Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine Installation Manual
The Jabiru 2200 2200 is a powerful and reliable aircraft engine designed for use in light aircraft. This engine is known for its smooth operation, low maintenance requirements, and exceptional fuel economy.
This Manual is a guide to correctly install the Jabiru 2200 engine into an airframe.
If you have any questions or doubts about the contents, please contact Jabiru Aircraft P/L.
Applicable to Jabiru 2200cc Engines, S/No. 2068 Onwards (Hydraulic Lifter Type)
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
Installation Manual Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
Table of Figures ....................................................................................................................... 3
List of Effective Pages .............................................................................................................. 4
1 Description ..................................................................................................................... 5
Model ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Manuals .................................................................................................................................... 5
Specifications ........................................................................................................................... 5
Dimensions ............................................................................................................................... 7
2 Engine Mount ................................................................................................................. 9
3 Controls ........................................................................................................................ 11
Throttle and Choke ................................................................................................................. 11
Ignition & Starter Systems ...................................................................................................... 11
4 Engine Crankcase Breather, Catch Bottle & Dipstick ................................................... 12
5 Electrical Equipment ..................................................................................................... 14
Alternator ................................................................................................................................ 14
Regulator ................................................................................................................................ 14
Ignition .................................................................................................................................... 15
Starter Motor .......................................................................................................................... 16
Starter Solenoid ...................................................................................................................... 16
Battery .................................................................................................................................... 17
Wiring Practices ..................................................................................................................... 17
Instruments............................................................................................................................. 18
Radio Frequency (RF) Noise Reduction ................................................................................ 22
6 Fuel Supply System ...................................................................................................... 26
Fuel Tank ............................................................................................................................... 26
Fuel Filtration .......................................................................................................................... 26
Mechanical Fuel Pump ........................................................................................................... 26
Fuel Flow Meters .................................................................................................................... 26
Carburettor ............................................................................................................................. 26
Fuel Lines ............................................................................................................................... 30
7 Air Intake System ......................................................................................................... 31
Intake Air Heating ................................................................................................................... 31
Intake Hose & Air Filter Box ................................................................................................... 31
Air Filter .................................................................................................................................. 33
Ram Air Bleed ........................................................................................................................ 33
8 Exhaust System ........................................................................................................... 34
9 Propeller & Spinner ...................................................................................................... 35
10 Engine Installation Procedure.................................................................................... 37
11 Before First Start ....................................................................................................... 42
12 Auxiliary Units ........................................................................................................... 43
Vacuum Pump .................................................................................................................... 43
13 Cooling Systems ....................................................................................................... 44
General Principles .............................................................................................................. 44
Flow Visualisation ............................................................................................................... 46
Air Inlet & Ram Air Ducts .................................................................................................... 47
Oil Cooling .......................................................................................................................... 49
Air Outlet ............................................................................................................................. 50
Cooling System Testing & Evaluation ................................................................................. 53
Pusher Installations ............................................................................................................ 54
Amphibian or Seaplane Installations .................................................................................. 54
Slow Speed Installations ..................................................................................................... 55
14 Appendix A
– Wiring Diagrams ................................................................................. 56
15 Appendix B
– Jabiru Aircraft Installation .................................................................... 57
Known Airframe / Engine Details ........................................................................................ 57
Normal Operation Data ....................................................................................................... 57
16 Engine Installation Checklist ..................................................................................... 58
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Installation Manual Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
1.1 Table of Figures
Figure 36. Air Filter Box Plumbing
Figure 37. Air Filter Box Plumbing
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Rev 6
Rev 7
1.2 List of Effective Pages
The dates of issue for original & revised pages are:
Page Revision Date Page Revision
Issue Notes:
Original Issue
Add photos
Add photos
Add pressure differential information
Additional Ram Air Duct Assembly Details Added
Change drawing (page 39)
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
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Jabiru Aircraft
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Installation Manual
1 Description
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
1.1 Model
This Manual applies to all Jabiru 2200 Engine Models, but particularly those from S/No 2068 on. Details for operating and servicing are supplied in the Engine Instruction & Maintenance Manual.
Only those details relevant for installation are duplicated below
– for all other information please refer to the Instruction & Maintenance Manual.
1.2 Manuals
Instruction and Maintenance Manual
Installation Manual
Parts Catalogue
1.3 Specifications
All information given in this manual assumes static sea level ratings under the following conditions:-
International Standard Atmospheric conditions at sea level.
Aircraft service equipment drives unloaded. (Vacuum Pump not fitted)
Full rich fuel/air mixture.
Standard Jabiru air filter and hot air mixer box assembly.
Standard exhaust muffler.
Jabiru Propeller
Jabiru Airframe
1.3.1 Ratings
– Maximum (Redline): ..................................... 3300 RPM
– Maximum Continuous: ................................. 3300 RPM
– Recommended Cruise: ................................ 2750 RPM – 3100 RPM
Power Rating: .......................................................... 85 hp / 3300 RPM
1.3.2 Fuel
Fuel Consumption: ................................................... 21 L/hr @ Takeoff / Max Continuous Rating
Fuel Consumption: ................................................... 13-15 L/hr @ 75% nominal power setting.
Fuel Pressure to Carburettor Maximum .................. 20 kPa (3 psi)
Fuel Pressure to Carburettor Minimum ................... 5 kPa (0.75 psi)
Recommended Fuel Grade ..................................... Avgas 100LL & Avgas 100/130
Note: Leaded and Unleaded Automotive Gasoline above 95 Octane RON may be used, however due to the lack of a strong quality control system for automotive fuels Jabiru Aircraft recommend using AVGAS wherever possible.
1.3.3 Oil
Oil Capacity .............................................................. 2.3 Litres
– Minimum Temperature for Take-Off................ 50°C (122°F)
– Maximum Peak Oil Temperature .................... 118°C (244°F)
– Maximum Continuous Oil Temperature .......... 80°C – 100°C (176°F - 212°F)
Oil Pressure
– Normal Operations ........................... Min 220 kPa (32 psi)
........................... Max 525 kPa (76 psi)
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Oil Pressure
– Idle ................................................... Min 80 kPa (12 psi)
Oil Pressure
– Starting & Warm Up ......................... Max 525 kPa (76 psi)
Oil Consumption ...................................................... 0.1 L/hr (max)
Oil Standard ............................................................. Aero Oil W Multigrade 15W-50, or equivalent complying with
............................................................ MIL-L-22851C, or
............................................................ Lycoming Spec. 301F, or
............................................................ Teledyne - Continental Spec MHF-24B
1.3.4 Additives
Note: No Oil or fuel additives should be used. Use of oil or fuel additives will void warranty.
1.3.5 Cylinder Head Temperature (CHT)
Maximum Peak Cylinder Head Temperature
......... 200ºC (392°F)
Maximum Continuous Temperature ........................ 180ºC (356°F)
Note: Time with CHT at between 180°C and 200°C is not to exceed 5 Minutes
1.3.6 Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)
EGT (Mid-Range / Cruise): ...................................... Min 680° - 720°C (1256° - 1328°F)
EGT (Above 70% Power): ....................................... Min 640° - 680°C (1184° - 1256°F)
Note: An EGT gauge is not included as standard equipment on the Jabiru 2200 engine, though a system can be supplied as an option.
1.3.7 Ground Running Limitations
Ground Idle Speed ................................................... 900 RPM (set while engine is hot)
Ground Oil Pressure
– Idle / Startup ........................ Min 80 kPa (11 psi)
........................ Max 525 kPa (76 psi)
Ground Oil Temperature .......................................... Max. 100°C (212°F)
Ground Maximum Cylinder Head Temperature ....... 180°C (356°F)
Note: If ground temperature limits are reached, shut the engine down or cool it by pointing the aircraft into wind.
Measured with sensor ring fitted under exhaust spark plug.
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1.4 Dimensions
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
Figure 1. Drawing 9404041/1 Engine Dimensions
Figure 2. Drawing W000505
– Engine Dimensions S/No. 2553 On
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Denomination Of Cylinders
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
Cylinder Firing Order: 1
– 3 – 2 – 4
Figure 3. Cylinder Firing Order
Figure 4. Distributor Cylinder Map
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Installation Manual
2 Engine Mount
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
The design of the engine mount must balance many requirements:
The mount must be strong enough to carry the loads applied by the weight and power of the engine.
