ESAB LAH 315A User manual
ESAB LAH 315A, LAH 500A, LAH 630A are constant voltage welding power sources designed for semi-automatic MIG/MAG welding and automatic MIG/MAG and UP welding. Suitable for a wide range of applications, including shipbuilding, automotive, and construction. Features include:
- Overload protection for increased safety and reliability.
- Remote control capabilities for added convenience.
- Adjustable welding current and voltage for precise control of welding parameters.
- Compact and portable design for easy maneuverability.
- Suitable for use with various shielding gases, including argon, helium, and carbon dioxide.
A” ESAB LAH 315/500/630 A Svetsstromkálla Welding power source Schweifistromquelle Source de courant de soudage Bruksanvisning och reservdelsforteckning Instruction manual and spare parts list Betriebsanweisung und Ersatzteilverzeichnis Manuel d'instructions et liste de pièces détachées 443 052-001 9205 INNEHALLSFORTECKNING Sida Teknisk beskrivning ...... -3 Installation ............. © Drift 2................... 8 Underhdll ................ 1 MättskisS ................ 24 Statistisk karakteristik . 28 Schema ................... 30 Reservdelsfórteckning .... 34 LIST OF CONTENTS Technical description ... Installation ............ Operation ............... Maintenance ............. Dimension drawing ........ Static characteristic ... О1адтав ................. Spare parts list ........ INHALTSVERZEICHNIS Technische Beschreibung . Installation ............ Betrieb ................ . Wartung ............... Massbild ................ Statische Kennlinie ..... Schaltplan .............. Ersatzteilverzeichnis ... SOMMAIRE Description technique ... Installation ............ Mise en marche ...... cee Entretien ............... .. 24 Cotes d'encombrement ... Page . 8 ‚ 11 ‚ 12 . 12 24 . 28 . 30 . 34 Seite . 13 . 16 ‚ 17 ‚ 17 . 24 . 28 . 30 . 34 Page . 18 . 21 . 22 . 22 Caractéristiques statiques 28 Schéma ................... 30 Liste de piéces détachées 34 Ratt till dndring av specifikation fórbehálles Rights reserved to alter specifications without notice Anderungen vorbehalten Sous réserve de modifications sans avis préalable = me ED SWEDEN. SUEDE Svetslikriktore SEN 83C1 spec Welding recriter 3 ~ mA | ISO 2700 o Ea - seur de soudage Rectificado de soldadura NF AS -C13 LAH 315 © J п Svetsrng = |S0A/15V-315A:30V Welding Schweden 7 x | 60% | 80% | was Sousage Py on : | 3194 | 2804 '250. e Voss 64V | U ! 30V ¡28V :27V | 220V 35A ¡31A :28A ACS - some | [380V] . [20A [184 164 mer 415 V 18 А 116 А :15A о 500 у 15 А |14 А 12 А те бег 220 V 35A ¡31A 28A AMA? INC . dma зон ма | Ч |440) : |18A 116A ISA 550 V 15A 114 A :12A | ESAB SWEDEN sUÉDE ME Svetsiikriktare - Welding rectifier SEN 8301 spec. Schweifigieichricnter I~ COBH м 150 AR 700 Transtormatèur - Redresseur de soudace VDE C542 К Rectificadc de soidadura МР А 65 - 013 LAH 500 NE non Svetsrang Co 50 A» 16 V -500 A, 39 V Welding Schweißen 7 X €0 % 50 °% | 100% Soudoge dia an : Yesa | ¿50A | LOCA Soideo Чо 2 50 \ U + 25v 22 35 \ | 220V| [71 A | 64 А [STA A= - ison: |: L380V]. |41А 137 А (33A primar 415 V 38A 34 A :30A Input S00V! ‘ I31A |28 A 125A emana 220 V 71 A ¡64 A ¡S7A hmentanon ACA ‘, . Alimentación nz 440V| : 38A |134 А 130 А ° 550 V 31 А |28A |25A Degr.ot de Vikt . Aer: Pods 210kg| ose 'n Sweden Zewcrt Pesc | Fabriqué en Suéce ESAB ЕЗАВ АВ ор” SWEDEN SUEDE Svetslikriktare == Welding rectifier TIN 93C1 sdec. Schweifgleichrichter | 3 > DS =" RTD Trenstormatkur - Redresseur de soudage (ОЕ 1542 © Recuticado de soldadura МР А 85 - 513 LAH 630 | = N Svetsrung Е 75A/17V -E30A: 44 V ‘Welding Schweinen X 6C % 30 9% "CU vy, Soudage dando: an I 6304 | 560 & | 500 А Soldeo Jo = S2V U [y 62. | 39: | |220v 93 А | 8ЗА | 74 А A= cis... |280V/ . |SGA | BA | LIA peor Zeger: 220V IA! SA