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- 1.3.3
- Installation Guide
- 68 Pages
IBM 1.3.3 Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Installation Guide
Below you will find brief information for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3. Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3 is a real-time performance analysis software for business services. Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3 eliminates manual threshold and baseline configuration by providing a self-learning capability. By analyzing data from various sources and integrating with existing monitoring products, Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3 learns the normal behavior of a business service and creates a performance model. When Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3 detects or forecasts anomalous behavior, an alarm is generated.
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IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3
Installation Guide
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2011, 2015.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Chapter 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2. Preparing to install . . . . . 3
Checking the installation prerequisites
Configuring fully qualified domain names for servers 5
Installing KSH and required libraries for Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights .
Installing the prerequisite software .
Chapter 3. Installing Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights. . . . . 27
Selecting user accounts to install components .
Creating the installation directory .
Setting the JAVA_HOME variable .
Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights on a single server .
Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights on multiple servers .
Installation order for a distributed installation .
Post-installation - System status .
Installing the Mediation tool on Windows .
Chapter 4. Uninstalling Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights. . . . . 49
Uninstalling Operations Analytics - Predictive
Integrated Portal to Dashboard
Application Services Hub. . . . . . . 51
Chapter 6. Installation log files . . . . 53
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2015
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
The purpose of this guide is to help you install Operations Analytics - Predictive
After completing all steps documented in this guide, you will have a set of running Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components ready to configure into a fully functional system.
The audience for this manual is the network administrator or operations specialist responsible for installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
To install Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights successfully, a basic knowledge of the following is required: v Administration of the Linux operating system.
v Administration of IBM InfoSphere Streams.
v Administration of the DB2 database management system.
v Administration of OMNIbus and OMNIbus WebGUI.
v Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights consists of four main components.
The IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components are: v The Database component : is used to store configuration data, metadata and metric data.
v The Analytic component : performs data mediation and processes incoming data to discover any anomalies that are present.
v The UI component : presents any discovered anomalies through the IBM
Dashboard Application Services Hub application or the IBM Tivoli Integrated
Portal application.
v The Mediation tool : is used to configure a data source and the data model that
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights will monitor.
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights documentation includes the following guides: v Release notes v Installation Guide v Upgrade Guide v Administration Guide v Error Messages Guide
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2015
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Chapter 1. Introduction
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights is real-time performance analysis software for business services.
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights eliminates manual threshold and baseline configuration by providing a self-learning capability.
By analyzing data from various sources and integrating with existing monitoring products, Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights learns the normal behavior of a business service and creates a performance model. When Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights detects or forecasts anomalous behavior, an alarm is generated.
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights offers out-of-the-box integration with
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights system has four main components: v The Database component : is used to store configuration data, metadata and metric data.
v The Analytic component : performs data mediation and processes incoming data to discover any anomalies that are present.
v The UI component : presents any discovered anomalies through the IBM
Dashboard Application Services Hub application or the IBM Tivoli Integrated
Portal application.
v The Mediation tool : is used to configure a data source and the data model that
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights will monitor.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2015
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
Before you begin installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights, you must complete a series of tasks to prepare your system.
Checking the installation prerequisites
Run the prereq_scanner.sh script to check various installation prerequisites for
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
Before you begin
If you want to run the prerequisite scanner as a non-root user, enter the following command to add the /usr/sbin directory to the path variable so the Linux mount, swapinfo , and psrinfo commands are available to the script: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin
About this task
The prereq_scanner.sh script completes the following system validation checks: v System: Checks that all system resources such as CPU, memory, free disk space, and operating system flavor and version meet the requirements to run
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights. The script checks that your system meets the minimum requirements to run Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights. For information on the additional system requirements to size
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights for a specific number of KPIs, see
Hardware sizing in the Performance and Sizing wiki v Libraries and packages: Ensures that the required packages for Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights and its prerequisites are installed in the correct location.
v Software: Checks that the correct version of DB2 is installed.
Change to the directory that contains the prereq_scanner.sh script in one of the following locations: v
The predictiveInsightsInstaller1.3.3 directory within the directory where you downloaded and extracted Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights v $PI_HOME after you install Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
To run the prerequisite scanner, type:
Enter the corresponding number to check the prerequisites for the specific component or components that you wish to install on the server.
Checks prerequisites for:
The database component only
The analytics component only
The UI component running in a Dashboard
Application Services Hub environment.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2015
Checks prerequisites for:
The UI component running in a Tivoli
Integrated Portal environment.
The database, analytics, and UI components in a Dashboard Application Services Hub environment.
That database, analytics, and UI components in a Tivoli Integrated Portal environment.
The prerequisite scanner logs the scan activity to a precheck.log file and writes the results of the scan to the result.txt file. Possible results are as follows:
Table 1. Prerequisite scanner results
If the target server meets all the prerequisites, the script returns a pass for the prerequisite check.
If the target server does not meet one or more of the prerequisites with a warning severity level, the script returns an overall warning results for the prerequisite check. With a warning result, you can complete the installation of Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights, but the performance or operation of the system may be affected.
Therefore, it is recommended that you take action to resolve the items with a warning status before you start the installation.
If the target server does not meet the prerequisites, the script returns fail for the prerequisite check. To resolve the failure, take the appropriate actions, for example, install the missing operating system packages, increase disk space, modify the configuration settings and so on.
Adding the required users
Create users for the installation of Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights and its prerequisites.
About this task
When installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights on a single server, you can use a single user account to install the system requirements and the Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights components, or you can use multiple accounts. This section assumes that, at a minimum, you will use the following two accounts: v db2inst1 to install and administer DB2.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
v scadmin to install the other system requirements and Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights.
The db2inst1 user must be created on the server on which you install DB2. The scadmin user must be created on all servers on which Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights components will be installed, and also on the database server.
As root user on the database server and on the analytics server, add the user account scadmin.
The following are the commands that are required to create this user: groupadd scadmin useradd -g scadmin -d /home/scadmin -s /bin/bash scadmin passwd scadmin
As user root on the database server, create an OS user within the relevant group.
groupadd db2iadm1 useradd -g db2iadm1 -d /home/db2inst1 -s /bin/bash db2inst1 passwd db2inst1
As root user on the database server, add the existing scadmin user to the same primary group as the DB2
® instance owner, by default this user is db2inst1.
For example, add the user scadmin to the group db2iadm1.
usermod -G scadmin,db2iadm1 scadmin
On the database server, add the following source command into the
file: if [ -f /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile ]; then
. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile fi
The commands assume two things: v db2inst1 is the DB2 instance owner.
v /home/db2inst1 is the home area of the DB2 instance owner v DB2 is installed in the /home/db2inst1/sqllib directory
Configuring fully qualified domain names for servers
Before you start the installation, ensure that each server that is to host an
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component has a fully qualified domain name.
Also, ensure that the host entry in each server's /etc/hosts file is in the following format:
<ip-address> <fully qualified domain name> <short host name>
Do not install Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights on a server that has an underscore (_) character in its host or domain name. The host name and domain name must conform to the name requirements described in Internet
Official Protocol Standards RFC 952:
A "name" (Net, Host, Gateway, or Domain name) is a text string up to 24 characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus sign (-), and period (.).
Note that periods are only allowed when they serve to delimit components of "domain style names".
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
Setting ulimits
Setting the ulimits for your Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights system.
As root, create a file named /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf and add the following lines:
* soft hard nproc nproc
As root, create a file named /etc/security/limits.d/91-nofile.conf and add the following lines:
* soft hard nofile nofile
Add the following lines to the .bashrc file of the owner of the Analytics component (typically scadmin), so that each new shell that user opens has these updated settings.
ulimit -u 100000 ulimit -n 100000
Installing KSH and required libraries for Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights requires the installation of KSH and some libraries.
Before you begin
This is not a statement of the libraries required by the Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights pre-requirements, that is, DB2, InfoSphere Streams, and
Netcool/OMNIbus. To find the required libraries for these products, you must run the product-specific dependency checker scripting or check the product-specific documentation.
About this task
The Analytics server requires the following packages: v 64-bit packages:
– atlas
– compat-libgfortran-41
– lapack
– blas
– glibc-devel
The Database server requires the following packages: v 64-bit packages:
– dapl
– sg3_utils
The following packages are required on all servers in the topology: v Packages:
– compat-libstdc++-33
– libstdc++
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
– compat-libstdc++-33.i686
– libstdc++.i686
KSH is also a software requirement.
For each required library enter the command, yum install, followed by the name of that library.
If you see this error from yum when installing the 32-bit libstdc++ libraries:
Error: Protected multilib versions: libstdc++
Then run yum update libstdc++ and re-try the install.
If KSH is not on your system, install it as follows: yum install ksh
Installing the prerequisite software
The version numbers of the prerequisite software and the order of installation.
To ensure that you install the correct versions of the prerequisite software, download and install the following products. For more information, see
Downloading Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Table 2. eAssembly numbers for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights and its prerequisites
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights V1.3.3 Multiplatform
English eAssembly
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights OMNIbus Components
V1.3 Linux English eAssembly
eAssembly part number
Prerequisite Versions
The following table lists the versions of the prerequisite software required if you want to use Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights with Dashboard Application
Services Hub.
Table 3. Prerequisite Versions for Dashboard Application Services Hub
IBM DB2 Workgroup Server Edition
IBM InfoSphere Streams
IBM Jazz for Service Management
IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Core
IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI
IBM Websphere
10.5 FP3
3.2 and patch
8.1 FP2 *
8.1 FP2 *
* FP2 is optional but is the recommended version.
The following table lists the versions of the prerequisite software required if you want to use Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights with Tivoli Integrated Portal.
