Panasonic RQV460 Operating Instructions
Panasonic RQV460 is a portable stereo radio cassette player that combines versatility and functionality. With its compact size and lightweight design, you can easily carry it with you wherever you go. The RQV460 offers a wide range of features to enhance your listening experience.
rating Instructions Mode d'emploi Bedienungsanleitung Gebruksaanwijzing Bruksanvisning Brugsvejledning Istruzioni per l'uso Instrucciones de manejo Stereo Radio Cassette Player ` _ move. no. RQ-V460/V520 oT TE al Panasonic Before connection, operating or adjusting this product, E IEG: please read these instructions completely. eFor UK, the shape of the adaptors different. y OPEN res > EA Thank you for purchasing this unit. ! For optimum performance, foliow these | ENGLISH 4-19 operating instructions carefully, Precautions mu eme e Avoid using or placing this unit near sources of heat Do net leave it in an automobile exposed to direct sunitght for a long period of time with the doors and windows closed. as this may deform the cabmet eWhan not in use. disconnect the AC adaptor from the AC mains Supply. Precautions for listening with the headphones «Do not play your headset at a high volume. Hearing experts advise against continuous extended play. elf you experience a ringing in your ears, reduce volume or discontinue use. Do not use while operating a motorized vehicle. it may create a traffic hazard and is iliegal in many areas «YOU should use extreme caution or temporarily discontinue 3 use in potentially hazardous situations. : #Even if your headset is an open-air type designed to let you | hear outside sounds, don't turn up the volume so high that ; you cant hear whats around you, Stereo earphones (included) The right earphone cord is lon- ger than the left and is adjust- able for your convenience. ~ 4 — „Location of Controls sm (Refer fo Al) The feature of RO-V460 is different. = Dolby noise reduction function and XBS switch are not provided for RQ-V460. ‘ e666666660606606 mal a v © о o © Le] = o = Rewind button (REW) Fast forward button (FF) Stop button (STOP №) Playback/direction button (PLAY/DIR <« >) Push open button (PUSH OPEN) Headphones jack ( (3) Dolby" noise reduction switch (DOLBY NR) Operation/battery check indicator (OPR/BATT) Volume control (VOLUME) XBS switch (XBS) Battery compartment cover Reverse moc'e selector (REV MODE) Hold switch {HOLD) DC input jack: (DCIN3 Y 63€ ) Belt clip receptacie -. "Doiby roise reductien manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Carparatio 1. “DOLBY” and the doude-D symooi O0 are t'ademarks of Doldy Laboratories Licensing Corporaticn. Radlo operation @ © Tuning buttons (TUNING —, TUNING +) €) Memory button (MEMORY) O Memory select memory scan button {eM. SELECT/—M. SCAN} O Radio on/off « band select button (—_OFF:*ON RADIO, AM/FM BAND) © Direct tuning buttons (1, 2, 3) (D FM mode selector {FM MODE) Display section {) Tuning indicator (TUNED) €) Stereo indicator (ST) €) Direction Indicator (REV/FWD) a) Hoid indicator ED) Direct tuning indicator (DIRECT) € Band indicators (FM/AM) E) Multi indicator €) Memory indicator (ui) € Memory channel Indicator Stereo earphones section Y Remote control button €) Yolume control €) Siider When not in use, slide to prevent entanglemert of the cord. Power Source meme aa -- Battery operation (Refer to (El) insiall the two RE/LAG size balleries {Panasonic UM-3 or equivalent not included) as sown in the figure. To prevent possible damage to this unit : correctly. Do not apply Feat to batteries. or internal short-circuit may occur. elf this unit is net to be used for a long period of time, Or used on AC mains suppiy, remove all batteries and store them in a coo: and dry place. eRemove used batteries immediately. eDo noi use olc and new batteries together. Also never use an alkaline battery with a manganese battery. | eLoad new batteries with their polarities (Æ and =) aligned Battery removal ‘Press battery "2" :oward the G battery terminal and remove it. -Wher the balleries are weak, the OPH/BÂTT (operatior‘baîtery check) indicator will become dim or turn off dunng operation, and this -unit will turn off to protecting the memorized contents. ‘Replace with new batteries. When replacing the batteries, replace “them within 30 seconds, (If not, memorized conterts will canceiled.) When the power is. tumed off soon after increasing the volume, - pressing the operalion button or turning or: the radio, rep:ace the batteries. AC Power operation (Refer to ©) Connect the AC adaptor (Use only Panasonic AC adapior. RP-AC33, optional!) as shown in the figure Note: To operate on battery power, unplug the AC adaptor unit from the household AC power outiet and the DC input jack on the unit elf you leave the AC adaptor jack connected to the DC input jack while disconnecting the AC adaptor unit from the AC power outlet. the memorized contents for radio wili be cleared. When the battery indicator flashes and you wish to use the AC adaptor, be sure to connect the AC adaptor befcre removing