User manual | ABB SMS 510 Substation Monitoring System Installation and Commissioning Manual 102 Pages
User manual | ABB SMS 510 Substation Monitoring System Installation and Commissioning Manual
Below you will find brief information for Substation Monitoring System SMS 510. The SMS 510 is a powerful software application for monitoring and controlling substation systems. It provides a comprehensive set of features for data acquisition, analysis, and reporting. The SMS 510 is designed to be easy to use and configure, and it can be integrated with a variety of substation equipment including relays, meters, and other devices.
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Substation Monitoring System SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual ABB Automation $%% 1MRS751265-MEN Issue date: 31.01.2000 Program revision: 1.0.0 Documentation version: A Copyright © 2000 ABB Substation Automation Oy All rights reserved. SMS 510 Substation Monitoring System Installation and Commissioning Manual Notices Notice 1 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any error that may occur in this document. Notice 2 This manual complies with the SMS 510 revision 1.0.0. Notice 3 Additional information may be found in the Release Notes. Trademarks Microsoft and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. Neuron is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation. LON is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation. Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. All Microsoft products referenced in this document are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. ABB Automation 3 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Contents Contents Page Notices ..................................................................................................3 Contents ................................................................................................4 1 Introduction ......................................................................................9 1.1 Contents.............................................................................................. 9 1.1.1 Software........................................................................................ 9 1.1.2 Documentation .............................................................................. 9 1.1.3 SMS 510 installation applications ................................................ 10 1.1.4 Hardware .................................................................................... 11 2 Requirements .................................................................................12 2.1 SMS 510 requirements ...................................................................... 12 2.1.1 Software requirements ................................................................ 12 2.1.2 Hardware requirements............................................................... 12 2.1.3 Additional requirements............................................................... 13 3 Installation ......................................................................................14 3.1 Preparing your computer for the SMS 510 installation ....................... 14 3.1.1 Install-time user account ............................................................. 14 3.1.2 Operating system software.......................................................... 14 3.2 Overview ........................................................................................... 14 3.2.1 Product’s current version............................................................. 14 3.2.2 Non-forced installation................................................................. 14 3.2.3 Forced installation ....................................................................... 15 3.2.4 License of the product ................................................................. 15 3.2.5 Applications running at install-time .............................................. 15 3.2.6 System-wide product interdependencies ..................................... 15 Multiple installations of the kernel software ........................... 15 MicroSCADA service ............................................................ 15 4 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Contents The MicroSCADA user account............................................ 16 Kernel incompatibility issues ................................................ 16 3.3 Software installation procedure outlined............................................ 17 3.3.1 Overview .................................................................................... 17 3.3.2 Main SMS 510 installation .......................................................... 17 3.3.3 Parameter Setting tool installation .............................................. 18 3.4 Installing the software ....................................................................... 18 3.4.1 Starting the main installation....................................................... 18 3.4.2 Installation Wizard ...................................................................... 19 Welcome .............................................................................. 19 Product License Agreement ................................................. 19 System Information 1 ........................................................... 20 System Information 2 ........................................................... 21 System Information 3 ........................................................... 22 Select - forced installation .................................................... 23 Select - non-forced installation ............................................. 24 Destination Drive .................................................................. 26 Installing............................................................................... 27 MicroSCADA user account................................................... 27 MicroSCADA Service Access Manager ................................ 28 Installation completed........................................................... 30 System reboot ...................................................................... 30 3.4.3 Cancelling the installation ........................................................... 31 3.5 Installing the Parameter Setting tool software ................................... 31 3.5.1 Starting the PST installation........................................................ 31 3.6 SMS 510 program folder ................................................................... 32 3.6.1 Subfolder - Doc........................................................................... 32 3.6.2 Subfolder - Setup........................................................................ 33 3.6.3 Subfolder - Tools ........................................................................ 33 3.6.4 Shortcut to the SMS 510 program folder..................................... 34 3.7 Uninstalling the software ................................................................... 34 4 Commissioning ..............................................................................35 4.1 Commissioning tasks ........................................................................ 35 4.2 Licensing the product - License tool .................................................. 35 ABB Automation 5 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Contents 4.2.1 General ....................................................................................... 35 4.2.2 License Information dialog box.................................................... 36 4.2.3 Entering license information ........................................................ 36 4.2.4 Invalid license information ........................................................... 37 4.3 Communication support..................................................................... 38 4.3.1 Communication protocol support ................................................. 38 4.3.2 Communication channels ............................................................ 39 4.3.3 Serial port communication........................................................... 39 SMS 510 vs. operating system serial port configuration........ 39 4.3.4 LON communication.................................................................... 40 LON communication adapters............................................... 40 LON communication software components........................... 40 4.3.5 Time synchronization .................................................................. 40 Overview............................................................................... 40 Time synchronization over LON protocol .............................. 40 Time synchronization over SPA protocol............................... 41 4.3.6 Procedure for commissioning communication components ......... 41 4.4 System Configuration tool.................................................................. 42 4.4.1 Overview ..................................................................................... 42 Scheduler ............................................................................. 42 General Settings ................................................................... 42 Communication configuration................................................ 42 4.4.2 Starting ....................................................................................... 43 4.4.3 System Configuration tool dialog box .......................................... 43 Serial Ports page .................................................................. 44 Serial ports - Add .................................................................. 45 Serial ports - Configure ......................................................... 46 Serial ports - Delete .............................................................. 47 LON page ............................................................................. 47 Selecting the adapter ............................................................ 48 Assigning LON channel settings ........................................... 49 Saving system configuration ................................................. 51 Save configuration - close tool .............................................. 51 Save configuration - proceed configuration ........................... 52 Discard configuration changes.............................................. 52 6 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Contents 4.5 Installing LON cards.......................................................................... 52 4.5.1 RER 109 PCLTA Card commissioning procedure....................... 52 4.5.2 PCC-10 PC Card commissioning procedure ............................... 52 4.5.3 PCLTA-20 Card commissioning procedure ................................. 53 4.5.4 RER 109 PCLTA Card installation and configuration .................. 53 Card overview ...................................................................... 53 Card installation ................................................................... 54 Device driver installation and configuration........................... 54 Automatic MiSCLONP device driver start-up ........................ 58 RER 109 PCLTA Card Neuron Chip configuration................ 60 4.5.5 PCC-10 PC Card installation and configuration .......................... 64 Device driver installation....................................................... 64 Device driver configuration ................................................... 65 4.5.6 PCLTA-20 Card installation and configuration ............................ 65 Device driver installation....................................................... 65 Device driver configuration ................................................... 66 4.6 CAP2/316 - Distributed COM identity ................................................ 67 4.6.1 Overview .................................................................................... 67 4.6.2 When to apply the DCOM identity............................................... 67 4.6.3 DCOM identity configuration ....................................................... 67 4.7 RAS/Modem installation.................................................................... 69 4.7.1 Overview .................................................................................... 69 4.7.2 Installing modems....................................................................... 70 4.7.3 Installing Remote Access Service............................................... 72 4.7.4 Installing MS Loopback Adapter driver........................................ 76 4.7.5 Considerations when specifying IP addresses ............................ 79 4.7.6 Configuring start-up of Remote Access Server service ............... 80 4.7.7 Verifying Remote Access Server service .................................... 81 4.7.8 Configuring dial-in permissions in the RAS server computer....... 81 4.7.9 About phonebooks and SMS 510 ............................................... 83 4.7.10 Dialing-Up in SMS 510 ............................................................... 83 5 Troubleshooting installation .........................................................84 5.1 Incorrect operating system detected ................................................. 84 5.2 Incorrect operating system version detected ..................................... 84 ABB Automation 7 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Contents 5.3 Installing on Windows 2000 ............................................................... 85 5.4 Insufficient user rights to install.......................................................... 85 5.5 MicroSCADA service is running......................................................... 