Instruction Manual HI2550 Multiparameter pH/ORP/°C EC/TDS/NaCl Bench Meter 1 Dear Customer, Thank you for choosing a Hanna Instruments product. Please read this instruction manual carefully before using this instrument. This manual will provide you with the necessary information for correct use of this instrument, as well as a precise idea of its versatility. If you need additional technical information, do not hesitate to e‑mail us at [email protected] or view our worldwide contact list at All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION...........................................................4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION...................................................................4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION..............................................................5 SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................6 OPERATIONAL GUIDE......................................................................8 AUTO-RANGING............................................................................12 pH CALIBRATION..........................................................................13 pH BUFFER TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE.......................................18 RELATIVE mV CALIBRATION...........................................................19 EC/TDS CALIBRATION....................................................................19 CONDUCTIVITY VERSUS TEMPERATURE CHART................................21 NaCl CALIBRATION........................................................................22 GOOD LABORATORY PRACTICE (GLP)...............................................23 LOGGING FUNCTION......................................................................28 SETUP.........................................................................................35 TEMPERATURE CALIBRATION (FOR TECHNICAL PERSONNEL ONLY)42 mV CALIBRATION (FOR TECHNICAL PERSONNEL ONLY)....................44 PC INTERFACE..............................................................................45 ELECTRODE CONDITIONING AND MAINTENANCE..............................51 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE...........................................................54 TEMPERATURE CORRELATION FOR pH SENSITIVE GLASS..................55 ACCESSORIES...............................................................................56 3 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION Remove the instrument from the packing material and examine it carefully to make sure that no damage has occurred during shipping. If there is any damage, please contact your local Hanna Instruments Office. Each instrument is supplied with: • HI1131B Glass-body Combination pH Electrode with 1 m (3.3’) Cable • HI76310 Conductivity / TDS probe • HI7662 Temperature Probe • HI76404N Electrode Holder • pH4.01 & 7.01 Buffer Solutions (20 mL each) • HI7082 Electrolyte Solution • 12VDC Power Adapter • Instruction Manual • Quick Reference Guide • Quality Certificate Note: Save all packing material until you are sure that the instrument functions correctly. All defective items must be returned in the original packing with the supplied accessories. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The HI2550 is a microprocessor based pH, ORP, Conductivity (EC), TDS, NaCl, and Temperature Bench Meter. Relative mV feature is also provided. pH measurements are compensated for temperature effect manually or automatically with the HI7662 temperature probe. Up to a five-point pH calibration can be performed using seven standard buffers and two custom buffers. A calibration due alarm can be set to alert the user that too much time has elapsed since the last pH calibration. Conductivity and TDS features auto-ranging, which automatically selects the scale with the highest resolution. Conductivity measurements are compensated for temperature manually or automatically with a tem‑ perature sensor located inside the probe. The temperature coefficient is user selectable. Temperature compensation can be disabled to measure actual conductivity. The GLP feature provides data consistency. Data can be stored in the meters memory for later retrieval. The meters memory can hold 200 manually logged points and 500 lot logging points. An USB connection ensures communication with a PC. 4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Front Panel Rear Panel 1) Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). 2) CAL key, to enter and exit calibration mode. RCL key (alternate function), to enter and exit memory recall. 3) CFM/GLP key, to confirm calibration selection, different setup values or to display Good Laboratory Practice information. 4) ºC key, to manually increase temperature value or other parameters. TC key (alternate function), to view temperature coefficient value. 5) ºC key, to manually decrease temperature value or other parameters. ATC key (alternate function), to select EC temperature compensation mode. 6) SETUP key, to enter/exit SETUP mode. LOCK key (alternate function), to freeze current EC range on the LCD. 7) RANGE key, to select measurement range (pH, mV, EC), switch to focused data in SETUP or toggle between buffer value and temperature during calibration. MODE key (alternate function) to select mV or Rel mV on mV range or EC, TDS, NaCl on EC range. 8) LOG/CLR key, to store a value into memory, to clear pH calibration, or to select to delete log records or lots. 9) ALT key, to select alternate function. 10) ON/OFF switch. 11) Power supply socket. 12) USB connector. 13) EC electrode connector. 14) BNC electrode connector. 15) Temperature probe socket. 16) Electrode reference socket. 5 SPECIFICATIONS RANGE RESOLUTION –2.0 to 16.0 pH –2.00 to 16.00 pH –2.000 to 16.000 pH ±999.9 mV (ISE & ORP) ±2000 mV (ISE & ORP) 0.00 to 29.99 µS/cm 30.0 to 299.9 µS/cm 300 to 2999 µS/cm 3.00 to 29.99 mS/cm 30.0 to 200.0 mS/cm up to 500.0 mS/cm uncompensated(*) conductivity 0.00 to 14.99 ppm 15.0 to 149.9 ppm 150 to 1499 ppm 1.50 to 14.99 g/l 15.0 to 100.0 g/l up to 400.0 g/l uncompensated(*) TDS (with 0.80 factor) 0.0 to 400.0% NaCl –20.0 to 120.0 ºC (pH, EC range) 0.1 pH 0.01 pH 0.001 pH 0.1 mV (±1000 mV) 1 mV (±2000 mV) 0.01 µS/cm 0.1 µS/cm 1 µS/cm 0.01 mS/cm 0.1 mS/cm 0.01 ppm 0.1 ppm 1 ppm 0.01 g/l 0.1 g/l 0.1% NaCl 0.1 ºC ( ) * Uncompensated conductivity (or TDS) is the conductivity (or TDS) value without temperature compensation. 6 ACCURACY @ 20 °C / 68 °F Rel mV offset range pH Calibration EC Calibration NaCl Calibration Temperature compensation ±0.01 pH ±0.002 pH ±0.2 mV (±999.9 mV) ±1 mV (±2000 mV) ±1 % reading (±0.05 µS/cm or 1 digit, whichever is greater) ±1 % of reading (±0.03 ppm or 1 digit, whichever is greater) ±1% of reading ±0.4 ºC (excluding probe error) ±2000 mV 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 point calibration, 7 standard buffers available 1 point slope calibration; 6 buffers available: 84.0, 1413 µS/cm 5.00, 12.88, 80.0, 111.8 mS/cm 1 point offset: 0.00 µS/cm 1 point with HI7037L buffer (optional) Manual or Automatic from: –20.0 to 120.0 ºC (pH RANGE) –20.0 to 120.0 ºC (EC RANGE) (can be disabled on conductivity range to measure actual conductivity 0.00 to 6.00 %/ºC (for EC and TDS only) default value is 1.90 %/ºC 0.40 to 0.80 (default value is 0.50) HI1131B HI76310 HI7662 Conductivity temperature coefficient TDS factor pH Electrode EC Probe Temperature probe Input impedance 1012 ohms (BNC input) Log on demand feature 200 records 500 records Stability logging (”StAb”), Log Interval feature 5, 10, 30 sec 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180 min PC communication Optoisolated USB Power supply 12 VDC adapter Dimensions 235 x 222 x 109 mm (9.2 x 8.7 x 4.3”) Weight 1.3 Kg (2.9 lb); kit with holder 2.1 Kg (4.6 lb) 0 – 50 ºC (32 – 122 ºF) Environment max. 95% RH non-condensing Warranty 2 years 7 OPERATIONAL GUIDE POWER CONNECTION Plug the 12 VDC adapter into the power supply socket. Notes: This instrument uses non volatile memory to retain the calibration parameters and all other settings, even when unplugged. Make sure a fuse protects the main line. ELECTRODE AND PROBE CONNECTIONS For pH or ORP measurements connect an electrode with internal reference to the BNC connector on the back of the instrument. For electrodes with a separate reference connect the electrode’s BNC to the BNC connector and the reference electrode plug to the reference socket. For temperature measurements and automatic temperature compensation connect the temperature probe to the appropriate socket. For EC/TDS measurements connect the probe to the 7-pin connector. Make sure the probe sleeve is properly inserted. INSTRUMENT START-UP • Turn the instrument on by pressing the ON/OFF switch located on the rear panel. • All LCD tags are displayed and a beep is sounded while the instruments perform a self test. • The instrument will display “LoAd” message and “ ” blinking until initialization is complete. Notes: The instrument starts in the same range and mode as it was at power off. The ALT&MODE keys change the measuring modes: - mV or Rel mV - EC or TDS or NaCl The RANGE key toggles between measurement ranges: - pH, mV or Rel mV, EC or TDS or NaCl. pH MEASUREMENTS Make sure the instrument has been calibrated before taking pH measurements. • Submerse the electrode tip and the temperature probe approximately 3 cm (1¼”) into the sample to be tested and stir gently. Allow time for the electrode to stabilize. 