Administering SB/XA

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389 Pages


Administering SB/XA | Manualzz

Rocket SystemBuilder

Extensible Architecture

Administering SB/XA

Version 6.5.0

May 2017




Publication date

: May 2017

Book number

: SBX-650-ALL-AM-01

Product version

: Version 6.5.0



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Notices................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Corporate information......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 1: Introduction......................................................................................................................................................12

Introduction to U2 accounts..................................................................................................................................12

The system administration account..........................................................................................................12

User accounts............................................................................................................................................. 13

Chapter 2: Getting Started.................................................................................................................................................14

Logging on for the first time..................................................................................................................................14

Finishing the installation and setup..........................................................................................................14

Entering license details.............................................................................................................................. 14

Clearing a license warning.........................................................................................................................15

Backing up accounts.................................................................................................................................. 15

Logging off from SB/XA Application Server.............................................................................................. 15

Creating user accounts...........................................................................................................................................16

Creating a user account on UNIX.............................................................................................................. 16

Creating a user account on Windows....................................................................................................... 17

Managing licenses...................................................................................................................................................17

Updating license information....................................................................................................................18

Relicensing.................................................................................................................................................. 18

Displaying license information.................................................................................................................. 19

Running a cleanup process to release licenses........................................................................................20

Tracking server processes using the Communications Server Monitor.................................................. 21

Chapter 3: Backup Tasks....................................................................................................................................................22

Overview of backup features.................................................................................................................................22

Backup tasks............................................................................................................................................... 22

Selecting media...................................................................................................................................................... 23

Selecting a media device: UniData........................................................................................................... 23

Selecting a media device: UniVerse.......................................................................................................... 23

Rewinding media.................................................................................................................................................... 23

Backing up accounts.............................................................................................................................................. 24

Backing up UNIX files............................................................................................................................................. 24

Restoring accounts................................................................................................................................................. 24

Detaching media.....................................................................................................................................................25

Chapter 4: Security tasks................................................................................................................................................... 26

SB security features................................................................................................................................................26

Password administration........................................................................................................................... 26

Security tasks..............................................................................................................................................27

Setting up group security...................................................................................................................................... 28

Defining or selecting a group.................................................................................................................... 28

Setting security restrictions for a group................................................................................................... 29

Restricting processes and menus in an account......................................................................................33

Associating applications to a group..........................................................................................................35

Setting logon times for a group................................................................................................................ 36

Setting printer locations for a group........................................................................................................ 37

Checking parent-child relationships......................................................................................................... 37

Creating a child group by copying a related group................................................................................. 38

Specifying the default physical printer settings for a group................................................................... 39

Specifying the default auxiliary printer settings for a group...................................................................39

Enabling the security API for a group....................................................................................................... 40

Setting up favorites for a group................................................................................................................ 40



Additional information about the Break key............................................................................................41

Setting up user security......................................................................................................................................... 42

Function keys..............................................................................................................................................42

The Name tab............................................................................................................................................. 43

The Password tab.......................................................................................................................................43

The Custom tab.......................................................................................................................................... 45

The Terminals tab.......................................................................................................................................49

The Printers tab..........................................................................................................................................50

The Single Sign-On tab.............................................................................................................................. 51

The GUI Flags tab....................................................................................................................................... 51

The XUI Flags tab........................................................................................................................................56

The XUI Favorite Folder tab.......................................................................................................................63

The LMe tab................................................................................................................................................ 64

Define User Macro Keys (F6)...................................................................................................................... 65

Initialize User’s Password...................................................................................................................................... 66

List Users Logged On..............................................................................................................................................66

Security Reports......................................................................................................................................................67

Copy Account Restrictions..................................................................................................................................... 69

Inhibit Logons......................................................................................................................................................... 70

Enable Logons Again.............................................................................................................................................. 70

Audit Reports.......................................................................................................................................................... 71

Chapter 5: Admin menu..................................................................................................................................................... 73

Overview of administrative features..................................................................................................................... 73

Files.......................................................................................................................................................................... 74

Update Processes....................................................................................................................................... 74

Screen edit a file.............................................................................................................................75

Line edit a file................................................................................................................................. 75

Copy records................................................................................................................................... 76

Clear file.......................................................................................................................................... 77

Create a file — UniData..................................................................................................................77

Create a file — UniVerse.................................................................................................................78

Delete file........................................................................................................................................ 79

Delete record...................................................................................................................................80

Access file other account............................................................................................................... 81

Search and replace.........................................................................................................................82

View File Data............................................................................................................................................. 83

List records in file........................................................................................................................... 84

List all file names............................................................................................................................85

List entire record............................................................................................................................ 85

List dictionary................................................................................................................................. 86

Count records in file.......................................................................................................................86

Sum a field...................................................................................................................................... 87

Compare records............................................................................................................................ 87

Resize Files.................................................................................................................................................. 88

Determine file sizes........................................................................................................................ 89

File size reports...............................................................................................................................89

All file statistics by account........................................................................................................... 90

Files suggested to resize................................................................................................................ 90

Files too small by account.............................................................................................................90

Files too big by account.................................................................................................................91

Prepare file resizing........................................................................................................................91

Maintain resizing parameters........................................................................................................ 92

Manually resize a file......................................................................................................................92

Fine tune a file resizing..................................................................................................................94

Maintain global tuning................................................................................................................... 95

Perform housekeeping................................................................................................................... 96



Printers and Terminals...........................................................................................................................................98

Printer Management...................................................................................................................................98

Physical printer definition — UniData.......................................................................................................99

Default printer characteristics F6 (UDT:Print)............................................................................ 102

Serial printer characteristics (S)..................................................................................................102

Parallel printer characteristics (P)...............................................................................................103

Terminal server printer characteristics (T)................................................................................. 104

Network printer characteristics (N).............................................................................................104

Remote UDT:Print Printer (U)...................................................................................................... 105

Physical printer definition — UniVerse................................................................................................... 106

Default printer characteristics F6................................................................................................108

Environmental defaults F6...........................................................................................................109

Printer class definition: Stationary tab – UniData..................................................................................111

Printer class definition: Attributes tab – UniData.................................................................................. 113

Printer class definition: PrintTicket tab – UniData.................................................................................114

Printer class definition: Stationary tab – UniVerse................................................................................ 115

Printer class definition: Attributes tab – UniVerse................................................................................. 117

Printer class definition: PrintTicket tab – UniVerse............................................................................... 118

Maintain printers (UDT:Print) – UniData.................................................................................................119

Modify print parameters F7 (UDT:Print)......................................................................................120

Serial printer characteristics (S) UDT:Print.................................................................................121

Parallel printer characteristics (P) UDT:Print............................................................................. 122

Terminal server printer characteristics (T) UDT:Print................................................................ 122

Network printer characteristics (N) UDT:Print........................................................................... 123

Remote USAM:Print Printer (U)................................................................................................... 123

Maintain printers – UniVerse................................................................................................................... 124

Modify print parameters F7 – UniVerse.......................................................................................126

Maintain printer groups F8.......................................................................................................... 127

Assign printer to a report.............................................................................................................128

Maintain stationery types............................................................................................................ 131

Maintain locations........................................................................................................................ 132

Maintain report types...................................................................................................................133

Maintain spooled reports (UDT:Print) – UniData....................................................................................134

Maintain spooled reports – UniVerse...................................................................................................... 135

Kill current job.......................................................................................................................................... 136

Initialize spooler– UniData.......................................................................................................................136

Initialize spooler– UniVerse......................................................................................................................137

Enter log parameters....................................................................................................................138

Setting up for XPS printing...................................................................................................................... 138

Setting the character for XML tags in XPS output......................................................................138

Defining stationery types and attributes for XPS.CLASS............................................................139

Specifying characters for XML translation.................................................................................. 144

Terminal Definitions................................................................................................................................. 146

Terminal definition: general screen............................................................................................ 146

Terminal definition: video characteristics screen...................................................................... 149

Terminal definition: edit/function keys screen.......................................................................... 151

Terminal colors F5........................................................................................................................152

Cursor definition parameters F6................................................................................................. 154

Pointer device parameters F6......................................................................................................155

Additional alternative keys F7..................................................................................................... 157

Download character sequence F8............................................................................................... 158

Additional terminal sequences F9...............................................................................................159

Port configure........................................................................................................................................... 160

Port configuration........................................................................................................................ 160

Default terminal/printer specification F9................................................................................... 162

Media commands..................................................................................................................................................163



Define media device................................................................................................................................. 164

Attach media device.................................................................................................................................166

Write File To Media...................................................................................................................................166

Load file from media................................................................................................................................167

SB+ Setup.............................................................................................................................................................. 168

SB+ Control Parameters...........................................................................................................................168

Main tab.........................................................................................................................................169

Logon/Logto subroutine F9......................................................................................................... 172

Defaults tab...................................................................................................................................173

Language table F7........................................................................................................................ 174

Global tab......................................................................................................................................175

Security tab...................................................................................................................................177

GUI Flags tab.................................................................................................................................180

GUI Defaults tab............................................................................................................................182

Map and OE Trans tab................................................................................................................. 183

Keys tab.........................................................................................................................................186

Display Defaults tab..................................................................................................................... 187

GUI Parms tab...............................................................................................................................189

XUI Parms tab............................................................................................................................... 192

Styles Tab......................................................................................................................................197

Reports tab....................................................................................................................................200

Auto Accept tab............................................................................................................................ 201

Socket Options tab.......................................................................................................................203

UserData tab................................................................................................................................. 205

SB+ Configuration Options...................................................................................................................... 209

Global Postings............................................................................................................................. 209

Global Print Defaults.................................................................................................................... 210

OH Process Scope Control...........................................................................................................212

OE Setup Commands................................................................................................................... 213

OE Reset Commands....................................................................................................................214

Wrapping OFF Verb.......................................................................................................................215

Wrapping LOGTO Verb................................................................................................................. 215

SB+ Patching System................................................................................................................... 216

Maintain Patch Definition............................................................................................................ 217

Load the Patch..............................................................................................................................218

Unload the Patch..........................................................................................................................219

SB+ Release Info........................................................................................................................... 220

System House Keeping.........................................................................................................................................221

Port Setup................................................................................................................................................. 221

Your Terminal Settings (OE).........................................................................................................222

List Users Logged On....................................................................................................................223

Log-Off a Port................................................................................................................................223

System Default Term Def............................................................................................................. 223

Date and Time Setup............................................................................................................................... 223

Display System Date & Time........................................................................................................224

Set International Date Format.....................................................................................................224

Set American Date Format...........................................................................................................224

List Available Disk Space......................................................................................................................... 224

Accounts................................................................................................................................................................ 225

List Accounts............................................................................................................................................. 225

Create An Account.................................................................................................................................... 226

Update An Account...................................................................................................................................227

Themes.......................................................................................................................................... 228

Delete An Account.................................................................................................................................... 230

Application Setup................................................................................................................................................. 231

SBInstance Setup..................................................................................................................................................232



Database Types.....................................................................................................................................................233

Database Code Pages...........................................................................................................................................234

Export SBClient Settings...................................................................................................................................... 235

Chapter 6: Office menu.................................................................................................................................................... 236

Overview of Office features..................................................................................................................................236

Office Menu options................................................................................................................................. 236


Diary Configuration...................................................................................................................................239

Receive Message................................................................................................................................................... 241

Send Message........................................................................................................................................................242

Purge Messages.....................................................................................................................................................244

Activity................................................................................................................................................................... 245

Activity Repeat Definition F6................................................................................................................... 247


Categories and Projects....................................................................................................................................... 250

Reports and Enquiries..........................................................................................................................................251

Calculator.............................................................................................................................................................. 252

Time Zone Maintenance.......................................................................................................................................254

Maintain Repeat Flags..........................................................................................................................................255

Chapter 7: Shell and Logto options................................................................................................................................ 257

Shell....................................................................................................................................................................... 257

Stack Commands......................................................................................................................................257


Appendix A: Admin within a user account......................................................................................................................259

Files........................................................................................................................................................................ 259

Printers and terminals..........................................................................................................................................259

Media commands..................................................................................................................................................259

SB+ Setup.............................................................................................................................................................. 259

Initiate New System..............................................................................................................................................259

Delete System....................................................................................................................................................... 259

Logon/Logto Subroutine...................................................................................................................................... 259

System Enquiries.................................................................................................................................................. 260


Appendix B: Printer Management................................................................................................................................... 262

About SB Printer Manager................................................................................................................................... 262

SB/XA Application Server Printer Management..................................................................................................262

Printer Entity.........................................................................................................................................................264

Printer Manager.................................................................................................................................................... 265

PRINTER.SELECT and AUX.SELECT Forms.......................................................................................................... 265

Printer Definition and Maintenance....................................................................................................................266

Old Printer Manager................................................................................................................................. 266

New Printer Manager................................................................................................................................266

Determining Print Defaults...................................................................................................................... 266

Printer Assignment................................................................................................................................... 267

Starting & Stopping Printers....................................................................................................................268

Printer Manager Scope and Availability..................................................................................................268

User Interaction........................................................................................................................................ 269

New Features............................................................................................................................................ 269

Printer Selection....................................................................................................................................... 269

Setting Print Defaults............................................................................................................................... 270

Using Printer Manager Calls in User Subroutines, Paragraphs, and Processes....................................271

Other Features.......................................................................................................................................... 273

Report Types............................................................................................................................................. 274

Assigning Report Types to a Physical Printer.............................................................................275



Associating Report Types with Reports...................................................................................... 275

CHANGE.PRINTER Process....................................................................................................................... 275

SB Printer Setup Guidelines.....................................................................................................................275

Auxiliary Printing...................................................................................................................................................277

Setting the Default Auxiliary Printer....................................................................................................... 277

Selecting a Printer and Stationery at Run Time.........................................................................279

Assignment of the Auxiliary Print Parameters to Individual Reports........................................ 280

Use of Printer Setup/Escape Sequences.....................................................................................280

Logical Printer Definition Provides Full Use of Windows Print Interface.................................. 281

Auto Stationery Setting................................................................................................................281

Logical Printer Escape Sequences...............................................................................................281

Use of Auxiliary Printer in User Subroutines and Processes......................................................282

Auxiliary Print Interface Improvements.............................................................................................................. 283

Appendix C: SB Control Parameters................................................................................................................................284

About SB Control Parameters..............................................................................................................................284

SB.CONTROL Records...........................................................................................................................................284

Appendix D: Tips, Tools, and Guidelines.........................................................................................................................325

Working in the SB environment.......................................................................................................................... 325


Forms......................................................................................................................................................... 325

Screen navigation keys............................................................................................................................ 326

ESC key..........................................................................................................................................326

Up/Down keys...............................................................................................................................326

Function keys................................................................................................................................327


Escape sequences.....................................................................................................................................329

System prompts and messages...............................................................................................................329

System prompts............................................................................................................................329

Error messages..............................................................................................................................330

Informational messages...............................................................................................................330

Getting help...........................................................................................................................................................330

Textual help.............................................................................................................................................. 330

Level 1............................................................................................................................................330

Level 2............................................................................................................................................331

Level 3............................................................................................................................................332

Level 4............................................................................................................................................332

Level 5............................................................................................................................................332

Intuitive help............................................................................................................................................. 333

Using the mouse in character mode...................................................................................................................334


Input screens.............................................................................................................................................334

Screen/report definitions......................................................................................................................... 334

Selection window..................................................................................................................................... 335

Running a report to screen......................................................................................................................335

Defining window coordinates..................................................................................................................336

Dialog boxes..............................................................................................................................................336

Calendar lookup....................................................................................................................................... 336

Pop-up calculator..................................................................................................................................... 337

Screen editor.............................................................................................................................................337

Appendix E: Edit keys....................................................................................................................................................... 338

About Edit Keys.....................................................................................................................................................338

Edit Key Numbers and Names.............................................................................................................................338

Appendix F: File Transfer Protocols................................................................................................................................ 341

File Transfer Protocols......................................................................................................................................... 341



SBClient File Transfer Protocols..............................................................................................................341


Network Copy............................................................................................................................... 341

FTP................................................................................................................................................. 341

SB/XA File Transfer Protocol....................................................................................................................342

Appendix G: Logs and debugging....................................................................................................................................343

SB/XA Application Server logging........................................................................................................................343

Activating logging on SB/XA Application Server.....................................................................................343

Deactivating logging on SB/XA Application Server................................................................................ 344

XUI client logging..................................................................................................................................................344

Activating logs for XUI clients..................................................................................................................344

Communication server logs................................................................................................................................. 345

Configuring SB/XA Communication Server logs.....................................................................................345

Cleaning up log files.............................................................................................................................................345

Deleting Communications Server log files..............................................................................................346

Deleting Communications Server log files manually................................................................. 347

Deleting XUI client log files......................................................................................................................347

Deleting client log files manually................................................................................................ 348

Deleting SB/XA Application Server log files............................................................................................ 348

Log file collection................................................................................................................................................. 348

Collecting log files.................................................................................................................................... 349

Setting up automatic log collection........................................................................................................350

Collected log files..................................................................................................................................... 351

User-defined debugging.......................................................................................................................................351

Debugging with USER.DEBUG..................................................................................................................352

Appendix H: SB Support Account....................................................................................................................................354

Setting up the SB Support Account.................................................................................................................... 354

Issue replication in the SB Support Account......................................................................................................354

Using the SB Support Account to package a test case.......................................................................... 354

Creating issue files........................................................................................................................354

Creating a replication case.......................................................................................................... 356

Creating revision control..............................................................................................................357

Loading revision control from PC................................................................................................359

Comparing parameters and settings.......................................................................................................360

Compare SB.CONTROL.................................................................................................................360

Compare PARAMS.........................................................................................................................362

Compare User Flags..................................................................................................................... 365

Performance testing in the SB Support Account............................................................................................... 367

Testing forms: tabbing through fields.....................................................................................................367

Testing forms: calling multiple forms..................................................................................................... 368

Testing forms: server/client form caching..............................................................................................369

Testing forms: form deletion................................................................................................................... 371

Testing grids: grid load............................................................................................................................ 372

Testing grids: grid load (derived)............................................................................................................ 373

Testing grids: grid load (color alternate rows)....................................................................................... 374

Testing grids: grid load (color 10 rows).................................................................................................. 375

Testing grids: grid load (color individual cells)...................................................................................... 376

Testing grids: grid navigation (interleaved)............................................................................................377

Testing grids: grid paging........................................................................................................................ 378

Testing DISP.............................................................................................................................................. 379

Testing SYS calls in screens..................................................................................................................... 380

Testing reports..........................................................................................................................................381

Performance testing results.....................................................................................................................384

Other utilities in the SB Support Account.......................................................................................................... 385

Appendix I: Web DESB/XA with Rocket Aldon LM(e)...................................................................................................... 386



Changing environment variables.........................................................................................................................386

Changing environment variables for use with a terminal emulator..................................................... 387

Changing environment variables for use with the XUI clients...............................................................387

Projects in LM(e)................................................................................................................................................... 387

Setting up LM(e) projects.........................................................................................................................388

Associating LM(e) projects with users.....................................................................................................388

Signing into LM(e).................................................................................................................................................388

LME.WORK................................................................................................................................................. 389

LM(e) check-ins and check-outs.............................................................................................................. 389


Chapter 1: Introduction

This chapter provides an introduction to key concepts of UniData and UniVerse (U2) that are employed in SystemBuilder Extensible Architecture (SB/XA):

Introduction to U2 accounts defines a U2 account and, by extension, an SB account. It highlights the differences between the system administration account and a user account.

â–ª The system administration account

â–ª User accounts

Introduction to U2 accounts

To administer SystemBuilder Extensible Architecture (SB/XA), you need an understanding of U2 accounts – and by extension, SB accounts.

You can think of a UniData or UniVerse (U2) account as a container for a group of processes that perform functions on data stored in U2 files for a related purpose or business activity. These processes manipulate data and output the results on screen and to reports.

An SB account is a U2 account that is enabled for use with SB/XA Application Server running on a U2 data server. Two types of accounts


The system administration account, on page 12


User accounts, on page 13

The system administration account

SB/XA Application Server provides a system administration account called “SB” for UniData or “SB+” for UniVerse. This account differs from a standard user account. The system administration account offers extended functionality that is designed for the use of system administrators.

System administration tasks

The following table summarizes the tasks available to the system administrator. The remaining chapters of this manual give you details for performing administration tasks.

The main menu is displayed at the top of the SB main window, just below the title bar. Each menu item contains one or several related administration tasks.

Table 1: System administration tasks

Menu item





The Backup menu contains options to back up and restore accounts, and to control media. On some platforms, additional system management commands are provided.

Note: The Backup menu is not available on Windows-based installations.

This menu includes tasks to set up security for individual user s and groups of users, set up the Single Sign-On feature, and administer security reports, logins, and passwords.

The Admin menu provides an interface to the operating environment (OE). The system administrator can perform many common administration tasks without accessing the OE.


Menu item



User accounts


This menu item invokes the SB shell command line prompt, where you can enter any

OE command or SB process, subject to security restrictions.

This menu item prompts you to log in to another account to which you have access, without re-entering your user ID and password.

User accounts

A user account is a full SB development environment in which to create applications. A user account can contain one or more systems. Each system is a separate entity, with its own set of control parameters, process definitions, and standard files.

User tasks

The following table summarizes the tasks available on the main menu in a default user account. For details of the options available in user accounts, see

Admin within a user account, on page 259 .

The main menu is displayed at the top of the SB main window, below the title bar. Each menu item contains a group of related tasks.

Table 2: User tasks

Menu item








This item opens a menu of tools for creating and maintaining applications. This is the primary menu that is used by an application developer, and is described in the SB/XA

Application Server Reference Manual


This option provides a skeleton menu that developers can use as a basis for an application structure. The menu can be amended as required.

This menu provides options for administering the user account. The

Admin menu in a user account is similar to that in the system administration account, but the functionality is limited to a single user account. For further information, see

Admin within a user account, on page 259


This option provides a menu of standard office automation utilities.

This menu item invokes the SB shell command line. User access to the shell can be controlled by the system administrator.

This menu item prompts you to log in to another account to which you have access, without re-entering your user ID and password.


Chapter 2: Getting Started

This chapter helps you get started with administering SB/XA.

Logging on for the first time

After installing the components of SB/XA from the product CD image, you must start SBClient and log on to the system administration account to perform several tasks:


Finishing the installation and setup, on page 14


Entering license details, on page 14


Backing up accounts, on page 15


Logging off from SB/XA Application Server, on page 15

Finishing the installation and setup

The SB/XA Application Server component is installed in a two-part process:

â–ª Automated – Run the first process from the SystemBuilder Extensible Architecture Setup Menu on the product CD image. The InstallShield Wizard guides you through this part of the installation.

â–ª Script – You must start SBClient and log on to the system administration account to finish installing

SB/XA Application Server.

On first access to the system administration account, SB/XA initializes a script to finish installing

SB/XA Application Server. The script portion of the installation copies files to the server computer and creates a catalog of programs used by SB/XA.

Several additional steps are required to set up and configure SB/XA Application Server.

For detailed steps on logging on to the system administration account to finish the installation and setup, see the SB/XA Getting Started guide.

Entering license details

When you have successfully logged on for the first time and have completed the script portion of the installation, you are prompted to enter license details for SB/XA Application Server. If you received your SB+ serial number, enter details required to license SB/XA Application Server on the current hardware. The license is not transferable to another computer.

1. In the Company/User Name field, enter the name of the company or individual user to hold the license for SB/XA Application Server.

This name is displayed when logging on to SB/XA Application Server, in various SB Office

Automation and Tools reports, and as the default company name for new applications.

2. In the SB+ Serial Number field, enter the product serial number issued by your distributor for this installation of SB/XA Application Server.

3. In the

American/International field, enter the 1-letter code for the date format:

A for American

(mm/dd/yy) or

I for International (dd/mm/yy).

4. In the Users field, enter the number of users licensed to use the product, as stated in your License



Clearing a license warning

5. Check the details carefully. If they are correct, click

Accept. If not, click Cancel, make changes, and click


6. Click Accept to print the license letter.

After checking that it is correct, sign the printed copy and mail or fax it, together with the signed license agreement, to your SB/XA distributor. The distributor issues a license number that authorizes the product for the described configuration. You do not need to enter the license number immediately, but you must do so within 10 days of installation or SB/XA Application

Server will no longer runs. The details are preserved until the license is entered.

Clearing a license warning

If you have not entered a serial number, a dialog box is displayed each time you log on, showing the number of days until the temporary license expires.

Clear the warning by pressing one of the following keys:

â–ª A — to accept the message and continue the process of logging on to SB/XA Application Server.

â–ª D — to view your license details again.

â–ª L — to enter your license number when you have received it. When you enter the license number,

SB/XA Application Server is licensed for the current computer.

â–ª P — to reprint your license details.

Backing up accounts

It is important to back up the SB or SB+ account regularly because it contains essential user and system data. After installing and licensing SB/XA, make backups of the SB and SB+.DEFN accounts as soon as possible. For more information, see

Backup Tasks, on page 22

Logging off from SB/XA Application Server

The most common method of logging off from SB/XA Application Server is to enter the process ID.


Chapter 2: Getting Started

Tip: If you have unsaved data in input screens or tools, press the

F2 key to save changes before logging off. If you do not save changes before calling the logoff process, the changes are lost.

1. Enter

/ at any prompt or on any screen that accepts a process call.

2. In the Process ID dialog box, enter

OFF and click Accept.

Creating user accounts

The task of creating an SB user account is specific to the operating system:


Creating a user account on UNIX, on page 16


Creating a user account on Windows, on page 17

Creating a user account on UNIX

Complete the following steps to create an SB user account for UniData or UniVerse on a UNIX computer:

1. In the system administration account, select Admin from the main menu.

2. From the Admin menu, select


3. Select Create An Account.


4. Complete the account details.

Enter an account name and system IDs should reflect the purpose for which the account and its systems are used.

5. To accept the account details, press the F2 key.

SB/XA creates the account and systems.

Creating a user account on Windows

6. Enter the user ID, password, and terminal type. The default user account main menu (SBMENU) is displayed.

Each system has its own copy of the default menu. You can use the

Tools > Menu Definitions tool to modify the menu to suit the application being developed. For a full discussion of the

SB development environment, see the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual

Creating a user account on Windows

Complete the following steps to create an SB user account on a Windows computer:

For UniData

1. Create a directory in which you want the account to reside.

2. Run the newacct command from the DOS shell to create a UniData account.

3. Use the Update Account option in the SB admin account to convert the account for use by SB/XA

Application Server.

For UniVerse

1. Use the UV Admin utility to create a UniVerse account.

2. Run the Update Account option in the SB admin account to convert the account for use by SB/XA

Application Server.

Note:  If the Create Account option is unavailable on either UniData or UniVerse, SB/XA Application

Server can be activated in a non-SB account by creating a VOC pointer to the DM file (in the SB

+.DEFN account) and then running the SB.INITIATE program.

Managing licenses

From time to time, you may need to perform tasks to manage SB/XA licenses.


Chapter 2: Getting Started

Updating license information

The license cannot be transferred to another computer, but it is possible to update the license details when they become out of date.

1. To alter license details (for instance to change the number of users), enter

/LICENSE.RESET at any prompt.

Tip: You can enter the / character at any prompt or menu, and then enter a process ID.

2. Edit the license details.

3. After you change license details, you must reauthorize your product. Log in to Rocket Business

Connect at

and enter your new license information. Rocket issues you a new serial number.

4. Enter your new serial number in the SB/XA Reset License Information screen.

5. Click F2.Reset.

Note: LICENSE.RESET was introduced in v6.3.0 and performs the same functions as the longstanding LICENSE.AMEND command. You can still use LICENSE.AMEND as before, but a new button (F6.Re-license) has been added to the screen. This button opens the LICENSE.RESET



If you license SB/XA under the Software As A Service (SAAS) method through Rocket Business Connect, you may need to periodically relicense your product.

1. To relicense SB/XA, enter

/LICENSE.RESET at any prompt.


Displaying license information

Tip: You can enter the / character at any prompt or menu, and then enter a process ID.

2. Note the Configuration Code and Serial Number.

Figure 1: LICENSE.RESET screen

3. Log in to Rocket Business Connect at


4. Follow the instructions at Rocket Business Connect and use your Reference Code and Serial

Number to generate a new authorization key.

5. Enter your new authorization key in the SB/XA Reset License Information screen.

6. Click F2.Reset.

Displaying license information

You can review details about your license.


/LICENSE.INFO at any prompt.

The LICENSE.INFO screen displays information about your installation of SB/XA, such as the number of users and whether or not your installation is authorized for additional features such as mobile services or Rocket Aldon LM(e).


Chapter 2: Getting Started

Figure 2: Display License Information screen

Running a cleanup process to release licenses

When a user closes a session without logging off SB, the user remains logged in to SB and the defunct session is still included in the count of licenses in use. You can run a cleanup process to release licenses for defunct sessions while SB/XA Application Server is running.

1. In an SB/XA Application Server session, log to any account.

2. Enter



3. You can release invalid licenses or view a report only.

a. To print a report of invalid licenses to your screen without releasing the licenses, click No.

b. To release invalid licenses and print a report of invalid licenses to your screen, click Yes.

Tracking server processes using the Communications Server Monitor

Tracking server processes using the Communications Server Monitor

When the client crashes or is closed, the SB server processes that were attached to the client can sometimes continue to consume licenses and other system resources until the processes are stopped by the user. Use the Communications Server Monitor to track the activity of the server processes.

1. Start SB/XA Rich Client.

2. Type / to access the Process ID prompt.

3. In the Process ID prompt, type


The List SBXA CS User window displays the following fields:


Session ID

Application Name


Login Time




Last App Run/Stopped/Closed

Closing Reason


Identification of the session

Name of the application

User name

Initial login time

Process ID

Parent Process ID

Port number

Time the application was last ran, stopped, or closed

Reason the session was ended


Chapter 3: Backup Tasks

Overview of backup features

The Backup menu provides options for saving (backing up) and restoring accounts onto media

(diskette or tape) on a selected media device (tape or disk drive). Additional system management commands are provided for some platforms.

Note: This menu is not available on Windows-based installations.

Backing up your system ensures that your programs and data can be recovered in the event of data corruption or hardware failure. You should keep a series of backups and rotate them on a periodic basis (for instance, daily, weekly, monthly, and year-end), depending on the type and size of your environment and system. The more frequently you back up, the less time it will take you to recover from loss of data.

Backup tasks

Table 3: Backup menu options

Menu option

Selecting media


Specify the media to be used for the backup or restore.

Rewinding media Rewind the selected media.

Backing up accounts Save nominated accounts to the selected media.

Backing up UNIX files Save nominated files on a UNIX system to the selected media.

Restoring accounts Restore accounts previously saved on the selected media.

Detaching media Detach the selected media, making it available to other users.


Selecting media

Selecting media

With the

Select Media option, you can specify the media (diskette or tape) to be used in backup and restore operations. You should run this before doing a backup or restore to ensure that the correct media is connected. Depending on the platform, the backup and restore options may prompt for a media selection if not already performed.

Note: Media options vary depending on operating environments and hardware configurations.

Selecting a media device: UniData

1. In the Device Number field, enter the number of the media device defined in the Admin > Media

Commands > Define Media Device screen.

For further information, see Media commands, on page 163 . The

Device Description field displays the description of the media device, as entered in the

Define Media Device screen.


Block Size field displays the block size (in bytes) of the media device, as entered in the

Define Media Device screen. The Operation Mode field displays the conversion method (such as

EBCDIC, ASCII, or swap bytes), as entered in the

Define Media Device screen.

2. In the Correct Device field, confirm or cancel your selection of the device. Options are:

Table 4: Correct Device Options





Selects the media device specified in the

Device Number field.

Closes this dialog box without selecting a media device.

Selecting a media device: UniVerse

1. In the Device Name field, enter the name of the media device specified in the &DEVICE& file.

Devices are defined in the Admin > Media Commands > Define Media Device screen. For

further information, see Media commands, on page 163

. The Device Description field displays the description of the media device as entered in the Define Media Device screen. The Block

Size field displays the block size (in bytes) of the media device, as entered in the Define Media

Device screen.

2. In the

Correct Device field, confirm or cancel your selection of the device. Options are:

Table 5: Correct Device Options





Selects the media device specified in the Device Number field.

Closes this window without selecting a media device.

Rewinding media

The Backup menu for both UniData and UniVerse provides a Rewind Media option. After you specified the media through the Select Media option, use this option to rewind the selected media.


Chapter 3: Backup Tasks

Backing up accounts

Use the

Backup Account(s) option to save one or several nominated accounts on the selected media.

The media must be selected before running the backup.

1. If you did not already select the media to be used for backup operations, click

F5-Attach Media

and select a media device.

2. In the Account Names field, enter the names of the accounts to be saved on the selected media, separated by spaces. The accounts are saved in the order in which you enter the account names.

3. In the

Continue With Backup field, confirm or cancel the names of the accounts to back up.

Options are:

Table 6: Continue With Backup options





Perform the backup of the specified account(s).

Close the dialog box without backing up selected files.

Backing up UNIX files

1. The

Backup UNIX File(s) option saves all files in the specified UNIX directories. The command used to back up the files is that specified in the

Admin > Media Commands > Define Media

Device screen for the selected media. See

Media commands, on page 163 .

2. If you did not already select the media to be used for backup operations, click

F5-Attach Media

and select a media device.

3. In the

Directory field, enter the full path to the directories you want to back up.

Tip: Enter a backslash (\) character before the first path name to prevent SB/XA Application

Server from treating the text as a process call.

4. To accept the directory and start the file save process, press F2.

Restoring accounts

The Restore Account(s) option restores accounts from any backup. An account can be restored to a different name than that to which it was saved. If the accounts being restored exist on the system, SB/

XA Application Server prompts for the deletion of these accounts before they are restored. On UNIX platforms, the command used to restore the files is that specified in the

Admin > Media Commands >

Define Media Device screen for the selected media.


Media commands, on page 163 .


Detaching media

1. If you did not already select the media to be used for restore operations, click

F5-Attach Media

and select a media device.

2. In the Name(s) To Restore As field, enter the names that you want the saved accounts to be restored as, separated by spaces

3. In the

Name(s) on Backup field, enter the names of the accounts as they were saved on the backup, separated by spaces.

4. To accept the details and start the restore process, press F2.

Detaching media

The Detach Media option detaches the selected media, making it available to other users. If detaching other ports take care that the media is free to be used. When logging off the system, the media is automatically detached.

In the Detach Unconditionally field, confirm or cancel the detach operation. Options are:

Table 7: Detach Options





Detaches any user currently attached to the selected media. On some platforms this is not allowed.

Detaches the media from the current port. If the OE supports concurrent media, you are asked which media to detach.


Chapter 4: Security tasks

SB security features

The SB security system is based on the concept of groups of users, who are organized in a hierarchy of parent-child relationships.

The hierarchy of users and groups

Each SB/XA user must have a unique user ID. The user ID (for example, JS) is defined in the user security record, which belongs to a group (for example, CLERKS).

A group can have many users and many child groups. A user has one parent group and no child groups.

User security restrictions are inherited from the user's group and its parent groups. A group inherits the restrictions of parent groups higher in the hierarchy, and only further restriction is possible.

The restrictions in a user security record override those in the group security record. For example, the Single Sign-On security feature may be enabled for a group, but disabled for a specific user in the group.

SB/XA Application Server provides one predefined group that is called ROOT, which has no restrictions. The system administrator builds the group structure beneath ROOT.

Password administration

Every user who has access to an account must be assigned a user ID and an initial password. The initial password can be used only once. Thereafter, users set up and maintain their own passwords in User

Security Setup. A user (including a system administrator) cannot find out another user’s password. If a user forgets the password, the system administrator must assign a new password.


Security tasks

Customized logon point

The system administrator can tailor the logon point for individual users. A user may be assigned only a specific account to log on to, or an initial menu and menu option within the account. If no account or menu is specified, the user is logged on to the account requested at the logon prompt (subject to account restrictions that are specified for the user's group) and the default main menu that is specified for the account is displayed.

The following diagram shows part of a possible security hierarchy in a development environment:

Security tasks

The tasks of the Security menu are summarized below. The sections that follow explain these options in greater detail.

Table 8: Security Menu Options

Menu Option

Setting up group security, on page 28

Setting up user security, on page 42

Initialize User’s Password, on page 66

List Users Logged On, on page


Security Reports, on page


Copy Account Restrictions, on page 69


Define and maintain a group of users.

Define and maintain security details for a user. Group details must be specified before user details are entered. You are required to enter your password before you can proceed.

Allows you to change the password of a user in a lower group. The new password grants initial access, and from then on the user maintains their own password.

Provides a list of all users who are currently logged on.

Provides a menu of security reports.

Enables you to copy account restrictions from one group, account, and system ID to another.


Chapter 4: Security tasks

Menu Option

Inhibit Logons, on page 70

Enable Logons Again, on page


Audit Reports, on page 71


Allows you to inhibit logons on all ports except those specified as exclusions, and inform users why they cannot log on.

Note: This option inhibits logon to SB accounts only. Check your OS manuals for details of disabling logons at the system level.

Enables normal logon to SB accounts for all ports that are previously affected by the Inhibit Logons option.

Provides a menu of security audit reports.

Setting up group security

Groups serve the purpose of categorizing users with similar characteristics so that they can inherit the same security restrictions and other properties. Each user is assigned a group. The group’s security settings define the user's permissions for SB/XA Application Server, such as access to menu options, the SB shell, “/” process calls, printers, and accounts.

Changes to a group’s security settings are inherited by all of its child groups. Members of child groups inherit the restrictions of parent groups.

The system administrator and other members of the ROOT group can access any group security record. Users who do not belong to the ROOT group can access only groups that are beneath their own group in the security hierarchy.

Groups created in SB/XA Application Server apply only to the SB environment, not to the operating environment.

Complete the following tasks:


Defining or selecting a group, on page 28


Setting security restrictions for a group, on page 29



Restricting processes and menus in an account, on page 33


Optional: Associating applications to a group, on page 35



Setting logon times for a group, on page 36


Optional: Setting printer locations for a group, on page 37



Checking parent-child relationships, on page 37


Optional: Creating a child group by copying a related group, on page 38



Specifying the default physical printer settings for a group, on page 39


Optional: Specifying the default auxiliary printer settings for a group, on page 39



Enabling the security API for a group, on page 40


Optional: Setting up favorites for a group, on page 40

Defining or selecting a group

When you define a group, SB/XA stores the information in a group security record. Each group is distinguished by unique identifiers.

You must belong to the ROOT group or to a parent group of the group that you want to define or maintain.


Setting security restrictions for a group

1. From the main menu in the system administration account, select

Security > Group Security


2. In the Group ID Code field, enter a unique 1- to 12-character alphanumeric group ID code for a new group. Otherwise, enter an existing group ID code. The form is populated with the current information from the group security record. Unless you are a member of the ROOT group, you can create and access child groups of your own group only.

3. In the

Group Parent Code field, enter the 1- to 12-character alphanumeric group ID code for the parent group of the current group. The parent group defaults to the group of the current user. The parent group cannot be at the same level as your own group or higher in the security hierarchy.

4. In the Group Description field, enter a 1- to 30-character description that distinguishes this group of users from others.

Next step

Setting security restrictions for a group, on page 29

Setting security restrictions for a group

A user inherits security restrictions from the group and its parent groups. A group inherits the restrictions of parent groups higher in the hierarchy, and only further restriction is possible. The security restrictions of a group apply to all users in the group. If a feature is enabled for a group, it can be disabled for a specific user in the user security record.


Defining or selecting a group, on page 28


1. In the Group Security Setup form, set security restrictions for the group as detailed in the following table.

Table 9: Security Restrictions

Restriction Action

Inhibit Break Key To disable the Break key, enter Y. With this setting, group members cannot use the Break key to access the operating environment (OE).

To enable the Break key, enter N. Users can use the Break key to access the

OE. This is the default setting.

For further details about the Break key, see

Additional information about the Break key, on page 41 .

Inhibit Supervisor To prevent group members from maintaining subordinate groups, enter Y.

This entirely restricts users’ ability to add or modify groups.

To enable group members to maintain subordinate groups, enter N. This is the default setting.


Chapter 4: Security tasks


Inhibit Shell


Restrict Shell


Inhibit Process





Timeout Limit

Autofill OS ID


To prevent group members from accessing the OE shell and the SB shell, enter Y.

To prevent group members from accessing the OE but allow access to the

SB shell, enter R.

To allow access both the OE shell and the SB shell, enter N. This is the default setting.

If the Inhibit Shell Access parameter is set to N or R, you can restrict the group’s access to shell verbs.

To restrict the group’s access to shell verbs, enter

Y. This opens the

Shell Verb Security dialog box, where you can enter a list of allowed or disallowed shell verbs.

To allow the group’s access to shell verbs, enter . This is the default setting

Restricted verbs from parent groups apply to child groups.

SB processes can be called in either of the following ways:

â–ª The /processname method, where a process definition has been created for a process. The process can be invoked in an input field or at a menu; for example,

/TM invokes the Tools menu.

â–ª The /processtype:processname method, where a process has been created, but a definition has not been created for it. For example,


M:MAINMENU invokes the main menu (where M is the process type for menus and MAINMENU is the menu name).

To prevent process calls of both types, but allow either process type to be called as a menu option, enter A.

To prevent /processtype:processname calls except as menu options, enter


To enable both types of process calls within and outside menus, enter N.

This is the default setting.

This field applies to the XUI clients only. Enter the number of minutes of inactivity that triggers the autologout function.

If there is no interaction between SB/XA Application Server and the XUI client within this time, the client is logged off automatically. If the time-out value is 0, no time-out is set and the autologout feature is disabled.

Enter the maximum number of minutes of keyboard inactivity to cause a timeout, which requires the user to re-enter the password. Valid values are 0 to 99; a value of 0 disables the keyboard timeout.

The initial value for the keyboard timeout is inherited from the parent group. If the parent group has a non-zero timeout value, the value entered here cannot exceed the parent limit or be set to zero. If the parent timeout limit is zero, you can enter any value (including zero) here.

This feature automatically fills in the user’s operating system ID from the information stored in the user’s Single Sign-On (SSO) record when logging on to an SSO-enabled application.

To enable the Autofill OS ID feature for group members, enter Y. This is the default setting.

To disable the Autofill OS ID feature, enter N.


Setting security restrictions for a group


Autofill SB ID

Allow Local

Storage of

User IDs and


Accounts With No


Accounts With



This feature automatically fill in the user’s SB ID from the information stored in the user’s Single Sign-On (SSO) record when logging on to an SSOenabled application.

To enable the Autofill OS ID feature for group members, enter Y. This is the default setting.

To disable the Autofill OS ID feature, enter N.

This parameter controls the ability to store user IDs and passwords locally on the client computer.

To enable local storage for group members, enter

Y. This is the default setting.

To disable local storage, enter


On the user’s first login, the Connect to Application dialog box does not contain a Save Credentials check box. When the user logs in, the server is contacted and the information is queried. If the user is allowed to store credentials, a Save Credentials check box is present on subsequent logons.

If the user stores credentials and the administrator later disables the user’s permission to store credentials, the stored credentials are removed.

If the Local Storage of User IDs and Passwords field in the user security record is blank and this flag in the group record contains a value, SB/XA uses the value in the group record by default.

Enter the names of SB accounts to which the group has access without further restrictions to menu and process options. The menu and process restrictions of parent groups are inherited by all accounts in this list. Users can access only the SB accounts that are listed here or in the Accounts With

Restrictions list.

Enter the names of SB accounts to which the group has access, which can have further restrictions on menu and process options that are available to group members. Accounts entered in this field actually might not be restricted further; restrictions must be specifically entered using the F5 -

Restrict Accounts option.

To specify the restrictions for an SB account, position the cursor on the account in this list and press F5. For detailed steps, see

Restricting processes and menus in an account, on page 33 .

Any menu and process restrictions of parent groups are inherited by all accounts listed in this field. Users can access only the SB accounts that are listed here or in the Accounts With No Restrictions list.

Diary Access Code Optional. Enter a code to encrypt and decrypt diary entries for the group.

Use this option if you require a code for a large group of users and not all users require individual access codes.

For more information about diary access codes, see Diary, on page 237 .


Chapter 4: Security tasks

Restriction Action

Run Crash Report This flag, found in Group Security Setup, User Flags, and User Security

Setup, allows you to choose whether you want SB/XA to write a crash report to the

DMCONT file in the event of an XUI client crash.

If you choose Yes, after an XUI client crash, a crash report is written to

DMCONT the next time the user who experienced the crash logs into the client.

The process XUI.CRASH.REPORT writes the crash report to the


DMCONT. The fields for the crash record, which are delimited with VMs, are as follows: a. Date (universal string YYYY-MM-DD) b. Time (universal string HH:MM:SS'Z') c.

Session ID d. Windows user identity e. SB/XA User ID f.

Computer name g. Application Server port h. Application name i.

System ID j.

Brief message k. Reporter SB/XA User ID l.

Name of the file used to collect logs (auto-generated and filled in by server if logs are collected)

The XUI.CRASH.REPORT process also calls SB.COLLECT.LOGS,4, which collects logs pertinent to the crash. For more information about log file collection, see

Log file collection, on page 348


You can alter the XUI.CRASH.REPORT process however you choose.

To collect partial logs, select Partial. When a crash report is generated using this option, only the last log in the Client, Communication Server, and

Application Server are collected.

Note: Both the Client and Communication Server logs are achieved as a zip file with a .

zip extension prior to being downloaded.


Run Crash Report setting at the user level takes precedence over the setting in group security. If you do not select a setting at the user level, the setting in group security is applied. If there is no setting in either place, the default behavior is No.

2. Save the changes or select another group security task from the function keys that are active in this form:

Table 10: Group Security Functions




F5.Rest Acts


Save changes to the group security record.

Delete the current group security record.

Enter specific process and menu restrictions for systems in each account in the Accounts With Restrictions list. See

Restricting processes and menus in an account, on page 33 .




F7.Logon Time




Restricting processes and menus in an account


Associate the applications that are used by members of the group to the group security record. See

Associating applications to a group, on page

35 .

Specify valid logon dates, days, and times for the group, if required; also specify a password rollover expression. See

Setting logon times for a group, on page 36 .

Set printer locations for the group. See

Setting printer locations for a group, on page 37 .

Check the parent-child relationships of the current group. See

Checking parent-child relationships, on page 37


Show the action bar, where you can select more group security actions:

â–ª Copy Group – Create a child group by copying an existing child group of

the same parent. See Creating a child group by copying a related group, on page 38


â–ª Print Defaults – Set the options for the default physical printer to be inherited by users in a group. See

Specifying the default physical printer settings for a group, on page 39


â–ª Aux Defaults – Set the auxiliary printer options to be inherited by users in a group. See

Specifying the default auxiliary printer settings for a group, on page 39


â–ª Security API – Enable the group’s ability to access the security API (/


Enabling the security API for a group, on page 40


Restricting processes and menus in an account

You can set restrictions to processes and menus for each system in an account that is listed in

Accounts With Restrictions. For each system, you can allow or disallow processes and menu options for all members of the group.


Setting security restrictions for a group, on page 29

About this task

â–ª In the Group Security Setup form, in the Accounts With Restrictions list, select the account to restrict and press F5.


Chapter 4: Security tasks



1. In the System ID field, enter the system ID for which you want to set process and menu restrictions. The system ID (such as SA or CH) must exist.

The Account field is populated with the name of the account that contains the specified system.

2. In the Processes group box, you can enter process restrictions either by explicitly allowing or by explicitly disallowing processes for the group.

a. In the Allow/Disallow field, enter a 1-character option code. Based on this code, you can enter a list of either allowed processes or disallowed processes in the next field, whichever is faster for you to enter. Options are:

Table 11: Allow/Disallow Options

Option Description



Enter a list of allowed processes in the next field. Users in the current group can call only these processes.

Enter a list of disallowed processes in the next field. All except these processes are callable by users in the current group

If you use option A and you do not specify any processes in the next field, allow no processes is assumed and therefore the system ID is not available to members of the group.

b. In the

Processes list, enter the names of processes to be either allowed (for option A) or disallowed (for option D) for users in the group.

3. In the Menu Restrictions group box, you can restrict specified menus either by explicitly allowing or by explicitly disallowing menu options for the group.

a. In the 

Menus field, enter the name of each menu to have restrictions. The user has access to the menu but is allowed or disallowed access to the options specified in the


Letters field.

Associating applications to a group

Tip: To restrict access to the menu completely, no options should be allowed; enter

A in the next field and leave the Option Letters box blank.

Restricting access to processes on a menu does not prevent a user from using /processname.

To prevent this, you can globally restrict process calls in the Inhibit Process Calls field, or, if you want to restrict a limited number of processes, specify those processes in the fields in the PROCESSES section of this subscreen.

If a restricted menu option is itself a menu, that menu and the menus below it in the hierarchy are also automatically restricted.

b. In the Allow/Disallow field, enter a 1-character code. Options are:

Table 12: Allow/Disallow Options

Value Description

A Allows access to the menu options specified in the next field. Only these menu options are available to the users in the current group.

D Disallows access to the menu options specified in the next field. All except these menu options are available to the users in the current group.

If you enter A and no menu options are specified in the next field, no options are allowed and the menu is not accessible to this group.


In the Option Letters field, enter the keyboard shortcut letter for each menu option to be allowed or disallowed on the specified menu.

4. To save the changes to process and menu restrictions, press


Next step


Associating applications to a group

Associating applications to a group

A group of users typically work with the same set of applications, and the users’ applications can be associated to the group security record.


Setting security restrictions for a group, on page 29

To associate applications to the group, press



Chapter 4: Security tasks

Applications are associated to users and groups in the following logical order:

â–ª If no applications are defined for a user in User Security Setup (/SEC.USER.SETUP), SB/XA uses the applications defined in the group security record.

â–ª If no applications are defined in the group security record, the applications in the parent group record are used.

â–ª If no applications are defined for the parent group, SB/XA checks for applications at the next group level. This process checks for applications recursively, back to the ROOT group.

â–ª If no applications are defined for the ROOT group, all the records in DMAPPLICATIONS are used.

1. In the

Applications field, enter the name of each application to associate with the group, with each application on a new line.

2. To save the changes to the group’s applications, press F2.

Setting logon times for a group

To manage license availability for your site, you may need to set limits on the days and hours at which users in the group are allowed to log on to SB/XA.


Setting security restrictions for a group, on page 29

To set logon times for the group, press F7.

To manage license availability for your site, you may need to set limits on the days and hours at which users in the group are allowed to log on to SB/XA.


Setting printer locations for a group

1. In the From Day field, enter the starting day of the week or date on which the group can log on

(for example, MONDAY or 10/15/2012).

2. In the Upto Day field, enter the ending day of the week or date on which the group can log on.

3. In the From field, enter the time of day (HH:MM, 24-hour clock) from which the specified group can log on, on the specified days or dates

4. In the To field, enter the time of day (HH:MM, 24-hour clock) up to which the group can log on, on the specified days or date.

5. In the Password Rollover Expression field, enter an expression determining when the passwords for users in this group are to be changed. The initial value for this field is inherited from the parent group.

a. If a password is to be changed on a regular basis, enter an expression that returns a date on which the password is to be re-entered. For example, @DATE + 60 prompts users for a new password every 60 days.

b. If a password is to be changed once, on or after a specific date, enter the date required. The initial value for this field is inherited from the parent group.

6. To accept the changes to the group’s logon times, press F2.

Setting printer locations for a group

To set printer locations for the group, press F8.


Printer Management, on page 98


1. In the Report Locations field, enter the 1- to 25-character name of each printer to associate with the group, with each printer name on a new line.

2. To save the changes to the printer locations, press


Checking parent-child relationships

The current group may be the parent of one or many groups. To check parent-child relationships, you can view a list of the immediate child groups of the current group.

Setting security restrictions for a group. To view child groups of the current group, press F9.


Chapter 4: Security tasks

The Children column lists the name of each immediate child group of the current group. The


Description column contains the description of each group. To close the dialog box, click OK.

Creating a child group by copying a related group

Defining a group involves several tasks and takes time. If you want to create a child group that has similar characteristics to an existing child group of the same parent, you can save time by using a quick copy method. After you create a child group by copying, you can edit its characteristics as needed.


Setting security restrictions for a group, on page 29

About this task

To create a child group by copying a related group, select the

Group Copy option from the group security action bar.


1. In the Group to Copy field, enter the name of an existing child group of the same parent group of the new group.

2. In the

New Group Name field, enter a unique 1- to 12-character alphanumeric group ID code for the group that you are creating.

3. In the Description field, enter a 1- to 30-character description to identify the group of users.

4. To create the new group, press


Specifying the default physical printer settings for a group

Specifying the default physical printer settings for a group

Users in a group can inherit physical printer characteristics from the default settings in the group security record. The group’s default physical printer settings are used to determine the user's printer defaults at logon.

For details about printing options, see About SB Printer Manager, on page 262 . To set the default

physical printer options for a group, select the Print Defaults option from the group security action bar.

1. In the Physical Printer Name field, enter either the 1- to 25-character name of the default physical printer for the group or an expression. For help with entering an expression, press F3.

2. In the

Stationery Type field, enter either the 1- to 25-character type code of the default stationery for the group or an expression. For help with entering an expression, press


3. In the Assign Options field, enter an option indicating how to handle print jobs that are sent to the specified print queue. The default value is P (Print).

4. In the

No of Copies field, enter either the number of copies to be printed by default or an expression. For help with entering an expression, press



Optional: To restore a current setting to the system default setting, place the cursor in the field you want to clear and press F4.

6. To save the changes to the default physical printer settings, press


Next step


Specifying the default auxiliary printer settings for a group, on page 39

Parent topic: Setting up group security, on page 28

Specifying the default auxiliary printer settings for a group

Users in a group can inherit auxiliary printer characteristics from the default settings in the group security record.

For details, see About SB Printer Manager, on page 262 . To set the default auxiliary printer options

for a group, select the Aux Defaults option from the group security action bar.

1. In the

Physical Printer Name field, enter the 1- to 25-character name of the default physical printer for the group. The printer name can be an expression. For help with entering an expression, press


2. In the

Stationery Type field, enter the 1- to 25-character type code of the default stationery for the group. The stationery type can be an expression. For help with entering an expression, press F3.


Optional: To restore a current setting to the system default setting, place the cursor in the field you want to clear and press


4. To save the changes to the default auxiliary printer settings, press F2.

Next step


Enabling the security API for a group, on page 40

(Parent topic) Setting up group security, on page 28


Chapter 4: Security tasks

Enabling the security API for a group

Certain groups of users perform a job role that requires them to run the SB/XA security application program interface (/SH.SET.API). You can enable access to the security API for a group; members of the group inherit this setting.


Setting security restrictions for a group, on page 29

To enable or disable the security API for a group, select the

Security API option from the group security action bar.

1. To enable the group’s access to the security API, select the

Allow To Run SH.SEC.API check box.

Otherwise, to disable the group’s access to the security API, clear the check box.

2. To save the changes to the security API setting, press


Parent topic: Setting up group security, on page 28

Setting up favorites for a group

Two navigation methods use a paradigm of favorites:


Setting security restrictions for a group, on page 29

To set up favorites for a group, select the

XUI Favs option from the group security action bar.

An administrator can create a group favorites folder and add to it a shortcut to any menu item or process that the group uses often. When an item is placed in a favorites folder, users can access it quickly and open it by double-clicking the shortcut link in the SBExplorer pane. Only an administrator can add, update, or delete the group favorites folder and the items it contains.

â–ª EMO – SBExplorer with Microsoft Outlook-style interface and MainWin

â–ª ENO – SBExplorer with Microsoft Outlook-style interface, without MainWin


Additional information about the Break key

1. In the Favorites Label field, enter the text to use as the label for the group favorites folder.

2. In the Favorites Icon field, enter the name of the graphic file to use as an icon for the group favorites folder.

3. In the Description field, enter a description of the menu item or process to use as a favorite.

Otherwise, to delete the favorite item on the current row, enter

\ (backslash) and press Enter.

4. In the Type field, enter the one-character action type code for the item, which is most commonly

M for a menu item or P for a process. For other action types, press F3 and select a code from the list.

5. In the Process Name field, enter the name of the process or shell command to call when the favorite item is selected, or press F3 to select the process name from a list.

6. In the Icon field, enter the name of the graphic file to use as an icon for the favorite item in the SBExplorer pane, or press F3 to select a graphic from the list. The file extension must be either .bmp or .jpg.

7. To accept the changes to the favorites folder, press F2. Changes are applied to group members the next time they log to the account.

Additional information about the Break key


Inhibit Break Key is set to N, pressing CTRL-C in a field copies the content of the field and puts it in the buffer if the content of the field is less than the maximum length of the field. If the content of the field exceeds the maximum length of the field, SB/XA Application Server displays the character CEO screen, which lists the break options.

On UNIX platforms, if

CTRL-C (^C) is defined in the stty as an interrupt or anything similar, SB/XA

Application Server either stops responding or attempts to perform the task specified by the stty setting for CTRL-C. To avoid this problem, do not use CTRL-C in the stty or in the profile.


Inhibit Break Key is set to Y, pressing CTRL-C in a field copies the content of the field and places it in the buffer, the same as if the flag were set to

N. If the content of the field exceeds the maximum length of the field, SB/XA Application Server does not display the character CEO screen when the user presses CTRL-C. The content of the field disappears and is in the buffer ready to be pasted by pressing



Chapter 4: Security tasks

If the

Auto Extend flag is not set to Y in the user flags and the buffer content exceeds the field length, the user must first press

CTRL-END to extend the field and then press CTRL-V to paste the contents of the buffer.

Setting up user security

User Security Setup (/SEC.USER.SETUP) allows you to define and maintain individual SB user security records. An SB user is able to log on to an SB account and use a selected subset of SB options, depending on the restrictions that are placed on the user through the group that the user is assigned to. All users are assigned a group, which controls various aspects of a user's access to SB functionality.


Setting up group security, on page 28  for details of restrictions that can be applied to users.

The user must enter his or her password to access this screen. Unless a user belongs to the

ROOT group, they can maintain only users who belong to subordinate groups in the security hierarchy.

However, if the Inhibit Supervisor flag is set to Y (Yes) for user's group, the user is not allowed to create or modify users in subordinate groups.

When a user ID is first defined, the system administrator allocates an initial password. When a user first logs on to SB, they are prompted to enter and validate a new password. Thereafter, the user is responsible for maintaining the password.

User Security Setup applies only to user security setup in the SB environment; it does not allow you to set up users at the OE or OS level.

Function keys

The following table describes the function keys.

Table 13: Reference keys

Key Description

F2 – Save Saves the current user record.

