pe ge ING Y = nz 7 но © № ZZ 2 x oz U m : a Xx TZ U © < EZ E a > Z té pu 5 == bn | © © 27 E > = £7 528 = CB | De дом вне ов = > EF HZ EL 2a; 22 © с 22 ES Em © ZEEE ZE с = en 22 ВО E . © a] rt = Ш 7 A fom = > = > 7 у > == Tf Z =-£% <= ZE < & бесы © e = Zz = Un | z OZ E Tem ©& =P YES en 55 pr e E > = чобы Бок = EZRED ZAS LP) ml © = ОВО « О BEHEERSOEOZL oS 7 EC mE Dre w LITE 2HE=O~ © SEES „т B=OBREMESERm Е мн обод Вы о Ва ©) ви E OE LO E AL fo 7, Lo - = za = TA ue wy =F! BEOZ wm =CAx ОБН ВОН © © ое т тон п VERFUAEOCZ <== = OT CRvfSC2oo,x"{É2TEZSEXE EZONE En DAxEZET SED | SEORETRÓST ERES SLÍCSICEOEEEE Wo CE aE re ls CEE REE EEE a its dedrazS d do dim vue PP. Crs rrr E T TTT TTT S222 82222223 © 5 3355 555 228% ERE2222 E E 22% 222 оное пене = 2222 ВОВ В SESE SILLAS Е £ 222 É22 У т > я ate SUUU ОСОБО C 5 500 £5855 (Only for MFC 1850MC/1950MC) .. . and look for a free Starter Pack , Pre 7 of Laser Plain Paper < inside your MFC Carton MFC works with virtually any p nn end. a laser р fain p paper” for the bes “laser plain paper is available at almost any office supply store. % SETUP & PREPARATION BEFORE USE 1-1 Common Misunderstandings about Fax Machines ..............e...ee1reneerienenee 1-1 What Are Fax Tones? ee ece ar erre eee entonar 1-1 Why Does the Ring Change in F/T Mode? cc. 1-1 What is the Fax “Handshake”? ................ O What Causes the Transmission Verification Report 1 to o Print “Result: NG”? ............ereeinimne nene ene enero nece 12 Is This a Fax Сай? „мне O How Can I Send the Call to My Fax Machine”. cerercessaee car sran esse enr esa ses saute 1-3 What is the Difference Between Automatic and Manual Transmission? .. 1-3 What is the Difference Between Automatic and Manual Dialing? ........... 1-3 What Should I Do If My Fax Machine Does Not Have a Dial Tone? ...... 1-3 Choosing a Suitable Place for Your Fax Machine .…………srsereorsnessensene 1-4 The Good Places... ..............eeemieiiieenrenie ice einen erica arenero re ee nes e... 1-4 And the Bad PLACES... cove cies emis e Re DD e. 1-4 Packing List …….….……ercisreersiaresenententennesaneesersenerasenrne ce eens esas eree 1-5 Setting up Your Fax Machine ee es IQ * Roll Over Phone Lines ...............2....11.eeemeeeiieeer cancer rre Deere 1-9 * Two Line Phone System ..............r-....r1.eermrererieeencnenee eee e a eee 1-9 » Converting Telephone Wall Outlets O TS 1-10 * Installing a Fax Machine, Two Line TAD and Two Line Telephone ..... 1-10 * Multi Line Connections (PBXS) ….….….……ccerincecrnssrerenenenenennennes 1-41 « Connecting to a Private Branch Exchange ........ mrénessearessseerrna nent sre nas rens ne 1-11 * Custom Features on Your Phone Lille rer 1-11 “+ THE CONTROL PANEL KEYS 2-1 ONE-TOUCH AREA …....crirerereresreecentersrrenconrerensensanana se ranene sea canen ans ese 2-3 FUNCTION AND USER SETTING AREA …..crircrrrersreecceraregerrsscressr encres 2-4 МЕЗЗАОВ СЕМТЕЕ АКВА... nenerira ne inancoco ra roaecerertene nera re reten. 2-3 “ HOW TO USE ON-SCREEN PROGRAMMING (OSP) AND HELP KEY 3-1 User-friendly Programming essen WEREKEKRRRRRRERKEERREKKERKLEEREEFEERLRREREEAEEEEG 3-1 On-screen Programming (OSP) reset EEE EEE EEE 3-1 Using the Function Mode to Access On-screen Programming (OSP) ............. 3-1 Alternating Displays for On-screen Programming (OSP) voici. 322 Function Selection Table ........ii ieee ee eee cea 3-2 Help Key |... ae teeter setae metas eee ens 3-9 How to print a Help List ............. jaancessna nana encens eres setter tates etree ns 3-9 How to Enter Text in Function MOJE …….….…rerirrrrseresssrencarirners sans esea ra censcee 3-9 How to Enter Special Characters, Symbols and Punctuation Marks in Function MOCE ….…..….……siresrinresrencercraneenrrsrerscraranrasrenerena ser énerracerraneen a ser sacs 3-10 * TELEPHONE FUNCTION SETTINGS 4-1 Setting the Dialing Mode (Tone/PUlSE) ……………crecrirerecensserssennensenns errant 4-1 Setting the Beeper Sound Level ................... ner ee EEE EEE 4-1 Setting the Date and Time ..............=.e.vecmmmercano reee IDR DDR nene Tes 4-2 Setting the Station ID o.oo essere re 4-3 Storing One-Touch Dial Numbers ................emrmerene ee rare 4-4 * Types of NUMDETS ooo eee eee eee, 4-6 * Chain Dialing.......... eee ee eee 4-6 Storing Speed-Dial Numbers .. „сене. 4-6 * When You Wish to Change the Stored One-Touch and Speed- Dial Numbers (During Step 4 on Page 4-4, 7) ...............0 4-8 * Memory Storage .....................eeseneei nena ee ercer Deere 4-8 Setting Up Number Groups ..............e.... mee riera ener eee eee 4-8 “+ USING THE UNIT AS A TELEPHONE 5-1 Manual Dialing ……….………………eeemnenennençnnnnnnmnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn+nnmn*nnmn del One-Touch Dialing …………..……reensensennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 5-1 Speed DIAling …..….…….rrrcerrerecérressrnserrenereneraner een recr rare cerner ee eee 5-1 * Using HOLD, PAUSE, # with the Telephone are 5-1 On Hook DIialing ……….….….serrnerererenrereserenense rase crenrerasresessenneeecuns 5-1 Searching the Telephone INdEX ……….…..….………rrareresranensenseancenrenrancaneneenseennes 522 “+ SENDING FAXES 6-1 A) DOCUMENT BASICS... EEE EEE recrean 6-1 B) C) D —" The Size of Your DOCUMENTS ….…......…...rscccrurcrararasserereresssenaseasrec cr erennenene 6-1 How to Insert the Document essen 6-1 The Auto Document Feeder (ADF) are O2 Getting Ready to Send à FAX o.oo RR Re eee eee 6-2 SETTING THE RESOLUTION …………ccrrcrarerrarecersereasrareraanresrenes scene 6-2 "SETTING THE CONTRAST ….….….…………cerssrsrrsneenerssenerneensensasennencen 6-3 BASIC FAX TRANSMISSIONS .................e00ereenimeeaer rincon ene ees 6-4 * Sendinga Fax ...........—....e.eeerieere rice nene een De eee Den ne narrenreenereces 6-4 « Talking to the Other Party When Sending a Fax eee 6-4 Sending a Fax Automaticallÿ …….………ecensenemreensienensennenenntannnnännnnnnnnÜ)ts Sending a Fax Manuallÿ …...…..serersersriensenencrasassenarensea races enaa sen e ce ceees 6-5 Automatic and Manual Re-dialing ……….………...….eereareerenesentenirese re rennes 6-5 * Optional Settings When You Send a Fax Manually ....................... 6-5 ADVANCED FAX TRANSMISSIONS coisas 6-6 Sending a Fax by Using Super Quick-Scan (Memory Transmission} …… 6-6 + If You Get a MEMORY FULL Message When Trying to Send _ a Fax by Using Super Quick-Scan cocoon, 6-6 » Printing Page Headers ……….….….….….…ssrereerenenmenesenserenentsecescranresse 6-6 Delayed Transmission .. cs еее 6-7 Setting the Daily Timer (for Delayed Transmissions) passesssensaprerentre een 6-7 BrOAÂCASTINE ….....…….rcererereeseserenarse seras ere rene senr entrera ee nesée meer een 6-8 * Getting Familiar with the Broadcasting Function ………….…………ceeer 6-8 Sending by Multi- Transmission ver RDA „ее. 6-9 Interrupting the Timer and Polled Job ....................... ene i, 6-10 Canceling a JOD ove ee ee 6-11 FAX TRANSMISSION OPTIONS ............reeeemeeeneneeimnenenon 0-12 Setting the Overseas Mode .. cere ee ... u... 6-12 Setting Your Fax Machine for Multiple Resolution Transmission caries 6-13 Sending a Fax with an Electronic Cover Page Message ...........eeeeeneee.. 6-14 * The Comments Selection on the Cover Page ...................2.e 6-14 Customizing Your Cover Page Comment esse Ó-13 Printing the Cover Page ………...….crerirserirencenseeneeressreresrss san e Dee 6-15 To Always Send a Cover Page cocoon ieee 6-16 + Sending an Automatic Cover Page area 6-16 Sending a Fax When the Cover Page ISON... 6-17 When Using the Cover Page Temporarily ................. 2.2.0 6-17 Sending a Fax with Call Reservation... eee 6-18 * Using the Call Reservation Function ............. eee 6-19 Printing the Call Back Message .................1=...10m.i0000miien IS ECM (Error Correction Mode) eerie eer DR TRA 6-20 Error Re-TrANSMISSION ….….rereremrensenrarenseransre rent are nes censé rens ar rence 6-20 Next-FAX RESErVATION .…..……crsrrccrecrerersrenrarsranen means an esa ren ste caca nee cerner 6-21 % RECEIVING FAXES AND OTHER CALLS 7-1 A) BASIC SETUP TO RECEIVE FAXES mieten 7-1 Selecting an Answer Mode ...................1=..erimereereeriea erre Renee nee 7-1 Manual Reception (MANUAL Mode) ores 7-2 Automatic Fax Only Reception (AUTO Mode) ….…….…...serreseesecernencenrenre 7-2 Setting the Ring Delay coos 7-2 The F/T Switch (F/T Mode) .. .. 7-3 Recording an F/T Outgoing Message (OGM) (Only for FAX 1450MC/1550MC and MFC 1850MC/1950MC).............. 7-4 Setting the F/T Ring Time .................reeeeeezerree er recen eee DRA DDR 7-3 SMOOthing oe rir ocre nero nerorrericaneericanareeneranerna re nnenea 7-5 Setting the Size of the Recording Paper ..…..........……rererenmereresensensenmeneane 7-6 B) ©) р) Printing a Reduced Size Copy of the Incoming Document ....................... Using Auto Reduction RatiOS …....…eeiesrenresnmnennennnnnnnnnmnnmnnnn 127 Fixed Reduction .............. merecen nee Ren e DR reese res 7-7 » Selecting the Ratios of Fixed Reduction .................. erre 7-8 Speaker Volume ................ revertir eee ce erre rece nar tarea ratreno carrera een. 7-9 Ring Volume .....occo nene eer reentrant 7-9 *» Reception into e of + Paper Reception 7-10 REMOTE ACTIVATION .. 7-11 What is Remote Activation? .. .. errant eenes . 711 « Connecting an External or Extension Telephone . raressnersenese ne sensan 0000 7-11 Using Remote Codes ......... mee... eee KEER EEE 1211 Using the Activation Code: ................. 222. reee e nnmee 7-12 Using the Deactivation Code: essen PLZ Making the Remote Codes Easier to USE ............ enero 7-12 Troubleshooting ...................e..e..eeriereccrreerren e ica reee eco ree reee 7-12 Changing and Registermg Remote Codes ................ e... RER 7-13 CONNECTING A TELEPHONE ANSWERING DEVICE (TAD) ....... 7-14 How to Use External TAD with the Unit (The TAD Mode for FAX 1350M)................eeneriecacinecontinn ne 7-14 * Connecting an External TAD to the Unit ............... eme 7-14 Example of the Sequence of External TAD Reception (Sequence of TAD Mode for FAX 1350M) ...............e.:.e0mnennn 713 HOOKUP O TT A ee 7-15 Recording the TAD’s Outgoing Message (OGM) eu 7-15 DISTINCIIVE RINGING ...........2e..n0eecmenen een ee renace reee 7-16 Distinctive Ringing .…....…reenenenetnennnennnnennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuännnÜ td te What Is Distinctive Ringing? ........... rer 7-16 Can My Fax Machine Use Distinctive Ringing? . penas 7-16 Can I Change the Setting Later? ............. .... .7-16 How Will the Fax Machine Treat All Other Distinctive Ringing? . … 7-16 How Does the Distinctive Ringing Function Work? ……………….…...…….. 7-16 What is the Advantage of Using the Distinctive Ringing Function? 7-16 Setting the Distinctive Ringing Function een 7-17 * While You Are Setting the Distinctive Ringing Function: ............... 7-18 * Once You Have Finished Setting the Distinctive Ringing Function: 7-18 How to Turn the Distinctive Ringing Function ON or OFF.................... 7-19 E) CALLER ID .….......…escvrerererierircarearirerrereseasraneara rene sr rene rereree rene enr rennes 7-20 What is Caller ID? cocoons 7-20 Advantages of Caller ID essen EEE EEE EEE 7-20 How Does the Caller ID Work? ..............002. 00 EEE 7-20 The Caller ID Appears on the Display When Your Telephone RITES «eee eee eects sess reer sents ae eaten 7-20 The Caller ID is Stored in Your Machine’s Memory... 7-21 Scanning through a Caller 1D from the Memory .........e......reeeeen 7-21 * Clearing the Caller ID Stored into Memory ...............e....71eemmecai 7-21 Printing the Caller ID List ......................eenin no eee nacen 7-22 + POLLING | 8-1 + What Is Poli rer ree 8-1 » How Does It WOrK? rer aaron aerea reee 8-1 * Whento Use Polling?” ...................erierecineneriecacar een tente ener caera ren reee. 8-1 Polling Another Fax Machine (Calling) ..........................ieemmen e u... 8-2 Setting up Polled Waiting (Being Called) essen 8-2 Secure Polling ……....……...ercrisccreneaennenen en cerra ce canracenaecerran een cesse een ee 8-3 Polling Another Brother Fax Machine with Secure Code (Calling) ................ 8-3 Setting up Polled Waiting with Secure Polling (Being Called) ....................... 8-4 Delayed Polling...................e.. em... ner rece 8-5 Setting up Polled Waiting with Super Quick-Scan ....................eremeneree e. 8-5 Sequential Polling .. O 8-0 » PASSWORD | | 9-1 + Whatls Password? .....................irecerioei erre errar cerrar cerrar cer 9-1 * How Does the Password Work? ....................eee.e-eeriee nene Dee 9-1 + When to Use Password Plus? ................ Nrenicaniventenaner oaontreceri caco rcacicacer reee. 9-1 Sending Faxes with a Password ..................e-rierererieerrereer re DIR IRÉ DI DIA 9-1 — Receive Password ...................imiee nina ne errar erecta 9-2 REMOTE FAX OPTIONS (ONLY FOR FAX 1350M) 10-1 Setting the Fax Storage ......... e. eeeee=cereerer ere RR ne Deere ee 10-1 Paging/Fax Forwarding ................. e. nena Ren eee DenreeneD. 10-2 Setting Up Paging and Registering the Paging Number ....................——..—.... 10-3 Setting Up Fax Forwarding and Registering the Fax Forwarding Number ... 10-4 What Is Remote Control ACCESS? _……ccrcrrassersenenentersannenerererere nent sne rss e rene nnes 10-5 Setting the Remote Access Code ............ eee rete eee ree beta teehee erent ares ee eens 10-5 How to Use Remote Access and Control Codes .................... eee 10-6 Remote Retrieval .................eererevcescocreieseasrocaricaeeareoraerearrenecararrenererireertee me 10-6 When to Press the Remote Access Code ooo Remote Control Commands ...............e=mmeesereees maveressa asser nansence near errr 10-7 Printing a Fax Message ............. 11.000 nece e e e e A 10-7 How to Receive the Memory Status List and Retrieve a Fax Message Remotely ................eeiirenci tae ener 10-8 How to Change the Fax Forwarding Number Remotely ......................—.. 10-8 “* MESSAGE CENTER MODE SETTINGS (ONLY FOR FAX 1450MC/13550MC, MEC 1850MC/1950MC) 11-1 A) GETTING STARTED B) ©) D) E) F) G) 11-1 CCE EEE NEN What Is the Message Center Mode? cc... nena What Do | Want the Message Center to DO? ……........orresreneirenesencensens 11-2 Flowchart Sequence of an Incoming Cala 11-3 The 3 Basic Steps to Turn the Message Center Mode ON eier 11-7 Setting the Message Storage ..................eremeneriieeriee cer ee DD DRA 11-7 Recording the MSG CTR Outgoing Message (MSG CTR OGM) .......... 11-8 Activating the Message Center MOde are 11-9 GETTING YOUR MESSAGES Loerie ne 11-9 How Will T Know Messages Have Been Received? .................eeemeririceos 11-9 + What Happens When the Memory Is Fuil.. …………rccerrrescersrrsenmersaucre 11-9 Playing an Incoming Voice Message (ICM) and Recorded Memo (or Votce Alarm) .............eeeecorocercecerorrrestirerrarerare nee ee nacen tocara reee tere reee 11-10 Back-up Printing OptIOO ….….……rirsrenrensienerneneersrrererine DD … 11-10 Printing a Fax MEssageE.….….....…rrrerecrarsrasessnnansanar ene ee 11-11 + Erasing and Printing FAX Messages KERLE EEE 11-11 Calling Your Message Center for Messages (See Remote Retrieval) ... 11-11 ERASING YOUR MESSAGES …….……rcecirenescsenenseeascenrenssenansa ne sren race nas 11-12 Erasing Incoming Voice Messages, Fax Messages and Recorded Meno (OF VOICE Alarm) ...............eceseeconvicacerieeacarereritecec rte rcece cer reee 11-12 One by One Erasing ..............==e.eermerieccer nene rene ee 11-12 Allin One Erasillg ..............e.r.eeeerricericecorrreocecarerere er e rares 11-12 CHANGE THE QOUTGOING MESSAGE ............e..rrescemenrrenecericenneenes 11-13 Playing Your Outgoing Message (OGM) ...............-.11000cenere 11-13 Erasing Your Outgoing Message (OGM) .....................2eeemenenieenina 11-13 MORE FEATURES ............emi0eiimeecenimenene nene nerneo renacer enana cer en recae. 11-14 Setting the Toll Saver ................e mier e RR ee eee 11-14 Setting the Maximum Time for Incoming Messages (ICM MAX. TIME) -...........—...aeinenen nene eterno eee 11-14 Changing the Recording Mode Setting (Voice Quality} 11-15 Recording a CONVErSAtION .….………..serrrerenrerererenerecrerrena nent re seen secs sre nee e 11-15 Recording a Memo …..…..….essereisssensensessenarsraanensenerenare save rra racer ares rentrer 11-16 PAGING/FAX FORWARDING ....c…urressrescensarerine ne serre nrerenn ce cena 11-16 What is Paging/Fax Forwarding? ...................... EEE ER cessnesnen 11-16 Setting Up Paging (Registering Paging Number) ........................eme..... 11-17 Setting Up Fax Forwarding (Registering Fax Forwarding Number) … 11-19 * Memory Back-up of Message Center Memory ................... eee... 11-19 Changing the Fax Forwarding Number Remotely ...............e.....ememee 11-19 REMOTE RETRIEVAL.............. eter eee erate hae a eer ease rere saa 11-19 What Is Remote Control ACCESS? vssassarrrseasr ess rr ce re e eee. 11-19 H) Setting the Remote Access Code ..............r erecta 11-20 Using the Remote Access COJE iirc 11-21 Remote Control COMMANTS …...…..rrrresresareessee nent esrerae caserne ser canne 11-22 Retrieving the Memory Status List and Fax Messages Remotely 11-23 Changing the Fax Forwarding Number Remotely ...................mmecmeoma [1-23 Vice ALAIN eeerrerrre ren EEE EEEEEEEERKEREEKRELTAREEERRARERAEERERERLKERLKORERAKERRRUKREREEEEG 11-24 Setting the Voice Alarm .. ees See 11-24 * Recording Voice Messages for the Voice Alarm. crue „ен 11-25 How Will the Voice Alarm Perform When the Set Time Comes.. … 11-26 Using the Voice Alarm: Playing Entries, Erasing Entries One by One, Erasing All at Once... ves prrecerenacarincarereenerenencenenarenceneroneccore 11-27 Remote Control of the Voice Alarm. panareccarecacneninertCe erica r Tre cre naeracenoeoares 11-27 “+ MESSAGE CENTER PRO SETTINGS (ONLY FOR FAX 1450MC/1550MC, MEC 1850MC/1950MC) 12-1 A) B) ©) GETTING STARTED …...…..crccravarsrarsscaneecerrenara rose sen nan teens names essence cannes 12-1 What is Message Center Pro ices cesse 12-1 What Fax-on-Demand and Voice-on-Demand DO ver 12-1 « Application Examples of Fax-on-Demand/Voice-on-Demand Features ...............eeericerrireeerrreenar reo trace eneneco cer en re recan en resrcanre reee 12-2 What the Personal MailbOX DDOES .…...….…rrerccrirasissensensene seras sen sense care ce0e 12-2 « Application Examples of Personal Mailbox... 12-3 How the Caller Accesses the Fax-on-Demand, Voice-on-Demand Memory Boxes or Personal Mailboxes ............. NS Y SETTING UP THE RAX/YOICE- ON-DEMAND . terest esata 12-5 e * Ist Level OGM: (Message Center Pro Outgoing Message) ........... 12-6 e ** ?nd Level OGM: (Fax-on-Demand, Voice-on-Demand, Mailbox Outgoing Message) ................e...eenmeenine ne 12-6 e Access to the Target Memory BOX: coon se 12-6 Setting up Step la: For Fax-on-Demand .….….seeesermennsenesennnesnnnn 12-7 Storing/Erasing/Printing Fax Information in a Memory Box ........... 12-7 Setting up Step 1b: For Voice-on-Demand .. reer … 12-10 Recording/Erasing/Playing Voice Information ina Memory Box... 12-10 SETTING UP THE PERSONAL MAILBOX ii, 12-12 Setting up Step lc: For Personal MailboX o.oo een 12-12 A Password and Recording a Personal Mailbox OGM for the Mailbox .. к ... 12-12 Setting up Step 2: Recording/Frasing/Playing the 2nd Level OGM for each Fax-on-Demand, Yoice-on-Demand, and Personal Mailbox .. 12-13 Recording an OGM eee 12-13 Erasing an OGM ...........e.eeeeemeeriieceeceri nece nee eee 12-14 Playing an OGM ................-.rreemmemeeciieer remera nee 12-15 Setting up Step3: Recording/Erasing/Playing the 1st Level OGM (Message Center Pro OGM)... eens cassesereserse case ses scr canne 12-16 Recording the Message Center Pro OGM... casararern messes enr ne scene scene 12-16 Erasing the Message Center Pro OGM... 12-17 Playing the Message Center Pro OGM ass... 12-17 Setting up Step 4: Turning on the Message Center Pro... 12-138 D) LISTENING TO ICMs (Incoming Messages) ....................mieemeimee 12-18 Listening to the ICMs in the Personal Mailboxes .............. irse. ..... 12-18 Retrieving the ICMs (Incoming Messages) in the Personal Mailbox REMOTELY coerce erases seas 12-19 Recording a Memo in Personal Mailbox on the Machine ............c........ 12-20 Erasing ICMs (Incoming Messages) from the Personal Mailboxes ...... 12-21 Erasing Voice ICMs One by One .....c..ccoovee evenness 12-21 Erasing All of the Fax/Voice ICMs at One Time... 12-22 HOW TO USE THE COPY FUNCTION 13-1 Makmg a Single Copies ................erveeieece e ID RI RI IR ee 13-1 Making Multiple Copies coisas eee RD e 13-2 * What To Do When You Get a “MEMORY FULL” Message while MAKING COPIES «evista eee eset ces estes seen 13-2 Making Reduced and Enlarged Copies ....................... vee 13-3 * PRINTING REPORTS AND LISTS | 14-1 Activity Report Interval ................—...e.e.miemecer e 14-2 Printing the All Dial List are en re Ree Erre ereee 14-3 Transmission Verification (Xmit) Report ………..….…..……eesrereesenenenenenes 14-4 . Memory Status LISt.….......…..…srrresrererarerns sa cerr ren cr ren rrenaenes errs mamans 14-6 * REGULAR MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING15-1 Regular Maintenance .................. Cetera eat ee ee tebe eneeerinonerciea enero REKEN 15-1 Paper JAMS .…......…rrsrenrrrarenenrene renier renenrenene en srenrana nana serons era ramener ere cannes 00 00 15-2 Fixing a Document JAM ….….....…...…errrerirrenencarsennes rrrrenemence cran ma seras 15-2 Fixing a Recording Paper JAm ….…...…......ccrrirenrensesmiss ID 15-2 Optional Memory BOard .….….…sesreenenennennennnnnMennnnennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmnnn Os Troubleshooting ..................e.i.eecerieeriee ene DI De Ree e nc ree 134 Error MESSAGES .…rreriescarsenssenesentencenne nana nerrarcra rss ra sara sense nanas res nee 15-4 Other Problemas .....................rmerieeeie ree Re Der Ree cero ee. 15-5 * IMPORTANT INFORMATION a 16-1 Standard Telephone and FCC Notices (Applies only to 120V model)}.......... 16-1 Important Safety Instructions ................e. esmero reser srs 16-3 + INDEX | 17-1 % SPECIFICATIONS 18-1 How to Use This Owner’s Manual Thank you for purchasing a Brother fax machine. This fax machine has been designed to be simple to use, but you can utilize it to its fullest potential by taking some time to read this owner's manual. You will be ready to use the fax machine as soon as you read the first four chapters. Then you can refer to topics in the remaining chapters, as needed. Structure of the Manual E Chapters 1-4 How to set up the fax machine and what you need to know before you use 1t. E Chapters 5-7 Basic operations, how to send and receive faxes. H Chapters 8-12 Advanced operations for sending and receiving faxes. E Chapter 13 How to copy. H Chapter 14 How to print reports and lists. E Chapters 15-19 Important Information. Finding Information in the Owners Manual * Use the table of contents, This side of the manual is coded so you can find topics easily. | « Ifthere is a key on the fax machine you are not familiar with, refer to chapter 2. * To find information about a function, refer to the “Function Selection Table” in chapter 3. * If you have trouble, refer to chapter 15 on troubleshooting. e Use the chapter 17 index. Test Sheet Procedure Please fill out the TEST SHEET and fax it to 1-908-469-4547 as your first transmission. This will verify that your fax machine is properly installed. When this document is received at Brother Diagnostic Center, a confirmation sheet will be sent back to your machine from Brother Automatic Fax Back Response System. Be sure to set up your “Station ID” . (See page 4-3.) FAX NO. : 1-908-469-4547 (Fax Transmission Only) TEL NO. : 1-800-284-4FAX (Voice Phone Only) 1-800-284-4329 I. SETUP & PREPARATION BEFORE USE Common Misunderstandings about Fax Machines This section is for people who are using a fax machine for the first time. Its purpose is to take away the mystery. Once you understand the meaning of the new tones you will be hearing on your phone line, you will be able to send and receive faxes with ease. This will help you troubleshoot an occasional problem with a fax transmission, by listening through your one-way speaker to discover the problem. What Are Fax Tones? First the sending machine sends CNG tones, soft intermittent beeps at 4 second intervals. You will hear them when you dial and press the START key. CNG stands for “calling” tones. They continue for 30 seconds after dialing; during that time the sending machine must begin the “handshake” with the receiving machine. Each time you send an “automatic” fax transmission, you arc sending calling tones over the phone line. Learn to listen for these soft beeps each time you answer a phone on your fax line so you will know if you are receiving a fax message. Then the receiving machine responds with fax receiving tones, loud chirping sounds. When a machine begins the receiving mode cycle, it will chirp for 40 seconds over the phone line. At the same time, the fax machine’s display screen will say “receiving”. If you set your machine to AUTO answer mode for a dedicated fax line, it will answer every call automatically with fax receiving tones. Sometimes people will call your fax line by mistake and hang up when they hear the shrill chirping sounds. Your machine is not malfunctioning when it continues to say “receiving”; it must complete its 40 second cycle, even though the call was not a fax message and the caller hung up. To take your machine out of receiving mode, press the STOP key. The fax machine answers with a short beep when it answers in F/T or Message Center mode. This can not be changed. After the beep the fax machine listens for CNG tones. When it hears CNG tones, it responds with receiving tones. Why Does the Ring Change in F/T Mode? When a double-ring (short, short) occurs after the normal long rings in the Fax/Tel Switch (F/T mode), it means your fax machine is telling you to take over a call. The fax machine has answered either a telephone call or a manual fax (no calling tones). When you hear the double-ring, pick up any extension phone or the handset of your fax machine. What is the Fax “Handshake”? The calling machine sends CNG tones (beeps) and the receiving machine sends receiving tones (chirps). During the handshake these tones must overlap for 2-4 seconds so the fax machines can set up protocol. The sending machine states how it is sending the message; the receiving machine answers whether it is capable of receiving that way. The sending machine’s CNG tones continue for only 30 seconds after the number is dialed. Calls must be answered within 4 rings (20-22 seconds) or less, because the handshake can not begin until the call is answered. With 4 rings, only 8-10 seconds are left for the fax machines to hear their tones clearly and communicate. Timing is crucial. When you have a telephone answering device (TAD) on your fax line, you can set the TAD to answer in 4 rings as long as you record a 5 second silence as the beginning of your OGM (outgoing message) (see page 7-14 for more information.). This will prevent the OGM from covering up the fax tones during the 8 seconds that are left for the handshake. As soon as your TAD answers a call, your fax machine will listen for fax tones for 30 seconds. So you must limit your speaking to 20 seconds (25 second total OGM). Since many people dial manually without realizing they are not sending fax tones, you should give your Remote Activation Code (*51) as the last part of your 20 second Message. For example: “After the beep, either leave a message or send a fax by pressing x51.” (See page 7-11 for more information.) What Causes the Transmission Verification Report to Print “Result: NG”? During the handshake, the document(s) you are sending begin to roll through the feeder and stop until the handshake is completed and the machines are ready to send and receive the data. If there is noise or static on the phone line or if the machines do not agree on protocol, they drop their baud rate to the next lower level and try again. The initial baud rate is 14400, then 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800 and finally 2400. (The Fax 1350M begins at 9600 baud.) Transmissions as low as 2400 baud can be successful. So, do not stop your machine. If the transmission fails, a Transmission Verification Report will be printed automatically with “Result: NG”. This usually means the transmission was “No Good” because of temporary noise or static on the phone line. Try to send the fax again. Also, you may try sending a fax to other locations to seeif the problem ison the phone | line at your end. Is This a Fax Call? There are three signs that the call you answered is a fax. You will hear either soft intermittent beeps (Automatic transmission), silence (Manual transmission) or the voice of someone telling you he or she is trying to send you a fax (Manual transmission). Do not hang up the handset. It is very frustrating for the person who hears you repeatedly answer and hang up. People who dial manually are waiting to hear fax tones before pressing START. You must activate your fax machine to take over the call before you disconnect the line by replacing the handset. How Can I Send the Call to My Fax Machine? When you answer a call that is a fax transmission, you must activate your fax machine to go into fax receiving tones (chirping) before you hang up. If you have answered the fax handset, press the START key and hang up immediately. If you are on another phone, there is no START key so you must press your three-digit Remote Activation Code. The factory default setting is *51. Press the code quickly and wait to hear your fax machine chirp through the handset. It takes 3 seconds for the fax to respond. You can press the code as many times as needed. What is the Difference Between Automatic and Manual Transmission? Automatic transmission is the easiest way to send a fax. Simply place the document(s) face down in the feeder, dial the phone number and press the START key immediately. Do not pick up the handset or press the HOOK key. Calling tones will go over the phone line. Manual transmission occurs when you start with a dial tone before you dial, by lifting the handset or pressing the HOOK key. You will hear the rings on the phone line. You must wait to hear the receiving machine answer with a chirp before you press the START key. If you wait too long to press START without a document in the feeder, your fax machine will go into receiving mode instead of sending and you will see “receiving” on the screen. What is the Difference Between Automatic and Manual Dialing? Automatic dialing is when you dial by pressing the keys where you stored a number. Your fax machine stores two kinds of automatic dialing numbers: One-Touch and Speed-Dial. Reserve your most frequently dialed numbers (and Groups) for your One-Touch keys; all you have to dois press the One-Touch key followed by the START key (2 key strokes). To use a Speed-Dial number, press the Speed-Dial key and the two-digit code you used to store the number, followed by the START key (4 key strokes). You can dial automatically using One-Touch and Speed-Dial numbers for both automatic and manual transmissions. Manual dialing is simply pressing all the digits of the phone number. You can dial manually for both automatic and manual transmissions. What Should I Do If My Fax Machine Does Not Have a Dial Tone? There are three jacks in the back of the fax machine: LINE, EXT and PC I/F. Double-check that the telephone line cord is plugged into the LINE jack and not into EXT or PC I/F. (Plugging the telephone line cord into the EXT or PC I/F jack is the most common cause of no dial tone.) Ifthe telephone line cord is plugged into the LINE jack of the fax machine and you do not get a dial tone, test the phone line. Go to another phone and check for a dial tone; then bring that working telephone and line cord and plug them into the wall jack for your fax machine. If you do not get a dial tone with the working phone, the problem is the phone line. Call the Telephone Company and report the problem. | Choosing a Suitable Place for Your Fax Machine Use the following list as a guide to find a suitable place for your fax machine. The Good Places... Place your fax machine on a flat, stable surface, such as a desk. Select a place that is free of vibration and shocks. Locate it near a telephone jack and a standard, grounded power outlet. And the Bad Places... Avoid setting it up in a high-traffic area. Avoid setting up the machine near heaters, air conditioners, water, chemicals, or refrigerators. Do not select a place that exposes your fax machine to direct sunlight, excessive heat, moisture, or dust. Do not connect your fax machine to electrical outlets controlled by wall switches or automatic timers. Disruption of power can wipe out information in the unit’s memory. Do not connect your fax machine to electrical outlets on the same circuit as large appliances or other equipment that might disturb the power supply. Avoid interference sources, such as speakers or the base units of cordless phones. Packing List Please check to see that you have the following items: *...