Kudos CURVED SLIDER SIDE ACCESS 1000 x 810mm, 1200 x 910mm, OFFSET 1000 x 810mm, 1200 x 910mm Shower Enclosure Installation Instructions
Below you will find brief information for Shower Enclosure CURVED SLIDER SIDE ACCESS 1000 x 810mm, Shower Enclosure CURVED SLIDER SIDE ACCESS 1200 x 910mm. The shower enclosure is designed to be easy to install and comes with step-by-step instructions. The enclosure also includes a variety of features, such as curved rails, height adjusters, and a sliding door that makes it easy to get in and out of the shower. The enclosure is also pre-treated with Life Shield on the inside surfaces only to help prevent the build-up of harmful lime-scale and soap deposits.
ORIGINAL RANGE KUDOS REFRESHING INNOVATION IN SHOWERS CURVED SLIDER SIDE ACCESS Installation Instructions Please read these instructions before installing, as incorrect fitting will invalidate the guarantee. Carry out each stage before moving onto the next. Do not dispose of packaging, no claims for missing or damaged parts will be accepted if the packaging has been disposed of. If you are unsure about these instructions please contact Kudos Shower Products: Customer Service Helpline: 01539 564040 KEY STAGES TOOLS REQUIRED ? Flat-Headed Screwdriver ? Pozi-Drive Screwdriver ? Spirit Level ? Tape Measure ? Silicone Sealant ? 4mm & 2.5mm Allen Key (Supplied) ? Electric Drill ? 7mm Drill Bit (Masonry) ? Scissors ? Lubricant (vaseline) IMPORTANT ? Insert stop blocks into curved rails ? Fit Curved rails to fixed panel glass ? Hand unit and fix wallposts to curves rails ? Position and mark unit onto tray ? Fix connector posts to wall ? Fix unit to connector posts ? Adjust wall post so that level and straight ? Fix panel glass into place & fit seals ? Hand sliding door if needed and fit ? Fit all cover caps and silicone seal Check appearance of shower enclosure - any defects must be Prior to tiling, any gap or crevice between the rim of the tray and reported to Kudos Shower Products before assembly/installation the wall must be filled with silicone sealant flush with the rim of the Claims for imperfections will only be accepted prior to tray - see Fig.1 assembly/installation Waterproof the walls using ceramic tiles/shower panels etc. before Any claims made under the terms of the Lifetime Guarantee installation of the shower enclosure must be reported to Kudos within 21 days of the fault occurring Fully seal between tiles/shower panels and the tray BEFORE installing the enclosure - see Fig.2 Check the enclosure adjustment sizes are suitable for your installation Use care when drilling into the walls to avoid hidden pipes or electric cables Ensure the top of shower tray is level in all directions Once the tray is installed but before the tiles are fitted any crevice between the tray and the walls must be filled with silicone sealant flush with the top of the tray. SILICONE SEALANT FIG.1 FIG.2 Once the walls have been tiled but before the enclosure is installed, the tiles must be silicone sealed to the tray all of the way around in one continuous bead. CLEANING GENERAL - for the frame work and fixings use only warm soapy water and damp cloth/ sponge on a regular basis. After cleaning please rinse with clean water to remove any residue. Do not use abrasive scouring powders, chemicals or aerosol cleaners - these may result in damage to the surfaces, in particular, the plated component parts. See instruction below for glass cleaning advice. LIFESHIELD Your Kudos Product is pre-treated with Life Shield on the inside surfaces only. While this makes cleaning the glass a lot easier and helps prevent the build up of harmful lime-scale and soap deposits the glass still needs to be maintained on a regular basis. We recommend the use of a detergent and aroma free glass cleaner (A 50/50 mix of Vinegar and Water works well!!) Strong detergents and abrasives can damage the coating. DO NOT use abrasive cleaners or abrasive scrubbing equipment for cleaning!! DO use a squeegee to remove remaining droplets of water from glass after showering, any build up of residue can be removed easily using an appropriate cleaner and agitation from soft cleaning equipment THESE INSTRUCTIONS TO BE LEFT WITH THE CUSTOMER 1 CONTENTS, carefully remove unit parts, fixing packs, installation instructions and glazing seals from packaging. 