Cole-Parmer 16 Series Precision water flow meter, 16 Series Precision water flow controller Operating Manual
Below you will find brief information for water flow meter 16 Series Precision, water flow controller 16 Series Precision. These devices accurately measure or control water flow rates using a laminar flow element (LFE). They include features such as a digital display, configurable parameters, tare function, pressure and temperature measurement, and optional communication capabilities. These devices find applications in laboratory, industrial, and research settings for water flow measurement and control.
Operating Manual
16 Series Precision
Water Flow Meter and
Water Flow Controller
Notice: The manufacturer reserves the right to make any changes and improvements to the products described in this manual at any time and without notice. This manual is copyrighted. This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, translated, or converted to any electronic medium or machine readable form, for commercial purposes, without prior written consent from the copyright holder.
Note: Although we provide assistance on our products both personally and through our literature, it is the complete responsibility of the user to determine the suitability of any product to their application.
The manufacturer does not warrant or assume responsibility for the use of its products in life support applications or systems.
Wide-Range Laminar Flow Element Patent:
The wide-range laminar fl ow element and products using the wide-range laminar fl ow element are covered by U.S. Patent Number: 5,511,416. Manufacture or use of the wide-range laminar fl ow element in products other than products licensed under said patent will be deemed an infringement.
Conformity / Supplemental Information:
The product complies with the requirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC
Directive 89/336/EEC (including 93/68/EEC) and carries the CE Marking accordingly. Contact the manufacturer for more information.
11/10/2005 Rev.2 DOC-LLCMAN16CP
Table of Contents
Flow Measurement Operating Principle
Flow Control Operating Principle
Bleed Ports
Power and Signal Connections
Analog Input Signal
RS-232 Digital Input Signal
RS-232 Digital Output Signal
Standard Voltage (0-5 Vdc) Output Signal
Optional 0-10 Vdc Output Signal
Optional Current (4-20 mA) Output Signal
Optional 2nd Analog Output Signal
L Series Water Flow Meter Operation
Main Mode
Line Pressure
Line Temperature
Flashing Error Message
Select Menu Mode
Communication Select Mode
Unit ID
Data Rate
Manufacturer Data Mode
LC Series Volumetric Flow Meter Operation
Main Mode
Line Pressure
Line Temperature
Set Pt.
Flashing Error Message
Select Menu Mode
Control Setup Mode
Table of Contents
Communication Select Mode
Manufacturer Data Mode
RS-232 Output and Input
Confi guring Hyperterminal®
Changing from Streaming to Polling Mode
Tareing via RS-232
Sending a Set-Point via RS-232
Adjusting P & D Terms via RS-232
Collecting Data
Data Format
Sending a Simple Script File to Hyperterminal®
Maintenance and Recalibration
Technical Specifi cations
Dimensional Drawings
Additional Information
Option: Totalizing Mode
Option: Battery Pack
Option: Local Set-Point Module
Flow Conversion Table
Table of Figures
Figure 1. Bleed Ports
Figure 2. 8 Pin Mini-DIN Connector
Figure 3. Simple Method for Providing Set-Point to Controllers
Figure 4. Mini-DIN to DB-9 Connection for RS-232 Signals
Figure 5. Typical Multiple Device (Addressable) Wiring Confi guration
Figure 6. Optional Industrial Connector
Figure 7. Main Mode Display, L Series Flow Meter
Figure 8. Proper Set Up for Remote Tare on Meters
Figure 9. Select Menu Display
Figure 10. Communication Select
Figure 11. Manufacturer Data
Figure 12. Main Mode Display, LC Series Flow Meter
Figure 13. LC series Control Setup Display
Thank you for purchasing an L Series Water Flow Meter or LC Water Flow Controller. Please take the time to fi nd and read the information contained in this manual. This will help to ensure that you get the best possible service from your instrument. This manual covers the following Cole-Parmer instruments:
L Series 16 Bit Water Flow Meters L-XXCCM-D
LC Series 16 Bit Water Flow Controllers LC-XXCCM-D
Flow Measurement Operating Principle
All L or LC Series Water Flow Meters/Controllers accurately determine the fl ow rate by creating a pressure drop across a unique internal restriction, known as a Laminar Flow Element (LFE), and measuring differential pressure across it. The restriction is designed so that the water molecules are forced to move in parallel paths along the entire length of the passage; hence laminar (streamline) fl ow is established for the entire range of operation of the device. Unlike other fl ow measuring devices, in laminar fl ow meters the relationship between pressure drop and fl ow is linear. The underlying principle of operation of the 16 Series Flow Meters is known as the Poiseuille Equation:
(Equation 1)
Where: Q = Volumetric Flow Rate
= Static pressure at the inlet
= Static pressure at the outlet r = Radius of the restriction
= (eta) absolute viscosity of the fl uid
L = Length of the restriction
Since p, r and L are constant; Equation 1 can be rewritten as:
Q = K (
(Equation 2)
Where K is a constant factor determined by the geometry of the restriction. Equation 2 shows the linear relationship between volumetric fl ow rate (Q) differential pressure (DP) and absolute viscosity (h) in a simpler form.
In order to have an accurate reading of the fl ow rate, the absolute viscosity of the fl uid must be established. The rate at which liquids change viscosity with changes in temperature is not linear. The relationship between temperature and viscosity for water is well established and Cole-Parmer L and
LC Series units utilize a high accuracy temperature sensor and this relationship to provide an accurate viscosity reference. For this reason, these meters and controllers are generally recommended
only for use with pure water. Any additives to water (such as antifreeze or disinfectants) that might affect the viscosity should be avoided. As shown in Equation 2, an error in viscosity between the actual fl uid and water will result in a 1:1 error percentage in the fl ow rate reported by the meter. For instance if the actual fl uid passing through the meter is 5% different than that of pure water at a given temperature, the reported fl ow rate will be 5% inaccurate.
Flow Control Operating Principle
For the purposes of this explanation, the term “valve” will refer to the proportional control valve mounted on the controller. The term “controller” will refer to the fl ow meter and the measurement and control electronics portion of the device. In actuality, the whole device is generally referred to as a controller.
The valve normally mounted downstream of the controller.
LC Series Flow Controllers ship with a normally closed proportional control valve. No fl ow will occur until the valve receives a voltage signal from the controller, and the controller will not send a voltage signal to the valve until the user provides a set point to the controller. The user can provide a set point either locally via the display and user interface buttons, or more commonly, by providing an external signal that corresponds to the fl ow range of the controller. This external signal can be an analog voltage or current signal such as a 0-5 Vdc or 4-20 mA signal, or a digital RS-232 signal via serial communication with a computer.
The controller utilizes what is called PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative) loop control circuitry and software. The PID loop control works by repeatedly comparing the measured fl ow rate to the set point and incrementally adjusting the voltage signal to the valve in a continuous attempt to match the measured fl ow rate to the set point. For example, at any given time the controller looks at the measured fl ow rate and the set point, if the set point is higher than the measured fl ow rate, the controller will slightly increase the voltage signal to the valve and thus open it little more. If the set point is lower than the measured fl ow rate, the controller will slightly decrease the voltage signal to the valve and thus close it off a little more. This look, compare, and adjust “loop” occurs on the order of 1000 times each second.
LC Series Flow Controllers ship with a general PID tuning that is usually suffi cient for most applications.
Occasionally an application will require the customer to change this tuning. The Proportional and
Derivative terms can be fi eld adjusted in all LC controllers. In very general terms, the P term can be thought of as how fast the controller responds to change and the D term can be thought of as a damping factor.