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
Table 4. Prerequisite Versions for Tivoli Integrated Portal
IBM DB2 Workgroup Server Edition
IBM InfoSphere Streams
IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Core
IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI
10.5 FP3
7.4 FP4 *
* FP4 is optional but is the recommended version.
Installation Order
You must install the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights prerequisite software in the following order:
IBM DB2 Workgroup Server Edition 10.5 FP3
IBM InfoSphere
Streams 3.2
IBM Jazz for Service Managment After installation, this must be updated to IBM Jazz for Service Management
IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Core 8.1
IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI 8.1
If Netcool/OMNIbus is already installed, it is recommended that you create a new instance for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
The order of installation is the same for a single server installation or multi-server installation.
DB2 is a requirement of Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
Document caveat
This installation guide provides a shortened version of the DB2 installation process.
It must be noted the installation process prescribed in this documentation is not meant to replace the product-specific documentation. The installation process here contained for DB2 has been provided for the convenience of the end-user and should only be used if: v You are performing a basic install of DB2, accepting all the default options.
v You are performing a trial installation of the Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights product.
You must consult the official DB2 documentation if: v You intend to use extra options or steps that are not the default as described in this document.
v You intend to install multiple instances of the required product
The official and complete IBM DB2 Installation instructions and release notes are available in the DB2 Knowledge Center.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Instructions on installing IBM DB2 using a response file are available in the DB2
Knowledge Center section: Installing a DB2 database product using a response file.
Install processes
The following are the two options for DB2 installation covered in this document: v Install DB2 as non-root v Install DB2 as root
Both of these options are covered in the following sections, only one of these options is to be pursued.
Information required for Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installation
The installation process for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights requires that you have your DB2 installation information at the ready.
The following table lists the DB2 information items that the Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights installer requests as you pursue the installation process. It is a good practice to make note of all listed items as you install the DB2 database.
Table 5. DB2 details required by Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Information item
DB2 instance user name
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Database name
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Database server port number
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Database host
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Database user
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Database user password
Current host scadmin
Installing DB2 as non-root
DB2 is a requirement of Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
Before you begin
Verify your operating system user process resource limits (ulimits). If the minimum ulimit values are not met, the DB2 engine can encounter unexpected operating resource shortage errors. These errors can lead to a DB2 database system outage.
See the section Operating system user limit requirements (Linux and UNIX) in the DB2 Knowledge Center for details of the recommended ulimit values.
About this task
The DB2 installer automatically creates and configures a non-root instance during a non-root installation. As a non-root user, you can customize the configuration of the non-root instance during the installation. You can also use and maintain the
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
installed DB2 database product without root privileges. The non-root installation of a DB2 database product has one DB2 instance with most features enabled by default.
A non-root installation can be useful for: v Enterprises that have thousands of workstations and users who want to install a
DB2 database product without consuming a system administrator's time v Application developers who are not typically system administrators but use DB2 database products to develop applications v Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) who develop software that does not require root user authority yet embeds a DB2 database product
After you install DB2 as a non-root user, it has most of the functions that are available when you install it as a root user. However, there are some differences and limitations. You must remove some of the limitations by running the db2rfe command as a root user.
Before you install any DB2 database product as a non-root user, be aware of the differences between root installations and non-root installations, and the limitations of non-root installations. For more information on non-root installation, see
Installing DB2 database servers as a non-root user in the DB2 Knowledge Center.
The following tasks are described in order to allow you install DB2 as a non-root user:
Prepare for DB2 installation by installing the required libraries.
Install DB2 using the non-root user account.
Enabling root-based features in non-root installations with db2rfe
If your DB2 installation connection has problems, runs some checks to verify your installation.
Prepare for DB2 installation as non-root:
You must create the non-root user to carry out the installation of DB2 and add the required files.
About this task
DB2 can be installed as a non-root user. The ongoing management of DB2 is done as the DB2 instance owner. Typically the DB2 instance owner is db2inst1.
For more information on DB2 installation prerequisites, see Operating system user
limit requirements (Linux and UNIX) in the DB2 Knowledge Center.
As db2inst1, copy the DB2 installation software to the directory in which you want to extract it.
Change the permissions on the folder, if necessary, to be owned by db2inst1.
As db2inst1, extract the DB2 installation software.
For example: tar zxvf DB2_10.5.0.3_limited_Lnx_x86-64.tar.gz
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
The package filename is correct for DB2 installation version IBM DB2
Workgroup Server Edition 10.5 FP3
As db2inst1, change to the server_r directory and run the DB2 prerequisites checker script.
For example:
./db2prereqcheck -v
You can ignore alerts in relation to the following: v /lib/libpam.so* v rdma v InfiniBand v modprobe.conf
v OpenSSH v log_mtts_per_seg
As root, install any packages that are called out as problems by the db2prereqcheck script.
For example: yum install dapl yum install sg3_utils
Check if SELINUX is enabled, and if so disable it.
For example: vi /etc/selinux/config
Restart the server if the SELINUX setting was changed.
Modify the kernel parameters as described in the section, Modifying kernel
parameters (Linux) of the DB2 Knowledge Center
DB2 installation as non-root:
Install DB2 as the non-root user db2inst1.
Before you begin
Verify your operating system user process resource limits (ulimits). If the minimum ulimit values are not met, the DB2 engine can encounter unexpected operating resource shortage errors. These errors can lead to a DB2 database system outage.
See the section Operating system user limit requirements (Linux and UNIX) in the DB2 Knowledge Center for details of the recommended ulimit values.
Log in as the non-root user db2inst1.
Change to the directory containing the installation software.
For example: cd /home/db2inst1/server_r
As db2inst1, run the db2setup script:
Click Install a Product from the menu on the left of the screen.
Click Install New > DB2 Workgroup Server Edition version 10.5 Fix Pack 3.
Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation.
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
What to do next
The DB2 installation script prompts you to set up the DB2 instance environment.
The instructions on how to do this are output by the DB2 installation script. The steps are best pursued in a new command terminal.
Enable root-based features in non-root installations with db2rfe:
There are several features and abilities in non-root installations that are initially unavailable but which can be enabled by running a the db2rfe command.
About this task
There are further limitations on non-root installations that can be overcome by running the db2rfe command. The following features and abilities are initially unavailable in non-root installations: v Operating system-based authentication v The ability to reserve service names in the /etc/services file
To enable them, use the db2rfe_config_file.cfg available in the unpacked
To enable the features and abilities that are initially unavailable in non-root installations:
Unpack the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights software,
, if you have not already done so.
Navigate to the predictiveInsightsInstaller1.3.3 directory, that is within the directory in which you unpacked IOA_PI_1.3.3.tgz.
(Optional) Update the sample configuration file, db2rfe_config_file.cfg.
The configuration file is used as input to the db2rfe command. Only update the sample configuration file provided if you wish to enable more options than the default file enables.The sample configuration file enables: v Operating system-based authentication v The ability to reserve service names in the /etc/services file
If you wish to enable more options, perform the following steps: a.
Copy the sample configuration file, db2rfe_config_file.cfg, to a different location, for example, /home/db2inst1.
Consult DB2 documentation and update the configuration file as preferred.
Update the file as appropriate.
Stop DB2. As db2inst1, run: db2stop
End the server to client process: As db2inst1, run: db2 terminate
Log in with root user authority.
Navigate to the $HOME/sqllib/instance directory, where $HOME represent's the non-root user's home directory.
Run the db2rfe command referring to the sample or updated configuration file.
For example:
./db2rfe -f /home/db2inst1/db2rfe_config_file.cfg
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Where: v db2rfe_config_file.cfg
is the configuration file provided in the
v /home/db2inst1 is the directory to which you copied db2rfe_config_file.cfg
. If you copied this to another directory, please update the command syntax to refer to your chosen directory.
DB2 post installation tasks:
Configure your DB2 installation so that it is running correctly.
Stop DB2. As db2inst1, run: db2stop
End the server to client process: As db2inst1, run: db2 terminate
If the port is closed you may need to disable iptables on the DB2 server.
As root, run the following commands: service iptables stop
/sbin/chkconfig --del iptables
Check DB config to ensure SVCENAME is correct.
Run the following command as db2inst1: db2 get dbm cfg | grep SVCENAME
If SVCENAME does not match "db2c_db2inst1" then update using the following command: db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME db2c_db2inst1
Verify SVCENAME, as seen in step 4, exists for correct port in /etc/services file. If not then append it to /etc/services file.
db2c_db2inst1 50000/tcp
Ensure the communication protocols for DB2 instance uses TCPIP.
As db2inst1, run: db2set DB2COMM=tcpip
Start DB2:
As DB2inst1 run command: db2start
What to do next
See the section Verifying the installation using the command line processor (CLP) in the
DB2 Knowledge Center to confirm that DB2 was installed correctly.
Installing DB2 as root
DB2 is a requirement of Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
About this task
DB2 can be installed as root. The ongoing management of DB2 is done as the DB2 instance owner. Typically the DB2 instance owner is db2inst1.
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
Copy the DB2 installation software to the directory in which you want to extract it.
Extract the DB2 installation software.
For example: tar zxf DB2_10.5.0.3_limited_Lnx_x86-64.tar.gz
The package filename is correct for DB2 installation version IBM DB2
Workgroup Server Edition 10.5 FP3
Change to the server_r directory and run the DB2 prerequisites checker script.
For example:
./db2prereqcheck -v
You can ignore alerts in relation to the following: v /lib/libpam.so* v rdma v InfiniBand v modprobe.conf
Install any packages that are called out as problems by the db2prereqcheck script.
For example: yum install dapl yum install sg3_utils
Check if SELINUX is enabled, and if so disable it.
