IKEA HDN P600 S Instruction for Use

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IKEA HDN P600 S Instruction for Use | Manualzz


Betriebs- und Wartungshandbuch

Enthält auch Anweisungen und Vorschriften für die sichere Installation.

Lesen Sie die vorliegenden Anweisungen und das beiliegende Installationshandbuch vor der

Installation oder dem Gebrauch der Abzugshaube aufmerksam durch und befolgen Sie sie.

WARNUNG: Berücksichtigen Sie bei der Installation den Mindestabstand von den Flammen, wie im Installationshandbuch angegeben.

Schreiben die Installationsanweisungen des Gaskochfelds einen größeren Abstand vor, ist dieser natürlich zu beachten.


User and Maintenance Handbook

Also contains instructions and regulations for safe installation.

Before installing or using the hood, carefully read and follow the instructions given in this handbook and in the enclosed installation handbook.

WARNING: Be sure to observe the minimum installation distance from cookers, which is indicated in the installation handbook.

If the installation instructions for the gas cooker specify a greater distance, this must be taken into account.


Manuel d’utilisation et d’entretien

Contient également les instructions et prescriptions pour une installation sûre.

Avant de monter ou d’utiliser la hotte, lire et suivre attentivement les instructions reportées dans ce manuel et dans le manuel d’instructions en annexe.

AVERTISSEMENT : Respecter la distance minimum d’installation entre les feux indiquée sur le manuel de montage.

Si les instructions d’installation du dispositif de cuisson à gaz indiquent une distance supérieure, il est nécessaire de la respecter.


Gebruiks- en onderhoudsboekje

Bevat ook aanwijzingen en voorschriften voor een veilige installatie.

Lees de aanwijzingen in deze handleiding en in het bijgevoegde installatieboekje door en volg ze nauwgezet op, alvorens de afzuigkap te installeren of te gebruiken.

WAARSCHUWING: Houd u bij de installatie aan de minimale afstand van de kooktoestellen, zoals aangegeven in het installatieboekje.

Als de aanwijzingen voor installatie van het gasfornuis een grotere afstand aangeven, moet hiermee rekening gehouden worden.


Manual de uso y mantenimiento

Contiene información e instrucciones para efectuar una instalación segura.

Antes de instalar o utilizar la campana, lea y siga atentamente las instrucciones de este manual y del manual de instrucciones adjunto.

ADVERTENCIA: Respete la distancia mínima a los quemadores indicada en el manual de instalación.

Si las instrucciones de instalación de la placa de cocina a gas especifican una distancia mayor, es necesario tenerlo en cuenta.


Manual de Instruções e de Manutenção

Contém também as instruções e as indicações para uma instalação segura.

Antes de instalar ou utilizar o exaustor leia e siga com atenção as seguintes instruções contidas no presente manual, e no manual de instruções para a instalação fornecido em anexo.

ADVERTÊNCIA: Cumpra a distância mínima de instalação em relação ao fogão, indicada no manual de instalação.

Respeite as instruções de instalação do dispositivo de cozedura a gás se estas especificarem uma distância superior.

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Libretto di Uso e Manutenzione

Contiene anche istruzioni e prescrizioni per una sicura installazione.

Prima di installare o utilizzare la cappa, leggete e seguite attentamente le istruzioni riportate in questo libretto e nel libretto di installazione allegato.

AVVERTENZA: Rispettare la distanza minima di installazione dai fuochi indicata sul libretto di installazione.

Se le istruzioni di installazione del dispositivo di cottura a gas specificano una distanza maggiore, bisogna tenerne conto.


Εγχειρίδιο Χρήσης και Συντήρησης

Περιέχει επίσης οδηγίες για μια ασφαλή εγκατάσταση .

Πριν από την εγκατάσταση ή χρήση του απορροφητήρα , διαβάστε και ακολουθήστε

προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες που αναγράφονται στο παρόν εγχειρίδιο και στο εγχειρίδιο

εγκατάστασης που επισυνάπτεται .

ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ : Τηρείτε την ελάχιστη απόσταση εγκατάστασης από τις εστίες που

αναγράφεται στο εγχειρίδιο εγκατάστασης .