8 • The pH is displayed on the primary LCD and the temperature on the secondary LCD. • If the reading is out of range, the closest full-scale value will be displayed blinking on the primary LCD. If measurements are taken successively in different samples, it is recommended to rinse the electrode thoroughly with deionized water or tap water and then with some of the next sample to prevent cross-contamination. The pH reading is affected by temperature. In order to measure the pH accurately, the temperature effect must be compensated for. To use the Automatic Temperature Compensation feature, connect and submerse the HI7662 temperature probe into the sample as close as possible to the electrode and wait for a few seconds. If the temperature of the sample is known, manual temperature compen‑ sation can be used by disconnecting the temperature probe. The display will show the last temperature reading the “MTC” tag and the “ºC” tag blinking. The temperature can now be adjusted with the ARROW keys (from –20.0 ºC to 120.0 ºC). mV/ORP MEASUREMENTS An optional ORP electrode must be used to perform ORP measurements (see Accessories). Oxidation-Reduction Potential (REDOX) measurements provide the quantification of the oxidizing or reducing power of the tested sample. The surface of the ORP electrode must be clean and smooth in order to obtain an accurate measurement. • Press RANGE to enter mV range. • Submerse the tip of the ORP electrode 3 cm (1¼”) into the sample to be tested and allow a few seconds for the reading to stabilize. • The instrument displays the mV reading on the primary LCD and the temperature on the secondary LCD line. 9 • If the reading is out of range, the closest full-scale value will be displayed blinking on the primary LCD. RELATIVE mV MEASUREMENTS • Press the ALT&MODE keys simultaneously while in mV range. The “mV” and “Rel” tags are displayed. The reading displayed by the instrument is equal to the difference between the current mV input value and the relative mV offset established in the relative mV calibration. CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENTS Connect the conductivity probe to the instrument. • Press the RANGE key to enter conductivity measurement range (EC). • Submerse the probe into the solution to be tested. The sleeve holes must be completely submersed. Tap the probe repeatedly to remove any air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve. • The conductivity value will be displayed on the primary LCD and the temperature on the secondary LCD. • If the reading is out of range, the full-scale value (200.0 for MTC/ATC mode or 500.0 for actual conductivity) will be displayed blinking. • If LOCK key was pressed and the reading goes out of range, the full-scale value of the frozen range will be displayed blinking. The conductivity reading is affected by temperature. Three options for temperature compensation are available in conductivity measurement mode. 10 Automatic (ATC): The conductivity probe has a built-in temperature sensor; the temperature value is used to automatically compensate the EC/TDS reading. The “ATC” tag is displayed when this option is active. Manual (MTC): The temperature value, shown on the secondary LCD, can be manually set with the ARROW keys. The “ºC” tag blinks and the “MTC” tag is displayed when this option is active. This value will be used to compensate the EC/TDS reading. No Compensation (notc): The temperature value is displayed, but not taken into account. When this option is selected the “ºC” tag will blink with slower frequency and the “NO TC” tag is displayed. The reading displayed on the primary LCD is the uncompen‑ sated EC or TDS value. To select the desired option, press the ALT&ATC keys until the option is displayed on the LCD. Note: The default compensation mode is ATC. If no temperature probe is detected, ATC mode can not be selected and the instrument displays “----” on the secondary LCD. If temperature compensation is selected, measurements are compensated using the temperature coefficient (default value 1.90 %/ºC). To change the temperature coefficient, enter the setup mode and select “tc” (see SETUP for details, page 36). The current temperature coefficient can be quickly viewed by pressing the ALT&TC keys. The value is briefly displayed on the LCD. • If the temperature reading exceeds the limits of the meter (–20.0 ºC to 120.0 ºC), the “ºC” tag will blink and the closest full scale value will be displayed. TDS MEASUREMENTS Press the ALT&MODE keys while in EC range. The instrument will switch to TDS measuring range. The TDS reading will be displayed on the primary LCD and the temperature reading on the secondary LCD. • If the reading is out of range, the full-scale value (100.0 g/L for MTC/ ATC mode or 400.0 g/L for uncompensated TDS) will be displayed blinking. • If LOCK was pressed and the reading goes out of range, the full-scale value of the frozen range will be displayed blinking. 11 NaCl MEASUREMENTS Press the ALT&MODE keys while in EC range until NaCl is displayed on the LCD. The instrument will display the NaCl reading on the primary LCD and the temperature reading on the secondary LCD line. • If the reading is out of range, the full-scale value (400.0%) will be displayed blinking. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENTS In pH and ORP mode, connect the HI7662 temperature probe to the appropriate socket. Submerse the temperature probe into the sample and allow the reading on the secondary LCD to stabilize. In EC/TDS/NaCl range, the HI76310 probe has a built-in temperature sensor. AUTO-RANGING The EC and TDS scales are auto-ranging. The meter automatically sets the scale with the highest possible resolution. By pressing ALT&LOCK, the auto-ranging feature is disabled and the current range is frozen on the LCD. The “LOCK“ tag will be displayed on the LCD. Note: Auto-ranging is automatically restored if the range is changed, if the setup or calibration modes are entered and if the meter is turned off and back on again. When auto-ranging is disabled and the reading goes out of range, the full-scale value of the frozen range will be displayed blinking. 12 pH CALIBRATION Calibrate the instrument frequently, especially if high accuracy is required. The instrument should be recalibrated: • Whenever the pH electrode is replaced. • At least once a day. • After testing aggressive chemicals. • If “CAL” “Intv.” tags are blinking during measurement. Every time you calibrate the instrument use fresh buffers and perform an electrode Cleaning Procedure (see page 53). PREPARATION Pour small quantities of the buffer solutions into clean beakers. If possible, use plastic or glass beakers to minimize any EMC interferences. For accurate calibration and to minimize cross-contamination, use two beakers for each buffer solution. One for rinsing the electrode and one for calibration. If you are measuring in the acidic range, use pH7.01 or 6.86 as first buffer and pH4.01 as second buffer. If you are measuring in the alkaline range, use pH7.01 or 6.86 as first buffer and pH10.01 or 9.18 as second buffer. PROCEDURE Calibration can be performed at up to five-points. For accurate measurements, a three-point calibration is recommended. The calibration buffer can be selected from the calibration buffer list that includes the custom buffers and the memorized standard buffers: • pH1.68, 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01 and 12.45 The custom buffers allow the user to calibrate in a buffer solution different from a standard one. Up to two custom buffers can be set in SETUP menu (see page 36). Each custom buffer value can be changed in a ±1.0 pH window around the set value, during calibration, when it is selected; the “Cust.” tag will be displayed. The instruments will automatically skip the buffer used during calibration and the buffers which are in a ±0.2 pH window, around one of the calibrated buffers. All new calibrations will override existing stored calibration data in a ±0.2 pH window. The slopes adjacent to the new points will be reevaluated. 13 FIVE-POINT CALIBRATION • Submerse the pH electrode and the temperature probe approximately 3 cm (1¼”) into a buffer solution and stir gently. The temperature probe should be close to the pH electrode. • Press CAL. The “CAL” and “ ” tags will appear and the “7.01” buffer will be displayed on the secondary LCD. The temperature compensation mode tag is displayed also. • If necessary, press the ARROW keys to select a different buffer value. • The “ ” tag will blink on the LCD until the reading is stable. • When the reading is stable and close to the selected buffer, the “CFM” tag will blink. • Press CFM to confirm calibration. • The calibrated value is then displayed on the primary LCD and the second expected buffer value on the secondary LCD. • After the first calibration point is confirmed, submerse the pH electrode and the temperature probe approximately 3 cm (1¼”) into the second buffer solution and stir gently. The temperature probe should be close to the pH electrode. • If necessary, press the ARROW keys to select a different buffer value. • The “ ” tag will blink on the LCD until the reading is stable. • When the reading is stable and close to the selected buffer, the “CFM” tag will blink. • Press CFM to confirm calibration. • The calibrated value is then displayed on the primary LCD and the third expected buffer value on the secondary LCD. • After the second calibration point is confirmed, submerse the pH electrode and the temperature probe approximately 3 cm (1¼”) into the third buffer solution and stir gently. The temperature probe should be close to the pH electrode. 