For example: vi /etc/selinux/config
Restart if the SELINUX setting was changed.
Modify the kernel parameters as described in the DB2 documentation,
Modifying kernel parameters (Linux)
Change to the directory containing the installation software.
For example: cd /home/db2inst1/server_r
Run the db2setup script:
This command opens the DB2 installation wizard and therefore must be run from a suitable XTERM or VNC window.
Click Install a product from the set of options displayed.
Click Install New > DB2 Version 10.5 Fix Pack 3 Workgroup, Enterprise and
Advanced Editions
Accept the defaults in the installation wizard until you are prompted to set user information for the DB2 instance owner. To set the DB instance owner, click the Existing user radio button and enter db2inst1. Follow the remainder of the wizard to complete the installation.
Make note of any users and passwords that you specified.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
InfoSphere Streams
InfoSphere Streams is a requirement of Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
Infosphere Streams versions
The following versions of Infosphere Streams are supplied with Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3: v Infosphere Streams 3.2
v Infosphere Streams 4.0.0
When you are deciding which version of Infosphere Streams to install, consider whether you can use SSH in your environment. It is mandatory to use SSH with
Infosphere Streams 3.2, whereas SSH use is optional with Infosphere Streams 4.0.0.
It is recommended that you install Infosphere Streams 3.2 unless you are unable to use SSH in your environment.
Document caveat
This installation guide provides a shortened version of the InfoSphere Streams installation process.
The installation process that is described in this documentation is not meant to replace the product-specific documentation. You can follow this installation procedure if: v You are completing a basic installation of InfoSphere Streams, accepting all the default options.
v You are completing a trial installation of the Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights product.
You must consult the official InfoSphere Streams documentation if: v You intend to use extra options or steps that are not the default as described in this document.
v You intend to install multiple instances of the required product
The official and complete installation and administration information for IBM
InfoSphere Streams can be found in the IBM InfoSphere Streams Knowledge
Console Installation of IBM InfoSphere Stream can be found in the IBM InfoSphere
Streams Knowledge Center section: Installing InfoSphere Streams.
Information required for Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installation
The installation process for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights requires that you have your InfoSphere Streams install information at the ready.
The following table lists the InfoSphere Streams information items that the
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights installer requests as you pursue the installation process. It is a good practice to make note of the required InfoSphere
Streams installation information.
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
Table 6. InfoSphere Streams details required by the Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installer
Information item Default
InfoSphere Streams user
InfoSphere Streams user password
InfoSphere Streams installation location scadmin
Installing InfoSphere Streams 3.2
Installing InfoSphere Streams 3.2 for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
Before you begin
As root, edit the /etc/selinux/config file to set SELinux to disabled.
A change to this policy requires a restart of the Linux VM/Server
See the section “Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) for IBM InfoSphere
Streams” contained in the IBM InfoSphere Streams Knowledge Center.
Ensure the user that is being used to install InfoSphere Streams has executable permissions on the /tmp, /opt, and /home file systems.
Ensure that su from the root user does not require that you enter a password.
Check the /etc/hosts file to make sure that the server name is not on the same line as the loop back address.
For example, if you have an address that looks like: localhost.localdomain localhost <server_name>
Then, remove the server name so that it looks like: localhost.localdomain localhost
You must not remove the loopback address.
Enter the following command to check that the sshd service is running: service sshd status
If the sshd service is not running, enter the following command to start it: service sshd start
Ensure that the user that you will use to complete the installation, for example, scadmin, has full permissions on the InfoSphere Streams installation software.
Change to the scadmin user, for example: su - scadmin
Extract the InfoSphere Streams installation software, for example: tar zxvf Streams-
Change to the directory in which you unpacked the InfoSphere Streams installation software and as scadmin use the InfoSphere Streams dependency checker: cd <streams_unpack_folder>
You may receive an alert indicating that the perl-XML-Simple file is missing. If so, you can find the file in the <streams_unpack_folder>/rpm directory.
To install a missing rpm, run the following command: yum install <rpm_name>.rpm
To install any missing packages, run the following command: yum install <package_name>
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
If root user permissions are required to install missing files, make sure that you switch back to your InfoSphere Streams user, scadmin, after you complete the installation.
Run the installer as scadmin: cd <streams_unpack_folder>
Accept all default values presented during setup. When the installation is complete the Postinstallation Tasks dialog is displayed, which lists the set of initial configuration tasks for InfoSphere Streams.
Run the following tasks only from the First Steps: v Configure the SSH environment v Generate public and private keys v Verify the Installation
If the dialog does not open or must be reopened change to the directory
<streams_unpack_folder> and run FirstSteps.sh, for example: cd /home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams
Add the following line to the .bashrc file for scadmin: if [ -f /home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams/bin/streamsprofile.sh ]; then
. /home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams/bin/streamsprofile.sh
If you did not install InfoSphere Streams in the default location,
/home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams , enter the actual path to your installation in the .bashrc file.
Save and source the file:
. ~/.bashrc
Ensure the version of Java that comes with InfoSphere Streams is the one that is used at run time: a.
Update the JAVA_HOME and PATH to match the new Java.
For example:
JAVA_HOME=/home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams/java export PATH JAVA_HOME
Substitute the directory path if you installed InfoSphere Streams to a different location.
Add the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables to the ~scadmin/.bashrc and
Modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH by adding the following line to the ~scadmin/.bashrc
file: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib
Installing InfoSphere Streams 4.0.0
Installing InfoSphere Streams 4.0.0 for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights. It is recommended that you install InfoSphere Streams 4.0.0 only if you cannot use
SSH, which is mandatory with InfoSphere Streams 3.2.
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
Before you begin
As root, edit the /etc/selinux/config file to set SELinux to disabled.
A change to this policy requires a restart of the Linux VM/Server
See the section “Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) for IBM InfoSphere
Streams” contained in the IBM InfoSphere Streams Knowledge Center.
Ensure the user that is being used to install InfoSphere Streams has executable permissions on the /tmp, /opt, and /home file systems.
Ensure that su from the root user does not require that you enter a password.
Check the /etc/hosts file to make sure that the server name is not on the same line as the loop back address.
For example, if you have an address that looks like: localhost.localdomain localhost <server_name>
Then, remove the server name so that it looks like: localhost.localdomain localhost
You must not remove the loopback address.
Ensure that the user that you will use to complete the installation, for example, scadmin
, has full permissions on the InfoSphere Streams installation software.
Change to the scadmin user, for example: su - scadmin
Extract the InfoSphere Streams installation software, for example: tar zxvf IS_STRM_4.0.0_RHEL6_EN.tar.gz
Change to the directory in which you unpacked the InfoSphere Streams installation software and run the InfoSphere Streams dependency checker: cd <streams_unpack_folder>
You may receive an alert indicating that the perl-XML-Simple file is missing. If so, you can find the file in the <streams_unpack_folder>/rpm directory.
To install a missing rpm, run the following command: yum install <rpm_name>.rpm
To install any missing packages, run the following command: yum install <package_name>
If root user permissions are required to install missing files, make sure that you switch back to your InfoSphere Streams user, scadmin, after you complete the installation.
Run the installer as scadmin: cd <streams_unpack_folder>
Accept all default values presented during setup.
When the installation is complete, the installer prompts you to open the
Domain Manager UI. You do not need to open the UI as the Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights start script, start.sh, creates a domain when it is run.
Add the following lines to the .bashrc file for scadmin: if [ -f /home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams/bin/streamsprofile.sh ]; then
. /home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams/bin/streamsprofile.sh
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
If you did not install InfoSphere Streams in the default location,
/home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams , enter the actual path to your installation in the .bashrc file.
Save and source the file:
. ~/.bashrc
Ensure the version of Java that comes with InfoSphere Streams is the one that is used at run time: a.
Update the JAVA_HOME and PATH to match the new Java.
For example:
JAVA_HOME=/home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams/java export PATH JAVA_HOME
Substitute the directory path if you installed InfoSphere Streams to a different location.
Add the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables to the ~scadmin/.bashrc and
To modify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, add the following line to the
file: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib
Jazz for Service Management
You must install IBM Java
™ for Service Management and patch it to IBM
Jazz for Service Management, unless you have already installed Tivoli
Integrated Portal with Omnibus WebGui 7.4.
You will need Dashboard Application Services Hub, which is bundled with Jazz for Service Management, to visualize the events generated by Operations Analytics
- Predictive Insights.
The installation process described in this section is a shortened version of the Jazz for Service Management installation. For information on how to install Jazz for
Service Management with more than just the default options please consult the official installation docs. To see the official installation documentation, navigate to the section entitled Installing Jazz for Service Management within the Jazz for Service
Management Knowledge Center and pursue all steps described.
Installing Jazz for Service Management
Instructions on how to install Jazz for Service Management so that it can be used with Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
Download and extract the required software The software required for the Jazz for Service Management integration with Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights is: v JAZZ_FOR_SM_1.1.0.3_FOR_LNX.zip
Extract both files to a directory on the server which you intend to install Jazz for Service Management.
Run the prerequisite scanner.
Navigate to the directory in which you extracted the Jazz for Service
Management zip file.
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
Run the command to start launchpad, for example:
Click Tools > IBM Prerequisite Scanner > Run d.
Resolve any failures in the following sections: v DSH - Dashboard Application Services Hub in JazzSM v ODP - Common prerequisites in JazzSM
You can ignore failures in other sections of the scanner output. For example: network.availablePorts.db2instance FAIL PortsInUse:631,6001,60001,5901,523... 50000 os.servicesTCPavailablePorts.db2instance FAIL PortsInUse:50000 50000
DBType FAIL DB2 DB2ShdNotBeInstalled
If you run the prerequisite scanner as a non-root user, you can ignore the following failure: user.isAdmin FAIL False True
Run the Jazz for Service Management installation.
