The DCD-1500AE is a SUPER AUDIO CD PLAYER that is designed to provide high-quality audio reproduction. This device is compatible with a variety of disc formats, including SACD, CD, and CD-R/RW. The DCD-1500AE features a variety of advanced technologies, including a high-precision laser pickup, a high-performance digital-to-analog converter, and a robust power supply.
Advertisement QQ 376315150 892498299 For Europe model SERVICE MANUAL MODEL Ver. 1 DCD-1500AE TEL TEL SUPER AUDIO CD PLAYER 13942296513 13942296513 サービスをおこなう前に、このサービスマニュアルを 必ずお読みください。本機は、火災、感電、けがなど に対する安全性を確保するために、さまざまな配慮を おこなっており、また法的には「電気用品安全法」に もとづき、所定の許可を得て製造されております。 従ってサービスをおこなう際は、これらの安全性が維 持されるよう、このサービスマニュアルに記載されて いる注意事項を必ずお守りください。 ● For purposes of improvement, specifications and design are subject to change without notice. ● 本機の仕様は性能改良のため、予告なく変更すること があります。 ● 補修用性能部品の保有期間は、製造打切後8年です。 ● ● Please use this service manual with referring to the operating instructions without fail. ● 修理の際は、必ず取扱説明書を参照の上、作業を行っ Some illustrations using in this service manual are slightly different from the actual set. ● 本文中に使用しているイラストは、説明の都合上現物 www . てください。 と多少異なる場合があります。 xiaoy u163. com TOKYO, JAPAN Denon Brand Company, D&M Holdings Inc. X0243 V.01 DE/CDM 0508 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 注 意 QQ QQ TEL 13942296513 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following check should be performed for the continued protection of the customer and service technician. LEAKAGE CURRENT CHECK Before returning the unit to the customer, make sure you make either (1) a leakage current check or (2) a line to chassis resistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the unit is defective. LASER RADIATION Do not stare into beam or view directly with optical instruments, class 3A laser product. 注 意 サービス、点検時には次のことにご注意願います。 QQ 376315150 892498299 指定部品の使用! セットの部品は難燃性や耐電圧など安全上の特性を 持ったものとなっています。従って交換部品は、使 用されていたものと同じ特性の部品を使用してくだ さい。特に配線図、部品表に 印で指定されている 安全上重要な部品は必ず指定のものをご使用くださ い。 注 意 部品の取付けや配線の引きまわしは、元どおりに! 安全上、テープやチューブなどの絶縁材料を使用し たり、プリント基板から浮かして取付けた部品があ ります。また内部配線は引きまわしやクランパーに よって発熱部品や高圧部品に接近しないように配慮 されていますので、これらは必ず元どおりにしてく ださい。 本機に使用している多くの電気部品、および機構部品 は安全上、特別な特性を持っています。この特性はほ とんどの場合、外観では判別つきにくく、また、もと の部品より高い定格(定格電力、耐圧)を持ったもの を使用しても安全性が維持されるとは、限りません。 安全上の特性を持った部品は、このサービスマニュア ルの配線図、部品表につぎのように表示していますの で、必ず指定されている部品番号のものを使用願いま す。 (1) 配線図… マークで表示しています。 サービス後は安全点検を! サービスのために取り外したねじ、部品、配線など が元どおりになっているか、またサービスした個所 の周辺を劣化させてしまったところがないかなどを 点検し、外部金属端子部と、電源プラグの刃の間の 絶縁チェックをおこなうなど、安全性が確保されて いることを確認してください。 www . 安全上重要な部品について xiaoy u163. com (2) 部品表… 2 マークで表示しています。 指定された部品と異なるものを使用し た場合には、感電、火災などの危険を 生じる恐れがあります。 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ QQ 感電に注意! (1)このセットは、交流電圧が印加されていますの で、通電時に内部金属部に触れると感電するこ とがあります。従って通電サービス時には、絶 縁トランスの使用や手袋の着用、部品交換に は、電源プラグを抜くなどして、感電にご注意 ください。 (2)内部には、高電圧の部分がありますので、通電 時の取扱には、十分ご注意ください。 13942296513 13942296513 (絶縁チェックの方法) 電源コンセントから電源プラグを抜き、アンテナ や、プラグなどを外し、電源スイッチを入れま す。500V絶縁抵抗計を用いて、電源プラグのそれ ぞれの端子と、外部露出金属部〔アンテナ端子、 ヘッドホン端子、マイク端子、入力端子など〕と の間で、絶縁抵抗値が1MΩ以上であること、この 値以下のときは、セットの点検修理が必要です。 TEL TEL 注意事項をお守りください! サービスのとき特に注意を必要とする個所について は、キャビネット、部品、シャーシなどにラベルや 捺印で、注意事項を表示しています。これらの注意 書きおよび取扱説明書などの注意事項を必ずお守り ください。 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 DISASSEMBLY 各部のはずしかた (Follow the procedure below in reverse order when reassembling.) (組み立てるときは、逆の順序でおこなってください。) 1. Top Cover 1. トップカバーのはずしかた (1) Remove 8 top and side screws. And remove 2 rear screws, then detach the Top cover. (1) トップカバーを取り付けている上部、両サイドの ネジ 8 本およ後部のネジ 2 本をはずします。 TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 (1) Detach the Loader panel Ass’y by lifting. QQ 376315150 892498299 (1) ローダーを開き、ローダーパネルを矢印の方向に はずします。 (2) Remove 4 top screws and 2 bottom screws of Front Panel Ass’y. (2) フロントパネル底部のネジ 4 本をはずします。 (3) フロントパネル上部のネジ 2 本をはずします。 (3) Remove H/P BRACKET and CHASSIS screw, then detach the Front Panel Ass'y. (Refer to Fig. 1) (4) H/P BRACKET と CHASSIS を共締めしているネジ をはずします。(Fig. 1 参照) (5) フロントパネルを矢印の方向にはずします。 Fig. 1 www . xiaoy u163. com 3 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ QQ 2. フロントパネルのはずしかた 2. Front Panel Ass’y DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 3. Mechanism 3. メカのはずしかた (1) Remove 4 screws, then detach the Mechanism. (1) メカを取り付けているネジ 4 本をはずします。 4. Attachment of Mechanism 4. メカの取り付けかた (1) Mechanism is put on MECHA BRACKET BOTTOM. (1) MECHA BRACKET BOTTOM にメカを置く。 (2) ADJUST.COLLAR is put on 2 places of the front. (2) ADJUST. COLLAR を前側 2ヶ所にセットする。 (3) 2 front side screws are tightened. (3) 前側 2ヶ所をネジ止めする。 (4) 2 rear side screws are tightened. (4) 後側 2ヶ所をネジ止めする。 TEL TEL ADJUST. COLLAR 13942296513 13942296513 5. Attachment of Mechanism 5. H/P ブラケットの取り付けかた Follow the procedure below. 図のような順番にて取り付けてください。 (1) 1 screw of volume side is tightened. (1) ボリューム横をネジ止めする。 (2) 1 screw of H/P jack side is tightened. (2) H/P ジャック横をネジ止めする。 (3) (4) 2 screws of H/P jack top is tightened. (3) (4) H/P ジャック上側をネジ止めする。 1 www . 3 4 2 xiaoy u163. com (Note) When assembling the volume pwb and the bracket, insert thickness 1.6mm board between the bracket and volume. ( 注 ) ボリュームを H/P ブラケットに取り付けるとき ボリュームの上部と H/P ブラケットの曲げの間に 1.6mm 厚のスペーサを挟み込む。 4 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ QQ QQ 376315150 892498299 MECHA BRACKET BOTTOM DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Note Handling and Replacement of the レーザーピックアップ取り扱い上の注意 Laser pick-up と交換 1. Disassembly 1. 分解 Do not disassemble or adjust this mechanism due to precision component. 本メカニズムは、専門工場で、精密に組立て調整しており ます。安易に分解、調整を行わないで下さい。 2. Storage 2. 保管 Do not leave this mechanism in high temperature and humidity. Be sure to prevent this mechanism from static electricity, dust and excessive forces. Do not leave this mechanism without a unti-static cover for the dust. 高温、あるいは高湿度下での保管は避けて下さい。静電 気、塵埃対策を行い異常な外力が加わらないように保管し て下さい。 放置する場合は、必ず静電袋に入れて塵埃を避けて下さ い。 3. Handling 3. 取り扱い ② CD LD 固定用プレート Fixate plate of CD laser ①半固定抵抗 ( 2箇所 ) Trim-potentiometer ⑤対物レンズ Objective ⑥アクチュエータ Actuator おさえばね Spring ネジ Screw www xiaoy u163. com Fig. b ③ OEIC 固定用プレート Fixate plate of OEIC . Fig. c ④高周波重畳モジュール部 (DVD レーザ用 ) High frequency module and DVD laser 5 アクチュエ−タと FPC の接合部 Connected point actuator and PWB 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 ※ ②及び④の LD はんだ付け部はリードカット処理を施し ており、鋭利になっている為、危険ですので特に注意し てください。 QQ QQ QQ 376315150 892498299 ※ The laser diode soldering portion of ② and ④ is sharp, be careful especially because it is dangerous. 13942296513 13942296513 TEL 13942296513 落下などの、強い衝撃がかからないように取扱って下さ い。 次に示す個所には絶対に触れないで下さい。触れた場合 ピックアップの品質に大きく影響を及ぼす可能性があり ます。 ① 半固定抵抗 ② CD LD 固定用プレート(CD レーザ及び本体について いるプレート) ③ OEIC 固定用プレート ④ 高周波重畳モジュール部 (DVD LD) ⑤ 対物レンズ ⑥ アクチュエータ(ネジ、おさえばね、アクチュエータ と FPC の接合部含む) TEL TEL Do not shock to this mechanism. Don't touch the parts as follows.To touch them may cause big trouble. ① Trim-potentionmeter ② CD laser dode and Fixate of CD laser ③ Fixate plate of OEIC ④ High frequency module and DVD laser diode ⑤ Objective ⑥ Actuator (Include screw, spring, and connected point actuator and PWB) DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Never touch the objective lens, actuator, laser diode, photo detector and the trim-potentiometer. Be sure no dust or soil on the objective lens. If dust is on the objective lens, below it away by clean air. If dust or soil remain on the objective lens, use the cleaning liquid (B4) made by JCB INDUSTRY Ltd. No alternative. Make sure that a person who handles this mechanism is well earthed. Be sure to earth to the manufacturing equipment. Do not approach magnetic materials. Too much forces on the leads of laser diode, OEIC, and the printed wiring board, may caused the pickup to damage. Too much forces on the leads of laser diode, OEIC, and the printed wiring board, may caused the pickup to damage. Guide shafts in mechanism should not be forced when you set the FFC to the connector, which may cause the guide shafts to deform. 4. 雰囲気 6315150 892498299 QQ 5.37レーザー駆動回路 We solder the Short land on PWB before shipment to protect laser diode. Open the short landsafte you connect pick-up your circuit by flat cable. (Refer to Fig. a) When you unstrap the short solder for the laser diode protection in the condition which doesn't connect by a flat cable, the laser diode and PEIC may destroy by static electricity. レーザダイオード保護用ランドのショート部の開放は、 Fig. a の様にセットに接続されたフラットケーブルをピッ クアップのコネクタに差込後実施して下さい。フラット ケーブルを接続しない状態で、レーザダイオード保護用ラ ンドを開放した場合 レーザダイオード及び OEIC が静電 破壊する可能性が大きいので十分ご注意下さい。 ピックアップコネクタ Connector of the pick up レーザダイオード保護用ランド The short land for the laser diode protection フラットケーブル Flat cable セットへ接続されていること Be connected to the circuit Fig. a www . xiaoy u163. com 6 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 5. L Laser drive circuit TE 13942296513 腐食性ガス (H2S, SO2, NO2, Cl2 等 ) はもとより、有害なガ ス雰囲気中及び、有害なガスを発生する物質(特に有機シ リコン系、シアン系、ホルマリン系、フェノール系物質 等)が存在する場所でのご使用及び保管は避けて下さい。 特に、セット内に於いても上記物質が存在しないようにし て下さい。モーターが回転しなくなります。 QQ QQ For proper operation storage and operating environment should not contain corrosive gases. For example HS2, SO2, NO2, Cl2 ets. In addition storage environment should not have materials that emit corrosive gases especially from silicic, cyanic, formalin and phenol group. In the mechanism or set, existence of corrosive gases may cause no rotation in motor. 13942296513 13942296513 4. Surrounding atmosphere TEL TEL 対物レンズ、アクチュエータ、レーザーダイオード、光検 出器、及び半固定抵抗には絶対に触れないで下さい。 対物レンズに、塵埃や汚れが付かないように充分注意して 下さい。 対物レンズに埃が付いた場合、きれいな空気を吹き付けて 取り去って下さい。 取りきれない埃、汚れがある場合にはクリーニング液(日 本綿棒(株)CD レンズクリーナー液 B4)を用い、糸屑 の発生しない綿棒で軽く拭き取って下さい。尚、他のク リーニグ液は絶対に使わないで下さい。 取り扱う作業者は、人体アースを確実に取って下さい。作 業場、治工具など、関連設備は確実にアースを取って下さ い。 ピックアップのアクチュエータ部は強力な磁気回路を有 しているので磁性体を近づけないで下さい。 レーザーダイオードのリード部分、受光素子 (OEIC) 及び 受光素子取り付け基板に力を加えると不良となることが ありますので、取り扱い時は絶対に力を加えないように充 分注意願います。 FFC をコネクタ部に挿入するときは、軸受け部及びガイド シャフトに力を加えないよう挿入願います。 力を加えますと、ガイドシャフトが変形し動作不良となる ことがありますので、充分注意願います。 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 DIAGNOSTICS OF OPTICAL PICKUP 光ピックアップの故障診断とトラバース AND REPLACING TRAVERSE UNIT ユニットの交換 Make failure diagnostics of the Optical Pickup as follows. If the laser drive current (Iop) becomes more than 1.5 times of the initial value, the Optical Pickup should be replaced. The laser drive current is registered on the seal attached to the rear of the Mecha.Unit. In case of replacing the Pickup, change the whole part of the Traverse Unit. No mechanical adjustment is necessary after the replacement. 次の順序で故障診断を行ってください。 レーザー駆動電流 Iop 値が初期値の 1.5 倍以上になっている場 合は光ピックアップ交換の目安となります。 レーザー駆動電流初期値は、メカの後部のシール上に記入さ れています。 ピックアップ交換の場合は、トラバースユニット単位での交 換となります。メカの調整は不要です。 ディスクを読み込まない スムーズに再生しない、等 Disc no read,unsteady playback, etc. TEL TEL レーザー駆動電流 Iop 値の確認 HF 波形の確認 (73 ページ参照) 現在値が初期値の 1.5 倍になっている Traverse Unit replacing (See page 8 for details) トラバースユニット交換 (詳細は 8 ページ) Laser current registering after replacement. 交換後のレーザー電流記入 Step: Disc playback Write the measured value on the seal attached to the Mecha. Unit 手順 :ディスクを再生 その時の Iop 値をメカ後方のシールの上に重ねて貼る 等で更新する。 *Iop の測定方法は、8, 9 ページ参照。 *As to the measuring method, refer to page 8,9. www . xiaoy u163. com 7 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ QQ Present value exceeds the initial value by 1.5 times 13942296513 13942296513 Laser drive current (Iop) check HF wave form check (Refer to page 73) DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 1. Label Indication of SACD Mechanism. 1. SACD メカのラベル表示 Example: DVD 30mA 例: CD 30mA TEL TEL 2. レーザーピックアップの取扱注意 レーザーダイオードの破壊防止。 光素子ユニットを交換するときは、以下を遵守してください。 (1) 光素子ユニットの接続ケーブルをはずすときは、静電対 策を行ったデスク上で作業してください。 (2) 作業者は、リストストラップを使用してください。 (3) レーザーダイオードの破壊防止のため、24P FFC ケーブ ルをはずす前にランドを半田付けショートしてくださ い。 (4) 光素子ユニットのコネクタ部に触れないでください。 3. Replacement of the Laser Pick-up (Traverse Unit) 3. レーザーピックアップ ( トラバースユニッ ト ) の交換 Iop( レーザー駆動電流)をチェックします。 現在の Iop 値が初期値の 50%を越えている場合、トラ バースユニット(レーザーピックアップ)を交換してくだ さい。 Check the Iop(Laser drive current) If the present Iop (current) value exceeds.+50% of the initial value, replace the Traverse unit(Laser Pick-up) with a new one. 4. Iop Measurement Method 4. Iop の測定方法 レ ー ザ ー 駆 動 電 流 を 測 定 す る 場 合、下 記 の デ ィ ス ク (CD,SACD) を再生します。 SACD 基板上のテストポイント (+5V-M2 ∼ LD(CD),LD(DVD)) にて、CD レーザーと DVD レーザーの Iop を測定してくだ さい。 When measuring Laser drive current (Iop), playback the discs (CD,SACD) described below, measure Iop for CD Laser and DVD Laser by the test point (+5V-M2~ LD(CD),LD(DVD))on the SACD P.W.B. Test Disc :SACD/Philips DAC Test Disc or commercially available discs. :CD/TCD-784 (manufactured by ALMEDIO INC) or commercially available discs. www . テストディスク:SACD/Philips DAC Test Disc または市販 同等ディスク :CD/TCD-784(ALMEDIO 社製)または市 販同等ディスク xiaoy u163. com 8 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ QQ the protection for the damage of laser diode. If you want to change the optical device unit from any other units, you must keep the following. (1) It should be done at the desk already took measures the static electricity in care of removing the OPU's (Optical device unit) connector cable. (2) Workers should be put on the "Earth Band". (3) It should be done to add the solder to the short land to prevent the broken Laser diode before removing the 24P FFC cable. (4) Don't touch OPU's connector parts carelessly. 13942296513 13942296513 2. Note for Handling the Laser Pick-Up DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 4.1. DVD Laser current measurement 4.1. DVD レーザー電流測定 LD(DVD) LD(DVD) +5V-M2 +5V-M2 Oscilloscope Oscilloscope (1) Connect the oscilloscope to +5V-M2 of test point for GND side and LD(DVD) of test point for signal side. (2) Playback the stereolayer track 1 of the SACD Test Disc. (3) Measure the voltage between +5V-M2 and LD(DVD), calculate Iop by the formula as shown below. (1) オシロスコープをテストポイント +5V-M2(GND) と LD(DVD)( 信号 ) へ接続します。 (2) SACD テストディスクのステレオレイヤートラック 1 を 再生します。 (3) +5V-M2 と LD(DVD) 間の電圧を測定し、次式により Iop を 算出します。 Measurement Voltage Value Iop = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------14 (Resistance value) (1) オシロスコープをテストポイント +5V-M2(GND) と LD(CD)( 信号 ) へ接続します。 (2) CD テストディスクのトラック 1 を再生します。 (3) +5V-M2 と LD(CD) 間の電圧を測定し、次式より Iop を算 出します。 (1) Connect the oscilloscope to +5V-M2 of test point for GND side and LD(CD) of test point for signal side. (2) Playback the track 1 of the CD Test Disc. (3) Measure the voltage between +5V-M2 and LD(CD), calculate Iop by the formula as shown below. LD (CD) LD (DVD) +5V-M2 www . xiaoy u163. com 1U-3624 SACD MODULE P.W.B. unit foil side 9 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 376315150 892498299 QQ QQ TEL 13942296513 測定電圧値 Iop = -----------------------------------11.75(抵抗値) 13942296513 13942296513 4.2. CD レーザー電流測定 4.2. CD Laser current measurement Measurement Voltage Value Iop = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------11.75 (Resistance value) TEL TEL 測定電圧値 Iop = ----------------------------14(抵抗値) DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 HOW TO REPLACE TRAVERSE UNIT トラバースユニットの交換方法 Caution: The optical pickup can be damaged easily by static electricity charged on human body. Take necessary anti-static measures when repairing around the optical pickup. 注意 : 光ピックアップは、人体に帯電した静電気等で静電 破壊することがあります。光ピックアップ周辺を修 理する際は、必要な静電対策を行ってください。 1. Guide Clamp Bracket disassembly 1. ガイドクランプブラケットのはずしかた (1) Remove 2 screws. (1) ねじ 2 本をはずします。 (2) Remove Guide Clamp Bracket to arrow direction. (2) ガイドクランプブラケットを矢印方向にとりはずしま す。 TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 2. トレイのはずしかた (1) Remove to arrow direction. (1) 矢印方向にとりはずします。 (2) Solder the short-circuit (see in the frame). (2) 半田付けショートを行います。(枠内図参照 ) www . xiaoy u163. com 10 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 2. Tray disassembly QQ QQ QQ 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 3. Traverse Unit disassembly 3. トラバースユニットのはずしかた (1) Remove 24P FFC, 15P FFC and 5P PH WIRE connecting with from the Main P.W.B. (1) メイン基板に接続している 24P FFC、15P FFC、5P PH ワイヤをはずします。 (2) Remove 4 screws fixing Damper. (2) ダンパーを固定しているねじ 4 本をはずします。 (3) Remove Traverse Unit to arrow direction. (3) トラバースユニットを矢印方向にとりはずします。 TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 トラバースユニット分解の注意 (1) When assembling, reverse the order of the above. (1) 組み立てるときは、上記の逆の順序で行ってください。 (2) When inserting Tray, confirm boss on Slide Cam set to ditch of the Tray (Compare with below drawing). (2) トレイ組込み時、スライドカムのボスがトレイの溝に 合っているか確認してください。(下図参照) www . xiaoy u163. com 11 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 Note for disassembly Traverse Unit QQ QQ QQ 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 It displats repeatedly. TOC read → OPEN → CLOSE → TOC read H.R.CHACKING operation It displats repeatedly. TOC read → playback title-all of the disc. → OPEN → CLOSE → TOC read H.R.SHORT operation PLAY PLAY PLAY A.S.RVS H.R.CHACKING display A.S.FWD A.S.RVS A.S.RVS A.S.FWD STOP+A.S.RVS STOP+A.S.RVS A.S.RVS A.S.FWD The name of the inputted key and remote control code is displayed. Key & Remocon input mode display A.S.FWD The display for each grit. (It displays at intervals of 1 second.) FL tube STOP+A.S.RVS TEST Mode STOP+A.S.RVS B/E µcom Ver.display A.S.FWD or A.S.RVS (DCD-1500) Model Name display STOP+A.S.RVS STOP+A.S.RVS STOP+A.S.RVS A.S.RVS H.R.SHORT display A.S.FWD A.S.RVS A.S.FWD 376315150 892498299 12 QQ H.R.NORMAL display QQ 376315150 892498299 13942296513 xiaoy u163. com It displats repeatedly. TEL 13942296513 TEL 376315150 892498299 PLAY QQ . TOC read → playback title-all of the disc. → OPEN → CLOSE → TOC read 13942296513 www H.R.NORMAL operation TEL OPEN/CLOSE+PLAY+AC_ON FL all light A.S.FWD F/E µcom Ver.display A.S.RVS DCD-1500AE CD TEST MODE & SERVICE MODE QQ 376315150 892498299 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 SETTING UP THE TEST MODE テストモード (1) Setting up (1) テストモードへの投入 • In order to set up the test mode, you press STOP button and REV button simultaneously in the heat-run mode.Fundamentaly, you can set up the test mode at the stop state after disc loading. (Heat-run mode is set up by pressing PLAY button,holding OPEN/CLOSE button. If it becomes heat run mode, PLAY indicator and PAUSE indicator will light up.) ・ テストモードへの投入はヒートランモード時に STOP キーと REV キーを 2 重押しすることで行う。基本的に ディスクローディング後の停止状態でテストモードに 投入する。( ヒートランモードへの投入は OPEN/CLOSE キーと PLAY キーを 2 重押しすることで行う。ヒートラ ンモードになると PLAY インジケータと PAUSE インジ ケータが点灯する。) LOADING 表示 LOADING display ↓ FL 管の表示 (13 桁の表示部 ) FL display (The display part of 13 digits) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ↓ 9 10 11 12 1 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T T FL 管の表示 (13 桁の表示部 ) FL display (The display part of 13 digits) 1 2 T 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 T 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 QQ 376315150 892498299 13 (3) モードの確定 (3) Mode decision • The mode will be decided if the PLAY button is pushed in the state where the mode is chosen. (a) In the case of servo adjustment value display mode, a focus offset adjustment value is displayed. FL display (The display part of 13 digits) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T 3 1 n n n n n n n n n n ・ モードを選択してある状態で PLAY キーを押すとモード を確定する。 (a) サーボ調整値表示モードの場合は、フォーカスオフ セット調整値を表示する。 FL 管の表示 (13 桁の表示部 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T 3 1 n n n n n n n n n n (n: 調整値 ) (b) トレースモード ( エラーレート表示 ) の場合は、1層 内周のトレースを選択する。 (n:adjustment value) (b) In the case of trace mode (error rate display), trace of the circumference in one layer is chosen. FL 管の表示 (13 桁の表示部 ) FL display (The display part of 13 digits) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T 7 1 F F F F F F F F F F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T 7 1 F F F F F F F F F F (F: アドレス及びエラーレートは未確定時、F を表示する。) (F: An address and an error rate display F at the time of undecided.) (4) モード内での変更 (4) Change within the mode • If the REV button or the FWD button is pushed in the state where the mode is decided, a change within the mode will be made. (a) In the case of servo adjustment value display mode (refer to table 1 servo adjustment value display mode details) www T 2 3 4 5 X X n n . FL 管の表示 (13 桁の表示部 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T X X n n n n n n n n n n xiaoy u163. com FL display (The display part of 13 digits) 1 ・ モードを確定してある状態で REV キー又は FWD キーを 押すとモード内での変更を行う。 (a) サーボ調整値表示モードの場合( 表1サーボ調整値表 示モード詳細 参照) (XX: 選択モード [31 ∼ 62]、n: 調整値 ) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 n n n n n n n n (XX:selection mode [31--62] n:adjustment value) 13 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 10 3 QQ QQ 2 3 FL 管の表示 (13 桁の表示部 ) FL display (The display part of 13 digits) T 2 T (b) 再度 REV キー又は FWD キーを押すとトレースモード ( エラーレート表示 ) になる。 (b) If the REV button or the FWD button is pushed again, it will become the trace mode (error rate display). 1 1 13942296513 13942296513 ・ モードには、サーボ調整値表示モードとトレースモード ( エラーレート表示 ) の 2 つがある。 (a) テストモード投入後に REV キー又は FWD キーを押す と、サーボ調整値表示モードになる。 • There are two, servo adjustment value display mode and trace mode (error rate display), in the mode. (a) If the REV button or the FWD button is pushed in the test mode, it will become servo adjustment value display mode. TEL TEL (2) モードの選択 (2) Mode Select DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 (b) In the case of trace mode (error rate display) (refer to table 2 trace mode details) (b) トレースモード ( エラーレート表示 ) の場合( 表 2 ト レースモード詳細 参照) FL display (The display part of 13 digits) FL 管の表示 (13 桁の表示部 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T Y Y F F F F F F F F F F T Y Y F F F F F F F F F F (YY: select mode [71--94] ,F: address and an error rate display F at the time of undecided) (YY: 選択モード [71 ∼ 94]、F: アドレス及びエラーレートは未確定 時、F を表示する。) (5) Execution of trace mode (error rate display) (refer to table 2 trace mode details) (5) トレースモード ( エラーレート表示 ) の実行 ( 表 2 トレースモード詳細 参照) • Trace will be performed if the PLAY button is pushed after choosing operation. ・ 動作を選択した後、PLAY キーを押すとトレースを実行 する。 FL display (The display part of 13 digits) FL 管の表示 (13 桁の表示部 ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T Y Y m m m m m m l l l l T Y Y m m m m m m l l l l • The mode chosen when selection mode was changed into the trace execution and the PLAY button was pushed is performed from the beginning.When the PLAY button is pushed without changing selection mode, the mode under selection is performed from the beginning.(If the PLAY button is pushed, the address corresponding to the chosen mode will be searched again.) (6) Other operation FL display (The display part of 13 digits) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (a) サーボ調整値表示モード、トレースモード ( エラー レート表示 ) 中に STOP キーを押すとテストモード投 入時の状態に戻る。 QQ 376315150 892498299 FL 管の表示 (13 桁の表示部 ) 1 T 2 (b) Push the OPEN/CLOSE button twice and carry out servo readjustment in OPEN operation ->CLOSE operation. (It readjusts with test mode.) ↓ LOADING display ↓ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 FL 管の表示 (13 桁の表示部 ) FL display (The display part of 13 digits) 3 5 OPEN 表示 ↓ CLOSE 表示 ↓ LOADING 表示 ↓ CLOSE display 2 4 (b) OPEN/CLOSE キーを 2 回押して、OPEN 動作→ CLOSE 動作で、サーボ再調整する。 ( テストモードのまま再調整する。) OPEN display ↓ 1 3 T 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 T . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 (c) テストモード中に STOP キーと REV キーの 2 重押し ( 投入時と同じキー ) で、ヒートランモードに戻る。 (c) By pressing STOP button and REV button simultaneously in the test mode, it returns to heat-run mode. www 2 T 13 xiaoy u163. com 14 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 (6) その他の動作 QQ QQ (a) If the STOP button is pushed into servo adjustment value display mode and trace mode (error rate display), it will return to the state at the time of a test mode injection. (PLAY キーを押したら、選択しているモードに対 応したアドレスを再度サーチする。) 13942296513 13942296513 (YY: 選択モード [71 ∼ 94]、m: アドレス [PBA][HEX]、 l: エラーレート [COUNT/SEC][HEX]) ( 注 )CD:300 フレーム ,DVD:85ECC ブロック毎にデータ 更新する。 ・ トレース実行中に選択モードを変更し、PLAY キーを押 すと選択したモードを最初から実行する。選択モードを 変更せずに PLAY キーを押した場合も、選択中のモード を最初から実行する。 TEL TEL (YY:select mode[71--94],m:address[PBA][HEX], l:error rate[COUNT/SEC][HEX]) (Note) Renewal of data is carried out for every CD:300 frame and DVD:85ECC block. DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 (7) Test mode detailed table (7) テストモード詳細一覧表 Table 1: servo adjustment value display mode details XX Contents Contents suppleme nt 31 RFP FE Offset 32 RFP TE Gain 表 1 サーボ調整値表示モード詳細 内容補足 内容説明 layer 0 PI of CXD1881AR An offset value and FE An offset value is displayed. Pi offset is shown in higher rank 1Byte. FE offset is shown in low rank 1Byte. 31 RFP FE Offset レイヤ 0 CXD1881AR の PI オフセット値と FE オフセット値を表示。 上位 1Byte に Pi オフセットを示す。 下位 1Byte に FE オフセットを示す。 Bal layer 0 TE balance gain value of CXD1881AR is displayed. 32 RFP TE Gain Bal レイヤ 0 CXD1881ARのTE バランスゲイン値を 表示す。 33 RFP TE Output Gain layer 0 TE output gain value of CXD1881AR is displayed. 33 RFP TE Output Gain レイヤ 0 CXD1881ARのTE 出力ゲイン値を表示 す。 34 RFP TE Offset layer 0 TE offset value of CXD1881AR is displayed. 34 RFP TE Offset レイヤ 0 CXD1881AR の TE オフセット値を表 示。 35 DSP TE Offset layer 0 TE offset value inside CXD1885Q is displayed. 35 DSP TE Offset レイヤ 0 CXD1885Q 内部の TE オフセット値を 表示。 36 Fcs Bias layer 0 The focus bias value CXD1885Q is displayed. inside 36 Fcs Bias レイヤ 0 CXD1885Q 内部のフォーカスバイア ス値を表示。 37 Fcs AGC layer 0 The inside focus gain (setting 0x2000 to 1) value of CXD1885Q is displayed.。 Therefore, 0x1FF2 and in the case of 0x2012, it is as follows. 0x1FF2(8178) / 0x2000(8192) = 0.998291015625(fold) 0x2012(8210) / 0x2000(8192) = 1.002197265625(fold) Notes: The inside of ( ) is a decimal system equivalent. 37 Fcs AGC レイヤ 0 CXD1885Q 内 部 フ ォ ー カ ス ゲ イ ン (0x2000 を 1 として ) 値を表示。 0x1FF2 や 0x2012 の場合、以下のよ うになる。 0x1FF2(8178) / 0x2000(8192) = 0.998291015625( 倍 ) 0x2012(8210) / 0x2000(8192) = 1.002197265625( 倍 ) 注 :( ) 内は 10 進換算値 38 Trk AGC layer 0 The inside tracking gain (setting 0x2000 to 1) value of CXD1885Q is displayed.。 Therefore, 0x1FF2 and in the case of 0x2012, it is as follows. 0x1FF2(8178) / 0x2000(8192) = 0.998291015625(fold) 0x2012(8210) / 0x2000(8192) = 1.002197265625(fold) Notes: The inside of ( ) is a decimal system equivalent 38 Trk AGC レイヤ 0 CXD1885Q内部トラッキングゲイン(0 x2000 を 1 として ) 値を表示。 0x1FF2 や 0x2012 の場合、以下のよ うになる。 0x1FF2(8178) / 0x2000(8192) = 0.998291015625( 倍 ) 0x2012(8210) / 0x2000(8192) = 1.002197265625( 倍 ) 注 :( ) 内は 10 進換算値 QQ 376315150 892498299 39 Pi Offset layer 0 It is the parameter calculated inside CXD1885Q. The value displayed on a set serves as the number of complement of 2 of 2Bytes(es) doubled 256. A voltage value is 6.25mV per bit. 39 Pi Offset レイヤ 0 CXD1885Q 内 部 で 計 算 さ れ る パ ラ メータ。 セットに表示される値は、256 倍され た 2Bytes の 2 の補数となる。 電圧値は 1bit あたり 6.25mV。 40 FE Offset layer 0 It is the parameter calculated inside CXD1885Q. The value displayed on a set serves as the number of complement of 2 of 2Bytes(es) doubled 256. A voltage value is 6.25mV per bit. 40 FE Offset レイヤ 0 CXD1885Q 内 部 で 計 算 さ れ る パ ラ メータ。 セットに表示される値は、256 倍され た 2Bytes の 2 の補数となる。 電圧値は 1bit あたり 6.25mV。 41 SE Offset layer 0 It is the parameter calculated inside CXD1885Q. The value displayed on a set serves as the number of complement of 2 of 2Bytes(es) doubled 256. A voltage value is 6.25mV per bit. 41 SE Offset レイヤ 0 CXD1885Q 内 部 で 計 算 さ れ る パ ラ メータ。 セットに表示される値は、256 倍され た 2Bytes の 2 の補数となる。 電圧値は 1bit あたり 6.25mV。 42 RFP FE Offset layer 1 PI of CXD1881AR An offset value and FE An offset value is displayed. Pi offset is shown in higher rank 1Byte. FE offset is shown in low rank 1Byte. 42 RFP FE Offset レイヤ 1 CXD1881AR の PI オフセット値と FE オフセット値を表示。 上位 1Byte に Pi オフセットを示す。 下位 1Byte に FE オフセットを示す。 43 RFP TE Gain Bal layer 1 TE balance gain value of CXD1881AR is displayed. 43 RFP TE Gain Bal レイヤ 1 CXD1881ARのTE バランスゲイン値を 表示。 44 RFP TE Output Gain layer 1 TE output gain value of CXD1881AR is displayed. 44 RFP TE Output Gain レイヤ 1 CXD1881AR の TE 出力ゲイン値を表 示。 45 RFP TE Offset layer 1 TE offset value of CXD1881AR is displayed. 45 RFP TE Offset レイヤ 1 CXD1881AR の TE オフセット値を表 示。 46 DSP TE Offset layer 1 It is the parameter calculated inside CXD1885Q. The value displayed on a set serves as the number of complement of 2 of 2Bytes(es) doubled 256. A voltage value is 6.25mV per bit. 46 DSP TE Offset レイヤ 1 CXD1885Q 内 部 で 計 算 さ れ る パ ラ メータ。 セットに表示される値は、256 倍され た 2Bytes の 2 の補数となる。 電圧値は 1bit あたり 6.25mV。 47 Fcs Bias layer 1 It is the parameter calculated inside CXD1885Q. The value displayed on a set serves as the number of complement of 2 of 2Bytes(es) doubled 256. A voltage value is 6.25mV per bit. 47 Fcs Bias レイヤ 1 CXD1885Q 内 部 で 計 算 さ れ る パ ラ メータ。 セットに表示される値は、256 倍され た 2Bytes の 2 の補数となる。 電圧値は 1bit あたり 6.25mV。 www . xiaoy u163. com 15 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ QQ 内容 13942296513 13942296513 XX TEL TEL Contents explanation DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 48 Fcs AGC レイヤ 1 CXD1885Q 内 部 フ ォ ー カ ス ゲ イ ン (0x2000 を 1 として ) 値を表示。 0x1FF2 や 0x2012 の場合、以下のよ うになる。 0x1FF2(8178) / 0x2000(8192) = 0.998291015625( 倍 ) 0x2012(8210) / 0x2000(8192) = 1.002197265625( 倍 ) 注 :( ) 内は 10 進換算値 49 Trk AGC layer 1 The inside tracking gain (setting 0x2000 to 1) value of CXD1885Q is displayed. Therefore, 0x1FF2 and in the case of 0x2012, it is as follows. 0x1FF2(8178) / 0x2000(8192) = 0.998291015625(fold) 0x2012(8210) / 0x2000(8192) = 1.002197265625(fold) Notes: The inside of ( ) is a decimal system equivalent 49 Trk AGC レイヤ 1 CXD1885Q 内部トラッキングゲイン (0x2000 を 1 として ) 値を表示。 0x1FF2 や 0x2012 の場合、以下のよ うになる。 0x1FF2(8178) / 0x2000(8192) = 0.998291015625( 倍 ) 0x2012(8210) / 0x2000(8192) = 1.002197265625( 倍 ) 注 :( ) 内は 10 進換算値 50 Pi Offset layer 1 It is the parameter calculated inside CXD1885Q. The value displayed on a set serves as the number of complement of 2 of 2Bytes(es) doubled 256. A voltage value is 6.25mV per bit. 50 Pi Offset レイヤ 1 CXD1885Q 内 部 で 計 算 さ れ る パ ラ メータ。 セットに表示される値は、256 倍され た 2Bytes の 2 の補数となる。 電圧値は 1bit あたり 6.25mV。 51 FE Offset layer 1 It is the parameter calculated inside CXD1885Q. The value displayed on a set serves as the number of complement of 2 of 2Bytes(es) doubled 256. A voltage value is 6.25mV per bit. 51 FE Offset レイヤ 1 CXD1885Q 内 部 で 計 算 さ れ る パ ラ メータ。 セットに表示される値は、256 倍され た 2Bytes の 2 の補数となる。 電圧値は 1bit あたり 6.25mV。 52 SE Offset layer 1 It is the parameter calculated inside CXD1885Q. The value displayed on a set serves as the number of complement of 2 of 2Bytes(es) doubled 256. A voltage value is 6.25mV per bit. 52 SE Offset レイヤ 1 CXD1885Q 内 部 で 計 算 さ れ る パ ラ メータ。 セットに表示される値は、256 倍され た 2Bytes の 2 の補数となる。 電圧値は 1bit あたり 6.25mV。 53 PO error detection number Error rate It is invalid at the time of CD operation. 53 PO 誤り検出数 エ ラ ー レート CD 時は無効。 54 PO uncorrectable error number Error Rate It is invalid at the time of CD operation. 54 PO 訂正不可数 エ ラ ー レート CD 時は無効。 55 PI error detection number Error Rate CD : C1 error detection number 55 PI 誤り検出数 エ ラ ー レート CD 時は C1 誤り検出数。 56 PI uncorrectable error number Error Rate CD : C2 uncorrectable error number 56 PI 訂正不可数 エ ラ ー レート CD 時は C2 訂正不可数。 57 Mirr Count Disc discriminant They are the contents at the time of disk distinction. Please refer to "Table 3 Disc distinction information" about the contents of a value. 57 Mirr Count ディスク 判別 ディスク判別時の内容。 値の内容は「表3ディスク判別情報」 を参照。 58 Mirr Width Disc discriminant They are the contents at the time of disk distinction. Please refer to "Table 3 Disc distinction information" about the contents of a value. 58 Mirr Width ディスク 判別 ディスク判別時の内容。 値の内容は「表3ディスク判別情報」 参照。 59 FZC Count Disc discriminant They are the contents at the time of disk distinction. Please refer to "Table 3 Disc distinction information" about the contents of a value. 59 FZC Count ディスク 判別 ディスク判別時の内容。 値の内容は「表3ディスク判別情報」 参照。 60 Pi Level Disc discriminant They are the contents at the time of disk distinction. Please refer to "Table 3 Disc distinction information" about the contents of a value. 60 Pi Level ディスク 判別 ディスク判別時の内容。 値の内容は「表3ディスク判別情報」 参照。 61 Disc Type Disc Type They are the contents at the time of disk type. Please refer to "Table 4 Disc classification information" about the contents of a value. 61 Disc Type ディスク 種別 ディスク種別の内容。 値の内容は「表4ディスク種別情報」 参照。 62 PO error detection number and address Error rate PO error detection number is invalid at the time of CD operation. 62 PO 誤り検出数 とアドレス エラー レート CD 時は PO 誤り検出数は無効。 TEL 13942296513 www . QQ 376315150 892498299 xiaoy u163. com 16 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 The inside focus gain (setting 0x2000 to 1) value of CXD1885Q is displayed. Therefore, 0x1FF2 and in the case of 0x2012, it is as follows. 0x1FF2(8178) / 0x2000(8192) = 0.998291015625(fold) 0x2012(8210) / 0x2000(8192) = 1.002197265625(fold) Notes: The inside of ( ) is a decimal system equivalent. QQ QQ layer 1 13942296513 13942296513 Fcs AGC TEL TEL 48 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Table 2: trace mode details 表 2 トレースモード詳細 内容 補足説明 71 1 層内周の PO 誤り検出数とアド レスの表示 CD 時は無効。 72 A display of PO uncorrectable number of the inner circumference of 1-layer and an address. It is invalid at the time of CD operation. 72 1 層内周の PO 訂正不可数とアド レスの表示 CD 時は無効。 73 A display of PI error detection number of the inner circumference of 1-layer and an address. CD : C1 error detection number 73 1 層内周の PI 誤り検出数とアドレ スの表示 CD 時は C1 誤り検出数。 74 A display of PI uncorrectable number of the inner circumference of 1-layer and an address. CD : C2 uncorrectable error number 74 1 層内周の PI 訂正不可数とアドレ スの表示 CD 時は C2 訂正不可数。 75 A display of PO error detection number of the central circumference of 1-layer and an address. It is invalid at the time of CD operation. 75 1 層中周の PO 誤り検出数とアド レスの表示 CD 時は無効。 76 A display of PO uncorrectable number of the central circumference of 1-layer and an address. It is invalid at the time of CD operation. 76 1 層中周の PO 訂正不可数とアド レスの表示 CD 時は無効。 77 A display of PI error detection number of the central circumference of 1-layer and an address. CD : C1 error detection number 77 1 層中周の PI 誤り検出数とアドレ スの表示 CD 時は C1 誤り検出数。 78 A display of PI uncorrectable number of the central circumference of 1-layer and an address. CD : C2 uncorrectable error number 78 1 層中周の PI 訂正不可数とアドレ スの表示 CD 時は C2 訂正不可数。 79 A display of PO error detection number of the outer circumference of 1-layer and an address. It is invalid at the time of CD operation. 79 1 層外周の PO 誤り検出数とアド レスの表示 CD 時は無効。 80 A display of PO uncorrectable number of the outer circumference of 1-layer and an address. It is invalid at the time of CD operation. 80 1 層外周の PO 訂正不可数とアド レスの表示 CD 時は無効。 81 A display of PI error detection number of the outer circumference of 1-layer and an address. CD : C1 error detection number 81 1 層外周の PI 誤り検出数とアドレ スの表示 CD 時は C1 誤り検出数。 82 A display of PI uncorrectable number of the outer circumference of 1-layer and an address. CD : C2 uncorrectable error number 82 1 層外周の PI 訂正不可数とアドレ スの表示 CD 時は C2 訂正不可数。 83 A display of PO error detection number of the inner circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 83 2 層内周の PO 誤り検出数とアド レスの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 84 A display of PO uncorrectable number of the inner circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 84 2 層内周の PO 訂正不可数とアド レスの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 85 A display of PI error detection number of the inner circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 85 2 層内周の PI 誤り検出数とアドレ スの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 86 A display of PI uncorrectable number of the inner circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 86 2 層内周の PI 訂正不可数とアドレ スの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 87 A display of PO error detection number of the central circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 87 2 層中周の PO 誤り検出数とアド レスの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 88 A display of PO uncorrectable number of the central circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 88 2 層中周の PO 訂正不可数とアド レスの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 89 A display of PI error detection number of the central circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 89 2 層中周の PI 誤り検出数とアドレ スの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 90 A display of PI uncorrectable number of the central circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 90 2 層中周の PI 訂正不可数とアドレ スの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 91 A display of PO error detection number of the outer circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 91 2 層外周の PO 誤り検出数とアド レスの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 92 A display of PO uncorrectable number of the outer circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 92 2 層外周の PO 訂正不可数とアド レスの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 93 A display of PI error detection number of the outer circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 93 2 層外周の PI 誤り検出数とアドレ スの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 94 A display of PI uncorrectable number of the outer circumference of 2-layer and an address. In the case of 1-layer disc, it is invalid. 94 2 層外周の PI 訂正不可数とアドレ スの表示 1 層ディスクの場合、無効。 TEL 13942296513 www . QQ 376315150 892498299 xiaoy u163. com 17 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 YY It is invalid at the time of CD operation. QQ QQ Contents supplement A display of PO error detection number of the inner circumference of 1-layer and an address. 