Watlow CPC400 User's Guide
CPC400 Series
User’s Guide
Watlow Controls
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Part No. 0600-2900-2000 Rev. 2.2
August 2005
Copyright © 2005, Watlow Anafaze, Incorporated
Information in this manual is subject to change without notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without written permission from Watlow Anafaze.
Anafaze is a registered trademark, and LogicPro is a trademark, of Watlow Electric
Manufacturing Company. Modbus is a trademark of Schneider Automation Incorporated. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United
States and/or other countries. UL is a registered trademark of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Watlow Anafaze, Incorporated warrants that the products furnished under this Agreement will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of three years from the date of shipment. The Customer shall provide notice of any defect to Watlow
Anafaze, Incorporated within one week after the Customer's discovery of such defect.
The sole obligation and liability of Watlow Anafaze, Incorporated under this warranty shall be to repair or replace, at its option and without cost to the Customer, the defective product or part.
Upon request by Watlow Anafaze, Incorporated, the product or part claimed to be defective shall immediately be returned at the Customer's expense to Watlow Anafaze,
Incorporated. Replaced or repaired products or parts will be shipped to the Customer at the expense of Watlow Anafaze, Incorporated.
There shall be no warranty or liability for any products or parts that have been subject to misuse, accident, negligence, failure of electric power or modification by the
Customer without the written approval of Watlow Anafaze, Incorporated. Final determination of warranty eligibility shall be made by Watlow Anafaze, Incorporated. If a warranty claim is considered invalid for any reason, the Customer will be charged for services performed and expenses incurred by Watlow Anafaze, Incorporated in handling and shipping the returned unit.
If replacement parts are supplied or repairs made during the original warranty period, the warranty period for the replacement or repaired part shall terminate with the termination of the warranty period of the original product or part.
The foregoing warranty constitutes the sole liability of Watlow Anafaze, Incorporated and the Customer's sole remedy with respect to the products. It is in lieu of all other warranties, liabilities, and remedies. Except as thus provided, Watlow Anafaze, Inc.
disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Please Note: External safety devices must be used with this equipment.
Table of Contents
List of Figures v
List of Tables ix
1 System Overview 1
2 Installation 11
Mounting Controller Components 13
Wiring Control and Digital I/O 32
3 Operation and Setup 47
Changing the Control Mode and Output Power 55
Accessing and Navigating the Setup Menus 56
Setting Up Closed-Loop Control 57
Setting Up a Process or Pulse Input 58
Setting Up Process Variable Retransmit 67
Setting Up Differential Control 75
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Table of Contents CPC400 Series User’s Guide ii
Setting Up Remote Analog Set Point 76
Setting Parameters Through Serial Communications or a LogicPro Program 78
4 Tuning and Control 81
5 Menu and Parameter Reference 91
Overview of the Setup Menus 94
Process Variable Retransmit Menu 125
Additional Parameters for Serial Communications and LogicPro Programs 132
6 Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring 139
Troubleshooting the Controller 140
Corrective and Diagnostic Procedures 145
Additional Troubleshooting for Computer Supervised Systems 152
Replacing the Flash Memory Chip 154
Changing the Hardware Communications Protocol 157
Installing Scaling Resistors 157
Configuring Serial DAC Outputs 162
Configuring Dual DAC Outputs 163
7 Specifications 165
CPC400 System Specifications 165
Appendix A: Modbus Protocol 183
Modbus ASCII and RTU Modes 185
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Glossary 195
Index 201
Parameter Address Reference 209
Declaration of Conformity 215
Menu Structure 216
Table of Contents
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List of Figures
1 System Overview 1
Figure 1.1—CPC400 Standard Parts List 5
Figure 1.2—CPC400 Special Inputs Parts List 6
Figure 1.3—CPC400 Rear Views 6
Figure 1.4—CPC400 Front Panel 7
2 Installation 11
Figure 2.1—CPC400 System Components 12
Figure 2.2—Clearance with Straight SCSI Cable (L) and Right-Angle SCSI Cable (R) 14
Figure 2.3—Wiring Clearances 14
Figure 2.4—Mounting Bracket 15
Figure 2.5—Mounting the TB50 16
Figure 2.6—TB50 Mounted on a DIN Rail (Front) 16
Figure 2.7—TB50 Mounted on DIN Rail (Side) 17
Figure 2.8—Mounting a TB50 with Standoffs 17
Figure 2.9—CPC400 Power Supply Mounting Bracket 18
Figure 2.10—Dual DAC and Serial DAC Dimensions 19
Figure 2.11—CPC400 Series Controller with TB18 23
Figure 2.12—CPC400 Series Controller with TB50 23
Figure 2.13—Power Connections with the CPC400 Power Supply 25
Figure 2.14—CPC400 Connector Locations 28
Figure 2.15—Thermocouple Connections 29
Figure 2.16—RTD Connections 29
Figure 2.17—Voltage Signal Connections 30
Figure 2.18—Current Signal Connections 30
(dc) TTL Signal 31
Figure 2.20—Encoder Input with Voltage Divider 31
Figure 2.21—Digital Output Wiring 33
Figure 2.22—Sample Heat, Cool and Alarm Output Connections 35
Figure 2.23—Output Connections Using External Power Supply 35
Figure 2.24—TB50 Watchdog Timer Output 35
Figure 2.25—TB18 Watchdog Timer Output 35
Figure 2.26—Wiring Digital Inputs 36
Figure 2.27—Dual DAC with Current Output 39
Figure 2.28—Dual DAC with Voltage Output 40
Figure 2.29—Single/Multiple Serial DACs 41
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List of Figures CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Figure 2.30—Connecting One CPC400 to a Computer Using EIA/TIA-232 42
Figure 2.31—Four-Wire EIA/TIA-485 Wiring 43
Figure 2.32—Two-Wire EIA/TIA-485 Wiring 43
Figure 2.33—Recommended System Connections 44
3 Operation and Setup 47
Figure 3.1—General Navigation Map 48
Figure 3.2—Keypad Navigation 49
Figure 3.4—Loop Display with Alarm Code 51
Figure 3.5—Display for Failed Sensor Alarm 51
Figure 3.7—Activation and Deactivation of Process Alarms 66
Figure 3.8—Application Using Process Variable Retransmit 68
Figure 3.9—Secondary Set Point When Primary Loop Has Heat and Cool Outputs 70
Figure 3.10—Secondary Set Point When Primary Loop Has Heat Output Only 70
Figure 3.11—Example Application Using Cascade Control 72
Figure 3.12—Relationship of Secondary Loop Set Point to Primary Loop Process
Variable in Cascade Example 73
Figure 3.13—Relationship Between the Process Variable on the Master Loop and the
Set Point of the Ratio Loop 74
Figure 3.14—Application Using Ratio Control 75
4 Tuning and Control 81
Figure 4.2—Proportional Control 83
Figure 4.3—Proportional and Integral Control 83
Figure 4.4—Proportional, Integral and Derivative Control 84
Figure 4.5—Time Proportioning and Distributed Zero Crossing Waveforms 88
5 Menu and Parameter Reference 91
Figure 5.1—Operator Parameter Navigation 92
Figure 5.2—Setup Menus and Parameters 95
Figure 5.3—The Effect of Tune Gain on Recovery from a Load Change 115
Figure 5.4—Linear and Nonlinear Outputs 121
6 Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring 139
Figure 6.1—Removal of Electronics Assembly from Case 155
Figure 6.2—Screw Locations on PC Board 155
Figure 6.3—Location of Flash Memory Chip 156
Figure 6.4—Removal of Flash Memory Chip 156
Figure 6.5—Jumper Configurations 157
Figure 6.7—Serial DAC Voltage and Current Jumper Positions 162
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7 Specifications 165
Figure 7.1—CPC400 Module Dimensions 166
Figure 7.2—CPC400 Clearances with Straight SCSI Cable 167
Figure 7.3—CPC400 Clearances with Right-Angle SCSI Cable 167
Figure 7.4—TB50 Dimensions 169
Figure 7.5—TB50 Dimensions with Straight SCSI Cable 170
Figure 7.6—TB50 Dimensions with Right-Angle SCSI Cable 171
Figure 7.7—Power Supply Dimensions (Bottom View) 177
Figure 7.8—Dual DAC Dimensions 179
Figure 7.9—Serial DAC Dimensions 181
Appendix A: Modbus Protocol 183
Figure A.1—Query - Response Cycle 184
Figure A.2—Example Message Frame 186
List of Figures
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List of Tables
2 Installation 11
Table 2.1—Cable Recommendations 21
Table 2.2—Power Connections 24
Table 2.3—Digital Output States and Values Stored in the Controller 33
Table 2.4—Digital Input States and Values Stored in the Controller 36
Table 2.7—EIA/TIA-232 Connections 42
Table 2.8—RTS/CTS and DSR/DTR Pins in DB-9 and DB-25 Connectors 42
3 Operation and Setup 47
Table 3.1—Control Modes on the Loop Display 50
Table 3.2—Alarm Codes and Messages for Process and Failed Sensor Alarms 52
Table 3.3—System Alarm Messages 53
Table 3.6—Input Readings and Calculations 61
Table 3.9—Parameters Settings for Process Variable Retransmit Example 69
Table 3.10—Parameter Settings for the Primary Loop in the Cascade Example 72
Table 3.11—Parameter Settings for the Secondary Loop in the Cascade Example 72
Table 3.12—Ratio Control Settings for the Ratio Loop (Loop 2) in the Example 75
Table 3.13—Parameter Settings for the Ratio Loop (Loop 2) for the Example 76
Table 3.14—Parameters Settings for the Master Loop (Loop 1) in the Example 77
Table 3.15—Parameter Settings for the Ratio Loop (Loop 2) in the Example 78
Table 3.16—Number of Decimal Places for Numeric Values via Modbus or Logic 80
4 Tuning and Control 81
Table 4.1—Proportional Band Settings 85
Table 4.2—Integral Term and Reset Settings 86
Table 4.3—Derivative Term Versus Rate 86
Table 4.4—General PID Constants 87
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List of Tables CPC400 Series User’s Guide
5 Menu and Parameter Reference 91
Table 5.1—Control Mode Menu Options 93
Table 5.2—CPC400 Setup Menus 94
Table 5.3— Values for BCD Job Load
Table 5.4—Digital Input States Required to Load Each Job 98
Table 5.5—Power Up Loop Modes 100
Table 5.6—Digital Output Alarm Polarity 103
Table 5.7—Input Types and Ranges 104
Table 5.8—Calibration Offset Ranges 106
Table 5.10—Characters for the Loop Name and Input Units Parameters 110
Table 5.11—PV Source Options 110
Table 5.12—Proportional Band Values 111
Table 5.13—Values for the Control Hysteresis and Deviation Alarm Parameters 113
Table 5.15—Heat and Cool Output Types 116
Table 5.16—Alarm Functions 122
Table 5.17—Values for Alarm Hysteresis 125
Table 5.18—Bit Positions for Alarm Enable and Alarm Function 133
Table 5.19—Bit Positions for Alarm Status and Alarm Acknowledge 134
Table 5.20—System Status Bits 137
6 Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring 139
Table 6.1—Operator Response to Process Alarms 142
Table 6.3—Resistor Values for Current Inputs 159
Table 6.4—Resistor Locations for Current Inputs 159
Table 6.5—Resistor Values for Voltage Inputs 160
Table 6.6—Resistor Locations for Voltage Inputs 160
Table 6.7—Resistor Locations for RTD Inputs 161
Table 6.8—Dual DAC Jumper Settings 163
7 Specifications 165
Table 7.1—Agency Approvals / Compliance 165
Table 7.2—Environmental Specifications 165
Table 7.3—Physical Dimensions 166
Table 7.4—CPC400 with Straight SCSI 166
Table 7.5—CPC400 with Right Angle SCSI 167
Table 7.6—CPC400 Connections 168
Table 7.7—TB50 Physical Dimensions 168
Table 7.8—TB50 Connections 169
Table 7.9—TB50 with Straight SCSI 169
Table 7.10—TB50 with Right Angle SCSI 170
Table 7.13—Programmable Logic 173
Table 7.14—Thermocouple Range and Resolution 173
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 7.15—RTD Range and Resolution 173
Table 7.16—Input Resistance for Voltage Inputs 174
Table 7.18—Digital Outputs Control / Alarm 175
Table 7.19—CPU Watchdog Output 175
(dc) Output (Power to Operate Solid-State Relays) 175
Table 7.21—CPC400 Serial Interface 176
Table 7.23—Power Supply Environmental Specifications 176
Table 7.24—Power Supply Agency Approvals / Compliance 176
Table 7.25—Power Supply Physical Specifications 177
Table 7.26—Power Supply with Mounting Bracket 177
Table 7.27—Power Supply Inputs and Outputs 178
Table 7.28—Dual DAC Physical Specifications 178
Table 7.29—Dual DAC Power Requirements 179
Table 7.30—Dual DAC Specifications by Output Range 180
Table 7.31—Serial DAC Environmental Specifications 180
Table 7.32—Serial DAC Physical Specifications 180
Table 7.33—Serial DAC Agency Approvals / Compliance 181
Table 7.34—Serial DAC Inputs 181
Table 7.35—Serial DAC Power Requirements 182
Table 7.36—Serial DAC Analog Output
Appendix A: Modbus Protocol 183
Table A.2—Diagnostics Subfunctions 191
Table A.3—Sample Packet for Host Query 193
Table A.4—Sample Packet for Slave Response 193
Table A.5—Sample Packet for Host Query 194
Table A.6—Sample Packet for Slave Response 194
Table A.7—Sample Packet for Host Query 194
Table A.8—Sample Packet for Slave Response 194
List of Tables
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System Overview
Manual Contents
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This manual describes how to install, set up, and operate a
CPC400 series controller. Each chapter covers a different aspect of your control system and may apply to different users:
Chapter 1: System Overview provides a component list and summary of features for the CPC400 series controllers.
Chapter 2: Installation provides detailed instructions on installing the CPC400 series controller and its peripherals.
Chapter 3: Operation and Setup provides instructions about operating and setting up the CPC400.
Chapter 4: Tuning and Control describes available control algorithms and suggestions for applications.
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference provides detailed descriptions of all menus and parameters for controller setup and for accessing parameter and I/O values with a LogicPro program or via the serial communications interface.
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring includes troubleshooting, upgrading and reconfiguring procedures for technical personnel.
Chapter 7: Specifications lists detailed specifications of the controller and optional components.
Appendix: Modbus Reference describes the Modbus RTU communications protocol, which is used to read and set parameter values through the serial communications interface. This information is intended for programmers writing software to communicate with the CPC400.
Parameter Address Reference provides a way to quickly locate parameter addresses.
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Chapter 1: System Overview
Getting Started
Safety Symbols
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
These symbols are used throughout this manual:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
Initial Inspection
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury or property damage.
Indicates pertinent information or an item that may be useful to document or label for later reference.
Accessories may or may not be shipped in the same container as the CPC400, depending upon their size. Check the shipping invoice against the contents received in all boxes.
Product Features
CPC400 series controllers offer high-performance closedloop control and user-programmable logic to manipulate process control algorithms and sequential logic.
The CPC400 provides four or eight independent control loops with analog inputs—thermocouples, RTDs and process. An additional 2 kHz pulse loop is also provided.
When used as a stand-alone controller, you may operate the CPC400 via the two-line 16-character display and touch keypad. You can also use it as the key element in a computer-supervised data acquisition and control system.
The CPC400 can be locally or remotely controlled via an
EIA/TIA-232 or EIA/TIA-485 serial communications interface.
CPC400 features include:
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide
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Chapter 1: System Overview
TRU-TUNE+™Adaptive Control : Enable adaptive control using the unique TRU-TUNE+™ adaptive algorithm and optimize even difficult-to-control or dynamic processes. TRU-TUNE+™ monitors the process variable and adjusts the control parameters automatically to keep your process at set point and optimize for set point and load changes.
User-Programmable Logic : Customize the controller to run custom closed-loop control algorithms or processes. All closed-loop control parameters and system
I/O are available for user programs. Program and closed-loop control variables can be shared or independent. Use LogicPro software to write, monitor and debug logic programs.
Direct Connection of Mixed Thermocouple Sensors: Connect most thermocouples to the controller with no hardware modifications. Thermocouple inputs feature reference junction compensation, linearization, offset calibration to correct for sensor inaccuracies, detection of open, shorted or reversed thermocouples, and a choice of Fahrenheit or Celsius display.
Accepts Resistive Temperature Detectors
(RTDs): Use three-wire, 100
, platinum, 0.00385curve sensors. Special inputs must be installed.
Automatic Scaling for Process Analog Inputs:
The CPC400 series automatically scales process inputs used with industrial process sensors. Enter two points, and all input values are automatically scaled.
Special inputs must be installed.
Dual Outputs: The CPC400 series includes both heat and cool control outputs for each loop. Independent control parameters are provided for each output.
Independently Selectable Control and Output
Modes: Set each control output to on/off, time proportioning, Serial DAC (digital-to-analog converter) or distributed zero crossing mode. Set up to two outputs per loop for on/off, P, PI or PID control with reverse or direct action.
Boost Output Function: Set digital outputs to function as boost on/off control in association with any alarm.
Flexible Alarms: Independently set high and low alarms and high and low deviation alarms for each loop. Alarms can activate a digital output by themselves, or they can be grouped with other alarms to activate an output.
Global Alarm Output: Any alarm event activates the global alarm output.
CPU Watchdog: The CPU watchdog timer output notifies you of system failure.
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Chapter 1: System Overview CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Keypad or Computer Operation: Set up and run the controller from the keypad or from a local or remote computer. Use WATVIEW HMI software to set up the controller, manage jobs (recipes), log data or monitor system performance.
Modbus RTU Protocol, EIA/TIA-232 and 485
Communications: Connect operator interface terminals and third-party software packages using the widely supported Modbus RTU protocol.
Multiple Job Storage: Store up to eight jobs in the controller’s battery-backed memory. Load a job through the keypad, digital inputs or software. Each job is a set of operating conditions, including set points and alarm limits.
Nonlinear Output Curves: Select either of two nonlinear output curves for each control output.
Pulse Input: Use the pulse input for precise control of motor or belt speed.
Low Power Shutdown: The controller shuts down and turns off all outputs when it detects the input voltage drop below the minimum safe operating level.
Process Variable Retransmit: Scale a temperature or process and convert it to an analog output for external devices such as chart recorders.
Two-Zone Cascade Control: Control thermal systems with long lag times, which cannot be accurately controlled with a single loop.
Ratio or Offset Control: Control one process as a ratio or offset of another process.
Remote Analog Set Point: Scale an external voltage or current source to provide a set point for a loop.
CPC400 Parts List
You may have received one or more of the following components. See
Figure 2.1 on page 12 for CPC400 configuration
• CPC400 series controller
• Controller mounting kit
• TB50 with 50-pin SCSI cable
• EIA/TIA-232 or EIA/TIA-485 communications cable
• Power supply with mounting bracket and screws
• Serial DAC (digital-to-analog converter)
• Special input resistors (installed in CPC400)
• User’s guide
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Chapter 1: System Overview CPC400 Series User’s Guide
40 _ -1 _ _ _ _ _ _
Number of Loops
4 = 4 loops
8 = 8 loops
Controller Type
1 = Standard firmware
Terminal Block
0 = No terminal block accessory
1 = 18-terminal block
2 = 50-terminal block, includes 3-foot (0.9 m) 50-pin SCSI cable (TB50-SCSI)
Power Supply
0 = No power supply
2 = 120/240V Å (ac), 50/60 Hz power supply adapter
(5V Î [dc] @ 4 A, 15V Î [dc] @ 1.2 A), CE approved
SCSI Cables (for use with TB50-SCSI)
0 = No special SCSI cable (3-foot [0.9 m] cable is included with 50-terminal block)
1 = 6-foot (1.8 m) SCSI cable (CA-SCSI-6)
2 = 3-foot (0.9 m) right-angle SCSI cable (CA-SCSI-RT-3)
3 = 6-foot (1.8 m) right-angle SCSI cable (CA-SCSI-RT-6)
Serial Cables (for communications with computer)
0 = No serial communications cable
1 = 10-foot (3.0 m) serial cable, DB-9 female/bare wire (CA-COMM-010)
2 = 25-foot (7.6 m) serial cable, DB-9 female/bare wire (CA-COMM-025)
3 = 50-foot (15.2 m) serial cable, DB-9 female/bare wire (CA-COMM-050)
Serial Communications Jumper Settings
0 = EIA/TIA-232
1 = EIA/TIA-485
2 = EIA/TIA-485 terminated
Special Inputs
Standard unit is configured for thermocouples and -10 to +60mV process inputs.
For other sensors, special inputs are required.
0 = Thermocouples and -10 to +60mV inputs only
X = Number of current and voltage inputs.
Figure 1.1
CPC400 Standard Parts List
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Chapter 1: System Overview CPC400 Series User’s Guide
CPCSI _ _ - _ _ - _ _
Special/Process Input Type
(Not required for thermocouple sensor inputs)
23 = RTD
43 = 0 to 10 mA Î (dc)
44 = 0 to 20 mA Î (dc) or 4 to 20 mA Î (dc)
50 = 0 to 100 mV Î (dc)
52 = 0 to 500 mV Î (dc)
53 = 0 to 1 V Î (dc)
55 = 0 to 5 V Î (dc)
56 = 0 to 10 V Î (dc)
57 = 0 to 12 V Î (dc)
Start Loop
XX = Loop number XX
End Loop
XX = Loop number XX
Figure 1.2
CPC400 Special Inputs Parts List
Technical Description
This section contains a technical description of each component of the CPC400 series controller.
The CPC400 is housed in a 1/8-DIN panel mount package.
It contains the central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM) with a built-in battery, flash memory, serial communications, digital I/O, analog inputs, display and touch keypad.
CPC400 Series with SCSI Connector
CPC400 Series with TB18 Connector
Figure 1.3
CPC400 Rear Views
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Front Panel Description
Chapter 1: System Overview
The CPC400 has the following features:
• Keypad and two-line, 16-character display.
• Screw terminals for the power and analog inputs and communications.
• Input power of 12 to 24 V Î ( dc) at 1 Amp.
• 50-pin SCSI cable to connect the digital inputs and outputs to the 50-terminal block (TB50). The CPC400 is available with an 18-terminal block (TB18) in place
of the SCSI connector, as shown in Figure 1.3 on page
• Nonvolatile flash memory for storage of firmware and programmable logic.
• Battery-backed storage of operating parameters. If a power loss occurs, the operating parameters are stored in memory. The battery has a ten-year shelf life, and it is not used when the controller is on.
• Microprocessor control of all calculations for input signal linearization, PID control, alarms, and communications.
The display and keypad provide an intelligent way to operate the controller. The display has 16 alphanumeric or graphic characters per line. The eight-key keypad allows you to change the operating parameters, controller functions and displays.
The displays show process variables, set points and output levels for each loop. A single-loop display, scanning display and alarm display offer a real-time view of process conditions.
For useful tips, help and menu information, press i from any screen.
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Figure 1.4
CPC400 Front Panel
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Chapter 1: System Overview
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
The TB50 is a screw-terminal interface for control wiring.
It allows you to connect relays, encoders and discrete I/O devices to the CPC400. The screw terminal blocks accept wires as large as 18 AWG (0.75 mm
). A 50-pin SCSI cable connects the TB50 to the CPC400.
CPC400 Cabling
Figure 1.5
Watlow Anafaze provides cables required to install the
CPC400. A 50-pin SCSI cable connects the TB50 to the
The optional cable used to connect the CPC400 to a computer using EIA/TIA-232 communications has a DB-9 or DB-
25 connector for the computer and bare wires for connecting to the CPC400.
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 1: System Overview
Watlow Anafaze has made every effort to ensure the reliability and safety of this product. In addition, we have provided recommendations that will allow you to safely install and maintain this controller.
External Safety Devices
The CPC400 controller may fail full-on (100 percent output power) or full-off (0 percent output power), or may remain full-on if an undetected sensor failure occurs.
Design your system to be safe even if the controller sends a
0 percent or 100 percent output power signal at any time.
Install independent, external safety devices such as the
Watlow Anafaze TLM-8 that will shut down the system if a failure occurs.
Typically, a shutdown device consists of an agency-approved high/low process limit controller that operates a shutdown device such as an mechanical contactor. The limit controller monitors for a hazardous condition such as an under-temperature or over-temperature fault. If a hazardous condition is detected, the limit controller sends a signal to open the contactor.
The safety shutdown device (limit controller and contactor) must be independent from the process control equipment.
The controller may fail in a 0 percent or 100 percent output power state. To prevent death, personal injury, equipment damage or property damage, install external safety shutdown devices that operate independently from the process control equipment.
With proper approval and installation, thermal fuses may be used in some processes.
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Chapter 1: System Overview
Power-Fail Protection
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
In the occurrence of a sudden loss of power, the CPC400 controller can be programmed to reset the control outputs to off (this is the default). The controller can also be configured to restart to data stored in memory.
A memory-based restart might create an unsafe process condition for some installations. Use a memory-based restart only if you are certain your system will safely restart.
See Power Up Loop Mode on page 100.
When using a computer or host device, you can program the software to automatically reload desired operating constants or process values on powerup. These convenience features do not eliminate the need for independent safety devices.
Contact Watlow Anafaze immediately if you have any questions about system safety or system operation.
10 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
This chapter describes how to install the CPC400 series controller and its peripherals. Installation of the controller involves the following procedures:
• Determining the best location for the controller
• Mounting the controller and TB50
• Power connection
• Input wiring
• Communications wiring (EIA/TIA-232 or EIA/TIA-
• Output wiring
Risk of electric shock. Shut off power to your entire process before you begin installation of the controller.
The controller may fail in a 0 percent or 100 percent power output state. To prevent death, personal injury, equipment damage or property damage, install external safety shutdown devices that operate independently from the process control equipment.
11 Doc.0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze
Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Typical Installation
Figure 2.1 shows typical installations of the controller with
the TB50 and the TB18 terminal blocks. The type of terminal block you use greatly impacts the layout and wiring of
your installation site. See Figure 2.2 to Figure 2.10 to de-
termine potential space requirements.
We recommend that you read this entire chapter before beginning the installation procedure. This will help you to carefully plan and assess the installation.
CPC400 with TB50
SCSI Cable
8 Digital Inputs
Pulse Input
35 Digital Outputs
(Control, Alarm, Logic)
Signal Inputs
Power Supply
CPC400 with TB18
Signal Inputs
3 Digital Inputs
Pulse Input
Power Supply
11 Digital Outputs (Control, Alarm, Logic)
Figure 2.1
CPC400 System Components
12 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Mounting Controller Components
Install the controller in a location free from excessive heat
(>50º C), dust and unauthorized handling. Electromagnetic and radio frequency interference can induce noise on sensor wiring. Choose locations for the CPC400 and TB50 such that wiring can be routed clear of sources of interference such as high voltage wires, power switching devices and motors.
For indoor use only.
To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, install the CPC400 in a controlled environment, relatively free of contaminants.
Recommended Tools
Use any of the following tools to cut a hole of the appropriate size in the panel.
• Jigsaw and metal file, for stainless steel and heavyweight panel doors.
• Greenlee 1/8-DIN rectangular punch (Greenlee part number 600-68), for most panel materials and thicknesses.
• Nibbler and metal file, for aluminum and lightweight panel doors.
You will also need these tools:
• Phillips head screwdriver
• 1/8-inch (3 mm) flathead screwdriver for wiring
• Multimeter
Mounting the Controller
Mount the controller before you mount the terminal block or do any wiring. The controller’s placement affects placement and wiring considerations for the other components of your system.
Ensure that there is enough clearance for mounting brackets, terminal blocks, and cable and wire connections. The controller extends up to 7.0 inches (178 mm) behind the panel face and the screw brackets extend 0.5 inch (13 mm) above and below it. If using a straight SCSI cable, allow for an additional 1.6 inches (41 mm) beyond the terminal block. If using a right-angle SCSI cable, allow an additional
0.6 inch (15 mm). Refer to Figure 2.2.
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 13
Chapter 2: Installation
1.0 in.
(25 mm)
7.0 in.
(178 mm)
1.6 in.
(41 mm)
1.0 in.
(25 mm)
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
7.0 in.
(178 mm)
0.6 in.
(15 mm)
Figure 2.2
Clearance with Straight SCSI Cable (L) and Right-Angle SCSI Cable (R)
Maximum Panel Thickness
0.2 in. (5 mm)
0.020 in.
0.5 mm)
0.020 in.
0.5 mm)
Figure 2.3
Wiring Clearances
We recommend you mount the controller in a panel not more than 0.2 in. (5 mm) thick.
Choose a panel location free from excessive heat (more than 50° C [122° F]), dust, and unauthorized handling.
(Make sure there is adequate clearance for the mounting hardware, terminal blocks, and cables. The controller extends 7.0 in. (178 mm) behind the panel.
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Allow for an additional 0.60 to 1.60 in. (15 to 41 mm) beyond the connectors.)
Temporarily cover any slots in the metal housing so that dirt, metal filings, and pieces of wire do not enter the housing and lodge in the electronics.
Cut a hole in the panel 1.80 in. (46 mm) by 3.63 in. (92 mm) as shown below. Use caution; the dimensions given here have 0.02 in. (0.5 mm) tolerances.
Remove the brackets and collar from the processor module, if they are already in place.
Slide the processor module into the panel cutout.
Slide the mounting collar over the back of the processor module, making sure the mounting screw indentations face toward the back of the processor module.
Bracket (top and bottom)
Bezel Mounting Collar
Figure 2.4
Mounting Bracket
Loosen the mounting bracket screws enough to allow for the mounting collar and panel thickness. Place each mounting bracket into the mounting slots (head of the screw facing the back of the processor module).
Push each bracket backward then to the side to secure it to the processor module case.
Make sure the case is seated properly. Tighten the installation screws firmly against the mounting collar to secure the unit. Ensure that the end of the mounting screws fit into the indentations on the mounting collar.
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Chapter 2: Installation
Mounting the TB50
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
There are two ways to mount the TB50: Use the pre-installed DIN rail mounting brackets or use the plastic standoffs.
DIN Rail Mounting
Mounted with Standoffs
Mounted to
DIN Rail
Figure 2.5
Mounting the TB50
Snap the TB50 on to the DIN rail by placing the hook side on the rail first, then pushing the snap latch side in place.
Figure 2.6
TB50 Mounted on a DIN Rail (Front)
Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
To remove the TB50 from the rail, use a flathead screw
driver to unsnap the bracket from the rail. See Figure 2.7.
Catch for
DIN Rail
Snap Latch
Hook Side
Figure 2.7
TB50 Mounted on DIN Rail (Side)
Mounting with Standoffs
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Remove the DIN rail mounting brackets from the
Choose a location with enough clearance to remove the
TB50, its SCSI cable and the controller itself.
Mark the four mounting holes.
Drill and tap four mounting holes for #6 (3.5 mm) screws or bolts.
Mount the TB50 with four screws or bolts.
There are four smaller holes on the terminal board. Use these holes to secure wiring to the terminal block with tie wraps.
0.2 in
(5 mm)
2.6 in
(66 mm)
0.7 in
(18 mm)
4 Holes for
#6 (3.5 mm)
Bolts or Screws
3.4 in
(86 mm)
SCSI Connector
0.2 in
(5 mm)
0.2 in
(5 mm)
3.6 in
(91 mm)
Figure 2.8
Mounting a TB50 with Standoffs
Watlow Anafaze 17
Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Mounting the Power Supply
If you use your own power supply for the CPC400, refer to the power supply manufacturer’s instructions for mounting information. Choose a Class 2 power supply that supplies an isolated, regulated 12 to 24V Î ( dc) at 1 A.
Mounting Environment
Leave enough clearance around the power supply so that it can be removed.
2 Holes for #10 (4.5 mm)
Bolts or Screws
0.3 inch
(8 mm)
1.4 inch
(36 mm)
7.5 inches
(191 mm) 0.7 inch
(18 mm)
8.1 inches
(206 mm)
Figure 2.9
CPC400 Power Supply Mounting
Mounting Steps
When attaching the bracket to the power supply, use screws that are no longer than 1/4-inch (6 mm) long. Longer screws may extend too far into the power supply and short to components, damaging the power supply.
Attach the bracket to the power supply using the two center holes in the bracket.
Choose a location with enough clearance to remove the power supply and bracket.
Mark the bracket’s two outer holes for mounting.
Drill and tap the two mounting holes. The bracket holes accept up to #10 (4.5 mm) screws.
Mount the power supply on the panel.
Tighten the screws.
18 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Mounting the Dual DAC or Serial DAC Module
This section describes how to mount the optional Dual DAC and Serial DAC digital-to-analog converters.
Mounting of the Dual DAC and Serial DAC is essentially the same, except that the dimensions differ.
The output signal range of the Dual DAC and Serial DAC
modules is configured with jumpers. See Configuring Dual
DAC Outputs on page 163 and Configuring Serial DAC
Outputs on page 162 for information about setting these
Dual DAC
4 Holes for #8 (3.5 mm)
Screws or Bolts
Choose a location. The unit is designed for wall mounting. Install it as close to the controller as possible.
Mark and drill four holes for screw mounting. Holes
accommodate #8 (3.5 mm) screws. See Figure 2.10 for
screw locations. Install the unit with the four screws.
0.3 in
(8 mm)
4 Holes for #8 (3.5 mm)
Screws or Bolts
Serial DAC
0.3 in
(8 mm)
3.62 in
(91 mm)
3.7 in
(94 mm)
4.40 in
(112 mm)
3.00 in
(76 mm)
3.62 in
(91 mm)
3.00 in
(76 mm)
0.37 in
(9 mm)
4.7 in
(119 mm)
0.37 in
(9 mm)
0.65 in
(17 mm)
1.75 in
(44 mm)
0.65 in
(17 mm)
1.75 in
(44 mm)
5.40 in
(137 mm)
Figure 2.10 Dual DAC and Serial DAC Dimensions
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Chapter 2: Installation
System Wiring
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Successful installation and operation of the control system can depend on placement of the components and on selection of the proper cables, sensors and peripheral components.
Routing and shielding of sensor wires and proper grounding of components can insure a robust control system. This section includes wiring recommendations, instructions for proper grounding and noise suppression, and considerations for avoiding ground loops.
To reduce the risk of electrical shock, fire, and equipment damage, follow all local and national electrical codes. Correct wire sizes, fuses and thermal breakers are essential for safe operation of this equipment.
Do not wire bundles of low-voltage signal and control circuits next to bundles of high-voltage ac wiring. High voltage may be inductively coupled onto the low-voltage circuits, which may damage the controller or induce noise and cause poor control.
Physically separate high-voltage circuits from low-voltage circuits and from CPC400 hardware.
If possible, install high-voltage ac power circuits in a separate panel.