The mount must be stiff enough that the engine does not sag or move too much when power is applied.
The mount must position the engine at the correct height and angle so that the engine’s thrust line suits the aircraft. In most installations, Jabiru Engines need to have their thrust axis offset to the right (tractor installations) by between 1° and 2°.
The mount must position the engine at the right place. The weight of the engine is a very significant part of the overall aircraft weight, and it’s position must be calculated to place the centre of gravity of the aircraft
(CG) in the right spot.
The mount must be designed to allow enough room for the air intake to the Carburettor as well as accessories like vacuum pumps. Access for maintenance must also be considered.
The final design of the engine mount is a compromise, and sometimes special parts will be required to make
it work. Figure 7 shows the installation of a Jabiru 8-
cylinder engine into a Van’s RV-6. To give a good CG location the engine had to be mounted as close to the firewall as possible. This meant that custom air intake tubes had to be developed to get the intake air to the carburettor with a minimum disturbance and turbulence.
from which the engine is to be mounted. An optional bed mount may be fitted.
Figure 5. Engine Mount Point Locations
Each engine mounting point is rubber mounted to damp the engine vibrations. The correct installation of
these rubbers is shown below in Figure 5.
If required, corrections of the engine angle or propeller position can be made by fitting spacers under the rubber cushions. The maximum spacer thickness on any one mount is 3mm.
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Custom air intake tube (“Cobra Head”)
Figures 6 & 7. Typical Upper Engine Mount, Air Intake Installation
Figure 8 Engine Mount Assembly
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3 Controls
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
This section comprises of the mechanical controls and electrical switches.
3.1 Throttle and Choke
The throttle and choke cables both attach to the cable mount arm fitted to the carburettor.
Note: Since a pressure compensating carburettor is used there is no mixture control.
A 7mm spanner is required.
The cables used must have an adequate radius wherever they turn a corner. Bending the cables too sharply will increase the cable friction, making it difficult to use the control accurately. This is a particular problem for the throttle cable as it will make setting the idle accurately very difficult.
All Jabiru engines are run-in on a Dynamometer before delivery. It is impossible to accurately set the idle
as a part of the engine installation process.
Idle stop screw
Throttle Cable connected to throttle arm
Cable mount bracket
Choke Cable connected to throttle arm
Adjustors to fine tune choke and throttle operation
Figure 9. Choke and Throttle Connections to Carburettor
3.2 Ignition & Starter Systems
The only electrical controls for the Jabiru Engine are the ignition switching and the start button.
Section 5 gives details of the electrical systems for the engine.
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Installation Manual Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
4 Engine Crankcase Breather, Catch Bottle & Dipstick
The Jabiru 2200 engine has a crankcase breather connection built into the dipstick housing. This is to be
connected as shown in Figure 10 below.
The catch bottle is designed to catch most oil vapour from the crankcase breather air. It must be monitored in service and periodically emptied of waste oil.
Figure 60 shows more clearly the outlet from the catch bottle
– the catch bottle outlet is secured in the cowl outlet. The position of this outlet and the catch bottle itself must be assessed and oriented so that the crankcase of the engine is exposed to pressure close to ambient. If the breather is open to a high or low pressure (partial vacuum) area the pressure inside the crankcases will also change, with unpredictable effects on engine oil consumption, and oil flow within the engine. This is because several areas of the engine are lubricated via low pressure or spray oil feeds, and drained by gravity
– pressure differences cause airflow changes, and modified airflow can significantly affect the oil feeds in these areas.
Over the course of it’s development the 2200 engine has used several different sumps and dipstick lengths.
Figure 11 gives an explanation of these lengths and what oil levels should be maintained.
When installed in a tail-dragger aircraft, re-calibration of the dipstick will be required by the owner so that it can be read accurately with t he aircraft sitting on it’s wheels.
Hose from engine
Hose from engine
Catch bottle attached to firewall to catch bottle
Hose to outlet
Figure 10. Crankcase Breather Installation
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Figure 11. Dipstick Family Tree
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5 Electrical Equipment
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
5.1 Alternator
The alternator fitted to the Jabiru 2200 engine is a single phase, permanently excited with a regulator.
The rotor is mounted on the flywheel and the stator is mounted on the alternator mount plate at the back of the engine. The alternator mount plate is also the mount for the ignition coils and the vacuum pump.
Note: The electrical system is Negative Earth
Power (Max): 120W Continuous (Up to Engine S/No. 2661)
Power (Max): 200W Continuous (Engine S/No. 2662 onwards)
Wire to ignition switch
Ignition coil (1 of 2)
Alternator rotor
– mounted on flywheel
Alternator stator
– mounted on alternator mount plate fixed to rear of engine.
Ignition magnets
– mounted on flywheel
Figure 12. Ignition & Alternator Detail
5.2 Regulator
The regulator has been selected to match the voltage and current of the integral alternator. Only Jabiru Part
No. PI10652N should be used. (The regulator output voltage is 14 volts + 0.8 volt.).
Recommended wiring of regulator is positive and negative of the regulator directly to the battery. A 20A fuse or circuit breaker may be used between the regulator & battery
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Starter Solenoid
Power / Earth cables to starter motor
Regulator Plug
Regulator (Grey, finned block)
Figure 13. Electrics Installation to Firewall
Figure 14. Regulator Plug Wiring Details
5.3 Ignition
The ignition unit has dual breakerless transistorised ignition with the magnets mounted on the flywheel and
For the 2200 engine the system is the same, however the position of the coils and the magnets on the flywheel are slightly different.
The current from the coils flows to the distributor from where it is distributed to the spark plugs.
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The ignition is turned OFF by grounding the coils via the ignition switches. This is the reverse of most electrical systems: when the ignition switch is in the open (not connected) position the coil is LIVE and will
fire. Wiring details are shown in Figure 28.
The ignition is timed to 25° BTDC. Ignition timing is fixed
– it is set by the position of the flywheel magnets relative to the crankshaft.
The temperature limit for the ignition coils is approximately 70°C. This should be checked by the installer. It is recommended that pipes of 12mm dia be fitted to the top rear of each air duct directing air onto the coils for cooling purposes.
Coil gaps are set at 0.25mm to 0.30mm
(0.010” to 0.012”).
When installing new ignition coils the output leads go in the directon of prop rotation. RHS coil output lead is up LHS coil output lead goes down
Ram air cooling duct
Coil cooling tube
Ignition coil
Figure 15. Ignition Coil Cooling Tube
5.4 Starter Motor
The starter is mounted on the top of the engine and drives the ring gear on the flywheel.
The motor is activated by engaging the starter button (the master switch has to be ON) which trips the solenoid, hence current flows from the battery to the motor.
The cable from Battery to starter should be minimum 16mm
Wiring details are shown in Figure 28.
5.5 Starter Solenoid
The starter Solenoid is mounted on the firewall as shown in Figure 13.
The Solenoid body forms a part of the electrical circuit and MUST be earthed to function correctly.
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Figure 16. Starter Wiring Details
5.6 Battery
The battery should be of a light weight, 12V, 20 Ah type able to accept a charging voltage up to 14 V (+
0.8V) and a 30 AMP Input.
For optimum starting the battery used must have a high Cranking Amp Capacity (also known as Pulse Amp
Capacity). The standard battery used by Jabiru Aircraft has a Pulse Amp rating of 625 Amps. Batteries with higher Pulse Amp ratings may be used and will improve engine starting in colder climates.
5.7 Wiring Practices
Using aircraft grade wiring is strongly recommended. Compared to other grades of wire aircraft grade can carry higher currents for the same physical size and weight. The insulation used on aircraft grade wire is also frame resistant and is designed for better resistance to damage caused by chaffing or rubbing.
Care should be taken to identify each wire via labels or similar. This makes troubleshooting electrical issues much easier.
Where ver possible wires should be identified as carrying “Power” or “Earth”. This can be done by using different colour connectors or applying rings of coloured heat-shrink during assembly. Again, this step simplifies troubleshooting or later modification.
Wires should be laid out in bundles and supported along their length to prevent failures due to fatigue.