86 5.6 Failing to install the MicroSCADA service .......................................... 86 5.7 Troubleshooting destination drive error messages............................. 87 5.8 Insufficient disk space ....................................................................... 89 5.9 No suitable destination drive available............................................... 89 5.10 Incompatible SYS 500 and/or COM 500 installed .............................. 90 5.11 Miscellaneous.................................................................................... 90 5.11.1 Repaired operating system installations ...................................... 90 5.11.2 TEMP environment variable ........................................................ 91 6 References ......................................................................................92 Index ....................................................................................................94 8 ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Introduction 1 Introduction This chapter describes the contents of the SMS 510. 1.1 Contents 1.1.1 Software Categorization of the software: Base System Kernel software, additional base tools and services, providing a framework for the object types and tools. RED 500 Support RED 500 object types and the RED Relay Tool for parameterization of RED 500 series relays. SPACOM Support SPACOM object type and the SPA Relay Tool for parameterization of SPACOM series relays. REB 500 / RE.x16 Support REB 500 and RE. 216/316 object types and the CAP2/316, REBWIN 4.10 tools for these object types. REx 5xx Interface REx 5xx object type and the interface for the Parameter ® Setting tool. Also includes the installer for the Microsoft Internet Explorer v.4, which is needed for viewing the HTML Help shipped with the Parameter Setting tool. HV/Collect Tool HV/Collect Tool for working with the disturbance recorders. DR Collector Tool DR-Collector Tool for working with the disturbance recorders. Documentation SMS 510 documentation in PDF format and an installer for ®1 installing the Acrobat Reader (version 3.01) from Adobe Corporation. The Acrobat Reader is needed to view the documentation. This categorization is also present as installation options in the main SMS 510 installation application. 1.1.2 Documentation SMS 510 manuals are listed in Table 1. 1 ABB Automation Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Corporation. 9 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Introduction Code Description SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Provides installation and commissioning instructions for SMS 510 software. SMS 510 Operator’s Manual 1MRS751267-MUM Provides information on using the base system functions of SMS 510. SM/RED Configuration Manual 1MRS751392-MEN Provides information on using the object types for the RED 500 series of relays. SM/SPACOM Configuration Manual 1MRS751393-MEN Provides information on using the SPACOM object type. RED Relay Tool Operator’s Manual 1MRS751383-MUM Provides information on using the RED Relay Tool. SPA Relay Tool Operator’s Manual 1MRS751385-MUM Provides information on using the SPA Relay Tool. DR-Collector Tool Operator’s Manual 1MRS751387-MUM Provides information on using the DRCollector Tool. SM/Gateways Configuration Manual 1MRS751708-MEN Provides information on using the communication gateway object types. REB 500 Operator’s Manual 1MRB520010-UEN Operator’s Manual for the REBWIN HMI tool. REG216 Operating Instructions 1MDU02005-EN Provides operating instructions for Numerical Generator Protection Types REG 216, REG 216 Compact and Numerical Control Unit Type REC 216. REL316*4 Operating Instructions 1MRB520050-UEN Provides operating instructions for Numerical Line Protection Type REL 316*4. CAP2/316 User’s Guide 1MRB520271-UEN User’s Guide for the CAP2/316 tool. PST User’s Manual 1MRK511068-UEN User’s Manual for the Parameter Setting Tool (PST). HVCollect User’s Manual 1MRK511083-UEN User’s Manual for the HV/Collect Tool. Release Notes 1MRS751750-MZA Provides general information on this release of SMS 510. 7DEOH 606PDQXDOV The SMS 510 documentation is available both in electronic and printed format. 1RWH The SMS 510 delivery contains the documentation in electronic format only. The paper copies can be acquired by placing a separate order. 1.1.3 SMS 510 installation applications The SMS 510 Program CD contains two installation applications, which you need for installing the SMS 510. The applications are the following: • 10 SMS510.EXE, the main SMS 510 installation application. ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Introduction • 1.1.4 PST.EXE, installs the Parameter Setting Tool (PST) and supported terminal libraries of the REx5xx object type. Hardware The communication cables listed in Table 2, are regarded as accessories and are not included in the SMS 510 delivery. They can be acquired by placing a separate order. Cable Type Relays 1MKC950001-1 Opto RED 500 SPA-ZP 17A3 RS 232 - RS 232 SPTO front SPCR front SPA-ZP 5A3 RS 232 - TTL connector SPA-ZP 6A2 RS 232 - RS 485 SPACOM 100/300 series SACO, except for SACO 148D4 SPAC 300/500/600 rear SPA-ZP 21A 7DEOH ABB Automation Connection cable for SPA-ZP 6A2 to SACO screw terminal SACO, except for SACO 148D4 &RPPXQLFDWLRQKDUGZDUH 11 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Requirements 2 Requirements This chapter describes the requirements for installing the SMS 510 software. 2.1 SMS 510 requirements SMS 510 v. 1.0.0 sets the following hardware and software requirements on the PC. Notice also the kernel-related dependencies, explained in section 3.2.6. 2.1.1 Software requirements Table 3 lists the software requirements set by SMS 510. Item Operating system Network Network Protocol Remote Access Service (RAS) Microsoft Internet Explorer 7DEOH 2.1.2 ®2 Required ®3 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or higher. On Windows NT 4.0, it is highly recommended to have the Service Pack 5 installed. Network software. Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Installation of RAS to enable ’Remote’ connections from SMS 510 to SMS 510, SYS 500 and COM 500. Version 4 or higher to be capable of viewing the HTML help shipped with the PST tool. 606VRIWZDUHUHTXLUHPHQWV Hardware requirements Table 4 lists the hardware requirements set by SMS 510. 12 2 Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 3 Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Requirements Item Processor Miminum Recommended 133 MHz Pentium II 200 MHz Memory 64 MB 128 MB Display SVGA, 800x600, 256 colours SVGA, 1024x768, 256 colours File system Hard disk space Serial ports NTFS file system on the installation drive 300 MB 350 MB Two COM ports Parallel ports Optionally one parallel port for printing purposes, if network printing not available CD-ROM drive Any device supported by the operating system. Required for installation Mouse Any device supported by the operating system ISA slots One slot for each RER 109 PCLTA card PCI slots One slot for each PCLTA-20 card Network adapter card Modem 7DEOH 2.1.3 ®4 Pentium Any device supported by the operating system Any Hayes compatible modem supported by the operating system. 606KDUGZDUHUHTXLUHPHQWV Additional requirements Table 5 lists the additional requirements set by SMS 510. Item Description User account You must be logged on to the operating system with administrator rights in order to install the software successfully, otherwise the installation is denied. MicroSCADA service The MicroSCADA service is not allowed to run in the background during the installation, otherwise the installation is denied. 7DEOH 4 ABB Automation $GGLWLRQDOUHTXLUHPHQWV Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. 13 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Installation 3 Installation This chapter describes the software installation procedure of the SMS 510. 3.1 Preparing your computer for the SMS 510 installation It is highly recommended that you make the following preparations before you install SMS 510. 3.1.1 Install-time user account Ensure that you are able to logon to the computer from a user account having administrator rights. 3.1.2 Operating system software 1HWZRUNVRIWZDUH Even if your computer does not participate in a network, install the Network software, if not done previously. It is recommended to install at least the TCP/IP network protocol. :LQGRZV176HUYLFH3DFN Before you install SMS 510, consider updating the Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack to the recommended level, if not done previously. 3.2 Overview 3.2.1 Product’s current version SMS 510 installations maintain a single current version of SMS 510 on your computer’s system registry. The current version information is the basis for installations to determine proper install-time actions. 3.2.2 Non-forced installation A QRQIRUFHG LQVWDOODWLRQ means, that the installation allows you to install any combination of the available installation options. This is possible only when you install to a destination containing the same version of SMS 510 as determined by the current version information. This kind of installation should come into question, if part of the product obviously has become corrupt or is missing. 14 ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Installation 3.2.3 Forced installation A IRUFHGLQVWDOODWLRQ means, that the installation does not allow you to select which portions of the software to install. This happens if SMS 510 has not been installed to the target computer previously or another version of SMS 510 has been installed to the currently selected destination. This is to guarantee consistent software installations. 3.2.4 License of the product After the installation of the SMS 510 Base System, you are requested to supply license information when you start SMS 510 for the first time. The required information is included in the SMS 510 delivery on the license label, which is located on the cover of the SMS 510 Program CD case. 3.2.5 Applications running at install-time It is recommended to close all unnecessary applications before installing SMS 510. 3.2.6 System-wide product interdependencies Multiple installations of the kernel software The kernel software is embedded into a line of products. Due to the nature of the kernel, some issues may raise considerations regarding computers containing multiple installations of the kernel (each product installs its own copy of the kernel software). The product line using the same kernel comprises: • CAP 501 v. 2.0.0 or newer. • CAP 505 v. 2.0.0 or newer. • COM 500 v. 3.0 or newer. • SYS 500 v. 8.4.3 or newer. MicroSCADA service The MicroSCADA service serves as a core part in execution of the kernel software. Without a properly installed MicroSCADA service, you can not use SMS 510 or any other product utilizing the kernel. A single kernel can execute at a time meaning that you can use only one of these products at a time. &RQWUROOLQJWKHULJKWVWRVWDUWDQGVWRSWKH0LFUR6&$'$VHUYLFH By default, you are allowed to start and stop the MicroSCADA service only, if your logon account is granted Administrator rights. However, you may grant this right also to any user belonging to either the built-in Users group or any non-built-in user group, ABB Automation 15 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Installation defined on your computer. You can assign these rights by means of the MicroSCADA Service Access Manager tool. However, you should keep in mind that the access configuration is system-wide, affecting the above mentioned product line. For detailed information on the tool, see page 28. The MicroSCADA user account A user account named ’MicroSCADA’ is created during the installation, if the installation does not detect one on the computer. This user account is required to enable execution of the MicroSCADA service. When utilizing remote connections, the password of the MicroSCADA user account must be identical on both of the involved computers. 1RWH Regarding the modification of this user account, only use the ’MicroSCADA User Password’ dialog box for the purpose, since usage of the operating system’s user account management tools may bring the kernel into an inoperable state. For detailed information on the tool, see page 27. Kernel incompatibility issues Kernel revisions, that are incompatible with this version of SMS 510 and with the above mentioned product line, have been shipped with the following products: • SYS 500 8.4.2A or older. • COM 500 2.0A or older. If you have either of these product versions installed on your computer, please take into account, that the installation of SMS 510 invalidates SYS 500 versions 8.4.2A and older and COM 500 versions 2.0A and older. These products will not be operable after the installation of SMS 510. To continue using the SYS 500 and COM 500 products, you must upgrade them according to Table 6. Product Incompatible version Compatible version SYS 500 8.4.2A or older 8.4.3 or newer COM 500 2.0A or older 3.0 or newer 7DEOH 5HTXLUHG6<6&20XSGDWHV The SMS 510 installation notifies you, if it detects a SYS 500 or a COM 500 version, which should be upgraded. You are also provided the option to cancel the installation without modifying the computer’s configuration. 1RWHIf you are unsure about the possible effects of SMS 510 installation on the SYS 500 and/or COM 500, it is recommended that you do not install SMS 510. 16 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Installation 3.3 Software installation procedure outlined 3.3.1 Overview The installation of the SMS 510 software is done according to the following steps and in the following order: 1. Ensure, that the operating system is in an acceptable state, see section 3.1. 2. Install the main portion of the SMS 510 software by executing the SMS510.EXE installation application. 