link library), 449 .DLL filename extension, 138 DMA (direct memory access) buffers, 198, 201 defined, 449 EISA machines, 199 Micro Channel machines, 207 network and paging, 207 page addresses, 206 [Dontfind] section in APPS.INF, 121 DOS. See MS-DOS Doscue, 405 DOS extender. See Extended memory manager [Dos mouse.driver] section in SETUP.INF, 101 DOSX.EXE, 90, 136, 150, 290 Dot matrix printers, 317, 322, 340 Double buffering, 70, 201, 255-256, 439 Double-click, defining, 165 Doubledisk, 406 Downloadable soft fonts changing typeface names for, 337-338 described, 312, 320-321, 330, 449 Downloadable soft fonts, continued font installers, 140-141, 326-328 HPPCL, 324-330 527 page limit message, 330 PostScript, 336 TrueType installation, 320 DPMI (DOS Protected Mode Interface), 237, 239, 295, 449 Drivers. See also Display drivers; Keyboard drivers; Memory drivers; Mouse drivers; Multimedia drivers; Printer drivers, Sound drivers; System drivers described, 136-137 identified in Setup, 94-97, 100-101, 113-114, 126 incompatible drivers, in Setup, 58, 66 MS-DOS drivers for use with Windows 3.1, 148 removing files, 500 requirements in UMBs, 264-266 switches for MS-DOS system drivers, 258 SYSTEM.INI entries, 185 third-party, troubleshooting, 10, 27, 31, 399 virtual support files, 150 Windows Driver Library, 443 [Drivers] section in SYSTEM.INI, 187 .DRV (printer driver) file, 340 Dr. Watson, and general protection faults, 37, 434 DSWAP.EXE file, 150 DTK BIOS, troubleshooting, 12 Dynamic data exchange (DDE), defined, 449 Dynamic-link library (DLL), defined, 449, 452 E [Ebios] section in SETUP.INF, 120 Editing .INI and .SRC files, 159-161 using System Editor, 160-161 Edit menu commands and OLE, 357-358 Edit utility (MS-DOS), 160 EGA display device driver and grabber files, 139, 149 fonts, 104-105, 312-314 SYSTEM.INI entries, 199 troubleshooting, 27 virtual support files, 150 EGA.SYS, 148 EISA (Extended Industry Standard Architecture) bus machines, 197, 199, 240, 449 [Embedding] section in WIN.INI, 178 EMM. See Expanded memory manager EMM386.EXE backfilling with, 234 defined, 230, 449 deleting file, 155 driver, 148 emulating expanded memory, 228, 231, 258, 296 incompatibility with memory expansion board, 259 loading in CONFIG.SYS, 259, 264, 371 network issues, 273, 284 non-Windows applications, 238, 240, 242, 243, 296 optimizing performance, 266-268, 268-269 troubleshooting, 413-417 EMMExclude= display driver conflicts, 411 excluding UMB ranges, 199-200, 204, 212, 215 troubleshooting UMB conflicts, 416-417, 420-421, 433 EMS. See Expanded Memory Specification EMS memory. See Expanded memory Environment variables, 189, 301 EPT ports, 174, 345-346 Error 20 message, 330 ESDI controllers, 421 Windows Resource Kit 528 Index Etherlink, identified in Setup, 119 Ethernet, troubleshooting, 11, 36 Exec command (MS-DOS), 136 Expanded memory. See also Expanded memory managers (EMM); Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) board or card, 228, 234, 237-238, 242, 296 described, 228-229, 235, 449 driver, 209 LIM 3.2 and 4.0 EMS, 231, illus. 233 problems with, 235 upper memory area, illus. 232 in Windows 386 enhanced mode, 238, 240-243 non-Windows applications, 230, 241, 301, 303 standard mode, 237-238 SYSTEM.INI entries, 194, 199-200, 209, 213, 214 troubleshooting, 415-417 Expanded memory managers (EMM). See also EMM386.EXE 386 managers, 242-243, 456 backfilling and bank switching, 234 emulating expanded memory, 228, 230, 231, 258, 296, 449 ignoring third-party managers, 201 QEMM–386, 454, 515-518 troubleshooting, 23-34 Expanded Memory Specification (EMS), 230-235, 449, 450 Expanding files, 61, 152 Extended memory. See also Extended memory managers described, 228-229, 450 requirements for 386 enhanced mode, 9, 238-239, 250, 420 non-Windows applications, 237, 301, 303, 424 standard mode, 9, 235-237, 418 Windows, 9, 418, 420 SYSTEM.INI entries, 194, 213-214 troubleshooting, 34, 424 Extended memory managers (XMM). See also HIMEM.SYS defined, 450 drivers, 236, 418-420 troubleshooting, for standard mode, 418-419 Windows 3.1, 150, 237, 247-248 Windows Setup, 90 Extended Memory Specification (XMS), 230, 450 [Extensions] section in WIN.INI, 171 F FaceLift. See Bitstream FaceLift Fastopen utility (MS-DOS), 406 File. See also specific types copying additional files to a user’s directory, 130 from installation disks, 63 files for Windows installation, 105-108 corruption, 43 deleted in Setup, 107-108 deleting to free disk space, 155, 500-504 expanding, 17 filenames translated in Setup, 115 ignored in Setup, 121 miscellaneous hardware and other support files, 154 printing to a file, 31, 33 removing, 500-504 file= settings in CONFIG.SYS, 259 FILE:, WIN.INI entry, 174 File allocation table (FAT), 262 File handles, 259, 373 File Manager Windows Resource Kit changing values in .INI files, 159, 223 customizing, 278-279 initialization (.INI) files, 223 new features in Windows 3.1, 277 OLE support, 279, 354-355 Filename extensions associated with filenames, 171 defined in WIN.INI, 171 .PIF, 287 Filenames translated in Setup, 115 working with long filenames, 370 File Size Information, Windows Resource Kit utility, 441 FINSTALL.DIR file, 327-328 Fixed font, 144, 311, 316 Floppy drive, troubleshooting, 22-23, 25, 202 Font. See also Downloadable soft fonts; HPPCL printer fonts; PostScript fonts; Printer fonts cartridges dot-matrix printers, 322 HP LaserJet-compatible, 323-324 installing in printers, 316 Microsoft 1Z font cartridge, 314 PostScript, 336 converters, 27, 425 dot matrix printer fonts, 317, 322, 340 duplicate font names, 316-317 files, 104-105, 112, 144-147, 501 font families in Windows, 310 font matching in Windows, 316-317 installing, 315-316 kinds of printer fonts, 312, 320-337 raster fonts, 311, 313-314 screen fonts, 175, 312 TrueType fonts, 311, 318-320 vector fonts, 311, 315. 