13942296513 13942296513 Contents 71 TEL TEL YY DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Table 3:Disc distinction information Mirr Count No Disc Mirr Width 表3 ディスク判別情報 FZC Count Except 2 and 3 - CD High reflection 2 More than 0x8ED - CD Low reflection 2 More than 0x8ED DVD High reflection 2 DVDLow reflection Mirr Count PI Level - No Disc - Mirr Width FZC Count PI Level 2 と 3 以外 - - - 2 0x8ED 以上 - 0x99 以上 CD 高反射 More than 0x99 CD 低反射 2 0x8ED 以上 - 0x98 以下 - Less than 0x98 DVD 高反射 2 0x8ED 以下 1 0x81 以上 DVD 低反射 2 0x8ED 以下 1 0x80 以下 Less than 0x8ED 1 More than 0x81 DVD 2 層 2 0x8ED 以下 2 - SACD Hybrid 3 - - - 2 Less than 0x8ED 1 Less than 0x80 DVD 2-layer 2 Less than 0x8ED 2 - SACD Hybrid 3 - - - PI level 計算式:PI level (V) = 測定値× 1.6 ÷ 256 "-" は無効 PI level Formula:PI level (V) = Measured value × 1.6 ÷ 256 "-" : Invalid 表4 ディスク種別情報 Media Disc Type Media No Disc 0x00 No Disc 0x01 Unknown Disc 0x01 Unknown Disc 0x04 DVD Single High reflection 0x04 DVD Single 高反射 0x05 DVD Dual Parallel Low reflection 0x05 DVD Dual Parallel 低反射 0x06 DVD Dual Opposite Low reflection 0x06 DVD Dual Opposite 低反射 0x08 CDDA High reflection 0x08 CDDA 高反射 0x0A VCD High reflection 0x0A VCD 高反射 0x44 DVD Single Low reflection 0x44 DVD Single 低反射 0x48 CDDA Low reflection 0x48 CDDA 低反射 0x4A VCD Low reflection 0x8F SACD Hybrid Disc Table 5: HEAT RUN ERROR CODE No 376315150 892498299 0x4A VCD 低反射 0x8F SACD Hybrid Disc 表 5 ヒートランエラーコード表 Error contents FL Display 1 Tray Error ( Back End ) E1 **** 2 Bad Disc E2 **** 3 Focus Error E2 **** 4 Read Error 5 6 No. エラー内容 FL 管表示 1 トレイエラー ( Back End ) E1 **** 2 不良ディスク E2 **** 3 フォーカスエラー E2 **** E2 **** 4 リードエラー E2 **** Tracking Error E4 **** 5 トラッキングエラー E4 **** Tray Error (Front End ) E5 **** 6 トレイエラー (Front End ) E5 **** 7 Navigation Pack Read Error E6 **** 7 ナビゲーションパックエラー E6 **** 8 Communication Error E7 **** 8 コマンド通信エラー E7 **** 9 No Disc NO DISC **** 9 ディスクが無い NO DISC **** (**** ; Number of times to error generating. ) www . (**** ; エラー発生までの回数 ) xiaoy u163. com 18 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ TEL 13942296513 QQ QQ 0x00 13942296513 13942296513 Disc Type TEL TEL Table 4: Disc classification information DCD-SA11 QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 BLOCK DIAGRAM 7812 7912 CX023 (BLK) GND_D 7805 BD9702 CX041 4P-PH 2412 CY041 4P-PH (1)+5V_D1 (2)GND_D1 (3)+5V_DO (4)GND_DO CX081 7808 CX026 (WHT) 1U-3713-1 AUDIO UNIT (1)+16V_MU (2)GND_RL (3)+12V_A (4)GND_A (5)㧙12V_A (1)+16V_MU (2)GND_RL (3)+12V_A (4)GND_A (5)㧙12V_A GND_A CX024 (BLU) CY051 5P-PH CX051 5P-PH CX035 BA033 +3.3V_D1 7805 (1)+5V_D1 (2)GND_D1 (3)+5V_DO (4)GND_DO (8)+12V_M1 (7)GND_M (6)+8V_M1 (5)GND_M (4)+5V_A (3)GND_A (2)+5V_B (1)GND_B CX054 CX082 BA033 1U-3714-2 POWER UNIT +5V_D2 SO1L (27)DIR_RST2 (26)ROM_RST (25)VPP (24)GND (23)SPDIF (22)GND (21)MCLK (20)GND (19)DLINKCD (18)DL_ON (17)DIT_CE (16)GND (11)~(15) (10)RST2 (19)DSCLK (20)DSDI (7)GND (6)DSRST1 (5)DSCS1 (4)EXT/INT (3)MUT1 (2MODE (1)GND (29)GND (28)PCM_DATA (27)PCM_LRCK (26)GND (25)PCM_BCK (24)GND (23)DSAL (22)DSAR (21)DSALS (20)DSARS (19)DSAC (18)DSASW (17)GND (16)DSDBCK (15)GND (14) SEL4fs (13)RST3 (12)DSD/PCM (11)GND (10)EXT_SEL (9)~(7)AL_Test3 (9)~(7)AL_Test3/4/5 (6)~(1)OPEN 768FS (1)+12V_M1 (2)GND_M (3)+8V_M1 (4)GND_M (5)+5V_A (6)GND_A (7)+5V_B (8)GND_B QQ ucon PLD EPM3128 SPDIF +5V_D1 Vout_+L 11A121 DBCK DXP_RST CX241 CX151 FAN8042 (Act Driv) DVD DRIVE MECH TD-5HP-D6-DE 1U-3624 SACD MODULE INIT CY024 1U-3714-5 P.SW UNIT CX052 11P FFC (1)KEY2 (2)KEY1 (3)KEY0 (4)GND (5)REMOCON (6)GND (7)FRRST (8)FCS (9)FCLK (10)FDAT (11)GND AN8471 (Spi Driv) ANALOG OUT (24)DSDR 64fs (1)PLRCK Vout_+R (2)PBCK Vout_㧙R 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 DSD_CS 7WHCU04 DSD_RST 7WHCU04 DSD/DXP_DI DSD/DXP_CL 33.8688MHz Master CLOCK 74HCT7007 COAX OUT DIGITAL OUT OPT OUT 74HCT7007 +5V_D1 CY111 1U-3413-4 H/P UNIT 1U-3713-3 MUT1 H/P UNIT H/P VR www H/P OUT CY042 4P-PH (1)MUT1 (2)H/P_L (3)GND_A (4)H/P_R . (1)+5V_U (2)GND_DISP (3)㧙32V (4)F+ (5)F㧙 (11)KEY2 || (2)FDAT (1)GND JUMPER x CY052 5P-PH CY112 <FL Display㧧15-BT-101GNK> <KEY> (Remocon) +3.3V i CX112 (1)KEY2 (2)KEY1 (3)KEY0 (4)GND (5)REMOCON (6)GND (7)FRRST (8)FCS (9)FCLK (10)FDAT (11)GND a o y u 1 6 3 FL Driver ; M66005-0001AHP BA330FP (11)KEY2 (10)KEY1 (9)KEY0 (9)GND_+5V (7)REMOTE (6)GND_+5V (5)FRES (4)FCEN (3)FCLK (2)FDAT (1)GND_5V 1U-3714-1 DISPLAY UNIT 19 MUT1 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 (4)DBCK SCK 7SHU04 Rch MODE MODE GAL_RST (1)DIR_RST2(OPEN) (2)ROM_RST(OPEN) (3)VPP(OPEN) (4)GND_D1 (5)SPDIF (6)GND_D1 (7)MCLK (8)GND_D1 (9)DSD_RST (10)DL_ON(OPEN) (11)DSD_CS (12)GND_D1 (13)DSD/DXP_CL (14)(DIR_INT(OPEN) (15)DSD/DXP_DI (16)DIR_DO(OPEN) (17)DXP_CS (18)RST2(OPEN) (19)DXP_RST (20)DIR_DI(OPEN) (21)GND_D1 (22)DF_RST(OPEN) (23)GAL_RST (24)EXT/INT(OPEN) (25)MUT1 (26)MODE (27)GND_D1 1M SRAM (25)DSDL GND_D1 Lch Vout_㧙L DARD 1㧛12 GAL16 CY271 27PFFC 16M DRAM CXD1881 (RF Amp) 157 DSAL 74HCT7007 +3.3V_D1 PURE DIRECT DSD1791 PBCK M30625FGPGP CXD1885 (F/E Prosessor) LRCK . c o m CX042 4P-PH 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 DXP6001AF +5V_A1 QQ QQ T E L MCLK CXD2753 (SACD Dec) 16M SDRAM 5PZH (OPEN) 27PFFC (1)CD_SEL (2)DSD_NORM (3)AL_Test3 (4)AL_Test4 (5)AL_Test5 29PFFC +3.3V_D2 SO1R 13942296513 13942296513 CY291 29PFFC (1)GND_D1 (2)PCM_DATA (3)PCM_LRCK (4)GND_D1 (5)PCM_BCK (6)GND_D1 (7)DSAL (8)DSAR (9)DSALS(OPEN) (10)DSARS(OPEN) (11)DSAC(OPEN) (12)DSASW(OPEN) (13)GND_D1 (14)DSDBCK (15)GND_D1 (16)SEL_4fs(OPEN) (17)RST3(OPEN) (18)DSD/PCM(OPEN) (19)GND_D1 (20)EXTSEL(OPEN) (21)~(23)(OPEN) (24)~(29)(OPEN) TEL TEL TRANS (1)+5V_U (2)GND_DISP (3)㧙32V (4)F+ (5)F㧙 11A121 11A121 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 SEMICONDUCTORS Only major semiconductors are shown, general semiconductors etc. are omitted to list. 主な半導体を記載しています。汎用の半導体は記載を省略しています。 1. IC’s Note: Abbreviation ahead of IC No. indicates the name of P.W.B., etc. 注 ): IC No. の前の記号は、基板の名称を表します。 AD : AUDIO P.W.B. PD : POWER/DISPLAY/HP P.W.B. SM : SACD MODULE P.W.B. CXD1885Q (SM: IC502) Pin Assignment AVDD33 DA0 (TSCON) DA1 (SLED) DA2 (FSCON) DA3 (SLED2_TILT) AVSS FG SPWM1 SPWM2 D/A GPWM0 GPWM1 GPWM2 GPWM3 GPWM4 GPWM5 XLCAS XUCAS XMOE RA11 RA10 DVSS RA9 RA8 RA7 RA6 RA5 DVDD33 RA4 RA3 DVDD18 RA2 RA1 RA0 XRAS XMWR RD7 RD6 DVSS RD5 RD4 RD3 RD2 RD1 RD0 RD15 RD14 RD13 RD12 RD11 RD10 DVDD18 PWM.FG TEL TEL RD9 DRAM I/F 102 VREFH 101 AD9 TEST2 161 100 AD8 TEST3 162 99 AD7 TEST4 163 98 AD6 TEST5 164 97 AD5 TEST6 165 96 AD4 TEST7 166 95 AD3 TEST8 167 94 AVDD33 TEST9 168 93 AD2 TEST10 169 92 AD1 TEST11 170 91 AD0 TEST12 171 QQ 376315150 892498299 90 AVSS TEL 13942296513 TEST13 172 89 AVSS TEST14 173 88 RC 87 LPF2 MODSEL0 175 86 LPF1 MODSEL1 176 81 JMOUT GIO2 181 80 JMREF GIO3 182 79 AVDD33 DVDD33 183 78 IREF GIO4 184 77 TLC1 GIO5 185 76 TLC0 GIO6 186 75 HF GIO7 187 74 ATC DVDD18 188 73 AVSS GIO8 189 72 DTC GIO9 190 71 MIRRORH GIO10 191 70 HFD GIO11 192 69 RFOKGH GIO12 193 68 SCLKH DVSS 194 67 SO GIO13 195 66 SI GIO14 196 65 CSL GIO15 197 64 EXPLDT GIO16 198 63 EXVCO GIO17 199 62 BCK GIO18 200 61 LRCK GIO19 201 60 DOTK TRST 202 59 DADT TMS 203 58 C2PO TDI 204 57 DRVRDY TCK 205 56 DRVCLK TDO 206 55 DRVRX VMCHG 207 54 DRVTX DVDD18 208 Clock 20 VSTEM I/F DVDD18 DRVRST DRVIRQ DCK XSHD VEFG XHAC HDRQ VDT0 VDT1 VDT2 VDT3 VDT4 VDT5 DVSS VDT6 DVSS VDT7 XO XI DVDD18 SYSCK MINT MRDY xiaoy u163. com B/E MCU I/F . MRD DVDD33 MWR MD7 MCS MALE MD6 DVSS MD5 MD4 MD3 MD2 MD1 MD0 TESTSEL MA8 MA0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 MA7 MSEL1 8 MA6 MSEL0 7 MA5 ALCR www 6 MA4 5 MA3 4 MA2 3 MA1 2 DVDD33 53 DVDD33 1 ASP S-I/O, Defect etc 82 CHG GIO1 180 Audio D/A General Port 83 VFBC GIO0 179 VSTEM I/F 84 AVDD18 MODSEL2 178 Data PLL/Data Slicer 85 VCOI DVSS 177 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEST15 174 JTAG A/D 103 VREFL TEST1 160 QQ QQ Test/Monitor Pin 104 AVDD18 RD8 158 TEST0 159 13942296513 13942296513 156 155 154 153 152 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 DVDD33 157 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Block Diagram 16/4M DRAM BCA HFD Data Slicer HF ECC Core Memory manager DVD Demodulation EDC MPEG I/F ASP CD-ROM Header Dec. Spindle TZC TC GIO Servo singnal Direction ROM/RAM A/D ICU Data RAM Timer Terminal Name I/O A/D P MCU I/F MCU ICU Servo control X'tal D/A PWM Peri. CLK QQ 376315150 892498299 (A/D : Analog/Digital, PU : Pull-up, PD : Pull-down, SMT=Schumitt ) Classification VDD & GND Function PU PD SMT 1 DVDD33 Digital 3.3V Power for I/O. 2 ALCR I D MCU I/F Chip select input. (L: Reset) 3 MSEL0 I D MCU I/F MCU I/F mode select 0. * 4 MSEL1 I D MCU I/F MCU I/F mode select 1. * 5 MA0 I/O D MCU I/F MCU Address input 0 / data I/O 0 <LSB>. * 6 MA1 I/O D MCU I/F MCU Address input 1 / data I/O 1. * 7 MA2 I/O D MCU I/F MCU Address input 2 / data I/O 2. * 8 MA3 I/O D MCU I/F MCU Address input 3 / data I/O 3. * 9 MA4 I/O D MCU I/F MCU Address input 4 / data I/O 4. * 10 MA5 I/O D MCU I/F MCU Address input 5 / data I/O 5. * * * 11 MA6 I/O D MCU I/F MCU Address input 6 / data I/O 6. * 12 MA7 I/O D MCU I/F MCU Address input 7 / data I/O 7. * 13 MA8 I D MCU I/F MCU Address input 8 <MSB>. * 14 TESTSEL I D MCU I/F TEST Select input. * 15 MD0 I/O D MCU I/F MCU data I/O 0 <LSB>. * 16 MD1 I/O D MCU I/F MCU data I/O 1. * 17 MD2 I/O D MCU I/F MCU data I/O 2. * 18 MD3 I/O D MCU I/F MCU data I/O 3. * 19 MD4 I/O D MCU I/F MCU data I/O 4. * 20 MD5 I/O D MCU I/F MCU data I/O 5. * 21 DVSS P VDD & GND Digital Ground. 22 MD6 I/O D MCU I/F MCU data I/O 6. * 23 MD7 I/O D MCU I/F MCU data I/O 7 <MSB>. * 24 MALE I D MCU I/F MCU Address latch signal input. * 25 MCS I D MCU I/F MCU Chip Select signal input. * D MCU I/F MCU Write strobe signal. * VDD & GND digital 3.3V Power. (for I/O ) www 26 MWR 27 DVDD33 28 MRD 29 MRDY 30 MINT . I P I O O xiaoy u163. com D MCU I/F MCU Read Strobe signal. D MCU I/F MCU Ready signal. (L: Wait) D MCU I/F MCU Interrupt signal. (L: Interrupt request) 21 * 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 Audio CMD/ RSP reg. QQ QQ Functions VSTEM DSP CLK/Mode Audio I/F DSP Mecha control No. Serial Command 13942296513 13942296513 JTAG ATC VSTEM Serial I/F ASP Serial I/F TEL TEL PWM Video CD-DSP (DDCD) Data-PLL DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 No. 31 Terminal Name I/O A/D SYSCK O D Clock Classification Clock Monitor output. Function VDD & GND Digital 1.8V Power. (Internal logic system power) I D Clock Crystal oscillation input. 34 XO O D Clock Crystal oscillation output. 35 DVSS P VDD & GND Digital Ground. 36 VDT7 O D VSTEM A/V MPEG data output 7. 37 VTD6 O D VSTEM A/V MPEG data output 6. 38 DVSS P 39 VDT5 O 40 VDT4 41 VDT3 42 MPEG data output 5. O D VSTEM A/V MPEG data output 4. O D VSTEM A/V MPEG data output 3. VDT2 O D VSTEM A/V MPEG data output 2. 43 VDT1 O D VSTEM A/V MPEG data output 1. 44 VDT0 O D VSTEM A/V MPEG data output 0. 45 HDRQ I D VSTEM A/V MPEG data Request input. 46 XHAC O D VSTEM A/V Data Valid output. 47 VEFG O D VSTEM A/V ECC Error-sector Flag output. (L: error sector) 48 XSHD O D VSTEM A/V DVD Sector Head Flag output. 49 DCK O D VSTEM A/V Data Strobe output. 50 DRVIRQ O D VSTEM Command Interrupt Request output for Host. (L: interruption is demanded) 51 DRVRST I D VSTEM Command Drive H/W Reset input. (L: reset) 52 DVDD18 P VDD & GND Digital 1.8V power for Internal logic system. 53 DVDD33 P VDD & GND Digital 3.3V Power for I/O. 54 DRVTX O D VSTEM Command Transmitting serial data output to Host. 55 DRVRX I D VSTEM Command Reception serial data input from Host. 56 DRVCLK I D VSTEM Command Clock input from Host. 57 DRVRDY O D VSTEM Command Drive Ready signal output. (L: ready) 58 C2PO O D Audio I/F CD-DSP C2 Pointer output. * * * * QQ VSTEM A/V SMT 59 DADT O D Audio I/F 60 DOTX O D Audio I/F Digital audio output. 61 LRCK O D Audio I/F L/R Clock output. 62 BCK O D Audio I/F Audio Bit Clock output. 63 EXVCO I D TEST/Monitor External Channel clock input. 64 EXPLDT I D TEST/Monitor External RF data input. (Logic level) 65 CSL O D ASP I/F SIO for RF signal processing LSI control. Latch signal output. 66 SI I D ASP I/F SIO for RF signal processing LSI control. Serial data input. 67 SO O D ASP I/F SIO for RF signal processing LSI control. Serial data output. 68 SCLKH O D ASP I/F SIO for RF signal processing LSI control. Serial clock output. 69 RFOKGH I D ASP I/F RF O.K. Signal input. * 70 HFD I D ASP I/F RF lack Signal input. * 71 MIRRORH I D ASP I/F Mirror detected signal input.(H: Mirror detected) * 72 DTC I D ASP I/F Track cross signal input. (Logic level input) * 73 AVSS P VDD & GND Analog Ground. 74 ATC I A Data PLL Track Cross signal input. (Analog level input) 75 HF I A Data PLL RF signal input. 76 TLC0 O A Data PLL Asymmetry Charge-pump output 0. 77 TLC1 O A Data PLL Asymmetry Charge-pump output 1 78 IREF I A Data PLL Reference current setting terminal for Asymmetry Circuit. 79 AVDD33 P VDD & GND Analog 3.3V Power. 80 JMREF I A Data PLL Reference current setting terminal for Jitter Monitor 81 JMOUT O A Data PLL Jitter Monitor output. 82 CHG I A Data PLL Reference current setting terminal for data PLL. 83 VFBC I A Data PLL VCO offset frequency setting terminal for data PLL. 84 AVDD18 P 85 VCOI I 86 LPF1 O 87 LPF2 O 88 RC I 89 AVSS 90 AVSS 91 AD0 www . P P I Audio serial data output. VDD & GND Analog 1.8V Power. A Data PLL VCO Control voltage input terminal for data PLL. A Data PLL VCO Loop-filter connection terminal 1 for data PLL. A Data PLL VCO Loop-filter connection terminal 2 for data PLL A Data PLL VCO gain setting terminal for data PLL. VDD & GND Analog Ground. VDD & GND Analog Ground. ADC AD0 Input. xiaoy u163. com A 22 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 13942296513 Digital Ground. D PD TEL VDD & GND QQ P 13942296513 DVDD18 XI TEL 32 33 PU DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 No. 92 Terminal Name AD1 I/O A/D I A ADC Classification Function A ADC AD2 Input. VDD & GND Analog 3.3V Power. PU 95 AD3 I A ADC AD3 Input. 96 AD4 I A ADC AD4 Input. 97 AD5 I A ADC AD5 Input. 98 AD6 I A ADC AD6 Input. 99 AD7 I A ADC AD7 Input. 100 AD8 I A ADC AD8 Input. 101 AD9 I A ADC AD9 Input. 102 VREFH I/O A ADC Max Reference Voltage input for ADC. (Internal Reference Voltage mode, it will be an output state) 103 VREFL I/O A ADC Min Reference Voltage input for ADC. (Internal Reference Voltage mode, it will be an output state) 104 AVDD18 P VDD & GND Analog 1.8V Power. 105 AVDD33 P VDD & GND Analog 3.3V Power. 106 DA0 (TSCON) O A DAC DA0 output. (Track Servo output) 107 DA1 (SLED) O A DAC DA1 output. (Sled Servo output) 108 DA2 (FSCON) O A DAC DA2 output. (Focus Servo output) 109 DA3 (SLED2_ TILT) O A DAC DA3 output. (Sled Servo / Tilt Servo output) 110 AVSS P VDD & GND Analog Ground 111 FG I D SPM FG signal input. 112 SPWM1 O D SPM Spindle motor PWM output 1. 113 SPWM2 O D SPM Spindle motor PWM output 2. 114 GPWM0 O D General PWM Multi-purpose PWM output 0. 115 GPWM1 O D General PWM Multi-purpose PWM output 1. 116 GPWM2 O D General PWM Multi-purpose PWM output 2. 117 GPWM3 O D General PWM Multi-purpose PWM output 3. 118 GPWM4 O D General PWM Multi-purpose PWM output 4. 119 GPWM5 O D General PWM Multi-purpose PWM output 5. 120 XLCAS O D DRAM I/F DRAM LCAS output. (Low-Byte row address strobe output) 121 XUCAS O D DRAM I/F DRAM UCAS output. (Upper-Byte row address strobe output) 122 XMOE O D DRAM I/F DRAM output enable. 123 RA11 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 11. 124 RA10 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 10. 125 DVSS P VDD & GND Digital Ground. 126 RA9 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 9. 127 RA8 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 8. 128 RA7 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 7. 129 RA6 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 6. 130 RA5 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 5. 131 DVDD33 P VDD & GND Digital 3.3V Power. (for I/O) 132 RA4 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 4. 133 RA3 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 3. 134 RA2 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 2. 135 RA1 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 1. 136 DVDD18 P VDD & GND Digital 1.8V Power. (for Internal Logic power) 137 RA0 O D DRAM I/F DRAM address output terminal 0. 138 XRAS O D DRAM I/F DRAM RAS output. (Column address strobe output) 139 XMWR O D DRAM I/F DRAM Write enable. 140 RD7 I/O D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 7. * 141 RD6 I/O D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 6. * 142 DVSS P VDD & GND Digital Ground. 143 RD5 I/O 144 RD4 I/O 145 RD3 I/O 146 RD2 I/O 147 RD1 148 RD0 149 RD15 150 RD14 TEL 13942296513 . I/O I/O I/O * QQ 376315150 892498299 xiaoy u163. com D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 5. * D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 4. * D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 3. * D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 2. * D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 1. * D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 0. * D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 15. * D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 14. * 23 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 P QQ QQ I AVDD33 13942296513 13942296513 AD2 94 www SMT TEL TEL 93 I/O PD AD1 Input. DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 No. Terminal Name I/O A/D 151 RD13 I/O D Classification 152 RD12 I/O D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 12. * 153 RD11 I/O D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 11. * 154 RD10 I/O D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 10. * 155 RD9 I/O D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 9. * DRAM I/F Function DRAM data input/output terminal 13. VDD & GND Digital 1.8V Power. (for internal Logic system) P VDD & GND Digital 3.3V power for I/O. 158 RD8 I/O D DRAM I/F DRAM data input/output terminal 8. 159 TEST0 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 0. 160 TEST1 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 1. 161 TEST2 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 2. 162 TEST3 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 3. 163 TEST4 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 4. 164 TEST5 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 5. 165 TEST6 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 6. TEL 166 TEST7 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 7. 167 TEST8 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 8. 168 TEST9 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 9. 13942296513 169 TEST10 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 10. 170 TEST11 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 11. 171 TEST12 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 12. 172 TEST13 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 13. 173 TEST14 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 14. 174 TEST15 O D TEST/Monitor TEST I/O 15. 175 MODSEL0 I D TEST/Monitor TEST mode select 0. (GND, under normal conditions) D TEST/Monitor TEST mode select 1. (GND, under normal conditions) VDD & GND Digital Ground. QQ 178 176 MODSEL1 I 177 DVSS P MODSEL2 I D TEST/Monitor TEST mode select 2. (GND, under normal conditions) QQ 376315150 892498299 179 GIO0 I/O D Multi-purpose Multi-purpose port 0. * * 180 GIO1 I/O D Multi-purpose Multi-purpose port 1. * * 181 GIO2 I/O D Multi-purpose Multi-purpose port 2. * * 182 GIO3 I/O D Multi-purpose Multi-purpose port 3. * * 183 DVDD33 VDD & GND Digital 3.3V Power for I/O. 184 GIO4 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 4. * * 185 GIO5 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 5. * * 186 GIO6 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 6. * * 187 GIO7 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 7. * * 188 DVDD18 VDD & GND Digital 1.8V Power for I/O. (for internal Logic system) 189 GIO8 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 8. 190 GIO9 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 9. 191 GIO10 I/O D General Port 192 GIO11 I/O D General Port 193 GIO12 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 12. 194 DVSS P VDD & GND Digital Ground. 195 GIO13 I/O D Multi-purpose Multi-purpose port 13. * * * 196 GIO14 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 14. * * * 197 GIO15 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 15. * * * 198 GIO16 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 16. * * 199 GIO17 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 17. * * 200 GIO18 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 18. * * 201 GIO19 I/O D General Port Multi-purpose port 19. * * 202 TRST I D JTAG I/F JTAG Reset input. * * 203 TMS I D JTAG I/F JTAG Mode Select input. * * 204 TDI I D JTAG I/F JTAG Data Input. * * 205 TCK I D JTAG I/F JTAG Clock input. * 206 TDO O D JTAG I/F JTAG Data output. 207 VMCHG I D MCU I/F VSTEM / external MCU access selection terminal of system setting register for DSP. (L: VSTEM, H: external MCU) 208 DVDD18 VDD & GND Digital 1.8V power for internal Logic system. www P P . P * * * * Multi-purpose port 10. * * Multi-purpose port 11. * * * * xiaoy u163. com 24 * * 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 * QQ P SMT 13942296513 DVDD18 DVDD33 PD * TEL 156 157 PU DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 CXD2753R (SM: IC401) Pin Assignment TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 Block Diagram www . xiaoy u163. com 25 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 376315150 892498299 QQ QQ TEL 13942296513 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Terminal Functions Pin Name I/O Functions 1 VSC - It fixed to ground.( for Core) 2 XMSLAT I Latch input for µCOM serial communication. 3 MSCK I Shift clock input for µCOM serial communication. 