the spent batteries. Cassette Tapes mn This unit is equipped with an auto tape select function, so you can use normal, CrO: or metal types of tape. Notes: eCassette tapes, bon recorded and unrecorded, should not be stored in locations with high temperature, high humidity or direct suniight. Never place a recorded cassette near a magnetic source such as a magnet or a TV set as this may affect tape performance * Do not use C-120 tapes with this und because these tapes can easily becomes broken or stretched if not used with extreme care and may get tangled with the capstan and pressure roller. Hold Operation mE E Setting the hold switch to "HOLD" position will hold the present condition, and reject the operation of the front panel butions. This is useful to prevent unexpected operation. (The hold indicator wilt appear on the display Y Before operating the front panel button, be sure to release the hold condition. (The hold indicator will disappear) - A — Tape Playback mu a 74. Press the pus open button to open the cover. Z. Insert the cassette. (Refer to [D.) _ After closing the: cover, the tape slack will be wound automatica:- - М. -3.. Release the hold state. The hold indication will disappear. 4. Press the playback/direction button and adjust the volume. The operationbattery indicator will light. The play indicztion will come up on the display. The direction indicator shows the directior of the running tape. FWD={!orward REV=reverse “To stop playback : Press the stop button. Fast forward and rewind . This unit allows the tape to fast forward or rewind by simply pressing - The fast forward or rewind button. “To fast Toward > tape, press the fast forward button. — To rewind the tapa, press the rewind button. _ eWhen the tape reaches its end, the tape wil! automatically stop. - Аз nlav pray = BEE kyr : Skip reverse - During playback, if you press the fast forward button, the tape is forwarded and the reverse playback will start from the beginning N automatically. . Rewind auto play During playback, if you press the rewind button, the tape is rewound - and the playback will start from the beginning automatically. Manual reverse Select the playback side by pressing the playbackidirection bution during playback. Auto reverse When the tape comes to its end, the auto reverse system functions and the tape direction changes automatically to start playing the opposite s:de of the tape. Sat the reverse mode selector to the desired mode. +—) : For playback of both sides of the cassette tape once Notes: ePiayback wil! stop when the end of raverse side is reached. elf playback starts from the reverse side, only that side will be played. Chao : For continuous piayback of both sides of Ihe cassette tape. Note: When the câssette compariment Cover is opened or after the batteries are repiaced. the playback will always start from the forward side. XBS switch (RO-VS20) XBS boosts the low frequency range. You can enjoy the dynamic low sound. Dolby noise reduction switch (RQ-v520) This unt includes Dolby noise reduction which reduces the noise Set the Dolby noise reduction switch to "ON" to playback a tape recorded with Dolby noise reduction. For other tapes, set the switch to "OFF". - 10 — Radio Reception - 1. Release the hald state. - The hold indicazion will disappear. _ Press the radio on/off-band select button to turn on the. — radio. - The frequency display will come up. Press the radio on/off » band select button again to select the desired band. —. The “AM” and "FM" wil appear aiternateiy. 4, Press the tuning button to tune in your favorite station. — Pressing either of the tuning buttons one by one makes the frequency display change. (AM step by 9 kHz. FM step by 0.05 MHz) Repeal the pressing until the frequency of the desired station - appears. hl e: 5. To turn off the radlo - Press the radio on/off « band select button for more than 1 second. - Antenna "FM: - The earphores cord serves as the FM antenna, hence be sure to use it extended, not coiled. ARN- _ The sensitive ferrite core antenna inside the set will provide excellent --AM reception in m¢st areas. For optimum reception, turn the set in the direction which gives the best resulis, since the ferrite core antenna is directional. - FM mode selector - To receive FM stereo broadcasts, set the FM mode selector to “STEREO”. If reception Is poor (excessive noise), set to "MONO". - This wi.l recuce the noise and provide clear reception; however, the - broadcast will not be heard in stereo. eWhen receiving tre FM stereo broadcasts, the stereo indicator wall appear. — 11 - How to memorize the broadcasting station To memorize into direct tuning buttons (for direct tuning) 6 stations FM and AM can be memorized. {3 FM and 3 AM stations) 1. Receive the station to be memorized, 2. Press the memory button. The memory indicator wili fiash on and off for 10 seconds 3. During flashing (for 10 seconds), press ane of the direct tuning (1, 2 or 3) buttons to be memorized. {Three beeps will be emitted.) The direct indicator and memory channel number will appear. and the memory indicator will light. To memorize into memory channels from 1 to 6 (For memory channel tuning) 12 stations can be memorized 16 AM and 6 FM stations! 