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5.8 Instruments
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
5.8.1 Electronic Tachometer
General wiring information for the Tachometer is given in the Wiring Diagram, Figure 28. Detailed
instructions on it’s installation are supplied by the instrument manufacturer.
The tachometer picks up on 2 metal tabs attached to the inside of the flywheel.
The Pickup used is a Magnetic Induction sender type. It is a passive device requiring no external power.
They Pickup outputs a voltage in response to variations in their self-induced magnetic field caused by proximity to moving ferrous metal parts (such as the tags fitted to the rear of the flywheel).
The Tachometer sender must be adjusted to have approximately a 0.4mm gap between the tip of the sender and the tag. Note that due to normal bearing clearances the crankshaft moves slightly when the engine is running, so if this gap is set too small the sender will hit the tag. The sender is fragile and most times damage like this means that the sender must be replaced. If the gap is different for each of the two tags then one tag can be carefully bent to be the same as the other.
Ensure gauge is reading correctly. While large errors will be obvious, smaller errors are harder to pick and it is recommended to check the gauge reading with another instrument (such as a hand-held optical proptach).
Tachometer Sender
Figure 17. Tachometer Sender Installation
Connect to Red Wire of tachometer pick-up
Connect to Black wire of tachometer pick-up
8 7 6 5
4 3 2 1
Connect to Earth Bus
Figure 18. Tachometer Connections
Connect to positive, such as the Instrument Wiring Bus
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5.8.2 Oil Temperature Gauge
The Oil Temperature Gauge uses an electric probe mounted in the base of the sump. Jabiru Part No.
PI10752N is recommended.
The gauge has 3 pins, one marked “+” – which is connected to power, one “S” – which is connected to the sensor and one un-marked
– which is connected to earth.
The temperature sender is a brass fitting installed in the engine sump beside the drain plug.
The oil temperature relies on a good earth connection between the sensor, the engine and the airframe earth terminal. If there is excess resistance at any of these points gauge reading errors will occur.
Oil Temperature sender with wire connected
Engine sump drain plug
Figure 19. Oil Temperature Sender
+ S
Figure 20. Oil Temperature Connections
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5.8.3 Oil Pressure Gauge
An electric oil pressure sender is fitted to the engine for an Oil Pressure Gauge. Jabiru Part No. PI10762N is the recommended gauge.
The gauge has 3 pins, one marked “+” – which is connected to power, one “S” – which is connected to the sensor and one un-marked
– which is connected to earth.
Oil filter
Oil pressure sender with wire connected
Figure 21. Oil Pressure Sender
+ S
Figure 22. Oil Pressure Connections
5.8.4 Voltage Gauge (Optional)
A voltage gauge can be connected to the aircraft systems.
The gauge has 2 pins, one marked “+” – which is connected to power and one un-marked – which is connected to earth.
+ S
Figure 23. Voltage Gauge Connections
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5.8.5 Cylinder Head Temperature Gauge
The Cylinder Head Temperature Gauge uses a thermocouple which is installed to the exhaust spark plug of the hottest cylinder of the engine.
The head temperatures of air cooled engines are typically quite variable
– differences of 50°C (90°F)
For a new installation an audit must be done to establish which is the hottest cylinder. The CHT thermocouple probe is then fitted under the exhaust spark plug on that cylinder. Cylinder number 4 often runs hottest in normal tractor installations, however for new installations this MUST be checked and confirmed. Jabiru Part No. PI10732N is the recommended gauge.
Care must be taken when installing the spark plug terminal
– the terminal must be aligned with the spark plug. If the terminal is not aligned the spark plug seal will be poor and hot combustion gasses can leak out.
These very hot gases will cause the thermocouple to mis-read and
show high CHT’s. Figure 25 shows
properly and improperly fitted CHT terminals.
Loom and Thermocouple sensor are supplied with the instrument. These must be installed as per the instrume nt manufacturer’s directions. If cable is too long it must be looped as many times as necessary and strapped behind the instrument panel.
The Thermocouple sensor works by reading small voltages generated by the sensor wires, and cutting the wire upsets the instrument’s calibration.
Ensure that wire is not chaffing on the fibreglass air duct or cooing fins.
No power connection is required
– the instrument reads directly off the voltage created by the thermocouple wire.
Temperature of the cold junction for best results should be around 50ºC. Ensure cold junction is mounted as far from the thermo couple probe as possible.
Cold Junction
Plug terminal under spark plug
CHT Thermocouple
Cold Junction Spark Plug Terminal
Figure 24. CHT Sender (Thermocouple) Installation
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Figure 25. CHT Terminal Installation
Figure 26. CHT Gauge Connections
5.8.6 Exhaust Gas Temperature Gauge
An optional Exhaust Gas Temperature Gauge can be fitted. The probe should be positioned 100mm from the port flange on the exhaust pipe of a convenient cylinder. Jabiru Part No. PI0325N is the recommended gauge.
5.9 Radio Frequency (RF) Noise Reduction
RF noise is a common problem with aircraft. Symptoms include: i. Radio squelch setting needs to be high ii. iii.
Excess noise in the background during transmissions
Squeals or other feedback noises heard during transmission iv. Intermittent static or noise breaking through the squelch.
RF noise is a complex problem and is influenced by many different factors. The following points do not contain everything there is to know about RF noise, but they are given as recommendations of general good practice to minimise it’s effect.
Ensure all connections, particularly engine earths, are clean and un-corroded.
If the aircraft has a metallic firewall it can be used as a shield to block the majority of RF noise. To be most effective any wire that passes through the firewall should be fitted with a Ferrite Bead (also known as a
Suppressor or RF Suppressor). Bundles of wires can have a single large Suppressor fitted rather than a
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Suppressor for each wire. The wiring diagram in Figure 28 shows suppressors in schematic form. These
suppressors are readily available at local electronics stores.
A Noise Filter can be fitted to th e radio’s power supply. Again, these filters are readily available from local electronics stores. The manufacturer’s instructions must be followed for installation.
Cables passing through the firewall (such as throttle cables, choke, carburettor heat and cabin heat cables) can transmit RF noise back into the cabin. This can be minimised by earthing the cables at ONE end. On
engine, so the throttle and choke cables are connected to earth through this wire.
It is normal & unavoidable that the engine’s ignition system produces some RF noise. This can be minimised by: i. Ensuring all spark plug gaps are set properly. ii. iii.
Ensure ignition coil gaps are set properly
Ensure all high-tension leads (Spark plug leads) are firmly fitted at both ends
– to the spark plug and to the distributor. In addition, the lead from each ignition coil to the distributor must be firmly fitted to the distributor. iv. Ensure Distributor caps and rotors are in good condition.
To counteract RF noise, Jabiru Aircraft run shielded wiring on all radio and intercom wiring. In our experience, the “Earth Return” method of shielding (where the shield for the wire is also used to form the earth connection) does not work as well as the “Faraday Cage” (where the shield is a shield only – it is not a part of the circuit) method of shielding
“Earth Loops” – where a wire is connected to earth at both ends – can introduce RF noise into the system.
All shields should be connected to the aircraft’s earth system at one end only.
has a double layer of shielding and better RF insulation than other cable types. Note that the coaxial cable included in most antenna kits tends to have a single layer of insulation. BNC connectors are recommended for most applications, and wherever possible crimped connectors which require a special crimper to assemble should be used. Crimped connectors are much less prone to RF leakage or assembly issues than other types (such as screw-together BNC connectors).
Wires and antenna cables must be routed carefully. Bending or coiling Co-axial cable (such as is used for antennas) sharply will significantly degrade the cable’s RF shielding and must be avoided wherever possible.
Coiling antenna cables or any wire carrying current (sensor wires carry very low current so are generally exempt from this requirement) into loops can induce RF noise in other systems. GPS antennas in particular are powered
– both the antenna and any excess antenna cable must be positioned carefully, as far away from the radios, antennas and intercom as possible.
While not a part of the engine installation, strobes can produce significant RF noise. Most brands of strobes require that the box containing the strobe head unit electronics is earthed, and this is essential to minimise noise. The cables used for the strobe lights themselves must be shielded and the shield must be earthed properly, at ONE end only. The Box containing the strobe electronics can also be installed on the engine side of the firewall to further reduce
RF noise. The strobe unit’s manufacturer normally provides good instructions for minimising their effect on radio noises.