(Only for MFC 1850MC/1950MC) Telephone line cord | > Telephone Handset curled cord ; handset © Document y | wire extension A Document wire extension B Cartridge Owners manual i { ! Quicksetup Quick reference guide guide й _ i ! Remote access card » EM Missing Link disks* — RS-232* Missing Link Manual” Missing Link Box* NOTICE - Never install telephone wiring during a lightning storm. - Never install telephone jacks in wet locations unless the jack is specifically designed for wet locations. - Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless the telephone line has been disconnected at the network interface. - Use caution when installing or modifying telephone lines. - Avoid using a telephone (other than a cordless type) during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning. - Do not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak. - For PLUGGABLE EQUIPMENT, the socket-outlet should be installed near the equipment and should be easily accessible. Setting up Your Fax Machine Follow these steps to set up your fax machine: 1. Attach the wire extensions. Document wire extension A > 2. Install the printing car- tridge. 1) Open the top cover. ; = — +— Top cover La 4 A , AN La La E Y | 2) Lift the two blue release levers. The print head will pop up. Print Head 3) If a used cartridge is still in the machine, take 1t out. 4) Tighten Ribbon in Cartridge carefully. 5) Carefully install a new car- tridge inserting the marked side first. Make sure that the four car- tridge gearsrestin the white gear holders. 6) Push the print head down slowly and completely. Make sure it latches. 7) Close the top cover. 3. Install the Paper Cassette. The paper cassette can hold about 200 sheets of paper (201bs). 1) Raise the paper cassette slightly and pull it toward you to remove. 2) Take off the cover. 3) Push the paper plate down until it locks into position. 4) Adjust the paper setting to letter or legal position de- pending upon the size you are using. When you use legal size paper, press the button and pull the front part of the cassette toward you. Letter Position 7 EB], Legal — По Position Adjusted to Legal Position 5) Place up to 200 sheets of plain paper face down into the cassette. | Maximum DA height line — * \ ne о \ 7 Edge Tab 6) Place the paper in the — cassette. Make sure the front right and left corners of the paper are under the edge tabs, Do not place paper above the maximum height line, or paper may jam. 7) Close the cover on the cassette, 8) Slide the paper cassette into the fax machine until itlocks into place. About the Recording Paper... Please use standard copier paper for the recording paper as below : Width : 216mm (8.5") Length: Letter/Legal/A4 size Weight: 17 Ib to 24 1b About the Cassette... When you pull the paper cassette, it is necessary to push the paper plate down until the cassette “clicks” into position before you re-install the cassette in the fax machine. Otherwise “PAPER EMPTY” will remain on the LCD display and you can not re-install the cassette. Also, please do not pull out or re-insert the cassette while the machine is operating (for example, copying, transmitting or receiving), or a paper jam may occur. | \.. > 4. Connect the handset and the curled cord. 5. Connect the power cord. N 6. Connect the telephone line. When you connect the power, the display will show “01/01/1996 00:00”. NOTICE 1. This fax machine must be grounded using a 3-prong plug. 9. Since the machine is grounded through the power outlet, you can protect yourself from potentially hazardous electrical conditions on the telephone network by keeping the power to your fax machine on when you connect it to a telephone line. 3. Lightning and Power Surges can damage this product! We recommend that you use a quality Surge Protection Device on the AC power line as well as the telephone line or unplug the lines during a lightning storm. — Wire extention Roll Over Phone Lines A roll over phone system is a group of two or more separate telephone lines that pass incoming calls to each other if they are busy. The calls are usually passed down or “rolled over” to the next available phone line in a preset order. Your fax machine can work in a roll over system as long as it is the last number in the sequence so the call can not roll away. Do not put the fax machine on any of the other numbers. When the other lines are busy and a second fax call is received, the fax call is transferred to a line that does not have a fax machine. Two Line Phone System À two line phone system is nothing more than two separate phone numbers on the same wall outlet. The two phone numbers can be on separate jacks (RJ11) or combined into one jack (RJ14). Your fax machine must be plugged into an RJ11 jack. RJ11 and RJ 14 jacks may be equal in size and appearance and both may contain 4 wires (black, red, green, yellow). To test the type of jack, plug in a two line phone and see if it can access both lines. If it can, you must separate the lines for your fax machine. 1-10 Converting Telephone Wall Outlets There are three ways to convert to an RJ11 receptacle. The first two ways may require assistance from the telephone company. You can change the wall outlet from one RJ14 jack to two RJ11 jacks. Or, you can have an RJ11 wall outlet installed and slave or jump one of the phone numbers to it. The third way is the easiest. Buy a triplex adapter, You can plug a triplex adapter into an RJ14 wall outlet. It will separate the wires into two separate RJ11 jacks (line 1, line 2) and a third RJ14 jack (lines 1 and 2). Plug the fax machine into L2 of the triplex adapter. RJ14 RJ11 RJ11 RJi4 Triplex Adapter Installing a Fax Machine, Two Line TAD and Two Line Telephone When you are installing a two line telephone answering device (TAD) and a two line telephone, your fax machine must be isolated on one line at both the wall jack and at the TAD. The most common connection is to put the fax machine on line 2. The back of the two line TAD must have two telephone jacks: one labeled L.1 or 1.1 and 1.2 and the other labeled L2. You will need at least three telephone line cords: the one that came with your fax machine and two for your two line TAD. You will need a fourth line cord if you add a two line telephone. | Place the two line TAD and two line telephone beside your fax machine. Plug one end ofthe telephone line cord for your fax machine into the L2jack ofthe triplex adapter; plug the other end into the LINE jack in the back of the fax machine. Plug one end of the first telephone line cord for your TAD into the L1 jack of the triplex adapter; plug the other end into the L1 or L1 and 1.2 jack in the back of the two line TAD. Plug one end of the second telephone line cord for your TAD into the L2 jack in the back of the lwo line TAD; plug the other end into the EXT jack in the back of the fax machine. The two line TAD hookup is complete. It will answer both lines as usual. You can keep two line telephones on other wall outlets as always. There are two ways to add a two line telephone to the fax machine’s wall outlet. Plug the telephone line cord from the two line telephone into the L1+L2 jack of the triplex adapter. If you prefer, you can plug it into the TELE jack in the back of the two line TAD instead. Trip'ex Adapter | [ Two Line Phone Li L2 LI+L2 [] - [FH || +1712 | | LiL] || || L1 Le Ext Line Two Line TAD Fax Machine Multi Line Connections (PBXs) Most offices use a central telephone system. While it is often relatively simple to connect the machine to a key system or a PBX {private branch exchange), we suggest that you contact the company that installed your telephone system and ask them to connect the fax machine for you. It is advisable to have a separate line for the fax machine. You can then leave the machine in AUTO Answer Mode to receive faxes at any time of the day or night. If the fax machine is to be connected to a multi-line system, ask your installer to connect the unit to the last line on the system. This will prevent the unit from being activated each time a telephone call is received. * As with all fax units this machine must be connected to a two wire system. If your line has more than two wires, proper connection of the fax machine can not be made. Connecting to a Private Branch Exchange The following points should be kept in mind if you are installing the machine to work with a private branch exchange (PBX). 1) It is not guaranteed that the unit will operate correctly under all circumstances with PBXs. Any cases of difficulty should be reported first to the company that handles your PBX. 2) If all incoming calls will be answered by a switchboard operator, it is recom- mended that the Answer Mode be set tobe MANUAL. (See page 7-2.) Allincoming calls should initially be regarded as telephone calls. 3) The unit may be used with either the pulse or tone dialing telephone types. Custom Features on Your Phone Line If you have Call Waiting, Ring Master, Voice Mail, an Answering Service, an Alarm System, or any other custom feature on your telephone line, it may create a problem in the operation of your fax machine. 1-11 2. THE CONTROL PANEL KEYS | FAX 1350M ® FUNCTION AND USER SETTING AREA I TmteliPAX1350M | (ew em) | | || NB | Some ST) | | | | CO CO | += — + | | HOOK AEE, BEF Г o TEL woes SUPER pers MARGE ir mY | | (1) (3) FETE wr ICE a ! Г oJ A - т 7 z | || O TELEPHONE AREA ® ONE-TOUCH AREA FAX 1550MC (FAX 1450MC panel keys are same as 1550MC.) DMESSAGE CENTER @®FUNCTION AND USER PRO AREA | SETTING AREA f 3 FINE PHOTO ! QG SFINE | RECORD ERASE ÉRESOLUTIO SS & 5 EFUNDTIOK TELINDEX SPER HELP Die I7” WD CO CD CD) M TELEPHONE AREA GG ONE-TOUCH AREA MFC 1950MC (MFC 1850MC panel keys are same as 1950MC.) DMESSAGE CENTER @®FUNCTION AND USER PRO AREA | SETTING AREA miles rar cee mi ies Vien mad косит ое коней Г a Hart bulo es i Pe Tao, \| i FECORD ERASE PLAY [o So Ë | | SES Ге 5 DOB! [Ey] ray) Y || 25 HRD - - | | eu ес 5 Rl т (e o | = 5 DOM WSHIFT —f бют Sn KR aa Km “Ea MONA Do PRE e NA a Sea MEA RE COM EC | КО OTELEPHONE AREA DONE-TOUCH AREA O TELEPHONE AREA MFC 1850MC 1. Liquid Crystal Display 4 The LCD displays messages that will help you set up and operate vour fax machine. (On-Screen Programming) (See page 3-1.) 3. HOOK This key lets you dial telephone and fax numbers without lifting the handset. (See page 5-1.) 4. HOLD You can use this key to put a call on hold. (See page 5-1.) 5. REDIALIPAUSE This key re-dials the last number called. (See page 6-5.) This key is also used to insert a pause in autodial numbers. (See page 4-5, 5-1.) 6. SPEED DIAL This key lets you access previ- ously stored speed dial phone numbers by entering a two digit number. (See page 4-6, 5-1.) 2. Number Keys These twelve keys are used to dial phone and fax numbers (see page 5-1), and can also be used as an alphanumeric keyboard for entering information into the \ fax machine (see page 3-9~10). * SCANNER e FAX MODEM * MSG CTA = PRINTER + COPIER SIX In ONE | f / / Facsimile CEN \O (1) (2) (3), OLD GHI ик! MNO 8 Ge) REDIAL/PAUSEI „PAS TUV WAY DE) © ONE-TOUCH AREA MFC 1850MC 7. One-Touch Dial Keys These 15 keys give you in- stant access to previously stored phone numbers. (See page 4-4, 5-1.) 9, — (Left Arrow)” This key moves the LCD cur- sor to the left. It also allows you to back up one step when you are in function mode (see page 3-1) or Telephone Index. | | 8. COPY Press this key tomake a copy. (See page 13-1.) 10. STOP This key stops a fax, cancels an operation, or exits from function mode. (See page 3-2.) 11. SHIFT This key is used to access the “16” through “30” One- Touch keys. (See page 4-4.) 12. SET” This key is used for storing a function setting into the fax machine. (See page 3-2.) 14. CLEAR" / This key deletes entered data or backs up one step in a function procedure. (See page 3-2.) / Use this key to start an / operation, such as sending / a fax. (See page 6-5.) / 15. ww (Right Arrow)* This key moves the LCD cursor to the right, and it also lets you advance one step when you are in function mode (see page 3-1) or Telephone Index. ® FUNCTION AND USER SETTING AREA MFC 1850MC 16. FUNCTION 17. RESOLUTION This key accesses the function and programming mode (OSP), so you can alter various settings. (See page 3-1.) 18. TEL-INDEX This key allows you to look up numbers stored in the dialing memory alphabetically . (See page 5-2.) \ A x | S.FINE This key 18 used to set the resolution requirements when sending a fax. (See page 6-2.) 19. MODE | This key is used to specify how | the fax machine should handle incoming calls. (See page 7-1.) FINE NN O AUTO PHOTO H MasCtr FT 20. SUPER Q. SCAN N This key enables you to scan in your originals at twice the normal speed, by storingthemin the memory before actual transmission. (See page 6-6.) When it is pressed, Broadcasting 1s available. (See page 6-8.) When it is pressed together with SHIFT, Multi Transmission is available. (See page 6-9.) 22. ENLARGE/REDUCE "e UTION MODE L Bn S.VOLUME H Copy | | ENLARGE /REDUCE hb h, \ 21. HELP O Press this key whenever you want a quick reference Help List printed. This Help List will give you information on how to perform scttings for a function, how to register information, or how to get some basic information for sending or receiving faxes. (See page 3-8~9.) This key is used for copying with reduction or enlargement. You can select one of the following ratios: 150%, 125%, 120%, 100%, 93%, 87%, 75% and 50%. You can also use the Auto Reduction function to have the machine automatically calculate the reduction ratio to fit to the size of your recording paper. (See page 13-3~4.) O MESSAGE CENTER AREA MFC 1850MC 23. TAD and FAX Indicator Lights These lights tell you whether voice or document messages are stored in the memory. (See page 11-9.) Di Message Conter PRO TAD | FAX - oO—-0 RECORD ERASE PLAY 24. RECORD | | Use this key to record outgoing | voice messages, memo and voice | alarm messages into your fax | machine. You can also record | voice or fax messages and | information stored for the | Message Center Pro features. | (See page 11-16, 25, 12-8, 13,14.) | 25. ERASE | This key erases voice or fax messages stored in your fax machine. You can also crase voice or fax messages and information stored for the Message Center Pro features.(See page 11-12, 13, 27, 12-9, 11, 14, 15, 22.) 26. PLAY Use this key to listen to incoming voice messages, outgoing voice messages, memos and voice alarm messages stored in your fax machine. Youcan also play the voice messages and information or print the fax messages and information stored for the Message Center features. (See page 11-10,13, 12-9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21.) 3. HOW TO USE ON-SCREEN PROGRAMMING (OSP) AND HELP KEY User-friendly Programming We have designed your fax machine with on-screen programming and a HELP key, user-friendly programming that helps you take full advantage of all the functions your fax machine has to offer. On-screen Programming (OSP) Since your fax programming is done on the LCD, we created step-by-step on-screen prompt messages to help you program your fax machine. All you need to do is follow the prompt instructions as they guide you through the function menu selections and programming options and settings. Using the Function Mode to Access On-screen Programming (OSP) You can access the function mode by pressing FUNCTION found in the Function and User Setting Area of your fax Control Panel. (See page 2-4.) When you enter function mode, your fax machine will display a list of Level One Functions to choose from (see pages 3-2 through 3-7 for these Level One Functions), as seen below. Press FUNCTION Left arrow Right arrow or sequence auto scroll sequence (Only for FAX 1450MC/ 1550MC and MFC 1850MC/ 1950MC, FAX 1350M is “8.REMOTE FAX OPT and has not function 9.”) These function options will appear one after the other on the display. You can then choose one of these options by pressing SET when the option you want appears on the LCD. You can also move through the function menu options at a faster rate by pressing m= (right arrow). (See page 2-3 to locate this key on your Control Panel.) When vou find the option you want, press SET. You can simply press the Level One Function number associated with each option (refer to pages 3-2 through 3-7). Helpful Hints 1f you want to exit function mode, simply press STOP. Also, if you select the wrong menu, and wish to return to the previous step, press CLEAR. Alternating Displays for On-screen Programming (OSP) When you see alternating displays, the LCD will usually alternate between the currently selected option, and a help message giving brief instruc- ALTERNATE > tions on how to proceed. The example shows the current speaker volume is high and prompts you to use —« (left arrow) and => (right arrow) to change the setting, and then to press SET to store it. Function Selection Table If you have a basic understanding of how to program a fax machine, you can perform most of the programming settings without the owner's manual. To help you understand the function selections, options, and settings that are found in your fax programs, we have the following Function Selection Table. | Read through this table to gain a basic understanding of what your new fax model can do, and then the next section will begin instructing you how to use on-screen programming, Level one Level two | ; . Factory function function Explanation of Options setting | Page | | Use this for sending documents at a later 1. TIMER time. 6-7 Polling is the process of retrieving faxes from another machine. You can also choose | STAN- 1. TEMP. -1- (TEMPORARY) 2. POLLING whether vou want your polling secured. DARD 8-1-6 You can send a fax and then talk to the 3. CALL RE- recipient using the CALL RESERVE | SERVE | function. | OFF |6-18-19 ON/OFF | | Level one function Level two function Explanation of Options Factory setting Page 1. TEMP. (TEMPORARY) SETTINGS 4. CONTRAST There are three types of contrast settings. Usually the AUTO setting 1s acceptable. But if vou want to send or copy an especially light or dark document, you should change this setting. AUTO: Default is AUTO. Contrast setting always reverts to AUTO after one transmission. S. LIGHT: To send very light documents. S. DARK: To send very dark documents. AUTO 6-3 5. RESOLUTION If you need to send a set of originals at various resolutions, this function will allow you to set the required resolution page by page. (If all documents are the same resolution, use the RESOLUTION key. See : page 2-4 #17.) | STANDARDYFINE/S. FINF/PHOTO STAN- DARD 6-13 6. OVERSEAS MODE If you have trouble when sending overseas, you may want to set OVERSEAS MODE to ÓN, ON/OFF OFF 6-12 : 7. COVERPAGE An automatic Cover Page will allow you to send details of who the fax is going to, who it is from and when it was sent. ON/OFF | OFF 6-17-18 8. PASSWORD TX You can send a fax with a four-digit password. 9-1 2. CANCEL JOB If you wish to cancel a job that has been set with the timer, a polled job etc., use this function. 6-11 3. PRINT REPORTS See page 14-1 for a list of reports. You can print several different lists and reports, which are available under function 1tem 3. PRINT REPORTS. 14-1-6 4. SET AUTO DIAL 1. ONE-TOUCH DIAL If you register names and numbers on One- Touch dial keys, you can dial a number automatically just by pressing a One-Touch key. (Max. of 30 locations) 4-4~5 2. SPEED-DIAL If youregister names and numbers as Speed- Dial numbers, you can dial a number automatically just by pressing SPEED DIAL andatwo-digitnumber, (Max. of 60 locations for FAX 1350M/1450MC/MFC 1850MC and 100 locations for FAX 1550MC/MFC 1950MC) 4-6~7 Level one function Level two function Explanation of Options | 4, SET AUTO DIAL 5. USER OPTIONS 3. SETUP GROUPS 11. SMOOTHING This 1s used for setting up a group number used for broadeasting. | Smoothing enhances the appearance of in- | coming faxes. «| If you set SMOOTHING to ON, you will | receive messages with the smoothing enhancement. ON/OFF — | 2. BEEPER 3. COVERPG ON/OFF You can adjust the volume of the beeper with this function. OFF/LOW/HIGH | LOW | Ifyou set COVERPAGE to ON, you can send your documents with a Cover Page generated ; by your machine. When the COVERPAGE setting 1s ÓN, you can select a Cover Page comment. " ON/OFF |. — OFF 4-1-2 4. ERROR RE-TX + If you set ERROR RE-TRANSMISSION to ON, the machine automatically resends the page once an error occurs. ON/OFF OFF 6-20 5. REDUCTION You can avoid having an incoming fax on | separate pages by printing a reduced copy of the incoming document. The reduction | AUTO methods are AUTO or Fixed ratio: | AUTO/100%/93%/87 %/75% | 7-7-8 6. RCD PAPER You can select one of 3 sizes of recording paper. The machine automatically will adjust | | the size of the incoming document or original | | LETTER document so that it fits the paper size you have selected. LETTER/LEGAL/A4 | 7-6 6. TEL OPTIONS 1. TONE/PULSE | There are two different dial types and you must select the type of signal suitable for your telephone line. TONE/PULSE 2. RING DELAY This is the number of rings before the fax | | 0/1/2/3/4 rings 7-2 3. SPEAKER VOLUME machine answers the call when in F/T or ' 9 | AUTO Answer Mode. | | - You can adjust the speaker volume with this | function. OFF/LOW/HIGH LOW 7-9 Level one function Level two function Explanation of Options Factory setting Page 6. TEL OPTIONS 4. FIT RING TIME F/T RING TIME sets the time for simulated ringing in F/T mode. 10/20/30/60 seconds 20 7-5 5. RING VOLUME The settings are OFF/LOW/HIGH. HIGH 7-9 8. DISTINCTIVE If you have distinctive ringing service from your phone company, you can use this function to register the ringing pattern of your fax number. And if you set it to ON, you can use the registered number as a fax number only. OFF/ON/SET OFF 7-16-19 7. CALLER ID You ean display the last 30 caller IDs that are stored in the memory. 7-21 7. SETUP SYSTEM 1. DATE/TIME If you enter the date and time in 24-hour format, the LCD will display the date and time and they will also be printed on outgo- ing faxes. 01/01/1996 00:00 2. DAILY TIMER If you frequently have delayed jobs, all for execution at the same time each day, you can program that time. Once you register it, you donot need to enter that time, just set Timer Transmission in temporary settings. 00:00 6-7~8 3. INTERVAL You can select the time interval at which the activity report is printed. 6/12/24 hours, 2/4/7 days, OFF OFF 14-2 4. STATION ID You can enter your name or company name, fax number and telephone number in STATION ID. It is printed at the top of each page of every outgoing fax. It is also printed on the automatic Cover Page. 4-3 5. REMOTE CODE If you enter a REMOTE CODE, you can activate or deactivate the fax machine from a remote telephone. ON/OFF ON *51 (ACT) #51{DEACT.) 7-13 6. SET COVERPAGE You can register your own two custom comments on the Cover Page. 6-15 7. SET PASSWORD You can set up a password for receiving documents. ON/PLUS/OFF OFF 9-2 Level one | Level two | | Factory | function | function | Explanation of Options setting | Page | T | You can select the output device that will | | 7. SETUP | 8. MISSING LINK | receive fax message. (MFC 1850MC/ | РС See the SYSTEM (ONLY for MFC | 1950MC). (FAX 1350M/1450MC/1550MC are | PRIMARYI Tone 1850MC/1950MC) | available when The optional Missing Linkis M " | | connected.) | Hana | | | | You can store the incoming fax messages in | | the memory, Then you can use the convenient | | 1. FAX STORAGE remote control functions. OFF 10-1 I ON/OFF You ean choose among PAGING, FAX | | FORWARDING or OFF. PAGING ON will | | cause the fax machine to page you when 1t 2. FAX FWD/ receives a fax message. FAX FORWARDING | | 8. REMOTE PAGING ON will cause the machine to send any OFF |10-2~5 FAX OPT | stored faxes that are received to another (Only for FAX predetermined fax number. 1350M) OFF/FAX FORWARD/PAGING | | You can register a REMOTE ACCESS ID (3 3. REMOTE digits) allowing you to remotely operate the | 159% |10-5-8 ACCESS machine. (Example : Retrieving an incoming | fax message) You can print incoming faxes that were | ___ | 4. PRINT FAX stored in the memory. 10-7 You can select memory usage of the machine | FAX: OFF I STORAGE . in MESSAGE CENTER mode. TAD: ON 11-7 TAD/FAX | | You can set the machine to print a back-up | copy of faxes that are received into the | 3 SETUP 2. BACKUP PRINT Message Center memory. ON 11-10 ON/OFF MSG CTR | oy for | You can choose among PAGING, FAX 1450MC/ FORWARDING or OFF, PAGING ON will 1550MC/ cause the fax machine to page you when it MEC 3. FAX FWD/ receives a fax message. FAX FORWARDING OFF 11-16-19 1850MC/ PAGING ON will cause the fax machine to send any 1950MC) | stored faxes that are received to another predetermined fax number. OFF/FAX FORWARD/PAGING You can register a REMOTE ACCESS ID (3 4, REMOTE digits) allowing you remotely operate the 159% | 11-20 ACCESS | machine. (Example: Retrieving an incoming | fax message) documents in the feeder, by “interrupting” it. Level one Level two Explanation of Options ating Page | You can select Max. ICM (Incoming Mes- 5. ICM MAX. TIME | sage) recording time. 30 11-14-15 20/25/50/35/40/45/50/55/60 seconds The machine has two types of OGM (Outgo- 5. OGM ing Messages) for MSG CTR and FAX/TEL to 74 8. SETUP switch. After selecting the message type, MSG CTR you can play, record or erase. OGM (Only for FAX | You can print incoming faxes that were 1450MC/ 7. PRINT FAX stored in MSG CTR memory. a 11-11 1550MC/ MFC To get more recording time for incoming 1850MC/ 8 RECORDING messages and memos, change the sound 1950MC) MODE quality setting from HIGH to NORMAL. NORMAL 11-15 HIGH/NORMAL If you set TOLL SAVER to ON, you can 9 TOLL SAVER check if a message was received by the ring - ON 11.14 elay. ON/OFF You can turn the Message Center Pro Mode 1. MSG CTR PRO | on or off with this switch. OFF | 12-18 ' ON/OFF You can record Level 1 and 2 OGMs for MSC > OGM callers, telling them what to do in each steps. CTR 12-12-16 MSG CTR PRO/MAIL BOX/FAX ON DF- PRO MAND/VOICE ON DEMAND . SETUP MC PRO (Only There are 5 personal mail boxes. For each for FAX 3. MAIL BOX mail box, an owner of the box can record his/ 01 12-12 1450MC/ her own OGM for callers. 01/02/03/04/05 1550MC/ MFC You can store the fax information for each 1850MC/ Fax on Demand memory box. You have up to 1950MC) 4, FAX INFO 99 memory boxes, 01-99 (The number of — 112-7-8 available boxes depends upon the length of your messages.) : You can store the voice information for each - Voiceon Demand memory boxes. Usenumbers 5. VOICE INFO —. 01-99 for memory boxes. (The number of — 12-10 available boxes depends upon the amount of information you store.) You can send a fax without canceling the 0. INTERRUPT timer or polled waiting, even if there are a 6-10 и = -_— pa Lo a „> — a Th cz ел LO J |; 2 = yo — == x “a LÉ fa a il + 17 = = — г - 7 un Li ts e + ut tu = + ES —— Lo 2 == LL ро о = бе ~~ + a DO DLE == Es OT a =. LL + LO E o Cami Ta wR ел La) = A LH) - frm Qu — Lhd © =~. + — lu © LU Led оч — = вЫ où a | нок E AN a = ca Ty её у = м > a re E e == e Dm E Lo «+ = pe b= = (a, LL JC AL ПЕ A A A T EZ Li = [olla] Te MR “2 LA LE E ME [a me | == E CTN Hs LO LR L-i— =e Oo no ous = ros — = = ZE LOI TTL SEL re Lu 0 E Ou © Ju -— a ANA тело бон = < Е ben Os E — PS ZEN a "EE Teens dE Se O ES Qu зол Le LD ADE Tul LH =U се Е ab a = |e ба Lu LL Led ~~ ad arb WT au vo сына 103 vais LOD SO --- = bolo EOI < A DOTA AAA Dd CA rm => o ooh a [| La = = re] oe ade Te -. me FAA Lea ~~ E LA ES TAR AA — un x x HSE = Elu EXD Caine LE = TZ AD ZE ELT a E = | A GAN => DALI ADIOS suo mo NO ME Do OF O + = < [a] ии от — o PA DA rar = rn ta LA nn Pr E IT «т — - LL! k T H | = | Li Let oT Lud + or o с La DL U =L LL led Ll =I =n a + <= LU = о* = iz a с = — LA oo DE Le a 2 + Th pou e X — = co ox == moe теле ALLI cr do DE COLIS = [ui] + a ==" E COL + pas ax == + = DO —= «= LL Sm Cop TF T7 Ld DOCH em et [a x < + il] Ur = m= = Lu QU oy a OF wll fog LES DO OH EE VIL AD LIE EZ PEI IO 0 Li- + e = * | — a THT UNIDA ANOS == Lema 4 SK a Fed EME aL {+= E x = E я | 1 | MA DO CL DO но IC LOE CN eL A > a 7 ILL ree + T + Or + | == ECS oud CO LA CNO Y LEA + Ae |-- EZ Da == 0 += DM 4 LL LL + oa OO ema EL E LUCE JOA ee EE A BAR TIE 1 E с —L + + + = LA DA OS UY SALUD LL LO 415 Mc LA visé D = - + k | IT PL E A MEE ELENA LO mal TEN] ODED me X — — + — | ATA A A LE SA OU EL OF CO ZA DEZ KDD MD STE + od [| QU + - | == a on La IE WN MC ¡OLA CENT, FOLLADA E E + ui LA) ; КЗ | тонка, Pr a we rw ma wa ww wa haa a ew ah ae ama ew ae. . a . + ; , [de x == f GEA eC TLRS EA MED AMENA к IEW Jey LONE AO ALADO A COLO + и „= + — 1 Г ' 1 1 г i | — —_— 1 1 = + LL ' ! ' ' ' ‘ ; + T a en | A \ 1 i 1 1 ' X e ta les = | Lil > -- 4 un + = Y LEA — — - (ER + u vo — == Ln = — < % co >= сё | =: — = ce на == RAD Lag Ly Es Y =i. = IT — | = et - Pe en € = <> = H co Y = = H Lu T= — co & ms со LA D | + = = „0 mi Ro a = To Mu = -- — = Lai 2 EL He > E - 1 Ls LA a = Cm — ©) = = > wa T T = | MA Let == A = Lu a co —i J [in НН = mo Lil p— == с a = oo or all = — o= a сло == or —- a => LU = | Elec; 1 LAS Г —— — Cd + — = ко i— Led — E — a = «| = | = = — A Lei + LiL! = бе Le LA Ld Lt = eut = = = | = m Ld + + = a a un = po LA 7 un = mI [| le += O — ts + bad - " + " м : - : _" nr | pH ce La + —es Сао en = 157 Lo ma 73 = 2 + = ul | a oO «= ce wo x | Ol k = — ma * * = =| A = с >= Lod + E | 5 =, сэ A, = — — + == — | Loi <= * = = = * | == T = e T ud Wolo ve + = — cn = + ur at ME > a CL = — * Ne == "= _ + = =I zZ a loa от cou * |A — = = — * | E Le = bd | rus Lo > 4 % [un [A < — au + lan |= e) > 1 H as El E & Е Я 1? <| ONE — nm PS = e Hs Love Lao LALA г + T = = al “< OS - >= — = | = Т Hs = + = = — | mo tue ts LU Of za Eu! — . LA) 202 + — 1 T edad + = Eli ZU La Ir — Вен У Y m De > = Dot 5 He ce = He i = =] < - Le =o na = — Ll LLO O2 + LL] = Y J 5 Lz =a E A) cn >| = =a нЕ Lice | = ju У T v a _ = Lia == ka I= ie — al. DI de Lite += = Lo >= |— ASA Lig < pe rl = _ ao DO — T = Cc.) = + = Lut m Li x = Fld — = = ot | = a — Zw — a LIAL I + i ane a = — = dz - | = LOL Li = Lu H e E = — = = = = = = LL. $ Lec с“ — LE LA THT = — E T = a = 1 IT tre —— ES lh = cr с 4 — x co QU | un EE to tes u LA эн = ты = = = © 14 dinde win vos ©? у са — ón = = = = DO | —U Ha J Qu La BE PAD u = = 5 = So =| a Ба» На Lite) tr a d= C= f— — = = =. AO wv oo LOC OO e a a ZU = Y - af —, — — и —, — [alin — Cw] {3 + т Wo = Help Key Press this key whenever you need a quick reference Help List printed. This Help List will give you information on how to perform settings for a function, how to register information, or how to get some basic information for sending or receiving faxes. How to print a Help List Press HELP to get a printout of the Help List. Use it when you need information about how to register or set one of the functions, or how to send or receive faxes. You can request a printout whenever the machine meets the following conditions: -while the LCD displays the date and time. -while the machine is timer waiting. -while the machine is polled/polling waiting. -While the machine is at level one or two of the function menu. -While you are using the phone. How to Enter Text in Function Mode Number keys have two or three letters printed above it. The following keys “1”, “4 and “*” have no printed letters because they have special characters. In om © x GC. A = 5 : 0 x) © e = «5 y 2 wn =f € < By pressing the appropriate number key the correct number of times, you can access the character you want. When you are making certain settings, such as the Station 1D, you need to enter text into your fax machine. Key once twice three times four times 2 A В С 2 3 D E F 3 4 G H I 4 5 J K L 5 6 M N O 6 7 P R S 7 8 T U V 8 9 W X Y 9 0 Q Zi 0 Q Let's say that you want to enter the initials “BR”. Follow the example below. 