ciel EaM
Thank you very much for buying a ciel EaM bat detector.
Warning notes:
- A bat detector is not a toy
- Danger of choking ! Small parts. Not suitable for children under 3 years!
- Loud noises, especially on headphones, may damage your ears !
- Never use the detector with headphones near any hazardous places
(traffic etc.), as you might not be aware of any upcoming danger.
Functions of the detector:
A Microphone – The electret microphone is very sensitive to ultrasonic calls, it is mechanically robust and water resistant but not waterproof. To prevent the microphone from being damaged avoid direct contact to water or any other fluids.
B Display – The frequency you have chosen will be displayed on the LED display. This will assisit you if you are looking for specific species or if you want to classify unknown calls. The display is dimmed to a low brightness to provide good readability at dawn and at night without overexerting your eyes.
C Loudspeaker – For a clear reproduction of the bat calls two 0.5 watt microspeakers are integrated in the detector.
D On/Off switch – Multifunctional switch to turn your detector on and off and select the different detector modes.
E Recording button – To start recording and playback and erase the detector's call memory.
F Volume - +/- Push button to set the volume to the level required.
G Thumbwheel – To set the frequency of the HD detector.
H Strap – To protect your detector from falling.
Rear side – battery compartment – Please take care of the polarity of the battery. If the device is not used for a long period of time please remove the battery frrom the compartment.
General information about your detector:
The heterodyne detector (HD):
A heterodyne detector works similar to a broadcast receiver. The frequency you have chosen will be subtracted from the bat call with a bandwidth of +/- 5 kHz transforming it to the audible range.
As an example : Detector is set to 42 kHz
Call frequency Setting
48 kHz
47 kHz
46 kHz
45 kHz
44 kHz
43 kHz
42 kHz
41 kHz
40 kHz
39 kHz
38 kHz
37 kHz
36 kHz
42 kHz
6 kHz
5 kHz
4 kHz
3 kHz
2 kHz
1 kHz
0 kHz
1 kHz
2 kHz
3 kHz
4 kHz
5 kHz
6 kHz
Effect not/barely hearable hearable hearable hearable hearable hearable not hearable hearable hearable hearable hearable hearable not/barely hearable
You can use the HD detector like a radio and search the whole ultrasonic range for bats. A bat call has a wider range than one frequency, so you will be able to hear it across the whole 10 kHz window of the detector.
When turning the thumbwheel you can now hear the frequency and the volume changing. Try find the best and loudest playback of the call. The display then shows the peak frequency of the call.
Ultrasonic sources which emit single frequency sine or square wave signals will be heard on the detector as a beeping signal. If the frequency of the detector is similar to the frequency of the source there will be no audible signal at all. This is because you are subtracting the detector frequency from the source signal with the result of 0 kHz. If you now tune up or down you will hear a rising beep.
Heterodyne detectors are used for manual data collection. It is the easiest way to identify species in the field depending on the quality of the call and the shown frequency. It is very difficult or even impossible to gain results as precise as these by using FD or TE detectors in the field. If you want to analyse a recorded heterodyne signal you have to know the original call frequency. The benefit of analysing software is very limited with HD recordings.
The frequency division detector (FD):
By dividing the whole spectrum from 18 to 130 kHz the frequency division detector is a wideband detector. It does not need any adjustment as the
HD detector does.
The division factor of the detector is 1:10. Every tenth peak of the original call will be played. This transforms the signal into the audible range.
Time Quality Call frequency
80 kHz
70 kHz
60 kHz
55 kHz
50 kHz
45 kHz
40 kHz
8 kHz
7 kHz
6 kHz
5.5 kHz
5 kHz
4.5 kHz
4 kHz
1:1 10%
The complete spectrum of the detector will be played at once. This makes it easier than using an HD detector to hear a bat calling. This is perfect to verify if there are any bats while you are on an excursion.
On the other hand identifying a species by using an FD detector is very difficult or even impossible. If a signal is divided by ten 90% of all information gets lost. Even though the pitch of the sound is in relation to the original signal it is quite impossible to differentiate only by the sense of hearing.
The FD detector, however, is the best choice if you want to analyse recorded calls. The original call frequency can be calculated from the recorded signal to limit the possible species. The call itself gives you more hint as to what kind of bat you recorded, but it is possible that some calls cannot be classified because of the reduction of the signal quality.