Wiring Recommendations
Follow these guidelines for selecting wires and cables:
• Use stranded wire. (Solid wire can be used for fixed service; it makes intermittent connections when you move it for maintenance.)
• Use 20 AWG (0.5 mm
) thermocouple extension wire.
Larger or smaller sizes may be difficult to install, may break easily or may cause intermittent connections.
• Use shielded wire. The electrical shield protects the signals and the CPC400 from electrical noise. Connect one end of the input and output wiring shield to earth ground.
• Use copper wire for all connections other than thermocouple sensor inputs.
20 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Analog Inputs
RTD Inputs
Thermocouple Inputs
Control Outputs and
Digital I/O
Analog Outputs
Computer Communication: EIA/TIA-232,
422 or 485, or 20 mA
Mfr. P/N
Belden 9154
Belden 8451
Belden 8772
Belden 9770
T/C Ext. Wire
Belden 9539
Belden 9542
Ribbon Cable
Belden 9154
Belden 8451
Belden 9729
Belden 9730
Belden 9842
Belden 9843
Belden 9184
Table 2.1
Cable Recommendations
No. of
22 to 14
0.5 to 2.5
4000 ft. (1219 m)
4000 ft. (1219 m)
6000 ft. (1829 m)
Noise Suppression
The CPC400 outputs are typically used to drive solid-state relays. These relays may in turn operate more inductive types of loads such as electromechanical relays, alarm horns and motor starters. Such devices may generate electromagnetic interference (EMI, or noise). If the controller is placed close to sources of EMI, it may not function correctly. Below are some tips on how to recognize and avoid problems with EMI.
For earth ground wire, use a large gauge and keep the length as short as possible. Additional shielding may be achieved by connecting a chassis ground strap from the panel to CPC400 case.
Symptoms of Noise
If your controller displays the following symptoms, suspect noise:
• The display screen blanks out and then reenergizes as if power had been turned off for a moment.
• The process variable value is incorrect on the controller display.
Noise may also damage the digital output circuit such that the digital outputs will not turn on. If the digital output circuit is damaged, return the controller to Watlow Anafaze for repair.
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Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Avoiding Noise
To avoid or eliminate most RFI/EMI noise problems:
• Connect the CPC400 case to earth ground. The
CPC400 system includes noise suppression circuitry.
This circuitry requires proper grounding.
• Separate the 120V Å ( ac) and higher power leads from the low-level input and output leads connected to the
CPC400 series controller. Do not run the digital I/O or control output leads in bundles with ac wires.
• Where possible, use solid-state relays (SSRs) instead of electromechanical relays. If you must use electromechanical relays, avoid mounting them in the same panel as the CPC400 series equipment.
• If you must use electromechanical relays and you must place them in a panel with CPC400 series equipment, use a 0.01 microfarad capacitor rated at 1000V Å
( ac) (or higher) in series with a 47
, 0.5 watt resistor across the normally-open contacts of the relay load.
This is known as a snubber network and can reduce the amount of electrical noise.
• You can use other voltage suppression devices, but they are not usually required. For instance, you can place a metal oxide varistor (MOV) rated at 130V Å (ac) for 120V Å (ac) control circuits across the load, which limits the peak ac voltage to about 180V Å ( ac) (Watlow
Anafaze part number 26-130210-00). You can also place a transorb (back-to-back zener diodes) across the digital output, which limits the digital output voltage.
Additional Recommendations for a Noise Immune System
We strongly recommended the following:
• Isolate outputs through solid-state relays, where possible.
• Isolate digital inputs from ground through solid-state relays. If this is not possible, then make sure the digital input is the only connection to earth ground other than the chassis ground.
22 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Ground Loops
Ground loops occur when current passes from the process through the controller to ground. This can cause instrument errors or malfunctions.
The best way to avoid ground loops is to minimize unnecessary connections to ground. Do not connect any of the following terminals to each other or to earth ground:
• Power supply dc common
• TB1 terminals 5, 6, 11, 12 (analog common)
• TB1 terminal 17 (reference voltage common)
• TB1 terminals 23, 24 (communications common)
• TB2 terminal 2 (dc power common)
Power Connections
This section explains how to make power connections to the
CPC400 and the TB50.
(to power supply)
(to signal inputs
(to digital outputs)
Figure 2.11 CPC400 Series Controller with
(to power supply)
(to signal inputs
(to TB50)
Figure 2.12 CPC400 Series Controller with
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Chapter 2: Installation
Wiring the Power Supply
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Use a power supply with a Class 2 rating only. UL approval requires a Class 2 power supply.
Connect power to the controller before any other connections, This allows you to ensure that the controller is working before any time is taken installing inputs and outputs.
Table 2.2
Power Connections
DC Power
Power Supply CPC400 TB2
+12 to 24V Î (dc) +
DC Common
12 to 24V Î (dc)
Earth Ground Ground
Connect the dc common terminal on the power supply to the dc common (-) terminal on CPC400 TB2.
Connect the positive terminal on the power supply to the dc positive (+) terminal on CPC400 TB2.
If using an isolated dc output or another power supply to power the loads, connect the dc common of the supply powering the loads to the dc common of the supply powering the controller.
Use the ground connector on TB2 for chassis ground.
This terminal is connected to the CPC400 chassis and must be connected to earth ground.
Connect 120/240V Å ( ac) power to the power supply.
Connect the dc common of the power supply used for loads to the dc common of the supply powering the controller. If the supplies are not referenced to one another, the controller’s outputs will not be able to switch the loads.
When making screw terminal connections, tighten to 4.5 to 5.4 in.-lb. (0.5 to 0.6 Nm).
24 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Without proper grounding, the CPC400 may not operate properly or may be damaged.
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
To prevent damage from incorrect connections, do not turn on the ac power before testing the
connections as explained in Testing the System on page 26.
Do not connect the controller’s dc common
(COM) to earth ground . Doing so will defeat the noise protection circuitry, making measurements less stable.
Power Supply
+V1 (5V)
0 (5V COM)
Add jumper *
+V2 (+15V) solid-state relay
** solid-state relay
-V2 (-15V)
ACL (AC Line)
ACN (AC Neutral)
1 2 3 4
M solid-state relay solid-state relay
Serial DAC
N white
V Å (ac)
H black green
* If using 5V Î (dc) for outputs, jumper 5V common to 15V common.
** Connect terminals to ac panel ground.
Figure 2.13 Power Connections with the
CPC400 Power Supply
Watlow Anafaze 25
Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Connecting the TB50 to the CPC400
Connect the SCSI cable to the controller.
Connect the SCSI cable to the TB50.
Testing the System
This section explains how to test the controller after installation and prior to making field wiring connections.
TB50 or TB18 Test
Use this procedure to verify that the TB50 or TB18 is properly connected and supplied with power:
Turn on power to the CPC400. The display should first show Calculating checksum, and then show the singleloop display. If you do not see these displays, disconnect power and check wiring and power supply output.
Measure the +5V Î dc supply at the TB50 or TB18: a) Connect the voltmeter’s common lead to TB50 terminal 3 or TB18 terminal 2.
b) Connect the voltmeter’s positive lead to TB50 or
TB18 terminal 1. The voltage should be +4.75 to
Î dc.
Digital Output Test
Use this procedure to test the controller outputs before loads are connected. If using it at another time for troubleshooting, disconnect loads from outputs before testing.
Connect a 500
to 100 k
resistor between TB50 or
TB18 terminal 1 and a digital output terminal. See
Table 2.5 on page 37 for TB18 connections or Table 2.6
on page 38 for TB50 connections.
Connect the voltmeter’s positive lead to terminal 1 on the TB50 or TB18.
Connect the voltmeter’s common lead to the digital output terminal.
Use the digital output test in the I/O tests menu to turn
the digital output on and off (see Test Digital Output 1 to
35 on page 132). When the output is on, the output volt-
age should be less than 1 V. When the output is off, the output voltage should be between 4.75 and 5.25 V.
By default, heat outputs are enabled. Only disabled outputs may be turned on using the manual I/O test.
To test heat outputs, set the corresponding loop to
manual mode 100 percent output. See Changing the
Control Mode and Output Power on page 55.
26 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Digital Input Test
Chapter 2: Installation
Use the following procedure to test digital inputs before connecting to field devices:
Disconnect any system wiring from the input to be tested.
Go to the Digital inputs test in the I/O tests menu.
This test shows whether the digital inputs are off
(open) or on (closed).
Attach a wire to the terminal of the digital input you
want to test. See Table 2.5 on page 37 for TB 18 con-
nections or Table 2.6 on page 38 for TB50 connections.
a) When the wire is connected only to the digital input terminal, the digital input test should show that the input is off (open).
b) When you connect the other end of the wire to the controller common (TB50 terminal 3 or TB18 terminal 2), the digital input test should show that the input is on (closed).
Sensor Wiring
This section describes how to properly connect thermocouples, RTDs, current and voltage inputs to the controller.
The controller can accept any mix of available input types.
Some input types require that special scaling resistors be installed (generally done by Watlow Anafaze before the controller is delivered).
All inputs are installed at the “CH” input connectors (TB1) at the back of the controller. The illustrations below show the connector locations for all CPC400 series controllers.
Never run input leads in bundles with high power wires or near other sources of EMI. This could inductively couple voltage onto the input leads and damage the controller, or could induce noise and cause poor measurement and control.
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Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Figure 2.14 CPC400 Connector Locations
Input Wiring Recommendations
Use multicolored stranded shielded cable for analog inputs.
Watlow Anafaze recommends that you use 20 AWG wire
(0.5 mm
). If the sensor manufacturer requires it, you can also use 24 or 22 AWG wiring (0.2 mm
). Most inputs use a shielded twisted pair; some require a three-wire input.
The controller accepts the following inputs without any special scaling resistors:
• J, K, T, S, R, B and E thermocouples.
• Process inputs with ranges between -10 and +60 mV.
To avoid thermocouple open alarms on unused inputs, either set the Input type parameter to skip or jumper the input.
Thermocouple Connections
Connect the positive lead of the thermocouple to the IN+ terminal for one of the loops, and connect the negative lead to the corresponding IN- terminal.
28 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Use 18 or 20 AWG (0.5 or 0.75 mm
) for all thermocouple inputs. Most thermocouple wire is solid, unshielded wire.
When using shielded wire, ground one end only.
Type J
Shield (if present)
Earth Ground at Process End
Figure 2.15 Thermocouple Connections
Connect the earth ground terminal on TB2 to a good earth ground, but do not connect the analog common to earth ground. The CPC400 uses a floating analog common for sensor measurements. The noise protection circuits on the sensor inputs function correctly only if the controller
is correctly installed. See Ground Loops on page
RTD Input Connections
RTD input requires scaling resistors. Watlow Anafaze recommends that you use a 100
, three-wire platinum RTD to prevent reading errors due to cable resistance. If you use a two-wire RTD, jumper the negative input to common. If you must use a four-wire RTD, leave the fourth wire unconnected.
Figure 2.16 RTD Connections
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Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Reference Voltage Terminals
The +5V Ref and Ref Com terminals are provided to power external bridge circuits for special sensors. Do not connect any other type of device to these terminals.
Voltage Input Connections
Voltage input requires scaling resistors. Special input resistors installed at Watlow Anafaze divide analog input voltages such that the controller sees a -10 to 60 mV signal on the loop.
CH IN+ Device with
Figure 2.17 Voltage Signal Connections
Current Input Connections
Current input requires scaling resistors. Special input resistors installed at Watlow Anafaze for analog current signals are such that the controller sees a -10 to 60 mV signal across its inputs for the loop.
Device with
Figure 2.18 Current Signal Connections
30 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Pulse Input Connections
The CPC400 can accept a pulse input up to 2000 Hz from a device such as an encoder. The frequency of this input is
scaled with user-configured parameters; see Setting Up a
Process or Pulse Input on page 58. This scaled value is the
process variable for loop 5 on a CPC404, or loop 9 on a
The CPC400 can accommodate encoder signals up to 24V Î
(dc) using a voltage divider or can power encoders with the
5V Î (dc) from the TB50 or TB18. The following figures show how to connect encoders. A pull-up resistor in the
CPC400 allows open collector inputs to be used.
If the signal on the pulse input exceeds 10kHz the controller’s operation may be disrupted. Do not connect the pulse input to a signal source that may exceed 10kHz.
CPC400 and TB50 or TB18
+5V Î (dc)
10 k
Pulse Input
Figure 2.19 Encoder with 5V
(dc) TTL Signal
CPC400 and TB50 or TB18
+5V Î (dc)
10 k
Pulse Input
Figure 2.20 Encoder Input with Voltage Divider
For encoders with signals greater than 5V Î (dc), use a voltage divider to drop the voltage to 5 volts at the input. Use appropriate values for R
and R
2 depending on the encoder excitation voltage. Do not exceed the specific current load on the encoder.
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Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Wiring Control and Digital I/O
This section describes how to wire and configure the control outputs for the CPC400 series controller. The CPC400 provides dual control outputs for each loop. These outputs can be enabled or disabled, and are connected through a TB50 or TB18.
Output Wiring Recommendations
When wiring output devices, use multicolored, stranded, shielded cable for analog outputs and digital outputs connected to panel-mounted solid-state relays.
• Analog outputs usually use a twisted pair.
• Digital outputs usually have 9 to 20 conductors, depending on wiring technique.
Cable Tie Wraps
Control outputs are connected to controller common when the control output is on. If you connect external devices that may have a low side at a voltage other than controller ground, you may create ground loops. To prevent ground loops, use isolated solid-state relays and isolate the control device inputs.
After you wire outputs to the TB50, install the cable tie wraps to reduce strain on the connectors. Each row of terminals has a cable tie wrap hole at one end. Thread the cable tie wrap through the cable tie wrap hole. Then, wrap the cable tie wrap around the wires attached to that terminal block.
Digital Outputs
The CPC400 provides dual control outputs for up to eight loops. By default, heat outputs are enabled and cool outputs are disabled. If the heat or cool output is disabled for a loop, then the output is available for alarms or programmable logic. The CPU watchdog timer output can be used
to monitor the state of the controller; see CPU Watchdog
32 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Table 2.3
Digital Output States and Values
Stored in the Controller
State Value
1 Description
Off 0 Open circuit
On 1 Sinking current to controller common
Read and write these values through serial communications and LogicPro programs.
All digital outputs sink current to controller common when on. The load may powered by the 5V Î (dc) supplied by the controller at the TB50, or by an external power supply.
When using an external power supply, bear in mind:
• The CPC400 power supply available from Watlow
Anafaze includes a 5V Î (dc) supply. When using it to supply output loads, connect the 5V Î (dc) common to the 15V Î (dc) common at the power supply.
• Do not exceed +24 volts.
• If you connect the external load to earth ground, or if
you cannot connect it as shown in Figure 2.21, then
use a solid-state relay.
The outputs conduct current when they are on. The maximum current sink capability is 60 mA at 24V Î ( dc). The outputs cannot “source” current to a load.
Using Internal Power Supply
TB50 or TB18
+5V Î dc
Digital Output 1
Digital Output 2
Using External Power Supply
Do not connect to earth ground or equipment ground
TB50 or TB18
Control Common
Digital Output 1
Digital Output 2
Figure 2.21 Digital Output Wiring
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Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Configuring Outputs
As you choose outputs for control and alarms, bear in mind the following points:
• You can enable or disable the control outputs. By default, heat outputs are enabled and cool outputs are disabled.
• You can program each control output individually for on/off, time proportioning, distributed zero-crossing or
Serial DAC control.
• You can individually program each control output for direct or reverse action.
• Alarm outputs other than the global alarm are non-
latching. See Global Alarm on page 67.
• Alarms can be suppressed during process start up and
for preprogrammed durations. See Power Up Alarm
• Alarm outputs can be configured, as a group, to sink to output during an alarm or stop current flow during an
alarm. See Digital Output Alarm Polarity on page 103.
Control and Alarm Output Connections
Typically control and alarm outputs use external opticallyisolated solid-state relays (SSRs). SSRs accept a 3 to 32V Î
( dc) input for control, and some can switch up to 100 Amps at 480V Å ( ac). For larger currents, use silicon control rectifier (SCR) power controllers up to 1000 Amps at 120 to
600V Å ( ac). You can also use SCRs and a Serial DAC for phase-angle fired control.
The 34 control and alarm outputs are open collector outputs referenced in the CPC400’s common. Each output sinks up to 60 mAdc to the controller common when on.
Control outputs are sink outputs. They sink current when the output is on. Connect them to the negative side of solid-state relays.
Figure 2.22 shows sample heat, cool and alarm output con-
34 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
CPU Watchdog Timer
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Chapter 2: Installation
TB50 or TB18
Heat Output
Cool Output
Alarm Output
+5 V Å (ac)
Figure 2.22 Sample Heat, Cool and Alarm Output Connections
TB50 or TB18
Heat Output
Cool Output
Alarm Output
- PS +
Figure 2.23 Output Connections Using External Power Supply
The CPU watchdog timer constantly monitors the microprocessor. It is a sink output located on TB50 terminal 6 or
TB18 terminal 3. The output can be connected to an external circuit or device to monitor whether the controller is powered and operational. Do not exceed the 5V Î ( dc), 10 mAdc rating for the watchdog output. The output is on
(low) when the microprocessor is operating; when it stops operating, the output goes off (high).
Figure 2.24 and Figure 2.25 show the recommended circuit
for the watchdog timer output for the TB50 and the TB18.
+ 5V Î (dc)
(Terminal 1)
Watchdog Timer
(Terminal 6)
Solid-State Relay
Figure 2.24 TB50 Watchdog Timer Output
+ 5V Î (dc)
(Terminal 1)
Watchdog Timer
(Terminal 3)
Solid-State Relay
Figure 2.25 TB18 Watchdog Timer Output
Watlow Anafaze 35
Chapter 2: Installation
Digital Inputs
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
External Switching Device
All digital inputs are transistor-transistor logic (TTL) level inputs referenced to controller common and the internal
+5V power supply of the CPC400.
When an input is connected to the controller common, the input is considered on. Otherwise, the input is considered off. Most features that use the digital inputs can be userconfigured to activate when an input is either on or off.
In the off state, internal 10 k
resistors pull the digital inputs high to 5V Î ( dc) with respect to the controller common.
Table 2.4
Digital Input States and Values
Stored in the Controller
State Value
1 Description
Off 0 Open circuit
On 1
Digital input connected to controller common
Read these values through serial communications and LogicPro programs.
To ensure that the inputs are reliably switched, use a switching device with the appropriate impedances in the on and off states and do not connect the inputs to external power sources.
When off, the switching device must provide an impedance of at least 11 k
to ensure that the voltage will rise to greater than 3.7V
Î (dc). When on, the switch must provide not more than 1 k
impedance to ensure the voltage drops below 1.3V
Î (dc).
To install a switch as a digital input, connect one lead to the common terminal on the TB50 (terminals 3 and 4) or TB18
(terminal 2). Connect the other lead to the desired digital input terminal on the TB50 (terminals 43 to 50) or TB18
(terminals 16 to 18).
Control Com
Figure 2.26 Wiring Digital Inputs
36 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Functions Activated by Digital Inputs
Use digital inputs to activate the following functions:
• Load a job that is stored in controller memory. See
• Change all loops to manual mode at specified output
levels. See Mode Override on page 99.
Enable thermocouple short detection. See Thermocou-
• Restore automatic control after a failed sensor has been
repaired. See Restore Automatic Mode on page 114.
TB18 Connections
Table 2.5
TB18 Connections
Control Output
Function CPC404 CPC408
+5V Î (dc)
Watchdog timer
Global alarm
Output 1
Output 2
Output 3
Output 4
Output 5
Output 6
Output 7
Output 8
Output 9
Output 10
Output 34
Loop 1 heat
Loop 2 heat
Loop 3 heat
Loop 4 heat
Pulse loop heat
Loop 1 cool
Loop 2 cool
Loop 3 cool
Loop 4 cool
Pulse loop cool
Serial DAC clock
Loop 1 heat
Loop 2 heat
Loop 3 heat
Loop 4 heat
Loop 5 heat
Loop 6 heat
Loop 7 heat
Loop 8 heat
Pulse loop heat
Loop 1 cool
Serial DAC clock
Input 1
Input 2
Input 3/Pulse input
The indicated outputs are dedicated for control when enabled in the loop setup. If one or both of the outputs are disabled for a loop, then the corresponding digital outputs become available for alarms or programmable logic.
If you install a Watlow Anafaze Serial DAC, the CPC400 series controller uses digital output 34 for a clock line. You cannot use output 34 for anything else if a Serial DAC is installed.
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Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
TB50 Connections
+5V Î (dc)
Not Used
Pulse Input
Output 1
Output 2
Output 3
Output 4
Output 5
Output 6
Output 7
Output 8
Output 9
Output 10
Output 11
Output 12
Output 13
Output 14
Output 15
Output 16
Output 17
Input 1
Input 3
Input 5
Input 7
Table 2.6
TB50 Connections
Control Output
Control Output
Loop 1 heat
Loop 2 heat
Loop 3 heat
Loop 4 heat
Loop 5 heat
Loop 6 heat
Loop 7 heat
Loop 8 heat
Pulse loop heat
Loop 1 cool
Loop 2 cool
Loop 3 cool
Loop 4 cool
Loop 5 cool
Loop 6 cool
Loop 7 cool
Loop 8 cool
Loop 1 heat
Loop 2 heat
Loop 3 heat
Loop 4 heat
Pulse loop heat
Loop 1 cool
Loop 2 cool
Loop 3 cool
Loop 4 cool
+5V Î (dc)
Global Alarm
Output 34
Output 33
Output 32
Output 31
Output 30
Output 29
Output 28
Output 27
Output 26
CPC408 CPC404
Pulse loop cool
28 Output 25
Output 24
Output 23
Output 22
Output 21
Output 20
Output 19
Output 18 Pulse loop cool
Input 2
Input 4
Input 6
Input 8
The indicated outputs are dedicated for control when enabled in the loop setup. If one or both of a loop’s outputs are disabled, the corresponding digital outputs become available for alarms or programmable logic.
If you install a Watlow Anafaze Serial DAC, the CPC400 uses digital output 34 (terminal 10) for a clock line. You cannot use output 34 for anything else if a Serial DAC is installed.
38 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Analog Outputs
Chapter 2: Installation
Wiring the Dual DAC
Analog outputs can be provided by using a Dual DAC or Serial DAC module to convert the open collector outputs from the controller. Use multicolored stranded shielded cable for analog outputs. Analog outputs generally use a twisted pair wiring. The following sections describe how to connect the Dual DAC and Serial DAC modules to power the controller outputs and the load.
A Dual DAC module includes two identical circuits. Each can convert a distributed zero cross (DZC) signal from the controller to a voltage or current signal. Watlow Anafaze strongly recommends using a power supply separate from the controller supply to power the Dual DAC. Using a separate power supply isolates the controller’s digital logic circuits and analog measurement circuits from the frequently noisy devices that take the analog signal from the Dual
Several Dual DAC modules may be powered by one power supply. Consult the Specifications chapter for the Dual
DAC’s power requirements. Also note in the specifications that the Dual DAC does not carry the same industry approvals as the Serial DAC.
TB50 or TB18
+5V 1
Control Output mA Load
Dual DAC
1 +5V CTRL Supply
+12/24V Î (dc) External
Power Supply
+V Î (dc) Load Connection
-mAdc Load Connection
6 -External Power
Supply/ V Î (dc) Load
+ -
12 to 24V Î (dc) Power Supply
Figure 2.27 Dual DAC with Current Output
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Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
TB50 or TB18
+5V 1
PID Loop Output
Vdc Load
Dual DAC
1 +5V CTRL Supply
+12/24V Î (dc) External
Power Supply
+V Î (dc) Load Connection
-mAdc Load Connection
-External Power
Supply/ V Î (dc) Load
+ -
12 to 24V Î (dc) Power Supply
Figure 2.28 Dual DAC with Voltage Output
Wiring the Serial DAC
The Serial DAC provides a robust analog output signal.
The module converts the proprietary Serial DAC signal from the controller’s open collector output in conjunction with the clock signal to an analog current or voltage. See
Figure 2.29 for wiring. The Serial DAC is user-configurable
for voltage or current output through firmware configura-
tion. See Configuring Serial DAC Outputs on page 162.
The Serial DAC optically isolates the controller’s control output from the load. When a single Serial DAC is used, it may be powered by the 5V Î (dc) found on the TB50 or by an external power supply referenced to the controller’s power supply. When using multiple Serial DACs, the controller cannot provide sufficient current; use the 5V Î (dc) output from the CPC400 power supply.
40 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 2: Installation
Power Supply
+5 V
Daisy chain up to
16 Serial DACs
Serial DAC
1 +5V In
5 V Common
15 V Common
TB50 or TB18
Serial DAC Clock
Control Output
Data In
+ Out
- Out
Figure 2.29 Single/Multiple Serial DACs
Serial Communications
The CPC400 series controllers are factory-configured for
EIA/TIA-232 communications unless otherwise specified when purchased. However, the communications are jumper-selectable, so you can switch between EIA/TIA-232 and
EIA/TIA-485. See Changing the Hardware Communica- tions Protocol on page 157.
EIA/TIA-232 Interface
EIA/TIA-232 provides communication to the serial port of an IBM PC or compatible computer. It is used for singlecontroller installations where the cable length does not exceed 50 feet (15 m).
The EIA/TIA-232 interface is a standard three-wire inter-
face. Table 2.7 shows EIA/TIA-232 connections for 25-pin
and 9-pin connectors or cables that are supplied by the factory.
EIA/TIA-232 may be used to connect a computer through a
232-to-485 converter to an EIA/TIA-485 communications network with up to 32 CPC400 controllers.
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Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 2.7
EIA/TIA-232 Connections
TX Pin 26
RX Pin 25
GND Pin 23
GND Pin 24
DB 9
RX Pin 2
TX Pin 3
GND Pin 5
N/U Pin 9
GND Pin 5
DB 25
RX Pin 3
TX Pin 2
GND Pin 7
N/U Pin 22
GND Pin 7
Jumpers in EIA/TIA-232 Connectors
Some software programs and some operator interface terminals require a clear to send (CTS) signal in response to their request to send (RTS) signal, or a data set ready
(DSR) in response to their data terminal ready (DTR). The
CPC400 is not configured to receive or transmit these signals. To use such software with the CPC400, jumper the
RTS to the CTS and the DTR to the DSR in the DB connec-
tor. Table 2.8 lists the standard pin assignments for DB-9
and DB-25 connectors.
Table 2.8
RTS/CTS and DSR/DTR Pins in
DB-9 and DB-25 Connectors
Cables manufactured by Watlow Anafaze for EIA/TIA-232 communications include these jumpers. Neither WAT-
VIEW nor LogicPro software requires these jumpers.
EIA/TIA-232 cable
Figure 2.30 Connecting One CPC400 to a Computer Using EIA/TIA-232
Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
EIA/TIA-485 Interface
Chapter 2: Installation
To communicate with more than one CPC400 series controller on a controller network, or to use communication cable lengths greater than 50 feet (15 m) from PC to controller, you must use EIA/TIA-485 communications.
When using EIA/TIA-485 communications, you must at-
232-to 485
RXA 25
RXB 23
RXA 25
Do not connect shield to
TXB 24
Figure 2.31 Four-Wire EIA/TIA-485 Wiring
232-to 485
RXA 25
RXB 23
TXA 26
Do not connect shield to
TXB 24
Figure 2.32 Two-Wire EIA/TIA-485 Wiring
RXA 25
RXB 23
TXA 26
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Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Cable Recommendations
Watlow Anafaze recommends Belden 9843 cable or its equivalent. This cable includes three 24 AWG (0.2 mm
), shielded twisted pairs. It should carry signals of up to
19200 baud with acceptable losses for up to 4000 feet (1220 m).
EIA/TIA-485 Network Connections
Watlow Anafaze recommends that you use a single daisy chain configuration rather than spurs. Run a twisted-pair cable from the host or converter to the first CPC400, and from that point run a second cable to the next CPC400, and
If necessary for servicing, instead of connecting each controller directly to the next, install a terminal strip or connector as close as possible to each CPC400, run a communications cable from one terminal strip to the next and connect the controllers to the bus with short lengths of cable.
To avoid unacceptable interference, use less than 10 feet
(3 m) of cable from the terminal or connector to the CPC400 serial port.
Refer to Termination on page 45 for more on terminating
Connect the shield drain to earth ground only at the computer or host end.
485 Communications 232 Communications
Serial Port
Shielded Twisted Pair Cable
First CPC400 Second CPC400 Last CPC400
Figure 2.33 Recommended System
44 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Signal Common
Chapter 2: Installation
For usual installations, do not connect the dc commons of the controllers together or to the converter or host device.
For EIA/TIA-485 signals to be transmitted properly, each pair must be properly terminated. The value of the termination resistor should be equal to the impedance of the communications cable used. Values are typically 150 to
The receive lines at the converter or host device should be terminated in the converter, the connector to the host device or the device itself. Typically the converter documentation provides instructions for termination.
Use a terminating resistor on the receive lines on the last controller on the 485 line. Set jumper JU1 in position B to connect a 200
resistor across the receive lines. See
Changing the Hardware Communications Protocol on page
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Chapter 2: Installation CPC400 Series User’s Guide
46 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Operation and Setup
This chapter explains how to use the keypad and display to operate the controller. This chapter also explains the basic concepts that you need to understand to set up and operate the controller.
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Chapter 3: Operation and Setup CPC400 Series User’s Guide
General Navigation Map
The normal display on the CPC400 is the loop display. Fig-
ure 3.1 shows how to navigate from the loop display to other
displays, menus and parameters.
Loop Display
01 925 °C p
1000auto100 x
Scanning Loop Display
01 925 °C
02 1025°C
03 1050°C
1050auto 0
Job Display (if a job is loaded)
Job 1 running p
Same Screen on the
Next or Previous Loop
02 1025°C
Hold x x
Setup Menus lGlobal setup r
Other menus b
Operator Parameters l01 Set point r
1000 l01 Mode r
^manual l01 Heat out r
% l01 Cool out r
b 0 %
Figure 3.1
General Navigation Map
48 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Chapter 3: Operation and Setup l01 Set point r
b 1000˚C
Key x
Access the setup menus (press and hold for 3 seconds).
Cancel a change without saving.
Escape from a parameter to a top-level setup menu.
Escape from a setup menu to the loop display or job display.
Acknowledge an alarm.
Toggle between the loop display and job display (if a job is loaded).
Edit a parameter value.
Scroll through the top-level setup menus.
Toggle between the loop display and job display (if a job is loaded).
Edit a parameter value.
Scroll through the top-level setup menus.
Clear RAM and set all parameters to defaults (hold during power up).
Save a change and go to the previous parameter.
Access the operator parameters (from the loop display).
Save a change and go to the next parameter.
Go to a different loop.
Save a change and go to a different loop.
Go to the scanning loop display (hold + for 3 seconds).
Get more information about the current screen.
Figure 3.2
Keypad Navigation
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 49
Chapter 3: Operation and Setup
Loop Display
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
The loop display shows detailed information about a loop.
Scrolling Rectangle if Logic is Running
Loop Name
01s 925 ˚Cc 0
Cool and
Heat Output
Set Point
Figure 3.3
Loop Display
The control modes are described in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1
Control Modes on the Loop Display
Description man auto heat cool tun adpt
The loop is in manual control. One or both outputs are enabled.
The loop is in automatic control. Only one output (heat or cool) is enabled.
The heat and cool outputs are enabled. The loop is in automatic control and heating.
The heat and cool outputs are enabled. The loop is in automatic control and cooling.
The loop is in the initial autotune mode. Blinks when tuning.
The loop is in adaptive control mode. Only one output (heat or cool) is enabled. Blinks when outside the tune band.
Both the heat and the cool outputs are enabled. The loop is in adaptive control and heating. Blinks when outside the tune band.
Both the heat and the cool outputs are enabled. The loop is in adaptive control and cooling. Blinks when outside the tune band.
The heat and cool outputs are both disabled.
Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 3: Operation and Setup
If the input type for a loop is set to “skip,” the loop display will be blank for that loop.
The scanning loop display sequentially displays the information for each loop. The data for each loop displays for one second. To activate the scanning loop display, go to the loop display, then press and hold the + side of the p key for three seconds. To exit the scanning mode, press any key.
Alarm Displays
If an alarm condition occurs, the controller displays an alarm code or alarm message.
Two-Character Alarm Codes
If a process, deviation or failed sensor alarm occurs, a twocharacter alarm code appears in the lower left corner of the loop display.
The alarm code blinks and you cannot change the display until the alarm has been acknowledged. After the alarm is acknowledged, the alarm code stops blinking. The alarm code remains on the display until the condition that caused the alarm is corrected.
Alarm Code
01 925 ˚Cc 0
TO 1000manh100
Figure 3.4
Loop Display with Alarm Code
For more information about alarms, see Setting Up Alarms
on page 63 and Process Alarms on page 65.
Failed Sensor Alarm Messages
If the alarm is for a failed sensor, an alarm message ap-
pears in the first line of the loop display, as shown in Figure
Alarm Message
Alarm Code
01 T/C open c 0
TO 1000manh 0
Figure 3.5
Display for Failed Sensor Alarm
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Chapter 3: Operation and Setup CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 3.2 describes the alarm codes and messages for pro-
cess alarms and failed sensor alarms.
Table 3.2
Alarm Codes and Messages for
Process and Failed Sensor Alarms
(No message)
(No message)
(No message)
(No message)
Alarm high. See Alarm High and Alarm Low on page 66.
Alarm low. See Alarm High and Alarm Low on page 66.
High deviation alarm. See Deviation Alarms on page 66.
Low deviation alarm. See
T/C open
T/C reversed
Thermocouple open. See
Thermocouple Open Alarm on page 64.
Thermocouple reversed. See
Thermocouple Reversed Alarm on page 64.
T/C shorted
Thermocouple shorted. See Thermocouple Short Alarm on page 64.
RTD open RTD open. See
RTD Open or RTD Shorted Alarm on page 65.
RTD shorted RTD shorted. See
RTD Open or RTD Shorted Alarm on page 65.
(No message)
Ambient Warning. Controller's ambient temperature has exceeded operating limits by less than 5°C
For details about the condition that causes each alarm, see
How to Acknowledge an Alarm
To acknowledge a process alarm or failed sensor alarm, press x. If there are other loops with alarm conditions, the alarm display switches to the next loop that has an alarm.
Acknowledge all alarms to clear the global alarm digital output.
The keypad and display will not work for anything else until you acknowledge each alarm. The alarm code or message persists as long as the alarm condition exists.
System Alarm Messages
If a system alarm occurs, the alarm message replaces the entire display. The message persists until the condition is corrected.
