User manual | ABB SYS 600 9.1.5 SCADA software Technical Description

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The MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.1.5 is a software solution for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. This software package is designed for use in industrial and manufacturing applications, including power generation, water treatment, and process control. The software is capable of managing and controlling a wide range of industrial processes, including data acquisition, process control, alarm management, and reporting. It also provides a comprehensive user interface for monitoring and controlling the system.


ABB MicroSCADA Pro SYS 600 9.1.5 Technical Description | Manualzz

MicroSCADA Pro

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description






MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

1. About this manual .....................................................................7

1.1. Copyrights .....................................................................................7

1.2. Trademarks ...................................................................................7

1.3. Related documents .......................................................................7

1.4. Document revisions .......................................................................7

2. Introduction ...............................................................................9

2.1. Presentation of SCIL .....................................................................9

2.2. SCIL programs ............................................................................12

2.3. SCIL statements ..........................................................................13

2.4. Organization of this manual ........................................................13

3. Programming in SCIL .............................................................15

3.1. SCIL programming environment .................................................15

3.2. SCIL programming rules .............................................................21

4. Data types ................................................................................25

4.1. General .......................................................................................25

4.2. Integer .........................................................................................25

4.3. Real .............................................................................................26

4.4. Boolean .......................................................................................27

4.5. Time ............................................................................................27

4.6. Text .............................................................................................28

4.7. Bit string ......................................................................................28

4.8. Byte string ...................................................................................29

4.9. Vector ..........................................................................................29

4.10.List ..............................................................................................30

4.11.Accessing components of structured data ..................................31

5. Objects and files .....................................................................33

5.1. General .......................................................................................33

5.2. System objects ............................................................................34

5.2.1. General ............................................................................34

5.2.2. Base system objects (B) ..................................................36

5.2.3. Communication system objects .......................................37

5.3. Application objects ......................................................................38

5.3.1. General ............................................................................38

5.3.2. Process objects (P) ..........................................................40

5.3.3. Event handling objects (H) ...............................................42

5.3.4. Scales (X) ........................................................................42

5.3.5. Data objects (D) ...............................................................42

5.3.6. Command procedures (C) ...............................................44

5.3.7. Time channels (T) ............................................................45


Copyright 2005 ABB Oy, Substation Automation Products, Vaasa, FINLAND 3

SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


5.3.8. Event channels (A) .......................................................... 46

5.3.9. Event objects (E) ............................................................. 46

5.3.10.Variable objects (V) ......................................................... 47

5.4. User interface objects ................................................................. 48

5.4.1. Visual SCIL objects ......................................................... 48

5.4.2. Pictures ............................................................................ 52

5.5. Predefined VS object, window and picture function methods ..... 54

5.6. Predefined VS object, window and picture function attributes .... 55

5.7. Files ............................................................................................ 58

5.8. File naming ................................................................................. 58

5.9. Text files ..................................................................................... 59

5.10.Binary files .................................................................................. 60

5.11.Keyed files .................................................................................. 60

5.12.SCIL databases .......................................................................... 62

6. Variables ................................................................................. 65

6.1. General ....................................................................................... 65

6.2. Local variables ............................................................................ 65

6.3. Global variables .......................................................................... 66

6.4. Using variables ........................................................................... 67

6.5. Predefined picture variables ....................................................... 69

7. Expressions ............................................................................ 71

7.1. General principles ....................................................................... 71

7.2. Arithmetical operators ................................................................. 72

7.3. Relational operators .................................................................... 75

7.4. Logical operators ........................................................................ 77

8. SCIL statements ..................................................................... 79

8.1. General ....................................................................................... 79

8.2. General SCIL statements ........................................................... 82

8.2.1. Basic SCIL statements .................................................... 82

8.2.2. Application and system object commands ....................... 93

8.2.3. Printout commands .......................................................... 99

8.2.4. Path commands ............................................................. 101

8.2.5. File handling commands ................................................ 104

8.3. Visual SCIL commands ............................................................ 109

8.3.1. Loading, creating and deleting Visual SCIL objects ...... 109

8.3.2. Handling Visual SCIL attributes and methods ............... 112

8.4. Picture handling commands ..................................................... 113

8.4.1. General picture handling commands ............................. 113

8.4.2. Window handling commands ......................................... 117

8.4.3. Input commands ............................................................ 124

8.4.4. Miscellaneous picture commands .................................. 126



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

9. Functions ...............................................................................129

9.1. General .....................................................................................129

9.2. Generic functions ......................................................................141

9.3. Arithmetic functions ...................................................................145

9.4. Time functions ...........................................................................151

9.5. String functions .........................................................................167

9.6. Bit functions ...............................................................................177

9.7. Vector handling functions ..........................................................180

9.8. List handling functions ...............................................................191

9.9. Functions related to program execution ....................................192

9.10.Functions related to the run-time environment .........................197

9.11.Functions related to the programming environment .................201

9.12.Language functions ..................................................................208

9.13.Error tracing functions ..............................................................213

9.14.Database functions ...................................................................214

9.15.File handling functions ..............................................................230

9.16.File management functions ......................................................243

9.17.Communication functions .........................................................258

9.18.CSV (Comma Separated Value) functions ...............................259

9.19.DDE client functions .................................................................262

9.20.DDE server functions ................................................................266

9.21.ODBC functions ........................................................................268

9.22.OPC Name Database functions ...............................................273

9.23.OPC functions ..........................................................................276

9.24.RTU functions ...........................................................................281

9.25.Printout functions ......................................................................284

9.26.Miscellaneous functions ...........................................................287

10.Graphics primitives ..............................................................291

10.1.Introduction ...............................................................................291

10.2.Full graphics SCIL commands ..................................................292

10.2.1.Drawing graphical elements ...........................................292

10.3.Graphics contexts .....................................................................297

10.3.1.General ..........................................................................297

10.3.2.Defining graphics contexts .............................................298

10.3.3.Components of graphics contexts ..................................299

10.3.4.Colors and fonts .............................................................304

10.3.5.Reading graphics contexts .............................................308

10.4.Graphics canvas .......................................................................308

10.5.Miscellaneous graphical commands .........................................313

10.5.1.Storing and restoring selections .....................................313

10.5.2.Display handling commands ..........................................313


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


11.Using motif widgets in SCIL ............................................... 315

11.1.General .................................................................................... 315

11.2.Widget handling commands ..................................................... 316

11.3.Widget methods ....................................................................... 318

11.4.Widget resources ..................................................................... 319

11.4.1.General .......................................................................... 319

11.4.2.Resources in SCIL ......................................................... 319

11.4.3.Resource data types ...................................................... 320

11.4.4.Writing widget resources ............................................... 322

11.4.5.Reading widget resources ............................................. 323

11.4.6.Auxiliary functions .......................................................... 323

12.SCIL programming guide .................................................... 325

12.1.Picture handling ....................................................................... 325

12.2.Visual SCIL object handling ..................................................... 326

12.3.Program execution ................................................................... 327

13.SCIL editor ........................................................................... 333

13.1.General .................................................................................... 333

13.2.Menus ...................................................................................... 334

13.3.Toolbar ..................................................................................... 337

13.4.Opening and closing the SCIL editor ....................................... 338

13.5.Typing and editing programs and texts .................................... 340

14.The SCIL compiler ............................................................... 349

14.1.General .................................................................................... 349

14.2.Performance improvement ....................................................... 349

14.3.Impact on SCIL programs ........................................................ 349

14.3.1.Programs that do not compile ........................................ 350

14.3.2.Programs that generate run-time error .......................... 350

14.3.3.Programs that produce wrong results ............................ 351

14.3.4.Recommendations ......................................................... 351

15.App. A. ODBC ERROR CODES ........................................... 353

16.App. B. PARAMETER FILES ............................................... 355

17.Index ..................................................................................... 357








MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

About this manual

SYS 600 *9.1.5


The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB Oy. ABB Oy assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

In no event shall ABB Oy be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB Oy be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of any software or hardware described in this document.

This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission from ABB Oy, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor used for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.

Copyright © 2005 ABB Oy

All rights reserved.


Registrations and trademarks used in this document include:

Windows: Registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Related documents

Name of the manual

Application Objects

System Configuration

Status Codes

System Objects

Visual SCIL Objects

MRS number






Document revisions

Version Revision number Date










15.03.2002 Document created

15.01.2004 Added information about SCIL Databases in Ch 4

Additions in General functions in Chapter 8

Additions in Time functions in Chapter 8

File handling functions added in Section 8.14

OPC functions added in Chapter 8

Windows NT changed to Windows

30.06.2004 Document updated

09.03.2005 Additions to Object Attribute Info, Update Interval and CSV function


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

E 9.1.5

28.11.2005 OPC A&E functions




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

2. Introduction

SYS 600 *9.1.5

This chapter introduces the SCIL programming language, the MicroSCADA application engineering, and the SCIL program structure.


Presentation of SCIL

What is SCIL

SCIL, Supervisory Control Implementation Language, is a high level language especially designed for the application engineering of the supervisory control system MicroSCADA. All MicroSCADA application programs as well as most system configuration programs are built in SCIL.

Application engineering

In MicroSCADA, 'application engineering' means the composition of customized, process specific supervisory control software. The result is an application software package adapted for the user’s needs regarding control functions, communicating process devices, user interface, level of information, etc. A base system contains one or more application software packages named applications. The application engineering comprises:

• Functional design, i.e. the programming and definition of the SCADA functions as well as other supervisory control and calculation functions.

• User interface design.

The functional design involves the definition of databases (a database = a set of connected data stored in a structured form) and the creation of SCIL programs. Each application has a process database for handling process supervision and a report database for data storage, calculations, automatic activation, etc. The databases are composed of objects named application objects.

The user interface design involves the composition of pictures and dialogs. See

Figure 2.1.-1. Pictures are dynamic illustrations containing a static background,

dynamic windows and user activated function keys. Dialogs are independent windows which may contain a wide range of user interface items, such as menus, buttons, images, notebooks, and pictures. Pictures and dialogs represent two different user interface design methods. The design and programming of dialogs and dialog systems is named “Visual SCIL”.

These two portions of an application are interwoven with each others, and the user interface design and the functional design generally occur in parallel.

Application engineering is simplified by using the standard application software library, LIB 500, which requires a minimum of object definitions and SCIL programming. In any case, SCIL is found in all MicroSCADA applications, even in those which are built with LIB 500, because the LIB 500 standard application software is built with SCIL.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



Fig. 2.1.-1 A MicroSCADA screen view showing three dialogs, one containing a picture.

The application engineering using LIB 500 is discussed in the LIB 500 User’s

Guide. The user interface design is described in the Visual SCIL User Interface

Design and the Picture Editing manuals.

What you can do with SCIL

By means of SCIL you can control the entire MicroSCADA system, not only the features related to the application, but also features related to the system configuration and communication. With SCIL as your tool you can for instance (as

shown in Figure 2.1.-2):

• Program the user interface portion of the application, e.g. define the dynamic changes in pictures and dialogs, and program operator activated function keys and buttons.

• Design various forms of process control, such as manual control, sequential control, time control, event control, etc.

• Define routines for calculation and updating in databases to be started automatically or manually.

• Design reports for presentation on monitor screens or for paper printout.

• Configure, supervise and handle system components, for example printers and monitors.

• Build process simulations.

• Exchange data with other MicroSCADA applications and with external (non-

MicroSCADA) applications (e.g. office applications).



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Learning SCIL requires no previous knowledge of "conventional" programming.

Fig. 2.1.-2 Features controlling the SCIL program execution and features controlled by SCIL


SYS 600 *9.1.5


MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


SCIL programs


A SCIL program is composed of one or more textual statements. Each statement represents an instruction to the system about a task to be carried out, e.g. the presentation of a picture or the assignment of a variable value. Consecutive statements mean a sequence of instructions, which are carried out in the prescribed order.


SCIL programs appear in pictures, in command procedures (objects for automatic or

SCIL activated program execution), and in the dialogs and dialog items (Visual

SCIL objects). More information about this will be given in Chapter 3.

Activation of SCIL programs

The SCIL programs can be started manually or automatically, for example:

• The function keys in pictures and the buttons in dialogs contain SCIL programs which are started manually by the operator.

• The pictures and dialogs can contain programs which are started automatically when a picture is entered or exited, periodically with a certain time interval, and on the occurrence of a process event.

• The command procedures can start automatically by real or simulated process events, by time, from other SCIL programs, etc.

• SCIL programs can be started by a SCIL command or a program call.


The example in Figure 2.2.-1 gives an insight into what a SCIL program can look

like. The program could be placed under a function key in a picture, which means that it is executed each time the key is pressed. The purpose of the program is to bring a new picture called MENU on screen provided that a password is given correctly (999).


Fig. 2.2.-1 A SCIL program for the input and control of a password





MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

SCIL statements


Each line in the program example in Figure 2.2.-1 is a SCIL statement. (A

statement could also be continued on several lines.) A SCIL statement may consist of the following main components:

Commands. These are words with a pre-declared meaning constituting orders to

the system about steps to be taken. In the example in Figure 2.2.-1 each program

line starts with a command.

Objects. Object is a broad concept which may correspond to physical parts of the system or the process, database items, user interface objects, or abstract functions specific to the MicroSCADA system.

Variables. Variables are facilities for the temporary storage and use of changing

data. In the example in Figure 2.2.-1, WORD is a variable.

Function calls. SCIL has a large number of pre-defined functions for various purposes.

Expressions. Expressions are formulas which can contain constants, object notations, variables, function calls and operators (e.g. +, - , /, *).

Statement format

The components above can be combined into statements according to one of the following three formats : command {arguments} variable = expression name.program {arguments}




Type (1) (described in Chapters 8, 10 and 11) implies that an action is performed on

or by means of the arguments. The arguments may be object references, expressions, variables, names, etc. Some commands do not require any arguments, they are as such complete statements. In some cases the arguments may contain statements. The command names start with a ! (picture commands), # (control commands) or .

(Visual SCIL, full graphics and Motif commands).

Type (2) (described in Chapter 6) implies that a variable gets a value.

Type (3) is a program call which starts a program execution in a picture, dialog or

dialog item. This type is described in Chapter 5.

Organization of this manual

This manual is composed of 14 chapters, which have the following contents:

Chapter 2.

Chapter 3.

Chapter 4.

This introduction.

Describes the tools for SCIL programming, the rules concerning the structure of SCIL programs, SCIL characters and naming

SCIL elements.

Describes the different SCIL data types allowed for data and expressions included in SCIL programs.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Chapter 5.

Chapter 6.

Chapter 7.

Chapter 8.

Chapter 9.

Chapter 10.

Chapter 11.

Chapter 12.

Chapter 13.

Chapter 14.

Describes briefly the different object types - system objects, application objects, user interface objects and files - and how they are handled in SCIL.

Describes the use of variables in SCIL: how to assign values to variables and how to use them, predefined picture variables.

Describes the construction of SCIL expressions.

Describes the SCIL commands - picture handling commands, control commands and Visual SCIL commands.

Describes the predefined SCIL functions which can be included in expressions.

Describes the lowest level of the full graphics handling

(generally not needed for ordinary application engineering).

Describes the handling of Motif Widgets (not needed for ordinary application engineering).

Provides a programmer’s quick guide.

Describes the SCIL Program Editor.

Describes the SCIL Compiler.

Appendix A contains a list of ODBC error codes.

Appendix B describes the contents of parameter files.

At the end of the manual, you will find a list of subject indices.





MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

Programming in SCIL

SYS 600 *9.1.5

This chapter describes the SCIL programming environment and the rules for programming in SCIL:



The programming environment: the MicroSCADA objects where

SCIL programs and expressions are found, the programming tools in brief, the use of SCIL expressions in external applications via DDE.

Programming rules: The structure of the SCIL programs, SCIL characters, SCIL names.

SCIL programming environment


SCIL programs appear in:

• Pictures

• Visual SCIL objects

• Command procedures

In addition, SCIL expressions appear in windows, data objects and time channels.

SCIL expressions can also be entered in external Windows based applications and evaluated through DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange).

SCIL programming is carried out on-line, while the MicroSCADA system is running. Various application programming tools, such as Dialog Editor, Picture

Editor and Object Navigator, use the SCIL Program Editor for entering SCIL programs. The SCIL Program Editor is able to check the syntax of the program. To test SCIL programs, use the Test Dialog accessed from the Tool Manager.

The subsequent presentation of the programming environment assumes that you use a MicroSCADA monitor (application session) of type "VS" (Visual SCIL). In other monitor types (semi-graphic monitors or "X" type monitors) the programming tools are semi-graphic. "X" type monitors are required if the application contains Motif

Widgets. In all other cases, use "VS" type monitors. You choose monitor type when you open a MicroSCADA monitor or screen.

SCIL program editor

SCIL programs are written in the SCIL Program Editor which is accessed from tool pictures and from the Tool Manager. The SCIL Program Editor is opened from the

Picture Editor, the Dialog Editor and the Command Procedure object definition tool.

The SCIL Program Editor is described in Chapter 13 in this manual.

Picture programs

A dynamic picture is composed of a static background, windows, function keys,

SCIL-programs and picture functions. Windows are the dynamic parts of the picture.

They can present data fields, graphs, figures or complete pictures. The picture functions are complete pictures which are integrated in the total picture. Picture functions and window pictures (pictures shown in a window) are commonly called

"part pictures" or "sub-pictures", while the total picture is called “main picture”.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Pictures are built and programmed in the Picture Editor where they can be named freely. The pictures and picture editing are described in the Picture Editing manual.

A picture may contain the following types of picture programs (none of them is obligatory):

• A draw program executed every time the picture is loaded on screen, immediately after the background has been produced on screen but before the start program is executed. It can, e.g., be used for adding context specific graphics to the background by means of graphics commands.

• A start program executed after the draw program. The start program is used for basic definitions such as initial variable values, update interval, and program blocks.

• An update program, which is executed repeatedly at intervals defined by a SCIL

command (the !UPDATE command, see Chapter 8) as long as the picture is

displayed on screen.

• An exit program, which is executed each time the picture is closed (even at exit by clicking three times in the upper left corner of the picture).

Function key programs executed at each click on the function keys to which they belong.

Named programs executed by program calls. A SCIL picture may contain any number of named SCIL programs. The named programs are started by program

calls as described in Section 5.4. The named program names may be up to 63

characters long. Each picture may contain a named program with a predefined name, ERROR_HANDLER, where the programmer can define the error handling to be used in the picture. The ERROR_HANDLER program is described in

Chapter 12.

Besides these programs, the picture contains a background program which is created automatically by the picture editor. The background program contains graphics commands. Normally, it should not be edited manually.

Window definitions

The window definitions, see Figure 3.1.-1, may contain expressions which specify

what is to be shown in the windows. The expression of a window is evaluated each time the window is shown. The window definitions may also contain conditions for the display of different representations. Both the expressions and the conditions follow the rules of SCIL.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Fig. 3.1.-1 An example of a window definition


Each Visual SCIL can have a number of methods most of which are SCIL programs.

(There are also predefined methods which are programmed in C, but these are not editable).

A dialog or a dialog item may contain the following SCIL programs (methods):

• Methods started at the creation and deletion of the object.

• Cyclically activated methods.

• Event activated methods started by a process event or an event activated by SCIL

(through event objects, see Section 5.3).

• Action methods started on an operator intervention (for example, a click on a button).

• A help method started when help is requested.

• An error handling method.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


In addition, each Visual SCIL object may have an arbitrary number of user defined

methods which are executed by a method call (see Section 5.4).

The methods of the dialogs and dialog items are programmed in the Dialog Editor.

The composition and programming of dialogs is described in the Visual SCIL User

Interface Design manual.

Command procedures

A command procedure is an independent SCIL program consisting of up to

1 000 000 lines (see Figure 3.1.-2). A command procedure can be activated by a

time channel (see below), an event channel (controller of event-bound activities) or a SCIL program.

Command procedures are described in the Application Objects manual.


Fig. 3.1.-2 An example of a command procedure


MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Data objects

The data objects (datalog objects) are objects for the registration and storage of data.

The object definition, see Figure 3.1.-3, contains a SCIL expression which states

how the data is to be calculated.

Data objects are described in the Application Objects manual.

Fig. 3.1.-3 An example of a data object definition

Time channels

The time channels control the execution of time-bound activities. By conditions

which are SCIL expressions, see Figure 3.1.-4, the initialization times and execution

times can be restricted, so that an initialization or an execution can only occur when the conditions are fulfilled.

Time channels are described in the Application Objects manual.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



Fig. 3.1.-4 An example of a time channel definition

Using SCIL in external applications

MicroSCADA applications can be accessed from external Windows applications using the DDE protocol, so that the MicroSCADA application works as a DDE server and the other application works as a DDE client.

The DDE identifiers service, topic and item have the following meanings when accessing a MicroSCADA application:

Service =

Topic =


MicroSCADA application number (APL object number, see the

System Configuration manual)



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Item, data = Item and data depends on the DDE transaction as follows:

REQUEST: item = SCIL expression

POKE: item = SCIL object notation data = SCIL expression

EXECUTE: item = SCIL statement.

The DDE Server function in MicroSCADA supports the following SCIL data types

(see Chapter 4): integer, real, text, boolean. There are some SCIL functions which

can be used in the composition of the expressions used via DDE. See the DDE

Server Functions in Chapter 9.

When handling data using DDE Server, occurred SCIL errors are preserved, so that the user can read afterwards the last SCIL status code of each DDE conversation by doing a request transaction giving "DDE_SCIL_STATUS_CODE" as Item value.

Accessing a MicroSCADA application using the DDE Server requires that the DDE

Server has been enabled in the base-system configuration (the SYS:BDE attribute).

For more information about using DDE, refer to the DDE documentation of the

Windows Application you are using.

SCIL test tool

The test dialog accessed from the Tool Manager allows the programmer to enter individual SCIL statements and expressions as well as programs. It also provides means for detailed examination of the SCIL expressions. The SCIL Test tool is described in the System Management manual.

SCIL programming rules

Program structure

A SCIL program can contain up to 1 000 000 lines, and each line up to 65 535 characters (including spaces). A SCIL statement comprises one or more lines. A minus sign (-) at the end of a SCIL line, before a possible comment, indicates that the statement continues on the next line. A line may be divided anywhere where spaces are allowed, but not within text constants. The statements are not numbered and empty lines are allowed anywhere in the programs.

Spaces are allowed anywhere in the program except within numbers, words, names, object notations and composed symbols. These elements, disregarding operators, must be adjacent to at least one space at each side. Also the operators DIV and MOD

(see Chapter 7) must be adjacent to spaces.

Upper and lower case letters may be freely intermixed. When the program is executed, lower case letters are converted into upper case, except for lower case

letters within text constants (see Chapter 4).

Comments can be placed anywhere in the program. They are preceded by a semicolon (;), which indicates that the rest of the line is a comment. However, if the

semicolon is enclosed in quotation marks (";"), it is regarded as a text (see Chapter



SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



The following two SCIL-programs are functionally equivalent:

Example 1:



#SET C:PBO2 = 0



#ELSE_IF T < 70 #THEN #SET C:PBO2 = 1

Example 2:






#ELSE_IF T < 70 #THEN #SET C:PBO2 = 1


The following statement is divided on two lines. As a text constant cannot be divided it is necessary to type it as a sum of two texts.

A = "IN THIS EXAMPLE, A LONG TEXT VALUE IS " - ;Comments allowed


SCIL characters

SCIL uses an extended ASCII character set (ASCII = American Standard Code for

Information Interchange). This character set contains 256 characters, each of which corresponds to a numeric value in the range 0 ... 255.

Some of these characters have a special meaning in SCIL. They symbolize punctuation marks, operators, messages to the system, etc. These special symbols and their meanings are listed below. When the symbols are composed of more than one character, the characters can not be separated by spaces.

Symbol Meaning in SCIL


















+ minus sign, continuation of program line plus sign multiplication exponential operator division, separator in paths separator in Visual SCIL object paths parantheses, enclose indexing and argument lists an enumeration decimal point, marks a graphics or Motif command, an attribute or a method index interval encloses a text global variable assignment global variable access variable expansion precedes a control command precedes a picture command follows an object name starts a comment



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Symbol Meaning in SCIL


= =


> =


< =

< >

^ assignment equal to greater than greater than or equal to less than less than or equal to not equal to an octal number

SCIL names

Most user interface objects (picture and Visual SCIL objects, see Chapter 5) and application objects (see Chapter 5) are identified by logical names (identifiers),

which can be chosen freely. Likewise, the names of variables, named programs, user defined methods, logical library representation files and directory paths can be named freely.

As a rule, the names may be up to 63 characters long. However, the names of pictures, windows and logical paths may be only 10 characters long.

Allowed characters are the letters A-Z, all digits and underscore (_). In application object names periods (.) are allowed as well. As a rule, the first character of a name must be a letter. Application object names may also start with a digit, but this is not recommended.

SCIL supports blanks in Windows directory and file names.

Upper case and lower case letters are not distinct. For example,

OBJ_NAME and Obj_name are the one and the same name.


Below are some examples on valid and invalid SCIL names:

Valid names:




Invalid names:




(starts with a digit, not valid as a name of a picture,

window or variable)

(contains a special character)

(too long for a window name)


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description






MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

This chapter describes the SCIL data types: integer, real, boolean, time, text, bit string, byte string, vector and list.


Data types

In SCIL there are six types of simple data (data constituted of single values):

integer, real, boolean, time, text, bit string and byte string.

In addition, there are two types of structured data: the data type vector represents an ordered array of data elements, and the data type list represents an unordered list of attribute names and attribute values. The components (elements and attributes) of structured data may be of any data type, for example an element of a vector may be a vector or a list.

Data type none is used in some contexts to denote a missing value.

For generic functions that deal with any type data (for example read the type or status of data, determine the length of data item or test two data items for equality),

see Section 9.2.

Reliability of data

In SCIL, each data item has a status code, which expresses the reliability of the data.

As a rule, when an expression is evaluated, it gets the status code of the least reliable operand. Data written explicitly by the programmer or entered by the user always have OK status. A bad status code may originate, for example, from a process object value, which have been marked as obsolete due to a communication fault.

The status code of data can be read and written with SCIL functions GET_STATUS

and SET_STATUS (See Section 9.2). The status codes are listed in the Status Codes




The integer data type denotes positive and negative integer values ranging from

-2 147 483 648 through +2 147 483 647. These values may be referred to by symbolic names MIN_INTEGER and MAX_INTEGER, respectively. Constant integers outside these limits are represented as real numbers. The most negative integer -2 147 483 648 cannot be written as a constant, it should be referred to by its symbolic name MIN_INTEGER.

Integer constants can be typed in decimal or octal form. In decimal form integers are written as a sequence of digits 0 ... 9 optionally preceded by a sign. No embedded spaces nor commas or points are allowed.

Octal constants are written as a sequence of octal digits 0 ... 7 followed by a trailing up arrow (^).


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Examples of some valid integer constants:






The last one represents integer value 511(decimal).




The real data type expresses, with limited precision, continuous quantities within a large range of values. The accuracy of real numbers is limited to about seven significant decimal digits.

Table 4.3.-1 shows the value ranges of the real numbers. All numbers between the

smallest negative and the smallest positive numbers yield the value 0. The ranges are determined by the processor of the base system computer.

Table 4.3.-1 The value ranges of real values.

Smallest negative value

Largest negative value

Smallest positive value

Largest positive value

-5.88 E(-39)

-3.41 E38

5.88 E(-39)

3.41 E38

Real numbers are written using digits, decimal points and signs. No exponents are allowed. At least one digit must precede the decimal point. Numbers without any decimal point are considered as integer values if they fall within the value range of integer values. Outside that range, they are considered as real values.

Internally, real numbers are represented by a 32-bit floating point format.

Because the internal representation of a real number is generally not exact, care should be taken when comparing two real values for equality. For example, it is not safe to rely on such "facts" as '1.7/5.0 == 0.34'. However, the following holds: Every whole number in the range -16 777 216 .. +16 777 216 has an exact representation as a real number. Therefore, for example the relation '170.0/5.0 == 34.0' is safe, no rounding errors can occur.

For various arithmetic functions that operate on real data, see Section 9.3.

If better accuracy of floating point arithmetics is required by an application, special purpose SCIL functions operating on 64-bit floating point numbers may be used. See

Section 9.3 for functions whose name is prefixed by "HIGH_PRECISION_".





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Examples of some valid real numbers:






The second number contains 9 significant digits and consequently cannot be stored without some loss of precision. The third number is a real constant because it falls outside the range of integers.



Boolean data may take two values: FALSE and TRUE.

Boolean values result from comparisons (relational operators) and various other tests (such as functions EVEN and ODD). They are frequently used in conditional statements and expressions.

Internally, FALSE is represented by the value 0 and TRUE by the value 1. Hence, the relation between the two boolean values is:


Integer 0 and 1 are returned when boolean SCIL expressions are used via DDE

(Dynamic Data Exchange).


Some examples of boolean expressions and their values:


4 + 1 == 5

"NIGHT" == "DAY"


Boolean value





Time data is obtained by reading the system clock and various time stamp attributes of objects.

A time value is internally represented as a 32-bit unsigned integer counting seconds since the beginning of 1978.

For various functions that operate on time data, for example give a textual

representation (e.g. calendar time) of time data, see Section 9.4.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description




Text data is composed of 0 to 65 535 characters. ISO Latin-1 character set encoding is used. Symbolic name MAX_TEXT_LENGTH may be used to refer to the text length limit of the current implementation (65 535 today).

Text values may be compared and concatenated (’added’ using + operator) (See

Chapter 7). For various predefined functions that operate on text data, see Section


Text constants are enclosed in quotation marks ("). A single quote (') or double quotes (") contained in the text must be typed as two single quotes or two double quotes respectively.


Two text constants:


"This is a text constant containing one "" and one ' ' "

Bit string


A bit string is a sequence of bits stored in consecutive memory bytes. The length of a bit string (the number of bits in the string) may be anything from 0 to 65 535. The bits in a string are numbered from 1 to 65 535 counting from left to right. Symbolic name MAX_BIT_STRING_LENGTH may be used to refer to the bit string length limit of the current implementation (65 535 today).

Bit strings appear as values of process object attributes and functions. They can be created using functions BIT_SCAN and BIT_STRING and represented in a textual

format by means of BIN function (See Chapter 9).

Bit strings may be compared and concatenated (’added’ using + operator) (See

Chapter 7). For functions that manipulate bit strings on bit level, see Section 9.

Internally, a bit string is represented as a two-byte length field followed by as many data bytes as needed to store the bits.


An example of a bit string of eight bits converted to a text by means of the BIN function:

BIN(%BITSTRING) = = "01010101"





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Byte string


A byte string is a sequence of consecutive 8-bit bytes with no structure and no predefined semantics. The length of a byte string may be anything between 0 and

8 388 600 bytes. Symbolic name MAX_BYTE_STRING_LENGTH may be used to refer to the byte string length limit of the current implementation (8 388 600 today).

Byte strings can be created by the PACK_STR function. By using the function

UNPACK_STR, a byte string can be interpreted as an array of numerical values.

Byte strings may be used to exchange binary data between MicroSCADA and other applications. Within the SCIL programming environment, they are used, for example, to store compiled SCIL programs.

Byte strings may be compared and concatenated (’added’ using + operator) (See

Chapter 7).

Internally, a byte string is represented as a four-byte length field followed by as many data bytes as needed to store the bytes.



A vector is an ordered array of data. A data item as a component of a vector is called an element. A vector may contain up to 1 000 000 elements numbered from 1 to

1 000 000. Symbolic name MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH may be used to refer to the vector length limit of the current implementation (1 000 000 today).

The elements of a vector may be of any data type. Different elements may even be of different data types.

A vector may be expanded by simply assigning values to its elements or by function

INSERT_ELEMENT. Elements may be removed by function

DELETE_ELEMENT. For these and various other functions that operate on vector

data, see Section 9.7.

For accessing elements of a vector, see Section 4.11.

Vector aggregate

A vector can be written as a vector aggregate in the following format:

VECTOR[([element [,element]*])] or

(element1, element2 [,element]*)

The key word VECTOR is followed by the vector element values separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. The elements may be given as expressions of any data type. The key word VECTOR may be omitted, if two or more elements are listed. An empty vector may be written as VECTOR or VECTOR().


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Technical Description


An example of a vector aggregate of five elements:

(-23, "NAME", 0.000001, CLOCK, A + B)




A list is an unordered collection of data components. The components are called attributes which have a name and a value. Hence, data type list is a list of attribute name/value pairs. A list can hold up to 1 000 000 attributes. Symbolic name

MAX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT may be used to refer to the attribute count limit of the current implementation (1 000 000 today).

Attribute names are freely chosen, up to 63 character long identifiers.

The attributes of a list may be of any data type. Different attributes may have different types.

New attributes to a list may be added by function MERGE_ATTRIBUTES.

Function DELETE_ATTRIBUTE may be used to remove attributes. For these and

other functions that operate on list data, see Section 9.8.

For accessing attributes of a list, see Section 4.11.

List aggregate

A list can be written as a list aggregate in the following format:

LIST[([attribute = value [,attribute = value]*])]

The key word LIST is followed by attribute value assignments separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. The attribute values may be given as expressions of any data type. An empty list may be written as LIST or LIST().


A list could have the following contents:

Attribute name

























Using a LIST aggregate and vector aggregates, the list could be written:

LIST(LN = ("A","B"), IX = (4,2), UN = (10,11), OA = (3560,3430), OB = (7,16),

OV = (0,5.5))




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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Accessing components of structured data

Components of structured data, i.e. elements of a vector and attributes of a list, are accessed by the following notation: entity[component]* where each 'component' is one of the following:

( index )

( [low] .. [high] )



'low', 'high'


Integer value, 1 ... 1 000 000.

Selects an element of a vector.

Index range, 'low' and 'high' integer values 1 ... 1 000 000.

Selects a subvector, or a slice, containing the elements 'low' to

'high' from a vector, 'high' must be greater or equal to 'low'.

If 'high' is omitted, all indices from 'low' to the end of vector are selected.

If 'low' is omitted, all indices up to 'high' are selected, i.e. 'low' defaults to 1.

Name of an attribute of a list.

An index range may be specified only as the last component of the notation.

There is no limit for the number of components in the notation. Consequently, any component of structured data may be directly accessed, regardless of the complexity of the data structure.

'entity' is one of the following:

• Name of a local variable or an argument (see Chapter 6).

• Name of a global variable preceded by % or @ (see Chapter 6).

• Visual SCIL object attribute reference (see Chapter 5).

• Window attribute reference (see Chapter 5).

A component access notation may appear as an operand of an expression and as the left hand operand of an assignment statement and .SET command.

Assigning a value to an attribute does not create the attribute. If the attribute to be assigned does not exist, error SCIL_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND is raised.

On the other hand, assigning a value to a vector element that does not exist expands the vector or even creates the vector, if the target is not of vector type.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



Valid statements containing component access notations:

A.B = C(2).D(2 .. 6) ;Local variable access

@A.B(1)(12) = %C(2).D ;Global variable access

.SET .HEIGHTS(5) = ROOT\OBJ._GEOMETRY.H ;VS object attribute access

.SET ROOT/WINDOW1.A.B = WINDOW2.C(1) ;Window attribute access

Invalid statements:

#SET A:VB.C = SYS:BUV(5).A ;Not for application objects

MS = LOCAL_TIME.MS ;Not for return values

A = .METHOD(ARG).A ;Not for return values

(VECTOR1 + VECTOR2)(1) ;Not for intermediate results





MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

Objects and files

SYS 600 *9.1.5

This chapter describes in general terms the objects and how to handle them in

SCIL. The objects are of three main categories which are described in the following sections:






General: an overview of the three object categories, some object related concepts.

System Objects: The communication system objects and base system objects, their object notation and some attributes.

Application Objects: The application object types, their object notation, and some attributes.

User Interface Objects: The pictures and picture components, the visual

SCIL objects, the object hierarchy, the object references, attributes and methods.

Files: File naming and different file types.

The description of the object types here is superficial. For a detailed description, refer to the following manuals: System Objects, Application Objects, Visual SCIL

Objects, Visual SCIL User Interface Design and Picture Editing.


Object categories

There are three categories of objects which represent three levels of system engineering:

• System objects. The system objects are used for system configuration and communication. They are of two types:

• Base system objects.

• Communication system objects (previously named system objects).

• Application objects. These objects form the functional portion of the applications. There are ten types of application objects:

• Process objects

• Event handling objects

• Scale objects

• Data objects

• Command procedures

• Time channels

• Event channels

• Event objects

• Free type objects.

• Variable objects

• User interface objects. There are two types of objects for composing the user interface portion of applications:


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


• Pictures

• Visual SCIL objects. There are about 40 Visual SCIL object types. Each type corresponds to a type of dialog, dialog item (e.g. buttons, texts, lists, menus) or image.

Attributes and methods

An important concept when talking about objects is the notion of attribute. Most object types have attributes which represent the values and properties of the objects.

The value of a process object, for example, is represented by an attribute, the time stamp is another attribute, and so is the alarm state. Regarding the Visual SCIL objects, the attributes may correspond to visual properties such as the label or color of a button.

Through the attributes, the SCIL programmer can use and change the object properties. For instance, the color of a dialog item and the alarm limits of a process object may be changed by means of a SCIL statement.

The Visual SCIL objects may also have a number of methods which are programs written in SCIL or in C. The SCIL programs may be freely modified while the C programs are predefined. By executing predefined methods, the programmer can affect certain features of the objects.

Handling objects in SCIL

The values and properties of the objects can be read in SCIL as attributes. Provided that write access is allowed, the values and properties can also be written by means of SCIL commands. Reading an attribute means that it is used in a SCIL expression, e.g., assigned to a variable or shown in a window.

The system objects and application objects - or actually their attributes - are accessed by means of an object notation which contains the object name and type and the attribute name. The Visual SCIL objects are accessed by means of an object name or path and an attribute name.

The system objects and most of the application objects are global and accessible not only within the same application and the same base system, but even in the entire distributed MicroSCADA system. The Visual SCIL objects, on the contrary, are accessible from SCIL only within the same dialog system.

System objects



The system objects define the hardware and software configuration of the entire

MicroSCADA system, as well as the data communication with connected devices.

There are two types of system objects:

Base system objects (B) which define the base system configuration.

Communication system objects (S) which are images of the physical system devices connected to the communication units (NETs).



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

The base system objects are stored in the RAM memory of the base system computer as long as MicroSCADA is running. They are not stored on disk, but must be defined at each start-up of the base system. The communication system objects are stored in the communication units (NETs) as long as the units are running. Default values may be stored in the communication programs (board based NETs) as a preconfiguration.

System object notation

SCIL refers to a system object value, i.e. an attribute, by an object notation of the following format (the items within brackets may be omitted):

name:[application]type attribute[index]

where name application type attribute index is the name of the object. The system objects have predefined names which are composed of a three-letter type notation and a sequence number. Base system objects may also have a userdefined name.

is an application number. Generally not needed.

is a character indicating the object type: S = communication system object, B = base system object.

is the attribute to be read or written with the notation. The attribute names are a combination of two letters (A ... Z). The attribute determines the data type of the entire notation. The system object attributes are all detailed in the System Objects manual.

is a number or a range of numbers. The indices have different meanings depending on the object type and attribute. For instance, for NET line attributes the index generally refers to the

NET line number. For some attributes, the index denotes an address. The System Objects manual details the indexing of the attributes.

An index or index range is given in any of the following ways:

• As an integer constant, 0 ... 1 000 000, either a positive decimal number or an octal number. Octal numbers are used when addressing bits of memory attributes of communication system objects.

• As an integer type expression enclosed by parentheses.

• As a range enclosed in parentheses, (i .. j), where 'i' denotes the first index number and 'j' the last.Two points surrounded by parentheses, (..), denotes all the indices of the actual object notation. (i ..) means all indices larger than or equal to

'i', and (.. j) all indices less than or equal to 'j'. In an index range either both or none of the index limits may be given with bit addresses.

There may be no spaces between the items in the object notation.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Base system objects (B)


The base system objects correspond to the devices and applications located in, connected to, or otherwise known to the base system. They determine the hardware and software properties of the base system and its applications.

The base system objects have the following names:










The base system itself

Applications (n = 1 ... 250)

Printers ( n = 1 ... 20)

Monitors (n = 1 ... 100)

Input devices: keyboard, mouse, control board (n = 1 ... 100)

Stations (n = 1 ... 5 000)

Station types (n = 1 ... 31)

Nodes: base systems and NETs (n = 1 ... 250)

Links: connection line (n = 1 ... 20)

'n' represents an ordinal number (’base system object number’). For APL and MON type objects, it can be omitted from the object notations, which means that the notation refers to the current application or monitor respectively.

Some attributes

Each of the base system object types have their own attributes. Here are some examples:

AS Application State

The state of the application (APL): "HOT" = active, "WARM" = not active, but accessible, "COLD" = passive, not available.




Lines per Page

Number of lines per printed page. Belongs to PRI objects.

Alarm Count

Belongs to APL objects and shows the number of active alarms in the application. The alarm class is given as an index. Index 0 refers to the total number of active alarms.

Picture Cache Size

The cache memory space reserved for pictures and library representations in main memory. Belongs to SYS objects.




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SYS 600 *9.1.5


Examples of some base system object notations:












Application number 1 is active.

Printer number 1 is black and white.

Printer number 2 writes 70 lines per page.

There are 20 active alarms in application 1.

Communication system objects


The communication system objects correspond to the devices connected to the communication units. Hence, these devices - communication units, stations, other base systems, workstations and peripherals - can be accessed and controlled from

SCIL as communication system objects. Each NET unit has its own set-up of communication system objects.

The communication system objects have the following names:

NETn (or NODn) Communication units and base systems (n = 1 ... 250)

APLn Applications (n = 1 ... 32)



Stations (RTUs, PCLs, relays, etc.) (n = 0 ... 255)

Printers (n = 1 ... 8)

The 'n' above indicates the number of the objects as known to the NET where they are defined. When handling the objects in SCIL, the 'n' in the object name is the logical number of the device (according to the device mapping attributes).

Some attributes

Each of the object types have their own attributes. Here are just a few examples:



Station Address.

The station address of a device. The NET objects and STA objects have a station address.

In Use.

States whether or not the object is in use. Most system objects have this attribute.

Value: 0 = out of use

1 = in use.

PO Protocol

The protocol of a communication line given as an integer, e.g. 1 =

ANSI full duplex, 14 = SPA. 0 = the line is not defined.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


ME MEmory address.

The contents of the memory address given as an index. Belongs to the

STA objects (ANSI stations).


Examples of some communication system object notations:

Notation Value Explanation







STA5:SME1234^5 0

Station 1 has station address 201.

Line 2 of NET1 uses the SPA protocol.

The printer is in use.

The contents of storage address 1234, bit number 5 in STA5

Application objects


Object types

The application objects are programmable units which perform various functional tasks in the MicroSCADA application. They constitute data images of physical process or system devices, data registers, SCIL programs, scaling algorithms, facilities for automatic activation, etc.

There are ten types of application objects:

Process objects (P) . . . data images of the physical process devices connected to process stations (remote terminal units (RTUs), protective equipment, PLCs, etc.).

Event handling objects (H) . . . texts related to object states and events.

Scales (X) . . . algorithms for scaling analog process values.

Data objects (D) . . . collections of stored data.

Command procedures (C) . . . SCIL programs.

Time channels (T) . . . facilities for automatic time bound activation.

Event channels (A) . . . facilities for automatic event bound activation.

Event objects (E) . . . mechanisms for event activated start-up of SCIL programs or program sequences in pictures and dialog objects.

Free type objects (F) . . . special objects for the definition of user-defined process object types.

Variable objects (V) . . . temporary objects which can contain attributes collected from other objects or arbitrary attributes.

Process objects, event handling objects, scales and free type objects are stored in the

process database, which holds an image of the process. Data objects, command procedures, time channels and event channels are all stored in the report database, which a database supporting reporting, calculation and control. These objects are also commonly named reporting objects. Variable objects are stored in the same

way as variables (see Chapter 6). Event objects are not stored at all.



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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

All application objects, with the exception of the variable objects, are global and accessible throughout the entire system.

Application object notation

SCIL refers to an object value, i.e. an attribute, by an object notation of the following format (the terms in brackets may be omitted in cases where they are not needed):


where name application type attribute index is the object name. The application object names are logical

(symbolical) and can be freely chosen in accordance with the

rules given in Section 3.2.

is the logical number of the application where the object is stored. Application number must be given if the object belongs to an application other than the current one (the application where the notation is used). If the object belongs to the same application, the number is omitted. The application numbers are

defined by the APL:BAP attribute (see Chapter 6).

is the type of the object given by using the letters P, H, X, D, C,

T, A, E, F or V.

is the attribute to be read or written by the notation. As a rule, the attribute names are a combination of two letters (A ... Z).

However, if the object is a variable object the attribute name may be composed of up to 63 characters. The object notation may contain one or no attribute name. The attribute determines the data type of the entire notation when used in expressions.

is a number or a range of numbers used to select an element or a range of elements of a vector attribute, or distinguish between process objects within an object group.

As a rule, the indices refer to the elements of an attribute of vector type. The predefined process object types are an exception. For these objects, the indices refer to the individual objects in a group, not to attributes of vector type. Still, for a certain attribute, the values are handled as elements in a vector.

An index or index range is written in one of the following ways:

• As an integer constant, 1 ... 1 000 000. This way may be used only when the length of the attribute name is exactly 2 characters.

• As an integer type expression enclosed in parentheses.

• As a range (i .. j), where 'i' denotes the first index and 'j' the last. Two points surrounded by parentheses, (..), is interpreted as all the indices of the attribute.

(i ..) means all indices larger than or equal to 'i', and (.. j) all indices less than or equal to 'j'.

No spaces are allowed between the items in the object notation.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Process objects (P)


The process objects correspond to physical devices connected to the process stations

(RTUs, protection equipment, PLCs), for instance switches, sensors and breakers.

Each input and output connection in the stations is represented by a process object.

Normally, the value of an input object is updated from the process station, while the value of an output object is sent to the station when written with the SCIL command

#SET (Section 8.2).

Some process objects have no correspondence in the stations. These are called

fictitious process objects and they can generally be updated only from SCIL programs. They can, e.g., be used for process simulation or manually updated data.

There are nine predefined process object types depending on the type of object value

(i.e. the input or output connection in the stations): binary input and output, analog input and output, digital input and output, double binary indications, pulse counters and bit streams. In addition, for special purposes, the programmer can define his/her own process object types by means of free type objects.

An updating of a process object value may cause an alarm, an automatic printout, an

updating on screen (through event objects, Section 5.3.9), and activation of an event channel (Section 5.3.8).

Process objects with active alarms are included in an alarm buffer, which can be

read by SCIL process queries (the function PROD_QUERY, Chapter 9) and

displayed as alarm lists. If desired, the process object events can be stored in a

history database, which can similarly be read with process queries and displayed as event lists.

Some process object attributes

A few process object attributes are described below. All attributes are detailed in the

Application Objects manual.

OV Object value

The value of the process object as registered in the process database.

The object value is the value read from the process (input values) or sent to the process (output values). The attribute is a common name for the attributes BI, BO, AI, AO, DI, DO, DB, PC and BS (see below).

Each object value has a time stamp and an error status code.

Value: 1 or 0 for binary objects, real values for analog objects, bit string for bit streams and integer for the others.



Binary Input

Binary process value from the process to the control system.


1 or 0.

Binary Output

Binary set value from the control system to the process.


1 or 0.



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Technical Description

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Analog Input

Analog measurement value from the process to the control system.



Analog Output

Analog set value from the control system to the process.






States whether the object is in alarm state or not.

Value: 0 - no alarm

1 - alarm state.

Lower Input, Higher Input

Lower and higher alarm limits. These attributes are defined only for analog objects with an alarm function.

Value: real.

If the object notation is given without any attribute, the attribute is assumed to be

OV, except in connection with the commands #LIST, #CREATE, #DELETE and

#MODIFY (Chapter 8), where the whole object is referenced to.

Groups and indices

Related process objects (up to 65 535) of the predefined types may be given the same name. Process objects with the same name form a process object group. The individual objects in a group are accessed by means of indices. A process object notation of any predefined type without an index is interpreted as the lowest indexed object with the given name and attribute (attributes common to the group are always used without indices).

Concerning user-defined types (defined by free type objects), the indices refer to the elements of a vector type attribute. A notation without indexing means the entire vector.


Some examples of process object notations:





TEMP:POV(%N+1) 37







Value Explanation

1 The value of the process object (the lowest indexed object in the group).

- " -

The switch with the index 23 is connected.

The value of the expression %N+1 is calculated and used as an index.

Alarm is given when the temperature rises above 90.

or falls below 10.

Alarm state prevails.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Event handling objects (H)


Event handling objects are related to the process objects. They define translatable texts that describe the state of the process object and the transitions between the states.

Each process object owns a reference to an event handling object. One event handling object is typically used by several process objects.

Some event handling attributes

Two event handling object attributes are given below as examples. All attributes are detailed in the Application Objects manual.



State Texts

Value: A text vector containing the text identifiers for the state texts

Translated State Texts

Value: A text vector containing the state texts in the current language

Scales (X)


Scales are related to the process objects, or more exactly, to the analog process objects. They define algorithms for the transformation of the digital process values transferred from the stations to the values of the analog units of the corresponding process objects.

Every analog process object has a scale name, which defines the scaling algorithm is to be used for the transformation. The same scale can be used by several process objects.

Some scale attributes

Below are two scale object attributes. All attributes are detailed in Application

Objects manual.



Logical Name

Value: text.

Scaling Algorithm

Value: 0 = 1:1 scaling

1 = linear scaling

2 = step-wise linear scaling

Data objects (D)


Data objects (datalog objects) register and store calculated or sampled data. They are used for the storage of report data, trend data, data for calculation and control, system configuration data, etc. The data objects can also be used as application variables when there is a need for exchanging data between different objects.



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The data registration may be initiated from a program (by means of the commands

#EXEC and #EXEC_AFTER, see Section 8.2), from a time channel (Section 5.3.7.)

or from an event channel (Section 5.3.8). Each registration is performed according

to a SCIL expression and a logging function. Besides the calculated or sampled value, each registration includes a time stamp and a status code.

Every data object can store a chosen number of data registrations (up to 1 000 000).

The registrations can be accessed as vectors by means of indices. The oldest registered value has the index number 1.

Some data object attributes

Some of the most important attributes are listed below. A complete description is given in the Application Objects manual.

OV Object Value.

Registered value.

Value: real or vector of real values.



Registration Time.

Value: time or vector of time values.

Object Status.Indicates the reliability of the registered data.

Value: Integer or vector of integers. The status codes listed in the

Status Codes manual, e.g.:

0 ... OK

1 ... uncertain

10 ... no values.

If the object notation lacks an attribute, the attribute is assumed to be OV, except in

connection with the command #EXEC or #EXEC_AFTER (Section 8.2), where the

notation refers to the whole object.

The above mentioned attributes are used indexed. An object notation with these attributes without any index refers to the latest registered value.


Some examples of data object notations:










Value Explanation

The latest registered value of the data object.

The latest registered value of the data object.

Time of last registration given as time data. Can be converted to

calendar time by means of time functions (Section 9.4).

The vector formed by the registration times for the datalog object

DATA starting with registration number 5.

The values of the registered data ranging from the oldest one to the last registration (LR).


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Command procedures (C)


The command procedures contain SCIL programs which can be started automatically or by SCIL. They can be used for all kinds of manually or automatically started operations, such as calculations, control operations and reporting. They cannot be used for affecting the user interface. Command procedures can be started in the following ways:

• From SCIL programs with the #EXEC and #EXEC_AFTER commands (Section

8.2). (A command procedure can even start itself).

• From time channels (Section 5.3.7).

• From event channels (Section 5.3.8).

A command procedure can hold up to 1 000 000 SCIL lines. As a rule, command procedures may not contain user interface related commands (picture commands,

Visual SCIL commands or graphical commands, see Section 8.1). However, a

command procedure, or a selected part of it, can be handled as a vector and be

executed with the #DO command (Section 8.2) and the DO function (Chapter 9). In

these cases, it may contain user interface commands if the #DO command or DO function is executed in a user interface object.

Some command procedure attributes

Some command procedure attributes are shown below. All attributes are detailed in the Application Objects manual.

TC Time Channel.

The name of the time channel that starts the command procedure.

Value: text.

IN Instruction.

The program of the command procedure.

Value: text vector.

OS Object Status.

States how the last execution succeeded.

Value: The status codes listed in the Status Codes manual , e.g.:

0 ... correctly executed

10 ... not executed.

A command procedure notation without an attribute refers to the program, i.e., the

IN attribute.

Indices can be used only with the attribute IN where they refer to the line numbers.

The IN attribute without indices refers to the whole program.




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Some examples of command procedure notations:

Value Notation





"@VAR = 10"


The program as a text vector.

The program execution succeeded.

The fifth line of the command procedure TASK.

Time channels (T)


Time channels are used for the automatic start-up of time-bound activities, which can be:

• The registration of data objects.

• The execution of command procedures.

A certain time channel can start several data objects and command procedures. The execution order is determined by the priorities of the data objects and command procedures.

A time channel is activated at the execution time which means that the connected objects are executed. At the initialization time the time channel is initialized, which means that the registration of connected data objects is restarted from the first record. Both initialization and execution can take place at absolute points of time or periodically with a fixed interval. All times are given with an accuracy of one minute. Discontinuous time activation is obtained with conditional expressions.

Time channels can be executed also with the #EXEC commands (Section 8.2) and

with event channels (Section 5.3.8).

Some time channel attributes

Some time channel attributes are listed below (a complete list is found in the

Application Objects manual):

IU States whether the time channel is in use or not.

Value: 0 = not in use

1 = in use

RT The time of last initialization/activation.

Value: time vector

The time channels can be used without an attribute only with the #EXEC commands.

Indices (1 or 2) can be used e.g. together with the RT attribute. Index 1 refers to the initialization time and index 2 the activation time.


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Event channels (A)


Event channels are used for the automatic start-up of event-bound activities. The events normally originate from the process database, from where the event channels transmit them to objects in the report database which take the consequential actions (calculations, control actions, etc.). An event channel can start the following operations:

• Registration of a data object.

• Execution of a command procedure.

• Activation of a time channel.

Each process object may have only one event channel, but an event channel may be connected to up to 11 command procedures and data objects. At the activation of an event channel, some essential attributes are transmitted as variables from the process object to the connected reporting object. Thanks to this feature, several process objects can share the same event channel.

An event channel is activated by the following events in the activating process objects:

• An alarm comes or goes.

• The warning limits or alarm limits of an analog object are transgressed

(provided that the control system, not the RTU, handles the limit value supervision).

• The OV attribute (BI, BO, AI, AO, DI, DO, DB, PC or BS) is changed.

• The OV attribute is updated.

The options are chosen with a process object attribute (AA). Event channels can also

be activated with SCIL (the #EXEC commands, Section 8.2).

In addition, any user-defined attribute can activate the event channel of the object.

Some event channel attributes

Examples of attributes (a complete list is found in the Application Objects manual):



Object Type

The type of the object to be executed.

Value: text.

Object Name

The name of the object to be executed.

Value: text.

Event objects (E)


The event objects are used to start event-bound activities, normally updates, in user interface objects (pictures and Visual SCIL objects).

In pictures, the activation of an event object causes the execution of the statement(s)

determined by the #ON command (Section 8.2) for the specific event object. The

#ON commands are valid only for the actual picture - main picture or sub-picture -




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where they have been executed. The event causes no action if there is no #ON command in force for the actual event in the picture shown on screen at the event moment.

In dialogs and dialog items, the activation of an event object starts the execution of the event method, if any, defined to be activated by the event object in question.

An event object can be activated in two ways:

• From the process database, so that a change in a process object automatically activates an event object with the same name and index as the process object. The activation takes place independently of what causes the change - a change of state

in a station or an assignment in a SCIL program (by the command #SET, Section

8.2). The coupling of an event object to a process object is optional. The

activating attributes are listed in the Application Objects manual, Chapter 3, the

EE attribute description.

• From a SCIL program (in a picture or a command procedure) by the #EXEC

commands (Section 8.2). In this case the name of the event object can be freely


If a process object is equipped with an event object, updating in pictures is carried out automatically and immediately when a change occurs. The value of the changed attribute is not transmitted to the picture, nor is any information about which attribute has changed.

The event object notation does not contain any attribute. Event objects have no values, hence they cannot be parts of expressions.


If the process object

TEMP:P2 is equipped with an event object (EE = 1), the event object

TEMP:E2 is always activated when a change in the process object (for instance the attribute

AI) occurs in the process database.

Variable objects (V)


The variable objects serve as temporary storage places for attributes. They are used to compose lists, e.g. alarm and event lists, to browse through the object properties, to copy objects, to create and modify objects, etc.

A variable object is at the same time both an object and a global variable of list type

(Section 4.9). The list as a whole is handled as a variable with the same name as the

object (Chapter 6). The attributes in the list are accessed with a variable object


A variable object can be created and assigned attribute values in two ways:

• By creating the variable object with the #CREATE command (Section 8.2) and

assigning it attribute values with a list function or with the #SET command


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(Section 8.2). In this case, the attribute names may be arbitrary, up to 63


• By assigning a global variable a value of list type (Section 6.2). A variable object

with the same name as the variable is formed. The variable object gets all the attributes of the list expression.

A variable object notation must always contain an attribute. Unlike the other object types, the names of the variable object attributes can contain up to 63 characters. If the attribute is of vector type, the vector elements are identified by indices. An object notation without an index denotes the whole vector. If the attribute name contains more or less characters than two, the index must be enclosed by parentheses.

As global variables (Chapter 6), variable objects are accessible within the SCIL

context they are created in.


The statement

@VAR = PROD_QUERY(20) assigns the variable VAR the list value returned by the function PROD_QUERY

(Chapter 9). The variable may be accessed as variable object VAR:V.

Some variable object notations:




VAR:VLN(1 .. 10)





The first object name in the list.

The first object value in the list.

The first ten object names in the list.

Variable objects are more or less obsolete. Attributes of list type variables may be accessed in a more powerful way by using data

component access described in Section 4.11. For example,

VAR:VLN1 may be written as %VAR.LN(1), when read, or

@VAR.LN(1), when written.

User interface objects

Visual SCIL objects


The Visual SCIL objects correspond to the dialogs, dialog items and images designed in the Dialog Editor or created with SCIL. There are about 40 types of

Visual SCIL objects which could be grouped as follows:

• Dialogs. These are of two types: ordinary dialogs and main dialogs.

• Compound dialog items. These are dialog items which may contain other dialog items:

• Containers - visible or invisible boxes containing other dialog items.

• Picture containers. These are containers which can contain pictures.



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• Menu bars, menus and menu items. Menu bars can contain one or more menus, menus can contain menus and menu items.

• Notebooks, notebook pages and notebook items.

• Simple dialog items, such as buttons, toggle buttons, texts, lists, etc. The simple dialog items can contain no other objects.

• Images.

In SCIL, the visual SCIL object types are referred to by names starting with VS_.

For instance, buttons are named VS_BUTTON. The Visual SCIL Objects manual lists and describes all the Visual SCIL object types.

Generally, the dialogs, dialog items and images are designed in the Dialog editor, though they can also be created directly with SCIL. Dialog and dialog items created in the dialog editor are stored in files from where the SCIL command .LOAD loads them in the memory as a visual SCIL object with a specific name. Objects created with .CREATE are not stored in files.

The SCIL commands for handling Visual SCIL objects are detailed in Section 8.2.

Unlike the system and application objects, the Visual SCIL objects are not global.

They are known and accessed only within the dialog system where they are created or loaded.

Dialog systems

The Visual SCIL objects are arranged in hierarchical dialog systems with a main dialog or picture container at the top. Each main dialog and each dialog system creates a new dialog system. The object hierarchy is of importance when referencing the objects.

Objects containing another object are called parent objects and the contained objects are called child objects. The child objects are dependent upon their parent objects.

When the parent objects are loaded the child objects are loaded as well, and when the parent objects are deleted (with the .DELETE command), the child objects are also deleted.

When loading a dialog or a dialog item with the .LOAD command, it becomes a child object of the loading object (unless object path is given, see below). When loading a main dialog or picture container, it creates a new dialog system.

Figure 5.4.2.-1 shows an example of a Visual SCIL dialog system with four dialogs.

Dialog 1, which is the main dialog, contains four dialog items. Dialog item B loads dialog 2. This dialog contains three dialog items, one of which, object G loads dialog

3. Dialog item D contains two dialog items, and dialog item F contains two items.

For instance, D could be a menu bar containing menus, which contain menu items

(menu options). Dialog item J loads dialog 4.

The dialog items A .. D are child objects of the main dialog. Dialog 2 is the child object of item B and the parent object of the dialog items G .. I. Dialog 4 is the child object of item J which is the child object of item F, and so on.


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Fig. 5.4.1.-1 An example of a dialog system.

Attributes and methods

The attributes of the Visual SCIL objects specify their properties and functions, e.g., visibility, position, text contents, behavior, color, fonts, etc. Some attribute values can be set in the dialog editor, some only with SCIL, and some both in the editor and with SCIL.

The dynamic changes of the dialogs and dialog items are obtained by changing their attribute values with the SCIL commands .SET and .MODIFY.

Each object has a number of predefined attributes with predefined names, data types and meanings. The predefined attributes of each object type are listed and described in the Visual SCIL Objects manual. In addition, the objects can be given an arbitrary number of user defined attributes with the .LOAD, .CREATE and .MODIFY commands.

Each dialog and dialog item may have a number of methods which are programs for various purposes, e.g. cyclically executed programs, programs executed on certain events (event objects), programs started by a user operation, and programs started by SCIL.

The programs started by SCIL may be predefined or user defined. They are started by a method call of the format described below.

Visual SCIL object references

When designing a dialog or dialog item in the Dialog Editor, each item may be given a name. This name will be the Visual SCIL object name of the item when it is included in a dialog or dialog item loaded with the .LOAD command. The loaded dialog or dialog item is given a Visual SCIL object name with the .LOAD command.

Objects created with .CREATE are given object names with this command.

Object references are used when loading, creating and deleting objects, and in the attribute references and method calls. When referring to an object one level below, the object name is sufficient. When referring to an object that is more than one level below, object path should be given as follows:

name\name\name\.... \name


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where each 'name' is a Visual SCIL object name.

There are the following predefined path names:

ROOT The main dialog or picture container on top of the dialog system.

PARENT The parent of the object.

THIS The object in question.

PARENT and ROOT are the only possibilities for accessing objects on a higher level in the hierarchy.

Attribute references

Attributes are referenced with the following notations:


where 'object' is an object reference, 'attribute' is the name of the attribute and

'component' addresses a component of structured data, see Chapter 4.

If the attribute or method is referenced from a method within the same object, no object reference is needed.

Attribute references can be used as operands in expressions. They are also used together with the .SET command to achieve a change of the attribute. The attribute

references can be expanded like variables, see Chapter 6.



This statement sets the label of the button (the visual SCIL object MY_BUTTON) to OK, which is immediately shown on screen if the button is shown.