All L Series Meters and LC Series Controllers are equipped with female inlet and outlet port connections.
Because the fl ow meters set up a laminar fl ow condition within the fl ow body, no straight runs of pipe are required upstream or downstream of the meter. The inlet and outlet ports are equal in size and symmetric (in-line). The port sizes (process connections) and mechanical dimensions for different fl ow ranges are shown on page 28.
Meters/controllers with 10-32 ports have o-ring face seals and require no further sealant or tape. On other meters/controllers, avoid the use of pipe dopes or sealants on the ports as these compounds can cause permanent damage to the meter should they get into the fl ow stream. Use of thread sealing
Tefl on tape is recommended to prevent leakage around the threads. When applying the tape, avoid wrapping the fi rst thread or two to minimize the possibility of getting a piece of shredded tape into the fl ow stream. When changing fi ttings, always clean any tape or debris from the port threads.
It is also recommended that a 20 micron fi lter be installed upstream of meters/controllers with full scale ranges of 100CCM or less and a 50 micron fi lter be installed upstream of meters/controllers with full scale ranges above 100CCM.
Note: Avoiding long runs of small diameter tubing upstream or downstream of controllers will
reduce water hammer.
All L Series Meters and LC Series Controllers have mounting holes for convenient mounting to fl at panels. These meters are position insensitive and can be mounted in any orientation. The sizes and dimensions for the mounting holes are shown on pages 29-30.
Note: For applications that may continuously introduce occasional air bubbles to the fl ow stream upstream of the device, the device may be mounted upside down to prevent the bubbles from becoming trapped in the differential pressure sensor ports. If the device has been installed upside down, avoid using the bleed screws as water may leak into the electronics housing causing permanent damage that is not covered under warranty!
Maximum operating line pressure is 100 PSIG (689 kPa). Caution: Exceeding the maximum specifi ed
line pressure may cause permanent damage to the solid-state differential pressure transducer.
If the line pressure is higher than the 100 PSIG (689 kPa), a pressure regulator should be used upstream from the fl ow meter to reduce the pressure to 100 PSIG (689 kPa) or less if possible. Although the meter’s operation is uni-directional, reversing the fl ow direction will infl ict no damage as long as the maximum specifi ed limits are not exceeded. The differential pressure sensor utilized in this fl ow meter/ controller is a very sensitive device capable of detecting minute differences in pressure.
Avoid installations (such as snap acting solenoid valves upstream) that apply instantaneous high pressure to the meter as permanent damage to the differential pressure sensor could result. This damage is not covered under warranty!
Bleed Ports
Cole-Parmer L and LC Series fl ow meters and controllers are equipped with bleed ports on the front to aid in the removal of air bubbles from the differential pressure sensor ports. The bleed ports consist of a threaded hole with an 8-32 nylon tipped screw as shown in Figure 1. After installation or anytime it is suspected that air may be trapped in the sensor ports, bleed the ports as follows:
CAUTION: A small amount of water will leak from the device during this procedure. Take necessary
precautions to prevent the leaking water from damaging anything around the unit, taking special care to avoid any live electrical devices or lines.
With the meter/controller installed and line pressure applied, gently loosen the upstream bleed port screw 1-2 turns or until water begins to leak from the threads. DO NOT REMOVE THE SCREW as the port is subject to line pressures and injury, equipment damage, or loss of required parts may result!
Gently tap the fl ow body (a wooden or plastic screwdriver handle works well for this) to encourage air bubbles to exit the port.
Any air in the port will generally be removed as the water leaks out even though you may not see or hear it.
Gently tighten the screw until the leakage stops, taking care not to crush the nylon tip.
Repeat steps 1-4 with the second bleed port.
8-32 Nylon Tipped Bleed Screw
5/64 Hex Loosen to Bleed
Figure 1. Bleed Ports
Power and Signal Connections
Power can be supplied to your meter or controller through either the AC/DC adapter jack, or through the
8 pin Mini-DIN connector as shown in Figure 2.
A 2.1mm, positive center, 9-30 Vdc AC/DC adapter rated for at least 100 mA is required to use the adapter jack in a fl ow meter.
A 2.1mm, positive center, 12-18 Vdc AC/DC adapter rated for at least 300 mA is required to use the adapter jack in a fl ow controller.
Cables can be purchased from the manufacturer (see Accessories on page 37) or they are available at local electronics suppliers. Alternatively, power can be supplied through the Mini-DIN connector as shown below:
AC/DC Adapter Jack
1 2
3 4
7 8
Pin Function
Mini-DIN cable color
Black 1 Inactive or 4-20mA Primary Output Signal
Static 5.12 Vdc or Secondary Analog Output (4-20mA, 5Vdc, 10Vdc) or
Basic Alarm
3 RS-232 Input Signal
Analog Input Signal = Remote Tare (Meters - see Figure 8)
= Set-Point In (Controllers - see Figure 3)
RS-232 Output Signal
0-5 Vdc (or 0-10 Vdc) Output Signal
Power In (as descibed above)
Ground (common for power, communications and signals)
Note: The above pin-out is applicable to all the fl ow meters and controllers available with the Mini-
DIN connector. The availability of different output signals depends on the fl ow meter options ordered.
Underlined Items in the above table are optional confi gurations that are noted on the unit’s calibration sheet.
Figure 2. 8 Pin Mini-DIN Connector
CAUTION:Do not connect power to pins 1 through 6 as permanent damage can occur!
Note: Upon initial review of the pin out diagram in Figure 2, it is common to mistake Pin 2 (labeled
5.12 Vdc Output) as the standard 0-5 Vdc analog output signal! In fact Pin 2 is normally a constant
5.12 Vdc that refl ects the system bus voltage and can be used as a source for the input signal. This allows the user in the fi eld to run this output through a 50K ohm potentiometer and back into the analog set point pin to create a 0-5 Vdc set point source (see Figure 3).
Analog Input Signal
Apply analog input to Pin 4 as shown in Figure 2.
Unless ordered otherwise, 0-5 Vdc is the standard analog input signal. Apply the 0-5 Vdc input signal to pin 4, with common ground on pin 8. The 5.12 Vdc output on pin 2 can be wired through a 50K ohm potentiometer and back to the analog input on pin 4 to create an adjustable 0-5 Vdc input signal source as in Figure 3 below.
0-5 Vdc
8 7
5.12 Vdc
50 KOhm
Figure 3. Simple Method for Providing Set-Point to Controllers
Optional 0-10 Vdc: If specifi ed at time of order, a 0-10 Vdc input signal can be applied to pin 4, with common ground on pin 8.
Optional 4-20 mA: If specifi ed at time of order, a 4-20 mA input signal can be applied to pin 4, with common ground on pin 8.
RS-232 Digital Input Signal
If you will be using the RS-232 output signal, it is necessary to connect the RS-232 Output Signal
(Pin 5), the RS-232 Input Signal (Pin 3), and Ground (Pin 8) to your computer serial port as shown in
Figure 4. Adapter cables are available from the manufacturer (see Accessories page 30) or they can be constructed in the fi eld with parts from a local electronic supply house. In Figure 4, note that the diagrams represent the “port” side of the connections, i.e. the connector on top of the meter and the physical DB-9 serial port on the back of the computer. The cable ends will be mirror images of the diagram shown in Figure 4. (See page 20 for details on accessing RS-232 output and input.)
