Valve lower chamber tensioner knob outer sleeve
End Cap load calibrated spring
Important Notices
Used properly, POWERbreathe can be used safely by almost anyone without any harmful side effects.
1. If you have any doubts about POWERbreathe’s suitability or you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor.
2. Do not make any changes to any prescribed medication or prescribed treatment programme without consulting your doctor.
3. Anyone under the age of 16 should only use
POWERbreathe with supervision of an adult.
4. While training with POWERbreathe you should feel resistance to inhaling. It should not be painful. If you should feel pain while using POWERbreathe you should STOP using it immediately. You may want to contact your doctor.
5. This product is designed to be used for exercise only. Any other use is not recommended.
6. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
If you have any questions about POWERbreathe please call the distributor in your country.
You should begin to notice and enjoy the benefits of using your POWERbreathe in just a few weeks. To make sure you get the most from your POWERbreathe, please read this instruction booklet carefully and take time to get used to your POWERbreathe.
Getting used to your
1. Pull off the outer sleeve and, holding the POWERbreathe upright, turn the tensioner knob, first right to move the knob up and then left to move the knob down. The correct starting position is when the knob is at its lowest point - you can just see the spring at the base of the lower chamber and the arrows are lined up.
2. Push the outer sleeve back into place so that it forms a handle.
Ensure it does not touch the tensioner knob.
3. Pull off the mouthpiece and place it in your mouth so that your lips cover the outer shield to make a seal and close your teeth so they rest on the inner grip. Breathe in and out through your mouth for a few breaths.
4. Keeping the mouthpiece in your mouth, put on the noseclip so that it pushes your nostrils together, then practise taking in a deep breath and then breathing out slowly.
5. Continue this exercise, but now breathe out slowly until you cannot breathe out any further before you take a big breath in. This technique will improve the effectiveness of your POWERbreathe.
6. Remove the noseclip then take the mouthpiece from your mouth and push it back onto the POWERbreathe. Have a tissue ready as you may build up a small amount of saliva on the mouthpiece – this is perfectly normal.
(Do not twist, loosen or remove the end cap)
During use, POWERbreathe induces a negative pressure within the chest cavity; the size of this pressure depends on the training load and is therefore related to the strength of your inspiratory muscles (strong muscles = high training load). There may be some very rare instances in which the induction of a substantial negative pressure within the chest cavity may exacerbate an existing condition. If in doubt, consult your G.P or consultant.
If you are suffering from a cold or other respiratory tract infection, you should not use your POWERbreathe until the symptoms have disappeared. You may notice slight discomfort in your ears when using POWERbreathe after a cold; this is caused by blockage of the Eustachian tubes (small tube between your throat and middle ear) that equalises pressure across your ear drum. The discomfort can be eased by closing your mouth, pinching your nose and blowing gently to equalise the pressure. If you have difficulty with your ears when flying or diving, you may experience the same symptoms when using
POWERbreathe .
Practising with your POWERbreathe
Perform the following steps to practise the correct way to breathe through your POWERbreathe.
1. Remove the outer sleeve and check that the tensioner knob is in the start position (described earlier), while holding the POWERbreathe upright.
2. Replace the outer sleeve and grip it as you place the mouthpiece in your mouth.
3. Breathe out as far as you can, then take a fast, forceful breath in, and continue so that you take in as much air as you can, as quickly as you can. Breathe in until you are no longer able to open the valve.
4. Now breathe out slowly and passively until your lungs are empty in the way you have already practised. You will need to squeeze the last bit of air out of your lungs.
5. Pause until you feel the urge to breathe again.
6. Repeat this exercise until you feel confident about breathing through the POWERbreathe, then put on the noseclip and continue to practise making a forceful breath in and breathing out fully.
REMEMBER: Your breath in should be fast and forceful and your breath out should be long and slow. Do not pant. With a little practise you should find using POWERbreathe simple and enjoyable.
It should be challenging, not painful – if you feel any discomfort while using POWERbreathe, discontinue use immediately and consult your doctor, or call the
POWERbreathe helpline.
Using your POWERbreathe
Once you feel you have mastered the correct breathing techniques to get the most out of your POWERbreathe, you are ready to start the POWERbreathe programme exercises. We recommend that you use your POWERbreathe twice a day, in the morning and at night, each time following the simple routine:
1. Make sure you are sitting or standing upright and feel relaxed.
2. You should aim to complete 30 breaths each session. If you start to feel lightheaded, slow down and pause at the end of your breath out, before taking the next breath in.
