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- 48 Pages
BIASI Riva Plus HE M296.24SM/C, M296.28SM/C gas boiler Service manual
Below you will find brief information for gas boiler Riva Plus HE M296.24SM/C, gas boiler Riva Plus HE M296.28SM/C. This document is a service manual for the Riva Plus HE gas boiler. It details the steps for general access and emptying the hydraulic circuits, fault finding, and the replacement and maintenance of a variety of components within the boiler.
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Wall hung, fanflue, roomsealed, high efficiency gas boiler
Service manual
Riva Plus HE
G.C. Appl. No.
CoMbi boilER
CoMbi boilER
leave this manual adjacent to the gas meter
1 ovERall infoRMaTion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1 Overall View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
1.2 Hydraulic diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
2 GEnERal aCCESS and EMPTyinG HydRauliC
CiRCuiTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1 Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
2.2 Body panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
2.3 Control panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
2.4 Access to the sealed chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
2.5 Emptying the primary circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
2.6 Emptying the d.h.w. circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
3 diaGRaMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.1 Wiring diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
3.2 Functional flow diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
3.3 Circuit voltages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
4 faulT findinG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
5 PRiMaRy HEaT ExCHanGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
5.2 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
5.3 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
6 CondEnSinG HEaT ExCHanGER . . . . . . . . . . . 14
6.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
6.2 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
6.3 Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
7 d.H.w. HEaT ExCHanGER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
7.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
7.2 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
8 PuMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
8.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
8.2 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
8.3 Removal pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
8.4 Removal electrical capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
9 THREE way divERTER valvE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
9.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
9.2 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
9.3 Removal of the electric actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
9.4 Removal of the tree way diverter valve. . . . . . . . . . .20
9.5 Removal of the diverter group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
10 ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b. . . . . . 21
10.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
10.2 Selection and adjustment devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
10.3 Checking the temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
10.4 Operation lights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
10.5 Setting the boiler control function modes . . . . . . . . .23
10.6 Useful output setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
10.7 Reignition frequency setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
10.8 Ignition gas pressure adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
10.9 Setting the tree way diverter valve operation mode .25
10.10 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
10.11 Removal of the electronic control p.c.b. . . . . . . . . . .26
10.12 Thermal control in the mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
10.13 Thermal control in the mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
10.14 Ignition and control sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
11 ModulaTinG GaS valvE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
11.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
11.2 Nomenclature of the parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
11.3 Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
11.4 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
11.5 Removal of the on-off operators coils . . . . . . . . . . . .31
11.6 Removal of the gas valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
TablE of ConTEnTS
12 PRiMaRy CiRCuiT PRESSuRE SwiTCH . . . . . . 32
12.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
12.2 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
12.3 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
13 ExPanSion vESSEl and TEMPERaTuRE-PRES-
SuRE GauGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
13.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
13.2 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
13.3 Removal of the expansion vessel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
13.4 Removal of the temperature-pressure gauge . . . . . .33
14 d.H.w. flow SwiTCH, filTER and flow liMi-
TER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
14.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
14.2 Nomenclature and location of parts . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
14.3 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
14.4 Removal of the sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
14.5 Removal of the flow switch group and d.h.w. circuit filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
14.6 Flow limiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
15 TEMPERaTuRE PRobE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
15.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
15.2 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
15.3 Removal of the c.h. Temperature probe . . . . . . . . . .36
15.4 Removal of the d.h.w. Temperature probe . . . . . . . .36
16 by-PaSS valvE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
16.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
16.2 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
17 fan and aiR PRESSuRE SEnSoR. . . . . . . . . . . 39
17.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
17.2 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
17.3 Removal of the Fan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
17.4 Removal of the Air pressure sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . .40
18 iGniTion and dETECTion ElECTRodES . . . . 41
18.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
18.2 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
18.3 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
19 SafETy THERMoSTaT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
19.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
19.2 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
19.3 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
20 fluE TEMPERaTuRE PRobE nTC. . . . . . . . . . . 43
20.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
20.2 Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
20.3 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
21 CondEnSaTE TRaP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
21.1 Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
21.2 Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
22 SHoRT SPaRE PaRTS liST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
- 3 -
ovERall infoRMaTion
1 ovERall infoRMaTion
1.1 overall view
Airpressur sensor
Flue temperature probe NTC
Condensing heat exchanger
figure 1.1
1.2 Hydraulic diagram
Central heating (c.h.) operation
D.h.w. heat exchanger
Domestic hot water (d.h.w.) operation
figure 1.2
- 4 -
GEnERal aCCESS and EMPTyinG HydRauliC CiRCuiTS
2 GEnERal aCCESS and EMPTyinG
HydRauliC CiRCuiTS
2.1 nomenclature
3 figure 2.2
To remove the side panels loosen the screws B and C (Figure
2.3), bring the base of the panels away from the boiler and lift them, freeing them from the top hooks.
figure 2.1
1 Right side panel
2 Front panel
3 Control panel lid
4 Control panel cover
5 Servicepanel
6 Left side panel
2.2 body panels
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
For the most part of the check and maintenance operations it is necessary to remove one or more panels of the case.
The side panels can be removed only after the removal of the front panel.
To remove the front panel remove screws A (Figure 2.2), lift the panel and remove it.
d b
C figure 2.3
- bottom view of the boiler
2.3 Control panel
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
To gain access to the parts located inside the control panel proceed as follows:
1 Remove the front panel of the case
2 Loosen the screws B and C (Figure 2.3).
3 Remove the screws D
4 Move the lower part of the side panels as indicated in Figure
2.4 and pull the control panel.
When completely pulled out, the panel can rotate 45° downwards to facilitate the service operations on the internal parts.
- 5 -
GEnERal aCCESS and EMPTyinG HydRauliC CiRCuiTS
2.5 Emptying the primary circuit
1 Close the c.h. circuit flow and return cocks.
2 Remove the front and right panels of the boiler.
3 Open the drain tap I (Figure 2.7) until the boiler is completely emptied.
4 Close drain tap again once the emptying has been completed.
figure 2.4
5 Remove the screws E and remove the service panel (Figure
6 To gain access to the electronic regulation PCB remove the screws F and remove the control panel lid (Figure 2.5);
f f
E i figure 2.7
2.6 Emptying the d.h.w. circuit
5 Close the d.c.w. inlet cock;
6 Open one or more hot water taps until the boiler has been completely emptied.
figure 2.5
2.4 access to the sealed chamber
G figure 2.6
To gain access to the parts contained in the sealed chamber it is necessary to remove the lid of the sealed chamber. For this purpose, remove the front and side panels of the case, remove the screws G as indicated in Figure 2.6 and remove the lid.
- 6 -
3 diaGRaMS
3.1 wiring diagram
L N bn gnye bu
Pump Fan
3 2
~ bu bk bn
~ bn bu gnye
~ bu bn gnye
Primary circuit pressure switch bk bk
3 rd ye gy
Flame detection electrode bn bn bu bk bu bk bn bu
*wh *rd *bk bn bu bn bu bu t rd rd wh bu bn bu gnye gy gy bn bu rd rd ye gy wh bu bk bk rd rd wh wh bu bu rd ye gn bk rd gy ye bu bn bu gnye
Modulating gas valve chamber over heat bk bk bk wh wh t t bu bu rd wh gn
Time switch
figure 3.1
* = alternative bu = blue bk = black rd = red gy = grey gn = green ye = yellow og = orange gnye = green/yellow
- 7 -
3.2 Functional flow diagrams
General layout
J1---1 Fuse 3,15 A
PTC Transformer
J2---5 J2---4
Heat request on d.h.w.
J1---1 Fuse 3,15 A
PTC Transformer
J2---5 J2---4
Heat request on c.h.
J1---1 Fuse 3,15 A
PTC Transformer
J2---5 J2---4
figure 3.2
- 8 -
3.3 Circuit voltages
Electrical voltages with burner on
Supply network
3 way diverter valve
Gas valve
Fan during c.h. or d.h.w. operation only during c.h. operation only during d.h.w. operation
figure 3.3
Air pressure sensor
- 9 -
4 faulT findinG
--- (8)
--- (7) or)
) perat rators witch e e alv sv be pro emp.
rob mp.p
itte circu
.b.) go ilter es ope atin p.c
sur res itp circu h off nic b.
odul ve(m n--ve(o switc tro ttings p.c.
valve lec ow nic
rter es(E ctro erse val val
pas r de e l at e senso
TC ctro ost trod vesse aug ele ve eN rm eg val ion s the ion ect ety prob ctor ans ety sur elec ition ssure pre
--- (4)
--- (3)
--- (2)
--- (1) ap ndtr ea pip ger ain ne han lyli line exc s edr nsat cuit cuit eat .h
pipe ply sup upp ers
faulT findinG
- 10 d pre lam nal sig out k--Loc
--- (8)
--- (7)
--- (4)
--- (3)
--- (2)
--- (1) ap or)
) ndtr perat rators witch e e alv sv be pro emp.
