Davey KRBS1 RainBank Operating instructions
Below you will find brief information for RainBank MKII. The RainBank MKII is a patented automatic water controller that allows you to use water from your rainwater tank for your toilet, washing machine or garden whenever there is water in the tank. If the tank water is exhausted RainBank MKII automatically and seamlessly switches you over to mains water. RainBank MKII has an in-built “dual check valve” for low hazard back flow prevention.
ATS 5200.477 Lic WMKA 22042
Installation and
Operating Instructions
Please pass these instructions on to the operator of this equipment.
For any assistance or after sales service contact your Davey Dealer. For help in locating your closest dealer contact your appropriate
Davey Support Centre
listed on the back of this booklet.
Davey commenced in 1934 and today, as Davey Water Products, manufactures and distributes a comprehensive range of products for transfer, conservation, treatment and filtration of water.
Davey has a dominant market share in Australia and exports to more than
60 separate countries, servicing some of the toughest environmental and climatic conditions on the globe.
Davey has maintained its commitment to research and development, resulting in innovative new products servicing specific and emerging market opportunities. Many of these products have received multiple awards for innovation and excellence which have led to our induction into the
Manufacturing Hall of Fame in Victoria.
Davey maintains leadership in quality with an environmental focus by holding ISO 9001 certification and ISO 14001 environmental standard.
Davey is today a wholly owned subsidiary of GUD, a ‘Top 200’ Australian public company whose shares are listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
Now more than ever “Depend on Davey” reflects a business culture of dependable, innovative water solutions when and where you need them, supported by the best service and advice.
About RainBank
. the easy way to save water. ....................................................4
How RainBank
works .............................................................................................5
Before you start ........................................................................................................6
Installation tips .........................................................................................................7
Components ..............................................................................................................8
Pump inside tank ......................................................................................................9
How to install RainBank ® ....................................................................................... 11 testing .....................................................................................................................14
Maintaining RainBank
Important maintenance precautions.....................................................................15
trouble shooting RainBank ® .................................................................................16
Davey Guarantee ....................................................................................................19
Contact Details .......................................................................................................20
ABout RAInBAnk
tHe eASy wAy to SAve wAteR
Congratulations on your purchase of a high quality Australian made Davey
RainBank ® automatic water controller. RainBank ® is patented and has been fitted to thousands of Australian homes.
• RainBank® allows you to use water from your rainwater tank for your toilet, washing machine or garden whenever there is water in the tank.
• If the tank water is exhausted RainBank
automatically and seamlessly switches you over to mains water.
• RainBank
has an in-built “dual check valve” for low hazard back flow prevention.
can save up to 40% of your home’s usage of mains water, which could be up to 100,000 litres of water a year.
4 m
5 m
5 m
100,000 Litres
Your actual savings depend on your roof catchment area, rainfall and the size of your tank.
may allow you to claim tank rebates (when installed on existing homes). Check with your local water authority.
In most areas of Australia, having a RainBank
and using rainwater for your toilet and washing machine allows you to claim tank rebates paid by state governments and some councils.
is energy efficient and cheap to run.
Because RainBank
only works when it is needed it uses very little energy.
The daily power used to run a RainBank ® and pump system supplying two toilets in a three person dwelling is equivalent to:
• A reverse cycle air conditioner for 3 minutes
• A clothes dryer for 3 minutes
• A washing machine for 10 minutes
• A TV or PC for 30 minutes
How RAInBAnk
1. When there is demand for water from your toilet, washing machine or garden tap, RainBank
senses this demand and checks the level of water in the rainwater tank.
Note: demand must be greater than 1.5 litres per minute or mains water will be delivered.
2. If there is rainwater in the tank RainBank
switches on the pump. The pressure of the pump is sufficient to overcome the pressure of the mains water inside
RainBank® and this moves a plunger and allows the rainwater to flow.
Note: mains water pressure is not restricted.