Εάν οι οδηγίες εγκατάστασης της εστίας αερίου συνιστούν μεγαλύτερη απόσταση ,

εφαρμόστε τις σχετικές οδηγίες .



Manual för Användning och Underhåll

Innehåller även instruktioner för hur du gör en säker installation.

Innan du installerar eller använder fläktkåpan, läs och följ noggrant instruktionerna i den här manualen och i bifogad installationsmanual.

VARNING: Respektera de avstånd från spisplattorna som står i installationsmanualen.

Om ett större avstånd specificeras i installationsanvisningarna som medföljer gasspisen måste detta avstånd beaktas.

Bruks- og vedlikeholdsveiledning

Inneholder også instrukser og forholdsregler for sikker installasjon.

Før installasjon og bruk av ventilatoren må du lese denne bruksveiledningen og vedlagte installasjonsveiledning nøye og følge alle instruksene som gis.

ADVARSEL: Overhold de minimumsavstandene til komfyrtoppen som er oppgitt i bruksanvisningen.

Dersom installasjonsveiledningen for et gassapparat krever enda større avstand, må denne avstanden overholdes.


Bruger- og vedligeholdelsesvejledning

Indeholder også anvisninger i og foreskrivelser for sikker installation.

Inden montering og brug af emhætten skal anvisningerne i denne vejledning samt i den medfølgende installationsvejledning læses og følges nøje.

ADVARSEL: Ved montering skal den minimumafstand fra kogezonerne, der an anført i installationsvejledningen, overholdes.

Hvis installationsvejledningen for gaskomfuret angiver en afstand, der er større end den anførte afstand, skal den største afstand overholdes.


Käyttö- ja huolto-ohjeet

Sisältää myös asennus- ja turvallisuusohjeet.

Lue tämän ohjekirjan sekä oheisen asennusoppaan ohjeet huolellisesti ennen liesituulettimen asentamista tai käyttämistä.

VAROITUS: Noudata asennusohjeissa mainittua minimietäisyyttä liedestä.

Jos kaasulieden asennusohjeissa määrätään yllä mainittua mittaa suurempi etäisyys, noudata sitä.

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Instrukcja obsługi i konserwacji

Zawiera również instrukcje i przepisy umożliwiające bezpieczną instalację.

Przed rozpoczęciem instalacji lub użytkowania okapu, proszę przeczytać uważnie instrukcje zawarte w niniejszej broszurze oraz w dołączonej instrukcji instalacji i proszę ich przestrzegać.

OSTRZEŻENIE: Proszę zachować minimalny odstęp instalowanego okapu od palników, zgodnie ze wskazaniami instrukcji. Jeżeli w instrukcjach instalacji kuchenki gazowej przewidziana została większa odległość, należy ją zastosować.


Návod k obsluze a údržbě

Obsahuje také pokyny a předpisy pro bezpečnou instalaci.

Před instalací nebo používáním odsávače par si pozorně přečtěte a dodržujte pokyny uvedené v tomto návodu a v přiloženém návodu k instalaci.

VAROVÁNÍ: Dodržujte minimální instalační vzdálenost od plamenů hořáku, uvedenou v návodu k instalaci.

Pokud je v návodu k instalaci plynového sporáku určena větší vzdálenost než uvedená, je nutné ji dodržet.


Návod na používanie a údržbu

Obsahuje aj pokyny a predpisy na bezpečnú inštaláciu.

Pred inštaláciou alebo používaním odsávača si prečítajte a dôsledne dodržiavajte pokyny uvedené v tomto návode a v priloženom návode na inštaláciu.

VAROVANIE: Dodržiavajte minimálnu inštalačnú vzdialenost’ od sporákov, ako je uvedené v návode na použitie.

Ak pokyny na inštaláciu plynovej varnej dosky predpisujú väčšiu vzdialenost’, dodržiavajte ich.


Használati és karbantartási útmutató

A biztonságos üzembe helyezésre vonatkozóan is tartalmaz előírásokat és utasításokat.

