Ransomes 66073 Turfcat 200 Series Owner's Manual
TURFCAT Il GW 224 OPERATOR’S MANUAL AND PARTS LIST PRODUCT NO, 66073 SERIAL NO. 1601 AND UP JACOBSEN. A WARNING IF INCORRECTLY USED THIS MACHINE CAN CAUSE SEVERE INJURY. THOSE WHO USE AND MAINTAIN THE MACHINE SHOULD BE TRAINED IN ITS PROPER USE, WARNED OF ITS DANGERS, AND SHOULD READ THE ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO SET UP, OPERATE, ADJUST OR SERVICE THE MACHINE. SAFE PRACTICES A CAUTION 1. Keep all shields in place. 2, Bafore leaving operator's position: a. Shift transmission to neutral b. Set parking brake c. Disengage atlachment clulch d. Shut off engine 8. Remove ignition key 3. Wait for all movement to stop before servicing machina. 4. Keep people and pets a safe distance away from machine, 1. Know the controls and how to stop quickly, READ THE OPERA- 2 4 10, 11, 12. 13. 14 - 15. TOR'S MANUAL, Do not allow children to operate the vehicla, Do not allow adults io operate it without proper instruction. Do not carry passengers. Keep children and pels a safe distance away. Clear the work area of objects which might be picked up and thrown, Always check overhead clearance and high voltage cabies, especially when transporting, Disengage all attachment clutches and shift into neutral bafore aliempling to start the engine (motor). Always start engine when sitting in operator's seat, never while standing beside unit. Do not bypass switches to jump start the engine. Disengage power to attachment(s) and stop the engine (molar before feaving the operator's position. Disengage power to attachment(s) and stop the engine (motor) before making any repairs or adjusiments. Never carry out re- pairs or tighten hydraulic hoses or fittings when system ls under pressure, when engine is running. Disengage power to attachment(s) when transporting or not in usa, Take all possible precautions when feaving the vehicle unat- tended, such as disengaging the power take-off, lowering the attachment(s), shifting Into neutral, setting the parking brake, stopping the engine, and removing the key. Do not stop or start suddenly when going uphift or downhill, Mow up and down the face of steep tlapes: never across the face. Reduce speed on slopes and. in sharp turns to prevent tipping or loss of control, Exercise extreme caution when changing direc- tion on slopes, Keep tractor In gear when going down steep slopes. Stay alert for holes in the terrain and other hidden hazards. Use care when pulling toads or using heavy equipment. 8. Use only approved drawbar hitch points, b. Limit loads to those you can safely control, с, Do not turn sharply, Use care when backing. d. Use counterweight(s) when suggested. Watch out for traffic when crossing or near roadways. When using any attachments, never allow anyone neär the vehicle while in operation. © COPYRIGHT 1985, TEXTRON INC. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20, 21. 22, FOR RIDING VEHICLES Handle fuel with care - it is highly fiammable, a. Use approved container. b. Never remove the cap of the fuel tank, or add fuel to a run- ning or hot engine, or fifl the tank indoors. Wipe up spilled fuel, .C. Do not run the engine (motor) indoors. Open doors if the en- gine is run in the garage - exhaust fumes are dangerous. Never use fuel as a cleaner. Do not smoke when handling fuel. Keep the vehicle and attachments in good operating condition and keep safety devices in placa. Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition. Never store the equipment with fuel in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame or spark, Allow the engine to cool before sloring in any enclosure. To reduce fire hazard, keep the engine free of grass, leaves, or excessive grease, The vehicle and attachments should be stopped and inspected for damage after striking a foreign object, and the damage should be repaired before restarting and operating ‘the equipment. Do not change the engine governor setting or over-spaed the engine. ‘ When using the tractor with mower, proceed as follows: a. Mow only in daylight or in good artificial light, b. Never make a cutting height adjustment while the engine 24. 5 3 N 28 29 30, (motor) is running if the operator must dismount to do sg. ‘с. Check the blade mounting bolts for proper tightness at fre- quent intervals. Know what is behind you before backing up. It is recommended that this machine not be used on public roads, If this la unavoidable, you must comply to equipment require- ments per SAE J137b and/or ASAE $279.4 Hghting and marking standard when riding on public roads, Follow the manufacturer's maintenance recommendations Impli- cltly. See ''Maintenance’’, It is recommended that your machine be thoroughly inspected at least once a year by a competent serviceman. Keep the machine and supply of fuel in locked storage to prevent children or others from playing or tampering with them, Always remove the ignition key when machine is stored. When machine is to be stored for an extended time, disconnect battery cables cables or remove the battery. Use fresh, clean fuel only, "For fuel recommendation, see ‘Engine Specifications’ on Page 4. !f machine is to be stored for an-extended period, drain the tank and empty the fuel storage container, either discarding the fuel in a safe place, or using it in other powered equipment for which it may be suited. Do not attempt to fill fuel tank from fuel container unless the container spout or funnel fits INSIDE the fuel tank filter neck, ‚The use of too. large a spout or funnel, or no funnel, may result .in spitled fuel, creating highly. flammable vapors. This could result in fire and/or explosion, causing severe bodi ty injury, E SE a FOREWORD This manual contains operating, maintenance, adjustment instruc- tions and parts list for your Jacobsen machine, Before you operate your machine, you and each operator you employ should read this manual carefully in its entirety. By following the operating and maintenance instructions, you will protong the life of your machine and maintain ¡ts maximum efficiency, If additional information is needed or should you require trained mechanic service, contact your Jacobsen Turf Equipment Distribu- tor, AH Jacobsen Turf Equipment Distributors are kept informed of the latest methods of servicing and are equipped to provide prompt and efficient service in the field or at their service stations, They carry ma ample stocks of Jacobsen service parts or can secure them promptly for you from the factory. Use of other than original Jacobsen parts or Jacobsen authorized parts will void the warranty. When ordering parts, always give the serial number and mode! of your machine, as well as the quantity, part number and description of the parts needed, The tractor serial number plate is located on the left front side of the frame, We suggest you record this number below for ready re- ference, Serial Number - HOW TO ORDER REPAIR PARTS To eliminate error and speed delivery: 1, Write your NAME and ADDRESS on your order plainly. 2, Explain WHERE and HOW to make shipment. 3. Give PRODUCT NUMBER, NAME, and SERIAL NUMBER ‘that is stamped on the NAME PLATE or SERIAL PLATE of your product. 4. Order by QUANTITY DESIRED, the PART NUMBER, and the DESCRIPTION OF PART, 5. Send your order to or visit your nearest AUTH - ORIZED JACOBSEN DISTRIBUTOR. 6. INSPECT ALL SHIPMENTS ON RECEIPT. If any parts are damaged or missing, file a claim with the carrier before accepting. 7. Do not return material to your AUTHORIZED JACOBSEN DISTRIBUTOR without a letter of’ explanation. Make a list of all returned parts, show your nama and address, and inglude it with the shipment, TRANSPORTATION CHARGES MUST BE PREPAID, A WARNING Thís machine is equipped with an interlock system which is intended to protect the operator and others from injury by preventing the engine from starting unless the P.T.0. lever is disengaged and the transmission shift lever is in neutral. A seat switch is also provided and is designed to kill the engine if the operator leaves the seat with the P.T.0. lever engaged or the transmission shift lever in gear. In the interest of safe operating conditions, this machine must never be operated with the interlock system disconnected or malfunctioning. CONTENTS ACCESSORIES . ADJUSTMENTS . . . . + . . . CONTENTS 2 24 24 + 0 FOREWORD . . . . HOW TO ORDER REPAIR PARTS . LUBRICATION . . . . . . . MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . OPERATING CONTROLS OPERATION . . o. PARTS LISTS + . . . , . . SAFE PRACTICES FOR RIDING SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS . , SPECIFICATIONS coe STORAGE . . . . . . WIRING DIAGRAM aaa 57 aaa. 8-9 aaa 2 44 21-44 VEHICLES . . . . . 2 aaa 5 aa 4 20 21 SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS PR GW 224 AY 2047 Model .....escosraarareorecarara Continental ROS Bore and Stroke.......... 2.28 in. (57.9 mm) x 3.15 in. (79.7 mm) stroke Horsepower .......... eens 23 (17. °Kw) SAE BHP Torque +evvsvrnarnns 40 ft/1bs. (54.3 Nu) € 2500 RPM Displacement.......eecerscarrerio 51.6 cu. in. (845 cc) Type ...... 4 cylinder in line, Gasoline, líquid-cooled Valves.. Overhead valves, hardened steel with intake/ exhaust valve inserts Carburetor ...e..en.> Downdraft-type with manual choke Governor. ..Mechanical device limits speed to 3300 RPM Air Cleaner. .Remote Donaldson cycolpac cartridge type Oil Filter........... +» Full pressure lubrication and " “replaceable spin-on type 011 capacity........ 3 quarts with filter (2.76 liter) {ubrication.............. Positive pressure gear pump Starting system......... Bendix drive, key start with safety interlock device Electrical System......_e.oeesescereoro e.12 volt system Alternator......_ececocoscorceoo ..x.0040444 40 amp. output Cooling...... Forced system by centrifugal water pump. 183” F(83* C),thermostat, 4-blade fan, capacity 4 qt. (3.8 liter) FUel......e.amuvao Gasoline, 86 Octane minimum in USA, 90 Octane | elsewhere High Idle - No load 3200-3300 R.P.M. Low idle 10001100 R.P.M. TRACTOR SPECIFICATIONS .In-line driveshaft to Eaton Model li hydrostatic transmission Transmission ... Differential ......... Peerless 2-speed transaxle with high/low range Steering ... re.esoo. Hydrostatic assist power steering Brakes ...Foot pedal operated disc brake on transaxle with parking brake latch Wheels ....... RAA Stamped disc rim Tires ,....eorcone Front - 23 x 10,50 -12 Xtra-traction : 2-Rear: 16 x 7.50-8 4-Ply Turning radius ....... Zero with traction assist brake Hydraulic System ...., Separate 4.5 gallon (17.1 Ltrs.) reservoir, large volume full flow 25 micron oil filter Implement Lift ..,.Single 2" bore cylinder controlled by 3 position valve actuated by foot operated pedal P.T.0.Drive. ........ Hydraulic pump mounted on engine gear type, fixed GPM flow, through control valve, out to hydraulic implement drive motor; back to reservoir Instruments on Console ........ Voltmeter, hour meter, water temperature gauge, engine oil light, — and fuse block Controls..... Key ignition switch, hand throttle, and manual choke and P.T.0. valve lever, foot treadle for forw./ rev. speed TRACTOR SPECIFICATIONS {Cont.) Seat.. .Option deluxe high back and adjustable seat or a high back spring cushioned seat, rubber cushion suspended *Traction Assist ......... „Drum type traction assist on Interlock System Ground Speeds: left drive wheel .. Transaxle neutral start, Implement P.T.0, Lever - Neutral Seat - operator seated Fuel Tank .............. Plastic 8 gallon (30.3 liter) Forward: ..High 0-7.5 MPH {0-12.1 Km/H Low 0-4.0 MH (0-6.4 Km/H Reverse:........ 0-4.0 MPH (0-6,4 Km/H) * Option: Traction assist on right drive wheel, WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS: Length (tractor only} ............ 89 inches (2261 mm Overall Width (tractor only) ... Overall Height {tractor only) ) 51.4 inches (1305 mm) ..61.0 inches (1550 mm) Wheel Base ,...... Posrecamo .....53.0 inches (1346 mm) Ground Clearance ...e...ecorcessesne 7 inches (178 mm) Shipping Weight ................ ...1246 lbs. (566 Kg) Operating Welght w/60" Deck ....... 