Renesas GLCDC HAL Module Application Note
The GLCDC HAL Module is a high-level API for GLCDC applications and is implemented on r_glcd. The GLCDC HAL module uses the Graphics LCD Driver peripheral on the Synergy MCU. A user-defined callback can be created to handle frame buffer switching and underflow detection.
Application Note
Renesas Synergy™ Platform
GLCDC HAL Module Guide
Aug 31, 2017
This module guide will enable you to effectively use a module in your own design. Upon completion of this guide, you will be able to add this module to your own design, configure it correctly for the target application and write code, using the included application project code as a reference and efficient starting point. References to more detailed API descriptions and suggestions of other application projects that illustrate more advanced uses of the module are available in the Renesas Synergy Knowledge Base (as described in the References section at the end of this document), and should be valuable resources for creating more complex designs.
The Graphics LCD Controller (GLCDC) HAL module is a high-level API for GLCDC applications and is implemented on r_glcd. The GLCDC HAL module uses the Graphics LCD Driver peripheral on the Synergy MCU. A user-defined callback can be created to handle frame buffer switching and underflow detection.
1. GLCDC HAL Module Features
• Supports LCD panels with RGB interface (up to 24 bits) and sync signals (HSYNC, VSYNC and Data Enable optional)
• Supports various color formats for input graphics planes (RGB888, ARGB8888, RGB565, ARGB1555,
• Supports the Color Look-Up Table (CLUT) usage for input graphics planes (ARGB8888) with 512 words (32 bits/word)
• Supports various color formats for output (RGB888, RGB666, RGB565, Serial RGB888)
• Can input two graphics planes on top of the background plane and blend them on the screen
• Generates a dot clock to the panel. The clock source is selectable from internal or external (LCD_EXTCLK)
• Supports brightness adjustment, contrast adjustment, and gamma correction
• Supports GLCDC interrupts to handle frame-buffer switching or underflow detection.
Figure 1 GLCDC HAL Module Block Diagram
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2. GLCDC HAL Module APIs Overview
The GLCDC HAL module defines APIs for opening, closing, starting, stopping, and controlling the display of information on an LCD panel. A complete list of the available APIs, an example API call, and a short description of each can be found in the following table. A table of status return values follows the API summary table.
Table 1 GLCDC HAL Module API Summary
Function Name Example API Call and Description
.open g_display.p_api->open (g_display.p_ctrl, g_display.p_cfg);
Open display device.
.close g_display.p_api->close (g_display.p_ctrl);
Close display device.
.start g_display.p_api->start(g_display.p_ctrl);
Display start.
.stop g_display.p_api->stop(g_display.p_ctrl);
Display stop.
.layerChange g_display.p_api->layerChange(g_display.p_ctrl, g_display.p_cfg,
Change layer parameters at runtime.
.clut g_display.p_api->correction(g_display.p_ctrl,
Color correction. g_display.p_api->clut(g_display.p_ctrl, &clut, &frame)
Set CLUT for display device.
.statusGet g_display.p_api->statusGet(g_display.p_ctrl, &status)
Get status for display device.
.versionGet g_display.p_api->versionGet(&version)
Retrieve the API version using the version pointer.
Note: For more complete descriptions of operation and definitions for the function data structures, typedefs, defines, API data, API structures and function variables, review the SSP User’s Manual API
References for the associated module.
Table 2 Status Return Values
API call successful.
Parameter has invalid value.
Memory address must be 64 byte aligned for stride
Invalid parameter in the argument.
GLCDCC resource is locked.
SSP_ERR_CLOCK_GENERATION Dot clock cannot be generated from clock source.
SSP_ERR_INVALID_TIMING_SETTING Invalid panel timing parameter.
SSP_ERR_INVALID_LAYER_SETTING Invalid layer setting found.
SSP_ERR_INVALID_LAYER_FORMAT Invalid format is specified.
SSP_ERR_INVALID_GAMMA_SETTING Invalid gamma correction setting found.
SSP_ERR_NOT_OPEN The function call is performed when the driver state is not equal to DISPLAY_STATE_CLOSED.
SSP_ERR_INVALID_UPDATE_TIMING A function call is performed when the GLCDC is updating register values internally.
SSP_ERR_INVALID_MODE Function call is performed when the driver state is not
Illegal CLUT entry or size is specified.
The version number.
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Note: Lower level drivers may return common error codes. Refer to the SSP User’s Manual API References for the associated module for a definition of all relevant status return values.
3. GLCDC HAL Module Operational Overview
The GLCDC HAL module controls an LCD panel. The following figure shows an overview of the graphics data flow using the GLCDC HAL module. The module supports reading graphics frame image data from memory (up to two frames) and blending those images on top of the monochrome background screen. The driver supports CLUT memory and specifies the graphic frame format for the CLUT.
Figure 2 GLCDC Data Flow
The following figure shows a display system with a ping-pong frame buffer. It is recommended to have more than two frame buffers in a display system to avoid image tearing, which happens in a single frame buffer display system. In such designs, the GLCDC hardware can read a graphics frame image from one of the frame buffers while the image drawing engines (such as DRW and JPEG), CPU, or DMAC/DTC transfer a graphics frame image to another frame buffer simultaneously. The module supports frame buffer toggling by the layerChange API at run-time.
Figure 3 GLCDC Display- Typical ping-pong buffer system using GLCDC
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Screen Format
The following figure shows the relationship between the LCD screen format and LCD timing parameters of the
GLCDC module. The module has generic timing parameters for the LCD panel setting that support a variety of LCD panels.
Figure 4 GLCDC Screen Format
Front Porch Period
The GLCDC module does not have a setting for horizontal/vertical front porch cycles/lines. Those cycles/lines must be included in the total horizontal cycles/vertical lines setting.