A készülék üzembe helyezése vagy használata előtt alaposan tanulmányozza át az ebben és az

üzembe helyezési útmutatóban foglaltakat.

FIGYELMEZTETÉS: A tűzhelytől való minimális távolság tekintetében tartsa be az

üzembe helyezési útmutatóban előírt értéket.

Amennyiben a gáztűzhely üzembe helyezési útmutatója nagyobb távolságot ír elő, úgy azt kell betartani.


Инструкции по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию

Содержит также инструкции и указания по безопасной установке.

Перед установкой и использованием вытяжки, прочтите и тщательно следуйте инструкциям, приведенным в данной брошюре, а также к прилагаемому руководству по установке.

ОСТОРОЖНО: Соблюдайте минимальное расстояние от огня, указанное в руководстве по установке.

Если инструкцией по установке газовой варочной панели предусмотрено большее расстояние, данное требование должно быть соблюдено.


Книжка за употреба и поддръжка

Съдържа и инструкции и предписания за надеждно инсталиране.

Преди инсталиране или употреба на аспиратора прочетете внимателно инструкциите, дадени в тази книжка и приложената книжка за инсталиране.

ВНИМАНИЕ: Спазвайте минималното разстояние на инсталиране от печки, посочени в книжката за инсталиране.

Ако в инструкциите за инсталиране на устройството за готвене на газ е указано по!голямо разстояние, трябва да се изпълнява това разстояние.


Manual de utilizare și întreţinere

Conţine și instrucţiuni și recomandări pentru o instalare sigură.

Înainte de a instala sau de a utiliza hota, citiţi și urmaţi cu atenţie instrucţiunile din acest manual și din manualul de instalare anexat.

ATENŢIE: Respectaţi distanţa minimă de instalare faţă de arzătoare indicată în manualul de instalare.

Dacă instrucţiunile de instalare ale mașinii de gătit cu gaz specifică o distanţă mai mare, trebuie să ţineţi cont de ea.

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1. Packing

Packing materials are 100% recyclable and are marked with the recycling symbol .Comply with the local regulations for disposal. The packing materials (plastic bags, polystyrene, etc.) are a potential source of danger and must be kept out of the reach of children.

2. Product

This appliance is marked in compliance with European

Directive 2002/96/EC, Waste Electrical and Electronic

Equipment (WEEE).

By ensuring that this appliance is correctly scrapped, the user can help prevent potentially harmful consequences for the environment and the health of people.

The symbol on the product or the accompanying documentation indicates that this product should not be treated as domestic waste but must be taken to a suitable collection centre for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.

Disposal must be carried out in compliance with local regulations on waste disposal.

For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling of this product, contact the competent local office, the household waste collection service or the shop where you purchased the appliance.



WARNING: To reduce the risk of accidents, electric shock, injury or damage, when using the hood comply with the basic precautions, including the following.

1. Always disconnect the hood from the power supply before carrying out any installation or maintenance operation on the appliance.

2. Installation must be carried out by a specialised technician, in compliance with the manufacturer’s instructions and local safety regulations.

3. Earthing of the appliance is compulsory. (Not possible for

Class II hoods).

4. Never use multisockets and extension leads.

5. The electrical components must no longer be accessible to the user after installation.

6. Do not touch the hood with wet parts of the body or use it when barefoot.

7. Do not pull the appliance power cable to unplug it.

8. After-sales service – do not repair or replace any part of the hood unless specifically indicated in the manual. All other maintenance services must be carried out by a specialised technician.

9. When drilling the wall, make sure not to damage the electrical connections and/or pipes.

10. The ventilation ducts must always discharge to the outside.

11. The Manufacturer declines any liability for improper use or incorrect setting of the controls.

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12. The appliance is not intended for use by children or persons with limited physical, sensory or mental abilities or without experience and knowledge of it, unless they are under the supervision of or instructed in its use by a person responsible for their safety.

13. Keep children away.

14. To reduce the risk of fire, only use a metal inlet duct.

15. Children must be supervised so that they do not play with the appliance.

16. The product must be disposed of in compliance with local regulations on waste disposal.

17. For further information on the treatment, recovery and recycling of this product, contact the competent local office, the household waste collection service or the shop where you purchased the appliance.

