McCormick-Deering LA 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 H.P., LA 3 to 5 H.P. Gasoline Engine Instruction
Below you will find brief information for Gasoline Engine LA 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 H.P., Gasoline Engine LA 3 to 5 H.P.. Instructions for operating the engine, including preparations, starting, stopping, timing and adjustments. It also covers servicing of the Wico Type "H" magneto.
{7 Preserve This Book “%) Instructions for Care and Operation of McCormick-Deering 11, to 2 H.P. 3 to 5 H.P. Gasoline Engines (Type “LA”) - Equipped with Wico Type "11 Magneto With List of Repair Parts important TO McCORMICK-DEERING OWNERS— This pamphlet has been prepared and ts furnished for the purpose of giving the user aa much Information as possible pertaining te the care aad operation of this machine. The owner is urged to read and study this Instruction pamphlet and if ordinary care ls sxercised, he will he assured of satisfactory service. - MANUFACTURED BY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY UNCORPORATED) 606 50. MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO, U.S.A. MC-D. 3727. 20M—10:1-35. | (DOMESTIC and EXPORT) | i : - + SPECIFICATIONS НИ o | té ta 14 1. €. | 410 511. P. a Horse (AL engine spec 600 REM o 3 Comer engine speed 1000 RPM 2} 5 Воге. ......... a 4" Stroke. ....... 31” 45" Engine speed... Flywheel size... ... Magneto—high tension, rotary type .. Spark plug (optional). ... Pulley (standard) (takes 4” helt) Pulley speed. ea Pulley sizes (furnished special) Water hopper-—capacity - Fuel tank—capacity.. Lubricating oil—capacity Auxiliary water hopper = Air cleaner (oil type) Length overall. .......... Width overall. ...... Height overall. .......... 1600 (0 1000 К.Р.М. 14” dia, 17” face Wico Type “H" Champion Na. 1 or No. 20 6" dia, 5” face 300 to 500 R.P.M. 147.4", 57,77, 8” día, 2} gallons 1} gallons 1 quart Special Equipment (Special Equipment 28" 16%” 18” 600 to 1000 R. P.M. 173" dia., 23" face Wico Type “H"” Champion No. 1 or No. 20 8” dia., 5" face 300 to 500 R. P.M. 37, 4”, 5", 6", 7” dia. 4 gallons 2 gallons 3 pints Special Equipment Special Equipment 333" 194" 204" . ——-—# INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPERATING IMPORTANT! This engine is equipped with a fuel tank having no gravity opening: and great precaution has been taken to produce one of the safest envines {or Hneration in a building. A permit should, however, be obtained from the Insurance Authorities when engine is installed in un insured building. Air Cleaner Attachment If the engine 19 to be operated under very dusty conditions, w= “commend the use of our Special (oil type) Air Cleaning Attachment. Auxiliary Water Hopper Attachment When the engine is to run a long time, without attention, we = nmmend the use of our Special Auxiliary Water Hopper which, when tiled, will outlast a full tank of fuel, thereby preventing any damage that may be caused ‘rom an insufficient amount of water. + > / ( 7 À, “ O PB N - Na Pe e 12) = а ОЧ 5 O 0 a | -æ@ i “ @\ ^> Sy = A ~ > i © Nlustration No. 1 Ref. Ref. No. DESCRIPTION No. DESCRIPTION 1 Cylinder head cover with wing nut, 9 Water hopper cover, 2 Fuel tank filler cap. 10 { Timing notch (in side plate). 3 Fuel pipe assembly. fi Auxiliary water drain plug. 4 Fuel needle valve. 12 Breather pipe: 5 Muller, 13 Timing (D.C.) mark. 6 Cylinder head cover stud. 14 Water hopper drain plug. 7 Valve rocker adjusting screw nut. 15 Starting crank, 8 Valve rocker shaft oiler. 16 Choke valve. 7989 Illustration No. 2 DESCRIPTION чё Co Y Cn Ut is OU ho ай Crankcase oil drain plug. Srankcase oil filler plug. lating screw. and es plate. Engine stop switch. Magneto. Magneto breaker cover. Belt ulley. er. | | Preparations for Starting (See illustration No. I) Fuel Fill the fuel tank with clean gasoline. Caution: Never fill gasoline tank while engine is running. Inasmuch as the fuel consumption is very small, a high test gasoline is a good investment in cold weather. Trouble will be avoided if the fuel is kept free from water and dirt. Fuel tank should be removed and cleaned out at least once a year. Note! See Special Instruction Book when using Kerosene Burning Attachment. Cooling Fill hopper with clean water (preferably rain or soft water) to within 1" of the top and keep it well filled. Hot water in zero weather will make starting easier. Lubrication (See illustration No. 2) Fill the crankcase with a good brand of