PerfectPass WakeboardPro, DigitalPro speed control User's guide
Below you will find brief information for speed control WakeboardPro, speed control DigitalPro. This user's guide will help you get started using your new PerfectPass speed control. It covers all the basic functions and features, including how to set up the system, choose the right mode for your needs, and tow skiers safely. You'll also find troubleshooting tips and information on how to calibrate the system.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number Getting Started 1 Initial Setup Getting Familiar with PerfectPass Changing Modes Section 2 - Slalom Mode Using Slalom Mode RPM Based Slalom Speed Based Slalom Setting Baselines Additional Information & Settings Section 3 - Jump Mode Using Jump Mode Jump Driving Additional Information & Settings Section 4 - Trick Mode 14 Using Trick Mode Trick Settings Section 5 - RPM Mode 16 Section 1 o J Section 6 - Wakeboard Mode 17 Using Wakeboard Mode Wakeboard Settings Section 7 - Calibrating PerfectPass Speedometer (Trick /Wakeboard) 19 Section 8 - Integrated Timing 20 Using integrated Timing — | Placing Smart Timers Placing Magnets Section 9 - Magnet Test Mode / Device Test 23 Screen Contrast Testing Magnets Servo Motor Tests Section 10 - Addition Features 23 Screen Contrast Name List System Info Device Test 24 Section 11 - Installation Instructions 25 Section 12 - Trouble Shooting/General Information 29 System Reset 30 APPENDIX All Ball Timing Information Warning: PerfectPass highly recommends you become familiar with the operation of your new boat prior to using the speed control. (Leave in OFF position). Once you are familiar and comfortable with the operation and handling of your boat, try the speed control in the different modes without a skier to familiarize yourself with its operation. If you feel it is not working properly or have questions, leave in the OFF position and contact PerfectPass or your dealer immediately. USER'S GUIDE Section 1. GETTING STARTED INITIAL SETUP - The display will guide you through this set up. Read slowly and carefully. Y our new PerfectPass system must now complete a short set up procedure to familiarize itself with your particular boat and engine. (This may have been performed by your dealer if factory installed) Step (1) Engine Selection. On some systems you will be asked to select the engine in your boat. It will appear as [5.7 / MPI ^ = Yes]. This means if you have standard engine, press UP. For optional big block 6L or 8.1L, press DOWN. Step (2) The display will now show [read in MPH "= Yes]. It is asking you if you would like the display to operate in mph. If you do; confirm by pressing the UP key. If you want kph press the DOWN key. (We have selected mph for illustration purposes) Step (3) |[WAKEBOARDPRO "=Y] The display will now ask if wagnt the system to be a WakeboardPro or a 3-Event DigitalPro. Press UP Kay for WakeboardPro and press DOWN for DigitalPro. — Step (4) The display will now move into the Slalom mode, described in the next section. GETTING FAMILIAR WITH PERFECTPASS Turning System ON and OFF — All system functions require the PerfectPass control system to be powered up (ignition in ON or Accessory position). The ON/OFF key turns the PerfectPass control ON or OFF. The system requires the boat to be in neutral before turning the system ON or OFF. After pressing the ON/OFF key [IN NEUTRAL." =Yes] may appear to remind the driver, and confirm the boat has been returned to neutral. When PerfectPass is OFF it will not engage. Any time you operate your boat the system will be powered up, although it can be in the OFF mode. Every time you power up PerfectPass it will return to the last event and speed that was used. System ON System OFF e ur a + Ea TT Ne Te ¡a E F re EER К E POL Ко A TS PT ape iid ых DEA TT CEA ES RE Pas 3 2 ЕНиР N Е A pe TO fai SO = Pn So Eh of ME Tow LE TA ATE сле cer EE TE EFI TELE CO TI DN NANA Ne PALA ESA EN NIUE ACES E US ‘Engaging System — With PerfectPass ON, the system will automatically engage once the SETPOINT is reached. PerfectPass requires the driver to bring the boat up to and slightly past the SETPOINT before it will engage. When the system engages it will sound an audible beep and the top line will become highlighted. In Slalom mode the screen appears as follows: | +00 SLALOM Pe won JA. i Disengaging System — The PerfectPass system is unable to increase throttle position past the physical position of the throttle handle. This important feature gives the driver the power to over ride the system at any point by simply pulling back on the throttle. If the throttle handle is moved back past a point slower then where the system needs to be to control it will disengage and boat will be under manual control. Moving Around The Screen— The MENU key allows you to move around the screen to the various features. Any time vou scroll to the Menu Arrow Icon D} the system is prompting you to press either the UP or DOWN keys to select or | confirm an option. Pressing the DOWN key on the E brings you into a calibration screen. The calibration screen varies depending on the mode; the specifics of these screens will be covered within each mode description. Pressing the UP key on the 2) brings you into the Mode Select Screen. MODE SELECT SCREEN To change modes press the MENU key until the desired mode is highlighted. Press the UP key to go into the highlighted mode. Press DOWN to go into the Mode’s background Setting Screens. MADE SELECT SLALOM DOWN key for Mode settings TTING Ln DE EE A ES sE DELTA TOS Г. 5 Ei BET NE SUBMENU SCREEN To enter the SUBMENU press the MENU and UP keys together, on any of the main mode screens. SETTINGS ys ANIOS ACA NU=NE% ERE PET Contrast — To adjust the darkness of the lettering on the screen you can change the contrast. This value can be adjusted from 0-5 and is saved in the memory. The smaller the number, the brighter the screen will be in bright sun. If you turn your boat on but cannot see the screen, press MENU & UP Keys together and adjust contrast Up or Down. Name List — You can pull or enter a name from the name list here. The full description of the Name List is in Section 10 of the manual System Info — General system information can be found here. The software version, engine selection, system voltage, system hours, and water temperature (not equipped on all boats) can be found here. See Section 10. ADDITIONAL FEATURES for more information on this feature. Device Test — This test allow you to test for proper control of the rope switches, servo motor (Mechanical only), or throttle feedback (DBW only). See Section 10. Tip: Screen Contrast can be adjusted by pressing MENU and UP Keys together. Range is 0 — 5, 3 is normal. | Section 2. SLALOM MODE USING SLALOM MODE The Slalom mode is designed to give a skier an optimum and consistent pull through a Slalom course while producing perfect timing passes. This section covers the various Slalom Modes within the PerfectPass system. The main RPM based Slalom (36 mph — 24.9 mph) screen appears as follows: 2. Name/Mode/Crew 1. RPM Ad t I FA . RP us I E pe el Te] BATE Tr E Dec Past » mer rl 4 o POT HG ро pre A Ad CCT rd TEN PEI O er E Er STE nn VA es Ue fae ey 6. Skier Wag X a EEE 3 course Tm | Tachometer EA As you press the MENU key you will move around the circle following the numbers above. 1. RPM Adjust This value directly adjusts the RPM/Speed value the system is trying to hold. If a time is fast or slow, you can enter an RPM value for the next pass. Example: A time was a little fast and PerfectPass suggested “-20 RPM”. Enter —20 on RPM Adjust. You may also use this in a headwind/tailwind situation. 2. Name/Mode/Crew Weight This section of the screen displays either the Mode, Slalom or a Skier’s Name pulled from the Name List. Press UP key to access the Name List: Name List is discussed in Section 10. Enter the Crew Weight in pounds using the UP and DOWN keys. Press the MENU key to confirm and continue. 3. Menu Arrow (3 Press UP key to change modes or mode settings: ELECT Change between modes using Menu Key. A= SETTINGS Press DOWN key to Calibrate system: TER a ли | CALTEFATE = The calibration screen is described SETPOINT En x below in this section on Page 6. 34.2% Speed/SETPOINT The speed readout will turn into the SETPOINT when the engine is below 1500 RPM or the Speed/SETPOINT is highlighted. When this is highlighted the metric conversion will appear in this area of the screen. Press UP or DOWN keys to select desired SETPOINT: 4 35 1b +.03 16.98% 3350 Mi Pi Hi al Course Times This section of the screen displays the timing information from the last pass. As well as the suggested RPM adjustment based on the times. These screens will scroll automatically at the end of each pass. The result of this check is shown to the right of the times as shown below. Tolerance Indicator x e = Good Times e = Slow Times fo = =F ast TE 5 an = Tam Ea LE a A. E nr TA ETE ES A | BY Hi SLALOM Ol | = REED 00: Е. + 27 A SLALOM % Full Course Egor. ar ИЕ. | ay и - RT г E FAST EAT CRD TO E E OLEA ES ER EU ED возит | ABT All buoy times are displayed on one screen with full course error and full course time at the top. Press any key to return to main screen. Tips: Skier Wight To enter or adjust skier weight simply highlight this section of the screen and press the UP or DOWN keys to make adjustments. The skier weight is entered in pounds, i.e. the above example shows a skier with a weight of 135 pounds. The skier weight is required so the PerfectPass system can apply the correct amount of RPM to compensate for their pull. ( 1 pound =1 RPM). PX (Rope Switch Setting) Factory setting is 0, which is the off position (typical values range from 5 — 10). If the optional Slalom Switch is used, this is the percentage of skier weight which is applied during each pull (i.e. A value of 10 would apply 20 rpm to a 200 pound skier). A value of 0 means no pull from the switch. KX (Throttle Response) The KX value represents the throttle control response of the system. Under the current rules, a skier is encouraged to use the factory settings or normal (represented by an “n” on the screen), but has the option for a higher more immediate throttle response setting (+ or ++). As well they have the option for a lower KX (-). 