Fishman F1 Aura User guide
Fishman F1 AURA+ is a sophisticated acoustic guitar preamp that combines studio-quality imaging technology with detailed tone-shaping options to deliver a superior acoustic sound experience. With its simple and clean appearance, F1 AURA+ empowers guitarists with advanced features like Aura Acoustic Imaging, automatic anti-feedback, a chromatic tuner, and comprehensive EQ controls, making it ideal for live performances and studio recordings.
Thank you for making Fishman a part of your acoustic experience. We are proud to offer you the fi nest acoustic amplifi cation products available; high-quality professional-grade tools to empower you to sound your very best. We are confi dent F1 Aura will both enhance and inspire your music making.
Despite its simple and clean appearance, F1 Aura features a powerful set of tone shaping controls and programmability. We urge you to read through this user guide and spend some time getting familiar with its operation, so that you may easily realize the system’s full potential.
Aura Acoustic Imaging Technology uses digital algorithms developed in
Fishman’s audio laboratories to restore a studio-miked sound to an acoustic instrument. To achieve this, we’ve recorded this instrument using world-class microphones and techniques to capture an “Image” of the natural sound that it emits when miked in a professional studio. This Image, when recorded direct or played through an amp, mixer or PA, blends with the undersaddle pickup to produce an incredibly accurate recreation of the original recording.
Quick Start
Before you begin, set the controls as shown:
1. Plug in • Use a ¼-inch instrument cable.
2. Tune up • Press and hold the Volume knob until the tuner comes on. When engaged, the Tuner mutes the output. Press Volume to exit Tuner.
3. Turn up • Raise the Volume to a desirable level.
4. Blend in the Image • Turn the Edit knob to adjust the Image/pickup blend.
Edit Volume
5. Select an Image • Press the Edit knob once and the letter “I” will be displayed. Turn the knob to select different Images.
6. Adjust Tone • Press the Edit knob repeatedly to select among the different parameters for setting pickup tone. Turn the knob to adjust each parameter’s value.
Play/Edit and the Multi-function Controls
About the multi-function controls
F1 Aura packs an incredible amount of features into a small, elegant design. In order to achieve this, both the Edit and Volume knobs contain a momentary switch. Rather than just turning a knob, pressing down on it will gain access to one or more features. For this reason, this guide will refer to knob actions as: turn,
press, or press+hold. Refer to the chart on page 15 for a quick reference of the various features.
Press Press + Hold
Turn to adjust
Play / Edit
F1 Aura operates in two modes: Play and Edit. Play is for selecting the most frequently used controls while Edit gives you access to many more features.
When you plug in, F1 Aura powers up into Play mode. In Play mode, Volume,
Blend and Phase can be adjusted. The chromatic Tuner and the automatic Anti-
Feedback circuit can also be activated.
Press and release the Edit knob to enter Edit mode; the tuner’s green in-tune
LED will light solid. Once in Edit, press the Edit knob repeatedly to step through the parameters. Each parameter is displayed using a single letter to represent its function (see page 15). Adjust its value by turning the Edit knob. A number is displayed and the tuner’s sharp/fl at lights show positive or negative values.
Note: F1 Aura is programmable and automatically saves your settings.
To exit Edit and return to Play mode, wait 10 seconds for the display to go dark, or press + hold the Edit knob for 2 seconds. You may also immediately exit by simultaneously pressing both the Edit and Volume knobs.
Play Mode Controls
Measure – Press together to start Anti-feedback search
Volume: turn for volume
Tuner: press + hold 2 seconds press to exit tuner
Phase: press to toggle
Turn Volume • For the cleanest noise-free sound, set Volume as high as possible without causing your amp or mixer to distort.
Press and release Volume • Use the Phase setting to improve bass response at low volume and suppress feedback at high volume. Press the Volume knob several times and leave it in the position most pleasing to your ear.
Tuner note raised
1/2 step
Press+hold Volume 2 seconds to turn tuner on.
Press Volume once to turn it off.
This digital chromatic tuner accommodates all tunings and mutes the output when engaged.
It can be activated without an instrument cable connected, in which case it will turn itself off after 90 seconds of inactivity.
The tuner is calibrated to A = 440.
“A#” note in tune
“A” note below pitch
“A” note above pitch
Play Mode Controls (cont.)
Turn Edit • Turn the Edit knob without pressing on it and the balance between pickup and Image is adjusted. A setting of P = 100% Pickup signal; 0 = a 50/50 pickup/Image blend; I = 100% Image signal.
• For live performance try backing off the Image by setting Blend to about 2 or 3 (about 65% pickup).
• For recording, try blending in more Image for a realistic acoustic sound.
Automatic Anti-Feedback
Use this search-and-destroy Anti-Feedback circuit in addition to Phase to control feedback during a performance. F1 Aura’s automatic Anti-Feedback circuit can apply up to three separate notch fi lters, which are very precise tone controls that reduce only a tiny piece of the audio band. When activated, the fi lter locates and reduces the problematic resonances associated with feedback.
While the Anti-Feedback control is very effective, it’s best if you spend some time while setting up before a performance and catch any issues before you begin to play. With some practice, you’ll fi nd you can also use it to “fi x” any resonant notes that may stand out in a particular venue.