new engine oil, level with the top of the filler boss, and keep it full. The following grades of oil are recommended. S.A.E. No. 40—Above + 60° F. S.A.E. No. 20—+ 20°F. to U°F. S.A.E. No. 30—-+ 60°F. to + 20°F. S.A.E. No. 10— 0°F. to — 20°F. Do not allow dirt to drop in the oil opening when filling. Drain oil after every 100 hours of operation and after every 50 hours when operating under very dusty conditions. Occasionally flush out the crankcase with flushing oil. * When the engine is new and occasionally thereafter, remove the rocker arm cover and oil the rocker arms, adjustment screw cups, end of valve stems, and the starting crank handle pin and see that they move freely and are free from paint and dirt. Do not oil the valve guides. Note: The rocker arm cover should always be in place when running the engine. Put two drops of oil on the magneto breaker arm pivot felt ring after every 50 hours of operation, using S.A.E. No. 50 oil, and refill the space back of breaker arm rubbing block after every 400 to 500 hours of operation with standard I.H.C. magneto grease (21372D). (Sec illustration No. 4.) 6 To Start Engine (See illustration No. +} Open fuel needle valve approximately § to § of a turn mn summer, approxi mately 1 to 1} turns in freezing weather, and two full turns in zero or colder weather, | Crank engine slowly until you feel it on the compression stroke. Press down on choke valve and give the crank a quick upward flip, keeping the hand about one inch away from the flywheel, and pulling away from the flywheel at the same time. Release the choke after engine gets one charge and crank the engine, using only a quick upward flip. If engine does not start after a {ew cranks, repeat the operation. Do not choke the engine toc much, otherwise you may flood it and cause hard starting. As soon as engine starts to run, adjust the needle valve. After engine starts, turn needle valve so mark on head is at the top. Too much fuel makes the engine rur. unever and smoke; lack of fuel causes the engine to run uneven and backfire. When the engine is to be started ho?, de ot use the choke but close the needle valve one-fourth of a turn from the regular operating position. If engine becomes flooded, spark piug should be removed, cleaned and re- installed and the engine cranked, with the fuel completely shut off, until the engine starts to run; then adjust the fuei needie valve to best operating position. When the engine has been flooded it iz a good policy to pour about one tablespoonful of cylinder oil into the cyhnder through the spark plug opening before. replacing the spark plug. | Magneto (See instructions on page 9.) Ignition Engine is equipped with a Type “lI” Wico Rotary type high-tension magneto having an automatic impulse coupling which automatically advances and retards the spark. The engine should be cranked only with half turns and not spun. The Champion No. 1 spark plug is recommended for standard service and the Champion No, 20 for het service, Engine Speed Regulation (See illustration No. 2) The engine as shipped fram the factory is set for 21 H.P. at 1000 R.P.M. for the 14 to 21 TLP. engine, and for 5 11.P. at 1009 R.P.M. for the 3 to 5 H.P. engine. This speed can be decreased by tuning the speed regulating screw (in a counter-clockwise direction), Lowering the engine speed decreases the horse power. To Stop Engine (Sec illustration No. 2) Push in on stop switch on the side of magneto or shut off the fuel. When engine has been pulling a heavy load, it is sometimes advisable to shut off the fuel rather than use the magneto switch if the engine is to be started again in a short time, {=~ Always drain water hopper in cold weather. If the engine is to stand idle for any considerable length of time, a good practice to follow is to set the engine so the intake and exhaust valves are both closed, ta To get satisfactory service, do not overload the engine. Exhaust Pipe In case the exhaust is carried to the outside of the building, a drain should always be provided close to the cylinder head and slightly below the exhaust outlet from the head. Use 45 degree bends or long radius elbows to make the turns. The pipe should be increased one size, starting at the cylinder head, and increased one size for every 10 feet of length. Timing and Adjustments (See illustration No. 5) If the engine has to be dismantled for any reason, the following instructions * must be followed: General Keassembling 1. Assemble throttle valve shaft extension with washer, bearing spring and connecting link attached, into the hole under the cylinder bore with the ve in the bearing at the bottom, and press in until the bearing is against the shoulder. Insert the tappets. 