Navigate to the directory in which you extracted the Jazz for Service
Management zip file.
Run the command to start launchpad, for example:
Click Tools > Installation Manager.
Enter the location of IBM WebSphere Application Server package repository.
For example, <EXTRACT_LOCATION>/WASRepository/disk1/diskTag.inf
Click Run.
When Installation Manager launches, click Install.
Install the following three packages v IBM WebSphere Application Server v Jazz for Service Management extensions for IBM WebSphere v IBM Dashboard Application Service Hub h.
Continue with the installation using Installation Manager until completion.
The JazzSM installer creates the required profile so you do not need to create a profile when prompted to do so at the end of the installation.
What to do next
After you have installed Jazz for Service Management, you must download and install the fix pack for Jazz for Service Management.
Download the IBM Jazz for Service Management patch installation files from IBM Support Fix Central.
To locate the fix pack: v Open IBM Support Fix Central.
v Enter Jazz for Service Management.
v Choose All versions and Linux in the remaining fields.
v Browse for fixes and select and download fix pack 1.1.1-TIV-JazzSMmulti.zip
and the readme file,
Follow the installation instructions in the readme file.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
When prompted select Core services in Jazz for Service Management
Package Group Name
and then follow instructions.
Information required for Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installation
The installation process for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights requires that you have your Jazz for Service Management install information at the ready.
The following table lists the Jazz for Service Management information items that the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights installer requests as you pursue the installation process. It is a good practice to make note of the required Jazz for
Service Management installation information.
Table 7. Jazz for Service Management details required by the Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights installer
Information item Default
Jazz for Service Management / Dashboard
Application Services Hub hostname
User name and password of Dashboard
Application Services Hub installer
Dashboard Application Services Hub installation location
Dashboard Application Services Hub profile user name and password
Netcool/OMNIbus is a required integration item for Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights.
Document caveat
This installation guide provides a shortened and more basic version of the
Netcool/OMNIbus installation process.
The installation process prescribed in this documentation is not meant to replace the product-specific, comprehensive Netcool/OMNIbus installation documentation. The installation process here contained for Netcool/OMNIbus has been provided for the convenience of the end-user and should only be used if: v You are performing a basic install of Netcool/OMNIbus, accepting all the default options.
v You are performing a trial installation of the Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights product.
You must consult the official Netcool/OMNIbus documentation if: v You intend to use extra options or steps that are not the default as described in this document.
v You intend to install multiple instances of the required product.
v You intend to pursue a silent, console or other installation type that is not the default as described in this document.
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
The official and complete Installation and administration information for
Netcool/OMNIbus can be found in the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Knowledge
Console installation instructions for Netcool/OMNIbus can be found in the Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus Knowledge Center section: Installing in console mode (UNIX and
Information required for Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installation
The installation process for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights requires that you have certain Netcool/OMNIbus and Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI installation information at the ready.
The following table lists the Netcool/OMNIbus and Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI information items that the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights installer will request as you pursue the installation process. It is a good practice to make note of all information items as you install Netcool/OMNIbus and Netcool/OMNIbus
Table 8. Netcool/OMNIbus and Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI details required by the
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights installer
Information item
OMNIbus server host name
OMNIbus server port number
OMNIbus Object Server name
OMNIbus admin user name
OMNIbus admin user password
Directory where WAAPI is installed
® host
NCOMS root
It is possible to leave this password as an empty string. Entering this password incorrectly is not flagged immediately within the Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installer, but results in certain components not installing correctly.
/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus_webgui/ waapi
Table 9. Tivoli Integrated Portal details required by the Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installer
Information item
Directory where Tivoli
® installed
Integrated Portal is
Tivoli Integrated Portal user name
Tivoli Integrated Portal user password
/opt/IBM/tivoli/tipv2 tipadmin
Installing the OMNIbus ObjectServer
The OMNIbus ObjectServer is the standard event management system that
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights can use.
Before you begin
Download and install the OMNIbus prerequisite scanner to make sure you have all the OMNIbus requirements in place before you begin the installation.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
The prerequisite scanner can be downloaded from Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
Knowledge Center section IBM Prerequisite Scanner.
Run the prerequisite scanner to discover if there are any missing items that must be installed.
Install all packages which are marked as missing.
About this task
OMNIbus ObjectServer can be installed either by root or by a non-root user. If you choose to install as a non-root user, ensure the appropriate permissions on the install software and target location are given to the chosen non-root user. If you install as root, the ongoing management of OMNIbus must be done as root.
If your OMNIbus and your Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component are on the same server and owned by the same user, do not set the
NCHOME variable. This is in line with the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Knowledge
Center section Setting Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus environment variables (UNIX and
Linux). The NCHOME environment variable specifies the home location for Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus. Setting NCHOME may cause the probe to point to the wrong location and not run.
Copy the OMNIbus ObjectServer installation software, OMNIbus-v8.1-
, to an empty directory.
Extract the zip file: unzip OMNIbus-v8.1-Core.linux64.zip
The package filename is correct for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus Core 8.1.
Start the graphical user interface installation wizard:
Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation, selecting the default options.
When prompted, to choose which program to start, select None.
Copy the OMNIbus ObjectServer fix pack 2 installation software,
, to an empty directory.
Extract the zip file: unzip OMNIbus-v8.1-FP2-Core.linux64.zip
To install OMNIbus ObjectServer fix pack 2, first change to the Installation
Manager installation directory.
Use the following command to start the Installation Manager wizard:
In the main Installation Manager window, click File->Preferences-
>Repositories and add a repository that points to the directory in which you unzipped fix pack 2.
In the main Installation Manager window, click Update.
Follow the installation wizard instructions to complete the installation of fix pack 2.
What to do next
After you have completed the installation, use the following command to test if all prerequisites are met for the OMNIbus ObjectServer:
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
ldd /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/platform/linux2x86/bin*/nco* | grep "not found"
To make that ldd command resolve all dependent libraries, set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (both in current shell and in ~/.bashrc).
The following is an example of how this might be done: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:/lib64:/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/platform/linux2x86/lib64:
Install any prerequisites that are identified as missing.
Configuring the OMNIbus ObjectServer
When the Omnibus initial installation is complete and before you install OMNIbus
WebGUI, you must configure the ObjectServer.
Change to the directory /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/etc.
Make a copy of the omni.dat file.
For example, run the commend mv omni.dat omni.dat.ORIG
Run the command: sed s/omnihost/<yourObjServHost>/g omni.dat.ORIG > omni.dat
Change to the directory /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/bin.
Run the command:
./nco_igen -out /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/etc/interfaces
Change to the directory /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/bin.
Run the following commands:
Configuration of the OMNIbus ObjectServer is now complete and it is ready to be started
Starting the OMNIbus ObjectServer
When the Omnibus initial installation is complete and before you install OMNIbus
WebGUI, you must start the ObjectServer.
Change to the directory /opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool/omnibus/bin.
Run the following commands: nohup ./nco_objserv &
Confirm the ObjectServer is running:
./nco_sql -user root
If your OMNIbus root user password is blank, press return after entering root .
If the login worked OK, then this is enough to validate the Objectserver is running. Enter 'quit' to exit.
Installing OMNIbus WebGUI
OMNIbus WebGUI is a set of visualization tools for OMNIbus to allow for the monitoring and management of events.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
About this task
You must use the same user that was used to install Jazz for Service Management.
OMNIbus WebGUI must be installed by root or a non-root user. Ensure the appropriate permissions on the installation software and target location are given to the non-root user if you choose to install as non-root.
Ensure the OMNIbus ObjectServer that you installed is started and ensure the
Jazz for Service Management that you installed is started.
Copy the OMNIbus WebGUI installation software, OMNIbus-v8.1-
, to an empty directory.
Extract the zip file: unzip OMNIbus-v8.1-WebGUI.linux64.zip
The package file name is correct for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus WebGUI
Move to the Image directory: cd im.linux.x86_64
Start the graphical user interface installation wizard: v If you are installing as root, run the following command:
./install v If you are installing as non-root, run the following command:
Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation. Select the default options and record any users and passwords that you enter.
Copy the OMNIbus OMNIbus WebGUI fix pack 2 installation software,
, to an empty directory.
Extract the zip file: unzip OMNIbus-v8.1-FP2-WebGUI.linux64.zip
To install fix pack 2, first change to the Installation Manager installation directory.
Use the following command to start the Installation Manager wizard:
In the main Installation Manager window, click File->Preferences-
>Repositories and add a repository that points to the directory in which you unzipped fix pack 2.
In the main Installation Manager window, click Update.
Follow the installation wizard instructions to complete the installation of fix pack 2.
You must add the WebGUI users that are created in the post installation steps to an Objectserver repository and not a file repository.
What to do next
After you complete the WebGUI installation, a wizard appears that allows you to configure WebGUI to point to your OMNIbus ObjectServer.
Chapter 2. Preparing to install
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
How to install Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
You can install all Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components on a single server. This section contains the steps required to perform a single server installation.
The installation of Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components can only be performed on the server on which you are running the IBM Installation
Manager. Remote installation of Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components is not supported, you must install each component on its host server.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server on which you are installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
Selecting user accounts to install components
You can use the same user account to install all Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights components. For example, you can use the scadmin account that you created earlier.
If you wish to use different accounts to install Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights components, you must observe the following rules when selecting accounts: v The database component must be installed by a user who has permissions to create a database in the DB2 instance that is installed.
v The Analytics component and Mediation Tool component must be installed by the same user that installed InfoSphere Streams.
v If you plan to use Tivoli Integrated Portal to display anomaly events, the UI component must be installed by the same user that installed WebGUI and Tivoli
Integrated Portal.