Table 3.3 describes system alarm messages. For more in-
formation, see the Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
52 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Low power
Battery dead
H/W failure:
Chapter 3: Operation and Setup
Table 3.3
System Alarm Messages
The power supply has failed. See
The RAM battery in the CPC400 is not functioning correctly, and stored data has been corrupted. See
The temperature around the controller is outside of the acceptable range
H/W failure:
H/W failure:
Job Display
Hardware failed because of excessive voltage on inputs. See
H/W Failure: Gain or Offset on page 146.
The job display appears if you load a job from memory. If you load a job using the Load setup from job parameter, the job display shows the following screen:
Job 1 running
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
If the job was loaded using digital inputs, the display shows this screen:
Job 1 running remotely loaded
If parameters are modified while the job is running, the display shows this screen:
Job 1 running
Data modified
To toggle between the job display and the loop display, press > or <.
Watlow Anafaze 53
Chapter 3: Operation and Setup CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Changing the Set Point
How to Manually Change the Set Point
Start at the loop display and follow these steps:
Press p to choose the appropriate loop.
Press .. The Set point parameter should appear. If
nothing happens, the keypad may be locked; see Key-
pad Lock on page 101. Also, the Set point parameter is
not available if cascade control or ratio control is enabled on the loop.
Press > or < to adjust the set point value.
Press , to save the value and return to the loop display, or press p to save the value and switch to the set point for another loop, or press x to cancel changes.
On the loop display, the new set point value is shown on the second line.
Set Point
01 925 ˚Cc 0
Other Methods of Changing the Set Point
You can use other methods to change the set point:
• Cascade Control: Use the output of one loop to ad-
just the set point of another loop. See Setting Up Cas-
• Ratio Control: Use the process variable of one loop, multiplied by a ratio, as the set point of another loop.
See Setting Up Ratio Control on page 73.
• Differential Control: Use the process variable of one loop, plus an offset value, as the set point of another
loop. See Setting Up Differential Control on page 75.
• Remote Analog Set Point: Use an external device
such as a PLC to control the set point. See Setting Up
Remote Analog Set Point on page 76.
• Serial Communications: Use a computer program or operator interface panel to change the set point. See the Appendix: Modbus RTU.
• Logic Program: Use a LogicPro logic program to control the set point. The logic program overrides set point values that are set by other means. See the Log-
icPro User’s Guide.
54 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 3: Operation and Setup
Changing the Control Mode and Output Power
The CPC400 has four control modes:
• Auto: The controller automatically adjusts the output power according to the set point, process variable and other control parameters.
• Manual: The operator sets the output power level.
• Tune: The controller calculates the best PID settings for optimum control. For more information, see
tuning on page 62. This mode has no effect with on/off
• Adapt: The controller automatically adjusts the output power as with Auto mode, and it updates the control parameters as needed to keep the tuning optimized. This mode has no effect with on/off control.
To change the control mode and output power level, start at the loop display and do the following:
Press p to choose the appropriate loop.
Press . twice. The Mode parameter should appear. (If
nothing happens, the keypad may be locked; see Key-
If the heat and cool outputs are disabled on this loop, the Mode parameter is not available. Instead, this message appears:
l01 Mode r outputs disabled
Press > or < to choose a control mode.
Press . to save the new value, or press x to cancel the change.
If you chose manual mode, then the next parameter is the Heat output or Cool output parameter. Use these parameters to set the heat and cool output power levels, then press . to save.
You should be back at the loop display. The control mode is shown on the second line of the loop display;
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 55
Chapter 3: Operation and Setup CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Accessing and Navigating the Setup Menus
Use the setup menus to configure the controller. For a list
of all setup menus and parameters, refer to Figure 5.2 on
How to Access the Setup Menus
To access the setup menus, press and hold x for three seconds, until the Global setup menu appears.
To prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing setup parameters, the controller reverts to the regular display if you do not press any keys for three minutes.
How to Edit a Setup Parameter
To edit a setup parameter, go to the appropriate setup menu, go to the parameter, then edit the value:
Press and hold x for three seconds to access the setup menus.
Press < to go to the appropriate a menu.
If applicable, press p to choose the loop that you want to edit.
Press . to go to the parameter that you want to edit.
To edit a parameter:
• Press < or > to choose a value.
• Press . to save the new value and go to the next parameter.
• Press x to cancel a change without saving.
Repeat from step 4 to edit another parameter in the current menu.
Press x to return to the top-level menus.
Repeat from step 2 to go to another menu, or press x to exit the setup menus.
For information about setting parameters through serial
56 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 3: Operation and Setup
Setting Up Closed-Loop Control
Closed-loop control is used to control an output based on feedback from a sensor or other signal.
The controller receives electrical signals, or feedback, from a sensor or other device. The input parameters determine how the controller interprets the signal. The controller interprets or scales the input signal in engineering units such as °C or °F.
Control Algorithm
When the controller is in automatic control mode and a set point is supplied, the controller determines the appropriate output signal.
The controller calculates the output signal based on the feedback and the control algorithm. Each loop may use either on/off control or any combination of proportional, integral and derivative (PID) control. See the Tuning and
Control chapter for information about these control modes.
Control Output Signal Forms
The output level calculated by the controller is represented by a percentage (0 to 100 percent) of power to be applied.
That value is applied on a digital or analog output accord-
ing to the user-selected output type. See Heat/Cool Output
Type on page 116 for more information about the output
types available.
Heat and Cool Outputs
When the controller is in the adaptive control mode, it determines the appropriate output signal and, over time, adjusts the control parameters to optimize responsiveness and stability. This function is available only for heat and cool outputs not using on/off control
In some applications, two outputs may be controlled according to one input. For example, a loop with both heat and cooling water flow might be controlled according to feedback from one thermocouple.
In such systems, the control algorithm includes provisions to avoid switching too frequently between the heat and cool outputs. The on/off algorithm uses a hysteresis parameter.
The PID algorithms use both a hysteresis parameter and
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 57
Chapter 3: Operation and Setup CPC400 Series User’s Guide the PID parameters to determine when control switches between heating and cooling.
How to Set Up Closed-Loop Control
The following are the basic steps to set up closed-loop control for a typical control loop:
Use the Input menu to specify the type of input signal and, if necessary, how to scale that signal.
If using on/off or both heat and cool outputs, use the
Control menu to specify the control hysteresis.
Use the Output menu to enable the heat and/or cool outputs and to specify the control output signal form.
Enter a set point. See Changing the Set Point on page
Put the channel in Tune mode. See Changing the Con-
trol Mode and Output Power on page 55.
For more information about the setup menus and parame-
ters, see Chapter 5, Menu and Parameter Reference.
Setting Up a Process or Pulse Input
If you use a process or pulse input signal, you must set up scaling parameters in the Input menu to scale the raw input signals to the engineering units of the process.
Input Scaling
To scale the input, you enter values that represent two points on a conversion line. Each point indicates an input signal level and the corresponding process value.
For a pulse input, the input signal range is 0 to 2000 Hz.
For a process input, the input signal is expressed as percent of full range. For example, for a 0 to 20 mA process input, 0 mA is 0 percent, 10 mA is 50 percent, and so on.
The conversion line scales the input signal to the engineer-
ing units of the process. For example, in Figure 3.6, a 20
percent input signal corresponds to 8 pounds per square inch (PSI), and a 100 percent signal corresponds to 28 PSI.
58 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 3: Operation and Setup
0% 20%
Input Signal
Figure 3.6
Input Scaling
The range for set points and alarms is bound by the process variables that correspond to the 0 percent and 100 percent input signals (or the 0 Hz and 2000 Hz signals for pulse inputs). Bear in mind that the range for set points and alarms is not bound by the low and high process variable ranges that you enter in the scaling parameters.
Input Scaling Example: 4 to 20 mA Sensor
Suppose the controller has a 0 to 20 mA process input that is connected to a pressure sensor. The pressure sensor has a range of 4 to 20 mA, representing 0.0 to 50.0 pounds per square inch (PSI).
Set the scaling parameters in the Input menu as follows:
• For the Input type parameter, choose process.
• For the Disp format parameter, choose -999.9 to
3000.0, because the sensor measures PSI in tenths.
• For the Input signal low and Input signal high parameters, use the minimum and maximum range of the sensor. In this case, the sensor range is 4 to 20 mA.
The range must be expressed in percent of full scale.
To determine the percentages, divide the minimum and maximum sensor range (4 mA and 20 mA) by the maximum signal that the controller can accept (20 mA):
• Input signal low = 4 mA/20 mA = 0.2 = 20%
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Chapter 3: Operation and Setup CPC400 Series User’s Guide
• Input signal high = 20 mA/20 mA = 1.0 = 100%
• For the Input range low and Input range high parameters, enter the process values that correspond to the low and high signals. In this case, a 20 percent (4 mA) signal represents 0.0 PSI. A 100 percent (20 mA) signal represents 50.0 PSI.
Table 3.4
Input Readings
50.0 PSI
.0 PSI
20 mA
4 mA
Reading in
Percent of Full Scale
100% x (4 mA/20 mA) = 20%
Table 3.5
Scaling Values
Input range high
Input high signal
Input range low
Input low signal
50.0 PSI
.0 PSI
Input Scaling Example: 0 to 5V
(dc) Sensor
A flow sensor connected to the controller measures the flow in a pipe. The sensor generates a 0 to 5V Î (dc) signal. Independent calibration measurements of the flow in the pipe indicate that the sensor generates 0.5V at 3 gallons per minute (GPM) and 4.75 V at 65 GPM. The calibration instrument is accurate ±1 GPM.
For the Disp format parameter in the Input menu, choose
-999 to 3000, because the calibrating instrument is precise to ±1 GPM.
The tables below show the minimum and maximum input signals and their corresponding process variables, and the resulting values for the scaling parameters.
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Table 3.6
Input Readings and Calculations
65 GPM
Reading in
Percent of Full Scale
4.75 V (4.75 V / 5.00 V) x 100% = 95%
0.5 V (0.5 V / 5.00 V) x 100% = 10%
Table 3.7
Scaling Values
Input range high
Input high signal
Input range low
Input low signal
65 GPM
Input Scaling Example: Pulse Encoder
A pulse encoder measures the movement of a conveyor. The encoder generates 900 pulses for every inch the conveyor moves. You want to measure conveyor speed in feet per minute (FPM).
The encoder input is connected to the pulse input (loop 5 on a CPC404, loop 9 on a CPC408). On that loop, set the Input
type parameter to pulse.
Set the Input pulse sample parameter to 1 sec, because a one-second sample time gives adequate resolution of the conveyor speed. The resolution is 0.006 feet per minute:
1 pulse
1 second
60 seconds
1 minute
1 inch
900 pulses
1 foot
12 inches
= 0.006 FPM
Since the resolution is in thousandths, the Disp format parameter is set to -9.999to 30.000.
To determine the settings for the Input low range and Input
high range parameters, calculate the process variable values when the input signal is 0 Hz and 2000 Hz. (You could calculate the values at other frequencies.)
• At 0 Hz, the process variable is 0.000 FPM.
• At 2000 Hz, the process variable is 11.111 FPM:
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2000 pulses
1 second
60 seconds
1 minute
1 inch
900 pulses
1 foot
12 inches
= 11.111 FPM
Table 3.8
Scaling Values
Input range high
Input high signal
Input range low
Input low signal
11.111 FPM
2000 Hz
0.000 FPM
0 Hz
Autotuning with TRU-TUNE+™ adaptive control is a process by which the CPC400 controller calculates the PID parameters for optimum control. Both heating and cooling
PID parameters are set.
The preferred and quickest method for tuning a loop is to use the tune mode to establish initial control settings and continue with the adaptive mode to fine tune the settings.
Setting a loop’s control mode to tune starts this two-step tuning function. First a predictive tune determines initial, rough settings for the PID parameters. Second the loop automatically switches to the adaptive mode which fine tunes the PID parameters. This function can be used for heatonly, heat and cool, and cool-only PID control systems.
Once the process variable has been at set point for a suitable period of time (about 30 minutes for a fast process to roughly 2 hours for a slower process) and if no further tuning of the PID parameters is desired or needed, the control mode may be switched to auto. However, only operating the controller in the adaptive mode allows it to automatically adjust to load changes and compensate for differing control characteristics at various set points for processes that are not entirely linear.
Once the PID parameters have been set by the TRU-
TUNE+™ adaptive algorithm, the process, if shut down for any reason, can be restarted in the adaptive control mode.
Before Tuning
Before autotuning, the controller hardware must be installed correctly, and these basic configuration parameters must be set:
• Input type (and scaling, if required)
• Output type (and scaling, if required)
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• Heat power limit (if the heat output is used and 100% power is not safe)
• Cool power limit (if the cool output is used and 100% power is not safe)
How to Autotune a Loop
Go to the loop display (see Loop Display on page 50)
and press p
to choose the loop to tune.
Enter the desired set point or one that is in the middle of the expected range of set points that you want to
Set the control mode to tune. (See page 55.)
After the control mode on the loop display has switched to
adpt and stopped flashing, the PID parameters should be close enough to provide good control. As long as the loop is in the adaptive control mode, TRU-TUNE+™ continuously tunes to provide the best possible PID control for the process.
During autotuning, the controller sets the output to 100 percent and attempts to drive the process variable toward set point. Enter a set point and heat and cool power limits that are within the safe operating limits of your system.
Setting Up Alarms
The CPC400 has three main types of alarms:
• Failed sensor alarms
• Process alarms
• System alarms
Failed Sensor Alarms
Failed sensor alarms alert you if one of the following conditions occurs:
• Thermocouple open
• Thermocouple shorted (must be enabled)
• Thermocouple reversed (enabled by default)
• RTD open positive input or open negative input
• RTD short between the positive and negative inputs
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What Happens if a Failed Sensor Alarm Occurs?
If a failed sensor alarm occurs:
• The controller switches to manual mode at the output power indicated by the Sensor fail heat output and
Sensor fail cool output parameters in the Output menu. (The output power may be different for a ther-
mocouple open alarm; see Thermocouple Open Alarm
• The controller displays an alarm code and alarm mes-
sage on the display. See Alarm Displays on page 51.
• The global alarm output is activated.
Thermocouple Open Alarm
The thermocouple open alarm occurs if the controller detects a break in a thermocouple or its leads.
If a thermocouple open alarm occurs, the controller switches to manual mode. The output level is determined as follows:
• If the Open T/C ht/cl out average parameter in the
Output menu is set to on, then the controller sets the output power to an average of the recent output.
• If the Open T/C ht/cl out average parameter is set to
off, then the controller sets the output to the level indicated by the Sensor fail heat/cool output parameter in the Output menu.
Thermocouple Reversed Alarm
The thermocouple reversed alarm occurs if the temperature goes in the opposite direction and to the opposite side of ambient temperature than expected—for example, a loop is heating and the measured temperature drops below the ambient temperature.
The thermocouple reversed alarm is enabled by default. If false alarms occur in your application, you can disable the alarm by setting the Reversed T/C detect parameter to off.
See Reversed Thermocouple Detection on page 106.
Thermocouple Short Alarm
The thermocouple short alarm occurs if the process power is on and the temperature does not rise or fall as expected.
To enable the thermocouple short alarm, you must do the following:
• Choose a digital input for the TC short alarm parameter in the Global setup menu.
• Connect the digital input to a device that connects the input to controller common when the process power is on.
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RTD Open or RTD Shorted Alarm
The RTD open alarm occurs if the controller detects that the positive or negative RTD lead is broken or disconnected.
The RTD shorted alarm occurs if the controller detects that the positive and negative RTD leads are shorted.
You do not have to set any parameters for the RTD alarms.
Restore Automatic Control After a Sensor Failure
This feature returns a loop to automatic control after a failed sensor is repaired. To enable this feature:
• Choose a digital input for the RestoreAuto parameter in the Control menu.
• Connect the digital input to the dc common terminal on the controller.
Process Alarms
What Happens if a Process Alarm Occurs?
If a process alarm occurs, the controller does the following:
Shows an alarm code on the display. See Alarm Dis-
Activates the global alarm output. See Global Alarm
• Activates the digital output that is assigned to the process alarm (if applicable). The digital output remains active until the process variable returns within the corresponding limit and hysteresis. The alarm output deactivates when the process returns to normal.
Process Alarm Outputs
The CPC400 has four process alarms, each of which you can configure separately for each loop:
• Alarm low
• Alarm high
• Low deviation alarm
• High deviation alarm
Any digital output that is not used as a control output can be assigned to one or more process alarms.
The controller activates the output if any alarm assigned to the output is active. Process alarm outputs are non-latching—that is, the output is deactivated when the process returns to normal, whether or not the alarm has been acknowledged.
Specify the active state of process alarm outputs at the
D/O alarm polarity setting in the Global setup menu.
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Alarm Function: Standard Alarm or Boost Output
You can configure each process alarm as either a standard alarm or a boost alarm:
• A standard alarm provides traditional alarm functionality: The operator must acknowledge the alarm message on the controller display, a latching global alarm is activated, and the alarm can activate a user-specified non-latching alarm output.
• A boost alarm provides on/off control output using the alarm set points. For example, you could configure a high deviation alarm to turn on a fan. The alarm activates a user-specified non-latching output. Alarm messages do not have to be acknowledged, and the global alarm is not activated.
Alarm High and Alarm Low
An alarm high occurs if the process variable rises above a user-specified value. An alarm low occurs if the process variable drops below a separate user-specified value. See
Enter the alarm high and low set points at the Alarm high
SP and Alarm low SP parameters in the Alarms menu.
High process alarm set point
High process alarm on
High deviation alarm on
Setpoint + Deviation alarm value
High process alarm off
High deviation alarm off
Setpoint - Deviation alarm value
Low process alarm setpoint
} Deadband
} Deadband
Low deviation alarm off
} Deadband
Low deviation alarm on
} Deadband
Low process alarm on Low process alarm off
Figure 3.7
Activation and Deactivation of Process Alarms
Deviation Alarms
A deviation alarm occurs if the process deviates from set
point by more than a user-specified amount; see Figure 3.7.
You can set separate high and low deviation values at the
HiDeviation value and LoDeviation value parameters in the Alarms menu.
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Upon power up or when the set point changes, the behavior of the deviation alarms depends upon the alarm function:
• If the alarm function parameter is set to standard, then deviation alarms do not activate until the after the process variable has first come within the deviation alarm band. This prevents nuisance alarms.
• If the alarm function parameter is set to boost, then the deviation output switches on whenever the set point and process variable differ by more than the deviation setting, regardless of whether the process variable has been within the deviation band. This allows you to use boost control upon power up and set point changes.
Global Alarm
The CPC400 comes equipped with a global alarm output.
The global output is activated if one or more of the following conditions occurs:
• A system alarm occurs, or
• A failed sensor alarm occurs and is unacknowledged, or
• A process alarm occurs and is unacknowledged. The global alarm occurs only if the alarm function is set to
standard in the Alarms menu. (The global alarm does
not occur if the alarm function is set to boost.)
The global alarm output stays active until all alarms have been acknowledged.
When the global alarm output is active, it conducts current to the controller’s dc common. When the global alarm output is not active, it does not conduct current.
You cannot configure any parameters for the global alarm. The active state of the global alarm output is NOT affected by the D/O alarm polarity parameter in the Global setup menu.
Setting Up Process Variable Retransmit
The process variable retransmit feature retransmits the process variable of one loop (primary) via the control output of another loop (secondary). This signal is linear and proportional to the engineering units of the primary loop input.
Typical uses include data logging to analog recording systems, and long distance transmission of the primary signal to avoid signal degradation. The retransmitted signal can also be used as an input to other types of control systems such as a PLC.
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Any available heat or cool output may be used as a retransmit output. Any process variable may be retransmitted, including the input from the same loop.
To get a 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 5V Î (dc) signal, the controller output signal must be connected to a Serial DAC.
How to Set Up Process Variable Retransmit
Configure all of the setup parameters for the primary loop (the loop whose input signal will be retransmitted).
Choose an unused control output to retransmit the input signal. This output may be on the primary loop or on a different loop.
On the secondary loop (the loop whose output will retransmit the signal):
• Set up the parameters in the PV retrans menu. See
Process Variable Retransmit Menu on page 125.
• Enable the loop’s output and configure it to meet the requirements of the application.
If the signal is being retransmitted to another controller, configure the input of that controller to accept the linear output signal produced by the retransmit output.
Process Variable Retransmit Example: Data Logging
The CPC400 controls the temperature of a furnace. The thermocouple in one of the zones is connected to the controller and is used for closed-loop PID control. An analog recorder data logging system is also in place, and a recording of the process temperature is required. The recorder requires a linear 4 to 20 mA input signal, which represents a process variable range of 0 to 1000°F.
Loop 1
Variable Loop 1 PID Output
Loop 2 PID Output
To Data
Figure 3.8
Application Using Process
Variable Retransmit
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Table 3.9 shows the parameter setup for this example.
Table 3.9
Parameters Settings for Process
Variable Retransmit Example
Menu Parameter
PV retrans
Ht output retrans
PV 1
Choose to retransmit the loop 1 process variable.
PV retrans
Ht retrans
PV retrans
PV retrans
Ht retrans
Cl output retrans
This is the input value represented by a 0 percent output signal. The recorder input is a linear 4 to 20 mA signal representing a range of 0 to 1000°F, so we will use a 0 percent output signal to represent
This is the input value represented by a 100 percent output signal. The recorder input is a linear 4 to 20 mA signal representing a range of 0 to 1000°F, so we will use a 100 percent output signal to represent
Not using the cool output of loop 2 to retransmit a process variable.
To complete this configuration, the output for loop 2 must be configured to provide the 4 to 20 mA analog signal (via the Serial DAC) that is required by the data logger.
When setup is completed, the controller will produce an output on loop 2 which is linear and proportional to the loop
1 process variable.
Setting Up Cascade Control
Cascade control is used to control thermal systems with long lag times, which cannot be as accurately controlled with a single control loop. The output of the first (primary) loop is used to adjust the set point of the second (secondary) loop. The secondary loop normally executes the actual control.
Some applications, such as aluminum casting, use twozone cascade control where the primary output is used for the primary heat control and the cascaded output is used for boost heat. You can use the primary heat output for both control and for determining the set point of the secondary loop.
How the Secondary Set Point is Determined
The set point of the secondary loop is determined according to the heat and cool output values from the primary loop and user-specified cascade parameters:
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• If the primary loop has both heat and cool outputs, then the set point of the secondary loop is equal to the
Cascade low SP parameter when the cool output is at
100 percent, and is equal to the Cascade high SP when
the heat output is at 100 percent. See Figure 3.9.
• If the primary loop has only a heat output, then the set point of the secondary loop is equal to the Cascade low
SP parameter when the heat output is at 0 percent, and is equal to the Cascade high SP parameter when
the heat output is at 100 percent. See Figure 3.10.
• If the primary loop has only a cool output, then the set point of the secondary loop is equal to the Cascade low
SP parameter when the cool output is at 100 percent, and is equal to the Cascade high SP parameter when the cool output is at 0 percent.
High Set Point
Low Set Point
-100% 100%
Output of Primary Loop (Percent of Full Scale)
Figure 3.9
Secondary Set Point When Primary
Loop Has Heat and Cool Outputs
High Set Point
Low Set Point
0% 100%
Output of Primary Loop (Percent of Full Scale)
Figure 3.10 Secondary Set Point When Primary
Loop Has Heat Output Only
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Proportional-Only Control on the Primary Loop
The PID parameters of the primary loop must be tuned to produce the desired effect on the set point of the secondary loop. The primary loop typically uses proportional-only control. Disabling the integral and derivative components of
PID makes the secondary set point a predictable function of the primary loop’s process variable.
The proportional band is selected so that the set point of the secondary loop has the desired relationship to the pro-
cess variable of the primary loop. For an example, see Cas-
cade Control Example: Water Tank on page 71.
How To Set Up Cascade Control
For the primary cascade loop:
• Configure proportional-only control. For an ex-
ample, see Cascade Control Example: Water Tank
Enter the desired set point. See Changing the Set
For the secondary cascade loop:
• Set up PID control as you would for a standard closed-loop application.
• Set up the parameters in the Cascade menu. See
Cascade control cannot be used on the same control loop as ratio control.
Cascade Control Example: Water Tank
A tank of water has an inner and outer thermocouple. The outer thermocouple is located in the center of the water.
The inner thermocouple is located near the heating element. The desired temperature of the water is 150°F, which is measured at the outer thermocouple.
Using cascade control, the outer thermocouple is used on the primary loop (in this example, loop 1), and the inner thermocouple is used on the secondary loop (loop 2). The heater is controlled by loop 2.
As the temperature of the inner thermocouple drops from
150 to 140°F, the set point of the secondary loop should rise from 150 to 190°F.
Table 3.10 and Table 3.11 show the setup for this applica-
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Loop 1 Input
Process Variable
Loop 2 Input
Process Variable
Inner Thermocouple
Loop 1: Primary Cascade Loop
Loop 2: Secondary Cascade Loop
Loop 2 PID Output
Figure 3.11 Example Application Using Cascade Control
Table 3.10
Parameter Settings for the Primary
Loop in the Cascade Example
Parameter Value Comment
Set point
Ht prop band
Ht integral 0
Ht derivative 0
150˚F Desired temperature at the inner thermocouple.
As the input drops 10°F, the output increases to
100 percent.
Only proportional control is used.
Only proportional control is used.
Cascade low SP
Cascade high SP
Table 3.11
Parameter Settings for the Secondary Loop in the Cascade Example
Cascade prim loop 1
Loop 1 is the primary loop.
When the primary loop’s output is 0 percent, the secondary loop’s set point is 150°F.
When the primary loop output is 100 percent, the secondary channel set point is 190°F.
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As the temperature in the middle of the tank (loop 1) drops, the output goes up proportionally and the set point of loop
2 goes up proportionally. Thus heat is added to the system at the element even though the temperature near the element may have been at the desired temperature.
With proportional control, when loop 1 is at set point, its output is 0 percent, and the set point of loop 2 is equal to the desired temperature 150°F. If the temperature of the loop 1 drops below 149°F, the deviation results in a proportional output of 10 percent. This results in an increase to the set point for loop 2 equal to 10 percent of the set point range. In this case the range is 40°F (190 - 150°F = 40°F), and 10 percent of 40°F is 4°F.
So when the temperature at loop 1 drops 1°F, the set point of loop 2 increases by 4°F until the output of loop 1 is 100 percent and the set point of loop 2 is 190°F. At this point, further decreases of the loop 1 process variable have no ad-
ditional affect on loop 2. Figure 3.12 illustrates this rela-
50% 100%
Heat Output of Primary Loop
(Percent of Full Scale)
150ºF 145ºF 140ºF
Process Variable of Primary Loop (ºF)
Figure 3.12 Relationship of Secondary Loop
Set Point to Primary Loop Process
Variable in Cascade Example
Setting Up Ratio Control
Ratio control allows the process variable of one loop (master loop), multiplied by a ratio, to be the set point of another loop (ratio loop). You can assign any process variable to determine the set point of a ratio loop.
By adjusting the ratio control parameters, you can adjust the influence that the master loop process variable has on the set point of the ratio loop
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High SP erential
Low SP
Master PV * Control Ratio + SP Diff
SP Differential
Input Range
Master Loop Process Variable
Input Range
SP = Set Point
PV = Process Variable
Figure 3.13 Relationship Between the Process
Variable on the Master Loop and the Set Point of the Ratio Loop
Ratio control cannot be used on the same control loop as cascade control.
How to Set Up Ratio Control
Adjust and tune the master loop for optimal performance before implementing the ratio setup.
For the ratio loop, set the parameters in the Ratio menu.
Configure both the master loop and the ratio loop for inputs, outputs, and alarms.
Ratio Control Example: Diluting KOH
A chemical process requires a formula of two parts water
O) to one part potassium hydroxide (KOH) to produce diluted potassium hydroxide. The desired flow of H
O is 10 gallons per second (gps), so the KOH should flow at 5 gps.
Separate pipes for each chemical feed a common pipe. The flow rate of each feeder pipe is measured by a CPC400, with
O flow measured on loop 1 and KOH flow measured on loop 2. The outputs of loops 1 and 2 adjust motorized valves.
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Water Input
Valve 1
Chapter 3: Operation and Setup
KOH Input
Loop 1: Water Flow Control Loop
Loop 2: KOH Flow Control Loop
Loop 1 Input
Process Variable Loop 1 PID Output
Loop 2 Input
Process Variable
Loop 2 PID Output
Motorized Control Valve 2
Mixture Output
Figure 3.14 Application Using Ratio Control
Ratio low SP
Ratio high SP
Control ratio
Ratio SP diff
Table 3.12
Ratio Control Settings for the Ratio
Loop (Loop 2) in the Example
Parameter Value
Ratio master loop 01
Loop 1 is the master loop.
The minimum ratio loop set point is 0.0 gallons per second (gps).
The maximum ratio loop set point is 7.0 gps.
The H
0 flow rate (10 gps) is multiplied by 0.5 to obtain the KOH flow rate (5 gps).
For this example, there is no set point differential.
Setting Up Differential Control
Differential control is a simple application of ratio control, used to control one process (ratio loop) at a differential, or offset, to another process (master loop).
How to Set Up Differential Control
Set up differential control as you would set up ratio control.
Set the Control ratio parameter to 1.0, and enter the desired set point differential (offset) at the Ratio SP diff parameter.
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Differential Control Example: Thermoforming
A thermal forming application requires that the outer heaters operate at temperature 50ºF hotter than the center heaters. The center heaters use infrared (IR) sensors for temperature feedback. The outer heaters use thermocouples for feedback.
We can use differential control to control the outer heaters at a 50ºF differential to the central heaters. For example, if the set point for the center heaters is 325ºF, the set point of the outer heaters will be 375ºF.
In this application, the center heaters will be controlled by the master loop (on loop 1), and the outer heaters will be controlled by the ratio loop (on loop 2).
To set up this application, first set up the master loop (loop
1) for PID control with a set point of 325ºF. Then, for the ratio loop (loop 2), set the parameters in the Ratio menu as
Table 3.13
Parameter Settings for the Ratio
Loop (Loop 2) for the Example
Parameter Value Comment
Ratio master loop 01
Ratio low SP
Ratio high SP
Control ratio
Ratio SP diff
Loop 1 is the master loop.
The lowest allowable set point for the ratio loop. For this example, we’ll use 300.0.
The highest allowable set point for the ratio loop. For this example, we’ll use 400.0.
For differential control, always set this parameter to 1.0.
50˚F The set point differential, or offset.
To complete the differential control setup, loop 1 and loop 2 must be configured for inputs, outputs and alarms.
Setting Up Remote Analog Set Point
Remote analog set point allows external equipment, such as a PLC or other control system, to change the set point of a loop.
Typically, a voltage or current source is connected to an analog input on the controller, and this input is configured as the master loop for ratio control.
Proper scaling resistors must be installed on the input to allow it to accept the analog input signal.
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How to Set Up a Remote Analog Set Point
For the master loop (the loop that accepts the input signal from the external device), set the parameters in the Input menu.
For the ratio loop (the one whose set point is controlled by the external device), set the parameters in the Ra-
tio menu. Specify the loop that accepts the input signal as the master loop.
Remote Analog Set Point Example: Changing a Set Point with a PLC
A PLC provides a 0 to 5V Î (dc) signal representing 0 to
300°F as a remote set point input to the CPC400. The input signal is received on loop 1, and control is performed on loop
2. The CPC400 is equipped with the proper scaling resistors to allow it to accept a 0 to 5V Î (dc) input.
Table 3.14 and Table 3.15 show the parameter settings for
this application.
Table 3.14
Parameters Settings for the Master
Loop (Loop 1) in the Example
Menu Parameter Value Comment
Input type
Input range high process A 0 to 5V Î (dc) input signal is a process input.
300˚F The 5V Î (dc) input signal represents 300°F.
Input Input high signal 100.0%
The controller is equipped with a 0 to 5V Î (dc) input, and the input signal is 0 to 5V Î (dc), so the signal covers the full scale of 0 to 100 percent.
Input range low
Input low signal
The 0V Î (dc) input signal represents 0°F.
The controller is equipped with a 0 to 5V Î (dc) input, and the input signal is 0 to 5V Î (dc), so the signal covers the full scale of 0 to 100 percent.
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Ratio master loop
Ratio low SP
Ratio high SP
Control ratio
Ratio SP diff
Table 3.15
Parameter Settings for the Ratio
Loop (Loop 2) in the Example
Value Comment
Loop 1 is the master loop (receives the input signal from the external device).
For this example, we will assume that the process can be set safely over the entire range of
0 to 300°F. If desired, we could set a more restrictive range for the ratio loop.
For this example, we want to retain the original input value, so we will multiply it times 1.0.
For this example, we want to retain the original value, so we will add 0.
To complete the setup, loop 2 must be configured for inputs, outputs, and alarms. In addition, loop 1 may be configured for outputs and alarms.
Setting Parameters Through Serial Communications or a LogicPro Program
All values stored in the CPC400 are bits or integers. Some integers represent settings that appear as text in the controller interface or HMI program. Some integers represent numeric settings.
When you read a parameter value using serial communications or a LogicPro program, you read an integer or a bit.
To interpret this value or set a new value, you must know the setting to which the integer value corresponds.
Non-Numeric Settings
When the controller interface displays the setting as a word, a phrase and in some cases a number, see the param-
eter information in the Menu and Parameter Reference
chapter. The integer value appears in parentheses following each option. Use that integer value when you set or interpret the value of the parameter using serial communications or a LogicPro program.
Bit-Wise Values
Some settings, such as enabling alarms, are stored as bits within words. With LogicPro, you can use the CALC function block’s “AND” operator on the value and a mask word to read or change the particular bit in which you are interested.
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For example, the bit that indicates whether or not the high deviation alarm has been acknowledged is the forth bit in the alarm acknowledge word for each channel. To determine if the high deviation alarm has been acknowledged for a channel, extract the fourth bit from that channel’s alarm acknowledge parameter by ANDing it with a word that is all zeros except the fourth bit (0000 0000 0000 1000, or 8 in decimal). If the result of the calculation is 0 the fourth bit was not set. If the result of the calculation is 8 the bit was set.
0000 0000 0011 1100
(60 decimal) channel’s alarm acknowledge parameter value
0000 0000 0000 1000
(8 decimal) mask for the fourth bit
0000 0000 0000 1000
(8 decimal) The resulting value indicates that the bit was set.
To set a bit use the CALC function block’s “OR” operator and the appropriate mask word to change the value of the word. For example, to enable the low deviation alarm for a channel, you must set the third bit of that channel’s alarm enable parameter:
0000 0001 1111 1000
(504 decimal) channel’s alarm enable parameter value
0000 0000 0000 0100
(4 decimal) mask for the third bit is
0000 0000 1111 1100
(508 decimal) The new value is unchanged except for the third bit.
