Fishman Platinum Pro EQ Analogue Preamp for Acoustic Guitar & Bass User guide
Fishman Platinum Pro EQ is a professional-grade acoustic instrument preamp and DI that offers a wide range of features for enhancing and shaping your sound. With its versatile EQ controls, built-in compressor, and feedback-fighting tools, the Platinum Pro EQ is perfect for both live performance and recording. Use the XLR DI output for a direct connection to a mixing console or audio interface, and the 1/4-inch output to connect to an amplifier or other effects pedals.
Thank you for making Fishman a part of your acoustic experience. We are proud to offer you the fi nest acoustic amplifi cation products available; high-quality professional-grade tools to empower you to sound your very best. We are confi dent that Platinum Pro EQ will both enhance and inspire your music making.
Quick Start
Power – Install a fresh 9V battery (not included) or connect a Fishman power adaptor.
Set the controls – Volume at minimum and all other controls as shown. When using Platinum Pro EQ with bass instruments, set the EQ
Mode to bass. Set EQ Mode to guitar for all other instruments.
Plug in – Use standard ¼-inch and XLR shielded instrument cables.
Set trim – Play hard and adjust the input trim (on the right side) so the
level LED fl ashes only occasionally.
Tune up – Step on the tuner footswitch to tune with the output muted.
Kill feedback – If feedback starts, change the position of the phase switch. If feedback persists, set the notch switch to in and slowly rotate the notch knob to “dial out” the feedback.
Making Connections
Playing live
For the best sound reproduction when performing live, connect to an acoustic instrument amp, PA system, powered monitor or other full-range audio system. The balanced XLR D.I. output eliminates an outboard D.I., providing a high quality, noise free signal.
Going direct
For direct recording, there is no better solution than using Platinum Pro
EQ’s balanced XLR D.I. or 1/4” output.
Front Panel Controls
Front Panel Controls
Volume & Level
The volume control affects the overall output level coming from the 1/4” output; the XLR D.I. output is always at a fi xed level to prevent unwanted gain changes at the F.O.H. mixer. For the cleanest signal, set the volume as high as possible without clipping the next device in the signal chain.
The level LED monitors distortion at many points in the signal chain. If it lights frequently, reduce the input trim control on the right side of the device.
As you turn this knob clockwise, your overall playing dynamics become increasingly limited, making softer notes louder and controlling loud spikes in your playing. This can be helpful in performances where you desire a more even level to your playing.
The compressor control adjusts the threshold of the automatic leveling circuit that follows the preamp section. The compression ratio, attack time, and release time are fi xed. more dynamics less dynamics
The active LED monitors the strength of the compressor circuit:
• The LED lights green when the signal reaches compression threshold.
• The LED lights yellow when the signal over threshold is being reduced as much as 6dB.
Front Panel Controls
EQ Mode
Platinum Pro EQ’s EQ Mode switch offers tone shaping fl exibility not commonly found in an instrument preamp.
• When this control is set to guitar, the tone controls are voiced to be most useful for recording or amplifying acoustic guitar and most other instruments.
• When this control is set to bass, the tone controls are adjusted to be most suitable for recording or amplifying acoustic and electric bass.
Tone Controls
Low Cut: a variable high-pass fi lter, labeled low cut, can be used to remove sub-sonic frequencies present in some passive pickups.
Bass: A boost here will add depth and weight to the sound of an instrument with light bass response. Cut the bass a few dB to tighten up the big boomy tone of a dreadnought or jumbo guitar.
Middle: Two controls (level and frequency) make up this EQ circuit.
The frequency control lets you tune in on a specifi c mid-frequency range which you can boost or cut with the middle control.
Treble: A boost here will help to “cut through the mix.” Conversely, cutting the Treble will mellow and subdue your amplifi ed tone.
Brilliance: This control can add shimmer and sparkle to your sound or reduce excessive fi nger noise and fret buzz.
Front Panel Controls
Notch & Phase
These controls work to suppress two adjacent ranges of acoustic feedback. We use guitar as an example, but the Notch fi lter and Phase switch are compatible with all acoustic instruments.
The notch control is a variable frequency notch fi lter designed to subdue a resonant peak on the instrument which is prone to feedback.
Turning the control adjusts the center frequency of the fi lter, ranging from 45Hz to 1kHz at full clockwise. Turn the control to “dial out” the offending frequency.
The in/out switch can be used to bypass the notch fi lter altogether.
