Setup and User’s Guide
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Avid VideoRAID ST Setup and User’s Guide • 0130-07956-01 • June, 2008 • Created • 5/23/08
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Using This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
HP Workstation Configuration and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Macintosh Mac Pro Workstation Configuration and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Installing the VideoRAID ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Launching the Avid VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Accessing the VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Chapter 3
Configuring the VideoRAID ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Accessing the VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Chapter 4
Expanding the VideoRAID ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Cabling and Connecting the VideoRAID ST Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Configuring the Two VideoRAID ST Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Appendix A
Regulatory and Safety Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in the European Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Using This Guide
Congratulations on your purchase of an Avid
ST Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)
Tower (Avid VideoRAID ST) storage enclosure. Avid Technology is pleased to provide this high-performance VideoRAID ST storage enclosure. The Avid VideoRAID ST has been designed to ensure maximum performance and is a result of a partnership with ATTO™
Technology, Inc., a leading provider of premium RAID storage controllers and adapters. The
Avid VideoRAID ST is “powered by ATTO” and uses an ATTO ExpressSAS R380 RAID controller card designed to meet the demands and requirements of media editing and storage workflows at real time speeds as tested and certified by Avid Technology.
The VideoRAID ST can be used with Avid products for both Windows and Macintosh
® operating systems. Unless noted otherwise, the material in this document applies to the
Windows XP and Mac OS
X operating systems.The majority of screen shots in this document were captured on a Windows XP system, but the information applies to both
Windows and Mac OS X systems. Where differences exist, both Windows XP and Mac OS
X screen shots are shown.
The documentation describes the features and hardware of all models. Therefore, your system might not contain certain features and hardware that are covered in the documentation.
Symbols and Conventions
Avid documentation uses the following symbols and conventions:
Symbol or Convention Meaning or Action
n c w
A note provides important related information, reminders, recommendations, and strong suggestions.
A caution means that a specific action you take could cause harm to your computer or cause you to lose data.
A warning describes an action that could cause you physical harm.
Follow the guidelines in this document or on the unit itself when handling electrical equipment.
Symbol or Convention Meaning or Action
> This symbol indicates menu commands (and subcommands) in the order you select them. For example, File > Import means to open the
File menu and then select the Import command.
This symbol indicates a single-step procedure. Multiple arrows in a list indicate that you perform one of the actions listed.
This text indicates that the information applies only to the specified operating system, either Windows or Macintosh OS X.
(Windows), (Windows only), (Macintosh), or
(Macintosh only)
Bold font
Bold font is primarily used in task instructions to identify user interface items and keyboard sequences.
Italic font
Courier Bold font
Italic font is used to emphasize certain words and to indicate variables.
Courier Bold font identifies text that you type.
Ctrl+key or mouse action Press and hold the first key while you press the last key or perform the mouse action. For example, Command+Option+C or Ctrl+drag.
If You Need Help
If you are having trouble using your Avid product:
1. Retry the action, carefully following the instructions given for that task in this guide. It is especially important to check each step of your workflow.
2. Check the latest information that might have become available after the documentation was published:
If the latest information for your Avid product is provided as printed release notes, they ship with your application and are also available online.
If the latest information for your Avid product is provided as a ReadMe file, it is supplied on your Avid installation CD or DVD as a PDF document
(README_product.pdf) and is also available online.
You should always check online for the most up-to-date release notes or ReadMe because the online version is updated whenever new information becomes
available. To view these online versions, select ReadMe from the Help menu, or visit the Knowledge Base at .
3. Check the documentation that came with your Avid application or your hardware for maintenance or hardware-related issues.
How to Order Documentation
4. Visit the online Knowledge Base at . Online services are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Search this online Knowledge Base to find answers, to view error messages, to access troubleshooting tips, to download updates, and to read or join online message-board discussions.
How to Order Documentation
To order additional copies of this documentation from within the United States, call Avid
Sales at 800-949-AVID (800-949-2843). If you are placing an order from outside the United
States, contact your local Avid representative.
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The Avid VideoRAID ST is a Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) storage enclosure featuring a high-performance SAS interface supporting up to 5 Terabyte (TB) of disk storage for editing and broadcast applications. The VideoRAID ST product is supported on both the Windows
and Windows XP operating systems and the Macintosh X 10.4.11 and later operating systems.
See the following topics:
The Avid VideoRAID ST storage enclosure is a five-drive array supporting RAID Level 5.
SATA drives are available in both 500 Gigabyte (GB) and 1Terabyte (TB) capacity and provide a scaling capacity from 2.5 TB to 5 TB in a single enclosure. The Avid VideoRAID
ST configuration tool, a Graphical User Interface (GUI), allows both easy configuration and access to detailed operational information about the VideoRAID ST.
The Avid VideoRAID ST does not support any other RAID levels or Just a Bunch of Disks
The Avid VideoRAID ST is powered by the ATTO SAS RAID R380 Host Bus Adapter
(HBA) controller board. Once installed in your Windows or Macintosh workstation in a PCI
Express (PCIe
) slot, the RAID controller board provides SAS connectivity and RAID functionality. In addition, the Avid VideoRAID ST can be extended to two enclosures (ten
SATA drives) supported by one RAID controller board.
Supported configuration are listed in the following table. In addition, the Avid VideoRAID
ST can be extended to two enclosures (ten drives) supported by one SAS RAID controller board.