Method calls

Method calls start the execution of methods - predefined methods and user defined methods. Method calls have the following format:

[object].method [(argument_list)]


'object' is an object reference. Not needed when referencing methods in the same object or one level below.

is method name.


'argument_list' Arguments, which may be any SCIL expressions given as a list of SCIL expressions separated by comma and enclosed in parentheses. Up to 32 arguments may be given.

By using the SCIL command #RETURN, a method can be programmed to return a value to the calling program. A method call that returns a value can be used as an operand in an expression.


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The pictures and picture components were briefly described in Chapter 3. The

Picture Editing manual describes how to build and program the pictures. This section discusses how to reference pictures and picture elements from SCIL.

In SCIL, the pictures and windows are handled by the picture handling commands

described in Section 8.4. In addition, the windows may have attributes which are

accessed by a window attribute reference. The named programs of the pictures are executed by a named program call.

Picture hierarchy

A picture may contain a number of sub-pictures in the shape of pictures shown in windows and picture functions. These sub-pictures in turn may contain sub-pictures.

A picture and its sub-picture form a picture hierarchy with the main picture (total

picture) on the top. Figure 5.4.2.-1 shows an example of such a hierarchy. A, B, C,

D, E and F denotes windows and picture functions.


Fig. 5.4.2.-1 A hierarchical picture structure. The subpictures are picture functions or pictures shown in windows. The letters A .. F denotes the names of windows and picture functions.

A picture containing sub-pictures is the parent of its sub-pictures and the contained sub-pictures are children. This parent - child - relationship is of importance for how the windows are shown in relation to other windows. It is also of importance when referencing windows and named programs.

Picture Paths

When referencing windows and named programs, a picture path may be used. A picture path states in which picture - main picture or sub-picture - the window or named program should be searched. A picture path has the following format: name/name/name/ ... /name


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where each 'name' is the name of the window or picture function containing the next picture in the hierarchy counting from the picture where the command is issued.

(Back slash \ could be used instead of forward slash /.) The main picture can be referenced with the predefined name ROOT. If the picture is included in a dialog

system (see Section 5.4.1.) ROOT also refers to the picture container where the

picture is included.

If no picture path is given, the window or named program is first searched from the same picture as where the reference is issued. If not found there, it is searched from the parent picture and so on up to the main picture. Hence, when referencing windows and programs within the same picture or its parent picture, no path is needed.

For example, the picture path for referencing a named program SAMPLE in sub-

picture 4 in Figure 5.4.2.-1 from the main picture would be:


If not found in sub-picture 4, the program is searched in sub-picture 1 and then in the main picture.

Picture object attributes

The programmer can assign the windows and picture functions attributes for various

purposes using the .SET command described in see Section 8.2. The attributes have

no functional meaning, but can be used, e.g., as window or picture function specific variables. The attributes may be given freely chosen names of up to 63 characters in

accordance with the rules in Section 5.2. They can be assigned data of any data type.

The window and picture function attributes are referenced according to the following format:


where 'picture' is the picture path, 'attribute' is the name of the attribute and

'component' addresses a component of structured data, see Chapter 4.

An attribute reference can be used as an operand in SCIL expressions. The

operations allowed depend on the data type of the attribute (see Chapter 7).

The picture object attributes can also be expanded in the same way as variables (see

Chapter 6).







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Named program calls

Each picture can have a number of named programs which are started with the following program call:



'picture' is the picture path to the object containing the named program, see above. If omitted, 'program' is searched for in the picture containing the program call. If not found there, it is searched in its parent picture, and so on.

The name of the named program.


'argument_list' Arguments given as a list of SCIL expressions separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. Up to 32 arguments may be given.

When encountered in a program, the program call starts the execution of the named program in the given picture. The subsequent statement in the calling program is not executed until the named program has been executed to the end. If no program with the given name is found, an error status is produced. Named programs can be executed from any program in the dialog system. They are also used as callback programs of Motif widgets.

By using the SCIL command #RETURN (see Section 8.2) in the named program, it

can be programmed to return a value to the calling program. A named program call that returns a value can be used as operand in expressions.



Executes the named program CREATE_ERROR_DIALOG of window B which is a child window of window A.

@A = .MY_NAMED_PROGRAM (125,%V+6,"ABC")

The program MY_NAMED_PROGRAM is executed and its return value is assigned to the variable A.

Predefined VS object, window and picture function methods

Every Visual SCIL object, window and picture function has the following predefined methods that are used to postpone a SCIL program execution.

_FLAG_FOR_EXECUTION(name, program [, delay])

Queues a SCIL program to be executed.




Return value:

Text value used as the identifier of the flagged execution. An empty name is allowed.

Text or text vector, the program to be executed.

Real value indicating the minimum amount of seconds to elapse before the program is executed. Default value is 0.

No return value.




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This method is identical to _QUEUE_FOR_EXECUTION (see below) with the following exception: If _FLAG_FOR_EXECUTION method of an object is called twice using the same 'name', the first flagged execution is cancelled (if still queued).

_QUEUE_FOR_EXECUTION(program [, delay])

Queues a SCIL program to be executed.



Return value:

Text or text vector, the program to be executed.

Real value indicating the minimum amount of seconds to elapse before the program is executed. Default value is 0.

No return value.

This method is used when the programmer wants to execute a SCIL program at a later point in time when the process would otherwise be idle. The program to be executed is given as parameter in the method call. There is no way to exactly know when in time the program is executed. A minimum time that has to expire can however be defined in seconds as the second parameter. The maximum number of queued programs per object is 100. If this limit is exceeded all queued executions are removed and a SCIL error is raised.


The example shows how to ensure that the blocking cursor of a dialog is switched off after a long program execution even if an error occurs that interrupts the normal program flow.

.set my_dialog._busy = true my_dialog._queue_for_execution(".set this._busy = false")

;long SCIL processing here


Predefined VS object, window and picture function attributes

Every Visual SCIL object, window and picture function has the following predefined attributes that provide information of various properties of the object. All these attributes are read-only.


The attributes listed in alphabetical order.

Value type:



Two attributes:

USER_DEFINED Text vector containing the names of userdefined attributes.

PREDEFINED Text vector containing the names of the attributes defined by the object class.


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The names of the child objects.

Value type:


Text vector

The names of the immediate children of the object listed in the order of creation.


Defines whether the SCIL programs of the object are compiled or not.

Value type:





Not compiled (default)


When the attribute is set to TRUE, the object and all its child objects that are loaded together with it, are recursively flagged to be compiled. The methods of the objects are not compiled at once, but instead they are compiled when called for the first time.

If the compilation fails, the uncompiled source code is silently used instead.

When the attribute is set to FALSE, the _COMPILED flag of the object and its child objects are recursively cleared, and the compiled methods (if any) are 'decompiled', i.e. their compilation result is discarded.

The _COMPILED attribute may be set any time (even from outside the object), but it is good practice to insert the SCIL statement

.set THIS._compiled = TRUE in the CREATE method of the object. This is to state that the object has benefit from the compilation and is comprehensively tested to run as compiled.


File revision.

Value type:



The FILE_REVISION attribute of the picture file (.pic) or the

Visual SCIL object file (.vso) the object was loaded from.

The value is an empty string, if the object has been created on-the-fly.


The class of the object.

Value type:



The name of the class of the object

If the object is a window or picture function, the attribute has value "WINDOW" or

"PICTURE_FUNCTION", respectively.



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The name of the object.

Value type:



The name of the object

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The path of the object.

Value type:



The complete object path starting from the root, e.g. "ROOT\NBK_BOOK\NBP_PAGE\TRE_TREE"


This attribute is applicable only for windows and picture functions.

Value type:



Six attributes:



X position of window/pf relative to part picture / picture function.

Y position of window/pf relative to part picture / picture function.

ABSOLUTE_X X position of window/pf relative to ROOT.

ABSOLUTE_Y Y position of window/pf relative to ROOT.



Width of window/picture function in semigraphical characters.

Height of window/picture function in semigraphical characters

W and H are 0 if window is not shown.


The name of the file where the object is loaded from.

Value type:



The full operating system format name of the 'vso' file where the object has been loaded from or the full name of the 'pic' file where the window or picture function has been read from.

The value is an empty string, if the object is created on-the-fly, i.e. using .CREATE,

!WIN_NAME or !WIN_CREATE command.


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The names of the variables seen by the object.

Value type:


Text vector.

The names of global SCIL variables defined in the SCIL context that the object belongs to.

The names are listed in alphabetical order.


This section describes the principles of naming files in SCIL language and the different file types accessible by SCIL programs.

Here, ’file type’ refers to the interpretation of its contents. The three file types supported by SCIL programming environment are the following:

• Text files

• Binary files

• Keyed files

They are further described in the following sections. File management functions, that handle entire files with no interpretation of the contents, are described in Section


File naming

The files and directories used in SCIL language may be identified in several, both operating system dependent and independent ways. The SCIL functions and commands that take a file a directory name argument, accept all these identifications unless otherwise noted in their description.

In the following, the term MicroSCADA root is referred to. It is the root directory of the current MicroSCADA installation. In Windows, it is normally the directory

"C:\SC\", but may be changed to any directory by the installation procedure.

File and directory tags are abstract, operating system independent identifiers, that are formed from textual file and directory names by means of file management

functions described in Section 9.16.

A directory may be identified in one of the following ways:

• "/dir1/dir2/.../name/" names a directory relative to MicroSCADA root in an operating system independent way, e.g. "/APL/TIPPERARY/APL_/".

• By an operating system file path, e.g. "D:\SC\APL\TIPPERARY\APL_\".

• By an operating system independent directory tag created from a SCIL directory name or an operating system directory name.

A file may be identified in one of the following ways:

• "path/name" identifies a file contained in a logical path in an operating system independent way. The logical paths are simple names given to a directory or a

search list of directories, see Section 8.2.4 for more information on logical paths.

• "name" identifies a file contained in the default directory of the SCIL context or in the logical path derived from the file name. The default directory is normally




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the directory PICT below the root directory of the SCIL application, but may be set by SCIL in the VS_MAIN_DIALOG object.

Outside the VS main dialogs, the so-called 4-letter rule is further applied: A file is first searched for in the logical path named according to the 4 first letters of the file name. For example, file "APL_PROCES.PRD" is searched for using the logical path "APL_".

• "/dir1/dir2/.../dir/name" names a file relative to MicroSCADA root in an operating system independent way, e.g "/APL/TIPPERARY/APL_/FILE.EXT"

• By an operating system file path, e.g.


• By an operating system independent file tag created from a file name given by any of the textual ways above.

The file or directory name ('name' above) may be of any length and contain any characters allowed by the operating system. However, as far as portability is concerned, names consisting of letters, digits, underscores and a dot (as a separator of the file name extension) only are recommended.

Text files

Text files are sequential files organized as lines of text data. The text data is normally encoded according to ISO Latin-1 character set encoding.

The lines are terminated by CR/LF (Carriage Return / Line Feed) character pair.

When a text file is read by SCIL, a single LF character is accepted as a line terminator and the terminator of the last line of the file is not required.

Text file is read by the TEXT_READ or READ_COLUMNS function and written by the WRITE_TEXT or WRITE_COLUMNS function. The entire file or a bulk of lines is read and written as a text vector by these functions. Line lengths up to 65 535 characters are supported by the functions.

An obsolete function READ_TEXT is capable of reading only 255 character lines.

It is supported for upward compatibility, but new applications are encouraged to use the TEXT_READ function instead.

Parameter files are special purpose files of predefined format similar to INI files of used by various utilities of Windows operating system. They are designed to save settings of tool programs from invocation to another. SCIL functions

READ_PARAMETER, WRITE_PARAMETER and DELETE_PARAMETER implement the handling of parameter files. The format of parameter files is described in Appendix B.

While a text file is being written, no other SCIL program may read or write the file.

Consequently, if a text file is used to pass data from a SCIL program to another SCIL program that may be executing in parallel, the access of file should be synchronized between the programs, for example using function FILE_LOCK_MANAGER.

For descriptions of functions mentioned above, see Section 9.15.


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Technical Description


Binary files

Binary files are byte sequences of any length with no interpretation of structure.

They can be used to exchange data between a MicroSCADA application and any foreign application. Within MicroSCADA they are used to store compiled SCIL programs and download/upload data of process objects of File Transfer type.

A binary file is read by READ_BYTES function and written by WRITE_BYTES function. The entire file or up to 8 388 600 bytes of data is read and written as a byte string by these functions.

While a binary file is being written, no other SCIL program may read or write the file. Consequently, if a binary file is used to pass data from a SCIL program to another SCIL program that may be executing in parallel, the access of file should be synchronized between the programs, for example using function


For descriptions of functions mentioned above, see Section 9.15.

Keyed files


Keyed files are random access files that consist of data records. The maximum length of a data record is 508 characters.

The beginning of the data record contains the key of the record. The key uniquely identifies the record within the file. The length of the key is defined when a keyed file is created. The maximum length of the key is 253 characters. The data records are logically ordered by the keys. The first character of the key is the most significant in the ordering, the last character is least significant. Hence, if the key contains a name, the records are alphabetically ordered.

Each data record must contain the key. Consequently, the minimum length of the data record is the length of the key.

A data record can be read from a file by specifying its key, or the file may be browsed forward or backward in the order specified by the record keys.

When a data record is written into the file, it is always positioned according to its key. If the same key already exists in the file, the old data record is overwritten by the new one. The length of record may change when it is rewritten.

Data records may also be deleted one by one by specifying the key to be deleted.

Concurrent access of keyed files by several SCIL programs is internally synchronized. Therefore, they suit well for exchanging real-time data between SCIL programs: More than one program may safely write and read a keyed file simultaneously.


The keyed files are implemented as a number of data blocks, index blocks and a status block.



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The data blocks contain the data records of the file. Each data block contains a number of consecutive (in the order specified by the key) data records organized in the order of the key.

The index blocks make up the index of data blocks in order to achieve fast access of data. An index block contains a set of (key, block number) pairs, where the key is the first key of the data block addressed by the block number. The pairs contained in an index block are again organized in the order of the key. When the file grows, more than one index block is needed. Upper level index blocks are then created. In the upper level index blocks, the block number addresses a lower level index block instead of a data block.

The status block, which is the first block of the file, contains book-keeping information of the file, such as the length of the key and address of the topmost index block.

When a new data record is written into the file (or an existing one is expanded), the index is first used to locate the ’would-be’ data block for the record. If there is enough free space in the block, the data is written into the block. Otherwise, the neighboring data blocks are examined. If there is enough free space in the neighboring blocks to rearrange the old records and the new one into these three data blocks, it is done. Otherwise, a new data block is created and its key is inserted in an index block. The same procedure is then repeated for the index block.

When a data record is deleted from a file (or an existing one is shortened), the free space of a data block grows. When it is possible to combine the data block with its neighbors, it is done and the freed block is inserted in the free block list of the file for later re-use.

There are two internal implementations of keyed files:

• Version 1 file format uses 512-byte blocks. The size of the file is limited to 32 megabytes.

• Version 2 file format, first introduced in MicroSCADA revision 8.4.4, uses 4 kilobyte blocks and has no file size restrictions.

Function KEYED_FILE_MANAGER (see Section 9.15) may be used to convert

version 1 files to version 2 and vice versa.

The same function may be used to two other maintenance purposes of keyed files:

• Subfunction "COMPACT" makes a reorganized copy of a keyed file. The new file is written in its most compact form and the free space in the file is minimized.

The resulting file may be smaller and faster to access.

• Subfunction "REBUILD" makes a copy of a keyed file where the index structure is rebuilt from the scratch. The source file is scanned sequentially, the data records found in the data blocks are written to the output file and a new index is created for them. The index blocks of the source file are skipped. This subfunction should be used, when the structure of a keyed file gets corrupted for a reason or another, for example because of power fail of the computer. A corrupted file may often be recognized by spurious FILE_INCONSISTENT

(5015) errors got when reading the file.


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Technical Description



Keyed files are widely used within MicroSCADA to implement various system files, including:

• Process database file APL_PROCES.PRD

• History database files APL_yymmdd.PHD and APL_yymmdd.PHI

• Report database files APL_REPORT.nnn

• Picture files *.PIC

• Representation library files *.PIR

• SCIL database files *.SDB

For application specific purposes, keyed files may be used by file handling

commands described in Section 8.2.5.

SCIL databases


A SCIL database is a data file for general purpose. It is internally structured to store any data structure that may be created by SCIL language. The file is divided into sections. Each section has a value that may be of any SCIL data type. The size of a

SCIL database file is limited only by the available disk space.

The structure of SCIL database is optimized for fast access. The component to be read is located quickly by using indices without having to search through the file.

Similarly, writing a new value to a component rewrites only a minimal part of the file.

The concurrent use of SCIL database by two or more SCIL programs is internally synchronized. In addition, each read and write operation are atomic. For example, if one SCIL program writes a list type data structure into the database, the concurrent readers see all the new attribute values or none of them. Because of the strict access discipline, SCIL databases suit perfectly for sharing SCIL data in real-time between various SCIL programs of the application (in pictures, Visual SCIL objects, command procedure objects etc.).

SCIL databases and parameter files (so called ini files handled by functions

READ_PARAMETER, WRITE_PARAMETER and DELETE_PARAMETER) have some similarities, but at the same time some important differences. For some comparison of SCIL Database and parameter files, see the table below.



Data encoding

Maximum size

Data item data types

SCIL database


Binary, cannot be viewed with text editor

No limit

All SCIL data types

Parameter file

Text lines

Plain text, can be viewed with text editor

Limited by the SCIL vector length, in practise by the speed of access

Text only



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Size of data items

Speed of access

Concurrent access by several SCIL programs

SCIL database




Parameter file

About 65 000 characters

Slow, when the file is big



There are two slightly different implementations of SCIL database files:

• Version 2 implementation was introduced in MicroSCADA 8.4.5.

• Version 3 implementation was introduced in MicroSCADA 9.0. For the user’s point of view, it is equivalent to version 2, but internally it has been optimised for faster access.

• (Version 1 implementation was never used in any released product.)

The version of a SCIL database file is seen as an attribute of the result of the

DATA_MANAGER("OPEN") function call, see Section 9.15.

When MicroSCADA 9.0 or later is used, version 3 files are created by default. If a

9.0 system is frequently used to create SCIL databases for an 8.4.5 system, this behavior may be overridden by the revision compatibility switch

"CREATE_VERSION_2_SCIL_DATABASES" in the application attribute

APL:BRC, see the System Objects manual, or in the SCIL function


When running MicroSCADA 9.0 or later, SCIL database files may be converted from version 2 to 3 (for faster access) or vice versa (for 8.4.5 compatibility) by using

the DATA_MANAGER("COPY") function, see Section 9.15.


The SCIL database is divided into sections (the same way as the parameter files).

The names of the sections are free texts, they may contain any number of characters and are case-sensitive. A zero-length section name is allowed.

A section has a value, which may be of any SCIL data type. The value may be read and written as a whole or only a component of it is accessed at a time.

In most cases, there is a need for more structure than the sections provide. An obvious way of getting more structure is to define the section as a list value, whose attributes may be of any data type.

If the database is used by several SCIL programs at the same time, the structure of the data should be carefully designed. See an example of this below.

If a section contains a value of a process object along with its time stamp and status, one possibility is to define three attributes in the section, for example OV, RT and

OS, respectively. When a SCIL program updates the value, it has to do 3 writes into the database (unless it rewrites the whole section).

Now the reader of the data may encounter a problem. On one hand it is possible, for example, that it reads the new value of OV but the old values of RT and OS (if it runs faster than the writer). On the other hand, it might be that it reads the old value of OV but the new values of RT and OS (if it runs slower).


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Technical Description


A solution to this problem is to define only one attribute, for example VALUE, and make it a list of attributes OV, RT and OS. This attribute may now be read and written in one atomic operation.

SCIL databases are managed and accessed by the SCIL function

DATA_MANAGER, which is described in Section 9.15.


SCIL databases are suitable for storing application specific data and sharing it in real-time between concurrent processes. The following four SCIL databases are used (and automatically created) by the base system:

• Common purpose application database APL_DATA.SDB

• Application text database APL_TEXT.SDB

• System text database SYS_TEXT.SDB

• OPC Name Database APL_OPCNAM.SDB

For fastest possible access, these files are kept permanently open by the base system.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

6. Variables

This chapter describes the use of variables in SCIL:






General: Variable names and scope of variables

Local variables

Global variables

Using variables

Predefined picture variables

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Contrary to constants, the variables have no fixed values. A variable is a name which may be assigned any value. After the assignment, the variable name represents this value within the scope of the variable (see below).

Any SCIL data type (Chapter 4) is allowed as a value of a variable. When speaking

of the data type of a variable, the data type of its current value is meant. The value of a variable, also its data type, may be changed at any time by new assignment.

Variable names

The variable names may be freely chosen in accordance with the rules in Section 3.2

The variable names may contain up to 63 characters.

Scope of variables

There are types of variables in SCIL language: local and global variables.

The local variables are temporary variables that are available only within the SCIL program where they are declared. They exist only while the SCIL program is executing.

The global variables are permanent variables that are available for any program executing within the SCIL context where they were created. They exist during the entire life time of the SCIL context (see below).

Local variables

Local variables are declared by #LOCAL statement (see Section 8.2) at the

beginning of a SCIL program and destroyed automatically when the program terminates.

Local variables are visible only in the SCIL program that contains the declaration.

The same variable name may be declared by several SCIL programs, each declaration denotes a new variable. If a SCIL program recursively calls itself, each invocation has its own local variables.

Within the SCIL program, a local variable is referenced simply by its name, no special characters are needed.

Arguments of a SCIL program act as read-only local variables in the program, see

#ARGUMENT statement in Section 8.2.


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Technical Description


Global variables

Unlike local variables, global variables need no declaration. A global variable is created automatically when it is assigned a value first time. It is deleted when the

SCIL context containing the variable is deleted, see below.

A global variable is visible for all SCIL programs executing in the SCIL context during its entire life time.

In a SCIL program, a global variable is referenced by its name prefixed by character

%, when reading its value, or by character @, when assigning it a new value.

SCIL contexts

A SCIL context is actually an internal data structure that contains the global variables, logical paths and logical representation libraries defined by SCIL programs executed within the context. A SCIL context is created when certain objects start their execution and deleted when they terminate.

The following objects execute in their own SCIL context:

• A picture (whether printed or displayed on the screen). All programs, windows and sub-pictures within the same picture share the SCIL context of the picture. A variable defined in a window picture, for example, can be used in the main picture, and vice versa. If window specific variables are desired, use window

attributes instead of variables (see Chapter 5).

• A dialog system. All dialogs and pictures within the same dialog share the SCIL context of the main dialog or the picture container. Hence, for example, variables defined in the main dialog can be used in all its child dialogs and dialog items. If dialog or dialog item specific variables are desired, use the user defined attributes

(see Chapter 5).

• A command procedure and data object started with #EXEC or #EXEC_AFTER or by an event channel.

• A time channel. Data objects and command procedures run by the time channel share the SCIL context of the time channel. Hence, variables defined in command procedures may be used by command procedures and data objects executed later by the same time channel.

A SCIL context is normally created as empty: no variables, logical paths nor logical representation libraries defined. There are the following exceptions to this rule:

• Objects activated by #EXEC, #EXEC_AFTER, #PRINT or #LIST command inherit the logical paths and logical representation libraries of the activating SCIL context.

• Argument variables may be passed to objects by means of #EXEC,

#EXEC_AFTER and #PRINT commands (see Section 8.2).

• Event channels and format pictures activated by process events and format pictures printed by #LIST command start with a set of variables created from attribute values of the process objects, so called ‘snapshot variables’.

• Pictures have a few predefined variables created automatically (see Section 6.5).




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Using variables

Variable assignment

Variables are assigned values with an assignment statement of the following syntax:

[@]V[component]* = expression

where 'V' is the variable name. If it is prefixed by @, a global variable is accessed, otherwise a local variable.

Each 'component' addresses a component of structured data (an element or a range

of elements of a vector or an attribute of a list). See Section 4.11 for component


The expression, which may be of any data type, is evaluated and the value is assigned to the variable or to its component.

(If the expression is a text constant, a global variable assignment may also be written without the equal sign as follows:

@V character string

which is the same as the statement @V = "character string", except that in the first case lower case letters are converted to upper case. This is an obsolete feature that is no longer recommended.)






The value of the process object is read from the process database and assigned to the variable.

The object value is not read. The variable gets the text value "ABC:PAI".

@LIST = PROD_QUERY(20) The variable LIST is assigned the list value formed by function PROD_QUERY.

Attribute EXISTS of list variable A is set to FALSE.


@V = DATA:D(1 .. 20) Variable V becomes a vector containing the first 20 registered values of the data object DATA.

V(1 .. 5) = D1:D(1 .. 5) + D2:D(1 .. 5) The first five elements in variable V are assigned the values of the sums of the first five registered values of the data objects D1 and D2.

A = (5, 4, OBJ:POV3, CLOCK) The variable A becomes a vector of four elements.

Using variables in expressions

After a variable has been assigned a value, this value is referred to as:


where 'name' is the variable name. If it is prefixed by %, a global variable is accessed, otherwise a local variable or an argument.

Each 'component' addresses a component of structured data (an element or a range

of elements of a vector, or an attribute of a list). See Section 4.11 for component



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This notation can be used as an operand in expressions.The data type of the variable

determines which operations may be carried out on it (Chapter 7).



@NEW = 30 * %OLD



@S = %A(1) + %A(2)


The variable NEW is assigned the value of the variable

OLD multiplied by 30.

The COUNT attribute of list variable A is incremented.

The whole vector is shown in the window WIN, which must be of the type MULTIFIELD, BAR or CURVE.

The sum of the elements one and two in variable A.

Variable expansion

Variables can also be used for forming text strings and names. By including a variable in a name or text string, you can assign different contents to the text or name depending on the context. To use a variable as a part of a text or name, enclose the variable name by quotes as follows:


The value of the variable 'name' or the value of its attribute 'attribute' is regarded as a text constant that replaces the quote notation. The value must be of data type integer, real, text, boolean (0 for FALSE, 1 for TRUE is expanded) or time (yy-mmdd hh:mm:ss is expanded). If a local variable by name 'name' exists, it is used for expansion, otherwise global variable by that name.

This way of using variables is called ‘variable expansion’. Not only variables but also window attributes and Visual SCIL object attributes can be expanded, provided that they are of proper data type. In this case 'name' is a window or a Visual SCIL object reference.




IX = 22


OBJ = LIST(LN = “P_METER”, IX = 22)



The variable LN is assigned the text value

"P_METER" and the variable IX value 22

The variable PRESSURE is assigned the AI attribute value of the process object

P_METER with index 22.

Same as above but using attributes.




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Predefined picture variables

There are some picture variables with predefined names and meanings. These variables can be used in pictures throughout the system, but their values depend on the circumstances in which they are used. The predefined picture variable names are:



The logical monitor number of the current monitor. The variable is the same as MONn:BAN. It can gain integer values in the range 1 ... 100. The monitor number is selected when an application session is started. This variable should not be changed manually.

The name of the picture (main picture) displayed on screen at the moment. The variable can have text values containing a max. of

10 characters. This variable should not be changed manually.

CURSOR_POS This variable contains the coordinates of the cursor position of the last function key selection. It is always updated when a function key is selected, except when the system is in input mode

(after the !INPUT_VAR, !INPUT_POS or !INPUT_KEY commands). The variable is used, e.g., when building line

command keys, see Chapter 7.

The variable is a vector with four elements:

(x, y, x_rel, y_rel)

KEY_POS where x, y = the coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the picture, which is (1,1). x = 1 ... 160, y = 1 ... 96.

x_rel, y_rel = coordinates related to the upper left corner of the window where the cursor is situated, which is = (1,1).

This variable contains the coordinates of the last function key selection related to the upper left corner of the key. The variable is updated each time a function key is selected. The variable is a vector of two elements:

(x_rel, y_rel) where x_rel, y_rel = coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the key, which is (1,1).

ENTER_POS This variable contains the coordinates of the last click on an

ENTER key. The variable is updated each time a function key containing an !ENTER command which terminates

!INPUT_VAR is pressed, no matter whether the ENTER key contains other statements or not. The variable is a vector of four elements:

(x, y, x_rel, y_rel) where x, y = coordinates related to the upper left corner of the picture


x_rel, y_rel = coordinates related to the upper left corner of the window in where the ENTER key is situated (= 1,1).


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Statement Meaning



An event object containing the video number is activated. In combination with #ON sequences, likewise defined with video number, the event is directed to the same monitor.

#IF %CURSOR_POS(2) = 40 #THEN ...... A statement is executed on the condition that the pressed line is number 40.

#PRINT 1 'PIC_NAME' The current screen picture is printed.



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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

7. Expressions

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This chapter describes how to compose SCIL expressions using various types of operators:





General Principles

Arithmetical Operators

Relational Operators

Logical Operators


General principles


In SCIL, expressions are used as follows:

• For value assignments (objects, attributes, variables)

• As arguments for functions and commands

• As operands in expressions


Expressions are composed of operands and operators (possibly enclosed in parentheses). The operators are symbols for operations (e.g. + : addition). The operands constitute the objectives for these operations.


An operand may be:

• A constant (Chapter 4)

• A variable or a component of a variable (Chapter 6)

• A system or application object attribute or its component (Chapter 5)

• An attribute of a Visual SCIL or window object or its component (Chapter 5)

• An function call (Chapter 9)

• An vector or a list aggregate (Chapter 4)

• An named program or a method call, provided that the program returns a value

(Chapter 5)

• An expression enclosed in parentheses

The simplest expression is one single operand.

The data types of the operands determine which operations may be carried out on them and what the data type of the result will be. The data compatibility rules for each operator are given in figures below. List type operands cannot be operated upon by any operator. The list data type is therefore omitted from the compatibility rule figures. The data type of an expression can be read with the function DATA_TYPE

(see Chapter 9).


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Technical Description



There are three types of SCIL operators:

• Arithmetical operators

• Relational operators

• Logical operators

In SCIL expressions, they are evaluated in the order of priority mentioned below.

The operators and their usage are described in the next sections.

Arithmetical operators


Arithmetical operators are used for numerical calculations. As operands they expect numeric values, except for addition, which accepts text, bit string and byte string

operands as well ((see Fig. 7.2.-1)).


SCIL has the following arithmetical operators:




+ addition, positive sign subtraction, negative sign multiplication division

** exponential operator

DIV integer division, the remainder is truncated from the result

MOD modulus operator (the remainder by integer division provided that the operators are positive).

The operators DIV and MOD must be enclosed by spaces. For the other operators, spaces are optional.

Signs are valid for numeric data types (integers, real numbers and vectors of integers and real numbers) only.

Priority order

The order of priority for the arithmetical operators, i.e. the order in which different parts of an expression are evaluated, does not differ from that in mathematics. It is as follows (operators with the highest priority first):

1) **

2) / , * , DIV , MOD

3) + , -

Operations with the same order of priority are evaluated from left to right.

Compatibility rules

Below are rules for what data types can be combined by means of the arithmetical operators and the data type of the resulting value.



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Fig. 7.2.-1 Addition rules


Fig. 7.2.-2 Subtraction rules

When adding a numeric (integer or a real) operand to a time operand, or subtracting it from a time operand, the numeric operand is considered as seconds and the result is a moment of time specified number of seconds in the future or in the past.

When two time type operands are subtracted, the result is an integer number stating the time difference in seconds.

The result of adding two texts, two bit strings or two byte strings is the concatenation of the two strings.

When one operand is a simple value and the other one is a vector, the operation is carried out element by element and the result is a vector.

When both operands are vectors, the operation is carried out element by element and the result is a vector of the length of the longer operand. If the vectors are different in length, the ’missing’ elements of the shorter vector are regarded as zero or an empty string (depending on the data type of the ’odd’ element) and the status of the result element is set to SUSPICIOUS_STATUS.


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Fig. 7.2.-3 Multiplication rules


Fig. 7.2.-4 Division rules


Fig. 7.2.-5 DIV and MOD rules

When one operand is a simple value and the other one is a vector, the operation is carried out element by element and the result is a vector.

When both operands are vectors (allowed only in multiplication), the operation is carried out element by element and the result is a vector of the length of the longer operand. If the vectors are different in length, the ’missing’ elements of the shorter vector are regarded as 1 and the status of the result element is set to


A vector cannot be divided by another vector.



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Fig. 7.2.-6 Exponent rules

If both operands are integers and the right operand is non-negative, the result is an integer. For example, (-2)**3 evaluates to integer -8.


Below are some examples of arithmetical operations. The bit string operands are written here by means of the BIT_SCAN function, which creates a bit string out of its text representation.

Expression Result

"A" + "B"



5 DIV 2





5 MOD 2

2*3 + 4/2



(2*3 + 4)/2 5.0

BIT_SCAN("0101") + BIT_SCAN("0011") BIT_SCAN("01010011")

Relational operators


Relational operators are used for comparing expressions. The result of a comparison is always a boolean value, that is, the value of a relation is either TRUE or FALSE.


The following relational operators are available in SCIL:

== equal to

> greater than

< less than

<> unequal

<= less than or equal to

>= greater than or equal to


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Technical Description


The relational operators have a lower order of priority than the arithmetical operators. Accordingly, arithmetical expressions are evaluated before comparisons are carried out.

Compatibility rules

(see Fig. 7.3.-1) presents rules for what data types may be compared by means of

relational operators.


Fig. 7.3.-1 Rules for relational operators

Comparison of text expressions is based on the fact that each character corresponds to a number in the range 0 ... 255. The characters are ordered so, that the digits (0 ..

9) precede the letters. The letters A - Z are arranged in alphabetical order. The uppercase letters precede the lower-case letters.

Boolean values and text may be compared only with values of the same data type.

Time data can be compared to time data, integer and real values.

Bit strings are compared bit by bit starting from the leftmost bit, which is the most significant bit. If two bit strings of different length are identical to their common length, the shorter one is considered ’smaller’.

Byte strings are compared numerically byte by byte (each byte has a value 0 ... 255), the first byte being the most significant. If two byte strings of different length are identical to their common length, the shorter one is considered ’smaller’.

Vectors cannot be compared by relational operators.


Below are some examples of expressions containing relational operators.

Expression Result

"B" > "A"

%A - 30 == 0



TRUE, if %A == 30

TRUE, as long as less than one minute has passed since the latest registration time

BIT_SCAN("0011") < BIT_SCAN("0101") TRUE




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BIT_SCAN("0101") <


BIT_SCAN("000111") <


BIT_SCAN("010100") >






Logical operators


With logical operators boolean values can be operated upon.


In SCIL there are the following logical operators:




NOT conjunction, "both .. and" disjunction, "or" exclusive or, "either, but not both" logical negation, the opposite

Logical operators have a lower order of priority than the relational operators, that is, relational expressions are evaluated before the logical operations are carried out.

Logical operator NOT takes precedence of the other logical operators.

If an expression contains two or more different logical operators from the set (AND,

OR, XOR), parentheses are required to explicitly specify the order. See the example below.

Compatibility rules

All logical operators expect operands of boolean type. Likewise, the results of logical operations are of boolean type.


Imagine that A and B are boolean data with the values shown to the left. The logical operators give the following results:






















A == 1 AND B == 2 OR C == 3


(A == 1 AND B == 2) OR C ==3


A == 1 AND (B == 2 OR C == 3)


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Technical Description





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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

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This chapter describes the SCIL statements. It is divided into four sections as follows:





General: The different types of SCIL statements, their arguments, and a table over all general SCIL statements, Visual SCIL commands and picture commands.

General SCIL statements: The statements listed and described

Visual SCIL Commands: The Visual SCIL commands listed and described

Picture Commands: The picture handling commands listed and described


Types of SCIL statements

There are five main types of SCIL statements (imperative, one-line statements are normally called ’commands’):

• General SCIL statements. These are the basic SCIL statements that control the program flow, assign values to variables, access various system components such as system and application objects and files, etc. General SCIL statements are characterized by a starting # (number sign) and they can be used in all types of

SCIL programs.

• Visual SCIL Commands. These commands operate on user interface objects

(Visual SCIL objects, windows and picture functions) and often affect the visual appearance of the screen. Visual SCIL commands are characterized by a starting dot (.) and they can be used in dialogs and pictures displayed in a VS (Visual

SCIL) monitor.

• Picture commands. These commands operate on various components of pictures: windows, picture functions, function keys, etc. Picture commands are characterized by a starting ! (exclamation mark) and allowed only in pictures.

• Primitive graphics commands. These commands are used to draw graphical elements, such as lines, circles and text, on the screen. Primitive graphics commands can be used in pictures and Visual SCIL objects. The graphics

commands are described in Chapter 10.

• Motif widget commands. These commands operate on Motif widgets. They can be used in pictures and Motif widgets displayed in a X monitor. Motif widget

commands are described in Chapter 11. It is not recommended to use Motif

widget commands in new applications.


Most commands require arguments to become complete statements. The arguments specify the command with operands or key words. In this chapter, the commands are written in upper case letters and the arguments in lower case letters. Arguments in square brackets ([]) are optional. Argument enclosed by []* may be repeated a number of times or it may be omitted. There must be at least one space character between a command and its arguments.


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Technical Description


Table 8.1.-1 General SCIL statements and Visual SCIL commands.


Assignment statement









































Brief Description

Assigns a value to a variable.

Declares arguments of the program.

Compounds statements into one.

Multibranched conditional execution.

Closes a keyed file.

Creates a new application or base system object.

Creates and opens a new keyed file.

Deletes an application object.

Deletes a file.

Executes the SCIL program given as an argument.

Defines a branch within an #IF statement.

Defines a branch within an #IF statement.

Defines the error handling policy.

Raises a SCIL error.

Queues an application object for execution.

Queues an application object for execution after a time delay.

Updates process object values.

Conditional execution.

Initiates a process query.

Prints process object data.

Declares local variables of the program.

Executes a sequence of statements in a loop.

Interrupts a loop.

Executes a loop a number of times.

Changes an application object definition.

Declares a program block to be executed when an event occurs.

Defines an error handler.

Defines a key error handler.

Opens a keyed file.

Defines the default branch within a #CASE statement

Defines a logical path.

Takes a pause.

Prints a picture.

Reads a data record from a keyed file.

Reads the keys of a keyed file.

Reads a data record from a keyed file.

Reads a data record from a keyed file.

Deletes a data record from a keyed file.



















































Method call







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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

Brief Description

Renames a file.

Defines a logical representation library.

Stops the program execution and returns a value to the caller.

Initialises a search among objects.

Assigns a value to an attribute of an object.

Sets the system time.

Defines a branch within a #CASE statement.

Writes a data record into a keyed file.

Calls a method.

Creates a Visual SCIL object.

Deletes a Visual SCIL object.

Loads a Visual SCIL object.

Modifies one or more attributes of a Visual SCIL object.

Assigns a value to a user interface object attribute.

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Table 8.1.-2 Picture commands

































Brief Description

Closes the monitor.

These commands move the data entry cursor.

Completes data entry.

Erases a window from the screen.

Adds and removes fast picture definitions in semi-graphic monitors.

Reads function key information.

Reads the mouse or cursor position.

Reads an input value from the user.

Displays an alarm picture.

Displays the previous picture.

Displays a picture.

Recalls a stored picture name.

Deletes variables in a picture.

Stops function key blinking.

Delete input data.




Copies the picture (semi-graphic) to a printer.

Shows a window.

Shows the picture background of a window.




Stores the present picture name. 116

Insert/typeover. 126

Defines the update time interval.

Specifies the color of the background behind the window.



Creates a window.

Assigns a window an expression.

Specifies the level parameter of the window.

Creates a new window.

Selects a picture to be shown in the window.

Positions a window.

Selects a library representation for a window.























General SCIL statements

Basic SCIL statements

These statements define the structure and hence, the flow of the program. They are also used to declare arguments and local variables of the program and to assign values to variables.

Structured SCIL statements (#BLOCK, #CASE, #IF, #LOOP, #LOOP_WITH, #ON and a method call) may be nested to depth of 300. For example, a loop may contain a block, which contains another loop that calls a method, which contains a case statement, etc., to the structural depth of 300 statements.



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Technical Description

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[@]name[component]* = value

Assigns a value to a variable.




The name of the variable

Component of structured data, see Chapter 4

Any type expression

This statement replaces the current value of a variable or a component of a variable by a new value. With the @ prefix, 'name' refers to a global variable, otherwise a local variable is referred to.


@X = Y ;Local variable Y is copied to global variable X

Y = %X ;Global variable X is copied to local variable Y

@X(5)= 1 ;The 5th element of global vector variable X is set

Y.A = 0 ;Attribute A of (list type) local variable Y is cleared

Y.A.B(1 .. 5) = 0 ;The 5 first elements of vector attribute B of

;list attribute A of local variable Y are cleared

#ARGUMENT name [,name]*

Declares arguments of the program.

'name' Any valid SCIL name, the name of the argument.

The #ARGUMENT statement names the arguments to be passed to the program by the caller (in the order they should be given by the caller). All arguments may be listed in one statement, or several subsequent #ARGUMENT statements may be written. The two ways are equivalent as long as the arguments are declared in same order.

Arguments may be freely named using up to 63-character long identifiers.

Arguments and global variables may have a same name. If an argument has a name of a predefined SCIL language element, such as a SCIL function, the predefined meaning is hidden and it cannot be used within that SCIL program. For example, if a SCIL program declares an argument named MAX, the predefined SCIL function

MAX is no more available in the program.

The #ARGUMENT statements must be located at the beginning of program, before any other statements. Within the program, the argument name 'name' may be used as if it were a read-only local variable.

When a SCIL program that has declared its arguments is called by another SCIL program, the number of arguments supplied by the caller is checked. If the caller does not supply a value to each named argument, a SCIL error

SCIL_ACTUAL_ARGUMENT_MISSING is raised. On the other hand, additional arguments are allowed. They may be handled by the called program using SCIL functions ARGUMENT_COUNT and ARGUMENT, see the example below.


This example shows how a method with two obligatory and one optional argument may be implemented.

; Calling sequence of this method:

; MY_METHOD(A, B [,C])


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Technical Description

; Default value for the optional argument C is 0.


#LOCAL C = 0






Compounds statements into one.

'statement' Any SCIL statements.

#BLOCK compounds a number of statements into one statement. It is usually used within structured statements (IF, CASE, ON) in places where a single statement is required by the syntax.



#IF A - B > 10 #THEN #BLOCK







#CASE value

[#WHEN selector statement]*

[#OTHERWISE statement]


Multibranched conditional execution.

The statement selects (at most) one of listed SCIL statements for execution. The selection is based on a case value, which is compared to 'selectors' of each branch.




A value of type integer, real, boolean, time, text or bit string.

The selector is a comma-separated list of items that select the branch for execution. An item may be given as:

1. A single value of type integer, real, boolean, time, text or bit string.

2. A vector of such values. In this case 'value' is compared to each element of the vector to find a match.

3. A range of such values, v1 .. v2. The range may be semi-open: v1 .. means values greater or equal to v1

.. v2 means values less or equal to v2.

Any SCIL statement.

The 'value' is compared to each 'selector' item of the #WHEN commands. The first matching #WHEN statement is executed and the rest of the #CASE statement to the matching #CASE_END is skipped. If no matching #WHEN statement is found, the

#OTHERWISE statement (if any) is executed.



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There may be several selectors that match the case value, but only the first branch is executed. No error is generated, in case no branch is selected.



#WHEN "A".."Z", "a" .. "z" #BLOCK



#WHEN "A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "Y", -

"a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y" IS_A_VOWEL = TRUE









#WHEN .. -1 #BLOCK








#WHEN "REAL" T = 2



#DO program

Executes the SCIL program given as an argument.

'program' A text or a text vector containing the statement or the program to be executed.

The #DO command is used to execute a SCIL program stored outside the current program context (picture, dialog, command procedure) or created on-the-fly.

The program is executed as a subroutine of the calling program, contrary to the

#EXEC command (Section ), which queues the specified object for later execution.

#DO command cannot pass arguments to the called program, nor does it support return values from the called program. Use function DO instead, see Chapter 8.




;The SCIL program in the file ABC.TXT is executed.


;The program (IN attribute) of the command procedure ABC is executed.


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Technical Description






Defines the error handling policy.




EVENT means that the program execution continues regardless of errors.

The error handling programs are not activated and no error message is produced. means that an error handler is activated or an error message is produced, but the program execution continues.

means that an error handler is activated or an error message is produced and the execution of the program containing the error is aborted. The statement of an active #ON ERROR command is executed (see below).

means that the execution of the program containing the error is aborted, but no error message is produced. The statement of an active #ON ERROR command is executed (see below). Not available in the methods of dialogs.

An #ERROR command applies only to the program or #ON block in which it is executed.

The status code of the most recent error occurred in the program can be read with

the STATUS function, Chapter 9.

If no ERROR command has been executed in a program, the following default policies are applied:

Background and draw programs: CONTINUE

Start programs: STOP when displayed, IGNORE when printed

Update programs:

Exit Programs:



Key programs:

Named programs:

Command procedures:

#ON blocks:

Methods of VS objects:

Error handling programs:





STOP (IGNORE in the delete method)


In error handling programs, the error handling policy is always IGNORE, regardless of possible #ERROR commands. In delete methods of Visual SCIL objects all errors are ignored.

#ERROR RAISE [status]

Raises a SCIL error.

'status' Integer expression. The status code to be activated. Default: the latest error code occurred in the program.



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The command is mainly used within error handling blocks (#ON ERROR or #ON

KEY_ERROR blocks) in order to activate an error status in the program. In error handling blocks, 'status' can be omitted, whereby the activated status is the most recent error status that has occurred in the program. Outside an error handling block, the command interrupts the program execution.




!SHOW INFO "Timeout"



#IF condition1 #THEN statement1

[#ELSE_IF condition2 #THEN statement2]*

[#ELSE statement3]

Conditional execution.






Boolean type expressions

Any SCIL statements.

If 'condition1' is TRUE, 'statement1' is executed and the rest of the #IF statement is skipped. Otherwise, if any 'condition2' is TRUE, the corresponding 'statement2' is executed and the rest is skipped. If none of 'condition1' or 'condition2' is TRUE,

'statement3' is executed.





#LOCAL name [= value] [,name [= value]]*

Declares local variables of the program.



Any valid SCIL name, the name of the local variable.

Any type expression, the initial value of the variable.

The #LOCAL statement names the local variables to be used in the program. All local variables may be listed in one statement, or several subsequent #LOCAL statements may be written. The two ways are equivalent. Variables may be declared in any order.

Local variables may be freely named using up to 63-character long identifiers. Local and global variables may have a same name. If an argument has a name of a predefined SCIL language element, such as a SCIL function, the predefined meaning is hidden and it cannot be used within that SCIL program. For example, if a SCIL program declares a local variable named MAX, the predefined SCIL function MAX is no more available in the program.


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Technical Description


The name of local variable may not be formed by using variable expansion. The following is not valid:


The #LOCAL statements must be located at the beginning of program, after

#ARGUMENT statements (if any) but before any other statements.

Within the SCIL program, local variables are referred to simply by their name. No special characters (such as @ and % for global variables) are needed. Syntactically, local variables may be used wherever a global variable reference is allowed.

Additionally, in every SCIL command that takes a variable name as its parameter, a local variable name may be used (but not an argument name, because arguments are read-only). The list of such SCIL commands follows:

#LOOP_WITH var = low .. high

#OPEN_FILE n apl file keylength

#READ n key data1 [data2]

#READ_KEYS n vector [key1 [key2]]

#READ_NEXT n key data1 [data2]

#READ_PREV n key data1 [data2]

.MOUSE x, y, [,button [,buttons [,RELATIVE]]]

!INPUT_KEY keytext var


!INPUT_VAR [picture path]window variable [max_length]

The SCIL interpreter first finds out whether a local variable by the given name exists. If it does, the local variable is used, if not, a global variable by the name is used.

The local variables exist only while the program is executed. When the program terminates, all its local variables are destroyed and the memory space allocated for them is freed.


This example illustrates the use of local variables and arguments (which may be taken as read-only local variables).


#LOCAL X, Y = A + B ;Initial value of Y is the sum of arguments A and B



X = %X ;Global X is copied to local X

X = MIN(X, Y)

#SET 'LN':PBO1 = 1 ;Argument LN is expanded to object name

#LOOP_WITH I = 1 .. 10 ;Local I used as a loop counter



#LOOP [condition]


#LOOP_END [max]

Executes a sequence of statements in a loop.

'condition' A boolean expression, a precondition for entering the body of the loop. Default value: TRUE.



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Any SCIL statements, the body of the loop.

The maximum number of times the loop is iterated. An integer expression. Default value: 1000.

The body of the loop is executed repeatedly as long as the 'condition' is TRUE, or until the loop is interrupted in one of the following ways:

• Statement #LOOP_EXIT (see below) is executed in the loop body. This is no error situation.

• The maximum number of loop iterations is reached. In this case, error


• An emergency interruption is done from another SCIL program (in another monitor). In this case error SCIL_PROGRAM_EXTERNALLY_TERMINATED is raised.

An emergency interruption is done in one of the following ways:

• Loops in pictures and VS objects are interrupted by the statement:

#SET MONn:BMS where 'n' is the monitor number.

• Loops in command procedures are interrupted by the statement:

#SET APLn:BRSm where 'n' is the application number and 'm' represents the number of the queue that runs the command procedure. This number may be found by reading the APLn:BRO (Running Objects) attribute, it is encoded as follows:

'm' = 1: time channel queue

'm' = 2: event channel queue

'm' = 3 ... 32: parallel queue 1 ... 30 (the PQ attribute of the command procedure)

• Loops in format pictures are interrupted by the statement:

#SET APLn:BPSm where

'n' is the application number,

'm' = 1 for process printouts and

'm' = 2 for report printouts.



#SEARCH 1 0 "P" "A"


#LOOP OBJ.IU >= 0 AND I < 50

I = I + 1






;Up to 50 process object names are shown in the window OBJECTS.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


#LOOP_WITH var = low .. high



Executes a loop a number of times.





The name of the control variable of the loop. The name refers to a local variable by that name, if such a variable is declared, otherwise to a global variable.

The value of the control variable at the first loop execution, an integer expression.

The value of the control variable at the last loop execution, an integer expression.

Any SCIL statements, the body of the loop.

The body of the loop is executed repeatedly a number of times, calculated as 'high'

- 'low' + 1. Each time the loop is completed, the variable 'var' is incremented by one.

If 'high' is less than 'low', the body is not executed at all.

The loop may be interrupted before 'var' reaching 'high' in the following ways:

• Statement #LOOP_EXIT (see below) is executed in the loop body. This is no error situation.

• An emergency interruption is done from another SCIL program (in another monitor). In this case error SCIL_PROGRAM_EXTERNALLY_TERMINATED is raised. See command #LOOP above for details of emergency interruption.





;Each element of the vector variable V is shown in a separate window.


Interrupts a loop.

The statement interrupts the innermost loop (#LOOP or #LOOP_WITH) it is textually located in.


I = 0


I = I + 1








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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

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#ON event [statement]

Declares a program block to be executed when an event occurs.



An event object notation.

Any SCIL statement.

#ON command stores the 'statement' as the event program for 'event' in the current user interface object (main picture, window picture, picture function or Visual SCIL object). Later, the 'statement' will be executed each time the event object is activated.

If 'statement' is omitted, the previous #ON command for the same event object is cancelled.

Only one event program for a particular event is stored in each user interface object, second #ON command for the same event replaces the first one. However, each window picture, picture function or VS object may have its own event program for each event.

This command can be used only in user interface programs. It has no effect in command procedures. Only events from the current application can be caught.

In Visual SCIL objects, it is recommended to define event programs as event methods of the object (instead of #ON blocks) using the Dialog Editor.



;When the event object TEMP:E1 is activated, the value of the process object

;TEMP is shown in the window W.


;The former statement is cancelled.





;The block is executed when the event object SWITCH:E2 is activated.

#ON ERROR [statement]

Defines an error handler.

'statement' A SCIL statement to be executed when an error occurs.

The command defines a statement, or block of statements, to be executed each time an error occurs, in the cases where the error handling is defined by #ERROR STOP or #ERROR EVENT (see above). The command is valid only for the program or

#ON block in which it has been executed. The #ON ERROR command takes precedence over the #ON KEY_ERROR command (see below).



;The window MESSAGE is shown when an error occurs.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


#ON KEY_ERROR [statement]

Defines a key error handler.

'statement' A SCIL statement to be executed when an error occurs.

The command defines a statement, or a block of statements, to be executed in a picture each time an error occurs in a function key program. The command applies only to the window picture where it has been executed. If there is no key error handler in a picture, the error handler of its parent picture is used, if any. The #ON

ERROR command (see above) takes precedence over the #ON KEY_ERROR command.



#PAUSE interval

Takes a pause.

'interval' Time interval in seconds given as a real expression.

This command is used to momentarily suspend the program execution.

Be careful when using this command in command procedures! The pause delays the execution of all the other objects in the same queue as well.


#PAUSE 3.5

;The system waits for 3.5 seconds before the next statement is executed.


;The length of the pause is specified by the variable T.

#RETURN [value]

Stops the program execution and returns a value to the caller.

'value' Any SCIL expression.

#RETURN command is used in named programs, methods and programs executed

with the DO function (see Chapter 9) to stop execution and return a value to the


The #RETURN command without 'value' may be used in any SCIL program to exit the program.

A program encountering no #RETURN statement returns a value with data type



;Suppose you have the following named programs:

;Named program ADD:






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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

;Named program MULTI_ADD:






;After the following named program calls:

S = .ADD(1, 0.5)

M = .MULTI_ADD(1, 2, 3, 4)

;S has the value 1.5 and M 10.

SYS 600 *9.1.5

#SET_TIME time

Sets the system time.

'time' Time given in the format YY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (if

SYS:BTF = 0) or DD-MM-YY HH:MM:SS (if SYS:BTF = 1).

The seconds may be omitted.

The command sets the time of the system clock. If the computer has an external clock, the command has no relevance.

This command is more or less obsolete, use functions


instead (see Chapter 9).

Application and system object commands

#CREATE object [=attributes]

Creates a new application or base system object.



An object notation. Object types allowed are the application objects P, H, X, F, D, C, T, A and V, and the system objects B.

A list type expression.

The command creates a new object of the given type, with the given name (and index, if a process object) and assigns it the attribute values of 'attributes'.

If a process object notation for a process object of a predefined type is given without an index, a group with the given name is created. A group is automatically created when an indexed process object of a predefined type is created.

To make a copy of an existing object, use functions FETCH, PHYS_FETCH, NEXT

or PREV (Chapter 9).

An error is raised if the object already exists, or if the assigned 'attributes' do not match the actual object type.

The command is mainly used in tool pictures and configuration programs.


#CREATE ABC:P1 = LIST(BI = 0, UN = 20, OA = 1, OB = 2)

;A binary input type process object is created with a physical address.


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Technical Description


#DELETE object

Deletes an application object.

'object' An object notation of type P, H, X, F, D, C, T, A or V. A variable object notation (type V) may contain an attribute name.

The given object is deleted. If a variable object notation contains an attribute name, the attribute, not the entire object, is deleted.

Using a variable object notation, any global variable may be deleted, see the example below.

A process object group (process object notation without an index) may be deleted only if it does not contain any process objects. A time channel may be deleted only if no object is connected to it. A scale can be deleted only if no process objects use it. An object of free type (F) can be deleted only if all process objects of the corresponding type have been deleted.


@TMP = 1


;The variable TMP is deleted


;The process object A with index 1 is deleted.


;The process object group A is deleted (possible only if there are no objects

;in the group).


;The attribute AB of the global variable V is deleted.

#EXEC object [(variable_list)]

Queues an application object for execution.



An application object notation of type D, C, T, A or E.

A list of variable assignments separated by commas.

This command queues an application object (data object, command procedure, time channel, event channel or event object) for execution. Because the object does not necessarily execute immediately, the subsequent statements should not assume that

the object has been completed. See Section 5.3 for the overview of application

objects, or the Application Objects manual for details.

Any number of argument variables may be passed in 'variable_list' to the activated object (except for event objects that do not take any arguments).

When executed by a command procedure, #EXEC command may fail by status

REPF_EXECUTION_QUEUE_FULL if the maximum queue length (attribute

APL:BQM(2) or APL:BQM(3)) has been reached (see the System Objects manual).


#EXEC TASK:C (@LN = "DEFG", @IX = 1)

;The command procedure TASK is queued for execution.

#EXEC DATA:D (@A = %B + 2)



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Technical Description

;The data object DATA is updated.


;An event object named EVENT is activated.

SYS 600 *9.1.5

#EXEC_AFTER delay object [(variable_list)]

Queues an application object for execution after a time delay.




The delay time in seconds given as and integer or real expression.

An object notation of type D, C, T, A or E.

A list of variable assignments separated by commas.

The command works like #EXEC (see above), but the execution is delayed for

'delay' seconds.

#EXEC_AFTER command may fail by status

REPF_EXECUTION_QUEUE_FULL if the maximum queue length (attribute

APL:BQM(4)) has been reached (see the System Objects manual).


#EXEC_AFTER 10 TASK:C (@LN = "DEFG", @IX = 1)

;The command procedure TASK is started after 10 seconds.

#GET object

Updates process object values.

'object' A process object notation or an STA system object notation with the attribute ME or DA.

The command reads the specified process object value(s) or a memory address or an address range from the station and updates the process database. For process objects, the attribute may be omitted. It is then assumed to be OV. The command is valid only for process objects corresponding to physical objects in stations on ANSI X.3 lines.



#GET B:PBI(1 .. 4)

#GET STA1:SME(1003^ .. 1010^)

;The binary object A, the four first indices of the binary object B and

;the memory address area 1003 to 1010 from station 1 are updated in the process


#INIT_QUERY n [condition]

Initiates a process query.

'n' Text expression, either "A", "P" , "L", "H" or "E":

"A" (Alphabetical) The entire process database is searched in alphabetical order.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



"P" (Physical)

"L" (alarm List) The alarm list is searched in reverse timeorder, the latest alarms first. The alarm list contains all alarming and unacknowledged process objects in time order according to the alarm time (the AT and AM attributes).

"H" (History)

The entire process database is searched in the order of the physical addresses of objects

(UN + OA + OB).

"E" (Event)

The history buffer is searched in time order, the oldest events first. A history buffer is an obsolete way of storing event history, selected by the application attribute


The history buffer is searched in reverse time order, the latest events first. See "H" above.

A boolean type expression which selects the objects to be included in the query. The condition is comprised of relations and logical operators. The relations have an attribute as the left operand. All attributes (including CA), except those of vector or list type, can be used. The objects that fulfil the condition are included in the query. Wildcard characters % and * can be used in conjunction with text attributes. % represents one character anywhere in the name, * represents none, one or several characters at the end of the name.

This command only selects the objects included in the query. The objects along with

some of their attribute values are then listed by function PROD_QUERY (Chapter

9). Only one query at a time may be active within the SCIL context. Only own

application may be queried.



;The process query includes all objects in alphabetical order.


;The objects of unit 5 in address order.

#INIT_QUERY "A" LN == "K*"

;Process objects beginning with K.

#INIT_QUERY "L" (UN == 5) AND (AR == 0)

;Unacknowledged alarms from unit 5.

This command is more or less obsolete. Use more powerful SCIL functions APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST and


"P" queries and function HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER

(operating on the history database) instead of type "H" and "E" queries (operating on the history buffer).



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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

#MODIFY object = attributes

Changes an application object definition.



An application object notation. Allowed object types are P, H, X,

F, D, C, T, A and V.

A value of data type list.

The object is assigned the attribute values of the list expression 'attributes'.

Modifying the LN attribute of an object (or the IX attribute of a process object) effectively renames the object.


#LOCAL V = LIST(HR = 24, TC = "TC_1H")


;The HR and TC attributes of the data object DEF are changed.

#MODIFY PROC:P2 = LIST(AE = 1,AN = "A_1")

;The process object PROC, index 2, is connected to the event channel A_1.


;The process object is renamed, i.e. moved from group ABC to DEF.

#SEARCH n apl type order [start [condition]]

Initialises a search among objects.





The identification number of the search. An integer expression

1 ... 10 that identifies the search within the SCIL context.

Logical application number. Integer expression, 0 ... 250. 0 = the own application. The application must be local.

The object type, "P", "H", "X", "F", "D", "C", "T" or "A" given as a text expression.

The search order given as a text expression:

"A" Alphabetical order. Searching through the object names in alphabetical order (no index).Regarding process objects, only group names are included in the search.

"I" Index order (only for process objects of predefined types).

Searching through the individual objects of a process object group.

"P" Address order (only for process objects).

"E" Execution order. The execution order within a time channel. 'type' can be either "D" or "C". Whichever given, the search still applies to both data objects and command procedures.

'start' The starting point of the search. Depending on 'order', the parameter has the following values:

Order "A" An object name as a text expression. If omitted, the search starts from the first name.


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Order "I" A name or (name,index), where 'name' is the name of the object given as a text expression and 'index' is the index of process object as an integer. If 'index' is omitted, the browsing starts from the first index.

Order "P" A unit or (unit,address) or (unit, address, bit address), where 'unit' is the unit number, 'address' is the word address and 'bit address' is the bit address, each given as an integer expression.

Order "E" A time channel or (time channel, type, name), where 'time channel' is the name of the time channel and 'type' and 'name' are the name and type of the connected object from which the search starts, each given as text expressions. If only the time channel name is given, the search starts from the object with the highest priority. Both data objects and command procedures are included.

The argument 'start' is obligatory when 'order' is "I" or "P", and when a condition is appended to the statement. If 'order' is "A" or "E", 'start' can be given as an empty string (" ").

Note, that the first NEXT or PREV function call after the

#SEARCH command uses the 'start' argument as it reference: If an object specified by 'start' exists, that object is not returned by the call.

A boolean type expression which selects the objects to be included in the browsing. The condition is comprised of relations and logical operators. The relations have an attribute as the left operand. All attributes, except vector or list type attributes, can be included in the expression. The objects that fulfil the condition are included in the search. Wildcard characters % and * can be used in conjunction with text attributes. % represents one character anywhere in the name, * represents none, one or several characters at the end of the name.

This command only selects the objects included in the search. The objects along with their configuration attribute values are then listed by functions NEXT and

PREV (Chapter 9). Up to 10 searches at a time may be active within the SCIL


This command is more or less obsolete. Use more powerful SCIL functions APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST and



#SEARCH 1 0 "P" "A"

;All process objects in alphabetical order are included in search number 1.

#SEARCH 2 2 "T" "A"

;Browsing through all time channels in alphabetical order.

#SEARCH 3 1 "P" "P" (4, 1000^) LN == "B*"

;The search refers to those objects of station 4 which have an address 1000

;(octal number) and begin with B. The search is performed in address order.




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#SEARCH 4 0 "D" "E" "10MIN"

;Searching among those data objects and command procedures which are connected

;to the time channel 10MIN.

#SET object_attribute [= value]

Assigns a value to an attribute of an object.

'object_attribute' An object notation of type P, H, X, F, D, C, T, A, B, S or V

including the attribute to be set. See Chapter 5.

'value' A value of the type specified by the attribute. Default = 1.

