Imagine Communications ADC v4.26.62 Air Client Operations and Installation

Imagine Communications ADC v4.26.62 Air Client Operations and Installation
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Below you will find brief information for Air Client ADC v4.26.62. The Air Client is a software application that allows users to control and manage the on-air playout of video and audio content. It offers a range of features for building playlists, running transmissions, previewing content, and managing events. It also provides tools for monitoring device status, searching for content, and managing errors.


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Air Client ADC v4.26.62 Operations and Installation | Manualzz

Operations and Installation

ADC™ Air Client



Revision: Release

ADC™ Air Client v4.26.62 Operations and Installation

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© 2017 Imagine Communications Corp.

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© 2017 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. 5/25/2017 | Page 2

ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents


Air Client Overview .............................................................................................. 14

About Air Client ...................................................................................................................................... 14

About Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6) .......................................................................................... 14

Minimum System Requirements ........................................................................................................ 14

About Playlists .................................................................................................................................... 15

About Events ...................................................................................................................................... 16

About Time Zones .............................................................................................................................. 20

About using Dual Output Video Cards ............................................................................................... 21

Air Client Desktop ................................................................................................................................... 21

Ribbon Toolbars ...................................................................................................................................... 22

File Ribbon Tab ................................................................................................................................... 22

Edit Ribbon Tab .................................................................................................................................. 23

Events Ribbon Tab .............................................................................................................................. 23

Servers Ribbon Tab (for sites using Multi-server login) ..................................................................... 26

Resources Ribbon Tab ........................................................................................................................ 26

Properties Ribbon Tab ........................................................................................................................ 27

Tools Ribbon Tab ................................................................................................................................ 28

Window Ribbon Tab ........................................................................................................................... 29

Help Ribbon Tab ................................................................................................................................. 29

Quick Access Ribbon Tab .................................................................................................................... 30

Quick Access Toolbar .............................................................................................................................. 30

Right Click Menus ................................................................................................................................... 30

List Window Right Click Menu ............................................................................................................ 30

View List Right-Click Menu ................................................................................................................. 31

Control Panels......................................................................................................................................... 34

Hardware Control Panel ..................................................................................................................... 34

Operator Control Panel (OCP) ............................................................................................................ 35

Software Control Panel ...................................................................................................................... 36

Transmission List Window ...................................................................................................................... 37

Air Focus/List Locked .......................................................................................................................... 38

Event Types ........................................................................................................................................ 38

Event Data Fields ................................................................................................................................ 39

Playlist Window ...................................................................................................................................... 40

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents

Event Data Fields ................................................................................................................................ 40

Getting Started .................................................................................................... 43

To Launch Air Client ................................................................................................................................ 43

To Stop Air Client ................................................................................................................................ 44

Air Client User Authentication ................................................................................................................ 44

Assigning an Administrator Password ................................................................................................ 44

Managing Server / MultiServer Connections ......................................................................................... 45

Limitations: ......................................................................................................................................... 45

Device Server Connections (No MultiServer Logon) .......................................................................... 46

To Connect to a Device Server (w/ MultiServer Logon) ..................................................................... 46

Disconnecting from a Device Server (w/ MultiServer Logon) ............................................................ 47

To Add/Edit/Remove/Scan Available Device Server Entries (w/ MultiServer Logon) ........................ 48

Viewing Resources .................................................................................................................................. 49

To View a Full Resource List ............................................................................................................... 50

To View Device Status of a Server ...................................................................................................... 51

To View Lists available on a Device Server ......................................................................................... 52

To View Storage Devices available on a Device Server ...................................................................... 52

To View Switchers available on a Device Server ................................................................................ 53

Traffic-Generated Lists ........................................................................................................................... 54

To Save the Desktop ............................................................................................................................... 55

Help and About Information .................................................................................................................. 55

To Launch the Help System ................................................................................................................ 55

To View About Information ................................................................................................................ 55

Managing Window Layouts and Colors .................................................................................................. 56

To Show/Hide the Ribbon Bar ............................................................................................................ 56

To Change Window Skin Color Schemes ............................................................................................ 56

To Change Window Layouts ............................................................................................................... 57

Aero WindowsTheme Issues .............................................................................................................. 57

To Change the Windows Aero Effect Theme ..................................................................................... 57

About Operator Control Panel (OCP) Functions ..................................................................................... 57

To Force Reinitialize the OCP ............................................................................................................. 58

Locking the Operator Control Panel (OCP) ......................................................................................... 58

Using the Shift Function ..................................................................................................................... 58

Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................................................................................ 59

A list of shortcut commands .............................................................................................................. 59

Running Air Client Offline ....................................................................................................................... 60

On-Air Playback Operations ................................................................................. 61

About On-Air Playback............................................................................................................................ 61

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents

Automated V11 to V12 list translation utility .................................................................................... 61

About Event Headers in Air Client ...................................................................................................... 62

To View an ON AIR List / Transmission List ............................................................................................ 62

To Build a Play List File............................................................................................................................ 63

To Save a Playlist file as Text .................................................................................................................. 64

To Export Playlist/Transmission List/Pull List file to CSV ........................................................................ 65

To perform an export to CSV .............................................................................................................. 65

To Open an Existing Playlist .................................................................................................................... 66

To Insert a Play List file to the Transmission List .................................................................................... 66

To Append a Play List file to the Transmission List................................................................................. 68

To Load a List .......................................................................................................................................... 69

To Run the Transmission List .................................................................................................................. 69

To Air a Live Event .................................................................................................................................. 71

Join an Event in Progress ........................................................................................................................ 72

To Preview Play ...................................................................................................................................... 72

Thread, Unthread, Recue an Event ........................................................................................................ 73

Unthread an event ............................................................................................................................. 73

Thread the event ................................................................................................................................ 73

Recue the event.................................................................................................................................. 73

Using the VTR Device Control Panel ....................................................................................................... 73

Using the VDCP Device Control Panel .................................................................................................... 75

To Set on Air Focus ................................................................................................................................. 76

Calculate Durations of Multiple Events .................................................................................................. 77

Find an ID ................................................................................................................................................ 77

Find Next Occurrence of an ID in a List .................................................................................................. 78

Managing Bookmarks ............................................................................................................................. 78

To Add / Remove a Bookmark ............................................................................................................ 78

To Jump to a Bookmark ...................................................................................................................... 80

To Set a Hard Start Event ........................................................................................................................ 80

To Toggle a Hard Start ........................................................................................................................ 80

Toggle Look Ahead ................................................................................................................................. 81

To Toggle Look Ahead ........................................................................................................................ 81

Managing List Confirmations .................................................................................................................. 81

Managing Secondary Events on a Playlist .............................................................................................. 81

To Show / Hide Secondary Events ...................................................................................................... 82

About Specifying which secondary events to show or hide ............................................................... 83

Managing Trigger Events ........................................................................................................................ 86

Function Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 86

Adding the Trigger Column ................................................................................................................ 86

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents

Setting the Trigger Column parameter .............................................................................................. 87

Colors for Action events: .................................................................................................................... 87

Displaying list caption with the name of Master list: ......................................................................... 88

Manage the Operation Log ..................................................................................................................... 89

To Open the Operation Log in Air Client ............................................................................................ 89

To Save the Operation Log as a Textfile in Air Client ......................................................................... 89

To Export the Textfile Operation Log ................................................................................................. 90

Using Air Protect ..................................................................................................................................... 90

To Use Air Protect .............................................................................................................................. 90

To Check Switcher Control ..................................................................................................................... 91

Reviewing Tally status information in the AsRun log text file ................................................................ 91

Tally: On Air / On Line status and color for the playing event(s) of the list ....................................... 92

Log format .......................................................................................................................................... 94

Extended Play Mix/Wipes Early .............................................................................................................. 94

Example: Automatic Duration Update on the Playlist ....................................................................... 95

Displaying AFD and BarData Values in a Playlist .................................................................................... 96

Create an AFD column in the PlayList ................................................................................................ 96

To Display BarData Values in a Playlist ............................................................................................... 98

Implementing ID Video ARC Override .................................................................................................. 102

Create a Custom AFD Override column in the PlayList .................................................................... 102

Manage AFD Override in a Playlist ................................................................................................... 104

Using the Zoom Window ...................................................................................................................... 105

To launch the Zoom Window ........................................................................................................... 105

Zoom Window status bar ................................................................................................................. 106

Expandable Windows ....................................................................................................................... 107

Using SyncSkip ...................................................................................................................................... 108

About the SyncSkip command ......................................................................................................... 109

Required Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 109

Example Operation ........................................................................................................................... 109

SyncSkip informational warnings ..................................................................................................... 113

Dynamic List Selection for API triggering ............................................................................................. 113

Triggered Lists Selection window in Air Client ................................................................................. 113

Hint with enabled triggered lists ...................................................................................................... 115

Limitation with Triggered lists and a Playlist window ...................................................................... 116

Storing selected lists within an event structure ............................................................................... 116

Playlist Editing Operations ................................................................................. 118

To Open an Existing Playlist .................................................................................................................. 118

Saving a Play List File ............................................................................................................................ 118

Inserting Primary Events ....................................................................................................................... 118

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents

To Insert a Primary Event ................................................................................................................. 119

Inserting Multi-Segment Events ........................................................................................................... 119

To Insert a Segment.......................................................................................................................... 120

Managing Duplicate Single Spot and Multi Segment IDs ................................................................. 120

Insert Secondary Events ....................................................................................................................... 121

To Insert a Secondary Event ............................................................................................................. 121

Configuring an Editable Secondary Event ........................................................................................ 126

Manage Back-Timed Events ................................................................................................................. 135

Secondary Events that can be Back-Timed ...................................................................................... 136

To Specify ‘PT’ Event Type syntax .................................................................................................... 137

Manage End-Timed Events ................................................................................................................... 137

When Enabling a Key ........................................................................................................................ 137

When Event Duration Matches the Offset ....................................................................................... 138

Secondary Events that can be End-Timed ........................................................................................ 138

To Specify ‘PT’ Event Type syntax .................................................................................................... 139

Enable a List Freeze .............................................................................................................................. 139

Option 1: Using a secondary Backtimed System event (bSYS) ......................................................... 139

Option 2: Using a Secondary System event (sSYS) ........................................................................... 140

Enable a Data Event (sDAT) .................................................................................................................. 140

Data Event Commands ..................................................................................................................... 140

Add a Transition Effect ......................................................................................................................... 141

Cut, Copy, Paste Playlist Events ............................................................................................................ 142

To Cut an Event from a Playlist ........................................................................................................ 142

To Copy an Event from a Playlist ...................................................................................................... 143

To Paste Cut / Copied Event(s) ......................................................................................................... 143

Copy/Paste Cells ............................................................................................................................... 144

Clear / Delete Playlist Events ................................................................................................................ 144

To Clear a Block of Events from a Playlist ........................................................................................ 144

Moving Events within a List and Between Lists .................................................................................... 145

Open the source List(s) ..................................................................................................................... 145

To Drag-and-Drop a Single Event ..................................................................................................... 145

To Drag-and-Drop Multiple events .................................................................................................. 146

Move Events using Copy / Paste ...................................................................................................... 146

Revise Playlist Event Field Text ............................................................................................................. 146

Clear Done Events................................................................................................................................. 147

Replace an Event ID .............................................................................................................................. 147

Ripple Time ........................................................................................................................................... 148

To Manually Ripple Times ................................................................................................................ 148

Checking if a List is Timed Out .......................................................................................................... 149

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents

Managing Pull Lists ............................................................................................................................... 149

Review Missing Events using the Pull List Window .......................................................................... 149

GMT Pull Lists ................................................................................................................................... 151

Show/Hide Columns in a Pull List ..................................................................................................... 152

Add DBStatus Field as a Column ...................................................................................................... 153

Recycle Bin Window ............................................................................................................................. 153

To use the Recycle Bin ...................................................................................................................... 154

Empty Recycle Bin option ................................................................................................................. 154

Warning Box when the Recycle Bin exceeds 2,000 events .............................................................. 155

To enable use of "RECYCLE.lst" ........................................................................................................ 155

To Configure Colors .......................................................................................................................... 155

To Configure a Purge ........................................................................................................................ 156

Managing Resource Windows ............................................................................ 157

Robust Database Search Window ........................................................................................................ 157

To Search for a Record ..................................................................................................................... 157

Managing Search Results ................................................................................................................. 160

To Copy a Record to a Transmission List .......................................................................................... 164

Drag and Drop a Record to a Playlist or Transmission List ............................................................... 164

Device Status Window .......................................................................................................................... 164

To Open the Device Status Window ................................................................................................. 165

To Filter Device Status Rows/Columns ............................................................................................. 166

Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................... 170

Device Storage Window ....................................................................................................................... 171

To Open the Device Storage Window .............................................................................................. 171

To Refresh a Window ....................................................................................................................... 172

Protecting and Removing Spots ....................................................................................................... 173

To Check or Search for a record ....................................................................................................... 173

Moving Spots and Records to Playlists ............................................................................................. 175

More Info Window ............................................................................................................................... 175

To Display the More Info Window ................................................................................................... 176

Video Window ...................................................................................................................................... 176

To Display the Video Window .......................................................................................................... 176

Managing Compile Lists ..................................................................................... 177

About the Compiler Option .................................................................................................................. 177

Creating a Compile List ......................................................................................................................... 177

To view the individual spots of a compile tape ................................................................................ 177

To remove all spots from a compile list window ............................................................................. 177

To prepare a list for compiling ......................................................................................................... 177

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents

Compiling a Compile List ...................................................................................................................... 178

Recompiling a Compile List .............................................................................................................. 180

Other Compile List Functions ............................................................................................................... 180

Error Management ............................................................................................ 181

About Displaying Errors ........................................................................................................................ 181

To Simultaneously View All Air Client Errors .................................................................................... 181

To View Error Logs ............................................................................................................................ 181

To Display Errors ............................................................................................................................... 181

Clearing Error Messages from the Air Client Desktop .......................................................................... 182

To Clear Error Messages ................................................................................................................... 182

List Validation ....................................................................................................................................... 182

List Validation window ..................................................................................................................... 182

Emergency Operations ....................................................................................... 184

Main/Backup Changeover .................................................................................................................... 184

Recovery Steps ................................................................................................................................. 184

Other Considerations ....................................................................................................................... 186

System Power Up and Down Sequences .............................................................................................. 186

Automated Recording ........................................................................................ 188

Record Lists ........................................................................................................................................... 188

Key Elements .................................................................................................................................... 188

Running the Record List ................................................................................................................... 189

Record List Tips/Troubleshooting .................................................................................................... 189

Secondary Records ............................................................................................................................... 190

Key Elements .................................................................................................................................... 190

Inputting Secondary Record Events ................................................................................................. 190

Secondary Record Entry Guidelines ................................................................................................. 190

Basic Functions of the Secondary Record ........................................................................................ 190

Secondary Recording to Video Disk ................................................................................................. 191

Secondary Recording to Tape ........................................................................................................... 191

Use Time of Day as SOM for Secondary Records ............................................................................. 192

Database Logging.................................................................................................................................. 192

To Activate the Update Database option ......................................................................................... 192

Barcode Event .................................................................................................... 194

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 194

VTR Playlist Assignment........................................................................................................................ 195

VTR as Assigned Device .................................................................................................................... 195

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents

VTR as a Floater Machine ................................................................................................................. 195

Barcode Event – Step by Step ............................................................................................................... 195

Barcode Event Scenarios ...................................................................................................................... 196

Scenario 1: Using Barcode Event for a tape that has an automation database record ................... 196

Scenario 2: Using Barcode Event for a tape that does not have an automation database record

(Manually entering SOM) ................................................................................................................. 197

Scenario 3: Using Barcode Event for a tape that has bad or no timecode ...................................... 197

Logging .............................................................................................................. 200

Error Logs .............................................................................................................................................. 200

To Display an Error Log ..................................................................................................................... 200

AsRun Logs ............................................................................................................................................ 201

To Display AsRun Logs ...................................................................................................................... 201

WinCmms .......................................................................................................... 203

About Traffic Translator ....................................................................................................................... 203

Using the Translator Program .............................................................................................................. 203

WinCmms Setup ................................................................................................................................... 203

To Put a Shortcut on the Desktop .................................................................................................... 203

To Change the Default Directories and Options .............................................................................. 204

Global Media Transfer (GMT) ............................................................................ 205

About GMT ........................................................................................................................................... 205

GMT Transfer Modes........................................................................................................................ 205

GMT Components ............................................................................................................................ 206

A Simple GMT System ...................................................................................................................... 207

ADC AirFlex ........................................................................................................ 208

About ADC AirFlex ................................................................................................................................ 208

An Overview of Components ........................................................................................................... 209

ADC FlexSync ..................................................................................................... 211

About the Air Client ADC FlexSync Option ........................................................................................... 211

Implementation ................................................................................................................................ 211

Deployment and Workflows ............................................................................................................ 211

LinkList ............................................................................................................... 213

About LinkList ....................................................................................................................................... 213

Air Client Installation ......................................................................................... 214

Client Notes .......................................................................................................................................... 214

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents

About INI Reuse During an Upgrade ................................................................................................ 214

About v11 Client Validation.............................................................................................................. 214

Rev-Lock Condition with version 12.21/4.21 release ....................................................................... 214

Start up Switches .............................................................................................................................. 214

Network IP ........................................................................................................................................ 215

Upgrade Note ................................................................................................................................... 215

To Install Air Client on a Workstation ................................................................................................... 215

Managing the Desktop Shortcut for Air Client ..................................................................................... 216

Limitations: ....................................................................................................................................... 216

To Manage the shortcut on the Desktop ......................................................................................... 217

ODBC Connections and Networking ................................................................................................. 218

Configuring System Components ....................................................................... 219

Configuring Multiple Device Server Connections ................................................................................. 219

Limitations: ....................................................................................................................................... 219

Configuring List Options ....................................................................................................................... 219

Configuring Window Column Settings .................................................................................................. 227

Managing Column Templates ............................................................................................................... 229

To Save a Column Template ............................................................................................................. 229

To Apply a Column Template or Reset to Default Settings .............................................................. 230

Configuring Window Font Settings ....................................................................................................... 230

Configuring Event and Window Parameter Colors ............................................................................... 231

Enhanced Color Codes ...................................................................................................................... 231

To specify Event Colors .................................................................................................................... 232

Managing Color Templates ................................................................................................................... 235

To Save a Color Template ................................................................................................................. 235

To Manage Colors and Apply Across all Transmission Lists ............................................................. 237

Configuring System Properties ........................................................................... 238

Environment Properties ....................................................................................................................... 238

AsRun log Properties ............................................................................................................................ 250

Setting Hardware Control Panel Properties ......................................................................................... 254

To Configure the Operator Control Panel (OCP) .............................................................................. 254

Cabling .............................................................................................................................................. 259

Setting Software Control Panel Properties ........................................................................................... 259

Valid IDs ................................................................................................................................................ 262

List Names ............................................................................................................................................ 263

Auto List Save ....................................................................................................................................... 264

Auto Bin Save ........................................................................................................................................ 267

Error Reporting Properties ................................................................................................................... 267

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents

About Errors in Multi-Login Mode ................................................................................................... 269

Desktop Display Properties .................................................................................................................. 269

Saving the Desktop ........................................................................................................................... 270

LinkList .................................................................................................................................................. 270

More Info .............................................................................................................................................. 271

Hide Secondary Event Keys .................................................................................................................. 271

Configuration of the Hide Secondary Event keys ............................................................................. 272

Toolbar Builder ..................................................................................................................................... 274

To configure the Quick Access Ribbon Toolbar on the desktop ...................................................... 274

Configuring Time Zone Offsets ............................................................................................................. 277

To setup TimeZone Offsets .............................................................................................................. 278

Operation Log ....................................................................................................................................... 281

Set Tally ................................................................................................................................................ 282

SeaLevel Drivers to Support ADC "Tally" Function ........................................................................... 282

To Set a Tally..................................................................................................................................... 282

MI Additional Fields .............................................................................................................................. 285

New Metadata fields ........................................................................................................................ 286

To add new MI Fields ....................................................................................................................... 286

Appendix A ........................................................................................................ 288

Event Type Field Values ........................................................................................................................ 288

Appendix B ......................................................................................................... 291

Secondary Events ................................................................................................................................. 291

To access an editable secondary event already in a play ................................................................. 291

Secondary Switching Parameter (sSP) .............................................................................................. 291

Secondary Audio/Video (sAV) .............................................................................................................. 292

To switch the switcher ..................................................................................................................... 292

Back Timed Secondary Audio/Video (bAV) .......................................................................................... 292

GPI Contact (sGPI) ................................................................................................................................ 292

GPI Contact dialog ............................................................................................................................ 293

Back Timed GPI (bGPI) .......................................................................................................................... 293

Back Timed GPI dialog ...................................................................................................................... 294

Keyer On/Off (sKEY) .............................................................................................................................. 294

Key Event dialog ............................................................................................................................... 294

A/V Keyer On/Off.................................................................................................................................. 296

Transition Keyer (sTKY) ......................................................................................................................... 296

Transition Keyer dialog ..................................................................................................................... 296

Audio Over On/Off (sAOV) ................................................................................................................... 297

Audio Over dialog ............................................................................................................................. 298

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Contents

Transition Audio Over (sTAO) ............................................................................................................... 298

Transition Audio Over dialog ............................................................................................................ 299

Break ..................................................................................................................................................... 299

Comment (****) ................................................................................................................................... 299

Compile ID (cmID) ................................................................................................................................. 300

Data Event (sDAT) ................................................................................................................................. 300

Barter Spot (sBAR) ................................................................................................................................ 300

Record Switcher (sRSW) ....................................................................................................................... 301

Switcher Crosspoint (sXP) ..................................................................................................................... 301

Switcher Audio Crosspoint (AUD-XPT) ................................................................................................. 302

Secondary Record (sREC) ...................................................................................................................... 302

Break Sync (sSYN) ................................................................................................................................. 303

Secondary System (sSYS) ...................................................................................................................... 304

Event IDs ........................................................................................................................................... 304

Backtimed System (bSYS) ..................................................................................................................... 304

System Event ........................................................................................................................................ 305

External (vDT) ....................................................................................................................................... 305

To Insert an External secondary event ............................................................................................. 305

Data Event with Data (sDAT) ................................................................................................................ 306

To Insert a Data Event with Data...................................................................................................... 306

Appendix C ......................................................................................................... 307

Device Error Messages ......................................................................................................................... 307

Appendix D ........................................................................................................ 319

System Timing ...................................................................................................................................... 319

Requirements ................................................................................................................................... 319

Verify the source VTR and router's accuracy ................................................................................... 319

Validating Frame Accuracy ............................................................................................................... 319

Verify the Video Servers' accuracy ................................................................................................... 320

Appendix E ......................................................................................................... 323

Tips and Good Habits ............................................................................................................................ 323

Appendix F ......................................................................................................... 325

About AFD Codes .................................................................................................................................. 325

Mapping Abbreviations to AFD code values ........................................................................................ 326

© 2017 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. 5/25/2017 | Page 13

ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation

Air Client Overview

Air Client Overview

About Air Client

The ADC™ Air Client workstation is a client on the ADC playout automation network. Air Client provides:

Integrated control of broadcast devices, such as cart machines, VTRs, still stores, character generators, master control switchers and video disk servers.

Automated playout. Each event in a playlist plays at its start time without operator intervention. In problematic situations, operators may intervene at anytime to change playlists and control devices using the mouse, keyboard and hardware control panel.

Allows Play List files to be edited and created with secondary events and transition effects for broadcast. While these Play List files are typically generated by a traffic department placed into the transmission list, they may also be created manually with the Air Client.

Transmission list to control the actual playout of events. Events may be cut, copied, pasted, dragged and dropped within the transmission list. New play list files may be appended to the current on-air transmission list to form a single, continuous playout list. Each event in a Transmission List will play at its start time without operator intervention. As needed, operators may intervene using the mouse, keyboard and/or hardware control panel.

About Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPV6)

ADC v12 supports IPV6 for networking. IPv6 (IPng) is an upgrade to the Internet Protocol, that is designed to rectify the addressing problems in IPv4, and to provide a way to interpret, assign, and use addresses in a way more in line with modern internetworking. It will coexist with the older IPv4.

Minimum System Requirements

The following are minimum system requirements for ADC v12 Automation system components as of the release of this document.

Supported Database

The following databases are supported:

SQL 2008, SQL 2008 Express, SQL 2012, SQL 2012 Express¸ SQL 2014, SQL 2014 Express

Supported OS Level

ADC Device Server v12.18 and higher and Client v4.18 and higher support operation on 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation

Server Requirements

Air Client Overview

Type Requirements



Device Controller (CHP/iCHP chassis)

Current Device Server v12.x release

Operating System (Standard) Microsoft® Windows® Server 2008, Windows® Server 2012

Device Sever v12 uses IPV6 Network Protocol.

IMPORTANT: Ensure the Windows default Firewall is DISABLED on the Device

Server, Air Client, Media Client and Config Tool.

Network Interface


GigE Gigabit NIC and Ethernet switch is required

Client Requirements




Operating System


Processor – Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or greater

RAM – For 32-bit OS: 1 GB RAM or higher, For 64-bit OS: 2 GB RAM or higher

HD – 80 GB Hard Drive or greater (Required: 25MB of free Hard Drive Space)

(For Windows 7: 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit))

2 TCP 1000BT NICs

Additional Intel Network Interface Cards (Pro 100S) may be required for systems connecting to external networks, or a database using TCP/IP.

Current Air Client v4.x release

Current Media Client v4.x release

Windows 10

When connecting to Device Sever v12 or v11, ensure IPV6 Network

Protocol is enabled on the Client v4 computer.

IMPORTANT: Ensure the Windows default Firewall is DISABLED on the Device

Server, Air Client, Media Client and Config Tool.

Network Interface


GigE GB Ethernet and switch is required

About Playlists

Familiarity with playlists is essential to use Air Client effectively.

Playlists are files that contain events to play, record, or compile. Playlists can be created and stored locally at the Air Client workstation or translated from traffic schedules. They can also be stored on the

ADC file server and are available to all operators on the system for viewing and editing.

When a playlist is loaded into a transmission list window, it is called a transmission list.

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation

About Events

Air Client Overview

Familiarity with events is essential to use Air Client effectively. An event contains information, such as start time, event type, material identification (ID), title, segment number, duration, start of message and channel output.

Primary Events

Primary events, such as programs and commercials, constitute the majority of a playlist’s events. They may be accompanied by secondary events, and transition effects.

Event Type Field Values

There are several event types you can use to indicate how an event is played. For example, if you just want an event to play without switching or threading, you would choose Play (P) as the primary event type. The primary event types are described below:

Play (P): An event will play without switching or threading.

Switch (S): An event will switch without threading or playing.

Thread (T): An event will thread without switching or playing.

Auto (A): An event will switch, play and thread. Auto is the default setting for most primary events.

Alternatively, a PT (play and thread) can be used to play and thread, but not switch.

Record (R): A record event initiates recording on a device at the time specified in the event’s time field.

Timed (O): Denotes that the event is a hard start event which automatically threads and plays at the time specified in the event’s Time field.

Upcounting (U): Use an upcount event for an event of unknown duration, such as a sporting event or any other live broadcast. During playout, the event’s duration will count down to 00:00:00.00 and then will count back up.

This repeats until terminated by either pressing Play or Skip on the control panel or a contact start is reached. The next event will play normally. Up counters only work on events played from Switch

Only devices.

Manual Start (AM): Use a manual start event to provide the equivalent of a break event during the transmission of a playlist. When playing, a list will stop when it reaches a manual start event. Click

Play on the control panel.

Exception (X): This is a customized primary event in configurations that have a primary program channel and regional feeds to play different commercials to different regions. Exception events are different on a regional feed from those played on the primary program channel. X is only used on a compile tape.

Time to Next (N): Enter a letter N in the type field (next to A or AU) to provide a countdown to the event’s start time. This is used primarily on live events so an operator can give an accurate countback from a break back into a live event, such as a newscast.

Audible Time to Next (Q): Enter a letter Q in the type field (next to A or AU) to provide an audible countdown starting 30 seconds from a commercial break into the next live event. To minimize its effect on existing functionality ‘N’ (Time to Next) is automatically set and hidden from an operator when letter ‘Q’ is entered.

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Note: This option is not currently supported by Versio.

Note: This type option requires the "Audible Time To Next" option be enabled (checked) on the

Environment->List Options tab.

Note: After the "Audible Time To Next" checkbox option is enabled in the List Options, it is necessary to close and re-open the list windows in the client for the feature to work. (Re-loading the lists is not necessary.)

For example, if the duration of the break is 3 minutes, then...

At 30 seconds Air Client announces: "30 seconds to go."

At 20 seconds, Air Client announces: "20 seconds, standby."

At 10 seconds, Air Client starts counting down each second: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

Other example conditions:

If the commercial break is 30 seconds long, then the countdown starts immediately with "30 seconds to go".

If the commercial break is less than 30 seconds long, but greater than 20 seconds, then the coundown starts at 20 seconds with "20 seconds, standby".

If the commercial break is less than 20 seconds long, but greater than 10 seconds, then the countdown starts at 10 seconds, with the 10,9,8 .......

Deadroll (D): A deadroll event hard starts at a specific time while the list plays. The deadroll event plays, but does not switch, for its duration and then stops. Deadroll events are only intended for use on linear media (tapes) so that a JIP (Join In Progress) can be performed.

Audio/Video Breakaway (AV, AI, AVJ, AIJ): A primary event or a secondary audio/video event can be run and cause the switcher to perform an audio/ video breakaway. AV is an event type that performs a video breakaway. AI performs audio breakaways. To rejoin the secondary audio/video breakaway to the primary audio/video input when it finishes playing, edit the event type to AVJ or


A breakaway event can occur at the beginning, within and the end of its associated primary event.

When used at the beginning or end, the primary event type is set to A; the secondary event type is set to AV or AI. If the duration of the secondary event is less than the primary event, add a J to supply the audio and video from the primary event. When used within a primary event, the secondary event type is set to AVJ or AIJ.

Note: Only one breakaway can be assigned to a primary event to avoid an overlap in time. You cannot breakaway audio and then breakaway video until the video is rejoined. Also, you cannot breakaway video and then breakaway audio until the audio is rejoined.

Secondary events

Secondary events are associated with the primary event above it in the playlist. Multiple secondary events can be assigned to a primary event and are played concurrently. A secondary event’s time is used as an offset in relation to the primary event’s time.

Valid secondary events include:

Audio/Video: A secondary Audio/Video event plays material, in addition to the primary event on air, for use in effects such as keys, audio overs and mixes.

Backtimed A/V: The backtimed secondary audio/video event is the same as a Secondary Audio/

Video except the secondary’s on-air time is the amount of time before the primary event will begin.

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GPI Contact: This event is a GPI Contact Closure to a device that initiates a switch. The GPI Contact will play with the corresponding Primary Event at the same time, regardless of value of "Time". The event will display as played at the primary event time, although the actual GPI contact will close at the exact time.

Backtimed GPI: Similar to a standard GPI event, except that the offset is measured backwards in time from the start of the associated primary event. For example, a backtimed GPI event with an offset of 5 seconds fires the GPI contact 5 seconds before the start of the associated primary event.

A backtimed GPI event cannot be attached to an event following a primary upcount event. In this case, the system would not be able to calculate when to begin the GPI event.

Keyer On/Off: This event describes when a hole is cut in the associated primary events video output and is then filled with the output of the Keyer source.

Transition Key: Similar to a Keyer On/Off event except, the key is brought up at the start of the associated primary event with the same transition type (i.e. brought up with a fade up, cut, wipe etc.).

Audio Over On/Off: This is used to add another audio source over the primary audio/video source.

It can be set with a percentage over ratio…for example, if set to 100%, it will completely replace the primary events audio.

Transition Audio Over: Similar to a standard Audio Over event except that it is brought up with the primary event and corresponding transition type.

Break: An event line inserted in the list where you would like the list to stop running. The first event after the break line will cue up, but will not play out, and the program switches to black. To restart the list [after the break line], press Roll or Play on the control panel.

Comment: Used to enter Notes into the playlist. Comment event lines are ignored during transmission. However, they do add events to the list size. You can enter text in the title field up to sixteen characters.

Compile ID: Used to attach a title to the head of a compilation list. It has no effect on the playlist and is ignored during transmission.

Data Event: Used as a command to a device to perform a certain function. Occurs at the time entered in the on-air [or Time] column. Mostly used with videodisk servers.

Barter Spot: Intended for reconciliation with the traffic system. Attached to a program segment that has barter spots in it [network, nat’l]. Will appear in the AsRun log that the spots attached to that segment ran.

Record Switcher: This is a secondary event that performs extra switching for inputs. During a recording, automation will switch to the source denoted in the secondary events Title field.

Switcher Crosspoint: This is a secondary event that performs extra switching for outputs. Allows you to route program from one list to a different destination.

Secondary Record: Allows for the automated recording and segmenting of live program material, for immediate or future playback to air. Unlike most record events, this event type is used in lists that combine record and playback activities. It will function only in lists that combine record and playback material.

Break Sync: Break sync contains an estimated time of day a pod will run, a deviation time and a time for a window of opportunity for the operator to react to the event.

Secondary System: Used to allow the sharing of resources between lists. This event allows the traffic system to schedule device (resource) assignment during the execution of a transmission list.

Like all secondary events, this type of event is attached to a primary event. When this event type is

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Operations and Installation Air Client Overview run, it is able to move un-owned device heads to the list that is running this event or release device heads in order to make them available to another list. It is up to the traffic department to schedule the assignment and release of heads so that two lists will not conflict in their usage of these heads.

Backtimed System: This works in the same manner as secondary system except that this event type runs prior to the primary event by the time specified in the Time field.

External: An External secondary event is used to send commands or other information to a device through a device server. This event acts as a secondary A/V event with the capability of sending commands or other information to a specific device on the device server.

Data Event With Data: This event is used to send commands and other information to a specific device on the device server. When inserting this secondary event, use the text editor to enter the commands. The commands are sent to the device whose device ID matches the event ID.

Event Header: An Event Header type is a primary event that has no duration, no device and does not impact ripple. It isn't included in the as-run log. This Event Header provides visual separation between lists and provides an identifier that allows traffic to be able to replace a schedule. Once an

Event Header is added, its title can be manually edited in the playlist as required.

Transition Effects

A transition effect is configurable according to type, speed, key hold status, and mixed audio/video and wipe effect qualifiers. Transition effects are added between events in a playlist. A master control switcher is required to use transition effects. The system transitions INTO events only. Therefore, specifying a transition type or speed on an event affects how that event is transitioned TO.

Switch-Only IDs

You can create a list of frequently used, switch-only IDs that are not in the database, yet are valid. Air

Client can be configured to validate IDs against this list by clicking the Check IDs Against Valid ID List button on the List Options tab in the Environment... dialog box (accessible on the Properties ribbon tab).

By putting IDs in the Valid ID list, Air Client will not generate a warning when editing IDs not in the database.

Hard Start Events

A hard start event is an event that plays at its start time instead of when the previous event finishes playing. To change an event to a hard start event, click it, then click Toggle Hard Start on the Events ribbon tab or press ALT+O. Hard start events display the letter O in the Type field.

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Extended event types (back-timed and end-timed event type qualifiers)

Normal Manual

Back-Timed End-Timed



Primary Event




“Second” Button


Back-Timed Events: A back-timed, secondary event is run at the offset value before the first frame

of the primary it is attached to. For more information see Manage Back-Timed Events (on page 135 ).

End-Timed Events: An end-timed, secondary event is run offset from the end of the primary event.

For more information see Manage End-Timed Events (see "To Specify ‘PT’ Event Type syntax" on page 137).

For Example: Attached to the last commercial of commercial break a tone closure needs to be turned on eight seconds before the end of the last break using a GPI event.

With a forward offset event, the eight seconds would have to be subtracted from the duration of the primary event and offset from that duration.

If the primary event were 30 seconds, then a forward offset would have to be set at 22 seconds.

If the commercial break was re-ordered and the last commercial was now a 15 second commercial, the GPI event would have to be edited and the offset changed to 7 seconds.

With an end-time offset of 8 seconds, the GPI event would not have to be edited when the commercial break content was changed.

About Time Zones

Familiarity with Time Zone management is beneficial to using Air Client effectively. In a facility where there is the need to manage local time offsets, all device servers are fed identical time of day time code.

This time code is displayed on the device server screen. Client software manages the "translation" of master time to local time inside the client application.

When configured and set to a list, the Time Zone is displayed in the title bar of it List window, and of its

Zoom window. The time zone offset is added to the time value of each event in the List.

In a Pull List window the Time Zone name is displayed in the title bar, and the offset value in the

status bar. For more information see Configuring Time Zone Offsets (on page 277 ).

Time Zone Definitions

Master Time: The output of the central facility time standard. It is defined as "Zulu" format (24 hour) time or "military" time. It is the time reference that is output from the central facility time code generator and supplied to all Device Servers in a given automation system. This is the only time value displayed on the Device Server’s screen and is distributed via the API to the system clients.

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Local Time: The time standard that is displayed to an operator by a list that is under system management. This time standard is modified from the Master Time delivered to the client by the server over the network by code within the client. Its offset from master time is programmable via software selections in the client.

Time Offset: The amount of time (in HH:MM) that the Master Time must be delayed (Or advanced) to account for time zone differences.

Local Time Display: The time standard that the list is running under, which is shown to the user at the Client display. This time is derived from the master time by software routines in the client applications.

Master Time Display: The time standard display that directly reflects the actual time value that is being input to the Device Servers in the central facility. It is normally displayed on the Device Server application window.

Time of Day (TOD): A reference to a particular clock time that can be derived from either Master OR

Local time. Time of day is not related to event duration.

About using Dual Output Video Cards

When using Air Client on a dual output video card, if a new window is opened, it appears in the center and can be seen on both monitors.

Air Client Desktop

Using Air Client requires familiarity with the major components of the Air Client desktop. The major components are the playlist, transmission list, database, device status, device storage windows and the switcher. These components provide access to the core functionality of Air Client.

As shown in the following example, the [ Login name - Client name - Server(s) name – Date ] information is dynamically displayed in the title bar of the Air client application.

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Ribbon Toolbars

Air Client Overview

All options for the Air Client application are located in a specific ribbon tab. This section describes the basic functionality of the options. Be advised that while navigating the ribbon tabs options on the On Air transmission lists will continue to play. Care should be taken to ensure proper monitoring of the transmission lists while navigating in other areas.

File Ribbon Tab


New PlayList (Ctrl+N)

Open Playlist (Ctrl+O)


Save Playlist (Ctrl+S)

Save Playlist As

Print (Ctrl+P)

Save As Text

Export to CSV

Display Errors

Clear Errors

Robust Database Search


Opens up an empty play list file to insert programming – to be saved for future transmission

Allows you to access inactive play list files for editing purposes

Closes the active window

Permanently saves the work done on an open play list

Allows you to create a different filename for an existing play list or create an original filename for a new play list

Will print the active screen to an assigned printer

Will save the active window as a text file

Export playlists, transmission lists and pull lists to the MS

Excel-compatible CSV files.

Displays a list of the most recent on-air errors

Erases errors displayed on the Air Client from the clipboard only

Opens the Robust Database Search window. Allows an operator to search for and review records of existing spots.

Open Text

Open Operation Log

Allows you to view text files such as AsRun Logs, and Error Logs

The operation log, logs the user activity. Like edition, deletion, and changes to the playlist.

Save Operation Log as Text Allows you to save the operation log as a text file.

Change User

Exit (Alt+X)

Allows you to change the name of the user working at the client station

Closes the program and all open windows

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Edit Ribbon Tab

Air Client Overview


Cut (Ctrl+X)

Copy (Ctrl+C)

Paste (Ctrl+V)

Clear (Del)



Removes selected event(s) and places them onto a clipboard

Copies selected event(s) onto a clipboard without removing them from the list

Will paste events from the clipboard into the list above the cursor position

Will delete selected event(s) from the list, without saving them on the clipboard

Allows you to search the active list for media by ID in one direction from the current cursor position

Enables you to search for specific IDs and replace them with other IDs

Allows you to highlight all events in an open list.


Select All

Events Ribbon Tab

This ribbon tab is available once a Playlist has been loaded.


Revise (Alt+R)

Cancel (Alt+Q)

Insert Primary (Ins)

Insert Secondary


Allows you to edit or revise the event that the cursor is on. Pressing the

Tab key moves you forward one field/cell. Pressing Shift+Tab moves you back. To finish editing press the Alt+R keys

Cancels the editing of an event without saving the changes you’ve made to it

Inserts a Primary event line into the playlist above the cursor position.

Automatically puts you into Revise Mode. Press Alt+R keys when done

Inserts a Secondary event above the cursor position. Refer to attachment for detailed definitions. *Note*: Some items listed may not be available on your particular system

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Edit Effects

Edit Trigger

Edit Secondary

Calculate Durations

Toggle Hard Start (Alt+O)

Ripple Time (Alt+M)

List Validation

Pull List

Verify Event Against DB

Verify List Against DB

Linked Lists Enabled


Validate Liked List Durations


Air Client Overview


Allows an operator to modify the transition into the event the cursor is placed on for editing

Allows an operator a dynamic means to alter the linked list associations from the Air Client and also on an event-by-event basis. Trigger actions are selected from a dropdown list.

Allows an operator to edit aspects of certain types of secondary events that are not represented in entry fields on the playlist.

Will calculate the total duration for all highlighted items. Cannot be used with Upcount events

Places a hard start on the event line the cursor is positioned on. This dictates that the event begins airing at the specified time.

Note: It places a hardstart and also removes a hardstart as needed.

Ripples air times from cursor placement to the next hard start in a list. If no hard start is present, start times will ripple through the entire playlist

List Validation will check through the list for potential problems, such as; same id = same ID back-to-back, separates = segments not separated by a break, sequence = missing segments within a series, or segments out of order, same segment = same segment number back-to-back.

Will create a list of events that are scheduled on your playlist but have not been found in assigned air devices. Also known as "Missing Media"

Cross-references the event the cursor is placed upon or the selected events against the database for accuracy of data entry (i.e. Durations,


Cross-references the entire list against the database for accuracy of data entry (i.e. Durations, SOMs)

Select this option to enable the playlist’s to be linked together. When ticked, the Master list will control the Linked Lists. List linking can be disabled by unchecking this option, or pressing CTL + F5 to toggle it on/off.

Note: Do NOT enable LinkList if there are no Linked Lists configured. This

can impact Air Client operations, and will be resolved in a future release.

This option is available when LinkList.bin is in the air client install

directory. For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page


When multiple events are selected on the Master list, this function will check the duration of the corresponding linked events on the Linked list. Only available for Offline lists.

Some or all of the following options are grayed out if:

The Master Online or Offline list is not the active window.

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Copy Linked List In (F9)


No events are selected on the Master Online or Offline lists.

This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.

For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).

If the Master Online transmission list is the active window, this function will copy the selected Master and Linked event(s) on the Offline linked lists to the Online lists.

If the Master Offline playlist is the active window, this function will copy the selected Master and Linked events on the Online lists to the Offline lists.

This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.

For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).

Copy Linked List Out (F10) If the Master Online transmission list is the active window, this function will copy the selected Master and Linked event(s) to the Offline linked lists.

If the Master Offline playlist is the active window, this function will copy the selected Master and Linked events to the Online lists.

This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.

For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).

Move Linked List In (F11)

Move Linked List Out (F12) This is identical to Copy Linked List Out, however the Master and Linked event(s) will be cut from the source list when they are copied. Same as

Cut and Paste.

This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.

For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).

Generate Link List Keys

This is identical to Copy Linked List In, however the Master and Linked event(s) will be cut from the source list when they are copied. Same as

Cut and Paste.

This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.

For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).

Only available in Offline mode. This is used to manually generate the

LinkKeys for the Offline lists. If your station’s traffic system does not generate the Linking keys when the schedules are created, use this option to manually generate the LinkKeys for the Master and Linked


Note: The Offline lists must be resaved after generating the LinkKeys.

This option is available when Linked Lists are configured and enabled.

For details see section: LinkList (see "ADC AirFlex" on page 208).

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Servers Ribbon Tab (for sites using Multi-server login)

This ribbon tab allows operators to connect to / disconnect from specific Device Server, and add

/remove servers from the available list.




Available Server


Launches the ‘Connect to Servers’ dialog. This dialog allows an operator to connect to currently available servers.

Launches the ‘Disconnect from Servers’ dialog. This dialog allows an operator to disconnect from currently connected servers.

Launches the ‘Edit Available Servers’ dialog. This dialog allows an operator to perform both manual editing (Edit) and automatic discovery

(Scan) of servers for multi-server login environments.

Resources Ribbon Tab


View List


Device Status

Device Storage

Resources list


Allows you to choose and open active transmission list configured in the system

A diagnostic utility typically used to determine if switcher(s) are responding correctly to remote commands given by automation.

Opens a window by which all automated devices can be checked for correct status and assignments.

Allows you to view media in mass storage devices such as Cart

Machines, Video Disks, and Audio Disks. You can "drag and drop" media into an active transmission list if desired

Displays available Device Servers and the lists, devices and device status for each server.

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Properties Ribbon Tab

Air Client Overview

Note: New Air Client software modified properties are shown with orange border. Brand new Properties are shown with Red Border.



AsRun logs

Hardware Control Panel

Software Control Panel

Valid IDs

List Names

Auto List Save

Auto Bin Save



Linked Lists…


Allows configuration of: List Options, System Directory Paths, List

Directory Paths, Device Status Colors, Device Storage Colors, and Cell


Allows custom configuration of the AsRun log

Allows custom configuration of the Operator Control Panel (OCP).

Allows custom configuration of the software control panel within the application.

Allows creation of a list of IDs that are not in the database that are commonly used for air. This, in general, would include switch only events (i.e. Network, Newsroom, Studio, Black etc.)

Can add, remove, or customize names of transmission lists that will appear in ‘View List’ [under Resources]. The default is to display only a number for the separate transmission lists at your facility (i.e. play list 1, play list 2) and secondary lists such as Record Lists, Media Lists, and

Compile Lists

Allows parameters to be set for the Auto List Save feature; such as the frequency of automatic list savings based on the number of list changes that occur on an active on-air transmission list.

Specify the "Number of changes" to indicate how often the list saves to an RCV file automatically.

"Changes" refers mainly to movements of items in the list, 5 changes, means 5 events have passed. So in this example, every time 5 events have passed the list will auto-save to its RCV file.

Will save the bin storage map of a cart machine based on user specified intervals Errors – Allows configuration of how/where error messages are displayed and whether they will sound out when they occur

Use this option to configure the way errors are reported in the error window, and to which folder they are to be saved, if they are to be saved to disk.

Allows the adjustment of the desktop wallpaper within the Air Client program

Launches the Links Lists configuration dialog. LinkList allows playlists to be linked together and controlled from a single master playlist.

(This option is only available if the Linked Lists option has been

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Air Client Overview

More Info


purchased and linklist.bin is present in the Air Client installation

location.) For details see section: LinkList (on page 213).

When the functionality has been purchased, this option allows the custom configuration of a More Info column using an ODBC database.

Hide Secondary Event Keys Allows hiding and showing of secondary events on the Playlist

Toolbar Builder Allows the custom configuration of the Air Client Toolbar on the desktop.

Time Zone

Operation Log

A unique time zone offset can be configured for each play list that is offset from the house clock.

A log can be created to track operation activity within the Air Client application.

Set Tally The Air client can use the Tally information of a given List to display an

"On Air" / "On Line" status and color for the playing event(s) of the corresponding transmission list(s) and zoom window(s) status column.

If a Tally is configured for a given List, then the "On Air" color and ON

AIR status are used in the List and its Zoom window, if it is seen as "On

Air" according to the Tally configuration. And the "On Line" color and

ON LINE status are used in the List and its Zoom window, if it is seen as

"On Line" according to the Tally configuration. (See section on Tally for more info.)

MI Additional Fields

Save Desktop

Set Password

Launches a dialog that allows addition of fields to the More Info Builder.

This includes, but is not limited to, AFD, PSIP data, format, bitrates, etc.

Will save all desktop settings, including which windows are open and how they are tiled in proportion to one another. This will determine which windows will be opened automatically each time the program is launched.

Allows changing the current password

Tools Ribbon Tab


Recycle Bin

Video Window


A play list view of prior events that have been cut or deleted.

Air Client can include an optional feature that displays the on-air event in a video window. It can be used for monitoring the Output Stream,

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Play List Translator


but has no control functionality. A video board installed in the Air Client workstation must be connected to the output from the on-air video stream.

This option is not implemented. It is listed here for consistency and to address future inclusion.

Window Ribbon Tab


Color Scheme

Default Desktop



Arrange Icons

Close All

Help Ribbon Tab


Allows you to change the GUI skin color by selecting a different color for the list of available colors.

Changes desktop appearance back to the saved desktop settings

Cascades all open windows [screens] so that title-bar lines will be visible

Allow viewing all open windows [screens] simultaneously in a tile view

Allows you to arrange icons on your desktop

Closes all open windows [or screens]. Does not close the program




Launches a dialog that presents information about the current version of Air Client software.

The "Installed Packages" list includes the AsRun name and version, and the ODBC Calls name and version.

Launches the Air Client Help System. Help

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Quick Access Ribbon Tab

Air Client Overview

Provides a User-defined grouping of commonly used tools and functions.

Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access toolbar allows operators to quickly access commonly used functions. The following are examples of Quick Access Toolbars.

Icon Description

Connect: Launches the ‘Connect to Servers’ dialog. This dialog allows an operator to connect to currently available servers.

Note: This toolbar icon is only active when multiserver.bin is present in the

installation directory. For details contact Automation Technical Support.

Disconnect: Launches the ‘Disconnect from Servers’ dialog. This dialog allows an operator to disconnect from currently connected servers.

Note: This toolbar icon is only active when multiserver.bin is present in the

installation directory. For details contact Automation Technical Support.

Right Click Menus

The following menus are accessed from List and Playlist windows on the Air Client application. The availability of menus and options is context related.

List Window Right Click Menu

This menu is available by right clicking on an open list window.

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(Click on an open Playlist and get the following, which is a subset the right click playlist menu.)

View List Right-Click Menu

This menu is available by right clicking on an View List window.

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Option Description

Zoom Window

Hide All Secondaries/Show

All Secondaries

The Zoom Window option will show a view of the currently running event, the next event to run, and the next missing event on the transmission list.

To show all secondary events in a play list, click Show All Secondaries.

When secondary events are not currently hidden, the options available will be Hide All Secondaries.

Hide Some Secondary Type To hide the selected secondaries use the "Select Secondaries To Hide" option, and then use this option.

Select Secondaries To specify which secondary events to show or hide, open the Event

Types to Show or Hide dialog box by clicking Select Secondaries to hide.

Expand / Contract an Event Allows show or hide of a Secondary event on a one-at-a-time basis, by selecting the primary event and clicking Exp/Contract.

Find Next Occurrence

Toggle Bookmark

Selelct to find the next occurrence of an entry.

Toggle on/off bookmarking an event. Up to 3 bookmarks can be set at one time.

IMPORTANT: The Bookmark feature is supported in ADC v12 only.

Find Prev Bookmark

Find Next Bookmark

Append List

Jump/return to a previous bookmark

Jump to the next bookmark.

The Append List option allows a play list file to be appended to the end of the currently selected transmission list.

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Load List

Insert List

Control Panel

Breakaway Panel

Device Control Panel

Show More Info




Preview Play

Clear Done Events

Toggle Look Ahead

Air Client Overview


This will Load a play list file over the currently playing a selected transmission list.

CAUTION: This will take the transmission list off the air if this is used

while the transmission list is running.

This will insert a play list file above the placement of the cursor on the transmission list. This can be used for schedule or program changes.

Select the Control Panel to bring up the On Air Software Control Panel.

This control panel gives the operator direct control of devices that are currently playing on air. This control panel also allows the transmission list to be threaded/loaded for On Air playback in the event the transmission list is not currently playing.

This can also be accessed by double-clicking the active transmission list.

Launch the breakaway panel.

When an event on the transmission list is threaded in a VTR, a Device

Control Panel for threaded VTR can be accessed to allow remote control of the VTR.

This can also be accessed by double-clicking on a device-specific line item in the transmission list or Device Status window.

This option if configured will allow more info (database metadata) to be shown about a selected event. This info is input at the Media Client.

This is used to force thread on an individual selected event on the list if the device is available and/or the event was unthreaded previously.

A threaded event can be unthreaded. This is done to eject a tape, or to allow editing of a threaded event. Be advised that when Unthread is used the Transmission List will go to an unthreaded state and will need to be re-threaded by hitting Program Run on the Operation Control

Panel (OCP) option.

CAUTION: The Unthread button on the hardware control panel

unthreads the entire playlist, and is NOT the same as this right-click menu Unthread.