1 Overview
Key features of functions of the VideoRAID ST are that it:
• Allows easy configuration with the Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool
• Supports SATA disk drives
• Displays LED indicators, activates audible alarms, and allows event e-mail notification
• Expands to two VideoRAID ST enclosures
• Provides users with an simple, intelligent firmware design without complicated settings
At this time, the supported configurations are listed in the following table.
Supported Configurations
Fully populated
Fully populated
Expansion to two
VideoRAID ST enclosures
Drive Size
500 Gb
1 TB
1 TB drives only
The Avid VideoRAID ST supports RAID level 5. The Avid VideoRAID ST does not support any other RAID levels or Just a Bunch of Disks (JBOD). In a VideoRAID ST five-drive system, if a drive fails, the VideoRAID ST can automatically begin the rebuild process once a new drive is installed into the enclosure.
Shipping Kit
Each Avid VideoRAID ST is a desktop storage unit. Each VideoRAID ships with a one (1) meter miniSAS cable for desktop use, though cable lengths of three (3) and five (5) meters are available.
Each Avid VideoRAID ST enclosure kit contains:
• VideoRAID ST storage enclosure
• ATTO R380 SAS RAID PCIe controller board
• Five SATA Disk drives (boxed separately within enclosure packaging)
• Power cord
• MiniSAS cable (one meter length)
Avid VideoRAID ST
• Avid VideoRAID ST/SR Installation CD
• Avid VideoRAID ST manual n
Visually inspect the shipping carton and if there is any damage, do not remove the contents.
Notify your Avid representative. Check the packing list to verify you have received all the items.
The Avid VideoRAID ST/SR installation CD contains files for both the Avid VideoRAID ST and the Avid VideoRAID SR products. The files and utilities on the installation CD for the
VideoRAID ST are the Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool, the required drivers for both
Windows and Macintosh systems, the ExpressStripe™ utility, and electronic copies of this document.
Avid VideoRAID ST
The Avid VideoRAID ST front and rear panels are shown in the figures in “VideoRAID ST
“VideoRAID ST Rear Panel” on page 15 . On the Avid
VideoRAID ST front panel, the status LEDs indicate the operating status of the enclosure such as, the power and fan LEDs (no color during normal operation). Fan and temperature
LEDs only turn red if there is a failure of the fan or a temperature exceeding recommended levels.
Upon initial power up, the disk drive LED indicator lights red. When the power up cycle completes, the LED indicators light blue during normal operation, flash when accessing the hard drive, and light red when hard drives fail.
VideoRAID ST Front Panel
The Avid VideoRAID ST front panels are shown in the following figure. A table describing the connections follows the illustration.
1 Overview
Fan Temperature Mute Power
Front Panel LED Indicators
Color Description Indicator
No color
Indicates fan failure.
Normal operation.
No color
Indicates temperature range exceeding optimum range.
Normal operation.
The power button illuminates green when the unit is powered on.
This is also the power on and off button.
LED lights when hard disk drives are connected.
LED flashes when unit is accessing the hard disk drive.
LED is off when the system does not detect the hard disk drive.
Red LED lights at power on and thereafter only when hard disk drives fail. Host bus adapter (HBA) boards control the function of this LED.
You can also use the locate function in the configuration tool to locate failed drives.
No color If alarm buzzer is enabled, the mute button silences the audible alarm.
System Requirements
VideoRAID ST Rear Panel
The Avid VideoRAID ST rear panels are shown in the following figure. A table describing the connections follows this illustration.
Mini SAS connector
Rear Panel Connectors
Connector Description
Host (top)
Host (bottom)
Power miniSAS connector to workstation HBA.
Connects to host COM port.
Power cord connection.
System Requirements
The Windows and Macintosh workstations currently supported with the VideoRAID ST are listed on the Avid web site. As more systems and third-party boards are tested and qualified, and as different configurations meet approval, they will be posted on the Avid web site. For the latest information concerning workstations qualified with the VideoRAID ST, go to
1 Overview
The following section describes and identifies the connections used on the rear of the
) qualified and Macintosh workstations. This information is for informational purposes and is different for each individual workstation. See the manufacturer’s instructions for your particular workstation.
HP Workstation Configuration and Connections
The following table lists the supported configurations and their respective qualified slot configurations. For the latest information concerning qualified workstations and their respective configurations for the VideoRAID ST, go to
The following figure is an example of the rear of an HP workstation showing the qualified slot configuration for the VideoRAID ST. This illustration is shown only as an example.
Because each workstation is configured differently, connection locations can vary.
Although your workstation may have an existing SAS port, the HBA R380 controller board provides the RAID support for the Avid VideoRAID ST. Native SAS ports on workstations do not provide RAID support.
The rear panel also contains ports for connecting the mouse, keyboard, monitors, and application key (dongle).
PCI Slots
System Requirements
Macintosh Mac Pro Workstation Configuration and Connections
The following figure is an example of the rear of a Macintosh workstation showing the qualified slot configuration for the Avid VideoRAID ST. This illustration is shown only as an example. Because each workstation is configured differently, connection locations can vary.