3. When there is no longer a demand for water, RainBank ® detects that water has ceased to move inside the pipes, switches off the pump and waits for another water demand.
4. If RainBank ® senses a water demand and detects insufficient water in the rainwater tank it will automatically allow the mains water to flow.
5. If there is a power failure during a demand for water, RainBank ® will automatically supply the mains water as backup.
what are the advantages of RainBank
over conventional air-gap systems?
• RainBank
is totally hands off for your customer and needs no maintenance or adjustment.
• RainBank
is easy to install.
• RainBank ® does not require mains water to be re-pressurised and therefore saves energy.
• RainBank ® is WaterMark approved – this means plumbing inspections will be approved & your plumbers insurance should cover installation faults.
• RainBank ® will provide mains water as backup when:
there is no rainwater
there is no electricity to run pump
the pump has been removed for servicing. Air-gap systems rely on pumps to pressurise all water and do not function without them.
BefoRe you StARt
• RainBank
must be installed and serviced by a licensed plumber.
• Check with your local water authority on water restrictions when your rainwater tank is connected to mains water.
• Do not enter a empty rainwater tank - they may contain hazardous gases.
• Before installing RainBank
please read all instructions carefully as failures caused by incorrect installation are not covered under warranty.
• If you are in doubt about any aspect of your RainBank
kit’s suitability, check with your Davey dealer. For help in locating your closet dealer call the appropriate Davey Customer Service Centre listed on the back of this booklet.
• RainBank
is designed to handle clean rainwater and mains water. It should not be used to interconnect as part of a bore water, dam water, grey water, stormwater or recycled water system.
• The pumping of abrasive materials will damage the system and void the warranty.
• Mains electrical connections and checks must be made by a qualified electrician and comply with applicable local standards. The 12 volt connections need not be carried out by a qualified electrician, but should be done in compliance with applicable standards.
• Secure all openings to the rainwater tank and make sure the wiring, plumbing and the RainBank
unit are protected from access by children and pets.
• Water freezing inside the RainBank ® will damage the unit. Locate your
and pump so that they are not susceptible to freezing.
• Some insects such as small ants find electrical devices attractive for various reasons. If your controller or pump is susceptible to insect infestation you should implement a suitable pest control plan.
• Over time the relevant position of the home or RainBank ® and the rainwater tank may change slightly. In order to reduce the stresses on pipework such movement may result in, it is recommended that a length of flexible pipework from pump to RainBank
be installed. This pipework can be a braided hose or polythene pipe or similar.
• Limit mains water pressure to 900kPa.
• Under Australian Standard 3500 collecting/storing rainwater in a buried tank is considered a medium level hazard. Even though RainBank
has a built-in dual check back flow valve, you may be required to fit additional backflow protection valves to satisfy this requirement – check with your local council as to their guidelines on rainwater tank installation and backflow prevention.
• All pipe work and fittings should be labelled in accordance with local standards such as Australian Standard AS/NZS 3500. This standard requires that all pipework containing rainwater is marked with green
‘rainwater’ tape or stickers at 1 meter intervals and every outlet that may deliver rainwater is to be permanently signed with ‘Rain Water’ signage or a green tap marked ‘RW’.
• In accordance with AS/NZS 60335.2.41 we are obliged to inform you that this controller and any pump controlled by it is not to be used by children or infirm persons and must not be used as a toy by children.
• Davey recommends a 2mm hole in the pipe work just above the pump outlet to clear air from the pipe work.
• There is no need for a separate float switch as this comes attached to the submersible pump and does not plug into the RainBank® unit.
other things we recommend to maximise the performance and serviceability of your RainBank ® .
• Install cabinet on a solid, well protected wall (this will reduce noise and pipe stress).
• Fit first flush devices to all down pipes to ensure clean water inside the tank
(dirty tank water can stain toilets & clothes).
• Fit a strainer to the top of your tank inlet to stop leaves entering the system.