The time expansion detector (TE):
Time expansion is an indirect survey method. The TE cannot be heard live.
In live mode the HD detector is active. If you hear a call you can activate the TE recording. The TE will now be recording the whole ultrasonic band for a period of time. Unlike the FD detector which divides the frequency by the the TE multiplies the playback time by ten. By slowing the recording down the frequency of the call drops by the same rate. A one second recording runs for 10 seconds as playback.
Time Quality Call frequency
80 kHz
70 kHz
60 kHz
55 kHz
50 kHz
45 kHz
40 kHz
8 kHz
7 kHz
6 kHz
5.5 kHz
5 kHz
4.5 kHz
4 kHz
1:10 100%
By using a TE detector you will get a recording with all the details over the complete spectrum of the detector. This combines the quality of HD detectors and the wide range of FD detectors. You are now able to listen to all the finer details of the call.
First steps:
Open the battery case on the rear side and place a 9 volt battery in the compartment. Please pay attention to the polarity of the battery. To turn the detector on press the On/Off button (D) until the display (B) shows
'----'. Press the + button within a second to confirm this or the detector will switch off.
This prevents the detector from accidentally being switched on while being carried.
If the device is not used for a long period of time please remove the battery from the compartment.
Changing the detector mode:
To switch between heterodyne (HD), frequency division (FD) and time expansion (TE) please press the On/Off button (D) for less than 3 seconds.
The detector will show the selected mode on the display. The detector changes its function in this sequence
ON > HD > FD > TE > HD > ......
Setting the volume:
After switching the detector on the volume is set to midscale. Use the buttons + and – (F) to set the volume to the level required. The setting applies to all modes. You may change the volume at any time except during a TE recording.
Setting the frequency (only HD/TE):
The call frequency is selected by the thumbwheel (G) on the right side.
The lowest frequency is 18 kHz, the maximum is 130 kHz. For technical reasons the upper maximum may be exceeded. To give you the best resolution and to compensate for fluctuations of temperature and voltage the HD mode will be recalibrated every time the detector is switched on or switched into HD or TE mode. A battery can be used until it's end of life.
Testing your detector:
(HD) You can test the HD mode by setting the detector to a low frequency up to 25 kHz and rub your fingers ~30cm from the microphone. You should now hear this noise very clearly on the headphones. If you notice other noises you may check your surrounding area for other ultrasonic sources like energy saving lamps, neon lamp starters or switching power supplies.
(FD) Testing the FD mode might be a bit difficult as all ultrasonic sources nearby can be heard at once. If you receive lots of interference while testing please try another location. You can also do the test with your fingers to check the FD reception.
(TE) For testing the TE mode it is best to look for an ultrasonic souce. Use the HD mode to find i.e. a neon lamp starter emitting an ultrasonic noise.
Press the recording button, then listen to the outcome. Mostly you will now hear the oscillation of the switching electronics.
Influences on the reception of the detector:
Bat calls can be very different depending on species and the surrounding enviroment. Some species call in the lower, energy-rich ultrasonic range and can be easier to hear than species which call in the upper band.
Bats adapt their calls depending on the habitat. In an open area with few or no obstacles the calls are louder but more rare than in a thick forest.
The reception is also affected by the distance to the bat, flight direction and atmospheric conditions. The higher the frequency of the call, the more atmospheric absorption will occur. High humidity will also raise the absorption level.
Recording/Playback of a call (HD):
Push the button Rec (E) in HD mode to record a call.
The recording will start immediately and the memory LED on the upper left side of the display will begin to flash. The signal of the HD detector will now be recorded with 44.1 kHz sampling rate in 8 bit mode. The recording length is ~3 seconds. You cannot switch to another detector mode during the recording. When the recording is finished the memory LED will be constantly on.
The push button Rec (E) will now work as a playback button. Press it for less than 3 seconds to playback the call. The display now shows the frequency that was selected at the time the recording was made. This frequency is taken at the start of the recording. Adjustments made while the recording was running are not displayed.
Recording/Playback of a call (TE):
Use the Rec button (E) during TE mode to record.