317, 456 substituting font names, 175 Font cache, 318-319 FontEdit utility, 315 Font Installer, for HP LaserJet, 315-316, 321, 324-337 Font mapping table, 316 Font Metrics dialog box, 338 [Fonts] section in WIN.INI, 175 [fontSubstitutes] section in WIN.INI, 117, 175 .FOT file, 318 G GDI .EXE file, 137, 250 heap, 251, 442 General protection (GP) faults, 27, 37-38, 431-434 Grabber application execution error, 39 defined, 94, 408, 450 files, 148-149, 290, 292 identified in Setup, 96 SYSTEM.INI entries, 184 troubleshooting, 26, 408-410, 423 Graphical user interface (GUI), defined, 450 Graphics adapter. See Display adapter Graphics utility (MS-DOS), 405 Graphics Viewer, Windows Resource Kit utility, 440 Groups. See Program Manager group [Group#] sections in SETUP.INF, 110-113, 133 [Groups] section in PROGMAN.INI, 220 Index .GRP file, 369 GUI (graphical user interface), 450 H Handshaking, 342, 344 Hard disk correcting interleave without reformatting, 258 ensuring maximum space, 263 interrupts, 25, 217 optimizing performance, 258-260 printing, space requirements, 30, 32 Stacker, 17 troubleshooting, 24, 34 Hardware adapters, and problems with expanded memory, 235 compatible with Windows 3.1, 487-498 creating custom Setup, 129 general protection faults, 37 manufacturer support, 482-483 multimedia, 47-51 optimizing performance, 258-259, 271 support files, 154 troubleshooting, 21-26, 35, 44, 430, 442 Headland Technologies display adapter, 410 Help window, WIN.INI entries, 178-179 Helvetica font, 175, 320 Helv font, 107, 314 Hewlett-Packard EBIOS for 80386 computer, 120, 150 Intellifont, disabling, 28 keyboard driver, 135 mouse driver, 139, 148 MS-DOS version, 35 plotters, 332, 427 Printer Control Language (HPPCL), 323 printer drivers, 140 printer fonts, 323-333 soft font installer files, 141 system driver (for HP Vectra), 138 Type Director, 315 Vectra, 138, 419 virtual support files, 150 High area. See High memory area (HMA); Upper memory area High memory area (HMA) defined, 228, 450 disabling a network’s HMA option, 373 loading MS-DOS 5.0 into, 248, 263-264 troubleshooting, 413-415 HIMEM.SYS accessing extended memory, 229, 230, 236, 239 file, 148 loading in CONFIG.SYS, 259 optimizing, 248 troubleshooting, 412, 416, 418 “Hints,” for TrueType, 318 HP DeskJet printer fonts, 331-332 HP PaintJet printer fonts, 332 529 HPPCL-compatible printers driver files, 141 fonts, 317, 321, 323-331 setting up unsupported printers in Windows, 340 types of, 330, 331 HPPCL printer fonts described, 323 downloadable soft fonts font summary file, 328-329 installing, 324 permanent vs. temporary downloading, 325-326 recovering fonts after reinstalling Windows, 326-328 soft font limits, 315, 330 font cartridges, 323-324 memory settings for, 323 HP plotter printer fonts, 332 I IBM 4019 Laser Printer fonts, 337 IBM computer AT, A20 handler, 419 DOS LAN requester. See IBM computer, OS/2 LAN Server MS-DOS version, 35, 433 OS/2 LAN Server, 102, 383 PC LAN Program, 102, 143, 383-384 PS/2 computer, 24, 25, 150, 204, 412 IDE drive, troubleshooting, 24, 217 [incompTSR#] sections in SETUP.INF, 113, 401 Independent software vendor (ISV), defined, 450 .INI file, 369 Initialization (.INI) files. See also CONTROL.INI; PROGMAN.INI; SYSTEM.INI; WIN.INI; WINFILE.INI content summary, 158-159 editing procedure, 159-161 format, 158, 159 preserving, after reinstalling Windows, 15 source files, 161 updated in Setup, 116 [Ini.upd.*] sections in SETUP.INF, 116 [Installable drivers] section in SETUP.INF, 114 Installation disks, 59 Installation information (.INF) files. See also APPS.INF; CONTROL.INF; SETUP.INF content summary, 86-87 customizing, 128-133 editing procedure, 87 format, 158-159 Installing Windows 3.1 Administrative Setup option (setup /a), 72-74 AUTOEXEC.BAT modifications, 368-369 Automated Setup (setup /h), 58, 74-81 changing values in .INI files, 159 creating system settings scripts for multiple systems, 76-81 customizing, 60-61, 74, 76-81, 128-134 Custom Setup, 58, 62, 64-65 Express Setup, 58, 62, 64 from floppy disks, 59 hardware identification, 65-66 installation information (.INF) file, 88-120 maintaining Windows with Setup, 82-83 MS-DOS Mode Setup, 58, 63-68, 401-402 Network Setup (setup /n), 73-75 new Setup features, 58 overview, 57-62 setting up multiple systems Installing Windows 3.1, continued Windows Resource Kit 530 Index Automated Setup option (setup /h), 72, 75-76 creating a system settings script, 76-81 setting up on a network Administrative Setup option (setup /a), 72-74 disabling pop-up service to prevent Setup failure, 370 Network Setup option (setup /n), 72, 74-75 on network server vs. workstations, 74 overview, 71-72 shared Windows files, 72-73 setting up on a single workstation, 71 specifying the WINDOWS directory, 64 switches for Windows Setup command, 60 SYSTEM.INI settings, 370-371 technical discussion, 62-71 troubleshooting, 9-17, 399-403 upgrading from an earlier version, 64-65 Windows Mode Setup, 58, 68-71, 402-403 Insufficient memory, 43 INT 13, 252-253, 520-522 INT 21, 349, 350, 520-522 Intel, snapin, 24, 386 Intellifont. See Hewlett-Packard Intellifont International support in Windows formats defined for Control Panel, 128, 172-173 support files, 138, 147 WIN.INI entries, 172-173 Interrupts 32-bit disk access, 520-522 COM ports, 19, 196, 197 defined, 451 floppy drives, 22 hard disks, 24, 217 keyboards, 193, 194, 203 list of, 25 memory-resident software, 202, 211 mouse, 18, 208 network, 36, 430 printers, 165, 213 system timer, 214 virtual machines, 201 [Intl] section in WIN.INI, 172-173 Invisible SoftwareNET/30 For Windows, 384 I/O port, troubleshooting, 430 [IO.