1. Press 2 twice to enter the letter B. 2. Press 7 twice to enter the letter R. 3. Press SET. 1. If you want to enter a blank space, press m= (right arrow) twice. 2. If you entered a letter incorrectly and want to change it, you can use —=a (left arrow) to move the cursor back. When you reach the letter, you can enter a new one init's place. You can only overwrite letters, not insert them, so you may have to go back and overwrite a lot of letters if you forget to enter a letter. 3. If you need to enter a character that is assigned to the same number key as the previous character, press M (right arrow) to move the cursor to the right. J Ne How to Enter Special Characters, Symbols and Punctuation Marks in Function Mode 1 key ---------------- AEOUACEÉ1 Ж Кеу --------------- (space) !”#$%&'0*+,-/ N <=> E | The “1” key contains all the accented characters. The “k” and the “#” key are used for punctuation marks and symbols. Let's say that you want to enter the Symbol “€”. Follow the example below. 1. Press * to show a list of characters. 2. Press *, *, *, *, *, * (6 times). 3. Press PM (right arrow). 3-10 4. TELEPHONE FUNCTION SETTINGS There are some settings, such as the date and time, you should make to your fax machine before you begin using it. Once entered, these settings will remain in the machine until you change them. You can begin customizing the settings by pressing FUNCTION on the control panel. This activates the function mode and On - Screen Programming prompts. You can complete a variety of settings in this mode. ; Setting the Dialing Mode (Tone/Pulse) Your fax machine supports both tone (or multi-frequency) and pulse (or rotary) dialing. It is initially set to TONE, so you do not need to change the setting if you use that kind of line. If you are using a pulse dial line, you can change the setting to PULSE by following the steps below: 1. Press FUNCTION. You will see scrolling options on the dis- play. You can choose one. 2. Press 6. 3. Press 1. After two seconds vou will be automati- cally prompted to select pulse or tone. 4, Press —e (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to find the dialing mode that matches your telephone line. Example: PULSE, 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to return to the date and time. Setting the Beeper Sound Level If the beeper setting is LOW or HIGH, it will “beep” every time you press a key, make an error, or at the end of sending or receiving a fax. The initial setting on your fax machine for the beeper is LOW. If you do not want the beeper on, select OFF, and if you want it loud, select HIGH. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 5. 3. Press 2. 4. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) until you get the setting you want. Example: OFF, 5. Press SET. | 6. Press STOP to return to the date and time. Setting the Date and Time Your fax machine shows the date and time on the display and prints it on every fax page you send. You can set the date and time in function mode. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 7. 3. Press 1. 4. Enter the last two digits of the year. Example: 96. 5. Enter two digits for the month. (JAN = 01, OCT = 10, etc.) Example: 09. | 6. Enter two digits for the day. — Example: 12. 7. Enter the time in 24-hour format. Example: 15:25 (3:25 P.M.). 8. Wait for two seconds, 9. Press STOP to exit and view the new date and time. Setting the Station ID The Station ID is for identification purposes. Here you can store your name, fax number, and telephone number. Your machine then prints this information on the electronic Cover Page and every fax page you send. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 7. 3. Press 4. 9. You will then be prompted to enter your fax number, , Enter your fax number (up to 20 digits). Example: 4155554444. . Press SET. You will now be prompted to enter your telephone number. . Enter your telephone number (up to 20 digits). If your telephone number and fax number share the same line, enter the same number again. Example: 4155554445. . Press SET, You will be prompted to enter your name or companys name. — . Enter your name by using the number keys (up to 20 characters). Example: BROTHER. Refer to the section “How to Enter Text in Function Mode” on pages 3-9-10. Press SET to confirm the entry. 10. Press STOP to return to the date and time. Helpful Hints 1. The telephone number that you stored above is only used for the Call Back Message and the Cover Page features. 2. If you do not enter a fax number, no additional information can be entered. 3. When you enter a space, use M (right arrow). Then it will be registered as a blank space. 4. If Station ID has already been programmed, then after Step 3 the name will be displayed with the prompt “1” to change “2” to exit. Press “1” if you need to change any information. Pressing “2” to exit will take you out of the function. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act. of 1991 makes it unlawful for any person to use a computer or electronic device to send any message via a telephone fax machine unless such messages clearly contain in a margin at the top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of the transmission, the date and time it is sent and an identification of the business or other entity, or other individual sending the message and the telephone number of the sending machines or such business, other entity, or individual. In order to program this information into your fax machine, you should complete the u steps on the previous page. Storing One-Touch Dial Numbers You can dial numbers automatically by storing telephone or fax numbers as One-Touch dial numbers. You can also store names with the numbers so that when you call, you can verify the destination on the display. You can store a maximum of 30 phone numbers, To use 16 to 30 One- Touch number locations, you need to press SHIFT. For example, One-Touch location “16” is accessed by pressing SHIFT+One-Touch “01” simultaneously. Here is how to store a telephone number as a One-Touch dial number (See page 2-3) : 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 4. 3. Press 1. 4. Press the One-Touch key you want to use to store a number. Example: One - Touch 05. The One-Touch keys are not the number keys. . Enter a number (up to 20 digits). Example: 14155551212. . Press SET. You then will be prompted to enter the name or company associated with this number. . Enter the name by using the number keys (up to 15 characters). Example: NJ OFFICE. (See page 3-9~10 for how to enter text.) . Press SET. . Select the type of number (FAX, TEL, F/T, CHAIN) by using — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to display the type you want. (See For Your Information on page 4-6.) Example: FAX. 10. Press SET. 11. Return to step 4 to enter another Helpful Hints number, or press STOP toreturn to the date and time. If you have to wait for a dial tone to access an outside line, you should use REDIAL/PAUSE. When vou press REDIAL/PAUSE, a dash “-” will appear on the display. By storing the numbers with a pause, you can create a delay of 3.5 seconds. q Types of Numbers When you store a number as a One-Touch or as a Speed-Dial number, you have a choice of choosing the type of number. There are 4 options: 1. FAX (A fax number). 2. TEL (A telephone number). 3. F/T (Both a fax number and a telephone number) 4. CHAIN (A number, usually an access code, for chain dialing). Chain Dialing Chain dialing is used to store a very long dialing sequence. You can spread the number over two or more keys if you register the first key(s) in the sequence as type “Chain”. Chain tells the system that the dialing sequence is not completed and that there is more to follow. The last key in the sequence must be any other dial type (either FAX, TEL or F/T). You can use any combination of One-Touch, Speed-Dial and manually dialed numbers in a chain. If you must wait for another dial tone at any point in the dialing sequence, store a pause at that point in the number by pressing the PAUSE/REDIAL key. {If you need a pause that is longer than 3.5 seconds, call our Fax Diagnostic Center at 1-800-284- 4329 for assistance.) Only one pause can be stored in each One-Touch and Speed-Dial number. When vou are ready to dial the chain number, simply press the keys one after the other in sequence and then press START. Chain dialing makes using access codes easy. Sometimes you may want to choose from among several long-distance carriers when you make a call; rates may vary depending upon the time and destination. To take advantage of low rates, you can store the access code of a long-distance carrier as you would a regular number and register it as a “chain” number. Then to dial, press this (access code) number followed by the regular number and START. You can set up chain dialing for phone/credit card numbers, the same way. However, when using chain dialing, do NOT send a cover page because your credit card number will be on it. Storing Speed-Dial Numbers When you store a phone or fax number as a Speed-Dial number, you must enter a two-digit number, from 01 to 60 for FAX 1350M, 1450MC and MFC 1850MC and from 01 to 00 for FAX 1550MC and MFC 1950MC using the number keys. For example, you cannot enter “5”. You must enter “05”. You can store as many as 60 numbers (FAX 1350M/1450MC and MEC 1850MC) or 100 numbers (FAX 1550MC and MFC 1950MC)as Speed-Dial numbers. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 4. 3. Press 2. 4. Use the number keys to enter a two-digit number. Example: 05. 5. Enter the number (up to 20 digits). Example: 5555151. 6. Press SET. You then will be prompted to enter the name or company associated with this number, 7. Use the number keys to enter a name (up to 15 characters). Example: MANCHESTER. (See page 3-9~10 for entering text.) 8. Press SET. 9. Select the type of number (FAX, TEL, F/T, CHAIN) by using — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to display the type you want. Example: TEL. 10. Press SET. 11.You are ready to enter another Speed-Dial number, or press STOP to return to the date and time. Helpful Hints 1. Print the All Dial List to make sure you have stored the correct numbers. (See page 14-3~4.) This list will contain the type of number: FAX, TEL, F/T, or CHAIN. à. Even if there should be a loss of electrical power to your fax machine, the telephone and fax numbers you have stored will not be lost. When You Wish to Change the Stored One-Touch and Speed-Dial Numbers (During Step 4 on Page 4-4, 7) | When you access the function for a One-Touch key or Speed-Dial number, that is already in use, you will be asked if you wish to change it or to exit and select a different One-Touch or Speed-Dial number. This display does not appear if the One- Touch key or Speed-Dial number you chose is not assigned. 1. Press 1 to assign a new number to the One-Touch key or Speed-Dial number, or press 2 to choose a different One-Touch key or Speed-Dial number. 2. If you are replacing an existing number with a new one, the old number and name will appear inthe display. Press CLEAR to erase the old number and name. Then, enter the new number and name and press SET to store the entry. Memory Storage Your fax machine is equipped with an internal battery that will keep the date and time information for up to one hour after power has been cut off. After that time, the date and time will be lost and you will have to re-enter the information. All other settings in the SET AUTO DIAL, USER OPTIONS and SETUP SYSTEM functions (see page 3-3~5) are stored permanently and will be retained even in the event of a power failure. As for FAX 1350M, the data stored in the memory such as Out-of- Paper Reception and Memory Transmission will be lost after the poweris disconnected. For FAX 1450MC/1550MC, MFC 1850MC/1950MC see page 11-19. _ _/ Helpful Hints If your fax machine is connected to a PBX, you may need to insert an additional number before each fax or telephone number to access an outside line, Setting Up Number Groups Number Groups allow you to send the same fax message to many fax numbers by pressing only one One-Touch key (Broadcasting). You must store each fax number first as a One-Touch or Speed-Dial number. Then you can combine them into a Group. You can have up to 6 smaller Groups (each group uses a One-Touch keys) or can assign up to 89 numbers on FAX 1350M/1450MC/MFC 1850MC and 129 numbers on FAX 1550MC/MFC 1950MC if you have one large Group. You can use the same stored number in several groups. Groups can have a name up to 15 characters long. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 4. 3. Press 3. 4. Press one of the One-Touch keys to be the stored group number. Example: select “One-Touch 1” as a group. 5. After two seconds enter the group number by using the number keys. Example: 1. 6. Enter the One-Touch or Speed-Dial numbers in this group. | Example: 403, 405, *02. (Note: Use the # key and number keys for Speed-Dial numbers, and the * key and number keys for One-Touch num- bers.) 7. Press SET. 8. Enter the group’s name. Example: ALL BROTHER. 9. Press SET. 10. Press STOP to return to date and time. Helpful Hints You can print a list of all One-Touch numbers and Speed-Dial numbers. Group numbers will be listed under One-Touch numbers. (See page 14-3~4.) X : One-Touch 4 : Speed-Dial 5. USING THE UNIT AS A TELEPHONE Your fax machine can be used to make regular telephone calls. You can dial numbers manually, by pressing the number keys, or by using One-Touch or Speed-Dialing. Manual Dialing 1. Pick up the handset, or press HOOK. 2. When you hear a dial tone, you can begin dialing by pressing the number keys. 3. If you used HOOK to dial, pick up the handset when the call is answered. One-Touch Dialing 1. Pick up the handset, or press HOOK, 2. When you hear a dial tone, press the One-Touch key. 3. If you used HOOK, pick up the handset when the call is answered. If you try to use a One-Touch number that has not been stored on the key you pressed, you will hear a warning sound and the display will say, NOT REGISTERED”, The display will return to normal after 2 seconds. Speed Dialing 1. Pick up the handset or press HOOK. 2. When you hear a dial tone, press SPEED DIAL and then press the two-digit Speed-Dial number, 3. If you used HOOK, pick up the handset when the call is answered. Using HOLD, PAUSE, # with the Telephone - Use REDIAL / PAUSE for putting a 3.5 second pause between numbers. - Use HOLD to put a call on hold. You can put down the handset without disconnecting the call. You must pick up the fax handset to release the call from HOLD. - Use # temporarily to switch the dialing type from “pulse” to “tone”. This key is also used for push-button services, such as those offered by banks, credit card companies, Or paging services. On Hook Dialing When you make a call using HOOK, you can listen to the other end through the one- way speaker of the machine, but they can’t hear you unless you pick up the handset. Also, 1f you press HOOK again before you pick up the handset, the call will be u disconnected. | | earching the Telephone Index Once you have stored a name and number as a One-Touch number or as a Speed-Dial number, you can search for that name alphabetically using the Telephone Index. You can also dial a number directly from the Telephone Index. 1. Press TEL-INDEX. 2. Use the number keys to input the first character of the stored name, and press —« (left arrow) or == (right arrow) to find the name. 3. Pick up the handset, or press HOOK. 4. Press START to begin dialing. - Return the handset to its cradle or press HOOK to cancel the call. 6. SENDING FAXES A) DOCUMENT BASICS The Size of Your Documents 216 85 148mm 216mm (8.5") mm (8.5" и < > < (8.57) > (5.8") amm, | | 208mm (8.2) ¡”amm Y En ri i zo 3.9") Só < = E © Maximum > = scanned == (printed) — area E 0 + Eg Y 9 © ne k The size of the documents you want to send by fax should not be larger (or smaller) than your fax machine can accommodate. The documents should each be between 148 and 216 mm (5.8 and 8.5 inches) wide and between 100 and 600 mm (3.9 and 23.6 inches) long. The maximum width of the scanned area is 208 mm (8.2 inches), which can be printed on the recording paper of the recepient’s fax. How to Insert the Document To send a fax, first insert the document you wish to send, face down, in the a document feeder. The top edge of the document should go in first, or the fax will be received up side-down. | To prevent the document from going crooked as it is fed, adjust the paper dOL guides to fit the width of the document. | NOTICE About the Documents You Send... Do not use documents that are curled, wrinkled, folded, ripped, or that contain staples, paper clips, paste, or tape. Also, do not use cardboard, newspaper, or fabric. curled folded staples tape 1 wrinkled fabric ripped paper clip The Auto Document Feeder (ADF) The Auto Document Feeder (ADF) automatically feeds documents (up to 20 pages) into the fax machine, one at a time. The thickness and weight of the documents should fall into the following categories: Thickness: For one sheet: 0.07 to 0.12 mm (2.8 x 10% to 4.7 x 10°? inches). For multiple sheets: 0.07 to 0.10 mm (2.8 x 10%* to 3.9 x 10? inches). For one sheet: 52 to 85 g/m? (0.07 x 10? to 0.121 x 10° Ibs/inch?). For multiple sheets: 52 to 80 g/m? (0.07 x 10° to 0.114 x 107? Ibs/inch?). Weight: As a reference, please note that the paper on which this is printed has the following thickness and weight: Thickness: 0.10mm (3.9 x 10? inches) Weight: 80g/m* (0.114 x 10% Ibs/inch*) . Before inserting documents into the document feeder, fan the sheets of paper to make sure the documents are not stuck together. Then tap the leading edge on a table so that all the pages are even when placed in the feeder. Make sure you always put the documents in face down. Getting Ready to Send a Fax SETTING THE RESOLUTION You can choose a setting (STANDARD, FINE, SUPERFINE, or PHOTO) for the resolution any time before you press START or COPY. You can choose a setting by pressing the RESOLUTION . iZ . key. ( O) means light off. @ means light on.) STANDARD CO FINE The STANDARD resolution can be used for most typewritten 5 NE text. When the STANDARD setting is on, both lights are off. FINE Transmission speed is normal. FINE Y FINE The FINE resolution is an ideal setting to use if you want to send PHOTO documents that have small print. When the FINE setting is on, O SANE the FINE light will be Lit. Transmission speed is slower than STANDARD. SUPERFINE CO FINE The SUPERFINE resolution is a good setting to usc for documents |— PHOTO with very small print or artwork. When the SUPERFINE setting JB SFINE is on, the S. FINE light will be lit. Transmission speed is slower than FINE. \ PHOTO e FINE The PHOTO resolution is ideal for sending documents that have — PHOTO varying shades of gray, such as photographs. The PHOTO setting D SFINE is on when both lights are lit. Transmission speed is slower than FINE. To set different resolutions for each page of a multi page document, refer to “Multiple Resolution Transmission” on page 6-13. SETTING THE CONTRAST The fax machine has automatic contrast control, but if you need to send or to copy a document a document that is very light or very dark, you may want to set the contrast yourself. Use SUPER LIGHT to send a very light document. Use SUPER DARK to send a very dark document. 1. Insert the documents face down into the feeder. C - 2. Press FUNCTION. 3. Press 1. 4, Press 4. The display will alternate messages. — С Г 9. Use —æ (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to select one of the settings, AUTO, S.LIGHT, or S. DARK. Example: S,LIGHT, 6. Press SET. 7. Press STOP to exit. Then start the fax sending operation (see page 6-4) or copy (see page 13-1). B) BASIC FAX TRANSMISSIONS q Sending a Fax There are 3 basic ways of sending a fax: 1) Manual transmission: You can talk or listen to the other party before you send a fax by picking up the handset and dialing the number. After the other party has finished talking and has pushed its START button, you will be able to send your fax by pressing your START key and putting the handset back down in its cradle. (If you call and all you hear is the chirping sound of a fax machine, you can go ahead and press your START key, and then put down the handset.) 2) Automatic transmission: You can send a fax without picking up the handset or without pressing HOOK by dialing the fax number and then pressing START. . One-Touch Dialing Press one of the One-Touch keys. (The numbers must be stored beforehand. See page 4-4.) Then press START. . Speed-Dialing Press SPEED DIAL, then use the number keys to enter a two-digit number. For example, press “05” for 5. (The numbers must be stored beforehand. See page 4-6.) Then press START. . Telephone Index You can use the Tel-Index to make telephone or fax calls.(See page 5-2.) 3) Delayed transmission: It is possible to send documents at a later time by using the TIMER function. (See page 6-7.) Talking to the Other Party When Sending a Fax When you are sending a fax manually and you hear the recipient’s voice instead of fax tones, you can use the handset to have a conversation. When orifyouwant to then send a fax, ask the person on the other line to press START on his/her fax machine and when you hear fax tones you can press START to begin sending your fax. Sending a Fax Automatically 1. Insert the documents face down into the feeder. С. 2. Enter a fax number. Example: One-Touch dialing. 3. Press START. Sending a Fax Manually 1. Insert the documents face down into the feeder. 2. Pickup thehandset or press HOOK and listen for the dial tone. 3. Enter the fax number. You can usc manual dialing, Onc-Touch dialing, Speed Dialing, or Tel-Index. 4. When you hear a fax tone, press START. Your fax machine will begin sending the documents. 5. Return the handset to its cradle, if you did not use HOOK. Automatic and Manual Re-dialing If a number you have dialed is busy or your call did not go through for some other reason, you can re-dial that number. There are two ways to re-dial, “automatic” and “manual.” Automatic redialing can only be uscd for faxes that were sent using automatic transmission—not for telephone calls. The fax machine automatically will re-dial the number 3 times at 5 minute intervals before giving up. It will re-dial the last dialed number when you press REDIAL/PAUSE {manual re-dialing). Optional Settings When You Send a Fax Manually * Resolution (See page 6-2, 6-13.) * Contrast (See page 6-3.) * Cover Page (See page 6-17.) * Overseas Mode (See page 6-12.) * Call Reservation (See page 6-18.) | C) ADVANCED FAX TRANSMISSIONS Sending a Fax by Using Super Quick-Scan (Memory Transmission) If you are faxing a set of documents that are confidential in nature or you just need your original documents back right away, you don't have to stand at the machine and wait for the transmission of each page to be completed. You can use Super Quick-Scan in order to get your original documents back before transmission. | 1. Insert the documents into the feeder. 2. Press SUPER Q.SCAN. The display indicates how much memory is available. 3. Enter the fax number. 4. Press START to begin scanning the documents into memory. Once completed the fax machine will dial the destination. If You Get a MEMORY FULL Message When Trying to Send a Fax by Using Super Quick-Scan If the memory becomes full when scanning page one, the display shows “PRESS STOP KEY”, then press STOP to abort the job. If the memory becomes full on page 2 or more of a multi-page document, you will be prompted to press START to send the portion already scanned, or STOP to abort the job. Printing Page Headers Your fax machine can print a page header on top of every document you send. It is printed on the receiving party's fax paper. It contains the date and time of transmission, your fax number and name (Station ID), and page number. Of course you need to register your Station ID beforehand for that information to be available. (See page 4-3.) Transmission Date and Time Station ID Page Number À | | 08/12/1996 15:25 4155554244 "BROTHER PAGE O1 Delayed Transmission You can set the timer to send documents at a later time (up to 24 hours later). Your fax machine will also produce a report, the “Delayed Sending Report”, after the fax is sent. You can set up to three different documents for delayed transmission. 1. Insert the documents into the feeder. 2. Press SUPER Q.SCAN if you use memory transmission; if not you can send your fax normally. . Press FUNCTION. . Press 1. . Press 1. Sy OU > WW . Enter the time in 24-hour format using the number keys. Example: 19:45 (7:45 P.M.). 7. Wait for two seconds. 8. Press STOP. 9. Enter the fax number. 10. Press START. The fax machine will wait until the specified time to call. Setting the Daily Timer (for Delayed Transmissions) The Daily Timer function lets you send a fax at a set time every day. This is handy for sending delayed jobs that must go out at the same time daily. Once you enter the time, you don’t have to enter it again. The setting will stay the same until you change it. So you can use it everyday, or only on days when you need it. | 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 7. 3. Press 2. 4. Enter the time in 24-hour format using the number keys. Example: 19:45 (7:45 P.M.). 5. Wait for two seconds, press STOP to exit. Broadcasting By using the numbers you have stored for One-Touch dialing, Speed-Dialing, or group dialing, you can automatically send faxes to a maximum of 90 different locations (FAX 1350M/145 OMC/MFC 1850MC) or 130 locations (FAX 1550MC/MFC 1950MC) at once. You can not broadcast to a number that has not been stored in memory. . Insert the documents into the feeder. . Press SUPER Q.SCAN. . Enter the One-Touch key(s) and/or Speed-Dial number(s), one after the other, or a Group number. Example: Group number. . Press START and the fax machine will read the documents into memory, and then start sending faxes to all the numbers you en- tered. | Getting Familiar with the Broadcasting Function * To stop the broadcast in progress, press STOP. * Enter the chain dialing numbers as you normally would, but keep in mind that each key counts as one location, so the number of locations you can call becomes limited, (You have up to 90 different locations (FAX 1350M/1450MC/MFC 1850MC) or 130 locations on FAX 1550MC/MFC 1950MC you can call with One- Touch, Speed-Dial, and group numbers.) If the line is busy or for some other reason a connection could not be made during broadcasting, the fax machine will re-dial the number automatically. (See page 6- 5.) * Hf the memory is full, press STOP to abort the job or press START to send the ~ portion that is in the memory (if more than one page has been scanned.) (See page 6-6.) Helpful Hints 1. Use the Telephone Index to help you choose the numbers you want to broadcast. (See page 5-2.) 2. After transmission is completed, a Broadcast Report will be printed automatically to let you know the result of the transmission. Sending by Multi-Transmission Use multi-transmission for sending several different faxes to several destinations at once. For example, you can automatically fax “Document A” to one destination and “Document B” to another destination. This is not to be confused with Broadcasting, which is sending one document(s) to many destinations. If you wish, you can combine this function with broadcasting so that you can fax different documents to different lists of people at the same time. To do this, store various sets of documents in memory. Then automatically your machine will fax “Document A” to one list of people and “Document B” to another list of people. You can preset 3 different documents including timer transmission in memory. 1. Insert “Document A” into the —- С | feeder. 2. Press SHIFT + SUPER Q.SCAN to- ; gether to send by multiple transmis- C 7 sion. The display shows remaining memory. 3. Enter the fax number. (Or a series of numbers if you are broadcast- ing.) 4. Press START to start scanning documents. 5. Insert “Document B” within 30 seconds after “Document A” has been scanned. (If you wait more than 30 seconds to scan another document, the machine will begin to send the document(s) it has.) 6. Repeat the step 1, 2, 3, 4 for the third document. 7. After 30 seconds, your fax machine will start sending the documents in scanned order. After scanning documents, your fax machine will start sending them in scanned order. Helpful Hints 1. If you press only SUPER Q.SCAN instead of SHIFT + SUPER Q.SCAN for the last document, your fax machine will start dialing without waiting for 30 seconds. 2. Multi-transmission is available for up to three destinations, however this total number includes Timer transmissions. If you set one timer transmission, multi transmission is available for two destinations. Interrupting the Timer and Polled Job You can send a fax without canceling the timer (see page 6-7) or polled waiting (see page 8-2) with documents in the feeder by “interrupting” it. When you interrupt the timer to send a “new” set of documents, the fax machine does not automatically re-dial the number if it 1s busy. Also, you can not use the function mode when you are interrupting the timer or polled waiting. Example: TIMER WAITING with a document in the feeder. . Press FUNCTION. . Press O. . Wait for two seconds. E WN HH . Remove documents from the fax machine. 5. Place the “new” documents into the feeder. 6. Enter the new fax number for the documents you are sending now, then press START. 7. After the transmission is finished, place the “old” documents back into the feeder. 8. Press FUNCTION and 0 to restore the timer. Canceling a Job Use the cancel job function to permanently remove scheduled tasks such as polling or polled job (see page 8-2) and timer job (delayed sending) (see page 6-7) from your fax machine. Example: TIMER WAITING with documents in the feeder. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 2. Any waiting jobs that have been set up will appear in the display. If no jobs are waiting to be processed, a “NOJOB WAITING” message will appear in the display. 