RS-232 Digital Output Signal
If you will be using the RS-232 output signal, it is necessary to connect the RS-232 Output Signal (Pin
5), the RS-232 Input Signal (Pin 3), and Ground (Pin 8) to your computer serial port as shown in Figure
4. Adapter cables are available from the manufacturer or they can be constructed in the fi eld with parts from an electronics supply house. In Figure 4, note that the diagrams represent the “port” side of the connections, i.e. the connector on top of the meter and the physical DB-9 serial port on the back of the computer. The cable ends will be mirror images of the diagram shown in Figure 4. (See page 20 for details on accessing RS-232 output.)
Standard Voltage (0-5 Vdc) Output Signal
All L and LC Series fl ow meters/controllers have a 0-5 Vdc (optional 0-10 Vdc) output signal available on
Pin 6. This is generally available in addition to other optionally ordered outputs. This voltage is usually in the range of 0.010 Vdc for zero fl ow and 5.0 Vdc for full-scale fl ow. The output voltage is linear over the entire range. Ground for this signal is common on Pin 8.
Optional 0-10 Vdc Output Signal
If your meter/controller was ordered with a 0-10 Vdc output signal, it will be available on Pin 6. (See the
Calibration Data Sheet that shipped with your meter to determine which output signals were ordered.)
This voltage is usually in the range of 0.010 Vdc for zero fl ow and 10.0 Vdc for full-scale fl ow. The output voltage is linear over the entire range. Ground for this signal is common on Pin 8.
Optional Current (4-20 mA) Output Signal
If your meter/controller was ordered with a 4-20 mA current output signal, it will be available on Pin
1. (See the Calibration Data Sheet that shipped with your device to determine which output signals were ordered.) The current signal is 4 mA at 0 fl ow and 20 mA at the meter’s full scale fl ow. The output current is linear over the entire range. Ground for this signal is common on Pin 8. (Current output units require 15-30Vdc power.)
Note: This is a current sourcing device. Do not attempt to connect it to “loop powered “ systems.
Optional 2nd Analog Output Signal
You may specify an optional 2nd analog output on Pin 2 at time of order. (See the Calibration Data
Sheet that shipped with your device to determine which output signals were ordered.) This output may be a 0-5 Vdc, 0-10 Vdc, or 4-20 mA analog signal that can represent any measured parameter.
Note: This is a current sourcing device. Do not attempt to connect it to “loop powered “ systems.
DB-9 Serial Port
8 Pin Mini-DIN Port
Figure 4. Mini-DIN to DB-9 Connection for RS-232 Signals
5. Purple (Ground)
3. Red (Transmit →)
2. Yellow (Receive ←)
Unit A
Unit B
Unit C
Female Serial Cable Front
Figure 5. Typical Multiple Device (Addressable) Wiring Confi guration
An optional industrial connector is also available:
Pin Function
Power In (
+ )
2 RS-232 Output
3 RS-232 Input Signal
4 Remote Tare (Ground to Tare)
5 Ground (commom for power,
communications and signals)
6 Signal Out (Voltage or Current as ordered)
Cable Color
Figure 6. Optional Industrial Connector
Note: The above pin-out is applicable to all the fl ow meters and controllers ordered with the industrial connector. The availability of different output signals depends on the fl ow meter options ordered.
L Series Water Flow Meter Operation
The L Series can have several screen “modes” depending on how the device is ordered. All L Series meters have a default Main Mode, Select Menu Mode, a Communication Select Mode and a Manufacturer
Data Mode. (In addition your meter may have been ordered with the Totalizing Mode option, see page
31.) The device defaults to Main Mode as soon as power is applied to the meter.
Note: L Series Flow Meters may also be powered with the 9 Volt Battery Pack described on page 32.
Main Mode
The main mode screen shows the fl ow in the units specifi ed at time of order, the line pressure in PSIG, and the process temperature in degrees Celsius. The following parameters are displayed in the main mode as shown in Figure 7:
PSIG o C Tare
+23.47 +22.73
Volume Main
Figure 7. Main Mode Display, L Series Flow Meter
The “MODE” button in the lower right hand corner toggles the display between modes.
Tare – Pushing the dynamically labeled Tare button in the upper right hand corner tares the fl ow meter and provides it with a reference point for zero fl ow. This is a very simple but important step in obtaining
accurate measurements. It is good practice to “zero” the fl ow meter each time it is powered up and whenever a known zero fl ow condition exists. If the fl ow reading varies signifi cantly from zero after an initial tare, give the unit a minute or so to warm up and re-zero it. If possible, it is helpful to zero the unit near the expected operating pressure by positively blocking the fl ow downstream of the fl ow meter prior to pushing the “Tare” button. Zeroing the unit while there is any fl ow will directly affect the accuracy by providing a false zero point. It is not uncommon for a meter to read a small value when it is removed from the process line as water can “hang” in one or both of the differential pressure sensor ports. If the unit reads a signifi cant negative value when removed from the line and blocked, it is a good indication that it was given a false zero.
Note: A remote tare can be achieved by momentarily grounding pin 4 to tare as shown in Figure 8 on page 14.
Line Pressure – Pressing the dynamically labeled PSIG button located in the upper left corner of the display will move the line gauge pressure to the primary display.
Line Temperature – Pressing the dynamically labeled °C button located in the upper middle of the display will move the process temperature to the primary display.
Volume – The volume fl ow rate is defaulted on the primary display. Pressing the dynamically labeled
“Volume” button will move the volume fl ow rate to the primary display if another parameter is displayed there.
Flashing Error Message: Our fl ow meters and controllers display an error message (VOV = volumetric overrange, POV = pressure overrange, TOV = temperature overrange) when a measured parameter exceeds the range of the sensors in the device. When any item fl ashes on the display, neither the fl ashing parameter nor the fl ow measurement is accurate. Reducing the value of the fl ashing parameter to within specifi ed limits will return the unit to normal operation and accuracy.
Figure 8. Proper Set Up for Remote Tare on Meters (Momentarily ground Pin 4 to Tare)
Select Menu Mode
Pushing “Mode” once will bring up the “Select Menu” display. Push the button nearest your selection to go to the corresponding screen. Push “Mode” again to return to the Main Mode display. (Note: If your
meter was ordered with Totalizing Mode option (page 31), pushing the “Mode” button once will bring up the “Totalizing Mode” display. Pushing “Mode” a second time will bring up the “Select Menu” display.)
Comm. Mfg.
RS-232 Data Menu
Figure 9. Select Menu Display
Communication Select Mode
The Communication Select mode is accessed by pressing the button below “Comm. RS-232” on the
Select Menu display. The screen will appear as shown in Figure 10 below.
Unit ID (A).....A
Baud (19200)....19200
Data Rate......Fast
Figure 10. Communication Select Display
Unit ID – Valid unit identifi ers are letters A-Z and @ (see Note below). This identifi er allows the user to assign a unique address to each device so that multiple units can be connected to a single RS-232 port on a computer. The Communication Select Mode allows you to view and/or change a unit’s unique address. To change the unit ID address, press the “Select” button in the upper left corner of the display until the cursor arrow is in front of the word “Unit ID”. Then, using the UP and DOWN buttons at the bottom of the display, change the unit ID to the desired letter. Any ID change will take effect when the
Communication Select Screen is exited by pushing the MODE button.
Note: When the symbol @ is selected as the unit ID, the device will go into streaming mode when the
Communication Select Mode is exited by pushing the MODE button. See the RS-232 Communications chapter in this manual for information about the streaming mode.