1. Crew Calculator - When on Crew Weight, press UP and DOWN together to access Crew Calculator. See Page 13. 2. Skier Weight (Shortcut) — To make a change between skier’s you can hold MENU Key for a few seconds and weight will become highlighted. ® —A E; A E A: — A A a a THE WORLD LEADER JN SPEED CONTROL SLALOM CALIBRATION / SETTING BASELINES (Your new system must be calibrated for accuracy) 4. Menu Arrow X EE ÓN Pa a OU ae re o a re - pay FE 2 a pa я DS y = 1 ick Calibr = RTT x - HL HTE es in > 2 | а” | rs = rE pr po РМ E RE "77008 Ve I [= Fi H || hal - Fe = co BEE E A a x FR ES FES IT AAA ADO NIC NACI TATI EE Lo RD | : ня o OA ANI a FRET OR DE CER A = AA - pe Ll ЗЫ itll E 3 ET OM TI ю a 4 am E E E ATENTA PE Я ОИ ПОЛОН ОЕ ООЕ ОО ООО ОАЕ НЕ ЛЯ EEE CAE E ERLE TA EARL A у A Sy BER RES Your system must be calibrated for accuracy in a course. This is often called setting Baseline RPM Values. In slalom mode (without a skier) you must complete a timed slalom pass at each official speed you intend to use. This must be done in a course using magnets and Mag Sensor or a PerfectPass Hand Timer. Once calibrated, these new settings will be maintained in the system memory. Step 1. In Slalom Mode, enter accurate Crew Weight, set Skier Weight to 0 and RPM Adjust to 0. Step 2. Set speed (ex: 34.2) and engage system prior to course. Step 3. Mag Sensor will trigger at entrance gate, ball 3 gate and exit gate. (Alternatively, if using Hand Timer push button at same gate locations). Step 4. Stop boat, highlight (2) Key and press Down to access “Quick Calibrate”. Press Up Key to confirm Quick Calibration request. System will confirm “Baseline and Speedometer Calibrated”. Step 5. After system confirms calibration at 34.2, change speed and repeat procedure. 23 MPH AND LOWER As you calibrate the various slalom speeds, you will note that 23 mph and lower are speed based. After you do a Quick Calibrate at 23 mph, you will be asked to perform a “Master Recal”. A yes to “Master Recalibrate” will automatically calibrate all other “under 23 mph” slalom speeds. (These under 23 mph speeds can be timed and calibrated independently for greater accuracy if desired). TOWING A SKIER (The Basics) Step 1. Enter Crew Weight, Enter Speed and Skier Weight. Step 2. Pull skier up and engage system prior to course. (You will hear an audible beep). Step 3. As you exit course review times on screen. If time was not perfect, the system will show an rpm suggested change. Le. “+20 ADJUST”. You should enter an RPM Adjust value or 20 on main screen for next pass. This will speed up boat by 20 RPM. You may also use this feature in a headwind / tailwind situation. ADDITIONAL SLALOM SETTINGS Additional Slalom Settings are accessed by pressing the UP key on the Main Slalom Screen with the & highlighted. Then press the DOWN key when SLALOM is highlighted on the Mode Select Screen. The first two options can be accessed from the Main Slalom Screen as described above as well as here in the Slalom Settings Screen. MODE SETTINGS — RPM Offsets | - ООВ MODE SETTINGS Calibrate 556 IT Crew Weight — This setting can also be accessed on the main Slalom Screen as mentioned above on Page 3 or through the Slalom Settings screen. This value should be set to represent the total Crew Weight in pounds in the boat. It is essential this value be properly setup to ensure you get good times. Crew Weight Calculator - The system will add the weight of up to 3 individual crewmembers. Simply go to “Crew Adj” on the list, then press the DOWN and UP keys together, enter the weight of crew member #1, press MENU and do the same for crew member #2. The system will total the weight automatically. Calibrate — Press the UP key to enter the Baseline Calibration screen. This can also be accessed by pressing the DOWN key with the 2) highlighted on the Main Slalom Screen. To check baselines, complete a timing pass and then go to this | = calibrate option. Press Up to enter Calibration Screen and then Up on Quick Calibrate to confirm calibration. SSB (Second Segment Balance) - The percentage of skier value driven RPM that is removed during the second _ segment to maintain an ideal time in slalom. Example: If your 2" segment is running a little on the fast side relative to the first segment time, you would raise the SSB. The higher the value, the more RPM removed from the boat speed in the 2°. Typical value is about 10. RPM OFFSET — Press the UP key on this feature to view and edit the 3 Offset values, 36, 34.2 and LWR. The lower (LWR) is used for all slower speeds. If you are finding that you are continually running less (or more) than a skiers weight to achieve a good time, you can enter an rpm offset value. The OFFSET value is only applied when a skier weight is _ entered. With a zero skier weight the OFFSET value has no effect. Example: On a typical boat with a skier’s actual weight entered, you have to run 25 less rpm to achieve an accurate time. If you are consistently seeing this, you can enter an offset rpm value (i.e.: -25) and the system will allow you to run all other values as you normally would. The offset value is independently set for 36.0, 34.2 and speeds 32.3-24.9 (LWR). RPM Offsets WT (Wait Time) - For tournament use to provide each skier the same wait time between passes. The number of seconds between passes (i.e. 40 seconds). Starts timing as boat exits the course. Two short beeps are indicated with 10 seconds left, followed by three long beeps when time is up. Previous Times — To reload the previous times simply highlight this item and press the UP key. The full course and — segment times can be viewed from the Main Slalom Screen. The ABT’s can be viewed by pressing the DOWN key with the Timing Information highlighted on the Main Slalom Screen. ADDITIONAL SLALOM INFORMATION Digital Speed Readout — The digital speedometer on the screen is for information only in RPM based Slalom. If you feel it is not reading accurately, go into Quick Calibrate feature after running any timed pass and press the UP key to recalibrate the speedometer. Setting Baselines / Calibrating Speedometer without a Course — If you do not have the benefit of a course, you can manually set baselines and calibrate the speedometer. This must be done at each slalom speed and you will require an accurate boat speedometer or GPS. Example: Starting at 36 mph, you engage system and note actual speed on the GPS is 35. Go into the Baseline Calibration screen and raise the RPM Baseline about 100 rpm. This will speed up the boat to about 36 (100 rpm = 1 MPH). Ifspeed is now accurate, the final step is to calibrate digital speedometer. Note the digital speed readout and if it is reading 37, go into Speedometer Calibration Screen. Now press the DOWN key and lower speedometer calibration by one mph. Run boat again to confirm accuracy. Once the baseline and calibration is set, it will be saved within the system memory. Now change speed to 34.2 and repeat. All speeds you plan to use must be done. = More Throttle— If you see the Y replace the © on the Main Slalom Screen, the system is indicating it needs more manual throttle in order to maintain the speed. In this case just move the manual throttle forward a little. Smart Timer False Triggered - The Smart Timer is sensitive and will false trigger outside the course on waves, etc. To avoid false triggering, always slow the boat slightly to disengage the system after exiting the course between passes. The system will not false trigger if it is not engaged. (In the event the Timer does trigger before the course, press the UP key to reset Timer). If your timer(s) is securely fastened to the floor but false trigger often, including in Mag Test Mode, move location of timer(s) forward or back. Optional Slalom Switch - If you have a Slalom Switch, refer to detailed instructions sent with switch. The switch is = beneficial to “short line skiers”. For full details, please contact PerfectPass, or log on to THE WORLD LEADER In SPEED CONTROL Section 3. JUMP MODE USING JUMP MODE © WARNING: (Timing must be used in Jump mode and a proper two segment jump course is required for system to work properly. Do not use PerfectPass in Jump mode without a proper course, integrated timing and experienced operator. Because the counter cut pull and cut to the ramp are different, you must have timing activated and running as the boat heads towards the ramp. The Jump mode is RPM based and therefore baseline values must be established just as in Slalom mode. Setting the jump baseline values must be done in a proper two segment jump course. Jump Letter must be set at A for this process. _ The Jump mode main screen will appear as follows: 2. Name/Mode/Crew/ New Jumper 1. RPM Adjust E EE ER VS Are S2 Fi SAUT ES A PES hal ETS BE EA = CE AE a РЗ x ne + 52% +00 JA RTS] POOL A ANNIE NLM USAN EA NENA a i 6. Jump Letter | _ EEES 5. Course Times AE RPM Adjust | RPM adjust allows the driver to increase or decrease the overall times (1* & 2ng segment) by putting in a positive or negative RPM adjustment. Example: If the times are running consistently slow on both segments, you could add a value such as +20 rpm and the speed will be increased. You may wish to do this for a particular jumper (a heavy puller) or for a number of jumpers if the times are drifting in a certain direction | | Name/Mode/Crew/New Jumper This section of the screen displays either the Mode Name or a Skier’s Name pulled from the Name List. Press UP key to access the Name List: QUICHLIST Name List is discussed in Section 10. Press the UP key to enter a new jumper or DOWN key to enter or edit the crew 540 261? 00 Weight. New Jumper is covered below. Enter the Crew Weight in pounds using the UP and DOWN Keys. Press the MENU | 5.40 Ea 00= key to confirm and continue. a EEN бо Но -- 3. Menu Arrow Press UP key to change modes or mode settings: MODE SELECT This allows you to change modes and mode settings. The Additional Jump Settings will be discussed below. aio = В HEE Se © The calibration screen is described UE J below in this section. 