Creating the installation directory
You must create the directory where you want to install Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights. For example, to create a directory /opt/IBM/scanalytics:
Enter the following command: mkdir /opt/IBM/scanalytics
Ensure that each user account that will be used to install Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights on the server has read, write and execute permissions on this directory.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2015
Setting the JAVA_HOME variable
Set JAVA_HOME for the required users.
About this task
The JAVA_HOME setting is best placed in the user's ~/.bash_profile, or similar profile file.
If you are aware that non-default locations are used, then you must adjust accordingly the JAVA_HOME variable accordingly.
On the server to which you going to install the Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights Analytics component, for the IBM InfoSphere Streams administrator, which by default is scadmin, set the JAVA_HOME variable.
v Ensure the version of Java that comes with InfoSphere Streams is the one that is used at run time:
Update the JAVA_HOME and PATH to match the new Java.
For example:
JAVA_HOME=/home/scadmin/InfoSphereStreams/java export PATH JAVA_HOME
Substitute the directory path if you installed InfoSphere Streams to a different location.
Add the JAVA_HOME and PATH variables to the ~scadmin/.bashrc and
v If you are installing the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Analytics component as root, you must also set the JAVA_HOME variable to InfoSphere
Streams Java, as described in the previous step, for root user.
Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights on a single server
Installing all the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components on one server.
Before you begin
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server. The installation script can install components only to the server on which it is running.
Also, ensure that you have configured a domain name for your server. During the installation of the UI component, you are required to specify a single sign-on domain.
You can install all Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components under a single user account through one instance of the IBM Installation Manager, or you can use separate user accounts. If you wish to use separate accounts, see the rules
for using separate accounts in “Selecting user accounts to install components” on page 27.
The user acount used to install the Database component must have privileges to:
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
v create the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights database table spaces and tables for the schema.
v perform the following operations on the tables: select, insert, update, merge, and delete.
v create partitions and indexes on the tables.
Log in as the appropriate user and do the following: a.
Open an xterm window on the server on which you are installing
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights installation package.
Change to the predictiveInsightsInstaller1.3.3 directory.
Enter the command ./install.sh.
The IBM Installation Manager is opened.
Click the Install option.
The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages.
Select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights and click Next.
On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements, click I accept the terms in the license agreements and then click Next.
On the Location page, in the Shared Resources Directory field, type the path for the shared directory. The suggested default directory is
The IBM Installation Manager provides the ability to share components across products. Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM
Installation Manager that a shared directory be provided when you install it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM
Installation Manager on the same server.
Click Next.
On the Location page, Create a new package group is the only available option for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
In the Installation Directory field, type the path for the installation files.
We suggest using default directory of /opt/IBM/scanalytics/ install_<user>/installer and then click Next.
If you choose to change Installation Directory from the default, note that the Installation Directory must be unique for each user who installs the
IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
The IBM Installation Manager displays all Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights components that can be installed.
If you are installing all components under the same user account, select
, Analytics, Mediation tool, and UI. If you want to use different user accounts to install components, select the component(s) you want to install under the current user account. Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays each distinct set of required information under a heading.
At Database configuration, enter the required information.
Note the following points:
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
v Update to create DB on a specific location : Optional setting by which you can specify an install location for the database that is not the default DB2 location. The directory must exist and be owned by the DB2 instance user.
Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
Click Analytics configuration and enter the required information.
One of the required information items is a new topic name. The topic name must be one word consisting of alphanumeric characters, the underscore character can also be used, that is, '_', and the name must be between 3 and 10 characters long.
You must deploy each model that you create to a topic. Topics allow you to segment your data in ways that are relevant to your business. For example, you can use a topic to group data that originates from a specific service, application, or geography. The anomalies generated based on your data can then be grouped and displayed by topic.
Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
If you wish to integrate Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights with
OMNIbus, click Omnibus connection configuration and enter the required information.
Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
Click UI configuration.
You must select the application you wish to use to display anomalies generated by Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: v Tivoli Integrated Portal (TIP) v
Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH)
Enter the required information for the application you have selected.
When you select the Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH) option you must also enter UI WebGUI configuration details, and UI local configuration details. The majority of items are populated by default, but you should note the following: v Enter DASH profile user/password : This must be populated by the user profile you created when installing Dashboard Application Services Hub.
v Enter single sign on key file password : If you have configured single sign on (SSO) for the IBM WebSphere server on which Dashboard Application
Services Hub is installed, enter the keyfile password used when SSO was configured. If SSO has never been configured previously, then specify a new password and note for any possible future configuration.
v Enter single sign-in domain
: This entry allows the installer to validate that both the UI component (for Dashboard Application Services Hub) and the
Dashboard Application Services Hub itself are on servers that are in the same domain.
v UI WebGUI Config : Populate Enter WebGUI user with the user details of the user that installed WebGUI, this is a user that has administrative access to WebGUI. Populate Enter OMNIbus user with the user details of the user that installed OMNIbus.
If you specify a WebGUI user other than ncoadmin, ensure that the particular user exists in Omnibus and has appropriate access before you proceed with the UI installation. If the WebGUI user does not exist in
Omnibus, the installation of Dashboard Application Services Hub fails.
Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
Click Mediation tool configuration and enter the required information.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays the installation summary information.
Click Install.
If you chose not to install all components under the current logged in user account, in step 2, you must repeat this procedure to install each remaining component under the desired user account.
Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights on multiple servers
How to install Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights on multiple servers.
You can install the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components on multiple servers. In a multi-server installation, you must comply with certain rules when deciding how to distribute components. For more information, see supported topologies.
You can only install an Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component on the server on which you are running the IBM Installation Manager. Remote installation of components is not supported.
Installation order for a distributed installation
The order in which you must install components when Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights is distributed on multiple servers.
If you plan to install the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components on separate servers, you must install the components in the following order: v Database v Analytics v UI
If you plan to partially distribute components, you can combine the installation of some components depending on how they are distributed: v Database and Analytics components on same server, UI on separate server.
– If you plan to use the same user account to install both the Database and
Analytics components, you can install both components at the same time. The
Installation Manager automatically installs the Database first. After the
Database and Analytics components are installed, install the UI component.
v Database and UI components on same server, Analytics on separate server.
– Install the Database component first. Next, install the Analytics component.
Finally, install the UI component. If you plan to use the same user account to install both the Database and UI components, you must use the modify option in Installation Manager to install the UI.
v Analytics and UI component on same server, Database on separate server
– Install the Database component first. If you plan to use the same user account to install both the Analytics and UI components, you can install both components at the same time. The Installation Manager automatically completes the Analytics installation first.
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
GUI installation
Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights with the Installation Manager
Installing the Database component
You must complete the following steps to install the Database component using the
Installation Manager User Interface (UI).
Before you begin
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Database component can be installed by the database owner or by the root user. The installing user must have privileges to: v create the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights database table spaces and tables for the schema.
v perform the following operations on the tables: select, insert, update, merge, and delete.
v create partitions and indexes on the tables.
The installation script can install components only to the server on which it is running. Copy the installation package to the server on which you are installing the Database component.
As the database owner, root, or a user that is part of the same group as the database owner, for example, scadmin, open an xterm window on the server.
Go to the directory that contains the extracted Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights installation package.
Change to the predictiveInsightsInstaller1.3.3 directory.
Enter the command ./install.sh.
The IBM Installation Manager is opened.
Click the Install option.
The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages.
Select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights and click Next.
On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements, click I accept the terms in the license agreements and click Next.
On the Location page, in the Shared Resources Directory field, type the path for the shared directory. The default directory is /opt/IBM/scanalytics/ install_<user>/shared
The IBM Installation Manager can share components across products.
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared directory is provided when you install it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
Click Next.
On the Location page, Create a new package group is the only available option for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
In the Installation Directory field, type the path for the installation files and click Next. It is recommended that you use the default directory of
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/installer .
If you choose to change Installation Directory from the default, the
Installation Directory
must be unique for each user who installs the IBM
Installation Manager on the same server.
The IBM Installation Manager displays all Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights components that can be installed.
By default, all components are selected for installation. Clear the check box beside each component other than Database and click Next. The IBM
Installation Manager displays each distinct set of details required under a heading.
Click Database creation configuration and enter the requested information.
The Update to create DB on a specific location is an optional setting that you can use to specify an installation location for the database that is not the default DB2 location. The directory must exist and be owned by the DB2 instance user.
Click Validate to confirm that all settings are correct.
Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays the installation summary information.
Click Install.
Installing the Analytics component
You must complete the following steps to install the Analytics component using the IBM
Installation Manager User Interface (UI).
Before you begin
Ensure that the installation package is on the server on which you are installing the Analytics component.
Ensure that the server has the following prerequisites installed: v IBM InfoSphere Streams 3.2
v IBM Java SDK 7.0 build 2.6 SR5. This prerequisite is installed automatically when you install IBM
About this task
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Analytics component can be installed by the InfoSphere Streams administrator, which was set to be scadmin during the InfoSphere Streams installation, or by the root user.
The installation script can install components only to the server on which it is running.
It is recommended that you install the Mediation tool on any server that you install the Analytics component and that you use the same user account to install both.
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Database component must be installed before the Analytics component can be installed. If you install the
Database and Analytics components together, the Installation Manager automatically completes the Database installation first.
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
As the scadmin or root user, open an xterm window on the server on which you want to install the Analytics component.
Go to the directory that contains the extracted Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installation package.
Change to the predictiveInsightsInstaller1.3.3 directory.