3. Don’t worry if you can’t manage to complete 30 breaths straight away. Everyone is different and it can take time to build up your breathing muscles.
4. If you can complete 30 breaths with ease, turn the tensioner knob to the right to increase the training load. In this way, by a process of trial and error, you will be able to find the optimal training level for you…the key is to be just able to complete 30 breaths.
5. Use your POWERbreathe on this new setting, still aiming to complete 30 breaths. You should find breathing in a little harder and may not be able to complete a full session.
But within a few days you will, so persevere.
6. The aim is to continue adjusting your POWERbreathe so that it is challenging - but not painful - so that you can only just complete 30 breaths in a session.
REMEMBER: Everyone is different. Using your
POWERbreathe is not a race to get the tensioner knob to the highest position. Some people may never be able to achieve 30 breaths with the tensioner knob at its starting point, but the exercise can still benefit their breathing. On the other hand, you may progress rapidly and find it necessary to adjust your POWERbreathe every four or five days.
Getting the most out of your
You should begin to enjoy the benefits of your
POWERbreathe within the first one to two weeks of use and your breathing power should have improved substantially after four to six weeks.
At this stage you will not need to use your POWERbreathe every day to maintain your improved breathing. Using your
POWERbreathe every other day, when convenient, will be sufficient to continue to enjoy a better lifestyle.
-Training for performance
POWERbreathe is like any other kind of training – you get out what you put in. If you are using POWERbreathe to enhance your performance, you may want to push yourself a little harder.
When training for performance with POWERbreathe, use the same “30 breaths twice a day” training programme, but be aware you will only achieve optimum benefits when you train "hard". In other words, breathe as deeply and forcefully as you possibly can and aim to reach "overload" within 30 breaths. "Overload" means you should be unable to open the valve properly by the time you reach 30 breaths.
If you find that you can manage 34 breaths with ease, increase your training load by a quarter of a turn. This may mean that you can only achieve 26 breaths or so next session, but stick at it – within a few days you will be back up to 30 again. In this way you are always training to the "max".
This intensity of training is quite strenuous and we only recommend it for those users who are accustomed to hard physical activity.
Using your POWERbreathe as an addition to warm-up
Research has shown that a normal warm-up routine neglects your breathing muscles. POWERbreathe can be used to warm-up your breathing prior to exercise.
To do this you first need to determine your current training level by removing the outer sleeve and checking the number on the circular "steps" visible on the lower chamber.
If you can see only one line circle visible on the chamber, your level is high, if you can see two lines your level is medium and if all three are visible, you are using a low training level. Then reduce the load on your
POWERbreathe by three turns if your level is high, two if it is medium and one if it is low.
Your POWERbreathe is now set for warm-up. Perform two sets of 30 breaths with two mins rest between each set. Try to breathe in fully but avoid maximum effort. This routine should be done within five minutes of your workout, training or competition.
Remember to return your POWERbreathe to its previous setting for traditional POWERbreathe training.
Cleaning your POWERbreathe
Your POWERbreathe will be exposed to a quantity of saliva during use and we recommend that you should clean it frequently to keep it in good working order and hygienic to use.
A few times a week, soak your POWERbreathe in luke-warm water for about 10 minutes then wipe it with a soft cloth under warm, running water, paying particular attention to the mouthpiece. Shake off excess water and leave on a clean towel to dry.
Once a week, perform the same procedure but soak your
POWERbreathe in a mild sterilising solution instead of water. The sterilising solution used must be intended for use on equipment that comes into contact with the mouth, such as that used for babies’ bottles. If in doubt ask your pharmacist.
To keep your POWERbreathe in top condition, after sterilisation hold it upside down under a running tap with the tensioner knob depressed as far as it will go so that water runs through the device. Again, leave on a towel to dry.
Remember, do not remove the end cap!
POWERbreathe is not a toy. This product is designed to be used for lung exercise only. Any other use is not recommended. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.
Relieves the symptons of Asthma
In randomised, controlled trials, on mild / moderate asthmatics, POWERbreathe increased inspiratory muscle strength by a mean of 11% in just 3 weeks
(McConnell et al., 1998).
Proven to improve athletic performance
Studies have shown that time trial performance improves in elite rowers (Volianitis et al., 2001a) and cyclists (Romer et al., 2001a) by as much as 4.6% - that slashes almost 3 minutes off a 40km cycling time trial and gives a winning margin of more than 60m in a 2000m rowing race!
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