4. Speed/SETPOINT _ The speed readout will turn into the SETPOINT when the engine is below 1500 RPM or the Speed/SETPOINT is highlighted. When this is highlighted the metric conversion will appear in this area of the screen. Press UP or DOWN keys to select desired SETPOINT. 5. Course Times _ This section of the screen displays the timing information from the last pass If Jump Letter is set to A and RTB, the second segment error from Return to Baseline will be displayed after segment errors as seen below: ‘ Tolerance Indicator = | e =Good Times [& е =Slow Times | f =Fast Times E 1* and 2™ Segment Times 1* and 2™ Segment Errors a К RASE SEE EE ond Segment Error г — from Retum to E: Raceline Times a CERT ES] Ee CLARITO NID I yard i AE AAN ELENA APENAS „а 6. Jump Letter | | The Jump Letter is a combination of Jumper Weight, Jumper Distance and ability. . This Jump Letter represents how much throttle will be applied once the Rope Switch is closed as the skier pulls. The higher the Jump Letter selected the more aggressive the pull will be. If you are unsure what Jump Letter you should use then start by using the New Jumper” feature as described below. This will automatically generate a Jump Letter based on your weight and distance. 7. Second Segment Percent (S2%) , This is a percent of the Jump Letter RPM that is applied once the boat enters the 2" segment. Under IWSF and AWSA rules, the boat is permitted to speed up in the 2"“ segment. The higher the number, the more the boat will accelerate. A typically value for S2% is +60, the higher the value, the faster the 2™ segment. Example: If the 1* segment times are good, but the 2M is a little slow, you would raise the number. S2 RTB — Works similar to S2%. Used when “Return to Baseline” is selected. Only applicable if skiers are activating switch and use a Jump Letter of J or higher. 8. Second Segment Fine Adjust (S2 Fine) This adjustment allows the driver to effectively fine adjust the 2" segment only. It comes set at 0, which means a neutral effect. A number such as 30 would increase the 2" segment by 30 rpm. Higher number speeds up the second segment. If skier does not trigger switch or has a letter less than J, S2 fine should be used to speed up second segment. Example: A jumper that does not cut and does not fully activate the switch may require extra rpm in the 2" segment to keep the 2" segment in tolerance. (In this case, S2 Fine is more effective than S2%). Nm Entering a New Jumper — To enter a new jumper highlight the NAME/MODE/CREW/NEW JUMPER section of the screen and press the DOWN key. Then press the UP key to confirm you would like to enter a New Jumper. You will be asked to enter and answer the following information after which a Jump Letter will be calculated for you and displayed on the main screen. Move to the next selection by pressing MENU. | „и Select desired SETPOINT т «— Enter jumper weight in pounds Enter typical jumping distance in feet 2ndSegmen tras Toggles between Fast Second Segment and Return to Baseline E A UM NAC DD DN ZN AO AND. CNA INIA DOUE AID NINOS Return to Baseline (RTB) — If you selected Return to Baseline the screen will show to the right of the Jump Letter. When RTB is selected the boat speed will immediately go to the baseline value as boat enters the second segment. If you have a skier using the switch with a value of J or higher, you can enter an S2 value which is a % of switch driven RPM. A setting above 0 will speed up boat in second segment if required to balance times. (This is similar to S2% used when Faster 2nd Segment is selected). Fast 2"! Segment — If you selected to run the fast 2" segment, the screen will show to the right of the Jump Letter. Calibrating RPM Baselines - You can set RPM Baseline values for all of the official jump speeds (28, 29.8, 31.7, 33.6, and 35.4) or just the ones you use regularly. Let us assume you wish to set up 33.6 mph (54 kph). Enter the SETPOINT of 33.6 mph by pressing the MENU key until the “Speed/SETPOINT” section of the screen is highlighted, then adjust the SETPOINT to 33.6 = 54K. Set the Jump Letter to A. Now bring the boat smoothly up to the SETPOINT to engage the system. (The system engages as soon as the default RPM Baseline value is reached, the NAME/MODE section will become 11 highlighted, and an audible beep will sound). Enter the jump course and time both segments.” As you exit the course the times will be displayed and then the difference from actuals. The display screen will show the 33.6 mph times. The jump letter is set at A, RTB (return to baseline times are used). An example of this is shown in JUMP TIMING screens shown earlier in this section. If the times are not in tolerance or close to actuals then the RPM Baseline values will require adjustment. The easiest way to do this in Jump mode is to go to Quick Recalibrate by pressing the DOWN key with the D) highlighted. This will bring you to the Calibration screen as seen below. 4. Menu Arrow | TA IEEE ОЙ EEN ME Fir A AT Pey SZ AE Lea CLARE a e SETPOINT 328 a 33.6% +1350 2.1 B es 2.381 PA 00 e | > 1. Quick Calibrat EA ULT EA E NA AE N Мана ЕИНо OIN (M A EE Te AENA LEA $ La PES Pr ay Press the UP key on the Quick Calibrate message to recalibrate the baseline based on the times recorded from the last pass. In this example it is suggesting your RPM Baseline should be increased by 135 rpm. When you perform a Quick Calibrate the suggested adjust of 135 will be added to the baseline and saved in memory. The system will also calibrate the digital speedometer if the times are with in the “OK” tolerance. Now engage system and time boat again. If the times are still not close enough, repeat above steps until accurate. If you wish to set up RPM Baseline values for other speeds (i.e. 31.7 mph), change the SETPOINT and repeat the above steps. JUMP DRIVING WARNING — Using the Jump mode with Jump Switch is for experienced drivers and skiers only. Please read carefully prior to operating. The pull is very aggressive and designed for tournament water skiers only. You MUST have integrated timing and a proper jump course for system to operate properly. Assuming the RPM Baseline values have been accurately set, you are now ready to tow skiers. First enter your Jump Letter or enter a “New Jumper” as explained above. The Jump Letter can be changed by pressing the UP or DOWN keys with the Jump Letter highlighted on the screen. | The key to a good pull and good times is to get the correct Jump Letter. If the pull to the ramp is solid and the first segment time is good, you know the Jump Letter is OK. If the time on the 1” segment was slow, you will require a higher letter on the next pass and vice versa. If the first segment time was good, but the 2"* was slow, raise the S2%. Important Note: Ifthe timer is triggered prior to entering the course, it must be reset by pressing the UP key. Failure to reset will resuit in an improper pull to the ramp. ADDITIONAL SETTINGS Additional Jump Settings are accessed by pressing the UP key on the Main Slalom Screen with the &J highlighted. Then press the DOWN key when JUMP is highlighted on the Mode Select Screen. The first three options can be accessed from the Main Slalom Screen as described above as well as in the Jump Settings Screen. MODE SETTINGS |, 99 12 a Crew Weight — This setting can also be accessed on the main Slalom Screen as mentioned above or through the Jump Settings screen. This value should be set to represent the total Crew Weight in pounds in the boat. It is essential this value be properly setup to ensure you get good times. Е Crew Weight Calculator - The system will add the weight of up to 3 individual crewmembers. Simply go to “Crew Adj” on the list, then press the DOWN and UP keys together, enter the weight of crew member #1, press MENU and do the same for crew member #2. The system will total the weight automatically. Calibrate — Press the UP key to enter the Baseline Calibration screen. This can also be accessed by pressing the DOWN key with the ®) highlighted on the Main Jump Screen. New Jumper — Details for entering a new jumper are outlined above. This should be used when unsure what Jump Letter to select. | | CT (Counter Cut Time) - The maximum length of time the system will throttle once the skier pulls and closes the switch on the counter cut. Example: a value of 175 is 1.75 seconds and may be used in a tail wind. In a head wind you may want a longer pull so you could move it to 200 — 220 (2.0 —2.2 seconds). The factory default is 190, or 1.9 seconds. x8u and x8d - These settings were always riding in the software, but were not adjustable values. With the higher horsepower engines and strong props being produced, these values are available for adjustment if needed for high-end jumpers. | x8u — Represents the rate of throttle up on counter cut and cut for ramp once switch is activated. The larger the value, the softer the start will be. In other words, the pull will not be as aggressive on the start, but more gradual. The smaller the value, the more aggressive it will throttle up as switch closes. Example: A strong 6 Litre engine may need a larger X8u to avoid a strong initial pull as switch closes. x8d — Represents the rate of throttle down once skier stops pulling. The higher the value, the slower (softer) the throttle will return. The lower the value, the more aggressive it will throttle back. Example: If a boat was not slowing quickly enough in the 2™ segment, you would lower the value. Typical values 2005 Promo Boats 5.7L 6.0L x8u 50 1500 x8d 50 100 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Jump Switch - For details on the optional Jump Switch (Slalom Switch) contact PerfectPass or log on to www . Jump Settings New Times (Faster Second Segment) Examples for when towing jumpers over 120 Feet. ump Settings | % RTB Nautique aster 60 — 120 aster 10 aster 60 — 120 aster 10 aster 60 — 120 ower 5 aster 60 — 120 5 13 Section 4. TRICK MODE USING TRICK MODE The trick mode is controlled via the speed signal from the paddle wheel. (You simply select the desired speed and go. RPM values are not used and no other settings are required) The main Trick screen will appear as: amei/vioae © = I a EAN CEI E ke (SELLE Menu Arrow PATER Са B ven E WE a E "CL Ma NTE Hae EI RE ee as aaa 0 AI MIT Cum AR zs E ARCO NTE EP 1. SETPOINT The speed at which would like the boat to engage and control. This number is adjusted in 0.1 mph (0.2 kph) increments. It can be adjusted while engaged (“on the fly”), or before it is engaged. 