Enter the following command: ./install.sh
The IBM Installation Manager is launched.
If there is no other Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component installed on the server or if a component was installed with a different user account to that which you are using to install the Analytics component, click the Install option and complete steps a to o to install the Analytics component: a.
After you click the Install option, the IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages. Select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive
and click Next.
On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for Operations Analytics
- Predictive Insights. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements, click I accept the terms in the license agreements and click Next.
On the Location page, in the Shared Resources Directory field, type the path for the shared directory. The suggested default directory is
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared .
The IBM Installation Manager can share components across products.
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared directory is provided when you install it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
Click Next.
On the Location page, Create a new package group is the only available option for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
In the Installation Directory field, type the path for the installation files and click Next. It is recommended that you use the default directory of
. If you want to change the default Installation Directory, note that the Installation Directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server. The IBM Installation Manager displays all Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights components that can be installed.
By default, all components are selected for installation. Clear the check box beside each component other than Analytics and click Next. The IBM
Installation Manager displays each distinct set of information required under a heading.
Click Database connection configuration and enter the required information.
Click Validate to confirm all settings are correct.
Click Analytics configuration and enter the required information.
One of the required information items is a new topic name. The topic name must be a single word between 3 and 10 characters long. It can contain alphanumeric characters and the underscore character.
You must deploy each model that you create to a topic. Topics allow you to segment your data in ways that are relevant to your business. For example, you can use a topic to group data that originates from a specific service,
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
application, or geography. The anomalies generated based on your data can then be grouped and displayed by topic.
Click Validate to confirm that all settings are correct.
If you wish to integrate Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights with
OMNIbus, click Omnibus connection configuration and enter the required information.
Click Validate to confirm that all settings are correct.
Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays the installation summary information.
Click Install.
If another Predictive Insights component was installed on the server with the same user account that you are using to install the Analytics component, click the Modify option and complete steps a to f to install the Analytics component.
After you click the Modify option, the IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages.
Select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights and click Next.
Select Analytics and click Next.
The check box beside any component that was previously installed is automatically checked. Do not clear the check box beside any component that was previously installed as this action causes the component to be uninstalled during the modify operation.
Click Next.
Click Modify.
Click Finish when the modify operation is complete.
What to do next
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights version 1.3.3 analytics component is designed to handle the significant volume of KPIs that are typically generated by a large enterprise. For more information on the number of KPIs supported, see the
Performance and Sizing wiki.
To add further Analytics instances to your Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installation.
Make sure the server that is to host the new Analytics component has the required prerequisites installed, as described in the Before you begin section.
Install the Analytics component as described in the Procedure section.
Install the Mediation tool to the same server as the new Analytics component,
as described in “Installing the Mediation tool” on page 38.
You must create at least one new topic for each Analytics server you install. The new topic or topics are used to select and segment the extra KPI data that you are going to analyze using this Analytics server. The first default topic is created when you install the Analytics component on a new server. For information on how to create supplementary topics, see Creating a Topic in the Configuring and
Administering Guide.
Installing the UI component
You must complete the following steps to install the UI component using the IBM
Installation Manager User Interface (UI).
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Before you begin
Before you begin installing the UI component, ensure that the following are complete: v Both the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Database and Analytics components are installed.
v The Analytics component has OMNIbus forwarding configured. You can configure OMNIbus forwarding when installing the Analytics component or after with the configure_omnibus.sh script. For more information, see
Configuring OMNIbus alarm management in the Administering and Configuring
v You have configured a domain name for the server. During the installation of the UI component, you need to specify a single sign-on domain.
Either Tivoli Integrated Portal with WebGUI 7.4 or Dashboard Application
Services Hub with WebGUI 8.1, depending on which application you are using, is running. The UI installation process restarts Tivoli Integrated Portal or
Dashboard Application Services Hub.
v You have copied the installation package to the server on which you are installing the UI component.
If you are integrating the UI component with Dashboard Application
Services Hub, you can install the UI on the same server as Dashboard Application
Services Hub or on a different server. If you are installing into an existing Tivoli
Integrated Portal environment, you must be on the Tivoli Integrated Portal server to install the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights UI component.
As the scadmin or root user, open an xterm window on the server on which you want to install the UI component.
Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights installation package.
Change to the predictiveInsightsInstaller1.3.3 directory.
Enter the following command: ./install.sh
The IBM Installation Manager is launched.
If there is no other Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component installed on the server or if a component was installed with a different user account to that which you are using to install the UI component, click the
option and complete steps a to m to install the Analytics component: a.
After you click the Install option, the IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages. Select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive
and click Next.
On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for Operations Analytics
- Predictive Insights. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements, click I accept the terms in the license agreements and then click Next.
On the Location page, in the Shared Resources Directory field, type the path for the shared directory. The recommended default directory is
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared .
The IBM Installation Manager can share components across products.
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
a shared directory is provided when you install it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
Click Next.
On the Location page, Create a new package group is the only available option for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights f.
In the Installation Directory field, type the path for the installation files. It is recommended that you use the default directory of /opt/IBM/scanalytics/ install_<user>/installer and then click Next. If you choose to change
Installation Directory from the default, the Installation Directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server. The IBM Installation Manager displays all Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights components that can be installed.
By default, all components are selected for installation. Clear the check box beside each component other than UI and click Next. The IBM Installation
Manager displays each distinct set of information required under a heading.
Click Database connection configuration and enter the required information.
Click Validate to confirm that all settings are correct.
Click UI configuration and enter the required information.
In the UI configuration dialog, you must first select the application that you wish to use to display anomalies that are generated by Operations Analytics
- Predictive Insights: v Tivoli Integrated Portal (TIP) v Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH)
When you select the Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH) option you must also enter UI WebGUI configuration details, and UI local configuration details. Most items are populated by default. Note the following: v Enter DASH profile user/password : This must be populated with the user profile you created when installing Dashboard Application Services Hub.
v Enter single sign on key file password : If you configured single sign on
(SSO) for the IBM WebSphere server on which Dashboard Application
Services Hub is installed, enter the keyfile password that was used when
SSO was configured. If SSO was not configured previously, then specify a new password and note for any possible future configuration.
v Enter single sign-in domain
: This entry allows the installer to validate that both the UI component (for Dashboard Application Services Hub) and the Dashboard Application Services Hub itself are on servers that are in the same domain. This password can be left blank.
v UI WebGUI Config : Populate Enter WebGUI user with the user details of the user that installed WebGUI, this is a user that has administrative access to WebGUI. Populate Enter OMNIbus user with the user details of the user that installed OMNIbus.
If you specify a WebGUI user other than ncoadmin, ensure that the user exists in a user repository that is in use in Dashboard Application
Services Hub. Also, ensure that the user has OMNIbus administration access before you proceed with the UI installation.
Click Validate to confirm that all settings are correct.
Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays the installation summary information
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Click Install.
If another Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component was installed on the server with the same user account that you are using to install the UI component, click the Modify option. The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages. Follow steps a to f to complete the installation using the Modify operation.
After you click the Modify option, the IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages.
Select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights and click Next.
Select UI and click Next.
The check box beside any component that was previously installed is automatically checked. Do not clear the check box beside any component that was previously installed as this action causes the component to be uninstalled during the modify operation.
Click Next.
Click Modify.
Click Finish when the modify operation is complete.
Installing the Mediation tool
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Mediation tool is used to configure the data presentation to Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights. The Mediation tool can be installed on Windows or Linux systems.
Before you begin
The installation script can install components only to the server on which it is running. Copy the installation package to the server on which you are installing the component.
It is recommended that you install the Mediation tool on the same server as the
Analytics component.
If you can't access a graphical display on the server that hosts the Analytics component, you can install the Mediation tool on a Linux desktop system, or on a
Windows desktop system. For information on how to install the Mediation tool on
a Windows system, see “Installing the Mediation tool on Windows” on page 47.
Installing to a Linux desktop system is performed in the same way as described in the following procedure.
About this task
To install the Mediation tool, complete the following steps:
As the scadmin or root user, open an xterm window on the server on which you want to install the Mediation tool.
Go to the directory that contains the extracted Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installation package.
Change to the predictiveInsightsInstaller1.3.3 directory.
Enter the following command: ./install.sh
The IBM Installation Manager is launched.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
If there is no other Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component installed on the server or if a component was installed with a different user account to that which you are using to install the Mediation tool, click Install.
Complete steps a to k to install the Mediation tool: a.
After you click the Install option, the IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages. Select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive
and click Next.
On the Licenses page, read the license agreements for Operations Analytics
- Predictive Insights. If you agree to the terms of all the license agreements, click I accept the terms in the license agreements and then click Next.
On the Location page, in the Shared Resources Directory field, type the path for the shared directory. The recommended default directory is
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared .
The IBM Installation Manager can share components across products.
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights does not share components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared directory is provided when you install it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
Click Next.
On the Location page, Create a new package group is the only available option for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
In the Installation Directory field, type the path for the installation files and click Next. It is recommended that you use the default directory of
. If you choose to change
Installation Directory
from the default, note that the Installation Directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
The IBM Installation Manager displays all Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights components that can be installed.
By default, all components are selected for installation. Clear the check box beside each component other than Mediation tool and click Next. The IBM
Installation Manager displays each distinct set of information required under a heading.
Click Mediation tool configuration and enter the required information.
Click Validate to confirm that all settings are correct.
Click Next. The IBM Installation Manager displays the installation summary information.
Click Install.
If another Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component was installed on the server with the same user account that you are using to install the
Mediation tool, click the Modify option. Complete steps a to f to install the
Mediation tool.
After you click the Modify option, the IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages.