Power cord socket
Locking latch
Slot 4
Slot 3
Slot 2
Slot 1
1 Overview
Installing the VideoRAID ST
Installation of the Avid VideoRAID ST enclosure requires installing the RAID controller board in your Windows or Macintosh workstation. The RAID controller board provides SAS connectivity and RAID functionality. n
Although your workstation may have an existing SAS port, the HBA R380 controller board provides the RAID functionality and the SAS connectivity for the Avid VideoRAID ST. Native
SAS ports on workstations do not provide RAID functionality.
Windows and Macintosh workstations require the same ATTO HBA R380 controller board.
The installation process for the Avid VideoRAID ST requires preparing for the installation, installing the RAID controller board into your workstation, and installing the Avid
VideoRAID ST configuration tool. The next steps in the process are to install the drivers, the disk drives, and then to cable, connect and configure the VideoRAID ST. n
The installation process is the same for both the Windows and Macintosh workstations.
Where the procedure is different for Macintosh users, it is noted. The majority of screen shots in this document were captured on a Windows system, but the information applies both to Windows and Macintosh systems.
See the following topics:
Installing the R380 HBA Controller Board
Installing the VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool
Cabling and Connecting the Avid VideoRAID ST
Using the Disk Management Utility
2 Installing the VideoRAID ST
Preparing for Installation
Preparing for installation includes ensuring that the area where you install the
VideoRAID ST meets the electrical and environmental conditions.
Environmental Requirements
The site you choose for your VideoRAID ST workstation should meet the following environmental requirements:
• Clean and dust free.
• Free from significant temperature or humidity changes.
• Sturdy, level, and not subject to vibration.
• Away from radio frequency emissions, high-traffic, or high-noise areas.
• Adequate space in front of and behind the workstation components, so you can connect cables and service your workstation. This also provides adequate airflow for cooling.
• A minimum clearance of 3 inches (7.6 cm) for the side and back panels of the desk side base unit.
Electrical Requirements
Select your site with the following electrical requirements in mind:
• Make sure there are adequate power outlets for the VideoRAID ST. This prevents the need for extension cords.
• Make sure your site is away from major electrical equipment such as motors, air conditioners, or elevators.
• Make sure the location is not subject to static electrical buildup.
• Plug only the VideoRAID ST and other system equipment into the power strip. Do not plug in coffee makers, radios, lights, or other non-Avid devices. Avid recommends the use of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) appropriately sized for your system configuration. The UPS provides system protection against sudden power surges or losses that could cause you to lose your work.
The following table describes the electrical specifications for the VideoRAID ST workstation:
100 to 240 V ac
50 to 60 Hz
Installing the R380 HBA Controller Board
The following table lists the dimensions of the Avid VideoRAID ST enclosures.
Hardware component
Width: 5.2
Depth: 22.1
Depth: 56.1
Installing the R380 HBA Controller Board
The RAID R380 HBA controller board needs to be installed in both Windows and MAC workstations to support RAID functionality. The RAID controller board ships with the Avid
VideoRAID ST and must be installed in a Windows or a Macintosh workstation in a
PCIe slot. See the manufacturer’s documentation that came with your workstation for instructions on installing additional boards and for the location of your PCIe slots.
Anti-static precautions, for example, the use of an anti-static mat, or an anti-static wrist or ankle strap, must be used when handling hardware components and boards.
Never touch any exposed electrical connectors on the components as they can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD).
The Windows and Macintosh workstations currently supported with the VideoRAID ST are listed on the Avid web site. As more workstations are tested and qualified, and as different configurations meet approval, these configurations will be posted on the Avid web site. For the latest information concerning workstations qualified with the VideoRAID ST, go to
Each Windows or Macintosh workstation has its own particular slot configuration location.
Refer to the documentation that came with your workstation for the location of the
PCIe slots.
Installing Drivers
After the RAID controller board has been installed in your workstation, the next step is to install the drivers for the controller board. The drivers for the RAID controller board are located on the Avid VideoRAID ST/SR CD that ships with the Avid VideoRAID ST and are also available for download at the download center at The most up-to-date drivers are on the download center. Depending on your operating system, choose one of the following drivers for your system and follow the installation procedure.
2 Installing the VideoRAID ST
Windows XP and Vista
If you are using a Windows XP or a Vista workstation, you need to install the driver for the
Windows operating system:
To install the drivers for Windows XP and Vista:
1. Turn on your workstation.
2. To access the drivers to install, follow the folder structure on the Avid VideoRAID ST/SR
Installation CD to the Avid VideoRAID ST folder.
3. Inside the VideoRAID ST folder, locate the RAID controller R380 driver for the version of Windows you are using.
4. Click on the R380 driver for the version of Windows you are using.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the driver installation.
Macintosh Operating Systems
If you are using a Macintosh workstation you will need to install the driver for the
Macintosh operating system:
To install the drivers for the Macintosh operating systems:
1. Turn on your workstation.
2. To access the drivers to install, follow the folder structure on the Avid VideoRAID ST/SR
Installation CD to the Avid VideoRAID ST.
3. Inside the VideoRAID ST folder, locate the RAID controller R380 driver for the version of Macintosh you are using and click on the R380 driver.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the driver installation.
Installing the VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool
The Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool is a GUI which is both a configuration tool and a portal to view operational information about your VideoRAID ST enclosure. The configuration tool requires the Sun
Java™ Virtual Machine application, version 1.5 or later.