2. Name/Mode/Crew This section of the screen displays either the Mode Name or a Skier’s Name pulled from the Name List. Press UP key to access the Name List: QUICH LIST Name List is discussed in Section 10. 3. Menu Arrow Press UP key to change modes or mode settings: ^ MADE SELECT , As mentioned above this allows you to change modes and mode settings. The setting for the Trick mode will be discussed below. Press DOWN key to go to > Speedometer Calibrate screen (Speedo Cal): TRICK DRIVING Using Trick mode is relatively easy. Tum control ON, select the desired speed and drive smoothly to the SETPOINT so PerfectPass can seamlessly take over. Ifyou accelerate aggressively past the SETPOINT, it will take the system several seconds to lock in the speed. 14 a You should keep your hand on the throttle to ensure it does not pull back and disengage the system. If you see the “#” sign on the screen, this indicates the system needs a little more manual throttle. If the skier falls, pull back on the throttle to disengage system. Slowly return to skier and pull them back up again. System will take over automatically once SETPOINT is reached. Speed changes can be made “on the fly”. When you are finished with the speed control, go to neutral and press the ON/OFF key. TRICK SETTINGS Trick Settings are accessed by pressing the UP key on the Main Trick Screen with the J) highlighted. Then press the DOWN key when TRICK is highlighted on the Mode Select Screen. MODE SETTINGS Calibrate — Used to calibrate the PerfectPass digital speedometer readout. The procedure for adjusting this can be found in the Digital Speedometer Calibrate Section 7, Page 19. The calibration screen can also be accessed from the Main Trick Screen by pressing the DOWN key with the (2) highlighted. Kd — This adjustable parameter controls the “firmness of the Pull”. Higher the number, more aggressive the pull. Normal range 14 — 18. NN (Paddle Filter Factor) — NN is set at 120 and represents the “Filter Factor” of the paddle. The higher the value, the more speed samples are taken from the Paddle prior to speed adjustment. It is rare for NN to require adjustment from Factory setting. If you believe your system is more “nervous” than it should be, try raising the NN. If the speed is floating too much, try lowering NN. This value is shared with Wakeboard Mode. -Adjustments made in either mode will change the value in both modes. THE WORLD LEADER IN SPEED CONTROL 15 Section 5, RPM MODE USING RPM MODE In this mode, the screen will appear as follows: 1. - SETPOINT 2. Menu Arrow a >. Et REY TA o E ; & Ea Ea O Jes ix be м Pred = ME “Se da Mode Indicator Operating in this mode is very similar to using the Wakeboard or Trick modes, except the system is now controlling to an RPM SETPOINT. RPM DRIVING Prior to towing the rider / skier, select the RPM SETPOINT by using the UP or DOWN keys with the SETPOINT highlighted on the screen. Pull the rider up smoothly and continue to accelerate up to or beyond the RPM SETPOINT so the system can engage and take control. Changes can be made to the RPM SETPOINT while the system in engaged (“on the fly”) to fine-tune the RPM you desire. Note: You cannot enter “Names” in this mode. THE WORLD LEADER IN SPEED CONTROL 16 Section 6. WAKEBOARD MODE USING WAKEBOARD MODE This is a speed-based mode using the paddlewheel to control similar to the TRICK mode. The Main Wakeboard Screen will appear as follows: ame/Niode KE are RE NE a CE ES AT PET AT TP ER AR É EA 1. SETPOINT LOE LL A A rn a ZE. E. DIC En E MA gh ay PR 3. Menu Arrow É ВК 2 ee E р + A +) Г — ЧАКЕВО eve E a oR В 2030 gen, 1. SETPOINT The speed at which would like the boat to engage and control. This number is adjusted in 0.25 mph (0.5 kph) increments. It can be adjusted while engaged (“on the fly”), or before it is engaged. 2. Name/Mode/Crew This section of the screen displays either the Mode Name or a Skier’s Name pulled from the Name List. Press UP key to access the Name List: GUICH LIST AMANDA 34.2 Name List is discussed in Section 10. 3. Menu Arrow Press UP key to change modes or mode settings: MODE SELECT 7 As mentioned above this allows you to WAKEBOARD 7 change modes and mode settings. Ma GNET TEST ETTINGS Press DOWN key to go to , Speedometer Calibrate screen (Speedo Cal): 520 ‘ool Details Section 7 ee I]. UF Mi elails section /. DRIVING WAKEBOARD Select the desired SETPOINT by pressing the UP or DOWN keys. Pull the rider up normally and accelerate smoothly up to or slightly beyond the target speed. Once PerfectPass sees the actual speed reach the SETPOINT it will automatically take control and will notify you of this with an audible beep. (Top line will become highlighted during engagement). 17 While in engaged the WakeboardPro should hold a smooth steady speed in a straight course down the lake. The driver should keep their hand on the throttle for safety, and to prevent it from pulling back on its own which will cause PerfectPass to disengage. The key to driving is to smoothly drive to the SETPOINT so the system can seamlessly take control. If you accelerate aggressively past the SETPOINT it will hunt around for several seconds before settling in. You will hear an audible beep when the system automatically takes control. If the rider falls, simply pull back on the throttle and the system will disengage. To Disengage System: If the rider falls simply slow the boat down. This will disengage speed control. Return to rider slowly and pull up again. System will once again take over when SETPOINT is reached. Turns / Over-riding the system: As the boat enters a turn, the engine RPM may increase to keep the craft at the SETPOINT. If the driver would like less throttle (so the rider does not get whipped) then simply pull back some on the throttle and help the system maintain a safe speed. As you complete the turn, move the throttle gently forward and the system will re-take control. (The driver can override the system at any time by pulling back or advancing the throttle). Wake Surfing in Wakeboard mode is excellent in the 9 — 11 mph range. Prior to using your boat for wake surfing, check with your boat builder or dealer to confirm it 1s safe for this sport. | Double Up — When approaching a “double up” turn, the driver can manually assist the system to maintain the desired speed. WAKEBOARD SETTINGS Wakeboard Settings are accessed by pressing the UP key on the Main Wakeboard Screen with the 2) highlighted. Then press the DOWN key when WAKEBOARD is highlighted on the Mode Select Screen. MODE SETTINGS Calibrate — Used to calibrate the PerfectPass digital speedometer readout. The procedure for adjusting this can be found in the Section 7: Digital Speedometer Calibrate. The calibration screen can also be accessed from the Main WAKEBOARD Screen by pressing the DOWN key with the & highlighted. KdW (Pull Characteristic) - KAW can be changed using the UP or DOWN keys with it highlighted on the screen. Higher values = more aggressive control response. Factory setting is 80. (Example: Heavily loaded boats may need a higher value to maintain a steady, crisp pull. Try 100-150). After adjustment, press MENU to proceed. (Maximum recommended setting 200). NN (Paddle Filter Factor) — NN is set at 120 and represents the “Filter Factor” of the paddle. The higher the value, the more speed samples are taken from the Paddle prior to speed adjustment. It is rare for NN to require adjustment from Factory setting. If you believe your system is more “nervous” than it should be, try raising the NN. If the speed is floating too much, try lowering NN. This value is shared with Wakeboard Mode. Adjustments made in either mode will change the value in both modes. (Norman range 80 — 150). 18 Section 7. CALIBRATING PERFECTPASS SPEEDOMETER (Trick / Wakeboard) If your digital speedometer is not accurate, you can go into the Speedo Cal screen of the system. This is accessed by pressing the DOWN key with the J highlighted on the: e Main Trick or Main Wakeboard Screen — Trick and Wakeboard Modes Paddlewheel Factor 2. Menu Arrow fi Fa 9 Cal 200! 