i-8094H/i-8094A Motion Control
User Manual
(Version 1.3)
Function Library for
WinCon -8000 series PAC controllers
ICPDAS 1 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
All products manufactured by ICPDAS Inc. are warranted against defective materials for a period of one year from the date of delivery to the original purchaser.
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ICPDAS 2 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
1 PREFACE ............................................................................ 6
Independent Axis Motion Control ............................................................. 9
2 BASIC SETTINGS............................................................ 12
2.2 Modules Registration and getting the LIB version............................... 13
2.5 Setting the Maximum Speed ................................................................... 19
2.6 Setting the Active Level of the Hardware Limit Switches ................... 20
2.7 Setting the Motion Stop Mode When Limit Switch being turn on...... 21
2.8 Setting the Trigger Level of the NHOME Sensor ................................. 22
2.9 Setting Trigger Level of the Home sensor ............................................. 23
2.10 Setting and Clearing the Software Limits ........................................... 24
2.12 Setting the Servo Driver (ON/OFF) ..................................................... 25
2.13 Setting the SERVO ALARM Function ................................................ 27
2.14 Setting the Active Level of the In-Position Signals ............................. 28
2.15 Setting the Time Constant of the Digital Filter................................... 29
2.16 Position Counter Variable Ring............................................................ 30
2.17 Triangle prevention of fixed pulse driving .......................................... 32
2.18.4 Disabling the External Signal Input Functions.............................................35
2.20Read/Write Data for Power outage carry-over (MD) ......................... 38
3 READING AND REGISTERS SETTING ...................... 39
3.1 Setting and Reading the Command Position ........................................ 39
3.2 Setting and Reading the Encoder Counter............................................ 40
3.4 Reading the Current Acceleration.......................................................... 41
ICPDAS 3 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
3.6 Reading and Clearing the ERROR Status ............................................ 44
4 FRNET FUNCTIONS....................................................... 47
5 AUTO HOMING SEARCH ............................................. 48
5.2 Using an Limit Switch as the HOME sensor......................................... 49
5.4 Starting the Homing Sequence ............................................................... 51
5.5 Waiting for the Homing Sequence to be Completed............................. 51
6 BASIC MOTION CONTROL ......................................... 52
6.1 Independent Motion Control for each axis ........................................... 52
6.1.8 Setting the Value of the Remaining Offset Pulses .........................................59
6.2.2 Setting the Speed and Acc/Dec Mode for Interpolation ................................64
6.2.9 Setting the Number of the Remaining Offset Pulses .....................................75
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6.3.4 Set the PRESET data for synchronous action................................................87
6.4.4 Mixed Linear and Circular 2-axis motions in Continuous Interpolation ....100
6.4.5 Multi-Segment Continuous Interpolation (Using Array) ..............................102
6.4.10 Mixed 3-axis motions in Continuous Interpolation .................................... 112
6.5.2 Release the Holding Status, and Start the Driving....................................... 115
.............................................................................................. 121
7.2 Create Macro Program(MP)................................................................. 124
ICPDAS 5 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
1 Preface
1.1 Introduction
This manual provides complete and detailed description of i8094H functions for users to develop programs for their control of automatic equipments. Many examples are included in this manual for reference to write efficient application programs.
This manual includes seven chapters. This chapter gives a brief description of this manual. Chapter 2 to 6 is the descriptions of macro functions (MF).
Chapter 7contains macro functions (MF) specially for i8094H.
The functions defined in DLL file are described here. This DLL can be used on different developing software platforms, such as eVC++,, and
, and different OS systems ( MiniOS7 / WinCE / Linux ).
1.2 Funciton description
All functions are described by the following parts: z Function_name (parameter1, parameter2, …)
Description: Explanation of this function.
Parameters: Definitions of the parameters and how to use them.
Return: The return value of this function.
Example: Simple example program in C++.
Remark: Comments.
ICPDAS 6 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
1.3 Function categories description
RTC (Real Time Command) : Enable i8094H to execute real time command
MP (Macro Program) : Functions to be executed after MP_CREATE
ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) : Functions to be executed in ISR after
IT (Initial Table) : Functions to be executed in parameters table
Maximum number of Function Line for ISR1 ~ ISR20 and MP1 ~ MP157
8 8 8 8 8 8
Total: 16 16 16
ISR(3) ISR16 ISR17 ISR18
Total: 32 32 32
ISR(2) ISR19 ISR20
Total: 64 64
MP(40) MP1
Total: 8
~ MP40
MP(50) MP41 ~ MP90
Total: 16 16
MP(40) MP91 ~ MP130
Total: 32 32
MP(20) MP131 ~ MP150
Total: 64 64
16 16
MP(5) MP151 MP152 MP153 MP154 MP155
Total: 128 128 128 128 128
MP(2) MP156 MP157
Total: 512 512
16 16 16 16
ICPDAS 7 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
In the following Function Table, most functions in sections 2,3,4,5,6 could be used in i8094H_MP_CREATE (please refer to 7.2.1), all values could be replaced by variables(when applied to MP or ISP). bvarNo: User-defined variables: bVAR0 ~ bVAR127 (Data type : BYTE )
varNo: User-defined variables: VAR0 ~ VAR511 (Data type : long or DWORD )
Note: In the following sections * indicates functions applied to MP.
In the following sections * indicates functions applied to ISR.
Function RTC MP ISR IT
◎ 2.2 i8094H_GET_FW_VERSION
Basic settings
2.3 i8094H_RESET_CARD ◎
ICPDAS 8 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
2.20 i8094H_READ_VAR i8094H_WRITE_VAR i8094H_READ_MD
2.20 i8094H_WRITE_MD
Status reading and setting
3.1 i8094H_SET_LP i8094H_GET_LP
3.6 i8094H_SET_EP i8094H_GET_EP i8094H_GET_CV
Function i8094H_GET_CA i8094H_GET_DI i8094H_GET_DI_ALL i8094H_GET_ERROR
FRnet function
4.1 i8094H_FRNET_IN
4.2 i8094H_FRNET_OUT
Home search
5.1 i8094H_SET_HV
5.2 i8094H_HOME _LIMIT
5.3 i8094H_SET_HOME_MODE
5.4 i8094H_HOME _START
Independent Axis Motion Control
6.1.1 i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED
6.1.2 i8094H_SET_SV
6.1.3 i8094H_SET_V
6.1.4 i8094H_SET_A
6.1.5 i8094H_SET_D
6.1.6 i8094H_SET_K
6.1.7 i8094H_SET_L
6.1.8 i8094H_SET_AO
6.1.9 i8094H_FIXED_MOVE
6.1.9 i8094H_SET_PULSE
6.1.10 i8094H_CONTINUE_MOVE
Interpolation Motion
6.2.1 i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN
◎ ◎
◎ ◎
ICPDAS 9 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.2 i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED
6.2.3 i8094H_SET_VSV
6.2.4 i8094H_SET_VV
6.2.5 i8094H_SET_VA
6.2.6 i8094H_SET_VD
6.2.7 i8094H_SET_VK
6.2.8 i8094H_SET_VL
6.2.9 i8094H_SET_VAO
6.2.10 i8094H_LINE_2D
6.2.11 i8094H_LINE_3D
◎x2 6.2.12 i8094H_ARC_CW
Section Fuction
6.2.12 i8094H_ARC_CCW
6.2.13 i8094H_CIRCLE_CW
◎x2 ◎x2
◎ ◎
6.2.13 i8094H_CIRCLE_CCW
Synchronous Actions
6.3.1 i8094H_SYNC_ACTION
6.3.2 i8094H_SET_COMPARE
6.3.3 i8094H_GET_LATCH
6.3.4 i8094H_SET_PRESET
6.3.5 i8094H_SET_OUT
Continuous Interpolation
6.4.1 i8094H_RECTANGLE
6.4.2 i8094H_LINE_2D_INITIAL
6.4.2 i8094H_LINE_2D_CONTINUE
6.4.3 i8094H_LINE_3D_INITIAL
6.4.3 i8094H_LINE_3D_CONTINUE
6.4.4 i8094H_MIX_2D_INITIAL
6.4.4 i8094H_MIX_2D_CONTINUE
6.4.5 i8094H_CONTINUE_INTP
6.4.6 i8094H_HELIX_3D
6.4.7 i8094H_RATIO_INITIAL
6.4.7 i8094H_RATIO_2D
6.4.8 i8094H_LINE_SCAN
6.4.8 i8094H_LINE_SCAN_START
Enable/Disable interrupt Function
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6.3.6 i8094H_ENABLE_INT
6.3.6 i8094H_DISABLE_INT
6.3.7 i8094H_ENABLE_RINT
6.3.7 i8094H_DISABLE_RINT
◎ 6.3.7 i8094H_RINT_WAIT
Other Functions
6.5.1 i8094H_DRV_HOLD
7.2.3 i8094H_MP_SET_RVAR
◎ ◎ ◎
6.5.2 i8094H_DRV_START
7.2.1 i8094H_MP_CREATE
7.2.1 i8094H_MP_CLOSE
7.2.2 i8094H_MP_CALL
7.2.3 i8094H_MP_SET_VAR
◎ ◎ ◎
6.5.3 i8094H_STOP_WAIT
Section Function
6.5.4 i8094H_STOP_SLOWLY
6.5.4 i8094H_STOP_SUDDENLY
6.5.4 i8094H_VSTOP_SLOWLY
6.5.5 i8094H_CLEAR_STOP
◎ ◎
◎ 6.5.6 i8094H_INTP_END
Additional Functions Supported by i8094H
7.1 i8094H_LOAD_INITIAL ◎
◎ ◎
◎ ◎
◎ ◎
7.2.3 i8094H_MP_VAR_CALCULATE ◎ ◎
7.2.4 i8094H_MP_FOR
7.2.4 i8094H_MP_NEXT
7.2.5 i8094H_MP_IF
◎ ◎
7.2.5 i8094H_MP_ELSE ◎ ◎
7.2.5 i8094H_MP_IF_END
7.2.6 i8094H_MP_TIMER
7.2.7 i8094H_MP_STOP_WAIT
7.2.8 i8094H_MP_SET_RINT
◎ ◎
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2 Basic Settings
2.1 Axes Code Definition
The definitions of axis assignments are as below: X=1, Y=2, Z=4, and U=8.