3, Use — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to select the job you wish to cancel. 4. Press SET, 5. Press 1 to cancel the selected job, or 2 to exit without canceling. If 1 is selected, the job will be canceled and the next job in the queue will appear in the display. | 6. Tocancelthe next job, press 1 again. To exit, simply press 2. D) FAX TRANSMISSION OPTIONS Setting the Overseas Mode If you experience difficulty with sending faxes overseas, you may want to use the Overseas mode. Using the Overseas mode is an effective way to send faxes overseas. 1. Insert the documents into the feeder. C 2. Press FUNCTION. 3. Press 1. 4, Press 6. 5. Press —e« (left arrow) or » (right arrow) to switch to ON. 6. Press SET, 7. Press STOP to exit. 8. Then start the fax sending opera- tion. (See page 6-4.) After sending your fax, the overseas mode will switch itself OFF. 6-12 Setting Your Fax Machine for Multiple Resolution Transmission This is a temporary setting for the current transmission job only. | You can set the resolution of the documents you send by pressing RESOLUTION. Once you set the resolution, all the pages will be sent at the same resolution. However, there may be times when you want to send some pages at one resolution, such as “standard”, and other pages in another resolution, such as “photo.” If you send all pages in photo resolution, for instance, it would take a great deal of time. It is better to specify the resolution for each page to minimize transmission time. This is made possible by using the 1. TEMP. SETTINGS function. 1. Insert the documents into the feeder. C 2. Press FUNCTION. 3. Press 1. 4. Press 5. 5. Press — (left arrow) or mm (right arrow) to find the resolution you want for the first page of your documents. Example: FINE. 6. Press SET. Return to step 5 for setting the resolution for page 2 and the following pages. 7. When you finish setting the resolu- tion for all your pages, press STOP. 8. Enter the fax number. 9. Press START. The resolution will revert to STAND- ARD after the documents have been sent. 6-13 Sending a Fax with an Electronic Cover Page Message An automatic Cover Page will allow you to send details of who the fax is going to, who it is from and when it was sent. This is what the Cover Page looks like: (1) (2) (3) (4) | 09/12/1996 15:25 === COVER PAGE === TO: NI OFFICE (1) FAX: 14155551212 FROM: BROTHER —— (2) FAX: 4155554444 TEL: 4155554445 03 PAGELS] TO FOLLOW (3) COMMENT: PLEASE CALL (4) The “TO” information comes from the One-Touch or the Speed-Dial memory. If you are dialing manually, the name of the destination will be left blank. The “FROM” information comes from the Station 1D. The number of pages you are sending. When Cover Page is sent each time by using the automatic settings (see page 6-16), the number of pages will be left blank. If you have used the temporary Cover Page setting (see page 6-17,18), the number of pages you entered will be listed. Your comments. You may customize the comments (see page 6-15). The Comments Selection on the Cover Page You can choose one comment from among 6 options. The first option is to send no comment at all. The next 3 are built-in comments, and the last two are ones you can enter yourself. (For more information see page 6-15 “Customizing Your Cover Page Comment”.) . COMMENT OFF . PLEASE CALL . URGENT . CONFIDENTIAL . (Your own customized comment up to 27 characters). . (Your own customized comment up to 27 characters). | С) слоны oO BD e 6-14 Customizing Your Cover Page Comment You can customize the comment on your Cover Page as follows: 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 7. 3. Press 6. A, Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to select 5 or 6 where you wish to store a comment. Example: 5. 5. Press SET. 6. Enter your customized comment by using the number keys (up to 27 characters). (See page 3-9-10 for more details.) Example: TOP SECRET. 7. Press SET. 8. Press STOP to exit, Printing the Cover Page You can print a Cover Page to check the format. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 3. 3. Press 4. 4. Press START. To Always Send a Cover Page If you often send an automatic Cover Page, you can set it to ON to avoid having to set up the details of the Cover Page each time. Here is how you can switch the setting for the automatic Cover Page to ON or OFF: 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 5. 3. Press 3. 4, Press —« (left arrow) or » (right arrow) to choose ON or OFF. Example: ON. | 5, Press SET, 6. If you selected ON, you need to select a comment, by pressing — (left arrow} or m= (right arrow). Example: 2. PLEASE CALL. (See page 6- 14.) 7. Press SET. 8. Press STOP to exit. Sending an Automatic Cover Page If you have the Cover Page ON/OFF setting to ON, the total number of pages will not be printed on the Cover Page. Also, the comment you selected when you set it to ON will be printed on all the Cover Pages you send. Sending a Fax When the Cover Page Is ON 1. Insert the documents into the feeder. The display will say “COVERPAGE ON” for one second. C 2. Enter the fax number. 3. Press START. Your machine will begin transmit- ting the Cover Page and original document. When Using the Cover Page Temporarily 1. Insert the documents into the feeder. C 2. Press FUNCTION. 3. Press 1. | 4. Press 7. 5. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to select ON or OFF. Example: ON. 0. Press SET. 7, Press — (left arrow) or » (right arrow) to select the comment you want. Example: 2.PLEASE CALL. 8. Press SET. 9. Enter the number of pages you are sending. (Enter “0” to leave the number of pages blank.) 10. Wait for two seconds. 11. Press STOP to exit. 12. Enter the fax number. 13. Press START. Sending a Fax with Call Reservation You can send a fax and then talk to the recipient using the Call Reservation feature. After your fax has been printed on the receiving end, the receiving fax machine will ring as if it were receiving a telephone call. If the recipient picks up the handset, your fax machine will ring. Then you can pick up your handset and start a conversation. If you have both Call Reservation and Call Back Message set to ON and the recipient does not pick up the handset when it rings, your fax machine will leave a fax message asking them to call you. 1. Insert the documents into the feeder. 2. Press FUNCTION. 3. Press 1. 4. Press 3. 5. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to select Call Reservation ON or OFF. Example: Call Reserve ON. 6. Press SET. 7. Press — (lett arrow) or m= (right arrow) to select Call Back Message ON or OFF. Example: Call Back Message ON. 8. Press SET. 9. Press STOP. 10. Enter the fax number. 11.Press START. 12. Pick up your handset if it rings. 0971271996 15:25 === (ALL BACK MESSAGE === 10: NJ OFFICE FAX: 141555517212 FROM BROTHER PLEASE CALL AT [TEL] 4155554445 [FAX] 4155554444 Using the Call Reservation Function 1. There are some fax machines that will not respond to this function. 2. When you use auto re-dialing, you cannot use the Call Reservation function, but if Call Back Message is ON, your fax machine will leave a Call Back Message to ask the other party call you. 3. You cannot use Call Reservation with the timer or with the polling function. 4. You must register your Station ID number to set Call Back Message: ON. (See page 4-3.) <Q | J Printing the Call Back Message ‘You can print a sample Call Back Message to check the format. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 3. 3. Press 5. A, Press START. 6-19 ECM (Error Correction Mode) The Error Correction Mode (ECM) is a way for the machine to check the integrity of a fax transmission while it is in progress. ECM transmissions are possible only between machines that both havethe ECM feature. Ifthey do, you may send and receive fax messages that are continually checked for their integrity. Sufficient memory must be available in your machine for this feature to work. Error Re-Transmisston Error Re-Transmission is helpful when the receiving machine does not have ECM. Even though your machine cannot check the integrity of the message, it will resend the page(s) affected after occurrences of accidental noise have caused an error. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 5. 3. Press 4. 4, Press —« (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to choose either ON or OFF. Fxample: ON. | 5. Press SET, 6. Press STOP to exit. - This feature is available only for memory transmission using Super Quick-Scan (see page 6-6-10). 6-20 Next-FAX Reservation You can use Next-FAX Reservation for sending a fax when the fax machine is busy receiving or transmitting from memory. This function saves you from having to wait until the incoming fax has printed or the fax stored in memory has finished transmission, To use the Next-FAX Reservation feature insert the documents as you normally would and follow a few other simple steps. 1. Insert the documents into the feeder. | 2. Enter a fax number. 3. Press START. 4. Press SET. - If a One-Touch or SPEED DIAL number is selected that is not stored, a warning beep will sound. | 1. Next-FAX Reservation cannot be used when there are documents in the document feeder awaiting timer transmission or polled waiting or when the interrupt function is in use. 2. When you are making a call using Next-FAX Reservation, you can dial manually, or use One-Touch, Speed-Dial, Redial, or Chain dialing. However, when you use One-Touch dialing, the screen will only display the number of the One-Touch number you are using, such as “*017 and not the name of the person you are calling. Similarly, if you use Speed- dialing, the screen will show you only the Speed-Dial number, such as “#02”. 3. Youcan set theresolution for Next-FAX Reservation by pressing RESOLUTION, but you can not change any settings using the FUNCTION key. (For example you cannot change a setting for multiple resolution transmission by using function mode.) 4. To cancel a Next-FAX Reservation, remove the documents and press STOP. 7. RECEIVING FAXES AND OTHER CALLS A) BASIC SETUP TO RECEIVE FAXES Selecting an Answer Mode There are four answer modes for your fax machine. Choose the mode that suits your needs by pressing the MODE button repeatedly until you have changed the AUTO and F/T lights to the setting you want. For more information about a particular mode, refer to the page number given. (O means light off. ww means light on.) Answer Mode 1. MANUAL 2. AUTO 4. MSG CTR (Only for FAX 1450MC/1550MC, MFC 1850MC/ 1950MC) 4'. TAD (Only for FAX 1350M) © AUTO Mag Cir OFT AUT Maz Cha FT Y» e — o OA Maz RF AS AUT МАИ @ AUTO A How 1t Works You control the phone line and must answer every call yourself. Use this mode when you are using a computer modem on the line or if you receive very few fax mes- sages, (Automatic) The fax machine automatically answers every call with fax tones (dedicated fax line). You can not receive a telephone call, but you can use the line to call out. ap Cax/Telephono) The fax machine eontrols the phone Ed line and automatically answers every call. Ifit answers and hears fax tones coming over the line, it will receive the fax message. If the fax machine answers and does not hear fax tones, it will ring for you to pick up a phone and take over the call. This mode is for people who do not use an answering machine. You can not have a telephone answering device in a separate phone jack on the same phone line. You must set the Ring Delay and F/T Ring Time. If you have extension phones on the line, set the Ring Delay to 4 rines. (Message Center) The fax machine automatically answers every call. The messages are stored on a “first come, first served” basis. (Telephone Answering Device) The answering machine controls the phone line and answers every call. As soon as the TAD answers, the fax machine listens for fax tones; if it hears them it will take over the call and receive the fax message. The TAD must be a physical device that is plugged into the EXT jack of the fax machine. Your fax machine will not work with an outside telephone answering service. TAD mode can be set so you can leave it turned on when you are at the fax machine and still have time to answer your calls before the TAD picks up; you do not have to change modes when you come and go. The Ring Delay and F/T Ring Time do not apply! The number of rings is set on the answering machine, which overrides the Ring Delay setting on the fax machine See Page 7-2 7-3 11-1 7-14 Manual Reception (MANUAL Mode) When you set the Answer Mode to MANUAL, you must answer each incoming call yourself, Here is what you should do when using MANUAL Mode: If You Get a... Then You Should... 1. Regular phone call Talk as you normally would. 2. Phone call and request | Press START when finished talking, and replace the handset. to send a fax Note: Sender must also press START. 3. Fax tone... Press START, and replace the handset. Automatic Fax Only Reception (AUTO Mode) You can receive all your faxes automatically in Automatic Fax Reception mode (AUTO light is ON). Select this mode by pressing MODE. Setting the Ring Delay You can set up the number of rings before the fax machine will receive automatically in AUTO and F/T mode. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 6. 3. Press 2. 4. Press —= (left arrow) or => (right arrow) repeatedly until you find the number of rings you want. Example: 00. When you set 00, you can receive your incoming faxes with no rines, 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exit. The FIT Switch (FIT Mode) When you share one line for your telephone and fax machine, in the F/T switch mode, the fax machine can determine whether an incoming call is a fax or a telephone call. (See Chart below.) | incoming Call | The fax machine | You pick up any picks up after ring delay elapses. All extensions in the home will ring for 0-4 rings extension within ring delay selection. | (user selectable). The fax machine picks up the call and automatically detects whether it is a fax or voice call. Fax call | | Voice call ' Fax reception is Only the fax handset automatically rings, (double ring) activated. for you to pick up. The handset will ring | for between 10-60 seconds The fax message (user selectable). is received. IE You must manually determine if it is a voice or fax call. Fax call Voice call A) If you are at the Talk as fax machine, press normal. START. B) If you are at an extension phone, you can transfer the fax call to the fax unit by pressing your remote activation code (three digits). ' ' ! The caller may The caller stays hang up. on the line through the entire 10-60 second ring time. | The fax mode is activated. | The caller may hang up. You pick up the fax handset. y | Talk as normal. | Recording an FIT Outgoing Message (OGM) (Only for FAX 1450MC/1550MC and MFC 1850MC/1950MC) You can store an outgoing message in your fax machine so that callers know what to do. For example, you can leave a message that says: “Hi, I can not answer your call right now; please call me again later. If you send a fax, please wait until you hear a fax tone and press the START key, or, press (your three- -digit remote activation code) and press the START key.” 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 6. 4. Press — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) repeatedly until you get the F/T OGM. . Press SET. . Press RECORD. . Pick up the handset. . Record a message within 20 sec- onds. oe ~J 9 on 9. Press STOP, and replace the handset. The recorded message is played auto- matically. 10. Press STOP to exit. Helpful Hints It is not necessary to have an outgoing message. The F/T mode will work fine without one. Ît is only to help the caller understand the status of your machine. Setting the F/T Ring Time You can specify the maximum time you want the fax machine to ring (double ring) to notify you after it has answered a telephone call; there are four predefined settings: 10, 20, 30, or 60 seconds. During this time, only the fax machine will ring. No other phones on the same line will ring. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 6. 3. Press 4. 4, Press — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) repeatedly until you find the setting you want. Example: 10 sec. 5, Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exit. Smoothing The smoothing feature enhances the appearance of incoming faxes by making the lines smooth and takes no additional time. This function does not apply to outgoing faxes, or to lists or reports you print. The initial setting is ON. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 5. 3. Press 1. 4. Press —« (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to choose ON or OFF. Example: OFF. 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exi Setting the Size of the Recording Paper There are three different settings for the size of the recording (printing) paper. The machine will automatically reduces and prints the incoming data according to the size setting of the recording paper size. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 5. 3. Press 6. 4. Press — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to select either LETTER, LEGAL or A4. Example : A4 5. Press SET. Go to the REDUCTION setting in Function menu 5-5. (See page 7-7.) 6. Press —« (left arrow) or == (right arrow)toselecteither AUTO, 100%, 93%, 87%, or 15%. Example: AUTO 7. Press SET. 8. Press STOP to exit. Regardless of the actual size of the recording paper, the machine will calculate the reduction ratio by this setting. So when you change the recording paper, you must also change this setting to get the correct reduction. Printing a Reduced Size Copy of the Incoming Document You can avoid separating data even if the document is longer than the recording paper by using this function to print a reduction of the document. There are two types of reduction: Auto Reduction and Fixed Reduction. Using Auto Reduction Ratios Regardless of the original size of the incoming document, it will be reduced so that it fits on one page of recording paper. The machine will automatically calculate the reduction ratio by taking into account the size of the incoming document and the size of the recording paper you selected in Function menu 5-6. {See page 7-6.) Fixed Reduction The incoming document will be reduced at a fixed reduction ratio regardless of the size of the recording paper. The reduction ratios can be selected from among four choices: 100%, 93%, 87%, or 75%. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 5. 3. Press 5. 4. Press —æ (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to select the reduction ratio you want : - If you want Auto Reduction, choose “AUTO”. - Choose 93%, 87%, or 75% if you want Fixed Reduction. Example: 93% - Choose 100% if you want torecord the same size. 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exit. * You can use Auto Reduction to reduce incoming documents to fit on one page of recording paper, only as long as the original document is not longer than legal size. If the original 1s longer than legal size, the data will not be reduced (see the For Your Information below.) and will carry over to print on a second page. * When you use Auto Reduction and you receive an incoming document that is smaller than your recording paper, no reduction will take place. * When selecting Fixed Reduction, you must consider the size of the recording paper as registered in Function menu 5-6. (See page 7-6.) Selecting the Ratios of Fixed Reduction Oterpary sends you a document the Your receiving paper size is: ecommendec Reduction Letter document (8.5"x11") Letter 93% (mostly Domestic communications) Ad, Legal 100% Ad document (8.2"x11.6") | Letter 87% | (mostly International communications) Ad 93% Legal | 100% Legal documents (8.5"x14") Letter 75% Legal 93% Speaker Volume There are three settings available for the speaker volume, OFF, LOW, or HIGH. This setting controls the loudness of the fax machine’s speaker, which is connected to the phone line. The initial setting is LOW, | 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 6. 3. Press 3. 4. Press —« (left arrow) or » (right arrow) to choose a setting either OFF, LOW, or HIGH. Example: HIGH. 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exit. Ring Volume You can set the ring volume to either OFF, LOW or HIGH. The initial setting is HIGH. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 6. 3. Press 5. 4. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to choose either OFF, LOW, or HIGH. Example: LOW, 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exit. Helpful Hints Even if you select OFF, the ring volume will be LOW for F/T ringing, Call Reservation ringing and when the Distinctive ringing mode is SET. Reception into Memory/Out of Paper Reception If the paper cassette is empty, the LCD will display the message “PAPER EMPTY”. Then please add more recording paper. (See page 1-7.) Your fax machine will automatically store any incoming faxes in its memory ifit runs out of paper. The contents of the memory will be printed when you replace the new recording paper. The memory will not be lost as long as you do not turn off the machine or disconnect the power. 7-10 B) REMOTE ACTIVATION What is Remote Activation? If you answer a call that is a fax message, you can use the Remote Activation Code to make your fax machine take over the call. If your fax machine answers a telephone call that is for you, you can use the Remote Deactivation Code to pick up the call at an extension phone. (You do not need a code to take over a call at the fax machine.) You must use a touch tone phone. Connecting an External or Extension Telephone You may connect an external telephone to your fax machine, as shown below. Use the “EXT.” jack on your fax machine. Alternately, you may wish to use this “EXT.” jack to connect a telephone answering device (TAD). An extension phone is a telephone that is plugged into a separate wall jack on the same line. | External Extension Telephone Telephone If the external telephone is in use, the warning message “EXT. TEL IN USE” will be displayed on the fax LCD. When the handset on the fax machine is picked up, an alarm will sound. You can disconnect the external phone and switch to the fax machine's handset by pressing HOOK. N J Using Remote Codes The Remote Activation Code (>¢51) is used in F/T mode, TAD mode and MSG CTR mode. The Deactivation Code (#51) is used only in F/T mode and MSG CTR mode. Using the Activation Code: When you are at the fax machine, you will probably answer incoming calls before your fax machine or answering machine is programmed to pick up. If you answer a call and no one seems to be on the line, assume it is a fax message. Do not hang up. You must activate your fax machine to take over the call first. (If you are holding the fax handset, just press START and hang up.} If you are on an extension/external phone, press *51 and wait for your fax machine to respond before you hang up. After 3 seconds you will hear receiving tones (chirps) through the handset of extension phone. Then hang up. You can repeat the code as many times as needed. Your fax machine will take over the call and print the fax message. If your caller wants to talk before sending the fax, you can have a conversation first and then activate your fax machine with the code. The Remote Activation Code can also be used by your callers. When you are using a TAD, your outgoing message {OGM) should end with the statement “to send a fax, press *51”, (See the section on Connecting a Telephone Answering Device for more information.) Using the Deactivation Code: When your fax machine is in F/T mode, sometimes it will answer a call that is not fax calling tones (a telephone call or manual fax). It will respond with a double ring (short, short) to alert you to take over. Because it has already answered the call, only the fax machine will ring, extension phones are no longer connected to the call. Pick up any phone except external phone on the line. To take over the call at the fax machine: Pick up the handset of the fax machine and talk to the caller as usual. If no one is there or someone 15 trying to send you a manual fax, press the START key and replace the handset. Your fax machine will display “receiving” and print the incoming fax message. To take over the call at an extension phone: Pick up the handset on another telephone and press #51 quickly during the silence between the double ring pattern. When the fax machine hears the code it will stop ringing and let you speak with the caller. If no one is on the line or someone is trying to send you a manual fax, send the call back to the fax machine (*51). | Making the Remote Codes Easier to Use You can change the codes at any time. It may be easier for you and your callers to press the same key three times (Example: ***X and ###). Although you can change the codes to any numbers you want, try to avoid using digits for the Activation Code. The Remote Activation Code can not match any number you dial. If you try to dial a phone number that includes the Activation Code, your fax machine will go into receiving mode. Troubleshooting Sometimes other equipment on your phone line reserves a key that is in the Activation or Deactivation code. (Some answering machines reserve the “*” key.) If the code you use to retrieve messages from your answering machine causes the line to be disconnected, try changing the Remode Codes. Change *51 to ### and #51 to 999. The Remote Activation and Deactivation Codes may not work with some telephone systems or telephone sets. NOTE: Ifyou accidentally pick up an extension phone when a fax message is being received, you may disrupt the transmission or render some portions unreadable. 7.12 Changing and Registering Remote Codes . Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 7. 3, Press 5. — 4. Press — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to choose ON or OFF. Example: ON. 5. Press SET. 6. Enter new remote code to activate. (Factory setting is “*51”.) Then wait for 2 seconds. 7. Enter new remote code to deacti- vate. (Factory setting is “#51”.) 8. Wait for 2 seconds. 9. Press STOP to exit. 7-13 C) CONNECTING A TELEPHONE ANSWERING DEVICE (TAD) How to Use External TAD with the Unit (The TAD Mode for FAX 1350M) When you have a Telephone Answering Device on the fax phone line, the TAD will answer all the incoming calls. Your Brother fax machine will listen in on the line for fax CNG tones. If it hears them, it will take over the call and receive the fax message. If it does not hear fax tones, it will let the TAD continue playing the outgoing message so the caller can leave a voice message. The TAD must answer within 4 rings (2 rings are recommended). The fax machine can not hear the CNG calling tones until the TAD answers the call. With 4 rings, only 8-10 seconds of CNG calling tones are left for the “handshake”. So you must strictly follow the instructions for recording the OGM. You must erase the incoming messages frequently on your TAD. When the TAD’s memory is full it will not answer any incoming calls (fax or voice). Set the TAD : EXT mode in the Message Storage. (Set the TAD mode for FAX 1350M (see page 7-1).) Connecting an External TAD to the Unit You may connect an external TAD to your fax machine, as shown below. Use the “EXT.” jack on your fax machine. - Donotconnect a TAD elsewhere on the same phone line. This will cause problems because your fax machine and TAD will both try to control the line. Example of the Sequence of External TAD Reception (Sequence of TAD Mode for FAX 1350M) Example) TAD : EXT. mode. (TAD mode for 1350M) The call is picked up by the external TAD. (Recommended shori TAD ring delay such as 1 or 2 rings.) | Fax reception is | «——— |The external TAD — — —> | The caller must automatically Auto outgoing message Manual press your remote activated by dialed begins. (Recommended dialed activation code setting for is o activate fax tone. fax call rings.) fax call fax machine. | | | Voice call | | | The fax message is The fax message The caller leaves a ! received on paper. is received an voice message on the | — paper. external TAD. The caller can also send a fax message. Hookup There is only one way you can hook up a Telephone Answering Device (TAD) on the fax phone line. The TAD must be plugged into the back of the fax machine in the jack labeled EXT. Your fax machine can not work properly if you plug the TAD into a wall jack. Follow these steps: 1. Plug the telephone line cord from the wall jack into the back of the fax machine in the jack labeled LINE. 2. Plugthe telephone line cord from your TAD into the back of the fax machine in the jack labeled EXT. (Double check that the telephone line cord comes from the jack in the TAD for telephone line and not for telephone set.) . Put your fax machine in TAD mode by turning both the AUTO and F/T lights on. . Set your TAD to 4 rings or less. (The fax machine's Ring Delay setting does not apply). . Turn the TAD's Answer mode to ON. . Record the OGM (outgoing message) on your TAD as explained below. Gy сл ‚+ CO Recording the TAD’s Outgoing Message (OGM) The TAD's outgoing message is important because it must be set up to handle two kinds of fax receptions: automatic and manual. Timing is important. 1. Record 5 seconds of silence as the beginning of your message. (Your fax machine will be able to hear the fax calling tones, of automatic fax transmissions, before they stop.) 2. Limit your speaking to 20 seconds. 3. End your 20 second message by giving your Remote Activation Code for people sending manual faxes: “After the beep, leave a message or send a fax by pressing *51.” NOTE: Do not assume that most callers send faxes automatically. Many people do not realize they are not sending fax tones when they lift the handset or press HOOK. Also, some machines may not send fax tones. 