4 MSDATI I Data input for µCOM serial communication. 5 VDC - +2.5V Power for Core. 6 MSDATO O Data output for µCOM serial communication. “Hi-Z” potential except the output mode. 7 MSREADY O Completion flag of output preparation for µCOM serial communication. “L” is outputted at the time of completion. 8 XMSDOE O Output enable pin for µCOM serial communication. “L” is outputted at the time of MSDATO mode. 9 XRST I Reset pin. The whole IC is reset by at the time of “L” potential. 10 SMUTE Ipd Soft Mute. Soft mute of the audio output is carried out at the time of “H” potential. It releases at the time of “L” potential. I Master Clock input. - It fixed to Ground. Ground for I/O. 13 EXCKO1 O External output Clock 1. 14 EXCKO2 O External output Clock 2. 15 LRCK O 44.1kHz, 1Fs Clock output. 16 FRAME O Frame signal output. 13942296513 13942296513 MCKI VSIO - +3.3V Power for I/O. MNT0 O Monitor output. 19 MNT1 O Monitor output. 20 MNT2 O Monitor output. 21 MNT3 O Monitor output. 22 TESTO O Output terminal for a Test. (open) 23 TESTO O Output terminal for a Test.(open) 24 TESTO O Output terminal for a Test.(open) 25 TESTO O Output terminal for a Test.(open) 26 TCK I Clock input for a Test. It fixed to “L” potential. 27 TDI Ipu 28 VSC - 29 TDO O 30 TMS Ipu Input pin(pull-up) for a Test.(open) 31 TRST Ipu Reset pin(pull-up) for a Test. Input the Power-on reset signal or fixed to “L” potential. 32 TEST1 I Test input pin. It fixed to “L” potential. 33 TEST2 I Test input pin. It fixed to “L” potential. 34 TEST3 I Test input pin. It fixed to “L” potential. 35 VDC - +2.5V Power for CORE. 36 TESTO O Out put for TEST. It fixed to open. 37 XBIT O DST monitor. 38 SUPDT0 O Supplementary data output. (LSB) 39 SUPDT1 O Supplementary data output. 40 SUPDT2 O Supplementary data output. 41 SUPDT3 O Supplementary data output. 42 VSIO - Ground for I/O. 43 SUPDT4 O Supplementary data output. 44 SUPDT5 O Supplementary data output. QQ 376315150 892498299 www 45 VDIO 46 SUPDT6 47 SUPDT7 48 XSUPAK 49 VSC 50 TESTO . Input pin(pull-up) for a Test.(open) It fixed to Ground. Ground for CORE. Output for a Test.(open). xiaoy u163. com - +3.3V Power for I/O. O Supplementary data output. O Supplementary data output. (MSB) O Supplementary data Acknowledge output terminal. - Ground for CORE. O Output for TEST. (open) 26 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 VDIO 18 QQ QQ 17 TEL 13942296513 TEL TEL 11 12 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Pin Name I/O Functions TESTI I Input for TEST. It fixed to “L” potential. TESTO O Output for TEST. (open) 54 VDC - +2.5V Power for CORE. 55 DSADML O DSD Data output terminal for Lch Down Mix. 56 DSADMR O DSD Data output terminal for Rch Down Mix. 57 BCKASL I I/O selection terminal of the Bit clock for DSD data output. L=input (Slave), H=output (Master) 58 VSDSD - Ground terminal for DSD data output. 59 BCKAI I Bit clock input terminal for DSD data output. Input a Bit clock into this terminal at the time of BCKASL=”L” potential. 60 BCKAO O Bit clock output terminal for DSD data output. Bit clock output from this terminal at the time of BCKASL=”H” potential. 61 PHREFI I Reference phase signal input terminal for DSD output phase modulation. 62 PHREFO O Reference phase signal output terminal for DSD output phase modulation. 63 ZDFL O Lch zero-data detection flag (at the time of µcom setup). It will be set to “H” if non-sound data continues 300 msecs. 64 DSAL O DSD data output terminal for Lch speaker. 65 ZDFR O Rch zero-data detection flag (at the time of µcom setup). It will be set to “H” if non-sound data continues 300 msecs. 66 DSAR O DSD data output terminal for Rch speaker. 67 VDDSD - +3.3V Power for DSD data output. 68 ZDFC O Cch zero-data detection flag (at the time of µcom setup). It will be set to “H” if non-sound data continues 300 msecs. 69 DSAC O DSD data output terminal for Cch speaker. 70 ZDFLFE O LFEch zero-data detection flag (at the time of µcom setup). It will be set to “H” if non-sound data continues 300 msecs. 71 DSASW O DSD data output terminal for SWch speaker. 72 VSDSD - Ground for DSD data output. 73 ZDFLS O LSch zero-data detection flag (at the time of µcom setup). It will be set to “H” if non-sound data continues 300 msecs. 74 DSALS O DSD data output terminal for LSch speaker. 75 ZDFRS O RSch zero-data detection flag (at the time of µcom setup). It will be set to “H” if non-sound data continues 300 msecs. 76 DSARS O DSD data output terminal for RSch speaker. 77 VDDSD O +3.3V Power for DSD data output. 78 IOUT0 O Data output terminal 0 for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. 79 IOUT1 O Data output terminal 1 for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. 80 VSC - Ground for CORE. 81 IOUT2 O Data output terminal 2 for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. 82 IOUT3 O Data output terminal 3 for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. 83 VDC - +2.5V Power for CORE. 84 IOUT4 O Data output terminal 4 for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. 85 IOUT5 O Data output terminal 5 for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. 86 VSIO - Ground for I/O. 87 IANCO O Transmission information data output terminal for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. 88 IFULL I Data transmission hold request signal input terminal for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. 89 IEMPTY I High speed transmission request signal input terminal for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. - +3.3V Power for I/O. 90 VDIO 91 IFRM www 92 IOUTE 93 IBCK 94 VSC 95 TESTI 96 TESTI xiaoy u163. com O . Frame reference signal output terminal for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. O Enable signal output terminal for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. O Data transmission clock output terminal for IEEE1394 link chip I/F. - Ground for CORE. I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “H” potential. I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 27 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ 53 QQ Input for TEST. It fixed to “L” potential. 13942296513 52 13942296513 I TEL TESTI TEL 51 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Pin Name 97 I/O Functions TEST input terminal. It fixed to “H” potential. TESTO O TEST output terminal. (open) 99 VDC - +2.5V Power for CORE. 100 TESTI I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 101 TESTI I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 102 TESTI I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 103 TESTI I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 104 TESTI I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 105 TESTI I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 106 VSIO - Ground for I/O. 107 TESTI I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 108 TESTI I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 109 TESTI I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 110 VDIO - +3.3V Power for I/O. 111 WAD0 I External A/D data input terminal(LSB) for PSP physical disc mark detection. 112 WAD1 I External A/D data input terminal for PSP physical disc mark detection. 113 WAD2 I External A/D data input terminal for PSP physical disc mark detection. 114 WAD3 I External A/D data input terminal for PSP physical disc mark detection. 115 VSIO - Ground for I/O. 116 VSC - Ground for CORE. 117 WAD4 I External A/D data input terminal for PSP physical disc mark detection. 118 WAD5 I External A/D data input terminal for PSP physical disc mark detection. 119 WAD6 I External A/D data input terminal for PSP physical disc mark detection. 120 WAD7 I External A/D data input terminal(MSB) for PSP physical disc mark detection. QQ 376315150 892498299 VDC - +2.5V Power for CORE. 122 TESTI I TEST input terminal. It fixed to “L” potential. 123 WCK I Operation clock for PSP physical disc mark detection. 124 WAVDD - +2.5V Power. A/D Power supply for PSP physical disc mark detection. 125 WAVDD - +2.5V Power. A/D Power supply for PSP physical disc mark detection. 126 WARFI Ai Analog RF signal input terminal for PSP physical disc mark detection. 127 WAVRB Ai A/D bottom reference terminal for PSP physical disc mark detection. 128 WAVSS - A/D Ground terminal for PSP physical disc mark detection. 129 WAVSS - A/D Ground terminal for PSP physical disc mark detection. 130 VSIO - Ground for I/O. 131 DQ7 I/O SDRAM data input/output terminal. (MSB) 132 DQ6 I/O SDRAM data input/output terminal. 133 DQ5 I/O SDRAM data input/output terminal. 134 DQ4 I/O 135 VDIO - 136 DQ3 I/O SDRAM data input/output terminal. 137 DQ2 I/O SDRAM data input/output terminal. 138 DQ1 I/O SDRAM data input/output terminal. 139 DQ0 I/O SDRAM data input/output terminal. (LSB) 140 VSIO - Ground for I/O. 141 DCLK O Clock output terminal for SDRAM. DCKE O Clock enable output terminal for SDRAM. O Write enable output terminal for SDRAM. O Column address strobe output terminal for SDRAM. O Row address strobe output terminal for SDRAM. 142 www 143 XWE 144 XCAS 145 XRAS 146 VDIO 147 TESTO 148 A11 . SDRAM data input/output terminal. +3.3V Power for I/O. xiaoy u163. com - +3.3V Power for I/O. O Output terminal for TEST. (open) O Address output terminal for SDRAM. (MSB) 28 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 121 QQ QQ 98 13942296513 13942296513 Ipu TEL TEL TESTI DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Pin Name 149 I/O A10 O Functions Address output terminal for SDRAM. Ground for CORE. O Address output terminal for SDRAM. 152 A8 O Address output terminal for SDRAM. 153 VDC - +2.5V Power for CORE. 154 A7 O Address output terminal for SDRAM. 155 A6 O Address output terminal for SDRAM. 156 A5 O Address output terminal for SDRAM. 157 A4 O Address output terminal for SDRAM. 158 VSIO - Ground for I/O. 159 A3 O Address output terminal for SDRAM. 160 A2 O Address output terminal for SDRAM. 161 A1 O Address output terminal for SDRAM. 162 A0 O Address output terminal for SDRAM. (LSB) 163 VDIO - +3.3V Power for I/O. 164 XSRQ O Output terminal of the Data Request signal inputted a front-end processor. 165 XSHD I Input terminal of the header Flag outputted from a front-end processor. 166 SDCK I Input terminal of the data conveyance Clock outputted from a front-end processor. 167 XASK I Input terminal of the data valid Flag outputted from a front-end processor. 168 SDEF I Input terminal of the error Flag outputted from a front-end processor. 169 SD0 I Input terminal of the stream Data outputted from a front-end processor. 170 SD1 I Input terminal of the stream Data outputted from a front-end processor. 171 SD2 I Input terminal of the stream Data outputted from a front-end processor. 172 SD3 I Input terminal of the stream Data outputted from a front-end processor. QQ 376315150 892498299 SD4 I Input terminal of the stream Data outputted from a front-end processor. 174 SD5 I Input terminal of the stream Data outputted from a front-end processor. 175 SD6 I Input terminal of the stream Data outputted from a front-end processor. 176 SD7 I Input terminal of the stream Data outputted from a front-end processor. Ipu: Pull-up input www Ipd: Pull-down input . Ai: Analog input xiaoy u163. com 29 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 173 QQ QQ - A9 13942296513 13942296513 VSC 151 TEL TEL 150 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 M30625FGPGP (SM: IC739) P11/D9 P12/D10 P13/D11 P14/D12 P15/D13/INT3 P16/D14/INT4 P17/D15/INT5 P20/A0(/D0/-) P21/A1(/D1/D0) P22/A2(/D2/D1) P23/A3(/D3/D2) P24/A4(/D4/D3) P25/A5(/D5/D4) P26/A6(/D6/D5) P27/A7(/D7/D6) VSS P30/A8(/-/D7) VCC P12_0 P12_1 P12_2 P12_3 P12_4 P31/A9 P32/A10 P33/A11 P34/A12 P35/A13 P36/A14 P37/A15 P40/A16 P41/A17 P42/A18 P43/A19 P44/CS0 P45/CS1 P46/CS2 P47/CS3 Pin Assignment M30625FGNGP Port Assignment pin function I/O Initial mode action NOTE VREF AVCC 3 P97/ADTRG~/SIN4 P97 O L QQ 376315150 892498299 OPEN DIR_RST2 4 P96/ANEX1/SOUT4 SOUT4 O L FDAT DISPLAY DATA for FL DRIVER 5 P95/ANEX0/CLK4 CLK4 O L FCLK DISPLAY CLOCK for FL DRIVER 6 P94/DA1/TB4IN P94 O L DSRST1 RESET for DAC (DSD1791) 7 P93/DA0/TB3IN P93 O H GAL_RST RESET for GAL16V8 8 P92/TB2IN/SOUT3 P92 O L OPEN OPEN 9 P91/TB1IN/SIN3 P91 I H USER1 MODEL SELECT 1 (10k P.U) 10 P90/TB0IN/CLK3 P90 O L OPEN DL_ON 11 P14_1 O L OPEN OPEN O H DSCS1 CHIP SELECT for DAC (DSD1791) 12 P14_0 13 BYTE BYTE I BYTE PULL UP(8bit) 14 CNVss CNVss I CNVSS PULL DOWN (5.6k ohm) 15 P87/XCIN P87 O L OPEN CD_SEL (INTERNAL CD PLAY ONLT "H") 16 P86/XCOUT P86 O H OPEN DSD_NORM (NORMAL DSD MODE ONLY "H") 17 RESET~ RESET~ I RESET RESET INPUT 18 XOUT XOUT O X.TAL OSC OUT 19 VSS VSS - VSS GND 20 XIN XIN I X.TAL OSC IN 21 VCC VCC - 3.3V POWER INPUT 22 P85/NMI~ P85 I P_UP1 10K PULL UP(NON CONECT) 23 P84/INT2~ INT2~ I IR_IN IR INPUTSIGNAL (SHARP FORMAT) 24 P83/INT1~ INT1~ I MINT INT from CXD1885Q 25 P82/INT0~ INT0~ I DRVIRQ CXD1885Q DATA REQUEST www 26 P81/TA4IN/U~ 27 P80/TA4OUT/U 28 P77/TA3IN 29 P76/TA3OUT 30 P75/TA2IN/W~ 31 P74/TA2OUT/W . xiaoy u163. com P81 I H OPEN DL_IDD (DL ID WRITE MODE DETECTION ("L":Write Mode) TA4OUT O L PWM TRAY CONTROL PWM SIGNAL P77 O H SELDSD SELECT for DSD SIGNAL(PLD) P76 O H SMUTE MUTING for CXD2753R P75 O H DSDRST RESET for CXD2753R P74 I MSREADY SERIAL DATA READY from CXD2753R 30 P.DN only NOT USE 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 2 QQ QQ 1 port 13942296513 13942296513 VREF AVCC P97/ADTRG /SIN4 P96/ANEX1/SOUT4 P95/ANEX0/CLK4 P94/DA1/TB4IN P93/DA0/TB3IN P92/TB2IN/SOUT3 P91/TB1IN/SIN3 P90/TB0IN/CLK3 P14_1 P14_0 BYTE CNVss P87/XCIN P86/XCOUT RESET XOUT VSS XIN VCC P85/NMI P84/INT2 P83/INT1 P82/INT0 P81/TA4IN/U P80/TA4OUT/U P77/TA3IN P76/TA3OUT P75/TA2IN/W P74/TA2OUT/W P73/CTS2 /RTS2 /TA1IN/V P72/CLK2/TA1OUT/V P71/RXD2/SCL/TA0IN/TB5IN P70/TXD2/SDA/TA0OUT P67/TXD1 VCC P66/RXD1 TEL TEL P12_5 P12_6 P12_7 P50/WRL /WR P51/WRH /BHE P52/RD P53/BCLK P13_0 P13_1 P13_2 P13_3 P54/HLDA P55/HOLD P56/ALE P57/RDY /CLKOUT P13_4 P13_5 P13_6 P13_7 P60/CTS0 /RTS0 P61/CLK0 P62/RXD0 P63/TXD0 P64/CTS1 /RTS1 /CTS0 /CLKS1 P65/CLK1 VSS P10/D8 P07/D7 P06/D6 P05/D5 P04/D4 P03/D3 P02/D2 P01/D1 P00/D0 P11_7 P11_6 P11_5 P11_4 P11_3 P11_2 P11_1 P11_0 P107/AN7/KI3 P106/AN6/KI2 P105/AN5/KI1 P104/AN4/KI0 P103/AN3 P102/AN2 P101/AN1 AVSS P100/AN0 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 pin port I/O Initial 32 P73/CTS2~/RTS2~/TA1IN/V~ P73 O H XMSLAT SERIAL DATA LATCH for CXD2753R 33 34 P72/CLK2/TA1OUT/V CLK2 O H MSCK SERIAL DATA CLK for CXD2753R P71/RXD2/SCL/TA0IN/TB5IN RXD2 I 35 P70/TXD2/SDA/TA0OUT TXD2 O 36 P67/TXD1 TXD1 RXD1 37 VCC 38 P66/RXD1 39 VSS 40 P65/CLK1 function mode action NOTE MSDATAO SERIAL DATA INPUT from CXD2753R PULL UP H MSDATAI SERIAL DATA OUTPUT for CXD2753R PULL UP O H CD_LED WRITE USE (22k P.U) Flash(w:pull up) I H WRITE USE (22k P.U) Flash(w:pull up) VCC SA_LED VSS P65 I H PULL_DWN 5.1K PULL DOWN(NON CONECT) Flash(w:pull down) Flash(w:pull up) 41 P64/CTS1~/RTS1~/CTS0~/CLKS1 P64 O H DRVRST RESET for CXD1885Q(RESET=L) 42 P63/TXD0 TXD0 O H DRVRX SERIAL DATA for CXD1885Q DRVTX SERIAL DATA from CXD1885Q H DRVCLK DATA CLOCK for CXD1885Q RXD0 I P61/CLK0 CLK0 O 45 P60/CTS0~/RTS0~ CTS0~ I DRVRDY DATA READY SIGNAL from CXD1885Q 46 P13_7 O OPEN New AL Test3 47 P13_6 O OPEN New AL Test4 48 P13_5 O OPEN New AL Test5 49 P13_4 CD_SEL INTERNAL CD PLAY ONLT "H" (RESERVE) 50 P57/RDY~/CLKOUT P57 I MRDY READY from CXD1885Q (NOT USE) 51 P56/ALE P56 I OPEN1 OPEN(anytime) Flash(w:pull up) 52 P55/HOLD~ P55 I P_UP2 10K PULL UP(NON CONECT) Flash(w:GND) 53 P54/HLDA~ P54 54 P13_3 O L I O H OPEN2 OPEN(must) OPEN DSPMOSI P13_2 I (L) OPEN DSPMISO 56 P13_1 O L OPEN DSPSPICLK O H P13_0 OPEN DSPSPICS 58 P53/BCLK P53 - OPEN3 OPEN(must) 59 P52/RD~ P52 I MRD 60 P51/WRH~/BHE~ P51 I OPEN4 OPEN(must) 61 P50/WRL~/WR~ P50 I MWR WRITE STROBE for CXD1885Q(NOT USE) 62 P12_7 OPEN BUSYEPROM TEL 13942296513 I (L) QQ 376315150 892498299 READ STROBE for CXD1885Q(NOT USE) 63 P12_6 O H OPEN VPP 64 P12_5 O L OPEN ROMRST 65 P47/CS3~ CS3~ O H MCS CHIP SELECT for CXD1885Q 66 P46/CS2~ P46 O H CLS_DRV TRAY CLOSE DRIVE CONTROL 67 P45/CS1~ P45 O H OPN_DRV TRAY OPEN DRIVE CONTROL 68 P44/CS0~ CS2~ O H MCS2 CHIP SELECT for 1M-SRAM 69 P43/A19 P43 O L OPEN OPEN 70 P42/A18 P42 O L OPEN OPEN 71 P41/A17 P41 O L OPEN OPEN 72 P40/A16 A16 O A16 ADRRES LINE 73 P37/A15 A15 O A15 ADRRES LINE 74 P36/A14 A14 O A14 ADRRES LINE 75 P35/A13 A13 O A13 ADRRES LINE 76 P34/A12 A12 O A12 ADRRES LINE 77 P33/A11 A11 O A11 ADRRES LINE 78 P32/A10 A10 O A10 ADRRES LINE 79 P31/A9 A9 O A9 ADRRES LINE 80 P12_4 OPEN SEL4fs 81 P12_3 82 P12_2 83 P12_1 84 P12_0 85 VCC 86 P30/A8(/-/D7) 87 VSS www O . L xiaoy u163. com O L OPEN RST3 O H D_OUT SPDIF SIGNAL LINE ON/OFF H: OUTPUT O L OPEN OPEN O L OPEN OPEN VCC - --- 3.3V A8 O A8 ADRRES LINE VSS - --- GND 31 Flash(w:pull up) 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 57 QQ QQ 55 13942296513 13942296513 P62/RXD0 44 TEL TEL 43 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 pin port function I/O Initial mode action 88 P27/A7(/D7/D6) A7 O A7 ADRRES LINE 89 P26/A6(/D6/D5) A6 O A6 ADRRES LINE 90 P25/A5(/D5/D4) A5 O A5 ADRRES LINE 91 P24/A4(/D4/D3) A4 O A4 ADRRES LINE 92 P23/A3(/D3/D2) A3 O A3 ADRRES LINE 93 P22/A2(/D2/D1) A2 O A2 ADRRES LINE 94 P21/A1(/D1/D0) A1 O A1 ADRRES LINE 95 P20/A0(/D0/-) A0 O 96 P17/D15/INT5~ P17 O 97 P16/D14/INT4~ P16 98 P15/D13/INT3~ P15 A0 ADRRES LINE L OPEN IIC CLK FOR EE_ROM(AT24C04N) I/O H OPEN IIC DATA FOR EE_ROM(AT24C04N) I (L) OPEN DIR_INT NOTE P14 I OPN_SW TRAY OPEN DETECT SW (P.U) P13 I CLS_SW TRAY CLOSE DETECT SW (P.U) Flash(w:pull up) 101 P12/D10 P12 I FILTI NOT USE(10k P/U) (Low:384fs/Hi:192fs) 102 P11/D9 P11 O L OPEN EXT/INT 103 P10/D8 P10 O H A_MUTE MUTING (H:MUTE) 104 P07/D7 D7 I/O D7 8bit DATA LINE 105 P06/D6 D6 I/O D6 8bit DATA LINE 106 P05/D5 D5 I/O D5 8bit DATA LINE 107 P04/D4 D4 I/O D4 8bit DATA LINE 108 P03/D3 D3 I/O D3 8bit DATA LINE 109 P02/D2 D2 I/O D2 8bit DATA LINE 110 P01/D1 D1 I/O D1 8bit DATA LINE D0 I/O D0 8bit DATA LINE P11_7 I (L) OPEN DIR_DO 113 P11_6 O H DSDI DSD_DI 114 P11_5 O 115 P11_4 O 116 P11_3 O 117 P11_2 O 118 P11_1 O TEL 13942296513 QQ DXP_CS L DXP_RST DXP/DSD_MDT L 376315150 892498299 CHIP SELECT for DXP6001 RESET for DXP6001 DATA for DXP6001/DSD1791 DXP/DSD_MCK DATA_CLOCK for DXP6001/DSD1791 OPEN RST2 DSD/PCM 119 P11_0 O L OPEN 120 P107/AN7/KI3~ P107 O H MODE CD/SACD SWITCHING SIGNAL(L:CD,SACD:H) 121 P106/AN6/KI2~ P106 O L FCS DISPLAY CHIP SERECT for FL DRIVER 122 P105/AN5/KI1~ P105 O H OPEN SM5819 INPUT SWITC (H,EXTSERECT) 123 P104/AN4/KI0~ P104 O L OPEN DSD1792 RST 124 P103/AN3 P103 O L FRRST DISPLAY DRIVER RESET 125 P102/AN2 AN2 I KEY2 KEYS SENS 126 P101/AN1 AN1 I KEY1 KEYS SENS 127 AVSS AVSS - GND AD GND 128 P100/AN0 AN0 I KEY0 KEYS SENS Ipu: Pull-up input www Ipd: Pull-down input . Ai: Analog input xiaoy u163. com 32 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 P00/D0 QQ QQ 111 112 RELAY/TR 13942296513 13942296513 P14/D12 P13/D11 TEL TEL 99 100 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892.498. 299 M66005-0001AHP (PD: IC603) BLOCK DIAGRAM Display code RAM CGROM Bank 1 : 8bit x 16 Bank 2 : 8bit x 64 SEG02 SEG01 SEG00 Vcc2 SEG39 SEG38 DIG13 DIG12 DIG11 DIG10 DIG09 DIG08 DIG07 DIG06 DIG05 DIG04 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 M66005-0001AHP 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 SEG19 SEG20 SEG21 SEG22 code write dot data write SEG23 SEG24 CS 14 SEG25 SEG26 Vp Serial receive circuit SCK 15 SDATA 16 SEG27 SEG28 SEG29 SEG30 SEG31 SEG32 SEG33 XIN 21 Clock generator XOUT 20 timing clock . 33 SEG26 ... 31... ... SEG27 24 SEG34 23 SEG35 Segment/ Digit select/ output circuit code select Display controller scan pulse . . Digit output circuit 64 DIG12 63 DIG13 62 SEG38 61 SEG39 12 DIG00 .. .. .. . . . 