3. Install the Parameter Setting tool software by executing the PST.EXE installation application. 3.3.2 Main SMS 510 installation When you have started the main SMS 510 installation, first it gathers the following information from your system: Operating system If you are not running Windows NT 4.0 or higher, the installation notifies you, that it cannot continue. User rights If you have logged on with insufficient user rights, you are prompted to exit the installation and to logon to operating system from an account having Administrator rights. Current version If a version of SMS 510 already has been installed, the installation suggests to use the destination drive of the existing installation. Otherwise the installation looks for the first suitable destination drive; a physical NTFS formatted hard disk drive, and uses it as the default destination drive. Status of the MicroSCADA service If the installation detects that the MicroSCADA service is running, you are prompted to exit the application, that utilizes the service. You are not allowed to continue with the installation while the service is executing. Incompatible kernel revisions of SYS 500 and COM 500 Installations of SYS 500 and COM 500, that are known to contain incompatible kernel revisions are detected. Provided, that such product versions are detected to be installed and superseding versions with compatible kernel of SYS 500 or COM 500 are not detected on the computer, you are prompted whether or not to continue the SMS 510 installation. After these initial checks, the installation welcomes you to the SMS 510 installation. Thereafter, the SMS 510 product license agreement is displayed, explaining you the terms under which the product may be used. Once you have accepted license agreement terms by continuing the installation, a purely informative system information dialog box, based on the current version information, informs you about the status of SMS 510 on your computer. ABB Automation 17 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Installation Next, you enter the ’Select’ dialog box, which is the main dialog box of the installation. Provided, that the current version is the same that you are installing and you are using the suggested destination drive, you can select any combination of the available installation options. Otherwise, the installation forces to install all the available options to the selected destination drive. You can change the destination drive by means of the ’Select Destination Drive’ dialog box, which you access from the ’Select’ dialog box. Once you are satisfied with the settings you have specified, you can start the actual software installation from the main dialog box. Notice that, prior to that your computer has not been modified in any way. If you install the Base System, the installation prompts you for the following information: • Password for the MicroSCADA user account. Whether this MicroSCADA user account information is requested depends on your computer’s configuration. • The operating system user groups, to which you wish to grant the rights to start and stop the MicroSCADA service on your computer. Finally, when the installation has completed, you are notified about it. Depending on the status of some of the installed files, you may be requested to reboot your computer. After the installation has been completed, you will find a program folder named ’SMS 510 1.0.0’ which contains the icons for using SMS 510 software. In addition, a shortcut to this program folder is added onto your operating system desktop. 3.3.3 Parameter Setting tool installation The PST installation is done separately from the main installation by means of the stand-alone installation application (PST.exe). 3.4 Installing the software 3.4.1 Starting the main installation To start the SMS 510 installation, place the SMS 510 Program CD into your CDROM drive. The installation application is named as ’SMS510.exe’ and it is located in the root directory of the Program CD. For example, provided, that your CD-ROM drive has been assigned the drive letter ’Y:’ do the following steps: 18 • Press the <Control>+<Esc> key combination to open the operating system Start Menu. • Choose ’Run’ and enter the following command in the ’Run’ dialog box: ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Installation Y:\SMS510.EXE • Click ’OK’ to start the SMS 510 installation. If the initial checks are passed without any notifications, the installation enters directly the Installation Wizard, which is explained in the following. 3.4.2 Installation Wizard The software installation comprises a series of dialog boxes referred to as the Installation Wizard, which guides you through the SMS 510 installation. The installation can be exited virtually at any point by either clicking ’Exit’ where available or by pressing the <Esc> key from the keyboard. You will be prompted to confirm that you actually wish to exit the installation prematurely. Most of the information needed to install SMS 510, is gathered in the Installation Wizard dialog boxes, thereafter the installation transfers the software onto your computer. However, during the process of transferring the software, you may be prompted for additional information depending on your computer configuration. The following paragraphs describe in detail each of the Installation Wizard dialog boxes in the order they appear during the installation. Welcome The ’Welcome’ dialog box welcomes you to the SMS 510 installation, see Figure 1. )LJXUH 7KH :HOFRPH GLDORJER[ Click ’OK’ to continue with the installation. To exit the installation, click ’Cancel’. Product License Agreement The ’Product License Agreement’ dialog box contains the license agreement of the SMS 510, see Figure 2. ABB Automation 19 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Installation )LJXUH 7KH 3URGXFW/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW GLDORJER[ To accept the terms of the license click ’Yes’ to continue. If you do not accept these terms, click ’No’ to exit the installation. This dialog box is displayed only once during the installation. System Information 1 If you have not installed SMS 510 previously you will see the ’System Information’ dialog box shown in Figure 3. 20 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Installation )LJXUH 7KH 6\VWHP,QIRUPDWLRQ GLDORJER[ To display the ’Select’ dialog box, click ’Next>>’. Otherwise, click ’Exit’ to exit the installation. System Information 2 If the installation detects that a SMS 510 version above 1.0.0 has been installed to the destination, you will see the ’System Information’ dialog box shown in Figure 4. ABB Automation 21 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Installation )LJXUH 7KH 6\VWHP,QIRUPDWLRQ GLDORJER[ The current version information is available here for viewing. To display the ’Select’ dialog box, click ’Next>>’. Otherwise, click ’Exit’ to exit the installation. System Information 3 If the installation detects that the same version of SMS 510 has been installed to the destination, you will see the ’System Information’ dialog box shown in Figure 5. 22 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Installation )LJXUH 7KH 6\VWHP,QIRUPDWLRQ GLDORJER[ The current version information is available here for viewing. To display the ’Select’ dialog box, click ’Next>>’. Otherwise, click ’Exit’ to exit the installation. Select - forced installation In case of a forced installation, you will see the ’Select’ dialog box shown in Figure 6. 1RWH As stated on this dialog box, the options represented on the dialog box can not be selected. ABB Automation 23 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Installation )LJXUH 7KH 6HOHFW GLDORJER[ This dialog box provides the following information: • The currently selected destination drive and the root directory under which the software will be installed. • The amount of hard disk space that is required and available on the currently selected destination drive. • A notification that you can not choose individual options. To change the destination drive for the installation click ’Change Drive’, see the description of the ’Destination Drive’ dialog box, on page 26. To view the previously displayed ’System Information’ dialog box, click ’<<Back’. If you are satisfied with the current settings, click ’Start’ to start the actual software installation. Select - non-forced installation In case of a non-forced installation, you will see the ’Select’ dialog box shown in Figure 7. 24 ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Installation )LJXUH 7KH 6HOHFW GLDORJER[IRUDUHLQVWDOODWLRQ This dialog box provides the following information: • The currently selected destination drive and the root directory under which the software will be installed. • The amount of hard disk space that is required and available on the currently selected destination drive. • The software options which will be installed. The selected options have a check mark on their left side and are subject to install. Clicking with the mouse on an option toggles its selection status. To change the destination drive for the installation click ’Change Drive’, see the description of the ’Destination Drive’ dialog box below. To view the previously displayed ’System Information’ dialog box, click ’<<Back’. If you are satisfied with the current settings, click ’Start’ to start the actual software installation. ABB Automation 25 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Installation Destination Drive This dialog box allows you to select the destination drive for the installation. )LJXUH 7KH 'HVWLQDWLRQ'ULYH GLDORJER[ All disk drives available to the operating system are listed in the drive list (highlighted in the above figure). In addition, the amount of available and required hard disk space are shown on the lower right area of the dialog box. Press the <F4> key from the keyboard or click on the arrowhead on the right side of the drive list to view it in the drop-down mode. You can use either the arrow keys on the keyboard or the mouse to select a drive from the list. As you change the selection, the installation checks whether the drive can be used for installing the software. If it can not be used, you will see a notification message and the drive that was selected at the time of entering the dialog box, is reset as the destination drive. The possible notifications are described in more detail in section 5.7. To use the selected drive and to return to the ’Select’ dialog box click ’OK’. Otherwise, click ’Cancel’ and the changes to the destination drive will be discarded as you return to the ’Select’ dialog box. 26 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Installation Installing Once you have clicked the ’Start’ button on the ’Select’ dialog box, the progress of the installation is displayed in a dialog box shown in Figure 9. )LJXUH 7KH ,QVWDOOLQJ GLDORJER[ You may cancel the installation by clicking ’Cancel’. 1RWH No support for a rollback or uninstall is available, meaning that you can not revert to the configuration that existed prior to the installation of SMS 510. MicroSCADA user account Overview Properly configured MicroSCADA user account on your computer is essential for SMS 510. The account is added/configured on your computer by means of the ’MicroSCADA User Password’ dialog box, shown in Figure 10. After the installation of SMS 510, you will find an icon for this tool in the SMS 510 program folder, so you can also later modify the account configuration when necessary. Usage of this tool requires that you have logged on to the operating system with administrator rights. If other products, that also utilize the MicroSCADA user account, already are installed on your computer, it is recommended to use the same password that has been used before for the account, if possible. Configuring the account The ’MicroSCADA User Password’ dialog box is shown below. This is the only tool you need for the account configuration. ABB Automation 27 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Installation )LJXUH 7KH 0LFUR6&$'$8VHU3DVVZRUG GLDORJER[ Enter an appropriate password confirming it. Click ’OK’ to apply it. The new password will take effect the next time you start SMS 510. All other properties of the MicroSCADA user account are set automatically. 1RWH The note text on the dialog box incorrectly states that the MicroSCADA user account is used for accessing non-local printer resources. In SMS 510, you access non-local printer resources in the logged-on user’s security context. MicroSCADA Service Access Manager Overview If you install the Base System, the ’MicroSCADA Service Access Manager’ dialog box, shown in Figure 11, appears. The installation does not continue until you have closed this dialog box. The installation adds an icon for this tool to the SMS 510 program folder, so you can use it anytime after the installation. Usage of this tool requires that you have logged on to the operating system with administrator rights. Purpose By using the MicroSCADA Service Access Manager you can define those userdefined user groups whose members are allowed to start and stop the MicroSCADA service i.e. start and stop the SMS 510 on the computer. In addition to the user-defined user groups, the built-in Users group can also be granted these rights. By default, all users belonging to the operating system Administrators group are granted these rights, hence the tool never displays the Administrators group. Obviously, if the users of SMS 510 on the computer will not be members of the Administrators group, you should use this tool to set up a proper configuration by granting the appropriate user groups the start and stop rights. 