7-15 D) DISTINCTIVE RINGING Distinctive Ringing What Is Distinctive Ringing? Distinctive ringing is a service offered by the telephone carriers that allows you to have several different numbers on one phone line, each with it own distinctive ringing pattern. This way, when you get an incoming call, you can identify the number being called by its ring. Your local telephone company can provide more information about this service. The service is usually offered as a monthly charge to your normal telephone bill. Can My Fax Machine Use Distinctive Ringing? Yes, it has a distinctive ringing function that allows you to register the distinctive ringing pattern of an additional phone number on the line (See page 7-17~18). The number you register must be the number you want to use as your dedicated fax number. Once you register the ringing pattern, the fax machine will be able to identify its own incoming calls and automatically receive faxes at that number. You can register only gne ringing pattern. There are some ringing patterns that can not be registered. Can I Change the Setting Later? Yes, you can change or cancel the distinctive ringing setting anytime. How Will the Fax Machine Treat All Other Distinctive Ringing? It will act the way it normally does. In other words, the fax machine will treat all the other unregistered, distinctive rings according to the machine's answer mode setting (MANUAL, AUTO, F/T, or TAD). For instance, if a call comes in that is not for your (registered) dedicated fax number, and the machine is set to MANUAL, the fax machine will respond as per the MANUAL mode. How Does the Distinctive Ringing Function Work? When you receive an incoming call, the fax machine compares the ring pattern with the one that is registered. Ifthe two are identical, then the fax machine automatically accepts the call as an incoming fax. Otherwise, the fax machine will treat the call in the usual way, depending on the machine's answer mode setting (MANUAL, AUTO, F/T, or TAD (1350M)/MSG CTR (1450MC/ 1550MC, 1850MC/1950MC”). The function has 3 modes: (ON, SET, OFF). Set it to ON when you want to use it, and to OFF when you do not want to use it. Use the SET mode for registering a number. What is the Advantage of Using the Distinctive Ringing Function? By registering a ring pattern (see page 7-17~18) you may operate your fax machine in the most efficient way possible should you require the distinctive ringing service. With the distinctive function ON, you can receive your faxes automatically, and people who call you on one of your other numbers do not have to talk to your fax machine. It basically gives you two independent numbers by using only one line. | 7-16 Helpful Hints If You Do Not Have a Distinctive Ringing Service... Your phone carrier can give you more information about it. If you are not currently using a distinctive ringing service, don’t try to set up your distinctive ring feature. It may cause your machine to malfunction. If your phone carrier provides this service and you decide to use it, it's a good idea to use one of the new numbers you receive as your fax number and keep the old number for it's original purpose. Remember to tell your customers and colleagues your new fax number. H Yon Already Have a Distinctive Ringing Service... It is a good idea to register the ring pattern of your existing dedicated fax number. Use the registration mode under the distinctive ringing function. You will not be able to use the fax machine's distinctive ringing feature until this pattern has been registered. (See this page.) Setting the Distinctive Ringing Function If you currently have a distinctive ringing service (a telephone service that provides you with multiple numbers, each with a distinctive ring, on one line), you can register any one of the ring patterns of your line with your fax machine so that it can immediately identify a call as an incoming fax by the distinctive ring pattern it uses. You also will need to arrange to have someone call your fax machine to set the distinctive ring number (step 7). You may have difficulty registering a distinctive ring pattern if your fax machine is connected to a telephone answering device. Disconnect it before you set this function. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 6. 3. Press 6. 4. Press — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to find the SET mode. 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP. IMPORTANT: -“D/R SET MODE” stays on screen until set. - Younow must wait for someone to call the dedicated line's fax number with distinctive pattern or ask a friend to call your specific distinctive ring fax number. 7. Ne Helpful Hints Once someone calls, listen carefully and see if the ring pattern is the distinctive pattern corresponding to the number you want toregister. If it is and the LCD shows the message “PICK UP TO SET”, after two or more rings lift up the hand- set on the fax machine. . Press START to set (or STOP to cancel). . Press START again to receive the incoming fax, or if the call is a voice call, talk into the handset. While You Are Setting the Distinctive Ringing Function: 1. When someone calls your fax machine, it will continue to ring until you pick up the handset or press HOOK, even if you have set the number of rings. 2. If you get a call and the ring pattern is NOT the one you want to register, press STOP. (See step 8 above to cancel programming.) 3. There are some ring patterns that cannot be registered. Try a different one. 4. Answer mode is automatically switched to MANUAL during registration. The answer mode that you had set before distinctive ringing registration will flash. Once You Have Finished Setting the Distinctive Ringing Function: 1. Some Telephone Answering Devices may pick up a call before your fax machine finishes detecting the ringing pattern. We suggest you set your Answering Device ring delay to its maximum setting. . You will not hear the first two rings of all incoming calls on the fax machine. However, other extension phones connected to the same line, or any external phones connected to the fax machine will ring. If the fax machine recognizes the distinctive ring pattern, it will accept the call automatically as an incoming fax, and you will not hear further ringing. If it does not, you will hear the phones continue to ring, and the fax machine will also ring. 3. You can still receive faxes on numbers other than the one you registered. The fax machine will respond to these calls according to how you have set the answer mode (MANUAL, AUTO, F/T, or TAD (1350M)/MSG CTR (1450MC/1550MC, 1850MC/ 1950MC)). _/ Remember that you should let your phone ring at least twice before answering to allow the fax machine to pick up first if necessary. Answering an incoming call before two rings will defeat the purpose of the distinctive ringing function. You should turn the distinctive ringing function to OFF temporarly if you move and/or get a new number. To turn off the distinctive ringing set-up go into function mode. (See page 7-18.) How to Turn the Distinctive Ringing Function ON or OFF The distinctive ringing function is designed to accommodate the distinctive ringing service (a telephone service that provides you with multiple numbers, each with a distinctive ring, on one line). Please note that you need to register the ring pattern of your fax number before you can set the distinctive ringing mode ON. (See page 7-16~18.) 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 6. 3. Press 6. 4. Press —« (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to find the mode (OFF, SET, ÓN) you want. Example: ON. 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exit. * If you wish to use an external Telephone Answering Device (TAD) and the distinctive ringing feature with your fax machine: 1. You must use the distinctive ringing pattern for your fax number, otherwise both the TAD and fax may conflict in picking up the call. 2. Select the TAD mode on your fax machine (see page 7-1). 3. Connect the external TAD into EXT. jack of your fax machine (see page 7-11). Do not parallel connect the external TAD into another wall jack. 4. You must set the external TAD to its maximum ring delay setting (minimum 4 rings). 5. You can not use the Toll Saver feature of the external TAD when using the distinctive ringing feature. * [fvou do not use an external Telephone Answering Device (TAD) with your fax machine: Select the MANUAL mode on your fax machine (see page 7-1). E) CALLER ID What is Caller ID? Caller ID is a telephone service that allows the subscriber to see a display of the caller's phone number (or name in certain states) as the telephone rings, It is a fast way to screen your calls. You can respond quickly to calls you missed, because Caller IDs are received and stored in your machine’s memory. To get the Caller ID Service: apply for the Caller ID service at your local telephone company. The type of service varies from state to state and is determined by your telephone company. Your particular service may display only the caller’s phone number or the caller's number and/or name. Ne J Advantages of Caller ID For Business All businesses profit from a quicker response to customer calls. Businesses that provide mail order services, money-lending services or provide confidential information, can protect them- selves from false orders or acceptance of false identification. At Home Residential customers can protect themselves from unwanted calls. How Does the Caller ID Work? The Caller ID Appears on the Display When Your Telephone Rings As your telephone rings, the Display shows you the caller’s phone number (or caller’s name in certain states). You will know who is calling before you pick up the handset or before your machine automatically receives the call. Once you pick up the handset, the caller's ID disappears. Ifboth the caller’s phone number and name are received, only the name will appear on the Display. You will see the first 16 characters of the number or name. Helpful Hints e if “OUT OF AREA” appears on the Display, it means that the call came from outside your caller ID service area. o If“PRIVATE CALL” appears on the Display, it means the caller intentionally blocked the transmission of his/her ID. * If no caller ID was transmitted to your fax machine, “CALL PICKUP” will remain on the display. NOTE: Please setup the number of rings 02 and more to have the Caller ID. If you set up the number of rings to 01, you can not receive the Caller ID. 7-20 The Caller ID is Stored in Your Machine’s Memory The machine can store a maximum of the last 30 incoming caller IDs in the memory, along with the time and date of reception. The 31st call will cause the oldest ID to be erased. The Caller ID information stored in the memory can be scrolled through on the display. And you can also print the Caller ID list and review calls you received by checking the Caller IDs in memory. This report will list the Date, Time, Phone Number {Caller ID), Name (in certain states), and type of call (Comment). Scanning through a Caller ID from the Memory You can display the caller IDs that are stored in the memory as follows. (You can skip to Step 4 below by pressing the SHIFT and TEL INDEX keys simultaneously.) . Press FUNCTION. . Press 6. . Press 7. . Press SET. The Caller ID of the last call will appear on the display. WN == - If no ID is stored, the beeper will sound and “NO CALLER ID” will appear on the diaplay. 5. Press — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) key to scroll through the Caller IDs in the memory. In this example, press the m= key 5 times. - Pressing the »» key will cycle back- ward through the stored caller IDs from the latest to the oldest. If you press the => key when the oldest ID appears, the latest one will appear. The — key cycles forward. - After 2 seconds, the date and time the caller ID was received will appear. 6. Press STOP to exit. Clearing the Caller ID Stored into Memory It is recommended that you should clear the Caller ID stored into memory by ‘pressing CLEAR when the display shows the number or name, because of the «q effective use of the memory. 7-21 Printing the Caller ID List You can print a listing of the Caller IDs for the last 30 calls received. Both telephone and fax calls will be listed. a LO D = . Press 3. . Press 9. . Press SET . Press FUNCTION. Wait 2 seconds until you see the prompt at the right. 5. Press START. ¥ Sample of Caller ID List | CALLER ID LIST | : TIME : 09/04/1996 14:05 NAME FAX TEL — A DATE TIME | CALLER ID NAME | COMMENT | 01 { 09/04 13:45 ! 5551212 KOUJT TAKEYAMA TEL RX | 02 | 09/04 | 13:45 | 5551212 KOUJI TAKEYAMA TEL | 03 | 09/04 ! 13:45 | 5551111 TEL RX 04 | 09/04 | 13:45 | 5551010 TAD RX 05 | 09/04 | 13:45 | 555222? 06 | 09/04 | 13:45 | 5552323 TAD 07 | 09/04 | 13:45 | 5550000 SMITH SHARON TEL RX | 08 | 09/04 | 13:45 | 5551212 KOUJI TAKEYAMA TEL TX 09 | 09/04 ! 13:45 | 5551234 RX 10 | 09/04 | 13:45 | 5551010 SMITH SHARON TX 11 | 09/04 | 13:45 | 55501.01 JONES JENNIFER TAD RX | NOTE: “TX” means Transmit, “RX” means Receive. CONTENTS OF THE LIST: DATE & TIME ©) CALLER ID ® NAME (ONLY WHEN AVAILABLE) ® COMMENT Q) COMMENTS WILT. INCLUDE: TX means your machine sent a fax message when it was polled or called. RX means your machine received a fax message (other than when polled or called). TEL means you answered a telephone call by your fax machine, external TAD or external phone. TAD means you received an ICM in your Message Center memory (Only for FAX 1450MC/ 1550MC, MFC 1850MC/1950MC). BLANK means the call was not answered or nswered by extension phone 8. POLLING Polling side What Is Polling? Polling 1s the process of retrieving faxes from another fax machine. You may use your machine to “poll” other machines, or you may ask someone to poll your machine. The party who polls pays for the cost of the call. How Does It Work? First all parties set up their fax machines so that they can accommodate polling. Then one party leaves documents in the fax machine so that the other party can call and have the documents sent to them. Polled side MZ В \ MUY Call Receive document When to Use Polling? poll for them. N Use polling to control the cost ef who pays for sending a fax. 1. If you want to pay for the cost of the call: Send out faxes to other parties as you normally would, and if another party has documents to send you, ask if you can 2. If youwant others to pay for the cost of the call: Ask them to poll your fax machine for documents they want, and have them fax any documents that you want. * There are some fax machines that will not respond to the polling function. | Helpful Hints Using Polling Effectively (Examples) Problem No. 1: You want another party to send you a long fax, but they do not Solution: want to pay for the call. Ask them to leave the document in their fax machine so you can poll for it. Problem No. 2: Sales representatives have difficulty sending in faxes to the Solution: head office’s fax machine because it is busy so much of the time. Head office can poll the sales representatives’ fax machines. Problem No. 3: Because of the time or location, it is cheaper for someone else to call you than it is for you to make the call. Ask the other party to poli for the documents and offer to pay for the call at their lower rate. Solution: Polling Another Fax Machine (Calling) Once you have set up polling, as described below, and the other party has set their fax machine to “POLLED WAITING”, you can automatically receive their documents. . Press FUNCTION. , Press 1. . Press 2. . Wait for two seconds. . Press SET. . Press STOP. . Enter the fax number. . Press START. Make sure there are no documents in your feeder. Example: One-touch dialing. Setting up Polled Waiting (Being Called) Polled Waiting is when you place a document in your fax machine and set your machine to allow another fax machine to retrieve that document. Your fax machine will print a Polled Report after the transmission. . Place the documentsintothe feeder. . Press FUNCTION. - . Press 1. . Press 2. . Walt for two seconds. . Press SET. 7. Press STOP. 8. Press START and wait for the poll- ing call to come in. Secure Polling Secure Polling is a way to keep your documents and others’ from falling into unauthorized hands while the fax machines are set up for polling. You can use Secure Polling only with another Brother fax machine. Your four-digit ID number must be entered on the fax machine that polls for your documents. Polling Another Brother Fax Machine with Secure Code (Calling) You can poll another Brother fax machine that has Secure Polling by following the steps below: You need to make sure you are using the same ID number as the other party. Make sure no documents are in the feeder, . Press FUNCTION. . Press 1. . Press 2. . Wait for two seconds. DZ HQ 5, Press — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to find the POLLING SECURE setting. 6. Press SET. 7. Enter a four-digit number. This is the security code ofthe fax machine you are polling. Example: 1234. 8. Wait for two seconds. 9, Press STOP. 10. Enter the fax number. Example: One-Touch dialing. 11.Press START. Setting up Polled Waiting with Secure Polling (Being Called) Secure Polling allows you to create a Polling ID number to protect your documents during polled waiting mode. Anyone who polls your machine must enter this polling ID number. 1. Insert the documents into the feeder. . Press FUNCTION. . Press 1. . Press 2. Quo WN . Wait for two seconds. 6. Press —« (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to find the POLLING SECURE setting. 7. Press SET. 8. Enter a four-digit number. Example: 1234. 9, Wait for two seconds. 10. Press STOP. 11.Press START and wait for the polling call to come in. Delayed Polling You can set the time at which you want polling to take place. After you select STANDARD or SECURE, press SET, then press 1 and use the number keys to enter the time at which you want polling to take place. Make sure no documents are in the feeder. . Press FUNCTION. . Press 1. . Press 2. . Wait for two seconds. a QO N += 5. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to select STANDARD or SECURE. Example: STANDARD. 6. Press SET. 7. Press 1. 8. Enter the time. Example: 19:45 (7:45P.M.). 9. Wait for two seconds. 10. Press STOP, 11. Enter the fax number. Example: One-touch dialing. 12. Press START. The fax machine waits until the specified time to call. Setting up Polled Waiting with Super Quick-Scan Before pressing START, press SUPER Q.SCAN so that you can store your polled waiting document in the memory. Helpful Hints If you use SUPER Q.SCAN to place the Polled Waiting documents into the memory, they will not be erased automatically after they are polled. To erase them you must use the Cancel Job function. (See page 6-11.) Sequential Polling This function is the reverse of Broadcasting, in which your machine sends a document to several destinations. In a sequential polling operation, your machine will request documents from several fax units in a single operation. 1. Make sure there are no documents in the feeder. 2. Press FUNCTION. 3. Press 1. 4. Press 2. 5. Press —« (left arrow) or >= (right arrow) to select STANDARD or SECURE, Example: STANDARD 6. Press SET. 7. Press STOP. 8. Specify the destination fax machines, which you wish to poll by using One-Touch, Speed-Dial, or Group keys. Example: Group key. 9. Press START. Your machine polls each number or group member in turn for a document. After all the polling operations are finished, a Sequential Polling Report will be printed automatically. 9. PASSWORD q What Is Password? The password is provided for use in a closed network of fax machines. It will prevent reception of “junk faxes” that ean interfere with your daily operations. It can also help you avoid the transmission of faxes to the unauthorized parties. How Does the Password Work? First the receiving party sets up “SET PASSWORD” to “ON” and then enters a four- digit password. When you send a fax message, you must enter the same four-digit password. If the four-digit password is the same for both the sending and receiving machines, you will be able to send and receive messages. Also, both machines should he a Brother (or compatible brand). When to Use Password Plus? If you have activated the password function, only people who have set the correct password code on their Brother fax machine can exchange faxes with your machine. To help avoid difficulties, you can use the Password Plus feature. It prevents reception of “Junk faxes”, If you choose “Password Plus” in “SET PASSWORD”, your machine will receive not only faxes sent by parties using your password but also faxes sent without your password, only if the sending machine’s number is registered as one of your One-Touch numbers. (Your machine compares the last four-digits of the sending fax machine’s number to numbers listed in your One-Touch keys.) If this 15 case, the sending machine need not be Brother fax machine.) Sending Faxes with a Password Before setting up, you should know the password code of the other party. 1. Insert the document face down into f the feeder. C 2. Press FUNCTION. 3. Press 1. 4. Press 8. 5. Enter a four-digit code. Example : 1234 6. Press SET or wait for two seconds. 7. Press STOP. 8. Enter the fax number. 9. Press START. Receive Password 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 7. 3. Press 7. 4. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to choose either PLUS, ON, or OFF. Example: PLUS 5. Press SET. 6. Enter a four-digit code. Example: 1234 7. Press SET or wait for two seconds. 8. Press STOP to exit. 10. REMOTE FAX OPTIONS (ONLY FOR FAX 1350M) Since the machine can store incoming data as well as record it, you can use the convenient FAX Forwarding, Paging and Remote Retrieval functions. Setting the Fax Storage Set this function to “ON” if you want the incoming data to be stored in the memory as well as recorded. Since the data can be stored in the memory, you can use the Fax Forwarding, Paging, and Remote Retrieval functions. It is a good idea to set the Fax Storage function to “ON” when you go out. The initial setting is OFF. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 1. A. Press — (left arrow) or » (right arrow) to select ON or OFF. Example: ON | 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exit. * When you have FAX STORAGE:ON, your incoming faxes will be stored in the memory and the LCD will show the number of incoming calls: * When you want to change the Fax Storage setting from ON to OFF and there is fax data still in the memory, you will get the following message after you select OFF: If you select 1 you will erase all the fax data in the memory and the function will be set to OFF. If you press 2, the data will not be erased, and the setting will remain ON. \ и 10-1 Paging/Fax Forwarding When you set the Fax Storage function in Function menu 8-1 to ON (see page 10-1}, you have an additional option of paging or fax forwarding, when your fax machine receives a fax message into memory. How paging works (Paging ON) How fax forwarding works (Fax Forwarding ON) | Incoming fax | | Incoming fax | The fax is stored in the memory. The fax is stored in the memory. Paging function is activated. Fax forwarding function is activated. The fax will dial the registered pager The registered fax forwarding number telephone number. is dialed. Once connected, the fax dials your Once connected, the machine sends registered PIN number the fax tone to another fax machine. (Personal ID number). y The machine sends stored fax from Your personal pager is activated. the memory to forwarding location. 1. You can activate either paging or fax forwarding ; they are very similar features and can not be used simultaneously. | 2. If paging is ON, you will be paged every time a fax message is received into the memory. 10-2 Setting Up Paging and Registering the Paging Number 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 2. 4. Press —« (left arrow) and => (right arrow) to select PAGING. 5. Press SET. 6. Enter a paging number up to 18 digits (thisis the telephone number of your pager), followed by two # signs. Do not include the area code ifit isthe same for your fax machine and pager. Example: 180028443294, 7. Press SET. 8. Entera PIN (Personal Identification Number), 4, press REDIAL/PAUSE key, your fax telephone number, and ## PAUSE appears as a hyphen on the display. Example: 12345#-190855512344##. - If you do not use a PIN, you must enter the telephone number of your fax machine. Press REDIAL/PAUSE key before entering your fax number and add ## at the end. Example: - 1908555123484. 9. Press SET. 10. Press STOP to exit. - Paging number and PIN number cannot be changed remotely. 10-3 The PIN (Personal Identification Number) you enter depends upon the type of paging company you use. There are generally two types of paging companies... 1) Satellite Pagers: In this case we recommend you enter your actual satellite PIN# plus your return fax telephone/fax number (or special alpha message). PIN# Return# —_—]—— For Example: 123454+1908555123444 2) Radio Pagers: Most* radio pagers do not require a PIN +, and in this case you should use the PIN * in your fax only for the return number or special alpha message. Return# Alpha Message —", For Example: 19085551234## or 3293293294## * If your radio pager utilizes a PIN # then use satellite sequence above. The “##” symbols at the end of the return number are used to signify the end the PIN | number. Setting Up Fax Forwarding and Registering the Fax Forwarding Number 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 2. 4, Press — (left arrow) and m= (right arrow) to select FAX FORWARD. 5. Press SET. 10-4 6. Enter a fax forwarding number up to 20 digits. Example: 18005551234. 7. Press SET. 8. Press STOP to exit. What Is Remote Control Access? When you leave your home or office, you will turn on your FAX STORAGE to receive fax messages. {See page 10-1.) But if you would like to activate or deactivate this FAX STORAGE feature, you can control and program your fax by remote control. You can call your fax from any touch tone phone, enter your remote access code, followed by programming commands. Setting the Remote Access Code The initial setting for the remote access code on your new fax is “159%”. . Press FUNCTION. . Press 8. . Press 3. & 0 D # . Enter a three digit number 000 to 999. The last digit, an asterisk, can not be changed. | Example: 160%. Enter a three digit number 000 to 999. 5. Wait for two seconds. 6. Press STOP to exit. Helpful Hints Change the remote control code and use it as a “secret password” to limit access to your REMOTE FAX OPTIONS. When vou use the Remote Access Code, you must press all four keys (three-digit number plus Ж). 105 How to Use Remote Access and Control Codes 1. Call from a touch tone phone. 2. Enter your fax machine’s number. 3. Enter your Remote Access Code immediately after your fax machine answers with a beep. (See page 10-5.) 4. If you hear a long beep, it means your machine has received fax message(s). If you do not hear a long beep, it means your fax machine did not receive message(s). 5. Next you will hear a series of two short beeps, during which you can enter a Remote Control Command. (See page 10-7.) 6. Enter a Remote Control Command. 7. After finishing one command, you can enter the next command during another series of two short beeps. 8. Press 90 to exit remote control. If you perform a wrong operation, you will hear three short beeps. | If you wait more than 30 seconds during the series of two short beeps, your machine will disconnect the line. Remote Retrieval If you have set your FAX STORAGE: ON to store incoming fax messages, you have the ability to retrieve these fax messages from any remote group 3 facsimile machine. Remote fax retrieval is accomplished via remote control access commands, which are described in the remainder of this chapter. When to Press the Remote Access Code Just after the line is connected, you should enter the remote access code from any touch tone phone. Make sure that you enter the remote access code while you do NOT hear any chirping sound of a fax machine. If the fax machine is set to MANUAL mode, it will answer the call after 20 rings. You will have 30 seconds to press the remote access code or the line will be disconnected. 10-6 Remote Control Commands You can control your fax machine with the following remote control commands. Remote control command | Detail Operation 95 /Paging setting Changing Fax Forwarding OFF Fax Forwarding Paging 1 2 a 4 FAX FWD No. à FWD No. Confirm If vou hear one long beep, the change is accepted. If you hear three short beeps, you can not change it because the conditions (ex. registering fax forwarding or paging number) have not been completed. You can register your fax forwarding number by using 4. FAX FWD No. (see page 10-8). Once you have registered the number, the machine will automatically turn to “FAX FWD:ON” mode. Then, receive a Memory Status List by entering 961 (see page 10-8). Check the List to make sure the Fax Forwarding number you registered is correct. Then enter the confirmation command 955. Now the machine will start Fax Forwarding. 7 Fax Storage ON Fax Storage OFF You can set FAX STORAGE ON or OFF, 96 Retrieve FAX | 1 Memory Status List 2 Retrieve all FAXES You can use a remote fax machine to receive a List or stored fax message(s). (See page 10-8.) 3 Erase FAX in the memory If you hear one long beep, you can erase fax message(s) from the memory. 97 Check the receiving status 1 FAX You can check whether your fax machine has received any fax message(s). If yes, you will hear one long beep. If no, you will hear three short beeps. 98 Change Answer Mode [1 TAD 2 F/T 3 AUTO If you hear one long beep, you can change the Answer Mode. If you hear three short beeps, you can not change it. 90 Exit Afler a long beep, you can exit remote control. Printing a Fax Message You can print a fax message that is stored in the memory. 1. 3. 4. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. Press 4. Press START. 5. Press STOP to exit 10-7 How to Receive the Memory Status List and Retrieve a Fax Message Remotely You can check the Memory Status List first to see if you have any stored fax messages to retrieve. Then you can retrieve them from your fax machine remately. | 1. Pick up the handset of a remote fax machine. 2. Dial your fax machine's number. 3. Enter your four-digit Remote Access Code (159%) when your fax machine answers. 4. Press 961 during the series of two short beeps. 5. Press START after you hear the fax tone and hold the handset. - If you wish to receive only the MEMORY STATUS LIST, replace the handset after pressing START. 6. Now you will receive a “MEMORY STATUS LIST”. (See page 14-5) 7. Afterthe MEMORY STATUS LIST has been printed, you will hear another series of two short beeps. 8. Press 96200 during continuous 2 short beeps to retrieve all fax messages. 9. To retrieve only specifie fax messages, after the two short beeps, press the two- -digit message number. 10.Press START after you hear the fax tone. 11.Replace the handset. Now your fax messages will be printed. How to Change the Fax Forwarding Number Remotely 1. Pick up the handset of a remote fax machine. 2. Dial your fax machine’s number. 3. Enter your four-digit Remote Access Code (159%) when your fax machine answers. | 4. Press 954 during the series of two short beeps. OT . Enter new Fax Forwarding number by using the number keys (up to 20 digits). - You cannot register * and # as dial numbers. Use * to make a pause between the dial numbers. . Press # after entering the new Fax Forwarding number. . Press 961 during the next series of two short beeps. . Press START after you hear the fax tone and hold the handset. . Now you can receive the “MEMORY STATUS LIST” (see page 14-6). Look at the LIST, and make sure the new Fax Forwarding number you registered in Step 5 is correct. ‘© ow Ea 10. If the new number is correct, press 955 to confirm the number when another series of two short beeps starts sounding and the LCD shows “TELEPHONE”, -If it is incorrect, press 954 during the series of two short beeps and reenter the number correctly (back to Step 4). 11. Replace the handset. Now your fax machine is ready to activate Fax Forwarding. 11. MESSAGE CENTER MODE SETTINGS (ONLY FOR FAX 1450MC/1550MC, MFC 1850MC/1950MC) The Message Center Memory has two modes for different uses: the Message Center Mode and the Message Center Pro Mode. The Message Center Mode allows you to store the incoming fax/voice messages into a flexible memory. Fax retrieval, Paging and Fax Forwarding features are available in this mode. The Message Center Pro Mode is an additional enhancement to the Message Center Mode, and provides the Fax-on-Demand, Voice-on-Demand and Personal Mailbox features. This chapter explains how the standard Message Center Mode performs. (The Message Center Pro Mode is explained in chapter 12.) Message Center >=: TAD FAX O— o RECORD ERASE PLAY The Auto and F/T lights must be lit to turn on either Message Center Mode or Message Center Pro Mode. | A) GETTING STARTED What Is the Message Center Mode? The Message Center is a large flexible memory to more effectively manage vour voice and fax messages, while you are out. This flexible memory can be used for voice messages, fax messages or a combination that stores both types on a “first come first served” basis. Any fax or voice message that is stored in the memory can be retrieved from a remote location. 