Using the automatic Anti-Feedback control:
1. Press + hold both Edit and Volume for 2 seconds. The tuner display will fl ash a “1” to indicate it is searching for the fi rst feedback.
2. Turn up the Volume, then either dampen the strings while tapping the body or play the troublesome note until the feedback begins. The fi lter will automatically identify and eliminate the feedback. The “1” in the display will now light solid.
3. At this point, you may continue to turn up your Volume as in step 2 to identify up to two more problematic resonances. Each is indicated via a fl ashing “2” or
“3” during the search, in turn lighting solid when the resonance has been identifi ed.
4. You may press the Volume knob at any time to cancel the search. The circuit will hold the notched frequenc(ies) in memory until the process is repeated.
Edit Mode Controls
Press Edit knob to enter Edit mode; the tuner’s green in-tune LED will light solid.
Once in Edit, press the Edit knob repeatedly to step through the parameters.
Each parameter is displayed using a single letter to represent its function.
Adjust its value by turning the Edit knob. A number is displayed and the tuner’s sharp/fl at LEDs indicate positive/negative values.
Note: F1 Aura is programmable and automatically saves your settings.
To exit Edit mode, wait 10 seconds for the display to go dark, or press + hold the
Edit knob for 2 seconds. You may also immediately exit by simultaneously pressing both the Edit and Volume knobs.
1. Press to enter Press Edit repeatedly to select next parameter.
Press Press
Treble EQ
Mid EQ
The sharp and flat LEDs indicate + or - values.
2. Turn Edit to adjust
-3 0 +1
3. To exit Edit Mode, wait 10 seconds, or press + hold Edit for 2 seconds. You may also immediately exit by simultaneously pressing both the Edit and Volume knobs.
Edit Mode Controls (cont.)
Image Select
F1 Aura is factory loaded with Images created especially for this instrument. Each
Image corresponds to a different microphone type and position. Contact the guitar’s manufacturer to identify the microphone associated with each Image.
Pickup EQ
Bass, Mid and Treble controls allow you to fi ne tune the pickup signal. The pickup tone controls are designated by the capital letters T, M, B, corresponding to Treble, Mid, and Bass respectively.
Described in detail on page 8, Blend is represented by the letter X.
The Compressor (C) parameter adjusts several settings within a sophisticated automatic leveling circuit. As you increase the value, your overall playing dynamics become increasingly limited, making softer notes louder while controlling loud spikes in your playing. This can be helpful in performances where you desire a more even level to your playing. At its maximum setting, there may be some overall increase in the output level.
This parameter, indicated with the letter A, allows you to temporarily disable the automatic Anti-Feedback fi lter if desired. O = Off, I = On. See page 8 for details on how to use the Anti-Feedback circuit.
Edit Mode Controls (cont.)
Image EQ
You can program unique EQ settings for each of the Images. Unlike other Edit mode parameters, unique tone settings are saved with each Image and recalled when an Image is selected. In order to prevent dramatic or unwanted changes, the Image EQ’s Treble, Mid, and Bass controls are separated from the Pickup
EQ and located “under” the Volume knob in Edit mode. They are identifi ed by a lowercase t, m, b, corresponding to Treble, Mid, and Bass respectively.
To EQ an Image:
1. Adjust the Blend control so that you are hearing 100% Image (page 8)
2. Press Edit knob to enter Edit mode and select an Image
3. Press the Volume button to select the Image Treble EQ (t)
4. Turn the Edit knob to boost or cut the Image Treble EQ
5. Repeat steps 3 & 4 to adjust the Image Mid (m) and Image Bass (b)
Edit Mode Parameters
Image Select
Pickup Treble EQ
Pickup Mid EQ
Pickup Bass EQ
Pickup/Image Blend
Image Treble EQ
Image Mid EQ
Image Bass EQ
Plug in the guitar, and F1 Aura switches on. To conserve the battery, remove the instrument cable from the guitar when the system is not in use.
The tuner display will fl ash at power-up to tell you the preamp is on.
Low Battery Indicator
When the tuner fl ashes “L” once every three seconds, you have approximately
1.5 hours before the battery is exhausted. Change it at the next opportunity.
Restore Factory Defaults
1. Press + hold the Edit knob while plugging in the guitar. Continue to hold the
Edit knob down when the tuner displays an “R.”
2. Continue to hold the Edit knob, then press the Volume knob. Release both knobs. Factory reset is complete when the “R” stops fl ashing and the unit returns to normal operation.
• EQ for all Images reverts to fl at
• Pickup EQ reverts to fl at
• Blend is set to 50/50
• Compressor is set to minimum
• Anti-Feedback frequency is reset to 100Hz
• Image selector reverts to Image #1
Electrical Specifi cations
Digital Signal Path:
A/D, D/A conversion:
Signal Processing:
Typical in-use current consumption @ 9VDC:
Typical 9V lithium battery life:
Typical 9V alkaline battery life:
Nominal output impedance:
Recommended load impedance:
Maximum output level (onset of clipping):
Baseline noise:
Dynamic Range:
Bass control:
Midrange control:
Treble control:
All specifi cations subject to change without notice.
54 hours
27 hours
1k Ohm
10k Ohm and up
±12dB @ 70Hz
±12dB @ 1kHz
±12dB @ 6.5kHz
513-300-160 Rev A 11-09

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