Black outer insulation
Outer shield layer Inner shield layer
Figure 27. RG400 Co-Axial Antenna Cable
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Figure 28. Wiring Diagram
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Figure 29. Wiring Diagram Key
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6 Fuel Supply System
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
6.1 Fuel Tank
The fuel tank must be fitted with an outlet strainer of between 8 and 16 mesh per inch, with a minimum total mesh area of 5 cm
Ensure the fuel tank is properly vented.
6.2 Fuel Filtration
A Fuel filter capable of preventing the passage of particles larger than 0.1mm (100um) must be installed between the fuel tank outlet and the fuel pump.
The filter must be present in the system for the fuel flow test. The size of the filter should give consideration to allow adequate flow with a used filter.
A Ryco Z15 disposable paper element automotive filter has been used successfully. Note that this filter, or any other filter with a plastic body must not be used on the engine side of the firewall
– regulations and common sense both require that all fittings in the fuel system on the engine side of the firewall must be fire resistant.
6.3 Mechanical Fuel Pump
The mechanical fuel pump is mounted on the engine crankcase and is camshaft driven. It is designed to supply fuel at the pressure described in the following paragraph.
Many airworthiness categories require that a backup fuel pump be fitted in case the primary pump fails.
Jabiru Aircraft recommend fitting an electrical boost pump. If fitted, this pump must also fulfil the fuel input criteria for the carburettor, given below.
Some airworthiness categories also require an additional drip tray be fitted to the fuel pump. This optional
Fuel line from pump to carburettor
Fuel Pump
Fuel line from firewall fitting to fuel pump
Fuel pump drip tray
Figure 30. Mechanical Fuel Pump
6.4 Fuel Flow Meters
Where a Fuel Flow Meter is to be installed to the aircraft Jabiru Aircraft recommend that the flow transducer is not installed on the engine side of the firewall. Most transducers are made of either plastic or light aluminium and are not fire resistant. Regulations and common sense both require that every part of the fuel system on the engine side of the firewall must be fire resistant.
6.5 Carburettor
A Bing constant depression type 94/40 is used. This carburettor has a minimum delivery pressure of 5 kPa
(0.75 Psi) and a maximum pressure of 20 kPa (3 psi). To confirm that the fuel system is capable of delivering this pressure a fuel flow test must be performed.
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When using auto fuels, the fuel delivery system must be designed to prevent fuel vaporization.
To check pressure, insert a ‘T’ piece between the mechanical pump & carburettor. Test boost pump with engine off, then mechanical fuel pump with engine on, then combine with electrical boost pump as well, before first flight.
A method for performing a fuel flow test is available from Jabiru if required. In brief, the fuel line is disconnected from the carburettor, fuel is pumped into a calibrated container and the rate at which the fuel is pumped (or drained, for gravity-fed systems without a pump) is calculated.
Most regulations require that the fuel system (including pumps) supplying the engine be capable of delivering 1.25 to 1.5 times the maximum flow rate required for the engine. For a Jabiru 2200 engine this
Jabiru Aircraft generally manages a flow rate of approximately 60 litres per hour.
The Bing carburettor has a
Balance tube (also known as a “sense tube”) which connects the carburettor to the air box.
The tube runs from a nipple on the carburettor to the airspace in the air box on the “clean” side of the air filter.
This tube is part of a system or ports which “tells” the carburettor how hard the engine is working and controls how the carburettor varies the fuel / air mixture delivered to the engine. Tuning issues
installation. Note that the balance tube must not be connected to the air box in a location where the air is moving fast
– rapid flows produces pressure changes and boundary layer effects which mean the balance tube gives the carburettor “bad” information, which can cause poor mixture control and running issues.
A drip deflector to deflect overflowing fuel from the exhaust system is supplied as standard equipment on the engine.
Because idle adjustments cannot accurately be made on the dynamometer (where every engine is run before delivery), some adjustment of the 7mm idle set screw may be required. A hot idle of around 900RPM is desirable.
Fitting an earth strap from carby to crankcase is recommended to eliminate possible radio interference.
Balance tube
Idle screw
Vent tube from mechanical fuel pump
Figure 31. Carburettor Installation
Fuel bowl clip
Fuel bowl
Drip deflector
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Balance tube nipple
Sense ports
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Air filter
Correct location for balance tube connection
– on “Clean” side of air filter in an area where the air is relatively slow moving.
Fuel inlet nipple
Sense port
Poor location for balance tube
Figure 32. Carburettor Intake & Balance Tube Detail
Carburettor Operation
Figure 33. Carburettor Schematic
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Diaphragm spring
Needle carrier
Air density sense port
Idle circuit inlet aperture
Air density sense port
Needle Jet
Jet Carrier
Idle Jet
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The Bing altitude compensating carburettor uses bowl float level and two main air circuits
– the idle and the needle/main
– to control the mixture. Both circuits use jets to meter the rate at which fuel is allowed to flow.
The jets are small brass parts with precisely controlled openings (both the size of the opening and the shape surrounding the opening affect fuel flow rate) which can be changed to adjust engine mixture.
The main and idle jets have simple fixed apertures, while the effective size of the needle jet aperture varies,
needle jet and the corresponding difference in aperture. On the left is a low power setting, where the needle jet is nearly completely blocked by the needle. The middle throttle setting corresponds approximately to a high cruise power setting. The gap between the needle and the sides of the jet is much larger. The final setting corresponds approximately to wide open throttle. The needle jet is now effectively not there, and the amount of fuel flowing is controlled by the main jet (located upstream of the needle jet in this circuit).
The shape of the taper of the needle controls the mixture at a given throttle setting. The needle used in
Jabiru engines been optimized for use with a propeller, which puts a very non-linear load on the engine; to double the RPM of a propeller a lot more than double the power has to be applied.
To achieve a good mixture with the type of load applied by a propeller, the Jabiru needle uses two-stage taper and a straight tip. The more gradual taper at the upper end of the needle gives a leaner mixture in lowpower cruise settings and at lower RPM where the propeller is using relatively little power. The sharper taper at the lower end ramps up rapidly to a much richer mixture at higher power settings. The straight tip of the needle is used when the throttle is wide open and the engine’s mixture is being controlled by the main jet. This rich mixture at full power protects the engine from detonation.
The transition from lean, cruise mixtures to richer full-power mixture will occur at around 2800
– 3000 rpm on 4 and 6 cylinder engines, when fitted with an appropriate propeller. For most efficient operation, the transition must be above cruise rpm. The transition can clearly be seen by changes in the EGT.
Jabiru Needle
Needle Jet (cross section view)
Jabiru 3300 needle shown, with 3 shallow grooves machined above taper.
Slow, linear taper for cruise power & below.
Steeper linear taper for transition between lean cruise mixture and rich, high power mixture.
View looking through needle jet
Parallel end for full power
Needle Jet
Figure 34. Needle Jet (Jabiru Needle)
Because of the way the carburettor uses the sense ports and balance tube to regulate the mixture it is sensitive to the way the intake air moves, and to the conditions of the intake system.
Section 7 below contains information on setting up the induction system.
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6.5.2 Carburettor Tuning
The mixture supplied to the engine by the carburettor is affected by a large number of variables, including: i. Ambient temperature ii. iii.
Propeller size (coarse or fine) and loading
Whether the engine is cowled or open (by affecting the temperature of the induction pipes and carburettor)
The airframe type iv. v. The intake system
Because of these factors, we recommend that whenever a new engine installation is being developed that the engine be fitted with EGT probes and the tuning checked.
Jabiru Aircraft or our local representative can provide assistance during this phase.
6.6 Fuel Lines
Fuel lines are nominally 6mm bore.
All hoses forward of the firewall require fire resistant sheathing (visible as an orange covering on the fuel
clamp. The ends of the sheath must be held in place using safety wire to prevent the sheathing moving and exposing the fuel line.
Fuel lines between moving sections such as between engine and firewall should be flexible. SAE standard automotive rubber hoses are adequate, provided they are protected with fire resistance sheathing.