2. Assemble crankshaft and camshaft so the marked tooth on pinion meshes between the two marked teeth in the gear, care being taken not to damage the camshaft oil seal. 3. Assemble piston and connecting rod through the head end and fasten to the crankshaft so the sides of rod and cap are even with the two center punched marks on rod and cap on the same side, and the countersunk hole in the small end of the rod on top. If the bearings become badly worn, they should be replaced to insure a quiet running engine. Il new main bearings are installed, be sure the oil hole in the bearing is in line with the oil hole in the casting. The connecting rod bearing is split off the center of the rod for aligning purposes and should not be filed. Under no circumstances file the rod or cap. If, fur any reason, the oil ring has been removed, it must be assembled on the piston with the sharp edges away from the piston head. 4. Assemble the governor in place and be sure the shaft is screwed tightly into the gear. Place governor plunger, spring and collar in the shaft and see that the plunger moves freely endwise. 5. Assemble governor lever unit in place and screw fork in to approximately the same position it was originally. 6. Turn the lever on end of throttle valve shaft extension in a clockwise rotation about three-fourths of a turn or until the lever points down, thenfslip the free end of connecting link into hole in end of governor lever. 7. Push the throttle shaft connection on end of throttle shaft extension down to the shoulder. Turn throttle valve shaft in cylinder head in a counter- dockwise direction as far as it will go and, without disturbing this setting, mesh the throttle valve shaft into the elip joint, then fasten head tightly in place with cylinder head gasket and valve rockers in place. BRET PE A MEC A rd а A Te MR RE Goneral Reassembling—Continued 8. Lift the connecting link out of the end of governor lever and adjust governor lever support fork so end of connecting link will just slip into the governor lever when the governor is pushed in tight against the end of plunger; then tighten the lock nut, making sure the lever bears centrally on end of plunger. Check and see that there is no binding of governor linkage thru the complete swing of throttle valve shaft extension lever, Tapping the inner end of throttle shaft extension will free any endwise binding caused by reassembling cylinder head to engine. 9. Make sure all locks, cotters and 1:.:'te 7.6 tight, screw out speed adjusting screw in side plate so it is ever wich inside of boss, hil the pockets above the bearings with oil, and fasten the side plaie in place, being careful not to damage the speed change lever or crankshzit ой seal. Crankshaft and camshaft should have about 4" end play when cover ic drawn up tight, 10. Assemble flywheel with feoic washer ir place and align the D.C. mark on flywheel with the timing notck on side plate when engine is on the compression stroke. The compression stroke ma; be detamined by placing the finger over the spark plug hole and cranking engine ii. a clockwise direction, When air blows past the finger, the engine is on compression stroke, 11. When the Aywheel is (c be removed, jvoser clamp bolt at hub and tap flywheel as close to hub as possible. Caution! Never strike fiywheel rim lo remove flywheel. 12. Remove the magneto brexker cover and ad;ust the breaker points so they are .020° open when rubbing block is on high point of cam, as shown in illustration No. 4. Replace the cover. The gauge depressed at end of magneto wrench can be used for this adjustment. Align the marked tooth on magneto gear with mark on magneto flange, and, without disturbing this setting, insert magneto into its mounting hole so magneto gear meshes with cam gear. Then tighten the magneto screws lightly so magneto can be rocked. The magneto impulse coupling can be made to trip exactly at the time the D.C. mark on flywheel is in line with timieg notch on side plate by tipping the magneto forward or backward. Then tighten the magneto screws. Caution] When checking tripping point of coupling, take a firm hold on flywheel and move slowly so you do not pass the point of actual trip. Never allow magneto impulse coupling tc trip before D.C, 13. Screw the speed regulating screw all the way in and then back it out about 2 turns or to the speed at which the engine is to run. Do not turn screw too far in as it will overload the governor and cause undue wear. 14. Assemble push rods in place and adjust valve rockers so that intake clearance is .006" to .008" and exhaust clearance is .008" to .01¢*. Grinding the valves occasionally will improve starting and increase the power. 