*] sections in CONTROL.INF, 126-129 IPX Upgrade utility from Microsoft, 444 IRQ. See Interrupts ISA computers (adapter locations), 240-241, 372, 433, 441 ISV (independent software vendor), 450 Italic document and syntax conventions, 4-6 font characteristic, 310, 313 J Join utility (MS-DOS), 405 K Kernel, 90, 107, 137, 250, 451 Keyboard buffer, 202 compatible with Windows 3.1, 495 defining behavior, 166 drivers, 97, 138, 185, 187, 202 identified in Setup, 97 interrupts, 25, 203 Keyboard, continued language tables, 138 Windows Resource Kit password, 204 reboot, 204, 294-295 tables, 98, 128, 138 timeslicing, 202 troubleshooting, 12, 422 [Keyboard.drivers] section in SETUP.INF, 97 [Keyboard] section in SYSTEM.INI, 187-188 [Keyboard.tables] section in SETUP.INF, 98 [Keyboard.types] section in SETUP.INF, 97, 129 Keyname, defined, 87, 158 L Language code page, 188 defining international usage, 173 drivers and libraries, 138, 147, 185 identified in Setup, 120 supported by Windows 3.1, 147, 458 used for Windows Setup, 91 [Language] section in SETUP.INF, 120 LAN Manager 348, 451, 456. See also specific networks LanSight, 405 LANtastic. See Artisoft LANtastic Laser printers, and unsupported printer compatibility, 340 LaserTools, 406 LATCP DEFINE SCB command, 380 Le Menu, 406 LIM. See Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) [Lmouse] section in SETUP.INF, 101 Loadhigh command (MS-DOS) optimizing performance with, 248, 264-265 SYSTEM.INI entries, 204 troubleshooting, 413, 416 Local heap, 251, 451 Lockit utility, 405 Logitech mouse driver, 139, 148, 158 identified in Setup, 101 troubleshooting, 18, 407 virtual support file, 150 Lotus 1-2-3, troubleshooting, 424-425 Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM). See Expanded Memory Specification (EMS) LPT port configuring, in WIN.INI, 174 default I/O starting locations for, 343 hardware interrupts, 25, 343 printing from, 342-343 troubleshooting, 31, 426-427 LPTx.DOS printing method, 31, 174, 350, 376 troubleshooting, 427-428 WIN.INI entry, 174 LPTx.OS2. See LPTx.DOS LRU (Least Recently Used) paging, 205, 246-247 M [Machine] section in SETUP.INF, 117-118, 129 MAP ROOT command, 388 Math coprocessor, interrupts, 25 MCA. See Micro Channel (MCA) computers MCI (Media Control Interface), 143, 451 [MCI Extensions] section in WIN.INI, 177 [MCI] section in SYSTEM.INI, 189 Measures, defining formats, 172 Media files, 177 Index Media Player, troubleshooting, 47, 437 Mem command (MS-DOS) troubleshooting with, 413, 417, 420 viewing system memory, 229-230, 264 Memory. See also 386 enhanced mode memory; Expanded memory; Extended memory; High memory area (HMA); Memory drivers; Standard mode memory; Upper memory area; Virtual memory conventional memory, 228, 260, 263, 448 DPMI vs. VCPI specification, 247-248 excluding upper memory settings, 372 memory conflicts, 238-239 memory protection, 451 Microsoft Diagnostics utility (MSD.EXE), 229 network memory management with Windows 3.1, 370-372 non-Windows applications and PIF settings, 229, 301-305 optimizing performance, 258-259, 262 out-of-memory errors, 43 overview, 228-229 relative addresses of different kinds of, 229 requirements, 9, 249-250 types of, 228-229 viewing, in your system, 229 Windows system resources, 250-251 Memory drivers, 230 Memory expansion board, 258-259 Memory managers, 229, 230, 373. See also Expanded memory managers; Extended memory managers; Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) Memory-resident software. See TSRs Micro Channel (MCA) computers changing memory settings for network, 372 COM port settings, 197 DMA extensions, 207-208 interrupts, 197, 433 troubleshooting, 12 Microsoft 1Z font cartridge, 314 Microsoft Authorized Training Centers (ATCs), 460-466 Microsoft Certified Professional Program, 459 Microsoft Consultant Relations Program (CRP), 458 Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS), 452, 458 Microsoft Diagnostics utility (MDE.EXE), 229 Microsoft LAN Manager networks described, 384-386 disabling expanded memory for, 385 disabling pop-up services, 386 driver, 143 identified in Setup, 102 MS-DOS LAN Manager Basic, 384 Microsoft Network described, 387, 452 driver, 143 equivalent for other networks, 143, 368 identified in Setup, 102 MS-Net Redirector, 247, 348 Microsoft Product Support Download Service, 439 Microsoft University authorized training centers, 470-471 training programs, 468-470 MIDI, 48, 114, 143, 150, 437 Mirror utility (MS-DOS), 405 Mode command (MS-DOS), 348 Modern font, 315, 317 Mouse. See also specific types compatible with Windows 3.1, 139, 495 defining behavior, 167, 169 531 drivers, 