NA Abmentsuer UT. . CS Алтеа — === a 1 i и egr. of e Cat . . - | mafia IP22 | Mer 2235230 kg 70e RA EA do \ IST IM Lele Ре 1 WARNING WARNING A WARNING ARC WELDING AND CUTTING CAN BE INJURIOUS TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS. TAKE PRECAUTIONS WHEN WELDING. ASK FOR YOUR EMPLOYER”S SAFETY PRACTICES WHICH SHOULD BE BASED ON MANUFACTURERS” HAZARD DATA. ELECTRIC SHOCK - Can kill e Install and earth the welding unit in accordance with applicable standards. ¢ Do not touch live electrical parts or electrodes with bare skin, wet gloves or wet clothing. ¢ |nsulate yourself from earth and the workpiece. Ensure your working stance is safe. FUMES AND GASES - Can be dangerous to health e Keep your head out of the fumes. —e Use ventilation, extraction at the arc, or both, to keep fumes and gases from your breathing zone and the general area. ARC RAYS - Can injure eyes and burn skin. e Protect your eyes and body. Use the correct welding screen and filter lens and wear protective clothing. e Protect bystanders with suitable screens or curtains. FIRE HAZARD e Sparks (spatter) can cause fire. Make sure therefore that there are no inflammable materials nearby. MALFUNCTION e Call for expert assistance in the event of malfunction. READ AND UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL BEFORE INSTALLING OR OPERATING. PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS! MMVARNEA 940525 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION The LAH 315, 500 and 630 welding power sources are intended for semi-automatic MIG/MAG welding and the LAH 500A and 630A welding power sources are intended for automatic MIG/MAG and UP welding. They comply with the requirements of VDE 0542, SEN 8301, ISO R700 and NF A85-013. They are of constant voltage type, with overload protection, and consist of a control unit and a fan-cooled power pack Maximum DC loading at 60% duty cycle 80% 100% Operating range, DC Maximum open-circuit voltage Efficiency and power factor at Efficiency (n) Power factor Common features of the LAH Control voltage Temperature class Enclosure Application class The LAH 315 and 500 can The LAH 630 is available in three versions for the following mains voltages 50A/15V-315A/30V 50A/16V-500A/39V LAH 315 LAH 500/500A LAH 630/630A 315A/30V 500A/39V 630A/44V 280A/28V 450A/35V 560A/42V 250A/27V 400A/34V 500A/39V 15A/17V-630A/44V 16-44V 17-50V 18-52V 315A/30V 200A/39V 630A/44V 0,77 0,79 0,81 0,92 0,91 0,92 315, 500/500A and 630/630A 42V, 50/60 HZ H 180°C IP 22 AF K 220, 380V 50 Hz; 220V, 60 Hz 415V, 50 Hz; 440V, 60 HZ 500V, 50 Hz; 550V 60 Hz LAH 500 A be connected to the following mains voltages 220/380/415/500V, 50 Hz; 220/440/550V, 60 HZ 220/380/415/500V, 50 Hz; 220/440/550V, 60 HZ for 220/380/415/500V, 50 Hz; 220/440/550V, 60 HZ LAH 630 A for 220/380V, 50 Hz; 220V, 60 Hz 415V, 50 HZ; 440V, 60 Hz 500V, 50 HZ; 550V, 60 HZ LAH 315 LAH 500 Ordering no. 321 055-880 320 734-880 320 735-880 -881 -882 320 734-881 320 735-883 -884 -885 The control unit (at the front) contains: Switch mains voltage On/Off Potentiometer for voltage adjustment Available with planetary drive gear - extra accessory ordering no. 321 120-880 Switch and socket for remote control device Control unit (circuit board) controls the main thyristors and prevents overloading by applying a current limit Regulator (circuit board) maintains constant arc voltage by comparison of an actual value signal with a set value signal, irrespective of load and/or mains voltage fluctuations of up to 110% Measuring terminal Indicating lamp (operation), white, 42-48 v Voltmeter and ammeter - extra accessories ordering no. 319 429-885 for LAH 315 ordering no. 319 429-882 for LAH 500/630 For indication of welding voltage and current Socket for external 42 V control power supply (wire