14 • If necessary, press the ARROW keys to select a different buffer value. • The “ ” tag will blink on the LCD until the reading is stable. • When the reading is stable and close to the selected buffer, the “CFM” tag will blink. • Press CFM to confirm calibration. • The calibrated value is then displayed on the primary LCD and the fourth expected buffer value on the secondary LCD. • After the third calibration point is confirmed, submerse the pH electrode and the temperature probe approximately 3 cm (1¼”) into the fourth buffer solution and stir gently. The temperature probe should be close to the pH electrode. • If necessary, press the ARROW keys to select a different buffer value. • The “ ” tag will blink on the LCD until the reading is stable. • When the reading is stable and close to the selected buffer, the “CFM” tag will blink. • Press CFM to confirm calibration. • The calibrated value is then displayed on the primary LCD and the fifth expected buffer value on the second‑ ary LCD. • After the fourth calibration point is confirmed, submerse the pH electrode and the temperature probe approximately 3 cm (1¼”) into the fifth buffer solution and stir gently. The temperature probe should be close to the pH electrode. • If necessary, press the ARROW keys to select a different buffer value. • The “ ” tag will blink on the LCD until the reading is stable. • When the reading is stable and close to the selected buffer, the “CFM” tag will blink. • Press CFM to confirm the fifth calibration point. • The instrument stores the calibration value and returns to normal measurement mode. FOUR, THREE OR TWO-POINT CALIBRATION • Proceed as described in “FIVE-POINT CALIBRATION” section. • Press CAL after the fourth, third or second calibration point was confirmed. The instruments will memorize the calibration data and return to measurement mode. 15 ONE-POINT CALIBRATION Two SETUP selectable options are available: “Pnt” and “OFFS”. If the “Pnt” option is selected, the new calibration point overrides an existing one. The adjacent slopes will be reevaluated. If the “OFFS” option is selected, an electrode offset correction is performed. The adjacent slopes will remain unchanged. • Proceed as described in “FOUR, THREE or TWO-POINT CALIBRATION” section. • Press CAL after the first calibration point was confirmed. The instru‑ ments will memorize the one-point calibration data and return to measurement mode. Notes: • If the value measured by the instrument is not close to the selected buffer, “WRONG” “ ” and “WRONG” “ ” tags will blink alternately. Check if the correct buffer has been used, or clean the electrode by following the Cleaning Procedure (see page 53). If necessary, change the buffer or the electrode. • When a custom buffer is displayed, the “Cust.” tag is displayed. To change the custom buffer value in accordance with the buffer temperature proceed as described in “WORKING WITH CUSTOM BUFFERS” (see page 17). • If the buffer temperature or the manual temperature exceeds the temperature limits of the buffer, “WRONG” tag and temperature reading will blink. • If “WRONG”, “Buff.” tags and “OLd” message are displayed blinking on the secondary LCD line, an inconsistency be‑ tween new and previous (old) calibration is detected. Clear calibration parameters and proceed with calibration from the current calibration point. The instrument will keep all confirmed values during current calibration. • To clear calibration parameters for all uncalibrated buffers starting with current buffer, press CLR. The calibration will continue from the current point. If this procedure is performed while calibrating in the first calibration point, the instrument returns to measurement mode. • Press RANGE to toggle between pH buffer, calibration buffer number and temperature reading. 16 • Each time a buffer is confirmed, the new calibration data replaces the old calibration data for the corresponding buffer. If current buffer has no previous data stored and the calibration is not full (five buffers), the current buffer is added to the existing calibration. If the existing calibration is full, the instrument asks which buffer to replace. Press the ARROW keys to select another buffer to be replaced. Press CFM to confirm the buffer that will be replaced. Press CAL to leave calibration without replacing. Note: If the replaced buffer is outside the ±0.2 pH window, around each of the calibrated buffers, it is possible to select this buffer for next calibration during current calibration. WORKING WITH CUSTOM BUFFERS If a custom buffer was set in SETUP menu, it can be selected during cali‑ bration by pressing the ARROW keys. The “Cust.” tag will be displayed. Press SETUP if you want to adjust the buffer value. The buffer value will start blinking. Use the ARROW keys to change the buffer value. After 5 seconds, the buffer value is updated. Press SETUP if you want to change it again. Note: Custom buffer value can be adjusted in a ±1.00 pH window, around the set value. 17 pH BUFFER TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE The temperature has an effect on pH. The calibration buffer solutions are affected by temperature changes to a lesser degree than normal solutions. During calibration the instrument will automatically calibrate to the pH value corresponding to the measured or set temperature. TEMP °C °F 0 32 5 41 10 50 15 59 20 68 25 77 30 86 35 95 40 104 45 113 50 122 55 131 60 140 65 149 70 158 75 167 80 176 85 185 90 194 95 203 1.68 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.69 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.81 4.01 4.01 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.08 4.09 4.11 4.12 4.14 4.16 4.17 4.19 4.20 pH BUFFERS 6.86 7.01 9.18 6.98 7.13 9.46 6.95 7.10 9.39 6.92 7.07 9.33 6.90 7.05 9.27 6.88 7.03 9.22 6.86 7.01 9.18 6.85 7.00 9.14 6.84 6.99 9.11 6.84 6.98 9.07 6.83 6.98 9.04 6.83 6.98 9.01 6.84 6.98 8.99 6.84 6.98 8.97 6.84 6.99 8.95 6.85 6.99 8.93 6.86 7.00 8.91 6.87 7.01 8.89 6.87 7.02 8.87 6.88 7.03 8.85 6.89 7.04 8.83 10.01 10.32 10.24 10.18 10.12 10.06 10.01 9.96 9.92 9.88 9.85 9.82 9.79 9.77 9.76 9.75 9.74 9.74 9.74 9.75 9.76 12.45 13.38 13.18 12.99 12.80 12.62 12.45 12.29 12.13 11.98 11.83 11.70 11.57 11.44 11.32 11.21 11.10 11.00 10.91 10.82 10.73 During calibration the instrument will display the pH buffer value at 25 ºC. 18 RELATIVE mV CALIBRATION • Press CAL when the instrument is in RELATIVE mV measurement mode. The “mV Rel” and “ ” tags will be displayed. Absolute mV is displayed on the primary LCD and “AbS” message is displayed on the secondary LCD. • When the absolute reading is stable and in measurement range, the instrument asks for confirmation. • If the reading is out of range, “WRONG” tag will be displayed. • Press CFM to confirm the absolute value. The instrument will display 0.0 mV on the primary LCD and “rEL” message on the secondary LCD. In this moment the relative mV offset is equal to absolute mV reading. • Use the ARROW keys if you want to change the displayed relative mV value. • Press CFM to confirm the relative mV value. The instrument returns to measurement mode. Note: The relative mV value can be changed only inside the relative mV offset window (± 2000 mV). EC/TDS CALIBRATION Selectable calibration points for conductivity are 0.00 µS for offset and 84.0 µS, 1413 µS, 5.00 mS, 12.88 mS, 80.0 mS, 111.8 mS for slope. Rinse the probe with calibration solution or deionized water. Submerse the probe into the solution. The sleeve holes must be completely submersed. Tap the probe repeatedly to remove any air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve. To enter EC calibration, select the EC range and press CAL. The “BUF” and “CAL” tags are displayed. The primary LCD will display the EC reading. The secondary LCD will display the value of the standard. The temperature compensation mode tag is also displayed. The “ ” and “~” tags will blink. Note: The TDS reading is automatically derived from the EC reading and no specific calibration for TDS is needed. Pressing CAL when TDS range is selected has no effect. For zero calibration, just leave the dry probe in the air. This calibration is performed in order to correct the reading at 0.00 µS. The slope is evaluated when the calibration is performed at any other point. 19 Select the desired value with the ARROW keys, if necessary. When the reading is stable, “CFM” tag starts blinking on the LCD, asking for confirmation. Press CFM to confirm calibration. The instrument stores the calibration value and returns to measurement mode. Notes: • If the reading is too far from the expected value, the “WRONG” and “ ” tags will blink. Calibration can not be confirmed. In this case check if the calibration solution has been used or clean the probe by following the Cleaning Procedure (see page 53). • If the meter is in ATC or MTC mode and the buffer temperature is out of the 0.0 °C to 60.0 ºC interval, “WRONG” “ºC” tags and the temperature will blink. • For best results choose an EC buffer value close to the sample to be measured. • In order to minimize any EMC interference, use plastic or glass beakers. • It is possible to set the cell constant value directly, without following the calibration procedure. To set the cell constant, enter SETUP mode and select “CELL” (see SETUP for details, page 36). 