F4 – Delete Deletes the current user record.


The Name tab

Key Description

F5 – U Menu Allows you to define a specific user menu to be displayed when the user logs on. This invokes the Menu Definitions tool with a menu name the same as the user ID.

F6 – UKeys

Allows you to specify macro keys and the strings those keys invoke. (See Define User

Macro Keys (F6), on page 65 .)

The Name tab

The Name tab is the default tab. The following table describes the fields on the Name tab.

Table 14: The Name tab fields




Field Description

User Id Code The user identification code. To create or amend this, the user must be in a subordinate group to your own, unless you are a ROOT group user. F3 displays users in the same group and lower groups.

Alt Id Code (Optional.) An alternative code that further uniquely identifies the user for applications beyond this system; for example, an employee number.

First Name The first name of the user for whom you are setting up security.

Surname The last name (surname) of the user for whom you are setting up security.

Short Name A more common name used as an alternative means of identifying the user. This name is displayed when the user is logging on or when other users view mail sent by this user.

Status The status code for the user being defined. Valid settings are described in the Status

Codes table.

Table 15: Status Codes






Active. The user is allowed to log on. No activity logging takes place.

Developer. Activity is not logged.

Active and logged. The user is allowed to log on. If the LOG.USER process is linked to the processes the user accesses, the user’s presence on the system is recorded.

(For further information, see the section on LOG.USER in the SB/XA Application Server

Reference Manual


Miscellaneous user ID for non-logon purposes.

Resigned. The user is not allowed to log on.

Network use only. Allows mailing across networks.

The Password tab

The following table describes the fields on the

Password tab.


Chapter 4: Security tasks


Table 16: The Name tab fields

Field Description

Users Group


The ID of the group to which the user belongs. The group ID determines the level of

access the user has within the system. For further information, see Setting up group security, on page 28


Start Account Optional: An account name containing the initial menu for this user ID. If you specify an account name, that is the only account to which the user can log on. You can enter an expression enclosed in round brackets, evaluating to an account name; for example, (@PASS.DEFN<14>:".ACC").



Optional: The system ID and start menu to appear after logon for this user ID. You can also specify an option on this menu by using the highlight letter of the option; for example, AR,MAINTMENU,R. In this example, the user is presented with the process accessed by option R in MAINTMENU in system AR in the account to which the user is logged. In the default menu system configuration, this option would present the run-time menu after the user has entered the user ID and password.


Pwd Rollover



The start menu is the first menu to appear after the user logs on, in preference to the account’s main menu. The F5 key builds the start menu for the user. On closing this menu, the Logon screen reappears.

The user’s initial password. After entering the initial password, the user specifies and uses his or her own password.

A future date on which the user is required to change his or her password.

New Pwd Next


An option indicating whether the user is allowed to auto log on to SB/XA Application

Server if the auto logon feature is enabled at the SB/XA Application Server level. See the Autologin Options table.

An option indicating whether the user is required to change his or her password at the next logon to SB/XA Application Server, regardless of the password rollover date. See the New Pwd Next Login Options table

The Custom tab


Diary Access



A code used to encrypt/decrypt diary entries, if required. This code is used as a seed for the encryption routine. If you leave both the user’s Diary Access Code and the group’s Diary Access Code blank, the user cannot encrypt his or her private diary entries.

Note: Use caution in changing this code. Any entries encrypted before you changed the diary access code cannot be decrypted correctly.

Table 17: Autologin Options

Value Description

0 or blank No, the user is not allowed to auto log on to SB/XA Application Server. This is the default setting.

1 Yes, if the auto logon feature is enabled at the SB/XA Application Server level, the user is allowed to auto log on to SB/XA Application Server. Note that a setting of 1 enables the Single Sign-On security feature for the user. With this setting, the New Pwd Next

Login option cannot be set to Y (Yes, require user to change passwords at the new logon).

2 Application Server level, the user is allowed to auto log on to SB/XA Application Server on the computer on which the user authenticated, and to manually log on to SB/XA

Application Server on other computers. With this setting, the New Pwd Next Login option cannot be set to Y (Yes, require user to change passwords at the new logon).

Table 18: New Pwd Next Login Options




Yes, the user is required to change passwords at the next logon to SB/XA Application

Server. Note that after the user changes the password, SB/XA Application Server resets the value to N. With this setting, the Autologin option cannot be set to 1 or 2 to allow auto logon.

N or blank No, the user is not required to change passwords at the next logon to SB/XA

Application Server. This is the default setting.

The Custom tab

The following table describes the fields on the

Custom tab.


Chapter 4: Security tasks


Table 19: The Custom tab fields


Macro Leadin Character




The decimal ASCII value representing the keystroke that signals to SB/XA Application

Server that a macro follows. Macro keys and the strings they invoke are defined using the F6 key. If you define a macro lead-in character here, it overrides the macro leadin character set in the current terminal definition, allowing you to use the same leadin character on any terminal. Leave this field blank if you intend to use the macro key defined for the terminal.

The number of minutes of inactivity after which the user is required to re-enter his or her password before resuming input. If you set the value to 0 (zero), keyboard timeout is disabled. The timeout value specified here or in User Flags (/USER.FLAGS) overrides the value for the user's group, with the following exception: if the user's group timeout is not zero, the user timeout cannot be set to zero or to a value greater than the group timeout.

This setting applies to the XUI clients, SB/XA Browser Client and SB/XA Rich Client. See the Send ESC to Server on X from Mainwin Options table.

Send ESC to server on X from


Auto Extend

Field Length

Auto Help


See the Auto Extend Field Length Options table.

Error Text in

Dialog Box






Determines whether help reminders are displayed automatically when a menu option is highlighted or a field entered. This is useful for new users. See the Help AutoDisplay

Option stable.

Determines whether help error messages are displayed in a dialog box or on the prompt line. See the Error Text Options table.

See the Main Heading Justification table.

If the Multilanguage feature is enabled for the user, this field specifies the language code.

The Custom tab


Beep On







Print Select



Aux Select



FD Warning



Full Refresh

Of Screen


The screen refresh action to be taken whenever exiting a process that displays information on the screen. Screens are stored on a multilevel stack. The number of screens that can be stacked may be limited on some platforms. For further

information, see SB+ Control Parameters, on page 168

. The value entered in this field has no effect if you are using SBClient, SB/XA Browser Client, or SB/XA Rich Client, because all screen refreshing is handled by these programs. See the Full Refresh

Options table.

See the Suppress Confirm Options table.


Confirm On

Screen Esc


Stack Per


SB/XA Application Server provides a command stacker in the SB shell that allows the user to recall, modify, and/or resubmit any commands entered at the shell command line. This flag determines whether a separate stack is kept in each account for this user, or if one stack is to be used across all accounts accessed by that user. For more information on stack usage and commands, see

Shell, on page 257


Logto, on page 258 . See the Command Stack Options table.

See the Suppress Beep Options table.

These options apply to the Logon message (last logged on, mail, appointments) See the Suppress Logon Message Delay table.

Determines the display of the Printer Selection screen. See the Display Print Select

Screen Options table.

See the Display Aux Select Screen Options table.

Indicates whether to suppress a warning message from the Field Definition (/FD) process when saving an item that contains an expression. See the Suppress FD

Warning Message Options table.

Table 20: Send ESC to Server on X from Mainwin Options





The client sends an ESC character to SB/XA Communications Server when the user clicks the X button to close the main window and exit SB/XA.

The client sends an ESC character to SB/XA Communications Server when the user clicks the X button to close the main window and exit SB/XA.

Table 21: Auto Extend Field Length Options





Enables the Extend Field Length option on field entry. This means the user does not have to press the extend-length key (as defined for the terminal being used) to continue entry in the field beyond its displayed end. If the user continues typing, the

Extend Field Length option activates automatically.

Disables the Extend Field Length option on field entry. The user cannot press the extend-length key to enable entry beyond the indicated field length or type past the indicated end of the field.


Chapter 4: Security tasks




Normal length option control. The user is not able to type past the indicated end of a field. Attempting to do so causes a warning beep. Pressing the extend-length key allows the user to enter text beyond the indicated field end.

Table 22: Help AutoDisplay Options







No autodisplay. The user must press F1 for help.

Autodisplays help reminders that start with ?

Autodisplays Menu reminders.

Autodisplays All reminders.

Table 23: Error Text Options





Displays all error messages in a dialog box.

(Default.) Displays all error messages on the prompt line.

Table 24: Main Heading Justification









Table 25: Full Refresh Options






Refreshes the complete screen (all levels). The process starts at the oldest stacked level, and repaints the screen completely with each subsequent level up to the new top level.

Refreshes the new top-level screen only.

Smart refresh; refreshes only the part of the screen that was overlaid by the previous screen. This is the preferred option; however, system limitations such as a slow processor can reduce performance.

Table 26: Suppress Confirm Options





Suppresses the confirmation prompt when escaping from an input process without having saved changes. Selecting the mandatory [M] option in the Process On

Escape field in the Screen Painter Parameters screen overrides this flag. For further information, see "Screen Definitions" in the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual.

If the user presses the ESC key before saving changes, a dialog box asks the user to confirm that the changes should be discarded.

Table 27: Command Stack Options




Maintains a separate command stack for each account for this user.


The Terminals tab




Maintains one global command stack for this user.

Table 28: Suppress Beep Options





Suppresses the beep preceding the display of SB error messages.

Does not suppress the beep preceding the display of SB error messages.

Table 29: Suppress Logon Message Delay







Suppresses delay when displaying details. Normally, there is a three-second delay to read messages.

Always delays.

Delays only if there is a message.

Always solicits the Accept response.

Table 30: Display Print Select Screen Options








Reports Only.

Table 31: Display Aux Select Screen Options








Windows Print Setup dialog box only.

Table 32: Suppress FD Warning Message Options





Yes, suppress warning message on saving an item that contains an expression.

No, do not suppress warning message.

The Terminals tab

The following table describes the fields on the

Terminals tab.


Chapter 4: Security tasks

Table 33: The Terminals tab fields

Field Description

Terminal ID Allows you to specify the default terminal to be used if not specified in the port configuration.

The Printers tab

The following table describes the fields on the Printers tab.


The Single Sign-On tab

Table 34: The Printers tab fields


Printer Id

Aux Printer


XUI Printer



Enter the name of the default printer that is used to determine the user's print defaults at logon, in the absence of other print defaults.

Enter the name of the user’s auxiliary printer, which is usually the printer defined in the LOGICAL.PRINTER definition. The auxiliary printer is used in SBClient only.

Enter the name of the user’s XUI mode printer, which is usually the printer defined in the XPS.PRINTER definition. This printer is used in SB/XA Browser Client and SB/

XA Rich Client only. If you do not specify a printer ID in this field, the XUI clients

direct output to the default XPS.PRINTER. For details of print defaults, see Printer

Management, on page 98 .

The Single Sign-On tab

The following Screen displays the fields on the Single Sign-On tab.

Allows the user to set up connections to SB developed applications. This setup is required regardless of whether the Single Sign-On security feature is enabled for the user. For details, see the "Setting up

application connections and configuring clients," in SB/XA Getting Started


The GUI Flags tab

The following tables describes the fields on the GUI Flags tab. The settings in this tab specify the user’s preferences for display of the SB/XA user interface in GUI mode.


Chapter 4: Security tasks


Table 35: The GUI Flags tab fields


Add Fkey

Ref to


Center GUI


Center GUI


2nd Level

Help Display


Help Display

Grey Out




Before Int.


Disable 1st

Level Help


See the Add Fkey Ref to Buttons Options table.

See the Center GUI Screens Options table.

See the Center GUI Menus Options table.

See the 2nd Level Help Display Options table.

Determines where intuitive help is displayed on the screen. See the Intuitive Help

Display Options table.

When a new form is displayed, any forms underneath are disabled. The disabled forms may be dimmed (greyed out) to indicate that they cannot be selected. See the Grey

Out Disabled Forms Options table.

When you first enter a field in GUI mode, all of the text is selected. If you activate

Intuitive Help, all highlighted text is passed to the Intuitive Help process. This selects only the records that start with the highlighted text. Setting this option to Y deselects text first, so that only the text to the left of the cursor is passed to the Intuitive Help process. See the Deselect Before Intuitive Help Options table.

In GUI mode, the ToolTips for input fields display the same text as first-level help. For this reason, some users may want to skip the display of first-level help and go directly to second-level help (if any) when the F1 key is pressed. See the Disable 1st Level Help

Options table.

ToolTips are enabled by default. See the Disable ToolTips Options table.






Tool Branch

Select the method for navigating the interface and invoking SB processes. See the

Navigation Methods table.

Select an option indicating whether to remove the Tool branch from the SBExplorer tree view. See the Remove Tool Branch Options table.

The GUI Flags tab



Help Branch










Style Selects

Win Edit

Menu for



Select an option indicating whether to remove the Help branch from the SBExplorer tree view. See the Remove Help Branch Options table.

Select an option indicating whether to remove the Readme branch from the

SBExplorer tree view. See the Remove ReadMe Branch Options table.

Select an option indicating whether to allow the display of multiple system IDs in the

SBExplorer tree view. See the Multiple Sysids Options table.

In normal mode, SB/XA Application Server creates a MainWin that is used as the background form for display of menus, toolbars, and status line. In self-contained mode, the menus, toolbars, and status line are attached to the current form. See the

Self-Contained Forms Options table.

SB/XA Application Server offers a style of select list that provides a better match to the look and feel of other Windows applications. See the ListView Style Selects Options table.

Enables the option to display the Windows Edit menu for fields. See the Win Edit Menu for Fields Options table.

Table 36: Add Fkey Ref to Button Options





Displays both the function key reference (for example, F7) and description on the function key button. This is useful if you prefer to use the function keys rather than the mouse, or cannot remember function key-button assignments. The function keys are active regardless of whether the function key reference is displayed.

Displays only the descriptions on the function key buttons.

Table 37: Center GUI Screen Options






Centers all GUI screens on the screen.

Allows screens to be placed individually. (Default.)

Centers subscreens only.

Table 38: Center GUI Menus





Centers GUI menus, types 3 and 4, on the screen.

Allows menus to be placed individually. (Default.)

Table 39: 2nd Level Help Display Options









Displays by converting character coordinates to pixels.

Centers on screen.

Top left.

Top right.

Bottom left.

Bottom right.


Chapter 4: Security tasks

Table 40: Intuitive Help Display Options









Displays by converting character coordinates to pixels.

Centers on screen.

Top left.

Top right.

Bottom left.

Bottom right.

Table 41: Grey Out Disabled Forms Options





Disabled forms are dimmed.

Disabled forms are not dimmed.

Table 42: Deselect Before Intuitive Help Options





Deselect any text before processing Intuitive Help.

Selected text is passed to the Intuitive Help process.

Table 43: Disable 1st Level Help Options





Pressing F1 key displays help starting from second level.

Pressing F1 key displays help starting from first level.

Table 44: Disable ToolTips Options





Disable automatic display of ToolTips (per user).

Enable automatic display of ToolTips (per user).

Table 45: Navigation Methods








In XUI mode In GUI mode In Char mode

SBExplorer with MainWin SBExplorer with MainWin Runs the same as M (Menus on MainWin)

SBExplorer with Microsoft

Outlook-style interface and


Runs the same as EM

(SBExplorer with MainWin)

Runs the same as M (Menus on MainWin)

SBExplorer with MainWin Runs the same as M (Menus on MainWin)

Runs the same as EM

(SBExplorer with MainWin)

SBExplorer without


Runs the same as M (Menus on MainWin)

Runs the same as M (Menus on MainWin)

SBExplorer with Microsoft

Outlook-style interface, without MainWin

Menus on MainWin

Runs the same as EN

(SBExplorer without


Menus on MainWin

Runs the same as M (Menus on MainWin)

Menus on MainWin


The GUI Flags tab




In XUI mode

Not supported

SBExplorer with Microsoft

Outlook-style interface, without MainWin

Table 46: Remove Tool Branch Options

In GUI mode In Char mode

No MainWin, COM interface No MainWin, COM interface

SBExplorer with MainWin Runs the same as M (Menus on MainWin)





Remove the Tool branch from the SBExplorer tree view.

Display the Tool branch in the SBExplorer tree view.

Table 47: Remove Help Branch Options





Remove the Help branch from the SBExplorer tree view.

Display the Help branch in the SBExplorer tree view.

Table 48: Remove ReadMe Branch Options





Remove the ReadMe branch from the SBExplorer tree view.

Display the ReadMe branch in the SBExplorer tree view.

Table 49: Multiple Sysids Options





Allow display of multiple system IDs in the SBExplorer tree view.

Note: This option is available only if the Navigation Method is EN, ENO, or EMO and

Remove Tool Branch, Remove Help Branch, and Remove Readme Branch are all set to


Do not allow display of multiple system IDs in the SBExplorer tree view.

Table 50: Self—Contained Form Options





Runs SB forms in self-contained mode.

Runs SB/XA Application Server in normal mode.

Table 51: ListView Style Select Options





Use the new ListView style select list.

Use the old style select list.

Table 52: Display WinEdit Menu Options





Display Windows Edit menu for fields.

Do not display Windows Edit menu for fields.


Chapter 4: Security tasks

The XUI Flags tab

The following tables describes the fields on the XUI Flags tab. The settings in this tab specify the user’s preferences for display of the SB/XA user interface in XUI mode (SB/XA Browser Client and SB/XA Rich



Table 53: The XUI Flags tab fields


Show Debug



Style for


Store Client

Form Pos Info on the Server


Style for


Initial XPS





See the Show Debug Window Options table.

Select an option indicating how forms are to be displayed in SB/XA Rich Client. See the Navigation Style for Windows Options table.

Select an option indicating whether to store information about the positions of XUI client forms on SB/XA Application Server. See the Store Client Form Pos Info on the

Server Options table.

Select an option indicating how forms are to be displayed in SB/XA Browser Client.

See the Navigation Style for Browser Options table.

The XPS Viewer shows the full width of the document if it is smaller than the screen size minus a margin. If the document is wider than the screen size, minus a margin, this parameter determines whether the document is shown at actual size with scroll bars or scaled down so the width of the document fits the XPS Viewer. See the Initial

XPS Viewer Document Size Options table.

The XUI Flags tab


Zoom Forms


Only Shrink with Fit To




List on exit


Determines whether the client applies the zoom of one form to all subsequent forms.

Value Description

Yes The client applies the zoom of a form to all subsequent forms. For example, while in the Car Rental System in the SBDEMO account, open the Branch Details form and proportionally zoom it to 120 percent. Close the form and then open any other form, and it opens at 120 percent. Scale it to 110 percent and close it, and then open the Branch Details form again. It opens at 110 percent. Log off and exit the client. Upon logging back in, all forms (including the Connect to Application window) open at the zoom last set in the previous session.

No The zoom of one form has no effect on subsequently opened forms.

Determines the behavior of the Fit To Screen button in the lower-right corner of the client window.





The Fit To Screen button only has an effect when the active form is larger than the client window. In such an instance, clicking the

Fit To Screen button causes the form to shrink proportionally to fit in the client window.

The Fit To Screen button resizes the active form proportionally to the largest size possible that fits inside the client window. If the form is smaller than the client window, Fit To Screen increases the size of the form. If the form is larger than the client window,

Fit To Screen shrinks the form. When Fit To Screen is used to increase the size of a form, the form only will increase to a maximum of 200 percent, even if 200 percent is not enough to fill the entire client window.

Specifies whether to display the Connect to Application dialog box when you log off an account or application in Rich Client or Browser Client. By default, when you log off an account, the XUI client displays the Connect to Application dialog box, and you must press Esc once more to completely close the client. If you select No for the Show Application List on exit field, the client suppresses this dialog and closes directly when you log off an account.

Value Description



Client displays Connect to Application dialog box when you log off an account.

Client closes when you log off an account.


Chapter 4: Security tasks






Determines the number of pages downloaded at a time to the XPS Viewer. This value applies to TU.SEND.TO.PRINTER and to Report Definitions. Options are:




Download all pages at once.

0 or empty The value from the next level in priority is respected. This flag can be set for the SB instance (SB.PARMS), at the system level

(HK.CONTROL), or in user flags. SB/XA respects these settings in the following order of priority: 1. User flags 2. System 3. Instance. If no value is set at any level for this flag, SB/XA uses a default value of 1.



(greater than


Download one page at a time.

If you enter a value greater than 1, that number of pages is downloaded at a time.

Note: If you have a very large report, and you attempt to download too much information at once, the system automatically breaks the download into segments to optimize speed.


The XUI Flags tab


XUI Grid


Size of Form



Allows you to improve the speed of grid load (and, by extension, form load) by downloading the grid in segments rather than all at once.

Enter a value representing the number of grid rows you want to download at a time. For example, if you enter 25 in this field, only the first 25 rows of a grid are downloaded when you open a form. If there are 100 rows of data, the next 25 rows are downloaded only when you navigate or scroll down through the grid and near the 25th row.

This flag is set to null by default. With a null setting, all grid data is downloaded immediately when you open a form.

Note: While this setting applies to all screens for the user, you can turn grid paging on and off for each screen at the screen definition level. The screen definition setting overrides the user security setup level. In the screen designer, access the grid paging flag by clicking the multivalued field, pressing F5, and then clicking


To disable XUI grid paging on a screen, enter a value of -1.

The grid always downloads enough rows to fill the visible portion of the grid on a form. If you set the value in XUI Grid Paging to 3, but a grid has five visible rows on your form, five rows are downloaded when you open the form.

When you navigate through a grid with paging in effect, pressing Ctrl-PageDown causes all of the remaining grid data to be downloaded.

When grid paging is in effect, the grid is displayed with an orange scroll bar.

If you perform filtering, sorting, or grouping in a grid, grid paging is disabled and all remaining data is downloaded at once.

With grid paging in effect on an output screen with multiple grids, pressing Ctrl-

PageDown causes the first grid to download its remaining rows. Pressing Ctrl-

PageDown again causes the next grid to download the rest of its data.

In addition to the user security record, you can enable XUI Grid Paging in user flags

(/USER.FLAGS). A value entered at either of these levels applies to all grids for this user.

Alternatively, you can enable XUI Grid Paging for an individual grid. In the screen designer, click the grid field and press F5, which calls the Enter Field screen. In the

Enter Field screen, click

F6.Addit to find the XUI Grid Paging flag.

Note: For information about a related flag, Apply XUI Grid paging to "G" option

Grids, see XUI Parms tab, on page 192


To experiment with different XUI Grid Paging settings and test the performance

benefits, you can use a test utility in the SB Support Account. See Testing grids: grid paging, on page 378


Specify how many forms you want to be stored in memCache for each session. The default is 25. This cache is enabled by the

Enable Form Cache flag on the XUI Parms tab of the SB Control Parameters screen. For more information, see the Enable Form

Cache documentation in Administering SB/XA,

XUI Parms tab, on page 192

. This flag is related to the

memCache Rotation flag, found on the XUI Flags tab of User

Security Setup. See the memCache Rotation flag documentation in this section.


Chapter 4: Security tasks








With this flag set to Yes, when you attempt to sort or list a file from the TCL level in XUI, the output of the SORT or LIST is sent to the XPS Viewer. For example, in

SBDEMO, access the TCL level and enter LIST VOC. Output is sent to the XPS Viewer almost instantly. You can cancel output to XPS Viewer if the process is taking too long. If you set the flag to No, the output of the LIST or SORT scrolls in the TCL window, and it can take a substantial amount of time for a large file. Additionally, unlike in SBClient, there is no way to abort this scrolling. This flag, also available in

USER.FLAGS, is set to Yes by default.

This field, which you can configure for sorting, filtering, and grouping, allows you to apply the sorting, filtering, and grouping capabilities of SB/XA grids to SB/XA selection forms.

For more information about these capabilities, see the Controlling Field Options documentation (

Control/Dep/Read field) in "Enter Field F5" in the SB/XA Developer's


, or watch a tutorial video on


â–ª Enable Sorting: Set to Yes by default, this option allows you to sort the contents of SB/XA selection forms by clicking on column headers within the form. This flag is set to Yes by default.

â–ª Enable Filtering: Set to Yes to enable inclusive filtering in selection forms. After you enable filtering, you can click the column headers in a selection form to acess a filter drop-down menu to filter results. Note that filtering in selection forms only uses the "L option" inclusive filtering as described in the Controlling Field

Options documentation ( Control/Dep/Read field) in "Enter Field F5" in the SB/XA

Developer's Guide

, and you cannot use "O option" filtering in selection forms.

â–ª Enable Grouping: Set to Yes to enable grouping within selection forms. When you enable grouping, a gray area is displayed at the top of the selection form. You can drag one or multiple column headers into the gray area to group selection results by different criteria.

These flags also can be set at the system level (/HK.CONTROL) and the instance level


Following SB/XA hierarchy, the user-level setting takes first priority, trumping any setting applied at the system level or instance level. The system-level setting is next in the hierarchy, followed by the instance level.


The XUI Flags tab


Run Crash

Report memCache



This flag, found in Group Security Setup, User Flags, and User Security Setup, allows you to choose whether you want SB/XA to write a crash report to the

DMCONT file in the event of an XUI client crash.

If you choose Yes, after an XUI client crash, a crash report is written to

DMCONT the next time the user who experienced the crash logs into the client.

The process XUI.CRASH.REPORT writes the crash report to the XUI.CLIENT.CRASH

record in

DMCONT. The fields for the crash record, which are delimited with VMs, are as follows:

1. Date (universal string YYYY-MM-DD)

2. Time (universal string HH:MM:SS'Z')

3. Session ID

4. Windows user identity

5. SB/XA User ID

6. Computer name

7. Application Server port

8. Application name

9. System ID

10. Brief message

11. Reporter SB/XA User ID

12. Name of the file used to collect logs (auto-generated and filled in by server if logs are collected)

The XUI.CRASH.REPORT process also calls SB.COLLECT.LOGS,4, which collects logs

pertinent to the crash. For more information about log file collection, see Log file collection, on page 348


You can alter the XUI.CRASH.REPORT process however you choose.

To collect partial logs, select Partial. When a crash report is generated using this option, only the last log in the Client, Communication Server, and Application Server are collected.

Note: Both the Client and Communication Server logs are achieved as a zip file with a .

zip extension prior to being downloaded.

The Run Crash Report setting at the user level takes precedence over the setting in group security. If you do not select a setting at the user level, the setting in group security is applied. If there is no setting in either place, the default behavior is No.

Choose how you want the memCache, which stores form cache information for the current session, to be culled when its limit is reached. If you choose FIFO, the first form cached is the first form removed from the memCache when the limit is reached.

If you choose Least, the form that has been least frequently accessed during a session is the first form removed from cache when the memCache limit is reached.

Note that this flag is inextricably linked to the Enable Form Cache flag found on the

SB Control Parameters screen, XUI Parms tab. That flag, set to Yes by default, must be set to Yes in order for this flag to have any meaning. For more information, see the

Enable Form Cache documentation in Administering SB/XA,

XUI Parms tab, on page

192 .

This flag is additionally linked to the Size of Form Cache flag on the XUI Flags tab of User Security Setup. The culling of the memCache only begins when the limit specified in Size of Form Cache is reached. For more information, see the Size of

Form Cache field documentation in this section.


Chapter 4: Security tasks


Account for

ENO mode


System Id for

ENO mode

System Id |



In each row of the grid, enter the name of an account that requires a default system

ID for the user in ENO navigation mode (SBExplorer with Microsoft Outlook-style interface, without MainWin).

In the row for each account in the grid, enter a value specifying the system ID or favorites folder to be displayed by default for the account in ENO navigation. If you do not specify a value for an account, when the user connects to the account in ENO mode, the first system ID for the account is shown on the Outlook-style menu. See the Default System Id for ENO mode Options table.

Display only. Shows the most recent system ID and theme in effect for the user.

Table 54: Show Debug Window Options





Display the debug window.

Do not display the debug window.

Table 55: Navigation Style for Windows Options





Displays only the current form, imitating the style used in browsers.

Stacks form windows with the most recent on top. This is the default navigation style for SB/XA Rich Client.

Table 56: Store Client Form Position Options





Store positions of XUI client forms on the server.

Do not store positions of XUI client forms on the server.

Table 57: Navigation Style for Browser Options





Displays only the current form, in browser style. This is the default navigation style for

SB/XA Browser Client.

Stacks form windows with the most recent on top, imitating the style used in

Windows-based clients.

Table 58: Initial XPS Viewer Document Size Options





Displays the document at actual size with scroll bars.

Scales down the document so the width fits the XPS Viewer.

Table 59: Default System ID for ENO Mode Options

Option Description

system_ID The system ID to be displayed by default for this user in ENO navigation.

UFXSBXA Display the folder set in the User Security Setup > XUI Favorite Folder tab for this user in ENO navigation by default, instead of a specified system ID.




The XUI Favorite Folder tab


Display the folder set in the Group Security Setup > Group XUI Favorites window for this user in ENO navigation by default, instead of a specified system ID.

The XUI Favorite Folder tab

The following table describes the fields on the XUI Favorite Folder tab.

Two navigation methods use a paradigm of favorites:

â–ª EMO – SBExplorer with Microsoft Outlook-style interface and MainWin

â–ª ENO – SBExplorer with Microsoft Outlook-style interface, without MainWin

An administrator or the user can create a user favorites folder and add to it a shortcut to any menu item or process that the user accesses often.

When an item is placed in a favorites folder, the user can find it quickly and open it by double-clicking the shortcut link in the SBExplorer pane.

An administrator or the user can add, change, or delete a user favorites folder and the items it contains from User Security Setup or from the SBExplorer pane in EMO or ENO mode. Changes that have been made in both locations are synchronized each time the user logs to the account.

Table 60: The XUI Favorite Folder tab fields

Field Description

Favorites Label Enter the text to use as the label for the user favorites folder.

Favorites Icon Enter the name of the graphic file to use as an icon for the user favorites folder.



Enter a description of the menu item or process to use as a favorite. Otherwise, to delete the favorite item on the current row, enter

\ (backslash) and press Enter.

Enter the one-character action type code for the item, which is most commonly

M for a menu item or P for a process. For other action types, press F3 and select a code from the list.


Chapter 4: Security tasks

Field Description

Process Name Enter the name of the process or shell command to call when the favorite item is selected, or press

F3 to select the process name from a list.

Icon Enter the name of the graphic file to use as an icon for the favorite item in the

SBExplorer pane, or press

F3 to select a graphic from the list. The file extension must be either

.bmp or .jpg.

The LMe tab

The following table describes the fields on the LMe tab.


Note: You must license SB/XA with Rocket Aldon LM(e) in order to use any LM(e) features. For more information about LM(e), see

Web DESB/XA with Rocket Aldon LM(e), on page 386

Table 61: The LMe tab

Field Description





Enter the names of LMe projects to which this user is to have access.

Enter the name of the project to which this user is to be signed in by default with


Default Task Enter the name of the task to which this user is to be signed in by default with LM(e).

Define User Macro Keys (F6)

Define User Macro Keys (F6)

This screen allows you to define macro keys for the user. With macro keys, the user can enter repetitive data strings by entering a macro lead-in character (for example, Ctrl Z) and a keyboard switch character.

In the example above, pressing the macro key followed by the letter B is equivalent to typing


Table 62: Field descriptions




Macro String


Function key. Accepts the data entered in this screen.

The switch character used to recall the string defined in the next field.

The string of characters returned.

If entering a process call, you must type

\ before the /. For example, \/FD accesses the Field Definitions tool.

To enter data in subsequent fields, type

\DATA followed by the required input strings separated by commas. For example:


If you enter a number from 0 to 254 enclosed in parentheses, SB converts the number to its equivalent ASCII character. For example, in the screen above, the letter V produces a value-mark (253). You can use this facility to enter nonstandard characters, such as ü.

Note: This feature is active in character mode only. In GUI mode, the normal

Windows cut and paste functions (CTRL+X, CTRL+C, and CTRL+V ) are available.


Chapter 4: Security tasks

Initialize User’s Password

This screen allows you to change the password of a user in a group that is lower than your own in the hierarchy. This password grants the user one-time access. After gaining access, the user must establish and maintain their own password.

Table 63: Field descriptions




Function key. Accepts the data entered in this screen.

User Id The user ID for which a new password is to be specified.

New Password The new password that the user is to enter when first logging on. The user is prompted to establish a unique password after the initial access.

List Users Logged On

This screen provides a list of all users who are currently logged on.


Security Reports

Security Reports

This menu provides a selection of security reports.


Chapter 4: Security tasks



Breach report

User activity log report

Clear user log file report

Group summary report

User report

System access summary report

System restrictions report

User summary report

User details report


This report shows details of all attempted breaches of security, including the date, time, port number, account, user ID, and type of security breach, indicated by a code. Security breach codes are:

â–ª LPW-Failed password check at logon.

â–ª VPW-Failed user verification at logon.

You can enter the selection criteria for this report. You are given the option of clearing breach entries in the log file.

This report shows a history of all user logon activities, including details of users who have logged on and off the system, and when they used any process to which LOG.USER has been specified. You can enter selection criteria for this report. You are given the option of clearing user activity entries in the log file.

This allows you to clear all entries in the user log file, including breaches and logged activities. The report shows details of what types of entries were cleared

(breaches, activities, or all), who cleared them, and the date and time cleared.

This report provides a summary listing of all groups existing on the system.

This report provides a summary listing of all users existing on the system.

This report provides a summary of all account and process restrictions defined for all groups on the system.

This report provides a listing of all system-level restrictions.

This report provides a summary of users on the system. You can specify sorting and selection criteria for this report.

This report provides a detailed listing of users on the system. It is possible to specify sorting and selection criteria for this report.

Copy Account Restrictions


Group summary report

Group details report

Group hierarchy report


This report provides a summary of groups that have been created on the system.

It is possible to specify sorting and selection criteria for this report.

This report provides details on groups that have been created on the system. It is possible to specify sorting and selection criteria for this report.

This report shows the hierarchy of groups that have been defined in the system.

It is possible to specify a particular group that will be used as the starting point of the report. It is also possible to select whether to include additional details about each group on the report.

Copy Account Restrictions

This option of the Security menu allows you to copy account restrictions from one group, account, and system ID to another.

Table 64: Field descriptions




This copies the account restrictions from the group, account, and system ID specified in the

From area to the group, account, and system ID specified in the To area.


Chapter 4: Security tasks

Inhibit Logons


In certain circumstances, you might need to prevent all SB/XA Application Server users from logging on, except those specified as exclusions, and inform users why they cannot log on. This is useful when you are upgrading to a new version of SB/XA Application Server or performing an application revision or general system maintenance.

Note: This option inhibits logon to SB accounts only. Check your operating system manuals for details of disabling logons at the system level.

Table 65: Field descriptions




Non Inhibit


Logon Inhibited

Text Message for users


Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the inhibit logons process.

Re-enables the normal logon routines

Enter the user ID of each user who is not prevented from logging on after the inhibit logons process has run. The inhibit logons process validates user IDs entered in this field and returns an error if a user ID is not valid.

Text explaining why logons are inhibited.

Enable Logons Again

This option re-enables normal logon to SB accounts for all users who were previously affected by the

Inhibit Logons function.

Audit Reports

Audit Reports

This menu provides a selection of security audit reports:


Audit Record of


Audit Record of

Users Added

Audit Record of

Users Deleted


This option of the

Audit Reports

menu prints the

All Changes to User Security

report in HTML or default format to your screen, an auxiliary printer, or a file.

This summary report lists all transactions in which a user record was added, deleted, or amended, with transactions separated into Add, Delete, and Amend categories.

This report is produced from DMSECURITY.AUDIT log. The log is cumulative; it grows until you back up the file and clear the log. The report is available if at least one user security record has been added, deleted, or amended after this log was last cleared.

This option of the

Audit Reports

menu prints the

New Users Added to User


report in HTML or default format to your screen, an auxiliary printer, or a file. The report provides an audit trail detailing transactions in which a new user record was added in user security.

This report is produced from DMSECURITY.AUDIT log. The log is cumulative; it grows until you back up the file and clear the log. The report is available if at least one user security record has been added after this log was last cleared.

This option of the

Audit Reports

menu prints the

Users Deleted From User


report in HTML or default format to your screen, an auxiliary printer, or a file. The report provides an audit trail detailing transactions in which a user record was deleted from user security.

This report is produced from DMSECURITY.AUDIT log. The log is cumulative; it grows until you back up the file and clear the log. The report is available if at least one user security record has been deleted after this log was last cleared.


Chapter 4: Security tasks


Audit Record of

Users Amended

Audit Record of


Audit Record of

Groups Added

Audit Record of

Groups Deleted

Audit Record of

Groups Amended


This option of the

Audit Reports

menu prints the

Users Amended In User


report in HTML or default format to your screen, an auxiliary printer, or a file. The report provides an audit trail detailing transactions in which a user record was changed in user security.

This report is produced from DMSECURITY.AUDIT log. The log is cumulative; it grows until you back up the file and clear the log. The report is available if at least one user security record has been changed after this log was last cleared.

This option of the

Audit Reports

menu prints the

All Changes to Group


report in HTML or default format to your screen, an auxiliary printer, or a file. This summary report lists all transactions in which a group record was added, deleted, or amended, with transactions separated into Add, Delete, and

Amend categories.

This report is produced from DMSECURITY.GROUP.AUDIT log. The log is cumulative; it grows until you back up the file and clear the log. The report is available if at least one group security record has been added, deleted, or amended after this log was last cleared.

This option of the

Audit Reports

menu prints the

New Groups Added to User


report in HTML or default format to your screen, an auxiliary printer, or a file. The report provides an audit trail detailing transactions in which a new group record was added in group security.

This report is produced from DMSECURITY.GROUP.AUDIT log. The log is cumulative; it grows until you back up the file and clear the log. The report is available if at least one group security record has been added after this log was last cleared.

This option of the

Audit Reports

menu prints the

Groups Deleted From User


report in HTML or default format to your screen, an auxiliary printer, or a file. The report provides an audit trail detailing transactions in which a group record was deleted from group security.

This report is produced from DMSECURITY.GROUP.AUDIT log. The log is cumulative; it grows until you back up the file and clear the log. The report is available if at least one group security record has been deleted after this log was last cleared.

This option of the

Audit Reports

menu prints the

Groups Amended In User


report in HTML or default format to your screen, an auxiliary printer, or a file. The report provides an audit trail detailing transactions in which a group record was changed in group security.

This report is produced from DMSECURITY.GROUP.AUDIT log. The log is cumulative; it grows until you back up the file and clear the log. The report is available if at least one group security record has been changed after this log was last cleared.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Overview of administrative features

The Admin menu provides an interface to the operating environment (OE). This menu allows you to perform many common administrative functions of the OE without accessing it directly. Options you would normally enter as command line parameters can be entered using an input screen or by selecting a menu option, neither of which requires you to know the command line syntax.

The options of the Admin menu are summarized below. The sections that follow explain these options in greater detail.

Table 66: Admin menu options

Menu option



Provides options for maintaining files, including options for viewing, modifying, resizing, and deleting file contents.

Printers and Terminals Provides options for maintaining printers, terminal definitions, and port configurations. The options available vary between platforms.

Media Commands Provides options for creating (on some platforms), selecting, and assigning media devices and performing backup, restore, and other file operations using the selected media. The available options vary among platforms.

SB+ Setup Provides options for maintaining SB control parameters and customizing the way in which SB/XA Application Server interfaces with the operating environment.

System house Keeping Provides options for configuring ports, maintaining date and time parameters, and accessing system information. The options and information available vary among platforms.


Application Setup

Provides options for creating, updating, and deleting SB accounts.

Allows you to enable the user’s ability to connect to SB developed applications.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Menu option

SBInstance Setup


Allows you to create an SB instance, or implementation of SB/XA.

Database Types Enables you to define database types in Code Table Definitions.

Database Code Pages Enables you to define database code pages in Code Table Definitions.

Export SBClient Enables you to export session configurations, scripts, phone books, toolbars, and Smart Query definitions from SBClient 6.0.1 or earlier.

The Files menu provides options for maintaining files and records.

Update Processes


Update processes are those that allow you to edit, copy, and delete records in your files, to create non-SB files, to clear files, and to access and maintain files in other accounts. Take care in using these tools; indiscriminate use may lead to data integrity problems.

Screen edit a file

Note: These tools make direct use of quoting system commands and functions, and may bypass

SB/user update and revision control processes.

Screen edit a file

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Update Processes > Screen Edit a File. It allows you to edit records in a file using the SB screen-based text editor. For further information on the text editor, see “Text Editors” on page 1-21 SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual. For details of file structure and usage, see your OE documentation.

Table 67: Field descriptions


File Name

To Edit

Record(s) to



The name of the file containing the records to be edited.

The IDs of the records to be edited, separated by spaces.

Line edit a file

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Update Processes > Line Edit a File. It allows you to edit or create a record in a file using the OE editor. For details on the editor and on file structure and usage, see your operating environment documentation.

Table 68: Field descriptions

Field Description

File Name The name of the file containing the records to be edited.



Options are:

â–ª 0– Edits a record in the data part of the specified file.




â–ª 1– Edits a record in the dictionary part of the specified file.

The IDs of the records to be edited. To edit all records on the specified file, enter #.

Separate IDs by spaces.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Copy records


This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Update Processes > Copy Records. It allows you to copy records from one file to another or to duplicate the record using a different ID in the same file.

Table 69: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to copy records.

The name of the source file from which the records to be copied are selected.

Source File




Options are:

Record(s) to

Copy (*all)

Target File




(null same)



Delete (O, D)

â–ª 0– Copies from the data part of the specified file.

â–ª 1– Copies from the dictionary part of the specified file.

The IDs of the records to be copied from the specified file. Enter

* to copy all records.

Separate IDs by spaces.

The name of the file to which the copied records are written. The target file may be the same as the source file if records are to be duplicated.

New IDs must be entered if the records are to be duplicated in the source file. Leave blank if the IDs are to be copied with the same names to another file.

Options can be combined. They are:

â–ª O-Overwrites records that exist on the target file.

â–ª D-Deletes records on the source file after copying.

Clear file

Clear file

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Update Processes > Clear File. It allows you to clear the contents of either the dictionary part or the data part of a file. The file itself is not deleted. We advise backing up important files before clearing them.

Note: All records are deleted unconditionally.

Table 70: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2-Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to clear a file.

File Name The name of the file to be cleared.



Options are:

â–ª 0–Clears records from the data part of the source file.

â–ª 1–Clears records from the dictionary part of the source file.

Create a file — UniData

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Update Processes > Create File. It allows you to create non-SB files. (The files created using this screen are not known to SB/XA Application

Server. They do not appear in file lists in intuitive help, for example.) The Create File option on the

Tools menu creates SB files, but is not available for run-time licenses. On some platforms, full file type specification is available only when creating files using this option.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 71: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to create a file.

File Name A unique name for the file to be created.

Description (Optional.) An appropriate description for the file.

Type (0/1/2) The type of file to be created. Options are:


â–ª 0–Creates the data part of the file only.

â–ª 1–Creates the dictionary part of the file only.

â–ª 2–Creates both the data and dictionary parts of the file.

Allows you to create a dynamic file. Dynamic files are self-resizing. For further details, see your UniData documentation. Options are:



DIR Type

â–ª Y-Creates a dynamic file.

â–ª N-Creates a normal file.

The number of primary groups allocated to the file. For further details, see your

UniData documentation.

The number of blocks allocated per group. For further details, see your UniData documentation.

If the file is not a dynamic file (

N is entered in the Dynamic field), and the file type is 0 or 2, you can specify the data part of the file to be created as a directory type file. If the file is a dynamic file (

Y is entered in the Dynamic field), this field is blank. Options are:

â–ª Y-Creates a directory type data part of the file.

â–ª N-Creates a normal data part of the file.

Hash Type The hash type determines the way data is stored on disk. For further details, see your

UniData documentation. Options are:

â–ª 0–The default for non dynamic files.

â–ª 1–The default for dynamic files.

Create a file — UniVerse


This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Update Processes > Create File. It allows you to create non-SB files. (The files created using this screen are not known to SB/XA Application

Server. They do not appear in file lists in intuitive help, for example.) The Create File option on the

Delete file

Tools menu creates SB files, but is not available for run-time licenses. On some platforms, full file type specification is available only when creating files using this option.

Table 72: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to create a file.

File Name A unique name for the file to be created.

Description (Optional.) An appropriate description for the file.

File Details

– Dictionary

Level Type

A number of different types of files can be created. The difference between most types relates to the different hashing algorithms used. You should select the type most suited to the nature of the records the file will contain. Type 1 files are used for programs or large text records. Each record is stored as a separate UNIX file. For further details, see your UniVerse documentation. Leave this field blank if you do not want to create the dictionary part of the file.

The number of primary groups allocated to the dictionary part of the file. For further details, see your UniVerse documentation.

File Details

– Dictionary



File Details

– Dictionary



The number of blocks allocated per group to the dictionary part of the file. For further details, see your UniVerse documentation.

File Details

– Data Level


File Details

– Data Level


File Details

– Data Level


A number of different types of files can be created. Most relate to the different hashing algorithms used. You should select the type most suited to the nature of the records the file will contain. Type 1 files are used to contain programs or large text records.

Each record is stored as a separate UNIX file. For further details, see your UniVerse documentation. If you do not want to create the data part of the file, leave this field blank.

The number of primary groups allocated to the data part of the file. For further details, see your UniVerse documentation.

The number of blocks allocated per group to the data part of the file. For further details, see your UniVerse documentation.

Delete file

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Update Processes > Delete File. It allows you to completely delete files that are created in the OE (or using the Create File tool described previously) from the system.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

If the file was created with the

Tools > File Create/Delete > Create A New File option, it is an SB file and should be deleted using the

Tools > File Create/Delete > Delete A File option. This ensures that

SB/XA Application Server is aware that the file has been deleted. If you use

Admin > Delete File to delete an SB file, the file name continues to appear in intuitive help lookups, even though it has been deleted. (See “File Create/Delete” in the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual.)

Warning: Use caution when deleting a file. Be aware of the impact on other files in the system, as well as on data integrity. We recommend that you back up important files before deleting them.

After a file has been deleted, the only way to recover it is from a backup. The more recent the backup is, the less data is lost.

Table 73: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to delete a file.

File Name The name of the file to be deleted. Be aware that data in the file is lost when the file is deleted. Data can be recovered only by restoring the file from a backup.

Delete record


This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Update Processes > Delete Record. It allows you to delete one or more records from a file. After requesting a record deletion, you are prompted to confirm it.

Table 74: Field descriptions






F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to delete a file.

File Name The name of the file containing the records to be deleted.



Options are:

â–ª 0–Deletes records from the data part of the file.

â–ª 1–Deletes records from the dictionary part of the file.

The IDs of the records to be deleted from the file. Enter * if all records are to be deleted. Separate IDs by spaces.

Access file other account

Access file other account

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Update Processes > Access File Other Account.

From the current account, you can reference records in a file in another account by using a remote file pointer. This option allows you to define a link to the remote file. The pointer name may be the same as that of the remote file name, or it may be different. A file in the current account may also have a synonym pointer; a pointer to it is created in the current account using a different name, and the file can be opened using the synonym or the original name. You can create multiple synonyms for local and remote files.

For example, although it may be part of a uniform file naming scheme, the file name BEV000-PARTA is rather cryptic. When writing user subroutines or paragraphs, clarity is improved by using a meaningful name for the file, such as CONTRACT-HEADER. You can achieve this by creating a synonym or remote file pointer to BEV000-PARTA called CONTRACT-HEADER, dependent on the location of BEV000-PARTA.

Table 75: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to access a file in another account.




File Name

In Other


The name of the account containing the file to be accessed from the account in which you are currently working. If the file is in the current account and you want to create a synonym, leave this field blank.

The name of the local or remote file you want to access.


For This


The name to be used in this account to access the file.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Search and replace


This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Update Processes > Search and Replace. It allows you to find records in a file that contains the given search strings and to optionally replace each instance of the search string with an alternative string. You can specify multiple search and replace string combinations. To specify search-only, leave the Replace String field blank.

The CLEAN.SYSTEM process clears all saved search and replace setups. (For further details, see the

SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual

.) Copy the setups you want to keep to another file before running CLEAN.SYSTEM..

Table 76: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to search and replace a string.

F5–Recall a


Function key. Recalls previously saved search details to be used with another file.

Details are stored in the xxCONTROL file with a default ID of $SRportno. Recalled details do not overwrite any selection criteria or options you have already entered.

F6–Save a


Function key. Saves details of a search (apart from the file being searched). You can recall these details later for subsequent searches with different file names. Details are stored in xxCONTROL with an ID of $SRportno.

Function key. Deletes previously saved search details if required.

F7–Delete a


File Name The name of the file to be searched.

Selection (Optional.) Selection criteria for this search. If you do not specify selection criteria, all records are searched. If you want to limit your search, enter selection criteria. Use standard Query syntax; for example:








View File Data

View File Data


Determine the manner in which the string is searched and what happens to the records found. Options can be combined. They are:

â–ª C-Confirm. Each time the string is found, you are prompted to confirm that you want to replace it.

Note: To avoid possible data integrity problems, we recommend that you always specify this option.

â–ª L- List. Produces a list of record IDs that contain the search string. The list is stored in xxCONTROL with an ID of $filename.port.

â–ª S-Select list. Returns an active select list of the IDs containing the string.

â–ª U-Unique. Specifies that the search string must be a whole word.

The string to be searched within the selected records.

The string to replace the search string, if found. If you want to search for a string but not replace it, leave this field blank.

Provides options for viewing data in a file.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

List records in file


This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > View File Data > List Records In File. It allows you to list records held in a file. This is a simplified version of the Query Report Definitions tool and can be used when the Tools menu is not available. This tool uses standard dictionary definitions only.

Table 77: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to list records in a file.

File Name The name of the file containing the records to be listed.

Sort Fields The fields used to sort the records. Fields should be in descending order of importance and delimited by a single space.

Fields to


The names of the fields to be printed in the list, delimited by a single space.



Totals Only


Selection criteria (if required) for this report. All records are printed if no selection criteria is entered. You should use standard Query syntax; for instance:


Options are:

â–ª Y-Prints totals only; no detail lines are printed.




Printer (S/P)

â–ª N- Prints detail and total lines.

(Optional.) A heading for the listing.

(Optional.) A footer for the listing.

Options are:

â–ª S-Sends report output to the screen.

â–ª P-Sends report output to the printer.

List all file names

List all file names

This option is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Update Processes > List All File Names. It allows you to list the names of all files held in this account, and files that exist in other accounts that can be accessed from this account.

This tool is an interface to the OE command for listing files on your platform (for example, the UniData command LISTFILES or LISTF). For further information, see your OE documentation.

List entire record

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > View File Data > List Entire Record. It allows you to list the contents of a record to either the screen or a printer.

Table 78: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to list records in a record.

File Name The name of the file containing the records to be listed.



Options are:

â–ª 0–Lists record contents from the data part of the file.

â–ª 1–Lists record contents from the dictionary part of the file.

The IDs of records to be listed. Enter * to list all records. Separate IDs by spaces.

Record Id(s)



Printer (S/P)

Options are:


(I,S,F) -


â–ª S- Displays records on the screen.

â–ª P-Sends record listing to the printer.

Options (which can be combined) are:

â–ª I-Suppresses display of the default ID in the list. Equivalent to the ID-SUPP Query modifier.

â–ª S-Suppresses line numbering.

â–ª F-Sends a form feed after each record.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

List dictionary

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > View File Data > List Dictionary. It allows you to list records in the dictionary part of a file to the screen.

Table 79: Field descriptions

Field Description

File Name The name of the dictionary file whose contents are to be listed.

Count records in file


This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > View File Data > Count Records In File. It allows you to count the number of dictionary or data records in a file. You can enter selection criteria specifying the records to be counted.

Table 80: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to count records.

File Name The name of the file whose records are to be counted.



Options are:

â–ª 0–Counts the records in the data part of the specified file.

â–ª 1–Counts the records in the dictionary part of the file.



Selection criteria (if required) specifying the records to be counted. Leave blank to count all records. Use standard Query syntax. For example:


Sum a field

Sum a field

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > View File Data > Sum A Field. It allows you to total the values of a field in selected records from one file.

Table 81: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to sum a field.

File Name The name of the file containing the field whose contents are to be totaled.

Sum Field


The name of the field.



Selection criteria (if required) specifying the records. You should use standard Query syntax. For example:


Compare records

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > View File Data > Compare Records. It allows you to compare two records (or multiple pairs of records) held in a file or in different files.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 82: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to compare records.


File Name



The name of the file containing the initial records to be compared.

The ID of the records in the reference file to be compared. * selects all records in the reference file.


File Name



Output to


The name of the file containing the records to be compared against. The default file name is the reference file name entered above.

The ID of the second records that are to be compared with records in the reference file entered. * selects all records in the compared file. If the reference and compared files are the same, * is not a valid response.

Options are:

â–ª S-Outputs the results of the comparison to the screen.

â–ª P-Outputs the results of the comparison to the printer.

â–ª X-Outputs the results of the comparison to the auxiliary printer.

â–ª F-Outputs the results to xxWORK file, with an ID of COMPport.

â–ª L-Outputs the results of the comparison to a record with the ID $filename:port in xxCONTROL.

Resize Files


Provides options for resizing files.

The amount of disk space allocated to a file should be matched to the actual volume of data in the file.

Incorrectly sized files may have a serious effect on system performance; files that are too small may take too long to access, while files that are unnecessarily large waste disk space.

Note: This menu is not available on Windows-based installations.

Determine file sizes

You will need to resize files from time to time as the amount of data held changes. SB/XA Application

Server partially automates this procedure, using statistical information obtained by the system, together with parameters maintained by the user.

Determine file sizes

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Resize Files > Determine File Sizes. It provides file size statistics for the current file. A statistics file can be produced for the whole system or for individual accounts, as follows:

1. A statistics file is built for an account or the whole system by scanning every file within the accounts specified. This step can be skipped if the current statistics file is up to date.

2. The SB history file is updated with the current statistics. The process then calculates the suggested resizing parameters. File growth history can be used in the calculations.

Table 83: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2–Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and begins the process of generating file statistics.

Account to do (*=All)

Last Valid


The account names delimited by a single space or * (for all) for which resize parameters are to be calculated.

(Display only.) The date on which the last valid file resizing suggestions were calculated. If no previous resizing calculations have been made, or the statistics file has been cleared, this field is blank.

Use History


Factor (Y/N)

Each time a file is resized, SB/XA Application Server keeps a record of previous modulos for the file. After there are three or more previous sizes recorded for a file, SB/

XA Application Server can use this information to determine the percentage growth, taking this into account when working out the new file size. Options are:

â–ª Y-Includes growth history in resize calculations for specified accounts.

â–ª N-Calculates resize parameters without reference to growth history.

File size reports

This option provides information generated from the most recent run of the Determine File Sizes process. This assists the system administrator in determining strategies for file resizing.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

All file statistics by account

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Resize Files > File Size Reports > All File

Statistics by Account. The report shows a complete listing of file statistics for all accounts nominated in the last run of the Determine File Sizes process. Information includes the current size, utilization and growth of the file, and the current and suggested modulo sizes.

Files suggested to resize

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Resize Files > File Size Reports > Files

Suggested to Resize. The report is similar to the All File Statistics by Account report, but it lists only those files that Determine File Sizes has determined are in need of resizing.

Files too small by account


This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Resize Files > File Size Reports > Files Too Small

by Account. The report is similar to the All File Statistics by Account report, but it lists only those files that Determine File Sizes has found to be in need of resizing because the modulo is too small. (When a file’s modulo is very small, part of the contents of the file are stored in overflow.)

Files too big by account

Files too big by account

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Resize Files > File Size Reports > Files Too Big

by Account. The report is similar to the All File Statistics by Account report, but lists only those files that Determine File Sizes has found to be in need of resizing because the modulo is too large. (When a file’s modulo is overly large, too much disk space has been allocated for the file.

Prepare file resizing

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Files > Resize Files > Prepare File Resizing. It updates the file records with the suggested modulo and separation.

Note: The actual resize only takes place when an account-save or file-save is done, followed by an account-restore or file-restore.

This option updates all files selected by Determine File Sizes. You can manually adjust the suggested options in individual files if required before the account or file-save is performed.

If you want to resize only a few files, this may not be the best option. The Manually Resize A File option allows you to manually resize a single file, and also allows you to resize the file immediately rather than at the next restore. See

Manually resize a file, on page 92


Table 84: Field descriptions



Account(s) to

Resize (*=All)


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters.

The account names, delimited by a single space, whose files are to be updated with the resizing parameters. Enter * for all accounts.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Maintain resizing parameters

Allows you to manage the size of your files.

Manually resize a file


This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Resize Files > Maintain Resizing Parameters

> Manually Resize A File. Resizing parameters can be entered manually for files in the nominated account. You should run Determine File Sizes first to get the current file size statistics.

Note: The UniVerse screen is similar to the UniData screen shown here.

Table 85: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to resize a file.

Manually resize a file

Field Description

Account Name The account name containing the file to be resized.

File Dict Name The name of the dictionary part of the file. Leave blank if the VOC is to be resized.

File Data Name The name of the data file to be resized. Leave blank if only the dictionary part of the file is to be resized.

(Display only.) The calculated average growth of the file.

Resize History

Shows Average

Growth Is %

Growth % Over

Period of days is %

The expected growth percentage (%) for the file over the period shown. This figure is used in calculating the resize parameters.

No of Items (Display only.) The number of records held in the file being resized.

Average Size (Display only.) The average size of the records in the file being resized.

Util %

Growth %

Since Date



(Display only.) The percentage of the total file size being utilized.

(Display only.) The percentage growth allowed each time the file is resized. This is determined by the parameters specified in the Maintain Global Tuning screen.

(Display only.) The date of the last resize.

(Display only.) The current modulo for this file.



Present Type -

UniVerse only



UniVerse only

Press the

Enter key to accept the new recommend modulo, or enter a new value.

The value should be a prime number.

(Display only.) The current file type for this file.

(Display only.) The current separation for this file.

An (optional) new file type, otherwise the current type is assumed.


Type -

UniVerse only


Separation -

UniVerse only

Resize File


(Y/N) -

UniVerse only

Press the

Enter key to accept the recommended separation, or enter a new value.

Options are:

â–ª Y- Resizes the file immediately. This is achieved by exercising the UniVerse

RESIZE command. Ensure that other users are not accessing the file to be resized during this process.

â–ª N- Resizes the file when the next account-restore or file-restore is performed.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Fine tune a file resizing


This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Resize Files > Maintain Resizing Parameters

> Fine Tune A File Resizing. It allows you to set defaults for files that may grow in a nonstandard manner.