Note: The module requires setting the back porch cycles/lines based on the GLCDC hardware specification. Since typical LCD panels have a greater number of back porch cycles/lines than described, this is not a true limitation of the module.
• Number of the horizontal back porch cycles >= 5
Number of the vertical back porch lines >= 3
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Example Parameter Settings
PE-HMI1 v2.0 board (LXD Research & Display, LLC, M7504A)
The following example adjusts the horizontal total cycles, vertical total lines, and panel clock division ratio to generate an LCD panel refresh rate of 60 Hz. Regarding symbols for the LCD panel, see the M7504A data sheet.
Table 3 LCD Panel Parameter Settings —
PE-HMI1 v2.0 Board
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DK-S7G2 v3.0 board (LXD Research & Display, LLC, M7190A)
The following example adjusts the horizontal total cycles, vertical total lines, and panel clock division ration to generate an LCD panel refresh rate of 60 Hz. Regarding symbols for the LCD panel, see the M7190A data sheet.
Table 4 LCD Panel Parameter Settings —
DK-S7G2 v3.0 Board
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SK-S7G2 v2.0 board (ILI Technology Corp., IL9341C)
The following example sets the horizontal total cycles and vertical total lines as large as allowed for the panel for an LCD panel refresh rate of about 76.8 Hz. Regarding symbols for the LCD panel, see the LIL9314V data sheet.
Table 5 LCD Panel Parameter Settings —
SK-S7G2 v2.0 Board
Note: The input horizontal size and stride are intentionally set to 256 pixels, even though the parameter should be 240 pixels for the panel. This is because a horizontal line has to be 64-byte aligned for
GLCDC hardware. Only 240 pixels from the beginning in a line are valid and the rest of the pixels in the line (16 pixels) are don’t care.
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The GLCDC module supports a Color Look-Up table that is used if the color format is ARGB1555, CLUT8, CLUT4, or
CLUT1. The CLUT API can update CLUT0/CLUT1 SRAM (implemented inside the GLCDC hardware) for each of the graphics foreground or background screens.
Note: Make sure to call the CLUT API if you select a color format that uses the CLUT, before using the start API.
Otherwise, CLUT0 and CLUT1 become an unknown condition and the graphics do not display properly.
You can also call the CLUT API at run-time to update CLUT SRAM.
Note: The API copies the source of CLUT data to the CLUT SRAM, which is not currently used (each CLUT SRAM consists of a ping-pong buffer). After completing the CLUT data update, the API automatically switches the
CLUT SRAM to be read by the GLCDC hardware from the next frame to avoid tearing of the image.
Line Repeating Mode
Line repeating is an important mode, especially for a system that does not have enough memory. In this mode, the GLCDC module reads a raster image, which has fewer pixels than the LCD panel screen size, and displays the raster repeatedly on the screen. The following figure shows an example of a screen image constructed by reading a small raster image repeatedly in the background graphics plane.
Figure 5 GLCDC Line Repeating Mode
Note: To enable this mode, set the GLCDC module property "Input - Graphics screen N input lines repeat" (where N
= 1 or 2) to ON with the Synergy configurator. Also specify the repeat times to read a raster image to: "Input -
Graphics screen N input lines repeat times". Specify the horizontal pixel size of the raster image in "Input -
Graphics screen N input horizontal size" and "Input - Graphics screen N input horizontal stride," and then specify the vertical pixel size of the raster image in "Input - Graphics screen N input vertical size."
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Gamma Correction
Gamma Correction is used to change the color characteristic of LCD panels to a flat characteristic. The following figure shows the gamma correction curve which can be configured by the GLCDC module. The module supports 16 threshold values for the input color level for each (R, G, B) color and defines the gain level for each of 16 areas divided by thresholds.
Figure 6 GLCDC Gamma Correction Curve
Note: To enable the gamma correction for each channel (R, G, B), set the GLCDC module property "Color correction
– Gamma correction (R, G, B)" to ON using the Synergy configurator. Thresholds (total 16) are set to "Color correction – Gamma correction threshold (R, G, B) [n]" where, n = [0…15]. The gain value for each of areas are set to "Color correction – Gamma correction gain (R, G, B) [n]," where, n = [0…15].
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3.1 GLCDC HAL Module Operational Notes
You have the option to configure multiple GLCDC interrupts covered in the following sections.
Line Detection Interrupt
The line-detection interrupt is used to indicate when the GLCDC finishes outputting all lines to the LCD panel and goes into the blanking period. Use this interrupt to handle frame buffer switching in a graphics system and uses frame buffers with more than two frames.
Layer1 or Layer2 Line Buffer Underflow Interrupt
You can use the GLCDC layer1 or layer2 buffer underflow interrupt to detect a lack of memory bandwidth in your system.
The buffer underflow occurs when the graphics data transfer from memory (such as the SDRAM or SRAM) to the
GLCDC internal line buffer is blocked by another data transfer, and not enough against the data transfer from GLCDC line buffer to the LCD panel interface. You have to design the graphics system to prevent this interrupt from occurring.
GLCDC Callbacks
A user-callback function is registered in the open API call if the user-callback value is not null. If a user-callback function is provided, the callback function is called from the interrupt service routine (ISR) each time an interrupt happens. The argument of the callback function event can take the following enumerated value listed in the table, so that a user can identify which event occurred in the graphics system. The DISPLAY_EVENT_LINE_DETECTION event is used for switching frame buffers to update the screen, and the DISPLAY_EVENT_GRn_UNDERFLOW event is used for error handling if an underflow occurs.