In many countries (including Australia) standard airworthiness requirements state that all flexible hoses must be changed every two years, though if there are visible signs of degradation (such as cracking or hardening) the hose should be changed immediately.
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7 Air Intake System
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
7.1 Intake Air Heating
The Jabiru 2200 engine can experience carburettor icing in some conditions. Jabiru Aircraft strongly recommend that a system for heating engine intake air be included in the induction system design.
7.2 Intake Hose & Air Filter Box
Jabiru Aircraft recommend that engine intake air be drawn from outside the cowl wherever possible.
Due to the way the carburettor works (as described above) it is sensitive to the air flowing into it.
Turbulence, swirl and sharp edges all affect the mixture metering system of the carburettor.
The hose type recommended for induction systems is SCAT aircraft type.
SKEET type, which has an inner liner must NOT be used. Over time the inner lining can detach and collapse, blocking the hose. SKEET hose should be used for positive pressure applications only.
into the carburettor
Connecting the hose directly to the carburettor can cause the hose to bunch up and cover the sense ports.
A “Cobra Head” duct or similar is recommended to prevent this.
Sharp corners inside the air filter box cause turbulence and a pressure drop. The pressure drop means that the carburettor balance tube pressure reading is inaccurate, while the turbulence affects the readings at the carburettor sense ports. Both items can cause power loss and rough running
– particularly at high power settings.
For installations where there is very little room between the carburettor and the firewall a special duct has been developed to minimise pressure drop and turbulence
The intake hose should align as closely as possible with the carburettor body
– having the intake duct come at the carburettor from one side encourages swirl and can give uneven mixture.
Rough entry into hose
– high turbulence and pressure difference
Smooth entry into hose
– no turbulence or pressure difference
Balance tube
Balance tube
Hose bunched, covering sense ports & adding turbulence & swirl
“Cobra Head” duct fitted to carburettor
Air filter box
Air filter box
Figure 35. Air Intake Connections
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Figure 36. Air Filter Box Plumbing
– Incorrect
Correct plumbing
– sharp lips & abrupt corners rounded & smoothed off.
Figure 37. Air Filter Box Plumbing
– Correct
Gradual bends only in
SCAT hose
Glass “Cobra Head” removes a sharp corner in SCAT tube
Glass duct prevents bunched
SCAT hose from blocking sensor holes on carburettor inlet
Figure 38. Typic al “Cobra Head” Installation on a Jabiru Aircraft
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Cobra Head Duct
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
Figure 39. Cobra Head for Installations with Minimum Carburettor Clearance
7.3 Air Filter
The induction system must not cause positive RAM induction pressure as this will have an unpredictable affect the fuel/air mixture supplied to the engine.
The filter must be capable of supplying 250 kg/hr (550 pph) of air
The filter may have to be changed at regular intervals if the engine is to be used in a dusty environment.
Air flow should be as direct as possible, no tight bends and air taken from outside the cowl. Current air filter is RAF 17 (Repco)
7.4 Ram Air Bleed
The hot air mixer box / filter boxes manufactured by Jabiru Aircraft have a Ram Air Bleed flap incorporated.
This flap prevents excess ram air pressure in the induction system.
If the engine ever backfires, the flap also acts as a relief valve to let the excess pressure escape without damaging the induction system.
Rubber flap covers holes & prevents excess bust etc entering airbox.
Figure 40. Ram Air Bleed
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Vent holes to release pressure on un-filtered side of airbox.
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8 Exhaust System
An exhaust system is provided with the engine. Both Pusher and Tractor systems are available.
Muffler Volume
– Capacity 3 litres
Back pressure at Takeoff Performance
– Max 0.2 bar (2.9 psi). Readings taken 70mm from muffler flange connections. Only complete mufflers supplied with Jabiru Aircraft are welded
– all others require tail pipes to be TIG welded to the muffler body. NOTE: Drilled ends of pipes go inside muffler cavity. The tail pipes go completely through the muffler body and are welded on both top and bottom.
When fitting the muffler one or more of the exhaust pipes can be loosened at the connection to the cylinder head to allow easy fit of the muffler. They then must be tightened.
Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT) limits are given in Section 1.3.6.
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9 Propeller & Spinner
The hub of the propeller must be drilled with holes to match the flange.
Fixed pitch wooden propellers are preferred. To safely use a propeller made of metal or composite a crankshaft vibration resonance survey has to be conducted to ensure that there are no damaging vibrations.
Note that this refers to each new propeller design using composite or metal blades
– once proven the propellers do not need to be tested for each individual installation. However, due to their inherent vibration damping qualities, wooden propellers can be used without this testing.
Wooden propellers require periodic inspections to maintain proper attachment bolt tension
– Typically every
50 or 100 hours, depending on the propeller manufacturer’s recommendations.
wooden propellers.
The propeller must be carefully selected to match the airframe and the engine: Propellers up to 1727mm
(68”) in diameter and between 762mm (30”) and 1219mm (48”) in pitch
may be used. The propeller flange is drilled with two sets of holes which can be used for propeller mounting. 6 hole s at both 101.6mm (4”)
PCD and 111.12mm (4 3/8”) PCD (total of 12 holes).
The Jabiru Engine does not have a hydraulic pressure supply or a governor mounting pad required for a hydraulic constant speed or variable propeller.
Propellers with excess pitch can cause high temperatures and engine damage. Nominally, all propellers must be able to obtain 2800rpm static and 3150rpm to 3300rpm wide open throttle straight and level.
However, in some particularly low-drag airframes it may be necessary to use a propeller which does not achieve 2800 static rpm. In these cases propellers should be chosen based on their RPM at wide open throttle (straight and level flight).
Do not cruise or climb in the range 2100rpm
– 2400rpm.
Maximum moment of inertia 0.25 kgm
Applications outside this range should be referred to Jabiru.
Engine MUST NEVER BE RUN WITHOUT THE PROPELLER. Damage will occur in this state.
Pitch measurements are taken from the angle of the rear face of the prop blade. Other propeller manufacturers may specify pitch measured from the blade mean chord line or other reference. Make sure you are comparing equivalent pitch units when specifying a propeller.
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Figure 41. Jabiru Propeller & Spinner Installation
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10 Engine Installation Procedure
Attach male engine mount rubbers to all engine mount pins on the engine mount. Place an AN4-31A bolt through each mount. Note that an engine mount spacer washer is fitted between the male rubber & the
lower engine mount pins (Refer to Figure 44 below).
With the Back of the Aircraft Supported & the wheels chocked, lift the engine onto the engine mount.
Insert the upper engine mount rubbers into the engine backing plate first by tilting the front of the engine up.
Once both upper rubbers are through the engine backing plate, fit the female rubber, engine mount spacer washer, engine mount washer, ¼” washer & Heat Proof nut.
To place the nuts on the mount bolts the rubbers must be compressed. Do this by using a deep reach socket inside the engine mount pins & clamping the rubber mount assembly using a G-clamp with the swivel
taken off the ball. See Figure 43. Start nuts on both upper mount bolts.
Once bolts of the upper rubbers are started, continue lowering the front of the engine & align the lower engine mount pins with the engine backing plate.
Use the weight of the engine to compress the lower rubbers & fit the nuts to the bolts.
The lower engine mount rubbers are assembled in the same way, except the male engine mount rubber is
fitted to the engine mount pins first. Refer to Figure 44 below.
Tighten nuts until firm. (Engine mount washer will touch the engine mount pin as the rubbers compress)
Connect the fuel line to fuel pump (Refer to Figure 43). Ensure the fireproof sleeve is in place.
Ensure the fuel line from fuel pump to the carburettor is connected & protected by fireproof sleeve.
Ensure that the fuel overflow line is in place, and secured to vent overboard. This is the small, clear hose
shown leading from the fuel pump in Figure 43.
Fit the oil over flow bottle to the firewall by drilling and Riveting oil bottle holder in place using 73AS 6-6
Connect the oil breather line from the engine breather.
Ensure that the oil overflow line is in place and vents overboard.