• Use at least 20mm or 3 ⁄4 inch plumbing to and from RainBank ® to reduce the effect of pipe friction. Galvanised pipe not recommended.
• Clear swarf from all pipes and holes drilled into the tank (swarf can block valves,
and toilet valves).
• Check with local council plumbing teams for backflow requirements.
• Keep pipe work well braced as vibrations can become noisy.
• Fill rainwater tank above float switch with garden hose to check system.
• Make sure pump is full of water (primed) before leaving site. Flush all air out of system by running pump with an outlet downstream open.
• Advise the customer to clean filters inside cabinet regularly.
PuMP InSIDe tAnk option - overall
In-tank Option
Mains water supply
900kPa Maximum
3/4” BSP Male thread
3/4” BSP Male thread
Pump Power lead
Power lead
Stop valve
Float switch
Manual start button
Rainwater supply via pump
Do not reconnect with mains water supply
All pipework and outlet fittings from RainBank
must be labelled to AS/NZS 3500
PuMP InSIDe tAnk option - Close up
IMPoRtAnt: ALL PIPewoRk AnD outLet fIttInGS fRoM RAInBAnk ®
MuSt Be LABeLLeD to AS3500. Do not ConneCt wItH CRIMPeD fIttInGS.
3/4" BSP male thread
3/4" BSP male thread
1" BSP male thread from discharge of auto submersibl
How to InStALL RAInBAnk
1. Run mains water plumbing, rainwater plumbing and power supply through the external wall according to the following template:
10amp single GPO
” copper pipe from mains water
” copper pipe to toilets and laundry
100mm max
515mm c to c
2. Mount RainBank
to the wall using the bracket provided. Ensure outlet and mains copper pipes are aligned with inlet/outlet of RainBank
and it is horizontal.
3. Plumb 3/4” copper pipes to RainBank
compression fittings.
Note: It is critical that pipes do not interfere with filters to allow access for maintenance.
Copper pipe
Copper pipe
4. Once RainBank ® is mounted and plumbed, install cabinet to the wall over the
RainBank ® using the four fixing holes provided.
Allow at least 50mm clearance between the base of the cabinet and the 10” filter housing
. This allows the filter to be removed for regular cleaning and maintenance.
5. Connect a cable or chain to the submersible pump
– so that it can be lowered into the rainwater tank –
Important: handling the pump by straining the power lead will damage the pumps water seals and cause premature failure not covered by warranty.
6. Connect PVC or suitable plumbing to the pump outlet and lower the assembly into the rainwater tank.
Cable tie the pump power lead to the pipework.
PVC pipe
Cable tie
2mm hole
7. Connect pipework from tank to the Y strainer at the base of the RainBank
cabinet. Secure to the wall to prevent sagging and pipe vibration.
Float switch
8. Cable tie the power lead from the pump to pipework and plug into base of RainBank
Incoming power to RainBank® via 3 pin plug
Power to pump via
3 pin socket
9. Open Mains water valve and check for leaks.
10. Switch on power to RainBank
and check for flashing green light – light will flash ten times as it boots up.
11. Open a tap downstream of RainBank
to clear lines of air and check for leaks.
12. Press manual override button on top of RainBank
to start the pump and clear air from rainwater lines. There must be rainwater inside the tank – this is an important part of commissioning the system.
13. Close tap and check for leaks.
oR ItS PuMP we StRonGLy ReCoMMenD tHe uSe of A SuItABLe SuRGe
PRoteCtIon DevICe AnD ReSIDuAL CuRRent DevICeS.
test the operation of RainBank ® .
1. With the mains connected and the rainwater tank empty turn on one of the taps in the laundry that feeds the washing machine or flushes the toilet. Mains water should flow normally. The pump should
turn on. The
light should glow
to indicate that mains water is being used. When this is completed turn off tap.
