Bauknecht DDLI 5710/1 IN Instruction for Use

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Bauknecht DDLI 5710/1 IN Instruction for Use | Manualzz



Der Mindestabstand zwischen dem Kochfeld und der unteren Kante der Dunstabzugshaube muss bei

Elektroplatten 50 cm und bei Gasherden oder kombinierten Herden 65 cm betragen.

Schreiben die Installationsanweisungen des Gaskochfelds einen größeren Abstand vor, ist dieser natürlich zu beachten. Sie sollten einen qualifizierten Techniker mit der Installation beauftragen.

Folgen Sie bei der Installation der Nummerierung (1 Ö 2 Ö 3 Ö .....). Schließen Sie das Gerät erst nach seiner kompletten Installation an das Stromnetz an.

Achtung! Prüfen Sie, ob das Abluftrohr und die Befestigungsmanschetten im Lieferumfang inbegriffen sind. Andernfalls sind sie separat zu beziehen.

Hinweis: Die mit dem Symbol “(*)” bezeichneten Teile sind Zubehör, das nur mit bestimmten

Modellen geliefert oder nicht geliefert wird und gesondert erworben werden muss.

Aufgrund des schweren Gewichtes sind mindestens zwei oder noch mehr Personen zur Beförderung und Installation der Abzugshaube erforderlich.



The minimum distance between the pan supports on the cooking appliance and the lowest part of the cooker hood must not be less than 50 cm for electric cookers or 65 cm for gas or combination cookers.

If the installation instructions for a gas cooker specify a greater distance, then this distance must be observed. It is advisable to contact a qualified technician for installation. To install, follow steps

(1 Ö 2 Ö 3 Ö .....). Do not connect the hood to the electrical power supply until installation is completed.

Warning! Check whether the exhaust pipe and clamps are provided. If not, they must be purchased separately.

Note: Parts marked with the symbol “(*)” are optional accessories supplied only with some models or parts not supplied, to be purchased separately.

Very heavy product; hood handling and installation must be carried out by at least two persons.



La distance minimum entre la surface de support des récipients sur le dispositif de cuisson et la partie la plus basse de la hotte ne doit pas être inférieure à 50 cm pour les cuisinières électriques et à 65 cm pour les cuisinières à gaz ou mixtes.

Si les instructions d’installation du dispositif de cuisson à gaz indiquent une distance supérieure, il est nécessaire de la respecter. Il est conseillé de consulter un technicien qualifié pour procéder au montage. Pour le montage, suivez la numérotation (1 Ö 2 Ö 3 Ö .....). Ne branchez pas l’appareil tant que l’installation n’est pas terminée.

Attention ! Vérifiez si le conduit d’évacuation et les colliers de fixation sont fournis avec l’appareil.

Dans le cas contraire, les acheter.

Remarque : Les pièces portant le symbole “(*)” sont des accessoires en option fournis seulement avec certains modèles ou sont des pièces non fournies, à acheter à part.

Appareil excessivement lourd ; la manutention et l’installation de la hotte doivent être effectuées par deux personnes ou plus.



De minimale afstand tussen het steunoppervlak van de pannen op het kooktoestel en het laagste deel van de afzuigkap mag niet minder dan 50 cm zijn bij elektrische kooktoestellen en 65 cm bij kooktoestellen op gas of gemengd.

Als de installatie-instructies van het kooktoestel op gas een grotere afstand aangeven, moet hiermee rekening gehouden worden. U wordt geadviseerd een deskundig installateur te raadplegen.

Volg voor de montage de nummering (1 Ö 2 Ö 3 Ö .....). Geef het apparaat geen stroom totdat de installatie geheel voltooid is.

Let op! Controleer of de afvoerpijp en de klembanden bijgeleverd zijn. Zo niet, dan moeten ze apart worden aangeschaft.

Opmerking: De onderdelen gemarkeerd met het symbool “(*)” zijn optionele accessoires die uitsluitend bij enkele modellen geleverd worden of onderdelen die niet geleverd zijn en aangeschaft moeten worden.

Aangezien dit apparaat zwaar is, dient het door minstens twee of meer personen verplaatst en geïnstalleerd te worden.

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La distancia mínima entre la superficie de apoyo de los recipientes en la placa de cocción y la parte más baja de la campana no debe ser inferior a 50 cm en caso de cocinas eléctricas y 65 cm en caso de cocinas a gas o mixtas.

Si las instrucciones de la placa de cocción especifican una distancia mayor, es necesario respetarla.

Para la instalación se recomienda recurrir a un técnico cualificado. Para el montaje, siga la numeración (1 Ö 2 Ö 3 Ö .....). No conecte el aparato a la corriente eléctrica hasta que la instalación esté completamente finalizada.

