The load will not work
* wrong light-control setting selected
* Adjust setting
* load faulty
* Change load
* mains switch OFF
- Switch ON
The load work always
- continuous movement in the detection
* check zone setting
The load work without any
identifiable movement
* the sensor not mounted for detecting
movement reliably
* securely mount enclosure
* movement occurred, but not identified
by the sensor(movement behind wall,
movement of a small object in immediate
lamp vicinity etc.)
* Check zone setting
The load will not work despite
* rapid movements are being suppressed
to minimize malfunctioning or the
detection zone you have set is too smail
* Check zone setting
The following situation will lead to misoperation
1. Being installed in the rocking object will lead to m soperation.
2. The shaking curtain which is blown by wind will lead to misoperation, please select the suitable installed place.
3. Being installed in the place where the traffic is busy will lead to misoperation.
4. It will lead to misoperation when there are sparks produced by some equipment nearby.
The detection distance may multiply for the reflection on microwave electromagnetic field by the metal or glass
materials. Thus, lower the sensitivity to reach the appropriate detection distance. Never turn the SENS knob to the
maximum value to avoid error detection. Also the surrounding environment will lead to error action, e.g. the automo-
biles passing by or the wandering objects caused by the wind. Products should be installed more than 4 meters one
from the other, otherwise the interference among them will cause error action.
The proper use of trimming potentiometer Ine trimming potentiometer is used to adjust the time that sensor light turn
on when detects somebody movement and turn of automatically. The user can adjust the light time according to
different needs. In order to carry out the saving-energy effectively.we suggest that we should decrease the close time
automatically.In addition, due to the continuous sensor function of the microwave sensor lamp.,simply speaking: Timer
will time renewedly so as sensor lamp has any induction. Lamp will keep open once detected movement within the
detection range.
We are committed to promoting the product quality and reliability, however, all the electronic components have certain
probabilities to become ineffective, which will cause some troubles. When designing, we have paid attention 10
redundant designs and adopted safety quota to avoid any troubles.
This instruction, without our permission, should not be copied for any other purposes.
REGENT sévsor
L2 L3
The chosen light response threshold can
be infinitely from approx. 10-2000 lux,
pull switch to the ON position as "1",
pull switch to the OFF position as "07,
switch location and detection range
of the corresponding table is as follows:
Light-control setting +
L1 L2 L3 L4
Detection range setting
S1 $2 S3
Detection range is the term used to
describe the radii of the more or less
circular detection zone produced on the
ground after mounting the sensor light at
a height of 2.5m, pull switch to the ON
position as “1”, pull switch to the OFF
position as "07, switch location and
detection range of the
Settling time setting
The settling time is the time that the light
remains on before entering the normal
detection condition, pull switch to the ON
position as "1", pull switch to the OFF
position as “07, the position of the switch and
corresponding time shown as the right chart:
Time setting 4 |
S5 S6 S7 S8 =
The light can be set to stay ON for any br
period of time between approx. 8sec and S5
a maximum of 30 min. Any movement
detected before this time elapse will
re-start the timer. itis recommended to
select the shortest time for adjusting the
detection zone and for performing the
walk test.Pull switch to the ON position as
"1" pull switch to the OFF poston as "07,
switch location and detec==" === of th
— -
corresponding table is == ===
1] [1
o [a] (©
56 57
Mio -
0 0 0 0 <10LUX
1 0 0 0 25LUX
0 1 0 0 50LUX
0 0 1 0 150LUX
0 0 0 1 2000LUX
st | 52 | s3 | DETECTION RANGE
1 0 0 1m
1 1 0 3m
0 0 1 5m
1 0 1 | 8m
1 1 1 12m
1 1min
0 12sec
s5 | 86 | 57 | 58 TIME
0 0 0 0 8sec
0 0 0 1 30sec
0 0 1 0 90sec
0 1 0 0 min
1 0 0 0 20min
1 1 1 1 30min
REGENT sensor
P 1
Power source:
Power frequency:
Rated load:
HF system:
Installation sit:
Transmission power:
Detection angle:
Detection range:
Time setting:
— Light-control:
safe and perform
Standby power:
50Hz :
500W Max. tungsten cosep=1
200W Max. fluorescent cosp=0.5
5.8GHz CW radar, ISM band
Ceiling mounting,
Wall installation
360°(Ceiling installation)
180°(wall installation)
1-12mi(radii.) (adjusiable
8sec/30sec/90sec/6min/20min/30min (adjustable)
10LUX/25L UX/SOLUX/1 50LUX/2000L UX (adjustable)
Approx. 0.5W
Transmission power: <0.2mW
the high-frequency output of this
sensor is <0.2mW- that is just one 5000"
of the transmission power of a mobile
phone or the output of a microwave oven.
MW-SENC* is a moving object sensor that can detect range of 360°and 15 working frequency is
5.8G.The advantage of this product is stable working state (stable w
-10%C--80C.. MW-SENO1 adopts a microwave sensor(high-frequency output<0.2mW),so that it is
oetter than infrared sensor.
Sensing distánca adjust range
Sensing angle adjustment range
'orking temperature:
It can be installed inside of product that is made of glass and plastic because that these materials
make little effect to microwave. Connect the product as shows below; you can change a common light
to an automatic light.
This product can be utilized in more fields than the above examples.
You can also install a MW-SENO1 in the ceiling directly to control an aisle. There is no problem.
The product can not work normally 777777
if there is metal material behind NON-METAL MATERIAL
the Installed place. when the sensor is installed inside the ceiling
floor, the sensitivity to light will be invalid.
This product will be faithfully waiting for you. It will turn on the light automatically when you pass by, and turn off the
light automatically when you leave off. You can set the closing delay time to meet your needs. For example, you
may adjust the TIME sliding controller to select the delay time 12sec~30min when you think you will come back in
10mins. The TIME sliding controller is as follow (Keep away from the detecting zone after adjusting the testing time
or that the detecting time will be inaccurate when any moving object is detected again by the product).
Light-control setting
Li L2 L3 L4
Photosensitive sensors. £
Sensor lights. s
Time setting
S5 S6 S7 S8
Setting time setting
Detection range setting
` $1 $2 $3
= ре ттт тт
a ew we о сы = =» =
The total power of incandescent lamp can not exceed 500W
8 ‚====--=-=--т=-==-====-==--- 000000 a E
The total! power of CFL can not exceed 200W