20 im "ат 1. Calibration o E o EY bog fp ATEN Te ai Ta CODA ВЫ Ss se RARE AD There is one speedometer calibration value for Wakeboard and Trick Modes: (If you calibrate in Trick Mode, Wakeboard is adjusted as well). If you calibrate, we recommend you do so at 20 mph . With the Calibration Adjust highlighted on the screen press either the UP or DOWN keys to speed or slow the boat. CASE 1: Boat speedometer reading lower then PerfectPass Speedometer Press the UP key until the boat speedometer matches the PerfectPass speedometer CASE 2: Boat speedometer reading higher then PerfectPass Speedometer Press the DOWN key until the boat speedometer matches the PerfectPass speedometer When the speed readout matches the boat or reference speed press MENU once to highlight the 1>) then press the UP arrow to return to main screen. Example: If you are set and engaged at 20 mph, but the analog speedometer or GPS is reading 22 mph, go into the Speedo Cal screen and press the DOWN key several times until the boat speed drops to 20 mph so the PerfectPass Digital Speedometer matches the GPS or boat's speedometer. Paddlewheel Factor — This value is the actual calibration value much like an RPM baseline. This number can be used to quickly determine where the calibration is at when troubleshooting the paddlewheel. This number is also very useful when trying to set calibration to match another system or to reset the calibration after a system RESET had been performed. SHEA o “a THE WORLD LEADER IN SPEED CONTROL 19 Section 8. INTEGRATED TIMING USING IN TERGRATED TIMING An integrated timing system Is another unique feature of PerfectPass. This timing system is set up for both the Slalom and Jump modes. For tournament skiing and in Jump mode timing must be used and be interfaced into the Master Module for PerfectPass to work properly. The system has been loaded with the USA Water Ski / 'W.S.F. Record Capability time tolerance chart for the Slalom and Jump modes. At the end of each timed pass the display will briefly display the full course time. It will then show the 1* and 2" segments and variance from actual. To review the times again, simply press the MENU button to highlight the timing section of the screen. The system always resets after a few seconds. If the skier has fallen or the run has ended early, PerfectPass will know and resets. PerfectPass All Ball Timing — Our simplified “All Ball Timing” Method 4 is also loaded on this DigitalPro System. For operating details, see information in the Appendix at rear of manual. All Ball Timing is for tournament use only, and is not required for daily practice. Hand Timer - The optional Hand Timer is used much like a stopwatch when you do not have magnets in your course. As you enter the course press the button, then again at the ball three timing gate and again at the exit gate. If you have a Smart Timer & magnets, the timer will pick up each magnet automatically and an audible beep will be heard. Smart Timer - If you have a Smart Timer magnetic sensor and magnets you will not require the Hand Timer. The Smart Timer plugs into Timer 1 or Timer 2 input jack on the Master Module. If you do not have magnets in your course, disconnect the Smart Timer and plug the optional Manual Hand Timer into Timer 1 or Timer 2. If you have magnets and a Smart Timer, you do not require the Hand Timer. PLACING SMART TIMERS The sensor should be placed as close as possible to the outside of the boat. Typically the sensor is beside and under the passenger seat in a dry location. The Velcro should hold it firmly on the carpet. Place the timer in the direction as indicated on the Timer label to match the polarity of the magnets. If you are using 2 Smart Timers they should be lined up evenly so they are across from each other in the boat. In tournament use it is recommended that two Smart Timer pick-ups be used. One will be plugged into Timer 1 and the other into Timer 2. Both Timers should be used to test the strength and polarity of jump magnets. Note: For the jump event and for all buoy timing (ABT) you may require two Smart Timers, one located on each side of the boat. Both will plug into the Master Module. If using one Smart Timer you may have to move it to the driver’s side depending on where your magnets are located. ` Note: Some two way radios operating from the towboat can activate the timing system. In tournament conditions only press the talk button and communicate with shore officials before the boat is up to SETPOINT and after it has exited the course. Note: Whether using the Hand Timer or Smart Timer magnetic sensor, they will not operate or register a signal unless the boat is up to SETPOINT and system has engaged. This feature helps to avoid false triggering. Note: Smart Timer is designed for tournament skiing under tournament conditions. In other conditions such as lake cruising it will likely false trigger if you engage the system in Slalom or Jump mode. In this case you may wish to disconnect the Smart Timer when not in tournament like conditions. False Triggering - To reduce the chance of false triggering, drive a few miles per hour below the SETPOINT after exiting the course and during the turning route between passes. If you are not dropping skiers between passes do not fully accelerate to SETPOINT until you have passed through the boat wakes from the previous pass. (Smart Timer will not accept signals until speed control is engaged). In the event the timer false triggers outside the course and system is engaged, press the UP key to clear timer. 20 INSTALLING COURSE MAGNETS Magnets should be placed as close to the surface as possible for the most accurate and reliable timing. It is very important that all timing magnets in a given course have similar field strengths and all have the same polarity (North Pole facing up). With the same polarity each magnet will generate the timing trigger pulse exactly at the centerline of the timing buoy. A reversed magnet causes this trigger point to move towards the oncoming boat, this change in trigger location can be as much as four feet. At the higher boat speeds these timing errors can cause a perfectly in tolerance pass to become an out of tolerance re-ride. With a reversed magnet this error is also affected by boat path, depending upon which magnet is reversed either one or both timing segments can be affected. If you are unsure about the actual polarity of your magnets and are not getting the REV message, then make a pass with the Smart Timer arrow pointing towards the bow and make a note of the values displayed. Then reverse the direction of the Smart Timer sensor by pointing it towards the stern and make another pass in the same direction. The correct direction to point the Smart Timer is the direction, which produces the largest field strength values. Jump Magnets: It is very important that no other magnets are present in the course other than the official jump course magnets. For example, if the jump course runs next to the slalom course any slalom course magnets that could trigger the jump timer should be removed. For-quality magnets contact PerfectPass at (902) 468-2150. 21 Section 9. MAGNET TEST MODE / DEVICE TEST TESTING MAGNETS This mode allows you to test the timing magnets in the slalom and jump course for field strength and polarity. This mode uses a set RPM value (approximately 3080 rpm) to control. If you are running “All Ball Timing” or are in the jump mode, you should check that both of the Smart Timers are detecting properly, to do this you may need to drive the boat beside the course to test each sensor alone. Your test can and should be done in both directions through the course. The boat is brought up to the set RPM to engage the system and the boat is driven through the course. After engagement the screen should appear as follows: Drive a split boat path and note the magnet strength readings. After passing two magnets using 2 Timers the system could display a message similar to the following: Magnet Strength mi 1. Menu Arrow a a AEE yr A ni yrs De CERA ETE NIN ED cg = ENTREE EEE EE TA a a ét = ОК RUE ES A A Зо ОЛД, PRCT ea EA Pob DET PE A E EA ENE CA E Magnet Count Chem : “ "CNT ec == ELT 3 Had ed ия TEA 5 У 2 C | ES A TUE I A ET LA TC ea ne S К МЕНЯ TE E ae a r a я Fs re A ES E ARO ECT AC ATEN Ia Aa A O AA E E ree des RATE ra A De LEE i + 3 Аа ad A TA A ERE A DEAN IE EN Timer Number- indicates the timer which has been triggered (labeled on Master Module “Timer 1” or “Timer 2”), Polarity -the direction of the magnet. In the above example Magnet#0 is “-“ Magnet#1 is “+”. This indicates the magnet is pointing in the wrong direction relative to the Smart Timer. If the polarity is “-“ you should review the ‘Placing Magnets’, Section 8 information and make the appropriate changes to the magnet. NOTE: A very large or strong magnet can saturate the sensor and cause the “-” message to occur incorrectly. In this case move the sensor towards the middle of the boat by about 16 inches and retest. Your test can and should be done in both directions through the course. | Magnet Count - increments each time a magnet is detected. Counts from 0 to 7 then scrolls back around to 0. Magnet Strength — indicates the strength of a particular magnet. Acceptable values for magnetic strength are 30 or greater. Values below 30 may not produce accurate times. To have extremely accurate times, it is best that all magnets have a similar strength (usually within 5). You can drive back through in the opposite direction and should see similar readings. Sometimes you may need to unplug one sensor and test each one separately or run slightly wide and then slightly narrow in order to separate the sensor readings. Understanding Magnet Test Results One or more (not all) magnets are showing a low values or “-“ polarity -Check the depth of that magnet. -Check magnet polarity. See ‘Placing Magnets’. All magnets are showing low values -Check the depth of that magnet. -If this course is known to be good, the Smart Timer may be failing. All magnets are showing “-* polarity -Check direction of the Smart Timer. Possibly needs to be reversed. 