Allen-Bradley 1797 Media System, 1797 TPS, TPR, TPYS, TPYR, 1797 XT, 1797 TCAP, 1797 ACNR15/B, 1797 RPA, RPFM Planning and Installation Manual
Below you will find brief information for ControlNet Ex 1797 Media System, ControlNet Ex tap 1797 TPS, ControlNet Ex tap 1797 TPR, ControlNet Ex tap 1797 TPYS, ControlNet Ex tap 1797 TPYR, ControlNet Ex trunk terminator 1797 XT, ControlNet Ex tap terminator 1797 TCAP, ControlNet Ex adapter 1797 ACNR15/B, ControlNet Ex fiber repeater hub 1797 RPA, ControlNet Ex fiber repeater hub 1797 RPFM. The ControlNet Ex 1797 Media System is a type of communication system that can be used in hazardous locations. It allows you to connect multiple devices, such as sensors and actuators, using a variety of components, such as taps, trunk terminators, and fiber repeaters. The ControlNet Ex 1797 Media System is designed to meet the requirements of various safety standards, such as ATEX and IECEx. It uses a coaxial cable with intrinsically safe components to ensure safety in hazardous environments.
Allen-Bradley ControlNet Ex Media System (Cat. No. 1797 Series) Planning and Installation Manual Important User Information Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible for the application and use of this control equipment must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been taken to assure that each application and use meets all performance and safety requirements, including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards. The illustrations, charts, sample programs and layout examples shown in this guide are intended solely for purposes of example. Since there are many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Allen-Bradley does not assume responsibility or liability (to include intellectual property liability) for actual use based upon the examples shown in this publication. Allen-Bradley publication SGI-1.1, Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid-State Control (available from your local Allen-Bradley office), describes some important differences between solid-state equipment and electromechanical devices that should be taken into consideration when applying products such as those described in this publication. Reproduction of the contents of this copyrighted publication, in whole or in part, without written permission of Allen-Bradley Company, Inc., is prohibited. Throughout this manual we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations: ! ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage or economic loss. Attention statements help you to: • identify a hazard • avoid the hazard • recognize the consequences Important: Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product. ControlNet is a trademark of ControlNet International Ltd. ControlNet Ex, PLC, PLC-5/20C, and PLC-5/40C are trademarks of Rockwell Automation. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Preface About This Manual Manual Contents Use this manual to plan and install a ControlNet Ex™ media system. This manual describes the required components of an intrinsically safe cable system and how to plan for and install these required components. This manual is specifically targeted at configuring a ControlNet Ex system. However, since a ControlNet Ex system and a ControlNet™ system can be linked, it may be necessary to introduce and refer to concepts on the ControlNet side of the network. Some items employed on the ControlNet system may not be possible with a ControlNet Ex system. Much work has been done to make the installation methods and equipment available on the ControlNet Ex systems the same as those on the ControlNet systems. However, some differences do exist. As you read, please make special note of these differences. To: Understand the ControlNet Ex Coax cable system Read chapter: 1 Plan a ControlNet Ex Coax cable system 2 Install a ControlNet Ex Coax cable system 3 For reference on: Mounting dimensions (taps, universal mounting bracket, and repeater) See appendix: A B Adjusting the cable strip tool Important: We assume that you have a fundamental understanding of electronics and electrical codes. Abbreviations Abbreviation Means PVC cable polyvinyl chloride cable FEP cable fluorinated ethylene propylene cable PLC processor Allen-Bradley programmable logic controller network continues (other nodes not shown) Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 P-2 About This Manual Related Publications Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Catalog Number Publication Publication Number 1797 Series FLEX Ex Product Data 1797-2.1 1797 Series FLEX Ex System Overview 1797-2.2 1797-TB3 FLEX Ex Terminal Base Unit Installation Instructions 1797-5.1 1797-TB3S FLEX Ex Spring Clamp Terminal Base Unit Installation Instructions 1797-5.2 1797-OE8 FLEX Ex 8 Output Analog Module Installation Instructions 1797-5.3 1797-IRT8 FLEX Ex RTD/Thermocouple/mV Module Installation Instructions 1797-5.4 1797-IE8 FLEX Ex 8 Input Analog Module Installation Instructions 1797-5.5 1797-OB4D FLEX Ex 4 Output Module Installation Instructions 1797-5.6 1797-IBN16 FLEX Ex NAMUR Input Module Installation Instructions 1797-5.7 1797-IJ2 FLEX Ex 2 Frequency Input Module Installation Instructions 1797-5.9 1797-PS2EPS2N FLEX Ex Power Supplies Installation Instructions 1797-5.12 1797-ACNR15/B ControlNet Ex Adapter Installation Instructions 1797-5.14 1797-RPA, -RPFM ControlNet Ex Fiber Repeater Hub Installation Instructions 1797-5.15 1797-TPR, -TPS, -TPYR, -TPYS ControlNet Ex Coax Tap Installation Instructions 1797-5.18 1797-CE1S, -CE3S, -CEFTE, -CEFTN FLEX Ex Extender Cables Installation Instructions 1797-5.20 1797-EXMK FLEX EX Marker Kit Installation Instructions 1797-5.23 1797-IE8, -OE8 FLEX Ex Analog Modules User Manual 1797-6.5.1 1797-IRT8 FLEX Ex RTD/Thermocouple/mV Module User Manual 1797-6.5.2 1797-IJ2 FLEX Ex 2 Frequency Input Module User Manual 1797-6.5.4 Table of Contents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ii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hapter Overview Of The ControlNet Ex Media System 5HDGWKLVFKDSWHUWRIDPLOLDUL]H\RXUVHOIZLWKWKH&RQWURO1HW([PHGLD V\VWHP7KLVV\VWHPLVDQLQWULQVLFDOO\VDIH,6V\VWHPVSHFLILFDOO\ GHVLJQHGIRUXVHLQKD]DUGRXVDUHDV ,PSRUWDQW 7KLVSXEOLFDWLRQGHVFULEHVWKHSODQQLQJDQGLQVWDOODWLRQ RID&RQWURO1HW([PHGLDV\VWHPLQDKD]DUGRXVDUHD 5HIHUWRSXEOLFDWLRQIRULQIRUPDWLRQRQ SODQQLQJDQGLQVWDOOLQJD&RQWURO1HWPHGLDV\VWHPLQD QRQKD]DUGRXVHQYLURQPHQW Contents ATTENTION: The ControlNet Ex media system cannot be used in an intrinsically safe environment after it has been exposed to non-intrinsically safe signals. 7KH&RQWURO1HW([PHGLDV\VWHPJLYHV\RXWKHIOH[LELOLW\WRGHVLJQD FRPPXQLFDWLRQQHWZRUNIRU\RXUSDUWLFXODUDSSOLFDWLRQ7RWDNHIXOO DGYDQWDJHRIWKLVIOH[LELOLW\\RXVKRXOGVSHQGVXIILFLHQWWLPHSODQQLQJ KRZWRLQVWDOO\RXUQHWZRUNEHIRUHDVVHPEOLQJDQ\RIWKHKDUGZDUH Understanding The ControlNet Ex Cable System 8VHWKHIROORZLQJILJXUHDQGWHUPGHILQLWLRQVWRXQGHUVWDQGWKH &RQWURO1HW([PHGLDV\VWHP network Non-Hazardous Area Hazardous Area coax segment coax segment T T T N N trunk-cable N T T H H T T trunk-cable N N T T N H H fiber segment T N T trunk-cable N N T T fiber segment T N coax segment 41326 Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 1-2 Overview Of The ControlNet Ex Media System Term Means Term Means network 1. a collection of connected nodes — 2. a collection of nodes with unique addresses in the range of 1-99 3.the connection paths between any pair of devices may include repeaters and bridges tap the connection between any device and the ControlNet Ex or ControlNet media system trunk-cable sections connected via taps with terminators at each end and with no repeaters node trunk cable the bus or central part of a media system trunk terminator a 75Ω resistor mounted in a BNC plug trunk-cable section a length of a cable between any two taps tap terminator terminates a tap drop-cable that has yet to be connected to a node with a “dummy” node. segment T N D fiber repeater hub H consists of a fiber repeater and fiber adapter components that reconstruct and retransmit all traffic it hears on one fiber or coax segment side to another coax or fiber segment side Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 any physical device connecting to the ControlNet Ex or ControlNet media system which requires a network address in order to function on the network — a network may contain a maximum of 99 nodes this address must be in the range of 1 - 99 and be unique to that network Overview Of The ControlNet Ex Media System 1-3 ControlNet Ex System Diagram nonhazardous location hazardous (classified) location Zone1 or Class I, Div 1 Groups A-D 1786-RPFM or RSD-Fc-2.CN.3km or any approved associated apparatus, where the light emitting diodes are IS (light output must be <5mW/mm) or the transmitting diodes are Hewlett Packard HFBR-1312 or HFBR-1414. (node 3) (node 2) Ch1 Recv Ch2 Xmit Ch2 1797-RPFM or RSD-FCEx2.CN.3km fiber 1797-RPFM or RSD-FCEx2.CN.3km Vi<9.5V Ii<1A Ci = negl. Li = negl. 1797-RPA or RSD-CFAEx.CN 4 to any approved 3 1 2 2 device or associated apparatus with 1 Entity Concept parameters Vo<9.5V Io<1A Vi<9.5V Ii<1A Ci = negl. Li = negl. 1797-ACNR15 /B or RSD-GWEx2.CN (node 4... 