9 General Reassembling—Continued 15. Set spark plug gap to .020” or to the thickness of gauge depressed at end of magneto wrench. Assemble spark plug in place and attach cable. As. semble valve rocker and hand hole cover in place. After engine warms up, tighten cylinder head screws. 16. Assemble the fuel tank to engine and skids and attach the fuel line, making sure the screen is clean and the small ball in check valve is free. See that nut on fuel line and the two screws holding the pipe to mixer are started before finally tightening; screw at miser should be drawn up tight so no arr leak can occur. n 17. Assemble belt pulley with felt washer in place. 3”, 47, 57, 67, 1’ and 8" J pulleys are provided for the engine, the 67 pulley being standard for the 1} to là H.P. engine and the 8" pulley for the 3 to 5 11,1. engine: the other sizes can "e furnished as ordered. The camshaft is slightly tonger than the pulley huis: this 8 ; : . A makes it possible to key the pulley out to end of camshaft which will alivw the belt to run down past the skid runner. CARE AND SERVICING OF WICO TYPE “H” MAGNETO The Wico Type “1” flanze mounted magneto requires very little care other than an occasional inspection of the breaker points and to maintain г вор rf 020" between these points. (See illustration No. 4.) Keep pad dry \ N Oil after ever7 50 hours of 9EADA- tion. Us» SA 2. Nn, 58 си! Marked tooth SN $ Flange mark] Pack w 1h mau- Deto rie after every (00 бо 306 7 hours ar pera # Lan, ! .020" gap Illustration No. 3 Illustration No, 4 The only tubrication necessary is two drops of SAL 30 в feo vino behind the breaker arm at the pivot; also tine standard | NEC marte des pai (213721) on the breaker arm back of rubbing block. Minor Repairs a The following minor repairs can he made by ac competent repairing. Breaker Points | When point renewal is necessary, it is recommended that both fixed and v movable points be changed at the same time. Remove the fixed point, then remove the screw that holds the breaker arm on its pivot. Slip the arm far enough off its pivot, so that a small screw driver can be put in back of the arm. The screw holding the breaker spring to the housing can then be removed. Then remove breaker arm and spring. If the breaker arm and spring are to be used again, care should be exercised to sce that the breaker arm spring is not distorted. When replacing the breaker arm, care must be taken to see that the points are in line and that spring is not distorted. (Continued on page 12) e PP 19610 | GL9647 | 6! 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Mu ONIS TY + X NON MON NV NN OM NAN UN NY / / “Na ! ` \ ` \ NOA \ >, vote NON \ NN NO EA y 1 y ~1L MITE | Noon N Cony X NN N NON i „” — Eu МАИ : NN No LN - “m =! cat ti Rn ma pm vean a ES Epa el BL JAWA WOH) - TN TREN 7 [= 5 } Ш м - tr Le na № va Aa TT 68 el № AN fi } | / 7 o ) @ al 7-8 = UN = EN й > e -—48 Pre — e oe TA eee 09 8 10 eT к e - --—- ag a = = ud NS \ RE. = EE AUS X \ e: = ‘ = ae у / / A or E LE e T1 07 12 CARE AND SERVICING OF WICO TYPE “H” MAGNETO—Continued Condenser Renewal The magneto cover, containing the breaker point assembly, is removed by taking off the four nuts and working the cover gently off the studs. The cover should not be removed with force as the high tension coil is connected to it by the primary lead wire and care must be used in order not to break this connection. Remove the nut and lock washer on the outside of the magneto cover which holds one end of the condenser to the cover, then loosen the nut on the other end of the condenser and the condenser and primary lead wire will lift out easily, since the condenser bracket is slotted. When replacing the condenser, be sure the primary lead wire is in the recess provided for it. Terminal In case of damage to the terminal, remove the four screws which hoid the terminal in place, taking care not te damage the gasket which seals terminal to magneto cover. Replace with new termini, making sure that small