Lancia DELTA HF TIURBO Owner's Handbook Manual
Lancia DELTA HF TIURBO is a powerful and dynamic car, designed for drivers who enjoy the thrill of sporty performance. It boasts a turbocharged engine that delivers impressive acceleration, making it a real driving pleasure. Whether you're navigating winding roads or cruising on the open highway, the DELTA HF TIURBO offers a thrilling driving experience. Features like the turbocharger pressure gauge and overboost indicator enhance the sporty driving experience.
LANCIA © Owner Handbook QUICK REFERENCE lf a ara я ele — o A [AE и” = a Front and rear tyre pressures (har) Delta 1.5 LX - OT Le. Delta HF turbo Average load 2.0 2,2 Fully Jaden 2.2 24 _ Spare tyre 2 2.8 Oil change capacity (litres) Delta 1.3 LX Delta GT Le. Delta HF turbo sump 4.10 4.50 4.30 Sump + filter 4.30 500 450 Fuel tank capacity: 57 litres (including a reserve of 6-5 litres). Either leaded or unleaded petrol (minimum octane no. 95) can be used for all petrol engines. Congratulations on choosing a LANCIA. The owner handbook is designed to help vou learn about the unique features of your new car, We sug- gest vou read it carelully before driving the car for the first time. The handbook contains information and sugges- tions regarding the proper use of your car, After read- Ing 11 we are sure you will be convinced you've made the right choice. A service schedule maintenance coupon booklet is supplied along with the handbook. The booklet also contains the warranty certificate and explains the terms of the warranty, We hope you'll enjoy vour new car and drive it with pleasure for many vears to come. LANCIA CONTENTS Getting acquainted with your car 5 Driving your car 51 What to do if... = Maintenance and servicing 71 Body care and maintenance 89 Specifications 95 Appendix 111 Index 119 GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR CAR RT Dashboard § Kevs amo iemidicoa у Instrument panel EL Instruments Fi Heating and ventilation 25 ‚SL E 7 Column stalks and controls НТ Individual settings НЫ BTS у Luggage compartment 4] Bonnet = Headlamps 44 Kelueling ВТ Accessories Era hs III MOTO 40 TUT ELSE Si DASHBOARD Note: The number and position of instruments, indicator lights dnd controls may vary depending on the version. 6 Healing and Instrument panel Digital clock t heck eysiem Ут баны venis Windscreen defroster venls ‘els for defrosting — | — - = н — - - ; * do - Vents far defrosting side windows : и - : a J de windows Heating and Dr : | Heating and ventdaisrn ' E 9 YEMCIEA DO УТ 15 | Е | YEMA Exiterio! lighting ILE k Mhrection indicator stalk р Windscreen añ headlamp Hom F washer swalch ___ | X Instrument panel \ : ~ dimmer swiich Mera Wheel height . вовне! release lever ——— lever : = adjustment lever Svilch panel % Heatmg ventilation controls Clove compariment KEYS AND IGNITION Reis Two keys and duplicates arc supplied wath the car, Kev A is for the doors (including the hatchback), glove compartment and fuel Ñiller docr A dq d 50 Key B only operates the steenng column lock and ignition 44431 An adhesive tag included with the keys bears the code number necessary for requesting duplicates from your Lancia dealer. Ignition switch STOP — Steering column locked, key can be removed, MAR Driving position, elecinical systems energised, МММ Starting PARK Sade lights on. steering column locked, key can be removed, Press button A lo select PARK If the ignition switch has been tampered with (e.g. at- tempted theft), have it checked at a Lancia Service Centre, steering lame beck Lockie: When the ignition is at STOP or PARK, turn the steering wheel to the left or right until you hear the lock mechanism click. Cafocdine: Turn the ignition key to MAR while moving the steering wheel shghtly im either direction. “ever remove the ignition Kev when the car is moving. IF vou do, ie steering wheel will lock the first time vou turn ii. INSTRUMENT PANEL Instrument panel (Delta 1.5 LX without check system) 00000 Ё EC Po ) ATL A. Speedometer and odometer. - B. Indicator and warning lights. - C. Fuel cconomy gauge. - I. Bev counter. - E. Catalytic muffler temperature warning (not all countries). - РВ. Voltmeter. - G. Fuel gauge. - H. Coolant temperature gauge. - |. Emer- gency operation of integrated fuel supply ignition system (not all counines). "in INSTRUMENT PANEL Instrument panel (Delta 1.5 LX with check system) e &— © 60 120 # ; 60 — — — 40 = Ю 40) [(OJo[o[o[070| 160 dd A. Speedometer and odometer. - B. Indicator and warning lights. - C. Fuel economy gauge. - D. Rev counter. - E. Catalytic muifler temperature warning (not all countries), - F, Voltmeter, - C, Fuel gauge. = H. Coolant temperature gauge. - |. Emer- gency operation of integrated fuel supply ignition system (not all countries). INSTRUMENT PANEL Instrument panel (Delta GT 1€. wathout check system) A. Speedometer and odometer, - B, Indicator and warning lights, - C, Oil temperature gauge. - D, Rev counter, « BE. Catalyin muller temperature warning (not all countries), - F. Voltmeter. - G. Fuel gauge. - H. Coolant temperature gauge. = 1 Emer gency operation of integrated fuel supply/ignition system (not all countries). | E INSTRUMENT PANEL Instrument panel (Delta GT ie, with check system) A / aa 120 # НН Не Ш ОО i) so” Erie A. Specdometer and odometer, - E. Indicator and NE lights, = LC. Cal temperature game: - DD. Rev counter. - | C'atalyti multier temperature warning (nor all countries), = Voltmeétler, «©, Fuel gauge Dolant temperature gaugo, - 1. Emer- gency operalion of integrated fuel suppl ani system (not all countries). INSTRUMENT PANEL Instrument panel (Delta HF turbo without check system) ED CIO РУО LEE ] : ue \ № a = - | | ¡a — 2 y a -E- — E ® © - А. Speedometer and odometer. - B. Indicator and warning lights, - C. Turbocha rger pressure gauge, - 12, Rev counter. - E. Ca- talytic muller temperature warning (not all countries). - F, Volimeter, = G. Fuel gauge. - H. Coolam temperature gauge, - 1. Overboost indicator, 14 INSTRUMENT PANEL Instrument panel (Delta HF turbo with check system) Y e SRY N° 100'2%140 Ea ‘За 80 Le A i fs 40 a 200° - JO; > 20 | A Speedometer and odometer. - В. Indicator and warning lights. - C. Turbocharger pressure gauge, = I, Bev counter. - E. Cu- ся уу Юон Ге орон warning (not all countries), = F. Voltmeter. - G. Fuel gauge. - H. Coolant temperature gauge, | Chocrtusost indicutor INSTRUMENTS A 60 —— 140 = > TONO 160” es es а o я [0] (ol io] Ÿ 200 = aldo 47429 a — Speedometer bh — Odometer ¢ = Trip odometer а Нана ГУ or moving 16 — Trip odometer zeroing button. Press when car is sta- B Indicator and warning lights mp Left direction indicator © side light indicator © Low beam headlamp indicator © High beam headlamp indicator © Battery warning IT illuminated, the alternator is malfunctioning. There may be a slight delay in turning off when the engine is idling © Main malfunction warning Uni: lor versions with the check system O Fog light indicator O Rear fog-guard light indicator INSTRUMENTS © Ой pressure waming I hes warning light turns off as soon as the engine starts (a slight delay 15 acceptable if the engine is idling). After a long trip under heavy load conditions the warning light may illuminate. Don’t worry. as long as il гих oll soon after acoclerating shghtly. WD All systems operative indicator Only for versions with the check system. O Brake Muid waming and handbrake engaged indicator O Handbrake engaged indicator Cnly for versions with the check system. © Kear window defroster indicator © Available indicator position (only versions with the check system) O Hazard warning lights ® Brake pad wear warning | Rear window defroster indicaior Only for versions with the check system. E Coolant warning Iminates the engine is overheating. IF it illuminates when driving ar speeds higher than 50 km/h. stop the car and press down the accelerator pedal slightly. IT the warning light re- nos Muminated, swatch ofl the engine, IT the warning light x um when the engine is idling or when driving НМ, hello the same procedure described above, IN, however, the temperature continues to ;mse, switch off the engine and have the car towed to a Lancia Service Centre. Oo scat helt warning (drivers belt not buckled) Bp Hight direction indicator INSTRUMENTS C Fuel coonomy gauge has instrument gives a rough indication of fuel consump- cn 474739 Il you are able to mamtam the needle in the white sector, consumption will be low. When vou accelerate rapidly the needle wall enter the red sector indicating high fuel consumption. To save fuel, slow down or suit up to a higher gear. Turbocharger pressure gauge (scale in bar) When this gauge constantly indicates pressure values above 0.85 bar release the accelerator uanl the pressure returns lo lower values, In any case, have your car checked at a Lancia service Centre, Oi temperature gauge (0) INSTRUMENTS When he oil temperature 15 toc high (needle in red sector), stop the car, but let the engine idle for a few minutes until the cil temperature returns to lower values, IF this does nor happen, switch off the engine and have the car towed io a Lancia Service Cenire D Rev counter I'he engine 15 al maximum power when the needle is in the velos z0ne Driving at higher engine speeds will not provide higher per- formance, but no engine damage will occur Drive only breefly al red-zone speeds E Catalytic muffler temperature warming a Ino all countries) \ delimitar Inc instrument should sndecale a voltage viellue between 12,5 amd 12,5 (Key al MAR) when the batters Cl 1:00 lus - volimeter will indicate When ihe engine 15 running the I'he voltmeter 1s accurate to values between [4 and 15 volis "E EOS volts. INSTRUMENTS GG Fuel auge (litres) The fuel tank has a capacity of 57 litres 47447 Low fuel Warming light A illuminates wien only 6-4 Litres Ol fuel remain in the tank IF you have a check system, see p, 21 for information ге» garding this warning ehh Coolant temperature gauge (CC) The needle will be at the Left side of the scale when the engine 15 cold. Under normal operating conditions the needle should be at the centre of the scale. Red zone values indi- cate the engine 1s bounng. IF gauge mdicates the engine 1s overheating, drove al a lower engine speed (rpm) 20 [I the temperature does not start dropping when driving at a lower engine speed and the needle enters the red zone, stop the car immediately and have it towed to a Lancia Serveie Centre Emergency operation of integrated fuel supply ignition system warning (not all countries} dealer ora Lancia service Centre for more infor- 0 when this warming hght illuminates, call your ATH ETC Cherboost indicator @ [sec p. 100) INSTRUMENTS Check system The check system is an electronic instrument thal monitors and displays malfunctions that can affect vehicle operation and safety. When systems are operating properly Turn the key lo MAR. All the check system hghits (in- cluding fuel reserve warning and green “all sysiems opera- live” indicator) illuminate (see p. 17). Start the engine. All warning lights should turn off within 7 seconds. Notes; When pressing the brake pedal or tuming on the side lights and sean To euard fights none of the red warning lights should tum back on. High-speed cornenng, sudden braking, rapid acceleration or driving on poorly surfaced roads may cause some of the warning lights 10 illuminate (e.g. coolant and brake Muid). he caras started on a grade, the oil warning hight may illuminate, Because this inclicalron 1 stored in system memory, you must start the car again on level ground to ensure there is sufficient oil in the lubracation system. Hiker malfunciion occurs - All the warning lights (including fuel reserve and main malfunction warning) illuminate when you turn the key Lo MAR (sce р. 16) When the engine stants, all the panel lights of alive devices or systems turn off within 7 seconds, Only those warming lights regarding malfunctions and the main mal- function warming light remain on, >| INSTRUMENTS Panel warning Nght Malfunction 22 Doors not closed. Door open is indicated on the panel. Side light failure. When you turn on the side hghts, a panel indicator at the front of the car illuminates (bulb burned out or wiring malfunction). Taillight failure. When the taillights are on, the panel indicators located at the back of the car illuminate (bulk bummed out or wiring