With this command all types of system and application objects, except event objects, may be given values through their attributes. For real process objects of output type, setting the OV attribute implies control of the process via NET.

Depending on the object type and the attribute, the object notation may be indexed by a single index or an index range. If the object notation has an index range, the

'value' may be a vector or of a simple data type. If it is a vector, its elements list the values to be assigned. If it is simple data, all indices receive the same value.

Data object and process object notations may be used without an attribute. It is then assumed to be the OV attribute.

The attributes which are described as “read-only” in the attribute descriptions

(Application Objects and System Objects manuals) cannot be set with the #SET command.



;The switch is set to 1. If the object is in AUTO state, the command is passed

;out to the process.

#SET STA3:SME(3121^0 .. 3121^7) = 0

;All storage bits in the given range are set to zero.


;The command procedure TASK is taken into use.

#SET DATA:DOV5 = 10.0

;The fifth history value of the data object is set to 10.0.

#SET A:AON = "B"

;The event channel A is connected to the object B.

#SET PRI1:BLP = 72

;The number of lines per page is set to 72 for printer 1.

Printout commands

#LIST printer object [(variable list)]

Prints process object data.



'variable list'

Logical printer number. Integer expression, 1 ... 20.

A process object notation.

A list of variable assignments, separated by commas.


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The format picture of the process object is output to the printer. If the process object is given with an index, the physical format picture (PF) is written, otherwise the logical format picture of the group (LF) is used. For process objects of user-defined types, the command always prints the physical format picture (PF).

The start program of the picture, exclusive of the picture commands, is executed before printout. Only those windows which have an expression are printed. Curves and bars are not printed. Depending on the printer definition in the base system (the

PRIn:BOD attribute), the printout may be stored on disk.

The variable list, which may be omitted, defines the variables used in the printed picture (in windows or in start programs). The variable list may assign a value to a variable called FORM_FEED, which determines the paper form feed, see the

#PRINT command. In conjunction with #LIST command, the default value of

FORM_FEED is 0, which means that the printer starts a new page only when the previous one is full.

In addition to the variables of 'variable list', the #LIST command automatically defines a set of variables which get their names as well as their values from attributes

("snapshot variables"). If the process object is given with an index, these attributes may be (depending on the object type and definition): LN, IX, OV, BI, BO, DB, DI,

DO, AI, AO, PC, BS, AL, AS, OS, SE, SP, OF, AZ, RT, RM, AT, AM and CA. For user-defined object types also other attributes may also be transferred to variables.

The corresponding variables may be used in the physical format. If the process object is given without an index, only the LN attribute is passed in this way to the logical format. The variable values given in the variable list have precedence of these automatically generated variables.


#LIST 3 TEMP:P (@A = 30)

;The logical format of the process object group is printed to printer 3.


;The physical format of the process object is printed to printer 1. E.g. the

;variable LN has the value "LEVEL", and the variable IX the value 7. The

;printer starts a new page before, but not after the printout.

#PRINT printer picture [(variable list)]

Prints a picture.



'variable list'

Logical printer number. Integer expression, 1 ... 20.

The picture to be printed, specified as:

[path/] picture name where

'picture name' is the name of the picture and

'path' is a logical path name.

If 'path' is omitted, the default path names are used. See the

#PATH command, Section 8.2.4.

A list of variable assignments, separated by commas.




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This command is used when a paper printout of a picture is needed, for example, a report picture. The start program of the picture, excluding the picture commands, is executed before the print process. Only those windows which have an expression are printed. Curves and bars are not printed. Depending on the printer definition in the base system (the PRIn:BOD attribute), the printout may be stored on disk.

The variable list, which may be omitted, defines the variables used in the printed picture (in windows or in start programs). In addition, the variable list may assign a value to a predefined variable called FORM_FEED, which controls the form feed during printing. The FORM_FEED parameter can have the following values:

0 Form feed only when the page is full (the page length is determined by the

PRIn:BLP attribute, where 'n' is a physical printer number)

Form feed before (if not already done) and after printout

Form feed before printout (if not already done)

Form feed after printout

In conjunction with #PRINT command, the default value of FORM_FEED is 1.



;The picture named REPORT is output to printer 1. The printer starts a new

;page both before and after the printout.

#LOOP_WITH N = 1 .. 20



;The pictures FORM_1 ... FORM_20 are printed without form feed.

Path commands

#PATH name [dir [, dir]*]

#PATH name + dir [, dir]*

#PATH name - [dir [, dir]*]

Defines a logical path.



A logical path name, up to 10 characters.

A directory name in the SCIL file name format (starting with /)

or in the operating system format, see Section 5.5.1 for valid

directory names. A trailing / or \ is stripped off, so the path can be written either with or without it. Up to 255 directories are allowed in the command. If a directory does not exist, it is automatically created. However, if the word NO_CREATE is included in the directory list, the subsequent directories are not created. If they do not exist, the error


Logical path names can be used in all commands where files are called by name, e.g. together with picture names. Each path name may correspond to several directories, which are given in the search order and separated by commas. When a file is


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PICT requested with the path name, it is first searched for in the first directory of the path, then in the next one, etc. If a path name is used when a new file is created, the new file will be stored in the first directory of the path name.

A #PATH command without any sign defines a ’global’ path. Such a path definition is monitor specific when executed in a picture or dialog. If executed in a command procedure, it applies to all command procedures. If executed in a printed picture, it applies to all pictures printed with #PRINT. If the directory list is omitted, all directories of the path name are removed, but the path name remains. Global paths should be defined only once, for example in the start picture or dialog. System and application specific paths should be defined by using the base system attributes

SYS:BPH and APL:BPH, respectively (see the System Objects manual).

A #PATH command with a + or - sign defines ’local’ and temporary paths by adding directories to, or removing them from, the path definition. Local paths are valid only in the SCIL context where they are defined and take precedence over the global paths with the same name. A + sign means that the directories are added to the beginning of the directory list of the path name. A - sign means that the directories are removed from the directory list. If the directory list is omitted, the - sign removes all locally defined directories from the path name. (Note: as a terminating - sign means that the statement is continued on the next line, and in this case should be typed as two subsequent minus signs followed by an empty line, see the example below).

When an object invokes another one using #EXEC, #EXEC_AFTER, #PRINT or

#LIST command, both the global and local path definitions are inherited as local path definitions in the activated object. If, for example, a picture program starts a command procedure, the paths of the picture will be local paths in the command procedure and, hence, take precedence over the global command procedure paths.

The latest definition of a path is valid. Hence, by defining paths locally (with + and

-), you ensure that no inherited definitions will override the desired path definitions.

The following automatically defined path names are used as default paths:

















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These default path names are valid everywhere, though the corresponding directories may be changed globally or locally. A file called without any path name is stored or sought in the directory/directories defined by the default path name which coincide with the first four characters in the file name. If no other path name suits, PICT is used. Visual SCIL main dialogs constitute an exception to this case.

This is described in the Visual User Interface Design manual.

Defined paths can be read with the path functions, see Chapter 9.



;A local logical path named PROCESS is created. If the directory

;/APL/APPL1/PICT does not exist, it is created, but if the directory

;/APL/APPL2/PICT does not exist, it is not created.


;The picture named PICTURE is first sought for in the application APPL1,

;then in application APPL2.



;Now the directories are sought in order APPL3, APPL1, APPL2.


;empty line

;The local path definition is removed.


; The directory name given in operating system format.

#REP_LIB library [file [, file]*]

#REP_LIB library + [file [, file]*]

#REP_LIB library - [file [, file]*]

Defines a logical representation library.



A logical library name, up to 10 characters.

A representation library file name, see Section 5.5.1 for valid file

names. Up to 255 representation library files can be included in the command.

Logical library names can be used everywhere, where library representations are requested. Each library name may correspond to several library files, given in the search order and separated by commas. When a library representation is requested, it is first sought for in the first library, then in the next one, etc. If a library name is used when a new library representation is created, the new representation will be stored in the first file of the logical library.

A #REP_LIB command without any sign defines a ’global’ library name. Such a name is monitor specific, when executed in a picture or dialog. If executed in a printed picture, it applies to all pictures printed with #PRINT. If the file list is omitted, all files defined for the library name are removed, but the library name is preserved. Global libraries should be defined only once, for example in the start picture or dialog. System and application specific representation libraries should be defined by using the base system attributes SYS:BRL and APL:BRL, respectively

(see the System Objects manual).


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A #REP_LIB command with a + or - sign defines ’local’ and temporary library names by adding files to or removing files from the given library name. Local representation libraries are valid only in the SCIL context where they are defined and take precedence over the global libraries with the same name. A + sign means that files are added to the beginning of the file list of the library name. A - sign means that files are removed from the list. If the file list is omitted from the command, the minus sign removes all locally added files from the actual library name. (Note: as a terminating - sign means that the statement is continued on the next line, this case should be typed as two subsequent minus signs followed by an empty line, see the example below).

When an object invokes another one using #EXEC, #EXEC_AFTER, #PRINT or

#LIST command, both the global and local representation library definitions are inherited as local library definitions in the activated object. If, for example, a picture program starts a printout, the representation libraries of the picture will be local libraries in the format picture and, hence, take precedence over the global libraries.

The latest definition of a library name is valid. Hence, by defining library names locally (with + and -), you ensure that no inherited definitions will override the desired library name definitions.

If no library name is given, a representation is searched for in the library called

DEFAULT. Unless changed with a #REP_LIB command, the library name

DEFAULT corresponds to the files:

1. /APL/application/APL_STAND.PIR


in this search order.

Defined library names can be read with the replib functions, see Chapter 9.





;The library representation MYREP, which is to be shown in the window WINDOW,

;is sought from the file MYLIB in the application APPL2.

File handling commands

This section lists and describes the commands used to access MicroSCADA keyed files. MicroSCADA keyed files are general purpose files that may be read and written concurrently by several SCIL programs. Each data record contains a unique key that is used to identify the record. Data records may be read and written

sequentially, or directly specifying the key value. See Section 5.5.4 for details.


Closes a keyed file.

'n' File number. The file number assigned to the file when opened with the #OPEN_FILE or #CREATE_FILE command. Integer expression, 1 ... 10.



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Closes the file defined by 'n'. This command should be used when the file is no longer used. Open files are automatically closed when the SCIL context is deleted.



;The file opened as number 2 is closed.

#CREATE_FILE n apl file keylength

Creates and opens a new keyed file.





File number. A number that identifies the file within the SCIL context. Integer expression, 1 ... 10.

Logical application number, integer expression 0 ... 250. 0 is the own application. The application must be local.

Text or byte string expression, the name of the file. See Section

5.5.1 for file naming.

The key length. Integer expression, 1 ... 253.

The command creates a keyed file with the given key length and opens the file.

When no longer used it should be closed with the #CLOSE_FILE command, see above.



;A file called RTU5 with the key length 5 is created and opened in the current


#DELETE_FILE apl file

Deletes a file.



Logical application number. Integer expression, 0 ... 250. 0 = the current application. The application must be local.

Text or byte string expression, the name of the file. See Section

5.5.1 for file naming.

The command deletes the named file in the given application. This command can be used to delete any file, not just keyed files.



;The file RTU5 in application 3 is deleted.

#OPEN_FILE n apl file keylength

Opens a keyed file.



File number. A number that identifies the file within the SCIL context. Integer expression 1 ... 10.

Application number, integer expression 0 ... 250. 0 = the current application. The application must be local.


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Text or byte string expression, the name of the file. See Section

5.5.1 for file naming.

The name of the variable to receive the key length (integer value

1 ... 253) used in the file. If a local variable by that name exists, it is used, otherwise a global variable.

The command opens a keyed file. Up to 10 files can be open at the same time in the

SCIL context.

When the file is no longer used, it should be closed with the #CLOSE_FILE command, see above.



;The file RTU3 in application 1 is opened. The variable L will contain

;the key length.

#READ n key data1 [data2]

Reads a data record from a keyed file.



'data1', 'data2'

File number. The file number assigned to the file when opened with the #OPEN_FILE or #CREATE_FILE commands (see above). Integer expression, 1 ... 10.

The key of the record to be read. A text expression containing

'keylength' characters.

The names of variables to receive the data. If local variables by these names exist, they are used, otherwise global variables.

The command reads the contents of the record defined by 'key' and puts it as a text into one or two variables, 'data1' (up to 255 characters) and 'data2' (the rest of the contents if the length of the record exceeds 255 characters).



;The record corresponding the process object X in the opened file number 2 is

;read. The RTU_KEY function is described in Chapter 9.

#READ_KEYS n keys [key1 [key2]]

Reads the keys of a keyed file.





File number. The file number assigned to the file when opened with the #OPEN_FILE or #CREATE_FILE commands (see above). Integer expression, 1 ... 10.

The name of the variable to receive the keys. If a local variable by that name exists, it is used, otherwise a global variable.

The first key to be read. A text expression containing up to

'keylength' characters (see the #OPEN_FILE command above).

Not obligatory.

The last key to be read. A text expression containing up to

'keylength' characters. Not obligatory.



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The command reads the keys of the file defined by 'n' and stores them in the variable

'keys'. Up to 1 000 000 keys are read, starting from 'key1' and ending with 'key2'. If

'key2' is omitted the keys are read to the end of the file, or until the vector is full

(1 000 000 keys). If 'key1' and 'key2' are omitted, the keys of the entire file, up to

1 000 000, are read.


#READ_KEYS 2 V "A" "B"

;Reads the keys starting with letter "A" (supposing that key length is > 1).

#READ_NEXT n key data1 [data2]

Reads a data record from a keyed file.



'data1', 'data2'

File number. The file number assigned to the file when opened with the #OPEN_FILE or #CREATE_FILE commands (see above). Integer expression, 1 ... 10 .

A reference record key. A text expression.

The names of variables to receive the data. If local variables by these names exist, they are used, otherwise global variables.

The command reads the contents of the record next to 'key' and places it as text in one or two variables, 'data1' (up to 255 characters) and 'data2' (the rest of the contents if the length of the record exceeds 255 characters).



;The record following process object A1 is read. The RTU_KEY function is

;described in Chapter 9.

#READ_PREV n key data1 [data2]

Reads a data record from a keyed file.



'data1', 'data2'

File number. The file number assigned to the file when opened with the #OPEN_FILE or #CREATE_FILE commands (see above). Integer value, 1 ... 10.

A reference record key. A text expression.

The names of variables to receive the data. If local variables by these names exist, they are used, otherwise global variables.

The command reads the contents of the record previous to 'key' and places it as text in one or two variables, 'data1' (up to 255 characters) and 'data2' (the rest of the contents if the length of the record exceeds 255 characters).



;The record previous to the process object A is read. The RTU_KEY function

is ;described in Chapter 9.


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#REMOVE n key

Deletes a data record from a keyed file.



File number. The file number assigned to the file when opened with the #OPEN_FILE or #CREATE_FILE commands (see above). Integer value, 1 ... 10.

The key of the record to be deleted. A text containing 'keylength' characters (see the #OPEN_FILE command above).

The command deletes the chosen record. The deletion cannot be undone.



;The record configuring the process object D is deleted.

#RENAME_FILE apl old new

Renames a file.




Logical application number. Integer value, 0 ... 250. 0 is the current application. The application must be local.

Text or byte string expression, the name of the file to be

renamed. See Section 5.5.1 for file naming.

Text or byte string expression, the new file name.

The command renames the file 'old' to 'new'. If 'new' already exists, an error is raised.

This command may be used to rename any file, not just keyed files.


#RENAME_FILE 0 "W89" "W90"

;The file W89 in the current application is renamed to W90.

#WRITE n data1 [data2]

Writes a data record into a keyed file.


'data1', 'data2'

File number. The file number assigned to the file when opened with the #OPEN_FILE or #CREATE_FILE command (see above). Integer 1 ... 10.

Two text values containing the data to be written.

The command writes a record to the file defined by 'n'. 'data1' contains as a text the key of the record and data to be written, up to 255 characters. The rest of the data to be written, if any, is in 'data2'. The key is included as the first characters in 'data1'.

If there is a record by the same key in the file, it is overwritten.


#WRITE 2 V1 V2

;The data of the variables V1 and V2 is written in the file opened as number 2.





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Visual SCIL commands

The Visual SCIL commands creates, loads and deletes the Visual SCIL objects and handles the attributes of the Visual SCIL objects. The Visual SCIL objects are

superficially described in Chapter 5 of this manual. They are described in more

detail in Visual SCIL User Interface Design and Visual SCIL Objects manuals.

Loading, creating and deleting Visual SCIL objects

.CREATE object = type [(attribute = value [,attribute = value]*)]

Creates a Visual SCIL object.





The name of the object or an object reference including the path

(see Chapter 5). Giving a path means that the object is created as

the last child in the object chain. The object name must be unique among the objects with the same parent.

The name of the Visual SCIL object type. See the Visual SCIL

Objects manual.

The name of an attribute which is assigned the subsequent value.

If no predefined attribute with the given name exists, the attribute is created as a user defined attribute.

The value assigned to the attribute. If the attribute is predefined, the value must be of the correct data type (see the Visual SCIL

Objects manual). If the attribute is user defined, the value may be of any data type.

The .CREATE command creates the object and loads it into the dialog system.

Unless an object path is given, the object will be the child object of the object containing the .CREATE command.

The predefined attributes which are not assigned values in the attribute list are given default values. After an object has been created, its attributes can be changed with the .MODIFY and .SET commands, see below.

The .CREATE command is normally used for creating objects whose appearance is dynamically defined, based on some run time information. It must also be used for creating objects of the ready-built types which are not accessed in the Dialog Editor.

The .LOAD command described below is used for loading dialogs and dialog items drawn in the editor.

Generally, methods cannot be written with this command. However, if the object has action methods, these can be written with attributes, see the Visual SCIL Objects manual. Except for this type of methods, objects created with .CREATE will only have the predefined methods with predefined contents.


.create CANCEL = VS_BUTTON(_TITLE = "Cancel", _NOTIFY = vector(".delete DLG"))

;The statements above creates a button with the label text Cancel and the

;NOTIFY program .delete DLG (deletes the dialog DLG).

.create ROOT\DLG = VS_DIALOG( -

_GEOMETRY = LIST(X=100, Y=100, W=220, H=110))


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_GEOMETRY = LIST(X=5, Y=5, W=100, H=100))


_TITLE = "Check 1", -

_GEOMETRY = LIST(X=5, Y=5, W=80, H=20))


_TITLE = "Check 2", -

_GEOMETRY = LIST(X=5, Y=30, W=80, H=20))


_GEOMETRY = LIST(X=115, Y=5, W=100, H=100))



_TITLE = "OK", -

_GEOMETRY = LIST(X=5, Y=5, W=50, H=25))


_TITLE = "Cancel", -

_GEOMETRY = LIST(X=5, Y=35, W=50, H=25))


_TITLE = "Help", -

_GEOMETRY = LIST(X=5, Y=65, W=50, H=25))


The example above creates a dialog containing two containers, each of which contains dialog items. The last statement makes the dialog visible on screen.

.DELETE object

Deletes a Visual SCIL object.


The object name, possibly including a path (see Chapter 5).

Deleting a Visual SCIL object means that it is removed from the screen (if shown) and from the dialog system. When an object is deleted, all its children are deleted as well.

When an object is deleted, its Delete method, if any, is executed.


.DELETE DIALOG1 ;Deletes the object DIALOG1 and all its child objects.

.DELETE ROOT ;Deletes the entire dialog system (This is a ’suicide’)



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.LOAD object = type( file , name [, attribute = value]*)

Loads a Visual SCIL object.







The Visual SCIL object reference (name and possibly path) of the loaded object.

This argument determines the name of the loaded object and its situation in the object hierarchy. If the object reference is given with an object path, the loaded object will be created as the last child in the object chain. If no path is given, only object name, the object will be the child object of the object containing the

.LOAD command. The object name can be freely chosen, as long as it is unique among all objects with the same parent.

The name of the Visual SCIL object type. The Visual SCIL object types are listed and described in the Visual SCIL Objects manual.

Text. The name of the file where the object is stored, including the path. Path is not needed if the file is situated in the directory defined as the default path of the main dialog of the dialog system. The default path is defined by the attribute

_DEFAULT_PATH when loading the main dialog.

Text. The name under which the object is stored in the file. The name is given in the dialog editor.

An attribute name.

A value assigned to the attribute.

This command is used for loading objects built in the dialog editor and stored in files. It loads the specified object as a Visual SCIL object with the given name. If a loaded dialog or dialog item contains other dialog items, they are also loaded. The contained dialog items will be known as Visual SCIL objects with the names they were given in the dialog editor. The loaded object is incorporated with all its child objects into the existing object hierarchy.

When loaded, the create methods of the objects are executed (see the Visual SCIL

User Interface Design manual). If the load command contains attribute definitions, the attributes are set after the create methods.

A stored dialog, dialog item or image can be concurrently loaded several times in parallel under different object names or in different contexts.



In the example above, the dialog stored as MYDIALOG in the file MYFILE is loaded as a Visual SCIL object of type VS_DIALOG. As the visibility attribute

_OPEN is set to "TRUE", the dialog is shown immediately. The command loads the complete contents of the dialog MYDIALOG.


SYS 600 *9.1.5


MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

Handling Visual SCIL attributes and methods


[object].method [(argument [,argument]*)]

Calls a method.




A Visual SCIL object reference or a picture reference (see

Chapter 5). THIS object, if omitted.

A method name.

Up to 32 arguments of any data type.

Calls the specified method in the specified object, optionally with arguments. The result value returned by the called method, if any, is ignored.

.MODIFY object = list

Modifies one or more attributes of a Visual SCIL object.



A Visual SCIL object reference, possibly including an object path.

A list type expression, containing the attribute names and their new values. If an attribute name does not exist as a predefined attribute, it is created as a user defined attribute. For predefined attributes, the value should be of an appropriate data type. For user-defined attributes, any value will do.



.modify CANCEL = list(_TITLE = "Cancel", _NOTIFY = vector(".delete DLG"))


[object].attribute[component]* = value

Assigns a value to a user interface object attribute.





A Visual SCIL object reference or a picture reference (see

Chapter 5). THIS object, if omitted.

An attribute name.

Component of a structured value, see Chapter 4. Only

components of user-defined attributes may be set, the predefined attributes must be written as a whole.

The value given to the attribute or its component. If the attribute is predefined, the value must be of an allowed data type (see the attribute descriptions in the Visual SCIL Objects manual). If the attribute is user defined, any data type is allowed.

The command assigns the given attribute or its component the given value. If the object is visible when the .SET command is issued, the assignment may cause an immediate change of the appearance of the object.

When referencing Visual SCIL attributes, an error is raised if the attribute does not exist. When referencing a window attribute, the attribute is defined if it does not exist.





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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

User defined attributes will always have the data type of the value last assigned to the attribute.


Moving a button:

.SET BUTTON._GEOMETRY = (20, 20, 20, 20)

Defining or modifying window attributes:


.SET .COUNTER(2) = 0

Picture handling commands

The picture handling commands can be used only within MicroSCADA pictures.

They are not allowed in dialogs, or in command procedures.

General picture handling commands


Closes the monitor.

On full graphic operator consoles, the command ends the application session by closing the kernel process of the monitor (PICO).

On a semi-graphic monitor, the command empties the screen from pictures and makes it turn black. The monitor can be refreshed by clicking the mouse, which loads the MicroSCADA start picture on screen. If there are pictures in the monitor alarm picture queue when the !CLOSE command is issued, the monitor screen is not emptied but instead the oldest alarm picture in the queue is displayed on screen. If an alarm occurs while the monitor is kept closed, and the monitor in question is defined as an alarm monitor for the object, the alarm picture is immediately displayed.



!FAST_PIC[-][picture],[-][picture], ...

Adds and removes fast picture definitions in semi-graphic monitors.

'picture' A picture specified as:

[path/] picture name where:

'picture name is the picture name exclusive the extension, and

'path' is a logical path name.

If 'path' is omitted, the default path names are used. See the

PATH command, Section 8.2.4.

Default: The present picture


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Technical Description


The command applies to semi-graphic monitors only and has no effect in full graphic monitors.

The first command model marks the picture as a fast picture. When the picture is subsequently erased from the screen, it is saved as a fast picture. This means that every dynamic part of the picture is saved in the form it had when the picture was erased. Updating is, however, terminated as in the case of ordinary pictures. When the picture is again displayed on screen, it has the same appearance as when it was previously erased and updating starts from this state. The start program of the picture is no further executed.

The second command model, where the picture name is preceded by a minus sign, removes the fast picture definition. Henceforth, the picture is no longer stored as fast picture. Several fast picture definitions at a time can be added and removed as shown in the third command model above. Note: if 'picture' is omitted, the minus sign at the end of the line will denote that the statement is continued on the next line. To avoid this, type two subsequent minus signs and an empty line as shown in the example below.

Fast pictures are monitor specific, i.e. a picture may be a fast picture in one monitor but not in the others.

The fast pictures are continuously stored in the main memory. If there is insufficient main memory storage space in the computer, a large number of fast pictures may delay the handling of the ordinary ones.

All fast picture definitions are cancelled when the system is exited or the application state is changed. After a fast picture has been edited in the picture editor it functions in the normal way until it is stored again.



;Next time the picture MYPIC is exited it is stored as a fast picture.


;empty line

;The fast picture definition of the current picture is cancelled. Hereafter

;it functions as an ordinary picture.


Displays an alarm picture.

Incoming alarms are added to a monitor (application session or window) specific alarm picture queue. This command displays the oldest alarm picture in the queue.

At the same time the name of the picture is removed from the alarm picture queue.

If the alarm picture queue is empty, the command has no effect.

In other respects, the command works like !NEW_PIC.


Displays the previous picture.



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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

This command causes the picture handling process to go one step backwards in the

queue built up by !NEW_PIC, see Figure 8.4.1.-1, and display that picture. If this

picture is no longer available (for example has been deleted or is locked by Picture

Editor), the previous picture in the queue is displayed. Finally, if there are no available pictures in the queue, an error is raised and no picture change occurs.

In other respects, the command works like !NEW_PIC.

!NEW_PIC picture

Displays a picture.

'picture' The picture to be displayed, specified as

[path/] picture name where:

'picture name is the picture name exclusive the extension, and

'path' is a logical path name.

If 'path' is omitted, the default path names are used. See the

PATH command, Section 8.2.4.

The picture with the given name, if it exists, is displayed on screen. First the background becomes visible. After that, possible draw and start programs are executed (unless the picture is stored as fast pictures, see !FAST_PIC). If the named picture does not exist, an error message is produced.

When a picture is displayed, its picture name is automatically placed as the last item in a monitor specific queue of shown pictures, which is maintained by the picture handling unit. If the picture name already is in the queue, all subsequent picture names are removed from the queue, and the picture name in its former position is

thereafter the last item in the queue, see Figure 8.4.1.-1.

If 'path' is omitted, the picture is searched for in the directories defined by the default

path name valid for the actual picture name, see the #PATH command, Section


An error status is produced if the picture does not exist.



;The picture named MYPIC is shown on screen. The picture is searched for in

;the directory/directories defined by the path name PICT.


;The picture MYPIC is searched for in the directory/directories defined by the

;path name OWNPIC.


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Technical Description



Fig. 8.4.1.-1 The picture queue. Each monitor or picture container has its own picture queue.


Recalls a stored picture name.

The picture, the name of which is stored by !STORE_PIC (see below), is displayed on screen. The command functions like !NEW_PIC.

The command has no effect if !STORE_PIC has not been used.


Stops function key blinking.

When a function key has been pressed, it may be marked by blinking (depending on the key definition). This command stops the blinking of all function keys on the entire screen.


Stores the present picture name.

The name of the present picture is stored and it can later be retrieved with the command !RECALL_PIC.

Only one name at a time may be stored in this way. When the command is used again, the previous picture name is removed.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

!UPDATE interval

Defines the update time interval.

'interval' Time interval in seconds given as a positive real expression.

The value of 'interval' is automatically rounded to an accuracy of

0.1 seconds.

If there is an update program in the picture, it is executed repeatedly with this interval as long as the picture is displayed on screen, or until a new !UPDATE command is issued. After the update program has been executed to the completion, it restarts when the time interval given by this command has elapsed. Subsequent

!UPDATE commands may change the time interval. The most recently given time interval is valid. If 0 is given as a time interval, the updating ceases until a new interval other than 0 is given.

When an !UPDATE command is issued, the update program is immediately executed once (provided that the interval is unlike 0). The next execution takes place at a synchronization time. After that execution restarts cyclically with the given interval. The time interval between the first and second execution may be shorter than the interval given with the !UPDATE command.

In the MicroSCADA revision 8.2 no synchronization was done. If the changed policy causes troubles at an upgrade, the revision compatibility switch

"DO_NOT_SYNCHRONIZE_PICTURE_UPDATE" may be used. See the System

Objects manual for details.

The main picture, its window pictures and picture functions may have different updating intervals.



;The update program is restarted when five seconds have elapsed since the

;previous execution.


;The updating interval is assigned the value of the variable A.

Window handling commands

Windows can be defined using the Picture Editor or the !WIN_CREATE or

!WIN_NAME commands together with the !WIN_POS, !WIN_PIC, !WIN_REP, and !WIN_INPUT commands. Windows are displayed on screen with the !SHOW and !SHOW_BACK commands and erased from screen with the !ERASE command.

When a window is displayed, it is placed on top of its parent picture (see the picture

hierarchy in Chapter 5). Windows which are children of the same parent are

arranged according to their level parameter which can be changed with the

!WIN_LEVEL command. Windows with the same parent and the same window level are stacked in the order they were first shown with the !SHOW command so that the newest window is placed on top. The updating of a window with !SHOW has no affect on the stacking order. However, when a shown window is moved by

!WIN_POS, it is raised to become the topmost window among the windows with the


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

1MRS751849-MEN same level and the same parent. When the level of a displayed window is updated with the !WIN_LEVEL command, the window is stacked as the topmost window among the windows with the same level and the same parent.

The stacking order is the same whether the child window is totally contained within its parent or not.

!ERASE [picture path]window

Erases a window from the screen.


'picture path'

The name of the window to be erased.

A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 5. If

omitted, the window is sought from the picture or picture function where the command was issued. If the window is not found there, the window is sought from the entire picture.

The command erases the named window from the screen. If the window is of type

PICTURE, a possible exit program is executed when the window is erased. If it contains windows, these windows are erased, too.



;The window MESSAGE is erased.


;The window COLUMN in the window (or picture function) TREND is erased.

!SHOW [picture path]window [expression]

Shows a window.


'picture path'


The name of the window to be shown.

A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 5. If

omitted, the window is searched from the picture or picture function where the command was issued. If the window is not found there, the window is searched from the entire picture.

The expression to be shown in the window. Not obligatory.

The window is displayed on screen at the location determined by the window definition. The value of the expression is calculated before the window is displayed.

If the expression is given by the !SHOW command, the expression in the window definition is disregarded. If the expression is omitted here, you may define it by the command !WIN_INPUT. Only as the last alternative, the expression is taken from the window definition. If the window is defined as PICTURE or FIGURE, the expression is disregarded.

If the window is of PICTURE type, possible background, draw and start programs are executed when the picture is shown. The update program is executed in the interval given in the window picture, which may differ from that of the main picture.

An error status is produced if the window cannot be found.

Windows are erased with the !ERASE command.



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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5



;The text ENTER PASSWORD: is shown in the window called MESSAGE.


;The variable MAX is shown in the window COLUMN of the window TREND.

!SHOW_BACK [picture path]window [expression]

Shows the picture background of a window.


'picture path'


The name of the window to be shown.

A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 5. If

omitted, the window is sought from the picture or picture function where the command was issued. If the window is not found there, the window is sought from the entire picture.

The expression to be shown in the window. Not obligatory.

This command shows the picture background of a window picture. The background of the picture functions included in the picture are shown as well. The background and draw programs of the picture are executed. No other programs are executed. No windows are shown and the function keys do not function.

If the window is of some other type than PICTURE, the command works like


An error status is produced if the window cannot be found.

The window background is erased with the !ERASE command.



;The picture background of the window SCHEME is displayed.

!WIN_BG_COLOR [picture path]window color

Specifies the color of the background behind the window.


'picture path'


The name of the window

A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 5. If

omitted, the window is sought from the picture or picture function where the command was issued. If the window is not found there, the window is sought from the entire picture.

The requested background color given as a named color, a vector

of RGB values or a reference, see Chapter 10. Default color: the

color defined by the MONn:BWC attribute (see the System

Objects manual).

When a window is displayed, the background color can be seen for a moment until the window is drawn on screen. Likewise, when a window is erased, the background color appears for a moment until the background behind the window is redrawn on screen. By choosing an appropriate background color for the window, disturbing color switches can be avoided.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


The window background used in the monitor is specified by the base system attribute MONn:BWC. By means of the !WIN_BG_COLOR command, the SCIL programmer can choose the background color of individual windows. The command may be given before or after the window is shown for the first time.

When a window is shown for the first time, the background color is set to the color defined by the MON:BWC attribute, if not otherwise defined by the

!WIN_BG_COLOR command. Later changes of WC do not affect the background color.

The !WIN_BG_COLOR command is not applicable to semi-graphic monitors.

!WIN_CREATE [picture path]window

Creates a window.


'picture path'

The name of the window

A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 5. If

omitted, the window is created in the picture or picture function where the command was issued.

The command creates a new window during the picture handling. Once the window has been created with this command, it can be assigned a position with the

!WIN_POS command (default position: the upper left corner of the picture), a representation with !WIN_REP (library representation) or !WIN_PIC (picture), and an expression with the !WIN_INPUT or !SHOW command. Similar to windows created in the picture editor, windows created with !WIN_CREATE are shown with the !SHOW command.

!WIN_CREATE first checks whether the window already exists. If no picture reference is given, the window is searched only within the current picture. If the window already exists, and if it is an ordinary window, the command does not produce any result. If the window exists as a Motif widget, its X background is mapped as a MicroSCADA window background to enable SCIL graphics to be drawn on it.

The created window exists as long as the picture is displayed on screen, or stored as fast picture (semi-graphic monitors).

Use !WIN_CREATE instead of !WIN_NAME in cases where !WIN_NAME might have undesired side-effects.

!WIN_INPUT [picture path]window expression

Assigns a window an expression.


'picture path'


The name of the window.

A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 5.

The expression to be shown in the window.

The command assigns the window an expression which is stored as long as the picture is displayed on screen or stored as a fast picture. The expression is evaluated every time the window is shown with the !SHOW command.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

With this command the window expression may be changed during the program execution. The last given expression is valid. Hence, if the expression given with

!WIN_INPUT is intended to be used, no expression should be given with the

!SHOW command.

If 'picture' is omitted, the window is sought from the picture or picture function where the command was issued. If the window is not found there, the window is sought from the entire screen. An error status is produced if the window cannot be found.




;The text TRY AGAIN: is shown in the window LINE


!WIN_LEVEL [picture path]window level

Specifies the level parameter of the window.


'picture path'


The name of the window.

A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 5.

An integer value in the range -100 ... +100. -100 = the window is placed on bottom, +100 = the window is placed on top. Default value = 0. Instead of values, the following two predefined constants can be used: ON_BOTTOM ( = -100) and ON_TOP (=


The command specifies the level of the window in relation to other windows on the

same level in the picture hierarchy (see Chapter 5). See the general part of this sub-


!WIN_NAME [picture path]window

Creates a new window.

'picture path'


A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 5.

The name of the window.

The command has the same function as the !WIN_CREATE command, except for the following:

If no picture reference is given, the !WIN_NAME command searches throughout the whole main picture. If a window with the given name is found, no new window is created.



!WIN_POS A (1,1)



;A window A is created and placed in the upper left corner. The picture A_PIC

;is shown in the window.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


!WIN_PIC [picture path]window picture

Selects a picture to be shown in the window.

'picture path'



A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 5.

The name of the window in which the picture will be shown.

The name of the picture to be shown in the window, specified as

[path/] picture name where:

'picture name is the picture name exclusive the extension, and

'path' is a logical path name.

If 'path' is omitted, the default path names are used. See the

PATH command, Section 8.2.4.

With this command you can change the picture name during program execution. The latest issued picture name is the valid one. The name of the window picture is stored as long as the main picture is displayed on screen or stored as a fast picture. The command entails that the picture name in the window definition is ignored.

If 'picture path' is excluded, the window is sought from the picture or picture function where the command was issued. If the window is not found there, the window is sought from the entire screen. An error status is produced if the window cannot be found.




;The picture TABLE is shown in the window AREA.

!WIN_POS [picture path]window pos

Positions a window.


'picture path'


The name of the window to be positioned.

A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 8.

The new window position as a vector with two positive integer elements. The first element is the x-position (horizontal coordinate, 1 ... 160) and the second one the y-position (vertical coordinate, 1 ... 96). If 'pos' contains more than two elements

(e.g. the variable generated with the !INPUT_POS command), these elements are ignored.

The upper left corner of the window 'window' is positioned to the semi-graphic character position specified by 'pos'. If the x-coordinate is larger than 80 or the ycoordinate larger than 48, the window is placed on the control board, outside the screen.

If the window is currently shown, it is immediately erased from the old location and displayed at the new one. The window is placed on the top of all windows with the same level parameter and the same parent. The new location is stored as long as the main picture is displayed on screen or stored as a fast picture.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

If 'picture' is excluded from the command, the window is sought from the picture or picture function where the command was issued. If the window is not found there, the window is sought from the entire screen. An error status is produced if the window cannot be found.


!WIN_POS ABC (1,1)

;The window ABC is moved to the upper left corner of the main picture.




;The window FIG is moved to the position pointed out with the mouse.

!WIN_REP [picture path]window representation

Selects a library representation for a window.

'picture path'


A picture path according to the format described in Chapter 5.

The name of the window to be assigned a library representation.

'representation' The library representation to be used in the window specified as:

[library/] representation where:

'representation' is the name of the representation, and

'library' is a logical library name.

If library name is omitted, the representation is sought from the

library DEFAULT. See the command #REP_LIB in Section


With this command the representation to be used in the window may be changed during the program execution. The most recently given representation is valid. The given representation name is stored as long as the main picture is displayed or stored as a fast picture. The command entails that the representation given in the window definition is ignored.

If 'picture' is excluded from the command, the window is sought from the picture or picture function where the command was issued. If the window is not found there, the window is sought from the entire screen. An error status is produced if the window cannot be found.





;The representation PASSWORD states the form for what is to be shown in the

;window LINE. The representation is sought from the file(s) defined by the

;library name DEFAULT.



;The same as above, but the representation is sought from the file(s) defined

;by the library name ENG.


SYS 600 *9.1.5


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

Input commands






These commands move the data entry cursor.

!CSR_LEFT moves the data entry cursor one step to the left and !CSR_RIGHT one step to the right. !CSR_BOL moves the cursor to the beginning of the input field,

!CSR_EOL to the end of the input field.

These commands may be used only after the !INPUT_VAR command, and have no effect if this command has not been issued.


Completes data entry.

After an !INPUT_VAR command has been executed, the system waits for character inputs until it gets an !ENTER command, or the Enter key on the keyboard is pressed. If the program containing the !ENTER command (usually a function key program) contains other statements after !ENTER, these are executed. Then the program execution continues with the statements following after !INPUT_VAR.

The command has no effect if no !INPUT_VAR command has been issued.

!INPUT_KEY keytext var

Reads function key information.



This argument states the kind of information to be read:

PROGRAM The program

HEADER The function key header

HELP The function key help text

A variable name. The variable will contain the selected information as a text vector. If a local variable by the name exists, it is used, otherwise a global variable.

The chosen information of the clicked function key is read and placed in the variable

'var'. The variable becomes a vector, the length of which is determined by the chosen information.

After this command has been executed, no other commands are executed until a function key has been clicked.




;After the !INPUT_KEY command has been executed, the system waits until a

;function key is pressed. If this has a help text, the text will be shown in

;the window HELP.



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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Reads the mouse or cursor position.

'var' The name of a variable. If a local variable by the name exists, it is used, otherwise a global variable.

The command reads the coordinates of the subsequent push on the mouse, or the corresponding keyboard operation, and stores the coordinates in the given variable.

The entire control board is available. After this command has been executed, no other commands are executed until a position has been pointed out with the mouse.

The variable 'var' becomes a vector with four integer elements:

(x,y,x_rel,y_rel) where:


'x_rel,y_rel' are the coordinates for the cursor position in relation to the upper left corner of the screen which is (1,1). The value range of the xcoordinate is 1 ... 160. The coordinates 1 ... 80 belong to the screen and 81 ... 160 lie on the control board outside the screen.

The value range of the y-coordinate is 1 ... 96. The screen part lies in the range 1 ... 48. The coordinates 49 ... 96 are situated on the control board outside the screen.

are the coordinates of the cursor position in relation to the upper left corner (= (1,1)) of the window where the !INPUT_POS command is executed. These coordinates may have negative values.



;The position of the following push on the mouse is read and assigned to the

;variable V.


;The window WINDOW is moved to the position determined by the variable V (only

;the first two elements are noted, i.e., the first coordinate pairs).

!INPUT_VAR [picture path]window variable max_length

Reads an input value from the user.


'picture path'



Window name of the input field.

A picture reference according to the format described in Chapter


Name of the variable to which the input is assigned. If a local variable by the name exists, it is used, otherwise a global variable.

Maximum length of the input string (in fullgraphic input fields)

This command allows the user to assign a value to a variable during operation. The window name states in which window the value is echoed. The statement is executed only if the window is defined and is of FIELD type. The window definition determines the data type of the variable (integer, real or text) as well as the number of decimals (if real data).


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After this command, the system waits for an input in the form of characters, from the keyboard or control board, until it gets an !ENTER command or the Enter/Line

Feed key of the keyboard is pressed. No commands are handled other than those affecting the character input.

Entering data using the control board requires that a character key set is defined in the picture. When using the keyboard, lower case letters are converted to upper case letters. The Nordic letters Å, Ä, Ö, and the German Ü are converted to the corresponding MicroSCADA semi-graphic characters, i.e., the ASCII codes [ , \ , and ].

This command is not allowed in update programs.



;The value of the variable V is read from the window WIND.





Delete input data.

!RUBOUT deletes the character to the left of the input cursor.

!RUBOUT_CUR deletes the character in the current position of the cursor.

!RUBOUT_BOL deletes the beginning of the line until, but not including, the cursor.

!RUBOUT_EOL deletes the end of line starting from the cursor position.

The commands may be used only after the !INPUT_VAR command, and they have no effect if this command has not been issued.



Shifts from type-over (default) to insert and vice versa. The command may be used only after the !INPUT_VAR command and has no effect if this command has not been issued.

Miscellaneous picture commands

!SEND_PIC device number

Copies the picture (semi-graphic) to a printer.



Device name = LPT (line printer).

Logical printer number. Integer expression, 1 ... 20.

The semi-graphic portions of the picture, in its current format, is copied to a printer

("hardcopy"). The printer starts a new page both before and after the printout.



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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Depending on the printer definition in the base system (the PRIn:BOD attribute), the printout may be stored on disk.




Deletes variables in a picture.

All variables assigned before this command, except for those of the start program,

are deleted. At the same time the command !RESTORE (Section 8.4.1) is executed.


@PROFIT = 350000


;350000 is shown in the window WIND.



;An error message is displayed.


;The variables are deleted when an error occurs.


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Technical Description




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

9. Functions

SYS 600 *9.1.5

This chapter describes the predefined SCIL functions. The chapter is organized into the following sections:




























Generic Functions

Arithmetic Functions

Time Functions

String Functions

Bit Functions

Vector Handling Functions

List Handling Functions

Functions Related to Program Execution

Functions Related to the Run-time Environment

Functions Related to the Programming Environment

Language Functions

Error Tracing Functions

Database Functions

File Handling Functions

File Management Functions

Communication Functions

CSV (Comma Separated Value) Functions

DDE Client Functions

DDE Server Functions

ODBC Functions

OPC Name Database Functions

OPC Functions

RTU Functions

Printout Functions

Miscellaneous Functions

Besides the SCIL functions described in this chapter, there are also some functions

for handling full graphic elements, which are described in Chapter 10.



Function calls

SCIL provides a number of standard functions, which return values according to a predetermined algorithm. Function calls are used as operands in expressions (see example 8-1).

A function call has the following format: function(argument(s))


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Technical Description


The argument list consists of one or more expressions, separated by commas. If the function does not take any arguments, only the function name is used or an empty argument list () may be given. The expected data types of the arguments, as well as the data type of the result, are fixed by the actual function. The data type of the result

determines how the function call may be used in expressions (see Chapter 7).

Whenever a function expects a real type argument, an integer argument will do as well. It is implicitly converted to real value before the function is called. Also, when a vector argument with real type elements is expected, integer elements are accepted as well, unless otherwise noted.

Several functions expect a predefined text type argument. They are called text keywords in the descriptions of functions. These arguments are case-insensitive. As an example, function LOCATE takes an optional argument by keyword value

"ALL". Though not mentioned in the description, argument values "all", "All" and even "aLL" are accepted as well.

In the function descriptions in this chapter, the data types of the arguments, as well as the data type of the resulting value, are given for each function. Arguments within square brackets [] are optional. Notation []* means that the argument within the square brackets is optional but may appear more than one times. If not otherwise stated, all arguments can be arbitrary SCIL expressions of the specified data type.


The following examples illustrates the use of functions:


;The latest registration time for the object is written out as a text in the

;window called TIME.

#IF ODD(%I) #THEN #SET S:PBO(%I) = 0

;If the variable I is an odd number, the function ODD gets the value TRUE and

;the #SET statement is executed.

SUM = PICK(A:D(1 .. 1000),I) + PICK(B:D(1 .. 1000),I)

;Corresponding indices of the data objects A and B are summed. The indices are

;determined by the variable I.


;The peak power is shown in the window PEAK.


Table 9.1.-1 SCIL functions and the tasks they perform



ADD_INTERLOCKED(object, index, amount)


APPEND(v, data)

APPLICATION_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES(apl, type, objects, attributes)


[,order [,direction [, start [,condition]]]])


[,direction [,start [,condition [,attributes [,max]]]]])

Brief Description

The absolute value.

Modifies the UV or SV attribute of a SYS or an APL object.

Lists the running Application Extension Programs of an application.

Appends data to a vector.

Reads the values of specified attributes of given application objects.

Counts application objects that fulfil given conditions.

Lists application objects that fulfil given conditions.











MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5










ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS(list, attribute)

AUDIO_ALARM(alarm_class, on_or_off)





BIT(a, b)

BIT_AND(a1, a2)

BIT_CLEAR(a [,b]*)


BIT_MASK([b1 [,b]]*)

BIT_OR(a1, a2)


BIT_SET(a [,b]*)

BIT_STRING(length [,b]*)

BIT_XOR(a1, a2)


CLASSIFY(v, n, low, high)


COLLECT(v, delimiter)




CSV_TO_SCIL(csv, start, field_info [,option])


Brief Description

Arcus cosinus.

Arcus sinus.

Arcus tangens.

Nth argument of the program call.

The total number of arguments of the program call.

All arguments of the program call as a vector.

The ASCII character corresponding to the numeric ASCII code.

The numeric ASCII code of the character argument.

Checks whether a list contains given attribute(s).

Sets and resets the specified audio alarm(s).

Converts BCD coded numbers to integers.

Represents bit strings and integers as text in binary format.

Creates an integer or real value out of its binary text representation.

Searches an ordered vector by its element contents.

The bit value of a given bit in a bit string or integer.

Bitwise logical AND of the arguments.

Sets given bits to 0.

Logical bit complement of the argument.

Bit mask with given bits set to 1.

Bitwise logical OR of the arguments.

Creates a bit string out of its text representation.

Sets given bits to 1.

Creates a bit string by setting given bits to 1 and the other ones to 0.

Bitwise logical XOR (exclusive OR) of the arguments.

Capitalizes a text.

Classifies the elements of a vector into size classes and returns the counts of each class.

The present SYS time with a one-second resolution.

Collects text fields into a text.

Runs the SCIL compiler.

Writes a message into the notification window .

The cosine of the argument.

Converts a CSV file format record into SCIL data.

Accumulates the elements of the argument vector.




































SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Function Brief Description

DATA_FETCH(apl, name, index1 [,step [,count]])

DATA_FETCH(apl, name, time1, time2 [,step


DATA_FETCH(apl, name, time1 [,step [,count


DATA_FETCH(apl, name, indices)

DATA_MANAGER(function [,argument]*)


DATA_MANAGER("COPY", handle, new_file [, version])



Reads history records of a data object.

SCIL database management.

Closes a SCIL database when no longer used.

Makes a copy of an open SCIL database into another file.

Creates a new SCIL database and opens it for use.

Creates a new (empty) section in a SCIL database.

DATA_MANAGER("DELETE", handle, section,



DATA_MANAGER("PUT", handle, section, data


DATA_STORE(apl, name, data, index1 [,step])

DATA_STORE(apl, name, data, indices)

Deletes a component from a SCIL database.

Deletes a section, both the name and the contents, from SCIL database.

Reads data from SCIL database.

DATA_MANAGER("GET", handle, section


DATA_MANAGER("LIST_SECTIONS", handle) Lists the sections of a SCIL database in alphabetic order.

DATA_MANAGER("OPEN", file) Opens an existing SCIL database.

Writes data to SCIL database.

Writes historical records of a data object.


DATE[(time [,"FULL"])]


DDE_CONNECT(service, topic)

The data type of the argument

The date (year, month and day) as text.

The day of month.

Opens a connection to an external application.


DDE_EXECUTE(connection_id, statement



DDE_REAL(real, separator)

Closes the DDE connection.

Executes a statement in a remote application.

Sets the value of 'item' in a remote application.

Creates a DDE style real number with a user defined decimal separator.

DDE_REQUEST(connection_id, item [,timeout]) Requests data from a remote application.

DDE_VECTOR(vector, decimal_separator, list_separator)

Creates a DDE style list with a user defined list separator.

DEC(value [,length [,decimals]])


Represents integer and real values as text.

Creates an integer or a real value out of its decimal text representation.

DELETE_ATTRIBUTE(list, attribute)

DELETE_ELEMENT(v, index [,index2])

DELETE_PARAMETER(file, section [,key])

Deletes attribute(s) from a list.

Deletes individual elements of a vector.

Deletes a parameter from a parameter file.
































MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Function Brief Description

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("COPY", source, target)

Copies a directory and all its contents into a new directory.

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("COPY_CONTENTS", source, target [,filter [,subdirectories


Copies the files of a directory into another directory.

Optionally, the subdirectories are recursively copied as well.



Creates a directory or a hierarchy of directories.

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("DELETE", directory) Deletes one or more directories and all the directories and files contained in them.


S", directory [,filter [,subdirectories]])

Deletes files and directories contained in a given directory.

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("EXISTS", directory) Checks the existence of one or more directories.


Returns attribute information from one or more directories.

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("LIST", directory [,filter

[,recursion] [,hidden]])

Lists the directories contained in a given directory.

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("MOVE", directory, target)

Moves a directory to another directory.

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("RENAME", directory, name)

Renames a directory.

DO(program [,a]*)


Executes the SCIL program given as an argument.

The day of week .



The day of year .

Checks the existence of one or more drives.

DRIVE_MANAGER("GET_ATTRIBUTES", tag) Returns some information from drives.

DRIVE_MANAGER("GET_DEFAULT") Returns the default drive, i.e. the drive assumed if an absolute path does not contain the drive.


DUMP(data [,line_length])

EDIT(text, key)


Returns the drives available in the system.

Represents data as text in SCIL expression syntax.

Simple text editing.

The lengths of vector elements and list attributes.



Tells whether a process object query is completed.

Retrieves an operating system environment variable value.

EQUAL(v1, v2, [,status_handling [,case_policy]]) Compares two SCIL values for equality.

ERROR_STATE Returns the current error handling policy.




FETCH(apl, type, name [,index])

FILE_LOCK_MANAGER(function, file)

FILE_MANAGER("COPY", source, target



Evaluates an expression given as text in SCIL syntax.

Tells whether the argument is even.

The exponential function.

Fetches the configuration attributes of an object.

Locks and unlocks files.

Copies the contents of a file to another file.

Deletes one or more files.


































SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description





FILE_MANAGER("LIST", directory [,filter

[,recursion] [, hidden]])

FILE_MANAGER("MOVE", file, target)

FILE_MANAGER("RENAME", file, name)

FIND_ELEMENT(v, value [,start_index




FM_COMBINE(tag1 [,tagi]*, tagn)

FM_COMBINE_NAME(name, extension)

FM_DIRECTORY(path [,check])

FM_DRIVE(name [,check])

FM_EXTRACT(tag, component)

FM_FILE(path [,check])

FM_REPRESENT(tag [,option]*)

FM_SCIL_DIRECTORY(name [,check])

FM_SCIL_FILE(name [,option] [,option])

FM_SCIL_REPRESENT(tag [,case])










HIGH_PRECISION_SHOW(n [,decimals])



Brief Description

Checks the existence of one or more files.

Returns attribute information from one or more files.

Lists the files contained in a given directory.

Moves a file to another directory.

Renames a file.

Searches a vector by its element contents.

Creates a directory tag out of an application relative directory path.

Creates a file tag out of an application relative file path.

Combines two or more drive, directory or file tags to create a new directory or file tag.

Combines a proper file name and an extension to a file name.

Creates a directory tag out of a directory path or checks a directory path.

Creates a drive tag out of a drive name or checks a drive name.

Extracts a component from one or more directory or file tags.

Creates a file tag out of a file path or checks a file path.

Converts one or more drive, directory or file tags into an OS dependent text representation.

Creates a directory tag out of a SCIL directory name or checks a SCIL directory name.

Creates a file tag out of a SCIL file name or checks a SCIL file name.

Converts one or more directory or file tags into a SCIL name text representation.

Extracts the proper name and the extension from one or more file names.

Returns the status code(s) of a value.

Represents an integer as text in hexadecimal format.

Creates an integer or a real value out of its hexadecimal text representation.

The largest element in a vector.

The index of the largest element in a vector.

Adds up two or more high precision numbers.

Divides a high precision number by another.

Multiplies two high precision numbers.

Displays a high precision number in various formats.

Subtracts a high precision number from another.

Calculates the sum of the high precision number elements of a vector.


































MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Function Brief Description


Closes a session to the history database of an application.


METERS", session)

Returns the current values of parameters.

Opens a session to the history database of an application.



HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER("QUERY", session, count [,start])


Performs a history database query.

Reads all the attributes of an event.


BUTES", session, attributes)

Sets the attributes whose values are to be returned by the query.

Sets the EX attribute of the specified event.


MENT", session, event, comment)


DITION", session, condition)


CTION", session, direction)

Sets the condition for requested events.

Sets the search direction.

Sets the location of database files.


CTORY", session, directory)


ER", session, order)


OD", session, begin [,end])


OUT", session, timeout)


Sets the time period of the database query.

Sets the maximum time a query may last.


OW", session, begin, end)

Sets the time window of the query.


Writes an event into the history database.





Hours passed since the beginning of the day.

The hour.

Hours passed since the beginning of the year.

SYS time in seconds and microseconds.

INSERT_ELEMENT(v, pos, contents)

INTEGER_TO_BCD(int [,digits])

INTERP(v, x)

INVERSE(v, n, low, high)


KEYED_FILE_MANAGER(function, file

[,output_file [,key_size] [,version]])


LIST([attribute = expression, [attribute = expression]*])]


Inserts new elements into a vector.

Represents an integer value as a BCD coded bit string

Interpolates a value from a curve.

Inverts a curve.

Lists the running Integrated Programs in the system.

File maintenance function.

The length of the argument.

List created out of given attribute name/value pairs.

Names of attributes of a list.































SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description




LOAD_DCP(file, link, start)


LOCAL_TIME_ADD(time, s [,ms])





LOCATE(string1, string2 [,"ALL"])




MAX(arg1 [,arg]*)






















MEMORY_USAGE(keyword, arg)


MIN(arg1 [,arg]*)




Brief Description

Natural logarithm.

Loads and starts an internal DCP-NET.

The present local time.

Adds seconds and milliseconds to given local time.

Gives information on given local time.

The length of the time interval between two local times.

Converts local time to SYS time.

Converts local time to UTC time.

Locates a text string in a text.

The smallest element in a vector.

Converts text to lower case.

The index of the smallest element in a vector.

The largest value in the argument list.

Maximum number of application objects.

Maximum number of bits in a bit string type value.

Maximum number of bytes in a byte string type value.

Maximum number of input device objects.

Largest positive integer value.

Maximum number of link objects.

Maximum number of attributes in a list.

Maximum number of monitor objects.

Maximum number of node objects.

Maximum length of application and Visual SCIL object names.

Maximum length of picture names.

Maximum number of printer objects.

Maximum number of process objects in a process object group.

Maximum length of representation names.

Maximum number of station objects.

Maximum number of station type objects.

Maximum number of characters in a text type value.

Maximum number of elements in a vector.

Maximum length of window and picture function names.

The mean value of the elements of a vector.

The amount of memory allocated from a memory pool.

The amount of pool memory allocated for the argument.

Merges two lists into one.

The smallest value in the argument list.

Smallest negative integer value.

The minute.










































MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Function Brief Description




OPC_AE_ACKNOWLEDGE(apl, ln, ix, ack_id [, comment [, cookie, active_time]])

The number of the month.

Fetches the configuration attributes of an object within a search result.

OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_INFO(apl, type [,subtype


Returnes the properties of application or system object attributes.



Represents an integer as text in octal format.

Creates an integer or a real value out of its octal text representation.

Tells whether the argument is odd.

Acknowledges a condition in an OPC A&E server.

OPC_AE_NAMESPACE(node, clsid [, root])

OPC_AE_REFRESH(apl, unit)


OPC_AE_VALIDATE(apl, unit)

Lists the name space of an OPC A&E server.

Requests a refresh from a running OPC A&E server.

Lists the OPC A&E servers found in a network node.

Cross-checks a process database and the name space of an

OPC A&E server.

OPC Name Database maintenance.

OPC_NAME_MANAGER(function, apl


OPC_NAME_MANAGER("DELETE", apl, name) Deletes a name from the OPC Name Database.

OPC_NAME_MANAGER("GET", apl, name) Reads the definition of a name from the OPC Name



OPC_NAME_MANAGER("PUT", apl, name, definition)

Lists the OPC item names found in the OPC Name Database.

Creates a new name in the OPC Name Database or overwrites an existing one.

OPS_CALL(command [,0])

OPS_NAME[([major [,minor]])]

Executes an operating system command.

Returns the name of the operating system.

OPS_PROCESS(command [,directory [,wait]]) Starts an external program as a separate process.

PACK_STR(source, type [,length [,byte_order]]) Creates a text, a bit string or a byte string out of its elements.

PACK_TIME(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

Creates a SCIL time data value out of its components.

PAD([string, ]filler, length)

PARSE_FILE_NAME(name [,file])

Pads a text with a filler string to the given length.

Converts SCIL path names and file names to operating system file names.



The directories contained in a logical path.

The logical paths defined on a specified level.

PHYS_FETCH(apl, unit, address [,bit_address]) Fetches the configuration attributes of a process object

PICK(v, indices) Picks up specified elements from a vector.


Fetches the configuration attributes of an object within a search result.




Sends printout to a printer.

Returns the target printer numbers.

Returns attributes of objects selected by a process object query.


































SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Function Brief Description

RANDOM(n1, n2)

READ_BYTES(file [,start [,length]])

READ_COLUMNS(file, pos, width [,start


Generates a random number.

Reads a binary file.

Reads a text file as columns.

READ_PARAMETER(file, section, key [,default]) Reads a parameter from a parameter file.

READ_TEXT(file [,start [,number]]) Reads a text file.

REGISTRY(function, key, value_name)

REMOVE_DUPLICATES(v [,status_handling


Reads the registry maintained by Windows operating system.

Removes duplicate elements of a vector.



REPLACE(text, string, new_string)



ROUND(arg [,decimals]))




The files contained in a logical representation library.

The logical library names defined on a specified level.

Replaces text strings by another string.

Reverses the order of elements of a vector.

Selects the compatibility issues to be used in the context.

Rounds off a real value.

Returns a list with the address of the object in a certain record.

Converts an integer to ASCII characters (according to the

RP570 protocol).

Converts a real number to four ASCII characters (float


RTU_ATIME [(t [,msec])]






RTU_OA(type, ba)



SCALE(v, scale_object [,direction])



SCIL_TO_CSV(data [,option]*)


SELECT(source, condition [,wildcards])

Converts time data (operating system time) to ASCII (RTU200 time).

Converts HEX-ASCII numbers given as a text to binary numbers in text form.

Converts binary numbers given as a text to hex-ascii numbers as a text.

Converts two ASCII characters (2's complement RP570) to an integer.

Returns the search key for a record in an RTU200 configuration file.

Returns the milliseconds of the 6-byte RTU time string 'atime'.

Returns the object address.

Converts 4 ASCII characters (float DS801) to a real number.

Converts ASCII (RTU200 time) to MicroSCADA time data.

Scales a value using a scale object.

Returns the type and number of the process that is running this SCIL code.

Tells the current line number within the SCIL program.

Converts SCIL data into a CSV file format record.

The second.

Selects the elements of a vector or a list of vectors that fulfil given condition.



































MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5


SEPARATE(text, delimiter)





SET_STATUS(source, status)






SORT(v, [start, [length]])


SPREAD(v, indices, new_value)



SQL_CONNECT(source, user, password)


SQL_EXECUTE(connection_id, SQLstring









SUBSTR(string, start [,length])





SYS_TIME_ADD(time, s [,ms])




Brief Description

Extracts fields of a text.

Sets the SYS time.

Sets the current language of the SCIL context.

Sets the local time of the system.

Sets the seed number of the random number generator.

Modifies the status code of SCIL data.

Sets the SYS time of the system.

Sets the UTC time of the system.

Queues a file for shadowing.

Shuffles integers 1 to n into a random order.

The sine of the argument.

Sorts a vector.

Communicates with a SPACOM unit connected to a COM port.

Replaces vector elements by a new value.

Marks the beginning of a transaction.

Commits a transaction the start of which was marked with


Opens an ODBC connection to a data source.

Closes the ODBC connection defined by the argument.

Executes an SQL statement.

Fetches a row of data from a result set obtained by


Frees the specified statement and stops processing associated with the statement.

Rolls back a transaction started with


The square root of the argument.

The status code of the last error in the program.

The numeric value of a mnemonic status code name.

The mnemonic name of a numeric status code.

Extracts a substring from a text, bit string or byte string value.

The sum of all the elements of a vector.

The sum of the negative elements of a vector.

The sum of the positive elements of a vector.

The present SYS time.

Adds seconds and milliseconds to given SYS time.

The length of the time interval between two SYS times.

Converts SYS time to local time.

Converts SYS time to UTC time.






































SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Function Brief Description

TEXT_READ(file [,start [,number])

TIME[(time [,"FULL"])]


TIMEMS[(time [,msecs] [,"FULL"])]


TIMES[(time [,"FULL"])]


TODMS[(time [,msecs])]

Reads a text file or a part of it.

Date and time as text, excluding seconds.

Reads and sets the time zone rules of the system.

Date and time as text, including seconds and milliseconds.

Changes the communication time-out.

Date and time as text, including seconds.

