EMS Taktis Control Panel manual
EMS Taktis Control Panel helps you manage your building's security and environment with ease. It offers customizable access control, allowing you to grant or restrict access to specific areas for authorized personnel. The panel also enables you to monitor and control various building systems, including lighting, heating, and ventilation, for optimal energy efficiency and comfort. Additionally, it provides real-time alerts and notifications for security breaches, fire hazards, and system faults, ensuring a safe and secure environment for your building.
Fire Alarm Control Panel
Operation Manual
Man-1169GEN Rev. 01
Operation Manual
Contents i
Controlling the System 1
Controlling a Fire Condition 4
Navigating the User Controls 7
Notifying the Emergency Contact 13
Man-1169GEN Rev. 01
Operation Manual
Controlling the System 1
Section 1
Controlling the System
The system has an indicator panel either side of the touch screen display to advise the user of the status of the system, a touch screen display to give the user detailed information and Zone indicators (if fitted) below the main display. The touch screen display provides the user with control buttons based on the type of events that are active and access level of the user.
When the Fire System is the “Normal condition” the touch screen display is visible and shows the quiescent condition with no controls. Quiescent mode is present when the FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panel) is not reporting fire alarms or fault conditions. When an event occurs the panel will operate its internal buzzer and change the display and illuminate the appropriate indicator to show the change of condition.
Left Indicators
Touch Screen display
Access control keyswitch
Right Indicators
Left Indicators
General Fault
System Fault
General Disablement
Fire Protection Activated
Fire Protection Fault
This red indicator will flash whenever the panel is in a fire condition. If the sounders are silenced, then the indicator will change state from flashing to constant.
This yellow indicator will flash when the system is not operating as expected. The system maintenance company should be contacted as soon as possible to identify the problem.
This yellow indicator will flash when there is a serious fault with the panel microprocessor or memory components. The system maintenance company should be contacted as soon as possible to identify the problem.
This yellow indicator will illuminate (constant) when a part of the system has been disabled. Please note that the system may not operate as expected when disablements are active on the system.
This red indicator will illuminate (constant) to advise the user that the panel is signalling to optional Fire Control or Fire Fighting (Extinguishing)
This yellow indicator will illuminate (constant) to advise the user that the panel is having trouble communicating to optional Fire Control or Fire
Fighting (Extinguishing) Equipment.
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Controlling the System 1
Right Indicators
Indicator Colour
Fire Routing On Red
Fire Routing
Fault / Disabled
Test Mode On
Delays Active
Sounder Fault /
Power On
This red indicator will illuminate (constant) when a Fire condition has been signalled to others (Configuration option).
This yellow indicator will flash when there is a fault on the monitored circuit to the
Fire Routing equipment. The system maintenance company should be contacted as soon as possible to identify the problem.The indicator will be illuminated
(constant) when the output has been manually disabled.
This yellow indicator will illuminate when one or more zones have been manually put in test mode.The system should not be left with any zones in test mode.
This yellow indicator will illuminate (constant) when outputs have been configured with delays and the delays are switched on within the User Controls menu.
This yellow indicator flashes if it has a problem with any sounder and the sounders may not operate in an emergency situation, the system maintenance company should be contacted as soon as possible to identify the problem.
The indicator will be illuminated (constant) when any sounder device has been manually disabled by the user.
This green indicator should always be illuminated (constant) as it indicates that the panel has power. If the indicator is off, it means that mains power and the internal batteries have failed.The system maintenance company should be contacted immediately to identify the problem.
User Access Levels
User access levels of the FACP are displayed in the bottom right corner of the touch screen display. User access levels are available through the following methods:
No User Group / Access Level 2 (log in code through touch screen display) and Key Level 2 (front-panel key- switch)
No User Group
The No User Group does not require a log in code or operation of the front panel keyswitch, it is available to all users of the panel. The functions are restricted when operating the FACP in the No User Group, this mode allows users to view system information and to perform simple tests.