.b.) go rob mp.p
itte circu ilter es ope atin sur p.c
res itp circu h off b.
nic odul ve(m n--ve(o ttings switc tro p.c.
valve lec ow nic
rter es(E ctro erse val val
pas r de l e at e senso
TC ctro trod ost aug eg vesse ele ve rm eN val ion s ion the ect ety prob ctor ans ety sur elec ssure pre ition
Pump ea pip ger ne ain han lyli line exc s edr cuit nsat cuit eat .h
pipe ply sup upp ers
faulT findinG
d pre lam nal sig out k--Loc
- 11 -
5.1 function
The primary heat exchanger A in Figure 5.1 has the function of transferring heat produced from combustion of the gas to the water circulating in it.
b l
G figure 5.1
The hydraulic circuit is composed of 8 elliptical pipes connected in parallel (Figure 5.2).
figure 5.2
5.2 Removal
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the case panels and the sealed chamber lid (section
"Body panels" page 5).
2 Empty the primary circuit of the boiler.
3 Remove the combustion chamber lid B by unscrewing the screws C (Figure 5.3).
4 Remove the screws D and the plate E.
5 Remove the clip F.
6 Loosen the connection G and slightly move the pipe H upwards.
7 Remove the clip I and the safety thermostat J and the c.h. temperature probe K. It is not necessary to disconnect it from the wiring.
- 12 -
figure 5.3
8 Loosen the connection L and move the pipe M downwards freeing it from the connection of the primary het exchanger.
9 Remove the clip N.
10 Loosen the connection O.
11 Free the pipe P from the connection of the condensing heat exchanger; lift and and rotate it towards right.
12 Remove the heat exchanger by sliding it forwards.
13 Reassemble the boiler carrying out the removal operations in reverse order. Fit the clip I with the arrow pointing upwards as illustrated in Figure 5.3.
J i
E f
H d o
iMPoRTanT: do not force the connection G when tighting it.
5.3 Cleaning
If there are deposits of soot or dirt between the blades of the heat exchanger, clean with a brush or non-metallic bristle brush.
In any case, avoid any actions that can damage theprotective varnish with which the exchanger has been covered.
warning: after cleaning or replacement as detailed above, if it deemed necessary to undertake a combustion analysis, refer to the appropriate chapter
Maintenance of the installation instructions manual.
- 13 -
6 CondEnSinG HEaT ExCHanGER
6.1 function
The return water flows through the condensing heat exchanger A in Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.2.
By reducing the combustion products temperature, the latent heat of the vapour is transferred to the water circuit, allowing an extra gain of useful heat.
The condensed vapour is then drained through the condensate trap B and the draining pipe C.
d b
C figure 6.1
6.2 Removal
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the case panels and the sealed chamber lid (section
"Body panels" page 5).
2 Empty the primary circuit of the boiler.
3 Remove the fan D in Figure 6.2 (see section "Removal of the
Fan" page 40).
4 Disconect the connectors of the flue temperature probe NTC
5 Remove the clip F.
6 Completely loosen the connection G and slightly move the pipe H upwards.
7 Remove the clip I.
8 Loosen the connection J.
9 Free the pipe K from the connection of the condensing heat exchanger; lift and and rotate it towards right.
10 Using pliers, remove the spring L moving it to wards right and disconnect the rubber pipe M.
11 Rotate the exchanger as indicated by the arrow and remove it towards the front of the boiler.
J figure 6.2
12 Reassemble the exchanger carrying out the removal operations in reverse order.
warning: to lubricate the o-ring gaskets exclusively use a silicone base grease compatible to be in contact with foods and approved by the local water authorities.
after reassembling ensure that the fan-exchanger and exchanger-elbow gaskets are correctly mounted and ensure a good sealing.
warning: after cleaning or replacement as detailed above, if it deemed necessary to undertake a combustion analysis, refer to the appropriate chapter
Maintenance of the installation instructions manual.
- 14 -
E a l i f
6.3 Cleaning
1 Using pliers, remove the spring L moving it to wards right and disconnect the rubber pipe M (Figure 6.3).
2 Unscrewing the screws N (Figure 6.3).
3 Remove the condensing heat exchange lid O (Figure 6.3) moving torwards the front of the boiler.
If there are deposits of soot or dirt on the exchanger lid, clean with a brush or non-metallic bristle brush.
n l o
M figure 6.3
4 Reassemble the exchanger carrying out the removal operations in reverse order.
warning: to lubricate the o-ring gaskets exclusively use a silicone base grease compatible to be in contact with foods and approved by the local water authorities.
warning: after cleaning or replacement as detailed above, if it deemed necessary to undertake a combustion analysis, refer to the appropriate chapter
Maintenance of the installation instructions manual.
- 15 -
d.H.w. HEaT ExCHanGER
7 d.H.w. HEaT ExCHanGER
7.1 function
The d.h.w heat exchanger A in Figure 7.1 and Fig. 4 allows the instantaneous transfer of heat from the primary hydraulic circuit to the water destined for d.h.w use.
C a b
E f figure 7.3
6 Completely unscrew the two Allen key screws G (Figure 7.4) which hold the exchanger to the plastic groups.
a figure 7.1
The schematic structure is shown in Figure 7.2.
Primary hydraulic circuit
Domestic hot water circuit
figure 7.2
7.2 Removal
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the front and right hand side panels of the case.
2 Empty the primary circuit and the d.h.w circuit of the boiler.
3 Remove the pump B in Figure 7.3 (see section "Removal pump" page 17).
4 Remove the clip C and remove the primary circuit pressure switch D by lifting it upwards. It is not necessary to disconnect it from the wiring.
5 Remove the clip E and remove the electric actuator F by pulling it. It is not necessary to disconnect it from the wiring.
- 16 -
G figure 7.4
7 Move the exchanger towards the rear of the boiler and extract it.
Reassemble the d.h.w. heat exchanger carrying out the removal operations in the reverse order.
warning: to lubricate the o-ring gaskets exclusively use a silicone base grease compatible to be in contact with foods and approved by the local water authorities.
warning: when reassembling the exchanger be sure to put the off center location/securing pin indicated in figure 7.5 towards the left side of the boiler.
figure 7.5
8 PuMP
8.1 function
The pump A in Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.4 has the function of making the water in the main circuit circulate through the main heat exchanger, the condensing heat exchanger and therefore through the c.h. system (during the c.h. function) or through the secondary heat exchanger (during the d.h.w. function).
Remove the air release plug from the pump. Start the boiler and with a screwdriver, turn the rotor in the direction of the arrow.
If there is a defect in starting, the rotor will begin to turn normally only starting it manually.
Check that the impeller is integral with the rotor.
With the boiler off remove the front and right hand side case panels, lower the control panel and empty the primary circuit.
Remove the pump head by undoing the screws which hold it to the pump body and check that the impeller is firmly joined to the rotor.
480 Ω
213 Ω
figure 8.1
Coil 2
Coil 1
figure 8.2
8.2 Checks
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
Check that the pump is not seized and that the movement of the rotor is not subject to mechanical impediments.
With the boiler off, remove the front panel. Remove the air release plug of the pump and turn the rotor with a screwdriver.
Check the electrical continuity.
With the boiler off, remove the front panel and disconnect the connector B (Figure 8.4).
Measure the electrical resistance between the pump supply connections.
Electrical resistance of the windings (at ambient temperature) must be about 213 Ω (coil 1) and 480 Ω (coil 2) (Figure 8.2).
Check the absence of starting defects.
With the boiler off remove the front case panel.
8.3 Removal pump
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the case panels and the sealed chamber lid (section
"Body panels" page 5).
2 Empty the primary circuit of the boiler.
3 Disconnect the connector B (Figure 8.4) following the indications given on the connector box.
4 Disconnect the earth connector T (Figure 8.4).
5 Loosen the connection D (Figure 8.3),and pull up and turn to the left the pipe E.
6 Remove the locking plate F (Figure 8.4).
- 17 -
8.4 Removal electrical capacitor
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the front and right hand side case panels.