1 DIG11 Vcc1 19 2 Vcc2 60 18 P0 Vss 22 17 P1 Vp 32 PIN DESCRIPTIONS Symbol Comment Pin name Chip select input SCK Shift clock input SDATA Serial data input XIN , Clock input When use as a CR oscillator, connect external resistor andcapacitor. XOUT Clock output When use an external clock, input external clock to XIN, and XOUT must be opened. DIG00~ DIG15 Digit output Connect to digit (grid) pins of VFD. SEG00~ SEG39 Segment output Connect to segment (anode) pins of VFD. Pins from SEG00 to SEG39 correspond to segment pins of VFD as shown in the table below. SEG36~SEG39 pins are common to DIG12~DIG15 pins. So, when use SEG36~SEG39, the number of digit to be used isdecreased. P1, P0 Universal port P1 : bidirectional P0 : output Generally, use this port as the static output port. This port also operateas s the timing IN/OUT port to control another M66005A. QQ 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 When "L", communication with the MCU is possible. When "H", any instruction from the MCU is neglected. Serial input data is taken and shifted by the positive edge of SCK. Vcc1 Positive power supply for internal logic. Vcc2 Positive power supply for DIG and SEG outputs. Vss GND (0V) Vp Negative power supply to pull down. Front view of VFD ( Connection of segment output pins ) 00 01 02 03 04 Each square shows one-dot segment and the figure in the square shows the output segment pin number SEGnn (nn=00~39) to be connected. SEG00~SEG34 are for character dot which are output from character ROM or user RAM, and SEG35~SEG39 are the dot which is controlled by command. www . 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 xiaoy u163. com 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 38 33 39 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 CS When "L", M66005A is initialized. QQ QQ RESET Reset input 13942296513 13942296513 .. . . . CGRAM (35bit x 16) Code/ command control circuit Segment output circuit TEL TEL RESET 13 data ... 59... ... SEG00 (35bit x 160) DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 SDEN SDATA SCLK V33 LCP LCN MNTR CE FE TE PI V25 V125 TPH DFT LINK CXD1881AR (SM: IC501) 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 MEV 50 31 MIN VNA 51 30 MLPF FNN 52 29 MB FNP 53 28 MP DIP 54 27 MIRR DIN 55 26 LDON 25 VNB 24 CDPD 23 DVDPD BYP 56 CXD1881AR RFAC 57 VPA 58 COLD 21 DVDLD ATON 61 20 VC ATOP 62 19 VPB RFSIN 63 18 CD_E RFDC 64 17 CD_F www . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A2 B2 C2 D2 CP CN D C B A CD_D CD_C CD_B CD_A DVDRFP 1 DVDRFN AIN 60 xiaoy u163. com 34 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 22 AIP 59 QQ QQ MEVO 13942296513 13942296513 32 TEL TEL RX 49 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 RFAC 59 DIP AIP 60 DIN AIN 61 FNN ATON 62 FNP ATOP Block Diagram 53 52 55 54 57 FCCR b7-0 FBCR b6-0 CGR b1 OUTPUT INHIBIT AGC DVDRFP 1 DVDRFN 2 ATT MUX 4 RFSIN 63 SIGR b3 INPUT SEL RFCR b5-4 INPUT IMP SEL SSOUT RFCR b7-6 INPUT IMP SEL 56 BYP AGCO B W/LPF GCA A 12 B+D W/LPF GCA SIGR b2-0 12dB is added @ high gain mode (CDR b5=1) GCA LPF GCA +/-4dB 4 FOCR b7-4 FS Gain 70kHz 40 FE GCA PIOR b4-0 5 PI offset 4 FOCR b3-0 FO Gain Pll Offset cancel LPF 38 PI CTCR b7 BCA DET TOPHLD 35 TPH COMP A+D CD_C 14 GCA 9 GCA CD_D 13 GCA SEL CBR b3-2 Buff D B+C 3 PDCR b3 CD/DVD 4D SUM SIGR b2-0 12dB is added @ high gain mode (CDR b5=1) TOPHLD RFCR b2-0 EQ B2 4 GCA EQ 42 MNTR MON SEL CFR b2-0 CE-ATT 44 LCP 43 LCN 7 CP 8 CN Comp. MUX PHASE DETECTOR SUB Offset cancel LPF GCA EQ D2 6 GCA EQ TRCR2 b7 CP/CN Low lmp PDCR b3 CD/DVD PHASE DETECTOR VC 3 3 RFCR b2-0 TRCR2 b6-4 DPD EQ CFR b7-5 TR Gain for TE, FE & CE output ref. V25/3 V25/2 36 V125 CDR b2 CHR b7-6 Mirr Defect Comp ATT AGCO CDR b4 LD H/L Btm Env Dual APC CDPD 24 2 BENV Pll DVDPD 23 MUX VCI for servo input VC CDR b3 48 SDEN SERIAL PORT REGISTER 47 SDATA 46 SCLK ATT TOP HLD MUX ATT TOP ENV V33 for output buff Offset 45 V33 BTM HLD Btm clamp & clip Vref BTM ENV MUX CGR b5-4 Gain CDR b7 LINKEN CCR b7 DISK DET MUX 27 58 19 51 25 VNB MIN 35 33 VPB MEVO 30 VNA MEV 29 VPA DVDLD 28 MIRR 31 LINK 32 MLPF 50 MB 21 MP 22 CDLD xiaoy u163. com 26 37 V25 20 VC CONTROL Signals 2 To each block MUX MUX . TR offset TRCR b6 DPD COMP HYS ON MRCR b6-4 MRCR b7-0 Mirr Comp droop rate ATT Level control CTCR b5-4 MEVO SEL 3 39 TE 3 TRCR b5-0 for PI output ref. CCR b5 APC SEL DVD/CD www CEFDB GCA 5 TE RST GCA 6 C2 3 LPF ATT Pol sel. buff (Ð12dB) 3 CDR b5 High Gain TRCR2 b3-0 3B 12dB is added @ high gain mode (CDR b5=1) PI FE TE CE V25 V125 V25/3 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 4 GCA 0-+8dB, 4bit CFR b3 CEPOL 3 3 2 CAR b7-4 41 CE TE MASK SEL GCA QQ QQ GCA GCA 61 RFDC SEL PIOR b7-5 +3dB +/-4dB 34 DFT QQ 376315150 892498299 RESUM GCA A2 2 CBR b1-0 CGR b0 OUTPUT INHIBIT 4 CER b4-0 CE offset TEL 13942296513 CD_F 17 Offset cancel TOPHLD 6dB is added @ high gain mode (CDR b5=1) CD_E 18 DAC 2 CTCR b3-0 4 CO Gain LDON 13942296513 C 10 +/-6dB, 4bit Offset cancel 13942296513 D MUX 70kHz A+C W/LPF GCA CD_B 15 CCR b4-0 FE offset 5 C B 11 Level DAC SUM Amp. AGC BTM ENV TEL CD_A 16 2 CAR b3-2 SIGDET TEL W/LPF GCA 49 RX Clamp & Env 2 CAR b1-0 Env/Clamp TENV A AGC CHARGE PUMP FULL WAVE RECTIFIER 2 SIGR b7-4 ATT 2 PROGRAMMABLE EQUALIZER FILTER DIFFERENTIATOR INPUT BIAS HOLDEN CDR b6 AGC HOLD RFCR b3 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Terminal Function Power Supply Pins Name I/O Function VPA - Power for RF and serial port VPB - Power for servo VNA - GND for RF and serial port VNB - GND for servo V33 - Power for output buffer V25 - Reference Power for servo output Input Pins Name I/O Function AIP,AIN I AGC amp. input DIP,DIN I Analog input for RF single buffer I Photo detector interface input A2,B2,C2,D2 I Photo detector interface input CD_A,B,C,D I CD photo detector interface input CD_E,F I CD photo detector interface input MIN I RF signal input for mirror DVDPD I APC input APC input I APC input ON/OFF (L:Open) I Link signal input (L:Open) O Mirror monitor output TEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299 Output Pins Name I/O ATOP,ATON O Function Differential attenuator output FNP,FNN O Differential normal output RFAC O Single end normal output RFDC O RF signal output FE O Focus error signal output TE O Tracking error signal output CE O Center error signal output MEVO O RFDDC bottom envelope output DFT O Defect output MIRR O Mirror detected output PI O Pull-in signal output DVDLD O APC output CDLD O APC output MNTR O Monitor output Analog Pins Name www I/O BYP CN LCP LCN MP xiaoy u163. com - CP . Function RF AGC integration capacitor connecting terminal - Differential phase tracking LPF terminal - Differential phase tracking LPF terminal - Lens shift offset cancel LPF terminal - Lens shift offset cancel LPF terminal - MIRR top hold terminal 36 376315150 892498299 I LDON QQ CDPD 376315150 892498299 A,B,C,D 13942296513 TEL RF signal input TEL RF signal input I QQ I RFSIN 13942296513 DVDRFP,DVDRFN DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Name I/O Function MB - MIRR bottom hold terminal MEV - RFDC bottom envelope terminal MLPF - Mirror LPF terminal TPH - PI top hold terminal VC - Reference voltage output V125 - Reference voltage output RX - Reference resistor input Serial Port Pins Name I/O Function I SDATA I/O Serial data enable Serial data SCLK I Serial clock TEL TEL SDEN 13942296513 13942296513 MSM51V18165F-50TSK-7 (SM: IC503) NC NC WE RAS NC NC A0 A1 A2 A3 Vcc 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 TEL 13942296513 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 Vss I/O15 I/O14 I/O13 I/O12 Vss I/O11 I/O10 I/O9 I/O8 NC 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 NC CASL CASH OE A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 Vss QQ 376315150 892498299 Pin Descriptions PIN NO. PIN NAME TYPE 18, 21, 24 ~29 A0~A9 Input DESCRIPTION Address Input Row Address : A0~A9 Column Address : A0~A9 15 RAS Input Row Address Strobe 31 CASH Input Column Address Strobe/Upper Byte Control 32 CASL Input Column Address Strobe/Lower Byte Control 14 WE Input Write Enable 30 OE Input Output Enable 2~5, 7~10, 35~38, 40~43 xiaoy u163. com I/O0~I/O15 Input/Output 1, 6, 22 Vcc Supply Power, (5V or 3.3V) 23, 39, 44 Vss Ground Ground www 11~13, 16, 17, 33, 34 . NC - Data Input/Output No Connect 37 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 QQ QQ Vcc I/O0 I/O1 I/O2 I/O3 Vcc I/O4 I/O5 I/O6 I/O7 NC DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 29 A6 28 A5 27 A4 26 VSS A2 23 VDD 25 A3 24 30 A7 A1 22 31 A8 A0 21 A10/AP 20 33 N.C 32 A9 BA 19 34 CKE CS 18 37 N.C/RFU RAS 17 38 VDDQ LDQM 14 36 UDQM 35 CLK 39 DQ8 VDDQ 13 CAS 16 40 DQ9 DQ6 11 DQ7 12 WE 15 41 VSSQ VSSQ 10 44 VDDQ 43 DQ11 45 DQ12 VDDQ 7 42 DQ10 46 DQ13 DQ3 6 9 47 VSSQ DQ2 5 DQ5 48 DQ14 4 VSSQ 49 DQ15 50 VSS VDD 1 DQ0 2 DQ1 3 16M SDRAM (TSOP)-8 (DM: IC103, 104) K4S161622D-TC80 W981616AH-8 DQ4 8 16M SDRAM (TSOP)-7/8 (SM: IC402) (EM636165ST-7) TEL TEL Terminal Function Function Power Supply/Ground Data Input/Output Data Input/Output Data Output Power/Ground Data Input/Output Data Input/Output Data Output Power/Ground Data Input/Output Data Input/Output Data Output Power/Ground Data Input/Output Data Input/Output Data Output Power/Ground Data Input/Output Mask Write Enable Column Address Strobe Row Address Strobe TEL 13942296513 18 CS Chip Select 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 BA A10/AP A0 A1 A2 A3 VDD VSS A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 N. C CKE CLK U DQM N. C/RFU VDDQ DQ8 DQ9 VSSQ DQ10 DQ11 VDDQ DQ12 DQ13 VSSQ DQ14 DQ15 VSS Bank Select Address Address Address Address Address Address Power Supply/Ground Power Supply/Ground Address Address Address Address Address Address No Connection Clock Enable System Clock Data Input/Output Mask NC/Reserved Data Output Power/Ground Data Input/Output Data Input/Output Data Output Power/Ground Data Input/Output Data Input/Output Data Output Power/Ground Data Input/Output Data Input/Output Data Output Power/Ground Data Input/Output Data Input/Output Power Supply/Ground www . Power and ground for the input buffer and the core logic Data input/output are mutiplexed on the same pin Data input/output are mutiplexed on the same pin Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffer Data input/output are mutiplexed on the same pin Data input/output are mutiplexed on the same pin Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffer Data input/output are mutiplexed on the same pin Data input/output are mutiplexed on the same pin Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffer Data input/output are multiplexed on the same pin Data input/output are multiplexed on the same pin Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffer Blocks data input when active Enables write operation and row precharge Latches column address on the positive going edge of the CLK at low Latches row address on the positive going edge of the CLK at low Disables or enables device operation by masking or enabling all inputs except CLK, CKE, and LDQM Selects bank to be activated during row address latch time Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin Power and ground for the input buffer and the core logic Power and ground for the input buffer and the core logic Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pin No connect pin Masks system clock to freeze operation from the next clock cycle Active on the positive going edge to sample all inputs Blocks data input when active No connect pin Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffer Data input/output are multiplexed on the same pin Data input/output are multiplexed on the same pin Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffer Data input/output are multiplexed on the same pin Data input/output are multiplexed on the same pin Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffer Data input/output are multiplexed on the same pin Data input/output are multiplexed on the same pin Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffer Data input/output are multiplexed on the same pin Data input/output are multiplexed on the same pin Power and ground for the input buffer and the core logic QQ 376315150 892498299 xiaoy u163. com 38 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 VDD DQ0 DQ1 VSSQ DQ2 DQ3 VDDQ DQ4 DQ5 VSSQ DQ6 DQ7 VDDQ L DQM WE CAS RAS Symbol QQ QQ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Pin Name 13942296513 13942296513 Pin No. DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 DXP6001AF (AD: IC102) 23 33 34 22 44 12 1 11 DXP6001AF Terminal Function Pin Name I/O Pin No. Description - /Lambda-processor Lch 22nd bit Output *1, *2 O - /Lambda-processor Lch 21st bit Output *1 27 O - /Lambda-processor Lch 20th bit Output *1 28 VDD - Power Supply Terminal 29 SO2L/P19L O Test Setting Terminal 2 (Alpha-processor 1 30 SO1L O Lambda-processor Lch(+) Output Output shifts 12-bit.) 31 SO1R O Lambda-processor Rch(+) Output 32 SO2R/P19R O 33 O 37 -P20R -P21R -P22R -P23R -P24R O -/Lambda-processor Rch 20th bit Output *1 -/Lambda-processor Rch 21st bit Output *1, *2 -/Lambda-processor Rch 22nd bit Output *1, *2 -/Lambda-processor Rch 23rd bit Output *1, *2 -/Lambda-processor Rch 24th bit Output *1, *2 38 TEST1N Ip Test Terminal 1 (Alpha-processor 1 stops) 39 CKSLN Ip 24 3 MLEN Ip Microcomputer Interface Latch Enable 25 4 RSTN Ip Reset Terminal 26 5 DLRCK Ip Audio Serial Input Data L/R Clock 6 VSS - Ground Terminal 7 DBCK Ip Audio Serial Input Bit Clock QQ Microcomputer Interface Clock 13942296513 Ip 9 TEST2N Ip th Audio Serial Input Data TEL 13942296513 10 TEST3N Ip Test Setting Terminal 3 (Alpha-processor 2 Output stops.) Test Setting Terminal 4 (Lambda-processor QQ 11 TEST4N Ip 12 DFBCK Ip Lambda-processor Input Bit Clock 13 DFWCK Ip Lambda-processor Input Word Clock 14 DOL Ip Lambda-processor Input Data L-channel 15 DOR Ip Lambda-processor Input Data R-channel 16 LMOD Ip Lambda-processor Operation Mode Set 17 OMOD1 Ip Output Mode Setting Terminal 1 Output stops.) th 35 36 O O O Ip L OMOD2 H L 18bit Alternate 20bit Parallel Lambda-processor Rch( ) Output/19 bit Output *1 System Clock Select (384fs system / 256fs system) 40 CKDV1 Ip OMOD1 OMOD2 Output *1 376315150 89249- 8299 34 Output Mode Setting Terminal 2 18 Lambda-processor Lch(-) Output /19 bit System Clock Divider Select Terminal 1 System Clock Divider Select Terminal 2 H 24bit Alternate 24bit Parallel 41 CKDV2 Ip L CKDV2 H 19 INVIN Ip Lambda-processor Input Reversed Polarity Terminal 20 BCKO O Lambda-processor Output Bit Clock 21 WCKO O Lambda-processor Output Word Clock 22 WCKO2 O www CKDV1 L 192fs (CKSLN=H) 256fs (CKSLN=H) 192fs (CKSLN=H) 256fs (CKSLN=H) 42 XTI I X-TAL Oscillator Input Terminal 43 XTO O X-TAL Oscillator Output Terminal 44 CKO O Clock Output Terminal H 768fs 384fs Lambda-processor Output Word Clock 2 (for Canceling OFFSET on 1DAC) xiaoy u163. com (Ip = Input Terminal with pull-up) *1: Outputted on OMOD1=L (18-bit Alternate Output or 20 bit Parallel Output) *2: Internal Signal is outputted on OMOD1=H (24-bit Alternate Output or 24 bit Parallel Output) and one of TEST1N, TEST2N, TEST3N or TEST4N is set to L. . 39 376315150 892498299 O MCK QQ - /Lambda-processor Lch 23rd bit Output *1, *2 23 13942296513 O Microcomputer Interface Data Ip 376315150 892498299 - /Lambda-processor Lch 24th bit Output *1, *2 Ip DDT Description O MDT 8 I/O -P24L -P23L -P22L -P21L -P20L 1 2 Pin Name TEL TEL Pin No. DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 FAN8042 (SM: IC508) 42 41 40 39 PVCC1 43 PS 44 OPOUT2 VREF 45 OPIN2- SVCC 46 OPIN2+ OPOUT1 47 GND OPIN1- 48 GND OPIN1+ Pin Assignments 38 37 IN1- 2 35 DO1- OUT1 3 34 DO2+ IN2+ 4 33 DO2- IN2- 5 32 DO3+ GND 6 31 GND GND 7 30 GND OUT2 8 29 DO3- IN3+ 9 28 DO4+ IN3- 10 27 DO4- OUT3 11 26 DO5+ 12 25 DO5- FAN8042 www . 18 OUT4 CTL FWD REV GND 19 20 21 22 23 24 PVCC2 17 TSD-M 16 MUTE4 15 MUTE123 14 SGND 13 IN4- IN4+ GND QQ 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 xiaoy u163. com 40 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 DO1+ QQ QQ 36 13942296513 13942296513 1 TEL TEL IN1+ DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Pin Definitions Pin Number Pin Name I/O Pin Function Description 1 IN1+ I CH1 op-amp input (+) 2 IN1- I CH1 op-amp input (-) 3 OUT1 O CH1 op-amp output 4 IN2+ I CH2 op-amp input (+) 5 IN2- I CH2 op-amp input (-) 6 GND - Ground 7 GND - Ground 8 OUT2 O CH2 op-amp output 9 IN3+ I CH3 op-amp input (+) 10 IN3- I CH3 op-amp input (-) O CH3 op-amp output I CH4 op-amp input (+) 13 IN4- I CH4 op-amp input (-) 14 OUT4 O CH4 op-amp output 15 CTL I CH5 motor speed control 16 FWD I CH5 forward input 17 REV I CH5 reverse input 18 GND - Ground 19 GND - Ground 20 SGND - Signal Ground 21 MUTE123 I Mute for CH1,2,3 MUTE4 I Mute for CH4 23 TSD-M O TSD monitor QQ 376315150 892498299 24 PVCC2 - Power supply voltage 2 (For CH4,CH5) 25 DO5- O CH5 drive output (-) 26 DO5+ O CH5 drive output (+) 27 DO4- O CH4 drive output (-) 28 DO4+ O CH4 drive output (+) 29 DO3- O CH3 drive output (-) 30 GND - Ground 31 GND - Ground 32 DO3+ O CH3 drive output (+) 33 DO2- O CH2 drive output (-) 34 DO2+ O CH2 drive output (+) 35 DO1- O CH1 drive output (-) 36 DO1+ O CH1 drive output (+) 37 PVCC1 - Power supply voltage 1 (FOR CH1 CH2,CH3) 38 PS I Power save 39 OPOUT2 O Normal op-amp2 output 40 OPIN2- I Normal op-amp2 input (-) 41 OPIN2+ I Normal op-amp2 input (+) 42 GND - Ground 43 GND - Ground 44 VREF I Bias voltage input 45 SVCC 46 OPOUT1 47 OPIN1- 48 OPIN1+ www . - Signal & OPAMPs supply voltage xiaoy u163. com O Normal op-amp1 output I Normal op-amp1 input (-) I Normal op-amp1 input (+) 41 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ QQ 22 13942296513 13942296513 OUT3 IN4+ TEL TEL 11 12 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Block Diagram SVCC OPIN1OPIN1+ OPOUT1 VREF GND 48 47 46 45 44 43 GND 42 OPOUT2 OPIN2+ OPIN2PS 41 40 39 38 POWER SAVE IN1+ 1 10K OUT1 3 10 K 10 K IN2+ 4 35 DO1- 40K 40K 40K 10K 10 K 10K 33 DO2- 40K 40K 32 DO3+ 5 10 K 10K 40K 6 31 GND 40K 40K 10K 40K GND 7 30 GND 40K 10 K IN3+ 9 10 K 10 K IN3- 10 10 K 40K 40K 28 DO4+ 27 DO4- QQ 376315150 892498299 40K OUT3 11 S M S C W + D - D 26 DO5+ IN4+ 12 25 DO5MUTE123 13 14 IN4- OUT4 15 16 CTL FWD REV GND 17 18 19 20 21 MUTE4 TSD-M 22 23 24 GND SGND MUTE4 TSD-M PVCC2 MUTE123 Note. Detailed circuit of the output power amp 40 K 10 K Vref DO+ + From input opamp 10K Pref 10K 40 K 40 K + DO- 10K 40K Pref1 is almost PVCC1 / 2 Pref2 is almost PVCC2 / 2 www . xiaoy u163. com 42 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 29 DO3- QQ QQ OUT2 8 13942296513 13942296513 10 K 10 K TEL TEL 40K GND 34 DO2+ 10K 40K IN2- 36 DO1+ 40 K 2 IN1- PVCC1 37 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 AN8471SA (SM: IC505) 32 BC4 BC3 BC2 BC1 VPUMP VLP VM1 16 VDD 1 18 16 15 14 13 12 32 31 OSC FG 10 Booster Logic Circuit FG2 20 Pin No. 17 Thermal Protect 19 VM2 27 A11 Hall Amp Matrix H2L 4 Divider H3H 3 24 A21 25 A22 21 A31 H3L 2 22 A32 PWMOUT VHB 1 28 A12 Hall Bias 23 CS2 Direction SW 26 CS1 SRESET EC 8 VT Start/Stop ECR 9 VCL X5 CSOUT 17 GND BMS 30 QQ 376315150 892498299 44 T14L1024N (SM: IC732) www . xiaoy u163. com 43 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ QQ START 11 Function Hall bias pin Hall element 3 input (-) Hall element 3 input (+) Hall element 2 input (-) Hall element 2 input (+) Hall element 1 input (-) Hall element 1 input (+) Torque command input pin Torque command ref. input pin FG signal lout put pin (0.C) Start/Stop switching pin Booster pin Booster cap. connecting pin 1 Torque command input pin 2 Torque command input pin 3 Torque command input pin 4 GND pin Power