Note: The UniVerse screen is similar to the UniData screen shown here.

Table 86: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters.

Account Name The account name containing the file to be manually fine-tuned.

File Dict Name The name of the dictionary part of the file if the dictionary or data part is to be finetuned. Leave blank if the VOC is to be fine-tuned.

File Data Name The name of the data part of the file. Leave blank if only the dictionary part of the file is to be resized.

No. of Items (Display only.) The number of records held in the file being resized.

Average Size (Display only.) The average size of the records in the file being resized.

Util %

Growth %

Since Date

(Display only.) The percentage of the total file size being utilized.

(Display only.) The percentage growth allowed each time the file is resized. This is determined by the parameters specified in the Maintain Global Tuning option.

(Display only.) The date of the last resize.

Maintain global tuning


Resize History

Shows Average

Growth is %

Growth % Over

Period of days is %


% Before

Resizing is %


(Display only.) The calculated average growth of the file.

The expected growth percentage over a period of the number of days shown. This figure is used within the calculation determining file size.


Modulo to accept is

Present Type -





Separation -



Type -





Separation -


A tolerance level that determines whether to resize the file. The recommended new modulo is compared to the current modulo and if the percentage of difference is greater than the tolerance percentage, the resize suggestion is written to the file.

For example, if the tolerance figure is 0%, the file is always resized, assuming the new modulo is different from the current one. This figure overrides the default tolerance for this file, specified in the next menu option.

A minimum modulo for the file, regardless of the number of existing records.

(Display only.) The current file type for this file.

(Display only.) The current modulo for this file.

(Display only.) The current separation for this file. Separation is the number of blocks allocated per group to the dictionary part of the file. For further information about separation, see your UniVerse documentation.

(Display only.) The new file type, if different from the current type; otherwise, the file type is assumed.

(Display only.) The new recommended modulo, or enter a new value. The value should be a prime number.

(Display only.) The recommended separation for this file.

Maintain global tuning

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Resize Files > Maintain Resizing Parameters >

Maintain Global Tuning. Allows you to specify the global parameters SB/XA Application Server uses to calculate its resizing recommendations.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 87: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept


Tolerance before resizing


Resize Growth

Period Days


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters.

The default tolerance value to be used for all files in all accounts when determining recommended file resize parameters. SB/XA Application Server uses the default tolerance value to determine whether to suggest a new size for the file. If the percentage of difference between the recalculated modulo and the current modulo is less than the default tolerance percentage entered here, the new modulo is ignored.

If a specific file is to have an alternative tolerance value, you can specify one using the Fine Tune A File resizing option.

The default growth period (in days) within the resize calculation. This is used as a default for all files and all accounts.

For example, if the growth period is defined as 30 days, SB/XA Application Server attempts to project what the file sizes will be 30 days in the future based on past growth.

Perform housekeeping

Provides options for removing redundant resize statistics and suggestions for an account or file.

Remove resize suggestions


This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Resize Files > Maintain Resizing Parameters

> Perform House Keeping >Remove Resize Suggestions. It allows you to remove resize suggestions for one or more accounts.

Clear redundant history

Table 88: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept


Name(s) (* =



Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and removes the resize suggestions.

The names of accounts, delimited by spaces, for which resize suggestions are to be removed. Enter

* for all accounts.

Clear redundant history

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Resize Files > Maintain Resizing Parameters

> Perform House Keeping >Clear Redundant History. It allows you to clear a file resize history for an account no longer on the system. When an account is deleted from the system, its history statistics remain. We recommend removing the history for an account that is no longer required. However, if you think you might restore an account in the future, you should retain its history statistics.

Table 89: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept


Account Name

(* = All Old)


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and removes the file resize history.

The names of accounts to have their file resize history removed.

Purge resize history

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Files > Resize Files > Maintain Resizing Parameters

> Perform House Keeping >Purge Resize History. It allows you to clear the resize history for all accounts on the system. You are prompted for confirmation before proceeding.

Warning: Use the purge feature with caution.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Printers and Terminals

The Printers and Terminals menu provides options for accessing all printer management functions and terminal definitions, and for mapping terminals and printers to your system ports.

Printer Management


The Printer Management option allows you to maintain the printers on your system and to control a report’s destination printer and stationery type. For a comparative overview of the previous and present printer management systems, and a discussion of features of the present system, see


Management, on page 98 .

Where the screen image is specific to the database on which you are running SB/XA Application Server, the screen is marked accordingly; otherwise the screens are common across databases. For more information, see

Overview of administrative features, on page 73


For special instructions on setting up the XPS Viewer to print Report Writer, QRD, and

TU.SEND.TO.PRINTER output to screen, see Setting up for XPS printing, on page 138


Notes on UniData Printer Management

Two versions of the SB Printer Manager are available for UniData: one for standard UniData printing, and one for sites with the UDT:Print package installed.

Physical printer definition — UniData

Note:  USAM/UDT:Print (also known as SPrint) version 3.5d or later is required for correct operation with the SB Printer Manager. Earlier versions such as SCH:Print (also known as QPrint) are not guaranteed to work with SB/XA Application Server. The product is referred to as UDT:Print in this manual. This refers to all compatible versions under different names as described above.

Standard UniData printing uses the UNIX spooler directly. Consequently, all maintenance and control of printers and spool jobs is performed using the UNIX tools.

Certain features of the SB Printer Manager are not available with standard UniData. These features are available with UDT:Print only:

â–ª Maintain Printers

â–ª Maintain Spooled Reports

â–ª Kill Current Job

â–ª Initialize Spooler

â–ª Access UDT:Print

Physical printer definition — UniData



This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin → Printers and Terminals → PrinterAdmin > Printers and

Terminals > Printer Management> Physical Printer Definition.

The physical printer record describes the characteristics of the actual printer in use for a given system port or device. It is defined in SB/XA Application Server with a meaningful name, which SB/

XA Application Server uses to refer to the printer. The name specified is independent of any systemspecific number, name, or device. The physical printer can be regarded as an entity independent of the hardware it currently defines or the software that drives it.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

The Physical Printer Definition screen allows you to define the physical printer entity, and specify the physical attributes relevant to the actual printer. These attributes are:

â–ª Printer description, class, and stationery type.

â–ª Device type and form names; for example, UDT:Print.

â–ª UNIX print device for each stationery type.

â–ª Start and stop escape sequences. The start and stop escape sequences are usually used to set a printer to the emulation required for the associated printer class, and reset if required after completing a job.

Other parameters are maintained from subordinate screens:

â–ª Location

â–ª Real-time printer parameter defaults (UDT:Print)

â–ª Report types

If you are associating a printer class with the physical printer record, stationery types associated with a printer class must have either form names or UNIX print devices associated with them.

This screen is not used to start or stop printers. The records created are definitions, which remain constant regardless of actual started printers, until changed by the system administrator.

Note: Any user who has access to the Printer Management menu and/or processes can create and maintain a physical printer definition. Superuser permissions are not required.

Table 90: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Save

F4 - Del

F5 - Report


F6 - Defaults


Saves the physical printer definition. If the physical printer edited is the current printer in the COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN, the PRINT.DEFN is automatically updated.

Deletes the physical printer definition. If the definition is in use, deletion is prevented. The physical printer DEFAULT cannot be deleted.

Displays the Report Type table. This table allows you to enter report types and optional stationery type to be used if a report with the appropriate report type is being printed using the current physical printer.

Displays one of the Default Printer Characteristics screens, where you can enter defaults for real-time printer parameters. See the Default Printer Characteristics F6 screens below.

F7 - Locations Displays a screen that allows you to maintain the current physical printer's location.

Locations for all physical printers can be maintained in the Admin > Printers and

Terminals > Printer Management > Maintain Locations screen.

F10 - Action Displays the action bar:

â–ª Print-Prints a detailed physical printer definition report. Output may be redirected.

â–ª Copy-Copies physical printer definitions.

â–ª Help-Displays a menu of additional help options.

Printer Name The name of an existing physical printer to edit, or a suitable name to define a new physical printer. The Printer Manager refers to all printers using names defined here.



(Display only.) The physical location of this printer.


Physical printer definition — UniData



Device Type



A meaningful description; for example, Main System Printer (/dev/lp0).

The type of UDT:Print device to be defined. The types are as follows:

â–ª S-Serial printer.

â–ª P-Parallel printer.

â–ª T-Terminal server program.

â–ª N-Non-UDT:Print printer on a network node.

â–ª U-UDT:Print printer on a network node.

For each type, a different Default Printer Characteristics screen is invoked from

the F6 key. The device types are discussed in Default printer characteristics F6

(UDT:Print), on page 102


Printer Class The printer class is defined using the Printer Class Definition screen in the Admin

> Printers and Terminals > Printer Management menu. The printer class contains control sequences relating to a class of printers. Associating a printer class with a physical printer means that the physical printer inherits the generic characteristics of the printer class, while it is associated with that particular printer class.



Form Name


You can change the associated printer class at any time. This allows you to redefine a physical printer in terms of the actual printing hardware, but to retain the same identity.

If this field is blank, the stationery types that were associated with the printer class specified in the Printer Class field are displayed. The field can then be edited.

Stationery types not required for the current physical printer can be deleted. If you accidentally delete a stationery type or the stationery type list needs to be expanded, press the F3 key to select stationery types. You can select only the stationery types that have been defined for the printer class.

If you specify a stationery type, you must assign a form name to the stationery type.

You can assign any form name any number of times.

To prevent confusion, we recommend assigning a form name that is the same as the stationery type name.

Unix Printer





The Printer Manager leaves form manipulation to the UDT:Print spooler as much as possible. For example, specifying a form name that is different from that used in the started printer, and printing using that stationery type produces a job that is held on the spooler, which can be manipulated as required.

The name of a print device that has been created using the UNIX print administration tools. For example, if a printer called HPLJII has been created, you would use that name. Do not use device pathnames, such as /dev/lp0, here. If a printer is called lp0 and points to the device /dev/lp0, you can use the name lp0.

An escape sequence to be sent at the start of a print job. This is usually used to set a printer to the emulation mode required by the printer class associated with the physical printer entity for that printer.

This sequence is sent at the start of every print job, if defined.

Stop Sequence An escape sequence to be sent at the end of a print job. This would usually be used to reset a printer to native emulation mode or to another emulation mode if required.

This sequence is sent at the end of every print job, if defined.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Default printer characteristics F6 (UDT:Print)

The following sections describe the Default Printer Characteristics screens, which you can access by pressing the F6 key in the Physical Printer Definition screen.

Table 91: Device Types








Serial printer.

Parallel printer.

Terminal server program.

Non UDT:Print printer on a network node.

UDT:Print printer on a network node.

You can enter default parameters for the current physical printer. These defaults are used in the

Maintain Printers screen. After a printer is started, you can modify the defaults in similar screens available from that screen.

It is not possible to modify the characteristics of a started printer from these screens. Only the default values are modified.

Any user who has access to the Printer Manager can enter or modify these defaults; superuser permissions are not required.

The Default Printer Characteristics screens are described in the sections that follow.

Serial printer characteristics (S)


This screen is displayed when you enter

S in the Device Type field in the Physical Printer

Definition screen and press the

F6 key.

Table 92: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept

Unix Device


Port Setup



Accepts the screen parameters.

The UNIX device name for this printer. The input is validated; parallel devices such as /dev/lp0 do not pass validation. If the device name begins with a / character, you must enter a \ character preceding the name.

The name of a UNIX program used to initialize the serial device entered in the Unix

Device Name field, if applicable.

Parallel printer characteristics (P)

Field Description

Filter Program The name of a UNIX program that will filter the output from the UDT:Print spooler.

An example of this is a Postscript filter program.

Form Name



The default form name to be used at startup. It can be any of the form names defined for this physical printer. The default is the first form entered.

The method of flow control for this printer.

The speed at which the computer is to communicate with the printer.



The type of error checking the computer is to perform when communicating with the printer.

The number of bits that comprise one word of data for this printer.

Open Tmout The length of time allowed for attempting to open the printer device before timing out.

Off Tmout The length of time allowed for attempting to establish an online connection to the printer device before timing out.

Buffer Sz The size of the printer buffer in bytes.

Parallel printer characteristics (P)

This screen is displayed when you enter

P in the Device Type field in the Physical Printer

Definition screen and press the

F6 key.

Table 93: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept Accepts the screen parameters.

Unix Device


The UNIX device name for this printer. The input is validated; serial devices such as /dev/tty0 or /dev/tty1a do not pass validation. If the device name begins with a / character, you must enter a \ character preceding the name.

Filter Program The name of a UNIX program that will filter the output from the UDT:Print spooler.

An example of this is a Postscript filter program.

Form Name The default form name to be used at start up. It can be any of the form names defined for this physical printer. The default is the first form entered.

Open Timeout The length of time allowed for attempting to open the printer device before timing out.


Chapter 5: Admin menu




Buffer Size


The length of time allowed for attempting to establish an online connection to the printer device before timing out.

The printer buffer size in bytes.

Terminal server printer characteristics (T)

This screen is displayed when you enter

T in the Device Type field in the Physical Printer

Definition screen and press the

F6 key.

Table 94: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept





Accepts the screen parameters.

The full pathname of a UNIX Terminal Server program that will print the current job to a printer attached to a terminal server on the UNIX host.

Network printer characteristics (N)


This screen is displayed when you enter

N in the Device Type field in the Physical Printer

Definition screen and press the

F6 key. It allows jobs to be printed to any printer on a remote machine defined using the UNIX printer administration tools.

Table 95: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters.

Remote UDT:Print Printer (U)


Node Name


Remote Shell


Remote Print


Remote User



The name of the node or its Internet address (for example, If a name is entered, the name must exist in your local /etc/hosts file. The

F3 key displays the / etc/hosts file.

The remote shell command that resides on your local machine. This is usually /bin/ rsh or /bin/remsh.

The command to print jobs to the spooler on the remote machine. This is usually lp or lpr.

The user ID to be used to log on to the remote machine. The user ID spooler is the default.

Remote UDT:Print Printer (U)

This screen is displayed when you enter

U in the Device Type field in the Physical Printer

Definition screen and press the F6 key. It allows jobs to be printed to printers on a remote machine defined using UDT:Print on that machine.

Table 96: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept

Node Name


Auto Start


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters.

The name of the node or its Internet address (for example, If a name is entered, the name must exist in your local /etc/hosts file. The F3 key displays the / etc/hosts file.

An alias used for the node if specified.

Options are:

â–ª Y-Invokes UDT:Print on the remote machine if it is not already started, and tests for the requested printer's existence.

â–ª N-UDT:Print must be started on the remote machine before the test for the requested printer's existence can be carried out.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Physical printer definition — UniVerse




This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management>

Physical Printer Definition.

It allows you to define the physical printer entity, and specify the physical attributes relevant to the actual printer. These attributes are:

â–ª Printer class and stationery type/form names.

â–ª UNIX device, UniVerse print driver, and lock files.

â–ª Start and stop escape sequences.

The start and stop escape sequences are usually used to set a printer to the emulation required for the associated printer class, and reset if required after completion of a job.

The physical printer entity describes the characteristics of the actual printer in use for a given system port or device. It is defined in SB/XA Application Server with a meaningful name, which SB/

XA Application Server uses to refer to the printer. The name specified is independent of any systemspecific number, name, or device, but can be any of these if desired (any alphanumeric name is acceptable). The physical printer can be regarded as an entity independent of the hardware it currently defines or the software that drives it.

For example, the physical printer SYSTEM describes the entity that is the main SB printer. The device defined by SYSTEM can be one of several different types of printers running under different emulations on different ports or devices.

Other parameters are maintained from subordinate screens:

â–ª Location

â–ª Real-time printer parameter defaults (UDT:Print)

â–ª Report types

If you are associating a printer class with the physical printer record, stationery types associated with a printer class must have UniVerse form names associated with them. This is not required if you do not

Physical printer definition — UniVerse need forms for your printing requirements. This can be specified using a parameter screen, discussed later.

This screen is not used to start or stop printers. The records created are definitions, which remain constant regardless of actual started printers, until changed by the system administrator. Note that any user who has access to the Printer Management menu and/or processes can create and maintain a physical printer definition. Superuser or print group permissions are not required.

The physical printer definition is used, with printer class and stationery type definitions, to create the

PRINT.DEFN COMMON variable and associated run-time items in DMSECURITY.PRINT.DEFN are used in conjunction with the Printer Manager throughout SB/XA Application Server.

Table 97: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Save

F4 - Del

F5 - Report


F6 - Defaults


Saves the physical printer definition. If the physical printer edited is the current printer in the COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN, the PRINT.DEFN is automatically updated.

Deletes the physical printer definition. If the definition is in use, deletion is prevented. The physical printer DEFAULT.PRINTER annot be deleted.

Displays the Report Type table. This table allows you to enter report types and optional stationery type to be used if a report with the appropriate report type is being printed using the current physical printer.

Displays one of the Default Printer Characteristics screens, where you can enter

defaults for real-time printer parameters. See the Default printer characteristics F6

(UDT:Print), on page 102


F7 - Locations Displays a screen that allows you to maintain the current physical printer's location.

You can maintain locations for all physical printers from the Maintain Locations screen in the Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management menu.

F10 - Action Displays the action bar:

â–ª Print-Prints a detailed physical printer definition report. Output may be redirected.

â–ª Copy-Copies physical printer definitions.

â–ª Help-Displays a menu of additional help options.

Printer Name The name of an existing physical printer to edit, or a suitable name to define a new physical printer. The Printer Manager refers to all printers using names defined here.



(Display only.) The physical location of this printer.


Unix Device

Driver Path

A meaningful description; for example, Main System Printer (/dev/lp0).

The full UNIX pathname to the device to which this printer will be attached. To avoid the first / of the path being interpreted as a process call, you must precede the pathname with a \ character.

The full UNIX pathname to the shell script used by UniVerse as the printer device driver. The pathname must be preceded with a \ character.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Field Description

Printer Class The printer class is defined using the Printer Class Definition screen in the

Admin >

Printers and Terminals > Printer Management menu. The printer class contains control sequences relating to a class of printers. Associating a printer class with a physical printer means that the physical printer inherits the generic characteristics of the printer class, while it is associated with that particular printer class. You can change the associated printer class at any time. This allows you to redefine a physical printer in terms of the actual printing hardware, while retaining the same identity.



If this field is blank, the stationery types associated with the printer class specified in the Printer Class field are displayed. The field can then be edited. Stationery types that are not required for the current physical printer can be deleted. If an accidental deletion occurs or the stationery type list needs to be expanded, an F3 lookup is available. Only stationery types defined for the printer class specified can be selected.

Form Names If you specify a stationery type, you must assign a UniVerse form name to the stationery type, and have specified that the form name be included in SETPTR and/ or sp.config in the Physical Printer Definition > Default Printer Characteristics >

Environment Defaults screen. You can assign any form name any number of times.

In general, to prevent confusion you should assign a form name that is the same as the stationery type name. For further details on form name usage, see the UniVerse

Spooler Administration section of the UniVerse System Administration manual. The

Printer Manager leaves form name manipulation to the operating system as much as possible. For example, specifying a form name that is different from that used

in the started printer see Maintain printers – UniVerse, on page 124

and printing using that stationery type produces a job that is held on the spooler, which can be manipulated as required.

Lock File

Path(s) 1 & 2



The full UNIX pathname of the file that will be used when sharing this printer with other UNIX Processes. See the UniVerse Spooler Administration section of the

UniVerse System Administration manual. The pathname must be preceded with a \ character. You can enter up to two paths.

An escape sequence to be sent at the start of a print job. This is usually used to set a printer to the emulation mode required by the printer class associated with the physical printer entity for that printer. This sequence is sent at the start of every print job, if defined.

Stop Sequence An escape sequence to be sent at the end of a print job. This would usually be used to reset a printer to native or another emulation mode if required. If defined, this sequence is sent at the end of every print job.

Default printer characteristics F6


Environmental defaults F6

This screen is accessed by pressing the F6 key in the Physical Printer Definition screen. It allows you to define default characteristics for the printer that will be started using this physical printer definition.

These defaults will be used at start time, unless modified using the F7-Modify Printer Parameters screen from the Maintain Printers screen. Any user who has access to the Printer Manager can enter or modify these defaults; superuser and/or print group permissions are not required.

Many of the parameters in this screen refer to serial printers. Any value entered for those parameters; for example, Baud and Parity are ignored for parallel devices.

Table 98: Field description


F2 – Accept

F6 –








CR Cnv





Other Opts


Accepts the screen parameters.

Displays the Environment Defaults screen. This is where the inclusion of printer and form names in the UniVerse print environment is specified. For further information, see

Environmental defaults F6, on page 109


The method of flow control for this printer.

The speed at which the computer is to communicate with the printer.

The type of error checking that will be used by the computer when communicating with the printer.

If printing is to be enabled on this printer when the spooler is initialized (which will occur when the printer is started in Maintain Printers), enter Y. If not, enter N.

If queuing to this printer is to be enabled when the spooler is initialized (which will occur when the printer is started in Maintain Printers), enter Y. If not, enter N.

The UniVerse term for the type of conversion carried out on a carriage return on output. Null means no conversion.

If embedded tabs are to be expanded to eight spaces in the output, enter Y. If not, enter N.

The form feed delay factor to be used. One of three values can be entered. For further information, see your UniVerse documentation or press the F3 key.

The line feed delay factor to be used. One of nine values can be entered. For further information, see your UniVerse documentation or press the F3 key.

The number of bits that comprise one word of data for this printer.

Enter other UniVerse spooler options, such as PTERM settings. For further information, see your UniVerse documentation.

Environmental defaults F6


Chapter 5: Admin menu

This screen is accessed by pressing the F6 key in the Default Printer Characteristics screen. It allows you to include or exclude printer and form names in the environment.

Table 99: Field description


F2 – Accept

Include Printer

Name in


Include Form

Name in


Create Form

Name in sp.config


Accepts the screen parameters.

If the printer name is to be included in SETPTR when a user logs on or uses a different printer/stationery type when printing, enter Y. This ensures that output goes to the specified printer, rather than the UniVerse default printer. You should always enter Y to correctly use printers defined in SB/XA Application Server, unless you use only one printer. To prevent inclusion of the printer name, enter N.

If the form name is to be included in SETPTR when a user logs on or uses a different printer/stationery type when printing, enter Y. This ensures that output is printed when a stationery type/form name combination is specified, and the actual form name on the started printer is set to the form name associated with the stationery type. You should always enter Y when stationery types are associated with a physical printer that has been started. If no stationery types are specified in the current physical printer, the response is forced to N. To prevent inclusion of the form name, enter N.

If the form name is to be added as an attribute in the sp.config item in the spooler directory, enter Y. This ensures that UniVerse knows about a form when it is specified in the SETPTR verb. If the Include Form Name in SETPTR field has a value of Y, this field is forced to Y, or N if the prior value is N. This ensures that printers set up in SB/XA Application Server work correctly, and unnecessary information is not entered in sp.config.


Printer class definition: Stationary tab – UniData

Printer class definition: Stationary tab – UniData


This screen is accessed by selecting the

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management >

Printer Class Definition. The Stationery tab is open by default.

The printer class specifies the table of graphic, color, and other miscellaneous escape sequences used by a family or class of printers. Additionally, the stationery types for this class are specified in this screen.

For example, you can define the printer class EPSON.CLASS to contain the sequences for the Epson family of dot matrix printers. You can associate this printer class with any physical printer whose current device is an Epson dot matrix printer (or any one of the many printers that have an emulation for this printer). You can switch the emulating printer to the Epson emulation by entering the switching sequence in the Start Sequence field in the Physical Printer Definition screen.

You can associate an unlimited number of stationery types with a printer class. For each stationery type, you can define margins, auto spooler formatting, inter-job page advance, banner print state,

Report Writer form feed behavior, and stationery type-specific set, reset, and page orientation sequences for printers requiring these sequences (such as laser printers).

The printer class, physical printer, and stationery type definitions are used to create the PRINT.DEFN

COMMON variable, and associated run-time items in DMSECURITY. PRINT.DEFN is used in conjunction with the Printer Manager throughout SB/XA Application Server.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 100: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 – Save

F4 – Del

F5 – Color

Function key. Saves the printer class definition. If the printer class edited is the current printer class in the COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN, the PRINT.DEFN is automatically updated.

Function key. Deletes the printer class definitions. If the definition is in use, deletion is prevented. The class DEFAULT.CLASS cannot be deleted.

Function key. The Printer Class Colors screen is displayed if the Color field is set to Y. This screen allows you to define foreground and background colors for a color printer. At present, the Printer Manager does not support color printing; however, the table is stored in PRINT.DEFN, and can be referenced in reports or user subroutines.

F8 – Stationery Function key. Allows you to maintain stationery type definitions.

F9 – Seq+ Function key. The Additional Print Sequences screen allows you to define additional escape sequences for physical printers and stationery types in the same manner as the Additional Terminal Sequences in Terminal Definitions.SB/XA Application

Server does not use these sequences, but they are available for user subroutines.

Physical printer sequences can be accessed in PRINT.DEFN<25,x>, and stationery type sequences in PRINT.DEFN<26,x>, where x is the position based on the order of entry in the screen.

F10 – Action Function key. Displays the action bar:

â–ª Print–Prints a detailed physical printer definition report. Output may be redirected.

â–ª Copy–Copies physical printer definitions.

â–ª Help–Displays a menu of additional help options.

Printer Class The name of an existing printer class to edit, or a suitable name to define a new printer class.





A meaningful description; for example, Epson LQ printers.

(Display only.) The description of the character displayed in Graphics mode.

Characters can be entered either as the printable character (where the character is printable) or as the decimal ASCII equivalent of the character, enclosed in parentheses.

Graphics Mode


Graphics Mode





An escape sequence to turn on Graphics mode for the printer. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

An escape sequence to turn off Graphics mode for the printer. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

A stationery type from the list of stationery types defined for the printer. A stationery type can be associated with as many printer classes as desired, but can be specified only once within the same printer class.

The number of blank lines that will be printed at the top of a page before the text is printed. The default is 3. If no value is entered, this default is used.




The number of blank lines that will be printed at the bottom of a page after the text is printed. The default is 3. If no value is entered, this default is used.

If you want the printed output to be formatted automatically by the UniData spooler, enter Y. If the application is to control all formatting and pagination, enter


If you want a banner to be printed before each job, enter Y. If not, enter N. If Y, you will be prompted for a banner name.















Printer class definition: Attributes tab – UniData


If you want to suppress the eject between each completed print job, enter Y. If not, enter N.

If the Report Writer should send a form feed to advance to the next page of a job, enter Y. If not, enter N.

An escape sequence to switch the printer to the stationery type setting. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

An escape sequence to reset the printer's stationery type setting. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

An escape sequence to set the printer's page orientation mode. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

Enter Y to allow color printer escape sequences to be defined.

Where a printer class has no stationery type defined (which is a valid condition), the value entered in this field is used to set the page width for printing.

Where a printer class has no stationery type defined (which is a valid condition), the value entered in this field is used to set the page depth for printing.

The Report Writer will use this value for its condensed mode width instead of the automatic calculation, if a value is entered in this field. This parameter is not otherwise used by SB/XA Application Server, but is available for user processes. The parameter is located in the COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN<5,4>.

This parameter is not used by SB/XA Application Server, but is available for user processes. The parameter is located in the COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN<5,5>.

Printer class definition: Attributes tab – UniData


Chapter 5: Admin menu

The Attributes tab is accessed by selecting the tab or by pressing the PAGE DOWN key from Printer

Class Definition: Stationery. Function keys are the same as those on the Stationery tab, except that there is no F9-Seq+ function key.

Table 101: Field descriptions

Field Description



(Display only.) The printer class.

Description A description for the print attribute escape sequence. SB/XA Application Server is shipped with predefined escape sequence descriptions, which the Printer Manager uses when printing Report Writer reports. You can enter new attribute descriptions and sequences, and refer to them in processes or subroutines. The on-sequences are stored value-delimited in attribute 3 and the off-sequences are stored valuedelimited in attribute 4 of the COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN.

On Sequence An escape sequence to select the attribute for the printer. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

Off Sequence An escape sequence to deselect the attribute for the printer. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

Printer class definition: PrintTicket tab – UniData


The PrintTicket tab is accessed by selecting the tab or by pressing the PAGE DOWN key from Printer

Class Definition: Attributes. Function keys are the same as those on the Stationery tab, except that there is no F9-Seq+ function key.

Printer class definition: Stationary tab – UniVerse

The XPS Viewer implemented in SB/XA Browser Client and SB/XA Rich Client supports Microsoft’s

PrintTicket technology. The PrintTicket tab applies to the XPS.CLASS, and is used to define the

settings for an XPS print job. For further information, see Setting up for XPS printing, on page 138 .

Printer class definition: Stationary tab – UniVerse


This screen is accessed by selecting the

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management >

Printer Class Definition. The Stationery tab is open by default.

The printer class specifies the table of graphic, color, and other miscellaneous escape sequences used by a family or class of printers. Additionally, the stationery types for this class are specified in this screen.

For example, you can define the printer class EPSON.CLASS to contain the sequences for the Epson family of dot matrix printers. You can associate this printer class with any physical printer whose current device is an Epson dot matrix printer (or any one of the many printers that have an emulation for this printer). You can switch the emulating printer to the Epson emulation by entering the switching sequence in the Start Sequence field in the Physical Printer Definition screen.

You can associate an unlimited number of stationery types with a printer class. For each stationery type, you can define margins, auto spooler formatting, inter-job page advance, banner print state,

Report Writer form feed behavior, and stationery type-specific set, reset, and page orientation sequences for printers requiring these sequences (such as laser printers).

The printer class, physical printer, and stationery type definitions are used to create the PRINT.DEFN

COMMON variable, and associated run-time items in DMSECURITY. PRINT.DEFN is used in conjunction with the Printer Manager throughout SB/XA Application Server.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 102: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 – Save

F4 – Del

F5 – Color

Function key. Saves the printer class definition. If the printer class edited is the current printer class in the COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN, the PRINT.DEFN is automatically updated.

Function key. Deletes the printer class definitions. If the definition is in use, deletion is prevented. The class DEFAULT.CLASS cannot be deleted.

Function key. The Printer Class Colors screen is displayed if the Color field is set to Y. This screen allows you to define foreground and background colors for a color printer. At present, the Printer Manager does not support color printing; however, the table is stored in PRINT.DEFN, and can be referenced in reports or user

subroutines. For further information, see Printer Management, on page 98


F8 – Stationery


F9 – Seq+

Function key. Allows you to maintain stationery type definitions. For further

information see Printer Management, on page 98 .

Function key. The Additional Print Sequences screen allows you to define additional escape sequences for physical printers and stationery types in the same manner as the Additional Terminal Sequences in Terminal Definitions.SB/XA Application

Server does not use these sequences, but they are available for user subroutines.

Physical printer sequences can be accessed in PRINT.DEFN<25,x>, and stationery type sequences in PRINT.DEFN<26,x>, where x is the position based on the order of

entry in the screen. For further information, see Printer Management, on page 98


F10 – Action Function key. Displays the action bar:

â–ª Print–Prints a detailed physical printer definition report. Output may be redirected.

â–ª Copy–Copies physical printer definitions.

â–ª Help–Displays a menu of additional help options.

Printer Class The name of an existing printer class to edit, or a suitable name to define a new printer class.





A meaningful description; for example, Epson LQ printers.

(Display only.) The description of the character displayed in Graphics mode.

Characters can be entered either as the printable character (where the character is printable) or as the decimal ASCII equivalent of the character, enclosed in parentheses.

Graphics Mode


Graphics Mode





An escape sequence to turn on Graphics mode for the printer. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

An escape sequence to turn off Graphics mode for the printer. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

A stationery type from the list of stationery types defined for the printer. A stationery type can be associated with as many printer classes as desired, but can be specified only once within the same printer class.

The number of blank lines that will be printed at the top of a page before the text is printed. The default is 3. If no value is entered, this default is used.



The number of blank lines that will be printed at the bottom of a page after the text is printed. The default is 3. If no value is entered, this default is used.

If you want the printed output to be formatted automatically by the UniData spooler, enter Y. If the application is to control all formatting and pagination, enter

















Printer class definition: Attributes tab – UniVerse


If you want a banner to be printed before each job, enter Y. If not, enter N. If Y, you will be prompted for a banner name.

If you want to suppress the eject between each completed print job, enter Y. If not, enter N.

If the Report Writer should send a form feed to advance to the next page of a job, enter Y. If not, enter N.

An escape sequence to switch the printer to the stationery type setting. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

An escape sequence to reset the printer's stationery type setting. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

An escape sequence to set the printer's page orientation mode. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

Enter Y to allow color printer escape sequences to be defined.

Where a printer class has no stationery type defined (which is a valid condition), the value entered in this field is used to set the page width for printing.

Where a printer class has no stationery type defined (which is a valid condition), the value entered in this field is used to set the page depth for printing.

The Report Writer will use this value for its condensed mode width instead of the automatic calculation, if a value is entered in this field. This parameter is not otherwise used by SB/XA Application Server, but is available for user processes. The parameter is located in the COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN<5,4>.

This parameter is not used by SB/XA Application Server, but is available for user processes. The parameter is located in the COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN<5,5>.

Printer class definition: Attributes tab – UniVerse


Chapter 5: Admin menu

The Attributes tab is accessed by selecting the tab or by pressing the PAGE DOWN key from Printer

Class Definition: Stationery. Function keys are the same as those on the Stationery tab, except that there is no F9-Seq+ function key.

Table 103: Field descriptions

Field Description



(Display only.) The printer class.

Description A description for the print attribute escape sequence. SB/XA Application Server is shipped with predefined escape sequence descriptions, which the Printer Manager uses when printing Report Writer reports. You can enter new attribute descriptions and sequences, and refer to them in processes or subroutines. The on-sequences are stored value-delimited in attribute 3 and the off-sequences are stored valuedelimited in attribute 4 of the COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN.

On Sequence An escape sequence to select the attribute for the printer. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

Off Sequence An escape sequence to deselect the attribute for the printer. Check the manual for your printer to find the correct sequence.

Printer class definition: PrintTicket tab – UniVerse


The PrintTicket tab is accessed by selecting the tab or by pressing the PAGE DOWN key from Printer

Class Definition: Attributes. Function keys are the same as those on the Stationery tab, except that there is no F9-Seq+ function key.

Maintain printers (UDT:Print) – UniData

The XPS Viewer implemented in SB/XA Browser Client and SB/XA Rich Client supports Microsoft’s

PrintTicket technology. The PrintTicket tab applies to the XPS.CLASS, and is used to define the

settings for an XPS print job. For further information, see Setting up for XPS printing, on page 138 .

Maintain printers (UDT:Print) – UniData

Process /LISTPTRS This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer

Management > Maintain Printers or by pressing the F9 key in the Maintain Spooled Reports screen.

Use it to start and stop all printers, and to modify parameters for starting the printer as entered in the physical printer definition.

To start a printer:

1. On the current cursor line, enter the physical printer name required. The current location will be displayed, if defined.

2. Modify the UNIX path if required.

3. Enter a form name. The form name should be one of the names associated with a stationery type associated with the physical printer. You can enter any form name; however, a warning is displayed if the form name is not associated with the physical printer.

If you want to modify the default printer characteristics for the current physical printer, move back to the line containing the required printer, and press the F7 key. The Modify Print Parameters screen allows you to modify these parameters. The screen displayed depends on the device type specified in the physical printer definition used to start the printer.

To stop a printer, move the cursor to the line listing the printer you want to stop, and delete the line using the line delete key.

You can enter as many printers to start, or remove as many printers as required. To start and/or stop printers, press the F2 key. When the changes are performed, the screen will be redisplayed, allowing you to check the result of your action.

You can only start and stop printers or modify the parameters and the current form if you are logged on as superuser. Otherwise, you can view all printer information, but you cannot modify it.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 104: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept

F5 – Start

F6 – Stop


F7 – Mod Pr


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and performs any changes made to the screen.

Function key. This function key attempts to restart a stopped printer. Attempting to restart from another state, such as error or offline, can possibly result in a printer being restarted.

Function key. This function key attempts to stop a printer. Attempting to stop from other than the idle state, such as error, offline or printing, may or may not result in a printer being stopped.

Function key. Displays a screen depending on the device type of the physical printer used to start the current printer. The defaults entered in the Physical Printer

Definition > Default Printer Characteristics screen can be amended here. See Modify print parameters F7 (UDT:Print), on page 120 . Only users who are logged on as a

superuser can amend details in these screens. Other users can access this screen on a display-only basis.

F9 – Pr Jobs Function key. Displays the Maintain Spooled Reports screen.

Printer Name A physical printer name from the set of defined physical printers.



(Display only.) The location for the physical printer entered if it has been defined.

This corresponds to the Unix Device Name field in the physical printer record.

The default from the physical printer record is displayed, and can be amended if required. The path must be a valid path to a UNIX device. If the device name begins with a / character, you must enter a \ character preceding the name.

Form A form name to start the printer with. This can be any form name, but should be one of the form names associated with the stationery types entered in the physical printer definition. You will be warned if the entered form name is not one of these.

The F3 key provides a list from the physical printer definition. The default is the value entered in either the Serial Printer Characteristics or the Parallel Printer

Characteristics screens in the Physical Printer Definition screen, or the form entered for the first stationery in the physical printer definition for other device types. For printers already started, the current form name will be shown.


This field can be amended by any user, but will only have effect if the user is logged on as superuser.

(Display only.) The current status of a printer in the UDT:Print system. The initial status is Unknown. Other statuses are Halted, Idle, Offline, Printing and Error.

Modify print parameters F7 (UDT:Print)

The Modify Printer Parameters screens are displayed by pressing the F7 key from the Maintain Printers screen.

The screen displayed depends on the device type specified in the Device Type field in the physical printer definition for the printer on the current line:

Table 105: Device Types







Serial printer.

Parallel printer.

Terminal server program.

Non UDT:Print printer on a network node.


Serial printer characteristics (S) UDT:Print




UDT:Print printer on a network node.

These screens allow the default characteristics defined for the printer in the physical printer definition to be modified as required. These parameters can be changed at any time as required.

You must be logged on as superuser to be able to change any of these parameters. The Modify Print

Parameters screens are as follows:

The Modify Print Parameters screens are described in the sections that follow.

Serial printer characteristics (S) UDT:Print

This screen is accessed by entering

S in the Device Type field in the physical printer definition and pressing the

F7 key in the Maintain Printers screen.

Table 106: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept

Port Setup


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters.

The name of a UNIX program used to initialize the serial device entered in the Unix

Device Name field, if applicable.

Filter Program The name of a UNIX program that will filter the output from the UDT:Print spooler.

An example of this is a Postscript filter program.


Baud Rate

The method of flow control for this printer.

The speed at which the computer is to communicate with the printer.



The type of error checking the computer is to perform when communicating with the printer.

The number of bits that comprise one word of data for this printer.

Open Tmout The length of time allowed for attempting to open the printer device before timing out.

Off Tmout The length of time allowed for attempting to establish an online connection to the printer device before timing out.

Buffer Sz The size of the printer buffer in bytes.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Parallel printer characteristics (P) UDT:Print

This screen is displayed when you enter

P in the Device Type field in the Physical Printer

Definition screen and press the F7 key in the Maintain Printers screen.

Table 107: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept Accepts the screen parameters.

Filter Program The name of a UNIX program that will filter the output from the UDT:Print spooler.

An example of this is a Postscript filter program.

Open Timeout The length of time allowed for attempting to open the printer device before timing out.



Buffer Size

The length of time allowed for attempting to establish an online connection to the printer device before timing out.

The printer buffer size in bytes.

Terminal server printer characteristics (T) UDT:Print


This screen is displayed when you enter

T in the Device Type field in the Physical Printer

Definition screen and press the

F7 key in the Maintain Printers screen.

Table 108: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept





Accepts the screen parameters.

The full pathname of a UNIX Terminal Server program that will print the current job to a printer attached to a terminal server on the UNIX host.

Network printer characteristics (N) UDT:Print

Network printer characteristics (N) UDT:Print

This screen is displayed when you enter

N in the Device Type field in the Physical Printer

Definition screen and press the

F7 key in the Maintain Printers screen. It allows jobs to be printed to any printer on a remote machine defined using the UNIX printer administration tools.

Table 109: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept

Node Name


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters.

The name of the node or its Internet address (for example, If a name is entered, the name must exist in your local /etc/hosts file. The

F3 key displays the / etc/hosts file.

The remote shell command that resides on your local machine. This is usually /bin/ rsh or /bin/remsh.


Remote Shell


Remote Print


Remote User


The command to print jobs to the spooler on the remote machine. This is usually lp or lpr.

The user ID to be used to log on to the remote machine. The user ID default.

spooler is the

Remote USAM:Print Printer (U)

This screen is displayed when you enter

U in the Device Type field in the Physical Printer

Definition screen and press the

F7 key in the Maintain Printers screen. It allows jobs to be printed to printers on a remote machine defined using UDT:Print on that machine.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 110: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept

Node Name


Auto Start


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters.

The name of the node or its Internet address (for example, If a name is entered, the name must exist in your local /etc/hosts file. The F3 key displays the / etc/hosts file.

An alias used for the node if specified.

Options are:

â–ª Y-Invokes UDT:Print on the remote machine if it is not already started, and tests for the requested printer's existence.

â–ª N-UDT:Print must be started on the remote machine before the test for the requested printer's existence can be carried out.

Maintain printers – UniVerse



This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management >

Maintain Printers or by pressing the F9 key in the Maintain Spooled Reports screen. Use it to start and stop all printers, and to modify parameters for starting the printer as entered in the physical printer definition.

To start a printer:

1. On the current cursor line, enter the physical printer name required. The current location will be displayed, if defined.

2. Modify the UNIX path if required.

3. Enter a form name. The form name should be one of the names associated with a stationery type associated with the physical printer. You can enter any form name; however, a warning is displayed if the form name is not associated with the physical printer.

Maintain printers – UniVerse

If you want to modify the default printer characteristics for the current physical printer, move back to the line containing the required printer, and press the F7 key. The Modify Print Parameters screen allows you to modify these parameters. The screen displayed depends on the device type specified in the physical printer definition used to start the printer.

To stop a printer, move the cursor to the line listing the printer you want to stop, and delete the line using the line delete key.

You can enter as many printers to start, or remove as many printers as required. To start and/or stop printers, press the F2 key. When the changes are performed, the screen will be redisplayed, allowing you to check the result of your action.

You can only start and stop printers or modify the parameters and the current form if you are logged on as superuser. Otherwise, you can view all printer information, but you cannot modify it.

Table 111: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and performs any changes made to the screen.

F5 – Toggle Pr Function key. This function key attempts to restart a stopped printer. Attempting to restart from another state, such as error or offline, can possibly result in a printer being restarted.

This option toggles the Print Enable flag on and off for the current printer. This is the same as the UNIX-level UniVerse command: usa -p printername +/-n

Only users who are logged on as superuser or are members of a print group that contains the printer on the cursor line can change this flag.

F6 – Toggle Qu Function key. This option toggles the Queue Enable flag on and off for the current printer. This is the same as the UNIX-level UniVerse command: usa -p printername +|-q

Only users who are logged on as superuser or are members of a print group that contains the printer on the cursor line can change this flag.

F7 – Mod Pr


Function key. Displays a screen depending on the device type of the physical printer used to start the current printer. The defaults entered in the Physical Printer

Definition > Default Printer Characteristics screen can be amended here. See Modify print parameters F7 (UDT:Print), on page 120 . Only users who are logged on as a

superuser can amend details in these screens. Other users can access this screen on a display-only basis.

F8 – Pr Group Displays the

Maintain Printer Groups screen, where the UniVerse file print_group can be maintained. For further information on print groups, see your UniVerse documentation.

Only users who are logged on as superuser can access or amend details in this screen. For further information, see

Maintain printer groups F8, on page 127


F9 – Pr Jobs Function key. Displays the Maintain Spooled Reports screen. For details, see

Maintain spooled reports – UniVerse, on page 135


Printer Name A physical printer name from the set of defined physical printers.

Location (Display only.) The location for the physical printer entered if it has been defined.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Field Description

Printer Path This corresponds to the Unix Device Name field in the physical printer record.

The default from the physical printer record is displayed, and can be changed if required. The pathname must be preceded with a \ character. The path must be a valid path to a UNIX device.

Form Name A form name with which to start the printer. This can be any form name, but should be one of the form names associated with the stationery types entered in the physical printer definition. If the entered form name is not one of these, a warning is issued. The

F3 key provides a list from the physical printer definition. The default is the value entered for the first stationery in the physical printer definition. For started printers, the current form name is shown.

This field can be amended by a member of a print group containing the printer on the current cursor line, or by a user logged on as superuser. The field can be initialized (for example, when starting a printer) only by a user logged on as superuser.

Modify print parameters F7 – UniVerse


This screen is accessed by pressing the

F7 key in the Maintain Printers screen. It allows you to modify the default characteristics defined for the printer in the physical printer definition. These parameters can be changed at any time.

Many of the parameters in this screen refer to serial printers. Any value entered for those parameters, for example,

Baud or Parity, is ignored for parallel devices.

You must be logged on as superuser to change any of these parameters. SB/XA Application Server assumes the standard UniVerse setup: sp.config and the &DEVICE& file are created with root-only permissions, and SB/XA Application Server does not attempt to determine whether a particular user has read/write permissions in a particular case. All access decisions are based on user status.

Table 112: Field descriptions


F2 – Accept

Lock File

Path(s) 1 & 2

Driver Path


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters.

The full UNIX pathname of the file that will be used when sharing this printer with other UNIX processes. See the UniVerse Spooler Administration section in your

UniVerse System Administration manual

. The pathname must be preceded with a

\ character. You can enter up to two paths.

The full UNIX pathname to the shell script used by UniVerse as the printer device driver. The pathname must be preceded with a \ character.

Maintain printer groups F8









CR Conv



Other Opts


The method of flow control for this printer.

The speed at which the system communicates with the printer.

The type of error checking that will be used by the system when communicating with the printer.

If printing is to be enabled on this printer when the spooler is initialized (which will occur when the printer is started in Maintain Printers), enter Y. If not, enter N.

If queuing to this printer is to be enabled when the spooler is initialized (which will occur when the printer is started in Maintain Printers), enter Y. If not, enter N.

The UniVerse term for the type of conversion carried out on a carriage return on output. Null means no conversion.

If embedded tabs are to be expanded to 8 spaces in the output, enter Y. If not, enter


The form feed delay factor to be used. One of three values can be entered. For further information, see your UniVerse documentation or press the F3 key.

The line feed delay factor to be used. One of nine values can be entered. For further information, see your UniVerse documentation or press the F3 key.

The number of bits that comprise one word of data for this printer.

Other UniVerse spooler options, such as PTERM settings. For further information, see your UniVerse documentation.

Maintain printer groups F8

This screen is accessed by pressing the

F8 key in the Maintain Printers screen. It allows a user who is logged on as superuser to maintain the print_group item in the UniVerse spooler directory from within SB/XA Application Server. No other users can access this screen. For further information, see your UniVerse documentation.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 113: Field description

Field Description

F2 – Accept Accepts the details entered into this screen.

Printer Group The printer group name. This can be any name that the system administrator considers valid.

Member Users A comma-delimited list of users in this group; for example, susan, fred.

Note: These are the UNIX logon names, not SB user IDs.

Group Printers The list of printers in this group, comma-delimited; for example, ACC1,AUD2 or all

(lowercase). For a list of physical printer definitions, press the

F3 key.

Assign printer to a report



This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management >

Assign Printer to a Report. It allows you to specify print parameters for Report Writer and Query reports that override the standard print defaults in the Printer Selection screen. These can be modified, subject to location restrictions, if you have access to the Printer Selection screen. If not, the print parameters passed are used by the Printer Manager to set up printing for the report.

You can also assign printers to a report using the Additional Report Parameters screen from the PD.R

(Report Writer) and PD.E (Query) process definition screens:

Assign printer to a report

This screen and the

Assign Printer to a Report screen are functionally the same, except that the

Assign Printer to a Report screen prompts for a Query or Report Writer process definition, whereas the Additional Report Parameters screen is called from PD.E/PD.R with the process definition available.

Table 114: Field description


F2 – Accept

F4 – Delete




Function key. Accepts screen parameters.

Function key. Clears all printing options for the report process definition.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


F5 – Aux



Function key.

The auxiliary output parameters can be set specifically for individual reports using the new PD.RD.ADDIT.AUX process. This process is accessed from the PD.R screen >

F9 – Additional Report Parameters > F6 – Aux Parameters:


The parameters entered here overwrite any other option set using other Print

Default screens and processes. The value of the Disp Aux Sel Screen flag in this case can be one of the following:

â–ª A-Always display SB Print Selection screen

â–ª N-Never display SB Print Selection screen

â–ª W-Display Windows Print Setup screen only

Process Name (Assign Printer to a Report only.) The name of a Report Writer or Query process definition.


Phys. Printer


(Display only. Assign Printer to a Report only.) Displays the process definition description.

A physical printer name. You can enter an expression in parentheses to be evaluated at run time.



The stationery type for this report. The stationery type must be associated with the physical printer specified above. If a physical printer is not specified, you can select a stationery type from the current default physical printer. Because a stationery type selected in this way cannot be valid when the report is run, a warning message is displayed. You can enter an expression in parentheses to be evaluated at run time.



Use the

F3 key to display a list of available options, or consult your OE documentation. You can enter an expression in parentheses to be evaluated at run time.

No. of Copies The number of copies for this report (1 to 125). You can enter an expression in parentheses to be evaluated at run time.

Report Type A report type for this report (The

F3 key provides a list of report types). See

Maintain report types, on page 133

later in this chapter for more information on report types.

Maintain stationery types


Disp Print Sel


Form Feeds At


Form Feeds At



Forces the display mode for the

Printer Selection screen for the current report process. Options are:

â–ª A-Forces the Printer Selection screen to be displayed, irrespective of the current user’s display flag setting in

Security > User Security Setup. (See

Setting up user security, on page 42

â–ª N-Prevents the Printer Selection screen from being displayed, irrespective of the current user’s display flag setting in Security > User Security Setup.

Leave this field blank if you want to use the user’s display flag setting.

The number of form feeds to be sent to the printer before the report is printed.

The number of form feeds to be sent to the printer at the end of the report.

All fields in PD.R and all but the first two fields in PTR.TO.REPORT are optional.

Partial completion of the first four printer-related fields results in a partial replacement of the Printer Selection screen parameters. The displayed parameters will contain the standard default parameters where the equivalent report parameter is blank.

Maintain stationery types

Process /STATIONERY.DEFN This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals >

Printer Management > Maintain Stationery Types. It allows you to define the standard columns and rows for the type of stationery you specify. You can define any type of stationery.

The stationery type is an entity independent of the printer class it may be associated with. For example, the A4 stationery type can be associated with any number of classes without the need for redefinition. Class specific printer sequences that configure the printer to be able to print on this stationery are defined separately for each class the stationery type is associated with.

SB uses the stationery type definition, with physical printer and printer class definitions, to create the

PRINT.DEFN COMMON variable, and associated run-time records in DMSECURITY.

PRINT.DEFN is used in conjunction with the Printer Manager throughout SB/XA Application Server generally, and can be used within user subroutines.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 115: Field description

Field Description

F2 – Accept

F4 – Delete



Function key. Saves the stationery type definition.

Function key. Deletes the stationery type definition.

The name of an existing stationery type to edit, or a suitable name to define a new stationery type.




A meaningful description. This is a multivalued field.

Sets the page width for printing.

Standard Rows Sets the page depth for printing.

Maintain locations


Process /LOCATION.DEFN This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals >

Printer Management > Maintain Locations. It allows you to define a location, and a list of physical printers grouped in that location. A location does not have to contain physical printers. When a physical printer is added to a particular location, it cannot be assigned to another location without being moved from its current location using the

F5 key.

You can use locations to limit access to printers by users in a security group. Use the

F8 key in the

Group Security Setup screen to access the Report Locations screen, which allows you to specify available locations for a group. If the location you specify does not exist, and you want to create it, the

Location Definition screen is displayed.

At any given level, a group has available only those locations entered for its parent group. An empty location list in Group Security means that physical printers in all locations available to the parent of the current group can be specified. If the group and all parent groups have an empty list, all locations are available to the group.

Maintain report types

Table 116: Field description


F2 – Accept

F4 – Delete

F5 – Move







Function key. Saves the location definition.

Function key. Deletes the location definition.

Allows you to move physical printers. Pressing the

F5 key in the Physical Printers field requests the location to move to. After copied to the new location, the physical printer is removed from the current location.

The name of an existing location to edit, or a suitable name to define a new location.

A meaningful description.

The physical printers entered here are grouped in the location for security checking.

A physical printer can only be in one location at a time.

Maintain report types


This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management >

Maintain Report Types. Report types provide a method of matching Query and Report Writer reports to printers. A single valid report type code can be associated with a report, and a list of valid codes can be associated with a physical printer. You can use any code for any physical printer.

If a valid code is present in a report being printed, and a list of valid codes is present for the physical printer being selected, an attempt is made to locate the report's code in the physical printer's list. If not found, the report cannot be printed using the selected printer. Printing to the selected printer is allowed if either the report has no valid code, or the physical printer has no list.

A central list of valid report types is stored in the REPORT.TYPES record in the DMSYSDEFN file. This screen maintains a multivalued list of report type codes. Codes can be in any format, but must be unique. You can optionally enter a description for each code. This table of report types is used in all systems across all accounts.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Developers should note that, because the report types table is global, you will need to consider uniqueness when creating report types for your application. When the application is installed at a customer site, it is necessary to manually update the report type table during installation.

Table 117: Field description

Field Description

F2 – Accept Function key. Saves the report type definition.

Report Type A unique character string to define a report type.

Description A meaningful description for the report type. This is used in intuitive help.

Maintain spooled reports (UDT:Print) – UniData



This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management >

Maintain Spooled Reports. It allows you to view/maintain print jobs currently held in the spool queue. There are facilities to delete spooled entries or to alter the printing parameters such as the number of copies and whether the report is to be held in the spooler even after it has been printed.

Table 118: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and performs any changes made to the screen.

F5 – View Job Function key. Displays the current job on the terminal (the line being edited).

F9 – Printers Function key. Invokes the

Maintain Printers screen.











Act Fm

Maintain spooled reports – UniVerse


The entry number of the print job in the spooler.

(Display only.) The UNIX user ID who created this print job.

(Display only.) The UniData file name for this print job.

The name of the printer to which the print job is being sent.

The form to which the print job is assigned.

The number of copies specified for this print job.

The status of the print job; for example, H for Hold. See your OE manual.

(Display only.) The size of the print job in bytes.

(Display only.) Percentage of print job actually printed, if job is printing now.

(Display only.) Active form name. Options are:

â–ª Y-Use this setting if the form for this print job matches the active form on the printer.

â–ª N-Use this setting if the form for this print job does not match the active form on the printer.

Maintain spooled reports – UniVerse

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management >

Maintain Spooled Reports. It allows you to view/maintain print jobs currently held in the spool queue. You can use this screen to delete spooled entries or to alter the printing parameters, such as the number of copies and whether the report is to be held in the spooler even after it has been printed.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 119: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and performs any changes made to the screen.

F5 – View Job Function key. Displays the current job on the terminal (the line being edited).

F9 – Printers Function key. Invokes the Maintain Printers screen.

Printer Name The name of the printer to which the print job is being sent.

Form Name

Unix User



The form to which the print job is assigned.

(Display only.) The user who created this print job.

(Display only.) The entry number of the print job in the spooler.

The number of copies specified for this print job.



Active Form

The status of the print job; for example, H for Hold. See your OE manual.

(Display only.) The size of the print job in bytes.

(Display only.) Active form name. Options are:

â–ª Y-Use this setting if the form for this print job matches the active form on the printer.

â–ª N-Use this setting if the form for this print job does not match the active form on the printer.

Kill current job

Process /PTR.KILL0

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management > Kill

Current Job in UniVerse or in UniData with UDT:Print. It allows you to stop printing the currently spooled job. You are prompted for the job number.

Initialize spooler– UniData


Process /PTR.INIT

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management > Initialize

Spooler. It allows you to reinitialize (clear the spooler) and return to normal operation. Use if corruption has occurred in the spooler. Reports may be lost.

Initialize spooler– UniVerse

Table 120: Field descriptions


Kill All Spooler

Entries (Y/N)

Enter ‘C’ To



Options are:

â–ª Y-Deletes all entries in the spooler queue. These jobs are lost and cannot be recovered.

â–ª N-Leaves jobs in the spooler queue.

Options are:

â–ª C-Confirms reinitialization of the spooler with the option determined in the previous field.

â–ª N-Default. Returns to the previous menu, with no action taken.

Initialize spooler– UniVerse

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Printer Management >

Initialize Spooler. You must be logged on as superuser to access this screen.

Table 121: Field descriptions


Kill All Spooler

Entries (Y/N)

Log Activity and Errors (Y/




Enter ‘C’ To



Options are:

â–ª Y-Deletes all entries in the spooler queue. These jobs are lost and cannot be recovered.

â–ª N-Leaves jobs in the spooler queue.

Options are:

â–ª Y-Enter to set up spooler logging. See

Enter log parameters, on page 138

for more information.

â–ª N-Enter for no spooler logging.

A spooler directory name. If you leave this field blank, /usr/spool/uv is assumed. The pathname should be preceded with a \ character.

Options are:

â–ª C-Confirms reinitialization of the spooler with the option determined in the previous field.

â–ª N-Default. Returns to the previous menu, with no action taken.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Enter log parameters

Setting up for XPS printing

After installing SB/XA 6.0.1 or later, the system administrator needs to perform a few quick, one-time tasks to set up the parameters necessary to enable XPS printing

Setting the character for XML tags in XPS output

XPS print attributes are defined by XML tags such as <Underline> and </Underline> rather than by escape sequences. Printers in the XPS.CLASS have a unique requirement for criteria to distinguish XML tags from data.

To prevent the XPS Viewer from printing XML tags as literal text, you must specify special characters to enclose each XML tag that has been defined for the XPS.CLASS. The ASCII characters used for this


This screen is accessed by entering

Y in the Log Activity and Errors field in the Initialize Spooler screen. It allows you to define error and/or activity logging of the spooler. You can select default error and activity logging and specify both or either separately.

Table 122: Field description

Field Description

F2 – Accept Function key. Saves the log parameters.

Use Default

Activity And

Error Logs (Y/


To use default activity and error log files in the spooler directory, and turn on activity and error logging, enter

Y. To specify logging individually, enter N.

Use Activity

Log (Y/N)

Activity Log


To turn on activity logging using the log file specified in the next field, enter

Y. To skip activity logging, enter


A valid UNIX path to the activity log file you want to use. The pathname should be preceded with a \ character.