2 Disconnect the connector B (Figure 8.4) following the indications given on the connector box.
3 Remove the connector M of the cover box by levering with a screwdriver in as shown in (Figure 8.5).
M d figure 8.3
figure 8.5
4 Remove the capacitor connection block N freeing it from the hook O and pulling it as indicated by the arrow (Fig. 7.6).
n o
T b a f
G figure 8.4
7 Unscrew the two screws G that hold the pump on the frame and remove the pump.
Reassemble the pump carrying out the removal operations in the reverse order. When reassembling the pump, check the correct location of the O-ring gasket in the inlet port of the pump that seals the connection between the pump and the return water group.
figure 8.6
- 18 -
THREE way divERTER valvE
9 THREE way divERTER valvE
9.1 function
The diverter valve A (Figure 9.1) has the function of modifying the hydraulic circuit of the boiler by means of an electric command given by the electronic control p.c.b. in order to send the water that exits the primary heat exchanger towards the c.h. system or towards the d.h.w. heat exchanger.
b a
Spindle B visible
figure 9.2
D.h.w. mode
9,4 Kohm
Open circuit wh = white bk = black bu = blue
* = alternative
Spindle B not visible
figure 9.1
9.2 Checks
warning: check the electrical continuity.
Figure 9.2 indicates the relationship between the electric command coming from the electronic control p.c.b. and the position of the actuator B (brass spindle) when the boiler operates in
d.h.w. mode.
Figure 9.3 indicates the relationship between the electric command coming from the electronic control p.c.b. and the position of the actuator B (brass spindle) when the boiler operates in
In both figures the relationship between the position of the actuator and the resistance of the motor windings (the motor must be disconnected from the wiring) is also given.
Open circuit
9,4 Kohm rd = red wh = white bk = black bu = blue bn = brown
* = alternative
figure 9.3
C.h. mode
9.3 Removal of the electric actuator
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the front case panel.
2 Disconnect the connectors C (Figure 9.4).
3 Remove the fixing spring D and remove the actuator B.
Reassemble the actuator carrying out the removal operations in the reverse order.
When reassembling the actuator, refer to Figure 9.2 or to the wiring diagramin section "Checks" page 19 for the correct wiring connection.
- 19 -
THREE way divERTER valvE
9.5 Removal of the diverter group
1 Remove the front and both side case panels.
2 Empty the primary circuit and the d.h.w circuit of the boiler.
3 Remove the electric actuator (section "Removal of the electric actuator" page 19).
4 Remove the fixing spring H (Figure 9.6) and remove the primary circuit pressure switch I.
b i
H figure 9.4
9.4 Removal of the tree way diverter valve
1 Remove the front and both side case panels.
2 Empty the primary circuit and the d.h.w circuit of the boiler.
3 Remove the electric actuator (section "Removal of the electric actuator" page 19).
4 Remove the fixing spring E (Figure 9.5)
5 Remove the tree way diverter valve F by levering with a screwdriver in as shown in Figure 9.5.
K figure 9.6
5 Disconnect d.h.w. temperature probe, respectively J (Figure
E figure 9.5
Reassemble the tree way diverter valve carrying out the removal operations in the reverse order.
warning: to lubricate the o-ring gaskets exclusively use a silicone base grease compatible to be in contact with foods and approved by the local water authorities.
warning: when reassembling the tree way diverter valve be sure that the tree way diverter is correctly oriented by matching the reference G with the notch of the water group figure 9.5.
figure 9.7
6 Unscrew the connector K (Figure 9.6), the c.h. flow connector and the d.h.w. outlet connector.
7 Remove the d.h.w. heat exchanger (section "Removal" page
8 Unscrew the screws and remove the diverter group
9 Reassemble the diverter group carrying out the removal operations in the reverse order.
warning: to lubricate the o-ring gaskets exclusively use a silicone base grease compatible to be in contact with foods and approved by the local water authorities.
- 20 -
ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b.
10 ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b.
10.1 function
Inlet Information
On the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b.......
Function control
C.h. temperature adjustment
D.h.w. temperature adjustment
Boiler reset button
(control panel fascia)
From other boiler devices....
C.h. temperature probe NTC
D.h.w. temperature probe NTC
D.h.w. flow switch
Primary circuit pressure switch
Air pressure sensor
Flue temperature probe NTC
Safety thermostat
Flame detection electrode
Room thermostat (if fitted)
Time switch
(i.e. heating the dwelling or heating the water for d.h.w. use) and operating in order to keep the temperature of the hydraulic circuits constant.
This is obviously possible within the useful power and maximum working temperature limits foreseen.
Generally, the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. receives inlet information coming from the boiler (the sensors) or from the outside (knobs, room thermostat, etc.), processes it and consequently acts with outlet commands on other components of the boiler (Figure 10.1).
The Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. is also a full sequence ignition device and does a sequence of operations (ignition cycle) which lead to the ignition of the gas at the burner.
It checks the presence of the flame during the entire period in which it is activated, supplies the fan and checks its functioning by means of the signal coming from the air pressure sensor.
The Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. has a safety function and any incorrect interventions or tampering can result in conditions of dangerous functioning of the boiler.
The Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. can lock the functioning of the boiler (lock state) and stop its functioning up to the resetting intervention. The lock is signalled by the lighting of the lock-out signal lamp and the device can be reset only by using the boiler reset button placed on the control panel fascia.
Some components which are connected to the device can activate the lock state. The causes of a lock state could be:
• The intervention of the safety thermostat (overheat of the primary circuit).
• The intervention of the flue temperature probe (overheat of the combustion products).
• A fault on gas supply.
• Faulty ignition (faulty ignition electrodes, theirwiring or connection).
• Faulty flame detection (faulty detection electrode, its wiring or connection).
• Gas injectors blocked.
• Faulty modulation gas valve (faulty on-off operators or not electrically supplied).
• Faulty Electronic control/ignition p.c.b..
Other components like the air pressure sensor can temporarily stop the ignition of the burner but allow its ignition when the cause of the intervention has stopped.
Figure 10.27 shows the sequence of the operations that are carried out at the start of every ignition cycle and during normal functioning.
Outlet command
Three way diverter valve
On---off operators (gas valve)
Modulation operator (gas valve)
Ignition electrodes
Appliance operation lights*
Lock---out signal lamp*
*control panel fascia
10.2 Selection and adjustment devices
On the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. several selection, adjustment and protection devices are located (Figure 10.2).
Some of these devices are directly accessible by the user (function control, temperature adjustment potentiometers etc.) others are accessible by removing the service panel or the control panel lid.
figure 10.1
The fundamental function of the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. is that of controlling the boiler in relation to the external needs
- 21 -
1 2
ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b.
3 4 5 6
13 figure 10.2
12 11 10 9 8
1 x1 connector
2 x6 connector
3 x7 connector
4 x4 connector
5 x2 connector
6 x15 connector
7 x11 connector
8 Lock-out signal lamp
9 Boiler reset button
10 Function control / C.h. temperature adjustment
11 D.h.w. temperature adjustment
12 Appliance operation lights
13 x8 connector
14 Fuse 3,15 A F
10.3 Checking the temperature
The Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. makes it possible to separately adjust the c.h.water flowtemperature and d.h.w. outlet temperature.
The temperature of the water is converted into an electric signal by means of temperature probes.
The user, setting the desired temperature with the control panel knobs operates the variable elements (10 and 11 in Figure 10.2)
I of the electronic control p.c.b.
f the power requested is lower than 40% of the maximum power output then control is achieved by switching ON the burner at minimum power, then switching OFF (ON/OFF function). If the power requested is higher, then the burner is switched ON at maximum power and will control by modulating to 40% of the maximum power output.
During the c.h. operation (Figure 10.3), the signal coming from the c.h. temperature probe is compared to the signal given by the control panel through the adjustment made by the user (knob
). The result of such a comparison operates the modulation of the gas valve, consequently changing the useful output of the boiler.
figure 10.3
When the boiler functions in d.h.w. (Figure 10.4), the signal coming fromthe d.h.w. temperature probe is compared with the signal given by the control panel through the adjustment made by the user (knob ).
figure 10.4
- 22 -
ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b.
Normally, the result of the comparison between these two signals directly operates the adjustment elements of the gas valvemodulation device, adjusting the useful output generated in order to stabilize the temperature of the exiting water.