When the Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool launches, if the latest version of Java is not resident on your workstation, the application directs you to the Sun web site and installs the latest version of Java.
If you are using a Macintosh system, download the Java software from the Apple
Web site
(, use the Apple Software Update) or download it from
Installing the VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool
Detailed information on using the Avid Configuration tool follows in the “Configuring the
Launching the Avid VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool
The Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool ships on the Avid VideoRAID ST/SR installation
CD with your VideoRAID ST enclosure.
To install the Avid Configuration tool (Windows):
1. Verify Java Virtual Machine (Java) version 1.5 or later is installed on your workstation.
2. From the Avid VideoRAID ST ST CD, follow the folder structure on the Avid
VideoRAID ST/SR installation CD to the Avid VideoRAID ST and double-click the executable file.
The installation wizard installs the Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool.
3. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool on your workstation.
To install the Avid Configuration tool (Macintosh):
1. Check Software update to ensure the latest Java updates have been applied.
2. From the Avid VideoRAID ST CD, follow the folder structure on the Avid VideoRAID
ST/SR installation CD to the Avid VideoRAID ST and double-click the zip file.
The installation wizard installs the Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool.
3. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the Avid Configuration tool on your workstation.
Accessing the VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool
The Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool allows you to view and configure your RAID drives. The following is an overview of the functionality of the Avid Configuration tool.
To access the Avid Configuration Tool:
1. Locate the application icon in the folder you created during installation or the shortcut icon on your desktop.
2. Double-click the icon to start the application.
The main window of the configuration tool displays.
The following information displays in the Avid configuration tool window:
The Device Listing window at the left of the display page lists all devices currently connected to the system.
2 Installing the VideoRAID ST
Expand the device tree to reveal additional detail on connected devices.
The Configuration Options window in the right window pane provides information and options for a device highlighted in the device listing.
If you highlight a device in the Device Listing, specific tabs and panels display for that device.
The display of the Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool is in a tree node design.
You highlight a device in the Device Listing in the left pane of the configuration tool, and specific tabs and panels display for that device.
Installing the Disk Drives
Installing the Disk Drives
The VideoRAID’s SATA disk drives ship separately from the VideoRAID ST enclosure.
Install your disk drives before you connect the VideoRAID ST enclosure. All five bays of the VideoRAID ST must be populated at all times with disk drives. If it is necessary to run the Avid VideoRAID ST with fewer than five drives, drive fillers must be installed in the other drives not populated with the disk drives.
RAID 5 is only supported on five disk drives.
To install the VideoRAID drives in the enclosure:
1. Turn off the power to the VideoRAID ST.
2. Ensure that you are using the appropriate anti-static precautions.
Anti-static precautions, for example, the use of an anti-static mat or an anti-static wrist or ankle strap, must be used when handling hardware components and boards. Never touch any exposed electrical connectors on the components as they can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD)
3. Remove the disk drive from the anti-static shipping bag.
4. Push the drive carrier latch on the front of the disk drive to the right (see the following figure).
Drive carrier latch
Drive carrier handle
5. Pull open the drive carrier handle on the front of the disk drive.
2 Installing the VideoRAID ST
6. Insert the disk drive into the empty slot of the VideoRAID ST enclosure. The drive snaps into place.
Cabling and Connecting the Avid VideoRAID ST
7. Close the handle on the disk drive to secure the drive in the enclosure.
8. Repeat Steps 3 through 7 for each remaining disk drive.
Cabling and Connecting the Avid VideoRAID ST
You are now ready to cable and connect the Avid VideoRAID ST enclosure. Each
VideoRAID ST enclosure ships with a power cord and a one-meter miniSAS cable to connect your VideoRAID ST enclosure. The miniSAS connector can fit only one way into the VideoRAID ST and your RAID controller board in your workstation.
2 Installing the VideoRAID ST
To connect your VideoRAID ST:
1. Turn off your workstation before connecting the Avid VideoRAID ST.
2. Plug one end of the miniSAS cable into the top SAS connector on the rear of the
Avid VideoRAID ST enclosure.
SAS connector
Power n
Do not use the bottom SAS connector on the VideoRAID ST enclosure.
3. Plug the other end of the miniSAS cable into the R380 SAS (RAID controller board) port on the controller board in your workstation.
4. Plug one end of the power cord into the power connector on the Avid VideoRAID ST and the other end into a properly grounded power outlet.
5. Turn on your Avid VideoRAID ST and then turn on your workstation.
The blue LEDs on the disk drives flash as the drives boot up. On any workstation, when the blue LEDs remain solid, you are ready to configure your VideoRAID ST.
Using the Disk Management Utility
Using the Disk Management Utility
The Disk Management Utility on your workstation is the utility used to create partitions on the disk drives of the Avid VideoRAID ST. It is recommended to always use the quick initialization during RAID configuration, as it allows users to create their partitions while the RAID initialization is active.
Windows XP
To create partitions on your RAID configuration:
1. Click the Start button, right-click My Computer, and select Manage.
The Computer Management window opens.
2. Select Storage > Disk Management.
The Disk Management area opens.
3. Right-click the newly installed, unallocated disk drive.
Make sure you are choosing the newly installed disk drive (unallocated drive) to partition.
4. Click New > Simple Volume.
The Initialization Wizard displays.