Table 6 Event and Interrupt Summary
Name of Event Name of Interrupt
Condition for the Event
When GLCDC is done outputting the last line in the active video region
DISPLAY_EVENT_GR1_UNDERFLOW Graphics 1 underflow When GLCDC underflows during reading the data for graphics1 plane
DISPLAY_EVENT_GR2_UNDERFLOW Graphics 2 underflow When GLCDC underflows during reading the data for graphics2 plane
Note: Since the callback is called from an ISR, be careful not to use blocking calls or lengthy processing.
Spending an excessive time in an ISR can affect the responsiveness of the system.
3.2 GLCDC HAL Module Limitations
• The Display driver on r_GLCDC does not support RGB-index chroma key.
• The Display driver on r_GLCDC does not support the event-link function.
Refer to the latest SSP Release Notes for any additional operational limitations applicable to this module.
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4. Including the GLCDC HAL Module in an Application
This section describes how to include the GLCDC HAL module in an application using the SSP configurator.
Note: It is assumed that you are familiar with creating a project, adding threads, adding a stack to a thread and configuring a block within the stack. If you are unfamiliar with any of these items, refer to the first few chapters of the SSP User’s Manual to learn how to manage each of these important steps in creating SSP-based applications.
To add the GLCDC HAL module to an application, simply add it to a thread using the stacks selection sequence given in the following table. (The default name for the Display Driver is g_display0. This name can be changed in the associated Properties window.)
Table 7 GLCDC HAL Module Selection Sequence
Resource ISDE Tab Stacks Selection Sequence
g_display0 Display Driver on r_glcdc Threads New Stack> Driver> Graphics> Display Driver on r_glcdc
When the GLCDC HAL module on r_glcdc is added to the thread stack as shown in the following figure, the configurator automatically adds any required lower-level modules. Modules with a Gray band are individual modules that stand alone.
Figure 7 GLCDC HAL Module Stack
5. Configuring the GLCDC HAL Module
The GLCDC HAL module must be configured by the user for the desired operation. The SSP configuration window automatically identifies (by highlighting the block in red) any required configuration selections, such as interrupts or operating modes, which must be configured for lower-level modules for successful operation. Furthermore, only those properties that can be changed without causing conflicts are available for modification. Other properties are ‘locked’ and are not available for changes, and are identified with a lock icon for the ‘locked’ property in the Properties window in the ISDE. This approach simplifies the configuration process and makes it much less error-prone than previous
‘manual’ approaches to configuration. The available configuration settings and defaults for all the user-accessible properties are given in the properties tab within the SSP configurator, and are shown in the following tables for easy reference.
One of the properties most often identified as requiring a change is the interrupt priority; this configuration setting is available within the Properties window of the associated module. Simply select the indicated module and then view the properties window; the interrupt settings are often toward the bottom of the properties list, so scroll down until they become available. Also note that the interrupt priorities listed in the Properties window in the ISDE will include an indication as to the validity of the setting based on the targeted MCU (CM4 or CM0+). This level of detail is not included in the following configuration properties tables, but is easily visible with the ISDE when configuring interruptpriority levels.
Note: You may want to open your ISDE, create the module and explore the property settings in parallel with looking over the following configuration table settings; this helps to orient you and can be a useful hands-on approach to learning the ins and outs of developing with SSP.
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Table 8 Configuration Settings for the GLCDC HAL Module on r_glcdc
ISDE Property
Parameter Checking
BSP, Enabled,
(Default: BSP) g_display0
Enable or disable the parameter checking.
The name to be used for a GLCDC module control block instance. This name is also used as the prefix of the other variable instances.
Name must be a valid C symbol. Name of display callback function to be defined by user
Input – Panel clock source select
Internal clock(GLCDCLK),
External clock(LCD_EXTCLK)
(Default: Internal clock)
Input – Graphics screen1 Used, Not used
(Default: Used)
Choose the panel clock source depends on your system. fb_background
Specify "Used" if the graphics screen N is used.
Then the frame buffer named
"display0_fb_background" for graphics screen1 and "display0_fb_foreground" for graphics screen2 is auto-generated by ISDE. If not using either of the graphics screens, specify "Not used."
The frame buffer is then not created. Note that there is no memory read access to the frame buffer when you specify "Not used," which reduces the consumption of bus bandwidth.
Custom name for frame buffer. Input – Graphics screen1 frame buffer name
Input – Number of
Graphics screen1 frame buffer
Input – section where
Graphics screen1 frame buffer allocated
Input – Graphics screen1 input horizontal size
Input – Graphics screen1 vertical size
Input – Graphics screen1 input horizontal stride (not bytes but pixels)
Input – Graphics screen1 input format
Input – Graphics screen1 input line descending
2 sdram
32 bits ARGB888, 32 bits RGB888, 16 bits
RGB565, 16 bits
ARGB1555, 16 bits
ARGB4444, CLUT 8,
(Default: 16 bits
Used, Not used
(Default: Not used)
Number of frame buffers allocated for Graphics
Screen 1.
Specify the section name to allocate the frame buffer. This is valid if "Input –Graphics screen1" is set as "Used."
Specify the number of horizontal pixels. Default value is the size for an image with 800x480 pixels.
Specify the number of vertical pixels. Default value is the size for an image with 800x480 pixels.
Specify the memory stride for a horizontal line.
This value must be specified with the number of pixels, not actual bytes. Typically, this parameter is set to same number as parameter 'input horizontal size'. Default value is the size for an image with 800x480 pixels.
Specify the graphics screen Input format. If selecting CLUT formats, you must write CLUT data using clut before performing start. Default setting supports a RGB565 formatted image.
Specify On if image data descends from the bottom line to the top line in the frame buffer.
Usually "Off."