malfunction). The check system does not indicate when all the side/taillights are off due to both their fuses blowing at the same time. Therefore, occasionally make a visual check of exterior lights. The illumination of two opposite diagonal pancl lights indicates a blown common fuse, two burned-out ight bulbs, or a wiring mal- function. Panel warning light Malfunction Stop light failure. The panel light corres- ponding to the burned-out bulb illuminates. When a single bulb burns out or wiring mal- function occurs, the panel indicator turns on only about 2 seconds aller pressing down the brake pedal, II both stop lights burn out (or a wiring mal- function occurs) both panel brake light indi- cators turn on at the same ume without pressing the brake pedal, Stop hight switch failure. If the stop light swilch lails causing the stop light to remain ofl, both stop light panel indicators turns om 2 seconds after pressing down the brake pedal. Il the switch is simply malfunctioning. bul the stop lights illuminate when braking, both stop hight panel indicators illuminate (or remain on). The panel light turns ofl when vou release the brake pedal. Fear fog-guard hight failure, Wien the log guard hghts are turned on, the panel a cator luminates when there is a burned-out bulbfs) or wiring malfunction between the fuse and light bulbs. INSTRUMENTS Panel warning Malfunction Cie 50 @(!) Ce O - It this light illuminates when the engine is running, alternator output is insufficient or there 15 a recharging circuit malfunction. Low coolant level, sensor failure or wiring malfunction. Low brake fluid level, sensor failure or wiring malfunction, Brake pads worn. Shght wear is indicated only when the brake pedal is pressed down. Low oil level, sensor failure or wiring mal- function, Engine lubricant monitoring oc- curs when the key is turned to MAR before starting the engine (sec mote on p. 21), but is indicated only when the engine is running. No oil level monitonng occurs while driving. Low oil pressure, sensor failure or wiring malfunction. e— Panel warning light Malfunction © DS Available warning light position E WW Coolant temperalure warning. Migital clock The 24-hour digital clock displays the time in hours and mi- nutes. Display lighting automatically adjusts to sur- rounding light conditions when turning the exterior lights ony and off, Press button A. Press button B To chonee tbe frenr le chance the minutes: INSTRUMENTS Each time vou press one of the buttons ihe clock wall ad- vance one hour or one minuie. Hald the buttonds) down 10 advance rapidly, then release when you have nearly reached the corréce time Chl pressure and temperature gauges some versions have an il pressure gauge A amo On Бет рее гай = ture gauge B next lo the man instrument panel. A Oil pressure gauge (scale in bar) When the engine is hot the oll pressure should be between 1.5 and 5 bar. 14 When dling {engine hot), the gauge may indicate pressures below 2 bar. When accelerating slightly, the pressure should Nat. After starting (he engine during winter oil pressure values may be higher than normal, Do not accelerate rapidiy. Wait until the oul pressure stabilizes IF the oil pressure indicated 15 106 high or low, switch ofl the engine and have your car taken to a Lancia Service Centre. B Oil temperature gauge (°C) When the gauge indicates the ofl temperature 15 toc high (red zone), stop the car but do not switch off the engine, Let the engine idle for a couple of minutes, If the temperature does not drop, switch off the engine and have your cir Laken to a Lancia Service Centre, HEATING AND VENTILATION Statiomary "mis | = Windscreen and side windows. 2 = Front passenger footwells. Adjustable vents 1 В - vent opening and closing: Vent closed. Vent open. osas dar direci the air Mow horizontal | а | "a ох К | ——— [ ее] pret [47454] HEATING AND VENTILATION Controls The three heating and ventilation system knobs are located on the centre console, Кн A = Fan speed selector. When the knob pointer F is at @ the system and lan are off. When knob pointer F is at © air can enter the passenger compartment (fan off). When the car 15 standing or when you're driving slowly, three different fan speeds may be selected, | = Low. 2 = Medium. 3 = High. The fan only operates when the key is at MAR. Knob B = Air temperature. Pointer E at left = Outside air. Pointer E al right = Maximum heating. Use intermediate positions to provide optimal passenger comfort while driving. Knob © = Air distribution selector. The three kmob posi- tions are: WY = Air directed only to windscreen. т = Mir directed to all vents for maximum coms fort (Manual regulation possible). ae = Ar directed only to dashboard vents. Defrosting and defogging Set the knobs to the positions indicated in the figure at left for windscreen defrosting or defogging. HEATING AND VENTILATION When the outside temperature is below -53°C, don’t use a fan speed higher than 2 to prevent the air from cooling be- fore reaching the windscreen. Heating Turn knob A so that pointer Fis under © | then turn knob B so that pointer E is at the right. Turn ihc fan knob to 1 orz for rapid heating. To make heating more efficient, air can be directed to venis | and 2 (see figure al night) by turning knob C so that its pointer Dis under “17, AIR CONDITIONER Ventilation Turn knob B so that pointer E is fully to the left For ventila- ton. Use the other settings described for heating. Air conditioner (optional) Stationary vents | - Windscreen and side windows. 2 - Front passenger footwells, 27 AIR CONDITIONER Adjustable vents Controls 7 The system controls consist of three knobs and buttons located on the centre console. | L A - Vent opening and closing @ = Vent closed. = Vent open. H - Use to direct the air Mow horzontally knob À Fan speed selector, 1 Low 2 = Medium 3 = High Hl will only operate when the ignition key is MAK, Button B = Air conditioner ON/OFF switch (1.0 al low speed when the air conditiomimng 15 furne AIR CONDITIONER Knob C = Air temperature control, Pointer G at left = Outside air. Pointer G at nght = Maximum heating. Use intermediate positions for oplimal passenger comfort. Button D = Recirculation No outside air enters the passenger compartment when this button 1s pressed knob E = Air distnbution selector, Pointer F may be set to one of the following three positions: “uy Windscreen. or = All vents (manual regulation possible), © = Dashboard vents only, UE Y y E a = sis TS я tel E E EE Opel Defogging aml defrosting sui the controls as indicated below for rapid defogging or del rosita Ки 1: À Hills BH; Press in. [np Di Cr; Right, Fount tin 13: Press in. annie ROA у. Leave button UY in {air recirculates) anil the ла к ци ten- perature is reached, thes press if again to prevent the wine dows from logging up. Heatime Sei he controls as indicated below for gradual heating or to mala the temperature after defrosting. ke ine A. Select fan speed desired, Fenicia No Press in Painter €! Select position for temperature desired, Hui tows DD: Recrculation off, Paine EMI Or “e, COLUMN STALKS AND CONTROLS Air conditioning Use the same settings listed for heating, except turn knob C so that pointer CG is at the left. Set the controls as follows for maximum cooling: kK nob А: 3, Button E: Press in. Pointer Gi: Left. Button D: Press in. Pointer F: Alter. Switches Swilch panel hghting (as well as cigarette lighter amd instru» ment panel lights) turns on whenever vou turn on the side lights. Rear window defroster Press button À to defog or defrost the rear window, Fog lamps (if fitted) Press button B when the headlights are on (key at MAR). Kear fog-guard lights Press button C when headlights or front Tog Lights are on (ket at MAR). Hazard warning lighis Press button D (key not necessary). Al the direction indi- cators hehts Nash. Rear window wiper/vwasher Press button E (key at MAR) lo turn on both the rear window wiper and washer. Press button F to tum on only the WIT, Instrument panel dimmer Use Knurled thumbwheel G to adjust instrument panel hight intensity. COLUMN STALKS AND CONTROLS Exterior light stalk The lights described below can be turned on when the igni- tion key is at MAR. Pull the stalk toward the steering column to flash the high beam headlamps (panel indicator also turns on). Side lights: Turn the stalk from EJ to BN Panel indicator EE also turns on. Refer to p, Y for information regarding the parking lights. The stalk cannot be pulled down from this position. Low beam headlamps: to ME | Turn the stalk from Panel indicator BJ also turns on, High beam headlamps: Move stalk down when at [EEE The high beam panel indicator MR also turns on. The stalk cannot be turned from this position. il COLUMN STALKS AND CONTROLS | Mirection indicators Ihe kev must be at the MAR position to use the direction INCA lors, Move the stalk Up Right turn ( BB Nashes). Down = Left turn (€ 5 lashes) The stalk automatically returns to the centre position after completing the turn. To indicate a lame change requiring only a small turn of the steering wheel, press the stalk shghtly up or down. When you release it the stalk returns to the centre postion Windscreen wiper/washer stalk [he windscreen wiper washer operates only when the Key is at MAR. ih OF Intermittent operation. Slow continuous operation, Fast continucus operation ek Mo === Pull the stalk toward the steering wheel to wash the wind- screen Me viper blades automatically return to the base of the windscreen when termed off. INDIVIDUAL SETTINGS Steering wheel adjustment Rearview mirrors Adjust your scal to a comfortable position for driving, then adjust the mirrors. faterior rearview mirror The marror 1s adjustable. Use lever Bio select the antiglare po- sition. The height of thé «iccring wheel can be adjusted by pulling out lever À. When vou have set the wheel to a comlonable height press the мег fully back. For safety reasons the mirror wall release if an impact occurs. Registration and insumos certificate holder À can be ne moved after pulling wp the marror (Htaly only). AA INDIVIDUAL SETTINGS Пизе mirrors Use knob A to adjust the mirrors. Front seats 34 Puil up lever B, then exert body pressure in the direction desired to adjust the sear's forc-and-aft position. Use knob A to adjust the backrest. The height and tilt of the headrests can be adjusted. The headrest should always support the back of your head, not our Some versions are equipped with anatomic seats featuring an adjustable seat cushion, Use lever C to increase decrease the length of the cushion. INDIVIDUAL SETTINGS Seal belt and child restraint information AM vehicle occupants are required to respect the Motor Vehicle Code provisions regarding seat belt installation and use in the country where the car is driven, Although mot always obligatory, it is highly recommended all occupants exempted from using scat belts sit on the back seat or use a restraint system. All minors whose physical features (weight, age, height) are under legal limits in the country where the car is driven must be protected by approved wmiversal restraints (carrier, child rh od cushion) that comply with ECE/ONU repu- ation ies in those countries which have not adopted regulation 44, Use of semiuniversal or specific restraint systems requiring supplementary anchorage points may be installed only if the acturer’s approval is granted. All vehicle registration forms must be updated by the appropriate government Ler after approval testing of the anchorages. Carefully follow the manufacturer's installation and use in- structions supplied with the systems, A child should never be carried on a passenger's lap with a belt around the child and seal occupant. Ensure the belt webbing is not twisted, Seal belts should al- ways be worn across the hips, not the abdomen, to avoid sliding forward. Occasionally check that the anchorage hardware is secured properly. The belt webbing should never be cut or fra ying. After à modcrate-to-severe collision, it 1s recommended that the seat belts be replaced, even if there is no apparant damage. Wash the belts with warm soapy water. Rinse them and let them dry in the shade (never in direct sunlight), Do not use strong detergents, bleach, dyes or any chemical which could weaken the webbing fibres 35 INDIVIDUAL SETTINGS Using the automatic seat belts (front amd outer rear positions) Pull tongue A and insert it into buckle B until you hear a click, Press C to release the bell. No manual adjustment of these belis is necessary. The web- bing unwinds from retractor D located under the pallar trim panel and then passes through loop E. The belt adjusts automatically to the wearer providing ample freedom of movement, The retractor mechanism may lock if the webbing is pulled out too rapidly or when cornering at high speeds, braking or accelerating rapidly. or when driving on steep grades. 