pin Motor power pin 2 3x FG signal output pin (0.C) Drive output 3 Drive output 3 Current detect pin 2 Drive output 2 Drive output 2 Current detect pin 1 Drive output 1 Drive output 1 N.C. Brake mode switching pin Motor power pin 1 Pre-driver lower power 13942296513 13942296513 3ø Bridge H2H 5 Pre-Driver H1L 6 Pin Name VHB H3L H3H H2L H2H H1L H1H EC ECR FG1 START VPUMP BC1 BC2 BC3 BC4 GND VDD VM2 FG2 A31 A32 CS2 A21 A22 CS1 A11 A12 NC BMS VM1 VLP TEL TEL H1H 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 DSD1791DBR (AD: IC114) PLRCK PBCK PDATA DBCK SCK RST VDD DGND AGNDF VCCR AGNDR VOUTR– VOUTR+ VCOM MS MC MDI DSDL DSDR ZEROL ZEROR VCCF VCCL AGNDL VOUTL– VOUTL+ AGNDC VCCC 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Block Diagram PDATA DSDL DSDR RST VCOM VOUTR+ D/S and Filter System Clock Manager VCCL VCCR AGNDL VCCC AGNDR AGNDC VCCF Power Supply VDD SCK ZEROR AGNDF Zero Detect DGND ZEROL GAL16V8 (AD: IC110) clk rst www . xiaoy u163. com count_out 44 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 VOUTR– QQ QQ MS Bias and Vref QQ 376315150 892498299 Function Control I/F MC Advanced Segment DAC Modulator Current Segment DAC and I/V Buffer TEL 13942296513 MDI VOUTL+ D/S and Filter 8 Oversampling Digital Filter and Function Control DBCK VOUTL– 13942296513 13942296513 Current Segment DAC and I/V Buffer Audio Data Input I/F PBCK TEL TEL PLRCK DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 BA33BC0FP-E2 (PD: IC604) BD9702T (PD: IC905) 4 1 VCC 2 N.C 1 Vcc 3 OUT 1 2 2 OUT 3 GND 4 GND 3 4 INV 5 STBY 1 2 3 4 5 TC74VHC157FT (AD: IC111) S-80843C (SM: IC733) 1 2 QQ 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 2. TRANSISTORS DTA114EK DTC114EK PNP NPN DTA Series DTC Series C C R1 R1 B B B TOP VIEW DTA114EK . E E E www R2 R2 C R1 10kohm R2 10kohm DTC114EK R1 10kohm xiaoy u163. com 45 R2 10kohm 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 Function Voltage detection output terminal Voltage input terminal No Connect GND Terminal QQ QQ Pin Name OUT VDD N.C. VSS 13942296513 13942296513 3 TEL TEL No. 1 2 3 4 4 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 3. FL DISPLAY 15-BT-101GNK (DI: FL601) PIN CONNECTION 54 4 44 4 44 4 44 09 8 76 5 43 2 10 P P P P P P P PPPP CONNECTION 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 6 7 6 54 3 2 1098 PIN NO. 3 3333 3 3 3 33 22 22 222 2 2211 1 11 11 11 1 9 8765 4 3 2 10 98 76 543 2 1098 7 65 43 21 09 87 6 543 2 1 PP P P P P P P 111 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P P P P P P P P P N NN 5 4 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 NNN F 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 C C C G GG G G G G G G G G G G G G P P X + 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G 6G 7G 8G [2G~14G] 3-2 11G 12G 13G 14G 5-1 4-1 4-2 15G 5-2 2-3 3-3 4-3 5-3 1-4 2-4 3-4 4-4 5-4 1-5 2-5 3-5 4-5 5-5 1-6 2-6 3-6 4-6 5-6 1-7 2-7 3-7 4-7 5-7 ANODE CONNECTION www . xiaoy u163. com 46 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 376315150 892498299 1-3 QQ QQ 2-2 10G 3-1 2-1 1-1 1-2 TEL 13942296513 9G 13942296513 13942296513 GRID ASSIGNMENT TEL TEL NOTE 1) F-,F+ ---------- Filament 2) NP ------------- No pin 7) NC ------------ No connection (NC pin should be electorically open on the PC board) 4) DL ------------ Datum line 5) 1G~15G ----- Grid 666555555555 PIN NO. 210987654321 PPPPPPPP CONNECTION F N N N 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 - X PP 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 DCD-1500AE QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 PRINTED WIRING BOARDS 1U-3624 SACD MODULE P.W.B. UNIT TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 COMPONENT SIDE www . x i 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 FOIL SIDE a o y u 1 6 3 47 . c o m 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L DCD-1500AE QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 1U-3713 AUDIO P.W.B. UNIT TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 www . x i QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 a o y u 1 6 3 48 . c o m 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 COMPONENT SIDE 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L DCD-1500AE QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 www . x i QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 a o y u 1 6 3 49 . c o m 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 FOIL SIDE 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L DCD-1500AE QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 1U-3714 POWER/DISPLAY/HP P.W.B. UNIT TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 www . x i QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 a o y u 1 6 3 50 . c o m 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 COMPONENT SIDE 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L DCD-1500AE QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 www . x i QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 a o y u 1 6 3 51 . c o m 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 FOIL SIDE 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 NOTE FOR PARTS LIST 部品表について • Part indicated with the mark "nsp" are not always in stock and possibly to take a long period of time for supplying, or in some case supplying of part may be refused. • When ordering of part, clearly indicate "1" and "I" (i) to avoid missupplying. • Ordering part without stating its part number can not be supplied. • Part indicated with the mark " ★ " is not illustrated in the exploded view. • Not including Carbon Film Resister ±5%, 1/4W Type in the P.W.Board parts list. (Refer to the Schematic Diagram for those parts.) • Not including Carbon Chip Resister 1/16W Type in the P.W.Board parts list. (Refer to the Schematic Diagram for those parts.) WARNING: Parts marked with this symbol ! have critical characteristics. Use ONLY replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer. 1.nsp 印の部品は常時在庫していませんので供給に長時間を要すること があります。 場合によっては、供給をお断りすることがあります。 2.部品を発注する際は特に数字の " 1 " と英字の "I" との区別をはっき り記入してください。 3.部品番号を表示していない部品は供給できません。 4. ! 印の部品は安全上重要な部品です。交換するときは、安全および性 能維持のため必ず指定の部品をご使用ください。 5.★印のついている部品は分解図中には記載していません。 6.カーボン抵抗器± 5%、1/4W 型は記載していません。定数は回路図を 参照願います。 7.カーボンチップ抵抗器 1/16W 型は記載していません。定数は回路図を 参照願います。 8.部品表の抵抗器、コンデンサの品名記号の読み方は表を参照してくだ さい。 l Resistors Ex.: : Carbon : Composition : Metal oxide film : Winding : Metal film : Metal mixture ] Resistance 1 8 2 ⇒ s s 2B 2E 2H 3A 3D 3F 3H : 1/8W : 1/4W : 1/2W : 1W : 2W : 3W : 5W F G J K M : ±1% : ±2% : ±5% : ±10% : ±20% P NL NB FR F 14K 2E RD RC RS RW RN RK : Pulse-resistant type : Low noise type : Non-burning type : Fuse-resistor : Lead wire forming : : : : : : 2B 2E 2H 3A 3D 3F 3H ∗ 1800 ohm = 1.8 kohm Indicates number of zeros after effective number. 2-digit effective number. 18 : : : : : : : 2 R s 1.2 ohm 1-digit effective number. 2-digit effective number, decimal point indicated by R. l Capacitors 1R : Ceramic : Oil : Mica : Metallized : Metallized s R 2 s 1800 P NL NB FR F : : : : : =1.8k F : ±1% HS : High stability type 1A : 10V G : ±2% BP : Non-polar type 1C : 16V 1E : 25V 1V : 35V J : ±5% K : ±10% M : ±20% 1H 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2H 2J Z : +80% –20% P : +100% –0% C : ±0.25pF D : ±0.5pF = : Others HR : Ripple-resistant type DL : For change and discharge HF : For assuring high requency U : UL part C : CSA part W : UL-CSA type F : Lead wire forming 0J : 6.3V : 50V : 100V : 125V : 160V : 200V : 250V : 500V : 630V ⇒ 2 1.2 Ö 1 2 QQ 376315150 892498299 ] Capacity (electrolyte only) 2 2 2 ⇒ 2200µF s s Indicates number of zeros after effective number. 2-digit effective number. • Units: µF. 2 ±1% ±2% ±5% ±10% ±20% F : G : J : K : M: 0 CE 04W 1H 2R2 M BP Type Shape Dielectric Capacity Allowable Others and per- strength error formance CE : Aluminum foil electrolytic CA : Aluminum solid electrolytic CS : Tantalum electrolytic CQ : Film CK : Ceramic CC CP CM CF CH W W W W W W W CE CE CA CS CQ CK CC CP CM CF CH R 04W : : : : : : : : : : 1H 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 100 125 160 200 250 500 2R2 0J 1A 1C 1E 1V 1H 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2H : : : : : : : : : : : : V V V V V V V V V V V V 2J : 630 V M ±1% ±2% ±5% ±10% ±20% +80% −20% P : +100% − 0% C : ±0.25pF D : ±0.5pF = : F G J K M Z : : : : : : BP HS BP HR DL HF U C W F : : : : : : : : : UL CSA UL-CSA ∗ 22 2 Ö 2R 2200µF 2 Ö 0 2 2.2µF 1-digit effective number. 2-digit effective number, decimal point indicated by R. 2.2µF 1 2 µF R µF • Units: µF. 22 ] Capacity (except electrolyte) 2 s 2 2 s www • Units: pF. 2 s 2 1 s • Units: pF. 2 Ö ⇒ 2200pF=0.0022µF (More than 2) Indicates number of zeros after effective number. 2-digit effective number. 22 1 Ö 220pF (0 0 0 xiaoy u163. com (0 2 ) 2 pF ⇒ 220pF (0 or 1) Indicates number of zeros after effective number. 2-digit effective number. . 2200pF=0.0022µF 2 pF AC • When the dielectric strength is indicated in AC, "AC" is included after the dieelectric strength value. 52 0 1 ) 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 • Units: ohm Ex.: FR 2 ⇒ 2 G QQ QQ s 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 3 5 Ö • Units: ohm 1 182 13942296513 13942296513 RD RC RS RW RN RK RN TEL TEL RN 14K 2E 182 G FR Type Shape Power Resist- Allowable Others and perance error formance DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 PARTS LIST OF P.W.B. UNIT *本表に記載されている部品は、補修用部品のため製品に使用している部品とは一部、形状、寸法などが異なる場合があります。 * The parts listed below are for maintenance only, might differ from the parts used in the unit in appearances or dimensions. * "nsp" 印の部品は常時在庫していませんので供給に長時間を要することがあります。場合によっては、供給をお断りする場合があります。 * Part indicated with the mark “nsp” are not always in stock and possibly to take a long period of time for supplying, or in some case supplying of part may be refused. 00D1U-3624C SACD MODULE P.W.B. UNIT ASS'Y Ref. No. nsp Part No. Part Name Remarks Q'ty New SEMICONDUCTORS GROUP 00D 262 3217 003 CXD2753R +C IC402 00D 262 2875 006 16M SDRAM(TSOP)-7/8 +C IC403 00D 262 3195 905 AD8062-SO8 IC404 00D 262 3282 009 EMP3128ATC100-10(HARMONY-8LI) IC501 00D 262 3219 001 CXD1881AR/BR IC502 00D 262 3218 002 CXD1885Q IC503 00D 262 3409 002 MSM51V18165F-50TSK-7 +C +C +C AN8471SA 00D 262 3201 909 TC7WH08FU-TE12L IC508 00D 262 3221 002 FAN8042 IC701,702 00D 262 2977 946 BA33BC0FP-E2 +REF IC703 00D 262 2977 904 BA18BC0FP-E2 +C IC704 00D 263 1182 900 NJM2391DL1-26-TE1 +REF IC706,707 00D 262 3203 907 TC7SHU04F-TE85L +REF IC732 00D 262 3310 900 T14L1024N-12J(TAPE) +REF IC733 00D 262 3206 904 S-80843CLNB-B64-T2 +C IC739 00D 262 3529 018 M30625FGPGP-DE3112 +REF +C QQ 376315150 892498299 TR511,512 00D 272 0166 905 2SB798(DL/DK)-T1 +C D501 00D 276 0778 900 1SS300-TE85L +C D701-704 00D 276 0717 903 1SS355 TE-17 +C D731 00D 276 0717 903 1SS355 TE-17 +C RESISTORS GROUP RA401,402 00D 247 9003 908 MNR14=220JE0AB RA501-504 00D 247 9007 917 MNR14=103JE0 +C 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT 00D 254 4464 964 CE67C0J470MT(MV) +C CAPACITORS GROUP C403 nsp C404 +1608 +REF C405 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT C406 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C407 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF C408-410 +1608 +1608 C411,412 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT C413,414 nsp 00D 257 0502 942 CC73CH1H2R0CT C415-419 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF C420 C421,422 www C424-429 C430 C432-434 C436-438 C441 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT 00D 254 4603 958 CE67W1E101MT(P.CAP) +REF nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF nsp . +1608 +1608 xiaoy u163. com nsp C423 +1608 +1608 +1608 53 * 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 +C QQ QQ 00D 263 1109 909 IC507 13942296513 13942296513 IC505 TEL TEL IC401 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Ref. No. nsp Part No. C442 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 C446 nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT +1608 C460 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4603 958 CE67W1E101MT(P.CAP) +REF C461 Part Name C467 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 C469 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 964 CE67C0J470MT(MV) C502 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT C503 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C504 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 C506 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 257 2012 906 CS77B1A475MT +C C501 C509 00D 257 0509 990 CK73B1H222KT +1608 CAPACITOR C517-520 nsp 00D 257 0504 908 CC73CH1H220JT +1608 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 nsp 00D 257 0510 934 CK73B1H472KT +1608 C524 nsp 00D 257 0507 976 CC73CH1H331JT C525,526 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT C527 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF C528 00D 254 4464 964 CE67C0J470MT(MV) 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT 00D 254 4464 964 CE67C0J470MT(MV) +1608 +1608 +REF +1608 +REF nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT +1608 C532-535 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 C536 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C537 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT QQ 376315150 892498299 C538 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C539 nsp 00D 257 0506 993 CC73CH1H151JT C540 nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT +1608 C541 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 906 CE67C0J101MT +REF C546,547 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 C548 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 00D 254 4465 918 CE67C1C470MT C545 C549 +1608 +REF C550 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 C551 nsp 00D 257 0521 907 CK73B1A105KT +1608 C554 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 C555 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C558 C559 C560 C561 nsp +1608 C562 nsp 00D 257 0516 941 CK73B1E473KT +1608 C563,564 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT C569,570 00D 254 4645 903 CE67C0J221MT(MVA) C571 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF C565 C566 C567 C568 www +1608 +1608 +REF xiaoy u163. com C572,573 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 C575,576 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 C578 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 C580 C581 C582,583 . nsp 00D 257 0516 941 CK73B1E473KT +1608 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 54 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 +1608 QQ QQ C531 13942296513 13942296513 nsp C522,523 TEL TEL C521 C530 New +REF nsp nsp Q'ty +1608 C513-516 C529 Remarks DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Ref. No. nsp Part No. Part Name C587 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT C588 nsp 00D 257 0507 976 CC73CH1H331JT C589 nsp 00D 257 0520 908 CK73B1A154KT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF C590 +1608 nsp 00D 257 0507 976 CC73CH1H331JT nsp 00D 257 0508 917 CC73CH1H471JT +1608 CAPACITOR +1608 C593 nsp 00D 257 0520 908 CK73B1A154KT C594 nsp 00D 257 0508 917 CC73CH1H471JT +1608 CAPACITOR +1608 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 C596 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 C597 nsp 00D 257 0506 951 CC73CH1H101JT C598,599 nsp 00D 257 0516 909 CK73B1E223KT +1608 C600-602 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 C604-606 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 C607 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF +1608 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 C615 nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT +1608 C616 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4575 905 CE67C1A330MT 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF nsp C621 C622-625 nsp C629,630 +REF +1608 +1608 00D 257 0510 950 CK73B1H682KT +1608 nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT +1608 C634,635 nsp 00D 257 0506 951 CC73CH1H101JT C636 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C637 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 C639 nsp 00D 257 0510 950 CK73B1H682KT +1608 C701-704 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 906 CE67C0J101MT +REF 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 906 CE67C0J101MT +REF 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 259 0015 901 NFM41CC223R2A3L 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 906 CE67C0J101MT +REF 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 906 CE67C0J101MT +REF 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 906 CE67C0J101MT +REF 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 00D 254 4464 906 CE67C0J101MT +REF TEL 13942296513 C705 C706 nsp C707 C708 nsp C709 C710 nsp C713 C714 nsp C715 C716 nsp C721-723 C724 nsp C725 C726 nsp C727 QQ 376315150 892498299 +1608 +C C728 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 C729,730 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 C731 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF C732 www C735 C739 C740 C742 C743,744 xiaoy u163. com nsp C736 . nsp nsp +1608 +1608 00D 259 0015 901 NFM41CC223R2A3L 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +C +1608 55 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 nsp C633 QQ QQ C631,632 13942296513 13942296513 C612 TEL TEL C595 C619,620 New +1608 C592 C618 Q'ty +1608 C591 C608,609 Remarks DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Ref. No. nsp Part No. 