Select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights and click Next.
Select Mediation tool and click Next.
The check box beside any component that was previously installed is automatically checked. Do not clear the check box for any component that was previously installed. If you clear the check box for a component that is already installed, it is uninstalled during the modify operation.
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
Click Next.
Click Finish when the modify operation is complete.
Console Installation
You can install Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights in console mode if you cannot access a graphical display.
Installing the Database component
You must complete the following steps to install the Database component using the
Installation Manager command-line interface.
Before you begin
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Database component can be installed by the database owner or by the root user. The installing user must have privileges to: v create the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights database table spaces and tables for the schema.
v perform the following operations on the tables: select, insert, update, merge, and delete.
v create partitions and indexes on the tables.
The installation script can install components only to the server on which it is running. Copy the installation package to the server on which you are installing the Database component.
As the database owner, root, or a user that is part of the same group as the database owner, for example, scadmin, open a terminal session on the server.
Go to the directory that contains the extracted Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights installation package.
Run the command:
./install.sh -c
The IBM Installation Manager console installer is launched.
The console accepts both upper and lower case.
Type 1 to Install and press Enter.
Type 1 to select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3 and press
Type 1 to choose version to install and press Enter.
Type n to select package and press Enter.
Type a to accept license agreement and press enter
Type n and press Enter.
To change Shared Resources location type m, or else type n to accept the default location, and press Enter. The suggested default directory is
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared . The IBM Installation Manager can share components across products. Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights does not share components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared directory is
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
provided when you install it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
To change Packages location type m, or else type n to accept the default location, and press Enter. It is recommended that you use the default directory of /opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/installer. If you want to change the default Installation Directory, the directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server. The IBM
Installation Manager displays all Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components that can be installed.
By default, all components are selected for installation. Deselect all components other than Database and type n. The IBM Installation Manager displays each distinct set of required details under a heading.
Enter the connection details for the database. The Update to create DB on a
specific location
is an optional setting that you can use to specify an installation location for the database that is not the default DB2 location. The directory must exist and be owned by the DB2 instance user.
If validation fails, type r to re-enter values, or else type n to continue
Type i to install.
Type f to finish.
Type x to exit.
Installing the Analytics component
You must complete the following steps to install the Analytics component using the IBM
Installation Manager command-line interface.
Before you begin
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server on which you are installing the Analytics component.
Make sure the server has the following prerequisites installed: v IBM InfoSphere Streams 3.2
v IBM Java SDK 7.0 build 2.6 SR5. This prerequisite is installed automatically when you install IBM
About this task
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Analytics component can be installed by the InfoSphere Streams administrator, which was set to be scadmin during the InfoSphere Streams install, or by the root user.
The installation script can install components only to the server on which it is running. Copy the installation package to the server on which you are installing the component.
It is recommended that you use the same user account to install the Mediation tool and the Analytics component, that is, the InfoSphere Streams administrator.
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Database component must be installed before the Analytics component can be installed. If you install the
Database and Analytics components together, the Installation Manager automatically completes the Database installation first.
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
As the scadmin or root user, open a terminal session on the server on which you want to install the Analytics component.
Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights installation package.
Run the command:
./install.sh -c
The IBM Installation Manager console installer is launched.
The console accepts both upper and lower case.
If there is no other Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component installed on the server or if a component was installed with a different user account to that which you are using to install the Analytics component, type 1 to Install and press Enter. The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages. Complete steps a to m to install the Analytics component.
The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages. Type
1 to select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3 and press
Type 1 to choose version to install and press Enter.
Type n to select package and press Enter.
Type a to accept license agreement and press Enter.
Type n and press Enter.
To change Shared Resources location type m, or else type n to accept the default location, and press Enter. The recommended default directory is
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared . The IBM Installation
Manager can share components across products. Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights does not share components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared directory be provided when you install it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
To change Packages location type m, or else type n to accept the default location, and press Enter. It is recommended that you use the default directory of /opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/installer. If you want to change the default Installation Directory, note that the Installation
Directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation
Manager on the same server. The IBM Installation Manager displays all
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components that can be installed.
By default, all components are selected for installation. Deselect all components other than Analytics and type n. The IBM Installation Manager displays each distinct set of information required under a heading.
Enter the connection details for your database as requested.
If validation fail type r to re-enter values, or else type n to continue.
Type i to install.
Type f to finish.
Type x to exit.
If another IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component was installed on the server with the same user account that you are using to install the Analytics component, type 3 to Modify and press Enter. The IBM
Installation Manager displays the local installation packages. Complete steps a to f to install the Analytics component:
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Type 1 to select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights and press
Type n to select package and press Enter.
Type 2 to select the Analytics component and press Enter.
Any component that was previously installed is automatically checked. Do not deselect any component that was previously installed as this action causes the component to be uninstalled during the modify operation.
Type n and press Enter to start the installation.
Type f and press Enter when the modify operation is complete.
Type x to exit.
Installing the UI component
You must complete the following steps to install the UI component using the IBM
Installation Manager command-line interface.
Before you begin
Before you begin installing the UI component, ensure that the following are complete: v Both the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Database and Analytics components are installed.
v The Analytics component has OMNIbus forwarding configured. You can configure OMNIbus forwarding when installing the Analytics component or after with the configure_omnibus.sh script. For more information, see
Configuring OMNIbus alarm management in the Administering and Configuring
v You have configured a domain name for the server. During the installation of the UI component, you need to specify a single sign-on domain.
v Either Tivoli Integrated Portal with WebGUI 7.4 or Dashboard Application
Services Hub with WebGUI 8.1, depending on which application you are using, is running. The UI installation process performs a restart of Tivoli Integrated
Portal or Dashboard Application Services Hub.
v You have copied the installation package to the server on which you are installing the UI component.
If you are integrating the UI component with Dashboard Application
Services Hub, you can install the UI on the same server as Dashboard Application
Services Hub or on a different server. If you are installing into an existing Tivoli
Integrated Portal environment, you must be on the Tivoli Integrated Portal server to install the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights UI component.
Open a terminal session on the server on which you want to install the UI component.
Go to the directory that contains the extracted Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights installation package.
Run the command:
./install.sh -c
The IBM Installation Manager console installer is launched.
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
The console accepts both upper and lower case.
If there is no other Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component installed on the server or if a component was installed with a different user account to that which you are using to install the UI component, type 1 to
Install and press Enter. The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages. Complete steps a to p to install the UI component.
Type 1 to select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3 and press Enter.
Type 1 to choose version to install and press Enter.
Type n to select package and press Enter.
Type a to accept license agreement and press Enter.
Type n and press Enter.
To change Shared Resources location, type m, or else type n to accept the default location, and press Enter. The recommended default directory is
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared . The IBM Installation
Manager can share components across products. Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights does not share components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared directory be provided when you install it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
To change Packages location type m, or else type n to accept the default location, and press Enter. It is recommended that you use the default directory of /opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/installer. If you choose to change default Installation Directory, note that the Installation
Directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation
Manager on the same server. The IBM Installation Manager displays all
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components that can be installed.
By default, all components are selected for installation. Deselect all components other than UI and type n. The IBM Installation Manager displays each distinct set of details required under a heading.
Enter the connection details for your database as requested.
If validation fails, choose r to re-enter values, or else type n to continue.
Select the application you wish to use to display anomalies generated by
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights. Type 1 to use Tivoli Integrated
Portal (TIP) or type 2 to use Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH).
Enter the details for the application you select.
Type i to install.
Type f to finish.
Type x to exit.
If another Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component was installed on the server with the same user account that you are using to install the UI component, type 3 to Modify and press Enter. The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages. Complete steps a to f to install the UI component.
Type 1 to select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights and press
Type n to select package and press Enter.
Type 4 to select the UI component and press Enter.
Type n and press Enter to start the installation.
Type f and press Enter when the modify operation is complete.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Type x to exit.
Installing the Mediation tool
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Mediation tool is used to configure the data presentation to Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights. The Mediation tool can be installed on Windows or Linux systems.
Before you begin
The installation script can install components only to the server on which it is running.
Make sure that you have copied the installation package to the server on which you are installing the component.
It is recommended that you install the Mediation tool on the same server on which you installed the Analytics component.
If you are unable to gain access to a graphical display on the server hosting the Analytics component, you can install the Mediation tool on a Linux desktop system, or on a Windows desktop system. For details on installing the Mediation
described in the following procedure.
About this task
To install the Mediation tool in console mode, complete the following steps:
As the InfoSphere Streams administrator or root user, open a terminal session on the server on which you want to install the Mediation tool.
Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights installation package.
Run the command:
./install.sh -c
The IBM Installation Manager console installer is launched.
The console accepts both upper and lower case.
If there is no other IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component installed on the server or if a component was installed with a different user account to that which you are using to install the Mediation tool, type 1 to
Install and press Enter. The IBM Installation Manager displays the local installation packages. Complete steps a to k to install the Mediation tool.
Type 1 to select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights 1.3.3 and press Enter.
Type 1 to choose version to install and press Enter.
Type n to select package and press Enter.
Type a to accept license agreement and press Enter.
Type n and press Enter.
To change Shared Resources location type m, or else type n to accept the default location, and press Enter. The recommended default directory is
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
/opt/IBM/scanalytics/install_<user>/shared . The IBM Installation
Manager can share components across products. Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights does not share components with any other product. It is a requirement of the IBM Installation Manager that a shared directory be provided when you install it. The shared directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server.
To change Packages location type m, or else type n to accept the default location, and press Enter. The recommended default directory is
. If you want to change the default Installation Directory, note that the Installation Directory must be unique for each user who installs the IBM Installation Manager on the same server. The IBM Installation Manager displays all Operations Analytics
- Predictive Insights components that can be installed.