16 Using the rear seal belis The belts should Be worn as shown in the illustration below. mc TRIO TR SRA SEE "e a =r A Wa | | : uy | qe pe poor Ar KO " ni A PA A E "ein Be cu, PEE PEL NE ur О Ч Le a - ce pe ory al = in Ta ape ry Pe mrs "A E e ny hg =} E. HAP fi Fa wh i Rite НН dt 88 ‘Чая = == o em iris MU 4 E ee i i Я Pu o cu sir о e Ae To ensure passengers buckle their belts correctly, tongues A (outer belts) cannot be inserted in buckle FF and, vice versa, tongue E will nor fit in buckle B. INDIVIDUAL SETTINGS Usine the lap belt (rear centre position) The passenger should sn upright agunst the seat backres! Insert tongue E into buckle F until 1 chicks, Press GO ta res lease the beit. lo udjust the length of the belt, pull the webbing through H. Pull at 1 to lighten or at L to loosen The belt is properly adjusied when a closed fist can be Maced between the pasenger and the webbing. DOORS Front side doors Cri fen the outside: Turn key to position 2 and pall the ha Locking from the outside; Turn the Kev to position |. Opening from the inside: Full lever À up. Locking from the side: Press lock button B after closing the door. 38 Rear side doors Opening from the outside: Use the door handle (lock button C must be up). Opening front the mside: Pull up lock button C, then lever DD. hom push down lock button C, the door locks when it you € Childproof hacks {rear doors only) | - Locked. The doors cannot be opened from the inside, 2 - Unlocked. DOORS The childproof locks remain engaged even if the rear doors are opened automatically using the power lock system, Hatchback door Unlock using the key, Pull handle C up, then open the hatchback. The door will remain in the fully open ation. To close the hatchback, press it downwards until it is about sde from the lock and let it drop. Lock the door using ey, The gas-filled struts which assist in hatchback door opening are calibrated to operate at the current door WEIL At- taching items such as a spoiler or speakers may prevent the door from operating properly. Power dour locks (il fitted) All doors lock whenever either of the front doors are locked Lom she outside using the key or from the inside using the UC Mon, If either of the front doors is unlocked from the outside using the key (or from the inside using lock button A) all of the other doors unlock, Disconnecting the battery may cause the doors to lock. For this reason, make sure you have not left your keys in the car ar leave a door open before disconnecting the battery. 19) DOORS Front power windows A = Left window switch (located near the handbrake lever). В - Right window switch (located near the handbrake lever}. Ir a JT = dg TA Tn — —— Because power windows can be rous if used improp- erly, always remove the key when leaving your children in the car. LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT Increasing the cargo arca de mia À to release the seat cushton and then pull it for- Ware. Release the backrest using levers B (one on each side). The rear shell can be removed. When the hatchback is closed it covers the luggage compartment and can be used (о carry hght nems. To make it casier to fold down the seats, remove the rear shell by releasing cords CC at points I, then pull the hinge pegs oul of recesses E. you need to carry bulky items, cords C can be hooked to recesses Polo hold the shell in a vertical position. SS 41 LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT Use the same procedure as described [or the bench seat cushion. If your car has split rear seats, the cargo area can be increased as shown in the two figures. 42 BONNET Opening and closing Pull lever B to release the hbonmet, Lift the bonnet. Then. pull rod C out of holder E. When the bonnet is raised insert the tip of support rod C in the recess located in the lid. nf al a this carefully to prevent the bonnet from falling acciden- ally. Because the radiator fan is not affected by the position of the ignition key it may continue to operate even after re- moving the key (e.g. when the engine is very hot), Wait a couple of minutes until it stops before putting vour hands in the engine compartment. re Cos Tu _— replace rod C in holder E. Lower net holding it at the centre. Let it d | Was Dione Ho ing à il the centre it drop from a height HEADLAMPS Aligning the headlamp beams Proper headlight alignment is extremely important for safe vehicle operation and the safety of other drivers. Headlamp beam alignment patterns are generally regulated by the Motor Yehicke Code in the country where the car is regis- tered. Park the car when undaden (tyres at recommended pressures - sec inside front cover of this handbook) on level ground in front of a light-coloured wall in the shade. Make sure thal the knobs containing screws A are bath turned Tully clockwise, If your car has beam compensators that can be adjusted from the driver's seat, place the knob at = 07, Draw two crosses on the wall corresponding 1o (he centres of the beams. EC» Ea Р p | | | | | rx Back up 10 metres from the wall. Reference points P-P should now be about 10 cm below the crosses. Turn screw À incorporated in the knob to make vertical (up/down) adjustments. Turn screw B to make horizontal (right left) adjustments HEADLAMPS Only limited adjustments can be made. Mever attempt to turn the screws past the point where they stop to prevent damaging the headlam compensator knobs have two positions thar can be selected depending on the load vou are carrying. Turn the knobs clockwise for light-to-average loads. Turn the knobs counterclickwise when the car is fully laden. Always set both headlamp compensator knobs to the same position. Beam compensation from inside the car dif Gite) II your car has this feature there 1s 4 knob located on the centre console controlling actuators on the headlimps able to change the beam height depending on the weight of the load and where it 18 being carried in the car The knob has four positions from "07 to "37. Refer to the lable below, Location of load Rob Tes к К Delta 1.5 LX - GT ie. Delta HF turbo = Driver only Driver only. Ü Driver amd front seal [Driver and front seat passe ECT paaciper. | Dio AOL Urs. [Hiver amd max. 75 ke mn lugpape compariment, 4 occupants, 5 occupants. 2 $ cum and max. Diver amd max. 75 ke in luggage compartiment 13 kg in luggage com- eii. Driver amd max. МЮ Кр 75 kg in luggnge com in luggage comparimera. partment. ver and load cen- 3 - Driver amd max, 200 kg | rally located on mear E in luggage compartment, | folkd «cat (max Driver and boud placed | 0 EE centrally on folded rear seal (max. 280 ke) 5 occupants and max Use intermediate knob positions for other load condi- LIOR, REFUELING ACCESSORIES Fuel filler door Cigarette lighter and ashiray The fuel filler door lock can be E = turning the key Press Amer knob A fully in. Alter about 15 seconds it pops counterclockwise. Turn clockwise to close oul ready to use. Nore! The fuel tank is pressurised to prevent fuel evaporation. The sound of air escaping you hear when opening the cap is normal. Fuck Use leaded or unleaded petrol with a mimmum octane number of 95. dir The ashtrays (rear ashtrays are located on the armrests) can be removed for cleaning. ACCESSORIES Cove compartment Lock/unlock the glove compartment with the key (see p.9). Press buiton A to open, A light illuminates when you open the glove compartment. Courtesy lights À two-position slide switch A 1s located next to courtesy light B. In one position the light will turn on automatical when either of the front doors is opened. Use the other posi- tion for turning on the light when the doors are closed. The two courtesy lights at the back of the roof panel automatically turn on when the rear doors arc opened. Press lens A to turn on a light when the doors are closed. 47 ACCESSORIES Luggage compartment light Sun visors The | compartment light only illuminates when the The sun visors can be moved up and down or swung around side lights are on. to cut glare from the side windows, Twist the lens clockwise Lo turn 11 on, counterclockwise to There 15 a document pouch on the back of the drivers sun turn it off. visor and à vanity mirror on the back of the passenger's VISOS. SUNROOF Opening and closing Press the to or bottom of rocker switch A Lo open or close the sun “Spoiler” position When the sunroof 15 closed press the top of the rocker switch. If the sunroof is partially open. first close it. When it stops press the top of the rocker switch again. To lower the sunroof press the bottom of the rocker switch. ai a ei = === ———— RU TER DS i > —_ Press the top of the switch to restore the forward rearward function. Emergency closing If the switch does not operate. the sunroof can be closed manually with an Allen wrench supplied with the car. Use it to turn the bushing located at the centre of the rool panel. The bushing is covered by a plastic cap that can be removed by rotating it 907. dy SOUND SYSTEM Installation It's easy to put an AM/FM cassette or CD player in your car because the wiring is factory-installed. Refer to the appendix Гог installation schematics, To install the radio, you'll need to remove tray A. Release the side retention springs and pull it out. There is à 6-pin connector for power supply and front The front speakers should be installed in the housings lo- cated under the dashboard, 50 If wish Lo install 4 speakers, wire four leads (2 left, 2 right) to housing À from the rear speakers. Rear speakers may be placed on or under the shell covering the luggage compartment. ; The antenna and coaxial cable have to be installed during sound system installation, DRIVING YOUR CAR Page Starting the engine 52 Crearshift Lever 53 Safety, comfort and fuel economy 55 Tow hitch 55 STARTING THE ENGINE Cadel staring Place the gearshift lever in neutral and depress the clutch dal (especially in winter) to prevent the starter motor rom luring the transmission shall. Turn the Key wo AVY. Release it as soon as the engine srs, IN yotir cars engine is carburetted, press the acocierator pedal fully down, then release if immediately 1o actuate the automatic choke, Remember lo de this whenever vou start the car in cold weather. Starting a hot engire — Press ¡hc accclerator pedal down slightly (only cars with carburettérsi When the engine is very Mota may be ne- cesary to hold down the acclerator until the engine starts. (The automatic choke does not operate when the chgine is hot). The ignition svaich has a non-repeatine salety feature. IF the engine does not start on the first attempt, turn the key to STOP before trving to start the engine agin. Fred jected versions The optimal fuel mixture of injected perrol engines is de- termined automatically under all environmental condi- tons, 52 Power devices and accessories (ar conditioner, rear window defroster, windscreen wiper, ei) do not operate when starting. Emergency starting If the engine docs not start because the battery is dead, use another Battery with the same amperage rating or slightly higher (see po 103) Follow the instructions en p. 68 for connecting the battery, lis mot a good idea lo start Che car by pushing or lowing. However, if absoluiely necessary, follow this procedure: — Engage 3rd or 4th gear. — Do not exceed 40 kan téven swhen coasting downhill). Release the clutch pedal gradually, Exhaust gases are toxic. Sever et the engine run in an un- ventilated area. Lar mot leave the key al MAR when the engine is ned rune ПЕ, GEARSHIFT LEVER Using the gearshift ever Engage the gears by moving the lever according to the pat- ler shown in the figure (and on the top of the lever), wait until the caras stationary before engaging reverse, Mowe the lever to the right and down rom te neutral posi- back. Mauve the gearshift lever only when the clutch pedal Es fully pressed down. The arca under the pedals should be kept clear of any object that might obstraci pedal travel. Alu ars ensure the carpets lie fat and de not interfere with dhe pedals, SAFETY AND COMFORT Suggestions — Adjust your seal te a comfortable driving position, then adjust the rearview mirrors. Buckle vour scat belt. Make sure oll passemmers have theirs buckled, fie, - Long trips, especially during summer, should be started when traffic is at a minimum, Mever drive for too many hours without stepping. Make frequent rest stops, Get aul of the car amd streich or take a shart walk, Try to ent light, whilesome meals when travelling to improve vour concentraron and reflexes. - Use the heating, ventilation and sir comlitioning system ta provide a constant exchange of air, — Make sure the car's headlamps are properly aligned. This ls especially important for driving at night. 