feed unit, external start of power source) and remote control of arc voltage Terminals for welding current cable connections: + to wire feed unit - to workpiece Higher inductance produces a hotter weld -A low inductance and less spatter, but makes starting -B medium и more difficult, particularly with small -C high " wire sizes Contactor (42V 50 Hz/48V 60 Hz coil) Fuse, 10A slow-blow and 2 x 4A , slow-blow Control power transformer single-phase, 42 V output, 400 VA continuous rating. The secondary winding supplies control current terminal K 24.3, which is protected by a fuse (K 21.2) ——. _ . 0 0 o— — no. 320 833-880 Facilitates starting by partly shorting out the series inductor during starting by a parallel-connected thyristor Circuit board for sensing welding current Item no acc. to Figs 9,10 K 6 K 57 K 33, 24.2 K 70.1 K 70.2 K 23 K 38 K 20, 19 K 24.3 K 8 K 21.2, 21.1 K 9 K 96 K 25 The power pack (at the rear) contains: Main transformer a three-phase unit with primary, secondary 1, secondary 2 (base voltage) and tertiary windings. The base voltage winding smooths out voltage peaks, and the tertiary winding provides synchronizing voltages for thyristor triggering Rectifier bridge consists of a three-phase diode/thyristor bridge with three thyristors (K 2.1) and three diodes (K 2.2), 18 diodes (K 2.3) for the base voltage and a further three diodes (K 2.4) for basic current. The thyristors are protected against high transient over- voltages by filter circuits (K 27.3) in parallel with them Inductor connected in series with the welding current circuit. 50% of the windings 1s connected to terminal A, 75% to terminal B and 100% to terminal C Thermal overload trip protects the thyristors (and therefore, indirectly, the whole unit) against overheating as a result of overload or impaired cooling. The thermostat is fitted on the cooling fins close to the thyristors, and operates at 92 +3°С, resetting automatically at 73 45°C Terminal for mains supply connection Terminal for supply voltage adjustment reconnection (Figure 4) Fan Power outlet terminal strip Extra accessories sa a a — | — ——— _ e ames Ñ—— — —C PHB 1 fitted with a planetary-geared multi-turn potentiometer for exact adjustment PHB 2 fitted with coarse and fine adjustment potentiometers PAA 6 (long pulse unit) permits remote control of both current and voltage Current and voltage can be pulsed independently Two arbitrary current and voltage combinations can be preset and selected by a 2-position switch PAB 6 Three arbitrary current and voltage combinations can be preset and selected by a 3-position switch 10 K 1 K 31 K 11 K 30 K 28 K 50 Best nr 317 937-880 317 920-880 320 217-880 332 269-880 PAB 8 333 378-880 for remote control of both current and voltage. Allows current and voltage settings to be increased during starting (hot start) Allows current and voltage to be reduced at the end of welding with slope down (crater filling) Extra accessories for LAH 500A and 630A Preselection 365 580-880 Terminal 5233 002-01 Regulator 341 772-884 Special versions The LAH 315 are available in special versions intended for use with robot welding equipment. They have voltmeters and ammeters and a starting unit which short-circuits the inductor at the moment of starting for more reliable starting LAH 315 for 220/380/415/500V, 50 Hz; 220/440/550V, 60 Hz 321 055-881 INSTALLATION 1. Choose a suitable position for the equipment so that cooling is not obstructed, and where excessive quantities of dust, molst alr or corrosive fumes cannot be sucked in, and so that the cooling air discharge does not interfere with the shielding gas around the welding head 2. Check that the connections on the main transformer terminal (K 30), and on the control power transformer (K 9), are arranged for the appropriate supply