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ISDE Property
Input – Graphics screen1 input line repeat
On, Off
(Default: Off)
Input – Graphics screen1 input line repeat times
Input – Graphics screen1 layer coordinate X
Input – Graphics screen1 layer coordinate Y
Input – Graphics screen1 layer background color alpha
Input – Graphics screen1 layer background color
Input – Graphics screen1 layer background color
Input – Graphics screen1 layer background color
Input – Graphics screen1 layer fading control
None, Fade-in, Fadeout
(Default: None)
Input – Graphics screen1 layer fade speed
Input – Graphics screen2 Used, Not used
(Default: Not used)
Input – Graphics screen2 frame buffer name
Input – Number of
Graphics screen2 frame buffer
Input – section where
Graphics screen2 frame buffer allocated fb_foreground
2 sdram
Input – Graphics screen2 input horizontal size
Input – Graphics screen2 480
GLCDC HAL Module Guide
Specify On if expecting to repeatedly read a raster image which is smaller than the LCD panel size.
Usually Off. For details, see the description of
Line Repeating function.
Specify the number of repeating times for a raster image which is read repeatedly in a frame.
Specify the horizontal offset in pixels of the graphics screen from the background screen.
Specify the vertical offset in pixels of the graphics screen from the background screen.
Based on the alpha value, either the graphics screen2 (foreground graphics screen) is blended into the graphics screen1 (background graphics screen) or the graphics screen1 is blended into the monochrome background screen.
Specify the background color in the graphics screen N.
Specify the background color in the graphics screen N.
Specify the background color in the graphics screen N.
Specify On when performing a fade-in for the graphics screen. The transparent screen changes gradually to opaque. Specify Off when performing the fade-out for the graphics screen. The opaque screen changes gradually to transparent. Note that this processing is accelerated by the GLCDC hardware and cannot stop once started. The transition status can be monitored by statusGet.
Specify the number of frames for the fading transition to complete.
Specify Used if the graphics screen N is used.
Then the frame buffer named display0_fb_background
for graphics screen1 and display0_fb_foreground for graphics screen2 is auto-generated by ISDE. If not using either of the graphics screens, specify
Not used. Then, the frame buffer is not created.
Note that there is no memory read access to the frame buffer when you specify Not used, which reduces the consumption of bus bandwidth.
Custom name for frame buffer.
Number of frame buffers allocated for Graphics
Screen 2.
Specify the section name to allocate the frame buffer. This is valid if Input –Graphics screen1
is set as Used.
Specify the number of horizontal pixels. Default value is the size for an image with 800x480 pixels.
Specify the number of vertical pixels. Default
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ISDE Property
vertical size
Input – Graphics screen2 input horizontal stride (not bytes but pixels)
GLCDC HAL Module Guide
value is the size for an image with 800x480 pixels.
Specify the memory stride for a horizontal line.
This value must be specified with the number of pixels, not actual bytes. Typically, this parameter is set to same number as parameter input horizontal size
. Default value is the size for an image with 800x480 pixels.
Specify the graphics screen Input format. If selecting CLUT formats, you must write CLUT data using clut before performing start. Default setting supports a RGB565 formatted image.
Input – Graphics screen2 input format
Input – Graphics screen2 input line descending
32 bits ARGB888, 32 bits RGB888, 16 bits
RGB565, 16 bits
ARGB1555, 16 bits
ARGB4444, CLUT 8,
(Default: 16 bits
On, Off
(Default: Off)
Input – Graphics screen2 input line repeat
On, Off
(Default: Off)
Input – Graphics screen2 input line repeat times
Input – Graphics screen2 layer coordinate X
Input – Graphics screen2 layer coordinate Y
Input – Graphics screen2 layer background color alpha
Input – Graphics screen2 layer background color
Input – Graphics screen2 layer background color
Input – Graphics screen2 layer background color
Input – Graphics screen2 layer fading control
Input – Graphics screen2 layer fade speed
Output – Horizontal total cycles
None, Fade-in, Fadeout
(Default: None)
Specify On if image data descends from the bottom line to the top line in the frame buffer.
Usually Off.
Specify On if expecting to repeatedly read a raster image, which is smaller than the LCD panel size.
Usually Off. For details, see the description of
Line Repeating function.
Specify the number of repeating times for a raster image which is read repeatedly in a frame.
Specify the horizontal offset in pixels of the graphics screen from the background screen.
Specify the vertical offset in pixels of the graphics screen from the background screen.
Based on the alpha value, either the graphics screen2 (foreground graphics screen) is blended into the graphics screen1 (background graphics screen) or the graphics screen1 is blended into the monochrome background screen.
Specify the background color in the graphics screen N.
Specify the background color in the graphics screen N.
Specify the background color in the graphics screen N.
Specify On when performing a fade-in for the graphics screen. The transparent screen changes gradually to opaque. Specify Off when performing the fade-out for the graphics screen. The opaque screen changes gradually to transparent. Note that this processing is accelerated by the GLCDC hardware and cannot stop once started. The transition status can be monitored by statusGet.
Specify the number of frames for the fading transition to complete.
Specify the total cycles in a horizontal line. Set to the number of cycles defined in the data sheet of
LCD panel sheet in your system. Default value
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ISDE Property
Output – Horizontal active video cycles
Output – Horizontal back porch cycles
Output – Horizontal sync signal cycles
Output – Horizontal sync signal polarity
Output – Vertical total lines
Output – Vertical active video lines
Output – Vertical back porch lines
Output – Vertical sync signal lines
Output – Vertical sync signal polarity
Output – Format
Output – Endian
Output – Color order
Low active, High active
(Default: Low active)
Low active, High active
(Default: Low active)
matches the LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Specify the number of active video cycles in a horizontal line. Set to the number of cycles defined in the data sheet of LCD panel sheet in your system. Default value matches the LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Specify the number of back porch cycles in a horizontal line. Back porch starts from the beginning of Hsync cycles, which means back porch cycles contain Hsync cycles. Set to the number of cycles defined in the data sheet of LCD panel sheet in your system. Default value matches the LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Specify the number of Hsync signal assertion cycles. Set to the number of cycles defined in the data sheet of LCD panel sheet in your system.