Baud – The baud rate (bits per second) determines the rate at which data is passed back and forth between the instrument and the computer. Both devices must send/receive at the same baud rate in order for the devices to communicate via RS-232. The default baud rate for these devices is 19200 baud, sometimes referred to as 19.2K baud. To change the baud rate in the Communication Select
Mode, press the “Select” button in the upper left corner of the display until the cursor arrow is in front of the word “Baud”. Then, using the UP and DOWN buttons at the bottom of the display, select the required baud rate to match your computer or PLC. The choices are 38400, 19200, 9600, or 2400 baud.
Any baud rate change will not take effect until power to the unit is cycled.
Data Rate – Changing the Data Rate affects the rate at which the instrument dumps its data in the streaming mode. Slow is ½ the Fast rate. The speed of the Fast rate is determined by the selected baud rate. It is sometimes desirable to reduce the data rate if the communication speed bogs down the computer’s processor (as is not uncommon in older laptops), or to reduce the size of data fi les collected in the streaming mode. To change the data rate in the Communication Select Mode, press the
“Select” button in the upper left corner of the display until the cursor arrow is in front of the word “Data
Rate”. Then, using the UP and DOWN buttons at the bottom of the display, select either Fast or Slow.
Any data rate change will be effective immediately upon changing the value between Fast and
Manufacturer Data Mode
“Manufacturer Data” is accessed by pressing the “Mfg. Data” button on the Select Menu display (Figure
7). The “Mfg 1” display shows the name and telephone number of the manufacturer. The“Mfg 2” display shows important information about your fl ow meter including the model number, serial number, and date of manufacture.
Fax 847-549-7676
Mfg 1
Model L-10LPM-D
Serial No 27117
Date Mfg.11/07/2005
Calibrated By.DL
Software GP07R23
Mfg 2
Figure 11. Manufacturer Data Displays
LC Series Water Flow Controller Operation
The LC Series can have several screen “modes” depending on how the device is ordered. All LC Series controllers have a default Main Mode,a Select Menu Mode, a Control Setup Mode, a Communication
Select Mode and a Manufacturer Data Mode. (In addition your controller may have been ordered with the Totalizing Mode option, see page 31.) The device defaults to Main Mode as soon as power is applied to the meter.
Main Mode
The main mode screen shows the fl ow in the units specifi ed at time of order, the line pressure in PSIG, and the process temperature in degrees Celsius.
PSIG o C Set Pt.
+23.47 +22.73 0.000
Volume Main
Figure 12. Main Mode Display, LC Series Water Flow Controller
The “MODE” button in the lower right hand corner toggles the display between the Main Display and the Select Menu Display.
Line Pressure – Pressing the dynamically labeled PSIG button located in the upper left corner of the display will move the line gauge pressure to the primary display.
Line Temperature – Pressing the dynamically labeled °C button located in the upper middle of the display will move the process temperature to the primary display.
Volume – The volume fl ow rate is defaulted on the primary display. Pressing the dynamically labeled
“Volume” button will move the volume fl ow rate to the primary display if another parameter is displayed there.
Set Pt – The set point is shown in the upper right corner of the display. The set point cannot be adjusted from the main mode screen. (For information on changing the set point, see the Control Set Up Mode below.)
Flashing Error Message: Our fl ow meters and controllers display an error message (VOV = volumetric overrange, POV = pressure overrange, TOV = temperature overrange) when a measured parameter exceeds the range of the sensors in the device. When any item fl ashes on the display, neither the fl ashing parameter nor the fl ow measurement is accurate. Reducing the value of the fl ashing parameter to within specifi ed limits will return the unit to normal operation and accuracy.
Select Menu Mode
Pushing “Mode” once will bring up the “Select Menu” display (Figure 9, page 14). Push the button nearest your selection to go to the corresponding screen. Push “Mode” again to return to the Main
Mode display. (Note: If your meter was ordered with Totalizing Mode option (page 31), pushing the
“Mode” button once will bring up the “Totalizing Mode” display. Pushing “Mode” a second time will bring up the “Select Menu” display.)
Control Setup Mode
The Control Setup Mode is accessed by pressing the button labeled “MODE” until the dynamic label over the button reads “Control Setup” as shown in Figure 11 below. This mode allows the user to set up most parameters commonly associated with PID control. LC Series fl ow controllers allow the user to select how the set point is to be conveyed to the controller, what that set point is if control is local, and what the Proportional and Differential terms of the PID control loop will be. The UP and DOWN buttons for adjusting variables can be held down for higher speed adjustment or pressed repeatedly for fi ne adjustment. If your controller is diffi cult to reach or you prefer “dial up” set point adjustment,
please consider our Local Set Point Module (LSPM) described on page 34.
Select Loop Input
>P 200 >Analog
D 500 >Volume Serial
AUT0on Local
Set 0.00
Up Down Setup
Figure 11. LC Series Control Setup Display
Input – LC Series Flow Controllers normally ship defaulted to analog control as indicated in Figure 13 above. To change how the set point will be conveyed to the controller push the button in the upper right hand corner just above the dynamic label “Input” until the arrow is directly in front of the desired option.
The controller will ignore any set point except that of the selected input and it will remember which input is selected even if the power is disconnected.
Analog refers to a remote analog set point applied to Pin 4 of the Mini-DIN connector as described in the installation section of this manual. To determine what type of analog set point your controller was ordered with, refer to the Calibration Data Sheet that was included with your controller. 0-5 Vdc is standard unless ordered otherwise. Note that if nothing is connected to Pin 4, and the controller is set for analog control, the set point will fl oat. CAUTION! N
. T
. W
Serial refers to a remote digital RS-232 set point applied via a serial connection to a computer or
PLC as described in the Installation and RS-232 sections of this manual. CAUTION! N
. T
. W
Local refers to a set point applied directly at the controller. For more information on changing the set point locally refer to the heading “Select” below. Local input must be selected prior to attempting to change the set point locally. CAUTION! N
. T
. W
Loop – The LC is defaulted to volume fl ow.
Volume means that the controller is “closing the loop” on the volume fl ow rate. This means that when you give the controller a set point, the controller compares that set point to the measured volume fl ow rate and adjusts the valve to try to make the fl ow and the set point match. For the volume fl ow rate, the input signal (e.g. 0-5 Vdc) corresponds to the full-scale fl ow rate for the device.
Select – To avoid accidental changing of the PID loop parameters or the set point, the Control Setup mode defaults with the selector on a null position. To change the set point or the P and D PID loop parameters, push the button in the upper left corner just above the dynamic label “Select” until the selection arrow is pointing to the parameter you wish to change. When the parameter you wish to change is selected, it may be adjusted up or down with the buttons under the display below the dynamic labels “UP” and “DOWN”. Press the buttons repeatedly to make slow adjustments or hold them down to make fast adjustments.
P refers to the Proportional term of the PID loop. Before changing this parameter, it is good practice to write down the initial value so that it can be returned to the factory settings if necessary.
D refers to the Differential term of the PID loop. Before changing this parameter, it is good practice to write down the initial value so that it can be returned to the factory settings if necessary.
AUT0on / AUT0off refers to the standard auto-tare or “auto-zero” feature. It is recommended that the controller be left in the default auto-tare ON mode unless your specifi c application requires that it be turned off. The auto-tare feature automatically tares (takes the detected signal as zero) the unit when it receives a zero set point for more than two seconds. A zero set point results in the closing of the valve and a known “no fl ow” condition. This feature helps to make the device more accurate by periodically removing any cumulative errors associated with drift.