If you assign X and Y axes simultaneously, the code will be 3. In a similar way,
AXIS_YZ = 2+4 =0x6; and AXIS_XYZU = 1+2+4+8 = 0xf. You could assign single axis as well as multiple axes at the same time. Available axis codes are listed below.
Table 2-1 Axis assignments and their corresponding codes
Axis X Y Z U XY XZ XU YZ code
Write the setting values into the IT parameter table without making a change of other current settings (please refer to 7.1), the definitions are as follow:
Axis X Y Z
U XY XZ XU YZ code
Axis code
0x1a 0x1c 0x17 0x1b 0x1d 0x1e
Not apply to Macro Program (MP).
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2.2 Modules Registration and getting the LIB version z BYTE i8094H_REGISTRATION( BYTE cardNo, BYTE slot)
You are required to register your i8094H before performing any operation.
This function enables to register a module by doing the following steps: module registration, assign the slot number the module is installed on, and assing a card number.
Registration must be performed for each I-8094 motion control module before other functions are called. After registration, each module can be identified by its corresponding module number.
cardNo: Module number Æ WinCon-8000 : 0~7 number
YES Normal
NO Abnormal
//================= for WinCon-8000 ==================
//set each module number the same as the slot number, respectively.
//(slot1 ~ slot7)
BYTE cardNo;
BYTE slot; int Found = 0; for (slot = 1; slot < 8; slot++)
{ cardNo = slot; if (i8094H _REGISTRATION(cardNo, slot) == YES)
{ //slot number begins from 1.
//if a module is found, the slot number would be registered as the slot number of that module. i8094H _RESET_CARD(cardNo);
} if (Found == 0)
//if Wincon cannot find any I-8094H module,
// please add your code here to take care of the exceptional cases. return ;
//=================== for I-8000 ===================
//set the module number the same as the slot number, respectively.
ICPDAS 13 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
//(slot1 ~ slot7)
BYTE cardNo;
BYTE slot; int Found = 0; for (slot = 0; slot < 8; slot++)
{ cardNo = slot + 1;
//slot number begins from 0, but module number begin from 1.
if (i8094H_REGISTRATION(cardNo, slot) == YES)
//if a module is found, then it is registered by giving a number. i8094H_RESET_CARD(cardNo);
} if (Found == 0)
//if Wincon cannot find any I-8094 module,
// please add your code here to take care of the exceptional cases. return ;
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z WORD i8094H_GET_VERSION ( void )
Read the current versionof i8094H library.
Version code: includes information of the release date (year and the month) (0x0000 ~ 0x9999)
VER_No = i8094H_GET_VERSION();
//Read the version code of i8094Hce.dll
If the return value is 0x0607
06 : the year is 2006
07: the month is July. z DWORD i8094H_GET_FW_VERSION( BYTE cardNo)
Read current versionof i8094H firmware and compatible PCB version.
cardNo: Module number
Version code: 0x00000000 ~ 0x99999999
D WORD dwVER_No; dwVER_No = i8094H_GET_FW_VERSION(1); wPCB_Ver = (WORD)( ( dwVER_No >> 4) & 0xFFFF); wFirmware_Ver = (WORD)( dwVER_No & 0xFFFF);
//Read Firmware/PCB version codes of the first card.
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The return value of i8094H_GET_FW_VERSION() could be devided into two parts.
For example, if the return value is 0x02210111
It indicates the Firmware Ver. is 1.11
And it supports PCB version 2.21
or above.
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2.3 Reset the Module z void i8094H_RESET_CARD( BYTE cardNo)
This function enables to restore the power-on default settings, please refer to Section 7: initial settings after resetting the module.
cardNo: Module number
Example: i8094H_RESET_CARD(1);
//Reset module 1. z void i8094H_CLEAR_CARD_BUFFER( BYTE cardNo)
Description: Clear all data in i-8094H command buffer.
cardNo: Module number
Return: None
Example: i8094H_ CLEAR_CARD_BUFFER (1);
// Clear data buffer in module 1
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2.4 Pulse Output Mode Setting z void i8094H_SET_PULSE_MODE( BYTE cardNo, WORD axis, BYTE nMode)
This function sets the pulse output mode to be either CW/CCW or
PULSE/DIR for the specific axes and also sets their direction definition.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table 2-1a)
nMode: Assigned mode (Please refer to Table 2-2)
Example: i8094H _SET_PULSE_MODE(1, AXIS_XYZ, 2);
//set the pulse mode of X, Y, and Z axes to be mode 2 in module 1 i8094H_SET_PULSE_MODE(1, AXIS_U, 3);
//set the pulse mode of U axis to be mode 3 in module 1 i8094H_SET_PULSE_MODE(1, INITIAL_XYZU, 0);
//set the pulse mode of X Y Z U axes to be mode 0, write into the parameter table (Table 2-2) in module 1
Table 2-2 A List of pulse output modes mode
Pulse output signals nPP nPM
CW (rising edge)
CW (falling edge)
PULSE (rising edge)
PULSE (falling edge)
PULSE (rising edge)
PULSE (falling edge)
CCW (rising edge)
CCW (falling edge)
(LOW:+dir/ HIGH:-dir)
(LOW:+dir/ HIGH:-dir)
(HIGH:+dir/ LOW:-dir)
(HIGH:+dir/ LOW:-dir)
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2.5 Setting the Maximum Speed z * void i8094H_SET_MAX_V( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
This function sets the maximum rate for the output pulses (speed). A larger value results in a rougher resolution, and vice versa(8000 speed segments). For example, if the maximum speed is set as 8000 PPS, the resolution will be 1 PPS;if the maximum speed is set as 16000 PPS, the resolution will be 2 PPS; if the maximum speed is set as 80000 PPS, the resolution will be 10 PPS, etc. Maximum value 4,000,000 PPS means the resolution of speed will be 500 PPS. This function will change the resolution of speed to reach the desired maximum speed. Since the scale in hardware is changed, other parameters will be updated accordingly too; such as the starting speed, the acceleration, and the jerk. It is recommended to set the maximum speed value to be an integral multiplier of 8000.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
data: maximum , single axis (8,000~4,000,000 PPS) interpolation motion maximum speed , the second axis(8,000~2,828,854 PPS) nterpolation motion maximum speed , the third axis
(8,000~2,309,468 PPS)
Example: i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_XY, 200000L);
//The maximum speed for the X and Y axes of module 1 is 200KPPS.
//The resolution of the speed will be 200000/8000 = 25 PPS.
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2.6 Setting the Active Level of the Hardware Limit Switches z * void i8094H_SET_HLMT( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nFLEdge,
This function sets the active logic level of the hardware limit switch inputs.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
nFLEdge: Active level setting for the forward limit switch.
0 = low active; 1 = high active
nRLEdge: Active level setting for the reverse limit switch.
0 = low active; 1 = high active
Example: i8094H_SET_HLMT(1, AXIS_XYZU, 0, 0);
//set all the trigger levels as low-active for all limit switches
//on module 1.
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2.7 Setting the Motion Stop Mode When Limit Switch being turn on z * void i8094H_LIMITSTOP_MODE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nMode)
This function configures the settings of motion stop mode of the axes when the corresponding limit switches being turn on.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
nMode: 0: stop immediately; 1: decelerating to stop
Example: i8094H_LIMITSTOP_MODE(1, AXIS_X, 0);
//set X axis to stop immediately if any limit switch on X axis is turned on.
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2.8 Setting the Trigger Level of the NHOME Sensor z * void i8094H_SET_NHOME( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nNHEdge)
This function enables to set up the trigger level of the near home sensor (NHOME).
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
nNHEdge: Active level setting for the near home sensor.
0 = low active; 1 = high active
Example: i8094H_SET_NHOME(1, AXIS_XY, 0);
//set the trigger level of NHOME of X and Y axes on module 1 to be active low.
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2.9 Setting Trigger Level of the Home sensor z * void i8094H_SET_HOME_EDGE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nHEdge)
This function sets the trigger level of the home sensor (HOME).
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
nHEdge: Active level setting for the home sensor.
0 = low active; 1 = high active
Example: i8094H_SET_HOME_EDGE(1, AXIS_XYZU, 1);
//set the trigger level as high active for all home sensors on module 1.
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2.10 Setting and Clearing the Software Limits z * void i8094H_SET_SLMT( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, long dwFL, long dwRL,
BYTE nType)
This function sets the Positive and Negative software limits.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
dwFL: Value of the forward software limit
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
dwRL: Value of the reverse software limit
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
nType: Position counter to be compared:
0 = logical position counter (LP), i.e., the command position
1 = encoder position counter (EP), i.e., the real position
Example: i8094H_SET_SLMT(1, AXIS_XYZU, 20000, -3000, 0);
//set the forward software limit to be 20000 and the reverse
//software limit to be -3000 for all axes on module 1. z * void i8094H_CLEAR_SLMT( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function clears the software limits.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Example: i8094H_CLEAR_SLMT(1, AXIS_XYZU);
//clear the software limits for all axes on module 1.
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2.11 Setting the Encoder Related Parameters z * void i8094H_SET_ENCODER( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nMode,
BYTE nDivision, BYTE nZEdge)
This function sets the relevant parameters for encoder input.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
nMode: Encoder input type: 0 = A quad B; 1 = up/down
nDivision: Division setting for A quad B input signals:
0 = 1/1
1 = 1/2
2 = 1/4
nZEdge: Sets the trigger level for the Z phase
0 = low active; 1 = high active
Example: i8094H_SET_ENCODER(1, AXIS_XYZU, 0, 0, 0);
//set the encoder input type as A quad B; the division is module 1;
//and the Z phase is low active.
2.12 Setting the Servo Driver (ON/OFF) z * void i8094H_SERVO_ON( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function outputs a DO signal (ENABLE) to enable the motor driver.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
2-1a ).
//enables all drivers on module 1.
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z * void i8094H_SERVO_OFF( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function outputs a DO signal (ENABLE) to disable the motor driver.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
//disables all drivers on module 1.
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2.13 Setting the SERVO ALARM Function z * void i8094H_SET_ALARM( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nMode,
BYTE nAEdge)
This function sets the ALARM input signal related parameters.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
nMode: Mode: 0 = disable ALARM function;
1 = enable ALARM function
nAEdge: Sets the trigger level
0 = low active; 1 = high active
Example: i8094MF_SET_ALARM(1, AXIS_ZU, 1, 0);
//enable the ALARM for the Z and U axes on module 1 and set them
//as low-active.