48) power supply 4 to any approved device or associated apparatus with1 Entity Concept parameters 2 Vo<9.5V Io<1A 3 1 2 1797-ACNR15 /B or RSD-GWEx2.CN flexbus flexbus Vo<5.8V Io<400mA Lo= Co = ControlNet Ex tap coax trunk cable 2 ch A ch B 2 ControlNet Ex tap ControlNet Ex tap coax trunk cable CNet Ex trk trm device or associated apparatus with 1 Entity Concept parameters Vo<9.5V 2 Io<1A 3 1 2 Vo<5.8V Io<400mA Lo= Co = hazardous (classified) location Zone 0 or Class I, Div 1 Groups A-D Class II, Div 1 Groups E-G Class III, Div 1 ControlNet Ex tap power supply 4 to any approved Vi<9.5V Ii<1A Ci = negl. Li = negl. ch B Xmit power supply Ch1 ch A Recv CNet Ex tap trm CNet Ex trk trm hazardous (classified) location Zone1 or Class I, Div 1 Groups A-D Class II, Div 1 Groups E-G 30670-M Describing the ControlNet Ex System Diagram $PD[LPXPRI&RQWURO1HW([70QRGHVPD\EHFRQQHFWHGWRJHWKHUE\FRD[FDEOH DQGWDSV 7KHILEHUPHGLDRIWKH53)0FDQEHLQVWDOOHGLQDKD]DUGRXVORFDWLRQ=RQH DQG=RQHWRFRQQHFWWZR53)0PRGXOHVRUWKH\FDQEHLQVWDOOHGWKURXJK GLIIHUHQWORFDWLRQVLQWRWKHQRQKD]DUGRXVORFDWLRQWRFRQQHFWWKH53)0ZLWK DQ\DSSURYHGDVVRFLDWHGDSSDUDWXV $OOFDEOHVDQGILEHUPHGLDWKDWDUHQRWOLJKWEOXHPXVWEHPDUNHGDV,6XVLQJWKH (;0.PDUNLQJNLWRURWKHUORFDOO\DSSURYHG,6LGHQWLILFDWLRQDQGRU VHJUHJDWLRQPHWKRG 'XULQJWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIWKH&RQWURO1HW([V\VWHPDOOPHWDOOLFSDUWVPXVWEH LVRODWHGWRSUHYHQWDQHDUWKFRQQHFWLRQKLJKYROWDJHZLWKVWDQGLQJRILVRODWLQJ PDWHULDOPXVWEH!9DF Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 1-4 Overview Of The ControlNet Ex Media System 7KHHQWLW\FRQFHSWDOORZVLQWHUFRQQHFWLRQRI,6DSSDUDWXVZLWKDVVRFLDWHG DSSDUDWXVQRWVSHFLDOO\H[DPLQHGLQFRPELQDWLRQDVDV\VWHPZKHQWKHDSSURYHG YDOXHVRI9RFDQG,VFIRUWKHDVVRFLDWHGDSSDUDWXVDUH9PD[DQG,PD[IRUWKH,6 DSSDUDWXVDQGWKHDSSURYHGYDOXHVRI&DDQG/DIRUWKHDVVRFLDWHGDSSDUDWXVDUH! &L&FDEOHDQG/L/FDEOHUHVSHFWLYHO\IRUWKH,6DSSDUDWXV :LULQJPHWKRGVPXVWEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH1DWLRQDO(OHFWULF&RGH1)3$ $UWLFOHDQG$16,,6$53 System Drawing Catalog Number Catalog Name Name 1797-RPA 1797-RPA ControlNet Ex Modular Repeater Adapter 1797-RPFM 1797-RPFM 1797-ACNR15/B 1797-ACNR15/B CNet Ex Tap Trm 1797-TCAP ControlNet Ex Tap 1797-TPx CNet Ex Trk Trm 1797-XT Coax Trunk Cable 1797-RG6 None Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 None Description Represents one ControlNet Ex node and must be connected to a coax trunk cable by 1797-TPx ControlNet Ex Fiber Allows connection of a Repeater Module, maximum of two devices Medium Distance per 1797-RPA and is powered directly by 1797-RPA Redundant Media Represents one ControlNet ControlNet Ex Ex node and must be Adapter connected to a coax trunk cable by 1797-TPx -each one with two redundant output channels that are connected to different ControlNet Ex networks (coax cables and 1797-TPx) ControlNet Ex Tap Represents one ControlNet (Dummy) Ex node and is a simple Terminator capacitor (56pF) with a coax connector ControlNet Ex Coax Four types of connections Tap available: S (straight t-tap), R (right angle t-tap), YS (straight y-tap), and YR (right angle y-tap) - a maximum of 48 taps can be connected together by coax trunk cable ControlNet Ex Simple resistor (75Ω) with Trunk Terminator coax connector that must be on each end of the ControlNet Ex coax trunk for termination Quad-Shield, RG-6 Maximum (functional) 75Ω Coax Trunk length between 2 Cable 1797-TPx is 3280ft (1000m) - each 1797-TPx reduces the (functional) coax cable length by 53.4ft (16.3m) Standard Coax Different standard cable Trunk Cable BNC couplers, 90o, 180o, etc. Couplers Overview Of The ControlNet Ex Media System 1-5 European Community Directive Compliance 7KH&RQWURO1HW([6\VWHPKDVWKH&(PDUNLWLVDSSURYHGIRULQVWDOODWLRQZLWKLQWKH (XURSHDQ&RPPXQLW\RU(($UHJLRQV,WKDVEHHQGHVLJQHGDQGWHVWHGWRPHHWWKH IROORZLQJGLUHFWLYHV EMC Directive • 7KH&RQWURO1HW([6\VWHPLVWHVWHGWRPHHWWKH&RXQFLO'LUHFWLYH(& (OHFWURPDJQHWLF&RPSDWLELOLW\(0&E\DSSO\LQJWKHIROORZLQJVWDQGDUGVLQ ZKROHRULQSDUWGRFXPHQWHGLQDWHFKQLFDOFRQVWUXFWLRQILOH • (1 • (0&*HQHULF(PLVVLRQ6WDQGDUG3DUW,QGXVWULDO(QYLURQPHQW • (1 • (0&*HQHULF,PPXQLW\6WDQGDUG3DUW,QGXVWULDO(QYLURQPHQW 7KH&RQWURO1HW([6\VWHPLVLQWHQGHGIRUXVHLQDQLQGXVWULDOHQYLURQPHQW Ex Directive 7KH&RQWURO1HW([6\VWHPLVWHVWHGWRPHHWWKH&RXQFLO'LUHFWLYH(&$7(; D(TXLSPHQWDQG3URWHFWLYH6\VWHPV,QWHQGHGIRU8VHLQ3RWHQWLDOO\([SORVLYH $WPRVSKHUHVE\DSSO\LQJWKHIROORZLQJVWDQGDUGV • • • • (1(OHFWULFDO$SSDUDWXVIRU3RWHQWLDOO\([SORVLYH$WPRVSKHUHV (1(OHFWULFDO$SSDUDWXVIRU3RWHQWLDOO\([SORVLYH$WPRVSKHUHV ,QWULQVLF6DIHW\³L´ (1(OHFWULFDO$SSDUDWXVIRU3RWHQWLDOO\([SORVLYH$WPRVSKHUHV ,QWULQVLFDOO\6DIH(OHFWULFDO6\VWHPV³L´ SU(16SHFLDOUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUFRQVWUXFWLRQWHVWDQGPDUNLQJRI HOHFWULFDODSSDUDWXVRIHTXLSPHQWJURXS,,FDWHJRU\* Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 1-6 Overview Of The ControlNet Ex Media System Understanding ControlNet Ex Components 7KH&RQWURO1HW([PHGLDV\VWHPLVFRPSULVHGRIWKHVHFRPSRQHQWV • • • • • • • • • • QRGHV WDSV WUXQNFDEOH FDEOHFRQQHFWRUV WHUPLQDWRUV VHJPHQWV ILEHUUHSHDWHUKXEV WDSWHUPLQDWRU QHWZRUN LQVXODWRUV Nodes 1RGHVDUHGHILQHGDVSK\VLFDOGHYLFHVFRQQHFWHGWRWKH&RQWURO1HW([ PHGLDV\VWHPWKDWUHTXLUHDQHWZRUNDGGUHVVLQRUGHUWRIXQFWLRQRQWKH QHWZRUN T T T T N N N N 40953 For information on purchasing these components see the Allen-Bradley ControlNet Cable System Component List publication AG-2.2. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Overview Of The ControlNet Ex Media System 1-7 Taps 7DSVFRQQHFWHDFKQRGHRQDQHWZRUNWRWKHFRD[PHGLDV\VWHPYLDDQ LQWHJUDOP´GURSFDEOH T T T T N N N N drop cable 1m (39.6") 40944 7KHUHDUHIRXUWDSVDYDLODEOHZLWKD • 7RU<SODFHPHQWRI%1&FRQQHFWRUV 40955 T-tap Y-tap ,PSRUWDQW VWUDLJKWRUULJKWDQJOHFRQQHFWRURQWKHGURSPHGLD straight right-angle 40956 ATTENTION: Only intrinsically safe taps may be used in a ControlNet Ex media system. Intrinsically safe taps are marked “ControlNet Ex Tap.” 6HHSDJHIRUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQRQWDSV Trunk Cable 7KHWUXQNFDEOHLVWKHEXVRUFHQWUDOSDUWRIWKH&RQWURO1HW([ FRD[PHGLDV\VWHP7KHWUXQNFDEOHLVFRPSRVHGRIPXOWLSOHVHFWLRQV RIFDEOH7KHVWDQGDUGFDEOHWKDWFDQEHXVHGWRFRQVWUXFWWUXQNFDEOH VHFWLRQVLVTXDGVKLHOG5*W\SHFRD[ ATTENTION: You must use the ControlNet Ex Trunk Cable 1797-RG6 or the Belden 3092A quad shield RG-6 type coax. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 1-8 Overview Of The ControlNet Ex Media System Cable Connectors $FDEOHFRQQHFWRUFDWQR%1&PD\EHXVHGWRDWWDFKFRD[ WUXQNFDEOHVHFWLRQVWRWKHWDS¶V%1&FRQQHFWRU T T T T N N trunk-cable N N 40957 2SWLRQDO&RQQHFWRUV $OOHQ%UDGOH\DOVRRIIHUVRSWLRQDOFDEOHFRQQHFWRUVIRUXVHLQ\RXU QHWZRUNFRQILJXUDWLRQ6HHSDJHIRUDYDLODEOHFRQQHFWRUV Trunk Terminator $ΩWHUPLQDWRUFDWQR;7PXVWEHLQVWDOOHGRQWKHWDSDW HDFKHQGRIDVHJPHQW T T T T N N trunk-cable N N 40958 ATTENTION: Only intrinsically safe trunk terminators may be used in a ControlNet Ex media system. Intrinsically safe trunk terminators are marked “CNet Trk Trm.” Tap Terminator $WDSWHUPLQDWRUFDWQR7&$3LVDYDLODEOHWRWHUPLQDWHXQXVHG WDSVZKLFKPD\EHLQ\RXUV\VWHPIRUIXWXUHH[SDQVLRQ segment T T T T N N trunk-cable N 1797-TCAP Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 40959 ATTENTION: Only intrinsically safe tap terminators may be used in a ControlNet Ex media system. Intrinsically safe tap terminators are marked “CNet Tap Trm.” Overview Of The ControlNet Ex Media System 1-9 Segments $VHJPHQWLVDFROOHFWLRQRIFRD[WUXQNFDEOHVHFWLRQVWDSVDQGWZR WHUPLQDWRUV segment T T N N T T N N trunk-cable 40959 7KHWRWDODOORZDEOHOHQJWKRIDVHJPHQWGHSHQGVXSRQWKHQXPEHURI WDSVLQ\RXUVHJPHQWDQGWKHFRD[FDEOHW\SHXVHG6HHSDJHIRU GHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQ Fiber Repeater Hubs <RXPXVWXVHDILEHUUHSHDWHUKXEDVWKHVHJPHQWIURP\RXU QRQKD]DUGRXVDUHDWR\RXUKD]DUGRXVDUHD)LEHUUHSHDWHUKXEV LQFUHDVHWKHQXPEHURIWDSVH[WHQGWKHWRWDOOHQJWKRI\RXUVHJPHQW RUFUHDWHDVWDUFRQILJXUDWLRQJRRIILQPXOWLSOHGLUHFWLRQVIURPRQH SRLQW7KHQXPEHURIILEHUUHSHDWHUKXEVDQGFDEOHOHQJWKWRWDOLV OLPLWHGGHSHQGLQJRQ\RXUQHWZRUNWRSRORJ\ Non-Hazardous Area Hazardous Area coax segment T T N N coax segment T T T trunk-cable H N H T T T N N N 41327 fiber segment :KHQ\RXLQVHUWDILEHUUHSHDWHUKXELQWR\RXUFDEOHV\VWHP\RXFUHDWH DQHZVHJPHQW7KHVDPHUHVWULFWLRQVRQWKHQXPEHURIWDSVDQGFDEOH OHQJWKDSSO\WRWKLVQHZVHJPHQW ATTENTION: Only the intrinsically safe 1797 version of fiber repeater hub may be used in the hazardous area. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 1-10 Overview Of The ControlNet Ex Media System Network $QHWZRUNLVWKHFROOHFWLRQRIQRGHVFRQQHFWHGWRJHWKHUE\ILEHU UHSHDWHUKXEV network Non-Hazardous Area Hazardous Area coax segment coax segment T T T N N trunk-cable N T T H H T T trunk-cable N N T T N H H fiber segment T D T trunk-cable N N T T fiber segment T N coax segment 41326 Insulators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• %RRWSURYLGHVVWDQGDUG%1&WUXQNFDEOHLQVXODWRUV • ,16SURYLGHVDYDULHW\RIWKHSUHIRUPHGERRWVDQG LQVXODWRUVXVHGZLWKWKH&RQWURO1HW([V\VWHPSURGXFWV Next Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 1RZWKDW\RXKDYHDJHQHUDOXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKH&RQWURO1HW([PHGLD V\VWHP\RXDUHUHDG\WRGHVLJQD&RQWURO1HW([PHGLDV\VWHPIRU\RXU VSHFLILFUHTXLUHPHQWV*RWRFKDSWHU Chapter Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System Contents 8VHWKLVFKDSWHUWRGHWHUPLQH\RXUQHWZRUNUHTXLUHPHQWV To determine: See page: how many taps you need 2-1 how to connect your programming device 2-3 what type of cable you need 2-3 trunk-cable section lengths 2-3 determine how many terminators you need 2-5 if you need coax repeaters 2-6 what type of connectors you need 2-6 if you will use redundant media 2-7 application considerations 2-10 components to order (summary) 2-12 $IWHUUHDGLQJWKLVFKDSWHUFRQVXOWHQJLQHHULQJGUDZLQJVRI\RXUIDFLOLW\ IRUVSHFLILFLQIRUPDWLRQFRQFHUQLQJWKHEHVWORFDWLRQIRULQVWDOOLQJ\RXU QHWZRUN Important: Determining How Many Taps You Need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ublication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 2-2 Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System Important: $GLVFRQQHFWHGGURSFDEOHFDQFDXVHQRLVHRQWKH QHWZRUN%HFDXVHRIWKLVZHUHFRPPHQGKDYLQJRQO\RQH XQFRQQHFWHGGURSFDEOHSHUVHJPHQWIRUPDLQWHQDQFH SXUSRVHV%HVXUHWRNHHSWKHGXVWFDSRQDQ\XQFRQQHFWHG GURSFDEOH,I\RXUFDEOHV\VWHPUHTXLUHVPRUHWKDQRQH XQFRQQHFWHGGURSFDEOHXQXVHGGURSFDEOHVVKRXOGEH WHUPLQDWHGZLWKDWDSWHUPLQDWRU7&$3 ,I\RXDUHSODQQLQJIXWXUHLQVWDOODWLRQRIDGGLWLRQDOQRGHV GRQRWLQVWDOOWKHWDS,QVWHDGLQVWDOOD%1&EXOOHWFRQQHFWRU 6HHSDJHIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ (DFKWDSNLWFRQWDLQV BNC connector kits tap (1797-TPS, -TPR, -TPYS, -TPYR) 30394-M Ex insulator kit with intrinsically safe insulators ControlNet Ex cable labels universal mounting bracket dust cap screws 41329 For noise suppression, ferrite beads are molded on the drop cable. ,PSRUWDQW 7KHOLJKWEOXHLQWULQVLFDOO\VDIHLQVXODWRUVDQGGXVW FDSVDUHSURYLGHGWRFRYHUH[SRVHGPHWDOSDUWV8VH RIWKHVHLWHPVLVUHTXLUHGIRULQVWULQVLFDOO\VDIHV\VWHP FHUWLILFDWLRQE\ORFDODJHQFLHV 7KHVHWDSNLWVDUHDYDLODEOH Straight T-tap 1797-TPS Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Straight Y-tap 1797-TPYS Right-angle T-tap 1797-TPR Right-angle Y-tap 1797-TPYR 41330 Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System 2-3 3URJUDPPLQJGHYLFHVLQQRQKD]DUGRXVDUHDVPD\EHFRQQHFWHGWRWKH &RQWURO1HWFDEOHV\VWHPWKURXJKD.7&;FRPPXQLFDWLRQ FDUG7KHFRPPXQLFDWLRQFDUGLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKHQHWZRUNXVLQJD &RQWURO1HWWDS Connecting Programming Devices in Non-Hazardous Areas Using a 1784-KTCX15 communication card on coax media 1784-KTCX15 programming terminal node 41331 Coax Cable Type $5*RU%HOGHQ$TXDGVKLHOG5*FRD[PXVWEHXVHGDV WKH&RQWURO1HW([WUXQNFDEOH Fiber Media Type • • • • )LEHUW\SH &RQQHFWRUW\SH 2SHUDWLQJZDYHOHQJWK 2SWLFDOSRZHUEXGJHW Important: µ 67SODVWLFRUFHUDPLF QP G% <RXVKRXOGLQVWDOODOOZLULQJIRU\RXU&RQWURO1HW([FDEOH V\VWHPLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHUHJXODWLRQVFRQWDLQHGLQ DSSOLFDEOHFRXQWU\FRGHVVWDWHFRGHVDQGDSSOLFDEOH PXQLFLSDOFRGHVHJ1DWLRQDO(OHFWULF&RGH$OOPHWDO FRQQHFWRUVPXVWEHLQVXODWHGIURPWKHJURXQG8VHEOXH &RQWURO1HWFDEOHRUWKH&RQWURO1HW([&DEOH0DUNLQJ.LW (;0.WRPDUNFDEOHDVLQWULQVLFDOO\VDIH $VHJPHQWLVFRPSULVHGRIVHYHUDOVHFWLRQVRIWUXQNFDEOHVHSDUDWHGE\ WDSV7KHWRWDOFDEOHOHQJWKRIDVHJPHQWLVHTXDOWRWKHVXPRIDOORI WKHWUXQNFDEOHVHFWLRQV Determining Trunk-Cable Section Lengths IS insulators tap trunk terminator with intrinsically safe insulator tap trunk-cable section tap trunk-cable section trunk terminator with intrinsically safe insulator 30094-m Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 2-4 Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System Important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maximum allowable segment length = 1000m (3280ft) - 16.3m (53.4ft) X [number of taps - 2] segment length m (ft) 7KHWRWDODOORZDEOHOHQJWKRIDVHJPHQWFRQWDLQLQJVWDQGDUG5*TXDG VKLHOGFDEOHGHSHQGVXSRQWKHQXPEHURIWDSVLQ\RXUVHJPHQW7KHUH LVQRPLQLPXPWUXQNFDEOHVHFWLRQOHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQW7KHPD[LPXP DOORZDEOHWRWDOOHQJWKRIDVHJPHQWLVPIWZLWKWZRWDSV FRQQHFWHG(DFKDGGLWLRQDOWDSGHFUHDVHVWKHPD[LPXPOHQJWKRIWKH VHJPHQWE\PIW7KHPD[LPXPQXPEHURIWDSVDOORZHGRQD VHJPHQWLVZLWKDPD[LPXPOHQJWKRIPIW 1000 (3280) 750 (2460) 500 (1640) 250 (820) 30014-m 2 32 16 number of taps 48 Example If your segment requires 10 taps, the maximum segment length is: 1000m (3280ft) - 16.3m (53.5ft) x [10 - 2] 1000m (3280ft) - 130.4m (427.7ft)) = 869.6m (2852.3ft) $QDOORZDEOHWRWDOOHQJWKRI5*FDEOHVHJPHQWLQ\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQ FDQEHGHWHUPLQHGXVLQJWKHHTXDWLRQEHORZ(DFKDGGLWLRQDOWDS GHFUHDVHVWKHPD[LPXPOHQJWKRIWKHVHJPHQW7KHPD[LPXPQXPEHU RIWDSVDOORZHGRQDVHJPHQWLV(DFKDGGLWLRQDOWDSGHFUHDVHVWKH PD[LPXPOHQJWKRIWKHVHJPHQW maximum allowable segment length of cable = (20.29 db - number of taps in segment *.32 db) X 304m (1000ft) cable attenuation @ 10MHz per 304 m (1000 ft) Note: Cable attenuation is defined as the signal loss measured at 10 MHz per 1000 ft (304 m) of cable. Cable attenuation for ControlNet Ex cables are listed in publication AG-2.2, ControlNet Ex Cable Systems Component List. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System 2-5 Example If your segment requires 3 taps using 1797-RG6 cable, the maximum segment length is: ([20.29 db - 3*.32 db] / 5.99 db] * 304) (19.33 db / 5.99 db) * 304 = 982 m (3227ft) 7KHWRWDOWUXQNFDEOHOHQJWKRUQXPEHURIWDSVFDQEHLQFUHDVHGE\ LQVWDOOLQJDILEHUUHSHDWHUKXERQWKHVHJPHQW7KLVFUHDWHVDQRWKHU VHJPHQW Estimating Fiber Media Lengths 7KHPD[LPXPOHQJWKRIDILEHUPHGLDVHFWLRQIRUWKH53)0LV GHSHQGHQWRQWKHTXDOLW\RIWKHILEHUQXPEHURIVSOLFHVDQGWKHQXPEHU RIFRQQHFWRUV7KHWRWDODWWHQXDWLRQIRUDFDEOHVHFWLRQPXVWEHOHVV WKDQG% 7\SLFDOO\FDEOHDWWHQXDWLRQIRUDZDYHOHQJWKRIQPLVOHVVWKDQ G%NP Important: Determining How Many Trunk Terminators You Need $YRLGMRLQWLQJ\RXUFDEOHDVPXFKDVQHFHVVDU\ &RQQHFWRUVFDQFDXVHFRQVLGHUDEOHDWWHQXDWLRQDQGOLPLW WKHPD[LPXPOHQJWKRI\RXUV\VWHP%HVXUHWRFKHFNWKH DWWHQXDWLRQRIGLIIHUHQWFDEOHVHFWLRQVDIWHUWKHFDEOHLV LQVWDOOHG <RXPXVWXVHΩWUXQNWHUPLQDWRUVHTXLSSHGZLWKLQWULQVLFDOO\VDIH LQVXODWRUVFDWQR;7DWWKHHQGRIHDFKVHJPHQWIRUWKH &RQWURO1HW([FDEOHV\VWHP 1797-XT intrinsically safe insulator $IWHU\RXKDYHGHWHUPLQHGKRZPDQ\VHJPHQWVZLOOEHLQ\RXUQHWZRUN PXOWLSO\WKLVQXPEHUE\WZRWRGHWHUPLQHKRZPDQ\WHUPLQDWRUV\RX ZLOOQHHGIRU\RXUQHWZRUN %HVXUHWRFRYHUWKHH[SRVHGPHWDOXVLQJWKHLQWULQVLFDOO\VDIHLQVXODWRU SURYLGHGZLWKHDFKWHUPLQDWRULQRUGHUWRFRPSO\ZLWKLQWULQVLFVDIHW\ VWDQGDUGV Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 2-6 Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System Determining If You Need Coax Repeaters in Non-Hazardous Areas 5HIHUWRWKH&RQWURO1HW&RD[3ODQQLQJDQG,QVWDOODWLRQPDQXDO SXEOLFDWLRQWRGHWHUPLQHLI\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQZRXOGUHTXLUH FRD[UHSHDWHUVLQWKHQRQKD]DUGRXVDUHDV Determining What Type Of Connectors You Need Use this BNC connector: To: Cat. No. cable connector attach trunk-cable sections to a tap’s BNC connector 1786-BNC Use this optional BNC connector: To: Cat. No. bullet (jack-to-jack) reserve a space in the trunk cable for future installation of a tap or to splice a trunk cable 1786-BNCJ barrel (plug-to-plug) connect two adjacent taps without a trunk-cable section between them 1786-BNCP isolated-bulkhead (jack-to-jack) go through grounded panel walls while maintaining the shield isolation of the trunk-cable. 1786-BNCJI tap terminator cap off installed taps that have yet to be connected to a node 1797-TCAP right angle (jack-to-plug) provide a 90° bend in your cable (prevent bending your cable excessively). See Chapter 3 for the bend radius specification. See the Allen-Bradley ControlNet Media System Component List (publication AG-2.2) for the part number. In this example, ControlNet Ex cable: •enters and exits the panel enclosure from the side using isolated-bulkhead connectors •contains two adjacent taps connected by a barrel connector •reserves one future tap location with a bullet connector •makes a sharp bend with a right angle connector isolated-bulkhead connectors bullet connector barrel connector right angle connectors Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 cable enters and exits from the side panel wall taps 20091-m Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System 2-7 $77(17,21 'RQRWOHWDQ\PHWDOOLFVXUIDFHVRQWKH %1&FRQQHFWRUVSOXJVRURSWLRQDODFFHVVRULHVWRXFK JURXQGHGPHWDOOLFVXUIDFHV7KLVFRQWDFWFRXOGFDXVH QRLVHRQWKHQHWZRUN$OOH[SRVHGPHWDOPXVWEH FRYHUHGZLWKHLWKHULQWULQVLFDOO\VDIHEOXHLQVXODWRUVRU DQRWKHUIRUPRILQVXODWLRQVXFKDVWDSHZLWKD9 UDWLQJ Important: ,I\RXDUHLQVWDOOLQJDEXOOHWFRQQHFWRUIRUIXWXUHWDS LQVWDOODWLRQVFRXQWWKHEXOOHWDVRQHRIWKHWDSDOORWPHQWV RQ\RXUVHJPHQWDQGGHFUHDVHWKHPD[LPXPDOORZDEOH FDEOHOHQJWKE\P>IW@ 7KLVKHOSV\RXDYRLGUHFRQILJXULQJ\RXUQHWZRUNZKHQ \RXLQVWDOOWKHWDS <RXFDQUXQDVHFRQGWUXQNFDEOHEHWZHHQ\RXU&RQWURO1HW([QRGHV IRUUHGXQGDQWPHGLD:LWKUHGXQGDQWPHGLDQRGHVVHQGVLJQDOVRQWZR VHSDUDWHVHJPHQWV7KHUHFHLYLQJQRGHFRPSDUHVWKHTXDOLW\RIWKHWZR VLJQDOVDQGDFFHSWVWKHEHWWHUVLJQDOWRSHUPLWXVHRIWKHEHVWVLJQDO 7KLVDOVRSURYLGHVDEDFNXSFDEOHVKRXOGRQHFDEOHIDLO Using Redundant Media in a Hazardous Area 7UXQNFDEOHVRQDUHGXQGDQWFDEOHQHWZRUNDUHGHILQHGE\WKHVHJPHQW QXPEHUDQGWKHUHGXQGDQWWUXQNFDEOHOHWWHU $FWXDO&RQWURO1HW([SURGXFWVDUHODEHOHGZLWKWKHVHLFRQV WKHVKDGHGLFRQUHSUHVHQWLQJUHGXQGDQWPHGLD ,QWKLVILJXUHWKHUHGXQGDQWFDEOHWUXQNFDEOHLVWUXQNFDEOH% Non-Hazardous Area Hazardous Area 1786 fiber repeater hub . A-B Q UALIT Y . . A-B Allen-Bradley Q UAL I TY 1797 - RPA A-B Allen-Bradley 1797 - RPFM Module Status Q UALIT Y Comm Status Module Status 1797 - RPFM ControlNet Ex FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE . PWR . . Allen-Bradley REPEATER ADAPTER . PWR Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA ControlNet Ex FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER . trunk cable A = . A-B Allen-Bradley ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status 1797 fiber repeater hub . . . Chan 1 1 2 3 Chan 1 Chan 2 1 4 1 +V -V +V -V 2 3 Chan 2 1 4 +V -V +V -V Recv Xmit Recv . Xmit Recv Xmit Recv . . Xmit . coax trunk cable A = trunk cable B = 1786 fiber repeater hub . A-B Q UALIT Y . . A-B Allen-Bradley Q UAL I TY 1797 - RPA A-B Allen-Bradley 1797 - RPFM Module Status Q UALIT Y . A-B Allen-Bradley Comm Status Module Status FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE . PWR . . . 