Use Error Log


To turn on error logging using the log file specified in the next field, enter

Y. To skip error logging, enter


Error Log Path A valid UNIX path to the error log file you want to use. The pathname should be preceded with a \ character. If all options are set to

N in this screen, the Log Activity

And Errors field in the Initialize Spooler screen is set to N.

Defining stationery types and attributes for XPS.CLASS

purpose must never appear in your print data, such as ASCII character 8 (a backspace) and ASCII character 9 (a tab).

When the SB parser program encounters a specified ASCII character in print output routed to an

XPS.CLASS printer, the characters that follow are treated as an XML tag, until the next close character for XPS tags is encountered. The open and close ASCII character pair indicates the beginning and end of the XML tag, and the tag is interpreted as a print attribute.

Restriction: Do not attempt to copy or rename XPS.CLASS. The XPS.CLASS name is reserved and SB/XA treats this class differently than others. The unique properties of XPS.CLASS cannot be duplicated to a custom class. All XPS printers must use XPS.CLASS.


1. From the main menu, select

Admin > SB+ Setup > SB+ Control Parameters.

2. In the

SB Control Parameters form, select the XUI Parms tab.

3. In the XUI Parms tab, set the ASCII character for XPS tags as detailed below.

Table 123: ASCII characters for enclosing XPS tags



Character for

XPS Tags

End Character for XPS Tags


Enter the ASCII character that XPS.CLASS interprets as the start of an XML tag.

The default is ASCII character 8 (a backspace). You can change this setting to any other ASCII character that you do not ever expect to encounter in Report

Writer, QRD, or TU.SEND.TO.PRINTER output.

Enter the ASCII character that XPS.CLASS interprets as the end of an XML tag.

The default is ASCII character 9 (a tab). You can change this setting to any other

ASCII character that you do not ever expect to encounter in Report Writer, QRD, or TU.SEND.TO.PRINTER output.

â–ª Press F2 to accept your changes to the XUI Parms tab.

â–ª Press F2 again to save your changes to SB Control Parameters.

Defining stationery types and attributes for XPS.CLASS

SB/XA provides a printer class definition for the XPS class of printers, called XPS.CLASS. This class contains some predefined characteristics that all XPS printers inherit, including the default number of columns and rows in the print area, the ASCII characters used to encode special print characters, and the XML tags for the On|Off Sequence of print attributes. Generally, you can leave these basic settings as is.

You can customize the XPS.CLASS definition by setting up the stationery types to be inherited by printers:

â–ª Predefined stationery types – The XPS.CLASS definition contains four predefined stationery types that are inherited by printers in the class. Each predefined stationery type specifies a standard paper size, page orientation, and other attributes that are used to format pages for XPS viewing or printing. You can customize the attributes of the predefined stationery types.

â–ª Custom stationery types – If you need other stationery types in addition to the four predefined types, you can create custom stationery types for use in XPS viewing or printing.

If you edit the XPS.CLASS definition, be aware that the customized settings are overwritten on upgrade. After an upgrade, the printer class definition returns to the default settings and must be customized again.


1. When logged in to an SB application, enter

/PRINTER.CLASS at any prompt.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

2. In the Printer Class Definition dialog box, the Stationery tab is open by default. In the Printer Class text box, type XPS.CLASS and press Enter.

SB/XA populates the form with the default values for the class.


â–ª Optional. The Description text box contains the default description of the class. Change the description, if necessary

3. Define the attributes of existing stationery types.

The XPS.CLASS definition contains four predefined stationery types: LETTER, LETTERLAND, A4, and A4LAND. The attributes of these stationery types are predefined, but you can change the settings.

You can also define the attributes of custom stationery types.

â–ª In the Stationery Type column,

Place the cursor in the row of the stationery type to edit, or

Place the cursor in the first blank row of the Stationery Type column. Press F3 and select a stationery type from the list of existing stationery types.

â–ª Enter settings for the stationery type as detailed in the following table:

Table 124: Stationery type settings for XPS.CLASS







Enter the number of inches to be left blank at the top margin of the page, before the first line of print, in the following format: n.n

Enter the number of lines to be left blank at the bottom margin of the page.

Enter the number of inches to be left blank as the left margin, in the following format: n.n

Defining stationery types and attributes for XPS.CLASS





Page Eject






Enter a value indicating whether to format the printout automatically:

â–ª Y–Yes, format the printout automatically

â–ª N–No, format the printout manually

Enter a value indicating whether to include a banner page in the printout:

â–ª Y-Yes, include a banner page

â–ª N–No, do not include a banner page

Enter a value indicating whether to suppress the page eject after each completed print job:

â–ª Y–Yes, suppress the page eject

â–ª N–No, eject a page after each completed print job

Enter a value indicating whether you want Report Writer|QRD to suppress sending a form feed to the printer to advance to the next form:

â–ª Y–Yes, suppress the form feed

â–ª N–No, send form feed to advance to next form

Currently not in use. Leave this field blank.

Currently not in use. Leave this field blank.

Currently not in use. Leave this field blank.

â–ª Repeat step 3 for each stationery type that you want to customize in your implementation of


4. Optional. To create a custom stationery type, click F8-Stationery at the bottom of the Printer

Class Definition form


Chapter 5: Admin menu

â–ª Enter details for the new stationery type as follows:

Stationery Type – Enter a unique name for the stationery type, to a maximum of 15 characters.

Description – Enter a short description of the stationery type.

Max Standard Columns – Enter the maximum number of columns in the print area for the stationery type in standard print mode (rather than condensed mode). This setting defines the width of the print area in standard mode.

Max Standard Rows – Enter the number of rows in the print area for the stationery type in standard mode. This setting defines the height of the print area in standard mode.

Max Condensed Columns – Enter the maximum number of columns in the print area for the stationery type in condensed print mode. This setting defines the width of the print area in condensed mode.

Max Condensed Rows – Enter the number of rows in the print area for the stationery type in condensed mode. This defines the height of the print area in condensed mode.

Paper Width – Enter the width of the paper for the stationery type, expressed in inches. If you do not define the paper width for XPS printing, SB/XA returns an error and the output is not printed to the screen.

Paper Height – Enter the height of the paper for the stationery type, expressed in inches. If you do not define the paper width for XPS printing, SB/XA returns an error and the output is not printed to the screen.

The completed form for a CUSTOM stationery type might look like the following example:


â–ª To save the changes, press F2. The Maintain Stationery Types form is cleared and the new type is added to the F3 Help list for Stationery Type.

Repeat step 4 to create each new stationery type.

5. If you created custom stationery types, complete step 3 to define the print settings for each new stationery type.

6. Define print attributes for the class.

Defining stationery types and attributes for XPS.CLASS

â–ª Click the Attributes tab. The form is populated with the standard print attributes for


Notice that the XPS.CLASS uses XML tags to turn print attributes on and off, rather than the escape sequences used in other classes of printers.

The standard print attributes of XPS.CLASS are assigned default values. The following table describes the XPS print attributes that are assigned default values for the On and Off


Table 125: Default values of print attributes in XPS.CLASS

Attribute Default Values



On Sequence <Bold> and Off Sequence </Bold> are the standard XML tags for boldface font.

On Sequence <Underline> and Off Sequence </Underline> are the standard

XML tags for underlined type.

Compressed On Sequence <6> specifies a font size of 6 for use in compressed printing.

This print attribute does not require an Off Sequence.




Note that the XPS Viewer automatically compresses printing to fit within the viewing area, if necessary.

On Sequence <Font Family="SB Font" Size="10"> and Off Sequence </Font> specify SB Font size 10 as the normal font for XPS printing.

On Sequence <Font Family="SB Font" Size="10"> and Off Sequence </Font> specify SB Font size 6 as the small font for XPS printing.

On Sequence <Font Family="SB Font" Size="14"> and Off Sequence </Font> specify SB Font size 14 as the large font for XPS printing.

â–« You can change the existing value of any print attribute as follows:

Description – Cannot be changed.

On Sequence – Enter the XML tag that turns on the print attribute.

Off Sequence – Enter the XML tag that turns off the print attribute.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

7. After defining print attributes, select the PrintTicket tab to view or change default values for the class.

The XPS Viewer implemented in SB/XA Browser Client and SB/XA Rich Client supports Microsoft’s

PrintTicket technology. The PrintTicket class defines the settings for an XPS print job.

The form is populated with the system default PrintTicket settings for the XPS.CLASS.


For information on the PrintTicket class and settings, please see

8. When you have finished defining the class, press

F2 or click the Save button to save your changes to the

Printer Class Definition screen.

After you have modified a printer class definition, you must update the printers in the class. SB/

XA prompts you to update the physical printer definition for each printer that is a member of the


Specifying characters for XML translation

Special characters used as code

Certain special characters are used as code rather than as literal text in XML. Data that is output to screen may contain characters that need to be encoded as a corresponding XML entity reference so they are translated and printed as literal text.

To illustrate this point, the & (ampersand) character must be translated to the entity reference & in report data that is output to screen so the XPS Viewer prints it as & on screen or to a print device.

SB/XA 6.0.1 or later is shipped with commonly used special characters defined in the XML Translation list. However, you may want to make changes or add other special characters to the list.

Nonprinting ASCII characters

Nonprinting ASCII characters in your print data can potentially cause problems when they are sent to the XPS printer:

Specifying characters for XML translation

Table 126: Nonprinting ASCII characters





Problematic ASCII Characters

1-8, 11-12, 14-31, 38, 60, 250-252

0-8, 11-12, 14-31, 38, 60, 128, 250-252

To prevent issues with nonprinting ASCII characters in your print data, in SB/XA 6.0.1 or later, these

ASCII characters are defined in the XML Translation list. The definition for each ASCII character replaces the nonprinting character with nothing, precluding an error in XPS printing. You can make changes or add to the list of ASCII characters, if necessary.


1. When logged on to an SB application, enter

/XML.TRANSLATE at any prompt. The XML

Translation screen appears.

The form is populated with the XML translations for the most common special characters. You can make changes or add other special characters to the list, if necessary.

The form is also populated with the XML translations for nonprinting ASCII characters. You can make changes or add other ASCII characters to the list, if necessary.

2. Place the cursor in the first blank row in the

Original Character column. Enter the literal character to be translated to an XML entity reference.

In the Entity Reference column on the same row, enter the XML entity reference that corresponds to the original (literal) character. If you want the XPS Viewer to delete the original character from the view in the XPS interface, leave the Entity Reference text box blank.

Repeat this step for each special character to be translated to an entity reference.

3. When you have finished defining all characters that require XML translation, press

F2 or click the

Save button to save your changes to the XML Translation screen.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Terminal Definitions

The Terminal Definitions option allows you to define the settings for terminals on your system.

Terminal definition: general screen


Terminal definition: general screen



This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Terminal Definitions. It allows you to define and maintain terminal definitions for use with SB/XA Application Server. Many common terminal definitions are supplied with SB/XA Application Server and can be amended.

The Terminal Definition screen consists of three pages, described below. You can access the other pages of the screen by pressing the PAGE DOWN key. Function keys for the three tabs are described below.

You can change your current terminal definition on-the-fly through the CHANGE.TERMINAL process.

The new terminal definition is loaded into the COMMON variable TERM.DEFN, and any OE-related terminal commands are performed. For example, at logon you may have entered the incorrect terminal type. If you are still able to enter text, running this process corrects the terminal definition.

Note: When changing terminal definitions, previously stacked screens may not be redisplayed correctly because they are stored internally with embedded cursor/video attribute sequences that may no longer be valid. Exiting to the OE shell and then re-entering SB/XA Application Server via the MM command corrects any screen problems.

Table 127: Field descriptions





(if used from screen 1)


Function key. Saves the current terminal definition.

Function key. Deletes the current terminal definition.

Function key. If the value of Support Color is set to

Y, F5 displays the Terminal

Colors screen. This allows you to define the colors to use for prompts, inputs, error messages, and other elements (only if your terminal supports color). For further

information, see Terminal colors F5, on page 152


Function key. Invokes the GOTO.MVLINE process. This allows you to move quickly around several pages of data by entering any of the following:


(if used from screens 2 and


â–ª A line number, or

â–ª The letter P and a page number, or


(if used from screens 1 and



(if used from screen 3)


â–ª Part of the text found under the Description or Edit Function headings.

Function key. Displays the Cursor Definition Parameters screen, which allows you to define cursor addressing specifically for the current terminal type. Use this feature only if you are experiencing problems with the default cursor addressing.

For further information, see

Cursor definition parameters F6, on page 154


Function key. Displays the Pointer Device Parameters screen, which allows you to define the pointer device if the pointer device does not work correctly or if you are using a nonstandard mouse or touch screen device. For further information, see

Pointer device parameters F6, on page 155 .

Function key. Allows you to enter an existing edit key function number for which you want to specify an additional or alternative key definition. For further

information, see Additional alternative keys F7, on page 157


F8-Download Function key. Specifies the character sequence or processes to be downloaded to the terminal when logging on. This ensures that the keyboard will work as specified in the definition. For further information, see

Download character sequence F8, on page 158 .

F9-Seq+ Function key. Allows additional terminal characteristics to be setup. These are held

in the COMMON variable TERM.DEFN<19>. For further information, see Additional terminal sequences F9, on page 159 .


Chapter 5: Admin menu



Terminal Id


Function key. Displays the action bar:

â–ª Print-Prints selected terminal definitions.

â–ª Copy-Copies a terminal definition to another name.

â–ª Help-Displays a menu of additional help options.

An ID or name for the terminal definition. SB/XA Application Server provides a number of commonly used definitions. Every terminal type must have a terminal definition specifying edit keys and graphics characters.

DEFAULT.TERM works for all terminal types. This definition uses standard keys and simple graphics characters, and is used if no terminal ID is specified for a port in the

Terminal Configuration screen or the user definition. This terminal definition allows you to use SB/XA Application Server before setting up a specific definition for your terminal type.

We recommend setting up a terminal definition that is specific to your terminal type so you can take advantage of your own keyboard layout while using SB/XA

Application Server. This definition can then be specified for your port in the Port

Configuration screen, described later.

A description for the terminal ID specified.


OE Term Type The operating environment terminal type associated with this definition. This is used only for correct cursor addressing, and for clear screen, line, and end-of-screen functions.

GUI Mode


Options are:

â–ª Y-Enables GUI mode when using this terminal definition. This applies only to terminal emulators that support GUI mode.

Support Color


â–ª N-Disables GUI mode.

Options are:

â–ª Y-The terminal you are defining supports color. After entering Y, you can press the

F5 key to define the colors.



â–ª N-The terminal you are defining is monochrome.

The number of columns displayed by the terminal being defined. See your terminal documentation for details. This is usually 80.

Standard Rows The number of rows the terminal displays. See your terminal documentation for details. This is usually 24.



The number of columns the terminal displays in condensed mode. See your terminal documentation for details. This is usually 132 when available.



The number of rows the terminal displays in condensed mode. See your terminal documentation for details. This is usually

24, but may be 43.

Graphics Mode


The character sequence sent to the terminal to turn on graphics mode, if supported.

For control characters, enter the decimal ASCII value in parentheses. Graphics mode is used for drawing boxes and lines.

Graphics Mode


Many terminals are now able to draw box lines without switching to graphics mode.

In this case, leave this field blank. See your terminal documentation for details.

The character sequence sent to the terminal to turn off graphics mode, if supported.

See your terminal documentation for details.

Graphic Box Characters

Description (Display only.) Description for the graphics character to be defined in the next field.


Terminal definition: video characteristics screen




The character sent to the terminal to display the graphics character defined in the

Description field. See your terminal documentation for details. SB/XA Application

Server uses these characters when drawing windows and other graphic displays.

If your terminal has a graphics character set (the ability to draw straight lines and corners), enter these characters. Enter the decimal ASCII value, enclosed in parentheses, of the character to be used. For example, a horizontal character could be

(113), (119), or (205).

Alternatively, if graphics mode is not supported, a normal display character to be used instead can be specified. For example, a vertical character might be |.

You are prompted for both single- and double line characters. When defining windows in your application, you can specify the frame type (if you want single or double lines, or no lines).

Terminal definition: video characteristics screen

This screen is accessed by pressing the PAGE DOWN key in the Terminal Definition: General screen.

Function keys are as described for the Terminal Definition: General screen.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 128: Field descriptions

Field Description

Terminal Id



(Display only.) The ID or name for the terminal definition.

Options are:


â–ª Y-The terminal you are defining uses hidden video attributes that do not take up a character position. See your terminal documentation if you are unsure whether your terminal supports hidden video attributes.

â–ª N-The terminal being defined does not use hidden video attributes.

(Display only.) A description of the type of video characteristic for which a value must be entered in the next two fields.

ON Sequence For character and GUI: The character sequence to turn on the effect listed in the

Description column. See your terminal documentation for details. This character sequence usually contains a mixture of control characters and normal characters.

Enter control characters (such as ESC) by giving their decimal ASCII value in parentheses. For example, the half intensity on-sequence for the Wyse60 terminal is


For XUI: The XML tags to turn on the effect, rather than the escape sequences used in other modes.

OFF Sequence For character and GUI: The character sequence to turn off the effect described in the

Description field. See your terminal documentation for details. This character sequence usually contains a mixture of control characters and normal characters.

Enter any control characters (such as ESC) by giving their decimal ASCII value in parentheses. For example, the half intensity off-sequence for Wyse60 is


For XUI: The XML tags to turn off the effect, rather than the escape sequences used in other modes.


Terminal definition: edit/function keys screen

Terminal definition: edit/function keys screen

This screen is accessed by pressing the

PAGE DOWN key in the Terminal Definition: Video

Characteristics screen. Function keys are as described for the Terminal Definition: General screen above.

Table 129: Field descriptions

Field Description

Terminal Id (Display only.) The ID or name for the terminal definition.

Edit Function (Display only.) Describes the edit function for which a value must be entered in the next two fields.

Decimal ASCII


The decimal ASCII values generated by the key you want to use for the edit function.

To use the full-text editing facilities SB/XA Application Server offers on all input fields, you must assign a keyboard key (or keys) to each function.

If you are setting up the terminal definition for the terminal you are currently using and you do not know the value of the key you want to define, press any nonnumeric key. You are then prompted to press the key you require. SB/XA Application

Server returns the value of the key.

Note: By default, only keys that return a lead-in character less than decimal 32

(space) can be used as an edit key. Use the F7-Additional/Alternative Keys > Limit

Value of Displayable Characters field to change this value if required.


Chapter 5: Admin menu





The description to be displayed as part of the help for available edit keys. This is used to describe the keyboard key used to carry out edit functions and is shown whenever you invoke the

/KEYS process to see what keys are defined for your terminal.

Terminal colors F5


This screen is accessed by entering

Y in the Support Color field and pressing the F5 key in the

Terminal Definition: General page.

Note: These values apply to the color of character screens only. The color of GUI screens is determined by the appropriate GUI Default Set.

Table 130: Field descriptions

Field Description




Function key. Accepts the terminal color parameters.

(Display only.) The available colors. Each color has a number displayed beside it.

Use these numbers for reference when defining the default color combinations for

Deflt Menu and Deflt Screen.

The character sequences for the appropriate foreground color.

Background The character sequence for the appropriate background color.

Terminal colors F5


Dealt Menu


The background, highlight letter, lowlight letter, select background, select foreground, and unavailable foreground color numbers as a default for menus.

Separate numbers with commas; for example,

8, 6, 2, 2, 16,12.

Note: You can override these colors for any individual menu.


F3 key provides a list of available colors.

Deflt Screen The background, foreground, and prompt color numbers to be used as a default for screens. Separate numbers with commas.

Help Colors

Note: You can override these colors for any individual screen.

The background, highlight, and lowlight color numbers for help screens. Separate numbers with commas.

Std Back/Fore The standard background and foreground colors to be used by SB/XA Application

Server. Separate numbers with commas.

Lookup B/F The background, foreground, low intensity, select background, and select foreground color numbers to be used in the lookup windows. Separate numbers with commas.

Prompt B/F The background and foreground numbers to be used in prompts on the prompt line.

Separate numbers with commas.

Functkey B/F The background and foreground color numbers to be used in displaying the function key status line. Separate numbers with commas.

Error B/F The background, highlight text, lowlight text, select background, and select foreground color numbers to be used in error message display. Separate numbers with commas.

Dialog Box The background, highlight text, lowlight text, select background, and select foreground color numbers to be used in dialog box display. Separate numbers with commas.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Cursor definition parameters F6


This screen is accessed by pressing the

F6 key in the Terminal Definition: General and Video

Characteristics pages. If you are experiencing problems with default cursor addressing, use this screen to specifically define cursor addressing for the current terminal type.

The information in this screen is used by SB/XA Application Server functions like ‘smart screen refresh’ to parse text and cursor directives from screen images. It does not affect the operation of the terminal device itself.

Table 131: Field descriptions



ANSI Mode (Y/



Function key. Accepts the cursor definition parameters.

Options are:

â–ª Y-The terminal uses ANSI cursor address sequences.

â–ª N-The terminal uses ASCII type sequences.




F3 to generate the default information.


The cursor lead-in sequence. For example, the ANSI lead-in sequence would be


Column First Options are:

â–ª Y-The column is sent first in the cursor address sequence.

â–ª N-The row is sent first in the cursor address sequence.

The column and row separator if any; otherwise leave blank.

Col and Row




The terminating character for the cursor sequence if any; otherwise leave blank.

ASCII sequences usually have a terminating character.

Pointer device parameters F6

Field Description

Col Base Offset A numeric offset value that is to be applied to the column value. Enter 0 for none.

Row Base


Col Increments in BCD

A numeric offset value that is to be applied to the row value. Enter 0 for none.

Options are:

â–ª Y-The column value increments in Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) format.


Increments in


â–ª N-The column value does not increment in BCD format.

Options are:

â–ª Y-The row value increments in BCD format.

Clear Screen &


Clear to End of


Clear to end of


Clear Screen to


â–ª N-The row value does not increment in BCD format.

The sequence that, when sent to the terminal, clears the screen and moves the cursor to the upper left corner.

The sequence that, when sent to the terminal, clears the line from the current cursor location to the end of the current screen line.

The sequence that, when sent to the terminal, clears the screen from the current cursor location to the end of the current screen page.

The sequence that, when sent to the terminal, clears the screen to a background pattern.

Pointer device parameters F6

This screen is accessed by pressing the

F6 key in the Terminal Definition: Edit/Function Keys page.

If the pointer device does not work correctly or if you are using a nonstandard mouse or touch screen device, use this screen to define the pointer device.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 132: Field descriptions



Pointer Device








X, Y Delimiter


Button Field/

Pos, Len

X value Field/

Pos, Len

Y value Field/

Pos, Len


Field/Pos, Len

X Conversion

Code Method

Y Conversion

Code Method


Function key. Accepts the pointer device parameters.

If you are using a pointer device other than the default mouse type, enter the code for the pointer device.

Type 1 allows use of a mouse device, which returns sequences in the standard mouse format.

Types 2 and 3 allow the use of high- and low-resolution touch screen devices.

Type 4 allows entry of a user-defined device. Enter Type 4 parameters in the following fields:

(Applicable to Type 4 only.) If the pointer sequence has a fixed length, enter the number of characters in the string returned by the device. If the pointer sequence has a variable length terminated by a carriage return, enter


(Applicable to Type 4 only.) The delimiter character surrounding the button number, if present. This is used for field extractions. Leave blank for the position,length extraction method.

(Applicable to Type 4 only.) The delimiter character used to delimit the X and

Y values. This is used for field extractions. Leave blank for the position,length extraction method.

(Applicable to Type 4 only.) The field extraction position of the button value or if there is no delimiter, its position,length in a fixed-length string.

(Applicable to Type 4 only.) The field extraction position of the X coordinate or if there is no delimiter, its position,length in a fixed-length string.

(Applicable to Type 4 only.) The field extraction position of the Y coordinate or if there is no delimiter, its position,length in a fixed-length string.

(Applicable to Type 4 only.) The field extraction position of the ButtonBar value or if there is no delimiter, its position,length in a fixed length string.

(Applicable to Type 4 only.) The conversion code method to apply to the X coordinate.

Options are:

â–ª 0–Value is decimal, no conversion.

â–ª 1–Hexadecimal to decimal.

â–ª 2–sequence value SEQ().

(Applicable to Type 4 only.) Conversion code method to apply to the Y coordinate.

Options are:

â–ª 0–Value is decimal, no conversion.

â–ª 1–Hexadecimal to decimal.

â–ª 2–sequence value SEQ().


Additional alternative keys F7

Additional alternative keys F7

This screen is accessed by pressing the

F7 key from any of the Terminal Definition pages.

Enter an existing edit key function number for which you want to specify an additional or alternative key definition. For example, the delete line function can be mapped to the

SHIFT-DEL key, but some users may prefer other standards to which they are more accustomed, such as


Table 133: Field descriptions



Limit Value of



Edit Key



Function key. Accepts the additional/alternative key parameters.

The range of nonstandard edit keys is from CHAR(32) up to the value of this field, which is assumed to be 256 if blank. Enter a value here if any edit key lead-in sequences commence with a character greater than decimal 128 for the current terminal type.

For example, function key sequences on some terminals have a lead-in character of

CHAR(155). In this case, set the limit to 155. If the limit is set too low, some graphic and/or foreign character sets cannot be entered from the keyboard.

The existing edit key function number for which you want to specify an additional or alternative key definition.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Decimal ASCII





The decimal ASCII values generated by the key you want to use for the edit function.

To use the full-text editing facilities that SB/XA Application Server offers on all input fields, a keyboard key (or keys) must be assigned to each function.

If you are setting the terminal definition for the terminal you are currently using and you do not know the value of the key to be defined, press any non-numeric key. You are then prompted to press the key you require.SB/XA Application Server returns the value of the key.

By default, only keys that return a lead-in character less than decimal 32 (space) can be used as an edit key.

The description to be displayed as part of the help for available edit keys. This is used to describe the keyboard key used to carry out edit functions and is shown whenever you invoke the

/KEYS process to see what keys are defined for your terminal.

Download character sequence F8


This screen is accessed by pressing the

F8 key in any of the Terminal Definition screens.

Table 134: Field descriptions




Recovery Time



DownLoad when




Function key. Saves the download character sequence parameters.

The number of seconds of delay (required for some terminals before they can accept other data) after downloading the download character sequence defined in the

Download Sequence field below.

Options are:

â–ª Y-Resends the download sequence in the next field when switching to another

SB account via the LOGTO process.

â–ª N-(Default.) Does not resend the download sequence when switching to another account.

Additional terminal sequences F9





A character sequence to set the keyboard characteristics and the terminal setup, downloaded to the terminal when logging on. The download sequence sets the internal programmable functions of the terminal to the values used in SB, ensuring that the terminal will operate as required. You can enter the decimal ASCII value in parentheses for any character not normally entered through the keyboard. See your terminal documentation for details of the sequences required.

A sequence can occupy as many lines on the screen as necessary. You can also enter ;#text after a download sequence, where text is a comment describing the effect of the sequence. Lines that start with ;# are ignored. If the characters

>: appear at the start of a line, the remainder of the line is executed as a shell sentence. (All >: shell sentences are executed before any of the download sequences, regardless of where they are defined in the download sequence).

Additional terminal sequences F9

This screen is accessed by pressing the

F9 key in any of the Terminal Definition screens. It allows you to define any additional data that is dependent on the type of terminal in use. Take care to define information in the same sequence for all terminal definitions used in your system.

Table 135: Field descriptions





Function key. Accepts the additional terminal sequence parameters.

A description for the terminal sequence to be entered.


Chapter 5: Admin menu




The terminal sequence required. For example, if you are defining a cash register terminal, you may want to define the sequence to open the cash drawer. Details are held in attribute 19,x of the COMMON variable TERM.DEFN. You can access this in expressions and user subroutines.

You can enter the decimal ASCII value in parentheses for any character not normally entered through the keyboard. For example, the ESC key would be (27).

Port configure


Port Configure option allows you to define the ports on your system.

Port configuration


Port configuration


This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Printers and Terminals > Port Configure. It allows you to define your system's port configuration. You can define terminals, printers, auxiliary printers, and the baud rate of each port.

On some systems the ports are dynamically allocated at logon, and you cannot rely on the port setup as defined. To eliminate this problem, SB/XA Application Server allows you to define ASK or

ASK(name) as the type of terminal and/or printers. This prompts the user at logon to nominate the terminal and printer types to be used.

You can also link the terminal/printer to each user if this is more appropriate to your installation. See

Setting Print Defaults, on page 270 .

Table 136: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2-Save Function key. Saves the port configuration parameters.

F5-Sort Function key. Sorts entries by port number, if used in the Port field. You can specify the sort sequence.

F7-Terminals Function key. Displays the Terminal Definition screen. If you entered a terminal ID in any Terminal Id field and the cursor is in that field when you press the

F7 key, the ID is passed to the terminal definition process.



Function key. Displays the Physical Printer Definition screen. If you entered a printer name in any Printer Name field and the cursor is in that field when you press the

F8 key, the printer name is passed to the terminal definition process.

Function key.




Allows you to define default values to be used by SB/XA Application Server when terminal and printer ID prompts for a port are left blank.

Note that users may have their own list of terminal/printer IDs specified in their user definition record, to be consulted if the defaults specified here are left blank or are

multiple choice. For further information, see Default terminal/printer specification

F9, on page 162 .

Displays the action bar:


If you are using a PC monitor and terminal definition PCMON (or PCMON.COL) you need to run this function once initially. It assigns values to some of the keys (such as

INS, DEL, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN); otherwise these keys are undefined.

The port number that the device is connected to on the system.

The device type. Options are:

â–ª T-The port has a terminal connected.

â–ª P-The port has a printer connected.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Terminal Id


The terminal ID if the port is connected to a terminal. The terminal ID must be defined in the

Terminal Definition screen, described previously (or via the F7 key). This ID refers to a terminal definition containing details of the edit keys and graphics characters to be used for that type of terminal.

If you do not specify a terminal ID at this prompt, SB/XA Application Server uses the terminal ID specified in the

F10 - Default Terminal/Printer Specification

screen. If a terminal ID is not specified there, SB/XA Application Server uses the terminal ID specified for the user as indicated in

Security > User Security Setup.

For further information, see

Setting up user security, on page 42 . If a terminal ID is

not specified for the user, SB/XA Application Server uses a default terminal ID called


If ASK is entered, the terminal ID is prompted for at logon. ASK(xx) defaults to ID xx.

Printer Name The physical printer name for the printer usually assigned to this port. The physical printer must be defined in the Physical Printer Definition screen. You can access this screen by pressing the

F8 key. For further information, see

Setting Print Defaults, on page 270 .

Aux Prt Name If a terminal has a printer connected to its auxiliary output, enter the physical printer name for the printer. This should have a printer class attached with the appropriate set of escape and other sequences for the type of printer connected.

This printer is commonly called an auxiliary printer.

User Name The name of the normal user or location for the port. The

System House Keeping >

Port Setup > List Users Logged On option uses this user name or location.

Default terminal/printer specification F9

This form is accessed by pressing the

F9 key in the Port Configuration form.

Table 137: Field descriptions




Function key. Accepts the default terminal/printer specifications.


Media commands


Terminal Id


Enter the terminal ID to use if an ID is not specified for a port. To prompt for the ID at logon, specify ASK or ASK(TERMID), where TERMID is the default. If you do not specify a terminal ID for this field or if you enter multiple IDs, SB/XA Application

Server checks the terminal IDs specified in

Security > User Security Setup after the user has been identified. For further information, see

Setting up user security, on page 42 . If SB/XA Application Server finds a single terminal ID here, it uses

that ID; otherwise the terminal ID is prompted for at logon, showing a list (if there is one) when # is entered. If no terminal ID is specified at logon, the default ID


The terminal ID may be of the form filename,itemid, where the contents of the record is a list of valid terminal IDs displayed if you enter * in the Terminal Id field.

The default is the first entry in the list.

Printer Name Enter the physical printer name for the printer assigned to a user if a number of other default conditions are not met; usually if no other printer default parameters are specified elsewhere. The physical printer must be defined in the physical printer definition, available from the

F8 key in the Port Configuration screen. For further

information, see Setting Print Defaults, on page 270 .

Aux Printer


Enter the physical printer name for a printer on an auxiliary port, assigned to a user if a number of other default conditions are not met. The physical printer must have been defined in the physical printer definition, available from the

F8 key in the Port

Configuration screen. For further information, see Setting Print Defaults, on page

270 .

XPS Printer


The printer specified in this field is used only if no auxiliary printer is specified in the user security record. If you do not define an auxiliary printer in the user security record or in Port Configuration, the auxiliary printer defaults to LOGICAL.PRINTER.

Enter the name of the XPS printer to use as the systemwide default. To prompt users for the XPS printer name, enter ASK or ASK(XPS.PRINTER), where

XPS.PRINTER is the default XPS printer. The XPS printer name specified for a user in

Security > User Security Setup overrides this setting. For further information, see

Setting up user security, on page 42 . If you leave the XPS Printer Name blank here

and in User Security Setup, the printer for Report Writer and QRD reports defaults to


Media commands


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Media Commands menu allows you to manage the media (such as tapes and diskettes) and media devices (such as tape drives and disk drives) on your system. You can also read records from and write records to the media. Commands that do not require a lengthy description are described only in the table below. Other commands are fully described in the pages that follow.

Table 138: Media command options


Define Media


Select Media


Attach Media


Rewind Media


Allows you to define a media device on your system.

Allows you to choose a media device. Use this before any other media options.

For further information, see

Selecting media, on page 23 .

UniData only. Allows you to gain exclusive access to the selected media device.

Read Tape/


Write File To


Load File From


Detach Media

Allows you to rewind the currently attached media. Use this before reading or writing to media.

Allows you to read a block from the currently attached media and display its contents on the screen.

Allows you to write the contents of selected records from a disk file to the currently attached media.

Allows you to load the contents of a file from the currently attached media to a specified disk file.

Allows you to detach the currently attached media, making it available to other users. Ensure that the device is free to use if detaching it from another port. For

further information, see Detaching media, on page 25 .

Define media device


This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Media Commands > Define Media Device. It allows you to define a media device on your system.

Define media device

Note: The above screen sample is for a UniVerse/UNIX installation. The screen for UniData/UNIX,

UniVerse/Windows, and UniData/Windows is similar.

Table 139: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept

F4 - Del

Device Name







NT Device

(Windows only)

Device Type


Block Size




Rewind Path

(UNIX only)

Norewind Path

(UNIX only)



(UNIX only)



(UNIX only)


Saves the media device parameters.

Deletes the media device record.

The device name to be used whenever you select the current media.

The device number to be used whenever you select the current media.

A meaningful description of the media device.

The Windows NT sharename for the device. Device names are in the following form:


For example:

\\.\a: or


Specifies the type of media you are defining for the media device. Options are:

â–ª F-Floppy disk (diskette)

â–ª T-Tape

â–ª C-Cartridge

â–ª DT-Direct tape

â–ª DC-Direct cartridge

The media block size in bytes.

Specifies the data conversion filter to be used when reading from or writing to this device. This allows for alternative storage formats such as EBCDIC. Options are:

â–ª 0–No conversion. Stores all characters in ASCII format.

â–ª 1–Assumes data is in EBCDIC format.

â–ª 2–Inverts high bits.

â–ª 3–Swap bytes.

The UNIX path to a device that fully rewinds the tape after tape operations are complete.

The UNIX path to a device that does not rewind the tape after tape operations are complete. If you do not specify a device in this field, enter a device in the


Path field.

The UNIX command to perform the backup called from the Backup menu. The

F3 key provides help on formatting this and the following commands.

The UNIX command to perform the restore called from the Backup menu.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Skip File


(UNIX only)



(UNIX only)



(UNIX only)


The UNIX command to skip a file on the media.

The UNIX command to rewind the device.

The UNIX command used to handle device offline errors.

Attach media device

UniData only. This option allows you to gain exclusive access to the selected media device and to specify the block size to be used. SB/XA Application Server notifies you if the media device is already in use.

Table 140: Field descriptions


Block Size



The block size to be used if different from the default used by the operating environment for the selected media device. To use the OE default value, leave blank.

Write File To Media


This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Media Commands > Write File To Media. It allows you to write the contents of selected records from a disk file to the currently attached media.

Load file from media

Table 141: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to write a file to media.

File Name The name of the file to be written to the attached media.

Data/Dict (0/1) Options are:


Name(s) Or


â–ª 0–Writes the contents of the data part of the file.

â–ª 1–Writes the contents of the dictionary part of the file.

The IDs of the records (enclosed in quotation marks) to be selected from the file, or selection criteria. To select all records, leave this field blank. You can enter multiple record IDs; use a space between record IDs.

Load file from media

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Media Commands > Load File From Media. It allows you to load the contents of a file from the currently attached media to a specified disk file.

Table 142: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to load a file from media.

File Name The name of an existing file into which data from the attached media will be loaded.

Data/Dict (0/1) Options are:

â–ª 0–Loads data from the selected media into the data part of the file.

â–ª 1–Loads data into the dictionary part of the file.

The IDs (enclosed in double quotes) of the records that are to be loaded, or selection criteria. To load all records, leave this field blank.


Name(s) Or

Criteria -



Criteria -


The selection criteria to load a subset of the records from the device. If NULL, saved record names will be used here.


Chapter 5: Admin menu



Existing (Y/N)

Suppress ID

Listing (Y/N)


Options are:

â–ª Y–Overwrites any existing records of the same ID.

â–ª N– Ignores any record IDs read from the media that already exist in the target file.

Options are:

â–ª Y–Prevents record ID listings from appearing on the screen.

â–ª N– Displays each record ID as it is loaded.

SB+ Setup

The SB+ Setup menu provides two options:


SB+ Control Parameters, on page 168

: Enables you to define the control parameters SB/XA needs to run on your system. Normally you use these options only when you are initially setting up an account or a system.


SB+ Configuration Options, on page 209 : Allows you to customize how the SB/XA Application

Server interfaces with the operating environment and options for setting up some SB global processes.

SB+ Control Parameters

This option enables you to specify the default global control parameters used by SB/XA Application

Server within an SB instance.

The parameters set at the instance level can be overridden at other levels. The applicable parameter is determined in the following priority order:

1. The value set by the user in User Flags (/USER.FLAGS).

2. The value set at the system level in the System Control Record (/HK.CONTROL).

3. The value set at the account level in Update an Account (/UPDATE.ACCOUNT).

4. The value set at the instance level in SB Control Parameters (/SB.PARMS).


Main tab

The SB Control Parameters screen is accessed by choosing

Admin > SB+ Setup > SB+ Control

Parameters or by entering

/SB.PARMS in any field.

When you alter SB Control Parameters, the associated

DMCONT record is locked until you save your changes.

To learn more about the relationship between

DMCONT and SB Control Parameters, see

About SB

Control Parameters, on page 284 .

Main tab


Main tab contains general control parameters. This is the default tab.

Note: This screen sample is for Windows. The UNIX screen is similar.

Table 143: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Save Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

F9 - Logto Sub Displays the

Logon/Logto Subroutine screen. See Logon/Logto subroutine F9, on page 172 .

Prompt Line Defines where the prompt line is to be displayed on the screen. Enter the prompt line number, or Ln where n is the number of lines up from the last line of the terminal screen. We recommend you leave the default at L1.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Error Line

Help Line

Screen Accept



Language (Y/



Defines where on the screen the error line is to be displayed. Enter the error line number, or Ln where n is the number of lines up from the last line of the terminal screen. We recommend leaving the setting at the default, L1.

Defines where on the screen the first help line is to be displayed. Enter the first help line number, or Ln where n is the number of lines up from the last line of the terminal screen. We recommend leaving the setting at the default, L1.

Specifies the default for screen accept prompts displayed within the Screen

Definition tool. Options are:

â–ª Yes- The default for all screen accept prompts displayed within the Screen

Definition tool is to be Yes. For more information on the Screen Definition tool, see the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual.

â–ª No-The default for all screen accept prompts is to be No.

You can override this value for any screen.

Informs SB/XA Application Server whether to use hard-coded English text for its prompts or to use a translation table. Options are:

â–ª Yes- SB/XA Application Server has been translated to another language and these language definitions have been loaded into the relevant SB definition files.

The prompts are taken from the PROMPT record in DMCONT. Translation is done via the process XLATE.DEFN.

â–ª No-Uses hard-coded English prompts.

Field Definition


Max Levels


Note: This is for a single, complete transaction

Specifies whether descriptions entered in field definitions are to be converted to mixed case. Options are:

â–ª Yes- Descriptions entered in field definitions are to be converted to mixed upperand lowercase letters. You can override the result by amending an existing field definition and typing over the field definition or report header.

â–ª No-Leave text as entered.

The number of nested process levels allowed before a warning is given. We recommend accepting the default in most circumstances.

Note: Some OE versions limit the number of levels of process calls.

Edit Key Delay The delay value (in milliseconds) before checking the type ahead buffer to see if another key is pending. This is used as a time-out on function key strokes. You need to adjust this parameter only if SB/XA Application Server is not picking up all the characters generated by an edit key. There are two time-out methods:

CUA Arrow


â–ª n>=0 –Wait for n milliseconds or until a character is found in the input buffer (if this occurs first).

â–ª n<=0 – Loop n times or until a character is found in the input buffer (if this occurs first).

Determines whether arrow movement adheres to Common User Access standards.

Options are:

â–ª Yes-The up arrow key and SHIFT-TAB keys cycle backward through input fields.

The ESC key cancels the record.

â–ª No- The up arrow key, SHIFT-TAB, and ESC keys cycle backward through input fields.


Main tab

Field Description


American Date

Determines the format for dates. Options are:

â–ª Yes-American (mm/dd/yy).

â–ª No-International (dd/mm/yy).

Database Code


Enter the number of the data server code page to use for storing data for this instance, or press

F3 to select the code page number from a selection list. The

United States code page is 437; the International code page is 850. Other valid code page numbers are also supported. The code page number is replaced with its description when the cursor leaves this field.

OEM or ANSI Select a value indicating the type of the specified database code page. Options are:



EDA Flag

â–ª O- Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)

â–ª A- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

Enter the character to be used as a delimiter for SBREMOTE processes.

Indicates whether External Data Access (EDA) extracts the syntax to use field position rather than the @RECORD. Options are:


Conversion of

Input in Dialog

Boxes to Upper


Double Quotes

Allowed in a Selection



Sleep Time


When Saving



â–ª Yes-Extract the syntax to use field position rather than the @RECORD.

â–ª No-Use the @RECORD.

Select a value indicating whether to suppress conversion of input from lowercase to uppercase characters in dialog boxes. Options are:

â–ª Yes-Suppress conversion of input to uppercase in dialog boxes.

â–ª No-Convert input to uppercase in dialog boxes.

Specifies whether to display a message that prompts users to enclose the record key in single quotation marks within SELECT statements in the Intuitive Help slot of a field definition. Options are:

â–ª Yes-Do not display a message if the user encloses a record key in double quotation marks in this situation. This is the default setting.

â–ª No-Display the message “Single quotes should be used to indicate a key in a select statement” if the user encloses a record key (@ID) in double quotation marks in this situation.

Enter the number of seconds to wait before retrying a check to see if a phantom process has started. The default value is 3 seconds.

Select a value indicating the destination for saving selection criteria. Options are:

â–ª null or <None> – No destination specified.

â–ª 0 or Always write to DMCRITERIA file – Save selection criteria to DMCRITERIA file without prompting.

â–ª 1 or Prompt for file name – Prompt for file name when saving selection criteria.


Chapter 5: Admin menu



Sensitivity of


Disallow //


Select a value indicating whether input in dialog boxes is case-sensitive. Options are:

â–ª null or <None> – No case sensitivity setting specified.

â–ª 0 or As before 5.3.4 – Case-sensitivity of input in dialog boxes has the same behavior as in versions before SB+ Server 5.3.4.

â–ª 1 or Convert all input to upper case return value as originally input – Convert all input to uppercase characters and return the value in the case in which it was originally input.

â–ª 2 or Convert all input to upper case return value as upper case – Convert all input to uppercase characters and return the value in uppercase.

Select a value indicating whether the “//” process, which reloads the SB environment, is disallowed for all users in the SB instance. Options are:

â–ª Yes-The “//” process is disallowed.

â–ª No-The “//” process is allowed.

Logon/Logto subroutine F9


Process /LOG.PROC

This dialog box is accessed by pressing the

F9 key in the SB Control Parameters screen. It allows you to call a user subroutine to perform processing at logon or logto, before any terminal or printer setup occurs. This must be a subroutine, because processes will not function at this point of the logon/logto process. This process is not available from system menus, because it operates on a per-account basis.

Table 144: Field descriptions


F2 - Save






Function key. Saves the changes to the logon/logto parameter.

The name of the user subroutine to be called.

â–ª Y- Set to this value if Transaction Processing has been enabled in the operating environment.

â–ª N- Set to this value if Transaction Processing has not been enabled in the operating environment.

Warn on Error â–ª Y-A warning is to be issued when an operating environment transaction fails.

â–ª N- If a warning is not to be issued when an operating environment transaction fails.

Defaults tab


Commit Fail


Defaults tab


This is used to specify the name of a process that is to be run automatically if an operating environment transaction fails.

On this page you can specify default system control parameters for all accounts and IDs.

Table 145: Field descriptions


F2 - Save

F7 - Language


Default Date


Default Money


Process At Set



Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

Displays the

Language Table screen. For details, see

Language table F7, on page

174 .

The default date conversion.

The Field Definitions tool uses this conversion as the default when creating a field of type

D (Date). It can be overridden for specific fields if required. For further information about the Field Definitions tool, see your SB/XA Application Server

Reference Manual


Changing this default conversion does not affect pre-existing field definitions, screens, or reports.

The default money conversion.

The Field Definitions tool uses this conversion as the default when creating a field of type M.

Changing this default conversion does not affect pre-existing field definitions, screens, or reports.

A process to be called whenever SB.SET.COMMON is called.

You can set up any values specific to your system to be stored in COMMON in this process. For example, you may want to store the current company code you are working with in COMMON variable PARAMS(1). Whenever you go to the OE shell or

CHAIN any program, the contents of COMMON are lost. To ensure that PARAMS(1) is reset, specify a process here that assigns the relevant value to PARAMS(1).


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Process At OE


Process Before



A process to be called whenever a user leaves SB/XA Application Server to return to the OE.

This can be used to check whether it is legal for the user to go to the OE shell. If the process sets RTN.FLAG to X or 1, the attempt to go to the OE shell is canceled.

A process to be called whenever CHAINing to external software.

COMMON variables specific to your system can be saved by this process. If you use the C or W type in menus, the process is effectively CHAINed. This means that the

COMMON variables you have set up are lost. You may want to save these variables in a process called from this slot.

Field Template


Global Dict


Enable Multilanguage



Subroutines in


Note: This complements the process specified in the Proc At Set Common field, in providing a user exit point on entry to, and exit from SB/XA Application Server.

The field template file to be used by this system.

This name may be the same as that used in other systems. The field template file can be shared by different system IDs and across accounts.

The global dictionary to be used by this system.

If this file was not created in this account, a file pointer must be defined for it.

Select the setting for multilanguage support to use as the default for each system ID when it is initiated.

Select the setting to use as the default for determining whether subroutines are stored in dictionaries.

Language table F7


This dialog box is accessed by pressing the

F7 key in the SB Control Parameters Defaults tab. It allows you to maintain the systemwide language table. This table defines the languages that will be supported in multilanguage applications.

Table 146: Field descriptions


F2 - Save




Function key. Saves the changes to the language table.

A code used to denote a language supported in the system.

The full description of the language.

Global tab

Field Description

Language File This is the file used to store most of the translated text for the language. The default is 'DMLANGUAGE.xx' where xx is the language code, but any valid file name can be used. If the file does not exist, it will be created.

Global tab

On this page you can specify additional parameters to be used as the global defaults when a new system ID is created within the SB instance.

Table 147: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Save Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

Global Process The name of the file to be used as the global process file as a fallback from xxPROCESS. The file must already exist, and a file pointer to the file must exist if the file was not created locally.

For further information, see “Global Files” in the SB/XA Application Server Reference



Global Menu The name of the file to be used as the global menu file as a fallback from xxMENUS.

The file must already exist, and a file pointer to the file must exist if the file was not created locally.

Global Help

For further information, see “Global Files” in the SB/XA Application Server Reference



The name of the file to be used as the global help file as a fallback from xxHELP.

The file must already exist, and a file pointer to the file must exist if the file was not created locally.

For further information, see “Global Files” in the SB/XA Application Server Reference




Chapter 5: Admin menu


Global Defn




The name of the file to be used as the global definition file as a fallback from xxDEFN. The file must already exist, and a file pointer to the file must exist if the file was not created locally.

For further information, see “Global Files” in the SB/XA Application Server Reference



The name of the file to be used as the global resources file as a fallback from xxRESOURCES. The global resources file that stores common bitmaps and other image files for the SB instance. The global resources file must be a directory. The directory must already exist, and a file pointer to the directory must exist if the directory was not created locally.

For further information, see “Global Files” in the SB/XA Application Server Reference



Global Themes The name of the file to be used as the global themes file as a fallback from xxTHEMES. The global themes file stores XAML styles and themes for the SB instance. The file must already exist, and a file pointer to the file must exist if the file was not created locally.

When compiling or downloading screens, if a theme is not found in the xxTHEMES file for the system ID, SB/XA searches for it in the default global themes file for the

SB instance.

Global User


Global User


Proc Before '/ proc'

Proc After Tool


For further information, see “Global Files” in the SB/XA Application Server Reference



The name of the global user definitions file for the SB instance. This file is preserved on an upgrade. The file must already exist, and a file pointer to the file must exist if the file was not created locally.

The name of the global user resources for the SB instance. This file contains resources items such as scripts, and is preserved on an upgrade. The file must already exist, and a file pointer to the file must exist if the file was not created locally.

A process to be executed before any process is invoked using the /namesyntax. If

RTN.FLAG is set to 1 or X, the process being invoked will not be executed.

A process to be called after the read step in SB tools. The action of the process is entirely user-defined. Any RTN.FLAG settings are passed back to the tool for processing.

For example, a value of X in RTN.FLAG causes the tool process to terminate. A value of 1 in RTN.FLAG causes the cursor to return to the key field of the tool.

The COMMON variables KEY, ACTION, MAINFILE, and RECORD contain data relevant to the read just performed. You can use this process to control SB tool usage or to implement version control for application development.

DDE Timeout The number of seconds to allow for a DDE action to complete before reporting an error. The default value is 10 seconds.

Form Defns to


The number of previous versions of a form to store during development (to a maximum of 9). You can access previous versions by pressing the Restore function key.

Separate DIFF


Indicates whether each field is to occupy its own column in Report Writer DIFF output.

â–ª Yes-Each field occupies its own column.

â–ª No- Fields that are close vertically are grouped into one column.


Security tab


Use Native OE




MSScripts to



Indicates whether the operating environment’s native Btree indexing is to override the indexing provided by SB/XA.

â–ª Yes-Use the operating environment’s native Btree indexing.

â–ª No- Use SB/XA indexing.

The interval that the socket connecting SB/XA Communications Server and

SB/XA Application Server waits for a response before timing out, expressed in milliseconds.

The names of the MSScripts that are to be downloaded when scripts are run. The

MSScripts are located in the global user resources file. If no file name is specified in the Global User Resources field, the SB.USER.RESOURCE.FILE is used.

Security tab

On this page you can specify security settings within the SB instance.

Table 148: Field descriptions


F2 - Save

Display User

ID in Logon



Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

Specifies whether to display the user ID when the user types it in the logon screen.

Options are:

â–ª Yes-Display user ID in the logon screen.

â–ª No-Do not display user ID in the logon screen. This is the default setting.


Chapter 5: Admin menu




When Entering




SYSID Security

Technique Flag


Menus Will Not

Be Exploded

Use User-




Allow Users with No


Present in

Group Record



Allow Security



Specifies whether to display asterisks when the user types a password in the logon screen. Options are:

â–ª 0- No, do not display asterisks when typing a password in the logon screen. This is the default setting.

â–ª 1-Yes, display asterisks when typing a password in the logon screen.

â–ª 2-Display random characters when typing a password in the logon screen.

Specifies whether to use the alternative SYSID security method to allow users to run processes that are called by restricted menu options. Options are:

â–ª Yes-Use the alternative SYSID security method. If a menu is restricted, the processes called by its menu options are not restricted. This is the default setting.

â–ª No-Do not use the alternative SYSID security method. If a menu is restricted, the processes called by its menu options are also restricted.

Specifies whether the options on a restricted menu option are not to be displayed.

Options are:

â–ª Yes-Do not display options on a restricted menu. This is the default setting.

â–ª No-Display options on a restricted menu.

Specifies whether to enable use of a user-provided security log routine. This feature allows you to create a security log routine to be called by the SB/XA logon process.

Options are:

â–ª Yes-Use a user-provided security log routine. With this setting, SB/XA reads the

VALIDATE.LOG item in DMSECURITY at logon to SB/XA. Attribute 1 of this item contains the maximum number of attempts a user is allowed at logon. Attribute

2 contains the name of a cataloged BASIC program to be called as part of the logon process.

â–ª No-Do not use a user-provided security log routine. This is the default setting.

Specifies whether to allow users who are not members of a security group to log to an account that is not listed in the security group record. Options are:

â–ª Yes-Allow users who are not members of the group to log to unlisted accounts.

â–ª No-Do not allow users who are not members of the group to log to unlisted accounts. This is the default setting.

An option indicating whether users are allowed to auto log on to SB/XA Application

Server if the auto logon feature is enabled at the SB/XA Application Server level.

Options are:

â–ª No- Users are not allowed to auto log on to SB/XA Application Server. This is the default setting.

â–ª Yes-If the auto logon feature is enabled at the SB/XA Application Server level, users are allowed to auto log on to SB/XA Application Server.

Enables you to choose the process for notification of changes made through the security API (SH.SEC.API). Options are:

â–ª Null or 0-Do not allow Security API. This is the default setting.

â–ª 1-Allow security API; notify ROOT users via SB/XA message system.

â–ª 2-Allow security API; do not notify ROOT users via SB/XA message system.

â–ª “ABC”-Allow security API; call process ABC to notify other users.


Security tab


Count All SB

+ Remote


Change Own

User Security


Allow Null






Specifies whether to include all SB remote processes in the count of SB/XA licenses consumed. Options are:

â–ª 0-Include all SB remote processes in the count of SB/XA licenses consumed.

â–ª 9- Exclude background processes from the count of SB/XA licenses consumed.

Specifies whether users are allowed to change their own user security record.

Options are:

â–ª Yes-Allow users to change their own user security record.

â–ª No- Do not allow users to change their own user security record.

Specifies whether to allow users to have their password set up as null. Options are:

â–ª Yes-Allow users to have a null password.

â–ª No- Do not allow users to have a null password. This is the default setting.

Specifies whether a user will have access to applications restricted based on the group to which the user belongs. Options are:

â–ª No hierarchy - Uers can connect to any applications specified in their user security record, regardless of the list of applications currently available to the group to which the users belong. This is the default setting.

â–ª Hierarchy no ripple - Users can connect only to applications specified in their user security record and currently available to the group to which they belong. If an application is removed from the user’s group, the user cannot connect to the application. It is not, however, removed from the user’s security record.

Choosing “Hierarchy no ripple” affects parent-child groups. When an application is removed from a group, it is automatically removed from all of that group’s child groups. However, when an application is added to a group, it is not automatically added to child groups.

â–ª Hierarchy with ripple - This functionality is not yet implemented.

Note: For information about a related flag, Don’t automatically add Group

Applications, see “Setting up application connections and configuring clients” in

SB/XA Getting Started.

Choosing “N” in the Don’t automatically add Group Applications field and setting the users’ Application Hierarchy Mode flag to “Hierarchy no ripple” creates an auto-add and auto-remove functionality. An administrator who needs to perform work on an application can remove it from a user group to perform work on it, and the users in that group automatically lose access to the application. When the administrator finishes work on the application and returns it to the user group, all users in the group automatically regain access to the application.

For information about associating applications with a group, see Associating applications to a group, on page 35



Chapter 5: Admin menu

GUI Flags tab


The settings entered in this tabbed page are used as defaults only when creating GUI forms in new accounts or modules. They do not affect GUI forms in existing accounts or modules.

Table 149: Field descriptions


F2 - Save

GUI Mode


Add Scrollbars to Multivalued


Use Tabfolders in GUI Screens

Use Grids for





Remove Tool



Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

If GUI mode is to be enabled for each module when it is initiated, select


If scrollbars are to be added by default to multivalued fields in GUI mode, select


If tabfolders are to be used by default for linked screens in GUI mode, select


If grid controls are to be used by default for multivalued fields in GUI mode, select


Remove Help


Select the default method for navigating the interface and invoking SB processes.

See the table below.

Select an option indicating whether to remove the Tool branch from the SBExplorer tree view in new GUI modules by default.

â–ª Yes- Remove the Tool branch from the SBExplorer tree view.

â–ª No- Display the Tool branch in the SBExplorer tree view. This option is not available for EMO or ENO navigation.

Select an option indicating whether to remove the Help branch from the SBExplorer tree view in new GUI modules by default.

â–ª Yes-Remove the Help branch from the SBExplorer tree view.

â–ª No- Display the Help branch in the SBExplorer tree view. This option is not available for EMO or ENO navigation.

GUI Flags tab

Field Description




Select an option indicating whether to remove the Readme branch from the

SBExplorer tree view in new GUI modules by default.

â–ª Yes-Remove the Readme branch from the SBExplorer tree view.

â–ª No- Display the Readme branch in the SBExplorer tree view. This option is not available for EMO or ENO navigation.

Multiple Sysids For EN, ENO, or EMO navigation (with Tool, Help, and Readme branches removed from the SBExplorer tree view), multiple system IDs can be shown in the tree view.

Select an option indicating whether multiple system IDs are to be shown in the

SBExplorer pane in new GUI modules by default.



â–ª Yes-Show multiple system IDs in the SBExplorer pane.

â–ª No-Do not show multiple system IDs in the SBExplorer tree view.

Select an option indicating whether the action bar, toolbar, and status line are to be included on new GUI forms by default.

â–ª Yes-Include action bar, toolbar, and status line on GUI forms.

â–ª No-Do not include action bar, toolbar, and status line on GUI forms.