20 CONDUCTIVITY VERSUS TEMPERATURE CHART The conductivity of an aqueous solution is a measure of its ability to carry an electrical current by means of ionic motion. The conductivity invariably increases with increasing temperature. It is affected by the type and number of ions in the solutions and by the viscosity of the solution itself. Both parameters are temperature dependent. The dependency of conductivity on temperature is expressed as a relative change per Celsius degrees at a particular temperature, com‑ monly as %/ ºC. The following table lists the temperature dependence of Hanna Instruments EC calibration buffers. ºC ºF 0 5 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 41 50 59 60.8 62.6 64.4 66.2 68 69.8 71.6 73.4 75.2 77 78.8 80.6 82.4 84.2 86 87.8 HI7030 HI7031 HI7033 HI7034 HI7035 HI7039 HI8030 HI8031 HI8033 HI8034 HI8035 HI8039 (mS/cm) (mS/cm) (mS/cm) (mS/cm) (mS/cm) (mS/cm) 7150 776 64 48300 65400 2760 8220 896 65 53500 74100 3180 9330 1020 67 59600 83200 3615 10480 1147 68 65400 92500 4063 10720 1173 70 67200 94400 4155 10950 1199 71 68500 96300 4245 11190 1225 73 69800 98200 4337 11430 1251 74 71300 100200 4429 11670 1278 76 72400 102100 4523 11910 1305 78 74000 104000 4617 12150 1332 79 75200 105900 4711 12390 1359 81 76500 107900 4805 12640 1386 82 78300 109800 4902 12880 1413 84 80000 111800 5000 13130 1440 86 81300 113800 5096 13370 1467 87 83000 115700 5190 13620 1494 89 84900 117700 5286 13870 1521 90 86300 119700 5383 14120 1548 92 88200 121800 5479 14370 1575 94 90000 123900 5575 21 NaCl CALIBRATION NaCl calibration is a one-point calibration at 100.0% NaCl. Use the HI7037L calibration solution (sea water solution) as a 100% NaCl calibration solution. Rinse the probe with some of the calibration solution or deionized water. Submerse the probe into HI7037L solution. The sleeve holes must be completely submersed. Tap the probe repeatedly to remove any air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve. To enter NaCl calibration select the NaCl range and press CAL. The “BUF” and “CAL” tags are displayed. The primary LCD will display the NaCl reading in percentage. The secondary LCD will display “100”. The “ ” and “~” tags will blink. When the reading is stable, the “READY” tag will be displayed and the “CFM” tag starts blinking on the LCD, asking for confirmation. Press CFM to confirm calibration. The instrument stores the calibration value and returns to measurement mode. Notes: • If the reading is too far from the expected value, “WRONG” “ ” tags will blink. Calibration cannot be confirmed. • If the temperature of the buffer is out of the 0.0 ºC to 60.0 ºC temperature interval, the “WRONG” and “ºC” tags and the temperature will blink. • If a new EC calibration is performed, the NaCl calibration is automatically cleared. A new NaCl calibration is required. 22 GOOD LABORATORY PRACTICE (GLP) GLP is a set of functions that allows storage and retrieval of data regarding the maintenance and status of the system. All data regarding pH, Rel mV, EC and NaCl calibration is stored for the user to review when necessary. EXPIRED CALIBRATION For pH calibration, this instrument allows the user to set the number of days before the next required pH calibration. This value can be set from 1 to 7 days. The default setting is OFF (disabled). When calibration has expired the “CAL” and “DUE” tags will blink to warn the user that the instrument should be recalibrated. For example, if a 4 days time out has been selected, the instrument will issue the alarm exactly 4 days after the last calibration. If the expiration value is changed (e.g. to 5 days), then the alarm will be immediately recalculated and appear 5 days after the last calibration. Note: If the instrument was not calibrated, the “CAL” “DUE” tags will be displayed even if the feature is disabled in SETUP menu. pH CALIBRATION DATA Calibration data is stored automatically after a successful calibration. To view the pH calibration data, press GLP when the instrument is in pH measurement mode. The instrument will display the time (hh:mm) of the last calibration. Use the ARROW keys to scroll through the calibration data: • The date (mm.dd.yyyy). • The pH calibration offset. 23 • The pH calibration slope (the GLP slope is the average of the calibration slopes; the percentage is referred to the ideal value of 59.16 mV/ pH). • The calibration buffers in order. The first pH calibration buffer: The second pH calibration buffer: The third pH calibration buffer: The fourth pH calibration buffer: The fifth pH calibration buffer: Notes: • The “OLd” message displayed beside the pH value means that this buffer was not used during last calibration. Press and hold down the SETUP key if you want to see calibration date (or time if old calibration was performed on the same day as the current calibration). • If “no bUF” message appears on the LCD, the instrument informs you that calibration was performed in less than three points. • Calibration Expiration status: -if disabled. 24 -or the number of days until the calibration alarm will be displayed. -or if expired (7 days ago). • The instrument ID. Relative mV CALIBRATION DATA Relative mV calibration data is stored automatically after a successful calibration. To view the Relative mV calibration data, press GLP when the instrument is in Relative mV measurement mode. The instrument will display the time (hh:mm) of the last calibration. Use the ARROW keys to scroll through the calibration data: • The date (mm.dd.yyyy). • The Relative mV calibration offset. • The instrument ID. 25 EC CALIBRATION DATA EC calibration data is stored automatically after a successful calibration. To view the EC calibration data, press GLP when the instrument is in EC measurement mode. The instrument will display the time (hh:mm) of the last calibration. Use the ARROW key to scroll through the calibration data: • The date (mm.dd.yyyy). • The calibration offset factor. • The EC calibration buffer. • The cell constant. • The temperature coefficient. • The instrument ID. 26 NaCl CALIBRATION DATA NaCl calibration data is stored automatically after a successful calibration. To view the NaCl calibration data, press GLP when the instrument is in NaCl measurement mode. The instrument will display the time (hh:mm) of the last calibration. Use the ARROW key to scroll through the calibration data: • The date (mm.dd.yyyy). • The salinity coefficient. • The cell constant. • The instrument ID. Notes: • If no temperature compensation is selected during calibra‑ tion, the temperature coefficient is not displayed in GLP. • Press GLP at any moment and the instrument will return to measurement mode. • If calibration has not been performed on the selected range, the instrument displays “no CAL” message blinking. 27 LOGGING FUNCTION Up to 700 logged samples can be stored into memory. 200 manually logged records and 500 lot logging records can be stored in the memory. To select logging type enter SETUP menu. LOGGING THE CURRENT DATA (manual logging) Select the manual logging mode in SETUP menu. To store the current reading into memory press LOG while the instrument is in measurement mode. The instrument will display the current date on the primary LCD, the record number on the secondary LCD, “LOG” and “Manual” tags for a few seconds (see example below: record No. 11): followed by the number of free records: If there are less than 6 memory locations remaining, the record number and “Lo” message will be displayed to alert the user. If the log space is full (200 records), “FULL LOG” message will be displayed and no more data will be saved. When LOG is pressed, a complete set of information is stored: date, time, pH, mV, EC, TDS, NaCl temperature and calibration data. 28 LOT LOGGING Select “StAb” (stability logging) or the desired time interval. To start interval logging press LOG key while the instrument is in measurement mode. When the selected interval is reached or when the reading is stable (for log on stability), the instrument will display the current lot number on the primary LCD line, the record number on the secondary LCD line and the LOG tag (see example below: Lot 1 record 11): followed by the number of free records on the corresponding memory space. If stability logging is selected, a complete set of data is memorized every time the reading becomes stable after an unstable condition. To stop interval logging press LOG key again. The “LOG” tag will be cleared. Note: When pressing any key that is not active, while lot logging is running, the following message is displayed for a few seconds. VIEW LOGGED DATA Press the ALT&RCL keys while in measurement mode to retrieve the stored information. If no data was logged for the current selected measurement range and no lots are memorized, one of the next messages will be displayed: 29 No pH measurements records: No Relative mV and mV records: No EC records: No TDS records: No NaCl records: Otherwise, the instrument will display the lot number on the primary LCD line, the number of records on the secondary, “RCL” tag and “CFM” blinking. If samples were logged on demand, “Manual” will be displayed on the primary LCD and the number of samples logged on the secondary (see example on the next page: manual log, 1 sample logged). Press ARROW keys to select different lot. 30 Press CFM to view record information. • If RCL was entered while in pH measurement range: In Rel mV range: In EC measurement range: In TDS measurement range: In NaCl measurement range: Use the ARROW keys to scroll through the records. Note: The instrument will automatically skip log records from other measurement ranges for the manual log. To view additional information press RANGE. For pH • The mV value on the primary LCD and the temperature value on the secondary LCD. 31 • The time on the primary LCD, along with “TIME” tag and the record number on the secondary LCD. • The date on the primary LCD, along with “DATE” tag. • The calibration offset on the primary LCD and “OFFS” message on the secondary LCD. • The calibration slope on the primary LCD and “SLP” message on the secondary LCD. • The interval for lot logging. To delete manual logged records: press CFM while “L” and “0” are displayed to view manually logged records. Press the CLR key, “dEL” and the record number will be displayed. Press CFM to delete. Use the ARROW keys to change the record number. To delete a lot, use the ARROW keys to select the desired lot. Press CLR key, “dEL Lot” will appear on the display. Press CFM key to delete. 