Can be used to recue a selected cued event on the transmission list if the Start of Message has changed, or is currently in Play mode.

CAUTION: Do not confuse this menu option with RECUE on the

hardware panel which recues the on-air playing event.

If an event is cued but not needed for immediate playback On Air the

Preview Play option can be used to preview the material. The event will play it's duration and then recue when finished.

An event that is marked done can be dragged and dropped down the transmission list and then re-activated so it can play on the list again.

The Look Ahead is the area of the transmission list that will query the devices assigned to the transmission list for availability of media in the

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On Air Focus

Air Protect

Barcode Event







Air Client Overview


lookahead area. The toggle lookahead option will adjust the lookahead area from the current setting to a full list look ahead. If the look ahead is set to the full list, then it will adjust to the pre-configured lookahead value.

When viewing events further down a transmission list this option will enable the focus of the list to jump back to the On Air event when a new event plays.

If there is a problem with the On Air event device a backup "protect" device (if configured) can be selected for individual selected events further down the transmission list within the lookahead.

CAUTION: Do not confuse this menu option with the AIR PROTECT

button on the hardware panel which will Air Protect the current on-air event.

An external VTR (if configured) can be used for On Air playback using the Barcode Event option. Once the tape is loaded this option will activate the event on the play list. Select this option by placing your cursor on the line for the missing event, then right-clicking and choosing Barcode Event prior to putting the VTR in remote or prior to loading the needed tape into the VTR that is already in remote.

This option allows the creation of a compiled spot reel. This spot reel can be used as an On Air spot backup tape.

Certain Play List options can be configured locally at the Air Client.

This option allows changing the default duration value for "not found"

(not in DB) inserted items on the list from the factory default of

00:00:30.00 to any value you wish

Configuration of the columns for the currently selected list.

Configuration of the fonts. for the currently selected list.

Configuration of the colors for the currently selected list.

Control Panels

There are two panel types that can be used to play a Transmission list: a hardware control panel (on

page 34) and a software control panel (on page 36).

Hardware Control Panel

Hardware Control Panel can be used to play a Transmission list. ADC supports the Operator Control

Panel (OCP).

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Operator Control Panel (OCP)

Air Client Overview

The Operator Control Pane is a mid-sized desktop controller that provides instant audio or video playback and control for broadcast automation, post production and other applications. This panel gives operators a choice in controlling automation environments by providing unambiguous button control in addition to conventional keyboard and mouse operations.

Note: Actions taken on the OCP are logged in the Operations log.

Panel Functions

The OCP comes with 24, hi-res, remotely-relegendable 64 x 32 LCD buttons, 10 bank buttons, and 17 additional function and navigation switches.

The hi-res LCD buttons can display text (up to 40 characters) and graphics using built in command driven serial interfaces. They integrate a graphical LCD with RGB backlighting, and are capable of displaying up to 64 colors. Software controls the interface, display and backlighting. Data only needs to be transmitted when a change is made to the display or background colors.

These LCD buttons can be programmed to provide a range of functions. Most commonly used when breakdowns or other failures occur, each button on the OCP can call up actions needed in a hurry.

For example, a button can be configured to:

Cut back to Network, or even backup device with a ready content.

Display a full-screen apology slide or trigger a caption for missing audio.

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Software Control Panel

Air Client Overview

The Software Control Panel is used to play a Transmission list. Double clicking on the play list brings up the software version of the On Air Play list control panel.

Example with all functions enabled.

Software Panel buttons

Run: Thread and cues the first event in a playlist and any events within the time range specified in the lookahead. The number of events cued is limited by the number of available media heads and devices. You cannot play events until you run the playlist.

Play: Plays the first event in a playlist; however, before you can play events, you must first click the

Run button. The Play button can also be used to restart a frozen or held playlist or a playlist stopped by a break event. Clicking the Play button initiates preroll for the playlist so the following event will play after the preroll time.

The Play button will not play a hard start event unless it is configured to do so, as described in

"Miscellaneous" on page 4-14. Use the Play Hard Hits option to start a hard start event with the Play button on the control panel. If this is not set, the operator cannot play an event that has a hard start if the playlist has stopped running.

Ready: Turn on tension to the next VTR event in tension release to prepare upcoming VTR events.

Click this button to prepare a VTR event for transmission that is out of the standby on-time range.

Usually used after an upcount events to get the next event ready.

Hold: Holds the countdown of an event that is playing, causing the event to continue playing longer than its duration. You can extend the event’s duration until the Play button is clicked. The playlist will then advance to the next event which can only be played with the Play or Skip button.

IMPORTANT: Using Hold or Freeze while using Protect Pool is not supported.

SyncSkip: Provides synchronous playout of commercials across multiple lists. The SyncSkip command concept is that the next event with a designated sequential Seg # becomes equal to the remaining part of the current event. Since each of these events represent the entire program, the

SOM of the next event is shifted to the EOM point of the current event and the DUR of the next event is made equal to the remaining DUR of the current event.

Skip: Skips the event currently playing and plays the next event. Also, click this button to skip a frozen or held event.

Ten Rel: (Tension Release) Places a cued event’s VTR into tension release. At the Standby On time

(before an event is about to air), Air Client issues a command to the VTR to enter Ready status and tension up the tape. The Status field of the event in a transmission list window displays Ready.

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Freeze: Stops play and countdown. Click this button to pause the current event. Then, you may skip, roll, reinitiate play or recue the event using the Play button. The Status field of the event in a transmission list window displays Still.

IMPORTANT: Using Hold or Freeze while using Protect Pool is not supported.

Roll: Roll bypasses normal preroll values and plays the next event as fast as the equipment will allow. If the current event is playing normally, the Roll button skips it and plays the next event using normal preroll values unless configured to use instant preroll values. If the current event is frozen, this button will play the next event. If the current event is being held, clicking this button plays the event.

UnThd: (UnThread). Stops a running transmission list, including the on-air event and any events that follow. All events are uncued and the list goes off the air.

Protect: Toggles the signal switching paths between the on-air and protect devices. Click this button to play an event from the air device, or vice versa. This is an optional function and may not be available on your workstation.

Secondary: The ADC hardware control panel is configurable to add the action Play Secondary. This allows a secondary event to be manually triggered.

+1 Sec: Add one second to the playing event’s duration. Each time you click this button, one second is added to the duration.

Recue: Recues an on-air event. To play the recued event, click the Play button.

-1 Sec: Subtract one second from the playing event’s duration. Each time you click this button, one second is subtracted from the duration.

Note: Blank buttons are not visible by default, but can be assigned. For more information see section:

Setting Hardware Control Panel Properties (on page 254).

Loss of Focus Issue: To avoid control panel/playlist loss of focus with a dual screen client and the subsequent inability to insert an event or revise the playlist, disable (uncheck) the Windows 7 setting

"Control panel>Ease of Access Center>Make the mouse easier to use>Activate a window by hovering

over it with the mouse".

Panel Color Configuration

The Software Control Panel of each Transmission List can be configured with:

A specific color

The possibility to enable / disable the Control Panel functions.

Transmission List Window

A transmission list is a play list loaded in a transmission list window. A transmission list window looks almost identical to a play list window except, in a transmission list window, you can edit and broadcast a transmission list. Air Client supports list windows of four types: play lists, compile lists, GMT lists and media lists.

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Note: Due to the customizable nature of the Air Client product, a station’s columns may appear different than shown in the following example window.

Air Focus/List Locked

This entry on the list status bar shows if On Air Focus is turned ON or OFF. To the right is an indicator to notify user if the list is "locked" which means the list is in Revise (Done=0).

Event Types

Most Common Playback Event Types

A (Automatic Event): It will thread, play event for duration listed and switch. An event with an A by itself will play out its duration and roll into the next event

U (AU): Upcounter/Unknown Duration this event type is used for air events of an unknown duration; such as network, news or sports events

O (AO/AUO): On-Time/Override Also known as a hard start, time trigger, or absolute, this event will play based on a time of day entered into the time of day field

CAUTION: An incorrect time of day value will cause incorrect playback

N (AN/AUN): Time to Next provides a countdown through all sequential pre-recorded events until the next N is seen in the list – mostly used for countback to live news segments

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Q (AQ/AUQ): Audible Time to Next provides an audible countdown starting 30 seconds from a commercial break into the next live event. To minimize its effect on existing functionality ‘N’ (Time to Next) is automatically set and hidden from an operator when letter ‘Q’ is entered.

Note: This option is not currently supported by Versio.

Note: The Q event type option requires the "Audible Time To Next" option be enabled (checked) on the Environment->List Options tab.

Note: After the "Audible Time To Next" checkbox option is enabled in the List Options, it is necessary to close and re-open the list windows in the client for the feature to work. (Re-loading the lists is not necessary.)

D (AOD): Deadroll allows you to deadroll a taped show at its intended time further down the list to join-in-progress later

Other Event Types:

R (Record Event): This event type will only be found on a Record List. A Record event starts at the time indicated in the time field and records for the duration indicated

P (Play): This is an event that will simply play without threading or switching

S (Switch): This is an event that will simply cause a switch to occur

T (Thread): This is an event that will simply cause a device to cue

Program Delay Event: A Program "delay" event allows a single-file-multi-segment event to continue to roll under a break and join in progress after the break without re-cueing.

A Delay event allows the automation to play material from a video server port while it is still being recorded. However, unlike a typical playout event for video servers, it is handled more like a live event. The user cues a break to run on a SECOND video server playout port. The OCP panel is used to roll the break when required.

Unlike typical video server playout behavior, for the Delay event, the video file server playout that is delayed continues to roll under the break that is rolled by the user. When the break is over, the list returns to the video server delayed programming and picks up right where the file is still playing.

This behavior modifies the server playout to behave much like delaying with a VTR.

Event Data Fields

Most of a transmission list window’s fields are identical to a playlist window’s fields. Following is a description of each event data field column unique to a transmission list window:

Device: The name of the device assigned to an event. For a switch-only event, the device is SWTCH.

Status: The status of a device, such as playing, cued or threaded.

Protect: The name of the protect device assigned to an event.

PStatus: Identifies the Air/Protect status, or the play source, of an event.

Bin: Displays the location of a tape in a cart machine.

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Operations and Installation

Playlist Window

Playlist windows are used to create and edit playlists.

Air Client Overview

Event Data Fields

A playlist window lists events vertically and the event data fields are listed horizontally and grouped in columns. A description of each event data field column follows:

Event: This is the number, or position, of the event in the playlist. The number is automatically generated by Air Client.

Time: The time primary events are scheduled to play, or offsets for secondary events. Time is entered in the format hh:mm:ss.ff, where hh=hours, mm=minutes, ss=seconds and ff=frames. For primary events, a value is entered when the event uses a hard start. For secondary events, a value is entered to indicate the offsets from the start time of the associated primary event.

Sec: This uneditable column displays codes that represent effect types or special secondary events.

The codes are:

sAV: Secondary Audio/Video

bAV: Back Timed A/V

sGPI: GPI Contact

bGPI: Secondary Back Timed GPI

sKey: Keyer On/Off

sTKY: Transition Key

sAOV: Audio Over On/Off

sTAO: Transition Audio Over

Break: Break event; no symbol is displayed.

Comment: Operator comments.

cmID: Compile ID

sDAT: Data

sBAR: Barter Spot

sRSW: Record Switcher

sSRC: Switcher Crosspoint

sREC: Secondary Record

sSYN: Break Sync

sSYS: Secondary System

vDT: Secondary A/V Event with Data

sDAT: Secondary Data Event with Data

bSYS: Back Timed System

AUD-XPT: Switcher Audio Crosspoint

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Type: One or more event types can be entered for each event. In the playlist, enter the symbol for the primary event types.

The event type controls how the automation system will execute that event. The event type, A, is the default when an event is inserted, which is a play, thread and switch event; however, you can play an event without switching or threading, or you can just have an event switch without threading or playing by changing the type value.

ID: The ID of the event which uniquely identifies a piece of material or action for the event. The maximum length of an ID is determined by the configuration of the Air Client workstation.

Seg: The segment number of the event, ranging from 1 to 99, if the material has multiple segments.

Title: The title of the event. The maximum length of a title is determined by the configuration of the

Air Client workstation.

Dur: The duration of the event. Duration is entered in the format hh:mm:ss.ff, where hh=hours, mm=minutes, ss=seconds and ff=frames.

Ch.: The channel, or switching path, an event plays or records on. The values are A, B, C or D. The default is A. When the Ch field is blank, the channel is A.

SOM: The start of material for an event. This is the timecode location of the first frame of video to be seen on-air for an event. Use the format hh:mm:ss.ff, where hh=hours, mm=minutes, ss=seconds and ff=frames.

E: Displays the transition effect type for an event.

S: Displays the transition effect speed for an event. Values are S for slow, M for medium and F for fast.

Qual: (Qualifiers)

Air Client: This field is used to display the Qualifiers for secondary keyer events. The field indicates the enabled Modifier (Normal, Shadow, Drop Shadow, Border) and then the enabled

Source (Self, External, Chroma).

For example: If in the Key Event configuration the Modifier: Shadow is enabled and the Source:

Chroma is enabled, then the field will display SC.

The Qualifier "LOSE" appears on a PRIMARY event, when the "End Key Hold" is checked.

All keyers in HOLD mode, will be turned OFF.

For the IconMaster Master Control Switcher only: All keyers in HOLD mode, are turned OFF when the keyer number is "0". If the keyer number is not zero, but a number 1 to 254, then only that specific keyer number is turned off.

Media Client: Displays the video quality of a spot or program. The specific quality grades indicated in this field are OK, Marginal or Do Not Air. A, B, C or D quality are arbitrary grades to which the user may assign values. For example, A may represent to-air quality and D may represent draft quality. This field is for reference only and does not affect the automation system.

#: Displays the source input number used in Keyer or Audio Over secondary events.

%: Displays the audio over ratio value as a percentage and is used for audio over events only.

Compile ID: Displays the ID of the tape whose media has been compiled onto a compile reel.

Compile SOM: Displays the SOM of the compile ID on the compile reel. ABOX. The primary box ID of a multispot or Odetics tape.

ABOXSOM: The SOM of a spot on the ABOX.

BBOX: The backup box ID of a tape containing BSPOT (multispot) material IDs.

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BBOXSOM: The SOM of a spot on the BBOX.

sSP: The secondary switching parameter contains values depending on the event type. For primary and secondary Audio/Video events, the value is the audio modes, mono and stereo. By default, the audio mode is stereo. The value is initially set in a media prep product, such as Media Client, for the

Audio Format database field. It can be modified in Air Client by clicking an event and entering S or M in the sSP field in Revise mode (ALT + R).

For secondary key and secondary audio over events, the value ranges from 1 to 9. The number corresponds to a keyer or mixer channel number on the master control switcher.

If the Audio Mode selection for an existing ADC DB record is modified by the Media Client

Operator, then this update is sent to the event if it exists within an active playlist.

MONO: When mono is set on the playlist sSP column, it will send this command to the switcher, if the switcher is pre-configured for a mono setting it will switch the audio to mono.

Unique Event Data Fields

The following playlist columns are unique to a transmission window.

Device: The name of the device assigned to an event. For a switch-only event, the device is SWTCH.

Status: The status of a device, such as playing, cued or threaded.

Protect: The name of the protect device assigned to an event. This is an option for the Automation system.

PStatus: Identifies the Air/Protect status. The PStatus should mirror the Status to ensure protect device is ready in case of an on air emergency.

Bin: Displays the location of a tape in a cart machine.

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation

Getting Started

Getting Started

To Launch Air Client

1. From the desktop double click on the Air Client Icon.

2. Only on initial startup of an installed Air Client:

If your system has only one active Network connection to the Air Client, skip to step 3.

If your system has two active Network connections to the Air Client, the Active Network

Interface dialog is displayed prompting the operator to select an interface.

Select the required LAN (for example, select the "Automation LAN"). If the LAN your require is not clearly indicated and you are uncertain which one to select, please contact your

Network Administrator for guidance.

Press OK. The system creates a Network.ini file in the system’s designated installation location. (Once correctly set, this dialog will not be displayed for any subsequent restarts.)

If the incorrect network connection was selected, Air Client will not connect.

To correct this delete the Network.ini file from the systems designated installation location, restart the Air Client, and then select the correct network connection from the Active

Network Interface dropdown.

3. The Login dialog is displayed.

4. Enter the following:

User Name: Admin

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Password: <No password. Leave blank>

5. Click OK, or press [Enter]

Getting Started

To Stop Air Client

Logout and In-Session Authentication

End Air Client sessions by clicking Change User on the File ribbon tab, then clicking the Logout button.

If a system administrator has setup multiple users to use the Air Client workstation, other users can login from the Change User dialog box.

Air Client User Authentication

When Air Client is launched, enter your username and password in the User Name: and User Password: fields in the Login dialog box. Usernames and passwords are created by the system administrator using the Windows Security Administration Tool.

Admin is not assigned a password because it is commonly used in broadcast facilities as the access name for multiple users. To prevent unauthorized access to the Air Client workstation, a system administrator should assign an administrator password for this account.

Note: If the username field contains the username Default, the privileges assigned to the Default account are used. At facilities where the security administration tool is used, this account may be configured to limit access to certain Air Client functions. The original settings for Default include no privileges.

Some Air Client features, such as configuration options for transmission list windows, will not be available to all users if security is used.

Assigning an Administrator Password

Use the following procedure to assign a new password to the Admin username.

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1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Set Password icon ( is displayed.

Getting Started

). The Set Admin Password dialog

2. In the Set Admin Password dialog box, perform the following tasks:

Current Password: Enter your password in this field.

New Password: Enter a new password in this field.

Confirm Password: Verify your new password by entering it in this field.

If the password you entered in the New Password: and Confirm Password: fields do not match, reenter them.

Managing Server / MultiServer Connections

Use the following procedure to manage Device Server connections for the application.

IMPORTANT: To be able to select multiple servers, the file multiserver.bin must be present in the installation directory. Contact Automation Technical Support for details.

Multi-Server Note: In a multi server environment, up to 25 Device Servers can be configured as available in ADC, but only up to 12 can be connected to at one time.

Multi-Server Note: With multiple server login the backup server name is not needed on the shortcut command line.

Multi-Server Note: With Air Client v4.18 and higher in a multi-server environment it is possible to operate the playlists of the second (alive) Device Server (load list, start it, etc.) even if the first Device

Server is shut down and the message "Ignore/Retry" appears.


Ensure the MAIN and BACKUP Device Servers are configured identically in terms of devices and assignments. It is expected a Main/Backup configuration is to be used with a serial transfer switch to move devices from the MAIN Device Server to the BACKUP Device Server.

Do not configure both main/backup Device Servers in the shortcut and the multiserver login at the same time (on a per client basis) as it can cause issues with prep form displays during connection/reconnection.

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Configuring main/backup Device Servers in the client shortcut is not dependent on Multiserver login feature.

Device Server Connections (No MultiServer Logon)

If the multiserver login feature is not enabled, the "Servers" tab on the ribbon is absent, and it is impossible to edit the available Device Servers connections list.

The only connection available is the startup-defined connection. The Client tries to establish this connection as soon as it is started.

If connection attempt fails, and there no Backup Device Server was defined at the startup, only

"Retry" and "Abort" options are suggested to the operator.

If there is a Backup Device Server is defined, the system also suggests "switching to backup".

To Connect to a Device Server (w/ MultiServer Logon)

With Air Client v4.16/ Media Client v4.16 and higher, ADC Device Server connections are implemented as follows:

Each "connection" is defined as a pair of servers (pair of server names) – "main" and "backup"

Servers in pair must be of the same generation (both ADCv12)

Each server may have its IP defined (this used to manage the "Connect by IP" feature)

Duplicate Device Server names are not allowed. If one server (with particular name) is used in any role (either as MAIN or as BACKUP) in some connection, it cannot be used for any other connection. Only one Device Server in the pair can be connected at the moment

The connection may have no Backup Device Server name defined.

If the connected Device Server fails…

And the Backup Device Server name is defined for this connection – the client initiates the

"server swap" procedure and shows the server reconnection dialog with retry/swap/ignore options.

After the "swap" all the client’s features stay completely available. If, for some reasons, the

Backup Device Server fails too, the client tries to connect back to the Main Device Server of the

Device Server pair.

And the Backup Device Server name is not defined for this connection, there is no "swap" option in the Device Server reconnection dialog.

Each configured Device Server has its own AsRun and Error Log configurations

Auto List Save and Auto Bin Save (used for main-backup swap) are related to the connection (Device

Server pair) as a whole.

Connecting to a Device Server (w/ MultiServer Logon)

1. From the Servers Ribbon tab select the Connect.... icon ( displayed listing the device servers Air Client can connect to.

). The ‘Connect to server’ dialog box is

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In this dialog each line in a list of available servers describes the connection, which, in its turn, has its server version (mandatory), main server name (mandatory) and backup server name


The first line in the list is always a startup-defined connection, which cannot be edited or removed. If no additional server connections are configured, it will be the only one in the list.

Note: Currently connected servers are displayed in green text and it is impossible to perform a

"connect" action to these servers (the OK button is grayed-out).

2. In the ‘Connect to server’ dialog box, select a server (or Main/Backup server pair) from the Available

Servers: pane and then click OK.

3. To connect to another server (or Main/Backup server pair), repeat Step 2. The Air Client can connect to a maximum number of eight (8) servers.

Disconnecting from a Device Server (w/ MultiServer Logon)

To remove access to transmission lists and device storage and device status windows on a server connected to Air Client, disconnect from a server by the following procedure.

1. From the Servers Ribbon tab select the Disconnect... icon ( a Choose Server dialog is displayed.

). If multiple servers are connected,

2. Select the server to disconnect from and then click OK.

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3. The System prompts to confirm disconnect. Click OK to disconnect.

Getting Started

To Add/Edit/Remove/Scan Available Device Server Entries (w/

MultiServer Logon)

Use the following procedure for managing Device Server connections in a multi-server environment.

1. From the Servers Ribbon tab select Available Servers ( launched.

). The ‘Edit Available Servers’ dialog is

2. (Option) To Add or Edit a Device Server:

To add a server entry, Click Add… / To Edit an existing server entry, highlight an existing Server entry in the Available Servers pane and then click Edit…

The Configuration Connection popup dialog is displayed.

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Main Server: Enter the Server Name. Device Server names, which are already used in the configuration of any connection, are not listed in the drop-down, since it is prohibited to use the same Device Server name twice.

Server version: Select the version of the Device Server to connect to

If "v.11" is selected, only v.11 Device Servers are listed in and available for selection from the drop-down list.

If "v.12" version is selected, only v.12 Device Servers are listed in and available for selection from the drop-down list.

Backup Server: Enter the Server Name. A Device Server name entered in the alternate server name edit box is not listed in the drop-down, since it is prohibited to use the same Device Server as main and backup at the same time.

When finished click OK.

3. (Option) To Remove a Server: Highlight an existing Server entry in the Available Servers pane and then click Remove.

4. When finished, click OK

Viewing Resources

Use the following procedures to view / review device server resources.

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To View a Full Resource List

1. Select the Resources tab and then select the Resources List icon ( is displayed.

Getting Started

). The Resources list dialog

2. Available Device Servers are listed in a hierarchical tree (e.g. DS1, DS2, etc.)

3. Highlight a Device server and expand the list: The following resources are viewable for the selected

Device Server: Device Status, Lists, Storages, and Switchers.

4. Expand the entry from the resource you want to view.

5. Select a resource. The details of that selection are displayed in a separate dialog.

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For example, selecting Device Status from the list display the status of devices connected to that

Device Server.

To View Device Status of a Server

Select the Resources tab and then select the Device Status icon ( displayed for the currently active Device Server.

). The Device Status dialog is

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To View Lists available on a Device Server

1. Select the Resources tab and then select the View Lists icon ( displayed for the currently active Device Server.

Getting Started

). The Choose List dialog is

2. Select a list to view and then click OK. The selected playlist is displayed.

To View Storage Devices available on a Device Server

1. Select the Resources tab and then select the Device Storage icon ( is displayed for the currently active Device Server.

). The Choose Device dialog

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2. From the Choose Device dialog select the device that contains the spots you want to purge, and then click OK. The Device Storage window for that device is displayed showing all spots recorded on it.

Each row in the Device Storage display shows a different clip, which may be highlighted by clicking on its number in the Num column at the left of the display. Click on an individual cell to highlight it.

Each column in the display shows a different clip field. The order of these columns may be changed by clicking and holding down the mouse on the header of a column and dragging it to a new location. A selected clip may be dragged to the Purge Material window.

A status bar at the bottom of the window displays the status of the device, as well as the current server time.

To View Switchers available on a Device Server

1. Ensure a Device Server is selected and active.

2. Select the Resources tab and then select the Switcher icon ( ).

If only a single Device Server is connected, the Choose Switcher dialog is displayed for the currently active Device Server. (Go to Step 3.)

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If multiple servers are connected, a Choose Server dialog is displayed for the currently active

Device Server. Select the target server and then click OK.

3. The Choose Switcher dialog is displayed for the currently active Device Server.

4. Select a switcher to view and then click OK. Details of the selected switcher are displayed.

Traffic-Generated Lists

Events entered in a traffic system by the traffic department are stored in an external file which can be translated into a playlist. Translating and importing this file, versus entering each event manually, avoids redundant data entry, saves time and allows the traffic file to be edited by an Air Client operator.

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Use the WinCmms tool to translate a log from traffic into a .LST file. For information on this application

see WinCmms (on page 203).

To Save the Desktop

Use the following procedure to save all desktop settings, including which windows are open and how they are tiled in proportion to one another. This will determine which windows will be opened automatically each time the program is launched.

From the Air Client Properties ribbon tab select the Save Desktop... the icon ( ).

Help and About Information

To Launch the Help System

From the Help Ribbon bar select Help. The Air Client Help System is launched.

To View About Information

From the Help Ribbon bar select About... The About Air Client window displays legal notices, copyright information, and version information.

Note: When calling Automation Technical Support to report a problem, make sure you have the displayed version number handy.

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Managing Window Layouts and Colors

Use the Window Ribbon Tab to manage window layouts and colors.

Getting Started

To Show/Hide the Ribbon Bar

By default, on startup the ribbon bar is expanded. If desired, operators can maximize display space by hiding the ribbon bar and only showing it when the operator needs to make a selection.

To hide the ribbon, double click on any tab name (File, Edit, Resources, Properties, Tools, Windows,

Help Quick Access).

In this state, when a tab is selected the ribbon information is displayed until the operator clicks off the ribbon, then it is hidden again.

To unhide the ribbon, double click on any tab name (File, Edit, Resources, Properties, Tools,

Windows, Help Quick Access). Now the ribbon bar remains expanded.

To Change Window Skin Color Schemes

Use this procedure to change the GUI skin color by selecting a different color for the list of available colors.

1. From the main ribbon tool bar select the Window tab.

2. From the ColorScheme group select a color from the palette. The window skins of the application change to the selected color.

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To Change Window Layouts

Use this procedure to change the layout of windows within the application.

1. From the main ribbon tool bar select the Window tab.

2. From the Windows group select windows layout or action:

Default Desktop: Changes desktop appearance back to the saved desktop settings

Cascade: Cascades all open windows [screens] so that title-bar lines will be visible

Tile: Allow viewing all open windows [screens] simultaneously in a tile view

Arrange Icons: Allows you to arrange icons on your desktop

Close All: Closes all open windows [or screens]. This does not close the program.

Getting Started

Aero WindowsTheme Issues

Do not change the Desktop Theme while Air Client is in operation. Please be aware that Air Client will fail if an operator switches between a Classic WindowsTheme and an Aero WindowsTheme on the Client workstation.

Also, connecting an Air Client workstation running an Aero WindowsTheme with another workstation via a Remote Desktop Connection (e.g. mstsc.exe) can interrupt Air Client functionality.

To Change the Windows Aero Effect Theme

If the Client computer is running Windows 7 Operating System, the operator can use standard Microsoft operations to change the Windows Aero Effect theme, the Display properties (color of windows, turn off transparency), or text color and style as desired. For example, use the following procedure to change the

Main Window Caption Text color and background in a Windows 7 environment.

1. From the desktop choose the Personalize option (Control Panel\Appearance and


2. The simple way (Don't use it if you prefer Windows Aero theme) to disable light shadow of text (no transparency) is to choose Windows 7 Basic theme.

3. For advanced settings it is possible to choose Windows Color.

4. Now it is possible to choose suitable color of a background and to choose Title Bar text (font, color, and size).

About Operator Control Panel (OCP) Functions

The OCP comes with 24, hi-res, remotely-relegendable 64 x 32 LCD buttons, 10 bank buttons, and 17 additional function and navigation switches. The hi-res LCD buttons can be programmed to provide a range of functions. Most commonly used when breakdowns or other failures occur, each button on the

OCP can call up actions needed in a hurry.

For example, a button can be configured to:

Cut back to Network, or even backup device with a ready content.

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Display a full-screen apology slide or trigger a caption for missing audio.

Getting Started

To Force Reinitialize the OCP

When the OCP panel is used with Air Client, ensure it is connected and powered on before Air Client is started, otherwise Air Client will not recognize and initialize it.

If, for some reason, Air Client was started before the OCP panel was connected and turned on, it is recommended to re-start Air Client or to force panel initialization in the following way:

1. From the Properties ribbon menu select the Hardware Control Panel icon (

Control Panel dialog is displayed.

). The Hardware

2. Click OK to close this dialog. This action forces Air Client to re-initialize all configured control panels.

Locking the Operator Control Panel (OCP)

To avoid accidental action, Air Client allows the Operator Control Panel (OCP) to be locked when the panel is not in use.

Pressing Shift+F5 on the OCP Panel acts as a toggle to enable /disable panel lock:

Press Shift+F5 once. Panel buttons are changed to Red indicating panel operations are locked.

The LCD buttons labels remain, but the colors are changed to a low intensity red.

Pressing a bank button changes the mapping of the top row of LCD buttons (representing the lists) but causes no action.

No action occurs if any LCD button is pressed.

Press Shift+F5 again. Panel buttons are restored to normal operation mode.

Pressing any LCD buttons- either the top row representing lists or any of the actions- performs the appropriate action.

Pressing a bank button changes the definitions of the list buttons

The LCD buttons are labeled and illuminated as normal.

Note: The shift function can also be used to 'guard' a particular function, by making it less likely to be invoked.

Using the Shift Function

The Operator Control Panel (OCP) Shift function is mapped to the labeled Shift button (F4). The shift + action of another button can be invoked either by pressing and releasing the shift button- latching shift mode- or by holding the shift button while pressing the other button.

Shift + F4 is Release Shift and clears a latched shift mode. While in shift mode, the shift button is illuminated.

Note: The shift function can also be used to 'guard' a particular function, by making it less likely to be invoked.

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Getting Started

It is possible to access certain commands through Keyboard Shortcut Keys. Memorizing these shortcuts may save time in the future. The shortcut keys are displayed next to their corresponding function within the "Ribbon tab" or "pop-up menus". The following is a list of the primary shortcut keys.

A list of shortcut commands






Playlist Options


Ctrl+N = New Playlist

Ctrl+O = Open Playlist

Ctrl+S = Save

Ctrl+P = Print

Alt+X = Exit Program

Note: Alt+F4 is the Windows shortcut for closing an application.

Ctrl+X = Cut

Ctrl+C= Copy

Ctrl+V= Paste

CTRL+F= Find

CTRL+R= Replace

DEL = Clear / Delete

Alt+R = Toggle Revise

Alt+Q = Revise

INS = Insert New Primary

Shift+INS = Insert Secondary

Alt+O = Toggle Hard Start

Alt+M = Ripple Time

Alt+Hyphen/Alt+Spacebar =window sizing pull-down

Shift+F5 = Cascade

Shift+F4 = Tile

Ctrl+Tab = Select a window’s alternate entry field

Ctrl+F6 = Display next open window

Ctrl+F4 = Close active window

Shift+F10 = Display a window’s Right Click Menu

Ctrl+H = Hide All Secondaries

Ctrl+T = Hide Some Secondary Event Types

Ctrl+E = Expand/Contract an event

Alt+V = Device Control Panel

Alt+C = Recue a selected event

Alt+T = Thread a selected event

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Commands Shortcut(s)

Alt+U = Unthread selected event

Others / Misc. F1 = Help

Ctrl+Home = Top of List

Ctrl+End = End of List

Getting Started

Running Air Client Offline

If required, Air Client v4.18 and higher can be run offline (not connected to a Device Server) for list prep/validation purposes.

Note: Only "Admin" user, "Default" user and users with full access to all servers are able to login to the

Air Client, running in the "Offline Mode".

The offline Air Client can be set to run in NTSC or PAL by modifying the Air Client .ini file located in the client’s installation folder.




Possible values:

FrameRate: NTSC, PAL

DropFrame 1 (for Drop Frame type), 0 (for Non-Drop Frame type)

IMPORTANT: The DefaultTimecode section must be added at the top of the ini file for Air Client to apply it at next start.

Note: If the "DefaultTimecode" section does not exist in the Air Client INI file - NTSC Non-drop frame clocking is used.

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On-Air Playback Operations

On-Air Playback Operations

About On-Air Playback

This section describes how to quickly start using the Air Client application. Detailed use of the features of the Air Client application will be described later in the following chapters of this manual.

The Air Client application allows real-time monitoring and control of the on-air playout channel. Play List files generated by a traffic department may be translated by the play list translator utility and then

"appended" into the transmission list. Play list files may also be created manually with the Air Client software. The transmission list controls the actual sequence of playout events. Events may be cut, copied, pasted, dragged and dropped within the transmission list. New play list files may be appended to the current on-air transmission list to form a single, continuous playout list.

As the transmission list plays events, the list "packs" - DONE events will disappear from the top of the list, and new events will enter the event lookahead. When events enter the lookahead, their IDs are compared to IDs within the storage collection of the video server or to a VTR assigned to the transmission list. If the ID is found in the video server or a VTR, the event is registered and will turn blue on the transmission list. A registered event is available for playout. Missing events – IDs not found in an assigned device – will appear in red on the transmission list to alert the operator that they must be readied for air. Events outside the event lookahead are not registered. The transmission list will always display a configurable amount of DONE events at the top.

The transmission list actually runs on the Device Server, under the control of the Air Client. In case of a failure of the Air Client, the transmission list will continue to run on the Device Server, preventing an interruption of the playout channel. Both the Air Client and Media Client applications may be safely restarted at any time. The Air Client may be safely rebooted without affecting air.

Automated V11 to V12 list translation utility

Air Client 4.20 and higher incorporates a list translation utility which automatically converts any version

11 formatted playlist file into a version 12 format. This function changes the extension of the original v11 file to ".v11", while the translated v12 playlist has the original filename and the .lst extension. This eliminates any change in the length of the either file's filename.

When a version 11 formatted list is loaded, inserted or appended into Air Client v4, the user is presented with a warning message that states the list will be converted into a version 12 format and the original list renamed with a .v11 extension.

For Example: "The play list you have selected: list_1 will automatically be converted into a

compatible format. Initial file will be renamed to the list_1.v11."

On opening a version 11 playlist file that has previously undergone this conversion and created a version 12 formatted playlist file, a warning message is generated asking the user if they want to overwrite the version 12 playlist file.

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Translator Known Issues

On-Air Playback Operations

The following are known issues for the in-line translator:

External data written in the Text editor is lost: If a v3/v11 playlist is created, vDT Secondary

External Events inserted, and the playlist is then loaded with a v4 client, when it converts it to a v12 format the external data written in the Text editor is lost and must be re-written.

About Event Headers in Air Client

An Event Header is a primary event that has no duration, no device and does not impact ripple. It isn't included in the as-run log. This Event Header provides visual separation between lists and provide an identifier that allows traffic to be able to replace a schedule.

Once an Event Header is added, its title can be manually edited as required. For information on

inserting Event Headers see section: To Insert a Secondary Event (on page 121 ).

As desired, an operator can modify the display color (Default: Yellow) for an active ‘Event Header’ in a playlist. For information on changing/specifying ‘Event Header’ color see: To specify Event Colors.

(see "To specify Event Colors" on page 232)

When Event Headers enter into the Done events area their status shows "DONE" and their color changes to reflect this status. The color attributes match the existing configuration set for Done events.

To View an ON AIR List / Transmission List

Use the following procedure to quickly view an ON AIR List / Transmission List.

Note: The Operation Control Panel (OCP) play list buttons can also be used to view an ON AIR List.

Actions taken on the OCP are logged in the Operations log.

1. From the Resources ribbon tab select the View List Icon ( ). The Choose List dialog is displayed.

2. Choose the desired List, and then click OK.

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Note: Your Play List name may be different than what appears here.

On-Air Playback Operations

3. The selected Transmission List opens in the Air Client desktop.

Note: Loading a List overwrites any events that are currently in the transmission list with the play list file that is selected. This will stop an event that is currently playing On Air. This is intended to be used for Record Lists or when the transmission list is already off the air.

To Build a Play List File

1. From the File ribbon tab select the New Playlist icon ( in the workspace.

). A new blank Playlist window is opened

2. Select the Insert key on keyboard OR from the Events ribbon tab select the Insert Primary icon

( ). The application is automatically placed in Revise Mode and a new event appears in the

Playlist window.

3. Click on the ID column of this new event, enter the ID of a program that was prepared using Media

Client, and then press <Return>. The Select Segment box appears.

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4. Click the Single Spot button to view single spots for the ID. A message box will appear if no single spots exist for the ID.

5. Select segment 1 in the segment box and then click OK.

6. Position yellow cursor on the play list and repeat steps 3 - 4 for additional segments and/or spots.

Any new events will be inserted above the cursor. When inserting of events are completed, exit

Revise Mode.

7. To exit Revise mode press <Alt+R> or from the Events ribbon tab select the Cancel icon ( ).

8. From the File ribbon tab select the Save PlayList As icon ( displayed.

). The Save Playlist dialog is

9. File Name: Type the name the Play List is to be saved as, and then select Save. The play list filename will appear at the top of the window.

Air Client will not load or save any Playlist <<Playlists, (.lst & .cur), Auto List Save Lists, (.rcv &

.rcb), Sectional Lists, (.sec), Compile Lists, (.cpl)>> with a name longer than 32 characters total,

(including its filename extensions). A warning pops up when attempting to save a Playlist name longer than a total of 32 characters.

10. Close the Play List window.

To Save a Playlist file as Text

1. Select a playlist file or the On Air transmission list…

2. From the File ribbon tab select the Save As Text icon ( ).The ‘Save as Text’ dialog is displayed.

3. File Name: Enter the file name or select existing file form list options, and then select Save.

Air Client will not load or save any Playlist <<Playlists, (.lst & .cur), Auto List Save Lists, (.rcv & .rcb),

Sectional Lists, (.sec), Compile Lists, (.cpl)>> with a name longer than 32 characters total, (including its filename extensions). A warning pops up when attempting to save a Playlist name longer than a total of 32 characters

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To Export Playlist/Transmission List/Pull List file to CSV

Export to the MS Excel-compatible CSV files is allowed for playlists, Transmission Lists and pull lists. Only columns which are configured as visible are exported. The columns order also sticks to the current grid configuration. It is possible to export the whole list or a selected part of it (if some events are selected).

If there are some hidden secondary events, they will not be exported. Header row is always exported.

The CSV file can be opened with the MS Excel and printed in any desired manner or used for other purposes.

To perform an export to CSV

1. On the File tab of the main menu, from the Print group select the Export to CSV icon.

2. The Export to CSV file dialog is displayed. Choose the desired folder, enter the desired name, and then click Save.

3. If no error messages appear, the target file is created. (This example uses the name Generic.csv.)

4. It is now possible to open it in the MS Excel application and print it in any desired manner, or use the data for other purposes.

Open Excel, navigate to the folder containing the .csv file, and select the file type for .cvs.

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Select the desired .csv file and then click Open.

On-Air Playback Operations

To Open an Existing Playlist

1. From the File ribbon tab select the Open play list icon ( ).

2. Select the play list file you wish to open and view. The default playlist file directory is the same directory where the Air Client application resides.

3. From the Open/Save dialog box, select a playlist and click Open. Playlist filenames use a .LST extension.

Air Client will not load or save any Playlist <<Playlists, (.lst & .cur), Auto List Save Lists, (.rcv &

.rcb), Sectional Lists, (.sec), Compile Lists, (.cpl)>> with a name longer than 32 characters total,

(including its filename extensions). A warning pops up when attempting to save a Playlist name longer than a total of 32 characters.

Once the playlist file is open, the file can be checked for accuracy, changes can be made, etc.

Note: Your playlist name(s) may be different than what appears here.

Note: The first time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list" is used, the dialog window shows the directory specified in Properties/Environment. If the operator browses to a different location, the Dialog "remembers/remaps to" the last used folder, and opens it by default the next time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list' is used.

To Insert a Play List file to the Transmission


Use this procedure to insert a play list file above the placement of the cursor on the transmission list.

This can be used for schedule or program changes.

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1. From the Resources ribbon tab select the VIEW LIST Icon (

On-Air Playback Operations

). The Choose List dialog is displayed.

2. Choose the desired List (PlayList1), and then click OK. This brings up the Transmission List that will be used for On Air Playback.

Note: Your Play List name may be different than what appears here.

3. Select the event line where the playlist will be inserted. Position the cursor on the transmission list at the specific point where the play list will be inserted.

IMPORTANT: The playlist is inserted ABOVE the selected line.

4. From the Quick Access ribbon tab in the List Tools group, select the Insert List icon (

Insert PlayList dialog is displayed.

). The

Note: The first time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list" is used, the dialog window shows the directory specified in Properties/Environment. If the operator browses to a different location, the Dialog "remembers/remaps to" the last used folder, and opens it by default the next time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list' is used.

Note: If using the ADC AirFlex functionality for breakaway scenarios, browse to the location of the

Breakaway Lists. This is typically a subfolder to the ADC Playlist location. For more information see the "ADC AirFlex Reference" manual.

5. On the Insert PlayList dialog, select the Play List file that will be inserted to the On Air Play List window, and then select Open.

The selected play list is inserted above the selected line.

The filename of the inserted play list appears above the newly inserted play list.

In ADC no more than 12500 events can be added into a Transmission List.

Air Client will not load or save any Playlist <<Playlists, (.lst & .cur), Auto List Save Lists, (.rcv & .rcb),

Sectional Lists, (.sec), Compile Lists, (.cpl)>> with a name longer than 32 characters total, (including its filename extensions). A warning pops up when attempting to save a Playlist name longer than a total of 32 characters.

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To Append a Play List file to the Transmission


1. From the Resources ribbon tab select the View List Icon ( ). The Choose List dialog is displayed.

2. Choose the desired List (PlayList1), and then click OK. This brings up the Transmission List that will be used for On Air Playback.

Note: Your Play List name may be different than what appears here.

3. From the Quick Access ribbon tab in the List Tools group select the Append List icon (

Append PlayList dialog is displayed.

). The

Note: If using the ADC AirFlex functionality for breakaway scenarios, browse to the location of the

Breakaway Lists. This is typically a subfolder to the ADC Playlist location. For more information see the "ADC AirFlex Reference" manual.

CAUTION: You can also right click in the transmission list to open the Playlist Options menu and select Append List. Do this with care. Load List is located next to Append List on the right click transmission list options menu. If Load List is selected the On Air Transmission List will be taken off the air!

About ADC v11 vs. ADC v12 Lists: The Air Client v4 application contains an embedded playlist converter that allows existing ADC v11 playlists to be automatically and transparently converted to

ADC v12 playlist format upon loading or appending.

Note: The first time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list" is used, the dialog window shows the directory specified in Properties/Environment. If the operator browses to a different location, the Dialog "remembers/remaps to" the last used folder, and opens it by default

the next time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list' is used.

4. On the Append Playlist dialog, select the Play List file that will be appended to the On Air Play List window, and then select Open.

Air Client will not load or save any Playlist <<Playlists, (.lst & .cur), Auto List Save Lists, (.rcv &

.rcb), Sectional Lists, (.sec), Compile Lists, (.cpl)>> with a name longer than 32 characters total,

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(including its filename extensions). A warning pops up when attempting to save a Playlist name longer than a total of 32 characters.

In ADC no more than 12500 events can be added into a Transmission List.

5. The selected play list will be appended to the window.

6. When the filename marks done at the top of the transmission list:

The bottom of the transmission list will update with the currently running play list. (Example below is a representation only of what it will look like)

Below is an example of how events appear in the window when not running.

To Load a List

This operation will overwrite any events that are currently in the transmission list with the play list file that is selected. This is intended to be used for Record Lists or when the transmission list is already off the air.

WARNING: If Load List is selected the On Air Transmission List will be taken off the air!

Right click in the transmission list to open the Play List Options menu, and then select Load List.

Air Client will not load or save any Playlist <<Playlists, (.lst & .cur), Auto List Save Lists, (.rcv & .rcb),

Sectional Lists, (.sec), Compile Lists, (.cpl)>> with a name longer than 32 characters total, (including its filename extensions). A warning pops up when attempting to save a Playlist name longer than a total of 32 characters.

Note: The first time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list" is used, the dialog window shows the directory specified in Properties/Environment. If the operator browses to a different location, the Dialog "remembers/remaps to" the last used folder, and opens it by default the next time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list' is used.

About ADC v11 vs. ADC v12 Lists: The Air Client v4 application contains an embedded playlist converter that allows existing ADC v11 playlists to be automatically and transparently converted to ADC v12 playlist format upon loading or appending.

To Run the Transmission List

With a playlist loaded:

1. Select Run on the optional Hardware Control Panel (OCP)


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Double click on the play list to bring up the software version of the On Air Play list control panel and select Run.

2. Selecting Run threads up all available devices that have the IDs located in the device. Typically only the disk is able to thread and any Switch Only sources such as Studio or Network sources.

Software Panel buttons:

Run: Thread and cues the first event in a playlist and any events within the time range specified in the lookahead. The number of events cued is limited by the number of available media heads and devices. You cannot play events until you run the playlist.

Play: Plays the first event in a playlist; however, before you can play events, you must first click the Run button. The Play button can also be used to restart a frozen or held playlist or a playlist stopped by a break event. Clicking the Play button initiates preroll for the playlist so the following event will play after the preroll time.

The Play button will not play a hard start event unless it is configured to do so, as described in

"Miscellaneous" on page 4-14. Use the Play Hard Hits option to start a hard start event with the

Play button on the control panel. If this is not set, the operator cannot play an event that has a hard start if the playlist has stopped running.

Ready: Turn on tension to the next VTR event in tension release to prepare upcoming VTR events. Click this button to prepare a VTR event for transmission that is out of the standby on-time range. Usually used after an upcount events to get the next event ready.

Hold: Holds the countdown of an event that is playing, causing the event to continue playing longer than its duration. You can extend the event’s duration until the Play button is clicked. The playlist will then advance to the next event which can only be played with the Play or Skip button.

IMPORTANT: Using Hold or Freeze while using Protect Pool is not supported.

SyncSkip: Provides synchronous playout of commercials across multiple lists. The SyncSkip command concept is that the next event with a designated sequential Seg # becomes equal to the remaining part of the current event. Since each of these events represent the entire program, the SOM of the next event is shifted to the EOM point of the current event and the

DUR of the next event is made equal to the remaining DUR of the current event.

Skip: Skips the event currently playing and plays the next event. Also, click this button to skip a frozen or held event.

Ten Rel: (Tension Release) Places a cued event’s VTR into tension release. At the Standby On time (before an event is about to air), Air Client issues a command to the VTR to enter Ready status and tension up the tape. The Status field of the event in a transmission list window displays Ready.

Freeze: Stops play and countdown. Click this button to pause the current event. Then, you may skip, roll, reinitiate play or recue the event using the Play button. The Status field of the event in a transmission list window displays Still.

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IMPORTANT: Using Hold or Freeze while using Protect Pool is not supported.

Roll: Roll bypasses normal preroll values and plays the next event as fast as the equipment will allow. If the current event is playing normally, the Roll button skips it and plays the next event using normal preroll values unless configured to use instant preroll values. If the current event is frozen, this button will play the next event. If the current event is being held, clicking this button plays the event.

UnThd: (UnThread). Stops a running transmission list, including the on-air event and any events that follow. All events are uncued and the list goes off-air.

Protect: Toggles the signal switching paths between the on-air and protect devices. Click this button to play an event from the air device, or vice versa. This is an optional function and may not be available on your workstation.

Secondary: The ADC hardware control panel can be configured to add the action Play

Secondary. This allows a secondary event to be manually triggered

+1 Sec: Add one second to the playing event’s duration. Each time you click this button, one second is added to the duration.

Recue: Recues an on-air event. To play the recued event, click the Play button.

-1 Sec: Subtract one second from the playing event’s duration. Each time you click this button, one second is subtracted from the duration.

3. (Option) If loading a tape that does not have User Bits into a VTR follow these steps:

Insert tape into an available On Air VTR deck that is in Local mode.

Set levels.

Select event on play list that represents loaded tape in VTR, right click and from the popup menu select Barcode Event.

Put VTR into Remote. Event on the play list will turn blue, the VTR will cue to SOM in the SOM column, and device column will reflect the VTR tape is loaded into.

4. With the Play list loaded and cued up, select Play on the Hardware Control Panel or on the Software

Control Panel.

The play list starts playing. If the system is configured correctly, the switcher switches these events to the program output of the switcher. Each event plays for the duration designated on play list.

To Air a Live Event

Live shows can air using a switch only device that was configured as a source on the switcher. The switch only device and its audio/video cross points are configured in the device server.

Once you know for sure you will want to air a live show:

1. Insert a Primary Event into the transmission list at the time a live event is to air. (Note – If the log was translated from traffic, the event type should be on the list already.)

2. Enter the ID name of the switch only. (Note – The event may already be in the playlist). Type AU for the event type. The duration can be set to 00:00:00:00 for event to count up from the start, or the estimated duration for the live event.

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3. Exit Revise Mode. To exit Revise mode press <Alt+R> or from the Events ribbon tab select the Cancel icon ( ).

The switch only will play at the designated time if an "O" is also entered for the live show’s first segment only. If an "O" is not used then the live show will air in the order it is entered in the

On Air Play List.

Check the Device Status Window to see what the proper ID name is for a configured switch only. The configured switch only will be assigned to the On Air Play List. Use the ID that is in the

ID column of the correct switch only to use.

When each live event plays, the operator will need to manually roll out of a live event on the On

Air Play List. Select the Play button on the hardware or software control panel to roll out of the live event to the break.

4. The events that run during a break will run as "A" event types (above the blank event types). The break will play in sequence until the next "AU" live source is played, at which time the operator would once again need to manually play out of the live event.

Join an Event in Progress

For details on performing Join in Progress operations see ADC AirFlex (see "ADC FlexSync" on page 211)..

To Preview Play

A threaded and cued event can be selected and previewed while the On Air event is currently playing.

1. Position the cursor on the event that is threaded and cued.

2. Right click on the transmission list, and from the popup menu select Preview Play.

3. Allow the event to play out and it will recue automatically.

4. If time does not permit the event to preview completely, select Recue in the right click options menu while the cursor is still on the preview playing event.

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Thread, Unthread, Recue an Event

On-Air Playback Operations

An upcoming event that is threaded in a device can be unthreaded, recued, and re-threaded if needed.

Unthread an event

1. On the playlist window select the threaded event.

2. Right click on the playlist window and from the play list options menu select Unthread, or press

<Alt+U>, or press the UnThd button on the control panel.

Thread the event

1. On the playlist window select the unthreaded event.

2. Right click on the playlist window and from the play list options menu select Thread, or press

<Alt+T>, or press the Program Run button on the control panel.

Recue the event

1. On the playlist window select the threaded event.

2. Right click on the playlist window and from the play list options menu select Recue, or press

<Alt+C>, or press the Recue button on the control panel.

Using the VTR Device Control Panel

When an event on the transmission list is threaded in a VTR (or cartmachine VTR) a Device Control Panel for the threaded VTR can be accessed to allow remote control of the VTR.

1. Position the cursor on the event that has a tape threaded in the VTR.

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2. Right click on the transmission list, select Device Control Panel. (It can also be invoked by double clicking on the device in the device status window.) A VTR remote panel will appear giving the user basic control of the VTR.

Device controls include:

Rewind (Rew): Click to rewind the currently threaded clip.

Fast Forward (Ffwd): Click to fast forward the currently threaded clip.

Stop: Click to stop the action (e.g. play, rewind, fast forward) taken on the currently threaded clip.

Play: Click to put the currently threaded clip into play.

Cue: Click to cue the clip to event SOM, or to the head if the event SOM field is blank.

If the Device Control Panel is used to preview material on the device, make sure to select the CUE button on the Device Control Panel when finished.

If the next event to air has been unthreaded and another event selected for control, the list must manually rethreaded. It is the operator’s responsibility to ensure that resources are returned to the list and properly threaded prior to the event.