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2.14 Setting the Active Level of the In-Position Signals z * void i8094H_SET_INPOS( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nMode,
BYTE nIEdge)
This function sets the INPOS input signal related parameters.
Note: Sometimes, this signal is used to connect the SERVO READY input signal. Users should take care of what signal the daughter board is wired.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
nMode: Mode: 0 = disable INPOS input;
1 = enable INPOS input
nlEdge: Set the trigger level
0 = low active; 1 = high active
Example: i8094H_SET_INPOS(1, AXIS_X, 1, 0);
//enable the INPOS function of the X axis on module 1 and set it to be low-active.
Note: Please refer to the example shown in Fig. 2.12 for wiring of the general
DI input.
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2.15 Setting the Time Constant of the Digital Filter z * void i8094H_SET_FILTER( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE FEn,
This function selects the axes and sets the time constant for digital filters of the input signals.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
FEn: Enabled . The sum of the code numbers ( 0~31) are used to select input signals. Please refer to the following table.
Code number Enabling filters
1 EMG, nLMTP, nLMTM, nIN0, nIN1
2 nIN2
16 nIN3
FLn: Sets the filter time constant ( 0~7) as follows.
Code Removable max. noise width Input signal delay time
0 1.75
1 224
SEC 256
2 448
3 896
SEC 512
SEC 1.024mSEC
4 1.792mSEC 2.048mSEC
5 3.584mSEC 4.096mSEC
6 7.168mSEC 8.192mSEC
7 14.336mSEC 16.384mSEC
Example: i8094H_SET_FILTER(1, AXIS_XYZU, 21, 3);
//set the filter time constants of X, Y, Z, and U axes as 1.024mSEC.
//These filters include EMG, nLMTP, nLMTM, nIN0, nIN1, nINPOS, nALARM,
//and nIN3.
//(21 = 1+4+16) 1: EMG + nLMP + nLMPM + nIN0 + nIN1; nIN3.
Note: The default wiring design is: nIN0 is connected to the NEAR HOME
(NHOME) sensors; nIN1 is connected to the HOME sensors; and nIN2 is connected to the index of Encoder input (Z phase).
ICPDAS 29 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
2.16 Position Counter Variable Ring z * void i8094H_VRING_ENABLE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD nVRing)
This function enables the linear counter of the assigned axes as variable ring counters.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
nVRing: Maximum value of the ring counter
( 0 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
Example: i8094H_ VRING_ENABLE(1, AXIS_X, 9999);
//set the X axis of module 1 to be a ring counter. The encoder
//values will be 0 to 9999.
The encoder value ranges from 0 to 9999.
When the counter value reaches 9999, one more adding pulse will cause the counter to reset to 0. When the counter value is 0, a lessening pulse will let the counter set to
Max. ring encoder value = 9999
Note: 1. This function will set the LP and EP simultaneously.
2. If this function is enabled, the software limit function cannot be used.
ICPDAS 30 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
z * void i8094H_VRING_DISABLE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function disables the variable ring counter function.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
Example: i8094H_ VRING_DISABLE(1, AXIS_X);
//disable the ring counter function for the X axis
//on module 1.
ICPDAS 31 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
2.17 Triangle prevention of fixed pulse driving z * void i8094H_AVTRI_ENABLE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function prevents a triangle form in linear acceleration (T-curve) fixed pulse driving even if the number of output pulses is low.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
Example: i8094H_ AVTRI_ENABLE(1, AXIS_X);
//set the X axis of module 1 not to generate a triangle form in its speed profile. z * void i8094H_AVTRI_DISABLE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function disables the function to prevent a triangle form in linear acceleration fixed pulse driving.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Write the setting values into the parameter table without making a change of current settings ( Please refer to Table
Example: i8094H_ AVTRI_DISABLE(1, AXIS_X);
//enable the X axis of module 1 to generate a triangle form in its
//speed profile if the pulse number for output is too low.
ICPDAS 32 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
2.18 External Pulse Input
Cannot write settings for external input driving into the parameter Table.
2.18.1 Handwheel (Manual Pulsar) Driving z void i8094H_EXD_MP( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
This function outputs pulses according to the input pulses from a handwheel.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1.)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U.
data: Number of command pulses (Rang: 0 ~ +2,000,000,000) .
Example: i8094H_EXD_MP(1, AXIS_X, 1);
//Each time the handwheel inputs a pulse to the X axis
//on module 1, the controller will output 1 pulse to the motor driver. i8094H_EXD_MP(1, AXIS_X, 2);
//Each time the handwheel inputs a pulse to the X axis
//on module 1, the controller will output 2 pulses to the motor driver.
ICPDAS 33 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
2.18.2 Fixed Pulse Driving Mode z void i8094H_EXD_FP( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
This function outputs fixed pulses according to the trigger input (the falling edge of the nEXP+ signal) from a handwheel.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1.)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8) .
data: Number of fixed pulses (0 ~ +2,000,000,000) .
Example: i8094H_EXD_FP(1, AXIS_X, 5);
//Each time the controller detects a falling edge of an XEXP+
//signal, it will output 5 pulses to the X axis.
Example of fixed pulse driving using an external signal
ICPDAS 34 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
2.18.3 Continuous Pulse Driving Mode z void i8094H_EXD_CP( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
The controller will continuously output pulses in positive direction if the falling edge of nEXP+ signal from a handwheel is detected. On the contrary, it will continuously output pulses in negative direction if the falling edge of nEXP- signal is detected.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1.)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8).
data: Pulse output speed in PPS (0 ~ +2,000,000,000)
Example: i8094H_EXD_CP(1, AXIS_X, 20);
//Each time the controller detects a falling edge of an XEXP+
//signal, it will continuously drive X axis at the speed of 20 PPS.
Continuous driving using an external signal
2.18.4 Disabling the External Signal Input Functions z void i8094H_EXD_DISABLE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function turns off the external input driving control functions.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1.)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8)
Example: i8094H_EXD_DISABLE(1, AXIS_X);
//disable the external input driving control function
//of X axis on module 1
ICPDAS 35 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
2.19 Read/Write User defined Variables (VAR) z BYTE i8094H_READ_bVAR( BYTE cardNo, BYTE bvarNo)
This function read variable bVARn, it could be passed to Macro Program(MP) , for detail information, please refer to section 7.
cardNo: Module number b varNo : custom variable: bVAR0 ~ bVAR127
Current value of the variable (0 ~ +255)
BYTE bdata; bdata = i8094H_READ_bVAR(1, bVAR100);
//read value of VAR100 in module 1 z void i8094H_WRITE_bVAR( BYTE cardNo, BYTE bvarNo, BYTE bVar)
This function write variable bVARn, it could be passed to Macro Program(MP) , for detail information, please refer to section 7.
cardNo: Module number b varNo : custom variable: bVAR0 ~ bVAR127 bVar : variable (0 ~ +255)
Example: i8094H_WRITE_bVAR(1, bVAR100, 100);
//write bVAR100=100 in module 1
ICPDAS 36 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
z long i8094H_READ_VAR( BYTE cardNo, long varNo)
This function read variable VARn, it could be passed to Macro Program(MP) , for detail information, please refer to section 7.
cardNo: Module number varNo : custom variable: VAR0 ~ VAR511
Current value of the variable(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
Example: long ldata; ldata = i8094H_READ_VAR(1, VAR100);
//read value of VAR100 in module 1 z void i8094H_WRITE_VAR( BYTE cardNo, long varNo, long lVar)
This function write variable VARn, it could be passed to Macro Program(MP) , for detail information, please refer to section 7.
cardNo: Module number b varNo : Custom variable: VAR0 ~ VAR511 lVar : Value of variable(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
Example: i8094H_WRITE_VAR(1, VAR100, 10000);
//write VAR100=10,000 in module 1
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2.20Read/Write Data for Power outage carry-over (MD) z void i8094H_READ_MD( BYTE cardNo, long mdNo, long * ldata, float * fdata)
cardNo: Module number
mdNo: Machine long ): MD0 ~ MD1023 data ): MD1024 ~ MD2047
& ldata : Read (-2,147,483,648 ~ +2,147,483,647)
& fdata : Read total of six places)
Example: long ldata; float fdata; i8094H_WRITE_MD(CardNo, MD100, -99999, 0); i8094H_READ_MD(CardNo, MD100, &ldata, 0);
//read MD100 long data in module 1 i8094H_WRITE_MD(CardNo, MD1500, 0, -990.999); i8094H_READ_MD(CardNo, MD1500, 0, &fdata);
//read MD1500 float data in module 1 z void i8094H_WRITE_MD( BYTE cardNo, long mdNo, long ldata, float fdata)
cardNo: Module number
mdNo: Machine long ): MD0 ~ MD1023 data ): MD1024 ~ MD2047 ldata : Write (-2,147,483,648 ~ +2,147,483,647) fdata : Write total of six places)
ICPDAS 38 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
3 Reading and Registers Setting
3.1 Setting and Reading the Command Position z * *void i8094H_SET_LP( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, long wdata)
This function sets the command position counter value (logical position counter, LP).
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
wdata: Position
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
Example: i8094H_SET_LP(1, AXIS_XYZU, 0);
//Set the LP as 0 for X, Y, Z, and U axes in module 1
// will clear all LP counters on module 1 z * *long i8094H_GET_LP( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function reads the command position counter value (logical position counter, LP).
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis (Please refer to Table 2-1)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8) .
Current LP value (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
Example: long X_LP;
X_LP = i8094H_GET_LP(1, AXIS_X);
//Reads the LP value of the X axis on module 1.
ICPDAS 39 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
3.2 Setting and Reading the Encoder Counter z * *void i8094H_SET_EP( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, long wdata)
This function sets the encoder position counter value (real position counter, or EP).
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
wdata: Position
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
Example: i8094H_SET_EP(1, AXIS_XYZU, 0);
//Set the EP as 0 for X, Y, Z, and U axes of module 1.
//This command clears all EP counters on module 1.
z * *long i8094H_GET_EP( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function reads the encoder position counter value (EP).
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis (Please refer to Table 2-1)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8) .
Current EP value ( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
Example: long X_EP;
X_EP = i8094H_GET_EP(1, AXIS_X);
//reads the encoder position value (EP) of the X axis on module 1.