If during the d.h.w. mode operation, the temperature of the primary circuit goes over 75°C, the useful output is automatically reduced so that the primary circuit cannot reach excessive temperatures.
The control sequences in function and in function are illustrated in detail in sections 10.2 and 10.3.
Faulty air pressure sensor
Lack of burner ignition (no ignition signal from the full seqence ignition device)
Safety thermostat lock out
Flue temperature probe NTC lock out
Flame detection error
Flame detection error
Lack of power supply or fauly electronic control p.c.b. *
10.4 operation lights
The Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. is provided with three lamps
(L.E.D. indicators) 12 in Figure 10.2 that give optical information during the operation of the boiler.
The green lamp on the left gives information whether the boiler is in stand-by mode or during the normal operation of the boiler.
The following table gives the relationship between the lamp indication and its meaning.
Lamp OFF
Lamp ON
Flashing lamp,alone or simultaneously with another lamp
Flashing lamp, alternate with another lamp
* These conditions are normal only for a short time when the power supply is applied to the boiler.
If permanent they indicate afaulty p.c.b.
Boiler in stand-by condition.
(function control in position).
Anti- freeze system active.
Boiler ON condition
(function control in or position)
10.5 Setting the boiler control function modes
It is possible to select the various boiler control function modes by using the function selector knob A and the D.h.w. temperature control knob B (Figure 10.5).
During the function modes setting, the boiler does not operate.
With the boiler switched ON ( or ) all the lamps (12 in
Figure 10.2) are activated.
The following table gives the relationship between each of the possible lamp combinations and their meaning.
b a d E
Normally operating boiler
(see the previous table for details)
C.h. operation
D.h.w. operation
Frost protect operation
D.h.w. operation
Excessive temperature on primary circuit
Faulty c.h. temperature probe NTC
Faulty d.h.w temperature probe NTC
Faulty flue temperature probe NTC
Faulty primary circuit
(no water or low c.h. pressure)
Faulty primary circuit
(absence of flow)
10.6 useful output setting
To set the useful output proceed as follows:
1 Remove the front panel of the case.
2 Take off the lid of the sealed chamber.
3 Switch on the appliance at the mains isolating spur.
4 Turn the boiler OFF positioning the function selector A as indicated in Figure 10.6.
figure 10.6
f b a d E
- 23 -
ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b.
5 Disconnect the electrical connectors C of the C.h. temperature probe NTC in Figure 10.7.
Lamp ON
figure 10.10
At this step it is possible to visualize the current setting by keeping the reset button D pressed for more than 5 seconds. The lamps F will flash a number of times corresponding to the setting
Figure 10.11 (once for M296.24SM/C and M296.28SM/C).
7 flashes
Lamp OFF
7 figure 10.7
6 Keep pressed the reset button D for about 10 seconds until the lock-out signal lamp E blinks.
7 Connect the the electrical connectors C of the C.h. temperature probe NTC in Figure 10.7.
8 The lamps F should give the indication as in Figure 10.8 (useful output, first step). If not, press the reset button repeatedly to obtain it.
Lamp OFF
Lamp ON
figure 10.8
At this step it is possible to visualize the current setting by keeping the reset button D pressed for more than 5 seconds. The lamps
F will flash a number of times corresponding to the setting Figure
10.9 (once for M296.24SM/C and four times for M296.28SM/C).
4 flashes
1 flash
Setting No.
figure 10.11
12 To change the setting turn the knob B on a position corresponding to the boiler model (Figure 10.11).
By turning the knob B, the lock-out signal lamp E blinks quickly (2 per seconds) indicating that the setting has changed and must be memorised.
13 To memorize the setting keep pressed the reset button D for about 5 seconds until the lights F briefly blinks simultaneously.
14 To reset the boiler to the normal operation turn it OFF and ON by the function selector knob A.
10.7 Reignition frequency setting
It is possible to select the minimum time that must pass between two ignitions of the burner in c.h. function mode.
1 Turn the boiler ON positioning the function selector knob A as indicated in Figure 10.12.
b figure 10.9
9 To change the setting turn the knob B on a position corresponding to the boiler models (Figure 10.9). By turning the knob B, the lock-out signal lamp E blinks quickly (2 per seconds) indicating that the setting has changed and must be memorised.
10 To memorize the setting keep pressed the reset button D for about 5 seconds until the lights F briefly blinks simultaneously.
11 Press the reset button D once until the lamps F give the indication as in Figure 10.10 (useful output, second step).
b a d E
2 Keep pressed the reset button D for about 10 seconds until the lock-out signal lamp E blinks.
3 The lamps F should give the indication as in Figure 10.13 (reignition frequency). If not, press the reset button repeatedly to obtain it.
Where: Lamp OFF
Lamp ON
figure 10.13
At this step it is possible to visualize the current setting by keep-
- 24 -
ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b.
ing the reset button D pressed for more than 5 seconds. The lamps F will flash a number of times corresponding to the setting
(Figure 10.14).
7 Keep pressed the reset button D for about 5 seconds until the lock-out signal lamp E is switched OFF.
The boiler runs in c.h. mode and the lamps F give the indication as in Figure 10.17.
4 To change the setting turn the knob B on a position corresponding to the desired delay.
By turning the knob B, the lock-out signal lamp E blinks quickly (2 per seconds) indicating that the setting has changed and must be memorised.
1 1/2
5 1/2
8 1/2 b
Delay (minutes)
Setting No.
figure 10.14
5 To memorize the setting keep pressed the reset button D for about 5 seconds until the lights F briefly blinks simultaneously.
Lamp OFF
Flashing lamp, alone or simultaneously with an other lamp.
figure 10.17
8 Rotate the knob B on a position corresponding to an adequate ignition pressure.
Refer to the value indicated in the tables of the User/Installation manual (Technical information section, Gas pressures at the burner table).
By rotating clockwise the pressure increases.
9 Make a note of the position of the knob B.
10 Turn the boiler OFF and ON positioning the function selector knob A as indicated in Figure 10.18
6 To reset the boiler to the normal operation turn it OFF and
ON by the function selector knob A. In any case, the boiler automatically resets to its normal operation after 10 minutes.
Factory setting = 3 minutes
b a d E
10.8 ignition gas pressure adjustment
1 Turn the boiler OFF.
2 Remove the front panel of the case.
3 Open the gas valve outlet pressure test point (7, see section
11.2) and connect the gauge.
4 Turn the boiler ON positioning the function selector knob A as indicated in Figure 10.15 and ensure that the timer selector switch and room thermostat, if fitted, are set to “heat demand”.
Run the boiler in c.h. mode (do not open any d.h.w. tap).
b a d E
5 Keep pressed the reset button D for about 10 seconds until the lock-out signal lamp E blinks.
6 The lamps F should give the indication as in Figure 10.16. If not, press the reset button repeatedly to obtain it.
Where: Lamp OFF
Lamp ON
figure 10.16
11 Keep pressed the reset buttonD for about 10 seconds until the lock-out signal lamp E blinks.
12 Press the reset button D repeatedly (4 times) until the lamps
F give the indication as in Figure 10.19 (ignition pressure adjustment mode).
Lamp OFF
Lamp ON
figure 10.19
13 Turn the knob B to the minimum (fully counterclockwise) and then on the position corresponding to the position obtained on step 8.
By turning the knob B, the lock-out signal lamp E blinks quickly (2 per second) indicating that the setting has changed and must be memorised.
14 To memorize the setting keep pressed the reset button D for about 5 seconds until the lights F briefly blinks simultaneously.
15 To reset the boiler to the normal operation turn it OFF and ON by the function selector knob A checking the ignition pressure and that the burner lights up uniformly. In any case, the boiler automatically resets to its normal operation after 10 minutes.
10.9 Setting the tree way diverter valve operation mode
when replacing the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b., it must be set for the correct operation of the tree way diverter valve.
- 25 -
ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b.
Note: the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. spare part is fattory set on mode 1.
For all the models covered by this manual:
1 Turn the boiler ON positioning the function selector knob A as indicated in Figure 10.20.
2 Turn knob B as indicated in Figure 10.20.
10.10 Checks
Check that the fuses are complete
If the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. does not supply any device (pump, fan, etc.) check that the fuses 14 (Figure 10.2) are complete.