139, 148, 186, 260 identified in Setup, 100-101 interrupts, 25, 208 in non-Windows applications, 26, 190, 208, 296, 424 serial mouse and COM port problems, 348 in standard mode, 192 troubleshooting, 18, 26 virtual device, 150, 208 in Windows Setup, 91 MOUSE.COM and MOUSE.SYS, 148 Mouse Systems mouse, 139, 150 Movable code segment (in Windows applications), 236, 452 MS-DOS OEM versions and general protection faults, 433 optimizing performance, 259-260 printing to LPT ports through MS-DOS, 345-346, 426 troubleshooting, 35, 413-414 unexpected MS-DOS error #11, 423 version 5.0 compatibility with Windows 3.1, 248, 249, 269-270 device drivers for managing memory, 148, 230 loading in the high memory area, 248-249, 263-264 Windows 3.0 conflicts, 238 MS-DOS Extender. See Extended memory managers (XMM) MS-DOS Mode Setup. See also Installing Windows 3.1 configuration identification routines, 65-66 described, 58, 63-68 failure, 68 MS-DOS version check, during Setup, 64 modifying SYSTEM.INI for system configuration, 66-67 setting the WINDOWS directory, 64 troubleshooting, 401-402 updating the Windows version, 64-65 MS-DOS Prompt, 198, 287, 373 MS-DOS system, hardware configuration, 401 MS-NET. See Microsoft Network MS Sans Serif and MS Serif fonts, 112, 311, 313-314, 317 Multimedia capabilities, supported by Windows 3.1, 143 CD-ROM, 21, 436 driver files, 114, 143 SYSTEM.INI entries, 189 troubleshooting, 46-51, 434, 435-437 WIN.INI entries, 177, 179 Multitasking. See also Timeslicing defined, 448, 452, 455 demand paging and virtual memory management, 245-247 PIF Editor options, 304 problems running non-Windows applications, 373 vs. task switching, in 386 enhanced mode, 290-291 Windows vs. MS-DOS 5.0 task swappers, 249 Music Box, troubleshooting, 49, 436 N Named pipes, 218, 448 NEC computer, MS-DOS version, 35 NetBIOS, 190, 208, 209, 381, 452 NetWare. See Novell NetWare Network; See also Networks and Windows 3.1; specific network types adapter card, 371 buffers, 208, 209, 218 Network, continued compatible with Windows 3.1, 143, 401-402, 495 drivers, 143, 186, 209 interrupts, 202 Windows Resource Kit 532 Index printer redirection, 350 redirector software, and ROM BIOS data segment, 348-349 Token Ring, 214, 454 transport stacks, 371 virtual support files, 150 Network Assistant, Windows Resource Kit utility, 440 Networks and Windows 3.1. See also Network; specific network types customizing Windows installation modifying logon procedure to set paths, 369 restricting user actions, 221, 276 user environments, 374 installation information, 101-103 installing a shared copy of Windows Administrative Setup (setup /a), 73-74 Automated Setup (setup /h), 76-81 copying Windows files to a user’s directory, 130 forcing Network Setup option, 75, 130 Network Setup (setup /n), 74-75 procedures, 71-74 restoring previous connections, 177 IPX upgrade utility in Windows Resource Kit, 440 optimizing performance, 262, 370-373 printing, 31, 33 running a shared copy of Windows, 368-370, 443 shells, 431 supported networks 3COM, 102, 374-375 Artisoft LANtastic, 102-103, 376-377 Banyan VINES, 102-103, 377-378 DEC Pathworks, 102-103, 379-382 IBM OS/2 LAN Server, 102-103, 383 IBM PC LAN Program, 102-103, 383-384 Invisible SoftwareNET/30 For Windows, 384 Microsoft LAN Manager, 102-103, 384-386 Microsoft Network, 102-103, 215, 387 Novell NetWare, 102-104, 387-391 TCS 10Net, 391 Ungermann-Bass Net/One, 392 swapping pages to a network drive, 247 troubleshooting 386 enhanced mode, 36 operation, 430-431 printing, 31, 33, 428 Setup, 11, 402 virtual support for, 150 [Network] section in SETUP.INF, 101, 129 [Network] section in WIN.INI, 177 [Network_Specific] section in SETUP.INF, 103 [Network_Version] section in SETUP.INF, 102 [New.groups] section in SETUP.INF, 109 NewSpace, 405 Nonmaskable interrupts (NMI), 209, 408-409, 421 Nonpreemptive scheduling, 291 Non-Windows applications. See also APPS.INF; PIF Editor option; PIFs (program information files) defined, 284, 452 display updates, 217 error messages execution error, 39 file-change messages, 200 incorrect system version, 410 Non-Windows Applications, continued out-of-memory errors, 43 system integrity violation, 40 files providing support in Windows, 146, 148-149, 290, 292 Windows Resource Kit memory for expanded memory, 231, 237-238, 296 extended memory, 236-237, 238, 239-240, 295 requirements, 229 mouse, 18, 26, 208, 296 removing support for, 503 running in Windows 3.1, 288-293, 373 scrolling, 213 setting up, 283-288 SYSTEM.INI entries for, 293 optimizing performance, 258-262 tips, 294-295 troubleshooting, 30, 409, 423-424 [NonWindowsApp] section in SYSTEM.INI, 189-191 Norton utilities Stacker and troubleshooting, 17 troubleshooting, 41, 44, 404, 405, 407 Not-enough-memory error message, 294 Novell NetWare described, 387-390, 452 drivers and files, 143, 387, 444 increasing the file access limit, 389 NetWare Lite, setting parameters, 391 preparing to run with Windows, 388 Printer Assistant, 406 SETUP.INF information, 102-103, troubleshooting, 31, 33, 349, 431 updating with Microsoft IPX Upgrade utility, 444 O Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) creating compound documents, 352-356 support in windows, 354-356, 360 troubleshooting, 45 WIN.INI entries, 178, 360 Object Packager, 355 OEM (original equipment manufacturer) character set, 310, 315, 317 defined, 452 font, 