The recording will start immediately, the detector stops the HD signal and shuts down the display to avoid any parasitic noises. The TE signal will now be recorded with 120 kHz sampling rate in 8 bit mode. The recording length is ~0.9 seconds. When the recording is finished the detector
restarts the HD mode, the display turns on and the memory LED will be constantly on.
The push button Rec (E) will again now work as playback button. Press it for less than 3 seconds to playback the call. The display now shows
'te' and plays the call 10 times slower.
Deleting a recording:
To delete a recording hold the Rec Button (E) for 3 seconds or longer. The detector will confirm the deletion by showing 'del' in the display. The memory LED will switch off and the detector is now ready for a new HD or
TE recording. Only one recording at a time can be held.
The recording is saved in a volatile memory and will also be deleted if the detector is switched off.
Switching the detector off:
Press the On/Off button for 3 seconds or longer. The device will confirm this with 'OFF' on the display.
Battery lifetime:
The detector is fully functional until the battery reaches 6.7 volts for HD mode and 7.2 volts in FD and TE mode. When the battery life is at an end with 7.2 volts or less the display shows 'LBAT' when switching on and every time you switch modes. Nevertheless the detector stays operable.
From this moment the FD and TE mode gets less sensitive. When the battery reaches 6.7 volts, the HD reception will also begin to fade. Please exchange the battery.
Please use only alkaline 9 volt batteries or 8.4 volts (7 cells) or 9.6 volts
(8 cells) NiMh rechargeable batteries.
If you have any questions or problems please contact us [email protected]
Ciel EaM detectors are manufactured and tested to a high quality standard.
However, in the unlikely event of you experiencing a problem with your detector, please contact us at
EaM Walter GmbH
Hauptstr. 4
38154 Koenigslutter
Tel. +49 5353 90 30 553
Fax +49 5353 90 30 555
E-mail [email protected]
Warranty is 24 months after purchase at Ciel EaM or any of its licensed distributors (see list at www.eam-walter.de
). Please keep your invoice as this is also your warranty document. You will need to submit this document with any enquiry or request you may have. Within the warranty your detector will be repaired or replaced for free. After the expiry of the warranty we will endeavour to help should any problems occur.
The conditions of warranty do not apply if:
- The warranty seal has been tampered with and is broken
- The housing and / or electronics have been mechanically stressed, are deformed or have been broken.
- The detector has been damaged i.e. Through leaking batteries or any other leaking fluids
Declaration of conformity:
This product is in compliance with the essential requirements of ROHS
European Directive 2011/65/EU dated on 08.06.2011 for the restriction of certain hazardous substances in electronic devices.The EAM Walter GmbH hereby declare the conformity of our products.
Furter information:
Homepage ciel EaM http://www.eam-walter.de
Audacity® - Free software for recording and editing audio files including spectrum analyser for Windows®, Mac® and GNU/Linux® http://audacity.sourceforge.net
*1 – Eam Walter GmbH has no connection to®. This is a lead to a (at the time this manual was released) free of charge Software under the GNU
GPL license. Audacity® can't and won't answer any questions about our detectors.
Technical data
Principle 1
Frequency range 1
Bandwidth 1
Internal recording 1
Memory 1
Principle 2
Amplitude retaining
Division factor
Frequency range 2
Bandwidth 2
Principle 3
Frequency range 3
Internal recording 3
Memory 3
Power supply
Power consumption
Dimensions (B x H x T)
Weight without battery
Included in delivery micro trio
LED display red
4x precision push buttons (OnOff / Rec / + / -)
1x Thumbwheel (Frequency)
Electret measurement microphone
18 - 130 kHz
10 kHz (+/- 5 kHz)
44.1kHz sample rate 8 Bit
1 Mbit Sram
Frequency division yes
18 - 80 kHz (bat calls), stronger signals -130 kHz
0 - 13 kHz
Time expansion x10
0 - 60 kHz
120 kHz Sample rate 8 Bit
1 Mbit Sram / ~0.9 (9) seconds recording(playback)
2 x 0.5 watts microspeakers
3.5 mm stereo jack headphones
9 volts battery min 7.2 volts, max 12 volts
Average 35 – 40 mA, max 45 mA
79 x 118 x 24 mm
142 g
Brief instructions