2 INSERT DOOR STOP-BLOCKS into curved rails, slide one door stop into each rail. 7 FIX WALLPOSTS TO CURVED RAILS, using No. 6’s x 30mm long screws from fixing pack labelled ‘ASSEMBLY SCREW PACK’. Insert each screw through the relevant holes in white plastic spacer blocks and into each screwport, two screws for each corner of frame, ensuring these are fully tightened. Also ensure that the curved rails are fitted flush with ends of each wallpost. Door stopblocks Screw ports 3 STAND FIXED PANEL GLASS, (glass piece without handle), upright against a wall with inside of glass facing you. TIP Hand tighten these screws to avoid stripping the pozi-drive cross in head of screw. 4 FIT CURVED RAILS to fixed panel glass. Slide first rail into both top patch fittings ensuring rail channel fully interlocks with recesses in the patch fittings. Carefully turn panel glass with rail attached, upside down and repeat above to fit second curved rail. REMOVE COVER CAPS from fixed panel patches at top and bottom using small-size screwdriver. TIP Using recesses on either side of cover cap, gently prise both sides of cover cap out, this will prevent breaking the plastic locating pins on the cover caps. 9 PATCH FITTINGS REMOVE CLIP-IN EXTRUSIONS from wallposts on each side of the unit. A- press along length of clip-in C A B extrusion as shown to RELEASING CLIP-IN EXTRUSION ON FIXED PANEL SIDE release B- ease clipin extrusion out of C A B wallpost C- lift out RELEASING CLIP-IN EXTRUSION ON DOOR OPENING SIDE and away FIXED PANEL CHANNEL END VIEW TIP Apply vaseline/lubricant to rail channel to ease fit. Place cloth between top rail and wall to protect rail surface. 5 8 INSERT HEIGHT ADJUSTERS into the bottom of each 10 wall post. REMOVE CONNECTOR POSTS from both wallposts. These simply un-clip from each wallpost. INSERT SPIRAL CAM INTO HOLE SHOWN. ORIENTATE CAM AS SHOWN 6 HANDING OF UNIT- this stage will determine which side you wish to fit the fixed panel glass, to the left or to the right of the unit, to suit your installation. The plastic seal on fixed panel glass must be on opposite side of unit to door opening, if not, carefully turn unit upside down. THIS FACE TO OUTSIDE SLIDING DOOR WALLPOST Door opening for this example THIS FACE TO OUTSIDE VIEW FROM INSIDE FIXED PANEL WALLPOST INSIDE Plastic seal SLIDE HEIGHT ADJUSTER INTO WALLPOST AND OVER SPIRAL CAM-IT ‘CLICKS’ TO ENGAGE HEIGHT ADJUSTER SHOULD BE FLUSH WITH BOTTOM OF WALLPOST REFIT CONNECTOR POSTS, to wallposts, ensuring 11 curved faces are to inside of unit. Use low-tack tape to temporarily secure connector posts to wallposts. OUTSIDE OUTSIDE 12 POSITION UNIT ONTO TRAY, holding each side of fixed panel glass, carefully position unit centrally onto tray. 13 SET FRAME LEVEL, if necessary, by turning relevant height adjuster screw (clockwise to raise). Use spirit level across bottom curved rail to ensure accurate levelling. NB- turning the screw will raise that side of the unit off the tray, there is 5mm adjustment in each height adjuster. 15 MARK POSITION of connector posts onto walls near bottom. NB- if height adjusters have been utilised, mark position of base of connector post onto wall. CAREFULLY remove unit from tray. REMOVE CONNECTOR POSTS from unit and re-position these to marks made on walls. Using spirit level to ensure posts are vertical, mark through 3 pre-drilled holes ‘A’ CURVED in each post. FACE TO INSIDE HOLES ‘A’ 16 A-offer leading edge to wallpost ensuring correct face to outside B-ensure leading edge is fully located into all plastic clips C-press clip-in extrusion until it snaps into wallpost SLIDE FIXED PANEL back to the wall 20 post, ensuring the ‘lip’on the rigid plastic seal slots fully home into the groove on the clip-in extrusion along it’s entire length. Secure panel in place by fixing top and bottom patches to curved rails using the two 6’s x 20mm long panhead screws provided. Tighten all patch fitting screws with allen key. TIP To ease sliding action, loosen all patch fitting screws and then slide across. To align hole in patch fitting with hole in curved rail, loosen patch fitting screw and move patch independently to align. CHECK OVERALL HEIGHT between 21 curved rails at centre of unit-this should DRILL HOLES in walls using 7mm masonry drill and fit wall plugs supplied, or fixings suitable for the construction of your wall. FIX CONNECTOR POSTS to walls using six-No. 8’s x 30mm long-panhead screws provided (3 each post). measure 1850mm- if not, loosen fixed panel patch fitting screws, top and bottom, at centre of unit. Adjust distance between rails and re-tighten screws. NB- the patch fittings allow for positional adjustment on glass. 