SEGA Human Alliance Transformers arcade game Owner's Manual
Below you will find brief information for Transformers arcade game Human Alliance. This arcade game features 2-player action with an engaging Transformers theme. The game features an array of characters to choose from, as well as challenging gameplay. Players will need to use their skill and strategy to defeat their opponents and save the day. The game also features a variety of interactive elements to enhance the overall gameplay experience. With its engaging graphics and gameplay, Transformers arcade game Human Alliance
is sure to provide hours of entertainment for players of all ages.
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o maintain safety: To ensure the safe operation of this product, be sure to read the following before usage. The following instructions are intended for the users, operators and the personnel in charge of the operation of the SURGXFW$IWHUFDUHIXOO\UHDGLQJDQGVXI¿FLHQWO\XQGHUVWDQGLQJWKHZDUQLQJGLVSOD\VDQGFDXWLRQVKDQGOHWKHSURGXFW appropriately. Be sure to keep this manual close to the product or in a convenient place for future reference. Herein, explanations which require special attention are enclosed with dual lines. Depending on the potentially hazardous degrees, the terms of DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION, etc. are used. Be sure to understand the contents of the displays before reading the text. Indicates that mishandling the product by disregarding this pictograph will cause severe injury or death. Indicates that mishandling the product by disregarding this warning will cause a potentially hazardous situation which can result in death or serious injury. Indicates that mishandling the product by disregarding this caution will cause a slight hazardous situation which can result in personal injury and/or material damage. For the safe usage of the product, the following pictographs are used: Indicates "HANDLE WITH CARE." In order to protect the human body and equipment, this display is attached to places where the Owner's Manual, Serviceman Manual and/or Service Manual should be referred to. Perform work in accordance with the instructions herein stated. Instructions for work are explained by paying attention to the aspect of accident prevention. Failing to perform work as per the instructions can cause accidents. In the case where only those who have technical expertise should perform the work to avoid hazardous situation, the instructions herein state that the site maintenance personnel should perform such work. Be sure to turn off the power before working on the machine. To prevent an electric shock, be sure to turn off the power before carrying out any work that requires direct contact with the interior of the product. If the work is to be performed in the power-on status, the Instruction Manual herein always states to that effect. Be sure to ground the Earth Terminal. (This is not required in the case where a power cord with earth is used.) This product is equipped with the Earth Terminal. When installing the product, connect the Earth Terminal to the "accurately grounded indoor earth terminal" by using an earth wire. Unless the product is grounded appropriately, the user can be subject to an electric shock. After performing repair, etc. for the FRQWUROHTXLSPHQWHQVXUHWKDWWKH(DUWK:LUHLV¿UPO\FRQQHFWHGWRWKHFRQWUROHTXLSPHQW Ensure that the Power Supply used is equipped with an Earth Leakage Breaker. This product does not incorporate the Earth Leakage Breaker. Using a power supply which is not equipped with the Earth /HDNDJH%UHDNHUFDQFDXVHD¿UHZKHQHDUWKOHDNDJHRFFXUV %HVXUHWRXVHIXVHVZKLFKPHHWWKHVSHFL¿HGUDWLQJ (Only for the machines which use fuses.) 8VLQJIXVHVH[FHHGLQJWKHVSHFL¿HGUDWLQJFDQFDXVHD¿UHDQGDQHOHFWULFVKRFN2QO\IRUWKHPDFKLQHV ZKLFKXVHIXVHV8VLQJIXVHVH[FHHGLQJWKHVSHFL¿HGUDWLQJFDQFDXVHD¿UHDQGDQHOHFWULFVKRFN Specification changes (removal of equipment, conversion and addition) not designated by SEGA are not allowed. The parts of the product include warning labels for safety, covers for personal protection, etc. It is very hazardous to operate the product by removing parts and/or modifying the circuits. Should doors, lids and protective parts be damaged or lost, refrain from operating the product, and contact where the product was SXUFKDVHGIURPRUWKHRI¿FHKHUHLQVWDWHG6(*$VKDOOQRWEHKHOGUHVSRQVLEOHIRUDQ\DFFLGHQWVFRPSHQVDWLRQ IRUGDPDJHWRDWKLUGSDUW\UHVXOWLQJIURPWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQVQRWGHVLJQDWHGE\6(*$ (QVXUH WKDW WKH SURGXFW PHHWV WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI DSSURSULDWH HOHFWULFDO VSHFL¿FDWLRQV %HIRUH LQVWDOOLQJ WKH SURGXFWFKHFNIRUHOHFWULFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQV6(*$SURGXFWVKDYHDQDPHSODWHRQZKLFKHOHFWULFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQV are described. Ensure that the product is compatible with the power supply voltage and frequency requirements RIWKHORFDWLRQ8VLQJDQ\HOHFWULFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVGLIIHUHQWIURPWKHGHVLJQDWHGVSHFL¿FDWLRQVFDQFDXVHD¿UH and an electric shock. Install and operate the product in places where appropriate lighting is available, allowing warning labels to be clearly read. To ensure safety for the customers, labels and printed instructions describing potentially hazardous situations are applied to places where accidents can be caused. Ensure that where the product is operated has VXI¿FLHQWOLJKWLQJDOORZLQJWKHZDUQLQJVWREHUHDG,IDQ\ODEHOLVSHHOHGRIIDSSO\LWDJDLQLPPHGLDWHO\3OHDVH SODFHDQRUGHUZLWKZKHUHWKHSURGXFWZDVSXUFKDVHGIURPRUWKHRI¿FHKHUHLQVWDWHG When handling the monitor, be very careful. (Applies only to products with monitors.) Some of the monitor parts are subject to high tension voltage. Even after turning off the power, some portions are still subject to high tension voltage sometimes. Monitor repair and replacement should be performed only by those technical personnel who have knowledge of electricity and technical expertise. Be sure to adjust the monitor properly. (Applies only to products with monitors.) Do not operate the product OHDYLQJRQVFUHHQÀLFNHULQJRUEOXUULQJDVLWLV8VLQJWKHSURGXFWZLWKWKHPRQLWRUQRWSURSHUO\DGMXVWHGPD\ cause dizziness or a headache to an operator, a player, or the customers. When transporting or reselling this product, be sure to attach this manual to the product. ,Q WKH FDVH ZKHUH FRPPHUFLDOO\ DYDLODEOH PRQLWRUV DQG SULQWHUV DUH XVHG LQ WKLV SURGXFW RQO\ WKH FRQWHQWV UHODWLQJ WR WKLV SURGXFW DUH H[SODLQHG KHUHLQ 6RPH FRPPHUFLDOO\ DYDLODEOH HTXLSPHQW KDV IXQFWLRQV DQG UHDFWLRQV QRW VWDWHG LQ WKLV PDQXDO 5HDG WKLV PDQXDO WRJHWKHU ZLWK WKH VSHFL¿F LQVWUXFWLRQ PDQXDO RI VXFK HTXLSPHQW 'HVFULSWLRQVKHUHLQFRQWDLQHGPD\EHVXEMHFWWRLPSURYHPHQWFKDQJHVZLWKRXWQRWLFH 7KHFRQWHQWVGHVFULEHGKHUHLQDUHIXOO\SUHSDUHGZLWKGXHFDUH+RZHYHUVKRXOGDQ\TXHVWLRQDULVHRUHUURUVEH IRXQGSOHDVHFRQWDFW6(*$ ,163(&7,216,00(',$7(/<$)7(575$163257,1*7+(352'8&7727+(/2&$7,21 Normally, at the time of shipment, SEGA products are in a status allowing for usage immediately after transporting to the location. Nevertheless, an irregular situation may occur during transportation. Before turning on the power, check the following points to ensure that the product has been transported in a satisfactory status. Are there any dented portions or defects (cuts, etc.) on the external surfaces of the cabinet? Are casters and adjusters damaged? Do the power supply voltage and frequency requirements meet with those of the location? Are all wiring connectors correctly and securely connected? Unless connected in the correct way, connector connections can not be made accurately. Do not insert connectors forcibly. Do power cables have cuts and dents? Are all accessories available? &DQDOOGRRUVDQGOLGVEHRSHQHGZLWKWKHDFFHVVRU\NH\V"&DQGRRUVDQGOLGVEH¿UPO\FORVHG" TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION vi 1 2 1 5 HANDLING PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION LOCATION 2-1 LIMITATIONS OF USAGE 2-2 OPERATION AREA 3 PRECAUTIONS REGARDING PRODUCT OPERATION 3-1 BEFORE OPERATION 3-2 DURING OPERATION (PAYING ATTENTION TO CUSTOMERS) 8 8 10 4 5 PARTS DESCRIPTION ACCESSORIES 12 13 6 ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION 15 6-1 UNPACKING THE CABINET 6-2 ATTACHING THE BILLBOARD (BUMBLEBEE HEAD) 6-3 ATTACHING THE BILLBOARD (LAPELS) 6-4 JOINING THE CABINETS 6-5 ATTACHING THE FLOOR AND SIDE BKTS 6-6 ATTACHING THE ROOF 6-7 APPLYING “HOW TO PLAY” INSTRUCTIONS 6-8 FIXATION TO INSTALLATION SITE 6-9 CONNECTING THE DVD DRIVE 6-10 CONNECTION OF POWER AND GROUND CABLES 6-11 ENGAGING POWER SUPPLY (SOTWARE INSTALLATION) 6-12 CONFIRMATION OF INSTALLATION 7 8 9 PRECAUTIONS WHEN MOVING 18 19 21 22 23 26 27 28 30 32 35 38 40 7-1 MOVING THE MACHINE 7-2 SEPARATING THE MONITOR/GUN CABINET 40 42 GAME DESCRIPTION EXPLANATION OF TEST AND DATA DISPLAY 46 56 9-1 SWITCH UNIT AND COIN METER. 9-2 SYSTEM TEST MODE 9-3 GAME TEST MODE iv 6 7 57 58 59 420-0021UK 10 VIDEO DISPLAY 68 10-1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 10-2 CLEANING THE SCREEN 11 68 69 CONTROL UNIT 70 11-1 HOW TO REMOVE CONTROL UNIT 11-2 ADJUSTING OR REPLACING THE X AXIS VOLUME 11-3 ADJUSTING OR CHANGING THE Y AXIS VOLUME 11-4 REPLACING THE TRIGGER SWITCH 11-5 REPLACING THE FEEDBACK COIL 12 COIN HANDLING 88 12-1 CLEANING THE COIN SELECTOR 12-2 FAULT FINDING 12-3 ADJUSTING THE PRICE OF PLAY (EXCEL) 12-4 ADJUSTING THE PRICE OF PLAY (VTS) 13 71 74 79 83 86 REPLACING LAMPS AND LIGHTING 13-1 COIN DOOR LAMP 13-2 START BUTTON LAMP 88 91 92 93 97 97 98 14 15 PERIODIC INSPECTION TROUBLESHOOTING 100 102 16 GAME BOARD 104 16-1 HOW TO REMOVE GAME BOARD 16-2 COMPOSITION OF THE GAME BOARD 105 107 17 DESIGN RELATED PARTS 108 18 19 PARTS LIST WIRE COLOUR CODE TABLE 109 131 20 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (1 OF 3) 132 v INTRODUCTION This manual is intended to provide detailed descriptions together with all necessary information covering the general operation of electronic assemblies, electromechanical, servicing control, spare parts, etc. for the product, "TRANSFORMERS HUMAN ALLIANCE" This manual is intended for the owners, personnel managers in charge of operation of this product. 2SHUDWHWKHSURGXFWDIWHUFDUHIXOO\UHDGLQJDQGVXI¿FLHQWO\XQGHUVWDQGLQJWKHLQVWUXFWLRQV INTRODUCTION In the unlikely event that the product does not function correctly, DO NOT allow anyone other than a technician to touch the internal system. Turn off the power to the machine, making sure to unplug the electrical cord from the RXWOHWDQGFRQWDFWWKHRI¿FHOLVWHGEHORZRUWKHSRLQWRISXUFKDVHIRUWKLVSURGXFW Use of this product is unlikely to cause physical injuries or damage to property. However, points that require special attention are indicated by bold text, the words "STOP, IMPORTANT or CAUTION” and the symbols below. Indicates important information that, if ignored, may result in the mishandling of the product and cause faulty operation or damage to the product. Indicates a warning or caution that, if ignored, may result in the mishandling of the product and cause faulty operation or damage to the product. Sega Amusements Europe Limited. 42 Barwell Business Park, Leatherhead Road, Chessington, Surrey, KT9 2NY. United Kingdom. European Sales: +44 (0) 208 391 8090 Facsimile: +44 (0) 208 391 8099 STS (Spares): +44 (0) 208 391 8060 Facsimile: +44 (0) 208 391 8096 email: [email protected] Web: Sega Corporation Canal Side Bldg 1-39-9 Higashishinagawa Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo, 140-8583, Japan. Telephone: +81-3-687-7133 Facsimile: +81-3-687-7134 Play It! Amusements, inc. 252 Beinoris Drive, Wood Dale, IL. 60191, USA USA Sales: +00 (1) 224 265 4287 SPECIFICATIONS vi Installed Dimensions Machine Dimensions: Machine Height: Machine Weight: 1.62m (63.8in.) [Width] x 2,41m (94.9in.) [Depth] 2.38m (93.7in.) (With Billboard)) 496kg (1093.49lb) Approx Rating: [email protected], (268W) [email protected], (205W) 'H¿QLWLRQRI 6LWH0DLQWHQDQFH3HUVRQQHORU2WKHU4XDOL¿HG,QGLYLGXDOV Parts replacement, maintenance inspections and troubleshooting should be carried out by site maintenance personnel RURWKHUTXDOL¿HGSURIHVVLRQDOV7KLVPDQXDOLQFOXGHVGLUHFWLRQVIRUSRWHQWLDOO\GDQJHURXVSURFHGXUHVZKLFKVKRXOG only be carried out by professionals with the appropriate specialised knowledge. INTRODUCTION Servicing and maintenance work of the contents herein stated should be performed by the SERVICEMAN stipulated as per IEC Standard. Those who do not have technical expertise and knowledge other than the SERVICEMAN are not allowed to perform the work herein stated. Executing aforementioned work by such non-technical personnel can cause serious accidents that may endanger life. 7KHVLWHPDLQWHQDQFHSHUVRQQHORURWKHUTXDOL¿HGSURIHVVLRQDOVPHQWLRQHGLQWKLVPDQXDODUHGH¿QHGDVIROORZV Site maintenance personnel: Individuals with experience in maintaining amusement equipment, vending machines, etc., working under the super vision of the owner/operator of this product to maintain machines within amusement facilities or similar premises by carrying out everyday procedures such as assembly, maintenance inspections, and replacement of units/expendable parts. Activities to be carried out by site maintenance personnel: Amusement equipment/vending machine assembly, maintenance inspection and replacement of units/expendable parts. 2WKHUTXDOL¿HGSURIHVVLRQDOV Persons employed by amusement equipment manufacturers, or involved in design, production, testing or mainte nance of amusement equipment. The individual should have either graduated from technical school or hold similar TXDOL¿FDWLRQVLQHOHFWULFDOHOHFWURQLFVPHFKDQLFDOHQJLQHHULQJ $FWLYLWLHVWREHFDUULHGRXWE\RWKHUTXDOL¿HGSURIHVVLRQDOV Amusement equipment/vending machine assembly, repair/adjustment of electrical/electronic/mechanical parts. Game Version Notation Version numbers appearing in TEST MODE are displayed as asterisks. When describing sotware version upgrades, only major versions and minor version numbers are displayed. Release version numbers are for SEGA's DGPLQLVWUDWLYHXVHRQO\,I\RXUHTXLUHWKHVHQXPEHUVSOHDVHFRQWDFWWKHRI¿FHOLVWHGLQWKLVPDQXDORUWKHSRLQWRI purchase for this product. (Ver) VER.*.**.-Major version (maybe only one digit) Minor version Release version vii :DVWHRI(OHFWULFDODQG(OHFWURQLF(TXLSPHQW:(((6WDWHPHQW The WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment) directive places an obligation on all EU based manufac turers and importers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment to take back products at the end of their useful life. Sega $PXVHPHQWV(XURSH/WGDFFHSWVLWVUHVSRQVLELOLW\WR¿QDQFHWKHFRVWRIWUHDWPHQWDQGUHFRYHU\RIUHGXQGDQW:((( LQWKH8QLWHG.LQJGRPLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHVSHFL¿HG:(((UHF\FOLQJUHTXLUHPHQWV INTRODUCTION The symbol shown below will be on all products manufactured from 13th August 2005, which indicates this product must NOT be disposed of with other normal waste. Instead, it is the user’s responsibility to dispose of their waste equipment by arranging to return it to a designated UK collection point for the correct recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. For more information about where you can send your waste equipment for recycling contact your local authority of ¿FH )RUQRQ8.XVHUVFRQWDFW\RXUORFDODXWKRULW\RI¿FHIRULQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHUHF\FOLQJRI:DVWH(OHFWULFDODQG(OHF tronic Equipment. %DWWHU\5HF\FOLQJ6WDWHPHQW The EC Directive on Batteries and Accumulators (2006/66/EC) aims to minimise the impact of batteries on the en vironment and encourage the recovery of the materials they contain. To achieve increased collection and recycling of waste batteries, the Directive places ‘producer responsibility’ obligations on manufacturers and importers of portable, industrial and automotive batteries. 