BoConcept 3320 Storage unit Samlevejledning
Below you will find brief information for Storage Unit 3320. This unit provides ample storage space with shelves that can hold up to 6kg each. Assembly is straightforward using the included instructions and hardware. The sleek design complements various styles.
Metro Design by BoConcept Samlevejledning - Assembly Instructions - Montageanleitung - Instructions d'assemblage - Instrucciones de montaje 3320 180,4x48x35,6 cm / (À max. 6kg/shelf 6 +7 [+5 Korpus — Korpus — Carcase — Carcasse Col. 1 Col. 2 x2 oy oy EEES Oy Y x8 Col. 1 EZ) «< = AX28 BX24 CX%8 D X 28 1972000009 1979110830 970000712 Black 1972000014 30mm == «ay E (we H X 2 J X 2 K X 8 L X 8 1979100000 1978004555 970000808 970000809 8x40mm 4,5x55mm M4 M4x16mm C2 КОХ | 970000596 «CD TX 1 97000059 7 S X 8 1972290002 4,2x13,5mm 941763320 — 02.06.09/2 | Beslag — Beschläge — Fittings — Set de montage — Acessórios EX 4 1973170002 22,5x14,5x12mm F X 8 1978003516 3,5x16mm CO № Х 8 —— M X 1 970000721 970000817 2mm (= o UX 4 V X 372 1973002910 970000823 G X 1 970000820 PX4 1970000022 CD WX 32 ZX2 970000825 <= 1979000000 Verktoj — Werkzeuge — Tools — Outils “Su =p E A X 4 BX 4 CX4 941763320 — 02.06.09/2 | 941763320 — 02.06.09/2 | 3/8 Attention! 4/8 941763320 — 02.06.09/2 | esses ED «кф G X 1 HX 2 J X 2 5mm 8x40mm 4,5x55mm -~ ~ Attention! 941763320 — 02.06.09/2 | 5/8 5 Х 8 4,2x13,5mm & Mm —> CO M X 1 L 6/8 941763320 — 02.06.09/2 | SE Example 941763320 — 02.06.09/2 | Lágejustering Justierung der Türen Adjusting the doors Réglage de la porte Bijstelling van de deur Ajuste de las puertas Regolazione delle porte Afinaçäo da porta Lo Co «===> VX 32 WX32 ZX2 7777771] 177771 Example! DK Ved reklamation oplyses falgende: Korpus — Korpus — Carcase — Carcasse Beslag — Fittings — Beschläge — Set de Montage D Im Reklamationsfall, bitte folgendes erläutern: US In case of claims, please state the following: = = = op Ep F En cas de reclamation, veuillez indiquer: : : .. . : : 12 № Bij service volgene mededelen : 2 . 3 1972000014 1972000004 1979110830 E En caso de reclamacion, indicar lo siguiente: 3 Co nz) ug C X 2 H X 2 J X 8 1970120000 1978504022 1978204210 P No caso de reclamacäo, por favor indique o sequinte: BP SSIEORSIEVELES, ATFOREBMBESEEL, 941763320 — 02.06.09/2 | 8/8 ">

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