ICPDAS 40 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
3.3 Reading the Current Velocity z DWORD i8094H_GET_CV( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function reads the current velocity value.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis (Please refer to Table 2-1)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8) .
Current speed (in PPS)
DWORD dwdata; dwdata = i8094H_GET_CV(1, AXIS_X);
//reads the current velocity of the X axis on module 1.
3.4 Reading the Current Acceleration z DWORD i8094H_GET_CA( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function reads the current acceleration value PPS/Sec .
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis (Please refer to Table 2-1)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8) .
Current acceleration (in PPS/Sec)
DWORD dwdata; dwdata = i8094H_GET_CA(1, AXIS_X);
//reads the current acceleration value of the X axis on module 1.
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3.5 Reading the DI Status z * *BYTE i8094H_GET_DI( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nType)
This function reads the digital input (DI) status.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis (Please refer to Table 2-1)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U.
0 Æ DRIVING (Check whether the axis is driving or not.)
1 Æ LIMIT+ (Check whether the limit+ is engaged or not.)
2 Æ (Check
3 Æ EMERGENCY (Check whether EMG signal is on or not.)
4 Æ ALARM (Check the ALARM input signal.)
5 Æ HOME (Check the HOME input signal)
6 Æ NHOME (Check the Near HOME input signal)
7 Æ IN3 (Check the IN3 input signal)
8 Æ INPOS (Check the INPOS input signal)
9 Æ INDEX (Check the encoder Z-phase input signal)
YES: on
Example: if (i8094H_GET_DI(1, AXIS_X, 1) == YES)
//get the status of limit+ sensor of X axis on module 1
ICPDAS 42 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
z * *WORD i8094H_GET_DI_ALL( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function reads the digital input (DI) status.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis (Please refer to Table 2-1)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8) .
0x001 Æ DRIVING (Check whether the axis is driving or not.)
0x002 Æ LIMIT+ (Check whether the limit+ is engaged or not.)
0x004 Æ LIMIT- (Check whether the limit- is engaged or not.)
0x008 Æ EMERGENCY (Check whether EMG signal is on or not.)
0x010 Æ ALARM (Check the ALARM input signal.)
0x020 Æ HOME (Check the HOME input signal)
0x040 Æ
NEAR HOME (Check the Near HOME input signal)
0x080 Æ IN3 (Check the IN3 input signal)
0x100 Æ INPOS (Check the INPOS input signal)
0x200 Æ
Z-Phase (Check the encoder Z-phase input signal)
Example: i8094H_GET_DI_ALL(1, AXIS_X & wStatus); if ( ( wStatus & 0x002 ) == 0x002 )
//get the status of limit+ sensor of X axis on module 1
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3.6 Reading and Clearing the ERROR Status z * *BYTE i8094H_GET_ERROR( BYTE cardNo)
This function checks whether an error occurs or not.
cardNo: Module number
YES: occured.
Please perform i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () to get more information. If GET_ERROR_CODE =256, it indicates that the motion stop was due to the “STOP” command, not because of an error happened. Please refer to 6.5.5
and the following example for clearing ERROR.
NO: No error.
If (i8094H_GET_ERROR(1) == YES)
//read module 1 and ERROR is found
WORD ErrorCode_X = i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE(1, AXIS_X);
WORD ErrorCode_Y = i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE(1, AXIS_Y);
WORD ErrorCode_Z = i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE(1, AXIS_Z);
WORD ErrorCode_U = i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE(1, AXIS_U); if ((ErrorCode_X || ErrorCode_Y || ErrorCode_Z || ErrorCode_U) == 256)
// It means that motion was stopped due to the stop command was issued, not because any error happened. Please take actions to clear the malfunction; then clear the STOP status.
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z * *WORD i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function reads the ERROR status.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis (Please refer to Table 2-1)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8).
0 Æ no error
For non-zero return values, please refer to the following table. If there are more than one error, the return value will be the sum of these error code values.
Error Code Cause of stop
Occurs when the forward software limit is asserted
Occurs when the reverse software limit is asserted
Occurs when the forward hardware limit is asserted
Occurs when the reverse hardware limit is asserted
Occurs when the ALARM is asserted
32 EMERGENCY Occurs when the EMG is asserted
64 Reserved Reserved
128 HOME Occurs when both Z phase and HOME are asserted
256 refer to 6.5.4
Occurs when the EMG(software) is asserted
For example, a return code 48 means that ALARM and EMGERENCY occur at the same time.
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3.7 Read RTC status z BYTE i8094H_CHECK_RTC( BYTE cardNo)
This function reads current RTC status.
cardNo: Module number
YES: The buffer is full is full
EXAMPLE: if (i8094H_CHECK_RTC(1) == YES)
//buffer is full
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4 FRnet Functions
4.1 Read FRnet DI Signals z * *WORD i8094H_FRNET_IN( BYTE cardNo, BYTE wSA)
This function reads the FRnet digital input signals. One group comprises 16 bits data. Therefore, total 128 DI can be defined for one FRnet interface.
cardNo: Module number number,
WORD 16-bit DI data. (0x0000 ~ 0xffff)
IN_Data = i8094H_ FRNET_IN(1, 8);
//Read the 16-bit DI which is on module 1 and the group number is 8.
4.2 Write data to FRnet DO z * *void i8094H_FRNET_OUT( BYTE cardNo, BYTE wRA, DWORD data)
This function write data to the FRnet digital output. One group comprises
16 bits data. Therefore, total 128 DO can be defined for one FRnet interface.
cardNo: Module number
wRA: Group number, range RA0~RA7
data: 0x00000000 ~ 0x0000ffff
Example: i8094H_ FRNET_OUT(1, 0, 0x0000ffff);
// on module 1, set group number RA=0, output data is 0x0000ffff
ICPDAS 47 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
5 Auto Homing Search
I-8094H module provides automatic home search function; after the configuration of proper settings, it would function automatically. The main steps are as bellows: z Near-home sensor searching(NHOME) under high-speed motion. z Home sensor searching under low-speed motion. z Servomotor Z-phase searching under low-speed motion. z Offset movement to the origin of the working area under high-speed motion.
A few steps could be skipped to adjust settings accordingly to meet customers’ actual needs. This operation could be performed automatically, therefore economize on CPU resource and reduce programming efforts.
5.1 Set Up Homing Speed z * void i8094H_SET_HV( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
This function sets the homing speed.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1) speed
EXAMPLE: i8094H_ SET_HV(1, AXIS_X, 500);
//set the homing speed of the X axis on module 1 to be 500 PPS.
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5.2 Using an Limit Switch as the HOME sensor z * void i8094H_HOME _LIMIT( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nType)
This function sets the Limit Switch to be used as the HOME sensor.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
nType: 0: The LIMIT SWITCH is as the HOME sensor;
1: Use the LIMIT SWITCH as the HOME sensor
//Do not use the Limit Switch as the HOME sensor.
5.3 Setting the Homing Mode z * void i8094H_SET_HOME_MODE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nStep1,
BYTE nStep2, BYTE nStep3, BYTE nStep4 , DWORD data)
This function sets the homing method and other related parameters.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
0: Step 1 will not be executed
1: Moves in the positive direction
2: Moves in the negative direction
0: Step 2 will not be executed
1: Moves in a positive direction
2: Moves in a negative direction
0: Step 3 will not be executed
1: Moves in the positive direction
ICPDAS 49 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
2: Moves in the negative direction
0: Step 4 will not be executed
1: Moves in the positive direction
2: Moves in the negative direction
data: Offset value (0 ~ +2,000,000,000)
The Four Steps Required for Automatic Homing
Searching for the Near Home sensor
Searching for the HOME sensor
Searching for the encoder Z-phase signal
Moves to the specified position
4 V
//Use the following functions to set the homing mode of the X axis. i8094H_SET_V(1, 0x1, 20000); i8094H _SET_HV(1, 0x1, 500); i8094H _SET_HOME_MODE(1, 0x1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3500); i8094H _HOME_START(1, 0x1); //start auto-homing. i8094H _WAIT_HOME(1, 0x1); //wait until homing is completed.
Input Signal
Near HOME (IN0) is active
HOME (IN1) is active
Z-phase (IN2) is active
No sensor is required. Move
3500 pulses along the X axis.
Direction Speed
- 20000 PPS (V)
- 500 PPS (HV)
+ 500 PPS (HV)
+ 20000 PPS (V)
ICPDAS 50 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
5.4 Starting the Homing Sequence z * void i8094H_HOME _START( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function starts the home search of assigned axes.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Example: i8094H_ HOME_START(1, AXIS_X);
//start the automatic homing sequence for the X axis on module 1.
5.5 Waiting for the Homing Sequence to be Completed z Please refer to section 6.5.3or 7.2.7. same as STOP_WAIT function
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6 Basic Motion Control
6.1 Independent Motion Control for each axis z Multiple axes could move at the same time. z The motion of each axis can be started independently. z Each axis is moving independently. z Each axis can receive commandeds to change motion, such as changing the number of pulses or the speed. z Each axis can receive commandeds to stop slowly or suddenly to meet the specific requirements. z Independent axis motion can work with interpolation or synchrous action to perform more complicated and versatile motion.
6.1.1 Setting the Acceleration/Deceleration Mode z * *void i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis , BYTE nMode)
The function sets the speed mode.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis (Please refer to Table 2-1)
0 Æ Symmetric T-curve (Please set SV, V, A, and AO)
1 Æ Symmetric S-curve (Please set SV, V, K, and AO)
2 Æ Asymmetric T-curve (Please set SV, V, A, D, and AO)
3 Æ Asymmetric S-curve (Please set SV, V, K, L, and AO)
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1. i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 20000);
//set the max speed of XYZU axes to be 20K PPS.
//======================================================== i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0);
//use a symmetric T-curve for all axes on module 1.
i8094H _SET_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the speed of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_A(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,1000);
//set the acceleration of all axes on module 1 to be 1000 PPS/Sec.
i8094H_SET_SV(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
ICPDAS 52 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
//set the start speed of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_AO(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 9);
//set the number of remaining offset pulses for all axes to be 9 pulses.
i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 10000);
//move all axes on module 1 to be 10000 pulses.