18. Regular cleaning and maintenance is essential for correct hood operation and good performance. Frequently clean all encrustations from dirty surfaces to prevent the accumulation of grease. Regularly clean or replace filters.

19. Do not “flambé” food under the hood. Naked flames could cause a fire.

20. The room must have adequate ventilation when the hood is used at the same time as appliances operating on gas or other fuels.

21. The discharge air must not be eliminated in a duct used to remove fumes produced by appliances operating on gas or other fuels, but must have a separate outlet. All the national regulations on air discharge envisaged by art.

7.12.1 of CEI EN 60335-2-31 must be observed.

22. If the hood is used together with other appliances operating on gas or other fuels, the negative pressure in the room must not exceed 4 Pa (4 x 10


bar). Therefore, make sure the room is adequately ventilated.

23. Do not leave pans unattended when frying, since the cooking oil could catch fire.

24. Make sure the lamps are cold before touching them.

25. The hood is not a shelf, therefore do not overload or place objects on it.

26. Do not use or leave the hood without its lamps correctly installed - risk of electric shock.

27. Wear work gloves for all installation and maintenance operations.

28. The product is not suitable for outdoor use.

29. The air sucked by the hood must not be eliminated through the same flue of the heating system or other appliances using gas or other fuels.





Betriebs- und Wartungshandbuch

Enthält auch Anweisungen und Vorschriften für die sichere Installation.

Lesen Sie die vorliegenden Anweisungen und das beiliegende Installationshandbuch vor der

Installation oder dem Gebrauch der Abzugshaube aufmerksam durch und befolgen Sie sie.

WARNUNG: Berücksichtigen Sie bei der Installation den Mindestabstand von den Flammen, wie im Installationshandbuch angegeben.

Schreiben die Installationsanweisungen des Gaskochfelds einen größeren Abstand vor, ist dieser natürlich zu beachten.


User and Maintenance Handbook

Also contains instructions and regulations for safe installation.

Before installing or using the hood, carefully read and follow the instructions given in this handbook and in the enclosed installation handbook.

WARNING: Be sure to observe the minimum installation distance from cookers, which is indicated in the installation handbook.

If the installation instructions for the gas cooker specify a greater distance, this must be taken into account.


Manuel d’utilisation et d’entretien

Contient également les instructions et prescriptions pour une installation sûre.

Avant de monter ou d’utiliser la hotte, lire et suivre attentivement les instructions reportées dans ce manuel et dans le manuel d’instructions en annexe.

AVERTISSEMENT : Respecter la distance minimum d’installation entre les feux indiquée sur le manuel de montage.

Si les instructions d’installation du dispositif de cuisson à gaz indiquent une distance supérieure, il est nécessaire de la respecter.


Gebruiks- en onderhoudsboekje

Bevat ook aanwijzingen en voorschriften voor een veilige installatie.

Lees de aanwijzingen in deze handleiding en in het bijgevoegde installatieboekje door en volg ze nauwgezet op, alvorens de afzuigkap te installeren of te gebruiken.

WAARSCHUWING: Houd u bij de installatie aan de minimale afstand van de kooktoestellen, zoals aangegeven in het installatieboekje.

Als de aanwijzingen voor installatie van het gasfornuis een grotere afstand aangeven, moet hiermee rekening gehouden worden.


Manual de uso y mantenimiento

Contiene información e instrucciones para efectuar una instalación segura.

Antes de instalar o utilizar la campana, lea y siga atentamente las instrucciones de este manual y del manual de instrucciones adjunto.

ADVERTENCIA: Respete la distancia mínima a los quemadores indicada en el manual de instalación.

Si las instrucciones de instalación de la placa de cocina a gas especifican una distancia mayor, es necesario tenerlo en cuenta.


Manual de Instruções e de Manutenção

Contém também as instruções e as indicações para uma instalação segura.

Antes de instalar ou utilizar o exaustor leia e siga com atenção as seguintes instruções contidas no presente manual, e no manual de instruções para a instalação fornecido em anexo.