11-1 What Do I Want the Message Center to Do? There are six of ways to allocate the flexible Message Center memory, depending upon which best fits your needs. You may need to usc only one mode on a regular basis, but periodically change modes Lu meet high or low message days. The six modes are as follows: The factory setting is FAX: OFF/TAD: ON. ¥ Mode Settings at a Glance | MSG CTR MODE | WHAT IT DOES WHEN TO USE 1) FAX : ON Both voice and fax messages will | Erase your messages frequently TAD: ON | be stored on a first come first | to keep memory available for , served basis in the memory. | when you need it. — Either Fax Forwarding or Pag- ingand Remote Retrieval ofvoice and fax messages is available. 2) FAX : ON Voice calls will be stored in your | Use this mode when you need all TAD: EXT. external answering machine, | your Message Center memory (External Answering | which must be plugged into the | for fax messages or if you prefer Machine is ON.) EXT jack of the fax machine. | the sound quality of a tape re- The EXT TAD will answer all | corder for your voice messages. your calls; retrieve voice mes- sages from it as usual. Paging for voice messages is not avail- able. 3) FAX : ON Voice calls will not be stored. Use this mode when you do not TAD: OFF need to receive voice messages. 4) FAX : OFF All available memory in the | Use this mode if you wish to TAD: ON Message Center will be used to | retrieve voice messages from a store voice messages, Faxes will | remote location, but can wait printon paper. YoucandoPaging | until you are at the fax machine and Remote Retrieval of voice | to get your fax messages. messages. 5) FAX : OFF Fax messages will be received “ Use this mode if you need more TAD: EXT, only on paper, but will not be | TAD memory than is available (External Answering | storedinthe memory. Voicecalls | in the Message Center or if you Machine is ON.) will not be stored unless an ex- | prefer the sound quality of a ternal TAD is plugged into the | tape recorder. - EXT jack of your fax machine. 6) FAX : OFF Fax messages will be received | Use this mode if you do not want TAD: OFF only on paper, but will not be | to use the Message Center stored in thememory. Voicecalls | memory for receiving fax/voice will not be stored in the memory messages, or if you want to use either. only Message Center Pro mode. * Use 2) FAX: ON, TAD: EXT. and 3) FAX: ON, TAD: OFF mode when you want all available memory to be used to store fax messages (for Fax Forwarding or Paging and Remote Retrieval). Keep Backup Printing turned ON to get a printed copy. * Even when you set FAX: OFF mode (4) - 6)), you can use Quick-Scan and Broadcasting as usual. Flowchart Sequence of an Incoming Call ¥ Message Center Pro Mode: OFF 1) FAX: ON TAD: ON | incoming Call | y I The caller must press Fax reception is activated by the Auto dial| MSG CTR OGM Manual _ | your remote code to CNG Fax Tones fax call is activated. fax call | activate the fax automatically . | T1 ” F 1 The fax message The caller caves a MEMORY: | The fax message is received into voloe message in lion ! | is received into digital memory or | The caller MEMORY | Memory. hangs up. can also memory. senda fax If the caller stops speaking for 5 seconds while leaving a message, the machine will go to fax I ice ne Clan receiving mode automatically, machine. REMOTE CODE *51 <J MEMORY 2) FAX: ON TAD: EXT. (External Answering Machine is ON.) Fax reception is activated by the CNG Fax Tones automatically. | <7 The fax message is received into ke «7 | Incoming Call Le Auto dial | The external TAD Manual fax call | OGMis activated. | {ax call I | Voice call The caller leaves a voice message on < Re The caller must press your remote code to activate the fax machine. The fax message is received into REMOTE CODE x51 <7 MEMORY | memory. the external TAD. EXT. memory. MEMORY TAD MEMORY 3) FAX: ON TAD: OFF (Also, External Answering Machine is OFF.) CN <> MEMORY Incoming Call | y Fax reception is activated automatically. y The fax message is received into memory. 11-3 Y Message Center Pro Mode: OFF 4) FAX: TAD: OFF ON Fax reception is activated by the | Auto dial CNG Fax Tones fax cali automatically. | J PAPER The fax message is received on paper. If the caller stops speaking for 5 seconds while leaving a message, the machine will go to fax D CN Incoming Cali | e y a MEMORY receiving mode automatically. MSG CTR OGM Manual is activated. fax call | Voice call The caller leaves a voice message in digital memory or | The caller hangs up. can also send a fax = = = = = = The caller must press your remote code to activate the fax à machine. REMOTE CODE X51 The fax message is received on paper. < РАРЕВ 5) FAX: OFF TAD: EXT. (External Answering Machine is ON.) wi Incoming Call | Ce Fax reception is activated by the | Auto dial ENG Fax Tones fax call automatically. <J | The fax message is received on I y The external TAD OGM is activated. Manual ———— | Voice сай The caller leaves a voice message on - | The caller must press your remote code to activate the fax machine. fax call REMOTE CODE x51 < Re The fax message is received on < PAPER PAPER | paper. the external TAD. EXT. paper. TAD MEMORY 6) FAX: OFF TAD: OFF Q PAPER CON Incoming Call | y Fax reception is activated automatically, y The fax message is received on paper. 11-4 ¥ Message Center Pro Mode is ON, but No Access Command was Entered by the Caller: 1) FAX: ON TAD: ON < MEMORY Fax reception is activated by the CNG Fax Tones automatically. | The fax message is received into memory. QE eos Call <> Auto dial ilf——— rats fax call I MSG CTR PRO OGM is activated, but no command was entered during the OGM The caller leaves a voice message in digital memory or hangs up. Cm Za Manual fax call À 1 1 1 1 I E UE MEMORY! I == = = = = = 1 The caller can also send a fax The caller must press your remote code to activate the fax machine. REMOTE CODE *51 The fax message is received into memory. <- MEMORY If the caller stops speaking for 5 seconds while leaving a message, the machine will go to fax receiving mode automatically. 2) FAX: ON TAD: EXT. (External Answering Machine is ON.) Fax reception is activated by the CNG Fax Tones automatically. | J The fax message is received into C7 | Incoming Call y Auto dial eal etn fax call The external TAD is activated. Manual —ь— fax call I | Voice call The caller must press your remote code to activate the fax machine. D The caller [eaves a voice message on © The fax message is received into REMOTE CODE *51 < MEMORY| memory. the external TAD. EXT. memory. MEMORY TAD MEMORY 3) FAX: ON wi Incoming Call | TAD: OFF (Also, External Answering Machine is OFF.) < MEMORY y MSG CTR PRO OGM is activated, but no command was entered during the OGM y Fax reception is activated automatically, y The fax message is received on paper. 11-5 ¥ Message Center Pro Mode is ON, but No Access Command was Entered by the Caller: 4) FAX: OFF TAD: ON <” [ Incoming Call | e nm MSG CTR PRO CGM Er Fax reception is «le . The caller must press activated by the | Auto dial Is activated, butno | Manual your remote code to REMOTE ~— command was : CODE CNG Fax Tones fax call i f N (activate the fax all | entered during the ax ca , *51 automatically. <> OGM i machine. | | | Voice call ı | | The fax messa The caller leaves a < is asst ge ¢ L voice message in | The fax message is <” digital memory or | The caller | received on paper. PAPER | Paper. MEMORY | hangs up. can also PAPER senda fax If the caller stops speaking for 5 seconds while leaving a message, the machine will go to fax receiving mode automatically. 5) FAX: OFF TAD: EXT. (External Answering Machine is ON.) LI | mee Call | e Fax reception is activated by the | Auto dial CNG Fax Tones fax call automatically. | < The fax message is received on The external TAD is activated. <J | Voice call The caller leaves a voice message on > Manual fax call The caller must press your remote code to activate the fax machine. D 3 The fax message is received on REMOTE CODE *51 7 PAPER PAPER | paper. the external TAD. EXT. paper. TAD | MEMORY Ш 6) FAX: OFF CN Incoming Call | TAD: OFF | OGM MSG CTR PRO OGM is activated, but no command was entered during the | Fax reception is activated automatically. y О © The fax message is received on paper. PAPER 11-6 The 3 Basic Steps to Turn the Message Center Mode On You can get started receiving messages by doing the following three steps. 1. Setting the Message Storage. 2. Recording the Outgoing Message (MSG CTR OGM). 3. Activating the Message Center Mode. Setting the Message Storage Setting the Message Storage is the first step in turning on the Message Center Mode. Before you set the Message Storage, make sure you carefully read the Mode Settings at a Glance (see page 11-2). If you are using the Voice-on-Demand option, it is a good idea to set TAD mode to ON. Then, if a caller does not enter a command during the Message Center Pro OGM, the caller's message will still be stored in the flexible memory for TAD messages. Once you decide the mode that best suits your needs, follow the steps below. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 1. 4, Press — (left arrow) от № (right arrow) repeatedly to select ON or OFF. Example: FAX: ON. 5. Press SET. 6. Press — (left arrow) or »= (right arrow) repeatedly to select ON or OFF. Example: TAD: ON. 7. Press SET. 8. Press STOP to exit. 11-7 Recording the MSG CTR Outgoing Message (MSG CTR OGM) Recording your Message Center OGM is the second step in turning on the Message Center Mode. After you have set the Message Storage, record your Message Center OGM (FAX: ON, TAD: ON and FAX: OFF, TAD: ON modes). The type of OGM you select depends upon the Answer Mode you have chosen. For the Message Center Mode, you must select MSG CTR OGM in Step 4 (not F/T OGM). You will not be able to turn on the Message Center Mode (both AUTO and F/T lights it) until you have recorded an outgoing message for MSG CTR OGM. For the best recording quality, hold the handset approximately 2 to 3 inches from your mouth (at slight angle). This will avoid recording feedback. It 1s important to tell your callers your three-digit remote activation code, because many callers do not realize when they press HOOK or lift the handset they are dialing manually. (If you have changed your remote code, use it instead of *51.) Keep your outgoing message under 20 seconds. If you have more to say and need a short instrunction, end with: “After the beep, please leave a message or send a fax, by pressing *51.” If callers tell you the *51 code does not work, find out if they waited to hear your fax machine respond with chirping tones before they pressed the START key. If many of your callers have a problem sending to you and you have time within the 20 seconds, record a longer OGM: “Hi, thisis_ .Icanttake your call right now. So after the beep, please leave a message or send a fax. To send a fax, press *51, wait for fax tones, then press START.” NOTE: You can record a message to be played in the F/T (FAX/TEL) Mode telling callers how to send a fax. Of course, callers can not leave you a message in F/T mode, so don’t ask them to leave a voice message. To record a message for F/T mode you must select F/T OGM in Step 4. For example: “I can’t take your call right now. Please call again. To send a fax message, after the beep press *51.” 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 6. 4, Press — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow)repeatedly until you get the MSG CTR OGM. . Press SET. . Press RECORD. . Pick up the handset. . Record a message shorter than 20 seconds, 9. Replace the handset. The recorded message is played auto- matically. 10. Press STOP to exit. O — Oy Or Activating the Message Center Mode Now that you have selected the type of message storage you need (see page 11-7) and recorded your outgoing message (see page 11-8), vou are ready to turn your Message Center Mode on, when you leave your home or office. To activate Message Center ..... МАК nd Hints Press MODE on the control panel until both the “AUTO” and “F/T” lights are e = on. 5 ...Then you can easily identify the Message Center mode that is on by viewing the Message Center indicator lights. (See page 11-1 for explanation.) B) GETTING YOUR MESSAGES How Will I Know Messages Have Been Received? Once you return home or to the office you can easily and quickly see if any voice or fax messages have been stored in the Message Center. There are two ways to determine if messages are stored. (1) Ifthe TAD and /or FAX indicator lights are flashing, there is a new message stored. ( ©: means flashing.) Once a new voice messageis played, the TAD indicator light stops flashing and stays on. And once a new fax message is printed, the FAX indicator light turns to be off. Message Center PRO TAD FAX O ———O: - — RECORD ERASE PLAY (2) The LOD display will indicate the total number of TAD and/or FAX messages stored in Message Center and Memo. (See page 11-10 for playing ICM.) (See page 11-11 for printing faxes.) (See page 12-18 for playing Personal Mailbox ICM.) What Happens When the Memory Is Full... Ifthe memory becomes full when you have set your fax machine to Message Center mode or Message Center Pro mode, the machine will change to F/T mode automatically. (LED lights do not change.) In this mode, the fax machine can accept incoming faxes automatically, Fax-on- demand and Voice-on-demand are still available for callers, but they cannot gain access to Personal Mailbox. Then, if your fax machine should run out of paper, the answer mode will shift automatically to manual mode. In manual mode the call is not answered, so your caller will know to try again later. | Out of Recording Paper and Memory Full FT Mode 1 Manual Mode Memory Full Out of Recording Paper and Memory Full Print the Memory Status List (see page 14-5) and select the item to be cleared and gain the memory for the effective use of it. [Answer Mode] |MSG CTR Mode | Playing an Incoming Voice Message (ICM) and Recorded Memo (or Voice Alarm) 1. Press PLAY. (Press FUNCTION and then PLAY e for Voice Alarm.) - The machine will play first the ICM, then the Memo continuously from the oldest one in ICM/MEMO. During the first second that the message plays, display shows the current message number/total number of mes- sages. - For one second, the machine will beep and the Caller ID will flash on the display if it is received. The ICM will start playing and the date and time it was recorded will appear on the display. - You can use — (left arrow) to play the message again. If vou press the arrow during the beeping before the message, the previous message will be played. - You can use m= (right arrow) to skip to the next message. 2. Press STOP to exit. Back-up Printing Option When you choose FAX: ON in the Message Center Mode, all incoming fax messages are stored into available memory. The factory setting for the “Back-up printing option” is set to ON, so you will also get a copy printed on paper. If you change the back-up printing option to OFF as follows, the faxes are stored without a back-up copy: 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 2. 4, Press —e (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to access the OFT setting. Example: OFF. 5. Press SET. Printing a Fax Message You can print a fax message that is stored in the memory. Once you print a fax message, the FAX indicator light turns to be off. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 7. 4. Press START. 5. Press STOP to exit. Erasing and Printing FAX Messages 1. It is not possible to erase a single fax message, you can erase only all or none of them. (See page 11-12, “All in One Erasing”.) 2. If you choose to erase all the fax messages, your fax machine will print automatically any fax messages that have not been printed, before it erases them from the memory. MN A Calling Your Message Center for Messages (See Remote Re- trieval) If you have set your Message Center to store incoming fax messages (via FAX: ON, TAD: OFF/ EXT. or FAX: ON, TAD: ON modes), you have the ability to retrieve these fax messages from any remote group 3 facsimile machine. Of course you can also remotely retrieve your voice messages as well from any touch tone phone. (See page 11-22 for more information.) 11-11 C) ERASING YOUR MESSAGES Erasing Incoming Voice Messages, Fax Messages and Recorded Memo (or Voice Alarm) There are two ways to erase voice messages and recorded Memo: One by One Erasing and All in One Erasing. Fax messages can not be erased one at a time. One by One Erasing 1. Press PLAY and begin to play. (Press FUNCTION and then PLAY for Voice Alarm.) 2. Press ERASE before you hear the beep which means the beginning of C next message. >. Press 1 to erase this message or 2 to exit the function. 4. Press STOP to exit. All in One Erasing You can erase all incoming TAD or FAX messages at once. 1. Press ERASE when the display asks you if you want to erase. 2. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to select whether you want to erase all voice messages (TAD), all document messages (FAX), or all messages (MSG). Example: ALL TAD. 3. Press SET. 4. Press 1 to erase or 2 to cancel. D) CHANGE THE OUTGOING MESSAGE Playing Your Outgoing Message (OGM) 1. Press FUNCTION. . Press 8. 3. Press 6. . Press —«1 (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to select either MSG CTR OGM or F/T OGM. Example: MSG CTR OGM. 5. Press SET. 6. Press PLAY to start playing your 7. Erasing Your Outgoing Message (OGM) outgoing message. Press STOP to exit. * Record a new Outgoing Message. (See the section “Recording the Outgoing Message (MSG CTR . Press FUNCTION. . Press 8. . Press 6. . Press —« (left arrow) or » (right arrow) to select either MSG CTR OGM or F/T OGM. Example: MSG CTR OGM. . Press SET. . Press ERASE . . Press 1 to erase OGM. . Press STOP to exit. OGM”). E) MORE FEATURES Setting the Toll Saver Toll saver allows you to call your fax machine and hang up without paying for the call if you have no messages. The Message Center will answer after only 2 rings if you do have incoming messages, and after 4 rings if you do not have messages. So, if it rings three times when you call for messages, hang up. The factory default setting for the Toll Saver feature is ON and it overrides your current Ring Delay setting. | | If you want your Message Center to answer in the number of rings you set in the Ring Delay function, turn Toll Saver OFF. 1, Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3, Press 9. 4. Press —« (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to select ON or OFF. Example: ON. 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exit. Setting the Maximum Time for Incoming Messages (ICM MAX. TIME) Although the initial setting on your fax machine for the maximum length of incoming voice messages 18 30 seconds, you can adjust it. You have a choice of setting it from 20 seconds to 60 seconds, at 5 second intervals. This time is also used for max. time of Personal Mailbox ICM, Memo and Voice Alarm recording. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 5. 4. Press —« (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to select the maximum time for incoming messages, Personal Mailbox ICM, Memo and Voice Alarm recording. Example: 25 SEC. 5. Press SET, 6. Press STOP to exit. Changing the Recording Mode Setting (Voice Quality) There are two modes available for recording incoming messages, memos, Voice Alarm, Personal Mailbox messages. The HIGH setting refers to a higher-quality sound recording, and the NORMAL setting refers to a normal-quality sound recording. The HIGH setting is approximately 10% recording time shorter than NORMAL, so the NORMAL setting is recommended if you receive a lot of messages. To change the setting to the one you want, follow the procedure below. The factory setting is NORMAL, 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 8. 4. Press —« (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to select HIGH or NORMAL. Example: HIGH. 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exit. | NOTICE | * The available recording time is up to 8 minutes in the NORMAL setting. But the length of recording time will be effected if you select the HIGH setting. * The recording time for the outgoing message for the fax and telephone (F/T) and the outgoing message for the Message Center will not be influenced by the HIGH/ NORMAL setting of the Recording Mode. These outgoing messages will automati- cally be recorded in HIGH mode. Recording a Conversation You can record a telephone conversation by simply pressing RECORD during the conversation (up to ICM MAX. TIME). During recording a conversation, a beep sounds every 15 seconds to notify the caller. You can play or erase this recording the same way as in MEMO recording. 11-15 Recording a Memo You can record a memo in your fax machine for someone who also uses it in your home or office. 1. Press RECORD. 2. Pickup the handset and speak your memo (up to ICM MAX, TIME). 3. Press STOP or replace the hand- set. To play a Memo see the section Playing an Incoming Voice Message (ICM) and Recorded Memo (see page 11-10). To erase a Memo see the section Erasing Incoming Voice Messages, Fax Messages, and Recorded Memo (see page 11-12). F) PAGING/FAX FORWARDING What is Paging/Fax Forwarding? Message Center mode provides the additional option of either Paging or Fax Forwarding after volce and fax messages have been received into the memory. How paging works (Paging on) How fax forwarding works (Fax Forward on) | Incoming voice or fax | | Incoming fax | The voice or fax is stored in the message center memory. The fax is stored in the message center memory. y y Paging function is activated. Fax forwarding function is activated. y y The fax will dial the registered pager telephone number. The registered fax forwarding number is dialed. y Once connected, the fax dials your registered PIN number. Once connected, the machine sends the fax tone to another fax machine. (Personal ID number). y ! Your personal pager is activated. The machine sends stored fax from the memory to the forwarding location. 1. You can activate only paging or fax forwarding; they are very similar features and can not be used simultaneously. 2. The paging feature can be used in all six modes of the Message Center, since it will page based upon receipt of voice messages as well. 3. Ifpagingis ON, you will be paged every time a voice or fax message is received into memory, `` J Setting Up Paging (Registering Paging Number) 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 3. 4. Press —« (left arrow) and » (right arrow) to select PAGING. 5. Press SET. 6. Enter a paging number up to 20 digits (this1s the telephone number of your pager), followed by two # signs. Do not include the area code if it is the same for your fax ma- chine and pager. Fxample: 18002844329##. 7. Press SET. 8. Enter a PIN (Personal Identifica- tion Number), #, press REDIAL/ PAUSE key your fax telephone number, and ##. Example: 12345#-190855512344##. -If you do not use a PIN, you must enter the telephone number of your fax ma- chine. Press REDIAL/PAUSE key before entering your fax number and add ## at the end. Example: -19085551234## 9. Press SET. 10. Press STOP to exit. - Paging number and PIN cannot be changed remotely. - REDIAL/PAUSE appears as a hyphen on the display. The PIN (Personal Identification Number) you enter depends upon the type of paging company you use. There are generally two types of paging companies... 1) Satellite Pagers: In this case we recommend you enter your actual satellite PIN# plus your return your fax telephone/fax number (or special alpha message). PINE Return# PIN# Alpha Message For Example: 12345#19085551234## or 12345#329329329## Sten et? FAXFAXFAX 2) Radio Pagers: Most* radio pagers do not require a PIN #, and in this case you should use the PIN # in your fax only for the return number or special alpha message. Return# Alph Message For Example: 19085551234## or 329329329## "me ний FAXFAXFAX * If your radio pager utilizes a PIN # then use satellite sequence above, The “##” symbols at the end of the return # are used to signify the end the PIN #/ Message. 11-18 Setting Up Fax Forwarding (Registering Fax Forwarding Number) 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 8. 3. Press 3. À. Press —«æ (left arrow) and #1 (right arrow) to select FAX FORWARD. 5. Press SET. 6. Enter a fax forwarding number up to 20 digits. Example: 18005551234. 7. Press SET. 8. Press STOP to exit. Memory Back-up of Message Center Memory After you plug in the electrical cord, it will take a few days to charge the battery for memory backup of the Message Center memory. It will keep memory for several hours at full charge after a power interruption occurs. NN 7 Changing the Fax Forwarding Number Remotely You can change the Fax Forwardng number remotely from any touch tone phone. See page 11- 22 for more information. - G) REMOTE RETRIEVAL What Is Remote Control Access? When you leave your home or office and turn on your Message Center to receive voice and/or fax messages, you can call your machine from any touch tone phone or remote group 3 fax machine andretrieve those messages, You can also program and contro! your Message Center with control codes when you call, (See the Remote Control Commands for more information about the settings you can change remotely.) Setting the Remote Access Code Use the Remote Access Code from another location to retrieve voice and/or fax messages that are stored in your Message Center’s memory. Change your Remote Access Code and use it as a “secret password” if you wish to safeguard your messages. The factory default setting for the Remote Access Code is “159%”. You can change the first three digits of the Remote Access Code, but the last digit (an asterisk) can not be changed. The first three digits must not be the same as your Remote Activation or Remote Deactivation Codes. (Example: If your Remote Access Codeis 160%, do not use 160 or 80% for either the Activation or Deactivation Code.) When you use the Remote Access Code, you must press all four keys (three-digit number plus} . Press FUNCTION. . Press 8. . Press 4. a WN H . Enter a three digit number 000 to 999. The last digit, an asterisk, can not be changed. Example: 160%, 5. Wait for two seconds. 6. Press STOP to exit. Helpful Hints Change the remote control code and use it as a “secret password” to limit access Lo your Message Center. When you use the Remote Access Code, you must press all four keys (three-digit number plus *). 11-20 Using the Remote Access Code 1. Pick up the handset of a remote touch tone phone or fax machine. . Dial your fax machine’s number. 3. When your fax machine answers with a beep, immediately press your Remote Access Code (159%). If your fax machine is in MANUAL mode, you can access the Message Center by waiting for 20 rings and then pressing the code within 30 seconds. . The fax machine will tell you the kind of message(s) it has received: One long beep: Received FAX message(s). Two long beeps: Received TAD message(s). Three long beeps: Received both FAX and TAD messages. (No long beeps: No message(s) have heen received.) . As soon as you hear two (2) short beeps, press a Control Command. Each time your fax machine completes an instruction, it gives two (2) short beeps telling you to enter the next command; if you wait longer than 30 seconds to enter the command, your machine will disconnect the line. If you perform a wrong operation, you will hear three (3) short beeps. . When you are ready to exit remote control mode, press 90 to reset your machine. 11-21 Remote Control Commands You can program and control your fax machine with remote control commands. Remote control commands | Detail Operation 91 Playing voice messages After one long beep, the machine plays ICM, Memo and Voice Alarm. 1 — (Skip back) Press 1 while listening to an ICM, Memo or Voice Alarm message to play it again. If you press 1 before a message, you will hear the previous message. 2 m= (Skip next) During playing ICM, Memo and Voice Alarm, you can skip to next message. | 9 STOP Playing Stop playing ICM, Memo and Voice Alarm. 92 Record Memo After one long beep, you can record a memo. You can stop recording by pressing 9. 93 Erase all ICM & Memo Ifyou hear onelong beep, the erase is accepted. If you hear three short beeps, you can not erase because all voice messages have not been played, or there is no voice message to erase. *This code erases all recorded messages, not one by one. 94 Play and Record OGM in memory 1 Play 1 MSG CTR OGM | The machine plays the selected OGM. You can stop playing OGM by pressing 9. 2 F/T OGM | 2 Record |1 MSG CTR OGM After one long beep, you can record the selected OGM. You will hear the OGM message played once. You can stop recording the message 2 Fax Forwarding 3 Paging 4 FAX FWD NO. 5 FWD NO. CONFIRM | 2 F/T OGM by pressing 9. 95 Changing Fax Forwarding | If you hear one long beep, the change is accepted. If you hear three [Paging setting short beeps, you can not change it because the conditions (ex. | 1 OFF registering paging number) have not been completed. You can register your fax forwarding number by using 4, FAX FWD NO (see page 11-19). Once you have registered the number, the machine will automatically turn to “FAX FWD:ON” mode. Then receive a Memory Status List by entering 961 (see page 11-23). After you make sure that the Fax Forwarding number vou registered 1s correct in the List, enter the confirmation command 955. Now the machine will start Fax Forwarding. 96 Retrieve FAX 1 Memory Status List 200 Retrieve all FAX You must call from remote fax machine in order to receive a report or stored fax messages. (See page 11-23.) 2 "MSG No.” 00 Retrieve by MSG | number 3 Erase FAX in the If you hear one long beep, you can erase fax message from the memory memory. | 97 Check the receiving status You can check whether your fax machine has received any FAX or F TAD messages. If yes, you will hear one long beep. [f no, you will hear 1 FAX three short beeps. 2 TAD 98 Change Answer Mode If you hear one long beep, you can change the answer mode. If you | MSG CTR hear three short beeps, you can not change it. (ex. There is no MSG CTR OGM when you want to change to MSG CTR mode.) 2 F/T ¡ 8 AUTO | 90 Exit After a long beep, you can exit remote control. Retrieving the Memory Status List and Fax Messages Remotely From a remote fax machine, you can retrieve your Memory Status List to see if you have any stored fax messages in the memory. Then you can retrieve all or only specified fax messages that are on the list. 1. Pick up the handset of a remote touch tone fax machine. 2. Dial your fax machine’s number. 3. When your fax machine answers with a beep, immediately press your Remote Access Code (159%), 4. As soon as you hear two (2) short beeps, press 961. 5. When you hear your fax machine through the handset responding with a fax tone, press START and hold the handset if you want to retrieve fax messages also. (If you wish to retrieve only the Memory Status List, replace the handset.) 6. You remote fax machine will print the Memory Status List. (See page 12-5.) 7. Look at the Memory Status List to see if there are any fax messages you want to retrieve. 8. Press 96200 during continuous (2) short beeps to retrieve all fax messages. To retrieve only specific fax messages, after the two short beeps, press the two-digit message number. 9. When you hear your fax machine through the handset responding with a fax tone, press START. 10.Replace the handset. 