16 the bead- light beam is ton Low, visibilify will lee imprairedd causing greater eve fatigue. On the other umd, headlizhis aligned ton lugh will disturb others im front of vou and drivers coming the apposite dircetion. The latter is usually an in- fraction of Motor Vehicle Code régulations, — Never coast with the engine switched off, This is par- ticularly dangerous because of a lack of engine braking. Furthermore, the brake system serve docs ned operate re quiring much greater foot pressure on the brake pedal. = After driver under conditions that heavily tax the engine, lot the car idle for a couple of minutes until the conan temperature starts to drop, then switch off the engine. = 1 FUEL ECONOMY Saving fuel does not necessarily mean sacrificing perfor- | When driving in heavy traffic try not Lo use electric de- mance. Try the following suggestions: vices with a high power eating (rear window delroster, Do not race the engine while waiting at traffic lizhts. Try not to accelerate too rapidly when moving of. Double-clutching and depressing the accelerator pedal before stopping are unnecessary and may damage tur- bochargod engines. Never drive with the accelerator pedal “Moored™. You'll use less Fuel if you accelerate gently and do not exceed two-thirds of he maximum recommended speed Tor cach gear, Shift up to a higher pear whenever possible. - Do not leave the engine running for longer ihan neces. Загу, Fuel consumption increases when the tyres are under. flated and/or the windows are open. Low tvre pressure is also a cause of premature, WNeYen Wear. — Remove the rool or ski rack when you are nol using mL, maximum Fan speed, cic.) to prevent an excessive drain on the battery while the aliernator 18 charging at a lower rate, Take care of your car, particularly the engine, by рег. forming "Service schedule maintenance” and “Lubri- catión service” opérations, LOW HITCH General information Your car must be [ted with an approved tow hitch in order Lo tow a trmber. Addmonally, the cars electrical system should be modified 10 handle the tcailers eleletrical system, You will also need to [it large rearview mirrors on the front wheel arches. Remember that when towing a trailer you will be unable vo drive on grades as steep as those indicated in the “Grades Внук, When diving downhill use a lower gear instead of braking repesledly, The load exerted by the tranler and the weight of the hitch have to be sublracted rom the car's maximum permissible paryloxd Lo determine the maximum lod, The term “maximum towable weight™ indicates the weight ol a fully laden traer including luggage and accessories. Ensure the trader's overall weight is under the maximum permissible indicated on the cars registration papers. Installing a tow hitch You are responsible for bolting the ww hitch to the car's body according to the diagram on p, 37, The electrical connector socket should be attached to à bracket bolted onto the car's hady near the hich, Use either of the following couplings - "CUNA 3017 ball coupling (CURA SC 1318-30 standardr, "CURA 5017 socket coupling [СОМА RC 4385-15 standard}. Use à 7-pin 12Y connector for the trailers electrical system CURA RC 163-20 standard). Replace the direction indicator Rasher wnt with another able to handle twice the load (suitable For three 21 W bulbe. The trailers ground should he connected Lo the car's {via the pin connector) using a cable having a 2 Samm? cross sec- Lo, In addition to the required wiring ilestrated in The schkematio, only a power supply cable for an electrical trailer braking system and a trailer courtesy light (non more than 15 W) may be connected, The electrical braking system must be directly connected to thé cars battery with a cable having a cross section greater tan 2.5 mmé. Additional wow hitch installation information is provided in the appendix of this handbook. 33 TOW HITCH Brakes Under ne circumstances may the car's braking system be modified to control the trailers brakes. Co trailers braking system must be entirely independent of the car's hydraulic system. Motes IF vowr car has a “check system”, the power supply conmector for the tullights, stop highs and trailers numb plate lights must be attached afer te Tuses ad before the dropping resistors contamed in the cheek umn thar monies the car's light bulbe. Legemd for schemintic - Electromagnetic braking system connection. - Stop hight swatch connection, = Rear Горе light switch, - Rear fog-guard light connection at fuse box. - Direction indicator power supply connection. « Tanllight power supply connection, - Tpin socket. - Ground for 7-pan socket. a wd A Ln ode fa hl ee Black lines: Factory wiring. Red lines : Winne to be performed by the installer, 56 r— AU RA i La E H-1— EHR Al 4 [Zi] HN pire 2 ¿AR 4 IE 1k 17 3 47 RJ E y 1 (VG (, 3 6 GN[HG ANJAN 5 N 05 05 ТЫ TOW HITCH A E a Apnprov | I velición 1 hich : [RA ee 320 в В ar, IM | RO Ground clearance | | {unladen vehicle) LO y S20 a 35 mm i I Gris ¿ear i ji Ladin wie) i ! i Pa e | ! E т ue | | x IM 44093 | | а | | | | 3 E A, | | | Ground clearance | | | (laden vehicle) 5 5) | | | 385 +35 mm RO E ss a == — e: E | E: | 1 E | | : PO 44893 y gl |! 1 @ ы | y | | | | | NE - The stalker = roquifed lo altach a cicariy lcable plate ai die same | ! ! | Braght as the etch, The phase should be made of an appropriate material | | # MAXIMUS LOAD AT TRE CORBIS 70 kg The drague shoves Ehe ns where he tow hitch hardware must be hoed to he car's body, and have the flowing stamped an i . o 1 LÀ | o | | = = = = й + | | > WHAT TO DO IF... Page SA TTR ol) «. AN Interior heht bums oot 62 .. an exterior light burns out 3 RE AIN A TITI 66 .. Ue battery 15 dead 6H .. ht car has to be towed 69 ws the car has to be jacked up 69 ..A TYRE IS PUNCTURED Beplacing a wheel Park the car on firm, level ground. Set the handbrake and engage Ist pear or reverse, Use wedges or rocks to keep the car from moving. Lift the lugeage compartment mat and ae- Lach ¿Lo the bottom of the shell as shown in the figure to reach the sparc. Remove the puck and tools from the compartment located on the right stde of the luggage companment. Loosen the wheel bolts about one turn Usine handie À and socket B with ring nui DD. Place the six-pomt end of the socket on the wheel bolt and the other on handle A Handle A can be used to loosen or tighten the wheel bolts depending on which side is insened in socket B. [47434 Mow, insert socket Boon the jack and place it under red reference point C (see figure), Turn the ring until the Jack is against the car. Place handle A on socket H. ...A TYRE IS PUNCTURED ERE Turn handle A back and forth until the wheel is mised GT Lhe ground. Unscrew the four wheel bolts vou previously loosened sand remove the wheel, Pub the spare ón the hub ensunng the pes fits im one of holes on the wheel. screw in the four wheel bolts. Lower the car and remove the jack. Tighten the bolts in a uniform, chss-cross fashion. Check wheel bolt tightness again alter driving about TO km. | 4% TYRE IS PUNCTURED LAN INTERIOR LIGHT BURNS OUT ETE Creneral information Use the jack for wheel changing only. Under no cireum- Га light docs not illuminate, check the Mise protecting the stances should it be used to raise the car for underbody re- circuit before replacing the bulb, pairs, If vou wish 10 use rims different from those supplied as Replace bulbs that have burned out with bulbs of the standard equipment, ask your LANCIA dealer for advice, same type amd wallage, Only approved spare parts are guaranteed Lo Mand work properly, Always handle halogen bulbs by the metal hase. If Yan touch the glass dhe bulbs life will be considerably shor- The small space-saver spare should only be used to drive to tened: a garage for repairs. Never exceed 80 km/h. A BATE: P ! IF you accidentally touch a bulk, clean it with a rag mois- tened with alcohol and then let it dev completely. Inflation pressure: 4.5 har. The spare can be used for a maximum of MWH) km. MEYES USC Po SPacc-Ssarer Spares at the same time, LAN INTERIOR LIGHT BURNS OUT LAN EXTERIOR LIGHT BURNS OUT Lussage compartorent Lizhi Remove the press-fit bulb holder by relcasine spring clips A. Press and move contact © towards ston BH. Pall the bulls holder out diaronally from the side opposite the slot and remove the SW bulb. Clow compartment light Remove tlie lens and pall out the bulb holder, Remove and replace The press-fit 3W bulb Courtesy lights Pry off the courtesy light lens using a screwdriver, Remove thé unit and replace the 5W bulk, Headlamps Always replace bulbs using new bulbs of the same type and willie, hi LAN EXTERIOR LIGHT BURNS OUT Remove connector A and pull off boot E. — Release spring chip CC. Replace 65:55 bulb D holding the new bulb only by the base. | ES = i | E == 3 1 | F LE Su 7 Y J WC 77 Ë pa " Remove press-N1 bulb holder E. Remove and replace the SW bayonect-hasc bah. {ri} Front direction indicalors Pull out bayonet-mount bulb holder 1. Remove and re- place tre 21W bavonel-hise bulb, Direction indicator repeaters Swing the wheel arch hiner aside amd remove the press-fit bull holder, Renove 2d replace the 4W bulb, „АМ EXTERIOR LIGHT BURNS OUT Taillights Unscrew the four crews 4 and eemove the lens, Remove the bavonet-base bulbs needing replacement. В = Stop light bulb, a Direction indicator bull. D = Taillight bulk. E = Fog-guard bulb, Back-up lights Unscrew the two screws holding the lens in place. Remove and replace 21W bavonet-base bulb FF. Number plate lights Unscrew the two screw holding the lens in place. Remove and replace SW bavonet-hasc bulb C. há WA FUSE BLOWS Mere arc 1d fuses in the fuse box located to the [ef of the steer column, Turn kab Bio open the fuse box cover, AL The amperage rating of each fuse 15 stamped onan, A symbol representing the main electrical device protected appears above the fuse. To check a Muse remove it and make sure the clement is intact. W not, replice it with another fuse having the sme amperage rating, Fags SERRE IDA Back-up lights, instrument panel power supply. cirectron indicators, stop lights. digital clock. check sysiem. CE 04 Windscreen wiper and intermittent vw, control, windscreen washer pump, rear window wiper, rear window washer pump. =D 0- 1254 Left front side light, right IAL gh, ы number plate light, cigaretio lighter night light. -Dd= 1.54 Right front side light, left tnllight, side bu: Ter panel anchéator, clock light, glove compartiment Lebt, luggage compart- ment hight, instrument pane] and check system cimmer. НЮ) А Left low beam headlamp and panel indicator, for-guard lights and panel indicator. МА O U A Right low beam headlamp. (> IDA Left high beam headlamp and panel indicator. MY A FUSE BLOWS => Id A Right high beam headlamp. 25 A Radiator fan. M A Heater fan. HA Rear window defroster and panel indi- calor, IA Clgarcuie lighter, macho, courtesy lights, digital clock, gmbon key light. 