ADVERTÊNCIA: Cumpra a distância mínima de instalação em relação ao fogão, indicada no manual de instalação.

Respeite as instruções de instalação do dispositivo de cozedura a gás se estas especificarem uma distância superior.

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Libretto di Uso e Manutenzione

Contiene anche istruzioni e prescrizioni per una sicura installazione.

Prima di installare o utilizzare la cappa, leggete e seguite attentamente le istruzioni riportate in questo libretto e nel libretto di installazione allegato.

AVVERTENZA: Rispettare la distanza minima di installazione dai fuochi indicata sul libretto di installazione.

Se le istruzioni di installazione del dispositivo di cottura a gas specificano una distanza maggiore, bisogna tenerne conto.


Εγχειρίδιο Χρήσης και Συντήρησης

Περιέχει επίσης οδηγίες για μια ασφαλή εγκατάσταση .

Πριν από την εγκατάσταση ή χρήση του απορροφητήρα , διαβάστε και ακολουθήστε

προσεκτικά τις οδηγίες που αναγράφονται στο παρόν εγχειρίδιο και στο εγχειρίδιο

εγκατάστασης που επισυνάπτεται .

ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ : Τηρείτε την ελάχιστη απόσταση εγκατάστασης από τις εστίες που

αναγράφεται στο εγχειρίδιο εγκατάστασης .

Εάν οι οδηγίες εγκατάστασης της εστίας αερίου συνιστούν μεγαλύτερη απόσταση ,

εφαρμόστε τις σχετικές οδηγίες .



Manual för Användning och Underhåll

Innehåller även instruktioner för hur du gör en säker installation.

Innan du installerar eller använder fläktkåpan, läs och följ noggrant instruktionerna i den här manualen och i bifogad installationsmanual.

VARNING: Respektera de avstånd från spisplattorna som står i installationsmanualen.

Om ett större avstånd specificeras i installationsanvisningarna som medföljer gasspisen måste detta avstånd beaktas.

Bruks- og vedlikeholdsveiledning

Inneholder også instrukser og forholdsregler for sikker installasjon.

Før installasjon og bruk av ventilatoren må du lese denne bruksveiledningen og vedlagte installasjonsveiledning nøye og følge alle instruksene som gis.

ADVARSEL: Overhold de minimumsavstandene til komfyrtoppen som er oppgitt i bruksanvisningen.

Dersom installasjonsveiledningen for et gassapparat krever enda større avstand, må denne avstanden overholdes.


Bruger- og vedligeholdelsesvejledning

Indeholder også anvisninger i og foreskrivelser for sikker installation.

Inden montering og brug af emhætten skal anvisningerne i denne vejledning samt i den medfølgende installationsvejledning læses og følges nøje.

ADVARSEL: Ved montering skal den minimumafstand fra kogezonerne, der an anført i installationsvejledningen, overholdes.

Hvis installationsvejledningen for gaskomfuret angiver en afstand, der er større end den anførte afstand, skal den største afstand overholdes.


Käyttö- ja huolto-ohjeet

Sisältää myös asennus- ja turvallisuusohjeet.

Lue tämän ohjekirjan sekä oheisen asennusoppaan ohjeet huolellisesti ennen liesituulettimen asentamista tai käyttämistä.

VAROITUS: Noudata asennusohjeissa mainittua minimietäisyyttä liedestä.

Jos kaasulieden asennusohjeissa määrätään yllä mainittua mittaa suurempi etäisyys, noudata sitä.

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Instrukcja obsługi i konserwacji

Zawiera również instrukcje i przepisy umożliwiające bezpieczną instalację.

Przed rozpoczęciem instalacji lub użytkowania okapu, proszę przeczytać uważnie instrukcje zawarte w niniejszej broszurze oraz w dołączonej instrukcji instalacji i proszę ich przestrzegać.

OSTRZEŻENIE: Proszę zachować minimalny odstęp instalowanego okapu od palników, zgodnie ze wskazaniami instrukcji. Jeżeli w instrukcjach instalacji kuchenki gazowej przewidziana została większa odległość, należy ją zastosować.