Time of day as text, excluding seconds

Time of day as text, including seconds and milliseconds.

TODS[(time)] Time of day as text, including seconds.

TRACE_BEGIN(filename [,append] [,time_tags]) Starts trace logging.



Stops trace logging.

Pauses trace logging.


TRANSLATE(text [,language])

TRANSLATION(id [,language])

TREND(v, n)

Resumes trace logging.

Translates texts defined in Visual SCIL objects.

Translates texts by using text databases.

Returns the last (‘newest’) elements of a vector.

TRUNC(arg [,decimals])

TYPE_CAST(source, type)


UNPACK_STR(source [,length [,byte_order]])

Truncates a real value.

Views data as if it were of different data type.

Unlocks a locked picture.

Splits a text, a bit string or a byte string to a vector of its elements.



UTC_TIME_ADD(time, s [,ms])




VALIDATE(as, string)




Converts text to upper case.

The present UTC time.

Adds seconds and milliseconds to given UTC time.

The length of the time interval between two UTC times.

Converts UTC time to local time.

Converts UTC time to SYS time.

Validates a text string as a SCIL object name.

Validates an object address.

VECTOR [([element1 [,element]*)]


WORKSTATION_CALL(command [,arg]*)

WRITE_BYTES(file, data [,append])

WRITE_COLUMNS(file, pos, width, data


Lists the names of global variables defined in the SCIL context.

Creates a vector out of given elements.

The number of the week within a year.

Executes a command in the workstation.

Writes a binary file.

Writes a text file as columns.

WRITE_PARAMETER(file, section, key, value) Writes a parameter into a parameter file.

WRITE_TEXT(file, text [,append]) Writes a text file.

YEAR(time)] The year.










































MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

Generic functions

SYS 600 *9.1.5


The data type of the argument

The function returns the data type of the argument, or value "NONE" if the expression cannot be evaluated. Consequently, it can be used to check an expression, for example the existence of a variable..



An expression of any data type.

Text. The data type of the expression:










"NONE" (= the expression is wrong or undefined)




DUMP(data [,line_length])

Represents data as text in SCIL expression syntax.

This function creates a text vector that represents the contents of any SCIL data in

SCIL expression syntax. The status code of each data item (unless 0) is also dumped.




An expression of any data type.

An integer, 80 ... 65 535. Maximum line length in the resulting text vector. Default is 80.

A text vector.

This function can be used to store any SCIL data structure in a text file.

See function EVALUATE for the reverse operation.


The lengths of vector elements and list attributes.



Vector or list value.

Vector or list containing the lengths of components of 'vl'.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


If the argument 'vl' is a vector, the value of the function call is an integer vector of the same length, the nth element of the resulting value containing the length of nth element of 'vl'.

If the argument 'vl' is a list, the value of the function call is a list having the same attributes as 'vl', each containing the length of the corresponding attribute of 'vl'.

Example 1:

LINES = READ_TEXT("c:\sc\stool\misc\languages.txt") ;A text file is read


;each line

EQUAL(v1, v2, [,status_handling [,case_policy]])

Compares two SCIL values for equality.



First value of any type.

Second value of any type.

'status_handling' Text keyword value, either "CONSIDER_STATUS" or


'case_policy' Text keyword value, either "CASE_SENSITIVE" or


Value: Boolean value TRUE if 'v1' is equal to 'v2', otherwise FALSE.

The arguments 'status_handling' and 'case_policy' may be given in any order.

Two values are considered equal if all the following conditions are met:

• The value types are the same.

• The values are the same.

• The status values are the same (when "CONSIDER_STATUS") or else both are valid (<= LAST_VALID_STATUS) (when "IGNORE_STATUS").

Text values are compared for equality according to the argument 'case_policy'.

The test for equality is recursive, i.e. if the value is a vector or list, its components are tested for equality.




;returns TRUE

;returns FALSE (different types)




;returns TRUE or FALSE

;returns FALSE

;returns TRUE


Evaluates an expression given as text in SCIL syntax.



A text or text vector value containing the SCIL expression to be evaluated. If a text vector is given, other lines but the last one must end with a continuation character ( - ).

The result of the evaluation, which may be of any data type.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

See function DUMP for the reverse operation.

For any value v, EVALUATE(DUMP(v)) results to v, except for one case: Real numbers may slightly lose their precision.


The following example shows how to store any data value (such as a complicated list) in a disk file and then read it back:




Returns the status code(s) of a value.



A value of any data type.

If 'data' is of a simple data type, the function returns an integer value. If it is a vector, the function returns an integer vector containing the status codes of each element of the argument vector. If it is a list, the function returns a list with the same attribute names, each attribute containing the status code of the corresponding argument attribute.

See function SET_STATUS for the reverse operation.


The length of the argument.



A value of any data type.

Integer value. According to the data type of the argument, the following is returned:



Boolean 1

Time 1



Text The number of characters in the text.

Bit string The number of bits in the string

Byte string The number of bytes in the byte string

Vector The number of elements in the vector.

List The number of attributes in the list.


LENGTH(340) == 1



LENGTH(" ") == 1

LENGTH("") == 0


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


SET_STATUS(source, status)

Modifies the status code of SCIL data.




A value of any data type.

An integer expression, 0 ... 65 535, or a vector or a list of such integers.

Same data type as 'source'.

The function merges the contents of 'source' argument and the status code(s) 'status' as follows:

• If 'source' is of a simple data type, 'status' must be an integer value.

• If 'source' is a vector, 'status' may be an integer or an integer vector. If 'status' is an integer, the status of each element of 'source' is set to 'status'. If 'status' is a vector, the status of nth element of 'source' is set to the nth element of 'status'. If the vector 'status' is shorter than the vector 'source', the 'source' is modified only up to the length of 'status'. If 'status' is longer than 'source', the extra elements are ignored.

• If 'source' is a list, 'status' may be an integer or a list value. If 'status' is an integer, the status of each attribute of 'source' is set to 'status'. If 'status' is a list, the status of 'source' attribute NN is set to the value of 'status' attribute NN. The attributes of

'status' that do not exist in 'source' are ignored. The attributes of 'source' that do not exist in 'status' are unaffected.

If a value is assigned a status code >= 10, the value itself is lost. If a value in 'source' has a status code >= 10, and it is assigned a status code <10, the value is initialized by integer zero.

See function GET_STATUS for the reverse operation.


@V = SET_STATUS(%V, 2)

;Status code 2, OBSOLETE_STATUS, is set to the variable V.


;The status of the variable A is copied from the variable B.

TYPE_CAST(source, type)

Views data as if it were of different data type.




The source data to be viewed. Integer, real, time, boolean, text or bit string.

Text keyword specifying the result data type:



See the compatibility rules below.

A value of data type specified by 'type'.




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SYS 600 *9.1.5

This function interprets the memory bit pattern of a value as if it were of another data type. The following data type compatibility rules apply:

• Bit patterns of INTEGER, REAL, TIME and BOOLEAN data can be viewed as


• Bit patterns of TEXT, BIT_STRING and BYTE_STRING data can be viewed as


• Any other combination results to a runtime error.

This is a low-level, close-to-hardware, function, whose results may be hardware dependent.Type-casting from and to real data may result to invalid floating point numbers. Type-casting to a bit string returns the bit pattern of the source as a bit string, whose length is 8 times the length of the source (one character or byte occupies 8 bits). Type-casting from a bit string returns a text or byte string, whose length is 1/8 of the length of the bit string.


TYPE_CAST(TRUE, "INTEGER") returns the integer value 1, which is the integer representation of the boolean value TRUE.

Arithmetic functions


The absolute value.



An integer or real value, or a vector of such values.

The absolute value of the argument. Same data type as the argument.


ABS(-3) ;returns the integer value 3.


Arcus cosinus.

This function returns, as radians, the angle, whose cosine equals to the argument.



A real value -1.0 ... +1.0, or a vector of such real values.

A real value or a vector of real values. The angle(s) in radians.


Arcus sinus.

This function returns, as radians, the angle, whose sine equals to the argument.



A real value -1.0 ... +1.0, or a vector of such real values.

A real value or a vector of real values. The angle(s) in radians.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



Arcus tangens.

This function returns, as radians, the angle, whose tangent equals to the argument.



A real value, or a vector of such real values.

A real value or a vector of real values. The angle(s) in radians.


The cosine of the argument.



A real or integer value or a vector of such values. The angle(s) in radians.

A real value or a vector of real values.


Tells whether the argument is even.



An integer or a vector of integer values.

A boolean value or a vector of boolean values.


The exponential function.

The result is the number e, Neper's number, raised to the power of the argument.



A real value, max. +88.0, or a vector of such values.

A real value or a vector of real values.


Adds up two or more high precision numbers.




’DOUBLE’ value, the first addend, see below.

’DOUBLE’ values, up to 31 more addends.

’DOUBLE’ (byte string) value, the sum of the arguments.

This and the following five functions implement the high precision arithmetics in

SCIL. High precision numbers are based on 64-bit floating point numbers, while the

REAL datatype of SCIL is based on 32-bit floating point numbers. High precision numbers are accurate to approx. 15 decimal digits (compared to only 7 of REAL data).

The high precision number arguments of these functions may be given in any of the following four ways (collectively called ’DOUBLE’ type, for short):

1. As an integer value, e.g. 1234567890.

2. As a real value, e.g. 1.25.

3. As a text containing the decimal representation of the number. The representation may contain decimal digits, a sign, decimal point and leading and



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

trailing spaces. Examples of valid text representations: " -1.234565789012",

"12345678901234 " and "100000000000000000000".

4. As a byte string value returned by one of the high precision functions.

The high precision functions return their high precision results as a byte string data containing the 64-bit floating point representation. This internal representation is converted to normal SCIL data types by function HIGH_PRECISION_SHOW.

When you enter a high precision constant in your SCIL program, use a text type argument instead of a real or an integer argument, unless you are sure that your constant has an exact representation as a 32bit floating point number or as an integer.


PI = HIGH_PRECISION_ADD("3.141592653589793") ;Remember the double quotes!

;Otherwise you lose precision.



Divides a high precision number by another.




’DOUBLE’ value, the dividend.

’DOUBLE’ value, the divisor.

’DOUBLE’ (byte string) value, 'n1' * 'n2'.

See function HIGH_PRECISION_ADD for details of high precision arithmetics.


Multiplies two high precision numbers.




’DOUBLE’ value, the multiplier.

’DOUBLE’ value, the multiplicand.

’DOUBLE’ (byte string) value, 'n1' * 'n2'.

See function HIGH_PRECISION_ADD for details of high precision arithmetics.

HIGH_PRECISION_SHOW(n [,decimals])

Displays a high precision number in various formats.




’DOUBLE’ (byte string) value

Integer value 0 ... 253, number of decimals to display.

Default value is 6.

A list with the following attributes:



Real value, 'n' truncated to a 32-bit real number.

Text value, the decimal text representation of

'n' with 'decimals' digits after the decimal point.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description




Integer value, the integral part of 'n'. Real value, if the number is out of integer range.

Real value, the fractional part of 'n'.

See function HIGH_PRECISION_ADD for details of high precision arithmetics.


Subtracts a high precision number from another.




’DOUBLE’ value, the minuend.

’DOUBLE’ value, the subtrahend.

’DOUBLE’ (byte string) value, 'n1' - 'n2'.

See function HIGH_PRECISION_ADD for details of high precision arithmetics.


Calculates the sum of the high precision number elements of a vector.



A vector of ’DOUBLE’ elements.

A list with the following attributes:

SUM ’DOUBLE’ (byte string) value, the calculated sum.

STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code, 0 = OK, see below.

ERRORS A vector of integer elements, see below.

The STATUS attribute of the result is set to SUSPICIOUS_STATUS (= 1), if any of the elements of the argument vector has a non-zero status. If the argument vector is empty, or it contains no valid elements, NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS is set.

If the argument vector contains elements that are not valid ’DOUBLE’ values, the indices of such elements are returned in attribute ERRORS. If the length of the attribute is 0, no erroneous elements have been encountered.

See function HIGH_PRECISION_ADD for details of high precision arithmetics.


Natural logarithm.



A real value > 0, or a vector of such values.

A real value or a vector of real values.

MAX(arg1 [,arg]*)

The largest value in the argument list.

'arg1' ...


Up to 32 integers, real or time values or vectors of such values.

An integer, a real or a time value or a vector of these.



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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

The following rules apply for scalar (non-vector) arguments. First, if all the arguments are integers, the result is an integer. Second, if all the arguments are time values, the result is a time value. Third, if any of the arguments is a real value, the result is a real value. Fourth, if time arguments are mixed with numeric arguments

(which actually makes no sense), the result is numeric.

Finally, if the argument list contains vectors, the result is a vector of the length of the longest argument vector. Each element is compared to the corresponding element in the other argument vectors, as well as to the scalar arguments according to the data type conversion rules above. If the lengths of argument vectors are unequal, the odd elements get SUSPICIOUS_STATUS (see the Status Codes manual).


1. If the argument list contains only one argument, the argument is returned as such.

2. To find the largest element of a vector, use function HIGH or HIGH_INDEX.

See the functions MIN, HIGH and HIGH_INDEX as well.


MAX(1, 5, 3) == 5

MAX(1.0, 5, 3) == 5.0

MAX(VECTOR(1, 2, 4), 3, VECTOR(5, 0, 1)) ;returns VECTOR(5, 3, 4)

MIN(arg1 [,arg]*)

The smallest value in the argument list.

'arg1' ...


Up to 32 integer, real or time values or vectors of such values.

An integer, a real or a time value or a vector of these.

The following rules apply for the scalar (non-vector) arguments. First, if all the arguments are integers, the result is an integer. Second, if all the arguments are time values, the result is a time value. Third, if any of the arguments is a real value, the result is a real value. Fourth, if time arguments are mixed with numeric arguments

(which actually makes no sense), the result is numeric.

Finally, if the argument list contains vectors, the result is a vector, which is as long as the longest argument vector. Each element is compared to the corresponding element in the other argument vectors, as well as to the scalar arguments according to the data type conversion rules mentioned above. If the lengths of argument vectors are unequal, the odd elements get SUSPICIOUS_STATUS (see the Status

Codes manual).


1. If the argument list contains only one argument, the argument is returned as such.

2. To find the smallest element of a vector, use function LOW or LOW_INDEX.

See the functions MAX, LOW and LOW_INDEX as well.


MIN(1, 5, 3) == 1


SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


MIN(1.0, 5, 3) == 1.0

MIN(VECTOR(1, 2), 3, VECTOR(5, 0, 4)) ;returns VECTOR(1, 0, 3)

;The 3rd element has SUSPICIOUS_STATUS


Tells whether the argument is odd.



An integer or a vector of integer values.

A boolean value or a vector of boolean values.


ODD(5) == TRUE


RANDOM(n1, n2)

Generates a random number.




An integer or real value.

An integer or real value.

Integer or real value.

If 'n1' and 'n2' are integers, an integer value in the range [n1, n2] (including n1 and n2) is returned. If 'n1' and 'n2' are real values, a real value in the range [n1, n2), i.e. including n1 but excluding n2, is returned.

This function is based on the random number generator of the underlying operating system. The generator generates a fixed sequence of pseudo-random integers, where each generated number works as a seed to the next number. If you want to get exactly the same random numbers every time the SCIL program is executed. You can use function SET_RANDOM_SEED with a fixed argument, but if you want to have different random numbers each time, use SET_RANDOM_SEED with a varying argument (current time, for example).

ROUND(arg [,decimals])

Rounds off a real value.

If 'decimals' is omitted, the argument is rounded off to the nearest integer. If

'decimals' is given, the argument is rounded off to the nearest real value having

'decimals' decimal digits. See also function TRUNC.




A real value or a vector of real values.

An integer >= 0, number of decimal digits

If 'decimals' omitted, an integer or a vector of integers, otherwise a real value or a vector of real values.


ROUND(4.5) == 5

ROUND(-4.5) == -5

ROUND(2.7456, 2) == 2.75




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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Sets the seed number of the random number generator.



Any integer or time value.

Always integer 0.

See the function RANDOM for details.

SYS 600 *9.1.5


The sine of the argument.



A real or integer value or a vector of such values. The angle(s) in radians.

A real value or a vector of real values.


The square root of the argument.



A real value > = 0, or a vector of such values.

A real value > = 0 or a vector of such values.

TRUNC(arg [,decimals])

Truncates a real value.

If 'decimals' is omitted, the argument is truncated to an integer by removing the fraction part. If 'decimals' is given, the argument is truncated to a real value having

'decimals' decimal digits. See also function ROUND.




A real value or a vector of real values.

An integer >= 0, number of decimal digits

If 'decimals' omitted, an integer or a vector of integers, otherwise a real value or a vector of real values.


TRUNC(4.5) == 4

TRUNC(-4.5) == -4

TRUNC(2.7456,2) == 2.74

Time functions

The time functions operate on time type data in various ways: They read and set system time, convert time values to a readable text representation, retrieve various information of a time type value, convert between local and UTC times and do some simple arithmetics on time values.

The time functions usually take a time type or a qualified time type argument. A time type value is used to represent a time in one-second resolution. A qualified time has a resolution of one millisecond, it also contains the daylight saving information, see below. Many of the functions may also be called without an argument, the present time is then assumed.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Both local and UTC time are supported by these functions. See function

TIME_ZONE_RULES for details of maintaining the rules of time zone and daylight saving time transitions.

A MicroSCADA system may run either in local time or in UTC time. The time reference is specified by the base system attribute SYS:BTR. The term ’SYS time’ is used below to refer to the time reference of the system.

At the end of this section you find examples of the time functions.

Leap seconds are not supported by SCIL. Time 23:59:60 is never accepted nor produced by SCIL, even if it is a valid time stamp when a leap second is added according to the UTC standard. All calculations are done with 60 second minutes.

Qualified time

A qualified time represents a moment of time uniquely by adding a daylight saving time flag and status information to the one-millisecond resolution time. A qualified time is implemented as a list with predefined attributes as follows:






Daylight saving

Time type, the time in one-second resolution.

Integer 0 ... 999, the milliseconds


Several functions that convert times from local to UTC time or otherwise calculate qualified time values return status information as the status of the CL attribute of the result. The following values may be returned:

OK_STATUS (0).The time is existing and unique.

FAULTY_TIME_STATUS (3). The time is non-existing, either because its DS attribute is wrong or it specifies a moment that was skipped over during the transition to daylight saving time or the resulting time is out of the valid range of time type data.

AMBIGUOUS_TIME_STATUS (4). The time is ambiguous, because it specifies a moment that was duplicated during a transition to standard time and DS attribute does not tell which one is meant.

The following special cases may occur when converting UTC time to local time:

1. DS attribute of the argument is missing. This is OK, not considered as an error.

2. DS attribute is set to TRUE. The attribute is ignored and the status of resulting

CL attribute is set to 3 (FAULTY_TIME_STATUS).

3. The resulting value of CL attribute is not in the range of TIME data type.CL is set to its minimum or maximum value and its status is set to 3


The following special cases may occur when converting local time to UTC time:

1. DS attribute of the argument is missing. This is OK if the given local time is neither ambiguous nor non-existing (normally it is not). A local time may be ambiguous if it specifies a time close to the transition from daylight saving time to standard time: If the transition takes place at 4 o'clock by moving clock one



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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

hour backward, the times from 03.00.00 to 03.59.59 are ambiguous, they may represent daylight saving or standard time. If the given time is ambiguous, it is assumed that it is standard time. The status of the CL attribute of the result is set to 4 (AMBIGUOUS_TIME_STATUS).

2. The argument specifies a non-existing time. A local time may be non-existing if it specifies a time close to the transition from standard time to the daylight saving time. If the transitions takes place at 3 o'clock by moving clock one hour forward, the times from 03.00.00 to 03.59.59 are non-existing. If the argument specifies a non-existing time, the exact UTC time of the transition is returned and the status of the CL attribute of the result is set to 3


3. The DS attribute of the argument is wrong. The attribute is ignored and the status of resulting CL attribute is set to 3 (FAULTY_TIME_STATUS).

4. The resulting value of CL attribute is not in the range of TIME data type. CL is set to its minimum or maximum value and its status is set to 3



; This function converts the given local time argument to UTC time and displays

; an error message if something wrong.





.SET MESSAGE._TITLE = "Skipped during transition to DST"


.SET MESSAGE._TITLE = "Please specify DST or STT"






The present SYS time with a one-second resolution.

Value: Time value.

DATE[(time [,"FULL"])]

The date (year, month and day) as text.




A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

Optional keyword argument, 4-digit year is requested.

A text or text vector.

The date is given in the format "yy-mm-dd" or "dd-mm-yy" depending on the value of the attribute SYS:BTF.

If the optional argument "FULL" is given, the year is shown with 4 digits: "yyyymm-dd" or "dd-mm-yyyy".


SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


See also functions TIME, TIMEMS and TIMES.



;Returns the current date, for example "03-10-22", if SYS:BTF = 0


;Returns the current date, for example "22-10-2003", if SYS:BTF = 1


The day of month.



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

An integer 1 ... 31 or a vector of such integers.


The day of week.

The number of the day counting from Monday, which is number one.



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

An integer 1 ... 7 or a vector of such integers.


The day of year.

The number of the day since the beginning of the year.



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

An integer 1 ... 366 or a vector of such integers.


Hours passed since the beginning of the day.



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

A real value < 24.0 or a vector of such values.


The hour.



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

An integer 0 ... 23 or a vector of such integers.



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Hours passed since the beginning of the year.



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

A real value < 8784.0 or a vector of such values.


SYS time in seconds and microseconds.

Value: A list containing the following two attributes:

CL The seconds of the SYS time as time data.

US The microseconds of the SYS time as an integer. (with an accuracy depending on the operating. system, often 10 milliseconds).

This function is more or less obsolete. Use function SYS_TIME instead.


The present local time.

Value: A list (qualified time), local time.

LOCAL_TIME_ADD(time, s [,ms])

Adds seconds and milliseconds to given local time.





A time or list (qualified time) value, local time.

An integer, seconds to add.

An integer, milliseconds to add.

A list (qualified time) value, local time.

For the possible status codes returned as the status of the CL attribute of the result, see heading "Qualified time" above.


The following three calls each return the moment of time 3 seconds from now:





Gives information on given local time.



Time or list (qualified time) value, local time.

Default value is the present local time.

A list with the following attributes:

UTC Time value


SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



TIME_ZONE Real value



Real value

Integer value

The attributes contain the following information from the moment of 'time':

• UTC is the corresponding UTC time.

• DAYLIGHT_SAVING is TRUE if daylight saving time was or is in use, otherwise FALSE.

• TIME_ZONE is the time zone (as a real number to support fractional time zones) that the site belonged or belongs to.

• BIAS is the difference between the local time and the UTC time. When standard time is in use, BIAS is equal to TIME_ZONE. When daylight saving time is in use, BIAS is usually TIME_ZONE + 1.

• STATUS tells the quality of 'time':

OK_STATUS (0) = Existing and unique.

FAULTY_TIME_STATUS (3) = Non-existing, either because its DS attribute is wrong or it specifies a moment that was skipped over during the transition to daylight saving time.

AMBIGUOUS_TIME_STATUS (4) = Ambiguous, because it specifies a moment that was duplicated during the transition to standard time and DS attribute does not tell which one is meant.


The length of the time interval between two local times.




A time or list (qualified time) value, local time.

A time or list (qualified time) value, local time.

The length of the interval as a list with two attributes:

S Integer (positive or negative), the seconds.

MS Integer -999 ... 999, the milliseconds.

If the length of the interval is greater than MAX_INTEGER, S is set to

MAX_INTEGER, MS is set to 999 and the status of S is set to 3


If the (negative) length of the interval is smaller than MIN_INTEGER, S is set to

MIN_INTEGER, MS is set to -999 and the status of S is set to 3


For other possible status codes returned as the status of the S attribute of the result, see heading "Qualified time" above.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Converts local time to SYS time.



A time or list (qualified time) value or a vector of such values, local time(s).

A list (qualified time) or a vector of lists, SYS time(s).

For the possible status codes returned as the status of the CL attribute of the result, see heading "Qualified time" above.

This function either is equivalent to LOCAL_TO_UTC_TIME or simply returns its argument (as qualified time value(s)), depending on the time reference of the system



Converts local time to UTC time.



A time or list (qualified time) value or a vector of such values, local time(s).

A list (qualified time) or a vector of lists, UTC time(s).

For the possible status codes returned as the status of the CL attribute of the result, see heading "Qualified time" above.


The minute.



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

An integer 0 ... 59 or a vector of such integers.


The number of the month.



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

An integer 1 ... 12 or a vector of such integers.

PACK_TIME(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)

Creates a SCIL time data value out of its components.






Integer, 1978 ... 2113

Integer, 1 ... 12

Integer, 1 ... 31

Integer, 0 ... 23

Integer, 0 ... 59


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

'second' Integer, 0 ... 59


If any of the arguments is out of range, a zero (corresponding to Jan 1st 1978, 00:00 o'clock) is returned.


The second.



A time value or a vector of time values.Default value is the present SYS time.

An integer 0 ... 59 or a vector of such integers.


Sets the SYS time.



Time data or a list with the following two attributes:

CL The seconds of the SYS time, time value.

US The microseconds of the SYS time, integer value.

A real value. The number of seconds that the SYS time was changed. A positive value means that the clock was set forward.

A negative value indicates that it was set backward.

This function is more or less obsolete, use SET_LOCAL_TIME, SET_SYS_TIME or SET_UTC_TIME instead.


Sets the local time of the system.



A time or list (qualified time) value, local time.

The status of the operation and the resulted length of the time shift as a list with the following attributes:

STATUS An integer. The status code, see below.

S An integer, seconds moved.

MS An integer -999 ... 999, milliseconds moved.

The 'time' argument is first converted to UTC time and the system clock is set accordingly. However, if the conversion results to a non-existing

(FAULTY_TIME_STATUS) or ambiguous (AMBIGUOUS_TIME_STATUS) time, the system clock is not set and only the STATUS attribute is returned.


Sets the SYS time of the system.



A time or list (qualified time) value, SYS time.

The status of the operation and the resulted length of the time shift as a list with the following attributes:



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

STATUS An integer. The status code, see below.

S An integer, seconds moved.

MS An integer -999 ... 999, milliseconds moved.

The 'time' argument is first converted to UTC time (if needed) and the system clock is set accordingly. However, if the conversion results to a non-existing

(FAULTY_TIME_STATUS) or ambiguous (AMBIGUOUS_TIME_STATUS) time, the system clock is not set and only the STATUS attribute is returned.

This function is equivalent to either SET_LOCAL_TIME or SET_UTC_TIME, depending on the time reference of the system (SYS:BTR).


Sets the UTC time of the system.



A time or list (qualified time) value, UTC time.

The status of the operation and the resulted length of the time shift as a list with the following attributes:

STATUS An integer. The status code, 0 = OK_STATUS.

S An integer, seconds moved.

MS An integer -999 ... 999, milliseconds moved.


The present SYS time.

Value: A list (qualified time), SYS time.

This function is equivalent to either LOCAL_TIME or UTC_TIME, depending on the time reference of the system (SYS:BTR).

SYS_TIME_ADD(time, s [,ms])

Adds seconds and milliseconds to given SYS time.





A time or list (qualified time) value, SYS time.

An integer, seconds to add.

An integer, milliseconds to add.

A list (qualified time) value, SYS time.

For the possible status codes returned as the status of the CL attribute of the result, see heading "Qualified time" above.

This function is equivalent to either LOCAL_TIME_ADD or UTC_TIME_ADD, depending on the time reference of the system (SYS:BTR).


The following three calls each return the moment of time 3 seconds from now:





SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



The length of the time interval between two SYS times.




A time or list (qualified time) value, SYS time.

A time or list (qualified time) value, SYS time.

The length of the interval as a list with two attributes:

S Integer (positive or negative), the seconds.

MS Integer -999 ... 999, the milliseconds.

If the length of the interval is greater than MAX_INTEGER, S is set to

MAX_INTEGER, MS is set to 999 and the status of S is set to 3


If the (negative) length of the interval is smaller than MIN_INTEGER, S is set to

MIN_INTEGER, MS is set to -999 and the status of S is set to 3


For other possible status codes returned as the status of the S attribute of the result, see heading "Qualified time" above.

This function is equivalent to either LOCAL_TIME_INTERVAL or

UTC_TIME_INTERVAL, depending on the time reference of the system



Converts SYS time to local time.



A time or list (qualified time) value or a vector of such values,

SYS time(s).

A list (qualified time) or a vector of lists, local time(s).

For the possible status codes returned as the status of the CL attribute of the result, see heading "Qualified time" above.

This function either is equivalent to UTC_TO_LOCAL_TIME or simply returns its argument (as qualified time value(s)), depending on the time reference of the system



Converts SYS time to UTC time.



A time or list (qualified time) value or a vector of such values,

SYS time(s).

A list (qualified time) or a vector of lists, UTC time(s).

For the possible status codes returned as the status of the CL attribute of the result, see heading "Qualified time" above.

This function either is equivalent to LOCAL_TO_UTC_TIME or simply returns its argument (as qualified time value(s)), depending on the time reference of the system




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

TIME[(time [,"FULL"])]

Date and time as text, excluding seconds.




A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

Optional keyword argument, 4-digit year is requested.

A text or text vector.

The date and time is given in format "yy-mm-dd hh:mm" or "dd-mm-yy hh:mm" depending on the value of the attribute SYS:BTF.

If the optional argument "FULL" is given, the year is shown with 4 digits: "yyyymm-dd hh:mm" or "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm".

See also functions DATE, TIMEMS and TIMES.



;Returns the current time, for example "03-10-22 12:42", if SYS:BTF = 0


;Returns the current time, for example "22-10-2003 12:42", if SYS:BTF = 1


Reads and sets the time zone rules of the system.



A list value, the time zone rule to be set, see below.

A list value with two attributes:

STATUS An integer, SCIL status code of the call.

RULES A vector of list values, the implemented time zone rules in chronological order.

This function sets a new time zone rule and returns all the implemented rules

(including the rule just set) as a vector. If the function is called without an argument, only the implemented rules are returned.

A time zone rule is represented as a list value containing the following attributes:





A time value (hours, minutes and seconds are ignored).

The date after which the rule is to be applied.

The default value is the present date.

An integer or real value (optional).

The time zone -13 ... 13, a real value may be used to define a half or quarter hour time zone.

Standard Time specification, see below (optional).

Daylight Saving Time specification, see below (optional).

If any of attributes TZ, STT or DST is missing, the corresponding definition remains untouched. For example, if a given rule contains only the attribute DST, the time zone and Standard Time specification are as they were before DATE.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


The Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time specification are represented as a list value containing the following attributes:

BIAS An integer or real value.

Time bias (to the time zone) while this time (STT or DST) used.



The default is 0 for STT and +1 hour for DST.

An integer 0 ... 12. The month of transition, 0 means no switch.

DAY_OF_WEEK An integer 1 ... 7. The day of week of transition (1=Monday,


Integer 1 ... 5. Specifies the week of the transition as follows:

Suppose DAY_OF_WEEK = 7, i.e. Sunday.



Then, WEEK = 1 states that the transition takes place on the 1st

Sunday of the month.

If WEEK = 5, the transition takes place on the last Sunday of the month (Value 5 has the special meaning of ’last’).

An integer 0 ... 23. The hour of transition.

An integer 0 ... 59. The minute of transition, default is 0.

A once only rule may be specified by omitting attributes DAY_OF_WEEK and

WEEK, and specifying the following two attributes instead:



Integer 1978 ... 2113. The year of the transition.

Integer 1 ... 31. The day of month of the transition.


Suppose the following rules have been and will be applied on a site:

1. Daylight saving time was first applied in 1983. Transition to DST at 3:00 on the last Sunday of March. Transition to STT at 4:00 on the last Sunday of


2. In 1997, the transition to STT was moved one month later, to the last Sunday of


3. In 2002 it was decided, that from 2003 on, daylight saving is no longer applied.

The following SCIL program teaches the rules to MicroSCADA:

#LOCAL GENESIS = PACK_TIME(1978, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),-

DATE1 = PACK_TIME(1983, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),-

DATE2 = PACK_TIME(1997, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),-

DATE3 = PACK_TIME(2003, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)


;The rule obeyed before 1983




;Rule 1



DST = LIST(MONTH = 3, DAY_OF_WEEK = 7, WEEK = 5, HOUR = 3),-

STT = LIST(MONTH = 9, DAY_OF_WEEK = 7, WEEK = 5, HOUR = 4)))



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

;Rule 2



STT = LIST(MONTH = 10, DAY_OF_WEEK = 7, WEEK = 5, HOUR = 4)))

;Rule 3




The time zone rules are stored in the text file SYS_/SYS_TIME.PAR. After running the example above, the contents of the file are as follows (the second rule has been divided to two lines here, for clarity):






Whenever the MicroSCADA program is restarted, the current rule obeyed by the operating system is read. If it differs from the current rule from SYS_TIME.PAR, a new rule is appended to the file. This makes an alternative way to add a new time zone rule: Change the operating system time zone settings and restart

MicroSCADA. However, a rule obeyed in the past cannot be added this way and the program must be restarted.

When the program is started for the first time, it makes the ’sophisticated guess’ that the current rule has been applied since the beginning of MicroSCADA time counting, 1st of January, 1978.

TIMEMS[(time [,msecs] [,"FULL"])]

Date and time as text, including seconds and milliseconds.





A time value, a qualified time (list) value or a vector of such values. The default value is the present SYS time.

An optional integer or integer vector argument, milliseconds

0 ... 999.

An optional keyword argument, 4-digit year is requested.

A text or text vector.

Date and time are returned in the format "yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.mmm" or "dd-mmyy hh:mm:ss.mmm", depending on the value of the SYS:BTF attribute.

If the optional argument "FULL" is given, the year is shown with 4 digits: "yyyymm-dd hh:mm:ss.mmm" or "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.mmm".

If the milliseconds are given explicitly as a vector, the length of the vector must be equal to the length of the 'time' vector.

See also the DATE, TIME, TIMES, TOD, TODMS and TODS functions.



;Returns the registration time of the process object ABC:P1

;for example "04-03-22 12:42:15.030" (SYS:BTF = 0)


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



;Returns the current time, for example "22-03-2004 12:42:15.030" (SYS:BTF = 1)

TIMES[(time [,"FULL"])]

Date and time as text, including seconds.




A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

Optional keyword argument, 4-digit year is requested.

A text or text vector.

The date and time is returned in format "yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" or "dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss" depending on the value of the attribute SYS:BTF.

If the optional argument "FULL" is given, the year is shown with 4 digits: "yyyymm-dd hh:mm:ss" or "dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss".

See also functions DATE, TIME, TIMEMS, TOD, TODMS and TODS.



;Returns the current time, for example "03-10-22 12:42:15", if SYS:BTF = 0


;Returns the current time, for example "22-10-2003 12:42:15", if SYS:BTF = 1


Time of day as text, excluding seconds



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

A text or text vector, in format "hh:mm".

TODMS[(time [,msecs])]

Time of day as text, including seconds and milliseconds.




A time value, a qualified time (list) value or a vector of such values.The default value is the present SYS time.

An optional integer or integer vector argument, milliseconds

0 ... 999.

A text or text vector, in format "hh:mm:ss.mmm".

If the milliseconds are given explicitly as a vector, the length of the vector must equal to the length of the 'time' vector.


Time of day as text, including seconds.



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

A text or text vector, in format "hh:mm:ss".



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


The present UTC time.

Value: A list (qualified time), UTC time.

SYS 600 *9.1.5

UTC_TIME_ADD(time, s [,ms])

Adds seconds and milliseconds to given UTC time.





A time or list (qualified time) value, UTC time.

An integer, seconds to add.

An integer, milliseconds to add.

A list (qualified time) value, UTC time.

For the possible status codes returned as the status of the CL attribute of the result, see heading "Qualified time" above.


The following three calls each return the moment of time 3 seconds from now:





The length of the time interval between two UTC times.




A time or list (qualified time) value, UTC time.

A time or list (qualified time) value, UTC time.

The length of the interval as a list with two attributes:

S Integer (positive or negative), the seconds.

MS Integer -999 ... 999, the milliseconds.

If the length of the interval is greater than MAX_INTEGER, S is set to

MAX_INTEGER, MS is set to 999 and the status of S is set to 3


If the (negative) length of the interval is smaller than MIN_INTEGER, S is set to

MIN_INTEGER, MS is set to -999 and the status of S is set to 3



Converts UTC time to local time.



A time or list (qualified time) value or a vector of such values,

UTC time(s).

A list (qualified time) or a vector of lists, local time(s).


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



Converts UTC time to SYS time.



A time or list (qualified time) value or a vector of such values,

UTC time(s).

A list (qualified time) or a vector of lists, SYS time(s).

This function either is equivalent to UTC_TO_LOCAL_TIME or simply returns its argument (as qualified time value(s)), depending on the time reference of the system



The number of the week within a year.

The week numbering rule that is used may be given as the statement: "The 4th of

January always belongs to week number 1".



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

An integer 1 ... 53 or a vector of such integers.


The year.



A time value or a vector of time values.

Default value is the present SYS time.

An integer 1978 ... 2113 or a vector of such integers.


On 19th February '97 at 20:35:04 o'clock the time functions returned the following values (supposing SYS:BTF == 0):

Function call

















"97-02-19 20:35:04"

"97-02-19 20:35:03"

"97-02-19 20:35"











If the time zone is +2 hours:



"93-05-05 12:30:00"




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

String functions

The string functions perform operations on texts, bit strings and byte strings.


The ASCII character corresponding to the numeric ASCII code.



An integer 0 ... 255 or a vector of such integers.

An ASCII character or a vector of ASCII characters.

See function ASCII_CODE for the reverse operation.




;returns "A"

;returns ‘carriage return’ character


The numeric ASCII code of the character argument.



An ASCII character or a vector of ASCII characters.

An integer 0 ... 255 or a vector of such integers.

See function ASCII for the reverse operation.


ASCII_CODE("A") == 65


Converts BCD coded numbers to integers.

BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) values are represented in SCIL by values of

BIT_STRING data type. Each digit takes 4 bits (called a nibble), so the length of a

BCD bit string is a multiple of 4. The length of a BCD value is limited to 9 digits.



Bit string value containing the BCD coded number.

List value with attributes

STATUS Integer, status code of the conversion

INT Integer, the result of conversion

If the bit string represents a valid BCD number, the STATUS attribute is set to

OK_STATUS (0) and the result of the conversion is returned in attribute INT.

If the bit string is invalid, i.e. it contains nibbles out of range 0 ... 9, its length is not a multiple of 4 or its length is greater than 36, STATUS is set to

SCIL_NOT_A_BCD_NUMBER and INT attribute is not returned.

See function INTEGER_TO_BCD for the reverse operation.


bcd_string_of_number = INTEGER_TO_BCD(98)

;returns list with BCD representation of the integer

;as the value of the attribute named BCD l_of_number = BCD_TO_INTEGER(bcd_string_of_number.BCD)


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

;returns list with attribute INT containing the

;integer, 98 i_number = l_of_number.INT

;assign the value of the INT attribute to

;the variable 'i_number'



Represents bit strings and integers as text in binary format.



A bit string or integer, or a vector of bit strings and integers.

A text or text vector. The length of the binary representation of an integer is 32 characters, the length of the representation of a bit string is the same as the length of the bit string.

See function BIN_SCAN for the reverse operation.


BIN(BIT_SCAN("010101")) == "010101"

BIN(23) ;returns "0000...0010111" (27 leading zeroes)


Creates an integer or real value out of its binary text representation.

The text representation may contain leading blanks, a sign (+/-), digits 0 and 1 and a decimal point.



A text or a text vector.

An integer or a real value, or a vector of such values. If the text representation contains a decimal point, the result is a real value, otherwise it is an integer value. If the integer result falls outside

the integer value range (see Chapter 4), the overflown (high

order) bits are discarded.

See function BIN for the reverse operation.


Creates a bit string out of its text representation.



A text containing characters "0" and "1" only, or a vector of such texts.

A bit string or a vector of bit strings.


BIT_SCAN("101") ;creates a bit string of length 3


Capitalizes a text.



A text or a text vector.

A text or a text vector.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

The function converts the first character of the text or each vector element to upper case and the rest of the text to lower case according to ISO Latin-1 character set encoding.

See also functions LOWER_CASE and UPPER_CASE.



COLLECT(v, delimiter)

Collects text fields into a text.

The function collects the text fields given in a text vector into one text value, where the fields are delimited by the given delimiter character.




A text vector.

A text value of length 1.

A text value.

See function SEPARATE for the reverse operation.


COLLECT(VECTOR("Alpha","Beta","Gamma"), "+") == "Alpha+Beta+Gamma"

DEC(value [,length [,decimals]])

Represents integer and real values as text.





An integer or real value, or a vector of such values.

An integer 0 ... 65 535. The minimum length of the text representation. Default = 6.

An integer 0 ... 253. The number of decimals included in the conversion of real or integer data to text. Default = 0.

A text of 'length' characters or more, or a vector of such texts. If the number is shorter than 'length', the string is filled up by leading blanks.

See function DEC_SCAN for the reverse operation.


DEC(1000) == " 1000"

DEC(-1,0) == "-1"

DEC(1.3002,6,3) == " 1.300"


Creates an integer or a real value out of its decimal text representation.

'string' A text or a text vector.

The text representation may contain leading blanks, a sign (+/-), digits and a decimal point. Any other character is considered as an error generating a bad status.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Value: An integer or a real value, or a vector of such values.

If the text representation contains a decimal point, the result is a real value, otherwise it is an integer value. If the integer result

falls outside the integer value range (see Chapter 4), a real value

is returned.

See function DEC for the reverse operation.


DEC_SCAN(" -5") == -5

DEC_SCAN("+40000.0") == 40000.0

EDIT(text, key)

Simple text editing.

The function removes spaces and tabs out of a text according to a specified rule.




A text or a text vector.

A text value. One of the following keywords:

"TRIM" Removes leading and trailing spaces and tabs.

"LEFT_TRIM" Removes leading spaces and tabs.

"RIGHT_TRIM" Removes trailing spaces and tabs.

"COLLAPSE" Removes all spaces and tabs.

"COMPRESS" Replaces multiple spaces or tabs with single spaces.

A text or a text vector.


Represents an integer as text in hexadecimal format.



An integer or a vector of integers.

A text of 4 or 8 characters or a vector of such texts.

A 4-character text is returned if the value of the argument is in range -32 768 ... 32 767, otherwise an 8-character text is returned. Leading zeroes are used when necessary.

See function HEX_SCAN for the reverse operation.


HEX(26) == "001A"

HEX(-1) == "FFFF"

HEX(123456) == "0001E240"



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Creates an integer or a real value out of its hexadecimal text representation.

The text representation may contain leading blanks, a sign (+/-), hexadecimal digits and a decimal point. Any other character is considered as an error generating a bad status. The allowed ‘digits’ are 0 ... 9, A ... F and a ... f.



A text or a text vector.

An integer or a real value, or a vector of such values.

If the text representation contains a decimal point, the result is a real value, otherwise it is an integer value. If the integer result

falls outside the integer value range (see Chapter 4), the

overflown (high order) bits are discarded.

See function HEX for the reverse operation.


HEX_SCAN("F") == 15

HEX_SCAN("A.8") == 10.5

INTEGER_TO_BCD(int [,digits])

Represents an integer value as a BCD coded bit string

BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) values are represented in SCIL by values of

BIT_STRING data type. Each digit takes 4 bits so the length of a BCD bit string is a multiple of 4. The length of a BCD value is limited to 9 digits.




Integer value containing the integer to be converted.

Integer value 0 to 9, number of BCD digits in the result

Default is 0.

List value with attributes

STATUS Integer status code of the conversion.

BCD Bit string value, the BCD coded representation of


If 'digits' is 0, a bit string long enough to hold the result is returned. Otherwise exactly 'digits' BCD digits are returned, padded with leading zeroes, if necessary.

If the value of 'int' can be represented as a BCD bit string (i.e. it is non-negative and in the range specified by 'digits'), the STATUS attribute is set to OK_STATUS (0) and the result of the conversion is returned in attribute BCD.

If the argument is invalid, STATUS is set to

SCIL_ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_RANGE and BCD attribute is not returned.

See function BCD_TO_INTEGER for the reverse operation.


i_A = 9876 l_bcd = INTEGER_TO_BCD(i_A,9)

;converts the value of the variable 'i_A'

;returns a list with attributes 'BCD' and 'STATUS' t_bcd = bin(l_bcd.bcd)

;returns the BCD code converted to textformat


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description t_status = dec(l_bcd.STATUS)

;returns the status converted to textformat l_converted = BCD_TO_INTEGER(l_bcd.bcd)

;returns a list with attributes 'INT' and 'STATUS' i_converted = l_converted.INT

;returns an integer as value of the attribute 'INT'

;from the list named 'l_converted' t_converted_status = dec(l_converted.STATUS)

;returns the status converted to textformat

;from the list named 'l_converted'


LOCATE(string1, string2 [,"ALL"])

Locates a text string in a text.





A text or text vector. The text to be searched.

A text value. The text string to be located.

Text keyword. If given, LOCATE searches for all occurrences of 'string2' in 'string1'.

An integer (>=0), a vector of such integers or a vector of vectors of such integers. It represents the start position(s) of 'string2' in

'string1'. Zero result means that the string was not found.

Without "ALL": The result represents the start position of the first found 'string2' in 'string1'. The result is an integer if 'string1' is a text value.If

'string1' is a vector, the result is a vector of the same length.

With "ALL": The result represents the start positions of all occurrences of 'string2' in 'string1'. The result is a vector if 'string1' is a text value. If

'string1' is a vector, the result is a vector of the same length containing vectors of integers.



;returns 2


;returns 0


;returns vector(2,3)


;returns (vector(4), vector(2,4))


;returns (vector(2), vector(2, 4), vector(1), vector(0))


Converts text to lower case.

The function converts the upper case characters of 'text' to lower case according to

ISO Latin-1 character set encoding.



A text or a text vector.

A text or a text vector.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

See also functions UPPER_CASE and CAPITALIZE.


LOWER_CASE("VÄSTERÅS") == "västerås"

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Represents an integer as text in octal format.



An integer or an integer vector.

A text of 6 or 11 characters or a vector of such texts.

A 6-character text is returned if the value of the argument is in range -32 768 ... 32 767, otherwise an 11-character text is returned. Leading zeroes are used when necessary.


OCT(10) == "000012"

OCT(-1) == "177777"


Creates an integer or a real value out of its octal text representation.

The text representation may contain leading blanks, a sign (+/-), digits of the radix and a decimal point. Any other character is considered as an error generating a bad status. The allowed digits are 0 ... 7.



A text or a text vector.

An integer or a real value, or a vector of such values.

If the text representation contains a decimal point, the result is a real value, otherwise it is an integer value. If the integer result

falls outside the integer value range (see Chapter 4), the

overflown (high order) bits are discarded.

See the OCT function for the reverse operation.


OCT_SCAN("10") == 8

OCT_SCAN("1.2") == 1.25

PACK_STR(source, type [,length [,byte_order]])

Creates a text, a bit string or a byte string out of its elements.

The function creates a text value out of a vector of its substrings, or a bit string or a byte string out of a vector of integers that represent the values of bit or byte fields of given length.




A vector of integer or text values.

Text keyword. The data type of the result: "TEXT",


An integer value, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description




If 'type' = "BIT_STRING", this is the number of bits in each element of the source vector.

If 'type' = "TEXT", 'length' is ignored.

If 'type' = "BYTE_STRING", the 'length' argument specifies how many bytes are initialized by each element of the vector.

The length may be 1, 2 or 4. For example, if the length is 2, each element of the vector is taken as a 2-byte integer and then appended to the resulting byte string (The two high order bytes of the element are ignored).

Default = 1.

Text keyword: "BIG_ENDIAN" or "LITTLE_ENDIAN".

This argument is relevant only when 'type' is "BYTE_STRING".

The 'byte_order' argument may be used to create byte strings for an application running in a computer of a different architecture.

In a little endian architecture (e.g. Intel, Alpha), integers are stored with the least significant byte first. In a big endian architecture (e.g. Motorola), integers are stored with the most significant byte first. This argument should be used only if the resulting byte string is going to be exported into a foreign system requiring a specific byte ordering. If omitted, the byte string is created with the byte ordering of the underlying architecture.

Text, bit string or byte string depending on the 'type' argument.

See function UNPACK_STR for the reverse operation.


PACK_STR(("A","B","CD"),"TEXT") == "ABCD"

PACK_STR((0,1,0),"BIT_STRING") == BIT_SCAN("010")

PACK_STR((0,3,1),"BIT_STRING",2) == BIT_SCAN("001110")

PAD([string, ]filler, length)

Pads a text with a filler string to the given length.





The text to be padded, default the empty string.

The text to pad with.

Integer 0 ... 65 535, the wanted length of the result string.

Text, 'string' padded with 'filler' to the length 'length'.

If the length of 'string' is greater than 'length', the 'string' is returned as such.


PAD("A", 5) == "AAAAA"

PAD("AA", "BC", 7) == "AABCBCB"

PAD(" ", MAX_TEXT_LENGTH) ;returns a blank text of the maximum length

PAD("ABC", "D", 2) == "ABC"



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

REPLACE(text, string, new_string)

Replaces text strings by another string.





Text or text vector containing the input text.

Text value, the string to be replaced.

Text value, the replacing string.

Text or text vector containing the text in 'text' with all occurrences of 'string' replaced by 'new_string'.

The arguments 'string' and 'new_string' may be of different length.

Argument 'new_string' may be empty. In this case, all the occurrences of 'string' are deleted.

If the resulting string is too long (> 65 535 characters),

SCIL_STRING_TOO_LONG error is generated when the 'text' argument is of text type. If it is a vector, the status of the overflowing element is set to


SEPARATE(text, delimiter)

Extracts fields of a text.

The function extracts the fields of text and returns the fields as a text vector. A field is any substring delimited by the given delimiter character.




A text value.

A one character text value.

A text vector containing the fields of 'text'.

The delimiter character itself is not included in the field. If no delimiter character is found in the text, the entire text is returned as the only element of the resulting vector. An empty field is returned in case of two consecutive delimiters.

See function COLLECT for the reverse operation.


SEPARATE("A,B,C,D", ",")

;returns the vector ("A","B","C","D").

SUBSTR(string, start [,length])

Extracts a substring from a text, bit string or byte string value.



A text, a bit string or a byte string value, or a vector of such values.

An integer 1 ... 65 535 (texts and bit strings) or 1 ... 8 388 600

(byte strings). The starting position of the substring.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


'length' An integer 0 ... 65 535 (texts and bit strings) or 0 ... 8 388 600

(byte strings). Default is 0. The length of the substring. If 'length'

= 0, the function returns the end of 'string' starting from 'start'. If

'start' is greater than the length of 'string', an empty string is returned. If the substring extends beyond the end of 'string', the result is padded with trailing blanks (texts), zero bits (bit strings) or zero bytes (byte strings).

The same data type as 'string'. The substring.



SUBSTR("ABCDE",3,2) == "CD"

SUBSTR("ABCDE",4,3) == "DE "

SUBSTR("ABCDE",6,3) == " "

V = BIT_SCAN("1010101")

BIN(SUBSTR(V,2,3)) == "010"


;returns a byte string containing the first 100000 bytes of byte string BYTES.

UNPACK_STR(source [,length [,byte_order]])

Splits a text, a bit string or a byte string to a vector of its elements.

The function splits a text to a vector of substrings, or a bit string or a byte string into a vector of integers that represent the values of bit or byte fields of given length.





A text, bit string or byte string value.

Integer value. The length of the elements in the result vector.

If 'source' is a text, 'length' is the number of characters in each substring.

If 'source' is a bit string, 'length' is the number of bits in each bit field. The following values are allowed: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32. If the length of 'source' is not a multiple of 'length', the excess bits are ignored.

If 'source' is a byte string, 'length' is the number of bytes in the byte fields. The values 1, 2 and 4 are allowed. 'length' may also be negative (-1, -2 or -4), in which case the integers in the byte string are taken as signed, otherwise they are taken as unsigned.

If the length of 'source' is not a multiple of 'length', the excess bytes are ignored.

Default = 1.

Text keyword "BIG_ENDIAN" or "LITTLE_ENDIAN". The

'byte_order' argument specifies the byte ordering of the byte string (see PACK_STR above). It should only be used if the byte string has been imported from a foreign system. If omitted, the byte string is supposed to have the byte ordering of the underlying architecture.

A text or integer vector.

See function PACK_STR for the reverse operation.




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


UNPACK_STR("ABC") == ("A","B","C")

UNPACK_STR("ABCDE",2) == ("AB","CD","E")

UNPACK_STR(BIT_SCAN("0111")) == (0,1,1,1)

UNPACK_STR(BIT_SCAN("011011"),2) == (2,1,3)

UNPACK_STR(BIT_SCAN("0110111"),2) == (2,1,3)

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Converts text to upper case.

The function converts the lower case characters of 'text' to upper case according to

ISO Latin-1 character set encoding.



A text or a text vector.

A text or a text vector.

See also functions LOWER_CASE and CAPITALIZE.


UPPER_CASE("Västerås") == "VÄSTERÅS"

Bit functions

The bit functions manipulate integers and bit strings on bit level.

An integer consists of 32 bits. The bits are numbered 0 .. 31 from right to left, i.e., 0

= Least Significant Bit (LSB) and 31 = Most Significant Bit (MSB). A bit string can be composed of up to 65 535 bits numbered 1 ... 65 535 from left to right (see

Chapter 9).

See also the SUBSTR function in Section 9.5. This function can be used to extract

a substring out of a bit string.

BIT(a, b)

The bit value of a given bit in a bit string or integer.

The function returns the bit value of bit number 'b' in 'a'.




An integer or a bit string value, or a vector of such values.

The bit number. An integer in the range 0 ... 31 or 1 ... 65 535 depending on the data type of 'a'.

Integer 0 or 1, or a vector of such integers.


BIT(3,0) == 1

BIT(-1,15) == 1

BIT(BIT_SCAN("010101"),5) == 0


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


BIT_AND(a1, a2)

Bitwise logical AND of the arguments.




An integer or a bit string value, or a vector of such values.

As 'a1'.

An integer or a bit string value, or a vector of such values.

If one of the arguments is a vector and the other is simple data, the operation is performed on the simple data and each vector element. If both arguments are vectors, the operation is performed on the corresponding elements. If the lengths of the vectors are unequal, odd elements are given SUSPICIOUS_STATUS (see the

Status Codes manual). Mixing integer and bit string values in one operation is not allowed.


BIT_AND(6,5) == 4

BIT_AND(BIT_MASK(0,2,4), BIT_MASK(1,2,4)) == BIT_MASK(2,4)

BIT_CLEAR(a [,b]*)

Sets given bits to 0.

The function calculates an integer by setting the bits numbered 'b' in 'a' to zero.




An integer or a bit string value, or a vector of such values.

The numbers of bits to set, in the range 0 ... 31 or 1 ... 65 535 depending on the data type of 'a'. Up to 31 bit numbers may be given. The bit numbers must not exceed the number of bits in 'a'.

The same data type as the argument 'a'.


BIT_CLEAR(3,0) == 2

BIT_CLEAR(2,0) == 2

BIT_CLEAR(BIT_SCAN("01111"),2,4,5) == BIT_SCAN("00100")


Logical bit complement of the argument.

The function calculates the bitwise logical NOT of the argument.



An integer or bit string value, or a vector of such values.

The same data type as the argument 'a'.


BIT_COMPL(0) == -1

HEX(BIT_COMPL(HEX_SCAN("207F"))) == "DF80"

BIT_COMPL(BIT_SCAN("0101")) == BIT_SCAN("1010")



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

BIT_MASK([b1 [,b]]*)

Bit mask with given bits set to 1.

The function calculates an integer number by setting the given bits to 1 and all the others to 0.

'b1', 'b'


Bit numbers. Up to 32 integer values in the range 0 ... 31.

An integer.


BIT_MASK() == 0

BIT_MASK(0) == 1

BIT_MASK(4,0) == 17

BIT_OR(a1, a2)

Bitwise logical OR of the arguments.




An integer or a bit string value, or a vector of such values.

As 'a1'.

An integer or a bit string value, or a vector of such values.

If one of the arguments is a vector and the other is simple data, the operation is performed on the simple data and each vector element. If both arguments are vectors, the operation is performed on the corresponding elements. If the lengths of the vectors are unequal, odd elements are given SUSPICIOUS_STATUS (see the

Status Codes manual). Mixing integer and bit string values in one operation is not allowed.


BIT_OR(6,5) == 7

BIT_OR(BIT_MASK(0,2,4), BIT_MASK(1,2,4)) == BIT_MASK(0,1,2,4)

BIT_SET(a [,b]*)

Sets given bits to 1.

The function calculates an integer by setting the bits numbered 'b' in 'a' to one.




An integer or a bit string value, or a vector of such values.

The numbers of bits to set, in the range 0 ... 31 or 1 ... 65 535 depending on the data type of 'a'. Up to 31 bit numbers may be given. The bit numbers must not exceed the number of bits in 'a'.

The same data type as the argument 'a'.


BIT_SET(0,3) == 8

BIT_SET(-1,15) == -1

BIT_SET(BIT_SCAN("0101"),1,3) == BIT_SCAN("1111")


SYS 600 *9.1.5


MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


BIT_STRING(length [,b]*)

Creates a bit string by setting given bits to 1 and the other ones to 0.




An integer, 1 ... 65 535. The number of bits in the bit string.

Up to 31 integer values in the range 1 ... 'length'. The numbers of the bits to be set to 1.

Bit string.


BIT_STRING(5,1,3,5) == BIT_SCAN("10101")

BIT_XOR(a1, a2)

Bitwise logical XOR (exclusive OR) of the arguments.




An integer or a bit string value, or a vector of such values.

As 'a1'.

An integer or a bit string value, or a vector of such values.

If one of the arguments is a vector and the other is simple data, the operation is performed on the simple data and each vector element. If both arguments are vectors, the operation is performed on the corresponding elements. If the lengths of the vectors are unequal, odd elements are given SUSPICIOUS_STATUS (see the

Status Codes manual). Mixing integer and bit string values in one operation is not allowed.


BIT_XOR(6,5) == 3

BIT_XOR(BIT_MASK(0,2,4), BIT_MASK(1,2,4)) == BIT_MASK(0,1)

Vector handling functions

The vector functions perform various operations on vector data.

APPEND(v, data)

Appends data to a vector.

The function creates a vector by appending 'data' to the contents of vector 'v'. If 'data' is a vector, the elements of 'data' are appended to 'v' resulting to a vector whose length is the sum of the argument vectors. If 'data' is of any other data type, the length of the resulting vector is one greater than the length of 'v' and the last element gets the contents of 'data'.




A vector.

Any SCIL data type.

A vector.


V1 = (1,2,3)

V2 = (4,5)

APPEND(V1,V2) ;returns (1,2,3,4,5)

APPEND(V1,6) ;returns (1,2,3,6)



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Searches an ordered vector by its element contents.




The vector to be searched.

The elements of the vector may be of integer, real, time, text or

Boolean type.

The value to be searched for.

Data types allowed: integer, real, time, text or Boolean.

Integer, the index of the occurrence of 'value' in the vector. Zero will be returned, if 'value' is not found.

The vector 'v' must be arranged in ascending or descending order. Its elements must be all numeric (integer or real), all time values, all text values or all Boolean values.

If the vector contains more than one element by value 'value', the function returns the index of any of them.

The validity of vector 'v' is not checked. If the vector is not arranged, the function may or may not find the value. If the data type rules are violated, the function may fail by status SCIL_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES, or it may find the requested value or return a zero.

To search an unordered vector by its contents, see function FIND_ELEMENT.

When the vector is long, BINARY_SEARCH is much faster than

FIND_ELEMENT and should therefore be used whenever possible.


V = ("AB","CD","CD","EF")

I = BINARY_SEARCH(V,"EF") ;returns 4

I = BINARY_SEARCH(V,"CD") ;returns 2 or 3

I = BINARY_SEARCH(V,"ab") ;returns 0 (the search is case-sensitive)

CLASSIFY(v, n, low, high)

Classifies the elements of a vector into size classes and returns the counts of each class.



'low', 'high'


A vector with real elements. The vector to be classified.

An integer in the range 1 ... 1 000 000. The number of classes.

Integer or real numbers ('high' > 'low').

A vector of length 'n' with real elements. The number of elements in each class.

The range 'low' .. 'high' is divided into 'n' size classes of equal length ('high' - 'low')/

'n'. The function calculates the count of elements of 'v' in each class. If an element in 'v' is smaller than or equal to 'low', it is counted to the lowest class. Elements larger than or equal to 'high' are counted to the highest class. An element on a class boundary is classified to the upper class.

This function is frequently used when calculating duration curves.


A = (1.0, 5.0, 3.0)

B = CLASSIFY(A, 2, 0.0, 10.0)


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

;The contents of B:

;B(1) == 2.0 (the range 0.0 .. 5.0)

;B(2) == 1.0 (the range 5.0 .. 10.0)



Accumulates the elements of the argument vector.

Each element n of the result vector is set to the sum of the n first elements of the argument vector.



A vector with real elements.

A vector of the same length as the argument vector. The elements of the vector are of real type.

The function uses double precision (64-bit) floating point arithmetics internally to achieve the best possible accuracy.

This function is frequently used when calculating duration curves.


V = (1, -5.6, 3.3, 37)

CUMULATE(V) ;returns (1.0, -4.6, -1.3, 35.7)

DELETE_ELEMENT(v, index [,index2])

Deletes individual elements of a vector.





Any vector expression.

A positive integer or an integer vector specifying the elements to be deleted. If index is higher than the length of vector 'v' or negative, nothing is deleted.

A positive integer (>= index). If given, the range index .. index2 is deleted. If omitted, only the element(s) specified by 'index' are deleted.

A vector which is otherwise identical to 'v', but the element(s) specified by the index or index range are deleted.


V = (1,3,5,7,9)

I = (6,2,4,0,4)

R = DELETE_ELEMENT(V,I) ;returns vector (1,5,9)

FIND_ELEMENT(v, value [,start_index [,case_policy]])

Searches a vector by its element contents.





A vector of any element type.

Value to be searched for, may be of any type.

Positive integer, default is 1. The element index to start search.

Text keyword "CASE_SENSITIVE" or


Meaningful only if the data type of 'value' is TEXT.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Value: Integer, the index of the first occurrence of 'value' in the vector, or the first occurrence at or after 'start_index'. Zero is returned, if 'value' is not found.

To search an ordered (ascending or descending) vector by its contents, see function

BINARY_SEARCH. When the vector is long, BINARY_SEARCH is much faster than FIND_ELEMENT and should therefore be used whenever possible.


V = ("AB","CD","EF","CD")

I = FIND_ELEMENT(V,"CD") ;returns 2

I = FIND_ELEMENT(V,"CD",I + 1) ;returns 4 (second occurrence of "CD")

I = FIND_ELEMENT(V,"CD",I + 1) ;returns 0 (no more found)



The largest (HIGH) or the smallest (LOW) element in a vector.



A vector with elements of integer, real or time type.