22 Section 10. ADDITIONAL FEATURES (Menu & UP Keys together) Additional PerfectPass features are accessed by pressing the MENU & UP keys together from any main screen. The features available vary depending on the make and model of your boat. If a feature is not present on your PerfectPass then it is not available on your system. To move to the next feature press the MENU key. SCREEN CONTRAST You can adjust screen contrast by pressing UP or DOWN Keys. (Setting 1-5). In bright sun, you may have to use a smaller value to improve visibility. (When boat is parked in direct sun you may wish to place a towel over instrument panel). NAME LIST This version of PerfectPass allows you to store up to eight names and their preferred speed. The Name List can be accessed by pressing the UP key when the NAME/MODE section is highlighted or by going into the SUBMENU and selecting the Name List. Once in the Name List press the MENU key to move through the list. With the desired name highlighted press the UP key to select the name from the list and load their settings or press the DOWN key to edit the name. QUICNLIST LJ “ aly pie i — New Entry = EDIT | =SELECT Creating Names — First enter the Name List. Press the MENU key until [NEW ENTRY] is highlighted. Then press the UP key to enter a new name. The following screen will then appear: Scroll through the alphabet using UP & DOWN keys, and then press MENU to move to next position. Press the MENU key to move through the settings. If you are programming a JUMP or SLALOM name there will be another page of settings to enter. Editing Names — As you scroll through list of names, instead of pressing UP key to select that name, press the DOWN key to edit. Note: Names can be changed by “Editing Names” but can only be deleted by performing “System Reset”. SYSTEM INFO General system information can be found here. The software version, engine selection, system voltage and water temperature (not equipped on all boats) can be found here. Engine Selection System Voltage a NOIA Pre == E LLENEN INTA HE EE NT CRM ET TE КЕ НРУ она ПОНИ ee NOTE - System Hours and Water Temperature are only available on limited boats) 23 1 DEVICE TEST (Rope Switch, Servo Motor) (MENU and UP Key together) Other test features such as Jump Switch Testing, Voltage Supply Testing and Servo Motor Testing are found here via MENU and UP Key. Test mode or through the SUBMENU. These tests can be performed with or without engine running. PerfectPass must be switched ON. Rope Switch Test — This feature allows you to test the rope switch to be used prior to a tournament and will appear as [ROPE SWITCH TEST]. Pull hard on the rope to close switch and it will change to [ROPE SWITCH ON] and there wil} be an audible beep to confirm proper operation. Since it takes 250 pounds of force to trigger a Slalom Switch, it is very difficult to do. The easiest way to confirm operation is to ski with it and watch the 1 symbol in the upper right corner. This symbol will turn into E) when the switch is activated. Servo Motor Voltage Supply— This test will check the 12 V supply attached to the PerfectPass Servo Motor (via Master Module). Voltage level ranges will be slightly lower if the boat engine is not running. SrvOFF 13.5 OK- The system powers down the servo motor and measures the supply SFRUD TEST voltage level. The voltage with engine running should be in the range of 13 to 14 V. If SrvOFF 12.90Ki: the voltage is below 13.0 V, the display will show it as low (“LO”). SruON 12.40Ki E SrvON 12.7 OK- The system turns the servo motor on ands measure the supply i voltage. The voltage should be in the range of 12.5 — 13.5 with engine running. A reading below 12.1 V will produce a “LO” indication. Press MENU to continue. a. A 5 ae id] HiT TRE La NE Ця The difference between the voltage readings of these two tests indicates the condition of the power connections. A difference of more than 1.2 V indicates a potential wiring problem. Servo Motor Phase Test - The servo motor will slowly rotate and continually check all phase circuits (Green, Black, Brown, White, and Red). If a circuit is bad or “Open”, the voltage will show as 00 as seen on the black phase on this example. The brown wire should be checked at the Master Module and at the servo motor white six-pin connector. If all phases show non-zero the phase test has passed. Press the MENU key to continue. Servo Motor Rotate Test - This test will continually rotate the servo motor back and forth one full rotation. This is usefully when tracking intermittent wire faults. Example: ‘Servo Motor Phase Test’ checks OK but throttle feels “limp” and boat engine is unresponsive after a few minutes of operation. Reset Servo — This function RESETS the servo to its home position. This does not AUTO-TIGHTEN the servo. 24 Section 11. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Step 1. Installation of Servo Motor Using the two provided hose clamps, loosely mount the servo motor on top of the cooling water hose leading to drivers side exhaust manifold (starboard side on standard inboard engines). See Figure A. Tighten later after final positioning (or as specified in any Addendum photos). Remove ball joint connector from throttle control lever and remove the coupling from end of Morse control / Teleflex cable. (See Figure B). Position the servo motor throttle cable in line with the throttle control lever. Ensure the 10/32 locking nut is in place on Morse control / Teleflex throttle cable. Screw threaded brass hex connector on PerfectPass cable onto the end of the Morse control throttle cable. (Do net over tighten hex nut). Install L shaped brass throttle adapter to throttle control lever using identical hole as original ball joint. (L adapter must be able to swivel). Using an Allen key, tighten L shaped adapter-mounting bolt. (See Figure C). You may find it helps to move the Morse control lever into gear during installation to allow more clearance. Be sure the washer is next to the brass L- adapter and not under the nut. Check and adjust position of servo motor ensuring the motor box cover closes properly and servo throttle cable is not in contact with any moving parts. Make sure the servo motor cable has 2 or 3 inches of free travel. Securely tighten hose clamps on servo motor. (Do not “tie wrap” the throttle cable as it must be able to move freely). With the throttle in neutral position, adjust brass hex connector if necessary to ensure there is no gap between 1t and the end of the servo motor cable (any gap may cause engine to surge up and down in neutral). Adjust and snugly tighten all parts. (See photos, DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN). Tum the black servo motor knob in a clockwise position until snug. With throttle in neutral, the linkage should m appear as in Figure C. Servo Motor / Cable Testing - It is vitally important that the stainless steel cable inside the plastic jacket has the ability to move freely or the system will not perform properly, may hunt and not settle down. The alignment of the PerfectPass cable and the boat’s throttle cable should be straight. Linkage Test - An easy way to confirm proper operation after installation is to perform the following quick — linkage test. With key OFF, push the manual throttle lever to % open position. Then take the black knob on servo motor and slowly wind the knob in a counter clockwise, then clockwise direction. As you do this, the engine throttle arm will slowly open and close. This should happen very smoothly and in no place shall the cable “catch” or “hook” which will cause the servo to hunt. If the cable does “catch”, adjust servo & cable to — eliminate this problem. If the cable comes into any interference with the fuel rail, decorative engine cover or anything that causes this a problem, adjust motor and cable accordingly. The brass L bracket on the throttle linkage must be able to swive/ freely for system to work smoothly. IMPORTANT: - Make sure all wires are tied away from hot or moving parts and there is adequate clearance. ~The manual throttle on your boat should operate and feel the same as before the PerfectPass was installed, or you may have to adjust hex nut. If you have re-installed a decorative engine cover, with key “OFF” push the throttle down to full open and back to neutral. At no point should the PerfectPass cable “hook” or “jam”. (Never tie wrap on restrict the PerfectPass cable from free movement). 25 | — Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Installation of Master Module Mount the Master Module under the dash normally on the bulkhead accessible behind and right of the passenger seat in a dry location. It can also be installed on the left side of driver’s bulkhead. The wires from under the dash pod can be easily fed across the bulkhead. Route servo motor power cable from Master Module to servo motor and connect. A wire snake 1s helpful, (Use tie wraps to keep cable away from moving parts). Make sure the tips on the plug are facing up towards the top of the Master Module box will. Mount Dash Display Remove the right speedometer and install the In Dash PerfectPass Display and connect into Master Module. (If there is a speedo tube on back, it can be plugged using a golf tee). If you have the standard External Display, install using supplied mounting post to the right of dash next to wind screen. In the event you have 5” gauges, generally the PerfectPass 5” display replaces the tachometer. (On 5” gauges, refer to specific instructions sent with gauge). Connect Power Wire Depending on the boat and model, there are a number of ways to connect to a switched (12 volt) power source. 1. On boats with traditional analogue gauges and posts on back of tachometer, there is a 12 volt (+) post often marked (IGN) which is an easy connection to the purple wire. The black wire end can attach to the ground (-) post marked (GND). 2. On boats with Borg Warmer gauges with no posts, attach the PerfectPass purple power wire to the purple wire leading to the ignition terminal. The black wire can be securely grounded to the grounding bar or other suitable ground location. 3. 2000-2005 Nautiques — There is a main wiring harness and large white plug located behind the dash pod. Connected to this plug is a purple wire carrying the switched 12 volts and a black wire which is a suitable ground connection. 4. 2002 — 2005 MasterCraft — Power, RPM and Paddle Wheel speed is all located in the special plug and play hamess supplied with each system. The MasterCraft supplied white connector is on every boat specifically for PerfectPass. You may have to remove the driver's foot panel to locate this connector in the boat's wiring harness. 5. 2005 Malibu — The plug & play harness will provide RPM, Power and Speed signal. RPM Cable Installation This connection will depend on the brand and year of boat you own. (1) Standard Installation (Older boats and boats with traditional Analogue gauges with Posts on back) The Gray wire with ring terminal can be easily attached to the “SEND” post on back of tachometer. This Gray wires picks up the raw engine rpm from this post. The Black wire ring terminal can be attached to any suitable ground, including the ground post on the tachometer. (If there is not a post, connect to the solid gray wire coming from the tachometer). (2) 2002 - 2005 MasterCraft — The custom wiririg harness supplied by PerfectPass allows for plug & play for RPM, Power & Paddle Wheel. 