7KHV\PEROVKRZQEHORZZLOOEHRQDOOHTXLSPHQW¿WWHGZLWKEDWWHULHVIURPWK6HSWHPEHUDQGLQGLFDWHV they must NOT be disposed of with other normal waste. Instead, it is the user’s responsibility to dispose of used batteries by arranging to return them to a designated collection point for the correct recycling. For more information about where you can send your waste batteries for recycling contact your local authority of ¿FH REGISTERED IN ENGLAND REGISTERED NO. 1711515 REGISTERED OFFICE: BLOCK C 42 BARWELL BUSINESS PARK, CHESSINGTON, SURREY KT9 2NY viii ND IN R C UTION When installing or inspecting the machine, be very careful of the following points and pay attention to ensure that the player can enjoy the game safely. Non compliance with the following points or inappropriate handling running counter to the cautionary matters herein stated can cause personal injury or damage to the machine. ŏ7RDYRLGDQHOHFWULFVKRFNGRQRWSOXJLQRUXQSOXJZLWKDZHWKDQG ŏ'RQRWH[SRVHSRZHUFRUGVRUHDUWKZLUHVRQWKHVXUIDFHÁRRUSDVVDJHHWF ,IH[SRVHGWKHSRZHUFRUGVDQGHDUWKZLUHVDUHVXVFHSWLEOHWRGDPDJH'DPDJHGFRUGVDQGZLUHVFDQFDXVHDQHOHFWULFVKRFNRUVKRUWFLUFXLW ŏ7RDYRLGFDXVLQJDÀUHRUDQHOHFWULFVKRFNGRQRWSXWWKLQJVRQRUGDPDJH WKHSRZHUFRUGV ŏ:KHQRUDIWHULQVWDOOLQJWKHSURGXFWGRQRWXQQHFHVVDULO\SXOOWKHSRZHUFRUG,I GDPDJHGWKHSRZHUFRUGFDQFDXVHDÀUHRUDQHOHFWULFVKRFN ŏ ,QFDVHWKHSRZHUFRUGLVGDPDJHGDVNIRUDUHSODFHPHQWWKURXJKZKHUHWKH SURGXFWZDVSXUFKDVHGIURPRUWKHRIÀFHKHUHLQVWDWHG8VLQJWKHFRUGDVLV GDPDJHGFDQFDXVHÀUHDQHOHFWULFVKRFNRUOHDNDJH ŏ %HVXUHWRSHUIRUPJURXQGLQJDSSURSULDWHO\,QDSSURSULDWHJURXQGLQJFDQ FDXVHDQHOHFWULFVKRFN ŏ %HVXUHWRXVHIXVHVPHHWLQJWKHVSHFLÀHGUDWLQJ8VLQJIXVHVH[FHHGLQJWKH VSHFLÀHGUDWLQJFDQFDXVHDÀUHRUDQHOHFWULFVKRFN ŏ %HVXUHWKDWFRQQHFWLRQVVXFKDV,&%'DUHPDGHSURSHUO\,QVXIÀFLHQWLQVHUWLRQ FDQFDXVHDQHOHFWULFVKRFN ŏ 6SHFLÀFDWLRQFKDQJHVUHPRYDORIHTXLSPHQWFRQYHUVLRQDQGRUDGGLWLRQQRW GHVLJQDWHGE\6(*$DUHQRWSHUPLWWHG )DLOXUHWRREVHUYHWKLVPD\FDXVHDÀUHRUDQHOHFWULFVKRFN1RQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKLVLQVWUXFWLRQFDQKDYHDEDGLQÁXHQFHXSRQSK\VLFDOFRQGLWLRQV RIWKHSOD\HUVRUWKHRQORRNHUVRUUHVXOWLQLQMXU\GXULQJSOD\ 6(*$VKDOOQRWEHKHOGUHVSRQVLEOHIRUGDPDJHFRPSHQVDWLRQIRUGDPDJH WRDWKLUGSDUW\FDXVHGE\VSHFLÀFDWLRQFKDQJHVQRWGHVLJQDWHGE\6(*$ ŏ 'RQRWSHUIRUPDQ\ZRUNRUFKDQJHSDUWVQRWOLVWHGLQWKLVPDQXDO'RLQJVR PD\OHDGWRDQDFFLGHQW ,I\RXQHHGWRSHUIRUPDQ\ZRUNQRWOLVWHGLQWKLVPDQXDOUHTXHVWZRUNIURPWKH RIÀFHLQGLFDWHGLQWKLVPDQXDORUWKHSRLQWRISXUFKDVHRULQTXLUHVIRUGHWDLOV ŏ %HVXUHWRSHUIRUPSHULRGLFPDLQWHQDQFHLQVSHFWLRQVKHUHLQVWDWHG R C UTION ŏ7RDYRLGDQHOHFWULFVKRFNRUVKRUWFLUFXLWGRQRWSOXJLQRUXQSOXJTXLFNO\ ND IN ŏ %HIRUHSHUIRUPLQJZRUNEHVXUHWRWXUQWKHSRZHURII3HUIRUPLQJWKHZRUN ZLWKRXWWXUQLQJWKHSRZHURIIFDQFDXVHDQHOHFWULFVKRFNRUVKRUWFLUFXLW,QWKH FDVHZRUNVKRXOGEHSHUIRUPHGLQWKHVWDWXVRISRZHURQWKLVPDQXDODOZD\V VWDWHVWRWKDWHIIHFW ŏ )RUWKH,&ERDUGFLUFXLWLQVSHFWLRQVRQO\WKHORJLFWHVWHULVDOORZHG7KHXVHRID PXOWLSOHSXUSRVHWHVWHULVQRWSHUPLWWHGVREHFDUHIXOLQWKLVUHJDUG ŏ 7KH/('9LGHR6FUHHQLVHPSOR\HGIRUWKLVPDFKLQH7KHVFUHHQLVVXVFHSWLEOHWR GDPDJHWKHUHIRUHEHYHU\FDUHIXOZKHQFOHDQLQJWKHVFUHHQ)RUGHWDLOVUHIHU WRWKHVHFWLRQ´3URMHFWRUµ ND IN ŏ 6WDWLFHOHFWULFLW\IURP\RXUERG\PD\GDPDJHVRPHHOHFWURQLFVGHYLFHVRQWKH ,&ERDUG%HIRUHKDQGOLQJWKH,&ERDUGWRXFKDJURXQGHGPHWDOOLFVXUIDFHVR WKDWWKHVWDWLFHOHFWULFLW\FDQEHGLVFKDUJHG R C UTION ŏ 6RPHSDUWVDUHQRWGHVLJQHGDQGPDQXIDFWXUHGVSHFLÀFDOO\IRUWKLVJDPHPDFKLQH7KHPDQXIDFWXUHUVPD\GLVFRQWLQXHRUFKDQJHWKHVSHFLÀFDWLRQVRIVXFK JHQHUDOSXUSRVHSDUWV,IWKLVLVWKHFDVH6(*$FDQQRWUHSDLURUUHSODFHDIDLOHG JDPHPDFKLQHZKHWKHURUQRWDZDUUDQW\SHULRGKDVH[SLUHG S S A A A S 440-CS0186-01 LABEL CAUTION EPILEPSY 440-DS0010UK LABEL DANGER HI VOLTAGE 440-DS0010UK LABEL DANGER HI VOLTAGE 440-CS0030UK LABEL CAUTION 440-CS0030UK LABEL CAUTION 421-7988-91UK LABEL RATING SERIAL 440-DS0010UK LABEL DANGER HI VOLTAGE LB1046 LABEL PAT TEST R C UTION This SEGA product has warning displays on stickers, labels and/or printed instructions adhered/attached to or incorporated in the places where a potentially ha ardous situation could arise. The warning displays are intended for accident prevention for customers and for avoiding ha ardous situations relating to maintenance and servicing work. Some portions of the cabinet contain high voltage and may cause accidents if touched. When performing maintenance, be very careful of the warning GLVSOD\V ,W LV HVSHFLDOO\ LPSRUWDQW WKDW DQ\ FRPSOH[ repair and replacement work not mentioned herein should be performed by those technical personnel who KDYHNQRZOHGJHRIHOHFWULFLW\DQGWHFKQLFDOH[SHUWLVH ,Q RUGHU WR SUHYHQW DFFLGHQWV FDXWLRQ DQ\ FXVWRPHU ignoring the warnings to cease and desist immediately. ND IN This SEGA product has stickers attached describing the product manufacture No. (Serial No.) and Electrical 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV,WDOVRKDVD6WLFNHUGHVFULELQJZKHUHWR contact for repair and for purchasing parts. When inquiring about or asking for repairs, mention the Serial No. and Name of Machine indicated on the Sticker. The Serial Number indicates the product UHJLVWHU ,GHQWLFDO PDFKLQHV FRXOG KDYH GLIIHUHQW parts depending on the date of production. Also, LPSURYHPHQWVDQGPRGL¿FDWLRQVPLJKWKDYHEHHQPDGH DIWHU WKH SXEOLFDWLRQ RI WKLV PDQXDO ,Q RUGHU WR HQVXUH you order the correct parts, mention the Serial No. when contacting the applicable places. S CABI SPLIT LINE R C UTION R CABI SPLIT LINE 440-PL200UK LABEL UNPACKING 440-PL100UK LABEL PACKING RDIN IN T TION OC TION 440-WS100UK LABEL FORK HERE R C UTION R RDIN IN T TION OC TION 7KLVSURGXFWLVDQLQGRRUJDPHPDFKLQH'RQRWLQVWDOOLWRXWVLGH(YHQLQGRRUV DYRLGLQVWDOOLQJLQSODFHVPHQWLRQHGEHORZVRDVQRWWRFDXVHDÀUHHOHFWULF VKRFNLQMXU\DQGRUPDOIXQFWLRQ 3ODFHVVXEMHFWWRGLUHFWVXQOLJKWRUSODFHVVXEMHFWWRKLJKWHPSHUDWXUHVLQWKH SUR[LPLW\RIKHDWLQJXQLWVHWF 3ODFHVÀOOHGZLWKLQÁDPPDEOHJDVRUYLFLQLW\RIKLJKO\LQÁDPPDEOHYRODWLOH FKHPLFDOVRUKD]DUGRXVPDWWHU 6ORSHGVXUIDFHV 9LFLQLW\RIDQWLGLVDVWHUIDFLOLWLHVVXFKDVÀUHH[LWVDQGÀUHH[WLQJXLVKHUV IN T 3ODFHVVXEMHFWWRDQ\W\SHRIYLROHQWLPSDFW RDIN 'XVW\SODFHV R C UTION R 3ODFHVVXEMHFWWRUDLQRUZDWHUOHDNDJHRUSODFHVVXEMHFWWRKLJKKXPLGLW\LQ WKHSUR[LPLW\RIDQLQGRRUVZLPPLQJSRRODQGRUVKRZHUHWF 7KHRSHUDWLQJDPELHQWWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJHLVQRWIURP& WR& TION OC TION 3ODFHVQHDUZDWHURUVSUD\IURPZDWHUVXFKDVD-HW:DVKRU6ZLPPLQJ3RRO I IT TION O U R C UTION R ŏ %HVXUHWRFKHFNWKH(OHFWULFDO6SHFLÀFDWLRQV(QVXUHWKDWWKLVSURGXFWLVFRPSDWLEOHZLWKWKHORFDWLRQ·VSRZHUVXSSO\YROWDJHDQGIUHTXHQF\UHTXLUHPHQWV $SODWHGHVFULELQJ(OHFWULFDO6SHFLÀFDWLRQVLVDWWDFKHGWRWKHSURGXFW1RQ FRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKH(OHFWULFDO6SHFLÀFDWLRQVFDQFDXVHDÀUHDQGHOHFWULF VKRFN ŏ 7KLVSURGXFWUHTXLUHVDEUHDNHUDQGHDUWKPHFKDQLVPDVSDUWRIWKHORFDWLRQ IDFLOLWLHV8VLQJWKHSURGXFWZLWKRXWWKHVHFDQFDXVHDÀUHDQGHOHFWULFVKRFN RDIN ŏ (QVXUHWKDWWKHLQGRRUZLULQJIRUWKHSRZHUVXSSO\LVUDWHGDW$RUKLJKHU$& VLQJOHSKDVH9a9DUHDDQG$RUKLJKHU$&9a9DUHD 1RQFRPSOLDQFHZLWKWKH(OHFWULFDO6SHFLÀFDWLRQVFDQFDXVHDÀUHDQGHOHFWULF VKRFN IN T ŏ %HVXUHWRXVHDQLQGHSHQGHQWSRZHUVXSSO\HTXLSSHGZLWKDQHDUWKOHDNDJH EUHDNHU8VLQJDSRZHUVXSSO\ZLWKRXWDQHDUWKOHDNDJHEUHDNHUFDQFDXVHDQ RXWEUHDNRIÀUHLIDSRZHUVXUJHRFFXUV ŏ 3XWWLQJPDQ\ORDGVRQRQHHOHFWULFDORXWOHWFDQFDXVHJHQHUDWLRQRIKHDWDQG DÀUHUHVXOWLQJIURPRYHUORDG TION OC TION ŏ :KHQXVLQJDQH[WHQVLRQFRUGHQVXUHWKDWWKHFRUGLVUDWHGDW$RUKLJKHU$& 9a9DUHDDQG$RUKLJKHU$&9a9DUHD8VLQJDFRUG UDWHGORZHUWKDQWKHVSHFLÀHGUDWLQJFDQFDXVHDÀUHDQGHOHFWULFVKRFN lectricity onsumption: MA . 275w @ 230VAC 240VAC MA 215w @ 110VAC 120VAC O R TION R ŏ %HVXUHWRSURYLGHVXIÀFLHQWVSDFHVSHFLÀHGLQWKLVPDQXDO'RQRWDOORZREMHFWVWREORFNWKHYHQWLODWLRQSRUWV,WFDQFDXVHJHQHUDWLRQRIKHDWDQGDÀUH ŏ 6(*$VKDOOQRWEHKHOGUHVSRQVLEOHIRUGDPDJHRUFRPSHQVDWLRQIRUGDPDJH WRDWKLUGSDUW\UHVXOWLQJIURPWKHIDLOXUHWRREVHUYHWKLVLQVWUXFWLRQ RDIN ŏ ,IWKHPDFKLQHGRHVQRWÀWWKURXJKWKHHQWU\ZD\WRWKHLQVWDOODWLRQORFDWLRQGR QRWGLVDVVHPEOHLWZLWKRXWÀUVWFRQVXOWLQJWKHLQVWUXFWLRQV,IWKHPDFKLQHVWLOO GRHVQRWÀWWKURXJKWKHHQWU\ZD\DIWHUIROORZLQJWKHSURFHGXUHVLQWKLVPDQXDO FRQWDFW\RXUUHWDLOHURUWKHRIÀFHOLVWHGLQWKLVPDQXDO R C UTION R ŏ )RUWKHRSHUDWLRQRIWKLVPDFKLQHVHFXUHDPLQLPXPDUHDRIP:[ P',IWKHPDFKLQHUROOVGXULQJSOD\LWFRXOGOHDGWRVHULRXVLQMXU\HVSHFLDOO\ LIDQ\RQHLVKLWRQWKHKHDG<RXPXVWVHFXUHWKHVSDFHVSHFLÀHGLQWKLVGRFXPHQW IN T 50 396 70 70 29 8 nstallation and operation area cm TION OC TION 7RLQVWDOOWKLVSURGXFWWKHHQWUDQFHPXVWEHDWOHDVWPLQZLGWKDQGPLQ KHLJKW R C UTION R RDIN RODUCT O R TION o avoid in ury and trouble be sure to pay attention to t e be avior o visitors and players OR O R TION R C UTION R ,QRUGHUWRDYRLGDFFLGHQWVFKHFNWKHIROORZLQJEHIRUHVWDUWLQJWKHRSHUDWLRQ ŏ 7RHQVXUHPD[LPXPVDIHW\IRUWKHSOD\HUVDQGWKHFXVWRPHUVHQVXUHWKDWZKHUH WKHSURGXFWLVRSHUDWHGKDVVXIÀFLHQWOLJKWLQJWRDOORZDQ\ZDUQLQJVWREHUHDG 2SHUDWLRQXQGHULQVXIÀFLHQWOLJKWLQJFDQFDXVHERGLO\FRQWDFWZLWKHDFKRWKHU KLWWLQJDFFLGHQWDQGRUWURXEOHEHWZHHQFXVWRPHUV RDIN RODUCT O ŏ %HVXUHWRSHUIRUPDSSURSULDWHDGMXVWPHQWRIWKHPRQLWRUSURMHFWRU)RURSHUDWLRQRIWKLVPDFKLQHGRQRWOHDYHPRQLWRU·VÁLFNHULQJRUGHYLDWLRQDVLV)DLOXUH WRREVHUYHWKLVFDQKDYHDEDGLQÁXHQFHXSRQWKHSOD\HUV·RUWKHFXVWRPHUV· SK\VLFDOFRQGLWLRQV ŏ ,WLVVXJJHVWHGWRHQVXUHDVSDFHDOORZLQJWKHSOD\HUVZKRIHHOVLFNZKLOHSOD\LQJWKHJDPHWRWDNHDUHVW R TION ŏ&KHFNLIDOORIWKHDGMXVWHUVDUHLQFRQWDFWZLWKWKHVXUIDFH,IWKH\DUHQRWWKH &DELQHWFDQPRYHDQGFDXVHDQDFFLGHQW (QVXUHWKDWDOORIWKHDGMXVWHUVDUHLQFRQWDFWZLWKWKHÀRRU ŏ 'RQRWSXWDQ\KHDY\LWHPRQWKLVSURGXFW3ODFLQJDQ\KHDY\LWHPRQWKH SURGXFWFDQFDXVHDIDOOLQJGRZQDFFLGHQWRUSDUWVGDPDJH ŏ 'RQRWFOLPERQWKHSURGXFW&OLPELQJRQWKHSURGXFWFDQFDXVHIDOOLQJGRZQ DFFLGHQWV7RFKHFNWKHWRSSRUWLRQRIWKHSURGXFWXVHDVWHSODGGHU ŏ 7RDYRLGHOHFWULFVKRFNFKHFNWRVHHLIGRRUFRYHUSDUWVDUHGDPDJHGRU RPLWWHG ŏ 7RDYRLGHOHFWULFVKRFNVKRUWFLUFXLWDQGRUSDUWVGDPDJHGRQRWSXWWKHIROORZLQJLWHPVRQRULQWKHSHULSKHU\RIWKHSURGXFW Ensure that the trigger is functioning properly. Ensure that the screws are not loose and are all present. Ensure that the casing is free of scratches and cracks. Ensure that the screws are not loose and are all present. ŏ :KHQ\RXFOHDQWKHFDELQHWHDFKGD\DOZD\VPDNHVXUHWKDWWKHUHLVQRWKLQJ SODFHGRQWKHVHDWVDQGWKDWWKH\DUHQRWGDPSRUZHW7KHFRQVWUXFWLRQRIWKLV SURGXFWPD\DOORZIRUZLOOIXOPLVFRQGXFWE\SOD\HUV 7RHQVXUHFXVWRPHUVHQMR\SOD\LQJWKHJDPHFOHDQWKH&RQWURO8QLWUHJXODUO\,I WKHUHLVDQ\GLUWEXLOGXSWKHWULJJHUPD\QRWUHWXUQSURSHUO\DIWHUEHLQJSXOOHG R TION ŏ(YHU\GD\ZKHQFOHDQLQJWKH&RQWURO8QLW*XQLQVSHFWWKHJXQDQGPDNH VXUHWKDWWKHUHDUHQRVFUDWFKHVRUFUDFNVLQWKHVXUIDFHDQGWKDWWKHIDVWHQLQJVFUHZVDUHQRWORRVH,IWKHJDPHLVSOD\HGZLWKVFUDWFKHVFUDFNVRUORRVH VFUHZVLWFDQFDXVHLQMXULHVWRWKHSOD\HURUWRSHRSOHQHDUE\ RODUCT O ŏ7RDYRLGLQMXU\EHVXUHWRSURYLGHVXIÀFLHQWVSDFHE\FRQVLGHULQJWKHFURZG VLWXDWLRQDWWKHLQVWDOODWLRQORFDWLRQ,QVXIÀFLHQWLQVWDOODWLRQVSDFHFDQFDXVH FXVWRPHUVWREXPSLQWRHDFKRWKHUFDXVLQJWURXEOH RDIN >)ORZHUYDVHVÁRZHUSRWVFXSVZDWHUWDQNVFRVPHWLFVDQGUHFHSWDFOHVFRQWDLQHUVYHVVHOVFRQWDLQLQJFKHPLFDOVDQGZDWHU@ R C UTION R ŏ :KHQXVLQJDVWHSODGGHURUVWRROZKLOHZRUNLQJGRQRWKROGRQWRWKHELOOERDUG FDUULHUWKHURXQGSLSHVHFWLRQ+ROGLQJRUKDQJLQJRIIWKLVPD\EHQGLWRXWRI VKDSHRUGDPDJHLWDQGFRXOGOHDGWRDIDOORUDQDFFLGHQW DURIN O R TION IN TT NTION TO CU TO R o avoid in ury and trouble be sure to pay attention to t e be avior o visitors and players ŏ )RUVDIHW\UHDVRQVGRQRWDOORZDQ\RIWKHIROORZLQJSHRSOHWRSOD\WKHJDPH R C UTION R 7KRVHZKRUHTXLUHVXSSRUWLQJGHYLFHVHWFWRZDON 7KRVHZKRKDYHKLJKEORRGSUHVVXUHRUDKHDUWSUREOHP 7KRVHZKRKDYHH[SHULHQFHGPXVFOHFRQYXOVLRQRUORVVRIFRQVFLRXVQHVV ZKHQSOD\LQJYLGHRJDPHVHWF 7KRVHZKRKDYHQHFNRUVSLQDOFRUGSUREOHPV ,QWR[LFDWHGSHUVRQV RDIN 3UHJQDQWZRPHQ 3HUVRQVVXVFHSWLEOHWRPRWLRQVLFNQHVV RODUCT O 3HUVRQVZKRGLVUHJDUGWKHSURGXFW·VZDUQLQJGLVSOD\V R TION ŏ (YHQSOD\HUVZKRKDYHQHYHUEHHQDGYHUVHO\DIIHFWHGE\OLJKWVWLPXOXVPLJKW H[SHULHQFHGL]]LQHVVRUKHDGDFKHGHSHQGLQJRQWKHLUSK\VLFDOFRQGLWLRQZKHQ SOD\LQJWKHJDPH6PDOOFKLOGUHQDUHHVSHFLDOO\OLNHO\WRH[SHULHQFHWKHVH V\PSWRPV&DXWLRQJXDUGLDQVRIVPDOOFKLOGUHQWRNHHSZDWFKRQWKHLUFKLOGUHQ GXULQJSOD\ ŏ ,QVWUXFWWKRVHZKRIHHOVLFNGXULQJSOD\WRKDYHDPHGLFDOH[DPLQDWLRQ ŏ 7RDYRLGLQMXU\IURPIDOOVDQGHOHFWULFVKRFNVGXHWRVSLOOHGGULQNVLQVWUXFWWKH SOD\HUQRWWRSODFHKHDY\LWHPVRUGULQNVRQWKHSURGXFW ŏ 7RDYRLGHOHFWULFVKRFNVDQGVKRUWFLUFXLWVGRQRWDOORZFXVWRPHUVWRSXWKDQGV DQGÀQJHUVRUH[WUDQHRXVPDWWHULQWKHRSHQLQJVRIWKHSURGXFWRUVPDOORSHQLQJVLQRUDURXQGWKHGRRUV ŏ 7RDYRLGIDOOVDQGUHVXOWLQJLQMXU\VWRSWKHFXVWRPHUIURPOHDQLQJDJDLQVWRU FOLPELQJRQWKHSURGXFWHWF ŏ 7RDYRLGHOHFWULFVKRFNDQGVKRUWFLUFXLWGRQRWDOORZFXVWRPHUVWRXQSOXJWKH SRZHUSOXJZLWKRXWDMXVWLÀDEOHUHDVRQ ŏ ,PPHGLDWHO\VWRSVXFKYLROHQWDFWVDVKLWWLQJDQGNLFNLQJWKHSURGXFW6XFK YLROHQWDFWVFDQFDXVHSDUWVGDPDJHRUIDOOLQJGRZQUHVXOWLQJLQLQMXU\GXHWR IUDJPHQWVDQGIDOOLQJGRZQ ŏ 7ZRRUPRUHSOD\HUVPXVWQHYHUEHDOORZHGWRSOD\XVLQJDVLQJOH&RQWURO8QLW 3OD\LQJLQVXFKDZD\FRXOGOHDGWRSK\VLFDOLQMXULHV RDIN 7KHLQWHULRURIWKHFDELQHWLVKDUGWRVHHIURPWKHRXWVLGHZKLFKPD\OHDGWRZLOOIXOPLVFRQGXFWE\SOD\HUVRUDFFLGHQWVJRLQJXQQRWLFHG:KHQWKHJDPHLVQRWLQ XVHFKHFNWKHLQWHULRUDWUHJXODULQWHUYDOVDQGPDNHVXUHWKDWQRWKLQJKDVEHHQ IRUJRWWHQRUSODFHGRQWKHVHDWV R C UTION R ŏ :KHQHQWHULQJRUH[LWLQJWKHPDFKLQHSOD\HUVPD\WULSRYHUWKHEDVH%HVXUH WRZDUQSOD\HUVZKRGRQRWDSSHDUWREHH[HUFLVLQJSURSHUFDXWLRQ RODUCT O R TION RT D CRI TION BILLBOARD RT D CRI TION AC UNIT SEAT CABINET GUN CABINET MONITOR CABINET /&'',63/$< 1P SIDE START BUTTON LEFT SEAT SIDE 2P SIDE START BUTTON RIGHT SEAT SIDE 2P SIDE CONTROL UNIT RIGHT SEAT SIDE 1P SIDE CONTROL UNIT LEFT SEAT SIDE CASH SECURITY DOOR ame o ac art ,QWKLVSURGXFWWKH&DELQHWZKLFKKRXVHVWKH/&'GLVSOD\VFUHHQVKDOOEHUHIHUHGWRDVWKH0RQLWRU&DELQHW )DFLQJWKH/&'GLVSOD\VFUHHQWKHOHIWVLGHLVWKH3VHDWDQGWKHULJKWVLGHLVWKH3VHDW A a or easurements o ac nit pon urc ase :LGWK['HSWK[+HLJKW (Weight) Monitor Cabinet 1,532 mm 506 mm 1,795 mm Gun Cabinet 1,532 mm 881 mm 1,950 mm Seat Cabinet (without Billboard) 1,620 mm 868 mm 1,795 mm 158 kg 500 mm 510 mm 550 mm 10 kg Billboard 314 kg CC ORI &RQ¿UPWKDWWKHDFFHVVRULHVOLVWHGLQWKHWDEOHEHORZDUHSUHVHQWZKHQVHWWLQJXSWKHSURGXFW Accessories marked Spare” in the note column are consumable items but included as spares. A a CC 2:1(5¶6DQG6(9,&(0$18$/ 8. This manual ORI .(< (2) )RUWKHFDVKER[GRRU /RFDWHGLQVLGHWKHFRLQFKXWH door at time of shipment) 0$67(5.(< 8. For opening/closing the doors 3DFNDJHGZLWKWKLVPDQXDOLQWKH ER[VXSSOLHGZLWKWKHSURGXFW 3/$<,16756+((708/7, 75);;8.ZKHUH³[[GHQRWHVODQJXDJH (QJOLVK¿WWHG 02 French 03 Turkish ,WDOLDQ 05 Spanish 06 Rissian 67,&.(56+((7&(3,/(36<08/7, &68.8. Multilingual caution label eplilpsy sei ure (QJOLVKYHULRQ¿WWHGDVVWDQGDUG Please see chapter 1 for label positioning. 7KHSDUWVOLVWHGLQ7DEOHEDUHQHHGHGWRRSHUDWHGWKHSURGXFW7KHVHDUHWKH¿QDOSDUWVXVHGRQFHLQVWDOODWLRQ assembly has been completed. A b 67,&.(5' ' Board number stickers, see chapter 6 [11] 32:(5&$%/( /08.! /0(XURSHDQ! /0$PHULFD! For installation, see chapter 6 CC '9'62)7:$5(.,7 (1) Software media, see chapter 6 [13] ORI .