Clipsal 753CF1 PIR Sensor User manual

The Clipsal 753CF1 PIR Sensor is a motion detector designed for indoor false ceiling mounting. It detects moving heat sources within its detection range, activating a connected lamp for a pre-set time period. The sensor has adjustable detection brightness, allowing it to operate only when the ambient brightness is below a certain level. This device is ideal for applications such as hallways, offices, and other areas where automatic lighting control is needed.

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Clipsal 753CF1 PIR Sensor User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • 360° detection range
  • Adjustable detection brightness
  • Adjustable time delay
  • Indoor false ceiling mounting
  • Passive infrared technology
  • One channel
  • Maximum load: 1000W
  • Easy installation and operation

Frequently asked questions

The PIR Sensor has four adjustment controls: TIME, LUX, SENS, and TEST. TIME adjusts the time delay for the connected load, ranging from pulse to 30 minutes. LUX adjusts the brightness level at which the sensor will activate, allowing for operation in various light conditions. SENS adjusts the detection range and sensitivity, while TEST disables the LUX setting and activates the connected load for 3 seconds upon detection.

The PIR Sensor requires approximately 60 seconds to initialize after power is applied. It's recommended to mount the sensor in such a way that there are no light or heat sources within its detection area to avoid unwanted switching. Ensure the sensor is installed at a minimum height of 1.7 meters.

Ensure power supply, check the detection area, and increase detection brightness (LUX setting).
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