Set refers to the Set Point. This parameter may only be changed if “Local” is selected as the Input. See above for information on selecting the input. Using the UP and DOWN buttons, the set point may be adjusted between zero and the full-scale range of the controller. CAUTION! N
. T
. W
Communication Select Mode
The Communication Select mode is accessed by pressing the button below “Comm. RS-232” on the
Select Menu display. Please see page 15 for Communication Select mode instructions.
Manufacturer Data Mode
“Manufacturer Data” is accessed by pressing the “Mfg. Data” button on the Select Menu display (Figure
9,page 14). The “Mfg 1” display shows the name and telephone number of the manufacturer. The“Mfg 2” display shows important information about your fl ow meter including the model number, serial number, and date of manufacture (Figure 11, page 16).
RS-232 Output and Input
Confi guring HyperTerminal®:
Open your HyperTerminal® RS-232 terminal program (installed under the “Accessories” menu on all Microsoft Windows operating systems).
Select “Properties” from the fi le menu.
Click on the “Confi gure” button under the “Connect To” tab. Be sure the program is set for: 19,200 baud (or matches the baud rate selected in the RS-232 communications menu on the meter) and an 8-N-1-None (8 Data Bits, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit, and no Flow Control) protocol.
Under the “Settings” tab, make sure the Terminal Emulation is set to ANSI or Auto Detect.
Click on the “ASCII Setup” button and be sure the “Send Line Ends with Line Feeds” box is not checked and the “Echo Typed Characters Locally” box and the “Append Line Feeds to Incoming
Lines” boxes are checked. Those settings not mentioned here are normally okay in the default position.
Save the settings, close Hyperterminal® and reopen it.
In Polling Mode, the screen should be blank except the blinking cursor. In order to get the data streaming to the screen, hit the “Enter” key several times to clear any extraneous information. Type “*@=@” followed by “Enter” (or using the RS-232 communcation select menu, select @ as identifi er and exit the screen). If data still does not appear, check all the connections and com port assignments.
Changing From Streaming to Polling Mode:
When the meter is in the Streaming Mode, the screen is updated approximately 10-60 times per second
(depending on the amount of data on each line) so that the user sees the data essentially in real time.
It is sometimes desirable, and necessary when using more than one unit on a single RS-232 line, to be able to poll the unit.
In Polling Mode the unit measures the fl ow normally, but only sends a line of data when it is “polled”.
Each unit can be given its own unique identifi er or address. Unless otherwise specifi ed each unit is shipped with a default address of capital A. Other valid addresses are B thru Z.
Once you have established communication with the unit and have a stream of information fi lling your screen:
Type *@=A followed by “Enter” (or using the RS-232 communcation select menu, select A as identifi er and exit the screen) to stop the streaming mode of information. Note that the fl ow of information will not stop while you are typing and you will not be able to read what you have typed. Also, the unit does not accept a backspace or delete in the line so it must be typed correctly. If in doubt, simply hit enter and start again. If the unit does not get exactly what it is expecting, it will ignore it. If the line has been typed correctly, the data will stop.
You may now poll the unit by typing A followed by “Enter”. This does an instantaneous poll of unit
A and returns the values once. You may type A “Enter” as many times as you like. Alternately you could resume streaming mode by typing *@=@ followed by “Enter”. Repeat step 1 to remove the unit from the streaming mode.
To assign the unit a new address, type *@=New Address, e.g. *@=B. Care should be taken not to assign an address to a unit if more than one unit is on the RS232 line as all of the addresses will be reassigned. Instead, each should be individually attached to the RS-232 line, given an address, and taken off. After each unit has been given a unique address, they can all be put back on the same line and polled individually.
Tareing via RS-232 (L Series only): Tareing (or zeroing) the fl ow meter provides it with a reference point for zero fl ow. This is a very simple but important step in obtaining accurate measurements. It is good practice to “zero” the fl ow meter each time it is powered up. If the fl ow reading varies signifi cantly from zero after an initial tare, give the unit a minute or so to warm up and re-zero it. If possible, it is helpful to zero the unit near the expected operating pressure by positively blocking the fl ow downstream of the fl ow meter prior to entering the Tare command. Zeroing the unit while there is any fl ow will directly affect the accuracy by providing a false zero point. If in doubt about whether the fl ow is positively blocked, remove it from the line and positively block both ports before entering the Tare command. If the unit reads a signifi cant negative value when removed from the line and blocked, it is a good indication that it was given a false zero. It is better to zero the unit at atmospheric pressure and a confi rmed no fl ow conditions than to give it a false zero under line pressure. To send a Tare command via RS-232, enter the following strings:
In Streaming Mode:
In Polling Mode:
Address$$V<Enter> (e.g. B$$V<Enter>)
Sending a Set Point via RS-232 (LC Series only): To send a set point via RS-232, “Serial” must be selected under the “Input” list in the control set up mode. To give controllers a set point, or change an existing point, simply type in a number between 0 and 65535 (2% over range), where 64000 denotes full-scale fl ow rate, and hit “Enter”. The set point column and fl ow rates should change accordingly. If they do not, try hitting “Enter” a couple of times and repeating your command. The formula for performing a linear interpolation is as follows:
Value = (Desired Set Point X 64000) / Full Scale Flow Range
For example, if your device is a 500 CCM full-scale unit and you wish to apply a set point of 125 CCM you would enter the following value:
16000 = (125 CCM X 64000) / Full Scale Flow Range
If the controller is in polling mode as described in Changing from Streaming Mode to Polling Mode, the set point must be preceded by the address of the controller. For example, if your controller has been given an address of D, the set point above would be sent by typing:
D16000 followed by “Enter”
To adjust the Proportional and Differential (P&D) terms via RS-232 (LC Series only):
Type *@=A followed by “Enter” to stop the streaming mode of information.
To adjust the “P” or proportional term of the PID controller, type *R21 followed by “Enter”.
The computer will respond by reading the current value for register 21 between 0-65535. It is good practice to write this value down so you can return to the factory settings if necessary. Enter the value you wish to try by writing the new value to register 21. For example, if you wished to try a “P” term of
220, you would type *W21=220 followed by “Enter” where the bold number denotes the new value.
The computer will respond to the new value by confi rming that 21=220. To see the effect of the change you may now poll the unit by typing A followed by “Enter”. This does an instantaneous poll and returns the values once. You may type A “Enter” as many times as you like. Alternately, you could resume streaming mode by typing *@=@ followed by “Enter”. Repeat step 3 to remove the unit from the streaming mode.
To adjust the “D” or proportional term of the PID controller, type *R22 followed by “Enter”.
The computer will respond by reading the current value for register 22 between 0-65535. It is good practice to write this value down so you can return to the factory settings if necessary. Enter the value you wish to try by writing the new value to register 22. For example, if you wished to try a “D” term of
25, you would type *W22=25 followed by “Enter” where the bold number denotes the new value.
The computer will respond to the new value by confi rming that 22=25. To see the effect of the change you may now poll the unit by typing A followed by “Enter”. This does an instantaneous poll and returns the values once. You may type A “Enter” as many times as you like. Alternately you could resume streaming mode by typing *@=@ followed by “Enter”. Repeat.