To clear a bit use the CALC function block’s “AND” operator and an inverse mask. For example, to set the alarm function for a channel’s low deviation alarm to “boost,” you must clear the third bit of that channel’s alarm function parameter:
0000 0000 0000 1100
(12 decimal) channel’s alarm function parameter value
1111 1111 1111 1011
(65,531 decimal) the inverse mask for the third bit
0000 0000 0000 1000
(8 decimal) The new value is unchanged except for the third bit.
Throughout this manual, we refer to the least significant bit as the first bit.
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Chapter 3: Operation and Setup CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Decimal Placement for Numeric Values
Numeric values that are in the loop’s engineering units are stored as integers. The number of decimal places that are assumed when a parameter value is stored in the controller depends upon the Input type and Disp format parameter
values for the loop. See Table 3.16.
Table 3.16
Number of Decimal Places for Numeric Values via Modbus or Logic
Input Type Display Format
Any thermocouple or
-999 to 3000 1
-999 to 3000
-9999 to 30000
Process or pulse or soft integer used as an Analog Input
-999.9 to 3000.0
-99.99 to 300.00
-9.999 to 30.000
-0.9999 to 3.0000
To determine the integer value to set in the controller, move the decimal to the right the number of places specified.
For example:
• If a loop has a process input with a display format of
-99.99 to 300.00, values are stored with two decimal places. If you read a value in the set point register of
2500, you should interpret that value as 25.00.
• If a loop has a thermocouple input and you want to set the Alarm High SP parameter to 355 through Modbus or logic, you should set a value of 3550.
Decimal Placement for Percentage Values
Percentage values are stored internally in tenths of a percent, such that 1000 corresponds to 100.0 percent. Divide values by ten when reading, and multiply values by ten before writing.
80 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Tuning and Control
This chapter describes the different methods of control available with the CPC400. This chapter covers control algorithms, control methods, PID control, starting PID values and tuning instructions to help appropriately set control parameters in the CPC400 system.
For more information about PID control, consult the Wat-
low Anafaze Practical Guide to PID.
Control Algorithms
This section explains the algorithms available for controlling a loop.
The control algorithm dictates how the controller responds to an input signal. Do not confuse control algorithms with control output signals (for example, analog or pulsed dc voltage). There are several control algorithms available:
• On/off
• Proportional (P)
• Proportional and integral (PI)
• Proportional with derivative (PD)
• Proportional with integral and derivative (PID)
P, PI or PID control is necessary when process variable cycling is unacceptable or if the load or set point varies.
For any of these control algorithms to function, the loop must be in automatic mode.
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Chapter 4: Tuning and Control
On/Off Control
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
On/off control is the simplest way to control a process. The controller turns an output on or off when the process variable reaches limits around the desired set point. This limit is adjustable.
For example, if the set point is 1000°F and the control hysteresis is 20°F, the heat output switches on when the process variable drops below 980°F and off when the process rises above 1000°F. A process using on/off control cycles
around the set point. Figure 4.1 illustrates this example.
Heat Off
Heat Off
On Output
Heat On
Set Point
1000 ° F
Set Point - Hysteresis
980 ° F
Figure 4.1
On/Off Control
Proportional Control (P)
Proportional control eliminates cycling by increasing or decreasing the output proportionally with the process variable’s deviation from the set point.
The magnitude of proportional response is defined by the proportional band. Outside this band, the output is either
100 percent or 0 percent. Within the proportional band the output power is proportional to the process variable’s deviation from the set point.
For example, if the set point is 1000°F and the proportional band is 20°F, the output power is as follows:
• 0 percent when the process variable is 1000°F or above
• 50 percent when the process variable is 990°F
• 75 percent when the process variable is 985°F
• 100 percent when the process variable is 980°F or below
However, a process that uses only proportional control settles at a point above or below the set point; it never reaches the set point. This behavior is known as offset or droop.
When using proportional control, configure the manual reset parameter for the power level required to maintain set point.
82 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 4: Tuning and Control
Set Point
Process Variable
Figure 4.2
Proportional Control
Proportional and Integral Control (PI)
With proportional and integral control, the integral term corrects for offset by repeating the proportional band’s error correction until there is no error. For example, if a process tends to settle about 5°F below the set point, appropriate integral control brings it to the desired setting by gradually increasing the output until there is no deviation.
Set Point
Process Variable
Figure 4.3
Proportional and Integral Control
Proportional and integral action working together can bring a process to set point and stabilize it. However, with some processes the user may be faced with choosing between parameters that make the process very slow to reach set point and parameters that make the controller respond quickly, but introduce some transient oscillations when the set point or load changes. The extent to which these oscillations of the process variable exceed the set point is called
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Chapter 4: Tuning and Control CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Proportional, Integral and Derivative Control (PID)
Derivative control corrects for overshoot by anticipating the behavior of the process variable and adjusting the output appropriately. For example, if the process variable is rapidly approaching the set point from below, derivative control reduces the output, anticipating that the process variable will reach set point. Use derivative control to reduce the overshoot and oscillation of the process variable
that is common to PI control. Figure 4.4 shows a process
under full PID control.
Set Point
Process Variable
Figure 4.4
Proportional, Integral and Derivative Control
Heat and Cool Outputs
Each loop may have one or two outputs. Often a heater is controlled according to the feedback from a thermocouple, in which case only one output is needed.
In other applications, two outputs may be used for control according to one input. For example, a system with a heater and a proportional valve that controls cooling water flow can be controlled according to feedback from one thermocouple.
In such systems, the control algorithm avoids switching too frequently between heat and cool outputs. The on/off algorithm uses the control hysteresis parameter to prevent
such oscillations (see Hysteresis on page 113). When PID
control is used for one or both loop outputs, both the hysteresis parameter and PID parameters determine when control switches between heating and cooling.
84 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 4: Tuning and Control
Manually Tuning PID Loops
We recommend using the CPC400's advanced autotuning and TRU-TUNE+™ adaptive control capabilities to set up
and maintain the PID control parameter settings. See Au-
totuning on page 62. It is, of course, possible to tune the
controller manually. The information in this section is intended as a guide to that end.
When tuning a loop, choose PID parameters that will best control the process. This section gives PID values for a variety of heating and cooling applications.
Proportional Band Settings
Table 4.1 shows proportional band settings for various
temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius.
Table 4.1
Proportional Band Settings
Set Point
Set Point
Set Point
-100 to 99
100 to 199
200 to 299
300 to 399
400 to 499
500 to 599
600 to 699
700 to 799
800 to 899
900 to 999
1000 to 1099 70
1100 to 1199 75
1200 to 1299 80
1300 to 1399 85
1400 to 1499 90
1500 to 1599 95
1600 to 1699 100
1700 to 1799 105
1800 to 1899 110
1900 to 1999 120
2000 to 2099 125
2100 to 2199 130
2200 to 2299 135
2300 to 2399 140
2400 to 2499 145
2500 to 2599 150
2600 to 2699 155
2700 to 2799 160
2800 to 2899 165
2900 to 2999 170
3000 to 3099 175
3100 to 3199 180
3200 to 3299 185
As a general rule, set the proportional band to ten percent of the set point below 1000
and five percent of the set point above 1000
. This setting is useful as a starting value.
Integral Settings
Tuning is a slow process. After adjusting a loop, allow about 20 minutes for the change to take effect.
The controller’s integral parameter is set in seconds per repeat. Some other products use an integral term called re-
set, in units of repeats per minute. Table 4.2 shows integral
settings versus reset settings.
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Chapter 4: Tuning and Control CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 4.2
Integral Term and Reset Settings
As a general rule, use 60, 120, 180 or 240 as a starting value for the integral.
Derivative Settings
The controller’s derivative parameter is programmed in seconds. Some other products use a derivative term called rate programmed in minutes. Use the table or the formula
to convert parameters from one form to the other. Table 4.3
shows derivative versus rate. Rate = Derivative/60.
Table 4.3
Derivative Term Versus Rate
As a general rule, set the derivative to 15 percent of integral as a starting value.
While the basic PID algorithm is well defined and widely recognized, various controllers implement it differently. Parameters may not be taken from one controller and applied to another with optimum results even if the above unit conversions are performed.
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 4: Tuning and Control
General PID Constants by Application
This section gives PID values for many applications. They are useful as control values or as starting points for PID tuning.
Proportional Band Only (P)
Set the proportional band to seven percent of the set point.
(Example: Set point = 450, proportional band = 31).
Proportional with Integral (PI)
• Set the proportional band to ten percent of set point.
(Example: Set point = 450, proportional band = 45).
• Set integral to 60.
• Set derivative off.
• Set the output filter to 2.
Proportional and Integral with Derivative (PID)
• Set the proportional band to ten percent of the set point.
(Example: Set point = 450, proportional band = 45).
• Set the integral to 60.
• Set the derivative to 15 percent of the integral.
(Example: Integral = 60, derivative = 9).
• Set the output filter to 2.
Table 4.4 shows general PID constants by application.
Electrical heat with solid-state relays
Electrical heat with electromechanical relays
Cool with solenoid valve
Cool with fans
Electric heat with open heat coils
Gas heat with motorized valves
Set Point>1200
Table 4.4
General PID Constants
Integral Derivative Filter
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Chapter 4: Tuning and Control
Control Outputs
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
The controller provides open collector outputs for control.
These outputs normally control the process using solidstate relays.
Open collector outputs can be configured to drive a serial digital-to-analog converter (Serial DAC) which, in turn, can provide 0 to 5V Î (dc), 0 to 10 V Î (dc) or 4 to 20 mA control signals to operate field output devices.
Output Control Signals
Time Proportioning (TP)
The following sections explain the different control output signals available.
When on/off control is used, the output is on or off depending on the difference between the set point and the process variable. PID algorithms are not used with on/off control.
The output variable is always off or on (0 or 100 percent).
With time proportioning outputs, the PID algorithm calculates an output between 0 and 100 percent, which is represented by turning on an output for that percent of a fixed, user-selected time base or cycle time.
The cycle time is the time over which the output is proportioned, and it can be any value from 1 to 255 seconds. For example, if the output is 30 percent and the cycle time is ten seconds, then the output will be on for three seconds
and off for seven seconds. Figure 4.5 shows examples of
time proportioning and distributed zero crossing (DZC) waveforms.
Distributed Zero
Crossing (33%)
Time Proportioning (30%)
0 3
(Cycle Time = 10)
10 0 1 3 4
AC Cycle
Figure 4.5
Time Proportioning and Distributed Zero Crossing Waveforms
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 4: Tuning and Control
Distributed Zero Crossing (DZC)
With DZC outputs, the PID algorithm calculates an output between 0 and 100 percent, but the output is distributed on a variable time base. For each ac line cycle, the controller decides whether the power should be on or off. There is no fixed cycle time since the decision is made for each line cycle. When used in conjunction with a zero crossing device, such as a solid-state relay (SSR), switching is done only at the zero crossing of the ac line, which helps reduce electrical noise.
Using a DZC output should extend the life of heaters. Since the time period for 60 Hz power is 16.6 ms, the switching interval is very short and the power is applied uniformly.
DZC should be used with SSRs. Do not use DZC output for electromechanical relays.
The combination of DZC output and a solid-state relay can inexpensively approach the effect of analog, phase-angle fired control. Note, however, DZC switching does not limit the current and voltage applied to the heater as phase-angle firing does.
Three-Phase Distributed Zero Crossing (3P DZC)
This output type performs exactly the same as DZC except that the minimum switching time is three ac line cycles.
This may be advantageous in some applications using three-phase heaters and three-phase power switching.
Analog Outputs
For analog outputs, the PID algorithm calculates an output between 0 and 100 percent. This percentage of the analog output range can be applied to an output device via a Dual
DAC or a Serial DAC.
Output Filter
The output filter digitally smooths PID control output signals. It has a range of 0 to 255 scans, which gives a time constant of 0 to 85 seconds for a CPC408 or 0 to 43 seconds for a CPC404. Use the output filter if you need to filter out erratic output swings due to extremely sensitive input signals, like a turbine flow signal or an open air thermocouple in a dry air gas oven.
The output filter can also enhance PID control. Some processes are very sensitive and would otherwise require a large proportional band, making normal control methods ineffective. Using the output filter allows a smaller proportional band to be used, achieving better control.
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Chapter 4: Tuning and Control CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Also, use the filter to reduce the process output swings and output noise when a large derivative is necessary, or to make badly tuned PID loops and poorly designed processes behave properly.
Reverse and Direct Action
With reverse action an increase in the process variable causes a decrease in the output. Conversely, with direct action an increase in the process variable causes an increase in the output. Heating applications normally use reverse action and cooling applications usually use direct action.
90 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Menu and Parameter Reference
The CPC400 has operator and setup parameters that let you change the configuration of the controller. This section contains the following information for each operator and setup parameter:
• Description
• Values
• Default value
• Information for addressing controller parameters using serial communications and LogicPro programs.
For information about how to access the operator and setup
parameters, see the Operation and Setup chapter.
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Operator Parameters
Use the operator parameters to change the set point, control mode or output power level.
, p x
Access the operator parameters (from the loop display).
Save a value and go to the next parameter.
Edit parameter values.
Save a value and go to the previous parameter.
Save a value and go to the next or previous loop.
Cancel a change without saving.
Escape to the loop display.
Figure 5.1
Operator Parameter Navigation
Set Point l01 Set point r
b 25 ˚F
Enter the desired value for the process variable. The new set point will take effect immediately when you save the new value. The Set point parameter is not available if ratio control or cascade control is enabled for the loop.
Values: For thermocouples and RTD inputs, same as the
input range (see Table 5.7 on page 104). For process and
pulse inputs, any value between the Input range low and
Input range high parameters in the Input menu.
Default: 25
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40205 to 40213
Parameter Number: 12
LogicPro Driver: Setpoint
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 1 to 9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Mode l01 Mode r
Choose the control mode for this loop.
Default: manual (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40120 to 40128
Parameter Number: 7
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 7.1 to 7.9
92 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Value manual auto tune adapt
Table 5.1
Control Mode Menu Options
Modbus or
LogicPro Value
The operator manually sets the output power for the loop.
The controller automatically controls the outputs.
The controller applies a step change and calculates initial
PID parameters for the loop. After the initial tuning, the control mode changes to adapt to fine tune the loop. This mode has no effect with on/off control.
The controller automatically controls the outputs and adjusts the control parameters. This mode has no effect with on/off control. The mode display blinks when set to adapt but the process variable is outside the tune band.
Heat/Cool Output l01 Heat outputr
b 0%
Choose the manual output power level for this loop. This parameter is available only for the manual control mode.
Values: 0 to 100% (0 to 1000). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: 0% (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40273 to 40281 (heat) or
40290 to 40298 (cool)
Parameter Number: 16 (heat) or 17 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 16.1 to 16.9 (heat) or
17.1 to 17.9 (cool)
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Percentage Values on page 80.
Process Variable
01 925 ˚F 0
1000man 100
Indicates the value used for feedback after filtering and scaling. This parameter is read-only.
Values: For thermocouples and RTD inputs, same as the
input range (see Table 5.7 on page 104). For process and
pulse inputs, any value between the Input range low and
Input range high parameters in the Input menu.
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40222 to 40230
Parameter Number: 13
LogicPro Driver: CPC400_PV
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 1 to 9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 93
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Overview of the Setup Menus
The CPC400 has eleven setup menus. Table 5.2 provides a
brief description of each menu. Figure 5.2 lists all of the
menus and parameters in the same order that they appear in the controller.
Table 5.2
CPC400 Setup Menus
Global setup
PV retrans
I/O test
Soft integers
Soft Booleans
Configure global settings, which affect all loops.
Configure the input for each loop.
Configure each PV source and Channel Name
Configure PID control for each loop.
Configure heat and cool outputs for each loop.
Configure alarms for each loop.
Configure process variable retransmit.
Configure cascade control.
Configure ratio control.
Pass integer data (-32768 to 32767) between a LogicPro logic program and the operator.
Pass Boolean data (0 or 1) between a LogicPro logic program and the operator.
Perform tests of the digital inputs, digital outputs and keypad.
94 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Global setup
Load setup from job
Save setup as job
BCD job load
BCD job load logic
Mode override
Mode override D/I active
Logic program
Power up alarm delay
Power up loop mode
Power up with logic
Keypad lock
TC short alarm
Controller address
Comm baud rate
Comm parity
AC line freq
D/O alarm polarity
CPC4xx Vx.xxX cs=xxxx
Input type
Input units
Input pulse sample
Calibration offset
Reversed T/C detect
Disp format
Input range high
Input high signal
Input range low
Input low signal
Input filter
Loop name
PV Source
Heat prop band
Heat integral
Heat derivative
Heat manual reset
Heat filter
Cool prop band
Cool integral
Cool derivative
Cool manual reset
Cool filter
Tune band
Tune gain
Overshoot reduction
Control type
Navigation for the Setup Menus x
Access the setup menus (press and hold for 3 seconds)
Cancel a change without saving.
Escape from a parameter to a menu.
Escape from a menu to the loop display.
Go to the next or previous menu.
Edit a parameter value.
Save a value and go to the next or previous parameter.
Save a value and go to the next or previous loop.
Heat output type
Heat cycle time
Heat SDAC signal
Ht SDAC low signal
Ht SDAC hi signal
Heat action
Heat power limit
HtPwr limit time
Sensor fail heat output
Open T/C ht out average
Heat output curve
Cool output type
Cool cycle time
Cool SDAC signal
Cl SDAC low signal
Cl SDAC hi signal
Cool action
Cool power limit
ClPwr limit time
Sensor fail cool output
Open T/C cl out average
Cool output curve
Alarm high SP
Alarm high func
Alarm high output
HiDeviation value
HiDeviation func
HiDeviation output
LoDeviation value
LoDeviation func
LoDeviation output
Alarm low SP
Alarm low func
Alarm low output
Alarm hysteresis
Alarm delay
PV retrans
Heat output retrans PV
Ht retrans LowPV
Ht retrans HighPV
Cool output retrans PV
Cl retrans LowPV
Cl retrans HighPV
Cascade prim loop
Cascade low SP
Cascade hi SP
Ratio master loop
Ratio low SP
Ratio high SP
Control ratio
Ratio SP diff
Soft integers
Soft int 1 value
Soft int 1100 value
Soft Booleans
Soft Bool 1 value
Soft Bool 256 value
I/O tests
Digital inputs
Keypad test
Test D/O 1
Test D/O 35
Figure 5.2
Setup Menus and Parameters
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Global Setup Menu
lGlobal setup r
Other menus b
Use the Global setup menu to set parameters that affect all loops.
Load Setup From Job lLoad setup r from job bnone
Load one of the jobs stored in battery-backed RAM. The following parameters are loaded for each loop as part of a job:
• PID constants, filter settings, set points and hysteresis.
• Control mode (automatic or manual) and output power levels (if the loop is in manual control)
• Alarm functions, set points, hysteresis and delay settings.
• Soft integers 81 to 100 and soft Booleans 237 to 256.
If you have enabled remote job selection (see BCD Job Load
on page 97), you will see the message below, and you will
not be able to use the controller keypad to load a job.
lLoad setup r not available
Save Setup as Job lSave setup as r job bnone
Current settings are overwritten when you select a job from memory. Save your current settings to another job number if you want to keep them.
Values: 1 to 8 (1 to 8) or none (0). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address: 44836
Parameter Number: 111
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 111.1
Save the current settings as one of eight jobs in the batterybacked RAM. The following parameters are saved for each loop as part of a job:
• PID constants, filter settings, set points and hysteresis.
• Control mode (automatic or manual) and output power levels (if the loop is in manual control)
96 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
• Alarm functions, set points, hysteresis and delay settings.
• Soft integers 81 to 100 and soft Booleans 237 to 256.
If you have enabled remote job selection (see BCD Job Load
on page 97), you will see the message below, and you will
not be able to use the controller keypad to save a job.
lSave setup as r not available
Values: 1 to 8 (1 to 8) or none (0). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address: 44835
Parameter Number: 110
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 110.1
BCD Job Load lBCD job load r
Value use D/I 1 use D/I 1-2 use D/I 1-3 disabled
Choose the digital input(s) to use for remote job selection.
The controller uses the states of the selected inputs as a binary code that specifies which job number to run (see
To save jobs into memory, use the Save setup as job parameter.
Default: disabled (0)
Modbus Address: 44837
Parameter Number: 112
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 112.1
Table 5.3
Values for BCD Job Load
Modbus or
Use digital input 1 for remote selection of jobs 1 and 2.
Use digital inputs 1 and 2 for remote selection of jobs 1 to 4.
Use digital inputs 1 to 3 for remote selection of jobs 1 to 8.
Disable remote job selection
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 97
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
BCD Job Load Logic lBCD job load r logic b1=true
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Choose which state is considered “true” for the digital inputs that are used for remote job selection.
• If 1=true is selected, then an input is true if connected to controller common, and false for an open circuit.
• If 0=true is selected, then an input is true for an open circuit, and false if connected to controller common.
Table 5.4 shows which combinations of input states are re-
quired to load each job.
Values: 1=true (0) or 0=true (1). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: 1=true (0)
Modbus Address: 44838
Parameter Number: 113
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 113.1
Table 5.4
Digital Input States Required to
Load Each Job
Digital Input
98 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Mode Override lMode override r bdisabled
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Choose the digital input to use for the mode override feature. When the input is activated, the controller sets all loops to manual mode at the output levels specified at the
Sensor fail heat output and Sensor fail cool output parameters in the Output menu.
Use the Mode override D/I active parameter to choose which signal state activates the mode override feature.
Values: enabled by D/I1 to enabled by D/I8 (1 to 8) or dis-
abled (0). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: disabled (0)
Modbus Address: 44839
Parameter Number: 114
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 114.1
Mode Override Digital Input Active lMode override r
D/I active bon
Choose whether the on state (connected to controller common) or off state (open circuit) activates the mode override feature.
Use the Mode override parameter to enable the mode override feature and select the digital input.
Values: on (0) or off (1). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: on (0)
Modbus Address: 44840
Parameter Number: 115
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 115.1
Logic Program
Do not rely solely on the mode override feature to shut down your process. Install external safety devices or overtemperature devices for emergency shutdowns.
lLogic program r
b stopped
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
This parameter indicates whether a logic program is running. You can also use this parameter to run or stop a logic program.
Values: running (1) or stopped (0). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: stopped (0)
Modbus Address: 49481
Parameter Number: 150
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 150.1
Watlow Anafaze 99
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Power Up Alarm Delay lPower up alarmr delay b 0 min
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Specify how long to delay high, low and deviation alarms on all loops during powerup. This feature does not delay failed sensor alarms.
Values: 0 to 60 minutes
Default: 0
Modbus Address: 40409
Parameter Number: 24
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 24.1
Power Up Loop Mode lPower up loop r modebmanual 0%
Choose the power-up state of the control outputs.
Values: See Table 5.5. For serial communications and Log-
icPro, this is a bit-wise parameter stored as the first bit of the system command word, so set or read only that bit.
Default: manual 0% (0)
Modbus Address: 49790, first bit
Parameter Number: 49
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 49.1, first bit
Value manual 0% from memory
Do not set the controller to start from memory if it might be unsafe for the control outputs to be on upon power up.
Table 5.5
Power Up Loop Modes
Modbus or
LogicPro Value
Upon powerup, all loops are set to manual mode at 0 percent output.
Upon powerup, all loops are restored to the previous control mode and output power level.
Power Up With Logic lPower up with r logic bstopped
If you are using a logic program, choose whether it should run automatically upon powerup of the controller.
Values: stopped (0) or running (1). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: stopped (0)
Modbus Address: 45308
Parameter Number: 131
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 131.1
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Keypad Lock lKeypad lock r
Thermocouple Short Alarm lTC short alarmr bdisabled
Choose a digital input to enable for thermocouple short detection. Install a device that connects the input to controller common when the process power is on. A thermocouple short is detected if the process power is on but the temperature does not rise as expected.
If a thermocouple short is detected, the controller puts the loop in manual mode at the output power level specified by the Sensor fail heat output or Sensor fail cool output parameter in the Output menu.
Values: enabled by D/I1 to enabled by D/I8 (1 to 8) or dis-
abled (0). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: disabled (0)
Modbus Address: 44842
Parameter Number: 117
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 117.1
Controller Address
Set this parameter to on to disable the . key on the keypad. This restricts access to the operator parameters from the controller keypad.
Values: on (1) or off (0). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro, and are stored as the second bit of the system command word, so set or read only that bit.
Default: off (0)
Modbus Address: 40790, second bit
Parameter Number: 49
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 49.1, second bit
lController r address b 1
Choose the communications address for this controller. On an EIA/TIA-485 communication loop, each controller must have a unique address. Begin with address 1 for the first controller and assign each subsequent controller the next higher address.
Values: 1 to 247
Default: 1
Modbus Address: 44843
Parameter Number: 118
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 118.1
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Communications Baud Rate lComm baud rater
b 19200
Choose the baud rate for serial communications. Choose the same baud rate for both the controller and the HMI software or operator interface panel.
Values: 2400 (1), 9600 (0) or 19200 (2). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: 19200 (2)
Modbus Address: 44844
Parameter Number: 119
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 119.1
Communications Parity lComm parity r
b none
Choose the parity for serial communications.
Values: none (0), even (1) or odd (2). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address: 44847
Parameter Number: 122
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 122.1
AC Line Frequency lAC line freq r
b60 Hz
Specify the ac line frequency. The controller uses this information for correct timing of distributed zero-crossing (DZC) output signals and for optimum filtering of analog inputs.
If you edit this parameter, you must switch power to the controller off, then back on, in order for the change take effect.
Values: 50 (1) or 60 (0) Hz. Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro, and are stored as the third bit of the system command word, so set or read only that bit.
Default: 60 Hz (0)
Modbus Address: 40790, third bit
Parameter Number: 49
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 49.1, third bit
102 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Digital Output Alarm Polarity lD/O alarm r polarity bon
Choose the polarity of all digital outputs used for alarms.
This setting does not apply to the global alarm output or the CPU watchdog output.
Values: See Table 5.6. For serial communications and Log-
icPro, this parameter is stored as the fifth bit of the system command word, so set or read only that bit.
Default: on (0)
Modbus Address: 40790, fifth bit
Parameter Number: 49
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 49.1, fifth bit
Table 5.6
Digital Output Alarm Polarity
Modbus or
Logic Value
Description on off
Digital alarm outputs sink current to analog common when an alarm occurs.
Digital alarm outputs stop sinking current to analog common when an alarm occurs.
Model and Firmware Version lCPC408 r
V01.00X CS=1234
The last parameter in the Global setup menu shows the controller model (CPC404 or CPC408), the firmware version (Vxx.xxX), and the flash-memory checksum
To retrieve the firmware version through serial communi-
cations or LogicPro, see Firmware Version on page 135.
The checksum is not affected by loading or changing a logic program. The checksum is determined only by the content of the closed-loop control program.
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Input Menu
l01 Input r
Other menus b
Use the Input menu to configure the process input:
• Input type
• Engineering units
• Scaling, calibration and filtering.
Input Type
l01 Input type r
bJ T/C
Value process pulse skip
Choose the type of sensor that is connected to the analog input.
Values: See Table 5.7. For the pulse loop (CPC404 loop 5
or CPC408 loop 9), the only choices are pulse (7) and skip
Default: J T/C (1); for the pulse loop, pulse (7)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40103 to 40111
Parameter Number: 6
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 6.1 to 6.9
Table 5.7
Input Types and Ranges
Modbus or Logic
Description Input Range
Type J thermocouple
Type K thermocouple
Type T thermocouple
-350 to 1400°F (-212 to 760°C)
-450 to 2500°F (-268 to 1371°C)
-450 to 750°F (-268 to 399°C)
Type S thermocouple
Type R thermocouple
Type B thermocouple
Type E thermocouple
0 to 3200°F (-18 to 1760°C)
0 to 3210°F (-18 to 1766°C)
150 to 3200°F (66 to 1760°C)
-328 to 1448°F (-200 to 787°C)
-328.0 to 1150.0°F (-200.0 to 621.1°C) RTD
Voltage or current signal, depending upon the hardware configuration. See
Pulse input. Available only for loop 5 on the CPC404 or loop 9 on the CPC408.
Loop is not used for control, does not report alarms, and is not shown on the scanning display.
User defined. See
Variable Retransmit on page 67.
0 to 2000 Hz, scalable
104 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Input Units l01 Input unitsr
b ˚F
Input Pulse Sample l09 Input pulser sample b 1 sec
Calibration Offset l01 Calibrationr offsetb 0 ˚F
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
For a thermocouple or RTD input, choose the temperature scale. For a process or pulse input, enter a three-character description of the engineering units.
Values: For a process or pulse input, see Table 5.10. For a
thermocouple or RTD input, ˚F or ˚C. When setting the units for a thermocouple or RTD input through serial communications or LogicPro, you must set the first character as a space (32), the second character as the degree symbol
(223) and the third character as “C” (67) or “F” (70).
Default: ˚F for a thermocouple or RTD input, HZ for a pulse input, three spaces for a process input
Modbus Address: 40792, 40793 and 40794 for loop 1;
40795, 40796 and 40797 for loop 2; and so on.
Parameter Number: 51
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 51.1, 51.2 and 51.3 for loop 1; 51.4,
51.5 and 51.6 for loop 2; and so on.
For a pulse input, enter the sample period over which pulses are counted. Each sample period, the controller divides the number of pulses by the sample time. The controller scales the result and uses it as the process variable for the pulse loop.
Generally, the longer the pulse sample time, the more stable the process variable, but the slower the response of the loop.
Values: 1 to 20 seconds
Default: 1 second
Modbus Address: 40580
Parameter Number: 35
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 35.1
For a thermocouple or RTD input, enter the offset to correct for signal inaccuracy. A positive value increases the reading and a negative value decreases it. Use an independent sensor or your own calibration equipment to find the offset for your system.
Default: 0 or 0.0
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 8): 40649 to 40656
Parameter Number: 40
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 8): 40.1 to 40.8
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Watlow Anafaze 105
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 5.8
Calibration Offset Ranges
Offset Range
Type of Sensor
˚F ˚C
J Thermocouple
K Thermocouple
T Thermocouple
-300.0 to 300.0
-300 to 300
B Thermocouple
S Thermocouple
-300 to 76
R Thermocouple -300 to 66
-300.0 to 300.0
-300 to 300
-300 to 300
-300 to 300
Reversed Thermocouple Detection l01 Reversed r
T/C detect b on
Choose whether to enable polarity checking for thermocouples. If the controller detects a reversed thermocouple, it activates an alarm and sets the loop to manual mode at the power level indicated by the Sensor fail heat output or Sen-
sor fail cool output parameter in the Output menu.
Values: on (1) or off (0). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro, and are stored as the first bit of the word at this address, so set or read only that bit.
Default: on (1)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 8): 44443 to 44450, first bit
Parameter Number: 86
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 8): 86.1 to 86.8, first bit
Display Format l01 Disp formatr b -999to 3000
For a process or pulse input, choose the range and the number of decimal places for the process variable and related parameters. Choose a precision appropriate for the range and accuracy of the sensor.
Default: -999 to 3000 for a process input, -9999 to 30000 for a pulse input
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40666 to 40674
Parameter Number: 41
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 41.1 to 41.9
106 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Input Range High l01 Input ranger high b 1000 ˚F
Table 5.9
Display Formats
Display Value
-999 to 3000
-9999 to 30000
-999.9 to 3000.0
-99.99 to 300.00
-9.999 to 30.000
-.9999 to 3.0000
Modbus or
For a process or pulse input, enter the high process variable for input scaling purposes. This value will be displayed when the input signal is at the level set for Input high sig-
This parameter and the Input high signal parameter together define a point on the conversion line for the scaling
function. See Setting Up a Process or Pulse Input on page
Values: Any value between Input range low and the maximum process variable for the selected display format (see
Default: 1000. Decimal placement depends upon the value of the Disp format parameter.
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40581 to 40589
Parameter Number: 36
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 36.1 to 36.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Input High Signal l01 Input high r signal b100.0%
For a process or pulse input, enter the input signal level that corresponds to the value for the Input range high parameter. For a process input, the high signal is a percentage of the full scale input range. For a pulse input, the high signal is expressed in Hertz.
Values: For process inputs, -99.8 to 999.9 (-998 to 9999) percent of full scale. For pulse inputs, 1 to 2000 (1 to 2000)
Hz. This value must be greater than the value for Input low
signal. Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: 100.0% (1000) for a process input, 1000 (1000) for a pulse input
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40615 to 40623
Parameter Number: 38
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 38.1 to 38.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Percentage Values on page 80.
Input Range Low l01 Input ranger low b 0
For a process or pulse input, enter the low process variable for input scaling purposes. This value will be displayed when the input signal is at the level set for Input low sig-
This value and the value for Input low signal together define one of the points on the scaling function’s conversion
line. See Setting Up a Process or Pulse Input on page 58.
Values: Any value between the minimum process variable
for the selected display format (see Table 5.9 on page 107)
and the value for Input range high.
Default: 0
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40598 to 40606
Parameter Number: 37
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 37.1 to 37.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Input Low Signal l01 Input low r signal b .0%
For a process or pulse input, enter the input signal level that corresponds to the low process variable you entered for the Input range low parameter.
For a process input, the low signal is a percentage of the full scale input range. For a pulse input, the high signal is expressed in Hertz.
Values: For process inputs, -99.9 to 999.8 (-999 to 9998) percent of full scale. For pulse inputs, 0 to 1999 (0 to 1999)
Hz. This value must be less than the value for Input high
signal. Values in parenthesis are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: 0
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40632 to 40640
Parameter Number: 39
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 39.1 to 39.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Percentage Values on page 80.
108 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Input Filter l01 Input r filter b 3scans
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Choose the amount of filtering to apply to the process variable before the value is logged, displayed or used in the control calculation. The input filter simulates a resistorcapacitor (RC) filter. Use it to keep the process variable from varying unrealistically.
When enabled, the process variable responds to a step change by going to two-thirds of the actual value within the specified number of scans. One scan is 0.17 seconds for a
CPC404 and 0.33 seconds for a CPC408.
Values: 0 (off) to 255
Default: 3
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44409 to 44417
Parameter Number: 84
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 84.1 to 84.9
Use the Channel menu to name and select the feedback for the loop.
Channel Menu
l01 Channel r
Other menus b
Loop Name l01 Loop name r
Enter a two-character name for the loop. This name is shown on the controller display in place of the loop number.
Default: The loop number (01, 02, 03, and so on.)
Modbus Address: 45309 and 45310 for loop 1, 45311 and
45312 for loop 2, and so on
Parameter Number: 132
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 132.1 and 132.2 for loop 1, 132.3 and
132.4 for loop 2, and so on.
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 5.10
Characters for the Loop Name and
Input Units Parameters
A to Z
0 to 9
Degree symbol
Percent sign
Forward slash
Pound sign
Display Values
A to Z
0 to 9
ASCII Values
65 to 90
48 to 57
PV Source l01 PV source r u input
Select whether an analog input or a soft integer is used for the channel's feedback. When it is desirable to control based on a value that is set by logic, for example an average of two or more analog inputs, set the loop to take its feedback from a soft integer, and create a logic program to write the desired value to the soft integer.