28 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Installation )LJXUH 7KH 0LFUR6&$'$6HUYLFH$FFHVV0DQDJHU GLDORJER[ Granting the rights to a group To grant the rights to start and stop the MicroSCADA service to the appropriate user groups, first highlight the group in the upper list labelled ’No service start access’ and click ’Add’. In the above example, the user group named ’Standard Corporate Users’ is granted these rights. Revoking the rights from a group To revoke the rights from a user group, first highlight the group in the lower list labelled ’Service start access’ and click ’Remove’. In the above example, the operating system’s built-in user group named ’Users’ has been revoked these rights. 1RWH This is a system-wide configuration affecting also all other products using the same kernel software. For example, if you have SYS 500 installed on the computer and you grant the rights to a group named ’Visitors’, intended for ordinary visitors, any logged on member of that group is able to start and stop both SMS 510 and SYS 500 on the computer. Saving the configuration To save the configuration, click ’Close’ and confirm that by clicking ’OK’ on the message box that will open, see Figure 12. ABB Automation 29 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Installation )LJXUH &RQILUPVDYLQJRIWKHVHUYLFHDFFHVVFRQILJXUDWLRQ Discarding changes to the configuration To close the tool without saving the configuration, click ’Cancel in the ’MicroSCADA Service Access Manager’ dialog box. Provided that the configuration has been changed, you must confirm the cancellation by clicking ’OK’ on the dialog box that will open, see Figure 13, otherwise click ’Cancel’ to return to the manager. )LJXUH &RQILUPWRGLVFDUGWKHFKDQJHVWRWKHVHUYLFHDFFHVVFRQILJXUDWLRQ Installation completed After the selected software has fully been transferred onto your system, the SMS 510 installation displays the following message to inform you that the installation has been completed. )LJXUH 1RWLILFDWLRQWKDWWKHLQVWDOODWLRQKDVEHHQFRPSOHWHGVXFFHVVIXOO\ Click ’OK’ to acknowledge the message. System reboot If some of the installed files were in use at the time of the installation, you are prompted to reboot your computer, see Figure 15. 30 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Installation )LJXUH 5HTXHVWWRUHERRWWKHFRPSXWHU Click ’OK’ to reboot your computer immediately. You may reboot later if you wish, by clicking ’Cancel’. Notice however, that before starting the SMS 510 or installing other software, you must reboot the computer in order for all of the changes to take effect in the system. 3.4.3 Cancelling the installation When you are about to cancel the installation, the dialog box shown in Figure 16 appears. )LJXUH &RQILUPDWLRQWRFDQFHOWKHLQVWDOODWLRQ Click ’Exit Setup’ to exit the installation, otherwise click ’Resume’ to continue the installation normally. 3.5 Installing the Parameter Setting tool software To install the Parameter Setting tool, start the PST.exe and follow the instructions provided on screen. 3.5.1 Starting the PST installation To start the PST installation, place the SMS 510 Program CD into your CD-ROM drive. The installation application is named as ’PST.exe’ and it is located in the \PST subdirectory of the Program CD. ABB Automation 31 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Installation For example, provided, that your CD-ROM drive has been assigned the drive letter ’Y:’ do the following steps: • Press the <Control>+<Esc> key combination to open the operating system’s Start Menu. • Select ’Run’ and enter the following command in the ’Run’ dialog box: Y:\PST\PST.EXE • Click ’OK’ to start the PST installation. The destination location, to where you install the tool, can be freely chosen, since the PST installation automatically configures the environment so that the tool will be available in SMS 510. 3.6 SMS 510 program folder The program folder for SMS 510 is named as ’SMS 510 1.0.0’ and it is accessible to all logged on users, see Figure 17. The program folder contains the following subfolders: 1. Doc, in this folder you find the SMS 510 manuals. 2. Setup, in this folder you find the additional installation applications. 3. Tools, in this folder you find both maintenance tools and tools that you also can use outside SMS 510. )LJXUH 606SURJUDPIROGHU 3.6.1 • To start the SMS 510, double-click the icon ’Start SMS 510’. • To view the SMS 510 Release Notes, double-click the icon ’SMS 510 Release Notes’. Subfolder - Doc • 32 To view a manual, double-click the appropriate icon entry. This operation requires that a viewer capable of reading PDF files is installed. ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Installation )LJXUH 6XEIROGHU'RF 3.6.2 Subfolder - Setup • To install the Adobe Acrobat Reader, close any programs you have running and double-click the icon ’Install Adobe Acrobat Reader’. • To view the Readme file for Microsoft Internet Explorer installation, double-click the icon ’ReadMe for Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2’. • To install the Microsoft Internet Explorer, close any programs you have running and double-click the icon ’Install Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2’. )LJXUH 6XEIROGHU6HWXS 3.6.3 ABB Automation Subfolder - Tools • To start the ’CAP2/316’ tool, double-click the icon ’CAP2.316 6.0’. • To start the ’MicroSCADA Service Access Manager’ tool, double-click the icon ’MicroSCADA Service Access Manager’. • To start the ’MicroSCADA User Password’ tool, double-click the icon ’MicroSCADA User Password’. 33 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Installation • To start the ’REBWIN’ tool, double-click the icon ’REBWIN 4.10 English’. )LJXUH 6XEIROGHU7RROV 3.6.4 Shortcut to the SMS 510 program folder A shortcut named ’SMS 510 1.0.0’ is added onto your desktop, see Figure 21. This shortcut provides access to the SMS 510 program folder from your desktop. )LJXUH 7KHVKRUWFXWWRWKHSURJUDPIROGHURQ\RXUGHVNWRS • 3.7 To open the SMS 510 program folder, double-click the shortcut. Uninstalling the software Currently uninstalling the SMS 510 software is not supported. 34 ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Commissioning 4 Commissioning $ERXWWKLVFKDSWHU This chapter describes the commissioning activities required after software installation. 4.1 Commissioning tasks Commissioning the installed software involves the following tasks: • Applying the license information for SMS 510. Whenever the SMS 510 Base System has been installed, this task must be performed. Without proper license information, SMS 510 will not execute. You apply the license information using the License tool, see section 4.2. • Preparing the computer for communication. This comprises; ® • Installation and configuration of LON 5 communication card(s) and accompanying device drivers, if not done previously. Those tasks you accomplish by means of the System Configuration tool, see section 4.4. Regarding the computer’s serial port communication capabilities, it is recommended to verify that the serial ports are correctly configured and working at the operating system level. • Installation of Remote Access Service (RAS) and modem(s), for detailed instructions see section 4.7. • Ensuring proper Distributed COM (DCOM) identity of the CAP2/316 tool. This is needed to have the CAP2/316 tool to run in the security context of the MicroSCADA user account. For detailed instructions see section 4.6. • Optionally, configuring the operating system’s user groups whose members are granted the rights to start and stop the MicroSCADA service on your computer. You grant these rights using the MicroSCADA Service Access Manager tool, for detailed instructions see section 4.2 Licensing the product - License tool 4.2.1 General The License tool is intended for applying the license information. SMS 510 does not provide any specific entry for accessing this tool instead it appears automatically at SMS 510 start-up, if the computer does not contain a valid license. 5 ABB Automation LON is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation. 35 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning 4.2.2 License Information dialog box Figure 22 illustrates the License tool dialog box as it is initially displayed when the license information cannot be found, or it is otherwise invalid. )LJXUH /LFHQVHWRROGLDORJER[ Dialog box items ’Customer’ field For entering the value for Customer. ’System ID’ field For entering the value for System ID. ’Authorization key’ field 4.2.3 For entering the value for Authorization key. ’OK’ button For saving the license information and closing the License tool, see section 4.2.3. ’Apply’ button For saving the information without closing the License tool, see section 4.2.3. ’Close’ button For closing the License tool. Entering license information The SMS 510 delivery contains the license information printed on the license label, which you find on the cover of the SMS 510 Program CD case. Be sure to store that information, so that it is available in case you need to re-supply the license information. 1RWH When you enter the requested items, be careful to type the text exactly as provided on the license label. All fields are case sensitive; also, space characters are taken into account. After you have entered all items, apply the information, thereafter you must restart SMS 510 in order for the new license to take effect. To enter the license information: 36 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning 1. Type the Customer name into the ’Customer’ field. 2. Type the System ID value into the ’System ID’ field. 3. Type the Authorization key value into the ’ Authorization key’ field. 4. Click ’OK’, or ’Apply’ if you do not want to close the dialog box immediately. If the supplied information was correct, you will see one of the messages shown below: )LJXUH /LFHQVHLQIRUPDWLRQXSGDWHGVXFFHVVIXOO\ )LJXUH /LFHQVHLQIRUPDWLRQXSGDWHGVXFFHVVIXOO\ 5. Dismiss the message by clicking ’OK’. When you close the dialog box, you will be yet notified with the message shown in Figure 25. )LJXUH 5HVWDUWUHTXLUHG As stated in the message, you have to restart SMS 510. 4.2.4 Invalid license information If you have supplied incorrect information, the tool displays the message shown in Figure 26. ABB Automation 37 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning )LJXUH ,QFRUUHFWOLFHQVHLQIRUPDWLRQFRXOGQRWEHVDYHG Click ’OK’ to dismiss the message and correct the license information carefully. An example of correctly entered and valid license information is provided in Figure 27. )LJXUH$QH[DPSOHRIFRUUHFWO\HQWHUHGDQGYDOLGOLFHQVHLQIRUPDWLRQ 4.3 Communication support 4.3.1 Communication protocol support Table 7 lists the communication protocols supported by SMS 510. Protocol SPA SPA/Optical Frontpanel Connector LON 7DEOH &RPPXQLFDWLRQSURWRFROVXSSRUW For information on which communication protocols are applicable to various relay terminals, refer to the 605(' &RQILJXUDWLRQ 0DQXDO and 6063$&20 &RQILJXUDWLRQ0DQXDO. 38 ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Commissioning 4.3.2 Communication channels SMS 510 allows you to define the total of eight communication channels in a project’s communication configuration. Each defined serial port using SPA protocol and each LON card channel occupies one communication channel. For example, a dual-channel RER 109 card reserves two communication channels thus allowing you to define six serial ports with SPA protocol. 4.3.3 Serial port communication SMS 510 vs. operating system serial port configuration Serial ports Each serial port defined for use in SMS 510 must also exist at the operating system level. For example, if you define serial ports COM1 through COM4 in SMS 510, you must define them also under operating system. For detailed information on configuring the serial ports under the operating system, refer to the operating system Help or other applicable source of information. Advanced serial port settings Advanced serial port settings are defined at the operating system level only so you do not have to define them in SMS 510. These settings include: • interrupt request line (IRQ) • input/output (I/O) addresses • data buffering settings Basic serial port settings The basic serial port settings that are defined at the operating system level are overridden by the settings you specify in SMS 510. These settings include: ABB Automation • baud rate • data bits • parity • stop bits 39 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning 4.3.4 LON communication LON communication adapters Adapter Type Device driver RER 109 PCLTA Card ISA full-length bus card MiSCLONP PCLTA-20 PCI LonTalk Adapter PCI half-length bus card PNPLON Supports Plug-and-Play and downloadable memory. PCC-10 PC Card A Type II PC card, formerly PCMCIA PNPLON On Windows NT, only a single card can be present in the system at a time, due to the operating system Type II PC Card support capabilities. Supports Plug-and-Play and downloadable memory. 7DEOH Remarks n/a /21DGDSWHUVXSSRUW 1RWHThePCLTA-10 PC LonTalk Adapter is not supported. LON communication software components Item Remarks MiSCLONP device driver The device driver for the RER 109 PCLTA Card. Supplied with an installation and a configuration tool. PNPLON device driver The device driver for the PCC-10 and PCLTA 20 Cards. Supplied as a third party (Echelon) installation and configuration package. Net Interface Tool 7DEOH For initial configuration of the Neuron Chip(s) on the RER 109 PCLTA Cards. 