//======================================================== i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,1);
//use a symmetric S-curve for all axes on module 1.
i8094H_SET_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the speed of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_K(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 500);
//set the acceleration rate of all axes on module 1 to be 500 PPS/Sec^2.
i8094H_SET_SV(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 200);
//set the start speed of all axes on module 1 to be 200 PPS.
i8094H_SET_AO(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 9);
//set the number of remaining offset pulses to be 9 pulses for all axes.
i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, -10000);
//move all axes on module 1 to be 10000 pulses in reverse direction.
//======================================================== i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,2);
//use an asymmetric T-curve for all axes on module 1.
i8094H_SET_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the speed of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_A(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,1000 );
//set the acceleration of all axes on module 1 to be 1000 PPS/Sec.
i8094H_SET_D(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 500);
//set the deceleration of all axes on module 1 to be 500 PPS.
i8094H_SET_SV(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 200);
//set the start speed of all axes on module 1 to 200 PPS.
i8094H_SET_AO(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 9);
//set the number of remaining offset pulses to be 9 pulses for all axes.
i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(cardNo, axis, 10000);
//move all axes on module 1 to be 10000 pulses.
//======================================================== i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,3);
//use an asymmetric S-curve for all axes on module 1.
i8094H_SET_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the speed of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_K(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 500);
//set the acceleration rate of all axes on module 1 to be 500 PPS/Sec^2.
i8094H_SET_L(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 300);
//set the deceleration rate of all axes on module 1 to be 300 PPS/Sec^2.
i8094H_SET_SV(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 200);
//set the start speed of all axes on module 1 to be 200 PPS.
i8094H_SET_AO(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 9);
//set the number of remaining offset pulses to be 9 pulses for all axes.
i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 10000);
//move all axes on module 1 to be 10000 pulses.
Note: All relevant parameters must be modified accordingly to achieve the desired motion.
ICPDAS 53 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.1.2 Setting the Start Speed z * *void i8094H_SET_SV( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
This function sets the initial speed for the assigned axes.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
data: Set up speed(Please refer to 2.5 for maximm speed)PPS
Example: i8094H_SET_SV(1, AXIS_X, 1000);
//set the starting speed for the X axis on module 1 to 1000 PPS.
6.1.3 Setting the Desired Speed z * *void i8094H_SET_V( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
This function sets the desired speed for the assigned axes.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
data: Set up speed(Please refer to 2.5 for maximm speed)PPS
Example: i8094H_SET_V(1, AXIS_X, 120000L);
//set the speed for the X axis on module 1 to 120000 PPS.
ICPDAS 54 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.1.4 Setting the Acceleration z * *void i8094H_SET_A( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
This function sets the acceleration value for the assigned axes.
Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
The acceleration value (PPS/Sec). This value is related to the maximum speed value defined by i8094H_SET_MAX_V() function. The maximum available acceleration value is
MAX_V * 125 . The minimum acceleration value is MAX_V
64 , and all other acceleration values are the integral multipliers of this value. The practical value for application depends on the capability of the motor drive and motor.
Example: i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_X, 20000);
//set the minimum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 ÷ 64 = 312.5 × n ≒
//set the maximum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 PPS.
//therefore, do not set any acceleration value that is larger than
//20,000*125 PPS/sec. And 20,000 *125 = 2,500,000. i8094H_SET_A(1, AXIS_X, 100000L);
//set the acceleration value of the X axis on module 1 to 100K PPS/Sec.
ICPDAS 55 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.1.5 Setting the Deceleration z * *void i8094H_SET_D( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
This function sets the deceleration value for the assigned axes.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
data: The deceleration value. The units are PPS/Sec. This value is related to the maximum speed value defined by i8094H_SET_MAX_V() function. The maximum available deceleration value is MAX_V * 125 . The minimum deceleration value is MAX_V
64 , and all other deceleration values are the integral multipliers of this value.
The practical value for application depends on the capability of the motor drive and motor.
Example: i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_X, 20000);
//set the minimum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 ÷ 64 = 312.5 × n ≒
//set the maximum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 PPS.
//therefore, do not set any deceleration value that is larger than
//20,000*125 PPS/sec. And 20,000 *125 = 2,500,000.
i8094H_SET_D(1, AXIS_X, 100000L);
//set the deceleration value of the X axis on module 1 to 100K PPS/Sec.
ICPDAS 56 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.1.6 Setting the Acceleration Rate z * *void i8094H_SET_K( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
The function sets the acceleration rate (i.e., Jerk) value for the assigned axes.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
data: The acceleration rate (jerk) value (PPS/ Sec
) . This value is related to the maximum speed value defined by i8094H_SET_MAX_V() function. The maximum available acceleration rate value is MAX_V * 781.25
. The minimum acceleration value is MAX_V * 0.0119211
, and all other acceleration values are the integral multipliers of this value.
The practical value for application depends on the capability of the motor drive and motor. Note: since the
DWORD can not represent the maximum value; therefore, this value is given by dividing the desired value by 10.
Example: i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_X, 20000);
//set the minimum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 × 0.0119211 = 238.422
× n ≒ 238…476…
//set the maximum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 PPS.
//therefore, do not set any jerk value that is larger than
//20,000*781.25 PPS/sec^2. And 20,000 *781.25 = 15,625,000. i8094H_SET_K(1, AXIS_X, 10000);
//set the acceleration rate value of the X axis on module 1 to
//1,000*10 (= 10,000) PPS/Sec^2.
ICPDAS 57 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.1.7 Setting the Deceleration Rate z * *void i8094H_SET_L( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
This function sets the deceleration rate (i.e., Jerk) value for the assigned axes.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
data: The deceleration rate value. The units are PPS/Sec
2 . This value is related to the maximum speed value defined by i8094H_SET_MAX_V() function. The maximum available deceleration rate value is MAX_V * 781.25
. The minimum deceleration value is MAX_V * 0.0119211
, and all other deceleration values are the integral multipliers of this value.
The practical value for application depends on the capability of the motor drive and motor. Note: since the
DWORD can not represent the maximum value; therefore, this value is given by dividing the desired value by 10.
Example: i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_X, 20000);
//set the maximum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 PPS.
//therefore, do not set any deceleration rate value that is larger
//than 20,000*781.25 PPS/sec^2. And 20,000 *781.25 = 15,625,000. i8094H_SET_L(1, AXIS_X, 10000);
//set the acceleration rate value of the X axis on module 1 to
//1,000*10 (= 10,000) PPS/Sec^2.
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6.1.8 Setting the Value of the Remaining Offset Pulses z * *void i8094H_SET_AO( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, long data)
This function sets the number of remaining offset pulses for the assigned axes. Please refer to the figure below for a definition of the remaining offset pulse value.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
data: The number of remaining offset pulses. (-32,768 ~ +32,767)
Example: i8094H_SET_AO(1, AXIS_X, 200);
//set the number of remaining offset pulses for the X axis on
//module 1 to 200 pulses.
ICPDAS 59 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.1.9 Fixed Pulse Output z * *void i8094H_FIXED_MOVE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, long data)
Command a point-to-point motion for Fixed Position movement.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis (Please refer to Table 2-1.)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U.
data: Pulses
YES Some errors happen. Use i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () to identify the errors.
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1 i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 20000);
//set the max. velocity of all axes on module 1 to be 20K PPS i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0);
//set the speed profile of all axes on module 1 to be symmetric T-curve i8094H_SET_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the speed of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS i8094H_SET_A(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,1000);
//set the acceleration value of all axes on module 1 to be 1000 PPS/S i8094H_SET_SV(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the start velocity of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS i8094H_SET_AO(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 9);
//set the remaining offset pulses to be 9 PPS i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 10000);
// move 10000 Pulses for each axis on module 1
ICPDAS 60 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
z * *void i8094H_SET_PULSE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, DWORD data)
This command enables to make a change of pulse during outputing fixed pulses on each axis (but not for change of the direction).
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis (Please refer to Table 2-1.)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U.
data: Pulses
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1 i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 20000);
//set the max velocity of all axes on module 1 to be 20K PPS i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0);
//set the speed profile of all axes on module 1 to be symmetric T-curve i8094H_SET_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the speed of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS i8094H_SET_A(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,1000);
//set the acceleration value of all axes on module 1 to be 1000 PPS/S i8094H_SET_SV(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the start velocity of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS i8094H_SET_AO(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 9);
//set the remaining offset pulses to be 9 PPS i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 10000);
// move 10000 Pulses for each axis on module 1 i8094H_SET_PULSE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 9000);
//Set pulse as 9000 Pulse 。
ICPDAS 61 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.1.10 Continuous Pulse Output z * *void i8094H_CONTINUE_MOVE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, long data)
This function is continuous motion command for several independent axes.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U.
data: The specified speed (positive value for CW motion; negative value for CCW motion)
YES An error has occurred.
Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE() function to identify the errors.
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1 i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 20000);
//set the maximum speed of all axes on module 1 to 20K PPS. i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0);
//set the speed profile for all axes as a symmetric T-curve.
i8094H_SET_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the speed of all axes on module 1 to 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_A(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 1000);
//set the acceleration value of all axes to 1000 PPS/S.
i8094H_SET_SV(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the start velocity of all axes to 2000 PPS i8094H_CONTINUE_MOVE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 1000);
//move all axes on module 1 at a speed of 1000 PPS.
ICPDAS 62 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2 Interpolation Commands
6.2.1 Assigning the Axes for Interpolation z * *void i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2,
BYTE axis3)
This function assigns the axes to be used for interpolation. Either two or three axes can be assigned by using this function. Interpolation commands will refer to the assigned axes to construct a working coordinate system. The X axis does not necessarily have to be the first axis. However, it is easier to use the X axis as the first axis, the Y axis as the second axis, and the Z axis as the third axis.
cardNo: Module number
axis1: The first axis; can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
Please refer to Table 2-1 for the axis definition.
axis2: The second axis; can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
axis3: The third axis; can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) . Without
3rd axis the value is 0.
//set the X axis of module 1 as the first axis and the Y axis as the second axis.