Table 5.11
PV Source Options
Display Value
Modbus or
LogicPro Value
Description input n soft integer n
PV Source is the analog input corresponding to the loop number.
PV Source is the soft integer corresponding to the loop number.
Values: input n (0) or soft integer n (1). Where n is the channel number.
Default: input n (0)
Modbus Address: 45394 to 45411
Parameter: 136
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 136.1 to 136.9
110 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Control Menu
l01 Control r
Other menus b
Use the Control menu to adjust heat and cool control parameters, including:
• Proportional band, integral and derivative
• Output filter
• Control hysteresis
The controller has separate PID and filter settings for heat and cool outputs. In this section, only the heat screens are shown, but the explanations apply to both the heat and cool parameters.
If you have not set up a CPC400 series controller before, or
and useful starting values.
Heat/Cool Proportional Band l01 Heat prop r band b 40 ˚F
Enter the proportional band. A larger value yields less proportional action for a given deviation from set point.
Values: For a thermocouple or RTD input, see Table 5.12.
For a process or pulse input, 1 to the span of the input range (Input range high - Input range low).
Default: 40 for a thermocouple, RTD or process input; 100 for a pulse input.
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40001 to 40009 (heat) or
40018 to 40026 (cool)
Parameter Number: 0 (heat) or 1 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 0.1 to 0.9 (heat) or 1.1 to 1.9 (cool)
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Table 5.12
Proportional Band Values
Type of Sensor
J Thermocouple
K Thermocouple
T Thermocouple
S Thermocouple
R Thermocouple
B Thermocouple
E Thermocouple
Values in ˚F
1 to 1750
1 to 2950
1 to 1200
1 to 3200
1 to 3210
1 to 3350
1 to 1776
0.1 to 1478.0
Values in ˚C
1 to 972
1 to 1639
1 to 667
1 to 1778
1 to 1784
1 to 1694
1 to 987
0.1 to 821.1
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Heat/Cool Integral l01 Heat inte- r gral b 180 sec/R
Enter the integral constant. A larger value yields less integral action.
Values: 0 (off) to 6000 seconds per repeat
Default: For the Heat integral parameter, 180 (or 0 for a pulse input). For the Cool integral parameter, 60 (or 0 for a pulse input).
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40035 to 40043 (heat) or
40052 to 40060 (cool)
Parameter Number: 2 (heat) or 3 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 2.1 to 2.9 (heat) or 3.1 to 3.9 (cool)
Heat/Cool Derivative l01 Heat de- r rivativeb 0 sec
Enter the derivative constant. A larger value yields greater derivative action.
Values: 0 to 255 seconds
Default: 0
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40069 to 40077 (heat) or
40086 to 40094 (cool)
Parameter Number: 4 (heat) or 5 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 4.1 to 4.9 (heat) or 5.1 to 5.9 (cool)
Heat/Cool Manual Reset l01 Heat manualr reset b 0%
A process that uses only proportional control settles at a point above or below the set point; it never reaches the set point. This is known as offset or droop. At this parameter, enter the power level required to maintain set point to compensate for this offset.
Values: 0 to 100% (0 to 1000). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: 0% (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 45274 to 45282 (heat) or
45291 to 45299 (cool)
Parameter Number: 129 (heat) or 130 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 129.1 to 129.9 (heat) or 130.1 to 130.9 (cool)
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Percentage Values on page 80.
112 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Heat/Cool Filter l01 Heat filterr
b 3 scans
Use this parameter to dampen the response of the heat or cool output. The output responds to a change by going to approximately two-thirds of its final value within the specified number of scans. A larger value results in a slower response to changes in the process variable.
Values: 0 (off) to 255
Default: 3
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40239 to 40247 (heat) or
40256 to 40264 (cool)
Parameter Number: 14 (heat) or 15 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 14.1 to 14.9 (heat) or
15.1 to 15.9 (cool)
Hysteresis l01 Hysteresis r
b 5 ˚F
Input Type
Process or Pulse
Display Format n/a n/a
-999 to 3000
-9999 to 30000
-999.9 to 3000.0
-99.99 to 300.00
-9.999 to 30.000
-0.9999 to 3.0000
Specify how much the process variable must deviate from set point before the output can switch between on and off
(for on/off control) or switch between heating and cooling
(for heat/cool control).
Values: See Table 5.13 for values and decimal placement.
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40856 to 40864
Parameter Number: 54
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 54.1 to 54.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Table 5.13
Values for the Control Hysteresis and Deviation Alarm Parameters
0 to 500
0 to 500.0
0 to 500
0 to 5000
0.0 to 500.0
0.00 to 50.00
0.000 to 5.000
0.0000 to 0.5000
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Restore Automatic Mode l01 RestoreAutor bdisabled
Choose a digital input. If the input is connected to controller common, the loop returns to automatic control mode after a failed sensor is repaired (if it was in automatic mode and the digital input was on when the sensor failure occurred).
Values: enabled by D/I1 to enabled by D/I8 (1 to 8) or dis-
abled (0). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: disabled (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44460 to 44468
Parameter Number: 87
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 87.1 to 87.9
Tune Band l01 Tune band r
Set the controller to automatically adjust the range around set point over which the controller will continuously tune the control parameters, or enter a fixed value. This parameter is provided for use only in the unlikely event that the controller is unable to automatically tune and stabilize at set point. This may occur with very fast processes. In that case set the Tune Band to a large value such as 300. Otherwise, leave this parameter set to auto.
Values: auto (0) and 1 (1) to 999 (999)
Default: auto (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 46542 to 46550
Parameter Number: 144
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 144.1 to 144.9
Tune Gain l01 Tune gain r
Choose the target responsiveness of the control algorithm.
There are six settings ranging from 1, with the least aggressive response and least potential overshoot (lowest gain), to 6, with the most aggressive response and most potential for overshoot (highest gain). The default setting, 3, is recommended for loops with thermocouple feedback and moderate response and overshoot potential.
Values: 1 (1) to 6 (6)
Default: 3 (3)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 46559 to 46567
Parameter Number: 145
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 145.1 to 145.9
114 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Figure 5.3
The Effect of Tune Gain on
Recovery from a Load Change
Overshoot Reduction l01 Overshoot r reduction b 50%
Enter the amount of overshoot reduction. A larger value yields less overshoot.
Values: 0% (0) to 100% (100)
Default: 50% (50)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 46576 to 46584
Parameter Number: 146
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 146.1 to 146.9
Control Type l01 Control r type bPID1
Choose a control algorithm.
Table 5.14
Control Types
Control Type
Heat and cool outputs used to control.
Only one output may be on at a time.
Heat and cool outputs used to control.
Both outputs can be on at the same time.
Values: PID1 (0) or PID2 (1)
Default: PID1 (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 45480 to 45489
Parameter Number: 139
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 139.1 to 139.9
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Output Menu
l01 Output r
Other menus b
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Use the Output menu to enable and configure heat and cool outputs.
Heat/Cool Output Type l01 Heat outputr type bTP
Output Type
Zero Crossing
Serial DAC
Zero Crossing
Value on/off disabled
Choose the output type, or disable the heat or cool output.
For more information about each output type, see the Tuning and Control chapter. (If an output is used for process variable retransmit, the disabled option is not available. To disable the output, first disable process variable retransmit
for the output. See Heat/Cool Output Retransmit on page
Default: TP (2) for heat, disabled (0) for cool
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40137 to 40145 (heat) or
40154 to 40162 (cool)
Parameter Number: 8 (heat) or 9 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 8.1 to 8.9 (heat) or 9.1 to 9.9 (cool)
Table 5.15
Heat and Cool Output Types
Modbus or
The output is switched on and off once during a user-selected cycle time. Within each cycle, the duration of on versus off time is proportional to the percent output power.
The output is either full on or full off.
The output is not used for control and is available for another use, such as an alarm output.
Same as DZC, but for three-phase heaters wired in delta configuration. For grounded Y configuration, use DZC instead.
Use this option if a Serial DAC is connected to the output. If you set the output type to SDAC, the controller assigns digital output 34 as a clock line for the Serial DAC.
The output on/off state is calculated for every ac line cycle, which means that the output turns on and off multiple times per second. Use DZC with solid-state output devices or a Dual DAC. Not recommended for use with electromechanical relays.
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Heat/Cool Cycle Time l01 Heat cycle r
time b 10sec
For a time-proportioning output, enter the cycle time in
seconds. For more information about cycle time, see Time
Proportioning (TP) on page 88.
Values: 1 to 255 seconds
Default: 10 for a heat output, 10 for a cool output
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40683 to 40691 (heat) or
40700 to 40708 (cool)
Parameter Number: 42 (heat) or 43 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 42.1 to 42.9 (heat) or
43.1 to 43.9 (cool)
Heat/Cool SDAC Signal l01 Heat SDAC r signal bvoltage
For a Serial DAC output, choose the type of output signal that the Serial DAC will provide.
Values: voltage (0) or current (1). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: voltage (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44307 to 44315 (heat) or
44324 to 44332 (cool)
Parameter Number: 78 (heat) or 79 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 78.1 to 78.9 (heat) or
79.1 to 79.9 (cool)
Heat/Cool SDAC Low Signal l01 Ht SDAC lowr signal b .00vdc
For a Serial DAC output, enter the low output signal level for the Serial DAC. The Serial DAC converts 0 percent output from the controller to this value.
Enter high and low values that match the input range of the output device. For instance, if the output device has a 0 to 10VÎ (dc) input range, then set SDAC low signal to
.00VÎ (dc) and set SDAC hi signal to 10.00VÎ (dc).
Values: .00 to 9.90VÎ (dc) (0 to 990) or 0.00 to 19.90 mA
(0 to 1990). This value must be less than the value of SDAC
hi signal. Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: .00VÎ (dc) (0) or 4.00 mA (400)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44341 to 44349 (heat) or
44358 to 44366 (cool)
Parameter Number: 80 (heat) or 81 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 80.1 to 80.9 (heat) or
81.1 to 81.9 (cool)
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Heat/Cool SDAC High Signal l01 Ht SDAC hi r signal b10.00vdc
For a Serial DAC output, enter the high output signal level for the Serial DAC. The Serial DAC converts 100 percent output from the controller to the value set here.
Enter the high and low values that match the input range of the output device. For instance, if the output device has a 4 to 20 mA input range, then set SDAC hi signal to 20 mA and set SDAC low signal to 4 mA.
Values: 0.10 to 10.00VÎ (dc) (10 to 1000) or 0.10 to 20.00 mA (10 to 2000) This value must be greater than the value of SDAC low signal. Values in parentheses are for serial communications or LogicPro.
Default: 10.00VÎ (dc) (1000) or 20.00 mA (2000)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44375 to 44383 (heat) or
44392 to 44400 (cool)
Parameter Number: 82 (heat) or 83 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 82.1 to 82.9 (heat) or
83.1 to 83.9 (cool)
Heat/Cool Action l01 Heat actionr
Choose the control action for the output. When the action is set to reverse, the output goes up when the process variable goes down. When the action is set to direct, the output goes down when the process variable goes down. Normally, heat outputs are set to reverse action and cool outputs are set to direct action.
Values: reverse (0) or direct (1). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: reverse (0) for heat outputs, direct (1) for cool outputs
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40171 to 40179 (heat) or
40188 to 40196 (cool)
Parameter Number: 10 (heat) or 11 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 10.1 to 10.9 (heat) or
11.1 to 11.9 (cool)
Heat/Cool Power Limit l01 Heat power r limit b100%
Use this parameter to limit the output power for a heat or cool output. This limit may be continuous, or it may be in effect for the number of minutes specified at the next parameter.
The power limit only affects loops in automatic mode. It does not affect loops in manual mode.
Values: 0 to 100% (0 to 1000). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: 100% (1000)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44171 to 44179 (heat) or
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
44188 to 44196 (cool)
Parameter Number: 70 (heat) or 71 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 70.1 to 70.9 (heat) or
71.1 to 71.9 (cool)
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Percentage Values on page 80.
Heat/Cool Power Limit Time l01 HtPwr limitr time bcontinuous
Enter the duration of the power limit set at the previous parameter, or choose continuous to keep the limit in effect at all times.
If you choose a timed limit, the limit timer restarts whenever the controller powers up and whenever the loop switches from manual to automatic mode.
Values: 1 to 999 minutes (1 to 999) or continuous (0). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: continuous (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44205 to 44213 (heat) or
44222 to 44230 (cool)
Parameter Number: 72 (heat) or 73 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 72.1 to 72.9 (heat) or
73.1 to 73.9 (cool)
Sensor Fail Heat/Cool Output l01 Sensor failr heat outputb 0%
A loop will switch to manual mode at the specified output power if one of the following conditions occurs while in automatic mode:
• A failed sensor alarm occurs, or
The mode override input becomes active (see Mode
For most applications, this parameter should be set to 0% for both heat and cool outputs.
Values: 0 to 100% (0 to 1000). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: 0% (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44239 to 44247 (heat) or
44256 to 44264 (cool)
Parameter Number: 74 (heat) or 75 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 74.1 to 74.9 (heat) or
75.1 to 75.9 (cool)
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Percentage Values on page 80.
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Do not rely solely on the failed sensor alarm to adjust the output in the event of a sensor failure. If the loop is in manual mode when a failed sensor alarm occurs, the output is not adjusted. Install independent external safety devices to shut down the system if a failure occurs.
Open Thermocouple Heat/Cool Output Average l01 Open T/C htr out average boff
If you set this parameter to on and a thermocouple open alarm occurs, a loop set to automatic control mode will switch to manual mode at the average output prior to the alarm.
Values: on (1) or off (0). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro, and are stored as the second (heat) or third bit (cool) of the value at this address.
Default: off (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44443 to 44451, second bit (heat) or third bit (cool)
Parameter Number: 86
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 86.1 to 86.9, second bit
(heat) or third bit (cool)
Heat/Cool Output Curve l01 Heat outputr curve blinear
Choose an output curve. If curve 1 or 2 is selected, a PID calculation results in a lower actual output level than the linear output requires. Use curve 1 or 2 if the system has a nonlinear response to the output device.
Values: linear (0), curve 1 (1) or curve 2 (2). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: linear (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44273 to 44281 (heat) or
44290 to 44298 (cool)
Parameter Number: 76 (heat) or 77 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 76.1 to 76.9 (heat) or
77.1 to 77.9 (cool)
120 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Curve 1
19 19
13 12
Curve 2
PID Calculation
Figure 5.4
Linear and Nonlinear Outputs
Alarms Menu
l01 Alarms r
Other menus
Alarm High Set Point l01 Alarm high r
SP b 1000 ˚F
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Use the Alarms menu to configure high alarms, low alarms, and deviation alarms, including:
• Alarm set points
• Alarm outputs
• Alarm behavior
• Alarm hysteresis
• Alarm delay
Enter the set point at which the high alarm activates. The high alarm activates if the process variable rises above this value. For more information about the high alarm, see
Alarm High and Alarm Low on page 66.
Values: For a thermocouple or RTD input, any value with-
in the input range (see Table 5.7 on page 104). For a pro-
cess or pulse input, any value between the Input range low and Input range high parameters.
Default: 1000. Decimal placement depends upon the Input
type and Disp format settings.
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40307 to 40315
Parameter Number: 18
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 18.1 to 18.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Watlow Anafaze 121
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Alarm High Function l01 Alarm high r func boff
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Choose whether the high alarm functions as an alarm or as a boost output, or disable the alarm.
Default: off
Modbus and LogicPro: See Alarm Acknowledge on page
132 and Alarm Function on page 133.
Table 5.16
Alarm Functions
Value Description off standard boost
No alarm function.
Alarm is indicated and logged.
Latching global alarm is activated.
Alarm must be acknowledged to clear.
Optional non-latching alarm output is activated.
Alarm message on controller display only.
Alarm does not require acknowledgement.
Non-latching alarm output is activated. Use the alarm set points to control this output for boost control.
Alarm High Output l01 Alarm high r outputbnone
Choose a digital output to activate when the high alarm occurs. You cannot choose an output that is in use for closedloop control or for the Serial DAC clock.
Values: none (0) or output 1 to 34 (1 to 34). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40426 to 40434
Parameter Number: 25
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 25.1 to 25.9
High Deviation Value l01 HiDeviationr value b 5 ˚F
Enter the amount by which the process variable must rise above the set point for the high deviation alarm to occur.
For more information, see Deviation Alarms on page 66.
Values: See Table 5.13 on page 113 for values and decimal
Default: See Table 5.13 on page 113.
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40341 to 40349
Parameter Number: 20
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 20.1 to 20.9
Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
High Deviation Function l01 HiDeviationr func boff
Choose whether the alarm functions as an alarm or as a boost output, or disable the alarm.
Values: See Table 5.16 on page 122.
Default: off
Modbus and LogicPro: See Alarm Acknowledge on page
132 and Alarm Function on page 133.
High Deviation Output l01 HiDeviationr outputbnone
Choose a digital output to activate when the high deviation alarm occurs. You cannot choose an output that is in use for closed-loop control or for the Serial DAC clock.
Values: none (0) or output 1 to 34 (1 to 34). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40460 to 40468
Parameter Number: 27
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 27.1 to 27.9
Low Deviation Value l01 LoDeviationr value b 5 ˚F
Enter the amount by which the process variable must fall below the set point for the low deviation alarm to occur. For
more information, see Process Alarms on page 65.
Values: See Table 5.13 on page 113 for values and decimal
Default: Table 5.13 on page 113
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40358 to 40366
Parameter Number: 21
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 21.1 to 21.9
Low Deviation Function l01 LoDeviationr func boff
Choose whether the alarm functions as an alarm or as a boost output, or disable the alarm.
Values: See Table 5.16 on page 122.
Default: off
Modbus and LogicPro: See Alarm Acknowledge on page
132 and Alarm Function on page 133.
Low Deviation Output l01 LoDeviationr outputbnone
Choose a digital output to activate when the low deviation alarm occurs. You cannot choose an output that is in use for closed-loop control or for the Serial DAC clock.
Values: none (0) or output 1 to 34 (1 to 34). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40477 to 40485
Parameter Number: 28
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 28.1 to 28.9
Alarm Low Set Point l01 Alarm low r
SP b 0 ˚F
Enter the set point at which the low alarm activates. The low alarm activates if the process variable drops below this
value. For more information, see Process Alarms on page
Values: For a thermocouple or RTD input, any value with-
in the input range (see Table 5.7 on page 104). For a pro-
cess or pulse input, any value between the Input range low and Input range high parameters.
Default: 0
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40324 to 40332
Parameter Number: 19
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 19.1 to 19.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Alarm Low Function l01 Alarm low r func boff
Choose whether the alarm functions as an alarm or as a boost output, or disable the alarm.
Values: See Table 5.16 on page 122.
Default: off
Modbus and LogicPro: See Alarm Acknowledge on page
132 and Alarm Function on page 133.
Alarm Low Output l01 Alarm low r outputbnone
Choose a digital output to activate when the low alarm occurs. You cannot choose an output that is in use for closedloop control or for the Serial DAC clock.
Values: none (0) or output 1 to 34 (1 to 34). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40443 to 40451
Parameter Number: 26
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 26.1 to 26.9
Alarm Hysteresis l01 Alarm hys- r teresisb 2 ˚F
Enter the amount by which the process variable must return within the alarm limit before a high alarm, low alarm or deviation alarm clears. Use the alarm hysteresis to pre-
124 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Input Type
Process or Pulse
Alarm Delay l01 Alarm delayr
b 0 sec
Display Format n/a n/a
-999 to 3000
-9999 to 30000
-999.9 to 3000.0
-99.99 to 300.00
-9.999 to 30.000
-0.9999 to 3.0000
vent repeated alarms as the process variable cycles around an alarm limit.
Values: See Table 5.17 for values and decimal placement.
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40375 to 40383
Parameter Number: 22
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 22.1 to 22.9
Table 5.17
Values for Alarm Hysteresis
0 to 500
0 to 500.0
0 to 500
0 to 5000
0.0 to 500.0
0.00 to 50.00
0.000 to 5.000
0.0000 to 0.5000
Use this parameter to delay a failed sensor or process alarm until the alarm condition has been continuously present for longer than the delay time.
To delay alarms on powerup only, see Power Up Alarm De-
Values: 0 to 255 seconds.
Default: 0
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40562 to 40570
Parameter Number: 33
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 33.1 to 33.9
Process Variable Retransmit Menu
l01 PV retrans r
Other menus b
Use the PV retrans menu to configure an output so that it will retransmit the process variable from another loop. For
details, see Setting Up Process Variable Retransmit on page
This menu contains parameters for both heat and cool outputs. The sample screens in this section show the heat parameters, but the descriptions apply to both the heat and cool parameters.
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Heat/Cool Output Retransmit l01 Heat outputr retrans PV b 2
Choose the loop that provides the process variable to be retransmitted. For example, in the sample display at left, the heat output from loop 1 (01) will retransmit the process variable from loop 2.
Values: none (0), or loop 1 to 5 (1 to 5) for a CPC404 or 1 to
9 (1 to 9) for a CPC408. Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro.
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44478 to 44486 (heat) or
44495 to 44503 (cool)
Parameter Number: 89 (heat) or 90 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 89.1 to 89.9 (heat) or
90.1 to 90.9 (cool)
Heat/Cool Retransmit Low Process Variable l01 Ht retrans r
LowPV b 0 ˚F
Enter the value of the process variable to retransmit as a 0 percent output signal. If the process variable falls below this value, the output will stay at 0 percent.
Values: Any value within the input sensor range; see
Default: The minimum value in the input sensor range
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44546 to 44554 (heat) or
44563 to 44571 (cool)
Parameter Number: 93 (heat) or 94 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 93.1 to 93.9 (heat) or
94.1 to 94.9 (cool)
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Heat/Cool Retransmit High Process Variable l01 Ht retrans r
HighPVb 0 ˚F
Enter the value of the process variable to retransmit as a
100 percent output signal. If the process variable rises above this value, the output will stay at 100 percent.
Values: Any value within the input sensor range; see
Default: The maximum value in the input sensor range
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44512 to 44520 (heat) or
44529 to 44537 (cool)
Parameter Number: 91 (heat) or 92 (cool)
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 91.1 to 91.9 (heat) or
92.1 to 92.9 (cool)
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
126 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Cascade Menu
l01 Cascade r
Other menus b
Use the cascade menu to configure cascade control. Use cascade control to calculate the set point of the current loop
(the secondary, or outer, loop) based upon the output of another loop (the primary, or inner, loop).
For more information about cascade control, see Setting Up
Cascade Primary Loop l01 Cascade r prim loop bnone
Choose the primary loop. The controller uses the output of the primary loop to calculate the set point of the current loop.
Values: none (0), or loop 1 to 5 (1 to 5) for a CPC404 or 1 to
9 (1 to 9) for a CPC408. You cannot choose the current loop.
Values in parentheses are for serial communications or
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44648 to 44654
Parameter Number: 99
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 99.1 to 99.9
Cascade Low Set Point l01 Cascade lowr
SP b 25 ˚F
Enter the set point to use for the current loop when the output of the primary loop is at its minimum value. The set point will never drop below this value.
• If the primary loop has only the heat output enabled, then this value is the set point when the heat output of the primary loop is 0 percent.
• If the primary loop has only the cool output enabled or has the heat and cool outputs enabled, then this value is the set point when the cool output is 100 percent.
Values: For a thermocouple or RTD input, any value with-
in the input range (see Table 5.7 on page 104). For a pro-
cess or pulse input, any value between the Input range low and Input range high parameters. This value must be less than the Cascade hi SP parameter.
Default: 25 for a thermocouple, RTD or process input; 0 for the pulse input
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44682 to 44690
Parameter Number: 101
LogicPro Driver: Database.
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 101.1 to 101.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Cascade High Set Point l01 Cascade hi r
SP b 25 ˚F
Enter the set point to use for the current loop when the output of primary loop is at its maximum value. The set point will never exceed this value.
• If the primary loop has only the heat output enabled, or has the heat and cool outputs enabled, this value is the set point when the output of the primary loop is
100 percent.
• If the primary loop has only the cool output enabled, then this value is the set point when the output of the primary loop is 0 percent.
Values: For a thermocouple or RTD input, any value with-
in the input range (see Table 5.7 on page 104). For a pro-
cess or pulse input, any value between the Input range low and Input range high parameters. This value must be greater than the Cascade low SP parameter.
Default: 25 for a thermocouple, RTD or process input; 0 for the pulse input
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44699 to 44707
Parameter Number: 102
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 102.1 to 102.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Ratio Menu
l01 Ratio r
Other menus b
Use the ratio menu to configure ratio control, differential control or remote analog set point. Use these control methods to calculate the set point of the current loop (the ratio loop) based upon the process variable of another loop (the master loop).
For more information about ratio control, see Setting Up
Ratio Control on page 73, Setting Up Differential Control
on page 75 and Setting Up Remote Analog Set Point on page
Ratio Master Loop l01 Ratio r master loopbnone
Choose the master loop. The controller uses the process variable of the master loop to calculate the set point of the current loop.
Values: none (0), or loop 1 to 5 (1 to 5) for a CPC404 or 1 to
9 (1 to 9) for a CPC408. You cannot choose the current loop.
Default: none (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44750 to 44758
Parameter Number: 105
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 105.1 to 105.9
128 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Ratio Low Set Point l01 Ratio low r
SP b 25 ˚F
Ratio High Set Point l01 Ratio high r
SP b 25 ˚F
Control Ratio l01 Control r ratio b 1.0
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Enter the lowest allowable set point for the current loop.
The set point will never drop below this value, regardless of the result of the ratio calculation.
Values: For a thermocouple or RTD input, any value with-
in the input range (see Table 5.7 on page 104). For a pro-
cess or pulse input, any value between the Input range low and Input range high parameters. This value must be less than the Ratio high SP parameter.
Default: 25 (or 0 for the pulse input)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44767 to 44775
Parameter Number: 106
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 106.1 to 106.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Enter the highest allowable set point for the current loop.
The set point will never exceed this value, regardless of the result of the ratio calculation.
Values: For a thermocouple or RTD input, any value in the
input sensor range; see Table 5.7 on page 104. For a pro-
cess or pulse input, any value from Input range low to Input
range high. This value must be greater than the Ratio low
SP parameter.
Default: 25 (0 for the pulse input)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44784 to 44792
Parameter Number: 107
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 107.1 to 107.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Enter the factor by which to multiply the process variable of the master loop to calculate the set point of the ratio loop.
Values: .1 to 999.9 (1 to 9999). Values in parentheses are for serial communications and LogicPro (values are in tenths).
Default: 1.0 (10) for a thermocouple, RTD or process input;
.0 (0) for a pulse input
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44801 to 44809
Parameter Number: 108
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 108.1 to 108.9
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 129
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Ratio Set Point Differential l01 Ratio SP r diff b 0 ˚F
Enter the value to add to the ratio calculation before using it as the set point.
Values: -9999 to 9999. Decimal placement depends upon the Input type and Disp format values in the Input menu.
Default: 0
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 44818 to 44826
Parameter Number: 109
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 109.1 to 109.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: See Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Soft Integers Menu
lSoft integers r
Other menus b
The Soft integers menu contains 1,100 user-definable, 16bit word registers. Use these parameters to read and set integer data.
Read and write access are available through a logic program, WatView HMI software, the controller display or a third-party host.
Soft Integer Value lSoft int 1 r value= b 0
Read or set an integer value. For example, suppose that you use serial communications to retrieve the input temperature from four different inputs, and you have a program that calculates the average input temperature. You could write the average input temperature to one of the
Soft int parameters so that the operator could read it.
Values: -32768 to 32767
Default: 0
Modbus Address (Soft Integers 1 to 100): 44883 to
Modbus Address (Soft Integers 101 to 1100): 45496 to
Parameter Number (Soft Integers 1 to 100): 126
Parameter Number (Soft Integers 101 to 1100): 140
LogicPro Driver: Soft_Int
LogicPro Address: 1 to 1100
The values of soft integers 81 to 100 are saved in jobs, and the values of soft integers 1 to 80 and
101 to 1100 are not.
130 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Soft Booleans Menu
lSoft Booleans r
Other menus b
The Soft Booleans menu contains 256 one-bit Boolean registers. Use these parameters to read and set Boolean (true or false) data.
Read and write access are available through a logic program, WatView, the controller display or a third-party host.
Soft Boolean Value lSoft Bool 1r value= b0
Read or set a true or false value.
Values: 0 (false) or 1 (true)
Default: 0
Modbus Address (Soft Boolean 1 to 256): 44983 to
Parameter Number: 127
LogicPro Driver: Soft_Bool
LogicPro Address (Soft Boolean 1 to 256): 1 to 256
I/O Tests Menu
lI/O tests r
Other menus b
The values of soft Booleans 237 to 256 are saved in jobs, the values of soft Booleans 1 to 236 are not.
Use the I/O tests menu to test the following:
• Digital inputs
• Digital outputs
• Keypad
Digital Inputs lDigital inputsr
00000000 1=on
This parameter indicates the states of the eight digital inputs. A 1 indicates that the input is connected to controller common (on). A 0 indicates an open circuit (off).
To test an input, short it to controller common. When the input is shorted, its input state should be 1. For detailed in-
structions, see Digital Input Test on page 27.
The controller display shows the states of digital inputs 1 to 8 from left to right. For serial communications and LogicPro programs, read the state of one input at a time.
Values: 0 if the input is off, 1 if the input is on
Modbus Address (Digital Inputs 1 to 8): 40719 to 40726
Parameter Number: 46
LogicPro Driver: CPC400_Digital_In
LogicPro Address (Digital Inputs 1 to 8): 1 to 8
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 131
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Keypad Test lKeypad test r press d to begin
To test the keypad, press <. This screen will appear:
uu Ends test key pressed=
To test a key, press it. If the key is working properly, an icon for that key appears.
When you are done testing the keypad, press >> to return to the Keypad test parameter.
Test Digital Output 1 to 35 lTest D/O 1 r
Use the Test D/O parameter to manually toggle a digital output on and off. Choose on to sink the current from the output to the controller common. Choose off to stop the cur-
rent flow. For instructions, see Digital Output Test on page
26. You cannot toggle an output that is enabled for control.
When you exit the I/O tests menu, all outputs that were forced on are turned off.
Values: off (0) or on (1)
Default: off (0)
Modbus Address (Digital Outputs 1 to 35): 40751 to
Parameter Number: 47
LogicPro Driver: CPC400_Digital_Out
LogicPro Address (Digital Outputs 1 to 35): 1 to 35
Additional Parameters for Serial Communications and LogicPro Programs
These parameters are available only for serial communications and LogicPro programs. They are not accessible through the controller keypad.
Alarm Acknowledge
Indicates whether an alarm has been acknowledged. To acknowledge an alarm, clear the bit for that alarm.
Table 5.19 shows which bit corresponds to each alarm. See
Bit-Wise Values on page 78 for information on reading or
setting this parameter.
This parameter is available only for serial communications and LogicPro programs.
132 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Alarm Enable
Alarm Function
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Values: Unacknowledged (1) or acknowledged (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40511 to 40519
Parameter Number: 30
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 30.1 to 30.9
Enable or disable an alarm. Table 5.18 shows the bit to set
or read for each alarm. This parameter is available only for
serial communications and LogicPro programs. See Bit-
Wise Values on page 78 for information on reading or set-
ting this parameter.
Values: Disabled (0) or enabled (1)
Default: Disabled (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40528 to 40536
Parameter Number: 31
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 31.1 to 31.9
Table 5.18
Bit Positions for Alarm Enable and
Alarm Function
Low Deviation Alarm
High Deviation Alarm
Alarm Low
Alarm High
Choose whether an alarm behaves as a standard alarm or as a boost output. For descriptions of the standard and
boost functions, see Table 5.16 on page 122. Table 5.18
shows the bit to set or read for each alarm. See Bit-Wise
Values on page 78 for information on reading or setting this
This parameter is available only for serial communications and LogicPro programs.
Values: Standard alarm (0) or boost output (1)
Default: Standard alarm (0)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40494 to 40502
Parameter Number: 29
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 29.1 to 29.9
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Alarm Status
Indicates whether an alarm is active. Table 5.19 shows the
bit to set or read for each alarm. This parameter is available only for serial communications and LogicPro pro-
grams. See Bit-Wise Values on page 78 for information on
reading or setting this parameter.
Values: Not active (0) or active (1)
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 40392 to 40400
Parameter Number: 23
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 23.1 to 23.9
Table 5.19
Bit Positions for Alarm Status and
Alarm Acknowledge
Low Deviation Alarm
High Deviation Alarm
Alarm Low
Alarm High
Thermocouple Reversed
Thermocouple Shorted
Thermocouple Open
RTD Open
RTD Shorted
Ambient Sensor Reading
This read-only parameter indicates the temperature measured by the cold-junction compensation sensor located near the analog input terminal block.
This parameter is available only for serial communications and LogicPro programs.
Values: Temperature in tenths of a degree Fahrenheit. To convert to Celsius, use the formula °C = 5/9(°F - 32).
Modbus Address: 40579
Parameter Number: 34
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 34.1
Analog Input
Indicates the value measured by the sensor after filtering and scaling. This parameter is read-only.
134 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Data Changed Register
This register is a tool for hosts which need to maintain a mirror image of the CPC400 database. Using a first in, first out stack, the change queue logs all changes to the database that do not originate with the host.
The data changed register contains the parameter number of the oldest change in the change queue. After the host reads the register, the second oldest parameter number is loaded, and so on. When there are no remaining changes to be read, the register contains FF (hexadecimal).
This parameter is available only for serial communications and LogicPro programs.
Values: -1 to 255
Modbus Address: 40791
Parameter Number: 50
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 50.1
Firmware Identification
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Values: For thermocouples and RTD inputs, same as the
input range (see Table 5.7 on page 104). For process, soft in-
teger, and pulse inputs, any value between the Input
Range Low and Input Range High parameters in the Input menu.
Modbus Address (Loops 1 to 9): 45375 to 45383
Parameter Number: 135
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address (Loops 1 to 9): 135.1 to 135.9
Decimal Placement for Modbus or LogicPro: see Dec-
imal Placement for Numeric Values on page 80.
Indicates whether the flash memory chip contains standard or custom Watlow Anafaze firmware for the closedloop control program. (If a logic program is loaded onto the flash memory chip, it has no effect on this parameter.)
This parameter is available only for serial communications and LogicPro programs.
Values: 0 indicates standard firmware, any other value indicates custom firmware.
Modbus Address: 40847
Parameter Number: 52
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 52.1
Firmware Version
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For serial communications and LogicPro programs, you can retrieve the firmware version in three parts: major part, minor part and revision letter.