(<&+,3 &86+,216321*( 3URWHFWLYH material) '9'520 ',6&&$6( 253 5507 01 (1) 7RRUGHUWKH'9'520E\LWVHOIXVHWKHIROORZLQJSDUWQXPEHU '9'62)77&-(65),*6375 '9''5,9(DQG'9'ZLUHDUHVROGVHSDUDWHO\EXWWKH\DUHUHTXLUHGIRULQVWDOOLQJWKHSURGXFW¶VVRIWZDUH,IWKH\ were not provided when the product was delivered, consult with the point of purchase, or arrange to obtain the IROORZLQJNLWQXPEHUV7KH'9''5,9('9'ZLUHDQG,167$//$7,21ZLUHWKDWDUHDFFHVVRULHVWR³'UHDP Raiders” can also be used with this product. A c : '9''5,9(2SWLRQDO 610 0719 01 91 (1) For software installation, see chapter 6 [10] ,167$//$7,21:,5(2SWLRQDO %5. For software installation, see chapter 6 [10] '9':,5(2SWLRQDO 605 0094 (1) For software installation, see chapter 6 [10] ND IN T TION ŏ 3HUIRUPDVVHPEO\ZRUNE\IROORZLQJWKHSURFHGXUHKHUHLQVWDWHG)DLOXUHWR FRPSO\ZLWKWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVFDQFDXVHHOHFWULFVKRFN ŏ 3HUIRUPDVVHPEOLQJDVSHUWKLVPDQXDO6LQFHWKLVLVDFRPSOH[PDFKLQHLQFRUUHFW DVVHPEOLQJFDQFDXVHDQHOHFWULFVKRFNPDFKLQHGDPDJHDQGRULPSURSHU IXQFWLRQLQJDVSHUVSHFLÀHGSHUIRUPDQFH ŏ (QVXUHWKDWFRQQHFWRUVDUHSURSHUO\FRQQHFWHG,PSURSHUFRQQHFWLRQVFDQ FDXVHHOHFWULFVKRFN ŏ %HFDUHIXOQRWWRGDPDJHWKHZLUHV'DPDJHGZLUHVPD\FDXVHHOHFWULFVKRFN RUVKRUWFLUFXLWRUSUHVHQWDULVNRIÀUH ŏ 3URYLGHVXIÀFLHQWVSDFHVRWKDWDVVHPEOLQJFDQEHSHUIRUPHG3HUIRUPLQJZRUN LQSODFHVZLWKQDUURZVSDFHRUORZFHLOLQJPD\FDXVHDQDFFLGHQWDQGDVVHPEO\ ZRUNWREHGLIÀFXOW ŏ 7RSHUIRUPZRUNVDIHO\DQGDYRLGVHULRXVDFFLGHQWVXFKDVWKHFDELQHWIDOOLQJ GRZQGRQRWSHUIRUPZRUNLQSODFHVZKHUHVWHSOLNHJUDGHGLIIHUHQFHVDGLWFK RUVORSHH[LVW ŏ 'RQRWOHDYHSRZHUFRUGVRUJURXQGZLUHVH[SRVHGLQDUHDVRIKHDY\IRRWWUDIÀF 'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHWKHPWREHFRPHGDPDJHGSRVVLEO\UHVXOWLQJLQHOHFWULF VKRFNDQGRUVKRUWFLUFXLWV:KHQOD\LQJZLULQJDFURVVWKHÁRRUDOZD\VXVH VDIHW\FRYHUVWRSURWHFWWKHZLUHV:LULQJGLDPHWHUSRZHUFDEOHDSSUR[Ǘ ŏ +DYHDÁDVKOLJKWRUDQRWKHUVXSSOHPHQWDU\OLJKWLQJXQLWDYDLODEOHZKLOHZRUNLQJ :LWKLQGRRUOLJKWLQJDORQHWKHFDELQHWLQWHULRUPD\EHWRRGDUN:RUNLQJZLWKRXW SURSHUOLJKWLQJFDQOHDGWRDFFLGHQWV,WDOVRKLQGHUVSURSHUZRUNSHUIRUPDQFH ŏ 7KHFDELQHWKDVYHQWLODWLRQSRUWV%HVXUHQRWWREORFNWKHP,IWKH\DUHEORFNHG KHDWFDQEXLOGXSOHDGLQJWRÀUH7KLVFDQDOVRDFFHOHUDWHZHDULQJRISDUWVDQG PDOIXQFWLRQV ŏ 6HFXUHDPSOHYHQWLODWLRQVSDFHDURXQGWKHFDELQHW,IKHDWEXLOGVXSWKHUH FRXOGEHDFFLGHQWVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKKHDWRUVPRNHJHQHUDWLRQ ŏ 'RQRWXQQHFHVVDULO\SXVKWKHSURMHFWRU7KLVFRXOGFDXVHWKHXQLWWRWLSRYHU ŏ 7KLVSURGXFWGRHVQRWXVHDQ\FRQQHFWRUVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHFRQQHFWHGWRDQG XVHGE\WKHJDPHERDUGZKHQLWOHDYHVWKHIDFWRU\'RQRWQHHGOHVVO\FRQQHFW ZLUHVWRXQXVHGFRQQHFWRUV7KLVFRXOGOHDGWRRYHUKHDWLQJJHQHUDWLRQRI VPRNHDQGEXUQUHODWHGLQMXULHV TION ŏ 7KLVZRUNVKRXOGEHFDUULHGRXWE\VLWHPDLQWHQDQFHSHUVRQQHORURWKHUTXDOLÀHG SURIHVVLRQDOV:RUNSHUIRUPHGE\QRQWHFKQLFDOSHUVRQQHOFDQFDXVHDVHYHUH DFFLGHQWVXFKDVHOHFWULFVKRFN)DLOLQJWRFRPSO\ZLWKWKLVLQVWUXFWLRQFDQ FDXVHDVHYHUHDFFLGHQWVXFKDVHOHFWULFVKRFNWRWKHSOD\HUGXULQJRSHUDWLRQ ,IQRRQHZLWKSURSHUWHFKQRORJLFDOH[SHUWLVHLVDYDLODEOHUHTXHVWVHUYLFHIURP WKHRIÀFHLQGLFDWHGLQWKLVGRFXPHQWRUWKHSRLQWRISXUFKDVHVRDVWRHQVXUH VDIHW\ ND IN T ŏ :KHQDVVHPEOLQJPRUHWKDQRQHSHUVRQLVUHTXLUHG'HSHQGLQJRQWKHDVVHPEO\ ZRUNWKHUHDUHVRPHFDVHVLQZKLFKZRUNLQJE\RQHSHUVRQDORQHFDQFDXVH SHUVRQDOLQMXU\RUSDUWVGDPDJH ŏ +DQGOHPROGHGSDUWVZLWKFDUH([FHVVLYHZHLJKWRUSUHVVXUHPD\FDXVHWKHP WREUHDNDQGWKHEURNHQSLHFHVPD\FDXVHLQMXU\ ŏ 7RSHUIRUPWKHRSHUDWLRQVDIHO\DQGDFFXUDWHO\\RXPXVWXVHDVDIHVWHDG\ IRRWVWRRORUVWHSODGGHU:RUNLQJZLWKRXWWKLVPD\OHDGWRDIDOODQGSRVVLEOH LQMXU\ ND IN T ŏ :KHQFRQQHFWLQJWKHFRQQHFWRUVRQWKH'9'ZLUH\RXPXVWFDUHIXOO\FKHFN WKHWDJVRQWKHZLUHWRÀQGWKHFRUUHFWFRQQHFWRU(YHQZKHQ\RXKDYHWKHFRU UHFWFRQQHFWRU\RXPXVWSD\FDUHIXODWWHQWLRQWRWKHGLUHFWLRQDQGDQJOHRI LQVHUWLRQ$WWHPSWLQJWRIRUFHIXOO\FRQQHFWWKHLQFRUUHFWFRQQHFWRURUFRQQHFW LQJDFRQQHFWRUDWWKHZURQJDQJOHRUIDFLQJPD\GDPDJHWKHFRQQHFWRUDQG FRXOGOHDGWRRYHUKHDWLQJDQGEXUQUHODWHGLQMXULHV ŏ :KHQDWWDFKLQJRUUHPRYLQJGRRUVRUOLGVEHFDUHIXOWKDW\RXUKDQGRUÀQJHU GRHVQRWJHWFDXJKWLQDQ\WKLQJ TION ŏ %HYHU\FDUHIXOZKHQKDQGOLQJWKH/('GLVSOD\VFUHHQ7KHVFUHHQFDQEHGDP DJHGHDVLO\DQGFDQQRWEHUHSDLUHGRQFHGDPDJHG6XFKGDPDJHFDQRQO\ EHUHSDLUHGE\FRPSOHWHO\UHSODFLQJWKHVFUHHQ ŏ %HFDUHIXOQRWWRGDPDJHSDUWVVXUIDFHV,QVRPHFDVHVLIVXFKVXUIDFHVDUH GDPDJHGWKHSDUWPXVWEHUHSODFHGLWFDQQRWEHUHLQIRUFHGRUUHSDLUHG The assembly o this product is per ormed in the ollowing 12 steps. 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 UNPACKIN THE CABINET ATTACHIN THE BILLB ARD (BUMBLEBEE HEAD) ATTACHIN THE BILLB ARD (LAPELS) J ININ THE CABINETS ATTACHIN THE FL R AND SIDE BKTS ATTACHIN THE R F APPLYIN THE H W T PLAY INSTRUCTI NS FI ATI N T INSTALLATI N SITE C NNECTIN THE D D DRI E C NNECTI N F P WER AND R UND CABLES EN A IN P WER SUPPLY (S FTWARE INSTALLATI N) C NFIRMATI N F INSTALLATI N ND IN T R i O TION T i - Philips screwdriver ( or M4, M6 screws) - A socket wrench or hexagonal screwdriver ( or M4, M6 and M8) hexagon bolts and nuts) - A 3 millimeter hexagonal bar wrench or screwdriver - Flashlight or other supplementary lighting 3mm - A 24 millimeter spanner (Adjustable spanner) 24mm - Master key (accessory) - Stepladder UN C IN T C IN T In this product the cabinet that contains both the MONITOR cabinet and GUN cabinet and will be simply refered to as the MONITOR cabinet” Monitor Cabinet Carefully unpack the machine. Locate the parts listed below and place to one side. Remove the 2 parts of the machine from the pallet (Monitor FDELQHWDQG6HHDWFDELQHWXVLQJVXLWDEOHOL¿QJ equipment. Please note: 'XULQJWUDQVLWWKHÀRRUIRUWKLVPDFKLQHLVSODFHG along the opposite side from the roof. ND IN T Roof TION a Seat Cabinet ŏ %H YHU\ FDUHIXO ZKHQ UHPRYLQJ WKH 0RQLWRU DQG 6HDW FDELQHWV IURP WKH SDOOHW 8VH RQO\ K\GUROLF OLIWLQJ HTXLSPHQW VXFK DV D IRUN OLIW 7KH PDFKLQH ZHLJKV LQ H[FHVV RI NJV '2 127 DWWHPSW WR UHPRYH WKH PDFKLQH IURP WKH SDOOHW E\ KDQG 'RLQJ VR PD\ UHVXOW LQ VHULRXV SHUVRQHO LQMXU\ DQGRU GDPDJH WR WKH FDELQHWDQGLWVFRPSRQHQWV ŏ 7KHUHDUH´/,)7,1*32,176µKLJKOLJKWHGRQWKHORZHUIURQWDQGUHDUSDUWVRIWKH PDFKLQHE\DV\PERO$OZD\VXVHWKHVHSRLQWVZKHQOLIWLQJ Check parts required for installation Below is a illustrated diagram of the components required to carry out assembly and installation of this cabinet. ASSY ROOF 1 TRF-0004UK OINT SASH SIDE L 1 TRF-00 8UK OINT FLOOR 1 TRF-00 2UK OINT BKT 2 TRF-00 1UK OINT SASH FRONT 1 TRF-00 4UK OINT SASH 1 TRF-00 6UK b c OINT SASH SIDE R 1 TRF-00 9UK TT C IN T I O RD U D ŏ +DQGOHPROGHGSDUWVZLWKFDUH([FHVVLYHZHLJKWRUSUHVVXUHPD\FDXVHWKHP WREUHDNDQGWKHEURNHQSLHFHVPD\FDXVHLQMXU\ ŏ 8VHDWOHDVWWZRSHRSOHZKHQFDUULQJRXWWKLVRSHUDWLRQ7U\LQJWRFDUU\RXWWKLV ZRUNVLQJOHKDQGHGO\PD\UHVXOWLQLQMXU\RUFRPSRQHQWGDPDJH (2) M8 SEC TRX SCREW TION Have one person hold and take the weight of the Billboard. Safely using a ladder, access the (2) 0¿[LQJVIURPWKHWRSVLGHRIWKH6HDW&DELQHW 5RRI7DNHH[WUDFDUHZKHQXQVFUHZLQJWKH ¿QDO¿[LQJ ND IN T :KLOVWLQWUDQVLWWKH%LOOERDUGLVDWWDFKHGWRWKHXQGHUVLGHRIWKH6HDW&DELQHW5RRI7KH%LOOERDUGZHLJKWVLQH[FHVV of 8kg. At least two people must work together to perform this operation. Some parts of the Billboard are fragile, please take care when handling. BILLBOARD a 5HPRYHWKH0[7UXVV+HDG%ODFN ¿[LQJVIURPWKH5HDU%LOOERDUG3DQHODQG carefully lower the Billboard into position on top of the Seat Cabinet Roof. TRUSS SCREW (4 ea.), black M4x12 b locate the Harness protruding from the top centre of the Rear Moulding and feed it into the hole located in the bracket situated just below Bumblebee’s chin. (Billboard). ND IN T Harness to Billboard c TION Harness access to Billboard d 8VLQJWKH0¿[LQJVUHPRYHGIURPVWHS DQGDQDGGLWLRQDO¿[LQJRIWKHVDPHW\SHORFDWHG LQWKHVSDUHV¿[LQJVEDJLQWKHFDVKER[VHFXUH the Billboard into position. Make the connection LQVLGHWKH%LOOERDUGDQGUH¿WWKH%LOOERDUG5HDU Plate. e SEC TRX SCREW (3 ea.), black M8x20 TT C IN T I O RD Attach the Billboard Lapels to the roof of the Seat Cabinet. Identify and locate the (2) Billboard Lapels. 7KH/DSHOVDUHKDQGHGDQGFDQEHRQO\¿WWHGLQ the correct positions. /HIW/DSHO¿WWHGWRWKH ULJKW ND IN T 5LJKW/DSHO¿WWHGWR WKHOHIW a TION Offer the Left Lapel up to the Billboard and VHFXUHLQWRSRVLWLRQDVVKRZQXVLQJ0[ SKT BH BLK (2) M8x30 SKT BH BLK SCREWS b 5HSHDWVWHSZKHQ¿WWLQJWKH5LJKW/DSHO c OININ T C IN T oining of the cabinet consists of applying the OINT BRIDGE, FLOOR, FLOOR SASHES, HARNESS CONDUIT, SIDE BKTS and ROOF. a nstallation it ND IN T TION Fitting the (2) oint Bridge Offer either OINT BRIDGE up to the Gun Cabinet and place into position as shown. Secure from the underside XVLQJ0[+(;%/73$6'2127 TIGHTEN AT THIS POINT as it may lead to PLVVDOLJQPHQWRI¿[LQJVODWHURQ HEX BLT (2 ea.), black M8x40 Joint Bridge (2) TRF-0051UK b 2QFHERWK-RLQW%ULGJHVKDYHEHHQ¿WWHGWRWKH Gun Cabinet, carefully slide the Seat Cabinet upto the oint Bridges so that they interlock. 2QFHDOLJQHGVHFXUHXVLQJ0[+H[%ROWV 7LJKWHQDOOHLJWK¿[LQJV HEX BLT (2 ea.), black M8x40 c TT C IN T OOR ND ID T Locate the Harness Conduit Harness Conduit TION ,QQHVFDVDU\ORRVHQWKHVLQJOH¿[LQJKROGLQJ the Harness Conduit in place. Carefully swing the Conduit across to meet the Gun Cabinet. Once in place Make both connection good to Mount Plate in Gun Cabinet. ND IN T a Secure the Harness Conduit at the one end by WLJKWHQLQJWKHVLQJOH¿[LQJZKLFKLVDOUHDG\ LQSODFHDQGDGGLQJDQDGGLWLRQDO0[¿[LQJ MSCR PAN PAS (1) M4x20 b /RFDWHDQGUHPRYHWKHUHDUÀRRUVDVKE\XQ VFUHZLQJWKH0[6.7&$3%/. 5HDUÀRRUVDVK TRF-0056UK c 3ODFHWKHÀRRULQEHWZHHQWKH*XQDQG6HDW Cabinet Joint Floor (1) TRF-0052UK d ND IN T 5H¿WWKHUHDUVDVK TION Socket cap Screw blk (4) M4x25 e 5HPRYHWKH0[70335)VFUHZVIURP the front section of the Gun Cabinet. Sec Tmp Prf Stn (8) M4x20 Place the oint Front Sash into location as shown DQGVHFXUHZLWKWKH0[70335)UH moved from step 7. -RLQW6DVK)URQW TRF-0054UK Sec Tmp Prf Stn (8) M4x20 Attach the oint Sash Side L to the Left habe side of the cabinet as shown in the illustration. 6HFXUHLQWRSODFHXVLQJ0[%/73$6 DQG0[%/73$65HSHDWWKLVVWHS ZKHQ¿[LQJWKH-RLQW6DVK6LGH5 -RLQW6DVK6LGH/ TRF-0058UK ND IN T Hex Blt Pas (2) M6x40 TION Hex Blt Pas (1) M8x40 TT C IN T ROO Using 2 people, place the Panel Roof in the orientaion shown ontop of the cabinet. Panel Roof TRF-0004UK ND IN T a )L[WKHIURQWVHFWLRQRIWKHURRILQWRSRVLWLRQXVLQJ0[ 6.7%+%/.0:6+5635%/.DQG0:6+5 FLT BLK 22OD TION )L[WKHUHDUVHFWLRQRIWKHURRILQWRSRVLWLRQXVLQJ0[ SKT BH BLK (2) M8 WSHR SPR BLK and (2) M8 WSHR FLT BLK 22OD Button Head Socket Screw (3) M8x40 b c Button Head Socket Screw (2) M8x40 IN O TO IN TRUCTION 3/$<,16758&7,21 The PLAY INSTRUCTIONS are supplied in several GLIIHUHQWODQJXDJHV7KHVHDUH(QJOLVK¿WWHG)UHQFK Turkish, Italian, Spanish and Russian. a ND IN T If a language other than English is required for ORFDWLRQWKHQWKH(QJOLVKYHUVLRQZKLFKLV¿WWHG will need to be removed. TION The Play Instructions are self adhesive, there fore, it is fairly easy to remove. If removing WKH3OD\,QVWUXFWLRQVSURYHWREHGLI¿FXOWWKHQ apply a small amount of heat using a hair dryer to soften the adhesive proir removal. DO NOT under any circumstances use equipment such as a heat gun are paint remover gun as this will damage the artwork and platic mouldings. b Play Instruction Panel TRF-1914UK I TION TO IN T TION IT 0DNHVXUHWKDWDOOWKHDGMXVWHUVFRQWDFWWKHÁRRU2WKHUZLVHWKHFDELQHWFRXOG PRYHFDXVLQJDQDFFLGHQW 7KHSURGXFWFRPHVZLWKFDVWHUVDWWDFKHGDWORFDWLRQVDQGDGMXVWHUVDWORFDWLRQV)LJD :KHQWKHLQVWDOODWLRQVLWHKDVEHHQGHWHUPLQHGKDYHWKHDGMXVWHUVFRPHLQGLUHFWFRQWDFWZLWKWKHÀRRU(VWDEOLVKD JDSRIDERXWPPEHWZHHQWKHÀRRUDQGWKHFDVWHUVDQGDGMXVWWKHXQLWVRWKDWLWZLOOUHPDLQOHYHO ND IN T ADJUSTER (12) CASTER (14) TION a ottom ie Move the product to the installation site. If the product is to be installed near a wall, secure enough passage ZD\VSDFHIRUSOD\HUVWRDFFHVVWKHVHDW<RXPXVWDOVRVHFXUHDFPVSDFHEHWZHHQWKHEDFNZDOODQGWKH back of the cabinet for ventilation. %ULQJWKHDGMXVWHUVLQWRGLUHFWFRQWDFWZLWKWKHÀRRU8VHDZUHQFKWRDOLJQWKHKHLJKWRIWKHDGMXVWHUVXQWLO the cabinet is perfectly level. After setting, turn adjuster nuts upwards to tighten them and secure adjuster heights. ADJUSTER 7LJKWHQQXW upwards. About 5 mm ADJUSTER b Ali nin t e Ad usters CASTER 9LHZVDUHUHGXFHGWR8VHWKHPIRUUHIHUHQFH in installation site layout. <RXPXVWVHFXUHDPLQLPXPFPYHQWLODWLRQVSDFH between the back of the Gun Cabinet and the wall. 20 cm c ree Sur ace ie s d entilation Space ND IN T TION CONN CTIN NOT T T D D DRI TT I RODUCT I D TC D IT O T R R IN T D ŏ :KHQFRQQHFWLQJWKH'9'ZLUHFRQQHFWRUFKHFNWKHRULHQWDWLRQFDUHIXOO\DQG FRQQHFWVHFXUHO\7KHFRQQHFWRUPXVWEHFRQQHFWHGLQWKHSURSHUGLUHFWLRQ,I LWLVFRQQHFWHGLQWKHZURQJGLUHFWLRQRULQGLVFULPLQDWHO\DWDQLQFOLQHVRWKDWD ORDGLVDSSOLHGWKHFRQQHFWRURULWVWHUPLQDOSLQVFRXOGEUHDNFDXVLQJDVKRUW FLUFXLWRUÀUH ŏ %HFDUHIXOQRWWRGDPDJHWKH'9'ZLUHE\JHWWLQJLWFDXJKWEHWZHHQREMHFWV HWF'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHDVKRUWFLUFXLWRUÀUH ND IN T ŏ &RQQHFWWKH'9''5,9(WRWKH5,1*('*(EHIRUHFRQQHFWLQJWKHSRZHU$G KHUHVWULFWO\WRWKHSURSHUVHTXHQFHLQSHUIRUPLQJZRUN)DLOLQJWRGRVRPD\ FDXVHHOHFWULFDOVKRFNRUVKRUWFLUFXLW TION You will need the supplied DVD software kit, board number sticker, and the separately sold DVD DRIVE and DVD wire. To prepare for software installation, you will need to connect the RING EDGE 2 and DVD DRIVE inside the cabinet using the DVD wire. The RING EDGE 2 is the Computer metal case found inside the rear door on the left hand side on the vertical face.. 5HPRYHWKH0[7UXVV6FUHZVIURP the upper corners of the door, Unlock the door using the A444 key (supplied) and place to one side, Lock a <RXZLOO¿QG5LQJ(GJHSRVLWLRQHGRQWKH Left Hand side. Ring Edge 2 b TRUSS SCREW (2), black M4x25 Connect the DVD drive USB cable into an unsed USB port on the RING EDGE 2 Game Bd. USB MINI A c ND IN T Connect the Installation wire into the POWER À\OHDGZLWKLQWKHFDELQHW TION DVD PWR d On the side of the DVD wire with the DVD” tag, there are two connectors. Connect them to the DVD DRIVE. USB MINI B e NH6pin CONN CTION O O i i O i R ND ROUND C i i ŏ 8VHWKHSRZHUVXSSO\HTXLSSHGZLWKDQHDUWKOHDNDJHEUHDNHU8VHRISRZHU VXSSO\ZLWKRXWVXFKDEUHDNHUFRXOGUHVXOWLQÀUHLIWKHUHLVDFXUUHQWOHDNDJH ŏ +DYHDYDLODEOHDVHFXUHO\JURXQGHGLQGRRUJURXQGWHUPLQDO:LWKRXWSURSHU JURXQGLQJFXVWRPHUVFRXOGEHHOHFWURFXWHGDQGSURGXFWRSHUDWLRQVPLJKWQRW DOZD\VEHVWDEOH ND IN T ŏ 'RQRWH[SRVHWKHSRZHUFRUGRUJURXQGZLUH,IWKHVHDUHH[SRVHGFXVWRPHUV FRXOGVWXPEOHRYHUWKHPIRULQVWDQFHDQGHDVLO\GDPDJHWKHP$GGLWLRQDOO\ LIWKHVHOLQHVDUHGDPDJHGWKHUHFRXOGEHDULVNRIHOHFWULFDOVKRFNRUVKRUW FLUFXLW6HWWKHVHOLQHVDWORFDWLRQVZKHUHWKH\ZLOOQRWLQWHUIHUHZLWKFXVWRPHU WUDIÀFRUDWWDFKFRYHUVWRWKHP TION ŏ $IWHUOD\LQJRXWWKHSRZHUFRUGRQWKHÁRRUEHVXUHWRDOZD\VSURWHFWLW,IWKH SRZHUFRUGLVOHIWH[SRVHGLWFDQHDVLO\EHGDPDJHGUHVXOWLQJLQHOHFWULFDO VKRFN ŏ :KHQXVLQJWKHSURGXFW·V$&XQLWJURXQGWHUPLQDO XVHJURXQGZLUHZLWKDFLUFXODUWHUPLQDODVVKRZQ LQWKHLOOXVWUDWLRQDQGHVWDEOLVKJURXQGVHFXUHO\ $YRLGLQGLVFULPLQDQWJURXQGLQJRSHUDWLRQVVXFKDV XVHRIZLUHZLWKRQO\LWVVKHDWKSHHOHGRII 7HUPLQDOZLGWKPP Hole diameter 6.4 mm ,IJURXQGLQJKDVEHHQHVWDEOLVKHGZLWKWKHJURXQGZLUHLQVLGHWKHSRZHUFRUG GRQRWSHUIRUPJURXQGLQJZLWKWKH$&XQLWJURXQGWHUPLQDO&RQYHUVHO\LIWKH$& XQLWJURXQGWHUPLQDOKDVEHHQXVHGIRUJURXQGLQJGRQRWHVWDEOLVKJURXQGZLWK WKHJURXQGZLUHLQWKHSRZHUFRUG2WKHUZLVHWKHUHFRXOGEHIDXOW\RUHUURQHRXV RSHUDWLRQV The AC unit is on the lower back of the DLP. This AC unit contains the following. Main switch Inlet for power cable connection Ground terminal Circuit protector The accessory power cord has a ground wire inside it. Connect the power cord to the AC unit then insert the power cord plug into a power outlet with ground terminal.” ,IWKHUHLVQR³SRZHURXWOHWZLWKJURXQGWHUPLQDO´EHVXUHWRHVWDEOLVKJURXQGE\VRPHRWKHUPHDQVIRUH[DPSOHE\ connecting the AC unit ground terminal to a ground wire with a ground mechanism prepared separately. If you use a conversion adapter sold on the market to supply power, connect the ground wire terminal of the adapter to a securely grounded ground terminal.” For Taiwan $OZD\VFRQQHFWWKHJURXQGZLUH TION GROUND WIRE CONVERSION ADAPTER a or ai an &RQ¿UPWKDWWKHPDLQVZLWFKLVDW2)) INLET FUSE / CIRCUIT PROTECTOR GROUND TERMINAL <For Taiwan only> 0DLQVZLWFK2)) MAIN SWITCH POWER CORD To Outlet bA ND IN T POWER OUTLET nit Fully insert the power cord connector on the side opposite the power plug into the AC unit inlet. Fully insert the power cord plug into the outlet. When using a ground wire made available separately, connect one end of the wire to the AC unit ground terminal and the opposite end to an indoor ground terminal. The AC unit ground terminal is a bolt and nut combination. Remove the nut and pass the bolt through the ground terminal, then secure the nut to the bolt. For Taiwan c ND IN T The power cord is laid out indoors. Protect the power cord by attaching wire cover to it. If ground will be established with a ground wire made available separately, lay out the ground wire indoors and have it protected. For Taiwan TION d N IN O R U OT R IN T TION ŏ %HFDUHIXOQRWWRGDPDJHWKH'9'ZLUHE\JHWWLQJLWFDXJKWEHWZHHQREMHFWV HWF'RLQJVRPD\FDXVHDVKRUWFLUFXLWRUÀUH ŏ 7KHIROORZLQJH[SODQDWLRQDVVXPHVWKDWWKHSURGXFWKDVEHHQDVVHPEOHGSURS HUO\DVH[SODLQHGDERYH,IWKHUHLVDQHUURURULIWKHSURGXFWRSHUDWHVLQDPDQ QHURWKHUWKDQDVLQGLFDWHGEHORZFXWRIIWKHSRZHUVXSSO\LPPHGLDWHO\)DLO XUHWRGRVRPD\UHVXOWLQDÀUHRUHOHFWULFDOVKRFN ŏ $IWHUWKHSRZHUVXSSO\LVHQJDJHGZDLWIRU´(UURUµPHVVDJHWREHGLVSOD\HG ,IWKHSURGXFWLVLQGLVFULPLQDWHO\RSHUDWHGLQDQ\ZD\EHIRUHKDQGWKHUHFRXOG EHXQH[SHFWHGSUREOHPVRUPDOIXQFWLRQVDVZHOODVGDPDJHWRSDUWV ŏ 2QFH´(UURUµLVGLVSOD\HGVHWWKH'9'520LQWKH'9''5,9(DQGUHHQJDJH WKHSRZHUVXSSO\,QVWDOODWLRQWDNHVSODFH ŏ $IWHUWKHSRZHUVXSSO\LVHQJDJHGWKH'9''5,9(WUD\ZLOOQRWFRPHRXWIRU DERXWVHFRQGVHYHQLI\RXSUHVVWKHVZLWFK7KLVLVGXHWR'9''5,9(LQLWLDO L]DWLRQ ŏ 7KH'9''5,9(WUD\FDQFRPHRXWRUUHWXUQRQO\ZKLOHWKHSRZHUVXSSO\LVHQ JDJHG7KHWUD\FDQQRWEHRSHQHGRUFORVHGZKLOHWKHSRZHULVRII ŏ (YHQDIWHUWKHVRIWZDUHKDVEHHQLQVWDOOHGVWRUHWKH'9'VRIWZDUHNLW'9''5,9( DQG'9'ZLUHLQDVHFXUHORFDWLRQ ŏ ,IIRUDQ\UHDVRQLQVWDOODWLRQFDQQRWEHFRPSOHWHGDQHUURULVGLVSOD\HG5HIHU WRWKHVHUYLFHPDQXDODQGWDNHFRUUHFWLYHDFWLRQ 3UHSDUHWKHVXSSOLHG'9'VRIWZDUHNLWDQGWKHVHSDUDWHO\VROG'9''5,9(DQG'9'ZLUH6HH&KDSWHU