2. Fill the rainwater tank with sufficient water to activate the pump.
3. Check that the pump is sitting in sufficient water (above the level of the float) to self prime and let air out without causing equipment damage ensure:
• All taps connected to the rainwater system are turned on.
• Toilets connected to the system are flushed so that the cistern fills and any air is cleared from the line.
4. Turn on a tap or flush a toilet in the rainwater system. The pump should run and deliver rainwater. Allow to run for several minutes to clear air from pipes. The
light will now glow
5. Check for leaks around RainBank
, the pump, pipework and fittings.
RainBank ® does not need maintenance but there are things you can do to ensure its most reliable operation.
• Fit a “first flush” system that ensures the first run of dirty rainwater does not go into the tank.
• Clean your gutters and first flush devices ‘Y’ strainers and filter regularly.
• Remove branches that over hang your roof.
• Have a strainer fitted to your rainwater tank inlet and regularly check this for leaves and twigs, etc.
• You should also check for debris in the bottom of your tank a few times a year and clean this out if necessary. A first flush system will greatly reduce the need for this action.
• Davey pump motors are fitted with an automatic thermal overload switch that stops the motor if the motor gets too hot to avoid damaging it. This automatically re-starts the motor when the temperature within the pump has dropped to a safe level. Constant tripping of this switch indicates a problem e.g. Low voltage at pump, etc.
• This automatic thermal overload switch can start the pump without warning.
Always disconnect the controller and/or pump motor from the electrical supply before maintenance or repairs.
• Care should also be taken when servicing or disassembling pump to avoid injury from hot pressurised water. Unplug the pump, relieve the pressure by opening a tap on the discharge side of the pump and allow any hot water to cool before attempting to dismantle.
• Do not use petroleum based fluids or solvents (e.g. oils, kerosene, turpentine, thinners, etc on the plastic or seal components).
• Do not use hydrocarbon based or propelled sprays around the electrical components of the controller.
• During servicing use only approved non petrochemical based o-ring and gasket lubrication. If unsure consult your Davey dealer for advice.
tRouBLe SHootInG RAInBAnk
Symptom: Pump will not switch off
1. Pump plugged directly into power outlet.
Plug lead from pump into base of RainBank
as per installation instructions on pg 10.
2. water is still being used.
Check all taps, toilets and appliances connected to RainBank
system to ensure they are turned off.
3. water is leaking on discharge side of RainBank ® system.
Check for leaks and repair.
Symptom: Pump will not switch on
1. Pump not plugged in.
Plug pump into base of RainBank
and RainBank
into power supply.
2. no power supply to pump.
Contact electrician and have power restored.
3. no water in tank.
Check water level in tank.
4. Mains water supply not connected to RainBank.
system must have a pressurised water supply connected to inlet.
Press ‘manual override’ button to simulate mains water flowing.
5. Mains supply to RainBank
turned off.
Turn on mains water supply. Press ‘manual override’ button to simulate mains water flowing. Pump will start if rain water is available.
6. Pump is faulty.
To confirm if the fault is within the pump, plug the pump directly into power point and check to see if it starts. If the pump starts plug the pump back into the
RainBank ® and continue fault finding. If the pump does not start contact your supplier for further advice.
7. Mains water flow is too low.
Ensure flow at most distant outlet is above 5 litres per minute.
other symptoms
Pump is running but water is being sourced from the mains supply.
1. Pump needs to be primed.
2. Debris is caught inside RainBank preventing plunger mechanism from sealing completely.
3. Pump impeller blocked. Have pump serviced.
Mains water not passing through RainBank
Possible cause - RainBank
® installed backwards. Install RainBank
according to installation & operating instructions. Arrow on top of RainBank indicates direction of flow.
Mains water not passing through RainBank ® .
Possible cause - debris is blocking inlet and or filters in or out of RainBank ® .
In order of most likely solution:
1. Mains inlet stop valve closed – open stop valve.
2. Filterpure
10” filter cartridge element is blocked – remove and clean or replace cartridge.