6RIWZDUHFRPSRQHQWVIRU/21FRPPXQLFDWLRQ 4.3.5 Time synchronization Overview All bay equipment is equipped with a real-time clock for time stamping. When for example a disturbance occurs in a network, the disturbance recorders are trigged, and the time is added to the disturbance record in order to enable post-disturbance analysis. When gathering information from several terminals for analysis it is of utmost importance that the clocks of different devices are synchronized. SMS 510 provides time synchronization capabilities both over LON and SPA. Time synchronization over LON protocol For the LON protocol there are two different ways of obtaining time synchronization functionality. In the first method, the system clock of the SMS 510 workstation is the time source. In the other method, the time source is e.g. a LON Clock Master equipped with a GPS receiver, which is connected to the LON thus enabling also the 40 ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Commissioning synchronization of the system clock of the SMS 510 workstation, if desired. Both of these methods can be applied on a SMS 510 workstation simultaneously provided that there are at least two available LON channels, of which one receives the clock sync and the other sends it. The used time synchronization is defined separately for every used LON channel. Every single LON channel can have only one time synchronization source. This means, that only one device may send the clock sync to the LON bus, and all the other devices read the clock sync from the bus. Any LON channel can also be defined so that it does not participate in the time synchronization function. The relays connected to the LON bus don’t require any settings for the time synchronization; they are synchronized automatically from the LON bus. Time synchronization over SPA protocol For the SPA protocol, the time synchronization capabilities are reduced so that the system clock of the SMS 510 workstation always acts as the time source i.e. there is no option to synchronize the SMS 510 workstation’s system clock from the SPA. As with LON, any SPA channel can also be defined so that it does not participate in the time synchronization function. The used time synchronization is defined separately for every used SPA channel. This is a simple On/Off setting which defines whether or not the time synchronization is sent to a SPA channel. The relays connected to the SPA don’t require any settings for the time synchronization; they are synchronized automatically from the SPA channel. 4.3.6 Procedure for commissioning communication components Generally, commissioning the communication components comprises the following tasks: • Install the LON communication card(s) into your computer. • Install the device driver for the LON communication card(s). • Configure the device driver for the LON communication card(s). • Configure the Neuron 6 Chip on the LON communication card(s). This applies only to RER 109 PCLTA cards. • Configure sufficient amount of serial (COM) ports. 6 ABB Automation ® Neuron is a registered trademark of Echelon Corporation. 41 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning The main tool for accomplishing these tasks is the SMS 510 System Configuration Tool, see section 4.4. 4.4 System Configuration tool 4.4.1 Overview The System Configuration tool serves the following purposes: • Creation of the projects’ communication configuration which is required to enable communication/time synchronization with the relays. The communication configuration has to be done/verified for every project you use in SMS 510. This functionality is available on the Communication page of the System Configuration tool. • Scheduling of user-defined tasks that are executed automatically without user intervention. This functionality is available on the Scheduler page of the System Configuration tool. • Specification of general settings, currently this includes the Autologoff configuration. This functionality is available on the General Settings page of the System Configuration tool. Scheduler For detailed information on the scheduler functionality, refer to the 606 2SHUDWRU V0DQXDO. General Settings For detailed information on the general settings, refer to the 606 2SHUDWRU V 0DQXDO. Communication configuration Every project has its own copy of the communication configuration, which is enforced when the project is opened into the Project Structure Navigator. Likewise, when a project is closed, its communication configuration is stored with the project. The System Configuration tool automatically edits the communication configuration of the project that is being opened into the Project Structure Navigator. If there is no project open in the Project Structure Navigator, the System Configuration tool will not execute. In every project’s communication configuration you define: 42 • Serial ports that are to be used for various types of communication. • LON card(s) that are to be used for LON communication • Time synchronization settings for each SPA and LON channel. ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Commissioning 1RWH Some of the System Configuration tool functions, such as modifying LON device driver settings, require administrator rights at the operating system level. 4.4.2 Starting Two entry points for accessing this tool are provided: 4.4.3 • On the Project Structure Navigator’s ’System Tools’ menu. • On the ’Communication’ page of the ’General Object Attributes’ dialog box. System Configuration tool dialog box Figure 28 illustrates the System Configuration tool dialog box. The ’Communication’ page embeds two pages: • Serial Ports • LON )LJXUH &RPPXQLFDWLRQSDJHRIWKH6\VWHP&RQILJXUDWLRQWRROGLDORJER[ ABB Automation 43 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning Communication configuration pages ’Serial Ports’ page For managing serial port configuration, see section ’LON’ page For managing the LON configuration, see section ’OK’ button For closing the System Configuration configuration, see section Common dialog box buttons tool and saving the ’Cancel’ button For closing the System Configuration tool without saving the configuration, see section ’Apply’ button For saving the configuration without closing the System Configuration tool, see section Serial Ports page Figure 29 displays the System Configuration tool’s ’Serial Ports’ page. Initially the configuration is empty, as illustrated in the figure. )LJXUH 7KH 6HULDO3RUWV SDJH 44 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning Serial Ports page items ’Serial Ports’ list ’Protocol’ list For assigning the communication protocol to the currently selected serial port. ’Connection Type’ list For selecting the type of the remote connection. Enabled only when protocol is ’SPA’. ’Modem Command (AT)’ field For defining the modem initialization command for remote connections over a modem. Enabled only when connection type is ’Modem’. ’Baud Rate’ list ’Data Bits’ list ’Parity’ list ’Stop Bits’ list 'Add …' button For selecting a serial port. Displays all currently defined serial ports. For assigning the baud rate to the currently selected serial port. For assigning the data bits setting to the currently selected serial port. For assigning the parity setting to the currently selected serial port. For assigning the stop bits setting to the currently selected serial port. For adding a new serial port, see section 'Delete …' button For deleting the currently selected serial port, see section 'Send clock synchronization' check box For configuring whether the relays that are connected to the currently selected serial port are synchronized. Not available for modem connections. Enabled only when protocol is 'SPA'. Serial ports - Add To add a serial port: 1. Click 'Add …' to bring up the dialog box shown in Figure 30. 2. Enter the serial port number, which must be in range of 1 through 8, inclusive. If you enter an out-of-range value or a value, which already is in use, you are requested to enter a proper value. )LJXUH 'HILQHWKHSRUWQXPEHUIRUWKHQHZ&20SRUW 3. Click 'OK' to add the new serial port, which appears in the 'Serial Ports' list, see Figure 31. Otherwise, click 'Cancel' to keep the configuration unchanged. ABB Automation 45 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning )LJXUH $QHZVHULDOSRUW &20 DGGHGZLWKGHIDXOWYDOXHV The newly added port’s basic settings and communication protocol are assigned default values. If you wish to use other than the default values, you can configure them as described below. Serial ports - Configure Table 10 displays serial port properties, which you can configure on a per-port basis. Property Communication protocol Available values SPA SPA/Optical Frontpanel Connector Baud Rate Data Bits Parity Stop Bits Send clock synchronization’ 7DEOH 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 5, 6, 7, 8 None, Odd, Even 1, 2 On / Off &RQILJXUDEOHSURSHUWLHVRIVHULDOSRUWV To configure a serial port property: 1. Select the serial port from the ’Serial Ports’ list. 46 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning 2. Configure the item by selecting the desired value from the appropriate list. Serial ports - Delete Any serial port, defined in a project’s system configuration, can be deleted at any time. To delete a serial port from the configuration: 1. Select the serial port from the ’Serial ports’ list. 2. Click 'Delete …'. 3. When prompted to confirm the deletion, see Figure 32, click 'Yes' to delete the serial port. Otherwise click 'No' to leave the serial port intact. )LJXUH &RQILUPWRGHOHWHWKHVHOHFWHGVHULDOSRUW The deletion invalidates the communication settings of any device objects, which has been configured to use the port you are about delete. 1RWHIf you accidentally delete ports you can revert to the most recently saved system configuration by clicking 'Cancel', see section LON page Figure 33 displays the System Configuration tool's 'LON' page. Initially no card is selected, as illustrated in the figure. ABB Automation 47 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning )LJXUH 7KH /21 SDJH LON page items ’Adapter type’ list ’Card’ list 'Install Driver…' button 'Configure Channel…' button For selecting the adapter type. Displays all supported adapters. For assigning the Subnet, Node and time synchronization settings to the LON channels. For installing/configuring the driver for the currently selected adapter. Note! Driver installation and some of the configuration functions require that you have logged on with Administrator Rights. For initial configuration of RER 109 PCLTA card Neuron Chip. Selecting the adapter The System Configuration tool allows to use only a single type of LON card at a time i.e. you can not have multiple types of LON cards in-use simultaneously. The LON card is selected from the ’Adapter type’ list. If you don’t use any LON cards, then select the option ’No card’ from the list. When you select an adapter from the ’Adapter type’ list, the tool scans the computer for currently defined LON devices for the selected adapter type. If such are found, they will be displayed immediately, thus allowing you to take the channel(s) into use by assigning the appropriate channel settings, see section If no LON devices have been defined or you want to modify the current configuration by e.g. adding new devices or removing currently defined devices, click the ’Install 48 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning Driver’ button. For RER 109 PCLTA cards this invokes the MicroSCADA Device Driver Configuration tool, for other card types, this invokes the application, which installs the device driver onto your computer. Assigning LON channel settings Each LON channel needs to have a unique Subnet/Node value pair assigned to it, since it appears as any other node on the network. Valid range is 1 through 127, inclusive for both Subnet and Node. It is also required to specify the time synchronization setting on a per LON channel basis. To assign the Subnet/Node values to a LON channel: 1. Click with the mouse on the intended channel’s Subnet cell to activate it, see Figure 34. )LJXUH $FWLYDWLRQRIWKH6XEQHWFHOO 2. Type in the appropriate value for the Subnet. 3. Repeat the procedure for the Node cell. When you enter the value for the Node, the channel is assigned a default time synchronization value, which you can change as explained below. If the adapter type is ’RER 109 PCLTA card’, this enables configuration of the currently selected channel i.e. the ’Configure Channel’ button is enabled. ABB Automation 49 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning To assign the time synchronization setting to a LON channel: 1. Click on the intended channel’s time synchronization cell. This brings up the ’Time Synchronization’ dialog box, shown in Figure 35, on which you specify the appropriate setting. )LJXUH 7KH 7LPH6\QFKURQL]DWLRQ GLDORJER[ 2. Select the setting mode. 7LPH6\QFKURQL]DWLRQLQ%DVLF0RGH If you select the Basic mode, you have the following options: Option Explanation No clock synchronization The channel does not participate in time synchronization. Send synchronization to LON The time sync will be sent to LON via this channel. This option maps to the ’Link Type 3 Send LSG and minute pulse’ advanced option. This is also the default option when adding new LON channels. Receive synchronization from LON The system clock of the SMS 510 workstation will be synchronized via this channel. This option maps to the ’Link Type 4 - Receive LSG clock sync’ advanced option. Note! Remember that in a project’s communication configuration you can have only one LON channel at a time configured with this setting. Otherwise, you will be prompted to change the configuration when you attempt to save it. 7LPH6\QFKURQL]DWLRQLQ$GYDQFHG0RGH If you select the Advanced mode, you have the following options: 50 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning Option Explanation Link Type 0 - No clock sync The channel does not participate in time synchronization. Link Type 1 - Send LSG clock sync Send LSG clock sync (for the relays that utilize nv warning and nv clock telegrams) Link Type 2 - Send minute pulse Send minute pulse (for the relays that utilize nv time telegram) Link Type 3 - Send LSG and minute pulse Send LSG and minute pulse. Link Type 4 - Receive LSG clock sync Receive LSG clock sync Link Type 5 - Receive minute pulse Receive the minute pulse. Note! It is recommended to use this option only when the other synchronization methods do not work, or when the exact time is not needed because of the inaccuracy on high channel load on LON line with minute pulse. 