Eject: Eject the Tape.

Note: The Get Clip function – present on the VDCP panel - is not required or available for VTRs.

Jog and Shuttle: Use these controls to move forward or backward in the material.

3. Click Copy SOM to apply the device's current position as the event's SOM.


If configured, the ‘Adjust Durations When SOM Changes’ function modifies the duration of the event based on the change in the SOM. Adjust Durations is not invoked if the initial SOM of the event is blank.

No facility is provided for manually defining the EOM or Duration of the clip using the Device Control


This function does not write any data to the database, nor does it update any other events in the same or other lists. It is not intended to replace the prepping of material via the Media Client.

This capability is not available when the Device Control Panel is invoked from the Device Status



If a VTR is controlled by a Device Control Panel, the event must be cued prior to playback.

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If the device control panel is used to preview material on the device, make sure the tape is cued back to the SOM by selecting the CUE button on the Device Control Panel.

The device will cue to the SOM that is located in the SOM column of the event.

Using the VDCP Device Control Panel

When an event on the transmission list is threaded in a VDCP device, such as a Video Server, a Device

Control Panel for the threaded VDCP device can be accessed to allow remote control of the VDCP

Device. Depending on the resources available to the list and the currently playing event, it may be possible to unthread a currently cued event and select and thread another event prior to invoking the

VDCP control panel.

WARNING: Extreme caution must be exercised to avoid impacting on-air events. The VDCP control panel should not be used when either head of the port to be controlled is currently being utilized on air.

1. Position the cursor on the event that has an event threaded in the VDCP device.

2. Right click on the transmission list, select Device Control Panel. (It can also be invoked by double clicking on the device in the device status window.) A VDCP remote panel will appear giving the user basic control of the VDCP device.

Device controls include:

Rewind (Rew): Click to rewind the currently threaded clip.

Fast Forward (Ffwd): Click to fast forward the currently threaded clip.

Stop: Click to stop the action (e.g. play, rewind, fast forward) taken on the currently threaded clip.

Play: Click to put the currently threaded clip into play.

Cue: Click to cue the clip to event SOM, or to the head if the event SOM field is blank.

If the Device Control Panel is used to preview material on the device, make sure to select the CUE button on the Device Control Panel when finished.

If the next event to air has been unthreaded and another event selected for control, the list must manually rethreaded. It is the operator’s responsibility to ensure that resources are returned to the list and properly threaded prior to the event.

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Get Clip: Click to cue to the head of the clip, irrespective of the event SOM. For VDCP devices, if the event has an SOM, it is not possible to navigate outside of the cued portion of the clip. The

Get Clip command can be used to cue and provide access to the entire clip.

Note: This will also blank the event SOM.

Jog and Shuttle: Use these controls to move forward or backward in the material. If the Device

Control Panel is used to preview material on the device, make sure to select the CUE button on the Device Control Panel when finished.

3. Click Copy SOM to apply the device's current position as the event's SOM.


If configured, the ‘Adjust Durations When SOM Changes’ function modifies the duration of the event based on the change in the SOM. Adjust Durations is not invoked if the initial SOM of the event is blank.

No facility is provided for manually defining the EOM or Duration of the clip using the Device Control


This function does not write any data to the database, nor does it update any other events in the same or other lists. It is not intended to replace the prepping of material via the Media Client.

This capability is not available when the Device Control Panel is invoked from the Device Status



- The VDCP Control Panel must be used with caution as it can also control Events playing from On Air

Video Servers.

- If the port selected for control is currently playing out a clip to air, playing an event that is CUED on the

2nd head of the port with the VDCP Control Panel stops the currently playing head.

- If played for its full duration, the reviewed clip is marked DONE.

- Re-cue the clip after reviewing it by clicking on the Cue button. If the clip is not re-cued before Air, it starts playing from where it was stopped by the VDCP Control Panel.

To Set on Air Focus

Use the following procedure to ensure the currently playing event in a play list is always visible in the play list window.

1. Right click on a playlist and from the popup menu select On Air Focus,

Or from the Quick Access ribbon tab in the List Tools group press the ON Air Focus icon (

The currently playing event is highlighted in the play list.

If the window is scrolled until the playing event is not visible, the list will jump back to the on air event (with on air focus enabled) when the event starts playing.

Note: The colors on the following image have been modified to enhance readability. Your display will look different.


The List Status bar indicates if On Air focus is ON or OFF, and if List is locked (Done Count = 0) or not.

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Calculate Durations of Multiple Events

Use the following procedure to calculate the duration of multiple events.

1. Block highlight a sequence of events to calculate. (Click an event, then hold Shift and click another event to select a range.)

2. From the Events ribbon tab select the Calculate Durations icon ( giving the total duration of all highlighted/selected events.

). An Information box appears

Find an ID

To find an ID that is located on a playlist file or transmission list, the Find option can be used.

1. Position the cursor at the top of the list in the ID column.

2. From the Edit ribbon tab select the Find ( ) icon. The Find Id box opens.

3. Specify the search parameters:

"Find what" field: Type in the ID to find. (e.g. Demo0001)

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Match whole word only. Check to have search look for whole word matches.

Match case: Check to have search look only for entries that match the case (Upper or Lower) for the entry specified in the "Find what" field.

Ignore secondary event: Check to ignore secondary events in "Find" operation. (When a search in list is typically done, the result includes secondary events. If there is a secondary event with the same ID, the user may not want to find it.)

Direction: Specify the search direction: Up the list or Down the list form the current cursor position.

4. Click Find Next. The cursor will jump to the first match of the ID or text string.

5. Edit the found ID or text string as necessary.

6. If additional IDs or text strings need to be found select Find Next. (Repeat this until all records are found)

Find Next Occurrence of an ID in a List

Use the following procedure to find the next occurrence of an event with the same Media ID in a list.

1. Position the cursor on an event in a viewlist.

2. Press <F3> or right click on the list and from the menu select ‘Find Next Occurrence’. The cursor jumps to the next occurrence of that event (with the same media ID) in the list.

Managing Bookmarks

Air Client v4.19 and higher provides a bookmark facility that allows operators to return to marked locations in the playlist/Transmission list. Bookmarks are saved as part of the playlist file. If a playlist is edited, bookmarked and then closed, when it is opened again the bookmarks is still e present. They can be cleared or new bookmarks added again.

IMPORTANT: The Bookmark feature is supported in ADC v12 only.

To Add / Remove a Bookmark

A selection toggle between bookmarking the event and clearing the bookmark is accessed via a right click option on the playlist or as a keyboard short cut (ALT+B). Up to 3 bookmarks can be set at one time.

If the operator attempts to create a forth bookmark, a pop up window is displayed stating that the

"Maximum Number of Bookmarks already in Use".

To Add a Bookmark

Use the following procedure to add a bookmark.

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Select an event on the playlist.

On-Air Playback Operations

1. Right click and from the context menu select Toggle Bookmark or press <Alt+B>.

2. The first column cell of the bookmarked event is highlighted with a distinct yellow color:

To Remove a Bookmark

Use the following procedure to remove a bookmark.

1. Select a bookmarked event on the playlist.

2. Right click and from the context menu select Toggle Bookmark or press <Alt+B>.

3. The bookmark is removed and the first column cell of the event is returned to normal color.

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To Jump to a Bookmark

The following options allow the operator to quickly move from on air event to bookmarked events and back again:

To jump to the next/previous bookmarked event use the right click contextual menu or the keyboard shortcuts: CTL+Alt+PageDown/ CTL+Alt+PageUp.

If the operator is at the last bookmarked event in the playlist jumping down to the next bookmarked event will bring them back to the on-air event and from there they can continue to jump down to the first bookmarked event.

To Set a Hard Start Event

A hard start is an event type that will play an event at a predetermined time of day. (i.e. it plays at its start time instead of when the previous event finishes playing). The device must be threaded and cued for the hard start to run correctly.

To Toggle a Hard Start

1. Position cursor in type field of event that will be a hardstart event.

2. Select Alt+O in the Events ribbon tab, or get into Revise (Alt+R) and type in what event types are needed.

Note: An "O" only designates an event to be a hard start, an "A" will still be required to correctly thread, play, and switch the event.

3. Position cursor in the time field of the event to hardstart. If not already in Revise, get into Revise mode (Alt+R).

4. Type in desired time of day for the hardstart to play to air. Get out of Revise Mode.

Note: Remember the times will not ripple past the hardstart event until it plays. Ripple time can be used to see what time of day following events will play).

If the playlist is running short in duration to the hardstart event, the list will stop and wait until the hardstart event’s scheduled start time. Alternately, if the list is running long in duration to the hardstart event, the list will cut out of any playing event and start playing the hardstart event at the scheduled start time.

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Toggle Look Ahead

On-Air Playback Operations

The Look Ahead is the area of the transmission list that will query the devices assigned to the transmission list for availability of media in the lookahead area. The toggle lookahead option will adjust the lookahead area from the current setting to a full list lookahead. If the lookahead is set to the full list, then it will adjust to the pre-configured lookahead value.

The lookahead value is the configured value of events that the automation will check for device availability.

Events within the lookahead range display in blue (or customized color as set in the playlist options menu/colors) if they are primary events and are located on an assigned device to the transmission list.

Events outside of the lookahead range will display in black. If an event is within the lookahead range, but is missing media, it will display in red.

Toggle look ahead for the entire list checks the entire list and has a direct impact on how GMT transfers media.

To Toggle Look Ahead

Right click on a playlist list window and from the popup menu select Toggle Look Ahead or press <F8> shortcut.

Managing List Confirmations

It is possible to configure a Confirmation for any modification of a Play List, If list confirmations are configured, the concerned parameters are displayed in a confirmation window. For details see

Configuring Playlist Options (see "Configuring Multiple Device Server Connections" on page 219).

The operator can choose to Apply the change, Find Next change, or Cancel the Confirmations for:

Event Time, ID, Title and Number

Event(s) Delete / Cut

Event(s) or Playlist Paste / Insert

Event(s) Move.

Managing Secondary Events on a Playlist

Options for secondary events allow an operator to customize their display in the playlist.

IMPORTANT: To use the option of Secondary Event Hiding in the Playlist Options menu, enable the Air

Client Properties parameter Environment>List Options>Allow Secondary Event Hiding.

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IMPORTANT: When secondary events are hidden, if an event or block of events are highlighted and then deleted, the hidden events within the selection are also deleted.

IMPORTANT: ADC Air Client operators can attach up to 49 secondary events to a primary event within the ADC Transmission List. This value is critical to know for users who utilize hard start events within their ADC Transmission List. The logic within the ADC Transmission List requires the next hard start event to occur within the next 50 events.

Note: For a list of secondary events: Appendix B: Secondary Events (see "Secondary Events" on page


To Show / Hide Secondary Events

1. Click the right-mouse button on the playlist’s window to display the right-click menu.

2. Select the desired display option.

When secondary events are hidden, the playlist right-click menu option changes to display the option Show All Secondaries.

When secondary events are displayed, the playlist right-click menu option changes to display the option Hide All Secondaries.

If any secondaries are currently hidden in the list, from the right click menu select Show All

Secondaries to ensure all secondary events are shown in the playlist.

If any secondaries are currently shown in the list, from the right click menu select Hide All

Secondaries to hide all secondary events in the playlist. Hidden secondary events are represented with icons in the Event column of the playlist.

To toggle expand / contract a specific hidden secondary event on the list, select a hidden event and then from the right click menu select Expand/Contract An Event. Alternatively double click the event to toggle expand/contract.

To hide a preconfigured set of secondary events, from the right click menu select Hide Some

Secondary Type. See below: About Specifying which secondary events to show or hide (on page


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An example of a secondary event represented with icons is shown in the following image. The icon appears in the associated event’s title button.

About Specifying which secondary events to show or hide

To specify which secondary events to show or hide, open the Event Types to Show or Hide dialog box by clicking Select Secondaries to hide.

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Primary Event in Play and Other Primary Events: In the List, there is a distinct display filtering setting for the Secondary events of the OnAir/OnLine Primary event only (does not apply for preview played events), and for the Secondary events of the other Primary events (not playing).

The activation of these 2 secondary events display filtering is configurable per List (in multi-login mode).

These options are available only when configuring "Select Secondaries to Hide" from a transmission list (Resources>View List> "select a playlist list").

They do not appear for a playlist that is being created (File>Open Playlist> "select a playlist list").

Configure the Secondary events to hide :

 per "Sec" criteria (sAV, sGPI, ****, …),

 per ID criteria (Extended Ids managed),

 and per Type criteria (P, T, S, A, R,…).

It is possible to combine these criteria. For instance :

Hide any Comment with blank type, but show any Comment with R or P type.

Hide any sAV (whatever the ID and Type is).

Hide any sAV with ID "LOGO", and show all other sAV.

Show any sKEY or sTRANSKEY .

The "Displayed Sec. Event" & "Hidden Sec. Events" mode allow users to hide the Secondary event per Event Type. It avoids having to configure keys if only this mode is used.

The "Available Hide Sec. Keys" & "Hide Sec. Keys" mode allows users to use the keys configured in the key "library" through Properties ribbon tab > Hide Secondary Event keys ( ) function. For

configuration details see Properties: Hide Secondary Event Keys (see "Hide Secondary Event Keys" on page 271).

Note: Both modes can be used together but attention must be taken not to use contradictory hiding conditions.

(Single-Server logon) Select Secondary Events to Show/Hide

1. To specify which secondary events to show or hide, open the Event Types to Show or Hide dialog box by clicking Select Secondaries to hide.

2. Select a Secondary event in the Displayed or Hidden area and choose arrows to move it to the opposite area.

Single arrows (<, >) move individual items.

Double arrows (<<, >>) will move all items.

Some hidden Secondary events are transcoded for a more readable display in Custom Column of the

Primary event line.

3. Click OK. When a primary event goes to air, the specified secondary event(s) assigned to the primary event are hidden.

(Multi-Server logon) Select Secondary Events to Show/Hide for a Primary Event in Play

The activation of these 2 secondary events display filtering is configurable per List (in multi-login mode).

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1. To specify which secondary events to show or hide, open the Event Types to Show or Hide dialog box by clicking Select Secondaries to hide.

2. Select the target Primary Event (Primary Event in Play). The dialog is now active for that selection.

3. Select a Secondary event in the Displayed or Hidden area and choose arrows to move it to the opposite area.

Single arrows (<, >) move individual items.

Double arrows (<<, >>) will move all items.

Some hidden Secondary events are transcoded for a more readable display in Custom Column of the

Primary event line.

4. Click OK. When a primary event goes to air, the specified secondary event(s) assigned to the primary event are hidden.

(Multi-Server logon) Select Secondary Events to Show/Hide for all Primary


1. Select the target Primary Event (Other Primary Events). The dialog is now active for that selection.

2. Select a Secondary event in the Displayed or Hidden area and choose arrows to move it to the opposite area.

Single arrows (<, >) move individual items.

Double arrows (<<, >>) will move all items.

Some hidden Secondary events are transcoded for a more readable display in Custom Column of the

Primary event line.

3. Click OK. The specified secondary event(s) assigned to all primary events in the schedule are hidden.

(An icon indicates the presence of hidden secondary events.)

Revising the Primary Event

When Revising the corresponding field of the Primary event (for example: Format, Scrambling, Logo,

5+1, and Pattern), a graphic edition allows user to modify the corresponding hidden Secondary event, by choosing in a list of pre-defined values.

In the List, there is a distinct display filtering setting for the Secondary events of the OnAir/OnLine

Primary event only (does not apply for preview played events), and for the Secondary events of the other Primary events (not playing).

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Note: The following image is provided for reference only. The colors and window style are used to

enhance readability. It is a representation only, illustrating this type of revision. Your screen may look different.

Managing Trigger Events

ADC v12.19 and higher support a software solution for triggering one list by another via primary events only. These triggers allow all of the same functions available via the GPI inputs- all of the control panel functions plus 'Skip to next N'. Also, it is possible to issue a ganged command, and to issue triggers across connected Device Servers.

Note: This software trigger list Linking functionality only applies to playlists. Media, GMT, Compile and

Record lists do not need to be linked to each other or playlists.

Reference Note: This functionality provides an alternative to the GPI method. Historically, in order to have one playlist control the start of another playlist on ADC a sGPI output is used on the Master playist to send a GPI trigger to the Slave playist(s)' GPI Input. The Slave playlists are then configured to accept a

'Contact Start'.

Function Configuration

For details on configuring Trigger events see section ‘Configuring List Types>Configuring Transmission

List Options’ in the ADC Device Server and ConfigManager Install and Ops Reference.

Adding the Trigger Column

The trigger column is not present in the playlist grid by default, but must be added. For more information on adding and managing columns see Configuring Window Column Settings. (see

"Configuring Window Column Settings" on page 227)

1. Right-Click on the Transmission list and select Columns.

2. Click Add.

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3. Enter name (Trigger), hit OK.

4. Select it (still on the left side, in the Available Columns section) and hit Edit.

5. On the Edit screen:

DataSource: From the dropdown list select Event.

Data Field: From the dropdown list select Trigger.

6. Hit OK,

7. Add the column to the right side (Displayed columns).

On-Air Playback Operations

Setting the Trigger Column parameter

In Air Client v4.19 and higher a Trigger column is available in a playlist. This column provides a drop-down combo box list of selectable parameters:

No Action (Default)

Cut Next




Play Secondar

Play to Next





Skip to Next

Note: This functionality applies to primary events only. All secondary events default to "No Action" and do not allow any other command to be selected via drop-down combo-box.

Example: Trigger column Drop-down combo-box with action types.

Colors for Action events:

Events with non-blank actions are displayed in different foreground and background colors. These colors are chosen by the user (right-click on transmission list - Colors menu).

Default colors are:

Foreground (clBlack)

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Background (clMoneyGreen).

On-Air Playback Operations

Displaying list caption with the name of Master list:

A playlist keeps information about the list which it is currently triggered by. This data (the exact list name) is used in the caption of a Transmission List in Air Client.

If a transmission list can be triggered by another list, it shows the name of the Master list in the caption of the transmission window.

If the list isn’t triggered by any other list, the caption of transmission window doesn’t differ from previous versions.

Known Issues in Air Client and Device Server

A new command was added to list commands which requests the name of the Master list to display it in the Transmission window’s caption. When an Air Client v4.19 sends this command several times to an earlier Device Server (pre 12.19), the Device Server will never reply to it and so Air Client interprets thus as a lost connection with the Device Server. To avoid this ‘connection lost’ scenario, when Air Client

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Operations and Installation On-Air Playback Operations v4.19 sends this command once and doesn’t’ receive a reply, it stops sending the command to the

Device Server.

Manage the Operation Log

The Air Client Operation Log tracks the operation activity within the Air Client and is recorded in binary, and text formats. The text file and the binary file are both created when the Operation Log is enabled

(i.e. The option Enable operation log is checked (enabled) under the Properties ribbon tab option

Operation Log.)

The binary Operation Log is written in descending order by time. The text Operation Log is written in

ascending order by time.

The "Days To Keep" configuration is only active for the binary Operation Log. The text Operation

Logs are kept until they are manually deleted.

Along with the binary version, the Text file version is automatically created and saved in the

Operation Log Directory specified under Properties > Operation Log.

The binary log can be opened and viewed from within Air Client. The text Operation Log can be opened with any Text Editor, (Notepad, WordPad, Word, etc.).

The length of the operation log directory name is limited to a maximum 256 characters. Attempts to save an Operation Log file with a longer name display the following warning message: 'The Directory for Operation Log file is too Long, Please adjust to a shorter one'.

OCP Note: When the Operation Control Panel (OCP) is used for controlling a Transmission List or a group of lists (in the same button), in addition to the ADC alias name, the Operation Log also includes the name of the button and the list where the action was done.

To Open the Operation Log in Air Client

1. From the File ribbon tab select the Open Operation Log ( ) option.

2. From the browse dialog, navigate to and select the operation log to open.

3. Click OK to open. The Operation Log (binary version) is displayed in its own window.

To Save the Operation Log as a Textfile in Air Client

1. From the File ribbon tab select Open Operation Log ( ).

2. From the Open Operation Log window, navigate to and select the operation log to open.

3. Click OK to open. The Operation Log (binary version) is displayed in its own window.

4. From the File ribbon tab select Save Operation Log as text ( ).

5. In the ‘Save Operation Log as text’ window:

Accept the default file name or - if desired- specify a new file name.

Accept the default path or - if desired - specify a new location to save the file.

6. Click Save to write the log file to a text file.

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This textfile can be copied to other locations as required. Use a standard ASCII editor, such as

NotePad, to or view the file. (For details see To Export the Textfile Operation Log (on page 90 ).)

To Export the Textfile Operation Log

The Air Client text format Operation Log can be exported as required. This allows the log to be read outside the ADC system.

1. Manually navigate to the Operation Log Directory that is specified under the Properties ribbon tab option Operation Log ( ).

2. Copy the desired .txt format Operation Log to a target location.

3. The operator can forward the text Operation Log and/or open it for viewing using any Text Editor,

(Notepad, WordPad, Word, etc.):

Using Air Protect

Air Protect is an option for the Automation system. When properly configured, if a problem occurs with an event that resides on both a primary playout device and a backup "protect" device, then the air protect option could be used.

To Use Air Protect

To use this option when a noticeable problem is occurring with an event that is protected:

1. Click on the Air Protect button on the OCP hardware control panel, or click Protect on the Software

Control Panel.

2. If the next cued item needs to be switched to the protect device instead/also, then right click on the transmission list and select Air Protect in the Play List Options menu.

This causes the protect device to go to air instead of the primary device when the event plays.

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To Check Switcher Control

On-Air Playback Operations

This is typically used as a troubleshooting/engineering tool to check switcher control from the Air

Client software. Any switcher or router that is connected to the device server can be remotely selected and controlled with a control panel.

CAUTION: Special attention during the use of this feature. This panel could override what crosspoint is currently switched to Air.

1. From the Quick Access Ribbon tab, select the Switcher Control Panel icon ( group. The Choose Switcher dialog is displayed.

) from the Standard

2. Select a switcher for the Switcher list and then click OK. A switcher panel for the selected device is displayed.

3. Press the Switch button on the switcher panel. This causes the selected Input to be switched to the

Output setting.

Reviewing Tally status information in the

AsRun log text file

The Tally feature allows a report in the List (and corresponding Zoom window) GUI, and in its AsRun log on a given Air Client station a corresponding Tally information.

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Example: A typical application example of this feature is a system with List Redundancy feature: E.g. For a given TV channel, the Master transmission list and the slave transmission list are playing in parallel

(mirrored and synchronized).

In normal situation the Master transmission list is ON AIR (= broadcasted), and the slave transmission list is ON LINE.

If a problem occurs on the Master transmission list (automation or device problem), the Slave transmission list is manually switched On Air by the operator through a change-over (or another way).

In that situation the previously Master list is ON LINE, and the previously Slave list is ON AIR.

The "change-over" (or any other switching device) which allows to put 1 of the 2 redundant

Transmission Lists ON AIR provides a tally signal indicating which one (Master or Slave) is On Air.

On the Air Client station, the Tally signal(s) information is (are) received through one (or several) GPI board(s) by the Air client application.

Tally: On Air / On Line status and color for the playing event(s) of the list

Tally status display in the Transmission List & Zoom window GUI

The Air client can uses the Tally information of a given List to display an "On Air" / "On Line" status and color for the playing event(s) of the corresponding transmission list(s) and zoom window(s).

If a Tally is configured for a given List, and if it is seen as "On Air" according to the Tally configuration, then the "On Air" color and ON AIR status are used in the List and its Zoom window,

The "On Line" color and ON LINE status are used in the List and its Zoom window, if it is seen as "On

Line" according to the Tally configuration.

The Secondary events of the On Air / On Line Primary event (first playing event of the List), use the

"On Air" / "On Line" color and status (depending of the Tally status of the List).

Primary events in preview play use the "On Air" / "On Line" color (depending of the Tally status of the List), but have a PLAY status.

If no Tally is configured for a given List, then the "On Air" color and PLAY status are used in the List and its Zoom window for playing events.

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"On Air" Transmission list & its Zoom window (On Air color and status used for playing events) :

On-Air Playback Operations

Note: The following image is provided for reference only. The colors and window style are used to enhance readability. Your display will look different.

"On Line" Transmission list & its Zoom window ("On Line" color and status used for playing events):

Note: The following image is provided for reference. The colors and window style are used to enhance readability. Your display will look different.

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Log format

On-Air Playback Operations

If this option is activated on the Air Client, and for the AsRun log configuration of a given transmission list, the AsRun log text file indicates on a specific line each change in the OnAir/OnLine status (Tally information associated with a specific transmission list).

The Tally information is logged in a specific line:


-------- ----------- ----------- -- ------------

03/04/10 03:00:00.00 TALLY IS:ONAIR

03/04/10 22:30:10.00 TALLY CHANGE:ONLINE

03/04/10 22:31:00.00 TALLY CHANGE:ONAIR

The corresponding line contains :

 the date and time of the Tally status change,

 the information TALLY in the ID field,

 the information CHANGE:ONAIR or CHANGE:ONLINE (corresponding to the new status after a change is detected) in the Title field.

To avoid having to scan previous log files to know the Tally status of a given one, when the daily AsRun log file is created (at a configurable time of the day), the current Tally status is logged in the first line.

The corresponding first line contains :

 the date and time of the Tally status change,

 the information TALLY in the ID field,

 the information IS:ONAIR or IS:ONLINE (As this is not corresponding to a change of the Tally status).

Extended Play Mix/Wipes Early

The ability to play mix/wipes early allows dissolves (mixes) or wipes to be done between the source that is currently on-air and the next source. Events that include a mix or wipe transition are required to roll several frames early to allow the events to overlap.

Typical uses are to dissolve between VTRs inside an LMS, or when going from a station promo to a station ID. These promos and Station IDs always have extended vision on the videotape, i.e. the actual vision on the videotape have a longer duration, than what is shown in the Database.

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Configuration Note: This feature is configured in the Configuration Manager, List Options > Mix/Wipe tab. For configuration details reference the ADC Device Server and Configuration Manager v12

Installation and Operations Reference : section Configuring List Types > Configuring Transmission List


When properly configured, playlist timing can be automatically maintained by playing an event with a transition for an extended duration, so that it finishes at its scheduled time, leaving the list timing unchanged. The event is played early to provide overlap for the transition, but compensates for the changed playlist time by playing the event for an extended time, which is equal to the mix or wipe transition duration.

With a standard Cut transition events are played back-to-back and the list keeps its timing. However, using Extended Play there are three options:

Extend Old: When configured for this option, the On-Air event is extended to provide overlap material for the transition (e.g. Dissolve or Mix). The list timing is maintained.

Extend New: When configured for this option, the Next event is played early and for an extended duration. The list timing is maintained.

Extend Both: When configured for this option, the On-Air event is extended by ½ the effect duration, the incoming event is played early by ½ the effect duration, and the new event is extended by ½ the effect duration.

Note: Extend Both is not fully implemented as described above, because currently the playlist always plays early by the full transition duration.

Example: Automatic Duration Update on the Playlist

This example applies to "Extend New" Play Mix/Wipes, and illustrates Automatic Duration Update on the playlist from extended play mix/wipes.

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Before the events are CUED, the playlist looks similar to the following.

On-Air Playback Operations

Once the Events are Cued:

The incoming (New) event is extended when it is CUED

If an event has a MIX on it, and "Extend New" has been selected, the duration of the NEW event is automatically increased in the Play List by the duration of the transition. (i.e. If the duration of the event was 20 seconds and the transition (mix) has a duration of "S" (Slow = 60 frames = 2 seconds using NTSC), then the Play List duration for that event is automatically changed to 22 seconds.

Displaying AFD and BarData Values in a


The NEXIO Native IP driver can control ARC (Aspect Ratio Conversion) override using Secondary Events to trigger the ARC on the NEXIO Port.

Air Client can be set up to display the AFD data. Real AFD of media, which is stored in the Database and transmitted to the Device Server (Driver) via the AFD column.

The BarData parameter is implemented as an option in MoreInfo Builder. Bar data defines the extent of the image within the coded frame.

Note: For more information see Appendix F: About AFD Codes (see "About AFD Codes" on page 325).

Create an AFD column in the PlayList

1. Configuring Video ARC Override by Stream in the Config Tool.

Note: For information on configuring the Video ARC Override by stream see ADC Device Server v12.14 and Config Tool Installation Reference: section "Configuring Devices using Configuration

Manager > Video Disk Configuration (General) > To Configure a NEXIO Video Disk (NEXIO Native


2. In Air Client: go to the PlayList window, right-click and choose Columns

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3. Click Add... and configure a new column as shown in the following picture.

On-Air Playback Operations

4. Highlight the new column entry in the Available columns list pane and click > to move it to the

Displayed columns list pane. Use the Up / Down buttons to place it in the desired order position.

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5. Click the OK button and ensure the new column is added to the Playlist. This column will display the

AFD value.

6. In ‘Revise’ mode can be selected different values from the dropdown list:

To Display BarData Values in a Playlist

Add an MI Additional Field

1. From Air Client’s Properties ribbon tab select MI Additional Fields ( ). The Additional Fields

Configuration dialog is displayed.

2. Click Add…

3. In the More Info Field dialog use the dropdown lists to select the following:

The Database (i.e. ASDB) in which the Table and Field reside.

The Table (i.e. ASEXT) in which the Field resides.

The Field (i.e. BarData). A field with the name "BarData" must exist in the Database.

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When finished click OK.

On-Air Playback Operations

4. From the Configured fields pane select the newly entered field (i.e. BarData) and then click > to move the selection to the Used fields pane.

5. When finished select OK.

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Add the New Column to a Playlist

On-Air Playback Operations

1. In Air Client: go to the Playlist window, right-click and choose Columns. The Column setting… dialog is displayed.

2. Click Add... button. The Column Name dialog is displayed.

3. In the Column Name dialog, enter a name for the new column which will be used to set the BarData value after AFD, and then click OK.

4. Select the new column in the Available columns list and click Edit... button.

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5. Choose Additional API BData from drop-down list in the column settings dialog, set Property values to Datasource: DS_API and Datafield:Bar Data, then click OK.

6. Highlight the new column entry (i.e. BData) in the Available columns list pane and click > to move it to the Displayed columns list pane. Use the Up / Down buttons to place it in the desired order position.

7. Click the OK button and ensure the new column (i.e. BData) is added to the PlayList. This column will display the BarData value in text form.

H - means the Horizontal (letterbox)

V – means the Vertical (pillarbox)

First digit is the line number of end of left or top bar.

Second digit is the line number of start of right or bottom bar.

If in the database there is no ‘BarData’ for the event, the cell will be empty.

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8. The ‘Revise’ mode values must be entered in the same format:

On-Air Playback Operations

Implementing ID Video ARC Override

The ‘New AFD’ value provides support for implementing ID Video ARC Override. The NEXIO Native IP driver can control ARC (Aspect Ratio Conversion) override using Secondary Events to trigger the ARC on the NEXIO Port.

Note: For more information see .

Create a Custom AFD Override column in the PlayList

1. Configuring Video ARC Override by Stream in the Config Tool.

Note: For information on configuring the Video ARC Override by stream see ADC Device Server v12.14 and Config Tool Installation Reference: section "Configuring Devices using Configuration

Manager > Video Disk Configuration (General) > To Configure a NEXIO Video Disk (NEXIO Native


2. In Air Client: go to the PlayList window, right-click and choose Columns

3. Click Add... button

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4. Enter a name for the new column which will be used to set desired AFD value after ARC, and then click OK.

5. Select new column in the Available columns list and click Edit... button

6. Choose Additional API New AFD from drop-down list in the column settings dialog, and then click


7. Move new column from Available columns list to the Displayed columns list and place it to desired position.

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8. Click the OK button and ensure new column is added to PlayList.

On-Air Playback Operations

Manage AFD Override in a Playlist

1. Create an event in the Playlist with an ID taken from the NEXIO storage. Ensure that event is displayed blue.

2. Choose the Desired Conversion

Determine what is the direction of Aspect Ratio Conversion that you are going to apply basing on the Aspect Ratio of the ID and Aspect Ratio of the NEXIO stream:

16:9 to 4:3 or

4:3 to 16:9

Revise the event and select desired AFD for the video output after conversion. Take into account the following correspondence between AFD values and values available in configured custom column drop-down list:

Table 1. Conversion from 4:3 to 16:9.

Desired AFD after conversion Value from corresponding custom column in Playlist



16:9CF-16:9 Wide

16:9CF-4:3 PillarBox

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Desired AFD after conversion Value from corresponding custom column in Playlist

1010 16:9CF-16:9 NoCrop


Table 2. Conversion from 16:9 to 4:3.

16:9CF-14:9 PillarBox

Desired AFD after conversion Value from corresponding custom column in Playlist



4:3CF-16:9 Wide

4:3CF-16:9 Full



4:3CF-16:9 NoCrop

4:3CF-14:9 PillarBox

3. Play the list and check results

Thread and play the list.

Look to the output video from corresponding NEXIO port and ensure that video is formatted according to desired AFD.

4. (Optional) Try another conversion

Unthread the list.

Revise the event and set another desired AFD value in the configured custom column.

Thread and play the list.

Look to the output video from corresponding NEXIO port and ensure that video is formatted according to desired AFD.

Using the Zoom Window

The Zoom Window option will show a view of the currently running event, the next event to run, and the next missing event on the transmission list. When the Zoom Window is opened in the Air Client, there are time code values in the status bar at the bottom of that window that can be double-clicked and displayed in separate re-sizable windows.

To launch the Zoom Window

1. Ensure an active Transmission List or a playlist is loaded.

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2. From the Quick Access ribbon tab select Zoom Window ( ). The Zoom Windows is displayed for that list showing the currently running event, the next event to run, and the next missing event on the Transmission List.

Zoom Window status bar

Device Server Time: Shows the Device Server time of day adjusted by the appropriate offset. The specified offset is shown in the next time field.

Drop Frame/No Drop Frame. DF and NDF represent drop frame status for a broadcast facility. For example: When drop frame is on, DF displays in the status bar. When drop frame is off, NDF displays in the status bar.

Source Clock Settings T/P/S: Indicates the specified type of clock input connected to the system:

(SMPTE timecode, Video Sync, or the Device Server’s internal PC clock). The displayed Source type changes to reflect the connected input: PC (P), Sync (S), Time Code (T).

Timezone Offset: The amount of time (in HH:MM) that the Master Time must be delayed (Or advanced) to account for time zone differences. When configured and set to a list, the Time Zone is displayed in the title bar of it List window, and of its Zoom window. The time zone offset is added to the time value of each event in the List.

Duration of the playing event. Duration is displayed in the format hh:mm:ss.ff, where hh=hours, mm=minutes, ss=seconds and ff=frames.

Played time of the playing event (counting up from 00:00:00:00)

Current Timecode of the playing event (counting up from the SOM)

N/Q/O: Time to Next (N), Audible Time to Next (Q), or Hardstart (O) event.

N (AN/AUN): Time to Next provides a countdown through all sequential pre-recorded events until the next N is seen in the list – mostly used for countback to live news segments.

Q (AQ/AUQ): Audible Time to Next provides an audible countdown starting 30 seconds from a commercial break into the next live event. To minimize its effect on existing functionality ‘N’

(Time to Next) is automatically set and hidden from an operator when letter ‘Q’ is entered.

Note: This option is not currently supported by Versio.

Note: The Q event type option requires the "Audible Time To Next" option be enabled (checked) on the Environment->List Options tab.

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Note: After the "Audible Time To Next" checkbox option is enabled in the List Options, it is necessary to close and re-open the list windows in the client for the feature to work. (Re-loading the lists is not necessary.)

O (AO/AUO): On-Time/Override Also known as a hard start, time trigger, or absolute, this event will play based on a time of day entered into the time of day field

CAUTION: An incorrect time of day value will cause incorrect playback.

(L)ong or (S)hort. The playlist is running Long or Short and this is the gap or overlap time to the next Hard Start.

If the list is running Long in duration to the hardstart event, the list will cut out of any playing event and start playing the hardstart event at the scheduled start time.

If the playlist is running Short in duration to the hardstart event, the list will stop and wait until the hardstart event’s scheduled start time.

Expandable Windows

Double clicking on the fields indicated below will launch expandable windows. These windows can be resized as required. The can be individually closed, but will all close when the Zoom Window is closed.

In order of appearance these expandable windows are:

TC Timecode Window: Shows the Device Server time of day adjusted by the appropriate offset. The specified offset is shown in the next time field.

Duration Window: Starting from zero and counting down, this window shows the remaining duration of the current on-air event.

Played Window: Starting from zero and counting up, this window shows the amount of time played in the current on-air event.

Current TC Window: Starting from the event’s SOM and counting up, this window shows the real time code of the current on-air event. The time value displayed in this window can be used should an operator need to break away and then rejoin the event in the same place.

Time to Next Window: Starting from zero and counting down, this window shows the time until the

Time to Next (N), Audible Time to Next (Q), or Hardstart (O) event.

N (AN/AUN): Time to Next provides a countdown through all sequential pre-recorded events until the next N is seen in the list – mostly used for countback to live news segments

Q (AQ/AUQ): Audible Time to Next provides an audible countdown starting 30 seconds from a commercial break into the next live event. To minimize its effect on existing functionality ‘N’

(Time to Next) is automatically set and hidden from an operator when letter ‘Q’ is entered.

Note: This option is not currently supported by Versio.

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Note: The Q event type option requires the "Audible Time To Next" option be enabled (checked) on the Environment->List Options tab.

Note: After the "Audible Time To Next" checkbox option is enabled in the List Options, it is necessary to close and re-open the list windows in the client for the feature to work. (Re-loading the lists is not necessary.)

O (AO/AUO): On-Time/Override Also known as a hard start, time trigger, or absolute, this event will play based on a time of day entered into the time of day field

CAUTION: An incorrect time of day value will cause incorrect playback.

Long/Short Window: When a Hardstart (O) event has been set in a Transmission List, this window shows the currently playing event is Long (L) or Short (S) by the displayed amount.

Long means that the currently playing event is scheduled to end xx amount of time after the

Hardstart is scheduled to start. This means the currently playing event will be truncated by the displayed amount.

Short means that the currently playing event is scheduled to end xx amount of time before the

Hardstart is scheduled to start. This means the currently playing event will end the displayed amount before the Hardstart begins.

With Air Client v4.18 and higher the long/short indication at the bottom of the list window is emphasized; the background of this field is changed to red, and the font is slightly larger and bolded when a long/short situation is on the list.

This is illustrated in the following image:

Using SyncSkip

SyncSkip provides synchronous playout of commercials across multiple lists. This command is initiated via the Software or Hardware control panel in Air Client and sent to the Device Server.

Note. If the current event is frozen and the SyncSkip button is pressed, SyncSkip action is performed with all necessary calculations.

Transmission list and As-Run Log: SyncSkipped events are shown as SYNCSKIPPED in the

Transmission List and As-Run Log.

Software Control Panel: When the SyncSkip button on Air Client’s Software control panel is pressed, the SyncSkip command is sent to Device Server where all operations to handle this command are

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Server. Air Client isn’t aware of this.

Hardware Control Panel: By default this SyncSkip command occupies button 12 (right button in the second row) on Air Client’s H/W control panel, but its position can be changed via H/W control panel setting in Air Client:

SyncSkip & GPI Triggers: The GPI Input Configuration in the Config Tool allows GPI triggers to be configured to support the SyncSkip command. When set up, if an appropriate GPI signal is received and the SyncSkip command is chosen, the SyncSkip list action is performed.

SyncSkip & List Redundancy: Since List Redundancy is used to synchronize lists and to keep the up-to-date copy of Master list, it also supports the SyncSkip command.

About the SyncSkip command

The SyncSkip command concept is that the next event with a designated sequential Seg # becomes equal to the remaining part of the current event. Since each of these events represent the entire program, the SOM of the next event is shifted to the EOM point of the current event and the DUR of the next event is made equal to the remaining DUR of the current event.

Events characteristics before and after SyncSkip: Elapsed and remaining duration are taken at the point when the SyncSkip command is sent, so preroll is taken into account because after a Skip is performed the event finishes playing during preroll of the next event.

Required Conditions

The SyncSkip action can be performed for primary events (Single Spot or Multi-Segment events) only if the following conditions are satisfied.

The current playing event:

Is AN (time-to-next).

Has a non-blank segment number in the segment column.

The next event down the list within the lookahead meets the following requirements:

The same ID as the current playing event.

Is the same type: AN

Has a non-blank segment number. Segment numbers must be sequential (i.e. 1, 2, 3…)

If using Multisegments, segments must be sequential and ingested with the same SOM and full

Duration of the entire show.

If any of the above conditions are not met, this command is replaced with simple Skip.

Note: Each of two events for SyncSkip (current and next) should represent the same entire program, with the same DUR and SOM, i.e. there should be 2 identical events in the transmission list.

Example Operation

In the following example event Demo0017 occurs six times in the list and each occurrence of the event is followed by two 30 second spots (in this example Demo0018 and Demo0019).

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All occurrences of Demo0017 are validated to have the same SOM and DUR.

The first three occurrences of Demo0017 are each set as an AN event and are listed sequentially in the Seg column: 1, 2, 3. (line 1, line 4, and line 7).

The next three occurrences of Demo0017 are set as AN events and are listed sequentially in the Seg column: 1, 2, 3. (line 10, line 13, and line 16).

1. Set up the playlist to meet the SyncSkip requirements.

2. Run the playlist.

3. Suppose that Demo0017 (Seg 1) has played ~ 00:00:29.00 and at this moment the SyncSkip command was sent (i.e. The SyncSkip button was pressed on the Software Control Panel). List preroll is 3 seconds. After the SyncSkip command the list will look something like this:

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4. Suppose that Demo0017 (Seg 2 on line 3) has played ~ 00:02:02.00 and at this moment the SyncSkip command was sent (i.e. The SyncSkip button was pressed on the Software Control Panel). List preroll is 3 seconds. After the SyncSkip command the list will look something like this:

5. Suppose that Demo0017 (Seg 3 on line 5) is playing and the SyncSkip was sent. (i.e. The SyncSkip button was pressed on the Software Control Panel)

The system notes that the next occurrence of Demo0017 (Seg 1 on line 10) is not sequential with Demo0017 (Seg 3 on line 5). This means the SkipSync action is invalid and instead it is treated as a Skip action.

On reaching the first occurrence of Demo0017 (Seg 1 on line 10) the SyncSkip action will become a valid action for that grouping.

Example "good" and "bad" lists

The following are examples of "good" and "bad" lists.

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"Good" list:

On-Air Playback Operations

"Bad" list (IDs don’t match):

"Bad" list (event are not segmented):

"Bad" list (there is no second AN event down the list within lookahead):

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SyncSkip informational warnings

On-Air Playback Operations

Device Server v12.23 and higher support Informational Warnings with the SyncSkip functionality. Now when Air Client sends ListSyncSkipEvent API command:

Air Client waits for a reply to ListSyncSkipEvent command. If the reply contains an error status, an appropriate error message is displayed.

When the Device Server receives a ListSyncSkipEvent API command, the Device Server verifies the value of the resulting duration.

If it is more than preroll, normal status is returned as a response to ListSyncSkipEvent command.

If duration is less than preroll, an appropriate error status is returned.

If duration is negative, it is populated with 00:00:00.00 and an appropriate error status is returned.

Note. Negative duration is impossible. When performing SyncSkip, server subtracts the preroll value from the remaining clip duration. However, if the remaining duration is less than the preroll, SyncSkip isn’t executed (as well as normal Skip).

Dynamic List Selection for API triggering

This feature provides a dynamic means to alter the linked list associations from the Air Client and also on an event-by-event basis.

Triggered Lists Selection window in Air Client

List selection components are available for a Transmission list via a Trigger selection window and a

Trigger column of the Transmission list.

Launch the Trigger selection window

Use the following procedure to launch the Air Client’s Trigger selection window

1. Select the Edit Trigger option available from the "Event" tab of Air Client’s ribbon.

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2. The Trigger Selection window is displayed. This window shows trigger actions and enabled triggered lists of the current selected event.

3. Use the Action drop-down list to select trigger actions.

4. Select Trigger Lists: Select All enables (checks) all lists or individually enable/disable necessary playlists by clicking on appropriate check-boxes.

Press OK to save changes.

Press Cancel to discard all changes done within the Trigger window.

Default values for newly created event: No Action, all lists enabled.

5. If the Trigger window is invoked when a group of events is selected, this window will show No

Action and all lists disabled (because each event has different data and it is impossible to represent information from each event in a single window).

Press OK to save changes for each of selected events.

If OK is pressed when no lists are enabled, an error message is displayed:

Note: A Trigger Selection window can be invoked for a secondary event, but any changes will

take no effect, because secondary events do not support triggering.

Managing the Trigger column

The Trigger Column is available in the Transmission List.

1. Enter Revise mode. This enables a dropdown list of actions for the column.

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2. Select an action from the drop-down list.

On-Air Playback Operations

3. Exit Revise mode. The Trigger column displays data in the following way:

Action: ALL if all lists are enabled

Action: SELECT if some of lists are enabled

No Action if no action is chosen.

Hint with enabled triggered lists

When the mouse pointer is moved over the Trigger Column a hint is displayed to facilitate an operator’s ability to quickly look up what lists are enabled.

Depending on mouse location, list state and other conditions, this hint shows different information:

The Hint appears only when mouse pointer moves over Trigger column. In all other cases hint disappears.

For primary events the hint shows the trigger action and an array of currently enabled lists

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For secondary events the hint shows No Action and no enabled lists (because secondary events do not support triggering).

If there is no configured triggered lists (not configured in Config Tool), the hint notifies that lists are not configured.

Limitation with Triggered lists and a Playlist window

The main difference between a playlist and a Transmission List in Air Client is that a playlist represents a file with events and is not related to any Device Server. So it is not possible to configure any triggered lists in a playlist window because information about triggered lists is not available.

Storing selected lists within an event structure

Enabled triggered lists are configurable on an event basis; and information is stored within event structure. A bit-mask field is used for keeping triggered lists state (enabled/disabled) within event structure. Each bit of this field equals 0 if the list is currently disabled and 1 if the list is currently enabled.

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Example: In the following example a user selected 3 of 4 possible lists. Bit-mask is equal to 1101


or to



. This method of data organization is invisible for user because it is only necessary for transferring information between Air Client and Device Server


This method imposes several user restrictions:

A maximum 16 different lists can be triggered by one Transmission List. The Config Tool Linking tab will not allow more than 16 triggered lists to be added to one Transmission List.

Triggered lists should not be changed from the Config Tool if triggers are already used in

Transmission List. Violation of this rule can result in triggered lists reordering; causing bits in bit-mask to correspond to wrong lists, and the server to send trigger commands to incorrect lists.

To prevent users from editing the triggered lists array, the Config Tool Linking tab becomes disabled if at least one event within the lookahead of the current Transmission List contains a non-empty trigger action.

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Playlist Editing Operations

Playlist Editing Operations

To Open an Existing Playlist

Use play list windows to create and edit play lists.

1. From the File ribbon tab select the Open Play List icon (

2. Select the play list file you wish to open and view.


3. Once the play list file is open, the file can be checked for accuracy, changes can be made, etc.

Note: Your Play List name may be different than what appears here.

Saving a Play List File

1. Select a play list file or the On Air transmission list to save.

2. From the File ribbon tab select the:

Save Play List icon ( ), to save the Play List to the current file name. This will overwrite if filename exists already OR

Save Play list As icon ( selected prior to saving.

), to save the Play List to a different file name. A file type can be

3. In the Save Playlist dialog, type in a new file name or accept the existing file name.

4. Select Save.

Inserting Primary Events

Primary events, such as programs and commercials, constitute the majority of a play list’s events. They may be accompanied by secondary events, and transition effects.

Events can be inserted into a play list using two methods:

Manually. You can type event data directly into a play list.

Move events to the play list. You can move records from the database or spots from a device storage window directly into a play list, via drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste.

Limitation: Do not use the same ID between different record types (i.e. single spot and multi-segment event).

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To Insert a Primary Event

1. Position cursor on the list where you want to insert a new event.

Playlist Editing Operations

2. From the Events ribbon tab select the Insert Primary icon ( keyboard. (A new Primary event is inserted above the cursor.)

) or press the <INS> button on the

3. The cursor will be in Revise Mode. Type in the ID in the ID column. Below is an example of an event in Revise mode.

When an ID is entered, it is checked against its record in the database. If the ID is not found, the remaining fields are checked and their values may be changed or left as is according to list options configured in the Environment dialog box.

4. If the record is in the database, the fields will fill in with data when getting out of Revise Mode.

5. Repeat these steps for additional primary events.

6. When finished inserting primary events, exit Revise mode. To exit Revise mode press <Alt+R> or from the Events ribbon tab select the Cancel icon ( ).

Note: When Insert Primary is selected again while still in Revise Mode the new primary event is placed below the cursor. This speeds up the process of building a play list file or block of events on a transmission list.

Inserting Multi-Segment Events

When inserting an event with multiple segments as defined in the database, you must specify which segment to insert by entering its number in the Segment field. If you do not enter a segment number, the Select Segment dialog box opens and displays all segments of the multi-segment event.

Limitation: Do not use the same ID between different record types (i.e. single spot and multi-segment event).

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To Insert a Segment

1. Click a segment in the Select Segment dialog box, and then click OK to insert it into the play list.

2. Make changes to event info if necessary.

3. When finished, exit Revise Mode. To exit Revise mode press <Alt+R> or from the Events ribbon tab select the Cancel icon ( ).

About Display Sequence Gaps

Although ADC automatically numbers segments sequentially there are scenarios, such as secondary recording, that can create multi segment records with non-sequential segment numbering (i.e. gaps in the sequence). Air Client displays such a gap properly, including all of the segments with the correct information from the database.

Media Client Note: Media Client allows and preserves multi-segment records that have non-sequential segment numbering (i.e. where there is a gap in the number sequence), although it is not intended that such records would be created within the Media Client prep form.

Managing Duplicate Single Spot and Multi Segment IDs

If duplicate Single Spot and Multi Segment IDs appear in the Database, the operator can choose which to insert on a Transmission List.

1. When a duplicate ID (e.g. ID 00011) is inserted onto a New, Edit, or Transmission List, on exiting

Revise Mode the Select Segment dialog is displayed.

2. Perform one of the following actions as required for the operation. Select Segment dialog:

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Choose Click on Single Spot to get the Single Spot Database Record.

Highlight the desired Segment number, and then click OK to get that Segment's Database


Highlight the entire record, (Multi Seg), and then click OK to get the entire Multi Segment

Database Record.

Insert Secondary Events

Secondary events are inserted using the Insert Secondary option in the Events ribbon tab. Secondary events run in along with the primary event that precedes it. For a list of secondary events see: Appendix

B > Secondary Events (see "Secondary Events" on page 291).

IMPORTANT: ADC Air Client operators can attach up to 49 secondary events to a primary event within the ADC Transmission List. This value is critical to know for users who utilize hard start events within their ADC Transmission List. The logic within the ADC Transmission List requires the next hard start event to occur within the next 50 events.

To Insert a Secondary Event

1. Launch a playlist to view.

2. Select an event on the playlist

3. From the Events ribbon tab select the Insert Secondary icon ( in the keyboard. The Secondary Events Directory is launched.

) or press the <Shift + Insert> key

When inserting a secondary event in a play list, Air Client switches to Revise mode, allowing you to edit field data for the event.

You can also click an existing event and manually enable Revise mode to edit the existing ID or info in the event fields. To enter Revise mode press <Alt+R> or from the Events ribbon tab select the

Revise icon ( ).

4. Select the Secondary Events to insert into the playlist.

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Note: The configuration parameters of some secondary events can be edited. For details on

configuring these events see Configuring an Editable Secondary Event (on page 126 ).

Audio/Video: This function will insert a Secondary Audio/Video event into the list. It is used to air effects with the primary, like keys and or audio over mixes.

When inserting a new secondary audio/video event in a playlist, play (P) and thread (T), but not auto (A), are entered into the Type field. Switching is not used for this event. The event can be used to produce the audio/video over for a key/ audio over input to a master control switcher or as an audio/video breakaway.

An A/V event may be run to switch the switcher. To do this, enter an A, instead of a P or T, in the

Type field. The secondary event will begin with an audio-follow video transition. You may also add a transition effect.

Backtimed A/V: Same as a regular Sec. Audio/Video event, but the on-air time is the amount of time before the primary event that this event will begin.

In the event Type field, these events are inserted with types P and T (but not A). No switching is done on these events, unless this is changed. These events can be used as a key/audio over inputs to a master control switcher.

It is possible to associate a switching event with a back timed event. To do this, change the Type field to A. This event starts with an audio-follow-video transition. You may also add a transition effect.

Note: Backtimed events cannot be run after up-counting events.

