PS Engineering PMA6000 S, S-C, M-S, M-S-C Audio Control Panel Pilot's Guide

Below you will find brief product information for PMA6000 PMA6000S, PMA6000 PMA6000S-C, PMA6000 PMA6000M-S, PMA6000 PMA6000M-S-C . The PMA6000 series audio control panel is a complete intercom system for general aviation aircraft that includes a variety of features to enhance communication and entertainment. The PMA6000S series also includes a built-in marker beacon receiver, which can be very useful for pilots who fly in areas with marker beacons.

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PS Engineering PMA6000 Series Pilot's Guide | Manualzz




Key features

  • Stereo Intercom
  • Optional Marker Beacon Receiver
  • Audio Selector Panel
  • Split Mode for Pilot/Copilot
  • Swap Mode for Com 1/Com 2
  • Soft Mute for Entertainment Inputs
  • Internal Recorder System (Optional)
  • Fail-Safe Operation
  • VOX Squelch Control
  • Adjustable Intercom Volume

Frequently asked questions

'Split Mode' allows the pilot and copilot to communicate on separate radio channels (Com 1 and Com 2) simultaneously, while isolating them from each other on the intercom. This is ideal for situations like when the pilot needs to communicate with air traffic control while the copilot uses Flight Watch.

'Swap Mode' lets you switch between Com 1 and Com 2 radios using a remote yoke-mounted button. This means you can quickly change your active radio without taking your hands off the controls.

'Soft Mute' automatically reduces the volume of music or entertainment when intercom or radio communications occur. It then gradually increases the volume back to its original level after communication ends, ensuring minimal disruption to your entertainment.

The 'Fail-Safe' mode connects the pilot's headset directly to Com 1, ensuring communication regardless of the unit's status. This is activated whenever the power is turned off or removed.

Yes, you can use a single entertainment device by installing a switch between the device and entertainment input #1. This allows the pilot and copilot to choose whether they hear entertainment while in the Crew mode.
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