You may test your settings for a step change by changing the set point. To do this type A32000 (A is the default single unit address, if you have multiple addressed units on your RS-232 line the letter preceding the value would change accordingly.) followed by “Enter” to give the unit a ½ full scale set point. Monitor the unit’s response to the step change to ensure it is satisfactory for your needs. Recall that the “P” term controls how quickly the unit goes from one set point to the next, and the “D” term controls how quickly the signal begins to “decelerate” as it approaches the new set point (controls the overshoot).
Collecting Data:
The RS-232 output updates to the screen many times per second. Very short-term events can be captured simply by disconnecting (there are two telephone symbol icons at the top of the HyperTerminal® screen for disconnecting and connecting) immediately after the event in question. The scroll bar can be driven up to the event and all of the data associated with the event can be selected, copied, and pasted into Microsoft® Excel® or other spreadsheet program as described below.
For longer term data, it is useful to capture the data in a text fi le. With the desired data streaming to the screen, select “Capture Text” from the Transfer Menu. Type in the path and fi le name you wish to use.
Push the start button. When the data collection period is complete, simply select “Capture Text” from the Transfer Menu and select “Stop” from the sub-menu that appears.
Data that is selected and copied, either directly from HyperTerminal® or from a text fi le can be pasted directly into Excel®. When the data is pasted it will all be in the selected column. Select “Text to
Columns...” under the Data menu in Excel® and a Text to Columns Wizard (dialog box) will appear.
Make sure that “Fixed Width” is selected under Original Data Type in the fi rst dialog box and click “Next”.
In the second dialog box, set the column widths as desired, but the default is usually acceptable. Click on “Next” again. In the third dialog box, make sure the column data format is set to “General”, and click
“Finish”. This separates the data into columns for manipulation and removes symbols such as the plus signs from the numbers. Once the data is in this format, it can be graphed or manipulated as desired.
For extended term data capture see: “Sending a Simple Script to HyperTerminal®” on page 24.
Data Format:
The data stream on the screen represents the fl ow parameters of the main mode in the units shown on the display. For L Series Flow Meters, there are 3 columns of data. The fi rst column is line pressure
(normally in PSIG), the second column line temperature (normally in °C), and the third column is the volume fl ow rate in the units specifi ed at time of order and shown on the display.
+014.70 +025.00 +4.123
+014.70 +025.00 +4.123
+014.70 +025.00 +4.123
+014.70 +025.00 +4.123
+014.70 +025.00 +4.124
+014.70 +025.00 +4.125
L Series Water Flow Meter Data Format
For LC Series Flow Controllers, there are 4 columns of data representing pressure, temperature, volume fl ow and set point. The fi rst column is line pressure (normally in PSIG), the second column is temperature (normally in °C), the third column is volume fl ow rate (in the units specifi ed at time of order and shown on the display), and the fourth column is the set point (also in the units specifi ed at time of order and shown on the display). For instance, if the meter was ordered in units of CCM, the display on the meter would read 2.004 CCM and the last two columns of the output below would represent volume fl ow and set point in CCM.
+014.70 +025.00 +02.004 +02.004
+014.70 +025.00 +02.005 +02.004
+014.70 +025.00 +02.006 +02.004
+014.70 +025.00 +02.005 +02.004
+014.70 +025.00 +02.004 +02.004
+014.70 +025.00 +02.004 +02.004
LC Series Water Flow Controller Data Format
Sending a Simple Script File to Hyperterminal®
It is sometimes desirable to capture data for an extended period of time. Standard streaming mode information is useful for short term events, however, when capturing data for an extended period of time, the amount of data and thus the fi le size can become too large very quickly. Without any special programming skills, the user can use Hyperterminal and a text editing program such as Microsoft Word to capture text at user defi ned intervals.
1. Open your text editing program, MS Word for example.
2. Set the cap lock on so that you are typing in capital letters.
3. Beginning at the top of the page, type A<Enter> repeatedly. If you’re using MS Word, you can tell how many lines you have by the line count at the bottom of the screen. The number of lines will correspond to the total number of times the fl ow device will be polled, and thus the total number of lines of data it will produce.
For example: A
A will get a total of six lines of data from the fl ow meter, but you can enter as many as you like.
The time between each line will be set in Hyperterminal.
4. When you have as many lines as you wish, go to the File menu and select save. In the save dialog box, enter a path and fi le name as desired and in the “Save as Type” box, select the plain text (.txt) option. It is important that it be saved as a generic text fi le for Hyperterminal to work with it.
5. Click Save.
6. A fi le conversion box will appear. In the “End Lines With” drop down box, select CR Only. Everything else can be left as default.
7. Click O.K.
8. You have now created a “script” fi le to send to Hyperterminal. Close the fi le and exit the text editing program.
9. Open Hyperterminal and establish communication with your fl ow device as outlined in the manual.
10. Set the fl ow device to Polling Mode as described in the manual. Each time you type A<Enter>, the meter should return one line of data to the screen.
11. Go to the File menu in Hyperterminal and select “Properties”.
12. Select the “Settings” tab.
13. Click on the “ASCII Setup” button.
14. The “Line Delay” box is defaulted to 0 milliseconds. This is where you will tell the program how often to read a line from the script fi le you’ve created. 1000 milliseconds is one second, so if you want a line of data every 30 seconds, you would enter 30000 into the box. If you want a line every 5 minutes, you would enter 300000 into the box.
15. When you have entered the value you want, click on OK and OK in the Properties dialog box.
16. Go the Transfer menu and select “Send Text File…” (NOT Send File…).
17. Browse and select the text “script” fi le you created.
18. Click Open.
19. The program will begin “executing” your script fi le, reading one line at a time with the line delay you specifi ed and the fl ow device will respond by sending one line of data for each poll it receives, when it receives it.
You can also capture the data to another fi le as described in the manual under “Collecting Data”. You will be simultaneously sending it a script fi le and capturing the output to a separate fi le for analysis.
Display does not come on or is weak.
Check power and ground connections and supply voltage.
Flow reading is approximately fi xed either near zero or near full scale regardless of actual line fl ow.
Differential pressure sensor may be damaged. Avoid installations that can subject sensor to pressure drops in excess of 10 PSID. A common cause of this problem is instantaneous application of highpressure as from a snap acting solenoid valve upstream of the meter. Damage due to excessive pressure differential is not covered by warranty.
Displayed volumetric fl ow, pressure or temperature is fl ashing and message VOV, POV or TOV is displayed:
Our fl ow meters and controllers display an error message (VOV = volumetric overrange, POV = pressure overrange, TOV = temperature overrange) when a measured parameter exceeds the range of the sensors in the device. When any item fl ashes on the display, neither the fl ashing parameter nor the fl ow measurement is accurate. Reducing the value of the fl ashing parameter to within specifi ed limits will return the unit to normal operation and accuracy.
Meter reads negative fl ow when there is a confi rmed no fl ow condition.
This is an indication of an improper tare. If the meter is tared while there is fl ow, that fl ow is accepted as zero fl ow. When an actual zero fl ow condition exists, the meter will read a negative fl ow. Simply re-tare at the confi rmed zero fl ow condition. Also note that while the meter is intended for positive fl ow, it will read negative fl ow with reasonable accuracy (it is not calibrated for bi-directional fl ow) and no damage will result.
My controller does not respond to the set point.
Check the control set up screen to be sure the Input parameter selection matches the set point you are trying to use. Also, be sure that the unit was ordered for the type of analog signal you are trying to use.
After installation, there is no fl ow.
Cole-Parmer LC Series controllers incorporate normally closed valves and require a set point to operate.