¡Atención! Compruebe si el tubo de descarga y las abrazaderas de fijación se suministran de serie.

En caso contrario, tiene que comprarlos por separado.

Advertencia: Las piezas con el símbolo “(*)” son accesorios opcionales que se suministran sólo con algunos modelos, o bien por separado.

Producto de peso excesivo; la campana extractora ha de ser transportada e instalada por dos o más personas.


A distância mínima entre a superfície de suporte dos recipientes no dispositivo de cozedura e a parte mais baixa do exaustor do fogão deve ser superior a 50 cm no caso de fogões eléctricos e de 65 cm no caso de fogões a gás ou mistos.

Respeite as instruções de instalação do dispositivo de cozedura a gás se estas especificarem uma distância superior à indicada. É aconselhável consultar um técnico qualificado para a instalação.

Para a montagem siga a numeração (1 Ö 2 Ö 3 Ö .....). Não ligue o aparelho à corrente eléctrica enquanto a instalação não estiver concluída.

Atenção! Verifique se o tubo de descarga e as braçadeiras de fixação foram fornecidos com o aparelho. Caso contrário, deverá adquiri-los à parte.

Advertência: As peças marcadas com o símbolo “(*)” são acessórios opcionais fornecidos apenas com alguns modelos ou peças não fornecidas, que devem ser adquiridas em separado.

Aparelho muito pesado; a deslocação e instalação devem ser efectuadas por pelo menos duas pessoas.



La distanza minima fra la superficie di supporto dei recipienti sul dispositivo di cottura e la parte più bassa della cappa da cucina deve essere non inferiore a 50 cm in caso di cucine elettriche e di 65 cm in caso di cucine a gas o miste.

Se le istruzioni di installazione del dispositivo di cottura a gas specificano una distanza maggiore rispetto a quella specificata, bisogna tenerne conto. Si consiglia di consultare un tecnico qualificato per l’installazione. Per il montaggio seguire la numerazione (1 Ö 2 Ö 3 Ö .....).

Non dare corrente all’apparecchio finché l’installazione non è totalmente completata.

Attenzione! Verificare se il tubo di scarico e le fascette di fissaggio sono forniti a corredo. In caso contrario, vanno acquistati a parte.

Nota: I particolari contrassegnati con il simbolo “(*)” sono accessori opzionali forniti solo in alcuni modelli o particolari non forniti, da acquistare.

Prodotto dal peso eccessivo, la movimentazione e installazione della cappa deve essere fatta da almeno due o più persone.



Η ελάχιστη απόσταση ανάμεσα στην επιφάνεια στήριξης των σκευών στη συσκευή μαγειρέματος και

στο χαμηλότερο σημείο του απορροφητήρα δεν πρέπει να είναι μικρότερη από 50 cm σε περίπτωση

ηλεκτρικών εστιών και από 65 cm σε κουζίνες αερίου ή μικτές .

Εάν οι οδηγίες εγκατάστασης της εστίας αερίου συνιστούν μεγαλύτερη απόσταση , σε σχέση με

εκείνη που έχει οριστεί , εφαρμόστε τις σχετικές οδηγίες . Για την εγκατάσταση συνιστάται να

απευθυνθείτε σε εξειδικευμένο τεχνικό . Για την τοποθέτηση ακολουθήστε την αρίθμηση

(1 Ö 2 Ö 3 Ö .....). Μην τροφοδοτείτε με ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα τη συσκευή πριν την ολοκλήρωση της

εγκατάστασης .

Προσοχή ! Βεβαιωθείτε ότι ο σωλήνας απαγωγής και τα κολάρα στερέωσης διατίθενται με τον

εξοπλισμό . Σε αντίθετη περίπτωση πρέπει να τα προμηθευτείτε χωριστά .

Σημείωση : Τα εξαρτήματα που φέρουν το σύμβολο “(*)” είναι προαιρετικά και παρέχονται μόνο με

ορισμένα μοντέλα ή εξαρτήματα που πωλούνται χωριστά .

Προϊόν με μεγάλο βάρος . Η μετακίνηση και η εγκατάσταση του απορροφητήρα πρέπει να γίνει

τουλάχιστον από δύο ή περισσότερους ανθρώπους .

5019 418 33101

Abb. 1

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

Afb. 1

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

Εικ . 1

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Abb. 2

Fig. 2

Fig. 2

Afb. 2

Fig. 2

Fig. 2

Fig. 2

Εικ . 2

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Abb. 3

Fig. 3

Fig. 3

Afb. 3

Fig. 3

Fig. 3

Fig. 3

Εικ . 3

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Expansion plugs are provided to secure the hood to most types of ceilings. However, a qualified technician is needed to make sure that the plugs are suitable for your ceiling. The wall/ceiling must be strong enough to take the weight of the hood.