If a fuse has blown replace it with one that has the same characteristics after having identified the reason for failure.
b a d E
3 Keep pressed the reset button D for about 10 seconds until the lock-out signal lamp E blinks.
4 Press the reset button D repeatedly (3 times) until the lamps
F give the indication as in Figure 10.21 (setting the tree way diverter valve mode operation).
Lamp OFF
Lock sequence
Start the boiler until the burner is ignited.
With the burner firing, interrupt the gas supply. The Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. must carry out three complete ignition cycles and then, after about 3 minutes, goes to lock-out state.
By turning the boiler on and off by means of the function switch the devicemust not unlock and the burner must not turn on.
Fan functioning device
With the boiler operating and the burner on, open the positive pressure test point of the Fan pressure connection devise. After opening it the burner must turn off.
Lamp ON
figure 10.21
At this step it is possible to visualize the current setting by keeping the reset button D pressed for more than 5 seconds. The lamps F will flash a number of times corresponding to the setting
(Figure 10.22).
5 Change the setting by turning the knob B on the position corresponding to the desired setting (Figure 10.22).
By turning the knob B, the lock-out signal lamp E blinks quickly (2 per seconds) indicating that the setting has changed and must be memorised.
6 To memorize the setting keep pressed the reset button D for about 5 seconds until the lights F briefly blinks simultaneously.
7 flashes
10.11 Removal of the electronic control p.c.b
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
when replacing the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. it is advisable to go through the setting modes of the boiler.
1 Gain access to the parts located inside the control panel as explained in the section "Control panel" page 5 of this manual.
2 Remove all the wiring connected to the Electronic control/ ignition p.c.b..
To disconnect the connectors x1, x6 and x7 (1, 2 and 3 in
Figure 10.2) delicately flex the hook present on one side of each socket.
To disconnet the connectors x4 and x2 (4 and 5 in Figure
10.2) press delicately the hook present onone side of each connector.
3 Remove the spindles of the c.h. and d.h.w. temperature adjustment knobs by delicately pulling them with pliers in the direction shown by the arrows in Figure 10.23.
Setting No.
figure 10.22
At this step it is possible to visualize the current setting by keeping the reset button D pressed for more than 5 seconds. The lamps F will flash a number of times corresponding to the setting of Figure 10.22 that must be seven times.
7 To reset the boiler to the normal operation turn it OFF and ON by the function selector knob A checking the ignition pressure and that the burner lights up uniformly. In any case, the boiler automatically resets to its normal operation after 10 minutes.
figure 10.23
- 26 -
ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b.
4 Unscrew the four screws that hold the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. on to the control panel.
5 Remove it by lifting its rear edge and freeing it from any of the wiring.
6 Re-assemble the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. following the removal procedures in the reverse order.
When re-assembling the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b.:
7 Fit the p.c.b. into the control panel by first inserting the front lower edge under the control knob shafts. Lower the rear edge and ensure that no wiring is trapped beneath.
8 Insert the spindles in the control panel knobs untill the notch
A (Figure 10.24) reaches the potentiometer edge. It is not necessary to force them in the knob.
9 While tightening the screws that fix the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. on the control panel, keep the p.c.b. towards the control panel fascia making sure of the contact between the boiler reset button B and the tab C (Figure 10.24).
a a b
C figure 10.24
After installing the Electronic control/ignition p.c.b. :
10 Make sure the c.h. ( ) and d.h.w. ( ) temperature adjustment knobs can move freely for the complete range.
If not, remove the spindle again as described at step 3, turn the knob half a turn and re-insert the spindle.
11 Operate the boiler and close the gas inlet cock so that the boiler goes into the safety lock-out state.
Verify the correct operation of the boiler reset button by pressing and releasing it.
warning: after cleaning or replacement as detailed above, if it deemed necessary to undertake a combustion analysis, refer to the appropriate chapter
Maintenance of the installation instructions manual.
- 27 -
ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b.
10.12 Thermal control in the mode
Switch in the function mode
See functioning with the function control in the mode
(sec. 10.13)
Taking water from the domestic hot water circuit?
Is primary circuit temperature higher than that selected?
Circulator off
Operates motorised valve
Ignition device off
Request for heat from room thermostat?
Starts the circulator
Operates motorised valve
Supplies the ignition device
figure 10.25
10.13 Thermal control in the mode
See functioning with the function control in the mode
(sec. 10.13)
Switch in the function mode
Taking water from the domestic hot water circuit?
Is primary circuit temperature higher than that selected?
Circulator off
Operates motorised valve
Ignition device off
Request for heat from room thermostat?
Starts the circulator
Operates motorised valve
Supplies the ignition device
figure 10.26
- 28 -
ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b.
10.14 ignition and control sequence
Ignition request
YES lock memorised?
NO cancels lock
Air pressure sensor at rest?
YES starts fan
Air pressure sensor at work?
YES beginning of wait period
NO presence of flame?
Air pressure sensor at work?
YES starts ignition discharges opens gas valve beginning of ignition period
NO end of ignition period?
NO flame presence?
closes gas valve stops fan interrupts ignition discharges memorizes lock turns on lock---out light
YES interrupts ignition discharges gas valve open
NO reset push---button pressed?
YES closes gas valve
YES flame presence?
Air pressure sensor at work?
NO safety thermostat or flue temperature probe lock out?
figure 10.27
- 29 -
ModulaTinG GaS valvE
11 ModulaTinG GaS valvE
11.1 function
The Modulating gas valve A in Figure 11.1 controls the gas inflow to the boiler burner.
1 a figure 11.1
By means of an electric command given to the on-off operators the passage of the gas through the Modulating gas valve can be opened or closed.
By means of an electric command given to the modulation operator the pressure can be varied and therefore the gas flow rate to the burner (modulation). The modulation operator has mechanical components which allow the adjustment of the minimum and maximum pressure exiting the valve.
11.2 nomenclature of the parts
- (figure 11.2)
1 Minimum gas pressure adjustment
2 Maximum gas pressure adjustment
3 Modulation operator’s electric connectors
4 On-off operators electric connector
5 On-off operators
6 Gas valve inlet pressure test point
7 Gas valve outlet pressure test point
8 Modulationoperator
6 figure 11.2
4 5
11.3 adjustment
for the pressure values refer to the Technical data section of the user manual and installation instructions.
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the case panels and the sealed chamber lid (section
"Body panels" page 5).
2 Open the gas valve inlet pressure test point (6 in Figure 11.2) at the valve input, connect a suitable pressure gauge and check the gas pressure of the supply network.
3 Remove the gauge and close the pressure test point 6.
4 Open the gas valve outlet pressure test point (7 in Figure
11.2) and connect the gauge;
C figure 11.3
- 30 -
ModulaTinG GaS valvE
5 Remove the protection cap B (Figure 11.3) from the mechanical pressure adjustment components levering with a flat screwdriver in the slots C.
6 Start the boiler at its maximum power.
Operate the boiler in d.h.w. mode or ensure that theboiler isnot range ratedif the test iscarriedout in c.h. mode.
7 Rotate the maximumgas pressure adjustment (2 in Figure
11.2) until you obtain the required pressure (by rotating clockwise the pressure increases).
8 Turn the boiler off and disconnect one of the two connectors
(3 in Figure 11.2).
9 Start the boiler and rotate theminimum gas pressure adjustment (1 in Figure 11.2) until you obtain the required pressure
(by rotating clockwise the pressure increases).
10 Turn the boiler off and re-connect the wire to the modulating operator.
11 Start the boiler and check again the maximum gas pressure setting.
12 Turn the boiler off and disconnect the gauge.
G i
E important: after the gas pressure checks and any adjustment operations, all of the test pointsmust be sealed and replace the adjustment protection cap.
figure 11.5
11.4 Checks
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
Check the modulation operator coil
1 Remove the front panel of the case.
2 Disconnect the connectors D (Figure 11.5) from the modulating operator and measure the electrical resistance of the coil.
Its electrical resistance value must be approx. 80 Ω*.
Check the on-off operators coils
1 Remove the front panel of the case.
2 Disconnect the electrical connector E (Figure 11.5).
3 Measure the electrical resistance between the connector pins of the on-off operators as illustrated in Figure 11.4.
d f
11.6 Removal of the gas valve
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the front panel of the case as explained in the section "Control panel" page 5 of this manual.