144, 145 [OEMdisks] section in SETUP.INF, 91 OEMSETUP.INF file, 335 Olivetti computers, 138, 139, 149, 187-188 Online support services bulletin board forums, 472-474 library services, 478 PC magazine forums, 475-477 OnTrack Disk Manager (DMDRVR.BIN), 13-14 Operating modes. See 386 enhanced mode; Standard mode Operating system, defined, 453. See also MS-DOS Orientation, printing, 322 Out-of-memory errors, 43, 251, 289, 323, 417 P Package, in compound documents, defined, 353, 443 Page fault, 243, 453 Page frames. See also Expanded memory defined, 447, 453 memory conflicts in 386 enhanced mode, 235, 239, 240, 242 specifying range in SYSTEM.INI, 200, 212 troubleshooting, 417, 425 Pageswap device, 245 Page swapping. See Paging; Virtual memory Page table, 206, 433 Paging. See also Virtual memory buffers, 210 Index described 245-246, 453, 456 drive, file, and disk space, 207, 210 maximum size, 206 Paradise VGA cards, troubleshooting, 410-411 Parallel port. See LPT port Parity, 174 Password, setting up protection for a workstation, 374 Path, 13-14, 181, 453 Pathworks. See DEC Pathworks PC-Kwik, 404 .PCM file, 324 PC-NET, 453 PC-NFS and Windows 3.1, 519 PC Tools, Stacker and troubleshooting, 17 troubleshooting, 17, 22, 42, 44, 404, 407 Peak/DM BIOS, troubleshooting, 12 Pen Windows, 506-514 Permanent swap file, 210, 211, 260, 262 .PFM file, 325, 326 Phoenix Cascade BIOS, 12, 419 PIF Editor options, 301-305 .PIF filename extension, 287 PIFs (program information files). See also APPS.INF; NonWindows applications; PIF Editor options changing icons in Program Manager, 287-288 modifying, 133, 305-306 overview, 299-300 setting up PIF after Windows installation, 286, 373 during Windows installation, 121-125, 285-286 from application manufacturer, 287 [PIF] section in APPS.INF, 122-125, 133 Pipe (|), in .INI parameters, 159 Plotters fonts, 315, 317, 321, 332 setting up unsupported printers in Windows, 340 Plus Hardcard, troubleshooting, 24, 422 Pointing devices, 129, 139, 485. See also Mouse [Pointing device] section in SETUP.INF, 100, 129 Point size, font characteristic, 310, 315, 318, 453 Pop-up messages (network), 73, 370 Ports, 174, 180. See also COM port; LPT port PostScript printers cartridges, 336 described, 335-336 drivers, 141-142 fonts, 317, 333, 335-336 printing error information, 336 specifying virtual memory, 334 troubleshooting, 30, 426-427, 429 TrueType, 333-334, 335 unsupported printers in Windows, 340 Preemptive scheduling, 291 Printer. See also Printer fonts; specific printers compatible with Windows 3.1, 140-142, 496-498 drivers, 27, 126-128, 140-142, 500-501 interrupts, 213 specifying during Setup, 80 troubleshooting, 30-33, 427-429 TrueType compatibility, 27, 318, 425 Printer cartridge metrics (.PCM) file, 324 Printer fonts. See also specific printers and printer types character sets for, 321 defined, 312, 320 dot matrix printers, 322 533 HP-compatible printers, 323-333 PostScript printers, 333-336 printable screen fonts, 312, 320, 322, 453 Printer ports. See also COM port; LPT port port entries in the ROM BIOS data segment, 346-348 troubleshooting, LPTx.DOS method, 345-346 .WIN.INI entries, 180, 181 [PrinterPorts] section in WIN.INI, 180 Printer Setup, 159, 315, 321 Printing determining Windows printing method, 349 network, 177, 350 setting up unsupported printers, 340-341 technical issues related to, 339-349 troubleshooting, 30-33, 426-429 Print Manager, 168 [Progman.groups] section in SETUP.INF, 110, 132 PROGMAN.INI contents, 219-221 modifying for custom user environments on networks, 374 preserving, after reinstalling Windows, 15 Program information files (PIFs). See PIFs Program Manager. See also Program Manager groups changing values in .INI files, 159 customizing, 132, 272-274, 276 initialization (.INI) file, 219-221 maintaining Windows with, 83 restricting user action, 221 Program Manager groups created during Setup, 109-111 customized, 132, 220, 273-274 setting up shared groups, on networks, 274-275, 374 [Programs] section in WIN.INI, 181 Protected mode, 150, 239-240, 454 Pyro!, 407 Q QEMM–386 expanded memory manager 386 enhanced mode support, 243, 247 described, 454, 515-518 networks, 373 troubleshooting, 34, 421, 517-518 Quadtel BIOS, troubleshooting, 12 R RAM drive, creating a RAM disk, 230 during Setup, 70 optimizing performance, 259 swap files with, 245 TEMP variable on diskless workstations, 262, 369 troubleshooting, 418-419 RAMDRIVE.SYS, 148, 259, 265 Random access memory (RAM), described, 228 Raster fonts, 145, 311, 313-315, 317, 454 README files choosing not to install, 79 compound documents, 353 files for, 154, 443 Read-only files on network, 73, 369 Real mode, and Windows 3.1, 9 Rebooting CTRL+ALT+DEL use, 204, 256, 294-295, 432 defining behavior, in SYSTEM.INI, 204 from a batch file, 256, nonmaskable interrupts, 209 Windows Resource Kit 534 Index non-Windows applications, 294-295 Windows, after installation, 71, 77, 80-81 Reference materials, 483-486 REG.DAT file, 359, 454 REGEDIT.EXE, 360-365 Registration database, 454 described, 359 installing or modifying file types, 361-363 restoring a deleted or corrupted registration database, 363 Registration Info Editor described, 360 filename extensions defined, 171 installing a . REG file, 361 modifying .REG file types, 363 restoring the registration database, 363 supporting files, 151 WIN.INI entries, 178 Reinstalling Windows, 15 Resolution display, 144-145 printer, 314, 318, 322 Restricting user actions, in Program Manager, 221 [Restrictions] section in PROGMAN.INI, 221 RIPLMEM.EXE program, 379 Roman font, 315, 317 ROM BIOS debugging a COM port, 347-349 INT 17, 349 shadowing, 267 use of upper memory area, 212-213, 216, 231, illus. 