32 • Press SETUP to delete all records/lots. The display will show “dEL” in the primary LCD and “ALL” in the secondary LCD. • Press CFM to confirm delete. While deleting the “ ” tag will blink. • Press CAL or RANGE or CLR to escape and return to the RCL screen. • If “dEL ALL” option was selected, all the log on demand records or lots are deleted. While deleting the “ ” tag is displayed blinking. • Press ALT&RCL exit record information and enter lot information. • Press ALT&RCL again to return to measurement mode. • If one or more records/lots were deleted the “ ” tag blinks until the log memory space is reorganized. For Relative mV and mV Range • The temperature value, the mV absolute value, the time and the date as described above. • The Relative mV offset. For EC Range • The time and date as described on pH Range. • The EC on primary LCD and temperature value on the secondary LCD. • The offset factor on the primary LCD and “OFFS” message on the secondary LCD. • The cell constant on the primary LCD and “CELL” message on the secondary LCD line. 33 • The temperature coefficient on the primary LCD and “tc” message on the secondary LCD. For TDS Range • The temperature reading as described in pH range. • The conductivity value on the primary LCD and the temperature value on the secondary LCD. • The time and the date as described in pH Range. • The TDS factor on the primary LCD and the record number on the secondary LCD. • The temperature coefficient and the cell constant as described in EC Range. For NaCl Range • The conductivity and temperature reading value as described in TDS Range. • The time and date as described in pH Range. • The salinity factor on the primary LCD and the record number on the secondary LCD, with “RCL” and “NaCl” tags displayed. • The cell constant message as described above. Press the ALT&RCL keys to leave RECALL mode at any time. Note: When an information that does not display the record number is selected, pressing the SETUP key will display the record number on the secondary LCD line. 34 SETUP Setup mode allows viewing and modifying the following instrument parameters. In according with the selected range, SETUP menu allows the possibility to view and /or change specific range parameters and common parameters (for all the ranges). The common parameters are: • Log interval • Current Time (hour & minute) • Current Date (year, month & day) • Beep Status • Instrument Id • Temperature Unit The specific parameters are: In pH range • Expired Calibration Alarm • First Custom Buffer • Second Custom Buffer • One-point Calibration Behavior • pH Resolution In EC/TDS/NaCl range • Cell Constant • TDS Factor • Temperature Compensation Coefficient • Reference Temperature To enter SETUP mode press SETUP while the instrument is in mea‑ surement mode. Select a parameter with the ARROW keys. Press CAL to change a parameter value. The selected parameter will start blinking. Press RANGE to toggle between displayed parameters. Press the ARROW keys to increase or decrease the displayed value. Press CFM to save the modified value or CAL to escape without saving. 35 EXPIRED CALIBRATION ALARM Press CAL when the calibration time-out is displayed. Calibration time-out (“OFF” or “1” to “7” days) and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the calibration time-out value. Press CFM to save the modified calibration time-out value. Press CAL to escape without saving. LOG INTERVAL Press CAL when log interval is displayed. The log interval and “CFM” will start blinking (“LOG” for log on demand, “StAb” log on stability, interval in seconds or minutes). Press the ARROW keys to change the custom buffer value. Press CFM to confirm the selection. Press CAL to escape without saving. FIRST CUSTOM BUFFER Press CAL when “Cust. Buff. 1” is displayed. The custom buffer (disabled – “no” or “0” to “16” pH) and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the custom buffer value. Press CFM to save the modified custom buffer value. Press CAL to escape without saving. 36 SECOND CUSTOM BUFFER Press CAL when “Cust. Buff. 2” is displayed. The custom buffer (disabled – “no” or “0” to ”16” pH) and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the custom buffer value. Press CFM to save the modified custom buffer value. Press CAL to escape without saving. Note: To remove a custom buffer from the calibration list enter custom buffer press CAL key then press CLR key. The “no” “Cust. Buff. 1” or “Cust. Buff. 2” message will be displayed and the instrument return for the SETUP parameter scroll mode. ONE-POINT CALIBRATION BEHAVIOR Press CAL when “1Pnt” message is displayed on the secondary LCD. One of the two options (“Pnt” or “OFFS”) and “CFM” will start blinking (see pH CALIBRATION PROCEDURE for details, page 13). Press the ARROW keys to toggle -between “Pnt” and “OFFS” options. Press CFM to save the behavior for one-point calibration. Press CAL to escape without saving. pH RESOLUTION Press CAL when “rES” message is displayed on the secondary LCD. The set resolution (“0.1”, “0.01” or “0.001”) and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to toggle between 0.1, 0.01 and 0.001 options. Press CFM to save the modified value. Press CAL to escape without saving. 37 CURRENT TIME Press CAL when the current time is displayed. The hour and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the hour. Press RANGE. The minutes and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the minutes. Press CFM to save the modified value. Press CAL to escape without saving. CURRENT DATE Press CAL when the current date is displayed. The month and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the month. Press RANGE. The day and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the day. Press RANGE. The year and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the year. Press CFM to save the modified value. Press CAL to escape without saving. 38 BEEP STATUS Press CAL when the beep status is displayed. Beep status (“On” or “OFF”) and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the beep status (On or OFF). Press CFM to save the modified beep status. Press CAL to escape without saving. When enabled, beep sounds as a short beep every time a key is pressed or when the calibration can be confirmed. A long beep alert means that the pressed key is not active or a wrong condition is detected while in calibration. INSTRUMENT ID Press CAL when “InId” is displayed. The instrument ID (“0000“ to “9999“) and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the instrument ID value. Press CFM to save the modified instrument ID value. Press CAL to escape without saving. Note: The instrument ID is downloaded to a PC as part of a logged data set to identify its origin. TEMPERATURE UNIT Press CAL when “Unit“ is displayed. The temperature unit and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the option. Press CFM to save the modified temperature unit. Press CAL to escape without saving. 39 CELL CONSTANT Press CAL when the cell constant is displayed. The cell constant and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the cell constant (0.500 to 1.700). Press CFM to save the modified cell constant. Press CAL to escape without saving. TDS FACTOR Press CAL when “TDSfact.” is displayed. The TDS factor and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the TDS factor (0.40 to 0.80). Press CFM to save the modified TDS factor. Press CAL to escape without saving. TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION COEFFICIENT Press CAL when the temperature compensation coefficient is displayed. The temperature compensation coefficient and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to change the temperature compensation coefficient. (0.00 to 6.00 %/ºC). Press CFM to save the modified temperature compensation coefficient. Press CAL to escape without saving. 40 REFERENCE TEMPERATURE Press CAL when the reference temperature is displayed. The reference temperature and “CFM” will start blinking. Press the ARROW keys to toggle between 20.0 ºC and 25.0 ºC reference temperature value. Press CFM to save the modified reference temperature value. Press CAL to escape without saving. 