Disconnect the power supply at the home main switch during electrical connections.



Adjust the extension of the hood support structure, as the final height of the hood depends on this.


Note: In some cases the top section of the truss is fixed to the bottom section with 1 or more screws. Check for and temporarily remove any screws to enable adjustment of the support structure.

Fix the two sections of the structure using 16 screws (4 each corner).

For extension beyond the minimum height, fit 1 or 2 brackets (depending on how many are supplied) to the top section to reinforce it.

Note: for transport purposes, 1 bracket may be temporarily fixed to the truss already with 2 screws; if so, move it to the desired position and complete the fixing with a further 6 screws.

To fit the brackets, proceed as follows: a.

Open the brackets slightly in order to fix them to the outside of the structure.


Position the reinforcement bracket directly above the point where the two sections of the hood are joined and secure with 8 screws

(2 each corner).

If supplied, fix the second reinforcement bracket so that it is equidistant from the first reinforcement bracket and the top edge of the










truss, secure with 8 screws (2 each corner).

Note: when positioning the reinforcement bracket/s, make sure they do not hinder fixture of the exhaust pipe (extractor version) or the deflector (filter version).

Hook the hood to the truss, check for perfect hooking - to hook the hood to the truss tighten the 16 screws (4 each corner).

Place the ceiling hole diagram directly above the cooktop (the centre of the diagram must match the centre of the cooktop and the edges must be parallel to the sides of the cooktop - the side of the diagram with the wording FRONT corresponds to the control panel side). Prepare the electrical connection.

Drill as shown (6 holes for 6 wall plugs - 4 plugs for hooking), screw the 4 outer screws leaving a space of about 1 cm between the screw head and the ceiling.

Hook the truss on the ceiling to the 4 screws (see step 4).

Tighten the 4 screws.

Insert and tighten another 2 screws in the remaining free holes for secure fixing.

Fit an exhaust duct inside the truss and connect it to the collar of the motor compartment (exhaust pipe and clamps are not provided). The exhaust duct must be long enough to vent externally (Extractor version) or reach the deflector F (Filter version).

For Filter Version only: fit the deflector F sul on the truss and fix it to the bracket with 4 screws, then connect the exhuast duct to the collar on the deflector.

Carry out the electrical connection to the mains power supply, only turn on the power supply with assembly completed.



Fit the nuts with fixing hooks suppliedinside the top and bottom sections of the flues at the rectangular slots. A total of 14 nuts must


be fitted.

Join the two top sections of the flue to cover the truss so that one of the slots on the sections is on the same side as the control


panel and the other is on the opposite side.

Screw the two sections with 8 screws (4 each side - see the plan diagram for joining the two sections).

Fix the top flue assembly to the truss, near the ceiling, with two screws (one each side).



Join the two bottom sections of the flue covering the truss using 6 screws (3 each side - also see the plan diagram for joining the



two sections).

Insert the bottom section of the flue in its seat so that it completely covers the motor compartment and electrical connection box, then secure it from inside the hood using two screws.

Apply the 2 tabs (supplied) to cover the fixing points of the bottom flue sections



The wider and deeper tabs are those used for the top flue, and must be cut to size.

Turn the mains power on again at the central electrical panel and check for correct hood operation.

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Control panel

Light switch b.


Extraction and minimum extraction speed ON/OFF switch.

Medium extraction speed switch.


Maximum extraction speed switch.

2. Grease filter

3. Grease filter release handle

4. Halogen bulb

5. Steam deflector

6. Telescopic flue

7. Air outlet (for filter version only)

Grease filters:

Metal grease filters have an unlimited life and should be washed once a month either by hand or in a dishwasher at a low temperature and with a short cycle.

Washing in a dishwasher can cause grease filters to turn white, but this in no way affects efficiency.

a a.

press the handle to remove the filter b.

remove it.

Wash the filter and leave it to dry, proceeding in reverse order to refit it.


Halogen lamps:

Use a small screwdriver or other suitable tool to prise off the cover. Refit (snap on).

Only use 20 W max. (12V-G4) halogen lamps, taking care not to touch them with hands.

Active carbon filter

(filter hoods only):

The carbon filter must be cleaned once a month in a dishwasher at the highest temperature, using a normal dishwasher detergent. Wash the filters on their own.

After washing, reactivate the carbon filter by drying it in the oven at 100°C for 10 minutes.

Change the carbon filter every 3 years.