10.4 Hazard warning lights and panel indi- Calor. d > [+ €) ® Ls 20 A Horm, Soler The igmibon, starter moter, oil pressure warning light and rear window defroster relays are not protected by uses. Three other Muses are located under the shift lever boot. One 154 Tose protects the power lock system (if г, and two 254 [uses protect the power windows (if ¡tec On some versions, a 20A fusc protects the manifold idie ro sistor, automatic choke resistor and fuel pump cool, Other versions have a 153A fuse in the air intake duct that protects LS Agel. Puc] pump, and air intake and overboost sales noids. ff ... THE BATTERY IS DEAD Jump starting IT the battery has lost ais charge, start thé engine using another battery with an amperasgc rating cotal Lo or ercater then your car = battery (sce p. 105) Follow this procedure: Connect the two positive battery posts with a jumper cable. Connect ont clamp ol the second jumper cable to the negative terminal of the other car's battery and the other side Lo your cars ground bracket, When the engine starts remove the jumper cables starting with clamp connected de the ground bracket, Meer usé à battery charger to start thé car. Fr Recharging Carcíully follow this procedure to recharge the battery, [Disconnect both cables from the battery. Connect ihe bartery charger's clamps Lo the battery, Now, lura the charger on, When charging 1 completed, turn alt ie charger before removing IL from the battery. Apply petrolewm jelly or another suitable compound to the terminal posts before reconnecting the cables Refer to the MAINTENANCE chapter for further infor- mation regarding the battery, IMPORTA E The battery clecirolyvie 15 toxic and corro sive, Avoid contact with skin and eyes, Recharging must always be done in a well-ventilated area. “ever expose the battery to an open flame or sparks. Charge the battery with a trickle charger {low amperage for afl least 24 hours), Always disconneer the battery’ negative cable before ser- vicIAZS the car's electrical system, THE CAR HAS TO BE TOWED ..| HE CAR HAS TO BE JACKED UP Tow eyelets | Using the cars puck Attach a tow cable to the eyelets illusteated in the figures. Refer to p, 60 for information regarding wheel changing. The cars jack should only be used for replacing a wheel, Mever USC IE to raise the car for underbody repairs, Using a hydraulic jack AO = Respect all vehicle code regulations regarding towing. = Always leave the ignition key at MAR to prevent the steering wheel from lecking. IF the electrical system has not been damaged, the brake and indicator lights may alsó be used. — Braking when the engine is not running requires addi- tonal fool pressure on the brake pedal because the brake servo unit is inoperative. The jack should be placed only under the point indicated in the figure. Place a 15x15 cm board between the jack and the car, 49 …THE CAR HAS TO BE JACKED UP When Jacking up 1he car from the rear with a hydraulic shop jack, you must place an appropriate spacer (see figure) be- tween the tow bracket and the jack, MAINTENANCE AND SERVICING Page Maintenance 11 - Frag service coupan 72 - Service schedule 73 - Lubrication servicing 75 - Driving under adverse conditions IE] = Additional checks Té Checking Mud levels De Миг cleaner al ВИС xl Fuel filter 81 Electrical and electronic devices 82 Carburettor LE Alternator belt hE Handbrake 83 Cluich ES NOS Ha Heating system filter a Winidsereen and rear window wipers ete MAINTENANCE Free service conpon Every new car comes with a free service coupon wich must be used after drawing 1000-1500 km. The service opérations listed below (andan the Service Handbook) are required Ty the terms of the warranty, The following are checked aml adjusted if necessary: Engine tdle, = Alternator water pump belt, Clutch pedal travel. Handbrake lever travel, Tyre wear, Headlight beam alignment. Exhaust pipe bolts. Brake proportioning valve bool, Brake and steering power steering systems (check For laksa), The following uid levels are checked and topped up: - Power steering and brake Nuud, coolant, windscreen and =r window washer fluid, 12 The following is changed: - Engine ol, Final inspection ME: The following are checked in ears with sar conditioning: Compressor drive belt tension. Pulley and compressor bolis. Operation and cooling efficiency, MAINTENANCE servicer schedule Regular maintenance ensures vou Car will remain mm excels lent condition for many years, LANCIA has claborated à service schedule which 15 listed on the Four coupons (Charged Lo owner) included wath the WET эти! С Lhe NEXT pues. Many acdidatronal servicing 1s forimd to be necessary when per- Готими service schedule mamtenance, your approval will be reguested before procecdine Al members of the LANCIA Service Organisation perform service schedule maintenance. Minor problems such as fluid leaks should he immediately reported to a Service Centre. Do not wait until the next scr- vice coupon. Maintenance should be performed at least once a year, even if vou have driven fewer Eilometers than indicated in the tables, IT your car has alr conditioning, check Il every two weeks, Turn on lie air conditioner and let it operate for a couple of minutes (even during winter). Switch on the wre condinoner only after the engine has warped up, Before summer (amd every nine the system is serviced ) have the Freon and compressor cal levels checked. Top up when- СОН ГУ, 73 MAINTENANCE service schedule maintenance operations Inspect toorhed brmime Tel Lencisermermannrenans vase sou ses vas sa0s ses ae ces sims cms asda aetde Dane aneiucian Dame name amennea me imma ames | rg tyres aná check PTCHSUTE Le cc ccs ace case sceane ane came ans came sos cn a een e ne name ame scene ace ee nana eme seen ea eee ne ams ae Check rear brake drum linings .. laspect lines and pipes (exhaust, fuel and brakes) Check condition of rubser parts (hoses, boots, gaiters) , TN Inspect drove belis, adpust tension when NÉCESSATY Lecccssccressonssns sas ses anis as sate ace amssnnaans cars ananas ane anes Check adjust clutch pediul travel or MCigiil 1LLL.LeL Lecce acné ce same eme rene nee anne ae name ace rence nacre ace ane anne rme ane Check /adyust handhrake lever (Pavel 2......e. e .ee—erere=erecrrr rene ren ner ED se name eme rene eee aeR tape 0e MORE RE ams Check /align headlight beams ners rss srs ers rene naar ant en race eee ms sn Replace air cleaner Коле Lecceerrreeeennennnten ennannin sensane ana ms ms em ma es a sens Check crankcase ventilation … Check adjust valve dcarantes . pacs sense Yerily radiator fan operation; check? adjust idle speed —. a Verily electrical devices operate efficiently (lighing, indicator ami Warning & lights) .. Top up Mued levels (coolant, brake and power steering Mind, windscreen washer fluid. pr ee Lubricate or anges and locks TUE EEE EEE НОЕ НОЕ НОЕ О НОЕ НН Е НОЕ НЫЕ ВНЕ Е RSE NEE NEE ER REE NEE FEE REE FE Fen eii: ikea ee me má Check ExAaust EMISSIONTS irene ieriiesientica erica ei aca uri der ima ant dme sasa ace sos sans mi ss sas ems sms smn ars smn sm sem srs smn on Check transaxle oul level . Beplace fuel filter . - Resin Replace spark Muss: ‚check Ci ables and distributor can Seman Analyze clectrome 1emition mechón on versions with diagnostic plug CLA, Microplez, SP Check Breakerless iEniiom ad VEIROE Liisi esses sac so eases sms sms aans ns sms sans ses sens sams sns ames ans Kal X 10400) 40 | 60 — + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + = быта == ml À. = Г Г " + de d+ + POPE A + + + a $ + | DO | = + + + — + + + + + + + + +++ +++ +++ + "a MAINTENANCE Lubrication servicing Recommended cils and change intervals are given in the table on po 107, Dravins under adverse conditions Adverse driving conditions mclude arcas with high dust levels. mountain roads, cy driving, towing a traler, or Mmeh-speci highway driving, Under these condittons, “lubrication servicing” should be performed more frequently than indicated. The following parts are particularly subject Lo wear, They should be checked more often. Spark plugs and aie cleaner element, Front disc brake prachs, Twres, LE MAINTENANCE Additional checks The following checks should be carried out in addition 10 ile described in ie Service Schedule, Every 500 km or before a long trip Engine ol level. Coolant level. Brake Mud level. Tyre pressure, Change or replace the following: Faery 10,000 km Spark plugs (turbo versions), Every GOAMMY km or 2 years Coolant, Every ООН Кл Toothed timing belt, Every 120,000 Em Transaxle oil. Every year Brake Mud. 76 We highly recommend the use of Original Lancia Spare Parts. Every original part meets the same high standard af quality as Factory-installod parts. Use FIAT oils. They've been lubricating your cars en- cine since the first time it started, CHECKING FLUID LEVELS Engine ol Check the cal when the cir 18 on Level ground. Watt about 10 minutes alter switching off the engine. Whenever you top up or change the oil let the engine run for a lew seconds, wait à couple ol minutes and then check the level again. Verify that the oil level is between the MIN and MAX marks on the dipstick, When the level 15 under Ве МИ level, add oil through the cil Mier hole until reaching the MAN mark. Never fill above the MAX mark, The oil volume between the MIN and MAX marks corres- ponds to about | litre. Remove the sump plug to drain the oil. Win about 10 mi nutes before replacing the plug, Drainine the oll will be easter if you remove the il Miller cap and dipstick. Drain ihe oil only when the engine 1s hot, If you mainly drive in dusty or urban areas, change the oil and cartridge filter more Frequently than suggested in this handbook, 77 CHECKING FLUID LEVELS Transaxle wil Power steering Mid Remove the dipstick incorporated in cap Bo check the power steering Hod level, which should be at the maximum mark when the engine IS running. When the car 15 parked on level ground the transaxle oil level should reach the lower edge of filler hole А. To change the ofl, wnscrew plug B, Let the al drain for | ML E TAO about 10 minutes and then replace the plug, дли When the Nuid is hot the level may be higher than the NEI mark om te reservoir. Disposing of used wil The oil dreamed from your car should be disposed of in com- pliance with current regulations. 18 CHECKING FLUID LEVELS Brake Manel Visually check the Muid level once a week without removing the cap. Pertodhcally check the operation of the Quad level panel warning bight. When you press the réservoir cap (key al MAR) the Light should turn on, Top up only wi DOT 4 brake Quads, Tutela DOT d-used during factory assembly of the brake sysiem-is recom- mended. Never use fluds wiih diMlerent specifications. They can cause permanent damage to the brake system seals, Because brake uid is corrosive, never lel i come in contact with the car's body paint. Rinse oft immediately with water if fluid drips onto the car. Cam The coolant level should only be checked and topped up when the engine 18 cold. The level should be a couple of millimetres above the expan. ston tank mark when the heater valve 18 open, When the engine is hot never remove the expansion tank cap to avoid setting scalded. ЗН Lsc a 50-30 mixture ol ol antilreceze and cdistilled water for tapping up. The recommended coolant is Tutela FIAT Parafli ". [raining le eonlani: Open the heater valve by turming knob E fully clockwise {sec p. 26). CHECKING FLUID LEVELS Remove the expansion tank cap. Pull off the hose connecting dee radtator with the water pump on the radiator side, Refilling the cooling system: Open the beater valve by turming knob B fully clockwise (see pr. 26h, Reconnect the radiator hose, Slowly pour the coslant mixture into the expansion tank through the filler hole until the level is a couple of mils limetres above the mark. Replace the expansion tank cap. Start the engine. Let it adle until you no longer see air bub- bles in the coolant, Let the engine cool off, then top up the coolant level. When the engine is hat Sec the chapter regarding the bonnet (p.43) for information regarding the radiator fan. Su Windscreen and rear window washer Muid Frequently check the level in the washer reservoir (located in the same compartment as the jack on the right side of the luggage compartment), Kemeove 1he plug and top up with a mixture of water and Autofa m 9 THY 1 (sec note on p.107}. Ensure the plastic tubine 15 noi clogged, Clean the washer noeeles with a pan il necessary. AIR CLEANER Cleaning or replacing the Filter clement Release clips A to remove the housing cover, Remove and replace the filter clement. IE ТИ Note: A dirty Nlrer Cases an merase in exhaust emissions and smoke opacity, as well as poorer engine performance, High emission levels arc in violation of clean air standards. VAHL PHL TELE FUEL FILTER Replacing the oil filter Replace che filter every time vou change the ol. [ED ce crias | SIH) engine Lubricate the seal of the mew filler before screwing 11 onto the engine block. Replacing the fuel filter Replace the Пе! filter every 2000000 Kim. Tins operaton 15 performed by a Lancia Service Centre as part of service schedule maintenance. | ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES Battery Cereral énforsmrertion The battery 15 maintenance-free, and does not need to be topped up wath distilled water. The elctrolyte level (car on level ground) should be between the the MIN and MAX marks on the battery. os ” El LE arbsolutels necessary, the battery can be topped up by re- moving cap À. Add distilled water until the level reaches the MAX mark. Never overfill the battery. Important: The electrolyte solution in the battery is corro- sve and toxic. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Lead batteries should be disposed of in compliance with local regulations, WR The battery will hold its charge and last longer you Follow these suggestions: When vou leave the car in a garage insure the doors ani glove compartment are closed to prevent the interior hehts from remaining on, Remember to turn off tte map light. Осла leave electrical accessories on lor a long time when the engine is not running (radio, hazard warning lights, side tnllights, ee). LÉ vou install other accessories {remote controls, vehicle abierm system, radio with memory features) ask your Lancia dealer for advice regarding suitable devices, The standby power consumption of the aftermarket de- vices installed should not exceed 20 mA. IT the battery loses ns charge. refer to pe. 56 for further informi- Lic. ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic control units The car's ignition. injection and other control units do not sencrally necd to be serviced. However, you should take à number of precautions during diugnostte procedures, servicing or emergency starting, Never disconnect the battery when the engine is running. Disconnect the battery from the cars electrical system when charging iL. Dh not use à battery charger to start the engine. Always use another battery. Ensure the battery is properly connected to the car's electrical system. Check the polarity is correct and all cables and clamps are in good condition. Never disconnect or connect control units with the igni- tion key is at MAR. Never check battery polarity by sparking. Disconnect the control units when are welding body panels. Remove the control wns when temperatures could exceed 80°C (body painting). Haine lt may be dangerous to make impreper connections or mad ifcations to the wiring harnesses of some of the car's sys. tems Cgniton, inpaciión, cbc.) Improper installation of sound systems and/or electronic vehicle alarm systems can create interference with the car's electronic control units. Spark plugs The condition of the spark plugs is an important factor in limiting exhaust emissions. Poor plug condition can also al- fect engine hfe and performance. An improper air/fuel mixture will eventually cause plug de- Posts and shorten their life, IN the engine is not operating property, have the spark plues checked al a LANCIA Service Centre or by a skilled mechani - The spark plugs can often provide useful information when performing engine troubleshooting procedures, Always use recommended spark plugs, Plugs with the wrong heat ratio will cause poor engine performance. #3 CARBURETTOR - ALTERNATOR BELT Adjusting engine idle speed (1300 cc engine) Turn screw A to adjust the carburettor throttle valve af the idle speed is not correct. If this does not solve the problem, take vour car le à LANCIA Service Centre for a thorough fuel supply svsiem check, The Centre will check the tdle mixture by determining the CO (carbon monoxide) level mm the exe hist, For other engines, have all procedures performed at à Service Centre as expertise and sophisticated equipment are required. Adjusting belt tension The alternator belt shold never show signs of wear (Cracks nd or fraying). und should be properly tensioned to prevent slipçuige. Although belt tensioning should be performed with specific equipment at a LANCIA Service Centre, vou can use the following procedure tn an emergentr, \ Tee IM LN TA A remesa! fi SN hf YA 1 Loosen tensioning nui A. Loosen alternator nul В. Pull the alternator outwards and tighten the nots (ist A then В) Do not overtighten 1he belt to prevent premature bearing wear. The bell 1s properly ughtened if al moves downwards only about | em when vou press in wath your thumb, Mote Depending on the version, the ahermator and bolts shown here may have a shghtly different location, bul the procedure 15 the same. HANDERARE Adjusting the handbrake Follow this procedure to adjust handbrake travel: Pull lever A up [rom the released position. Turn nut 15 until the cable 15 (aut. Verily that the car docs not move when handbrake lever A 15 pulled wp three or four clicks. CLUTCH Adjusting pedal height The Pots Dies SP CH 15 sel[sacljusting and has no pedal Îrec travel, I pedal heigl adjustment os required, wirn mar A on clurch cable ©. Tighten nut A o raisc rc pedal or looser a Lo lower the pedal. Tighten lockmar B when the pedal 1s at the nght height. na TYRES Pressure and tyre wear Make sure the tyres are always inflated to the correct pressure. This will increase their life, improve handling and guarantee driving safely. Verify tyre pressures (including the spare) every two weeks and before taking long nips using i pressure gauge. Tyre in- flation pressures (cold) are given on the table on the inside front cover, Incorrect Lyre pressure causes Irregular wear. A= Correct pressure: Tyre wears evenly, Но - Underinilated tyre: Shoulder tread wear. С - Cwerinilated tyre: Centre tread wear, Hl Mies Always check tyres when they arc cold. Tyres heal when driving causidg an increase m pressure, I you have 10 check the pressure of a hot tyre, remember to ide about 0,3 bar to the cold-1yre value imdicated, Driving with underimilated tyres will lead to more rapid heating, often causing permanent damage, The tread depth should not be less than 1.5 mm*, The less tread present, the lower the road traction, Always drive carclielly on wel roads, Tread wear indicators are moulded into some Lyres. As soon as they become visible replace Ela Lyres. Inspect the tyres Tor irregular tread wear or sidewall cuts, 16 nol weanng evenly, have the tyres checked at a LANCIA Service Centre, * After January 1, 1907 minimum tread depth is 1.6 mm (ECC directive 89/4597, TYRES Important Impaeci against the kerb, porholes or other objects, as well as frequent driving on poorly surfaced roads, may damage the tyres. fa blowout occurs, stop as soon as possible to the change the tyre. Diving on à Mat tyre will damage it. Always remove the tyre from the wheel to inspect for damage, Tyres can age even when they are not used. Tread ar sidewall cracking and distension are signs of age. Have these tyres checked by an expert. LF thee tyres have been on the car for over 6 years have them carefully checked. Also mspect the condition of the spare. Replace it as soon as possible af i as not in excellent condi- tion. Mever use cheap, recapped Lvres. Never use inner tubes in tubeless tyres, Always replace the inflaton valve when changing a tyre. Rotate the tyres (exchanging the front tyre with the rear one an the same side of the car) every 1000001 5,000 km to en- sure even Wear. ever rolate he tires in a criss-cross Fashion. snow chains The use of snow chains is governed by local regulations. Use snow chains only on the front wheels of front-wheel drive cars. Always recheck chain tension alter driving about 30 metres. Drive ar moderate speeds when using chains to avoid damaging the tyres. Do not dve on snow-Irec roads. Always usc low-profile chains. The maximum height of the chars should not exceed 12 millimetres. 87 HEATINC SYSTEM FILTER WINDSCREEN/REAR WINDOW WIPERS Heating system filter (GT Le, and HE turbo) Replacing the blades i ; Press tab C downmwards on wiper arm DD. Remove screws A to reach che filter. Move che filter uml ro When the spring tab releases from the wiper arm's curved the right, hf and replace it, Lip. she i 017 arm IY through the slot, Windscreen and rear window wipers IF the wiper blades are net operating eliciently, try Cleaning them with Autofú a. 9 DPI Mud eralcolol, Il cleaning them Note Adler washing your car in a car wash, ensure the does not help, replace the blades, blades are posinoned above the lower stops, me BODY MAINTENANCE AND CARE Page Body maintenance 90 - Protecting the car 90 gl E - Body 91 - Undercarriage e = Interior 92 - Windows IL - Engine compartment 93 - Cleaning plastic parts 93 Vehicle Storage Ln BODY MAINTENANCE Protecting the car LANCIA has implemented numerous production steps 10 greatly improve the cars resistance to corrosion caused by chemical agents including: — Mar pollution. - Aarborne salt and humicdity (scuside areus or hoi, humid climates), — Road salt (used tn winter to prevent wee formation), Dust and fumes, as well as sand. mud and gravel kicked up while driving have an abrasive action on the paint and undercarriage. The following high-tech solutions have been adopted to deal with this complex problem: - Use of corrosion- and afrasion-résistant pais ana por application systems. Lsc of galvanizod body pancls which are highly resistant LG corrosion. Extensive use of undercoating compounds and a pro- lective engine compartment coating which have an ex- cephionally high alfimity for metal. — Use of pollution-resistant cnamels. SH Spraying of protective resins on exposcd arcas such as door jambs, rocker panels and bumpers. Open-box cross and side member chassis construction to prevent the buildup of water that can lead 10 rust forma- rom, The factors described are diverse and vary depending en he environmental conditions where vou drive Howe ver, il you Lake п Lew minutes to take care of your car from time Io tire, 1€ will last à lot longer. The suggestions on the following pages will help you to maintain YU Lars body, paint and upholstery. BODY MAINTENANCE Faint = Body Lee paint not only makes your car beautiful, it alse protects Ihe sheet steel under it. Clipping or deep scratches should be immediately touched up [O prevent must. Always usc original part for touching up (refer to paint [D plate on p.97}. Wash your car regularly to keep the paint in good condi- non. Wash more frequently in areas with high mr pollution levels or when parking under trees (sap may drip onto the Carp Remove band droppings immediately as uric acido will damage the paintwork, Thoroughly wash the car as soon as possible, Wet the car using a low-pressure jet of water. Use a soft sponge dipped ina 24% solution of car wash or other de- lergent. Rinse the sponge often while washing the car. Then, an thoroughly and dry the cur with a chamois-leather cloth. Dry thé entire car including less visible areas such as the door frames, bonnet and headlamp housings-areas where Walter can slagnate, Donon park the car in a closed garage soon after washing it to allow for adequate air circulation facilitatine the evaporation of the remaining water. Doe not wash the car if it as been parked im the sun or if the bonnet 1s sll hot to avoud damaging the high-gloss finish. Use good quality car care products such as silicone wax thi create à protechive layer on the paint and help to maintain the cars origmal lustre. If you notice dull areas, use 3 sitehely abrasive wax polish to restore the paint. Undercarriage LANCIA has treated all areas of the undercarriage with a protective comting using state-of-the-art wehnmg wes. However, the wndercarmt: re should be checked occasion ally, especially of the car is regularly driven under adverse conditions, 91 BODY MAINTENANCE Undercarriage imspections should also be performed 10 check the mechanical assembhes, Deal immediately with any problems observe, some chassis members are scaled with plugs. Remove them during the inspection wo check Tor rust. IT 1he car is often driven in arcas with severe chmates, trem the chassis and door jambs with protective compounds more of len. Appropriate products should be applied bay a Bady shop Le the undercarriage, Have this done at beast every two years Gamo ly winder se- vere conditons) at he begiimine of winter, Inferior [1 15 also important to take care of the cars interior. Check thar there 35 noe waiter under the floor mals (Irom drippane umbrellas) hat could lead to rust