Watlow Anafaze 135
Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Major Part
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Indicates the firmware version number to the left of the decimal point, such as “1” for version 1.07A.
Modbus Address: 40844
Parameter Number: 52
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 52.2
Minor Part
Indicates the firmware version number in the hundredths place to the right of the decimal point, such as “7” for version 1.07A.
Modbus Address: 40845
Parameter Number: 52
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 52.3
Revision Letter
Indicates the ASCII code value for the firmware version letter, if present, such as “65” (the ASCII value for “A”) for version 1.07A.
Modbus Address: 40846
Parameter Number: 52
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 52.4
Full Scale Calibration
This read-only parameter indicates the signal level detected when the controller measures its full scale reference voltage in performing its self-calibration. If the value drifts out of specified limits, the controller places all loops in manual mode at 0 percent power and indicates a hardware failure.
This parameter is available only for serial communications and LogicPro programs.
Values: 0 to 32767 counts
Modbus Address: 40718
Parameter Number: 45
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 45.1
System Status
Check the status of the specific system conditions listed in
Table 5.20. This parameter is available only for serial com-
munications and LogicPro programs. See Bit-Wise Values
on page 78 for information on reading this parameter.
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference
Modbus Address: 40786 (first to eighth bit), 40787 (ninth to sixteenth bit)
Parameter Number: 48
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 48.1 (first to eighth bit), 48.2 (ninth to sixteenth bit)
Table 5.20
System Status Bits
Parameter Description Values
Battery Status
Ambient Status
Zero Status
Full Scale Status
Power Up Alarm
Delay Status
Indicates whether the values in RAM have been corrupted while the power has been off.
Indicates whether the ambient temperature is within the controller’s operating range. If the ambient is out of range, the controller sets all loops to manual mode at 0 percent power.
Indicates whether the zero self-calibration measurement falls within acceptable limits.
Indicates whether the full scale selfcalibration measurement falls within acceptable limits.
Indicates whether the power-up alarm delay feature is presently active. See
Power Up Alarm Delay on page 100.
0: No corruption detected
1: Data corrupted
0: Within range
1: Outside of range
0: In calibration
1: Out of calibration
0: In calibration
1: Out of calibration
0: Delay feature not active
1: Delay feature active
Zero Calibration
This read-only parameter indicates the signal level detected when the controller measures its zero reference voltage in performing its self-calibration. If the value drifts out of specified limits, the controller places all loops in manual mode at 0 percent power and indicates a hardware failure.
This parameter is available only for serial communications and LogicPro.
Values: 0 to 32767 counts
Modbus Address: 40717
Parameter Number: 44
LogicPro Driver: Database
LogicPro Address: 44.1
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Chapter 5: Menu and Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
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Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
This chapter explains how to troubleshoot and reconfigure the controller.
When There is a Problem
The controller is only one part of your control system. Often, what appears to be a problem with the controller is really a problem with other equipment, so check these things first:
The controller is installed correctly. (See the Installation chapter.)
• Sensors, such as thermocouples and RTDs, are installed correctly and working.
If you suspect your controller has been damaged, do not attempt to repair it yourself, or you may void the warranty.
If the troubleshooting procedures in this chapter do not solve your system’s problems, call the Technical Services department for additional troubleshooting help. If you need to return the unit to Watlow Anafaze for testing and repair,
Customer Services will issue you an RMA number. See Re-
139 Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Returning a Unit
Before trying to troubleshoot a problem by replacing your controller with another one, first check the installation. If you have shorted sensor inputs to high voltage lines or a transformer is shorted out, and you replace the controller, you will risk damage to the new controller.
If you are certain the installation is correct, you can try replacing the controller. If the second unit works correctly, then the problem is specific to the controller you replaced.
Before returning a controller, contact your supplier or call
Watlow Anafaze at (831) 724-3800 for technical support.
Controllers purchased as part of a piece of equipment must be serviced or returned through the equipment manufacturer. Equipment manufacturers and authorized distributors should call customer service at Watlow Anafaze to obtain a return materials authorization (RMA) number.
Shipments without an RMA will not be accepted. Other users should contact their suppliers for instructions on returning products for repair.
Troubleshooting the Controller
A problem may be indicated by one or more of several types of symptoms:
• A process alarm
• A failed sensor alarm
• A system alarm
• Unexpected or undesired behavior
The following sections list symptoms in each of these categories and suggest possible causes and corrective actions.
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
Process Alarms
When a process alarm occurs, the controller switches to the single-loop display for the loop with the alarm and displays
the alarm code (see Alarm Displays on page 51). WatView
software displays a message on the alarm screen and logs the alarm in the event log.
Possible Causes of a Process Alarm
In a heating application, a low alarm or low deviation alarm may indicate one of the following:
• The heater has not had time to raise the temperature.
• The load has increased and the temperature has fallen.
• The control mode is set to manual instead of automatic.
• The heaters are not working because of a hardware failure.
• The sensor is not placed correctly and is not measuring the load’s temperature.
• The alarm settings are too tight. The process variable varies by more than the alarm limits because of load changes, lag or other system conditions.
• The system is so poorly tuned that the temperature is cycling about set point by more than the alarm set point.
In cooling applications, similar issues cause high alarms.
In a heating application, a high alarm or high deviation alarm may indicate one of the following:
• The process set point and high alarm set point have been lowered and the system has not had time to cool to within the new alarm setting.
• The controller is in manual mode and the heat output is greater than 0 percent.
• The load has decreased such that the temperature has risen.
• The heater is full-on because of a hardware failure.
• The system is so poorly tuned that the temperature is cycling about set point by more than the alarm set point.
In cooling applications, similar issues cause low alarms.
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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Responding to a Process Alarm
Your response to an alarm depends upon the alarm func-
tion setting, as explained in Table 6.1.
Table 6.1
Operator Response to Process
Operator Response
The operator does not need to acknowledge the alarm. The alarm clears automatically when the process variable returns within limits.
Acknowledge the alarm by pressing x
on the keypad or by using HMI software. The alarm clears after the operator acknowledges it and the process variable returns within the limits.
Failed Sensor Alarms
When a failed sensor alarm occurs, the controller switches to the single loop display for the loop with the alarm and
displays an alarm code (see Alarm Displays on page 51).
WatView software displays a message on the alarm screen and logs the alarm in the event log.
A failed sensor alarm clears once it has been acknowledged and the sensor is repaired. For more information about the
causes of failed sensor alarms, see Failed Sensor Alarms on
Disable Failed Sensor Functions
When a loop uses the Soft Integer for a PV Source, some failed sensor functions are disabled. These include functions that require linkages between specific thermocouple or RTD input and loop outputs to operate correctly. When a loop uses a soft integer as the PV Source, the thermocouple or RTD no longer has a direct relationship to a specific loop output.The failed sensor functions disabled are:
• Thermocouple Short Alarm (Global)
• Reversed Thermocouple Detection (Loop)
• Restore Automatic Mode (Loop)
• Sensor Fail Heat/Cool Output (Loop)
This parameter will switch a loop to manual mode at the specified output power if a failed sensor alarm occurs or the mode override input becomes active. Only the function that sets the output based on a failed sensor is disabled.
• Open Thermocouple Heat/Cool Output Average (Loop)
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
System Alarms
If the controller detects a hardware problem, it displays an alarm message. The message persists until the condition is corrected.
The CPC400 displays the following system alarm messages:
Low power: See Low Power on page 145.
Battery dead: See Battery Dead on page 145.
H/W failure: Ambient: See H/W Failure: Ambient on
H/W failure: Gain: See H/W Failure: Gain or Offset
H/W failure: Offset: See H/W Failure: Gain or Offset
Other Behaviors
Table 6.2 indicates potential problems with the system or
controller and recommends corrective actions.
Table 6.2
Other Symptoms
Symptom Possible Causes Recommended Action
Indicated temperature not as expected
Controller not communicating
Sensor wiring incorrect
Checking Analog Inputs on page 148.
CPC400 display is not lit
CPC400 display is lit, but keys do not work
Power connection incorrect
Failed flash memory chip
CPC400 damaged or failed
Keypad locked
Unacknowledged alarm
CPC400 damaged or failed
Check wiring and service. See
Replace the flash memory chip. See
Replacing the Flash Memory Chip on page
Return the CPC400 for repair. See Returning a Unit on page 140.
An alarm condition exists and has not been
acknowledged. See How to Acknowledge an Alarm on page 52.
Return the CPC400 for repair. See Returning a Unit on page 140.
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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Symptom Possible Causes Recommended Action
Control mode of one or more loops changes from automatic to manual
All loops are in manual mode at 0 percent power
Logic does not run
Controller does not behave as expected
Failed sensor
BCD job selection feature loaded a different job
Intermittent power
Analog reference voltage overloaded
Hardware failure
No logic program loaded
Controller not set to run logic on powerup
Corrupt or incorrect values in
Check the display or HMI software for a failed sensor message.
Check whether the new job was supposed to be loaded. If not, check the BCD job load setup:
Check the settings of the BCD job load parameters in the Global setup menu.
Use the Digital inputs parameter in the I/O tests menu to test the BCD job load input(s).
Check the device that is used to activate job selection.
Check wiring and service. See
Use a separate dc supply for the controller.
Provide backup power (uninterruptible power system).
In the Global menu, set the Power up loop mode parameter to from memory if safe for
your application. See Power Up Loop
Disconnect any wiring from the +5V Ref connection on TB1.
Check the controller display for a hardware
alarm. See System Alarms on page 143.
Load a logic program. For more information, see the LogicPro User’s Guide.
Run the logic program; see Logic Program on page 99. If desired, set the controller to
start the logic program automatically upon powerup; see
Power Up With Logic on page 100.
Clear the RAM. See
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
Corrective and Diagnostic Procedures
The following sections detail procedures you may use to diagnose and correct problems with the controller.
Low Power
If the controller displays Low power or the display is not lit:
Turn the power to the controller off, then on again.
If the Low power alarm message returns, check that the power supplied to the controller is at least 12.0V
(dc) at 1 A. See Wiring the Power Supply on page 24.
If the alarm message returns again, make a record of
all controller settings. Then, clear the RAM. See Clear-
If the alarm is not cleared, contact your supplier for
further troubleshooting guidance. See Returning a
Battery Dead
The Battery dead alarm indicates that the battery in the
CPC400 is not functioning correctly. This alarm occurs upon powerup only. The alarm indicates that values stored in memory may have been corrupted because of battery failure.
The controller retains its settings when powered.
The battery is required to keep the settings in memory only when the controller is powered down.
If a replacement controller is available:
Make a record of all controller settings. Verify that the settings are correct, because memory failure may have changed some settings.
Replace the controller.
Enter the settings into the new controller.
If you must use the controller with the failed battery:
Make a record of all controller settings. Verify that the settings are correct, because memory failure may have changed some settings.
Clear the controller RAM; see Clearing the RAM on
page 153. Clearing the RAM clears all settings, includ-
ing internal settings that may have been corrupted.
Re-enter your settings.
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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Ambient Warning
The ambient warning alarm indicates that the ambient temperature of the controller is too hot or cold. Ambient warning occurs when the controller's temperature is in the range of 23 to 32°F or 122 to 131°F. The operating limits are 32 to 122°F.
If the controller displays AW in the lower left corner of the display:
Acknowledge the alarm.
If the error message remains, check the ambient air temperature near the controller. Adjust ventilation, cooling or heating to ensure that the temperature around the controller is 32 to 122°F. If the unit is functioning correctly, the error will clear automatically when the ambient temperature is within range and the alarm has been acknowledged.
If error persists, make a record of the settings, then
clear the RAM. See Clearing the RAM on page 153.
If the error is not cleared, contact your supplier for fu-
ther troubleshooting guidelines. See Returning a Unit
H/W Failure: Gain or Offset
If the controller displays H/W failure: Gain or H/W fail-
ure: Offset:
Acknowledge the alarm
If the error message remains, switch the power to the controller off, then on again.
If the alarm persists, make a record of all controller
settings, then clear the RAM. See Clearing the RAM on page 153.
If the alarm is not cleared, contact your supplier for
further troubleshooting guidelines. See Returning a
If the controller has failed, it may have been damaged by excessive voltage. Before replacing the controller, troubleshoot for high ac voltage on
sensors or outputs. See Checking Analog Inputs on page 148.
H/W Failure: Ambient
The H/W failure: Ambient alarm indicates that the ambient sensor in the CPC400 is reporting that the temperature around the controller is outside of the acceptable range of 0
146 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring to 50°C. This alarm can also occur if there is a hardware failure.
If the controller displays H/W failure: Ambient:
Acknowledge the alarm.
If the error message remains, check the ambient air temperature near the controller. Adjust ventilation, cooling or heating so that the temperature around the controller is 0 to 50°C. If the unit is functioning correctly, the alarm will clear automatically when the ambient temperature is within range.
If the ambient temperature is within range and the alarm persists, reseat the board assembly: a) Switch off power to the controller.
b) Remove the board assembly from the CPC400 housing.
c) Reseat the board assembly and reassemble the controller.
d) Switch on power to the controller.
If the alarm persists, make a record of all controller
settings, then clear the RAM. See Clearing the RAM on page 153.
If the alarm is not cleared, contact your supplier for
further troubleshooting guidelines. See Returning a
Keys Do Not Work
If the controller has failed, it may have been damaged by excessive voltage. Before replacing the controller, troubleshoot for high ac voltage on
sensors or outputs. See Checking Analog Inputs on page 148.
If the CPC400 seems to function but one or more keys do not work, check the following:
• If the . key does not work, but other keys work, then the keypad is probably locked. Unlock the keypad ac-
cording to the instructions in Keypad Lock on page
• Check whether there is an unacknowledged alarm.
The keys will not work for anything else until all alarms are acknowledged. To acknowledge an alarm, press x.
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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Checking Analog Inputs
Follow these steps to troubleshoot problems with the analog inputs to the CPC400 controller:
Shorts between heaters and sensors or wiring errors can cause potentially lethal voltages to be present in the CPC400 and associated wiring and devices. Only qualified personnel taking appropriate precautions should attempt to troubleshoot or service equipment.
If the process variable displayed in interface software does not agree with the process variable on the controller display, verify that the controller is communicating.
If the process variable indicated on the controller display is incorrect: a) Verify that you have selected the correct input type for the affected loops.
b) Verify that sensors are properly connected.
If the sensors are correctly connected, with power on to the heaters check for high common mode voltage: a) Set a voltmeter to measure volts ac.
b) Connect the negative lead to a good earth ground.
c) Check each sensor input for ac voltage by connecting the one lead from the voltmeter to the sensor’s positive input connection and the other lead from the voltmeter to the sensor’s negative input connection.
A voltage greater than 530V Å (ac) on one or more sensor connections indicates a heater leakage or a wiring problem. Correct this problem.
Check for voltage differences between sensors. A voltage difference between any two sensors in excess of
280V Å (ac) indicates a wiring problem or short.
a) Connect the negative lead to the first sensor connection.
b) With the positive lead measure the sensor-tosensor potential at each of the other sensor connections.
c) Move the negative lead to the next sensor.
d) Repeat steps b and c to measure the voltage between each pair of sensors.
e) Correct any problems indicated by excessive voltage readings.
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Earth Grounding
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
Verify the sensors:
• For thermocouples, remove the thermocouple leads and use a digital voltmeter to measure the resistance between the positive and negative thermocouple leads. A value of 2 to 20
is normal. Readings in excess of 200
indicate a problem with the sensor.
• For RTDs, measure between the IN+ and IN- terminals of TB1. RTD inputs should read between
20 and 250
To verify that the controller hardware is working correctly, check any input (except the pulse input or an
RTD) as follows: a) Disconnect the sensor wiring.
b) In the Input menu, set the Input type parameter to J T/C.
c) Place a short across the input. On the loop that you are testing, the controller should indicate the ambient temperature.
If you suspect a problem with the ac ground or a ground loop:
• Measure for ac voltage between ac neutral and panel chassis ground. If ac voltage is above 2V Å (ac), then there may be a problem with the ac power wiring. This should be corrected per local electrical codes.
• With ac power on, measure for ac voltage that may be present between control panels’ chassis grounds. Any ac voltage above 2V Å (ac) may indicate problems with the ac ground circuit.
• With the heater power on, check for ac voltage on thermocouples. A control output providing power to the heaters will increase the ac voltage if there is heater leakage and an improper grounding circuit. Measure from either positive or negative thermocouple lead to ac ground. AC voltage above 2V Å (ac) may indicate the ground lead is not connected to the CPC400 TB2 ground terminal.
If the above tests indicate proper ac grounding but the controller is indicating incorrect temperatures or process readings:
• Verify which type of sensor is installed and that the
Input type parameter in the Input menu is set accordingly.
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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
• For an RTD or process input, check that the correct in-
put scaling resistors are installed (see Installing Scal-
ing Resistors on page 157) and check the input scaling
parameter settings (see Setting Up a Process or Pulse
• If readings are erratic, look for sources of electrical
noise. See Noise Suppression on page 21.
• Contact your supplier for further troubleshooting guidance.
Checking Control Outputs
To check control outputs:
• Set the loop you want to check to manual mode; see
Changing the Control Mode and Output Power on page
• Set the output power percentage to the desired level;
see Changing the Control Mode and Output Power on page 55
Set the output type to on/off or TP; see Heat/Cool
If the control output is not connected to an output device like a solid-state relay, connect an LED in series with a 1 k
resistor from +5V to the output. (Connect the anode of the LED to +5V.) The LED should be off when the output is
0 percent and on when the output is 100 percent.
Testing Control Output Devices
Connect the solid-state relay control terminals to the
CPC400 control output and connect a light bulb (or other load that can easily be verified) to the output terminals on the solid-state relay. Put the loop in manual mode and set the output to 100 percent. The ac load should turn on.
Do not attempt to measure ac voltage at the output terminals of the solid-state relay. Without a load connected, the solid-state relay output terminals do not turn off. This makes it difficult to determine whether the solid-state relay is actually working. Measure the voltage across a load or use a load that can be visually verified, such as a light bulb.
Testing the TB18 and TB50
Turn on power to the controller.
Measure the +5V Î (dc) supply at the TB18 or TB50.
The voltage should be +4.75 to +5.25V
Î (dc): a) Connect the voltmeter’s common lead to TB18 terminal 2 or TB50 terminal 3.
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CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
Testing Control and Digital Outputs
Switch off power to the controller.
Disconnect any output wiring on the output to be tested.
Connect a 500
to 100 k
resistor between the
+5V terminal (TB18 or TB50 terminal 1) and the output terminal you want to test.
Connect the voltmeter’s common lead to the output terminal, and connect the voltmeter’s positive lead to the +5V terminal.
Restore power to the controller.
If you are testing a control output, turn the output on and off by setting the loop to 100 percent and 0 percent
output power (see Changing the Control Mode and
Output Power on page 55). When the output is off (0
percent), the output voltage should be less than 1V.
When the output is on (100 percent), the output voltage should be between +3.75 and +5.25V.
If you are testing a digital output not used for control, use the I/O tests menu to turn the output on and off.
See Test Digital Output 1 to 35 on page 132.
Testing Digital Inputs
b) Connect the voltmeter’s positive lead to the TB18 or TB50 terminal 1.
Switch off power to the controller.
Disconnect any system wiring from the input to be tested.
Restore power to the controller.
Go to the Digital inputs parameter in the I/O tests menu.
Attach a wire to the terminal of the digital input to test. When the wire is connected only to the digital input terminal, the Digital inputs parameter should show that the input is off (0). When you connect the other end of the wire to controller common (TB50 terminal 3), the Digital inputs parameter should show that the input is on (1).
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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Additional Troubleshooting for Computer Supervised Systems
These four elements must work properly in a computer-supervised system:
• The controller
• The computer and its EIA/TIA-232 or EIA/TIA-485 serial interface
• The EIA/TIA-232 or EIA/TIA-485 communication lines
• The computer software
For troubleshooting, disconnect the communications line from the computer and follow the troubleshooting steps in the first section of this chapter. The next few sections explain troubleshooting for the other elements of computer supervised systems.
Computer Problems
If you are having computer or serial interface problems, check the following:
• Check your software manual and make sure your computer meets the software and system requirements.
• Check the communications interface, cables and connections. Make sure the serial interface is set according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
• To test an EIA/TIA-232 interface, purchase an EIA/
TIA-232 tester with LED indicators. Attach the tester between the controller and the computer. When the computer sends data to the controller, the TX LED on the tester should blink. When the computer receives data from the controller, the RX LED should blink.
• You can also connect an oscilloscope to the transmit or receive line to see whether data is being sent or received. If the serial port does not appear to be working, the software setup may need to be modified or the hardware may need to be repaired or replaced.
Most communications problems are due to incorrect wiring or incorrectly set communications parameters. Therefore, when there is a problem, check the wiring and communications settings first. Verify the following:
• Communications Port: Software must be configured to use the communications port to which the controller is connected.
• Software Protocol: The CPC400 supports the Modbus RTU protocol.
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Software Problems
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
• Controller Address: Configure software to look for the controller at the correct address. In a multiple-controller installation, each controller must have a unique address.
• Baud Rate: Software and controller must be set the same.
• Parity: In the Modbus RTU protocol, the parity may be set to none, even or odd. For error-free communications to occur, the CPC400 and any other device must have the same parity setting.
• Hardware Protocol: PC and controller must use the same protocol, or a converter must be used. The controller is typically configured for EIA/TIA-232 when it
is shipped. See Changing the Hardware Communica-
tions Protocol on page 157 to change between EIA/TIA-
232 and EIA/TIA-485. To communicate with more than one controller, or when more than 50 feet of cable is required, use EIA/TIA-485. Even for a single controller, you may use EIA/TIA-485 and an optically isolating converter to eliminate ground loops.
• Converter: Make sure that the 232-to-485 converter is powered, configured and wired correctly.
• Cables: Check continuity by placing a resistor across each pair of wires and measuring the resistance with an ohmmeter at the other end.
If the controller and serial communications connections seem to be working correctly, but you are still not getting the result you expect, consult the documentation for the software program you are using.
Anafaze WatView and LogicPro software come with context-sensitive help explaining operation of the software.
You can press the F1 key to get information related to the part of the program you are using.
Clearing the RAM
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Clearing the random access memory (RAM) returns all controller settings to their defaults. All stored jobs are also cleared from controller memory.
To clear the RAM:
Make a record of all controller settings.
Switch off power to the controller.
Press and hold <.
Switch on power to the controller while still holding <.
When you see the prompt Clear RAM?, release < and press ..
Watlow Anafaze 153
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Restore the controller settings.
If you have a stand-alone system, you must manually reenter your original parameters. If you have a computer-supervised system with WatView software, you can save a copy of your parameters to a job file and then reload them into the controller.
Replacing the Flash Memory Chip
This procedure requires a Phillips screwdriver and an IC extraction tool or jeweler’s flathead screwdriver.
The flash memory chip and other components are sensitive to damage from electrostatic discharge
(ESD). To prevent ESD damage, use an ESD wrist strap or other antistatic device.
Replacing the flash memory chip results in full erasure of RAM. Make a record of all parameters before changing the flash memory chip.
Make a record of controller parameters.
Switch off power to the controller.
Disconnect input power to the controller.
Remove the four screws from the sides of the controller front bezel.
154 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
Remove the electronics assembly from the case, as
Figure 6.1
Removal of Electronics Assembly from Case
Unscrew the four screws at the corners of the top board and carefully unplug this board to access the
bottom board. Figure 6.2 shows the screws to remove:
Figure 6.2
Screw Locations on PC Board
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 155
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Locate the flash memory chip on the circuit board. The flash memory chip is a 32-pin socketed chip that is labeled with the model, version and checksum.
Figure 6.3
Location of Flash Memory Chip
Remove the existing flash memory chip from its socket with an IC extraction tool or a jeweler’s flathead screwdriver.
Figure 6.4
Removal of Flash Memory Chip
Carefully insert the new flash memory chip into the socket. Make sure that the chip is oriented so that its notch fits in the corresponding corner of the socket.
10. Reverse steps 2 through 6 to reassemble the unit.
11. Power up the controller.
12. Re-enter parameters.
156 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
Changing the Hardware Communications Protocol
To switch between EIA/TIA-232 and EIA/TIA-485, change
the jumpers as shown in Figure 6.5.
Configured for
Configured for
Last controller in system configured for EIA/TIA-485
Figure 6.5
Jumper Configurations
You will need tweezers and a Phillips head screwdriver to switch between EIA/TIA-232 and EIA/TIA-485:
Power down the unit.
Remove the controller’s metal casing. See Replacing
the Flash Memory Chip on page 154 for step-by-step
Find jumpers JU2, JU3, JU4, and JU5 on the board.
Use tweezers to carefully grasp the jumpers and gently slide them off the pins.
Use tweezers to gently slide jumpers JU2, JU3, JU4
and JU5 onto the correct pins (see Figure 6.5).
If you are configuring the controller as the last device on an EIA/TIA-485 network, move JU1 to the B position.
Reassemble the controller.
Installing Scaling Resistors
Resistors are installed for all inputs on the CPC400. Inputs with signal ranges between -10 and +60 mV use 0
resistors in the RC position only. All other input signals require special input scaling resistors.
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 157
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Input Circuit
Scaling resistors are soldered to the circuit board. Only qualified technicians should attempt to install or remove these components. Improper techniques, tools or materials can result in damage to the controller that is not covered by the warranty.
The CPC400 can accept differential thermocouple, mVdc,
Vdc, mAdc and RTD inputs. Unless ordered with special inputs these controller accept only signals within the standard range -10 to +60 mV Î (dc).
To accommodate other signals, the input circuit must be modified. When configured for thermocouple inputs, 0
resistors are installed in all RC locations. To accommodate voltage signals outside the standard range, milliamp current signals or RTDs, resistors are added or replaced to scale the signals to the standard range. These resistor can be installed by Watlow Anafaze or by a qualified electronics technician using scaling resistors supplied by Watlow
Figure 6.6 shows the input circuit for one differential ana-
log input. See Current Inputs on page 159 through RTD In-
puts on page 161 for specific instructions and resistor
values for voltage, current and RTD inputs.
When adding your own scaling resistors to the controller, for voltage and RTD inputs you will have to carefully remove one of the RC resistors in order to install the resistor listed in the table.
RC (Voltage)
+5 V Î (dc)
To CPC400
Figure 6.6
Input Circuit
Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Current Inputs
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
For each current input, you must install a resistor. The value of the resistor must be correct for the expected input range. Install the resistor in the listed resistor pack (RP) location. Note the resistor pack locations have three throughholes. Install the resistor as shown in the illustration below.
Table 6.3
Resistor Values for Current Inputs
Input Range
0 to 10 mA
0 to 20 mA
Resistor tolerance:
Resistor Value RD
Table 6.4
Resistor Locations for Current
Location RD
Location RD
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 159
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
Voltage Inputs
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
For each voltage input, you must install two resistors. The resistances must be correct for the expected input range.
Note the resistor pack (RP) locations have three throughholes. Install the RD resistor as indicated in the illustration below.
Table 6.5
Resistor Values for Voltage Inputs
Resistor Values
Input Range
0 to 100mV Î (dc)
0 to 500mV Î (dc)
0 to 1V Î (dc)
0 to 5V Î (dc)
0 to 10V Î (dc)
0 to 12V Î (dc)
Resistor tolerance:
5.49 k
6.91 k
39.2 k
49.9 k
84.5 k
Table 6.6
Resistor Locations for Voltage
Resistor Locations
160 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
RTD Inputs
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
For each RTD input, you must install three resistors: RA,
RB, and RC. The resistance must be correct for the expected input range. RA and RB are a matched pair of resistors.
Install them in the resistor pack (RP) locations as shown in the illustration below.
Resistor values:
• RA/RB: 25 k
• RC: 18.2
Resistor tolerances:
• RA/RB: Matched to 0.02% (
5 ppm/˚C) with absolute tolerance of 0.1% (
25 ppm/˚C)
• RC: Accurate to 0.05% (
Table 6.7
Resistor Locations for RTD Inputs
Resistor Locations
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 161
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Scaling and Calibration
The controller provides offset calibration for thermocouple,
RTD, and other fixed ranges, and offset and span (gain) calibration for process and pulse inputs. In order to scale the input signal, you must:
Install appropriate scaling resistors. (Contact the Customer Service Department at Watlow Anafaze for more information about installing scaling resistors.)
Enter the input range at the Disp format parameter in the Input menu. The smallest possible range is -0.9999
to 3.0000; the largest possible range is -9999 to 30000.
Enter the appropriate scaling values for your process.
See Setting Up a Process or Pulse Input on page 58.
Configuring Serial DAC Outputs
On the Serial DAC, the voltage and current output is jump-
er-selectable. Refer to Figure 6.7. Configure the jumpers as
indicated on the Serial DAC label.
+5V IN
E {
+ O
- OU
Figure 6.7
Serial DAC Voltage and Current
Jumper Positions
162 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring
Configuring Dual DAC Outputs
Dual DAC modules ship with both of the outputs configured for the signal type and span that were ordered. The module contains two independent circuits (DAC 1 and
DAC 2). These circuits can be configured for different output types. Remove the board from the housing and set the jumpers. The odd-numbered jumpers determine the signal from DAC 1; the even-numbered jumpers determine the output from DAC 2.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Figure 6.8
Dual DAC
Table 6.8
Dual DAC Jumper Settings
Jumper Settings
1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8 9/10 11/12 13/14
0 to 5V Î (dc) B
0 to 10V Î (dc) B
4 to 20 mA O A B A A O A
A = Load jumper in the “A” position, or load jumper if header has only two pins.
B = Load jumper in the “B” position.
O = Open. Do not load jumper.
Watlow Anafaze 163
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting and Reconfiguring CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Power down the system (if the Dual DAC is already installed and wired).
Ensure the DAC 1 and DAC 2 terminal blocks or associated wires are labeled such that you will know which terminal block connects to which side of the board if the module is already installed and wired.
Unplug the two terminal blocks.
Depending on the installation, you may need to unmount the Dual DAC module before proceeding. Remove the four screws from the end plate on the opposite side of the module from the terminal blocks.
If necessary, remove the two mounting screws holding the loosened end plate in place.
Slide the board out of the housing.
Set the jumpers for the two outputs as desired. See
Replace the board such that the connectors extend through the opposite end plate. The board fits in the third slot from the bottom.
Reconnect the two terminal blocks to the DAC 1 and
DAC 2 connectors.
10. Replace the end plate, end plate screws and, if necessary, mounting screws.
11. Check the wire connections to the DAC 1 and DAC 2 terminal blocks.
12. If necessary, change the wiring connections to the cor-
rect configuration for the new output type. See Wiring
13. Restore system power.
164 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
This chapter contains specifications for the CPC400 series controllers, TB50 terminal board, Dual DAC module, Serial
DAC module and the CPC400 power supply.
CPC400 System Specifications
This section contains CPC400 series controller specifications for environmental specifications and physical dimensions, inputs, outputs, the serial interface and system power requirements.
The controller consists of a processor module with a 50-terminal block (TB50) or a processor module with an 18-terminal block (TB18).
Table 7.1
Agency Approvals / Compliance
CE Directive
UL and C-UL
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Directive 89/336/EEC
UL 916, Standard for Energy Management Equipment File E177240
CPC400 Physical Specifications
Table 7.2
Environmental Specifications
Storage Temperature
Operating Temperature
-20 to 60°C
0 to 50°C
10 to 95% non-condensing
The controller is for indoor use only
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 165
Chapter 7: Specifications
3.78 in.
(96 mm)
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 7.3
Physical Dimensions
1.98 lbs
8.0 inches
Width 3.78 inches
Height 1.96 inches
* Without SCSI connector or with TB18 option.
0.9 kg
203 mm
96 mm
50 mm
1.96 in.
(50 mm)
1.76 in.
(45 mm)
8.0 in.
(203 mm)
6.12 in.
(155 mm)
3.55 in.
(90 mm)
Figure 7.1
CPC400 Module Dimensions
Table 7.4
CPC400 with Straight SCSI
9.6 inches
3.78 inches
1.96 inches
244 mm
96 mm
50 mm
166 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
1.96 in.
(50 mm)
1.0 in.
(25 mm)
7.0 in.
(178 mm)
0.5 in. (13 mm)
Chapter 7: Specifications
1.6 in.
(41 mm)
1.96 in.
(50 mm)
Figure 7.2
CPC400 Clearances with Straight
SCSI Cable
Table 7.5
CPC400 with Right Angle SCSI
8.6 inches
3.78 inches
1.96 inches
218 mm
96 mm
50 mm
1.0 in.
(25 mm)
7.0 in.
(178 mm)
0.5 in. (13 mm)
0.60 in.
(15 mm)
Figure 7.3
CPC400 Clearances with Right-Angle SCSI Cable
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Chapter 7: Specifications CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Power Terminals (TB2)
Power Wire Gauge (TB2)
Power Terminal Torque (TB2)
Sensor Terminals (TB1)
Sensor Wire Gauge (TB1)
Sensor Terminal Torque (TB1)
Output Terminals (TB18)
Output Wire Gauge (TB18)
Output Terminal Torque (TB18)
SCSI Connector
Table 7.6
CPC400 Connections
Captive screw cage clamp
22 to 18 AWG (0.5 to 0.75 mm
4.4 to 5.3 in.-lb. (0.5 to 0.6 Nm)
Captive screw cage clamp
Thermocouple: 20 AWG (0.5 mm
Process: 22 to 20 AWG (0.5 mm
Communications: 24 AWG (0.2 mm
4.4 to 5.3 in.-lb. (0.5 to 0.6 Nm)
Captive screw cage clamp
Multiconductor cables: 24 AWG (0.2 mm
Single-wire: 22 to 18 AWG (0.5 to 0.75 mm
4.4 to 5.3 in.-lb. (0.5 to 0.6 Nm)
SCSI-2 female
TB50 Physical Specifications
Table 7.7
TB50 Physical Dimensions
0.32 lb.
4.1 inches
4.0 inches
1.5 inches
0.15 kg
104 mm
102 mm
37 mm
168 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 7: Specifications
4.1 in.
(104 mm)
4.0 in.
(102 mm)
Figure 7.4
TB50 Dimensions
1.5 in.
(37 mm)
Table 7.8
TB50 Connections
Screw Terminal Torque 4.4 to 5.3 in.-lb. (0.5 to 0.6 Nm)
SCSI Connector on
Output Terminals
SCSI-2 female
Captive screw cage clamp
Output Wire Gauge
Multiconductor cables: 24 AWG
(0.2 mm
Single-wire: 22 to 18 AWG
(0.5 to 0.75 mm
Output Terminal Torque 4.4 to 5.3 in.-lb. (0.5 to 0.6 Nm)
Table 7.9
TB50 with Straight SCSI
6.4 inches
4.0 inches
1.5 inches
163 mm
102 mm
37 mm
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 169
Chapter 7: Specifications CPC400 Series User’s Guide
6.4 in.