keyway in terminal is aligned with key in piaté insert the four screws and tighten securely. Impulse Coupling To remove impulse coupling from magnets, remove cotter pin and nut on end of shaft. In order to hold the shaft while the nut is being loosened, insert a screw driver between impulse stop ard end of {dyweight or driven flange. Do not try to hold the gear. Alter nut is removed, the gear and its bushing can he slipped off the shaft, making sure that impulse spring contained in ¿he gear 15 removed with it. Im- pulse spring can he removed from gear by inserting a blunt pin through hole in gear that anchors the outer end of spring, forcing the spring ouf of the hole, The driven flange is keyed to the drive shale of magneto and after the gear is removed, (lange can be pried off by placing a screw driver behind it on each side. Do not damage the pilot boss that guides the magneto into the engine housing. Replacement impulse springs are enclosed in a casing to facilitate their installation. To insert a new spring, lay the wound spring, which is in casing, over the recess in the gear, so that outer eye of spring is over the notch in the pear provided for it, Use a piece of brass or hard wood to drive the eye into 1ts notch in the gear and, at the same time, work the rest of the spring into the gear by inserting blunt pin through holes in casing provided for this purpose. The spring will then drop into its recess. At the same time, the casing which holds the wound spring will come off. To replace gear on magneto, pull inner eye of spring out just enough so that it can he started inw notch in driven flange. Turn flange until flyweight engages the impulse stop, then turn the gear clockwise until impulse trip pin in gear passes by the engaging surface on the flange. ‘Then press the gear into place and insert the bushing. Caution! Never remove the armature when making these repairs, as the magnets will become weak and will not function properly. The foregoing instructions apply only to Minor Repairs. Whenever Major Repairs, or repairs not specified above, are necessary, such as replace- ment of the drive shaft assembly, consisting of drive shaft, Lreaker point cam and rotating magnets, coil group, ball bearings, flange group, assembly plate group and core group, the magneto should be taken to any authorized “Wico” Service Station or International [Harvester Company branch. ++ 13 т | Hs | HL | OV 9294} 88111] RO INT ‚tz | | „41 | A Ву | Vero E ei Y j sl ор ati J fv (LHssoyt LHsoour | EY O Qui 1 200811 5: TEL AU | HH PIS .8 ‘pis ,9 IY № sayy i, $304 8 | Z Sa "ET | soi, +0 | 0 el AV EE нА На В EEE Y SE oy | HN «|| Po eB E A A STE сте Др 5 ‚НЗ AL М | E ise, Y J! | 4 | q „SLZET | SELTEN | AY ol " | A ‘5 | 4 Nai rd o 25981 14| 25981 || Чу eE OZ TAS À 16 | ‚| N A 5, 36000), a SETI) SETI | 8 él; L | (te | ро ее о НЗ! JE Ys | av iO Hot |S | Ati BL HN A Y J | | | ! | 18137 | …. o E 5197] а НЕО Е |4 СН {с оз НЕ ud ld HIOQUE \'d ‘H&L ont: a ; dd Hi Jd HE où 41! Jay | d HS fad HIZO #1 ‘эм ‘хоч ДВОТ] 91 8493367] вопело рен OF XOPUI "MOTA TIUONMUSTITO 9 "ON UOIEIISNII 14 LIST OF REPAIR PARTS Cylinder Head, Valves and Muffler (See Illustration No. 5) I H C Part No. DESCRIPTION 9 1о 2} Н. Р. | 3to SH. P. 3SS7DX | ........ | Cylinder head assembly, 3557DY | ........ Cylinder head assembly, complete with valves, 3563D | ........ Valve rocker, L. H. 3564D 210005 Valve rucker, R. H. envrecos 3868DX Cylinder head assembly. enorrearoe 3818 D Y Cylinder head assembly, complete with valves, aa eee» 3905 D Valve rocker, L. H. 120000 3906D Valve rocker, R. H. 11916D 11916D Cylinder head cover stud wing nut 25934 27934 D Valve rocker shaft oiler, 27939D | ........ Cylinder head gasket. 27940D | ........ Throttle shaft. 27941150 | ........ Throttle valve stop pin, 27942D 27942D Throttle valve shaft plug. 27943D | ........ Inlet and exhaust valve. 27944D 27944D Valve spring retainer. 27945D 27945D Valve liter. 27946D | ........ Valve push rod. 2791491) 27949D Valve rocker bracket, right. 2195002) | ........ Valve rocker shaft assembly. 27951D 219510 Valve rocker shaft wick, 27952DX | ........ Cylinder head cover, complete. 27953D 27953D Cylinder head cover plate. 27954 D 27954 D Cylinder head cover stud. 27957D | ........ Muffler assembly. 28008D 28008D Valve spring. Ceara 29558D Throttle valve stop pin. SA ue» 20584D Valve rocker shaft assembly, Cees 29589D Cylinder head gasket. rea 29596D Throttle valve. @ Cea 29600D Inlet and exhaust valves. a 00000 29601 D Valve push rod. RE 29602D Throttle shaft. Le san» 29609 D Muffler assembly. Cee 29621DX Cylinder head cover, complete. 