voltage, and that the correct fuses are fitted. The circuit diagram (see Figure 4 in these instructions), with connection instructions, 1s secured to the in- side of one of the side cover plates Figure 5 shows recommended fuse ratings in accordance with Swedish standard requirements. If requirements differ in other countries, the appropriate fuses should be fitted 3. Connect the unit to a three-phase power supply, via terminal K 11, which is fitted inside the left-hand side of the unit. Connect an earth lead in accordance with applicable standards to the earthing bolt marked on the plate in front of terminal K 11 4. Connect the control cable from the welding power source to the wire feed unit 5. Connect the welding current cable from the wire feed unit to the terminal marked +. Connect the return current cable from the workpiece to one of the terminals marked-: Note that reversed polarity connections may be called for, depending on the type of welding electrode used Terminal A is used for short arc welding (thin materials or bottom runs, and for aluminium) 11 Terminal B is used for short arc welding, but gives a somewhat hotter weld than terminal A Terminal C is used for spray arc welding of thick materials Check that all welding current cables are securely connected to their respective terminals 6. Connect the cooling unit, if used, to terminal K 50 (220 V, 200 VA) 7. Dimension drawing, see Figure 2 OPERATION CO», pure argon or mixtures of the two are normally used as shielding gas. The addition of oxygen to the gas provides improved arc stability when welding steel 1. Turn switch K 6 to the "I" position (= on) This applies power to control transformer K 9, fan K 28 and indicating lamp K 38. Set a suitable welding voltage by means of potentiometer K 57 2. Press the trigger of the welding gun to activate the wire feed unit and close the main contactor K 8, connecting the main transformer K 1 to the mains supply Welding can now start MAINTENANCE Dust cleaning The LAH should be purged by dry air at reduced pressure Checking of diodes and thyristors N.B. Neither bell nor buzzer may be used to check diodes or thyristors Diodes and thyristors may be checked without detaching them from the cooling element using ESAB's diode and thyristor tester ZPB (Ordering No.160 155-880) in accordance with the instructions accompanying this unit. Should no thyristor tester be available, it is possible to check the thyristors ) tolerably by means of a multimeter. Measure for each thyristor the resistance anode to cathode, which should be higher than 5 kOhm, and gate to cathode, which s should be approx. 25 Ohm. Replace the thyristor(s) in question, should the measurements indicate lower values Fitting of diodes and thyristors The tightening torque for bolt diodes of make IR is 27 - 32 Nm (approx. 2.7-3.2 kpm). The tightening torque for bolt thyristors of make IR is 10 - 15 Nm (approx. 1.0-1.5 kpm) Fitting of disc type-thyristor It is very important to apply the correct clamping force of 4500 N (approx. 450 kp + 10% when fitting the thyristor. The contact surfaces of the thyristor and the cooling elements should be free from dirt and burrs. Lubricate the contact surface with a very thin silicon oil film. Install the thyristor between the cooling elements with its rectifier symbol pointing in the direction shown on the fitting drawing, fig 3. The thyristor is to be centered by means of a guiding pin. Firstly tighten the nuts by hand, so that no play remains between washer and nut. Then, measure the distance (x) between the plate and the spring by means of a dial gauge or a vernier caliper. Subsequently, tighten the nuts alternatingly by means of a wrench until a measurement of 0.9 mm + 0.05 mm less 1s reached 12 ">

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