1850mm 14 GLAZING 22 FIT SEALS to fixed panel in wallposts fully engage into the connector posts. Fix unit to connector posts using six-No.8’s x 30mm longpanhead screws, through wall post mouldings into pre-drilled holes in connector posts (3 each side). Do not overtighten these screws. WALLPOST ADJUSTMENT- each 18 wallpost incorporates 3 nylon adjustment screws. Turning these screws in an anticlockwise direction, forces the outer wallpost channel & frame away from the wall - max.18mm adj. in each wallpost. 1. Adjust wallposts at bottom until even gap is achieved between curved rail and curve on tray. 2. Adjust middle and top screws to ensure wallposts are vertical and straight. ADJUST. SCREW OUT TIP Use clip-in extrusions as straight edges to ensure wall posts are straight. TIP If tight, lubricate seals with water. Do not stretch seals when inserting-after cutting, the seals will shrink and leave a gap. NB- Refer to next stage ONLY, if short lengths are falling through gap between glass and curved rails. TO EVEN GAP between glass 23 and curved rail, bend glass by PUSH NB- bending glass to suit rail has no detrimental effect to the product. REFIT CLIP-IN EXTRUSION, to the fixed panel side, 19 ensuring the leading edge is properly located along the full height before pressing it into the wall post-it will not engage properly if twisted. OUTSIDE PLASTIC CLIP B GLAZING SEAL pushing vertical edge towards wall until even gap is achieved. Holding glass in this position, drill (3mm drill), through existing hole in patch fitting into one wall thickness only of curved rail. Secure this patch in position using the screw used in stage 20. Repeat at top if necessary. IMPORTANT- using spirit level, ensure frame is level, vertical and square on all sides (this will ensure top curved rail is directly above bottom curved rail. A TO GAP TO GLASS glass on outside of unit. Insert long length between clip-in extrusion and glass. Insert short lengths between curved rails and glass at top and bottom, in-between patch fittings. FIX UNIT TO CONNECTOR POSTS, 17 ensuring that the compensating channels C RE-FITTING CLIP IN EXTRUSION ON FIXED PANEL SIDE DOOR- using 4mm allen key supplied, remove 24 SLIDING patch fittings (with ROLLERS), from door glass. Remove cover caps and check that screw is at the top of slot and is fully tightened. Fit these patch fittings into TOP curved rail. Screw in slot Turn roller patch fittings upsidedown, fit roller into top running channel then turn upright again. CHECK HANDING OF SLIDING DOOR- Stand door upright so that the lever patch fittings are at the bottom and the outside face of door is facing you. If the door handle is on the correct side to suit your installation, proceed to next stage. If not, simply remove lever patch fittings and plastic seal from bottom of door and re-fit these to top of door (levers to point to centre of door). Turn door upside-down to complete. TIP Slide door stop-blocks to fixed panel wallpost before carrying out next stage. 25 FIT SLIDING DOOR, carefully feed sliding door through opening and fit door to ‘roller’ patch fittings using inner covers and screws. Ensure shoulders of patch fittings are tight against top edge of door. TIP If working alone, have allen key, ‘roller’ patch inner covers and screws on your person before fitting sliding door. Use foot to support door when fitting. 26 27 LUBRICATE BOTTOM RAIL, apply vaseline/lubricant spray to running channel on bottom curved rail. 28 ENGAGE BOTTOM LEVERS, with levers constantly pressed down, engage into bottom rail and slide door from side to side. If sliding tight, lower relevant lever patch fitting on door glass, re-tighten screw, until patches slide free. 29 CHECK HANGING OF DOOR, by sliding door to closed position. The vertical edge of door (handle side), should be flush to the wallpost along it’s entire height. If not, refer to next stage to adjust hanging of door. 30 ADJUST HANGING OF DOOR, there are two methods to adjust the hanging of the door, A and B. PLEASE ENSURE THAT AFTER ADJUSTMENT ALL SCREWS ARE FULLY TIGHTENED TO RAISE THIS SIDE OF DOOR USE SCREW ‘A’ top and bottom, as shown. CUSHION PADS 33 TOP A B B SLIDING DOOR TO LOWER THIS SIDE OF DOOR USE SCREW ‘B’ VIEW FROM INSIDE SET DOOR STOPS, using 2.5mm allen key, set door stops in top & bottom rails to prevent door handle coming into contact with fixed panel glass when door is in fully opened position. FIT COVER CAPS, to all patch fittings and each wallpost. 