Default value matches LCD panel on S7G2 PE-
HMI1 board.
Select the polarity of Hsync signal to match your system. Default setting matches the LCD panel on
S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Specify number of total lines in a frame. Set to the number of lines defined in the data sheet of LCD panel sheet in your system. Default value matches the LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Specify the number of active video lines in a frame. Set to the number of lines defined in the data sheet of LCD panel sheet in your system.
Default value matches the LCD panel on S7G2
PE-HMI1 board.
Specify the number of back porch lines in a frame.
Back porch starts from the beginning of Vsync lines, which means back porch lines contain
Vsync lines. Set to the number of lines defined in the data sheet of LCD panel sheet in your system.
Default value matches the LCD panel on S7G2
PE-HMI1 board.
Specify the Vsync signal assertion lines in a frame. Set to the number of lines defined in the data sheet of LCD panel sheet in your system.
Default value matches the LCD panel on S7G2
PE-HMI1 board.
Select the polarity of Vsync signal to match to your system. Default setting matches LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Specify the graphics screen output format to match to your LCD panel. Default setting matches the LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
24 bits RGB888, 18 bits
RGB666, 16 bits
RGB565, 8 bits serial
(Default: 24 bits
Little endian, Big endian
(Default: Little endian)
(Default: RGB)
Select data endian for output signal to LCD panel.
Default setting matches the LCD panel on S7G2
PE-HMI1 board.
Select data order for output signal to LCD panel.
The order of blue and red can be swapped if
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ISDE Property
Output – Data Enable
Signal Polarity
Output – Sync edge
Output – Background color alpha channel
Output – Background color
R channel
Output – Background color
G channel
Output – Background color
B channel
CLUT - CLUT buffer size
Low active, High active
(Default: High active)
Rising Edge, Falling
(Default: Rising Edge)
Used, Not used
(Default: Not used)
TCON – Hsync pin select Not used,
(Default: LCD_TCON0)
TCON – Vsync pin select Not used,
(Default: LCD_TCON1)
TCON – DataEnable pin select
Not used,
TCON – Panel clock division ratio
(Default: LCD_TCON2)
needed. Default setting matches the LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Select the polarity of Data Enable signal to match to your system. Default setting matches the LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Select the polarity of Sync signals to match to your system. Default setting matches the LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Specify the background color of the background screens.
Specify the background color of the background screens.
Specify the background color of the background screens.
Specify the background color of the background screens.
Specify Used if selecting CLUT formats for a graphics screen input format. Then, a buffer named CLUT_buffer for the CLUT source data is generated in the ISDE auto-generated source file.
Specify the number of entries for the CLUT source data buffer. Each entry consumes 4 bytes (1 word). Words of CLUT source data specified by this parameter are generated in the ISDE autogenerated source file.
Select the TCON pin used for the Hsync signal to match to your system. Default setting is for LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Select TCON pin used for Vsync signal to match to your system. Default setting is for LCD panel on
S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Select TCON pin used for DataEnable signal to match to your system. Default setting is for LCD panel on S7G2 PE-HMI1 board.
Color correction –
Color correction –
Brightness R channel
Color correction –
Brightness G channel
Off, On
(Default: Off)
Select the clock source divider value. See the note at bottom of this table about the source clock for the pixel clock.
Specify On when performing brightness control. If specifying Off, the setting below does not affect the output color.
Output color level is calculated as follows: Output color level = Input color level +/ - 512. Set the value for each R, G, and B channel.
Output color level is calculated as follows: Output color level = Input color level +/ - 512. Set the
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ISDE Property Value
Color correction –
Brightness B channel
Color correction –
Color correction –
Contrast(gain) R channel
Color correction –
Contrast(gain) G channel
Color correction –
Contrast(gain) B channel
Color correction – Gamma correction(Red)
Off, On
(Default: Off)
Color correction – Gamma gain R[0-15]
Color correction – Gamma threshold R[0-15]
Color correction – Gamma correction(Green)
Color correction – Gamma gain G[0-15]
Color correction – Gamma threshold G[0-15]
Color correction – Gamma correction(Blue)
Off, On
(Default: Off)
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GLCDC HAL Module Guide
value for each R, G, and B channel.
Output color level is calculated as follows: Output color level = Input color level +/ - 512. Set the value for each R, G, and B channel.
Specify On when performing contrast control. If specifying Off, the setting below does not affect the output color.
Output color level is calculated as follows: Output color level = Input color level x (/128). Set the value for each R, G, and B channel.
Output color level is calculated as follows: Output color level = Input color level x (/128). Set value for each R, G, and B channel.
Output color level is calculated as follows: Output color level = Input color level x (/128). Set the value for each R, G, and B channel.
Control for each channel R/G/B. Specify On when performing gamma correction for the red channel.
If specifying "Off," the settings for gain and threshold do not affect the output color.
Set the gain value for the red channel in the area
N on the gamma correction curve. The gain setting for area N is applied to the input data, with a color level between ((Gamma threshold R[N-
1])<<2) and ((Gamma threshold R[N])<<2).
The output value is calculated as: Output color level = Input color level / 1024 (/128).
Set the threshold value for the red channel in the area N on the gamma correction curve. The gain setting for area N is applied to the input data with a color level between Gamma threshold R[N-1] and Gamma threshold R[N].