Check that your set point signal is present and supplied to the correct pin and that the correct input is selected under the Input list in the control set up mode screen. Also check that the unit is properly grounded.
The fl ow lags below the set point.
Be sure there is enough pressure available to make the desired fl ow rate. If either the set point signal line and/or the output signal line is relatively long, it may be necessary to provide heavier wires (especially ground wiring) to negate voltage drops due to line wire length. An inappropriate PID tuning can also cause this symptom if the D term is too large relative to the P term.
Meter does not appear to be accurate when compared against another valid measurement of the physical fl ow (such as weight over time).
Water fl ow meters can normally be compared against one another provided there are no leaks between the two meters. One common cause of inaccuracy, inconsistency, or unusual readings is air bubbles trapped in one or both of the legs of the differential pressure sensor. Bleed the ports as described in this manual to remove this possibility. Another possibility is that the water has some contaminant or additive, such as antifreeze, that affects the viscosity of the water. A third possibility is an improper tare error (see above).
Controller is slow to react to a set point change or imparts an oscillation to the fl ow.
An inappropriate PID tuning can cause these symptoms. Use at conditions considerably different than those at which the device was originally set up can necessitate a re-tuning of the PID loop.
Flow fl utters or is jumpy.
The meters are very fast and will pick up any actual fl ow fl uctuations such as from a diaphragm pump, etc. Also, inspect the inside of the upstream connection for debris such a Tefl on tape shreds. Note: L &
LC Series meters feature a programmable geometric running average (GRA) that can aid in allowing a rapidly fl uctuating fl ow to be read.
The output signal is lower than the reading at the display.
This can occur if the output signal is measured some distance from the meter as voltage drops in the wires increase with distance. Using heavier gauge wires, especially in the ground wire, can reduce this effect.
My controller oscillates wildly and/or exhibits very different reactions to the set point than I expect.
Conditions considerably different than those at which the device was originally set up can necessitate a re-tuning of the PID loop. Avoid long runs of small diameter tubing in the system, increase line size.
RS-232 Serial Communications is not responding.
Check that your meter is powered and connected properly. Be sure that the port on the computer to which the meter is connected is active. Confi rm that the port settings are correct per the RS-232 instructions in this manual (Check the RS-232 communications select screen for current meter readings). Close
Hyperterminal® and reopen it. Reboot your PC.
Slower response than specifi ed.
L Series Meters and LC Series Controllers feature an RS-232 programmable Geometric Running
Average (GRA). Depending on the full scale range of the meter, it may have the GRA set to enhance the stability/readability of the display, which would result in slower perceived response time. If you require the fastest possible response time, please consult the factory for written instructions on adjusting the
Jumps to zero at low fl ow.
L Series Meters and LC Series Controllers feature an RS-232 programmable zero deadband. The factory setting is usually 0.5% of full scale. This can be adjusted via RS-232 programming between
NONE and 6.375% of full scale. Contact the factory for more information.
Maintenance and Recalibration
General: L and LC Series Water Flow Meters and Controllers require minimal maintenance. The primary cause of damage and/or long-term inaccuracy in these devices is contamination and/or corrosion damage. Water should be fi ltered for particulates or biological materials that may grow in the device.
When removing these units from the line for any extended period of time, make an effort to remove all of the water from the device, as deposits of calcium or other soluble minerals can affect the accuracy of the device.
Recalibration: The recommended period for recalibration is once every year. Providing that the CLEAN,
DRY, and NON-CORROSIVE mantra is observed, this periodic recalibration is suffi cient. A label located on the back of the meter lists the recalibration due date. The meter should be returned to the factory for recalibration near the listed due date. Before calling to schedule a recalibration, please note the serial number on the back of the meter. The Serial Number, Model Number, and Date of Manufacture are also available on the Manufacture Data 2 screen (page 16).
Cleaning: L and LC Series Flow Meters require no periodic cleaning. If necessary, the outside of the meter can be cleaned with a soft dry rag. Avoid excess moisture or solvents.
For repairs, recalibrations, or recycling of this product contact:
Cole-Parmer Instrument Co.
625 E. Bunker Court
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
Ph. 800-323-4340
Fax 847-549-7676 email: [email protected]
This product is warranted to the original purchaser for a period of one year from the date of purchase to be free of defects in material or workmanship. Under this warranty the product will be repaired or replaced at manufacturer’s option, without charge for parts or labor when the product is carried or shipped prepaid to the factory together with proof of purchase. This warranty does not apply to cosmetic items, nor to products that are damaged, defaced or otherwise misused or subjected to abnormal use.
See “Application” under the Installation section. Where consistent with state law, the manufacturer shall not be liable for consequential economic, property, or personal injury damages. The manufacturer does not warrant or assume responsibility for the use of its products in life support applications or systems.
Technical Data for Water Flow Meters & Water Flow Controllers
Basic Specifi cation
Available Ranges
Operating Range
Typical Response Time
Operating Temperature
Zero Shift
Span Shift
Flow Rate
Common Mode Pressure
Supply Current
Supply Voltage
Input /Output Signal Digital
Input /Output Signal Analog
Optional Input / Output Signal
Secondary Analog
Electrical Connections
Mounting Attitude Sensitivity
Meters Controllers Description
0.5CCM to 10LPM
± 2 %
50CCM to 500CCM¹ Full Scale
Full Scale
± 2 %
1% to 100% Full Scale
+10 to + 50
Full Scale
Measure or Control
Milliseconds (Adjustable)
Full Scale / ºCelsius / Atm
Full Scale / ºCelsius / Atm
128% Measurable
102.4% Controllable Full Scale
Pressure, Temperature or Flow
RS-232 Serial
Volumetric Flow 0-5Vdc
Pressure, Temperature or Flow 0-5 Vdc; 0-10Vdc;4-20mA²
Wetted Materials
8 Pin
Tare after installation
303 & 302 Stainless Steel, Viton®, Polyethermide. Controllers Add: 400 Series Stainless
Steel, Brass.
1. LCR Series high fl ow water controllers for applications with fl ows above 500CCM are available. Consult the factory for LCR specifi cations.
2. 15 volts required for 4-20mA output.
3. 24 volt applications should specify 24 volt coils.
Mechanical Specifi cations
Full Scale Flow
Connections 1
Pressure Drop 2 (PSID)
0.5CCM to 1CCM
2CCM to 500CCM
50CCM to 100CCM
200CCM to 500CCM
4.5”H x 2.4”W x 1.1”D
4.8”H x 2.4”W x 1.1”D
5.0”H x 2.7”W x 1.1”D
10-32 Female Thread*
1/8” NPT Female
1/4” NPT Female
4.8”H x 3.6”W x 1.1”D 1/8” NPT Female
Units ≤1CCM F.S. are shipped with 10-32 Male Buna-N O-ring face seal to 1/8” Female NPT fi ttings.
These adaptor fi ttings were selected for customer convenience in process connection. It should be noted that the 1/8” Female
NPT introduces additional dead volume. To minimize dead volume, please see Accessories for the 10-32 Male to 1/8”OD compression fi tting.
1. Compatible with Beswick®, Swagelok® tube, Parker®, face seal, push connect and compression adapter fi ttings.
2. Lower Pressure Drops Available, Please contact the manufacturer.
Dimensional Drawings: pages 29-30
Option: Totalizing Mode
L and LC Series Flow Meters and Controllers can be purchased with the Totalizing Mode option. This option adds an additional mode screen that displays the total fl ow (normally in the units of the main fl ow screen) that has passed through the meter or controller since the last time the totalizer was cleared.