3. RainBank ® blocked – this is highly unlikely, ensure 1 and 2 are checked first.
Mains water pressure and flow too low.
Possible cause - there is a check valve or PRV installed between RainBank ® and tank. Remove check valve or PRV from plumbing.
Pump hums.
Possible cause - pump is jammed or seized. Have pump serviced.
water leaking from connection between pump and RainBank ® .
Possible cause - installer has failed to fit connection kit correctly. Remove
and re-install connection kit.
Mains water filling up tank.
Possible cause - debris caught inside RainBank ® .
Pump takes more than 10 seconds to turn on.
Check mains pressure and flow are about 5 litres per minute at 400kPa.
In the unlikely event in Australia or New Zealand that this Davey product develops any malfunction within warranty periods beginning from the date of original purchase due to faulty materials or manufacture, Davey will at our option repair or replace it for you free of charge, subject to the conditions below.
Davey Guarantee Period
Rainbank - Three Years Filterpure - One Year
Should you experience any difficulties with your Davey product, we suggest in the first instance that you contact the Davey Dealer from which you purchased the Davey product. Alternatively you can phone our Customer Service line on 1300 367 866 in Australia, or 0800 654 333 in
New Zealand, or send a written letter to Davey at the address listed below. On receipt of your claim, Davey will seek to resolve your difficulties or, if the product is faulty or defective, advise you on how to have your Davey product repaired, obtain a replacement or a refund.
Your Davey Guarantee naturally does not cover normal wear or tear, replacement of product consumables (i.e. mechanical seals, bearings or capacitors), loss or damage resulting from misuse or negligent handling, improper use for which the product was not designed or advertised, failure to properly follow the provided installation and operating instructions, failure to carry out maintenance, corrosive or abrasive water or other liquid, lightning or high voltage spikes, or unauthorized persons attempting repairs. Where applicable, your Davey product must only be connected to the voltage shown on the nameplate.
Your Davey Guarantee does not cover freight or any other costs incurred in making a claim.
Please retain your receipt as proof of purchase; you
provide evidence of the date of original purchase when claiming under the Davey Guarantee.
Davey shall not be liable for any loss of profits or any consequential, indirect or special loss, damage or injury of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from Davey products.
This limitation does not apply to any liability of Davey for failure to comply with a consumer guarantee applicable to your Davey product under the Australian or New Zealand legislation and does not affect any rights or remedies that may be available to you under the Australian or
New Zealand Consumer Legislation.
In Australia, you are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.
Should your Davey product require repair or service after the guarantee period; contact your nearest Davey Dealer or phone the Davey Customer Service Centre on the number listed below.
For a complete list of Davey Dealers visit our website (davey.com.au) or call:
* Installation and operating instructions are included with the product when purchased new. they may also be found on our website.
Davey Support Centre
6 Lakeview Drive,
Scoresby, Australia 3179
1300 367 866
1300 369 119
Website: davey.com.au
Davey Support Centre
7 Rockridge Avenue,
Penrose, Auckland 1061
Ph: 0800 654 333
Fax: 09 527 7654
Website: daveynz.co.nz
Davey Water Products Pty Ltd
Member of the GUD Group
ABN 18 066 327 517
® Davey and Rainbank are registered trade marks of Davey Water Products Pty Ltd.
© Davey Water Products Pty Ltd 2013.
6 Lakeview Drive,
Scoresby, Australia 3179
+61 3 9730 9121
+61 3 9753 4248
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: davey.com.au
P/N 401565-7 supersedes P/N 401565-6

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Key features
- Uses rainwater for toilet, washing machine or garden
- Automatically switches to mains water if the tank is empty
- In-built dual check valve for low hazard back flow prevention
- Saves up to 40% of mains water usage
- Energy efficient and cheap to run
- WaterMark approved
- Easy to install
- No maintenance required
- Provides mains water as backup