11. Your remote fax machine will print the fax messages. Changing the Fax Forwarding Number Remotely 1. Pick up the handset of a remote fax machine. 2. Dial your fax machine’s number. 3. When your fax machine answers with a beep, immediately press your Remote Access Code (159%). 4. As soon as you hear two (2) short beeps, press 954. 5. Enter your new Fax Forwarding number using the number keys (up to 20 digits). You can not register * and # as dial numbers. Use * to create a pause between the dial numbers. 6. Press # after entering the new number. . As soon as your hear the next two (2) short beeps, press 961. 8. When you hear your fax machine through the handset responding with a fax tone, press START and hold the handset. -J 9. Your remote fax machine will print the Memory Status List. Look at the list to make sure the new Fax Forwarding number you registered is correct. 10.If the new number is correct, wait for the next two (2) short beeps, and press 955. (If the new number is incorrect, press 954 and reenter the number beginning at Step 5.) 11.Replace the handset. Your new Fax Forwarding number is activated. H) VOICE ALARM Voice Alarm This function can help you manage your work schedule. With this function, you can record your schedule of events for the following week on your fax machine and have your fax machine alert you at scheduled time. The fax machine will play a recorded voice message (which you store) to remind you of your appointment or schedule. For each appointment reminders, you record a voice message, and key in the date and time you wish the message to be played. When the set time comes you will hear the message played back on the fax machine. It’s a great tool for keeping important appointments. Setting the Voice Alarm You can start setting your Voice Alarm by pressing FUNCTION and RECORD. You need to enter 3 pieces of information for setting the Voice Alarm : 1) day, 2) time, and 3) voice message. To record a voice message, use the handset. You can set up to one week’s worth of Voice Alarm messages. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press RECORD when the LCD shows: “ENTER NO. € SET”. 3. Wait for 2 seconds. 4, Press —a (left arrow) or » (right arrow) to select a day. Example: If today is Wednesday, you can choose from: TODAY, TOMORROW, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MON- DAY, TUESDAY. Example: SAT. 5. Press SET. The current time will be displayed. 6. Enter the time in 24-hour format. Example: 20:00 (8:00 P.M.) 7. Wait for 2 seconds 8. Press RECORD. 11-24 9. Pickup the handset and speak your Voice Message (up to ICM MAX. TIME), 10. Press STOP or replace the hand- set. Helpful Hints You can record Voice Alarm Messages to help you manage your workload even when your memory is set for “TAD: OFF” or “TAD: EXT.” in Message Storage (see page 11-7). * If you press CLEAR while you are recording a voice message, the voice message being recorded will be cancelled. Also, the entire entry including the day and time will be deleted. * Ifyoudon’t press RECORD within 2 seconds (i.e. while the LCD displays “ENTER NO. € SET”) after you press FUNCTION, you will not be able to enter the schedule. ” The number of entries in your schedule will not be counted in the total of incoming calls on your TAD. Consequently, the LCD will display the date and time after you enter the schedule. Recording Voice Messages for the Voice Alarm ¢ You can set the maximum recording length for a voice message, from 20-60 seconds. Use Function menu 8-5 (See page 11-14). This setting also applies to incoming messages, and memos. * You can enter up to 99 entries of voice messages, and a combined total of 99 entries of incoming messages and memos. Examples of Voice Alarm messages: “There's a meeting in the conference room on Nov. 7 at 1:30 PM” “ Call Mr. Johnson at ABC Trading Co, on Nov. 8 at 2:00 PM” “Dentist Appointment on Nov. 9 at 10:00 AM” “ Mr. Brown, could you please attend the sales meeting in the conference room on Nov. 10, at 4:00 PM?” When you call your fax machine from a remote location io play back your schedule of events, you will not be able to see the display for the dates and times in the Voice Alarm, so it's a good idea to mention the dates and times when you record the voice messages. How Will the Voice Alarm Perform When the Set Time Comes... If you have the Voice Alarm set at Monday, 15:26, the following will happen: Ne . The set time appears, a beep fol- lows and you will hear the voice message played once. . The playback of the voice message | finishes. C . If you want to hear the voice mes- sage again, press 1, if not, press 2. Example: Press 2 key. - If you dont press 1 or 2 after 10 seconds, the machine will simply re- turn to its normal idle position and display the date and time. E 00. e If you want to stop the beeping or stop playing a Voice Alarm message, press STOP. * The Voice Alarm message will not be played when you are sending or receiving a fax, using the phone, receiving a fax into the memory or when one of the Message Center functions is operating. However, the voice message will be played once these activities are finished, * The Voice Alarm message will automatically be cleared after it has been activated/ played. If the machine discovers that you have a Voice Alarm message with a time earlier than the present due to the change of the current date and time, it will immediately play the schedule once and then erase it. * T you have twoentriesin your schedule with the same date and time, they will play one after the other. | Using the Voice Alarm: Playing Entries, Erasing Entries One by One, Erasing All at Once Once you press FUNCTION, be ready to press PLAY, or ERASE immediately, depending upon whether you want to play an entry or erase everything. For instructions on how to play and how to erase, refer to the instructions in the ICM, Memo section. (See page 11-10, 11-12.) When you play an entry, the display will show you the date and time of your scheduled entries. You can delete entries one by one, the same way you would do su for incoming messages or memos: press ERASE while playing an entry. | * If you don’t press PLAY or ERASE within 2 seconds (i.e. while the LCD displays “ENTER NO. € SET”) after you press FUNCTION, you will not be able to play back or delete entries. * If you don’t press FUNCTION, and just press PLAY, you will only be able to hear incoming messages and memos. You wont be able to hear the Voice Alarm messages. * If you dont press FUNCTION, and just press ERASE, you will only be able to delete incoming messages and memos. Voice Alarm messages will not be deleted. |) Remote Control of the Voice Alarm When vou are on the road, you can call your fax machine and play back your Voice Alarm messages. (See Page 11-22.) se You cannot set the Voice Alarm by remote control. + Also, note that you will only be able to hear the recorded Voice Alarm message. You will not be able to see the dates and times of the schedule on the display, so it’s a good idea to record important dates and times as part of your Voice Alarm messages when you first record them. 12. MESSAGE CENTER PRO SETTINGS (ONLY FOR FAX 1450MC/1550MC, MFC 1850MC/1950MC) A) GETTING STARTED What is Message Center Pro? As an additional enhancement of the Message Center, the Message Center Pro provides you with: e Fax-on-Demand e Voice-on-Demand * Personal Mailbox You can easily set up all of the above functions in the FUNCTION menu as well as turning the Message Center Pro on or off. Using the Message Center Pro will have no effect on the standard Message Center functions. ( C Incoming Call ) > ! MSG CTR PRO: OFF MSG CTR OGM Y 7 ™ MSG CTR FEATURES AN N í C Incoming Call В — Ty MSG CTR PRO MODE —| MAIL BOX OGM т | FAX ON MSG CTR PRO: ON MSG CTR PRO OGM DEMAND OGM | voice on DEMAND OGM _ > т | MSG CTR | FEATURES O What Fax-on-Demand and Voice-on-Demand Do The fax-on-demand and voice-on-demand allow you to store fax and voicc messages into the memory boxes, respectively. People calling to your fax machine can gain selective access to certain messages, This fax machine has up to 99 fax-on-demand memory boxes and up to 99 voice-on-demand memory boxes. You can use the memory boxes to provide callers with more information automatically and effectively, without answering the call yourself. Your Message Center Pro and Standard Message Center combined have a total capacity of 8 minutes of voice messages or 20 pages of fax messages. The memory is a flexible dynamic memory, so when you use a combination of Fax-on-Demand, Voice-on-Demand and Personal Mailbox, the memory will be used on a first come, first served basis. Although the Fax-on-Demand and Voice-on-Demand functions each allow you to enter message numbers from 01 to 99, you are still limited by the 8 minute or 20 page total capacity. The flexibility of numbers will let you categorize your messages with a numbering system. For example: 01 directions to your office, 10 - 19 product information, 20 -24 price lists, 30 - 33 sale events, etc. The memory on your machine can not be expanded. Application Examples of Fax-on-Demand/Voice-on-Demand Features For smaller-scale business stores or offices: Using the fax-on-demand, you can store * your new product news in memory box 01, * your price information in memory box 02, * your shipment schedule in memory box 03, * the lineup of all your product family in memory box 04, and * your order forms in memory box 05. The voice-on-demand feature will allow you to record the same information verbally. To set up voice-on-demand, verbally record the Level 1 OGM and Level 2 OGM (see page 12-6) and turn on the Message Center Pro. When customers call you, the recorded Level 1 and 2 OGM will direct them to access the memory boxes containing the information they want. The customers can extract information as a fax or voice message, even if no one is present in your office. It means that the fax machine automatically answers your customers’ calls. q y What the Personal Mailbox Does The personal mailbox feature allows callers to enter a confidential fax or voice message into the selected one out of five personal mailboxes (compartments). Each of those personal mailboxes can be accessed only with a pre-determined password, so that even 1f the fax machine is used by more than one person, this feature helps protect the privacy ofthe users. You must use the password to extract a confidential fax or voice message from your mailbox when you call from a remote fax machine. Application Examples of Personal Mailbox For smaller-scale business stores or offices: In a business office where sales persons work out of the office, assign personal mailbox 01 to Mr. A, 02 to Mrs. B, 03 to Ms. C, ... Customers with orders or inquiries can gain direct access to the appropriate person for a quicker response. For residential users: At home, assign personal mailbox 01 to Father, 02 to Mother, 03 to Sis, 04 to Junior, .... That way, all family member's messages will be organized in a group for each person, for quick and easy retrieval. NOTE: The password for a personal mailbox can be easily registered, changed or checked on the display through function menu 9-3. How the Caller Accesses the Fax-on-Demand, Voice-on-Demand Memory Boxes or Personal Mailboxes Callers can easily access a fax-on-demand or voice-on-demand memory box or personal mailbox while being guided by the 1st and 2nd Level OGMs below. Caller Access Route ("Incoming Call В т (for Message Center Pro) 1st Level OGM 01: 02% 03% Y fr Y 2nd Level OGM for for for Mailbox Fax-on- Voice-on- OGM Demand Demand OGM OGM 1 f Y Y en — 99 memory 99 memory 5 mailbox compartments boxes (for fax/voice (for fax ICM) Helpful Hints OGM) boxes (for voice OGM) Your Setting up Procedure Setting up Step 4 Turning on the Message Center Pro (see page 12-18.) {à Setting up Step 3 Recording a 1st Level OGM* for Message Center Pro (see page 12-18.) TV Setting up Step 2 Recording a 2nd Level OGM** for each fax-on-demand, voice-on-demand, or per- sonal mailbox (see page 12-13.) TV Setting up Step 1 Storing messages In the memory boxes Step 1a: For Fax-on-demand Storing fax Information in a memory box (see page 12-7.) Step 1b: For Voice-on-demand Recording voice information in a memory box (see page 12-10.) Step 1c: For Personal Mailbox Setting up a password and re- cording a personal mailbox OGM for the mailbox (see page 12-12.) It is a good idea to store the command menu list of fax-on-demand and voice- on-demand in fax-on-demand memory box 01% and guide callers to retrieve the list first. B) SETTING UP THE FAX/VOICE-ON-DEMAND You can easily set up the fax-on-demand and voice-on-demand in the FUNCTION menu using the following steps: Setting up Step 4 Turning on the Message Center Pro Setting up Step 3 Recording a 1st Level OGM* (Message Center Pro OGM) (see page 12-15.) Setting up Step 2 Recording a 2nd Level OGM™™ for each fax-on-demand, voice-on- demand, or personal mailbox Setting up Step 1 Storing messages in the memory boxes Step 1a: For Fax-on-demand Storing/Erasing/Printing fax information in a memory box (see page 12-7.) (see page 12-7.) (see page 12-12.) Step 1b: For Voice-on-demand Recording/Erasing/Playing a voice information in a memory box (see page 12-9.) Step lc: For Personal Mailbox | Setting up a password and Recording a Personal Mailbox OGM for the mailbox (see page 12-11.) You can use any one of these functions, a combination or all of them. For instance, to set up only the fax-on-demand function, perform Step la and then Steps 2 through 4. To set up the voice-on-demand and personal mailbox, perform Steps 1b and 1c and then Steps 2 through 4. 12.5 * Ist Level OGM: (Message Center Pro Outgoing Message) When the call is connected to your fax machine, the 1st Level OGM will tell the caller that he/she should press 01%, 02% or 03% to access the 2nd level OGM for fax-on- demand, voice-on-demand, or mailbox, during or after the OGM. The OGM also will tell that callers can leave voice messages or fax messages by pressing the remote activation code when or after the OGM. ** 2nd Level OGM: (Fax-on-Demand, Voice-on-Demand, Mailbox Outgoing Message) Next, the 2nd Level OGM will tell the caller the titles of messages stored and their memory box numbers. For the mailbox, it will tell the assigned persons’ names and mailbox numbers. Access to the Target Memory Box: The caller can access a memory box following the instructions of the 2nd level OGM. For the mailbox, the caller can record his/her fax or voice message into the target mailbox after checking the name of the person assigned to that mailbox by the personal mailbox OGM. Setting up Step 1a: For Fax-on-Demand Storing/Erasing/Printing Fax Information in a Memory Box Storing Fax Information in a Memory Box with Multi-Resolution Page by Page “Fax information is the fax document you are storing in a fax-on demand memory box for your callers to retrieve. You can store each fax-on-demand information at different resolution page by page as follows: 1. Placethe document into the feeder. 2. Press FUNCTION. - If you want to store fax information at various resolutions page by page, follow these steps below. If not, skip to the step 9 below. 3. Press 1. 4. Press 5. 5, Press —« (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to find the resolution you want for the page in your documents. Example: FINE. 6. Press SET. Return to step 5 for setting the resolution for page 2 and the following pages. 7. When you finish setting the resolution for all your pages, press STOP. 8. Press FUNCTION. 9. Press 9. 10. Press 4. 11. Press SET. 12.7 12. Use the number keys to enter the desired memory box number. Example: 14 13. Press SET. 14. Press RECORD. 15. Press START. Storing Fax Information in a Memory Box at One Resolution You can store all the pages of fax-on-demand information at one resolution, such as “S. FINE”. DU 5 UN The machine will start storing the information. The machine will display the remaining memory available to store additional fax information. . Place the document into the feeder. . Press FUNCTION. Press 9. . Press 4. . Press SET. . Use the number keys to enter the desired memory box number. Example: 18 7. Press SET. . Press RECORD. . Press RESOLUTION repeatedly until you get the desired resolution. 10. Press START. The machine will start storing the data. Erasing Fax Information in a Memory Box You can erase the fax information you have stored previously in the memory boxes. 8. Press ERASE in the step 8 in the above procedure, 9. Press 1 then the machine will erase the fax information you stored in memory box 14. The machine status will return to step 6 above, If you modify or erase the stored fax information, be sure to make any necessary changes in the related OGM levels (see Setting up Steps 2 and 3). Printing Fax Information in a Memory Box To check the fax information you have stored previously in the memory boxes, you can print your fax information. 8. Press PLAY in the step 8 in the above procedure. The machine will print your fax information stored in memory box 14. The machine status will return to step 4 above. 12-9 Setting up Step 1b: For Voice-on-Demand Recording/Erasing/Playing Voice Information in a Memory Box Recording Voice Information in a Memory Box “Voice information” is the outgoing voice message you are recording in a memory box as a selection available for your callers to hear. Record a voice information for the callers. © > OB HH © DO 40 Ea . Press FUNCTION. . Press 9. . Press 5. . Press SET. . Use the number keys to enter the desired memory box number. Example: 14 . Press SET. . Press RECORD. . Pick up the handset. . Record a message no longer than 20 seconds. 10.Replace the handset. The machine automatically will play back the recorded message. 11.To record more messages, return to step 4 above. To exit, press STOP. Erasing Voice Information in a Memory Box You can erase the voice information you have previously recorded in the memory boxes. 8. Press ERASE in the step 8 in the above procedure. C 9. Press 1 then the machine will erase the voice information you recorded in memory box 14. The machine status will return to step 6 above, If you modify or erase the stored voice information, be sure to make any necessary changes in the related OGM levels (see Setting up Step 2 and 3). Playing Voice Information in a Memory Box To check the outgoing voice messages you have recorded previously in the memory boxes you can play back your voice information. 8. Press PLAY. The machine will play back your voice information stored in memory box 14. The machine status will return to step 4 above. 12-11 C) SETTING UP THE PERSONAL MAILBOX Setting up Step Ic: For Personal Mailbox A Password and Recording a Personal Mailbox OGM for the Mailbox Set пра password and record a personal mailbox OGM for the callers. Five mailboxes are available. Fax messages will be received into each memory boxes and will not be printed unless the owner of the memory box prints it intentionally. 5. 9. . Press FUNCTION. . Press 9. . Press 3. . Press SET. , Press — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to show the target mailbox number. Example : 02. . Press SET. . Enter the desired 4-digit code as your password. Example: 1768. Press RECORD. Pick up the handset. 10.Record a personal mailbox OGM no longer than 20 seconds. The OGM should tell callers your name and that the machine can receive either voice or fax messages. (For a message example, see the next page.) 11.Replace the handset. The machine automatically will play back the recorded message. The machine status will return to step 4 above. You can continue and enter the next password and personal mailbox OGM. — Message Example For Personal Mailbox assigned to John Baker: Hi. This is John Baker. If you have a confidential message for me, please record it after the beep. If you wish to send a fax, press the start button after the beep. Thank you. Ns A Setting up Step 2: Recording/Erasing/Playing the 2nd Level OGM for each Fax-on-Demand, Voice-on-Demand, and Personal Mailbox The 2nd Level OGM is the second outgoing message your callers will hear after they have chosen either fax-on-demand, voice-on-demand, or personal mailbox. It must list the access numbers and identifying name ofeach compartment within that group (for example, within the fax-on-demand group). It also must tell callers that he/she can retrieve several fax/voice-on-demand information at once on the same line by entering the two-digit box number continuously with * at the end of the commands. | Recording an OGM Have you stored or recorded the messages you want for your callers? If you have, then, record a and level OGM for cach of those fax-on-demand, voice-on-demand, or personal mailbox you have already set up. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2, Press 9. 3. Press 2. À. Press — (left arrow) or m= {right arrow) key to show the target memory box. Example: mailbox. Pressing the m= key will cycle forward through “MAILBOX”, “FAX ON DEMAND”, and “VOICE ON DEMAND.” The — key cycles backward. (Do not select “MSG CTR PRO” here, since it is for a level OGM described in Setting up Step 3.) 12-13 5. Press SET. 6. Press RECORD. 7. Pick up the handset. 8. Record a message no longer than 20 seconds. * The recorded message is played automatically. rm Message Example = 2nd Level OGM for the fax-on-demand: “This is fax-on-demand. Press 01% for our product information, Press 02% for price information, or 03% for our shipment schedule... You can press 10% for our order sheet. If you want retrieve all of them at once, press 010203... 10% after the beep and when you hear your fax machine through the handset responding with a fax tone, press START. Then replace the handset. To order our products, use our personal mailbox service on this same line. Thank you for calling.” 2nd Level OGM for the mailbox: ~ “Thank you for your call. If you want to leave a confidential fax or voice message, after the beep press: 01% for Mr. A’s mailbox, 02% for Mr. B’s mailbox, and 03* for Mr. C's mailbox.” Erasing an OGM You can erase the 2nd level OGMs you have recorded. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 9. 3. Press 2. 4. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) key to select the type of OGM to be erased among MAILBOX, FAX ON DEMAND or VOICE ON DEMAND OGM. Example: FAX ON DEMAND OGM 5. Press SET. 12-14 6. Press ERASE. 7. Press 1. The machine will erase the fax-on-de- mand OGM. The machine status will return to step 5 above. Playing an OGM To confirm the OGMs you have recorded, you can play back the 2nd level OGMs. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 9. 3. Press 2. 4. Press —« (left arrow) or => (right arrow) key to select the type of OGM to be played among MAILBOX, FAX ON DEMAND or VOICE ON DEMAND OGM. Example: VOICE ON DEMAND 5. Press SET. 6. Press PLAY. The machine will play back the voice-on- demand OGM. The machine status will return to step 3 above, 12-15 Setting up Step3: Recording/Erasing/Playing the 1st Level OGM (Message Center Pro OGM) You will record only one 1st Level OGM. It is the first outgoing message your callers will hear. It must tell them to select the option for either Fax-on-Demand, Voice-on-Demand, or Personal Mailbox. Recording the Message Center Pro OGM Have you finished Setting up Steps 1 and 2 ? Now you are ready to record the 1st level OGM. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 9. | 3. Press 2. 4 Make sure that “MSG CTR PRO” is displayed. | If not, press —« (left arrow) or =* (right arrow) key to show “MSG CTR PRO.” . Press SET. . Press RECORD. . Pick up the handset. . Record a message no longer than 20 seconds. * The recorded message is played automatically. ~— Message Example you for your call. This is ABC Company. At the moment, we can not answer your call. If you wish to leave a confidential message for one of us, press 01%. You can leave a voice message after the beep or send a fax message by pressing *51 after the beep. (See page 7- 11~13.) If you want to receive a fax message with our new product information, press 02%. If you prefer to listen to our product information on the phone, press 03%. Thank 6. Press ERASE in the step 6 in the above procedure. 7. Press 1 then the machine will erase the Message Center Pro OGM. The machine status will return to step 5 above. Playing the Message Center Pro OGM 6. Press PLAY in the step 6 in the above procedure. The machine will play back the Message Center Pro OGM. The machine status will return to step 3 above. 12-17 Setting up Step 4: Turning on the Message Center Pro Have you finished Setting up Steps 1 through 3 ? Then, you are at the final step to turn on the Message Center Pro. At any time, you can prevent callers from accessing your memory boxes for fax-on-demand, voice- on-demand and personal mailbox by turning this function to OFF. . Press FUNCTION. . Press 9. . Press 1. . Press SET. > E ES = сл . Press —« (left arrow) or => (right arrow) key to turn on the MSG CTR PRO. 6. Press SET. 7. Press STOP to exit. D) LISTENING TO ICMs (Incoming Messages) Listening to the ICMs in the Personal Mailboxes Look at the display to check whether your machine has received any ICMs. If the display shows the current date and time, no ICM (no voice or fax message) has been received. This means that mailboxes 1, 3, 4, and 5 contain personal ICMs. The second line shows that the standard Message Center has stored two voice messages and nine fax messages in total. If the display shows these alternately: To listen to the ICMs recorded in your personal mailbox, you will need to enter your pre- determined password. If the ICM you have is a fax message, it will be printed; if the ICM you have is a voice message, it will be played back. 1. While holding down SHIFT, press PLAY. 2. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) key to select your own per- sonal mail box number. Example: 03. 3. Press SET. 4. Use the number keys to enter your pre-determined 4-digit password. (See Setting up Step 1c.) Example: 1768. 5. Press SET or wait 2 seconds. The machine will start playing the re- corded voice ICMs in the order they were received. After playing all of them it will print the faxes you received. In the example shown on the right, 08 means that mailbox 03 contains eight ICMs and 01 means that the first voice ICM is being played back now. To go to the next ICM or to return to the previous ICM during playback, press —« (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) key, respectively. Retrieving the ICMs (Incoming Messages) in the Personal Mailbox Remotely You can retrieve the voice/fax ICMs (incoming messages) remotely: 1. Pick up the handset of a remote touch tone fax machine. 2. Dial your fax machine’s number. 3. When your fax machine answers with a Message Center Pro OGM, immediately enter the access command 01% to access the Personal Mailbox. 4. When you hear the general Personal Mailbox OGM, enter your Personal Mailbox number. Example: 03% 5. When you hear your Personal Mailbox OGM, enter your 4-digit Password. Example: 1768 6. You will hear the recorded voice ICMs through the handset of your remote fax machine, in the order they were received. 7. After playing all the voice ICMs, you may hear your fax machine through the handset responding with a fax tone. Then press START. 8. Replace the handset. 9. Your remote fax machine will print the fax messages. Recording a Memo in Personal Mailbox on the Machine You can record a Personal Mailbox incoming message on the fax machine by pressing SHIFT and RECORD. Do the following steps to leave a message for a family member or calleague in their personal mailbox. 1. While holding down SHIFT, press RECORD. 2. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) key to select your own personal mailbox number. Example: 02, 3. Press SET. 4. Pick up the handset. 5. Record a message no longer than 20 seconds. 6. Replace the handset. Erasing ICMs (Incoming Messages) from the Personal Mailboxes You can erase the voice ICMs recorded in your personal mailbox, one by one or all at one time. If you want to erase them one by one while playing them back, see “Erasing Voice ICMs One by One” below, If you want to erase all voice and/or fax massages at one time, see “Erasing all of the fax/voice ICMs at one time.” Fax ICMs recorded in your personal mailbox can not be erased at one time. Erasing Voice ICMs One by One 1. While holding down SHIFT, press PLAY. 2. Press —=a (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) key to select your own personal mail box number. Example: 03, 3. Press SET. 4. Use the number keys to enter your own 4-digit password. Example: 1768. 5. Press SET or wait 2 seconds. The machine will begin playing the re- corded voice ICMs in the order you re- ceived them. 6. Erase the message either during or immediately after playback by pressing ERASE. 7. Press 1. The machine will erase that message and go to the next ICM. 12-21 Erasing All of the Fax/Voice ICMs at One Time It is not possible to erase a single fax message, you can only erase them all or none of them. (See this page “Erasing All of the Fax/Voice ICMs at One Time.”) If you choose to erase all the fax messages, your fax machine automatically will print any fax messages that have not been printed, before it erases them from the memory. 1. While holding down SHIFT, press ERASE. 2. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) key to select your own personal mailbox number. Example: 03. 3. Press SET. 4. Use the number keys to enter your own 4-digit password. Example: 1768 5. Press SET and wait 2 seconds. 6. Press —e (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to select whether you want to erase all voice messages (TAD), all document messages (FAX), or all messages (MSG). Example: FAX. 7. Press SET. 8. Press 1. The machine will erase all of the fax ICMs stored in your personal mailbox. 13. HOW TO USE THE COPY FUNCTION Making a Single Copies Use this function to make a single copy. 1. Insert the documents face down : into the feeder. « 2. Press COPY. | С | 3. Press COPY or just wait for 5 scc- - onds. Helpful Hints 1. Set the resolution to either PHOTO or S.FINE. If you select STANDARD or FINE, the resolution will automatically change to S.FINE. 2. When you want to change the resolution for each page, use Function menu 1-5 (see page 6-13) to set the resolution for each page. | 3. When you want to make a copy, make sure the text or image on the original document is not too close to the edge. Your fax machine cannot read anything closer than 4 mm (1/8 inch) from the edge. 4. Do not pull on the paper while copying is in progress. This may distort the copied image and damage your machine, NOTE: Original documents should be straight, non wrinkled, to be fed correctly. Otherwise the documents may jam occasionally. 13-1 Making Multiple Copies There are two ways to make multiple copies on your fax machine, The first is the stacking method, this will make “n” copies of page one, “n” copies of page two and so on. These will all be stacked on top of each other. The second method is the sorting or collating method. This is when the fax machine scans the entire document and then makes 1 copy of page 1, 2, 8, 4in order. Then makes a second copy of 1, 2, 3, 4 until a total of n copies has been made. (Stacking) (Sorting) 1. Placethe documents face down into the feeder. 2. Press COPY. 3. Enter two digits for the number of copies you want using the number keys (Max. 99 copies). Example: 05. 4. Press COPY or just wait 5 seconds. 5. Press — (left arrow) or => (right arrow) to select the stacking or sorting method. Example: STACK. 