1. Receive the station to be memorized. 2. Press the memory button. The memory indicator will flash on and off for TO seconds 3, During Hhashing for 10 seconds), press the memory select button to select the memory channel (1-6) to be memorized. The memory channel number wiil appear and each time the memory seiect button is pressed, the memory channel! number will change from 1 to 6 and retum. 4. During Hashing (tor 10 seconds), press the memory button agaln to enter the memory. (Three beeps will be emitted.) The memory indicator will light Note: The previous memory will be cleared when the rew memory is ertered into the same Memory channel. - 19 — How to tune in the memorized station ‘Direct tuning using the direct tuning buttons i. Release the hold state. =. Press the radio on/off «band select button. . Press the radio on/off -band select button to select the “desired band. . Press one of the direct tuning buttons {1, 2 or 3) to receive -vour desired station. © Г а Memory channel tuning i. Release the hold state, =. Press the radio on/off-band select button. “Select the desired radio band using the radio on/off band -select button. Press the memory select button until the desired memory channel number appears. Double beeps val! be emitted when returns (13. “ Por alo 1 Memory scan Once the stations "have been preset into the memory buttons for ‘channels 1 through &, the programs of each of those stations can be - heard for several seconds in turn simply by pressing the Memory --Scan Button. This ‘unction comes in handy for checking out what " kind of broadcasts are now being beamed by the preset stations. 1. Press the memory scan button for more than 1 second. - --The channel wii change in order 1—2—3—4—5—6—1—to each broadcasting for about a few seconds. . When your desired memory channel is displayed. press the memory scan Sutton once again. - Last station recall -This memory functions when the radio is off. When the radio is “turned on, the frequency received before it was turned off is tuned in again. — 13 — How to clear the unnecessary memory channels You can ciear the unnecessary memery channels for your conveni- ence (EX. 1—2—3—4-->5 +6) cleared 1. Turn on the radio and recall the memory channel to he cleared. 2. Press the memory button. The memory indicator will flash on and off for 10 seconds 3. While the memory indicator flashes on and off, press both of the tuning buttons at one time. The frequency display will disappear and "---" will appear instead 4. Press the memory bution. The threes beeps will! be emitted. Notes: Tre “--- display cannot be memorized into the direct tuning buttons If you press one of thé direct tuning buttons after the ‘---" is displayed, five Deeps will be emitted. The cieared channels can be reset to a new station by parfarming the memonzatron procedure above. — 14 — | Remote Control Operation MN - The Operation can Le changed, depending on how and how many times the remote control button is pressed in sequence. Tape operation [in stop condition | Press once ...The playback wil start. io stop ress the button once. To change the tape direction ...Press and hoid tae button for more than 1 second. To fast forward" …Press the button twice. To rewind”* Press the button three times. ‘In fast forward or rewind | To stop the operation and start playback Press the button once. "If the tape is forwar Jed to the end of the tape. the playback will start . from the reverse side automatically. (Ski2 reverse function) “if the tape is rewou-c to the beginning of the tape, the playback wil start irom the same side automaticaliy, (Rewind auto play function) Notes: = "Or volume adjustment, first set the volume control of the main unit ib 5-7. eWhen pressing the button twice or three times in succession, press - K within one second and at equal intervais. — 15 — Radio operation [in stop condition: Press and hold for more than 1 second The radio wi be turned on. [in radio operation: To turn off ...Prass and hold for more than 1 second To change the memory channei Press once by once (1+2—3—4—5—6) To change the receiving band ...Press twice by twice. (AM— FM) L y - 16 - ‘Remote Control Operation and Beeps wan The beep (Pi) will b2 emitted each time the remote control button: is pressed. Also, confirmation beeps wil: be emitted after pressing to confirm the proper operation. In tape operation | | | — ; Confirma- © Operation Beep tion Beep Function Press once | PI — | Play (during playback) PiPi PiP} | Fastforward : Press twice (Skip i reverse) (during playback) : PiPiPi ‚РРР! Rewind Press three times {Rewind auto play) (during playback) Pi Pi : Change tape Press and hold for direction more than one second (during playback) pi Pi... — Stop | Press once | | = 17 — In radio operation The single beep (Pi) will be emitted when the power is tumed on or off and the memary channel or the recenving band is changed The double beeps (Pi Pi} will be emitted when the memory channel returns to first steo (1) or tne receiving band returns to “AM” Maintenance (Reter to 7E).) SE 1; Cotton swab a: Head (2 Pressure rollers E Capstans The head assembly, capstans. and pressure rollers are in constant contact with the tape If these parts are dirly. the sound quality wi! be impaired. Periodically, clean these pars. 1. Open the cassette compartment cover. 