2 Disconnect the connectors D and E (Figure 11.5).
3 Turn off the gas supply and disconnect the gas isolation cock connector from the inlet port of the gas valve.
4 Unscrew the connectors G and remove the pipe H.
5 Remove the rubber pipe I.
6 Unscrew the screws J and remove the valve.
7 Reassemble the valve carrying out the removal operations in reverse order.
Upper on-off operator approx. 6400 Ω*
after any service operation on the components of the gas circuit check all the connections for gas leaks.
warning: after cleaning or replacement as detailed above, if it deemed necessary to undertake a combustion analysis, refer to the appropriate chapter
Maintenance of the installation instructions manual.
Lower on-off operator approx. 920 Ω*
*at ambient temperature.
figure 11.4
11.5 Removal of the on-off operators coils
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the front panel of the case.
2 Disconnect the connector E (Figure 11.5).
3 Unscrew the screw F and remove on-off operator coils.
4 Reassemble the coils carrying out the removal operations in reverse order.
- 31 -
12.1 function
The Primary circuit pressure switch (A in Figure 12.1) function is to check the presence of water in the primary hydraulic circuit and that the pressure is above the minimun.
12.3 Removal
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the front and right hand side panels of the case, turn off the flow and return isolation valves and empty the primary circuit.
2 Remove the fixing spring B (Figure 12.3) and remove the primary circuit pressure switch A.
3 Disconnect the connectors.
a b a d figure 12.1
This device is connected to the electronic control p.c.b. and if, it does not activate the control board will indicate that a fault condition (see section "Operation lights" page 23) has occurred.
12.2 Checks
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
Electrical check
It is possible to verify the general operation of the switch by measuring the electric resistance between the contacts C and
N.O. of the switch.
1 Measure the electrical resistance between the tabs marked C and N.O. (Figure 12.2).
The contact must close (resistance zero) with c.h. pressure of
0,35 bar or higher.
C figure 12.3
4 Reassemble the primary circuit pressure switch in reverse order of removal.
warning: to lubricate the o-ring gaskets exclusively use a silicone base grease compatible to be in contact with foods and approved by the local water authorities.
figure 12.2
- 32 -
13 ExPanSion vESSEl and TEMPERaTuRE-
13.1 function
The Expansion vessel (D in Figure 12.1 function is to allow for the volume expansion of the c.h. circuit water due to the temperature rise.
G f
13.2 Checks
1 Turn off the flow and return isolation valves and empty the primary circuit of the boiler.
2 Remove the protective cap E (Figure 13.1) from the valve on the top of the expansion vessel and connect a suitable air pressure gauge.
E figure 13.2
3 Re-assemble the parts in reverse order of removal.
13.4 Removal of the temperature-pressure gauge
1 Remove the front and right hand side panels of the case, turn off the flow and return isolation valves and empty the primary circuit.
2 Remove the fork H and the probe holder spring I (Figure
3 Squeeze the tabs J to release the temperature-pressure gauge K and remove it.
4 Re-assemble the parts in reverse order of removal.
H figure 13.1
Rear view of the boiler
3 Check the pre-load pressure and refer to the section Expansion vessel in the User manual and installation instructions for the correct value.
13.3 Removal of the expansion vessel
If there is at least 400 mm clearance above the boiler and the rear exit flue can be easily removed, the expansion vessel can be changed without removing the boiler.
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the front and left hand side panels of the case, turn off the flow and return isolation valves and empty the primary circuit.
2 Completely unscrew the connection F, the locknut G (Figure
13.2) and remove the expansion vessel from the top of the boiler.
figure 13.3
- 33 -
d.H.w. flow SwiTCH, filTER and flow liMiTER
14 d.H.w. flow SwiTCH, filTER and flow liMiTER
14.1 function
The d.h.w. flow switch A in Figure 14.1 is a device that generates an electrical signal when hot water is drawn.
7 Sensor holder spring
8 Sensor
3 figure 14.2
C b
14.2 nomenclature and location of parts
- (figure 14.3)
1 Flow switch plug
2 O-ring
3 Flow limiter (optional for M296.28SM/C)
4 Body
5 Float
6 Filter
- 34 -
a figure 14.1
When the flow rate through the d.h.w. circuit reaches about 2,5 litres/min’, the float 5 (Figure 14.3) is dragged upwards and themagnet in it, getting closer to the sensor 8, closes the electric contact that switches the boiler d.h.w operation ON.
8 figure 14.3
14.3 Checks
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
Sensor operation
1 Remove the front panel of the case.
2 Disconnect the connectors B (Figure 14.2) and measure the electrical resistance between the leads of the sensor. Without water being drawn, the contactmust be open. By opening a hotwater tap the contact must be close (electrical resistance zero Ω).
14.4 Removal of the sensor
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the front panel of the case.
2 Disconnect the connectors B and remove the sensor holder spring 7 (Figure 14.2 - Figure 14.3).
3 Remove the sensor.
14.5 Removal of the flow switch group and d.h.w. circuit filter
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the front panel of the case and empty the d.h.w. circuit.
2 Remove the fork C and pull up the flow switch plug 1 (Figure
14.2 - Figure 14.3) with the help of a screwdriver.
3 To remove the filter from the flow switch group separate the filter 6 from the body 4 (Figure 14.3) by levering it.
4 Reassemble the parts following the removing sequence in reverse order.
d.H.w. flow SwiTCH, filTER and flow liMiTER
14.6 flow limiter
The M296.24SM/C model is factory fitted with a 10 litre/min. flow limiter.
If on the M296.28SM/C model the flow rate of the d.h.w. circuit is too high, it is possible to limit it by installing a flow limiter. The following sizes are available:
Nominal flow rate (litres/min)
To install the flow limiter:
1 Remove the flow switch group as explained in the section
"Removal of the flow switch group and d.h.w. circuit filter" page 34.
2 Separate the flow switch plug 1 from the body 4 (Figure 14.4) levering with a screwdriver one of the two hooks.
4 figure 14.4
3 Insert the flow limiter 3 as shown in Figure 14.3.
4 Reassemble the group following the above sequence in reverse order.
- 35 -
15.1 function
The Temperature probe has the function of converting the temperature of the water in the hydraulic circuit where it is installed into an electrical signal (resistance).
The relation between temperature and electrical resistance is stated in Figure 15.1.
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
figure 15.1
15.2 Checks
Sensor operation
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
Disconnect the cable from the Temperature probe.
Measure the temperature of the pipe C where the Temperature probe is located and check the electrical resistance according to the graph in Figure 15.1.
15.3 Removal of the c.h. Temperature probe
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels and the sealed chamber lid.
On the boiler there are two Temperature probes. One on the output of the primary heat exchanger (c.h. Temperature probe) A in Figure 15.2 and Figure 15.3; one on the output of the d.h.w. heat exchanger (d.h.w. Temperature probe) B in Figure 15.2 and
Figure 15.4.
C figure 15.3
2 Remove the electric connector D and remove the c.h. Temperature probe A (Figure 15.3).
3 Reassemble the c.h.Temperature probe carrying out the removal operations in reverse order.
15.4 Removal of the d.h.w. Temperature probe
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
figure 15.2
return c.h.
flow d.h.w.
- 36 -
figure 15.4
b f E
1 Remove the front panel of the case.
2 Empty the d.h.w circuit of the boiler.
3 Remove the fixing spring E (Figure 15.4).
4 Remove the electric connector F and unscrew the d.h.w.
Temperature probe B (Figure 15.4).
5 Reassemble the d.h.w. Temperature probe carrying out the removal operations in reverse order.
warning: to lubricate the o-ring gaskets exclusively use a silicone base grease compatible to be in contact with foods and approved by the local water authorities.
- 37 -
by-PaSS valvE
16 by-PaSS valvE
16.1 function
The By-pass valve A in Figure 16.1 is located between the c.h. water flowand return and its function is that of guaranteeing a minimum flow across the primary heat exchanger if the circulation across the c.h. system is completely closed.
The By-pass valve is inside of the diverter group.
a b a figure 16.1
16.2 Removal
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels.
2 Empty the primary circuit of the boiler.
3 Remove the locking plate B and pull up the by-pass valve A
(Figure 16.3).
figure 16.2
4 Reassemble the by-pass valve as illustrated in Figure 16.2 reversing the order of removal.
warning: to lubricate the o-ring gaskets exclusively use a silicone base grease compatible to be in contact with foods and approved by the local water authorities.
a attention: when reassembling the by-pass valve be sure that it is correctly oriented by matching the reference C with the notch d of the water group figure
C figure 16.3
- 38 -
fan and aiR PRESSuRE SEnSoR
17 fan and aiR PRESSuRE SEnSoR
17.1 function
The function of the Fan A (Figure 17.1 and Figure 17.2) is to force the products of combustion through the condensing heat exchanger to the outside air via the flue system.