Before supplying the power, you must make sure the DVD wire is not pinched or trapped. Turn the main switch of the AC unit to ON and engage the power supply. The RING EDGE 2 start up screen appears. Wait for at least one minute. The error state is established. &KHFNWREHVXUHLWLV³(UURU´,ILWLV³(UURU´SURFHHGWRWKHQH[WRSHUDWLRQ,ILWLVQRW³(UURU´ refer to the RING EDGE 2 Service Manual and take corrective action. TION ŏ 7KHVRIWZDUHLVQRWLQVWDOOHGRQWKHJDPHERDUG/,1'%(5*+ZKHQWKHSRZHU VXSSO\LVHQJDJHGVRWKH´(UURUµPHVVDJHLVQRWDPDOIXQFWLRQ+RZHYHU LIWKHUHLVDQRWKHUHUURUGLVSOD\RULIWKHUHLVQRYLGHRRXWSXWDWDOOWKHUHPLJKW KDYHEHHQDQHUURULQSURGXFWDVVHPEO\ZLULQJFRQQHFWLRQVPLJKWEHIDXOW\RU WKH5,1*('*(PLJKWQRWEHIXQFWLRQLQJSURSHUO\ ND IN T ŏ ,I\RXORRNGLUHFWO\DWWKHODVHUEHDPLQWKH'9''5,9(\RXFRXOGVXIIHUYLVLRQ LPSDLUPHQW'RQRWORRNLQVLGHWKH'9''5,9( 7DNHRXWXUHDSODVWLFKHDGVFUHZDQGUH move the DVD DRIVE case lid. CASE LID a ND IN T Press the DVD DRIVE switch and the DVD DRIVE tray will come out. Set the DVD from the DVD software kit into the tray. Always have the labeled side facing upward. TION b Press the DVD DRIVE switch. The tray goes back into the drive. Re engage the power. Turn the main switch to OFF once, wait for at least one minute, then turn the switch back to ON. 6RIWZDUHLVLQVWDOOHGDXWRPDWLFDOO\IURPWKH'9'WRWKH5,1*('*(,QVRPHFDVHVLWPD\WDNHDERXW minutes to install software to the RING EDGE 2. Initiali ation is completed when the Attract Mode screen appears. Press the DVD DRIVE switch so that the tray comes out. Remove the DVD. Press the DVD DRIVE switch so that the tray goes back into the unit. If the power is cut off, the tray will not move. Set the main switch to OFF. Remove the DVD wire from the DVD DRIVE. $WWDFKWKH'9''5,9(FDVHOLGDQGIDVWHQLWZLWKXUHDVFUHZ Unlock and remove front door PCB. Remove the DVD wire from the RING EDGE 2. Leave the key chip inserted. Attach the outlet plate to front door PCB. Fasten with 2 truss screws. Attach and lock front door PCB. Store the DVD DRIVE, DVD wire and DVD software kit in a location free of dust and cigarette smoke. ND IN T T i When you turn on the power, the attract lighting in the rear window and below the main moulding of the Main Cabinet will come on. After the RING EDGE 2 start up screen is displayed on the LCD screen, the Advertise (Attract) Mode will start. During Attract Mode, demo footage and how to play the game will be displayed on the screen. Sound will be emitted from the left and right front and rear speakers inside the Main Cabinet and the speaker in the center of the seat cabinet. If the unit is set for no sound during Attract Mode, there is no sound output. ,IWKHUHDUHHQRXJKFUHGLWVWRHQDEOHSOD\WKHVWDUWEXWWRQÀDVKHV,WJRHVRXWLIWKHUHDUHQRFUHGLWVGXULQJ$WWUDFW Mode. Even when the power source has been cut off, credit count and ranking data are kept stored in the product. However, fractional coin counts (inserted coins that do not amount to one credit) and bonus adder counts are not kept. TION Set the main switch of the AC unit to ON and engage the power. CON IR TION O IN T TION 8VHWHVWPRGHWRFRQ¿UPWKDWDVVHPEO\LVSURSHUDQGWKDWWKH5,1*('*(FRQQHFWLQJERDUGVDQGLQSXWRXWSXW devices are normal. Perform the following tests in test mode. )RUWHVWVWRUHIHUWRWKH7(67$1'',63/$<'$7$ZLWKLQWKLV0DQXDO)RUWHVWVWRVHH>*DPH Test Mode]. ND IN T n ormation isplay Screen When SYSTEM INFORMATION,” STORAGE INFORMATION,” or VS TEST” has been selected on WKHV\VWHPWHVWPRGHPHQXV\VWHPLQIRUPDWLRQJDPHLQIRUPDWLRQDQGLQIRUPDWLRQRQ-96,2ERDUGFRQ nected to RING EDGE 2 are displayed. If each category of information is displayed without anomalies, the RING EDGE 2 is normal. S nput est Screen :KHQ³,13877(67´KDVEHHQVHOHFWHGRQWKH-96WHVWVFUHHQGDWDLQSXWWRWKH-96,2ERDUGLVGLV played. On the product, this is the screen for the testing coin switch. Insert a coin. If the display to the side of the switch changes, the switch and wiring connections are normal. TION onitor est Screen When MONITOR TEST” has been selected on the system test mode menu, the screen for checking projec tor (monitor) adjustment status appears. Projector adjustment is completed when the product is shipped from the factory, but you should observe the WHVWVFUHHQWRGHWHUPLQHZKHWKHUIXUWKHUDGMXVWPHQWLVQHFHVVDU\5HIHUWR&KDSWHUDQGDGMXVWWKHSURMHF tor if necessary. Spea er est Screen When SPEAKER TEST” has been selected on the system test mode menu, the screen for checking speaker sound output appears. 7RFRQ¿UPWKDWDXGLRRXWSXWLVQRUPDOKDYHWHVWVRXQGRXWSXWIURPWKHJDPHXQLW¶VVSHDNHU nput est When INPUT TEST” has been selected on the game test mode menu, the screen for testing input device appears. Test operate the input device by pressing each switch. If the display on the side of each input de vice changes to ON” and numerical values change smoothly in accordance with each operation, the input GHYLFHDQGLWVZLULQJFRQQHFWLRQVDUHQRUPDO6HHD a S Screen utput est When OUTPUT TEST” has been selected on the game test mode menu, the screen for testing lamps and other output devices appears. ,IHDFKRXWSXWGHYLFHRSHUDWHVSURSHUO\WKHRXWSXWGHYLFHDQGLWVZLULQJFRQQHFWLRQVDUHQRUPDO6HHE S Screen ND IN T b TION alibration &RQ¿UPWKDWWKHRSHUDELOLW\RIFRQWUROXQLWGRQRWSUHVHQWDQ\KLQGUDQFHVWRSOD\&DOLEUDWLRQLVDGMXVWHG when the product is shipped from the factory but it might need to be adjusted again because of vibrations during transport, etc. If such things as operability are not satisfactory, select GUN CALIBRATION” on the game test mode PHQXDQGFKHFNDQGDGMXVWVHWWLQJV6HHF c A A Screen Conduct the aforesaid tests when performing routine tests each month. R C UTION O IN T N O IN C IN R C UTION ŏ $OZD\VGLVFRQQHFWWKHSRZHUFDEOHEHIRUHPRYLQJWKHSURGXFW,ILWLVPRYHG ZLWKWKHSRZHUFDEOHFRQQHFWHGWKHFDEOHFRXOGEHGDPDJHGFDXVLQJÀUHRU HOHFWULFVKRFN ŏ 7RPRYHWKHXQLWRYHUWKHÁRRUSXOOLQWKHDGMXVWRUVDQGKDYHWKHFDVWHUV FRQWDFWWKHÁRRU:KLOHPRYLQJWKHXQLWEHFDUHIXOWKDWWKHFDVWHUVGRQRWUROO RYHUWKHSRZHUFRUGRUWKHJURXQGZLUH,IFRUGRUZLUHLVGDPDJHGWKHUHFRXOG EHHOHFWULFDOVKRFNVDQGRUVKRUWFLUFXLWV N O IN ŏ :KHQFURVVLQJDVORSHGRUVWHSSHGDUHDGLVFRQQHFWWKH'LVSOD\0DLQ&DELQHW DQG6HDW&DELQHW,I\RXWLOWWKHPZKLOHFRQQHFWHGWRJHWKHUWKHFRQQHFWLRQ SRLQWVPD\EHGDPDJHGDQGSHUVRQQHOFRXOGEHLQMXUHG T C IN ŏ :KHQOLIWLQJWKHFDELQHWXSVWHSV\RXPXVWKROGLWE\WKHGHVLJQDWHGKDQGOHV RUE\WKHERWWRPVXUIDFH/LIWLQJLWE\DQ\RWKHUDUHDPD\OHDGWRGDPDJHRU GLVÀJXUDWLRQWRWKDWSDUWRUVXUURXQGLQJSDUWVGXHWRWKHZHLJKWRIWKHFDELQHW DQGFRXOGDOVROHDGWRLQMXU\RISHUVRQQHO ŏ :KHQWLOWLQJWKHFDELQHWWRPRYHLWDFURVVDVORSHGRUVWHSSHGDUHDDOZD\VXVH DWOHDVWWZRSHRSOH$WWHPSWLQJVXFKDQRSHUDWLRQDORQHFDQOHDGWRDFFLGHQW RULQMXU\ ŏ :KHQPRYLQJWKHFRPSRQHQWVVHSDUDWHO\WDNHFDUHFRQFHUQLQJWKHGLUHFWLRQ \RXSXVKWKH'LVSOD\DQG6HDW&DELQHWLQ7KHVHHOHPHQWVPD\IDOORYHU FDXVLQJGDPDJHRUDQDFFLGHQW ŏ :KHQPRYLQJWKHFRPSRQHQWVGRQRWSXVKDQ\RIWKHSODVWLFHOHPHQWVRU VKDSHGSDUWV'RQRWXVHWKHPWRSXOOWKHFRPSRQHQWVDORQJHLWKHU7KLVPD\ GDPDJHWKHSDUWVRUWKHVXUURXQGLQJSDUWVDQGWKLVFRXOGOHDGWRDFFLGHQWVRU LQMXU\ ŏ $IWHUGLYLGLQJWKHFRPSRQHQWVWRPRYHWKHPGRQRWXVHWKH&RQWURO8QLWVLQWKH 0DLQ&DELQHWWRSXVKRUSXOOWKHFDELQHW7KLVPD\GDPDJHRUGLVÀJXUHWKHVH SDUWVDQGOHDGWRPDOIXQFWLRQVRULQMXU\ ŏ :KHQPRYLQJWKHVHSDUDWHGFRPSRQHQWVEHVXUHWRSXVKSXOOHDFKFDELQHW OHQJWKZD\V7U\LQJWRPRYHWKHFDELQHWDQ\RWKHUZD\PD\FDXVHWKHFDELQHW WRWRSSOHRYHU ŏ :KHQPRYLQJWKHFDELQHWGRQRWKROGSXVKRUSXOOWKH&RQWURO8QLWV7KLVPD\ GLVÀJXUHRUGDPDJHWKHP ŏ 'RQRWSUHVVWKHSURMHFWRUVFUHHQ7KHVFUHHQFDQEHHDVLO\GDPDJHGDQGFDQQRWEHUHSDLUHGLILWLVPHDQLQJFRPSOHWHUHSODFHPHQWZLOOEHQHFHVVDU\ R C UTION ŏ ,I\RXQHHGWRPRYHFRPSRQHQWVWKURXJKDQDUURZRUORZGRRUDQGWKHRQO\ ZD\WRJHWWKHVHSDUDWHGFRPSRQHQWVWKURXJKLVWRWXUQWKHPRQWKHLUVLGHRU LIDVHSDUDWLRQPHWKRGRWKHUWKDQWKRVHGHVFULEHGLQWKLVPDQXDOLVUHTXLUHG HLWKHUPDNHDUHTXHVWWRWKHRIÀFHOLVWHGLQWKLVGRFXPHQWRUWKHSODFHRISXUFKDVHWRSHUIRUPWKHRSHUDWLRQRUFRQWDFWWKHPUHJDUGLQJKRZWRSHUIRUPLW &DUHOHVVO\WXUQLQJWKHFRPSRQHQWVRQWRWKHLUVLGHRUVHSDUDWLQJWKHPLQZD\V RWKHUWKDQWKRVHGHSLFWHGLQWKLVPDQXDOPD\OHDGWRXQUHSDLUDEOHGDPDJH N O IN T C IN a b 0RYHZLWKWKHFDVWHUVWRXFKLQJWKHÀRRU Separate components when moving over a sloped or stepped area. R TIN T ONITOR UN C IN T ŏ'RQRWFDUHOHVVO\VHSDUDWHWKHFRPSRQHQWVRIWKH0RQLWRU&DELQHW7KLVPD\ OHDGWRDFFLGHQWVGXULQJPDLQWHQDQFHDQGHOHFWULFVKRFNVRUVKRUWFLUFXLWVGXULQJRSHUDWLRQ R C UTION ŏ$IWHUVHSDUDWLRQRIWKH0RQLWRU&DELQHWWKHLQGLYLGXDO*XQ&DELQHWDQG5HDU &DELQHWDUHQRWVXIÀFLHQWO\VWURQJ7DNHFDUHZKLFKSODFHV\RXSXVKRUSXOO 'RQRWWXUQWKHFRPSRQHQWVRQWRWKHLUVLGHV7KLVPD\OHDGWRGLVÀJXUHPHQWRU GDPDJHDQGFRXOGFDXVHDFFLGHQWVGXULQJPDLQWHQDQFH,WFRXOGHYHQOHDG WRXQUHSDLUDEOHGDPDJH N O IN ŏ 7RZRUNVDIHO\DQGSUHFLVHO\SUHSDUHDVWHDG\VDIHW\VWRRORUODGGHUWRVWDQG RQ&OLPELQJRQWRWKHFDELQHWRUKDQJLQJGRZQIURPLWFDQOHDGWRDFFLGHQWV T ŏ 3HUIRUPWKHVHSDUDWLRQRSHUDWLRQZLWKDWOHDVWWZRSHRSOH3HUIRUPLQJWKHRSHUDWLRQDORQHFRXOGOHDGWRDQDFFLGHQW C IN ,IWKHRQO\ZD\WRJHWWKHVHSDUDWHGFRPSRQHQWVLQWRDGHVLUHGORFDWLRQLVWRWXUQ WKHPRQWRWKHLUVLGHRULIDVHSDUDWLRQPHWKRGRWKHUWKDQWKRVHGHVFULEHGLQWKLV PDQXDOLVUHTXLUHGFRQWDFWWKHRIÀFHOLVWHGLQWKLVGRFXPHQWRUWKHSODFHRISXUFKDVH7XUQLQJWKHFRPSRQHQWVRQWRWKHLUVLGHPD\GLVÀJXUHRUPLVDOLJQWKHFDELQHWDQGFRXOGOHDGWRXQUHSDLUDEOHGDPDJH If the entranceway is narrow, follow the process detailed below to separate the Monitor Cabinet and Gun Cabinet. When the Monitor Cabinet and Gun Cabinet are separated, take due care during all moving operations. Hold the bottom surface as much as possible and move the component slowly. a A A The measurements of each component can be found on page 12 of this manual R C UTION N O IN T b A c A C IN Remove the left and right OINT BRIDGE BKT UPPR Unscrew the (2) M8x30 SKT BH BLTS from the underside of the roof. Socket Button Head Bolt 029-B00830-0B d Repeat step for the Left hand Side Socket Button Head Bolt 029-B00830-0B e Remove the (2) M8x30 Hex Blt Pas from the Right hand side LOWER OINT PLATE BKTS . R C UTION Hex Bolt Pas (2) M8x30 N Repeat step 3 to remove the left hand side. O IN T C IN Hex Bolt Pas (2) M8x30 Carefully disconnect the harnesses from the inside of the cabinet which travel between the Monitor and Gun Cabinets Disconnect the harness View from inside the Monitor Cabinet Once all the harnesses have been disconneced, carefully prise the cabinets apart. N O IN Loosen the (2) M8x30 SKT BH BLT from inside rear of the monitor cab. Swing the Bracket Corner oints into the cabint to reduce SUR¿OH R C UTION i T To reassemble, follow the steps 1 to 7 in reverse order. Also refer to the Installation Guide within Section 6 of this manual. C IN Socket Button Head Bolt 029-B00830-0B D CRI TION After the coins are inserted, available credits will display at the bottom of the screen. After required coins are inserted, the text will change from Please insert coins” into Please press start button”. The start button on the cabin ZLOOEHÀLFNLQJ Coin system can accumulate up to 24 credits. Credits beyond 24 will not be counted and returned to player, but will be recorded by system internal counter. Based on the difference of test mode settings, INSERT COIN(S)”/”INSERT MORE COIN(S)” may change to SWIPE CARD TO PLAY”. The player’s acting role based on which side the START” button is pressed. Press START” button once to start the game. If you choose the left one, you will be player1, the right one will be player2. D CRI TION 3OD\HUDQG3OD\HU¶VOLIHJDXJHVFRUHVWUHDNDWWDFNDQGIDWDODWWDFNZLOOEHGLVSOD\HGRQWKHOHIWVLGHRIWKHVFUHHQ for (player1) and right side of screen for (player2). The available credits and subtitles will be displayed on the bottom of the screen. a i The player will meet various enemies throughout the game. If some enemies appear to be outlined, this is the signal WRDWWDFN b Use the controller to aim at the enemies. You must shot at the enemies before they shoot you. D A score will be rewarded when the enemy is destroyed. 7KHHQHP\ZLOODWWDFNLIWKHSOD\HUGRHVQRW destroy it in a given time. Each time a player is shot, the player’s life gauge will decrease. If the player’s life gauge decreases to 0, the game is over d $OOLDQFH¿UH When the crosshair of both player 1 and play er 2 controllers are in close proximity to each other, allied Autobots weapons will appear in the lower center section of the screen and the cooresponding crosshair between both players crosshair. e CRI TION c ,IWKHSOD\HUVNHHSWKHLUFURVVKDLUVFORVHWR each other for a certain time, the Autobots ZLOODWWDFNHQHPLHVZLWKSOD\HU¶V¿UH D CRI TION 'HVWUR\LQJHQHPLHVXVLQJ$XWRERWV¶¿UH³DO OLDQFH¿UH´RU³WLPHVRIDOOLDQFH¿UH´ZLOOEH display in the screen center. Each time an enemy is destroyed using the Aliance Fire”, the players freindship score is increased. 6XSHU$OOLDQFH¿UH The player will encounter special enemies carrying energon cubes. These enemies can EHLGHQWL¿HGE\DEOXH³VKLPPHULQJ´RXWOLQH When one of the Special enemies are destroyed, the acompanied Autobots will gain the energon cubes. D If the player(s) destroy the special blue en HP\XVLQJDOOLDQFH¿UH$XWRERWVZLOODSSHDU and accompany the player to provide a much PRUHSRZHUIXOVRXUFHRI¿UHSRZHU 6XSHUDOOLDQFH¿UHZLOOEHWULJJHUHGLQVLQJOH mode as well. C O As the player progresses through the game, they will encounter the Decepticons. Players ZLOO¿JKWWRJHWKHUZLWK$XWRERWVDJDLQVWD few special Decepticons. These Deceptcions ZLOOKDYHVTXDUHDWWDFNPDUNVRQWKHLUERG\ CRI TION i ,IWKHSOD\HUVFDQFOHDUDOOWKHDWWDFNPDUNV from the Desepticons before they disappear, the player(s) will be rewarded extra bonuses. D CRI TION l If the player(s) are unable to clear all the DWWDFNPDUNVEHIRUHWKH\GLVDSSHDUWKH SOD\HUVZLOOEHDWWDFNHGDQGWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJ life gauge(s) will decrease. m Results are determined by how much damage WRHDFKPDUNHUDSOD\HUFDQREWDLQ n Based on players’ performances in co op JDPHWKH¿QDOUHVXOWVFUHHQZLOOEHGLVSOD\HG D i C As the player progresses through the game they will encounter a series of mini games called ACTION SE UENCE CONTROLS” p Players will be required to interact by either manouvering thier corresponding controllers in certain directions or by pressing the Start” or Action” buttons. CRI TION o If the players succeed in this action, they can DYRLGWKH³'HFHSWLFRQVDWWDFN´DQGJDLQH[WUD score bonus. D CRI TION r If the players fails in this action, the life gauge” will be decreased. s At the end of each level, there will be a 'HFHSWLFRQVERVVWR¿JKWDJDLQVW-XVWOLNHLQ FRRSPRGHWKHUHZLOOEHDWWDFNPDUNHUVRQ these BOSSES. t 6KRRWDWWKHDWWDFNPDUNHUVEHIRUHWKH\ disappear, the BOSS life gauge will decrease. When the BOSS life gauge decreases to 0, it is defeated. D In BOSS battle, one of your colleagues may need your help. When the BOSS captures Bumblebee, and the players successfully GHVWUR\DOOWKHDWWDFNPDUNHUV%XPEOHEHH will be rescued, and the Friendship” between the two players will rise. v i i R When each level is cleared, Stage Result” will be displayed. In this screen the surviving player’s score and Friendship” will be displayed. Friendship” is the rate representing how well SOD\HUZRUNWRJHWKHUZLWKWKH$XWRERWV7KH KLJKHUWKH³)ULHQGVKLS´WKHEHWWHU\RXZRUN with Autobots. In Stage Result”, based on the Friendship” rate, the player can recover a part of the life gauge”, the higher the Friendship” is, the more Life Gauge” will recover. CRI TION u O TO i T If the player wants to join the game during other player’s game process, the player can insert coins and press START” EXWWRQ,IHQRXJKFUHGLWVDUHUHDFKHGWKH³67$57´EXWWRQRQWKHRWKHUVLGHRQFDELQZLOOFRQWLQXHÀLFNSUHVVWR join the game. D C i CRI TION When the player’s life gauge is 0, Continue Game” screen will appear. Insert enough coins and press START” button to continue. If enough credits are available, press START” button directly to join the game. Ov If the player’s life gauge is 0 and doesn’t continue, when the countdown is 0, game is over. N :KHQWKHJDPHLVDOOFOHDUHGLIWKHWRWDOVFRUHLVLQWRSWKHSOD\HUFDQLQSXWWKHQDPHWRGLVSOD\LQWKHJDPHUDQN ing. U i C U i 8VHWKHFRQWUROXQLWWRDLPDWWDUJHWVDQG¿UH0RYLQJWKHFRQWUROXQLWZLOOPRYHWKHWDUJHWVLJKWRQWKHVFUHHQ7KH red target is the 1P side and blue target is the 2P side. 3XOOWKHWULJJHUWR¿UHRQWKHVFUHHQDQGDOVRWKHFRQWUROXQLWUHDFWVE\LQWHUQDOPRWRU<RXKDYHXQOLPLWHGDPPXQL tion. PSD ( S ) 2P S D 2P ( H S ) ar ets y ontrol nit R Once the game starts, the life for the player(s) will be displayed. The 1P side is red and the 2P side is blue. 8VHWKHFRQWUROXQLWWRDLPDQG¿UHDWWKHRQFRPLQJHQHPLHV %HLQJKLWE\HQHP\DWWDFNVZLOOUHGXFH\RXUOLIH It is game over when your life reaches ero. P PSD or Press the action button. Move the control unit left to right. aa CRI TION During the game, a player will have to perform various actions. When an action needs to be performed, the action icon will appear on the screen. The action icon indicates the start of an action. Then follow the onscreen instructions. D 2P S D N TION O T T ND D T DI 'RQRWWRXFKDQ\SDUWVWKDWDUHQRWVSHFLÀHGLQWKHVHGLUHFWLRQV7RXFKLQJXQVSHFLÀHGORFDWLRQVPD\OHDGWRHOHFWULFVKRFNRUFDXVHVKRUWFLUFXLWV N TION O T ŏ %HFDUHIXOWKDW\RXUÀQJHURUKDQGGRHVQRWJHWFDXJKWZKHQRSHQLQJFORVLQJ WKHFRLQFKXWHGRRU T ND D T ŏ 2SHUDWLQJWKH7(67%XWWRQDQG6(59,&(%XWWRQGXULQJ7HVW0RGHPD\EHVOLJKWO\ XQFRPIRUWDEOHGXHWRWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKHEXWWRQVLQUHODWLRQWRWKHFDELQHW VHDWV7DNHFDUHQRWWRKXUW\RXUVKRXOGHURUEDFNRUVFUDWFKRUFDWFK\RXUVHOI RQDQ\SDUWVRIWKHFDELQHW DI ŏ :KHQ\RXHQWHUWKH7HVW0RGHIUDFWLRQDOFRLQDQGERQXVDGGHUGDWDLVHUDVHG ŏ $GMXVWWKHVRXQGWRWKHRSWLPXPYROXPHWDNLQJLQWRFRQVLGHUDWLRQWKHHQYLURQPHQWDOUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKHLQVWDOODWLRQORFDWLRQ ŏ 5HPRYLQJWKH&RLQ0HWHUFLUFXLWU\UHQGHUVWKHJDPHLQRSHUDEOH ŏ +DYHDÁDVKOLJKWRQKDQGDQGRSHUDWHLQ7HVW0RGHYHU\FDUHIXOO\7KHFDELQHW LQWHULRULVGDUNDQGQDUURZDQG\RXFRXOGHDVLO\PDNHPLVWDNHVLQRSHUDWLRQ Perform tests and data checks periodically by manipulating the TEST Button and SERVICE Button in the cabinet. )ROORZWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVLQWKLVFKDSWHUWRFRQGXFWFKHFNVZKHQWKHJDPHPDFKLQHLV¿UVWLQVWDOOHGZKHQPRQH\LV EHLQJFROOHFWHGRUZKHQWKHJDPHPDFKLQHGRHVQRWRSHUDWHSURSHUO\ Shown below are the tests and screens to be used for different problems. 