A vector of one element which is the largest or smallest element of the argument vector.

If all the elements of the argument vector are of the same data type, the resulting data type will follow. Otherwise, a real type result is returned.

The result is returned as a one-element vector to be able to return the status of the result: The status of the only element is set to SUSPICIOUS_STATUS (= 1), if any of the elements of the argument vector has a non-zero status. If the argument vector is empty, or it contains no valid elements, NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS is set.


V = (1,-5.6,3.3,37)

HIGH(V) == 37.0

LOW(V) == -5.6



The index of the largest or smallest element in a vector.



A vector with elements of integer, real or time type.

An integer.

HIGH_INDEX returns the index of the largest and LOW_INDEX the index of the smallest element in the argument vector. If the argument vector is empty, or it contains no valid elements, the function returns the value 0.


V = (1,-5.6,3.3,37)




SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


INSERT_ELEMENT(v, pos, contents)

Inserts new elements into a vector.





Any vector.

Integer 1 ... 1 000 000 or a vector of such integers. The position(s) where to insert new elements.

Any type value. The value(s) assigned to inserted element(s).

A vector combined from the elements of 'v' and inserted new elements.

Position 'pos' (or each element of it, if a vector) is given as the index of the element in vector 'v' that is to succeed the inserted element in the result vector. As an example, if 'pos' is 1, the new element(s) are inserted at the beginning of vector. If

'pos' specifies an index that is larger than the length of 'v', the vector is expanded and elements that are not assigned a value will have status 10


The allowed combinations of 'pos' and 'contents' types are the following:

1. 'pos' is an integer

1.1. 'contents' is not a vector

A new element with contents 'contents' is inserted to become element 'pos' in the result vector.

1.2. 'contents' is a vector

New elements with contents specified by elements of 'contents' are inserted in the position specified by 'pos'.

2. 'pos' is an integer vector

2.1. 'contents' is not a vector

New elements are inserted in positions specified by elements of 'pos'. All new elements are assigned the value 'contents'.

2.2. 'contents' is a vector

The lengths of vectors 'pos' and 'contents' must be equal. Each contents(i) is inserted in position pos(i). If same index appears more than once in vector 'pos', the new elements are inserted in the order they appear in



Suppose V is a vector with contents (1,2). Then

INSERT_ELEMENT(V, 1, 0) ;returns (0,1,2)

INSERT_ELEMENT(V, 2, ("A","B")) ;returns (1,"A","B",2)

INSERT_ELEMENT(V, 4, 4) ;returns (1,2,'bad status 10',4)

INSERT_ELEMENT(V, (1,1,2,3), 0) ;returns (0,0,1,0,2,0)

INSERT_ELEMENT(V, (1,2,2), ("A","B","C")) ;returns ("A",1,"B","C",2)

INTERP(v, x)

Interpolates a value from a curve.



A vector with real type elements.

A real value.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

The argument 'v' is interpreted as (x, y) coordinate pairs defining a curve. The 1st and 2nd element define the first point (x, y) of the curve, the 3rd and 4th define the second point, etc. The x coordinates must be given in ascending order. The y coordinate corresponding to the given 'x' is interpolated from the curve and returned as a real number. If 'x' < x1, y1 is returned. If 'x' > xn, yn is returned (where 'n' denotes the number of coordinate pairs in the vector).



A real number.

A(1) = 1.0

A(2) = 6.0

A(3) = 3.0

A(4) = 7.0

INTERP(A,1.0) == 6.0

INTERP(A,2.0) == 6.5

INTERP(A,5.0) == 7.0





INVERSE(v, n, low, high)

Inverts a curve.

The elements in 'v' are interpreted to define a monotonously ascending curve y = y(x), where the index of the vector represents the x-coordinate (1.0 .. length(v)) and the element value represents the y-coordinate. The INVERSE function inverts this curve, i.e. solves the curve x = x(y) by linear interpolation.



'low', 'high'


A vector with real elements given in ascending order.

An integer in the range 1 ... 1 000 000, the length of the resulting vector.

Real numbers (high > low).

A vector of length 'n' with real elements.

The numeric solution is returned in the resulting vector elements so that the i:th element gives the x-coordinate corresponding to y = 'low' + i * ('high' - 'low')/'n'. If y < v(1), value 1.0 is assigned. If y > v(n), where n is the length of 'v', value n is assigned.

This function is frequently used when calculating duration curves.


A(1) = 3.0

A(2) = 4.0

A(3) = 9.0

X = INVERSE(A,5,0.0,10.0)

;The vector X now consists of the elements:

; 1.0 (y=2)

; 2.0 (y=4)

; 2.4 (y=6)

; 2.8 (y=8)

; 3.0 (y=10)

For y=2, x gets the value 1.0, because this is the lowest possible value, and for y=10, x gets the value 3.0, because this is the highest possible value.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



The mean value of the elements of a vector.

This function calculates the sum of all valid elements of a vector and divides the sum by their count.



A vector with real elements.

A vector of one element. The data type of the element is real.

The result is returned as a one-element vector to be able to return the status of the result: The status of the only element is set to SUSPICIOUS_STATUS (= 1), if any of the elements of the argument vector has a non-zero status. If the argument vector is empty, or it contains no valid elements, NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS is set.

The function uses double precision (64-bit) floating point arithmetics internally to achieve the best possible accuracy.


V = (1,-5.6,3.3,37)

M = MEAN(V) ;Now M(1) == 8.925

PICK(v, indices)

Picks up specified elements from a vector.




Any vector value.

An integer vector with elements in the range 1 ... 1 000 000. The vector specifies the indices of the elements which will be selected from the source vector.

A vector, of the same length as 'indices', containing the elements selected from the source vector.

If the index vector contains indices that are not present in the source vector (i.e. indices <= 0 or indices that are greater than the length of 'v'), the corresponding elements in the result vector are given NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS.

This function is frequently used in conjunction with functions SELECT, SORT and



P = (1,2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19)

N = (7,4,1)


;Now S == (13,5,1)

REMOVE_DUPLICATES(v [,status_handling [,case_policy]])

Removes duplicate elements of a vector.

'v' Vector value to be examined.

'status_handling' Text keyword "CONSIDER_STATUS" or




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5



Text keyword value, either "CASE_SENSITIVE" or


Vector containing the different element values of 'v'.

The arguments 'status_handling' and 'case_policy' may be given in any order.

Two elements are considered equal if all the following conditions are satisfied:

• The value types are the same.

• The values are the same.

• The status values are the same (when "CONSIDER_STATUS") or else both valid


Text values are compared for equality according to the argument 'case_policy'.

The test for equality is recursive, i.e. if an element is a vector or list, its components are tested for equality.

The element values are returned in the order of appearance in 'v'.



;returns VECTOR("ABC","DEF")


Reverses the order of elements of a vector.



Any vector.

A vector of the same length as the argument vector.


V = (1,-5.6,3.3,37)


;returns (37,3.3,-5.6,1)

SELECT(source, condition [,wildcards])

Selects the elements of a vector or a list of vectors that fulfil given condition.





A vector or a list of vector attributes of equal length.

A text containing the selection criterion. The syntax depends on the data type of the source, see below.

Text keyword, default "NO_WILDCARDS".

"WILDCARDS" Wildcards are used.

"NO_WILDCARDS" Wildcards are not used.

An integer vector containing the selected element indices.

If 'source' is a vector, each element of the vector is matched for the given condition.

The indices of the matching elements are returned in the result vector. The syntax of the condition is the normal SCIL expression syntax (see Chapter 3), but the value of the element is referred to by notation (). Even the parentheses may be omitted, when


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

1MRS751849-MEN the element is used as the left hand operand of a relation. The expression must evaluate to a boolean value. Local variables and arguments of the program may not be used as operands in the condition. Examples of valid conditions:

">= 1 AND <= 10"

"() >= 1 AND () >= 10"

"> 10 OR ODD()"

"== ""A*"""

;Selects elements in range 1 .. 10

;Same as above

;Selects all odd elements and the ones > 10

;Selects elements starting with letter A

If 'source' is a list, the attribute values of each index are matched for the given condition. The syntax of the condition is the normal SCIL expression syntax, but the value of the attribute element is referred to by the attribute name. Examples of valid conditions:

"AB >= 1 AND CD <= 10"

"ABC > 10 OR ODD(EFG)"

;Selects all i: source.AB(i) >= 1 and

; source.CD(i) <= 10

;Selects all i: source.ABC(i) > 10 and

; source.EFG(i) is odd

"LN == ""A*""" AND OV == 1" ;Selects all i: source.LN(i) starts with A and

; source.OV(i) == 1

In text strings given in argument 'condition', wildcard character % can be used to represent any single character and * to represent any sequence of characters. For example, "%B*" matches with any string that has letter B as its second character. To use wildcards, "WILDCARDS" argument must be given, otherwise characters % and * have no special meaning.

Because SELECT returns the indices of the selected elements, function PICK is frequently applied to the result to get the element values.


@A = (1.0,2.5,7.0,10.6)

@I = SELECT(%A,">= 2 AND < 10")

;Now I == (2,3)

@S = SELECT(A:DOS(1..30),">0")

@A = PICK(B:DOV(1..30),%S)

;The registrations of the data object A that have a status >0 are selected and

;the corresponding values of the data object B are picked.

;If 'source' is a list containing the attributes AB and CD the condition can be written, ;e.g., ;"(AB > 10) AND (CD == 5)" which implies that the indices which

;fulfil these conditions are selected.


;means that the elements with status == 0 in the vector %V are selected.


Shuffles integers 1 to n into a random order.

The function creates a vector of length n that contains integer values 1 to n in a random order.



Integer value in range 0 ... 1 000 000.

Integer vector of length 'n'.


To rearrange any vector V to a random order:




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

SORT(v, [start, [length]])

Sorts a vector.

The function sorts a vector of numeric (integer, real or time) or text data into ascending order or alphabetical order (ASCII code order), respectively. When text data is sorted, a substring of the text may be selected to be used as the sort key.





The vector to be sorted. The elements of the vector must be uniform, either numeric or text.

The start position (1 ... 65 535) of the sort key when text data is sorted. Default = 1, i.e., the first character of the text.

The length of the sort key (1 ... 65 535). If omitted, the substring from start position to the end of text is used as the key.

An integer vector.

If the length of ‘v' is n, the length of the resulting vector is also n and it contains integers 1 to n in the collating sequence of the elements of 'v'. For instance, if the first element of the result vector is 25, the 25th element of the 'v' vector is the ‘smallest’ one.

If descending order is required, apply function REVERSE to the result of SORT.

Function PICK is frequently used to physically rearrange the elements into the sort order.


UNSORTED = (7,9,4,3,35,6)


;Now: INDEX == (4,3,6,1,2,5)


SPREAD(v, indices, new_value)

Replaces vector elements by a new value.





Any vector. The source vector.

A vector of integer elements, 1 ... 1 000 000. The index vector containing the indices to be replaced.

Any SCIL data type. The replacing value(s).

A vector of the same length as 'v'.

The function creates a vector that is otherwise identical to the argument vector, but the elements specified by an index vector are replaced by a new value.

If 'new_value' is of simple (non-vector) data type, the elements listed by 'indices' are replaced by that value. If 'new_value' is a vector, its elements replace the elements listed the index vector. If vectors 'indices' and 'new_value' are unequal in length, the extra elements of the longer vector are disregarded. indices in the index vector that are greater than the length of 'v' are disregarded.


V = (1,2,3,4,5)

I = (1,3,5)


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

A = (6,7,8)




;S == (6,2,7,4,8)

;T == (0,2,0,4,0)





The sum of all or the positive or the negative elements of a vector.

The functions calculate the sum of all (SUM), positive (SUM_POS) or negative

(SUM_NEG) valid elements of a vector, respectively.



A vector with integer or real or elements.

A vector of one element. The element is an integer if all the elements of 'v' are integers, otherwise it is a real number.

The result is returned as a one-element vector to be able to return the status of the result: The status of the only element is set to SUSPICIOUS_STATUS (= 1), if any of the elements of the argument vector has a non-zero status. If the argument vector is empty, or it contains no valid elements, NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS is set.

The functions use double precision (64-bit) floating point arithmetics internally to achieve the best possible accuracy.


V = (1,-5.6,3.3,37)




;POS(1) == 41.3

;NEG(1) == -5.6

TREND(v, n)

Returns the last (‘newest’) elements of a vector.




Any vector.

An integer in the range 0 ... 1 000 000. The number of elements to be included in the result vector.

A vector of length 'n'. If 'n' is greater than the length of the argument vector, the first elements get no value, their status is set to NOT_SAMPLED_STATUS.


V = (1,-5.6,3.3,37)


;returns vector (3.3,37)




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

VECTOR [([element1 [,element]*)]

Creates a vector out of given elements.

'element' An expression of any data type. Up to 1 000 000 elements can be given. Using VECTOR without an argument list creates an empty vector.



;The variable A will be an empty vector.

List handling functions

List handling functions do various operations on list value data.

ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS(list, attribute)

Checks whether a list contains given attribute(s).




Any list value.

Text or text vector, the name(s) of attribute(s).

A boolean or boolean vector. TRUE if the given attribute is found in the list, otherwise FALSE.

DELETE_ATTRIBUTE(list, attribute)

Deletes attribute(s) from a list.




Any list value.

Text or text vector, the name(s) of attribute(s) to be deleted.

A list, which is a copy of 'list' but attribute(s) specified by

'attribute' are removed.

Attributes that do not exist in 'list' are silently ignored, no error is generated.


The following statement reads the definition of a process object and removes attributes LN and IX out of it.

A = DELETE_ATTRIBUTE(FETCH(0, "P", "ABC", 1), ("LN", "IX"))

LIST([attribute = expression, [attribute = expression]*])]

List created out of given attribute name/value pairs.

The argument list may contain up to 1 000 000 attribute assignments.




A freely chosen attribute name of up to 63 characters.

An expression of any data type. The value assigned to the


A list of the given attributes.


SYS 600 *9.1.5


MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Syntactically, LIST is actually not a function, because it does not have expressions as its arguments.


#LOCAL STUFF = LIST(NUMBERS = (1, 2 ,3), NAMES = ("A", "B", "C"))


Names of attributes of a list.



A list value.

A text vector containing the names of attributes of 'list' in alphabetical order.


X = LIST(AA = 1, BB = 2, CM = "TEST")

LIST_ATTR(X) ;returns VECTOR("AA", "BB", "CM")


Merges two lists into one.




Any list value.

Any list value.

A list which contains all the attributes of 'left' and 'right' lists.

If the same attribute exists in both 'left' and 'right', the value in

'right' is returned.


#LOCAL X = LIST(A = 1,B = 2)

#LOCAL Y = LIST(C = 3,D = 4)


X = MERGE_ATTRIBUTES(X, LIST(C = 4)) ;X contains LIST(A = 1,B = 2,C = 4)

Z = MERGE_ATTRIBUTES(X, Y) ;Z contains LIST(A = 1,B = 2,C = 3,D = 4)

Functions related to program execution


Nth argument of the program call.

Value: The value of the nth argument of the argument list. If there are fewer than 'n' arguments in the list, a value with data type

"NONE" is returned.

For efficiency and clarity, it is recommended to name the arguments using the

#ARGUMENT command. However, if the SCIL program is designed to take a varying number of arguments, this function along with ARGUMENT_COUNT is frequently used to read the optional arguments.





MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

#LOCAL B = 1 ;Default value for the second argument



The total number of arguments of the program call.


All arguments of the program call as a vector.

Value: Vector with up to 32 elements. If the program call has no arguments, a zero length vector is returned.




DO(program [,a]*)

Executes the SCIL program given as an argument.




A text vector containing the SCIL program to be executed.

Any SCIL data type. These arguments are passed to the SCIL program (up to 31 arguments may be specified).

The value returned by the #RETURN command in the executed program, or 0 if the program did not terminate by #RETURN command.

This function is recommended instead of #DO command, because arguments and return values are not supported by #DO command.


;An example that calculates the tangent function of its argument.


;Contents of file TANGENT.SCL:






Returns the current error handling policy.

Value: Text value depicting the current error handling policy: "STOP",





; Run ignoring errors



SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



MEMORY_USAGE(keyword, arg)

The amount of pool memory allocated for the argument.




Text keyword, "EXPRESSION" or "VARIABLE".

Any expression, if 'keyword' = "EXPRESSION".

A text or text vector, the name(s) of the variable(s), if 'keyword' = "VARIABLE".

Integer or integer vector, the amount of memory pool allocated for the expression or the variable(s).

This function helps debugging and analysing SCIL applications. It returns the amount of memory pool (as bytes) allocated for an expression, or for a variable

(including the bookkeeping data and the value of the variable).


(Memory usage in current implementation of SCIL, may change in future releases.)


MEMORY_USAGE ("EXPRESSION",1) == 0 ;since integer values are not allocated

;from the pool

@X = "ABC"


OPS_CALL(command [,0])

Executes an operating system command.




A text value. The command to be executed.

Constant integer. If not included, the OPS_CALL starts the execution of the command and waits until it has finished. If included, termination is not waited.

A list with the following attributes:

ST Integer, the status value returned by the operating system.

0 = OK, any other value = failure.

FN 0. The attribute has no meaning when Windows operating system is used.


@A = OPS_CALL("mons -d rbsnt 4 -n", 1) ;Opening a MicroSCADA monitor.

OPS_PROCESS(command [,directory [,wait]])

Starts an external program as a separate process.

'command' Text value containing the command to start the process, e.g.

"\tools\my_tool my_file -my_option".



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5




Optional text value containing the work or default directory to be used by the process. The directory is given in OS dependent format (see PARSE_FILE_NAME function to obtain OS directory names). An empty name, "", denotes the work directory of the caller. Default value = "".

Optional text keyword, either "WAIT" or "NOWAIT". If

"WAIT" is given, termination of the created process is waited for. Otherwise, the function returns immediately after the process has started. Default is "NOWAIT".

A list value containing the following attributes:

START_STATUS Integer value containing the OS dependent status code obtained when starting the process.

EXIT_STATUS Integer value containing the OS and application dependent exit status of the process. This attribute is returned only if

"WAIT" is specified and start of process succeeded.

The functionality is close to that of OPS_CALL function. However,

OPS_PROCESS does not start the command interpreter, it simply runs the program given as an argument of the function call. In Windows this means that only "EXE" files may be started this way. To execute "BAT" files, OPS_CALL should be used.


Selects the compatibility issues to be used in the context.




Text keyword. The name of the compatibility issue.

An optional boolean argument. TRUE = compatibility is enabled. FALSE = compatibility is disabled. If this argument is not given, the function only reads the compatibility state without modifying it.

Boolean value indicating the compatibility before it was changed by the function.

The compatibility with the old revision is enabled/disabled by compatibility issues.

The REVISION_COMPATIBILITY function overrides temporarily, in the current

SCIL context, the revision compatibility defined in the APL:BRC attribute. See the description of the APL:BRC attribute in the System Objects manual.



; WRITE_TEXT function used here


The first function call disables the compatibility issue

FILE_FUNCTIONS_CREATE_DIRECTORIES. The second function call resets the compatibility issue to the value it had before.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



The status code of the last error in the program.

Value: A non-negative integer, status code. See the Status Codes manual.

The function reads and resets the internal ’last error’ indicator.










Lists the names of global variables defined in the SCIL context.

Value: A text vector, the names of global variables in alphabetic order.

WORKSTATION_CALL(command [,arg]*)

Executes a command in the workstation.




A text keyword, the action to be done at the workstation.

"EXECUTE" Workstation execution

"VIEW_DOCUMENT" Viewing a document in a browser

Text values, case-insensitive command specific arguments.

Integer, a SCIL status code.

When command "EXECUTE" is used, the second argument is the program to be started (including the path and possible program specific parameters) and the third

(optional) argument is the default working directory to be used.

When command "VIEW_DOCUMENT" is used, the second argument is the page to be shown in a browser.

Initialization file for viewing documents is "wserver.ini" and it is located in

\sc\prog\exec -directory. It contains information about the document viewer

(Browser including the path) to be started to view a document.

Listing of a sample wserver.ini:

[document_viewer] viewer = C:\Program Files\Plus!\Microsoft Internet\Iexplore.exe

;;viewer = C:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\netscape.exe


@S=WORKSTATION_CALL("VIEW_DOCUMENT", "file://c:/ms_docs/help.html")

;Opens a file called help.html in the browser on the workstation

@S=WORKSTATION_CALL("EXECUTE", "c:\winnt\notepad.exe test.txt", "c:\")

;Starts the notepad program on the workstation




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

Functions related to the run-time environment

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Lists the running Application Extension Programs of an application.



Integer value 0 ... 250, the application number.

0 = current application.

A vector. Each element provides information about one AEP program invocation as a list with the following attributes:

PROGRAM_NUMBER Integer, the AEP program number.

START_COMMAND Text, the command that was used in

AEP_START to start the program.

ARGUMENT Any type, the SCIL argument given to the program when started.




Time value, the time program was started.

Text, the name of the executable,e .g.


Integer, the process id (PID) of the executing process.

This function may be used to supervise the execution of external programs. See also



Writes a message into the notification window.



Any text value.

The status code of the operation. 0 = OK.

It is not recommended to use control characters (for example CR or LF) in the text sent to the notification window. If control characters are used, the behaviour is undefined.


Retrieves an operating system environment variable value.



A text specifying the name of the environment variable.

A text, the value of the environment variable. An empty text is returned, if the environment variable does not exist.




SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



Lists the running Integrated Programs in the system.

Value: A vector. Each element provides information about one IP program invocation as a list with the following attributes:

PROGRAM_NUMBER Integer, the IP program number.

START_COMMAND Text, the command that was used in

IP_START to start the program.

ARGUMENT Any type, the SCIL argument given to the program when started.



Time value, the time program was started.

Text, the name of the executable, e.g.


PROCESS_ID Integer, the process id (PID) of the executing process.

This function may be used to supervise the execution of external programs. See also



The amount of memory allocated from a memory pool.



Text keyword specifying the pool to get information from:

"LOCAL" Local pool of the process.



The global memory pool.

The pool used by the process (either local or global).

List value with following attributes:

SIZE Size of the pool as megabytes.



Bytes used.

Bytes free.

BLOCK_SIZES Vector of allocation block sizes used by the pool (only if SIZE > 0).

USED_BLOCKS Vector counting allocations of each block size (only if SIZE > 0).

FREE_BLOCKS Vector counting free blocks of each size

(only if SIZE > 0)

POOL Text value, "LOCAL" or "GLOBAL" (only if 'pool' is "PROCESS").



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

OPS_NAME[([major [,minor]])]

Returns the name of the operating system.




Integer value, the major version number.

Integer value, the minor version number, default value 0.

Text value, the name of the operating system, whose version numbers match with ’major’ and ’minor’, see the table below.

If the function is called without arguments, the name of the operating system that is running is returned.

The following table summarizes the values of the major and minor version numbers current Windows versions that run MicroSCADA:



"Windows 2000"

"Windows XP"

"Windows Server 2003"











If the arguments do not match with any known operating system version, a question mark "?" is returned.

Tools that display operating system information are encouraged to use this function.

By using it, they don’t have to be updated when new operating system versions are taken into use.

REGISTRY(function, key, value_name)

Reads the registry maintained by Windows operating system.





Text keyword value

The only possible value is "READ" for now.

Text value, the key to be read.

Text value, the name of the value to be read.

Empty string "" denotes the ’default’ value.

A list with the following attributes:

STATUS Integer, the SCIL status code, 0 if OK.

VALUE Text or integer value, the value of the key.

This attribute is returned only when STATUS = 0.

The function reads the value of the specified key from the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section of the registry.Only value types REG_SZ

(text value) and REG_DWORD (integer value) are supported. In case of a failure, one of the following status codes is returned in the STATUS attribute of resulting value:





SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


See operating system documentation for further information about registry keys, value names and value types.








Returns the type and number of the process that is running this SCIL code.

For example, the start program of a picture can find out whether the picture is being displayed on a monitor or printed.

Value: A list containing two attributes:

NAME The process type as a text string. The possible values are:

"MAIN" The main (start-up) process




A report process

A printer spooler process processing a format picture

A printer process processing a page header process

"EXTERNAL" An external program running the SCIL interpreter

NUMBER Process number as an integer.

For the MAIN process and EXTERNAL processes, the value is 0.

For a PICO and PICL process, this is the monitor number

For a REPR process, the number is coded as

100 * apl + n, where

'apl' is the application number

'n' = 1 for the time channel queue,

'n' = 2 for the event channel queue and

'n' = 2 + p for parallel queue 'p'.

For a PRIN process, the number is coded as

100 * apl + n, where

'apl' is the application number

'n' = 1 for process printouts and

'n' = 2 for report printouts.

For a PRNC process, this the printer number.




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

This function can be used, for example, in the start program of a picture to determine whether the picture is being displayed on a monitor or printed.










This program block first checks whether the picture is being printed or shown on the screen. If it is printed, the PRINT_TRANSPARENT function prints a row containing the present time and the values of attributes OX, CX and OV of a process object.

Functions related to the programming environment


Runs the SCIL compiler.



Text vector containing the SCIL source code.

A list value with following attributes:



Integer, status code from the compilation

Byte string, the compiled byte code




Text, the erroneous source line

Integer, the line number in error

Integer, the character position in error

Attribute CODE is returned if the compilation succeeds (STATUS == 0). Attributes

ERROR_LINE, ERROR_LINE_NUMBER and ERROR_POSITION are returned if the compilation fails.


Maximum number of application objects.

Value: Integer, 250 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5 (99 in rev. 8.4.4).


Maximum number of bits in a bit string type value.

Value: Integer, 65535 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description



Maximum number of bytes in a byte string type value.

Value: Integer, 8 388 600 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5 (1 048 576 in rev.



Maximum number of input device objects.

Value: Integer, 100 in MicroSCADA rev. 9.0 (50 in rev. 8.4.5).


Largest positive integer value.

Value: Integer, 2 147 483 647 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.


Maximum number of link objects.

Value: Integer, 20 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.


Maximum number of attributes in a list.

Value: Integer, 1 000 000 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5 (10 000 in rev.



Maximum number of monitor objects.

Value: Integer, 100 in MicroSCADA rev. 9.0 (50 in MicroSCADA rev.



Maximum number of node objects.

Value: Integer, 250 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.


Maximum length of application and Visual SCIL object names.

Value: Integer, 63 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Maximum length of picture names.

Value: Integer, 10 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Maximum number of printer objects.

Value: Integer, 20 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.


Maximum number of process objects in a process object group.

Value: Integer, 65 535 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5 (10 000 in rev.



Maximum length of representation names.

Value: Integer, 10 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.


Maximum number of station objects.

Value: Integer, 5 000 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.


Maximum number of station type objects.

Value: Integer, 31 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.


Maximum number of characters in a text type value.

Value: Integer, 65 535 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5 (255 in rev. 8.4.4).


Maximum number of elements in a vector.

Value: Integer, 1 000 000 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5 (10 000 in rev.



SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Maximum length of window and picture function names.

Value: Integer, 10 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.



Smallest negative integer value.

Value: Integer, -2 147 483 648 in MicroSCADA rev. 8.4.5.

OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_INFO(apl, type [,subtype [,selection]])

Returnes the properties of application or system object attributes.








Integer value, the application number (0 = current).

Both local and external applications are supported.

Text keyword value specifying the object type:

"P" Process object

Scale object

Event handling object

Free type object

Data object





Command procedure object

Time channel object

Event channel object

Base system object

"OBJECT" Attribute info is requested from the named object given as the next argument.

If 'type' = "OBJECT", text value specifying the object name.

Otherwise, its value depends on the 'type':

'type' = "P": Integer 0 or keyword value "COMMON". The properites of the common attributes of process objects are returned.

Integer >0, taken as the process object type PT. The properties of the PT specific attributes are returned.

Text value, either the two-letter mnemonic name of a predefined process object type or the name of the

F-object describing the type. The properties of the

PT specific attributes are returned.

If the 'subtype' argument is omitted, the properties of the attributes of the process group are returned.

'type' = "B": Text value, the three-letter mnemonic name of the base system type.

'type' = "H": Text value "SYS" or "AEC", the three-letter value of the HT (Event Handling Type) attribute. If empty or omitted, all attributes are considered.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5



Other types: Omitted or an empty text.

Text value that selects the attributes whose properties are returned:

"ALL" All attributes. This is the default value.

"CONFIGURATION" Configuration attributes. For application objects, these are the attributes returned by the FETCH function.


Dynamic attributes.

The two-letter name of the attribute, whose properties are returned.

A list value with the following attributes, if 'selection' = aa, otherwise a vector of such list values:




The two-letter name of the attribute

The two-word name of the attribute


The text identifier of the description of the attribute.

Text vector containing one or more of the following keywords:


"MODIFY", "SUBSCRIBE". See below.



The data type of the attribute. See below.

The default value of the object attribute. Omitted if the attribute is not a configuration attribute or the attribute has no default value.

VECTOR_LENGTH The maximum length of the vector attribute. Omitted if not a vector.

ELEMENT_TYPE The data type of the elements of the vector attribute. Omitted if not a vector. See below.

ELEMENT_DEFAULT The default value of the elements of the vector attribute. Omitted if not a vector or the attribute is not a configuration attribute or the elements have no default value.

The ACCESS of the attribute is defined as follows:



The attribute is readable.

The attribute may be written by the #SET command and by the

OPC Data Access Server.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


"SET" The (process object) attribute may be written by the so-called list set command (e.g. #SET ABC:P1 = LIST(OV=1,...) and by the

OPC Data Access Server.

"MODIFY" The attribute may be written by the #MODIFY command and by the OPC Data Access Server.

"SUBSCRIBE" The attribute may be subscribed to by the OPC Data Access

Server using the update rate 0.

The VALUE_TYPE or the ELEMENT_TYPE of the attribute is one of the standard

SCIL data types or one of the following:




The value type may vary case by case.

The value type is either "REAL" or "INTEGER", depending on the configuration of the object.

The value type is "REAL", "INTEGER" or "TEXT", depending on the configuration of the object.



; The properties of all attributes of data objects


;The properties of the configuration attributes of data objects


;The properties of the LF attribute of data objects


;The properties of the common attributes of process objects


;The process object type specific attributes of binary input objects


;The process object type specific attributes of objects of type FREETYPE


;The properties of all attributes of the object ABC:P1


;The properties of the attributes of the STA base system objects


The numeric value of a mnemonic status code name.



Text keyword value, the mnemonic status code name.

Integer value, the numeric value of the status code.

-1, if there is no status code by given name.

See function STATUS_CODE_NAME for the reverse operation and examples.


The mnemonic name of a numeric status code.



Integer, the numeric status code

Text value, the mnemonic name of the status code.

Empty string, if status code number is not used.


The following statements are true:



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description





SYS 600 *9.1.5

VALIDATE(as, string)

Validates a text string as a SCIL object name.




Text keyword value telling how to interpret 'string':





Text string to be validated.

Integer, SCIL status code. 0 = OK.

This function validates a given text string as a VS object, an application object, a window, a picture or a variable name. If the name is OK, integer zero is returned.

Otherwise an appropriate SCIL status code is returned. Only the validity of the name is checked, existence of the object is not verified.





VALIDATE_OBJECT_ADDRESS(apl, pt, un, oa [,ob])

Validates an object address.

The function returns the status code the base system would return, if an object by the given object type and address would be created. In case of an address overlap, it reports the conflicting process object.









Integer value, the application number (0 = current).

Both local and external applications are supported.

Integer value, the process object type:

3 BI













15 FT

Integer value, the unit number.

Integer value, the object address.


SYS 600 *9.1.5


MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description




Integer value, the object bit address.

Default value 16 (no bit address).

A list with the following attributes:

STATUS Integer status code, the result of validation:





The address is valid, no conflict.





See the attributes LN and IX below.


The following two attributes are returned only when

STATUS = 2136:



Text, the logical name of the overlapping object.

Integer, the index of the overlapping object.

Language functions

This section describes the SCIL functions that are related to translating different application texts into different languages.

The translations of the texts included in the Visual SCIL objects, such as button labels, menu texts etc., are normally defined by using the Dialog Editor and stored in the same objects. The function TRANSLATE is used to translate the texts into the operator’s language.

The translations of other application texts, such as texts describing process objects and their states, are stored in text databases. These texts are translated explicitly by the TRANSLATION function, or usually implicitly by referencing a languagesensitive attribute of the object.

Language identifiers

It is recommended, but not required, that the two-letter language identifiers defined by the ISO standard 639 are used by the applications.

When ISO 639 language identifiers are used, the system is able to map the Windows language id’s, which are derived from the Windows locale id’s, to the language identifiers of the MicroSCADA applications. Consequently, the OPC clients connected to the MicroSCADA OPC Data Access Server may define their language by the means specified in the OPC standard, and the MicroSCADA base system automatically converts the Windows language id’s to the ISO 639 language identifiers.

The applications should select the language identifiers from Table 9.12.-1.

Table 9.12.-1 ISO 639 language identifiers and Windows language id’s











MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Table 9.12.-1 ISO 639 language identifiers and Windows language id’s














































































































SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Table 9.12.-1 ISO 639 language identifiers and Windows language id’s





































The language of the SCIL context

When a SCIL context is created, it is assigned to an initial language according to the following rules:

1. If the context is owned by a monitor, i.e. it is a SCIL context of a picture or a

Visual SCIL object, the LA (Language) attribute of the monitor (MON:BLA) defines the initial language.

2. If the context is not owned by a monitor, the LA attribute of the application

(APL:BLA) defines the initial language of the SCIL context.

The language may later be changed by the SET_LANGUAGE function. This function may also be used to restore the initial language of the SCIL context.

When MicroSCADA is accessed via the OPC Data Access Server, the language is chosen by the functions specified in the OPC standard.

See the System Objects manual for the descriptions of the LA attributes.

The language of the SCIL context has the following meanings:

• When a language sensitive attribute of an application object is read, it is automatically translated into the language of the SCIL context. Examples of such attributes are the TX (Translated Object Text) and the SX (Translated Object

State) attribute of a process object.

• The language of the SCIL context works as the second argument’s default value of the SCIL TRANSLATE and TRANSLATION functions, see below.

When a language sensitive attribute of an external application is evaluated (by using the APL-APL communication), the attribute is translated into the language of the external application, by default. If an explicit translation into another language is wanted, the language of the SCIL context must explicitly be set by the SET_LANGUAGE function before the evaluation of the attribute.



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Text databases

The translations of application texts are stored in data files called text databases.

The databases have three different scopes for different needs of software components using translated texts:

1. The application text database APL_TEXT.SDB is designed to contain the sitespecific texts of the application.

2. The text databases listed by the application attribute APL:BTD are to be used by various software products, such as LIBxxx products, and their localizations.

3. The system text database SYS_TEXT.SDB is delivered with the MicroSCADA base software and should not be modified.

The databases are searched in the scope order, APL_TEXT.SDB first and


The text databases are organized as SCIL databases, where the text identifier acts as the section name. The databases are maintained by the Text Translation Tool, or directly by using the SCIL function DATA_MANAGER, see the example below.


The following piece of SCIL code creates a translation of the text identifier

"IDClosed" into a couple of languages:

#local db,-

ok = 0,-




close_result id = "IDClosed" translations = list(EN = "Closed", DE = "Geschlossen", FI = "Kiinni") db = data_manager("OPEN", "APL_TEXT.SDB")

#if db.status <> ok #return db.status

result = data_manager("CREATE_SECTION", db.handle, id)

#if result.status == ok #then -

result = data_manager("PUT", db.handle, id, translations) close_result = data_manager("CLOSE", db.handle)

#return result.status


Sets the current language of the SCIL context.



A text keyword, language identifier as defined in the ISO standard 639.

A text keyword, the language of the SCIL context before the function call.

The function does not check that the language identifier is a valid ISO 639 language identifier, nor does it check that the language is really supported by the application.

If the 'language' argument is an empty string, the initial language of the SCIL context is restored.


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


TRANSLATE(text [,language])

Translates texts defined in Visual SCIL objects.




A text value, a reference to a text identifier defined in the Dialog

Editor, or a vector of such text identifiers. The reference starts with an @.

A text keyword, language identifier as defined in the ISO standard 639.

A text or a text vector value, the translated text(s).

If there is no initial @ character in 'text', no translation is done, but the text is returned as such. If there are two initial @ characters, one of the @ characters is removed from the resulting text, but no translation takes place.

The function can only be used in user interface objects (Visual SCIL objects and pictures). The function searches the current dialog or dialog item (object THIS) for the text reference. If either the text reference or the language is not found, the parent object is searched, and so on, up to the object that was loaded with .LOAD command.

The 'language' argument is used only if you want to override the language selected for the monitor. If no 'language' argument is given, the language of the SCIL context is used (see above).

TRANSLATION(id [,language])

Translates texts by using text databases.




A text value, the identifier of the text to be translated, or a vector of such identifiers.

The identifier is case-sensitive, may be of any length and may contain any characters.

A text keyword, language identifier as defined in the ISO standard 639.

A text or a text vector value, the translated text(s).

Normally, the function is used without the 'language' argument. In this case, the language of the SCIL context is used (see above). If no translation into the language is found, the English translation is returned, if any.

If the target language is explicitly given as the argument 'language' and the translation is not found, no automatic translation into English is performed.

If no translation into the requested language is found, the function returns the text identifier as such.



; Display the OX attribute in the operator’s native language

; Because the TX attribute is the translation of OX, this is equivalent to





MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Error tracing functions

The functions in this section are used for debugging SCIL programs. Tracing means recording of all SCIL statements that are executed. The tracing is started by the

TRACE_BEGIN function and stopped by TRACE_END. If TRACE_BEGIN is called while tracing is already on, the second call is ignored but counted: two

TRACE_END’s are needed to stop tracing. Functions TRACE_PAUSE and

TRACE_RESUME are used to skip tracing of uninteresting parts of the program execution.

The statements that contain variable expansions ('macros'), are recorded in their expanded form. Each line is preceded by the depth of the control structure hierarchy to help find matching BLOCKs and BLOCK_END’s etc. Optionally, a time tag is inserted at the beginning of each line.

The function SCIL_LINE_NUMBER helps to generate programmed tracing information.


Tells the current line number within the SCIL program.

Value: Integer value. The current line number



TRACE_BEGIN(filename [,append] [,time_tags])

Starts trace logging.





Text or byte string (file tag). The name of the file where the trace

output is written. See Section 5.5.1 for file naming.

Text keyword "APPEND". If given, the trace output is appended to the file if it already exists.

Text keyword "TIME_TAGS". If omitted, no time tags are written.

Integer value. The status of file creation (0 = successful).


Stops trace logging.

Value: Integer value. The status of closing the trace file (0 = successful).


Pauses trace logging.

Value: Integer value. The status the operation (0 = successful).


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Resumes trace logging.

Value: Integer value. The status of the operation (0 = successful).

Database functions

General object listing functions

APPLICATION_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES(apl, type, objects, attributes)

Reads the values of specified attributes of given application objects.






Application number, see APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST.


A text vector containing the names of the objects or a list with a text vector attribute LN containing the names. In the case where the 'type' argument (second argument) is "IX" or

"IX_AND_UP", the 'objects' argument is a list with two attributes:

LN Text vector containing the object names

IX Integer vector containing the indices

Text vector containing the names of attributes to be read.

A list with attributes specified by 'attributes'. Each attribute is a vector containing the values of that attribute in the specified objects.


OBJECTS = LIST(LN = ("BREAKER1", "BREAKER1"), IX = (10, 22))

ATTRS = ("OV", "OS", "RQ")








The value, status and registration time of two indices of process object

BREAKER1 are read. Note that this code is not equivalent to the following:







Use of APPLICATION_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES guarantees that the attribute values are from the same moment of time. In the latter example, the database may have been updated between the first and last command.



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APPLICATION_OBJECT_COUNT(apl, type [,order [,direction [, start


Counts application objects that fulfil given conditions.








Application number, see APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST.



Search direction, see APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST.


Search condition, see APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST.

Integer. The number of objects of the given type fulfilling the condition.

Because of modifications to types "P" and "IX", the behaviour in revision 8.4.2 is not fully compatible with 8.4.1. Types "P" and "IX" no longer count process objects of user defined types.




APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST(apl, type [,order [,direction [,start

[,condition [,attributes [,max]]]]])

Lists application objects that fulfil given conditions.







Integer. The number of the application to navigate in. 0 = current application. Both local and external applications are supported.

Text keyword. Object type: "P", "IX", "UP", "IX_AND_UP",

"H", "X", "F", "D", "C", "T" or "A".





Process object groups.

Indices of process objects of predefined types.

Process objects of user defined types.

Process objects of both predefined and user defined types.

Event handling objects


Free type objects.

Data objects.

'order' Text keyword. The search order given as a text expression:


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"A" or


Alphabetical order. When used with type "P", only group names are included in the search. If used with type "IX" or "IX_AND_UP", the indices are searched in name / index order.

"I" or "INDEX" Index order (only for process objects of predefined types). Searches the indices of the process object group given as 'start'.

"P" or "PHYSICAL" Address order. Applicable only when

'type' is "IX", "UP" or


"U" or "UNIT" Alphabetic (name / index) order within the unit given as 'start' (types

"IX", "UP" and "IX_AND_UP" only).

"E" or "EXECUTION" Execution order within a time channel. 'type' can be either "D" or C".

Whichever is given, both data objects and command procedures are searched.


Text keyword:

Default value (= "A")

"F" or "FORWARD" Forward browsing

"B" or "BACKWARD" Backward browsing

"" Default value (= "F")

Start point of the search. Depends on the object type and search order as follows::

Order "A": Type "IX" and "IX_AND_UP": Logical name

(text), or a list with the following attributes:



Logical name (text)

Index (integer)

Other types Logical name (text)

All types: "" = default value

Order "I": Logical name (text)

Order "P": Unit (integer), or a list with the following attributes:



Unit (integer)

Object address (integer) (optional)

OB Object bit address (integer) (optional)

"" = default value

Order "U": Unit number (integer), or a list with the following attributes:

UN Unit (integer)



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Logical name (text) (optional)

Index (integer) (optional)

Order "E": Time channel name (text), or a list with the following attributes:



Time channel name (text)

Object type: "D" or "C" (optional)

ON Object name (text) (optional)

If the 'start' argument specifies an existing object, that object is not included in the search. The 'start' argument is case insensitive.

A text containing the criterion for selecting objects.

The selection criterion is a boolean type expression composed of relations and logical operators. The relations have an attribute as the left operand. All attributes, except vector and list type attributes, can be included in the expression. In conjunction with text attributes, the wildcard characters % and * can be used. % represents one character anywhere in the name, * represents none, one or several characters at the end of the name. Default =


Text vector containing the names of attributes to be returned in addition to LN (and IX or OT). Default = "" (no additional attributes).

Maximum number of objects to be returned (integer). Default =

10 000.

A list including the following attributes:

COUNT Integer value, number of objects returned




Boolean value. TRUE if browsing was interrupted due to 'max' being exceeded

Text vector, names of the objects

Integer vector, indices (types "IX" and

"IX_AND_UP" only)

OT Text vector (values "D" or "C") (order "E" only)

Plus additional attributes defined by the 'attributes' argument.

The objects are returned in the order specified by 'order' even if backward browsing is specified.

Because of modifications to types "P" and "IX", the behaviour in revision 8.4.2 is not fully compatible with 8.4.1. Types "P" and "IX" no longer returns process objects of user defined types.

Example 1:


; All (or 10000 first) process objects (of predefined type) are listed


; All objects of unit 5 are listed

APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST(0, "IX", "UNIT", "", 5, "AL == 1")

; Alarming objects of unit 5 are listed


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APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST(0, "IX", "UNIT", "", 5, "AL == 1", ("OV", "OS", "RQ"))

; Alarming objects of unit 5 are listed,

; attributes LN, IX, OV, OS and RQ are read


; Time channels starting with letter T in application 2 are listed

Example 2:

The following piece of code reads and handles all the data objects of the application,

50 objects at a time.












Object maintenance functions

These functions along with commands #CREATE, #MODIFY, #DELETE and

#SEARCH (see Section 8.2.2 ) are used to do maintenance of application objects.

Function FETCH may also be used to read the attributes of base system objects.

FETCH(apl, type, name [,index])

Fetches the configuration attributes of an object.






Integer expression, 0 ... 250. The number of the application. 0 = the own application. The function supports both local and external applications.

Text expression. The type of the object: "P", "H", "X", "F", "D",

"C", "T", "A" or "B".

Text expression. The name of the object.

Integer expression, 0 ... 65 535. The index of a process object of a predefined type (not obligatory). If 'index' is omitted or == 0 for process objects of the predefined types, the function returns the attributes that are common to the process object group.

A list containing the configuration attributes of the object, the dynamic run-time attributes are not returned. If the named object does not exist, a list is returned with only one attribute, IU, which has the value -1.

The function makes a list containing all configuration attributes of any application object (process object, data object, command procedure, time channel, event channel, scale or free type object).

Additionally, the function may be applied to a base system object. In this case, all the attributes of the base system object are fetched.



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Technical Description


V = FETCH(0,"P","A",1)

;V.LN has value "A"

;V.IX has value 1

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Fetches the configuration attributes of an object within a search result.



Integer, 1 ... 10. The identification number of the search.

A list containing the configuration attributes of the object, the dynamic run-time attributes are not returned. The object type determines which attributes are returned. If the object does not exist a list is returned containing only the IU attribute which has the value -1.

These functions are used to browse through the result of a search initiated with the

#SEARCH command. Process objects, data objects, command procedures, scales, time channels, event channels and free type objects can be searched through. The functions require that the search has been initiated with the #SEARCH command,

see Section 8.2.2.


#SEARCH 2 0 "P" "A" "A"



The name of the process object group following A in alphabetical order is shown.

PHYS_FETCH(apl, unit, address [,bit_address])

Fetches the configuration attributes of a process object

The process object is specified with its physical address.






Integer, 0 ... 250. The logical application number. 0 = the own application. Only local applications are supported.

Integer. The unit number of the process unit where the object is situated. This is the station number as known to the application.

Integer. Object address. The OA attribute of the process object.

Integer, 0 ... 15. Bit number (can be omitted). The OB attribute of the object.

A list containing the configuration attributes of the object, the dynamic run-time attributes are not returned. If the object does not exist, the list contains only one attribute, IU, which has the value -1.


OBJ = PHYS_FETCH (0,3,1010,5)


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Data object functions

Data objects functions read and write the history registrations of data objects.

DATA_FETCH(apl, name, index1 [,step [,count]])

DATA_FETCH(apl, name, time1, time2 [,step [,shift]])

DATA_FETCH(apl, name, time1 [,step [,count [,shift]]])

DATA_FETCH(apl, name, indices)

Reads history records of a data object.











Integer, 0 ... 250. The logical application number (0 = the own application). External applications are supported.

Text data. The name of the data object.

Integer, 1 ... 1 000 000. The index of the first record to be fetched.

Integer, positive or negative. Defines the step between records to be fetched. The default value = 1 (all records are fetched). If

'step' is negative, the values are returned in reverse time order.

For example, if 'step' = 2, records 'index1', 'index1' + 2, 'index1'

+ 4, etc. are fetched.

If 'step' = -2, records 'index1', 'index1' - 2, 'index1' - 4, etc. are fetched.

Integer, 0 ... 1 000 000. The number of records to be fetched. 0

(default) means all existing records up to 10 000.

Vector. An integer vector defining explicitly the records to be fetched.

Time data. The start of the time interval to be fetched.

Time data. The end of the time interval.

If 'time1' < 'time2', the values are returned in time order regardless of the sign of 'step'. If 'time1' > 'time2', the values are returned in reversed time order regardless of the sign of 'step'.

The given time range is regarded as a semi-open range. For example, if the range is given as 09.00.00 - 10.00.00, a record sampled at 09.00.00 is included but a record sampled at 10.00.00 is excluded (if shift = 0, see below).

Integer, 0 or 1.

0 No shift

1 A shift of one sampling interval.

For example, a record sampled at 10.00.05 is included in the time range 09.00.00 - 10.00.00, but a record sampled at 09.00.05 is excluded. Default value: 0.

A list containing the following attributes:

OV Real vector, registered data

RT Time vector, the registration times

OS Integer vector, the status codes



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IX Integer vector, the indices of the values

LE Integer, the number of elements in the result vectors above (OV, RT, OS and IX).

When a time interval fetch is specified, the function expects that the history records are stored in ascending time order. If not, the set of records included in the result is unspecified.


DATA_FETCH (0,"ABC",1,5,0)

;Every fifth history record of the data object ABC is read.

T1 = PACK_TIME (1989,9,10,0,0,0)

T2 = PACK_TIME (1989,9,10,12,0,0)

;Two time data values are defined.

A = DATA_FETCH (0, "ABC", T1, T2)

;The history records of the given time interval are read.


;The corresponding values of the data object DEF.

C = DATA_FETCH (0, "GHI", A.IX +5)

;The corresponding values of GHI shifted by 5.

DATA_STORE(apl, name, data, index1 [,step])

DATA_STORE(apl, name, data, indices)

Writes historical records of a data object.








Integer, 0 ... 250. The logical application number. 0 = the own application. External applications are supported.

Text. The name of the data object.

List. The values to be stored, 3 attributes:

OV Real vector - recorded values

RT Time vector - registration times

OS Integer vector - status codes

If the RT attribute is missing from 'data', the original registration times are kept. If the OS attribute is missing, the status codes of the elements of OV vector are stored as the OS attribute.

Integer, 1 ... 1 000 000. The index of the first record to be written.

Integer. This argument defines the step between records to be stored. Default value = 1 (all records are stored). If 'step' is negative, the values are stored in reverse time order.

For example, if 'step' = 2, records 'index1', 'index1' + 2, 'index1'

+ 4, etc., are stored.

If 'step' = -2, records 'index1', 'index1' - 2, 'index1' - 4, etc., are stored.

Integer vector. Defines explicitly the records to be written.

Integer. A status code. See the Status Codes manual. 0 = OK.


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The history of the data object A in the current application is copied to the data object

DATA in the current application and to the data object A in application 2.

Process object query functions

Process object query functions are used to browse the results of a process object query defined by preceding #INIT_QUERY command.

These functions are more or less obsolete. Use more powerful SCIL functions APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST and

APPLICATION_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES for a query of the process database and HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER to browse the event history.


Tells whether a process object query is completed.

Value: Boolean data. TRUE = the query is completed. FALSE = the query is not completed.

The function tests whether all objects matching a process query initiated by the

#INIT_QUERY command (Chapter 8) have been read with the PROD_QUERY











If the query has been completed, the message READY is shown on screen.

Otherwise, 20 more process objects are handled.


Returns attributes of objects selected by a process object query.



Integer, [-] 1 ... APL:BQL. The maximum number of process objects that are included in the query. If the number is given with a negative sign, the browsing is performed backwards.

A list containing the following attributes:

Identification: LN (Logical Name), IX (Index), PT (Process

Object Type), OI (Object Identification), OX

(Object Text)

Object value: OV (Object Value), OS (Object Status)



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Alarm state:

Time stamps:

AL (Alarm), AS (Alarm State), AR (Alarm

Receipt), AZ (Alarm Zone)

RT (Registration Time), RM (Registration

Milliseconds), AT (Alarm Time), AM

(Alarm Milliseconds), YT, YM

RTU attributes: SE (Selection), SP (Stop Execution), OF


Protocol attributes:BL, CT, OR, RA, RB, SB

Blocking: AB, HB, PB, UP, XB

Miscellaneous: RI, RX

In addition, when the query concerns the history buffer: CA

(Changed Attribute)

The function returns attribute values of the process objects selected by the preceding

#INIT_QUERY command (see Chapter 8). The query concerns always the current


After one #INIT_QUERY, the function may be called several times. Each time it continues from where it finished previously.

The attribute values of a certain attribute form a vector. For example, the LN attribute is a vector of all object names included in the query. Vector elements with the same index refer to the same process object.


The result of the function call PROD_QUERY(4) could be:






















The attribute LN (logical name) constitutes the first vector, IX (index) the second one and OV (object value) the third one.

History database functions


Opens a session to the history database of an application.

The HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER function is session-based. A query session is first created. Subsequent calls of the function may then set various query parameters and do queries. At last, the session is closed.

There may be up to 10 open query sessions within one SCIL context.


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When a SCIL context is deleted, the open query sessions are closed automatically.

However, it is a good practice to close the sessions explicitly by SCIL to save system resources.



Integer or text value.

When an integer, specifies the application number (0 = current application)

Text keyword "NO_APPLICATION" is used to specify no application.

Default value is 0.


SESSION Integer value. Used to identify the session in subsequent calls.

STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

This command opens a new query session and sets the query parameters to their default values (described later). If already 10 sessions are open, status

SCIL_TOO_MANY_HDB_SESSIONS is returned in the STATUS attribute of the result.

If another than the current APPLICATION is specified, it has to be local (in same

SYS) but its state is allowed to be COLD.

If no application is specified, SET_DIRECTORY command must be used to tell the history database manager where to find the database.

If a cold application or no application at all is specified, the user defined attributes of user defined process objects are not returned, because there is no process database to find the attribute descriptions of corresponding F-type objects.


Closes a session to the history database of an application.



Integer value returned by OPEN command.


STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

This command closes the session by releasing all the resources associated to the session.



Sets the time period of the database query.





Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Time value defining the first day of the period. The following format can be used pack_time(1998,4,1,0,0,0)

Time value defining the last day of the period, default = 'begin'.

Integer value returned by OPEN command.



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Value: List:




Integer value. Number of days whose history database was successfully opened.

Time vector containing the dates whose database files could not be read.

Integer vector containing the status codes of failed database file reads.

Integer value, SCIL status code.


The period defines the time period whose database files are included in the query. A period may contain up to 1000 database files. Status SCIL_PERIOD_TOO_LONG is returned, if this limit is exceeded.

The arguments 'begin' and 'end' are used only to define the date: hours, minutes and seconds are ignored.

The period is initially empty.


Sets the location of database files.




Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Text or text vector containing the directory (or directories)

where to locate the database files. See Section 5.5.1 for directory



STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

Up to 20 directories may be specified. Status SCIL_TOO_MANY_DIRECTORIES is returned if this limit is exceeded.

Setting this parameter resets the active period.

When a session is opened, this parameter is set to point to the APL_ subdirectory of the application. If no application is defined, the parameter is left empty.


Sets the time window of the query.




Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Time value or an integer 0.

Begin time of the window. If 0, the window has an open beginning.

Time value or an integer 0.

End time of the window. If 0, the window has an open end.


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Value: List:

STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

This command sets the time window of the query. A time window may have an open beginning and/or an open end, meaning all events older than 'end' or old events newer than 'begin', respectively.

If both 'begin' and 'end' are non-zero, they may be given in any order.

When a session is opened, the window is set to (0, 0).


Sets the listing order.




Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Text keyword, either "LOG" or "EVENT".

"LOG" The events are returned in the order they were written into the database.

"EVENT" The events are returned in the order specified by the values of attributes ET and EM.


STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

If logging order is requested, the time window applies to attributes HT and HM of the event, otherwise to attributes ET and EM.

When a session is opened, the order is set to "EVENT".


Sets the search direction.




Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Text keyword, either "FORWARD" or "BACKWARD".

"FORWARD" The query starts from the beginning of the time window.

"BACKWARD" The query starts from the end of the time window.


STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

The results of a query are returned in the order of 'direction': If "FORWARD", they are returned in time order, if "BACKWARD", they are returned in reversed time order.

When a session is opened, the direction is set to "BACKWARD".



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Sets the maximum time a query may last.




Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Integer or real value, time-out in seconds.


STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

The time-out of a query specifies the maximum time a query may last. If it is exceeded, the query is interrupted and the partial results found so far are returned.

When a session is opened, the time-out is set to 5 seconds.


Sets the condition for requested events.




Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Text value, the condition requested events should fulfil.


STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

The condition is given as in #INIT_QUERY and #SEARCH commands.

When a session is opened, the condition is set to an empty string.


Sets the attributes whose values are to be returned by the query.

History database information related to each event are described in the Application

Objects manual Chapter 3.




Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Text vector.

Specifies the set of attributes whose value is returned by the query.


STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

Any number of attributes may be specified.

Attributes LN, IX, OV, ET and EM do not have to specified, they are always included in the set. The object type specific names (BI, BO, etc.) for the object value attribute are not used. If no application is specified for the session, the user defined attributes of user defined process objects are not returned by the query.

The initial value of the set is (LN, IX, OV, ET, EM).


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Returns the current values of parameters.



Integer value returned by OPEN command.




Text vector, file directories to locate database files.

Two place vector containing the first and last date of the period, see SET_PERIOD command.




Two place vector containing the beginning and end of the time window, see


"LOG" or "EVENT".


TIMEOUT Real value, the query time-out in seconds.

ATTRIBUTES Text vector, the attributes returned by the query.



Text value, the query condition.

Integer value, SCIL status code.



Performs a history database query.





Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Integer value, the maximum number of events to be returned.

Integer or vector value, the identifier of event to start the query at.

Integer value 0 restarts the query. Default is 0.


STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

SUCCESS Text value, indicating the success of the query:



All the specified events were found.

The number of events specified by 'count' were found. There may be more events to find.

"TIMEOUT" The query took a too long time and was interrupted.There may be more events to find.

COUNT Integer value, the number of the returned events.



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Vector value, the event identifier of the last processed event, or integer 0, if no events processed.

Vector value containing the identifiers of the returned events.

List value containing the attributes of the returned events.

To continue a query, the event id returned by the previous query (attribute LAST) should be used as the argument 'start' of the subsequent query. The event identified by 'start' is not included in the result.

The attribute DATA of the function result contains the event data read from the database as a list. The attributes of the list are the ones specified by

SET_ATTRIBUTES command. History database information related to each event are described in the Application Objects manual, Chapter 3. The value of each attribute is a vector of length COUNT. If an event does not have a certain attribute, the corresponding element in the vector has status

PROF_ATTRIBUTE_DOES_NOT_EXIST. The list may be further processed with

SELECT function by the event list dialog, if needed.

When a query is interrupted by TIMEOUT and the query order is EVENT, it is not guaranteed that the events returned by two subsequent queries are returned in exactly correct order. It is possible, that events contained in database files not yet processed should have been included in the results of the interrupted query.

The event identifiers returned by a query are valid only during the current period setting.

The following example reads the latest 20 events, then waits a second and reads the new ones. For clarity, error handling is omitted.












The second query may miss a new event if its time-stamp is out of order.


Reads all the attributes of an event.


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Technical Description


History database information related to each event are described in the Application

Objects manual, Chapter 3.




Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Vector value, the event identifier of the event.


DATA List value containing all the attributes of the event.

STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER("SET_COMMENT", session, event, comment)

Sets the EX attribute of the specified event.





Integer value returned by OPEN command.

Vector value, the event identifier of the event.

Text value, the comment.


STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.


Writes an event into the history database.




List value describing all the attributes of one event.

Integer value returned by OPEN command.


STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

This command writes an event into the history database. The attribute values to be written are given in the list argument 'data'.

Attribute HT is used to specify the history database file, into which the event is written. The file is created if it does not exist.

The following conventions are used to handle missing attributes:

1. Current time is used for missing HT, HM, HD and HQ.

2. HT, HM, HD and HQ values are used for missing ET, EM, ED and EQ.

3. All other missing numeric attributes are set to zero.

4. All missing text attributes are set empty.

File handling functions

DATA_MANAGER(function [,argument]*)

SCIL database management.



A text keyword, the subfunction to be performed

A subfunction specific list of other arguments



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Value: A list always containing the attribute:

STATUS Integer value, SCIL status code.

Other subfunction specific attributes may be returned.

The structure and properties of SCIL databases are described in Chapter 5.6.

Each subfunction is described in detail below.


Creates a new SCIL database and opens it for use.



A text or byte string value, the name or tag of the file to be created. Extension SDB is recommended.

A list with attributes:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

HANDLE An integer, a handle to the file to be used in subsequent calls of the function

Up to 10 databases may be concurrently open within a SCIL context.

VERSION Integer 2 or 3, the version of the file format


Opens an existing SCIL database.



A text or byte string value, the name or tag of the file to be opened

A list with attributes:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

HANDLE An integer, a handle to the file to be used in subsequent calls of the function

Up to 10 databases may be concurrently open within a SCIL context.

VERSION Integer 2 or 3, the version of the file format

DATA_MANAGER("COPY", handle, new_file [, version])

Makes a copy of an open SCIL database into another file.





An integer, a handle to the source file

A text or byte string value, the name or tag of the new file

Integer value 2, 3 or 0

Default value 0 (the newest version, currently equal to 3)

A list with attributes:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

FAILED A text vector, the names of the sections that could not be copied


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This function may be used to convert an old (Rev. 8.4.5) version 2 database to the new (Rev. 9.0) version 3 format for faster access, or vice versa for compatibility.


Closes a SCIL database when no longer used.



An integer, a handle to the file

A list with one attribute:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

If a SCIL program does not close the file, it is automatically closed when the SCIL context of the program is destroyed.


Lists the sections of a SCIL database in alphabetic order.



An integer, a handle to the file

A list with attributes:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

SECTIONS A text vector, the section names


Creates a new (empty) section in a SCIL database.




An integer, the handle to the file

A text value, the name of the section

A list with one attribute:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

The value of the newly created section is an empty list.


Deletes a section, both the name and the contents, from SCIL database.




An integer, the handle to the file

A text value, the name of the section

A list with one attribute:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

DATA_MANAGER("GET", handle, section [,component]*)

Reads data from SCIL database.




An integer,the handle to the file

A text value, the name of the section

A text, an integer or a vector value, the component to be read



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Up to 5 'component' arguments may be given

A list with attributes:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

VALUE Any type, the value read from the file

If no 'component' is specified, the entire section is read. The components, i.e. attributes of lists and indices or index ranges of vectors, are given in SCIL language syntax. Examples of valid component descriptions:


"(5)" or 5

"(1 .. 10)" or (1,10)

"(3 .. )" or (3,0)


Attribute ABC

The 5th element of a vector

10 first elements of a vector

The elements from the 3rd one to the last one

Attribute DEF of the second element of a (vector type) attribute ABC

The component description may be given as several arguments as well. The following examples are equivalent to the last example above.

"ABC", "(2)", "DEF"

"ABC", 2, "DEF"

Note, that only one component is read even if more 'component' arguments are given. These arguments are combined to locate the component deep in the SCIL data structure.

DATA_MANAGER("PUT", handle, section, data [,component]*)

Writes data to SCIL database.






An integer, the handle to the file

A text value, the name of the section

Any value, the data to be written

A text, an integer or a vector value, the component to be written

Up to 5 'component' arguments may be given.

A list with one attribute:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

If no 'component' is specified, the entire section is written. See subfunction "GET" for description of 'component's.

If the specified component (attribute or vector element) does not exist in the database, it is created.

DATA_MANAGER("DELETE", handle, section, [,component]*)

Deletes a component from a SCIL database.




An integer, the handle to the file

A text value, the name of the section

A text, an integer or a vector value, the component to be deleted


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Up to 5 'component's may be given.