ICPDAS 63 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.2 Setting the Speed and Acc/Dec Mode for Interpolation z * *void i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED( BYTE cardNo, BYTE nMode)
This function sets vector acceleration or deceleration mode.
cardNo: Module number
nMode: 0 Æ 2-axis linear or circular motion at a constant vector speed
(Set VV and VSV; and VV=VSV)
1 Æ 2-axis linear motion using a symmetric T-curve velocity profile (set VSV, VV, VA, and VAO)
2 Æ 2-axis linear motion using a symmetric S-curve velocity profile(set VSV, VV, VK, and VAO)
3 Æ 2-axis linear motion using an asymmetric T-curve velocity profile (set VSV, VV, VA, VD, and VAO)
4 Æ 2-axis linear motion using an asymmetric S-curve velocity profile (set VSV, VV, VK, VL, and VAO)
5 Æ 2-axis circular motion using a symmetric T-curve velocity profile (set VSV, VV, VA, and VAO)
6 Æ 2-axis circular motion using an asymmetric T-curve velocity profile (set VSV, VV, VA, VD, and VAO)
7 Æ 3-axis linear motion at a constant vector speed
(set VV and VSV; and VV=VSV)
8 Æ 3-axis linear motion at using a symmetric T-curve velocity profile (set VSV, VV, VA, and VAO)
9 Æ 3-axis linear motion using a symmetric S-curve velocity profile (set VSV, VV, VK, and VAO)
10 Æ 3-axis linear motion using an asymmetric T-curve velocity profile (set VSV, VV, VA, VD, and VAO)
11 Æ 3-axis linear motion using an asymmetric S-curve velocity profile (set VSV, VV, VK, VL, and VAO)
ICPDAS 64 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1. i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 20000);
//set the maximum speed of all axes to 20K PPS.
//=============================================== i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 0);
//set the X axis as the first axis and the Y axis as the second axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 0);
//set module 1 to perform 2-axis linear or circular motion
//at a constant vector speed. i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, 1000);
//set the starting vector speed to 1000 PPS.
//set the vector speed to 1000 PPS.
i8094H_LINE_2D(1, 12000, 10000);
//execute the 2-axis linear interpolation motion.
//=============================================== i8094H_DEC_ENABLE(cardNo);
//enable the deceleration function.
i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 0);
//set the X axis as the first axis and the Y axis as the second axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 1);
//set module 1 to perform 2-axis linear motion using a symmetric
//S-curve velocity profile. i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, 500);
//set the starting vector speed to 500 PPS.
i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, 2000);
//set the vector speed to 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_VA(cardNo, 1000);
//set the vector acceleration to 1000 PPS/Sec.
i8094H_LINE_2D(cardNo, 20000, 10000);
//execute the 2-axis linear interpolation motion.
//=============================================== i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 0);
//set the X axis as the first axis and the Y axis as the second axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 2);
//2-axis linear motion using a symmetric S-curve velocity profile. i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, 200);
//set the starting vector speed to 200 PPS.
i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, 2000);
//set the vector speed to 2000 PPS. i8094H_SET_VK(cardNo, 50);
//set the acceleration rate to 500 PPS/Sec.
i8094H_SET_VAO(cardNo, 20);
//set the value of remaining offset pulses to 20. i8094H_LINE_2D(cardNo, 10000, 10000);
//execute the 2-axis linear interpolation motion.
ICPDAS 65 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
//=============================================== i8094H_DEC_ENABLE(cardNo);
//enable the deceleration function.
i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 0);
//set the X axis as the first axis and the Y axis as the second axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 3);
//2-axis linear motion using an asymmetric T-curve velocity profile. i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, 100);
//set the start vector speed to 100 PPS.
i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, 2000);
//set the vector speed to 2000 PPS. i8094H_SET_VA(cardNo, 1000);
//set the vector acceleration to 1000 PPS/Sec. i8094H_SET_VD(cardNo, 500);
//set the vector deceleration to 500 PPS/Sec. i8094H_SET_VAO(cardNo, 20);
//set the value of remaining offset pulses to 20. i8094H_LINE_2D(cardNo, 10000, 5000);
//execute the 2-axis linear interpolation motion.
//=============================================== long fp1=4000; long fp2=10000; int sv=200; int v=2000; i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 8000); i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 0);
//set the X axis as the first axis and the Y axis as the second axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 4);
//2-axis linear motion using an asymmetric S-curve velocity profile. i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, sv);
//set the starting velocity to sv PPS. i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, v);
//set the vector speed to v PPS. i8094H_SET_VK(cardNo, 50);
//set the acceleration rate to 500 PPS/Sec^2. i8094H_SET_VL(cardNo, 30);
//set the deceleration rate to 300 PPS/Sec^2. i8094H_SET_VAO(cardNo, 20);
//set the value of remaining offset pulses to 20. i8094H_LINE_2D(cardNo, fp1, fp2);
//execute the 2-axis linear motion.
//=============================================== long fp1=11000; long fp2=9000; long c1=10000; long c2=0; int sv=100; int v=3000; int a=5000;
ICPDAS 66 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
int d=5000; i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 8000); i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 0);
//set the X axis as the first axis and the Y axis as the second axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 5);
//2-axis circular motion using a symmetric T-curve velocity profile i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, sv);
//set the starting vector speed to sv PPS. i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, v);
//set vector speed to v PPS. i8094H_SET_VA(cardNo, a);
//set the vector acceleration to a PPS/Sec. i8094H_SET_VAO(cardNo, 0);
//set the value of remaining offset pulses to 0 Pulse. i8094H_ARC_CW(cardNo, c1,c2, fp1, fp2);
//execute the 2-axis CW circular motion.
//=============================================== long c1=300; long c2=0; int sv=100; int v=3000; int a=125; int d=12; i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 8000); i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 0);
//set the X axis as the first axis and the Y axis as the second axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 6);
// 2-axis circular motion using an asymmetric T-curve velocity
i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, sv);
//set the starting vector speed to sv PPS. i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, v);
//set vector speed to v PPS. i8094H_SET_VA(cardNo, a);
//set acceleration to a PPS/Sec. i8094H_SET_VD(cardNo, d);
//set the deceleration to d PPS/Sec. i8094H_SET_VAO(cardNo, 0);
//set the value of remaining offset pulses to 0. i8094H_CIRCLE_CW(cardNo, c1, c2);
//execute the 2-axis CW circular motion.
//=============================================== i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z);
//set axis1 as the X axis, axis2 as the Y axis, and axis3 as the Z axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 7);
//3-axis linear motion at a constant vector speed (VSV=VV). i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, 1000);
//set the start speed to 1000 PPS. i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, 1000);
ICPDAS 67 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
//set the constant speed to 1000 PPS. i8094H_LINE_3D(cardNo, 10000, 10000,10000);
//execute the 3-axis linear motion.
//=============================================== i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z);
//set axis1 as the X axis, axis2 as the Y axis, and axis3 as the Z-axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 8);
// 3-axis linear motion using a symmetric T-curve velocity profile.
i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, 100);
//set the starting speed to 1000 PPS. i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, 3000);
//set the vector speed to 3000 PPS. i8094H_SET_VA(cardNo, 500);
//set the vector acceleration to 500 PPS/Sec. i8094H_SET_VAO(cardNo, 20);
//set the value of remaining offset pulses to 20. i8094H_LINE_3D(cardNo, 10000, 1000,20000);
//execute the 3-axis linear motion
//=============================================== i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z);
//set the axis1 as the X axis, axis2 as the Y axis, and axis3 as the Z axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 9);
//3-axis linear motion using a symmetric S-curve velocity profile. i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, 100);
//set the starting speed to 1000 PPS. i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, 3000);
//set the vector speed to 3000 PPS. i8094H_SET_VK(cardNo, 50);
//set the vector acceleration rate to 500 PPS/Sec^2. i8094H_SET_VAO(cardNo, 20);
//set the value of remaining offset pulses to 20. i8094H_LINE_3D(cardNo, 10000, 1000,1000);
//execute the 3-axis linear motion.
//=============================================== i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z);
//set the axis1 as the X axis, axis2 as the Y axis, and axis3 as the Z axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 10);
//set the module 1 to perform 3-axis linear motion
//using an asymmetric T-curve speed profile. i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, 100);
//set the starting speed to 1000 PPS. i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, 2000);
//set the vector speed as 3000 PPS. i8094H_SET_VA(cardNo, 1000);
//set the vector acceleration to 1000 PPS/Sec. i8094H_SET_VD(cardNo, 500);
//set the vector deceleration to 500 PPS/Sec. i8094H_SET_VAO(cardNo, 20);
ICPDAS 68 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
//set the value of remaining offset pulses to 20. i8094H_LINE_3D(cardNo, 10000, 1000,1000);
//execute the 3-axis linear motion.
//=============================================== long fp1=4000; long fp2=10000; long fp3=20000; int sv=200; int v=2000; i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 8000); i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z);
//set axis1 as the X axis, axis2 as the Y axis, and axis3 as the Z axis. i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 11);
//3-axis linear motion using an asymmetric S-curve velocity profile. i8094H_SET_VSV(cardNo, sv);
//set the starting speed to sv PPS. i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, v);
//set the vector speed to v PPS. i8094H_SET_VK(cardNo, 50);
//set the vector acceleration rate to 500 PPS/Sec^2. i8094H_SET_VL(cardNo, 30);
//set the vector deceleration rate to 300 PPS/Sec^2. i8094H_SET_VAO(cardNo, 20);
//set the value of remaining offset pulses to 20. i8094H_LINE_3D(cardNo, fp1, fp2,fp3);
//execute the 3-axis linear motion.
Note: Relevant parameters will be adjusted accordingly before issuing the motion command.
ICPDAS 69 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.3 Setting the Vector Starting Speed z * *void i8094H_SET_VSV( BYTE cardNo, DWORD data)
This function sets the starting speed of the principle axis (axis 1) for the interpolation motion.
cardNo: Module number
data: The vector starting speed value (in PPS) (For maximum value please refer to Table 2-5)
Example: i8094H_SET_VSV(1, 1000);
//set the starting speed of the axis 1 for the interpolation motion
//on module 1 to 1000 PPS.
6.2.4 Setting the Vector Speed z * *void i8094H_SET_VV( BYTE cardNo, DWORD data)
This function sets the vector speed of the interpolation motion. Users do not need to assign any axes on this function. The speed setting will take effect on the current working coordinate system which is defined by the i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN() function.
cardNo: Module number
data: The vector speed value (in PPS) (For maximum value please refer to Table 2-5)
Example: i8094H_SET_VV(1, 120000L);
//set the vector speed of the interpolation on module 1
//to 120000 PPS.