30559D 30559D Speed change screw bushing. 30934 D 30934 D Throttle shaft housing breather. 30939DA 30939DA Throttle shaft oil seal. 3116410 31164D Throttle shaft housing breather felt. L 15102 L 15102 Valve spring retainer pin. L 18136 | ........ Throttie valve. [. 15217 I. 15217 Valve rocker screw. Crankcase (See Illustration No. 5) 3 H C Part No. ‘| —— DESCRIPTION far: 24H.P. | 3105H Р. ISIGDAX | ........ Side plate assembiy. ISSIDBX | ........ Crankcase assembly. 3572D 3572D Ou Aller plug. nll IH C Part No. CEA Urankcase-—Continued (See Iliustration No. 5) DESCRIPTION 1+ (о 28 Н. Р. | 3to SH. P. И 35730 3573 Splash plate (water hopper cover), Caress 3869DX | Side piate assembly. ps. 3870DBX | Crankcase assembly. 130540) | ....,... Expansion plug, 13" (in crankcase). 130532) | ........ Expansion plug, 14" (in side plate). 17562D 17562D Expansion plug, 1“ (in side plate). 19857D [| ........ Main bearing oil seal. Coenen > 20108D Camshaft bearing oil seal. 27843D 27843 D Hopper drain plug. 27999D | ........ Oil seal felt, 28000D 28000D Hand hole cover. 28001 D 28001 D Hand hole cover gasket. 280030 | ........ Side plate gasket. 2800412 | ........ СтапКсазе breather pipe. 28005D | ........ Side plate breather pipe. 280062 | .......- Skid runner, L.. H, 28007 D Cee Skid runner, К. Н. 280:0D | ........ Main bearing (crankshaft and camshaft). 28011D | ........ Main bearing (.005" undersize) (crankshaft and camshaft). 2801202) | ........ Main bearing (.020” undersize) (crankshaft and camehaft), 28013D | ........ Main bearing (.025" undersize) (crankshaft and camshaft). Chena . 29564 D Expansion plug, 14%” (in side plate). Cees 29565 D Expansion plug, 1}* (in crankcase}. dare 29566D Crankshaft bearing oil seal. ae 293741 Crankshaft bearing. Lau 29575 D Crankshaft bearing (.010” undersize). ana ac 29£76D Crankshaft bearing (.020" undersize). Cee 295770 Crankshaft bearing (.030* undersize) aa 29578D Camshaft bearing. as 29579D Camshaft bearing (0107 undersize), 20580D Camshaft bearing (.020” unilersize). e 29581 D Camshaft bearing ((030”" undersize). aia 295860 Crankshaft oil scal feit. aia 20587D Camshaft oil seal felt. ena 295881) Side plate dowel. aaa 29590D Side plate gasket, erre. 29591 D Side plate breather pipe. aaa 295921) Crankcase breather pipe. eee 29745D Skid runner, L. TL. Cea 297461) Skid runner, KR. H, G3472 | La... Crankcase dowel. 42844V 42844V Expansion plug, 21" {in crankcase). I Connecting Rod and Piston (See Illustration No. 5) I HC Part No. DESCRIPTION 14to 2b H.P, | 3to5H.P. 3574DX 3575DX 3576DX т теа нина A EA к к кк та Piston, complete with rings. Piston, complete with rings (.005° oversize). Piston, complete with rings (.010" oversize Connecting Rod and Piston—Continued (See Illustration No. 5) I H C Part No. лит сны 1) 1024 H.P. | 3t0SH.P. | 3577DX | 3578DX 35791) 3580D 3581D 3582D 3583D 3584D 35850 + к я wom ow a a Era a E Nr E EE ER EE ENE E a E OE * + 1 +: - + *# 4 Vs aoa a AoE EF ow HH LC A "NON AAA ERE AA = +... колее нае кв канаве … = +. 27916D 27916DX 27935 D 27936D 27937 D 27938D 28014DX 28015DX 28016DX 28017 DX = =: = = + a =. AOA A a os oa wow =... AER Aa я т вета = + + * # + +. “ =: = =" # #0" + a EN wa = AM ANNA 31168D 31169D 31170D = + ue = A ow ан +". я я тии 4 + 44 WW WW) Ea a AA 4 = 0. LE +7.) A CC 4 "a чине м «1 4 U UA я ча нина «= 1 за os “vu + = = = 3861DX 3862DX 3863DX 3864DX 3865DX 3907 D 3908D 3909 D 3910D 3911D 3912D 3913D 3914 D 3915D 3916D aa MOR + 1 4 à 11 1 1 4 1 4 à "+ 4 #4 + 11 à «+ +4 5 + 4 4 4 в ки нана # + EE + 5 = kw в кк навеян 29560) 209561 D 29562D 29563D 20611 DX 29612DX 29613DX 29614DX 29615D 29615DX «+... x + = 5 5 z 4 = 31171D 31172D 31173D DESCRIPTION Piston, complete with rings (.030” oversize Compression ring. Compression ring (.005° oversize). Compression ring (.010" Sversize). Compression ring (.020” oversize Compression ring (.030” oversize). Oi! ring. Oil ring (.005" oversize). Oil ring (ou: oversize Piston, complete with rings (‚020” oversize). Oil ring (.020" oversize Oil ring (.030” oversize). Piston, complete with rings. Piston, complete with rings (.005” oversize). Piston, complete with rings (.010” oversize). Piston, complete with rings Coso” oversize Piston, complete with rings (.030” oversize Compression ring. Compression ring ET oversize). Compression ring (.010” oversize). Compression