The Totalizing Mode screen shown below is accessed by pushing the “MODE” button until the label over it reads “Total”. If your meter is ordered with Totalizing Mode option, pushing the “Mode” button
once will bring up the “Totalizing Mode” display. Pushing “Mode” a second time will bring up the “Select
Menu” display. Pushing it a third time will return you to the Main Mode Sreen.
Hours Volume Clear
0.3 0.00
+0.0 SCCM
Counter – The counter can have as many as six digits. At the time of order, the customer must specify the resolution of the count. This directly affects the maximum count. For instance, if a resolution of
1/100ths of a liter is specifi ed on a meter which is totalizing in liters, the maximum count would be
9999.99 liters. If the same unit were specifi ed with a 1 liter resolution, the maximum count would be
999999 liters.
Rollover – The customer can also specify at the time of order what the totalizer is to do when the maximum count is reached. The following options may be specifi ed:
No Rollover – When the counter reaches the maximum count it stops counting until the counter is cleared.
Rollover – When the counter reaches the maximum count it automatically rolls over to zero and continues counting until the counter is cleared.
Rollover with Notifi cation – When the counter reaches the maximum count it automatically rolls over to zero, displays an overfl ow error, and continues counting until the counter is cleared.
Hours.–.The display will show elapsed time since the last reset in 0.1 hour increments. The maximum measurable elapsed time is 6553.5 hours (about nine months). The hours count resets when the “clear” button is pushed, an RS-232 clear is executed or on loss of power
Clear – The counter can be reset to zero at any time by pushing the dynamically labeled “Clear” button located above the upper right side of the display. To clear the counter via RS-232, establish serial communication with the meter or controller as described in the RS-232 section of the manual. To reset the counter, enter the following commands:
In Streaming Mode: $$T <Enter>
In Polling (addressable) Mode: Address$$T <Enter> (e.g. B$$T <Enter>)
Option: 9 Volt Battery Pack
A Battery Pack that uses a common 9 Volt battery can be mounted to the top of your L Series Flow
Meter. Power is passed from the battery to the fl ow meter through the 8 pin Mini-DIN connector. Output signals from the fl ow meter or pressure guage are passed through the male connector on the bottom of the battery pack to the female connector on top of the battery pack so the signals can be accessed normally. Turn the switch on top of the battery pack off when the meter is not in use. (Note: The Battery
Pack cannot be used with Flow or Pressure Controllers)
Normal (9V alkaline) battery life is approximately 8 hours (30-40 hours with a 9V-lithium battery), however many factors can affect this. Replace the battery as often as required. A common indicator that the battery may be approaching the end of its life is a sharp increase in the temperature indicated on the meter.
This false signal can result when the voltage drops below its normally regulated level. This can affect the accuracy of the meter so it is good practice to check that the temperature is approximately correct
(25°C is about room temperature) or use a fresh battery especially if the measurement is critical.
Replacing the Battery:
The battery can be replaced with the battery pack installed on the fl ow meter.
Remove the four Phillips head screws from the back cover and gently remove it as shown in Figure
Remove the 9V battery, pulling the top of the battery out fi rst.
Remove the old battery from the harness and replace it with a new battery.
Install the new battery bottom end fi rst and replace the back cover so that the cushioning pad presses directly down on the battery.
Replace the four Phillips head screws.
Battery Pack Back Cover Removal
Battery Pack Installation and Removal:
The battery must be removed before the battery pack can be installed or removed.
Remove the back cover of the battery pack and remove the battery if installed (see “Replacing the
Carefully place the battery pack on top of the fl ow meter, being especially careful that the pins in the
8 pin Mini-DIN plug are inserted properly into the 8 pin Mini-DIN socket on top of the fl ow meter. The two screws trapped in the bottom of the battery pack will not allow the plug to be completely inserted into the socket until they are screwed into place.
Slip the included hex wrench into either of the two holes on the top of the battery pack as shown in
Figure 10 and start the screw into the corresponding threaded hole in the top of the meter.
Before the screw is tightened down all the way, move the hex wrench to the other hole and tighten the other screw gently down. Avoid over tightening the screw.
Return the hex wrench to the fi rst hole and tighten the fi rst screw gently down. Avoid over tightening the screw.
Install the battery and replace the back cover as described above.
Removal is the reverse of the installation.
Wrench Access Hole
Wrench Access Hole
3/32 Hex Wrench
9 volt battery
Trapped Mounting Screw Trapped Mounting Screw
8 Pin Mini DIN Plug
Back of
Battery Pack Installation/Removal
Option: Local Set-Point Module
The Local Set-Point Module (LSPM) is designed to provide the user with a simple “turn of the dial” method of changing a fl ow or pressure controller set-point.
DC-62 Double Ended
8Pin Mini-DIN Cable
The LSPM features a set-point control dial, a digital
LED display which can be set to show either the set-point or the actual process measurement, and a tracking alarm LED which glows red whenever the actual process measure ment deviates from the set-point by more than 2% of full scale. This device is handy as a remote control/display device where the controller is out of convenient reach or view.
It is supplied with a 6’ double ended cable to run between the controller and the LSPM. There is an additional 8 pin Mini-DIN port on the LSPM that allows access to normal signal/power functions of the controller’s Mini-DIN port.
8 Pin Mini-DIN connector connects to controller or to external device for power or output signal recording
LCD Display can display either the set-point or the process measurement.
Set-point Adjustment Knob provides simple “dial it in” process changes.
Display button switches display between actual set-point and measured fl ow parameter.
LED indicator switches from green to red when the measured parameter deviates from the set-point by more than 2% of full scale.
Operation Notes: The LSPM requires a double ended DC-62 8 Pin Mini-DIN cable connected between either the top or bottom connector socket of the LSPM to the connector socket on top of the controller. The two connector sockets on the LSPM are “pass through” connected so that the unused socket can be connected to a DC-61 single ended cable for connection of output signals and/or power. Appropriate power can be connected to either the LSPM or the controller, whichever is more convenient. Unless specially ordered otherwise, the LSPM utilizes the 5.12 Vdc output pin on the controller (pin 2) as a source. The 5.12 volts is connected through the potentiometer and returned to the controller on the set-point pin (pin 4) as a 0 though 5.12 Vdc input signal depending on the position of the adjustment knob.
Battery Pack
Local Set-Point Module
8 Pin Male Mini-DIN connector cable, single ended, 6 foot length
8 Pin Male Mini-DIN connector cable, double ended, 6 foot length
Adaptor Cable, 8 Pin Mini-DIN to 9 Pin DB9 Serial, 6 foot length
AC to DC 12 Volt Power Supply Adapter
AC to DC 24 Volt Power Supply Adapter
AC to DC 12 Volt European Power Supply Adapter
AC to DC 24 Volt European Power Supply Adapter
Flow Conversion Table:
0.000035 0.0000005 0.035
1699011.0 28317.0
Serial Number: ____________________________
Model Number: ____________________________
Calibration Certifi cate
(Store device calibration certifi cate in the pocket below.)

Public link updated
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Key features
- Laminar flow element (LFE) for accurate measurement
- Digital display for easy reading
- Configurable parameters for custom setup
- Tare function for zero flow reference
- Pressure and temperature measurement
- Optional communication capabilities (RS-232, analog)
- PID control loop for precise flow control (controllers)