Table 150: Navigation Methods









In XUI mode

SBExplorer with


SBExplorer with

Microsoft Outlook-style interface and MainWin

SBExplorer with


Runs the same as

EM (SBExplorer with


SBExplorer with

Microsoft Outlookstyle interface, without


Menus on MainWin

Not supported

In GUI mode

SBExplorer with


Runs the same as

EM (SBExplorer with


Runs the same as M

(Menus on MainWin)

SBExplorer without


Runs the same as EN

(SBExplorer without


Menus on MainWin

No MainWin, COM interface

In Char mode

Runs the same as M

(Menus on MainWin)

Runs the same as M

(Menus on MainWin)

Runs the same as M

(Menus on MainWin)

Runs the same as M

(Menus on MainWin)

Runs the same as M

(Menus on MainWin)

Menus on MainWin

No MainWin, COM interface


Chapter 5: Admin menu

GUI Defaults tab


This tab contains the default values for GUI system parameters. The settings entered here are used only as the default when creating new accounts or modules. They do not affect existing accounts or modules.

Table 151: Field descriptions


F2 - Save

GUI Screen


GUI Menu


GUI Help


GUI Dialog


GUI Error


GUI Lookup


GUI Prompt







Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

Enter the control name to be used as the default for each module when it is initiated. This entry defines the default characteristics used for creating screens.

Enter the control name to be used as the default for each module when it is initiated. This entry defines the default characteristics used for creating menus.

Enter the control name to be used as the default for each module when it is initiated. This entry defines the default characteristics used for creating help items.

Enter the control name to be used as the default for each module when it is initiated. This entry defines the default characteristics used for creating dialog boxes.

Enter the control name to be used as the default for each module when it is initiated. This entry defines the default characteristics used for creating error displays.

Enter the control name to be used as the default for each module when it is initiated. This entry defines the default characteristics used for creating lookup displays.

Enter the control name to be used as the default for each module when it is initiated. This entry defines the default characteristics used for creating prompt screens.

Enter the control name to be used as the default for each module when it is initiated. This entry defines the default characteristics used for creating character emulation objects.

Enter the control name to be used as the default for each module when it is initiated. This entry defines the default characteristics used for creating HTML code.

Map and OE Trans tab

Map and OE Trans tab

(UniVerse only)

On this page you can change instance-level parameters for NLS code mapping and UniVerse operating environment transactions.

Table 152: Field descriptions


F2 - Save


Conv Code


Map Date Conv

Codes To


Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

Applicable to UniVerse only. Specifies whether automatic mapping of National

Language Support (NLS) date, time, and monetary conversion codes in user-defined fields is enabled. Options are:

â–ª Yes- Mapping of NLS codes is enabled.

â–ª No- Mapping of NLS codes is not enabled. This is the default setting.

Applicable to UniVerse only, if mapping of NLS conversion codes is enabled (Enable

Conv Code Mappings is set to Yes). When creating new date fields, you can choose to map the date to an NLS-specific conversion code. This parameter specifies the mapped date conversion code. Valid settings are:

â–ª DI-Map the date to this NLS-specific conversion code. This is the default setting.

Map Time

Conv Codes To

Note: In Pick-flavor accounts, if the code DI is used in output conversions,

UniVerse treats them as input conversions instead. Because all SB accounts use Pick-flavor accounts, it is best not to use the code DI directly in your Basic subroutines. Basic subroutines should call LOCALEINFO() to obtain the correct conversion code for the user’s current locale.

â–ª Null- Do not map the date to an NLS-specific conversion code.

Applicable to UniVerse only, if mapping of NLS conversion codes is enabled (Enable

Conv Code Mappings is set to Yes). When creating new time fields, you can choose to map the time to an NLS-specific conversion code. This parameter specifies the mapped time conversion code. Valid settings are:

â–ª TI-Map the time to this NLS-specific conversion code. This is the default setting.

â–ª Null- Do not map the time to an NLS-specific conversion code.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Map Monetary

Conv Codes To




Applicable to UniVerse only, if mapping of NLS conversion codes is enabled (Enable

Conv Code Mappings is set to Yes). When creating new monetary fields, you can choose to map monetary values to an NLS-specific conversion code. This parameter specifies the mapped monetary conversion code. Valid settings are:

â–ª MM-Map monetary values to this NLS-specific conversion code. This is the default setting.

â–ª Null-Do not map the monetary values to an NLS-specific conversion code.

Specifies whether transaction processing is enabled in UniVerse. Options are:

â–ª Yes-Transaction processing is enabled.

â–ª No-Transaction processing is not enabled. This is the default setting.


Map and OE Trans tab

Field Description

Warn On Error Specifies whether a warning message is displayed on operating environment transaction errors. If the Warn on Error flag is set to Yes, SB/XA displays a standard

(DISP,3) error/warning message in the following circumstances:

Attempting to start a transaction when a transaction is already active.

â–ª SB/XA displays following message:



â–ª TRANSACTION START returns false at the system level. SB/XA displays following message:

ERROR: TRANSACTION INITIATION FAILED, STATUS: n where n is the status returned by the operating environment.

â–ª TRANSACTION START succeeds, but SB/XA cannot reacquire the lock on the record.

SB/XA displays following message:

ERROR: LOCK LOST FOR RECORD k where k is the current value of KEY.

Attempting to commit or abort a transaction when there is no active transaction.

SB/XA displays following message:



Attempting to write a record with a NULL key.

SB/XA displays following message:


TRANSACTION COMMIT returns false at the system level.

SB/XA displays following message:

ERROR: TRANSACTION COMMIT FAILED, STATUS: n where n is the status returned by the operating environment.

Options are:

â–ª No-A warning message is not displayed on errors. This is the default setting.

â–ª Yes-A warning message is displayed on errors.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Commit Fail



Specifies whether processing is to continue after a failed commit. If the Commit

Fail Process field contains a valid process name or an SB expression that resolves to a process name or a paragraph statement within the "P:()" format, SB/XA automatically executes the process if the commit fails.

Note: This parameter applies only to situations in which the TRANSACTION

COMMIT statement fails. If RTN.FLAG is already set or KEY is NULL, no attempt is made to perform a TRANSACTION COMMIT and the Commit Fail process is not executed.

â–ª Yes-Processing continues after a failed commit.

â–ª No-Processing does not continue after a failed commit. This is the default setting.

Keys tab

On this page you can change certain default system key characteristics used by SB/XA Application



Table 153: Field descriptions


F2 - Save

Decimal Value

For <Enter>



Value For



Call Process



Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

The decimal value to be returned by pressing the Enter key.

The decimal value to be returned by the Backspace key.

The character to be used to call a process.

Display Defaults tab


Call Help






The character to be used to call help.

The character to be used to delete a field.

Display Defaults tab

On this page you can change certain default display characteristics used by SB/XA Application Server.

Table 154: Field descriptions


F2 - Save

Action Bar





Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

This parameter specifies how option spacing in action bars is determined. Options are:




Gives a constant number of spaces between options; the number of spaces being determined by the number and length of options.

1 Gives a uniform number of characters per option; shorter option descriptions are padded with spaces.

2 n


Options are fitted (as near as possible) to the full width of the screen. This is a combination of 0 and 1.

A number greater than 2 uses the type

0 spacing method but reserves at least n number of spaces from the start of the last option to the screen width. This allows menus to be pulled down under the last option in the menu bar.

Same as for n but uses the type

1 spacing method.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Action Bar




Action Bar

Display Line



Frame Type


The display effect number from the terminal definition for displaying the highlighted letter in an action bar; this is normally reverse video. For further information, see

Terminal Definitions, on page 146


The line (0 or 1) on which the action bar is displayed.


Window Style


Mouse Double

Click Interval


Options for Locked



SBError To

Be Displayed

With ALL




The window frame (border) type for drawing window frames that do not have the frame type specified in their window coordinates. Options are:




No frame.

Single line frame.

Double line frame.

The window style code to be used on terminals capable of using these codes, where no style code is given in their window coordinates. Options are:




No shadow or exploding windows.




Exploding window.

3 Shadow and exploding windows.

Style codes other than 0 are only applicable when using SBTerm terminal emulation products in character mode.

The timing interval (in milliseconds) between the first and second mouse click to cause a double-click action to take place.

Specifies how the user’s name is displayed in the locked record message. Options are:






Display user’s short name from DMSECURITY.

Display First Name:" ":Surname.

Display UNIX or Windows user ID (UniData only).

Specifies the format used in all messages, including warning messages, error messages, and dialog box messages.

The expanded message format provides information about the SB/XA process that generated the message. This information helps U2 Technical Support track the cause of the message and resolve problems more quickly.

In expanded format, additional details for the message can be accessed by pressing

F3. Details include the error code and the content of two COMMON variables:


The standard message format does not include information on the SB/XA process that generated the message.

Valid settings are:





Use the standard format in all messages. This is the default setting.

Use the expanded SBError message format in all messages.


GUI Parms tab

GUI Parms tab

On this page you can set instance-level control parameters that relate to GUI mode. Note that settings in the

GUI Defaults tab are applied to new modules when they are created, while the settings in the

GUI Parameters tab affect the behavior of all modules at run time, not just when they are being created.

Table 155: Field descriptions


F2 - Save

SB+ Host



Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

This name will be used as a prefix for all downloaded GUI definitions and allows a distinction between identical forms from different hosts. An entry is required in this field only if there are users who will be running in GUI mode and accessing SB/XA

Application Server on more than one host machine.

If set to Y, the previous menu will be disabled when a screen does not have an action bar. If set to N, the previous menu will be accessible as an action bar.




Enable 'No




HELP_STRING from Driver

Use new LFK

Style Buttons

Adjust Form

Size for


Use Flat Style

Buttons on


If set to Y, a subordinate screen with the N (no refresh) option will not be destroyed on exit. It will be disabled, but will persist until the main screen is destroyed.

If set to Y, ToolTip style help is disabled by preventing the help string from being included in the driver.

If set to Y, the LFK process replaces any existing buttons on the form instead of attaching the function key set to menu.

If set to Y, automatic resizing of the form is enabled in situations where a toolbar attached to a form is larger than the form. If set to N, the toolbar is wrapped into as many rows or columns as required to fit it onto the form.

If set to Y, buttons on fixed toolbars will be created in the newer flat style. If set to N, the buttons will be created in the older raised style.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Use ListVew

Style Selects


Entire List to


Enable HTML

Help Display


Grid After




Ordered by Field

Sequence Not



Specifies whether to use the sbpluslistviewclass object to display selection boxes in GUI mode. This object defines the look and feel of selection boxes, with fields displayed in a columnar format. Options are:




Use sbpluslistviewclass for selection boxes. This is the default setting.

No Do not use sbpluslistviewclass for selection boxes. Use the old listview style from SB+ Server version 5.4 and earlier instead.

Specifies whether to finish downloading all data to ListView selections in GUI mode before passing control to the user. Options are:




Download all data before passing control to user.


This setting results in slower speed, but the user does not take the chance of working with incomplete data.

Do not download all data before passing control to user. This is the default setting.

With this setting, the user can begin working in the ListView selection after the first page of data has been downloaded.

This setting offers better speed in the download process, but the user assumes the risk of working with incomplete data.

Specifies whether to display second- and third-level help in HTML format in GUI mode. Options are:

Value Description



No, display help as pre-formatted text.

Yes, display second- and third-level help in HTML format.



Disable HTML process.

Enable HTML process only.

This setting controls the manner in which a grid is refreshed after the user deletes or inserts a line in the grid. Options are:





The server resends all data in the entire grid. This refresh method can be time-consuming in large grids.

No The line is deleted or inserted and the remainder of the grid is repainted by moving the existing data up or down. This is the default setting.

Specifies whether grid columns are ordered by the sequence in which they appear in the SB Form Painter (from left to right/top to bottom) or by position, as specified in the Pos field in the Resequence Fields dialog box. Options are:




Columns are ordered by the sequence in which they appear in the

SB Form Painter. This is the default setting.

Columns are ordered by position, as specified in Resequence



GUI Parms tab



MV Page

Indicator on

Status Line

Use Old-Style

EN Display




Even if GUI

Flag Set to No

Allow ESCape

In GUI Dialogs

With One


Remove OK,

Prev Next


In Output


GUI Click


Default GUI



Specifies whether to display a page indicator (such as 1/1 or 1/2) on the status line in

GUI screens containing multivalued grids. Options are:




Display a page indicator. This is the default setting.

No Do not display a page indicator.

If the user’s GUI menu navigation method is EN (SBExplorer without MainWin), this parameter specifies whether the tree view expands to the process level. Options are:





The tree view expands to the process level. This style was used in older versions of SB+ Server.

The tree view does not expand to the process level. This is the default setting.

Specifies whether to translate field descriptions even when the Link Char and GUI

Field Positions flag is set to No. Options are:

Value Description



Translate field descriptions even when the Link Char and GUI Field

Positions flag is set to No.

Do not translate field descriptions when the Link Char and GUI

Field Positions flag is set to No. This is the default setting.

Allow use of the ESC key to escape from GUI dialog boxes that have only one button.

Options are:




Allow use of ESC key in GUI dialog boxes with one button.

No Do not allow use of ESC key in GUI dialog boxes with one button.

This is the default setting.

If an output process is associated with a screen, this parameter specifies whether

OK, Prev, and Next buttons are to be added to the screen when the output process is run in GUI mode. Options are:




Display OK, Prev, and Next buttons on the screen.

No Do not display OK, Prev, and Next buttons on the screen. This is the default setting.

Enter the name of the default process to run when the user double-clicks the left mouse button (as defined in Windows) in a field in GUI forms. This default setting can be overridden at the sysid, form, and field levels.

Specifies the default GUI font. Valid values are as follows:

Value Description

null font specification

Use the standard default font: MS Sans Serif Normal 8 point.

Your chosen default font in the following format:

font name

*point size*style*effect*character set*pitch

For more information about these font parameters, see the Font

Specification Parameters table, which follows this table.


Chapter 5: Admin menu



Combos before Field and during



Specifies whether to dynamically refresh the contents of combo boxes when the cursor is placed in the field containing the combo box and during a screen refresh.

Options are:




No refresh preference specified.

Do not refresh the contents of combo boxes.

0 or Do not refresh combos null or1, or Refresh

Validation List

Expression (V) /


Refresh validation list expression (V:() / X:). 

2 or Refresh


Itemname' and

'F:Filename' (as well)

3 or Refresh



(E:...;ZT...) (as well)

Refresh the following:

â–ª Validation list expression (V:() / X:)

â–ª ‘V:filename itemname’ and ‘F:filename

Refresh the following:

â–ª Validation list expression (V:() / X:)

â–ª ‘V:filename itemname’ and ‘F:filename

â–ª Table expression (E:...;ZT...), which allows only items that are in the table

This is the default setting.

Table 156: Font Specification Parameters







Field position

Parameter Valid values

font name point size style effect

Any valid font, for example: Calibri, Comic Sans MS

Any valid point size, subject to the text fitting in the available space

Any one of the following: normal, italic, bold, bold_italic

Any one of the following: normal, underline, strikeout character set Either of the following: charset_ansi (or ansi) or charset_oem (or oem) pitch Either of the following: pitch_fixed (or fixed) or pitch_variable (or variable)


â–ª Comic Sans MS*8*normal*normal*ansi*variable

â–ª Calibri*8*bold_italic*underline*ansi*variable

XUI Parms tab

On this page you can set instance-level control parameters that relate to XUI mode. Note that settings in the

XUI Parms tab affect the behavior of all modules at run time, not just when they are being created.


XUI Parms tab

Table 157: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Save Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

Grid Cell Width Enter the instance-level default setting for the device-independent pixel width of a cell, for use in converting forms from character column and row layout to

XUI mode. This setting is applied to all cells in the form; all cells have a uniform width.Note that this setting is not used in GUI-to-XUI conversions; the GUI layout uses device-dependent pixels.

Grid Cell Height Enter the instance-level default setting for the device-independent pixel height of a cell, for use in converting forms from character column and row layout to

XUI mode. This setting is applied to all cells in the form; all cells have a uniform height.Note that this setting is not used in GUI-to-XUI conversions; the GUI layout uses device-dependent pixels.

XUI Conversion


Enter a value for the default XUI conversion source at the instance level. This value forces SB/XA to use a specific source and type in character column and row conversions. Valid values are listed in the table below:




Tells SB/XA to use the default calculation. If the Link Char and

GUI Field Positions flag is set to Y or R, the character screen is used as the source. The elements are positioned using the character column and row value.

Make image background transparent



Forces SB/XA to ignore the Link Char and GUI Field Positions flag and use the character screen as the source. The elements are positioned using the character column and row coordinates.

Forces SB/XA to ignore the Link Char and GUI Field Positions flag and use the GUI screen as the source. The elements are positioned using the device-dependent pixels.

Specifies whether to make image backgrounds transparent. Options are:





Make image backgrounds transparent.

Do not make image backgrounds transparent.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Field Description

Background color to convert

Start Character for XPS Tags

End Character for XPS Tags

Load theme on

SYS Call

Auto Download


Reload Theme on Logto


Application List on exit

Enter the RGB value of the image background color to be converted to transparent, if applicable. The default value is 192;192;192.

Enter the ASCII character that XPS.CLASS interprets as the start of an XML tag. The default is ASCII character 8 (a backspace). You can change this setting to any other

ASCII character that you do not ever expect to encounter in Report Writer, QRD, or


Enter the ASCII character that XPS.CLASS interprets as the end of an XML tag.

The default is ASCII character 9 (a tab). You can change this setting to any other

ASCII character that you do not ever expect to encounter in Report Writer, QRD, or


Specifies whether to load the theme on calls to the SYS command, which changes to a different system ID. Options are:


0 or empty


Load the theme along with a list of available themes. This is the default setting.



Do not load the theme, but load the list of available themes.

Do not load the theme or the list of available themes. 

Specifies whether to download images automatically. Options are:

Value Description



Server downloads images automatically.

Server does not download images automatically. The application is responsible for downloading themes.

Specifies whether to reload assemblies and themes when logging to a different account. Options are:




Always reload assemblies and themes on logging to a different account.

No Do not reload assemblies and themes on logging to a different account if the theme type and assembly versions are the same.

Specifies whether to display the Connect to Application dialog box when you log off an account or application in Rich Client or Browser Client. By default, when you log off an account, the XUI client displays the Connect to Application dialog box, and you must press Esc once more to completely close the client. If you select


for the Show Application List on exit field, the client suppresses this dialog and closes directly when you log off an account.




Client displays Connect to Application dialog box when you log off an account.



No Client closes when you log off an account.

Enter the name of each theme that has been defined within the SB instance.

Default Theme Enter the name of the default theme for the SB instance.


XUI Parms tab


Enable Form


Store Client

Form Pos Info on the Server

Share Form

Positions between


Trim Spaces

From Fields


Specifies whether forms are cached in a session to improve the speed of loading.

Value Description

Yes When you open a form, it is cached. If you close that form and then re-open it during the same session, it loads more quickly because it does not need to be created. This is the default setting.

No Forms are not cached. If you close a form and then open it again during the same session, it is created anew each time.


When form cache is enabled, forms are cached in memory for the existing session and for the current system. When you close the application, the cache is cleared. If you switch systems, the cache is cleared.

Because forms are cached in memory, this functionality increases the memory footprint on your machine. If you find that form cache is using too much memory on a machine, you can decrease the size of form cache for a user with the


of Form Cache flag in user flags (/USER.FLAGS). The default size is 25. You can decrease or increase the size based on the needs of a user or a machine. If you set the Size of Form Cache to 0, form cache is disabled for this user.

Within a session, you can clear the form cache by running /CLEAN.SBHSTATE.

You can prevent specific forms from being cached with a flag in the screen designer. See the documentation for “Allow form to be cached” in “Screen

Parameters F6” in the SB/XA Developer’s Guide.

Specifies whether to store client form position information on the computer running SB/XA Application Server. Options are:





Store client form position on the server computer.

Do not store client form position on the server computer.

Specifies whether to share form position, size, and zoom between systems.

Options are:

Value Description



If you change the position, size, or zoom of a form, those changes apply when you subsequently open the same form in other systems.

Changes to position, size, and zoom of a form in one system have no effect on that form when you open it in another system.

This is the default setting.

Note: If you change this flag, you must log off and log in again to make the changes effective.

Specifies whether to trim spaces from the data in fields before the data is sent to the client computer. Options are:





Trim spaces from data before it is sent to the client.

Do not trim spaces from data before it is sent to the client.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


XPS Download



Determines the number of pages downloaded at a time to the XPS Viewer. This value applies to TU.SEND.TO.PRINTER and to Report Definitions. Options are:




Download all pages at once.

0 or empty The value from the next level in priority is respected. This flag can be set for the SB instance (SB.PARMS), at the system level

(HK.CONTROL), or in user flags. SB/XA respects these settings in the following order of priority: 1. User flags 2. System 3. Instance.

If no value is set at any level for this flag, SB/XA uses a default value of 1.



(greater than


Download one page at a time.

If you enter a value greater than 1, that number of pages is downloaded at a time.


Server IP | Port |

Mode | Timeout

Apply XUI Grid paging to "G" option grids

Note: If you have a very large report, and you attempt to download too much information at once, the system automatically breaks the download into segments to optimize speed.

(Display only). Displays the IP address, port number, mode, and timeout of each

SB/XA Communications Server running in the SB instance.

If you set the Apply XUI Grid paging to "G" option grids flag to Yes, XUI Grid

Paging is applied to all "G" option grids. This setting overrides the XUI Grid Paging flag in User Security Setup. In other words, even if you have not enabled XUI

Grid Paging in User Security Setup, setting the

Apply XUI Grid paging to "G"

option grids flag to Yes in SB Control Paramters implements grid paging for "G" option grids. Other grids do not have paging unless you enable grid paging in User

Security Setup.

XUI Grid Paging improves the loading speed of screens with larger grids by loading only a specified number of data rows at a time, as opposed to loading the entire grid at once. For more information, see the XUI Grid Paging documentation in


XUI Flags tab, on page 56 .

When you use grid paging with this option, the number of rows of data initially downloaded is tied to the size of the visible field as set in the screen definition.

The grid initially loads enough rows to fill the visible field on the screen. It subsequently loads more rows as you navigate down through the grid.

For more information about "G" option grids, see the "Controlling field options" table in the Enter Field F5 section of the Screen Definitions documentation in the

SB/XA Developer's Guide.


Styles Tab

Field Description

Selection Grids: This field, which you can configure for sorting, filtering, and grouping, allows you to apply the sorting, filtering, and grouping capabilities of SB/XA grids to SB/XA selection forms.

For more information about these capabilities, see the Controlling Field Options documentation (

Control/Dep/Read field) in "Enter Field F5" in the SB/XA

Developer's Guide

, or watch a tutorial video on


â–ª Enable Sorting: Set to Yes by default, this option allows you to sort the contents of SB/XA selection forms by clicking on column headers within the form. This flag is set to Yes by default.

â–ª Enable Filtering: Set to Yes to enable inclusive filtering in selection forms. After you enable filtering, you can click the column headers in a selection form to acess a filter drop-down menu to filter results. Note that filtering in selection forms only uses the "L option" inclusive filtering as described in the Controlling

Field Options documentation ( Control/Dep/Read field) in "Enter Field F5" in the SB/XA Developer's Guide, and you cannot use "O option" filtering in selection forms.

â–ª Enable Grouping: Set to Yes to enable grouping within selection forms. When you enable grouping, a gray area is displayed at the top of the selection form.

You can drag one or multiple column headers into the gray area to group selection results by different criteria.

These flags also can be set at the user level (/SEC.USER.SETUP) and the system level (/HK.CONTROL).

Following SB/XA hierarchy, the user-level setting takes first priority, trumping any setting applied at the system level or instance level. The system-level setting is next in the hierarchy, followed by the instance level.

Styles Tab

On this page you can enter default XAML styles for elements of the extensible user interface (XUI) at the instance level.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Table 158: Field descriptions


F2 - Save











Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to unattached text labels in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the

XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the label style in


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to prompts (field labels) on screens in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the prompt style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to data displayed in fields on screens in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the field style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to toggles on screens in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the

XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the toggle style in


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to combo boxes on screens in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the combo box style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to radio buttons on screens in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the radio button style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to buttons on screens in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the

XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the button style in


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to rectangles on screens and menus in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the rectangle style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to separators on screens and menus in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the separator style in SBPlusTheme.


Styles Tab

Field Description




Interleaved Grid Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to interleaved multivalue grids in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the interleaved grid style in SBPlusTheme.

CardView Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to CardView displays in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the CardView style in


Dialog Box


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to dialog boxes in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the dialog box style in


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to forms in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the form style in SBPlusTheme.

Status Bar

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to images on screens and menus in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the image style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to memo fields in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the memo style in


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to standard grids in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the grid style in




Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to status bars in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the status bar style in


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to the SBPlus main window in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the

SBPlus style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to main menus in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the menu style in



Chapter 5: Admin menu

Field Description

Type 1 Menu

Type 2 Menu

Type 3 Menu

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to type 1 menus in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the type 1 menu style in


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to type 2 menus in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the type 2 menu style in


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to type 3 menus in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the type 3 menu style in


Type 4 Menu

Type 5 Menu

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to type 4 menus in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the type 4 menu style in


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to type 5 menus in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the type 5 menu style in


Login Style Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to the login window in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the

XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the login style in


Linked Screens Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to linked screens in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the linked screens style in SBPlusTheme.

Selection Control


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to selection control buttons for intuitive help in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme,

SB/XA uses the selection control button style in SBPlusTheme.

Selection Control Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to selection controls for intuitive help in the instance, or enter the name of a paragraph or expression that defines the XAML style name in the @VALUE variable. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the selection control style in SBPlusTheme.

Reports tab

On this page you can enter default parameters for reports at the instance level.


Auto Accept tab

Table 159: Field descriptions


F2 - Save

Disable No

Items Present message for

Report Writer output to


DIFF Output

Allowed for

Single Record per Page


Display of

Heading if Greater

Than 50% of Available

Space on



Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

Specifies whether to disable the “No Items Present” message for Report Writer reports output to HTML. Options are:

Value Description



Disable the “No Items Present” message.

Display the “No Items Present” message.

Specifies whether to allow DIFF output for Report Writer reports containing a single record per page. Options are:

Value Description

Yes Allow DIFF output for reports with a single record per page.

No Do not allow DIFF output for reports with a single record per page.

Specifies whether headers in Report Writer reports are displayed on screen if they exceed more than 50 percent of the available number of lines on the screen. Options are:





Allow header to be displayed on screen if it exceeds 50 percent of the available number of lines on the screen.

Do not allow header to be displayed on screen if it exceeds 50 percent of the available number of lines on the screen. This is the default setting.

Auto Accept tab

On this page you can enter default parameters for auto accepting fields and controls at the instance level.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Table 160: Field descriptions


F2 - Save

Auto Accept

Combo Boxes

Auto Accept




Function key. Saves the changes to the parameters on all tabbed pages of the form.

Specifies the type of auto-accept behavior used in GUI combo boxes. Options are:

Value Description

No Do not use auto-accept behavior in GUI combo boxes. This is the default setting.

Tab Use auto-accept behavior in GUI combo boxes, with the Tab feature.


When a user clicks a combo box, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor advances (tabs) to the next field.

Use auto-accept behavior in GUI combo boxes, without the Tab feature.

When a user clicks a combo box, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor remains on the current field.

Specifies the type of auto-accept behavior in GUI radio buttons. Options are:





Do not use auto-accept behavior in GUI radio buttons.

Use auto-accept behavior in GUI radio buttons, with the Tab feature. This is the default setting.


When a user clicks a radio button, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor advances (tabs) to the next field.

Use auto-accept behavior in GUI radio buttons, without the Tab feature.

When a user clicks a radio button, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor remains on the current field.

Socket Options tab


Auto Accept


Inhibit Auto

Field Accept on EDIT.NO:

31-99 and

GUI Events

Inhibit Auto

Accept Field on Tab etc.

or List of Edit



Specifies the type of auto-accept behavior used in GUI toggles. Options are:

Value Description

No Do not use auto-accept behavior in GUI toggles.

Tab Use auto-accept behavior in GUI toggles, with the Tab feature.

This is the default setting.


When a user clicks a toggle, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor advances (tabs) to the next field.

Use auto-accept behavior in GUI toggles, without the Tab feature.

When a user clicks a toggle, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor remains on the current field.

Indicates whether to enable the functionality of auto-accepting a field when the cursor is placed in the field and the user presses a standard edit key or initiates an

Activate, Menu, ActiveX, or SBCom GUI event.

The standard edit keys are keys with decimal character values 31-99. They include function keys F1-F10 and other keys. For a list of edit key decimal character values

and their corresponding key names, see Edit keys, on page 338

. Options are:




Inhibit the auto-accept field feature for standard edit keys and

GUI events.

No Enable the auto-accept field feature for standard edit keys and

GUI events. This is the default setting.

Indicates whether to disable the functionality of auto-accepting a field when the cursor is placed in the field and the user presses the TAB key or an edit key that you have specified in this list. Options are:

Value Description

Yes Disable the auto-accept field feature for the specified edit keys.


For example, you can disable auto-accept for the TAB and

BACKTAB keys by entering 22,25 for this parameter.

For a list of edit key decimal character values and their

corresponding key names, see Edit keys, on page 338 .

Enable the auto-accept field feature for edit keys. This is the default setting.

Socket Options tab

Socket connections support communication between the client and the database server computer. On this page you can enter parameters for socket connections at the instance level.

The default settings for socket options are designed to work best in most business environments.

Changing the settings may produce unexpected results. If you are not familiar with socket communications, use the default settings. For further information about socket communications, refer to a textbook or another reliable resource.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Table 161: Field descriptions










When a socket connection fails, information that may be useful for debugging the error can be written to a log. Select a value indicating whether to enable recording of debug information for socket connection errors. Options are:

Value Description



Sets no value for this parameter at the instance level. This is the default setting.

Enable recording of debug information for socket connection errors.

No Disable recording of debug information for socket connection errors.

The IP address of a socket location can be reused from one client session to another.

The default setting is <none>. This parameter is hard-coded in the U2 database server; changing the setting in SB/XA has no effect.

When the client computer uses a socket connection to communicate with the database server computer, the Keepalive function prevents the client session from terminating. Select a value indicating whether to enable the Keepalive function.

Options are:




Sets no value for this parameter at the instance level.



Enable the function for keeping sessions alive.

Disable the function for keeping sessions alive.

When the database server computer sends messages to the client computer about the socket connection, the server’s outgoing messages can bypass the normal socket routing. Select a value indicating whether to enable the routing bypass for outgoing messages. Options are:

Value Description




Sets no value for this parameter at the instance level.

Enable routing bypass for the server’s outgoing messages.

Disable routing bypass for the server’s outgoing messages.

UserData tab


Linger on







Buffer Size for Output

Buffer Size for Input




Data might be present in the socket channel when the user or an error condition closes the socket connection. Enter the number of seconds that the database server lingers when closing the socket connection if data is present.

You can give the database server permission to transmit broadcast messages to the client computer in a socket connection. Select a value indicating whether to enable permission to transmit broadcast messages. Options are:




Sets no value for this parameter at the instance level.



Enable transmission of broadcast messages.

Disable transmission of broadcast messages.

The database server can be configured to receive out-of-band data in band. Select a value indicating whether to enable reception of out-of-band data in band. Options are:




Sets no value for this parameter at the instance level.



Enable reception of out-of-band data in band.

Disable reception of out-of-band data in band.

Enter an integer for the buffer size of output data transmitted from the database server to the client computer in a socket connection. The buffer size applies only if you enter it before creating the socket instance. The default buffer size is the operating system default; however, the U2 database server does not support a buffer size of less than 4KB.

Enter an integer for the buffer size of input data transmitted from the client computer to the database server computer in a socket connection. The buffer size applies only if you enter it before creating the socket instance. The default buffer size is the operating system default; however, the U2 database server does not support a buffer size of less than 4KB.

Enter the number of milliseconds of inactivity that results in a socket timeout. The default timeout value is 1000ms.

UserData tab

The UserData tab allows you to specify custom inutitive help processes for the elements of your application that use XAML user data.

You can use XAML user data to pass additional data from the server to the client for different elements of your application. Each application element that allows XAML user data is represented on the

UserData tab.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Figure 3: UserData tab

In any of the fields on this tab, enter the name of a process that you have designed. This process is then called when you press the intuitive help key on the XAML User Data field for an element in your application such as a Dialog Definition or a Code Table Definition.

Example procedure

1. Create an input screen to be called when you press the intuitive help key on the

XAML User Data

field in the input process definition tool (PD.I).

Figure 4: Input screen for intuitive help on XAML User Data field


UserData tab

2. Create processes that use the COMMON variable @PARAM to pass data back and forth between the

XAML User Data field and the inutitive help screen, and add them to the screen definition. The following three images demonstrate two example processes and the associated screen definition.

Figure 5: Process before screen

Figure 6: Process after screen accept


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Figure 7: Screen definition


3. Add the process that encapsulates your custom intuitive help screen from Step 1 in the


Process field on the UserData tab of SB+ Control Parameters.

Figure 8: Adding intuitive help process on UserData tab

4. Log off the client and log in again to make the changes effective.


When you work in an input process definition (/PD.I), if you press the intuitive help key on the

XAML User Data field (on the F5.GUI Parameters subscreen), your custom intuitive help screen is called. It prompts you for information for the

XAML User Data field.

Figure 9: Custom intuitive help for XAML User Data field

SB+ Configuration Options

For more information about XAML user data, see "Expanding definitions with XAML User Data" in the

Rocket SB/XA Developer's Guide.

SB+ Configuration Options

The SB+ Configuration Options menu contains the following items for customizing the way SB/XA

Application Server interfaces with the operating environment and options for setting up SB global processes.

Global Postings

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > SB+ Configuration Options > Global Postings. It allows you to specify file pointers, program pointers, and verbs to be propagated to all SB accounts.


Chapter 5: Admin menu



F2 - Save

F4 - Del

Last Posted By

Last Posted On

Global Files

Global Verbs

Posted Processes

Posted Menus

Posted Defns


Function key.Saves the global postings parameters.

Function key. Deletes the global postings record.

(Display only.) The ID for the last user to have updated this screen.

(Display only.) The date of the last update to this screen.

The name of the file (in this VOC) to have a file pointer created in all other SB accounts.

The name of the verb in this account or cataloged program to have its definition copied to all SB accounts.

The name of the process (in SAPROCESS) to be copied to all other SB systems.

The name of the menu (in SAMENUS) to be copied to all other SB systems.

The name of the definition (in SADEFN) to be copied to all other SB systems.

Global Print Defaults

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > SB+ Configuration Options > Global Print Defaults. It allows you to specify several global print defaults. These defaults affect all systems in an installation that do not have print defaults.

For related information, see

Setting Print Defaults, on page 270

and the information about system control records in the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual.

Global Print Defaults


F2 - Save

F4 - Del

Physical Printer


Stationery Type

Assign Options

No of Copies


Function key. Saves the global print defaults record.

Function key. Deletes the global print defaults record.

The name of existing defined physical printer definition. If the physical printer has not been started, a warning message is displayed. You can enter an expression in parentheses to be evaluated at run time.

A valid stationery type for this physical printer. The stationery type can be selected from the list currently associated with the selected printer. You can enter an expression in parentheses to be evaluated at run time.

Any printer assign options required. These differ slightly from platform to platform. However, the following list is common to all:

â–ª P: (Default.) Prints to printer or output device.

â–ª H: Holds the print job on the queue and prints to the printer or output device.

â–ª HS: Holds the print job on the queue without printing.

UniData and UniVerse have different options for handling the use of the ‘hold’ file. See your OE documentation and

Printer Management, on page 98


You can enter an expression in parentheses to be evaluated at run time.

The number of copies to be produced in a single print request. You can enter an expression in parentheses to be evaluated at run time.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Global Print Mngr


Global Prnt Redir


Global Prnt Redir



The process name entered here is used to invoke a user-implemented process to add functionality to print management in SB/XA Application Server for all systems that do not have a process nominated in the local System Control

Record. (For more information about system control records, see SB/XA

Application Server Reference Manual

.) This field is checked only if there is no local process defined. If a process is not entered here, standard SB Print

Management is used.

Setting @RTN.FLAG in the process makes a number of options possible.

Options are:




Continues with the standard SB Printer Manager setup.



Ignores the SB Printer Manager. The user process must provide all print set/reset functions.

Causes the current print run to be aborted.

The process name entered here is used to invoke a user-supplied process that works independently of, or in conjunction with, the normal SB print redirection functionality (such as the Screen/Printer/Aux field in Report

Writer). This process applies globally where a local redirection process has not been specified in the local System Control Record.

If no process name is entered here or in the local System Control Record, normal SB output redirection is used. If a process name is present, SB/XA

Application Server does not prompt but leaves this to the user process.

@RTN.FLAG and @VALUE are tested on return from the process. If

@RTN.FLAG is X, the current run is aborted. Any other value falls through to the

@VALUE check.

@VALUE is tested for any one of the enabling key letters for SB redirection

(such as S, P, or X). If @VALUE contains one of the enabling key letters, SB/

XA Application Server performs the normal SB functions associated with that letter.

If SB redirection is bypassed, the user process must supply all redirection functionality.

The process name entered here is used to invoke a user-supplied process that will work independently of, or in conjunction with, the normal SB print redirection reset functionality. This process is used to restore the environment that existed before that created by the redirection-on process and/or SB redirection-on routines.

This process applies globally where a local redirection process has not been specified in the local System Control Record.

If no process name is entered here or in the local System Control Record, normal SB redirection-off is used. We highly recommend that redirectionon and redirection-off processes are created as a pair. This ensures that user routines, especially those that bypass SB output redirection altogether, correctly set and reset the environment.

OH Process Scope Control

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > SB+ Configuration Options > OH Process Scope

Control. It provides additional security on the

/OH and /MP processes so that end users of applications cannot readily modify certain definitions.


OE Setup Commands

Field Description

F2 – Save Function key. Saves the screen parameters.

F4 – Del Function key.Deletes this record.

Can use /OH or /MP The IDs of users allowed to use the

/OH process or /MP process even if these processes are copied and run under another name. If this is blank, all users who gain access to

/OH or /MP have no further security applied to their actions.

Can use /OH on Tool


The IDs of users allowed to use the

/OH process on tool or flagged processes

(where the process type is suffixed), even if the

/OH process is renamed.

A flagged process is one that has an additional character added to the process type letter in attribute 1 of the process definition record. All SB tool processes have a T appended. You can flag a process by manually adding an additional letter to attribute 1 of the process definition.

If this is blank, all users who gain access to /OH have no further security applied to their actions.

OE Setup Commands

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > SB+ Configuration Options > OE Setup Commands. It allows for the execution of OE commands before control is handed over to SB/XA Application Server; for example, to release the backspace character via the PTERM command.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


F2 - Save

F4 - Del

Statements To Be



Function key. Saves the OE setup command parameters.

Function key. Deletes this record.

Commands to be executed line by line.

OE Reset Commands

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > SB+ Configuration Options > OE Reset Commands. It allows OE commands to be executed before SB/XA Application Server terminating; for example, to reverse the effects of commands executed in the OE Setup Commands screen.


Wrapping OFF Verb


F2 - Save

F4 - Del

Statements To Be



Function key. Saves the OE Reset Command parameters.

Function key. Deletes this record.

Commands to be executed line by line, when leaving SB/XA Application

Server and returning to the OE.

Wrapping OFF Verb

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > SB+ Configuration Options > Wrapping OFF Verb.

Allows you to rename the OE OFF verb so that SB/XA Application Server can change the original to call its own verb that does additional housekeeping.

Field Description

F2 - Save

F4 - Del

Function key. Saves the screen parameters.

Function key. Deletes this record.

New Name A new name for the real OFF verb. If no name is given or this record is deleted then the OFF verb is not wrapped.

Replace Original With Optional replacement text for the record to replace the OFF verb. You should leave the call to SH.OFF, but you may want to add something extra.

Wrapping LOGTO Verb

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > SB+ Configuration Options > Wrapping LOGTO Verb. It allows you to rename the OE LOGTO verb so SB/XA Application Server can change the original to call its own verb that does extra housekeeping.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


Field Description

F2 - Save

F4 - Del

New Name

Function key. Saves the screen parameters.

Function key. Deletes this record.

A new name for the real LOGTO verb. If no name is given or this record is deleted, the LOGTO verb is not wrapped.

Replace Original With The optional replacement text for the record to replace the LOGTO verb.

SB+ Patching System

The SB+ Patching System is used to load, view, and unload patches. A patch is a modification to the existing SB/XA Application Server software.

Maintain Patch Definition

The SB+ Release Info feature supports the ability to version SB/XA object code.

The patching system is implemented in a similar way to revision control. (For further information, see the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual.) You use revision control functions to create media and format records. Action codes (such as item copy or item delete) are the same as those used in revision control.

SystemBuilder normally creates a patch and distributes it as either a file or on media (such as tape or diskette). If the patch contains object code (programs), the patch cannot be distributed as a file for certain platforms (for example, AP and R83). Media must be used in these instances. A patch can be distributed as a file for platforms such as UniData, UniVerse, and Pi/Open where the object is encoded first (using the UNIX uuencode command) and then decoded when the patch is applied. If the patch does not contain object code, it can be distributed as a file for all platforms.

Maintain Patch Definition

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > SB+ Configuration Options > SB+ Patching System >

Maintain Patch Definition. It allows you to view patch definition records.

Patches are identified by their patch number. The patch number relates to all platforms of SB/XA

Application Server.


F4 - Del

F5 - Readme

SB Release


Function key. Deletes selected files from the patch.

Function key. Invokes the PATCH.README process, which displays the patch readme screen. This contains additional information related to the patch, including details of changes.

(Display only.) The current SB/XA Application Server version and release number.


Chapter 5: Admin menu


OE Type

Patch No

Dependent On








(Display only.) The operating environment to which the patch applies.

The sequential number allocated by System Builder when the patch was created.

(Display only.) A list of any related patches (comma-delimited) that need to be applied first.

The type of SB program the patch has been created for. Options are:

â–ª O: Object

â–ª S: Source

This is normally set to 0.

(Display only.) A description of the patch.

(Display only.) The action to be performed, such as item copy or file load.

(Display only.) The file on which the action is to be performed.

(Display only.) The item name (if applicable).

(Display only.) The required parameters (such as file type, modulo, and sysID), depending on the action.

Load the Patch

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > SB+ Configuration Options > SB+ Patching System >

Load. It allows you to load a patch.

You must apply patches from your SB account. On UNIX systems you need to be logged on as superuser.



F2 - Accept

Unload the Patch


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters, and proceeds with the loading of the patch. Patch details are retrieved from the specified media/file and the

Patch Selection screen displayed.

This allows you to load patches selectively. Enter Y in the Apply field to apply a particular patch. The Apply field defaults to N if the current SB/XA

Application Server patch level is higher than the one being applied, otherwise it defaults to Y.

The function keys on the

Patch Selection screen are described in the following table.


F2 - Accept

F4 - Quit




Function key. Accepts the

Patch Selection screen details.

Function key. This enables you to exit this screen without saving details.

Function key. Displays the README for the current batch.

Indicates whether the patch is to be loaded from a file or from media. Options are:




Loads patch from media.

F Loads patch from a file.

The filename of the patch, if you selected the F (File) option in the previous field.

Unload the Patch

In some cases you may want to reverse the patch. If the patch was flagged as reversible at the time of creation, a media/file was created with the reverse patch definitions when the patch was loaded. This process loads the reverse definitions, effectively resetting the system to its former state.

Only the most recent patch can be unloaded.


Chapter 5: Admin menu



F2 - Accept


Sub Patch




Accepts the data entered into this screen, and unloads the most recent patch.

(Display only.) The current SB/XA Application Server patch level.

(Display only.) The sub-patch number, if applicable.

Indicates whether the patch was loaded from a file or from media. Options are:





F File

The name of the patch file if you selected the F (File) option in the previous field.

SB+ Release Info

The SB+ Release Info feature supports the ability to version SB/XA object code. All object code files are stamped with the version number during the build process.

With version stamping, object code patches to SB/XA Application Server can be detected and verified.

The SB+ Release Info dialog box is accessed by selecting

Admin → SB+ → Configuration Options → SB+

Patching System → SB+ Release Info or by entering /SB.INFO in any input field.


SB+ Release

Patch No

File Name

Item ID





Displays the version and release number of SB/XA Application Server that is currently installed.

Displays the patch level of SB/XA Application Server that is currently installed.

This column lists the name of each SB/XA object code file that contains an item that is not part of the installed build of SB/XA Application Server.

Displays the item ID of an SB/XA object code item that was not part of the installed build of SB/XA Application Server.

Displays the version, release, patch, and build number of the SB/XA object code file. For example:

Displays the date on which the SB/XA object code item was compiled.

Displays the time at which the SB/XA object code item was compiled.

System House Keeping


Host Lib


Displays the version, release, patch level of SB/XA Application Server that you are currently running.

System House Keeping

The System House Keeping menu enables you to manipulate operating environment details.

Port Setup

This option provides menus for maintaining and reviewing various port-related details.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Your Terminal Settings (OE)


This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > System House Keeping > Port Setup > Your Terminal

Settings (OE). It allows you to view and change the display format and some terminal parameters for the current port and logon session only. This option relates to the OE

TERM command.

Table 162: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and updates the terminal settings.

The number of columns available on the terminal.

Terminal Line Width in

Horizontal Print Positions

Terminal Lines Depth

Number Of Blank Lines At

Bottom Of Screen - UniVerse

Number Of Delay Characters

Output After Linefeed -


Number Of Delay Characters

After Top-Of-Form - UniVerse

Backspace Character -


Printer Line Width

Printer Lines Depth

Term-Type Code For

Terminal Code Definitions -


The number of rows available on the terminal.

The number of blank lines to appear at the bottom of every screen.

The number of delay characters output after a line feed. This is used for terminal timing and synchronization.

The number of delay characters after a top-of-form. This is used for terminal timing and synchronization.

The decimal ASCII character that represents the Backspace key.

Usually 8.

The number of columns to be printed when output is assigned to a printer.

The number of rows to be printed per page when output is assigned to a printer.

The OE term-type specific to the terminal. For example, in UniVerse, vt340 signifies a DEC VT340 terminal.

List Users Logged On

List Users Logged On

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > System House Keeping > Port Setup > List Users

Logged On. Displays details of all users currently logged on the system. See List Users Logged On, on page 66


Log-Off a Port

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > System House Keeping > Port Setup > Log-Off a Port. It allows you to log off a specified port. The process ID of the database session is used to log off the port.

Table 163: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and logs off the specified port.

Port To Log-Off The port number to be logged off.

System Default Term Def

This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > System House Keeping > Port Setup > System Default

Term Def. Use this screen to set the default terminal settings of the OE that take effect whenever you log to a new account. It has the same parameters as the Port Setup:Your Terminal Settings

(OE) submenu, but uses the

SET-TERM command rather than TERM. For details, see

Your Terminal

Settings (OE), on page 222 .

Date and Time Setup

Provides a menu for maintaining the system date and time.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Display System Date & Time

Displays the current date and time for the system.

Set International Date Format

Sets the system date format to International: dd/mm/yy

This option affects the entire system and normally requires setting one time only.

Set American Date Format

Sets the system date format to American: mm/dd/yy

This option affects the entire system and normally requires setting one time only.

List Available Disk Space


This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > System House Keeping > List Available Disk Space. It displays details of available space on your system, determined at the moment the option is selected.




Accounts menu allows you to list, create, update, and delete accounts.

An account is a logical grouping of files and system IDs. Your system disk is divided into one or more accounts. Each system must have at least one account, in which you create your applications (such as Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and General Ledger). You might keep complementary applications in one account and separate more sensitive applications (such as Payroll) into other accounts.

The security system allows control over access to accounts. Accounts can be saved as entities and can be easily transferred to other machines.

List Accounts

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Accounts > List Accounts. It lists existing accounts on the system. For further information, see your OE documentation.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Create An Account


This screen is accessed by selecting

Admin > Accounts > Create An Account. It allows you to create a new account.

Table 164: Field descriptions

Field Description

F2 - Accept Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates account creation.

F9 - Acc Notes Function key. Allows you to enter a more detailed description of the account. For example:

This account is for use by the Finance

Department to process Accounts Receivable.

Account Name The name of the account to be created. The account name must be unique.

Description The description for the account being created. This description is used within headings if SB/XA Application Server is installed in this account.

SB Account (Y/


Options are:

â–ª Y-SB/XA Application Server is to be installed in the account being created.

Full Account


System Id

â–ª N-SB/XA Application Server is not to be installed.

The full pathname for the account.

System Menu


Identifies the SB systems to be created in the account; for example,

PO for a

Purchase Orders system. Multiple system IDs are allowed in an account.

A description for the system ID to appear in the System menu and as a heading for the main menu when in this account and system ID.

Update An Account

Update An Account

This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Accounts > Update An Account. It allows you to convert an existing account into an SB account and to change its description.

Table 165: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept

F7 - Themes


Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to upgrade an account.

Function key.

F8 - Add In An


F9 - Acc Notes Allows you to enter a more detailed description of the account. For example:

This account is for use by the Accounts Dept to process invoices

Account Name The name of the account you want to modify or to which you want to add SB/XA

Application Server. The account must have been previously created.


SB Account (Y/


Allows you to specify the available themes and a default theme to apply to the

account. For further information, see Themes, on page 228 .

Function key. Allows you to specify an additional account to which to apply the update.

The description of the account. This description is used within headings if SB/XA

Application Server is installed in this account.

Options are:

â–ª Y-Yes, SB/XA Application Server is to be installed into the account being created.

Full Account


â–ª N-No, SB/XA Application Server is not to be installed.

The full pathname for the account.

Initial Sys Id The system ID for the first system to be created in the account; for example, PO for a Purchase Orders system. While multiple system IDs are allowed in an account, this field only applies if you are updating from a non-SB account to an SB account.

Note: To add a new system ID to an existing account, use Admin >SB+ Setup>

Initiate New System in that account.


Chapter 5: Admin menu






A description for the system ID. This will appear in the System menu and as a heading for the main menu when in this account and system ID.


This subscreen is accessed by pressing the

F7 key from the Admin > Accounts > Update An

Account screen. It allows you to specify default XAML styles and themes at the account level.

Table 166: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept




Function key. Accepts the style and theme parameters specified for the account.

Enter the name of the XAML style to be applied to unattached text labels in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the label style in SBPlusTheme, the default theme shipped with SB/XA.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to prompts (field labels) on screens in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the prompt style in SBPlusTheme.














Status Bar

Dialog Box






Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to data displayed in fields on screens in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the field style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to toggles on screens in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the toggle style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to combo boxes on screens in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the combo box style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to radio buttons on screens in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the radio button style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to buttons on screens in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the button style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to rectangles on screens and menus in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the rectangle style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to separators on screens and menus in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the separator style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to images on screens and menus in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the image style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to memo fields in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the memo field style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to main menus in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the menu style in SBPlusTheme.

Note that the

Type 1 Menu through Type 5 Menu slots are currently disabled.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to forms in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the form style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to the SBPlus main window in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the SBPlus style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to status bars in the account.

If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the status bar style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to dialog boxes in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the dialog box style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to standard grids in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the grid style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to interleaved multivalue grids in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the interleaved grid style in



Chapter 5: Admin menu

Field Description






Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to CardView displays in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the CardView style in SBPlusTheme.

Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to selection controls for intuitive help in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the selection control style in


Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to selection buttons for intuitive help in the account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the selection button style in




Enter the name of each theme to be made available for use in this account; otherwise, press

F3 to select themes from a list. The theme must have an existing theme file and theme definition (/THEME.DEFN).

Default Theme Enter the name of the default theme for this account. The theme must have an existing theme file and theme definition (/THEME.DEFN). If you do not specify a default theme for the account, SBPlusTheme is used.

Linked Screens Enter the name of an existing XAML style to be applied to linked screens for this account. If no style is specified here or if the style does not exist in the user’s currently loaded theme, SB/XA uses the linked screens style in SBPlusTheme.

Delete An Account


This screen is accessed by selecting Admin > Accounts > Delete An Account. It allows you to delete an account.

Deleting an account destroys all data held in that account. Be sure to make a backup before deleting the account.

Table 167: Field descriptions


F2 - Accept

Account(s) to



Function key. Accepts the screen parameters and initiates the process to delete an account.

The name of the accounts to be deleted, separated by spaces.


Display Files



Options are:

â–ª S-Displays the names of files being deleted to the screen.

â–ª P-Sends the names of files being deleted to the printer.

â–ª N-Does not print or display the names of files being deleted.

Application Setup

Application Setup

This option of the Admin menu opens the Application Setup dialog box, where you enable the user’s ability to connect to SB developed applications.

For detailed steps on setting up applications, see Chapter 6, “Chapter 6: Setting up application

connections and configuring clients,” in SB/XA Getting Started.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

SBInstance Setup

This option allows you to create an SB instance for which you can set up application connections.

An SB instance is an implementation of SB/XA, such as SB/XA for UniData on Windows, or SB/XA for

UniVerse on UNIX, or an SB/XA test system running on UniData on UNIX.


For details on creating an SB instance, see Chapter 6, “Chapter 6: Setting up application connections

and configuring clients,” in SB/XA Getting Started.

Database Types

Database Types

This option of the Admin menu enables you to define database types in Code Table Definitions.


Chapter 5: Admin menu

Database Code Pages

This option of the Admin menu enables you to define database code pages in Code Table Definitions.


Export SBClient Settings

Export SBClient Settings

Existing customers who installed SBClient 6.0.1 or earlier may have session configurations, scripts, phone books, toolbars, and Smart Query definitions that can be used in SBClient 6.0.2 or later.

If you want to save settings from SBClient 6.0.1 or earlier, you can export the settings to a file before installing SBClient 6.0.2 or later. After installing the latest version of SBClient, you can then import the files containing the settings that you saved.

For details on exporting and importing SBClient settings, see Chapter 2, “Chapter 2: Installing SBClient

on a Stand-alone PC,” in SBClient Getting Started



Chapter 6: Office menu

Overview of Office features

The Office menu provides a range of office automation tools, including a diary for managing interoffice mail, activities, and contacts.

Office Menu options

The options of the

Office menu are summarized below. The sections that follow explain these options in greater detail.

Table 168: Office Menu Options

Menu Option


Receive Message

Send Message

Purge Messages



Categories and Projects


Allows you to maintain your diary.

Displays a summary of messages sent to you. You can read the full text of any message and reply to and delete messages.

Allows you to compose and send a message to selected users.

Allows you to purge read messages, either up to and including a specified date, or all read messages.

Allows you to create or amend activities. These activities may become either scheduled events, appointments, or to-do activities.

Allows you to maintain contact details (company names, contact names, addresses, and telephone numbers).

Allows you to enter details of categories and projects. You can then reference these in activities and use them to classify contacts.



Menu Option

Reports and Enquiries


Diary Configuration

Time Zone Maintenance

Maintain Repeat Flags


Provides a menu of reports based on your diary, activities, categories, and projects.

Opens the SB calculator.

Allows you to tailor the configuration of your diary.

Allows you to maintain city time zone definitions used by the TIME process.

Maintains diary repeat flags used when producing calendar summary reports.


The Diary tool allows you to maintain to-do items, scheduled appointments, contacts, and messages.

Any activity can be converted to any other type of activity.



You can make the contents of the diary private to the user, or shared between a number of selected users (specified at the Diary Configuration > Diary Private Flag (P/E) prompt).

The following table describes the function keys.


Chapter 6: Office menu

Note: Function keys differ in the calendar section of the diary and these are defined in the

Calendar Prompts section following.

Table 169: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Save

F4 - Del Line

F5 - More

F6 - Message

F7 - Contacts

F8 - Exit

F9 - Swap

F10 - Action


Saves the diary contents.

Allows you to delete an appointment or to-do line. The activity is deleted only when you save the

Diary screen, using the F2 or F8 key.

Allows you to view and amend details for the current activity, determined by the current cursor position. If the activity has a time and date associated with it, that activity becomes an appointment. If more information is available for an activity, an * is displayed below the column heading M.

Allows you to send and receive messages. You are prompted for the type of action required. Using the F6 key at an appointment or to-do line allows you to optionally send details of the appointment or to-do line as a message.

Displays the Contacts screen, allowing you to add or amend contacts.

Saves details and exits the diary without prompting for another date.

Swaps from the To Do List section of the diary to the Appointments section and vice versa.

Displays the action bar, as described in the following table

Table 170: Action Bar









Displays the SB calculator.

Displays the SB world time zone display.

Allows you to access the diary of another user. Security restrictions apply.

Allows you to sort the to-do list and appointments into priority and time order.

Provides a menu of various office automation reports.

Provides a menu of help options.

The following table describes the calendar prompts.

Table 171: Calendar Prompts




Appointment or To



The owner of this diary.

Press the F3 key to select a date. The F5 and F6 key move the calendar forward and backward one month, while the F7 and F8 key move it forward and backward one year. The F9 key allows you to specify an internal format date.

Options are:





Displays the Appointments section of the diary.

Displays the To Do List section.


Diary Configuration

The following table describes the To Do prompts.

Table 172: To Do Prompts





To Do List


A priority level for this item in the to-do list. This value is used when sorting the to-do list. Any input is acceptable.

Assigns a status to the to-do list activity. Any input is acceptable. D means

Done and removes the activity to the archive DMDIARY.ARCHIVE. Any other status is carried forward.

An * indicates more text that can be viewed using the F5 key.

The activity or summary for the to-do list. Use the F5 key to enter more detailed text. If you add a time, the activity becomes an appointment.

The following table describes the Appointment prompts.

Table 173: Appointment Prompts

Prompt Description

Time The time (in a 24-hour clock this is either hhmm or hh:mm) at which the activity is due to take place. Enter P and a priority number to change this to a to-do activity.




The optional duration of the activity in hours and minutes (this is either


 or hh:mm).

The status of the activity. D indicates that this activity is done, and moves the activity to the archive file called DMDIARY.ARCHIVE. Any input is accepted.

An * indicates more text that can be viewed using the F5 key.

Scheduled Activity A summary of this activity. Use the F5 key to enter more information. If you remove the time, the activity becomes a to-do item.

Diary Configuration

Allows you to determine the configuration for your diary.


Chapter 6: Office menu

The following table describes the function keys.

Table 174: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Save

F6 - Update Xrefs


Saves the configuration parameters.

Rebuilds the various cross-references (for example, activity IDs of incoming and outgoing messages) held in DMDIARY. Normally you would use this option if you upgraded to a new version of SB containing additional features, or if you suspect loss of data integrity due to anomalies in your diary system.

The following table describes the prompts.

Table 175: Prompts


Activity Default Flag



Appointment Char


Appointment Char

Morning & Afternoon


Default List (A/T/MA/


Diary Private Flag (P/


Activity Default



Options are:




Activity details entered are to be set to private by default.

