Renesas GLCDC HAL Module Application Note

The GLCDC HAL Module is a high-level API for GLCDC applications and is implemented on r_glcd. The GLCDC HAL module uses the Graphics LCD Driver peripheral on the Synergy MCU. A user-defined callback can be created to handle frame buffer switching and underflow detection.

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Renesas GLCDC HAL Module Application Note | Manualzz




Key features

  • Supports LCD panels with RGB interface (up to 24 bits)
  • Supports various color formats for input graphics planes
  • Supports the Color Look-Up Table (CLUT) usage for input graphics planes
  • Supports various color formats for output
  • Can input two graphics planes on top of the background plane and blend them on the screen
  • Generates a dot clock to the panel
  • Supports brightness adjustment, contrast adjustment, and gamma correction
  • Supports GLCDC interrupts to handle frame-buffer switching or underflow detection

Frequently asked questions

The GLCDC HAL Module is a high-level API that simplifies the process of using the GLCDC (Graphics LCD Controller) on the Synergy MCU. It provides functions for opening, closing, starting, stopping, and controlling the display of information on an LCD panel.

The GLCDC HAL Module supports LCD panels with RGB interfaces (up to 24 bits) and sync signals (HSYNC, VSYNC, and Data Enable optional). It also supports various color formats for input graphics planes and output, including RGB888, ARGB8888, RGB565, ARGB1555, ARGB4444, CLUT8, CLUT4, and CLUT1.

The GLCDC HAL Module allows you to specify a user-defined callback function. This function will be called when the GLCDC finishes outputting all lines to the LCD panel (Line Detection interrupt) and can be used to switch frame buffers in a graphics system.

The GLCDC HAL Module uses layer1 or layer2 buffer underflow interrupts to detect a lack of memory bandwidth in the system. The underflow occurs when the graphics data transfer from memory to the GLCDC internal line buffer is blocked by another data transfer. You can handle these underflow events using the user-defined callback function.
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