A list with one attribute:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

If no 'component' is specified, the entire content (but not the name) of the section is deleted. See subfunction "GET" for description of components.

If the specified component is an attribute, it is deleted from its containing list.

If the specified component is an element of a vector, the element is deleted. The length of the vector will thus decrement by one.

If the specified component is a range of vector elements, the elements are deleted.

The length of the vector will thus decrement by the number of deleted elements.

DELETE_PARAMETER(file, section [,key])

Deletes a parameter from a parameter file.





Text or byte string (file tag). The name of the parameter file. See

Section 5.5.1 for file naming.

Text. The name of the section.

Text. The key of the parameter to deleted. If 'key' is omitted from the argument list, the whole section is deleted.

A list with one attribute:

STATUS An integer, the SCIL status code

The parameter files are described in Section 5.5.2.


FILE_LOCK_MANAGER(function, file)

Locks and unlocks files.

This function is used to temporarily lock a file for use of only one SCIL context. This function is mainly needed by tools (such as dialog editor) to prevent simultaneous modification of same data by two users. All the SCIL tools accessing the file should use FILE_LOCK_MANAGER to synchronize the access to the file, locking a file with FILE_LOCK_MANAGER does not prevent accessing of the file by

READ_TEXT, WRITE_TEXT or other SCIL functions.




Text value, the function to be performed:

"LOCK" Lock the file for exclusive use.

"UNLOCK" Unlock the file.

"BREAK" Break the lock.

Text value containing the name of the file to be locked in OS dependent format (see PARSE_FILE_NAME function to obtain

OS file names).

A text value containing:

"OK" Function successfully performed.

"LOCKED" LOCK failed because of an existing lock.



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"BROKEN" UNLOCK detected that the file was not locked, i.e. broken by somebody else.

"INVALID" The 'file' argument is invalid. This means that the name is not a valid file name or the directory in the name does not exist or the access to it is denied.


• The file does not have to exist, actually 'file' argument is used as a unique identifier of the lock. The argument is used a seed for a lock file name, which is generated by prefixing the file name in 'file' by "_L_", for example if 'file' is

"C:\DATA\ABC.DAT", then the lock file name used is

"C:\DATA\_L_ABC.DAT". Therefore, the file name should not be extremely long.

• Two different 'file' arguments may refer to one and same lock. For example, if a logical drive K points to directory "C:\DATA", then 'file' arguments

"C:\DATA\ABC.DAT" and "K:\ABC.DAT" denote the same lock.

• When a SCIL context is destroyed, all the locks it holds are automatically released by the base system software.

• The function "BREAK" should be used with care. It should be used only after a program crash or other such failure which has left the file locked.

KEYED_FILE_MANAGER(function, file [,output_file [,key_size]


File maintenance function.







Text: "INFORMATION", "COMPACT", or "REBUILD". The operation to be performed on the file (see below):

Text or byte string (file tag). The input file name. See Section

5.5.1 for file naming.

Text or byte string (file tag). The output file name (functions

COMPACT and REBUILD only). See Section 5.5.1 for file


Integer value, the size of the record key (function REBUILD only).

Integer value 1 or 2, the version number of the output file format

(functions COMPACT and REBUILD only). Default value is the version of the input file. The maximum size of version 1 files is 32 MB. Version 2 files, introduced in MicroSCADA rev.

8.4.4, do not have such a restriction.

List value containing various information depending on the function argument.

The 'function' value "INFORMATION" returns the following attributes in the result list:



The status of the operation.

The file format version number, currently 1 or 2.


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USED_BLOCKS Number of 512-byte blocks (version 1 files) or 4096-byte blocks (version 2 files) allocated for the file.

KEY_SIZE The length of the record key.

INDEX_LEVELS The number of index levels used by the index tree of the file.

The attributes VERSION, USED_BLOCKS and

INDEX_LEVELS are present only if STATUS = 0.

The 'function' value "COMPACT" returns the same attributes as the 'function' value "INFORMATION" (the values are those before the compacting) and in addition the following attribute:

RECORDS Number of records copied.

The 'function' value "REBUILD" returns the same attributes as the 'function' value "COMPACT" and in addition the following attribute:

DUPLICATES A text vector containing the key values that were found duplicated in the source file. The corresponding records in the output file may contain obsolete or otherwise bad data, they should be checked. Max. 1000 duplicate keys are reported.

If the status block of the file was corrupted, attributes


This function converts MicroSCADA keyed files from a format to another, saves corrupted files and does some other file maintenance. It can handle one file at a time, the 'file' argument, and provides the following operations selected by the 'function' argument:

"INFORMATION"Returns some information of the file.

"COMPACT" Compacts the file by rewriting the records in their key order.

After the compacting, the file is smaller and faster to access. The off-line program REORG was previously used for this purpose.

"REBUILD" Reconstructs the file by scanning and rewriting the data blocks of the file, ignoring the index blocks. This function should be used if the internal structure of the file is corrupted, for example if status 5015 (FILE_INCONSISTENT) is returned when the file is accessed. The file may not be used by MicroSCADA when this function is performed. The off-line program SAVER was previously used for this purpose.

The optional argument 'key_size' overrides the key size read from the status block of the file. It should be used only if the status block of the file is corrupted. The corruption is indicated by status code 5016 (FILE_INVALID_KEY_SIZE) when attempting this function without the key_size argument, or the same status code when trying to access the output file generated by this function without the key_size argument.



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The correct value of this argument is obtained by applying the

"INFORMATION" function to an uncorrupted file of the same type.

See Section 5.5.4 for more information about keyed files.






; Converts the process database of application TIPPERARY to file format 2.

PARSE_FILE_NAME(name [,file])

Converts SCIL path names and file names to operating system file names.




Text value: directory or path name, either

1) SCIL path name, e.g. "PICT"

2) SCIL directory name, e.g. "/APL/TEST/PICT" or "PICT/"

3) OS dependent directory name, e.g. "C:\SC\APL\TEST\PICT"

Text value: optional file name, e.g. "station.pic"

Text value containing the path name of the file (or directory) in

OS dependent format, e.g.


"C:\SC\APL\TEST\PICT"). Returns "", if there is an error in arguments.


• The directory name in SCIL format may be given with or without the trailing "/"

(see however note 3).

• The OS dependent directory name may be given with or without the trailing OS dependent delimiter (e.g. "\").

• In SCIL, depending on the context, "PICT" may mean either the path PICT or the directory "/APL/xxx/PICT". To resolve the ambiguity, "PICT" is used for the path and "PICT/" for the directory.

• If a path name is given as 'name' and file is not given, the function returns the first directory in the path.

• If a path name is given as 'name' and 'file' exists, the complete file path name of the found file is returned.

• If a path name is given as 'name' and 'file' does not exist, the returned path name contains the first directory of the logical path, i.e. the returned value is the complete would-be name of the file if created.

• The arguments of the function are case-insensitive. The case of the returned value is OS dependent. In NT, upper case string is returned.


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The directories contained in a logical path.



Text expression, the name of a logical path.

Text vector containing the names (in an operating system dependent format) of directories that make up the logical path.

See #PATH command in Section 8.2.4 for details of logical paths.


The logical paths defined on a specified level.





Integer value 0 to 3 specifying the requested level in path hierarchy:

System paths

Application paths



Process specific paths (e.g. monitor paths)

Temporary paths

Text vector containing the names of the defined logical paths on the requested level.

See #PATH command in Section 8.2.4 for details of logical paths.

READ_BYTES(file [,start [,length]])

Reads a binary file.




Return value:

Text or byte string (file tag). The name of the file. See Section

5.5.1 for file naming.

Positive integer value, defaults to 1. Specifies the byte position within the file where to start reading.

Non-negative integer value. Specifies the maximum number of bytes to be read. Default value = 8 388 600 (max. byte string length).

Byte string containing the read data.

Using this function any file may be read as a sequential binary file, i.e. an unstructured string of bytes. It is usually used to import data generated by some external application or to read a compiled SCIL program from a file

See also function WRITE_BYTES.

READ_COLUMNS(file, pos, width [,start [,count]])

Reads a text file as columns.

The function reads a text file as columns and stores them in a vector where each element is a text vector containing the text of one column.

'file' Text or byte string (file tag). The name of the file. See Section

5.5.1 for file naming.



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Integer vector. Specifies the start positions of the columns to be read (1 ... 65 535). The positions do not have to be in ascending order.

Integer vector. The 'width' argument must be of the same length as the 'pos' argument. Specifies the column widths (1 ... 65 535).

The columns are allowed to overlap.

Positive integer value, defaults to 1. Specifies the line number within the file where to start reading.

Non-negative integer value, defaults to 10 000. Specifies the maximum number of lines to be read.

A vector of the same length as 'pos' and 'width'. Each element of the vector is a text vector containing the text of one column.

See also function WRITE_COLUMNS.

READ_PARAMETER(file, section, key [,default])

Reads a parameter from a parameter file.






Text or byte string (file tag). The name of the parameter file. See

Section 5.5.1 for file naming.

Text. The name of the section.

Text. The key of the parameter.

Text. The value to be returned if 'section' or 'key' does not exist in the specified file.

A list with the following two attributes:

STATUS The status code of the read operation.

VALUE The value of the parameter. Returned only if


The parameter files are described in Section 5.5.2.

If the given section or key does not exist, error code






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READ_TEXT(file [,start [,number]])

Reads a text file.





Text or byte string (file tag). The file name. See Section 5.5.1 for

file naming.

Positive or negative integer. If positive, it is the number of the first line to be read from the text file counted from the beginning of the file (1 = the first line). If negative, it is the number of the last line to be read counted from the end of the file (-1 = the last line). Default: 1.

Integer, 0 ... 1 000 000. The number of lines to be read from the file.

0 = nothing is read. Default: 1000.

A text vector containing the lines read from the file.

If 'start' is omitted, reading starts from the beginning of the file. If 'number' is omitted, reading is performed to the end of file, or until 1000 lines have been read.

See also function WRITE_TEXT.

For compatibility reasons, this function does not support lines longer than 255 characters. Longer lines are silently truncated to 255 characters.This function is now more or less obsolete, use the function TEXT_READ instead.



;The contents of the file DIRECTIVE.TXT are shown in the window DIRECTIVE.




;Command procedure ABC is created. Its SCIL program is read from a file.

READ_TEXT("FILE", -1, 100) ;reads the last 100 lines

READ_TEXT("FILE", -101, 100) ;reads the preceding 100 lines.


The files contained in a logical representation library.



Text expression, the name of the logical representation library.

Text vector containing the names (in an operating system dependent format) of library files that make up the logical library.

See #REP_LIB command in Section 8.2.4 for details of logical representation




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The logical library names defined on a specified level.





Integer value 0 to 3 specifying the requested level in library hierarchy:

System libraries

Application libraries



Process specific libraries (e.g. monitor libraries)

Temporary libraries

Text vector containing the names of the defined logical representation libraries on the requested level.

See #REP_LIB command in Section 8.2.4 for details of logical representation



Queues a file for shadowing.



Text or byte string (file tag). The name of the file. See Section

5.5.1 for file naming.

A list value containing the following attributes:

STATUS status code (0 = OK).

QUEUED Boolean value indicating whether the file was queued for shadowing.

The function first locates the file. The status is returned in attribute STATUS. Then it checks whether the file belongs to an application that is currently shadowed. If yes, the file is queued for shadowing (the function does not wait for the completion of shadowing) and TRUE is returned in attribute QUEUED. If not, FALSE is returned and nothing is done.

This function should be used if a file is created in an application directory (a directory below the directory "/APL/application") using a non-MicroSCADA program, for example, by a tool that copies files using operating system utilities.

TEXT_READ(file [,start [,number])

Reads a text file or a part of it.




Text or byte string (file tag). The file name. See Section 5.5.1 for

file naming.

Positive or negative integer. If positive, it is the number of the first line to be read from the text file counted from the beginning of the file (1 = the first line). If negative, it is the number of the last line to be read counted from the end of the file (-1 = the last line). Default: 1.

Integer, 0 ... 1 000 000. The number of lines to be read from the file.

0 = nothing is read. Default: 10 000.


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Value: A list with the following attributes:

STATUS SCIL status code, 0 = OK

TEXT Text vector containing theread data (up to

1 000 000 lines, each line up to 65 535 characters)

LONGEST Integer, the index of the longest line in TEXT

MORE Boolean, TRUE if there are more lines to be read, otherwise FALSE

If 'start' is omitted, reading starts from the beginning of the file. If 'number' is omitted, reading is performed to the end of file, or until 10 000 lines have been read.

The attributes TEXT, LONGEST and MORE are returned only when STATUS = 0.

WRITE_BYTES(file, data [,append])

Writes a binary file.





Text or byte string (file tag). The name of the file. See Section

5.5.1 for file naming.

Byte string value containing the data to be written.

Integer value 0 or 1, defaults to 0. If 0, a new file is created. If 1, the data are appended to the file, if it already exists.

Integer value. The status code of file write operation, 0 if OK.

Using this function a byte string value may be written as a sequential binary file, i.e. an unstructured string of bytes. It is usually used to export data to an external application or to store a compiled SCIL program in a file.

See also function READ_BYTES.

WRITE_COLUMNS(file, pos, width, data [,append])

Writes a text file as columns.





Text or byte string (file tag). The name of the file. See Section

5.5.1 for file naming.

Integer vector. Specifies the start positions of the columns to be written (1 ... 65 535). The positions do not have to be in ascending order.

Integer vector. Must be of the same length as pos. Specifies the column widths (1 ... 65 535). The columns are allowed to overlap. If they do, a column earlier in the list will be covered by the later one. Any data written past character position 65 535 are lost. Possible gaps between the columns are filled with space characters.

Vector value of the same length as 'pos' and 'width'. Each element of the vector is a text vector containing the text of one column. The element vectors must be of the same length.




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Integer value 0 or 1, defaults to 0. If 0, a new file is created. If 1, the data are appended to the file, if it already exists.

Integer value. The status of the write operation, 0 if OK.

See also function READ_COLUMNS.

WRITE_PARAMETER(file, section, key, value)

Writes a parameter into a parameter file.





Return value:

Text or byte string (file tag). The name of the parameter file. See

Section 5.5.1 for file naming.

Text. The name of the section.

Text. The key of the parameter.

Text. The value to be assigned to the parameter.

A list with one attribute:

STATUS The status code of the write operation.

The file and/or the section is created if it does not exist. The parameter files are

described in Section 5.5.2.

Parameter file lines may be up to 65 535 characters long. If you try to write a longer line, the following error raises: SCIL_PARAMETER_FILE_LINE_TOO_LONG.

Because the spaces before and after the equal sign are insignificant, it is not possible to write a key value with a leading space character.


WRITE_TEXT(file, text [,append])

Writes a text file.





Text or byte string (file tag). The name of the file. See Section

5.5.1 for file naming.

A text vector containing the text to be written.

An integer value, 0 or 1. Default = 0.

If 0, the old contents of 'file' are lost.

If 1, the 'text' is appended to the file.

An integer. The status code of the file write, 0 = OK.

See also functions TEXT_READ and READ_TEXT.


S = WRITE_TEXT("A", V, 1)

#IF S == 0 #THEN !SHOW INFO "File successfully appended"

#ELSE !SHOW INFO "Append failed by " + STATUS_CODE_NAME(S)

File management functions

File management functions implement the handling of drives (or disk-like devices), directories and files in an operating-system independent way.


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This function family consists of functions DRIVE_MANAGER,

DIRECTORY_MANAGER, FILE_MANAGER and a number of auxiliary functions named FM_*.

Used terminology:

Drive name

Directory name

File name

Absolute path

Printable drive name in OS dependent format. In

Windows, one-letter name A, B, ... or a UNC name.

Lower case letters accepted as a function argument.

Printable directory name. In Windows, any valid file name. Returned in case stored by the file system, caseinsensitive as a function argument.

Printable file name. In Windows, any valid file name.

Returned in case stored by the file system, caseinsensitive as a function argument.

By convention, file name is divided into the proper file name and the extension separated by a period. If there are several periods in the name, the last one is considered as the name/extension separator.

Printable absolute directory or file path in OS dependent format. Absolute path contains the drive name (or uses the default drive) and all the intermediate directory names to uniquely identify a directory or a file.

In Windows, the syntax of an absolute path is


Relative path

SCIL name

Printable relative directory or file path in OS dependent format. Given a root directory, relative path contains intermediate directory names (if any) to uniquely identify a directory or a file within the root directory. The absolute path of a file is obtained by combining the absolute path of the root directory and the relative path of the file.

In Windows, the syntax of a relative path is


File (or directory) name given in operating system independent format used by other SCIL commands and functions, see PARSE_FILE_NAME function for details.




Drive tag An OS independent identifier of a drive represented as a byte string data in SCIL.

Absolute directory tag An OS independent representation of the absolute path of a directory. A drive tag is a valid absolute directory tag referring to the root directory of the drive.

Relative directory tag An OS independent representation of the relative path of a directory.

Absolute file tag An OS independent representation of the absolute path of a file.



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Relative file tag


An OS independent representation of the relative path of a file.

Filters used when browsing directories may contain following wildcard characters:

* Matches with any character string including null string.


Matches with any single character, at the end of name or extension it matches also null character.

% Matches with any single character.

An example: sysm?.exe? matches with sysm.exe, but sysm%.exe% does not.

Operation of the filters is comparable to the


Find|Files or Folders operation.

Calling syntax

The common calling syntax of DRIVE_MANAGER, DIRECTORY_MANAGER and FILE_MANAGER is

FUNCTION_NAME(command [,argument]*)

The first argument 'command' is a text keyword that selects the requested subfunction. The keyword is case-insensitive. In the descriptions of subfunctions below, the 'command' argument is represented as an upper-case text constant. Any valid SCIL expression resulting to a valid keyword value will do, of course.

The auxiliary functions do not follow this convention.

Example listing all files in the given directory:

TAGS = FM_DIRECTORY("c:\temp")


;NAMES is a vector containing the filenames of the directory "c:\temp".


The functions in this chapter all use abstract tags instead of a textual names as file identifiers.

File handling commands (Section 8.2.5) and file handling functions (Section 9.15)

accept a file tag argument as the identifier of the file to enable their use in conjunction with file management functions.


A drive is the root of a file hierarchy. Depending on the operating system, a drive may correspond to a physical disk-like device or it may consist of several physical devices or it may be a partitioning of a physical device or it may map to a directory of another drive. In Windows, a drive corresponds to a Windows logical drive

(labelled A, B, and so on) or an UNC (Universal Naming Convention) name of the form \\servername\sharename.


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The following commands are recognized by DRIVE_MANAGER:






Returns the drives available in the system.

Value: Vector value containing the drive tags of the available drives.


Checks the existence of one or more drives.



Drive tag or a vector of drive tags to be checked.

Boolean or boolean vector value indicating whether the drive(s) exist or not.


Returns the default drive, i.e. the drive assumed if an absolute path does not contain the drive.

Value: Byte string value containing the tag of the default drive.


Returns some information from drives.



The drive tag or a vector of drive tags of interest.

A list of following attributes:

STATUS Integer or integer vector value, the status code(s) of the query.

FAILURES Integer value containing the number of failed queries. If FAILURES == 0, STATUS contains all zeroes.

TYPE Text or text vector value:










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CAPACITY Integer or integer vector value: The total capacity of the drive in kilobytes. 0 is returned for unavailable device of TYPE "REMOVABLE".

FREE Integer or integer value: The unused capacity of the drive in kilobytes. 0 is returned for unavailable device of TYPE "REMOVABLE".


The following commands are recognized by DIRECTORY_MANAGER:












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DIRECTORY_MANAGER("LIST", directory [,filter [,recursion]


Lists the directories contained in a given directory.






Absolute directory tag of the directory whose contents are listed.

Text value: The filter for the directory names to be listed. May contain wildcard characters * , % and ?.

Default value is "" (no filter).

Text keyword "RECURSIVE" or "NON_RECURSIVE".

Recursive listing means that whole directory hierarchy rooted in

'root' is listed.

Default value is "NON_RECURSIVE".

Text keyword "EXCLUDE_HIDDEN" or

"INCLUDE_HIDDEN". Specifies whether hidden directories are listed or not.

Default value is "EXCLUDE_HIDDEN"

Vector value containing the relative directory tags of the directories found.

Arguments 'recursion' and 'hidden' may be given in any order.

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("CREATE", directory [,recursion])

Creates a directory or a hierarchy of directories.




Absolute directory tag of the directory to be created.

Text keyword "RECURSIVE" or "NON_RECURSIVE".

Recursive creation means that all missing directories contained in ‘directory' are created.

Default value is "NON_RECURSIVE".

Integer value: The status code of the operation.


Deletes one or more directories and all the directories and files contained in them.



Absolute directory tag or a vector of tags to be deleted.

List value with following attributes:

OK Boolean value, TRUE if successful.

FAILED A vector value containing relative directory or file tags of directories and files not deleted. Missing if


STATUS An integer vector containing the status codes of failed deletions. Missing if OK = TRUE.



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[,filter [,subdirectories]])

Deletes files and directories contained in a given directory.



Absolute directory tag of the directory whose contents are deleted.

Text value: The filter for the file and directory names to be deleted.

May contain wildcard characters * , % and ?.

Default value is "" (no filter).

'subdirectories' Text keyword "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES" or


Specifies whether the subdirectories are deleted or not. If subdirectories are deleted, the filter is applied to the name of subdirectories (not to the contained files).

Default value is "OMIT_DIRECTORIES".

Value: List value with following attributes:

OK Boolean value, TRUE if successful.

FAILED A vector value containing relative directory or file tags of directories and files not deleted.Missing if


STATUS An integer vector containing the status codes of failed deletions. Missing if OK = TRUE.


Checks the existence of one or more directories.



Absolute directory tag or a vector of tags to be checked.

Boolean or boolean vector value indicating whether the directories exist or not.

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("COPY", source, target)

Copies a directory and all its contents into a new directory.




Absolute directory tag of the source directory.

Absolute directory tag of the target directory, which is created by COPY.

List value with following attributes:

OK Boolean value, TRUE if successful.

FAILED A vector value containing relative directory or file tags of directories and files not copied. Missing if


STATUS An integer vector containing the status codes of failed copies. Missing if OK = TRUE.


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Technical Description



[,filter [,subdirectories [,overwrite]]])

Copies the files of a directory into another directory. Optionally, the subdirectories are recursively copied as well.




'subdirectories' Text keyword "INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES" or


Specifies whether the subdirectories are copied or not.

If subdirectories are copied, the filter is applied to the name of subdirectories (not to the contained files).

Default value is "OMIT_DIRECTORIES".


Text value: The filter for the file and directory names to be copied.May contain wildcard characters * , % and ?.Default value is "" (no filter).


Specifies whether an existing file in target directory is overwritten or not.

Default value is "DONT_OVERWRITE"


Absolute directory tag of the source directory.

Absolute directory tag of the target directory (not created by


List value with following attributes:

OK Boolean value, TRUE if successful.

FAILED A vector value containing relative directory or file tags of directories and files not copied. Missing if


STATUS An integer vector containing the status codes of failed copies. Missing if OK = TRUE.

Keyword arguments 'subdirectories' and 'overwrite' may be given in any order.

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("MOVE", directory, target)

Moves a directory to another directory.




Absolute directory tag of the directory to be moved.

Absolute directory tag of the directory to become the new parent directory.

List value with following attributes:

STATUS Integer value, the status code of the operation.

NEW_TAG New tag for the moved directory (if STATUS = 0)

DIRECTORY_MANAGER("RENAME", directory, name)

Renames a directory.



Absolute directory tag of the directory to be renamed.

Text value, the new directory name.



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SYS 600 *9.1.5

List value with following attributes:

STATUS Integer value, the status code of the operation.

NEW_TAG New tag for the moved directory (if STATUS = 0)


Returns attribute information from one or more directories.

'directory' value

Absolute directory tag or vector of directory tags of interest.

List value containing the following attributes:

STATUS Integer or integer vector value containing the status of each query.

READ_ONLY Boolean or boolean vector value.

SYSTEM Boolean or boolean vector value, TRUE if exclusively used by the OS.



Boolean or boolean vector value, TRUE if a

’hidden’ directory.

Boolean or boolean vector value, TRUE if

’archive’ attribute is set in the directory.

COMPRESSED Boolean or boolean vector value, TRUE if a compressed directory.

ENCRYPTED Boolean or boolean vector value, TRUE if an encrypted directory.

FAILURES Integer value telling the number of failed queries.


The following commands are recognized by FILE_MANAGER:








FILE_MANAGER("LIST", directory [,filter [,recursion] [, hidden]])

Lists the files contained in a given directory.



Absolute directory tag of the directory whose contents are listed.

Text value: The filter for the file names to be listed.

May contain wildcard characters * % and ?.

Default value is "" (no filter).


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Text keyword "RECURSIVE" or "NON_RECURSIVE".

Recursive listing means that all files in the directory hierarchy rooted in 'directory' is listed.

Default value is "NON_RECURSIVE".

Text keyword "EXCLUDE_HIDDEN" OR


Specifies whether hidden files are listed or not.

Default value is "EXCLUDE_HIDDEN"

Vector value containing the relative file tags of the files found.

Arguments 'recursion' and 'hidden' may be given in any order.


Deletes one or more files.



Absolute file tag or a vector of file tags to be deleted.

A list value containing the following attributes:

DELETED Integer value containing the number of deleted files.

FAILED Integer value containing the number of failed deletions.

STATUS Integer or vector value containing the status code for each deletion.


Checks the existence of one or more files.



Absolute file tag or a vector of file tags to be checked.

Boolean or a boolean vector value indicating whether the file exists or not.

FILE_MANAGER("COPY", source, target [,overwrite])

Copies the contents of a file to another file.





Absolute file tag of the source file.

Absolute file tag of the target file.


Default value is "DONT_OVERWRITE".

Integer value, the status code of the operation.

FILE_MANAGER("MOVE", file, target)

Moves a file to another directory.



Absolute file tag of the file to be moved.

Absolute directory tag of the directory to become the new parent directory.



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SYS 600 *9.1.5

List value with following attributes:

STATUS Integer value, the status code of the operation.

NEW_TAG New tag for the moved file (if STATUS = 0)

FILE_MANAGER("RENAME", file, name)

Renames a file.




Absolute file tag of the file to be renamed.

Text value, the new file name.

List value with following attributes:

STATUS Integer value, the status code of the operation.

NEW_TAG New tag for the renamed file (if STATUS = 0).


Returns attribute information from one or more files.



Absolute file tag or vector of file tags of interest.

List value containing the following attributes:



Integer or integer vector value, the status of the query.

Integer value telling the number of failed queries.

READ_ONLY Boolean or boolean vector value.

SYSTEM Boolean or boolean vector value, TRUE if exclusively used by the OS.



Boolean or boolean vector value, TRUE if a

’hidden’ file.

Boolean or boolean vector value, TRUE if

’archive’ attribute is set in the file.

COMPRESSED Boolean or boolean vector value, TRUE if a compressed file.

ENCRYPTED Boolean or boolean vector value, TRUE if an encrypted file.

CREATED_S Time or time vector value, the seconds of the creation.time of the file.

CREATED_US Integer or integer vector value, the microseconds of the creation time of the file.

MODIFIED_S Time or time vector value, the seconds of the modification time of the file.

MODIFIED_US Integer or integer vector value, the microseconds of the modification time of the file.


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Integer or integer vector value, the kilobytes of the size of the file.

Integer or integer vector value 0 ... 1023, the bytes of the size of the file.

Auxiliary functions


Creates a directory tag out of an application relative directory path.



Text or text vector value, the directory path(s) given in SCIL file name format, e.g. "PAR/DEFAULT".

The absolute directory tag of the directory specified by 'path' or a vector of such tags.

If argument 'path' is omitted, the tag of the application root directory is returned.


Creates a file tag out of an application relative file path.



Text or text vector value, the file path(s) given in SCIL file name format, e.g. "PAR/DEFAULT/MYTOOL.INI".

The absolute file tag of the file specified by 'path' or a vector of such tags.

FM_COMBINE(tag1 [,tagi]*, tagn)

Combines two or more drive, directory or file tags to create a new directory or file tag.





A drive or a directory tag (either absolute or relative).

One or more (up to 30) directory tags.

The tags must be relative directory tags, except for the first one which can be an absolute directory tag using the default drive if

'tag1' is a drive tag.

A directory or file tag or vector of tags.

A directory or file tag denoting the path from 'tag1' to 'tagn' or a vector of such tags.

The tags given as the arguments must follow the order of file hierarchy. A drive must be first argument if any. Any absolute path containing a drive may not be specified if the first argument is a drive tag. Only one absolute path may be given. An absolute path may not follow a relative path in the argument list. A file path must be the last argument if any.



MicroSCADA Pro

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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

FM_COMBINE_NAME(name, extension)

Combines a proper file name and an extension to a file name.




Text or text vector value, the proper file name(s).

Text or text vector value, the file name extension(s).

Text or text vector value, the combined file name(s).

Either 'name' or 'extension' or both may be vectors. If both, they must be of equal length.

Trailing blanks, if any, are removed from 'name' and 'extension'. If the extension is empty, the name is returned. Otherwise, a period is inserted between name and extension. The resulting file name is not syntax checked.

FM_DIRECTORY(path [,check])

Creates a directory tag out of a directory path or checks a directory path.




Text or text vector value, directory path(s).

Any valid directory path.

Text keyword "CHECK".

If "CHECK", a text or text vector value:

"ABSOLUTE" 'path' denotes a valid absolute path.

"RELATIVE" 'path' denotes a valid relative path.

"ERROR" 'path' is not a valid path.

Otherwise, an absolute or relative directory tag (a byte string value) or a vector of tags.

FM_DRIVE(name [,check])

Creates a drive tag out of a drive name or checks a drive name.




Text or text vector value, drive name(s). In Windows, one-letter name optionally followed by ":" or a UNC name.

Text keyword "CHECK".

If "CHECK", a text or text vector value "OK" or "ERROR", otherwise a drive tag (a byte string value) or a vector of drive tags.

FM_EXTRACT(tag, component)

Extracts a component from one or more directory or file tags.



Any directory or file tag or a vector of such tags.

Text keyword specifying the component to be extracted.



The drive, zero length byte string is returned if 'tag' is not an absolute path.

The intermediate directory path to the last component.


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"DIRECTORY" The directory containing the 'tag' ("DRIVE" and "PATH" combined).

"LAST" The directory or file denoted by 'tag'.


The tag relative to the current application directory.

A byte string or a byte string vector containing the tag(s) of the selected component.

For a missing component, a zero length byte string is returned.

If the selected component is "LAST", a relative directory or file tag is returned.

If the selected component is "PATH" or "DIRECTORY", the result is absolute if

'tag' is absolute and relative if 'tag' is relative.

FM_FILE(path [,check])

Creates a file tag out of a file path or checks a file path.




Text or text vector value, file path(s). Any valid file path.

Text keyword "CHECK".

If "CHECK", a text or text vector value:

"ABSOLUTE" 'path' denotes a valid absolute path.



'path' denotes a valid relative path.

'path' is not a valid path.

Otherwise an absolute or relative file tag (a byte string value) or a vector of tags.

FM_REPRESENT(tag [,option]*)

Converts one or more drive, directory or file tags into an OS dependent text representation.




Byte string or a byte string vector value: drive, directory or file tag(s).

One or more of following text keywords in any order

"DRIVE_POSTFIX" In Windows, append a ":" to a drive name (if a drive tag).

"DIRECTORY_POSTFIX" In Windows, append a "\" to directory path (if a directory tag).



Use upper case letters.

Use lower case letters.

"CAPITALIZE" Capitalize the names.

Text or text vector value, the text representation of the given tag(s).



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By default, in Windows a drive name is given without the trailing ":", a directory name is given without the trailing "\" and the case used when the tag was created is not changed.

If 'tag' denotes the default drive, an empty string is returned.

FM_SCIL_DIRECTORY(name [,check])

Creates a directory tag out of a SCIL directory name or checks a SCIL directory name.




Text or text vector value, SCIL name(s).

Text keyword "CHECK".

If "CHECK", a text or text vector value:

"ABSOLUTE" 'name' denotes a valid absolute directory.



'name' denotes a valid application directory.

'name' is not a valid SCIL name.

Otherwise an absolute directory tag (a byte string value) or a vector of tags.

SCIL directory names begin with a slash and are relative to the root directory of the

MicroSCADA installation (usually "\SC"). To create a directory tag for a logical path, use function PATH first to find out the directory name(s).

FM_SCIL_FILE(name [,option] [,option])

Creates a file tag out of a SCIL file name or checks a SCIL file name.




Text or text vector value, SCIL name(s).

Text keyword "CHECK" or "IGNORE_EXISTING".

If "CHECK", a text or text vector value:

"ABSOLUTE" 'name' denotes a valid absolute file.



'name' denotes a valid application file.

'name' is not a valid SCIL name.

Otherwise an absolute file tag (a byte string value) or a vector of tags.

If "IGNORE_EXISTING" option is not specified, the function does a lookup for the name given, and returns a tag for the found file. If the file does not exist, a tag for a file that would be created by 'name' is returned. If the option is specified, the lookup is bypassed.

FM_SCIL_REPRESENT(tag [,case])

Converts one or more directory or file tags into a SCIL name text representation.



Byte string or a byte string vector value: directory or file tag(s).

One of the following text keywords:

"UPPER_CASE" Use upper case letters.

"LOWER_CASE" Use lower case letters.


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Technical Description



"CAPITALIZE" Capitalize the names.

Text or text vector value, the SCIL name representation of the given tag(s).

A zero length text is returned if the 'tag' cannot be converted into a SCIL name, i.e. it contains a drive or is not located below the root of SCIL file hierarchy (in

Windows, "\SC\" by default).


Extracts the proper name and the extension from one or more file names.



Text or text vector value, file name(s).

List value with following attributes.



Text or text vector value, the proper name(s).

Text or text vector value, the extension(s).

Communication functions

LOAD_DCP(file, link, start)

Loads and starts an internal DCP-NET.





Text. The file name of the communication program which is

loaded to the communication unit. See Section 5.5.1 for file

naming. The communication program includes the NET node number of the communication unit and a preconfiguration

(default configuration).

Integer. The base system object number of the link, the LINn:B object, to which the communication unit is connected. The LIN object (the LINn:BSD attribute) defines the system device name of the unit, RM00 or RM01, which was given to the unit during installation. Hence, the program given with 'file' is loaded to the

NET unit with the device name defined in the LIN object specified with 'link'.

An integer stating whether the NET unit will be started or not after the program has been loaded: 0 = the NET is not started, anything else = the NET is started.

The function always returns the value 0.

The function loads a DCP-NET program to an internal DCP-NET (situated within the base system), and starts the NET unit. The file named in the argument list is read from the disk and stored in the RAM memory of the communication unit. The program starts if the 'start' is other than 0.

The function could be placed in the initial NET configuration program

SYS_NETCON.COM or in an initial application program (APL_INIT_1 or 2). It can also be used for restarting NET during operation.






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SYS 600 *9.1.5

In the example the function loads the communication program called SYS_NET2 to the communication board connected to link number 2 (defined as LIN2:B).


Communicates with a SPACOM unit connected to a COM port.

The SPACOM function sends the 'message' string to the SPACOM unit and returns the reply character string. The function can be used only for communication with

SPACOM units connected to the base system. This assumes that the base system attributes SYS:BSD and SYS:BSP have been set (see the System Objects manual,

Chapter 4).



Text. The message to be sent to the SPACOM unit.

Text. Reply string. "N" is returned if the unit replies with NAK, and "T" is returned if the unit does not reply or the reply cannot be interpreted (time-out).


Changes the communication time-out.

Changes locally the base system time-out used in the communication with other nodes. The function affects only the context where it is used. The global time-out is specified by the SYS:BTI attribute.

'millisecs' Integer expression, >= 0. The time-out in milliseconds.

0 means that SYS:BTI will be used for time-out.

The time-out is applied to the following communication:

• Communication with an external application (APL-APL communication).

• Communication with a NET via system (S) objects.

• Communication with a NET via process objects (#SET and #GET command).


OLD = TIMEOUT(10000) ;The time-out is changed

#SET STA:S.. ....... ;Communication with NET

TEMP = TIMEOUT(OLD) ;The time-out is reset to its previous value.

CSV (Comma Separated Value) functions

The CSV functions are used to export data from MicroSCADA to any Windows application that uses CSV (Comma Separeted Value) file format and to import CSV data into a MicroSCADA application. The spread-sheet program Excel is a good example of such a Windows application.

The CSV format exists as two variants:

• The ’original’ variant uses a comma as the field separator character (as the format name states) and a dot as the decimal point character.

• The ’Europian’ variant uses a semicolon as the field separator, because the comma is reserved for the decimal point use.


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Both of these variants are supported by the CSV functions.

All the SCIL data types are supported by the CSV functions. For the structured data types (vectors and lists), two representation options are implemented:

• Horisontal: The components are presented on one line, separated by commas, as the output of the DUMP function.

• Vertical: Each component is shown in its own line. Note, that these lines still make up only one field of the CSV format.

The primary target in the design of the CSV functions has been the database export/ import functionality. Typically, a CSV record contains the configuration of a

MicroSCADA database object and a CSV field contains the value of one attribute of the object. However, the functions can be used to export and import any data between SCIL and an external application.

CSV_TO_SCIL(csv, start, field_info [,option])

Converts a CSV file format record into SCIL data.






Text vector, the contents of a CSV file (or a portion of it)

Positive integer, the row number in 'csv' to start with.

A list value describing the contents of the CSV fields or a vector of such list values, if the fields are different. The list contains the following attributes:

VALUE_TYPE Text keyword, any value type returned by the OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_INFO function. This attribute defines the SCIL value type of the field data, or the value type of the elements of a vector value.

VECTOR_LENGTH Integer, the maximum length of vector data. If the field does not contain a vector, this attribute should be omitted.

ELEMENT_TYPE Text keyword, see VALUE_TYPE. The value type of the elements of vector data.

If the field does not contain a vector, this attribute should be omitted.

Optional text keyword defining which variant of the CSV format is used:

"DECIMAL_POINT_IS_COMMA" The ’Europian’ variant is assumed.

"DECIMAL_POINT_IS_UNKNOWN" The function tries to deduce the variant by itself.

when omitted The ’original’ variant is assumed.

A list with the following attributes:



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

STATUS SCIL status code for the operation,

0 = OK. The next attributes are returned only if STATUS = 0. If STATUS = 678


ING), it may indicate that more data should be read from the CSV file to complete the CSV record.

Vector containing the values of the fields.


ERROR_FIELDS Integer vector containing the numbers of the fields (indices of the vector SCIL) that could not be converted into SCIL data.

The data type of these elements is set to


ERROR_CODES Integer vector of the same length as

ERROR_FIELDS, SCIL status codes for the failed fields.

DECIMAL_POINT One-character text containing the decimal point character (dot or comma). This attribute is returned only when the option


START The row number in the CSV vector to be used as the argument 'start' in the next call of this function. If START = 0, the whole vector has been converted.

See function SCIL_TO_CSV for the reverse operation.

SCIL_TO_CSV(data [,option]*)

Converts SCIL data into a CSV file format record.




Vector value, the SCIL data to be converted

Up to 4 text keywords in any order:

"DECIMAL_POINT_IS_COMMA" The comma is used as the decimal point character and semicolon as the field separator.

"VERTICAL_TEXT_VECTORS" Text vectors are shown vertically.

"VERTICAL_VECTORS" Vectors, other than text vectors, are shown vertically.

"VERTICAL_LISTS" Lists are shown vertically.

A list with the following attributes:

CSV Text vector containing the CSV record.


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ERROR_FIELDS Integer vector containing the numbers of the fields (indices of the 'data' vector) that could not be converted into CSV. These fields are empty in the result.

ERROR_CODES Integer vector of the same length as

ERROR_FIELDS, SCIL status codes for the failed fields.

The default options are the following:

• The decimal point is dot, the field separator is comma.

• Text vectors are shown horisontally.

• Other vectors are shown horisontally.

• Lists are shown horisontally

See the function CSV_TO_SCIL for the reverse operation.

Some CSV applications (including Excel) have various size restrictions on the CSV data. Therefore, they may fail to import a

CSV file generated by this function, if the file is very big (many rows and/or columns) or a field is very long or contains many lines.

DDE client functions

The DDE client functions allow the MicroSCADA user (application) access to external applications using the DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) protocol. The DDE client functions establish a DDE link between MicroSCADA and other Windows applications, such as Microsoft Excel or Word. The MicroSCADA application works as a client and the other application as a server. The other application must be running when the connection is opened.

If the client and server applications are running in separate computers, NetDDE must be used.

The DDE protocol is supported by most Microsoft Windows applications. To use the

MicroSCADA DDE client functions, the user should be familiar with the server application and its DDE functions.

The MicroSCADA DDE client functions support the following data transaction commands directed from the client (MicroSCADA) to the server application:




Requests a data transfer from a server to a client.

Writes data in the server application.

Executes an item (a command) in the server application (if execute supported by the application).

The DDE client functions use the following three identifiers to address data in the server application:

Service name

Topic name

Item name

Usually the name of the server application.

Identifies a logical data context, e.g. a file.

Identifies the data.



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The DDE functions in MicroSCADA use status codes listed below, most of which are DDE protocol status codes. The status code texts can be, and should be, used as such in SCIL expressions. They are defined as predefined integers in the

MicroSCADA kernel.

STATUS codes





















Decimal value





















DDE_CONNECT(service, topic)

Opens a connection to an external application.




Text. The service name the remote application responds to.

Usually the same as the application name.

Text. A valid topic name within the remote application.

A list containing the following two attributes:

STATUS A predefined integer (see above). The value indicates whether the function was successfully executed or not.

DMLERR_NO_ERROR (= 0) means that the operation succeeded.


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CONNECTION_ID Integer, 1 ... 10. The Id-number of the connection. If the connection did not succeed, the CONNECTION_ID is undefined.

The connection gets an identification number which is used in the subsequent DDE operations. The DDE connections are SCIL context specific which means that they are automatically closed when a picture is exited, when a command procedure has been executed to the end or when the dialog system is deleted. Each SCIL context can have up to 10 open DDE connections simultaneously.

The remote application must be running when the DDE_CONNECT function is issued. Likewise, the topic for which DDE_CONNECT is issued must be available.

For instance, for Excel this means that the desired spreadsheet must be opened. The remote application can be started from SCIL with the OPS_CALL command. At the same time the desired topic (e.g. a file) can be opened. A topic can also be opened later by sending an open command to the server application using the

DDE_EXECUTE function.


Connecting to Excel 5.0, sheet 1:




#BLOCK_END ; Connection was successful



; Connection not successful


Closes the DDE connection.

'connection_id' Integer, 1 ... 10. The DDE connection identifier obtained using the DDE_CONNECT.

Value: A list containing the following attribute:

STATUS A predefined integer, see above. The value indicates whether the function was successfully executed or not. DMLERR_NO_ERROR (= 0) means that the operation succeeded.


Disconnecting from a remote application (e.g. Excel):



;Connection was successfully closed.



;Connection not successfully closed.

DDE_REQUEST(connection_id, item [,timeout])

Requests data from a remote application.



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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

A connection to the application must be open (see above).

'connection_id' Integer, 1 ... 10. The DDE identifier obtained using the




Text. A valid DDE item in the remote application.

Integer, 0 ... 1000. The DDE transaction timeout in seconds. The parameter is optional. Default value = 20 s.

Value: A list containing the following two attributes:

STATUS A predefined integer (see above). The value indicates whether the function was successfully executed. DMLERR_NO_ERROR (= 0) means that the operation succeeded.

DATA Text (max length 65 535), the requested data. If

STATUS is not equal to DMLERR_NO_ERROR, the DATA is undefined.


Requesting data from Excel:




;The request was successful



;The request was NOT successful


The cell references in Excel are language dependent if the reference style R1C1 s used (R for row and C for column). To check the type of reference style and the cell reference notation of your Excel version select: Tools|Options|General tab.

DDE_POKE(connection_id, item, value [,timeout])

Sets the value of 'item' in a remote application.

A connection to the application must be open (see above).

'connection_id' Integer, 1 ... 10. The DDE identifier obtained using the





Text. A valid DDE item in the remote application.

Text. The value which will be set into item.


Integer, 0 ... 1000. The DDE transaction time-out in seconds.

The parameter is optional. Default value = 20 s.

A list containing the following attribute:

STATUS A predefined integer (see above). The value indicates whether the function was successfully executed. DMLERR_NO_ERROR (= 0) means that the operation succeeded.


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Setting "Time of Day" in cell "R1C1" in Excel:



;The value was successfully set.



;The value was NOT successfully set.



DDE_EXECUTE(connection_id, statement [,timeout])

Executes a statement in a remote application.

The connection to the application must be open. To be able to use this function you need to have the DDE documentation of the server application.

'connection_id' Integer, 1 ... 10. The DDE connection identifier obtained using the DDE_CONNECT.

'statement' Text. A valid executable statement in the remote application (see the documentation of the application in question).



Integer, 0 ... 1000. The DDE transaction time-out in seconds.

The parameter is optional. Default value = 20 s.

A list containing the following attribute:

STATUS A predefined integer (see above). The value indicates whether the function was successfully executed. DMLERR_NO_ERROR (= 0) means that the operation succeeded.


Executing a statement in Excel:



;The request command was successfully executed



;The request was NOT successful.


The string "%o~" corresponds to <Alt+o><ENTER> in Excel and opens a dialog for cell formatting.

Use the DDE_EXECUTE function with caution! Different applications respond differently to the DDE_EXECUTE statement.

Excel, for example, must be the active application on the desktop to be able to execute a submitted DDE_EXECUTE command.

DDE server functions

MicroSCADA applications can be accessed from external Windows applications using the DDE protocol so that the MicroSCADA application works as a server and

the other application as a client. See Chapter 3.



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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

DDE Server supports the following SCIL data types:



Time Time will be returned as seconds count from1.1.1978.

Boolean Boolean will be returned as 0 or 1.

Real Real will be returned to client application as SCIL real format ("." as decimal separator)

The vector data type is not supported directly but can be used with the help of the

DDE_VECTOR function described below. MicroSCADA real data can be transformed into text data with user defined decimal separator using the

DDE_REAL function (see below). The data types Bit string, Byte string and List are not supported.

DDE_VECTOR(vector, decimal_separator, list_separator)

Creates a DDE style list with a user defined list separator.

The function transforms a SCIL vector into a format readable in the client in the application.

'vector' Vector. A valid SCIL expression. The vector may only contain real, integer, text and boolean elements. Note that the vector will be transformed into a text which can contain no more than

65 535 characters.


'decimal_separator Text. A valid separator in the client application.



Text. A valid separator in client application.

A text composed of the elements in 'vector' separated by the list separator (see the example below).

If a vector element is of invalid data type or missing, there is an empty value in result string. In other words, there are two consecutive list separator characters in the result string.


A = DDE_VECTOR(VECTOR("TEST",1,2.0),"." ,";" )

;Result: A = "TEST;1;2.0"

DDE_REAL(real, separator)

Creates a DDE style real number with a user defined decimal separator.




Real. A valid SCIL expression.

Text. A valid decimal separator in client application.

A text value with defined decimal separator.


@A = DDE_REAL(1.23,",")

;Result: A = "1,23"


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Technical Description


ODBC functions

The ODBC functions provide means for accessing databases and applications that support SQL (Structured Query Language), e.g. databases built with Microsoft

Access, Paradox and Oracle. MicroSCADA uses the database interface Microsoft

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) and SQL statements.

Access to databases requires that an ODBC driver for the database management system in question has been installed and configured in the MicroSCADA computer where the ODBC functions are executed (the base system computer or an MMC computer). For more information, see the ODBC documentation.

To be able to use the ODBC functions, the programmer should be familiar with SQL statements. Refer to suitable SQL manuals and books.

The ODBC functions may return the following seven status codes, which can be used as such in SCIL expressions because they are defined as predefined integers:















In certain cases, also an error code may be returned (for status codes SQL_ERROR and SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO). The error codes are the ODBC error codes listed in appendix A.

SQL_CONNECT(source, user, password)

Opens an ODBC connection to a data source.

The data source may be situated in the same computer or in another computer on the network. The connection gets an identification number which is used in the subsequent ODBC functions.

The ODBC connections are SCIL context specific. This means that when the context, e.g. the picture or command procedure, is exited, the connections are automatically closed.

Up to 10 ODBC connections may be open simultaneously.





Text. The data source name as defined by the ODBC administration tool.

Text. A text string containing the user name that is to be used when accessing the data source specified in 'source'. An empty string if no user name needed.

Text. A text string containing the password for 'user' when accessing the data source specified in 'source'. An empty string if no password needed.

A list containing the following three attributes:



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A predefined integer (see above). The values SQL_SUCCESS and

SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicate a successful execution.

Integer, 1 ... 10. The identification number of the connection. Returned only when the operation did succeed.

Text. A five-character ODBC error code. Returned only when STATUS is




Opening the connection to a data source named ACCESS:





;Continue the database interaction.



;The connection was not successful.



Closes the ODBC connection defined by the argument.

If SQL_BEGIN_TRANSACTION has been issued, SQL_COMMIT is run automatically before the connection is closed (see below). All statements associated with the connection are freed.

'connection_id' Integer 1 ... 10. The connection identification of the connection that is to be disconnected.

Value: A list containing the following two attributes:

STATUS A predefined integer (see above). The values


SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicate a successful execution.

ERROR_CODE Text. A five-character ODBC error code.

Returned only when STATUS is




Closing the connection opened in the example above:




;The connection was not successfully disconnected.



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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


SQL_EXECUTE(connection_id, SQLstring [,timeout])

Executes an SQL statement.

'connection_id' Integer 1 ... 10. The identification number of the connection on which the statement is to be executed.

'SQLstring' Text or text vector. The SQL statement that is to be executed.

For more information, see SQL manuals.



Non-negative integer. The maximum time (in seconds) the result is waited for. Zero value specifies no timeout. The default value is 20 seconds.

A list containing the following three attributes:

STATUS A predefined integer (see above). The values


SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicate a successful execution.

STATEMENT_ID Integer, 1 ... 100. The identification number of the statement. Returned only if the operation did succeed.

ERROR_CODE Text. A five-character ODBC error code.

Returned only when STATUS is



The function executes the SQL statement on the connection specified by the

'connection_id' argument. It reserves a statement identification number which is used in a possible subsequent SQL_FETCH function. Each connection may have up to ten simultaneous execute statements.


Deleting all records in the table "MYTABLE" where the value in the column

"AGE" is equal to 18:






@STMT = RESULT:VSTATEMENT_ID ;Continue the database interaction.




;The statement was not successfully executed.

See also the SQL_FETCH example below.


Fetches a row of data from a result set obtained by SQL_EXECUTE.



Integer 1 ... 100. The statement identification number returned by SQL_EXECUTE.

A list containing the following three attributes:



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A predefined integer (see above). The values


SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicate a successful execution.

A vector containing data fetched from a result table. Returned only if the operation did succeed.

ERROR_CODE Text. A five-character ODBC error code.

Returned only when STATUS is



The function has no meaning if SQL_EXECUTE not executed.


Reading names and addresses from a database:












...... ; FETCH succeeded





;RESULT:VDATA(1) and RESULT:VDATA(2) contain

;the name and address respectively.

The UNICODE character set is not supported by MicroSCADA.

Therefore, any UNICODE data to be fetched should be converted to one-byte characters using ’convert’ function in the SELECT clause.


Frees the specified statement and stops processing associated with the statement.



Integer, 1 ... 100. The statement identification returned from


A list containing the following two attributes:

STATUS A predefined integer (see above). The values


SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicate a successful execution.

ERROR_CODE Text. A five-character ODBC error code.

Returned only when STATUS is




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Technical Description


This function must be used if several calls to SQL_EXECUTE are issued on the same connection. All open statements associated with the connection will be freed automatically when a connection is closed.






;The statement was not successfully freed.



Marks the beginning of a transaction.

'connection_id' Integer, 1 ... 10. The identification of the connection on which the transaction is to be executed.

Value: A list containing the following two attributes:

STATUS A predefined integer (see above). The values


SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicate a successful execution.

ERROR_CODE Text. A five-character ODBC error code.

Returned only when STATUS is



The transaction will be completed when SQL_COMMIT or SQL_ROLLBACK is encountered (see below). Disconnecting the connection will also commit the transaction.


















;The commit was not successful







;The rollback was not successful





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Technical Description




;The transaction could not be started.


SYS 600 *9.1.5


Commits a transaction the start of which was marked with


'connection_id' Integer, 1 ... 10. The identification number of the connection on which a transaction is to be committed.

Value: A list containing the following two attributes:

STATUS A predefined integer (see above). The values


SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicate a successful execution.

ERROR_CODE Text. A five-character ODBC error code.

Returned only when STATUS is




See the example related to the SQL_BEGIN_TRANSACTION function above.


Rolls back a transaction started with SQL_BEGIN_TRANSACTION.

'connection_id' Integer, 1 ... 10. The connection identification of the connection on which a transaction is to be rolled back.

Value: A list containing the following two attributes:

STATUS A predefined integer (see above). The values


SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO indicate a successful execution.

ERROR_CODE Text. A five-character ODBC error code.

Returned only when STATUS is




See the example related to the SQL_BEGIN_TRANSACTION function above.

OPC Name Database functions

OPC Name Database functions are used to maintain the OPC Name Database. The database is used to give OPC style (alias) names for MicroSCADA objects and their attributes.


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Technical Description


An OPC name (item id) is a hierarchical name consisting of any number of fields separated by dots:

"field1.field2. ... .fieldn"

Each field may contain any visible characters, except for colons and dots. The name is case-sensitive. Single embedded spaces are allowed in the field, leading and trailing spaces are not accepted. The maximum length of the name is 255 characters.

Examples of valid OPC names:

• "South Tipperary.Kilkenny.Relay1.Breaker.Position"

• "Äänekosken ala-asema.Laukaan syöttö.Katkaisija.Tila"

The names defined in the database and the values of ON attributes of the application objects share the same name space. They must be unique within an application.

Consequently, you cannot, for example, define an OPC name that is identical to the value of the ON attribute of some process object. See the Application Objects manual for the description of the ON attribute.

Each OPC name is mapped to a MicroSCADA object or an object attribute. Any of the object types P, X, F, D, C, T, A, B and S, or any of their attributes may be used.

It is even allowed to give an OPC name for an element (or a slice) of a vector valued attribute. More than one OPC name may refer to the same MicroSCADA object.

Examples of valid references given in the SCIL object notation:

ABC:P5 The process object ABC, index 5

DEF:DOS The OS (Object Status) attribute of the data object DEF

SYS:BPA The PA (Primary Application) of the base system

APL:BUV(1..5)The five first user variable elements of the application

External references are not supported. The following is not a valid reference:

ABC:3P5 A process object in application 3 -- not valid

The OPC Name Database is stored in the application file APL_OPCNAM.SDB. It is implemented as a SCIL database for fast and easy access and flexibility. The OPC names act as section names, the SCIL mapping is given in the data of the section.

For SCIL databases, see Section 5.6.

At the application start-up, the complete OPC name space is created by combining the names (ON attribute values) from the process and report database with the ones read from the OPC Name Database.

When an application object is deleted or renamed, the OPC names that refer to it or any of its attributes are also deleted.

The OPC Name Database is maintained in real-time by the SCIL function




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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

OPC_NAME_MANAGER(function, apl [,argument]*)

OPC Name Database maintenance.





Text keyword, "LIST", "PUT", "GET" or "DELETE".

Integer 0 ... 250, the application number

0 = current application

External applications are supported

Additional argument(s) required by the 'function'

A list always containing the attribute:

STATUS SCIL status code (0 = OK)

Additional attributes are returned depending on the 'function'.


Lists the OPC item names found in the OPC Name Database.

Value: A list of attributes:

STATUS SCIL status code (0 = OK)

LIST A text vector containing the names

OPC_NAME_MANAGER("PUT", apl, name, definition)

Creates a new name in the OPC Name Database or overwrites an existing one.




A text, the OPC name to be added

A list containing at least the following attribute:

SCIL A text value, the SCIL attribute reference, see above.

Additional attributes, such as descriptive texts may be given if wanted. They are stored, but not otherwise processed by the base system.

A list of one attribute:

STATUS SCIL status code (0 = OK)

The given name and the SCIL attribute reference are syntax checked according to the rules above.

OPC_NAME_MANAGER("GET", apl, name)

Reads the definition of a name from the OPC Name Database.



A text, the OPC name to be read

A list of attributes:



SCIL status code (0 = OK)

A list, the definition stored by the "PUT" function


SYS 600 *9.1.5


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Technical Description


Deletes a name from the OPC Name Database.



A text, the OPC name to be deleted

A list of one attribute:

STATUS SCIL status code (0 = OK)


OPC functions

The following SCIL functions are used to search for existing OPC servers in the network, examine their name space, cross-check the MicroSCADA process database and the server name space, and perform some specific actions on an open

OPC client - server connection.

OPC_AE_ACKNOWLEDGE(apl, ln, ix, ack_id [, comment [, cookie, active_time]])

Acknowledges a condition in an OPC A&E server.









An integer, the application number, 0 = current application.

The application must be local.

A text, the logical name of the process object to be acknowledged

An integer, the process object index

A text, the acknowledger ID. This value is seen by other clients as the acknowledger of the alarm.

Any text supplied by the acknowledger (optional)

An integer, an opaque number supplied by the server to identify the event. This is the value of the CK attribute of the process object at the time of alarm event.

A byte string, the alarm time in a format required by the server.

This is the value of the CQ attribute of the process object at the time of alarm event.



An integer, the SCIL status code of the operation

Some possible values:


OBSOLETE_STATUS, the alarm has already been acknowledged

690 SCIL_OPC_CLIENT_NOT_RUNNING, there is no running OPC client for (apl, unit).

691 SCIL_INVALID_ACK_TIME, the 'cookie' or

'active_time' argument not accepted by the server


The arguments 'cookie' and 'active_time' are optional, but if one is given the other one must also be given. If they are omitted, the CK and CQ attribute of the process object are used.



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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

More information on acknowledgment of OPC A&E conditions is found in the

Application Objects manual.

OPC_AE_NAMESPACE(node, clsid [, root])

Lists the name space of an OPC A&E server.





A text, the name or IP address of the node where the server is located

A null string denotes the current node.

A text, the class ID of the server

This value is obtained for example by the OPC_AE_SERVERS function.

A text, the area name of the browsing root (optional)

If not given, the entire name space is listed.

A list of the following attributes:

STATUS An integer, SCIL status code of the operation

The following attributes are returned only if




Boolean TRUE if the OPC A&E server supports area browsing, FALSE if not


A list vector, each element describes one event category by an event category descriptor, see below.

A list value, an area node descriptor containing the entire event source hierarchy below the 'root', see below. This attribute is returned only if


An event category descriptor is a data structure that describes one event category in an OPC A&E server. It is a list of the following attributes:

ID An integer, the numeric ID of the category

DESCRIPTION A text description of the category

TYPE A text keyword, which tells the type of the events of the category:



Simple events

Tracking events

"CONDITION" Condition events

CONDITIONS A list vector, present only if TYPE = "CONDITION". Each element describes one of the conditions of the category by the following attributes:



The name of the condition.

A text vector containing the names of the subconditions of the condition.


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Technical Description


An area node descriptor is a data structure that describes one area in the OPC event source hierarchy tree. It is a list with the following five attributes:

AREA_NAMES A text vector containing the names of the area nodes directly below this node.



A list vector containing the area node descriptors of these descendant areas

(recursive definition!).

A text vector containing the names of OPC event sources directly below this node.

SOURCE_QUALIFIED_NAMES A text vector containing the fully qualified names of these sources.

SOURCE_CONDITIONS A vector of vectors containing the names of the conditions that these sources have. Each element is a text vector that lists the names of the conditions associated to the event source.

OPC_AE_REFRESH(apl, unit)

Requests a refresh from a running OPC A&E server.




An integer, the application number, 0 = current application.

The application must be local.

An integer, the number of the process database unit that runs the

OPC A&E client

An integer, the SCIL status code of the operation (0 = OK)

An OPC A&E refresh causes the server to (re)send an event notification for all active and unacknowledged inactive conditions.

If the A&E server provides a full implementation of the OPC A&E specification, this function is never needed. If not, the function may be used to get initial values for OPC Event type process objects that are created or taken into use while the system is running.


Lists the OPC A&E servers found in a network node.



A text, the name or IP address of the node to be examined

A null string denotes the current node.

A list with the following attributes:

STATUS SCIL status code of the operation

The following attribute is returned only if


SERVERS A list vector. Each element describes an A&E server by the following 3 text attributes:

NAME The name of the server

PROGID The program ID of the server

CLSID The class ID of the server



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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

OPC_AE_VALIDATE(apl, unit)

Cross-checks a process database and the name space of an OPC A&E server.




An integer, the application number, 0 = current application

An integer, the number of the process database unit that runs the

OPC A&E client

A list of the following attributes:

STATUS SCIL status code of the operation

The following attributes are returned only if



Boolean TRUE if the server implements the

IOPCEventAreaBrowser interface, FALSE if not.

If the interface is not implemented, the attributes


UNDEFINED_SOURCES are not present.


Boolean TRUE if the server implements the

QuerySourceConditions method, FALSE if not.

If the method is not implemented, the attribute



A list vector of categories described in the database but not found in the server. Each element of the vector is a list of the following two attributes:

EH The name of the erroneus event handling object

CI The category ID in the database


A vector of event type mismatch descriptors. The descriptor is a list that describes one mismatch by the following four attributes:



The name of the erroneous event handling object

The category ID in the event handling object

ET The event type in the event handling object


The event type of the category in the server



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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


A vector of conditions described in the database but not found in the server. Each element is a list of the following two attributes:




The name of the erroneous event handling object

The name of the missing condition

A vector of invalid source name descriptors. Each descriptor reports a used event source name (IN attribute value) that is not found in the server.

Present only if


The invalid source name descriptor is a list of the following two attributes:

IN The invalid source name

OBJECTS The process objects that have this IN attribute value as a vector of lists of two attributes:

LN The name of the process object

IX The index of the process object


A vector of invalid source condition descriptors.

Each descriptor reports a process object that either refers to an invalid condition or to a condition that the event source does not have. Present only if



The invalid source condition descriptor is a list of the following five attributes:





The name of the process object

The index of the process object

The event source (IN attribute)

The event handling object

CN The name of the invalid condition


A text vector containing the names of the conditions that are defined in the server but not in the process database.


A text vector containing the names of the event sources that are defined in the server but not in the process database. Present only if





MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

RTU functions

The following functions apply only to S.P.I.D.E.R. RTUs.

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Returns a list with the address of the object in a certain record.



Text of three characters. The search key of the record.

A list with the following attributes:

TP Integer, 0 ... 11. The type of the RTU200 object (see below).

BA Integer. The block address in RTU200.

The TP attribute contains the four most significant bits and the BA attribute the 12 least significant bits of the object address (OA).

The TP attribute has the following meanings:









No object type

Object command

Regulation command

Digital set-point

Analog set-point

General persistent output

Analog value

Indication (single or double)



Pulse counter

Digital value

10 Indication event recording (indication with time stamp)

11 Analog event recording




;RTU:VTP = = 5

;RTU:VBA = = 201


Converts an integer to ASCII characters (according to the RP570 protocol).