GPI Contact: Inserts a GPI Contact Closure to a device that initiates a switch. The GPI Contact will play with the corresponding Primary Event at the same time, regardless of value of "Time".

The event will display as played at the primary event time, although the actual GPI contact will close at the exact time.

For details on configuring this secondary event see Configuring an Editable Secondary Event: To

Configure a GPI Contact (on page 126 ).

Backtimed GPI: Similar to a standard GPI event, except that the offset is measured backwards in time from the start of the associated primary event.

For example, a backtimed GPI event with an offset of 5 seconds fires the GPI contact 5 seconds before the start of the associated primary event. A backtimed GPI event cannot be attached to an event following a primary upcount event. In this case, the system would not be able to calculate when to begin the GPI event.

Note: Backtimed GPI events cannot be attached to an upcount event.

For details on configuring this secondary event see Configuring an Editable Secondary Event: To

Configure a Backtimed GPI Contact (on page 127 ).

Keyer On/Off: This allows you to define a secondary Keyer event in which a hole is cut in the associated primary events video output and is then filled with the output of the Keyer source.

For details on configuring this secondary event see Configuring an Editable Secondary Event: To

Configure a Keyer On/Off (on page 128 ).

Transition Key: Similar to a Keyer On/Off event except, the key is brought up at the start of the associated primary event with the same transition type (i.e. brought up with a fade up, cut, wipe etc.).

For details on configuring this secondary event see Configuring an Editable Secondary Event: To

Configure a Transition Key (on page 130 ).

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Audio Over On/Off: This is used to add another audio source over the primary audio/video source. The audio over source may replace the primary audio source or be mixed with it.

Note: This event is only performed if the primary event’s A/V Data is configured to use a Master

Control Switcher.

For details on configuring this secondary event see Configuring an Editable Secondary Event: To

Configure an Audio Over On/Off. (see "To Configure an Audio Over On/Off" on page 131 )

Transition Audio Over: Similar to a standard Audio Over event except that it is brought up with the primary event and corresponding transition type.

For details on configuring this secondary event see Configuring an Editable Secondary Event: To

Configure a Transition Audio Over (on page 132 ).

Break: This is inserted at a point in the list where you would like the list to stop running; events will play out normally up to this event. The first event after the break line will cue up, but will not play out, and the program switches to black.

To restart the list [after the break line], press Roll or Play on the control panel.

This list may also begin if a GPI contact input is used or if preroll is initiated on a hard start event that is next on the list.

Comment: Used to enter Notes into the playlist. Any text may be inserted into the title field of a comment. Comment event lines are ignored during transmission. However, they do add events to the list size. You can enter text in the title field up to sixteen characters.

Compile ID: Used to attach a title to the head of a compilation list (i.e. It is used to label a compilation list with an ID). It has no effect on the playlist and is ignored during transmission.

Data Event: This type of secondary event is associated with a device, but does not generate any video output. Instead, the action specified by the event is performed at the time the event would be put on air (i.e. the time entered in the on-air [or Time] column), had the event been associated with a video device.

Typically used with video disk servers, a data event is used to control and automate the deletion of spots from the server. The use of this event with video disk servers requires an accurate scheduler or traffic program. If the events are not used carefully, spots may be accidentally deleted in the video disk server. Secondary data events are used to command serial devices requiring a simple command that does not need to run a countdown on the time of an event.

This type of secondary event attaches to a primary event that plays at the time the command is sent to the device to execute the data event command. The primary event can be any primary event for any device. The command is sent to the device whose device ID matches the event ID.

For example, the commands for the video disk server are entered in the secondary event’s title.

The command, Delete From Disk, is entered as DEL:XXXXXXXX:YY. X’s represent the spot ID and Y’s represent the optional port value.

The command, Get From Archive, is entered as GFA:XXXXXXXX:YY.

The command, Delete From Archive, is entered as DFA:XXXXXXXX:YY.

Note: This secondary event may work differently on each device…refer to user notes for details on this option.

IMPORTANT: The Secondary Data Event command is sent out in preroll. For example, in order to send the command like a sAV or any other type of secondary event when the primary starts, an offset of 3 seconds must be added.

Barter Spot: Used for reconciliation with the traffic system. A barter spot is a source of audio/video that is part of another audio/video source. It is not played as separate audio/video,

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Operations and Installation Playlist Editing Operations but is treated as a comment that is passed to the AsRun log and to the reconciliation process.

This event is attached to the primary event. When the primary event finishes running it is logged to the AsRun log.

Attached to a program segment that has barter spots in it [network, nat’l]., these events appear in the text AsRun log as Barter in the status field. In the enterprise log, they appear as BTR in the program type field. The appearance of the spots in the logs does not positively indicate the spots have run. If the primary event runs, the spots are logged; however, the spots may not have actually been on the primary material.

Record Switcher: This is a secondary event that performs extra switching for inputs. During a recording, this switches to the source denoted in the secondary events Title field. This name must also be in the source name table for the switcher that is supplying the video to the record device.

The event is only performed if the primary event’s device has the A/V data parameters configured to specify the switcher number that has the matching name in its source name table.

Note: The proper configurations must be set before this function can perform as dictated.

Switcher Audio Crosspoint: This is a secondary event that performs extra audio switching for outputs. It allows routing audio to a different destination.

Switcher Crosspoint: This is a secondary event that performs extra switching for outputs. It allows routing a program from one list to a different destination. While an event plays, this function switches to the secondary event’s source:destination.

This type of secondary event allows the control of multiple crosspoints during one primary event. The name of the new source:destination is entered in the title field. Use the format SRC,

DEST where SRC is the name of the source and DEST, the destination. You may enter a maximum of 16 characters for the title and the name you enter must also be defined in the switcher’s device parameter field for Source Name and/or Destination Name for the switcher that is controlling the output for the primary event.

This type of event requires that the primary device have the specified switcher device configured for its switching information. If the secondary event does not specify the source (title

=, DEST), the input crosspoint must be specified in the primary event’s device for the secondary event to default the destination.

For example, in the Title field, put source and destination desired (separated by a comma or space) i.e.…Sat1, Telco…The program airing from Sat1 will be routed to Telco. This must be configured first in the Device Parameters and not have the same crosspoint as the air source.

To control a Router other than the configured default: If the user wants to switch a router other than to the one assigned in the primary AV table, then the router name must be entered in the ID field of the sXP event.

Secondary Record: Allows for the automated recording and segmenting of live program material, for immediate or future playback to air. Unlike most record events, this event type is used in lists that combine record and playback activities. A secondary record event is attached to each primary event that is being recorded. It functions only in lists that combine record and playback material.

Break Sync: Break sync contains an estimated time of day a pod will run, a deviation time and a time for a window of opportunity for the operator to react to the event.

This event is normally used on a list that contains only pods/breaks of commercials. The pods are separated by either an upcount event or by this Break sync event. The pods are triggered to run by an external contact closure (GPI) or by clicking Play on the control panel. In normal

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Operations and Installation Playlist Editing Operations operation, a contact closure/play button is detected and the next pod on the list is played. The break sync event is marked DONE immediately. The pod plays out until either an upcount event, break sync event or the end of the list is encountered.

If the next pod has not played by the time of day specified on its break sync event, plus its deviation, the automation sends out a user notification to all automation clients. The event then waits for the opportunity time for a client to respond to the notification. If no response is received at the end of this time, the automation marks each event in the pod and the break sync event as being missed. It stops marking events as missed when it encounters an upcounting event or break sync event. If the list was running an upcount event, that event is skipped and the next upcount event runs.

During the time the automation is waiting when the break sync occurs, the user notification is sent to all clients. One or more clients are enabled to detect the user notification. The enabled clients display a dialog box prompting the operator to click OK to Delete Pod and Keep Pod.

The dialog box is displayed only during the waiting time and automatically closes if the operator does not respond. This is the equivalent to clicking OK to Delete Pod since the list on the server times out and mark the pod missed.

If the operator clicks Keep Pod, a message is sent back to the server causing the server to mark the break sync event as done, but leaves the pod intact waiting for the contact closure/play button. There is no other user notification for this pod.

If the contact closure/play button does not occur, the time of day for the break sync event for the next pod may occur. To eliminate a potential problem, the next break sync event is used to mark the previous pod missed. This occurs automatically at the time of day of the next break sync event minus its deviation time. When this occurs, all events before this event are marked missed. If the automation had been running an upcount event, then this upcounter and the next up-counter before this break sync event are terminated before this event runs.

Secondary System: Used to allow the sharing of resources between lists.

This event allows the traffic system to schedule device (resource) assignment during the execution of a transmission list. Like all secondary events, this type of event is attached to a primary event. When this event type is run, it is able to move unowned device heads to the list that is running this event or release device heads in order to make them available to another list. It is up to the traffic department to schedule the assignment and release of heads so that two lists will not conflict in their usage of these heads.

This event is programmed by filling in the time, ID and title fields of the event with control information. The time field controls the time when the event will run offset from the primary event. The following event IDs act as commands to the list:

Assign: Will assign the device and head(s) specified in the title field to the transmission list the event is located in. The title format is: DEVICENAME,X[,Y]


DEVICENAME is the device name (5 characters) that is assigned to the device,

X is the head number assigned to the list

[,Y] is the number of other heads to be assigned.

Release: Removes the device and head(s) specified in the event title field from the transmission list the event is located in and returns it back to the system as an unowned device head. The title format is identical to the above described.

Protect: Performs a protect assignment on the device and head(s) to the device specified in the type field. The title format is: PROTECTNAME,DEVICENAME,X[,Y]

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PROTECTNAME is the name of the device that is to be protected.

DEVICENAME is the device name (5 characters) that is assigned to the device.

X is the head number assigned to the list.

Y is the number of other heads to be assigned.

Note: You must first have assigned the primary device heads to the list before assigning the protect heads.

‘Space Character’: A space character may be substituted for the comma in any of the title field commands.

Backtimed System: Works in the same manner as secondary system except that this event type runs prior to the primary event by the time specified in the Time field.

External: Use an External secondary event to send commands or other information to a device through a device server. This event acts as a secondary A/V event with the capability of sending commands or other information to a specific device on the device server. When inserting this secondary event, use the text editor to enter the commands.

For details on configuring this secondary event see Configuring an Editable Secondary Event: To

Configure an External Secondary Event (on page 133 ).

Data Event with Data: Use this event to send commands and other information to a specific device on the device server. When inserting this secondary event, use the text editor to enter the commands. The commands are sent to the device whose device ID matches the event ID.

For details on configuring this secondary event see Configuring an Editable Secondary Event: To

Configure a Data Event with Data (on page 134 ).

Event Header: This header is a primary event that has no duration, no device and does not impact ripple. It isn't included in the as-run log. This header provides visual separation between lists and provide an identifier that allows traffic to be able to replace a schedule.

Once the Event Header is added, its title can be manually edited as required.

5. When finished click OK. The secondary event is placed above the cursor in the play list.

Configuring an Editable Secondary Event

The configuration parameters of some secondary events can be edited. When inserting an editable secondary event, a dialog box allows you to configure its attributes and settings.

Editable secondary events include GPI Contact, Back Timed GPI, Keyer On/Off, Transition Key, Audio

Over On/Off, Transition Audio Over, External and Data Event with Data.

To Configure a GPI Contact

This procedure configures a GPI Contact Closure secondary event that has been inserted into the list.

IMPORTANT: The GPI event controls the contact closure on a GPI card. The Air Client workstation must have the optional GPI card. For more information about GPI and switch-only device configuration, reference the Device Server Operations and Installation documentation.

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Note: The GPI Contact will play with the corresponding Primary Event at the same time, regardless of value of "Time". The event will display as played at the primary event time, although the actual GPI contact will close at the exact time.

1. To open the associated dialog box of an editable secondary GPI event already in a playlist, click the event’s number, and then from the Events ribbon tab select Edit Secondary icon (

Secondary GPI dialog is opened.

). The

2. Set the following parameters for each event:

ID: Specify the ID of the secondary event (e.g. GPI). If required, click the Browse button () to locate.

On Time (offset): An offset indicates how long after the start of the primary event the contact closure should occur. The offset is entered in the event’s on-air field.

Duration: The duration value sets the duration of the pulse or length of closure of the contact.

The duration is entered in the event’s DUR field.

The GPI closure may be longer than the associated primary event.

3. When finished click OK.

To Configure a Backtimed GPI Contact

This procedure configures a Backtimed GPI Contact Closure secondary event that has been inserted into the list. Backtimed GPI is similar to a standard GPI event, except that the offset is measured backwards in time from the start of the associated primary event.

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1. To open the associated dialog box of an editable secondary Backtimed GPI event already in a playlist, click the event’s number, and then from the Events ribbon tab select Edit Secondary icon

( ). The Backtimed GPI dialog is opened.

2. Set the following parameters for each event:

ID: In the playlist, a switch-only device’s ID must be entered in the secondary event’s ID field. If required, click the Browse button () to locate.

Back Time (offset): An offset indicates how long before the start of the primary event the contact closure should occur. The offset is entered in the event’s on-air field.

Duration: Enter the length of time the GPI contact is closed. This value can exceed the duration of the primary event. The duration is entered in the event’s DUR field.

3. When finished click OK.

To Configure a Keyer On/Off

This procedure configures a Keyer On/Off secondary event that has been inserted into the list. This option allows you to define a secondary Keyer event in which a hole is cut in the associated primary event’s video output and is filled with the output of the Keyer source.

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1. To open the associated dialog box of an editable secondary key event already in a playlist, click the event’s number, and then from the Events ribbon tab select Edit Secondary icon (

Event dialog is opened.

). The Key

2. Set the following parameters for each event:

Note: The task performed by the key depends on the capabilities of the device you are using. This function will only be performed if the primary event’s A/V Switching data is configured to use a

Master Control Switcher.

Modifier: This parameter specifies how the key source is outlined. The options are normal, shadow, drop shadow and border.

Source: The key fill’s source. When self is selected, the fill input both cuts and fills the hole.

When external is selected, the key input cuts the hole and fill input fills it in. When chroma is selected, the key is determined by the colors of the background video.

Matte: When selected, fill input is replaced by a matte source. The matte source color is determined by the mixer controls.

Key Hold: When selected, this option will keep the keyer on through subsequent primary transitions.

On Time: This will determine the start time of the keyer event. This option determines how long after the start of the primary event the key is overlaid. The value must be greater than 1.5 seconds or the key will arrive late.

Note: This secondary event behaves identically to the Transition Audio Over and Transition

Keyer secondary events when the value for the On Time field is blank or 00:00:00.00.

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Duration: Determines the length of time the key is overlaid. Do not specify a keyer event to turn off during the next event’s preroll, as mixers are not equipped to carry out both actions concurrently. In order to have the key last as long as the primary event, make the duration field blank.

The duration of the keyer event can either be blank, or specified as equal or greater than to: the duration of the primary minus the secondary's (normal) offset. the duration of the primary plus the secondary's back timed offset. the duration of the secondary's end-timed offset.

The keyer can be removed by the End Key Hold function.

Speed and Effect: The speed option determines the speed of the transition effect. You may also set which type of effect will run between events by using the icons located above the time fields. Effect options are cut, mix, wipe, fade fade, cut fade and fade cut.

Key: Specifies which key source to use. Do not specify a keyer event to turn off during the next event’s preroll, as mixers are not equipped to carry out both actions concurrently. Also, it is not possible to have two transitions overlapping in time. However, you can associate two keys with the same event as long as you set their 'on time' and duration so they do not overlap.

3. When finished click OK.

To Configure a Transition Key

A Transition Key is similar to a Keyer On/Off event except, the key is brought up at the start of the associated primary event with the same transition type (i.e. brought up with a fade up, cut, wipe etc.).

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1. To open the associated dialog box of an editable secondary event already in a playlist, click the event’s number, and then from the Events ribbon tab select Edit Secondary icon ( ).

2. This type of secondary event has a configuration dialog box similar to Keyer On/Off;

For the transition key, the value of the offset cannot be set.

It is possible to define a transition key event so it will last as long as the primary event. To do this, make the duration field blank.

If the key hold option is on, the key is held over the transition in the same way as an ordinary secondary keyer event.

3. When finished click OK.

To Configure an Audio Over On/Off

Audio Over On/Off is used to add another audio source over the primary audio/video source. It can be set with a percentage over ratio (For example, if set to 100%, it will completely replace the primary event’s audio.)

Note: The event is only performed if the primary event’s A/V Data is configured to use a Master Control


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1. To open the associated dialog box of an editable secondary audio over event already in a playlist, click the event’s number, and then from the Events ribbon tab select Edit Secondary icon (

The Audio Over dialog is opened.


2. Set the following parameters for each event:

Audio Over: The number of the audio input line on the mixer.

Ratio: The ratio of over audio source to primary source audio, ranging from 0 (all primary sources) to 99 (all audio over source).

Speed and Effect: The Speed option determines the speed of the transition effect. You may also set which type of effect will run between events by using the icons located next to the time fields. Transition effect options are cut, mix, wipe, fade fade, cut fade and fade cut.

On Time: This determines the start position of the event and how long after the start of the primary event the audio is overlaid. The value must be greater than 1.5 seconds or the event arrives late; however, you may use the transition.

Note: This secondary event behaves identically to the Transition Audio Over and Transition

Keyer secondary events when the value for the On Time field is blank or 00:00:00.00.

Duration: Determines the length of time the event is overlaid.

Note: To have the secondary audio event end at the same time as its primary event, make the duration field blank.

3. When finished click OK.

To Configure a Transition Audio Over

Transition Audio Over is similar to a standard Audio Over event except that it is brought up with the primary event and corresponding transition type. It allows specification of a secondary audio event to coincide with the primary event in the same manner as a transition keyer event.

1. To open the associated dialog box of an editable secondary Transition Audio Over event already in a playlist, click the event’s number, and then from the Events ribbon tab select Edit Secondary icon

( ). The Transition Audio Over dialog is opened.

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2. The Transition Audio Over dialog options are identical to that of the audio over on/off secondary event, except that the ontime option is missing (the ontime for a transition audio over event is 0).

3. Set the following parameters for each event:

Audio Over: The number of the audio input line on the mixer.

Ratio: The ratio of over audio source to primary source audio, ranging from 0 (all primary sources) to 99 (all audio over source).

Speed and Effect: The Speed option determines the speed of the transition effect. You may also set which type of effect will run between events by using the icons located next to the time fields. Transition effect options are cut, mix, wipe, fade fade, cut fade and fade cut.

Duration: Determines the length of time the event is overlaid.

Note: To have the secondary audio event end at the same time as its primary event, make the duration field blank.

Ontime: The ontime for a transition audio over event is 0.

4. When finished click OK.

To Configure an External Secondary Event

Use an External secondary event to send commands or other information to a device through a device server. This event acts as a secondary A/V event with the capability of sending commands or other information to a specific device on the device server.

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1. When this secondary event is inserted into a list, the Secondary External Event Text Editor dialog box opens that prompts for the data to send to a device. Normally this box is a text editor window, but if there is a special .dll file for the device, this may vary.

2. In the text editor, enter the data to send to a device on the network.

3. When finished click OK. Air Client inserts a line in the playlist or transmission window and enters into Revise mode. vDT is inserted in the Sec field.

4. When finished, exit Revise mode. To exit Revise mode on the list, press <ALT + R> or from the

Events ribbon tab select the Cancel icon ( ).

To Configure a Data Event with Data

A Data Event with Data secondary event is used to send commands and other information to a specific device on the device server. When inserting this secondary event, use the text editor to enter the commands.

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1. When this secondary event is inserted into a list, a text editor dialog box opens that prompts for the data to send to a device.

2. In the text editor, enter the data to send to a device on the network.

Limit: 4000 characters maximum

Data separated by carriage return linefeed (CRLF)

3. When finished click OK. Air Client inserts a line in the playlist or transmission window and enters into Revise mode. sDAT is inserted in the Sec field.

4. When finished, exit Revise mode. To exit Revise mode on the list, press <ALT + R> or from the

Events ribbon tab select the Cancel icon ( ).

The time in the time field is the offset from the preroll of the associated primary event. At the offset time, the commands are sent to the device whose device ID matches the event ID.

Manage Back-Timed Events

It is possible to create a back-timed event by editing the event type instead of having to replace the event with a back-timed event. This is accomplished by placing a "<" feature in the event type field to create a back-timed event.

Event Type Field Syntax:

StartEventEndTimed = PT >

MatchPrimaryDuration = PT =

StartEventBackTimed = PT <

A ">" feature in the event type field creates an end-timed event.

It is recommend to stop using backtime event types (Like: bGPI, bAV, etc) and instead use the normal events (sGPI, sAV) with the backtime modifier (PT <).

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These events are available on the translator as ExtendedEventControl := [tStartEventEndTimed] or [tStartEventBacktimed]

Secondary Events that can be Back-Timed

The following Lists which secondary events can be back-timed by enabling the

StartEventBackTimed bit in the event control field.

For a reference of secondary events see: Appendix B: Secondary Events (see "Secondary Events" on page


Data Events can be run back-timed. When run back-timed they are run at the offset value before the first frame of the primary they are attached to.

Transition events (KEY and AUDIO OVER) always run at pre-roll of the primary.

Keyer, Audio Over, Combined Audio/Video with Audio Over or Key, Record Switcher, and Source

Switcher Events cannot be back-timed. While it might seem that there are uses for this, these events require using the primary event to handle switching, and the primary event may not be threaded at the time these events are run. Without having a primary device threaded there is no way to establish the audio/video output path to apply the switch to. There may also be a conflict with using the Master Control switcher during the transition of the actual primary.


Break Event (Stops List)



Logo Event (Equivalent to Break Event)

Audio/Video Event

Back-timed Audio/Video Event

GPI Event no

YES no


Back-timed GPI Event

Keyer On/Off

Transition Keyer On/Off

Audio Over On/Off

Transition Audio Over On/Off

Combined Audio/Video with Audio Over

Combined Audio/Video with Key no no no no no no no

BreakSync Event (custom feature)

Data Event

System Event

Back-Timed System Event

Record Switcher Event

Source Switcher Event

Record Device Event (for recording live events)

Comment Event no no no no no


YES no

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Compile ID

Barter Spot

Playlist Editing Operations


no no

To Specify ‘PT’ Event Type syntax

1. Open a list.

2. Highlight a primary event

3. Insert a target secondary event (See above "Secondary Events that can be Back-Timed".)


Select an existing secondary event. (See above "Secondary Events that can be Back-Timed".)

4. Enter Revise Mode

5. Specify Type as the desired Event Type syntax (PT > , PT = , PT <)

6. Exit Revise Mode.

Manage End-Timed Events

End-timed means offset from the end of the primary event.

Secondary events can be end-timed by enabling the StartEventEndTimed bit in the event control field.

Secondary events can be started at an offset from the end of the primary event (end-timed). This is accomplished by placing a ">" feature in the event type field to create an end-timed event.

Event Type Field Syntax:

StartEventEndTimed = PT >

MatchPrimaryDuration = PT =

StartEventBackTimed = PT <

A "<" feature in the event type field creates a back-timed event.

These events are available on the translator as ExtendedEventControl := [tStartEventEndTimed] or [tStartEventBacktimed]

When Enabling a Key

End-timed events can be used to enable a key on the last 20 seconds of program material. Since the exact program segments length may not be known by traffic at the time the schedule is made, an end-timed event allows traffic to accurately bring the key on for the last 20 seconds.

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When Event Duration Matches the Offset

Playlist Editing Operations

When using end-timed offset events whose duration matches the offset, such as an Audio Over device that runs 20 seconds from the end for 20 seconds, there are two ways to specify this event.

Put 20 seconds in for the duration for the event, or

Use any arbitrary duration, but enable the MatchPrimaryDuration bit in the event control field.

Secondary Events that can be End-Timed

The following table lists which secondary events can be end-timed by enabling the StartEventEndTimed bit in the event control field.

Transition events (KEY and AUDIO OVER) always run at pre-roll of the primary.

End-timed events following UpCounter events are not supported.


Break Event (Stops List)



Logo Event (Equivalent to Break Event)

Audio/Video Event

Back-timed Audio/Video Event no

YES no

GPI Event

Back-timed GPI Event

Keyer On/Off

Transition Keyer On/Off

Audio Over On/Off

Transition Audio Over On/Off

Combined Audio/Video with Audio Over

Combined Audio/Video with Key

YES no

YES no

YES no



BreakSync Event (custom feature)

Data Event

System Event

BackTimed System Event

Record Switcher Event

Source Switcher Event

Record Device Event (for recording live events)

Comment Event

Compile ID

Barter Spot

© 2017 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. no


YES no


YES no no no no

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To Specify ‘PT’ Event Type syntax

1. Open a list.

2. Highlight a primary event

3. Insert a target secondary event (See above "Secondary Events that can be End-Timed".)


Select an existing secondary event. (See above "Secondary Events that can be End-Timed".)

4. Enter Revise Mode

5. Specify Type as the desired Event Type syntax (PT > , PT = , PT <)

6. Exit Revise Mode.

Enable a List Freeze

ADC offers the ability to freeze on the last frame of a videodisk clip before a live (generally a promo, or a specific buffer event) in order to wait if the journalist is not ready on time and make the switching to the live manually on the MCS.

Option 1: Using a secondary Backtimed System event (bSYS)

1. For a List with a Preroll of 2 seconds, if a Freeze is required on the last frame of a Profile clip before a live break: (Your display may look different.)

2. Attach a Backtimed System event (bSYS) to the Live event to freeze: (Your display may look different.)

3. Increase the Duration of Profile clip (Demo0001) before the news break (STUDIO1 switch only) to 5 seconds to ensure the preroll of STUDIO1 will not have started when the freeze event plays.

4. Set the Backtimed offset of the freeze event to play on frame 00:00:09.17 after the beginning of

Demo0001. This to effectively address the device latency involved with executing the freeze (7 frames) 00:00:09.24 (i.e. the last frame).

The result is: (Your display may look different.)

5. Once the list is frozen, the operator switches manually the MCS to the live source.

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Option 2: Using a Secondary System event (sSYS)

1. If a Freeze is required on the last frame of a Profile clip before a live break, attach a Secondary

System event (sSYS) to the event to freeze:

2. The result is: (Your display may look different.)

3. Once the list is frozen, the operator switches manually the MCS to the live source.

Enable a Data Event (sDAT)

A Data Event is a type of secondary event that is associated with a device, but does not generate any video output. Instead, the action specified by the event is performed at the time the event would be put on air, had the event been associated with a video device.

For video disk servers, a data event is used to control and automate the deletion of spots from the server. The use of this event with video disk servers requires an accurate scheduler or traffic program. If the events are not used carefully, spots may be accidentally deleted in the video disk server. Secondary data events are Secondary Events used to command serial devices requiring a simple command that does not need to run a countdown on the time of an event.

Note: This secondary event may work differently based on the device being used. For a list of secondary

events see: Appendix B: Secondary Events (see "Secondary Events" on page 291).

IMPORTANT: The Secondary Data Event command is sent out in preroll. For example, in order to send the command like a sAV or any other type of secondary event when the primary starts, an offset of

3 seconds must be added.

Data Event Commands

This type of secondary event attaches to a primary event that plays at the time the command is sent to the device to execute the data event command.

The primary event can be any primary event for any device.

The ID of the secondary data event must match the ID MATCH NAME of the disk port to perform the action. Multiple Secondary Data Events may be placed on a single primary event.

The command is sent to the device whose device ID matches the event ID. As an example, the commands for the video disk server are entered in the secondary event’s title.

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These events are executed at preroll time of the primary event. Since these commands are performed instantly no heads are threaded and the disk status does not change (unless the disk goes BUSY for a moment).

The event is marked done if ADC sends the command to the disk. The event is marked missed if ADC cannot execute the command for any reason.

While many of these functions are not implemented on many disk systems, the following functions have been implemented:

Local Disk System Commands:

Delete: DEL:AnID or D:AnID

Delete Protect: PRO:AnID or P:AnID

Delete UnProtect: UNP:AnID or U:AnID

Archive System Commands:

Get From Archive: GFA:AnID:TapeID or G:AnID:TapeID

Delete From Archive: DFA:AnID:TapeID

Send To Archive: STA:AnID:TapeID or S:AnID:TapeID

Network or Fiber Channel System Commands:

Delete From System: DFS:AnID

Move or Copy To Disk: MOV:AnID:#1:#2 or M:AnID:#1:#2:#3:#4… or C:AnID:#1:#2:#3:#4…

Delete From Disk: DFN:AnID:#1

Abort Disk Transfer: ANC:AnID:#1:#2 or A:AnID:#1:#2:#3:#4… or T:AnID:#1:#2:#3:#4…

Command Parameter descriptions:

AnID is the ID to perform the function on.

#1 is the source unit number of the source video disk in the networked disk system. #2:#3:#4… are destination unit numbers configured for the networked disk system (only one destination is required, but as many that will fit in the title field may be specified.

TapeID is an optional parameter that is the Tape ID of the tape in the archive system that this file should be operated on.

Add a Transition Effect

Transition effects can be added between events in a playlist. A master control switcher is required to use transition effects. A transition effect is configurable according to type, speed, key hold status and mixed audio/video and wipe effect qualifiers.

1. Open a Playlist and ensure Revise mode is off/disabled.

To exit Revise mode on the list, press <ALT + R> or from the Events ribbon tab select the Cancel icon ( ).

2. Select the event in a playlist to assign the transition to by clicking the event number of the event.

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3. From the Events ribbon tab select the Edit Transition Effects icon ( dialog is displayed.

Playlist Editing Operations

) The Transition Effects

4. Configure the following options as required:

Transition Type: Select the type of effect to run between events by using the icons located next to the time fields. Transition effect options are cut, mix, wipe, fade fade, cut fade and fade cut.

Transition Speed: Select the speed of the transition effect. Options are Slow, Medium, Fast.

End Key Hold: Checking this box causes the transition of an event to remove any key that was held by a previous keyer event.

#: Specify the qualifier for mixed audio/video and wipe effect. Qualifier values range from 0 to

255 and are facility-dependent.

5. When finished click OK.

Cut, Copy, Paste Playlist Events

The following procedures outline basic Cut, Copy Paste operations that can be performed from a


To Cut an Event from a Playlist

1. Select event to be cut by clicking on event number on list that corresponds to current location of event to be cut.

). The event is cut from the list and put onto a 2. From the Edit ribbon tab select the Cut icon ( clipboard in the software.

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To Cut a Block of Events from a Playlist

Playlist Editing Operations

1. Select the first event of a block to be cut by clicking an event number on list that corresponds to current location of event to be cut.

2. Holding down the Shift key, use the mouse to select the last event of a contiguous block of events.

This causes a sequence of events to be highlighted.

3. From the Edit ribbon tab select the Cut icon ( onto a clipboard in the software.

). The block of events is cut from the list and put

To Copy an Event from a Playlist

1. Select event to be copied by clicking on event number on list that corresponds to current location of event to be copied. (The event remains on the playlist or transmission list when copy is chosen).

). The event is copied onto a clipboard in the 2. From the Edit ribbon tab select the Copy icon ( software.

To Copy a Block of Events from a Playlist

1. Select the first event of a block to be copied by clicking an event number on list that corresponds to current location of event to be copied.

2. Holding down the Shift key, use the mouse to select the last event of a contiguous block of events.

This causes a sequence of events to be highlighted.

3. From the Edit ribbon tab select the Copy icon ( put onto a clipboard in the software.

). The block of events is copied from the list and

To Paste Cut / Copied Event(s)

1. Copy an event line. For details see: See To Copy an Event from a Playlist (see "To Copy an Event from a Playlist" on page 143).

2. Position the cursor on the play list where the event will be pasted.

3. From the Edit ribbon tab select the Paste icon ( specified location.

). This pastes the event(s) into the list at the

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Copy/Paste Cells

Playlist Editing Operations

A cell can be Copied / Pasted in the Air Client Play list form or Transmission list form.

1. Select the cell to be copied.

IMPORTANT: Cell copy is only permitted from three columns: Title, SOM, or DUR column.

2. Copy the Cell: From the main menu select Edit > Copy. The event is copied onto a clipboard in the software.

3. Position the yellow cursor on the play list column where the event will be pasted.

IMPORTANT: The selected pasted cell must have the same column index as the copied cell. (e.g. A cell cut or copied from the Title column can only be pasted in the Title column.)

4. From the main menu select Edit > Paste. This pastes the event(s) into the list at the specified location.

Clear / Delete Playlist Events

Use the following procedure to delete an event from a playlist.

1. Select an event to be deleted. Click the event number on the list that corresponds to current location of event to be cut.

2. From the Edit ribbon tab select the Clear icon ( deletes the event off of the list.

) or press <Delete> on the keyboard. This

Note: This event is not placed on the clipboard. Once deleted it is gone.

To Clear a Block of Events from a Playlist

1. Select the first event of a block to be copied by clicking an event number on list that corresponds to current location of event to be copied.

2. Holding down the Shift key, use the mouse to select the last event of a contiguous block of events.

This causes a sequence of events to be highlighted.

3. From the Edit ribbon tab select the Clear icon ( put onto a clipboard in the software.

). The block of events is cleared from the list and

Note: The events are not placed on the clipboard. Once deleted they are gone.

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Moving Events within a List and Between Lists

An operator can use drag- and-drop or Cut and Paste on the Edit ribbon tab to move (reorder) events within a playlist, copy events between playlists, or copy events from a device storage window or database window directly into a play list.

Edit Operation Notes:

An event must be dragged by its event or spot number to move it to a playlist.

When dragging-and-dropping, all secondary events associated with primary events are moved with the primary event. This is not true when using cut and paste.

Drag and drop only works within the look ahead. You cannot drag an event from beyond the look to within the look ahead.

Cut and Paste will work if an event is Beyond the look ahead and needs to be placed within the look ahead.

WARNING: Unless the List options are set to get around this, copy-and-paste should never be used when using a traffic system that uses reconciliation because this will cause the event to repeat the reconciliation key.

Open the source List(s)

Open the list or lists to be used when moving events:

If moving events within a single playlist, open the playlist.

If moving between playlists, open the destination playlist, and the source playlists.

If moving from other windows to a playlist, open the destination playlist, and the source windows

(device storage window and/or database window)

To Drag-and-Drop a Single Event

1. Select the event to be dragged. Click the event number on the list that corresponds to current location of event to be cut and continue to hold down on the mouse button.

2. Drag up or down to the location the event will be dropped. (note – stay in the event column)

3. Position yellow cursor on the play list where the event will be dropped.

4. Release the mouse button to drop the selected event above the cursor.

Dragging and dropping within one window is effectively a ‘cut and paste’

Dragging and dropping from one window to another is a ‘copy, paste’

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To Drag-and-Drop Multiple events

1. Press and hold the Shift key and click an event, then click-hold another event to select a range.

2. Drag the selection to an event in the playlist before which you want to insert the selection. The yellow cursor is positioned on the play list where the event will be dropped.

3. Release the mouse button to drop it. The events are inserted above the target location.

Move Events using Copy / Paste

WARNING: Copy-and-paste should never be used if you are using a traffic system that uses reconciliation because this will cause the event to repeat the reconciliation key.

1. As an alternative to drag-and-drop, click an event, spot or record, or the range of, then from the Edit ribbon tab select the Copy icon ( ).

2. Click the event in a playlist after which you want to insert the selection, and then from the Edit ribbon tab select the Paste icon ( ).

Revise Playlist Event Field Text

Revise allows the operator to "revise" (edit) the text in a particular field of an event.

1. Position cursor on a specific event field.

2. From the Events ribbon tab select the Revise icon ( ) or press <Alt+R> on the keyboard.

3. The Revise option is highlighted to indicate the client is in Revise Mode. Revise is also shown at the top of the window. The cursor is now in Revise Mode ready to type.

4. Revise the event as needed. If Enter is pressed prior to getting out of Revise Mode the database will be checked.

If the ID is not found, a warning message will appear. Click OK to continue

5. When finished exit Revise Mode. To exit Revise mode press <Alt+R> or from the Events ribbon tab select the Cancel icon ( ).

Note: If currently in Revise Mode – Cancel can be used to put event back to what it was prior revising the event. Cancel does not work if the operator already clicked off the revised event, or the operator already got out of revise mode).

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Clear Done Events

Playlist Editing Operations

An event that is marked done can be dragged and dropped down the transmission list and then re-activated so it can play on the list again.

1. Position the cursor on the event that is marked Done.

2. Drag and drop this event down the list to where it will need to re-air.

3. With the cursor on the Done event that was dragged, right click on the playlist window and from the popup menu select Clear Done Events.

Note: In order to facilitate proper reconciliation, events which have been As-Run can never be revived. When an ADC user invokes the "Clear Done Events" function to replay an event on the transmission list, the event is treated as a newly inserted event in the Transmission list and a new

GUID is assigned, so this is a new event both in the Device Server, in the Live-Update, and in the


Replace an Event ID

Replace allows operator to find and then replace the ID with a designated ID.

1. Position the cursor at the top of the list in the ID column.

2. From the Edit ribbon tab select the Replace ( ) icon. The Replace ID dialog is displayed.

3. Specify the search parameters:

"Find what" field: Type in the ID to find. (e.g. Demo0001)

"Replace with" field: Type in the ID to replace with.

Match whole word only. Check to have search look for whole word matches.

Match case: Check to have search look only for entries that match the case (Upper or Lower) for the entry specified in the "Find what" field.

Ignore secondary event: Check to ignore secondary events in "Find" operation. (When a search in list is typically done, the result includes secondary events. If there is a secondary event with the same ID, the user may not want to find it.)

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Direction: Specify the search direction: Up the list or Down the list form the current cursor position.

4. Select Find Next.

5. If the ID is in the database, an information box appears with the database info for the replacement


6. Select OK to replace the found ID with the replacement ID.

7. (Repeat steps 5 – 6 until all records are found.)

Note: Replace All can be used to speed up the process. Ensure the replacement spot is not already in a break with the ID being replaced. This will prevent the same spot to air back to back.

Ripple Time

AutoRipple is the process of adjusting the time column to reflect the time of day each event will play based on the duration of each event. As an event plays to air, the time field of the events following down the list will adjust as necessary to reflect the approximate time of day they will execute.

This is especially useful if the start time of an event is changed. Ripple time allows the start times of the following events to be updated to reflect the adjusted time.

The exception to this scenario is if a hardstart is located on an event. A hardstart will not allow the times to ripple past it and the events following may not reflect the correct time of day they will actually play.

Due to this blocking of AutoRipple it may be necessary to ripple the times manually to keep the list accurate to what time of day the events will play.

To Manually Ripple Times

1. Position cursor in a column of the event that the Ripple Time will be initiated from. Modify the time as required and if necessary.

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2. From the Events ribbon tab select the Ripple Time icon ( ) or press <Alt+M> on the keyboard.

The time field ripples from the event the cursor is located on down to the next hard start or the end of the list. Each successive event is offset by the duration of the previous primary event.

Note: All events’ start times are changed until a hard start event is encountered. Hard start events interrupt any preceding events whose times overlap its start time.

Checking if a List is Timed Out

Ripple time can be used between hard starts to check if the list is timed out between the hard starts.

If Ripple Time is initiated on an event and a hard start is located on a future event an info box appears if the events are running long or short to the future hard start.

The info box informs the operator if there is overlap (long) or gap (short) time to the next hardstart.

Managing Pull Lists

The Pull List window lists all missing events in a play list. Missing media are events not located in any of the devices assigned to the transmission list that the Pull List was generated from. Once opened, the Pull

List Window can be refreshed on demand (F5 key and Refresh function of its contextual menu).

Review Missing Events using the Pull List Window

Use the following procedure to review missing events using the Pull List Window.

1. Ensure a list is open for viewing

2. From the Events ribbon tab select the Pull List icon (

3. Choose the order to display any found missing material.

). A Choose Order box appears.

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Event #: List entries in order as they appear on the playlist.

ID: List entries in sequential ID order, lowest to highest.

Box ID: List entries in sequential Box ID order: lowest to highest, numbers before letters.

Note: With Air Client v4.26 and higher the ‘@’ character is treated as greater than numbers, but lower than letters, (e.g. #1, #2, 123, 456, @12, @34, fe1, fe2).

Chronological: List all entries by time only as they would fall within a 24hour period. (Not by


4. Click OK. Any missing items appear on the Pull List.

Note: The Pull List displays a single entry for a multi-segment program ID. The total number of segments in the list is displayed in the Occurrences column.

The event column designates the location of the missing event on the play list.

The TOD Time of day column is the time of day on the play list the event is scheduled to play.

If the record is not in the database, the Comment column indicates this by a "Not Made" comment.

The Occurrences column shows the number of times the event is scheduled on the play list.

The SOM and Duration on the Air Client Pull List allow it to be used as a Dub List on the Media


The Segment number (01 to 99) field can be displayed.

The Title field will indicate if an ID is on a Storage Device or not and if it is in the Database or not.

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About MultiSegment events

Playlist Editing Operations

The Pull List displays a single entry for a multi-segment program ID. The total number of segments in the list is displayed in the Occurrences column for that event.

Timezone in a Pull List

A Pull List requested for a List with a Time Zone configured will take in account the Time Zone in the TOD column of the Pull List. The Time Zone name is displayed in the title bar of the Pull List window (like for the List window), and the offset value in the status bar.

The following image is provided for reference. The colors are used to enhance readability. Your display will look different.

GMT Pull Lists

The GMT Pull List option allows to list in the Pull List only the clips missing in the devices assigned to the

List and not in a GMT source device usable for this List. This helps operators determine if the missing media is already loaded into a GMT source device if it is not on the Pull List.

To use GMT Pull Lists select the Properties ribbon tab, click the Environment… icon (

List Options tab, and check the option "Use GMT Pull List" option.

), select the

The Administrator or operator with security rights can enable the new GMT Pull List.

As with others options (e.g., Storage Options/ Display Free Disk space), a confirm/warning dialog box is displayed to the operator when this feature is selected. From this dialog the operator can:

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Click Ok to confirm and enable new option. This parameter is saved in the ini file of the application so the selection is not lost when the Air Client is closed.

Click Cancel to invalidate option.

If Enabled (Checked), when the operator chooses Events>Pull List, the Pull List window is displayed on top of the transmission window and a warning message appears (Job in Progress) along the bottom of the Pull List window. Once complete, the warning message in Pull List window disappears.

It is not listed in the Pull List result.

If Disabled (Unchecked), is it is listed in the Pull List result.

Show/Hide Columns in a Pull List

The ADC Air Client v4, Pull List utility allows the show/hide of columns on the Pull List display. This option is similar in functionality to the Columns option of the playlist/transmission list.

1. Right click on the Pull List and from the right-click popup menu select Columns. The Column setting… dialog is displayed.

2. Use the Column setting… dialog to specify which columns to show or hide.

3. Select a Column in the Available columns or Displayed columns area and choose arrows to move it to the opposite area.

Single arrows (<, >) move individual columns

moves entry from Available pane to Show pane.

moves entry from Show pane to Available pane.

Reset moves all columns to the Show pane.

Cancel aborts the operation and closed the Column Configuration dialog.

Help launches the application Help system.

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4. Click OK. When the Pull List is displayed the columns shown will be as specified.

Add DBStatus Field as a Column

Any one Database field can be displayed in the DBStatus column of the Pull List Window. For example, the status PAD / Not PAD (Ready for air / Not ready for air) could be displayed.

The following parameters of this additional column are configurable in the Air Client ini file.

These parameters are:

The column name (i.e.: Status)

The Database field to display, and the DB table concerned

The value to display if the clip is not found in DB (i.e.: Not Found).

The section corresponding to these parameters in the aclnt32.ini file is done manually (if the feature is required, a Pull-List_Status.txt file to copy/paste and adapt will be provided).

For instance: [Pull List ColX]

Name=DB Status


Default=Not filled

Recycle Bin Window

When the Air Client software user deletes one or several events from the "Transmission list", if the "Link to Recycle Bin" option of the "Transmission list" is checked, those events are written into the

"RECYCLE.lst" file. The Link to Recycle bin option is located in the "Security" tab of the Playlist Options

Menu (right click menu on transmission list).

This setting if enable is active for each list independently.

Multi-login to several device servers is managed (relative parameters saved in aclnt32.ini).

This "RECYCLE.lst" file is saved in the local directory of the Air Client application.

The Air Client software can retrieve deleted events in the "Recycle Bin" window that displays the

"Recycle.lst" file. This file saves the events deleted from a transmission as well as the cut events, in the case where the user cuts some events but does not paste them, so those events could be lost.

When a primary event with hidden secondary events is cut or deleted from the list, the primary and its relative secondary events are copied in the Recycle Bin.

Any new entry of a cut/deleted block is done at the top of the in the Recycle Bin.

The chronology of the action can be easily found.

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At each modification of "Recycle.lst" file, the "Recycle Bin" window is updated. Possible modifications include: the insertion of events in the "Recycle.lst" file and a purge on an event.

To use the Recycle Bin

From the Tools ribbon tab select the Recycle Bin icon ( any contents.

). The Recycle Bin window is displayed with

To reuse the events of the "Recycle Bin" window in a transmission list or in a playlist, the user can use a copy/paste or a drag&drop operation.

Clicking on a block header selects all the events of the bloc. This allows an easy and fast selection before copy or drag-and-drop action.

Each cut or deleted event or block of events begins with a header that gives information about the edition action made on this range. The header is a comment event giving the following information:

In the Time field: The hour of the edition action.

In the ID field: The action done (DELETE / CUT) on the event(s) under the header.

In the Title field: The Server name - the List name where the action was done - The Date of the action.

Empty Recycle Bin option

An operator can choose to manually delete all events in the Recycle Bin.

1. On the ribbon menus select Tools> Recycle Bin. The recycle Bin window is displayed.

2. Right click on the window and from the context menu select ‘Empty Recycle Bin’.

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3. A confirmation box is displayed:

Playlist Editing Operations

Select ‘Yes’ to delete the events in the Recycle Bin.


Select No to cancel the action.

Warning Box when the Recycle Bin exceeds 2,000 events

Added a warning box that warns the user when the number of events in the Recycle Bin exceeds 2,000 events. Since having an excessive number of events in the Recycle Bin can impact client performance, the user is prompted to empty the Recycle Bin when it contains a high number of events. When there are more than 2, 000 events in the Recycle Bin a warning box is displayed: ‘There are a high number of events contained in the Recycle Bin which can impact Air Client performance. Empty Recycle Bin? Yes


Clicking Yes deletes the events in the Recycle bin.

Clicking No clears the warning.

Note: As long as the number of events in the Recycle Bin is over 2,000, the warning message will reappear every 15 minutes until the user clicks Yes, manually empties the recycle bin or the auto-purge deletes the events.

To enable use of "RECYCLE.lst"

In normal operation the "RECYCLE.lst" file is not use as a standard play list, but through the Recycle Bin feature. The administrator sets this option by:

1. Right click on an open playlist window and from the popup menu select Options… This opens the

"Options" dialog box

2. From the Options dialog select Security tab and enable (check) "Link to Recycle Bin" option.

Note: The access to the functions of this Security tab is granted to the System Configuration permission only, from login.

To Configure Colors

The foreground and background colors of the "Header" comment event are configurable from the

"Colors" command of the pop-up menu that opens the standard configuration color of event dialog box

(it is also the case for Playlist and List).

1. Open the Recycle Bin window

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2. Right click on the Recycle Bin Window and from the popup menu select Colors. The "Select Colors" dialog is displayed.

3. Use this dialog to set Event Colors and select default colors. For details on using this dialog see

Configuring Event and Window Parameter Colors (on page 231).

To Configure a Purge

To prevent the Recycle.lst file from becoming huge, a purge of the oldest part of the file can be configured by the administrator.

Note: The access to the functions of this Security tab is granted to the System Configuration permission only, from login.

1. Right click on the Recycle Bin Window and from the popup menu select Options. The "Recycle Bin

Options" dialog is displayed.

2. Use the Purge tab of the "Recycle Bin Options" dialog to configure purge operations for this window.

3. Configure the following parameters as required:

Start Of Day: Define the time of the triggering of the purge.

Hours To Keep: Specify which events, in the "Recycle.lst" file, will be kept or not.

4. When finished click OK. The events, which exist in the "Recycle.lst" file that are greater than the defined hours, are deleted.

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Managing Resource Windows

Robust Database Search Window

Air Client allows for full database searches using the Robust Database Search Window. This window allows an operator to search for and review records of existing spots and, if spot information is already recorded in the database, to export the information to the playlist.

To Search for a Record

1. From the File Ribbon tab select Robust Database Search ( ). This opens the Robust Database

Search window. Search Parameters are specified in the Find records Group box.

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2. In the Find Records pane, specify the Record Types: Click the type of record(s) you to search for.

These settings are used to limit searches to records of certain types.

To include a record type in a search, select its checkbox. To exclude a record type from a search,

uncheck the box. The default is to include all record types (all boxes checked).

To include all listed record types in a search, click the All button.

To exclude all listed record types from a search, click the None button.

Available record Types: The record types available for inclusion or exclusion in a search are:

Single: A single spot record. A single spot has only one SOM and EOM.

Aspot: A master spot on a multi-spot library tape.

Bspot: A backup spot on a multi-spot library tape.

Multi-Seg: A multi-segment record. A multi-segment record can have multiple SOMs and EOMs, whereas a single spot can have only one SOM and EOM.

Lib Box: (Tape only). The ID of a multi-spot record. The library box contains from 1 to 99 spots, with each spot containing its own unique material ID.

Disk: A record created in Louth TurboMedia for material residing on a video disk.

3. In the Find Records pane, select the Search By field type. This parameter determines on which field a database search is based. The exception to this is Duplicates (see below).

The values for the Search By parameter may be any of the following:

Material ID. The ID of the spot.

Title. The title of the spot.

User Data. This parameter searches for the text in the User Data field of the spot’s record that matches the text in the adjacent parameter field. Only 6 characters can be specified if you are using a standard database and 16 if you are using an extended database.

Note: All clients connecting to the same Database and Device Server's in a facility should be configured in the same mode (extended or non-extended).

Made On. Searches for spots that were created on the same date as specified in the adjacent parameter field.

Played. Searches for spots played on the date specified, if the Air Client workstation that played the spot is configured to record play dates. If it is not, you will not be able to find the spot you are looking for by this parameter.

Purge On. Searches for spots that will be purged on the date specified.

Tape ID. Searches for text in three fields—Media ID, Box ID and Alternate ID—that matches the text entered in the adjacent parameter field.

Duplicates. Searches for duplicate material IDs that exist for more than one type of spot and displays them in the Search Results pane.

Note: When Duplicates, Purge On and Tape ID are specified as search parameters, all records types are searched. Any settings you specified in the Record Types area are ignored. For example, you cannot search for duplicate single spots only.

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4. In the Parameter field next to the Search By field, enter all, or a segment of, the information the property you specified above must contain.

5. In the Find Records pane, choose the Search Range. These search qualifiers determine how specific the search is.

Two different Collation sets are currently being used with ADC SQL Servers. Your search results depend on Collation set for which your Database is configured.

The following logical operators are available:

Note: When specifying a range of values, the value in the first parameter field must be less than the value in the second parameter field or an error message displays. The hierarchical search order of characters and numbers is: numbers come before capital letters and capital letters come before lowercase letters. When specifying a range of dates, the first date specified in the range must be earlier than the second.

Is. This operator only lists records that contain the exact value specified in the Parameter field next to the Search Parameters button.

For example, if you click ID on the Search Qualifiers button and enter 12345 in the Parameter field, only the spot whose ID number is 12345 appears in the Search Results pane.

Is between. When this operator is selected, an additional Parameter field appears next to the

Search Qualifiers button. The value entered in the Parameter field above it and the value in this new field determine the range the value of the property you specified in step three must be between.

For example, if you click ID on the Search Qualifiers button, enter 001 in the top Parameter field and 003 in the bottom Parameter field, only the spot whose ID number is 002 appears in the

Search Results pane.

Is before. This operator lists records whose property value specified in the Parameter field precedes the value of the property specified in the Search Parameters button.

For example, if you click ID on the Search Qualifiers button and enter 12345 in the Parameter field, only spots whose ID number is less than 12345 appear in the Search Results pane.

Is after. This operator lists records whose property value specified in the Parameter field is greater than the value specified in the Search Parameters field.

For example, if you click ID on the Search Qualifiers button, enter 001 in the Parameter field, only spots whose ID number is greater than 001 appear in the Search Results pane.

Is outside. This operator lists records whose property value specified in the Parameter field is outside values specified in the Search Parameters field. The value entered in the Parameter field above it and the value in this new field determine the range the value of the property you specified in step three must be outside.

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6. Once the search parameters are specified, click the Search button. The results are displayed in the

Search Results pane, located under the Find Records pane.

A Results Summary is displayed at the bottom left corner of the window. (Display colors have been modified to enhance readability. Your display may appear different.)

Found: # of records found that met search criteria.

Selected: # of ID’s highlighted.