7KLVSURGXFWXVHVD5,1*5'*(JDPHERDUGDQGD'9''5,9(,QWKHV\VWHPDGLIIHUHQWJDPHFDQEHSOD\HG by putting a different DVD ROM in the DVD DRIVE. )RUWKLVUHDVRQWKHSURGXFW¶V7HVW0RGHFRQVLVWVRIWZRPRGHVD6\VWHP7HVW0RGHIRUV\VWHPVLQZKLFKFRLQVHW WLQJVIRULQVWDQFHDUHPDGHIRUSURGXFWVWKDWXVHWKHVDPHV\VWHPDQGD*DPH7HVW0RGHIRUVHWWLQJRIGLI¿FXOW\ OHYHOHWFDQGIRULQSXWRXWSXWWHVWRIRSHUDWLRQDOXQLWVXVHGH[FOXVLYHO\ZLWKWKLVSURGXFW UNIT ND COIN T R The SWITCH UNIT and COUNTERS are housed within the COINTOWER. To access these controls you will need WRRSHQWKH&2,1GRRUWKHVZLWFKHVDQGFRXQWHUVFDQEHIRXQGGLUHFWO\RQWKHUHDUIDFHRIWKH7RZHU N TION O T ITC T ND D T &UHGLW%G DI &RLQ,Q&RXQWHU 7HVWEXWWRQ 6HUYLFHEXWWRQ a S itc D IC TEST BUTT N 9ROXPH&RQWURO nit UNCTION SER ICE BUTT N Press to enter TEST M DE - Also used to enter choices selected within TEST M DE Press or SER ICE CREDIT - Also used to scroll through TEST MENUs C IN IN C UNTER Counts inserted coins ( 0.10 or 0.10 LUME C NTR L Adjusts audio level 1 count) T T T OD ŏ 7KHGHWDLOVRIFKDQJHVWR7HVW0RGHVHWWLQJVDUHVDYHGZKHQ\RXH[LWIURP7HVW 0RGHE\VHOHFWLQJ(;,7IURPWKHV\VWHPWHVWPRGHPHQX%HFDUHIXOEHFDXVHLI WKHSRZHULVWXUQHGRIIEHIRUHWKDWSRLQWFKDQJHVWRWKHVHWWLQJVZLOOEHORVW N TION O T ,QWKHV\VWHPWHVWPRGHWKHPDLQDFWLYLWLHVLQFOXGHFKHFNLQJ5,1*('*(LQIRUPDWLRQDQGDFWLRQVDQGWKHVHWWLQJ RIFRLQFUHGLW$OVRDVFUHHQDSSHDUVIRUFKHFNLQJVFUHHQDGMXVWPHQWV)RUGHWDLOVVHHWKH5,1*('*(VHUYLFH PDQXDOZKLFKLVSURYLGHGVHSDUDWHO\ T 8VHWKHIROORZLQJVHWWLQJVZLWKWKLVSURGXFW,IWKHVHWWLQJVDUHQRWDVVSHFL¿HGHUURUPHVVDJHVPLJKWDSSHDUDQG operations might not be normal. ND D T ŏ 8VHZLWKWKHVSHFLÀHGVHWWLQJV,IVHWWLQJVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHVSHFLÀHGDUHXVHG LQDSSURSULDWHRSHUDWLRQVRUPDOIXQFWLRQPD\RFFXU Ɣ&2,1$66,*10(176 &2,1&+87(7<3( 6(59,&(7<3(6(59,&(%XWWRQ7\SH DI Ɣ1(7:25.6(77,1* 1(7:25.7<3( 0$,11(7:25. &20021 &20021 0$,1 6HWWLQJ1RW5HTXLUHG :KHQWKH7(67%XWWRQLVSUHVVHGWKHV\VWHPWHVWPRGHPHQXVFUHHQ6<67(07(6702'(DSSHDUV Use the SERVICE Button to move the cursor to the desired test item. 3UHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQWRFRQ¿UPVHOHFWLRQRIWKHLWHP :KHQWHVWLQJDQGFKHFNLQJDUHFRPSOHWHGVHOHFW(;,7DQGSUHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQ The SYSTEM TEST MODE screen reappears. :KHQDOOWHVWVDUHFRPSOHWHGVHOHFW(;,7DQGSUHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQ7KHJDPHVFUHHQUHDSSHDUV SYSTEM TEST MODE GAME TEST MODE STORAGE INFORMATION VS TEST MONITOR TEST SPEAKER TEST COIN ASSIGNMENTS CLOCK SETTING NETWORK SETTING - E IT SELECT WITH SERVICE AND PRESS TEST ),*6<67(07(6702'(6FUHHQ T T OD 7RFKDQJHVHWWLQJVLQWKHJDPHWHVWPRGHVLPSO\PDNLQJFKDQJHVRQWKHVHWWLQJ VFUHHQZLOOQRWEHHIIHFWLYH&RPSOHWHWKH7HVW0RGHLQQRUPDOIDVKLRQ GAME TEST MODE E IT ND D T - T BOOKKEEPING INPUT TEST OUTPUT TEST GAME ASSIGNMENTS CONTROLLER CALIBRATION SETTING BACKUP DATA CLEAR N TION O T +LJKOLJKW*$0(7(670RGHRQWKHV\VWHPWHVWPRGHPHQXDQGSUHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQWRHQWHUWKHJDPHWHVW mode. 2QFH\RXHQWHUWKHJDPHWHVWPRGHWKHJDPHWHVWPRGHPHQXZLOOEHGLVSOD\HG DI SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON AND PRESS TEST BUTTON ),*D*$0(7(6702'(0(186FUHHQ Press the SERVICE Button to highlight the desired menu item with the cursor. 3UHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQWRSHUIRUPWKHVHOHFWHGLWHP7ROHDUQKRZWRSURFHHGDIWHUH[HFXWLQJWKHVHOHFWHG LWHPUHDGWKHLWHP¶VH[SODQDWLRQ :KHQWHVWRUVHWWLQJLVFRPSOHWHGWDNHVWHSVWRKDYHWKHJDPHWHVWPRGHPHQXVFUHHQUHDSSHDU The steps involved vary with the item. 6HOHFW(;,7DQGSUHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQ7KHV\VWHPWHVWPRGHPHQXVFUHHQUHDSSHDUV 2QWKHV\VWHPWHVWPRGHPHQXVFUHHQVHOHFW(;,7DQGSUHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQ7KHJDPHVFUHHQUHDSSHDUV Menu Item BOOKKEEPING INPUT TEST OUTPUT TEST GAME ASSIGNMENTS CONTROLLER CALIBRATION BACKUP DATA CLEAR D T T $GMXVWJDPHVSHFLÀFVHWWLQJV A E OO IN Displays bookkeeping information across 4 screens. :KHQWKH7(67%XWWRQLVSUHVVHGSURFHHGWRWKHQH[WVFUHHQ:KHQWKH7(67%XWWRQLVSUHVVHGZKLOHWKH VFUHHQLVGLVSOD\HGWKHJDPHWHVWPRGHPHQXVFUHHQUHDSSHDUV BOOKKEEPING 1 3 N TION O T COIN1 COIN2 0 0 TOTAL COINS 0 COIN CREDITS SERVICE CREDITS TOTAL CREDITS 0 0 0 T ND D T PRESS TEST BUTTON TO NE T ),*D%22..((3,1*6FUHHQ DI 0HQX([SODQDWLRQ! &2,1&2,1 727$/&2,16 1XPEHURIFRLQVLQVHUWHGLQHDFKFRLQVORW 7RWDOQXPEHURIFRLQV &2,1&5(',76 6(59,&(&5(',76 727$/&5(',76 1XPEHURIFUHGLWVDZDUGHGIURPLQVHUWLQJFRLQV 1XPEHURIFUHGLWVDZDUGHGZLWKWKH6(59,&(%XWWRQ 7RWDORI&2,1&5(',76DQG6(59,&(&5(',76 BOOKKEEPING 2 3 NUMBER OR GAMES NUMBER OF SINGLEPLAY FIRST PLAY CONTINUE PLAY TOTAL TIME PLAY TIME AVERAGE GAME TIME AVERAGE PLAY TIME LONGEST PLAY TIME SHOTEST PLAY TIME 0 0 0 0 00 D 00 D 00 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 00 H 00 M 00 M 00 M 00 M 00 M 00 S 00 M 00 S 00 S 00 S 00 S 00 S PRESS TEST BUTTON TO NE T N TION O T ),*H%22..((3,1*6FUHHQ 0HQX([SODQDWLRQ! 7RWDOSOD\WLPH $YHUDJHFRQWUROWLPHIRUDVLQJOHJDPH $YHUDJHSOD\WLPHIRUDVLQJOHJDPH. /21*(673/$<7,0( 6+257(673/$<7,0( /RQJHVWSOD\WLPHIRUDVLQOJHJDPH 6KRUWHVWSOD\WLPHIRUDVLQJOHJDPH BOOKKEEPING 3 3 GAME HISTOGRAM 0M 00S - 0M 29S 0M 30S - 0M 9S 1M 00S - 1M 29S 1M 30S - 1M 9S 2M 00S - 2M 29S 2M 30S - 2M 9S 3M 00S - 3M 29S 3M 30S - 3M 9S 4M 00S - 4M 29S 4M 29S - 4M 9S M 00S - M 29S M 30S - M 9S 6M 00S - 6M 29S 6M 30S - 6M 9S OVER 10M 00S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PRESS TEST BUTTON TO NE T ),*D%22..((3,1*6FUHHQ 0HQX([SODQDWLRQ! 3OD\WLPHZLOOEHUHFRUGHGLQWRGLIIHUHQWOLQHVE\VHFRQGLQWHUYDOV $OOSOD\WLPHRYHUPLQXWHVDUHZULWWHQLQWRWKHOLQH29(506 DI 3/$<7,0( $9(5$*(*$0(7,0( $9(5$*(3/$<7,0( ND D T 7RWDOQXPEHURISOD\VRQWKH3VLGHDQGRQWKH3VLGH 7RWDOQXPEHURIVLQJOHSOD\VRQWKH3VLGHDQGRQWKH3VLGH ZLWKRXWDQRWKHUSOD\HUMRLQLQJSOD\ 7RWDOQXPEHURI¿UVWWLPHSOD\VE\3OD\HURU3OD\HU 7RWDOQXPEHURIFRQWLQXHVRQWKH3VLGHDQGRQWKH3VLGH $PRXQWRIWLPHWKHJDPHKDVEHHQLQRSHUDWLRQ T 180%(52)*$0(6 180%(52)6,1*/(3/$< ),5673/$< &217,18(3/$< 727$/7,0( IN UT T T INPUT TEST N TION O T PLAYER1 CONTROLLER PLAYER1 CONTROLLER Y PLAYER1 CONTROLLER TRIGGER L PLAYER1 CONTROLLER TRIGGER R PLAYER1 START BUTTON 3 7 OFF OFF OFF PLAYER2 CONTROLLER PLAYER2 CONTROLLER Y PLAYER2 CONTROLLER TRIGGER L PLAYER2 CONTROLLER TRIGGER R PLAYER2 START BUTTON 3 7 OFF OFF OFF SERVICE TEST PRESS TEST AND SERVICE BUTTON TO E IT T ),*E,13877(676FUHHQ ND D T The condition of each input device can be checked. Periodically check the condition of each input device on this screen. Conditions are normal if each device operates and yields output as indicated below. DI 2SHUDWLRQ! Press the SERVICE Button and move the cursor to the item (output device) you want to test. :KHQHYHUWKH7(67%XWWRQLVSUHVVHGWKHGLVSOD\RQWKHULJKWVLGHRIWKHLWHPJRHVIURP2))WR21DQG WKHVHOHFWHGRXWSXWGHYLFHRSHUDWHV&RQ¿UPWKDWWKHGHYLFHRSHUDWHVQRUPDOO\ 3UHVVWKH6(59,&(%XWWRQDQGPRYHWKHFXUVRUWR(;,7 :KHQWKH7(67%XWWRQLVSUHVVHGWKHJDPHWHVWPRGHPHQXVFUHHQUHDSSHDUV 0HQX([SODQDWLRQ! 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DI Press the SERVICE Button and move the cursor to the item (output device) you want to test. :KHQHYHUWKH7(67%XWWRQLVSUHVVHGWKHGLVSOD\RQWKHULJKWVLGHRIWKHLWHPJRHVIURP2))WR21DQG WKHVHOHFWHGRXWSXWGHYLFHRSHUDWHV&RQ¿UPWKDWWKHGHYLFHRSHUDWHVQRUPDOO\ 3UHVVWKH6(59,&(%XWWRQDQGPRYHWKHFXUVRUWR(;,7 :KHQWKH7(67%XWWRQLVSUHVVHGWKHJDPHWHVWPRGHPHQXVFUHHQUHDSSHDUV 0HQX([SODQDWLRQ! PLAYER1 START LAMP PLAYER 2 START LAMP PLAYER1 CONTROLLER LAMP PLAYER2 CONTROLLER LAMP PLAYER1 BRAKE LAMP PLAYER2 BRAKE LAMP BILLBOARD LAMP EMBLEM LAMP T T T T T T T E E OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON ON ON ON ON ON 1 2 1 2 1 2 TEST LEFT SIDE LAMP E RIGHT SIDE LAMP GREEN E RED GREEN A BLUE TEST PLAYER1 CONTROLLER REACTION BLUE YELLOW TEST BLUE GREEN CYAN YELLOW T OFF ON PLAYER2 CONTROLLER REACTION T CYAN OFF ON RED MAGENTA WHITE OFF RED MAGENTA WHITE OFF 1 2 I N NT 6HWWLQJFKDQJHVGRQRWEHFRPHHIIHFWLYHXQWLO(;,7LVVHOHFWHGRQWKHVHWWLQJVFUHHQ $IWHUDVHWWLQJKDVEHHQFKDQJHGEHVXUHWRDOZD\VH[LWWKHVHWWLQJVFUHHQ GAME ASSIGNMENTS N TION O T T GAME DIFFICULTY ADVERTISE SOUND REVIVAL PLAYER 1 CONTROLLER REACTION PLAYER 2 CONTROLLER REACTION CONTINUE COUNTDOWN KIDS MODE SELECT STAGE SWIPE CARD TO PLAY CAMPAIGN E IT ND D T NORMAL NORMAL ON ON ON 20 OFF ON OFF ON SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON AND PRESS TEST BUTTON DI ),*G*$0($66,*10(1766FUHHQ The various game settings are established. 2SHUDWLRQ! 3UHVVWKH6(59,&(%XWWRQPRYHWKHFXUVRUWRWKHLWHPZKRVHVHWWLQJLVWREHFKDQJHGDQGVHOHFWWKHLWHP :KHQWKH7(67%XWWRQLVSUHVVHGWKHSUHVHWYDOXHRIWKHVHOHFWHGLWHPFKDQJHV 3UHVVWKH6(59,&(%XWWRQDQGPRYHWKHFXUVRUWR(;,7 :KHQWKH7(67%XWWRQLVSUHVVHGWKHJDPHVHWWLQJVFUHHQH[LWVDQGWKHJDPHWHVWPRGHPHQXVFUHHQUHDSSHDUV 0HQX([SODQDWLRQ! 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Press the SERVICE Button and move the cursor to the item you want to select. 0RYHWKHFXUVRUWR&$/,%5$7,2167$57DQGSUHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQWRDGMXVWWKHFDOLEUDWLRQ 0RYHWKHFXUVRUWR(;,7DQGSUHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQWKHFDOLEUDWLRQVFUHHQH[LWVDQGWKHJDPHWHVWPRGH menu screen reappears. DI CALIBRATION START DEFAULT SETTING - E IT ND D T GUN CALIBRATION T &DOLEUDWLRQLVUHOHYDQWWRRSHUDELOLW\0DQLSXODWHDQGDGMXVWWKHFRQWUROXQLWZLWK DSSURSULDWHIRUFH'RQRWPDNHDGMXVWPHQWVZLWKH[FHVVLYHIRUFH N TION O T UN C Perform individual calibration of the control units for the 1P side and 2P side. 7KHFXUUHQWPD[LPXPDQGPLQLPXPLQGLYLGXDOYROXPHYDOXHVZLOOEHUHVHWZKHQHQWHULQJWKH*XQ&DOLEUDWLRQ Screen. CALIBRATION START N TION O T PLAYER 1 CONTROLLER PLAYER 1 CONTROLLER Y PLAYER 2 CONTROLLER PLAYER 2 CONTROLLER Y PLAYER 1 CONTROLLER MIN 4D PLAYER 1 CONTROLLER MIN Y 63 PLAYER 2 CONTROLLER MIN 36 PLAYER 2 CONTROLLER MIN Y 60 3 MA MA Y MA MA Y 7 4 9 ROTATE CONTROLLER AND PULL TRIGGER TO CALIBRATE PRESS TEST BUTTON TO SET AND E IT T ),*F&DOLEUDWLRQ6FUHHQ ND D T 2SHUDWLRQ! DI 6ORZO\PRYHWKHFRQWUROXQLW\RXZLVKWRDGMXVWWRHDFKRIWKHIRXUFRUQHUVRIWKHVFUHHQSXOOLQJWKHWULJJHU DWHDFKFRUQHU¶7KHYDOXHVZLOOVHWDXWRPDWLFDOO\ 3UHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQDQGWKHFDOLEUDWLRQVHWWLQJVZLOOEHDOWHUHGWRUHÀHFWDOOFKDQJHVPDGHEHIRUHUHWXUQ LQJWRWKH*$0(7(670RGHVFUHHQ C U D T C R BACKUP DATA CLEAR YES CLEAR - NO CANCEL ),*I%$&.83'$7$&/($56FUHHQ N TION O T SELECT WITH SERVICE BUTTON AND PRESS TEST BUTTON T 0RYHWKHFXUVRUWR12&$1&(/DQGSUHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQWRUHWXUQWRWKHJDPHWHVWPRGHPHQXVFUHHQ without clearing the data. DI 7RFOHDUGDWDPRYHWKHFXUVRUWR<(6&/($5DQGWKHQSUHVVWKH7(67%XWWRQ:KHQWKHGDWDKDVEHHQ FOHDUHGWKHPHVVDJH³&203/(7('´ZLOOEHGLVSOD\HGDQGUHWXUQWRWKHJDPHWHVWPRGHPHQXVFUHHQDXWR matically. ND D T Press the SERVICE Button and move the cursor to the item you want to select. ID O DI - ID O DI ŏ ,IWKHDGMXVWPHQWPHWKRGLQWKLVPDQXDOGRHVQRWUHVROYHWKHSUREOHPFRQWDFW WKHFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHQXPEHULQWKLVPDQXDORU\RXUVXSSOLHU ŏ 'RQRWVWLFNWDSHVWLFNHUVRUDQ\WKLQJHOVHRQWRWKHVFUHHQ$Q\NLQGRIDGKH- N R D CRI TION 7KLVVSHFL¿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¿FDWLRQ 8QLW $FWLYH6FUHHQ6L]H ,QFK 'LVSOD\$UHD +[9 PP 2XWOLQH'LPHQVLRQ +[9[' 'ULYHU(OHPHQW D6L7)7DFWLYHPDWUL[ 'LVSOD\&RORUV ELWELW)5&0 &RORUV 1XPEHURI3L[HOV [ 3L[HO 3L[HO3LWFK +[: PP 5*%YHUWLFDOVWULSH 3L[HO$UUDQJHPHQW 'LVSOD\2SHUDWLRQ0RGH 1RUPDOO\%ODFN 'LVSOD\2ULHQWDWLRQ /DQGVFDSH3RUWUDLW(QDEOH 6XUIDFH7UHDWPHQW $* PP 1RWH +D]H C NIN T CR N ŏ 6LQFHWKH/&'GLVSOD\VFUHHQLVVXVFHSWLEOHWRGDPDJHSD\FDUHIXODWWHQWLRQWR LWVKDQGOLQJ:KHQFOHDQLQJUHIUDLQIURPXVLQJZDWHURUYRODWLOHFKHPLFDOV ŏ 'RQRWFOLPERQWRWKHFRQWUROSDQHO7KLVFRXOGOHDGWRLQMXULHVVXFKDVEXPS- :KHQWKHVFUHHQVXUIDFHEHFRPHVGLUW\ZLWKGXVWHWFFOHDQLWE\XVLQJDVRIWFORWKVXFKDVJDX]H:KHQZDWHUDQG YRODWLOHFKHPLFDOVVXFKDVEHQ]HQHWKLQQHUHWFVSLOORQWKHVFUHHQVXUIDFHLWPD\EHVXEMHFWWRGDPDJHWKHUHIRUH GRQRWXVHWKHP $OVRVLQFHWKHVXUIDFHVDUHVXVFHSWLEOHWRGDPDJHUHIUDLQIURPUXEELQJWKHPZLWKDKDUGPDWHULDORUXVLQJDGXVWHU ,IWKHVFUHHQLVHVSHFLDOO\GLUW\FDOOLQDSURIHVVLRQDOFOHDQHU ID O DI ŏ :KHQUHDFKLQJDFURVVWKHFRQWUROSDQHOWRFOHDQWKHVFUHHQWKHUHLVDULVNRI KXUWLQJ\RXUVKRXOGHURUDUP8VHDPRSZLWKDQRQIHDWKHU\VRIWGU\FORWK PRSKHDGDQGZLSHWKHVXUIDFHRIWKHVFUHHQ CONTRO UNIT ŏ :KHQZRUNLQJZLWKWKHSURGXFWEHVXUHWRWXUQWKHSRZHURII:RUNLQJZLWKWKH SRZHURQPD\FDXVHDQHOHFWULFVKRFNRUVKRUWFLUFXLW CONTRO UNIT ŏ %HFDUHIXOQRWWRGDPDJHWKHZLUHV'DPDJHGZLUHVPD\FDXVHDQHOHFWULF VKRFNVKRUWFLUFXLWRUSUHVHQWDULVNRIÀUH ŏ 'RQRWWRXFKDQ\SDUWVWKDWDUHQRWVSHFLÀHGLQWKHVHGLUHFWLRQV7RXFKLQJXQVSHFLÀHGORFDWLRQVPD\OHDGWRHOHFWULFVKRFNRUFDXVHVKRUWFLUFXLWV ŏ 7KLVZRUNVKRXOGEHSHUIRUPHGE\VLWHPDLQWHQDQFHSHUVRQQHORURWKHUVNLOOHG SURIHVVLRQDOV:RUNSHUIRUPHGE\QRQWHFKQLFDOSHUVRQQHOFDQFDXVHDVHYHUH DFFLGHQWVXFKDVDQHOHFWULFVKRFN ŏ ([HUFLVHGXHFDXWLRQLQSHUIRUPLQJVROGHULQJSURFHGXUHV,IVROGHULQJLURQLV KDQGOHGFDUHOHVVO\WKHUHFRXOGEHÀUHVRUEXUQV ŏ 3URFHHGYHU\FDUHIXOO\ZKHQKHDWLQJWKHUPDOFRQWUDFWLRQWXEH&DUHOHVVRSHUDWLRQVFDQUHVXOWLQÀUHVRUEXUQV ŏ :KHQIDVWHQLQJSODVWLFSDUWVEHFDUHIXOQRWWRWLJKWHQVFUHZVDQGQXWVH[FHVVLYHO\2WKHUZLVHSDUWVPD\EHGDPDJHGUHVXOWLQJLQLQMXULHVIURPIUDJPHQWVHWF ŏ %HFDUHIXOQRWWRJHWKDQGRUÀQJHUFDXJKWZKHQUHPRYLQJRUDWWDFKLQJWKHSDUWV ŏ 'LVFRQQHFWLRQDQGFRQQHFWLRQRIFRQQHFWRUVZLOOEHSHUIRUPHGZLWKLQWKHQDUURZFDELQHWVSDFH7DNHGXHFDUHQRWWRVFUDWFKRURWKHUZLVHLQMXUH\RXUVHOI ŏ 7DNHFDUHZKHQFDUU\LQJWKHUHPRYHG&RQWURO8QLWV6XFKKHDY\OLIWLQJFDUULHVD ULVNRILQMXU\WREDFNRUVKRXOGHUV ŏ $IWHUWKHYROXPHKDVEHHQUHSODFHGEHVXUHWRVHWWKHYROXPHYDOXHRQWKHWHVW PRGHFDOLEUDWLRQVFUHHQDQGWKHLQSXWWHVWVFUHHQDQGFKHFNYDULDWLRQVLQWKH YROXPHYDOXH ŏ $IWHUDGMXVWLQJRUUHSODFLQJDPLFURVZLWFKDOZD\VFKHFN212))RIWKHVZLWFK RQWKHLQSXWWHVWVFUHHQRIWKHWHVWPRGH ŏ +DQGOHSDUWVLQVLGHWKH&RQWURO8QLWYHU\FDUHIXOO\%HHVSHFLDOO\FDUHIXOWRDYRLG GDPDJHGHIRUPDWLRQRUORVVRIWKHVHSDUWV,IDQ\RQHRIWKHVHSDUWVLVORVWRU GHIHFWLYHLWFDQUHVXOWLQGDPDJHVDQGRUIDXOW\RSHUDWLRQV If the operability of the Control Unit is unsatisfactory, or if settings on the test mode calibration screen are ineffec tive, the problem could be a defective mechanism, displacement of the position where volume or microswitch has been fastened, or malfunctioning of volume or microswitch. Carry out the following procedure to replace Control Unit or microswitch. Also be sure to grease the mechanical components of the Control Unit once every 3 months. O TO R O CONTRO UNIT :KHQFKDQJLQJWKHYROXPHRUPLFURVZLWFKHVLQWKH&RQWURO8QLW\RXPXVW¿UVWUHPRYHWKH&RQWURO8QLW3HUIRUPLQJ WKHVHRSHUDWLRQVZLWKWKH&RQWURO8QLWVWLOODWWDFKHGLVGLI¿FXOWDQGPD\GDPDJHSDUWVRUZLUHV The following tools are needed for the following procedure. 