An integer number.

A text of two characters.


RTU_HEXASC(RTU_AINT(342)) ;returns "0156"


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Converts a real number to four ASCII characters (float DS801).



A real number.

A text of four ASCII characters.


RTU_HEXASC (RTU_AREAL(5.5)) ;returns "40B00000"


RTU_ATIME [(t [,msec])]

Converts time data (operating system time) to ASCII (RTU200 time).




Time data. Default: the present time.

The milliseconds of the time. Default = 0.

A text of 6 ASCII characters.


RTU_HEXASC (RTU_ATIME (OBJ:PRT)) ;returns "0EC5226ED990"


Converts HEX-ASCII numbers given as a text to binary numbers in text form.



A text or a text vector of HEX-ASCII numbers.

Text or text vector. The texts represent binary numbers.


RTU_BIN("414243") ;returns "ABC"


Converts binary numbers given as a text to hex-ascii numbers as a text.



A text or text vector representing 8 bit binary numbers.

A text of hex-ascii numbers.


RTU_HEXASC("ABC") ;returns "414243"


Converts two ASCII characters (2's complement RP570) to an integer.



A text of two ASCII characters.



RTU_INT(RTU_BIN("0156")) ;returns 342



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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Returns the search key for a record in an RTU200 configuration file.

The process object corresponding to the record must be known.



Integer. The object address, the OA attribute, of the process object stored in the record.

A text of three characters. The search key for the record.


@UN = X:PUN1



;%RECORD contains the configuration record associated with the object X:P1.


Returns the milliseconds of the 6-byte RTU time string 'atime'.



Text. The RTU time.

Integer. The number of milliseconds.

RTU_OA(type, ba)

Returns the object address.




Integer, 0 ... 11. The type of the object (see the TP attribute in the

RTU_ADDR description above).

Integer. The address (block address) of the object in RTU200, see the BA attribute in the RTU_ADDR description above.

Integer. The object address, the attribute OA of the process object.


RTU_OA(5,201) ;returns 20681


Converts 4 ASCII characters (float DS801) to a real number.



A text of four ASCII characters.

A real number.


RTU_REAL(RTU_BIN("40B00000")) ;returns 5.5


Converts ASCII (RTU200 time) to MicroSCADA time data.



A text of 6 ASCII characters.

Time data.


SYS 600 *9.1.5


MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Printout functions

The functions described in this section are intended to be used only in printed pictures (format pictures).


Sends printout to a printer.

The function sends a printout (data, printer commands and control codes) directly to printers defined as ‘transparent’ and writes data to the printer log file. The function enables full printer control and allows for freely formatted texts and graphics.

When called in a printed picture (printout activated by the #PRINT or #LIST command or by an event in the process database), the function spools the output

(printer commands, control codes and data) to the printer (see Figure ).

The function should be placed in the start program of all pictures used for printout on ‘transparent’ printers. If the printed picture contains picture functions, the start programs are executed in the following order: the start program of the main picture, the start program of the base function, the start programs of the picture functions in the installation order. When used in other environments than printed pictures

(pictures shown on screen, command procedures), the function causes an error message (SCIL_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION).



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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Fig. 9.25.-1 SCIL defined or “transparent” printout

The target printer(s) of the printout are defined by the initiating #PRINT or #LIST command or the LD attribute of the process object. If there is no ‘transparent’ printer among the target printers, the function has no effect. Printers defined as ‘transparent’ can only handle printout defined by this function.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Unlike the semi-graphic picture based printout, the printout produced with the

PRINT_TRANSPARENT function does not automatically include any

MicroSCADA picture elements, only the texts, graphics and formatting specified by the function. However, complete pictures and picture elements may be included as printout files.

The first argument of the function, 'data', specifies the printout - i.e. the printed data, formatting and print processing. The second (optional) argument, 'log', specifies the output to the log file. The function returns the status of the printer spool operation.

'data' Vector value, the printout vector, or integer 0 = no printout.

The printout vector is an ordinary SCIL vector containing text, integer and vector type elements. It may contain the following elements:

• The data to be sent to the printer. This is specified by texts and text vectors given as constants or SCIL expressions. The texts may be encoded in any symbol set supported by the printer. The SCIL expressions must be marked by the printout processing command -5 as the preceding element (see below).

They are evaluated at the moment of physical printing, and the result is sent to the printer. Expressions can be used, e.g. to print the actual printout time of a report. The text elements may also comprise printer control sequences for producing graphics. However, this is generally not recommended, because they would make the print vector printer interface dependent and the print processor would not be able to keep track of output pages. Instead, printer control sequences can be defined in the CS attribute and included in the print vector as printer control commands. Files (e.g. window dump files transferred to printout files) may be included using the READ_TEXT function.

• Printer control commands. The printer control commands are logical commands that control the printer. They are represented as positive integers defined by the printer specific CS attribute of the printer object (see the System

Objects manual, Chapter 10). There is a tool for defining the printer control commands.

• Print processor commands. The print processor commands control the processing of the print vector itself. They are given as negative integers. The following print processor commands are available:

-1 Auto-NL on

-2 Auto-NL off

Automatic new line feature on (default)

Automatic new line feature off

-3 Increment LN Increment line number attribute LN

-4 Increment PN Increment page number attribute PN

-5 Formula follows

The next element in the vector will be interpreted as a SCIL expression instead of plain text

The automatic new line feature (on by default) means that a new line command (printer control command 1, see above) is automatically appended to each text element in the print vector.

The increment LN and increment PN commands may be used to inform the print processor that a new line or new page is started using printer control commands that are not predefined (see the CS attribute).




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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5



Vector (or integer 0). The contents of the vector is in full transferred to the log file (provided that the printer has been defined with printer log output in the base system configuration). SCIL expressions are evaluated before the transfer. 0 = no log file output.

Integer. The status code generated by the print spool operation. 0 = OK or no "transparent" printer among the target printers.

The target printers can be examined by means of the PRINTER_SET function (see below). By reading the SCIL_HOST function, the SCIL program can determine whether the picture is being printed or displayed on the screen.










This program block first checks whether the picture is being printed or shown on the screen. If it is printed, the PRINT_TRANSPARENT function prints a row containing the present time and the values of attributes OX, CX and OV of a process object.


Returns the target printer numbers.

Value: A vector of integer elements.

The function returns the logical target printer numbers (mapped through APL:BPR to find the physical printer numbers) of the printed picture. By means of this function, the SCIL program may examine the properties of target printers.

Called somewhere else than in a printed picture, the function has no meaning.

Miscellaneous functions

ADD_INTERLOCKED(object, index, amount)

Modifies the UV or SV attribute of a SYS or an APL object.

ADD_INTERLOCKED supports synchronization of SCIL programs executing in parallel.



Text keyword value, either "SYS" or "APL".

Specifies the base system object. Note that application number may not be given, the current application is always assumed.

Integer or vector value.

If an integer, specifies the index of the UV attribute to be modified.


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Technical Description



If a vector, specifies both the attribute and the index:

The first element is a text value, either "UV" or "SV".

The second element is an integer value specifying the index.

Integer value to be added into the element of the UV or SV attribute.

Integer value, the result of the addition.



#LOOP ADD_INTERLOCKED("SYS",("SV",77),1) <> 1 ;Try to reserve the resource

DUMMY = ADD_INTERLOCKED("SYS",("SV",77),-1) ;Didn't get it

#PAUSE 0.5 ;Wait a while

#LOOP_END ;and try again

;The resource is now reserved for exclusive use

DUMMY = ADD_INTERLOCKED("SYS",("SV",77),-1) ;Release the resource

A system wide (inter-application) binary semaphore may be implemented by this

SCIL code. SYS:BSV77 is used as the semaphore. It is supposed to been set to zero in SYS_BASCON.COM. The value returned by 2nd and 3rd call of the function is not used anywhere. For clarity, the code to handle a deadlock situation is omitted. In a real application, too long waits must be avoided.

AUDIO_ALARM(alarm_class, on_or_off)

Sets and resets the specified audio alarm(s).




Integer value 1 … 8 or text keyword "ALL"

Text keyword "ON" or "OFF"

Integer, the status code of the operation, (0=OK_STATUS).

The value "ALL" for the argument 'alarm_class' sets or resets the audio alarm for all alarm classes 1 to 7.

The value 8 is used to force the watchog flip-flop bit to 0 or 1 at system start-up or shutdown.

SCALE(v, scale_object [,direction])

Scales a value using a scale object.





Real value, the value to be scaled.

Text value, the name of the scale object to do the scaling.

Text value, either "INPUT" or "OUTPUT". Defaults to


Real value, the scaled value.

The direction "INPUT" corresponds to the scaling of analog input process objects, direction "OUTPUT" corresponds to the scaling of analog output process objects.



@r_outvalue =SCALE(0.1,"TEST_SCALE","OUTPUT")



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Unlocks a locked picture.



Text value, the name of the picture in SCIL ([path/]name) or operating system file name format.

Integer value, a SCIL status code.



Other status codes may also be returned if the argument is invalid.

This function should be used only after the monitor process has crashed or silently disappeared during a picture editing session, leaving a picture locked. In a locked state the picture cannot be opened, error 4005 (PICF_SHARE_ERROR) is raised instead.


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Technical Description





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Technical Description

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This chapter describes the use of the graphics primitives, which constitute the base of all full graphics elements in MicroSCADA pictures, partly also in dialogs. The first section introduces some concepts related to the graphics primitives.


MicroSCADA full graphics in pictures, partly also in dialogs, are realized using

SCIL graphics commands. There are SCIL commands for drawing various types of graphical elements, such as points, lines, polylines and polygons, arcs, circles, ellipses, boxes (rectangles), and texts. The SCIL graphics commands specify the geometry of the graphical elements, while the location and size, as well as other features, are given as arguments.

The graphics commands can be included in any MicroSCADA picture program (see

Section 3.1.) and in the methods of the dialogs and dialog items. The

BACKGROUND program of a picture contains the graphics commands generated by the picture editor. As a rule, this program should not be edited manually. Context dependent graphics in the background can be written in the DRAW program. Like

picture commands and Visual SCIL commands (Chapter 8), the graphics commands

are not allowed in command procedures, unless they are executed by #DO commands or DO functions situated in user interface objects. The graphics

commands are described in Section 10.2.

Graphics contexts

The features of the graphical elements - color, type of line, line width, font, etc. - are defined by graphics contexts, which are identified by integer numbers. A graphics context is a series of properties, called "components", such as the ones mentioned.

Several commands can use the same graphics context, though all properties are not

used by all graphics commands. The graphics contexts are described in Section 10.3.

Graphics canvas

The graphical elements are displayed in the user interface object (picture, picture function, dialog item) chosen as graphics "canvas". By default, the canvas is the picture or Visual SCIL object where the graphical commands are situated.

Any picture and picture function can be chosen as graphics canvas. However, regarding the dialogs, only certain types of dialog items can contain graphics elements. These are the dialog items that allow the display of images (have the image attribute).

The location of a graphical element is given by x,y coordinates related to the home position of the canvas. The upper left corner of the picture or picture function where the element will be displayed. As the resolution of screens varies, the graphics commands use a screen independent coordinate system. The coordinate system can contain SCIL coordinates or VS coordinates. The SCIL coordinate system is fixed by a scaling factor. By means of an input command, the coordinates can be read from

the mouse position. Refer to Section 10.4. to learn about the SCIL and VS

coordinates, and the mouse input commands.


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The context definitions, canvas selection and scaling can be temporarily stored and

restored within the same picture. See Section 10.5.

The display of the graphics on screen can be controlled by some display handling

commands (Section 10.5.2).

Full graphics SCIL commands

Drawing graphical elements

The commands below draw graphical elements on screen, in the user interface object selected for canvas (default = the same object as where the commands are situated).

Coordinate system is different in pictures and in VS objects. The command

.COORDINATE_SYSTEM is described in Section 10.4.

The color and other features of the elements are fixed by the graphics contexts. The

graphics contexts are described in Section 10.3.

In most cases, several elements can be drawn with one command by giving vectors for coordinates and sizes. If one coordinate or size is a scalar while the other one is a vector, the scalar argument is handled as a vector with all elements equal, for example .POINT 0, (100,200) is equivalent to .POINT (0,0), (100,200). If the coordinates fall outside the canvas (that is they are negative or too large), they will still affect the shape of the graphical element. The part of the graphical element that falls outside the canvas will not be displayed.

In the command syntax descriptions below, all arguments given in lower case letters can be SCIL expressions of the data type required for the respective argument.

.ARC [[scope,]n :] x,y, r, a1,a2 [,FILL]

Draws one or several arcs as circle segment arcs.







The scope of the context (see Section 10.3).

Graphics context number, 0 ... 20 or 0 ... 50 depending on the scope. Default = 0. Used components: FUNCTION,



ARC_MODE. See Section 10.3.

The coordinates of the center of the circle. Real, integer or vector of real and integer elements.

The radius of the circle given in coordinate units, see Section

10.4. Real, integer or vector of real and integer elements.

The angle from where the arc starts, given in degrees increasing counter-clockwise from horizontal 0 value. Real, integer or

vector of real and integer elements. See Figure 10.2.1.-1.

The angle of the arc given in degrees. If a2 is positive, the arc is drawn counter-clockwise. Otherwise, it is drawn clockwise.

Real, Integer or vector of real and integer elements. See Figure




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If the FILL option is given, the arc is filled according to the ARC_MODE component of the graphics context.

Fig. 10.2.1.-1 Drawing an arc with the .ARC command

.BOX [[scope,]n :] x,y, width, height [,FILL]

Draws one or several boxes (rectangles).






The scope of the context, see Section 10.3.

Graphics context number, integer 0 ... 20 or 0 ... 50 depending on the scope. Default = 0. Used components: FUNCTION,



DASH_OFFSET, DASH_LIST. See Section 10.3.

Integer or real, or vector of integer or real data. The coordinates of the upper left corner of the rectangle.

Integer or real or vector of integer or real data. The width of the

rectangle given in coordinate units, see Section 10.4.

Integer or real or vector of integer or real data. The height of the

rectangle given in coordinate units, see Section 10.4.

If the FILL option is given, the box is filled (in the FOREGROUND color).

.CIRCLE [[scope,]n :] x,y, r [,FILL].

Draws one or several circles.




The scope of the context, see Section 10.3.

Graphics context number, integer 0 ... 20 or 0 ... 50 depending on the scope. Default = 0. Used components: FUNCTION,



See Section 10.3.

Integer or real data, or integer or real vector. The coordinates for the center of the circle.


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'r' Integer or real data, or integer or real vector. The radius given in

coordinate units, see Section 10.4.

If the FILL option is given, the circle is filled.

.ELLIPSE [[scope,]n :] x,y, a,b [,FILL]

Draws one or more ellipses.





The scope of the context, see Section 10.3.

Graphics context number, 0 ... 20 or 0 ... 50 depending on the scope. Default = 0. Used components: FUNCTION,



Integer or real data, or integer or real vectors. The coordinates of the center of the ellipse.

Integer or real data, or integer or real vectors. The axes of the

ellipse given in coordinate units, see Section 10.4.

If the FILL option is given, the ellipse is filled.

.IMAGE x, y, w, h, filename, tag_1[, tag_2[, tag_3[, tag_4] ] ]

.IMAGE command draws a VS_IMAGE object into the current window or VS object.










Real, x coordinate

Real, y coordinate

Real, width, 0 ... 32 767

Real, height, 0 ... 32 767

Text, vso file name

Text, tag name within the vso file, image to be used when 8 x 10 font is used.

Text, tag name within the vso file, image to be used when

12 x 15 font is used.

Text, tag name within the vso file, image to be used when

16 x 20 font is used.

Text, tag name within the vso file, image to be used when

20 x 25 font is used.

The current coordinate system is SCIL, the coordinates x and y define the position of the upper left corner of the image, otherwise the lower left corner.

'w' and 'h' specify the size of the rectangle the image is drawn into, the image is scaled to fill the rectangle.

If 'w' is 0, no horisontal scaling is done. If 'h' is 0, no vertical scaling is done.

'filename' specifies the VSO file where the image is stored.



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At least one image must and up to 4 images may be specified in the command. The one used in drawing depends on the size of the current MicroSCADA font. If no image is specified for the current font size, the image for the next smaller font is used. If there is no image for smaller fonts, the image for the next larger font is used.

When an image for a wrong font size is used, it is scaled in proportion to font sizes

(if 'w' and/or 'h' is 0).

.IMAGE command is ignored in monitors of other type than VS.

.LINE [[scope,]n :] x1,y1, x2,y2

Draws one or more lines from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2).





The scope of the context, see Section 10.3.

Graphics context number, integer 0 ... 20 or 0 ... 50 depending on the scope. Default = 0 Used components: FUNCTION,



See Section 10.3.

Integer or real, or vector of integer or real data. The coordinates

of the start point. See Section 10.4.

Integer or real, or vector of integer or real data. The coordinates

of the end point. See Section 10.4.

.POINT [[scope,]n :] x,y, [RELATIVE]

Draws one or several points of one pixel's size at the coordinates (x,y). If any of x or y or both are vectors, and the option RELATIVE is given, the first point is taken as canvas relative, the next one as relative to the previous one, etc.




The scope of the context, see Section 10.3.

Graphics context number, integer 0 ... 20 or 0 ... 50 depending on the scope. Default: 0. Used components: FUNCTION,

FOREGROUND. See Section 10.3.

Integer or real, or vector of integer or real data. coordinates for

the point, see Section 10.4.

.POLYLINE [[scope,]n :] x,y [,RELATIVE] [,FILL]

Draws a polyline or a polygon.




is the scope of the context, see Section 10.3.

Graphics context number, integer 0 ... 20 or 0 ... 50 depending on the scope. Default = 0. Used components: FUNCTION,




real or integer, or vector with real and integer elements, the xcoordinates in SCIL or VS coordinate units.


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'y' real or integer, or vector of real and integers, the y-coordinates in SCIL or VS coordinate units.

The corresponding elements in the x and y vectors are taken as x,y-coordinates (see

Figure 10.2.1.-2). The command draws a line between each of the coordinates.

If the RELATIVE option is included in the argument list, the first coordinate pair is placed relative to the upper left corner of the canvas and each of the following coordinates are drawn relative to the previous one.

If the first and last point coincide, the polyline will form a closed figure (a polygon), where the end points are joined according to the JOIN_STYLE component of the graphical context.

If the FILL option is included in the argument list, the polygon outlined will be filled

(with the FOREGROUND color). In this case, the polyline is always closed.

Fig. 10.2.1.-2 Drawing a polyline with .POLYLINE

.TEXT [[scope,]n :] x,y, text [,FILL] [,EXTENDED] [,align]

This command draws horizontal text starting at (x,y). The size and font of the texts is determined by the graphics context.





The scope of the context, see Section 10.3.

Graphics context number, integer expression 0 ... 20 or 0 ... 50 depending on the scope. Default = 0. Used components:


Section 10.3.

Integer, real or vector of integer or real. The coordinates of the start point of the text. The starting-point (x,y) defines the location of the origin pixel of the first character (if left alignment). The location of the origin pixel is font dependent.

For the MicroSCADA semi-graphic font, it is the upper left corner of a character.

A SCIL expression of type text or a text vector. The text to be displayed. The SCIL text functions LOWER_CASE,

UPPER_CASE and CAPITALIZE can be used for converting the text to lower-case, upper-case or capitalized text

respectively, see Section 9.5.





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'align' The alignment of the text: LEFT, RIGHT or CENTER. The default is LEFT, if the font is a left-to-right font, and RIGHT if the font is a right-to-left font (e.g. Hebrew).

When multiple lines are drawn, i.e. 'text' is a text vector, the x,y coordinates can be vectors with the coordinates for each new line or they can be scalars. In the latter case, the text lines are displayed under one another starting from x,y with a line space adjusted to the font characteristics.

If the EXTENDED option is given, extended (2 byte) character coding is used, otherwise, normal (1 byte) coding is used. The EXTENDED option is only valid in

X-type monitors.

If the FILL option is given, the background of the text is filled with the

BACKGROUND color of the graphics context, otherwise the background is transparent.

Graphics contexts


A graphics context is a collection of components (Section 10.3.3.) each of which

define a graphical property, for instance, background color, foreground color, font.

A picture contains a number of graphical contexts identified by a number. The context numbers are used as arguments in the graphical commands. The maximum number of graphics contexts that can be used in one picture is limited to 2 000.

The defined graphics contexts (together with the canvas selection and the scaling)

can be temporarily stored and restored, see Section 10.5.

Scope of graphics contexts

The scope of a graphics context is the set of objects where the context applies. A graphics context can be defined for a single object (picture, dialog object), for a group of objects, or for all objects used in the monitor. There are five different scopes, each of which can contain a number of graphics context definitions. In the context definition commands, the scope is given by a text, a single letter or a word as follows:

"C" or "CURRENT"

"P" or "PARENT"

"R" or "ROOT"

The scope is the object (picture or Visual SCIL object) containing the .GC command. Max. number of contexts:


The scope is the parent object of the object in which the context is defined with .GC. Max. number of contexts: 20.

The scope is the root object (main dialog, picture container or main picture). Max. number of contexts: 20.

"M" or "MONITOR" The scope is all object used in the monitor. Max. number of contexts: 50. This scope is reserved for LIB 500 pictures.

"U" or "USER" The scope = all objects shown in the monitor. Max. number of contexts: 50. This scope is for use in the application pictures.


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The number of the context together with its scope identify the context and distinguishes it from other contexts with different context number or scope.

When a part picture is shown, it inherits the contexts of its parent picture. However, changes in the contexts of the parent picture do not affect the contexts of the part pictures which are already displayed on screen. Likewise, the contexts are inherited downwards in the hierarchy of a dialog system.

Default settings

As long as no component definitions have been done for a context in a certain scope, all the components have the default values mentioned in the component descriptions

Section 10.3.3. The contexts (except number 99) can be modified any time with the

commands described in Section 10.3.2.

Context number 99 contains the default settings of the components. This contexts cannot be changed. It contains the following components:










"" (semi-graphic)





GC number 99 may only be used as a source in GC copy. For self-documentation, a predefined constant name DEFAULT_GC may be used instead of number 99

(DEFAULT_GC == 99).

Context number 0 is the default context in those cases where no context number is given in the graphics commands.

Defining graphics contexts

The following three commands are used for the modification of graphics contexts.

The graphics contexts can be read with a SCIL function described in Section


.GC [[scope,]n [=[scope,]m]]:[[component = value]...[,component = value]]

Modifies the graphics context number 'n'.

'scope' A text which specifies the scope of the context, i.e., the objects

(pictures, and Visual SCIL objects) where the context is valid.

'scope' can take the values "C" or "CURRENT", "P" or

"PARENT", "R" or "ROOT", "M" or "MONITOR", "U" or

"USER". See Section 10.3.1. Default value = "C".




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The number of the graphics context, integer 0 ... 20 or 0 .. 50.

This number is used in the graphical commands, see Section

10.2. Default: 0.

The number of another graphics context which is copied to the current one before modification. Integer, 0 ... 20 or 0 ... 50.

The name of a component to be modified. The component names

can be given in the complete or abbreviated form, see Section


A SCIL expression, the value assigned to the component. The allowed data types are mentioned in the component descriptions

in Section 10.3.3.

The modification concerns all graphical elements subsequently drawn with the context in question. It does not affect the graphical elements drawn previously with the same context number. Those components which are not included in the component list are not affected by the command. The graphics contexts are inherited to the pictures shown in windows and to the picture functions.

The ROOT, MONITOR and USER scopes represent separate sets of contexts, while the CURRENT and PARENT scopes can mean the same or separate sets of contexts depending on the situation.


("C",5), ("R",5), ("M",5) and ("U",5) are all different graphics contexts. The contexts ("C",5) and ("P",5) may be the same or different contexts: When a part picture is shown, its context is the same as the one of the parent (i.e. CURRENT =

PARENT). If the parent's context is changed later, they become two different contexts and the parent's context is referred to as ("P",5).

The PARENT scope could, e.g., be used in a general purpose tool designed to change the appearance of any picture it is used in. The MONITOR and USER scopes are suitable for defining monitor specific graphics contexts in the start program of the APL_INIT picture, which is shown each time a monitor is mapped for an application (either at system start-up or later).



Components of graphics contexts

This sub-section describes the components included in the graphics contexts. The components are listed in alphabetical order.

The components are assigned values by means of the commands described in

Section 10.3.2. The values are given as SCIL expressions of the allowed data types.

From the start, the components have the default values given below. In the context defining commands, the component names can be given in complete form or in the abbreviated form found to the left in the description below.


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Technical Description



This component specifies how filled arcs are drawn: as sectors or segments.

Value: "CHORD"


The end points of the arc are connected and the resulting segment is filled.

The end points of the arc are connected in the center of the circle and the resulting sector is filled.

Default: "PIESLICE"


Specifies the "background color" of the full graphic lines and text. This

BACKGROUND color is used in the following cases:

• In the gaps of double dashed lines

• As the background of "filled" texts


The color can be given in the following four ways (see Section


With a color name given as a text, e.g., "LIGHT BLUE"

With a RGB number given as a vector of three elements, e.g.,


With a color number given as an integer expression, e.g. 5

With scope and color number given as a vector of two elements:

(scope,color_number), e.g., ("M",5).

Default value: "BLACK"


Specifies the endpoints of the line, see Figure 10.3.3.-2.

Values: "BUTT"


"PROJECTING" The line is cut off in the same way as

"BUTT" half its width past the endpoint.

"ROUND" The line end is rounded in a half circle with r

= half its width past the endpoint.

Default value: "BUTT"

The line is cut off in a 90° angle to the line direction at the end point.

The same as "BUTT", but the line is cut off one pixel before the end point.

"PROJECTING" and "ROUND" are meaningful only for lines with a width larger than 1 pixel.



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Specifies the length of dashes and gaps when drawing dashed lines.



Vector of even length. The odd indexes define the lengths of dashes and the even indexes the lengths of the gaps. The lengths

are given in coordinate units, see Section 10.4.

The dashes as well as the gaps are four pixels long.

Fig. 10.3.3.-1 Wide lines are drawn centered in relation to the start and end points

Fig. 10.3.3.-2 The CAP_STYLE component

Fig. 10.3.3.-3 The JOIN_STYLE component


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Specifies the position in the dash pattern where to start a dashed line. For example, if DASH_LIST == (5,2) and DASH_OFFSET == 5, the line starts with the gap.

Default value: 0


Specifies the X-windows name of the font used to draw a text.



The value can be given in the following four ways (see Section


With a font name given as a text, e.g. "KANJI_24"

With a font number given as an integer expression, e.g. 3.

With scope and font number given as a vector of two elements:

(scope,font_number), e.g., ("M",3).

As a list with one or several of the following attributes:


The MicroSCADA semi-graphical font which is called



This component specifies the color in which the graphical element is displayed.


The color can be given in the following four ways (see Section


With a color name given as a text, e.g., "LIGHT BLUE".

With a RGB number given as a vector of three elements, e.g.,


With a color number given as an integer expression, e.g. 5.

With scope and color number given as a vector of two elements:

(scope,color_number), e.g., ("M",5).

Default value: "WHITE"


This component states how the color of added pixels ('new') are combined with the color of already existing pixels ('old') on screen.

Each color in use has a palette number (pixel value, 0 ... 255). The FU component determines how the bit representations of the color numbers are combined bit-wise by means of logical operators.

Value: "CLEAR"




0 new AND old new AND (NOT old) new



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Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5









(NOT new) AND old old new XOR old new OR old

(NOT new) AND (NOT old)

(NOT new) XOR old)

(NOT old) new OR (NOT old)





(NOT new) OR (NOT old)



Default value: "COPY"

X server independent XOR.


"COPY" means that the added color replaces the former color.

Using "SCIL_XOR" or "XOR" (the latter does not work in all X servers) repeatedly on the same graphic element alternately draws and deletes the graphics.


Specifies how corners are drawn for wide lines drawn with a single graphics

command, see Figure 10.3.3.-3.

Values: "MITER"



The outer edges of the two lines are extended to meet in one point.

The lines are joined by a circular arc with r = half the line width centered on the join point.

The outer edges of the lines are joined at the end points.

Default: "MITER"


Specifies how the line is drawn and in which colors.

Values: "SOLID" The line is continuous (without dashes) and drawn in the FOREGROUND color.

"ONOFFDASH" The line is dashed with the dashes drawn in the foreground color.

"DOUBLEDASH" The line is dashed with the dashes drawn n the foreground color and the gaps between the dashes in the background color.

Default value: "SOLID"


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Technical Description



Specifies the width of the line in coordinate units (see Section 10.4). Wide lines are

drawn centered between the start and the end point given in the drawing command,

see Figure 10.3.3.-1.

Values: Integer or real, >= 0.

Default value: 0

LINE_WIDTH=0 specifies the width to one pixel regardless of the scaling. LW=0 is the most efficient line width and fastest to draw.

However, width 0 is X server dependent and may not match exactly with lines of pixel width 1 (whichis X server independent).


A freely chosen name of the graphics context. This component is not copied when copying a context.

Value: Text.

Colors and fonts


The final color of a graphical element displayed on screen depends on the

FOREGROUND BACKGROUND and FUNCTION components of the graphics

context (Section 10.3.3). The colors can be given in four manners:

• By color names (Windows or X windows). The names of the colors in the semigraphic pictures are: WHITE, BLACK, RED, GREEN, BLUE, CYAN,


• By RGB intensities given as a vector of three elements where the first element defines the red, the second element the green and the third element the blue intensity of the color as an integer or real value in the range 0 ... 65 535.

Consequently, for example, (0,0,0) is black and (65535,65535,65535) is white.

• By a color mix number. A color mix number is a dedicated color cell in the color palette of the operating system or X server. The number is defined by the

.COLOR command, see below.

• With scope and color mix number given as a vector of two elements:

(scope,color_number), e.g., ("M",5).

If the operating system or X-server is not capable to provide the requested color exactly (e.g. because the palette of the server is full due to the use of many different colors on screen), the nearest possible color is used.

The .COLOR command below is used for creating and modifying color mix numbers, and the COLOR function for reading the numbers.



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.COLOR [scope,] number : color [,SHARED]

.COLOR [scope,] number : color [,PRIVATE]

The .COLOR command defines the color mix number.




The scope of the color number. The scope is given in the same

way as for graphics contexts in Section 10.3.2.

Color number given as a positive integer expression. Each scope can have the following maximal number of colors: “C": 20, "R":

20, "M": 50, "U": 50.

Color definition given in one of the four manners described above.

The color mix number can be used for color selection in the graphics contexts


The color allocation policy may be private or shared. Private colors allocate a dedicated palette entry for the color, shared colors do not.

Private colors are not supported by VS monitors. Therefore, the following text applies to X monitors only.

If there are several MicroSCADA windows (or other applications requiring many colors) open on a monitor, it may happen that the palette runs out of entries. To avoid this from happening, define the color as SHARED.

A change to a private color appears immediately on screen, i.e., all the pixels drawn with the color are immediately affected. Changes to a shared color affect only pixels drawn with the color after the change. Hence, private colors are needed for color animation (done for example in the color chooser pictures).

The default color allocation policy is specified with the value of the APL:BCP attribute of the application that uses the monitor. The default color allocation policy for a monitor is specified by the new monitor attribute CP. The default color allocation policy for an application (all monitors used by the application) is defined by the application attribute, CP.

The allocation policy is assigned to a color when the color is first defined. The later

.COLOR commands applying to the same color do not change the policy unless explicitly requested.


Returns the RGB values of the color specified by the arguments.




The scope of the color

The number of the color

Vector of three elements



.GC : FG = 1

.BOX 100, 100, 200, 200, FILL



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@RGB(1) = %RGB(1) + 10000


The example creates a color mix initialized as navy blue, then draws a filled box in the selected color. The color is added with more red, which appears in the color of the box according to the color allocation policy definitions.


The font used in texts is specified by the FONT component of the graphics context

(Section 10.3.3). Fonts can be given as follows:

• With a font name given as a text, e.g. "KANJI_24".

• With a font number given as an integer expression, e.g. 3. The font numbers are defined by the .FONT command, see below.

• With scope and font number given as a vector of two elements: (scope, font_number), e.g., ("M", 3).

• As a list with one or several of the following attributes: FAMILY (FA),


The .FONT command below defines font numbers, and the FONT function is used for reading font numbers.

.FONT [scope,] number : font

Defines a font number.




The scope of the font number. The scope is given in the same

way as for graphics contexts in Section 10.3.2

Font number given as a positive integer expression. Each scope can have the following maximal number of fonts: "C": 10, "R":

10, "P": 10, "M": 20, "U": 20. 0 = the MicroSCADA semigraphic font. Do not change that!

Font definition given in any of the four ways allowed for the

FONT component, see Section 10.3.3.

FONT([scope,] number)

Returns the attributes of a font.




The scope of the font.

The number of the font.

The font function returns a list with the attributes shown in

Figure 10.3.4.-1. Each attribute has a two-letter alias name.



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Fig. 10.3.4.-1 The attributes returned by the font function












Height (number of pixels)

Ascent (logical extent above baseline in number of pixels)

Descent (logical descent below baseline in number of pixels)

Width (width of the widest character in the font in number of pixels)

Family (the name of the font family)

Point size

SCIL size



Note that HEIGHT is always the sum of ASCENT and DESCENT.


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Technical Description


Reading graphics contexts

The defined graphics contexts can be read with the following SCIL functions:


The function returns the values of the components of the context.




The scope of the context, see Section 10.3.

Graphics context number, integer 0 ... 20 or 0 ... 50 depending

on the scope, see Section 10.3.2.

List, where the abbreviated names of the components are the attributes.


@GC_DEF = GC(0)


COLOR_IN([scope,] n)

The function returns the RGB values of the foreground color in the context as a vector of three elements.



Scope of the context.

Graphics context number.

FONT_IN([scope,] n)

The function returns a list value with the same attributes as for the FONT function,

see Section 10.3.4.



Scope of the context.

Graphical context number.

Graphics canvas

General description

The graphical elements are displayed on the selected canvas which can be:

• The object (picture, picture function, dialog object) which contains the command


• The root object - the main picture or the main dialog.

• A named window or dialog object.

• The parent object of the object where the command is executed.

The canvas can be selected with the commands in next section Selecting Canvas

(together with the context definitions and the scaling factor) can be temporarily

stored. See Section 10.5.



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Technical Description

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Selecting canvas

If not changed with any of the commands listed below, the canvas for the graphics commands is the object where the commands are executed. Use the following commands in order to get the elements displayed on another canvas:

.CANVAS object

The command selects the named picture object (window picture or picture function) or dialog object (dialog or dialog object) - for canvas.

'object' A picture reference or a Visual SCIL object reference, see

Chapter 5.


The root object is used as canvas. In a picture the root object is the main picture. In a dialog system, the root is the main dialog or picture container.


The parent object is used as canvas. In a picture the parent object is the parent picture of the current window picture or picture function. In a dialog system, the parent is the parent object of the current object.


The current object is used as canvas, i.e., the object containing the graphics command. Hence, this command returns the canvas to the default.

.COORDINATE_SYSTEM coordinate_system

Specifies the coordinate system to be used in graphic drawing commands and mouse handling commands.

The coordinate system is specified by one of the following key words: SCIL, VS.

Changes of the coordinate system with the COORDINATE_SYSTEM command are valid only within the SCIL program where the change was made.



The SCIL coordinate system

Within the SCIL coordinate system, the (0,0) coordinate lies in the upper left corner of the canvas. The relation between SCIL coordinates and pixels on screen depends on the semigraphic font used in the MicroSCADA Monitor and on the scaling factor

used by the drawing commands. See Figure 10.4.-1.

pixel_coord = SCIL_coord *MicroSCADA_Monitor_Width / scaling_factor where pixel_coord = the pixel coordinates as displayed on screen.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


SCIL_coord = the coordinates given in the graphics SCIL command.

MicroSCADA_Monitor_Width = 80 * Width of semigraphic character scaling_factor

= 80*8 or 80*12 or 80*15.

= the scaling factor. The default scaling factor is 1280.

The scaling factor can be changed with the .SCALING

command see page 311.

Fig. 10.4.-1 The SCIL coordinate system

The Visual SCIL coordinate system

Within the Visual SCIL coordinate system, the (0,0) coordinate lies in the lower left corner of the canvas. The Visual SCIL coordinates are equal to the pixel positions within the canvas. Visual SCIL coordinates can not be used in monitors of X-type.

When handling dialogs, the origin of the coordinate system lies at the bottom left corner of the screen. When handling dialog items, the origin is in the lower left corner of the parent object. A unit in the coordinate system is a pixel.

Coordinates are also used, for example, when giving a position with the

_GEOMETRY attribute and when reading a position with the

_GET_POINTER_POS method. For more information on VS coordinates, see

Section 2.4 in the Visual SCIL manual.

The Graphics Contexts components LW, DL, DO are defined according to the active coordinate system. These Graphics Contexts components are not affected by the coordinate system used at drawing.



.GC : LW = 5

.LINE 10,10,100,100 ;line width is now 5 units according to

;the VS coordinate system (pixels).


.LINE 10,10,100,100 ;line width is still 5 units according to

;the VS coordinate system (pixels),

;because the Graphics Components were defined under

;VS coordinate system



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

Changing Scaling Factor

The scaling factor can be changed by the following command:

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Sets the scaling factor to be used in the subsequent SCIL graphics commands.

's' is an integer or real expression, the scaling factor. If 's' = 0, the coordinates are taken as pixel coordinates of the screen where the graphical element is displayed. If 's' is omitted, the scaling factor is returned to the default (= 1 280).

For example, a graphical element programmed with s = 0 will have different sizes depending on the resolution of the screen where it is shown.

The scaling factor can be temporarily stored (together with context definitions and

canvas selections) by the commands in Section 10.5. Note that the scaling factor

only affects the SCIL coordinate system.

Mouse input

The coordinates can be read from the cursor position with the .MOUSE command.

The .MOUSE command can be used with or without tracing. If tracing is OFF, the command reads the cursor position and the current mouse button states. If tracing is on, the command notes the following mouse events: button press and release, movement of mouse (provided that motion event is on, see the .MOUSE ON command). By means of the .MOUSE ON and .MOUSE OFF commands, tracing is switched on and off (default = OFF).

The .MOUSE DISCARD command is used to discard the pending mouse clicks.

.MOUSE x, y [, button [, buttons [, RELATIVE] ] ]

Reads the SCIL coordinates of the cursor and the mouse button states.

'x' and 'y'



Two variables that get the value of the x and y coordinates respectively (SCIL or VS coordinates).

A variable that gets the value of the pressed or released mouse button number (1, 2 or 3). If the registered mouse event was a motion event, the variable gets the value 0. If tracing is OFF, the variable gets the value 0. If a local variable by the name exists, it is used, otherwise a global variable.

A variable that receives the current mouse button states if tracing is OFF, or the button states immediately before the mouse event if tracing is ON. The states are returned as a bit mask, where each bit number represents a mouse button. The bit values have the following meanings: 0 = the button is released, 1 = the button is held down. If a local variable by the name exists, it is used, otherwise a global variable.


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Technical Description


RELATIVE An optional keyword. If RELATIVE is given as the last argument of the command, the coordinates are relative to the current canvas (If the canvas is not explicitly set, the window or picture function executing the .MOUSE command acts as the current canvas). If RELATIVE is not given, the coordinates returned by .MOUSE command are relative to the part picture

(picture shown in window) executing the command.







.MOUSE ON sets the program in tracing state. If the MOTION option is given, also the motion of the cursor is traced.

.MOUSE OFF ends the tracing state. The tracing state is automatically ended when a program is completed.


The following SCIL sequence draws a line segment from (0,0) to the position pointed by the user. The final position is given by releasing button 1.









The program sequence above waits until mouse button 1 is pressed, then the following is executed:



.LINE 0, 0, %X, %Y



.LINE 0, 0, %X, %Y



.LINE 0, 0, %NEW_X, %NEW_Y

@X = %NEW_X

@Y = %NEW_Y



The line is drawn and erased until the mouse button is released, then the following is executed:


.LINE 0, 0, %NEW_X, %NEW_Y


The line is drawn from (0,0) to the coordinates given be the variables %NEW_X and







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Technical Description

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.MOUSE DISCARD discards all the pending mouse clicks, i.e. the mouse clicks that have not yet been processed.

This command may be used after a lengthy calculation to discard the mouse clicks that are done by an impatient operator.

After a new dialog has been displayed, this command may be used to cancel any mouse clicks that may have been done before the dialog was seen.

This command works only in VS monitors (in others, it does nothing). Unlike other

.MOUSE commands, .MOUSE DISCARD may be used both within a main dialog context and within a picture container context (the others work only in a picture container context).

Miscellaneous graphical commands

Storing and restoring selections



The commands .PUSH and .POP are used for storing temporarily the context definitions, the scaling factor and the canvas selection. They are useful, when there is a need to store standard selections, meanwhile make other selections, and then restore the standard selections after a while. They are used, for example, when a subroutine uses specific values for canvas, scaling and graphics contexts, which should not interfere with the picture that executes the subroutine.

.PUSH stores the current canvas selection, scaling factor and graphics contexts definitions. .POP restores the selections stored with .PUSH. The .POP command must be located in the same program as the corresponding .PUSH command.

Display handling commands


This command forces a blink timing and an immediate updating of the entire application window. However, if there is an ongoing pending, see below, the command has no effect. The command is rather time consuming.



Pending is used to prevent disturbing flickering when drawing related graphics primitives in sequence (for example when changing position of an object in animation).

The graphics drawn after PEND ON are not shown on screen until the matching

PEND OFF is encountered. At PEND OFF the resulting output of the intervening commands is shown as a flash (that is the drawn primitives are not displayed one by one). PEND ON and the matching PEND OFF must be located in the same SCIL


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

1MRS751849-MEN program. If a SCIL program ends while the output is pending, an automatic PEND

OFF is generated by the base software. PEND commands may be nested. In this case, the outermost PEND OFF triggers the output.

An implicit PEND ON - PEND OFF is set by the base software around the semigraphical background and the draw program when a picture is displayed.





MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

Using motif widgets in SCIL

SYS 600 *9.1.5

This chapter describes the SCIL interface to the Motif programming, which is supported in the X/OSF/Motif environment. Motif programming is briefly described

in Section 11.1. Section 11.2 describes the SCIL commands for creating, deleting

and modifying widget instances. Section 11.3 describes the use of widget methods

for managing and unmanaging widget instances. Section 11.4 describes the handling

of widget resources with SCIL.

The reader is assumed to be familiar with Motif programming. Refer to the following Motif programming manuals: Motif Programming Manual, O'Reilly &

Associates, Inc. and OSF/Motif Programmer's Reference Manual. Motif support in

MicroSCADA 8.4.1 is based on Motif version 1.1.

The Motif Widgets described in this chapter can be used only in

MicroSCADA monitors defined as type “X”. Using this monitor type excludes the possibility to use Visual SCIL and Visual SCIL based tools. It is therefore not recommendable to use Motif Widgets when building new MicroSCADA 8.4 applications.


Motif widgets are standardized components of the Motif user interface, e.g. dialog boxes, buttons, labels, scroll bars, etc. The Motif widgets are organized into classes with similar properties and functions. Figure 1 shows the Motif widget classes and the class hierarchy. The class hierarchy is constructed so that the lower classes (to the right in the figure) have all the properties of the higher classes (to the left in the figure) plus some additional properties. For instance, the PushButton class has all the properties of the Label class, but also some other essential properties which the

Label class lacks.

A widget specified for display on screen is called a widget instance or an object. A widget instance is always also an X window, except for the widgets called gadgets.

The top-level window of a MicroSCADA operator process window, i.e. the window directly under the root window (= the screen), is always a widget of the class.

ApplicationShell. The MicroSCADA main window is implemented as a

DrawingArea widget.

Composite widget classes support the containment of other widgets within them.

The contained widgets are called child widgets, and the containing widgets are called parent widgets. Widgets of the classes below Manager - manager widgets

- have the ability to manage the position and size of their children. Generally, for space reserving reasons, the descendants of a widget, ie., its children in one or more links, must be managed before the widget itself and its ancestors are managed.

When a parent widget is shown, all its managed child widgets are shown as well.

The configurable features of the widgets, e.g. color, position, and function of a

widget instance is specified by its resources (Section 11.4). Each widget class has

its own set of resources plus some resources inherited from widget classes higher up in the widget class hierarchy. The resources can be assigned values when a widget instance is created, or later. Resources can also be set in resource files.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


In Motif there are a number of creation routines for creating widget instances or compound objects comprising several widget instances. These routines can be invoked by means of SCIL commands. There are SCIL commands for creating,

deleting and modifying widgets (Section 11.2). The SCIL programmer can also

manage and unmanage the widgets (Sections 11.2 and 11.3).

The Motif widgets, their resources and the Motif creation routines are described in the Motif Programming Manuals.


Fig. 11.1.-1 The class hierarchy of the Motif Widget set

Widget handling commands

.CREATE [parent/]widget = routine[(resources)]

.CREATE_MANAGED [parent/]widget=routine[(resources)]

Creates a Motif widget instance or a group of instances (compound object).



A freely chosen name of the widget instance, i.e., the widget instance whose widget ID is returned. The widget name may be up to 63 characters long.

The "path" to the widget specified by a chain of parent/child relations where the links are separated by slashes.



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Technical Description

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Each link can be either a widget or a semigraphic window. If the last link in the chain is a Motif widget, the window containing it will be the parent. If 'parent' is omitted, the application shell containing the MicroSCADA main window will be the parent.


The Motif creation routine used to create the widget (or gadget) or group of widgets.

Any of the 57 Motif creation routines staring with XmCreate may be used along with the TopLevelShell defined in Xt (see appendix A of Motif Programming Manual or OSF Motif

Programmer's Reference Manual). 'routine' is formed by removing XmCreate from the creation routine name, adding an underscore preceding any upper case letter in the name and prefixing the result with 'MOTIF'.

Example: XmCreateSimpleMenuBar becomes


Note: The XtTopLevelShell widget class can be used in

SCIL under the name


A list of resource assignments in the format: resource_name = value

If there are several assignments, they are separated by commas. Read about

resources in Section 11.4.

The created widget is not displayed on screen until the widget and all its ancestors have been managed. It can be managed and unmanaged by means of widget

methods, see Section 11.3. If you want the widget to be managed immediately, use

the CREATE_MANAGED command instead of CREATE.


.CREATE PB = MOTIF_PUSH_BUTTON (label_string = "Close")

Creating a push button labelled "Close".


Creating a simple menu bar called BAR.

.MODIFY [parent/]widget = expression

Modifies the resource values of a widget instance (corresponds to the XtSetValues function of Xt).




Widget name.

The "path" to the widget specified by a chain of parent/child relations. If 'parent' is omitted, the first found widget instance with the given name is modified.

A list type expression containing the names and values of the

resources to be set. See Section 11.4.

The modifications come into effect immediately. The resources not included in the list command remains unchanged.


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Technical Description




The widget is moved by adding 10 to its x- and y- coordinates.


.DELETE [parent/]widget

DELETE destroys a widget instance and all its descendants.



Widget name.

The "path" to the widget specified by a chain of parent/child relations. If 'parent' is omitted, the first found widget instance with the given name is selected.

The widget(s) are erased from screen and their definitions are deleted. In order to erase the widgets and preserve the widget definitions, use the UNMANAGE widget

method (see Section 11.3).

When a MicroSCADA picture is removed from screen, all its widgets are automatically deleted.

Widget methods

Widget methods are functions that widgets can execute on behalf of the caller. The syntax of a widget method call is as follows:


Executes a widget method.




The name of the widget instance.

The "path" to the widget specified by a chain of parent/child relations. If 'parent' is omitted, the first found widget instance with the given name is selected.

The name of the method. The following four predefined methods are available:

MANAGE Manages a previously created widget. If all its ancestors have been managed, the widget and all its managed children are shown on screen.

UNMANAGE Unmanages a widget and all its descendants, but the widget instances are preserved.



Recursively manages all SCIL -created descendants of a widget in correct order, i.e. starting from the child widget furthest down in the parent/child chain.






MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

SET_STATE This method corresponds to the Motif routine XmToggleButtonSetState. It sets the

'state' and 'notify' parameters according to the values given to the STATE and NOTIFY

resources (see Sections 11.4.2 and 11.4.4).

The resources must be assigned values immediately before the method is executed.









Widget resources


The widget resources are the configurable features of the widgets, e.g., position, size, color, font, callback routines. The Motif (and Xt) widget classes and their resources are listed and described in Appendix B of the Motif Programming Manual

(O'Reilly Associates, Inc.) and in the OSF/Motif Programmer's Reference Manual.

All listed resources can be used in SCIL, except those which have data types not

implemented in SCIL (see Section 11.4.3). In SCIL, the Motif resources are

recognized by names which resembles the Motif resource names (see Section

11.4.2). The data types of the resources are translated to SCIL data types (see

Section 11.4.3). The value of a resource can be written as described in Section

11.4.4, and read as an expression as described in Section 11.4.5.

Resources in SCIL

The SCIL name of a Motif resource is formed by removing the XmN from the Motif resource name and inserting an underscore in front of any upper case letter in the name. For example, the SCIL resource name of the Motif resource

XmNhelpLabelString becomes HELP_LABEL_STRING.

In addition, each Motif resource whose data type is Dimension or Position has a special SCIL resource name obtained by prefixing the standard name with 'SCIL_', e.g.:


These resource names function like the standard resource names, but the dimension or position is given in SCIL coordinate units.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Besides the Motif resources, the following non-motif resources are available in





This resource can only be read, see Section 11.4.4. It contains the

widget identification number of the parent widget as an integer value. The value should only be used as a value of a Widget type resource of another widget in a CREATE, MODIFY or SET command.

The 'state' parameter (boolean) of the Motif routine

XmToggleButtonGetState. In SCIL, the routine corresponds to

the SET_STATE method, see Section 11.3.

The 'notify' parameter (boolean) of the Motif routine

XmToggleButtonGetState. In SCIL, the routine corresponds to

the SET_STATE method, see Section 11.3.

Resource data types

Table 11.4.3-1 shows an overview of the Motif resource data types and the

corresponding SCIL data types. Some Motif resource data types have not been implemented in SCIL and the resources of these datatypes therefore cannot be used.

The function data types, except for callback functions, are not implemented.

The implemented resource value types whose SCIL counterparts are not obvious are briefly described below.

Mnemonic values

All the unsigned char type resources which may have one of the predefined values defined by constant names in Motif, are given as text values in SCIL. The text value is formed by omitting 'Xm' from the constant name. For example, the value

XmSHADOW_IN of XmNshadowType resource is in SCIL resource list given as


CallbackList resources

The callback resources may be given as a text or a vector value. If text, the text is interpreted as the name of the named program to be used as the callback procedure.

If a vector value is specified, the vector should contain the SCIL program to be used as the callback procedure.




Only one callback procedure may be specified for a resource. Currently, the additional info fields that appear in some CallbackStruct structures are not delivered to SCIL callback procedures.

XmFontList resources

Font lists are given as vectors, the elements of which are SCIL font specifications

(see Section 10.3.4).


@FL(1) = ("M",2) ;Monitor specific font number 2




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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5




Screen short


String unsigned int unsigned char

















The charset attribute of the font is not supported.

Table 11.4.3-1 The Motif resource data types and the corresponding SCIL data types

Comments Resource Type

(*) ()





Dimension int




SCIL Data Type

Not implemented

Not implemented

Boolean or

Integer: 0 = false, 1 = true


Not implemented

Integer elements


Text of one character

SCIL color specification: text, vector or integer


Not implemented


Not implemented


Text or text vector

Vector of text elements



Not implemented

Text or integer

Not implemented

Not implemented

Text vector


Text vector

Text vector


Not implemented

Not implemented

Vector of text elements


Not implemented

Not implemented

Text or vector of text elements

Not implemented

See the text

See Section 10.3.4.

See Section 11.4.6.

See the text.

See the text.

See the text.

See the text.


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Pixel resources

Pixel resources are given as SCIL color specifications (see Section 10.3.4).



FOREGROUND = (10000,20000,30000) ;by RGB values

BORDER_COLOR = ("M", 5) ;monitor specific color # 5

XmString and XmStringTable resources

XmString resources are given as a text and XmStringTable resources as a vector of text elements. No other properties of XmString type are implemented.

Widget resources

Widget resources are given either by a text value specifying the widget (path) name or by an integer value specifying the widget id (Currently, the only way to get a

widget id is to read the PARENT 'pseudoresource' of a widget. See Section 11.4).




Writing widget resources

.SET [parent/]widget.resource = expression

Assigns a value to a widget resource.





Widget name.

The "path" to the widget specified by a chain of parent/child relations. If 'parent' is omitted, the first found widget instance with the given name is selected.

Resource name (see Section 11.3).

An expression of the same datatype as the resource.

The value of 'expression' is assigned to the resource. The new resource value comes into effect immediately, except when writing the STATE and NOTIFY resources.

The values given to these resources come into effect when the SET_STATE method

is executed (see Section 11.3).



Setting the background color.









MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Reading widget resources

The value of a widget resource may be read as a SCIL expression of the following format:






The parent/child path to the widget.

The name of the widget.

The resource name. When reading the STATE and NOTIFY resources, the resource names must be preceded by GET_, i.e., the names are GET_STATE and GET_NOTIFY.

The value of the expression is the value of the resource, but the resource data type

has been transformed to a SCIL data type according to Table 11.4.3-1.


The expression


has the value of the WIDTH resource of the widget called B of the parent A.

The command

.SET A/B.WIDTH = A/B.WIDTH + 10 adds 100 units to the width resource (e.g. 100 pixels if the UNIT_TYPE is pixel).

SET A.Work_Area = S.PARENT

The parent of widget S will be the work area of widget A.


Auxiliary functions

PIXMAP (name)

Creates a pixmap (a two dimensional array of pixels) of the named library representation. The function, or variables assigned values by means of the function, can be used for all Motif resources of the datatype pixmap.



Text. Library representation. The representation is given in one of the following ways:

1. library representation name

2. logical library name/representation name (see the #REP_LIB

command in Section 8.2.4.





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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


GIF_PIXMAP ( file_name)

GIF_PIXMAP enables the importing of GIF format images in Motif environment.



Text value. The name of the GIF format file to be imported. The name is given in operating system format.

Integer value, which can be used as a pixmap resource value in



A Motif button is created. The image drawn in the button is imported from a GIF file.


SCIL_X = 200,-

SCIL_Y = 200,-



The importing of a GIF picture may fail if all the colors in the X server color palette are reserved and the program does not find a color, which is close enough to the desired color. Unless your graphical board supports the use of 65536 colors simultaneously, it is not recommended to use GIF pictures, which comprise a wide range of colors.





MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SCIL programming guide

SYS 600 *9.1.5

This chapter provides a programming guide for the most important SCIL tasks. The guide gives brief instructions for accomplishing various tasks with SCIL and refers to the sections in this manual and other manuals where the used SCIL elements are detailed. The following main subjects are discussed:

• Picture handling

• Visual SCIL object handling

• Program execution

• Process supervision and control

• Alarm and event handling

• Calculations and reports

• System configuration and communication

• Application database management

• Error handling

Picture handling

Table 12.1.-1 Loading Pictures


Loading a new picture

Re-loading the previous picture

Loading an alarm picture


!NEW_PIC command

!LAST_PIC command

!INT_PIC command


Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

The alarm picture is process object specific and defined in the process object definition.

Table 12.1.-2 Window Handling

Task Use

Showing or updating windows

Erasing windows

Showing window background

Creating windows with SCIL

!SHOW command

!ERASE command






Positioning windows with SCIL

Defining window expression with


Defining window representation with SCIL


Defining window picture with SCIL !WIN_PIC

Changing window level !WIN_LEVEL

Reading window attributes

Writing window attributes attribute reference:


.SET + attribute reference


Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Section 5.4.

Section 8.3.


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Technical Description


Table 12.1.-3 Named Programs


Executing named programs


Program call:


Program call as above.


Section 5.4.

Using named programs in expressions

Building named programs which use arguments and return a value

Use the arguments

ARGUMENT functions to read the arguments given in the program call.

Use the #RETURN command to return a value.

Section 5.4. Possible only

for named programs which return values.

The ARGUMENT functions are described in

Chapter 9. The

#RETURN command in

Section 8.2.

Table 12.1.-4 Updating Pictures


Cyclical updating

Event based updating

Use Comments

Updating program.

Start the updating and define the updating interval with the

!UPDATE command.

Section 8.4

The updating program should not be comprehensive.

#ON blocks + event object activation

Section 8.2.

Event object activation from process objects requires that the EE attribute is = 1.

Table 12.1.-5 Miscellaneous

Task Use

Stopping function key blinking !RESTORE

Hardcopy (semi-graphic) of picture !SEND_PIC

Closing application windows !CLOSE


Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Section 8.4.

Visual SCIL object handling

Table 12.2.-1 Loading, Creating and Deleting Objects

Task Use

Loading objects stored in a Visual

SCIL object file

.LOAD command

Creating objects with SCIL

Deleting objects

.CREATE command

.DELETE command


Section 8.3.

Section 8.3.

Section 8.3.




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Table 12.2.-2 Executing Methods

Task Use Comments

Executing methods from SCIL method call:


Using method calls in expressions Program call as above

Building methods which use arguments and return a value

Section 8.3.

Such methods which are executable with


Section 8.3. Possible

only for methods which return values.

Use the arguments

ARGUMENT functions to read the arguments given in the program call.

Use the #RETURN command to return a value.

The ARGUMENT functions are described

in Chapter 9. The

#RETURN command in

Section 8.2.

Table 12.2.-3 Reading and Writing Attributes


Reading attributes (functions and features)

Modifying attributes


Attribute reference:


.SET command + attribute reference

.MODIFY command + object reference + attribute list


Section 5.4.

Section 8.3.

Attributes can also be modified with the

.LOAD and .CREATE commands.

Program execution

Table 12.3.-1 Executing Programs


Executing command procedures




Section 8.2.

Also started by time channels and event channels.

See above.

Executing named programs in pictures

Executing methods in Visual SCIL objects

Executing a program written as text vector, e.g. in a text file

#DO command

DO function

Use READ_TEXT to read a file to a text vector

See above.

Section 8.2.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9


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MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Table 12.3.-2 Miscellaneous

Task Use

Conditional execution of program block

Building program blocks within programs

#IF ... #THEN



#BLOCK statements


Executing different program blocks depending on the situation





Executing program loops #LOOP




Declaring variables and arguments

Pausing the program execution




User defined functions

Stopping program execution, possibly returning a value


Section 8.2.

Section 8.2.

Section 8.2.

Section 8.2.

Section 8.2.

DO function with arguments

In the program:

Read arguments with the

ARGUMENT functions.

Return values with the

#RETURN command.


Used in exceptional cases

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Section 8.2.

Section 8.2.

Table 12.3.-3 Process Supervision and Control


Using process object value in expressions

Controlling process objects

Use Comments

Process object notation

Section 5.3.

Process objects are described in the Application

Objects manual.

#SET command + process object notation

Section 5.3. and Section




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Table 12.3.-4 Alarm and Event Handling

Task Use Comments

Alarm and event handling features

Building alarm and event lists

Printing event and alarm information

Defined in the process objects, see the

Application Objects manual.

Section 8.2.

Chapter 9.







Automatically from process object or with #PRINT command and

PRINT_TRANSPARENT if full graphic printout

Defined in process object.

Section 8.2.

Chapter 9.

Requires a printout picture.

Table 12.3.-5 Calculations and Reports

Task Use Comments

Executing Command Procedures #EXEC, #EXEC_AFTER +

Acquiring Report Data command procedure

#EXEC, #EXEC_AFTER + data object

Section 8.2.

Command procedures detailed in the Application

Objects manual.

Also: time channels, event channels.

Section 8.2.

Data objects detailed in the Application Objects manual.

Also: time channels, event channels.

Reading and Using Stored Data Data object notation

Editing report data

Section 5.3.

#SET + data object notation Section 8.2.

Table 12.3.-6 System Configuration and Communication

Task Use Comments

Creating base system objects

Defining NET lines

#CREATE command +

LIST function

Section 8.2.

Chapter 9

#SET + NET line attribute PO Section 8.2.

The System Objects manual

May also be done in preconfiguration

Creating communication system objects

#SET + NET object and device creation attribute

Section 8.2.

The System Objects manual

May also be done in preconfiguration


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Task Use

Setting system object attributes #SET + object notation

Starting internal DCP-NET

Starting PC-NET

LOAD_DCP function

Defining link base system object


Section 8.2.

The System Objects manual.

Chapter 9.

The System Objects manual.

Table 12.3.-7 Application Database Management


Creating application objects

Deleting application objects

Modifying application objects

Searching among objects

Copying objects












Section 8.2.


Section 8.2.


Section 8.2.


Section 8.2. Chapter 9


Chapter 9.

Section 8.2.

Chapter 9


Table 12.3.-8 Error Handling

Task Use

Error handling policy

Error handling programs




In pictures:

Named program named


In Visual SCIL Objects:

Error handling method.

Reading and writing error status STATUS function



Section 8.2.

See below.

See Visual SCIL User

Interface Design.

Chapter 9.

The Status Codes manual.

Argument in error handling programs

Error Handling in Pictures

The error handling in pictures can be defined by a named program with the name

ERROR_HANDLER. When a SCIL error occurs in a picture program, the

ERROR_HANDLER program, if it exists, is started. The following 6 arguments are transferred to the error handler and can be used in the named program by means

of the ARGUMENT functions (see Section 9.9.).

• The SCIL status code (integer)

• The picture and the program where the error occurred (text) given as a picture path starting from the main picture, for example:

.UPDATE (= the update program of the main picture)



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• The erroneous SCIL line (text)

• The column position within the line (integer, may be 0)

• Current error handling policy (text), either "STOP" or "CONTINUE"

• Program line number (integer)

The error handler program is searched for in the following order:

1. The picture - main picture, window picture or picture function - where the error occurred.

2. The picture functions of the picture where the error occurred.

3. The parent of the picture where the error occurred.

4. The picture functions of the parent picture .

5. The parent of the parent picture, etc., up to the main picture.

The first error handler program found is executed.

If no error handler is found, the standard picture error message is shown on the top line of the main picture. See the Status Codes manual.


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This chapter describes the SCIL Editor when it is accessed from the Tool Manager or from other tools like Picture Editor, Command Procedure Object Definition tool and Dialog Editor for Visual SCIL.


Fig. 13.1.-1 The SCIL editor as accessed from the Tool Manager

The SCIL editor is a text editor designed for editing text files and SCIL programs.

The editor has ordinary editing functions and tools for assisting design of SCIL program code. The assistant tools for SCIL programming are dialogs for inserting

SCIL commands, statements and functions as well as syntax checking. Figure 13.1.-

1 shows the SCIL editor as opened from the Tool Manager. The menu bar and the

toolbar are located above the text window and below there is a status bar. The status bar shows current cursor position in terms of rows and columns. The active path is also shown in a field on the status bar. Unsaved changes in the program are indicated with a colored pencil on the status bar. The pencil is dimmed when there are no unsaved changes.