232 [Run] section in SETUP.INF, 90 S Screen fonts, 144-146, 175, 312 Screen savers, 154, 168, 374 Script font, 315, 317 SCSI adapter card (ADAptec 1540B), 380 drive, 24, 421, 520 SDK (Windows Software Development Kit), 454 Segmentation, for Windows code, 256, 456 Semicolon, as comment character, 159 Serial communications port. See COM port Server database, 448 file, 450 network, 177, 454 print, 453 Server applications (OLE), 353, 454-455 [Settings] section in PROGMAN.INI, 219 Setup. See Installing Windows 3.1; Windows Resource Kit disk setup; Windows Setup SETUP.EXE file, and installing Windows on a local drive, 66 SETUP.INF checking during Setup, 64 content summary, 88-89 customizing, 128-133 editing procedure, 87 format, 88-89 SETUP.INF, continued sections copy-files sections for applications, 107-108 copy-files sections for Windows, 105-106 display driver, 94 fonts, 112 general installation, 89 Windows Resource Kit incompatible driver, 113 keyboard and code pages, 97 mouse driver, 100 network installation, 101-103 Program Manager groups, 109-111 system configuration, 117 system fonts, 104 Windows installation, 64, 77 [Setup] section in SETUP.INF, 89 SETUP.SHH file, 76-77 Setup switches setup /a, 73-74 setup /h, 75-76 setup /i, 65, 401 setup /n, 11, 74-75 setup /t, 400 summary, 60 Shadow RAM, 250 Shadow ROM, 420, 430, 455 Share command (MS-DOS), 368 Shared memory, troubleshooting, 430 Shared resources, 304, 455 Shell command (MS-DOS), 260 [Shell] section in SETUP.INF, 94 Shortcut keys, defined in PIFs, 302-303 SideKick, 407 Small Font, 112, 310, 314, 317 SMARTDrive 3.x, illus. 252 SMARTDrive 4.0 described, 252-256, 439 double buffering, illus. 253, 255-256 installation of, 70 optimizing Windows performance, 230, 259 Stacker, 17, 256 troubleshooting, 416, 421-422 viewing switches, 258 SMARTDrive Monitor, Windows Resource Kit utility, 441 SMARTDRV.EXE, 148 SoftCraft WYSIFonts, 315 Soft fonts. See Downloadable soft fonts SoftIce Debugger, 404 Sound drivers on Windows Resource Kit, 443 files, 154 troubleshooting, 48-51 WIN.INI entries, 179 SoundBlaster, files identified in Setup, 114 Sound Recorder, troubleshooting, 51, 436 [Sound] section in WIN.INI, 179 Source document, for OLE, 355 [Special_adapter] section in SETUP.INF, 119 Speedfxr, 407 Speedstor, troubleshooting, 13-14 Spooler, 168, 455 SQL (Structured Query Language), 455 Stacker, 13-14, 17, 66, 244, 256 Stack overflow error, 422 Stacks, in CONFIG.SYS, 422 Standard mode Windows. See also 386 enhanced mode Windows; Windows 3.1 described, 63, 235 memory conventional memory, 235 expanded memory, 236-238 extended memory, 235-237 system requirements, 9, 63, 410 Index optimizing performance, 260 removing support for, 502 troubleshooting, 44, 418-419, 423 [Standard] section in SYSTEM.INI, 191-192 Startup directory, specifying in PIF Editor, 301 Startup group, 58, 220 Startup requirements, for Windows, 249-250 Stop-bits, 174 Subst command (MS-DOS), 390, 407 SuperPrint, troubleshooting, 32 SuperVGA, troubleshooting, 20, 411, 421 Swap disk, for non-Windows applications, 191 Swapdisk memory manager, 230 SWAPFILE.EXE, file deleted in Setup, 107 Swap files changing size and location of, 244 creating, for virtual memory, 238, 244 non-Windows applications using, 290, 521-522 permanent, 210, 211, 244-245, 260, 262 temporary, 207, 210, 244 Virtual Memory Manager, 243-244 Swappable code segment (in Windows applications), 236 Swapsize, defined, 236 Switches, command-line Mem command (MS-DOS), 229-230 MS-DOS system drivers, 258 PIF Editor options, 301 Setup, 60 Windows, 249 Symbol font, 112, 314, 317, 318, 333 System configuration specified in Setup, 117-120, 401-402 modifying settings during Setup, 65-66 requirements, 9, 418, 420 System Editor, 160-161 System events, WIN.INI entries, 179 System font, 104, 144-145, 312-315 SYSTEM.INI contents, 183-218 content summary, 183 entries for 386 enhanced mode performance, 271 conventional memory, 238, 250 disabling expanded memory, 241 hardware configurations, 66-67, 271 network performance, 272, 370-371 standard mode performance, 238 virtual memory, 246 preserving entries, after reinstalling Windows, 15 source file (SYSTEM.SRC), 66, 161 updates defined in Setup, 116 Windows 3.1 changes, 162-163 Windows installation changes, 66, 77 System integrity violation, 40 System Information screen, illus. 