(163 mm)
4.0 in.
(102 mm)
1.5 in.
(37 mm)
Figure 7.5
TB50 Dimensions with Straight
SCSI Cable
Table 7.10
TB50 with Right Angle SCSI
5.4 inches
4.0 inches
1.5 inches
137 mm
102 mm
37 mm
Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 7: Specifications
5.4 in.
(137 mm)
4.0 in.
(102 mm) 1.5 in.
(37 mm)
Figure 7.6
TB50 Dimensions with Right-Angle
SCSI Cable
The controller accepts analog sensor inputs which are measured and may be used as feedback for control loops. It also accepts digital (TTL) inputs which may be used to trigger certain firmware features.
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Chapter 7: Specifications CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 7.11
Analog Inputs
Number of Control Loops
Number of Analog Inputs
Common Mode
Rejection (CMR)
A/D Converter
Input Range
CPC404: 5
CPC408: 9
CPC404: 4 with full range of input types, plus one pulse
CPC408: 8 with full range of input types, plus one pulse
Input Sampling Rate
CPC404: 6 Hz (167 ms) at 60 Hz; 5 Hz (200 ms) at 50 Hz
CPC408: 3 Hz (333 ms) at 60 Hz; 2.5 Hz (400 ms) at 50 Hz
Transient Voltage Isolation
Between inputs: 280 V Å (ac)
Input-to-digital circuitry: 530 V Å (ac)
Maximum Common Mode Voltage 5 V from input to analog common
>60 dB dc to 1 kHz, and 120 dB at selected line frequency
Open Thermocouple Detection
Milliampere Inputs
Special Input Voltage Ranges
Source Impedance
Integrates voltage to frequency
0.006%, greater than 14 bits (internal)
-10 to +60 mV, or 0 to 12 V with scaling resistors
0.03% of full scale (60 mV) at 25°C
0.08% of full scale (60 mV) at 0 to 50°C
Automatic zero and full scale
Pulse type for upscale break detection
0 to 20 mA (3
resistance) or 0 to 10 mA (6
resistance), with scaling resistors
0 to 12V, 0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, 0 to 1V, 0 to 500 mV, 0 to 100 mV with scaling resistors
For 60 mV thermocouple, measurements are within specification with up to 500
For other types of analog signals, the maximum source impedance is 5000
Frequency Range
Input Voltage Protection
Voltage Levels
Maximum Switch Resistance to
Pull Input Low
Minimum Switch Off Resistance
Table 7.12
Pulse Inputs
0 to 2000 Hz
Diodes to supply and common
<0.7V = Low
>1.9V = High (TTL)
1.5 k
30 k
172 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Programming Languages
Number of Instructions
Program Execution
Read/Write Access
Logic Programming Software
Programming Environment
Chapter 7: Specifications
Table 7.13
Programmable Logic
Ladder diagram, sequential function chart, function block diagram (IEC 1131-3)
7 logic instructions, 42 function block instructions
64K flash, nonvolatile
Logic program runs concurrently with closed-loop control
Controller I/O and closed-loop control parameters
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000
Table 7.14
Thermocouple Range and
Accuracy* at
25°C Ambient
Accuracy* at
0 to 50°C Ambient
Range in ˚F Range in ˚C
˚F ˚C ˚F ˚C
-350 to 1400 -212 to 760
-450 to 2500 -268 to 1371
-450 to 750
0 to 3200
-268 to 399
-18 to 1760
0 to 3210
150 to 3200
-328 to 1448
-18 to 1766
66 to 1760
-200 to 787 ±1.8
* True for 10 percent to 100 percent of span except type B, which is specified for 800°F to 3200°F.
Table 7.15
RTD Range and Resolution
Range in ˚F
Range in ˚C
Resolution in ˚C
Temperature in
Accuracy at
25˚C Ambient
Accuracy at
0 to 50˚C Ambient
-328.0 to
-200.0 to
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 173
Chapter 7: Specifications CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 7.16
Input Resistance for Voltage Inputs
0 to 12V
0 to 10V
0 to 5V
0 to 1V
0 to 500 mV
0 to 100 mV
Input Resistance
85 k
50 k
40 k
7.4 k
6.2 k
1.2 k
Input Voltage Protection
Voltage Levels
Response Time
Table 7.17
Digital Inputs
Maximum Switch Resistance to Pull Input Low
Minimum Switch Off Resistance
8 selectable for output override, remote job selection or programmable logic
Diodes to supply and common. Source must limit current to 10 mA for overvoltage conditions
<1.3V = Low
>3.7V = High (TTL)
5V maximum, 0 V minimum
1 k
11 k
50 ms (AC line frequency set to 60 Hz)
60 ms (AC line frequency set to 50 Hz)
The controller directly accommodates switched dc and open-collector outputs only. These outputs can be used to control a wide variety of loads. They are typically used to control solid-state relays or other power switching devices which, in turn, devices such as heaters. They may also be used to signal another device of an alarm condition in the controller.
Analog outputs may be accomplished by using Dual DAC or
Serial DAC modules in conjunction with one of the control outputs.
An open-collector CPU watchdog output is also provided so that an external device can monitor the CPU state.
Analog Outputs
No direct analog outputs are provided.
174 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 7: Specifications
The digital outputs may be used in conjunction with Dual
DAC or Serial DAC modules to provide analog signals. See
Dual DAC Specifications on page 178 and Serial DAC Spec- ifications on page 180.
Digital Outputs
Number of Control Outputs per
PID Loop
Control Output Types
Time Proportioning Cycle Time
Control Action
Off State Leakage Current
Maximum Current
Maximum Voltage Switched
Table 7.18
Digital Outputs Control / Alarm
Open collector output; ON state sinks to logic common
34 Outputs selectable as closed-loop control, alarms or programmable logic. 1 global alarm output
2 (maximum)
Time proportioning, distributed zero crossing, Serial DAC or on/off. All independently selectable for each output. Heat and cool control outputs can be individually disabled for use as alarm outputs
1 to 255 seconds, programmable for each output
Reverse (heat) or direct (cool), independently selectable for each output
<0.01 mA to dc common
60 mA for each output. 5V power supply (from the processor module) can supply up to 350 mA total to all outputs
24V Î (dc)
Maximum Current
Maximum Voltage Switched
Maximum Current
Table 7.19
CPU Watchdog Output
Open collector output; ON state sinks to logic common
Monitors the processor module microprocessor
10 mA (5V power supply in the processor module can supply up to 350 mA total to all outputs)
5V Î (dc)
Table 7.20
(dc) Output (Power to Operate
Solid-State Relays)
5V Î (dc)
350 mA
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 175
Chapter 7: Specifications
Baud Rate
Error Check
Number of Controllers
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 7.21
CPC400 Serial Interface
EIA/TIA-232 3-wire or EIA/TIA-485 4-wire
530V Å (ac)
2400, 9600 or 19200, user selectable
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
1 with EIA/TIA-232 communications
Up to 32 with EIA/TIA-485 communications
Modbus RTU
Table 7.22
CPC400 Power
Maximum Current
Power Common to Frame Ground
Maximum Potential
12 to 24V Î (dc) +/-15%
1 A
CPC400 Power Supply
These specifications are for the power supply typically shipped. If that power supply is not available, a similar power supply may be substituted. If the dimensions or other specifications deviate significantly, the shipment will include updated specifications.
Table 7.23
Power Supply Environmental
Storage Temperature
Operating Temperature
-20 to 60°C
0 to 50°C
10 to 95% non-condensing
Table 7.24
Power Supply Agency Approvals /
CE Directive LVD 93/68 EEC
176 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 7: Specifications
Table 7.25
Power Supply Physical Specifications
1.2 lb.
6.9 inches
3.9 inches
1.4 inches
0.6 kg
175 mm
99 mm
36 mm
Table 7.26
Power Supply with Mounting
8.1 inches
3.9 inches
1.4 inches
206 mm
99 mm
36 mm
0.7 inch
(18 mm)
7.5 inches
(191 mm)
8.1 inches with mounting bracket
(206 mm)
3.9 inches
(99 mm)
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
1.4 in
(36 mm)
0.3 inch
(8 mm)
6.9 inches
(175 mm)
0.19 (3/16) inch diameter
(5 mm)
Figure 7.7
Power Supply Dimensions (Bottom
Watlow Anafaze 177
Chapter 7: Specifications CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 7.27
Power Supply Inputs and Outputs
Input Voltage
120/240V Å (ac) at 0.75 A, 50/60
Output Voltage (V1) 5V Î (dc) at 4 A
Output Voltage (V2) 15V Î (dc) at 1.2 A
Dual DAC Specifications
The Watlow Anafaze Dual DAC (digital-to-analog converter) is an optional module for the CPC400 series controller.
The Dual DAC converts a distributed zero crossing (DZC) output signal to an analog process control signal. Watlow
Anafaze provides the following version of the Dual DAC:
• 4 to 20 mA Î (dc)
• 0 to 5V
• 0 to 10V Î (dc)
• Dual DAC Environmental Specifications
Storage Temperature
Operating Temperature
-20 to 60°C
0 to 50°C
10 to 95% non-condensing
Table 7.28
Dual DAC Physical Specifications
0.42 lb.
4.4 inches
3.6 inches
1.8 inches
0.19 kg
112 mm
91 mm
44 mm
178 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 7: Specifications
Dual DAC Inputs
0.162 in. diameter
(4 mm)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1.8 in.
44 mm
1 2 3 4 5 6
3.6 in.
91 mm
3.0 in.
76 mm
3.7 in.
94 mm
4.4 in.
112 mm
0.3 in. 0.4 in.
8 mm 10 mm
Figure 7.8
Dual DAC Dimensions
The Dual DAC accepts an open-collector signal from the
CPC400 controller and the power from an external power
Table 7.29
Dual DAC Power Requirements
Parameter Description
12 to 24V
100 mA @ 15V
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 179
Chapter 7: Specifications CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Dual DAC Analog Outputs
Gain Accuracy
Output Offset
± 0.75
Table 7.30
Dual DAC Specifications by Output
4 to 20 mA
± 6
0 to 5V
± 6
± 0.75
0 to 10V
± 6
± 0.75
Response Time
Maximum Current Output
Load Resistance (12V)
Load Resistance (24V)
250 maximum 500 minimum 1000 minimum
850 maximum n/a n/a
Units percent percent of full scale range percent of full scale range seconds mA Î (dc)
Serial DAC Specifications
Watlow Anafaze offers a Serial DAC for precision open-loop analog outputs. The Serial DAC is jumper-selectable for a
0 to 10V
(dc) or 4 to 20 mA output. Multiple Serial DAC modules can be used with one CPC400. The Serial DAC carries a CE mark.
Table 7.31
Serial DAC Environmental Specifications
Storage Temperature
Operating Temperature
-20 to 60°C
0 to 70°C
10 to 95% non-condensing
Table 7.32
Serial DAC Physical Specifications
0.76 lb.
5.4 inches
3.6 inches
1.8 inches
0.34 kg
137 mm
91 mm
44 mm
180 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Chapter 7: Specifications
0.162 in. diameter
4 mm
1.8 in.
44 mm
+5V IN
3 4
5 6
+ O
- OU
3.0 in.
76 mm
4.7 in.
119 mm
5.4 in.
137 mm
3.6 in.
91 mm
0.3 in.
8 mm
0.4 in.
10 mm
Figure 7.9
Serial DAC Dimensions
Table 7.33
Serial DAC Agency Approvals /
CE Directive
UL and C-UL
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directive 89/336/EEC
UL 916 Standard for Energy Management Equipment File E177240
Serial DAC Inputs
The Serial DAC requires a proprietary serial data signal and the clock signal from the CPC400 via the TB50. Any control output can be configured to provide the data signal.
The Serial DAC also requires a 5 V
(dc) power input.
Table 7.34
Serial DAC Inputs
4 mA maximum to DC COM
Open collector or HC CMOS logic levels
0.5 mA maximum to DC COM
Open collector or HC CMOS logic levels
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Chapter 7: Specifications CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Table 7.35
Serial DAC Power Requirements
4.75 to 5.25 V Î (dc) @ 300 mA maximum
210 mA typical @ 20 V Î (dc) out
Serial DAC Analog Outputs
Absolute Maximum Common
Mode Voltage
Accuracy (Calibrated for Voltage
Temperature coefficient
Isolation Breakdown Voltage
Output Response Time
Update Rate
Table 7.36
Serial DAC Analog Output
Measured between output terminals and controller common:
15 bits (plus polarity bit for voltage outputs)
(0.305 mV for 10V output range)
(0.00061 mA for 20 mA output range)
For voltage output: ± 0.005V (0.05% at full scale)
For current output: ± 0.1 mA (0.5% at full scale)
440 ppm/ °C typical
1000V between input power and signals
0 to 20 mA (500
load max.)
0 to 10V Î (dc) with 10 mA source capability
1 ms typical
Once per controller A/D cycle nominal. Twice per second maximum for 60 Hz clock rate.
Output changes are step changes due to the fast time constant. All Serial DAC loop outputs are updated at the same time.
182 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Appendix A: Modbus Protocol
The serial communications port on the CPC400 supports the Modbus RTU protocol. This protocol defines the message structure for all communication packets. The protocol is the same for both EIA/TIA-232 and EIA/TIA-485 serial interfaces. Modbus ASCII is not supported. Up to 32
CPC400 controllers may be connected on a network.
Watlow Anafaze offers a Modbus driver for use with Windows-based software applications that communicate with the CPC400. Using that driver makes it unnecessary for the programmer to understand and implement the Modbus protocol.
Master-Slave Model
Controllers communicate using a master-slave model, in which only one device (the master) can initiate transactions (called “queries”). The other devices (slaves) respond by supplying the requested data to the master, or by taking the action requested in the query. Typical master devices include host PCs and operator panels. The CPC400 is a slave device.
The master can address individual slaves, or initiate a broadcast message to all slaves. Slaves return a message
(called a “response”) to queries that are addressed to them individually. Responses are not returned to broadcast queries from the master.
The Modbus protocol establishes the format for the master’s query by placing into it the device (or broadcast) address, a function code defining the requested action, any data to be sent, and an error-checking field. The slave’s response message is also constructed using Modbus protocol.
It contains fields confirming the action taken, any data to be returned, and an error-checking field. If an error oc-
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Appendix A: Modbus Protocol
CPC400 Series User’s Guide curred in receipt of the message, or if the slave is unable to perform the requested action, the slave will construct an error message and send it as its response.
Query Message from Master
Device Address
Function Code
Data Bytes
Error Check
Device Address
Function Code
Data Bytes
Error Check
Response Message from Slave
Figure A.1
Query - Response Cycle
The function code in the query tells the addressed slave device what kind of action to perform. The data bytes contain any additional information that the slave will need to perform the function. For example, function code 03 will query the slave to read holding registers and respond with their contents. The data field must contain the information telling the slave which register to start at and how many registers to read. The error check field provides a method for the slave to validate the integrity of the message contents.
If the slave makes a normal response, the function code in the response is an echo of the function code in the query.
The data bytes contain the data collected by the slave, such as register values or status. If an error occurs, the function code is modified to indicate that the response is an error response, and the data bytes contain a code that describes the error. The error check field allows the master to confirm that the message contents are valid.
184 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Appendix A: Modbus Protocol
Modbus ASCII and RTU Modes
The Modbus protocol supports two distinct serial transmission modes: ASCII and RTU. The mode determines how messages are framed and coded. Typically, ASCII is used for simple communication tasks or diagnostics while RTU is used where a more robust and efficient protocol is required. The CPC400 supports Modbus RTU mode only.
In ASCII mode, each character in a message string is composed of a hexadecimal character which is correlated to an
ASCII character. For example, an ASCII message string contains the value of a process variable, 5500 (550.0 degrees). 5500 in an ASCII string is composed of 4 bytes, 35
35 30 30. 35 and 30 in hexadecimal equate to the characters
“5” and “0” in the ASCII table respectively.
In RTU mode, the actual value is embedded in a message string. There is no translation to ASCII characters. This results in more compact message strings and efficient serial communications. The value 5500 in an RTU string is composed of its hexadecimal equivalent which is only 2 bytes,
15 7C.
Many host devices can communicate in either ASCII or
RTU mode. However, it should be noted that some PLCs can only be an ASCII host.
Message Framing
Messages start with a silent interval of at least 3.5 character times. This is most easily implemented as a multiple of character times at the baud rate that is being used on the
network (shown as T1-T2-T3-T4 in Figure A.2). The first
field then transmitted is the device address.
Networked controllers monitor the network bus continuously, including during the silent intervals. When the first field (the address field) is received, each device decodes it to find out if it is the addressed device.
Following the last transmitted character, a similar interval of at least 3.5 character times marks the end of the message. A new message can begin after this interval.
Similarly, if a new message begins earlier than 3.5 character times following a previous message, the receiving device will consider it a continuation of the previous message.
This will set an error, as the value in the final CRC field will not be valid for the combined messages. An example
message frame is shown in Figure A.2.
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Appendix A: Modbus Protocol CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Start Address
T1-T2-T3-T4 8 Bits
Function Data CRC Check End
8 Bits n X 8 Bits 16 Bits T1-T2-T3-T4
Figure A.2
Example Message Frame
Address Field
The address field of a message frame contains eight bits.
Valid slave device addresses are in the range of 0 to 247 decimal. The individual slave devices are assigned addresses in the range of 1 to 247. Address 0 is reserved for broadcast messages. The CPC400 controller currently supports only 32 devices. A master addresses a slave by placing the slave address in the address field of the message. When the slave sends its response, it places its own address in this address field of the response to let the master know which slave is responding.
Function Field
The function code field of a message frame contains eight bits. Valid codes are in the range of 1 to 255 decimal. Not all of these codes are applicable to CPC400 controllers.
Current codes are described in Function Codes on page 190.
When a message is sent from a master to a slave device, the function code field tells the slave what kind of action to perform. For example, the function code might tell the slave to read the on/off states of a block of digital inputs or outputs, to read the data contents of a block of registers, or to read the diagnostic status of a controller.
When the slave responds to the master, it uses the function code field to indicate either a normal (error-free) response or that some kind of error occurred (called an exception response). For a normal response, the slave simply echoes the original function code. For an exception response, the slave returns a code that is equivalent to the original function code with its most significant bit set to a logic 1.
For example, a message from the master to slave to read a block of holding registers would have thisg function code:
0000 0011 Hexadecimal 03
If the slave device takes the requested action without error, it returns the same code in its response. If an exception occurs, it returns:
1000 0011 Hexadecimal 83
186 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Data Field
Error Checking Field
Appendix A: Modbus Protocol
In addition to its modification of the function code for an exception response, the slave places a unique code into the data field of the response message. This tells the master what kind of error occurred, or the reason for the exception.
The master device’s application program has the responsibility of handling exception responses. Typical processes are to post subsequent retries of the message, to try diagnostic messages to the slave, and to notify operators.
The contents of the data field varies depending on whether messages originate from a master or slave. Data fields in slave messages consist of hexadecimal values.
Data fields of master messages contain additional information which the slave must use to take the action defined by the function code. This can include items like digital and register addresses, the quantity of items to be handled, and the count of actual data bytes in the field.
For example, if the master requests a slave to read a group of holding registers (function code 03), the data field specifies the starting register and how many registers are to be read.
If no error occurs, the data field of a response from a slave to a master contained the data requested. If an error occurs, the field contains an exception code that the master application can use to determine the next action to be taken.
The data field can be nonexistent (of zero length) in certain kinds of messages, where the function code alone specifies the action.
The error-checking field contains a 16-bit value implemented as two 8-bit bytes. The error check value is the result of a cyclical redundancy check (CRC) calculation performed on the message contents.
The CRC field is appended to the message as the last field in the message. When this is done, the low-order byte of the field is appended first, followed by the high-order byte. The
CRC high-order byte is the last byte to be sent in the message.
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Appendix A: Modbus Protocol CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Field Format
When messages are transmitted on standard Modbus serial networks, each character or byte is sent in this order (left to right):
Least Significant Bit…Most Significant Bit
The bit sequence is as follows:
• With parity checking:
Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Parity Stop
• Without parity checking
Start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Stop Stop
Error Checking Methods
Modbus RTU use two kinds of error checking:
• Parity checking
• Frame checking (CRC)
Parity checking can be optionally applied to each character, while the frame checking is applied to the entire message.
Both the character check and message frame check are generated in the master device and applied to the message contents before transmission. The slave device checks each character and the entire message frame during receipt.
The master is configured by the user to wait for a predetermined time-out interval before aborting the transaction.
This interval is set to be long enough for any slave to respond normally. If the slave detects a transmission error, the message will not be acted upon. The slave will not construct a response to the master. Thus the time-out will expire and allow the master’s program to handle the error.
Note that a message addressed to a nonexistent slave device will also cause a time-out.
Parity Checking
You can configure controllers for even, odd or no parity checking. This will determine how the parity will be set in each character.
If you choose either even or odd parity, the quantity of bits that are set to 1 will be counted in the data portion of each character (8 bits). The parity bit will then be set to a 0 or 1 to result in an even or odd total of bits set to 1.
188 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
CRC Checking
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Appendix A: Modbus Protocol
For example, suppose these eight data bits are contained in an RTU character frame:
1100 0101
Four bits are set to 1. If even parity is used, the frame’s parity bit will be a 0, resulting in an even quantity of bits (four) set to 1. If odd parity is used, the parity bit will be set to 1, resulting in an odd quantity of bits (five) set to 1.
When the message is transmitted, the parity bit is calculated and applied to the frame of each character. The receiving device counts the quantity of bits set to 1 and sets an error if they are not the same as configured for that device.
(All devices on the Modbus network must be configured to use the same parity check method.)
Note that parity checking can detect an error only if an odd number of bits are picked up or dropped in a character frame during transmission. For example, if odd parity checking is used, and two 1 bits are dropped from a character containing three 1 bits, the result is still an odd count.
If no parity checking is used, then the parity bit is not transmitted and no parity check is made. An additional stop bit is transmitted to fill out the character frame.
All messages include an error-checking field that is based on a cyclical redundancy check (CRC) method. The CRC field checks the contents of the entire message. It is applied regardless of any parity check method used for the individual characters of the message.
The CRC field is two bytes, containing a 16-bit binary value. The CRC value is calculated by the transmitting device, which appends the CRC to the message. The receiving device recalculates a CRC during receipt of the message and compares the calculated value to the actual value it received in the CRC field. If the two values are not equal, an error results.
The CRC is started by first preloading a 16-bit register to all 1s. Then a process begins of applying successive 8-bit bytes of the message to the current contents of the register.
Only the eight bits of data in each character are used for generating the CRC. Start and stop bits, and the parity bit if one is used, do not apply to the CRC.
During generation of the CRC, each 8-bit character is exclusive ORed with the register contents. Then the result is shifted in the direction of the least significant bit (LSB), with a 0 filled into the most significant bit (MSB) position.
The LSB is extracted and examined. If the LSB was a 1, the register is then exclusive ORed with the preset, fixed value
A001. If the LSB was a 0, no exclusive OR takes place.
This process is repeated until eight shifts have been performed. After the last shift, the next 8-bit byte is exclusive
Watlow Anafaze 189
Appendix A: Modbus Protocol CPC400 Series User’s Guide
ORed with the register’s current value, and the process repeats for eight more shifts as described above. The final contents of the register, after all the bytes of the message have been applied, is the CRC value.
Function Codes
The listing below shows the function codes supported by the CPC400 controllers. Codes are listed in decimal.
Table A.1
Function Codes
Read Coil Status
Read Input Status
Read Holding Registers
Read Input Registers
Force Single Coil
Preset Single Register
Force Multiple Coils
Preset Multiple Registers
Read Coil Status 01
Reads the on/off status of discrete outputs (0X references, coils) in the slave. Broadcast is not supported.
Read Input Status 02
Read Holding Registers 03
Reads the binary contents of holding registers (4X references) in the slave. Broadcast is not supported.
Read Input Registers 04
Reads the on/off status of discrete inputs (1X references) in the slave. Broadcast is not supported.
Reads the binary contents of input registers (3X references) in the slave. Broadcast is not supported.
190 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Appendix A: Modbus Protocol
Force Single Coil 05
Forces a single coil (0X reference) to either on or off. When broadcast, the function forces the same coil reference in all attached slaves.
Preset Single Register 06
Presets a value into a single holding register (4X reference). When broadcast, the function presets the same register reference in all attached slaves.
Diagnostics 08
Provides a series of tests for checking the communication system between the master and slave, or for checking various internal error conditions within the slave. Broadcast is not supported.
The function uses a two-byte subfunction code in the query to define the type of test to be performed. The slave echoes both the function code and subfunction code in a normal response.
Most of the diagnostic queries use a two-byte data field to send diagnostic data or control information to the slave.
Some of the diagnostics cause data to be returned from the slave in a data field of a normal response.
Table A.2 on page 191 describes the diagnostics (08) sub-
Table A.2
Diagnostics Subfunctions
Data Field
Query Response
00 00
00 01
00 02
00 00
FF 00
00 00
Echo Query
Echo Query
Echo Query
Return Query Data (00): Returns (loops back) the data passed in the query data field. The entire response message should be identical to the query.
Restart Communications (01): Initializes and restarts the slave’s peripheral port, and clears all of its communications event counters. If the port is currently in listen-only mode, no response is returned. This function is the only one that brings the port out of listen-only mode. If the port is not currently in listen-only mode, a normal response is returned. This occurs before the restart is executed.
Return Diagnostic Register (02): Returns the contents of the slave’s 16-bit diagnostic register.
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Appendix A: Modbus Protocol CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Data Field
Query Response
00 04
00 0A
00 0B
00 0C
00 0D
00 0E
00 0F
00 00
00 00
00 00
00 00
00 00
00 00
00 00
Echo Query
Total Message Count
CRC Error
Error Count
Slave Message Count
Slave No
Force Listen-Only Mode (04): Forces the addressed slave to listen-only mode for Modbus communications. This isolates it from the other devices on the network, allowing them to continue communicating without interruption from the addressed slave. No response is returned.
When the slave enters listen-only mode, all active communication controls are turned off. The ready watchdog timer is allowed to expire, locking the controls off. While in this mode, any Modbus messages addressed to the slave or broadcast are monitored, but the slave does not take any action or send any responses.
The only function that will be processed after the mode is entered will be the Restart Communications Option function
(function code 08, subfunction 01).
Clear Counters (10): Clears all communication event counters. Counters are also cleared upon powerup.
Return Bus Message Count (11): Returns the quantity of messages that the slave has detected on the communications system since its last restart, clear-counters operation or powerup.
Return Bus Communication Error Count (12): Returns the quantity of CRC errors encountered by the slave since its last restart, clear-counters operation or powerup.
Return Bus Exception Error Count (13): Returns the quantity of Modbus exception responses returned by the slave since its last restart, clear-counters operation or powerup.
Return Slave Message Count (14): Returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave, or broadcast, that the slave has processed since its last restart, clear-counters operation or powerup.
Return Slave No-Response Count (15): Returns the quantity of messages addressed to the slave for which it returned no response (neither a normal response nor an exception response) since its last restart, clear-counters operation or powerup.
Force Multiple Coils 15
Forces each coil (0X reference) in a sequence of coils to either on or off. When broadcast, the function forces the same coil references in all attached slaves.
192 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Appendix A: Modbus Protocol
Preset Multiple Registers 16
Presets values into the sequence of holding registers (4X references). When broadcast, the function presets the same register references in all attached slaves.
Read Examples
the response:
Table A.3
Sample Packet for Host Query
Number of
Start Address
High Low
Read process variable of loop 2 from controller with address 1
Read set points of loops 4 and 5 (500 and 600) from controller with address 3
E4 30
F5 D6
Table A.4
Sample Packet for Slave Response
Data 1 Data 2
High Low High Low
Read process variable of loop 2 from controller with address 1
Read set points of loops 4 and 5 (500 and 600) from controller with address 3
06 40
01 F4 02
BA 14
58 99 67
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Appendix A: Modbus Protocol CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Write Examples
The data written is echoed back to the controller. The following examples show sample query and response packets.
Example 1
Slave Address Function
Slave Address Function
The host query (Table A.5 on page 194) uses the multiple-
point write function to write a value of 20 to the proportional band for loop 1 in a controller with address 1. The slave
responds (Table A.6 on page 194).
Table A.5
Sample Packet for Host Query
Start Address Data
14 89 90
Table A.6
Sample Packet for Slave Response
Start Address Data
14 89 90
Example 2
The host query (Table A.7 on page 194) uses the multiple-
point write function to write the values 30, 40, and 50 to the proportional bands for loops 1 through 3 in a controller
with address 1. The slave responds (Table A.8 on page 194).
Table A.7
Sample Packet for Host Query
No. of
Registers Byte
Hi Lo Hi Lo
Data 1 Data 2 Data 3
Hi Lo Hi Lo Hi Lo
01 10 00 00 00 03 06 00 1E 00 28 00 32 4F 5F
Slave Address Function
01 10
Table A.8
Sample Packet for Slave Response
Start Address Number of Registers
03 80 08
194 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Glossary
See Alternating Current.
AC Line Frequency
The frequency of the ac line power measured in
Hertz (Hz), usually 50 or 60 Hz.
Closeness between the value indicated by a measuring instrument and a physical constant or known standards.
The response of an output when the process variable is changed. See also Direct Action, Reverse
A numerical identifier for a controller when used in computer communications.
A signal that indicates that the process has exceeded or fallen below a certain range around the set point. For example, an alarm may indicate that a process is too hot or too cold. See also
Failed Sensor Alarm, Global Alarm, High Deviation Alarm, High Alarm, Loop Alarm, Low Deviation Alarm, Low Alarm.
Alarm Delay
The lag time before an alarm is activated.
Alternating Current (AC)
An electric current that reverses at regular intervals, and alternates positive and negative values.
Ambient Temperature
The temperature of the air or other medium that surrounds the components of a thermal system.
American Wire Gauge (AWG)
A standard of the dimensional characteristics of wire used to conduct electrical current or signals.
AWG is identical to the Brown and Sharpe (B&S) wire gauge.
An instrument that measures the magnitude of an electric current.
Ampere (Amp, A)
A unit that defines the rate of flow of electricity
(current) in the circuit. Units are one coulomb
(6.25 x 1018 electrons) per second.
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze
Analog Output
A continuously variable signal that is used to represent a value, such as the process value or set point value. Typical hardware configurations are 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA or 0 to 5VÎ (dc).
Automatic Mode
A feature in which the controller sets PID control outputs in response to the process variable and the set point.
Automatic Reset
The integral function of a PI or PID temperature controller that adjusts the process temperature to the set point after the system stabilizes. The inverse of integral.
A feature that automatically sets temperature control PID values to match a particular thermal system.
See American Wire Gauge.
Baud Rate
The rate of information transfer in serial communications, measured in bits per second.
Binary coded decimal. For BCD job loading, the binary states of three digital inputs are decoded as decimal numbers 1 to 8.
Bumpless Transfer
A smooth transition from automatic (closed loop) to manual (open loop) operation. The control output does not change during the transfer.
The comparison of a measuring device (an unknown) against an equal or better standard.
A temperature scale in which water freezes at 0°
C and boils at 100° C at standard atmospheric pressure. The formula for conversion to the Fahrknown as Centigrade.
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The unit of a computing system that includes the circuits controlling the interpretation of instructions and their execution.
Glossary CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Any closed path for electrical current. A configuration of electrically or electromagnetically-connected components or devices.
Closed Loop
A control system that uses a sensor to measure a process variable and makes decisions based on that feedback.
Cold Junction
Connection point between thermocouple metals and the electronic instrument.
Common Mode Rejection Ratio
The ability of an instrument to reject electrical noise, with relation to ground, from a common voltage. Usually expressed in decibels (dB).
The use of digital computer messages to link components. See also Serial Communications,
Baud Rate.
Control Action
The response of the PID control output relative to the difference between the process variable and the set point. See also Direct Action, Reverse
The rate of flow of electricity. The unit of measure is the Ampere (A). 1 Ampere = 1 coulomb per second.
Cycle Time
The time required for a controller to complete one on-off-on cycle. It is usually expressed in seconds.
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
An error checking method in communications that provides a high level of data security.
See Digital-to-Analog Converter.
Data Logging
A method of recording a process variable over a period of time. Used to review process performance.
See Direct Current.
Default Parameters
The programmed instructions that are permanently stored in the microprocessor software.
Derivative Control (D)
The last term in the PID algorithm. Action that anticipates the rate of change of the process and compensates to minimize overshoot and undershoot. Derivative control is an instantaneous change of the control output in the same direction as the proportional error. This is caused by a change in the process variable that decreases over the time of the derivative. The derivative is expressed in seconds.
Deutsche Industrial Norms (DIN)
A set of technical, scientific and dimensional standards developed in Germany. Many DIN standards have worldwide recognition.
Deviation Alarm
See High Deviation Alarm, Low Deviation Alarm.
Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC)
A device that converts a numerical input signal to a signal that is proportional to the input in some way.
See Deutsche Industrial Norms.
Direct Action
An output control action in which an increase in the process variable causes an increase in the output. Usually used with cooling applications.
Direct Current (DC)
An electric current that flows in one direction.
Distributed Zero Crossing (DZC)
A form of digital output control in which the output on/off state is calculated for every ac line cycle. Power is switched at the zero cross, which reduces electrical noise. See also Zero Cross.
See Distributed Zero Crossing.
Earth Ground
A metal rod, usually copper, that provides an electrical path to the earth, to prevent or reduce the risk of electrical shock.
Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) and Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA). See also Serial Communications.
A standard for interface between data terminal equipment and data communications equipment for serial binary data interchange. This is usually for communi-
196 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Glossary cations over a short distance (50 feet [15 m] or less) and to a single device.
A standard for electrical characteristics of generators and receivers for use in balanced digital multipoint systems.
This is usually used to communicate with multiple devices over a common cable or where distances over 50 feet (15 m) are required.
Electrical Noise
See Noise.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Electrical and magnetic noise imposed on a system. There are many possible causes, such as switching ac power inside the sine wave. EMI can interfere with the operation of controllers and other devices.
Electrical-Mechanical Relays
See Relay, Electromechanical.
The ratio of radiation emitted from a surface compared to radiation emitted from a blackbody at the same temperature.
Engineering Units
Selectable units of measure, such as degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, pounds per square inch, newtons per meter, gallons per minute, liters per minute, cubic feet per minute or cubic meters per minute.
The temperature scale that sets the freezing point of water at 32° F and its boiling point at
212° F at standard atmospheric pressure. The formula for conversion to Celsius is °C = 5/9 (°F -
Failed Sensor Alarm
Warns that an input sensor no longer produces a valid signal.
Filters are used to handle various electrical noise problems.