5. Click Next through the Wizard to partition your disk.
Disk management partitions your Avid VideoRAID ST as one partition.
6. Right-click the newly partitioned drive and choose Format from the drop-down list.
2 Installing the VideoRAID ST
The Format dialog box opens.
7. Select File system > NTFS and select Perform a quick format.
8. Click OK.
The formatting of your disk begins.
Windows Vista
To create partitions on your RAID configuration:
1. Click the Start button, right-click My Computer, and select Manage.
The Computer Management window opens.
2. Select Storage > Disk Management.
The Disk Management area opens.
Using the Disk Management Utility
3. Right-click the newly installed disk drive, (unallocated drive) and select New Partition
(new drive).
Make sure you are choosing the newly installed disk drive (unallocated drive) to partition.
4. Click OK.
The Initialization Wizard displays.
5. Click Next through the Wizard to partition your disk.
Disk management partitions your Avid VideoRAID ST as one partition.
6. Right-click the newly partitioned drive and choose Format from the drop-down list.
The Format Partition dialog box opens.
7. Select File system > NTFS and select Perform a quick format.
8. Click Next until the wizard finishes.
The formatting of your disk begins.
9. Click OK.
The formatting of your disk begins. Upon completion, your Avid VideoRAID ST is ready to use.
The ATTO ExpressStripe utility is used to format, partition, and stripe your drives on a
Macintosh operating system.
2 Installing the VideoRAID ST
To launch ExpressStripe:
1. Follow the folder structure on the Avid VideoRAID ST/SR installation CD to the Avid
VideoRAID ST folder, and locate the ExpressStripe application. Double-click the installer file.
2. Click Create.
The ExpressStripe tool opens.
3. Click Delete and then click Volume to delete the volume.
4. Click Create and in the next window, click Initialize.
Using the Disk Management Utility
5. Select the drives you want to initialize and click Next.
6. Click the Drives verified button and then click OK.
2 Installing the VideoRAID ST
34 n
Make sure you are choosing the newly installed disk drive (unallocated drive) to partition.
7. Click Continue.
8. Click Create a Standard Volume and click Next.
9. Click continue.
10. Choose how many volumes you want and click Next.
11. Select Format > Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
Using the Disk Management Utility
12. Click Finish.
13. Click Quit.
Your Avid VideoRAID ST is ready to use.
2 Installing the VideoRAID ST
Configuring the VideoRAID ST
For information about configuring the VideoRAID ST, see the following topics:
Accessing the VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool
Accessing the VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool
The Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool provides information about your
VideoRAID ST and allows access to configuration and viewing of your RAID drives as well as allowing the configuration of event notifications. The VideoRAID ST configuration tool can create and configure the disk drives into RAID groups after the initial installation.
The RAID controller board provides the capability to configure disk storage into RAID groups. Each RAID group can be divided into one or more partitions with each partition appearing to the host operating system as a separate virtual disk.
To access the Avid configuration tool:
1. Locate the desktop shortcut icon or the application icon in the folder you created during installation.
2. Double-click the icon to start the application.
The main window of the configuration tool opens.
The following information displays in the Avid configuration tool window:
The Device Listing window at the left of the display page lists all devices currently connected to the system. You can also expand the device tree to reveal additional details on connected devices.
The ExpressSAS R380 appears in the device listing.
The Configuration Options window in the right pane provides information and options for the device highlighted in the device listing.
3 Configuring the VideoRAID ST
The following additional information displays:
• The names of RAID controller boards installed in your workstation
• Information about the drivers controlling the adapters, including version information for both the currently executing driver and the flash image
• Information about the devices attached to RAID controller board
By choosing the RAID controller board (ExpressSAS R380) in the Device Listing, you can view information about the disk drives in the Avid VideoRAID ST, create disk groups, set
RAID levels, and expand your VideoRAID ST to two bays.
The following table outlines the options available in the Device Listing window on the left and which tab in the configuration window on the right displays information about that particular device.
Configuring RAID Groups
Avid VideoRAID ST Configuration Tool Display
Tree Node Display Tab Options Description
Local Hosts
RAID controller board
(R380 SAS)
Basic Info
Basic Info
The Basic tab provides basic information about the device currently highlighted in the device listing or the host if the local host is highlighted.
User defined notifications tab.
The Basic tab provides basic information about the device currently highlighted in the device listing or the host if the local host is highlighted.
The Flash tab provides information about the current revision of flash loaded on the highlighted host adapter.
The RAID tab allows users to create groups, set RAID levels, and initialize drives.
For Technical Support only.
NVRAM panel displays the NVRAM parameters applicable to the adapter and channel selected
PCI information is displayed in the PCI Info tab
Configuring RAID Groups
The RAID controller board provides the capability to configure your disk drives into RAID groups. Use the Avid configuration tool to set up RAID level 5 groups on your
Each RAID group may be divided into one or more partitions with each partition appearing to the host operating system as a virtual disk. In the following procedure, a new 5-bay
VideoRAID ST enclosure is being configured for RAID 5.
3 Configuring the VideoRAID ST
To configure your VideoRAID ST for RAID Level 5:
1. If this is not an initial installation, backup all existing data to another location. c
This configuration destroys all existing saved data.