1446 1bs. (657 Kg) O Length w/60" Deck ...............116 inches (2946 mm) | Width w/60" Deck 222220000000 78 inches (1981 mm) ACCESSORIES 29833 Chains - 10.50 Tires 66065 51'' Snowthrower Two Stage 66066 Hydraulic Drive Kit for 51'' Snowthrower 66069 Weight - Traction Wheel {2) 66078 Quick Disconnect Kit 66083 54" Straight Push Blade 66087 60" Flail Mower 66088 60" Brush - Hyd, Drive - Variable Angle 66091 R.0.P.S. and Canopy w/belt 66092 Cab/Wiper/Fan 66093 Lights (3) Flasher & Front & Rear Flood Lights 66095 60" Deck - Side Discharge - Hyd. Drive 66097 60" Deck - Rear Discharge - Hyd. Drive 66103 R.H. Turn Assist 66106 Vertical Blade (60" Flail) Kit 66107 72" Deck-Side Discharge - Hyd. Drive 66108 72" Mulcher Zit (Used on 66086, 72" Deck) 66109 72" Wide Mulcher Kit (Used on 66107, 72" Deck) 66110 72" Pneumatic Caster Wheel for Rotary Decks 66111 72" Deck - Rear Discharge - Hyd. Drive 66112 Quick Disconnect Half Kit - Hyd. Motors 69057 Tool Box 69078 Deluxe Seat/Turfcat II, Turf King II, Trim Ying 69079 Standard, Seat/Turfcat [I, Turf King IT 69020 Arm Rests - Deluxe Seat Only o SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS DEFINITION OF DIRECTIONS Reference to "Right and Left" side of machine is from operator's position when seated in normal operating position. Reference to "Forward" and “Rearward" is likewise from operator's position, TRACTOR SET-UP 1. Remove the top and the sides of the crate and the bands from the tractor. 2. Either a deluxe seat, Product No. 69078, or a standard seat, Product No. 69079, can be ordered from your Distributor. The seat mounts to. the seat pan assembly (Ref. No. 20, Illus. 2). Follow the instructions supplied with the seat. 3. Jack up front of tractor. Mount a drive wheel to hub on each side of tractor with five wheel mounting nuts provided. Torque nuts to 40-50 foot lbs. (54- 68 Nm) Retorque after 20 hours use. Lower unit & remove jack. 4. Jack up rear of tractor. Mount a steering wheel to hub on each side of tractor with (4)1/2-20 Tug nuts Torque nuts to 85-90 ft. lbs. (115 to 122 Nm). Re- torque after 20 hours use. Lower unit and remove jack. NOTE: Set parking brake before lifting rear of tractor to install wheel. OPERATING Remove hex jam nut, from steering coulmn. Position the steering wheel over the shaft so the spokes form a "Y" with the single spoke pointing towards the operator's position. Reassemble hex jam nut and assemble steering wheel cap. Torque nut to 25-30 ft. Tbs. (34-41 Nm). Assemble actuating rod and return spring to traction assist pedal as shown in Figure 11. PUTTING BATTERY IN SERVICE (See Maintenance) Lubricate the tractor as instructed in Lubrication Section, ‘A CAUTION To avoid possible serious bodily injury when operating without attachments, travel at a si speed when making turns. See Attachment's Operator's Manual for assembling to tractor. IMPORTANT Before placing the machine in operation be sure to read and follow all operating instructions. CONTROLS A CAUTION The controls will do only what they are intended to do. Study the instructions that follow and those in your Attachment Operator's Manual and learn to use them correctly. Keep hands and feet away from controls unless you intend to use them. GENERAL INFORMATION ENGINE Your machine is powered by a four cylinder, Continental Gas Engine, Model No. B1B 247. Engine speed is con- trolled by means of a throttle lever mounted on the right side of the driver's seat. A separate Engine Manual, prepared by the engine manu- facturer is supplied. Study this manual carefully un- til you are familiar with the manintenance, operation, adjustment and repair of your engine. Proper attention to the engine manufacturer's directions will assure maximum service life of the engine and highest operat- ing efficiency. ‚DRIVE TRAIN Power from the engine is transmitted to the front wheels through a variable displacement hydrostatic transmission and transaxle. The hydro allows a con- tinugusty variable selection of speeds to the front wheels, HOURMETER (See Fig. 4) The hourmeter indicates the number of hours the tractor has been operated. It can be used tc keep track of maintenance intervals and the amount of time required to perform various tasks, The hour meter operates whenever the ignition key is in the "ON" position. VOLTMETER (See Fig. 4) Indicates battery condition and charge level. PARKING BRAKE PEDAL {See Fig. 1) The parking brake is operated by a pedal. When the brake pedal is pushed down firmly, the disc brake on the transaxle is applied to stop the vehicle motion. OPERATING CONTROLS PARKING BRAKE LOCK (See Fig. 1) To engage the parking brake lock, fully depress the parking brake pedal and pull up on the parking brake lock and release brake pedal. To disengage, depress parking brake pedal and push down on parking brake lock, SHIFT LEYER (See Fig. 1) There are three positions: high range, low range and neutral. The transmission shift lever must be in the neutral position to allow the engine to start, Do not attempt to shift while the vehicle is in motion or while hydro pedal is depressed and shift only at idle speed, CHOKE CONTROL (See Fig. 1) When starting a cold engine, pull knob completely out which will close the choke. Set the throttle lever to 1/3 throttle and turn the ignition key. After the en- gine starts, push knob in as soon as possible. A warm engine usually requires less choke to start. < Fuel Gauge “ de , Hydraulic Fluid Tank: + THROTTLE LEVER (See Fig. 1) The area of lever travel between the "SLOW", "MEDIUM" and "FAST" position controls the governor spring ten- sion and this regulates engine speed. When the lever is moved forward to the “FAST” position, the engine speed increases, and when it is pulled rearward toward the "SLOW" position, the engine speed decreases. IGNITION SWITCH (See Fig. 4) Hourmeter | 9. Hydro Pedal 1. Two keys are furnished and taped to the switch. To start the engine turn the key clockwise to "START" po- = Parking Brake Pedal TH PTO Lover” Lift Pedal sition and release when engine starts. Do not hold 4. Parking Brake Lock 12. Traction Assist Pedal conds at a time. Key should be removed whenever vehi- 6. Choke Control Knob 14. Fuse Holder cle is not being used to prevent unauthorized opera- 7. Throttle Lever 15. Temperature Gauge tion, FOR COMPLETE STARTING INSTRUCTIONS SEE PROCE- 8, Ignition Switch - DURE FOR TRACTOR OPERATION, - HYDRO PEDAL (See Fig. 1) The hydro pedal controls the variable displacement reversible pump, To start the vehicle in forward mo- tion, depress the top of the hydro pedal. The further the pedal is depressed, the faster the vehicle will | move, To move the vehicle in reverse, depress lower ATTACHMENT LIFT PEDAL (See Fig. 3 portion of the hydro pedal. The pedal will ( 9. 3) automatically return to neutral when released. The hydraulic 1ift is used to raise and to lower at- tachments used with tractor. Operate by stepping on the front extension of pedal to lower and rear exten- sion of pedal to raise. Always hold pedal down until A WARNING | cylinder has fully extended to allow proper float of | the attachment. When the pedal is released it will automatically return to the neutral position. The en- To avoid possible serious bodily Injury do not use : ; gine must be running to raise attachments but will Uco Pedal as brake. This may cause a possible lower attachments with engine off. TO AVOID INJURY ° | DUE TO HOT, HIGH PRESSURE OIL, NEVER DISCONNECT HY- DRAULIC HOSES WITH ATTACHMENTS IN UP POSITION, OPERATING CONTROLS POWER TAKE OFF (PTO) LEVER (See Fig. 1) The PTO lever shifts the motor valve spool to acti- vate the hydraulic motor which operates attachments. It must be in the disengaged position to start engine. Operator must be in seat when engaging lever and the lever should automatically disengage if operator leaves the seat. A DANGER To avoid possible serious bodily injury, make cer- tain the attachment is in the lowered position be- fore engaging the PTO lever. Always disengage the PTO lever when the attachment mounted on the trac- tor is not being used. TRACTION ASSIST PEDAL (See Fig. 3) The traction assist pedal is designed to be an aid in trimming and hill climbing. To turn in a tight area, reduce the forward speed by letting up on the hydro pedal, then depress the trac- tion assist pedal while turning left. A WARNING _ To avoid possible serious bodily injury do not attempt to stop the machine with the traction assist and never use traction assist at high speeds. When hill climing, climb at an angle to the hill with the left wheel higher than the right wheel. left wheel begins to spin while hill climbing, apply traction assist to regain traction. ENGINE OIL PRESSURE LIGHT {See Fig. 4) The light will glow red if engine oil pressure drops below 7 to 9 P.S.I. (48 kPa-62 kPa). If light goes on, stop engine. Determine the cause and correct the pro- blem before continuing operation. FUSE HOLDER (See Fig. 4) Press in on cap and turn counter clockwise to remove fuse. TEMPERATURE GAUGE (See Fig. 4) Indicates engine coolant temperatures. A warning horn will sound to indicate high coolant temperature (230° - plus or minus 5°F) (110°plus or minus 5°C}. If horn : Sounds, stop engine and clear obstructions from out- side of rear grili, from inside screen, and from radi- ator fins. If horn continues to sound after cleaning, check coolant level as instructed in Maintenance Sec- tion, check fan belt tension, and/or check electrical circuit, =/ Step Down To Lower Attachment Ра Lift Pedal If the Temperature Guage Engine Qi! Pressure Light Voltmeter y e / Fuse J (2 Но! ет y | / Horn Mounting Nut Figure 4 OPERATION BEFORE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Fuel: Fill the fuel tank with clean gasoline, 86 Octane minimum in USA, 90 Octane elsewhere. 2. Check for hydraulic oil, coolant, and fuel leaks. 3. Check coolant and hydraulic oil levels. 4. Check engine crank case oil level. 5. Check tire pressures for proper inflation. (See Maintenance). PROCEDURE FOR STARTING 1. Sit in operator's seat, 2. Engage parking brake lock. 3. Move transmission shift lever to "neutral" posi- tion. 4. Check that P,T.0. lever is in disengaged posi- tion. Set throttle lever to 1/3 throttle. un 6. Pull choke out if engine is cold, but avoid flood- ing the engine. (See choke control under operating controls.) 7. Turn ignition switch key clockwise to "start" posi- tion and release as soon as engine starts. Do not hold key in "start" position for more than 30 sec- Inds at a time. с. After engine starts, operate the engine without choking (choke pushed all the way in) as soon as possible. чл Allow engine to warm up and then move shift lever into. desired position. 17. Disengage parking brake. 11. To move forward, depress top of hydro pedal with ball of foot, 12. To move backward, depress. bottom of hydro pedal with heel of foot. | | To avoid possible serious bodily injury, do not heel and toe the hydro pedal abruptly as the ma- chine may upset. Reduce speed on slopes, rough terrain, and in sharp turns to prevent tipping or loss of contro). 22. Hydro pedal will return to neutral position when foot is removed from pedal. 18, Ta stop tractor, place hydro pedal in neutral by renoving foot from pedal and depressing brake pe- dal. | Immediately stop the engine; (1) If the suddenly increases . e decreases, engine speed If a sudden unusual noise is heard. (2) (3) If the oil pressure lamp lights up or the water temperature alarm horn sounds. Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing operation. PARKING THE TRACTOR 1. Bring the tractor to a stop on level ground and set the throttle to siow, 2. Disengage the PTO lever. 3. Set the parking brake and lock. Place transmission in neutral. Lower attachment if in transport position. © © = Turn ignition to "off" position and remove key, PROCEDURE FOR ATTACHMENT OPERATION Do not operate tractor or attachments with bent or missing components. Operation with bent com- ponents or without shields and guards in place greatly increases the risk of serfous bodily in- jury. 1. Shift transmission lever to desired gear. 2. Set throttle at "fast" position. 