1797 - RPFM ControlNet Ex REPEATER ADAPTER . PWR Allen-Bradley ControlNet Ex FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status 1797 fiber repeater hub . . . Chan 1 1 2 3 4 Chan 1 Chan 2 1 1 +V -V +V -V 2 4 Chan 2 1 +V -V +V -V Recv . 3 Xmit Recv . Xmit Recv . Xmit Recv Xmit . coax trunk cable B = node 41346 2EVHUYHWKHVHJXLGHOLQHVZKHQSODQQLQJDUHGXQGDQWPHGLDV\VWHPLQ DKD]DUGRXVDUHD Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 2-8 Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System • 5RXWHWKHWZRWUXQNFDEOHVWUXQNFDEOH$DQGWUXQNFDEOH% • • • •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azardous Area trunk cable A = . A-B Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA Allen-Bradley 1797 - RPFM ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status 1797 fiber repeater hub . A-B Allen-Bradley Q UALITY Module Status FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER . PWR . . . Chan 1 1 2 3 4 Chan 2 1 +V -V +V -V Recv Xmit Recv . trunk cable B = . A-B Q UALITY . A-B Allen-Bradley Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA Allen-Bradley 1797 - RPFM ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status Xmit . Module Status FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER . PWR . . . Chan 1 1 2 3 4 Chan 2 1 +V -V +V -V Recv . Xmit Recv Xmit . . node1 1797 fiber repeater hubs A-B . A-B Allen-Bradley Q UALITY Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA Allen-Bradley 1797 - RPFM ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status Module Status FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER . PWR . . . Chan 1 1 2 3 4 Chan 2 1 +V -V +V -V Recv . Xmit Recv Xmit . 1 node . A-B Q UALITY node1 . A-B Allen-Bradley Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA Allen-Bradley 1797 - RPFM ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status Module Status FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER . PWR . . . Chan 1 1 2 3 4 Chan 2 1 +V -V +V -V Recv . Xmit Recv . Xmit node1 1 node trunk cable B = trunk cable A = 1 Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Node supporting redundant media 41683 SEGMENT 2 Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System 2-9 • $YRLGFRQQHFWLQJDVLQJOHQRGH¶VUHGXQGDQWWUXQNFDEOHFRQQHFWLRQV RQGLIIHUHQWVHJPHQWVWKLVZLOOFDXVHHUUDWLFRSHUDWLRQ Non-Hazardous Area Hazardous Area 1786 fiber repeater hubs SEGMENT 1 . 1797 fiber repeater hubs . . A-B Q UALIT Y A-B Allen-Bradley Q UAL I TY 1797 - RPA Allen-Bradley A-B 1797 - RPFM Q UALIT Y Module Status . A-B Allen-Bradley Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA Allen-Bradley 1797 - RPFM ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status . PWR Module Status FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER . PWR . . . . . Chan 1 . Chan 2 Chan 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 +V -V +V -V Recv Xmit Recv 2 3 Recv . Chan 2 1 4 +V -V +V -V Xmit Xmit Recv . . . 1797node . . A-B Q UALIT Y A-B Allen-Bradley Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA Allen-Bradley A-B 1797 - RPFM Q UALITY Module Status . A-B Allen-Bradley Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA Allen-Bradley 1797 - RPFM ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status Xmit . FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status . PWR Module Status FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER . PWR . . . . . Chan 1 . Chan 2 Chan 1 1 2 3 4 1 1 +V -V +V -V Recv Xmit Recv 2 3 4 1 +V -V +V -V Xmit Recv . Chan 2 Xmit Recv Xmit . . . 1786 node SEGMENT 2 41348 Important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ublication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 2-10 Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System Application Considerations 7KHIROORZLQJJXLGHOLQHVFRLQFLGHZLWKWKHJXLGHOLQHVIRU³WKH LQVWDOODWLRQRIHOHFWULFDOHTXLSPHQWWRPLQLPL]HHOHFWULFDOQRLVHLQSXWV WRFRQWUROOHUVIURPH[WHUQDOVRXUFHV´LQ,(((VWDQGDUG:KHQ SODQQLQJ\RXUFDEOHV\VWHPWKHUHDUHFHUWDLQLQVWDOODWLRQFRQVLGHUDWLRQV GHSHQGLQJRQ\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQ 7KHUHDUHWKUHHFDWHJRULHVRIFRQGXFWRUV Category: Includes: 1 • ac power lines • high-power digital ac I/O lines • high-power digital dc I/O lines • power connections (conductors) from motion drives to motors 2 • analog I/O lines and dc power lines for analog circuits • low-power digital ac/dc I/O lines • low-power digital I/O lines • ControlNet Ex communication cables 3 • low-voltage dc power lines • communication cables to connect between system components within the same enclosure $77(17,21 7KHVHJXLGHOLQHVDSSO\RQO\WRQRLVH FRXSOLQJ,QWULQVLFVDIHW\UHTXLUHPHQWVIRUFDEOH PRXQWLQJDUHRIWKHKLJKHVWSULRULW\ General Wiring Guidelines )ROORZWKHVHJXLGHOLQHVZLWKUHJDUGWRQRLVHFRXSOLQJ,QWULQVLFVDIHW\ UHTXLUHPHQWVVKRXOGSUHYHQWPRVWRUDOORIWKHVHVLWXDWLRQVIURP RFFXUULQJ7KH\DUHSURYLGHGDVDJHQHUDOUHIHUHQFHIRUZLULQJ • ,ILWPXVWFURVVSRZHUIHHGOLQHVLWVKRXOGGRVRDWULJKWDQJOHV • 5RXWHDWOHDVWPIWIURPKLJKYROWDJHHQFORVXUHVRUVRXUFHV RIUIPLFURZDYHUDGLDWLRQ • ,IWKHFRQGXFWRULVLQDPHWDOZLUHZD\RUFRQGXLWHDFKVHFWLRQRI WKDWZLUHZD\RUFRQGXLWPXVWEHERQGHGWRHDFKDGMDFHQWVHFWLRQVR WKDWLWKDVHOHFWULFDOFRQWLQXLW\DORQJLWVHQWLUHOHQJWKDQGPXVWEH ERQGHGWRWKHHQFORVXUHDWWKHHQWU\SRLQW )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQJHQHUDOZLULQJJXLGHOLQHVVHHWKH ,QGXVWULDO$XWRPDWLRQ:LULQJDQG*URXQGLQJ*XLGHOLQHVSXEOLFDWLRQ Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System 2-11 :LULQJ([WHUQDO7R(QFORVXUHV &DEOHVWKDWUXQRXWVLGHSURWHFWLYHHQFORVXUHVDUHUHODWLYHO\ORQJ 7RPLQLPL]HFURVVWDONIURPQHDUE\FDEOHVLWLVJRRGSUDFWLFHWR PDLQWDLQPD[LPXPVHSDUDWLRQEHWZHHQWKH&RQWURO1HW([FDEOHDQG RWKHUSRWHQWLDOQRLVHFRQGXFWRUV<RXVKRXOGURXWH\RXUFDEOHIROORZLQJ WKHVHJXLGHOLQHV Cable in a contiguous metallic wireway or conduit? Route your cable at least: From noise sources of this strength: Yes 0.08m (3”) Category-1 conductors of less than 20A 0.15m (6”) ac power lines of 20A or more, up to 100 KVA 0.3m (12”) ac power lines greater than 100 KVA 0.15m (6”) Category-1 conductors of less than 20A 0.3m (12”) ac power lines of 20A or more, up to 100 KVA 0.6m (24”) ac power lines greater than 100 KVA No :LULQJ,QVLGH(QFORVXUHV &DEOHVHFWLRQVWKDWUXQLQVLGHSURWHFWLYHHTXLSPHQWHQFORVXUHVDUH UHODWLYHO\VKRUW$VZLWKZLULQJH[WHUQDOWRHQFORVXUHV\RXVKRXOG PDLQWDLQPD[LPXPVHSDUDWLRQEHWZHHQ\RXU&RQWURO1HW([FDEOHDQG &DWHJRU\FRQGXFWRUV :KHQ\RXDUHUXQQLQJFDEOHLQVLGHDQHQFORVXUHURXWHFRQGXFWRUV H[WHUQDOWRDOOUDFHZD\VLQWKHVDPHHQFORVXUHRULQDUDFHZD\VHSDUDWH IURP&DWHJRU\FRQGXFWRUV Route your cable at least this distance: From noise sources of this strength: 0.08m (3”) Category 1 conductors of less than 20A 0.15m (6”) ac power lines of 20A or more, up to 100 KVA 0.6m (24”) ac power lines greater than 100 KVA 6XUJH6XSSUHVVLRQ 7UDQVLHQWHOHFWURPDJQHWLFLQWHUIHUHQFHHPLFDQEHJHQHUDWHG ZKHQHYHULQGXFWLYHORDGVVXFKDVUHOD\VVROHQRLGVPRWRUVWDUWHUV RUPRWRUVDUHRSHUDWHGE\³KDUGFRQWDFWV´VXFKDVSXVKEXWWRQRU VHOHFWRUVZLWFKHV7KHVHZLULQJJXLGHOLQHVDVVXPH\RXJXDUG\RXU V\VWHPDJDLQVWWKHHIIHFWVRIWUDQVLHQWHPLE\XVLQJVXUJHVXSSUHVVRUV WRVXSSUHVVWUDQVLHQWHPLDWLWVVRXUFH ,QGXFWLYHORDGVVZLWFKHGE\VROLGVWDWHRXWSXWGHYLFHVDORQHGRQRW UHTXLUHVXUJHVXSSUHVVLRQ+RZHYHULQGXFWLYHORDGVRIDFRXWSXW PRGXOHVWKDWDUHLQVHULHVRUSDUDOOHOZLWKKDUGFRQWDFWVUHTXLUH VXUJHVXSSUHVVLRQWRSURWHFWWKHPRGXOHRXWSXWFLUFXLWVDVZHOODVWR VXSSUHVVWUDQVLHQWHPL Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 2-12 Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System )HUULWH%HDGV )HUULWHEHDGVFDQSURYLGHDGGLWLRQDOVXSSUHVVLRQRIWUDQVLHQWHPL )DLU5LWH3URGXFWV&RUSRUDWLRQPDQXIDFWXUHVDIHUULWHEHDG SDUWQXPEHUZKLFKFDQEHVOLSSHGRYHUFDWHJRU\DQG FDWHJRU\5*W\SHWUXQNFDEOHFRQGXFWRUV<RXFDQVHFXUHWKHP ZLWKKHDWVKULQNWXELQJRUWLHZUDSV$FDEOHWUDQVLHQWHPLLQGXFHGRQWR WKHFDEOHFDQEHVXSSUHVVHGE\DIHUULWHEHDGORFDWHGQHDUWKHHQGRI