The output value is calculated as: Output color level = Input color level / 1024 (/128).
Control for each channel R/G/B. Specify On when performing gamma correction for the red channel.
If specifying "Off," the settings for gain and threshold do not affect the output color.
Set the gain value for the red channel in the area
N on the gamma correction curve. The gain setting for area N is applied to the input data, with a color level between ((Gamma threshold R[N-
1])<<2) and ((Gamma threshold R[N])<<2).
The output value is calculated as: Output color level = Input color level / 1024 (/128).
Set the threshold value for the red channel in the area N on the gamma correction curve. The gain setting for area N is applied to the input data with a color level between Gamma threshold R[N-1] and Gamma threshold R[N].
The output value is calculated as: Output color level = Input color level / 1024 (/128).
Control for each channel R/G/B. Specify On when performing gamma correction for the red channel.
If specifying Off, the settings for gain and
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Renesas Synergy™ Platform
ISDE Property Value
Color correction – Gamma gain B[0-15]
Color correction – Gamma threshold B[0-15]
Dithering – Mode
Dithering – Pattern A
Dithering – Pattern B
Dithering – Pattern C
Dithering – Pattern D
Off, On
(Default: Off)
Truncate, Round off,
2x2 Pattern
(Default: Truncate)
Pattern 00, Pattern 01,
Pattern 10, Pattern 11
(Default: Pattern 11)
Pattern 00, Pattern 01,
Pattern 10, Pattern 11
(Default: Pattern 11)
Pattern 00, Pattern 01,
Pattern 10, Pattern 11
(Default: Pattern 11)
Pattern 00, Pattern 01,
Pattern 10, Pattern 11
(Default: Pattern 11)
GLCDC HAL Module Guide
threshold do not affect the output color.
Set the gain value for the red channel in the area
N on the gamma correction curve. The gain setting for area N is applied to the input data with a color level between ((Gamma threshold R[N-
1])<<2) and ((Gamma threshold R[N])<<2).
The output value is calculated as follows: Output color level = Input color level / 1024 (/128).
Set the threshold value for the red channel in the area N on the gamma correction curve. The gain setting for area N is applied to the input data with a color level between Gamma threshold R[N-1] and Gamma threshold R[N].
The output value is calculated as: Output color level = Input color level / 1024 (/128).
Dithering enable. Specify On when applying the dither effect to reduce the banding in case of selecting RGB666 or RGB565 output formats.
Dithering can be applied when converting. If specified Off, the settings for dithering below do not affect the output. For details on the dither effect, see Output Control Block Panel Dither
Correction Register (OUT_PDTHA) in the hardware manual.
Specify the dither mode. For detail, see the
Output Control Block Panel Dither Correction
Register (OUT_PDTHA) in the hardware manual.
Specify the dither pattern for 2X2 pattern mode.
For details, see the Output Control Block Panel
Dither Correction Register (OUT_PDTHA) in the hardware manual.
Specify the dither pattern for 2X2 pattern mode.
For details, see the Output Control Block Panel
Dither Correction Register (OUT_PDTHA) in the hardware manual.
Specify the dither pattern for 2X2 pattern mode.
For details, see the Output Control Block Panel
Dither Correction Register (OUT_PDTHA) in the hardware manual.
Specify the dither pattern for 2X2 pattern mode.
For details, see the Output Control Block Panel
Dither Correction Register (OUT_PDTHA) in the hardware manual.
Specify the color correction processing order if needed.
Misc – Correction Process
Line Detect Interrupt
Brightness and
Contrast then Gamma,
Gamma then
Brightness and
(Default: Brightness and Contrast then
Priority 0 (highest) –
15 (lowest), Disabled
(Default: Disabled)
Line detect interrupt priority selection.
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Renesas Synergy™ Platform GLCDC HAL Module Guide
ISDE Property
Underflow 1 Interrupt
Priority 0 (highest) -
15 (lowest), Disabled
(Default: Disabled)
Underflow 1 interrupt priority selection.
Underflow 2 Interrupt
Priority 0 (highest) –
15 (lowest), Disabled
(Default: Disabled)
Underflow 2 interrupt priority selection.
Note: The example values and defaults are from a project using the Synergy S7G2 Group MCU. Other
MCUs may have different default values and different configuration settings available.
5.1 GLCDC HAL Module Clock Configuration
The GLCDC module can generate the pixel clock from either of the following clock sources. The source clock selection is available through Synergy Configuration in e
• Internal clock source (PLLOUT, 240 MHz)
• External clock source from the LCD_EXTCLK pin.
Note: The internal clock is different in S7G2 WS1 (Working Sample1) chip and the WS2 (Working Sample2) chip or later. WS1 chip uses PCLKB (max. 60 MHz), but WS2 or later chips use PLLOUT (max. 240 MHz).
5.2 GLCDC HAL Module Pin Configuration
The GLCDC module uses pins on the MCU to communicate with external devices. I/O pins must be selected and configured as required by the external device. The pin selection table lists methods to select pins within the SSP configuration window and the configuration settings table lists an example depicting selection of GLCDC pins.
Table 9 Pin Selection Sequence for the GLCDC HAL Module
Pin selection Sequence
Select Peripherals > Graphics: GLCDC> GLCDC0
Note: The selection sequence assumes GLCDC0 is the desired hardware target for the driver.