3. Engage PTO lever, 4 ‚ Depress hydro pedal to move forward. Do NOT attempt to clear obstructions from attach- ments by engaging PTO lever with engine running. Disengage PIO lever, stop engine, set parking brake, remove key from ignition switch. Free at- tachment of obstruction with a stick or like in- РТО lever must be in disengaged posi- strument. tion when starting engine. h $ OPERATION HILLSIDE OPERATION AND HILL CLIMBING 1. Keep tires properly inflated. See Maintenance. 2. When driving up hills, maintain full engine speed, but Jet up on hydro pedal, This will maintain the performance necessary. NOTE It is important when operating on hilly terrain that the tractor is properly prepared. Correct tire pressure is essential for maximum traction and hillside holding. (See Maintenance). In order to minimize the possibility of tipping, the least dangerous method of operating on hills and terraces is to travel up and down the slope (vertically) instead of along the side (horizon- tally). It is also advisable to avoid any unnec- Use ex- essary turns while operating on hills. treme caution and travel at reduced speeds. Al- ways lower attachments to ground when descending slopes to reduce risk of tractor tipping. Operators must use good judgement when operating on hillsides, They must consider the percent of slope and the condition of the turf (wet, firm, density, etc.). If tractor tends to slide while operating on an extreme hillside, change the angle of the tractor by turning slightly down hill until traction is re- gained. When hil? climbing, climb at an angle to the hill with the left wheel higher than the right wheel. If the left wheel begins to spin while hill climbing, apply traction assist to regain traction. When climbing an extreme grade and tires begin to "mark" the turf, grade is too steep for safe opera- tion. Angle tractor into a less steep grade until tire marking stops. The percent of grade that the tractor will climb will vary with turf conditions, It is easier to climb hills if you let up on the hydro pedal, TRANSPORT OPERATION When transporting from one area to another, the fol- lowing steps must be taken: 1. Disengage PTO lever. 2. Raise attachment to transport position. 3. Shift transmission lever to HIGH. 4. Depress hydro pedal to move forward. AFTER OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Clean the entire attachment after use. Be sure to re- move debris that may tend to clog and corrode parts. KEEP RADIATOR CLEAN The engine is water cooled. If cooling system be- comes clogged, serious damage may result. After each usage, and whenever material collects, stop the engine and clear obstructions from rear grill (Ref. No. 64, 111. 2), screen at rear of radiator (Ref, No. 55, 111. 5), radiator fins, and cil cooler fins, KEEP HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION CLEAN Do not permit dirt or grass clippings to accumulate in hydro unit cooling fins. If fan blades become damag- ed, replace fan. WEIGHT FOR ADDED TRACTION Wheel weights are available as accessories for the front wheels. These weights will increase traction -— and are 50 pounds (23 Kg) each. | When used on the front of the tractor, wheel weights should be used in pairs; that is, one on each side. Operation with weight on one side only will cause un- even tire wear and will cant or tip the tractor, which can result in improper operation on certain imple- ments. ADJUSTMENTS A WARNING | "етот To avoid possible serious bodily injury, before | making any adjustments and when removing foreign | matter from attachment, disengage РТО lever, lower the attachment, stop engine, set parking : ani itch. o brake and remove key from ignition switc Interlock Switch . | Tu ug” GENERAL о i Ju Efficient and trouble free performance cannot be ob- pr tained from your machine unless the parts are properly — adjusted and lubricated. If proper adjustment cannot be made, check for rust, dirt, or worn parts. Ref. No. 7 O (See Lubrication Chart) To gain access to the engine and adjustable parts, re- b lease the flexible catches on the hood and tilt the |! hood forward. To gain access to battery and hydraulic O | lines, tilt the seat and insert seat stop. To gain x Motor Valve access to the transaxle and brakes, remove the fioor- board. Figure 6 ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS (See Engine Manual) 2. The lever should remain engaged as the seat pan FRONT DRIYE WHEEL NUTS travels up 1/4" (6.3 mm) from the lowest position and should disengage when seat pan travels beyond Torque 40-50 foot 165. (54-68 N-m), Re-torque after 1/4* (6.3 mm). 20 hours use, 3. If the P.T.0. lever disengages too soon, shorten rod "B". If P.T.0. lever disengages too late, REAR STEERING WHEEL MOUNTING NUTS lengthen rod "В", 4. If proper adjustment cannot be made by adjusting e го] "В", then adjust rod "С". If P.T.O. lever disengages too soon, lengthen rod "C“. If P.T.O. lever disenages too late, shorten rod “C". Torque to 85 - 90 foot lbs. (115 - 122 N-m), Retorque after 20 hours use. BALL JOINTS (See Fig. 5) Whenever adjusting ball joints, be sure the cut out in ball joint is parallel to the mounting bracket (after BELT ADJUSTMENTS assembling) before securing in place. WATER PUMP TO GOVERNOR BELT (See Fig. 7) CORRECT INCORRECT Adjust belt tension so belt deflects 1/8"(3.2 mm) with == 12 lbs. pull. Adjust by repositioning alternator pulley. Governor Pulle Must Be Parallel y Alter Assembly Within +.25" (6.35 mm) Per Foot Alternator Pulley Mounting Arm Figure 5 P.T.O. LINKAGE (See Fig. 6) 1/8"(3.2 mm) with 12 Tbs. (5.4 Kg} pull The P.T.O. linkage must be adjusted so P.T.0. lever will automatically disengage when operator leaves the seat, but should provide for slight operator movement in the seat without disengaging. Fan/Water Pump Pulley Proceed as follows: l. Depress seat pan to lowest position and engage P.T.0. lever. Figure 7 10 ADJUSTMENTS Fan/Water Pump Pulley 1/4" (6.35 mm) with 12 lbs. (5.4 Kg) pull \ idler Pulley Engine Drive Pulley ] Figure 8 FLYWHEEL TC WATER PUMP BELT Adjust belt tension so belt deflects 1/4"(6.35 mm) 12 lbs. (5.4 Kg) pull. Adjust by repositioning idler pulley. HYDRO CONTROL SPRING TENSION {See Fig. 9) If the tractor moves ("creeps") in either direction while the engine is running but hydro speed control pedal is not depressed, the hydro control spring ten- sion needs adjusting. Adjust spring tension so hydro pedal always returns to "Neutral" when it is not de- pressed. | IMPORTANT The tractor may tend to "creep" if the oil in the transmission is cold. Operate the tractor for 15 minutes before determining if adjustment is re- quired. Place a small amount of lubricating ofl on hydro pedal linkage pivot points for ease of movement. TO ADJUST: 1. Stop engine, 2, Lift seat and insert seat stop. 3. Locate neutral adjusting nut, (See Fig. 9). is forward turn nut 1/2 turn [f "creep" is rearward turn nut 4, If tractor "creep" counterclockwise. 1/2 turn clockwise. 5. Start tractor and check “creep”. Repeat steps 1-5 if necessary. 11 Bolt Stop Hydro Pedal Rod = ro SEN = Neutral Adj. Nut Lengthening the rod will Figure 9 HYDRO PEDAL STOP (See Fig. 9) FORWARD: Move the hydro pedal to its maximum forward position. Adjust the bolt stop until the bolt head touches the hydro pedal. Then turn the bolt one revo- ut fon counterclockwise (out against pedal) and tight- en nut. REVERSE: More or less reverse pedal travel can be ob- tained by changing the Tength of the hydro pedal rod. decrease reverse speed. After adjusting the length of the hydro pedal rod the bolt stop for forward pedal travel must be readjusted. See Specifications for proper speeds. PARKING BRAKE PEDAL (See Fig, 10) Adjust brake to allow 3/4 to 1" (19 - 25 mm) free travel in brake pedal. Shorten brake rod to take up the slack caused by brake lining wear. Brake Rod Disc Brake Floor Plate Figure 10 ADJUSTMENTS .75 to 1°’ (19-25 mm) Free Travel Traction Assist Padal Actuating Rod Return Spring Figure ii TRACTION ASSIST (See Fig. 11) Adjust to allow 3/4 to 1* (19 - 25 mm) free travel in pedal. Free travel can be increased by lengthening the actuating rod. SHIFT LEVER INTERLOCK SWITCH (See Fig. 12) The shift lever interlock switch must be adjusted so the tractor will start only when shift lever is in "Neutral". on safety switch when lever is in "Neutral”). It should also be adjusted so transaxle can be shifted as easily as possible. To adjust switch, raise seat pan, loosen the two switch bracket mounting bolts ("A", Fig, 12), move bracket as required and then retighten bolts and lower seat pan. | Shift Lover Transaxle pd Bracket Mounting Boits - À Front = «Sa О Safety Swilch Figure 12 (The pin on shift lever will engage ball - 12 Seat Pan © = и « | 25" (6,35 mm) É | | т Rubber Stop Pe Figure 13 SEAT SWITCH (See Fig. 13) The seat switch should stop the engine if the operator leaves the seat with the РТО lever engaged or the transmission shift lever in gear. The switch should make contact with the fender when pressure is applied while seat pan is in the lowest position and should not make contact when no pressure is applied (the seat should be raised slightly by the spring). Adjust rubber stop to be 1/4" (6.35 mm) from top of fender when seat is in the down position with no pressure ap- plied. P.T.0. INTERLOCK SWITCH (See Fig. 6) The P.T7.0. lever linkage should be adjusted so the en- gine will start with the P.T.0. lever in the disen- Y) gaged position and must not start with lever in en- — gaged position. The lower arm on the lever will en- gage the ball on interlock switch when lever is disen- gaged. Shorten rod "A" if lever does not depress ball. STEERING WHEELS “TOE IN" ADJUSTMENT. (See Fig. 14) Adjust tie rod so wheels "Toe in", 1/8"(3.2 mm). Proceed as follows: 1. Turn wheels to straight ahead position. 2. Loosen two tie rod jam nuts. 3. Turn tie rod to provide proper toe in and retighten jam nuts. After adjusting "Toe in" it may be necessary to readjust steering stop bolts. Top View Tie Rod . R.H. Thread Jam Nut L,H, Thread Jam Nut -—4A + 1/8" (3.2 m) -——— Figure 14 ADJUSTMENTS 0 STEERING STOP BOLTS ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 15) The steering stop bolts should be adjusted to prevent the steering cylinder rod from becoming completely extended or retracted during normal operation. Proceed as follows to adjust stops: LEFT TURN STOP BOLT 1. loosen nut and turn stop bolt completely in against mounting block. 2. Turn steering wheel to left so steering cylinder rod is completely retracted. : 3. Turn steering wheel to right so steering cylinder rod is extended 1/16" to 1/8" (1.6 to 3.2 mm). 4, Turn left turn stop bolt out until it contacts steering stop block and then tighten nut up against mounting block to lock stop bolt in place. RIGHT TURN STOP BOLT 1. Loosen nut and turn stop bolt completely in against mounting block. | 2. Turn steering wheel to right so steering cylinder rod is completely extended. | 3. Turn steering wheel to left so steering cylinder rod is retracted 1/16" to 1/8" (1.6 to 3.2 mm). 4. Turn right turn stop bolt out until it contacts steering stop block and tighten nut up against mounting block to lock stop bolt in place. TURNING RADIUS The turning radius of the tractor can be adjusted by changing the length of the steering cylinder. Shorten- ing the cylinder will provide a tighter left hand turn and lengthening will. provide a tighter right hand turn. To adjust loosen screw and nut on locking clamp, turn the cylinder rod to obtain the desired length and then retighten clamp hardware. After changing steering cylinder length, turn the wheels completely in both directions to check for clearance and then readjust steering stop bolts. TORQUE REQUIREMENTS FOR BALL JOINTS Tie rod ball joints (2). Torque nuts to 20 ft. 165. (27 N-m) and then continue to tighten until next slot in nut and cotter pin hole line up. Steering cylinder ball joints {2}. Torque nuts to 45 ft. lbs. (61 N-m) and then continue to tighten until next slot in nut and cotter pin hole Tine up. THROTTLE & GOVERNOR ADJUSTMENT 1. Place the throttle lever in the "FAST" position. Make sure that the lever is fully forward. 2. Adjust the governor eye bolt so there is approximately 1 5/16" {32 mm) from pivot shaft out to the tension spring. (See Fig. 16) Tighten the jam nut with the eyelet in a horizontal position. 