WKHFDEOH7KHIHUULWHEHDGZLOOVXSSUHVVWKHHPLEHIRUHLWHQWHUVWKH HTXLSPHQWFRQQHFWHGWRWKHHQGRIWKHFDEOH Ordering Components 1RZWKDW\RXDUHUHDG\WREHJLQRUGHULQJFRPSRQHQWVXVHWKHVH JXLGHOLQHVWRKHOS\RXVHOHFWFRPSRQHQWV General Planning 7KH&RQWURO1HW([FDEOHV\VWHPLVLVRODWHGIURPHDUWKDQGPXVWEH SURWHFWHGIURPLQDGYHUWHQWJURXQGFRQQHFWLRQV Segment Planning • • • • • • • • • • • • Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 DOOFRQQHFWLRQVWRWKHWUXQNFDEOHUHTXLUHDWDS WDSVPD\EHLQVWDOOHGDWDQ\ORFDWLRQRQWKHWUXQNFDEOH WDSGURSFDEOHOHQJWKPXVWQRWEHFKDQJHG PD[LPXPQXPEHURIWDSV ZLWKPIWRIVWDQGDUG5* WUXQNFDEOH PD[LPXPWUXQNFDEOHOHQJWKRIVWDQGDUG5*WUXQNFDEOH P IWZLWKWDSV ΩWUXQNWHUPLQDWRUVDUHUHTXLUHGRQERWKHQGV RQHWDSZLWKDQXQFRQQHFWHGGURSFDEOHPD\EHLQVWDOOHGIRU PDLQWHQDQFHSXUSRVHV XVH%1&EXOOHWFRQQHFWRUVDWIXWXUHWDSORFDWLRQV GRQRWPL[UHGXQGDQWDQGQRQUHGXQGDQWQRGHV XVH&RQWURO1HW([WDSWHUPLQDWRUV7&$3IRUDOORWKHU XQFRQQHFWHGGURSFDEOHV DYRLGKLJKQRLVHHQYLURQPHQWVZKHQURXWLQJFDEOHV DIHUULWHWRURLG)(5VKRXOGEHXVHGRQWKH&RQWURO1HW([ WUXQNDVLWHQWHUVDQGOHDYHVFRQWUROFDELQHWV Planning A ControlNet Ex Cable System 2-13 Network Planning • PD[LPXPRIQRGHVH[FOXGLQJILEHUUHSHDWHUKXEV • ILEHUUHSHDWHUKXEVUHTXLUHDWDSEXWDUHQRWFRXQWHGDVQRGHV² • • • • WKH\DUHLQFOXGHGLQWKHQXPEHURIGHYLFHVDOORZHGSHUVHJPHQW ILEHUUHSHDWHUKXEVPD\EHLQVWDOOHGDWDQ\WDSORFDWLRQDORQJD VHJPHQW WKHUHFDQRQO\EHRQHSDWKEHWZHHQDQ\WZRSRLQWVRQDQHWZRUN WKHFRQILJXUDWLRQRIERWKVLGHVRIDUHGXQGDQWVHJPHQWPXVWEHWKH VDPH WKHWRWDOFDEOHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQWKHWZRVLGHVRIDUHGXQGDQW QHWZRUNFDQQRWH[FHHGPIW Ordering Parts 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHFRQWDLQVDOLVWRI&RQWURO1HW([&RPSRQHQWV5HIHU WR7KH&RQWURO1HWDQG&RQWURO1HW([0HGLD6\VWHP&RPSRQHQWV/LVW SXEOLFDWLRQ$*IRUDOLVWRIRWKHU&RQWURO1HWSDUWV Item Tap straight T-tap straight Y-tap right angle T-tap right angle Y-tap trunk terminators Cat. No. Guidelines Quantity needed 1797-TPS 1797-TPYS 1797-TPR 1797-TPYR You need a tap for each connection to the trunk cable (nodes and repeaters). Each tap kit contains: two BNC connector kits, 1 dust cap, 1 universal mounting bracket, ControlNet Ex cable labels and 2 screws number of repeaters x 2 + number of nodes 1797-XT You need a terminator for each end of each segment. number of segments x 2 Use the ControlNet Ex Media System Component List publication AG-2.2 to order your required length of cable. Follow guidelines on page 3 to determine cable length. Use the dummy load to plug into drop cables that are not attached to a node one for every drop cable that is not attached to a node (quantity of 50) trunk cable tap terminator 1797-TCAP (quantity of 5) coax tool kit 1786-CTK Use the tool kit to create your create your trunk cable to your specifications one ferrite toroid 1797-FER Use one on the trunk cable as it extends and leaves control cabinets 1-2 per control cabinet You will need to double your quantities when ordering components for a redundant cable system. The connector kit may be shipped with two ferrules. The smaller diameter ferrule should not be used with ControlNet Ex applications. Next $IWHUJDWKHULQJDOORIWKHSDUWVIRU\RXU&RQWURO1HW([FDEOHV\VWHP \RXDUHUHDG\WREHJLQLQVWDOOLQJ\RXUQHWZRUN*RWRFKDSWHU Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Chapter 3 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System Contents Follow the instructions in this chapter to install your ControlNet Ex cable system. To: See page: install the trunk cable 3-1 mount the taps 3-2 install a coax repeater 3-5 install cable connectors 3-11 connect cable segments 3-21 terminate the segment 3-21 connect devices 3-22 Important: You should have read chapter 2, Planning a ControlNet Ex Network, before you install your network. Installing The Trunk Cable Install your trunk cable, observing your cable supplier’s installation instructions and these guidelines. Wiring External To Enclosures When the RG-6 type coax cable is being pulled through multiple conduit bends, follow these specifications. For this coax cable: The pull strength should not exceed: The bend radius should not exceed: PVC 42.75kg (95lbs) 76.2mm (3.0”) Wiring Inside Enclosures When the RG-6 type coax cable is not being pulled through conduit, follow these specifications. For this coax cable: The bend radius should not exceed: PVC 38.1mm (1.5”) Tap drop-cable 25.4mm (1.0”) The 1797-EXMK Cable Marking kit is available to clearly mark drop cables and trunk cables as intrinsically safe. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-2 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System Mounting The Taps To mount the taps you: • select where you want to mount the taps • mount the taps Selecting Where To Mount The Taps • There is no spacing requirement between taps; you can install two adjacent taps if necessary by using a barrel connector (1786-BNCP). Important: If the barrel connector (1786-BNCP) is used, either an intrinsically safe insulator or tape of 500V insulation rating must be used to cover exposed metal parts. Use of these items is necessary for intrinsically safe certification by local agencies. • Make sure the mounting location is convenient for your cable routing. • Make sure the mounting location does not cause any cable bend-radii to exceed the limits listed on page 3-1. • Make sure to route your cable in accordance with intrinsically safe cable routing specifications. • Do not mount the tap in a position that routes the drop cable over any ac power terminals on nearby modules. ! ATTENTION: Do not allow any metal portions of the tap, such as the universal mounting bracket screws or connectors, to contact any conductive material. This contact could cause noise on the network. Also to make sure all exposed metal is covered by either the intrinsically safe insulators or tape of 500V dielectric rating. Mounting The Taps You can mount your ControlNet Ex taps (Y-tap and T-tap): • to a universal mounting bracket, and then mount the tap and bracket as an assembly • through the body holes in the tap using screws, flat washers, and a tie wrap Once you have mounted your taps, you can store or discard any unused universal mounting brackets. See appendix A for universal mounting bracket and tap mounting dimensions. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3-3 Mounting A Tap Using A Universal Mounting Bracket 1. Align the universal mounting bracket with the mounting holes on the tap. 2. Using the screws provided with the tap, attach the tap to the universal mounting bracket. universal mounting bracket Y-Tap dust cap T-Tap universal mounting bracket (provided with tap) dust cap 20084-M 20080-M Use only the screws that are packaged with the tap. They are the proper length and head style. ! ! ATTENTION: Do not over tighten the screws. Over tightening the screws can damage the tap. The applied torque should be 0.2-0.4 N-m (1-2 ft.-lbs). ATTENTION: Do not remove the intrinsically safe dust cap unless the tap drop is connected to a ControlNet Ex product. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-4 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3. Mount the tap and bracket assembly to: a DIN mounting rail or another mounting surface universal mounting bracket universal mounting bracket Use four screws to attach the universal mounting bracket to another mounting surface. DIN rail suitable fixture 20081-M 20082-M Mount the universal mounting bracket on specified Allen-Bradley mounting rails or DIN rails #3 style symmetrical (35mm X 7.5mm) Type of rail A-B rail Cat. No. 1492-N1 1492-N22 1492-N44 Type of Rail DIN rail #3 Cat. No. 199-DR1 1492-DR5 1492-DR6 1492-DR7 Important: The light blue intrinsically safe insulators and dust caps are provided to cover exposed metal parts. Use of these items is required for intrinsically safe system certification by local agencies. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3-5 Mounting A Tap Through The Body Holes Mount the tap to a suitable fixture using: a tie wrap or screws and flat washers screws and flat washers (not supplied) body holes body holes tie wrap 41645 You can use a variety of screw types. ! 41646 ATTENTION: Do not over tighten the screws. Over tightening the screws can damage the tap. The applied torque should be 0.2-0.4 Nm (1-2 ft.-lbs). Do not use screws larger than #8 in these holes. Important: The suitable fixture can be conductive and/or grounded because of the electrical isolation provided by these body holes. Specifications The following table lists the specifications for the ControlNet Ex taps. Operating temperature Storage temperature Relative humidity Installing Fiber Hubs -20 to 70°C (-4 to 158°F) -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F) 5 to 95% noncondensing Read the following sections before installing either a fiber repeater hub. To install a fiber repeater hub, you: See page: read Installation in Zone 1 and related intrinsically safe warnings and standards 3-5 select where to mount the fiber repeater hub 3-7 mount the fiber repeater hub 3-7 Installation in Zone 1 The 1797-RPA and -RPFM must not be exposed to the environment. Provide a separate metal enclosure. This repeater hub has a protection factor of IP20. ! ATTENTION: These modules cannot be used in an intrinsically safe environment after they have been exposed to non-intrinsically safe signals. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-6 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System Electrostatic Charge Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Protect the system against electrostatic charge. Post a sign near this module: Attention! Avoid electrostatic charge. For your convenience, a sign which can be cut out is included in this installation instruction. European Community Directive Compliance If this product has the CE mark it is approved for installation within the European Community or EEA regions. It has been designed and tested to meet the following directives. EMC Directive This product is tested to meet the Council Directive 89/336/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) by applying the following standards, in whole or in part, documented in a technical construction file: • • • • EN50081-2 EMC - Generic Emission Standard, Part 2 - Industrial Environment EN50082-2 EMC - Generic Immunity Standard, Part 2 - Industrial Environment This product is intended for use in an industrial environment. Ex Directive This product is tested to meet the Council Directive 94/9 EC (ATEX 100a) Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres by applying the following standards: • EN50014:1992, Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres • EN50020:1994, Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres - Intrinsic Safety “i” • EN50039:1980, Electrical Apparatus for Potentially Explosive Atmospheres - Intrinsically Safe Electrical Systems “i” • pr EN50284:1997, Special requirements for construction, test, and marking of electrical apparatus of equipment group II, category 1 G Inputs/Outputs Do not apply any non-intrinsically safe signals to the fiber modules. When using as an intrinsically safe electrical apparatus according to EN50020, the European directives and regulations must be followed. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3-7 Selecting Where To Mount Fiber Repeater Hubs The fiber repeater hub should be mounted: • so that air can flow in/out of the air holes on the top and bottom of the coax repeater — for proper ventilation, make sure there is a minimum of 5.1cm (2”) from surrounding equipment • in a NEMA enclosure to provide protection from dust, moisture or corrosive atmospheres to a grounded metal plate if possible ! ATTENTION: Make certain that the adapter and fiber modules are secured together with DIN rail anchors. Failure to do so may result in the loss of communications and/or cause damage to the modules. Mount the Fiber Repeater Hub 1. Position the module on a 35 x 7.5mm DIN rail (A-B part number 199-DR1) at approximately a 30o angle. 41167 2. Hook the lip on the rear of the adapter onto the top of the DIN rail, and rotate the module onto the rail. 41166 3. Press the adapter down onto the DIN rail until flush. The locking tab should snap into position and lock the module to the DIN rail. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-8 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 4. If the adapter does not snap into position, use a screwdriver or similar device to move the locking tab down while pressing the module flush onto the DIN rail. Release the locking tab to lock the module in place. If necessary, push up on the locking tab to lock. 41168 5. Remove the adapter backplane connector cover. 6. Follow steps 1-4 to attach fiber modules to the DIN rail. 7. Once attached to the DIN rail, slide fiber modules to the left to mate with the adapter. 41169 Important: A DIN-rail end anchor (A-B part number 1492-EA35) must be used on the left side of the adapter and to the right side of the fiber module to keep the units from moving. 8. Make sure the last fiber module has its backplane connector cover in place. 9. Connect the adapter wiring as shown below in the “Wiring” section. Important: You can only attach two media modules to the repeater adapter. If you exceed the module limit, you may cause damage to the adapter or fiber modules and void the IS certification. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3-9 Connecting the Fiber Repeater Hub to a ControlNet Ex Network 1. Connect to the ControlNet Ex coax network by connecting the drop line of the Ex coax tap to the adapter BNC connector. 41170 2. Connect the fiber media to the fiber module by selecting either the left or right set of receive/transmit parts and attaching the receive and transmit fibers, as appropriate. Important: Make note of which fiber is receive and which is transmit as they must be interchanged at the opposite end. . A-B Q UALITY . . A-B Allen-Bradley Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA A-B Allen-Bradley 1797 - RPFM Module Status . A-B Allen-Bradley Comm Status Module Status FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE . PWR . . . 1797 - RPFM ControlNet Ex REPEATER ADAPTER . PWR Allen-Bradley ControlNet Ex FIBER MODULE MEDIUM RANGE REPEATER ADAPTER Q UALI TY 1797 - RPA ControlNet Ex ControlNet Ex Comm Status Q UALITY . . . Chan 1 1 2 3 4 Chan 1 Chan 2 1 1 +V -V +V -V 2 3 4 Chan 2 1 +V -V +V -V Recv . Xmit Recv . receive transmit Xmit Recv . Xmit Recv Xmit . transmit receive 41311 Be ! ATTENTION: Be sure to use the blue intrinsically safe insulators on all coax BNC drop connectors as they are installed. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-10 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3. Apply +V and -V power from a 1797 power supply to the adapter through a removable terminal block. +V -V +V -V +V -V +V -V 41297 Screw terminals and spring terminals are provided. 4. Strip the +V and -V wires to a length so no bare conductor shows after inserting the wires into position. 5. If you are using the spring terminals of the plug, insert a screwdriver into the slot and carefully pry until the spring clamp opens to accept the wire. ATTENTION: ! Do not use any unused terminals on this adapter. Using these terminals as supporting terminals can result in damage to the module and/or unintended operation of your system. Make certain that you power this adapter with an intrinsically safe power supply. Do not exceed the values listed in the specifications for this adapter. Do not remove or replace a module when power is applied. Interruption of the bus can result in unintended operation or machine motion. Important: Make sure all fiber modules are attached and secured prior to applying intrinsically safe power to the adapter. Failure to do so may cause damage to the adapter and modules. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System Installing Cable Connectors 3-11 After you have mounted the taps, you need to attach cable connectors to the ends of your trunk-cable sections. To: See page: collect your tools 3-11 strip the cable 3-12 test for electrical shorts and continuity 3-16 attach the cable connectors 3-17 test for electrical shorts and continuity 3-20 Collecting Your Tools To install the cable connectors, we recommend you use the tools in the ControlNet Coax Toolkit (cat. no. 1786-CTK). ControlNet Network Component List (AG-2.2) ControlNet Network Coax Cable Planning and Installation Manual (1786-6.2.1) wire cutters cable strip tool with two blade cassettes (one for PVC and one for FEP) crimp tool terminators and extra connectors knife memory blade holder (FEP-CL2P) calibration tool ! memory blade cartridges (contains two sets of memory blades ATTENTION: Make sure to perform the calibration procedure the first time you use the tool and every time you change the blade for both memory cartridges. Refer to Appendix B for the proper calibration procedure. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-12 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System Stripping The Cable When cutting cable sections, make them long enough to route from one tap to the next with sufficient slack so that the bend radius is not less than: • 76.2mm (3”) for wiring external to enclosures • 38.1mm (1.5”) for wiring inside enclosures ! ATTENTION: Make sure to perform the calibration procedure the first time you use the tool and every time you change the blade for both memory cartridges. Refer to Appendix B for the proper calibration procedure. 