ICPDAS 70 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.5 Setting the Vector Acceleration z * *void i8094H_SET_VA( BYTE cardNo, DWORD data)
This function sets the vector acceleration for interpolation motion. Users do not have to assign any axes on this funciton. This speed setting will take effect on the current working coordinate system which is defined by the i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN() function.
cardNo: Module number
data: The vector acceleration value (in PPS/Sec). The units are
PPS/Sec. This value is related to the maximum speed value defined by i8094H_SET_MAX_V() function. The maximum available acceleration value is MAX_V * 125 . The minimum acceleration value is MAX_V
64 , and all other acceleration values are the integral multipliers of this value.
The practical value for application depends on the capability of the motor drive and motor.
Example: i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_X, 20000);
//set the maximum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 PPS.
//therefore, do not set any acceleration value that is larger than
//20,000*125 PPS/sec. And 20,000 *125 = 2,500,000.
i8094H_SET_VA(1, 100000L);
//set the vector acceleration of the interpolation motion
//on module 1 to 100K PPS/Sec.
ICPDAS 71 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.6 Setting the Vector Deceleration Value z * *void i8094H_SET_VD( BYTE cardNo, DWORD data)
This function sets the deceleration value for the interpolation motion.
cardNo: Module number
data: The vector deceleration value (in PPS/Sec)(Please refer to
Table 2.5). This value is related to the maximum speed value defined by i8094H_SET_MAX_V() function. The maximum available deceleration value is MAX_V * 125 . The minimum deceleration value is MAX_V
64 , and all other deceleration values are the integral multipliers of this value.
The practical value for application depends on the capability of the motor drive and motor.
Example: i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_X, 20000);
//set the maximum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 PPS.
//therefore, do not set any deceleration value that is larger than
//20,000*125 PPS/sec. And 20,000 *125 = 2,500,000. i8094H_SET_VD(1, 100000L);
//set the vector deceleration value of interpolation motion
//on module 1 to 100K PPS/Sec.
ICPDAS 72 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.7 Setting the Vector Acceleration Rate z * *void i8094H_SET_VK( BYTE cardNo, DWORD data)
Set the acceleration rate (jerk) value for interpolation motion.
cardNo: Module number
data: The acceleration rate (jerk) value (PPS/ Sec
(Please refer to
Table 2.5). This value is related to the maximum speed value defined by i8094H_SET_MAX_V() function. The maximum available acceleration rate value is MAX_V * 781.25
. The minimum acceleration value is MAX_V * 0.0119211
, and all other acceleration values are the integral multipliers of this value.
The practical value for application depends on the capability of the motor drive and motor. Note: since the DWORD can not represent the maximum value; therefore, this value is given by dividing the desired value by 10.
Example: i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_X, 20000);
//set the maximum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 PPS.
//therefore, do not set any jerk value that is larger than
//20,000*781.25 PPS/sec^2. And 20,000 *781.25 = 15,625,000. i8094H_SET_VK(1, 10000);
//set the acceleration rate of the interpolation motion on module
// 1 to 10,000 PPS/ Sec^2.
ICPDAS 73 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.8 Setting the Vector Deceleration Rate z * *void i8094H_SET_VL( BYTE cardNo, DWORD data)
This function sets the deceleration rate of the interpolation motion.
cardNo: Module number
data: The deceleration rate (Jerk) value (PPS/ Sec
) (Please refer to
Table 2.5). This value is related to the maximum speed value defined by i8094H_SET_MAX_V() function. The maximum available deceleration rate value is MAX_V *
. The minimum deceleration value is MAX_V *
, and all other deceleration values are the integral multipliers of this value. The practical value for application depends on the capability of the motor drive and motor.
Note: since the DWORD can not represent the maximum value; therefore, this value is given by dividing the desired value by 10.
Example: i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_X, 20000);
//set the maximum speed value of the X axis as 20,000 PPS.
//therefore, do not set any deceleration rate value that is larger
//than 20,000*781.25 PPS/sec^2. And 20,000 *781.25 = 15,625,000. i8094H_SET_VL(1, 10000);
//set the deceleration rate of the interpolation on module 1 to 10,000
ICPDAS 74 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.9 Setting the Number of the Remaining Offset Pulses z * *void i8094H_SET_VAO( BYTE cardNo, long data)
Setting this value will cause the motion control chip to start deceleration earlier. The remaining offset pulses will be completed at low speed to allow the controller to stop immediately when it reaches the offset pulse value. Please refer to the figure below for more information.
cardNo: Module number
data: The number of remaining offset pulses (-32,768 ~ +32,767)
Example: i8094H_SET_VAO(1, 200);
//set the number of remaining offset pulse value on module 1 to 200.
ICPDAS 75 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.10 2-Axis Linear Interpolation Motion z * *void i8094H_LINE_2D( BYTE cardNo, long fp1, long fp2)
This function executes a 2-axis linear interpolation motion.
cardNo: Module number
fp1: The displacement of the axis 1 in Pulses
(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
fp2: The displacement of the axis 2 in Pulses
(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
YES An error has occurred.
Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE() function to identify the error.
Example: i8094H_LINE_2D(1, 12000, 10000);
//execute the 2-axis linear interpolation motion on module 1.
2-axis linear interpolation motion
ICPDAS 76 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.11 3-axis Linear Interpolation Motion z * *void i8094H_LINE_3D( BYTE cardNo, long fp1, long fp2, long fp3)
This function executes a 3-axis linear interpolation motion.
cardNo: Module number
fp1: The displacement of the first axis (axis 1) in Pulses
(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
fp2: The displacement of the second axis (axis 2) in Pulses
(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
YES An error has occurred.
Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE() function to identify the error.
Example: i8094H_LINE_3D(1, 10000, 10000, 10000);
//execute the 3-axis linear interpolation motion on module 1.
3-axis linear interpolation motion
ICPDAS 77 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.12 2-Axis Circular Interpolation Motion (an Arc) z * *void i8094H_ARC_CW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2, long fp1, long fp2)
This function executes a 2-axis circular interpolation motion in a clockwise
(CW) direction.
cardNo: Module number
cp1: The relative position of the center to the current position
cp2: of axis 1 in pulses. (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
The relative position of the center to the current position of axis 2 in pulses. (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
YES An error has occurred.
Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () function to identify the error.
Example: i8094H_ARC_CW(1, -5000, -5000, -10000, -10000);
//Issues a command to perform a circular motion (an arc)
//in a CW direction. Please refer to the following figure.
2-axis circular motion in a CW direction
ICPDAS 78 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
z * *void i8094H_ARC_CCW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2, long fp1, long fp2)
This function execute a 2-axis circular interpolation motion in a counter-clockwise (CCW) direction.
cardNo: Module number
cp1: The relative position of the center to the current position
cp2: of axis 1 in pulses. (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
The relative position of the center to the current position of axis 2 in pulses. (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
YES An error has occurred.
Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE() function to identify the errors.
Example: i8094H_ARC_CCW(1, -5000, -5000, -10000, -10000);
//Issues a command to perform a circular motion (an arc)
//in a CCW direction. Please refer to the following figure.
2-axis circular motion in a CCW direction
ICPDAS 79 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.2.13 2-Axis Circular Interpolation Motion ( a Complete Circle
) z * *void i8094H_CIRCLE_CW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2)
This function executes a 2-axis circular interpolation motion in a clockwise
(CW) direction.
cardNo: Module number
cp1: The relative position of the center to the current position
cp2: of axis 1 in pulses. (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
The relative position of the center to the current position of axis 2 in pulses. (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
YES An error has occurred.
Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE() function to identify the errors.
Example: i8094H_CIRCLE_CW(1, 0, 10000);
//execute a circular motion (a complete circle) in a CW direction on module 1. z * *void i8094H_CIRCLE_CCW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2)
This function executes a 2-axis circular interpolation motion in a counter-clockwise (CCW) direction.
cardNo: Module number
cp1: The relative position of the center to the current position
cp2: of axis 1 in pulses. (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
The relative position of the center to the current position of axis 2 in pulses. (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
YES An error has occurred.
Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () function to identify the error.
Example: i8094H_CIRCLE_CCW(1, 0, 10000);
//execute a circular motion (a circle) in CCW direction
//on module 1
ICPDAS 80 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.3 Synchronous Actions
6.3.1 Setting the Synchronous Action z * *void i8094H_SYNC_ACTION(
BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2, DWORD nSYNC,
BYTE nINT, BYTE isrNoX, BYTE isrNoY, BYTE isrNoZ, BYTE isrNoU)
This function sets the activation factors for synchronous action.
(It’s total-hardware-solution, will not consume any WinCon or I8000 system resources)
cardNo: Module number
axis1: This is the monitored axis. It will be checked by hardware.
The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8) . (Please refer to Table 2-1.)
axis2: This defined the other axes (or axis) that will take action when one of the activation factors occurs. The axes are defined in the following table. axis1 axis2
If axis2 is set as 0, it means the synchronous actions axis and moving axis are the same axis.
ICPDAS 81 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
nSYNC: It defines the activation factors. Multiple activation factors can be defined at the same time. Available active factors are listed in the following table.
Value Event Explanation
0x0000 Disable the synchronous action
0x0001 P
The logical/real position counter value exceeded the
COMP+ register value.
Use the i8094H_SET_COMPARE() function for selection of a logical/real position(6.3.2).
The logical/real position counter value became less
0x0002 P<C+ than the COMP+ register value.
Use the i8094H_SET_COMPARE() function for selection of a logical/real position(6.3.2).
The logical/real position counter value became less
0x0004 P<C- than the COMP- register value.
Use the i8094H_SET_COMPARE() function for selection of a logical/real position(6.3.2).
The logical/real position counter value exceeded
0x0008 P
C- the COMP- register value.
Use the i8094H_SET_COMPARE() function for selection of a logical/real position(6.3.2).
0x0040 IN3
0x0080 IN3
The nIN3 signal rose from the Low to the High level.
The nIN3 signal fell from the High to the Low level.
nDRV: It defines the actions that are related with axial driving.
Available actions are listed in the following table. Only one driving action can be chosen.
Value Symbol Explanation
0 Disable driving action.
Activates fixed pulse driving in the + direction. It must set the nPRESET value to be “ OPSET ” which indicates that i8094H_SET_PRESET() function will companion function, i8094H_SET_PRESET(), is necessary. However, this command does not take effect if the assigned axes, axis2, are moving.