13 Locking Clamp Top View Steering Cylinder Rod Figure IS Top View of Governor © — о o Eye Bolt 011 Fill Plug M Г: 1 5/16" {32 mm) of > 5) и NT Screw „ | Oil Check Plug High Speed Adj. Screw Figure 16 . Disconnect the governor rod from the carburetor. Adjust the length of the rod so there is 1/32" to 1/16" (0.8 to 1.6 mm) clearance between the carbur- etor lever and the stop when the governor rod is in the full speed position. (See Fig. 17) Tighten jam nuts securely. . Engage parking brake and start the engine and bring it up to normal operating temperature (183°F) (83°C), Place the throttle lever in the idle position and ad- just the idle speed as follows: a. With the engine turned off, turn the idle fuel ad- justing screw in clockwise until it just seats. Back the screw out, counterclockwise, 1 1/2 turns to achieve the initial setting. (See Fig. 18) IMPORTANT Overtightening the idle fuel adjusting screw may damage the screw and it's seat requiring replace- ment of these parts. ADJUSTMENTS b. Restart the engine with parking brake engaged and set the idle fuel adjustment by turning the screw slowly clockwise, shutting off the fuel until the engine speed decreases or begins to miss due to a lean mixture. Then open the adjusting screw until the engine runs smoothly. ¢. Set the idle speed at 1000 RPM by turning the idle speed adjusting screw as required. (See Fig. 18) 5. Place the throttle lever in the full speed position. Adjust the high speed stop screw to limit the maximum engine speed at 3200-3300 RPM, Tighten the jam nut to secure the adjustment. (See Fig. 16) If the throt- tle lever will not stay in the full speed position, tighten nut and friction washer at the base of the throttle lever assembly. A WARNING The engine must not exceed the specified maximum speed under any condition. Engine overspeed could _ result in serious damage to drive line components. ‚It may be necessary to make some adjustments to get a smooth running machine while in the field. If the engine "hunts" or surges at full speed it may be nec- essary to adjust the anti-surge screw. Loosen the jam nut holding the anti-surge screw (See Fig. 16), turn the screw clockwise 1/8 turn at a tíme untiT surging stops and then tighten jam nut. If engine continues to surge the following things could be the cause: 5 Loose Belts | | Binding or interference in throttle Tinkage. Faulty ignition Incorrect timing Worn governor, internally Carburetor too rich or too lean A WARNING mmo 690 3» Never turn the anti-surge screw in so far that engine speed increases. Governor Rod 1/32 to 1/16" {0.8 to 1.6 mm) Governor Output Arm Throttle Plate Carburetor Stop Figure 17 Left Side View of Carburetor + Idie Speed Adi. Screw Idle Fuel A (oN j. Screw Figure 18 If the governor is working properly, the engine: speed should return to normal within one or two surges of the engine after moving throttle lever by hand to speed up the engine. More than two surges requires further adjustment of the anti- surge screw. Check the engine speed at both idle and full throttle to assure that there is no change from the initial settings. If engine speed has increased, the anti- surge screw has been turned into the governor too far and must be backed out. Repeat the entire adjustment, MAINTENANCE A WARNING To avoid possible seríous bodily injury, before lever, performing any maintenance disengage PTQ lower attachment, stop engine, set parking brake and remove key from ignition switch. GENERAL MAINTENANCE A long trouble free life for your machine depends on the maintenance it receives. The following informa- 14 tion is presented to assist you in providing the pro- per maintenance for your machine. PROCEDURE A maintenance program should be set up and should co- ver the following points. Keep machine and mower clean. Keep all moving parts properly lubricated. Keep all parts properly adjusted. Inspect for loose parts. Inspect for worn or damaged parts. Keep all shields in place. 6 Or CA Fe La My 0 MAINTENANCE NOTE If your inspection reveals worn or damaged parts, replace these parts before operating machine or before actual breakdown occurs. ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY Use the illustrations in the parts section as refer- ence for the disassembly and assembly of components. Always maintain relative position of parts when disas- sembling. Clean and lubricate individual parts and components as required. PAINTING For protection and appearance, clean and retouch scratched or worn painted surfaces, Use "Off White" #546507, Orange #546406. These are 12.75 oz. (.27 Ltr.) spray cans. INTERLOCK SWITCHES Check interlock switches regularly to be sure they are kept clean and operating correctly. See Adjustments. BELTS For efficient performance of your machine, worn or frayed beits must be replaced, Check belt tensions as instructed in Adjustments Section every 100 hours of operation, | TIRE MAINTENANCE Attention to the following instructions and recommendations will help assure maximum use and service from your tires. Refer to the section in this manual headed "Storage" for recommendations on storing tires. Keep all tires at the recommended pressure: Drive Tires 10 PSI {69 kPa) Steering Tires 10 PSI (69 kPa) Check pressure once a month, Use an accurate, low pressure tire gauge with one pound per square inch graduations. It 15 particularly important that inflation pressures be kept the same on each side to prevent tilting of the tractor or mower which would result in uneven performance of attachments. Over inflation will cause loss of traction in soft soil or loose sand and it may also result in hard riding qualities on uneven ground. ENGINE MAINTENANCE The inttial retorquing of the cylinder heads has been done at the factory. Refer to the Engine Operator's Manual for regularly scheduled maintenance. IN-LINE FUEL FILTER Replace the in-line fuel filter after every 250 hours of operation, 1. Pult the hoses off the dirty filter. 2. Slide the hoses onto the new filter with the arrow on the body pointing toward the fuel pump, 3. When replacing the fuel filter, check for cracked or damaged fuel lines. Replace any lines showing signs of deterioration or damage. FUEL PUMP FILTER SCREEN The filter screen should be replaced or cleaned every 250 hours of operation. 1. Place a pan under the fuel pump to catch spilled fuel. Thoroughly clean exterior of fuel pump. 2. Remove the fuel pump cover to get at the screen, It is not necessary to remove pump from engine. 3. Remove filter screen from fuel pump body and replace or clean it thoroughly with clean soivent or fuel. AIR CLEANER This tractor is equipped with a large capacity, dry type Donaldson Cyclapac Air Cleaner. Empty dust cap daily. Clean the element at the end of each 200 hours use, or sooner if it is full of dirt and grass. Replace the element yearly. For replacement element order Jacobsen Part No. 549593, If the tractor is being operated in extremely dusty conditions, the air cleaner must be serviced more frequently. CLEANING ELEMENT 1, Compressed Air, a. Direct the air inside the element, moving the nozzle up and down while rotating the element (maximum air pressure, 100 PSI or 690 kPa). 2. Water. | a. Soak 15 minutes in water and Donaldson D-1400 Element Cleaner. b. Rinse until water is clear (maximum water pressure 40 PSI or 275 kPa). с, Air dry, do not use compressed air. To remove carbon, soot, and dirt from the element, wash in Donaldson D-1400 Cleaner. For dirt only, use any detergent, Check the element for ruptures, pin holes, or damaged gaskets by placing a light source {eg. flashlight) in- side and replace, if necessary. CHOKE & THROTTLE CABLES Perfodically apply a few drops of oil to exposed wire to assure smooth operation of cable. BATTERY For normal service, use a battery rated 12V, 250 cold cranking amps at O°F (-18*C). AABM Group #22NF with dimensions approximately 9 1/2* (241 mm) long, 5 1/2" (140 mm) wide, and 9 (229 mm) high. For continuous cold weather operation, use a battery with approximately 400 cold cranking amps at O°F (-18°C). AABM group 45 GMF will meet this specification. PUTTING BATTERY IN SERVICE To protect your eyes, always wear safety glasses when servicing batteries. 1. Place battery on wood bench or on a piece of wood or plastic. DO NOT SET BATTERY ON CONCRETE A DANGER Take care to avoid contact with the battery elec- trolyte. It will cause painful and dangerous in- jury to eyes or skin in case of contact. It will damage clothing and other articles if spilled or spattered, Before opening the electrolyte contain- er or handling the electrolyte, study the antidote label on the container for instructions and proce- dure in case of accidental contact. Refore installing the electrolyte, study the in- structions on the carton, MAINTENANCE 3. Remove filler caps and fill battery with 1,265 specific gravity electrolyte acid to proper level, ALLOW BATTERY TO SET FOR 20 MINUTES (See Fig. 20). A DANGER Electrolyte may over- We cannot be respon- Do not over fill battery. flow during charging period. sible for damages if this warning is disregarded. 4, With the filler caps still removed, place battery on charge after the 20 minute setting period at 3 amperes until gravity reading is 1.265 - 1.275, If room, battery, and electrolyte temperatures are below normal, a longer charging period will be mandatory to bring the specific gravity up to 1.265 - 1.275. | | - 5. Insert filler caps into filler holes. MOUNTING THE BATTERY (See Fig. 19) 1. Be sure ignition switch is off. 2. Place battery on mounting bracket with positive (+) terminal towards rear of machine. 3. Slide battery to rear of mounting bracket so rear lugs are under indent in bracket. Place clamp over top of front Jugs and secure to battery mounting bracket with 5/16 - 18 x 1* screw, and whizTock nut. 4. Connect the battery cables. The cable leading to starter is the "hot" cable and should be connected to the positive (+) battery termina) first. The cable attached to the tractor frame is the ground cable and should be connected to the. pegative (-) battery terminal. Do not over tighten termina) - Nuts. | | 5. Apply a 11ght coat of petroleum Jelly or chassis tubricant to both terminals and cable ends to pre- vent corrosion. С BATTERY WATER LEVEL (See Fig. 20) Every 25 hours, or more often when operating the mach- ine in temperatures above 72 F. (22 C), remove the 6 battery caps and check the water level in each cell. When the battery is in use, the water evaporates. Never allow the water level in the battery to get be- low the top of the plates; hydrogen gas can build up in the void space. Fill the battery to the marking ring with distilled water. If distilled water is not available, clean tap water may be used. - A DANGER ALARYS PEMOYE THE NEGATIVE GROUND CABLE FIRST AND PESLALE IT LAST, Ilse soap and water to clean the céttery as required. Care must be taken to prevent - 3060 and water from getting inside the battery. Erigsten the terminal contact surface with steel wool, Tighten cables securely to battery terminals. Make certain vent hnles in battery filler caps are rept onen. Eppl/ 3 light coat of petroleum jelly or "e Chaccis lubricant to terminals and cable ends to present corrosion, 16 “ Ground 3 3 Cabie (Black) IN Cap a Maximum Electrolyte Level | | «— Filler Tube wm. J le — Electrolyte Figure 20 SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR BATTERIES 1, Use extra caution with an externa! battery charg- er. If over charging occurs the battery will re- lease excessive hydrogen gas. Avoid charging next to an open flame or devices that may cause sparks, | о Check the battery's liquid Tevel regularly - hy- drogen gas can build up in void space, Be sure there is nothing in your engine installa- tion that will cause a spark to jump. Plug wires that are dirty or wet or covered with oil will cause a spark, as will poor connections and cor- roded terminals, Accidents can also happen while inspecting or in- stalling the battery. While installing, be sure all switches for ignition, lights, and accessories are in the off position. Always attach the ground cable last to further prevent spark with the in- stallation or water level, IMPORTANT Arcing caused by: (1) contact between support rails and tools used to loosen terminals; (2) re- moving wrong cable from battery terminal first; (3) striking battery terminals against metal rails while installing or removing; or (4) contact with jumper cables may ignite fumes from battery, vapor o e ® MAINTENANCE from fuel tank, or both, causing explosion and/or fire. ALWAYS: Remove ground first - Install ground last, JUMPER CABLES Before attempting to jump the battery check the water level and fill if necessary. Also check to be sure the battery is not frozen and replace it if it is. To Jump The Battery: 1. Stop engine on vehicle with good battery. 