41 TEMPERATURE CALIBRATION (for technical personnel only) The instrument has two temperature channels: one that measures the temperature from the HI7662 probe while the instrument is in pH/mV range and the other that measures temperature from the EC probe while the instrument is in EC/TDS/NaCl range. All the instruments are factory calibrated for temperature on both channels. Hanna Instruments’ temperature probes are interchangeable and no temperature calibration is needed when they are replaced. If the temperature measurements are inaccurate, temperature recalibra‑ tion should be performed. For an accurate recalibration, contact your local Hanna Instruments Office, or follow the instructions below. • Prepare a vessel containing ice and water and another one containing hot water (around 50 ºC). Place insulation material around the vessels to minimize temperature changes. • Use a calibrated thermometer with a resolution of 0.1 ºC as a reference thermometer. Connect the HI7662 probe to the appropriate socket for the pH temperature channel or the HI76310 probe for the EC temperature channel. • With the instrument off, press and hold down the CFM & SETUP keys, then power on the instrument to calibrate the pH temperature channel or &RANGE keys and then power on the instrument to calibrate the EC temperature channel. The “CAL” tag will appear and the secondary LCD will show “0.0 ºC“. • Submerse the temperature probe (or EC probe) in the vessel with ice and water as near as possible to the calibrated thermometer. Allow a few seconds for the probe to stabilize. • Use the ARROW keys to set the reading on the secondary LCD to that of ice and water, measured by the calibrated thermometer. When the reading is stable and close to the selected calibration point, the “CFM” tag will blink. • Press CFM to confirm. The secondary LCD will show “50.0 ºC“. 42 • Press CFM to confirm. The secondary LCD will show “50.0 ºC“.• Submerse the temperature probe (or EC probe) in the second vessel as near as possible to the calibrated thermometer. Allow a few seconds for the probe to stabilize. • Use the ARROW keys to set the reading on the secondary LCD to that of the hot water. • When the reading is stable and close to the selected calibration point, the “CFM” tag will blink. • Press CFM to confirm. The instrument will memorize calibration and restart in measurement mode. Note: If the reading is not close to the selected calibration point, “WRONG” tag will blink. Change the temperature probe (or EC probe) and restart calibration. 43 mV CALIBRATION (for technical personnel only) All the instruments are factory calibrated for mV. Hanna Instruments’ ORP electrodes are interchangeable and no mV calibration is needed when they are replaced. If the mV measurements are inaccurate, mV recalibration should be performed. For an accurate recalibration, contact your local Hanna Instruments Office. A two-point calibration can be performed at 0.0 mV and 1800.0 mV. • Attach to the BNC connector a mV simulator with an accuracy of ±0.1 mV. • With the instrument off, press and hold down the CAL & keys, then power on the instrument. The “CAL” tag will appear and the secondary LCD will show “0.0 mV“. • Set 0.0 mV on the simulator. When the reading is stable and close to the selected calibration point, the “CFM” tag will blink. • Press CFM to confirm. The secondary LCD will display “1800 mV“. • Set 1800.0 mV on the simulator. When the reading is stable and close to the selected calibration point, the “CFM” tag will blink. • Press CFM to confirm. The instrument will memorize calibration and restart to measurement mode. Notes: • If the reading is not close to the selected calibration point, “WRONG” tag will blink. Verify calibration condition or contact your vendor if you can not calibrate. • Pressing CAL key during calibration process the instrument quit calibration mode and restart to measurement mode without memorizing calibration. 44 PC INTERFACE Data transmission from the instrument to the PC can be done with the HI92000 Windows® compatible software (optional). HI92000 also offers graphing and an on-line help feature. To allow our users access to the latest version of Hanna Instruments PC compatible software, we made the products available for download at Select the product code and click Download Now. After download is complete, use the setup.exe file to install the software. Data can be exported to the most popular spreadsheet programs for further analysis. To connect your instrument to a PC, use a standard USB cable connector. Make sure that your instrument is switched off and plug one connector to the instrument’s USB socket and the other to the USB port of your PC. Note: If you are not using Hanna Instruments HI92000 software, please see the following instructions. SENDING COMMANDS FROM PC It is also possible to remotely control the instrument with any terminal program. Use a standard USB cable to connect the instrument to a PC, start the terminal program and set the communication options as follows: 8, N, 1, no flow control, 9600 baud rate. COMMAND TYPES To send a command to the instrument the scheme is: <command prefix> <command> <CR> <command prefix> is a selectable ASCII character where: between 0 and 47. <command> is the command code (3 characters). Note: Either small or capital letters can be used. SIMPLE COMMANDS Is equivalent to pressing RANGE RNG CAL Is equivalent to pressing CAL CFM Is equivalent to pressing CFM UPC Is equivalent to pressing the UP arrow key Is equivalent to pressing the DOWN arrow key DWC Is equivalent to pressing SETUP SET LOG Is equivalent to pressing LOG MOD Is equivalent to pressing MODE GLP Is equivalent to pressing GLP RCL Is equivalent to pressing RCL 45 Change the instrument range according with the parameter value (xx): • xx=00 pH range/0.001 resolution • xx=01 pH range/0.01 resolution • xx=02 pH range/0.1 resolution • xx=03 mV range • xx=04 Relative mV range • xx=06 EC range • xx=07 TDS range • xx=08 NaCl range The instrument sends the “ACK” (6) character every time a command is recognized and a “NAK” (21) character for invalid commands. CHRxx COMMANDS REQUIRING AN ANSWER Causes the instrument to send a complete set of readings in according with the current range: • pH, mV and temperature reading on pH range. • mV and temperature reading on mV range. • Rel mV, absolute mV and temperature reading on Rel mV range. • Conductivity and temperature reading on EC range. • TDS and temperature reading on TDS range. • NaCl and temperature reading on NaCl range. The answer string contains: • Meter mode (2 chars): • 00- pH range (0.001 resolution) • 01- pH range (0.01 resolution) • 02- pH range (0.1 resolution) • 03- mV range • 04- Rel mV range • 06- EC range • 07- TDS range • 08- NaCl range • Meter status (2 chars of status byte): represents a 8 bit hexadecimal encoding. • 0x10- temperature probe is connected • 0x01- new GLP data available • 0x02- new SETUP parameter RAS 46 • Reading status (2 chars): R - in range, O - over range, U - under range. First character corresponds to the appropriate range reading. Second character corresponds to mV reading (if exist). • Primary reading (corresponding to the selected range) - 7 ASCII chars, including sign and decimal point. • Secondary reading (only when primary reading is not mV, EC, NaCl, TDS) - 7 ASCII chars, including sign and decimal point. • Temperature reading - 8 ASCII chars, with sign and two decimal points, always in ºC. MDR Requests the instrument model name and firmware code. GLP Requests the calibration data record. The answer string contains: • GLP status (1 char): represents a 4 bit hexadecimal encoding. • 0x01- pH calibration available • 0x02- Rel mV calibration available • 0x04- EC calibration available • 0x08- NaCl calibration available • pH calibration data (if available), which contains: • the number of calibrated buffers (1 char) • the offset, with sign and decimal point (7 chars) • the average of slopes, with sign and decimal point (7 chars) • the calibration time, yymmddhhmmss (12 chars) • buffers information (for each buffer) • type (1 char): 0 - standard, 1 - custom • status (1 char): N (new) - calibrated in last calibration; O (old) - from an old calibration. • warnings during calibration (2 chars): 00 - no warning, 04 - Clean Electrode warning. • buffer value, with sign and decimal point (7 chars). • the calibration time, yymmddhhmmss (12 chars). • Rel mV calibration data (if available), which contains: • the calibration offset, with sign (7 chars) • the calibration time, yymmddhhmmss (12 chars). 47 • EC calibration data (if available), which contains: • the number of calibrated standards (1 char) • the offset factor, with sign and decimal point (7 chars) • the cell constant, with sign and decimal point (7 chars) • the calibration time, yymmddhhmmss (12 chars) • standards information (for each standard) • standard value, with sign and decimal point (7 chars). • buffer unit (2 chars; 00-µS; 01-mS) • Reference Temperature with and decimal point (4 chars) • Temperature Compensation mode (2 chars) • 00- no temperature compensation • 01- automatic temperature compensation • 00- manual temperature compensation • TC coefficient with sign and decimal point (4 chars) • calibration time, yymmddhhmmss (12 chars). • Na Cl Calibration data • the number of calibrated data (1 char) • salinity coefficient, with sign and decimal point (7 chars) • Cell constant, with sign and decimal point (2 chars) • the calibration time (2 chars) • buffer information, for each buffer: • Reference Temperature with and decimal point (4 chars) • Temperature Compensation mode (2 chars) • 00- no temperature compensation • 01- automatic temperature compensation • 00- manual temperature compensation • TC coefficient with sign and decimal point (4 chars) • calibration time, yymmddhhmmss (12 chars). PAR Requests the setup parameters setting. The answer string contains: • Instrument ID (4 chars) 48 • Calibration alarm time out for pH range (2 chars) • SETUP information (2 chars): 8 bit hexadecimal encoding. • 0x01 - beep ON (else OFF) • 0x04 - degrees Celsius (else degrees Fahrenheit) • 0x08 - Offset calibration (else Point calibration) • The number of custom buffers (1 char) • The custom buffer values, with sign and decimal point, for each defined custom buffer (7 chars) • Log