E Activity details entered are to be encrypted by default.

Otherwise leave blank. Users who have access to P and E entries are set up in the user record within User Security Setup.

(Optional.) A character to signify a morning appointment in your diary when viewing the calendar. For example, m.

(Optional.) A character to signify an afternoon appointment in your diary when viewing the calendar. For example, a.

(Optional.) A character to signify both a morning and an afternoon appointment in your diary when viewing the calendar. For example, b.

Options are:




Defaults to the Appointments section when you enter the diary.




Defaults to the To-Do List section.

Sets the Appointment or To Do prompt on the

Diary screen to A (move directly to the Appointments section).

Sets the Appointment or To Do prompt to T (move directly to the To Do List section).

Options are:




The diary is to be private.

E The diary is to be encrypted.

If you enter E or P and press the Enter key, the Private Users Access screen is displayed wherein you can specify the users that have access to your diary.

Otherwise leave blank.

Default priority for new activities.


Receive Message

Receive Message

Displays a summary of all messages you have received. You can read the full text of your messages and delete or reply to the messages as appropriate. Use the cursor keys to move to the required message.

An N in the

Prio column indicates that this message is new and you have not read it. An * in the M column indicates that there is more text, which you can view by pressing the F5 key.

To indicate that you have read your mail, press the F5 key on the message line, press the F4 key to delete the line, or press the F6 key to reply to the message. An r beside the message ID indicates you have replied (an r is also displayed in the

Priority field of the sender’s Send Message screen). When you save the message, the date and time at which you read the message is shown at the

Read prompt in the sender’s

Send Message screen.

The following table describes the function keys.

Table 176: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Accept

F4 - Del Line

F5 - More

F6 - Reply To


Saves the current record of messages and their status.

Deletes the entry on the current line.

Accesses any additional text for the message on which the cursor is positioned. An * indicates that there is more text to be read.

Allows you to reply to the sender of the current message.

If a message is private, you can send a reply to the originator only. If any non-originating recipients are present, they are removed and the following message displayed:


Chapter 6: Office menu

Function Key

F7 - Msg Outg

F8 - Convert

F9 - Time


Displays the

Send Message screen, allowing you to send a new message.

If the cursor is positioned on a private message, you will receive the following message:


You are not prevented from entering the Send Message screen from where you can send other messages, but you are prevented from sending the current private message.

If you attempt to send the current private message you are again warned, and the Send Message screen is redisplayed.

Converts the current message into a scheduled appointment or to-do activity.

Displays the SB world time clock.

The following table describes the prompts.

Table 177: Prompts



Msg ID






An N indicates this message is new and has not been read by you. An r indicates the message has been replied to.

Note: Any value can be used by the originator of the message.

The message ID created automatically by the send-message process.

An * under the M column indicates more text is available. Press the F5 key to view this additional information.

The summary entered by the originator of the message.

The user ID of the sender.

The date the message was sent.

Send Message

Allows you to enter and send a message to selected users, or to review a previously sent message.


Send Message

The following table describes the function keys.

Table 178: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Save

F4 - Del

F5 - More

F6 - Status

F7 - View Reply

F8 - Msg In

F9 - Time


Saves the message and sends it.

Deletes the message.

Allows you to convert the message to an appointment or to-do activity.

Displays a summary of outgoing messages and shows the number of people who have read each message.

Allows you to view a reply.

Allows you to access the

Incoming Messages screen.

Allows access to the SB world time clock.

The following table describes the prompts.

Table 179: Prompts


Message ID



Accepts the default value NEW if entering a new message. Enter a message ID if amending or viewing an existing message.

(Display only.) The user ID of the sender.


Chapter 6: Office menu



Full Text




Private Message (P/



Alert Recipient(s)

Immediately (Y/N)

Sent Date

Sent Time


A summary of the message. This will be displayed on the recipient’s Incoming

Messages screen.

The (optional) full text of the message.

The user IDs of any recipients for the message. Alternatively, enter a group ID to send the message to all users in the specified group.

 (Display only.) If a message that was sent has been read, this shows the date and time at which the message was read by each recipient.

(Display only.) If you received a reply to a message, this shows the date, time, and message ID of the reply.

Options are:




The message is private, to be read by recipients only, and not to be forwarded. A recipient can reply to the originator only.

E Encrypts the message using your diary access code

(specified at the

Security > User Security Setup >

Diary Access Code prompt).

An (optional) priority level determining the order in which messages are displayed on the recipient’s Incoming Messages screen. 1 is the highest priority.

Options are:





Alerts all recipients currently logged on. A summary of the message is displayed on their terminals.

Does not interrupt users, but displays the message flag when the OA.MSG process is invoked.

The date on which the message was sent.

The time at which the message was sent.

Purge Messages

Allows you to purge messages that have been read (the status N has disappeared from the

Prio column of the

Incoming Messages screen).




The following table describes the prompts.


Table 180: Prompts


Purge All Read



Options are:




Deletes all read messages for the current user.

N (Default.) Allows you to use the

Purge To and

Including Date option to specify a date up to which messages will be purged.

Only messages read up to and including the specified date are purged.

Purge To and

Including Date


Allows you to create or amend activities. An activity is any transaction within the office system. It can be an appointment, a to-do item or a message (sent or received).

Any type of activity can be converted into any other type. For example, a to-do activity can be changed to an appointment by adding a scheduled date and time to it. An appointment can be sent as a message using F6-Message while the cursor is positioned on the message in the Diary screen.

The following table describes the function keys.


Chapter 6: Office menu

Table 181: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Save

F4 - Del

F5 - More

F6 - Repeat

F7 - Recipients

F8 - Msg In

F9 - Time


Saves the activity parameters.

Deletes the current activity record.

Allows you to add or amend information at the Contact Company,

Categories, and Project prompts, if available.

Opens the F6-Activity Repeat Definition subscreen, which allows you to repeat an activity (such as weekly meetings or anniversaries).

Displays the Send Message screen.

Allows you to access your incoming message details.

Displays the SB world time clock.

The following table describes the prompts.

Table 182: Prompts


Activity Key





On at for




You can accept the default value NEW if entering a new activity, otherwise enter the activity code. Type the first part of the summary text and press the

F3 key to access the activity.

(Display only.) The owner of the activity.

Options are:





Appointment (scheduled activity). An appointment has a date and time allocated to it.

To-do activity. A to-do activity has a date allocated to it, but no time.

M Message. A message has a date and list of recipients allocated to it.

You can do any of the following:

â–ª Change an appointment to a to-do item or post it as a message.

â–ª Change a to-do item to an appointment or post it as a message.

â–ª Change a message to an appointment or change a to-do item.

A summary of, or reference to, the activity. This summary is used whenever the activity is displayed in a diary.

Either the actual date of an appointment or the date for which a to-do item is displayed in the diary to-do list.

The time of the appointment. Leave blank if A is entered at the


ToDo/Msg prompt above.

(Optional.) The duration of the appointment.

(Optional.) The priority level for this activity. This determines the order of the display in the diary. Any input is acceptable. 0 is higher than 1 and 1 is higher than A.

(Optional.) The status of the activity. D (Done) archives the activity in the

DMDIARY.ARCHIVE file. Any input is accepted.




Full Text

Contact Company





Activity Repeat Definition F6


Options are:




The activity is Private and restricted to nominated users.

E Encrypts the activity using your diary access code

(specified at the

Security > User Security Setup >

Diary Access Code prompt).

If blank, the activity details are accessible to all users. The default is taken from your diary configuration.

The full text required for the activity. The F5 key from the Diary or

Message screen recalls this text.

The company code of any company that has contact persons associated with the activity. The F3 key accepts company names, sort IDs, or contact names to retrieve their associated company.

(Optional.) The name of the person to contact within the company selected.

(Optional.) The telephone number of the contact.

(Optional.) The category code associated with the activity.

(Optional.) The project codes associated with the activity.

Activity Repeat Definition F6

This screen is invoked by the F6 key from the Activity screen. It allows you to specify activities that repeat at specific intervals (such as birthdays, anniversaries, or weekly meetings).

The following table describes the function keys.

Table 183: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Save

F9 - Repeat Flags


Saves the activity repeat parameters.

Displays the Repeat Flags subscreen.

The following table describes the prompts.


Chapter 6: Office menu

Table 184: Prompts

Prompt Description

Repetition Type Flag The letter denoting the type of repetition. This is used when reporting. The type flags are maintained from the Diary Configuration screen or by the

F9 key.

Repeat Expression The repeat expression determining when the activity is to be repeated within your diary. The format is:


[,dayofweek,];[weekinmonth,];[monthinyear,] where:


is an actual date if no week or month is given; otherwise, it is the day of the week or the day of the month. For example, 1;; is the first day (Monday) of every month, because no specific month is specified.


 is an optional day in the week. You can separate different days with commas. For example, 1,2,3;1; is the first, second, and third day of the first week in every month.


 is the optional week of a month. You can separate different weeks with commas. For example, 5;1,2,3,4,5; is the fifth day (Friday) of every week (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) in any month.


 is the optional month in the year. You can separate different months with commas. For example, 25;;12 is the 25th day of month 12



Allows you to maintain company names, contact names, addresses, and phone numbers for contacts.





The following table describes the function keys.

Table 185: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Save

F4 - Del

F5 - Categories

F6 - Address

F9 - Time


Saves the contact parameters.

Deletes the current record.

Allows you to allocate contacts to any optional categories.

Allows you to enter a contact’s delivery and postal address.

Displays the SB world time clock.

The following table describes the prompts.

Table 186: Prompts


Contact ID



You can accept the default value NEW if entering a new contact, otherwise enter the required contact code. You can enter part of a contact name, or an alternative ID (Sort & Alt) and then press the F3 key.

(Display only.) The owner of the contact.


Chapter 6: Office menu




Company Name

Sort & All


Contact Names

Contact Title



Options are:





Contact details are Private to you and the diary users nominated in your diary configuration.

Encrypts the contact details using your diary access code (specified at the Security > User Security Setup >

Diary Access Code prompt).

If blank, the contact details are accessible to all users. The default is taken from your diary configuration.

The telephone number for the contact. The first number entered is used as the default for the contact names entered below.

The company (or equivalent) name for this contact. This is displayed whenever you reference the contact within a diary activity.

Alternative IDs for the company name. The first ID entered is used for sorting.

Other IDs are used for alternative access.

The fax number for the contact being defined.

The names of any contacts for the company being entered.

(Optional.) The title normally used for this contact.

The telephone number for a contact. The default is the first number entered at Phone.

(Optional.) Any notes about the contact.


Categories and Projects


Allows you to enter details for categories and projects. These can then be referenced in activities and used to classify contacts. You can select and report on any activity by category and/or project.

The following table describes the function keys.

Reports and Enquiries

Table 187: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Save

F4 - Del


Saves the categories and project parameters.

Deletes the categories and project parameters.

The following table describes the prompts.

Table 188: Prompts


Category or Project


Category or Project



You can accept the default value NEW if entering new details, otherwise enter an existing ID. Enter part of a name or an alternative name, followed by the F3 key to select from existing IDs.

Options are:




Details are for a category.

P Details are for a project.

(Display only.) The user ID of the owner.


Private Options are:




The details are private to you and users nominated on your diary configuration record.

E The details are to be encrypted, and can only be decrypted by users designated in your user record in

User Security Setup.

If blank, the category and project details are accessible to all users. The default is taken from your diary configuration.

Name for Display The name displayed within a diary or activity, if this category or project is referenced.

Alternative Name(s) Alternative names for this category or project. These names are used as an alternative means of access for these details.

Description Text to describe in detail the category or project being defined.

Reports and Enquiries

Provides a menu of reports based on your diary, activities, categories, and projects. For most reports you have the option of printing either brief summaries or full reports.


Chapter 6: Office menu

Reports can be sent to:

Table 189: Report Output Options









The screen (within an optional window).

The printer, via the spooler.

An auxiliary port.

A DIFF format file in xxWORK or another file.


The printer, via a background process.


This option displays the SB calculator. In addition to using the calculator as a normal calculator, you can enter an expression in the calculator display field, and the result is returned in the current input field.





To select numbers or operators, press the appropriate character on the keyboard or use the cursor keys to move to the required character on the screen and press the spacebar to accept. Pressing the

Enter or = key performs the calculation.

S changes the sign of a value (from negative to positive and vice versa).

The options on the calculator are:






Table 190: Calculator Options





Clears the current value from the calculator display field.

Clears both the current value from the calculator display field and any value in memory.

Clears any value in memory.

Recalls any value in memory to the calculator display field.

Subtracts any value in memory from the value in the calculator display field.

Adds the value in the calculator display field to memory.

Allows you to define the precision of the results of your calculation.

(or N from the keyboard)


(or B from the keyboard)

Calculates the percentage of the current value.

The following table describes the function keys.


Chapter 6: Office menu

Table 191: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Return Value

F7 - Run Process

F8 - Move

F9 - Expression


Returns the value in the calculator display field to the current input field.

Alternatively, this value is automatically placed in your input paste buffer; you can recall it by pressing your macro key twice.

Allows you to run a process.

Allows you to change the position of the calculator on the screen.

Allows you to enter an SB expression and display its result.

Time Zone Maintenance

Allows you to maintain city time zone definitions used by the

/TIME process.


The following table describes the function keys.

Table 192: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Save

F5 - Goto City

F6 - Time


Saves the time zone definition.

Allows you to go to a particular city. You are prompted for a line number, text, or a multivalued page number.

Displays the SB world time clock.

Maintain Repeat Flags

The following table describes the prompts.

Table 193: Prompts


Local City Name


Offset G.M.T.

w.r.t. Local

Std Text



To Day

To Month

Time Text


The name of a city that is in your time zone. (The city must appear in the following City list.)

The name of a city to have time details entered against it. It is available when viewing times in different cities using the

/TIME process.

The number of hours (plus or minus) the selected city is ahead or behind

Greenwich Mean Time (without taking daylight saving time into account).

(Display only.) The difference ‘with respect to’ the local time.

(Optional.) An abbreviation for the normal time zone name used to display the time in the specified city.

The day of the month on which daylight saving time or summer time begins. If unknown, leave blank. This is used to adjust the lookup time display.

The month daylight saving time or summer time begins.

The day of the month on which daylight saving time or summer time ends.

The month daylight saving time or summer time ends.

An optional time zone abbreviation indicating summer time is in effect in this city. The default is DLS.

Maintain Repeat Flags

Allows you to maintain diary repeat flags. These flags are used when producing calendar summary reports.


Chapter 6: Office menu


The following table describes the function keys.

Table 194: Function Keys

Function Key

F2 - Save


Saves the diary repeat flag parameters.

The following table describes the prompts.

Table 195: Diary Repeat Options






An alphabetic character used by reports to represent the type of repetition.

This is the key letter stored on file against an activity; for example, V for

Valentine’s Day.

An alphabetic character to be displayed, rather than stored on file, representing the repetition type for reports. This can be different from that entered in the prompt above if multiple languages apply.

A description of the type of repetition; for example, Valentine’s Day.

Chapter 7: Shell and Logto options

This chapter describes the two remaining options on the System Administration main menu:

Shell allows you to enter an OE command or SB process.

Logto allows you to log between accounts without having to re-enter your user ID and password for every account accessed.


The Shell option invokes the SB shell command line prompt, allowing you to enter any OE command or SB process (subject to security restrictions).

Process /SHELL or /TCL

SB initially checks if the first word entered at the prompt is a command, and if not, it checks to see whether the first word is an SB process.

The shell stack stores the last 100 command lines per user, any of which can be recalled for editing or executing. You can also group command lines together and place them in a menu for quick access and execution.

The following table describes the function keys.

Function Key

F2 - Save

F4 - Del

F5 - List

Menu F6

F7 - Edit


Selects entries from the stack and saves them with their name and description and place in the menu.

Deletes a saved menu stack.

Lists the current stack.

Lists the available saved stacks as a menu and allows selection.

Edits the current stack (all entries).

Stack Commands

You can enter the following stack commands at the shell command line:

Table 196: Stack Commands


Up arrow

Down arrow









Recalls the previous entry to edit and execute.

Recalls the next entry to edit and execute.

Lists the last 20 commands on the stack.

Lists the commands on the stack from n to n.

Recalls the last command to edit and execute.

Recalls the stack entry n to edit and execute.

Executes the stack entry n as is, with no edit.

Multiple executions separated by a comma and/ or range lists (hyphen-delimited).

Deletes the current stack entry, or specified entry.


Chapter 7: Shell and Logto options







Deletes the saved stack referenced by name.

Edits the current stack using the screen editor.

Edits the saved stack referenced by name, using the screen editor.

Converts the next n characters to uppercase.

If you enter a command with a ? at the end, the command is not executed but is pushed onto the stack.

You can also create synonyms for command line strings, using the following syntax:


== commandstring

For example:


To delete a synonym from the list, use the following syntax:




The logto option allows you to log between accounts without requiring you to re-enter your user ID and password for every account accessed.


Process /LOGTO

All requests are subject to security restrictions. If you enter a prohibited account or option, the message ACCESS DENIED appears and the request is denied.

In the Logto Account (or OFF) field, enter the name of the account you want to log to; for example,


You are logged to the new account without being prompted to enter your user ID or password again.

If you want to log directly to a specific system ID within the account, append the system ID after the account name separated by a comma; for example,


To log directly to a menu within a system ID, specify the menu name after the system ID. For example,


To log directly to an option within a menu, append the option number to the menu name; for example,


To log to the SB administration account, you can specify

SA (System Administration). This is a synonym for SB.

To log off the system, enter


Appendix A: Admin within a user account

This appendix discusses the functions you can perform from the Admin menu within a user account.


These options are exactly the same as for the SB account.

Printers and terminals

These options are the same as for the SB account except that the Initialize Spooler option of the

Printer Management menu is not available in the user account.

Media commands

These options are exactly the same as for the SB account.

SB+ Setup

The SB+ Configuration Options option is available in the SB account only.

Initiate New System

Allows you to create another system ID within the current account.

You are prompted for the system ID prefix and description, after which the new system is initialized. If this is the second (or subsequent) system ID in the account, you are presented with a System menu at logon (after entering your user ID and password) to select the system you require.

Delete System

Allows you to delete a system ID from the current account.

You are presented with the

System menu from which to select the system to be deleted. A lookup window displays all the files created in the system. Tag those you want to delete. Normally this is all the files, but there may be some files created in this system that are used in other systems which you do not want to delete.

Note: Make sure you have a backup of this account before deleting the system in case you need to restore data inadvertently deleted.

Logon/Logto Subroutine

Allows you to specify a user subroutine to be called at logon/logto after security and print setup have been performed.


Appendix A: Admin within a user account

An SB process cannot be executed from here and the user subroutine should not contain SB function calls, because SB COMMON variables are not fully initialized at this point.

System Enquiries

This option has a subset of options found in the SB account under the System House Keeping option


Your Terminal Settings (OE)

List Users Logged On

Display System Date & Time

List Available Disk Space

Display Where Table

Detailed System Usage

List Overflow Fragmentation


Same options as described in Port Setup, on page 221 .

Same options as described in System House Keeping, on page 221



This has the following options:



Option Description

Group Security Setup

User Security Setup

Edit Your Macro Keys

Same options as described in Security tasks, on page 26

Change Your Password

This option invokes the /UK (User Keys) process to define your macro keys. This is described in

Define User Macro Keys (F6), on page 65

and in the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual.

Allows you to change your password. You are prompted for your existing password before you can enter a new one.

Change Keyboard Timeout Allows you to change your keyboard timeout – the number of minutes of inactivity before your keyboard locks and requires password entry to reactivate. You are prompted for your password before you can change the timeout.


Appendix B: Printer Management

This appendix contains information on administering the SB Printer Manager.

About SB Printer Manager

The new SB Printer Manager differs substantially from the Printer Manager in versions through 2.3.2.

However, it retains a number of features in altered form, such as stationery types and locations, the

COMMON variable PRINT.DEFN, and the Printer and Spooler Maintenance functions.

The significant differences are:

â–ª The way printers are defined and maintained.

â–ª The way print defaults are determined and used.

â–ª The printer assignment process.

â–ª The scope and availability of the Printer Manager to SB tools and user processes.

â–ª User interaction in the printing process.

â–ª The addition of features such as report types.

The diagrams on the following pages provide a schematic representation of the new Printer

Manager. The Printer Definition and Maintenance section provides an outline of the new system, with comparative notes on the old Printer Manager. The remaining sections describe the various elements of the new system in detail.

SB/XA Application Server Printer Management

This diagram illustrates the printer management workflow.


SB/XA Application Server Printer Management


Appendix B: Printer Management

Printer Entity


Printer Manager

Printer Manager



The PRINTER.SELECT and AUX.SELECT forms (printer and stationery front-end processes for system and auxiliary printing) display printer and stationery description. Also, the intuitive help for the stationery display stationery name in addition to the stationery code.

In GUI mode, a spin button is available for the No of Copies prompt.

In SB+ Server versions 2.3.2 and earlier, when the default printer presented in PRINTER.SELECT or

AUX.SELECT process was modified, the stationery was also changed to the first stationery entry for the new printer. This behavior has been modified to leave stationery intact if it is a valid stationery for the newly selected printer.


Appendix B: Printer Management

Printer Definition and Maintenance

Old Printer Manager

In SB+ Server versions 2.3.2 and earlier, printers were defined and maintained using the


Definition screen. This screen defined a hardware specific printer, in a similar manner to terminal definitions. The definition also included hardware-dependent escape sequences and a graphic character equivalence table.

In addition, form queues (which correspond to a UniData/UniVerse form of the same name in those environments) and current stationery types and locations were defined in the printer definition. The stationery was associated with the form queue, with one stationery per form queue. Each form queue could be associated with only one printer definition at a time. The system printer device number was also uniquely associated with one printer at a time.

Printers could have a location specified that was used to prevent assignment of a printer where the printer name was not present in the user’s group location list.

All printer-related items, such as printer and stationery definitions, were stored in the file


New Printer Manager

At SB+ Server version 3.3.1, the new Printer Manager introduced the concept of physical printers and printer classes. Instead of keeping all hardware-specific information, such as graphics tables and attribute escape sequences, in each printer definition, this information is stored in the printer class.

Stationery types are separately defined and attached to the class. Each definition is a generic type that can be used in any class, with all stationery type set, reset, and page orientation sequences defined uniquely within the class, for each class. Thus, any number of classes can have a stationery type of A4, with appropriate sequences for that class.

The printer entity is created by attaching a printer class to a physical printer and specifying other parameters. The system uses the physical printer record name when starting and stopping printers, and when printing. The physical printer record allows any class of printer to be associated with a printer entity.

With this system, it is possible to maintain entities such as ADMIN1 or ACCOUNTS.LABELS as constants, while being able to change the actual printer hardware and device/port configurations to suit current hardware specifications.

The Printer Entity diagram shown previously provides a schematic representation of the printer entity.

Locations have been redefined. See Maintain locations, on page 132 .

All printer-related items are stored in the file DMSYSDEFN, with the exception of the printer control items created at logon and used at run time, which are stored in DMSECURITY.

Determining Print Defaults

Old Printer Manager

The default printer was determined using a printer name or the word ASK in one of three places:

â–ª The Port Configure screen.


Printer Assignment

â–ª The Defaults subscreen (F10 from the Port Configure screen).

â–ª The Terminals and Printers subscreen (F7 from the User Security screen).

With ASK or ASK(printername) in any of these locations, or a multiple list of printers in the latter two locations, a prompt required the user to enter the printer name at logon. With a single printer name in any location, this printer was used without prompting at logon.

The selected printer’s current stationery type was used to determine the form queue, and the printer assignment was performed.

New Printer Manager

The old default system was retained for compatibility, with the following changes. The initial assignment uses the printer name to determine the stationery type. The first stationery in the list attached to the physical printer record is used as the default, and default Assign Options and No of

Copies are used.

In addition, the following additional default options are available:

â–ª Global Print Defaults

â–ª User Print Defaults

â–ª Group Print Defaults

These allow a complete specification of the default, with no assumptions made. Physical Printer

Name, Stationery Type, Assign Options, and No of Copies can be specified. See

Setting Print Defaults, on page 270 for a discussion of the defaults hierarchy.

Printer Assignment

Old Printer Manager

At logon, the initial print assignment was performed using the printer name as described above. The current stationery type for the printer definition was used to determine the form queue.

In order to reassign printers, the Assign Form Queue screen was invoked. This allowed the user to nominate a form queue to which to change. Selection of the form queue also selected the printer definition and stationery type with which the form queue was associated.

Users could not directly request a change in form queue from a report or other print request without invoking the

/PTR.ASSIGN process at the output redirection prompt or incorporating the process in the report. A change in printer assignment could be effected from Query and Report Writer reports using the Assign Printer To A Report tool.

This allowed you to enter a stationery type and/or location name in the process definition of the report. When the report was printed, the printer parameters specified in the process definition were used to reassign the printer for the job, and the original environment was restored on completion. This process was invisible to users.

It was possible to change the current printer definition in use (and consequently PRINT.DEFN and the form queue) on the fly using the CHANGE.PRINTER process.

New Printer Manager

At logon, the default print parameters described above are determined and an initial assignment is performed based on these defaults.

Assignment within SB Tools is done on a per-print request basis. That is, when a report or tool print is requested, the user is prompted (if authorized) to use the defaults (either the user defaults or


Appendix B: Printer Management report print parameters) or change the printer for the current request. If display of the prompt screen is not authorized, the defaults are used without user intervention. After the selection is made, the parameters are saved and the new assignment is performed.

After the job is printed, the printer environment that existed prior to the selection is reinstated. The printer stack and printer assignment can be controlled from user processes. For further information,

see Using Printer Manager Calls in User Subroutines, Paragraphs, and Processes, on page 271 .

The Assign Printer To A Report process has been retained, with the following changes: location and/or stationery are no longer used to determine the printer to assign. The printer name and stationery type are explicitly specified, and when printing the report, these parameters are displayed instead of the user defaults in the prompt screen, where they can be changed if required.

You can change the default assignment used (and consequently the default PRINT.DEFN) for the life of the current logon session, including logging to other accounts, using the CHANGE.PRINTER process

(described later). Logging off and on resets the environment to the defaults.

Starting & Stopping Printers

Old Printer Manager

In UniVerse, creating a printer definition started the printer; it created an entry in the sp.config file and a device in the &DEVICE& file. The printer was stopped by deleting the printer definition; the entry for the printer was removed from sp.config and the device from the &DEVICE& file.

Similarly, if UDT:Print was installed in a UniData environment, creating a printer definition started the printer, and deleting the printer definition stopped the printer.

The Maintain Printers screen was used to display currently started printers and, if the user was a superuser, to enable or disable the printing for the printer on the current cursor line.

New Printer Manager


Maintain Printers screen is now used for starting and stopping all printers, and for modifying the parameters used to start the printer (entered in the

Physical Printer Definition screen).

Printer Manager Scope and Availability

Old Printer Manager

Users were only able to use the Assign Printer To A Report tool to change the printer (without invoking the PTR.ASSIGN process in Query and Report Writer reports). They had no access to the Printer

Manager from subroutines or processes.

New Printer Manager

All SB tools that have a printing option use the new Printer Manager program SH.PRINT.MANAGER

to control printing. Users are able to call this subroutine from their own processes, subroutines,

and SB paragraphs. For examples of calling this subroutine, see Using Printer Manager Calls in User

Subroutines, Paragraphs, and Processes, on page 271



User Interaction

User Interaction

Old Printer Manager

There was no user interaction at print time. When printing was selected, the currently assigned printer was always used. Reports with print parameters attached allowed a one-time change of assignment, but again without user interaction.

New Printer Manager

In all SB tools, the

Printer Selection screen is displayed, with either the current user defaults or the report parameters. This screen allows users to change the physical printer, stationery type, assign options, and number of copies for the current print job, or accept the parameters presented.

The display of this screen can be controlled with a flag in User Security and/or a flag in the process

definition of a report. For a detailed discussion of this topic, see Printer Selection, on page 269


New Features

A number of features were added in the new Printer Manager:

â–ª Third-party printer management hook point. This allows you to specify a process in the System

Control Record, which either bypasses the SB Printer Manager or operates in conjunction with it.

â–ª User print redirection hook point. This allows you to specify a process in the System Control

Record, which either bypasses SB output redirection prompts or operates in conjunction with them.

â–ª Output to print file or to DIFF format items. These options allow a Report Writer report to have its print output stored in a print file, or the data normally displayed in the report to be written out in

DIFF file format for export to a DOS spreadsheet.

â–ª Report Writer and Query reports have new printer management related hook points.

â–ª Report types. These allow you to group reports to one or more printers, and to nominate appropriate stationery for all reports in the group.

Printer Selection

When printing is requested, Printer Manager may display the Printer Selection screen with the current print parameters.


Appendix B: Printer Management

The option to display the Printer Selection screen is set for each user in the User Security

Setup screen, or by using the

/USER.FLAGS process. Depending on the value of this flag, the screen may be displayed for all of the user’s print tasks, for Report Writer, Query, and user defined user subroutine reports only, or never displayed. An optional flag in Report Writer and Query reports, or optionally passed from a user subroutine report may be specified to override the user security flag.

You can include physical printers in a location record. You can designate valid locations for a given group so that a member of that group only has access to the printers in the locations specified. Subject to this restriction, you can alter the parameters in the Printer Selection screen, including the Printer

Name, Stationery Type (which must be a valid stationery type in the class attached to the physical printer), Assign Options (which vary depending on the platform), and No of Copies.

Relationship With Other Tools

All printing functions in SB use the new Printer Manager to control selection of printers. The

CHANGE.PRINTER process changes a user's defaults for the current session only.

The F2 - Accept function key accepts the print parameters, and proceeds with printer setup and printing.

Setting Print Defaults

The following hierarchical system is used to establish the print defaults for a user at logon.

These defaults are displayed in the

Printer Selection screen when printing (where allowed), or used as the printing defaults when no selection is permitted:

1. Physical printer names or the word ASK present in

User Security Setup > F7-Term/Print. If ASK is present, the user is prompted for a physical printer name. If a list is present the user is solicited for the printer name, and the * help list contains the names specified in the list. Any valid physical printer name is accepted.

2. ASK specified at the Printer Name prompt in the Port Configuration screen for the current port.

The user is prompted for a physical printer name. Any valid physical printer name is accepted.

3. Multivalued list of physical printer names or the word ASK present at the Printer Name prompt in the Default Terminal/Printer Specification screen. If the word ASK is present, the user is prompted for a physical printer name. If a list is present, the user is prompted for a printer name, and the * help list contains the names specified in the list. Any valid physical printer name is accepted.


Using Printer Manager Calls in User Subroutines, Paragraphs, and Processes

4. User-specific print defaults can be set up in the user security record from the

User Security

Setup screen, using the F10 key action bar Print Defaults option. In the User Print

Defaults subscreen, the system administrator can specify Physical Printer Name, Stationery

Type, Assign Options, and No of Copies specifically for individual users. A cross-check of locations is made so that default physical printer and stationery types cannot be assigned to a printer outside the group locations.

5. Printer name specified in the

Port Configuration screen for the current port if not ASK. The default stationery type (the first) is read from the physical printer definition stationery type table.

A default assign option of

P or the platform equivalent is assigned, and a default of 1 copy is assigned.

6. Group-specific print defaults can be set up in the group security record using the


Defaults option in the F10 key action bar in the Group Security Setup screen. In the Group Print

Defaults subscreen, the system administrator can specify Physical Printer Name, Stationery

Type, Assign Options, and No of Copies specifically for a group of users. A cross-check of locations is made so that the default physical printer and stationery types cannot be assigned to a printer outside of the locations in the group’s parents.

7. Global print defaults. These are set up in the SB admin account from the

Admin > SB+ Setup > SB

+ Configuration Options > Global Print Defaults option. In the Global Print Defaults screen, the system administrator can specify Physical Printer Name, Stationery Type, Assign Options, and

No of Copies.

8. Default printer name defined in

Port Configure defaults if a single printer name is entered

(not ASK or a multivalued list). The default stationery type (the first) is read from the physical printer definition stationery type table. A default assign option of

P or the platform equivalent is assigned, and a default of 1 copy is assigned.

9. If none of the above are present, the default physical printer record DEFAULT.PRINTER, using the default printer class DEFAULT.CLASS, is used. The default stationery type (the first) is read from the physical printer definition stationery type table. If no stationery type is present in the table, the standard column and row values in the printer class are used. If these are not defined, default column and row values of 80 and 60 are used. A default assign option of

P or the platform equivalent is assigned, and a default of 1 copy is assigned.

Using Printer Manager Calls in User Subroutines, Paragraphs, and


User Subroutines

The program SH.PRINT.MANAGER controls all printing functions in the Printer Manager. You can include calls to SH.PRINT.MANAGER in user subroutines, to set report parameters, as in the following code example:







is the report type assigned to the report.


is the name of a physical printer.


is the name of the selected stationery type.


 are platform specific assign options. For details of assign options, check your OE documentation.


Appendix B: Printer Management


is the number of copies to be printed.


 overrides the current state of the

Printer Selection screen display flag setting in the

User Security Setup screen. See the discussion of this flag in

Other Features, on page 273 .

Use the following call to reset the printer to the previous environment:


Printers can be stacked on as often as required. Be sure to match all S type calls with corresponding

R type calls. With S type calls, use the PRINTER ON statement to set the environment to Print mode.

Do not use PRINTER OFF and PRINTER CLOSE because the R type call performs these statements after any physical printer and/or stationery type reset sequences are printed. If you use PRINTER OFF and

PRINTER CLOSE in this case, you may get two jobs on the spooler instead of one.


Using the EXEC command, you can call the Printer Manager from a paragraph. In this case, you must use the comma-delimited parameter form. The following example illustrates the method:





FOR I = 1 TO 10




Note the use of the S parameter. If the

User Security Setup screen display flag is set to Y, this parameter displays the user defaults. This is the non-report mode of calling SH.PRINT.MANAGER.

In this mode, report parameters REPORT.TYPE and PRINT.SEL.FLAG are not tested. You can use the syntax shown above in the User Subroutine subsection, suitably translated to paragraph format.


You can use user subroutine processes to perform these functions from anywhere in SB, where appropriate. The following two PD.B screens illustrate this method:


Other Features

In this case, the SRP parameter is used so that the Printer Selection screen display can be forced regardless of the user’s security flag setting.

Other Features

Hook for Third-Party Printer Management

A hook point in Printer Manager allows you to specify a third-party printer management/add-in process, the name of which is stored in the record PARAMS in the xxCONTROL file for each system ID.

You can also specify an @RTN.FLAG value within the user process to bypass the SB Printer Manager completely or to function normally in addition to the user process. @RTN.FLAG may be:

Table 197: @RTN.FLAG Values






Use normal SB print functionality in addition to user process.

Do not use any SB print functionality; use the user process only.

Stop print job.

User Print Redirection Prompt

You can specify print redirection processes to replace the current prompts in SB, as in the

Screen,Printer,auX (S/P/X) style of prompt. This allows you to bypass SB functionality or use it in conjunction with the user process.


Appendix B: Printer Management

These processes are specified for each system at the

Prnt Redir Proc On and Prnt Redir Proc Off prompts in the

System Control Record screen, accessed from the Tools > Other Tools/Utilities >

House Keeping menu. For further information, see the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual.

The on-process tests @VALUE and @RTN.FLAG on return, and if @RTN.FLAG is equal to X, the process aborts completely. If @RTN.FLAG is not equal to X, @VALUE is tested for characters corresponding to the enabling keys in the SB prompt. If present, the SB functionality corresponding to that letter is performed; otherwise no SB functionality is performed. The off-process, if present, bypasses SB off functionality; otherwise SB functionality is used.

Redirection features of Report Writer are:

â–ª Output to a print file.

â–ª Output to a DIFF file.

â–ª Background processing (where supported by the platform).

These redirection options provide you with a number of options. In the

F8-More Report Parameters

subscreen from the

F6-Report Parameters screen in the Report Painter, you can enter the following options at the

File/DIFF Destn: File and Item prompts:

â–ª To prevent output to a print file or DIFF file, enter NONE at the File prompt.

â–ª To prompt at run time for file and item, enter ASK at the File prompt.

â–ª To specify a file and item, enter the file and item names at the File and Item prompts.

â–ª To use the default file and item, leave the File and Item fields blank.

In Report Writer, Query, and user reports, you can specify a Printer Selection flag to allow the report to override the current setting of the Print Screen flag in the User Security Setup screen for the current user without changing it; the flag is in effect only for the current run of the report.

For Report Writer, the flag is maintained via the

Report Writer Definition > Report Parameters >

More Report Parameters > Disp Print Sel Screen prompt. For further information, see the SB/XA

Application Server Reference Manual


For Query, the flag is maintained via the

Query Report Definition > More Query Parameters > Disp

Print Sel Screen prompt. For further information, see the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual.

See also

Using Printer Manager Calls in User Subroutines, Paragraphs, and Processes, on page 271

The available options are:





Always display the Printer Selection screen.

Never display the Printer Selection screen.

If the

Disp Print Sel Screen field is left blank, Printer Manager uses the Printer Selection flag in User

Security Setup.

Report Types

Report types provide a method of matching Query and Report Writer reports to printers. The system allows you to attach a single valid report type code to a report, and attach a list of valid codes to a physical printer. You can use any code for any physical printer.

If a valid code is present in a report being printed and a list of valid codes is present for the physical printer being selected, an attempt is made to locate the report's code in the physical printer's list. If not found, the report cannot be printed using the selected printer. Printing to the selected printer is allowed if either the report has no valid code, or the physical printer has no list.


Assigning Report Types to a Physical Printer

A central list of valid report types is stored in the record REPORT.TYPES in the DMSYSDEFN file.


Maintain Report Types screen (accessed from Printers & Terminals > Printer Management) maintains a multivalued list of report type codes. Codes can be in any format, but must be unique. You can optionally enter a description for each code. This table of report types is used in all systems across all accounts.

Note that the report types table is global, so developers need to consider uniqueness when creating report types in applications. When the application is installed at a customer site, it is necessary to manually update the report type table during installation.

Assigning Report Types to a Physical Printer


Report Type Table subscreen is accessed by F5 in the Physical Printer Definition screen.

A multivalued list of report types can be assigned to the physical printer record using the

Report Type

Table subscreen. You can enter any valid report type, and optionally attach a stationery type. This stationery type must be in the printer class currently attached to the physical printer record being edited. If a stationery type is attached to the report type and the requested report has the matching code, the stationery type specified for the report type overrides any other stationery type selection, including any selection made in the

Printer Selection screen.

Associating Report Types with Reports

Report types are associated with the process definition of a Query or Report Writer report.

When editing a Query report using the PD.E process, or a Report Writer report using the PD.R process, pressing F9 opens the

Additional Report Parameters subscreen.

You can enter the report type for the report at the

Report Type prompt in this subscreen, as well as in the

Assign Printer To A Report screen. For details of report type entry in these screens, see

Assign printer to a report, on page 128


Report types can also be used in user subroutines to implement user subroutine reports. See Using

Printer Manager Calls in User Subroutines, Paragraphs, and Processes, on page 271 .


This process allows you to change your current print defaults, as displayed in the


Selection screen, for the current logon session only.


Printer Selection screen is displayed regardless of your Security flag, where you can change the current defaults within the location restrictions prevailing.

After selected, the new defaults are displayed in the

Printer Selection screen for the duration of the current logon session (unless overridden by a report assignment). The next time you log on, your normal defaults are restored. This process can be disallowed in Group Security if required.

For example, if your current defaults are incorrect (perhaps due to a change in the printer entity, such as a change in printer class, stationery type, or other parameter), running this process allows you to change the defaults until a more permanent change can be arranged with the system administrator.

SB Printer Setup Guidelines

This is a suggested procedure for setting up the SB Printer Manager definitions in a new installation.


Appendix B: Printer Management

Although the structures may seem complicated at first, they are designed for maximum flexibility.

System maintenance to handle changing requirements is small. The setup can also be simplified by not defining features that will not be used. For example, locations and report types are optional.

The following steps, carried out in the order given, simplify the task of defining the various components of the SB Printer Manager:

â–ª Establish how many printers will be connected to the system, and what type of printer will be connected to what port.

â–ª Determine how many printer classes will be required—one for each make and model of printer, or for each common emulation.

â–ª Determine how many stationery definitions will be used. A separate stationery type must be defined for the following groups:

â–ª Reports that will share the same type of stationery (form queue). Note that the same stationery may be available concurrently on multiple printers.

â–ª Reports that must only be printed on a particular type of stationery, such as invoices and checks.

â–ª Reports that must only be printed on a particular printer (this may also require a particular type of stationery).

â–ª If the installation requires the use of locations, determine which locations will be used. Typically, locations are used to ensure that certain reports are directed to a specific room, floor, or building.

â–ª If the installation requires the use of report types, determine the report types to be used. Typically, report types are implemented for all reports and printers, and are used to allow printing of a particular report on specific printers only.

â–ª Define a stationery type for each type of output that needs to be kept separate from all other types.

Apart from distinguishing, for example, plain paper, checks, and invoices, stationery types can also be used to segregate the same type of paper on different printers. For example, reports to be printed on plain stationery on the line printer in the Accounts department are not confused with reports to be printed on plain paper in a warehouse. On those platforms that use form queues or form names, a stationery type corresponds to a form queue or form name.

â–ª Define the printer classes and include all the stationery types that can be printed in each class.

Printer effects such as special fonts and draft mode can be defined for each stationery type if required. The reset sequence should return the printer to its default settings for any reports that do not have specific set and reset sequences.

â–ª If locations are to be used, define them now and specify which user groups have access to them by using the F8 key in

Group Security Setup.

â–ª Define the physical printers, and for each include the appropriate stationery types, allocating a form queue if the platform requires it. If locations are to be used, use the F7 key to specify the location of each printer. If report types are to be used, use the F5 key to specify the report types that can be printed on each printer. Printer effects such as special fonts that apply to all reports or the majority of the reports produced on the printer can be defined. The definition

DEFAULT.PRINTER should be amended appropriately; it will be used if a report is not directed specifically to any other printer.

â–ª For those reports that must be printed on special stationery, use the Assign Printer To A

Report option to define the relationship. This may include specification of hold files and number of copies.

â–ª If the destination of all reports is predetermined, the Display Print Select Screen prompt in User

Security Setup should be set to N for all users. Otherwise, this flag should be set to Y for any users who may select a printer destination at run time.

â–ª Global print default settings should be defined in System Administration in the Global Print

Defaults screen. For further information, see

SB+ Configuration Options, on page 209 . If any groups


Auxiliary Printing require different defaults, you can set defaults from the action bar in

Security > Group Security

Setup. If further individual user defaults are required, you can set defaults from the action bar in

Security > User Security Setup.

â–ª If the DEFAULT.PRINTER setting is not suitable for all users, alternatives can be associated with particular ports in Admin > Printers & Terminals > Port Configure. A list of printers can be defined for an individual user from the F7 key in Security > User Security Setup. The first printer listed is the user’s default, and the user can direct reports to the nominated printers only.

Auxiliary Printing

In SB+ Server version 4, the Printer Manager was further enhanced to provide fully featured auxiliary printing, especially in situations in which SBClient is used. The new functionality added most of the existing System Printing features to the auxiliary print interface, plus some SBClient-specific features.

The following functionality is available with the Printer Manager:

â–ª Comprehensive system for setting of default auxiliary printer.

â–ª Options for Display Aux Select Screen Flag of the /USER.FLAGS process.

â–ª Selection of the printer and stationery at run time and additional print output options for users of

SBClient version 4 and later.

â–ª Assignment of the auxiliary print parameters to individual reports.

â–ª Use of printer setup sequences specified on printer class and physical printer definition records.

â–ª Logical Printer Definition to provide full use of Microsoft Windows print interface.

â–ª Ability to set the stationery’s number of rows at run time.

Setting the Default Auxiliary Printer

Setting the default auxiliary printer for the SB session is very similar to setting the defaults for the system printer.

On initial logon, the auxiliary printer default is checked in the

User Security Term/Printer Setup

screen (F7 in SEC.USER.SETUP). If the word ASK is present, the user is prompted for a Physical Printer name. If a list is present, the user is prompted and the '*' help list contains the names specified in the

User Security Term/Printer Setup screen.

If the word ASK is specified in

Port Configure screen (TERM.CONFIG process, F9 subscreen), the user is prompted for the Physical Printer name. Any valid physical printer is accepted.

If the multilist of Physical Printer names is present in

Port Configure screen (TERM.CONFIG process,

F9 subscreen), the user is prompted for the physical printer and the '*' help list contains the names specified in the list.

User-specific print defaults can be set in the

User Security screen (SEC.USER.SETUP process) using the

Aux Defaults option on the action bar (F10). On this screen, the system administrator can specify the physical printer name and stationery type to be used.


Appendix B: Printer Management

Group-specific print defaults can be set in the

Group Security screen (SEC.GROUP.SETUP process) using the

Aux Defaults option of the action bar (F10). On this screen, the system administrator can specify the physical printer name and stationery type to be used. The details entered here apply to the whole group.

Global print defaults can be set in the System Administration account (SB+ or SB on some platforms) from the

Admin > SB+ Setup > SB+ Configuration Options > Global Print Defaults option (process

SYS.PRINT.DEFAULT). The system administrator can specify physical printer name and stationery type to be used.



If none of the above is present, the physical printer DEFAULT.PRINTER is used. The default (first) stationery type is retrieved from the Physical Printer definition record.

Note: The process CHANGE.AUX.PRINTER can be used to change the current default auxiliary printer for the session.

Use the Display Aux Select flag to determine whether a user is prompted for output details when output is directed to an auxiliary printer. You can find this flag on the User Flags screen or on the

Custom tab of the User Security Setup screen.

The available settings for Display Aux Select are as follows:

Selecting a Printer and Stationery at Run Time


Table 198: Auxiliary Prompt Options






Always display the SB Print Selection screen.

This option prompts the user for the output details every time that the output is directed to auxiliary print device.

Never display the SB Print Selection screen.

This option bypasses the screen and uses default auxiliary output details as determined at logon.

Display the Windows Print Setup screen only.

The Windows Print Setup dialog box allows the user to select any printer connected to the network. For the XUI clients, the default Windows printer is set at Control Panel → Devices and Printers. For SBClient, the default printer is the one set in session setup.

Note: The W option is enabled in SBClient version 4 and later, and in the XUI clients at version

6.3.0. If SBClient 4 is not detected or if the user is using a dumb terminal, this option behaves like

Y option; the user is prompted for the output details.

Selecting a Printer and Stationery at Run Time

When the report is run and auxiliary output selected, the setting of the user flag is checked and appropriate action taken.

The user flag setting of N uses the current session settings for the auxiliary printer, it does not display

Print Selection screen.

The setting of Y invokes the AUX.SELECT process and allows selection of printer and stationery:

Table 199: Function Keys

Function Key

F5 - Print Options


This key invokes 'Print Options' option of the SBClient

File menu. The screen allows users to set various print formatting parameters. For more details, see your SBClient documentation.


Appendix B: Printer Management

Function Key

F6 - Print Setup


Here the user can select the target Windows printer. The presented screen is common Windows Print Setup screen. This option is the same one as

SBClient's Print Setup option on the file menu.


Note: If you change any of the SBClient print settings and then save the session settings, the newly selected options become your default options.

Above processes (Print Options and Print Setup) require SBClient 4 to be used. If the processes are invoked from an older version of SBClient or dumb terminal, the message “MAY ONLY BE RUN FROM

SBCLIENT” is displayed.

Assignment of the Auxiliary Print Parameters to Individual Reports

You can set the auxiliary output parameters specifically for individual reports through the

PD.RD.ADDIT.AUX process.

This process is accessed from the PD.R screen, F9 - Additional Report Parameters, F5 - Aux Parameters.


The parameters entered here overwrite any other option set via other print default screens and processes. The value of the Disp Aux Sel Screen flag in this case can be one of the following:

Table 200: Auxiliary Printer Parameters






Always display the SB Print Selection screen.

Never display the SB Print Selection screen.

Display the Windows Print Setup Screen only.

Use of Printer Setup/Escape Sequences

Any specific printer setup sequences defined for physical printer and printer class definitions (set, reset, orientation, printer start, and printer stop sequences) will be sent to the auxiliary output before/ after the print job.

These sequences are normally used to select the appropriate physical printer settings like page length and orientation before the job is printed and to reset the printer after.

Logical Printer Definition Provides Full Use of Windows Print Interface

Logical Printer Definition Provides Full Use of Windows Print Interface

For SBClient users, the physical printer definition LOGICAL.PRINTER (of class LOGICAL.CLASS) greatly simplifies printer setup and does not require entry of true escape sequences in Physical Printer/Printer

Class definition screens. SBClient/SBDesktop translates all printer/font sequences for this class at run time to the appropriate sequences suitable for Windows print drivers.

The idea behind this concept is that the user need only specify LOGICAL.PRINTER as the auxiliary printer type and not set up the appropriate class and escape sequences. In SBClient print options

(File:Print Options from SBClient menu or F5 - Print Options from SB

Print Select screen), select the

Use Windows Print Drivers check box. This is required for Logical Printer to work correctly. If that option is not selected, the printer works in pass-through mode, where all of the characters (including escape and graphic sequences) are sent directly to the printer.

Auto Stationery Setting

The auxiliary print interface in SB has the capability to automatically determine number of lines (page size) when printing via SBClient. This eliminates the need for predefined stationery in Printer Manager.

If the user is using Windows print drivers and auxiliary printing, the number of lines is calculated according to paper size, orientation, and SBClient printer font.

To enable this feature, the physical printer LOGICAL.PRINTER must be used when output is directed to

Auxiliary port. Also, Windows Print Drivers option in File:Print Options must be selected.

This functionality is turned off by default. To enable it, edit the SB.CONTROL item in DMCONT file and set the value <34,6> to 1.

Note: If the report definitions contains preassigned stationery (via Addit:Aux Parameters in PD.R/

PD.E), the 'auto stationery' feature does not apply. In that case, the number of lines is determined by the stationery attached to the report process definition.

Logical Printer Escape Sequences

Note: ESC is used to represent CHAR(27).

Escape sequence









Turns ON compressed mode printing. This causes a font point size to be selected that will allow 132 characters to be printed across a page using the full paper width. Note that the point size used here assumes a fixed pitch font so selecting a variable pitch font could cause the text to not reach the edge of the page or even run off the right edge.

Turns OFF compressed mode printing. This causes a font point size to be selected that will allow 80 characters to be printed across a page using the full paper width.

Selects a font that will allow nn columns to be printed across a page. Note that using ESC_PW132 and ESC_PW80 are equivalent to ESC_P8+ and

ESC_P8- respectively.

Selects a font that will allow nn rows to be printed across a page.

Turns underlined printing ON. If the specified font that is being used does not support underline then this has no effect.

Turns underlined printing OFF.

Turns italic printing ON. If the specified font that is being used does not support italic then this has no effect.


Appendix B: Printer Management

Escape sequence









Turns italic printing OFF.

Turns bold printing ON.

Turns bold printing OFF.

Turns reverse video printing ON. Reverse video is where the background is shown in black and the text as white.

Turns reverse video OFF.

This sequence selects a font with the font family name specified between the quotation marks "".

Turns pass-through mode ON. Turning pass-through mode on means that all text until an ESC_PP- or ESC_PR is encountered is sent directly to the printer without being interpreted by the print program. This allows existing reports or print jobs that use some if the more complicated printer escape sequences to still be used.

Note: Not all printer drivers support pass-through printing.

Turns pass-through mode OFF.

Resets all printer settings.




Note: Any one escape sequence may contain a number of individual sequences. For example, the following sequence selects a compressed bold reverse video font:


Use of Auxiliary Printer in User Subroutines and Processes

The program SH.PRINT.MANAGER controls all printing functions in the SB Print Manager. The calls to

SH.PRINT.MANAGER can be included in user subroutines and process, to set and reset auxiliary printer parameters.

The following is example of the call from user subroutines:







is the report type assigned to the report.


is the name of the physical printer as defined in SB.


is the name of the stationery attached to the printer.


overrides the current Display Aux Select Screen setting in the user security setup (or the /USER.FLAGS process).

The following call should be used to reset the default auxiliary printer settings to the previous state:


Using the EXEC command, you can call the Printer Manager from paragraphs. In this case, you must use the comma delimited parameter form. The following example illustrates the method:



Auxiliary Print Interface Improvements




FOR I = 1 TO 10




Notice the use of the S parameter. This parameter displays the user defaults, if the User Security Setup screen display flag is set to Y. This is the non-report mode of calling SH.PRINT.MANAGER. In this mode, report parameters REPORT.TYPE and PRINT.SEL.FLAG are not tested. You can use the syntax shown above in the User Subroutine calls as well.

Auxiliary Print Interface Improvements

At SB+ Server version 5, auxiliary printing was improved to automatically determine the number of lines to use when printing via SBClient.

This eliminated the need for predefined stationery in Printer Manager. If a user is using Windows print drivers and auxiliary printing, the number of lines are calculated according to paper size, orientation, and SBClient printer font.

To enable this feature, the physical printer LOGICAL.PRINTER must be used when output is directed to the auxiliary port. Also, the Windows Print Drivers option in

File > Print Options must be selected.

This functionality is turned off by default. To enable it, edit the SB.CONTROL item in DMCONT file and set the value <34,6> to 1.

Note that if a report has stationery preassigned via Addit:Aux Parameters in PD.R/PD.E, the auto stationery feature does not apply. In that case, the number of lines is determined by the stationery attached to the report process definition.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters

This appendix contains information on the set of parameters used to define the manner in which SB/

XA processes information and presents it in screens and reports. These parameters enable the system administrator to customize the behaviors of SB/XA.

About SB Control Parameters

Many behaviors of SB/XA are preferences stored in SB.CONTROL records. The parameters are set to standard default values when the product is shipped. The system administrator can change the value of most parameters by entering information in the SB Control Parameters screen.

The SB Control Parameters screen is accessed by choosing

Admin > SB+ Setup > SB+ Control

Parameters or by entering

/SB.PARMS in any field.

For more information about the settings on the SB Control Parameters screen, see SB+ Control

Parameters, on page 168 .

The settings for these parameters apply to the installation of a specific version of SB/XA installed on a single server. For example, the settings in the DMCONT file for SB/XA Application Server 6.1.0

installed on the server ‘americas’ apply only to that installation of the product. These preferences can be changed at any time to customize the implementation of SB/XA.

All SB.CONTROL records are stored in the DMCONT file. The file is organized into attribute groups and values within the attribute groups. Each parameter has an attribute number and may also have a value number.

â–ª If a parameter has no related parameters, it is assigned an attribute number only.

For example, SB.CONTROL <5> has an attribute number only. There are no other parameters related to the prompt line.

â–ª If a group of parameters share a common characteristic, they are assigned the same attribute number. Each parameter within the attribute group is assigned a unique value number that corresponds to the position in which the value is stored within the attribute group.

For example, SB.CONTROL <15.6> is assigned attribute 15 for the group of GUI parameters. It is assigned the unique value number 6 for the position in which the value of the No Refresh parameter is stored within this group.

When you alter SB Control Parameters, the associated

DMCONT record is locked until you save your changes.


This section describes the purpose of each SB.CONTROL record used to define a processing option used by SB. If applicable, it also lists the valid settings and their descriptions.


The key (or item ID) for the master SB.CONTROL record in the DMCONT file.


The delay in milliseconds before checking database function SYSTEM(14).

Valid settings are:



Table 201: SYSTEM(14) Delay Settings




(integer 1 or greater)


No delay before checking SYSTEM(14).

The number of milliseconds delay before checking SYSTEM(14).

For UniData, the default setting is 50.

For UniVerse, the default setting is 1.


Indicates whether users’ screens are to be translated to a language other than the system default language. The Language Code must also be set for each user in /USER.FLAGS, and translation in the selected language must be set up for screens.

Valid settings are:

Table 202: Other Language Settings





No, do not use other language. This is the default setting.

Yes, use other language.


Specifies the horizontal position of dialog box titles. The title of a dialog box can be either left-justified or centered within the title bar at the top of the dialog box.

Valid settings are:

Table 203: Dialog Box Title Settings





Left-justify dialog box titles. This is the default setting.

Center dialog box titles.


Specifies the line number on which the prompt appears on the screen.

Valid settings are:

Table 204: Dialog Box Title Settings



 (1 or greater, up to maximum number of lines on the screen in the terminal definition)


The line number of the prompt on the screen.

For UniData on UNIX and Windows, the default setting is L1.

For UniVerse on UNIX, the default setting is L1.

For UniVerse on Windows, the default setting is 22, which is the bottom line of the screen in VT220 and WYSE60 terminal definitions.


Specifies the line number on which the error message appears on the screen.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters

Valid settings are:

Table 205: Dialog Box Title Settings



 (1 or greater, up to maximum number of lines on the screen in the terminal definition)


The line number of the error message on the screen.

For UniData on UNIX and Windows, the default setting is L1.

For UniVerse on UNIX, the default setting is L1.

For UniVerse on Windows, the default setting is 22, which is the bottom line of the screen in VT220 and WYSE60 terminal definitions.


Specifies the line number on which the help reminder appears on the screen.

Valid settings are:

Table 206: Dialog Box Title Settings



 (1 or greater, up to maximum number of lines on the screen in the terminal definition)


The line number of the help reminder on the screen.

For UniData on UNIX and Windows, the default setting is L1.

For UniVerse on UNIX, the default setting is L1.

For UniVerse on Windows, the default setting is 22, which is the bottom line of the screen in VT220 and WYSE60 terminal definitions.


Specifies the default for screen accept prompts displayed within the Screen Definition tool. For more information on the Screen Definition tool, see the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual.

Valid settings are:

Table 207: Screen Accept Prompt Settings





The default for all screen accept prompts is to be No.

The default for all screen accept prompts displayed within the Screen

Definition tool is to be Yes.

You can override this value for any screen.


Specifies the maximum number of processes that a user can run simultaneously before SB/XA issues a warning message.

The default setting is 30. This should be an adequate number of processes in any situation, and we recommend that you not increase this number. However, the setting can be the maximum number of simultaneous processes supported by the database.


Indicates the database on which SB/XA is running.



This control is set when you load SB/XA on the server. The setting may be either of the following:

Table 208: Database Settings








Currently not in use.


This flag specifies whether the Field Description is to be converted to mixed case.

In the Field Definitions screen, the Field Name is displayed in the case in which it is entered. Field

Description is based on Field Name; the content is the same as the Field Name, but the text can remain in the case in which it was entered in Field Name or it can be converted to mixed case (initial capital letters and lowercase).