ring (.020” oversize). Compression ring (.030” oversize). Oil ring. Oil ring sto vera Oil ring (.010” oversize Oil ring (.020” oversize Oil ring .030* oversize). Piston, complete with rings (8000-ft. nds special). Piston, complete with rings (8000-ft. altitude—special). Connecting rod and cap. Connecting rod and cap, complete with bearings, Connecting rod bushing. Connecting rod screw lock. Piston pin, Piston pin set screw. Connecting rod bearing assembly. Connecting rod bearing (.005” andere + Connecting rod bearing (.020” undersize). Connecting rod bearing (.025" undersize). Connecting rod screw lock. Connecting rod bushing. Piston pin set screw, Piston pin. Connecting rod bearing assembly, complete, Connecting rod bearing assembly (.005” undersize). Connecting rod bearing assembly (.070” undersize Connecting rod bearing assembly (.025” undersize Connecting rod and cap. Connecting rod and cap, complete with bearings. Piston pin tooo" oversize). Piston pin (.005" oversize). Piston pin (.008" oversize). Piston pin (.003" oversize). Piston pin {.005" oversize). Piston pin (.008” oversize). Crankshaft, Camshatt, Flywheel and Pulleys (See Iilustralion No. 5) 1 H C Part No. — DESCRIPTION Ly to 2) H.P. | 3105 H.P. I554DAX |! ........ Flywheel assembly. 3S60DB | ........ Camshaft gear (38 teeth). J589D 3589D Vulley, 4” dia, 5° face (special). 3590D 3590D Pulley, 3” día., 5” face ci 3591 D 3591D Pulley, 5" dia, 5° face (special). 35920 | ........ Pulley, 6° dia., 5° face {standard). Ceres 3592D Pulley, 6” dia., 57 face (special). 3593D 3593D Pulley, 7" dia., 5° face (epee) . 3594D | ........ Pulley, 8 dia., 5” face (special), rae u se 3594) Pulley, 8" dia., 5" face (standard). anna 3866D X Flywheel, complete. 4710D | ........ Camshaft gear key (Woodruff No. 15). 4710D | ........ Crankshaft pinion key (Woodruff No. 15). 4710D | ........ Flywheel key (Woodruff No. 15). Ceres 13058D Flywheel key (Woodruff No. 29). 279150 (1 ........ Camshaft. 27919D | ......., Crankshaft. 219320 | ........ Crankshaft pinion (19 teeth). 27933D 27933D Flywheel handle. 27998D 27998D Flywheel handle pin plug, 5”. 28018D 28018D Pulley key, f x 24". eeoneo. 29585D Crankshaft pinion (24 teeth). reso. 29616D Camshaft. E00. 400 29618D Crankshaft. Cees 29623DA Camshaft gear (48 teeth). nece. 29822D Camshaft gear key (Woodruff No. “E™). Cee s 29822D Crankshaft pinion key (Woodruff No. “E"). L 15109 L15109 Flywheel handle pin. L 15181 L15181 Flywheel handle spring. Mixer (See Illustration No. 5) I H C Part No. DESCRIPTION 13 to 24 H. P. 3to5H.P. 3565D | ........ Mixer body. 3566DX | ........ Air intake assembly. esse une 3860DX Air intake assembly. RAA 3867 D Mixer body. 27958D | ........ Mixer gasket. 27961 D 27961 D Needle valve assembly. 27962D 27962D Needle valve spring washer. 27963D 27963D Compensating valve pin. 27964D eee Choke valve. 27965D 27965D Choke valve pin. 27966D 27966D Choke valve spring. 28023D 28023D Mixer suction pipe nut. неее... 295590 Compensating valve. 64]... 29595D Mixer gasket, RSR 29599D Choke valve. suce. 29662D Compensating valve spring. L 15135 | 0.0.40. Compensating valve. 1.15167 {| ........ - Compensating valve spring. 9977T 9977T Needle valve stem spring. 18 Fuel Tank and Connections (See Illustration No. 5) I H C Part No. DESCRIPTION 1} te 2} H. P. 3 lo $ H. P. 27556D 27556D Fuel tank filler cap. 27992D | ........- Fuel tank assembly, complete with cap. 279960 27996 Fuel line coupling. 27997D | ........ | Fuel line nssembly, complete. paca su» 296060 Fuel line ussembiy. negra. 29620D Fuel tank assembly, complete. Governor and Throttle (See Illustration No. 5) 1 H C Part Na. Вы ree DESCRIPTION lwp WP. | 3 to SM. Y, 3567D 3507 D Lrivernor ycar (26 teeth). 3570DX ISTODX | Governor lever assembly. 461 DX 4861 DX | Governor weight assembly. 2:907D 21907 D Cuvernor gear shaft. 27908 D 27908D Governor weight pin. 270680 27968D Governor lever pin. 27969D | ........ Ciyernor spring. 27972D 2797213 CGuvernor plunger pia assembly. 27973D 27973D ( .overnor speed change collar. 27974DD 27974D Governor speed change lever. 27978D 27978D Governor lever support assembly. 27919DX Pesar. Vhrottie shaft extension assembly. 27980D 27980D - Throttle shaft extension washer. 2179810 27981 D Throttle shaft connection, 27982 D 27982 D Throttle valve spring. 27983D {| ........ Governor Chrottle connection. 28002D 28002D Throttle shalt extension bcarmg. Las ua au» 29593D (sovernur spring. RARE 295941 Governor throttle connection. RE 29598DX Throttle shaft extension assembly. 