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT 00D 259 0015 901 NFM41CC223R2A3L nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT 00D 254 4464 951 CE67C0J220MT(MV-B) +REF nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 +1608 C745 C746 C748-750 C751-753 C760 C761,762 Part Name Remarks Q'ty New +1608 +C +1608 C769 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT C770,771 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 C772 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 C773 nsp 00D 257 0511 904 CK73F1H103ZT +1608 C774 nsp 00D 257 0512 903 CK73F1E104ZT +1608 OTHERS PARTS GROUP 5P PH CON.BASE(L) 00D 205 1314 905 11P FFC.BASE(9616SAA +REF +REF CX112 nsp 00D 205 1257 949 11P FFC BASE (9610SD CX151 nsp 00D 205 1224 901 15P FFC BASE(P=1.0)L +REF CX241 nsp 00D 205 1152 905 24P FFC BASE(FLZ-SM1 +REF CX271 nsp 00D 205 1314 918 27P FFC.BASE(9616SAA +REF CX291 nsp 00D 205 1314 921 29P FFC.BASE(9616SAA +REF CY082 nsp 00D 205 0863 981 8P PH CON.BASE(L) FB501 nsp +REF CHIP EMIFIL(11A121) +1608 00D 235 0160 902 FB M J2125HM330-T FB506,507 00D 235 0130 903 CHIP EMIFIL(11A121) +1608 FB703 00D 235 0136 907 FBMJ1608HS280NT FB704,705 00D 235 0160 902 FB M J2125HM330-T +C FB706 00D 235 0136 907 FBMJ1608HS280NT +1608 FB707,708 00D 235 0160 902 FB M J2125HM330-T +C FB711 00D 235 0136 907 FBMJ1608HS280NT +1608 X731 00D 399 0887 903 CSTCE16MOV53-R0 +2125 TEL 13942296513 www . +C QQ 376315150 892498299 +1608 xiaoy u163. com 56 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 00D 235 0130 903 FB502-505 QQ QQ 00D 205 0863 952 nsp 13942296513 13942296513 nsp CX111 TEL TEL CX052 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 00D1U-3713 AUDIO P.W.B. UNIT ASS'Y Ref. No. nsp Part No. Part Name Remarks Q'ty New SEMICONDUCTORS GROUP IC101 00D 262 3077 900 TC74VHCU04FT IC102 00D 262 2531 007 DXP6001AF +REF IC103 00M HC0 0800 5KY TC7WHU04FU TRIPLE INVERTER IC104,105 00D 262 3555 901 SA5532ADR IC106 00D 262 2376 903 TC74HCT7007AF(TP1) +C IC107 00D 262 0864 006 UPC4570C IC108 00D 262 3203 907 TC7SHU04F-TE85L +C +T +REF IC109 00D 262 2376 903 TC74HCT7007AF(TP1) +C IC110 00D 262 3528 006 GAL16V8D-15LPN-DE01 IC111 00D 262 3198 902 TC74VHC157FT-EL IC112 00D 263 1048 002 BA033T 00D 262 2376 903 TC74HCT7007AF(TP1) +C IC114 00D 262 3299 908 DSD1791DBR 00D 262 3555 901 SA5532ADR +C DTA114EKT96 +C TR103 00D 269 0082 902 DTC114EKT96 +C TR104,105 00D 273 0460 905 KTC2875B-RTK TR106 00D 269 0083 901 DTA114EKT96 +C TR107 00D 269 0082 902 DTC114EKT96 +C TR108,109 00D 273 0460 905 KTC2875B-RTK D100 00D 276 0553 905 1SR35-200A(T93X) TEL 13942296513 +C QQ 376315150 892498299 +C RESISTORS GROUP R263,264 00D 241 2472 965 RD14B2E104JT(AMRS) R266 00D 244 2043 953 RS14B3A471JNBST(S) R267 00D 241 2467 941 RD14B2E681JT(AMRS) R270 00D 244 2043 953 RS14B3A471JNBST(S) R271 00D 241 2467 941 RD14B2E681JT(AMRS) R276 00D 244 2043 953 RS14B3A471JNBST(S) R281 00D 244 2055 909 RS14B3A910JNBST(S) R994-996 00D 241 2472 965 RD14B2E104JT(AMRS) CAPACITORS GROUP C102 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C103 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C104 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C106 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C107 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C109 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) C110 www +1608 +1608 +1608 xiaoy u163. com C111 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C112 nsp 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) C113-115 nsp 00D 257 0506 951 CC73CH1H101JT C116 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C117 C118 C119 . nsp +1608 +1608 +1608 57 376315150 892498299 DTC114EKT96 00D 269 0083 901 QQ 00D 269 0082 902 TR102 376315150 892498299 TR100,101 13942296513 IC117,118 QQ NJM7805FA(S) BA033T 13942296513 00D 263 0809 006 00D 263 1048 002 IC116 TEL TEL IC113 IC115 * +REF DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Ref. No. nsp Part No. Part Name C120 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C121 00D 254 4580 712 CE04W1H101MC(ROB) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) C122 nsp C123 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 C126 nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT +1608 C127 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C130 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C131 nsp 00D 257 0503 909 CC73CH1H8R0DT 00D 254 4574 922 CE04W1H101MT(RE3) C134 CC73CH1H8R0DT C136 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C137 nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT C138 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) C139 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C140 00D 254 4694 909 CE04W1E101MT(RF0) C141 00D 254 4574 922 CE04W1H101MT(RE3) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) nsp C150 C151 nsp +1608 +1608 +1608 00D 254 4693 939 CE04W1H101MT(RF0) 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C152 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C153 00D 254 4693 926 CE04W1H470MT(RF0) C155 nsp 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT QQ 376315150 892498299 C156,157 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C158,159 00D 254 4693 926 CE04W1H470MT(RF0) C160,161 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C162 00D 254 4693 926 CE04W1H470MT(RF0) C163 00D 254 4693 939 CE04W1H101MT(RF0) C164 00D 254 4693 926 CE04W1H470MT(RF0) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 255 4254 973 CQ93P2A182JT(NH2) C167,168 nsp C169,170 C171,172 nsp +1608 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C173 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C174,175 00D 255 4255 956 CQ93P2A392JT(NH2) C179 00D 255 4253 932 CQ93P2A471JT(NH2) C181-183 00D 255 4253 932 CQ93P2A471JT(NH2) C184-186 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C187 00D 255 4255 914 CQ93P2A272JT(NH2) C189 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) C190 nsp C191 C192,193 +1608 00D 255 4255 914 CQ93P2A272JT(NH2) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C195 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) C196,197 00D 255 4252 975 CQ93P2A271JT(NH2) C194 nsp +1608 C199,200 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C201 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) www C202 C204 C205 C206 C208 C209 . +1608 xiaoy u163. com nsp 00D 209 0293 906 0.6 JUMPER WIRE(JV) 00D 254 4558 715 CE04W1H221MC(RFS) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 00D 209 0293 906 0.6 JUMPER WIRE(JV) 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) 58 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 +1608 QQ QQ C154 13942296513 13942296513 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) 00D 257 0503 909 TEL TEL 00D 255 4256 955 nsp C145 New +1608 C135 C142,143 Q'ty +1608 C124 C133 Remarks DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Ref. No. nsp C210 Part No. Part Name 00D 254 4558 715 CE04W1H221MC(RFS) C211 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C212 nsp 00D 257 0503 996 CC73CH1H200JT +1608 C213 nsp 00D 257 0503 925 CC73CH1H100DT +1608 00D 254 4569 937 CE04W1E221MT(RE3) C214 nsp 00D 257 0503 996 CC73CH1H200JT C216 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4574 906 CE04W1H330MT(RE3) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4694 909 CE04W1E101MT(RF0) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4694 909 CE04W1E101MT(RF0) C218 nsp C219 C220,221 nsp C222 C223 +1608 +1608 +1608 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C226 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 +1608 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C230 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 +1608 C231 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 C232 nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT +1608 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C237 nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT C239,240 nsp 00D 257 0506 951 CC73CH1H101JT 00D 254 4558 715 CE04W1H221MC(RFS) C246,247 +1608 +1608 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C255 nsp 00D 257 0509 990 CK73B1H222KT +1608 CAPACITOR C257 nsp 00D 257 0509 990 CK73B1H222KT +1608 CAPACITOR C259 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 255 4255 914 CQ93P2A272JT(NH2) C261 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C262 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C263 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C264 nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT C265 nsp 00D 257 0522 906 CK73B0J475KT +1608 C266,267 nsp 00D 257 0506 951 CC73CH1H101JT +1608 C268,269 nsp 00D 257 0504 924 CC73CH1H270JT +1608 C277 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 205 1034 007 M3 SCREW TERMINAL TEL 13942296513 C250-253 C260 +1608 QQ 376315150 892498299 +1608 +1608 +1608 +1608 OTHERS PARTS GROUP AS101-103 nsp CX042 nsp 00D 205 0406 047 4P CON BASE(KR-PH) CX112 nsp 00D 205 1260 017 11P FFC BASE(9610SA) CY041 nsp 00D 205 0343 045 4P CONN.BASE(KR-PH) CY051 nsp 00D 205 0343 058 5P CONN.BASE(KR-PH) CY111 nsp 00D 205 1260 017 11P FFC BASE(9610SA) CY271 nsp 00D 205 1260 033 27P FFC BASE (9610SA CY291 nsp 00D 205 1260 046 29P FFC BASE (9610SA nsp 00D 235 0130 903 CHIP EMIFIL(11A121) +1608 nsp 00D 235 0130 903 CHIP EMIFIL(11A121) +1608 www FB100-103 FB106-108 . xiaoy u163. com 59 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 nsp C249 QQ QQ C248 13942296513 13942296513 C229 TEL TEL 00D 254 4577 945 nsp C235,236 New +1608 C225 C227 Q'ty +1608 C215 C217 Remarks DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Ref. No. nsp Part No. Part Name JK100 00D 269 0211 003 GP1FA553TZ JK101 00D 204 8417 006 1P PIN JACK(S-GND) JK103,104 00D 204 8517 003 1P PIN JACK(S-GND) L100 00D 231 8063 009 PULSE TRANS ST101-104 - STYLE PIN W702 - 1P SIN-SIN WIRE X100 00D 399 0901 009 - Remarks Q'ty New W702A XTAL(33.8688/HC-49) * 0.6 JUMPER WIRE TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 . xiaoy u163. com 60 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 www QQ 376315150 892498299 QQ QQ TEL 13942296513 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 00D1U-3714 POWER/DISP/HP P.W.B. UNIT ASS'Y Ref. No. nsp Part No. Part Name Remarks Q'ty New SEMICONDUCTORS GROUP IC601 00D 262 3278 903 BD4928G-TR IC602 00D 499 0306 001 GP1UE271XK +C IC603 00D 262 3228 005 M66005-0001AHP IC604 00D 262 2977 946 BA33BC0FP-E2 IC803 00D 263 0801 004 NJM7812FA(S) IC804 00D 263 0641 002 NJM7912FA IC805 00D 263 0810 008 NJM7808FA(S) IC806 00D 263 0809 006 NJM7805FA(S) IC808 00D 263 1057 006 UPC2412AHF IC905 00D 263 1219 006 BD9702T-V5 00D 276 0723 900 RB721Q-40 D801 00D 276 0713 703 31DQ06-FC6 D804,805 00D 276 0704 903 1SR35-400A(T93X) D806 00D 276 0717 903 1SS355 TE-17 D807-812 00D 276 0704 903 1SR35-400A(T93X) D813,814 00D 276 0701 003 S2L20U-4002P7.5 D815 00D 276 0714 003 21DQ06 D816,817 00D 276 0701 003 S2L20U-4002P7.5 D818-820 00D 276 0704 903 1SR35-400A(T93X) +C 00D 276 0714 003 21DQ06 D823 00D 276 0704 903 1SR35-400A(T93X) D824 00D 276 0714 003 21DQ06 ZD403,404 00D 276 0683 943 UDZS3.6B-TE17 ZD601 00D 276 0643 954 MTZJ3.9A T77 ZD801 00D 276 0484 906 HZS33-1TD TEL 13942296513 RESISTORS GROUP R402-404 00D 241 2376 922 RD14B2E330JNBST R407 00D 241 2376 922 RD14B2E330JNBST VR401 00D 211 0903 008 V1420Q15FC202 CAPACITORS GROUP C401,402 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C403,404 nsp 00D 257 0506 951 CC73CH1H101JT C405 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C406 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C601 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4299 964 CE04W1C470MT(SRE) C602,603 +1608 +1608 +1608 C604,605 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C606 www nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C607 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C608 C609 C610 C611 C612 . xiaoy u163. com +1608 00D 254 4299 964 CE04W1C470MT(SRE) 00D 254 4196 999 CE04W1H220MT (SRA) nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 nsp 00D 257 0506 951 CC73CH1H101JT nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 +1608 61 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 376315150 892498299 D821,822 QQ D601-603 +C 13942296513 2SB562(C)TF QQ KTC2875B-RTK 00D 272 0025 907 13942296513 00D 273 0460 905 TR801 TEL TEL TR401-404 +REF DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Ref. No. C613,614 nsp Part No. nsp 00D 257 0509 929 CK73B1H102KT 00D 254 4196 999 CE04W1H220MT (SRA) C615,616 C617 C618,619 nsp C620 Part Name 00D 254 4299 964 CE04W1C470MT(SRE) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4299 964 CE04W1C470MT(SRE) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C622 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 00D 254 4196 999 CE04W1H220MT (SRA) nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C802 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C803 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C804,805 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C808 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 C813-816 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 C821-824 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C825 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 C830 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT +1608 +1608 +1608 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C834 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 00D 254 4585 908 CE04W0J471MT(LXV) 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 nsp C839 nsp C841 00D 254 4574 922 CE04W1H101MT(RE3) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4585 908 CE04W0J471MT(LXV) C842 QQ 376315150 892498299 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C844 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) C845,846 00D 254 4580 709 CE04W1H221MC(ROB) 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 254 4579 723 CE04W1H471MC(RE3) C843 nsp C847 nsp C849 C850 nsp C851,852 C853 +1608 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) +1608 00D 254 4539 705 CE04W1C102MC SMG/RE3 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C856 00D 254 4577 945 CE04W1C101MT(RE3) C857,858 00D 255 1265 936 CQ93M1H103JT(B) C854,855 nsp C859,860 nsp +1608 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C861 00D 255 1265 936 CQ93M1H103JT(B) C862 00D 254 4611 704 CE04W1V102MC K30(LXV C863-865 00D 255 1265 936 CQ93M1H103JT(B) C868 nsp +1608 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C869,870 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C871 00D 254 4442 708 CE04W1C682MC (SMG) C872,873 00D 254 4749 702 CE04W1E472MC(RFO) C874 +1608 00D 254 4403 734 CE04W1E472MC(SMG) C875 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C876 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 255 4256 955 CQ93P2A103JT(NH2) C879 www +1608 xiaoy u163. com C880 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT C881,882 nsp 00D 257 0501 901 CK73B1H103KT (1608) +1608 C883 nsp 00D 257 0516 954 CK73B1E104KT 00D 253 8022 707 CK45F2EAC103MC C901 . +1608 +1608 62 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 +1608 QQ QQ C840 +1608 13942296513 13942296513 nsp C833 TEL TEL C831,832 C836-838 ! +1608 C801 C835 New +1608 nsp C806 Q'ty +1608 C621 C623 Remarks DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Ref. No. nsp Part No. Part Name Remarks Q'ty New OTHERS PARTS GROUP AS001 nsp 00D 205 1034 007 M3 SCREW TERMINAL CX023 nsp 00D 205 0581 056 2P VH CONNECTOR BASE CX024 nsp 00D 205 0581 085 2P VH CONNECTOR BASE CX026 nsp 00D 205 0581 001 2P VH CONNECTOR BASE CX031 nsp 00D 205 0233 032 3P EH CONNECTOR BASE CX041 nsp 00D 205 0343 045 4P CONN.BASE(KR-PH) CX051 nsp 00D 205 0343 058 5P CONN.BASE(KR-PH) CX052 nsp 00D 205 0321 054 5P CONNE.BASE (RED) CX081 nsp 00D 205 0233 087 8P EH CON BASE CX082 nsp 00D 205 0343 087 8P CONN.BASE(KR-PH) CY024 nsp 00D 205 0581 085 2P VH CONNECTOR BASE 00D 205 0406 047 4P CON BASE(KR-PH) nsp 00D 205 0395 051 5P CONN.BASE(RED)L CY112 nsp 00D 205 1260 017 11P FFC BASE(9610SA) ! F801 00D 206 1092 026 FUSE 25RF 1.0A F002 ! F802 00D 206 1092 000 FUSE 25RF 1.6A F002 00D 235 0130 903 CHIP EMIFIL(11A121) +1608 FL601 nsp 00D 393 8072 107 FL TUBE(15-BT-101GNK 00D 204 8264 000 H/P JACK (AU) 00D 235 0142 920 COIL LHL08TB100KT JK401 TEL 13942296513 L801 nsp QQ 376315150 892498299 L802 nsp 00D 235 0140 919 COIL LHL10TB470KT L803 nsp 00D 239 8019 002 LINE FILTER COIL S601-607 00D 212 5604 907 TACT SWITCH-TA(ALPS) S901 00D 212 1030 009 POWER SWITCH (TV-5) ST801 - STYLE PIN ST803-805 - STYLE PIN AS802 - RADIATOR AS803 - RADIATOR AS805 - RADIATOR nsp 00D 461 0991 026 RUBBER SHEET nsp 00D GEN 8020 FUSE LABEL SUB ASSY F801 nsp 00D GEN 8020 -2 FUSE LABEL SUB ASSY F802 nsp www . * FL601 0.6 JUMPER WIRE 00D 471 3304 015 3X8 CBS-Z xiaoy u163. com 63 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 nsp QQ QQ FB801 13942296513 13942296513 nsp CY052 TEL TEL CY042 * DCD-1500AE EXPLODED VIEW QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 WARNING: Parts marked with this symbol have critical characteristics. Use ONLY replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer. 222 21 101 26 104 印の部分は安全を維持するために重要 な部品です。従って交換時は必ず指定の 16 部品を使用してください。 106 110 27 110 110 5 TEL TEL 104 3 201 25 201 101 107 211 104 2-4 10 103 35 2-5 101 105 13 31 17 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 102 8 36 221 201 103 110 29 33 101 18 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 29 29 37 212 101 QQ 2-2 32 211 103 211 12 201 32 22 12 2-1 14 28 20 24 101 23 . x 15 a o y u 1 6 3 101 i 1 101 19 www 101 11 64 . 101 6 c o m 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 101 9 2-3 108 109 QQ QQ T E L 202 4 7 13942296513 13942296513 110 101 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 PARTS LIST OF EXPLODED VIEW *本表に記載されている部品は、補修用部品のため製品に使用している部品とは一部、形状、寸法などが異なる場合があります。 * The parts listed below are for maintenance only, might differ from the parts used in the unit in appearances or dimensions. * "nsp" 印の部品は常時在庫していませんので供給に長時間を要することがあります。場合によっては、供給をお断りする場合があります。 * Part indicated with the mark “nsp” are not always in stock and possibly to take a long period of time for supplying, or in some case supplying of part may be refused. Note: The symbols in the column "Remarks" indicate the following destinations. E2 : Europe model JP : Japan model Ref. No. nsp Remarks Q'ty New nsp 00D 1U-3713 AUDIO UNIT ASS'Y 2 nsp 00D 1U-3714 POWER/DISPLAY/HP UNIT ASS'Y for E2 1 * 2 nsp 00D 1U-3714A POWER/DISPLAY/HP UNIT ASS'Y for JP 1 * - 1 DISPLAY UNIT 2-2 - POWER UNIT 2-3 - H/P VR UNIT 2-4 - H/P UNIT 2-5 - POWER SWITCH UNIT TEL TEL 3 nsp 00D 1U-3624C SACD MODULE UNIT ASS'Y 4 nsp 00D 105 1653 104 REAR PANEL(E2) for E2 1 * 4 nsp 00D 105 1653 117 REAR PANEL (J) for JP 1 * 00D 203 3996 008 AC INLET (2P) for E2 1 5 00D 203 3962 003 AC INLET for JP 6 00D 104 0173 239 FOOT ASS'Y 4 5 1 1 7 nsp 00D 412 5073 002 MECHA BRACKET BOTTOM 1 8 nsp 00D 412 5074 108 TRANS BRACKET 1 * * 9 00D 233 6518 002 POWER TRANS(E2) for E2 1 * ! 9 00D 233 0701 006 POWER TRANS(JP) for JP 1 * * QQ 376315150 892498299 10 nsp 00D 412 5264 002 H/P BRACKET 1 11 nsp 00D 409 0052 006 HOLDER (A) 1 12 nsp 00D 412 2814 073 CARD SPACER (L=18) 13 00D 144 2966 109 FRONT PANEL (SP) for Premium Silver model 1 2 * 13 00D 144 2966 112 FRONT PANEL (BK) for Black model 1 * 14 00D 112 0811 042 KNOB(FUJI) for Premium Silver model 1 14 00D 112 0811 039 KNOB(FUJI) for Black model 1 15 00D 143 1235 003 WINDOW 1 * 16 nsp 00D 443 1611 006 ADJUST. COLLAR 2 * 17 nsp 00D 431 0442 008 BLIND ASS'Y 1 18 nsp 00D 463 0958 007 SPRING 19 00D 113 2037 005 FUNCTION KNOB (SP) for Premium Silver model 1 19 00D 113 2037 018 FUNCTION KNOB (BK) for Black model 1 * 20 00D 113 2036 006 OP/CL/FUNC KNOB (SP) for Premium Silver model 1 * OP/CL/FUNC KNOB (BK) for Black model 1 * 20 21 00D 113 2036 019 nsp FG1500AE 2 SACD MECHA UNIT * 1 22 00D 113 1942 010 POWER KNOB ASS'Y for Premium Silver model 1 22 00D 113 1942 023 POWER KNOB ASS'Y for Black model 1 * 23 00D 146 2443 000 LOADER PANEL (SP) for Premium Silver model 1 * 23 00D 146 2443 013 LOADER PANEL (BK) for Black model 1 * 00D 135 0068 005 SACD PLATE 24 nsp 25 25 26 www nsp 28 nsp 29 31 32 33 00D GEN 6994 TOP COVER(SP) for Premium Silver model 00D GEN 6996 TOP COVER (BK) for Black model xiaoy u163. com 00D 337 0127 102 27 nsp . nsp nsp nsp 1 1 * 1 * DVD MECHA(TD-5HP-DE) 1 00D 412 5041 005 MECHA BRACKET TOP 1 00D 411 1371 307 CHASSIS 1 00D 445 0048 016 CORD HOLDER (L50) 1 00D 461 0501 005 RUBBER SHEET 2 00D 445 0074 006 WIRE BAND BASE 2 00D 412 2814 031 CARD SPACER(L=4) 2 65 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ QQ ! 13942296513 13942296513 ! Part Name 1 2-1 ! Part No. DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Ref. No. ★ 34 nsp Part No. nsp 00D 513 1581 008 Part Name Remarks SERIAL NO. SHEET Q'ty New 1 35 nsp 00D 477 0231 053 4 W (S) 36 nsp 00D 461 1210 007 EMIGASKET SHSG060100 2 37 nsp 00D 441 2008 007 H/P SPACER ★ 38 nsp 00D 513 3826 004 E2 LASER CAUTION for E2 1 ★ 46 nsp 00D 204 2661 078 8P PH-PH CON.CORD CX082-CY082 POWER<->MECHA 1 L=50 1 1 ★ 47 00D 009 0252 004 11P FFC (1.0) CX111-CY111 MECHA<->AUDIO 1 ★ 48 00D 009 0252 062 27P FFC (1.0) CX271-CY271 MECHA<->AUDIO 1 ★ 49 00D 009 0252 075 29P FFC (1.0) CX291-CY291 MECHA<->AUDIO 1 * SCREWS 00D 473 7003 017 3X8 CFTS (S)-B for E2 37 nsp 00D 473 7002 021 3X8 CBTS (S)-B for JP 39 00D 473 7007 000 4X8 CBTS (S)-B 4 00D 473 7508 017 3X10 CBTS (P)-B 12 nsp 00D 477 0064 107 FIXING SCREW 4 108 nsp 00D 473 7500 015 3X8 CBTS (P)-Z 2 109 nsp 00D 473 7511 004 3X10 CFTS (P)-Z 2 110 nsp 00D 473 7015 018 3X8 CBTS (S)-B 10 nsp 00D 477 0263 018 3P.SWELLING SCREW for Premium Silver model 8 104 nsp 00D 477 0263 005 3P.SWELLING SCREW for Black model 8 105 nsp 00D 473 8044 017 SPECIAL SCREW 2 106 nsp 00D 473 7001 035 2.6X6 CBTS (S)-Z 4 www . QQ 376315150 892498299 xiaoy u163. com 66 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 QQ 107 104 13942296513 nsp nsp 103 QQ 102 TEL nsp 101 13942296513 TEL 101 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 BUTYL TAPE and NITOFLON TAPE ● ● ● ● 購入単位は 1 巻となります。