Valid settings are:

Table 209: Field Description Case Settings





No, do not convert the Field Description to mixed case. Use the same case as the Field Name.

Yes, convert the Field Description to mixed case. This is the default setting.


This flag specifies whether DISP 2 and DISP 3 convert the message to uppercase when displayed at run time.

Valid settings are:

Table 210: DISP 2 and 3 Message Display Settings





No, display the message as it was programmed. This is the default setting.

Yes, convert the message to uppercase.


Currently not in use.


Currently not in use.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters


Currently not in use.


Currently not in use.


Currently not in use.


Currently not in use.


Currently not in use.


Specifies the maximum size of a record, expressed as the maximum number of characters per record.

Valid settings are:

Table 211: Maximum Record Size Settings





Unlimited record size.

The maximum number of characters per record. For example, a value of

32256 limits the record size to 32,256 characters.


When a selection process is run as intuitive help, this setting specifies whether the intuitive help displays the available function key options.

Valid settings are:

Table 212: Function Keys in Intuitive Help Settings





No, do not display function key options in intuitive help.

Yes, display function key options in intuitive help. This is the default setting.


Specifies whether Btree routines used by the database operating environment to perform indexing functions are also to be used in SB.

Valid settings are:



Table 213: Btree Routine Settings





No, do not use the database operating environment’s Btree routines.

This is the default setting.

Yes, use the database operating environment’s Btree routines.


Specifies whether to inhibit the ability of function keys other than F2 to invoke the auto-accept function in the current field in a screen.

Valid settings are:

Table 214: Inhibit Auto-Accept Settings





Do not inhibit the ability of function keys other than F2 to invoke the auto-accept function in the current field. This is the default setting.

Inhibit the ability of function keys other than F2 to invoke the autoaccept function in the current field.


Specifies whether pressing F2 in a dependent field in a grid saves the record.

Valid settings are:

Table 215: Behavior of F2 in Dependent Field Settings





Pressing F2 in a dependent field in a grid saves the record. This is the default setting.

Pressing F2 in a dependent field in a grid does not save the record.


Specifies the method used to reset the input value after field validation has failed. The input value is normally the value that the user types when editing the field; however, in some cases the input value may be changed during the validation process.

Valid settings are:

Table 216: Reset Input Value Settings






Do not reset the input value. (Display the input value exactly as the user entered it.) This is the default setting.

Reset the input value to the original value that was displayed in the field before it was edited.

Reset the input value to the value displayed in the field after the validation routine has run.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters


This setting determines the behavior of the interface after the user presses ESC or F2 (Save) in subscreens in GUI mode.

Valid settings are:

Table 217: Subscreen Behavior Settings





After the user presses ESC or F2 (Save) in a GUI subscreen, the form is destroyed (the subscreen closes). This is the default setting.

After the user presses ESC or F2 (Save) in a GUI subscreen, the form is not destroyed (the subscreen remains open).


Specifies whether to include HELP_STRING when building GUI drivers. Because HELP_STRING stores

ToolTips data, this setting effectively switches ToolTips on or off.

Valid settings are:

Table 218: HELP_STRING Settings





Use HELP_STRING. ToolTips are switched on. This is the default setting.

Do not use HELP_STRING. ToolTips are switched off.


Indicates whether to enable the functionality of auto-accepting a field when the cursor is placed in the field and the user presses a standard edit key or initiates an Activate, Menu, ActiveX, or SBCom GUI event.

The standard edit keys are keys with decimal character values 31-99. They include function keys

F1-F10 and other keys. For a list of edit key decimal character values and their corresponding key

names, see Edit keys, on page 338 .

Valid settings are:

Table 219: Auto-Accept Field on Standard Edit Key/GUI Event Settings





Enable the auto-accept field feature for standard edit keys and GUI events. This is the default setting.

Disable the auto-accept field feature for standard edit keys and GUI events.


Specifies the format used in all messages, including warning messages, error messages, and dialog box messages.



â–ª The expanded message format provides information about the SB/XA process that generated the message. This information helps U2 Technical Support track the cause of the message and resolve problems more quickly.

In expanded format, additional details for the message can be accessed by pressing F3. Details include the error code and the content of two COMMON variables: MAINFILE and KEY.

â–ª The standard message format does not include information on the SB/XA process that generated the message.

Valid settings are:

Table 220: Message Format Settings





Use the standard format in all messages. This is the default setting.

Use the expanded message format in all messages.


Specifies whether to include all SB remote processes in the count of SB/XA licenses consumed.

Valid settings are:

Table 221: Count All Remote Processes Settings





Include all SB remote processes in the count of SB/XA licenses consumed.

Exclude background processes from the count of SB/XA licenses consumed.


This setting controls the manner in which a grid is refreshed after the user deletes or inserts a line in the grid.

Valid settings are:

Table 222: Grid Refresh Settings





The line is deleted or inserted and the remainder of the grid is repainted by moving the existing data up or down. This is the default setting.

The server resends all data in the entire grid. This refresh method can be time-consuming in large grids.


Indicates whether to disable the functionality of auto-accepting a field when the cursor is placed in the field and the user presses an edit key that you have specified in this list.

Valid settings are:


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters

Table 223: Auto-Accept Field on TAB/User-Specified Edit Key Settings


null comma-delimited list of edit key numbers


Enable the auto-accept field feature for edit keys. This is the default setting.

Disable the auto-accept field feature for the specified edit keys.

For example, you can disable auto-accept for the TAB and

BACKTAB keys by entering 22,25 for this parameter.

For a list of edit key decimal character values and their corresponding key names, see

Edit keys, on page 338 .


Specifies whether grid columns are ordered by the sequence in which they appear in the SB Form

Painter (from left to right/top to bottom) or by position, as specified at the

Pos prompt in the

Resequence Fields dialog box.

Valid settings are:

Table 224: Column Order Settings





Columns are ordered by the sequence in which they appear in the SB

Form Painter. This is the default setting.

Columns are ordered by position, as specified in Resequence Fields.


Specifies whether to suppress conversion of input from lowercase to uppercase characters in dialog boxes.

Valid settings are:

Table 225: Suppress Conversion of Input Settings





Convert input to uppercase in dialog boxes.

Suppress conversion of input to uppercase in dialog boxes.


Allow auto logon at the SB/XA Application Server level. Note that if auto logon is allowed at the SB/XA

Application Server level, it can still be disallowed for specific users in User Security Setup.

Valid settings are:

Table 226: Auto Logon Settings





No, do not allow auto logon. This is the default setting.

Yes, allow auto logon.




Enables you to choose the e-mail process for notification of changes made through the security API


Valid settings are:

Table 227: Security API Settings


Null or 0





Do not allow Security API. This is the default setting.

Allow security API; notify ROOT users via SB/XA message system.

Allow security API; do not notify ROOT users via SB/XA message system.

Allow security API; call process ABC to notify other users.


Provides the option of displaying a message that prompts users to enclose the record key in single quotation marks within SELECT statements in the Intuitive Help slot of a field definition.

Valid settings are:

Table 228: Single Quotation Marks Message Settings


Null or 0



Do not display a message if the user encloses a record key in double quotation marks in this situation. This is the default setting.

Display the message “Single quotes should be used to indicate a key in a select statement” if the user encloses a record key (@ID) in double quotation marks in this situation.


Indicates whether to use Common User Access (CUA) arrow movement.

Valid settings are:

Table 229: CUA Arrow Movement Settings





No, do not use CUA arrow movement. This is the default setting.

Yes, use CUA arrow movement.


Currently not in use.


Sets the maximum number of milliseconds between clicks in the mouse double-click, at the system level.

The default setting is 1000.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters









Specifies the date conversion code used by default in field definitions in the system. When the developer defines a date field in Field Definitions, this date conversion code is displayed by default; however, the developer can assign a different date conversion code to the field.

Valid settings are:

Table 230: Date Conversion Settings






DD MMM YYYY Example: 30 NOV 2005

DD.MM.YYYY if system uses International dates. Example: 30.11.2005

MM.DD.YYYY if using American dates. Example: 11.30.2005

DD/MM/YYYY if system uses International dates. Example: 30/11/2005

MM/DD/YYYY if system uses American dates. Example: 11/30/2005

This is the default setting.

DD MMM Example: 30 NOV

DD Example: 30

MM Example: 11

YYYY Example: 2005

MMM Example: NOV

Day of week (numeric) Example: 5 (for Friday)

Day of week (alpha) Example: FRI (for Friday)

Note: Date conversion codes commonly used before Y2K are still accepted, but are not available in the selection list for this parameter in SB+ Control Parameters.


Specifies the money conversion code used by default in field definitions in the system. When the developer defines a monetary field in Field Definitions, this money conversion code is displayed by default; however, the developer can assign a different money conversion code to the field.

Valid settings are:

Table 231: Money Conversion Settings






No default money conversion code is displayed in Field Definitions. This is the default setting.

Display this code by default in Field Definitions. MR22 performs the following money conversion:

If raw data is 12345678, display123456.78

Display this code by default in Field Definitions. MR2,$ performs the following money conversion:

If raw data is 12345678, display $123,456.78

If raw data is -12345678, display -$123,456.78










Display this code by default in Field Definitions. MR4 performs the following money conversion:

If raw data is 12345678, display 1234.5678

Display this code by default in Field Definitions. MR4,$ performs the following money conversion:

If raw data is 12345678, display $1234.5678

Display this code by default in Field Definitions. MR2,D$ performs the following money conversion:

If raw data is 12345678, display $123,456.78DB

Display this code by default in Field Definitions. MR2,C$ performs the following money conversion:

If raw data is 12345678, display $123,456.78

If raw data is -12345678, display $123,456.78CR

Display this code by default in Field Definitions. MR2,E$ performs the following money conversion:

If raw data is 12345678, display $123,456.78

If raw data is -12345678, display $<123,456.78>


Note: Examples in this table use the dollar sign ($), but the monetary symbol can be changed at the system level.


Specifies the process to be called as the default ‘Process at Set COMMON.’ The SET.COMMON process sets COMMON variables for a System ID when the system is initiated. SET.COMMON calls the specified process by default during its routine.

The default process name is null, which means no process is called by SET.COMMON. You can change the setting to a process name.


Specifies the default name for the field template file that is used when a system is created. The field template file name is placed in attribute 6 of the PARAMS item in the xxCONTROL file, where xx is the system code. When a field definition is displayed, it can be copied into the field template file by pressing F6. When creating new files, field definitions can be retrieved from the field template file by pressing F6 when the field definition is empty. The user is prompted for the name of the field definition to retrieve; F3 retrieves a list of field definitions from which to select.

The default file name is null, which means the field template file name is not specified. You can change the setting to a file name.


Specifies the initial version number assigned by default to a system when it is created. The default version number is placed in attribute 10 of the PARAMS item in the xxCONTROL file, where xx is the system code. This version number is part of the Revision Control attribute that is updated


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters automatically every time a developer creates or changes an SB item (any item available from the SB

Tools menu).

The default version number is null. You can change the setting to an initial version number.


Specifies the process to be run by default when the user returns to System Builder from the operating system.

The default process name is null, which means no process is run by default on return from the operating system. You can change the setting to a process name.


Specifies the process to be run by default in System Builder before executing a CHAIN command in the database.

The default setting is null, which means no process is run by default before CHAINing. You can change the setting to a process name.


Specifies the default file name for the global process file. The global process file stores definitions for

System Builder processes that can be run globally, on multiple systems.

The default setting is null, which means the global process file name is not specified. You can change the setting to a file name.


Specifies the default file name for the global menus file. The global menus file stores definitions of menus that can be used globally, on multiple systems.

The default setting is null, which means the global menus file name is not specified. You can change the setting to a file name.


Specifies the default file name for the global help file. The global help file defines help that can be used globally, on multiple systems.

The default setting is null, which means the global help file name is not specified. You can change the setting to a file name.


Specifies the default file name for the global definitions file. The global definitions file stores definitions for the following items for use globally, on multiple systems:

â–ª Button bars

â–ª Code tables

â–ª Function key sets

â–ª Job schedules

â–ª Spreadsheet transfers

The default setting is null, which means the global definitions file name is not specified. You can change the setting to a file name.




Specifies the default file name for the global dictionary file. The global dictionary file stores dictionary definitions shared by multiple files. The definitions are the same in each file that uses them.

The default file name is null, which means a global definitions file is not specified. You can change the setting to a file name.


Currently not in use.


Specifies whether GUI mode is enabled at the SB/XA Application Server level.

Valid settings are:

Table 232: GUI Mode Settings





No, disable GUI mode. This is the default setting.

Yes, enable GUI mode.


Specifies the GUI default set (GDS) of attributes and values for screens to be used as the default at the SB/XA Application Server level. When creating a new system, the name of the specified GDS is displayed by default at the

GUI Screen Defaults prompt in SB Control Parameters; however, the developer can assign a different GDS to the new system.

The default setting is null, which means the SB/XA default GDS for screens (the SCREEN.GUIDEFS item in the DMCONT file) is used when creating a new system. You can change the setting to the name of an existing GDS.


Specifies the GUI default set (GDS) of attributes and values for menus to be used as the default at the SB/XA Application Server level. When creating a new system, the name of the specified GDS is displayed by default at the GUI Menu Defaults prompt in SB Control Parameters; however, the developer can assign a different GDS to the new system.

The default setting is null, which means the SB/XA default GDS for menus (the MENU.GUIDEFS item in the DMCONT file) is used when creating a new system. You can change the setting to the name of an existing GDS.


Specifies the GUI default set (GDS) of attributes and values for help to be used as the default at the SB/

XA Application Server level. When creating a new system, the name of the specified GDS is displayed by default at the

GUI Help Defaults prompt in SB Control Parameters; however, the developer can assign a different GDS to the new system.

The default setting is null, which means the SB/XA default GDS for help (the HELP.GUIDEFS item in the DMCONT file) is used when creating a new system. You can change the setting to the name of an existing GDS.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters


Specifies the GUI default set (GDS) of attributes and values for dialog boxes to be used as the default at the SB/XA Application Server level. When creating a new system, the name of the specified GDS is displayed by default at the

GUI Dialog Defaults prompt in SB Control Parameters; however, the developer can assign a different GDS to the new system.

The default setting is null, which means the SB/XA default GDS for dialog boxes (the DIALOG.GUIDEFS

item in the DMCONT file) is used when creating a new system. You can change the setting to the name of an existing GDS.


Specifies the GUI default set (GDS) of attributes and values for errors to be used as the default at the SB/XA Application Server level. When creating a new system, the name of the specified GDS is displayed by default at the GUI Error Defaults prompt in SB Control Parameters; however, the developer can assign a different GDS to the new system.

The default setting is null, which means the SB/XA default GDS for errors (the ERROR.GUIDEFS item in the DMCONT file) is used when creating a new system. You can change the setting to the name of an existing GDS.


Specifies the GUI default set (GDS) of attributes and values for lookups to be used as the default at the SB/XA Application Server level. When creating a new system, the name of the specified GDS is displayed by default at the

GUI Lookup Defaults prompt in SB Control Parameters; however, the developer can assign a different GDS to the new system.

The default setting is null, which means the SB/XA default GDS for lookups (the LOOKUP.GUIDEFS item in the DMCONT file) is used when creating a new system. You can change the setting to the name of an existing GDS.


Specifies the GUI default set (GDS) of attributes and values for prompts to be used as the default at the SB/XA Application Server level. When creating a new system, the name of the specified GDS is displayed by default at the GUI Prompt Defaults prompt in SB Control Parameters; however, the developer can assign a different GDS to the new system.

The default setting is null, which means the SB/XA default GDS for prompts (the PROMPT.GUIDEFS

item in the DMCONT file) is used when creating a new system. You can change the setting to the name of an existing GDS.


Specifies a process to be run by default before executing any / process call.

The default setting is null, which means no process runs by default before executing a / process call.

You can change the setting to a process name. If you enter a process name that does not currently exist, SB/XA issues a warning, and you can create the process later.


Specifies a custom version control process to be executed by default before the SB/XA version control process runs at all hook points.

The default setting is null, which means no custom version control process is executed by default before the SB/XA version control process. You can change the setting to a process name. If you enter


SB.CONTROL Records a process name that does not currently exist, SB/XA issues a warning, and you can create the process later.


Specifies the GUI default set (GDS) of attributes and values for the character emulation object (CEO) used as the default at the SB/XA Application Server level. When creating a new system, the name of the specified GDS is displayed by default at the GUI CEO Defaults prompt in SB Control Parameters; however, the developer can assign a different GDS to the new system.

The default setting is null, which means the SB/XA default GUI CEO (the CEO.GUIDEFS item in the

DMCONT file) is used when creating a new system. You can specify the name of an existing GDS.


Indicates whether to add scrollbars to GUI form drivers.

Valid settings are:

Table 233: Scrollbars in GUI Form Driver Settings





No, do not add scrollbars to GUI form drivers. This is the default setting.

Yes, add scrollbars to GUI form drivers. With this setting, the developer has the option of creating GUI screens with scrollbars.


Specifies whether to use tabfolders to display GUI linked screens.

Valid settings are:

Table 234: Tabfolder for GUI Linked Screens Settings





No, do not use tabfolders for GUI linked screens. Linked screens are displayed one after another in linked order. This is the default setting.

Yes, use tabfolders for GUI linked screens. Linked screens are displayed as tabbed pages of a single screen.


Specifies whether to display multivalued attributes in a grid.

Valid settings are:

Table 235: Grid Style Settings





No, use standard style. Multivalues are displayed in separate fields. This is the default setting.

Yes, use ActiveX grid style. Multivalues are displayed in columns within a group box.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters





Specifies the GUI menu navigation method at the SB/XA Application Server level. You can set a different method at the system level or for a specific user.

Valid settings are:

Table 236: Self-Contained Forms Settings





M navigation method: MainWin.

EM navigation method: SBExplorer (SBX) with MainWin. This is the default setting.

EN navigation method: SBExplorer (SBX) with no MainWin.

N navigation method: No MainWin.

SBExplorer with MainWin in SB/XA Browser Client and SB/XA Rich Client; otherwise, the same as navigation method M (menus on MainWin) in



Specifies whether to use GUI self-contained forms. A self-contained form has a status line and may also have its own toolbar.

Valid settings are:

Table 237: Self-Contained Forms Settings





No, do not use GUI self-contained forms. This is the default setting.

Yes, use GUI self-contained forms.


Specifies the name of a custom process to be run by default instead of chaining SB.SYSMENU if using

GUI mode and the N (No Mainwin) menu navigation method.

The default setting is null, which means no custom process is run by default. You can change the setting to a custom process name.


Specifies the GUI default set (GDS) of attributes and values for HTML pages used as the default at the SB/XA Application Server level. When creating a new system, the name of the specified GDS is displayed by default at the GUI HTML Defaults prompt in SB Control Parameters; however, the developer can assign a different HTML GDS to the new system.

The default setting is null, which means the SB/XA default GDS for HTML (the HTML.GUIDEFS item in the DMCONT file) is used when creating a new system. You can specify the name of an existing GDS to use as the default.


Specifies whether to disable display of the Tools branch in the SBExplorer (SBX) pane.

Valid settings are:



Table 238: SBX Tools Branch Settings





No, enable SBX Tools branch.

Yes, disable SBX Tools branch. This is the default setting.


Specifies whether to disable display of the General Help branch in the SBExplorer (SBX) pane.

Valid settings are:

Table 239: SBX Help Branch Settings





No, enable SBX General Help branch.

Yes, disable SBX General Help branch. This is the default setting.


Specifies whether to disable display of the Readme branch in the SBExplorer (SBX) pane.

Valid settings are:

Table 240: SBX Help Readme Branch Settings





No, enable SBX Readme branch.

Yes, disable SBX Readme branch. This is the default setting.


Specifies whether multiple system IDs are allowed in SBExplorer (SBX).

Valid settings are:

Table 241: SBX Multiple System IDs Settings





No, do not allow the use of multiple system IDs in SBX. This is the default setting.

Yes, allow the use of multiple system IDs in SBX.


Specifies whether to load the theme on calls to the SYS command, which changes to a different system


Valid settings are:

Table 242: Load Them e on SYS Call Settings


0 or empty



Load the theme along with a list of available themes. This is the default setting.

Do not load the theme, but load the list of available themes.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters




Do not load the theme or the list of available themes.


Specifies whether to download images automatically.

Valid settings are:

Table 243: Auto Download Image Settings





No, server does not download images automatically. The application is responsible for downloading themes.

Yes, server downloads images automatically.


Specifies the date format at the SB/XA Application Server level. The date format is set during installation of SB/XA when you license the product on the server.

Valid settings are:

Table 244: Date Format Settings








Indicates the path of the directory in which UniData or UniVerse is installed. The path is set automatically during installation of SB/XA when the installation program detects the path of the database. If you later move the database to a different path, the new path can be specified here.


Specifies the delimiter character used when SB/XA constructs a pathname.

The delimiter can be any separator character, such as one of the following:

Table 245: Examples of Delimiter Character in Pathname







Forward slash

Example:  C:/U2/SBClient


Example: C:\U2\SBClient

Right angle bracket

Example:  C:>U2>SBClient

Dot (period)

Example:  C:.U2.SBClient




UNIX only. Specifies the name of the UNIX group to be stamped on files generated during the process of creating a new system.

The default setting is sb. The setting is then populated with the group name of the user who sets up

SB. You can change this to another UNIX group name.


UNIX only. Specifies the umask used to set the read, write, and execute permissions for user, group, and other in files generated during the process of creating a new system.

The initial default setting is 007. The setting is then populated automatically with the umask of the user who sets up SB/XA (for example, 777 or 057). You can change this to another valid three-digit umask.


UNIX only. Specifies the maximum number of characters in a UNIX file name/directory name.

The default setting is 255. You can change the setting to a numeric value, up to a maximum of 999.


Specifies the decimal character value for the ENTER key.

The default value is 13 for Windows or 10 for UNIX. You can change this to the decimal character value for the ENTER key as defined in the terminal definition.


Specifies the decimal character value for the Backspace key.

The default value is 8. You can change this to the decimal character value for the Backspace key as defined in the terminal definition.


Specifies whether the in-key test is to be delayed if INKEY is set to 1 in SB.LICENCE. This parameter is used to work around an incompatibility with Smart ARNET cards, which do not read the SB/XA in-key status correctly.

Valid settings are:

Table 246: In-Key Test Settings





No, do not delay the in-key test. This is the default setting.

Yes, delay the in-key test.


Specifies the character used to call a process from any input prompt in any SB screen.

The default setting is ’/’. You can specify a different character; however, note that if a user types this character in the first position at any input prompt, it is interpreted as an SB process call.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters


Specifies the character used to call Help from any input prompt in any SB screen.

The default setting is ’?’. You can specify a different character; however, note that if a user types this character in the first position at any input prompt, it is interpreted as an SB Help call.


Specifies the character used to delete the contents of a field in any SB screen.

The default setting is ‘\’. You can specify a different character; however, note that if a user types this character in the first position at any input prompt, it is interpreted as an SB delete call.


Specifies the name of the SB/XA host machine, which is the server on which SB/XA is running. The host name is included in form names; this makes each form name unique even if similar forms have the same root name on different servers.

The default value is null, which means an SB/XA host machine is not included in form names. You can specify an SB/XA Application Server name.


Specifies the GUI checksum method.

Valid settings are:

Table 247: GUI Checksum Method Settings






Use SH.ENCRYPT, UNIQUE checksum method.

SH.ENCRYPT, STANDARD checksum method.

Use the operating system’s checksum method. This is the default setting.


Indicates whether to disable use of the previous GUI menus if the current menu has no action bar.

Valid settings are:

Table 248: Disable Previous GUI Menus Settings





No, enable the previous GUI menus if the current menu has no action bar.

Yes, disable the previous GUI menus if the current menu has no action bar. This is the default setting.


Applicable to GUI only. Indicates the size of the host input buffer in bytes. This buffer sets the block size for UT.SBZ file transfers.



The default setting is 300. This setting should match the size to which the input buffer has been set on the server on which SB/XA is running. If the size of the input buffer on the SB/XA Application Server is later reset, you can change this parameter to the same value.


Applicable only if you are using SBClient. Specifies the size of the file transfer packet sent to SBClient in UT.SBZ.

The default setting is null, which means you are not sending file transfer packets to SBClient. You can change this setting to the appropriate size, if applicable.


Currently not in use.


Indicates the minimum version of SBClient required to support GUI mode.

The version is a three-digit number, formatted for use in SB.LICENCE. In SB+ Server version 5.4, the default setting is 540, which specifies SBClient 5.4.0 as the minimum version.


Specifies whether to use the extended validation feature in the screen/form painter. Extended validation checks the screen or form for the following potential problems:

â–ª The USER_DATA attribute for function key buttons contains the process name instead of the button number. (The button works, but it is treated as an independent/user-defined button, not as a function key button.)

â–ª Function keys have a process, but no description, or GUI/character descriptions differ, or GUI/ character help strings differ, or GUI/character bitmap paths differ.

â–ª Independent buttons are missing a process or description.

â–ª Internal sequence problems:

â–ª Sequence numbers are missing or duplicated.

â–ª Sequence numbers do not point to correct SCREEN field/label.

â–ª Rlated fields and labels have different sequence numbers.

â–ª Object attributes are missing or duplicated.

â–ª Internal child list/number of children of form is incorrect.

â–ª Index (field 2) does not point to the correct object.

â–ª Fonts are missing.

â–ª Character fields overlap (causing object naming problems at run time).

Valid settings are:

Table 249: Extended Checking Feature Settings





No, do not use extended validation feature in screen/form painter. This is the default setting.

Yes, use extended validation feature in screen/form painter.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters


Indicates the flavor of UNIX on which SB/XA Application Server is running.

The default setting is null. The value is then set automatically during installation of SB/XA when the installation program detects the manufacturer of the UNIX operating system. For Windows clients, the setting is Windows, indicating that this parameter is not applicable.


Specifies the action bar spacing style.

Valid settings are:

Table 250: Action Bar Spacing Method Settings




(integer 1 or greater)


Use compact spacing in the display of action bar items. This is the default setting.

Use even spacing between action bar items. The value specifies the minimum number of characters to leave at the end of the action bar line.


Specifies the number of the effect used for the action bar highlight in the terminal definition.

Valid settings are:

Table 251: Action Bar Highlight Settings







Half intensity. This is the default setting.

Reverse video.




Sets the line number on which the action bar is to be displayed on the screen.

Valid settings are:

Table 252: Action Bar Display Line Settings





Display the action bar on line 1 of the screen. This is the default setting.

Display the action bar on line 2 of the screen.


Specifies the Load Function Keys (LFK) style used in GUI mode.

Valid settings are:



Table 253: Load Function Key Settings





Use standard (old) LFK style. The LFK process loads an alternate function key set onto the current menu, and all function key buttons on the current form are de-emphasized. To re-enable the original function key buttons, the alternate function key set must be cleared (by loading function keys). The original function key buttons are then reemphasized.

If the original function key buttons include F1 and/or F3, these buttons are emphasized/de-emphasized depending on the availability of help, regardless of the action of the LFK process.

This is the default setting.

Use new LFK style. The LFK process behaves as it does in character mode: the function key buttons on the current form are replaced with new function key buttons; the original function key buttons are removed.

This functionality can be switched on by setting the

Use new LFK Style

Buttons flag in the GUI Display Defaults subscreen to Y. (To access this flag, enter

/SB.PARMS at any prompt and select the GUI Parms tab.) If this flag is not set, you can use the new functionality in any form by appending a parameter to the LFK process call. For example:



Specifies whether to adjust the form width and depth to accommodate a toolbar in cases in which the toolbar being attached to a form is larger than the form.

Valid settings are:

Table 254: Accommodate Toolbar Settings





No, do not adjust the form width and depth to accommodate the toolbar. Wrap the toolbar into as many rows and columns as required to fit on the form. This is the default setting.

Yes, adjust the form width and depth to accommodate the toolbar.


Specifies whether to use flat style buttons on fixed toolbars in GUI screens.

Valid settings are:

Table 255: Toolbar Button Style Settings





No, use older raised-style buttons on fixed toolbars.

Yes, use new flat style buttons on fixed toolbars. This is the default setting.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters


Specifies whether to use the sbpluslistviewclass object to display selection boxes in GUI mode. This object defines the look and feel of selection boxes, with fields displayed in a columnar format.

Valid settings are:

Table 256: sbpluslistviewclass Settings





No, do not use sbpluslistviewclass for selection boxes. Use the old listview style from SB+ Server version 5.4 and earlier instead.

Yes, use sbpluslistviewclass for selection boxes. This is the default setting.


Specifies whether F1 and F3 buttons on the toolbar are to be emphasized to indicate availability of help on the current input field in GUI mode (SB.GUI.INP).

Valid settings are:

Table 257: F1 and F3 Availability Settings





No, do not emphasize F1 and F3 keys to indicate availability of help on the current input field in GUI mode. This is the default setting.

Yes, emphasize F1 and F3 keys to indicate availability of help on the current input field in GUI mode.


Specifies whether to automatically convert second-level help to HTML format in GUI mode.

Valid settings are:

Table 258: Convert Second-Level Help to HTML Settings





No, do not convert second-level help to HTML format.

Yes, convert second-level help to HTML format. With this setting, secondlevel help text is automatically wrapped with HTML tags and displayed in

HTML format. This is the default setting.


Specifies the name of the process called by default to execute the action of a double-click in GUI mode.

The default setting is DCLICK.DEFAULT. You can redefine the action this process performs, or change the setting to a custom process name. If you enter a process name that does not currently exist, SB/XA issues a warning, and you can create the process later.


If an output process is associated with a screen, this parameter specifies whether OK, Prev, and Next buttons are to be added to the screen when the output process is run in GUI mode.



Valid settings are:

Table 259: Button Settings for Output Process Screens





No, do not display OK, Prev, and Next buttons on the screen. This is the default setting.

Yes, display OK, Prev, and Next buttons on the screen.


Specifies whether to finish downloading all data to ListView selections in GUI mode before passing control to the user.

Valid settings are:

Table 260: Download Data to ListView Settings





No, do not download all data before passing control to user. This is the default setting.

With this setting, the user can begin working in the ListView selection after the first page of data has been downloaded.

This setting offers better speed in the download process, but the user assumes the risk of working with incomplete data.

Yes, download all data before passing control to user.

This setting results in slower speed, but the user does not take the chance of working with incomplete data.


Specifies whether to display a page indicator (such as 1/1 or 1/2) on the status line in GUI screens containing multivalued grids.

Valid settings are:

Table 261: Page Indicator Settings





No, do not display a page indicator.

Yes, display a page indicator. This is the default setting.


Specifies whether to dynamically refresh the contents of combo boxes when the cursor is placed in the field containing the combo box and during a screen refresh.

Valid settings are:

Table 262: Refresh Combo Box Settings


0 null or 1


Do not refresh the contents of combo boxes.

Refresh validation list expression (V:() / X:).


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters





Refreshes the following:

Validation list expression (V:() / X:)

‘V:filename itemname’ and ‘F:filename

Refreshes the following:

Validation list expression (V:() / X:)

‘V:filename itemname’ and ‘F:filename

Table expression (E:...;ZT...), which allows only items that are in the table

This is the default setting.


Specifies whether to enable a feature of the DIFF printing option that allows printing of reports with page breaks.

Valid settings are:

Table 263: DIFF Printing Option Settings





No, disable DIFF feature for printing reports with page breaks.

Yes, enable DIFF feature for printing reports with page breaks. This is the default setting.


Currently not in use.


Specifies whether input in dialog boxes is case-sensitive.

Valid settings are:

Table 264: Case Sensitivity of DIALOG.BOX Settings






Case-sensitivity of input in dialog boxes has the same behavior as in versions before SB+ Server 5.3.4.

Convert all input to uppercase characters and return the value in the case in which it was originally input.

Convert all input to uppercase characters and return the value in uppercase.


Sets the option for displaying the user’s name in the locked record message.

Valid settings are:



Table 265: Locked Record Message Settings






(UniData or UniVerse) Display the short name from DMSECURITY for the user who has locked the record. This is the default setting for UniData.

(UniVerse only) Display the first name and last name of the user who has locked the record. This is the default setting for UniVerse.

(UniData only) Display the UNIX/Windows user ID of the user who has locked the record.


This flag specifies whether to prompt for a file name when saving selection criteria.

Valid settings are:

Table 266: File Name Prompt Settings





No, do not prompt for a file name. Always write to the DMCRITERIA file when saving selection criteria. This is the default setting.

This option prevents the possibility of a user entering a data file name and overwriting the contents of the file.

Yes, prompt for the file name when saving selection criteria.


Controls whether headers in Report Writer reports are displayed on screen if they exceed more than 50 percent of the available number of lines on the screen.

Valid settings are:

Table 267: Long Heading Display Settings





No, do not allow header to be displayed on screen if it exceeds 50 percent of the available number of lines on the screen. This is the default setting.

Yes, allow header to be displayed on screen if it exceeds 50 percent of the available number of lines on the screen.


If the user’s GUI menu navigation method is EN (SBExplorer with no MainWin), this parameter specifies whether the tree view expands to the process level.

Valid settings are:

Table 268: Tree View Expansion Settings




No, the tree view does not expand to the process level. This is the default setting.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters




Yes, the tree view expands to the process level. This style was used in older versions of SB+ Server.


This parameter specifies whether to translate field descriptions even when the Link Char and GUI Field

Positions flag is set to No.

Valid settings are:

Table 269: Translate Field Descriptions Settings





No, do not translate field descriptions when the Link Char and GUI Field

Positions flag is set to No. This is the default setting.

Yes, translate field descriptions even when the Link Char and GUI Field

Positions flag is set to No.


Specifies whether to disable the “No Items Present” message for Report Writer reports output to


Valid settings are:

Table 270: Disable No Items Present Settings





No, display the “No Items Present” message.

Yes. disable the “No Items Present” message.


Specifies whether to display the user ID when the user types it in the logon screen.

Valid settings are:

Table 271: User ID in Logon Screen Settings





No, do not display user ID in the logon screen. This is the default setting.

Yes, display user ID in the logon screen.


Specifies whether to display asterisks when the user types a password in the logon screen.

Valid settings are:

Table 272: Password Display Settings





No, do not display asterisks when typing a password in the logon screen.

This is the default setting

Yes, display asterisks when typing a password in the logon screen.






Display random characters when typing a password in the logon screen.


Specifies whether to use a simple encryption technique when SB/XA encrypts data (for example, when it stores a password), as an alternative to the standard complex encryption technique used by SB/XA.

Valid settings are:

Table 273: Alternative Encryption Technique Settings





No, use the standard complex encryption technique. This is the default setting

Yes, use the simple encryption technique.


Specifies whether to use the alternative SYSID security method to allow users to run processes that are called by restricted menu options.

Valid settings are:

Table 274: Alternative SYSID Security Settings





Do not use the alternative SYSID security method. If a menu is restricted, the processes called by its menu options are also restricted.

Use the alternative SYSID security method. If a menu is restricted, the processes called by its menu options are not restricted. This is the default setting.


Specifies whether to enable use of a user-provided security log routine. This feature allows you to create a security log routine to be called by the SB/XA logon process.

Valid settings are:

Table 275: User-Provided Security Logging Settings





No, do not use a user-provided security log routine. This is the default setting.

Yes, use a user-provided security log routine. With this setting, SB/

XA reads the VALIDATE.LOG item in DMSECURITY at logon to SB/XA.

Attribute 1 of this item contains the maximum number of attempts a user is allowed at logon. Attribute 2 contains the name of a cataloged

BASIC program to be called as part of the logon process.


Specifies whether to allow users who are not members of a security group to log to an account that is not listed in the security group record.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters

Valid settings are:

Table 276: Unlisted Account Access Settings





No, do not allow users who are not members of the group to log to unlisted accounts. This is the default setting.

Yes, allow users who are not members of the group to log to unlisted accounts.


Allow use of ESC key to escape from GUI dialog boxes that have only one button.

Valid settings are:

Table 277: ESC Key in One-Button Dialog Box Settings





No, do not allow use of ESC key in GUI dialog boxes with one button. This is the default setting.

Yes, allow use of ESC key in GUI dialog boxes with one button.


Specifies the frame style used in screens in character mode.

Valid settings are:

Table 278: Frame Style Settings






Use single line for frame borders. This is the default setting.

Use double line for frame borders.

Use no line at frame borders.


Specifies the shadow style used in screens in character mode.

Valid settings are:

Table 279: Shadow Style Settings






Use single shadow. This is the default setting.

Use opaque shadow.

Use no shadow.


Applicable to UniVerse only. Specifies whether to force creation of D/I types.

Valid settings are:



Table 280: Force-Create D/I Types Settings





No, do not force creation of D/I types. This is the default setting.

Yes, force creation of D/I types.


Applicable to UniData only. Specifies whether to force creation of I type instead of V type.

Valid settings are:

Table 281: Force-Create I Type Settings





No, do not force creation of I type instead of V type. This is the default setting.

Yes, force creation of I type instead of V type.


Currently not in use.


Currently not in use.


Applicable to UniData only. Indicates whether you are using UDT:Print. This parameter is set during installation of SB/XA when you are prompted to indicate whether you are using USAM.

Valid settings are:

Table 282: UDT:Print Settings





No, not using UDT:Print.

Yes, using UDT:Print.


Applicable to UniData only. Smart refresh does not currently work on UniData due to problems with building unique cursor sequences. On other platforms, unique cursor sequences are built by using

CHAR(0) to pad out the sequence. This cannot be done on UniData because it interprets CHAR(0) as an end-of-string marker.

This parameter indicates whether the site is using a version of UniData that does not have the CHAR(0) problem.

Valid settings are:


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters

Table 283: CHAR(0) Settings





No, this version of UniData cannot handle CHAR(0). It uses CHAR(14) or

CHAR(250) instead.

Yes, this version of UniData can handle CHAR(0).


Specifies whether SB/XA passes control to Windows when a print job is routed to the AUX (auxiliary) printer, allowing Windows to automatically determine the number of rows to be printed.

Valid settings are:

Table 284: Windows for AUX Printer Settings





No, do not pass control to Windows. This is the default setting.

Yes, pass control to Windows, allowing it to automatically determine the number of rows to be printed.


Enables support for queries at the ECL/TCL prompt on EDA files containing dictionary items with Vfields that use an alternative syntax.

Valid settings are:

Table 285: Alternative Syntax Settings


Null or 0



Dictionary items in EDA files are constructed using the standard syntax.

Queries support the standard syntax, EXTRACT(<field_name>,0,1,0). This is the default setting.

Dictionary items in EDA files are constructed using the alternative syntax. Queries support the alternative syntax,



Specifies whether users are allowed to change their own user security record.

Valid settings are:

Table 286: Change Own User Security Record Settings





No, do not allow users to change their own user security record.

Yes, allow users to change their own user security record.


Specifies whether to allow users to have their password set up as null.

Valid settings are:



Table 287: Allow Null Password Settings





No, do not allow users to have a null password. This is the default setting.

Yes, allow users to have a null password.


Currently not in use.


Specifies the method for storing the names of menus and processes that have been restricted by the application developer in the PASS.DEFN variable, attributes <3> through <5>.

Note: The list of process names stored in the PASS.DEFN variable, attribute <1> always uses storage method 1 as described below.

Valid settings are:

Table 288: Name Storage Method Settings


null or 0



 (a prime number greater than 1)


Use the standard LOCATE() process. This is the default setting.

Names are stored in a multivalued list, not sorted in any way. LOCATE() is used to find an entry in the list.

Because entries are not sorted, the LOCATE() process can be slow if the list is very large.

Names are stored in a multivalued list, grouped into partitions based on length of name. Entries in each partition are sorted by name.

This setting works well if names are of various lengths. It is not effective if all names are the same length or differ very little.

Names are stored in a multivalued table.

This storage method uses a hashing algorithm to evenly distribute names into a predefined hash table of size n.

This setting works well in situations in which all names are the same length. For example, all names may start with the same prefix and end in a three-digit number (such as PROC001, PROC002, PROC003, and so on).

Tip: If you change the name storage method on an existing system, you will need to rebuild all ‘$’ security items. An easy way to do this is to amend the ROOT group by changing a character in the description, press F2, and then press ESC. This causes all child items to be rebuilt. Otherwise, you can use the /UPDATE.SECURITY process in the SB (or SB+) account.


Specifies whether the SH.ACTIVITY.S process is to invoke a user-supplied version of the

SH.DIARY.MSG.I process.

Valid settings are:


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters

Table 289: User-Supplied Diary Process Settings





No, do not invoke user-supplied version of SH.DIARY.MSG.I process. This is the default setting.

Yes, invoke user-supplied version of SH.DIARY.MSG.I process.


Optimize input correlatives used in SB.GEN.DRIV.I.

Valid settings are:

Table 290: Optimize Input Correlatives Settings


null or 0



Do not optimize input correlatives. This is the default setting.

Always optimize input correlatives even if they appear in fields to be recalculated.


Specifies whether to suppress the message ID confirmation dialog box when sending an SB Office message.

Valid settings are:

Table 291: Message ID Confirmation Dialog Box Settings





Display the message ID confirmation dialog box. This is the default setting.

Do not display the message ID confirmation dialog box.


Applicable only to UniVerse on Windows platform. Indicates the path of the directory in which SB/XA is installed. This parameter is set automatically during installation of SB/XA when you select the path.


Specifies whether transaction processing is enabled in the database.

Valid settings are:

Table 292: Transaction Processing Settings





No, transaction processing is not enabled. This is the default setting.

Yes, transaction processing is enabled.


Specifies whether a warning message is displayed on operating environment transaction errors. If the

Warn on Error flag is set to Y (Yes), SB/XA displays a standard (DISP,3) error/warning message in the following circumstances:



â–ª Attempting to start a transaction when a transaction is already active.

SB/XA displays following message:


â–ª TRANSACTION START returns false at the system level.

SB/XA displays following message:

ERROR: TRANSACTION INITIATION FAILED, STATUS: n where n is the status returned by the operating environment.

â–ª TRANSACTION START succeeds, but SB/XA cannot reacquire the lock on the record.

SB/XA displays following message:

ERROR: LOCK LOST FOR RECORD k where k is the current value of KEY.

â–ª Attempting to commit or abort a transaction when there is no active transaction.

SB/XA displays following message:



â–ª Attempting to write a record with a NULL key.

SB/XA displays following message:


â–ª TRANSACTION COMMIT returns false at the system level.

SB/XA displays following message:

ERROR: TRANSACTION COMMIT FAILED, STATUS: n where n is the status returned by the operating environment.

Valid settings are:

Table 293: Warning Message Settings





No, a warning message is not displayed on errors. This is the default setting.

Yes, a warning message is displayed on errors.


Specifies whether processing is to continue after a failed commit. If the Commit Fail Process field contains a valid process name or an SB expression that resolves to a process name or a paragraph statement within the "P:()" format, SB/XA automatically executes the process if the commit fails.

Note: This parameter applies only to situations in which the TRANSACTION COMMIT statement fails. If RTN.FLAG is already set or KEY is NULL, no attempt is made to perform a TRANSACTION

COMMIT and the Commit Fail process is not executed.

Valid settings are:


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters

Table 294: Processing After Failed Commit Settings





No, processing does not continue after a failed commit. This is the default setting

Yes, processing continues after a failed commit.


Specifies whether COBOL Direct Connect (CDC) input restrictions are to apply.

Valid settings are:

Table 295: CDC Input Restriction Settings





No, CDC input restrictions do not apply. This is the default setting.

Yes, CDC input restrictions apply.


Specifies the number of milliseconds of interruption in data exchange before Dynamic Data Exchange

(DDE) times out.

Valid settings are:

Table 296: DDE Timeout Settings



(integer 1 or greater)


The number of milliseconds before DDE times out.

The default setting is 10.


Specifies whether each field should occupy its own column in Report Writer DIFF output.

Valid settings are:

Table 297: DIFF Column Settings





No, fields that are close vertically are grouped in one column in DIFF output. This is the default setting.

Yes, each field occupies its own column in DIFF output.


Currently not in use.


Currently not in use.


Specifies whether multilanguage support is enabled.



Valid settings are:

Table 298: Multilanguage Support Settings





No, multilanguage support is not enabled. This is the default setting.

Yes, multilanguage support is enabled.


Specifies whether subroutines can be used in dictionary files.

Valid settings are:

Table 299: Subroutines in Dictionary Settings





No, subroutines cannot be used in dictionary files. This is the default setting.

Yes, subroutines can be used in dictionary files.


Applicable to UniVerse only. Specifies whether mapping of National Language Support (NLS) codes is enabled.

Valid settings are:

Table 300: Mapping of NLS Codes Settings





No, mapping of NLS codes is not enabled. This is the default setting.

Yes, mapping of NLS codes is enabled.


Applicable to UniVerse only, if mapping of NLS codes is enabled in SB.CONTROL<43.1>. When creating new date fields, you can choose to map the date to an NLS-specific conversion code. This parameter specifies the mapped date conversion code.

Valid settings are:

Table 301: Mapped Date Conversion Code Settings


DI null


Map the date to this NLS-specific conversion code. This is the default setting.

 In Pick-flavor accounts, if the code DI is used in output conversions,

UniVerse treats them as input conversions instead. Because all SB accounts use Pick-flavor accounts, it is best not to use the code DI directly in your Basic subroutines. Basic subroutines should call

LOCALEINFO() to obtain the correct conversion code for the user’s current locale.

Do not map the date to an NLS-specific conversion code.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters


Applicable to UniVerse only, if mapping of NLS codes is enabled in SB.CONTROL<43.1>. When creating new time fields, you can choose to map the time to an NLS-specific conversion code. This parameter specifies the mapped time conversion code.

Valid settings are:

Table 302: Mapped Time Conversion Code Settings


TI null


Map the time to this NLS-specific conversion code. This is the default setting.

Do not map the time to an NLS-specific conversion code.


Applicable to UniVerse only, if mapping of NLS codes is enabled in SB.CONTROL<43.1>. When creating new monetary fields, you can choose to map monetary values to an NLS-specific conversion code. This parameter specifies the mapped monetary conversion code.

Valid settings are:

Table 303: Mapped Monetary Conversion Code Settings


MM null


Map monetary values to this NLS-specific conversion code. This is the default setting.

Do not map the monetary values to an NLS-specific conversion code.


Specifies the type of auto-accept behavior used in GUI combo boxes.

Valid settings are:

Table 304: Auto-Accept Behavior in GUI Combo Box Settings






Do not use auto-accept behavior in GUI combo boxes. This is the default setting.

Use auto-accept behavior in GUI combo boxes, with the Tab feature.

When a user clicks a combo box, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor advances

(tabs) to the next field.

Use auto-accept behavior in GUI combo boxes, without the Tab feature.

When a user clicks a combo box, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor remains on the current field.


Currently not in use.




Specifies the type of auto-accept behavior in GUI radio buttons.

Valid settings are:

Table 305: Auto-Accept Behavior in GUI Radio Button Settings






Do not use auto-accept behavior in GUI radio buttons.

Use auto-accept behavior in GUI radio buttons, with the Tab feature.

This is the default setting.

When a user clicks a radio button, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor advances

(tabs) to the next field.

Use auto-accept behavior in GUI radio buttons, without the Tab feature.

When a user clicks a radio button, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor remains on the current field.


Specifies the type of auto-accept behavior used in GUI toggles.

Valid settings are:

Table 306: Auto-Accept Behavior in GUI Toggle Settings






Do not use auto-accept behavior in GUI toggles.

Use auto-accept behavior in GUI toggles, with the Tab feature. This is the default setting.

When a user clicks a toggle, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor advances (tabs) to the next field.

Use auto-accept behavior in GUI toggles, without the Tab feature.

When a user clicks a toggle, the Process Before is executed, the data is processed, the Process After is executed, and the cursor remains on the current field.


The SB.CONTROL flag specifies whether the PD.P process is enabled to generate RedBack code.

Valid settings are:

Table 307: Generate RedBack Code Settings





No, do not enable PD.P to generate RedBack code. This is the default setting.

Yes, enable PD.P to generate RedBack code.


Appendix C: SB Control Parameters

Note that in SB+ Server versions 5.3.3 and later, you must set three flags to enable the ability to generate RedBack code:

â–ª SB.CONTROL <45.1>, as detailed above

â–ª WWLIB <1>, stored in the VOC file

â–ª WW.SB.PROCESS<1>, stored in the VOC file


Specifies whether to make image backgrounds transparent.

Valid settings are:

Table 308: Make Image Background Transparent Settings





No, do not make image backgrounds transparent.

Yes, make image backgrounds transparent.


Specifies a different default font from the standard default font.

Valid settings are:

Table 309: Default Font Settings


null font specification


Use the standard default font: MS Sans Serif Normal 8 point.

Your chosen default font in the following format:

font name

*point size*style*effect*character set*pitch

The font specification consists of the following parameters separated by asterisks:

Table 310: Font Specification Parameters







Field position

Parameter Valid values

font name point size style effect

Any valid font, for example: Calibri, Comic Sans MS

Any valid point size, subject to the text fitting in the available space

Any one of the following: normal, italic, bold, bold_italic

Any one of the following: normal, underline, strikeout character set Either of the following: charset_ansi (or ansi) or charset_oem (or oem) pitch Either of the following: pitch_fixed (or fixed) or pitch_variable (or variable)


â–ª Comic Sans MS*8*normal*normal*ansi*variable

â–ª Calibri*8*bold_italic*underline*ansi*variable


Appendix D: Tips, Tools, and Guidelines

This appendix contains tips on navigating and using the tools available in the SB environment.

Working in the SB environment

This section contains tips for working with menus, forms, screen navigation keys, processes, escape sequences, system prompts, and messages of the SB environment:


You can use any of the following methods to select a menu option:

â–ª Type the highlighted letter of the option.

â–ª Move the selection highlight bar, using the up arrow key and down arrow keys (or Page Down and

Page Up keys, where applicable) to the required option and press Enter or spacebar.

â–ª Click on the option if you are using a mouse.

To exit a menu, press Esc key. The previous menu is displayed, or if you were at the main menu, the

SB Logon screen is displayed. Press the Esc key at this screen to log off.

Depending on your security level, entering

0 (zero) at any menu in SBClient opens the UniVerse or UniData command line shell. In Rich Client, Browser Client, or SBClient, entering

/TCL opens the SB+ command line – allowing you to enter any OE command or SB process (subject to security restrictions).


Forms can contain headings, labels, display fields, input fields, drop-down lists, buttons, and other elements.

In input fields, enter a value or press the Enter key to accept the default value displayed. Edit your input using the edit keys defined for your terminal. Use uppercase letters for process names. You can use lowercase for normal text (descriptions for instance).

The following actions cause the contents of a field to be accepted (after any validation) before the edit key itself is processed:

â–ª Pressing a function key other than the F1 key and the defined intuitive help key

â–ª Pressing the up arrow or down arrow key

â–ª Pressing the Tab key or Shift + Tab

â–ª A mouse event

For example, if you enter text and press F2, the result is the same as pressing the Enter key to accept the field, and then pressing F2.


Appendix D: Tips, Tools, and Guidelines

Screen navigation keys

Use the ESC key, up/down keys, or function keys to navigate in forms (you can customize these keys in your terminal definition)

ESC key

The action of the Esc key depends on the edit key movement mode set at the

Admin > SB+ Setup > SB

+ Control Parameters > Main tab, CUA Arrow Movement field.

This field can be set to either of the following values:

Table 311: ESC Key Values





The Common User Access (CUA) standard. Esc clears the current screen and returns the cursor to the key field. If there is no key field on the screen, or the key field is currently empty, the screen closes. The up arrow key takes you back one input step.

The default SB action. The Esc key takes you back one input step.

Up/Down keys

These move the cursor to the next or previous prompts. The top-of-text and bottom-of-text keys

(defined for your terminal) move the cursor directly to the first or last prompt on the screen.

Table 312: Up/Down Key Values






Allows you to call a process, such as

/WHO (if permitted by your security level). A / (slash) must be the first character entered in the field. If the process is a number, it is treated as a jump within the current screen.

Moves the cursor directly to field n (in the tab order specified for the screen) where n is the number of that field on the screen. (For more information about screen definitions, see the SB/XA Application Server

Reference Manual

.) For example,

/5 moves the cursor to the fifth field in tab order in the current screen. (

/ must be the first character entered into the field.)

Moves the cursor directly to a value m within a multivalued field n on a screen. For example,

/5.7 moves the cursor to the seventh value in the fifth field in tab order in the current screen, with the cursor positioned in the controlling multivalued field. (

/ must be the first character entered into the field.)

\ clears a field (makes it null). You can also use the Delete key repeatedly, or the clear-to-end-of-line key (defined for your terminal). (\ must be the first character entered in the field.)

You can move the cursor to a value within the current multivalued field without knowing the field number. Instead of specifying a field number for n, use 0 (zero). For example,

/0.999 jumps to the last value plus one in the window, with the cursor positioned in the controlling multivalued field. /0.5 jumps to the fifth value in the current multivalued field, with the cursor positioned in the controlling multivalued field.


Function keys

Keyboard Problems

If your keyboard does not function as expected (for example, edit keys or function keys do not perform as required) then either:

â–ª your terminal has lost its internal setup and needs to be reinitialized. Turning the terminal off and on is usually sufficient if the current setup has been saved as the default power-on configuration.

â–ª the SB terminal definition for your port does not match the device actually connected, or the definition is incorrect.

A list of predefined terminal types is provided by SB/XA Application Server, and these should work in most cases. You can copy and modify one of the existing terminal definitions if you need to customize keys for your terminal or terminal emulation, or you can create your own.

For information on setting up or modifying SB terminal definitions, see Terminal Definitions, on page



/KEYS displays a list of current edit keys. The keys included in this list depend on the terminal definition currently in use for the terminal. Use the Page Up and Page Down keys defined for your terminal to view the whole list.

Screen Display

In character mode, SB/XA Application Server uses a screen stacking system for screen display and refresh. When you invoke a process that displays a screen or menu overlaying the previous screen, the previous screen is saved onto a stack before the new screen or menu is displayed. On return from the process that opened the new screen or menu, the previous screen is restored from the stack and redisplayed.

Note: Because of memory constraints on some systems, the number of levels of stacking may be limited.

SB/XA Application Server uses three screen refresh modes:

â–ª Refresh the original screen. Redraws only the screen stacked prior to the current screen.

â–ª Full screen refresh. Redraws all saved screens in the order in which they were stacked.

â–ª Smart refresh. Saves and restores only that part of the original screen that was overlaid by the current screen.

The screen refresh mode is defined in a user’s security definition, or via the

/USER.FLAGS process.

(For more information, see The Custom tab, on page 45 .)

Function keys

SB/XA Application Server makes extensive use of the function keys available on most terminals.

Function keys are usually assigned the most frequently used functions, such as saving a record, deleting a record, getting help, and invoking related processes. Available function keys are shown on the function key status line of each screen.


Appendix D: Tips, Tools, and Guidelines


SB function keys (default configuration)

Table 313: Default Function Key Configuration

Function key







The F1 key displays textual help related to the current input prompt. The

F1 key may not appear on the status line, but it is always available. For further information, see

Getting help, on page 330


In general, pressing the F2 key accepts the current data in the screen and exits the screen. In most cases, the data is saved; however, some screens do not physically save data on disk, but return the data to the calling process.

You can press the F2 key to accept a screen after you have completed all mandatory fields. If you press F2 and a mandatory field has not been completed, the cursor is positioned at each uncompleted field in turn, where you are prompted for input.

The availability of the F2 key is indicated on the status line of the screen. If

F2 does not appear on the status line, it may not be available.

This calls intuitive help, if available for the current prompt. Intuitive help provides intelligent assistance in completing screen prompts. The F3 key may not appear on the status line. Its availability may be indicated in F1 textual help by the notation of (F3) at the end of the help message. For further information, see

Getting help, on page 330 .

The key that invokes intuitive help is specified in the terminal definition. The default key for intuitive help is F3. All subsequent references to the F3 key in this guide and within F1 textual help refer to the intuitive help key. You can, however, define a different key (not necessarily a function key) to invoke intuitive help.

This key deletes records. You are usually prompted to confirm deletions, but sometimes not in user applications. If F4 does not appear on the status line, it is not available.

Displays the action bar, where available. The action bar shows additional commands you can invoke for a screen. You can access the action bar from most

SB tools and define an action bar for any application screen. Function keys are available while the action bar is active.

Note: All other function keys and all action bar options are defined on a per-screen basis.

For information about defining function keys and action bars in your input screens, see SB/XA

Application Server Reference Manual



SB/XA Application Server is built from, and is used to build, functional units called processes. A process performs a function of a predefined process type, with the specific action defined by the developer.

A process may use data passed to it from other processes, and return data either to the calling process or to another process called by the current process. For further information on processes, see the SB/

XA Application Server Reference Manual



Escape sequences

In the SB environment, you can call a process from any system prompt (including the SB shell prompt), menu, or action bar defined for an input screen by entering

/processname, where processname is the name of a process. For example,

/FD invokes the Field Definitions tool.

Alternatively, entering

/ at a menu or action bar displays the Process Id prompt, where you can enter the name of the process (F3 is available here).

/T? displays a selection list of all processes supplied with SB/XA Application Server (depending on security).

Escape sequences

You can enter escape sequence characters either as the printable character (where the character is printable) or as the ASCII equivalent of the character (where the character is not printable), enclosed in parentheses.

For example, the following sequences both represent Esc A:



System prompts and messages

SB/XA issues system prompts and messages when user interaction is required or to notify the user of a status.

System prompts

SB/XA Application Server may prompt you for a choice of actions. For example, when printing reports, you are prompted for the destination of the output:

A prompt may alternatively require a yes or no answer.

In most cases, a default value is supplied. The F1 textual help and F3 intuitive help keys are generally available if you require help in responding to a prompt.

A prompt may be in the form of a multi-option dialog box. In this case you select an option by moving the cursor to the option with the down arrow, up arrow, left arrow, right arrow, Page Down, or Page Up key, or by pressing the highlighted (underlined) letter for the option.

In GUI mode, prompts are displayed in dialog boxes. In CHAR mode, prompts are displayed as text lines.


Appendix D: Tips, Tools, and Guidelines

Error messages

SB/XA Application Server validates your input wherever possible. If your input is invalid, an error message is displayed.

Press the Enter key to clear the message and return to the prompt. Error messages are selfexplanatory and specific to the type of error encountered. They are displayed either on the prompt line, or as a dialog box with a

Continue option.

Note: Error messages displayed elsewhere on the screen or in a different format from SB error messages (perhaps prefixed with a number) are probably issued by the underlying OE and not SB/

XA Application Server. Refer to your OE documentation for a description of the error and the action to be taken.