3. Select the appropriate time synchronization setting. 4. Click ’OK’. After you have assigned the appropriate values, save the changes to the communication configuration, as explained below. Saving system configuration The system configuration is saved permanently by using either the ’OK’ or the ’Apply’ button. The difference is that the ’OK’ button closes the System Configuration tool whereas the ’Apply’ button allows you to proceed working with the System Configuration tool. The tool also provides you with the possibility to revert to the most recently saved configuration, in order to prevent accidental changes to the configuration, see section Save configuration - close tool To save a changed configuration closing the System Configuration tool, click ’OK’. The System Configuration tool prompts you to confirm the operation, see Figure 36. )LJXUH &RQILUPWRVDYHWKHFRQILJXUDWLRQ ABB Automation 51 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning To save the configuration click ’Yes’. Clicking ’No’ enforces the most recently saved configuration. Save configuration - proceed configuration To save a changed configuration without closing the System Configuration tool, click ’Apply’. The System Configuration tool prompts you to confirm the operation, see Figure 37. )LJXUH &RQILUPWRVDYHWKHFRQILJXUDWLRQ To save the configuration click ’Yes’ so that the configuration becomes the most recently saved configuration. Otherwise click ’No’ to proceed without saving. Discard configuration changes To revert to the most recently saved configuration, click ’Cancel’. This closes the System Configuration tool without further prompting. 4.5 Installing LON cards 4.5.1 RER 109 PCLTA Card commissioning procedure The RER 109 PCLTA card hardware and software is configured in the following order: 1. Install the card into the PC. See section 4.5.4. 2. Install and configure the RER 109 PCLTA Card device driver (MiSCLONP). See section 4.5.4. 3. Assign LON channel Subnet and Node values. See section 4. Configure the Neuron Chip on the RER 109 PCLTA card, if necessary. See section 4.5.2 PCC-10 PC Card commissioning procedure The communications hardware and software are configured in the following order: 1. Install the card into the PC. See section 4.5.5. 52 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning 2. Install and configure the PCC-10 PC Card device driver (PNPLON). See section 3. Assign LON channel Subnet and Node values. See section 4.5.3 PCLTA-20 Card commissioning procedure The communications hardware and software are configured in the following order: 1. Install the card into the PC. See section 4.5.6. 2. Install and configure the PCLTA-20 Card device driver (PNPLON). See section 3. Assign LON channel Subnet and Node values. See section 4.5.4 RER 109 PCLTA Card installation and configuration Card overview A RER 109 PCLTA Card may have one or two channels, thus allowing the connection of one or two transceivers, as shown in Figure 38. )LJXUH $5(53&/7$&DUG The use of the cards requires the installation and configuration of a MicroSCADA (MiSCLONP) device driver. During the device driver configuration, each transceiver is given a device number. 1RWH During the driver installation, the I/O base addresses of the cards are requested. These addresses must coincide with the addresses set physically on the cards. ABB Automation 53 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning Card installation To install: 1. Select an I/O base address for the card and set it on the card as described in the PCLTA Card manual, also refer to Figure 38. Any free I/O address where the next 7 addresses are free can be selected. The driver installation tool suggests the 340 default value, which is also the setting on the card at delivery (the setting shown in Figure 38). Other possible values are 300, 308, 310, 318 ... 370 and 378 hex. The selected I/O address should be noted down, e.g. in Table 11, because it will be needed during the driver configuration. If transceivers other than RER 107 are used, the card will probably have to be configured for the transceivers. For more information, refer to the PCLTA Card and the transceiver documentation. Card No. 1 I/O Address Channel Device No = n Device Name = LONPn A B 2 A B 7DEOH 7KHFDUGLQIRUPDWLRQQHHGHGGXULQJV\VWHPFRQILJXUDWLRQ Device driver installation and configuration Overview The device driver for the RER 109 PCLTA Card is installed and configured using a special configuration tool - MicroSCADA Device Driver Configuration tool. This tool is started through the 'Install Driver…' button, located on the LON page of the System Configuration tool, see Figure 39. 54 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning )LJXUH 6WDUWLQJWKHGULYHULQVWDOODWLRQFRQILJXUDWLRQIRUWKH5(53&/7$ &DUG Device driver configuration Once the configuration tool starts the dialog box shown in Figure 40, appears. ABB Automation 55 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning )LJXUH 6WDUWLQJWKHGHYLFHGULYHUFRQILJXUDWLRQ Table 12 briefly explains the functions available on this dialog box. Dialog box buttons ’Driver Version’ To view which version of the MiSCLONP driver currently is in use and which version of the driver has come with the installed package, use this button. ’Update Driver’ If there is an older version of the MiSCLONP driver currently in use, then you can use this button to update the driver to the latest version. If the version currently in use is newer than the one in the installed package, then this button remains disabled i.e. you cannot downgrade the driver. ’Add Device’ Use this button to add and configure a RER 109 PCLTA card. If no cards have been defined previously, the MiSCLONP driver is automatically installed on the computer when adding the first card. ’Remove Device’ Use this button to remove a RER 109 PCLTA card. When you remove the last card, you have the option to remove the MiSCLONP device driver from the computer. ’Change Settings’ Use this button to change settings of an existing device. ’Close’ Use this button to exit the configuration tool. Note! Depending on the actions, you have taken, you may be requested to reboot the computer. In that case, prior to reboot, close the System Configuration tool and exit SMS 510 first. 7DEOH 0LFUR6&$'$'HYLFH'ULYHU&RQILJXUDWLRQIXQFWLRQV To add and configure a device: 1. Click ’Add Device’ to bring up the dialog box shown in Figure 41. 56 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning )LJXUH 7KH 0L6&/213$GG'HYLFH GLDORJER[ 2. Enter the following data: Card Number The number of the card. It is recommended that you set the first card as card number 0, the second card as card number 1 and so on. Type of Card The type of the card. The following card types are supported: PCLTA Single Channel and PCLTA Dual Channel cards. 3. Click ’OK’. The dialog box shown in Figure 42 appears. In this dialog box, you specify each of the channels of the card. )LJXUH 7KHFRQILJXUDWLRQRIWKHFKDQQHOV 4. Enter the following data for each of the channels of the card: Device Number The device number. Each channel is seen as a device with a device number. It is recommended that you set channel A on card 0 as device 0 and channel B as device 1. Then use numbers 2 and 3 for the two channels on card 1. I/O Port Address The I/O base address of the card. This must be the same as the address set physically on the card. If a card has two channels, channel B is automatically given an I/O base address which is 4 + the address of channel A. ABB Automation 57 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning IRQ Level Clock Select Uplink Buffers Downlink Buffers DL Priority Buffers Flush cancel at init The interrupt level used by the channel. This must be unique among all devices in the computer. Allowed values are 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 15. You can check which of the values are free in the operating system’s Diagnostics tool (WINMSD.EXE). The Neuron clock rate for the channel. The default value, 10 MHz, can be used. The number of uplink buffers used by the channel. The default value 20 can be used. The number of downlink buffers used by the channel. The default value 20 can be used. The number of downlink priority buffers used by the channel. The default value 20 can be used. If this option is checked (default), the device driver will issue the niFLUSH_CANCEL command to the network interface after reset. This means that the network interface is reset into NORMAL state and can participate in network transactions. If no niFLUSH_CANCEL command is issued, the network interface remains in a FLUSH state where it ignores all incoming messages and prevents all outgoing messages. 5. Click OK and define the next channel on the card in the same way, and then the next card. When all cards and channels have been configured, configure automatic start-up of the driver as described in section If you are prompted to reboot the computer, exit SMS 510 first. Automatic MiSCLONP device driver start-up 5HPRYLQJWKH0LFUR6&$'$'HYLFH'ULYHU1RWLILFDWLRQ Once the device driver has been installed, a ’MicroSCADA Device Driver Notification’ dialog box will appear at the next system start-up as shown in Figure 43. )LJXUH 0LFUR6&$'$'HYLFH'ULYHU1RWLILFDWLRQ GLDORJER[ 1RWH The reference to the ’MicroSCADA Installation Manual’ is irrelevant in SMS 510 context. 58 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning To prevent this dialog box from appearing at future system start-ups: 1. Click ’Remove Notification’. &RQILJXULQJWKHDXWRPDWLFVWDUWXS The MiSCLONP device driver should be configured to automatically start at system start-up. On Windows NT 4.0, this is done through the Control Panel applet named ’Devices’, see Figure 44. )LJXUH 6WDUWLQJRIWKH:LQGRZV17'HYLFHVDSSOHW 1. Open the applet and when it is running select the ’MiSCLONP’ device from the device list, see Figure 45. )LJXUH 7KH 0L6&/213 GHYLFH 1RWHIf you cannot find the ’MiSCLONP’ device driver name, the driver installation has failed and must be redone. 2. Click ’Startup’ to enter the ’Device’ dialog box, shown in Figure 46, and select the option ’Automatic’. ABB Automation 59 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning )LJXUH 7KHVWDUWXSVHWWLQJVRIWKH 0L6&/213 GHYLFH 3. Click ’OK’ to dismiss the dialog box accepting the changes. At the next operating system start-up, the MiSCLONP device starts automatically. You can now either reboot the computer or directly attempt to start the MiSCLONP device by clicking ’Start’ on the Devices dialog box, see Figure 45, after which the device driver should be fully working. RER 109 PCLTA Card Neuron Chip configuration Overview The Neuron Chip on the card must be configured initially after installation of the card and re-configured when the Neuron Chip’s communication ability has been lost due to a newly installed transceiver module, such as RER 107. The Neuron Chip is configured using the Net Interface Tool. The following Neuron Chip values are modified by the Net Interface Tool: • comm_type • comm_pin_dir • comm_clock • input_clock When the RER 107 module is used, the FRPPBW\SH value is typically zero, meaning that the PCLTA Card is unable to communicate. Usually the other values are correct. The Net Interface Tool provides two configuration methods for different purposes, namely the 'Standard' and the 'Custom' methods. The desired method is selected at the tool’s start-up. Standard configuration method When configuring a RER 109 PCLTA Card equipped with the RER 107 optical module, the Standard configuration method allows for a quick configuration. 60 ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Commissioning Custom configuration method The Custom configuration method is to be used on the following occasions: • The Neuron Chip configuration is to be verified. • Some other than the default values should be used. Starting the Net Interface Tool The Net Interface Tool is started through the 'Configure Channel…' button, located on the LON page of the System Configuration tool, see Figure 47. )LJXUH 6WDUWLQJWKH1HW,QWHUIDFH7RRO 1RWH In order for the configuration to be successful, the appropriate device driver must be started at the time you start the Net Interface Tool. At the tool’s start-up, you are prompted whether to proceed the operation, see Figure 48. To return to the System Configuration tool, click 'No'. ABB Automation 61 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning )LJXUH &RQILUPWRFRQWLQXHZLWKWKH1HXURQ&KLSFRQILJXUDWLRQ If you answered ’Yes’, the dialog box for selecting the configuration method appears, see Figure 49. )LJXUH 1HWZRUN,QWHUIDFHFRQILJXUDWLRQPHWKRGV At this stage, the dialog box displayed in Figure 50 appears and is automatically iconized in a few seconds of time. )LJXUH 7KHVWDUWXSGLDORJER[RIWKH/211HW$JHQW Standard configuration method Once the Standard configuration method has been selected on the start-up dialog box, the Net Interface Tool directly attempts to write the default values, shown in Table 13, to the Neuron Chip. Parameter Value comm_type 1 (single-ended) comm_pin_dir 0x0E (direct mode, single-ended) comm_pin_dir 0 (bit rate = input_clock / 8) input_clock 5 (10.0 MHz) 7DEOH 62 1HXURQ&KLSFRQILJXUDWLRQGDWDRIWKH6WDQGDUG0HWKRG ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning Upon completion of the Neuron Chip configuration, the Net Interface Tool displays the following message: 7DEOH 1HWZRUN,QWHUIDFHPHVVDJHDIWHUVXFFHVVIXOFRQILJXUDWLRQ At this point, the Net Interface Tool terminates and the Neuron Chip should be able to communicate. Custom configuration method Once the Custom configuration method has been selected on the start-up dialog box, the dialog box shown in Figure 51 appears. )LJXUH 6DPSOH3&/7$&DUG1HXURQ&KLSFRQILJXUDWLRQYDOXHV Here the desired FRPPBW\SH, FRPPBSLQBGLU, FRPPBFORFN and LQSXWBFORFN can be manually selected. In addition, the bit rate derived from the clock (’/RQ %LW 5DWH ) value is also shown and is not subject to change. To read the values from the Neuron Chip and to verify that they have been set correctly, choose ’Read’. To update the settings to the Neuron Chip choose ’Write’. If it succeeds, the message shown in Figure 52 appears. ABB Automation 63 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning )LJXUH 4.5.5 :ULWHRSHUDWLRQFRPSOHWHG PCC-10 PC Card installation and configuration For information on installing and configuring the PCC-10 PC Card, please view the documentation shipped with the card. Device driver installation The installer for the PCC-10 PC Card is started through the 'Install Driver…' button, located on the LON page of the System Configuration tool, see Figure 53. )LJXUH 6WDUWLQJWKHGULYHULQVWDOODWLRQIRUWKH3&&3&&DUG 1RWH The program, which you start, installs images and the driver (PNPLON.SYS) for the PCC-10, PCLTA-10 and PCLTA-20 cards. The instructions for the driver installation and configuration are provided in the package. 