34 Secure wallpost cover caps using No.4 x 10mm long screws provided. 35 PINS TO FACE CENTRE FIT VERTICAL DOOR SEAL, this simply clips onto back edge of sliding door to bridge the gap between the two pieces of glass. If flexible seal is touching fixed panel glass, the flexible seal can be removed from the rigid plastic extrusion and re-fitted to the ‘inner setting’ to give clearance. If tight when re-fitting, lubricate flexible seal with clean water. FLEXIBLE SEAL FIXED PANEL GLASS TO RAISE THIS SIDE OF DOOR USE SCREW ‘A’ A TO LOWER THIS SIDE OF DOOR USE SCREW ‘B’ CUSHION PADS 32 toADHERE inside face of door stops, SLIDING DOOR GLASS SEAL ON OUTER SETTING RIGID PLASTIC STRIP SEAL ON INNER SETTING TIP To improve door sliding action- cut notch in flexible seal at top and bottom to clear fixed panel patches. 36 SILICONE SEAL UNIT, to walls and tray. OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OUTSIDE ONLY Roller bearing adjustment- using screwdriver, loosen screw A (do not remove), re-position screw in slot and re-tighten. TIP Use foot to support door when adjusting. fitting adjustment- using allen key, loosen screw (do B Patch not remove), lower glass and re-tighten. If, after using max. adjustment in A & B, the door is still not flush with wallpost, use adjustment screws in wallpost (stage 18) to align. REFIT CLIP-IN EXTRUSION, to the door opening side, ensuring the leading edge is properly located along the full height before pressing it into the wall post-it will not engage properly if twisted. OUTSIDE 31 A B C PLASTIC CLIP RE-FITTING CLIP IN EXTRUSION ON DOOR OPENING SIDE A-offer leading edge to wallpost ensuring correct face to outside B-ensure leading edge is fully located into all plastic clips C-press clip-in extrusion until it snaps into wallpost SEAL THIS JOINT ON BOTH ENDS OF RAIL (BOTTOM ONLY) Silicone seal wallposts to wall on inside & outside Silicone seal frame to tray and joints as shown IMPORTANT Do not silicone seal on the inside of unit (except where shown). Sealing the wallposts & rails to the tray on the inside can result in leakage problems-please note that, in use, water can penetrate into the frame extrusions-this has no detrimental effect to the product-however, this water must be allowed to drain out of the extrusions to the inside. Allow 24 hours for the silicone to cure before using the shower. V10-02 KUDOS SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS REFRESHING INNOVATION IN SHOWERS 1000 x 810mm 1200 x 910mm OFFSET ENCLOSURE Please read these supplementary instructions in conjunction with the main Installation Instructions NB- the method of installation for this product is the same as those described in the main installation instructions, refer to diagrams below to ensure that the correct channel is fitted to the correct side ‘Narrow’ Connector Post 1000/1200 side 810/910 side 810/910 side 1000/1200 side ‘Narrow’ Connector Post VIEW FROM TOP LEFT HAND INSTALLATION ‘Wide’ Connector Post Fit left or right hand cover cap, as appropriate, to the top of ‘Wide’ compensating channel on completion VIEW FROM TOP RIGHT HAND INSTALLATION ‘Wide’ Connector Post ">

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Key features
- Curved Slider Side Access
- Height Adjusters
- Sliding Door
- Pre-treated With Life Shield
- Easy To Install
Frequently asked questions
We recommend the use of a detergent and aroma free glass cleaner (A 50/50 mix of Vinegar and Water works well!!). Strong detergents and abrasives can damage the coating.
Your Kudos product is pre-treated with Life Shield on the inside surfaces only. While this makes cleaning the glass a lot easier and helps prevent the build up of harmful lime-scale and soap deposits the glass still needs to be maintained on a regular basis.
There are two methods to adjust the hanging of the door, A and B. Please ensure that after adjustment all screws are fully tightened. To Raise this side of door use screw ‘A’. To Lower this side of door use screw ‘B’.
Using 2.5mm Allen key, set door stops in top & bottom rails to prevent door handle coming into contact with fixed panel glass when door is in fully opened position.