Informational messages

SB/XA Application Server displays informational messages indicating the current state of the system or of a process.

Informational messages do not usually require you to do anything. Messages may be displayed on the prompt line, in a cleared space in the lower third of the screen, full screen, or in a dialog box (which requires you to click OK or press the Enter key to proceed).

Getting help

SB/XA Application Server provides two types of help: textual and intuitive.

Textual help

Up to five levels of context-sensitive textual help are available using the F1 key.

Note: One or two levels of textual help are typical.

Level 1

In character mode, press the F1 key to display a short one- or two-line help message at the bottom of the screen:


Level 2

In this example, the mouse was pointing to the

Default Value prompt.

If additional textual help is available, it is indicated by

<F1-More> at the end of the message.

<F3> means that F3 intuitive help is also available for this prompt. The message remains on the screen until the data in the current field is accepted or until you move the cursor to another field.

In GUI mode, SB/XA Application Server uses the status line of the MainWin to display first-level help.

However, if the status line is part of the form, first-level help is displayed in ToolTip style when the mouse rolls over the active field or the status line. Otherwise, SB/XA Application Server treats F1 help as though the

Disable 1st level help user flag has been set to Y, so when you press the F1 key for the first time, second-level help is displayed.

Level 2

Press the F1 key again to access a window containing additional help (if available).


Appendix D: Tips, Tools, and Guidelines

The help window remains on the screen until the data in the current field is accepted or until you move the cursor to another field.

Level 3

Press the F1 key again to access a full page of help (if available).


The presence of more than one page of help text is indicated by the current page number and total page count in the bottom right corner. To print a page of help text, press the P key and the Enter key.

Level 4

Press the F1 key again to access a help menu specific to the current screen:

Options on this menu display help on SB topics depending on context.

Level 5

The General Help menu provides help on various general SB topics.

Intuitive help

Intuitive help

Intuitive help provides intelligent, structured assistance when you are entering information in a field.

Intuitive help is available throughout the SB toolset and may be included in applications developed using SB/XA Application Server. For information on building intuitive help into your applications, see the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual. An intuitive help process can be any valid SB process, including user subroutines.


Appendix D: Tips, Tools, and Guidelines

The availability of intuitive help is indicated by an (F3) notation in the F1 help message. Intuitive help is normally invoked using the F3 key; however, this key can be redefined for a particular terminal type.

For more information about redefining keys, see

Terminal Definitions, on page 146 .

The example screen above shows intuitive help called from the

Conversion prompt (selecting an appropriate conversion from the list of valid responses returns it to the

Conversion field).

Using the mouse in character mode


This section covers the use of a mouse in SBClient in character emulation mode.

Note: SBClient in GUI mode is also mouse-driven, but the behaviors of the mouse conform to

Windows standards. In some cases, mouse behaviors are different in GUI mode from those in character emulation mode. We assume that users of the GUI-based versions of SB/XA Application

Server are familiar with the standard behaviors of the mouse in Windows applications.


Left button

Selects the option on which the pointer is positioned; the cursor can be anywhere in the description text. If the pointer is not positioned on a menu option, the currently highlighted option is selected. If you drag the mouse with the left button pressed, the menu highlight follows the pointer; the option highlighted when you release the button is selected.

Right button

Exits the menu.

Input screens

Left button

If the pointer is in a field other than the field currently prompted for, input is transferred to that field

(as with /n goto field). Clicking either a controlling or dependent multivalued field activates that field.

If the pointer is on position 1 in the current field, it invokes Enter. If the pointer is not on position 1, the cursor moves to the position of the pointer. If the pointer is on any function key or action bar description, it invokes that function.

Right button

Invokes intuitive help (F3) for the current field. The pointer may be anywhere on the screen.

Screen/report definitions

Left button

Moves the cursor to the position of the pointer.


Selection window

If the pointer is already at that position, it invokes Enter Field F5. Double-click to place a new field at a new position.

If the pointer is at the cursor and on the field, you can hold the left-button down and drag the cursor to a new position. When you release the button, the field is moved to that position.

In the Report Definition tool, if you drag the pointer outside the current display area, the next page in the direction of the mouse movement is displayed. For example, dragging the mouse to the right of the current display area displays the next horizontal page.

If you place the pointer on any function key or action bar description, it invokes that function.

Right button

Invokes intuitive help, displays fields in a file for selection, or selects a report line type if it is on column

0 of a report definition.

Selection window

Left button inside the selection window

Selects the option on which the pointer is placed. In a multi-select window, if the option is already selected, it is deselected. In a multi-select window you can hold the mouse button down and drag the pointer through all options to select or deselect. The action is determined by whether the option under the pointer was initially highlighted or tagged.

Left button outside the selection window or on the window border

If the pointer is positioned at the:

â–ª upper-left corner of the window border, the first page of selections is displayed with the highlight on the first option.

â–ª lower-right corner of the window, the last page of selections is displayed with the highlight on the last option.

â–ª left of center of the window, the previous page of selection options is displayed.

â–ª right side and above the center depth of window, the previous page of selection options is displayed. If it is below this point, the next page of selection options is displayed.

Right button

If pressed within the selection window, it invokes ENTER.

Running a report to screen

Left button below or on highlighted status/prompt line

Left of center of prompt, scrolls screen left.

Right of center of prompt, scrolls screen right.

Left button above status/prompt line

Above center of screen, scrolls back a report page.


Appendix D: Tips, Tools, and Guidelines

Below center of screen, scrolls forward a report page.

Right button

Invokes Enter.

Defining window coordinates

Left button

The first click is for the upper left corner; the second click is for the lower right corner. Alternatively, you can hold down the button at the upper left corner and drag the mouse to the lower right corner, and then release.

Right button

If amending existing coordinates, it moves the window to the pointer position. If there are no existing coordinates, it acts the same as the left-button.

Dialog boxes

Left button

Selects response.

Right button

Selects response.

Calendar lookup

Left button within calendar days display

Highlights the day, or the logical day of the previous or next month if the position is blank.

Double-click to accept the date.

Left of month text, decrements date by one month.

Right of month text, advances date by one month.

Right side of year text, advances one year.

Left of year text, decrements one year.

If the pointer is on any function key description, it invokes that function.

Right button

Selects the highlighted day.


Pop-up calculator

Pop-up calculator

Left button

Click numbers or functions on the calculator to use them. If the pointer is on any function key description, it invokes that function

Right button

Invokes Enter.

Screen editor

Left button

Moves the cursor to the selected point. If the cursor is on any function key or action bar description, it invokes that function. If you click the mouse on INS/REP on the function key description, the insert/ replace state is toggled.


Appendix E: Edit keys

This appendix contains a list of edit key numbers and their corresponding key names.

About Edit Keys

The edit keys perform functions to process the information entered in screens.

In SB, the response to pressing edit keys can be defined at a system level in the following SB control parameters:

â–ª SB.CONTROL<15.8>

â–ª SB.CONTROL<15.12>

For further information on defining the response of edit keys in these control parameters, see SB

Control Parameters, on page 284 .

Edit Key Numbers and Names

This list contains the edit key number and a description of the function performed by the key.

Table 314: Edit Key Numbers and Descriptions























Key Number



Cursor Back

Cursor Forward

Cursor Up

Cursor Down

Start Line

End Line

Insert Toggle

Delete Char

Erase From Cursor to end of line

Next Word

Previous Word

Extend Length / Search again

Quit Process

Esc Key

User Macro Lead Char

Insert Line

Delete Line

Page Up

Page Down

Top of Text

Bottom of Text

Tab (Next Controlling Multivalue)

Invoke Text Editor


Key Number













































Invoke Intuitive Help


Reserved for future use

Reserved for future use

Reserved for future use

Mouse Lead in characters

Reserved for future use

Function key 1 (F1)

Function key 2 (F2)

Function Key 3 (F3)

Function Key 4 (F4)

Function Key 5 (F5)

Function Key 6 (F6)

Function Key 7 (F7)

Function Key 8 (F8)

Function Key 9 (F9)

Function Key 10 (F10)











Action Bar 1

Action Bar 2

Action Bar 3

Action Bar 4

Action Bar 5

Action Bar 6

Action Bar 7

Action Bar 8

Action Bar 9

Action Bar 10

Action Bar 11

Action Bar 12

Action Bar 13

Action Bar 14

Action Bar 15


Edit Key Numbers and Names


Appendix E: Edit keys

Key Number












































GUI 10











GUI Action 1

GUI Action 2

GUI Action 3

GUI Action 4

GUI Action 5

GUI Action 6

GUI Action 7

GUI Action 8

GUI Action 9

GUI Action 10

GUI Action 11

GUI Action 12

GUI Action 13

GUI Action 14

GUI Action 15


Appendix F: File Transfer Protocols

This appendix describes the file transfer protocols supported in SBClient and in the SB/XA

Presentation Components.

File Transfer Protocols

SB/XA Browser Client and SB/XA Rich Client use a file transfer protocol that offers advantages over the protocols supported by SBClient 6.0.1 or later.

Here we give an overview of each protocol and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the protocols.

SBClient File Transfer Protocols

SBClient 6.0.1 or later can be configured to use one of the following three file transfer protocols:

â–ª SBZ – the default

â–ª Network Copy – Windows file sharing protocol or UNIX Samba facility

â–ª FTP


SBZ is the default protocol that works with all connection methods and system environments.

Other than setting up the connection, no additional configuration is necessary to use SBZ. SBZ protocol has a few drawbacks: It is slower than standard network protocols, and it does not transfer binary files reliably. The advantage of SBZ over other file transfer options is its ability to secure the data in transit using SSL telnet connections.

Network Copy

Network Copy can be used where SB/XA Application Server can share a network drive with SBClient.

This option uses either the native Windows network file sharing protocol or the UNIX Samba facility.

Samba emulates Windows file sharing on UNIX. Since this protocol requires SB/XA Application

Server to share a network drive, additional server and network security configuration must be enabled outside of the SB/XA environment. Because of these additional requirements, not all system environments can support this protocol. The advantage of Network Copy is a much faster transfer than SBZ (important for large items) and support for binary file types.


FTP can be used where SB/XA Application Server on UNIX is configured to allow the FTP protocol to move files from a predetermined directory.

As in the Network Copy option, additional server and security configurations must be administered outside of SB/XA. Because of these additional requirements, not all system environments can support this protocol. The advantage of FTP is a much faster transfer than SBZ (important for large items) and support for binary file types.   


Appendix F: File Transfer Protocols

SB/XA File Transfer Protocol

SB/XA comes with only one supported native file transfer protocol.

This new protocol addresses all of the limitations of the three protocols used by SBClient 6.0.1 or later:

It is secure by default, it can transfer binary files, it is much faster than SBZ (comparable to Windows file sharing and FTP), and it requires no special network or security setup.


Appendix G: Logs and debugging

You can use logs for the clients, Communications Server, and SB/XA Application Server to debug your applications if you are experiencing crashes or problems.

SB/XA Application Server logging

If you experience crashes, hangs, or other unexpected behavior in your application, server-side logging might help you debug it. You can activate or deactivate SB/XA Application Server logging with the

COMMON variable DEBUG.LOGGING. These logs are written to the

SROC.LOG file.

Activating logging on SB/XA Application Server

To activate logging, you must set the COMMON variable DEBUG.LOGGING to 1. You can set the variable by adding a short block of code to any BASIC program in your application. In this section, the example demonstrates how to turn on debug logging in SBDEMO.

1. Launch SB/XA Rich Client or Browser Client.

2. In the Car Rental System, type /

3. Type SE CHPROGS DLSET1 at the

Process Id prompt and press Enter.

4. Add the following lines of code to create the subroutine DLSET1.



* Set the DEBUG.LOGGING Common variable to 1 (ON)












5. Compile the program by clicking Tools → Compile.

6. Create a paragraph that calls your newly created subroutine, DLSET1.

7. Call the paragraph (using the / command or through a process slot in your application).

SB/XA Application Server now logs activity for this session in the

SROC.LOG file. The default location of this log file is

C:\U2\SBXA\ApplicationServer\UniVerse\SB+\SROC.LOG. OS and .NET

version information will also be displayed automatically in the server log.

Note: After debugging your application, it is recommended that you deactivate logging to prevent the build-up of an unnecessarily large log file. To deactivate logging, follow the steps in

Deactivating logging on SB/XA Application Server



Appendix G: Logs and debugging

Deactivating logging on SB/XA Application Server

To deactivate logging, you must set the COMMON variable DEBUG.LOGGING to 0. You can set the variable by adding a short block of code to any BASIC program in your application. In this section, the example demonstrates how to turn off debug logging in SBDEMO.

1. Launch SB/XA Rich Client or Browser Client.

2. In the Car Rental System, type /

3. Type SE CHPROGS DLSET0 at the Process Id prompt and press Enter.

4. Add the following lines of code to create the subroutine DLSET0.



* Set the DEBUG.LOGGING Common variable to 0 (OFF)












5. Compile the program by clicking

Tools → Compile.

6. Create a paragraph that calls your newly created subroutine, DLSET0.

7. Call the paragraph (using the / command or through a process slot in your application).

XUI client logging

If you experience crashes, hangs, or other unexpected behavior in your application, client-side logging might help you debug it. SB/XA Rich Client and Browser Client support Windows Communication

Foundation (WCF) trace logging. The clients use WCF to connect to the server; WCF trace logging can help debug problems with that connection.

You also can elect to log warnings and information.

Follow the steps in this section to activate client logging.

Activating logs for XUI clients

1. In the lower-right corner of the client main window, click Options → Client Configuration.

2. In the SB/XA Client Configuration window, change the value of any pertinent log flags to

True to enable the various levels of logging. Log flags in the Client Configuration window include


Warnings, Log Information, Log Not Implemented, Log Not Supported, Log custom errors,

Log custom information, Log custom warnings, and System Trace Log.

Note: The System Trace Log flag handles WCF trace logging. This flag is at the bottom of the client configuration window, while all of the other flags are at the top of the window.

Logging will begin immediately for all log types except WCF. If you enabled WCF trace logging, proceed to step 4.


Communication server logs

3. To display OS or .NET version information, set the

Enable OS Version flag to


4. Close and restart the client.

Client log information is now stored in either


\Rocket Software\SBXA\Logs\Client or C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming

\Rocket Software\SBXA\Logs\wcftrace.

Note: It is recommended that you turn off WCF trace logging when you finish debugging your application to prevent the build-up of unnecessary log files. To deactivate WCF trace logging or any other logging features, change the values in the pertinent flags to False. If you deactivate WCF trace logging, you must close and restart the client for the logging to stop.

Communication server logs

If you experience crashes, hangs, or other unexpected behavior in your application, server-side logging might help you debug it. You can activate SB/XA Communication Server logging using SB/XA Rich

Client and Browser Client.

You also can elect to log warnings and information.

Follow the steps in this section to configure communication server logging.

Configuring SB/XA Communication Server logs

1. In the lower-right corner of the client main window, click

Options → Communication Server


2. In the SB/XA Communication Server Configuration window, change the value of any pertinent log flags to

True to enable the various levels of logging.

3. To display OS or .NET version information, set the

Enable OS Version flag to


4. To display the PID and PPID information in the log header, set the

Enable PID and PPID display

flag to


5. Close and restart the client.

Cleaning up log files

You can have log files automatically deleted by SB/XA according to your preferences.

A build-up of too many log files can slow your system down. Follow the steps in this section to set automatic log file deletion parameters for the XUI clients, the Communications Server, or both. This functionality is not available in SBClient.

You can also delete log files manually, or write a script to do so. This section briefly addresses manual deletion.

You can delete SB/XA Application Server log files with either of two processes:

CLEAR.ALL.SERVER.LOGS or CLEAR.OLD.SERVER.LOGS. See Deleting SB/XA Application Server log files, on page 348 .


Appendix G: Logs and debugging

Deleting Communications Server log files

The Communications Server has log files for activity on the SB/XA middle tier. To set parameters for automatic clean-up of these log files, follow the steps in this section.

1. In the lower-right corner of the XUI client window, click Options → Communications Server


2. The Communications Server Configuration window has five flags that pertain to automatic log file deletion, as shown in the following figure.


Note: If the Communications Server Configuration window is too narrow and the field names in the left column don’t display fully, click between Property Description and Property Value and drag to the right to expand the left column.

The following table describes the options in the Communications Server Configuration window.


Automatically delete log files

Delete log files based on age?

Delete if older than

Delete logs based on number?

Number of logs to retain


Change this value to true if you want to enable automatic deletion of

Communications Server log files.

Change this value to true if you want SB/XA to delete Communications

Server log files based on age.

If you choose to delete Communications Server log files based on age, specify an age (in days) in this field or accept the default of 60 days.

Change this value to true if you want SB/XA to delete Communications

Server log files based on number.

If you choose to have SB/XA delete Communications Server log files based on number, use this field to specify the number of log files to retain. If you set the number to 100, SB/XA will begin deleting the oldest log files when more than 100 accumulate.

Note: You can use automatic deletion by age and number simultaneously. If you enable both, SB/XA will begin deleting Communications Server log files based on whichever criteria is reached first: the number of logs to retain has been reached, or the logs reach the specified age.

Deleting Communications Server log files manually

Deleting Communications Server log files manually

You can manually delete Communications Server log files at any time.

The default location of these log files depends on the Windows operating system.

â–ª Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\LocalService\Application Data

\Rocket Software\SBXA\Logs\ComServer

â–ª Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows Vista: C:\Windows\System32\config

\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Rocket Software\SBXA\Logs\ComServer

You might have chosen a different location as your root directory at installation.

Note: Stop SB/XA Communications Server before you attempt to delete Communications Server log files manually. If the server is running, some files might be locked, and you are unable to delete them.

Deleting XUI client log files

You can set SB/XA to delete the XUI client log files automatically based on custom parameters set in the SB/XA Client Configuration window. To set those parameters, follow the steps in this section.

1. In the lower-right corner of the XUI client window, click Options → Client Configuration.

2. The SB/XA Client Configuration window has five flags that pertain to automatic log file deletion, as shown in the following figure.

The following table describes the options in the SB/XA Client Configuration window.


Automatically delete log files

Delete log files based on age?

Delete if older than

Delete logs based on number?

Number of logs to retain


Change this value to true if you want to enable automatic deletion of client log files.

Change this value to true if you want SB/XA to delete client log files based on age.

If you choose to delete client log files based on age, specify an age (in days) in this field or accept the default of 60 days.

Change this value to true if you want SB/XA to delete client log files based on number.

If you choose to have SB/XA delete client log files based on number, use this field to specify the number of log files to retain. If you set the number to 100, SB/XA will begin deleting the oldest log files when more than 100 accumulate.


Appendix G: Logs and debugging

Note: You can use automatic deletion by age and number simultaneously. If you enable both, SB/XA will begin deleting client log files based on whichever criteria is reached first: the number of logs to retain has been reached, or the logs reach the specified age.

Deleting client log files manually

You can manually delete client log files at any time. The default location of these log files depends on the Windows operating system.

â–ª Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Rocket


â–ª Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows Vista: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming

\Rocket Software\SBXA\Logs\Client

You might have chosen a different location as your root directory at installation.

Deleting SB/XA Application Server log files

When you enable SB/XA Application Server logging, logs are stored in the

SROC.LOG file. After debugging your application, you may want to delete logs to clean up your system. Follow the steps in this section to delete them.

1. Type / to access the Process Id prompt.

2. Delete all SB/XA Application Server logs, or delete them selectively by age, by running one of the following processes.

â–ª Enter CLEAR.ALL.SERVER.LOGS at the Process Id prompt to delete all SB/XA Application

Server logs.

â–ª Enter CLEAR.OLD.SERVER.LOGS at the Process Id prompt to delete logs by age.

If you run

CLEAR.OLD.SERVER.LOGS, you are prompted to enter the number of days’ worth of logs that you want to keep, and all older logs are deleted. For example, if you enter

7, all logs more than 7 days old are deleted.

Log file collection

By default, logs from the client, SB/XA Communications Server, and SB/XA Application Server are written to different files in different locations. By using the process COLLECT.LOGS, you can send all or partial logs for a specific session to one directory. This can help you to more quickly and efficiently diagnose problems if you experience a crash or other issues.

Alternatively, you can use the AUTO.COLLECT.LOGS process to set up automatic log file collection for an SB/XA user for a specified date range. AUTO.COLLECT.LOGS collects client, Communications

Server, and Application Server logs for the specified user during the specified date range.

The master SB+ account for each installation of SB/XA contains an empty

SBXALOGS directory. When you run the COLLECT.LOGS or AUTO.COLLECT.LOGS process from any account, a pointer is created to the log collection directory in the SB+ account. Collected logs are sent to that directory and placed in a sub-directory that you are prompted to designate when you run the log collection process.

If you experience a crash, and you want to compile all or partial logs for a session that crashed into one directory, follow the steps in

Collecting log files, on page 349 .


Collecting log files

Note: You cannot view all of the logs for the session in which you are currently working. If you want to view the collected logs for a given session, you must log out of that session and start a new session.

If you want to set up automatic log file collection, follow the steps in

Setting up automatic log collection, on page 350 .

Collecting log files

1. Start SB/XA Rich Client.

2. Type / to access the

Process Id prompt.


SB/XA creates a pointer to the log collection directory in the master SB+ account. The


SBXA logs window is displayed.

4. Click the Log reference: field and press the Intuitive Help key (F3 by default).

5. In the

Select a client log window, select a client log, and click Accept. This client log acts as a sort of key to the log collection and triggers the collection of associated logs from the Application

Server and Communications Server, if those logs exist.

Note: If there are no logs for the specified user, the Select a client log window is not displayed when you press the intuitive help key.


Log reference: field and the Port: field are populated with information pertaining to the log that you chose.

6. In the Collect to: field, add a unique name that will be appended to the

SBXALOGS file path.

7. Click

F2.Collect Logs.

A window is displayed and tells you how many of each type of log were collected, and the file path where they were stored.


Appendix G: Logs and debugging

Setting up automatic log collection

You can set up automatic log file collection for an SB/XA user's client logs, Communications Server logs, and Application Server logs. With this feature enabled, the next time the designated user logs in, log files for all three tiers are collected for a specified date range and written to a specified directory.

1. In SB/XA Rich Client, type / to access the Process Id prompt.

2. Type AUTO.COLLECT.LOGS and press enter to access the

Auto collect logs screen.

Figure 10: Auto collect logs screen


3. In the User field, enter the name of the SB/XA user for which you want to collect logs. You can set up automatic log collection for multiple users, each on his or her own line in the grid.

4. In the

Windows ID field, you can enter the name of a Windows ID that must log in before logs will be collected for this SB/XA user. If you leave this field blank, logs are collected for the designated

SB/XA user without checking the Windows ID.

5. In the Machine field, you can enter the name of a computer from which Rich Client must be run before logs are collected. If you leave this field blank, logs are collected for this user regardless of the computer in use.

6. In the

From and Until fields, enter the range of dates for which you want to collect logs.

7. In the Collect to field, append a name to

SBXALOGS,SBXALOGS_ to create a sub-directory where these collected logs will be written. By default, the SBXA Logs directory is in the master SB

+ account.

Collected? is a display-only field that indicates whether or not logs have been collected for the specified user.

Collected log files

Note: If you change any field on this screen, the Collected? flag is reset to No for the User row in which the changes were made. To repeat the log collection with the same parameters, you must delete the record and then re-enter the information.

8. Click F2.Save.


The next time the specified user logs in using the XUI client after the AUTO.COLLECT.LOGS record is written, all client, Communications Server, and Application Server logs from the specified date range

are collected and written to the directory specified in Step 5. For more information, see Collected log files, on page 351


If there are no client logs that match the given dates, the file to which the logs are collected will be empty after the collection. Furthermore, if you specified values for Windows ID and Machine, and those login conditions were not met, logs are not collected.

Collected log files

After you have collected log files, you can find and view them in the directory that you specified during the COLLECT.LOGS process, for example




SBXALOGS directory contains the log files collected from your session. Application Server log files have names that begin with A_. Communications Server logs have names that begin with C_. Rich

Client logs have names that begin with R_.

Note: Depending on your system settings and the events that occurred during the session for which you collected logs, your

SBXALOGS directory might not contain logs from all three tiers of SB/XA. For instance, if you did not enable Application Server logging, there are no Application

Server logs.

User-defined debugging

You can implement custom-defined debugging to trace specific processes and calls in SB/XA.

This section describes the COMMON variable USER.DEBUG and the BASIC code you must write to implement this type of debugging.


The COMMON variable USER.DEBUG allows you to insert a customized debugging program into your application at any input slot. Your debugging program can track and record information about the processes or calls you specify, and it writes the information to a file and location you specify.

To turn on the USER.DEBUG variable, you assign the name of your debugging program to the variable.

To turn off the debugging variable, you set it to null. Find complete instructions in

Debugging with

USER.DEBUG, on page 352 .

User-defined debugging program

You can choose what you want to track, and you can write to the location of your choice, but your program must have the following elements:


Appendix G: Logs and debugging

â–ª Your program is passed the following parameters:

Parameter passed

Call name

Call type



The name of the process or program about which you want to log information.

The type of call you are tracking: program or process.

The information that you want to log before and after a call.

â–ª Your program must include the following lines to access COMMON:



â–ª Your program must specify the file to which logging information will be written.

Debug program example


002: ******************************************************************

003: * Description of subroutine

004: * Used for documentation purposes (including auto documentation)

005: ******************************************************************

006: *



009: *

010: ERR=0

011: *


013: *


015: TEMPREC=''





020: END

021: *


Debugging with USER.DEBUG

1. Write a BASIC program that defines what type of debugging you want to do. For more information about this program and an example, see

User-defined debugging, on page 351


2. Catalog your program.

3. Create a file and location to which the debugging program will write information. Ensure that the name matches the name specified in your BASIC program.

4. At any process slot, assign the program name to USER.DEBUG, as follows:


Note: Do not assign an uncataloged program to the USER.DEBUG variable; if you do, the debugging will not work, and you will get an error.

5. At any process slot, turn off the USER.DEBUG program by setting USER.DEBUG to null.


Debugging with USER.DEBUG

P: (@USER.DEBUG= ‘ ‘)

Now when you run your process or program, log information is written to the file and location you

specified in User-defined debugging, on page 351 .


Appendix H: SB Support Account

The SB Support Account serves two primary functions. It helps you to package test cases and resolve problems in your application, and it provides a set of tools for testing the performance of your system.

The SB Support Account is available to every SB+ and SB/XA user and can be used by both customers and the Rocket U2 Support team to diagnose issues in SB applications.

The SB Support Account, made generally available at v6.4.0, evolved from the Issue Replication

System, and was in use by Rocket U2 Support for several years before its general availability.

Setting up the SB Support Account

The SB Support Account is shipped with the other standard accounts (SBDEMO, SB+, SB+.DEFN) in any installation of SB+ or SB/XA. You need to perform two simple steps to begin working with the account.


1. Set up the SB Support Account in the Application Setup screen by running /APPLICATION.SETUP.

For more information, see “Setting up application connections on SB/XA Application Server” in

SB/XA Getting Started


2. Add the SB Support Account as a valid application in a group or user by running /

SEC.GROUP.SETUP or /SEC.USER.SETUP. For more information, see “Setting up group security” or “Setting up user security” in Administering SB/XA.

Issue replication in the SB Support Account

When your application has a problem, creating a reproducible test case and identifying the exact environment in which the problem occurs are essential to resolving the issue. The issue replication utilities in the SB Support Account help you to do both quickly.

In conjunction with creating and packaging test cases, you can use the SB Support Account’s parameter comparison tools to identify the unique combination of parameters in your application environment. By comparing this set of parameters to a control environment, you can more quickly identify the problem. The issue replication tools in the SB Support Account automate much of this work and can therefore save you a great deal of time.

Using the SB Support Account to package a test case

When you have a problem in your application that requires the help of Rocket U2, the first steps are to open a Rocket support case and to create a test case. This documentation, intended for administrators and developers, assumes that you know how to do these things.

The SB Support Account helps you to complete all of the necessary supplemental steps: creating issue files to package the test case, creating a revision control, and loading a test case on another system.

Creating issue files


1. Log to the SB Support Account.


2. Click

XA Test1 → Issue Replication → Create Issue Files.

The Create Issue File window is displayed.

Creating issue files

3. Enter a description of the issue or problem in your application, preferably matching the issue description in the Rocket case associated with the issue.

4. Enter the number of the Rocket case associated with the issue.

5. Enter the case number provided by the customer, if one exists, or enter the Rocket case number from the previous field.

6. Click

F2.Create Files or Click F5.File Name Override.

â–ª Click F2.Create Files to accept default file names. A local file, with default fields that help in creating a test case, is created. A Directory type file, which is used to store revision control information, also is created. A message is displayed, telling you the name of the new files.

â–ª Click F5.File Name Override to create your own file name. You are warned that the name you create could conflict with other replication cases. Click Continue, enter a unique name, and click Save. A local file, with default fields that help in creating a test case, is created.

A Directory type file, which is used to store revision control information, also is created. A message is displayed, telling you the name of the new files.

Note: It is particularly important, if you use F5 to create your own file name, that you create a file name that will not be used by another customer. You might want to prefix the file name with your company name or abbreviation, followed by an underscore and then the rest of the file name.


Appendix H: SB Support Account

7. Click

Continue to complete this task.

The SB Support Account creates a file, complete with default fields, that you can use to create a replication case. The following image is an example of such a file.


Next step

Creating a replication case, on page 356

Creating a replication case

This documentation assumes that you know how to create a replication case, but you must keep several elements in mind when you create a case within the context of the SB Support Account. This section details the key elements of the replication case.


Creating issue files, on page 354


Use the file created in Creating issue files, on page 354 to create your replication case while

considering the following points:

â–ª Create processes and definitions needed to demonstrate the issue.

Creating revision control

â–ª All processes and definitions stored outside of the DICT file, in xxDEFN or xxPROCESS, should contain the unique file name created in Step 6 of

Creating issue files, on page 354 in

their names to ensure that they do not clash with other test cases.

â–ª Adding a small amount of data to the test case is not problematic; however, if the test case requires a large amount of data, it is recommended that you write a process to create that data. Writing such a process eliminates the need to package, download, and upload a revision control that contains a large amount of data.

Next step

Creating revision control, on page 357

Creating revision control

After the test case and all of the required elements are created, the next step is to create a revision control so that the test case can be easily ported to other systems.


Creating a replication case, on page 356


1. In the SB Support Account under the XA Test1 system, click Issue Replication → Issue Revision


The Create Revision Ctrl window is displayed.

2. In the

Replication Case # field, enter the file name created in Step 6 of Creating issue files, on page 354


3. Enter the associated Issue Description, Rocket Case #, and Customer Ref # (if one exists).

4. Enter the Revision Start Process: the process that starts the test case. This might be an input screen, such as I*SBXA98765*S1.

5. Click F2.Save.

The revision control record in the ECASE_CTRL file is updated with the start process for the test case. The Create Revision Ctrl window is closed.


Appendix H: SB Support Account

6. Open the Create Revision Ctrl window again by clicking

Issue Replication → Issue Revision


7. Enter your Replication Case # (file name created in Step 6 of

Creating issue files, on page 354


The other fields are populated automatically with the associated information.

8. Click F5.Create.

A revision definition is generated by exploding the start process and including all of the definitions required to run the test case. The generated revision definition is stored in the

EEDEFN file with the key ‘REV_’:Replication File Name.

A message warns you that the generated revision definition contains only processes and definitions used by specified processes. The following adjustments are made to the default SB generated definition:

â–ª Any dictionary item that does not exist is removed from the revision definition, including .TXT

records for screens that are included in the revision control but do not actually exist. If you need a .TXT record to be included, you must add it back to the revision definition manually.

â–ª A File Create is included for any file that loads with DICT items.

â–ª A File Load is included for any file that loads with DICT items.

â–ª The following menu definitions are restricted from inclusion to protect menus when somebody else loads the revision definition: MAINMENU, MAINTMENU, REPORTMENU,


9. Optional: Click F6.Maintain if you need to make manual adjustments to the revision definition for this test case.

10. Click

F7.Media to open the Create Revision Media/File window.

The fields are populated by default.

11. Click

F2. Accept.

12. Click Continue.

The complete revision control package is created, containing all of the processes and definitions necessary for the case.

13. Click F8.Download to download the revision control file to a folder on your PC so that it can be zipped and attached to the Rocket case.

You are prompted to enter a path to a location on your PC to download the revision control file.

This field is populated by default with the value set in the PC Download Directory option on the

Issue Replication menu.

14. Click F2.Save to accept the default, or enter a new path and then click F2.Save.

The full path to the download directory is displayed. The path is appended with an internal date and time stamp, and the file name is truncated to eight characters.

15. Click Continue.

Next step

Send your zipped revision package to Rocket Support.

Rocket Support and engineering generally follow the procedure in

Loading revision control from PC, on page 359 to begin replicating and addressing your issue.

You might want to follow the steps in

Loading revision control from PC, on page 359 in any of the

following scenarios:

â–ª You might want to load your revision control onto another of your own systems to ensure that the revision control functions as intended.


Loading revision control from PC

â–ª If you have reported an issue to Rocket, and Rocket has created the test case, you might want to load the test case onto your system to ensure that it is correct.

â–ª Rocket might post information on Github in the form of a revision control. You can load it onto your

system with the procedure in Loading revision control from PC, on page 359


Loading revision control from PC

After you create a revision control, you must load it from the PC to a file on SB/XA Application Server.


Creating revision control, on page 357


1. In the target system for the test case, in the SB Support Account, click

XA Test 1 → Issue

Replication → Load Revision From PC.

The Load Revision From PC window is displayed.

2. In the

Replication Case # field, enter the file name created in Step 6 of Creating issue files, on page 354


3. Populate the remaining fields with the information related to your case.

4. Click F5.T/F from PC to use DOS.TLOAD to load the revision control file into a file on SB/XA

Application Server.

5. Click

F6.Load Rev-Ctrl to perform the revision.

Processes and definitions are installed from the revision control file into the target account.

6. Click

F7.Exec Process to execute the test case.


Appendix H: SB Support Account

Comparing parameters and settings

When you have a problem in your application, you must identify the parameters and settings in use when the problem occurs. Identifying the environment in which the problem occurs can provide clues as to why the problem is happening.

The SB Support Account provides three important utilities to help compare crucial parameters and

settings: Compare SB.CONTROL, on page 360 ,

Compare PARAMS, on page 362

, and Compare User

Flags, on page 365



You can use Compare SB.CONTROL to compare the control record of your system against a system with default control settings. The utility automatically identifies all differences, making it unnecessary to perform a time-consuming manual comparison.


1. In the SB Support Account in XA Test1, click Utilities → Compare SB.CONTROL.

The Compare Parameters screen is displayed.


2. Enter information as follows:


Reference File



Enter the name of the local DMCONT file for the system you are currently in if you want to compare the control record. You can use this window to compare other records, as well, but there are update processes that will only function if the Reference File and Record Name point to the SB Control record for the system (DMCONT, SB.CONTROL).


DICT if you are comparing the SB Control records.


Field Description

Record Name Enter the name of the SB.CONTROL record for the system you are currently in to compare the control record. You can use this window to compare other records, as well, but there are update processes that will only function if the Reference File and Record Name point to the SB Control record for the system (DMCONT, SB.CONTROL).

Compared File


Enter the name of the DMCONT file for the system in which you have a

problem. This file is packaged in the revision control file created in Creating issue files, on page 354 .



Record Name Enter the name of the control record for the system in which you have a problem, for instance,


3. Click F5.Compare All or F6.Differences Only to compare the SB Control records.

Both buttons open the Parameter Comparison screen, which lists the fields in the Reference file and the Compare file side-by-side. If you use F6.Differences Only, the Parameter Comparison screen shows only the fields in which the two control records differ.

You can select any row and click Detail for more information.

If you want to change any of the values in your system to match the Compare system for testing, set the value in the Updt column for that field to Yes and click the Update button.


Appendix H: SB Support Account

Warning: Use caution when using the Update functionality on a live system. Changing control record values might have unintended consequences.

When you click Update, the system performs the following tasks:

â–ª Checks that the user is in the ROOT group. If not, the utility closes.

â–ª Confirms that you want to perform this update.

â–ª Reads in the Reference file that contains the system parameters in use by the SB Support Account.

â–ª Reads in the Comparison file parameters that are imported from another system.

â–ª Checks that a safe copy of the current parameters (XATCONTROL

ROCKET_DMCONT_SB.CONTROL) exists. If not, it makes one.

â–ª Checks that XATCONTROL DMCONT_SB.CONTROL_ORIGINAL exists. If not, the utility closes, and you are prompted to create the necessary items.

â–ª Checks that the parameters in use are the same as those in XATCONTROL

DMCONT_SB.CONTROL_ORIGINAL. If not, the utility displays the attributes that are different and then closes.

â–ª Checks for differences between the Reference and Compare files and updates the current parameters to match those that were imported.

You can use Revert to undo changes made with Update.

Compare PARAMS

You can use Compare PARAMS to compare the xxCONTROL PARAMS record in your system against the same record in a system with default parameters. The utility automatically identifies all differences, making it unnecessary to perform a time-consuming manual comparison.


1. In the SB Support Account in XA Test1, click

Utilities → Compare SB.PARAMS.

The Compare Parameters screen is displayed.


Compare PARAMS

2. Enter information as follows:


Reference File


Record Name

Compared File


Enter the name of the xx

CONTROL file for the system in which you are currently working, for instance






Enter the name of the xx

CONTROL file for the system in which you have a

problem. This can be the revision control file created in Creating issue files, on page 354



Record Name



Enter the name of the PARAMS record that is associated with the test case, for instance


3. Click F5.Compare All or F6.Differences Only to compare the parameters in the two systems.

Both buttons open the Parameter Comparison screen, which lists the fields in the Reference file and the Compare file side-by-side. If you use

F6.Differences Only, the Parameter Comparison screen shows only the fields in which the two control records differ.


Appendix H: SB Support Account


You can select any row and click Detail for more information.

If you want to change any of the values in your system to match the Compare system for testing, set the value in the Updt column for that field to Yes and click the Update button.

Warning: Use caution when using the Update functionality on a live system. Changing control record values might have unintended consequences.

When you click Update, the system performs the following tasks:

â–ª Checks that the user is in the ROOT group. If not, the utility closes.

â–ª Confirms that you want to perform this update.

â–ª Reads in the Reference file that contains the system parameters in use by the SB Support Account.

â–ª Reads in the Comparison file parameters that are imported from another system.

â–ª Checks that a safe copy of the current parameters (XATCONTROL

ROCKET_DMCONT_SB.CONTROL) exists. If not, it makes one.

â–ª Checks that XATCONTROL DMCONT_SB.CONTROL_ORIGINAL exists. If not, the utility closes, and you are prompted to create the necessary items.

Compare User Flags

â–ª Checks that the parameters in use are the same as those in XATCONTROL

DMCONT_SB.CONTROL_ORIGINAL. If not, the utility displays the attributes that are different and then closes.

â–ª Checks for differences between the Reference and Compare files and updates the current parameters to match those that were imported.

You can use Revert to undo changes made with Update.

Compare User Flags

You can use Compare User Flags to compare the user flags in the system where you have a problem to those in a system with user flags at default settings. The utility automatically identifies all differences, making it unnecessary to perform a time-consuming manual comparison.


1. In the SB Support Account in XA Test1, click

Utilities → Compare User Flags.

The Compare Parameters screen is displayed.

2. Enter information as follows:


Reference File


Record Name

Compared File


Record Name


Enter the name of the security file for the user on the current system. For example,




Enter the record name of the security file for the user on the current system.

For example,


Enter the name of the revision control file created in

Creating issue files, on page 354




Enter the user record for the user who created the test case, for instance



Appendix H: SB Support Account

3. Click

F5.Compare All or F6.Differences Only to compare the user flags in each system.

Both buttons open the Parameter Comparison screen, which lists the fields in the Reference file and the Compare file side-by-side. If you use F6.Differences Only, the Parameter Comparison screen shows only the fields in which the two control records differ.


You can select any row and click Detail for more information.

If you want to change any of the values in your system to match the Compare system for testing, set the value in the Updt column for that field to Yes and click the Update button.

Warning: Use caution when using the Update functionality on a live system. Changing control record values might have unintended consequences.

When you click Update, the system performs the following tasks:

â–ª Checks that the user is in the ROOT group. If not, the utility closes.

â–ª Confirms that you want to perform this update.

â–ª Reads in the Reference file that contains the system parameters in use by the SB Support Account.

â–ª Reads in the Comparison file parameters that are imported from another system.

â–ª Checks that a safe copy of the current parameters (XATCONTROL

ROCKET_DMCONT_SB.CONTROL) exists. If not, it makes one.

â–ª Checks that XATCONTROL DMCONT_SB.CONTROL_ORIGINAL exists. If not, the utility closes, and you are prompted to create the necessary items.

Performance testing in the SB Support Account

â–ª Checks that the parameters in use are the same as those in XATCONTROL

DMCONT_SB.CONTROL_ORIGINAL. If not, the utility displays the attributes that are different and then closes.

â–ª Checks for differences between the Reference and Compare files and updates the current parameters to match those that were imported.

You can use Revert to undo changes made with Update.

Performance testing in the SB Support Account

Different components of your application might experience performance problems at times.

Sometimes grids load slowly, or tabbing through fields on a form is slow. These performance problems can be caused by any of a number of factors.

You can use a series of tools in the SB Support Account to test the performance of key elements of your application and to compare the performance against a benchmark.

Testing forms: tabbing through fields

You can test the speed at which your client can tab through fields on a form with a utility in the SB

Support Account.


Appendix H: SB Support Account


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Forms Testing → Tabbing

Through Fields

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

2. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

3. Click F2.Save.

SB/XA tests the speed at which your client can tab through fields on a form. It returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later

access the results and output them in different ways. See Performance testing results, on page



Testing forms: calling multiple forms

You can test the speed at which your client calls multiple forms with a utility in the SB Support



Testing forms: server/client form caching


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Forms Testing → Calling

Multiple Forms

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

2. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

3. Click F2.Save.

SB/XA tests the speed at which your client calls multiple forms. This might take a few moments, and the main window might flicker during the test. SB/XA returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later access the results and output them in different ways. See

Performance testing results, on page 384


Testing forms: server/client form caching

You can test the speed at which your client handles form caching with a utility in the SB Support


SB/XA allows you to store form information in a cache on the server, so that form position, size, and zoom are saved. This testing utility allows you to test whether there is an associated performance impact.


Appendix H: SB Support Account


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Forms Testing → Server/

Client Form Caching

The Test Performance of Cached Forms screen is displayed.

2. In the

# Cached Forms field, enter a number of forms for which you want to test the speed of cache.

Note: In order to proceed with any of the tests on this screen, the value of the Store Client

Form Pos on the Server flag in user security setup must be set to Yes.

3. Click F5.Change # Cached Forms to add the new test form information to cache.

Test form information is cached in the DMPOSCACHE Item.


4. Click

F6.Simple Paging Test to test the performance of cached forms.

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

Testing forms: form deletion

5. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

6. Click

F2.Save to start the test.

SB/XA performs the test and returns results in a screen that shows the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later access the results and output them in different ways. See

Performance testing results, on page 384 .

7. Optional: Click F7.Remove Cached Forms to remove the forms and processes that were added in

Step 3, and to return form cache settings to their previous state.

Testing forms: form deletion

You can test the speed at which your client deletes forms with a utility in the SB Support Account.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance Tests → Performance → Forms Testing → Form


A dialog is displayed.

2. Click

More Info to learn about this test and how to review the results.


Appendix H: SB Support Account

3. Close the information window after you read about this test.

4. Click Run Test.

5. At the end of the test, you are prompted to analyze Rich Client logs for the results of the test. This procedure is described in the window accessed by clicking

More Info in Step 2.

Testing grids: grid load

You can test the speed at which your client loads grids with a utility in the SB Support Account.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Grid Testing → Grid Load

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.


2. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

3. Click


4. At the prompt, enter a number of grid rows to create.

5. Click

Continue twice.

SB/XA tests the speed at which your client loads grids. It returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later access the results and

output them in different ways. See Performance testing results, on page 384


Testing grids: grid load (derived)

Testing grids: grid load (derived)

You can test the speed at which your client loads grids with derived fields with a utility in the SB

Support Account.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Grid Testing → Grid Load


The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

2. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

3. Click


4. At the prompt, enter a number of grid rows to create.

5. Click

Continue twice.

SB/XA tests the speed at which your client loads grids with derived fields. It returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later

access the results and output them in different ways. See Performance testing results, on page




Appendix H: SB Support Account

Testing grids: grid load (color alternate rows)

You can test the speed at which your client loads grids with color in alternate rows with a utility in the

SB Support Account. This test utilizes a grid in which color was added using SETATTR.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Grid Testing → Grid Load

(Color Alternate Rows)

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.


2. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

3. Click


4. At the prompt, enter a number of grid rows to create.

5. Click

Continue twice.

SB/XA tests the speed at which your client loads grids with color in alternate rows. It returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also

later access the results and output them in different ways. See Performance testing results, on page 384


Testing grids: grid load (color 10 rows)

Testing grids: grid load (color 10 rows)

You can test the speed at which your client loads grids with color in 10 rows with a utility in the SB

Support Account. This test utilizes a grid in which color was added using SETATTR.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Grid Testing → Grid Load

(Color 10 Rows)

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

2. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

3. Click


4. At the prompt, enter a number of grid rows to create.

5. Click

Continue twice.

SB/XA tests the speed at which your client loads grids with color in 10 rows. It returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later

access the results and output them in different ways. See Performance testing results, on page




Appendix H: SB Support Account

Testing grids: grid load (color individual cells)

You can test the speed at which your client loads grids with color in individual cells with a utility in the

SB Support Account. This test utilizes a grid in which color was added using SETATTR.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Grid Testing → Grid Load

(Color Individual Cells)

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.


2. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

3. Click


4. At the prompt, enter a number of grid rows to create.

5. Click

Continue twice.

SB/XA tests the speed at which your client loads grids with color in individual cells. It returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also

later access the results and output them in different ways. See Performance testing results, on page 384


Testing grids: grid navigation (interleaved)

Testing grids: grid navigation (interleaved)

You can test the speed at which your client navigates through interleaved grids with a utility in the SB

Support Account.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Grid Testing → Grid

Navigation (Interleaved)

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

2. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

3. Click


4. Click Continue.

5. At the prompt, enter a number of grid rows to create.

6. Click Continue.

SB/XA tests the speed at which your client navigates through interleaved grids. It returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later

access the results and output them in different ways. See Performance testing results, on page




Appendix H: SB Support Account

Testing grids: grid paging

With a utility in the SB Support Account, you can test the speed at which your client displays forms with grids, illustrating the performance effects of using grid paging.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Grid Testing → Grid


2. Click More Info to learn more about this test and then close the information window.

3. Click Run Test.

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.


4. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

5. Click


6. At the prompt, enter a number of grid rows to create and click Accept.

7. Click

Continue twice.

SB/XA tests the speed at which your client displays forms with grids, illustrating the performance effects of using grid paging. It returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later access the results and output them in different ways.


Performance testing results, on page 384 .

Testing DISP

Testing DISP

You can test the speed at which your client handles SB.DISP subroutines with a utility in the SB

Support Account.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → DISP Testing

2. Click Display 7 — Dialog With Pause if you want to test the speed of an SB.DISP call with option

7, or click Display 9 — Status Bar to test an SB.DISP call with option 9. See “SB.DISP” in the SB/XA

Application Server Reference Manual


The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

3. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

4. Click F2.Save.

SB/XA tests the speed at which your client handles SB.DISP subroutines. During the Display 7 test, an information dialog appears repeatedly during the test. At its conclusion, the test returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also

later access the results and output them in different ways. See Performance testing results, on page 384



Appendix H: SB Support Account

Testing SYS calls in screens

You can test the speed at which your client handles SYS calls with a utility in the SB Support Account.

The test allows you to observe the behavior and performance impacts when you use different suppress options for switching Sys IDs with the SYS command. See “SYS,newsisid,Supr” in the SB/XA

Application Server Reference Manual.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Sys ID Testing → Run

Process In Other System.

A dialog is displayed.

2. Click More Info to learn more about this test, and then close the information window.

3. Click Run Test.

The Test SYS Call In Screens screen is displayed.


4. In the Code field, enter a name for the record to be created for this test. Values can be anything alpha-numeric, but it is recommended that you enter a name descriptive for this test. For example, in the preceding image, SysOpt4 describes the a test of a SYS call with Suppress option


5. In the Sys Action field, choose which SYS call Suppress option you want to test. For more information, see “SYS,newsisid,Supr” in the SB/XA Application Server Reference Manual.

6. In the Other System Id field, enter the name of any other available system to which your SYS call can switch.

When you press Enter after entering a system ID, the Nav Method field is populated automatically.

The Load Theme on SYS Call fields are display-only and show you what settings you have in SB

Control Parameters for loading a theme on a SYS call.

7. Click F5.Setup Other System.

A message indicates which test process was deployed to the other system.

8. Click Continue.

9. Click

F6.Performance Test.

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

Testing reports

10. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

11. Click


SB/XA tests the speed at which your client handles SYS calls. At its conclusion, the test returns results in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also

later access the results and output them in different ways. See Performance testing results, on page 384


12. Optional: Run the test again with a different Suppress option to see the performance difference.

13. Optional. Change your settings for loading theme on SYS call in SB Control Parameters → XUI

Parms tab and run the test again to see the performance differences.

Testing reports

Using a utility in the SB Support Account, you can test the performance of reports with the XPS

Download Pages option.


1. In the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance Tests → Reports Testing → XPS

Download Pages.


Appendix H: SB Support Account

A dialog is displayed.

2. Click More Info to learn more about this test, and then close the information window.

3. Click

Run Test.

The Report Download Performance screen is displayed.


4. In the

Pages field, enter the number of test report pages that you want to create, and press Enter.

The Rows and Characters fields are automatically populated based on your entry in the Pages field.

5. Enter the number of pages to download at a time in the

XPS Download Pages field. For more information on this feature, see the XPS Download Pages documentation in

XUI Parms tab, on page 192

in Administering SB/XA.

6. Click F5.Build Data, and click Continue.

The test data is ready, and you can test performance of the report download through different processes.

Testing reports

7. Click

F6.RD Report to create a Report Definition report with the test data and test the performance of its download.

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

8. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

9. Click


The Output To dialog is displayed.

10. Choose an output type.

SB/XA downloads the report and measures the time it takes to do so. When you close the report, the performance results are displayed in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later access the results and output them in different ways. See

Performance testing results, on page 384 .

11. Click

F7.TU Report to test the download speed of the TU.SEND.TO.PRINTER subroutine with XPS

Download Pages options. For more information, see “TU.SEND.TO.PRINTER” in the SB/XA Client

Programmer’s Guide


The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

12. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

13. Click F2.Save.


Appendix H: SB Support Account

SB/XA downloads the report and measures the time it takes to do so. When you close the report, the performance results are displayed in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later access the results and output them in different ways. See

Performance testing results, on page 384 .

14. Click F8.Input Grid to test the speed at which a grid is populated with test data.

The Client Configuration Info screen is displayed.

15. Enter information about your client configuration, which can be found by clicking

Options →

Client Configuration from the client main window.

If you run multiple performance tests during the same session, this information is populated automatically for subsequent tests.

16. Click


Grid data is loaded and displayed, and the time taken to do so is measured. The results of the performance test are displayed in a screen that illustrates the details of the test and the performance results. You can also later access the results and output them in different ways. See

Performance testing results, on page 384

17. Optional: Run the tests again with different XPS Download Pages options to see the performance differences.

Performance testing results

The results of performance tests in the SB Support Account can be displayed in several ways.

Viewing results

Each time you run a performance test in the SB Support Account, the results of that test are displayed immediately in a screen. They also are accumulated and can be accessed again later by clicking

Performance → Performance Tests → Results.

You are presented with two options for viewing results:

Results Report and Results to Excel.

Results Report

If you choose

Results Report, you are presented with the XPS Viewer Output To dialog, which allows you to choose an output type for your results report. For more information about these options, see

“Displaying output to screen with XPS Viewer” in the SB/XA Developer’s Guide.

When you choose an output type and run the report, the results of all of your performance tests are displayed in report format.

Results to Excel

If you choose

Results to Excel from the Results menu, you are prompted to enter a filepath where the

Excel report will be created.

Enter a path and click

F2.Save. SB/XA sends the results of all of your performance tests to an Excel output.

Clearing results

The results of your performance tests continue to accumulate, spanning multiple sessions, until you manually delete them.

To delete performance test results, in the SB Support Account, click Performance → Performance

Tests → Results → Clear Results.


Other utilities in the SB Support Account

Other utilities in the SB Support Account

You can use utilities in the SB Support Account to overcome common challenges in managing and upgrading your SB applications.

In the SB Support Account, click

XA Test1 → Utilities.

This menu gives you options to address issues with Single Sign-On, interleaved grids, MV phrases, and other miscellaneous areas.

See the appropriate sections of the documentation set for information about interleaved grids or any of the other topics on this menu.

For more detailed instructions for using these features, see the entitled Tech Note SBXA-8205.


Appendix I: Web DESB/XA with Rocket Aldon


You can integrate Web DESB/XA with Aldon Lifecycle Manager for Rocket U2 (LMU2) to manage your data and applications through all stages of development.

LMU2 uses Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager (Enterprise Edition), referred to in this documentation as

LM(e), to manage U2 programs, data records, and dictionary records. LM(e) provides common source control features, such as check in and check out, and manages items in the following ways:

â–ª Items move through development lifecycle stages to completion.

â–ª User authorities can be set at each stage.

â–ª Items can be deployed at each stage for testing or production.

â–ª Items are tracked through each stage and each deployment, resulting in a clear audit trail.

To learn more about LM(e), visit

. Navigate to

Rocket Aldon →

Lifecycle Manager for Rocket U2.

You need a special license to access the LM(e) functionality using Web DESB/XA. Contact Rocket

U2 technical support at [email protected]

, or Rocket Business Connect at https://


If you have purchased the LM(e) edition of Web DESB/XA, you will need to perform the following tasks before getting started with LM(e):

1. Install LM(e). Follow the instructions in the Rocket Aldon documentation at https://

. Navigate to

Rocket Aldon → Lifecycle Manager Enterprise Edition.

Note: You do not need to install LMU2. This component is installed automatically with your

LM(e)-enabled installation of Web DESB/XA.

2. Complete the steps in Changing environment variables, on page 386 .

3. Complete the tasks listed in the Setup chapter of the Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager for Rocket U2

User’s Guide



4. Run LME.SETDEVENV. Use the information in the Configuration commands chapter of the Rocket

Aldon Lifecycle Manager for Rocket U2 User’s Guide

found at


5. Complete the steps in Setting up LM(e) projects, on page 388


6. Complete the steps in Associating LM(e) projects with users, on page 388


7. Complete the steps in Signing into LM(e), on page 388


8. In Web Designer, deploy the RedBack Object Server as described in the deployment chapters of

Web DE Installation and Configuration.



Verify that attribute 1 of the Aldon item in WWCONTROL or WWTEXT is set to 1.

Changing environment variables

The procedure that you must follow varies depending on whether you are using the SB/XA XUI clients, or a terminal emulator such as SBClient.

Proceed to


Changing environment variables for use with a terminal emulator, on page 387


Changing environment variables for use with a terminal emulator or


Changing environment variables for use with the XUI clients, on page 387

Changing environment variables for use with a terminal emulator

If you are using a terminal emulator such as SBClient, follow these steps.

1. Use vi in your Unix environment to edit the item .profile.

2. Add the following to the environment variable path:


Next step

Complete the tasks in the Setup chapter of the Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager for Rocket U2 User’s


found at


Changing environment variables for use with the XUI clients

If you are using Rich Client or Browser Client, follow these steps.

1. In the XUI client, run / SE LMU2_FILES $LMU2.CONTROL.

2. Add the path



4. Edit the home directory as required by your system parameters.

5. Compile and globally catalog UOLOGIN.

Next step

Complete the tasks in the Setup chapter of the Rocket Aldon Lifecycle Manager for Rocket U2 User’s


found at


Projects in LM(e)

LM(e) manages projects and their associated tasks. Before you begin using LM(e), you must define a project, such as a major upgrade to your application. Within that project, you specify tasks that must be completed. Use the /LME.PROJECTS command, as detailed in the following section, to define a project.


Appendix I: Web DESB/XA with Rocket Aldon LM(e)

Setting up LM(e) projects

1. In SBClient or either of the XUI clients, access the LMe Projects screen by typing



Figure 11: LM(e) projects

2. In the

Project Code field, assign a unique code for a project.

3. In the Project Name field, give your project a descriptive name.

4. In the Task grid, name and describe all the tasks associated with the project.

Associating LM(e) projects with users

Roles are important in LM(e). The system tracks which users make which changes, and when they make them. It is therefore essential to associate users to projects and tasks at the outset of a project.

1. In any of the clients, access User Security Setup by typing


2. Enter user details in the opening screen of the User Security Setup window.

3. Click the LMe tab.

4. In the LMe Projects field, enter all projects to which this user will need access.

5. Optionally, enter a Default Project and a Default Task for this user.

Signing into LM(e)

To use LM(e) with SB/XA, you must sign into LM(e) as well as SB/XA.



1. In any of the clients, type


Figure 12: LM(e) sign-on

2. Enter the LM(e) username and password.

3. In the Task Name field, enter the name of the LM(e) task on which you want to work.

4. In the

Comments field, enter details about the work you are performing or the action you are taking.


When you sign into LM(e) with LME.SIGNON, the information is written to a new file in SB/XA,


Once you have signed into LM(e), at every change you make or every process you run, you are prompted to specify which project you are working on and to enter a comment. This prompt comes from

LME.WORK, and when you answer the prompts, your answers are written to LME.WORK. These answers then result in a change to the default task specified for the current user; the next time you sign into LM(e), your default task is whatever was last written to


LM(e) check-ins and check-outs

You can do work in an LM(e)-enabled SB system without checking items in and out of LM(e).

When you open an item in an LM(e)-enabled SB system, you are prompted to specify a project or task name and a comment. If you enter this information, the item is checked out. But you can ignore these prompts by entering no information and pressing Enter, and in that case, the item is not checked out.

If you make changes to an item that is part of the application account and the LM(e) system, you are prompted to check in the changes by specifying a project and comment. If you ignore the prompts and enter no information, the changes are not checked into LM(e).

If you make changes to an item that exists in the application account but is not present in LM(e), you are prompted to add the item to LM(e) by specifying a project and comment. You can ignore the prompts and not add the item to LM(e).



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