3KLOOLSVKHDGVFUHZGULYHUIRU0 :UHQFKRUVFUHZGULYHUIRUWDPSHUSURRIVFUHZVIRU0 A 7 millimeter spanner, hexagonal screwdriver, or socket wrench CONTRO UNIT Turn off the power. 5HPRYHWKH0[,QWHUQDO+H[VFUZHZV which secure the Brake Light Cover to the &RQWURO3DQHO$VV\ H SC ( ea.) black a M x 2 5HPRYHWKH,QWHUQDO+H[VFUHZZKLFK VHFXUHWKH&RQWURO3DQHO&RYHU&DUHIXOO\OLIW WKH&RQWURO3DQHO&RYHUXSWRJDLQDFFHVVWR WKH3OD\HUDQG3OD\HU6WDUW%XWWRQV8QFOLS the buttons from their respective housings and remove. H SC ( 0 ea.) black b M x 2 5HPRYHWKH,QWHUQDO+H[VFUHZZKLFK VHFXUHWKH5HDU6HFXULQJ3ODWH c H SC ( ea.) black M x 2 5HPRYHWKH0,QWHUQDO+H[VFUHZVIURP the Controller base plate. CONTRO UNIT d H SC (3 ea.) black M x 2 Carefully slide the base plate out towards the rear of the cabinet. e 5HPRYHWKH0KH[EROWVIURPWKHEDVHRI the controller. Disconnect all harnesses. H B P S ( ea.) M8x20 Lift the Control Unit directly upward and remove it. CONTRO UNIT D U TIN OR R CIN T I O U 7KHYROXPHD[LVGLUHFWLRQVZKHQWKH&RQWURO8QLWVDUHSRLQWHGGLUHFWO\DWWKH VFUHHQDUHGLIIHUHQW CONTRO UNIT 7KH;OHIWDQGULJKWD[LVYROXPHLVRQWKHERWWRPRIWKH&RQWURO8QLW ,IWKH;D[LVYROXPHGRHVQRWVHHPWREHZRUNLQJSURSHUO\DQGWKH7(670RGHFDOLEUDWLRQVFUHHQKDVQRHIIHFWWKH cause is likely to be a problem with or damage to the gears of the axis volume. When replacing the volume, you will need a replacement volume and three heat shrink tubes. You will also need the following tools and some solder. :UHQFKRUVFUHZGULYHUIRUWDPSHUSURRIVFUHZVIRU0 A 7 millimeter spanner, hexagonal screwdriver, or socket wrench $QPLOOLPHWHUVSDQQHU Cutters Wire stripper 6ROGHULQJLURQ Industrial heat gun 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUDQGUHPRYHWKH&RQWURO8QLWVHH Locate the axis volume positioned at the rear base of the controller. /RRVHQWKHKH[QXWIURPWKHYROXPHSRW bracket. a mperial Hex ut. With the Control Unit’s pointing to the centre of the screen, make sure that the D Cut in the 9ROXPHSRWLVSRVLWLRQHGDVLWLVLQ),*E A is e t and i t olume Volume axis D cut face with left and right axis perpendicular to the controller Tighten the two previously loosened screws. 0RYHWKH&RQWURO8QLWOHIWDQGULJKWDQGFKHFNWKDWWKHJHDUVPRYHVPRRWKO\ Reattach the Control Unit, then turn on the power and adjust the volume value on the calibration screen. CONTRO UNIT b R 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUDQGUHPRYHWKH&RQWURO8QLWVHH Locate the axis volume positioned at the rear base of the controller. CONTRO UNIT 8QVFUHZWKHKH[QXWIURPWKHYROXPHSRW bracket. Disconnect the harness and remove. c mperial Hex ut. Loosen the single hexagonal grub scew on the volume pot gear and remove the gear. Remove the nut which secures the volume pot to the volume pot bracket and seperate. VOLUME POT VOLUME POT WSHR VOLUME POT NUT VOLUME POT BKT VOLUME POT GEAR HE SOCKET SCREW d The wire connected to the volume pot will be reused. Use a tool such as a pair of snips or cutters to remove the old heatshrink tubes which cover the contacts. Use a soldering iron to melt the solder and seperated the wires from the old volume pot. Be very careful when using a soldering iron. CONTRO UNIT e ,IWKHH[SRVHGFRQGXFWLYHZLUHDWWKHHQGLVOHVVWKDQPPXVHDWRROVXFKDVDZLUHVWULSSHURUFXWWHUWRFXW WKHZLUHLQVXODWLRQEDFNWRDZRUNDEOHOHQJWK3ODFHQHZVOHHYLQJRYHUWKHZLUHEHIRUHUHVROGHULQJWKHPWR the pot. Once soldered, cover the bare contacts with the sleeving. If heatshrink is used, apply heat from an appropriate hot air blower to shrink the sleeving tightly over the contacts. Reassemble the pot to the pot bracket by working in reverse order of these instructions. 5HIHUWRWKH32792/80($'-8670(17VHFWLRQRIWKLVPDQXDO i %HVXUHWRXVHWKHGHVLJQDWHGJUHDVH8VLQJXQGHVLJQDWHGJUHDVHFDQFDXVH SDUWVGDPDJH CONTRO UNIT 'RQRWDSSO\JUHDVHWRORFDWLRQVRWKHUWKDQDVVSHFLÀHG'RLQJVRPD\FUHDWH DULVNRIRSHUDWLRQDOSUREOHPVDQGGHWHULRUDWLRQRISDUWV 7KHGHVLJQDWHGSHULRGVIRUJUHDVLQJVHUYHRQO\DVDJXLGH:KHQHYHUWKHUHDUH VTXHDNVRURWKHUDQRPDOLHVDSSO\JUHDVHDWGHVLJQDWHGORFDWLRQV Use spray grease once every three months to grease up the gear mesh portion of the constituent parts. 8VH*UHDVH0DWHSDUWQXPEHUIRUWKHVSUD\JUHDVH GREASING POINT D U TIN OR C N IN T I O U 7KH<XSDQGGRZQD[LVYROXPHLVRQWKHERWWRPRIWKH&RQWURO8QLW ,IWKH<D[LVYROXPHGRHVQRWVHHPWREHZRUNLQJSURSHUO\DQGWKH7(670RGHFDOLEUDWLRQVFUHHQKDVQRHIIHFWWKH cause is likely to be a problem with or damage to the gears of the Y axis volume. When replacing the volume, you will need a replacement volume and three heat shrink tubes. You will also need the following tools and some solder. CONTRO UNIT :UHQFKRUVFUHZGULYHUIRUWDPSHUSURRIVFUHZVIRU0 A 7 millimeter spanner, hexagonal screwdriver, or socket wrench $QPLOOLPHWHUVSDQQHU Cutters Wire stripper 6ROGHULQJLURQ Industrial heat gun 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUDQGUHPRYHWKH&RQWURO8QLWVHH Locate the Y axis volume positioned at the right hand side of the controller. /RRVHQWKHKH[QXWIURPWKHYROXPH pot bracket. Disengage the volume gear by sliding the bracket out towards the front of the controller. a mperial Hex ut. With the gear disengaged and the Control Unit’s pointing in the upper most position, make sure that the D Cut in the Volume pot is SRVLWLRQHGDVLWLVLQ),*E CONTRO UNIT b A is p and o n olume Position of Volume axis D cut face when controller pointing upper most postion. Engage the gears and tighten the two previously loosened screws. 0RYHWKH&RQWURO8QLWOXSDQGGRZQDQGFKHFNWKDWWKHJHDUVPRYHVPRRWKO\ Reattach the Control Unit, then turn on the power and adjust the volume value on the calibration screen. R Turn off the power and remove the Control Unit VHH Locate the axis volume positioned at the rear base of the controller. 8QVFUHZWKHKH[QXWIURPWKHYROXPHSRW bracket. Disconnect the harness and remove. c mperial Hex ut. Loosen the single hexagonal grub scew on the volume pot gear and remove the gear. Remove the nut which secures the volume pot to the volume pot bracket and seperate. VOLUME POT CONTRO UNIT VOLUME POT WSHR VOLUME POT NUT VOLUME POT BKT VOLUME POT GEAR d HE SOCKET SCREW The wire connected to the volume pot will be reused. Use a tool such as a pair of snips or cutters to remove the old heatshrink tubes which cover the contacts. Use a soldering iron to melt the solder and seperated the wires from the old volume pot. Be very careful when using a soldering iron. e ,IWKHH[SRVHGFRQGXFWLYHZLUHDWWKHHQGLVOHVVWKDQPPXVHDWRROVXFKDVDZLUHVWULSSHURUFXWWHUWRFXW WKHZLUHLQVXODWLRQEDFNWRDZRUNDEOHOHQJWK3ODFHQHZVOHHYLQJRYHUWKHZLUHEHIRUHUHVROGHULQJWKHPWR the pot. Once soldered, cover the bare contacts with the sleeving. If heatshrink is used, apply heat from an appropriate hot air blower to shrink the sleeving tightly over the contacts. CONTRO UNIT Reassemble the pot to the pot bracket by working in reverse order of these instructions. 5HIHUWRWKH32792/80($'-8670(17VHFWLRQRIWKLVPDQXDO i %HVXUHWRXVHWKHGHVLJQDWHGJUHDVH8VLQJXQGHVLJQDWHGJUHDVHFDQFDXVH SDUWVGDPDJH 'RQRWDSSO\JUHDVHWRORFDWLRQVRWKHUWKDQDVVSHFLÀHG'RLQJVRPD\FUHDWH DULVNRIRSHUDWLRQDOSUREOHPVDQGGHWHULRUDWLRQRISDUWV 7KHGHVLJQDWHGSHULRGVIRUJUHDVLQJVHUYHRQO\DVDJXLGH:KHQHYHUWKHUHDUH VTXHDNVRURWKHUDQRPDOLHVDSSO\JUHDVHDWGHVLJQDWHGORFDWLRQV d Use spray grease once every three months to grease up the gear mesh portion of the constituent parts. 8VH*UHDVH0DWHSDUWQXPEHUIRUWKHVSUD\JUHDVH GREASING POINT R CIN T TRI R ITC If the trigger does not seem to be working properly, it is likely a fault with the microswitch inside the Control Unit’s grip or there is foreign matter or dirt on the trigger. Remove the Control Unit when exchanging the microswitch or when disassembling and cleaning individual parts. When replacing the microswitch, you will need a replacement microswitch and two heat shrink tubes.You will also need the following tools and some solder. CONTRO UNIT 3KLOOLSVKHDGVFUHZGULYHUIRU0 :UHQFKRUVFUHZGULYHUIRUWDPSHUSURRIVFUHZVIRU0 $QPLOOLPHWHUVSDQQHURUKH[DJRQDOVFUHZGULYHURUVRFNHWZUHQFK 1LSSHUV Cutters 6ROGHULQJLURQ Industrial dryer The microswitch slots into the left hand part of the grip, the left grip. During this operation you will remove and replace the right hand part of the grip, the right grip. 7KHVFUHZVDQGQXWV¿[LQJWKHJULSLQSODFHDUHWUHDWHGDVSDUWRIWKLVSURGXFW,I\RXORVHWKHPWKH\FDQEHUHRUGHUHG using their respective product numbers. 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUDQGUHPRYHWKH&RQWURO8QLW6HH Disassemble the grip with the microswitch inside it. The top screw on the right grip uses a KH[DJRQQXW8VHD3KLOOLSVKHDGVFUHZGULYHU IRU0VFUHZ SC ( ) black H 0 0 - a Remove the two tamperproof screws holding the right grip in place. Use a wrench or screw GULYHUIRUWDPSHUSURRIVFUHZVIRU0 MP 0 - P 82 b SC (2) black 822 82 Remove the right grip. Be careful when remov ing the grip as the pieces inside may come free. When disassembling and cleaning individual parts, be careful of the direction you attach the trigger bumper. Attaching it in the wrong direc tion may lead to a malfunction in the operation of the trigger. CONTRO UNIT c B MP d The microswitch is slotted into the left grip. Remove it gently, being careful not to damage the wires. M C S CH e The wire attached to the microswitch will be used with the replacement microswitch. Remove the old heat shrink tubing attached to the wire using the nippers or cutters. Use the soldering iron to remove the wire soldered to the microswitch terminal. 3DVVWKHZLUHWKURXJKHDFKRIWKHKHDWVKULQNWXEHV 6ROGHUWKHZLUHWRWKHWHUPLQDORQWKHUHSODFHPHQWPLFURVZLWFK8VHWKHZLULQJGLDJUDPWRPDNHVXUH\RX don’t solder in the wrong place. Use the industrial dryer to apply heat and attach the heat shrink tubing to the soldered area. Insert the microswitch into the left grip and attach it. Reattach the right grip, taking care not to pinch the wire. Replace the two tamperproof screws, screw and QXWWR¿[LWLQSODFH%HFDUHIXOQRWWRWLJKWHQWKHVFUHZVWRRWLJKWO\ Reattach the Control Unit to the cabinet. CONTRO UNIT 7XUQRQWKHSRZHUDQGXVHWKHLQSXWWHVWVFUHHQLQ*$0(7(670RGHWRFKHFNWKHRSHUDWLRQRIWKHWULJJHU R CIN T D C COI 7KH;OHIWDQGULJKWD[LVYROXPHLVRQWKHERWWRPRIWKH&RQWURO8QLW ,IWKH;D[LVYROXPHGRHVQRWVHHPWREHZRUNLQJSURSHUO\DQGWKH7(670RGHFDOLEUDWLRQVFUHHQKDVQRHIIHFWWKH cause is likely to be a problem with or damage to the gears of the axis volume. When replacing the feedback coil, you will need a replacement coil and two heat shrink tubes. You will also need the following tools and some solder. CONTRO UNIT :UHQFKRUVFUHZGULYHUIRUWDPSHUSURRIVFUHZVIRU0 A 7 millimeter spanner, hexagonal screwdriver, or socket wrench $QPLOOLPHWHUVSDQQHU Cutters Wire stripper 6ROGHULQJLURQ Industrial heat gun 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHUDQGUHPRYHWKH&RQWURO8QLW6HH Unscrew and remove the controller cover. Once DOOVFUHZVKDYHEHHQUHPRYHGFDUHIXOO\OLIW off the cover from the controller. MP P S C SC (8) M x 2 a Using and open ended spanner or nut runner, UHPRYHWKH+H[1XWZKLFKVHFXUHWKHFRLO assy to the contoller. emove Solder oint C SS b 1RWH7KLVLPDJHKDVEHHQPRGL¿HGWRHDV\LOOXVWUDWLRQ Once the coil has been desoldered,unscrew and UHPRYHWKH+H[1XWZKLFKVHFXUHWKH&RLO Assy to the Controller. The Coil Assy may be broken down further into individual components, but for the purpose of this exercise only the assembly is removed. d ( ) CONTRO UNIT H c COIN ND IN This product is supplied with either am electronic coin validator (particular to Europe) or a mechanical coin acceptor (particular to USA and Asia). Identify which coin acceptor is being used and consult the relevant information within this section of the manual. COIN Handling the Coin Jam If the coin is not rejected when the RE ECT button is pressed, open the coin chute door and open the selector gate. After removing the jammed coin, put a normal coin in and check to see that the selector correctly functions. ND IN C NIN T COIN CTOR ŏ 5HPRYHDQGFOHDQVPHDUVE\XVLQJDVRIWFORWKGLSSHGLQZDWHURUGLOXWHG FKHPLFDO GHWHUJHQWDQGWKHQVTXHH]HGGU\ ŏ 1HYHUDSSO\PDFKLQHRLOHWFWRWKH&RLQ6HOHFWRU ŏ $IWHUFOHDQLQJWKH&RLQ6HOHFWRULQVHUWDUHJXODUFRLQLQWKHQRUPDO ZRUNLQJVWDWXVDQGHQVXUHWKDWWKHVHOHFWRUFRUUHFWO\IXQFWLRQV The Coin Selector should be cleaned once every 3 months. When cleaning, follow the procedure below: Turn the power for the machine OFF. Open the Coin Chute Door Remove the Coin Selector from the Coin Chute Door Open the gate and dust off by using a soft brush (Small soft Paint Brush, etc.) GATE FIG. 12-1a C NIN T COIN CTOR C NIC Remove and clean smears by using a soft cloth dipped in water or diluted chemical detergent and then squee ed dry. CRADLE FIG. 12-1b After wiping off as per previous step, further apply a dry cloth to completely dry the Coin Selector. C i I i T Once every month, when performing the Coin SW Test, simultaneously check the following: Does the Coin Meter count satisfactorily Does the coin drop into the cashbox correctly Is the coin rejected when inserted while keeping the RE ECT Button pressed down I RE ECT B FIG. 12-1c ND IN Remove stain from the rotary shaft and shaft receiving portions by wiping off with a soft cloth. etc. COIN Remove the CRADLE.. When removing the retaining ring (E ring) be very careful so as not to bend the rotary shaft. C NIN T COIN CTOR R COIN Remove and clean smears by using a damp soft cloth dipped in water. DO NOT use any diluted chemical detergent or cleansing agent as this will impair the workings of the component. GATE ND IN FIG. 12-1d Open the reject gate to gain access to the rundown path. RUNWAY FIG. 12-1e Remove the dirt and stains from the runway by wiping off with a soft damp cloth. After wiping off as per previous step, further apply a dry cloth to completely dry the coin Selector. FIG. 12-1f U T INDIN Fault Finding The following information is presented for customers’ guidance in rectifying a fault but does not cover all possible causes. All acceptors with electronic faults should be returned to an approved service centre for repair. INVESTIGATE P A S I A A R LED RED LED P P C A N A A C C B A A R L C A YELLOW S S G L D B A C L P ND IN C POSSIBLE CAUSE P C L W N I I R A I G O N EEPROM SR S C C R R V V COIN SYMPTOM 10 D U TIN T RIC O C COIN ŏ 6(*$ DPXVHPHQW SURGXFWV DUH ILWWHG ZLWK HLWKHU DQ (;&(/ &5(',7 3&% RU D 976 9ROXPH 7HVW 6HUYLFH 3&% %RWK WKHVH FRPSRQHQWV RSHUDWH FRLQ KDQGOLQJLQWKHVDPHZD\2QO\RQHRIWKHVHFRPSRQHQWVDUHÀWWHG ND IN ŏ 7KH SULFH RI SOD\ LV GHWHUPLQHG E\ WKH FRQÀJXUDWLRQ RI VZLWFKHV ORFDWHG RQHLWKHUDQ(;&(/ERDUGRU976ERDUG7KHW\SHRIERDUGXVHGLVGHWHUPLQHG E\SURGXFWORFDWLRQ6ZLWFKVHWWLQJVIRUERWKW\SHVRIERDUGUHPDLQWKHVDPH This product comes equipped with a Money Controls SR3 Coin Acceptor. To adjust the price of play ALL credit setting are adjusted via the E CEL CREDIT BOARD. IMPORTANT The CREDIT SETTINGS within the SYSTEM TEST MODE must be set to 1 coin 1 credit to allow the CREDIT BOARD to function correctly. The VTS BD has a built in Credit Board. This is controlled by 2 DIL Switches. These allow the operator to select the price of play, type of coin acceptor and region. C C DIP SWITCHES i COUNTER 1 STATUS LED EXCEL CREDIT PCB COUNTER 2 TEST BUTTON i i SERVICE BUTTON VOLUME CONTROL FIG. 12-3a DIL SW3 (Regional Settings) Adjust these switches to specify the type of Coin Acceptor used and currency. Default SW1 SW2 ON NRI in parallel mode, Sterling. TEST BUTTON SERVICE BUTTON Status LED CHANNEL 1 DIL SW1 (credit settings) VOL CONTROL Provides access to the TEST MENU when pressed. Provides a SERVICE CREDIT when pressed Flashes when functioning. To Coin Acceptor (SR3 TYPE.) Adjust to required price of pay. MAIN VOLUME AD USTMENT (FRONT SPEAKERS) C i D D U TIN T RIC O T This product comes equipped with a Money Controls SR3 Coin Acceptor. To adjust the price of play ALL credit setting are adjusted via the VTS BOARD. IMPORTANT The CREDIT SETTINGS within the SYSTEM TEST MODE must be set to 1 coin 1 credit to allow the CREDIT BOARD to function correctly. COIN The VTS BD has a built in Credit Board. This is controlled by 2 DIL Switches. These allow the operator to select the price of play, type of coin acceptor and region. ND IN T COIN CHANNEL A TEST BUTTON SERVICE BUTTON DEMAG (NOT USED) DIP SW 3 VOLUME CONTROL A VOLUME CONTROL B VOLUME CONTROL C DIP SW 1 FIG. 12-4a i i C i D DIL SW3 (Regional Settings) Adjust these switches to specify the type of Coin Acceptor used and currency. Default SW1 SW2 ON SR3 in parallel mode, Sterling. TEST BUTTON SERVICE BUTTON Status LED CHANNEL A DIL SW1 (credit settings) DEMAG VOL CONTROL A VOL CONTROL B VOL CONTROL C Provides access to the TEST MENU when pressed. Provides a SERVICE CREDIT when pressed Flashes when functioning. To Coin Acceptor (SR3 TYPE.) Adjust to required price of pay. NOT USED MAIN VOLUME AD USTMENT (FRONT SPEAKERS) SECONDARY VOL AD USTMENT (GUN SPEAKERS) NOT USED TTIN TOR ND CC ION R Note: These switch settings are under constant review and may change due to world currency updates. Set SW 1 according to the option settings found in the relevant Price of Play Settings Table on the following pages. ND IN Set SW 3 on the VTS /Excel board as shown in the table above corresponding to the country required. COIN T R IN RIC O TTIN COIN ND IN URO RIC O TTIN COIN ND IN R CIN ND I TIN :KHQZRUNLQJZLWKWKHSURGXFWEHVXUHWRWXUQWKHSRZHURII:RUNLQJZLWKWKH SRZHURQPD\FDXVHDQHOHFWULFVKRFNRUVKRUWFLUFXLW ND I 7KHUHLVWKHGDQJHURIVKRUWFLUFXLWVRUVPRNHJHQHUDWLRQGXHWRGHWHULRUDWLRQ RILQVXODWLRQLQOLJKWLQJÀ[WXUHVUHVXOWLQJIURPDJHGHWHULRUDWLRQ&KHFNIRU DQRPDOLHVVXFKDVWKHIROORZLQJ'RHVLWVPHOOOLNHVRPHWKLQJLVEXUQLQJ",VWKHUH VRFNHWGLVFRORUDWLRQ"$UHDQ\ODPSVEHLQJUHSODFHGIUHTXHQWO\"'RODPSVQRW JRRQSURSHUO\" CIN %HVXUHWRXVHODPSVRIWKHGHVLJQDWHGUDWLQJ8VLQJODPSVRIXQGHVLJQDWHG UDWLQJFDQFDXVHDÀUHRUPDOIXQFWLRQLQJ R <RXPD\JHWEXUQHGE\DKRWÁXRUHVFHQWODPSRURWKHUODPSV3D\IXOODWWHQWLRQ WRWKHODPSVZKHQSHUIRUPLQJWKHZRUN TIN )DLOLQJWRREVHUYHWKLVFDXWLRQPD\UHVXOWLQ3&%IDLOXUHRUSRVVLEOHÀUHKD]DUG COIN DOOR Step 1. Open the Coin Door and locate the Lamp Housing directly behind the Coin Insert Be el. L H 6WHS +ROGWKH/DPS+RXVLQJ¿UPO\EHWZHHQ\RXULQGH[ ¿QJHUDQGWKXPEDQGJHQWO\SXOOXSZDUGV'R1RWWU\ WRUHPRYHWKH/DPS+RXVLQJZKLOVWKROGLQJWKHEXOEDVV the bulb may break causing injury. Step 3. Once the Lamp Housing has been removed, carefully KROGWKHEXOEEHWZHHQ\RXU¿QJHUVDQGSXOOWKH/DPS +RXVLQJDZD\ a 'RQRWWZLVWHLWKHUEXOERU/DPS+RXVLQJZKLOVWUHPRYLQJWKH bulb as this may cause damage to both bulb and or Housing. T W B - 12 12 Step 4. 