Access Level 2
Log-in through the touch screen display provides an ”Access Level 2” access to the panel, this allows the user to control the panel for the following functionality. For the user to access this they must have been allocated a password. Default password “222222”. The Password can be changed from the default and recorded here:
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Indications & Controls
Controlling the System 1
Once the user has logged in through the touch screen display, the text in the bottom right of the display changes from “No User Group” to “Access Level 2”
Key Level 2
Level 2 can also be gained through the Front Panel Keyswitch. To access level 2 menu’s, insert the key into the keyslot (C) below the touch screen display in the centre of the bezel, turn the key 45 degrees clockwise to enable the controls.
Once the Key is turned, the text in the bottom right of the display changes from “No User Group” to “Key Level 2”.
If the user has logged in using a password or used the key switch, it generally provides the user with the following menu options: (Please Note: The Menus available from “level 2” can be configured, hence different menu options
may be available).
Silence / Re-Sound / Buzzer Silence / Reset and the system menus below;
System Information / Disablements / Test Zones / Set Time & Date / View Event Log / View Devices / Panel
tests / GUI Settings
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Section 2
Controlling a Fire Condition
Access Level 2 / Key Level 2
Controlling a Fire Condition 2
The FACP is operating in access level 2 when either Access level 2 or Key
Level 2 is visible on the bottom-right of the touch screen display.
Once the fire has been investigated, the sounders can be silenced: Press “Silence Alarms” button as shown below to silence the sounders that have been activated. Once the button has been pressed its status changes to “Re-Sound Alarms” to allow the user to re-evacuate the building if required.
Note: The “Buzzer Silence” button becomes active again if the “Re-Sound Alarms” is operated.
The cause of the fire condition can be determined through the touch screen display, it will show the device(s) that triggered the system into alarm. Note: Smoke detectors will not reset until they are clear of smoke, heat detectors will not reset until the temperature has reduced below the trigger threshold.
Call-points can be reset by glass replacement, removal of the test key (if it was a test) or resetting the non-frangible element.
If it is not clear which device has caused the fire condition then the “More Details” button can be pressed on the touch screen display to gain further information.
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Press the “Reset System” button on the touch screen display.
Controlling a Fire Condition 2
After the ‘Reset’ has completed the system will return the user back to the ‘Fire System Normal’ screen.
The system should not be left logged-in, press the touch screen display to get back into the system and then press the “Logout” button or if the keyswitch was used turn the enable access key to the left to exit Key Level 2 and remove the key.
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Controlling a Fire Condition 2
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Navigating the User Controls 3
Section 3
Navigating the User Controls
To access User Controls press the press “User Controls” button on the top right of the touch screen display. this will show a range of buttons that allow the user to perform a number of functions. The buttons shown will depend upon the configuration.
System Information
This provides the user the software versions of the panel.
Disablements (Re-Enablements)
To either Disable or Re-enable on the panel press “Disablements” button from the User Controls screen.
Within this option it allows Zones / Devices / Sounders and Outputs to be Disabled or Re-Enabled.
Select the appropriate button on the touch screen display, each disablement option is described below;
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Disable /Re-Enable Zones
Perform this operation to disable / enable zones on the FACP.
To disable zones on the FACP;
Press “Disable Zones” button on the Fire system Normal window.
Navigating the User Controls 3
Press the empty box adjacent to the Disabled Zone(s) on the Fire System Normal window.
Press “Details View” button on the Fire System Normal window.
Press the “Submit” button.
Press “No” and this will then give the option to change the field to “Yes” in the Include Call Points box if required.
Press “Submit” button.
Press the “Disablement” button in the top navigation.
10. Press “More Details” button.
11. Press the “Disable” button on the top navigation bar.
12. Press “Enable” or “Enable All” button to re-enable the disabled Zone(s).
13. Press the window.
14. Press “Logout” button.
The No User Group authorisation on the window is displayed.
Disable/Re-Enable Devices
Perform this operation to disable devices on the FACP.
To disable devices on the FACP;
15. Press “Disable Devices” button on the ‘Fire System Normal’ window.
16. Devices can be disabled either by Loop or Zone.
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Navigating the User Controls 3
To Disable by Loop:
17. Press “Loop X” button. Where X is the required loop number from1 (up to) 16.
18. The number of options displayed will depend upon the different device types fitted to the loop, the system will provide options to select by device types fitted or by the “All” option which selects all the devices fitted to the loop. To select any of the options press inside the checkbox to select (multiple selections are allowed) and a green tick will be displayed when successfully selected.