7. (Optional) Records can be sorted (ascending/descending order) by clicking on a column header and property columns resized by dragging with the mouse.

Managing Search Results

The results of a database search are displayed in the Search Results pane. A right click menu is available from the Search results pane to help manage search results.




Save As Text


Print Notes




Copies the highlighted record

Copies all records in the Search Results pane.

Allows the user to save the highlighted records to a text file.

Prints the highlighted records. A printer must be configured.

If this option is selected—the checkmark indicates it is selected—and Print is chosen, any notes associated with any selected record will also be printed.

This option will display more information about selected Multi-Segment or

Multi-Spot records. If one of these record types is selected when this option is

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chosen, the spots or segments associated with that ID will be displayed in a separate pop-up box.

<<This option is grayed out and currently unavailable.>> Show


(no sorting)

Show Search

Panel and

Show Details


When these options are on—as they are shown here—the database window will display as it does on the previous page. If these options are turned off, either the search panel—the panel including the search parameters—or the Details panel—the panel on the bottom of the screen displaying the details of a selected record—will disappear from the screen allowing more records to be displayed in the search results panel.

To Review Record Details

Select / highlight a record in the search results pane. All available information on the selected record is displayed in the Show Details pane located beneath the Search Results pane. Select the desired tab to see various information related to the record. If multiple records are highlighted, the fields of the last record clicked are displayed in the Database Parameter pane.

To change the column width

The width of each column may be adjusted by passing the cursor over the right edge of the column, and holding down the mouse button to drag the edge of the column when the cursor resembles a crosshair .

To Resize Columns

If any particular record information, such as ID or title, is too wide to be displayed in a column, the information is truncated and followed by ellipses (...). You can widen columns to show the truncated information.

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1. Position the pointer over the right border of the column heading.

Managing Resource Windows

2. Drag the border to the right. If the total width of the columns exceeds that of the Search Results pane, a scroll bar appears at the bottom of the pane, allowing you to scroll hidden columns into view.

To Sort Records by Column

You can determine how records are sorted in the Search Results pane using their property column header.

Click on a field's column heading to sort all the records displayed in the Search Results pane by that field.

The order of the sort follows the alphanumeric hierarchy: numbers come before capital letters, and capital letters come before lowercase letters.

Each click on a header toggles sort in ascending or descending order. For example, if records are listed in ascending order, clicking the ID column header sorts them in descending order.

To Save As Text

Right-click on a selected record in the database search results pane, and then from the pop-up menu select Save As Text.

Saves the output displayed in the Search Results pane as a data (.dat) file. Selecting this command invokes a dialog which prompts the user for the filename to save as.

To Print

Right-click on a selected record in the database search results pane and from the pop-up menu select


Prints the output displayed in the Search Results pane. Selecting this command invokes a dialog which allows the user to configure the print job.

Show Segments

Note: This option is available for multi-segment only; it is grayed out for all other selections.

Right-click on a selected record in the database search results pane, and then from the pop-up menu select Show Segments.

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Opens a Segments Record dialog that displays segment information of a highlighted multi-segment program display.

About Display Sequence Gaps

Although ADC automatically numbers segments sequentially there are scenarios, such as secondary recording, that can create multi segment records with non-sequential segment numbering (i.e. gaps in the sequence). Air Client displays such a gap properly, including all of the segments with the correct information from the database.

Media Client Note: Media Client allows and preserves multi-segment records that have non-sequential segment numbering (i.e. where there is a gap in the number sequence), although it is not intended that such records would be created within the Media Client prep form.

Showing More Records

There are two options available: [Show Search Panel] and [Show Details Panel]. Both are for expanding display area of search result panel.

Disable Show Search Panel: Right-click on the database search results pane, and then from the pop-up menu disable (uncheck) Show Search Panel. This action hides the Find Records tab pane.

Hiding the Find Records tab pane expands the Search Results pane, allowing more records to be viewed at one time.

To re-enable the display of this area, right-click on the database search results pane, and then from the pop-up menu enable (check) Show Search Panel.

Disable Show Details Panel: Right-click on the database search results pane, and then from the pop-up menu disable (uncheck) Show Details Panel. This action hides the area displaying additional information of the highlighted record and the Find Records Material, Media, and Notes tab panes.

Hiding this area expands the Search Results pane, allowing more records to be viewed at one time.

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To re-enable the display of this area, right-click on the database search results pane, and then from the pop-up menu enable (check) Show Details Panel.

To Copy a Record to a Transmission List

Use this procedure to copy a Record to a Transmission List.

1. Select/highlight a record or records on the Search Results pane.

2. Right click on the Search Results pane and from the popup menu select:

Copy: To copy the highlighted record(s) to the clipboard.

CopyAll: To copy all records in the Search Results pane to the clipboard.

3. From the Air Client main screen, open a Transmission List. (For procedure details see To Open an

Existing Playlist.)

4. Position the cursor on the list at the point the event or events are to be copied and paste the contents of the buffer to that location. (For procedure details see To Paste Cut / Copied Event(s).)

Drag and Drop a Record to a Playlist or Transmission List

Use this procedure to Drag and Drop a Record to a playlist or Transmission List.

1. Select/highlight a record or records on the Search Results pane.

2. Drag and Drop the record to the desired location on an open playlist or Transmission List.

Device Status Window

The device status window allows you to check the connection status of devices assigned to a specific device server and provides other device information to help you identify the source of event errors.

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To Open the Device Status Window

1. From the Resources ribbon tab select the Device Status icon ( displayed.

Managing Resource Windows

). The Device Status window is

This window gives the status of all devices in control by the device server.

The status bar displays the time of a device server. Time source originating from a PC is represented by the letter P. The letter T represents time from a timecode generator and the letter V for reference video.

NDF and DF represent drop frame status for a broadcast facility. For example, when drop frame is off, NDF displays in the status bar.

The color of a device also signifies its status. By default, when a device is black, its status is normal and its events may be added to a playlist. Devices that are green are in use by a playlist in a transmission window. If a device is not connected or responding, the spot displays in red in the device status window.

Device Status window columns can be reviewed for:

Port: Specifies which port a device is connected to. The status of a disk port is displayed on one line for each head. When playing, one line displays the status of the on-air event and the other displays the status of the next spot to air.

Device: (Device Name) Displays the device name and type when configured on the Device

Server.. To open a VTR device’s control panel, double-click the VTR in the device status window. The control panel only opens if the VTR contains a tape and is properly connected and configured.

Status: Current status of the device. Status key words include:

No dev: No device is connected to the specified port.

No comm.: Air Client is unable to communicate with the specified device.

Unthreaded: The device is not threaded.

Cued: The device is cued.

Play: The device is playing a spot.

Standby: The device is in standby.

Online: The device is online.

Offline: The device is offline.

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Owner: Transmission list assignment of the device. Specifies which playlist or cache a device is assigned to. If the owner field is blank and you want to use the device, it must be configured in the device server.

Pos: (Position) Transmission list event # location of the device. Displays the playlist position number of an event the device is playing.

ID: Displays the ID of an event the device is playing. This is the current Id that is threaded in a particular device.

Dur: (Duration). Specifies the duration of the cued or playing event associated with the device. This is the duration the device is currently scheduled to play the event. A device that is playing will be green and reflect the counting duration of the event. An "A" event would be counting down, while an "AU" event will be counting up.

Information: Displays the input and output ports of a switcher, if applicable. If a switcher is connected to a device server, the information field displays the device status (online or offline), including general information. Certain devices (Switchers, Routers) may give extra information of device status.

To Filter Device Status Rows/Columns

Use this procedure to filter rows via columns in the Device Status Window.

1. Open the Device Status window.

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2. Filter by the values in the column. Move cursor to the columns header and push the displayed combo button.

3. Choose the items from the filter dropdown to filter by. The Grid is filtered by selected values.

Customizing the filter in the grid.

The Filter Builder dialog allows end-users to build complex filter criteria with an unlimited number of filter conditions combined by logical operators.

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1. End-users can invoke the Filter Builder dialog using the Customize… button displayed within the filter panel. This dialog is also invoked when choosing the (Custom…) item from the filter dropdown.

2. Click on the column's caption to select the column.

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3. In the operator box, select the condition.

Managing Resource Windows

4. Input the value to filter by.

5. Click the button "..." to add condition, add group or remove the row.

6. Click the OK button to apply the filter criteria and close the dialog. The grid View now displays only the records matching the set criteria.

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Saving to/Loading from an External File

Managing Resource Windows

The Filter Builder dialog allows you to save filter criteria to and load them from an external file. Clicking the Save As… or Open… buttons activates one of these dialogs. Filter settings are stored in a file with an flt extension.

Sort data by columns

It is possible to sort data by columns. The first click on a column header sorts data in ascending order and the second by descending order, etc. To clear sorting by a column, click the column caption holding the Ctrl key down. You can also sort data by multiple columns. To do this, click on column headers while pressing the Shift key.

A small arrow displayed within a column header indicates the current sort order.

The up-arrow indicates the ascending sort order.

The down-arrow – the descending sort order.


Troubleshoot transmission list problems (incorrect status of devices) by checking the Device Status window for problems with individual devices.

If a device is not available or not communicating correctly, the text indicates the situation.

The status also reveals if the device is not communicating or there is no device currently connected.

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Note: A VTR's device control panel can be opened if the VTR is currently loaded with a tape. This is useful when device control is needed without looking for the event on the transmission list. Since all

VTRs for all lists are shown here, ensure the correct VTR is selected.

Device Storage Window

The device storage window lists the media in a device connected to a specified server. When an event cannot be found, you can use the device storage window to verify that its information matches the spot

ID on the device.

Also, when creating or editing playlists, you can lookup spots on a device’s media. You can search for a spot’s ID or title and then drag it to a playlist window. Use the database, which is accessible on the right-click menu of the device storage window, to access a spot’s record information.

Cut Copy / Drag Drop to Playlist. Records can be copied and pasted or drag and dropped from this window into a play list or transmission list.

Note on XDCAM Storage Locations: XDCAM cart, model A480, has 6 faces and each face has 80 bins, with up to 600 disk’s loaded in the cart. A bin number with the first 2 digits specifying the face and the second 2 digits specifying the bin number allows an operator to know where in the cart the disk resides.

Air Client displays this XDCAM storage information: the cart as a storage location with the cart face/slot number and disk label displayed.

To Open the Device Storage Window

This option will give a storage window view of the video server inventory.

1. From the Resources ribbon tab select the Device Storage icon ( displayed.

).The Choose Device dialog is

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2. Select the target storage device to check the inventory and then click OK

Managing Resource Windows

The status bar displays the time of a device server. Time source originating from a PC is represented by the letter P. The letter T represents time from a timecode generator and the letter V for reference video.

NDF and DF represent drop frame status for a broadcast facility. For example, when drop frame is off, NDF displays in the status bar.

The second tray in the status bar displays the number of spots on the device. The third tray displays the number of minutes used on a disk and the remaining available minutes. The last tray displays the device’s status.

The color of a spot also signifies its status. When a spot is black, its status is normal and may be added to a playlist. Spots that are green are in use by a playlist in a transmission window. On

Sony cart machines, if a spot’s title does not match its record in the database, the spot displays in red in the device storage window.

Device Storage window columns can be reviewed for:

Num: (Number) The number of the spot in the window.

Spot ID: The ID of the media located in the device.

Title: The title of the media located in the device.

Duration: The spot’s duration.

Spot #: Displays the spot number of the media which is assigned by the device.

Play Date: The date the media was last played.

Status: The media’s status: normal (available for use), In Use (playing), Title Mismatch (for

Sony cart machines only) and Protect.

Status bar indicators:

Total Available record space on the device

The size of the largest contiguous recording available on the device.

To Refresh a Window

To refresh a display, right click on the window and from the pop-up menu select Dynamic Display or press <F5> on the keyboard. This updates the content of the window.

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Protecting and Removing Spots

Managing Resource Windows

Spots in a device storage window can be delete-protected in the device storage window to ensure they are not removed from the media. You can also remove spots so they are no longer available for air.

To Remove a Record from the server

1. Highlight a record by clicking on its entry in the number column.

2. Right click on the window, and then from the pop-up menu select Remove or press <Delete> on the keyboard.

3. The system prompts to confirm. Click OK to confirm.

To Protect a Record

1. Highlight an event or range of events by clicking on its entry in the number column.

2. Right click on the window, and then from the pop-up menu select Protected. The record is protected and it’s Status is set to P. (Protected events display a P in the Status column.)

To Unprotect a Record

1. Highlight an event or range of events currently protected by clicking on its entry in the number column.

2. Right click on the window, and then from the pop-up menu select Unprotected. The record is unprotected and its Status is reset.

To Check or Search for a record

Note: A status panel in the Device Storage window blinks to indicate a search is in progress. This lets operators know during long searches that Air Client is functioning and not hung.

To Check a Record against the database

1. Highlight a record by clicking on its entry in the number column.

2. Right click on the window, and then from the pop-up menu select Database. The database window opens with the comparison result.

3. (Option) A record can be drag-and-dropped from the Robust Database window to an open playlist or

Transmission list.

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To Search for a Record by ID

Managing Resource Windows

1. Highlight a record by clicking on its entry in the number column, right click on the window, and then from the pop-up menu select Find ID.

2. Specify the search parameters:

Find what: Enter the search string text.

Check to Match whole word only.

Check to Match Case.

Select Search Direction in the window: Up or Down.

3. Click Find Next.

To Search for a record by Title

1. Highlight a record by clicking on its entry in the number column, right click on the window, and then from the pop-up menu select Find Title.

2. Specify the search parameters:

Find what: Enter the search string text.

Check to Match whole word only.

Check to Match Case.

Select Search Direction in the window: Up or Down.

3. Click Find Next.

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Moving Spots and Records to Playlists

Managing Resource Windows

A record, or multiple records can be moved from the Robust Database window or a Device Storage window to an open playlist or Transmission List using drag-and-drop or Cut and Paste from the Edit ribbon tab.

Drag/Drop from Device Storage Window: Select a record on the Device Storage Window, then move the record by dragging it from the Device Storage Window and dropping it into a playlist.

Drag/Drop from Robust Database Window: Select a record, then right click and from the menu select Database. This launches the Robust Database window. Move the record by dragging it from the database window and dropping it into a playlist.

Cut/Copy/Paste from Device Storage Window: Selecta record on the Device Storage window, then from the Edit ribbon tab select the Cut icon ( ). Click the event in a playlist after which you want to insert the cut record, then from the Edit ribbon tab select the Paste icon ( ).

Note: Dragging-and-dropping a multisegment record to a playlist opens a multisegment window.

Moving Multiple Records

To move a range of multiple records, hold Shift and click the first record in the range, then click-hold the last record in the range. Drag the selection to a playlist and release the mouse button to drop it.

Instead of dragging a selection range to a playlist, you can click Cut from the Edit ribbon tab, click the event after which you want to insert the range and click Paste from the Edit ribbon tab.

More Info Window

When the functionality has been purchased, this option allows the custom configuration of a More Info column using an ODBC database. The customer uses station-defined procedures to configure functionality on this display.

More Info Windows display data from the automation database. Access to these fields depends upon the client they are being accessed from.

In the Air Client, the objective of the More Info Window is to make available any information in a record by displaying it in a single window. This information can be the data captured using the

Media Client, as well as what currently exists in the database.

In Air Client, they display not only the standard fields found in both the ASDB and the ASSEG tables, but also any fields that are added to the database, normally in the ASEXT table.

For information on setting up the More Info Window see Configuring System Properties: More Info (see

"More Info" on page 271).

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To Display the More Info Window

Managing Resource Windows

To display the More Info window of an ID in Air Client:

Double-click the event number on a play list or transmission list window.

Note: Double-clicking anywhere else on an event line will result in an undesired action to occur or initiate another feature of Air Client.


Within the Play List Window, right click and then from the pop-up menu select "Show MoreInfo."

For Example: When the event number is selected, the data associated with the material ID is displayed in the More Info window. The following is an example window. Your window may be defined differently.

Video Window

Air Client can include an optional feature that displays the on-air event in a video window. It can be used for monitoring the Output Stream, but has no control functionality. A video board installed in the Air

Client workstation must be connected to the output from the on-air video stream.

To Display the Video Window

When this feature is available, from the Tools ribbon tab select the Video Window icon ( ). The view window is launched.

If this is not configured a warning message is displayed:

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Managing Compile Lists

Managing Compile Lists

About the Compiler Option

The compiler is an optional feature of Air Client that allows you to create groups of spots, or pods, to play to air. Compiling spots into pods allows you to air multiple commercial breaks from one device instead of playing spots from multiple devices. Each pod in a playlist plays as a single event and is identified by the compile tape ID.

The compile list window is used to create pods and edit its spots. Editing spots when the pod is loaded in a transmission window may cause unexpected results. You can also play spots from the compile list window, allowing you to assess the air quality of the media.

List Filename Character Limits: Air Client will not load or save any Playlist <<Playlists, (.lst & .cur), Auto

List Save Lists, (.rcv & .rcb), Sectional Lists, (.sec), Compile Lists, (.cpl)>> with a name longer than 32 characters total, (including its filename extensions). A warning pops up when attempting to save a

Playlist name longer than a total of 32 characters.

Creating a Compile List

A compile list is created identically to a playlist in a playlist window.

1. To open a compile list window, from the Resources ribbon tab select the View List... icon

( ).The Choose List dialog is displayed.

2. Select a compile list from the Choose List dialog, and then click OK.

To view the individual spots of a compile tape

In a compile list window, you can view the individual spots of a compile tape by using the append, load and insert list menu options on the right-click menu.

To remove all spots from a compile list window

To remove all spots from a compile list window, point to Compiler on the right-click menu, then click

Clear List.

To prepare a list for compiling

Also, you can use the compile list window to prepare a list for compiling by performing these tasks:

1. Insert a Secondary Event Compile ID at the top of the compile list to indicate where the compiler begins compiling the list. Air Client automatically switches to Revise Mode.

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2. Enter an ID in the ID field of the Secondary Event Compile ID. This is the compile tape ID number that will display in the ID field of a playlist when the compiled events are inserted. Each tape containing a compile list must have a compile tape ID number and is used to identify all of the spots on the tape in a playlist.

3. Insert spots into the compile list.

4. At the end of the compile list, insert a secondary break event or enter Revise Mode (press ALT + R or from the Events ribbon tab select the Revise icon ( ).)

5. Remove letter A from the Type field of the last event to indicated the end of the compile list.

Note: Events are compiled according to the value in the Type field.

Remove A from the Type field to indicate which events you do not want to compile. Only events containing A in the Type field are compiled.

Compiling a Compile List

After creating a compile list, use the compiler’s control panel to compile its spots on one tape.

1. Right-click the compile list window and from the popup menu select Compiler > Panel. This opens the Compiler control panel.

2. Select the button function to perform. A description of the function of each button on the compiler control panel follows:

Compile: The Compile button begins the compile process, beginning with the first pod. This feature will only compile one pod at a time, stopping at each break event allowing you time to insert another tape.

Auto: The Auto button also begins the compile process, except that the compiler compiles as many pods as will fit on a single tape. The compiler will not stop at each break event; however, each compiled pod remains separated by their secondary compile ID and break events.

Cue One: The Cue One button cues the tape to the SOM position of a selected event, allowing you to preview it.

Cue Up: The Cue Up button cues the record tape to the pod’s SOM, allowing you to preview an entire compiled list.

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Replay: The Replay button plays a pod or event that is cued by the Cue Up and Cue One buttons.

You cannot replay lists or events until they are cued with either the Cue One or Cue Up buttons.

Cancel: Use the Cancel button to abort the compile process. You must recompile the list after clicking this button.

3. During the compile process information is displayed in the Record Device Status field and the

Compiler Error field:

The Record Device Status field displays the status of the compile list’s record device.

When compiling, messages appear in the record device status field indicating the status of the compile process. Following is a description of each status message: ◆ Cueing. When the compile process begins, the recordable material cues and the source material cues and threads.

Prerolling Compiler. When the compiler is cued, the source device is in preroll and is advancing to the SOM of an event.

Compiling. Displays as the compiler is compiling events.

Saving List. Displays when the compiler saves a compile list.

Waiting to Restart. After the compiler saves a compile list, this message displays until the compiler is restarted after it stops between break events.

Note: This is only applicable when compiling in Auto mode.

Canceling. When the compile process is canceled, this message displays until the recorders stop.

Waiting for User. When an error message is displayed in a dialog box, this message displays until you close the dialog box.

The Compiler Error field displays any errors that occur during the compile process.

When the compiler encounters an error, it displays the error in the compiler error field on the control panel. Following is a description of each error:

No recorders or recorders not threaded. Either no record devices are assigned to the compiler or there is no recordable media in the devices.

Recorders are still moving. This error displays if the recorders are still moving when the compile process is initiated.

Unable to thread and/or cue. Either the recorders did not cue or the first event in the compile list did not cue or thread.

Operation canceled by user. Displays when the compile process is canceled.

Compile tape mismatch. The compiler tape ID for the compile list does not match the ID in the record device.

Encountered end of usable tape. No more recordable media is available for the compiler to record events on.

Unable to locate compilable event. There are no events in the compile list to be compiled.

Compiler skipped break/POD. The compiler skipped a break event or pod because of a missing media error.

Record ID has changed. The compiler detected a different compile tape ID in the compile list than that in the record device. A dialog box appears, allowing you to confirm that you changed the tape in the device.

4. When a list is compiled, the file is saved with a .CPL extension, instead of the .LST extension.

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Recompiling a Compile List

Managing Compile Lists

If you cancel the compile process before the entire list is compiled, or you want to insert another spot in a list that has already been compiled, you must recompile the entire list before playing on-air. Before recompiling the list, however, you must first mark the compiled spots as uncompiled by pointing to

Compiler on the right-click menu and clicking Clear Compile Events.

Other Compile List Functions

The following functions are optional and may not be available on your Air Client workstation.

Jam New IDs: Jam New IDs marks a point on a compile list from which to create a Sectional List. A sectional list is a compile list that is recompiled with a new ID and saved with the extension .SEC. It is identical to the original compile list, except that it contains only the timecode of the original list and not the events.

A sectional list is used to play regional spots in place of the spots recorded in the compile list. Both the sectional list and the compile list must be loaded in separate transmission list windows before aired. To broadcast the sectional list, the compile and sectional list must be played simultaneously.

The compiled list references the sectional list to determine when its spots’ air. When the spots of a sectional list air, the compile list plays normally; however, in some broadcast regions, compile list spots will be substituted by spots in the sectional list.

Mark Exception: Mark Exception marks an event in a compiled list as an event to recompile into a sectional list. To create the sectional list, you must change the event ID of all of the events that you have marked as exceptions to another ID. The sectional list is created to play regional spots in place of national spots, so, the ID replacing the original compile ID should be the ID of the regional spot.

Spots that are marked as exceptions will have the letter X next to letter A in the Type field of the compile list.

These spots are recompiled with the regional spots in place of the national spots. When the sectional list is loaded into a transmission list window, all spots not marked as exceptions are ignored by Air Client. When a sectional list is compiled, the timecode from the original compile list will be transferred on a new tape with the marked exceptions.

Thread Into VTR: Use this option to specify the VTR in a cart machine to thread the source tape into.

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Error Management

Error Management

About Displaying Errors

To Simultaneously View All Air Client Errors

To simultaneously view all Air Client errors in a separate window, from the File ribbon tab select the

Display Errors icon ( ).

From the Choose Server dialog box, click a server whose errors you want to view and click OK. An Error

Log window displays all errors occurring for the server you selected.

To View Error Logs

To view error logs saved as text files, from the File ribbon tab select the Open Text... icon ( ), and then choose a file you want to view.

Note: The first time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list" is used, the dialog window shows the directory specified in Properties/Environment. If the operator browses to a different location, the Dialog "remembers/remaps to" the last used folder, and opens it by default the next time

"File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list' is used.

To Display Errors

1. From the File ribbon tab select the Display Errors icon ( most recent errors.

). An error display will appear with the

2. To clear these errors, from the File ribbon tab select the Clear Errors ( ) icons.

Note: This does not clear errors saved in the error log. The errors display is only a clipboard of errors since the last time the errors were cleared.

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Clearing Error Messages from the Air Client


Error messages are displayed in the status bar of the Air Client desktop.

Uncleared error messages are displayed in Bolded black text.

Cleared error messages are displayed in ‘normal’ black text.

To Clear Error Messages

1. Clear any error message by pressing <F4>, or clicking the F4 button located in the lower left corner of the display.

2. If there is more than one error message, press <F4> to clear the next message displayed after the previous one.

3. The last error message displays in black, instead of red, after pressing <F4>. To remove this last message from the desktop, from the File ribbon tab select the Clear Errors icon ( ).

List Validation

The list validation option checks through the list of events for potential problems and lists the events, and their errors.

Sequence: (sequence = missing segments within a series, or segments out of order) The segment number is out of sequence for the same tape ID in the list, denoted with "sequence" in the error type field.

SameSeg: (same segment = same segment number back-to-back) The segment number is followed by same segment number for the same tape ID in the list, denoted with "sameseg" in the error type field.

Separates: (separates = segments not separated by a break) The segments are not separated by a break, denoted with "separates" in the error type field.

SameID: (same id = same ID back-to-back) The ID is followed by same ID in the list, denoted with

"sameID" in the error type field.

Note: The error type for each event is a warning only. All events will play.

List Validation window

The error type for each event in a List Validation window is a warning only. The operator should check the events listed to ensure proper playback.

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1. While viewing list, from the Events ribbon tab select the List Validation icon ( ). The list validation info dialog appears listing any errors.

If Air Client was not able to find any errors within the transmission list based on the described error criteria above, a List Validation confirmation box is displayed.

2. (Option) To save the list to a textfile, click Save.

A Save As Text dialog is displayed requiring the operator to specify a file name and then click Save.

3. (Option) To print the list, click Print.

A Print dialog is displayed, requiring the operator to specify a printer (if other than default) and then click OK to print.

4. Click Close to close the List Validation dialog.

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Emergency Operations

Emergency Operations

Main/Backup Changeover


The following are Changeover indications:

1. The screen freezes up (Countdown of current event, and clock displayed in lower left corner will stop moving).

2. A pop-up warning message appears indicating the main Device Server has aborted operation. Click

Yes or OK, to use the alternate Device Server.

Recovery Steps

1. Always try RETRY first, maybe your client just lost connection and the Device Server is actually still

OK (you can also confirm this by checking for the same error status on other nearby clients) **If

RETRY fails, wait before you answer YES to "USE ALTERNATE" – Note the time that WAS left on your current event, and/or the start time indicated on the auto ripple next to the next event. Note this time, and how much time is roughly left.


Ensure the BACKUP Device Server is actually on, and the application is running. If a co-worker can help with this step that would be a good idea, since you will have limited time to complete these steps.

If you’re in a TAPE EVENT you must put the deck into LOCAL and leave it in LOCAL FOR THE REST


2. Throw the MAIN/BACKUP transfer switch (usually in racks by the Device Servers themselves) – this will give control of all your devices over to the BACKUP Device Server. This is also a step you may want to get a co-worker to do while you look after the Air Client side.

3. Answer YES to the "MAIN Aborted – Use alternate" prompt.

4. Look at the top of the windows bar for MAIN to change to BACKUP, you may see an hourglass during this time, about 30 seconds.

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Emergency Operations

Changes to BACKUP.

5. After a successful connection to the BACKUP, the system prompts to "Reload Transmission Lists" on the alternate Device Server; click YES or OK to continue. [This only happens if you’re configured for

Auto List Save, and it is best if ONE CLIENT is set up to do this for all playlists]

Note: When the client logs in to BACKUP, the Transmission lists will NOT NECESSARILY open for viewing (though they are indeed already loaded if "Reload" prompt above was chosen). Remember to use the VIEW LIST option (from shortcut button, or from Resources/View List) to see the active transmission list(s). You should discover them already loaded at this point if you had answered YES to step 4. You may need to delete a few events to get up to the current event. Delete UP TO AND

INCLUDING on-air event. Your list had already started the current event (which is now already in progress playing out of the Disk [or VTR in LOCAL]) so its line item needs to be removed from the list.

6. At this point your client should be logged into BACKUP and your list should be loaded and parked on the next-needed event. Your events should now be blue and ready to cue and roll. DO NOT hit PGM

RUN, and DO NOT CUE EVENTS at this point.

If you are on server-based content (file trailing on for remainder of on-air event) an early cue command will stop your on-air event and you will be in black.

If you’re in a tape based event, leave it in LOCAL. Switching to remote will cause the tape to register and cue to subsequent segments or eject, both scenarios will take you off the air, so keep it in LOCAL until the segment has ended.

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7. To resume automated playout, you can either place a hard start on the first spot in the break, or wait for the end of the still-playing current on-air file, then (at the fade to black) hit PGM RUN, to cue, then ROLL (or PLAY).

REMEMBER: If you are using an Operator Control Panel (OCP), it will not be lit up (usable) initially so you will need to use the software panel to roll the list at first.

Other Considerations

Video server ports that are set to "Stop Disk Play/Record on Init" will reset to black, thus stopping your on-air event when the transfer switch is thrown. If you want the option to be able to failover and have the current file stay on the air during the failover process, ensure at least one of the ports in a given set

(the AIR or the PROTECT [or both]) are set so they do NOT "Stop Disk Play/Record on Init."

This is configured from the Configuration Manager tool. For details reference the ADC Device Server v12

and Configuration Manager Installation and Operations Reference.

System Power Up and Down Sequences

ADC Automation System components power up sequence is performed in reverse order to their Power down sequence.

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Power Up Sequence Power Down Sequence

1 st

File Server 1 st

2 nd

Device Server 2 nd

3 rd

B/U Device Server 3 rd

4 th

Clients(s) 4 th

5 th

Devices** 5 th

**Note: Only applies when powering up or down of device is required.

Emergency Operations

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Automated Recording

Automated Recording

Record Lists

The ADC provides features for automating the recording of taped and live events. The material you record can come from any source – network/satellite feed, studio, or tape.

With AutoSat: Record Lists are created by AutoSat. Your Record Schedules are entered into AutoSat.

AutoSat tunes in your feeds, and schedules the events to record on the ADC Record List(s).

Without AutoSat: Setting up for timed recordings is similar to preparing for event playout. You first create a list of Record events, manually or through a traffic system, and save the list as a .LST file.

You will need to load or append this list into your Record List(s) on your ADC on a daily basis.

For Invenio Ingest Server Scheduled Records, the ADC Record List must have the Record Sources assigned ON the ADC Record List, as Switch Only Devices, with the appropriate Edit Input Router

Device, Source, and Destination configuration. It is a recommended that the Source Switches added to the ADC Record List be similar, but unique by one character. (i.e. ADC Router Source Tab = FS2

ADC Record List Switch only = #FS2.) This difference makes it easier to choose the correct device in the Invenio Scheduled Record Drop Down lists.

Normally, with no Invenio, for ADC Record Lists, the Sources only need to be populated in the

Source Tab of the ADC Router Device.

Key Elements

The following is an example of a Record List.

In your Record List, insert Primary events as needed with the following information:

TIME: Enter the time of day you want to start the recording. (Most lists run off a 24hr. clock.) If recording to Video Servers only, and two or more events start at the same time you need to insert the additional record events on a second record list. (Record lists, like VTRs can only record one event at a time.) To avoid clipping the beginning of a program adjust the start time to allow: 15 sec.

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Operations and Installation Automated Recording of pad. If you could have more than one record event start at the same time if you were using a VTR and Video Disk or Multiple VTRs then these events may be inserted on the same record list.

TYPE: Enter an R (Record) for the type of event. The Record event is a timed, hard start Event.


If Recording to Tape – Enter the ID number for the specific program. Use the same number that the show will be prepped and play back as later. Operators can use unprepared tapes as

Barcode events and tapes with user bit ID’s prepared with Media Client.

Note: IDs should be No more than 8 characters in length.

If Recording to Disk – A different ID number can be used than what the show will play back as.

This is to ensure that an un-prepped show may not accidentally air. The ID number can be renamed at Media Client at prep time.

Note: Not all video disks support rename. If your facility is using the reject blank SOM option, this may help ensure the incorrect show does not air.


If the Record device receives input from a router/switcher, enter the name of the input source here.

Use the pre-configured source name on the Device Server. A User-friendly title can also be inserted in the TITLE FIELD following the router command in the following manner; SAT3;Show Monday – the routing command first, then a semi-colon, then your user title.

*If nothing is entered for the title, and the Record device is connected to a router, ADC uses the A/V channel information to determine the input crosspoint.

The result of this being either recording black or the last source that was routed to this device.

Dur: (Duration) Enter the duration of the Record event for the duration you want to record for.

Remember to take into account that you may need to start the next recording and that this recording may have started early.

SOM: Certain videodisks will require an SOM (Start Of Message) value.

Running the Record List

1. Load or Append the Record List file (.LST file) into a designated Record List window.

Note: If using AutoSat this will happen automatically.

2. ADC looks for the Record device that has the specific ID’d event. If using an external VTR, insert the tape using a Wand, or a Barcode event. This is done to validate the event on the list. Remember to rewind after a tape. If using a videodisk, the videodisk must be properly connected and running. A videodisk must be properly configured. (In most cases this will be pre-configured.)

3. If devices are ready, and all Record events in the list are valid, recording begins at the designated time for each event.

Note: So as not to clip recordings, make sure at least: 15sec of pad is provided for the start time and the duration of the file.

Record List Tips/Troubleshooting

DO NOT load/include more than 24-hrs worth of events on one Record List at one time. (Record lists do NOT recognize dates, only a 24hr clock.)

Make sure SOM fields contain a value (Applies to certain Video Disks only)

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You can only have one Disk port assigned to one list at one time, therefore disk recordings cannot be simultaneous and may not overlap on one list.

Secondary Records

Recording of live shows for time delayed playout requires an optional ADC feature.

This Live Record option provides a Secondary Record event – to the standard ADC system. Unlike timed recordings, live recordings designed for delayed playout use one list for both the recording, and subsequent playback of the events. i.e. The On-Air Playlist.

Key Elements

The following is an example of a playlist with a Secondary Record event attached.

Inputting Secondary Record Events

A Secondary Record event can be inserted into a playlist two ways

Manually - using the ribbon tab: Events > Insert Secondary > Secondary Record. Or Shift-Insert, then select Secondary Record from the list.

Traffic Log - events can be entered in advance by Traffic.

Secondary Record Entry Guidelines

The ID and Segment Number on the Secondary Record Event should match the requested replay event’s ID and Segment Number.

The duration does not have to exactly match the Total Running Time (TRT) of the program, the duration MUST be AT LEAST the Total Running Time of the program and the duration for each secondary record event must match one another exactly.

The idea is that the duration scheduled for the Secondary Record event must match or exceed the

Total Running Time of the longest segment. This duration must be used for all the segments.

Make sure the Time of Day field is blank (not zeros/no value)

Make sure the record tape is put into a VTR before the live program is to be played and recorded.

Basic Functions of the Secondary Record

A Secondary Record event records the Primary event that it is attached to.

When the system starts to play the first segment of the live event, the Record event is started.

When the operator comes out of an up counting live event [into break] using the PLAY button on the list Control Panel, the Record event for that live event will be marked done.

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At that time, the replay event down the list will be filled in with the SOM and Duration of the recorded event – ready for replay. The Title field from the SECONDARY RECORD event is also copied at the replay event line. The recording tape will not be stopped but will be moved down to the next

SECONDARY RECORD with the same ID [for subsequent segments], where the recording continues until the show is completed.

Once the Secondary Record is completed, the ID and Segment information could be saved to the database (if configured)

Secondary Recording to Video Disk

When inserting SECONDARY RECORD events, make sure that the Time of Day field is BLANK. DO

NOT put in zeros, only blanks. Set the SOM field of each SECONDARY RECORD event to 00:00:00.00.

The videodisk port doing the recording must be properly configured or the recording will not be made correctly. The following disk parameters must be set:

Enable Recording of Record Event

Enable Segment Play/Record with ID (Modify Segment IDs must equal zero)

Back to Back Record must be disabled

Make sure that the videodisk port is assigned to the list before the recording is to be done.

Videodisks require the use of a unique ID for each individual event that is recorded. See your videodisks documentation for system requirements.

Secondary Recording to Tape

Tapes MUST BE pre-striped with Time Code when used for Secondary Records. It is best to use the

Media Client’s ‘Black Tapes’ feature, to stripe the tapes, so as to Record the tape’s ID and Userbits as well. Putting userbits on the tape will allow the tape to be inserted into a VTR before use and automatically be recognized by ADC as the Record tape.

An SOM on the Record event is needed because an insert edit Record is used instead of a hard

Record. This ensures that the tape will be started using synchronized play to enable it to Record at the specified first frame for frame accurate playback. Enter the SOM in all the Secondary Record events using the same SOM value.

Make sure that the Time of Day field is BLANK in the SECONDARY RECORD event.

DO NOT put in zeros, only blanks. This field is used to store additional information about the recording while the recording is taking place.

The commercial spaces between the live events are also being recorded on your tape, but because there are no SECONDARY RECORD events attached to them, the information is not saved and records black.

When the last live event is finished, the last Record event will also be finished. At that time the recording will also stop. If that tape is needed anywhere within the Lookahead, the tape will stay in the deck and cue for playback. When it plays, it will play for the duration that was determined by the SECONDARY RECORD event.

When using this event to replay segments, remember that when the tape is finished recording, it will have to be rewound for playback. If the replay program immediately follows the end of the live program, then the tape may not cue in time. If this scenario exists, then two record tapes should be used and IDs on both tapes should match exactly.

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Use Time of Day as SOM for Secondary Records

Automated Recording

If required, an option on the As-Run Log Setup dialog can be enabled that allows updating the database with new media TOD records after finishing a Secondary Record event.

For setup details see: Configuring System Properties > AsRun log Properties (see "AsRun log Properties" on page 250), option ‘Use TOD as SOM for sREC’.

With this option enabled, when a Live Event starts its OnAir-Time becomes known, the OnAir-Time of the primary event to which the Secondary Record Event is attached is set into the SOM field of the

Secondary Record Event. This results in the Time of Day, which the Live Event started, being captured as the segment SOM when the record is written to the database (by the existing secondary record mechanism); the Time-Of-Day ("OnAirTime" – primary event) is stored in the field "StartOfMessage", after playing the secondary record event.

IMPORTANT: For this option to work, the ‘Update Database’ option must also be checked.

Note: This feature does not pass this SOM value in the Record command to any devices, as this is typically done when the record event Cues.

Database Logging

When a SECONDARY RECORD event is finished recording, all subsequent replay events on the list are automatically filled in with the recorded duration and SOM. If any other lists on the same Automation

Server contain the same replay events, they will be filled in also.

Enable As Run/Update Database must be set up for your Secondary Record files to be stored permanently in the Media Client Database. This is only necessary if you need to permanently store your

Secondary Record files for future replay – beyond the current log. You should only use this option if the previous scenarios apply to your station. This must only be configured on one Air Client.

To Activate the Update Database option

WARNING: This option can only be enabled in one Air Client. Having multiple air clients will generate a


1. From the ribbon tabs select Properties > AsRun Logs…

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2. On the As Run configuration tab, select Update Database to allow secondary recorded Id’s to be saved to the database with the timecode and segment information.

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Barcode Event

Barcode Event


A Barcode Event is the process of loading a VTR with a tape that will be needed for use by a specific

ON-AIR Transmission Playlist.

When would you need a Barcode Event?

There are three scenarios where a Barcode Event is useful:

There is not enough time to record the media into the video server and it must air off of a VTR machine.

A Cart Machine or Video Server crash and a backup/contingency reel needs to air off of a VTR machine.

The ingested copy of the show has been purged from the Video Servers and is now not available to the ON-AIR Playlist.

Will ADC run this Barcode Event automated?

Yes. The event on the playlist that will run out of a VTR machine will run in a similar manner to an event that runs from a video server. The only difference is the VTR being used will switch to air when the

ON-AIR Playlist plays the event instead of the video server.

Will a Barcode Event appear on the playlist differently?

No. The event was the same event that was originally appended to the list. The device column will show the correct device being used. In this case the specific VTR device name as it appears in the Device

Status window Device column.

How do I actually load a Barcode Event?

The following pages will show the correct procedures to load a Barcode Event as well as some of the different scenarios related to barcode events.

Preparing the list for a Barcode Event if the ID exists on a Video Server?

If a show was ingested incorrectly or there is a bad copy on the Video Server the ID must be deleted or changed on the playlist and then purged off both the Primary Video Server and the Protect Video Server

(if available). You would then re-insert the ID back into the playlist when it will need to play.

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VTR Playlist Assignment

Barcode Event

VTR as Assigned Device

When a VTR is assigned to a playlist that VTR will be available to that playlist when a tape is loaded and a barcode event is executed.

A barcode event is an option in the automation to designate to the automation that media will play from a specific VTR. The fact that the VTR is assigned to the playlist ensures the VTR is only used for the specific playlist it is assigned to. Other playlists will not have access to this tape machine.

The following image shows VTR1 is currently assigned to a specific Playlist as shown in the Owner column. (Image colors are set to enhance readability. Your view may appear different.)

VTR as a Floater Machine

A "Floater Machine" is a VTR that is unassigned to any of the playlists. This "Floater Machine" can be used by any of the playlists on the Device Server it is controlled by as long as the Audio/Video configurations are set up for the ON-AIR playlist that will use the VTR for ON-AIR playback.

The following image shows VTR1 is unassigned to any specific playlist. The owner column for this machine is blank. When a barcode event is performed, the owner column will fill in with the correct list.

(Image colors are set to enhance readability. Your view may appear different.)

Note: If attempting to perform a barcode event and the owner column in the Device Status window shows that the VTR is currently assigned to another list, call an engineer.

Barcode Event – Step by Step

1. Select the correct play list to load the tape as a barcode event.

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2. Insert tape into a tape machine that is not assigned to the Media List. Place VTR in Local mode.

3. Set the Audio/Video levels.

4. Click the event on the transmission list that was loaded into the VTR, Right Click on transmission list, select Barcode Event in the right click options menu.

5. Put VTR into REMOTE. The event on the playlist should turn blue, cue to the correct timecode in the events SOM column, and then back up the tape to the preroll timecode.

6. The event will play from the VTR at the scheduled time.

If the tape does not have timecode in the SOM column it will go to a STOP status and play when it receives the Play command from the Playlist at current location on the tape.

To control tape manually through the automation double click on the event that is loaded into the VTR and a DEVICE CONTROL PANEL will open up. This will allow standard VTR control, including play, rewind, forward, and CUE which could be used to QC and CUE prior to air. If control of the VTR is initiated with this panel make sure to hit the CUE button prior to airtime

(Only if there is timecode).

Barcode Event Scenarios

The following pages discuss several different examples of inserting and playing a barcode event. A barcode event is an option in the Playlist-Right Click Options Menu. This is one easy way to load a tape and have the automation control it with the transmission list. Follow the steps to do a barcode event.

Before being able to do a barcode event the ID being used cannot be located in a Video Server or a Cart

Machine assigned to the playlist.

Scenario 1: Using Barcode Event for a tape that has an automation database record

1. Select correct play list to load the tape as a barcode event.

2. Insert tape into a VTR (in local mode) that is either assigned to the ON-AIR Playlist or that is an unassigned (floater) machine.

3. (Image colors are set to enhance readability. Your display may appear different.)

4. Set audio/video levels as appropriate

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5. Click the event on the transmission list that corresponds to the tape that was loaded into the VTR, then right click on this event, and from the popup menu select Barcode Event.

6. Place the VTR into REMOTE. The event on the play list should turn blue, cue to the correct timecode in the events SOM column, and then back up the tape to the preroll timecode.

(Image colors are set to enhance readability. Your display may appear different.)

Scenario 2: Using Barcode Event for a tape that does not have an automation database record (Manually entering SOM)

1. Select correct play list to load the tape as a barcode event.

2. Manually revise event line using Alt+R to enter/change any information necessary (in this example entering the SOM of the tape in the SOM field is needed to allow the tape to cue to its correct position) Alt+R again to exit the revise mode.

3. (Image colors are set to enhance readability. Your display may appear different.)

Insert tape into a VTR (in local mode) that is either assigned to the ON-AIR Playlist or that is an unassigned (floater) machine.

(Image colors are set to enhance readability. Your display may appear different.)

4. Set audio/video levels as appropriate.

5. Click the event on the transmission list that corresponds to the tape that was loaded into the VTR, then right click on this event and from the popup menu select Barcode Event.

6. Place the VTR into REMOTE. The event on the play list should turn blue, cue to the correct timecode in the events SOM column, and then back up the tape to the preroll timecode.

(Image colors are set to enhance readability. Your display may appear different.)

Scenario 3: Using Barcode Event for a tape that has bad or no timecode

1. Select correct play list to load the tape as a barcode event.

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2. Click <Alt+R> to set Revise mode. Then manually revise event line to enter/change any information necessary (in this example the SOM field should be left blank <not zeros> to ensure that the automation will not try to cue up to any TC location on the tape)

(Image colors are set to enhance readability. Your display may appear different.)

3. Insert tape into a VTR (in local mode) that is either assigned to the ON-AIR Playlist or that is an unassigned (floater) machine.

4. Set audio/video levels as appropriate.

5. With machine still in local, cue the tape up to it’s in point and then back the tape up to its appropriate pre-roll position

6. Click the event on the transmission list that corresponds to the tape that was loaded into the VTR, then right click on this event, and from the popup menu select Barcode Event.

7. Place the VTR into REMOTE. The event on the play list should turn blue, however, the VTR will remain in STOP mode and will not shuttle to any TC location because the SOM field is blank.

(Image colors are set to enhance readability. Your display may appear different.)

Automation will play event at the scheduled time.

If the SOM is not entered on the playlist the VTR will stay in a STOP status and play when it receives the Play command from the Playlist. Therefore, it is important to remember to manually back the tape up to account for preroll.

It is only when the SOM does exist on the Playlist (either from the database or manually entered) that the automation will cue to the correct position on the tape (list preroll value).

To control tape manually through the automation double click on the event that is loaded into the VTR and a DEVICE CONTROL PANEL will open up.

Note: In order for the Device Control Panel to be accessed, you must double click on a VTR event that has status in its status column. Clicking anywhere else will result in the opening of the Playlist Control

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Panel which controls the ON-AIR Playlist!) This will allow standard VTR control, including play, rewind, forward, and CUE which could be used to QC and CUE prior to air. If control of the VTR is initiated with this panel make sure to hit the CUE button prior to airtime (Only if there is an SOM entered). You may also access this Device Control Panel by right clicking on the VTR event.

WARNING: The event will need to be re-barcoded if there is no SOM and manual control is taken.

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Error Logs

Errors that occur during the use of ADC automation are displayed in the error window at the bottom of the playlist. An error log is created for each 24-hour day and covers the period from midnight to


To Display an Error Log

1. From the File ribbon tab select the Open Text icon ( ). The Open File dialog is displayed.

Note: The first time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list" is used, the dialog window shows the directory specified in Properties/Environment. If the operator browses to a different location, the Dialog "remembers/remaps to" the last used folder, and opens it by default the next time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list' is used.

2. Navigate to the location of the error logs. Error logs are typically located in the Lists\Errors directory or in the Lists\AsRuns directory.

3. The directory of the Error logs is configured from the Properties ribbon tab and selecting the

Errors... icon ( ).

4. Under Files of type: Select Errors (*.err).

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5. Highlight the file you wish to read, and then click Open. The selected file is displayed in a Text

Browser window.


AsRun Logs

Events that playback during the use of ADC automation are displayed in the AsRun Log. An AsRun Log is created for each 24-hour day and covers the specified period as configured from the Properties ribbon tab and selecting the AsRun Logs... icon ( ).

To Display AsRun Logs

1. From the File ribbon tab select the Open Text icon ( ). The Open File dialog is displayed.

Note: The first time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list" is used, the dialog window shows the directory specified in Properties/Environment. If the operator browses to a different location, the Dialog "remembers/remaps to" the last used folder, and opens it by default the next time "File/Open Playlist, File/Open Text, Append/load/insert list' is used.

2. Select the correct folder. AsRun logs are typically located in the Lists\Asruns directory. Each transmission list may also be separated into different folders. (This may be different at you facility if the AsRun logs are placed in a different location)

3. For Files of type: Select Text Files (*.txt).

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4. Highlight the file you wish to read and then click Open. The selected file is displayed in a Text

Browser window.


5. The Log can be checked for time played, missed events, skipped events, reconcile codes, playout device, etc.

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About Traffic Translator

The Traffic Translator is a stand alone application that can be run from any of the automation’s clients or from any computer’s desk top. It is a custom created application tailored to the unique requirements of each customer and is designed so that both primary and secondary events can be generated from the traffic log.

In a typical automation environment the Traffic Translator supports a flat file interchange workflow between the Traffic and Automation systems. In this workflow the Traffic System exports schedule files and they are translated into automation playlist files using the Traffic Translator application. The translated lists are then loaded into the automaton system for on-air playout.

Using the Translator Program

WinCmms is the traffic log translation program that will translate a log from traffic into a .LST file. This

.LST file will then be available for the operator to append the .LST into the transmission list. It will explain how to build a new playlist.

1. Launch WinCmms shortcut on desktop.

2. On the Welcome screen, click Next

3. (If the log is on a floppy disk, insert the disk into the floppy drive)

4. Select the A:\ drive if not already selected.

5. If the traffic log is not a txt file, select All Files to view the contents of the floppy.

6. Select the desired list to translate, and then select Next.

7. Select the destination for the translated playlist file, and then select Next.

8. Confirm the Input info and the Output info is correct.

9. Select Translate. When the translation is complete, select Finish.

WinCmms Setup

Follow directions on install readme file to copy the wincmms.exe file the WinCMMS directory on the local PC.

To Put a Shortcut on the Desktop

1. Using Microsoft Windows Explorer, locate the WinCMMS directory.

2. Click the wincmms.exe file.

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3. On the File menu, click Create Shortcut.

4. Drag the shortcut icon onto the desktop.



To change any settings for the shortcut, such as its name, what key combination is used to access it, use your right mouse button to click the shortcut, and then click Properties.

To delete a shortcut, drag it to the Recycle Bin. The original item will still exist on the disk where it is stored.

To Change the Default Directories and Options

1. Use your right mouse button to click the WinCMMS shortcut on the desktop, and then click


2. On the Properties window. Click on the Shortcut tab.

3. Add the following parameters, separated by a space, to the Target text box:

<input_directory\[input_file]> or <input_directory\[default_extension]>





<input_directory>: Points to the default input directory. Where the traffic logs are located.

Could be accompanied by a [input_file] name. This is useful when calling the translator from another application. The translator closes itself after the file is converted.


Could be accompanied by a [default_extension].

<output_directory>: Points to the default output directory. Where the output playlist will be saved.

-a: Allows the translator to run in Automatic Mode. The Translator will run minimized converting all the files located in the <input_directory>. After each log is translated is moved to the

<done_directory>. If there is no <done_directory> specified, will traffic log will be moved to the

<output_directory>. The Translator stays open until a new file(s) is (are)downloaded to the


-x: Allows the translator to run in Batch Mode. The Translator will convert all the files located in the <input_directory>. It closes itself after the last file is converted. Not to be used in conjunction with the –a switch.

-y: Allows the translator to run without prompt. Will overwrite the output file, if exists. Can be used in conjunction with the –a or –x switch.

Examples: c:\wincmms\wincmms.exe a:\ e:\playlist c:\wincmms\wincmms.exe e:\traffic\today.txt e:\playlist -y c:\wincmms\wincmms.exe e:\traffic\*.scd e:\playlist -xy c:\wincmms\wincmms.exe e:\traffic e:\playlist -ay e:\traffic\done

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Global Media Transfer (GMT)

Global Media Transfer (GMT)

About GMT

GMT or Global Media Transfer controlls the movement of media/material. This process can be used to move material a few feet within a facility or thousands of miles between facilities. GMT is a part of the

On-Air automation system. Each transmission list may ask GMT to find media that cannot be found in the devices assigned to the list. GMT will then find and move the media to a destination device, usually a videodisk server, assigned to the transmission list. The transmission list can then air this media. GMT can also be used in conjunction with the Media Client to send and retrieve material from an archive device.

Purchase Note: GMT is a for-purchase option to ADC systems. Contact your Automation Sales representative for details.

Reference Note: For more information reference the ADC GMT Configuration and Operations Guide document.

The main tasks of GMT are:

Find media/material needed by an on-air transmission list or find material requested by a Media


Copy that media to its intended destination. This may be a videodisk server serving a transmission list or an archive device.

Monitor the movement of material.

With AsRun logging, log the movement of material.

Provide automatic media duplication on multiple videodisk servers for air protection.

GMT Transfer Modes

GMT supports four transfer modes or mechanisms for copying media: fibrechannel transfers, baseband transfers, archive transfers and wide-area network FTP transfers.