2. Double-click the Avid configuration icon either in the folder you created during installation or on your desktop to open the VideoRAID ST configuration tool.
The Welcome screen opens.
3. Select Hosts > Localhosts > ExpressSAS R380 (RAID controller board) in the Device
Listing on the left.
4. Click the RAID tab in the right hand pane of the VideoRAID ST configuration tool.
The application scans for drives and then populates the top pane of the right-hand window with the list of drives installed in the VideoRAID ST storage enclosure.
5. Select Group from the bottom panel of the right-hand window and name your new
RAID group.
6. Select the drives in the upper pane and drag and drop them into the new group area at the bottom of the right-hand pane.
Configuring RAID Groups
7. Click Next and Select RAID level 5, Interleave 256 KB and Express initialization from the Create New RAID group dialog box.
Selecting Express initialization allows you to begin using your VideoRAID ST before the initialization completes.
8. Select Adaptive and Auto Rebuild on the Create New RAID group dialog box. Click
The Confirm Operation dialog box opens.
9. Click Yes.
The RAID initialization process begins. Express initialization allows you to begin using your VideoRAID ST while the initialization process is active. You can click on the
RAID group in the lower pan to view the status of the rebuild while it is in process.
3 Configuring the VideoRAID ST
Rebuilding Disk Drives
The Avid VideoRAID ST has the capability to rebuild a failed drive and restore RAID
Level 5 parity in your VideoRAID ST in the unlikely event that a disk drive goes bad. Use the VideoRAID ST configuration tool to rebuild your RAID 5 group when a disk drives fails.
You are alerted to disk failures by the LED on the disk drive turning red, e-mail notification
(if configured), or by viewing the operational status of the VideoRAID ST with the configuration tool. When a disk drive fails in the VideoRAID ST, the RAID group is degraded without parity protection until a new disk is installed and rebuilt. You use the Avid
VideoRAID ST configuration tool to replace failed drives and restore RAID level 5 parity to your Avid VideoRAID ST.
When rebuilding failed drives, you have the choice of pausing your work while the
VideoRAID ST system rebuilds RAID level 5 parity, or you can continue to use your Avid
VideoRAID ST while the process is underway. If you choose to continue working while the
VideoRAID ST is a failed drive, remember that there is no RAID level 5 parity available during the process. If you choose to wait for the RAID level 5 parity to rebuild before using, a VideoRAID ST system with a 500-GB disk drive should take approximately three hours, and approximately six hours for a system with 1-TB disk drives it should take approximately six hours.
Use the following procedure to rebuild a failed disk drive.
Rebuilding Disk Drives
To rebuild disk drives on your VideoRAID ST for RAID Level 5:
1. Visually inspect the VideoRAID ST enclosure to see which disk drive has failed. This information is also available through viewing the disk drive in the VideoRAID ST configuration tool.
2. Remove the failed disk drive from the storage enclosure.
3. Remove the new disk drive from the anti-static shipping bag.
Anti-static precautions, for example, the use of an anti-static mat or an anti-static wrist or ankle strap, must be used when handling hardware components and boards. Never touch any exposed electrical connectors on the components as they can be damaged by electrostatic discharge (ESD)
4. Ensure that you are using the appropriate anti-static precautions.
5. Install the new disk drive into the VideoRAID ST.
6. Select Hosts > Localhosts > ExpressSAS R380 (RAID controller board) in the Device
Listing on the left.
The newly installed disk drive appears in the top pane of the configuration tool with an empty usage field as shown in the following figure.
3 Configuring the VideoRAID ST
7. Click the RAID tab in the right hand pane of the VideoRAID ST configuration tool.
8. Drag and drop the new drive into the bottom pane of the VideoRAID ST configuration tool. n
The new drive has an empty usage field.
9. Click Next and Select RAID level 5, Interleave 256 KB and Express initialization from the Create New RAID group dialog box.
10. Select Adaptive and Auto Rebuild on the Create New RAID group dialog box. Click
The Confirm Operation dialog box opens.
Rebuilding Disk Drives
11. Click Yes.
The RAID group initialization process begins. For 500-GB drives, the rebuild process takes approximately three hours. For 1-TB drives, the rebuild process takes approximately six hours.
12. When the rebuild is complete, the newly rebuilt drive automatically becomes part of the existing RAID level 5 group and RAID level 5 parity is restored.
3 Configuring the VideoRAID ST
Expanding the VideoRAID ST
For information about expanding the VideoRAID ST, see the following topics:
Connecting Two VideoRAID ST Enclosures
Using the Disk Management Utility
Connecting Two VideoRAID ST Enclosures
The VideoRAID ST can be expanded to ten drives by connecting two VideoRAID ST storage enclosures. Use the following procedure to connect two VideoRAID ST enclosures.
After connecting the two enclosures, use the Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool to upgrade the RAID configuration. The RAID level available is RAID Level 5.
The procedure to expand a single VideoRAID ST includes connecting the enclosure and then configuring the RAID drives into a group.
Cabling and Connecting the VideoRAID ST Enclosures
Before beginning the expansion process you need to connect the VideoRAID ST enclosures.
Use the following procedure to connect the two VideoRAID ST storage enclosures. The process to connect two enclosure is similar whether this is an initial installation or an add-on to an existing installation.