19. Once a green tick is displayed, the “Show” button will become active, press the “Show” button and this will list all the devices selected on the selected Loop that can be disabled.
20. Press the “More Details” button on the device that you wish to disable.
21. Press “Disable” button to disable the selected device.
22. Press the “Disablement” button on the top navigation bar. (Note this will show all devices that have
been disabled).
23. Press “More Details” button.
24. Press the “Disable” button on the top navigation bar.
25. Press “Enable” button to re-enable the required devices that has been previously disabled.
26. Press the window.
Disable / Re-Enable All Sounders
Perform this operation to disable / enable all sounders on the FACP.
All Sounders on the FACP are disabled (enabled) as a complete group.
Disable / Re-Enable Panel Outputs
Perform this operation to disable panel outputs on the FACP.
Outputs on the FACP can be disabled (enabled) individually. So if an individual Sounder Circuit or any other Panel
Output can be selected individually and disabled.
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Navigating the User Controls 3
Disable / Re-Enable All Outputs
Perform this operation to disable / enable all outputs on the FACP.
All Outputs on the FACP can be disabled (enabled) as a complete group.
Disable / Re-Enable All Plant Outputs
Perform this operation to disable / enable all plant outputs on the FACP.
All Plant Outputs on the FACP can be disabled (enabled) as a complete group.
Test Zones
Zone testing allows devices to be put in to alarm condition and automatically resets the FACP to confirm activation.
The Test Zones feature allows operators to conduct testing without manually resetting the FACP between activations.
27. Press “Test Zones” button.
28. Press inside the checkbox(s) required to either select “All” zones or individually select the required zone(s) to test (multiple selections are allowed) and a green tick shows when successfully selected a zone to test.
29. Once all the required zones have been selected press “Details View” button.
30. Once it has been verified the required zones have been selected press “Submit” button.
31. Zones can be tested with or without the system sounders being active, To change the setting Press
“Box showing the current option” (Yes/NO) and this will then give the option to change the field to the opposite setting if required to change.
32. Press “Submit” button to begin the test of the selected zone(s).
The Test Mode ON LED on the fascia of the FACP will be continuously illuminated whilst the system is in Zones Test.
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Navigating the User Controls 3
33. Press the “X Zones in Test” button on the top navigation bar (where X is the number of zones in test).
34. Test all required zones.
35. Press “More Details” button to see additional information.
36. Press the “X Zones in Test” button on the top navigation bar or “Back” button to return to the previous window.
37. Press “Restore All” to button to cancel the test of all Zone(s) in test or press the “Enable” button next to each zone to take that zone out of test.
38. Press the window.
39. Press “Logout” button.
The No User Group authorisation on the window is displayed:
Set Date and Time
40. Press “Set Date & Time” button on the Fire System Normal window:
The Set Date & Time window is displayed:
41. Adjust the Time and Date accordingly and then press “Apply” button to set the new parameters.
View Event Log
Perform this operation to view the Event Log of the system.
The user can find the device they wish to view by Loop (1-16) or Zone, then by device type (multiple devices types can be selected) or all the devices on the loop or Zone. The panel will then provide a list of devices based upon the selected criteria, for each device the status can be shown using the “More Details” button or disabled / re-enabled as required.
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Navigating the User Controls 3
View Devices
Perform this operation to view the status of any loop device.
The user can find the device they wish to view by Loop (1-16) or Zone, then by device type (multiple devices types can be selected) or all the devices on the loop or Zone. The panel will then provide a list of devices based upon the selected criteria, for each device the status can be shown using the “More Details” button or disabled / re-enabled as required.
Panel Tests
Perform this operation to test the user interface.
The panel LED’s and internal buzzer can be tested to ensure that they all illuminate and sound.
The LCD screen can be tested to ensure that it displays characters correctly.
GUI Settings
Perform this operation to adjust the screen brightness and the buzzer operation.
The screen brightness can either by selected manually or set automatically where it adjusts to the ambient light.
The internal buzzer can be selected to sound on each keypress or be silent during keypress.
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual
Section 4
Notifying the Emergency Contact
Contact Form
Primary Telephone
Secondary Telephone
Mobile Phone
Notifying the Emergency Contact 4
Man-1169GEN Rev.01
Operation Manual

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