使用の際は本体分解図部品表「任意事項表示欄」の指定長さにカットしてください。 Purchase unit is 1 volume. Please use it, cutting into the specification length of “Remarks” of “PARTS LIST OF EXPLODED VEW” and a lower table. BUTYL TAPE と NITOFLON TAPE はペア使いになります ( 一部例外あり) 。分解図中 BUTYL TAPE の番号と NITOFLON TAPE の番号 が並記してある所は、貼り付けた BUTYL TAPE の表面に NITOFLON TAPE を貼ってください。 BUTYL TAPE and NITOFLON TAPE become pair usage. (There is an exception in part.) The place as which the number of BUTYL TAPE and NITOFLON TAPE is filled in with the exploded view should stick NITOFLON TAPE on the surface of stuck BUTYL TAPE. < BUTYL TAPE > Ref. No. nsp Part No. 201 - 202 Part Name Remarks Q'ty BUTYL TAPE (W50 T2) L=70 (10m of 1 volume) 4 BUTYL TAPE (W50 T2) L=220 1 New TEL TEL Ref. No. nsp 211 Part No. - 212 Part Name Remarks Q'ty NITOFLON TAPE (W50) L=70, Sticks on No.201 (30m of 1 volume) 3 NITOFLON TAPE (W50) L=220, Sticks on No.202 1 New < CHUKOH TAPE > nsp Part No. QQ Remarks Q'ty 376315150 892498299 221 - CHUKOH TAPE (W25 T0.13) L=100 (10m of 1 volimu) 2 222 - CHUKOH TAPE (W13 T0.13) L=70 (10m of 1 volimu) 1 www . New xiaoy u163. com 67 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 Part Name QQ QQ Ref. No. 13942296513 13942296513 < NITOFLON TAPE > DCD-1500AE QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 EXPLODED VIEW OF DVD MECHANISM UNIT TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 www . x i QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 a o y u 1 6 3 68 . c o m 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 PARTS LIST OF DVD MECHANISM UNIT 00D 337 0127 102 DVD MECHA. (TD-5HP-DE) *本表に記載されている部品は、補修用部品のため製品に使用している部品とは一部、形状、寸法などが異なる場合があります。 * The parts listed below are for maintenance only, might differ from the parts used in the unit in appearances or dimensions. * "nsp" 印の部品は常時在庫していませんので供給に長時間を要することがあります。場合によっては、供給をお断りする場合があります。 * Part indicated with the mark “nsp” are not always in stock and possibly to take a long period of time for supplying, or in some case supplying of part may be refused. Ref. No. Part No. Part Name Remarks Q'ty 1 nsp 00D 9KC 1A01 7 MAIN CHASSIS ASS'Y 1 2 nsp 00D 9KA 7P08 5 CLAMPER BRACKET 1 3 nsp 00D 9KA 2A49 5 GUIDE CLAMP BRACKET 1 4 00D 9KC 2A00 3 LOADING MOTOR ASS'Y 1 5 00D 9KC 2G02 9 LOADING GEAR 1 6 00D 9KB 9G03 0 LOADING GEAR 2ND 1 7 00D 9KB 9G03 1 LOADING GEAR 3RD 1 nsp 00D 9KA 2G41 7 SUB CHASSIS-L 1 9 nsp 00D 9KA 2G41 8 SUB CHASSIS-R 1 10 00D 9KA 2G53 2 TRAY 1 11 00D 9KC 1G00 3 SLIDE-CAM 1 12 00D 9KC 1G00 4 TRAVERSE ARM 1 14 00D 9KA 7G20 2 CLAMPER H 1 15 00D 9KA 7G20 3 CLAMPER L 1 16 00D 9KB 9G01 5 LOADING BELT 1 nsp 00D 9KC 1P01 4 SWITCH P.W.B. 1 18 nsp 00D 9KC 2G04 3 5P PH WIRE 1 1 19 00D 9KS 01W2 04 SWITCH ESE22MH21 20 00D 9KS 01W2 05 SWITCH ESE22MH23 1 QQ 376315150 892498299 nsp 00D 9KP 26C6 25 POLY.SLIT WASHER 2.6X6X0.25C 3 22 nsp 00D 445 8004 007 WIRE CLAMPER 1 23 nsp 00D 9KS 17N0 22 PRECISION SCREW 1.7X2.2 TYPE3 2 24 nsp 00D 9KB 26BK 06 SCREW 2.6X6 CBTS(B)-Z 6 25 nsp 00D 9KS 20TK 33 PRECISION SCREW 2X3(S) TYPE3 1 26 nsp 00D 9KB 20PK 06 SCREW 2X6 CBTS(P)-Z 2 27A 00D 9KC 2A11 1C TRAVERSE MECHA (FEED) ASS'Y Assembled part 1 23 - PRECISION SCREW 1.7X2.2 TYPE3 27 - PU CHASSIS ASS'Y 1 28 - SHAFT HOLDER L 1 29 - SHAFT HOLDER R 1 30 - SHAFT TILT BASE 1 31 - SHAFT TILT PLATE 1 32 - TILT SPRING 2 33 - MAIN SHAFT 1 34 - SUB SHAFT 1 35 - PU RACK GEAR 1 37 - PICK UP HOP-1200R 1 38 - PU SPRING 1 39 - SHAFT SPRING 1 40 - RACK GEAR SPRING 1 42 - T/T MOTOR ASS'Y 1 43 - SCREW 2.6X6 CBTS(S)-Z 2 - SCREW 2.6X4 CBTS(S)-Z 1 - SCREW 2.6X15 CFTS(S)-Z 2 - SCREW 3X4 BSS 2 - SCREW 3X8 BSS (A) 1 - PRECISION SCREW 1.7X5 TYPE3 1 - PRECISION SCREW 1.7X2.2 TYPE3 2 - FEED GEAR 2ND ASS'Y 1 www 44 46 47 48 55 23 36 . xiaoy u163. com 69 3 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 21 QQ QQ 17 * 13942296513 13942296513 8 New TEL TEL nsp DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Ref. No. nsp Part No. Part Name Remarks Q'ty 41 - FEED MOTOR ASS'Y 1 50 - POLY.SLIT WASHER 2.1X4X0.25C 2 53 - FEED GEAR 3RD 1 49 00D 9KA 2G64 3 DAMPER 4 00D 9KC 1H01 1 DAMPER SCREW 4 51 nsp 54 nsp 00D 9KB 7P02 4 TRAY-SPRING-VXF 1 56 nsp 00D 9KC 1G04 2 RUBBER CUSHION 2 57 nsp 00D 9KC 2P03 1 PLATE-RE-2HPC 2 58 nsp 00D 9KC 2P03 2 WF-PLATE-RE-2HPC 2 59 nsp 00D 9KS 20P1 04 PRECISION SCREW 2X4(P) TYPE1 2 66 00D 009 0186 015 24P FFC CABLE L=70 1 70 - ACETATE TAPE W10X45 1 New * * TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 . xiaoy u163. com 70 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 www QQ 376315150 892498299 QQ QQ TEL 13942296513 DCD-1500AE QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 POINTS OF GREASING With Cemedine 575, glue 3 joint parts of Clamper-L and H hooks. (0.05mg each x 3) *As for greasing to the R rail groove and groove's side edge, apply grease to the outer face "intentionally". (Not only running a brush into the groove, use it with pressing to the outer face consciously.) TEL TEL 55 59 57 57 13942296513 13942296513 58 58 When greasing each rib, apply to the rib's left, right, and top faces properly with running a brush on both sides of the rib. 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 Froil KG 423 After attaching plate spring, apply to the TRAY side of the plate spring. 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 54 Main Chassis 70 Main Chassis 56 www . x i a o y u 1 6 3 71 . c o m 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 T E L QQ QQ After applying , check especially for the front 3 ribs outer side in order not to be insufficient greasing. DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 PACKING VIEW 204 210 201 202 202 TEL TEL 213 13942296513 13942296513 214 212 211 214 203 QQ QQ 213 *本表に記載されている部品は、補修用部品のため製品に使用している部品とは一部、形状、寸法などが異なる場合があります。 * The parts listed below are for maintenance only, might differ from the parts used in the unit in appearances or dimensions. * "nsp" 印の部品は常時在庫していませんので供給に長時間を要することがあります。場合によっては、供給をお断りする場合があります。 * Part indicated with the mark “nsp” are not always in stock and possibly to take a long period of time for supplying, or in some case supplying of part may be refused. Note: The symbols in the column "Remarks" indicate the following destinations. E2 : Europe model JP : Japan model Ref. No. nsp Part No. Part Name Remarks Q'ty New 201 nsp 00D 505 0131 076 CABINET COVER 202 nsp 00D 503 1269 103 CUSHION 1 203 nsp 00D 501 2053 066 CARTON CASE for E2 1 * 203 nsp 00D 201 2053 079 CARTON CASE for JP 1 * 204 nsp 2 00D 505 0038 030 POLY COVER 205 00D 511 4376 007 INST.MANUAL(E2) for E2 1 * 205 00D 511 4390 009 INST.MANUAL(J) for JP 1 * S.S.LIST(EX) for E2 1 for JP 206 nsp 00D 515 0921 500 206 nsp 1 00D 515 0918 403 SERVICE STATION LIST 207 00D 399 1027 005 RC-1020 1 208 - BATTERY (SUM-3) ASS 1 209 00D 203 2360 004 2P PIN CORD 1 ! 210 ! 210 www 211 212 . 213 214 xiaoy u163. com nsp nsp 1 00D 206 2215 006 AC CORD-E1/10A/INLET for E2 1 00D 206 2150 103 AC CORD WITH CONN. for JP 1 00D 515 0919 208 GUARANTEE CARD(S) 1 - BAR CODE LABEL ASS'Y 1 00D 513 9111 030 COLOR LABEL for Premium Silver model 2 - CONT.CARD(L)SUB ASSY for E2 1 72 * 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TE L 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299 PARTS LIST OF PACKING & ACCESSORIES DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 WAVEFORMS TEL TEL 16 4 15 8 2 3 7 6 12 11 9 10 www 1U-3624 SACD MODULE P.W.B. unit component side . xiaoy u163. com 73 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 QQ 376315150 892498299 QQ QQ TEL 5 13942296513 13942296513 13942296513 1 DCD-1500AE QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 1. PLAY (1) CD (2) SACD TCD-784 1 RFAC (3) SACD Hybrid DAC Test Disc (4) SACD Dual Layer DTS Test Disc 3 FE 3 FE 2 FSCON 2 FSCON 6 FOK 6 FOK 4 PI 4 PI 1 RFAC GND ; 15 VC16 GND ; 15 VC16 GND ; 15 VC16 GND ; 15 VC16 (1) CD (2) SACD (1) CD Single Layer DTS Test Disc (2) SACD TCD-784 3 FE 3 FE 3 FE 3 FE 7 TE 7 TE 4 PI 4 PI 8 DMO 8 DMO 5 MIRR 5 MIRR 1 RFAC 1 RFAC GND ; 15 VC16 (4) SACD Dual Layer DTS Test Disc GND ; 15 VC16 QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 (3) SACD Hybrid DAC Test Disc 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 GND ; 15 VC16 GND ; 15 VC16 (4) SACD Layer : CD Dual Layer DTS Test Disk Hybrid DAC Test Disc 2 FSCON 2 FSCON 3 FE 3 FE 3 FE 3 FE 7 TE 7 TE 4 PI 4 PI 8 DMO 8 DMO 5 MIRR 5 MIRR 1 RFAC 1 RFAC GND ; 15 VC16 GND ; 15 VC16 GND ; 15 VC16 GND ; 15 VC16 3. FOCUS inject (1) CD (2) SACD TCD-784 (5) SACD Layer : SACD Single Layer DTS Test Disc Hybrid DAC Test Disk 3 FE 3 FE 3 FE 2 FSCON 2 FSCON 7 TE 6 FOK 8 DMO www 6 FOK 4 PI . GND ; 15 VC16 x a o y u 1 6 3 4 PI i 1 RFAC GND ; 15 VC16 74 . c o GND ; 15 VC16 m 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ 2 FSCON Single Layer DTS Test Disk 13942296513 13942296513 TCD-784 2 FSCON (3) SACD TEL TEL 4. PLAY start 2. DISC detection T E L Hybrid DAC Test Disc DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 5. LOADER open-close OPEN CLOSE OPEN 9 LD+ 9 LOAD+ 10 LD- 10 LOAD- 11 OPN SW 11 OPN SW 12 CLS SW 12 CLS SW GND ; 16 GND CLOSE GND ; 16 GND TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 . xiaoy u163. com 75 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 www QQ 376315150 892498299 QQ QQ TEL 13942296513 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 NOTE FOR SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 配線図について WARNING: Parts marked with this symbol ! have critical characteristics. Use ONLY replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer. ! 印の部品は安全を維持するために重要な部品です。 従って交換時は必ず指定の部品を使用してください。 注) CAUTION: (1) 指定なき抵抗値は Ω、k は kΩ、M は MΩ を示す。 Before returning the unit to the customer, make sure you make either (1) a leakage current check or (2) a line to chassis resistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the unit is defective. (2) 指定なきコンデンサーの値は µF、p は pF を示す。 (3) 各部の電圧は無信号の値を示す。 (4) この配線図は基本配線図です。改良等のため変更する ことがありますのでご了承ください。 WARNING: DO NOT return the unit to the customer until the problem is located and corrected. TEL TEL NOTICE: . xiaoy u163. com 76 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 www QQ 376315150 892498299 QQ QQ TEL 13942296513 13942296513 13942296513 ALL RESISTANCE VALUES IN OHM. k=1,000 OHM M=1,000,000 OHM ALL CAPACITANCE VALUES IN MICRO FARAD. P=MICRO-MICRO FARAD EACH VOLTAGE AND CURRENT ARE MEASURED AT NO SIGNAL INPUT CONDITION. CIRCUIT AND PARTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. DCD-1500AE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (1/6) QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 A B TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 C QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L D E F G www . x i a o y u 1 6 3 . c o m SIGNAL LINE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (1/6) 1U-3624C SACD MODULE UNIT (1/3) H 77 DCD-1500AE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (2/6) QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 A B TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 C QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L D E F G www . x i a o y u 1 6 3 . c o m SIGNAL LINE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (2/6) 1U-3624C SACD MODULE UNIT (2/3) H 78 DCD-1500AE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (3/6) QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 A B TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 C QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L D E F G www . x i a o y u 1 6 3 . c o m SIGNAL LINE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (3/6) 1U-3624C SACD MODULE UNIT (3/3) H 79 DCD-1500AE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (4/6) QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 A B TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 C QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L D E F G www . x i a o y u 1 6 3 . c o m SIGNAL LINE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (4/6) 1U-3713 AUDIO UNIT H 80 DCD-1500AE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (5/6) QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 A B TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 C QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L D E F G www . x i a o y u 1 6 3 . c o m SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (5/6) 1U-3714-1 DISPLAY UNIT 1U-3714-5 P.SW UNIT H 81 DCD-1500AE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (6/6) QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 A B TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 C QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L D E F G www . x i a o y u 1 6 3 . c o m SIGNAL LINE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS (6/6) 1U-3714-2 POWER UNIT 1U-3714-4 H/P UNIT H 82 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 DOCUMENTS FOR WEEE Details of Recycle parts for Main Unit * You have to remove the parts that marked “WEEE Mark ◆ " when the recycling processing. (Europe model only) WEEE Mark Ref. No. 1 Part Name Matrrial Q'ty ◆ AUDIO UNIT ASS'Y Complex 1 2-1 ◆ DISPLAY UNIT Complex 1 2-2 ◆ POWER UNIT Complex 1 2-3 ◆ H/P VR UNIT Complex 1 2-4 ◆ H/P UNIT Complex 1 2-5 ◆ POWER SWITCH UNIT Complex 1 3 ◆ Complex 1 REAR PANEL(E2) SECC 1 5 AC INLET (2P) Complex 1 6 FOOT ASS'Y ABS 4 MECHA BRACKET BOTTOM SECC 1 8 TRANS BRACKET SECC 1 POWER TRANS(E2) Complex 1 10 9 H/P BRACKET SECC 1 1 ◆ 11 HOLDER (A) NYLON 12 CARD SPACER (L=18) NYLON 2 13 FRONT PANEL (SP) AL, ABS 1 14 KNOB(FUJI) ABS 1 PMMA 1 ADJUST. COLLAR C3604B 2 17 BLIND ASS'Y Complex 1 18 SPRING 19 FUNCTION KNOB (SP) 20 OP/CL/FUNC KNOB (SP) 21 22 TEL 13942296513 QQ 376315150 892498299 SUS 2 ABS 1 ABS 1 SACD MECHA UNIT Complex 1 POWER KNOB ASS'Y AL, ABS 1 23 LOADER PANEL (SP) ABS 1 24 SACD PLATE Ni Electroforming 1 25 TOP COVER(SP) PVC, STEEL 1 26 DVD MECHA(TD-5HP-DE) Complex 1 27 MECHA BRACKET TOP SECC 1 28 CHASSIS SECC 1 29 CORD HOLDER (L50) Complex 1 31 RUBBER SHEET CR 2 32 WIRE BAND BASE NYLON 2 33 CARD SPACER(L=4) NYLON 2 35 4 W (S) PC 2 SCREWS 101 3X8 CFTS (S)-B STEEL 37 102 4X8 CBTS (S)-B STEEL 4 103 3X10 CBTS (P)-B STEEL 12 104 3P.SWELLING SCREW STEEL 8 105 SPECIAL SCREW STEEL 2 2.6X6 CBTS (S)-Z STEEL 4 FIXING SCREW STEEL 4 3X8 CBTS (P)-Z STEEL 2 www 106 107 108 109 110 . xiaoy u163. com 3X10 CFTS (P)-Z STEEL 2 3X8 CBTS (S)-B STEEL 10 83 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 WINDOW 16 QQ QQ 15 13942296513 13942296513 7 TEL TEL SACD MODULE UNIT ASS'Y 4 DCD-1500AE QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 Exploded view of Main unit 21 101 26 104 16 106 110 27 110 110 5 104 TEL TEL 3 13942296513 25 107 101 104 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 10 103 35 101 2-5 QQ 13 31 110 29 33 101 2-2 8 32 105 17 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 29 29 37 101 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 102 12 18 103 103 32 101 11 22 12 2-1 14 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 T E L 101 9 2-3 108 109 4 7 QQ QQ 2-4 13942296513 110 101 1 101 28 19 20 24 101 www 23 . x 15 a o y u 1 6 3 101 i 84 6 . 101 c o m You have to remove the parts that marked "WEEE mark " when the recycling processing. (Europe model only) DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Details of Recycle parts for Mechanism unit * You have to remove the parts that marked “WEEE Mark ◆ " when the recycling processing. (Europe model only) WEEE Mark Ref. No. Part Name Material Q'ty Complex 1 CLAMPER BRACKET Steel 1 3 GUIDE CLAMP BRACKET Steel 1 4 LOADING MOTOR ASS'Y Complex 1 5 LOADING GEAR POM 1 6 LOADING GEAR 2ND POM 1 7 LOADING GEAR 3RD POM 1 8 SUB CHASSIS-L PC+ABS 1 9 SUB CHASSIS-R PC+ABS 1 10 TRAY PC+ABS 1 11 SLIDE-CAM POM 1 12 TRAVERSE ARM PC 1 14 CLAMPER H POM 1 15 CLAMPER L POM 1 16 LOADING BELT Rubber 1 SWITCH P.W.B. Complex 1 18 17 5P PH WIRE Complex 1 19 SWITCH ESE22MH21 Complex 1 20 SWITCH ESE22MH23 Complex 1 21 POLY.SLIT WASHER 2.6X6X0.25C POLY 3 22 WIRE CLAMPER POM 1 ◆ PRECISION SCREW 1.7X2.2 TYPE3 SCREW 2.6X6 CBTS(B)-Z Steel 2 Steel 6 QQ 376315150 892498299 25 PRECISION SCREW 2X3(S) TYPE3 Steel 1 26 SCREW 2X6 CBTS(P)-Z Steel 2 Complex 1 27A ◆ TRAVERSE MECHA (FEED) ASS'Y 23 PRECISION SCREW 1.7X2.2 TYPE3 3 27 PU CHASSIS ASS'Y 1 28 SHAFT HOLDER L 1 29 SHAFT HOLDER R 1 30 SHAFT TILT BASE 1 31 SHAFT TILT PLATE 1 32 TILT SPRING 2 33 MAIN SHAFT 1 34 SUB SHAFT 1 35 PU RACK GEAR 1 37 PICK UP HOP-1200R 1 38 PU SPRING 1 39 SHAFT SPRING 1 40 RACK GEAR SPRING 1 42 T/T MOTOR ASS'Y 1 43 SCREW 2.6X6 CBTS(S)-Z 2 44 SCREW 2.6X4 CBTS(S)-Z 1 46 SCREW 2.6X15 CFTS(S)-Z 2 47 SCREW 3X4 BSS 2 48 SCREW 3X8 BSS (A) 1 PRECISION SCREW 1.7X5 TYPE3 1 www 55 23 36 41 50 53 . xiaoy u163. com PRECISION SCREW 1.7X2.2 TYPE3 2 FEED GEAR 2ND ASS'Y 1 FEED MOTOR ASS'Y 1 POLY.SLIT WASHER 2.1X4X0.25C 2 FEED GEAR 3RD 1 85 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 TEL 13942296513 24 QQ QQ 23 13942296513 13942296513 MAIN CHASSIS ASS'Y 2 TEL TEL 1 DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 WEEE Mark Ref. No. Part Name Material Q'ty 49 DAMPER Silicon 51 DAMPER SCREW Steel 4 4 54 TRAY-SPRING-VXF SUS 1 56 RUBBER CUSHION Rubber 2 57 PLATE-RE-2HPC Steel 2 58 WF-PLATE-RE-2HPC --- 2 59 PRECISION SCREW 2X4(P) TYPE1 Steel 2 66 24P FFC CABLE L=70 Complex 1 TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 . xiaoy u163. com 86 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 www QQ 376315150 892498299 QQ QQ TEL 13942296513 DCD-1500AE QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 Exploded view of Mechanism unit TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 www . x i QQ 3 7 6 3 1 5 1 5 0 a o y u 1 6 3 87 . c o m 8 9 2 4 9 8 2 9 9 You have to remove the parts that marked "WEEE mark " when the recycling processing. (Europe model only) 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 1 3 9 4 2 2 9 6 5 1 3 QQ QQ T E L DCD-1500AE QQ 376315150 892498299 Details of Recycle parts for Power transformer TEL TEL 13942296513 13942296513 NO. Material Material 1 Polyurethane Enameled Copper Wire 16 2 Polyurethane Enameled Copper Wire 17 Nylon 3 Polyurethane Enameled Copper Wire 18 Polyester Tape 4 Polyurethane Enameled Copper Wire 19 Polyester Tape 5 Polyurethane Enameled Copper Wire 20 Thermal Fuse 6 Polyurethane Enameled Copper Wire 21 Polyethylene Terephthalate 7 Polyester Tape 22 Silicon Steel 8 Polyester Sheet 23 Steel 9 Polyester Tape 24 Steel 10 Pressed Paper 25 Polyurethane Enameled Copper Wire 11 Polyester Tape 26 Polyurethane Enameled Copper Wire 12 Polyester Tape 27 Complex 13 Polyester Sheet 28 Complex 14 Polyester Sheet 29 Complex 15 Polyester Tape www . Polyester Film/Polyester Non-woven Insulating Tape xiaoy u163. com 88 376315150 892498299 376315150 892498299 NO. QQ 376315150 892498299 QQ QQ TEL 13942296513 ">

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Key features
- SUPER AUDIO CD playback
- CD playback
- CD-R/RW playback
- High-precision laser pickup
- High-performance digital-to-analog converter
- Robust power supply
Frequently asked questions
The DCD-1500AE is compatible with SACD, CD, and CD-R/RW formats.
The DCD-1500AE features a high-precision laser pickup, a high-performance digital-to-analog converter, and a robust power supply.
To set up the test mode, press the STOP button and the REV button simultaneously while the device is in heat-run mode. Heat-run mode is activated by pressing the PLAY button and holding the OPEN/CLOSE button.