6LPSO\SXVK¿WDUHSODFHPHQWEXOERIWKHVDPHW\SH DQGIROORZWKHVHVWHSVLQUHYHUVHWRUH¿W b T RT UTTON 7XUQRIIWKHSRZHU R 5HPRYHWKH,QWHUQDO+H[VFUHZZKLFK secure the Control Panel Cover. Carefully lift the Control Panel Cover up to gain access to the Player 1 and Player 2 Start Buttons. Unclip the buttons from their respective housings and remove. CIN ND I H SC ( 0 ea.) black a M x 2 TIN ,GHQWLI\WKH%XWWRQ$VV\IRUZKLFKWKHODPSKDVWR be changed. P 2S B 09-000 -B P S b B 09-000 - 5HPRYH/DPSDQG6ZLWFKKRXVLQJIURPWKH%XWWRQ E\SXOOLQJWKHKRXVLQJDZD\IURPWKHEXWWRQ7KHVH can sometimes be a little tight on initial removal. H MP S DS CH c 7KHEXOELVDVLPSOH³SXVK¿W´W\SH6LPSO\KROG onto the bulb and pull directly out of the socket. DO 127WZLVWWKHEXOEDVWKLVZLOOFDXVHWKHEXOEWR VKDWWHUZKLFKLQWXUQPD\UHVXOWLQDQLQMXU\ MP S DS CH R H d CIN ND I Replace the bulb for that of the same type. Place WKHEXOEDQGVZLWFKKRXVLQJEDFNLQWRWKHEXWWRQ assembly and reassemble the control panel. To UHDVVHPEOHVLPSO\IROORZVWHSVWRLQUHYHUV order, TIN B B D 2v .2 P e RIODIC IN CTION ŏ 2QFHD\HDUFKHFNWRVHHLISRZHUFRUGVDUHGDPDJHGWKHSOXJLVVHFXUHO\ LQVHUWHGGXVWLVDFFXPXODWHGEHWZHHQWKHVRFNHWRXWOHWDQGWKHSRZHUSOXJ HWF8VLQJWKHSURGXFWZLWKDFFXPXODWHGGXVWLQWKHLQWHULRUPD\FDXVHÀUHRU HOHFWULFVKRFN RIODIC IN ŏ 1HYHUXVHDZDWHUMHWHWFWRFOHDQWKHLQVLGHDQGRXWVLGHRIWKHFDELQHW,IZHWQHVVRFFXUVIRUDQ\UHDVRQGRQRWXVHWKHSURGXFWXQWLOLWKDVFRPSOHWHO\GULHG CTION ŏ 2QFHD\HDUUHTXHVWWKHRIÀFHVKRZQRQWKLVPDQXDORUWKHGHDOHUIURPZKRP WKHSURGXFWZDVRULJLQDOO\SXUFKDVHGWRSHUIRUPWKHLQWHUQDOFOHDQLQJ8VLQJ WKHSURGXFWZLWKDFFXPXODWHGGXVWLQWKHLQWHULRUPD\FDXVHÀUHRURWKHUDFFLGHQWV1RWHWKDW\RXDUHOLDEOHIRUWKHFRVWRIFOHDQLQJWKHLQWHULRUSDUWV ŏ 7KHUHLVWKHGDQJHURIDFFLGHQWVLQYROYLQJHOHFWULFDOVKRUWFLUFXLWVRUÀUHFDXVHG E\IDFWRUVVXFKDVWKHGHWHULRUDWLRQRILQVXODWLRQLQHOHFWULFDODQGHOHFWURQLF HTXLSPHQWRYHUWLPH&KHFNWKDWWKHUHDUHQRDEQRUPDOLWLHVVXFKDVRGRUVIURP EXUQLQJ 7KHLQWHULRURIWKHFDELQHWLVKDUGWRVHHIURPWKHRXWVLGHZKLFKPD\OHDGWRZLOOIXOPLVFRQGXFWE\SOD\HUVRUDFFLGHQWVJRLQJXQQRWLFHG:KHQWKHJDPHLVQRWLQ XVHFKHFNWKHLQWHULRUDWUHJXODULQWHUYDOVDQGPDNHVXUHWKDWQRWKLQJKDVEHHQ IRUJRWWHQRUSODFHGRQWKHVHDWV In order to maintain the performance of this product and operate it safely, inspect the following items routinely and perform maintenance. The player directly touches and manipulates the Control Unit with his/her hands. Clean it as necessary and provide hand towels, etc., so that players will be comfortable while playing. The service manual referred in the table is the RING EDGE 2 service manual, which is provided separately. A S A ITEMS CABINET DESCRIPTI N PERI D Seat check, removal of forgotten / other items Daily Screen cleaning Weekly &KHFNVFUHHQDGMXVWPHQW 1 month Exchange of lamp unit When message is displayed Cleaning As appropriate Inspection of volume 1 month Greasing 3 months Inspection of coin switch 1 month Coin insertion test 1 month Coin Selector cleaning 3 months Individual tests 1 month Check of settings 1 month LAMPS AND LIGHTING ,QVSHFWLRQRIOLJKWLQJ¿[WXUHV As appropriate ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC PARTS Inspection As appropriate POWER CABLE Inspection, Cleaning 1 year CABINET INTERIOR Cleaning 1 year CABINET SURFACES Cleaning As appropriate LCD DISPLAY CONTROL UNIT COIN SELECTOR GAME BOARD C i C i When the cabinet surfaces become dirty, remove stains with a soft cloth soaked in water or diluted (with water) FKHPLFDOGHWHUJHQWDQGWKHQZUXQJGU\7RDYRLGGDPDJLQJWKH¿QLVKGRQRWXVHVXFKVROYHQWVDVWKLQQHUEHQ]HQH etc. (other than ethyl alcohol) or abrasives (bleaching agent and chemical dust cloth). Some general purpose household, kitchen, and furniture cleaning products may contain strong solvents that degrade plastic parts, coatings, and print. Before using any cleaning product, read the product’s cautionary notes carefully DQGWHVWWKHSURGXFW¿UVWRQDVPDOODUHDWKDWLVQRWKLJKO\YLVLEOH CTION Daily RIODIC IN &RQ¿UPWKDWDGMXVWHUVFRQWDFWÀRRU TROU OOTIN TROU ŏ ,IDQHUURUPHVVDJHLVGLVSOD\HGKDYHWKHSUREOHPORRNHGDWE\DVWRUHPDLQWHQDQFHSHUVRQRUDWHFKQLFLDQ8QOHVVWKHSUREOHPLVDGGUHVVHGE\VRPHRQH ZLWKVSHFLDOL]HGNQRZOHGJHRUVNLOOVWKHUHFRXOGEHHOHFWULFDOVKRFNVKRUWFLUFXLWVRUÀUH,IWKHUHDUHQRVWRUHPDLQWHQDQFHSHRSOHRUWHFKQLFLDQVFXWRIIWKH SRZHULPPHGLDWHO\DQGFRQWDFWWKHRIÀFHVKRZQLQWKLVPDQXDORUWKHGHDOHU IURPZKRPWKHSURGXFWZDVRULJLQDOO\SXUFKDVHG OOTIN ŏ ,ISUREOHPVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHFRYHUHGLQWKLVPDQXDODULVHRULIQRLPSURYHPHQWV FDQEHQRWHGDIWHUPHDVXUHVJLYHQLQWKLVPDQXDOKDYHEHHQWDNHQGRQRW WDNHPHDVXUHVLQGLVFULPLQDWHO\&XWRIIWKHSRZHULPPHGLDWHO\DQGFRQWDFWWKH RIÀFHVKRZQLQWKLVPDQXDORUWKHGHDOHUIURPZKRPWKHSURGXFWZDVRULJLQDOO\ SXUFKDVHG,QGLVFULPLQDWHFRXQWHUPHDVXUHVFRXOGOHDGWRXQIRUHVHHDEOHDFFLGHQWV7KH\FRXOGDOVRUHVXOWLQSHUPDQHQWGDPDJHV ŏ :KHQZRUNLQJZLWKWKHSURGXFWEHVXUHWRWXUQWKHSRZHURII:RUNLQJZLWKWKH SRZHURQPD\FDXVHDQHOHFWULFVKRFNRUVKRUWFLUFXLW ŏ %HFDUHIXOQRWWRGDPDJHWKHZLUHV'DPDJHGZLUHVPD\FDXVHDQHOHFWULF VKRFNVKRUWFLUFXLWRUSUHVHQWDULVNRIÀUH ŏ $IWHUWKHFDXVHRIFLUFXLWSURWHFWRUDFWLYDWLRQKDVEHHQUHPRYHGKDYHWKHFLUFXLWSURWHFWRUUHHQJDJHG,IWKHXQLWLVXVHGFRQWLQXRXVO\DVLVWKHUHFRXOGEH KHDWJHQHUDWLRQRUÀUHGHSHQGLQJRQWKHFDXVHRIWKHDFWLYDWLRQ ŏ :KHQUHPRYLQJDQGUHSODFLQJSDUWVWDNHGXHFDUHQRWWRWUDSRUSLQFK\RXU ÀQJHUV ŏ 7KH&RQWURO8QLWVFRQWDLQJHDUVFDPVDQGRWKHUPRYLQJPDFKLQHSDUWV7DNH GXHFDUHQRWWRWUDSRUSLQFK\RXUÀQJHUV An error message indicates an error with the game board. Check the separate RING EDGE 2 Service Manual for more details. ,IDSUREOHPKDVRFFXUUHG¿UVWLQVSHFWWKHFRQQHFWLRQRIWKHZLULQJFRQQHFWRU A S PR BLEMS When the main SW is turned ON, the machine is not activated. A CAUSE C UNTERMEASURES Incorrect power source/voltage. Make sure that the power supply/voltage are cor rect. The Circuit Protector of the AC Unit functioned due to momen tary overcurrent. After eliminating the cause of overload, have the Circuit Protector of the AC Unit restored. (See Section 6 [11], refer to the following.) The screen is not adjusted cor rectly. Adjust the screen correctly. (See chapter 10.) Volume is not adjusted properly. Adjust the volume. (See chapter 9.) Board or amp malfunction. Check by performing a speaker test. (See 9.) Due to external or environmen tal factors the targeting is off. Perform calibration in TEST Mode. (See 9.) Volume damaged. Exchange the volume. (See 11.) Microswitches damaged. Check ON, OFF on the input test and if it is not working exchange the microswitch. (See 11) The volume gears are not prop erly engaging. Adjust the engagement. (See 11.) Something is trapped or caught in the revolving or other parts. Remove the trapped item or clean the trigger. Grease has deteriorated. Apply grease to the designated grease areas. (See 11.) The Control Unit motor is set not to move. Alter the TEST Mode settings. (See 9.) Due to overload or other factors, an error has occurred with the motor, which has been sensed by the motor sensor and the mo tor has been stopped. Remove the cause of the motor error. Motor damaged. Exchange the motor. The Control Unit makes a lot of noise when it vibrates. Due to a problem with the vibra tion parts or wear over time, the internal parts have moved. Adjust the position of the vibration parts. (See 11.) The START button(s) do not light The light is dead. Exchange the light. (See chapter 13.) No sound output. The Control Unit (Gun) does not target correctly. The Control Unit is not operating properly. Control Unit does not respond. OOTIN Firmly insert the plug into the outlet. TROU The power is not ON. O RD ŏ :KHQZRUNLQJZLWKWKHSURGXFWEHVXUHWRWXUQWKHSRZHURII:RUNLQJZLWKWKH SRZHURQPD\FDXVHDQHOHFWULFVKRFNRUVKRUWFLUFXLW ŏ %HFDUHIXOQRWWRGDPDJHWKHZLUHV'DPDJHGZLUHVPD\FDXVHHOHFWULFVKRFN RUVKRUWFLUFXLWRUSUHVHQWDÀUHULVN O RD ŏ 'RQRWH[SRVHWKHJDPHERDUGHWFZLWKRXWDJRRGUHDVRQ)DLOXUHWRREVHUYH WKLVFDQFDXVHHOHFWULFVKRFNKD]DUGRUPDOIXQFWLRQLQJ ŏ 'RQRWXVHWKLVSURGXFWZLWKFRQQHFWRUVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHWKDWZHUHFRQQHFWHG DQGXVHGZLWKWKHJDPHERDUGDWWKHWLPHRIVKLSSLQJ'RQRWFDUHOHVVO\FRQQHFWZLUHVWRFRQQHFWRUVWKDWZHUHQRWXVHGDWWKHWLPHRIVKLSSLQJDVWKLVPD\ FDXVHRYHUKHDWLQJVPRNHRUÀUHGDPDJH ŏ :KHQUHWXUQLQJWKHJDPHERDUGDIWHUPDNLQJUHSDLUVRUUHSODFHPHQWVPDNH VXUHWKDWWKHUHDUHQRHUURUVLQWKHFRQQHFWLRQRIFRQQHFWRUV(UURQHRXVFRQQHFWLRQVFDQOHDGWRHOHFWULFDOVKRFNVKRUWFLUFXLWVRUÀUHV ŏ :KHQFRQQHFWLQJDFRQQHFWRUFKHFNWKHGLUHFWLRQFDUHIXOO\&RQQHFWRUVPXVW EHFRQQHFWHGLQRQO\RQHGLUHFWLRQ,ILQGLVFULPLQDWHORDGVDUHDSSOLHGLQPDNLQJFRQQHFWLRQVWKHFRQQHFWRURULWVWHUPLQDOÀ[WXUHVFRXOGEHGDPDJHGUHVXOWLQJLQHOHFWULFDOVKRFNVKRUWFLUFXLWVRUÀUHV ŏ ,QWKLVSURGXFWVHWWLQJFKDQJHVDUHPDGHGXULQJWKHWHVWPRGH7KHJDPH ERDUGQHHGQRWEHRSHUDWHG8VHWKHJDPHERDUGHWFDVLVZLWKWKHVDPHVHWWLQJPDGHDWWKHWLPHRIVKLSPHQWVRDVQRWWRFDXVHHOHFWULFVKRFNDQGPDOIXQFWLRQLQJ ŏ 6WDWLFHOHFWULFLW\IURP\RXUERG\PD\GDPDJHVRPHHOHFWURQLFVGHYLFHVRQWKH ,&ERDUG%HIRUHKDQGOLQJWKH,&ERDUGWRXFKDJURXQGHGPHWDOOLFVXUIDFHVR WKDWWKHVWDWLFHOHFWULFLW\FDQEHGLVFKDUJHG ŏ :KHQDJDPHERDUGLVWREHUHSODFHGSXWWKHROGJDPHERDUGZLWKDQRPDO\ LQWRDVSHFLDOER[IRUUHSODFLQJWKHJDPHERDUGDQGVHQGLW,IDVSHFLDOER[ LVQRWDYDLODEOHRULILWKDVEHHQGDPDJHGDUUDQJHWRKDYHWKH*DPH%RDUG SDFNHGLQVXLWDEOHSDFNDJLQJ ŏ )RUUHSODFHPHQWRUUHSDLUSDFNWKHJDPHERDUGDQGVHQGLWZLWKRXWGLVDVVHPEOLQJLW2UGHUIRUVHUYLFLQJPLJKWQRWEHDFFHSWHGLIDQ\SDUWRIWKHJDPH ERDUGKDVEHHQUHPRYHG,IDQ\SDUWLVUHPRYHGDVHUYLFHIHHZLOOEHFKDUJHG HYHQLIWKHZDUUDQW\SHULRGKDVQRW\HWH[SLUHG ŏ 'RQRWUHPRYHWKHNH\FKLSIURPWKHJDPHERDUGEHIRUHVHQGLQJWKHERDUGIRU VHUYLFLQJ O TO R O O RD The game board (RING EDGE 2) is inside the rear door mounted on the far wall in the left had corner. Turn off the power. 5HPRYHWKHGRRUUHOHDVH¿[LQJV3KLOOLSV and unlock and remove the door. C O RD (2) MSC P M x30 B a Unlock with the master key and remove the IURQWGRRU3&% M BD D 2 b Disconnect all of the connectors connected to WKH*DPH%G5,1*('*( Carefull disconnect all connection to from the ame Bd c 8QVFUHZWKH03KLOOLSVVFUHZVZKLFK VHFXUHWKH*DPH%RDUGWRWKHUHDUZDOORIWKH FDELQHW6WDUWIURPWKHERWWRPWZR¿[LQJV OHDYLQJWKHXSSHU¿[LQJVXQWLOODVW MSC PH P M x 2 P S( ) O RD d Tilt the Game board from the top edge and carefully remove from the cabinet. The Game %GLV+($9<VRWDNHFDUHQRWWRFODVKZLWK other components when removing as this could cause component damage. e CO O ITION O T O RD ŏ :LWKWKHNH\FKLSLQVHUWHGLQWRLWWKLVERDUGVHUYHVDVDVSHFLDOSXUSRVHJDPH ERDUGIRUWKHSURGXFW ASS AS DPS CH P B D a DI TTIN 8VHWKLVSURGXFWZLWKWKH',36:VHWWLQJVVKRZQLQWKH¿JXUHEHORZ b MB S C O RD ŏ 8VHZLWKWKHGLSVZLWFKHV',36:RQWKHERDUGDWWKHSUHVFULEHGVHWWLQJV,I VHWWLQJVGRQRWPDWFKWKHSURGXFWDQHUURUPHVVDJHZLOOEHGLVSOD\HG,QVRPH FDVHVWKHJDPHFDQQRWEHVWDUWHG D I NR T D RT For the warning display stickers, refer to Section 1. D I NR T D RT CABI 㻖 T INST T ASS INST T T EA CABINET N CABI T ASS T ASS NIT T ASS E ST LE ISPLA 㻖㻖 EA T ASS BILLB A T ASS T LLE T ASS C NT NIT ASS S 㻖㻖㻖 LLE L E T ASS C NT CT T ASS CT L B L IN C AN ASS SPEA E T ASS T ASS AC NIT T ASS ST I T T T P ASS T ANS E S T EAT E B RT T P ASS T ANS RT I T 1 TOP ASSY TRANSFORMERS TH (TRF-0000UK) (D-1/2) RT I T 1 TOP ASSY TRANSFORMERS TH (TRF-0000UK) IT NO RT NO D CRI TION (D-2/2) T ASSY M NIT R CABI ASSY UN CABI ASSY REAR CABINET BRKT C RNER J INT BRID IN PLATE C ER J INT AP 1 1 1 2 2 20 21 22 23 24 421-7988-91UK 421-7020UK LB1102 LB1046 LB1130 STICKER SERIAL NUMBER UK STICKER CAUTI N F RK STICKER DAN ER US LTA E LABEL TESTED F R ELEC. SAFETY LABEL WEEE WHEELIE BIN 2 4 3 1 1 101 102 103 104 105 220-5374-01 220-5575UK S1247 D R DFMD W/FR L CK C120 UNI L CK (J9117) KEY T LIKE 22MM W CAM ALUMINIUM STICKY CLIP ASK-3 220-5727-01B D 1 1 3 1 1 201 202 203 204 205 206 029-B00830-0B 060-S00800-0B 068-852216-0B 029-B00412-0B 060-S00400-0B 068-441616-0B M8 30 SKT BH BLK M8 WSHR SPR BLK M8 WSHR 22 D FLT BLK M4 12 SKT BH BLK M4 WSHR SPR BLK M4 WSHR 16 D FLT BLK 8 8 8 10 10 10 401 410 411 TRF-INST-TH PK0497 PK0484 ASSY INST TRF TH PALLET TRF TH SHRINK WRAP D D 1 1 1 R CASH H.S. STS I T TRF-1000UK TRF-1500UK TRF-3000UK TRF-0001UK TRF-0002UK RT 1 2 3 4 5 2 ASSY BILLBOARD (TRF-0500UK) RT I T (D-1/2) 2 ASSY BILLBOARD (TRF-0500UK) IT NO RT NO D CRI TION (D-2/2) T BASE BB HEAD ASSY BB HEAD BB BL CK L BB BL CK R BB LE ER L BB LE ER R BRKT CL SIN HEAD BTM BRKT CR SS BRACE BRKT BRACE J IN BRKT CL SIN HEAD BACK PLATE C ER DECAL BAD E HELMET STICKER HELMET ENCAP L STICKER HELMET ENCAP R LENS BB EYE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 101 601-12955-006 BILLB ARD LED 2 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 029-B00620-0B 060-S00600-0B 068-652016-0B 050-F00600 029-B00540-0B 029-B00512-0B 000-F00420 068-441616 050-F00400 068-552016 050-F00500 029-B00412-0B 060-S00400-0B 068-441616-0B M6 20 SKT BH BLK M6 WSHR SPR BLK M6 WHSR 20 D FLT BLK M6 NUT FL SER PAS M5 40 SKT BH BLK M5 12 SKT BH BLK M4 20 MSCR CSK PAS M4 WSHR 160D FLT PAS M4 NUT FL SER PAS M5 WSHR 20 D FLT PAS M5 NUT FL SER PAS M4 12 SKT BH BLK M4 WSHR SPR BLK M4 WSHR 160D FLT BLK 10 10 14 4 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 7 301 TRF-60021UK WH LED EYES 1 I T TRF-0501UK TRF-0502UK TRF-0502-EUK TRF-0502-FUK TRF-0502- UK TRF-0502-HUK TRF-0505UK TRF-0506UK TRF-0507UK TRF-0508UK TRF-0509UK TRF-0510UK TRF-0511UK TRF-0512UK TRF-0513UK RT 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 3 ASSY MONITOR CABINET (TRF-1000UK) RT (D-1/3) I T 3 ASSY MONITOR CABINET (TRF-1000UK) IT NO RT NO D CRI TION (D-2/3) T ASSY FR NT CABINET ASSY 55 LED DISPLAY ASSY AC UNIT ASSY 12 DC FAN D -1020UK TRF-1003UK TRF-1011UK TRF-1011-AUK TRF-1012UK TRF-1012-AUK TRF-1013UK TRF-1014UK TRF-1015UK TRF-1209UK CFB-4003-01UK ASSY SPEAKER BRKT C RNER J INT T P PLATE M N SIDE L PLATE M N SIDE L BLANK PLATE M N SIDE R PLATE M N SIDE R BLANK BRKT M N SIDE LI HT SPACER M N SIDE LI HT BRKT KICK SL PIN SHELF LASS LED 55 SCREEN PR TECT EARTH PLATE 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 21 22 23 TRF-1051UK TRF-1052UK RND-0160 STICKER FR NT CABI LH SIDE STICKER FR NT CABI RH SIDE L ENERIC BLUE LAR E 1 1 1 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 846-5001D-12 837-14572 837-14981-01 838-14515-A09 838-14551-02UK 838-0005- UK 838-0012UK 400-075-012-01 400-075-024-01 400-283-51224 EP1424 FN1012 280-L00811- S