By default, all components are selected for installation. Deselect all components other than Mediation tool and type n. The IBM Installation
Manager displays each distinct set of information required under a heading.
Type i to install.
Type f to finish.
Type x to exit.
If another Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights component was already installed on this server with the same user account that you are using to install the Mediation tool, type 3 to Modify and press Enter. The IBM Installation
Manager displays the local installation packages. Complete steps a to f to install the Mediation tool.
Type 1 to select IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights and press
Type n to select package and press Enter.
Type 3 to select the Mediation tool and press Enter.
Type n and press Enter to start the installation.
Type f and press Enter when the modify operation is complete.
Type x to exit.
Post-installation - System status
After installation, Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights is ready to configure into a working system.
The following elements are in place and ready to use when Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights installation is complete: v The administration CLI is directly usable by the Linux user account that installed Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights, that is, the Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights account, which is by default scadmin.
v OMNIbus columns are created in the Object Server.
v An OMNIbus mini-distribution is installed transparently as part of Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights.
v The probe configuration files are updated to configure the connection to the
Object Server.
v A default set of probe rules file is installed. The rules file stores all relevant attributes in the Object Server database.
v The right-click menu is configured in OMNIbus WebGUI during the UI component installation.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
v Access rights are granted to view events in Operations Analytics - Predictive
Insights. The way in which rights are granted depends on whether you installed
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights into Tivoli Integrated Portal or
Dashboard Application Services Hub:
Tivoli Integrated Portal v Two new groups, predictiveInsightsUsers and predictiveInsightsAdmin, are created in Omnibus. By default, both groups have rights to view Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights events.
v Two new user roles, predictiveInsightsAdmin and predictiveInsightsUser, are created in Tivoli Integrated Portal. By default, both roles have rights to view
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights events. The Tivoli Integrated Portal administrator, usually tipadmin, is given both roles.
Dashboard Application Services Hub v Two existing Omnibus groups, Netcool_OMNIbus_User and
Netcool_OMNIbus_Admin , are granted rights to view Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights events.
v The Dashboard Application Services Hub administrative user, ncoadmin, is added to the Netcool_OMNIbus_Admin group.
The password for the ncoadmin account defaults to the DASH profile user password, typically smadmin. However, if Tivoli Integrated Portal was previously installed on the server, the password for the ncoadmin account defaults to the tipadmin user password.
Installing the Mediation tool on Windows
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights Mediation tool can be installed on
Windows as well as Linux.
Instructions on how to install the Mediation tool on Windows.
Log on to the Windows environment to which you want to install the
Mediation tool.
Extract the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights package from the media.
Open the windowsMediationTool folder within the extracted package. This folder contains the file PredictiveInsights-MediationTooling-1.3.3-win32.zip.
Extract the ZIP file to your desired installation location.
Open the folder to which you extracted the ZIP file, and in turn open the contained eclipse folder.
Double click on the eclipse.exe icon. When you open the tool, you will be asked to choose a workspace. Choose a directory unique to the Mediation tool.
Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
What to do next
The Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights installation is now complete, so what do you do next?
About this task
The full set of required post-installation configuration tasks are described in the section "Initial configuration of Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights" in the
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Configuring documentation.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Chapter 4. Uninstalling Operations Analytics - Predictive
How to uninstall the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights system.
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights offers both an interactive and a silent uninstallation.
Uninstalling Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
How to uninstall Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
About this task
If you distributed the installation of Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights components, that is, installed components on separate servers, you must uninstall components in the following order:
Mediation tool
You must uninstall each component as the user that installed that component. If you distributed the installation of these components, log on to each of the servers and run the following steps.
Log on to the server as the appropriate user.
Navigate to the directory that contains the extracted Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights installation package.
Change to the predictiveInsightsInstaller1.3.3 directory.
Run ./install.sh
Select Uninstall
Click Next.
Click the check box for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights.
Click Next.
The next panel displays all the components installed as the current user.
For each component that you uninstall: a.
Enter the requested passwords.
Click Validate.
Click Next when all conditions have been satisfied.
When all component selections have been validated, click Uninstall.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2015
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Chapter 5. Moving from Tivoli Integrated Portal to Dashboard
Application Services Hub
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights version 1.3.3 supports Tivoli Integrated
Portal and Dashboard Application Services Hub as visualization applications for the UI.
About this task
Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights version 1.3.3 supports both Dashboard
Application Services Hub and Tivoli Integrated Portal for visualization purposes. If you are using Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights with Tivoli Integrated
Portal, you can move to Dashboard Application Services Hub at any time.
There are two ways to complete the move from Tivoli Integrated Portal to
Dashboard Application Services Hub. Follow one of the following scenarios:
v Scenario 1 : Install Dashboard Application Services Hub on a separate server so you can run both Tivoli Integrated Portal and Dashboard Application Services
Hub in parallel.
Complete the steps in this scenario if you want to first confirm that your
Dashboard Application Services Hub functions as expected and you are ready to decommission the existing Tivoli Integrated Portal visualization component.
Install IBM Jazz for Service Management on a separate server. For
more information, see Installing Jazz for Service Management.
Install the IBM Jazz for Service Management fix pack.
Install OMNIbus WebGUI on the same server as Jazz for Service
Management. For more information on how to install WebGUI, see
“Installing OMNIbus WebGUI” on page 24.
Install the Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights version 1.3.3 UI component on the same server as Jazz for Service Management and configure it to work with the new Dashboard Application Services Hub. For more
information, see “Installing the UI component” on page 35.
When you are ready to decommission the existing Tivoli Integrated Portal visualization component, uninstall the following:
– Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights UI component, that is configured to work with Tivoli Integrated Portal
– OMNIbus WebGUI 7.4.
– Tivoli Integrated Portal 2.2
v Scenario 2 : Install Dashboard Application Services Hub o the server on which you currently run Tivoli Integrated Portal.
Complete this procedure if you want to install Dashboard Application Services
Hub on the server which currently hosts Tivoli Integrated Portal.
Stop Tivoli Integrated Portal. For more information on how to stop Tivoli
Integrated Portal, see Stopping Tivoli Integrated Portal in the Configuring and
Administering Guide.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2015
Install IBM Jazz for Service Management on the Tivoli Integrated
Portal server. For more information, see Installing Jazz for Service Management in the Installation Guide.
Install the IBM Jazz for Service Management fix pack.
Uninstall Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights. For more information,
see Chapter 4, “Uninstalling Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights,” on page 49.
Reinstall Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights. When you are installing the UI component, configure it to work with the Dashboard Application
Services Hub.
What to do next
Follow the post install configuration steps in the Initial configuration of Operations
Analytics - Predictive Insights section of the Configuring and Administering Guide to complete the setup of Dashboard Application Services Hub. In particular, ensure that you update your system so that Dashboard Application Services Hub is prepared for an unplanned shut down.
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
Chapter 6. Installation log files
The log files that are created during the installation of Operations Analytics -
Predictive Insights.
The installation log file: /tmp/tasp_install_<user><date>.log
The command-line interface log file: $PI_HOME/log/cli/cli_trace.log.
Where $PI_HOME is the installation location of the analytics component.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2011, 2015
IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
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IBM Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights: Installation Guide
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Key Features
- Real-time performance analysis
- Self-learning capability
- Anomaly detection
- Integration with existing monitoring products
- Out-of-the-box integration with Netcool OMNIbus
Frequently Answers and Questions
What are the prerequisites for installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights?
How do I install Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights?
How do I configure Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights?
Related manuals
Table of contents
- 3 Contents
- 5 Preface
- 5 Audience
- 5 Components
- 7 Chapter 1. Introduction
- 9 Chapter 2. Preparing to install
- 9 Checking the installation prerequisites
- 10 Adding the required users
- 11 Configuring fully qualified domain names for servers
- 12 Setting ulimits
- 12 Installing KSH and required libraries for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
- 13 Installing the prerequisite software
- 14 DB2
- 15 Information required for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights installation
- 15 Installing DB2 as non-root
- 19 Installing DB2 as root
- 21 InfoSphere Streams
- 21 Information required for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights installation
- 22 Installing InfoSphere Streams 3.2
- 23 Installing InfoSphere Streams 4.0.0
- 25 Jazz for Service Management
- 25 Installing Jazz for Service Management
- 27 Information required for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights installation
- 27 Netcool/OMNIbus
- 28 Information required for Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights installation
- 28 Installing the OMNIbus ObjectServer
- 30 Configuring the OMNIbus ObjectServer
- 30 Starting the OMNIbus ObjectServer
- 30 Installing OMNIbus WebGUI
- 33 Chapter 3. Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
- 33 Selecting user accounts to install components
- 33 Creating the installation directory
- 34 Setting the JAVA_HOME variable
- 34 Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights on a single server
- 37 Installing Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights on multiple servers
- 37 Installation order for a distributed installation
- 38 GUI installation
- 38 Installing the Database component
- 39 Installing the Analytics component
- 41 Installing the UI component
- 44 Installing the Mediation tool
- 46 Console Installation
- 46 Installing the Database component
- 47 Installing the Analytics component
- 49 Installing the UI component
- 51 Installing the Mediation tool
- 52 Post-installation - System status
- 53 Installing the Mediation tool on Windows
- 54 What to do next
- 55 Chapter 4. Uninstalling Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
- 55 Uninstalling Operations Analytics - Predictive Insights
- 57 Chapter 5. Moving from Tivoli Integrated Portal to Dashboard Application Services Hub
- 59 Chapter 6. Installation log files
- 61 Notices
- 65 Trademarks