6. Press COPY to begin copying. NOTE: 1. When making Multiple Copies, do not let the receiving tray become overstacked. Remove the copied paper from the receiving tray frequently. 2. When making Multiple Copies, make sure there is enough recording paper in the machine, | What To Do When You Get a “MEMORY FULL” Message while Making Copies If you are using the stacking method, press STOP. If you are using the sorting method, press COPY to copy the portion that is in the memory, or press STOP to cancel. 13-2 Making Reduced and Enlarged Copies Use this function to make reduced or enlarged copies of a document. Select Auto Reduction (AUTO) if you want to reduce the size of the original, regardless of its size, to the size of the recording paper. To enlarge or reduce a document, select one of the enlargement/reduction ratios: 150%, 125%, 120%, 93%, 87%, 75% or 50%. If you want to reproduce the same size, select 100%. 1. Insert the documents face down into the feeder. 2. Press ENLARGE/REDUCE. 3. Press — (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to choose the setting. - If you want Auto Reduction, se- lect “AUTO”. - If you want to reproduce the same size, choose 100%. - For Fixed Enlargement or Reduc- tion, choose one of the following settings: 150%, 125%, 120%, 93%, 87%, 75% or 50%. Example: 93% 4, Press COPY, 5. Enter two digits for the number of copies you want using the number keys (Max. 99 copies). Example: 05 6. Press COPY or just wait for 5 sec- onds. 7. Press —e (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to select the stacking or Sorting method. Example: STACK. 8. Press COPY to begin copying. 13-3 * When enlarging, any portion that extends outside the edge of the recording paper will be cut off. » The selection you made under Function menu 5-6 (see page 7-6) will not affect enlargements, but it will affect reductions, as follows: If the recording paper is letter size, you can select a reduction ratio of 93%, 87%, or 75%. If it 1s А4 size, you can select a reduction ratio of 93% or 87%, and if it is legal size, you can select 93% only. (See page 7-6~8.) 14. PRINTING REPORTS AND LISTS You can print the following lists and reports under function item 3. PRINT REPORTS. Level one function Level two function Content Page 3. PRINT REPORTS 1. ACT. REPORT The Activity Report lets you know whether transmissions and incoming faxes were received. 14-3 2. ALL DIAL This is a list of the names and numbers that are stored in One-Touch and Speed- Dial memory, printed in One-Touch and Speed-Dial number order. 14-3,4 3. TEL. INDEX The same as the All Dial list printed in alphabetical order. 4. COVERPAGE This allows you to check the Cover Page format. 6-14 5. CALL BACK MSG Used to check the Call Back message format. 6-19 6. USER OPTIONS The settings for FUNCTION 5 to 9 (USER OPTIONS, TEL OPTIONS, SETUP SYSTEM, SETUP MSG CTR and SETUP MC PRO) are printed here. 7. XMIT REPORT You can choose whether the Transmission Verification Report will be printed after all faxes you send. ON/OFF 14-5 8. MEMORY STATUS The addressee and the amount of occupied memory for items stored in the memory are printed here. 14-6 9. CALLER ID You can review calls you received by checking this list. 1-22 Other Reports The following reports are printed automatically, for your information. Help List (By pressing HELP on the control panel.) (See page 3-8.) Polled Report Delayed Transmission Report Broadcast Report Sequential Polling Report Transmission Verification Report 14-1 All the reports and lists may be printed as follows: 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 3. 3. Press the number of the level two function you wish to print. Example: 1.ACT.REPORT. 4. Press START. Activity Report Interval — An Activity Report can be printed at certain intervals that you specify. You can set the journal period to “OFF” , “6 hours”, “12 hours”, “24 hours”, “2 days”. “4 days” or “7 days”. The Activity Report will list all outgoing and incoming faxes (only the last 30) during that period. The factory default setting is OFT". After the Activity Report has printed at the preset interval, the information will be deleted and can not be recovered. However, at any time between these scheduled reports, you can manually print the Activity Report and the information will remain. NOTE: If your Activity Reportis not listing all your transactions, select a shorter interval period. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 7. 3. Press 3. 4. Press —=a (left arrow) or m= (right arrow) to choose the setting. Example: 12 HOURS. Ifyou select seven days, vou should choose the base day of the week. 5. Press SET. 6. Enter the time to print in 24-hour format using the number keys. Example: 19:45 (7:45P.M.). 7. Wait for two seconds. 8. Press STOP to exit. | ACTIVITY REPORT TIME : 09/12/1996 19:45 NAME : BROTHER FAX 4155554444 TEL 4155554445 DATE | TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION | PAGE(S) RESULT | COMMENT 09/12 | 10:00 | BROTHER BOSTON 04:23 | 20 CY CA | Ok TX 09/12] 10:10 | NJ OFFICE 00 | 00 BUSY TX 09/12 | 14:53 | BROTHER BOSTON 48 | 01 CY CA | Ok TX BUSY: BUSY/NO RESPONSE NG : POOR LINE CONDITION CY COVERPAGE CA : CALL BACK MSG POL : POLLING RET : RETRIEVAL Note ; “TX” means Transmit, “RX” means Receive. Printing the All Dial List You can print a list of all One-Touch numbers and Speed-Dial numbers. ALL DIAL LIST TIME 09/12/1996 15:25 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 4155554444 TEL : 4155554445 ONE-TOUCH DIAL NUMBER FAX/TEL NUMBER DESTINATION GROUP *01 61-2018285881 FAX | AUSTRIAN OFFICE *0Z 234-5678 TEL ABC COMPANY *03 334-5566 FAX HEAD OFFICE *04 ЖОБ 14155551212 FAX NJ OFFICE Sd ии | A що и и | NTT nT eT +35 DT TT @:CHAIN 7) 14-3 ALL DIAL LIST TIME : 09/12/1996 15:25 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 4155554444 TEL : 4155554445 SPEED-DIAL NUMBER | FAX/TEL NUMBER | DESTINATION GROUP #01 5892786 F/T BROWNE M. 40726 1234567 W. COMPANY #03 03-256-1121 TOKYO OFFICE LA _—) #00 5555161 TEL MANCHESTER E: CHAIN 1) (ALL DIAL LIST of FAX 1550MC) Transmission Verification (Xmit) Report The Transmission Verification Report can be used as proof that you sent a fax. It lists the name or fax number of the receiving party, the time and date of transmission, and whether the transmission was successful. The factory default setting 1s OFF. OFF: The report will be printed automatically only if an error occurs during transmission. If the report says “Result: NG” then send all the pages again. If the report says “Result: Check readability of transmitted page(s) 02, 05” then send only pages 2 and 5 again. ON: A report will be printed automatically. It is important to read the result of each report to check that the transmission was successful. 1. Press FUNCTION. 2. Press 3. 3. Press 7. 4. Press — (left arrow) or »F=- (right arrow) to choose the setting. Example: ON. 5. Press SET. 6. Press STOP to exit. Helpful Hints When you set the Transmission Verification Report to ON, the Delayed Transmission Report and the Polled Report will be turned ON also. If the Transmission Verification Report is turned to OFF, the Delayed Transmission Report and Polled Report will print only if an error occurs 14-4 TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 09/12/1996 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 4155554444 TEL : 4155554445 15:25 DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 09/12 15:24 NJ OFFICE 00:00:45 01 COVERPAGE OK STANDARD Memory Status List The MEMORY STATUS LIST will show you the addressee and amount of occupied memory for items stored in the memory such as delayed transmissions and polled waiting. You will see the combined total of stored fax messages for retrieval. The available memory is expressed as percentage of remaining memory. | MEMORY STATUS LIST | не TIME: 09/12/1994 15:25 NAME: BROTHER FAX : 2166554444 TEL : 4155554445 TAD DATE IIMF Ji THCOMING MESSAGE 99/12/1994 10:15 02 INCOMING MESSAGE : 09/19/1994 14:20 01 MEMD : 09/17/1984 12:45 92 MEMO 09/12/1994 13:15 GUTCOING MESSAGE 10% VOICE ALARM 12 SCHEDULES 10% STURED FAXES FOR RETRIEVAL DAT TIME RECELVED FROM # CE PAGES MESSACE 91 : 09/12/1994 12:00 0528242787 40,01 81 MESSAGE 02: 09/12/1994 4.42 5892786 NC,07 03 - L IL 1 10% GA} (В; 2 MEMORY USED FOR FAX FEATURES TIME DESTINATION # СЕ PAGES TIMER 1} 23:45 (BROADCAST 01 10% POLLING WAITING Ca 12% REDZAL WAITING 1) BROTHER BCSTON 02 05% ECM 24% FAX FORWARD NUMBER 18005552234 MEMORY AVAILABLE 19% (MEMORY STATUS LIST of FAX 1450MC) E Your fax machine has received 4 TAD messages. You set 12 scheduled appointment reminders. You received two FAX messages : (A) When the fax came in (B) Sending party's number This shows that you have three items in the fax's memory for timer, polling and redial transmissions. This shows the Fax Forwarding number. This shows the amount of available memory. 14-6 15. REGULAR MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING Regular Maintenance You can keep your fax machine in optimum condition by cleaning it on a regular basis. Avoid using thinners or other organic solvents to clean the machine and do not use any water. Follow the four steps below: 1. Unplug the telephone line and then the power cord. When you reconnect these lines later, make sure to connect the power cord first, then the telephone hne. 2. Wipe any dirt off the machine using a slightly damp cloth. 3. Clean the scanner. Moisten a small piece of soft, lint-free cloth with Isopropyl alcohol and carefully remove any dirt from the glass cover and from the white bar of the scanner area. Control panel Control panel White bar Glass cover of Scanner 4. Clean the printer. Open the Top cover and print head. Moisten a small piece of soft, lint-free cloth with Isopropyl alcohol and keep wiping the edge of the print head until all dirt is removed. Top Cover / Helpful Hints If the scanner and the print head are dirty, the quality of the transmission or reception image, and copy becomes degraded. Use the above procedure to clean these parts frequently. 15-1 Paper Jams Your fax machine will sound an alarm if the document jams while going through the feeder or if the recording paper becomes stuck. The display will show “DOCUMENT JAM” or “PRINTER JAM”. Fixing a Document Jam 1. Open the control panel. 2. Remove the jammed documents by turning the blue gear. -Do not pull out the jammed paper from upper side 3. Close the control panel. 4. Press STOP. Fixing a Recording Paper Jam 1. Open the top cover. „а 2. 1Laft the two blue release levers to open the print head. 3. Take out the printing cartridge. 4. Remove the paper cassette. 5, Remove the jammed paper. - Carefully pull out the jammed paper. Top Cover re Print Head Open the paper cover and remove the jammed paper by pulling in upward direction. Paper cover 6. Install the paper cassette. Recording paper Be sure to push the paper plate down until it locks in position.(See Pagel-7.) 7. Install the cartridge. 8. Gently push down the print head until you hear a “click”. 9. Close the top cover. Optional Memory Board The memory board is installed on the main controller board inside the machine. You can add the optional memory board for the fax. Additional memory is available and useful to expand the memory for sending and receiving faxes. Model Name Optional Memory FAX 1350M N/A (256KB) (Not Available) FAX 1450MC/1550MC Yes MFC 1850MC/1950MC (512 KB) (total IMB) (512KB) 15-3 Troubleshooting You may occasionally encounter a problem with your fax machine or telephone line. If this happens, your fax machine often identifies the problem and displays an error message. Refer to the following list when you see an error message on the display. If additional help is needed, please contact the following Customer Service numbers : Error Messages 1-800-284-4FAX (4329) 1-908-356-8880 (Extension 7920) Canada 1-800-853-6660 (Calling from within Canada, 8:00 AM-8:00PME.S.T.) Error messages are listed below in alphabetical order. The printing cartridge has run out. Replace the used cartridge with a new one. (See page 1-6.) The scanner is dirty. Clean the scanner. (See page 15-1.) You encountered a communications error that resulted from a poor quality phone line. Try the call again. You requested the polling function even though the machine you called does not have the polling feature. The top cover or print head cover was not com- pletely closed. Please check them. The telephone line was disconnected by the other party during the communication. Try calling the ather party to see what happened. Your documents were not inserted properly, or the documents were not fed properly, or the documents were too long. Open the control panel and remove the docu- ments. (See page 15-2) Then close the control panel, press STOP and insert the documents again, adjusting the guides on either side of the document, and try sending the fax again. Original documents should be straight and non- wrinkled, to be fed correctly. Otherwise, the documents may jam occasionally. Cut the power off. Then contact the Customer > Service number listed on page 15-5. The number you called does not answer or is busy. You also may have reached a number that is not connected to a fax machine, Check the number and try again. Check that you have the correct number and dialed it correctly. Try to call the number from a regular telephone to make sure it is in service. The One-Touch key or Speed-Dial number you pressed has no number assigned to it. Youneed to program a phone number. (See page 4-6-8) There is no more paper. It is also possible that the paper cassette is not properly installed. Refill the paper or correct the position of the paper cassette. The recording paper is jammed in the printing area. Remove the jammed paper. (See page 15-2~3) Other Problems Condensed Print and Horizontal Streaks Cut Off Top and Bottom of Sentences This is usually caused by a bad connection, interference or static on the phone line. Make a copy. If the copy is fine, the machine is OK. Try to receive from other parties and try your machine on another phone line. Have the phone line checked by the telephone company. Cover Page Comment Always Prints “Please Call” The Cover Page report is only a sample of the format and always prints “Please Call”. The comment you programmed will be generated at the receiving machine. Dialing Does Not Work Check for a dial tone. Change TONE/PULSE setting. Check all telephone line connections: telephone line from wall jack to LINE jack on fax machine and make sure curled handset cord is not in EXT jack. Check power cord connection. Send a manual fax (press HOOK or lift handset), wait to hear fax receiving tones and press START, Fax Machine Does Not Answer When Called Make sure the fax machine is not in MANUAL mode (AUTO and F/T lights out). Check it is in the correct receiving mode for your setup (either AUTO, F/T or TAD/Message Center). Check for a dial tone. If possible, call your fax machine to hear what is happening. No Dial Tone on the Handset | Press HOOK. If no dial tone, check telephone line connections at fax machine and wall jack. Connect a regular telephone into the wall jack to see if the phone line is working. Poor Transmitting Quality If faxes you send are hard to read at the receiving machine, try changing your resolution to FINE or SUPERFINE. Also, chean your scanner glass cover and white pressure bar. Vertical Black Lines When Receiving The print head on your machine may be dirty or the sender’s scanner may be dirty. Make a copy; ifit is the same, clean your print head with isopropyl alcohol and a lint-free cloth. The print head is about 9 X 1/2 inches and is gold in color with triangular markings. (See page 15-1.) 15-5 Vertical Black Lines When Sending Make a copy. If the copy is the same, the scanner area is dirty. Lift the control panel and look in the front of the machine in the document path. Use isopropyl alcohol and a lint-free cloth. Clean the glass cover (about 9 X 1/2 inches) below and the white metal pressure bar (same size) found inside the cover above it. (See page 15-1.) 15-6 16. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Standard Telephone and FCC Notices (Applies only to 120V model) These notices are in effect on models sold and used in the U.S.A. This equipment is hearing-aid compatible. When programming emergency numbers and/or making test calls to emergency numbers: * Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call before hanging up. + Perform such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening. This equipment complies with Part 68 of FCC Rules. On the rear panel of this equipmentis a label that contains, among other information, the FCC Registration Number and Ringer equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment. You must, upon request, provide this information to your telephone company. You may safely connect this equipment to the telephone network by means of a standard modular jack, USOC RJ11C. An FCC compliant telephone cord and modular plug is provided with this equipment. This equipment is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a compatible modular jack which is Part 68 compliant. See 1-10 for details. | The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have those devices ring when your telephone numberis called. In most, but not all areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices connected to one line should not exceed five (5). To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line, as determined by the REN, you should contact your local telephone company to determine the maximum REN for your calling area. If your IntelliFAX1350M/1450MC/1550MC and MFC1850MC/1950MC damages the telephone network, the telephone company may discontinue your service temporarily. If possible, they will notify you in advance. But if advanced notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be informed of your right to file a complaint with the FCC. Your telephone company may make changes to its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the proper functioning of your equipment. If they do, you will be notified in advance to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service. If you experience trouble with this IntelliFAX1350M/1450MC/1550MC and MFC1850MC/ 1950MC, please contact the manufacturer's authorized service agency for information on obtaining service or repair. The telephone company may ask that you disconnect this equipment from the network until the problem has been corrected or until you are sure that the equipment is not malfunctioning. If you are not able to solve a problem with your fax machine, contact Brother service personnel at 1-800-284-4FAX (U.S.A. Only). 1-800-284-4329 Warning For protection against the risk of electrical shock, always disconnect all cables from the wall outlet before servicing, modifying or installing the equipment. This equipment may not be used on coin service lines provided by the telephone company nor connected to party lines. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant te Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: * Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna. . Increase the separation between the fax equipment and the receiver. e Connect the fax equipment on a separate circuit. * Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TY technician for help. Caution Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual may result in hazardous invisible radiation exposure. Brother cannot accept any financial or other responsibilities that may be the result of your use of this information, including direct, special or consequential damages. There are no warranties extended or granted by this document. The serial number may be found on the label affixed to the back of the unit. For your convenience, note the number below and retain this owner's manual to serve as a permanent record of your purchase, in the event of a theft or fire, or for future reference. MODEL NO. IntelliFAX1350M/1450MC/1550MC and MFC 1850MC/1950MC SERIAL NO. NAME OF DEALER DATE OF PURCHASE Important Safety Instructions Во юн 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Read all of these instructions. Save them for later reference. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product. Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Donot use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning. Do not use this product near water. Do not place this product on an unsuitable cart, stand, or table. The product may fall, causing serious damage to the product. Slots and openings in the cabinet and the back or bottom are provided of ventilation; to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product on a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heater. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided. This product should be operated from the type of power source indicated on the label. If you are not sure of the type of power available, consult your dealer or local power company, This product is equipped with a 3-wire grounding type plug, a plug having a third (grounding) pin. This plug will only fit into a grounding-type power outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the purpose of the grounding-type plug. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this product where persons will walk on the cord. If an extension cord is used (See page 1-10.) with this product, make sure that the total ampere ratings on the products plugged into the extension cord do not exceed the extension cord ampere rating. Also, make sure that the total of all products plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed 15 amperes (U.S.A. only). Never push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts resulting in a risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product. | Do not attempt to service this product yourself, as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage points or other risks, Refer all servicing to service personal at 1-800- 284-4FAX (4329). Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions: . When the power cord or plug is damaged or frayed. . If liquid has been spilled into the product. . If the product has been exposed to rain or water. . If the product does not operate normally when the operating instructions are followed. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions since improper Doux» adjustment ofother controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to normal operation. If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged. If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating a need for service. as 16-3 Important-About the Interface Cable This machine has been certified to comply with FCC standards, which are applied to the U.S.A. only. A shielded interface cable should be used according to FCC 15.27(C). In addition, a grounded plug be plugged into a grounded AC outlet after checking the rating of the local power supply for the printer to operate properly and safely. CAUTION Г | Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Brother Industries, Ltd. could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. ATTENTION: recyclable. At the end of it’s useful life, under various state and local laws, it may be illegal to dispose of this battery into the municipal waste stream. Check with your local solid waste officials for details in your area for recycling options or proper disposal. If you have any problem, contact Brother service personnel at 1-800-284-4F AX. | 1-800-284-4329 | | The product that you have purchased contains a rechargeable battery. The hattery is (Only for FAX 1450MC/1550MC, MFC 1850MC/1950MC) 16-4 17. INDEX | A Activity Report ................— ee... 14-1-3 ADF O TN 6-2 Al Dil LiSt.......... eones 14-1, 3, 4 Answer Mode ..........— 2-4, 7-1 Automatic Transmission ...........wwm ==. 6-4 Auto Mode... erence 7-1-2 B Back-up Printing ...........—-.—— ===. 11-10 Battery (See Memory Storage) .............. 4-8 Веерег...........анннннненннсненененененннненененененн о. 4-1 Brogdcasting .............————.—.—.—....eeeee.ee_—s 6-8 C Сай Back Message... 6-19,.14-1 Call Reservation 6-18, 19 Canceling... 6-11 Cartridge. .......ccoieiiicinc ER EN 1-5, 6 Cassette ..............e......e.eserreeieere 1-5,7,8 Chain Dialer nennen EEE 4-6 CICONING .........…….……crcrcnsanenemsnentersnan rase seras 15-1 Connecting ...........—-—————— 1-8, 7-11, 7-14 Contrast... usa sa sa ranraes 6-3 Control Panel Keys............—... mm... 2-1-5 (OT. e)' AT 2-3, 13-1-4 Cover Open ............. e. .memexeeemienenenenee en 15-4 Cover Page 6-14-18, 14-1 D Daiiy Timer mre 6-7,8 Date and Time rousse 4-2 Delayed Transmission .........e..w..—.— ==... 6-7 Delayed Polling ..................—————.—. anemenmer 8-5 Distinctive Ringing ................———.. 7-16-19 Document ............—.—........eenecenen 6-1,2 E ECM B...-ecnsrrarerensasaransenrensensranren mens assen rames 6-20 Enlarged Copies ...........e.emmneneemenenene 13-3,4 Erasing…. 11-12, 13, 12-8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 21 Error Re-Transmission 6-20 Externai Telephone 7-11,12 Extension Telephone eee... 7-11 F Fax Forwarding ............-.--———...—.—.——. 11-16, 19 Fax-on-demand..............— 12-1, 2, 4-8 FCC Nofices.........….....…..…...….…ereessencens 16-1~4 FING Lu... Leu saranarsnanrararenanenmene menace sente rares 6-2 Ts mien eserves 7-1,7-3-5 F/T Out Going Message 0m. 7-4 F/T Ring Time …..….........…..….…erenrerensanasensennne 7-5 FUNCHON .............. eee inner EEEHE 2-4, 3-1~7 G GrOUP E RED AREERKKAKKREMEMEKBEREHEM 4-8~9 H HELP o.oo irene cere 2-4, 3-8, 9 Hook ................meareacaracarareonanerane ener 2-2, 5-1 HOId .............eemcenennenenrareneeenercenemenenDe. 2-2, 5-1 | ICM (Incomming Message) O 11-14, 12-17-21 Interrupting -..........--- e. ..e...eneenennacana 6-10 J JOACKS Lun cannnsraranennenen a sa recen sa san ananas 1-9, 7-11 JAM cir resem reser a mes 15-2, 3 L Level OSM .........em.enniinienneanes 12-6, 13, 15, 16 M Mail BOX ............—... 12-2, 3,4, 11-14, 17-20 Manual Dialing ..............- ee... 5-1 Manual Mode .................— eee 7-1,7-2 Maximum Time -........-....essesaieee. ‚‚ 11-14, 25 [1% [=] 1 1 Lo J encarna. 11-16 Memory ..............—.—.—..caenrerennararenarea caerme 4-8 Memory Status List ... 10-7 (for FAX 1350M), 11-23 (for FAX 1450M/1550M, MFC 1850MC/ 1950MC), 14-1, 14-6 Memory Strage .................. e. 4-8 Memory Transmission 6-6-12 MEMORY FULL ......….….ucrearesssasenensaranesanenens 6-6 Message Center Mode .................... 11-1~7 Message Storage .............e wee... 11-7 MSG CTR OGM ...........m..m nenes 118, 13 MSG CTR PRO ...........m..mninenon enema 12-1-21 Мир! Сор!е5 ar eee 13-2 Multiple Resolution Transmission ......... 6-13 N Next-FAX Reservation ............—————.—.. 6-21 Number Groups ...........-..rvesererierere 4-8, 9 O One-touch Dial encnenencanene man sa semen anses 2-3, 4-4, 5, 8, 5-1, 6-4 On-Screen Programming ..............———.—. 3-1 On Hook Dial arena REKEN 5-1 Overseas Mode .............e.= eines 6-12 P Packing Lisf............--——-—=c.n.eme=eeneereenenon 1-5 0 Te 113 To mn. ….…sccssuneerene sas remenea nee me memes 11-16-18 en 1-8 Paper EMpPIY cece remem eee 15-5 PAPEr JAM ..........—.e—mese=sererererirreer 15-5 Password ..........—...—....e.i=enenen 9-1,2 oo [T= JOR 2-2, 4-5, 5-1 PBXS .......rcuvaccccnarracrrrec mens mena meme neue 1-11, 4-8 PHOTO erde an memes mans nen en sine» 6-2, 6-13 41°) 111° 11-10, 12-10, 14, 16 Polling ..................eeemieraen eres 8-1-6 POWET L...….-ccsucnrassaansananne anse une anne 1-8, 9, 18-1 Printing ......... ci, 12-8 R Recording ................ 11-15, 12-9, 12, 15, 19 Recording mode ........... ee ———— 11-15 Recording Paper size... 7-6 RECIOI Lune cssenacruranenensenenen eme ran ven 2-2, 6-5 Reduced Copies ...................—. we... 13-3,4 Reduction .............—— ee... nana 7-7,8 Remote Access/Retrieval … 10-5-8 (for FAX 1350M), 11-19-23 (for FAX 1450M/1550M, MFC 1850MC/ 1950MC) Remote Access Code 10-5, 6 (for FAX 1350M), 11-20, 21 (for FAX 1450M/1550M, MFC 1850MC/1950MC) Remote Activation 7-11, 12 Remote Code ........... .ennvesens 7-11, 12 Remote Control Commands ... 10-7 (for FAX 1350M), 11-22 (for FAX 1450M/1550M, MFC 1850MC/ 1950MC) Remote Deactivation ............—.—. 7-11, 12 Reports ................e ms a 14-145 Resolution rennen 2-4, 5-2, 6-13 Ring Delay... ccc can 7-2 RING TIME iirc ene 7-5 Ring Volume ..........e= ==... .eenenini rare 7-9 5 Safety Instructions rer 16-3~4 Secure Polling .............—————— E nn AG KAH 8-3, 4 Sequential Polling == w==———. 8-6 CTY 111 [e 13 « J ]-4-9 SH Tassen DEREK 2-3, 4-4 SMOOIINg ...............emmenenrene nene nenes 7-5 Speaker Volume ..........eemmeenerireerncacemoneon 7-9 Specifications .................—e—.-.- me... 18-1 Speed Dial ......... 2-2, 3-3, 4-6, 7, 8, 5-1, 6-4 Station ID ................=eee=eee= reee 4-3, 4 Standard Mode ............—— 6-2, 6-13 Super Dark Mode ............—....—.——...eeniearas 6-3 Super fine Mode ..............———.—m 6-2, 6-13 Super Light Mode .….….......…..…..…..….…….…irreures 6-3 Super Quick Scan .......... me. 6-6-10 T TAD MOE eee 7-1, 7-14-15 Telephone Index .........— e... Э- Transmission Verification Report anananeerarararanareneacenrerererceraras 14-1, 14-4, 14-5 ТО! Saver are 1114 TOoNe/PUSS ars 4-1 Troubleshooting .............——————.————— 16-4-5 Voice Alarm .................. T1-24, 25, 26, 27 Voice-on-demand ......... 12-1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 10 17- 18. SPECIFICATIONS Type Compatibility Coding system Modem speed Document input width Scanning/Printing width Paper size Cassette capability Printer type ‘Gray scale Display Polling types Contrast control Resolution One-touch dial Speed-dial Automatic redial Speaker type Auto answer Communication source Operating environment Power source ‘Power consumption Dimensions Weight Desktop facsimile transceiver ITU-TS Group 3 Modified Huffman (MH) 14400/12000bps (Only for FAX 1450MC/1550MC, MFC1850MC/1950MC) 9600/7200/4800/2400bps; Automatic Fallback 148 mm to 216 mm (5.8 inches to 8.5 inches) 208 mm (8.2 inches) Letter/Legal/A4 200 sheets (20 lbs) Line thermal with ribbon 64 levels LCD, 16 characters Standard, Secure, Delay, Sequential Automatic/Super Light/Super Dark (manual setting) * Horizontal 8 dot/mm (208 dot/inch) * Vertical Standard 3.85 line/mm (98 linefinch) Fine, Photo (copy) 7.7 line/mm (196 line/inch) Superfine, Photo 15.4 line/mm (392 line/inch) 30 stations | | 60stations (FAX1350M, FAX1450MC, MFC1850MC), 100 stations (FAX1550MC, MFC1950MC) 3 times at 5 minute intervals Monitor 0, 1,2, 3 or 4 rings Public switched telephone network 41 - 95° F 120V AC 50/60Hz (U.S.A., Canadian Version Only) Standby: under 10 watts Peak: under 170 watts (25°C) 375 x 405 x 213 (mm}8.4 x 14.8 x 15.9 (inches) 6.0 kg/13.0 lbs Specifications are subject to change for improvement without prior notice. 18-1 These machines are made for use in the USA only. We can not recommend using them overseas because it may violate the Telecommunications Regulations of that country and the power requirements of your fax machine may not be compatible with the power available in foreign countries. Using USA models overseas is at your own risk and will void your warranty. Brother International Corporation 200 Cottontall Lane, Somerset, NJ 08875-6714, U.S.A. Brother international Corporation (Canada) Ltd. 1 rue Hotel de Ville, Doliard-des-Ormeaux, QU, CANADA HIB 3H6 * Manufactured by Brother Industries Ltd. whose quality system Is registered by BSI and JQA. BSI Certificate of registration No. FM27214 UFG2100017T: JOA Certificate of registration No. JOA-0367 Printed in Japan ">

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