64 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning Device driver configuration For information on configuring the PCC-10 device driver, please view the Windows Help shipped with the device driver package. To access the Help on Windows NT 4.0, open the Control Panel and open the applet ® titled ’LonWorks Plug’n Play', shown in Figure 54. ® )LJXUH 6WDUWLQJWKH /RQ:RUNV 3OXJ¶Q3OD\ DSSOHW ® Once the LonWorks Plug’n Play applet is running click 'Help' to view the Help for the package. 4.5.6 PCLTA-20 Card installation and configuration For information on installing and configuring the PCLTA-20 Card, please view the documentation shipped with the card. Device driver installation The installer for the PCLTA-20 Card is started through the 'Install Driver…' button, located on the LON page of the System Configuration tool, see Figure 55. ABB Automation 65 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning )LJXUH 6WDUWLQJWKHGULYHULQVWDOODWLRQIRUWKH3&/7$&DUG 1RWH The program, which you start, installs images and the driver (PNPLON.SYS) for the PCC-10, PCLTA-10 and PCLTA-20 cards. The instructions for the driver installation and configuration are provided in the package. Device driver configuration For information on configuring the PCLTA-20 device driver, please view the Windows Help shipped with the device driver package. To access the Help on Windows NT 4.0, open the Control Panel and open the applet ® titled ’LonWorks Plug’n Play', shown in Figure 56. )LJXUH 6WDUWLQJWKH /RQ:RUNV®3OXJ¶Q3OD\ DSSOHW 66 ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Commissioning 4.6 CAP2/316 - Distributed COM identity 4.6.1 Overview The CAP2/316 tool needs to be configured under Distributed COM (DCOM) to run in the context of the MicroSCADA user account. 4.6.2 When to apply the DCOM identity The DCOM identity has to be configured when: 4.6.3 • You have installed the option ’REB 500 / RE.x16 Support’. • You have changed the password of the MicroSCADA user account on the computer. DCOM identity configuration The identity configuration is done by means of the ’Distributed COM Configuration Properties’ dialog box (DCOMCNFG.EXE), which is part of the operating system installation. To configure the identity: 1. Choose ’Run’ from the Windows NT Start menu. 2. Type ’DCOMCNFG.EXE’ in the ’Run’ dialog box and click ’OK’. This opens the ’Distributed COM Configuration Properties’ dialog box shown in Figure 57. ABB Automation 67 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning )LJXUH 7KHOLVWRIUHJLVWHUHG'&20DSSOLFDWLRQV 3. Browse for the application titled ’ScilComApp.Connection2’ and click 'Properties…'. 4. On the opening dialog box, click the 'Identity' tab and select the option 'This user:'. 5. As in Figure 58, type in 'MicroSCADA' as the User. Type in the same password as is used for the MicroSCADA user account on your computer. 68 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning )LJXUH 0LFUR6&$'$XVHUDFFRXQWDVWKHLGHQWLW\IRUWKHDSSOLFDWLRQ 6. Click ’OK’ to return to the previous dialog box. 7. Click ’OK’ to close also the ’Distributed COM Configuration Properties’ dialog box. The identity configuration will take effect the next time you start SMS 510. 4.7 RAS/Modem installation This section describes the installation of Remote Access Service (RAS) and the installation of modem(s). 4.7.1 Overview RAS service is not installed automatically in the express installation of Windows NT. It must be installed afterwards, both in the server and in the client computer to enable ’Remote’ connections between SMS 510/other systems. The server is configured to accept incoming calls, while the client is configured to make outgoing calls. The installation procedure comprises the following steps, which will be detailed below: ABB Automation 69 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning 4.7.2 • Installing modems to both of the involved computers. • Installing RAS in both of the involved computers. • Installing MS Loopback Adapter driver (in the RAS server computers only). • Configuring start-up of Remote Access Server on the RAS server. • Configuring dial-in permissions (in the RAS server computers only). • Preparing for dial-up from the client computer. Installing modems To install a modem: 1. Double-click the icon ’My Computer’ and ’Control Panel’. From Control Panel double-click the ’Modems’ icon to bring up the ’Install New Modem’ Wizard, see Figure 59. )LJXUH ,QVWDOOLQJDQHZPRGHP 2. You can either use automatic modem detection or enter the RAS communication media manually. 70 • If you use automatic modem detection, select ’Next>’ and follow the instructions on the screen. • In case, you do not wish to use automatic modem detection, the windows in Figure 60 and Figure 61 will be shown. Select the type of modem. ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning )LJXUH 6HOHFWLQJWKHPRGHPPDQXDOO\ The installation program searches for the type of the connected modem in the MODEM.INF file, in the directory \WINNT\SYSTEM32\RAS. An error message is produced if the modem type is not found. In that case, you should have a separate modem installation diskette, containing the required information. Select ’Have Disk’ and supply the required information on the diskette. 3. Click ’Next>’ to select the serial ports for the modem. )LJXUH 6HOHFWLQJWKHFRPPXQLFDWLRQSRUWPDQXDOO\ ABB Automation 71 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning 4. The modem installation completes with the following dialog box. To finish the installation, click ’Next>’ )LJXUH 0RGHPLQVWDOODWLRQLVUHDG\ 4.7.3 Installing Remote Access Service RAS must be installed both in the client and server computers. Below follows a stepby-step description of the RAS installation. The configuration differences between server and client computers are pointed out. Refer also to the applicable operating system documentation, if necessary. 1. Double-click the icon ’My Computer’ and ’Control Panel’. From Control Panel double-click the ’Network’ icon to bring up the Network tool. 2. Select the Services page and click ’Add’ to open up the ’Select Network Service’ dialog box, see Figure 59. 72 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning )LJXUH 7KHOLVWRI1HWZRUNVHUYLFHV 3. Select ’Remote Access Service’ and click ’OK’. 4. Select the installation media, e.g. ’A:\I386’ if diskette. )LJXUH 6HOHFWLQJLQVWDOODWLRQPHGLD+HUH5$6ZLOOEHLQVWDOOHGIURPDGLUHFWRU\ RQDORFDOKDUGGLVNGULYH 5. Click ’Continue’. File copying starts, and when ready, you are asked the following question if there are no modems in your computer. )LJXUH 4XHVWLRQUHODWHGWR5$6VHWXS ABB Automation 73 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning 6. Make sure that the modem is connected to the desired COM port, and click ’Yes’. This initiates the modem installation procedure explained above. 7. Click ’OK’ to use the selected modem for the RAS connection. To install additional modems, click 'Install Modem…', eventually you will return to this dialog box. )LJXUH 6HOHFWLQJWKH5$6GHYLFH )LJXUH 5HPRWH$FFHVV6HWXSGLDORJER[ 8. Select the appropriate device and click 'Configure'. )LJXUH &RQILJXULQJ3RUW8VDJH 74 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning 9. Be sure to select the option ’Dial out and Receive calls’ in the server computer 1RWH The ’Receive calls only’ will not work properly on the server computer. Select ’Dial out only’ in the client computer and click ’OK’. 10. Click ’Network’, see Figure 69. )LJXUH 1HWZRUN&RQILJXUDWLRQGLDORJER[ 11. Select the ’TCP/IP’ protocol and click ’Configure’. ABB Automation 75 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning )LJXUH (QWHULQJ7&3,3DGGUHVVHVLQWKHVHUYHUFRPSXWHU 12. Configure as shown in Figure 70. given as an address range. Define a range of at least two IP addresses as RAS assigns one IP for either end of the RAS connection. Do not include the IP for the Loopback adapter in this range. 13. Click ’OK’ and ’Continue’. 14. If you are operating on a computer which will act as a RAS server, install the ’MS Loopback Adapter driver’, see the instructions below. Otherwise, you can exit the ’Network’ control panel application and restart the computer for the new configuration to take effect. 4.7.4 Installing MS Loopback Adapter driver A MS Loopback adapter is required on the station level computer (RAS Server). This driver comes as part of the operating system delivery. To install the driver/adapter: 1. Double-click the My Computer icon then the Control Panel icon. From Control Panel double-click the Network icon to bring up the Network tool. 2. Select the ’Adapters’ page and click ’Add’ to open up the ’Select Network Adapter’ dialog box, see Figure 71. From the list select the ’MS Loopback Adapter’. 76 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning )LJXUH 06/RRSEDFN$GDSWHUGULYHULVVHOHFWHG • Click ’OK’. On the following dialog box, see Figure 72, accept the default value ’802.3’ by clicking ’OK’. )LJXUH 6SHFLI\LQJWKHIUDPHW\SHIRUWKHGULYHU 3. Next, specify the location of the installation files for your operating system, in the opening dialog box, see Figure 73. )LJXUH 6SHFLI\WKHORFDWLRQWRWKHRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPLQVWDOODWLRQILOHV ABB Automation 77 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning 4. Click ’Continue’ to install the software. Upon completion, you will return to the ’Network’ dialog box. Make note that the MS Loopback Adapter has appeared to the list of installed adapters. 5. Next, switch to the ’Protocols’ page, select ’TCP/IP Protocol’ as in Figure 74. )LJXUH 6HOHFWLQJWKH7&3,3SURWRFRO 6. To specify the TCP/IP address for the MS Loopback adapter, click ’Properties’ and on the opening dialog box select ’MS Loopback Adaper’ as shown in Figure 75. 78 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning )LJXUH 5HDG\WRVSHFLI\WKHDGDSWHU V,3DGGUHVV 7. Set the ’IP Address’ to (see the note below for details) and the ’Subnet Mask’ to The ’Default Gateway’ can be left empty. 8. Click ’OK’ and close the ’Network’ dialog box by clicking ’Close’ to finish the installation. The binding information will be updated when the dialog box closes, the settings will take effect the next time you start the computer. 4.7.5 Considerations when specifying IP addresses If you want a fast and trouble free installation follow the examples to the letter, the described settings is a working configuration. The IP addresses used in this manual are examples (The IP addresses used in this example are part of reserved IP-ranges or nets that are reserved for ‘private’ use. It is thus safe to use them anywhere, provided that the same IP addresses are not used for other purposes in the local network. Discuss with someone knowledgeable in TCP/IP networking if you are not familiar with it yourself. It may/will save you much grief and frustration. For more information on ‘private’ nets, please refer to RFC1918. ABB Automation 79 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning 4.7.6 Configuring start-up of Remote Access Server service In a RAS server computer, the ’Remote Access Server’ service should be configured to start up automatically when the operating system starts. Otherwise, this service has to be manually started to enable RAS client computers to dial-in the server computer. 1RWH When configured to start-up automatically, RAS server reserves all COM port(s) that have been configured to accept incoming calls. This must be kept in mind when configuring the serial port communications of SMS 510 projects to avoid overlapping COM port usage in RAS and SMS 510. If overlapping settings have been specified, when turned on, SMS 510 System Self Supervision will indicate the COM port(s) that are inaccessible. To configure: 1. Double-click the icon ’My Computer’ and ’Control Panel’. From Control panel double-click the ’Services’ icon. )LJXUH 7KH:LQGRZV17ZLQGRZIRUPDQDJLQJVHUYLFHV 2. Select ’Remote Access Server’ and click ’Startup’. 80 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning )LJXUH 6HOHFWLQJDXWRPDWLFVWDUWXS 3. Select ’Automatic’ startup. 4. Click ’OK’. 