Návod k obsluze a údržbě

Obsahuje také pokyny a předpisy pro bezpečnou instalaci.

Před instalací nebo používáním odsávače par si pozorně přečtěte a dodržujte pokyny uvedené v tomto návodu a v přiloženém návodu k instalaci.

VAROVÁNÍ: Dodržujte minimální instalační vzdálenost od plamenů hořáku, uvedenou v návodu k instalaci.

Pokud je v návodu k instalaci plynového sporáku určena větší vzdálenost než uvedená, je nutné ji dodržet.


Návod na používanie a údržbu

Obsahuje aj pokyny a predpisy na bezpečnú inštaláciu.

Pred inštaláciou alebo používaním odsávača si prečítajte a dôsledne dodržiavajte pokyny uvedené v tomto návode a v priloženom návode na inštaláciu.

VAROVANIE: Dodržiavajte minimálnu inštalačnú vzdialenost’ od sporákov, ako je uvedené v návode na použitie.

Ak pokyny na inštaláciu plynovej varnej dosky predpisujú väčšiu vzdialenost’, dodržiavajte ich.


Használati és karbantartási útmutató

A biztonságos üzembe helyezésre vonatkozóan is tartalmaz előírásokat és utasításokat.

A készülék üzembe helyezése vagy használata előtt alaposan tanulmányozza át az ebben és az

üzembe helyezési útmutatóban foglaltakat.

FIGYELMEZTETÉS: A tűzhelytől való minimális távolság tekintetében tartsa be az

üzembe helyezési útmutatóban előírt értéket.

Amennyiben a gáztűzhely üzembe helyezési útmutatója nagyobb távolságot ír elő, úgy azt kell betartani.


Инструкции по эксплуатации и техобслуживанию

Содержит также инструкции и указания по безопасной установке.

Перед установкой и использованием вытяжки, прочтите и тщательно следуйте инструкциям, приведенным в данной брошюре, а также к прилагаемому руководству по установке.

ОСТОРОЖНО: Соблюдайте минимальное расстояние от огня, указанное в руководстве по установке.

Если инструкцией по установке газовой варочной панели предусмотрено большее расстояние, данное требование должно быть соблюдено.


Книжка за употреба и поддръжка

Съдържа и инструкции и предписания за надеждно инсталиране.

Преди инсталиране или употреба на аспиратора прочетете внимателно инструкциите, дадени в тази книжка и приложената книжка за инсталиране.

ВНИМАНИЕ: Спазвайте минималното разстояние на инсталиране от печки, посочени в книжката за инсталиране.

Ако в инструкциите за инсталиране на устройството за готвене на газ е указано по!голямо разстояние, трябва да се изпълнява това разстояние.


Manual de utilizare și întreţinere

Conţine și instrucţiuni și recomandări pentru o instalare sigură.

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ATENŢIE: Respectaţi distanţa minimă de instalare faţă de arzătoare indicată în manualul de instalare.

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5019 618 33085/A LI25DA

Electrical connection

The mains voltage must match that given on the rating plate located inside the hood. If provided with a plug, connect the hood to a socket complying with the current regulations and located in an accessible area. If it does not have a plug (direct connection to the power supply) or if the plug is not in an accessible place, fit a suitable double-pole switch that ensures complete disconnection from the power supply in category III overvoltage conditions, complying with the installation rules.

WARNING: Before reconnecting the hood circuit to the power supply and checking correct operation, always make sure the power cable is correctly fitted and that it was NOT crushed in its housing during installation. Make sure to have this operation carried out by a specialised technician.

Cleaning the hood

WARNING: Failure to remove oil/grease (at least once a month) could result in fire.

Use a soft cloth with a neutral detergent. Never use abrasive substances or alcohol.

Before using the hood

Please read these instructions carefully and keep them for future reference, in order to ensure best use of your hood.

The packing materials (plastic bags, polystyrene, etc.) are a potential source of danger and must be kept out of the reach of children.

Make sure the hood has not been damaged during transport.

Declaration of conformity

This product has been designed, manufactured and put on the market in conformity with:

- safety objectives of the “Low Voltage” Directive

2006/95/EC (which replaces 73/23/EEC as amended)

- protection requirements of “EMC” Directive 89/336/EEC amended by Directive 93/68/EEC.