To connect an initial installation of two VideoRAID ST enclosures:
1. If this is an initial installation, follow the procedures in the Installation Chapter from
“Preparing for Installation” on page 20
through “Installing the Disk Drives” on page 25
on each enclosure.
2. If this is an existing installation and you are expanding to two enclosures, back up all existing data to another location as upgrading to two enclosures overwrites all existing saved data on your existing drives.
Be sure to back up all of your existing data as the expansion process overwrites all existing saved data.
3. Turn off your workstation before connecting the Avid VideoRAID ST.
4 Expanding the VideoRAID ST
4. Plug one end of one of the miniSAS cable into the top SAS connector on the rear of the first Avid VideoRAID ST.
5. Plug the other end of the miniSAS cable into the R380 SAS (RAID controller board) port in your workstation.
6. Plug the other end of one of the miniSAS cable into the top SAS connector on the rear of the second Avid VideoRAID ST.
7. Plug the second miniSAS cable into the R380 SAS (RAID controller board) port in your workstation.
8. Plug one end of each of the power cords into the power connector on each of the Avid
VideoRAID ST and the other end of each power cord into a properly grounded power outlet.
The following figure is shown only as an example and shows two VideoRAID STs connected to a PC workstation.
Each individual workstation has a particular PCIe slot configuration. See for the most up-to-date slot configurations.
9. Install your disk drives into the new VideoRAID ST or install the additional drives into
the original VideoRAID ST (see “Installing the Disk Drives” on page 25 ). Be sure to
follow anti-static precautions.
Connecting Two VideoRAID ST Enclosures
10. Turn on each of your VideoRAID ST enclosures and then turn on your workstation.
11. Allow the drives to spin up and wait until the drive LEDs turn steady blue.
Configuring the Two VideoRAID ST Enclosures
The process to configure the two VideoRAID ST enclosures is basically the same as configuring a single VideoRAID ST enclosure. The screen shots that follow were taken on a
Macintosh system, but the process is the same whether you are using a Windows or a
Macintosh workstation.
To configure the dual VideoRAID ST (multiple enclosure):
1. Back up all existing data to another location; this configuration overwrites all existing saved data (if this is not an initial installation).
2. Double-click the Avid configuration icon either in the folder you created during installation or on your desktop to open the Avid configuration tool.
The Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool welcome screen opens.
3. Click Hosts and then the Express SAS R380 in the Device Listing on the left.
4. Click the RAID tab in the right-hand side of the Avid configuration tool.
The application scans for drives and a list of available drives appears in the top panel.
5. Click an existing Group in the bottom pane of the right-hand window and delete the existing group.
4 Expanding the VideoRAID ST n
Be sure you have backed up all your existing media to a separate, safe location before you delete the Group.
6. Click Yes to confirm the deletion of the existing RAID Group.
The existing RAID Groups are deleted.
7. Right-click the bottom pane of the right-hand window selecting the ten drives, and select Create New Group.
8. Name new group.
9. Select all ten drives in the upper pane of the RAID window and drag them to the bottom pane.
10. Select Next in the Create dialog box and then select RAID level 5, Interleave 256K and
Express initialization from the Create New RAID group dialog box.
11. Select Adaptive, Low rebuild priority, and Auto Rebuild in the Create New RAID group dialog box. Click Next.
12. Click Finish.
A confirmation window displays:
Using the Disk Management Utility
13. Click Yes.
The VideoRAID ST configuration tool completes the configuration.
Using the Disk Management Utility
The Disk Management Utility on your workstation is the utility used to create partitions on the disk drives of the Avid VideoRAID ST. It is recommended to always use the quick initialization during RAID configuration, as it allows users to create their partitions while the RAID initialization is active. (For your convenience, the following procedures are a copy
of those included in “Installing the VideoRAID ST” on page 19
Windows XP
To create partitions on your RAID configuration:
1. Click the Start button, right-click My Computer, and select Manage.
The Computer Management window opens.
2. Select Storage > Disk Management.
The Disk Management area opens.
4 Expanding the VideoRAID ST
3. Right-click the newly installed, unallocated disk drive.
Make sure you are choosing the newly installed disk drive (unallocated drive) to partition.
4. Click New > Simple Volume.
The Initialization Wizard displays.
5. Click Next through the Wizard to partition your disk.
Disk management partitions your Avid VideoRAID ST as one partition.
6. Right-click the newly partitioned drive and choose Format from the drop-down list.
The Format dialog box opens.
7. Select File system > NTFS and select Perform a quick format.
Using the Disk Management Utility
8. Click OK.
The formatting of your disk begins.
Windows Vista
To create partitions on your RAID configuration:
1. Click the Start button, right-click My Computer, and select Manage.
The Computer Management window opens.
2. Select Storage > Disk Management.
The Disk Management area opens.
3. Right-click the newly installed disk drive, (unallocated drive) and select New Partition
(new drive).
Make sure you are choosing the newly installed disk drive (unallocated drive) to partition.
4. Click OK.
The Initialization Wizard displays.
5. Click Next through the Wizard to partition your disk.
Disk management partitions your Avid VideoRAID ST as one partition.
6. Right-click the newly partitioned drive and choose Format from the drop-down list.
The Format Partition dialog box opens.
4 Expanding the VideoRAID ST
7. Select File system > NTFS and select Perform a quick format.
8. Click Next until the wizard finishes.
The formatting of your disk begins.