2. Connect jumper to positive terminal on good bat- tery. 3. Connect other end of positive jumper to positive terminal on flat battery. 4, Connect jumper to negative terminal on good bat- tery. 5. Connect other end of negative jumper to ground (frame) of vehicle with flat battery. RADIATOR A WARNING To avoid possible serious bodily injury, DO NOT attempt to remove the "RADIATOR CAP" under any This could lead to serious personal injury from hot coolant or steam blow-out. Shut off engine and wait until it has cooled. Even then, use extreme care when removing the cap. circumstances while the engine is operating. Check radiator for proper level of coolant every 40 operating hours. Drain and refill annually. NOTE Radiator is prefilled at factory with antifreeze to provide protection to -20°F (-29"C). Radiator cap is pressure type (7 PSI)(48 kPa). HIGHER RATED CAP SHOULD NOT BE USED. Fill with 50/50 ratio of water and antifreeze, IMPORTANT KEEP ENGINE CLEAN. The engine is water cooled. If cooling system becomes clogged, serious damage screen at may result; therefore, keep radiator, rear of radiator, rear grill, and fan areas clean. If water temperature rises, check these areas. HYDRAULIC TUBE AND HOSE FITTING TORQUE RECOMMENDA- TIONS O 1, Steel Tube and Hose Assemblies to fittings. a. Assemble nut, sleeve, and tube to fitting body with minimum torque (finger tight) until flare contacts seat on fitting body. 17 b. For tightening reference, mark a line length- wise on both the nut and adapter fitting with a marker. (See Fig. 21) c. Using a wrench, rotate the nut to tighten. Turn the nut the amount shown in the chart be- low. The line will show which fittings have been tightened and how much, Tube 00 or Hose ID Rotate No. Of Hex Flats 3/8 2 1/2 г 5/8 11/2 - 2 1" 3/4 - Assemble finger tight and mark as shown. Tighten per chart. Figure 21 NOTE Frequent checks must be made on the oil level in the hydraulic reservoir. Should the pump run short of oil, immediate and permanent damage would result {see Lubrication Section). Hydraulic hose and tube lines should be inspected every week to check for loose connections, kinks, worn or cut hoses, etc. Be sure tubes and hoses do not contact other frame parts which could cause abrasive wear. Always replace worn hose or tube assemblies be- fore operating machine, ` A WARNING To avoid serious bodily injury, always lower at- tachments fully, place all controls in neutral, and shut off engine before {inspecting hydraulic lines or hoses. Never run hands across tubes, hoses, or fittings to check for leaks. Hydraulic fiuid escaping under pressure can have sufficient force to penetrate skin and may cause infection in a minor cut or opening in the skin. Special Hose Installation Instructions. a. Hold the fixed portion of the hose coupling with one wrench; use a second wrench to tighten or loosen the hose nut. This will avoid damaging the fitting seal. When tight- ening a hose, do not permit it to twist; hold it in a norma! straight position. b. On hose with "0" ring fittings, make sure “0" rings are clean and hose fittings are properly seated before tightening. LUBRICATION GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Lubrication coupled with cleanliness is the most inex- pensive preventive maintenance tool, Therefore, lub- ricate the locations shown on lubrication chart at 50 hour intervals unless otherwise specified and use type of lubricant recommended. REAR STEERING WHEEL BEARINGS (SEE ILLUSTRATION 1) Remove rear wheels and repack wheel bearings once a year. Use fiber base nonmetallic additive type wheel bearing grease. Sources: Sunray DX 682 or Enco Fibrox 280. ENGINE OIL & FILTER Keep engine oil level at the upper mark on the dip- stick. Add oil through filler plug on top of engine. Change oîl and oil filter every 50 hours of operation. 011 capacity is approximately 3.0 qts. (2.8 Ttrs.). See lubrication chart for type of oil. Do Not mix different brands or weights of oil. See engine manual for more information. GOVERNOR (See Fig. 16} Check governor oil level after every 250 hours of op- eration. Remove the check plug from the front of the governor, The oil should be level with the bottom of the check plug hole. If oil level is low, add oil thru the oil fill hole on top of governor until it runs out the check plug hole. Replace the plugs. Use the same oil that is recommended for the engine, see Lubrication Chart. LINKAGE FRICTION POINTS Regularly apply several drops of oil to all linkage friction points. See Lubrication Chart for type of ail, GREASE FITTINGS Clean fittings and apply grease until grease begins to seep out. TRANSAXLE (See Fig. 22) To check level of lubricant: 1. With the Turfcat II on a level floor or surface, remove the level plug. If lubricant flows from level plug, allow excess to drain to that level. This assures that the drive axle is properly lub- ricated. | Vent Plug ''B'' Qi! Level Plug CA" . Transaxle Front View Figure 22 ~ replace if necessary. 2. When lubricant is below the level plug, add lubri- cant as required. Use SAE 90 weight oil. IMPORTANT Lubricant MUST be maintained to level of plug at all times, Drain transaxle every 1000 hours or annually and re- fill with approximately 3.5 Qts. (3.3 Ltrs.) of SAE 90 weight oil. To drain lubricant: 1. Remove drain and level plugs in differential (Ref. 33 and 38, Illus, 14). 2. Replace drain plug and fill with lubricant. place level plug. Re - NOTE For best results the lubricant should be checked or drained after the day's work when it is warm and will flow more freely. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM NOTE When servicing the hydraulic system, care must be taken to prevent dirt or other contaminants from entering system, The hydraulic oil tank is located on the right side of the machine. Fill to full level on dipstick. See Lubrication Chart on page 19 for proper lubricant. To check oil level, you must fully thread dipstick into reservoir after removing and cleaning. Once a year, check the element in the breather filter and HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER To prevent damage to the hydraulic system, the hydrau- lic oil filter should be changed after the first 25 hours of operation and every 250 hours thereafter, To change the filter follow these steps: 1. Remove the old filter and fill new filter with clean fluid. 2. Install the new filter, Hand tighten only. 3. Run engine at idle speed with pump in neutral for 5 minutes. 4, Check hydraulic oil level tank and fill if necessary. at the hydraulic oil NOTE Frequent checks must be made on the oil level in the hydraulic oil tank. Should the pump run short of oil, immediate and permanent damage would result, CHANGING OIL Drain the hydraulic oil tank every 500 hours. REFILL SYSTEM AS FOLLOWS: 1. Fill hydraulic oil tank to full level on dipstick. The total hydraulic system oil capacity is approx- imately 19 Qts. (18 Ltrs.). 2. Jack up front tires so they will spin freely. 3. Start engine, operate hydro and cycle lift cylin- der for minimum of three minutes. Recheck oil le- vel in hydraulic tank, add oil if necessary. O e LUBRICATION 16 A 13 | O«2 TENE | 18 4 | y к co O \ E DU = 12 reel | 10 Led ; Oh Adn8 ] Ä o 43 97 д | | n Al O 14 ( Y ) Ref .No. jLubrication Location Remarks 1 A Engine Crankcase Before starting engine fill with oil to full level mark on dipstick. 2 B Oil Tank Fill to full level on dipstick. 3 с Transaxle Remove vent plug "B" and oí] level plug “A”. Fill through plug “B® until oil flows from plug "A". 4 0 Brake Arm Pivot Remove dirt from grease fittings before lubricating. 5 D Hydro Linkage Pivot Remove dirt from grease fittings before lubricating. 6 0 Steering Pivot & Remove dirt from grease Fittings Spindles before lubricating. 7 D Spring Shaft Under Seat (See Fig. 6) Grease so shaft will move Pan freely through brackets. 8 E Valve Linkage As Required. 9 E Transaxle Shift Lever As Required. 10 E Brake Arm Linkage As Required. 11 E Hydro Pedal Linkage As Required. 12 E Hydro Control Linkage As Required. 13 E Hydro Spring Adjust- As Required, ment Rod 14 E Traction Assist Linkage As Required. 15 F Hydraulic Pump Shaft Annually or when being serviced, 16 F Hydraulic Motor Shaft Annually or when being serviced. 17 F Steering Wheel Brgs. Annually or when being serviced. 18 A Governor Every 250 hours or when being serviced "MM OD m or Engine oil should have properties of API classification SF/SE grades. of engîne oil according to the ambient temperature. Above 77°F 32°F - 77°F Below 32°F Jacobsen Textron 20W20 Adra ie Oil. 1/2 Gal. (9.5 Ltr.) bottles; SAE 90 E.P. Transmission oil. Pressure Gun Grease - Sunray DX-671 or Gulf Supreme #0. API Classification CC/CD. Fibre based non-metallic additive type wheel bearing grease Sunray DX 692 or Enco Fibrox 280. SAE 30 011, 19 Order Part No. 502695, carton containing 2-2 or Part No. 502692, 5 Ga) (19 Ltr.) pail, Apply with grease gun, Change the type STORAGE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS When you do not plan to use your vehicle for some time, place. it should be stored in a dry and protected Unnecessary exposure to the elements may de- teriorate its appearance and shorten the usual service life. Follow the procedures outlined in the following para- graphs for placing the vehicle in storage. If the vehicle is not to be used for an extended period, repeat steps every six months. 1, г. Drain the fuel from the fuel tank and carburetor. Operate the engine until the gasoline in the car- buretor is completely consumed. IMPORTANT Gum will eventually form in the tank, fuel line, and carburetor if the fuel is not drained. Gum in the carburetor jets and passages affects engine starting. While the engine is stil) warm, drain the oil from the crankcase and refill with fresh oil (See ENGINE MANUAL). After engine has cooled, and put about one tablespoon of SAE 30 oil into the cylinders, Crank the engine slowly by hand to distribute the oil over the cylinder walls. Replace the spark plug. Clean exterior of engine. Paint the exposed metal or coat it with a light coating of rust preventa- tive oil. Remove the battery and clean 1t as directed. See "Maintenance", Place it on a rack or bench in a cool, dry place where it will not be exposed to freezing temperatures, Storage temperature must be 32°F. {0° C) or above. Check the battery, referring to separate Battery Booklet supplied - with it at the time of purchase and follow storage recommendations contained therein, | IMPORTANT The battery should be checked every 60 to 30 days while in storage, and should be recharged if nec- essary. remove the spark plugs 20 8. Wash, clean and completely lubricate the tractor. Follow the steps given in the lubrication chart. Paint the exposed metal or brush a light coat of rust preventative oil over unpainted metal (except pulley grooves). Use oil that complies with SAE #30 MIL-L-21260 Standards. Two oils which meet these standards are DX Sunray "Preservative Oil" #543 Grade #SAE (30) or Mobile Oil "Tecrex" 823. Before storing the vehicle, clean the tires thor- oughly. Jack up the vehicle so that the load is off the tires if it is to be out of service over à long period of time. If it 1$ not jacked up, check the tires at regular intervals and reinflate as necessary to keep them at the pressure recom- mended under "Tire Maintenance". Store the ve- hicle so that tires are protected from the sun- light. STARTING THE ENGINE AFTER STORAGE 1. Check the battery according to recommendations given in Battery Booklet and, if necessary, re- charge it. Reinstall the battery following the instructions under "Mounting the Battery". Remove the spark plugs and wipe dry. Crank the engine {with spark plug removed), using starter, until excess oil has been expelled through the spark plug hole. Replace the plugs and connect the ignition lead wires. Service the air cleaner, Check level of oil transaxle, and hydraulic oil tank, in crankcase, Fill the fuel tank with fresh gasoline. Before driving the vehicle, check to make certain that the tires are inflated to the proper pressure as given under "Tire Maintenance", Start the engine and let it idle slowly. Either move the vehicle outside before starting engine or keep doors and/or windows wide open to provide sufficient ventilation to prevent danger from carbon monoxide gas in the exhaust. Do not accel- erate engine rapidly, and do not operate it at high speed immediately after starting. Allow time for it to become properly warmed and Tubricated. 