type 2 chars 01- manual log 02- stability lot log 03 to 14- the coresponding interval for lot log (5 s to 180 min) • cell constant, with sign and decimal point (6 chars) • TDS factor, with sign and decimal point (5 chars) • TC coef, with sign and decimal point (5 chars) • Reference Temperature, with sign and decimal point (5 chars) • Temperature Compensation mode (1 char) Requests the number of logged samples. NSLx x = P- request for pH range M- request for mV range E- request for EC range N- request for NaCl range T- request for TDS range LODxnnn: request the”nnn” record of the manual log on the “x” range LODxALLff: groups all Log On Demand Records in frames of 8 records each for the selected range Command Parameters: x- range (see Note) ALL- download all records for the selected range ff- requested frame number - first frame is labeled 01 LLsxff: requests information about all lots on the specified range, it sends the information in frames of 10 lots each (a frame contains information about 10 lots) Command Parameters: x- range (see Note) ff- requested frame number - first frame is labeled 01 49 GLDxxxff: Requests the records of the “xxx” lot number. The records are sent in frames of 10 records; “ff” is the frame number (01 first frame). (Example: Lot 13 has 53 records. The records will be sent in 6 frame, 5 with10 records and 1 with 3 records.) Command Parameters: xxx- Lot number (eq: for lot number 1 xxx = 001) ff- requested frame number - first frame is labeled 01 Errors: • • • • • • • “Err3” log on demand empty. “Err4” requested set parameter is not available. “Err5” command argument is wrong. “Err6” requested range not available. “Err7” meter in log mode. “Err8” is sent if instrument is not in measurement mode. “NAK” (21) character is sent when the instrument receives an unknown or a corrupted command. Note: P - request for pH range. M - request for mV range. E - request for EC range. T - request for TDS range. N - request for NaCl range. 50 ELECTRODE CONDITIONING AND MAINTENANCE PREPARATION PROCEDURE Remove the protective cap of the pH electrode. DO NOT BE ALARMED IF SALT DEPOSITS ARE PRESENT. This is normal with electrodes. They will disappear when rinsed with water. During transport, tiny bubbles of air may form inside the glass bulb affecting proper functioning of the electrode. These bubbles can be removed by “shaking down” the electrode as you would do with a glass thermometer. If the bulb and/or junction is dry, soak the electrode in HI70300 or HI80300 Storage Solution for at least one hour. 51 For refillable electrodes: If the filling solution (electrolyte) is more than 2½ cm (1”) below the fill hole, add HI7082 or HI8082 3.5M KCl Electrolyte Solution for double junction or HI7071 or HI8071 3.5M KCl+AgCl Electrolyte Solution for single junction electrodes. For faster response, unscrew the fill hole screw during measurements. For AMPHEL® electrodes: If the electrode does not respond to pH changes, the battery is run down and the electrode should be replaced. MEASUREMENT Rinse the pH electrode tip with distilled water. Submerse the tip 3 cm (1¼”) in the sample and stir gently for a few seconds. For a faster response and to avoid cross-contamination of the samples, rinse the electrode tip with a few drops of the solution to be tested, before taking measurements. Take care that the sleeve holes of the EC probe are completely submersed. Tap the probe repeatedly to remove air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve. STORAGE PROCEDURE To minimize clogging and assuring a quick response time, the glass bulb and the junction of pH electrode should be kept moist and not allowed to dry out. Replace the solution in the protective cap with a few drops of HI70300 or HI80300 Storage Solution or, in its absence, Filling Solution (HI7071 or HI8071 for single junction and HI7082 or HI8082 for double junction electrodes). Follow the Preparation Procedure on page 53 before taking measurements. Note: NEVER STORE THE ELECTRODE IN DISTILLED OR DEIONIZED WATER. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE Inspect the electrode and the cable. The cable used for connection to the instrument must be intact and there must be no points of broken insulation on the cable or cracks on the electrode stem or bulb. Connectors must be perfectly clean and dry. If any scratches or cracks are present, replace the electrode. Rinse off any salt deposits with water. 52 PH ELECTRODE MAINTENANCE For refillable electrodes: Refill the reference chamber with fresh electrolyte (HI7071 or HI8071 for single junction and HI7082 or HI8082 for double junction electrodes). Allow the electrode to stand upright for 1 hour. Follow the Storage Procedure above. pH ELECTRODE CLEANING PROCEDURE Soak in Hanna Instruments HI7061 or HI8061 General • General Cleaning Solution for approximately ½ hour. Soak in Hanna Instruments HI7073 or HI8073 Protein • Protein Cleaning Solution for 15 minutes. Soak in Hanna Instruments HI7074 Inorganic Cleaning • Inorganic Solution for 15 minutes. • Oil/grease Rinse with Hanna Instruments HI7077 or HI8077 Oil and Fat Cleaning Solution. IMPORTANT: After performing any of the cleaning procedures, rinse the electrode thoroughly with distilled water, refill the reference chamber with fresh electrolyte (not necessary for gel-filled electrodes) and soak the electrode in HI70300 or HI80300 Storage Solution for at least 1 hour before taking measurements. EC Probe Maintenance Rinse the probe with clean water after measurements. If a more thorough cleaning is required, remove the probe sleeve and clean the probe with a cloth or a nonabrasive detergent. Make sure to reinsert the sleeve onto the probe properly and in the right direction. After cleaning the probe, recalibrate the instrument. The platinum rings support is made of glass. Take great care while handling the probe. 53 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE SYMPTOMS PROBLEM Slow response/excessive Dirty pH electrode. drift measuring pH. Readings fluctuate up and down (noise). The meter does not accept the calibration solution for calibration. If the display shows: “pH” and “-2.00” or “16.00” blinking. If the display shows: “mV” and “-2000” or “2000” blinking. The display shows EC, TDS or NaCl reading blinking. SOLUTION Soak the electrode tip in HI7061 or HI8061 for 30 minutes and then clean the electrode. Clogged/dirty junction. Clean the electrode. Low electrolyte level Refill with fresh solution (refillable pH electrodes (for refillable pH elec‑ only). EC probe sleeve trodes only). Insert the not properly inserted; air sleeve. Tap the probe to bubbles inside sleeve. remove air bubbles. Out of order pH electrode. Follow the cleaning pro‑ Dirty electrode or cedure. If still no results contaminated calibration replace the electrode. solution. Out of range in the pH a) Recalibrate the meter. scale. b) Make sure the pH sample is in the specified range. c) Check the electrolyte level and the general state of the electrode. Out of range in the mV Electrode not connected. scale. Verify that the electrode is connect. Out of range in EC, TDS Recalibrate the meter. or NaCl scale. Make sure the solution is in specified range. Make sure the LOCK key was not pressed. Broken temperature Replace the temperature probe or wrong tempera‑ probe. ture probe used. Broken electrode. Replace the electrode. The meter does not work with the tempera‑ ture probe. The meter fails to calibrate or gives faulty readings. The meter fails to Incorrect EC calibration. Recalibrate the meter in calibrate NaCl. EC range. Set cell constant to 1. At startup the meter One of the keys is Check the keyboard or displays all LCD tags blocked. contact the vendor. permanently. “Err xx” error message Internal error. Power off the meter and displayed. then power it on. If the error persists, contact the vendor. 54 TEMPERATURE CORRELATION FOR pH SENSITIVE GLASS The resistance of glass electrodes partially depends on the temperature. The lower the temperature, the higher the resistance. It takes more time for the reading to stabilize if the resistance is higher. In addition, the response time will suffer to a greater degree at temperatures below 25 ºC. Since the resistance of the pH electrode is in the range of 50– 200 Mohm, the current across the membrane is in the pico Ampere range. Large currents can disturb the calibration of the electrode for many hours. For these reasons high humidity environments, short circuits and static discharges are detrimental to a stable pH reading. The pH electrode’s life also depends on the temperature. If constantly used at high temperatures, the electrode life is drastically reduced. Typical Electrode Life Ambient Temperature 1 – 3 years 90 ºC Less than 4 months 120 ºC Less than 1 month Alkaline Error High concentrations of sodium ions interfere with readings in alkaline solutions. The pH at which the interference starts to be significant depends upon the composition of the glass. This interference is called alkaline error and causes the pH to be underestimated. Hanna Instruments’ glass formulations have the indicated characteristics. Sodium Ion Correction for the Glass at 20-25 ºC Concentration pH Error 13.00 0.10 0.1 Mol L-1 Na+ 13.50 0.14 14.00 0.20 12.50 0.10 13.00 0.18 1.0 Mol L-1 Na+ 13.50 0.29 14.00 0.40 55 ACCESSORIES pH BUFFER SOLUTIONS HI70004P pH4.01 Buffer Sachets, 20 mL, 25 pcs HI70007P pH7.01 Buffer Sachets, 20 mL, 25 pcs HI70010P pH10.01 Buffer Sachets, 20 mL, 25 pcs HI7001L pH1.68 Buffer Solution, 500 mL HI7004L pH4.01 Buffer Solution, 500 mL HI7006L pH6.86 Buffer Solution, 