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Technical Description



Commands of the File menu:




Save As...



Print Setup...


Open a new file with the default name ‘Untitled.txt’. In case there are unsaved changes to the current file a dialog asking if changes are to be saved is shown.

Open an existing file. Clicking Open displays a File

Chooser dialog box for selecting the file to open.

Save the file without changing the filename. The Save command acts as Save As if invoked on a new file.

Save the file. A File Chooser dialog box for choosing path and file name is opened.

Insert the contents of a text file after the current line.

Opens a File Chooser dialog box for selecting the file to be imported.

Export the whole text or the selected text. Opens a File

Chooser dialog box, with a default file name

‘Exported.txt’, for selecting the file to export to.

On a VS local monitor this command opens a standard

Print Setup dialog provided by the Windows operating system.

On a VS local monitor this command opens a standard

Print dialog provided by the Windows operating system.

On a VS remote monitor the current text is printed immediately.

File history commands The names and the paths of the most recently opened files.

The maximum number of the file names and paths shown can be determined from the File History Length in the

Options menu.

More History

This submenu is placed under the 5th file history command and displays the possible commands from 6 to

20. The submenu is visible if File History Length is set to more than 5, and if more than 5 files have been opened after the setting was made. The commands on the submenu do not contain any mnemonics.


Exit the SCIL editor. The user is informed if there are unsaved changes to the text.

The commands of the File menu differ whether the SCIL editor is opened from the

Tool Manager or from within another tool. When the SCIL editor is opened from the

Tool Manager the File menu contains the commands New, Open, Save and Save

As..., while opened from within another tool these commands are replaced by the

Update command.

Commands of the Edit menu:




Undo last executed command.

Redo last executed command.

Cut selected text and place on the Clipboard.



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Copy selected text and place on the Clipboard.

Paste the text of the Clipboard at current cursor position.

Clear selected text. The cleared text is not placed on the Clipboard.

Select the whole text.

Select All



Insert a semicolon at the beginning of the current or selected line(s). The semicolon acts as sign for commenting and the SCIL interpreter recognises lines starting with a semicolon as a remark.

Delete the semicolon from the beginning of current or selected line(s).



Increase indent of current or selected line(s).

Decrease indent of current or selected line(s).

Modify All Lines|Upper Case Converts the lines to upper case letters.

Modify All Lines|Lower Case onverts the lines to lower case letters.

Modify All Lines|Capitalize

Converts the first character to upper case and the rest to lower case letters.

Modify All Lines|Left Trim

Removes leading spaces from the lines

Modify All Lines|Right Trim Removes trailing spaces from the lines

Modify All Lines|Compress SpacesReplaces multiple spaces with a single space.

Modify All Lines|Sort Alphabetically Sorts the lines in the alphabetical order.

Modify All Lines|Sort by LengthSorts the lines in the length order.

Modify All Lines|Reverse OrderReverses the order of the lines.

Modify All Lines|Remove DuplicatesRemoves duplicate lines.


Open a Find/Replace dialog with a field for text to find and a field for the optional replacement text.

Find Next

Find Block

Go To Line

Performs the last specified find operation from the current cursor position.

Find subsequent blocks of code in a SCIL program.

For ex. blocks delimited by a loop command.

Move cursor to a line which line number is given in the dialog shown by the command.

Commands of the SCIL menu:

Naming Standards

Insert SCIL...

Open a dialog showing naming conventions for SCIL variables and Visual SCIL objects / text identifiers.

Open a dialog for inserting SCIL commands, functions and objects. The dialog shows the different categories in a tree structure. To expand a category click the plus sign in front of the category name. Clicking an item in the tree structure shows the syntax of the SCIL code in the text field to the right in the dialog. Clicking the Insert button inserts the code at current cursor position. Click Close to exit the dialog.


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Check Syntax

Check the syntax of SCIL code. Information of no found errors is shown as a message. A found error is shown in a dialog along with an error code and the line number of the invalid program code. The line containing invalid syntax is shown in the text field. Edit the program and click the

Check button to verify the correction. If the correction pass the syntax check, the next error is located and shown.

When no more errors are found, a ‘syntax checking successful’ message is displayed.

Commands of the Options menu:

Assistant View

Open or update read-only secondary window with a copy of the current program.

Status Updating On

On/off option for status bar field, menu bar items and toolbar buttons. Checked means that menu items and toolbar buttons are enabled and the status bar fields are updated according to the current status of the program.

Toolbar Visible

Toolbar visible/invisible option. Checked means toolbar is visible.

Check Syntax at Save Toggle item for turning on or off the automatic syntax checking of the program during program saving.

Default state is off.

Compilation In Use

File History Length

Toggle item for turning on or off the auto-compilation of the program during program saving. Turning off also deletes the possible existing compiled program. Enabled only if the calling tool supports program compilation.

Includes syntax checking.

Determines the maximum number of the names and the paths, of the most recently opened files, displayed as file history commands under the File menu. The file history length can be set between 0 and 20. Giving the length 0 means that the file history is disabled.


Font|Set Font

Open a dialog for setting indent character count and the state for indenting new lines.

Brings up a Font Chooser for selecting the editor font.

The selected font is saved in the parameter file, and restored when the editor is opened next time.

VS Local and VS Remote monitors both have their own font settings.

Font|Enlarge Size

Font|Reduce Size

Font|Reset Font

Find the next larger point size and set the editor font.

Find the next smaller point size and set the editor font.

Set the editor font to the default value: Courier Medium

Modern 10 for VS Local monitor, and Courier Medium 14 for VS Remote monitor.




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Commands of the Help menu:

Shortcut Keys

User Parameter Saving Shows information about whether tool or user specific parameters are used to save the properties and geometry of the SCIL editor.

About SCIL editor

Shows a dialog with the sequences of keystrokes that corresponds to certain actions not included in the menus.

Shows a dialog with Tool information and System information.


The toolbar of the SCIL editor is a collection of buttons corresponding to commands

found in the menus. The toolbar is shown in Figure 13.3.-1. The corresponding

command of each button is explained in Table 13.3.-1.The last button ‘Evaluate in

Test Dialog’ (in Table 13.3.-1) is present on the tool bar when the editor is opened

from the Test Dialog.

Fig. 13.3.-1 Toolbar of the SCIL editor as opened from the Tool Manager


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Table 13.3.-1 Corresponding commands of the buttons on the toolbar














Edit|Find Next

Edit|Find Block


SCIL|Check Syntax

Evaluate in Test Dialog

Opening and closing the SCIL editor

Opening the SCIL editor

The SCIL Editor is opened when you select a program for editing in the Picture

Editor, Command Procedure object definition tool, Test Dialog or the Dialog Editor.

The programs and the procedures for starting the program editing are described in the manuals Picture Editing, Visual SCIL User Interface Design and Application


You can also open the SCIL program editor from the Tool Manager by clicking the

SCIL Editor icon in the Miscellaneous page.

When the SCIL Editor is opened from a tool, you have already chosen a program for editing. If it exists, its contents is shown in the editor. If it is new, the editor is empty.

Opening files

When you have opened the editor from the Tool Manager, you can open a text file for editing or create a new file. This possibility is usually not available when you have opened the editor from an object tool. To open a file:

1. Click Open from the File menu. A file chooser dialox box appears.

2. Select directory from the directory tree. All files are listed as default. Four different path selection modes are supported, as described below. The default is

MicroSCADA Relative Paths. The file list can be viewed as a list or with details by clicking on either the List ( ) or the Details ( ) button on the right, above the file list box.

3. Click the name of the text file, or type the file name in the data entry field below the file list. A file can be opened also as a read-only file by selecting the Readonly check box.

4. Click Open.



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To close a file and start editing of another file, open another file or click New from the File menu to open a new file. If the previous file was not saved, you are asked to save the changes or abandon them.

In the File Chooser the paths can be selected in four different modes:

Application Relative Paths Path representation in the MicroSCADA path format relative to the current MicroSCADA application home directory. The application home directory itself can't be referenced.

MicroSCADA Relative Paths Path representation in the MicroSCADA path format relative to the MicroSCADA root directory.

The MicroSCADA root directory itself can't be referenced.

Logical Paths

Operating System Paths

Path representation in the MicroSCADA logical path format.

Path representation in the format used by the operating system.

Creating files

File name is given when the file is saved. If the file does not exist, a new file is created.

Saving files

You can save your work any time. To save a file:

1. Click Save or Save As from the File menu. The Save command saves the file with the same name, if it already exists. Use the Save As command to save the file with another name.

2. When selecting Save for the first time or Save As, the file chooser dialog box appears. Select the correct folder from the directory tree and click on the file name, or type it in the Save as text box. Four different path selection modes are supported, as described above. A new folder can also be created by clicking on the Create New Folder button ( ) above the file list.

3. Click Save.

If you have opened the SCIL Editor from an object tool, save the program by choosing Update on the File menu.

Undo operation

To undo the last editing operation, click Undo on the Edit menu. The undo operation revokes the last editing operation. The maximum number of actions that can be undone is 50.

Closing the SCIL editor

To close the editor, click Exit on the File menu.

If you have made changes since the last time you saved the program, a dialog box appears asking if you want to save changes.


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Typing and editing programs and texts


The basic function of the SCIL Editor compares to common text editing programs.

Most keyboard keys have their natural functions. The functions of some important keys are explained below:

Home moves the cursor to the beginning of the line and the End key to the end of line.

moves the cursor to the beginning of the program.



← and → moves the cursor the end of the program or text.

moves the cursor one step to the left and right respectively.


← and <Ctrl>+→moves the cursor to the beginning of the next/previous word.

Tab inserts a specified number of spaces defined by the user and moves the cursor the same number of steps to the right.

More information on shortcut keys is found by choosing Shortcut Keys from the

Help menu.

Selecting text for editing

The whole program or parts of it can be selected for moving, copying and deleting as follows:

• To select a word, double-click it.

• To select a text section, place the cursor at the beginning of the section, press the mouse button and hold it down while dragging the pointer to the end of the text.

• To select the whole program or text, press <Ctrl>+A or choose Select All from the Edit menu.

The selected text is shown in reversed colors. It can be moved, copied and deleted as described below. You can also replace text strings in the selected section.


To copy a text within the program or from one program to another:

1. Select the text you want to copy as described above.

2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu or press the <Ctrl> and C keys at the same time (<Ctrl>+C). The text is copied to the clipboard.

If you want to move text from one program to another, activate the program to which you want to copy.

1. Place the cursor at the position where you want to insert the copied text.

2. Click Paste from the Edit menu or press <Ctrl>+V.



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Moving text

To move text:

1. Select the text you want to move as described above.

2. Choose Cut from the Edit menu or press <Ctrl>+X. The selection is removed from the screen and placed in the clipboard.

3. If you want to move text from one program to another, activate the program to which you want to move.

4. Click the place where you want to insert the text.

5. Choose Paste from the Edit menu or press <Ctrl>+V.


To delete text:

1. Select the text you want to delete as described above.

2. Click Clear from the Edit menu or press Delete key.

The selected text disappears.


A comment in a SCIL program is a line or a part of a line marked by a comment mark

(;) at the beginning. When this sign appears in a program line, the rest of the line is regarded as a comment and not executed. You can use comments, for example, to explain how the program works or to prevent the execution of a program line without deleting it permanently. The comment signs may be inserted and deleted using the ordinary text editing functions. If you wish to mark several subsequent lines as comments, you can also use the Comment and Uncomment commands of the Edit menu.

To mark a program section as comments:

1. Select the lines you want to mark as comments, see above.

2. Click Comment on the Edit menu.

A semicolon is inserted as the first character of each line in the selection.

To remove the comment marks located in the beginning of lines:

1. Select the lines from which you want to remove the comment marks.

2. Click Uncomment on the Edit menu.

All the comment marks that are located at the beginning of the lines are removed.

Semicolons located elsewhere are not removed.


Text in paragraphs usually extends from the left margin to the right margin. A paragraph can be indented to set it off from other text. Indenting is used to increase readability of program code. Setting the measurement for indenting is done by choosing Indent... from the Options menu. The checkbox ‘Auto-indent enabled’ means that a new line is indented according to previous line.


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To indent a section:

1. Select the lines you want to indent. If no text is selected, the current line is indented.

2. Click Indent from the Edit Menu.

To unindent a section:

1. Select the lines you want to unindent.

2. Click Unindent from the Edit Menu.

Finding text

The Find/Replace command searches for a given text in the program. It stops when it finds the first match and shows it as a selection. To use the Find/Replace command:

1. To search a certain part of the text, select the text to be searched. Otherwise the whole document is searched. The Find or Replace operation is always started from the current cursor position.

2. Click Find/Replace from the Edit menu. The dialog box shown in Figure 13.5.-1

appears. Moving the cursor is possible in the main window while the Find/

Replace dialog box is open.

Fig. 13.5.-1 You can search for text that is located somewhere in the same program using the Find/Replace command on the Edit menu

3. In the ‘Find what:’ field, type the text you want to search for. You can either search in an upward or downward direction of the program by selecting

Forwards or Backwards under Direction in the dialog. If the case of the text

(upper case/lower case) is of importance, select the check box Match Case. If a text was selected in step 1, ‘Selection’ is selected under Scope.

4. Click Find First. If a matching text is found, the first match is shown selected in the text window. If no matching text is found, a dialog box saying “Text not found” appears. After the first find operation the Find First command button is replaced with Find Next command button, which can be used for finding the next occurrence. Find Next may be invoked repeatedly to search for the string until you Close.

The Find Next operation in the main window is not possible while the Find/Replace dialog is open.



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The last twenty items of the Find/Replace word lists are saved and restored when closing and opening the SCIL Editor. The lists are sorted in the chronological order, last used words first.

Replacing text

To replace the occurrences of a text string with another one:

1. If you wish to replace the occurrences found in a certain text section, select the section. Otherwise the whole document is considered. The Find or Replace operation is always started from the current cursor position.

2. Click Find/Replace from the Edit menu. The dialog shown in Figure 13.5.-2

appears. Moving the cursor is possible in the main window while the Find/

Replace dialog box is open.

Fig. 13.5.-2 With this dialog you can replace one text with another

3. In the first text box, type the text you want to replace, and in the second box, type the text you want to replace it with. You can also select whether the whole document or the selected text section. If the case of the text is of importance, select Match Case. Select search direction under ‘Direction’.

4. Click Find First to find the first occurrence of the text string without replacing it immediately. After the first find operation the Find First command button is replaced with Find Next command button, which can be used for finding the next occurrence. Find Next may be invoked repeatedly to search for the string until you Close.

5. When an occurrence to be replaced is found, click Replace. This replaces the selected text and searches the next occurrence of the text string. If the found text is edited manually in the main window during a Find or a Replace operation, clicking Replace button replaces nothing, but the Find Next operation is performed. Replace All replaces all occurrences of the text string.

The Find Next operation in the main window is not possible while the Find/Replace dialog is open

The last twenty items of the Find/Replace word lists are saved and restored when closing and opening the SCIL Editor. The lists are sorted in the chronological order, last used words first.


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Finding blocks

If you want to go to a certain SCIL block in the program, click Find Block in the

Edit menu. The Find Block command searches for the following Block commands downwards in the program starting from the cursor:




When a block is found, it is selected in the text window. To find another block, place the cursor after the command that ends the previous block and then click Find Block again.

Finding a line

If you want to move quickly to a certain line number:

1. Click Go To Line from the Edit menu or pressing <Ctrl>+L on the keyboard.

The dialog shown in Figure 13.5.-3 appears.

Fig. 13.5.-3 You can move to a certain line using this dialog.

2. In the text box, type the number of the line to which you want to move and click


If the line number is invalid, the cursor is moved to the first line and if the given line number is too big the cursor is moved to the last line.

Importing and exporting text

Importing text means that the contents of a text file is inserted after the current line except for the case when the cursor is located at the beginning of the text, then the text is inserted at the beginning. To import a text file:

1. Click Import… from the File menu. The file chooser dialog box appears.

2. Select the correct folder from the directory tree and click on the name of the file.

3. Click OK.

Exporting a file means that the selected or the whole text is stored in a file. To export a text:

1. Select a text if only part of the text is to be exported.

2. Click Export from the File menu. The file chooser dialog box appears with the default file name Exported.txt in the File name text box.

3. Select the correct folder from the directory tree and enter a name for the file in the File name text box. A new folder can also be created by clicking on the

Create New Folder button ( ) above the file list.

4. Click OK.



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If there is an existing file with the same name, the user is asked to confirm overwriting of the existing file.

In the file chooser four different path selection modes are supported, as described on

page 238.

Undoing and redoing operations

Most editing operations can be cancelled using the Undo command, for example

Cut, Copy, Paste and Replace commands. When you undo typing, undo will affect all that was written since the last editing operation, for example Copy, Undo, Save.

To undo an operation, click Undo from the Edit menu.

The operations that you have cancelled using Undo, can be done again. This means that you are also able to cancel an Undo operation. To do this click Redo from the

Edit menu.

Insert SCIL commands, functions and objects

This assisting tool in the SCIL editor is designed to help writing SCIL code. The dialog below appears as the Insert SCIL... command on the SCIL menu is invoked.

The text box to the left in the dialog contains the different categories of commands, functions and objects. Expand the nodes in the tree by clicking the plus sign.

Subcategories appear as leafs in the tree structure. Select a subcategory by clicking.

When this is done commands, functions or object definition attributes appear in the text box to the right in the dialog. The desired command, function or attribute is selected by clicking. The status bar at the bottom of the dialog displays a short description of the selected command, function or attribute.

Fig. 13.5.-4 The Insert SCIL Commands, Functions & Objects dialog of the SCIL editor


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Technical Description


To insert a SCIL command:

1. Place the cursor where the command is to be inserted.

2. Click Insert SCIL on the SCIL menu.

3. Expand one of the categories by clicking the plus sign in front.

4. Select one of the subcategories by clicking.

5. Select a command by clicking.

6. Click Insert. The command is inserted at current cursor position. Possible arguments are replaced by the user.

7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 to insert next command or click Close to exit the tool. The cursor position may also be moved while the ‘Insert SCIL Commands,

Functions & Objects dialog’ is open.

Syntax checking of a SCIL program

The syntax check, independent of current cursor position, always starts at the beginning of the program. A successful syntax check displays ‘Syntax checking successful’ in a message box. The syntax check command itself does not alter the code, changes are made by the user. The first encountered invalid code is displayed in a dialog as shown in the picture below. The erroneous line is shown in the dialog and it is also made the current line of the editor. The error is corrected in the text window and then checked by clicking the Check button in the ‘SCIL Syntax Error’ dialog. If the correction passes the syntax check, the next error is displayed. This procedure continues until no more errors are found and the ‘Syntax checking successful’ message is shown. To exit the dialog while errors still exist, click Close.

Fig. 13.5.-5 The Syntax check command shows a dialog like this when a syntax error is encountered



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To check the syntax of a SCIL program:

1. Open a SCIL program.

2. Click Syntax Check on the SCIL menu. If an error is found a dialog showing the invalid code is displayed. If no errors are found in the program code, ‘Syntax checking successful’ is displayed.

3. The erroneous line is shown in the ‘SCIL Syntax Error’ dialog and the line is selected in the editor.

4. In the text window, correct the invalid code and click the Check button in ‘SCIL

Syntax Error’ dialog. The next found error is displayed.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until ‘Syntax checking successful’ is displayed in a message box.


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Technical Description

The SCIL compiler

SYS 600 *9.1.5


The SCIL programs of pictures and command procedures can be compiled for better performance. Compiling a SCIL program means that it is converted into an operating system independent format which is then executed by a so called virtual

SCIL machine. The compiled code is stored, in addition to the original SCIL code, in the picture or in the command procedure. Once a SCIL program is compiled, the compiled version is automatically used instead of the original SCIL code. The compilation is controlled by means of the corresponding tools, picture editor and command procedure tool.

Performance improvement

By compiling the SCIL code the interpretation time is reduced to only a fraction of the original time. The total time needed to execute a SCIL statement depends however very much on what the statement does and hereby no single performance improvement between executing uncompiled and compiled SCIL code can be given. The perfomance improvement varies between no improvement and up to 50 times faster. Two extreme cases are shown below:

The following program is 50 times faster when compiled compared to uncompiled:

#loop_with i = 1 .. 1000

#if TRUE #then #block



The following program is not faster when compiled compared to uncompiled:

#pause 1

The picture change time of a typical single line diagram picture built with LIB500, which is compiled, is about 2/3 of the time of the uncompiled version.

Impact on SCIL programs

In most cases, a valid SCIL program executes exactly in the same way (apart from the speed) whether compiled or not. However, there are some rare cases that must be considered:

1. A valid SCIL program may be impossible to compile.

2. A SCIL program may compile but generates a run-time error when run by the

Virtual SCIL Machine.

3. The compiled and uncompiled program may generate different results.

Case nr 1 is the simplest one to handle as it is discovered during compilation. The program must be corrected and recompiled. Case nr 2 is more difficult, a careful retesting is required to point out the possible problems. Case nr 3 is the most difficult one. Fortunately, it is an almost academic case which is hard to encounter unless deliberately written. Because of these possible incompatibilities, a compiled SCIL program must be thoroughly retested.

In most cases, the problems arise from wild usage of variable expansions. The cases are described in more detail below. Recommendations how to avoid this kind of problems are given as well.


SYS 600 *9.1.5



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


A compiled SCIL program may be harder to debug, because source lines are not available at run-time. The error message field in the top left corner of a picture is not able to show the erroneous SCIL line (only the line number is given). The standard error dialog of VS objects is also unable to display the line that caused the error. It is recommended that a SCIL program is first debugged uncompiled, and after that compiled to a product version.

Programs that do not compile

There are two cases when a valid SCIL program does not compile:

• HMI commands do not compile. HMI commands are commands that are addressed to the HMI program started by !MODULENAME command (such as the old picture editor program PICG). In normal pictures they generate an error;

896 (PICO_NO_MODULE_TO_SEND_MESSAGE). This restriction is a deliberate choice. HMI commands are needed very seldom and it is easy to write a HMI command by mistake, e.g. by omitting character # or @ at the beginning of a line.

• Variable expansions are used in a way that hides the program structure from the reader.

Examples of the second case:

Example 1:



Example 2:

@END = "_END"




Example 3:

@A = "1 + "

@B = 'A' 2

Programs that generate run-time error

There are two cases when a program runs without errors when uncompiled but not when compiled:

• Alias checking is always performed by the Virtual SCIL Machine regardless of the revision compatibility switch (NO_ALIAS_CHECKING). The SCIL program design must be corrected to enable compilation if the compiled program fails with error code 580 (SCIL_VARIABLE_ALIASING_ERROR).

• Variable expansions are used in a way that hides certain syntactical language elements from the reader.

It is impossible to list all the examples of the second case, but here are some:

Example 1:

@V = "AI(%INDEX)"


This one works:

@V = "AI5"

;Index expression hidden





MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5


Example 2:

@A = 1

@B = 2

@C = 'A'.'B' ;The compiler assumes that the right hand

;expression is a VS object or window attribute reference

Programs that produce wrong results

If variable expansions are used in a way that hides the correct evaluation order of an expression, the results of compiled and uncompiled program may be different.


@A = "1 + 2"

@B = "3 + 4"

@C = 'A' * 'B'

As uncompiled, the meaning of the third line is

@C = 1 + 2 * 3 + 4 after the expansions, which is evaluated as 1 + ( 2 * 3 ) + 4 = 11.

The compiler 'relies on what it sees', it generates byte code which expands and evaluates A first, then B and finally multiplies the two. The result is (1 + 2) * (3 +

4) = 21.


To avoid the potential problems described above (and to make SCIL programs more readable), following recommendations on the use of variable expansions may be given:

• Use direct variable access instead of expansion whenever possible.

Instead of 'A' + 'B', write %A + %B.

Instead of "'A'", write %A ( if A has a text value ).

Instead of "X'A'Z", write "X" + %A + "Z" ( if A has a text value ).

As another advantage, the direct variable access is faster than expansion even in uncompiled programs.

• Use variable expansion mainly for generating various identifiers.

Examples of 'good' usage of expansions might be:

#SET 'LN':PBO1 = 1


;As an object name

;As a part of an object name




#ERROR 'OLD_ERROR_STATE' ;As a command keyword value

.SET 'DIALOG'\BUTTON.TITLE = "Push me";As a VS object name

!NEW_PIC 'NEXT_PICTURE' ;As a picture name


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


When variable expansions are used as recommended above, the compiled and uncompiled program always behave identically. Even most cases of other 'nonpathological' (or even 'pathological') use of expansions work as they are expected.

Examples of such cases:

@V = "PBO1"



#SET 'V' = 1


.SET 'V'.TITLE = "Push me"

.SET 'V'_2.TITLE = "Push me too"


@'NAME' = %'NAME' + 1



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


SYS 600 *9.1.5

About this appendix

This appendix lists the ODBC error codes which the SCIL SQL interface may return.


The character string value consists of a two character class value followed by a three character subclass value. A class value of “01” indicates a warning and is accompanied by a return code of SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO. The class values other than “01”, except for the class “IM”, indicate an error and are accompanied by a return code of SQL_ERROR. The class “IM” is specific to warnings and errors that derive from the implementation of ODBC itself. The subclass value “000” in any class is for implementation defined conditions within the given class.

Note 1

Note 2

List of codes























Although successful execution of a function is normally indicated by a return value of SQL_SUCCESS, the SQLSTATE 00000 also indicates success.

Although the SCILSQL interface has only eight functions the user can call, it includes several different ODBC functions. ODBC error codes may also refer to those hidden functions.


General warning

Disconnect error

Data truncated

Priviledge not revoked

Option value changed

No rows updated or deleted

More than one row updated or deleted

Wrong number of parameters

Restricted data type attribute violation

Unable to connect to data source

Connection in use

Connection not open

Data source rejected establishment of connection

Connection failure during transaction

Communication link failure

Insert value list does not match column list

Degree of derived table does not match column list

Numeric value out of range

Error in assignment

Datetime field overflow

Division by zero


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description






































Integrity constraint violation

Invalid cursor state

Invalid transaction state

Invalid authorization specification

Invalid cursor name

Syntax error or access violation

Serialization failure

Syntax error or access violation

Driver does not support this function

Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Specified driver could not be loaded

Driver’s SQLAllocEnv failed

Driver’s SQLAllocConnect failed

Driver’s SQLSetConnect-Option failed

Unable to load translation DLL

Trace file error

Base table or view already exists

Base table not found

Index already exists

Index not found

Column already exists

Column not found

General error

Memory allocation failure

Invalid column number

Program type out of range

Operation cancelled

Invalid argument value

Function sequence error

Operation invalid at this time

Invalid transaction operation code specified

Invalid string or buffer length

Option type out of range

Invalid cursor position

Driver not capable

Timeout expired



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


SYS 600 *9.1.5

About this appendix

This appendix describes the parameter files used in MicroSCADA. First, it gives a general description, then a detailed description in BNF format.


Parameter files contain data in a Windows “ini-file” style similarformat. OneA parameter file consists of any number of sections and can contain 0..n number of sections as well as 0..n number of comment lines. Each section consists of a section header and any number of key - value pairs, empty lines and 0..n number of keyvalue pairs, 0..n number of empty lines and 0..n number ofcomment lines. However, the total number of lines in a file is limited to the maximum length of SCIL vector.




;this is a comment



AThe section begins with athe header, the name of the section enclosed in brackets, e.g. “[section name]” and ends at the beginning of another section beginning or at the end of the file. The enclosing brackets ([]) are required, and the left bracket must be in the leftmost column.

Comment lines begins with a semicolon (;).

BNF description

In the following description,

- NL represent new line characters (ASCII CR and LF)

- SP represents any number of space characters

- CH represents any visible character (ASCII codes 33 to 255)

- NC represents any visible character except ; [ ] and = ini_file ::= {comment_line}* {section}* section ::= section_header {item}* section_header ::= [section_name] NLnew_line section_name ::= name item ::= NLnew_line | key_line | comment_line comment_line ::= SP ; {CH}* NLcomment new_line comment ::= {blank}* ; {blank}* comment_string comment_string ::= character_string key_line ::= SP key_name SP = SP key_value NL{SP}* key_name {blank}* key_name equal key_value new_line


SYS 600 *9.1.5

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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description equal ::= {blank}* = {blank}* key_value ::= character_string character_string ::= {string_char {extended_string_char}*} extended_string_char ::= {blank}* string_char string_char ::= ASCII(33) .. ASCII(255) key_name ::= name key_value ::= {CH}* name ::= NCname_char {extended_name_char}* extended_name_char ::= SP NC{blank}* name_char name_char ::= e_letter | digit | special_char new_line ::= {blank}* (NT_new_line | UNIX_new_line)

NT_new_line ::= CR LF

UNIX_new_line ::= LF blank ::= SP e_letter ::= A .. Z | a .. z digit ::= 0 .. 9




MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

15. Index

SYS 600 *9.1.5


_ATTRIBUTE_NAMES .......................................................................... 55

_CHILD_OBJECTS ................................................................................. 56

_COMPILED ............................................................................................ 56

_FILE_REVISION ................................................................................... 56

_FLAG_FOR_EXECUTION ................................................................... 54

_OBJECT_CLASS ................................................................................... 56

_OBJECT_NAME .................................................................................... 57

_OBJECT_PATH ..................................................................................... 57

_QUEUE_FOR_EXECUTION ................................................................ 55

_SG_GEOMETRY ................................................................................... 57

_SOURCE_FILE_NAME ........................................................................ 57

_VARIABLE_NAMES ............................................................................ 58


ABS ........................................................................................................ 145

Absolute value ........................................................................................ 145

Accuracy ................................................................................................... 26

ADD_INTERLOCKED ......................................................................... 287

Addition .............................................................................................. 72, 73

AEP_PROGRAMS ................................................................................. 197

Alarm buffer ............................................................................................. 40

Alarm list .................................................................................................. 40

Alarm picture .......................................................................................... 114

Alarm picture queue ............................................................................... 114

AM .......................................................................................................... 300

AND ......................................................................................................... 77

APL ..................................................................................................... 36, 37

APL_OPCNAM.SDB ............................................................................. 274

APPEND ................................................................................................. 180

Application ......................................................................................... 35, 39

Application engineering ............................................................................. 9

Application objects ................................................................................... 33

APPLICATION_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ........................................... 214

APPLICATION_OBJECT_COUNT ..................................................... 215

APPLICATION_OBJECT_LIST ........................................................... 215

ARC ................................................................................................ 292, 293

Arc .......................................................................................... 292, 293, 300

ARC_MODE .......................................................................................... 300

ARCCOS ................................................................................................ 145

ARCSIN ................................................................................................. 145

ARCTAN ................................................................................................ 146

ARGUMENT ................................................................................... 83, 192

Argument .................................................................................................. 71

Argument list .......................................................................................... 130


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Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


ARGUMENT_COUNT ......................................................................... 193

ARGUMENTS ....................................................................................... 193

Arguments ................................................................................................ 79

Arithmetical operator ............................................................................... 72

ASCII ..................................................................................................... 167

ASCII_CODE ........................................................................................ 167

Assignment ............................................................................................... 65

Assignment statement .............................................................................. 83

Attribute ................................................................................. 30, 34, 35, 39

ATTRIBUTE_EXISTS .......................................................................... 191

AUDIO_ALARM ................................................................................... 288


BACKGROUND .................................................................................... 300

Background color ................................................................................... 300

Background program ................................................................................ 16

Base system object ............................................................................. 34, 36

BCD ................................................................................................ 167, 171

BCD_TO_INTEGER ............................................................................. 167

BG .......................................................................................................... 300

BIN ......................................................................................................... 168

BIN_SCAN ............................................................................................ 168

Binary Coded Decimal numbers .................................................... 167, 171

Binary files ............................................................................................... 60

BINARY_SEARCH ............................................................................... 181

BIT ......................................................................................................... 177

Bit function ............................................................................................. 177

Bit string ..................................................................................... 25, 28, 177

BIT_AND ............................................................................................... 178

BIT_CLEAR .......................................................................................... 178

BIT_COMPL .......................................................................................... 178

BIT_MASK ............................................................................................ 179

BIT_OR .................................................................................................. 179

BIT_SCAN ............................................................................................. 168

BIT_SET ................................................................................................ 179

BIT_STRING ......................................................................................... 180

BIT_XOR ............................................................................................... 180

BLOCK .................................................................................................... 84

BLOCK_END .......................................................................................... 84

Boolean .............................................................................................. 27, 75

BOX ....................................................................................................... 293

Box ......................................................................................................... 293

Byte string ................................................................................................ 29


Canceling in SCIL Program Editor ........................................................ 345

CANVAS ............................................................................................... 309



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Canvas ............................................................ 291, 292, 296, 297, 309, 313

CANVAS CURRENT ............................................................................ 309

CANVAS PARENT ............................................................................... 309

CANVAS ROOT .................................................................................... 309

CAP_STYLE .................................................................................. 300, 301

CAPITALIZE ......................................................................................... 168

CASE ........................................................................................................ 84

CASE_END .............................................................................................. 84

Characters ................................................................................................. 22

Child object .............................................................................................. 49

CIRCLE .................................................................................................. 293

Circle ...................................................................................................... 293

CLASSIFY ............................................................................................. 181

CLOCK ................................................................................................... 153

CLOSE ................................................................................................... 113

Close ....................................................................................................... 339

CLOSE_FILE ......................................................................................... 104

COLLECT .............................................................................................. 169

COLOR ................................................................................................... 305

Color ............................................................................................... 302, 304

COLOR_IN ............................................................................................ 308

Comma Separeted Value ........................................................................ 259

Command ........................................................................................... 13, 71

Command procedure .................................................................... 18, 38, 44

Comment Mark ....................................................................................... 341

Commenting in SCIL Program Editor .................................................... 341

Comments ................................................................................................. 21

Communication system object ........................................................... 34, 37

Communication unit ........................................................................... 35, 37

COMPILE ............................................................................................... 201

Component ..................................................... 291, 298, 299, 304, 306, 308

CONSOLE_OUTPUT ............................................................................ 197

CONTINUE .............................................................................................. 86

Coordinate system .................................................................................. 291

COORDINATE_SYSTEM .................................................................... 309

Copying in SCIL Program Editor ........................................................... 340

COS ........................................................................................................ 146

CREATE ................................................................................... 93, 109, 316

Create ...................................................................................................... 339

CREATE_FILE ...................................................................................... 105

CREATE_MANAGED .......................................................................... 316

CS ........................................................................................................... 300

CSR_BOL ............................................................................................... 124

CSR_EOL ............................................................................................... 124

CSR_LEFT ............................................................................................. 124

CSR_RIGHT .......................................................................................... 124

CSV functions ........................................................................................ 259


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MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


CSV_TO_SCIL ...................................................................................... 260

CUMULATE .......................................................................................... 182

CURRENT ..................................................................................... 297, 298

CURSOR_POS ........................................................................................ 69


DASH_LIST .......................................................................................... 301

DASH_OFFSET .................................................................................... 302

Dashed line ............................................................................................. 301

Data object .................................................................................... 19, 38, 42

Data type .......................................................................................... 25, 320

DATA_FETCH ...................................................................................... 220

DATA_MANAGER ............................................................................... 230

DATA_STORE ...................................................................................... 221

DATA_TYPE ......................................................................................... 141

DATE ..................................................................................................... 153

DAY ....................................................................................................... 154

Day of Week ........................................................................................... 154

Day of Year ............................................................................................ 154

DCP-NET ............................................................................................... 258

DDE client .............................................................................................. 262

DDE protocol ................................................................................... 20, 266

DDE Server ............................................................................................ 267

DDE_CONNECT ................................................................................... 263

DDE_DISCONNECT ............................................................................ 264

DDE_EXECUTE ................................................................................... 266

DDE_POKE ........................................................................................... 265

DDE_REAL ........................................................................................... 267

DDE_REQUEST .................................................................................... 264

DDE_VECTOR ...................................................................................... 267

Debugging .............................................................................................. 213

DEC ........................................................................................................ 169

DEC_SCAN ........................................................................................... 169

Default path names ................................................................................. 103

DELETE ................................................................................... 94, 110, 318

DELETE_ATTRIBUTE ......................................................................... 191

DELETE_ELEMENT ............................................................................ 182

DELETE_FILE ...................................................................................... 105

DELETE_PARAMETER ...................................................................... 234

Deleting in SCIL Program Editor .......................................................... 341

Dialog systems ......................................................................................... 49

Dialogs ....................................................................................................... 9

Directory name ......................................................................................... 58

Directory tag ............................................................................................. 58

DIRECTORY_MANAGER COPY ....................................................... 249

DIRECTORY_MANAGER COPY CONTENTS ................................. 250

DIRECTORY_MANAGER CREATE .................................................. 248



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

DIRECTORY_MANAGER DELETE ................................................... 248

DIRECTORY_MANAGER DELETE_CONTENTS ............................ 249

DIRECTORY_MANAGER EXISTS .................................................... 249

DIRECTORY_MANAGER GET_ATTRIBUTES ................................ 251

DIRECTORY_MANAGER LIST .......................................................... 248

DIRECTORY_MANAGER MOVE ...................................................... 250

DIRECTORY_MANAGER RENAME ................................................. 250

DIV ..................................................................................................... 72, 74

Division .............................................................................................. 72, 74

DL ........................................................................................................... 301

DO ............................................................................................ 85, 193, 302

DOW ....................................................................................................... 154

DOY ....................................................................................................... 154

Draw program ........................................................................................... 16

DRIVE_MANAGER EXISTS ............................................................... 246

DRIVE_MANAGER GET_ATTRIBUTES .......................................... 246

DRIVE_MANAGER GET_DEFAULT ................................................. 246

DRIVE_MANAGER LIST .................................................................... 246

DUMP ..................................................................................................... 141

duration curves ....................................................................... 181, 182, 185


EDIT ....................................................................................................... 170

Element ..................................................................................................... 29

ELEMENT_LENGTH ........................................................................... 141

ELLIPSE ................................................................................................. 294

Ellipse ..................................................................................................... 294

ELSE ......................................................................................................... 87

ELSE_IF ................................................................................................... 87

Endpoints ................................................................................................ 300

ENTER ................................................................................................... 124

ENTER_POS ............................................................................................ 69

ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................... 197

EQUAL ................................................................................................... 142

Equal to ..................................................................................................... 75

ERASE ................................................................................................... 118

ERROR CONTINUE ............................................................................... 86

ERROR EVENT ....................................................................................... 86

Error handling policy ................................................................................ 86

ERROR IGNORE ..................................................................................... 86

ERROR RAISE ........................................................................................ 86

ERROR STOP .......................................................................................... 86

ERROR_STATE .................................................................................... 193

EVALUATE ........................................................................................... 142

EVEN ..................................................................................................... 146

EVENT ..................................................................................................... 86

Event channel ..................................................................................... 38, 46


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Event handling object ............................................................................... 42

Event list ................................................................................................... 40

Event object ........................................................................................ 38, 46

EXEC ................................................................................................. 44, 94

EXEC_AFTER ......................................................................................... 95

Execute ................................................................................................... 262

Execution time ......................................................................................... 45

Exit program ............................................................................................. 16

EXP ........................................................................................................ 146

Exponent .................................................................................................. 75

Exponential operator ................................................................................ 72

Export ..................................................................................................... 344

Expression .................................................................................. 13, 68, 120


FALSE ...................................................................................................... 27

FAST_PIC .............................................................................................. 113

FG ................................................................................................... 302, 305

Fictitious process objects ......................................................................... 40

File name .................................................................................................. 58

File naming ............................................................................................... 58

File tag ...................................................................................................... 58

FILE_LOCK_MANAGER .................................................................... 234

FILE_MANAGER COPY ..................................................................... 252

FILE_MANAGER DELETE ................................................................. 252

FILE_MANAGER EXISTS ................................................................... 252

FILE_MANAGER GET_ATTRIBUTES .............................................. 253

FILE_MANAGER LIST ........................................................................ 251

FILE_MANAGER MOVE .................................................................... 252

FILE_MANAGER RENAME ............................................................... 253

FIND_ELEMENT .................................................................................. 182

Finding ................................................................................................... 342

FLUSH ................................................................................................... 313

FM_APPLICATION_DIRECTORY ..................................................... 254

FM_APPLICATION_FILE ................................................................... 254

FM_COMBINE ...................................................................................... 254

FM_COMBINE_NAME ........................................................................ 255

FM_DIRECTORY ................................................................................. 255

FM_DRIVE ............................................................................................ 255

FM_EXTRACT ...................................................................................... 255

FM_FILE ................................................................................................ 256

FM_REPRESENT .................................................................................. 256

FM_SCIL_DIRECTORY ...................................................................... 257

FM_SCIL_FILE ..................................................................................... 257

FM_SCIL_REPRESENT ....................................................................... 257

FM_SPLIT_NAME ................................................................................ 258

FONT ..................................................................................... 302, 306, 308



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

Font ................................................................................................. 302, 306

Font number ............................................................................................ 306

FOREGROUND ..................................................... 293, 296, 302, 303, 304

Format picture ........................................................................................ 100

Free type object ........................................................................................ 38

FT ........................................................................................................... 302

FU ........................................................................................................... 302

FUNCTION ............................................................................ 302, 304, 312

Function ...................................................................................... 13, 71, 129

Function call ........................................................................................... 129

Function key program ............................................................................... 16


GC ................................................................................................... 298, 308

General SCIL commands ......................................................................... 79

GET .......................................................................................................... 95

GET_STATUS ....................................................................................... 143

GIF_PIXMAP ......................................................................................... 324

Global variables ........................................................................................ 65

Go To ...................................................................................................... 344

Graphical element ........................................................... 291, 292, 299, 308

Graphics command ................................................................. 291, 298, 309

Graphics commands ................................................................................. 79

Graphics context ..................... 291, 292, 297, 298, 299, 304, 306, 308, 313

Greater than .............................................................................................. 75

Greater than or equal to ............................................................................ 75

Group ........................................................................................................ 41


HEADER ................................................................................................ 124

HELP ...................................................................................................... 124

HEX ........................................................................................................ 170

HEX_SCAN ........................................................................................... 171

HIGH ...................................................................................................... 183

High precision arithmetics ...................................................................... 146

HIGH_INDEX ........................................................................................ 183

HIGH_PRECISION_ADD ..................................................................... 146

HIGH_PRECISION_DIV ...................................................................... 147

HIGH_PRECISION_MUL ..................................................................... 147

HIGH_PRECISION_SHOW .................................................................. 147

HIGH_PRECISION_SUB ...................................................................... 148

HIGH_PRECISION_SUM ..................................................................... 148

History database ....................................................................................... 40

HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER CLOSE .................................... 224


HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER OPEN ...................................... 223

HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER QUERY .................................. 228


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER READ ..................................... 229






HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER SET_ORDER ......................... 226

HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER SET_PERIOD ........................ 224



HISTORY_DATABASE_MANAGER WRITE ................................... 230

HOD ....................................................................................................... 154

HOUR .................................................................................................... 154

HOY ....................................................................................................... 155

HR_CLOCK ........................................................................................... 155


Identifiers ................................................................................................. 23

IF .............................................................................................................. 87

IGNORE ................................................................................................... 86

IMAGE ................................................................................................... 294

Import ..................................................................................................... 344

IND ........................................................................................................... 36

Index ............................................................................................. 35, 39, 41

INIT_QUERY .................................................................................. 95, 223

Initialization time ..................................................................................... 45

INPUT_KEY .......................................................................................... 124

INPUT_POS ........................................................................................... 125

INPUT_VAR .......................................................................................... 125

INSERT_ELEMENT ............................................................................. 184

Inserting SCIL commands, functions and objects .................................. 345

INT_PIC ................................................................................................. 114

Integer ....................................................................................................... 25

INTEGER_TO_BCD ............................................................................. 171

INTERP .................................................................................................. 184

INVERSE ............................................................................................... 185

IP_PROGRAMS .................................................................................... 198

Item .......................................................................................................... 20

Item name ............................................................................................... 262


JOIN_STYLE ................................................................................. 301, 303

JS ............................................................................................................ 303


KEY_POS ................................................................................................ 69

Keyed files ................................................................................................ 60

KEYED_FILE_MANAGER .................................................................. 235



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5


LAST_PIC .............................................................................................. 114

Less than ................................................................................................... 75

Less than or equal to ................................................................................. 75

Level parameter .............................................................................. 117, 121

LIB500 ........................................................................................................ 9

Library representation ............................................................................ 123

LIN ........................................................................................................... 36

LINE ....................................................................................................... 295

Line ......................................................................................... 295, 301, 303

LINE_STYLE ......................................................................................... 303

LINE_WIDTH ........................................................................................ 304

LIST .................................................................................................. 99, 191

List ...................................................................................................... 25, 30

List aggregate ........................................................................................... 30

LIST_ATTR ........................................................................................... 192

LN ........................................................................................................... 148

LOAD ..................................................................................................... 111

LOAD_DCP ........................................................................................... 258

LOCAL ..................................................................................................... 87

Local variables .......................................................................................... 65

LOCAL_TIME ....................................................................................... 155

LOCAL_TIME_ADD ............................................................................ 155

LOCAL_TIME_INFORMATION ......................................................... 155

LOCAL_TIME_INTERVAL ................................................................. 156

LOCAL_TO_SYS_TIME ...................................................................... 157

LOCAL_TO_UTC_TIME ...................................................................... 157

LOCATE ................................................................................................ 172

Logical names ........................................................................................... 23

Logical operator .................................................................................. 72, 77

Logical path ............................................................................................ 101

Logical representation library ................................................................. 103

LOOP ........................................................................................................ 88

LOOP_END ....................................................................................... 88, 90

LOOP_EXIT ............................................................................................. 90

LOOP_WITH ........................................................................................... 90

LOW ....................................................................................................... 183

LOW_INDEX ......................................................................................... 183

LOWER_CASE ...................................................................................... 172

LS ........................................................................................................... 303

LW .......................................................................................................... 304


Main picture .............................................................................................. 15

MAX ....................................................................................................... 148

MAX_APPLICATION_NUMBER ....................................................... 201

MAX_BIT_STRING_LENGTH ............................................................ 201


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


MAX_BYTE_STRING_LENGTH ........................................................ 202

MAX_INPUT_DEVICE_NUMBER ..................................................... 202

MAX_INTEGER ................................................................................... 202

MAX_LINK_NUMBER ........................................................................ 202

MAX_LIST_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT .................................................... 202

MAX_MONITOR_NUMBER ............................................................... 202

MAX_NODE_NUMBER ...................................................................... 202

MAX_OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH ...................................................... 202

MAX_PICTURE_NAME_LENGTH .................................................... 203

MAX_PRINTER_NUMBER ................................................................. 203

MAX_PROCESS_OBJECT_INDEX .................................................... 203

MAX_REPRESENTATION_NAME_LENGTH .................................. 203

MAX_STATION_NUMBER ................................................................ 203

MAX_STATION_TYPE_NUMBER .................................................... 203

MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ........................................................................ 203

MAX_VECTOR_LENGTH ................................................................... 203

MAX_WINDOW_NAME_LENGTH ................................................... 204

MEAN .................................................................................................... 186

MEMORY_POOL_USAGE .................................................................. 198

MEMORY_USAGE .............................................................................. 194

MERGE_ATTRIBUTES ....................................................................... 192

Method ....................................................................................... 17, 34, 318

Method call ............................................................................................. 112

Method calls ............................................................................................. 51

MIN ........................................................................................................ 149

MIN_INTEGER ..................................................................................... 204

MINUTE ................................................................................................ 157

Mix ......................................................................................... 304, 305, 306

MOD .................................................................................................. 72, 74

MODIFY .................................................................................. 97, 112, 317

MON ........................................................................................................ 36

MONITOR ..................................................................................... 297, 298

Monitor ................................................................................................... 113

MONTH ................................................................................................. 157

Motif ....................................................................................................... 315

Motif Widget .......................................................................................... 316

Motif widget commands .......................................................................... 79

MOUSE .................................................................................................. 311

MOUSE DISCARD ............................................................................... 313

Mouse input ............................................................................................ 311

MOUSE OFF ......................................................................................... 312

MOUSE ON ................................................................................... 311, 312

Moving in SCIL Program Editor ............................................................ 341

Multiplication ..................................................................................... 72, 74


NA .......................................................................................................... 304



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

NAME .................................................................................................... 304

Name ................................................................................................... 35, 39

Named program .................................................................................. 16, 54

Natural logarithm .................................................................................... 148

NET .......................................................................................................... 37

New Folder ..................................................................................... 339, 344

NEW_PIC ............................................................................................... 115

NOD ................................................................................................... 36, 37

NOT .......................................................................................................... 77

Notification window ............................................................................... 197


Object ..................................................................................... 13, 33, 38, 93

Object notation ................................................................................... 35, 39

Object query ............................................................................................. 95

OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE_INFO .............................................................. 204

OCT ........................................................................................................ 173

OCT_SCAN ........................................................................................... 173

Octal number ............................................................................................ 25

ODBC functions ..................................................................................... 268

ODD ....................................................................................................... 150

ON ...................................................................................................... 46, 91

ON ERROR .............................................................................................. 91

ON KEY_ERROR .................................................................................... 92

OPC Name Database .............................................................................. 273

OPC_AE_ACKNOWLEDGE ................................................................ 276

OPC_AE_NAMESPACE ....................................................................... 277

OPC_AE_REFRESH ............................................................................. 278

OPC_AE_SERVERS ............................................................................. 278

OPC_AE_VALIDATE ........................................................................... 279

OPC_NAME_MANAGER .................................................................... 275

OPEN_FILE ........................................................................................... 105

Operands ................................................................................................... 71

Operator ........................................................................................ 71, 72, 77

OPS_CALL ............................................................................................ 194

OPS_NAME ........................................................................................... 199

OPS_PROCESS ..................................................................................... 194

OR ............................................................................................................. 77

OTHERWISE ........................................................................................... 84


PACK _TIME ......................................................................................... 157

PACK_STR ............................................................................................ 173

PAD ........................................................................................................ 174

Parameter files .......................................................................................... 59

PARENT ......................................................................................... 297, 298

Parent object ............................................................................................. 49


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


PARSE_FILE_NAME ........................................................................... 237

Part picture ............................................................................................... 15

PATH ............................................................................................. 101, 238

PATHS ................................................................................................... 238

PAUSE ..................................................................................................... 92

PEND OFF ..................................................................................... 313, 314

PEND ON ....................................................................................... 313, 314

Pending ................................................................................................... 313

Peripherals equipment .............................................................................. 37

PIC_NAME .............................................................................................. 69

PICK ....................................................................................................... 186

Picture .......................................................................................... 9, 52, 122

Picture commands .................................................................................... 79

Picture Editor ........................................................................................... 16

Picture handling commands ................................................................... 113

Picture path ............................................................................................... 52

Picture programs ...................................................................................... 16

Picture queue .......................................................................................... 116

PIXMAP ................................................................................................. 323

POINT .................................................................................................... 295

Point ....................................................................................................... 295

Poke ........................................................................................................ 262

Polygon .................................................................................................. 295

POLYLINE .................................................................................... 295, 296

Polyline .......................................................................................... 295, 296

POP ........................................................................................................ 313

Predefined picture variable ....................................................................... 69

PRI ...................................................................................................... 36, 37

PRINT .................................................................................................... 100

PRINT_TRANSPARENT ...................................................................... 284

PRINTER_SET ...................................................................................... 287

Printout ............................................................................................. 99, 101

Printout function ..................................................................................... 284

Process database ....................................................................................... 38

Process object ..................................................................................... 38, 40

Process query ...................................................................................... 40, 95

PROGRAM ............................................................................................ 124

PUSH ...................................................................................................... 313


RANDOM .............................................................................................. 150 random number ...................................................................................... 150

random order .......................................................................................... 188

READ ..................................................................................................... 106

READ_BYTES ...................................................................................... 238

READ_COLUMNS ............................................................................... 238

READ_KEYS ........................................................................................ 106



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

READ_NEXT ......................................................................................... 107

READ_PARAMETER ........................................................................... 239

READ_PREV ......................................................................................... 107

READ_TEXT ......................................................................................... 240

Read-only ............................................................................................... 338

Real ..................................................................................................... 25, 26

RECALL_PIC ........................................................................................ 116

Redoing in SCIL Editor .......................................................................... 345

REGISTRY ............................................................................................. 199

Relational operator ....................................................................... 72, 75, 76

Remote terminal unit ................................................................................ 38

REMOVE ............................................................................................... 108

REMOVE_DUPLICATES ..................................................................... 186

RENAME_FILE ..................................................................................... 108

REP_LIB ........................................................................................ 103, 240

REP_LIBS .............................................................................................. 241

REPLACE .............................................................................................. 175

Replace ................................................................................................... 343

Replacing in SCIL Program Editor ........................................................ 342

Report database ........................................................................................ 38

Reporting object ....................................................................................... 38

Request ................................................................................................... 262

RESET .................................................................................................... 127

Resource ................................................................................................. 319

Resource data types ................................................................................ 321

Resourcesœ ............................................................................................. 315

RESTORE .............................................................................................. 116

RETURN .................................................................................................. 92

REVERSE .............................................................................................. 187

REVISION_COMPATIBILITY ............................................................ 195

ROOT ............................................................................................. 297, 298

ROUND .................................................................................................. 150

RTU .................................................................................................. 38, 281

RTU function .......................................................................................... 281

RTU_ADDR ........................................................................................... 281

RTU_AREAL ......................................................................................... 282

RTU_ATIME ......................................................................................... 282

RTU_BIN ............................................................................................... 282

RTU_HEXASC ...................................................................................... 282

RTU_INT ............................................................................................... 282

RTU_KEY .............................................................................................. 283

RTU_MSEC ........................................................................................... 283

RTU_OA ................................................................................................ 283

RTU_REAL ............................................................................................ 283

RTU_TIME ............................................................................................ 283

RUBOUT ................................................................................................ 126

RUBOUT_BOL ...................................................................................... 126


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


RUBOUT_CUR ..................................................................................... 126

RUBOUT_EOL ...................................................................................... 126


Save ........................................................................................................ 339

SCALE ................................................................................................... 288

Scale ................................................................................................... 38, 42

SCALING .............................................................................................. 311

Scaling factor .................................................................. 291, 308, 311, 313

SCIL ........................................................................................................... 9

SCIL coordinate ..................................................................................... 310

SCIL database .......................................................................................... 62

SCIL defined printout ............................................................................ 285

SCIL Editor ............................................................................................ 333

SCIL program ........................................................................................... 21

SCIL Program Editor ....................................................................... 15, 340

SCIL_HOST ........................................................................................... 200

SCIL_LINE_NUMBER ......................................................................... 213

SCIL_TO_CSV ...................................................................................... 261

Scope ...................................................................................................... 298

SEARCH .......................................................................................... 97, 219

Searching ................................................................................................ 342

SECOND ................................................................................................ 158

SELECT ................................................................................................. 187

Selecting Text ......................................................................................... 340

SEND_PIC ............................................................................................. 126

SEPARATE ............................................................................................ 175

Service ...................................................................................................... 20

Service name .......................................................................................... 262

SET ............................................................................................. 40, 99, 112

SET_CLOCK ......................................................................................... 158

SET_LANGUAGE ................................................................................. 211

SET_LOCAL_TIME .............................................................................. 158

SET_RANDOM_SEED ......................................................................... 151

SET_STATUS ........................................................................................ 144

SET_SYS_TIME .................................................................................... 158

SET_TIME ............................................................................................... 93

SET_UTC_TIME ................................................................................... 159

SHADOW_FILE .................................................................................... 241

SHOW .................................................................................................... 118

SHOW_BACK ....................................................................................... 119

SHUFFLE .............................................................................................. 188

SIN ......................................................................................................... 151

Sine ......................................................................................................... 145

Snapshot variables .................................................................................... 66

SORT ...................................................................................................... 189

SPACOM ............................................................................................... 259



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

SPREAD ................................................................................................. 189

SQL ......................................................................................................... 268

SQL statement ........................................................................................ 270

SQL_BEGIN_TRANSACTION ............................................................ 272

SQL_COMMIT ...................................................................................... 273

SQL_CONNECT .................................................................................... 268

SQL_DISCONNECT ............................................................................. 269

SQL_EXECUTE .................................................................................... 270

SQL_FETCH .......................................................................................... 270

SQL_FREE_STATEMENT ................................................................... 271

SQL_ROLLBACK ................................................................................. 273

SQRT ...................................................................................................... 151

Square root .............................................................................................. 151

STA ..................................................................................................... 36, 37

Stacking order ......................................................................................... 117

Start program ............................................................................................ 16

Statement ............................................................................................ 12, 13

Station ....................................................................................................... 38

STATUS ................................................................................................. 196

Status code .................................................................... 25, 43, 86, 143, 144

STATUS_CODE .................................................................................... 206

STATUS_CODE_NAME ...................................................................... 206

STOP ........................................................................................................ 86

STORE_PIC ........................................................................................... 116

String function ........................................................................................ 167

STY ........................................................................................................... 36

Sub-picture ............................................................................................... 15

SUBSTR ................................................................................................. 175

Subtraction .......................................................................................... 72, 73

SUM ....................................................................................................... 190

SUM_NEG ............................................................................................. 190

SUM_POS .............................................................................................. 190

Syntax check ........................................................................................... 346

SYS ........................................................................................................... 36

SYS_TIME ............................................................................................. 159

SYS_TIME.PAR .................................................................................... 163

SYS_TIME_ADD .................................................................................. 159

SYS_TIME_INTERVAL ....................................................................... 160

SYS_TO_LOCAL_TIME ...................................................................... 160

SYS_TO_UTC_TIME ............................................................................ 160

System Objects ................................................................................... 33, 34


tangent .................................................................................................... 146

TEXT ...................................................................................................... 296

Text ............................................................................................. 25, 28, 296

Text files ................................................................................................... 59


SYS 600 *9.1.5

MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description


Text Selecting ......................................................................................... 340

TEXT_READ ......................................................................................... 241

THEN ....................................................................................................... 87

TIME ...................................................................................................... 161

Time ......................................................................................................... 25

Time channel ................................................................................ 19, 38, 45

time functions ......................................................................................... 151

Time of day ............................................................................................ 164

Time stamp ............................................................................................... 43

TIME_ZONE_RULES ........................................................................... 161

TIMEMS ................................................................................................ 163

TIMEOUT .............................................................................................. 259

Time-out ................................................................................................. 259

TIMES .................................................................................................... 164

TOD ........................................................................................................ 164

TODMS .................................................................................................. 164

TODS ..................................................................................................... 164

TOGGLE_MOD ..................................................................................... 126

Topic ........................................................................................................ 20

Topic name ............................................................................................. 262

TRACE_BEGIN .................................................................................... 213

TRACE_END ........................................................................................ 213

TRACE_PAUSE .................................................................................... 213

TRACE_RESUME ................................................................................ 214

Tracing ................................................................................................... 311

TRANSLATE ........................................................................................ 212

TRANSLATION .................................................................................... 212

Transparent printout ............................................................................... 285

TREND .................................................................................................. 190

TRUE. ...................................................................................................... 27

TRUNC .................................................................................................. 151

Type ............................................................................................ 35, 39, 340

TYPE_CAST .......................................................................................... 144


Uncommenting ....................................................................................... 341

Undo ....................................................................................................... 339

Undoing in SCIL Program Editor .......................................................... 345

Unequal .................................................................................................... 75

UNPACK_STR ...................................................................................... 176

UPDATE ................................................................................................ 117

Update program ........................................................................................ 16

Update time interval ............................................................................... 117

UPPER_CASE ....................................................................................... 177

USER .............................................................................................. 297, 298

User Interface Objects ........................................................................ 33, 52

UTC_TIME ............................................................................................ 165



MicroSCADA Pro

Programming Language SCIL

Technical Description

SYS 600 *9.1.5

UTC_TIME_ADD .................................................................................. 165

UTC_TIME_INTERVAL ...................................................................... 165

UTC_TO_LOCAL_TIME ...................................................................... 165

UTC_TO_SYS_TIME ............................................................................ 166


VALIDATE ............................................................................................ 207

VALIDATE_OBJECT_ADDRESS ....................................................... 207

Variable .............................................................................................. 13, 65

Variable Assignment ................................................................................ 67

Variable expansion ................................................................................... 68

Variable object .............................................................................. 38, 39, 47

VARIABLE_NAMES ............................................................................ 196

VECTOR ................................................................................................ 191

Vector ................................................................................................. 25, 29

Vector aggregate ....................................................................................... 29

Vector function ....................................................................................... 180

VIDEO_NR .............................................................................................. 69

Visual SCIL ................................................................................................ 9

Visual SCIL Commands ........................................................................... 79

Visual SCIL objects .......................................................................... 48, 109


WEEK ..................................................................................................... 166

WHEN ...................................................................................................... 84

Widget .................................................................................................... 315

Widget methods ...................................................................................... 318

Widget resource ...................................................................................... 319

Widget.method ....................................................................................... 318

WIN_BG_COLOR ................................................................................. 119

WIN_CREATE ....................................................................................... 120

WIN_INPUT .......................................................................................... 120

WIN_NAME .......................................................................................... 121

WIN_PIC ................................................................................................ 122

WIN_POS ............................................................................................... 122

WIN_REP ............................................................................................... 123

Window .......................................................................................... 117, 118

Window level .......................................................................................... 117

Workstation .............................................................................................. 37

WORKSTATION_CALL ...................................................................... 196

WRITE ................................................................................................... 108

WRITE_BYTES ..................................................................................... 242

WRITE_COLUMNS .............................................................................. 242

WRITE_PARAMETER ......................................................................... 243

WRITE_TEXT ....................................................................................... 243


XOR .......................................................................................................... 77



YEAR ..................................................................................................... 166


Substation Automation Products

P.O. Box 699

FI-65101 Vaasa


Tel. +358 10 22 11

Fax. +358 10 224 1094


Key Features

  • Designed for supervisory control and data acquisition
  • Used in industrial and manufacturing applications
  • Includes data acquisition, process control, alarm management, and reporting
  • Provides a user interface for monitoring and controlling the system
  • Offers a comprehensive SCIL programming language
  • Includes a large number of predefined functions for various purposes
  • Supports various object types, including system objects, application objects, and user interface objects
  • Allows access from external Windows applications using the DDE protocol

Related manuals

Frequently Answers and Questions

What is SCIL?
SCIL (Supervisory Control Implementation Language) is a high level language designed for the application engineering of the MicroSCADA supervisory control system, as described in the viewed document. All MicroSCADA application programs and most system configuration programs are written in SCIL.
What kind of application engineering can be done with SCIL?
SCIL is used for the functional design in MicroSCADA. This includes the definition of databases (sets of connected data stored in a structured form) and SCIL programs. The databases are composed of objects called application objects. SCIL is also used for user interface design in MicroSCADA, which involves the composition of pictures and dialogs, which comprise dynamic illustrations containing a static background, dynamic windows and user activated function keys.
What kinds of SCIL programs exist?
SCIL programs can be created and placed in pictures, in command procedures, in dialogs and dialog items. They can be activated automatically or manually. For example, pressing function keys in pictures or clicking buttons in dialogs can execute SCIL programs.
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