13— Alternator & Regulator WIRING DIAGRAM Oil Switch { 11 Oil Lamp Temp Sender п Hourmeter Horn 6 Amp Fuse t 3 s X —10 : | 4 | Y 0 AB Temp Switch — Seat Switch N ; 2 tgniti Starter Motor 28 } on | Neutral PTO Switch * Primary Coil Wira —= = e Start Switch - 2) — To =— * Coi! to Condenser ©———div Ô Battery | Engine 1 | y 25 Distributor * Supplied with Engine Ref Ref. No Part No. | Quan, Description No Part No. | Quan, Description N | 122350 | 1 |Wire Harness Assem. (Incl, Wires Ref.No,1-15) 19 | 162728 | 1 | Wire, Black, Temp. Gauge to Voltmeter 1 1 |Wire, Dk. Blue, ignition Switch to Coil 20 162729 1 Wire, Black, Voltmeter to Ground 3 1 Wire, Brown, ignition Switch to Seat Switch 21 1 | Wire, Red, Fuse to Oil Lamp 4 1 (Wire, Orange, Ignition Switch to Starter . 22 1 Wire, Orange, Hourmeter to Temp. Gauge 5 1 |Wire, Red, ignition Switch to Alternator 23 1 Wire, Black, Hourmeter to Temp. Guage 6 1 [Wire, Lt, Green, Ignition Switch to Starter 24 1 | Wire, Orange, Fuse to Hourmeter 7 1 Wire, Yellow, P,T.0, Switch to Neutral Start 25 | 346006 | 1 | Wire, Black, Engine to Ground Switch 26 153244 1 Wire, Black, Battery to Ground 8 1 |Wire, Red, Seat Switch to Neutral Start Switch] |- 27 | 158493 | 1 | Wire, Red, Starter to Battery 9 1 Wire, Red, Neutral Start Switch to Starter > | 28 { 361606 1. | Nut, M8 x 1-1/4 Hex 10 1 Wire, Purple, Horn Relay to Temp, Switch 29 | 361001 1 Nut, ME x 1 mm Hex 11 1 Wire, Black, Oil Lamp to Oil! Switch ; 12 1 Mire, Lt. Blue, Temp. Gauge to Temp. Sender 13 1 | Wire, Red, Starter to Altarnator 14 1 |Wire, Orange, Ignition Switch to Fuse 15 1 Wire, Purple, Fuse to Horn Relay 16 162841 1 Wire, Purple, Horn Relay to Horn 17 162842 1 Wire, Black, Horn to Ground o 16 162727 1 Wire, Orange, Temp. Gauge to Voltmeter 21 ILLUSTRATION 1 FRAME & STEERING LINKAGE Hourmeter 4 7 \ Voltmetar 49 Ground Wires 50 0: PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 1 = Part No. | Quan. Description N 1 116624 1. | Frame Assembly N 2 122334 1 Steering Axle Assem. (Incl. Ref.3 & 4) 3 315296 2 Bushing, Lower Spindle 4 345610 4 Bushing N 5 122340 1 Steering Assembly R.H. N 6 122341 1 Steering Assembly L.H. 7 361451 4 Washer, Thrust 8 | 310233 | 2 | Bearing, Needle Thrust À | » | 465004 | 3 | Washer, 1-1/16 Flat 10 451201 2 |.Pin, 1/4 x 1-1/2 Groove Ñ 11 | 471214 | 3 | Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease N12 162978 1 Pivot Shaft Assembly 13 | 445710 | 1 | Nut, 1-14 Hex Slotted 14 | 46006£ 1 Pin, 1/4 x 2 Cotter 15 | 403751 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex 16 153233 1 Steering Cylinder 17 153234 1 Socket Assembly (Inct. Ref. 18 4 19) 18 | 400194 i Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-3/4 Hex 19 444718 1 Nut, §/18-18 Hex C'Lock 20 | 445666 2 | Nut, 1/2-20 Hex Castellated 21 | 460028 2 Pin, 1/8 x 1 Cotter N22 | 362472 1 | Rod, Tie - 23 162424 1 Socket Assem. R.H. (incl. (1) Ref. 24) 24 | 445647 2 | Nut, 3/8-24 Hex Slotted 25 | 443120 1 | Nut, 1/2-20 Hex R.H. Thd, №26 | 182991 1 Socket Assem. L.H, (Incl, (1) Ref. 24) 27 445663 1 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex L.H. Thd. 28 453011 2 Washer, 3/8 Flat @ 29 450016 2 Pin, 3/32 x 1 Cotter N30 | 362475 2 | Screw, Steering Stop 31 | 443120 | 2 | Nut, 1/2-20 Hex. 32 | 131245 2 | Hub Assembly (Incl. Ref. 33-354 54) 33 | 500596 4 | Bearing, Cup & Cone 34 545866 2 Seal 35 545865 2 Cap, Hub 38 | 445710 2 | Nut, 1-14 Hex Slotted 37 460050 2 | Pin, 3/16-1-1/4 Cotter N38+| 122333 1 Hydraulic Steering Unit (Incl, Ref. 56) N39 | 390488 1 | Bracket, Steering | N - New part number, first used on this product. * Sea Illustration 17 for complete service parts breakdown. — Ref. Part No. | Quan Description 40 | 446136 | 4 Lockwasher, 5/18 Hvy 41 443108 4 Nut, 5/16-24 Hex ‚ 42 403751 4 | Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex 43 445781 4 Nut, 5/18-18 Hex Whizlock 44 354080 1 -| Clamp, Hose 45 409812 1 Screw, 5/18-18 x 3/4 Hex Thd Cut N 45 131464 1 Steering Plate Assembly | N47 362469 1 Clamp, Stearing Unit 48 403753 1 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Hex Ser. Wash 49 446130 1 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 50 443102 1 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 51 131427 2 Wheel 4 Valve Assem, (Incl, Ref, 52) 52 360111 2 Valve, Inflation 53 550337 2 Tire, 16 x 7.50-8, 4 Piy | Wide Base Tubeless 54 354807 8 Nut, 1/2-20 Lug 55 | 122220 1 Wheel, Steering 56 443828 1 Nut, 5/8-18 Hex 57 337397 1 Cap, Steering Wheel 58 336940 1 Decal; Jacobsen 12" 59 | 360641 1 Decal, Traction Assist 60 337015 1 Decal, Lift 61 | 333522 1 Dacai, Foot Pedal 62 354068 1. Decal, Brake 63 | 1 Plate, Serial No. (Ref. Only) 64 | 444718 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex C'Lack ILLUSTRATION 2 COWLINGS & FLOORBOARD ASSEMBLY Right Side of Frame i) = PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 2 Ref. No. | Part No. |Quan, Description 1 162984 1 Fender Bracket Assem, R.H, 2 162985 1 Fender Bracket Assem, L.H. 3 395173 1 Tower, Steering 4 403751 55 | Screw, 5/16-18x 3/4 Hex Ser Wash Hd NS 131474 1 Tower Cover Assem 6 400106 7 Screw, 1/4-20 x 5/8 Hex Hd 7 453023 3 Washer, 1/4 Flat B 131320 1 Fender Assem, R.H. Front 9 131319 1 Fender Assem, L..H. Front 10 131321 1 Seat Mtg Panel Assem 11 122339 1 Floorboard Assem 12 162767 1 Fender Assem, L,H, Rear: 13 337443 1 Bracket, Hood Frame L.H. 14 343784 1 Nut, 5/8-32 Hex 15 343785 1 Boot, Rubber 16 445781 17 | Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Whizlock 17 182734 1 Fender Assem, R.H, Rear 18 361830 1 Bracket, Seat Stop 19 337444 T Bracket, Hood Frame R.H, 20 122267 1 Seat Pan Assembly 21 361833 2 | Pin, Hinge —À 22 481356 4 Pin, 3/32 x 1/2 Roil 23 354989 e Shock Absorber 24 443812 4 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex Jam 25 361612 1 Decal, Anti—Freeze 26 131016 1 | Switch, interlock (Incl, Ref. 14. & 15) 27 447224 1 Washer, 5/8 Int Tooth 28 361843 1 Nut, Special 29 337498 1 Angle, Hood 30 453009 .[ 1 Washer, 5/16 Fiat 31 122337 1 Hood Side Assem, L.H. 32 122336 1 Hood Side Assem. A.H, 33 361834 1 Rod, Seat Stop 34 400188 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex 35 444716 1 Nut, 5/16-18 Hax Lock 36 131387 1 Rear Panel Assembly № - New part number, first used on this product, 23 Ref. No.| Part No. | Quan. Description 37 395157 1 Frame, Hood 38 315209 1 Knob, Hood 39 400186 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 7/8 HH 40 453003 2 Washer, 5/16 Flat 41 446112 2 Lockwasher, 48 Hvy 42 444306 2 Nut, 48 - 32 Нех N43 362507 2 Bumper, Rubber 44 403860 2 Screw, HB - 32 x 5/8 Tr Hd 45 161688 2 |Lateh, Hood 46 402004 6 Screw, #6 - 32 x 3/8 Si Hd 47 446106 -6 Lockwasher, #6 48 444304 6 Nut, 46 - 32 Hex 49 404063 | 2 | Screw, 5/16 — 18 x 3/4 Tr. Hd. 50 390411 1 Hood 51 337447 1 Hinge, Hoad 52 446130 9 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy, N53 337675 1 | Decal, Turf Cat il GW224 54 337497 1 Decal, Instruction 55 337509 1 Decal, Danger 56 336942 1 Decal, Jacobsen 18" 57 | 3368940 2 Decal, Jacobsen 12" 58 346164 1 Decal, Fuel N 593 337708 1 Decal, Eng. Starting 60 352487 1 Decal, Hydraulic Fluid 61 361854 1 Decal, Caution 62 443102 9 Nut, 1/4 — 20 Hex 63 361645 1 Retainer Screen 84 131291 1 Screen Assembly 65 361670 1 Flap, Rear 66 337014 1 Decal, P.T.0. 67 403753 11 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Hex Ser. Wash, 68 445002 2 | Nut, 1/4-20 Acorn 69 440038 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Carr. 70 344215 1 Decal, Jacobsen ‘‘J'" ILLUSTRATION 3 DRIVE TRAIN, SHIFTER, BRAKE, & TRACTION ASSIST ASSEMBLY 26 a = PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 3 Ref. Part No. | Quan. Description No 1 122077 1 L.H. Axle Housing 2 122338 1 R.H. Axle Housing 3» 124022 1 Transaxle (Includes Refs. 4-6) 4 545982 2 Seal, Oi! 5 545979 4 Bearing, Bali 6 545981 2 Seal, Square Cut 7 351313 1 Vent, Air 8 400408 9 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd 9 360740 1 Bracket, Switch 10 446154 12 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 11 400406 4 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd 12 446154 4 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 13 453017 2 Washer, 1/2 Flal 14 443118 4 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 15 361841 1 Hub, Hydro Coupling 16 362464 5 Bolt 17N| 220261 1 . Coupler, Engine 18N] 362525 1 Screw, M12 x 40mm Hex 19 361842 1 Hub, Drive Shaft 20 336977 1 Bracket, Shifter 21 446154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 22 400404 2 Screw, 172-13 x 1 Hex Hd 23 162540 1 Switch, Safety 24 400108 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex 25 453023 2 Washer, 1/4 SAE Flat 26 447222 1 Lockwasher, 9/16 int. Tooth 27 130940 1 Shifter 28 445130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 29 351731 1 Pin, Cievis 30 453023 AR Washer, 1/4 Flat 31 460014 1 Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Colter "*32 № 116618 1 Hydrostatic Transmission 33 350946 1 Gasket, Hydro 34 335166 1 Pinion, Bevel 35 458009 1 Ring, Snap 36 400286 4 Screw, 3/B-16 x 2-3/4 Hex Hd 37 446142 4 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 28N | 163001 1 Drive Shaft Assem 39 463017 1 Key, 3/16 x 3/4 Woodruff 40 412014 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1/2 Sq Hd Cup Pt Set 41 463029 1 Key, 3/16 x 5/8 Woodruff 47 400188 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd 43 446136 1 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 44 308537 1 Washer, Flat 45 337467 | 2 Coupler, Drive Shaft 46 361704 12 Screw, 5/16-18 x t Soc Hd 47 307374 AR Washer, Brake Pedal 48 460040 1 Pin, 5/32 x 1-1/4 Cotter Pin 49N | 352526 1 Washer, Engine Coupler 50 446154 1 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 51 545980 2 Bearing, Thrust 52 360651 1 Plug, ''0O"" Ring 53 326731 1 Knob, Handle {Transaxle Shift) 54 315209 1 Knob, Handle (Parking Brake Lever) 55 345020 1 Pedal, Rubber 56 343256 1 Nut, Slip On 57 461476 1 Pin, Lift Arm (L.H.) 58€ | 120431 1 Brake Assembly, Disc 59 335019 1 Bracket, Brake Mig 60 324982 3 | Spacer, Brake Bracket Mig G1 453017 3 Washer, 1/2 Plain 62 400416 3 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 63 453022 1 Washer, 3/4 Flat 54 130943 1 Pedal, Brake (incl, Ref, 65) 65 331129 2 Bushing 66 471228 1 Filting, 1/4-28 Grease 67 162336 1 Bracke! - Pin Assembly 68 400188 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd Cap * See illustration 14 for complele service parts breakdown 5 See IHusiratióon 12 lor complete service parls breakdown, N - New part number, first used on this product, 21 Ref. Part No. | Quan. Description No. 69 443806 1 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Jam 70 403751 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4Hex Ser Wash Hd 71 362521 1 Saal, Oil 72 445781 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Whizlock 73 350558 1 Spring, Brake Arm Raturn 74 130951 1 Lever Assembly 75 400276 1 Screw, 3/8-16 x 3 Hex Hd Cap 76 360642 1 Tube, Pivot 77 453011 1 Washer, 3/8 Fiat 78 | 454008 1 Washer, Spring 79 446142 1 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy BO 443110 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex B1 360366 1 Rod, Brake 82 350760 1 Guide, Brake Rod 83 444762 2 Nui, 3/8-16 Hex C/L 84 460026 2 Pin, :1/8 x 3/4 Cotter 85 351696 | 1 Pin, Pedal Mig. 86 446148 1 Lockwasher, 7/16 Hvy 87 142001 1 Traction Assist Assem (incis.ref.88-96) 88 546516 1 Cam, Actuating 89 501151 1 Lever Assembly 90 400232 1 Screw, -5/16-24 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd 91 446136 1 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 92 443108 1 Nut, 5/16-24 Hex 93 501150 2 Shoe & Band Assem.