26 Step 0. Step 7. Step $. m (3) 1998- 2004 Malibu (Borg Warner Gauge System) In behind the dash pod on most models, Malibu has left a Gray (RPM) wire that terminates at a large female spade connector. If you can locate this, you can simply attach the Gray wire on the rpm sensor cable to this connector. Ш | Alternatively, you can locate the solid gray wire in the main wiring harness that leads into the Borg Warner control box under the dash. Use a blue “Tee Tap” connector to connect to this gray wire. You can then attach the gray rpm sensor wire to this using a push on spade connector. The black wire can be securely connected to any suitable ground. LS-1 On this engine (pre 2002 only), you only connect the Black wire on the RPM Sensor cable to the . Gray wire leading to the Borg Warner control box. (Same as LT-R MasterCraft). The gray RPM sensor wire is left un-connected. 2005 Malibu - See Plug & Play Harness. (4) 1999 — 2001 MasterCraft, 2000 Supra, 2000-2002 Infinity (All Other Brands Using Borg Warner Gauges) TBI & Multi Port Engines (except LT-R) — Locate the solid gray wire in the main wiring harness that leads from the engine into the Borg Warner control box under the dash. This solid gray wire carries the raw engine rpm. Use a blue “Tee Tap” connector to connect to this gray wire. You can then attach the gray wire on the rpm sensor to this using a push on spade connector. The black wire can be securely connected to any suitable ground. LT-R / LT-1 - On this engine the Gray wire lead on the PerfectPass RPM Sensor cable is not used and can be taped off. The separate Black wire end must be connected to the Gray wire located in the main wiring harness leading into the Borg Warner MDC Control box. It is on the engine side of the box that the raw rpm is located. You can attach a blue “Tee Tap” connector to this Gray wire, and attach the RPM sensor cable end to this “Tee Tap” using a supplied spade connector. (5) 2000 — 2002 Nautiques Same as standard #1 above, except the rpm signal can be picked from the Gray wire coming from the back of the tachometer. : (6) 2003 - 2005 Nautiques Located behind the dash pod is a large wiring harness with a large white plug. The Gray wire in this plug carries the raw rpm of the engine and has been brought to the pod solely for the PerfectPass system. This gray wire is not connected to any gauge. Use a blue “Tee Tap” connector or other splice method to attach the Gray wire on the PerfectPass rpm sensor cable to this Gray wire in the harness. The Black wire — (ground) on the RPM Sensor cable can be attached to the black wire in this same boat harness. If you have a Smart Timer Magnetic Sensor connected into Timer 1 plug. The Smart Timer should be mounted on the floor, along the outside wall of the boat, generally under or beside passenger seat. With the arrow on the Smart Timer pointing forward. (If you have two Smart Timers, install the second one on floor beside driver seat along outside wall). If you do not have magnets in your course, connect the hand timer into “Timer 1” port so you can time manually, Only connect Smart Timer when you have magnets. Optional Manual “Hand Timer”. If you do not have magnets in your course, connect into “Timer 1”. If you have a Smart Timer, do not connect hand timer. | Install Paddle Wheel speed sensor and connect to Master Module. (See attached detailed instructions). (On some boat brands, paddiewheels are not included as the boat has a standard factory installed paddlewheel). Following a short delay the Dash Display will become active. (You will note each time the boat is started the system will perform an “Auto Tighten” function and servo will rotate clockwise), Your manual throttle should act and feel just the same as before PerfectPass was installed. If it does not feel normal, inspect throttle and linkage connection, particularly the brass hex nut adjustment. For assistance call (902) 468-2150. 27 — (Installation of FIGURE À Servo-Motor) Black Servo-Motor Énobe FIGURE B (Shows existing set up of throttle linkage on most engines) = Remove ball joint connector from Zi e E control lever | EN оо у C5 A war я ы в SOE. pa LATE | = "E Figure C E р a INTA, ДИ > “ (Shows proper о, 7 DA installation with boat in neutral) Install washer against L adapter, which should freely swivel. Brass L adapter 10/32 nut Throttle stop (no longer required) With boat in neutral, Brass hex make sure no gap here. | В | sm LLL] = This photo shows a good installation of servo- | PE N motor and cable (smooth «4 bend in cable). E User Tips: The Plug — The plug is designed as a fully sealing substitute for the paddle wheel assembly. Cleaning & Changing Paddle Wheel — The life of the paddle wheel axle and bearing is designed for years of trouble free operation. In the event of damage to the rotating paddle or axle, ideally the boat should be removed from the water for inspection. (Clean debris if necessary.) If the paddle requires replacement, remove large housing nut and pull paddle assembly out of housing. (Note the direction of rotation of impellar so flat surfaces are toward bow as per arrow on assembly) Press the axle out of position and install new one. You may wish to install new “O rings” at this time as well. Re-insert paddle wheel assembly ensuring the unit is in the “notch”. Re-install locking cap. (If your digital speed readout is suddenly reading extremely low or not at all, check paddle assembly. You may also wish to back up to clear any possible debris). If you have a boat lift or non-factory trailer, be careful of location of bunks. Direct Drive V-Drive 5 de E E alos E Installation and Setup Instructions for PerfectPass Paddlewheel System — ST300 Paddlewheel Tools and Material Required 2 inch hole saw, Sealant eg. GE silicone sealer Installation The 2 inch hole is placed approximately 6-7 inches (16 - 18 cm) perpendicular to the centerline of an inboard ski boat, beside the drain plug under the engine. Never install behind a strake, depth sounder, etc. Normally this is on the passenger side away from the bilge pump and other cables etc. Ensure there is sufficient room to pull the inner paddlewheel assembly from the housing when it is mounted under the engine. In this area of the bottom of the hull there is normally a flat surface away from the turbulence of the tracking fins and lifting strakes. The hole saw is used to cut the bole for the paddlewheel working from the bottom of the boat. (You may wish to drill a pilot hole with a drill bit from the inside to make it easier to locate from underneath) Before disassembling the paddlewheel unit take note of the arrow on the bottom of the housing and on the top of the inner paddlewheel assembly near the cable exit, these arrows both point forward when the unit is installed. Disassemble the paddlewheel unit by unscrewing the locking cap until it is completely free to turn, then pull complete assembly up and separate from housing. Take care not to loose the paddlewheel itself and its stainless steel shaft which maybe free when the unit is disassembled. — Remove housing nut and rubber ring gasket. (This gasket will be installed later on the inside of boat). The sealant must be placed on the surface of the sealing flange on the housing and also on some of the lower threads of the housing to help lock the sealing nut in place. The bottom of the hull in the area of installation must be clean and dry for the sealant to seal properly; inside the bilge should also be clean to allow the seal nut to be properly tightened. Install housing from below boat with the arrow on the bottom surface of the housing pointed toward the forward direction of travel of the boat, parallel to the keel of the boat. Install gasket and seal nut should be tightened snuggly by hand so that the sealant is forced out of the sealing surface and the housing flange is as close as possible to the hull surface. The excess sealant must be wiped away from the housing to give the water flow a clear path. A final check of the location of this directional arrow and inside notch in housing should be made before the sealant is allowed to setup. Reassemble the paddlewheel unit by sliding the inner unit into the housing with the arrow on the inner housing pointing toward the front. (Ensure paddlewheel assembly is properly centered in “notch” of housing, with arrow pointing toward bow). Hand tighten the locking cap. The output cable should be run under the floor with the servo power cable so that it can be plugged into the master module. (Included with this unit is a “Plug” and extra paddle and axle kit.) V-DRIVE / WAKEBOARD BOATS / STERN DRIVES — The paddle is typically installed in front of the engine, just behind the gas tank. (7his area is generally accessible from the engine compartment or under rear seat.) 1t is installed typically 7 — 8 inches off center, clear of any strakes in the hull, depth sounders, etc. Refer to any addendums that may be included. Never install behind a water intake or any other item that could cause turbulence. The key to a good installation is to place the paddle in a location where there is nothing to disturb the flow of water in front of the paddle for 5-6 feet. 28 Section 12. TROUBLE SHOOTING / GENERAL INFORMATION You can learn a lot from just turning on key and watching system start up. Every time PerfectPass is powered you will see “ the back light in Display glow green followed by a beep as the screen becomes active. When the Master Module sees a solid 12 volts +, the Intel processor starts which puts the data on screen and the servo motor will perform its “auto tighten” check. A. NOT CONTROLLING Servo Motor “Auto tighten” Test Check: To confirm proper operation of the 4 phase servo motor, perform the following test. With key OFF, check to see if servo motor can be easily turned and that set screw in knob is snug. (It should turn freely, if not the motor may be seized) Turn knob in clockwise direction until snug, and then turn it back counter clockwise ope full turn. a. Now turn key ON and servo should perform its “auto tighten” function and wind in the cable (approximately 7 of a turn). (Every time system is powered, it will do an “auto tighten” which confirms all