The Fan is supplied by the full sequence ignition device at the beginning of the ignition cycle.
Its correct functioning is controlled by means of an Air pressure sensor B (Figure 17.1 and Figure 17.2) .
b a
C a b figure 17.2
Check of the Air pressure sensor operation
This test must be carried out with the sealed chamber closed.
1 Remove the caps of the pressure test points located on the top of the boiler and connect a differential pressure gauge
(Figure 17.3).
2 Switch on the boiler.
figure 17.1
17.2 Checks
Check of the fan
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels and the sealed chamber lid.
2 Disconnect the connectors C (Figure 17.2) and measure the electrical resistance of the motor that has to be about:
43 Ω - M296.24SM/C
25 Ω - M296.28SM/C
(at ambient temperature).
figure 17.3
3 Run the boiler at minimum by disconnecting the gas valve modulation operator.
4 Compare the value on the gauge with the following:
75 Pa (0,75 mbar) - M296.24SM/C
92 Pa (0,92 mbar) - M296.28SM/C
5 Run the boiler at maximum (connect themodulation operator).
6 Compare the value on the gauge with the following:
125 Pa (1,25 mbar) - M296.24SM/C
155 Pa (1,55 mbar) - M296.28SM/C
7 With values less than:
64 Pa (0,64 mbar) - M296.24SM/C
82 Pa (0,82 mbar) - M296.28SM/C
The ignition is not allowed and appropriate fault indication is given (see section 10.4)
- 39 -
fan and aiR PRESSuRE SEnSoR
17.3 Removal of the fan
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels and the sealed chamber lid.
2 Disconnect the connectors C and the earth connection D
(Figure 17.4).
3 Disconnect the pipe E by the pressure test point F (Figure
4 Unscrew the screw G and remove the bracket H (Figure
E f
J i d
C pressure point P2 figure 17.5
warning: after cleaning or replacement as detailed above, if it deemed necessary to undertake a combustion analysis, refer to the appropriate chapter
Maintenance of the installation instructions manual.
G figure 17.4
5 Remove the Fan by sliding it towards left (se the arrow in
Figure 17.4).
6 Assemble the fan carrying out the removal operations in reverse sequence.
warning: Re-assembling the fan ensure that the hooks around the inlet port of the fan hung correctly on the flue hood.
warning: after cleaning or replacement as detailed above, if it deemed necessary to undertake a combustion analysis, refer to the appropriate chapter
Maintenance of the installation instructions manual.
17.4 Removal of the air pressure sensor
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels and the sealed chamber lid.
2 Disconnect the wires I from the Air pressure sensor.
3 Remove the pipe J from the Air pressure sensor.
4 Unscrew the screws which hold the Air pressure sensor to the frame.
5 Assemble the Air pressure sensor carrying out the removal operations in reverse sequence.
warning: to correctly connect the air pressure sensor, refer to figure 17.5.
- 40 -
iGniTion and dETECTion ElECTRodES
18 iGniTion and dETECTion ElECTRodES
18.1 function
Three electrodes are fitted on the burner. Two of them are the ignition electrodes and are fitted near the front part of the burner.
The ignition sparks take place between their metallic edges over the central ramp of the burner during the ignition sequence.
The third electrode is the detection electrode and it detects the presence of the flame.
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels, the sealed chamber lid and the combustion chamber lid.
2 Check for the integrity of the insulation of wires which connect the electrodes to the ignition device.
18.3 Removal
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels, the sealed chamber lid and the combustion chamber lid.
2 Disconnect the electrode wires from the full sequence ignition device.
3 Remove the plate E (see Figure 5.3 on page 12).
4 Remove the burner by unscrewing the four screws placed at the right and left sides of the burner.
5 Unscrew the screws A (Figure 18.3) which hold the electrodes to the burner.
figure 18.1
18.2 Checks
Check the position of the electrode edges
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels, the sealed chamber lid and the combustion chamber lid.
2 Check for the correct distance between the metallic edges of the ignition electrodes (see Figure 18.2).
4 mm
figure 18.2
3 Check the integrity of the detection electrode and ensure that its metallic edge is correctly placed over the ramp of the burner.
Check the connection wires.
a figure 18.3
6 Extract the electrodes from the burner.
7 Assemble the electrodes carrying out the removal operation in reverse order.
Refer to Figure 18.1 in order to recognise the electrodes and to correctly connect the wiring.
note: themetallic edge of the detection electrode is longer than the one of the ignition electrodes.
warning: after cleaning or replacement as detailed above, if it deemed necessary to undertake a combustion analysis, refer to the appropriate chapter
Maintenance of the installation instructions manual.
- 41 -
19.1 function
The safety thermostat A in Figure 19.1 and Figure 19.2 is a device that senses the temperature of the primary circuit water which flows in the outlet pipe of the primary heat exchanger.
If the temperature control system of the boiler fails and the temperature of the primary circuit reaches a dangerous temperature, the safety thermostat opens the electric circuit that supplies the on-off operators of the gas valve.
Consequently, the full sequence ignition device attempts to light the burner and, at the end, locks the boiler and lights the lock-out signal lamp.
19.3 Removal
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels and the lid of the sealed chamber.
b a
C a figure 19.1
19.2 Checks
Overheat temperature value
1 Set the temperature control knobs to their max. position and run the boiler in d.h.w. and c.h.
2 Allow the boiler to reach its maximum operating temperature
(monitor the temperature gauge on the instrument panel).
The boiler shouldmaintain a temperature below that of the safety thermostat and no overheat intervention should occur.
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
Electrical function
1 Remove all the case panels and the lid of the sealed chamber.
2 Disconnect the wiring B of the safety thermostat and check its electrical function. Normally (no intervention) the contact must be closed (electrical resistance zero Ω).
figure 19.2
2 Disconnect the wiring B (Figure 19.2).
3 Remove the spring C which holds the overheat thermostat on the pipe of the primary heat exchanger and remove it.
4 Reassemble the overheat thermostat carryingout the operations in reverse order.
5 Apply an adequate quantity of heat conducting compound between the pipe and the thermostat.
warning: after cleaning or replacement as detailed above, if it deemed necessary to undertake a combustion analysis, refer to the appropriate chapter
Maintenance of the installation instructions manual.
- 42 -
20.1 function
The Flue temperature probe NTC A in Figure 20.2 and Figure
20.3 senses the temperature of the combustion products that flow through the condensing heat exchanger.
The relation between temperature and electrical resistance is stated in Figure 20.1.
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
figure 20.1
If the temperature of the combustion products circuit reaches the limit temperature, the Flue temperature probe NTC reduces the gas flow rate to the burner. The temperature of the combustion products should decrease to a safe value temperature.
The use of kits different from the original isn’t however allowed, since the flue pipes are integral parts of the boiler.
If not, the electronic control p.c.b. attempts to light the burner and, at the end, locks the boiler and lights the lock-out signal lamp.
a b figure 20.3
20.2 Checks
Overheat temperature value
1 Set the temperature control knobs to their max. position and run the boiler in d.h.w. and c.h.
2 Allow the boiler to reach its maximum operating temperature
(monitor the temperature gauge on the instrument panel).
The boiler shouldmaintain a temperature below that of the
Flue temperature probe NTC and no overheat intervention should occur.
Temperature-resistance relationship.
1 Remove the probe (see section "Removal" page 43) to have it at room temperature.
2 The electric resistance of the Flue temperature probe NTC at room temperature of 20°C must be of approximately 12000 Ω
3 For other temperatures of the probe check the electrical resistance according to the graph (Figure 20.1).
20.3 Removal
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove all the case panels and the sealed chamber lid.
2 Disconnect the wires B fromthe Flue temperature probe NTC
(Figure 20.3).
3 Unscrew and remove the thermostat probe A (Figure 20.3) from the condensing heat exchanger.
4 Assemble the Flue temperature probe NTC carrying out the removal operations in reverse sequence.
figure 20.2
In the case that the temperature of the combustion products reaches a potentially dangerous value, it stops the boiler operation. It is therefore allowed the use of plastic materials for the flue outlet pipes and bends.
- 43 -
21 CondEnSaTE TRaP
21.1 function
The condensate trap A in Figure 21.1 and Figure 21.2 allows the discharge of the condensate via the condensate drain pipe avoiding in the mean time the escape of combustion products.