Troubleshooting guide

If the hood does not work:

• Is the plug properly inserted in the power socket?

• Is there a power failure?

If the hood is not extracting enough:

• Is the right speed selected?

• Do the filters need cleaning or replacing?

• Are the air outlets blocked?

If the lamp does not work:

• Does the lamp need replacing?

• Is the lamp correctly fitted?


Before calling the After-Sales Service

1. Check to see if you can fix the problem yourself

(see “Troubleshooting Guide”).

2. Switch the appliance off and then on again to check if the problem has been eliminated.

3. If the problem persists, contact the After-Sales Service.


• the type of fault,

• the product model given on the dataplate inside the hood, visible on removing the grease filters,

• your full address,

• your telephone number and area code,

• the Service code (the number under the word SERVICE on the dataplate inside the hood, behind the grease filter).

If any repairs are necessary, contact an authorised Service

Centre (to ensure the use of original spare parts and correct repair).

Failure to comply with these instructions can compromise the safety and quality of the product.

5019 618 33085/A




The hood is designed for use in “Extractor version” or in

“Filter version”

Extractor version

(see symbol in installation handbook) fumes are extracted and expelled to the outside through a fumes exhaust hose (not supplied) fixed to the collar of the hood.

In accordance with the exhaust hose purchased, provide a suitable fixing system to secure it to the collar.

Warning: If already installed, remove the carbon filter/s.

Filter version

(see symbol in installation handbook)

Air is filtered through a carbon filter/s and recycled into the surrounding environment.

Warning : check that air recirculation is facilitated (to this end, carefully follow the instructions given in the installation handbook)


If the hood does not have a carbon filter/s, order one/them and fit it/them before use.

The hood comes provided with hardware (e.g.: screws and/or plugs) suitable for most walls/ceilings. However, it is necessary to contact a qualified technician to ensure suitability according to the type of wall/ceiling. The wall/ceiling must be strong enough to take the weight of the hood.

Very heavy product; hood handling and installation must be carried out by at least two persons.

5019 618 33085/A





5. Refit the grease filters.


Light switch.

Press the button to switch on the lights.

Extraction speed selection switch.

Press the button to select the extraction speed.

Keep the button pressed for 2 seconds to switch OFF.


Control panel.


Perimeter extraction panel


Grease filter




Telescopic flue

Warning! The hood can support a maximum weight of 5 kg

Bulb maintenance


Disconnect the electrical power supply.


Use a small screwdriver or any other suitable tool to prise off the lamp cover ( Fig.1



Remove the burnt-out bulb.


Use G4 20W max halogen bulbs only, taking care not to touch them with your hands.


Close the lighting unit (snap-on).

Perimeter extraction panel maintenance:

Clean the perimeter extraction panel as often as the grease filter, using a cloth and a not too concentrated liquid detergent. Never use abrasive substances.

Removing the perimeter extraction panel:

Pull the panel firmly towards you Fig.2


Warning! Hold the panel with both hands when you remove it or replace it, to prevent it from falling and causing damage or injury.

Fitting the perimeter extraction panel:

Refit the panel and secure it using the fastening pins located on the surface of the hood.


Always check to ensure that the panel is firmly fixed in place.

Grease filter maintenance:


Disconnect the electrical power supply.

2. Remove the grease filter/s (Fig. 3) . To remove, pull the spring loaded release handle back (f1) then extract the filter downwards (f2)

Carbon filter maintenance

(only for filtering hood installation models):

Fit a new carbon filter every 4 years

Fitting or renewing the carbon filter (Fig.4):


Disconnect the electrical power supply.

2. Remove the grease filters.

3. If the carbon filters are already mounted (two filters covering the motor protection grille) and need renewing, turn the central handle anticlockwise until the filters release.

4. If the filters are not already fitted, locate one on each side to cover both motor protection grilles, then turn the central handle of the filters clockwise.

5019 618 33085/A


Abb. 1


Abb. 2

Abb. 3

Abb. 4




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