Table 10 Pin Configuration Settings for the GLCDC HAL Module
Property Value Description
Pin Group
Operation Mode
Mixed, _A Only, _B Only
(Default: Mixed)
Disabled, Custom, RGB888,
RGB666, RGB565
(Default: Disabled)
None, P900, P101
(Default: None)
None, Pn, Pm
(Default: None)
Pin group selection
Select desired operation mode
LCD_TCON0:3 None, Pn, Pm
(Default: None)
(Default: None)
Note: The example values in the table are from a project using the Synergy S7G2 MCU Group and SK-
S7G2 Kits. Other Synergy Kits and other Synergy MCUs may have different available pin configuration settings.
Note: To use the GLCDC module on the S7G2 PE-HMI1 board, be sure to set up PORT10 pin 3 (PA03) and pin 5 (PA05) as IOPORT pins with the output level HIGH. Pin PA03 controls the DISP signal (Display on/off) and Pin PA05 controls the backlight of LCD panel. For details, see the schematics of S7G2
PE-HMI1 board.
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Renesas Synergy™ Platform GLCDC HAL Module Guide
6. Using the GLCD HAL Module in an Application
The typical steps in using the GLCDC HAL module in an application are:
1. Initialize the GLCDC HAL module with the open API.
2. Draw a primary image in the frame buffer with application code.
3. Start the image displaying using the start API.
Draw a new image in the frame buffer to update the display with application code. Typical user systems consist of the ping-pong frame buffer system, so draw the image to another frame buffer that is not used for displaying at the point.
Request the frame buffer toggling to GLCDC hardware with the layerChange API.
6. The GLCDC hardware toggles the frame buffer and displays a new image from the next frame.
To synchronize the application code with the completion of current frame buffer drawing, use the line-detection interrupt and notify the timing to the application code through the GLCDC callback.
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Figure 8 Flow Diagram of a Typical GLCDC HAL Module Application
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Renesas Synergy™ Platform GLCDC HAL Module Guide
7. The GLCDC HAL Module Application Project
The Application Project associated with this Module Guide contains two example projects that demonstrate the aforementioned steps in a full design, and cover the main functions of the GLCD module. The project can be found using the link provided in the References section at the end of this document. You may want to import and open the Application
Project within the ISDE and view the configuration settings for the Display Driver module. You can also read over the code, in lcd.c (in both projects) that demonstrates the Display Driver APIs in a complete design.
The application project examples demonstrate the typical use of the Display Driver APIs. Both the application project main thread entries initialize the Display Driver and SPI Communication Driver, which are used to configure the LCD screen controller.
The first application project fills two background buffers with some example data and a foreground buffer with a Synergy logo image. After that occurs, an infinite loop in the program waits for the user to press a button. The S4 button changes the background frame buffer to display, and the S5 button changes the opacity of the Synergy logo foreground by dynamically altering the alpha value of the image. The result is viewed on the LCD panel.
The second application project illustrates the usage of a color look-up table and a line-repeating mode. After initialization of the Display Driver and the LCD configuration through SPI, the CLUT is defined. The table contains 16 colors defined in 32-bit ARGB format. The background pattern is defined, and is used to generate a background image using line-repeating mode. The foreground panel color is then set. At the end, the infinite loop waits for the user to press the S4 button, which changes the panel color.
Table 11 Software and Hardware Resources Used by the Application Project
IAR EW for Synergy
5.3.1 or later
1.2.0 or later
7.71.2 or later
5.3.1 or later v3.0 to v3.1
Integrated Solution Development Environment
Synergy Software™ Platform
IAR Embedded Workbench
for Renesas Synergy™
Synergy Standalone Configurator
Starter Kit
The following figure shows a simple flow diagram depicting the application project:
Figure 9 GLCDC HAL Module Application Project Flow Diagram
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Renesas Synergy™ Platform GLCDC HAL Module Guide
The complete list of application projects can be found using the link provided in the References section at the end of this document. The lcd.c file is in both projects once they have been imported into the ISDE. You can open this file within the ISDE and follow along with the description provided to help identify key uses of APIs.
The first section of lcd.c for the first application project has the header file that references the ILI9341V LCD screen configuration functions, macros defining the width and height of the screen (in pixels), enumeration variables for fade direction (up and down), and fade changing (start and stop) and global variables. The next section is the entry function for the main program-control section. The LCD screen is initialized using the SPI protocol and then the Display Driver is initialized, starting the display process. The subsequent section populates the background frame buffers with some example data. Next, the foreground frame buffer is populated with a Synergy logo image using an external function that is declared and defined in a separate file (SynergyButton.h and SynergyButton.c).
The last section has an infinite loop that checks whether a user pressed a button. Pressing the S4 switch causes changes to the background frame buffer to display. The S5 switch changes the opacity of a Synergy logo. When S5 is pressed, the logo opacity changes from low to high and then from high to low, and so on. Pressing the switch for the second time stops the opacity change.
A simple flow diagram of the first application project is given in the following figure:
Figure 10 GLCDC HAL Module Application Project Flow Diagram
The first section of the lcd.c file for the second application project includes the header file that references the LCD screen configuration functions and defines background and foreground width and height. The subsequent section defines a function that changes the front panel color. This function changes the foreground panel into the next one in the Color
Look-Up Table. Next, the main application function starts, the LCD is configured, and the Display Driver is initialized.
Following the application function, the CLUT populates with 16 example colors (defined in 32-bit ARGB format), the
CLUT initializes and starts displaying. After that, the pattern for line-repeating mode is defined. The last step is an infinite loop that checks whether the user has pressed the S4 switch. If the user has pressed the switch, the program changes the front panel color according to the CLUT.
Configuring a few key properties in this application project supports the operations required, as well as the physical properties of the target board and MCU.
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Renesas Synergy™ Platform GLCDC HAL Module Guide
The following table lists key properties along with the values set for this specific project. As a hands-on exercise, you can open the application project and view settings in the Properties window.