Lower Feedback
Range notch
Upper Feedback
Range phase
The phase switch fl ips the polarity of your instrument signal from positive to negative, changing its relationship to the sound coming from the amplifi er. One phase setting usually provides better resistance to feedback than the other and will vary depending on the instrument and playing environment. Another approach to determining optimal phase is the selection which sounds or feels most natural when playing.
In certain playing environments the Phase switch may not have an audible impact.
Front Panel Controls
The boost foot switch creates an increase in volume only when the LED above the foot switch is lit. The range of volume boost can be set from
3dB to 12dB using the boost level control found on the right side panel.
Platinum Pro EQ features an integrated digital tuner with selectable tuning modes and reference tuning frequency adjustment. To activate the tuner, press the tuner foot switch: the tuner LED will light and the audio outputs will be muted.
Tune mode: fi ve tuning modes are available: fully-chromatic, ukulele, bass, guitar, violin. When in these modes, the display will indicate string number as well as degree of tune.
Tune ref.: pressing this button changes the reference tuning frequency for situations that do not call for an A note reference of 440Hz.
The battery indicator will light steadily when it is time to change the battery. Open the battery door underneath the pedal and install a fresh
9V alkaline or lithium battery. When the battery LED comes on you have approximately one hour of remaining battery life.
Left Side Panel
Amp Output
Use a standard ¼-inch instrument cable to connect the amp output to your amplifi er, mixer or effect devices. You can also connect this output to an unbalanced input on a recording system.
FX Loop
The 1/4 inch effect send and effect return jacks allow you to insert external devices into the signal chain just prior to the 1/4” and XLR D.I. outputs. The overall output level will still be affected by the volume control.
Right Side Panel
Plug in an instrument here with a standard ¼-inch instrument cable. If you have a passive undersaddle pickup (no battery onboard), use as short a cable as possible to minimize the loading affect of the cable.
Raise or lower the trim to optimize the input level for your pickup. Play hard and adjust trim so level LED fl ashes occasionally. Some pickup systems may not cause the light to fl ash at all and other onboard preamps may require you to turn their output down to achieve an optimum level.
Boost Level
The boost level determines the amount of volume boost when the
boost foot switch is activated.
Top Side Panel
XLR D.I. Output
Connect a standard microphone cable here to feed recording equipment or a sound reinforcement mixing console.
Pre / Post
When set to pre, the XLR output receives an unfi ltered signal directly from the input, prior to any level or tone controls. The post setting provides a fully-shaped output that is unaffected by the volume control.
Ground Lift
When a ground hum occurs, set this switch to lift.
Power may be supplied by either a 9V battery (battery compartment underneath the pedal) or the Fishman 910-R (for 110V).
Specifi cations
Input impedance:
Input trim gain range:
Amp Output:
Output Impedance:
XLR D.I. Output:
Level (pre EQ):
Level (post EQ):
Output Impedance:
Baseline noise:
Dynamic range:
Tone Controls:
Low Cut control:
Bass control:
Middle control:
Treble control:
Brilliance control:
Notch Filter:
10M Ohms
-6dB to +14dB
-∞ to +6dBV
1k Ohms
-10 dB relative to input
0 dB relative to input
600 Ohms
10Hz to 160Hz
±12dB @ 115Hz (guitar)
±12dB @ 85Hz (bass)
±12dB @ 200Hz to 3.1kHz; Q = 1.3
±12dB @ 6kHz (guitar)
±12dB @ 3khz (bass)
±7dB @ 10kHz (guitar); Q = 0.8
±7dB @ 5kHz (bass); Q = 0.8
45Hz to 370kHz; Q = 8
Specifi cations
Ratio: 2.5:1
Down position = non-inverting Phase switch:
Detection range:
Pitch accuracy:
‘A’ note Reference:
Power supply:
Typical in-use current consumption:
Typical 9V battery life:
9V adapter: chromatic, guitar, bass
27.5Hz (A0) to 4186Hz (C8)
0.5 cents
430Hz to 450Hz
9V battery or 9VDC adapter
17mA (tuner off)
30 hours using alkaline battery
Fishman 910-R (for 110V) or suitable fi ltered and regulated,
200mA type, tip = negative
All specifi cations subject to change without notice.
FCC Compliance Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
– Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
NOTE: Fishman Transducers, Inc. is not responsible for unauthorized equipment modifi cations that could violate FCC rules, and/ or void product safety certifi cations.
EU Declaration of Conformity CE: Hereby, Fishman declares that this Platinum Pro EQ is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2004/108/EC.
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of FISHMAN TRANSDUCERS, INC.
Fishman and Fishman Transducers are trademarks or tradenames of Fishman Transducers Inc. 513-300-217 Rev. 1, 8-14

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