Fit Scat hoses from NACA duct to Air Inlet Housing Assembly, from hot air muff to carburettor heat inlet on the hot air mixer box and from the hot air mixer box to carburettor
Fit throttle cable to carburettor. Note that Jabiru Aircraft kits come with a throttle cable cut to length and with the correct end fitting attached. Engines used in firewall-forward kits will be supplied with a length of throttle cable with no end
– the builder must cut the cable to length and fit the carburettor end fitting. 5/16” washers are used on the cable end fitting (one washer either side of cable end fitting) to align cable. Use R-clip to
Fit choke cable to carburettor. Use an R-clip to assemble. Note that the fuel line from the fuel pump to the
carburettor passes between the choke and throttle cables. The choke is shown in Figure 9.
Connect the fuel balance tube from the nipple on the carburettor to a fitting on the filtered air side of the air mixer box.
Fit cylinder head temperature (CHT) sensor. The CHT sensor used in Jabiru aircraft is a J-type thermocouple. The VDO 310 980 Cylinder Head Temperature Gauge Kit is compatible with this sensor and is installed as standard equipment in Jabiru Aircraft. Note that to ensure an accurate temperature reading it is important to have the cold junction for the CHT (the plug between the stiff thermocouple wires and the
normal, plastic-insulated gauge wires) located away from the heat of the engine. Refer to Figure 24.
The Oil Temperature Sensor used is a VDO 320 028 which is located in the bottom of the sump as shown in
used is VDO 360 001.
The exhaust gas probe used on Jabiru engines is a VDO 310 306 Pyrometer which is supplied as a complete kit. The probe is mounted in a fitting which is welded to an exhaust pipe. Note that this fitting is
not standard. The installation of the fitting is best done at the time of order, though if required the exhaust pipe may be returned to Jabiru and the fitting added. Note that in this case it will normally take around 2 weeks before the pipe is returned to you. The fitting is welded to the pipe 100mm down from the exhaust manifold mounting plate.
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The Tachometer sensor used is a 6.35 x 22 mm analogue magnetic pick-up and is fitted to a bracket on the
alternator housing. Refer to Figure 17. The sensor picks up on 2 tags fitted behind the flywheel.
Male rubber engine mount
Female rubber engine mount
– engine mount spacer
Washer engine mount
Air duct Spring
Lock wire attach ram
– to cooling ducts. air
Propeller guide bush
Spring mounting bracket
Exhaust spring
G-Clamp with swivel removed
Belleville washer Washer
Figure 42. Engine Accessory Pack Contents
Deep long reach socket
Engine mount washer
Female engine mount rubber
Male engine mount rubber
Figure 43 Upper & Lower Engine Mount Detail
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Figure 44. Engine Mount Detail
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Fuel line from firewall fitting to mechanical fuel pump
Fuel line from mechanical fuel pump carburettor to
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SCAT hose from
NACA inlet to air box
Figure 45. Fuel Connections General
SCAT hose from hot air muff on exhaust to air box
Figure 46. SCAT Hose Detail
Balance tube connecting filtered side of air mixer box to nipple on carburettor.
Figure 47. Balance Tube Detail
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Jabiru Aircraft Throttle cable connected
Kit Throttle Cable
Carburettor end
Throttle lever end
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
Figure 48. Control Connections to Carburettor
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11 Before First Start
Expel inhibiting oil from cylinders and pressure up (wind engine on starter until a the oil pressure gauge shows a reading) before first start.
Ensure correct run-in type oil is used for the first 25
– 30 hours to ensure proper ring bedding-in.
Once past the initial 25-30 hours, ensure the oil used meets the specifications given above.
Oil coolers are mandatory unless operating in very cold ambient temperatures. Refer to Oil Cooling section above for allowable oil operating temperature ranges.
Do not overfill the engine
– this may result in high oil temperatures.
Check for contact of engine, cooler or ducts on cowl. Any contact will cause excessive vibration & if the oil cooler is rubbing it will eventually fail & leak.
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12 Auxiliary Units
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
12.1 Vacuum Pump
For the installation of an artificial horizon and/or a direction gyro a vacuum pump is necessary. A Tempest
212CW (or equivalent) vacuum pump can be fitted to the alternator mounting plate and directly coupled to the crankshaft. The drive pad is dry.
The pad and spline are SAE Standard.
For later engines (S/No. 2732 and onwards) the vacuum pump drive spline is an option extra not included with the standard engine
– it must be ordered separately.
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13 Cooling Systems
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
13.1 General Principles
An ideal cooling system: i. ii.
Controls engine temperatures through speeds ranging from taxiing on the ground through to V
Controls the engine temperatures through a wide range of angles of attack. iii. iv. v. vi.
Is simple to build, install and maintain
Produces minimum drag
Requires no pilot attention
Is not affected by rain, dirt or insects sticking to it. vii. And weighs next to nothing
For the sake of the following discussion, a “gap” is considered an opening roughly large enough to slide two fingers into
– around 13mm by 32mm (0.5” by 1 ¼ “).
The total area of the air intakes (combined cylinder head and oil cooling openings) should generally be no more than one third the total area of the cowl outlet (the outlet area must be a minimum of about 3 times as
Each cowl cylinder head Inlet of a Jabiru Aircraft has an area of approximately 10,500mm
2 cooler inlets have an area of approximately 12,500mm
2 approximately 100,500mm
(155 in
(19.4 in
(16.25 in
). Oil
). This gives a required total outlet area of
). These sizes are based on a Jabiru Aircraft. Inlet and outlet sizes req uired will vary depending on the aircraft’s speed, drag and the positions of the inlets and outlets – the areas given should be used as a guide and starting point only.
A generalised picture of the airflow and air temperature is shown in Figure 49.
Most of the time, air leaking through gaps instead of flowing though a cylinder head, oil cooler or similar is waste air
– it does not transfer heat and does not cool the engine. Sometimes air leaking through controlled gaps
have beneficial effects. However, it is recommended that gaps around the engine and oil cooler be closed as a starting point.
The propeller & rush of air from the aircraft’s speed make it easier to get air into the cowl than to get it out.
Too much air flowing through the oil cooler can restrict airflow through the cylinder heads, & vice versa.
The pressure difference between the low pressure outlet area of the cowls and the high pressure inlet areas controls the amount of air flowing through the engine. The pressure differential testing described in Section
During developmental work it is strongly recommended that each cylinder head has it’s own temperature sensor. Modifications to cowls etc can have unpredictable effects and normally a change will affect each cylinder head differently
– i.e. head #4 may cool down while head #3 heats up.
Testing of an installation in a Jabiru Aircraft showed that the heat radiating from the engine exhaust system normally has a minimal effect. Wrapping the exhaust in insulation etc does not produce a measurable temperature reduction during taxi or in the air.
The limits in the Specification Sheet, contained in Appendix B, must be strictly adhered to. Warranty will not be paid on engine damage attributed to overheating of cylinders or oil.
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High pressure air entering cowl through ram air ducts
High temperature air under cylinder heads
Air entering cowl through oil cooler
Balanced Flow
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
Air from ram air ducts and oil cooler mixing
Cowl outlet sucks air out of the cowls. Low pressure, warm air flows out.
Un-Balanced Flow
Un-Balanced Flow
Air leaking past oil cooler reduces air flow rate through cylinder heads
Air leaking past cylinder heads reduces air flow rate through oil cooler
Figure 49. Cowl Airflow (Best Viewed in Colour)
High pressure air entering cowl through ram air ducts
High temperature air under cylinder heads
Air entering cowl through oil cooler
Balanced Flow
Air from ram air ducts and oil cooler mixing
Cowl outlet sucks air out of the cowls. Low pressure, warm air flows out.
Un-Balanced Flow
Un-Balanced Flow
Air leaking past oil cooler reduces air flow rate through cylinder heads
Air leaking past cylinder heads reduces air flow rate through oil cooler
Figure 50. Cowl Airflow (Black & White Version)
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13.2 Flow Visualisation
In designing the cooling system the designer must have a basic understanding of how air flows and behaves inside the cowl. The pictures below are intended to explain it in simple terms.
Figure 51 shows two schoolrooms, drawn as if seen from above. Each room represents an engine and oil
cooler inside a cowling. i. ii. iii.
There are two doors in the inlet side of the room and one on the outlet side.
Several desks are placed in the room, representing the engine cylinders and the oil cooler.