Digital Filter
A filter that slows the response of a system when inputs change unrealistically or too fast. Equivalent to a standard resistor-capacitor (RC) filter
Digital Adaptive Filter
A filter that rejects high frequency input signal noise (noise spikes).
Heat/Cool Filter
A filter that slows the change in the response of the heat or cool output. The output responds to a step change by going to approximately 2/3 its final value within the numbers of scans that are set.
The number of cycles over a specified period of time, usually measured in cycles per second. Also referred to as Hertz (Hz).
The amount of amplification used in an electrical circuit. Gain can also refer to the proportional (P) mode of PID.
Global Alarm
Warns that one or more alarm conditions exist by activating a digital output.
An electrical line with the same electrical potential as the surrounding earth. Electrical systems are usually grounded to protect people and equipment from shocks due to malfunctions. Also referred to as “safety ground.”
Hertz (Hz)
Frequency, measured in cycles per second.
High Deviation Alarm
Warns that the process has risen more than a certain amount above set point. It can be used as either an alarm or control function.
High Power
(As defined by Watlow Anafaze) Any voltage above 24 VÅ (ac) or VÎ (dc) and any current level above 50 mAÅ (ac) or mAÎ (dc).
High Alarm
A signal that is associated with a set maximum value that can be used as either an alarm or boost control function.
Human-machine interface.
Control Hysteresis
The range through which a variation of the input produces no noticeable change in the output. In the hysteresis, specific conditions can be placed on control output actions. Operators select the hysteresis. It is usually above the heating pro-
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 197
Glossary CPC400 Series User’s Guide portional band and below the cooling proportional band.
Process Hysteresis
In heat/cool applications, the +/- difference between heat and cool.
Also known as process deadband.
Analog Input — An input that accepts process variable information.
Digital Input — An input that accepts on and off signals.
Input Scaling
The converting of input signals to the engineering units of the process variable.
Input Type
The signal type that is connected to an input, such as thermocouple, RTD or process.
Integral Control (I)
Control action that automatically eliminates offset, or droop, between set point and actual process temperature.
A set of operating conditions for a process that can be stored and recalled in a controller’s memory. Also called a recipe.
The point where two dissimilar metal conductors join to form a thermocouple.
Keypad Lock
A feature that prevents operation of the keypad by unauthorized people.
The delay between the output of a signal and the response of the instrument to which the signal is sent.
The deviation in response from an expected or theoretical straight line value for instruments and transducers. Also called linearity error.
The electrical demand of a process, expressed in power (Watts), current (Amps) or resistance
(Ohms). The item or substance that is to be heated or cooled.
Low Deviation Alarm
Warns that the process has dropped more than a certain amount below set point. It can be used as either an alarm or control function.
Low Alarm
A signal that is associated with a set minimum value that can be used as either an alarm or boost control function.
Manual Mode
A selectable mode that has no automatic control aspects. The operator sets output levels.
Manual Reset
A parameter that allows the user to eliminate offset or droop between set point and actual process temperature. See also Integral.
Milliampere (mA)
One thousandth of an ampere.
Unwanted electrical signals that usually produce signal interference in sensors and sensor circuits.
See also Electromagnetic Interference.
Noise Suppression
The use of components to reduce electrical interference that is caused by making or breaking electrical contact, or by inductors.
The difference between the set point and the actual value of the process variable. Offset is the error in the process variable that is typical of proportional-only control.
On/Off Control
A method of control that turns the output full on until set point is reached, and then off until the process differs from the set point by more than the hysteresis.
Open Loop
A control system with no sensory feedback.
198 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Glossary
Optical Isolation
Two electronic networks that are connected through an LED (Light Emitting Diode) and a photoelectric receiver. There is no electrical continuity between the two networks.
Control signal action in response to the difference between set point and process variable.
Output Type
The form of control output, such as time proportioning, distributed zero crossing, Serial DAC or analog. Also the description of the electrical hardware that makes up the output.
The amount by which a process variable exceeds the set point before it stabilizes.
Proportional, Integral, Derivative. A control mode with three functions: Proportional action dampens the system response, integral corrects for droops, and derivative prevents overshoot and undershoot.
The electrical quality of having two opposite poles, one positive and one negative. Polarity determines the direction in which a current tends to flow.
Process Input
A voltage or current input that represents a straight line function.
Process Variable (PV)
The parameter that is controlled or measured.
Typical examples are temperature, relative humidity, pressure, flow, fluid level, events, etc.
Proportional (P)
Output effort proportional to the error from set point. For example, if the proportional band is 20˚ and the process is 10˚ below the set point, the heat proportioned effort is 50 percent. The lower the PB value, the higher the gain.
Proportional Band (PB)
A range in which the proportioning function of the control is active. Expressed in units, degrees or percent of span. See also PID.
Proportional Control
A control using only the P (proportional) value of
PID control.
Pulse Input
Digital pulse signals from devices, such as optical encoders.
See Process Variable.
A programmed increase in the temperature of a set point system.
The area between two limits in which a quantity or value is measured. It is usually described in terms of lower and upper limits.
See Job.
A switching device.
Electromechanical Relay
A power switching device that completes or interrupts a circuit by physically moving electrical contacts into contact with each other. Not recommended for PID control.
Solid State Relay (SSR) — A switching device with no moving parts that completes or interrupts a circuit electrically.
See Automatic Reset, Manual Reset.
Opposition to the flow of electric current, measured in Ohms.
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
A sensor that uses the resistance temperature characteristic to measure temperature. There are two basic types of RTDs: the wire RTD, which is usually made of platinum, and the thermistor, which is made of a semiconductor material. The wire RTD is a positive temperature coefficient sensor only, while the thermistor can have either a negative or positive temperature coefficient.
Reverse Action
An output control action in which an increase in the process variable causes a decrease in the output. Heating applications usually use reverse action.
See Resistance Temperature Detector.
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 199
Glossary CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Serial Communications
A method of transmitting information between devices by sending all bits serially over a single communication channel.
Set Point (SP)
The desired value of the process variable. For example, the temperature at which a system is to be maintained.
A metallic foil or braided wire layer surrounding conductors that is designed to prevent electrostatic or electromagnetic interference from external sources.
Any electrical transmittance that conveys information.
Solid State Relay (SSR)
See Relay, Solid State.
The difference between the lower and upper limits of a range expressed in the same units as the range.
The ability of a device to maintain a constant output with the application of a constant input.
A temperature-sensing device made of semiconductor material that exhibits a large change in resistance for a small change in temperature.
Thermistors usually have negative temperature coefficients, although they are also available with positive temperature coefficients.
Thermocouple (T/C)
A temperature sensing device made by joining two dissimilar metals. This junction produces an electrical voltage in proportion to the difference in temperature between the hot junction (sensing junction) and the lead wire connection to the instrument (cold junction).
Thermocouple Extension Wire
A grade of wire used between the measuring junction and the reference junction of a thermocouple. Extension wire and thermocouple wire have similar properties, but extension wire is less costly.
A device that transmits temperature data from either a thermocouple or RTD by way of a twowire loop. The loop has an external power supply.
The transmitter acts as a variable resistor with respect to its input signal. Transmitters are desirable when long lead or extension wires produce unacceptable signal degradation.
The amount by which a process variable falls below the set point before it stabilizes.
Volt (V)
The unit of measure for electrical potential, voltage or electromotive force (EMF). See also Voltage.
Voltage (V)
The difference in electrical potential between two points in a circuit. It is the push or pressure behind current flow through a circuit. One volt
(V) is the difference in potential required to move one coulomb of charge between two points in a circuit, consuming one joule of energy. In other words, one volt (V) is equal to one ampere of current (I) flowing through one ohm of resistance
(R), or V = IR.
Zero Cross
Action that provides output switching only at or near the zero-voltage crossing points of the ac sine wave.
200 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
AC line freq parameter adaptive control
3, 50, 55, 57, 62, 93, 114–115
address field, Modbus agency compliance
power supply
Serial DAC
AH alarm code
AL alarm code
Alarm delay parameter
Alarm Enable parameter
Alarm high func parameter
Alarm high output parameter
Alarm high SP parameter
Alarm hysteresis parameter
Alarm low func parameter
Alarm low output parameter
Alarm low SP parameter
Alarm Status parameter alarms
boost output
alarm high, see process alarms alarm low, see process alarms
deadband, see alarms:hysteresis
failed sensor, see failed sensor alarms
global alarm output
52 process, see process alarms
setting up
solid state relays
status through logic programs
134 status through serial communications
thermocouple, see failed sensor alarms
ambient temperature
Ambient Sensor Reading parameter
H/W failure: Ambient alarm
operating range
Ambient warning
Analog Input
analog inputs, see sensor inputs
analog output
89 see also Dual DAC or Serial DAC
auto message on loop display 50
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze automatic mode
Mode parameter
restoring after failed sensor repair
Battery dead alarm shelf life
baud rate
BCD job load logic parameter
BCD job load parameter
Booleans, soft
boost output
cables communications
tie wrapping
Calculating checksum
Cascade menu
Cascade prim loop parameter
cascade control
application example
setting up
Cascade hi SP parameter
Cascade low SP parameter
case, removing
Channel menu checksum
Cl retrans HighPV parameter
Cl retrans LowPV parameter
Cl SDAC hi signal parameter
Cl SDAC low signal parameter
Clear RAM? message
clock input
ClPwr limit time parameter coil
force multiple coils force single coil
Comm baud rate parameter
Comm parity parameter
communications baud rate
controller address
functions, see Modbus functions
jumper configurations
Index parity
software problems troubleshooting
proportional (P)
proportional with integral (PI)
proportional, integral and derivative (PID) 84, 87
control mode as shown on display
unexpected switch from automatic to manual
control outputs curve
control algorithms, see control algorithms
direct action
distributed zero crossing
limit on/off
solid state relays status on powerup
time proportioning troubleshooting
Control Type parameter
connecting to TB50
dimensions environment
input specifications
troubleshooting, see troubleshooting
Controller address parameter
Cool action parameter
Cool cycle time parameter
Cool derivative parameter
Cool filter parameter
Cool integral parameter
Cool manual reset parameter cool message on loop display
Cool output curve parameter
Cool output parameter
Cool output retrans PV parameter
Cool output type parameter
cool output, see control outputs
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Cool prop band parameter
Cool SDAC signal parameter counters, clearing
CRC checking
current inputs
scaling resistors wiring curve
cycle time
D/O alarm polarity parameter 67, 103
DAC, see Dual DAC or Serial DAC
data changed register data field, Modbus
data logging
decimal placement
setting a value
settings from other controllers 86
term versus rate settings
deviation alarms, see process alarms
diagnostics functions
diagnostics register, reading contents of
differential control, see ratio control
digital inputs mode override
remote job selection
restoring automatic control after sensor failure specifications
technical information
troubleshooting wiring
Digital inputs parameter digital outputs
polarity for alarms
dimensions controller
Dual DAC
power supply
power supply bracket
Serial DAC
direct action, see control outputs
Disp format parameter
control modes does not work job display
loop information
202 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide navigation
process variable not correct scanning loop
toggling between loop and job displays distributed zero crossing
Dual DAC configuring outputs dimensions
input specifications jumper settings
weight wiring
DZC, see distributed zero crossing
jumper configurations jumpers in connectors
jumper configurations
network connections
signal common
Dual DAC
power supply
Serial DAC
error checking
ESD, see electrostatic discharge
external bridge circuit external safety devices
failed sensor alarms behavior of
output power if sensor alarm occurs
restoring automatic control after sensor repair
setting up
thermocouple open
thermocouple reversed
thermocouple short field format, Modbus filter
sensor input firmware
standard or custom
Firmware Identification parameter flash memory, replacing
frequency front panel
136 Full Scale Calibration parameter
function field, Modbus
functions, see Modbus functions
communications isolation
and thermocouples troubleshooting
grounding, troubleshooting 149
H/W failure: Gain
H/W failure: Offset
HD alarm code
Heat action parameter
Heat cycle time parameter
Heat derivative parameter
Heat filter parameter
Heat integral parameter
Heat manual reset parameter
Heat output curve parameter
Heat output parameter
Heat output retrans PV parameter
Heat output type parameter
heat output, see control outputs
Heat power limit parameter
Heat prop band parameter
Heat SDAC signal parameter
HiDeviation func parameter
HiDeviation output parameter 123
HiDeviation value parameter
66, 122 high deviation alarm, see process alarms
holding registers placing value into
Ht retrans HighPV parameter
Ht retrans LowPV parameter
HtPwr limit time parameter humidity
Ht SDAC hi signal parameter
Ht SDAC low signal parameter
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze
Index CPC400 Series User’s Guide controller
Dual DAC
power supply
Serial DAC hysteresis
Hysteresis parameter
Input filter parameter description
Input high signal parameter
Input low signal parameter
Input menu
Input pulse sample parameter
Input range high parameter
Input range low parameter
input registers, reading contents of
Input type parameter
on/off status through communications
scaling parameters 58, 107–108
scaling resistors
thermocouple, see thermocouples
control output wiring controller
CPU watchdog timer digital output wiring
Dual DAC
ground loops, see ground loops
panel hole dimensions
power supply
reference voltage terminals
sensor input wiring
Serial DAC
system components
tie-wrapping cables
204 Watlow Anafaze torque for screw terminals typical
wire sizes controller
TB50 output wiring
integers, soft
integral description
setting a value
86–87 settings from other controllers
term versus reset settings
Job running, data modified
Job running, remotely loaded
jobs loading from memory remote selection
saving to memory
soft Boolean values saved to
Dual DAC
in EIA/TIA-232 connectors
Serial DAC
keypad does not work
Keypad lock parameter
Keypad test parameter
LD alarm code limit controller limit, output
listen-only mode
Load setup from job parameter
Load setup not available
locking the keypad
LoDeviation func parameter
LoDeviation output parameter 123
LoDeviation value parameter logic program
closed-loop firmware checksum does not run specifications
upon powerup
Logic program parameter
Loop Name
loop name on loop display
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Index loops
closed-loop control
number available
low deviation alarm, see process alarms
Low power alarm
manual mode
during a failed sensor alarm 119
during a mode override
during a thermocouple open alarm
if ambient temperature is out of range
Mode parameter
manual reset manual tuning
menus accessing
Global setup
I/O tests
map of
Soft Booleans
Soft integers
message framing
messages, counting
address field
ASCII and RTU modes
error checking
error checking field
field format function field
functions, see Modbus functions
message framing
parity checking
query and response read examples
write examples
Modbus functions diagnostics
clear counters
restart communications
return bus communication error count return bus exception error count
return bus message count return diagnostics register
return slave message count
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze return slave no-response count force multiple coils
force single coil
preset multiple registers preset single register
read coil status
read holding registers read input registers
read input status
Mode outputs disabled mode override
Mode override D/I active parameter
Mode override parameter percent output power
Mode parameter
model number accessing through the display
noise eliminating problems with
reducing with zero-cross switching suppression symptoms
on/off control
Open T/C cl out average parameter
Open T/C ht out average parameter
Output menu output power changing
on loop display
5 Vdc output power
analog, see Dual DAC or Serial DAC
boost output
CPU watchdog timer, see CPU watchdog timer
on/off status through communications
process variable retransmit, see process variable retransmit
reference voltage, see reference voltage
solid state relays
Overshoot Reduction parameter
over-temperature shutdown devices 9
cascade control
Index CPC400 Series User’s Guide channels
through serial communications global
I/O tests
map of
navigating output
process variable retransmit ratio control
restoring all default settings
serial communications and LogicPro only
Serial DAC
soft Booleans soft integers
parts list
personal computer, see communications
derivative constant, see derivative integral term, see integral
proportional band, see proportional band
settings for various applications
settings from other controllers
transmitting process data to 67
power connections
power supply
dimensions of mounting bracket
for Dual DAC
input voltage mounting
output voltage requirements
specifications weight
Power up alarm delay parameter
Power up loop mode parameter
Power up with logic parameter preset multiple registers
preset single register process alarms
alarm high
boost output
high deviation low deviation
setting up process inputs
0-5 Vdc setup example
4-20 mA setup example
scaling and calibration setting up
specifications process variable
on loop display
retransmit, see process variable retransmit process variable retransmit 67–69
application example
programmable logic, see logic program
proportional band description
setting a value
settings for various temperature ranges
settings from other controllers
pulse inputs
encoder signals
loops available on
scaling and calibration setting up
setup example specifications
technical information wiring
PV retrans menu
PV source parameter
query, Modbus
RAM clearing
erasure of during flash memory replacement
application example differential control
remote analog set point differential control
remote analog set point
setting up
Ratio low SP parameter
Ratio master loop parameter
Ratio menu
Ratio SP diff parameter
read coil status 190 read holding registers read input register
read input status
reading and writing in LogicPro
Ref terminals, see reference voltage
reference voltage
remote analog set point, see ratio control
206 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide repair, returning controller for
response, Modbus
RestoreAuto parameter
retransmit, see process variable retransmit
returning the controller
reverse action, see control outputs
Reversed T/C detect parameter 64, 106
RMA number
RS alarm code
RTD accuracy
alarm messages calibration offset
recommended type
scaling resistors troubleshooting
RTD open alarm
safety external safety devices
symbols and signal words in this manual
Save setup as job parameter
scaling resistors for current inputs
for thermistor inputs
scrolling rectangle on loop display
thermocouple short alarm
Sensor fail heat output parameter
SCSI cable
Sensor fail cool output parameter and failed sensor alarm
mode override
reversed thermocouple detection
and failed sensor alarm
mode override
reversed thermocouple detection
thermocouple short alarm
sensor inputs calibration offset
failed sensor alarms
Serial DAC
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
configuring outputs
configuring the controller output dimensions
input specifications jumper positions
process variable retransmit
specifications weight
wiring set point
on loop display
remote analog set point
using cascade control to set
using differential control to set using ratio control to set
shutdown devices
Soft Bool parameter
Soft int parameter
Soft integers menu solid state relays
5 Vdc power from controller
distributed zero crossing
troubleshooting controller connections specifications
controller inputs controller outputs
CPU watchdog timer
Dual DAC
power supply
Serial DAC
system alarms behavior of
System Status parameter
T/C open alarm message
T/C reversed alarm message
T/C shorted alarm message
TB18 alarm outputs connections
CPU watchdog timer output
digital output wiring
testing after installation
to power encoders troubleshooting
TB50 alarm outputs connections
CPU watchdog timer output
digital output wiring dimensions
Watlow Anafaze 207
Index CPC400 Series User’s Guide for powering Serial DAC
mounting with standoffs specifications
technical description
testing after installation
to power encoders troubleshooting
temperature scale
terminal specifications
TB18 after installation
TB50 after installation
thermistor inputs, scaling resistors for thermocouples accuracy
alarm messages calibration offset ground loops
120 manual mode if break occurs
polarity checking
reversed detection short detection
troubleshooting types supported wiring
thermoforming example tie wraps
time proportioning
TO alarm code
torque, see terminal specifications
TR alarm code troubleshooting
all loops are set to manual 0%
Ambient warning
Battery dead alarm
control mode switches unexpectedly
control outputs
digital outputs
grounding problems
H/W failure: Ambient alarm
H/W failure: Gain alarm
H/W failure: Offset alarm
logic program does not run 144
Low power alarm
208 Watlow Anafaze
process variable incorrect on display
sensor inputs software
Tune Band parameter
Tune Gain parameter
under-temperature shutdown devices
voltage inputs
scaling resistors wiring
weight controller
Dual DAC
power supply
Serial DAC
Zero Calibration parameter 137
Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Parameter Reference
Parameter Address Reference
Use this section to quickly locate addresses for interface software and logic programs.
Modbus Address
Operator Parameters
Set point
Heat Output
Cool Output
Process Variable
Global setup
Load setup from job
Save Setup as job
BCD Job Load
BCD Job Load Logic
Mode Override
Mode Override Digital
Input Active
Logic Program
Power Up Alarm
Power Up Loop Mode
Power Up With Logic
Keypad Lock
Thermocouple Short
Controller Address
Baud Rate
AC Line Frequency
Digital Output Alarm
Model and Firmware
40205 to 40213
40120 to 40128
40273 to 40281
40290 to 40298
40222 to 40230
49790, first bit
40790, second bit
40790, third bit
40790, fifth bit
1 to 9
7.1 to 7.9
16.1 to 16.9
17.1 to 17.9
1 to 9
49.1, first bit
49.1, second bit
49.1, third bit
49.1, fifth bit
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 209
Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Parameter Modbus Address
Input Type
Loop Name
40103 to 40111
45309 and 45310 for loop 1, 45311 and
45312 for loop 2, and so on
Input Units
Input Pulse Sample
Calibration Offset
Reversed Thermocouple Detection
Display Format
Input Range High
Input High Signal
Input Range Low
Input Low Signal
Input Filter
40792, 40793 and
40794 for loop 1;
40795, 40796 and
40797 for loop 2; and so on
40649 to 40656
44443 to 44450, first bit
40666 to 40674
40581 to 40589
40615 to 40623
40598 to 40606
40632 to 40640
44409 to 44417
Loop Name
PV Source
Heat Prop Band
Cool Prop Band
Heat Integral
Cool Integral
Heat Derivative
Cool Derivative
Heat Manual Reset
Cool Manual Reset
Heat Filter
45309 and 45310 for loop 1, 45311 and
45312 for loop 2, and so on
45394 to 45411
40001 to 40009
40018 to 40026
40035 to 40043
40052 to 40060
40069 to 40077
40086 to 40094
45274 to 45282
45291 to 45299
40239 to 40247
6.1 to 6.9
132.1 and
132.2 for loop1,
132.3 and
132.4 for loop
2, and so on
51.1, 51.2 and
51.3 for loop1;
51.4, 51.5 and
51.6 for loop 2; and so on.
40.1 to 40.8
86.1 to 86.8, first bit
41.1 to 41.9
36.1 to 36.9
38.1 to 38.9
37.1 to 37.9
39.1 to 39.9
84.1 to 84.9
132.1 and
132.2 for loop1,
132.3 and
132.4 for loop
2, and so on
136.1 to136.9
0.1 to 0.9
1.1 to 1.9
2.1 to 2.9
3.1 to 3.9
4.1 to 4.9
5.1 to 5.9
129.1 to 129.9
130.1 to 130.9
14.1 to 14.9
210 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Parameter Reference
Cool Filter
Restore Automatic
Tune Band
Tune Gain
Overshoot Reduction
Control Type
Heat Output Type
Cool Output Type
Heat Cycle Time
Cool Cycle Time
Heat SDAC Signal
Cool SDAC Signal
Heat SDAC Low Signal
Cool SDAC Low Signal
Heat SDAC High Signal
Cool SDAC High Signal
Heat Action
Cool Action
Heat Power Limit
Cool Power Limit
Heat Power Limit Time
Cool Power Limit Time
Sensor Fail Heat
Sensor Fail Cool
Open Thermocouple
Heat Output Average
Open Thermocouple
Cool Output Average
Heat Output Curve
Cool Output Curve
Modbus Address
40256 to 40264
40856 to 40864
44460 to 44468
46542 to 46550
46559 to 46567
46576 to 46584
45480 to 45489
44256 to 44264
44443 to 44451,
second bit
44443 to 44451,
third bit
44273 to 44281
44290 to 44298
40137 to 40145
40154 to 40162
40683 to 40691
40700 to 40708
44307 to 44315
44324 to 44332
44341 to 44349
44358 to 44366
44375 to 44383
44392 to 44400
40171 to 40179
40188 to 40196
44171 to 44179
44188 to 44196
44205 to 44213
44222 to 44230
44239 to 44247
15.1 to 15.9
54.1 to 54.9
87.1 to 87.9
144.1 to 144.9
145.1 to 145.9
146.1 to 146.9
139.1 to 139.9
8.1 to 8.9
9.1 to 9.9
42.1 to 42.9
43.1 to 43.9
78.1 to 78.9
79.1 to 79.9
80.1 to 80.9
81.1 to 81.9
82.1 to 82.9
83. 1 to 83.9
10.1 to 10.9
11.1 to 11.9
70.1 to 70.9
71.1 to 71.9
72.1 to 72.9
73.1 to 73.9
74.1 to 74.9
75.1 to 75.9
86.1 to 86.9
86.1 to 86.9
76.1 to 76.9
77.1 to 77.9
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 211
Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Parameter Modbus Address
Alarm High Set Point
Alarm High Function
Alarm High Output
High Deviation Value
High Deviation
High Deviation Output
40341 to 40349
40460 to 40468
Low Deviation Value
40307 to 40315
40426 to 40434
Low Deviation
Low deviation Output
Alarm Low Set Point
40358 to 40366
40477 to 40485
Alarm Low Function
40324 to 40332
40443 to 40451 Alarm Low Output
Alarm Hysteresis
Alarm Delay
40375 to 40383
40562 to 40570
Process Variable Retransmit
Heat Output
Cool Output
Heat Retransmit Low
Process Variable
Cool Retransmit Low
Process Variable
Heat Retransmit High
Process Variable
Cool Retransmit High
Process Variable
44478 to 44486
44495 to 44503
44546 to 44554
44563 to 44571
44512 to 44520
44529 to 44537
Data base
18.1 to 18.9
25.1 to 25.9
20.1 to 20.9
27.1 to 27.9
21.1 to 21.9
28.1 to 28.9
19.1 to 19.9
26.1 to 26.9
22.1 to 22.9
33.1 to 33.9
89.1 to 81.9
90.1 to 90.9
93.1 to 93.9
94.1 to 94.9
91.1 to 91.9
92.1 to 92.9
212 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
CPC400 Series User’s Guide Parameter Reference
Parameter Modbus Address
Cascade Primary
Cascade Low Set
Cascade High Set
Ratio Master Loop
Ratio Low Set Point
Ratio High Set Point
Control Ratio
Ratio Set Point
44648 to 44654
44682 to 44690
44699 to 44707
44750 to 44758
44767 to 44775
44784 to 44792
44801 to 44809
44818 to 44826
99.1 to 99.9
101.1 to 101.9
102.1 to 102.9
105.1 to 105.9
106.1 to 106.9
107.1 to 107.9
108.1 to 108.9
109.1 to 109.9
Soft Integers
Soft Integer Value
44883 to 44982 (Soft integers 1 to 100)
45496 to 46495 ( Soft integers 101 to 1100)
126 (Soft integers 1 to 100)
140 (Soft integers 101 to 1100)
Soft Booleans
Soft_Int 16 1 to 1100
Soft Boolean Value
I/O Tests
Alarm Acknowledge
Alarm Enable
Alarm Function
Alarm Status
Ambient Sensor
Analog Input
44983 to 45238
40511 to 40519
40528 to 40536
40494 to 40502
40392 to 40400
45375 to 45383
1 1 to 256
Digital Inputs
Keypad Test
Test Digital Output 1 to 35
40719 to 40726
40751 to 40785
1 to 8
1 to 35
Additional Parameters for Serial Communications and LogicPro Programs
30.1 to 30.9
31.1 to 31.9
29.1 to 29.9
23.1 to 23.9
135.1 to 135.9
Doc. 0600-2900-2000 Watlow Anafaze 213
Parameter Reference CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Parameter Modbus Address
Data Changed Register
Firmware Version
Major Part
Minor Part
Revision Letter
Full Scale Calibration
System Status
Zero Calibration
(first to eighth bit),
40787 (ninth to sixteenth bit)
48.1 (first to eighth bit),
48.2 (ninth to sixteenth bit)
214 Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000
Declaration of Conformity
CPC400 Series
314 Westridge Drive
Watsonville, California 95076 USA
Erklärt, daß das folgende Produkt:
Stromverbrauch: max. 610 mA
Serie CPC400
40 (4 oder 8) - (1) (0,1 oder 2) (0 oder 2) (0,1,2 oder 3)
(0,1,2 oder 3) (0,1, oder 2) (beliebige
Buchstaben oder Ziffern)
Installationskategorie II, Emissionsgrad II
12 bis 24 Vdc
Declares that the following product:
Model Number(s):
Rated Voltage:
Rated Current:
CPC400 Series
40 (4, or 8) - (1) (0,1 or 2) (0 or 2) (0,1,2 or 3)
(0,1,2 or 3) (0,1, or 2) (any letter or number)
Installation Category II, Pollution Degree II
12 to 24V Î (dc)
610mA maximum
Meets the essential requirements of the following European Union Directive(s) using the relevant section(s) of the normalized standards and related documents shown:
89/336/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
EN 61326: 1997
EN 61000-3-2:
EN 61000-3-3:
EN 61000-4-2:
EN 61000-4-3:
EN 61000-4-4:
EN 61000-4-5:
EN 61000-4-6:
EN 61000-4-11:
ENV 50204:
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC requirements (Class A)
Limits for harmonic current
Limitations of voltage fluctuations and flicker
Electrostatic discharge
Radiated immunity
Electrical fast transients
Surge immunity
Conducted immunity
Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity
Cellular phone
Erfüllt die wichtigsten Normen der folgenden Anweisung(en) der Europäischen Union unter Verwendung des wichtigsten Abschnitts bzw. der wichtigsten Abschnitte der normalisierten Spezifikationen und der untenstehenden einschlägigen Dokumente:
89/336/EEC Elektromagnetische Übereinstimmungsanweisung
EN 61326: 1997
EN 61000-3-2:
EN 61000-3-3:
EN 61000-4-2:
EN 61000-4-3:
EN 61000-4-4:
EN 61000-4-5:
EN 61000-4-6:
EN 61000-4-11:
ENV 50204:
Elektrogeräte zur Messung, Regelung und zum
Laboreinsatz EMC - Richtlinien (Klasse A)
Grenzen der Oberwellenstromemissionen
Grenzen der Spannungsschwankungen
Elektrostatische Entladung
Elektrische schnelle Stöße
Immunität gegen Spannungsgefälle, kurze
Unterbrechungen und Spannungsabweichungen
Declara que el producto siguiente:
Números de modelo:
Serie CPC400
40 - (4 ó 8) - (1) (0,1 ó 2) (0 ó 2) (0,1,2 ó 3)
(0,1,2 ó 3) (0,1, ó 2) (Cualquier letra ó numero)
Déclare que le produit suivant :
Désignation :
Numéro(s) de modèle(s):
Classification :
Tension nominale :
Courant nominal :
Série CPC400
40 (4 ou 8) - (1) (0,1 ou 2) (0 ou 2) (0, 1, 2 ou 3)
(0, 1, 2 ou 3) (0, 1, ou 2) (lettre ou chiffre quelconque)
Installation catégorie II, degré de pollution II
12 à 24V c.c.
610 mA maximum
Conforme aux exigences de la (ou des) directive(s) suivante(s) de l’Union
Européenne figurant aux sections correspondantes des normes et documents associés ci-dessous :
Clasificación: Categoría de instalación II, grado de contaminación ambiental II
12 a 24Vcc Tensión nominal:
Consumo nominal de energía: 610 mA máximo
Cumple con los requisitos esenciales de las siguientes Directivas de la Unión
Europea, usando las secciones pertinentes de las reglas normalizadas y los documentos relacionados que se muestran:
89/336/EEC Directive de compatibilité électromagnétique
EN 61326: 1995
EN 61000-3-2 :
EN 61000-3-3 :
EN 61000-4-2 :
EN 61000-4-3:
EN 61000-4-4 :
EN 61000-4-5 :
EN 61000-4-6: 1996
EN 61000-4-11 : 1994
ENV 50204 : 1995
Appareillage électrique pour la mesure, la commande et l’usage de laboratoire –— Prescriptions relatives
à la Compatilité Electro Magnétique (Classe A)
Limites d’émission de courant harmonique
Limites de fluctuation de tension
Décharge électrostatique
Insensibilité à l’énergie rayonnée
Courants électriques transitoires rapides
Insensibilité aux surtensions
Insensibilité à l’énergie par conduction
Insensibilité aux chutes subites, aux courtes interruptions et aux variations de tension
Téléphone cellulaire
89/336/EEC - Directiva de Compatibilidad Electromagnética
EN 61326: 1997
EN 61000-3-2
EN 61000-3-3
EN 61000-4-2:
EN 61000-4-3:
EN 61000-4-4:
EN 61000-4-5:
EN 61000-4-6:
EN 61000-4-11:
ENV 50204:
Equipo elétrico para medición control y uso en laboratorios - Requisitos de compatibilidad electromagnética (Clase A)
Límites para emisiones de corriente armónica
Limitaciones de fluctuaciones del voltaje
Descarga electrostática
Inmunidad radiada
Perturbaciones transitorias eléctricas rápidas
Inmunidad conducida
Caídas de tensión, interrupciones breves y variaciones de tensión
Teléfono portátil
Sean Wilkinson
Name of Authorized Representative
Title of Authorized Representative
Watsonville, California. USA
Place of Issue
Feb 28, 2003
Date of Issue
Signature of Authorized Representative
Menu Structure
Global setup
Load setup from job
Save setup as job
BCD job load
BCD job load logic
Mode override
Mode override D/I active
Logic program
Power up alarm delay
Power up loop mode
Power up with logic
Keypad lock
TC short alarm
Controller address
Comm baud rate
Comm parity
AC line freq
D/O alarm polarity
CPC4xx Vx.xxX cs=xxxx
Input type
Input units
Input pulse sample
Calibration offset
Reversed T/C detect
Disp format
Input range high
Input high signal
Input range low
Input low signal
Input filter
Loop name
PV source
Heat prop band
Heat integral
Heat derivative
Heat manual reset
Heat filter
Cool prop band
Cool integral
Cool derivative
Cool manual reset
Cool filter
Tune band
Tune gain
Overshoot reduction
Control type
CPC400 Series User’s Guide
Heat output type
Heat cycle time
Heat SDAC signal
Ht SDAC low signal
Ht SDAC hi signal
Heat action
Heat power limit
HtPwr limit time
Sensor fail heat output
Open T/C ht out average
Heat output curve
Cool output type
Cool cycle time
Cool SDAC signal
Cl SDAC low signal
Cl SDAC hi signal
Cool action
Cool power limit
ClPwr limit time
Sensor fail cool output
Open T/C cl out average
Cool output curve
Menu Structure
PV retrans
Heat output retrans PV
Ht retrans LowPV
Ht retrans HighPV
Cool output retrans PV
Cl retrans LowPV
Cl retrans HighPV
Cascade prim loop
Cascade low SP
Cascade hi SP
Ratio master loop
Ratio low SP
Ratio high SP
Control ratio
Ratio SP diff
Soft integers
Soft int 1 value
Soft int 100 value
Alarm high SP
Alarm high func
Alarm high output
HiDeviation value
HiDeviation func
HiDeviation output
LoDeviation value
LoDeviation func
LoDeviation output
Alarm low SP
Alarm low func
Alarm low output
Alarm hysteresis
Alarm delay
Soft Booleans
Soft Bool 1 value
Soft Bool 256 value
I/O tests
Digital inputs
Keypad test
Test D/O 1
Test D/O 35
Watlow Anafaze Doc. 0600-2900-2000

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