Fibrechannel transfers: Media may be copied among video servers linked by a fibrechannel connection. Fibrechannel transfers are data transfers of compressed MPEG or JPEG files and occur faster than real time. Fibrechannel transfers may occur between devices controlled by multiple

Device Servers.

Archive transfers: Media may be copied to or from an archive device either by the normal background GMT process, or manually through the Media Client application. Archive transfers are data transfers of compressed MPEG or JPEG files and occur faster than real time. Archive transfers may be "single-hop" or "double-hop" transfers. Single-hop transfers copy the media from the archive directly to the requesting playout video server. Double-hop transfers copy the media from the archive to an intermediate video server, and then execute a fibrechannel transfer from the intermediate video server to the requesting playout video server. Archive transfers may occur between devices controlled by multiple Device Servers.

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Baseband transfers: Media may be copied from a baseband source device, such as a cart machine,

VTR or a video server’s decoder port, to a video server’s encoder port. Baseband transfers are real-time transfers. Audio and video are automatically routed from the source device to the destination device according to the A/V routing tables configured for the GMT list. Baseband transfers may be "single-hop" or "double-hop" transfers. Single-hop transfers copy the media from the source device directly to the requesting playout video server. Double-hop transfers copy the media from the source device to an intermediate video server, and then execute a fibrechannel transfer from the intermediate video server to the requesting playout video server. Baseband transfers may only occur between devices controlled by a single Device Server. Only the fibrechannel "hop" of double-hop baseband transfers may occur between devices controlled by multiple Device Servers.

WAN FTP transfers: Media may be copied among video servers using the video server’s native FTP transfer mechanism. This may be accomplished on a local-area or wide-area network. FTP transfers are data transfers of compressed MPEG or JPEG files and may occur faster than real time, depending on the bandwidth available on the wide-area network. Only the local video server, designated as the site manager, need be controlled by a Device Server.

GMT Components

GMT consists of three fundamental components: Requesters, Distributors and GMT lists.

Requesters are virtual media devices assigned to a Transmission list and associated with destination devices (playout video servers). Media that is not available in the Requester’s destination device is requested from a Distributor (or Distributors) associated with source devices. Requests are made when events enter the lookahead of a Transmission list and cannot be registered with any of the physical media devices assigned to that list.

Distributors are virtual media devices assigned to a GMT list and associated with source devices.

These source devices may be video server ports, cart machines, VTRs, archives or ProxyFTP devices.

Distributors create and run events on the GMT list to accomplish the transfer of media to the requesting destination device. A single distributor can only support a single transfer mode, depending on the type of its associated source device, but may be "pointed to" or linked with other

Distributors supporting other transfer modes. By "chaining" Distributors in this manner, search paths may be created to pass requests through a number of Distributors of different types. The first

Distributor whose source device contains the requested media will execute a transfer - of that

Distributor’s type - to the Requester’s destination device.

GMT Lists are modified Transmission lists used exclusively by GMT. Distributors assigned to the GMT list will create events to execute transfers of one type or another. Non-real-time transfers

(fibrechannel, archive and WAN FTP) are executed by events registered and run by the Distributors.

Baseband transfers are created by Distributors but run by the physical media devices assigned to the

GMT list.

(OPTION) Push Lists are simply Transmission Lists used for a specific purpose other than on-air playout. Push Lists are used to "push" media from a source device to a destination device ahead of time. Under normal circumstances, Requesters request missing media at roughly the same rate as events enter the lookahead of the requesting Transmission List. GMT is driven by the Transmission

List and will fulfill requests for missing media as events undergo the registration process.

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Operations and Installation Global Media Transfer (GMT)

A Push List allows GMT to move ("push") media in advance of the Transmission List. The traffic department may create a "push list" log consisting of spots needed for air tomorrow. The log file may then be translated into a playlist file by the Traffic Translator and loaded into the Push List.

A Simple GMT System

The illustration below shows a simple fibrechannel GMT system.

A Requester assigned to the Transmission List queries the destination device for availability of media. If an ID on the Transmission List cannot be registered by the destination device (because the

ID does not exist in the destination device), the Requester passes a request to the Distributor.

The Distributor is assigned to the GMT List and is in communication with a source device. If the

Distributor, after querying its source device, finds that the media is available, it will create an event on the GMT List that will initiate a Fibrechannel transfer.

The Distributor will run the event on the GMT List and the media will be copied from the source device to the destination device. Once the copy process has begun, the source device will inform the system that the media is now available for registration on the Transmission List and playout.

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation

ADC AirFlex

ADC AirFlex

About ADC AirFlex

A common requirement across the majority of the markets that ADC serves is to be able to break away from scheduled programming to an alternate source or material when required and subsequently continue the original schedule. Perhaps the most common example is a breaking news story, but there are other scenarios such as a live event running beyond its scheduled period.

This enhancement implements the ADC AirFlex function through making use of ADC’s fundamental method of operation- a play list of sequential events loaded into a Transmission List, with devices assigned to the Transmission List - to provide an automated JIP process using a special Break-away panel.

This feature allows an operator to address the following Join-In-Progress scenarios:

Live news or other unscheduled events that require cutting away from normal programming, for a known or unknown duration.

Reoccurring events that do not conform to a specific or regular time, or event boundary.

Live events such as sports, where delays, cancellations, and extensions must be accommodated.

ADC AirFlex provides the operator a variety of methods to return to the original schedule, such as:

Rejoining at the point from which the sequence was departed,

Joining at the point at which the schedule would be - had no departure been made (referred to as Join in Progress or JIP), or

Manually selecting an appropriate point for the rejoining of the schedule.

ADC AirFlex addresses these needs in a manner that provides efficient use of resources, a streamlined operator interface, and maximum flexibility. As with many aspects of ADC, it is not intended or designed to support a specific scenario or workflow. Rather, it provides a general set of flexible tools. These tools, when used with procedures appropriate to each station’s unique operating requirements, provide the ability to manage complex scenarios with minimal staff and device resources.

IMPORTANT: ADC AirFlex is provided as a standard feature of ADC and does not require purchase.

However, prior to its use the correct number of Breakaway lists and Breakaway objects must be set for your implementation. If this is not done, the AirFlex functionality will not work. Contact Automation

Support to ensure AirFlex functionality is correctly enabled for your system.

Note: If AirFlex is not enabled, the Breakaway panel will appear grayed out on the ribbon bar and there will be no operational impact on your system.

Note: Because of the interdependencies of this feature, it not recommended to mix Client and Device

Server versions.

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Operations and Installation

An Overview of Components

ADC AirFlex

The following entries provide an overview of the main components of the ADC AirFlex feature. For details on ADC AirFlex overview, operations, and setup see the ADC AirFlex Reference Guide.

Breakaway List: The ADC AirFlex function uses a breakaway list to manage the current schedule during the breakaway process. Associated with a Transmission List, the breakaway list operates as a background process for moving off the current scheduled programming while the breakaway sequence is in progress and then moving back onto the current schedule when rejoined.

The Breakaway Control Panel: The ADC AirFlex Breakaway Panel is intended to be used in conjunction with other controls, including the software list control panel, the device control panel, and the ADC FlexSync duplication control panel.

For the operator, the Breakaway Panel is the most visible manifestation of ADC AirFlex and is integrated into the existing user interface of the Air Client. For each Transmission List, it can be invoked from the context menu in the same manner as the list control panel.

Break-away Panel Layout:

Break-away: These buttons are used to select the manner in which ADC will break away from the scheduled events. Selecting a breakaway type and a sequence or router shortcut to which the breakaway will occur sets up a breakaway, with the timing of the breakaway determined by the selected breakaway type.

Return: These buttons select the manner in which ADC returns to the original schedule after the end of the breakaway. The return type selected determines where in the original schedule the first event following the breakaway is taken. The return type can be selected at any time after the breakaway is initiated by the operator, even before the actual breakaway occurs. On the other hand, in a dynamic situation the choice of the return type might not be made until immediately before the end of the breakaway.

Sequences: This is a list of predefined sequences of events, from which the breakaway can be selected. Rather than having to manually insert the breakaway event by event, this makes complex operations, including any combination of events, to be instantly available.

The sequences are ADC .LST playlist files and can be created and maintained using standard processes. Breakaways can also be edited while executing in the same manner as any ADC playlist.

Router Shortcuts: In some cases, an operator is called on to manually switch various live sources directly on air in real time. The router shortcuts allow named sources to be instantly available and can be used during a breakaway, instead of or in combination with sequences.

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Operations and Installation ADC AirFlex

Router Shortcut Logging: This panel logs the time any routers shortcut is selected. This provides the operator with a visible record of manual actions, in addition to events on the list and the As Run.

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation

ADC FlexSync

ADC FlexSync

About the Air Client ADC FlexSync Option

ADC FlexSync™ is an enhancement to the ADC Air Client that provides a powerful, yet operationally simple means of duplicating the events and actions of one Transmission List on another Transmission

List. While not an automatic process, ADC FlexSync provides tremendous operational flexibility, allowing any combination of independent and duplicated operations. The user is provided with a dedicated duplication control panel with status for both lists, including the last time a duplication was performed, and if any edits have since been applied to either list. At any time, the user can duplicate a list’s events

(with an option to apply time synchronization) while allowing lists to operate independently and avoiding the inadvertent replication of operational errors that may occur on either of the lists. ADC

FlexSync also provides action-by-action manual control of either or both of the lists.

ADC FlexSync is not limited to any particular utilization, deployment, or workflow. Rather, it is general purpose functionality that can be used to support multiple operational requirements.

Purchase Note: ADC FlexSync is a for-purchase option to Air Client. Contact your Automation Sales representative for more information.

For details reference the ADC FlexSync™ Reference document.


In an ADC system, Transmission Lists operate within a Device Server. These lists control devices and provide the actual execution of the playout. Once an Air Client is connected to the Device Server(s), the

Transmission Lists are accessible via its user interface. When ADC FlexSync is installed on an Air Client, a relationship between any two lists can be defined in which one is designated as the Normal (source) list and the other as the Duplicate (destination) list. These List Duplication Pairs are defined in advance and have no effect on operation until utilized.


List A



List B


Air Client


Device Server A


Device Server B

Deployment and Workflows

The ability to duplicate lists as needed provides a solution for numerous operational models and scenarios. The following are some of the many different operations the ADC FlexSync™ option can support.

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation ADC FlexSync

Duplication of Lists Between ADC Systems: ADC FlexSync™ can provide List Duplication between independent ADC systems. These systems may be located at the same or separate sites and the Air

Client on which ADC Flex Sync is installed can be located at any location where it can maintain a network API connection to both systems.

Maintaining a Backup Device Server: In a simple Main \ Backup Device Server pair scenario, ADC

FlexSync™ can easily maintain a list on the backup. In this case, devices would not be available on the backup Device Server, so the lists would not execute on the backup system, unless the ‘Missing

Media Switch-Only’ were used. However, duplicating lists to reflect day of air changes, as well as the progress of the schedule, provides significant operational advantages if a switch to the backup is required- with no additional resource requirements.

N to 1 Site or System Backup: In a single aggregated backup system scenario providing backup or disaster recovery for multiple Normal systems, ADC FlexSync™ can provide arbitrary mapping between any two lists.

N + 1 Site or System Backup: With a single set of backup resources - both the Duplicate List and its device resources - ADC FlexSync™ can be used to provide backup for multiple Normal Lists on an as-needed basis. While this approach does not provide continuous redundancy, it can be used to provide a significant measure of protection without excessive resource requirements.

Peer-to-Peer Site or System Backup: Where multiple ADC systems exist, instead of providing an additional ADC system and resources dedicated to backup, ADC FlexSync™ can be used to expand the existing on-air systems to provide mutual redundancy.

N + 1 List Backup: In supporting List Duplication between multiple lists on the same Device Server,

ADC FlexSync™ can be used to provide both redundancy and operational flexibility.

Disaster Recovery: For disaster recovery site deployments ADC FlexSync™ allows simple and rapid transfer of operation to an alternate location should circumstances require.

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Operations and Installation



About LinkList

Many broadcasters already are or soon will be faced with the need to originate multiple feeds from a single location.

While some feeds might be similar, there may be a requirement to ‘breakaway’ from the primary feed and insert region-specific spots or to provide dual feeds of standard and high definition material.

Air Client’s LinkList option is an automated solution to this challenge. It provides operators with an easy means of creating different playlists for a number of feeds --- each playlist slightly different from the other.

LinkList allows playlists to be linked together and controlled from a single master playlist. Once playlists are linked, changes made to the master playlist in content or event order are "mirrored" by linked lists, ensuring that all associated events are synchronized.

Link List also supports multiple master lists within the Link List configuration. This allows Link List to have a wider operational scope and is beneficial for multi-station groups that want to utilize Link List to provide for targeted commercial insertion.

Purchase Note: ADC LinkList is a for-purchase option to Air Client. Contact your Automation Sales representative for more information.

Reference Note: For information on the operation and configuration of this feature see the ADC LinkList

Reference document.

Note: List Redundancy and LinkList can coexist on the same ADC system, but not use the same lists.

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation

Air Client Installation

Air Client Installation

Client Notes

Air Client / Media Client for Device Server v11 and Device Server v12 have been merged into single Air

Client and Media Client streams. Starting from Device Server release v12.16, Air Client/Media Client v4.16 are compatible with both the v11.59 and v12.16 –v12.20 of Device Server software.

For more details, please contact Automation Technical Support. Also reference the Media Client

Operations and Install Reference and the Air Client Operations and Install Reference.

About INI Reuse During an Upgrade

When upgrading Air Client and/or Media Client, DO NOT re-use their INIs. It has been found that re-using INs can result in a variety of operational problems.

About v11 Client Validation

Version 4.20 was the last release where the Air Client and Media Client applications were tested with

Device Server version 11. This means that the 4.21 clients were only validated with Device Server version 12.21, Air Client 4.20.23, and Media Client 4.20.20 were tested with Device Server version


Rev-Lock Condition with version 12.21/4.21 release

Implementation of enhancement 76797 (Redesign of the List locking mechanism) in Device Server v21.21 has resulted in a rev-lock condition. This requires all software be updated to 12.21/4.21 or higher release levels when upgrading or installing ADC system software.

Third-party applications with lock mechanism based on zero Done Count can maintain this mechanism as it is preserved in Device Server logic.

Device Server v 12.21 supports list locking by zero done count (old mechanism, for 3rd party apps) and by API commands ListLockList, ListUnlockList (new mechanism).

Air Client v 4.21 uses only new API commands and doesn't use zero done count.

For details see enhancement 76797 in Device Server v21.21.19 Release Notes.

Start up Switches

The–v12 switches are needed only on start up, for the first Device Server the client connects to. After that, the operator can use MultiServer login to connect to any Device Server.

- /v12 or -v12 is optional in shortcut for the Air Client /Media Client connecting to the Device Server v12. This is the first Device Server it connects to.

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MutiServer login Note: MultiServer login allows connection to Device Servers of different versions from the same client at the same time. The operator must manually choose the type of server to be connected and the name.

Network IP

Device Sever v12 uses IPv6. Ensure IPV6 is properly enabled on the Client PC. Its connection information is obtained automatically

Upgrade Note

When upgrading from an ADC v11 to ADCv12 system or when implementing a new ADC v12 system, the proper Database scripts must be used to create the database (if it is a new ADC v12 system) or to expand the database fields (if upgrading from an existing ADC v11 system). Failure to do this will result in the ADC database not working. Contact Automation Support for details.

To Install Air Client on a Workstation

This section describes how to install the Air Client on a client workstation using the Installation Wizard.

If installing a new version of Air Client over an existing version: Before installing, reboot the computer.

Do not run Air Client on this station after rebooting and before installing the new version. If this is not done, the installation may not complete successfully, and may have to be restarted.

1. Run the Installation Wizard (AirClientInstall.exe).

2. Read the Welcome dialog. When ready to continue press Next.

3. On the License dialog the Read and accept the license, and then press Next.

4. On the Setup Type dialog select the setup type for traffic AsRun and schedule formats:

5. On the Server Name and Destination dialog specify the following:

Options are:

Enterprise (Default): This is the most typical selection.


When ready to continue press Next.

6. On the Installation Confirmation dialog, click Install. The application is installed.

Installation Path: Accept the default or - if you like - press Browse to change the directory into which the application program files will be installed.

Client Name: This is the name of the client workstation the application is being installed on.

Server Name: This is the name of the primary Device Server the application will first connect to.

When ready to continue press Next.

7. On the Completion dialog, click Finish to complete the installation.

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Operations and Installation Air Client Installation

Managing the Desktop Shortcut for Air Client

The Air Client shortcut icon is used to launch the Air Client application from an icon on the desktop.

Before launching Air Client, create a shortcut and specify parameters in the shortcut target, such as the file path to the application, the client name, and the Device Server name.

Other parameters that can be specified include:

 the backup Device Server name.

 the maximum length of a material’s name.

 the maximum length of a material’s title.

 the platform the Device Server is running on.

Format: PATH <Client Name> <Device Server name> <Backup Device Server name> <Max ID Length>

<Max Title Length> <DS Platform>

Example: The following is provided to illustrate the basic path and parameter structure. (Your paths and file names may appear different.)


Ensure the MAIN and BACKUP Device Servers are configured identically in terms of devices and assignments. It is expected a Main/Backup configuration is to be used with a serial transfer switch to move devices from the MAIN Device Server to the BACKUP Device Server.

Do not configure both main/backup Device Servers in the shortcut and the multiserver login at the same time (on a per client basis) as it can cause issues with prep form displays during connection/reconnection.

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Operations and Installation Air Client Installation

Configuring main/backup Device Servers in the client shortcut is not dependent on Multiserver login feature.

To Manage the shortcut on the Desktop

1. Open My Computer on desktop.

2. Open Local Disk (C:).

3. Open Air Client folder.

4. Right mouse click and hold on the Air Client .exe file and drag to the desktop.

5. Select Create Shortcut(s) here.

6. Define the shortcut properties by right clicking on the icon and selecting Properties.

7. Click the Shortcut tab. The Target: field should contain a path following this format:

[file path] [client name] [server name] [backup name] {material ID length} {material title length}


Modify the entries as required:

Note: Remember to include a "space" between the entries.

IMPORTANT: All clients connecting to the same Database and Device Server's in a facility should be configured the same: IDLEN=32 TITLELEN=32.

[file path]: The file path of the Air Client application is the path the shortcut follows to launch Air

Client. This is defined for you when you create a shortcut.

[client name]: Specify the name of the client, using no more than eight characters. Each client must have a unique name on the network. For example: ACLIENT1.

The client name should be the same as the PC’s name just without the – hyphen. For example:

"PC windows login = ACLIENT-1, session login for Client Application = ACLIENT1

[server name]: Specify the name of the server to connect to when launching. For example:


Air Client Stand Alone Mode: To run the standard Air Client as a stand alone Air Client remove the Device Server switch in the short cut’s command line.

[backup name]: Specify a backup server to connect to in the event the main server fails. For example: BACKUP_DS

IMPORTANT Multi-Server Logon Note: With multiple server login the backup server name is not needed on the shortcut command line.

{material ID length}: Use the idlen parameter to specify the maximum number of characters (up to 32) the ID can contain. For example, Idlen=32.

{material title length}: Use the titlelen parameter to specify the maximum number of characters

(up to 32) for the material title. For example: Titlelen=32.

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{platform}: If the server you are connecting to runs Microsoft Windows NT, enter /nt or \nt.

Enter /nt to enable long device and playlist names.

Air Client's 'List Names' functionality requires absence of '/nt' in the command line parameters on the application’s desktop shortcut.

Without /NT = Air Client displays the List Names configured on the Air Client.

With /NT = Air Client displays the List Names configured on the Device Server.

–v12 switches are needed only on start up for the first Device Server the client connects to.

After that, the operator can use MultiServer login to connect to any Device Server.

/v12 or -v12 is optional in shortcut for the Air Client /Media Client connecting to the Device

Server v12. This is the first Device Server it connects to.

8. When finished click OK.

ODBC Connections and Networking

For information on configuring automation Client Computers for ODBC connectivity to SQL Server 2012, see ADC_SQL_Server_2012_Installation_Guide.

For information on system networking, see ADC_Networking_Best_Practices.

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Configuring System Components

Configuring System Components

Configuring Multiple Device Server


Air Client can be configured to connect to up to eight device servers on the network. See Getting

Started: Managing Server Connections (see "Managing Server / MultiServer Connections" on page 45)

for setup details.

Note: Multiple server login (multiserver login) is only available to customers who have purchased it.

Clients supporting this feature will have a Servers option on the Air Client desktop.


Ensure the MAIN and BACKUP Device Servers are configured identically in terms of devices and assignments. It is expected a Main/Backup configuration is to be used with a serial transfer switch to move devices from the MAIN Device Server to the BACKUP Device Server.

Do not configure both main/backup Device Servers in the shortcut and the multiserver login at the same time (on a per client basis) as it can cause issues with prep form displays during connection/reconnection.

Configuring main/backup Device Servers in the client shortcut is not dependent on Multiserver login feature.

Configuring List Options

1. From the Resources ribbon tab select the View List Icon ( ). The Choose List dialog is displayed

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Operations and Installation Configuring System Components

2. Choose the desired List, and then click OK. A playlist window is opened.

Note: Your Play List name may be different than what appears here.

3. Right click on the playlist window and from the pop-up menu select Options…. The Play Options dialog is displayed.

4. Select the Counts tab. Use this tab to specify the lookahead value for a transmission list and the display of done events in a playlist.

Configure the following parameters as required:

About Minimum Difference between Values: The minimum Look Ahead value is 11 and the minimum difference between the Look Ahead and Done Count values must be more than 1.

Look Ahead: Enter the number of events in the lookahead field to define a playlist’s lookahead range. The lookahead is the number of events whose media Air Client will verify the availability of in a playlist. Events within the lookahead range will display in blue if they are primary events and are located on the specified device. Events out of range display in black. If an event is within the lookahead range, but is missing media, it will display in red. Setting the lookahead for the entire list uses more system resources.

This value is configured as per the customer’s request. If a duration based look ahead is configured (Done in NTConfig only) than this field is not used. *Typically between 50-250 events.

If GMT is used this value may be lower.

Done Count: Determine the number of done events that display in a playlist. The Done count should not exceed the Lookahead value. This value is configured as per the customer’s request.

Default should be 4. Maximum is 20.

Note on List Lock: If a list is experiencing a List Lock, the List Lock is not cleared, and it has been ensured that no other client or process is modifying the list, then the Done Count can be set to a value of 2 or greater in this list's Options > Counts configuration tab.

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5. Select the Times tab. Use this tab to specify parameters for start times for certain kinds of events.

Configure the following parameters as required:

Timed List: Check to enable. When enabled, this parameter allows Hard Start events to run at predetermined time in the Time field. This must be enabled when using Hard Timed events.

Update On-Air Time: Check to enable. When Auto Ripple is turned on the actual start time of an event will update the Time field so the AsRun log reflects the accurate time. Auto Ripple allows this feature to work correctly.

Auto Ripple Times: Check to enable. When you change the duration of an event, the projected start time for the events that follow are automatically changed based on the durations for each event. Auto Ripple will ripple the times down from the On-Air event down to the next Hard Start or to the end of the list.

Deleting or adding events to a playlist will cause the playlist start times to be recalculated.

Auto rippling will stop at a hard start event.

Hard start events will interrupt any preceding events whose times overlap its time.

6. Select the Threading tab. Use this tab to control threading behavior.

Configure the following parameters as required:

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Thread After Break: Check to enable threading events immediately following a secondary Break line. You will not have to manually thread events after the Break line if this is selected. Breaks are only used when the automation is playing spots and not program material.

Keep List Threaded: Check to enable keeping as many devices as possible threaded in the lookahead. If an event is inserted into a playlist, the event is cued and subsequent events are unthreaded, as necessary.

Note: When unchecked, events in the range specified in the Thread Time: field are cued.

Thread Time: (Default: 00:02:00:00) Keep List Thread time determines which events within the specified time get threaded and cued. * This applies when Keep List Threaded option is not selected.

Entering a value of two minutes in the Thread Time: field, for example, will cue events that will play within two minutes of the current time.

7. Select the Tensioning tab. Use this tab to control tensioning.

Configure the following parameters as required:

Release Tension When Cued: Check to enable. After a VTR event is cued, the tape is tension released. The tape is tensioned when the event reaches the Standby On Time.

Tension After Up Counter: Check to enable keeping the following VTR event ready to play when playing out of the Live event.

About Tension Events:

Tension events following an upcount event assume a fixed duration for the upcount event, instead of an indefinite duration. All events within the Standby On time that follow the upcount event are tensioned on. This is used for live broadcasts when the duration is known.

Otherwise, the events are tension released and the next event must be tensioned on manually by clicking the Ready button on the control panel.

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8. Select the Skip Control tab. Use this tab to determine how certain events are skipped.

Configure the following parameters as required:

Skip Bad Events: Check to enable to skip missing events. The list will skip missing (red) events in the list and, no matter what setting is specified for ‘Switch to Black’ or ‘Station ID on Skip’, it will

NOT switch to another source during the transition.

If one primary event or two consecutive primary events are missing in the list, the list skips them and continues running.

If there are 3 consecutive primary events missing in the list, the list will stop.

Station ID On Skip: When enabled, the pre-defined input (switcher configuration) is shown

ONLY when a GOOD event that is running is skipped using the hardware control panel or the software control panel and that input will be switched only during the preroll of the next event.

This setting will override the ‘Switch to Black’ option.

9. Select the Misc. tab. Use this tab to configure miscellaneous options which apply to playlist behavior in a transmission list window.

Configure the following parameters as required:

Switch To Black: Check to enable. Allows automation to automatically switch to the pre-defined input (switcher configuration) ONLY when the list stops.

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If the customer is to use ‘Station ID on Skip’, do not select this option.

Play Hard Hits: Check to enable. This allows the operator to manually play a Hard Start event at a time other than its pre-designated time.

If this is not set, the operator cannot play an event that has a hard start if the playlist has stopped running.

Contact Start: Check to enable. To trigger an event on the Playlist with a General Purpose

Interface (GPI) contact, click the Contact Start button. Pressing a contact is equivalent to clicking the Play button on the control panel.

Note: This parameter is usually not turned on unless customer is using GPI’s to trigger events on the Playlist.

Auto A-B Routing: Check to enable alternate primary event’s switcher routing between the A and B input channels. When enabled, you can use the wipe, mix and mixed transition effects on two consecutive primary events. Otherwise attempting to do so would cause the transmission of black when the switch occurs.

Note: This parameter is typically disabled (unchecked).

Play ID Time Mismatches: Check to enable. When enabled and a Playlist is appended, any events that mismatch the record in an LMS database environment will play as per what the original traffic log dictated.

ID Title mismatch checks ID title pairs from the transmission list against the database and cassette in a cart machine. Normally, the ID and titles on the transmission list match the database and cassette and no errors are generated by the system when a list is loaded.

Note: This feature is only supported for customers using the Sony LMS database environment and requires the use of a tape preparation database product, such as Media Client.

10. Select the Security tab. Use this tab to configure security and list confirmations for any modification of a Play List.

Configure the following parameters as required:

Link to Recycle Bin: Check to enable. When the Air Client software user deletes one or several events from the "Transmission list", if the "Link to Recycle Bin" option of the "Transmission list" is checked, those events are written into the "RECYCLE.lst" file.

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Confirm event edition (Revise): Enable the Confirmations for the edition done with Revise

(Revise, Insert Primary / Secondary in the corresponding List. Disables the possibility to insert while in Revise mode.

When this option is enabled (checked), each time and operator toggles Revise-off for any event

(i.e. leaves edit mode), a confirmation message is displayed.

The operator can choose to:

Click Apply to apply the event modifications.

Click Find Next to locate the next event.

Click Cancel to abort the operation.

Confirm list modification (del/cut. Insert, update, move): Enable the Confirmations for the edition done without Revise in the corresponding List. When this option is enabled (checked), each time and operator modifies a list (i.e. inserts / cuts / deletes / modifies / moves an event), a message similar to the following is displayed.

The operator can choose to:

Click Apply to apply the event modifications.

Click Find Next to locate the next event.

Click Cancel to abort the operation.

"Fast Find and Apply" function: When enabled (checked), this option allows the operator to find the occurrences of the concerned Primary event, and easily apply the modification to them (2 key presses), and allows a very fast check of the modification for each occurrence of the corresponding Primary event.

If not enabled (unchecked), the Cancel/Close button is always pre-selected after the use of Find

Next Prim or Apply buttons.

The operator can choose to:

Click Apply (or press the Return or Space key on the keyboard) to apply the event modifications. (Find Next Primary button is pre-selected for next action.)

Click Find Next Prim to locate the next primary event. (Apply button is pre-selected for next action.)

Click Cancel/Close to abort the operation.

Fast Find Active / Inactive Windows:

The Fast Find mechanism applies for the confirmation windows:

Modify Primary …

Del/Cut Primary …

Insert before Primary …

Del/Cut Secondary … of Primary …

Insert Secondary … under Primary …

The Fast Find mechanism does not apply for the following confirmation windows. For these windows the Cancel/Close button is pre-selected and the Find Next button is grayed out.

Modify Secondary … of Primary …

Del/Cut events (bloc) … to …

Move events (bloc) … to … before Primary …

Update Event … against Database,

Update List against Database,

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Ripple Time from event …,

Clear Done Events n°… to n°…,

Replace event … with … .

Delay from Air warning: Check to enable a delay from air warning of an event or list modification. Once enabled, specify Delay Value and Polling Value.

If the event or list modification focused in the confirmation window is at less than a configurable delay from Air (list in Play), a red warning mentions: "In Forbidden Area!".

This warning is dynamic: If the confirmation window is opened out of the Forbidden Area, and still opened when entering in it, then the Warning appears. This notification does not have to be "frame accurate".

The verification of the delay from Air can be done each 5 seconds (to be sure to be warned at 30 seconds from air the delay value must be configured to 35 seconds).

Delay Value: Active when Delay from Air warning is selected. Specify the delay period in hh:mm:ss from Air to trigger the Warning. (Minimum: 1 second, Default: 00:05:00)

Polling Value: Active when Delay from Air warning is selected. Specify the polling period in seconds of the frequency checking if in "Forbidden Area" when a Confirmation window is opened. (Minimum: 1 second, Default: 5)

Log List Edition: Enable (check) / Disable (uncheck) logging of any edition in the List.

This option works in conjunction with Operation Log functionality. To make this parameter active on the corresponding List, enable Edition on the Properties > Operation Log configuration window.

Log List Control: Enable (check) / Disable (uncheck) logging of any Control action in the List.

This option works in conjunction with Operation Log functionality. To make this parameter active on the corresponding List, enable List Control on the Properties > Operation Log configuration window.

Albrecht VPS Options: The following options are only displayed when the VPS.bin file is present in the Air Client installation directory.

Use Albrecht VPS Title Editor: Check to use a customized editor for the title of events for the Albrecht VPS device. This editor provides selection of values, validates inputs, and formats the title in the required fashion for this driver.

Allow non-title field edits: Check to allow non-title fields of events to be edited. Leave unchecked to prevent changes being made to these fields.

Allow non-VPS field edits: Check to allow the user to edit fields of events other than those for the Albrecht VPS device. Leave unchecked to prevent changes being made to events for devices other than the Albrecht VPS.

VPS Note: A VPS.BIN file is required to enable this functionality. Those customers who have purchased the Albrecht functionality, please contact Automation Support for the VPN.BIN file.

Ensure the VPS.BIN file is placed in the Air Client installation directory (i.e. the same directory as the aclnt32.exe file).

11. When finished click OK.

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Configuring Window Column Settings

1. Open a playlist window (View, New, etc.), or a Database window.

2. Right click on the window and from the pop-up menu select Columns…. The Column setting… dialog is displayed.

3. Assign columns: Use arrow keys to move options from Available pane to Displayed pane. Use the move keys to select (>, >>) and deselect (<, <<) entries.

>: Move a single entry from Available pane to Displayed pane

>>: Move all entries from Available pane to Displayed pane

<: Move a single entry from Displayed pane back to Available pane

<<: Move all entries from Displayed pane back to Available pane

4. To set or reset a column width:

Ensure the column is listed in the Displayed columns pane. Column width can only be edited when a column is in this pane.

Select the entry in the Displayed columns pane, and then enter a new value in the Width field.

You can also use the spin arrows to increment or decrement the entry. (Recommended: Accept the default settings.)

5. To order columns, select an entry in the Displayed columns pane, and then

Click the Up button to move the entry up in the list

Click the Down button to move the entry down in the list

6. (Option) To Edit Column Settings

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Ensure the column is listed in the Available columns pane. Column settings can only be edited when a column is in this pane.

Click Edit. The Column setting dialog for that column is displayed.

Use the down arrow to select from a list of alternate parameter settings, and the click OK. (The list of available parameters settings is different for each column.)

7. (Option) To Add a Column:

Click Add

Enter a name in the Column Name… dialog and then press OK. The new column name appears in the Available columns pane.

You can now:

Set column width. See step 5.

Specify column settings for the new column. See Step 7.

Rename the column. Click Rename and in the name dialog specify a different name. This action is only available for a newly added column.

8. (Option) To Remove a Column

Ensure the column is listed in the Available columns pane. Column entries can only be removed when the column is in this pane.

Click Remove.

The system prompts for confirmation of the action. Click OK. The Column is removed.

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9. (Option) To save and reuse the new column organization/entries as a template, see Managing

Column Templates (on page 229) for details.

10. When finished click OK.

Managing Column Templates

Operators can create a customer-specifiable default columns template that can be recalled as required, thus making configuration of the Air Client easier and quicker. For customers upgrading multiple Air

Clients this approach is especially useful as they are able to create a template based on one list and optionally apply that template to all lists on all Air Clients.

To Save a Column Template

1. Configure the Windows Columns settings as required. (For details see Configuring Window Column

Settings (on page 227).

2. Once window column organization/entries are configured on the dialog, the operator can choose how to save and work with the settings as a template.

3. To save the current configuration as a template:

Click Export. The Export Column template screen is displayed.

Browse to the desired location, specify a file name, and then click OK. The file is saved to the specified location.

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4. To import a previously saved column configuration template:

Click Import. The Import Column template screen is displayed.

Browse to the location of the desired template file, select the file, and then click OK.

5. To reset all settings of the current list to default settings:

Click Reset to Factory Defaults.

A Confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to accept.

6. To apply the current configuration /specified template to all existing configurations for all lists (i.e. overwrite all configurations):

Click Apply to All.

A Confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to accept.

To Apply a Column Template or Reset to Default Settings

1. Launch Air Client.

2. Select Properties->Environment-> Default List Columns.

3. Choose the parameters to use as required

Import Template- Apply template to all Transmission Lists: Browse to a previously saved column configuration template file. Select a template and click OK. The designated template is applied to all existing List configurations.

Factory Defaults- Apply template to all Transmission Lists: Click this option to reset all settings of all transmission lists to default settings.

4. When finished click OK.

Configuring Window Font Settings

1. Open a playlist window (View, New, etc.), or a Database window.

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2. Right click on the window and from the pop-up menu select Fonts…. The Font setting… dialog is displayed.

3. Configure the following parameters as required: Font style, Size, and Color.

4. When finished click OK.

Configuring Event and Window Parameter


Use this procedure Air Client set color displayed for events, cells, and rows. It provides the ability to:

Add more event color options that reflect the status of the primary event color differences for - media / no metadata, metadata / no media, metadata / media but not QC'ed, media / yesterday's metadata

Verify other elements needed for correct on-air playout (IE Captioning Files)

Color code primaries based on type (IE Commercial, Promo, Movie, etc)

The ability to assign colors supports operational situations where the user needs to be able to quickly ascertain the type of content that a primary event represents. This capability can be used to distinguish different types of program content (IE movie, sport, drama, news) or different types of interstitial content (IE commercial, promo, PSA, political).

The primary reason of this more granular methodology to event identification is to:

Allow users to differentiate between paid advertisements, promotional content and political content so that, inadvertently, paid commercial content is not removed from the schedule.

Allow the events that comprise the playlist to be more easily identified as transitions from programming to interstitial elements will be more clearly visible.

Enhanced Color Codes

With Air Client v4.18 and higher this capability has been expanded to add more event color options that reflect the status of the primary event color differences for - media / no metadata, metadata / no media, metadata / media but not QC'ed, media / yesterday's metadata, etc.. This enhanced functionality

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Operations and Installation Configuring System Components requires using the Content Menu configuration functionality added to Media Client v4.18 and higher, and implementation of a new script (ASDB_Add_Column.sql) for the Automation Database.

Single Spot Support: Air Client v4.18 and higher expanded the color states that can be displayed in

Air Client for single spot events.

Multi-segment Support: Air Client v4.19 and higher expands this function to support multi-segments. All segments in a multi-seg record will have the same content attribute as it is not possible to set the content attribute for each segment individually.

These descriptors are visible on the playlist and serve as markers for the enhanced color codes. The enhanced color codes override the existing color values as a program (event with segments) that also carries the movie marker would have a different color from a program with no category marker.

Note: Multi-Spot is not supported.

To specify Event Colors

Use the following procedure to configure event, cell, and row colors.

1. Open a playlist window (View, New, etc.).

2. Right click on the playlist window and from the pop-up menu select Colors…. The Select Colors setting… dialog is displayed. This dialog allows a user to specify display colors for specific content in a playlist.

3. Select the Event Colors tab to change the event’s colors.

Configure the following parameters as required:

From the Event Type list pane choose an event type

Change the following colors for the selected event type as required:

Foreground: Set foreground color

Background: Set background color

Set Default: Set colors to default

When specifying an event foreground or background color, select a new color from the color palette.

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Select the down arrow ( ) to choose from a list of colors.

Configuring System Components

Select the "…" ( ) button beside each dropdown arrow to select from a standard color pallet selection. (Option: Click "Define Custom Colors >>" to display an expanded standard

Color palette.)

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4. Select the Select Colors tab to change the default selection colors.

Configuring System Components

Configure the following parameters as required:

From the Selection Type list pane choose a selection type.

Change the following colors for the selected event type as required:

Background: Set background color

Set Default: Set colors to default

When specifying a background color, select a new color from the color palette.

Select the down arrow ( ) to choose from a list of colors.

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Select the "…" ( ) button beside each dropdown arrow to select from a standard color pallet selection. (Option: Click "Define Custom Colors >>" to display an expanded standard

Color palette.)

5. When finished click OK.

Managing Color Templates

Operators can create a customer-specifiable default color template that can be recalled as required, thus making configuration of the Air Client easier and quicker. For customers upgrading multiple Air

Clients this approach is especially useful as they are able to create a template based on one list and optionally apply that template to all lists on all Air Clients.

To Save a Color Template

1. Configure the Windows Parameter Colors settings as required. (For details see Configuring Window

Parameter Colors (see "Configuring Event and Window Parameter Colors" on page 231).

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2. Once window parameter colors (Event Colors tab and Select Colors tab) are configured on the Select

Colors dialog, the operator can choose how to save and work with the settings as a template.

3. To save the current configuration as a template:

Click Export. The Export Column template screen is displayed.

Browse to the desired location, specify a file name, and then click OK. The file is saved to the specified location.

4. To import a previously saved column configuration template:

Click Import. The Import Color template screen is displayed.

Browse to the location of the desired template file, select the file, and then click OK.

5. To set all settings of the current list to factory default settings:

Click Factory Defaults.

A Confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to accept.

6. To reset all settings of the current list to default settings:

Click Reset to Defaults.

A Confirmation message is displayed. Click OK to accept.

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7. To save the new color organization as the Default template for use with the current configuration and as a template for all lists not configured yet:

Click Use as Default.

The system warns the action will overwrite the existing template. Click OK to accept.

To Manage Colors and Apply Across all Transmission Lists

1. Launch Air Client.

2. Select Properties->Environment-> Default Event Colors.

1. Configure the following parameters as required:

Edit Default Color Setting: Click to launch the Default Grid Colors settings dialog. Use this dialog

to set event and cell colors. For details see To specify Event Colors (on page 232 ).

Apply Default to All: When selected the application discards all custom settings are reapplies default settings to all lists.

2. When finished click OK.

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Operations and Installation Configuring System Properties

Configuring System Properties

Environment Properties

Use this procedure to configure the following environment properties: List Options, System Directory

Paths, List Directory Paths, Device Status Colors, Device Storage Colors, and Cell Colors.

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Environment… icon (

Options dialog.

). This opens the Environment

2. Select the List Directories tab. Use this tab to specify directory paths for: Playlist, Compile List, and

Sectional List.

Click the down arrows to select an entry from dropdown lists, OR Click the browse button () to search for available paths.

On a typical installation, the file paths are set as follows:

Play List: E:\PLAYLIST

Compile List: E:\COMPLIST

Sectional List: E:\SECLIST

3. Select the System Directories tab. Use this tab to specify system directory paths for: Database, Text

Files, Traffic Log, and Mismatched Files.

Click the down arrows to select an entry from dropdown lists, OR Click the browse button () to search for appropriate file paths.

On a typical installation, the file paths are set as follows:

Database: D:\

Text Files: E:\ASRUN\

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Traffic Log: E:\TRAFFIC\

Mismatched Files: E:\MISMATCH\

File Server Path: E:\SERVER\

Configuring System Properties

4. Select the List Options tab. Use this tab to configure how a playlist processes field information when an ID is entered or a list is loaded or validated. This is where Automatic Event Validation can be set up.

Configure / select the following options as required:

Adjust Durations When SOM Changes. This option adjusts the duration of an event according to changes made to an event’s SOM. If the SOM is increased, the duration is decreased by an equal

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Operations and Installation Configuring System Properties amount, for example. Or, if the SOM is decreased, the duration is increased by an equal amount.

This ensures that the event will not play beyond its EOM time.

IMPORTANT: For this parameter to work correctly, ensure Device Server Clocking parameter:

Round DF is set to off: (Configuration Tool-> Configured Devices-> File menu in Configured

Devices-> Clock-> Set Source-PC: PC Clock; Round DF: OFF.)

Update Events with Valid SOMs. This option changes all events’ SOMs according to their records in the database when they are entered into a playlist. It will overwrite any events’ specified SOMs that differ from their database records. Optionally, events without specified

SOMs can be assigned SOMs according to their records in the database by clicking Verify List

Against DB on the Events ribbon tab. To verify one event, or a range of events, select the event and click Verify Event Against DB on the Events ribbon tab.

Check IDs Against Valid ID List. When checked, an ID entered into a playlist not located in the database will be checked against the Valid IDs list. Otherwise, an error dialog box opens when an ID is entered but not found in the Valid ID list if the Notify When ID Not Found option is enabled.

Use List Durations. When this option is enabled (checked), Air Client uses the durations of events in the playlist, not the database. When this option is disabled (unchecked), durations specified in the database are used.

Normally when a list is loaded, appended, or inserted, each event’s ID is checked against the database and if it is found, the event metadata is updated. However, with "Use List Durations" enabled, any non-null durations present in the playlist are retained; they are not updated from the database as some of these events could intentionally have durations that (may) differ from the database duration of their ID.

Note: The "Verify copy against DB" option and the "Use List Durations" options are mutually exclusive. (i.e. They cannot both be enabled; it’s either on or the other.) Normally when a list is loaded, appended, or inserted, if Use List Durations is enabled, each event’s ID is checked against the database and if it is found, the event metadata is updated. In this case Verify Copy

Against Database will be disabled so any copied/pasted event will keep the "List Duration".

Title Mismatch. Title mismatch occurs if the value of an event’s title field does not match the event’s record in the database. If Title Mismatch option is enabled, a title mismatch file will be created anytime list is loaded or appended to Transmission List and title mismatch occurs. A title mismatch file is a list of IDs whose titles in the playlist differ from those in the database.

Duration Mismatch. When checked, the system will create a Duration Mismatch file listing events that have a duration that does not match the ID’s duration in the database within the specified number of frames as specified in the Max. Frame Difference field. The Max. Frame

Difference field is displayed when the Duration Mismatch option is checked.

Allow Secondary Event Hiding. This allows the user to use the option of Secondary Event Hiding in the right click Playlist Options menu.

Use GMT Pull List. The GMT Pull List option allows to list in the Pull List only the clips missing in the devices assigned to the List and not in a GMT source device usable for this List.

Maximum Frame Difference. (This option is displayed when Duration Mismatch is checked.) If the difference between an event’s Dur time and its record’s Dur time exceeds the frame value specified in the Max. frame difference: field, the event will be logged in the mismatch file.

Clear Reconciliation Keys on Copy. When this option is checked, copying events will remove the reconciliation key, if any, from those that have been copied.

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Default Timecode: When in Offline Mode, Air Client can use a default type of clocking for edited playlist files.

NTSC: (30 fps frame rate.) Transmission Standard for North America. By default NTSC

Non-drop frame clocking is applied to all opened and created lists. o Dropframe can be optionally selected when NTSC is enabled. o If using timecode to clock the system, select whether the timecode source is drop-frame

(checked) or non-drop-frame (unchecked) timecode.

PAL: (25 fps frame rate.) Video Transmission Standard for Europe and Asia.

Clear Reconciliation Keys on Edit. When this option is checked, editing events will remove the reconciliation key, if any, from those that have been edited to change the ID.

Clear Fields When ID Not Found. Select this option to clear the title and SOM fields when an ID is entered but not found in either the database. The duration will default to 30 seconds. This prevents events from containing the wrong SOMs and DURs when an event’s ID is edited and is not found in the database. Otherwise, when an ID is changed and does not match an ID in the database, the fields do not clear.

Notify When Database Fails. When an ID cannot be verified in the database because of a database failure, use this option so Air Client will notify you.

Notify When ID Not Found. When checked, a dialog box will alert you when an event ID entered into a playlist is not found in the database or the Valid IDs list.

Use List Titles. This option uses the titles of events from a traffic list instead of the database when loaded into a playlist. If this option is not checked, titles listed in the database are used.

Warn On Edit of Playing Event. If this option is checked, editing an event that is playing results in a dialog box notifying you that the event is playing.

Retain Segment Numbers. When a single spot event is inserted in a playlist with a specified segment number, the segment number is removed. To disable this, select this option to retain the segment number.

Auto Focus Event Centered. During on air play back the user can jump back to the on air event if the list is scrolled down further on the playlist. It will also allow the on air event to be centered in the list with the done events above in the window.

Verify copy against DB. When this option is enabled (checked), an event that is copied and pasted to another location in the playlist or into another playlist will be verified for accuracy against the database. If they differ, the event metadata is updated to match the database.

Normally when a list is loaded, appended, or inserted, each event’s ID is checked against the database and if it is found, the event metadata is updated.

Note: The "Verify copy against DB" option and the "Use List Durations" options are mutually exclusive. (i.e. They cannot both be enabled; it’s either on or the other.) Normally when a list is loaded, appended, or inserted, if Verify Copy Against Database is enabled, each event’s ID is checked against the database and if it is found, the event metadata is updated. In this case Use

List Durations will be disabled so any copied/pasted event will automatically validate its metadata against the Database.

Clear Reconciliation Keys on Cut. When this option is checked, cutting events will remove the reconciliation key, if any, from those that have been cut.

Verify Single Event against DB: When a single event is added to a playlist, it will be verified for accuracy against the database.

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When Verify Single Event Against DB is enabled and a Verify Event Against DB is performed, only the highlighted Event is verified against the Database, and nothing is done to any other instances of that Event on the List.

When Verify Single Event Against DB is not enabled and a Verify Event Against DB is performed, the Air Client verifies all instances of that Event on the List against the Database.

Audible Time To Next: Enable (check) this option to allow Air Client to emit the Audible Cues through the sound card of the Air Client computer. This configuration saved to / load from the

Air Client’s .ini file.

With this option enabled an operator can specify event type Q (Audible Time to Next) in the playlist ‘Type’ column. Audible Time to Next provides an audible countdown starting 30 seconds from a commercial break into the next live event. To minimize its effect on existing functionality

‘N’ (Time to Next) is automatically set and hidden from an operator when letter ‘Q’ is entered.

Note: This option is not currently supported by Versio.

Note: After the "Audible Time To Next" checkbox option is enabled in the List Options, it is necessary to close and re-open the list windows in the client for the feature to work. (Re-loading the lists is not necessary.)

Verify Event with Compile ID against DB: When a playlist is appended that contains events with a CompileID value…

With this option disabled (default), events with non-empty CompileID are not verified against DB (current functionality).

With this option enabled, events with non-empty CompileID are verified against the

Database. This occurs when a list is loaded/appended/inserted, "Verify List against DB" or

"Verify Event against DB" function is used, when an event is copied (depends also on "Verify copy against DB"), etc.

The state of this option is saved to "ACLNT32.ini" under key "VerifyEventWithCompileID".

Warn on Insert Before OnAir: Check to enable giving an error/notification pop-up to prevent last moment insertion of IDs into the line which is going to start playing.

Sec Before OnAir: Specify the number of seconds before onair to issue a warning.

The warning window will be shown if a user tries to insert/paste/move an event into the list to the line which is going to start playing less or equal the value "Sec Before OnAir".

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5. Select the Status Colors tab.

Configuring System Properties

Select a device status (e.g. Normal, OnAir, Error).

Select a color from the dropdown list or that selection.

When finished click OK.

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6. Select the Storage Options tab.

Configuring System Properties

Configure the following parameters as required:

Display Free Disk Space: Check to enable the display of available free space.

Allow Delete IDs from Storage Window: Check to enable delete of IDs.

Enhanced title search: Enable (check) /Disable (uncheck) the enhanced title search option.

When Disabled (unchecked) the title is verified in the database using the original search process. (Default)

When Enabled (checked) searching by title uses the enhanced process to improve search speed.

CAUTION: In certain cases depending on the state of the database, there may be issues in locating multi-file multi-segment titles.

IMPORTANT: The Enhanced Title Search is designed specifically for systems where video servers assigned to transmission lists contain many IDs that are not in the Automation Database. (An example of this is where the Production Server shares the same storage SAN as the Transmission server. The Production server may have 80% of the IDs in the SAN, but these IDs are not in the

ADC Database. In this case, checking the Enhanced Title Search will improve search speeds significantly.)

To modify Storage Colors:

Select a Storage status (e.g. Normal, InUse, Title Mismatch).

Select a color from the dropdown list for that selection.

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When finished click OK.

7. Select the Cell Colors tab.

Configuring System Properties

To modify Cell Colors:

Select a Cell status (e.g. Current Column, Selected Row, Default Background)

Select a color from the dropdown list for that selection..

When finished click OK.

8. Select the Mix/Wipe tab. This tab contains configuration options for mix and wipe support for master control switchers. Events that include a mix or wipe transition are required to roll several frames early to allow the events to overlap.

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Note: A Wipe effect requires a Wipe number. Each brand of Master Control Switcher may have it own set of Wipes. Each event can have its own wipe number. These are displayed and edited in

Effect Number # field in the playlist editors of the windows client. When the event is played the

Wipe number in the event is passed to the switcher when the Wipe transition is started. The Wipe number is solely dependent on the Master Control Switcher being used and is not interpreted by the automation as anything but a number.

Configure the following options as required:

Enable Mix/Wipe Support.

Play Mixes/Wipes Early: (Default: disabled) Check to enable the system to roll overlapping events early. It causes the list to pull back any events with the effect type of Mix, Wipe, or Mixed


Note: Using this option will cause a playlist to end earlier than previously defined because events will overlap. It is the client operator’s responsibility to reconcile this issue.

Effect durations in frames: Set the frame values for slow, medium, and fast effect durations.

Effect durations are the amount of overlap time between the end of one spot and the beginning of the next spot.

Slow: Valid numbers are 0 to 999 frames. Default is 60 frames.

Medium: Valid numbers are 0 to 999 frames. Default is 30 frames.

Fast: Valid numbers are 0 to 999 frames. Default is 15 frames.

IMPORTANT: These parameters must match the effects durations configured in your master control switcher. Failure to do so will result in mistimed effects.

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9. Select the Secondary Events tab. This tab provides the ability to delete secondary events together with their associated primary event.

Configure the following options as required:

Enable (check) / Disable (uncheck) the secondary events to delete when a primary event is deleted. When all check-boxes are selected (checked), all secondary events associated with a primary are deleted together with the associated primary.

For Example: BREAK is disabled and others are enabled – all secondary events except BREAK secondary event are deleted when associated primary is deleted from list.

For descriptions of all listed Secondary Events see, Appendix B: Secondary Events (see "Secondary

Events" on page 291 ).

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10. Select Default Event Colors tab.

Configuring System Properties

Configure the following parameters as required:

Edit Default Color Setting: Click to launch the Default Grid Colors settings dialog. Use this dialog to set event and cell colors. For details see Configuring Event and Window Parameter Colors (on

page 231 ).