Fitting the carbon filter:

1. Remove the grease filter.

2. Remove the filter holder by turning the knobs 90°.

3. Fit the carbon filter “ i ” in the filter holder “ h ”.

Reverse the above procedure to re-fit the filter holder and grease filter.

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1. Packing

Packaging materials are 100% recyclable and are marked with the recycling symbol . Dispose of the appliance in conformity with local environmental regulations. Packaging materials (plastic bags, polystyrene, etc.) can be dangerous for children and should be kept well out of their reach.

2. Product

This appliance is marked according to the European directive 2002/

96/EC, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

By ensuring that this appliance is scrapped suitably, you can help prevent potentially damaging consequences for the environment and health.

The symbol on the product or the accompanying documentation indicates that this product should not be treated as domestic waste but must be taken to a suitable collection centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.

Disposal must be carried out in accordance with local environmental regulations for waste disposal.

For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling of this product, contact the competent local office, the household waste collection service or the shop where you purchased the appliance.




• The appliance is not intended for use by young children or persons with restricted physical, sensory or mental abilities or without experience and knowledge of the appliance, unless they are under the supervision or instruction of a person responsible for their safety.

• Children must be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

1. Do not connect the appliance to the mains power supply until installation has been completed. Always disconnect the hood before cleaning or carrying out maintenance by unplugging it or switching off the power supply.

2. Do not “flambé” food under the hood. Naked flames could cause a fire.

3. Do not leave pans unattended when frying. Cooking oil can catch fire.

4. Regular cleaning and maintenance is essential to correct functioning and good performance. Regularly remove dirt deposits. Regularly clean or replace filters. Never use flammable materials as hoses for extracted air.

5. If the hood is used together with other appliances powered by gas or other fuels, ambient negative pressure must not exceed

4 Pa (4 x 10


bar). For this reason, make sure the room is adequately ventilated.

6. Exhaust air must not be conveyed through the same flue used by the heating system or other appliances powered by gas or other fuels.

7. The room must be adequately ventilated when the hood is used together with appliances powered by gas or other fuels.

8. Make sure lamps are cold before touching them.

9. Exhaust air must not be conveyed through a flue used for removal of fumes produced by gas combustion appliances or other combustible materials, but must have an independent outlet.

All national regulations governing extraction of fumes must be observed.

10. The hood is not a shelf, therefore do not overload or place objects on it.

11. Do not use or leave the hood without its lamps correctly installed - risk of electric shock.

Note: Always wear work gloves for all installation and maintenance operations.

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Electrical connections

The mains power supply must match the voltage given on the dataplate located inside the hood. If provided with a plug, connect the hood to a power socket complying with current regulations and located in an accessible area. If it does not have a plug (direct connection to the power supply) or if the socket is not in an accessible place, fit a suitable double-pole switch that ensures complete disconnection from the power supply in category III overvoltage conditions, complying with the installation rules.

IMPORTANT: Before reconnecting the hood circuit to the mains power supply and checking correct operation, make sure the power cable is correctly fitted and that it was NOT crushed in the housing during installation.

Cleaning the hood


Failure to remove oil/grease (at least once a month) could result in fire.

Use a soft cloth with a neutral detergent. Never use abrasive substances or alcohol.

Before using the hood

To ensure best use of your hood, please read these instructions carefully and keep them for future reference.

Packaging materials (plastic bags, polystyrene, etc.) can be dangerous for children and should be kept well out of their reach.

Make sure the hood was not damaged during transport.

Declaration of conformity

This product has been designed, manufactured and sold in conformity to the following standards:

- safety objectives of “Low Voltage” Directive

2006/95/CE (which replaces 73/23/CEE as amended)

- protection requirements of the “EMC” Directive 89/336/CEE amended by Directive 93/68/CEE.

Troubleshooting guide

The hood does not work:

• Is the plug properly inserted in the power socket?

• Is there a power failure?

The hood is not extracting enough:

• Is the right speed selected?

• Do the filters need cleaning or changing?

• Are the air outlets blocked?

The light does not work:

• Does the lamp need replacing?

• Is the lamp correctly fitted?


Before calling the After-Sales Service

1. Check to see if you can solve the problem yourself (see

“Troubleshooting guide”).

2. Switch the hood off and then on again to check if the problem has been eliminated.

3. If the problem persists, contact the After-sales Service.


• the nature of the problem,

• the product model given on the dataplate inside the hood, visible on removing the grease filters,

• your full address,

• your telephone number and area code,

• the Service code (the number under the word SERVICE on the dataplate inside the hood, behind the grease filter).

If any repairs are needed, contact an authorized Service Centre (to ensure that only original spare parts are used and that repairs are made correctly).

Failure to comply with these instructions can compromise the safety and quality of the product.



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