(One Set Per Box) 94 353868 2 Spring, ‘Shoe Retaining 95 353869 1 Spring, Shoe Return 96 142000 1 Backing Plate Assembly 97 400188 4 Screw, 5/168-18 x 1 Hex Hd 98 346762 1 Washer, Flat 99 445781 4 Nui, 5/16-18 Hex Whizlock 100 463017 1 Key, 3/16 x 3/4 Woodruff 101 131005 1 Drum and Hub Assem(Inct Ref 102 - 104 102 220232 2 Hub, Wheel 103 337056 1 Drum, Hill Climb 104 337055 5 Bott, Wheel 105 463038 2 Key, 1/4 x 1-1/8 Woodruff 106 446190 2 Lockwasher, 1-1/8 107 443842 2 Nut, 1-1/8-12 Hex Jam 108 2 Tire, Drive 23 x 10.50 - 12, 2 Ply Goodyear "'Softrac' 109 502863 2 Wheel, Drive 110 j 502864 2 Valve 111 158465 1 Brake Disc Assembly 112 345640 10 Nut, Wheel Mtg {L.H.) 113 458456 1 Ring, Snap 114 317318 1 Spring, Fan 115 335219 1 Fan ** = Sra lust, 13 for complete service parts breakdown, AR- As reainred ILLUSTRATION 4 ENGINE ASSEMBLY я on To Alternator ! Bracket on $” © F Engine я _ Engine Ground Wire Ï To Exhaust — Manifold -8-9- Left Side of Frame 24 ‹ ON (E) - These Parts Are Supplied With The Engine. | Parts A, B, C, D 4 F are also supplied with engine and serviced by Jacobsen. See next page for parts list, 28 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 4 ENGINE ASSEMBLY к Part No. | Quan. Description ai D. @ 1 1 Engine, Renault Gas Model B1B247 N2 220263 1 Pulley, Flywheel : №3 362402 6 Screw, M7 x 20 mm Hex C'Sunk Ft Hd N 4 390500 1 Belt, Flywheel to Water Pump NS 337976 1 Hub, Drive 6 337466 1 Coupler, Pump 7 361705 6 | Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Soc. Hd. N 8 362548 2 Dowel, Sleeve N 9 390496 1 Plate, Pump Mtg. N10 362524 2 Nut, M 10 Hex 11 446148 4 Lockwasher, 7/16 Hvy N12* | 131452 1 Pump, Hydraulic 13 400264 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex 14 446142 5 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 15 453071 5 Washer, 3/8 Flat №16 | 220262 1 Pulley, Water Pump N17** | 131483 1 Governor, Mechanical N18 337699 1 Plate, Governor Mtg. N19 | 362516 2 Spacer N 20 362535 1 Screw, ‘M6 x 18. mm Hex Hd 21 446130 4 -Lockwasher, -1/4 Hvy 22 400260 2 | Screw, 3/8-16 x 7/8 Hex 23 453009 1 [| Washer, 5/18 Flat 24 | 445136 12 Lockwasher, 5/15 Hvy 25 400120 1 | Screw, -1/4-20 x 2 Hex 26 453023 4 Washer, 1/4 Flat 27 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 28 400114 1 Scraw, 1/4-20 x 1-1/4 Hex 29 | 361738 1 Pulley, Idler @ N 30 362536 1 Arm, Idiar Pulley 31 4002654 1 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex N 32 362515 1 Spacer, .Idier Arm N33 | 362533 1 Screw, M12 x 50 mm Hex 34 446154 1 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy N 35 337711 1 Belt, Water Pump to Governor N 36 362547 1 Rod, Governor N-New Part Number, First Used on This Product. * For Service of Seal Repair Kit Order No, 502812, MN 001 812 77 00 # JACOBSEN SERVICE PARTS FOR CONTINENTAL GAS ENGINE. Part No, Ref, Latter Зее |151, 4 503148 202939 551123 551122 951121 551120 502945 551119 551118 D 551117 F 551116 - 503153 502943 551115 502942 502941 551622 251114 551113 * 503152 г о >> rer Part No. | Quan. Description о. 37 162478 1 Ball Joint 38 443104 3 Nut, 1/4-28 Hax 39 362746 1 Ball Joint, Carb. N 40 163002 1 Temperature Sender 41 362015 1 Temperature Switch N 42 362522 1 Plate, Temp. Switch N 43 362523 1 Gasket, Temp. Switch Plate N44 | 390498 1 Bracket, Engine Mount - R.H, N 45 337700 1 Bracket, R.H. Engine Mtg. Support 46 361005 | . 6 Screw, M8 x 25 mm Hex 47 400190 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Hex 48 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex N 49 390497 {+ | Bracket, Engine Mtg, L.H, 50 400188 4 | Screw, 5/16-18 х. 1 Нех №51 337709 1 Muffler, Exhaust 52 | 361802 1 | Spacer, Muffler Mtg. 53 400266 1 [| Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/2 Hex 54 443110 | 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 55 359949 4 Mount, Engine 58 | 400418 4: | Screw, :1/2-13 x 3 Hex 57 453017 4 Washer, 1/2 Flat 58 361624 |. d Washer, 1/2 Special 59 | 307524 4 | Washer, 1/2 Special 60 446154 4 | Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 61 443118 4 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex N 82 337701 1 Fan, Radiator ‚ 63 310305 1 Clamp, Throttle Cable 54 403578 1 Screw, #10-24 x 1 Hex 65 453002 1 Washer, #10 Flat 66 446118 1 Lockwasher, 410 Hvy 67 444310 1 Nut, #10 Hex N 68 337707 1 Pipa, Muffler Extension 69 348856 1 Clamp, Muffler (Inci.2 Ref, Nos, 24848) INTO 362534 2 Nut, M5 x .8 mm 71 445781 2 | Nut, 5/16-18 Hex C'Lock 72 | 403751 2 Screw, 5/16-18 Hex Ser, Wash. "” For Service of Major Repair Kit Order No. 502913, ** For Service of Seal Repair Kit Order No, 502914, Description Bottom Gasket Set Dip Stick Plug, Oil Drain Gasket, Plug Gasket, Oil Pressure Switch Top Gasket Set Thermostat Qi! Pressure Switch Coil, Ignition Oil Filter ‘Repair Kit, Distributor (Includes Rotor, Points & Condenser) Repair Kit, Carburetor (Float and Needle Valve) Gasket Set, Carburetor Cap, Distributor Brush 4 Spring Kit, Starter Solenoid Kit, Starter Repair Kit, Fuel Pump Spark Plug (Set of 4) Harness, Ignition Repair Kit, Accel. Pum 29 p Р * Serial No. 1691 and up. ILLUSTRATION 5 RADIATOR, OIL TANK & AIR CLEANER 49— To Carburetor 53 To Air Cleaner _ / | “o Right Rear Fender — & Left Side of Frame ЧЁ E. ; Ce qL EAT ETE E LAIR, AT ; ый ETE To Water Pump 34 I To Water Pump / PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 5 Ref, No. Part No. | Quan. Description N 1 122342 1 Radiator & Shroud Assem, 2 162479 1 Drain Lock N 3 337706 1 Bracket, Radiator R.H. N 4 337705 1 | Bracket, Radlator L.H. 5 403753 12 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Hex Ser. Wash. 6 131378 1 Breather Filter Assem. 7 550333 1 Element, Filter N 8 131473 2 Cooler Mtg. Assembly N 9 337710 1 Hose, Radiator Upper N10 337703 1 Hose, Radiator Lower 11- | 326112 5 Clamp N12 131478 1 Screen Ratainer Brkt. R.H. N13 131477 1 Screen Retainer Brkt, L.H. 14 395160 1 Tank, Fuel 15 390129 1 Cooler, Oil 16 358971 2 Block, Rubber Mig. 17 453009 2 Washer, 5/16 Flat 18 | 445820 2 Nut, 5/16 - 18 Wing 19 131297 1 Cap, Fuel Tank 20 | 361117 1 | Grommet, Fuel Tank 21 131130 1 Valve, Fuel Shut Off 22 362528 1 Hose, Fuel Tank to Filter 23 361760 1 Pad, Cork 24 361759 1 Pad, Cork 25 360444 1 Pad, Cork 26 380420 1 Tank, Oil 27 | 337460 1 Strap, Oil Tank 28 | 361761 2 Pad, Cork, Strap — 29 | 361762 2 Pad, Cork; Bottom 30 361763 2 Pad, Cork, Tank Side 31 400188 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex 32 380435 1 Hose, Fuel Filter to Pump N - New part number, first used on this product. 31 Ref. Part No. | Quan, Description No. 33 445781 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Whizlock 34 400194 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-3/4 Hex 35 453009 2 Washer, 5/16 Flat 36 444718 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex C Lock 37 | 472205 1 Plug, 3/8 NPT 38 361632 1 Spring, Tank (Long) 39 361833 1 Spring, Tank (Short) 40 359611 2 Glamp, Fuel Hose 41 | 337885 1 Bracket, Filter 42 400124 1 Scrow, 1/4-20 x 2-1/2 Hex 43 444708 1 Nut, 1/4:20 Hex C'Lock 44 116276 1 Air Cleaner Assem. (Inc. Ref. 45) 45 549593 1 Elemant 46 403751 3 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex Ser, Wash 47 341837 1 Filter, Fuel 48 445781 3 Nut, $/16-18 Hex Whizlock 49 129901 1 Cap, Air Cleaner 50 337504 1 Extension, Air Cleaner N 51 337704 1 Pipe, Air Cleaner 52 352585 2 Hose, Air Cleaner 53 326799 4 Clamp 54 360871 1 Tube, Radiator Overflow 55 337464 1 Screen, Radiator 56 361851 1 Decal, Air Cleaner ILLUSTRATION. 6 CONTROLS & ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS PARTS LIST Ref. No. | Part No. | Quan, Description Ref. No.| Part No. | Quan. Description 1 | 162720 1 |Gauge, Temperature 24 | 400184 1 Screw, 5/16 — 18 x 3/4 Hex г | 162721 | + |Voltmeter 25 | 443112 | 1 | Nut, 3/8-24 Hex | 3 131496 1 Horn 26 445781 1 Nui, 5/16 — 18 Hex Whizlock N 4 162723 1 [Hourmeter 27 361828 1 Bracket, Battery 5 | 131085 1 | Switch, Ignition (Inc! Ret. Nos.B, 7 4 В) 28 | 400188 $ | Screw, 5/16 - 18 x 1 Hex 6 343060 1 Key, Ignition (Set of two) 7 358968 1 Nut 8 | 447222 1 | Lockwasher, 9/16 internal Tooth 9 | 158501 1 Light, Oil 10 361646 1 Holder, Fuse 11 361700 1 Fuse, 6 Amp 12 445781 1 Nut, 5/16 - 18 Hex Whizlock N 13 131476 1 Throttle Control Assem 14 | 403910 2 | screw, #10 - 24 x 1/2 Tr Hd 15 446118 2 Lockwasher, #10 Hvy 16 152823 1 Relay, Horn 17 400104 1 Screw, 1/4 — 20 x 1/2 Hex 18 446130 1 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy. 19 | 443102 1 [Nut, 1/4 — 20 Hex 20 444310 2 Nut, #10 - 24 Hex 21 361167 1 Decal, Throttte 22 | 354079 1 |Decal, Ignition Switeh N 23 337713 1 Cable, Choke N - New part number, first used on this product, 32 ea ki = Pe i ILLUSTRATION 7 LIFT LINKAGE AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEM rd See Illustration 8 for Part Nos. Frame A, H. Fender Bracket Assembly PARTS LIST Ref. No.! Part No. | Quan, Description 14 461478 1 Pin, 1/2 x 3 Clavis 15 460028 1 Pin, 1/8 x 1 Cotter 16 453017 1 Washer, 1/2 Flat 17@ | 122494 1 Cylinder Assembly 18 J61826 1 Pin, Cylinder Left Side of Frame 19 | 453022 | 2 | Washer, 3/4 Flat 20 460040 2 Pin, 5/32 x 1-1/4 Cotter 21 451495 1 Pin, Clevis | 22 480028 1 Pin, Cotter 1/8 x 1 Ref. No.| Part No, | Quan, Description 23 131318 1 Lift Pedal Assembly 24 162764 1 Arm Assembly 1" 390397 1 Valve, Lift 25 361618 1 Shaît, LIM Pedal 2 400122 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 2-1/4 Hex 26 461383 > Pin, 3/16 x 1 Roll 3 | 453023 2 Washer, 1/4 Flat 27 360430 1 Rod, Lift Valve 4 | 946130 | 2 | Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 28 | 461352 | 1 | Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Roll 5 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 29 361621 1 Yoke 6 130950 1 Deck Lift Assem 10 361820 1 Spring, Clevis 7 162348 2 Support Assem (Incl, Ref. No. 8) 31 443812 1 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex Jam 8 319867 2 Bushing, Pivot 32 345671 1 Clamp, Wire Harness 9 400188 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex 10 382315 i Spring, Deck Lift 11 454025 1 Washer ® 12 445781 | 4 | Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Whizlock 5 13 131043 1 Arm Assembly * - For Seal Repair Kit, order Part No. 502449, - @- For Service of Seal Repair Kit Order Part No. 502960 33 ILLUSTRATION 8 HYDRAULIC TUBES, HOSES & FITTINGS 65 25 7 \ Hydraulic Steering Unit HRS _ —]—5 28— Lift Cylinder 21— 43— Motor a 1 6 8 13 14 2% A y | | \ / 18 \ — HH | | -—16 18 NES | 30— yd 10 — | / 20 | +94 17 20 A (5) Hydraulic Tank ! 31 23— —— 22 64 ll x \ Pro 23 High Pressure Line 51 — —| Low Pressure Line. Cooler еее O | | Suction Line 12 11 34 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 8 Ref. | No. Part No. | Quan. Description 1 357613 1 Fitting, Male Adapter N 2 382509 1 Fitting, Efbow Barb 3 361742 1 Fitting, Male Connector 4 | 354065 1 Fitting, Elbow 5 | 361740 1 Fitting, Male Adapter 6 351127 1 Fitting, Plug 7 361474 1 Fitting, Elbow 8 361741 1 Tes, Service 9 | 361744 1 Fitting, 45° Elbow 10 361745 1 Fitting, Tea 11 131304 1 Hosa, Tes to Cooler N12 131471 1 Hose, Cooler to Filter 13 361692 1 Valve, Check 14 | 361693 1 Fitting, Male Barb 15 122278 1 Tube, Manifold 16 361696 1 Hose, Check Valve to Manifold 17 360471 1 Hose, Hydro to Manifold 18 361694 1 Hose, Manifold to Tank 19 | 361631 1 Fitting, Elbow Barb 20 | 349816 8 Clamp, Hose N21 362527 i Fitting, Male Conn, Pump Inlet №22 | 362531 1 Hose, Tank to Pump Inlet 23 319914 3 Clamp, Hose N 24 131475 1 Hose, Pump to Valve 25 | 361886 1 Fitting, Elbow 26 | 162860 1 | Fitting, Elbow 27 131302 1 Hose, Valve to Motor 28 | 131303 1 Hose, Motor to Valve 29 | 350947 1 Fitting, Male Connector 30 122271 1 Tube, Hydro Suction 31 361849 1 Hose, Tube to Tank 32 | 351109 2 Connector, Male 37% Flare 33 | 351107 3 Elbow, Male 37° Flare N 34 | 352446 2 Tee, Male Branch — 35 | 131306 1 Tube, Hydro to Valve 36 | 345194 1 Fitting, Hose to Cylinder 37 | 131298 1 Hose, Valve to Lift Cylinder 38 | 155759 1 Hose, Valve to Lift Cylinder 39e| 131323 1 Motor, Hydraulic | N - New part number, first used on this product. e - See Illustration 15 for complete service parts breakdown. 