9. Click OK.
The formatting of your disk begins. Upon completion, your Avid VideoRAID ST is ready to use.
The ATTO ExpressStripe utility is used to format, partition, and stripe your drives on a
Macintosh operating system.
Using the Disk Management Utility
To launch ExpressStripe:
1. Follow the folder structure on the Avid VideoRAID ST/SR installation CD to the Avid
VideoRAID ST folder, and locate the ExpressStripe application. Double-click the installer file.
2. Click Create.
The ExpressStripe tool opens.
3. Click Delete and then click Volume to delete the volume.
4. Click Create and in the next window, click Initialize.
4 Expanding the VideoRAID ST
5. Select the drives you want to initialize and click Next.
6. Click the Drives verified button and then click OK.
Using the Disk Management Utility n
Make sure you are choosing the newly installed disk drive (unallocated drive) to partition.
7. Click Continue.
8. Click Create a Standard Volume and click Next.
9. Click continue.
10. Choose how many volumes you want and click Next.
11. Select Format > Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
4 Expanding the VideoRAID ST
12. Click Finish.
13. Click Quit.
Your Avid VideoRAID ST is ready to use.
Regulatory and Safety Notices
Warnings and Cautions
Never install equipment if it appears damaged.
Disconnect the power cord before servicing unit.
Only perform the services explicitly described in this document. For services or procedures not outlined in this document, speak with authorized Avid service personnel.
Follow all warnings and cautions in the procedures.
Operate the device within its marked electrical ratings and product usage instructions.
FCC Notice
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or television technician for help
Canadian ICES-003
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing
Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.
European Union Declaration of Conformity
Declaration of conformity
Déclaration de conformité
Declaración de Confomidad
Verklaring de overeenstemming
Dichiarazione di conformità
Avid Technology
1925 Andover Street
Tewksbury, MA, 01876 USA
European Contact: Nearest Avid Sales and Service Office or
Avid Technology International B.V.
Sandyford Business Center
Unit 3
Dublin 18, Ireland declare under our sole responsibility that the product, erklären, in alleniniger Verantwortung,daß dieses Produkt, déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que le produit,
European Union Declaration of Conformity declaramos, bajo nuestra sola responsabilidad, que el producto, verklaren onder onze verantwoordelijkheid, dat het product, dichiariamo sotto nostra unica responsabilità, che il prodotto,
Product Name(s): VideoRAID ST
Model Number(s): 7020-20257-XX
Product Option(s): This declaration covers all options for the above product(s).
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative documents.
auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit der/den folgenden Norm(en) oder Richtlinie(n)
auquel se réfère cette déclaration est conforme à la (aux) norme(s) ou au(x) document(s) normatif(s).
al que se refiere esta declaración es conforme a la(s) norma(s) u otro(s) documento(s) normativo(s).
waarnaar deze verklaring verwijst, aan de volende norm(en) of richtlijn(en) beantwoordt.
a cui si riferisce questa dichiarazione è conforme alla/e seguente/i norma/o documento/i normativo/i.
The requirements of the European Council:
Safety: Directive 2006/95/EEC
UL 60950-1, 2nd edition (2007)
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1-07
IEC 60950-1,2nd edition, 2005-12
EN 60950-1: 2006
EMC: Directive 93/68/EEC
EN55024:1998 /A1:2001 /A2:2003
EN61000-3-2:2000 /A2:2005
EN60000-3-3:1995 /A1:2001 /A2:2005
May 23, 2008
Issued in Tewksbury, MA USA 2008
Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in the
European Union
This symbol on the product or its packaging indicates that this product must not be disposed of with other waste. Instead, it is your responsibility to dispose of your waste equipment by handing it over to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. The separate collection and recycling of your waste equipment at the time of disposal will help conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the environment. For more information about where you can drop off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact your local city recycling office or the dealer from whom you purchased the product.
Australia and New Zealand EMC Regulations
Nigel Streatfield General Manager
Avid Technology (Australia
Unit B
5 Skyline Place
French Forest NSW 2086
Phone: 61-2-8977-4800
Taiwan EMC Regulations
Taiwan EMC Regulations BSMI Class A EMC Warning
Anti-static precautions
ATTO R380 HBA board
Australia EMC regulations
Avid VideoRAID ST cabling and connecting
configuration tool
front panel buttons
front panel LED indicators
HP workstations supported
Macintosh workstations supported
Operating systems supported
rear panel
rear panel connectors
shipping kit contents
supported configurations
system requirements
Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool accessing
cabling the VideoRAID ST enclosures
Canadian interference causing equipment regulations
RAID groups
two VideoRAID ST enclosures
Dimensions hardware
disk drives installing
Electrical specifications
European Union notice
FCC notice
Hardware dimensions
Avid VideoRAID ST configuration tool
disk drives
drivers for the controller board
two VideoRAID ST enclosures
VideoRAID ST configuration tool
Installing drivers
Windows XP and Vista
launching the Avid VideoRA ST tool
New Zealand EMC regulations
RAID configuring groups
levels supported
rebuilding disk drives
Regulatory information
Requirements electrical
Safety information
Site planning requirements
Specifications electrical
Taiwan EMC regulations
Uninterruptible power supply
64 cabling
VideoRAID ST configuration tool

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