1. Verify that you have the proper memory blade holder installed for the type of cable you are using (PVC-CL2). If you need to change the memory blade holder, see appendix B. blade holder 20165 2. Insert the cable into the cable strip tool’s cutting chamber so that extra cable, approximately 25.4mm (1”), extends beyond the edge of the tool. 25.4 mm (1") extra cable The cutting chamber houses the center that will be exposed when the cable is stripped. cable 20073 Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3-13 3. Lock the cable into place by moving the chamber-gauge ring forward until it meets the cable with slight resistance. This gauge moves two rollers toward the cable and regulates the depth of the cut. The gauge will "click" as it moves from one gauge to the next. 20073 4. Holding the cable in one hand, place the index finger of your other hand inside the chamber-gauge ring and turn the strip tool 360° around the cable. Make 4 or 5 full rotations until the strip tool glides easily around the cable. Continue repeating steps 3 and 4, moving the chamber gauge ring forward one notch for each time you repeat the steps, until you reach the last notch. Each time you move the chamber gauge ring forward a notch, the strip tool makes a deeper cut into the cable. 20074 Important: On your last repetition of steps 3 and 4, apply sufficient pressure on the chamber gauge ring to make sure the ring has reached the last stage. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-14 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 5. After you have moved the chamber gauge ring to the last position and turned the strip tool the final time: A. move the chamber-gauge ring backward to release the strip tool, and remove it from the cable. B. strip away the appropriate portion of the cable, without using the strip tool. Clean the remaining cable parts from the strip chamber after each use. 20075 This should appropriately strip the cable, exposing these layers of the cable: all 4 shield layers— braid/tape/braid/tape white insulation or 1st tape center conductor 8.3 mm 3.7 mm 4.0 mm 20076a Important: If you do not see the three distinct layers of cable, snip off the exposed end with the wire cutters and repeat the entire cable-stripping process. If stripping problems persist, the strip tool may need adjustment. See appendix B for instructions on how to adjust the strip tool. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3-15 6. Make sure the center conductor is 4.0mm. Use the imprint guide on the back of the ControlNet Ex tap or the calibration tool to verify this. T-tap 3.7 mm 8.3 mm 4.0 mm PVC Cable center conductor PVC cable only PVC/CL2 FEP/CL2P 1786RG6 calibration tool The center conductor should be 4.0 mm exactly. If the center conductor is too long, cut off the excess with the wire cutter from the cable kit. If it is too short, repeat the entire cable stripping process. ! Use this end of the calibration tool to verify proper measurements for FEP cable ATTENTION: Check for any braid stranding that may not have been cut at the proper length. Even one strand coming in contact with the center conductor could short out the cable. If any such strands are found, cut them to the correct length. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-16 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System Testing For Electrical Shorts And Continuity 1. Using an ohmmeter or continuity tester, test for a short between the center conductor and the shield. ohmmeter If resistance reading indicates: there is no short that a short exists Then: continue to step 2 inspect the ends of the cable for shorted circuits— if you are unable to locate a short, replace the trunk-cable section and repeat this test. 20166-i 2. Connect a temporary short between the center conductor and the shield at the opposite end of the cable. 20166-i 3. At the same end of the cable tested in step 1, use an ohmmeter or continuity tester to test for electrical continuity. If resistance reading indicates: there is no short that a short exists Then: replace the trunk-cable section and repeat this process continue to next section 20166-i Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3-17 Attaching The Connectors To The Cable 1. Slip the blue intrinsically safe insulator on the cable at the end of the cable where you are planning to place the connector. insulator 2. Slip the crimp ferrule onto the cable. Push it back to the insulator area of the cable to keep it out of the way for the moment. crimp ferrule stripped cable with insulator 20077a 3. Place the center pin over the center conductor. center conductor center pin 20077a Important: Make sure that the center pin slips onto the center conductor completely. The back shoulder of the center pin should be up against the white insulation. If it is not, recheck the length of the center conductor. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-18 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 4. With the center pin in place, use the crimp tool to crimp the pin into place. The smaller hexagonal crimping notch is for crimping the center pin onto the center connector. 20167 5. Slide the ControlNet Ex connector onto the cable. 77002c connector 6. Move the connector in a circular motion (without any inward pressure) to work the connector base underneath the three outer shields. Once a gap has opened up between the inner shield tape and the three outer shields, start applying inward pressure to seat the connector base under the three outer shields (braid/tape/braid). The wire is pliable and may fray slightly. 20077d 7. Slide the crimp ferrule over the three outer shields and connector base until it meets the shoulder on the connector. 20077e Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3-19 8. Using the crimp tool, crimp the ferrule. Position the crimp tool on the ferrule as close as possible to the connector base and ferrule meeting line. Press the tool tightly around the ferrule until the crimp tool allows release. The larger hexagonal crimping notch is for crimping the ferrule which holds the connector to the cable crimp ferrule Important: Many network problems are due to improperly installed connectors. You should have tight-fitting connectors on the ends of all your cables. Pull the connector to verify that it is attached. If it is loose or comes off, snip off the connector and install a new one. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-20 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System Testing For Electrical Shorts and Continuity 1. Using an ohmmeter or continuity tester, test for a short between the connector body and pin. ohmmeter If resistance reading indicates: there is no short that a short exists connector body pin Then: continue to next section use your wire cutters to cut off the connector, install a new connector and repeat this test. 41685 2. Connect a temporary short between the pin and connector body at the opposite end of the cable. connector body pin 41686 3. At the same end of the cable tested in step 1, use an ohmmeter or continuity tester to test for electrical continuity. If resistance reading indicates: there is no short that a short exists ohmmeter Then: continue to next section use your wire cutters to cut off the connector, install a new connector and repeat this testing process. connector body pin Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 20166 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System 3-21 Connecting Cable Sections Connect the cable sections to the tap’s BNC connectors and cover all exposed metal with intrinsically safe insulators. Terminating Segments The taps on the ends of the segment have only one cable connector attached to them. This leaves an open, or unterminated, end on the segment. Signals transmitted along the cable will reflect off these unterminated ends and interfere with transmission. To eliminate signal reflections from the ends of the segment, you must attach a 75Ω trunk terminator (1797-XT) to the first and last taps on the segment. The terms “first” and “last” refer to the physical location of the node along the trunk cable. 1. Connect one end of the trunk-cable section to one of the tap’s BNC connectors. 20078 2. Slide the intrinsically safe blue insulator over the BNC connector to cover any exposed metal. 3. Install a 75Ω terminator onto the tap’s other BNC connector. Repeat steps 1 and 2 at the other end of the segment 1797-XT with intrinsically safe insulator ! 20079 ATTENTION: Make sure the intrinsically safe insulator covers all metal parts. Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 3-22 Installing A ControlNet Ex Cable System Connecting Devices After terminating your segments, you connect your devices. To connect a See fiber repeater hub page 3-10 ControlNet Ex adapter procedure below 1. Remove and save the tap’s blue dust cap (located on the straight or right-angle connector). 