1. 15138 1. 15138 Governor throttle connection washer. Magneto and Spark Plugs (See Illustration No. 5) 1 H C Pan No, | -— DESCRIPTION 14 402) H Р. | зы ЗИ. р, 131170 131170 Spark plug (amie No, 1). 13173D 131731) Spark plug (Champion No. 20) (for light load). 27984D O agneto gasket. | 27985D 27985D Spark plug cable support. 28025) | ........ Magneto, complete (Wico ‘Fype “H" flange mounting). 28026DX | ........ Magneto gear with pin, 28357DAX} ........ Spark plug cable, complete with insulator. 28364 D 28364 D Magneto gear pif. RAP 29567 D Magneto, complete (Wico type “H” flange mounting). Caen 29582D Magneto gasket. Lacan 00 29610DAX | Spark plug cable, complete with insulator. RT 29622DX agneto gear with pin 10041 D 30041 D Wrench and gauge {breaker points and spark plug). 1924T 19247 Spark plug cable terminal. 3095 V 13095V Spark plug wrench. + X 19 Magneto (Wico Type ''H') — ©2030 005 бы Во = Jk 30484 D 304881) 30493 D 30472D 304730 305010 304710 30489 D 30468D 304760 280261) X 296221)X + 7 1 тж ео ее = | ° Real pif 0 No [Part Ne. 12 304751} 13 304741) 14 304771) 15 3048721) 16 304761) 17 30487 D 18 30485 [D 19 304791 20 304831 21 30190 D — — == 1 pe 0 x me E A e неее по me = 3 1 21 25 20 30 31 32 LE" ba" Paca я 3010510) 311911 30161) 3014711) 3050210 Нор 301811 304920 301700 30478 DD 304971 A A ——— liar TA 2 o lle 20 — adie = die PE pe CE - ТИ OC Ра No road pr STR | | Magnoto (Wico Type “H'') (Parts for Minor Repairs) (Nes filtration Nu. 7) . *» — Afina Pak Xo | NESCRUTINN — -_—- mn 0 20 a hr y —_MMOXD 30416813 |; A TAN | foul ae newt 30400100 401691) LAGUNA Tasmania 30470) 30470D A 23% - freaker box cover screw, 304710 494710 A-25N Terminal connection spring. 72U 404721) \-26X | Terminal plate gasket. 30473D Зо A-27N | Terminal plate. 4D 30474D A-J2X Impulse gear Lushing. 15D 20475 E | Impulse drive spring. ° 76D 30476D 2 Tf Impulse driven flange, complete. | 04770 30477D 7227 Mt-42X BL Jmpulse gear washer. . 30478D 30478D | A-45X ™Rreaker cover gasket. 30479D 30479D A-73X Core stud (lower). 30480D 30480D M-74X Core stud nut (upper). 30481 D 30481 D 16-8283 Core stud (upper). 30482D 30482D M-94X Impulse driven flange key. 30483D 30483 D M-100X Core stud nut (lower). 30484 D 30484D M-156X Breaker point nut. | 30485D 30485D A-243X Impulse pawl snap ring. : 30486D 304860 A-250XA | Breaker point wrench. 30487D 30487D A-256X Impulse stop. = ~~ 30488D 30488D A-259 Fixed contact point, complete. 30489D 30489D A-261XA | Ground switch spring. 30490D 30490D A-203X Breaker cam lubricating pad. 304910 304910 16-281 Breaker arm lubricating ring. - 30492D 30492D A-301 Cundenser, complete. = . 30493D 304930) A-33i Breaker arm, complete. 30494D 30494D 16-791 Breaker arm bushing. do — 30495D 30495D M-36X Breaker arm bushing clamping washer. — 30496D 304960 15-804 Breaker arm bushing retaining screw. 30497D 30497D X-1027 Breaker cover unit. 30498D 30498D X-1301 Impulse driven flange and pawl, complete. 305010 | 305010 X-1307 | Terminal (com ete. ; 30502D 3030920 | Х-130% ¡ Main housing lhrea er end), complete. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | и {rinted in A} ">
Key Features
- Gasoline engine
- Wico Type "H" magneto
- Air cleaner
- Auxiliary water hopper
- Large fuel tank
- Easy starting and stopping
- Adjustable speed
- Durable construction
- Reliable operation
Frequently Answers and Questions
How do I start the engine?
Open the fuel needle valve, crank the engine until you feel it on the compression stroke, press down on the choke valve, and give the crank a quick upward flip. Release the choke after the engine gets one charge and crank the engine using only a quick upward flip. If the engine doesn't start, repeat the process. Don't choke the engine too much, or you may flood it. As soon as the engine starts, adjust the needle valve.
How do I stop the engine?
Push in on the stop switch on the side of the magneto or shut off the fuel. When the engine has been pulling a heavy load, it is sometimes advisable to shut off the fuel rather than use the magneto switch, if the engine is to be started again in a short time.
How do I maintain the magneto?
The Wico Type "H" magneto requires very little care other than an occasional inspection of the breaker points. Keep the pad dry and oil after every 50 hours of operation. Use S.A.E. No. 50 oil. Also, pack with standard I.H.C. magneto grease after every 400 to 500 hours of operation.