Apply Default to All: When selected the application discards all custom settings are reapplies default settings to all lists.

11. Select Default List Columns tab.

Choose the parameters to use as required:

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Import Template- Apply template to all Transmission Lists: Browse to a previously saved column configuration template file. Select a template and click OK. The designated template is applied to all existing List configurations.

Factory Defaults- Apply template to all Transmission Lists: Click this option to reset all settings of all transmission lists to default settings.

Select Features tab

Choose the parameters to use as required:

Use Content Color feature: This feature allows showing events in different colors depending on their content information. Event content field (commercial, sports, news, etc.) is taken from DB causing Air Client to make DB calls frequently. Currently it is enabled by default for all builds/customers with no way to turn it off.

Turning off (uncheck) Content Color feature positively affects performance in 2 areas: list redrawing and list manual operations (copy, cut, drag, delete events)

Use Bookmarks feature: This feature provides a way to mark certain events in Air Client for special monitoring and quick access. Regardless of the feature being used or not, Air Client at regular intervals checks with Device Server on any updates/changes to bookmarks.

With this setting off (unchecked), Air Client won’t make extra requests to DS and will show performance improvement.

Resources List access: This feature makes the Resources List access configurable.

Uncheck "Enable Resources List" to disable the Resources List button on the Resources Tab.

Check "Enable Resource List" to enable the Resources List button on the Resources Tab.

12. When finished click OK.

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AsRun log Properties

Configuring System Properties

An AsRun log file stores event and status information, such as errors and reconciliation keys as a transmission list window runs a playlist. Use this procedure to configure the AsRun log.

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the AsRun logs... icon ( ). The Asruns dialog is displayed.

2. Click a transmission list for which you want to create and configure AsRun log reporting.

If there are no transmission lists available, click Add… to add a Playlist file. The Choose list dialog is displayed listing all available lists.

Note: The Choose Server dialog box appears if your Air Client workstation supports multiple server login.

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3. On the Choose List dialog select a list and then click OK. The AsRun setup dialog is displayed.

4. Configure the following parameters as required. Check to enable the required Logging Option parameters from the list of available options.

Enable AsRun. To enable AsRun logging for a transmission list, click the Enable AsRun checkbox.

Enable Printing: Check to enable. Allows you to print event and status information for each event as it finishes play.

Unique List Number. This option allows the list number at the start of the AsRun log file name to be configured.

This field allows entry of up to a 3 digit list number.

The current 2 digit list number ("01" to "99") suffice for systems with up to 6 x Device Servers.

For larger installation of over 6 x Device Severs, a 3 digit list number ("100 to 999") can be entered.

To ensure reverse system compatibility, the list number that appears in the dialog box defaults to the list number for that AsRun log.

This number is saved in the INI-file.

Text File. Use this option to save an AsRun log as ASCII text file format.

Binary File. Use this option to generate an external reconciliation file. The format of this binary file is determined by a system generated .DLL file. The two types of .DLL files are the Sony and the Enterprise, both named AsRun.dll or AsRun32.dll.

Use AsRun Date. An event’s scheduled start time is logged in an AsRun log file saved in binary file format instead of the system time.

No Header. No header information is displayed in an AsRun log file saved in text file format

Include Secondary Events: This option allows the inclusion of secondary events in the SONY

Binary AsRun file. If this option is enabled, make sure your traffic system is prepared to read secondary events. This might require contacting your traffic system vendor.

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Include Reconcile Key. This option includes all event’s reconciliation keys in an AsRun log created in text file format only. Reconciliation keys are added to an event generated by the traffic department and identify a specific ID run at a specific time.

This option controls the presence or not of reconcile key for the text AsRun file.

Note: For binary file the recon key is always included.

Update Database: Select to allow secondary recorded Id’s to be saved to the database with the timecode and segment information.

For Air Client AutoRecord.

When a SECONDARY RECORD event is finished recording, all subsequent replay events on the list are automatically filled in with the recorded duration and SOM. If any other lists on the same Automation Server contain the same replay events, they will be filled in also.

Enable As Run/Update Database must be set up for your Secondary Record files to be stored permanently in the Media Client Database. This is only necessary if you need to permanently store your Secondary Record files for future replay – beyond the current log.

You should only use this option if the previous scenarios apply to your station. This must only be configured on one Air Client.

Use TOD as SOM for sREC: This option allows updating the database with new media TOD records after finishing a Secondary Record event.

With this option enabled, when a Live Event starts its OnAir-Time becomes known, the

OnAir-Time of the primary event to which the Secondary Record Event is attached is set into the

SOM field of the Secondary Record Event. This results in the Time of Day, which the Live Event started, being captured as the segment SOM when the record is written to the database (by the existing secondary record mechanism); the Time-Of-Day ("OnAirTime" – primary event) is stored in the field "StartOfMessage", after playing the secondary record event.

IMPORTANT: For this option to work, the ‘Update Database’ option must also be checked.

Note: This feature does not pass this SOM value in the Record command to any devices, as this is typically done when the record event Cues.

Log Tally: If this option is activated on the Air Client, and for the AsRun log configuration of a given transmission list, the AsRun log text file indicates on a specific line each change in the

OnAir/OnLine status (Tally information associated with a specific transmission list).

If the Log Tally parameter is enabled, the Tally status at the creation of the daily log file, and its later changes, are logged in the AsRun log file.

If the Log Tally parameter is disabled, the Tally status at the creation of the daily log file, and its later changes, are not logged.

If there no Tally is configured for a given List, the Log Tally parameter in the corresponding

AsRun log is not active.

If a Tally is configured for a given List, the Log Tally parameter in the corresponding AsRun log configuration window is active.

5. Configure the following "Other’ parameters:

Start of Day: Enter a time value in the Start of Day: field to specify when the AsRun log feature should start a new log. This is used when a playlist is ran continuously.

Short Clip: Enter a time value to specify how much time a spot may be played short without generating an error in the AsRun log. This is used primarily with Enterprise AsRun log reconciliation.

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Printer Port: Specify a printer port on the Printer Port: button in the Other Options area.

Need page Feed: Check to enable advance to a new sheet of paper after printing a full page of as run events. Only enable this if the printer does not support automatic page feeds, such as when sending the AsRun logs to a laser printer.

AsRun Directory: Click the Browse button (...) to specify which directory to store AsRun logs.

The default is the root directory of the Air Client application. AsRun logs are named the same, no matter which server they are written by. Use this feature to specify separate directories for each server so AsRun log files are not overwritten when using multiple servers. Use the Browse button () to locate a directory.

Custom Header File: Manually enter a file path name, or use list arrow to select from a list of available files. To browse for a file click …. . An Open dialog is displayed allowing the operator to browse for and select the desired file.

Days To Keep: Specify the number of days to keep AsRun logs before they are deleted.

6. To Change As Run Format(v), click Change As Run Format(v). The AsRun Log Format Configuration dialog is displayed.

Use > and < buttons to move column entries.

Select an entry in the Available column and then click > to move the entry to the As Run

Column. The column will be displayed in the AsRun file.

Select an entry in the As Run column and then click > to move the entry to the Available

Column. The column is removed and will not be displayed in the AsRun file.

Use up and Down buttons to arrange the sequence of columns

Specify a column and then specify its length, width and gutter size.

Click Preview to preview the log format as it is being specified.

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(Option) Click Default to specify default settings.

When finished click OK

Configuring System Properties

7. (Option) To Edit an existing AsRun list:

Select a list from the Asruns dialog’s Configured Lists pane, and then click Edit.

The AsRun setup dialog is displayed populated with the selected list’s settings.

Make any required changes, and then click OK. Returns to the AsRun’s dialog.

8. (Option) To Remove a existing AsRun list, select a list from the AsRun’s dialog’s Configured Lists pane, and then click Remove.

9. When finished click OK.

Setting Hardware Control Panel Properties

Use this procedure to configure parameters for the Operator Control Panel used with Air Client. Once these parameters have been set, they should not need to be changed.

Note: Contact your Tech Support Representative for assistance before changing any of the settings.

To Configure the Operator Control Panel (OCP)

The Operator Control Panel (OCP) is configured through the ADC Air Client software.

Air Client supports up to two Operator Control panels and allows you to configure the functionality of control and list buttons.

Up to 10 banks of 6 list buttons can be configured. The Bank selection buttons allows an operator to select each bank of list buttons.

List buttons are used to open a transmission list quickly during Air Client operation. List buttons are arranged in banks of 6 button assignments each (Bank 1, Bank 2, Bank 3,…Bank 10). Pressing a different Bank button on the panel switches the top row of 6 LED buttons on the panel to that bank of 6 assigned List buttons.

A button from the bank can be assigned to a single list or to several lists.

Once assigned, when button is pressed for that bank, control is shifted to that list.

When ADC shifts control to that list, the panel will stay in sync and also shift control to the same list.

Control buttons allow the operator to perform control actions on the currently active List or


The labels are editable in the User Interface.

If a button's label is blank (no spaces or other characters) the button's backlight is extinguished.

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1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Hardware Control Panel icon (

Control Panel selection dialog is displayed.

Configuring System Properties

). The Hardware

2. Select which COM port the control panel is connect to, and then click on Edit. The Hardware Control

Panel configuration dialog is displayed.

3. Select the OCP tab.

4. From the Panel Type dropdown select OCP.

5. From the I/O Port dropdown select the desired Port. The following port options are available:

No Port





6. (Recommended) Click Set Defaults. This ensures a standard base against which to configure panel functionality.

An I/O Port must be selected before the Defaults can be set.

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In a multi Device Server environment, the Choose Server dialog is displayed. Select the server the device is connected to and then press OK.

7. To Configure the List Group. List groups are used to open a transmission list quickly during Air Client operation.

In the Lists pane, double left click on a specific numbered button (left panel) which corresponds to a physical button on the OCP top row of 6 buttons. (Notice the buttons are already in groups of six.). The List Assignment dialog appears.

The Device Server(s) provides information of the Lists that are available.

Select which Transmission List will open when the button is pressed on the OCP. Use the move keys to select (>, >>) and deselect (<, <<) entries.

>: Move a single entry from Available pane to Assigned pane

>>: Move all entries from Available pane to Assigned pane

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<: Move a single entry from Assigned pane back to Available pane

<<: Move all entries from Assigned pane back to Available pane

Note: Gang play can be implemented by selecting multiple lists on a single list button.

When finished, click OK.

8. (Option) To Rename a List group:

Right click on a List entry in the left pane, and then from the popup menu select Rename. The

List group rename dialog appears.

Rename the entry and then click OK.

9. To Set a Button Action for OCP Buttons 7 – 24. Action buttons are used to carry out numerous On Air actions during Air Client operation.

In the Buttons pane, double left click on a specific Buttons Action (e.g. Hold) which corresponds to a physical button on the OCP (buttons 7 – 24).

From the Actions dropdown select an action from the list, and then click OK.

Assignable actions: The following is a description of each action you can assign to the action buttons on the hardware control panel:

-1: Subtracts one second to the duration of the playing event.

+1: Adds one second to the duration of the playing event.

Cut Next: Deletes the event following the playing event.

Note: Events deleted with this action are not recoverable from the clipboard.

Freeze: Freezes the current frame of the video of a playing event.

IMPORTANT: Using Hold or Freeze while using Protect Pool is not supported.

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Hold: Holds the current event’s duration, allowing the event to continue to play beyond its specified duration.

IMPORTANT: Using Hold or Freeze while using Protect Pool is not supported.

Let Roll: Rolls an event without switching.

Play: Plays the playlist.

PrgRun: Prepares a playlist for play by threading the devices in a playlist.

Protect: Switches between air and protect devices.

Ready: Ready the media for the Play command.

Recue: Recues the playing event.

RollNow: Identical to the Roll button on the software control panel. Roll bypasses normal preroll values and plays the next event as fast as the equipment will allow. If the current event is playing normally, the Roll button skips it and plays the next event using normal preroll values unless configured to use instant preroll values. If the current event is frozen, this button will play the next event. If the current event is being held, clicking this button plays the event.

Second: The Second action allows you to roll a secondary audio/video event without specifying a starting offset for the event. This allows you to start a primary event and roll the secondary event at any time by pressing the Second button. To identify which secondary audio/video event is affected by this action, you must remove any data in the TOD field of the event.

When the Second button is pressed, the next secondary audio/video event with a blank TOD is rolled. If the Second button is pressed again, the next such event, if available, rolls. The

Second button will not roll any other type of secondary event and will not roll to any secondary audio/video event if its TOD field is not blank.

Also, a secondary audio/video event rolls the next secondary audio/video event with TOD field information if the secondary audio/video event does not have a Rejoin qualifier. This allows you to run a list of secondary audio/video events attached to the current primary event. If the Rejoin qualifier is attached to an event, then it will not roll any other secondary audio/video events.

Note: You cannot roll consecutive secondary audio/video events with the same ID for devices that play program material. Some devices, such as still stores and audio carts, use the event ID to match to the event ID name of the device. If this is the case, the ID can be the same for consecutive secondaries.

Skip: Skips the playing event and proceeds to the next event.

SyncSkip: Provides synchronous playout of commercials across multiple lists. The SyncSkip command concept is that the next event with a designated sequential Seg # becomes equal to the remaining part of the current event. Since each of these events represent the entire program, the SOM of the next event is shifted to the EOM point of the current event and the

DUR of the next event is made equal to the remaining DUR of the current event.

Ten Rel: Tension releases the VTR for the next VTR event.

Unthread: Unthreads lists assigned to a list button and stops on-air playout.

10. (Optional) To Rename a Button Action:

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Right click on a listed action entry and then from the popup menu select Rename. The Action button rename dialog appears.

Rename the entry and then click OK.

11. When all buttons are properly configured click on OK the Hardware Control Panel configuration dialog. The dialog closes.

12. Click on OK in the panel select t On the Completion dialog, click Finish to complete the installation ab. The Hardware Control Panel selection dialog closes.


The OCP uses a straight through DB9 RS-232 connection. To complete connection with Common

Hardware Platform equipment ensure the cable terminates are female (i.e. one end of the cable with need a male to female adapter.)

For more information regarding cabling requirements and pinouts reference document, ADC Cabling


Setting Software Control Panel Properties

Use this procedure to configure the software control panel within the Air Client application.

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1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Software Control Panel icon (

Control Panels Configuration dialog is displayed.

Configuring System Properties

). The Software

2. Click Edit. The Edit Available Lists dialog is displayed.

3. To Add a List.

Click Add…. The Add List dialog is displayed.

Specify a List Index Number. Click down arrow to select from a dropdown list of available entries.

Enter a List Name

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When finished click OK. Returns to the Edit Available Lists dialog.

Configuring System Properties

4. To Edit a List.

Select a list in the List pane and then click Edit…. The Edit List dialog is displayed populated with the settings for the selected list.

Make any necessary changes and then click OK. Returns to the Edit Available Lists dialog.

5. To Remove a List, select a list in the List pane and then click Remove. The list is removed.

When finished editing click OK on the Edit Available Lists dialog. Returns to the Software Control

Panels Configuration dialog.

6. To enable buttons for a list:

Select a list in the Available List pane

Under Control Panel in the Enable Buttons pane, check the buttons you want enabled for the list. To disable, uncheck an entry. [Default: all entries enabled (checked)]

7. To set background color for a button:

Select an enabled entry in the Enable Buttons pane.

Ensure the "Use Skin Color" option is disabled (unchecked).

In the Background Color pane click Change Color. The Color setting dialog is displayed

Select the desired color and then click OK. Returns to the Software Control Panels Configuration dialog.

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8. When finished click Apply, and then click OK.

Configuring System Properties

Valid IDs

Use this procedure to create a list of IDs that are not in the database that are commonly used for air.

This, in general, would include switch only events (i.e. Network, Newsroom, Studio, Black etc.)

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Valid IDs icon ( ). The Valid IDs dialog is displayed.

2. To Add an ID.

Click Add…. The add ID box is displayed.

Enter and ID and then click OK.

3. To Edit an ID.

Select an ID from the IDs list pane and then click Edit…. The edit ID box is displayed populated with the ID of the selected ID.

Make any necessary changes and then click OK.

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4. To Remove and ID select an ID from the IDs list pane and then click Remove. The ID is removed.

5. When finished click OK.

List Names

Use this procedure to configure (add, remove, or customize) names of transmission lists that will appear in ‘View List’ [under Resources]. The default is to display only a number for the separate transmission lists at your facility (i.e. play list 1, play list 2) and secondary lists such as Record Lists, Media Lists, and

Compile Lists.

IMPORTANT: Air Client's 'List Names' functionality requires absence of '/nt' in command line parameters on the application’s desktop shortcut.

Without /NT = Air Client displays the List Names configured on the Air Client.

With /NT = Air Client displays the List Names configured on the Device Server.

For more information see, Create a Desktop Shortcut for Air Client (see "Managing the Desktop Shortcut for Air Client" on page 216).

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the List Names icon ( ). The List Names dialog is displayed.

2. To Add a Configured List:

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Click Add… The Choose List dialog is displayed.

Configuring System Properties

Select a list from the Available Lists pane and then click OK. The List Name box is displayed.

Enter a name for the list and then click OK. The list is added to the Configured Lists pane.

3. To Edit a Configured List:

Select a list from the Configured Lists pane and then click Edit…. The List Name box is displayed populated with the name of the selected list.

Make any necessary changes and then click OK. The list name is changed on the Configured Lists pane.

4. To Remove a Configured list select an ID from the Configured List pane and then click Remove. The list is removed.

5. When finished click OK.

Auto List Save

To enable Auto List Save add the applicable lists using this configuration option.

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1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Auto List Save icon ( displayed.

Configuring System Properties

). The Auto List Save dialog is

2. To Add an Enabled List:

Click Add… The Choose List dialog is displayed.

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Select a list from the Available Lists pane and then click OK. The Save Options dialog displayed.

Configure the following parameters as required:

Save Lookahead: (Default: enabled) Check to enable save of the list lookahead only.

RECOMMENDATION: NEVER USE THIS, always choose SAVE FULL to prevent on-air problems later.

Save Full: Check to enable save of the full list

Save Frequency: (Default: 10) Specify the number of changes required before a list save is initiated. This is the value of how many events go by NOT how many "edits" are performed.

Save Directory: Specify the save directory for the saved list. (Click ‘’ to browse for location.

RECOMMENDATION: It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that subfolders be created within the normal default Playlist folders for each Transmission List’s Recovery List to be stored. This way, Operators, if they want to Load from this file, can find it more easily.

Click OK. The list is added to the Enabled Lists pane.

3. To Edit a Configured List:

Select a list from the Configured Lists pane and then click Edit…. The List Save Options dialog is displayed populated with the settings for the selected list.

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Make any necessary changes and then click OK. The list save parameters are updated.

4. To Remove an Enabled list select a list from the Enabled List pane and then click Remove. The list is removed.

5. When finished click OK.

Auto Bin Save

Use this procedure to configure the save of bin storage map of a cart machine based on user specified intervals.

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Auto Bin Save icon ( displayed.

). The Auto Bin Save dialog is

2. Configure the following parameters as required:

Enable Auto Bin Saving: Check to enable save.

Hold Time: Specify the hold time in seconds. (Default: 30)

Save Directory: Specify the save directory for the Auto Bin. (Click ‘’ to browse for location.

3. When finished click OK.

Error Reporting Properties

You can configure the way errors are reported in the error window. Use this procedure to configure how/where error messages are displayed and whether they will sound out when they occur.

1. Choose a transmission list from the server from the Choose Server dialog box and click OK.

Note: Error log files are named the same, regardless of which server originated the file. If you are using multiple servers, you need to specify different directories for each server so that the error logs do not overwrite each other.

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2. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Errors… icon ( displayed.

Configuring System Properties

). The Error Configuration dialog is

3. Configure Log and Display:

Log Errors to Disk: When enabled (checked), all errors will be written to a file in a directory specified by the Error Log Directory: field.

Pop Up User Notifications: Check to enable. When running certain types of cart machines in manual mode, you may be prompted for manual interaction.

Sound Errors: Check to enable. Plays an alert sound, or exclamation, when errors occur. It repeats until the error is acknowledged using F4. The exclamation sound plays every one second, so a sound with a duration greater than one second will be clipped.

About Map .WAV sounds: Use the Windows Sounds control panel to map .WAV files to specific occurrences in Air Client.

4. Configure List Errors:

Open Lists: When selected, shows list errors only when a transmission list is open.

All Lists: When selected, displays all list errors even if no transmission lists are open.

5. Configure Device Errors:

Owned Devices: When selected, shows device errors only when the transmission list that controls the device is open.

All Devices: When selected, displays all device errors even if the transmission list that controls the device is not open.

6. Configure Timezone: (Default: none) Specify the timezone for the list and error. Click the down arrow to select from a list of available timezones.

7. Configure System Errors:

Notify: When enabled (checked), system errors display alert dialog boxes. System errors include the loss of reference video or timecode on the server.

8. Configure Error Log Directory: Click the Browse button (...) to specify the directory the error logs will be written to.

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9. Configure Font and Colors for the message displayed at the bottom of the window of the Air Client software when an error message is active and inactive.

In the "Active group", the user defines how the error message is displayed when it is just generated.

When the "Bold" option is checked, the error message uses a bold font.

When the "Blink" is checked, the error message blinks, the colors of the foreground and background invert. This makes the error message

Example: New Generated Error Message

When the error message is generated, it is displayed as it was previously configured in the

"Active group" of the "Error Configuration" dialog box; typically as bolded text.

(For this example the display colors were modified to enhance readability. Your display will appear different.)

In the "Inactive group", the user defines how the error message is displayed when it is acknowledged.

When the "Bold" option is checked, the error message uses a bold font.

Example: Acknowledged Error Message

When an Air Client software user clicks on "F4" button or presses the key F4 to acknowledge the error message, it is displayed as it was previously configured in the "Inactive group" of the "Error Configuration" dialog box; typically as unbolded regular text.

(For this example the display colors were modified to enhance readability. Your display will appear different.)

10. When finished click OK.

About Errors in Multi-Login Mode

In multi-login mode, it is possible to configure different directories for the errors coming from each

Device Server.

Desktop Display Properties

Use this procedure to adjust the desktop background color and wallpaper within the Air Client program.

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1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Desktop... icon ( ). The Desktop Properties dialog is displayed.

2. In the Background area of the Desktop Properties dialog box, click the Color: button and choose a new background color from the palette.

3. (Optional) Use the Windows standard Wallpaper area to apply wallpaper to the background.

Select from the list of available wallpapers or Browse to locate.

Select to Tile or Center the wallpaper.

4. When finished click Apply, then OK.

Saving the Desktop

To save a Window configuration From the Properties ribbon tab select the Save Desktop icon ( ).

Using this option ensures window configuration appears exactly as saved every time Air Client is launched.


LinkList allows playlists to be linked together and controlled from a single master playlist. Once playlists are linked, changes made to the master playlist in content or event order are "mirrored" by linked lists, ensuring that all associated events are synchronized.

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When the functionality has been purchased, you can custom configure Linked Lists. For details on the

Linked List feature see section: LinkList (on page 213) presented earlier in this document.

Reference Note: For information on the operation and configuration of this feature see the ADC LinkList

Reference document.

More Info

When the functionality has been purchased, you can custom configure a More Info column using an

ODBC database. Using the More Info feature is a two-step process. The customer uses station-defined procedures to configure the functionality on this display.

1. Add the field(s) to be displayed in the More Info Window to a table in the automation database, which is done using the SQL Server Management Studio, a server based application. However, to add fields, administrator access to the PC on which the Microsoft SQL Server software is installed is required.

2. Create the corresponding field(s) in the More Info Window.

Information on displaying the More Info Window (see "More Info Window" on page 175) is presented

earlier in this document.

Reference Note: MoreInfo is an option to Air Client and Media Client. For details on installing and configuring this feature, please reference the ADC MoreInfo Feature Reference. For more information contact your Automation Sales representative.

Hide Secondary Event Keys

In the List, there is a distinct display filtering setting for the Secondary events of the OnAir/OnLine

Primary event, and for the Secondary events of the other Primary events (not playing).

Note: This does not apply for preview played events

The display filtering setting for the Secondary events of non-playing Primary events can be configured for Playlist also.

The activation of these 2 secondary events display filterings is configurable per List (in multi-login mode also).

About Managing Secondary Event Hiding:

For both cases, it is possible to configure the Secondary events to hide:

Per "Sec" criteria (sAV, sGPI, ****, …), new sAXP events to manage

Per ID criteria (Extended Ids managed),

And per Type criteria (P, T, S, A, R,…).

It is possible to combine these criteria. For instance:

Hide any Comment with blank type, but show any Comment with R or P type.

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Hide any sAV (whatever the ID and Type is).

Hide any sAV with ID "LOGO", and show all other sAV.

Show any sKEY or sTRANSKEY .

Configuring System Properties

Manual hiding/showing of secondary events is still available for hidden secondary events, per event

(icon in event number column), or for the whole list.

IMPORTANT: When secondary events are hidden, if an event or block of events are highlighted and then deleted, the hidden events within the selection are also deleted.

Configuration of the Hide Secondary Event keys

Use this procedure to define the Hide Secondary Event keys that will be used in the Lists / Playlist properties to define the secondary event to hide.

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Hide Secondary Event Keys icon (

Secondary Event Keys dialog is displayed.

). The Hide

2. To Add a Key:

Click Add…. The Hide Secondary Event Key setup dialog is displayed.

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Specify the following parameters:

Key: Use spin arrows to set key number

Key name: Enter a name for the key

Sec (Event Type): Three fields.

Field 1: A combo box similar to the one of Secondary event edition tool, listing all the supported secondary event types, allows user to choose the Secondary event type condition.

Field 2: A combo box allows setting the field if the condition is complemented

("Complement" is displayed in the field) or not (the field is blank).

Field 3: A combo box allows setting the field if the condition is enabled ("Enabled" is displayed in the field) or disabled ("Disabled" displayed in the field).

Type (Event Control): Three fields.

Field 1: This field is directly editable to write the event type (P, T, S, PT, A, R, blank,…). If the field is blank and the condition is enabled, this is a valid criteria.

Field 2: A combo box allows to set if the condition is complemented ("Complement" is displayed in the field) or not (the field is blank).

Field 3: A combo box allows setting the field the condition is enabled ("Enabled" is displayed in the field) or disabled ("Disabled" displayed in the field).

ID: Three fields.

Field 1: This field is directly editable to write the secondary event ID. Extended are managed.

If the field is blank and the condition is enabled, this is a valid criteria.

Field 2: A combo box allows setting the field if the condition is complemented

("Complement" is displayed in the field) or not (the field is blank).

Field 3: A combo box allows setting the field if the condition is enabled ("Enabled" is displayed in the field) or disabled ("Disabled" displayed in the field).

When finished click OK. The Key is added to the list pane.

3. To Edit a Key:

Select a key from the list pane and then click Edit. The Hide Secondary Event Key setup dialog is displayed and populated for the selected key.

Make changes are required then click OK.

Note: If a key used in the Hiding Secondary configuration of a List or the Playlist is modified, there will be no specific indication of this in the Hiding Secondary configuration GUI of this List or the Playlist.

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4. To Remove a Key, select a key from the list pane and then click Remove.

Configuring System Properties

Note: If a key used in the Hiding Secondary configuration of a List or the Playlist is deleted, this key will be displayed in a specific color in the Hiding Secondary configuration GUI of this List or the


5. When finished click OK.

Toolbar Builder

The Toolbar Builder allows an Air Client software user to define shortcuts for tool bar group operations on the Quick Access Ribbon tab: Standard, List Tools, Global Tools.

A configurable Toolbar allows an operator to call functions by a simple click on a button.

A specific configuration allows building the different Toolbar Groups, by associating a function with a bitmap for each button

Access to the "Toolbar Builder" resource, which is used to administrate the toolbars available for the users, is granted to the administrator login only. Therefore, the "Toolbar Builder…" command from the Properties Group on the Properties Ribbon tab is enabled or grayed depending of the current login of the user.

To configure the Quick Access Ribbon Toolbar on the desktop

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Toolbar Builder icon ( displayed.

). The Toolbar Builder dialog is

The "Toolbar Builder" dialog box displays the toolbars that have already been created and allows to define and modify the content of a selected toolbar.

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Dialog components:

The "Toolbar group" displays the list of the toolbars what have already been created.

The "Add button" allows to create a new toolbar (this is the first step in the toolbar creation). It opens the following dialog box to enter the toolbar name that will be used to identify the toolbar. If the user enters the name of a toolbar that is already existing, an error message is displayed.

The "Delete button" is used to delete the selected toolbar. The user is prompted to confirm before deleting the toolbar.

The "Rename button" is used to rename the selected toolbar and it opens the Toolbar name dialog box. If the user enters the name of a toolbar that is already existing, an error message are displayed and the rename action is cancelled.

The "Move up and Move down buttons" modify the order of the toolbars in the list. The name of the toolbars are displayed in the Ribbon toolbars according to this order.

The "Edit button" is used to opens the "Shortcuts Setting" dialog box that is used to define the toolbar shortcuts.

2. To Add a toolbar:

Click Add. The Toolbar name box is displayed.

Enter name for the toolbar in the name box and then click OK. The new toolbar is added to the toolbar group.

Note: If required, the application allows a blank name for a toolbar group.

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Edit the toolbar parameters

Configuring System Properties

3. To Edit a toolbar:

Select a toolbar from the Toolbar group pane and then click Edit. The Shortcuts Settings dialog is displayed.

The "Shortcuts Setting" dialog box displays the shortcuts associated with a toolbar, and allows to add, edit, remove and organize these shortcuts into the toolbar.

Show Button Names Check to enable or uncheck to disable the display of button names.

System Configuration rights to change View: Check to enable or uncheck to disable. When checked, this toolbar is grayed in the ribbon toolbars for non-administrator logins, so only the administrator logins are granted to add or remove that toolbar into the Air Client GUI.

Toolbar Buttons: This list displays the images chosen to represent the toolbar shortcuts and the order to display them in the toolbar.

To add buttons click Add. A browse window opens for locating a bitmap file that will be represented a toolbar shortcut.

To delete buttons, select a button and then click Delete. The user is prompted to confirm before deleting the image.

To modify the order of buttons on the toolbar, select a button from the Toolbar Buttons pane and then click Move Left (to move the entry left on the toolbar), Move Right (to move the entry right on the toolbar).

Button Properties: This group displays information about the selected shortcut. To select a shortcut, the user selects the bitmap, in the "Toolbar buttons" that will be represented by it.

Select a button graphic in the Toolbar Buttons pane. The user can choose or modify the associated function by selecting one in the list of functions and by clicking on "Select button". The bitmap is displayed.

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Function: The function name is transcribed in "Function edit". Highlight a function in the

Available functions pane and then click < to select.

Name: Specify the name of the button.

Hint: Specify a tooltip popup for the function. The user can modify the hint to be displayed for that shortcut in the "Hint edit". By default, "Hint" is equal to the function name.

When finished click OK.

4. To position a toolbar in the list and for display select a toolbar from the Toolbar group pane and then click Move Up (to move the entry up in the list), Move Down (to move the entry down in the list). The position in the list determines the display sequence (right to left) of the toolbars on the main screen.

5. To Rename a toolbar:

Select a toolbar from the Toolbar group pane and then click Rename. The Toolbar name box is displayed.

Enter new name in the name box and then click OK.

6. To Delete a toolbar, select a toolbar from the Toolbar group pane and then click Delete.

7. When finished click OK

Configuring Time Zone Offsets

Use this procedure to configure a unique time zone offset for each play list that is offset from the house clock. This means it is possible to define Time Zones with offsets compared to the Time Code reference used by the Device Servers, and to set a Time Zone to a given List.

The Time Zone set to a List will be displayed in the title bar of it List window, and of its Zoom window.

The time zone offset is added to the time value of each event in the List.

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To setup TimeZone Offsets

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Time Zone icon (

Configuring System Properties

). The Timezones dialog is displayed.

2. To add a Timezone and Offset.

Click Zone List tab

Click Add. A Time Zone dialog is displayed.

In the Time Zone dialog specify a name for the timezone and an offset (+ or – hh:mm:ss:ff) down to frame level.

When finished Click OK

(Option) Use Edit button to edit a currently defined Timezone and Offset.

(Option) Use Remove button to remove a currently defined Timezone and Offset

Note: A pop-up warning appears when an operator attempts to Edit or Remove an existing time zone offset. The warning will say "This change will alter the event times of all associated lists. Do you want to continue?" OK or Cancel.

Changing the offset time will dynamically modify the event times of all associated playlists.

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Example dialog with added values:

3. To Set Event Movement.

Click Event Movement tab

Configuring System Properties

Select the desired Event movement behavior

Always ask if offset should be applied (Default)

Always apply offsets on move

Never apply offsets on move

4. To set a Timezone to a playlist.

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Click Playlists tab

Configuring System Properties

Click Add. A Time Zone dialog is displayed.

The system warns "This change will alter event times in the playlist. Do you want to Continue.

Click OK.

In the timezone dialog specify the following:

Device Server: Specify a Device Server. Use the dropdown arrow to view a list of available

Device Servers.

List: Specify a list. Use the dropdown arrow to view a list of available playlists.

Time Zone: A name for the timezone. Specify a Timezone. Use the dropdown arrow to view a list of currently defined timezones.

Click OK

The Time Zone set to a List is displayed in the title bar of its List window, and its Zoom window.

The time zone offset is added to the time value of each event in the List.

(Option) Use the Edit button to edit a currently defined Timezone.

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(Option) Use the Remove button to remove a currently defined Timezone.

5. When finished click OK

Operation Log

Use this procedure to create a log to track operation activity within the Air Client application.

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Operation Log icon ( displayed.

). The Operation Log dialog is

2. Enable operation log: Check to enable logging

3. Action Categories: Use arrow keys to select the action categories to be logged. Move options from

‘Action Categories’ pane to ‘Action Categories logged’ pane. Use the move keys to select (>, >>) and deselect (<, <<) entries.

>: Move a single entry from ‘Action Categories’ pane to ‘Action Categories logged’ pane

>>: Move all entries from ‘Action Categories’ pane to ‘Action Categories logged’ pane

<: Move a single entry from ‘Action Categories logged’ pane back to ‘Action Categories’ pane

<<: Move all entries from ‘Action Categories logged’ pane back to ‘Action Categories’ pane

4. Other Options:

Start of Day: Specify the start of day hh:mm:ss

Operation log Directory: Specify the directory. Click the Browse button () to locate.

Days to Keep: Specify the number of days to keep the log before deleting.

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5. Time: Select the time to use: Station or Device Server.

6. When finished click OK.

Configuring System Properties

Set Tally

Use this procedure to configure Air client to use the Tally information of a given List to display an "On

Air" / "On Line" status and color for the playing event(s) of the corresponding transmission list(s) and zoom window(s) status column.

When a Tally is configured for a given List,

If it is seen as "On Air" according to the Tally configuration, then the "On Air" color and ON AIR status are used in the List and its Zoom window,

If it is seen as "On Line" according to the Tally configuration, the "On Line" color and ON LINE status are used in the List and its Zoom window.

SeaLevel Drivers to Support ADC "Tally" Function

To support ADC tally functions the GPI Card installed in the Air Client (our standard Device Server GPI card = SeaLevel 8011 card) requires installation of the SeaLevel drivers: al-interface.html

( al-interface.html)

Note: SeaLevel is a 3rd party company that produces GPI/RS422 cards.

To Set a Tally

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select the Set Tally icon ( ). The Set tally dialog is displayed. A

Scroll bar appears on the left of the list if all the Tally configured cannot be displayed at the same time in the GUI.

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Note: If user is not logged in with System Configuration permission, the corresponding configuration window is opened with the Add, Remove, Edit, OK and Apply buttons grayed, and only the Cancel and Help buttons active.

2. To Add a Tally:

Click Add. The Add Tally Configuration dialog is displayed. Use this dialog to set which input of which GPI board is corresponding to which List of which Device Server (multi-login management).

Specify the parameters listed for the tally:

Device Server: Allows to choose between the Device Server name of the "Available Device

Servers list" in Multi-Login, or for the current Device Server Name if not in Multi-Login.

Initial value (when Add used) : None (displayed <Server Name>)

List n*: Allows to set the concerned List number of the Device Server selected. The Lists of the Configured Device Server which have already a Tally configured on this Air Client are not displayed or accessible in the combo box.

Values in combo box: 1 to 16, and 0. 0 value means "None" and is displayed blank. Initial value (when Add used): 0.

GPI board number & Input number: Allow to set which Input of which GPI board receives the Tally signal of the List configured with Device Server & List parameters. It is active immediately.

GPI board no. allows to select one the GPI boards installed on the station (detected by the driver).

Values in combo box: 1 to 4, and 0. 0 value means "None" and is displayed blank.

Initial value (when Add used) : 0.

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Input number: Set the concerned GPI input number of the GPI board selected.

Values from 1 to 8, and 0. 0 value means "None" and is displayed blank.

Initial value (when Add used) : 0.

The min and max values displayed in the combo box (except 0 value) could be retrieved automatically from the dll interfacing the Air Client with the GPI board (if this solution is used).

OnAir/OnLine Status&Color: Values: YES or NO.

If set to YES, the On Air / On Line status and related configured colors in the corresponding

List and Zoom Window are activated.

If set to NO, the On Air/On Line status and related configured colors in the corresponding

List and Zoom Window not activated (Standard PLAY status and color).

Initial value (when Add used) : NO

On Air value: Values: 0 or 1.

Allows to determine which GPI logical value (0 or 1) is corresponding to the OnAir status of the selected List.

Initial value (when Add used) : 0

Current value: This is not a parameter. It shows the value currently applied to the configured GPI input. The field is blanked until a Server/List and GPI board/GP Input are configured.

When finished click OK. Closes the Tally Configuration window, and applies the settings to the

Tally table of the Set Tally window.

Note: A line added, and not configured is not added to the Tally table.

3. To Edit a configured Tally:

Select an entry on the Tally configured pane and then click Edit. The Configuration dialog is displayed and populated with the parameters for the selected tally.

It is possible to select one Tally line only in the Tally table.

Use this dialog to set which input of which GPI board is corresponding to which List of which

Device Server (multi-login management).

Edit the parameters listed for the tally:

Device Server: Allows to choose between the Device Server name of the "Available Device

Servers list" in Multi-Login, or for the current Device Server Name if not in Multi-Login.

Initial value (when Add used) : None (displayed <Server Name>)

List n*: Allows to set the concerned List number of the Device Server selected. The Lists of the Configured Device Server which have already a Tally configured on this Air Client are not displayed or accessible in the combo box.

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Values in combo box: 1 to 16, and 0. 0 value means "None" and is displayed blank. Initial value (when Add used): 0.

GPI board number & Input number: Allow to set which Input of which GPI board receives the Tally signal of the List configured with Device Server & List parameters. It is active immediately.

GPI board no. allows to select one the GPI boards installed on the station (detected by the driver).

Values in combo box: 1 to 4, and 0. 0 value means "None" and is displayed blank.

Initial value (when Add used) : 0.

Input number: Set the concerned GPI input number of the GPI board selected.

Values from 1 to 8, and 0. 0 value means "None" and is displayed blank.

Initial value (when Add used) : 0.

The min and max values displayed in the combo box (except 0 value) could be retrieved automatically from the dll interfacing the Air Client with the GPI board (if this solution is used).

OnAir/OnLine Status&Color: Values: YES or NO.

If set to YES, the On Air / On Line status and related configured colors in the corresponding

List and Zoom Window are activated.

If set to NO, the On Air/On Line status and related configured colors in the corresponding

List and Zoom Window not activated (Standard PLAY status and color).

Initial value (when Add used) : NO

On Air value: Values: 0 or 1.

Allows to determine which GPI logical value (0 or 1) is corresponding to the OnAir status of the selected List.

Initial value (when Add used) : 0

Current value: This is not a parameter. It shows the value currently applied to the configured GPI input. The field is blanked until a Server/List and GPI board/GP Input are configured.

When finished click OK. Closes the Tally Configuration window, and applies the settings to the

Tally table of the Set Tally window.

4. To Remove a tally.

Select an entry on the Tally configured pane and then click Remove.

A warning dialog appears requesting confirmation.

Select OK to remove the selected Tally from the table.

Select Cancel to keep the selected Tally and not remove it from the table.

5. When finished click Apply and then click OK.

MI Additional Fields

As broadcast operational methodologies shift additional metadata related to DTV operations is required.

This includes, but is not limited to, AFD, PSIP data, format, bitrates, etc. This data is becoming increasing critical as it dictates how and sometime where content can play.

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The ADC database and playlists structure has been extended so that this class of metadata can be preserved and displayed. And more importantly that it can be passed to other devices so that the data can be acted upon for the correct playout of content.

New Metadata fields

This information is present in the updated database schema.

Note: These fields are available for display in the More Info Window.

AFD: Active Format Description is a standard set of codes that can be sent in the MPEG video stream or in the baseband SDI video signal that carries information about their aspect ratio and active

picture characteristics. For more information see Appendix F: About AFD Codes (see "About AFD

Codes" on page 325 ).

Rating: Currently assigned program rating for the show.

Show name: Name of the show.

Show description: Brief description of the show.

Dialnorm: This is the meta-data parameter that controls decoder gain within the audio compression system.

Closed caption: specifies if closed captioning is enabled or disabled.

BarData: This parameter is implemented as an option in MoreInfo Builder. Bar data defines the extent of the image within the coded frame.

To add new MI Fields

1. From the Properties ribbon tab select MI Additional Fields ( ). The Additional Fields Configuration dialog is displayed.

2. Click Add…

3. In the More Info Field dialog use the dropdown lists to select the following:

The Database in which the Table and Field reside. (e.g. ASDB)

The Table in which the Field resides. (e.g. ASEXT)

The Field. (e.g. BarData) A field with the specified name must exist in the Database.

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When finished click OK.

Configuring System Properties

4. (Optional) To edit a field:

Select a field in one of the panes.

Click Edit.

In the More Info Field dialog modify the Database, Table, and Field parameters as required, and then click OK.

5. (Optional) To remove a field, select a field in one of the panes and click Remove.

6. From the Configured fields pane select a field or fields that have been added, and then click > to move the selection to the Used fields pane.

>: Move selected field(s) to the Used fields pane.

>>: Move all fields to the Used fields pane.

<: Move selected field(s) to the Configured fields pane.

<<: Move all fields to the Configured fields pane.

7. When finished click OK.

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Appendix A

Appendix A

Event Type Field Values

There are several event types you can use to indicate how an event is played. For example, if you just want an event to play without switching or threading, you would choose Play (P) as the primary event type. The event type letter can be typed into the event type column of a play list or transmission list.

The primary event types are:

Play (P). An event will play without switching or threading.

Switch (S). An event will switch without threading or playing.

Thread (T). An event will thread without switching or playing.

A = Auto. An event will switch, play and thread. Auto is the default setting for most primary events.

Alternatively, a PT (play and thread) can be used to play and thread, but not switch. The A will be required for certain event types to ensure the event executes correctly.

R = Record. A record event initiates recording on a device at the time specified in the event’s time field. See Recording

O = Timed. Denotes that the event is a hard start event which automatically threads and plays at the time specified in the event’s Time field. This event type will need to be added to an A event type to execute correctly (AO).

U = Up-counting. Use an up-count event for an event of unknown duration, such as a sporting event or any other live broadcast. During playout, the event’s duration will count down to 00:00:00.00 and then will count back up. This repeats until terminated by either pressing Play or Skip on the control panel or a contact start is reached. The next event will play normally. Up counters only work on events played from

Switch Only devices. This event type will need to be added to an A event type to execute correctly (AU).

AUO = Up-counting with hardstart. Is used when an up-count event is required to run at a predesignated hard start or absolute time. Once this event type plays it acts as an up-count event as described above.

Manual Start (AM). Use a manual start event to provide the equivalent of a break event during the transmission of a play list. When playing, a list will stop when it reaches a manual start event. Click Play on the control panel.

AUM = Manual Start with Up-count. This event type combination is a manual start as described above but with an up-count event type added to allow the event to be run as an up-count event once it starts playing.

X = Exception. This is a customized primary event in configurations that have a primary program channel and regional feeds to play different commercials to different regions. Exception events are different on a regional feed from those played on the primary program channel. X is only used on a compile tape.

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N = Time to Next. Enter a letter N in the type field (next to A or AU) to provide a countdown to the event’s start time. This is used primarily on live events so an operator can give an accurate countback from a break back into a live event, such as a newscast.

Q = Audible Time to Next. Enter a letter Q in the type field (next to A or AU) to provide an audible countdown starting 30 seconds from a commercial break into the next live event. To minimize its effect on existing functionality ‘N’ (Time to Next) is automatically set and hidden from an operator when letter

‘Q’ is entered.

Note: This option is not currently supported by Versio.

Note: The Q event type option requires the "Audible Time To Next" option be enabled (checked) on the

Environment->List Options tab.

Note: After the "Audible Time To Next" checkbox option is enabled in the List Options, it is necessary to close and re-open the list windows in the client for the feature to work. (Re-loading the lists is not necessary.)

For example, if the duration of the break is 3 minutes, then...

At 30 seconds Air Client announces: "30 seconds to go."

At 20 seconds, Air Client announces: "20 seconds, standby."

At 10 seconds, Air Client starts counting down each second: "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

Other example conditions:

If the commercial break is 30 seconds long, then the countdown starts immediately with "30 seconds to go".

If the commercial break is less than 30 seconds long, but greater than 20 seconds, then the coundown starts at 20 seconds with "20 seconds, standby".

If the commercial break is less than 20 seconds long, but greater than 10 seconds, then the countdown starts at 10 seconds, with the 10,9,8 .......

AUN = Time to Next with Up-count. This combination will allow a countdown to the live (up-count) event it is attached to.

AUQ = Audible Time to Next with Up-count. This combination will allow an audible countdown to the live (up-count) event it is attached to.

D = Deadroll. A deadroll event hard starts at a specific time while the list plays. The deadroll event plays, but does not switch, for its duration and then stops. Be advised this event type requires that the letter

D be added to an AO for it to play correctly. The operator will need to manually switch to this event type for it to be switched On Air. If the deadroll event is switched On Air then the first event following the deadroll will need to be a hard start event type to get the automation back on time and in full automation.

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Audio/Video Breakaway (AV, AI, AVJ, AIJ). A primary event or a secondary audio/video event can be run and cause the switcher to perform an audio/video breakaway. AV is an event type that performs a video breakaway. AI performs audio breakaways. To rejoin the secondary audio/video breakaway to the primary audio/video input when it finishes playing, edit the event type to AVJ or AIJ. A breakaway event can occur at the beginning, within and the end of its associated primary event. When used at the beginning or end, the primary event type is set to A; the secondary event type is set to AV or AI. If the duration of the secondary event is less than the primary event, add a J to supply the audio and video from the primary event. When used within a primary event, the secondary event type is set to AVJ or


Note: Only one breakaway can be assigned to a primary event to avoid an overlap in time. You cannot breakaway audio and then breakaway video until the video is rejoined. Also, you cannot breakaway video and then breakaway audio until the audio is rejoined.

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Appendix B

Appendix B

Secondary Events

Secondary events are associated with the primary event above it in the play list. Multiple secondary events can be assigned to a primary event and are played concurrently. A secondary event’s time is used as an offset in relation to the primary event’s time. You can edit the configuration parameters of some secondary events. When inserting an editable secondary event, a dialog box allows you to configure its attributes and settings.

Editable secondary events include:

GPI Contact, Back Timed GPI, Keyer On/Off, Transition Key, Audio Over On/Off, Transition Audio Over,

External and Data Event with Data.

To access an editable secondary event already in a play

To open the associated dialog box of an editable secondary event already in a play list,

1. Click on the event’s number.

2. From the ribbon tabs select Events > Edit Secondary.

Secondary Switching Parameter (sSP)

The secondary switching parameter contains values depending on the event type. For primary and secondary Audio/Video events, the value is the audio modes, mono and stereo. By default, the audio mode is stereo. The value is initially set in a media prep product, such as Media Client, for the Audio

Format database field. It can be modified in Air Client by clicking an event and entering S or M in the sSP field in Revise mode (ALT + R).

For secondary key and secondary audio over events, the value ranges from 1 to 9. The number corresponds to a keyer or mixer channel number on the master control switcher.

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If the Audio Mode selection for an existing ADC DB record is modified by the Media Client Operator, then this update is sent to the event if it exists within an active playlist.

Secondary Audio/Video (sAV)

The secondary Audio/Video Audio Over event is used to add another A/V audio source over the primary audio/video source. The A/V audio over source may replace the primary A/V audio source or be mixed with it.

A secondary Audio/Video Audio Over event plays material, in addition to the primary event on air, for

use in effects such as keys, audio overs and mixes.

When inserting a new secondary audio/video event in a play list, play (P) and thread (T), but not auto

(A), are entered into the Type field. Switching is not used for this event. The event can be used to produce the audio/video over for a key/audio over input to a master control switcher or as an

audio/video breakaway.

To switch the switcher

An A/V event may be run to switch the switcher. To do this, enter an A, instead of a P or T, in the Type

field. The secondary event will begin with an audio-follow video transition.

Back Timed Secondary Audio/Video (bAV)

The Back Timed A/V (backtimed secondary audio/video) event is the same as a Secondary Audio/Video, except the secondary’s on-air time is the amount of time before the primary event will begin. (i.e. The offset is measured backwards in time from the start of the associated primary event.)

In the event Type field, these events are inserted with types P and T (but not A). No switching is done on these events, unless this is changed. These events can be used as a key/audio over inputs to a master control switcher. It is possible to associate a switching event with a back timed event. To do this, change the Type field to A. This event starts with an audio-follow-video transition.

Note: Backtimed events cannot be run after up-counting events.

GPI Contact (sGPI)

A GPI contact closure secondary event controls the contact closure on a GPI card. The Device Server must have the optional GPI card.

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For each event, an on time (offset) and duration value must be entered.

Appendix B

An offset indicates how long after the start of the primary event the contact closure should occur.

The duration value sets the duration of the pulse or length of closure of the contact.

The offset is entered in the event’s on-air field and duration in the DUR field. The GPI closure may be longer than the associated primary event.

Note: The GPI Contact will play with the corresponding Primary Event at the same time, regardless of value of "Time". The event will display as played at the primary event time, although the actual GPI contact will close at the exact time.

GPI Contact dialog

In following parameter configuration dialog is on the Air Client:

Back Timed GPI (bGPI)

A Backtimed GPI is similar to a standard GPI event, except that the offset is measured backwards in time from the start of the associated primary event. For example, a backtimed GPI event with an offset of 5 seconds fires the GPI contact 5 seconds before the start of the associated primary event.

A backtimed GPI event cannot be attached to an event following a primary upcount event. In this case, the system would not be able to calculate when to begin the GPI event.

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Operations and Installation

Back Timed GPI dialog

In following parameter configuration dialog is on the Air Client:

Appendix B

Keyer On/Off (sKEY)

A Keyer On/Off event allows events to have an offset from the beginning of the event to be specified.

Define a secondary Keyer event in which a hole is cut in the associated primary event’s video output and is filled with the output of the Keyer source.

The task performed by the key depends on the capabilities of the device you are using. This function will only be performed if the primary event’s A/V Switching data is configured to use a Master Control


Key Event dialog

In this window, the following parameters can be set:

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Modifier. This parameter specifies how the key source is outlined. The options are normal, shadow, drop shadow and border.

Source. The key fill’s source. When self is selected, the fill input both cuts and fills the hole. When external is selected, the key input cuts the hole and fill input fills it in. When chroma is selected, the key is determined by the colors of the background video.

Matte. When selected, fill input is replaced by a matte source. The matte source color is determined by the mixer controls.

Key Hold. When selected, this option will keep the keyer on through subsequent primary transitions.

On Time. This will determine the start time of the keyer event. This option determines how long after the start of the primary event the key is overlaid. The value must be greater than 1.5 seconds or the key will arrive late.

Note: This secondary event behaves identically to the Transition Audio Over and Transition Keyer secondary events when the value for the On Time field is blank or 00:00:00.00.

Duration. Determines the length of time the key is overlaid. Do not specify a keyer event to turn off during the next event’s preroll, as mixers are not equipped to carry out both actions concurrently. In order to have the key last as long as the primary event, make the duration field blank.

The duration of the keyer event can either be blank, or specified as equal or greater than to:

 the duration of the primary minus the secondary's (normal) offset

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 the duration of the primary plus the secondary's back timed offset

 the duration of the secondary's end-timed offset

The keyer can be removed by the End Key Hold function.

Appendix B

Speed and Effect. The speed option determines the speed of the transition effect. You may also set which type of effect will run between events by using the icons located above the time fields. Effect options are cut, mix, wipe, fade fade, cut fade and fade cut.

