IBM 1.13 zSecure Admin and Audit for RACF Getting Started

Below you will find brief information for zSecure Admin and Audit for RACF 1.13. This guide will help you get started using the zSecure Admin and Audit for RACF product suite. It covers the basic operations, managing users and profiles, using distributed and scoped administration functions, managing data with the setup functions, reporting, using the verify functions, auditing system integrity and security, querying SMF data, using resource-based reports on TCP/IP configuration, z/OS UNIX, CICS, IMS, and DB2, using CARLa commands, performing typical administration and audit tasks, and frequently asked questions.

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zSecure Admin and Audit for RACF 1.13 Getting Started | Manualzz




Key features

  • RACF administration and audit automation
  • User access privilege monitoring
  • Scoped administrator privilege implementation
  • User behavior auditing
  • Enhanced RACF administrative and reporting functions
  • Security monitoring
  • Decentralized system administration

Frequently asked questions

zSecure Admin and Audit for RACF automates many of the recurring administrative tasks and audit reporting for RACF systems.

zSecure Admin provides RACF management and administration at the system, group, and individual levels along with RACF command generation. zSecure Audit provides RACF and z/OS monitoring, Systems Management Facility (SMF) reporting, z/OS integrity checking, change tracking, and library change detection.

From the Main menu, select RA (RACF Administration). Then, select option U (User) to open the User Selection panel.

The wildcard characters used in filters are: %, *, **, and :.

You can customize the output by placing a / next to the desired field in the Output/run options section of the User Selection panel. This will open a panel for you to specify additional selection criteria.
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