formation. Remove dust from the seat upholstery with a soft brush, Remove grease stams with an appropriate product. Always follow the manufacturer s instructions carcíially. Use on sponge dampened in soapy water (VY: ox. per gallon of waler) IT flee seats arc very dirty. Windows Clean the windows using an appropriate glass cleaner. Al- ways use a clean cloth te prevent streaking and scratches, Clean the inside of the rear window carefully to avord damaging the embedded defroster wires, Rub only horizon- tale, BODY MAINTENANCE Engine compartment The engine compariment should be thoroughly washed ar the end of winder to remove road salt, Cleaning plastic paris Clean the exterior plastic parts when washing the car. IE still dry, usc an appropriate plastic cleaner, Follow the manufacturers instructions carefullyv. Never use paint cleaning compounds on plastic. Do not use alcohol we clean the mstrument panel. Амон! cleaning interior plastic parts with products that polish the plastic (e.g. compounds containing silicone) as they will alter the appearance of parts with a matle finish. Use soapy water (add a surfactant if possible), a dilute al- cohol solution (bul never on the instrument panel) or a de- tergent sold expressly for cleaning plastic. VEHICLE STORAGE Suegestions [fou are not planning on using your car for several months, de the following: Clean and protect the paint with silicone wax, Clean the chrome parts using an approprate compound, Park the car in a dry, covered place with adequate ventila- Laon, Release the handbrake, Disconnect the battery cables, Remove the wiper blades and coat them with tale. Crpen the windows about an inch, Cover the car with a Rep Lhat breathes, Never use i sheet of plastic as it will trap moisture, Increase the tyre pressures at least (05 bar more than indi- cated wn the table on po 1100 Verily pressure from time to time, Every 1% months perform a battery stale-of-charge check, Recharge usine à trickle charger For 24 hours. De not drain the coolant. “hi SPECIFICATIONS Vehicle identification Engine Brakes Steering Suspension Transmission Wheels Wheel alignment Electrical system Performance Weights Dimensions Capacities Lubricant and Nuid specifications Fue consumption Tyre pressures Page 96 98 100 100 101 101 102 103 103 104 104 105 106 108 110 И, VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION e ÓN Vr CU N 7 Sa FOR Os e Tena Ue ANN pe A A, Л © Tm a wn © Ol = =) MT Tm ur Te i Il | IRE | has Wa E оон — о a == MN" CNN pes | Le N ER IHREN Eg Cli AF eas a MAL. НИ, № —— ToT => ana == LE A - Chassis code numbers = ehe CDE a an van sane dma mm — Serial number. ELA 831 ABO Yh # = Model plate . Manufacturer, Homologation number, Vehicle [D code, . Chassis serial number, Maximum gross vehicle weight, Maximum gross vehicle weight including trailer, Maximum gross vehicle weight at front axle. . Maximum gross vehicle weight at rear axle. Engine code. Body code. ‚ Mumber for sparcs. Diesel engine smoke apacity index. ZEF-ROSTDOM> VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION Hardy code Paíar identification plare Delta LE LX cronies sss on wes a e «М AB.025 This plate is located inside the hatehback door. Liclia CET EE. areas canina cane rara e Al ASA AL Pam manufacturer. Delia HF turbo cies eee, 831 AB.OZ0 B. Colour name. С, Calor code, D. Respray and touch-up code. Free code - Encbte pe Del UP ROR SAL ELLE Dicha CET EE. 0... rer EEE ana ванна: A ERRADA Delta HE POr .......... een nene SEL OO я Forging serial invaber The above Information is stamped in the following locations: Delta with 1500 cc engine On trasmission side of en- gine block. Delta with 1600 ce engine On encne block behind oil filter, 97 ENGINE Engine code . Cycles … Torque (ВРС). al, a at. Engine specifications … Sim (ham) Horsepower (EEC) pacs sea Number of cylinders ES as Hore x stroke oa Dispelis CECI ars ee erre ee Compression ratio | mm em . Tim KW (bhp) Mp Delia 1.5 LX Delta GT Le, Delta HEF turbo 831 1.000 d-evele inlined Bid x 6359 1498 9,2] 122 (124) 3200 59 (80) 5600 Si BY OM) d-cyele inlinge-4 84 = 71.5 1555 Ч 132 (13.5) 3500 SC (105) SUD 831 B30 d-evecle inlinc=4 84 x 71.5 1585 7.5:1 191 {19.5) 3500 103 (140) SC Timing Inlet un, о Exhausi elo Timing check clearances (inlet and exhausd) Lee... en Yalve clearances when cold milet FITS IEEE INN IAEA IINI IAI INI IAN a xt Last НН НИНЕ И НО НН НН НН arm ara Errar Е ШИ него © overhead cams een ees Timing bell drive пана на ва по вой пн пани ви аа пита пан я opens BTM oe closes ABDC eee... Imm И ий | raothed bel 7 is" ar q 0.50 La Бы. HH == == oo Ta A 2 loathed bel 11" ds 51° Re ЖЕ He EE uE tocthed bel o 40" 98 ENGINE Spark plugs: Fiat ven. Delta 1,5 LX Delta GT Le, Delta HIF turbo EleCIronic Emilion rasieren vee sou vous vas sass Firmg order ome Magneti Marelli eee ree Champion Le vas sacsaes savsacr sur vonrens sans san sens cacsaenne Spark PEE fa rr ree Fuel delivery Weber carburclion eee Weber Fuel Injectión ris ers | Mar Cleaner ZU UE E CE CE E EA e TEN Digiples (inductive discharge) 1-3-4-2 WASLSR FLOR WIAD ENTYC 07-018 rm Aspirated Mechanical 32/34 TL [AY Dry Integrated static advance |-3-4-2 WASLAR FELCR WET RN7YC 07-05 mm Aspirated Electrical LAW clecirome inte grated with renato Dry Integrated slat advance with fuel injection ring sensor 1-3-4-2 WRGLTC 02-1 mn Turbocharged" Electrical LAW electrome inte. grated with temstion Dry Garret T2 water-cooled turbocharger with air-to-air heat exchanger and overboost, ENGINE - OVERBOOST Lubrication Forced-leed gear pump. Full-flow cartridge ol filter. The turbocharger of supercharged engines as lubricated by engine ofl cooled by a leat exchanger. Cooling system The cooling system components include a radiator, cen- fuga) pump and expañstóon tank, A thermostatic valve 18 located on the cylinder head outlet, A secondary recircnla- Lon circuil feeds the the heating system radiator, Thermostatically controlled radiator Gin. Сканыывй киа HE turbo) The overboost excludes the wastegate valve, which controls the exhaust gases that drive the turbocharger to mamta a un form engine feed pressure, When the overboost Tunction 15 operativo a panel andicator illuminates (see pp. 1d=1 3), The overboost is actuated at engine speeds above 4730 rpm when pressing the accclerutor pedal Tully down, Releasing the accelerator pedal desactivados the overboost, 100 BRAKES - STEERING Service brakes Front disc and rear drum brakes (1.3 LX). Four-wheel disc brakes {OT be. and HE turbo). Dual diagonally split brake circtiits, Vacuum serve, Fear brake pressure proportioning valve. Some versions have Trond brake air cooling ports stead of supplementary headlamps. Handbrake Mechanical, lever-aciuaboed handbrake linked Lo rear brakes, steering Rack-and-pimon permanently lubricated system with ball points {with shock absorption for GT Le, and HEF turbo), TRW reck-and-sinton power steering {UL Died) wich pump anc fund reservoir. shock-absorbing, height-adjustable sicerine column, Turning circle nee TLS melres Turns, lock to lock coon. BM (power stecrime: 4.35) SUSPENSION - TRANSMISSION Suspension Front: Independent, MacPherson suspension with track contro) arm, hydraulic dampers and antiroll bar. Rear: Independent, MacPherson suspensión with two transverse track control arms. lower longitudinal stron, Hydraulc damper and duabacting col sprngs, antiroll bar, Transmission Ch Se -adjusmme, mechanical linkage, no pedal ree travel. Tramsaxie Five-specd synchromesh and reverse manual icansmis- SEC. Gear altos: Delta Delta SIH Delta LS LX dsl 1e. | GT 1€." [HE turbo |” pear 3,904 2545 34H06} 3.545 2 gear 2.767 2.267 2.7 2.267 |3 gear | 469 1.523 1440 1.541 | 4 gcar 1.043 1142 | 1.079 1.156 5° gear 0.363 0,967 (SMS 0,891 Reverse RAT A 3067 A, Differential scars inmcorporatcel in transmission case. Final drive ratios! Dicha 1,5 Lo opreererreesmerane rare ean rene an manana nenes LAT Del Ka OR, ereererrerreneaer rene rneae Ir rnenerantane arca LS Della GOT B® ars rar ern LAT Delta HUF BO rer seers sesssmrarsans 1757 Power trmsmilted Lo thé fron wheels by axle Ба кий. Transaxle and wheels linked by constant-velecity joints * France only. 101 WHEELS Kims and tvres Dimensions: Aluminum alloy Gas VbEless radials Fams Tyres LI LA GT Le. 34] - 14 AHZ 16505 E 147 78T HF turbo | 54 - 1472 185/55 RO 14 TOY * Rims for this model must be mounted using à 3-mm spacer plate. spare stamped steel Fis ee Tubeless IYTE vise ence nani amtiari ant ia sans su 400 8-14 'H [33/80 B 14 Important: Never use mner lubes in tubeless tyres. 102 Sm chains Maximum height .........— RI Installation and vise WHEEL ALIGNMENT Wheel alignment The values given are for unladen cars. Front wheel toc-La: 2.3 - 1 mm. Rear wheel Log-11: 2 - 34 mm. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Electrical system voltage: 12 volis, Battery (negative ground) Capacity (20-h discharge rate) Cold cranking | power (18°C) | Delta 1.5 LA Delta GT ic. Delta HF turbo 40 АЛ 200 А Alternator Nine-drode rectifier with integral voltage regulator. Battery recharged as soom as engine starts, Nominal oulpul Delta 1.5 LX Della GT 1€, Celta HE turbo A 65 A 103 PERFORMANCE - WEIGHTS Performance Maximum speeds aller ramming de (kh | Delta 1,5 LA Delta GT Le, [della GT Le.” Dela HE turbo I SEE een | 45 35 30 55 a EET Chm em nm i Bis me fs ms le i ES 45 Hi ‘Hi TT remera amenas | 30) | [25 | 40] 130 de BCAL rene ns 105 | 165 | IL 175 5" 11: | JERR PR PS TPP TIT | [85 179 Mix FEVEISE Cncscsrnereraecencer anne erencer anna ne mer nee tease esas mrss м! Si si sn Alaximem predceahbilida im nn Bully Laden «ir (a): |" BEAT еенннненнннененнннненнньнанн EA LEE TETE 57 XH Et 36 + aa) CC CA CO nA EEE EEE EDEN ENDEN a 25 23 13 x“ ear a nd AE FREE NN TEST ES EE EEE UE |4 1 14 21 à" Ea a aca e aa a e CEE ENE NENNEN KEINEN EEE x 19} Pe 15 4" AER == kn a kn CELE ECN MON NECE EE MEME ANNE ñ 7 I 14 Rivers CCE e LAA a a МНН ОН НЕ НН НЕ НН МЕНЕ НЕЕ dl a =“ ib * France only. Weights (ke) | Deba 1.5 LX Relea CT 12. Delia TF turbo Kcrb weight (incluses (uel, spare and woalsd ванне, AS SHES |220 Faylocad (5 cocupants E 100 Eg JUEEaged vn | 450 450 450 Maximum gross vehicle weight nnn | dab had 1470 104 DIMENSIONS bl Е Dimensions {nulmnetres) 1380 The height indicated is for an unladen car. Lugeage compartment capacity (Y DA standards) 260 dm”. Lugoage compartment capacity with rear scat folded down (VIDA standards}: LODO drá, LU prada CAPACITIES oO Mella 1.5 LX | Ока Св, [Delta EF turbo ee B | . Fuels and nenended Capacities den ; dm ke dm не не POCO EG litres] Ё (ies) (litres) Fuel tank сонный EE Ma 47 37 | 37 | Premium го * * including a reserve of LL 6 6-4 Da Oh | mun ре S-S0 más fune o diste Cooling Sysber oc a 4 6.50 - 650 water and FIAT Paraîbe" ++ Engine Sump con WE ; 4.14 | Lés 4.50 4.00 e 154 Engine sursge amd fbtér o.oo 4.30 Lan DM 4.40 | 4 +25 | te fa 107 Sump, filer aml més e... ee 4.4) 4 ММ? 4,5 5.540 510 Transaxkhe .........