Table 12 DTC0 Configuration Settings for the Application Project
ISDE Property
Input – Section where Graphics screen1 frame buffer allocated
Value Set
1 st
Application Project 2 nd
Application Project
Name g_display
Input – Number of Graphics screen1 frame buffer 2 bss
Input – Graphics screen1input horizontal size
Input – Graphics screen1input vertical size
Input – Graphics screen1input horizontal stride
(not bytes but pixels)
Input – Graphic screen1 input lines repeat
6 Input – Graphic screen1 input lines repeat times 0
Input – Number of Graphics screen2 frame buffer 1 bss Input – Section where Graphics screen2 frame buffer allocated
Input – Graphics screen2 input horizontal size 128
Input – Graphics screen2 input vertical size
Input – Graphics screen2 input horizontal size
(not bytes but pixels)
Input – Graphics screen2 input format
Input – Graphics screen2 layer coordinate X
Input – Graphics screen2 layer coordinate Y
Output – Horizontal total cycles
Output – Horizontal active video cycles
Output – Horizontal back porch cycles
Output – Horizontal sync signal cycles
Output – Vertical total cycles
Output – Vertical active video cycles
Output – Vertical back porch cycles
Output – Vertical sync signal cycles
Output – Format
CLUT – CLUT buffer size
TCON – Hsync pin select
TCON – DataEnable pin select
32bit ARGB8888
16bit RGB565
Not used
Make sure to add and configure the SPI Communication stack. The following three tables demonstrate how to add the
SPI driver to the stack, configure the connection, and configure the pins.
Table 13 SPI Communication Selection Sequence
Resource ISDE Tab Stacks Selection Sequence
g_spi0 SPI Driver on r_sci_spi Threads New Stack> Driver> Connectivity> SPI Driver on r_sci_spi
Note: Observe that the second GLCDC HAL module instance has its interrupt priority set to Disabled. This setting is necessary because DOC interrupts were enabled by the first instance configuration.
Table 14 SPI Configuration Settings for the Application Project
ISDE Property
Value Set
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Renesas Synergy™ Platform GLCDC HAL Module Guide
Table 15 Pin Configuration Settings for the Application Project
Pin Selection Sequence Pin Configuration Property
Peripherals > Connectivity:SPI > SCI0 Operation Mode
Peripherals > Connectivity:SCI > SCI0 TXD_MOSI
Ports > P6 > P610
Ports > P6 > P611
Ports > P1 > P615
Output mode (Initial Low)
Output mode (Initial Low)
Output mode (Initial Low)
8. Customizing the GLCDC HAL Module for a Target Application
Developers can change some configuration settings from those in the application project. Parameters should be adjusted to the hardware (screen) the user wants to use. Important parameters are those for screen resolution, color space format, timing, in addition to settings for pin configuration (VSYNC, HSYNC, and data enable).
The user may also want to consider using a CLUT, interrupt callbacks, line-repeating mode, multiple render buffers, and other features available through the Display HAL driver.
9. Running the GLCDC HAL Module Application Project
To run the GLCD HAL module application project and to see it execute on a target kit, you can simply import it into your
ISDE, compile, and run debug.
To implement the GLCD HAL module application in a new project, follow the steps below for defining, configuring and auto-generating files, as well as adding code, compiling, and debugging the target kit.
To create and run the GLCD HAL Module Application Project, use the following steps:
1. Create a new Renesas Synergy project for the SK-S7G2 called GLCD_HAL_MG_AP.
2. Select the Threads tab.
3. Add the Display Driver stack to HAL/Common thread.
4. Add the SPI on SCI Driver stack to HAL/Common thread.
5. Configure the stack parameters.
6. Click on the Generate Project Content button.
7. Add the code from the supplied project file hal_entry.c or copy over the generated one.
8. Copy the lcd_setup folder into the project src directory.
9. Connect to the host PC using the USB cable (use the J19 connector).
10. Start to debug the application.
11. The output can be viewed on the LCD screen.
Figure 11
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Example Output from GLCD HAL Module First Application Project
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Renesas Synergy™ Platform GLCDC HAL Module Guide
Figure 12 Example Output from GLCD HAL Module Second Application Project
10. GLCDC HAL Module Conclusion
This module guide has provided all the background information needed to select, add, configure, and use the module in an example project. Many of these steps were time consuming and error-prone activities in previous generations of embedded systems. The Renesas Synergy Platform makes these steps much less time consuming and removes the common errors like conflicting configuration settings or the incorrect selection of lower-level modules. The use of high level APIs (as demonstrated in the application project) illustrates additional development-time savings by allowing work to begin at a high level and avoiding the time required in older development environments to use, or, in some cases, create, lower-level drivers.
11. GLCDC HAL Module Next Steps
After you have mastered a simple GLCD HAL module project, you may want to review a more complex example.
Other application projects and application notes that demonstrate GLCD HAL use are described in the References section.
12. GLCDC HAL Module Reference Information
SSP User Manual: Available in html format in the SSP distribution package and as a pdf from the Synergy Gallery.
Links to all the most up-to-date r_glcd module reference materials and resources are available on the Synergy
Knowledge Base: dge_Base/r_glcd_Module_Guide_Resources .
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Revision History
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Aug 31, 2017
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Update to Hardware and Software Resources Table
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Key features
- Supports LCD panels with RGB interface (up to 24 bits)
- Supports various color formats for input graphics planes
- Supports the Color Look-Up Table (CLUT) usage for input graphics planes
- Supports various color formats for output
- Can input two graphics planes on top of the background plane and blend them on the screen
- Generates a dot clock to the panel
- Supports brightness adjustment, contrast adjustment, and gamma correction
- Supports GLCDC interrupts to handle frame-buffer switching or underflow detection