Students walk through from left to right, representing the air flow through the cowls. iv. On each desk is a pile of homework papers, representing heat generated by the engine.
Air always takes the path of least resistance. It tries to escape quickly to the playground without taking the homework.
The desks and doorways form restrictions. If the desks are too close, not enough students can pass through. If the desks are too far apart some students will not pick up their homework. If the inlet doorways are too large then there will be a traffic jam trying to get out of the outlet door.
Gaps can leave room for students to pass without picking up homework.
Given a group of desks as shown, students can follow many paths through them
– from front to rear, from top to bottom or any combination.
Slowing down the students as they pass through the desks means they will pick up their homework, but if they are slowed down anywhere else it only reduces the amount of students that can get through the room.
If the exit becomes jammed with people, installing bigger inlet doors will not increase the number of students passing through the room. Exits should be as clear and free of obstructions as possible to let people out.
Students will often have a preferred desk to take their homework from, meaning that some cylinder heads will have more heat removed than others
– temperatures will wary between different heads.
Partition “Cylinder head” desks
“Oil cooler” desks
Students carrying homework
Students in the corridor
- Partitions are used to force the students to walk through the desks.
- Each student picks up the homework.
- Outlet door is 90° to the flow of students in the corridor; there is no restriction & jostling at the exit
- No partitions are used, so students walk around the desks instead of through them.
Most students don’t come close enough to a desk to pick up the homework
- Outlet door is parallel to the flow of students in the corridor, causing restriction & jostling at the exit
Figure 51. Flow Visualisation
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13.3 Air Inlet & Ram Air Ducts
The engine should be installed using RAM AIR ducts provided with the engine. The ducts themselves must
be assembled as detailed in Section 13.3.1.
The ram air ducts are screwed to the engine using the normal rocker cover screws. Note that if the duct is not fastened to the engine then air pressure at high speed can lift the ducts off the engine. This will upset the pressure balance inside the cowl and impede cooling. More importantly, with some types of ducts, the duct lifting will dislodge the spark plug high tension leads, causing the engine to run roughly or stop.
For best cooling on the ground, during climb and low speed flight the propeller used must have significant pitch and blade area on the section immediately in front of the air inlets. At low speeds the airflow does not have much energy, and the acceleration and pressure provided by the propeller greatly assists in getting air into the ram air ducts.
Each duct must have a 25mm hole at the inside top front to bleed air over the crankcase.
The pressure differential between the inside the cooling ducts and the cowl outlet must not be lower than
60mm (2.4
”) water gauge at when the aircraft’s speed is 1.3 times the stall speed (1.3 x V
The cooling ducts provided are a starting point in establishing effective engine cooling. The ducts may require to be increased in size and additional baffles provided for best cooling.
For an air cooled engine it is entirely normal for there to be significant differences in the temperature of each cylinder head. Often the head which is hottest in the climb will not be the hottest during cruise & descent.
This is only a problem if the hotter heads exceed the engine’s set limits.
“Gull Wing” baffles can be used to fine-tune the restriction to airflow caused by the engine, and this in turn affects the volume of air flowing through the engine and into the cowls. Fitting the baffles will give a higher restriction as it forces air to flow through the small gaps between fins. Leaving the baffles out provides larger gaps
– and a higher volume of relatively cool air blows through these gaps into the “Hot” zone immediately under the cylinder heads. Wherever possible it is recommended to leave the baffles out.
However, compared to an installation with the Gull Wings fitted, a significantly larger volume of air must be sucked out of the cowl outlet. This often requires a larger cowl outlet or a larger lip on the existing outlet.
Pressure differentials must be maintained.
Check for contact of engine, cooler or ducts on cowl. Any contact will cause excessive vibration & if the oil cooler is rubbing it will eventually fail & leak.
Front baffle in duct to prevent air slipping under cylinder & head
Rear baffle to direct air into rear cylinder head
Hole in ram air duct to blow cool air over the crankcase
“Gull Wing” baffles fitted between cylinders
Figure 52. Front-On View Into Ram Air Duct
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Pipes blowing cool air over the ignition coils
Figure 53. Coil Cooling Detail
13.3.1 Ram Air Duct Assembly & Installation
As supplied, the seam at the front of the ram air duct is not joined. This joint must be bonded using 5minute epoxy & flock. Use a length of masking tape on the join line at the bottom of each duct inlet to hold the join firm and prevent Epoxy/flock from leaking through.
Seam bonded with
5-minute epoxy.
Figure 54. Ram Air Duct Front Seam
Before installation the front air dams need to be cut to size. Take the length of glass fibre sheet with the curved edge, hold it against the rear of the duct inlet with the curve towards the top rear of the duct and mark
around the bottom of the duct then cut to shape. Figure 55 refers.
Tape the air dam into place. Mix a small batch of 5-minute Epoxy and flock and use it to fix the air dam into place. Leave to cure, then sand away any rough edges.
Remove the masking tape and roughen the underside of the duct and the back of the air dam.
Mix a small batch of epoxy resin (structural resin
– not 5-minute epoxy) and brush 2 layers of AF303 glass fibre cloth to the underside of each duct, covering the join line and wrapping up around the back edge of the air dam. Leave overnight to cure.
The completed baffle is shown in Figure 52.
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Figure 55. Air Dam Installation
13.4 Oil Cooling
The dipstick cap must be screwed fully in before removal for reading oil level.
An oil cooler adapter is supplied with the engine & fits under the oil filter. The cooler can be plumbed either way to the adaptor
– flow direction is not important. Oil coolers are available from Jabiru Aircraft.
Unless consistently operating in low temperatures, oil coolers are mandatory. Note: if you fly in cold weather and don’t have an oil cooler you can’t fly if it warms up. You can always block the oil air off in cold conditions.
In continuous operation oil temperatures between 80°C and 90°C (176°F
– 194°F) are desirable. 70°C
(158°F) is the minimum allowable temperature for continuous running and 100°C (212°F) is the maximum allowable temperature for continuous running.
Over filling with oil is not desirable. It can cause elevated temperatures & excessive oil use & loss.
Hoses should be nominally 10 mm (3/8”) bore.
Hoses must be changed every 2 years or if visible degradation (cracking, hardening) is visible at inspection.
A pressure drop of at least 60mm (2.4”) water pressure between the air flowing into the cooler and the air flowing out of the cowls should provide sufficient oil cooling if using a standard Jabiru oil cooler.
contributing to cooling
– though it noted that there were exceptions to this rule. Oil cooling is the feature of engine installations that is most often improved by “leaks” like this. A controlled amount of free air blowing
shows a duct of this type fitted to a Jabiru 6-cylinder engine). However, for this to work the cowl installation must be able to cope with the extra volume of air flowing into the cowl space
– the outlet area or outlet lip size may need to be increased to suck out the extra volume.
which shows the cooler being fitted using rubber mounts. This is very important as it insulates the cooler from engine vibrations
– coolers installed with a soft mount like this are much less likely to fail in service.
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Controlled gap “leaking” air over the sump and lower parts of the engine.
Airflow in
Oil Cooler
Figure 56. Oil Cooler Duct Design
Figure 57. Oil Cooler Installation
13.5 Air Outlet
As the sections above describe, getting air out of the cowling is often the factor limiting how much air can be pushed through the engine and how well it is cooled.
The shape of the outlet of the cowls controls how effectively air is sucked out of the cowling and is arguably the single most important aspect of cowling design.
As noted above, as a rule of thumb the cowl outlet area should be at least 3 times the combined area of all the cowl inlets.
improvement to pressure differentials and engine cooling.
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must both be designed to work effectively at all angles which the aircraft will normally experience.
Figure 60 shows two different cowl outlets
– one is basically an opening in the flat bottom of the cowl, while for the other the opening is oriented at 90° to the airflow direction. Vertical orientations (Deep Outlet) give better pressure differentials and are less affected by aircraft angle of attack than horizontal (Long Outlet).
large ramps moulded in which increase the depth and area of the cowl outlet (and also provides mounting points for the rudder pedals). This type of feature is not mandatory for good engine cooling but it does help.
An alternative is to make the bottom corner of the firewall as smooth and rounded as possible to help airflow and minimise the outlet restriction.