A plastic ball closes the trap outlet in case that the trap is empty.
21.2 Removal
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electricity supply before removing any covering or component.
1 Remove the front and right case panels.
2 Disconnect the trap from the draining pipe.
3 Using pliers, remove the spring B moving it upwards.
4 Disconnect the rubber pipe C.
5 Unscrew the nut D and lower the trap.
6 Disconnect the wirings from the trap.
7 Reassemble carrying out the removal operations in reverse order.
C b d a a figure 21.1
If the drain pipe is plugged or in any case in which the condensate isn’t correctly evacuated, the condensate level rises filling the trap and reaching the condensing heat exchanger.
When the condensate reaches the lower part of the exchanger obstructs the the exhaust gas flow and the boiler stops (no signal from the air pressure sensor).
figure 21.2
- 44 -
Key G.C. part no. Description
E83 - 121
H20 - 984
H20 - 985
H74 - 578
H74 - 604
H03 - 746
H74 - 576
H50 - 189
E83 - 178
10 E83 - 180
E83 - 181
11 H74 - 591
H74 - 592
13 E01 - 204
E01 - 205
173 - 148
173 - 149
H74 - 599
169 - 070
Burner (mod. M296.24SM/C)
Burner (mod. M296.28SM/C)
Injectors for natural gas (mod. M296.24SM/C)
Injectors for natural gas (mod. M296.28SM/C)
Injectors for LPG (mod. M296.24SM/C)
Injectors for LPG (mod. M296.28SM/C)
Expansion vessel (mod. M296.24SM/C, M296.28SM/C) 1
Main heat exchanger (mod. M296.24SM/C)
Main heat exchanger (mod. M296.28SM/C)
Fan (mod. M296.24SM/C)
Fan (mod. M296.28SM/C)
Gas valve
Air pressure sensor
Safety valve
Combustion chamber side panels
Combustion chamber rear panel (mod. M296.24SM/C) 1
Combustion chamber rear panel (mod. M296.28SM/C) 1
Combustion chamber front panel (mod. M296.24SM/C) 1
Combustion chamber front panel (mod. M296.28SM/C) 1
Electronic regulation p.c.b.
D.h.w. heat exchanger (M296.24SM/C)
D.h.w. heat exchanger (M296.28SM/C)
Pump 1
15 H74 - 545
16 169 - 010
17 H74 - 535
18 E83 - 101
19 H74 - 589
20 H44 - 170
21 169 - 016
22 H74 - 553
23 E83 - 127
E83 - 126
E83 - 122
E83 - 145
Primary circuit pressure switch
D.h.w. switch
Three way diverter valve (electric actuator)
Overheat thermostat
Flue temperature probe NTC
Fuse 3,15 AF
Temperature probe (d.h.w. circuit)
Temperature probe (main circuit)
Ignition electrode (left)
(mod. M296.24SM/C, M296.28SM/C)
Ignition electrode (right) 1
(mod. M296.24SM/C, M296.28SM/C)
Detection electrode (mod. M296.24SM/C, M296.28SM/C) 1
Temperature-pressure gauge 1
KI1004 102
KI1004 147
BI1213 109
KI1064 506
BI1172 103
BI1262 101
BI1262 102
BI1536 105
BI1536 113
BI1093 105
BI1536 103
BI1181 100
BI1326 100
BI1326 107
BI1326 108
BI1536 110
BI1536 111
BI2015 105
BI1001 101
BI1001 102
BI1542 100
BI1351 118
KI1042 107
BI1351 108
BI1172 105
BI1536 104
BI1295 108
KI1042 501
BI1442 106
BI1123 101
BI1123 103
BI1123 102
BI1475 108
BI1442 121
Manufacturer’s reference
CIMM 6 litres
Sit 845
HUBA 0-3 mbar
Bertelli & Partners
ELTH - type 261
- 45 -
7 8
15 16 22
17 figure 22.1
- 46 -
18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26
17962.1549.4 1011 48A5 UK
Biasi UK Ltd
Commercial Road
Leamore Enterprise Park
Tel : 01922 714 600 www.biasi.co.uk
Key Features
- Wall hung
- Fanflue
- Roomsealed
- High efficiency
- Combi boiler
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the purpose of the primary heat exchanger?
What is the function of the condensing heat exchanger?
What is the function of the diverter valve?
How can I access the sealed chamber?
How do I empty the primary circuit?
Related manuals
Table of contents
- 4 1 ovERall infoRMaTion
- 4 1.1 Overall View
- 4 1.2 Hydraulic diagram
- 5 CiRCuiTS
- 5 2.1 Nomenclature
- 5 2.2 Body panels
- 5 2.3 Control panel
- 6 2.4 Access to the sealed chamber
- 6 2.5 Emptying the primary circuit
- 6 2.6 Emptying the d.h.w. circuit
- 7 3 diaGRaMS
- 7 3.1 Wiring diagram
- 8 3.2 Functional flow diagrams
- 9 3.3 Circuit voltages
- 10 4 faulT findinG
- 12 5 PRiMaRy HEaT ExCHanGER
- 12 5.1 Function
- 12 5.2 Removal
- 13 5.3 Cleaning
- 14 6 CondEnSinG HEaT ExCHanGER
- 14 6.1 Function
- 14 6.2 Removal
- 15 6.3 Cleaning
- 16 7 d.H.w. HEaT ExCHanGER
- 16 7.1 Function
- 16 7.2 Removal
- 17 8 PuMP
- 17 8.1 Function
- 17 8.2 Checks
- 17 8.3 Removal pump
- 18 8.4 Removal electrical capacitor
- 19 9 THREE way divERTER valvE
- 19 9.1 Function
- 19 9.2 Checks
- 19 9.3 Removal of the electric actuator
- 20 9.4 Removal of the tree way diverter valve
- 20 9.5 Removal of the diverter group
- 21 10 ElECTRoniC ConTRol/iGniTion P.C.b
- 21 10.1 Function
- 21 10.2 Selection and adjustment devices
- 22 10.3 Checking the temperature
- 23 10.4 Operation lights
- 23 10.5 Setting the boiler control function modes
- 23 10.6 Useful output setting
- 24 10.7 Reignition frequency setting
- 25 10.8 Ignition gas pressure adjustment
- 26 10.10 Checks
- 26 10.11 Removal of the electronic control p.c.b
- 28 mode
- 29 10.14 Ignition and control sequence
- 30 11 ModulaTinG GaS valvE
- 30 11.1 Function
- 30 11.2 Nomenclature of the parts
- 30 11.3 Adjustment
- 31 11.4 Checks
- 31 11.5 Removal of the on-off operators coils
- 31 11.6 Removal of the gas valve
- 32 12 PRiMaRy CiRCuiT PRESSuRE SwiTCH
- 32 12.1 Function
- 32 12.2 Checks
- 32 12.3 Removal
- 33 SuRE GauGE
- 33 13.1 Function
- 33 13.2 Checks
- 33 13.3 Removal of the expansion vessel
- 33 13.4 Removal of the temperature-pressure gauge
- 34 14.1 Function
- 34 14.2 Nomenclature and location of parts
- 34 14.3 Checks
- 34 14.4 Removal of the sensor
- 34 filter
- 35 14.6 Flow limiter
- 36 15 TEMPERaTuRE PRobE
- 36 15.1 Function
- 36 15.2 Checks
- 36 15.3 Removal of the c.h. Temperature probe
- 36 15.4 Removal of the d.h.w. Temperature probe
- 38 16 by-PaSS valvE
- 38 16.1 Function
- 38 16.2 Removal
- 39 17 fan and aiR PRESSuRE SEnSoR
- 39 17.1 Function
- 39 17.2 Checks
- 40 17.3 Removal of the Fan
- 40 17.4 Removal of the Air pressure sensor
- 41 18 iGniTion and dETECTion ElECTRodES
- 41 18.1 Function
- 41 18.2 Checks
- 41 18.3 Removal
- 42 19 SafETy THERMoSTaT
- 42 19.1 Function
- 42 19.2 Checks
- 42 19.3 Removal
- 43 20 fluE TEMPERaTuRE PRobE nTC
- 43 20.1 Function
- 43 20.2 Checks
- 43 20.3 Removal
- 44 21 CondEnSaTE TRaP
- 44 21.1 Function
- 44 21.2 Removal
- 45 22 SHoRT SPaRE PaRTS liST