4.7.7 Verifying Remote Access Server service The operating system provides the Remote Access Admin tool (RASADMIN.EXE), which can be useful in diagnosing the RAS installation and the connections. Under Windows NT 4.0, this tool is started from the ’Start Menu/Programs/Administrative Tools’ menu. )LJXUH 9LHZLQJWKHVWDWXVRIWKH5HPRWH$FFHVV6HUYHUVHUYLFHRQDVHUYHU FRPSXWHU For more information, please refer to the help shipped with the tool. 4.7.8 Configuring dial-in permissions in the RAS server computer The RAS client computer dials the server in the MicroSCADA user’s security context. This means that the account must be granted the permissions to dial-in the RAS server computer. ABB Automation 81 SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN Commissioning To grant the permissions: 1. Open the operating system’s ’User Manager’ application. On Windows NT 4.0 it can be found under ’Start Menu/Programs/Administrative Tools’ menu. 2. Select the MicroSCADA user account, see Figure 79. )LJXUH 7KH8VHU0DQDJHUDSSOLFDWLRQ 3. From the File menu, choose ’Properties’ and on the opening dialog box, click ’Dialin’ to open the ’Dialin Information’ dialog box shown below. )LJXUH 'LDOLQLQIRUPDWLRQIRUWKH0LFUR6&$'$XVHUDFFRXQW 4. Mark the check box ’Grant dialin permission to user’ and click ’No Call Back’. If you wish to apply a more secure Call Back configuration, refer to the operating system help. 5. Click ’OK’ twice and close the User Manager by selecting ’Exit’ from the File menu. 82 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Commissioning 4.7.9 About phonebooks and SMS 510 SMS 510 uses a private phonebook which is not accessible through the operating system’s Dial-up Networking functionality. This phonebook is managed by means of the ’Remote Connection Properties’ dialog box. For more information on utilizing remote connections in SMS 510, see the 6062SHUDWRU V0DQXDO. 4.7.10 Dialing-Up in SMS 510 In SMS 510 the dial-up takes place when you activate a Remote connection from the Project Structure Navigator. The Project Structure Navigator automatically hangs up the call when you switch to another connection or open a local project. ABB Automation 83 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Troubleshooting installation 5 Troubleshooting installation This chapter provides information that aims to help your recovering from problems that you have encountered during the SMS 510 installation. 5.1 Incorrect operating system detected If you attempt to install SMS 510 on an operating system other than Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000, the installation notifies you with the message shown in Figure 81. )LJXUH ,QFRUUHFWRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPGHWHFWHG Click ’OK’ to exit the installation. Ensure correct computer configuration and rerun the installation. 5.2 Incorrect operating system version detected If you attempt to install SMS 510 on a Windows NT operating system lower than version 4.0 the installation notifies you with the message shown in Figure 82. )LJXUH ,QFRUUHFWRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPYHUVLRQGHWHFWHG Click ’OK’ to exit the installation. Ensure correct computer configuration and rerun the installation. 84 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Troubleshooting installation 5.3 Installing on Windows 2000 If you are installing SMS 510 on the Windows 2000 operating system, the installation notifies you with the message shown in Figure 83. )LJXUH 1RWLILFDWLRQDERXWWKHUHFRPPHQGHGRSHUDWLQJV\VWHP In order to guarantee successful operation of SMS 510, click ’No’ to abort the installation and install on a computer running Windows NT 4.0. However, if you wish to proceed with the SMS 510 installation, click ’Yes’. 5.4 Insufficient user rights to install If you have logged on to your computer having non-administrator rights, the installation notifies you with the message shown in Figure 84. )LJXUH ,QVXIILFLHQWXVHUULJKWVWRLQVWDOO606 To recover click ’OK’ and logon to the computer having administrator rights and restart the installation. 1RWHYou may erroneously receive this notification even if you have logged on with administrator rights. When encountering such behaviour, the problem most probably ABB Automation 85 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Troubleshooting installation relates to the TEMP environment variable setting on your computer, see section 5.11.2 for instructions to recover. 5.5 MicroSCADA service is running If the MicroSCADA service is running when you start the SMS 510 installation, you are notified with the message shown in Figure 85. )LJXUH 0LFUR6&$'$VHUYLFHPXVWEHVKXWGRZQEHIRUHFRQWLQXLQJZLWKWKH LQVWDOODWLRQ In order to continue, exit the application currently utilizing the MicroSCADA service and click ’Yes’. The application is one of the applications listed in the message. Notice that you can not continue with the installation while the service is executing. To exit the installation, click ’No’. 5.6 Failing to install the MicroSCADA service If the installation of the MicroSCADA service does not succeed, the installation displays the message shown in Figure 86. )LJXUH 7KH0LFUR6&$'$VHUYLFHLQVWDOODWLRQKDVIDLOHG The most probable reason for this is that the MicroSCADA service has started during the SMS 510 installation. In order to recover from this, click ’OK’ to dismiss the 86 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Troubleshooting installation message and exit the installation by clicking ’Cancel’ on the ’Installing’ progress dialog box. Restart the installation and install at least the Base system. 5.7 Troubleshooting destination drive error messages Depending on the current destination drive setting and your computer configuration, you may be notified with any of the following messages. &'520GULYHDVGHVWLQDWLRQ )LJXUH <RXFDQQRWLQVWDOOWRD&'520GULYH 1RQ17)6GULYHDVGHVWLQDWLRQ )LJXUH <RXFDQQRWLQVWDOOWRDQRQ17)6GULYH ABB Automation 87 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Troubleshooting installation 1HWZRUNGULYHDVGHVWLQDWLRQ )LJXUH <RXFDQQRWLQVWDOOWRDQHWZRUNGULYH 5HPRYDEOHPHGLDGULYHDVGHVWLQDWLRQ )LJXUH <RXFDQQRWLQVWDOOWRDUHPRYDEOHPHGLDGULYH 9LUWXDOGULYHDVGHVWLQDWLRQ )LJXUH <RXFDQQRWLQVWDOOWRDYLUWXDOVXEVWLWXWHGGULYH To recover, click ’OK’ and select a suitable destination drive in the Installation Wizard’s ’Select Destination Drive’ dialog box. 88 ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Troubleshooting installation 5.8 Insufficient disk space Provided, that the selected destination drive does not contain sufficient free disk space the installation displays the dialog box shown in Figure 92. )LJXUH ,QVXIILFLHQWGLVNVSDFHWRLQVWDOO The available options are: 5.9 • ’Abort’, which aborts the installation immediately. 1RWH Your computer configuration has not yet been modified at this point, so you can safely select this option to exit installation. • ’Retry’, which checks the disk space and redisplays this dialog box if the amount of available disk space has not increased sufficiently. Otherwise, the software installation continues normally. • ’Ignore’, which causes the installation blindly to continue copying the software to the destination. Notice that it is not recommended to use this option as the installation might eventually fail in its operation. No suitable destination drive available If your computer does not contain any drives formatted to NTFS and you have not installed SMS 510 v. 1.0.0 before the installation displays the message shown in Figure 93. )LJXUH 1RVXLWDEOHGHVWLQDWLRQGULYHDYDLODEOHIRULQVWDOODWLRQ Click ’OK’ to dismiss the message and to exit the installation. ABB Automation 89 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN Troubleshooting installation In order to install SMS 510, you must format a drive to NTFS. Use the operating system tools to accomplish this task, for example, under Windows NT 4.0 you can use the Disk Administrator utility. 5.10 Incompatible SYS 500 and/or COM 500 installed During the start-up of the installation, you may see the notification displayed in Figure 94. )LJXUH 3URGXFWXSJUDGHVZLOOEHUHTXLUHGLI606LVLQVWDOOHG As stated, the old versions of SYS 500 and COM 500 can not be used if you install SMS 510. If you are unsure about installing SMS 510 click ’No’ to exit the installation, otherwise click ’Yes’ to continue with the installation. 1RWHProvided, that you choose to install SMS 510, remember that the SYS 500 and COM 500 must be updated to the respective versions stated in the message, before you can continue using those products. 5.11 Miscellaneous 5.11.1 Repaired operating system installations If your computer experiences operating system failures and you repair the operating system installation, it is recommended that you reinstall at least the following options of the SMS 510 in order to guarantee correct installation of SMS 510: • Base System • REB 500 / RE.x16 Support In addition, reinstall the Parameter Setting tool. 90 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 Troubleshooting installation 5.11.2 TEMP environment variable Notice that the ’TEMP’ environment variable must be defined on your computer and its content must reference an existing directory to which you have read/write access. Also, make sure that the drive on which this directory exists is not near to its storage capacity. To verify this on Windows NT 4.0: 1. Open the ’System’ applet from the Windows NT Control Panel. 2. Choose the ’Environment’ page as shown in Figure 95 and locate the ’TEMP’ variable from one of the lists. The setting may be defined both as a System and a User variable. If found, the User variable setting overrides the respective System variable setting. )LJXUH 7KH7(03HQYLURQPHQWYDULDEOHVHWWLQJ 3. Make sure that the defined directory actually exists on your computer, in the figure above, the directory is ’C:\TEMP’. Use e.g. the Windows NT Explorer to browse for this directory. ABB Automation 91 Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 1MRS751265-MEN References 6 References Applicable Manuals SMS 510 Release Notes 1MRS751750-MZA SMS 510 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Operator’s Manual 1MRS751267-MUM SM/RED Configuration Manual 1MRS751392-MEN RED Relay Tool Operator’s Manual 1MRS751383-MUM SM/SPACOM Configuration Manual 1MRS751393-MEN SPA Relay Tool Operator’s Manual 1MRS751385-MUM DR-Collector Tool Operator’s Manual 1MRS751387-MUM SM/Gateways Configuration Manual 1MRS751708-MEN REB 500 Operator’s Manual 1MRB520010-UEN REG216 Operating Instructions 1MDU02005-EN REL316*4 Operating Instructions 1MRB520050-UEN CAP2/316 User’s Guide 1MRB520271-UEN Parameter Setting Tool (PST) User’s Manual 1MRK511068-UEN HV/Collect User’s Manual 1MRK511083-UEN 7 LONWORKS PCC-10 PC Card User’s Guide n/a 8 LONWORKS PCLTA-20 PC LonTalk User’s Guide n/a 7 A manual from Echelon Corporation, not included in SMS 510. Downloadable in PDF format via 8 A manual from Echelon Corporation, not included in SMS 510. Downloadable in PDF format via 92 ABB Automation 1MRS751265-MEN ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual SMS 510 93 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Index Index Page $ Additional installation applications $FFHVVLQJ Adobe Acrobat Reader ,QVWDOOLQJ & CAP2/316 tool ([HFXWLQJRXWVLGH606 CD-ROM +DUGZDUHUHTXLUHPHQWV Commissioning ,QVWDOOLQJ/21FDUGV 6\VWHP&RQILJXUDWLRQWRRO Communication configuration 0D[LPXPQXPEHURIFRPPXQLFDWLRQFKDQQHOV Communication protocol 6SHFLI\LQJIRUDVHULDOSRUW Communication protocols /21 63$ 63$2SWLFDO)URQWSDQHO&RQQHFWRU Current version 'HILQLWLRQ ' Destination drive 'HIDXOWGHVWLQDWLRQGULYH :DUQLQJV 1RDSSOLFDEOHGHVWLQDWLRQGULYHRQFRPSXWHU 6HOHFWLQJWKHGULYH Dialing-Up 5$6 Dialing-Up 5$6 Disk space (UURU Display +DUGZDUHUHTXLUHPHQWV ) File system +DUGZDUHUHTXLUHPHQWV + Hang-Up 5$6 606 Hang-Up 5$6 606 94 ABB Automation Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Index Hard disk space +DUGZDUHUHTXLUHPHQWV Hardware 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.............................................................................................................. 19 Installation Wizard dialog boxes 'HVWLQDWLRQ'ULYH 0DLQGLDORJER[IRUQRQIRUFHGLQVWDOODWLRQ 0DLQGLDORJER[IRUWKHIRUFHGLQVWDOODWLRQ 3URGXFW/LFHQVH$JUHHPHQW 6\VWHP,QIRUPDWLRQGLDORJER[ 6\VWHP,QIRUPDWLRQGLDORJER[ 6\VWHP,QIRUPDWLRQGLDORJER[ :HOFRPH Interdependencies &$3 &$3 &20 &RQWUROOLQJDFFHVVWR0LFUR6&$'$VHUYLFH ,QFRPSDWLEOHNHUQHOUHYLVLRQRI&20$RUROGHU ABB Automation 95 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS751265-MEN SMS 510 Index ,QFRPSDWLEOHNHUQHOUHYLVLRQRI6<6$RUROGHU ,QFRPSDWLEOHNHUQHOUHYLVLRQVXVHGLQRWKHUSURGXFWV 0LFUR6&$'$VHUYLFH 2YHUYLHZ 6<6 Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2 ,QVWDOOLQJ ISA +DUGZDUHUHTXLUHPHQWV / License information (QWHULQJ )DLOLQJWRDSSO\ LON adapter support 3&&3&&DUG 3&/7$3&/RQ7DON$GDSWHU 3&0&,$ 5(53&/7$&DUG LON communication $VVLJQLQJWLPHV\QFKURQL]DWLRQVHWWLQJV &RPPXQLFDWLRQVRIWZDUHFRPSRQHQWV 0 Manuals $FFHVVLQJPDQXDOV 606PDQXDOV Memory +DUGZDUHUHTXLUHPHQWV 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Troubleshooting ,QFRPSDWLEOHNHUQHOUHYLVLRQVLQRWKHUSURGXFWV ,QYDOLGW\SHVRIGHVWLQDWLRQGULYHV 1RDSSOLFDEOHGHVWLQDWLRQGULYHRQFRPSXWHU 1RWHQRXJKGLVNVSDFH 5HSDLUHGRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPLQVWDOODWLRQ 6HUYLFHLQVWDOODWLRQIDLOHG 8 User rights *UDQWLQJDFFHVVWRVWDUWDQGVWRSWKH0LFUR6&$'$VHUYLFH (UURU : Windows 2000 ,QVWDOOLQJ606RQ:LQGRZV ABB Automation 99 1MRS751265-MEN $%% ABB Substation Automation Oy P.O. Box 699 FIN-65101 VAASA Finland Tel. +358 10 224 000 Fax. +358 10 224 1094
Key Features
- Comprehensive data acquisition
- Data analysis and reporting
- Easy to use and configure
- Integration with a variety of substation equipment
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the SMS 510?
The SMS 510 is a software application for monitoring and controlling substation systems. It provides a comprehensive set of features for data acquisition, analysis, and reporting.
What are the software requirements for installing the SMS 510?
The SMS 510 requires Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or higher. It is also recommended to have the Service Pack 5 installed.
What are the hardware requirements for installing the SMS 510?
The SMS 510 requires a 133 MHz processor, 64 MB of memory, an SVGA display, and two COM ports.