Some aircraft types have a flange running around the firewall. Particularly on metal types, this flange is a useful way of mounting the cowls. However, if the flange runs across the edge of the firewall where the cowl
of a firewall with a flange of this type. Wherever possible flanges across the cowl outlet should be avoided.
Alternatively a fairing can be built inside the cowl to smooth airflow over the lip & reduce flow restriction.
Figure 58: Lip to aid cooling as installed on a Jabiru.
Line shows direction of ambient airflow.
Figure 59. Affect of Angle of Attack on Cowl Outlets
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Fuselage cut away to give deeper & larger cowl outlet
Figure 60. Cowl Outlet Geometry
Figure 61. Outlet Restriction Caused By Flange On Lower Firewall
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13.6 Cooling System Testing & Evaluation
For new installations (new designs rather than new aircraft of a known type) the pressure drop across both
Ram air ducts must be checked.
The following is a guide to evaluating an engine installation to see if it meets minimum cooling requirements.
The easiest way to measure the air pressure drop across the engine and oil cooler is using a U tube manometer using water. It is basically a piece of clear tube bent into a “U” and half filled with water (if the water is hard to see add a bit of food colouring).
For ram-air duct pressure, connect one side of U to a static port inside the ram air duct and the other to a static probe inside the cowl near the outlet. For the pressure drop across the oil cooler plumb a static probe against the front of the cooler and a static probe inside the cowl near the outlet. The further the probe is in front of the cooler the less the static pressure that will be measured, so place the probe no more than 5mm in front of the cooler and parallel to it.
Using multiple U-tubes several measurements can be taken in one flight.
Details of a typical static probe are shown in Figure 62.
Note that probes must be fitted in the same place each time to ensure you get consistent measurements.
Some hints.
Usually the most critical situation for cooling is climb however this is not always true, so check all situations.
The change in air temperature is approximately the same as the change in engine temp. For example if you did all your testing in 15°C and you want to flying in up to 35°C weather, in 35°C all your engine temps will be approximately 20°C higher. Check you have sufficient margin for all conditions you plan to fly in.
If the engine gets too hot during testing don’t push it. Something needs to be changed.
For low speed cooling a lip on the front edge cowl outlet can add up to 20mm of pressure drop at 65kts ( a lip 25mm deep at 60° to the airflow
Figure 62: Cooling pressure measurement.
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Figure 63: Ram Air duct pressure tapping.
13.7 Pusher Installations
For pusher installations the details given above hold, though some changes are necessary for the different configuration.
Versions of Jabiru ram air ducts are available for high speed and low speed pusher installations.
The propeller can be used to suck air out of the cowls, using the following as a guide: i. ii.
Wherever possible the cowl outlets should be vertical openings with lips that come close to the propeller
– as close a possible without the blades hitting the cowls.
The propeller blade must have significant pitch and chord in the section which passes over the outlets. iii. The cowl openings should each be reasonably small. As each blade passes the opening it will create a suction in the cowl behind it, but if the cowl opening is large this effect will be dissipated.
Alternatively, larger openings can be divided up by fitting louvers or vanes.
Augmentor type exhausts (Figure 64) can also be used to suck air out of the cowlings.
In pusher installations the inlets into the cowl are harder to get right than in a tractor installation. Intake ducts should be as straight as possible with no sharp corners or other restrictions to the flow.
The position of the cowl air inlets is critical
– inlets on the upper surface of the aircraft are generally in low pressure zones while those on the underside are normally in high pressure zones. Depending where the inlet is located, the area ratio between inlet and outlets may need to be modified.
13.8 Amphibian or Seaplane Installations
Water taxiing requires relatively high power settings for long periods and this is often the most critical condition for cooling systems in these aircraft.
Increased duct size (scooping more air through the engine) may be necessary.
For amphibian or seaplane aircraft using a pusher engine installation the methods outlined above can use the propeller to suck air out of the cowls, but ultimately the effect is limited and can conflict with cooling requirements in other modes of flight. For these installations some form of active venting for the cowls
such as flaps, fans or an augmentor-type exhaust system (See Figure 64) may be required.
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Air is sucked out of the cowl and entrained with the exhaust inside the augmentor tube.
Figure 64. Augmentor Exhaust System
13.9 Slow Speed Installations
Installations where the cruise speed is below around 70
– 80 knots are considered slow speed installations.
Jabiru ram air ducts are available for slow speed installations. These are larger than the ducts used for faster aircraft.
Increased duct size (scooping more air through the engine) may be necessary for slow speed installations.
Increased outlet size and more aggressive outlet lips may be required.
In some of these installations where the airframe has a lot of drag it is preferable to do away with cowls altogether and run an open installation. Aircraft such as the Thruster (Vision), Drifter, X-Air and some RANS models are examples of this. In these cases large ram air ducts are used, and the rest of the engine is exposed to the propeller wash for cooling.
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14 Appendix A
– Wiring Diagrams
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
Figure 65. Wiring Details
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15 Appendix B
– Jabiru Aircraft Installation
The following information describes the installation and performance of a Jabiru SP Aircraft fitted with the
2200 engine.
The information given can be used to estimate the performance of different designs, though obviously there will be differences depending on how similar the aircraft is to the Jabiru described below.
Poor installations will result in poor performance, so installations must be designed referencing the information given in the main body of this manual.
15.1 Known Airframe / Engine Details
Jabiru SP (2 Seater)
60” x 42” (1525mm x 1067mm) or
60” x 44” (1525mm x 1118mm)
15.2 Normal Operation Data
The following are typical values for the engine when installed in a Jabiru SP:
Idle Hot: ................................................................... 900
– 950 RPM
Take Off Power: ..................................................... 2800 RPM (60
” x 44” Propeller)
2900 RPM (60” x 42” Propeller)
Full Power S&L: ....................................................... 3200 RPM (60
” x 44” Propeller)
3300 RPM (60” x 42” Propeller)
Cruise At 75% Power: .............................................. 2750 - 2850 RPM
Oil Pressure: ............................................................ 400 kPa (58 psi)
Oil Temperature Cruise: .......................................... 80
˚C (175 °F)
Oil Temperature Climb:............................................ 95°C (203
Cruise CHT: ............................................................. 121°C (250°F)
Climb CHT: .............................................................. 177°C (350°F)
Climb EGT: .............................................................. 650°C (1202°F)
Cruise EGT: ............................................................. 690°C (1274°F)
Mechanical Fuel Pump Pressure ............................ 3 lbs (20 kPa)
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16 Engine Installation Checklist
Positions engine for correct aircraft CG
Positions engine for correct thrust line
Sufficient strength
Sufficient stiffness
Provides access for maintenance
Provides clearance
– the engine and mount are not rubbing on other parts of the aircraft.
Control cables bend radii sufficient
Control cables not rubbing on other parts.
Control cables set up to work in the correct direction
Correct sized circuit beakers used
Connections for power & earth correct size
Correct type of sender units used for instruments (i.e. resistive or voltage type).
Sender units used chosen to suit typical parameter ranges of a Jabiru Engine
Aircraft grade wiring used.
CHT cold junction positioned correctly.
EGT probe located correctly.
Starter solenoid earthed
Regulator earthed
Battery mounted close to the engine
Anti RF noise measures taken
Electric backup pump installed
Electric pump supply pressure within limits
Fuel line bend radii sufficient
All fittings fwd of firewall fireproof
System designed to prevent vapour-lock
Jabiru 2200 Aircraft Engine
“Cobra Head” fitted
Duct to carburettor as direct as possible
No sharp edges or sharp corners in system
Carburettor heat system working correctly
Backfire flap fitted to air box
Drain holes drilled in air box
Carburettor sense pipe connected correctly
EGT’s evaluated
Sufficient clearance
– no rubbing on aircraft.
Heat muffs for carb and cabin heat included.
Outlet positioned correctly
Noise levels satisfactory
Cowl inlet / outlet ratio correct
Cowl inlets located & shaped correctly
Cowl outlets located & shaped correctly
Cowl inlets “sealed”
Crankcase and coil cooling correct
Pressure differentials correct
Engine temperatures correct
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Key features
- 85 hp power output
- Hydraulic lifter type
- Low fuel consumption
- Durable and reliable design
- Easy to install and maintain