electrical phases are OK). Ideally, you should hold knob gently during “auto tighten” test to put a little extra load on the motor to check the connections. — Remember the servo motor will run very hot, particularly the gold resistor. If motor does not wind in or just vibrates, then an electrical connection is likely bad. Unplug both connectors at servomotor and closely inspect the crimps and wiring. Gently pull on each wire to make sure the wire is securely crimped. Also check the connectors on the gray servo power cable at both ends (See servo testing in addendum for detailed testing). If this test is OK, do a “Linkage Test” as described in section B. В. Linkage Test - With key OFF, push the manual throttle open to % position. Then take the black knob on servo motor and slowly wind the knob in a counter clockwise direction, then in a clockwise direction. As you do this, the throttle will slowly open and close with each step of the motor. In no place should the cable catch or hook as this will cause _ the system to surge. If the cable comes into contact with any part, fuel rail, cross over pipe or decorative engine cover, adjust cable and servo as required. (The cable should have a nice smooth bend and be in good alignment with the throttle connection. If you feel the cable is too long, contact PerfectPass) The brass L adapter should freely swivel as the throttle opens & closes. (If your boat has a plastic decorative engine shroud, you may wish to remove it temporarily and see if the problem disappears). __ With key OFF, push manual throttle to full open and back to neutral. Does PerfectPass throttle cable move forward and back freely without jamming or rubbing against cover, fuel rails, etc? C. System surging in neutral — Check gap between the PerfectPass cable & the Morse control / Teleflex cable. There should be No Gap. (See photo C in instruction manual). D. System accelerates past set point — If the system accelerates past the set point and is very slow to work back to the set speed, the engine throttle return spring may be weak. PerfectPass can open the throttle, but depends on the engine return spring to bring it back towards neutral. A spring can be easily added. It may also be a throttle cable / mechanical problem. See Linkage Test, Section B above. - . On Water Test — To confirm this, drive the boat carefully with engine cover open. Set speed at a lower setting (i.e. 20 mph) and have driver engage system and press throttle up to 25 MPH. As boat speed exceeds 20 mph, the servo — should turn counter clockwise to let out cable and slow engine. If servo counter rotates, the return spring should pull throttle back towards neutral. If servo rotates but boat does not slow, the return spring is not pulling or something is preventing the throttle or cable from moving. 29 No RPM tachometer reading — If the display tachometer reading is 00, check to make sure rpm sensor is plugged - into the correct port on Master Module. Check connections of rpm sensor. (Check installation as per instructions). Digital speed readout — If the digital speedometer is not reading at all, check to make sure it is plugged in correctly. Check the paddle wheel to confirm the wheel is not damaged and is spinning freely. Low Speed Reading — If you have a very low speed reading and the paddlewheel looks O.K., perform a “System Reset”. Blown Fuse (5 amp, 1.25 inch fuse) The most common reason a fuse will blow is if the red wire in the servo power cable is grounded or shorted. Inspect the wire for any breaks, pinches or failure especially near the gold resistor on the servo motor. System Reset — If you would like to reset the entire system to original factory specifications, you can do so by pressing & holding the ON/OFF & MENU Keys together as you power up the system. After about 5 seconds the display will show [System Reset * = Y]. Press the UP key to continue with a reset. The next question will be whether you wish to reset all your baseline rpm values. [Reset RPM @ * = Y] If you are happy with your baseline values, press the DOWN key and your settings will be maintained. On some systems, you will be asked to select the engine in your boat. It will then ask if you wish to run in just wakeboard modes [WAKBD ОМГУ ^=\]. Change Display from MPH to KPH/Wakeboard only — Perform a “System Reset”. System surging in Trick or Wakeboard Speed Mode — Check: If your system works very well and controls smoothly in the rpm mode, but surges and hunts in the speed based mode, it is likely a paddle wheel related problem. | 1. Does the paddle wheel impellar spin freely? (if not, change impellar) 2. Is the paddle wheel housing under the hull pointing straight forward. The arrow on the housing must be pointing straight ahead. 3. Is the impellar installed in the assembly in the correct direction? 4. Is the paddle insert fully and properly set in the housing? 5. Is the paddle wheel installed in the correct location? Call for details on your boat model. It can not be installed directly behind a strake, water intake, etc. which could disturb the flow of water. 6. Perform a System Reset. Press & hold the ON/OFF & MENU Keys together as you power up the system. Continue holding until you see the System Reset Prompt. 7. If it only surges when the boat is heavily loaded in a certain configuration, it may be a location problem. 8. Run your boat in RPM Mode at about 2800 and when boat is controlling smoothly, look at digital speed reading on PerfectPass. It should be steady as well or there is a speed signal problem. If the problem cannot be corrected, it could possibly be a defective paddle wheel. Run in Wakeboard only Mode/Three Event Menu — To run in just wakeboard modes or to return to the full event menu see (1) above. Display is Hard to Read — Adjust contrast. 30 APPENDIX PerfectPass All Buoy Timing Version 4 TWSF Approved 2001 The All Buoy Timing Method (ABT) eliminates the need for a fall button. In Tournament Use, after a skier falls or misses during a pass, the boat is timed to the next set of boat gates. Because the boat travels only a relatively short distance before the time is measured, the boat speed does not change significantly. Thus the time is an accurate measure of the speed of the boat while pulling the skier. If the skier runs a full pass, the full course time is used to determine if the boat speed was within tolerance. For scores less than six, a chart showing the timing tolerances for each buoy score is used. This method uses the cumulative time from the gates up to the last ball scored. With this approach, only one segment time is required. After each pass, the PerfectPass system briefly displays the Full Course Time and then the two separate segments as in this 34.2 mph example. [| 0.0 16.95 OK] then| 7.13 9.82 OK] Ifthe score was less than six, then the ABT sub-menu is entered via the Down Key. The times are displayed in pairs preceded by the score identification and a colon. (Press any key to take you to the next set of scores). For example: if the score were four and a quarter, you would scroll through the ABT times until the 4 ID is found which would appear as: “ 4: 12.50 5: 15.19 ” The time of 12.50 would be called in. For a score of one and a half the display showing “ 0: 1.77 1: 4,45 ” is used and only the 4.45 time is reported. All of the existing rules for optional and mandatory rerides are applied to the ABT times. (The guide is to always refer to the time segment corresponding to the score. Example: If the score starts with a 4 you look at the time following the 4 and call in that time only. Magnets: A minimum of eight magnets and two Smart Timers are required to run ABT, a course with ball one magnets had eight magnets already, two are on the entrance and exit gates and two Smart Timers are required for the jump event, so for many sites the equipment necessary to use ABT already exists. (Check with our website at www. for more details). PerfectPass All Buoy Timing 36mph/S8kph IWSF approved method 4 =" == =-— = == = = = = = — -- = - - ow ww - - =. em mow we -—-== - = — “= = -— ro == A AA Er mr AAA e Sd OA dr AF MN ER TE mm ASA] ANO A AO mp SF Ma del Se dr e ml mA my mm BR MR SE A WY MM ar Eom wr ST Ar score score id. fast in actual slow in 0 to 0.5 0: 1.64 1.68 1.71 1 to 1.5 1: 4.15 4.22 4.28 2 to 2.5 2: 6.67 6.77 6.84 3 to 3.5 3: 9.20 9.31 9.41 4 to 4.5 4: 11.73 11.86 ` 11.97 5 to 8.5 5 14.25 14.40 14.53 6 15.92 16.08 16.22 PerfectPass All Buoy Timing 34.2mph/55kph IWSF approved method 4 — EE ae me A == == "= "= oe = =. = = = = = = = = — — em Rm om кн Em ow me кн кожа че = -— = - - - - === = = -. = — - - - - ee dm wm ss - ow EE REE ETE. = == dm aw om amo oa = ———_= === nk del dir a - - — =. о = = - - score score id. fast in actual slow in 0 to 0.5 0: 1,73 | 1.77 1.80 1 to 1.5 1: 437 445 4.51 2 to 2.5 2: 7.03 7.13 7.23 3 to 3.5 3 9.69 9.82 9.93 4 to 4.5 4: 12,35 12.50 12.64 S to 5.5 5 15.02 15.19 15.34 6 16.78 16.95 17.12 ">

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Key features
- Tow skiers at a consistent speed
- Multiple modes for slalom, jump, trick, and wakeboard
- Easy to set up and use
- Adjustable settings for fine-tuning performance
- Integrated timing for jump and slalom courses
Frequently asked questions
The system will guide you through a short setup procedure to familiarize itself with your boat and engine. You'll be asked to select your engine type, choose if you want to measure speed in mph or kph and select whether you want to use the system in WakeboardPro or DigitalPro mode.
The PerfectPass system offers several modes of operation, including Slalom, Jump, Trick, Wakeboard, and RPM. Each mode is designed for a specific type of water skiing or wakeboarding.
You must calibrate the PerfectPass speed control in a course using either magnets and a Mag Sensor or a PerfectPass Hand Timer. The calibration process involves setting baseline RPM values for each speed you intend to use. This process should be completed without a skier. You will need to time a pass at each speed and then make adjustments to the baseline values to get the desired speed.