500 mL HI7007L pH7.01 Buffer Solution, 500 mL HI7009L pH9.18 Buffer Solution, 500 mL HI7010L pH10.01 Buffer Solution, 500 mL HI8004L pH4.01 Buffer Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL HI8006L pH6.86 Buffer Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL HI8007L pH7.01 Buffer Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL HI8009L pH9.18 Buffer Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL HI8010L pH10.01 Buffer Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL pH ELECTRODE STORAGE SOLUTIONS HI70300L Storage Solution, 500 mL HI80300L Storage Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL CLEANING SOLUTIONS HI7061M General Cleaning Solution, 230 mL bottle HI7061L General Cleaning Solution, 500 mL bottle General Cleaning Solution, HI8061M 230 mL bottle FDA approved bottle General Cleaning Solution, HI8061L 500mL bottle FDA approved bottle HI70000P Electrode Rinse Sachets, 20 mL, 25 pcs HI7073L Protein Cleaning Solution, 500 mL HI7074L Inorganic Cleaning Solution, 500 mL HI7077L Oil & Fat Cleaning Solution,500 mL HI8073L Protein Cleaning Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL HI8077L Oil & Fat Cleaning Solution in FDA approved bottle, 500 mL pH ELECTRODE REFILL ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3.5M KCl + AgCl Electrolyte, 4x30 mL, for single junction HI7071 electrodes HI7072 1M KNO3 Electrolyte, 4x30 mL HI7082 3.5M KCl Electrolyte, 4x30 mL, for double junction electrodes 3.5M KCl + AgCl Electrolyte in FDA approved bottle, HI8071 4x30 mL, for single junction electrodes HI8072 1M KNO3 Electrolyte in FDA approved bottle, 4x30 mL 3.5M KCl Electrolyte in FDA approved bottle, 4x30 mL, HI8082 for double junction electrodes 56 ORP PRETREATMENT SOLUTIONS HI7091L Reducing Pretreatment Solution, 500 mL HI7092L Oxidizing Pretreatment Solution, 500 mL CONDUCTIVITY SOLUTIONS HI70030P 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.) HI70031P 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.) HI70039P 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.) HI7030M 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle HI7031M 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle HI7033M 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle HI7034M 80000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle HI7035M 111800 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle HI7039M 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle HI7030L 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle HI7031L 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle HI7033L 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle HI7034L 80000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle HI7035L 111800 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle HI7039L 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL bottle HI7037L 100% NaCl sea water standard solution, 500 mL bottle HI8030L 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle HI8031L 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle HI8033L 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle HI8034L 80000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle HI8035L 111800 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle HI8039L 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 500 mL FDA approved bottle TDS SOLUTIONS HI70080C 800 ppm (mg/L), 20 mL (25 pcs.) HI70080P 800 ppm (mg/L), 20 mL (25 pcs.) HI70032C 1382 ppm (mg/L), 20 mL (25 pcs.) HI70032P 1382 ppm (mg/L), 20 mL (25 pcs.) HI70442C* 1500 ppm (mg/L), 20 mL (25 pcs.) HI70442P* 1500 ppm (mg/L), 20 mL (25 pcs.) HI77200C* 1500 ppm (mg/L) & pH7.01, 20 mL (10 pcs.) HI77200P* 1500 ppm (mg/L) & pH7.01, 20 mL (10 pcs.) HI7032M 1382 ppm (mg/L), 230 mL HI7032L 1382 ppm (mg/L), 500 mL HI70442M* 1500 ppm (mg/L), 230 mL HI70442L* 1500 ppm (mg/L), 500 mL * 1500 ppm TDS have an approximate conversion factor of: 0.65 ppm = 1 µS/cm conversion rate. 57 pH ELECTRODES All electrodes part numbers ending in B are supplied with a BNC connector and 1 m (3.3’) cable, as shown below : HI1043B Glass-body, double junction, refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: strong acid/alkali. HI1053B Glass-body, triple ceramic, conic shape, refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: emulsions. HI1083B Glass-body, micro, Viscolene, non-refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: biotechnology, micro titration. HI1131B Glass-body, double junction, refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: general purpose. 58 HI1330B Glass-body, semimicro, single junction, refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: laboratory, vials. HI1331B Glass-body, semimicro, single junction, refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: flasks. HI1230B Plastic-body (PES), double junction, gel-filled, combination pH electrode. Use: general, field. HI2031B Glass-body, semimicro, conic, refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: semisolid products. HI1332B Plastic-body (PES), double junction, refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: general purpose. 59 FC100B Plastic-body (PVDF), double junction, refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: general purpose for food industry. FC200B Plastic-body (PVDF), open junction, conic, Viscolene, non-refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: meat & cheese. FC210B Glass-body, double junction, conic, Viscolene, non-refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: milk, yogurt. FC220B Glass-body, triple-ceramic, single junction, refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: food processing. FC911B Plastic-body (PVDF), double junction, refillable with built-in amplifier, combination pH electrode. Use: very high humidity. 60 HI1413B Glass-body, single junction, flat tip, Viscolene, non-refillable, combination pH electrode. Use: surface measurement. ORP ELECTRODES HI3131B Glass-body, refillable, combination platinum ORP electrode. Use: titration. HI3230B Plastic-body (PES), gel-filled, combination platinum ORP electrode. Use: general purpose. HI4430B Plastic-body (PES), gel-filled, combination gold ORP electrode. Use: general purpose. Consult the Hanna Instruments General Catalog for more electrodes with screw-type or BNC connectors. 61 EXTENSION CABLE FOR SCREW-TYPE ELECTRODES (SCREW TO BNC ADAPTER) HI7855/1 Extension cable 1 m (3.3’) long HI7855/3 Extension cable 3 m (9.9’) long OTHER ACCESSORIES HI710005 Voltage adapter from 115 VAC to 12 VDC (USA plug) Voltage adapter from 230 VAC to 12 VDC HI710006 (European plug) HI710012 Voltage adapter from 240 VAC to 12 VDC (UK plug) HI710014 Voltage adapter from 230 VAC to 12 VDC (Australia plug) ChecktempC Pocket-size thermometer (range –50.0 to 150.0 ºC) HI76404N Electrode holder pH and ORP electrode simulator with 1 m (3.3’) coaxial HI8427 cable ending in female BNC connectors pH and ORP electrode simulator with LCD and 1 m (3.3’) HI931001 coaxial cable ending in female BNC connectors Platinum 4-ring conductivity/TDS probe with temperature HI76310 sensor and 1 m (3.3’) cable HI7662 Temperature probe with 1 m (3.3’) cable HI92000 Windows® compatible software. Windows® is registered Trademark of “Microsoft Co.” 62 CERTIFICATION All Hanna Instruments conform to the CE European Directives. Disposal of Electrical & Electronic Equipment. The product should not be treated as household waste. Instead hand it over to the appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment which will conserve natural resources. Disposal of waste batteries. This product contains batteries, do not dispose of them with other household waste. Hand them over to the appropriate collection point for recycling. Ensuring proper product and battery disposal prevents potential negative consequences for the environment and human health. For more information, contact your city, your local household waste disposal service, the place of purchase or go to RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USERS Before using this product, make sure it is entirely suitable for your specific application and for the environment in which it is used. Any variation introduced by the user to the supplied equipment may degrade the meter’s performance. For yours and the meter’s safety do not use or store the meter in hazardous environments. WARRANTY HI2550 is guaranteed for two years against defects in workmanship and materials when used for their intended purpose and maintained according to instructions. Electrodes and probes are guaranteed for six months. This warranty is limited to repair or replacement free of charge. Damage due to accidents, misuse, tampering or lack of prescribed maintenance is not covered. If service is required, contact your local Hanna Instruments Office. If under warranty, report the model number, date of purchase, serial number and the nature of the problem. If the repair is not covered by the warranty, you will be notified of the charges incurred. If the instrument is to be returned to Hanna Instruments, first obtain a Returned Goods Authorization number from the Technical Service department and then send it with shipping costs prepaid. When shipping any instrument, make sure it is properly packed for complete protection. Hanna Instruments reserves the right to modify the design, construction or appearance of its products without advance notice. 63 World Headquarters Hanna Instruments Inc. Highland Industrial Park 584 Park East Drive Woonsocket, RI 02895 USA MAN2550 06/19 Printed in ROMANIA 64 ">

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