—e eee т Tp 1.40 Tutela 74: 30 al Теча ХЕ Lesrrrreerencanne menre cn ae co sanenesemen es | 2000 1.51 ЗАК |. Tutcla AK SH eal Secring Scan .......... RP FE ames ВО | DAS ELH 195 MAS Tetela k NES prease CBs power sigonng een, | dti ki | Teicha GEA Mud | CV=joint cavilies amd boots deal) Lo. 010 0.10 Ik 10 Techs MEM I grease Frontircar hydraulic brake circuits … п 0.50 DH Tulcha THF 4 Med Windscreen fren window washer Baur Of Wan and 77. | LLu.cnnseccacsencsnscnnssss mens 2 > 2 Angola nF DIMES # Produc spocificrhens até gaven on po 105, Enber leaded or unleubel premium petrol (onanimun octane number $5) can be used. "** Refer io A еле hurd the ars on p. 107. w= 106 ee Ol CAPACITIES Oil change and filter replacement after free service coupon Version a Change intezval | Engine oil Cil filter Delia 1.5 LX SELEMIA Every 20,000 km or 12 months Every 20,000 km Delta GT ic. SELENIA Every 15,000 km or 12 months Every 15.000 km Delta HF turbo SELENTA | Every 10.000 km or 12 months Every 10.000 km Do not top up with oils that have different specifications, Average oil consumption values | —— — | Delta LS LX 50 - 60 2100 km Delia GT Le, 50 = 90 27100 km Delta HF turbo |4) - 120 es 10 km A note about the Muids e A S0-50 mixture of FIAT Paraflu” and distilled water gives recae protection down to —33C. e MIX 30 cl of Autofá n.9 DPI with à litre of water for summer use. In climates where winter temperatures may LO as low as 20°C, mix equal amounts of water and Autofa 1.9 DPI. Use Autofá n°9 DPI undiluted in areas wilh severe winters {below —-20°C), 107 LUBRICANT AND FLUID SPECIFICATIONS Product characteristics Lee Petrol engine lubricants Specifications SAE 15640 semisynthetic multigrade oil; exceeds API-SG, CCMC-G4 С and CUNA NC 610-01 CL-G2 specilficanens. Lubricanis and Arne lor iransmissions progoti EDO Recommended Specific fluids and lubricants application SELENIA Operating range* 15°C ОРС, SAL BOW 600, mo EP? antivecar oil. TUTELA 20 90 Transmissions and diflerentials wo hypold pens SAL SOW EP oul, Meets APT Cil. ame AALL-L-2103 specications, SAE 80W90 EP sil for standard and Haniteid-slep spécifications. differentials. Meets API GLS and MIL=1-210$ C | TU TELA AC 801 Manual DT RIES IE AROS amd dilferenliils TUTELA YY SHEA TRY Molybdenum disulphide, thium-soap base grease; MLO consisteney no. 2. TUTELA MEN 2 Hypoli dilferentials Limites differentials, Steering rack, CV joints. Lithium soup grease; MLGT consistency na. 3. * A1 temperatures below 105 TUTELA ME 3 Wheel Bearings. Steering linkage. LEC use SA E ОА «ей 10W 230 1x recommended Y. LUBRICANT AND FLUID SPECIFICATIONS Ise Specifications Recommended fluids and lubricants Specific application Sicering rack Lithium soap grease; NC consisteney mo, 000; TUTELA k 854 lubricant contains molvbdenum sulphide. Svnihetic Quid; EF.NLY.S.S. no. 116, DOT 4, 150 | TUTELA DOT 4 Hvdraulic A925, CUNA NC 9956-01. brake fuck Crrease compatible wath brake Hud. Racdiator antifrecze SP 349 Brake load proportion valve, Linkage buslimos, Eibvylenc elycol antifrecze; CUNA NC 9536-16. FIAT PARAFLL 4-50 mixture Windscreen:heac- lamp washer Muriel with waler protects Lo 35°C Mixture of waier, alcohols and surfactants; CUNA MC 4956-11. Chassis presse ALTOFÁ e, Y DPI Lise «шей or undiluted Lithium soap grease; MLGH consistency no. |. TUTELA JOTA 1 All components no exposed to water, Usc special pregess for arcas in contact wilh winter, 109 FUEL CONSUMPTION - TYRE PRESSURES cu СЫ Fuel consumption as per EEC standards « lores 100 Km (mules Imp, gal.) Version City driving Constant speed 90 km/h (36 mph) | Constant speed 120 knyh {75 mph) Delia 1.3 LX 4,1 431.0) 5.5 (31.4} 7.2 (39.7) Delta GT Le. ‘39 (28,5) 7.0 (40.3) 9,2 430.7] Delta GT Le, * 9,7 (29,1) 5.8 (487) 77 (36.71 Delia HF turbo 10.0 (25,3) 6.5 (43,5) 2.4 (33.61 * France only. The fuel consumption values listed in Me table above were determined in olfcil tests ailing procedures defined in EEC di- reclives, Simulated city driving fuel consamprron 1s measured on a test-bed, while constant speed (90 amd 120 Rm = 56 amd 75 mph) fuel economy 1s measured both ona dry, level west track and using test-bed procedures. These values may be useful Tor companng different vehicles, Actual fuel consumption may be slightly different from official values owing to diverse traffic conditions, driving style, the weather and the cars general condition. Cold tyre pressures (expressed in bar) таре ни Pela 13 LX - GT Le. Delta HE turbo td Ge Average load 2 2.2 Fully laden 2.2 дя Spare 28 110 APPENDIX Page Sound system installation 112 Tow-=hiteh imstallation 114 Alarm system installation ME All electrical accessories nol discussed in this handbook should be installed via a relay governed by the UTTER SOUND SYSTEM INSTALLATION Factory and additional wiring schematic Right front speaker. Antenna. Right back speaker. Left back speaker, Six-pin cénnéclor. Left front speaker. Fuse box. supplementary amplifier power supply fuse (af system power exceeds x20 W). TONAUNR> LA E N 2 (OTI TE 112 SOUND SYSTEM INSTALLATION Where do install ihe sowed system components A. Right front speaker, Li. Anlenm, C. Right back speaker. DD. Left hack speaker. E, Radio housing, F. Lelt from speaker, Cr. Fuse ox. H. Supplementary amplifier power supply fuse (if system power exceeds Ax Wl TOW HITCH INSTALLATION Wiring schematic A. Stop light switch connec- ton, T-pin socket. Ground from 7-pin socket. Power supply takeoff For direction indicators. Power supply takeoff For taillights. I Power supply connection for electromagnetic braking system. пон бов Ta 114 TOW HITCH INSTALLATION Where to connect the tow hitch wiring > Stop licht switch connec Lin. 1-pin socket, Ground fer 7-pin socket. Power supply takeoff for direction indicators. Power supply takeofT for taillights. ‘. Electromagnetic braking syslem power supply con- nection. Er vos Баня LB | —— E EAT = rit | r i | 7 | q IN —E o ATES NE - The person installing the tow hitch is required to attach a clearly legible plate made of an appropriate material at the same height as the coupling with the following stamped on it: MAXIMUM LOAD AT THE COUPLING: 7) kg. 115 ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION Wiring schematic Ultrazome detector. Connection lo power window system far akiirim system window control. С. Connection to power lock system Lo allow remote control by the abirm sysleri, D. Hatchback dear opening detector, E. Connection for control af direction imdecador Naster by alurm system, Siren. . Alarm system control Limit. H. Bonnet opening sensor, = = = В 0) 1 | A NE - When switehes Bare open. the cables connected to me power window motors are grounded. This fact should be taken maté ace count when wiring the system. 16 ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION Where to connect the alarm system wiring т . Ulirasomie detector. . Connection Lo the power window system enabling the alarm system te close the windows when armed. , Connection to the power lock system for remote control of the alarm System, . Hatchback door opening detector. >, Connection for control of direction indicator Dasher when salarm system 15 armed. , Siren. i. Alarm system control ul, . Bonnet opening control Limit, 117 PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT The following suggestions will help you te Keep vour car's polluting exhaust emissions low. Perform mainienance al regular intervals and do repairs when necessary, Particular atlention should be given lo the engine (spark plugs, air cleaner, breaker pomts, ignition advimee, in- jectors, inxclion pump liming, exhaust system and valve clearances). - Let the engine run al dle only briefly, Usc the chokc for as sort a time as possible. [you have diesel engine, drive your car immediately after starting it, Do noi let 11 warm up al idle. Never Moor the arcocierator when moving offor double-cluich when shifting ecars. Both will increase Tuel consumption and exhaust emissions. Every vehicle condition that increuses luel consumption (overloadimg, vnderinilated tyres, por wheel alignment} will increase exhaust emissions. 113 INDEX A een hE ERSTE ATER EE AE Body care and TTS ove nai [EC NOUF CAF. niin mann mn sms aan eases Cetting acquainted with your car ij a rior нни Maintenance and servicing ees a le. ase Specifications ........ eee sera rene en ae Ce ae What ta dn Eee enmaai A Adjusting engine wie... tee ee eae Adjusting the Low beam hewdlamps . PP Air cleaner, replace the Alter élément ne. A OO seen ren PA ai ii areA AEA ness san Irarere ET ereTTCErArO Altereador belt oT [TE eee re narran n anne nena enana Ага Back-up and number plate lights replacing Lhe bulbs oo nena ener Battery lr mi A EEE rech arging - AEE EE EE EE ERR 1 С И ПНС specifications Vm RAR orar Am mE aE slariing with another baflery creer ee Rommel E aml Close ea REEL Brake Mus с EAPACILIES cocoate cee meets ceeds sen hard sa Carburetor, adjusting me idle inns нано: 106 Mad Chath SYS ed rec re een races Checking Fui low ols E Cigarciie hghter ee Cleamng plastic arts. 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SER checking the level Ee Er CE tea cet Electronic control umsis eine Engines pealic LITOITYS Las snnie ae nan ere re er race race na cena casa ГП йена hieleras SE nuera re eee enana enana aa A F Free servige Coupon Front fas limps SW nenes Frl ры adjustment. rtm iat Am IE hms pa py eee Sm Test EE A MA Fal een cl consumption MIMI ICI sme mm mee mm NEN NE wl iw DION LER pT Ficl CCOMONTY Sil eccrine duel filler aber LL. Lee cesse cs aa ccm fuel filter LL... ec cec sa casa Fuel gauge -...... CI nee с Ба ПЕЙ Ва | Fuel sup la aml ¡gnition NN gm mm om mm dead e RE Fuck Tan Fass Ús CIAT CaLIOS ina 120 Ne Ea A [MTC A ETA [1 7 e Cibove compartiment mama A Ciraden biliby oi Pape [0] sai ri od H Handbrakx (urea ana eee adjusLIME “eee enredar cen sem se sieste VERS + Inbicieaer Ikghilo -......eeee encia Blind warming lights SALIDO een Veadiamps adpustimg Trom inside car beam alignment ome EK REM ENGE пер! ng The bulbs IETF AIEEE m=gens ll ainia a к. Неси гск! Late sistem filter | En ida ia Fligh Beam headlamps replicing the bulbs 1 Пула switch TE Jp i Indicator ame warn Tights. FEA A on, Instrument prone] dimmer J Jack MAINE Eee amame et AE RTE 14.15 30 В Low beim headlamp corféélers Le Low beam headlamps replacing the bulbs Lebracants CARTES EDIL ern SPC reee Lubrecarión servacing ....... Lugigs Compare light a A replacing the bulb eee Lugrage compar mmm increasing he corpo ara opening mel closing VOLUNTAD cece crn smre rare AM РН АСЛАНА АН ЗНС eee Maximin Soods......——. Mode] pla ee 0 Lelomerer and mnip odometer Chl consumpLion .......... Chil filter Page 71 | LH E |4, 107 x] Page Р Passenger comparimen heating a a a re 25.2 Mr CONCIENTES nie ieiie ina inn er iman narnia em ana cananea 27 Performace erachea bale -....... reee eri enn TIN IAIE IE rr eee eae 6 en ero oe rr ara CNE NT INT MUNI NE IMAN MAC tR sa Gite actes TF Ca Power siecring 1 oem rcrccecacccceccocrrecre roverreuees 78 Power windows LL. cam mamen ameno TICO MITA Protecting the TOT Lecce anne К Radiator Gam Waribime oer vere rs 43 Raising the Gar wilh a hydraulic shop jack 22... ninio - 69 wilh a CK arena Mi im ndiaie setae 61) Rear fog-guard lights, swikelt 000 дни овен ина ава ааа и 30 lecar scals, folding down Lo increase cargo area mM Al Rear window defroster, swildh oss sre sis 30 Rear window washer oer rns 30,58 Rear window wiper Cleaning replacing the blades LL ne ni sacre ssese se ces csesacamse caca cannes MI Kearvica Minor enemies isis im essen 33 Replace a vehicel rer Cree ra Rev TT 1 Neeemenenaeneemeneeaenen ener nee CI TnTITTICITONTA 14 Chi pressure gi ge am fis ATEN UNEN м {hl temperature BEE |=, 20-24 On Bro 100 |21 = Safely and comfort Service brakes spocificelions 1... dade hehe Ll Cars E replacing the BDSG Snow chains Sound syslem навечно sm sma 7 | pers Spark plugs mien Cera can Te Eyes and speci wations speedometer au Starting Lh engine o Steering column lock В Steering wheel adjustment Stecring spoagiG IDE as Sloe lizhls replivcing the bulbs Bn VISOrE eisen sunnof Suspension specifications a ppm emana ama mama ma ama aná A NBT Swilch panel T Timin Teo hitch Tow hitch 2... eee an clocirical shemale. installation .. 122 Page Js 35,414 SS Sd, 114 57,115 Transmission gear TDS ninia enana Transmission onl checking the level, clanging «Мб: реа ге Turbochanrger pressure 17. ernennen rrme men m ame se Tyres changing 1 flat... inflation pressures miinlemanie ee ims Can ma ams SEO CELINE ii ans Ly pues \ Valve cltitAMCÉE Len cac as case aa caen Vehicle alarm system Ychicle storage Velncle KETTE, EEC Er ENEE arar EEE EEE A € Ue ново вне ATINA 111 vr osm reese ee aem ee eee ee cee ee Caen eee eee ea ms VOlimmebesr e. eee earn enana ama anmamen ame aaa PTE TT TETE LAN Weigel ыы нана на A A A A A Wheel alienment (tes-im ca nana Windscreen washer IE ir: miele ee Windscreen wiper Cleaning: replace he bliebes e... e. slalk Winlscreon rear = window ‘washer fluid Page ar, LE 10? tes li 117 M 95 23 1% ">

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Key features
- Turbocharged engine for exhilarating performance
- Sophisticated suspension system for precise handling
- Striking design that commands attention
- Comfortable and spacious interior for a luxurious driving experience
- Advanced safety features for peace of mind
- State-of-the-art infotainment system for entertainment and connectivity
- Versatile cargo space for all your needs
- Fuel-efficient and environmentally conscious
Frequently asked questions
The fuel tank capacity is 57 litres, including a reserve of 6.5 litres.
Either leaded or unleaded petrol (minimum octane no. 95) can be used for all petrol engines.
The oil change capacity for the Lancia DELTA HF TIURBO is 4.30 litres for the sump and 4.50 litres for the sump and filter.