66, 77 System memory, displaying current use, 442 System Resource Monitor, Windows Resource Kit utility, 442 System resources, 250-251, 442 System screen fonts. See System font [System] section in SETUP.INF, 117-120, 129 System settings script, 75-81 SYSTEM.SRC, 77, 161 SYSTEM subdirectory defined, 58 files defined for Setup, 93, 127 535 T Tandon, troubleshooting, 12 Task Manager defined, 290, 373 specifying, 186 SYSTEM.INI entry, 186 vs. Windows Task List, 248, 249 WIN.INI entry, 164 TCS 10Net, 102, 391 TEMP directory, 369 TEMP environmental variable “clean boot” disk, 398 optimizing performance, 262-263 printing requirements, 427 setting RAM drive as, 259 troubleshooting, 13-14, 427 Windows on a network, 369, 427 Temporary swap file described, 243-244 optimizing performance on a network, 260, 262 SYSTEM.INI entries, 207, 210 Terminal font, 144, 313, 317 Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture (TIGA) display adapter, 412 Third-party memory managers, 269-270 soft fonts, 316 task manager, 272 Thunder Board (Media Vision), files identified in Setup, 114 TIGA display driver, 139, 150, 412 Time defining formats, 172 interrupts, 25, 214, 215, 373 synchronizing with CMOS clock, 213 Time-out settings, for printer ports, 180 Timer (MCI driver), 114, 143 Timer interrupts, 214, 215, 373 Timeslicing between Windows and non-Windows applications, 291-292 defined, 455 keyboard, 422 PIF Editor options, 304 virtual machines, 207 Windows applications, 217-218 Times New Roman font, 113, 310-311, 317-318, 320 Tms Rmm font, 107, 314 Token Ring networks, 214 TopDesk, Windows Resource Kit utility, 442 Toshiba computer, 12, 412, 419 Training, 466-467, 468-471. See also Microsoft Authorized Training Centers (ATCs); Microsoft Certified Professional Program; Microsoft University [Translate] section in SETUP.INF, 115 Translation buffers, 239 controlling mapping in upper memory, 239, 241, 242 freeing conventional memory, 268-269 Transmission retries, 169 Transport stack, 371 Trantor (TSCSI.SYS), 407 Troubleshooting 386 enhanced mode, 420-422 creating a “clean boot” disk, 398 desktop configuration, 403 display problems, 408 EMS memory problems, 235, 237, 415-417 fonts, 425 Windows Resource Kit 536 Index general protection faults, 431-433 MS-DOS configuration problems, 413-414 multimedia, 434 networks, 430-431 non-Windows applications, 423-425 printing, 426-429 Setup, 399-403 standard mode, 418-419 strategy, 396-398 TSRs, 400, 404-407 UMB conflicts, 237 TrueType benefits, 318 Canon printers, 337 changing typeface names, 337-338 described, 311, 318-320 disk space, memory, and speed, 319-320 files, 113, 146, 318 HPPCL printers, 323 IBM 4019 laser printers, 337 installing more fonts, 315 number of fonts on a system, 320 PostScript printers, 333-335 printer support, 316, 317, 319 troubleshooting, 27, 425-426 using in Windows applications, 319, 320 WIN.INI entries, 176 [TrueType] section in WIN.INI, 176 Tseng Labs display adapter, 410 TSRs (terminate-and-stay resident software) described, 239, 294, 455 optimizing performance, 259, 261 identified in Setup, 113, 401, 404 SYSTEM.INI entries, 202, 211, 214 troubleshooting general protection faults, 37, 432 in Setup, 10, 13-14, 66, 400-401, 404 in Windows, 404-407, 414 .TTF file, 318 Typeface, defined, 310 U Underscore (_), as indicator of compressed files, 59 Ungermann-Bass network card, 392 XNS transport stack, 384 Universal printer driver, 318, 321-322, 330 Unrecoverable application error (UAE), local reboot, 204 [Update.files] section in SETUP.INF, 115 Upper memory area. See also Upper memory blocks (UMBs) conflicting uses of, in 386 enhanced mode, 242 described, 228-233, 237-238 illus., 229, 232, 233 placing translation buffers in, 241 troubleshooting, 414, 415-417 Upper memory blocks (UMBs) controlling, in 386 enhanced mode, 242 defined, 237, 455 dual display adapters, 198 excluding ranges, 199-200, 204, 212, 215, 416-417 illus., 415 mapping, 242 optimizing use of, 263-266, 266-268 troubleshooting for 386 enhanced mode, 420-421 general protection faults, 433 Windows Resource Kit networks, 430 non-Windows applications, 425 USER .EXE file, 137, 250 heap, 250-251, 442 User groups, listed by location, 479-481 User interface, defined, 450 User name, specifying in Windows Setup, 77, 79 [User] section in SETUP.INF, 92 .USP file, 325 V Vaccine, 404 VAR (value-added reseller), defined, 456 VCPI (Virtual Control Program Interface), 237, 247, 295, 456 VDefend, 404 VDNET.386 virtual device driver, 381 Vector fonts, 145, 311, 315, 317, 456 VGA driver and grabber files, 139, 149 font files, 104-106, 312-314 memory addresses, 216 troubleshooting, 20, 26, 409-412, 424 virtual support file, 150 Video memory SYSTEM.INI entries, 212, 216 troubleshooting, 424, 425 Video Seven VGA driver and grabber files, 139, 149 troubleshooting, 403, 410, 412 virtual support file, 150 Viralert, 404 Virex-PC, 404 Virtual COM Driver, 196 Virtual device, 150, 456 Virtual Display Driver (VDD), 94, 102, 408, 410 Virtual DMA Services, 255-256 Virtual Hard Disk (VHD), 34, 422 Virtual Keyboard Device (VKD), 204 Virtual machine (VM) addresses for applications, 215, 453 COM port interrupt processing, 196 described, 239 device drivers in, 204 idle interrupts, 201 memory allocation, 211, 213-214 expanded memory, 213-214 extended memory, 213-214, 239 printer interrupts, 213 read-write requests, 209 SYSTEM.INI entries, 193, 196, 205, 207, 213-214 timeslicing, 207, 291 Virtual memory 32-bit disk access, 520-523 386 enhanced mode, 243-247 creating swap files for, 244-245 defined, 453, 456 demand paging, 245-247, 448 management of, 243, 245-247 optimizing, 245, 520-523 pages, page swapping, and page table, 230, 245, 245-246 PostScript printer requirements, 334 swapping pages to network drive not recommended, 247 Virtual Memory Manager (VMM), 206, 230, 243, 245-246 Virtual Mouse Device (VMD), 100 Index ViruSafe, 404 VMM. See Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) VT320 terminal emulator application, 380 W Wallpaper, 153, 154, 170 Wave audio, 114, 154, 437 Western Digital 32-bit disk access and 1003 controller standard, 520, 523 Ethercard Plus, 388 troubleshooting, 11, 34, 36 WIN386.EXE file, 136, 150, 245 WIN.COM, 11, 68, 136-137, 152 [Win.