2. Replace the dust cap with the blue intrinsically safe insulator ring. 3. Connect the tap’s straight or right-angle connector to your device. If your node supports: Connect the tap’s straight or right-angle connector: non-redundant media to the channel A connector on the device (channel B is not used)1 • from trunk cable A to channel A on the your device • from trunk cable B to channel B on the your device 1 While both channels are active, Allen-Bradley recommends using channel A for non-redundant media. redundant media Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Appendix A Mounting Dimensions Contents Use these mounting dimensions to mount your taps, universal mounting brackets, and repeaters. Taps Make copies of these templates as necessary to help you mark placement for your taps. T-tap Y-tap 35.66 mm (1.40") 30.23 mm (1.19") 15.24 mm (0.60") 15.24 mm (0.60") 33.02 mm (1.30") 25.44 mm (1.00") 39.37 mm (1.55") 20168 31.37 mm (1.235") 20169 Publication 1797-6.2.1- April 1999 A-2 Mounting Dimensions Universal Mounting Bracket 58.42 mm (2.30") 49.53 mm (1.95") 15.47 mm (0.609") 30.94 mm 19.05 mm (0.75") (1.128") 9.53 mm (0.375") 20170-m Publication 1797-6.2.1- April 1999 Appendix % Adjusting The Cable Strip Tool Contents )ROORZWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVLQWKLVDSSHQGL[WRFDOLEUDWHWKHFDEOHVWULSWRRO VXSSOLHGZLWKWKH&RQWURO1HW&RD[7RRONLW&7. Calibrating The Cutting Blades 8VHWKHIROORZLQJSURFHGXUHWRFDOLEUDWH\RXUFDEOHVWULSWRROWRFXW )(3RU39&FDEOH 3ODFHWKHFDOLEUDWLRQWRROLQWRWKHFDEOHVWULSWRROZLWKWKHQDUURZ HQGLQVWDOOHGDQGIDFLQJIRUZDUGIRU)(3FDEOHXVHWKHZLGHUHQG IRU39& calibration tool To increase the cut depth decrease the cut depth Turn the screw clockwise counterclockwise adjusting screws 2088-m 7LJKWHQWKHKDQGOHRIWKHVWULSWRROVRWKDWWKHFDOLEUDWLRQWRROLV ORFNHGLQSODFH ,PSRUWDQW :KHQDOLJQHGSURSHUO\WKHJURRYHVRIWKHFDOLEUDWLRQWRRO VKRXOGDOLJQZLWKWKHEODGHV Publication 1797-6.2.1 — April 1999 B-2 Adjusting The Cable Strip Tool $GMXVWWKHVFUHZVRIWKHPHPRU\FOLSVRWKDWWKHEODGHVMXVWWRXFK WKHFDOLEUDWLRQWRRO $77(17,21 'RQRWRYHUWLJKWHQWKHVFUHZVRIWKH FDEOHVWULSWRRO7KHEODGHVVKRXOGQRWEHQGVKLIWRU SHQHWUDWHWKHFDOLEUDWLRQWRRO 5HWUDFWWKHKDQGOHRIWKHFDEOHVWULSWRRO 5HPRYHWKHFDOLEUDWLRQWRROIURPWKHFDEOHVWULSWRRO :KHQILQLVKHGWKHEODGHVKRXOGPDNHDFXWRIWKHIROORZLQJGLPHQVLRQV LQ\RXUFDEOH 2 1 white insulation or 1st tape all 4 shield layers— braid/tape/braid/tape 3 center conductor 30030-m 8.3 mm 4.0 mm 3.7 mm 1 2 The first cut should cut the outer sheath without cutting the outer wire braid. If the braid is frayed by the blade, adjust the blade slightly to eliminate the fraying. 3 The second cut should cut the sheath, three outer shields, and possibly the inner tape shield. The insulation can be scored slightly, but should not have a deep cut. The third cut should cut all layers of the cable down to the center conductor. This cut should not score the center conductor. If the blade leaves a mark on the conductor, adjust the blade slightly so to eliminate marking the conductor ,PSRUWDQW 7KHILUVWDQGVHFRQGFXWDGMXVWPHQWVQHHGWREHSUHFLVH $GMXVWPHQWVDVVPDOODVWRRIDWXUQFDQPDNH WKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQDSHUIHFWDQGDQLPSHUIHFWFXW Publication1797-6.2.1 — April 1999 Adjusting The Cable Strip Tool Reversing/Replacing The Cutting Blades B-3 7RUHYHUVHRUFKDQJHWKHFXWWLQJEODGHV 8VHDVFUHZGULYHUWROLIWWKHPHPRU\EODGHKROGHUDQGVZLQJ LWEDFN 20182-m 6OLGHWKHPHPRU\EODGHFDUWULGJHRXWRIWKHVWULSWRRO 20183-m If you are reversing the memory blade cartridge to use the second set of blades replacing the memory blade cartridge Go to step 3 step 4 Publication 1797-6.2.1 — April 1999 B-4 Adjusting The Cable Strip Tool )OLSWKHPHPRU\EODGHFDUWULGJHDQGVOLGHLWEDFNLQWRWKH VWULSWRRO 30031-m *RWRVWHS $OLJQWKHPHPRU\EODGHFDUWULGJHWKHVLGHZLWKWKHUDLVHGQRWFKHV WRWKHUDLVHGDUHDRQWKHLQVLGHRIWKHVWULSWRRODQGVOLGHWKHQHZ PHPRU\EODGHFDUWULGJHLQ²WKHEODGHVVKRXOGEHRQWRSDV\RX VOLGHWKHFDUWULGJHLQ raised notch raised area 30031a-m 6ZLQJWKHPHPRU\EODGHKROGHUFORVHG 20069-m Publication1797-6.2.1 — April 1999 Adjusting The Cable Strip Tool Changing The Memory Blade Holder B-5 <RXUHFHLYHGWZRPHPRU\EODGHKROGHUVZLWK\RXUFDEOHVWULSWRRORQH LVIRU39&&/FDEOHDQGWKHRWKHULVIRUSOHQXP)(3&/3FDEOH <RXQHHGWRLQVWDOOWKHDSSURSULDWHPHPRU\EODGHKROGHUIRUWKHW\SH RIFDEOH\RXDUHVWULSSLQJ39&RU)(3 /LIWWKHODWFKHVRQWKHPHPRU\EODGHKROGHUDQGVZLQJLWEDFN 20182-m 6QDSWKHPHPRU\EODGHKROGHURIIWKHURGDQGUHPRYHLWIURPWKH VWULSWRRO 20070-m 3RVLWLRQWKHDSSURSULDWHPHPRU\EODGHKROGHURQWKHURGDQGVQDS WKHKROGHULQWRSODFH 6ZLQJWKHPHPRU\EODGHKROGHUFORVHG 20069-m Publication 1797-6.2.1 — April 1999 B-6 Adjusting The Cable Strip Tool Electrostatic Charge Protect the system against electrostatic charge. Post a sign near this module: Attention! Avoid electrostatic charge. For your convenience, some signs which can be cut out are included here. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Attention: Avoid electrostatic charge. Publication1797-6.2.1 — April 1999 Allen-Bradley Publication Problem Report If you find a problem with our documentation, please complete and return this form. Pub. Name ControlNet Ex Media Planning and Installation Manual Cat. No. 1797 Series Check Problem(s) Type: Pub. No. 1797-6.2.1 Pub. Date April 1999 Part No. 955133-15 Internal Use Only Describe Problem(s) Technical Accuracy text Completeness procedure/step illustration definition info in manual example guideline feature (accessibility) explanation other What information is missing? illustration info not in Clarity What is unclear? Sequence What is not in the right order? Other Comments Use back for more comments. Your Name Location/Phone Return to: Marketing Communications, Allen-Bradley., 1 Allen-Bradley Drive, Mayfield Hts., OH 44124-6118Phone: (440) 646-3176 FAX: (440) 646-4320 Publication ICCG-5.21- August 1995 PN 955107-82 PLEASE FASTEN HERE (DO NOT STAPLE) PLEASE FOLD HERE NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES BUSINESS REPLY MAIL FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. 18235 CLEVELAND OH POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY THE ADDRESSEE 1 ALLEN BRADLEY DR MAYFIELD HEIGHTS OH 44124-9705 PLEASE REMOVE Other Comments Index A DEEUHYLDWLRQV4 DSSOLFDWLRQFRQVLGHUDWLRQV2-9 B EDUUHOFRQQHFWRU2-5 %1&FDEOHFRQQHFWRUV1-82-5 installing3-11 EULGJH1-2 EXOOHWFRQQHFWRU2-22-5 C FDEOHFRQQHFWRUV1-82-5 barrel2-5 bullet2-5 installing3-11 isolated bulkhead2-5 rightangle2-5 FDWDORJQXPEHUV 1770KFC2-3 1784KTC2-3 1784KTCX2-3 1786BNC2-5 1786BNCJ2-5 1786BNCJI2-5 1786BNCP2-53-2 1786CP2-3 1786CTK3-11B-1 1786TPR2-14 1786TPS2-14 1786TPYR2-14 1786TPYS2-14 1786XT2-52-143-21 FDWHJRULHVRIFRQGXFWRUV2-9 FRD[FDEOH2-3 FRQWLQXLW\WHVWHU3-163-20 &RQWURO1HWFDEOHV\VWHP application considerations2-9 attaching connectors to trunk cable3-17 cable connector bullet2-2 cable connectors1-82-5 optional1-8 Coax Toolkit3-11 component definitions1-2 connecting cable sections3-21 connecting devices3-22 determine cable needed2-3 number of repeaters2-5 number of taps2-1 number of terminators needed 2-5 trunkcable section lengths2-3 type of cable connectors needed2-5 ferrite beads2-12 installing cable connectors3-11 trunk cable3-1 link2-13 mounting taps3-2 network1-2 network access cable2-3 node1-6 ordering components2-13 planning guidelines2-13 redundant media2-62-7 related publications5 repeater1-21-92-5 segment1-21-92-13 stripping trunk cable3-12 surge suppression2-12 tap1-21-72-12-14 mounting dimensionsA-1 terminating segments3-21 terminator2-14 terminators1-22-5 testing for electrical continuity 3-163-20 trunk cable1-21-72-14 testing3-163-20 wiring2-11 wiring external to enclosures 2-11 wiring inside enclosures2-11 trunkcable section1-21-72-3 universal mounting bracket mounting dimensionsA-2 wiring guidelines2-11 &RQWURO1HW&RD[7RRONLW 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 I-2 crimp tool3-18 strip gauge3-15 strip tool3-12 adjusting the cutting blades B-1 changing the memory blade holderB-5 FULPSWRRO3-18 F )(3FDEOH4B-5 IHUULWHEHDGV2-12 I LQVWDOOLQJFDEOHFRQQHFWRUV attaching connectors to trunk cable3-17 stripping trunk cable3-12 LVRODWHGEXONKHDGFRQQHFWRU2-5 L OLQN planning2-13 M PHGLD redundant2-6 guidelines2-7 PHPRU\EODGHKROGHU3-12 PRXQWLQJGLPHQVLRQV tapA-1 universal mounting bracketA-2 N QHWZRUNDFFHVVFDEOH2-3 QRGH1-6 O RKPPHWHU3-163-20 RUGHULQJFRPSRQHQWV2-13 P SURJUDPPLQJWHUPLQDOV ways to connect to a ControlNet link2-3 SXEOLFDWLRQV5 17704.12-11 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 AG2.21-62-5 39&FDEOH43-13-12B-5 R UHGXQGDQWPHGLD2-6 guidelines2-7 UHSHDWHU1-21-92-5 selecting where to mount3-7 5*FDEOH2-33-1 ULJKWDQJOHFRQQHFWRU2-5 S VHJPHQW1-21-9 planning2-13 terminating3-21 VWULSWRRO adjusting the cutting bladesB-1 changing the memory blade holderB-5 reversing/replacing cutting blades B-3 VXUJHVXSSUHVVLRQ2-12 T WDS1-21-72-14 determine number needed2-1 mounting3-2 to a universal mounting bracket3-3 using the body holes3-5 mounting dimensionsA-1 selecting where to mount3-2 WHUPLQDWRUV1-22-5 WUXQNFDEOH1-21-7 attaching cable connectors3-17 bend radius3-1 installing3-1 pull strength3-1 stripping3-12 terminating3-21 testing for shorts and continuity 3-163-20 wiring external to enclosures 2-113-1 wiring inside enclosures2-113-1 WUXQNFDEOHVHFWLRQ1-21-72-33-21 I-3 U XQLYHUVDOPRXQWLQJEUDFNHW mounting dimensionsA-2 W ZLULQJ external to enclosures2-113-1 inside enclosures2-113-1 ZLULQJJXLGHOLQHV2-11 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 Publication 1797-6.2.1 - April 1999 PN 955133-15 © (1999) Rockwell International Corporation. Printed in the U.S.A. ">
Key Features
- Intrinsically safe
- Coaxial cable
- Multiple device connections
- Taps, trunk terminators
- Fiber repeaters
- Safety standards compliance
- Hazardous location use
- Network connections