Combi Ninna-nna B-58 Baby carrier 取扱説明書

Below you will find brief information for Baby Carrier Ninna Nan Na B-58. This instruction manual provides guidance on using the Combi Ninna Nan Na B-58 baby carrier, covering both the 'daiko' (hugging) and 'onbu' (carrying on the back) methods. It details the various parts, how to adjust the fit for different ages and weights, and how to clean and maintain it. The manual also includes safety precautions and usage guidelines, ensuring safe and comfortable use for both parent and child.

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Combi Ninna Nan Na B-58 Instruction Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Adjustable straps
  • Soft and comfortable fabric
  • Easy to use
  • Safe and secure for baby
  • Durable construction
  • Machine washable
  • Weight capacity up to 14.9kg

Frequently asked questions

The manual provides step-by-step instructions on how to adjust the straps for a proper fit for both you and your baby.

The carrier can be used for babies weighing up to 14.9 kg.

The manual provides specific instructions for washing your carrier, including the recommended washing temperature and drying methods.
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