35 ке’ Part No. | Quan. Description 40 361961 2 Wrap, Hose N 41 131457 2 Hose, Steering Pump to Cylinder N 42 131456 1 Hose, Steering Pump to Lift Valve N 43 131460 1 Hose Steering Pump(Out)to Hydro Return N 44 131461 1 Hoss, Steering Pump (In) to Hydro N 45 | 390490 | 2 Tube, Steering Pump to Cylinder 46 | 353002 2 Clamp, Hydraulic Tube 47 400116 1 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1-1/2 Hex 48 400122 1 Screw, 1/4-20 x 2-1/2 Hex 49 316444 1 Spacer 50 | 453023 3 Washer, 1/4 Flat 51 | 448130 2 | Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 52 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex N 53 131458 2 Hose, Steering Pump to Cylinder 54 160234 2 Tube, Steering Cylinder N 55 131455 1 Tube, Steering Pump (Aux) to Lift Valve 56 359186 1 Tee, Swivei N 57 131459 1 Tube, Relief Valve to Tee N 58 162560 1 Valve, Relief N 59 131462 1 Tube, Hydro to Relief Valve 60 | 473137 1 Tie, Wire Harness to Manifold N 61 362510 1 Connector, Male N 62 337698 1 Tube, Oil Filter inlet 63 | 354066 1 Fitting, Male Conn. 45° Pump Outlet N 64 131472 1 Tube, Tank to Pump 65 | 382743 | 1 | 0" Ring | ILLUSTRATION 9 HYDRO AND TRACTION ASSIST PEDALS & LINKAGE Tractor Frame 36 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 9 Ref. | Ref. No Part No. | Quan. Description © 1 162989 1 Pedal Assist Assembly 2 362459 1 Ring, Snap 3 | 362462 1 Rod, Assist Rod 4 319161 1 Yoke, 3/8-24 5 451485 1 Pin, Clevis 6 460014 2 Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Colter 7 362465 1 Stop, L.H, Pedal 8 403751 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex | 9 | 160006 1 | Pad Mtg, Plate Assam. 10 | 445781 2 { Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Whizlock 11 | 375816 2 Bushing 12 306828 2 Washer 1 13 130965 1 Hydro Pedal 14 360410 1 Bracket, Pedal Mtg 15 403751 2 Screw, 5/16-18x 3/4 Hex Ser Wash Hd 16 444762 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Gripco 17 445781 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Whizlock 1 461472 1 Pin, Ciavis, 3/8 x 3-1/4 19 | 460014 1 Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Cotter 20N| 362514 1 Rod, Hydro Adjust 21 319161 1 Yoke 22 461485 1 Pin, Clevis 23 460014 1 Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Cotter 24 310089 1 Joint, Bali 25 446142 1 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 26 443112 1 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex 27 443812 2 Nut, 3/8-24 Нех Jam 28 360462 1 Stud, ‘Pedal Stop 0 29 | 445781 | 2 | Nui, 5/16-t8 Hex Whizlock 30 443812 1 Nut, 3/8-24 Hax Jam 31 303873 1 Spacer 32 361823 1 Tube, Pivot 33 400278 1 Screw, 3/8-16 x 3-1/2 Hex N- New part number, first used on this product, No Part No. | Quan. Description 34 162990 1 Pedal Bracket Assem. 35N[ 163000 1 Arm, Hydro (Incl. Ref, 36) 38 307169 2 Bushing 37 471214 1 Filting, 1/4-28 Grease 38 446142 1 Lockwasher, 3/8-16 Hex 39 443110 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 40N| 362513 1 Rod, Hydro Pivot 41 353962 1 Pad, Pedal 42 400188 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex 43 444716 1 Nut, §/16-18 Hex Gripco 44 358170 1 Spring, Hydro 45 350558 2 Spring 46 162352 1 Rod, Hydro Link 47 460014 2 Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Cotter 48 162349 1 Arm, Hydro Actuating 49 463005 1 Key, 1/8 x 5/8 Woodruff 50 452012 1 Washer, Flat 51 444758 1 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex C/L ILLUSTRATION MOTOR VALVE LINKAGE 38 10 „© y Valve Mounting Bracket on Frame 35 pa y PARTS LIST Mounting Bracket on Frame Ref. No.) Part No, | Quan, Description |Ref. No,| Part No. | Quan. Description 1 353925 1 |Base, Oil Filter 23 361677 2 | Bushing 2 353937 1 | Cartridge, Oil Filter 24 453022 3 | Washer, 3/4 Flat 3 358005 1 '0° Ring, 3-1/2 0.D. x 3-1/4 1.D. x 1/8 25 460030 4 Pin, 1/8 x 1~1/4 Cottar 4 400404 2 |Screw, 1/2 = 13 x 1 Нех 26 131293 1 Arm Assem, Spring 5 446154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 27 361657 1 Shaft 6 453017 2 Washer, 1/2 Flat 2B 361663 1 Shaft, Spring 7 131296 1 [| Valve Mtg. Bracket Assem 29 361739 1 Spring, Valve 8 441602 2 |Screw, 5/16 — 18 x 3/4 Rd Hd Sq Nk 30 361621 3 | Yoke, 3/8 — 24 9 343784 1 Nut, 5/8-32 Hex 31 361620 3 Spring, Clevis 10 343785 1 | Boot, Aubber — 32 443812 3 | Nut, 3/8 — 24 Hex Jam 11 445781 2 | Nut, 5/18 — 18 Hex Whiztoack 33 361661 1 Rod, Vaive Lever 12 400404 1 Screw, 1/2 — 13 x 1 Hex 34 453011 4 Washer, 3/8 Flat 13 445154 3 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 35 460026 4 Pin, 1/8 x 3/4 Cotter 14“ 116589 1 Valve, Motor 36 351660 1 Rod, Valve 15 400116 3 |Screw, 1/4 — 20 x 1-1/2 Hex 37 451395 1 Pin, 1/4 x 3/4 RoH 16 445130 3 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy, 38 361659 1 Rod, Valve Linkage 17 443102 3 Nut, 1/4 — 20 Hex 39 131016 1 Switch, P,T.O, Interlock (inci. Ref, 9 18 | 162733 1 {Valve Lever Assem 40 361843 1 | Nut, Special & 10) 19 375816 4 | Bushing 41 447224 1 Lockwasher, 5/8 Int. Tooth 20 162773 1 Arm Assem 42 353842 1 Grip, Valve Lever 21 461397 3 [Pin, 1/4 x 1—-1/4 Roll 22 131292 1 Arm Assem, Valve Linkage - See lllustration 16 tor complete service paris breakdown, 39 | [ * Also Includes 5 of Ref. No. 11. ILLUSTRATION 11 HYDROGUIDE STEERING UNIT — PART NO. 122333 0 Parts List Ref. Nodinci, In Kit) Quan. Description Ref. Nodincil, In Kit! Quan, Description 1 F 4 Nut, 5/16 UNF 24 21 J 1 Commutator Ring > Matched Set 2 F 1 | Port Cover 22 J 1 Commutator 3 D 5 Seal Ring 23 J 1 Spacer -Drive Link 4 D 4 O'Ring 24 J 1 Rotor A M 5 F 1 | Ball-7/32 Inch(6 mm) 25 J 4 | stator J Rotor Assy Maiched Sel 1 P . 6 F lug } Plug & C'Ring Assy. 26 J 1 Drive Plate 7 F&D 1 O'Ring 27 K 1 Spacer-Thrust Bearing 8 B 1 - Port Manifold 28 K 1 Thrust Bearing 9 G 3 Spring, 3/4 Inch (19 mm) 29 D 1 Face Seal 10 1 Hex Drive Assy, 30 D 1 Back-up Ring 11 E 9 Alignment Pin (Needle Brg.) 31 K 1 Seal Spacer 12 1 Valve Ring 32 K 1 Upper Cover Plate M 13 1 Valve Plate > atched Set 33 1 Input Shaît/Wheel Tube 14 G 3 Spring, 1/2 Inch (13 mm) 34 K 1 Retaining Ring 15 1 Isolation Manifold 35 K 1 Washer-Retaining Ptate 16 H 1 Drive Link 36 K 1 Relaining Plate Matched | 17 с 1 Metering Ring 37 K 1 Upper Cover & Jacket Assy.? Set 18 J 11 Screw, Hex Socket Hd 38 K 1 Bushing 19 D 1 Seal, Commutator 39 1 Seal | 20 J 1 Commutatar Cover 40 K 4 Special Bolt, 5/16 24UNF-2A 41 A 1 Nut Jacobsen Service Parts (Ref. Part No. | Quan. Description. ue Part No, | Quan. Description A 443828 i Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Jam G 502924 1 Spring Kit 8 551107 1 Port Manifold H 551105 1 Drive Link C 551106 1 Metering Ring « 502922 1 Metering Assem. D 502926 1 Seal Kit K 502921 1 Upper Cover & Socket E 502925 1 Needle Roller Kit Tube Assembly F 502923 1 Port Cover & Charge Valve Assembly ILLUSTRATION 12 DISC BRAKE ASSEMBLY PART NO. 120431 MOUNTING BRACKET PARTS LIST Ref. Part No. No. Quan Description 1 546124 | 1 Rib Plate with Lining 2 546125. 1 Stud Plate with Lining 3 546126 1 V-Plate 4 546127 2 Spacer, Brake 5 546128 2 Spring, Brake Return 6 546129 1 Cam Lever, Brake 7 546130 AR Washer, Cam Lever Thrust (.083 Thick) 8 546131 1 Spring, Center 9 400308 2 Bolt, 3/8-24 x 2-1/4 Hex Hd 10 444744 2 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex Center Lock 11 453009 1 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 12 546132 1 Snap Ring 13 550336 AR Washer, Cam Lever Thrust (.093 Thick) 40 ILLUSTRATION 13 HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION Мо. 116618 4 (incl, Ref. 3) 8 (Inci. Refs, 10, 11, 36-38) r ; 16 22 (inci. Ret. 18-21, e 23-29, 41-44) % 39 ONS Ч My PARTS LIST - a | , г. © Ref Part No. Description Re Part No. Description No. No. 1 590256 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-3/4 Socket Hd, Cap 29 549383 Pin, Dowel a 2+ | 546693 | Seal, Oi! + 30 546416 | Shield, Grass 38 546415 | Seal, Ol 31**| 548443 Bearing, Ball (Output) 4 502928 Subassem, Auxiliary Body (!nc.Refs, 3) 32** | 546445 Ring, Retaining > 546437 Snap Aing 33 590257 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Soc. Hd. Cap. 6€ | 549380 | Ring, $9, Си! Seal 34 551108 | Roll 7 549609 | Plate, Port 35 | 551109 | Carrier ge | 549354 | Ring, Sq. Cut Seal 386 | 546415 | Seal, Oil 9 | 502639 | Subassembly, Cover (incl. Refs. 10, 11, 36-39) 37 | 518838 | Control Shaft & Pin Assem.(Incl.Ref. 36,38 & 39) 10 549779 Button 38 | Washer, Control Shaft 11 | 569874 | Dowel, Pivot Pin 39 Dowel, 7/18 x 2 12 546444 Pin. Drive 40 549377 Insert, Cam Ring 13 501095 Subassembly, Input Shaft 41 549385 Spring, Acc, Valve (Upper) 146 | 549376 | Ring, Sq. Cut Seal | 42 | 549385 | Spring, Acc. Valve (Lower) 43 549610 | Body, Acc, Valve 44 549367 Ball, 5/8 45 502444 Rotor, Ball Subassembiy Motor 46°” | 502460 Subassembly, Output Shaft 15 502459 Rotor, Ball Subassembly Pump 16* 549375 Race, Pump 17* 518982 Ring, Cam 18 | 549357 | Piston | 47** | 549356 | Face, Motor 196 Ring, Back-up 48 | 502572 | O-Ring Plug Subassembiy (Incl. Ref. 49) 20 9 O-Ring 496 O-Ring, Tube Fitting 21 549373 Pin, 5/16 x 3/4 Coit 50°" | 570029 Body 22 502927 Subassem, Pintia(inci, Ре! в. 18-21, 23-29, 4 1-44) 51 590257 Screw, 5716-18 x 1-1/4 Soc. Hd, Cap 23 549372 Ring, Retaining 24 549371 Ball, 5/18 25 549383 Body, Check Valve 26 549370 | Ball, 7/16 27 549369 | Spring, Relief Valve 28 549368 Plug, Relief Valve * These Parts Included in Cam Ring Subassembly, for Service Order 502781. ** These Parts Included in Body Subassembly, for Service Order 502638, a These Parts Included in Overhaul Seal Kit, for Service Order 502929, 41 ILLUSTRATION 14 TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY PART NO. 124027 o Model 2523 42 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 14 Ref. No. Jacobsen Description Part No, 1 500766 Case Assembly, Transaxle (Incl. Nos, 2 thru 6) 2 545948 Bearing, Needle 3 545949 Bearing, Needle 4 545950 Bearing, Needle 5 545951 Bearing, Needle 6 500767 Case Assembly, Transaxle (Incl Nos. 3, 4, 46) 7 545952 Gear, Ring 8 545953 Gear, Side 9 545954 Gear, Pinion 10 545955 Core, Body 11 545957 Carrier, Differential 12 545958 Carrier, Differential 13 550342 Axle Shaft R.H. 14 590133 Ring, Saap 15 590134 Screw, 3/8-16 x 3-3/8 Hex Head 16 446142 Lockwasher, 3/8 17 545959 Washer, Thrust 18 545980 Shaft, Counter 19 945961 Shaft, Brake 20 545962 Pinion, Output | 21 545983 Gear, Bevel (30 Teeth) . 22 545964 Gear, Spur (18 Teeth) 23 548974 Gear, Spur (23 Teeth) 24 546975 Gear, Cluster (208 27 Teeth) 25 549310 Gear, Spur (17 Teeth) 26 549109 Gear, Qutput (33 Teeth) 21 545969 Spacer 28 545970 Spacer 29 535030 Fork, Shift 30 545971 Rod, Shift al 545972 Gasket, Case and Cover 32 545973 Spacer 33 590049 Plug, Pipe 34 590138 Ring, Snap 35 590048 Pin, Dowel 36 545315 Spring 87 545339 Seal, Oil | 38 290047 Plug, Magnetic Drain 39 545978 Washer, Thrust 40 545977 Bearing, Thrust 41 545978 Seal, Oil 42° 545979 Bearing, Ball 43 545980 Bearing, Thrust 44 545981 Seal, Square Cut 45 . 400408 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd 48 — 446154 Lockwasher, 1/2 47 590139 Screw, 5/18-18 x 1 Thrd Forming Hex Hd 48 590140 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Set 49 580042 Ball, Steel 50 545982 Seal, Oil 51 545983 Pinion, Bevel 59 550341 Axle Shaft L.H. 43 HYDRAULIC MOTOR - PART NO. 131323 ILLUSTRATION 15 Ref, No. | Part No. | Quan. Description 502855 | 1 Seal Kit (Incl, Ref. 1 = 11) 1 2 “O'' Ring 2 2 Backing Ring 3 2 Backing Ring 4 2 Lobe Seal 5 551036 1 Shaft Seal 6 1 Retaining Ring "7 1 Woodruff Key ‘8 1 Tabwasher *9 1 Key “10 1 Retaining Ring “if 1 Locknut IMPORTANT These kits contain parts for various types of shafts. Parts indicated with an * are not used on splined shafts, Litho in U.S.A. 386 ILLUSTRATION 16 2 O O. O MOTOR VALVE - PART NO. 116589 % Ref. No,| Part No. | Quan, Description 1 502852 1 Detent 'In'' Kit 2 502853 1 Seal Kit 3 502851 1 Relief Valve Assembly JACOBSSEN e) Jacobsen Drasion of Testraon Inc. Part No, 352530 ">

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