*] copy-file sections in SETUP.INF, 108-109, 130-131 Win command switches, 249 Window (on screen) running non-Windows applications in a, 292-293 WIN.INI entries, 164-169, 178-179 Windows 2.x, troubleshooting, 432 Windows 3.1. See also 386 enhanced mode Windows; Standard mode Windows; Windows applications; Windows Setup compatibility with MS-DOS 5.0, 269-270 configuration, troubleshooting, 403-417 foreign language versions, 458 maintaining Windows on a network, 369-370 using Setup, 82 minimum installation, 504 MS-DOS 5.0 configuration for, 248-249, 261 new features in 32-bit disk access, 520-523 Character Map, 321 File Manager features, 277 icons, 288 multimedia, 135 network features, 368 Object Linking and Embedding, 352 PIFs, 285 printing, 278 Program Manager features, 273 Setup, 58 SMARTDrive 4.0, 252-256 swap file features, 244 system registration database, 359-363 TrueType fonts, 311, 318-320 universal printer driver, 318, 321-322 upper memory management, 243 537 Windwos 3.1, continued optimizing performance adjusting UMBs, 263-266, 266-269 hardware, 258-260 MS-DOS, 259-260 network, 262 Windows configuration, 260 Windows applications custom installation, 130 defined, 284, 456 files, 151-152 removing, 500 troubleshooting, 43 WINDOWS directory defined, 58 files copied to by Setup, 92, 130 installing Windows in, during Setup, 77-78 personal vs. shared, 368 setting during installation, 64 Windows Driver Library, 478 Windows files core files, 136, 137 deleting, 155, 500-504 driver files, 136-143 font files, 144-146 MS-DOS support files, 148-150 overview, 135-136 Windows applications and related files, 151-155 Windows for Pens, 506-514 Windows help files, 152, 503 [Windows Help] section in WIN.INI, 178-179 Windows Mode Setup checking for SMARTDrive, 70 completing Setup, 71 custom application installation, 69-70 first stages of, 58, 68 system files update, 70 troubleshooting, 402-403 updating from earlier Windows version, 71 Windows Resource Directory hardware support, 482-483 online services, 472-478 reference materials, 483-486 training services, 458-471 user groups, 479-481 Windows Resource Kit disk downloading, 439 installing a sound driver file, 444 Microsoft IPX upgrade utility, 444 README files, 443 setup, 444 utilities described, 440-442 Windows Driver Library, 443, 444 [Windows] section in SETUP.INF, 93 [Windows] section in WIN.INI, 164-169 Windows Resource Kit 538 Index Windows Setup. See also Installing Windows 3.1 Administrative Setup option (setup /a), 72-74 Automated Setup (setup /h), 58, 75-81 Custom Setup, 58, 64-65 Express Setup, 58, 64 MS-DOS Mode Setup, 58, 63-68, 401-402 Network Setup (setup /n), 73-75 overview, 58-63 setup-related files, 152-153 shell, 94 switches for Windows Setup command, 60 technical discussion, 62-71 troubleshooting, 9-17, 399-403 Windows Mode Setup, 58, 68-71, 402-403 Windows shell, 272-276, 277-279 [Windows.system *] sections in SETUP.INF, 93 Windows Technical Support Library, 478 [Winexec] section in SETUP.INF, 90 WINFILE.INI, 223 Wingding (TrueType font), 146 WIN.INI changes in the system registration database, 354 content, 163-182 content summary, 163 preserving, after reinstalling Windows, 15 size, 163 source file (WIN.SRC), 16, 77, 161 substituting screen fonts in, 335 Windows 3.1 changes, 116, 161-162 Windows installation changes, 77 Windows Resource Kit WinOldApp file, 148, 290, 292, 423 WIN.SRC, 16, 77, 161 WINSTART.BAT file, 261 Workstations, network, 71,75, 456 .WPD (Windows PostScript Definition) file, 335 Wyse computer, 12, 419 X X.25 network communications protocol, defined, 456 XGA display driver, 139, 150, 380 XGAAIDOS.SYS, 406 XMM. See Extended memory managers (XMM) XMS. See Extended Memory Specification XMS memory. See Extended memory Z Zenith, troubleshooting, 12, 35 ">
Key features
- Graphical user interface (GUI)
- Multitasking
- Support for non-Windows applications
- Network support
- Enhanced memory management
- Improved printing capabilities
- Multimedia support
Frequently asked questions
The minimum system requirements for Windows 3.1 are: A 386-based computer with at least 4MB of RAM, a hard drive with at least 10MB of free space, and a VGA or EGA display adapter. However, it is strongly recommended to have at least 8MB of RAM and a hard drive with at least 20MB of free space for optimal performance.
The Windows 3.1 installation process is straightforward. You can choose from a variety of installation methods, including Express Setup, Custom Setup, and Administrative Setup. The installation guide provides detailed instructions for each method.
The Windows 3.1 manual includes a comprehensive troubleshooting section that covers a wide range of issues, from memory problems to network connectivity issues. It provides clear and concise steps to help you diagnose and fix problems.
Windows 3.1 provides support for running non-Windows applications. The manual includes a section that explains how to configure and optimize non-Windows applications for use with Windows 3.1.
The manual provides a number of tips and techniques for optimizing Windows 3.1 performance. These include adjusting memory settings, configuring disk caching, and optimizing network settings.