S1011 ASSY CASE R E2 W 2 B E P I/ C NTR L BD 3 F R J S C M IC BD E P 8 UTPUT RS232 S UND AMP ANAL IN AC DISTRIBUTI N BD I/ BD SAE LAMP DR BRD PSU 12 DC 75W MW LPS-75-12 PSU 24 DC 50W MW LPS-50-24 PSU 55 LED DPS-283APA-ESS5 LED C NTR LLER FAN UARD METAL 120MM (F -12) STAND FF 7.94 D 3.56ID 11.11L PCB FEET 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 8 8 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 000-P00420 060-S00400 068-441616 029-B00425-0B 050-F00400 000-P00412 020-F00830-0B 008- S0412 060-S00400-0B 068-441616-0B 020-000820-0 012-P00416-F 012-P00325 012-P03512-F 012-P00312 M4 20 MSCR PAN PAS M4 WSHR SPR PAS M4 WSHR 160D FLT PAS M4 25 SKT BH BLK M4 NUT FL SER PAS M4 12 MSCR PAN PAS M8 30 SKT CSK BLK M4 12 TMP PRF STN M4 WSHR SPR BLK M4 WSHR 16 D FLT BLK M8 20 SKT CAP N8 5/8 S/TAP FL 0 N4 1 S/TAP PAN PAS N6 1/2 S/TAP FL PAS N4 1/2 S/TAP PAN PAS 6 14 14 22 4 14 4 4 6 6 8 2 20 6 8 I T TRF-1002UK TRF-1200UK TRF-1080UK TRF-1340UK RT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 1 10 11 12 13 14 3 ASSY MONITOR CABINET (TRF-1000UK) IT NO RT I T 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 RT NO TRF-60002UK TRF-60003UK TRF-60005UK TRF-60006UK TRF-60008UK TRF-60009UK TRF-60014UK TRF-60016UK 390-2012-R B BE-6001UK TRF-60024UK D CRI TION WH AC DIST WH 24 DC DIST WH 12 DIST WH I/ WH LED DRI ER WH AUDI FR NT WH SIDE PANEL ILLUMINATI N WH LED DRI ER UT LED FL STRIP R B 5MTR WH LED CLIP WH DBA E TN (D-3/3) T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.6 2 1 4 ASSY AC UNIT (TRF-1080UK) (D-1/1) RT I T IT NO 1 2 3 101 102 103 104 108 109 201 202 203 301 RT NO D -1081UK ST-0403UK LB1096 EP1302 514-5078-5000 SW1109 EP1419 310-5029-D508 LB1126-5-250 000-P00408 050-F00400 060-S00400 TRF-60001UK D CRI TION PLATE AC PLATE AC CAP STICKER PR TECTI E EARTH EUR S CKET FUSED 10A 250 AC FUSE 5 20 CERAMIC SB 5000mA SWITCH R CKER 250 AC FILTER SCHAFFNER 2030-16-06 HEAT SHRINK SLEE IN 50.8DIA FUSE LABEL 5A 250 M4 8 MSCR PAN PAS M4 NUT FL SER PAS M4 WSHR SPR PAS WH AC IN T 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 2 4 1 5 ASSY 55 LED DISPLAY (TRF-1200UK) (D-1/1) RT I T /('368 IT NO 1 2 3 4 RT NO D CRI TION T TRF-1206UK TRF-1207UK TRF-1210UK TRF-1211UK BRKT LED M UNT C ER PRISMA BD DM DUL PNL PRISMA BD DM DUL MNT 55 BRKT LED INLET 2 1 2 1 101 102 103 200-6055-02-AU 280-A01264-W 280-L00811- S 55 LED AU P550H N02.0 R UTER TWIST D12 S 6.4 W D STAND FF 7.94 D 3.56ID 11.11L 1 8 12 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 000-P00306 060-S00300 060-F00300 012-P00410-F 020-000620-0 060-S00600 068-652016 000-P00312 012-P00320 M3 6 MSCR PAN PAS M3 WSHR SPR PAS M3 WSHR F RM A FLT PAS N8 3/8 S/TAP FL PAS M6 20 SKT CAP M6 WSHR SPR PAS M6 WHSR 20 D FLT PAS M3 12 MSCR PAN PAS N4 3/4 S/TAP PAN PAS 10 12 12 6 4 4 4 2 12 6 ASSY 12 DC FAN (TRF-1340UK) (D-1/1) RT I T IT NO RT NO 1 ST-1008UK 101 102 103 201 202 203 D CRI TION T BRKT FAN 1 260-0012-01UK FN1012 S1195 FAN DC 12 A IAL FAN UARD METAL 120MM (F -12) RI ET SNAP SR-4080B 1 2 5 000-P00312 060-S00300 060-F00300 M3 12 MSCR PAN PAS M3 WSHR SPR PAS M3 WSHR F RM A FLT PAS 3 3 3 (D-1/2) 7 ASSY GUN CABINET (TRF-5100UK) I T RT 7 ASSY GUN CABINET (TRF-5100UK) IT NO RT NO D CRI TION (D-2/2) T ASSY MID CABINET ASSY CTRL B ASSY SW UNIT BRKT J INT BRID E SECURE BRKT C RNER J INT T P PLATE AUT B T BRKT MT PLATE AUT B T BRKT MT C NPANE C ER PLATE J INT L WER M N UN CABI BRKT KICK CHEEK C NPANE C ER UL-HB C IN PATH PLATE B CASH F R MINI D R L CKIN HASP BRKT PADL CK C ER F TWELL LI HT BRKT PNL MNT 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 21 22 23 24 25 TRF-1551UK TRF-1552UK TRF-1553UK TRF-1554UK TRF-1913UK STICKER MID CABI LH SIDE STICKER MID CABI RH SIDE STICKER CTRL B L STICKER CTRL B R STICKER PLAY INSTR 1 1 1 1 1 101 102 509-0001-BL 509-0001-RE BTN 12 1.2W BLU S P INT CPBL BTN 12 1.2W BLU S P INT CPBL 1 1 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 020-F00830-0B 030-000830 060-S00800 068-852216 000-P00420 060-S00400 060-F00400 029-B00412-0B 060-S00400-0B 068-441616-0B 050-U00800 060-F00800 M8 30 SKT CSK BLK M8 30 BLT PAS M8 WSHR SPR PAS M8 WSHR 220D FLT PAS M4 20 MSCR PAN PAS M4 WSHR SPR PAS M4 WSHR F RM A FLT PAS M4 12 SKT BH BLK M4 WSHR SPR BLK M4 WSHR 16 D FLT BLK M8 NUT NYL K PAS M8 WSHR F RM A FLT PAS 12 12 12 12 25 21 21 18 18 18 8 8 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 TRF-60004UK TRF-60011UK TRF-60012UK TRF-60015UK TRF-60017UK 390-2012-R B BE-6001UK LM1006L R WH REAR SPKR E TN WH C IN HANDLIN WH CTRL PNL BUTT NS ILLUM WH DBA WH FL R ASSY LED FL STRIP R B 5MTR WH LED CLIP L M C IN MECH LAMP 1 1 1 1 1 1.3 3 1 I T TRF-1502UK TRF-1900UK D -3850UK TRF-0003UK TRF-1003UK TRF-1511UK TRF-1512UK TRF-1513UK TRF-1514UK TRF-1515UK 601-12955-001 DUT-0302UK PP1087 L I-0304UK L I-0305UK TRF-1516UK TRF-1517UK RT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 ASSY CTRL BOX (TRF-1900UK) (D-1/1) RT I T IT NO RT NO D CRI TION ASSY C NTR LLER L ASSY C NTR LLER R CTRL PNL UNDER BRKT CTRL PNL FR NT UTER BRKT CTRL PNL FR NT CENTRE BRKT BRAKE LI HT MT LID CTRL FR NT L LID CTRL FR NT R LID CTRL REAR L LID CTRL REAR R PLATE DIFFUSER PLATE BRAKE LI HT INNER UN UNDER C ER L UL-HB UN UNDER C ER R UL-HB T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 TRF-2000UK TRF-2050UK TRF-1901UK TRF-1902UK TRF-1903UK TRF-1904UK TRF-1905UK TRF-1906UK TRF-1907UK TRF-1908UK TRF-1909UK TRF-1911UK 601-12955-003 601-12955-004 101 601-12955-007 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 020-000820-0 060-F00800 060-S00800 000-P00412 060-S00400 068-441616 029-B00412-0B 068-441616-0B M8 20 SKT CAP M8 WSHR F RM A FLT PAS M8 WSHR SPR PAS M4 12 MSCR PAN PAS M4 WSHR SPR PAS M4 WSHR 160D FLT PAS M4 12 SKT BH BLK M4 WSHR 160D FLT BLK 8 8 8 11 11 11 30 30 301 TRF-60013UK WH C NTR LLERS 1 UN UNDER LED 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 10 ASSY CONTROLLER L (TRF-2000UK) (D-1/1) RT I T IT NO RT NO D CRI TION T 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 D -2001-01UK TRF-2002UK 601-12955-002 P -2005UK 601-12955-005 TRF-2006UK TRF-2007UK C NT CHASSIS W/BLK HANDLE BASE UN UN C ER BRKT MT PEASH TER UN MU LE C ER UL-HB PLATE MU LE CL SIN BRKT LI HT MT INTERNAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 101 102 601-12955-008 280-L00605- S UN UPPER LED 1P RED STAND FF 6.35 D 3.56ID 4.76L 1 1 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 020-000616060-S00600 060-F00600 008- S0412 000-P00408 060-S00400 000-P00412 060-S00400 060-F00400 000-P00312 068-330808-PN M6 16 SKT CAP M6 WSHR SPR PAS M6 WSHR F RM A FLT PAS M4 12 TMP PRF STN M4 8 MSCR PAN PAS M4 WSHR SPR PAS M4 12 MSCR PAN PAS M4 WSHR SPR PAS M4 WSHR F RM A FLT PAS M3 12 MSCR PAN PAS M3 WSHR 8 D FLT NYL N 5 5 5 12 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 301 TRF-60020UK WH 1 UN ILLUMINATI N 11 ASSY CONTROLLER R (TRF-2050UK) (D-1/1) RT I T IT NO RT NO D CRI TION T 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 D -2001-01UK TRF-2002UK 601-12955-002 P -2005UK 601-12955-005 TRF-2006UK TRF-2007UK C NT CHASSIS W/BLK HANDLE BASE UN UN C ER BRKT MT PEASH TER UN MU LE C ER UL-HB PLATE MU LE CL SIN BRKT LI HT MT INTERNAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 101 102 601-12955-009 280-L00605- S UN UPPER LED 2P BLUE STAND FF 6.35 D 3.56ID 4.76L 1 1 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 020-000616060-S00600 060-F00600 008- S0412 000-P00408 060-S00400 000-P00412 060-S00400 060-F00400 000-P00312 068-330808-PN M6 16 SKT CAP M6 WSHR SPR PAS M6 WSHR F RM A FLT PAS M4 12 TMP PRF STN M4 8 MSCR PAN PAS M4 WSHR SPR PAS M4 12 MSCR PAN PAS M4 WSHR SPR PAS M4 WSHR F RM A FLT PAS M3 12 MSCR PAN PAS M3 WSHR 8 D FLT NYL N 5 5 5 12 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 301 TRF-60020UK WH 1 UN ILLUMINATI N I T RT 12 ASSY REAR CABINET (TRF-3000UK) (D-1/3) 12 ASSY REAR CABINET (TRF-3000UK) IT NO RT NO D CRI TION (D-2/3) T RT I T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TRF-3002UK TRF-3700UK TRF-0003UK TRF-3003UK TRF-3004UK TRF-3005UK TRF-3006UK TRF-3007UK TRF-3008UK TRF-3009UK ASSY REAR CABINET ASSY REAR M ULDIN BRKT J INT BRID E SECURE SEAT M UNT TRAY BRKT SEAT M UNT BTM BRKT SECURE AC INNER L BRKT SECURE AC INNER R BRKT SECURE AC UTER BRKT SEAT J INT FR NT REAR WIND W TRF-3011UK TRF-3012UK TRF-3013UK TRF-3014UK TRF-3015UK TRF-3016UK BRKT SECURE AC UPPER BRKT SECURE AC L WER REAR D WNLI HT L REAR D WNLI HT R BRKT SUPP BILLB ARD BRKT C NDUIT 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 21 22 23 TRF-3551UK TRF-3552UK TRF-3553UK STICKER REAR CABI LH SIDE STICKER REAR CABI RH SIDE STICKER REAR CABI BACK 1 1 1 101 102 103 104 130-5280 130-04030-E 253-5550UK-21YM EP1424 W FER 4 HM 80W SI ER RNE SPKR ELIP 4 HM 30W IS D 4x6P PAN SEAT W L SE A YELL M TTLE LED C NTR LLER 1 2 2 1 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 020-000820-0 029-B00620-0B 060-S00600-0B 068-652016-0B 030-000830 060-S00800-0B 068-85221-0B 020-000840-0 030-000630 029-B00430-0B M8 20 SKT CAP M6 20 SKT BH BLK M6 WSHR SPR BLK M6 WHSR 20 D FLT BLK M8 30 BLT PAS M8 WSHR SPR BLK M8 WSHR 220D FLT BLK M8 40 SKT CAP M6 30 BLT PAS M4 30 SKT BH BLK 22 10 18 18 14 41 41 4 6 8 12 ASSY REAR CABINET (TRF-3000UK) IT NO RT NO D CRI TION (D-3/3) T M4 WSHR SPR BLK M4 WSHR 16 D FLT BLK M8 30 SKT BH BLK M6 40 BLT PAS M4 20 MSCR CSK PAS M4 8 MSCR PAN PAS M4 WSHR 160D FLT PAS M4 16 MSCR PAN PAS M4 WSHR SPR PAS N6 1/2 S/TAP FL PAS 8 8 5 2 4 10 14 4 4 2 301 302 303 305 307 308 309 TRF-60010UK TRF-60018UK TRF-60019UK TRF-60022UK 390-2012-R B BE-6001UK TRF-60025UK WH AUDI REAR WH SPEAKER LINK WH REAR M ULDIN WH R B LED SPLITTER LED FL STRIP R B 5MTR WH LED CLIP LED C NTR L UT 1 2 1 1 2.5 2 I T 060-S00400-0B 068-441616-0B 029-B00830-0B 030-000640 000-F00420 000-P00408 068-441616 000-P00416 060-S00400 012-P03512-F RT 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 13 ASSY REAR MOULDING (TRF-3700UK) (D-1/1) RT I T IT NO RT NO D CRI TION T 1 2 3 TRF-3701-AUK TRF-3709UK 601-12955-005 REAR AC BLANK BRKT DIFFFUSER MT UN MU LE C ER UL-HB 1 2 2 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 TRF-3702UK TRF-3703UK TRF-3705UK TRF-3706UK TRF-3710-AUK TRF-3711UK TRF-3713UK TRF-3714UK TRF-3712UK TRF-3715UK STICKER CENTRE STICKER F LI HT C ER HEADLI HT L C ER HEADLI HT R LED LENS INSERT BLANK LED SPACER STICKER RILLE MID L STICKER RILLE MID R LED LENS INSERT BACK DECAL SHIELD 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 301 302 TRF-6001UK TRF-60026UK ASSY HEADLAMPS WH REAR EYES 1 303 TRF-6002UK ASSY REAR EYES 2 14 ASSY INST KIT (TRF-INST-TH) (D-1/3) RT IT NO RT NO D CRI TION T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TRF-0500UK TRF-0004UK TRF-0005UK TRF-0051UK TRF-0052UK TRF-0054UK TRF-0056UK TRF-0058UK TRF-0059UK TRF-0006UK TRF-0007UK TRF-0008UK TRF-0009UK TRF-0010UK ASSY BILLB ARD TH PANEL R F INSERT R F J INT BRID E J INT FL R J INT SASH FR NT J INT SASH REAR J INT SASH SIDE L J INT SASH SIDE R BRKT BASE LAPEL SUPP RT LAPEL L SUPP RT LAPEL R LAPEL L LAPEL R 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 20 21 440-CS0186UK TRF-1914UK STICKER C EPILEPSY MULTI PLAY INSTR SH MULTI 1 1 101 102 LM1227 LM1246 UK MAINS LEAD 10A WITH PLU EUR LEAD 10A EUR PEAN S CKET 1 1 I T IT NO RT NO D CRI TION T RT I T 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 029-B00830-0B 060-S00800-0B 068-852216-0B 029-B00840-0B 029-B00412-0B 060-S00400-0B 068-441616-0B 030-000840 060-S00800 068-852216 000-P00420 060-S00400 060-F00400 008-0S0420 068-441616-0C 029-B00425-0B 030-000640 060-S00600 068-652016 029-B00620-0B 060-S00600-0B 068-652016-0B M8 30 SKT BH BLK M8 WSHR SPR BLK M8 WSHR 22 D FLT BLK M8 40 SKT BH BLK M4 12 SKT BH BLK M4 WSHR SPR BLK M4 WSHR 16 D FLT BLK M8 40 BLT PAS M8 WSHR SPR PAS M8 WSHR 22 D FLT PAS M4 20 MSCR PAN PAS M4 WSHR SPR PAS M4 WSHR F RM A FLT PAS M4 20 TMP PRF STN M4 WSHR 16 D FLT CRM M4 25 SKT BH BLK M6 40 BLT PAS M6 WSHR SPR PAS M6 WHSR 20 D FLT PAS M6 20 SKT BH BLK M6 WSHR SPR BLK M6 WHSR 20 D FLT BLK 7 8 8 5 4 8 8 10 8 8 2 2 2 8 8 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 401 402 403 404 405 406 420-0021UK S1019 253-5644-063B 610-0816-5026 SAECE-xxx MANUAL TRANSF RMERS TH SELF SEAL BA 9 12.3/4 KEY CHIP R E2 TC1 D D S FT KIT TC1 JESRFI SPTR DECLARATI N F C NF RMITY 1 1 1 1 1 1 3OHDVHQRWH6RPH¿[LQJVOLVWHGLQWKH$66<,167.,7DUH¿WWHGWRWKHSURGXFWEHIRUHVKLSSLQJ IR CO OUR COD T :RUNLQJIURPWKHSUHYLRXVZLUHFRORUVZLOOFUHDWHDKLJKULVNRIÀUH A B C D E PINK SKY BLUE BROWN PURPLE LIGHT GREEN Wires other than those of any of the above 5 single colors will be displayed by 2 alphanumeric characters. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 RED BLUE YELLOW GREEN WHITE ORANGE BLACK GRAY If the right hand side numeral of the code is 0, then the wire will be of a single color shown by the left hand side numeral (see the above). Note 1: If the right hand side numeral is not 0, that particular wire has a spiral color code. The left hand side character shows the base color and the right hand side one, the spiral color. Example 51 WHITE/RED D Note 2: The character following the wire color code indicates the si e of the wire. U: K: L: None: AWG16 AWG18 AWG20 AWG22 H IR CO OR COD T The color codes for the wires used in the diagrams in the following chapter are as follows. C TIC DI R O % * 028/'(',(& 0$,1662&.(7 72/('368 . . &. / / &. / &. / &. / &. / &. / &. 3689'&: 0:/36 &)%8. 3689'&: 0:/36 $ $ ; 75)8. 2 9 $8',25 5&$5(' '9, 9,'(2287 9 9 9 9 9 9 ( $ ,2&21752/%2$5' )25-96&20 9 *1' *1' 9 9 [ 9 % % 5$3 9 9 9 3*815(&2,/ 367$57/$03 3*815(&2,/ 367$57/$03 0(7(5 0(7(5 &2,1 &2,1 9 7(67 9 ' 9 6(59,&( 9 9 375,**(5 9 375,**(5 (;9 $ $ ' ' ' (;9 *1' '%$ & </59 *1' )$1 9 5$3 9 (<(/$03 9 $9$7$5%/8(/(' 3%5$.(/$03 $9$7$55('/(' $9$7$5*5((1/(' ' ' $ $ $ *1' 3%5$.(/$03 9 *1' 3*81/$03 3*81/$03 9 3*81+ 5$3 ( ( $9&& 3*819 3*819 $9&& 9/59 $ *1' ( [ ' 75)8. + ) 6059 ( *1' 6,'(3$1(/6 [ [ ' ' [ $ </39 *1' 9 92/ :22)(5 :22)(5 &/ '/ & 63($.(55 63($.(55 63($.(5/ 63($.(5/ 9 *1' $ $ 3/$<(5 $8',2/ 5&$:+,7( 9+51 3/$<(5 *1' &20 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 75)8. *1' 1+3 *1' 367$57 [ 9 [ 9 1+3 [ 1+3 75)8. $ [ 75)8. </59 $ . 86%$ $ . 6281'$03$1$/2*,1 &. 367$57 *1' ;$3 *1' 287387 *1' ;$3 86%$ 75)8. 3*81+ 287387 9 *1' $ *1' *1' /('B%287387 5;'%52:1 7;'%/8( *1'6+,(/' $ </59 $ $66<&$6(('*:*%(;3 ',36:,7&+ 9+51 ' 75)8. 63.56)5217 63.5668%5($5 &2,1+$1'/,1* $ $ $ % % ' & &/ '/ 1 * &75/3$1(/%877216$1',//80,1$7,21 . 3:03:5 </39 6039 ' [ [ [ [ </59 </59 2)) $ 3689'&: 0:/36 75)8. $ *1' $ *1' /('B*287387 9+51 75)8. $ *1' PP$8',2-$&. &. /('B5287387 . /('B%287387 *1' 9 /('B5287387 /('B*287387 $ 75)8. *1' ;$3 5; $*1' 9 *1' & 7; ,&%'(;356 75)8. 9 21 $ $ $ </59 $ 8. 9+3 9+51 $*1' . ($57+3/$7( 9+51 ; . 9+51 ; . . 1 . 1 . . &2. . . . . $&%5$&.(7678' . 1 5($5028/',1*/('6 1 . 1 (3 /('&21752//(5 9/59 . . 1 . . 1 &2. / $&91 $&9/ 1 . . &. / . . 1 $&91 &2. 12,6(),/7(5 / $&9/ (3 ( $&91 1 $&9/ . &. 75)8. . 6:,7&+ 9/59 / $ 7 9/59 6: . &. ( 8. . 1 $&',675,%87,21%2$5' 75)8. (3 ,(&,1/(7 0 / 3:0%5' 75$16)250(56+80$1$//,$1&( 62/(12,' 75)8. 6039 6059 /75,**(5 6039 </39 $ [ +25,=217$/. 327(17,20(7(5 . $ 3/$<(5 ; 368/(''36$3$(66 ; 9(57,&$/. 327(17,20(7(5 6059 6059 ' 6039 ' ' . 1 (3 ( 12,6(),/7(5 / % 1 / &. 75)8. 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Key Features
- 2-player action
- Transformers theme
- Challenging gameplay
- Interactive elements
- Engaging graphics
Frequently Answers and Questions
What is the purpose of this manual?
This manual provides detailed descriptions and necessary information for the product "Transformers Human Alliance". It's intended for owners and personnel responsible for operating the product.
How do I install the game?
The manual details instructions for assembling and installing the game, including unpacking the cabinets, attaching the billboard, connecting the DVD drive, and engaging power supply.
What are the safety precautions?
The manual outlines safety precautions regarding installation location, product operation, and moving the machine. It emphasizes the importance of following instructions to prevent accidents, electric shock, and damage to the equipment.