Key. Specifies which key source to use. Do not specify a keyer event to turn off during the next event’s preroll, as mixers are not equipped to carry out both actions concurrently. Also, it is not possible to have two transitions overlapping in time; however, you can associate two keys with the same event as long as you set their on time and duration so they do not overlap.

A/V Keyer On/Off

The secondary Audio/Video Keyer event is used to add an A/V Keyer source over the primary audio/video source. The A/V Keyer source may replace the primary audio/video source or be mixed with it.

Transition Keyer (sTKY)

A transition keyer secondary event is similar to Keyer On/Off, except that the keyer is brought up at the start of its associated primary event with the same transition type as that of the primary. This type of secondary event has a configuration dialog box similar to Keyer On/Off; however, for the transition key, the value of the offset cannot be set. It is possible to define a transition key event so it lasts as long as the primary event. To do this, make the duration field blank. If the key hold option is on, the key is held over the transition in the same way as an ordinary secondary keyer event.

Transition Keyer dialog

The following parameter configuration dialog is on the Air Client:

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To define a transition key event to last as long as the primary event make the duration field blank.

If the key hold option is on, the key is held over the transition in the same way as an ordinary secondary keyer event.

Audio Over On/Off (sAOV)

The Audio Over secondary event is used to add another audio source over the primary audio/video source. The audio over source may replace the primary audio source or be mixed with it.

To have the secondary audio event end at the same time as its primary event, make the duration field blank.

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Audio Over dialog

The following parameter configuration dialog is on the Air Client:

Appendix B

Audio Over. The number of the audio input line on the mixer.

Ratio. The ratio of over audio source to primary source audio, ranging from 0 (all primary sources) to 99

(all audio over source).

Speed and Effect. The Speed option determines the speed of the transition effect. You may also set which type of effect will run between events by using the icons located next to the time fields.

Transition effect options are cut, mix, wipe, fade fade, cut fade and fade cut.

On Time. This determines the start position of the event and how long after the start of the primary event the audio is overlaid. The value must be greater than 1.5 seconds or the event arrives late; however, you may use the Transition Audio Over to restart the audio when the primary event beings.

Note: This secondary event behaves identically to the Transition Audio Over and Transition Keyer secondary events when the value for the On Time field is blank or 00:00:00.00.

Duration. Determines the length of time the event is overlaid. The event is only performed if the primary event’s A/V Data is configured to use a Master Control Switcher.

Transition Audio Over (sTAO)

The secondary Transition Audio Over allows you to specify a secondary audio event to coincide with the primary event in the same manner as a transition keyer event, as described in Keyer On/Off.

This event has a set of options that are identical to the audio over on/off secondary event, except that the ontime option is missing (the ontime for a transition audio over event is set to 0).

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To have the secondary audio event end at the same time as its primary event, make the duration field blank.

Transition Audio Over dialog

In following parameter configuration dialog is on the Air Client:


A break may be inserted at a point on the list where you would like the list to stop running. Events will play out normally up to this event.

The first event after the Break event cues up as usual, but does not play and the program switches to black. To restart a list after a break, click Play on the control panel. This list may also begin if a GPI contact input is used or if preroll is initiated on a hard start event that is next on the list.

Comment (****)

Use this secondary event to enter notes into the play list. Comments are ignored during transmission.

Any text may be inserted into the title field of a comment.

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Compile ID (cmID)

Appendix B

This type of event is used to label a compilation list with an ID. The tape ID of the compile tape should be entered into the ID field.

Data Event (sDAT)

This type of secondary event is associated with a device but does not generate any video output.

Instead, the action specified by the event is performed at the time the event would be put on air, had the event been associated with a video device.

For video disk servers, a data event is used to control and automate the deletion of spots from the server. The use of this event with video disk servers requires an accurate scheduler or traffic program. If the events are not used carefully, spots may be accidentally deleted in the video disk server. Secondary data events are Secondary Events used to command serial devices requiring a simple command that does not need to run a countdown on the time of an event.

This type of secondary event attaches to a primary event that plays at the time the command is sent to the device to execute the data event command. The primary event can be any primary event for any device.

The command is sent to the device whose device ID matches the event ID. As an example, the commands for the video disk server are entered in the secondary event’s title.

The command, Delete From Disk, is entered as DEL:XXXXXXXX:YY. X’s represent the spot ID and Y’s represent the optional port value.

The command, Get From Archive, is entered as GFA:XXXXXXXX:YY.

The command, Delete From Archive, is entered as DFA:XXXXXXXX:YY.

Note: This secondary event may work differently based on the device being used.

IMPORTANT: The Secondary Data Event command is sent out in preroll. For example, in order to send the command like a sAV or any other type of secondary event when the primary starts, an offset of

3 seconds must be added.

Barter Spot (sBAR)

Barter spot events are associated with a primary event and are logged to the AsRun log when the primary event runs to completion and is logged. Barter spot events are treated as comments by the automation system and are not played.

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Barter spot is used for reconciliation with traffic systems. A barter spot is a source of audio/video that is part of another audio/video source. It is not played as separate audio/video, but is treated as a comment that is passed to the AsRun log and to the reconciliation process.

This event is attached to the primary event. When the primary event finishes running it is logged to the

AsRun log.

These events appear in the text AsRun log as Barter in the status field. In the enterprise traffic log for example, they appear as BTR in the program type field. The appearance of the spots in the logs does not positively indicate the spots have run. If the primary event runs, the spots are logged; however, the spots may not have actually been on the primary material.

Record Switcher (sRSW)

Record switcher is a secondary event that performs extra switching for inputs. During a recording, this switches to the secondary event’s source.

The name of the source to switch to is entered in the title field. This name must also be in the source name table for the switcher that is supplying the video to the record device.

The event is only performed if the primary event’s device has the A/V data parameters configured to specify the switcher number that has the matching name in its source name table.

Switcher Crosspoint (sXP)

This is a secondary event that performs extra switching for outputs. While an event plays, this function switches to the secondary event’s source:destination. This type of secondary event allows the control of multiple crosspoints during one primary event.

The name of the new source:destination is entered in the title field. Use the format SRC,DEST where SRC is the name of the source and DEST, the destination. You may enter a maximum of 16 characters for the title and the name you enter must also be defined in the switcher’s device parameter field for Source

Name and/or Destination Name for the switcher that is controlling the output for the primary event.

This type of event requires that the primary device have the specified switcher device configured for its switching information. If the secondary event does not specify the source (title =, DEST), the input crosspoint must be specified in the primary event’s device for the secondary event to default the destination.

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To control a Router other than the configured default: If the user wants to switch a router other than to the one assigned in the primary AV table, then the router name must be entered in the ID field of the sXP event.

Switcher Audio Crosspoint (AUD-XPT)

This is a secondary event – similar to a switcher crosspoint event - that performs extra switching for audio outputs. While an event plays, this function switches to the secondary event’s audio source:destination. This type of secondary event allows the control of multiple audio crosspoints during one primary event.

When selected for logging, the logging is done at zero crossing of the primary event.

When "Switcher Audio Crosspoint" is selected in the configuration, and the "Control Audio Mode" option is selected in the configuration:

The Secondary Switching Parameter (sSP) field is neglected.

A new secondary event "Switcher Audio Crosspoint" is used for the audio routing (shuffling).

If a "Switcher Audio Crosspoint" secondary event is not attached to the primary, default values are applied for routing as per the configuration.

Format of Title field:

 x1 x2 x3 x4

 x1 to x4 are input values for output 1 to 4

X1 to x4 = 1 to 4.

If any of the input (x1 to x4) is not valid, it is replaced by its default (Configuration) value.

If 2 or more "Switcher Audio Crosspoint" secondary events are found (resulting from an editing mistake), only the first one is taken into consideration.

Note: Audio routing is done on the device specified in the ID field, if valid. If ID field is not valid then audio routing is done on the primary event to which the secondary Switcher Audio Crosspoint is attached.

When the next event is preset, its corresponding cross point is normalized to the default as specified in the configuration, provided the next event audio crosspoint is not the same as the current event.

Secondary Record (sREC)

This type of secondary event allows for the automatic recording and segmenting of live program material for immediate playback to air. Unlike most record events, this event is used in a list that combines record and playback activities. A secondary record event is attached to each primary event that is being recorded.

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Break Sync (sSYN)

Appendix B

Break sync contains an estimated time of day a pod will run, a deviation time and a time for a window of opportunity for the operator to react to the event.

This event is normally be used on a list that contains only pods/breaks of commercials. The pods are:

Separated by either an upcount event or by this Break sync event.

Triggered to run by an external contact closure (GPI) or by clicking Play on the control panel.

In normal operation, a contact closure/play button is detected and the next pod on the list is played. The break sync event is marked DONE immediately. The pod plays out until either an upcount event, break sync event or the end of the list is encountered.

If the next pod has not played by the time of day specified on its break sync event, plus its deviation, the automation sends out a user notification to all automation clients. The event then waits for the opportunity time for a client to respond to the notification.

If no response is received at the end of this time, the automation marks each event in the pod and the break sync event as being missed. It stops marking events as missed when it encounters an upcounting event or break sync event.

If the list was running an upcount event, that event is skipped and the next upcount event runs. During the time the automation is waiting when the break sync occurs, the user notification is sent to all clients. One or more clients are enabled to detect the user notification.

The enabled clients display a dialog box prompting the operator to click OK to Delete Pod and Keep

Pod. The dialog box is displayed only during the waiting time and will automatically close if the operator does not respond. This is the equivalent to clicking OK to Delete Pod since the list on the server will time out and mark the pod missed.

If the operator clicks Keep Pod, a message is sent back to the server causing the server to mark the break sync event as done, but leaves the pod intact waiting for the contact closure/play button. There is no other user notification for this pod.

If the contact closure/play button does not occur, the time of day for the break sync event for the next pod may occur. To eliminate a potential problem, the next break sync event is used to mark the previous pod missed. This occurs automatically at the time of day of the next break sync event minus its deviation time. When this occurs, all events before this event are marked missed.

If the automation had been running an upcount event, then this upcounter and the next up-counter before this break sync event are terminated before this event runs.

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Operations and Installation

Secondary System (sSYS)

Appendix B

This event allows the traffic system to schedule device (resource) assignment during the execution of a transmission list. Like all secondary events, this type of event is attached to a primary event.

When this event type is run, it is able to move un-assigned device heads to the list that is running this event or release device heads in order to make them available to another list. It is up to the traffic department to schedule the assignment and release of heads so that two lists will not conflict in their usage of these heads. This event is programmed by filling in the time, ID and title fields of the event with control information. The time field controls the time when the event will run offset from the primary event.

Event IDs

The following event IDs act as commands to the list:

Assign. Will assign the device and head(s) specified in the title field to the transmission list the event is located in. The title format is: DEVICENAME,X,Y

Where DEVICENAME is the device name (5 characters) that is assigned to the device, X is the head number assigned to the list and ,Y is the number of other heads to be assigned.

Release. Will remove the device and head(s) specified in the event title field from the transmission list the event is located in and return it back to the system as an unowned device head. The title format is identical to the above described.

Protect. Performs a protect assignment on the device and head(s) to the device specified in the type field.

The title format is: PROTECTNAME, DEVICENAME,X,Y

Where PROTECTNAME is the name of the device that is to be protected. DEVICENAME is the device name (5 characters) that is assigned to the device, X is the head number assigned to the list, and Y is the number of other heads to be assigned. You must first have assigned the primary device heads to the list before assigning the protect heads. A space character may be substituted for the comma in any of the title field commands.

Backtimed System (bSYS)

This secondary event works in the same manner as secondary system except that this event type runs prior to the primary event by the time specified in the Time field.

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System Event

Appendix B

This secondary event allows the traffic system to schedule device (resource) assignments during the execution of a transmission list. Like all secondary events, this type of event is attached to a primary event. When this event type is run, it is able to move unowned device heads to the list running this event or release device heads in order to make them available to another list. It is up to the traffic department to schedule the assignment and release of heads so that two lists will not conflict in their usage of these heads.

External (vDT)

Use an External secondary event to send commands or other information to a device through a device server. This event acts as a secondary A/V event with the capability of sending commands or other information to a specific device on the device server.

To Insert an External secondary event

When you insert this secondary event, a dialog box opens that prompts you for the data you want to send to a device. Normally, the dialog box is a text editor window, but if there is a special .dll file for the device, this may vary.

1. Enter the data you want to send to a device on the network in the text editor.

2. After clicking OK, Air Client inserts a line in the play list or transmission window and enters into

Revise mode.

3. Enter the device ID name in the Id field. vDT is inserted in the Sec field.

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4. Exit Revise Mode. To exit Revise mode, press <ALT+R> or from the Events ribbon tab select the

Cancel icon ( ).

Data Event with Data (sDAT)

Use this event to send commands and other information to a specific device on the device server.

To Insert a Data Event with Data

When inserting this secondary event, use the text editor, to enter the commands. The commands are sent to the device whose device ID matches the event ID.

1. Enter the data you want to send in the text editor.

2. After clicking OK, Air Client inserts a line in the play list or transmission window and enters into

Revise mode. sDT is inserted in the Sec field.

3. Exit Revise Mode. To exit Revise mode, press <ALT+R> or from the Events ribbon tab select the

Cancel icon ( ).

The time in the time field is the offset from the preroll of the associated primary event.

The commands are sent to the device at the offset time.

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation

Appendix C

Appendix C

Device Error Messages

This section lists many of the Errors that can be generated by the ADC Device Server. Please note that the Time of Day the error occurred, the list name, as well as the Device Name precede errors. The quickest method to find your error in this document is to do a Find using only the text of the specific error message less the Time of Day, list name and if displayed, Device Name.

AIR COPY REMOVED FROM EVENT - The primary copy of the media was removed or ejected, and the backup (Protect) copy became the primary copy. The media was not on-air.


ANNOTATION MEDIA WAS EJECTED - The secondary record event was deleted. No record.

ARM NOT INDEXED - The arm of the TCS90 cart. Machine is not properly indexed (not initialized or problem).

ARM OFF LINE: <Error Code> - One or more cassette handler component not indexed.

AUDIO DATA ERROR LEVEL NO GOOD - ID: <ID> <Time Code> - In a Digital Sony deck the VTR protocol returned back an Audio Data error. The SOM of the error code will indicate where on the tape the error occurred.

AUDIO READ AFTER WRITE NO GOOD - ID: <ID> <Time Code> - In a Digital Sony deck the VTR protocol returned back an Audio Raw Verify error. The SOM of the error code will indicate where on the tape the error occurred.

Audio-over number switched ON/OFF Manually - Manual Intervention occurred on Audio Over.

Audio-over number switched ON/OFF Manually - Manual Intervention occurred on Audio Over.

AXIS OFF LINE - The arm cannot move in the axis (not initialized or problem).

BAD BARCODE READ ON BIN: <Bin Number> - The barcode reader in the cart machine has detected a label on the tape, but cannot properly read it.

BARCODE READ LOST - An unknown error occurred in a cart machine when trying to read the barcode label on a tape.

BARCODE READER ERROR - An error occurred with the barcode reader.

BIN: <Bin Number> IN USE BY VTR <Error Code> - BIN assigned to multiple tape.

CACHING FAILURE-CHECK EVENT:<ID> List <Error Code> - Impossible to make a cache request. The

ID of the media seems bad.

CART COMMAND MALFUNCTION - C<ErrorCode> COMMAND FORMAT ERROR - Bad format of the command sent to the cart machine.


CART COMMAND MALFUNCTION - C<ErrorCode> MARC BUFFER FULL - Cart machine buffer is full.

Impossible to run the command.

CART COMMAND MALFUNCTION - C<ErrorCode> MARC BUSY - The cart machine is busy, the command will not run.

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CART COMMAND MALFUNCTION - C<ErrorCode> MARC BUSY - The cart machine is busy.

CART COMMAND MALFUNCTION - INVALID PARAMETER - Cart command contained invalid parameters.

CART COMMAND MALFUNCTION - INVALID PARAMETER <ErrorCode> - Bad command parameters sent to the cart machine.

CART COMMAND MALFUNCTION - INVALID PARAMETER <ErrorCode> - Bad command parameters sent to the cart machine.

CART COMMAND MALFUNCTION - INVALID PARAMETER <ErrorCode> - Bad command parameters sent to the cart machine.

CART ERROR ON BARCODE READER COMMAND - Problem with a barcode reader command.


CART ERROR ON ROBOT COMMAND - Problem with a robot command.

CART ERROR ON VTR COMMAND - Problem with a VTR command.

CART JARRED - Attempted a movement command while the emergence stop switch is activated.

CART MALFUNCTION - <IDC_Format_OdeticCart> - General problem in the odetics carts.

CART OTHER MALFUNCTION - M<ErrorCode> NO TIMECODE - There is no timecode reference in the cart machine.

CART OTHER MALFUNCTION - M<ErrorCode> TIMECODE ERROR - Timecode error with the cart machine.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - BAD BARCODE READ ON BIN: <ErrorCode> - The barcode reader in the cart machine has detected a label on the tape, but cannot properly read it.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> Abnormal End - The command wan abnormally finished.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> Abnormal End - The command was abnormally finished.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> DEVICE OFF LINE - Device connected but offline.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> DEVICE RETURNED NAK, MINOR ERROR - The robot responded with a NAK, instead of an ACK.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> DEVICE RETURNED NAK, MINOR ERROR - The robot responded with a NAK, instead of an ACK.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> DEVICE RETURNED NAK, MINOR ERROR - The robot responded with a NAK, instead of an ACK.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> DEVICE RETURNED NAK, MINOR ERROR - The robot responded with a NAK, instead of an ACK.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> DOOR IS OPEN - The door of the robot is open.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> EJECT TIMEOUT - Eject command didn't run on time in a robot.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> EJECT TIMEOUT - Eject command didn't run on time in a robot.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> UNINITIALIZED - Robot not initialized.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> UNINITIALIZED - Robot not initialized.

CART ROBOT MALFUNCTION - R<ErrorCode> Unknown Robot Error - The robot returned an unknown problem.

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CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> CAN NOT CANCEL - Impossible to cancel the VTR command.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> COMMAND CANCEL - Cancel of a VTR command.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> COMMAND CANCEL - Cancel of a VTR command.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> COMMAND CANCEL - VTR command was cancelled.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> COMMUNICATION ERROR - Communication error between the VTR and the Device server.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> COMMUNICATION ERROR - Communication error from a

VTR in the cart machine.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> COMMUNICATION ERROR - Communication error from a

VTR in the cart machine.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> COMMUNICATION ERROR - Communication error from a

VTR in the cart machine.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> DEVICE OFF LINE - Device connected but offline.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> DEVICE OFF LINE - VTR connected but offline.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> DEVICE OFF LINE - VTR from a VTR in the cart machine is off line.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> DEVICE WENT INTO LOCAL - The remote control from the

VTR in the cart machine is not able.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> HARDWARE ERROR - Hardware error for a VTR in the cart machine.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> HARDWARE ERROR - Hardware error for the cart machine.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> MARC BUSY - The cart machine is busy, the VTR command

 is not running.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> MARC SOFTWARE ERROR - VTR Cart machine software problem.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> MARC SOFTWARE ERROR - VTR Cart machine software problem.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> NO RESPONSE - No answer from a VTR in the cart machine.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> NO VTR - There is no VTR connected.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> REC INHIBIT - Recording impossible with a VTR in the cart machine.


CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> TAPE TROUBLE - Problem with a tape in a VTR.

CART VTR MALFUNCTION - V<ErrorCode> UNDEFINED COMMAND - Undefined command sent to a

VTR in the cart machine.

CASSETTE STUCK IN ELEVATOR - POSSIBLE VTR PROBLEM - The door on the cart machine is open.

CHC SLIDER NOT RETRACTED - Attempted a load port command before previous stall condition cleared.


COMMUNICATIONS LOST WITH CART - A Cart Machine stopped communicating over the RS422 connection.

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COMMUNICATIONS LOST WITH DEVICE - The communication between the device server and the video server is lost.

COMMUNICATIONS LOST WITH DEVICE <Error Code> - A device stopped communicating over the

RS422 connection.

COMMUNICATIONS RESTORED WITH DEVICE - The communication between the device server and the video server is restored.

COMPILE MEDIA NOT IN POSITION TO PLAY - Rollover between compile reels failed.

Device Error <Device Name> - INTERNAL ERROR - RESULT BUFFER OVERRUN - The buffer of the video server is full. The command won't be run.

Device Error <Device Name> SWITCHPRESET - VID CROSSPOINT: <VideoInput> <-> AUD

CROSSPOINT: <AudioInput> - From SwitchPreset.

DEVICE - DIAGNOSTIC CODE:<Error Code> ID: <ID> - Error code return for a media in the video disk.

DEVICE - DIAGNOSTIC CODE:<Error Code> ID: <ID> - Specific error from the odetics cart. The errors have to be checked in the protocol of the device.

DEVICE - DIAGNOSTIC CODE:<Error Code> ID: <ID> - Used by video disk , do not use in diagnostic.

The errors have to been checked in the protocol of the device.

DEVICE DELETED SPOT: <ID> - Spot deleted from the device. Impossible to play it.

DEVICE ERROR - PORT NOT VALID - Problem with a port of the video disk.

DEVICE ERROR - REPORTED FROM DEVICE: <Error Code> - Error code return for the video disk.

DEVICE ERROR - REPORTED FROM DEVICE: <ErrorCode> - Used by video disk , do not use in diagnostic. The errors have to been checked in the protocol of the device.

DEVICE NAME NOT VALID - The major device specified by the system resource event could not be found.

DEVICE NOT CUED IN TIME, HOLDING TIME:<ID> List <Error Code> - Media not cued in time in the video disk.

DEVICE NOT CUED IN TIME, HOLDING TIME:<ID> List <Error Code> - Media not cued in time.

DEVICE NOT IN EDIT ON - After a command to go into edit on mode, the device indicates that it is not in edit on mode.

DEVICE PLAY/RECORD STATUS LATE: <ID> - Problem with the time delay of the device.

DEVICE RECORDED SPOT: <ID> - Spot recorded in the device. Can be played.

DEVICE RETURNED ACK - Received unexpected ack.

DEVICE RETURNED NAK, MINOR ERROR <Error Code> - A device returned either a NAK through the protocol or a problem with communications existed.

DEVICE RETURNED UNEXPECTED NAK, MINOR ERROR <Error Code> - Received unexpected nak.

DEVICE SENT CUE CMD: <ID> - ID in copy queue is not in spot collection.

DEVICE SENT PROTECT CMD: <ID> - Record media, spot marked for cache.

DEVICE SERVER LOST BACKGROUND: <Error Code> - Event pointer nil when unregistered.

DEVICE SERVER REFERENCE VIDEO LOST - Reference Video missing. Shifting to PC Clock for clocking input. (Timecode also missing)

DEVICE SERVER TIMECODE LOST - Reference Timecode missing. Shifting from timecode to reference video for clocking input

DEVICE TIMEOUT -RETRYING COMMAND: <Error Code> - A timeout occurred when waiting for the response of a device.

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DEVICE WENT INTO LOCAL - The device is no longer under automation control. Communications exist, but the device will not respond to commands.

DIAGNOSTIC STATUS ERROR <Error Code> - In a Digital Sony deck the VTR protocol returned the diagnostic status bit set in the extended status. The minor error code has the actual error code as defined by the Sony VTR Protocol.

DISK ERROR - AUDIO OVERLOAD - Problem with the configuration of the audio in the video server.

DISK ERROR - COMMAND NOT SUPPORTED - The video file server received a command not yet implemented.

DISK ERROR - COMMAND WHILE BUSY - The video server had an error while is busy.

DISK ERROR - CUE NOT DONE - The media was not cued on the right timecode.

DISK ERROR - DISK IS FULL, RECORD FAILED - The video disk server is full. No recording.

DISK ERROR - ID ALREADY EXISTS: <ID> - ID already exist in the video server. Message for a record.

DISK ERROR - ID DELETE PROTECTED: <ID> - ID protected, do not delete from the video server.

DISK ERROR - ID NOT FOUND: <ID> - The media in the video server is not in the device storage.

DISK ERROR - ID STILL PLAYING: <ID> - Impossible to stop the media during a play.

DISK ERROR - ID STILL RECORDING: <ID> - Impossible to stop the media during a record.

DISK ERROR - ID TRANSFERRED: <ID> - Impossible to play an ID from the video server it was already transferred.

DISK ERROR - ILLEGAL VALUE - Bad value sent to the video server in a command.

DISK ERROR - INVALID ID: <ID> - The format of the ID is not correct.

DISK ERROR - INVALID PORT - Configuration conflict with port.

DISK ERROR - NO AUDIO INPUT - There's no input audio flow in the video server.

DISK ERROR - NO REFERENCE INPUT - The video file server has had the reference video removed.

DISK ERROR - NO VIDEO INPUT - No video input in the video disk.

DISK ERROR - NO VIDEO PORT OPEN - There's no port configured for the playout.

DISK ERROR - NOT IN CUED STATE - The state of the media in the device server is not already cued.

DISK ERROR - PORT NOT ACTIVE - The port of the video server is not active. The command won't be run.

DISK ERROR - PORT NOT IDLE - The port of the video server is not well reinitialized.

DISK ERROR - PORT PLAYING OR ACTIVE - The port is already used for a command. Impossible to use

 it for a new one.

DISK ERROR - SYSTEM ERROR - General problem in the video server.

DISK ERROR - VIDEO PORT DOWN - The playout port is down.

DISK ERROR - WRONG PORT TYPE - Wrong port assignment in the video server.

DISK ERROR-CUE OR OPERATION FAILED: <ID> - Impossible to cue an event in the video server. This message is used for another command.

DISK NAK - COMMUNICATIONS CHECKSUM ERROR - Time out between the device server and the video server. Problem with the checksum of the video server answer.

DISK NAK - COMMUNICATIONS FRAMING ERROR - Time out between the device server and the video server. Problem with the format of the video server answer.

DISK NAK - COMMUNICATIONS OVER FLOW - Time out between the device server and the video server. Problem with the format of the video server answer.

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DISK NAK - COMMUNICATIONS PARITY ERROR - Time out between the device server and the video server. Problem with the parity bit of the video server answer.

DISK NAK - COMMUNICATIONS TIME OUT - Time out between the device server and the video server. No response from the video server.

DISK NAK - COMMUNICATIONS UNDEFINED ERROR - Undefined error from the video server.

DOOR OPEN TIMEOUT - The door stayed open too long.

DUPLICATE TAPE: <ID> In BIN: <Bin Number> - There at least two identical ID in the bins of the cart


ELEVATOR OFF LINE - The robotic elevator is in an offline state.

ELEVATOR REPLY TIMEOUT - The elevator of the cart machine didn't move on time.

EMERGENCY STOP ACTIVE - Manual intervention has removed the device from service.

ERROR - DEVICE ACCESS ERROR - Access denied in the device.

ERROR - DEVICE OUT OF MEMORY - The memory of the device is full.

ERROR - DISK CACHE RECORDER FAILED ID: <ID> - Problem with the recording during the cache.

ERROR - DISK FAILED PLAY ID: <ID> - Problem to play a media from the video server.

ERROR - DISK FAILED RECORD ID: <ID> - Problem to record a media to the video server.

ERROR - LOST DISK REPLY(S) - Problem with the disk of the video server.

ERROR - RESENT LAST COMMAND - A command have not been executed and lost from the memory of the video server.

ERROR - UNKNOWN RESPONSE - The answer from the video server is wrong.

EVENT NOT PLAYED - INVALID OFFSET ON SECONDARY - A secondary GPI event that was to be run twice on the same primary event had an overlapping start time on the subsequent GPI event.

EVENT NOT PLAYED - MEDIA MISSING - NOT FOUND - The event was unable to play because the ID was not found in any device

EVENT NOT PLAYED - MEDIA NOT THREADED - The event was unable to play because the media was not threaded into a device.

EVENT NOT PLAYED - NOT CUED IN TIME - The event was unable to play because it was unable to cue.

EVENT NOT PLAYED - SKIP ISSUED - The event began to play, but the operator intervened by invoking the skip command.

EVENT NOT PLAYED - SECONDARY MEDIA MISSING - GMT Error. A GMT transfer failed because the secondary events were not valid, such as in a baseband transfer.

EVENT SKIPPED - ABNORMAL END - An event encountered an end of media condition such as end of tape or end of recorded clip. The media stopped playing and the next event was run. (If a Protect copy exists this message is not generated)

EVENT UNABLE TO CUE - NO SOM - The Start of Message in the event is invalid for the material.

Cannot cue the material to the specified location

EVENT UNABLE TO RECORD, REC INHIBIT ON - The device has recording disabled. Typically, a VTR with the rec inhibit tab set

FETCH OR INSERT TO EMPTY OR FULL LOCATION - Try to insert in full bin or try to take a tape from an empty bin.

GMT Media Transfer Failed, Time = - A failure was reported back to the list for a media transfer by a requester. The media was not transferred.

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GMT-Abort event due to archive or Disk time out - Abort event due to the archive manager or the video file server timeout.

GMT-Baseband device I/O failure - A problem occurred during the baseband transfer.

GMT-Event aborted during running state - The running GMT event aborted during execution.

GMT-Event ID not found in source device - Event ID not found in the source device.

GMT-Found Buffer full during Global Delete - A buffer overflow error occurred during a global delete.

GMT-Found unknown/unimplemented disk command - Found unknown / unimplemented VDCP command during transfer.

GMT-ID already existed in destination device - The media already exists in the device storage of the destination device.

GMT-List event cut or Ran Short - An event on the GMT list was cut.

GMT-Listed ID not found in Distributor collection - The media wasn't found by the distributor.

GMT-Missing Disk Handle while needed - There is no disk handle parameter available for the activity.

GMT-No Fiber Distributor to do the MOV after BB transfer - No fibre distributor available to do the move after the baseband transfer has occurred.

GMT-No Fiber Distributor to do the MOV after CFA - There is no fibre distributor to do a copy after the move from archive has occurred.

GMT-No Global delete targets configured - No global delete targets are configured in the distributor.

GMT-Request success - The request succeeded.

GMT-Requestor lost communication with Distributor - The requester lost communications with the distributor

GMT-Transfer Success - Distributor transfer media in Fiber/Archive/WAN routing mode is successful.

GMT-VACP ERR COMM FAIL - VACP response from archive manager. Problem of communication.

GMT-VACP ERR ID EXISTS - VACP response from archive manager. The ID is already existing.

GMT-VACP ERR ID NOT FOUND - VACP response from archive manager. The ID was not in a device storage. The archive manager cannot find the specified ID.

GMT-VACP ERR INIT - VACP response from archive manager. Problem at the initialization.

GMT-VACP ERR INSUFF MEMORY - VACP response from archive manager. Problem of memory.

GMT-VACP ERR INSUFF SVCS - Insufficient services.

GMT-VACP ERR MACRO FAIL - The Archive manager reports (CFA/CTA) macro command is failed.

GMT-VACP ERR OP COMPLETED - Inverse of Incomplete Operation.

GMT-VACP ERR OPERATION ABORTED - VACP response from archive manager. The command was aborted because of an unspecified error.

GMT-VACP ERR PARM INVALID - VACP response from archive manager. Bad parameters in the command.

GMT-VACP ERR PARTITION SMALL - The partition is too small to hold the material.

GMT-VACP ERR PORT_BUSY - VACP response from archive manager. The port is busy. Impossible to run the command.

GMT-VACP ERR RW FAILURE - VACP response from archive manager. Problem on read write mode.

GMT-VACP ERR SETUSERID - VACP Client is using wrong user ID to do the login.

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GMT-VACP ERR TAPE UNAVAIL - VACP response from archive manager. No available tape to perform the operation.

GMT-VACP ERR TIMEOUT - VACP response from archive manager. Time out on a command.

GMT-VACP ERR UNKNOWN Command Received - VACP response from archive manager. The command is not a valid one.

GMT-VACP NAK_ERR_CHECKSUM - VACP response from archive manager. The checksum indicates an error in transmission.

GMT-VACP NAK_ERR_FRAMING - VACP response from archive manager. A framing error was detected in the message.

GMT-VACP NAK_ERR_ID_CONFLICT - VACP response from archive manager. The ID being sent to the archive already exists.

GMT-VACP NAK_ERR_ILLEGAL_VALUE - VACP response from archive manager. The response is a

NAK, as a result of an illegal value being sent.

GMT-VACP NAK_ERR_OVERRUN - VACP response from archive manager. An over run condition was detected in the message.

GMT-VACP NAK_ERR_PARITY - VACP response from archive manager. A parity error was detected in the message.

GMT-VACP NAK_ERR_UNDEFINED - VACP response from archive manager. The response is a NAK, of undefined error type.

GMT-VACP NAK_ERR_UNSUPPORTED - VACP response from archive manager. The command is not supported by the archive manager.

GMT-VACP SUCCESS - VACP response from archive manager. Clip moved successfully.

GMT-VDCP Archive disk handle not configured - VDCP archive disk handle not configured.

GMT-VDCP_SUCCESS - VDCP response from archive manager. The command ran with success.

HARD ERROR - A Sony Protocol VTR returned back the Hard Error bit enabled indicating some physical problem with the VTR or Tape.

HARDWARE TROUBLE BUZZER ALARM - In a Digital Sony deck the VTR protocol returned the buzzer bit set in the extended status.

HEAD STILL IN PLAY - The system resource event attempted to assign a device that was in play. The assignment did not take place.

HUB OFF LINE - Attempted a load port command with no load port installed. Attempted a transfer command with no transfer mechanism installed.

ID DOES NOT MATCH, MACRO LSB <Error Code> - ID doesn't match.

INCORRECT SIZE AT LOCATION - Insert command attempted to an incorrect size location.

INTERNAL ERROR - BAD COMMAND GENERATED - The format of the command is wrong.

INVALID EVENT COMMAND - The system resource event was not valid and could not be decoded by the list.

INVALID HEAD NUMBER - The minor device head specified by the system resource event was not a valid head number.

Keyer number switched ON/OFF Manually - Manual Intervention occurred on Keyer.

Keyer number switched ON/OFF Manually - Manual Intervention occurred on Keyer.

List will stop on next event - Manual intervention occurred, List will stop on next event, id field is empty.

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LOAD PORT FULL - CANNOT UNLOAD VTR - Load port is full in the procart.

LOAD PORT INDEX, OPEN, CLOSED ARM IN FRONT ?? - Load port problem, it can be a bad reinitialization, or the load port is open or the arm is blocked just in front.

LOAD PORT NOT INDEXED - Bad load port initialization.

LOAD PORT STALL NOT CLEARED - Tape were not put out of the load port.

MACRO BUSY ERROR - A Sony Cart machine returned back a status of Macro Busy on a macro command. This error condition should never occur in a Sony Cart Machine.

MACRO DISTURBED - A Sony Cart machine returned back via the protocol that a Marco Command was either terminated or disturbed.

MACRO NOT FOUND, MACRO LSB <Error Code> - Couldn't find macro.

MAIN ROBOT - General robot problem.

MAIN ROBOT, CLAW 1 - Problem with the gripper 1 of the robot.

MAIN ROBOT, CLAW 2 - Problem with the gripper 2 of the robot.

MAIN ROBOT, X AXIS - Problem with the X Axis arm robot.

MAIN ROBOT, Y AXIS - Problem with the Y Axis arm robot.

Manual Intervention of System - Indicates Manual Intervention on the switcher.

MASTER MEDIA FAILURE - DURING PREROLL - A failure of the primary media occurred during pre-roll of the media. No switching to a protect copy could occur at this time.

MASTER MEDIA FAILURE - PROTECT COPY NOT PLAYING - A failure of the primary media occurred but the backup media was unable to be switched into the on-air video stream.

MASTER MEDIA FAILURE - PROTECT COPY SWITCHED - A failure of the primary media caused the backup media (Protect) to be switched into the on-air video stream.

MECHANICAL INTERFERENCE - Mechanical interference.

MEDIA DEVICE NOT PROPERLY INITIALIZED - The media wasn't initialized properly.

MEDIA UNABLE TO CUE - ID: <ID> - Device is unable to cue.

MODE SET TO DISABLE MOVEMENT WHEN DOOR OPEN - In the Procart cart machine you can enable or not a sound indicating that the door in the Procart cart machine is open and that you have to close it.

MOVE WITH LIGHT CURTAIN ACTIVE - While moving the robotics, an interruption of the light curtain was detected.


MULTIPLE GRIPPER ERRORS, ARM <Error Code> PLACED OUT OF SERVICE - Gripper is out of service.

NAK RETURNED FROM SWITCHER - The switcher responded with a NAK, instead of an ACK.

NO ANNOTATION EVENTS TO RECORD - The secondary record event was not inserted. No record.

NO CASSETTE IN GRIPPER - Procart cart machine. No tape in the gripper.

NO MORE BINS TO STORE MEDIA - The bins in the cart machine are all full. There is no more room for tapes in the cart machine.

NO VTR AT LOCATION - There is no VTR installed at the physical location.

ON AIR EVENT PACKED - LIST WILL STOP - The on-air event was playing, and the packing of the list forced the deletion of the event.

ON AIR EVENT WAS CUT - The on-air event was playing, and it was deleted from the playlist

ON AIR EVENT WAS EJECTED - Media was ejected during playout

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ON AIR EVENT WAS RECUED - The event began to play, but the operator intervened by invoking the recue command.

OUTPORT IS FULL - PLEASE EMPTY IT - The I/O port of the cart machine is full. It must be emptied so that the current ejection process continues.

PGM crosspoint number Audio switched Manually - Manual Intervention occurred on Audio crosspoint number.

PGM crosspoint number Audio switched Manually - Manual Intervention occurred on Audio crosspoint number.

PGM crosspoint number Video switched Manually - Manual Intervention occurred on video crosspoint number.

PGM crosspoint number Video switched Manually - Manual Intervention occurred on video crosspoint number.

PLAY ISSUED - MEDIA IN LOCAL - The device received the play command, but the returned status indicates that it did not go into play mode.

PLAYOUT TIMES OVERLAP - Events overlapped in the transmission list.


Beginning of PresetEffect.



PROGRAM/INTERFACE ERROR - SYSTEM ALARM - In a Digital Sony deck the VTR protocol returned the system alarm bit set in the extended status.

PROTECT COPY NOT USABLE – REMOVED - The protect copy of the media was removed or ejected, but the primary copy was not. The media was not on-air.

PROTECT MEDIA NOT PLAYED - NOT CUED - The secondary event was unable to play because the media was not cued in time.

PROTECT NAME NOT VALID - The major device to be used as a protect device, specified by the system resource event could not be found.

PUT TAPE FROM VTR: <Error Code> INTO BIN: <Bin Number> - Problem with an unthread tape for a

VTR to a bin in the odetics cart.

PUT TAPE: <ID> FROM BIN: <Bin Number> INTO VTR: <Error Code> - Problem with a threading tape in a VTR of an odetics cart.

RECORD ENDED PREMATURELY - The event for a record operation terminated abnormally.

RECORD EVENT WAS CUT - The record event was recording, and it was deleted from the record list.

RECORD NOT STARTED - Event failed to start.

REFERENCE VIDEO MISSING - The VTR has lost the reference video signal.

REMOVE TAPE FROM VTR, INSERT VIA I/O PORT - Somebody put a tape manually into a VTR instead of the load port.

REMOVE TAPES FROM VTRS, INSERT VIA I/O PORT - Somebody put tapes manually into a VTR instead of the load port.

RESEAT CASSETTE IN BIN: <Bin Number> AND INIT ROBOT - Put the tape in its bin and reinitialize the robot.

Return to Automated Control of System - Indicates the switcher is back to the list control.

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ROBOT WARNING number V<ErrorCode> VTR number <ID> - Problem with a VTR from the MARC cart machine.

SERIAL CONTROL WENT INTO AUTOMATION - The device is now under automation control. This is the reverse of AUTO_ENABLE_OFF.

SERIAL CONTROL WENT INTO LOCAL - The device is no longer under automation control.

Communications exist, but the device will not respond to commands.





STANDBYON ISSUED - MEDIA IN LOCAL - The device received the standby command, but the returned status indicates that it did not go into standby mode

SWITCHER COMMAND QUEUE FULL <Error Number> - From PutQueue, when queue is full.

SWITCHER DID NOT RESPOND TO REQUEST - The switcher is no longer communicating.

SYSTEM ERROR: NO DATAGRAM NCBS - DOS Server network error, obsolete error


Background, just after sending take.

TAPE TROUBLE - A Sony Protocol VTR returned back the Tape Trouble bit enabled indicating some problem with the tape.

TARGETING OR DOOR OPEN - Procart cart machine. The door is either open or the tape could be put in the VTR.

THREAD FAILURE - DOOR OPEN OR SYSTEM DOWN - <Error Code> - The threading of a tape into the cart VTR has failed. The elevator may have become jammed or the VTR jammed.


<CrosspointOutput> - From transition or/and control panel.

TRANSPORT MECHANISM MUST BE EMPTIED MANUALLY - Gripper has to be emptied manually.

TROUBLE IN DEVICE SERVO - In a Digital Sony deck the VTR protocol returned the servo alarm bit set in the extended status.

TROUBLE WITH OUTPORT - PLEASE CHECK - On those cart machines that have an I/O port, attempting to put a tape into the I/O port failed because of a hardware problem with the I/O port.

UNABLE TO ASSIGN HEAD - Using the system resource assignment event, the device that was to be assigned to the list could not be assigned.

UNABLE TO RELEASE HEAD - Using the system resource assignment event, the device that was to be released from the list could not be released.

UNKNOWN MARC ERROR - Unknown MARC cart machine problem.

UNKNOWN RESPONSE FROM CART <Error Code> - Undefined problem from the LMS cart machine.

UNKNOWN THREAD ERROR - <Error Code> - A Sony Cart returned an unknown Macro completion code when the threading of a tape into a VTR failed.

USERBITS NOT VALID, DEVICE NOT SET TO EJECT - A VTR was set to keep the tape even if an eject was issued, but the userbit associated with the tape was not valid.

VENUS NOT LOCKED TO TIMECODE - Venus doesn't get any timecode.

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VIDEO DATA ERROR LEVEL NO GOOD - ID: <ID> <Time Code> - In a Digital Sony deck the VTR protocol returned back an Video Data error. The SOM of the error code will indicate where on the tape the error occurred.

VIDEO READ AFTER WRITE NO GOOD - ID: <ID> <Time Code> - In a Digital Sony deck the VTR protocol returned back an Video Raw Verify error. The SOM of the error code will indicate where on the tape the error occurred.

VTR COMMAND TIMEOUT - The VTR command wasn't made on time.

VTR EJECT FAILURE - CHECK FOR JAM - <Error Code> - The VTR did not eject the tape when requested.

VTR ERROR number<Bin Number> - Problem with a tape between the VTR and the bin of the cart.

VTR PROBLEM - CHECK FOR JAM - <Error Code> - A VTR in a cart machine had a failure and is off-line.

VTR STATUS : <Bin Number> - <Bin Number> - Status of the VTR returned to the device server.

WARNING-SPOT SHORTER THAN SCHEDULED: <ID> - The spot in the video server is too short to play well the next event.

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Operations and Installation

Appendix D

Appendix D

System Timing

The purpose of this section is to provide a step-by-step guide to system timing to ensure frame accurate operation of the ADC system.

If a customer says that his Video Server is playing out several frames late and needs to adjust the

"number of frames to send play early" parameter, the cause is likely to be the frame inaccuracy of the source VTR or the latency of the router. The following process will ensure the frame accuracy of the source VTR, the router and the Video Server.


For all tests, a record capable VTR not under automation control is required. This VTR should be fed with time-of-day timecode from the same source as the Device Server. The VTR should be set to external timecode generation. This ensures that any recording made with this VTR will have time-of-day timecode embedded in the recording.

The video input to the record VTR should be an output of the router. Temporarily configure the A/V routing tables so that the switch-only device (see below) and the playback VTR are both switched to the same destination on the router - the input to the record VTR.

Verify the source VTR and router's accuracy

Steps 1 and 2 may be done simultaneously.

1. Set the list pre-roll for 5 seconds. This ensures that the VTR is frame accurate. All Media Lists and

GMT Lists that use VTRs or cart machines as sources should have their pre-roll set to 5 seconds to allow VTRs to get up to speed.

2. Prepare a test playlist similar to the one below (Fig. 1). The essential elements are a VTR event sandwiched between two switch-only events. The VTR’s timecode window superimposed output must be sent to the router input for this VTR. The SOM of the tape should be to the nearest 10 seconds, as should the hard start time. In an NTSC drop frame environment, avoid a start time at zero seconds, zero frames.

3. Start the recording VTR. Roll the test playlist and allow the three events to play out.

Validating Frame Accuracy

Once the recording has completed, two things may be checked.

1. First, check that the VTR was playing frame-accurately. Rewind the recording to any section of the

VTR event. The seconds and frames in the timecode window on the monitor should be the same as the seconds and frames displayed on the VTR which has performed the recording.

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If they are not, then adjust the playback VTR's Edit Compensation: "Sync Adjust" parameter.

2. Next, the frame accuracy of the router may be checked. The first frame of video from the VTR event should end in x0:00 and the last frame should be x9:24 (for PAL) or x9:29 (for NTSC). If these values are incorrect, the latency of the router needs to be adjusted. For example, if the first frame is x0:02 and the last frame is x0:01 the router is switching two frames late.

Latency > Switcher Latency: Adjust the router's latency to –2 frames and repeat the test.

Verify the Video Servers' accuracy

Now that the source VTR and router have been verified to be frame accurate, the Video Server's record and playout ports can be checked.

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1. Using either GMT or the Media Client, configure the playback VTR used above as the source device.

Again, use a list pre-roll of 5 seconds to ensure that the source device behaves consistently. Ideally, the same 10-second clip should be used along with the superimposed output of the source VTR as before.

2. Autocopy (using the Media Client) or allow GMT to record the clip to the Video Server being tested.

3. Once the clip has been recorded, a playlist similar to the list created earlier should be prepared, but with the playback VTR replaced with the playback Video Server port. Make a recording of the three playout events as before.

Again, the playback of the recorded sequence will determine two things – the frame accuracy of the recording and of the playback.

4. That the seconds and frames of the timecode of both the timecode window and VTR timecode display are synchronized does not necessarily mean that all is well. This could mean that the recording is a frame late and the playback is a frame early. Shuttle to the start of the Video Server clip.

5. Is the first frame the correct frame with a timecode of x0:00? Shuttle to the end of the Video Server clip. Is the last frame x9:24 (for PAL) or x9:29 (for NTSC)? If the answer to both is yes then the system is correctly timed. If the answer to either is no or the seconds and frames are not synchronized, then a timing adjustment needs to be made.

6. Ensure that the recording will be frame accurate by playing back the clip from the Video Server with no events before or after it. In addition, switch the Video Server output to the recording VTR before this event is run to ensure that no crosspoint switching is occurring. This does not need to be a hard start event but does need to be recorded on the VTR.

7. Is the first frame x0:00 and the last x0:24 or x0:29? If not, the recording is not frame accurate and the "number of frames to send record early" parameter should be adjusted accordingly on the Video

Server's record port.

8. Once this timing is correct, repeat the test with two switch-only events either side of the Video

Server event.

9. Any error in this test will therefore be in the playback. This may be remedied by adjusting the number of "Frames to Send Play Early" parameter on the playout port of the Video Server.

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Appendix E

Appendix E

Tips and Good Habits

Following these guidelines will help ensure more trouble-free operation in your daily use in your day-to-day use of the system. It is imperative that good habits be established from the start with your new automation system. The two most important of these "Good Habit" tips are explained below.

1. Fix Before You Append.

Make sure you ALWAYS fix any errors on the playlist BEFORE the list file is appended. The workflow needs to be adjusted (if it isn’t already) to accommodate someone taking 10 – 20 minutes (eventually it will be this fast!, or even faster) to open, check, fix and SAVE the playlist file, the night before, right before the append step.

Why is this so important? There are critical errors that may appear on a playlist that may stop the list or (in very rare cases) cause for list corruption so these checked for/corrected BEFORE a list is appended. When a list is appended, the list file is added to the active RAM of the device server. If the Traffic system, or translator somehow had a glitch or other problem when creating the playlist file, the file may contain corruption. If this corruption is added to the active transmission list your playlist may hang or stop, or even worse, your device server may crash taking all your active transmission lists off the air, and stopping your Record Lists as well.

When a new list comes in from Traffic, it should ALWAYS be opened in the Playlist Editor

(File/Open Playlist) FIRST and should be checked for any common housekeeping type errors, then SAVED. Recurring errors should not happen very often. Going forward it is important that

Master Control work with Traffic and with Automation Support to get these "repeat offender" type recurring errors to stop appearing on the logs. Remember, once Traffic has something in their formats correctly, and the Translator is tweaked accordingly, repeat errors will end up a thing of the past, and a rarity. And, at this point the editing/fixing of tomorrow’s playlist will go from taking over an hour to fix, to taking only a mere 5-15 minutes to check, fix and save.

A pre-fixed list is also important so that if you have a problem and need to reload the transmission list, then your changes will have been saved.

Active transmission list editing should be reserved for last-minute write in log changes or other routine day-of-air adjustments. A "race against the clock" type model for fixing playlist errors should be avoided as this will significantly increase the likelihood of causing list corruption, and not to mention risk incorrect content airing and increase the chances of critical problems being missed outright and air being compromised as a result.

Note: ANY LAST-MINUTE or write-in type changes that need to be done on the active list should always be done at a point where the list is not transitioning through spots. In other words, avoid

REVISE mode on an active list while transitioning (in a break, etc) when possible.

2. Avoid Recycling Numbers/Stay On Top Of Purging Content.

Avoid recycling numbers, or stay on top of purging the database records and content associated with recycled numbers. It is recommended that the reuse of numbers is avoided if at all possible. If this is not possible (Traffic limitation) then there are a few steps below that should be taken to avoid major on-air problems…

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Appendix E

Get in the habit of always incorporating the intended air date in the title field of all recurring shows; example – "Judge Judy" as "Judge Judy FR8/24" and use this logic for episodic/topical promos as well – "MON 11p topical" as MON 8/27 Topical"

The second, equally important step is to have a few people stay on top of purging this old content at least once or twice a week. If old content is not purged from the system then the feed for the next episode of the same number will stay red and will not record. If content is not purged completely (from both database and server) then old content may accidentally re-air, or new content may attempt to air with the timecode values and durations from last week’s show.

© 2017 Imagine Communications Corp. Proprietary and Confidential. 5/25/2017 | Page 324

ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation

Appendix F

Appendix F

About AFD Codes

The following information is provided for background reference. AFD codes are valid in baseband SDI and DVB/ATSC transport streams.

SP is ‘shoot and protect’. It protects the centre 14:9 region in a 4:3 original. These are ADF codes 13 to 16.

TA is’ Top Aligned’ and is AFD code 2 and 3. These are not recommended for ASI transport streams used in the American ATSC standard. (This is the US equivalent of Freeview)




ETSI: reserved; ATSC: undefined






8 reserved

ETSI: 16:9 active picture (top aligned); ATSC: "not recommended"

ETSI: 14:9 active picture (top aligned); ATSC: "not recommended"

ETSI: box > 16:9 (center): wider than 16:9 active picture. The aspect ratio of the source area is not given, and the size of the top/bottom bars is not indicated.

ATSC: bar data (indicating the extent of top, bottom, left, and right bars) should be transmitted when using this code. reserved

Full Frame image, same as the frame (4:3 or 16:9).








4:3 Image: Full Frame in 4:3 frame, Pillarbox in 16:9 frame.

16:9 Image: Letterbox in 4:3 frame, Full Frame in 16:9 frame.

14:9 Pillarbox/Letterbox image. unused

4:3 with shoot and protect 14:9 centre. The term "shoot and protect" is not explained in the standard, but means that the areas above and below the central 14:9 region of the

4:3 active picture can be trimmed without losing important detail.

16:9 with shoot and protect 14:9 centre. Here, the areas to the right and left of the central 14:9 region of the 16:9 active picture can be trimmed without losing important detail.

16:9 with shoot and protect 4:3 centre. Here, the areas to the right and left of the central 4:3 region of the 16:9 active picture can be trimmed without losing important detail.

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ADC™ Air Client

Operations and Installation Appendix F

Mapping Abbreviations to AFD code values

The following image illustrates mapping abbreviations to AFD code values.

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Key Features

  • On-Air Playback
  • Playlist Management
  • Event Management
  • Device Control
  • Error Management

Frequently Answers and Questions

What are the minimum system requirements for Air Client v4.26.62?
The minimum system requirements are listed in the document.
How do I connect to a Device Server using Air Client v4.26.62?
The steps to connect to a Device Server are explained in the document.
How do I build a playlist in Air Client v4.26.62?
The document includes a section on building and managing playlists.
How do I run a transmission list in Air Client v4.26.62?
The document provides instructions on running transmission lists.
What are the different error messages that can occur in Air Client v4.26.62?
The document details various error messages and how to troubleshoot them.

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