2. The playback head, capstans and the pressure rollers can be seen. Ciean them with a cotton swab. Notes: eilt the head assembiy is extremely dirty, Clean it with à soft cloth dampened with a litte alcohol. e*eDo not bring metal articles or magnetic material, such as a scrowdriver, near !ne head assembiy. eDo not clean the plastic cabinet with banzine or ‘hinner. Clean it with a cloth, dampened in 2 mild solution of scap and water. Avoid excessive moisture. * Avoid spray-type insecticides. Some insecticides contain chemic- als that could cause cabinet deformation. - 18 - “Belt Clip eTo remove _sAttaching … elipto N ML - / <your belt ee — 19 — Nous vous remercions de votre achat de cet appareil. Pour en obtenir d'excellentes | > _ performances. véuilez suivre attantrvement FRANÇAIS 2 20- 35 les explications de ce manuel. Précautions Eviter de placer et d'utiliser l'appareil près de sources de chaleur Ne pas le laisser longtemps dans une voiture exposée en piein soleil, toutes portes et fenêtres closes car la température élevée pourrait endommager le coffret. e Quand l'appareil! n'est pas utilisé. débrancher l'adaptateur secteur au niveau dé la prise secteur. Précautions à l'écoute par les casques eine écoute prolongée à fort volume par les écouteurs es! déconseiliée par les spécialistes de l'oreille. e Si l'on éprouve un bourdonnement dans les oreilles, réduire la son ou arrêter l'écoute par ies écouteurs. eL'écoute par les écouteurs casque en conduisant un véhicuie automobile peut constituer un danger et être illégale dans certaines régions. eDans des situations présentant un danger. être axtrême- ment prudent ou arrêter l'écoute. Si le casque sont de type ouvert et qu'ils permetent donc la perception des sons extérieurs, ne pas élever le volume : pour être à même de les entendre. | Écouteurs stéréo (fournis) Le cordon de l'écouteur droit est plus long que celui de l'écouteur gauche et il est réglable à des frs de commodité - 20 — -Mantenimiento (Consulte EJ.) INTERE E Palito con algodón E Cabeza ó Rodillos de presión A Cabrestarte El conjunta de cabeza, Cabrestante y rodillos de presión están en contacto constante cor ta cinta. Si estas partes se ensucian. la calidad del sonido desmejorará. Limpie periódicamente esas partes como se muestra abajo. 1. Abra la tapa de compartimlento de casete. Pulse el botón de reproducción. La cabeza de reproducción, ; cabrestantes y los rodillos de presión se pueden ver. Limpielos con un palito con algodón. “Notas: - Si el conjunto de cabeza está muy sucio. limpielo can un paño suave empapadc en un poco de alcohol _- *No acerque articulos metáiicos o material megnético, tal como un destorniilador, cerca del conjunto de cabeza. .. *No limpie la caja Je plástico con bencina o diluyente. Limsiela con una solución de jabón y agua, eFvite insecticidas de tino rociado. Algunos insecticidas contieren productos químicos que podrían deformar la caja. Presilla para el cinturôn mme DDD Para quitarla — Presilla para el cinturón eColocación de Ir la presilla | a. E en su cinturón .. | LL oT | ПО Specifications Radio Frequency Range: Power Requirement: Power Output: Frequency Range: Tane Speed: Jack: input; Output; Dimensions: {(Wx<HxD} Weight: notice. Design and specifications are subject to change without FM; 87.5-108 MHz AM: 522-1611 kHz Battery: 3 Y (two R6/LR6, UM-3 batteries) АС; 220 V, 50 Hz with optional AC adaptor RP-AC33 (Рог UK, 240 V, 50 Hz with optional AC adaptor RP-AC33; 30 mW {15 mWx 2] . RMS (max.) 30—18000 Hz (Normal, CrO«/Metal) 4.8 cmvs DCIN: 3V EARPHONES 114 > 89.8 * 25_5 mm 200 g without batteries - 134 - ">

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Key features
- Combination of radio, cassette player and headphones in one device
- Auto tape select function for normal, CrO2, or metal tapes
- Dolby noise reduction (RQ-V520) for reduced noise and enhanced sound quality
- XBS (RQ-V520) for boosted low frequency range and dynamic sound
- Auto reverse function for continuous playback
- Skip reverse and rewind auto play for convenient tape navigation
Frequently asked questions
Yes, you can connect the AC adaptor (sold separately) to the DC input jack on the unit to operate it on AC mains supply.
The provided manual does not mention a clock function for the Panasonic RQV460.
The provided manual does not mention a recording function for the Panasonic RQV460. It is primarily a playback device for cassettes and radio.
The Panasonic RQV460 uses two RE/LAG size AA batteries (Panasonic UM-3 or equivalent).
There is a dedicated headphones jack (3) on the unit where you can plug in your headphones.