Activates fixed pulse driving in the - direction. It must set the nPRESET value to be “ OPSET ” which indicates that i8094H_SET_PRESET() function will companion function, i8094H_SET_PRESET(), is necessary. However, this command does not take effect if the assigned axes, axis2, are moving.
Activates continuous pulse driving in the +
3 CDRV+ direction. However, this command does not take
ICPDAS 82 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
effect if the assigned axes, axis2, are moving.
Activates continuous pulse driving in the - direction.
6 assigned axes, axis2, are moving.
SSTOP Stop driving in deceleration.
ISTOP Stop driving immediately.
nLATCH: It defines the actions that is related of latching position.
Available actions are listed in the following table. Only one of these actions can be chosen.
Value Symbol
Disable position latch function.
Saves the current logical position counter value (LP)
Saves the current real position counter value (EP) in
After the event is occoured, the i8094H_GET_LATCH() function can be use to get the latched value.
nPRESET: It defines the actions that is related of latching position.
Available actions are listed in the following table. Only one of these actions can be chosen.
Value Symbol
Disable setting function.
Indicates that a new value for the logical position
( LP ) will be set. The new value will be set by
1 LPSET i8094H_SET_PRESET() function.
Indicates that a new value for the real position ( EP ) will be set. The new value will be set by
2 EPSET i8094H_SET_PRESET() function.
Indicates that a new offset value ( P ) for the fixed pulse driving will be set. The new value will be set by
3 OPSET i8094H_SET_PRESET() function.
Indicates that a new speed value ( V ) will be set. The new value will be set by i8094H_SET_PRESET()
4 VLSET function.
Must be used with i8094H_SET_PRESET together, please refer to section
ICPDAS 83 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
nOUT: setting trigger output, as the following table
Value Symbol Explanation
0 Disable trigger output
1 OUT Enable trigger output
Must be used with i8094H_SET_OUT together, please refer to section 6.3.5.
nINT: setting interrupt function, as the following table :
Value Symbol Explanation
0 Disable interrupt function
1 INT Enable interrupt function
1. It will generate a interrupt for the synchronous action of axis2, please write the corresponding number: isrNoX 、 isrNoY 、 isrNoZ 、 isrNoU
Must be used with i8094H_ENABLE_INT together, please refer to section
isrNoX: ISR1 ~ ISR20 : Specify the interrupt number of X-axis, please refer to the section 7.2.1.
0 : disable
isrNoY: ISR1 ~ ISR20 : Specify the interrupt number of Y-axis, please refer to the section 7.2.1.
0 : disable
isrNoZ: ISR1 ~ ISR20 : Specify the interrupt number of Z-axis, please refer to the section 7.2.1.
0 : disable
isrNoU: ISR1 ~ ISR20 : Specify the interrupt number of U-axis, please refer to the section 7.2.1.
0 : disable
Return: None
ICPDAS 84 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
//Ex1. When the rising edge event of IN3 signal of U-axis occurred,
// the real position (EP) is latched and the driving speed of U-axis is changed, too. i8094H_SYNC_ACTION(cardNo, AXIS_U, 0, 0X00000040, 0, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0);
//Set the maximum speed of U-axis to 5K PPS.
//Set the Acc/Dec mode to be symmetric T-curve.
//Set the speed of U-axis to 2000 PPS.
//Set the acceleration of U-axis to 100K PPS/S.
//Set the start speed of U-axis to 100 PPS.
i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(cardNo, AXIS_U, 10000);
//Set the fixed pulse moving command to 10000 Pulses.
//Set the new speed of U-axis after even activation to 100 PPS.
while (i8094H_STOP_WAIT(cardNo, AXIS_U) == NO)
{ //If the U-axis of the assigned card is not stop, keep looping
//After the event occurred, following line can get latched position. long Vsb = i8094H_GET_LATCH(cardNo, AXIS_U);
//Ex2. When the EP value of U-axis exceeds COMP+ (5,000),
//controller will move the Y-axis by 2,000 PPS.
i8094H_SYNC_ACTION(cardNo, AXIS_U, 2, 0X0001, 1, 0, 3);
//Set the COMP+ of U-axis 5,000 and te compared source is real position (EP).
//Set the maximum speed of axesY and U to 9K PPS.
//Set the Acc/Dec mode to be symmetric T-curve.
//Set the speed of axes Y and U to 3,000 PPS.
//Set the acceleration of axes Y and U to 200K PPS/S.
//Set the start speed of axes Y and U to 200 PPS.
i8094H_SET_PRESET(cardNo, AXIS_Y, 2000);
//Set the fixed pulse drive of Y-axis to be 2,000 PPS when the activating
//event occurs.
i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(cardNo, AXIS_U, 10000);
//Command the U-axis to move 10,000 Pulses and the synchronous action
//will happen after a while.
ICPDAS 85 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.3.2 Setting the COMPARE value z * *void i8094H_SET_COMPARE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nSELECT,
BYTE nTYPE, long data)
This function sets the values of COMPARE registers. Howerer, it will disable the functions of software limits.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
nSELECT: Select the COMPARE register
0 Æ C+
1 Æ C-
nTYPE: Select the souece for comparison
0 Æ Position(P) = LP
1 Æ Position(P) = EP
data: Set the COMPARE value: -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000
Example: i8094H_SET_COMPARE(cardNo, AXIS_U, 0, 1, 5000);
//Set the comparison function for U-Axis.
//Set the compared source to be EP; and the COMP+ value to 5000.
ICPDAS 86 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.3.3 Get the LATCH value z * *long i8094H_GET_LATCH( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function gets the values from the LATCH register.
cardNo: Module number
axis: The axis can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 or 2 or 4 or 8) . Please refer to Table 2-1.
Value of the LATCH register: -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000
Example: long data = i8094H_GET_LATCH(1, AXIS_Y);
//Get the latched value which is from Y-axis of card 1.
6.3.4 Set the PRESET data for synchronous action z * *void i8094H_SET_PRESET( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, long data)
This function sets the PRESET value for synchronous action(Each synchronous action axis could not be set individually.
cardNo: Module number
data: LP:
EP: -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000
P : -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000
V : Please refer to section 2.5. If there are more than two synchronous action axes, please set i8094H_SET_MAX_V to be same value.
Please refer to the examples in section 6.3.1.
ICPDAS 87 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.3.5 Set the Output Data z * *void i8094H_SET_OUT( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE outEdge ,
BYTE PulseWidth )
This function sets the output pulse settings.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or Axes (Please refer to Table 2-1 for the axis definition.), currently only support Axes X & Y.
outEdge: trigger OUT active logic:
0 = low active; 1 = high active
PulseWidth: trigger OUT output pulse width
0 = 10 uSec
1 = 20 uSec
2 = 100
3 = 200
4 = 1,000 uSec
5 = 2,000 uSec
6 = 10,000 uSec
7 = 20,000 uSec
Please refer to the examples in section 6.3.1.
ICPDAS 88 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.3.6 The interrupt function of i8094H z * void i8094H_ENABLE_INT( BYTE cardNo)
Description: This function enables the interrupt function.
cardNo: Module number
Example: i8094H _ENABLE_INT(1);
//Enable the interrupt function for module 1. z * void i8094H_DISABLE_INT( BYTE cardNo)
Description: This function disables the interrupt function.
cardNo: Module number
Example: i8094H_DISABLE_INT(1);
//Disable the interrupt function for module 1.
ICPDAS 89 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
z * *void i8094H_INTFACTOR_ENABLE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nINT,
BYTE isrNo)
Description: This function sets the condition factor of interrupt.
Paramenters: cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or Axes (Please refer to Table 2-1 for the axis definition.).
nINT: condition factors of interrupt, please refer to the following table
Number Symbol Description
Interrupt occurs when the value of logical / real position
1 P>=C- counter is larger than or equal to that of COMP- register.)
Interrupt occurs when the value of logical / real position
2 P<C- counter is smaller than that of COMP- register.
Interrupt occurs when the value of logical / real position
3 P<C+ counter is smaller than that of COMP+ register.
Interrupt occurs when the value of logical / real position
4 P>=C+ than or equal to that of COMP+ register.
Interrupt occurs at the end of the constant speed drive or
5 C-END completion of Acceleration Offset Pulse output.
Interrupt occurs at the start of the constant speed drive or
6 C-STA begin of Acceleration Offset Pulse output.
isrNo: ISR1 ~ ISR20 : Specify the number of interrupt service,please refer to section (7.2.1)
Return: None
Example: i8094H_SET_COMPARE(0, AXIS_X, 0, 0, 5000); i8094H_SET_COMPARE(0, AXIS_Y, 0, 0, 10000); i8094H_SET_LP(0, AXIS_XY, 0); i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(0, AXIS_XY, 0);
//Set the Acc/Dec mode to be symmetric T-curve.
//Set the speed of axes X and Y to 5,000 PPS.
//Set the acceleration of axes X and Y to 10K PPS/S.
//Set the start speed of axes X and Y to 200 PPS.
//set the number of remaining offset pulses for the X and Y axis on
ICPDAS 90 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
loop: if (i8094H_STOP_WAIT(0, AXIS_XY) == NO) goto loop;
Note: Cann’t be used with software limit at the same time z * *void i8094H_INTFACTOR_DISABLE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE nINT)
Description: This function disables the condition factor of interrupt.
Paramenters: cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or Axes (Please refer to Table 2-1 for the axis definition.).
nINT: condition factors of interrupt, please refer to the following table
Number Symbol Description
Interrupt occurs when the value of logical / real position
1 P>=C- counter is larger than or equal to that of COMP- register.)
Interrupt occurs when the value of logical / real position
2 P<C- counter is smaller than that of COMP- register.
Interrupt occurs when the value of logical / real position
3 P>=C+ counter is smaller than that of COMP+ register.
Interrupt occurs when the value of logical / real position
4 P<C+ than or equal to that of COMP+ register.
Interrupt occurs at the end of the constant speed drive or
5 C-END completion of Acceleration Offset Pulse output.
Interrupt occurs at the start of the constant speed drive or
6 C-STA begin of Acceleration Offset Pulse output.
Return: None
// Disable the factors of Module 1
ICPDAS 91 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.3.7 The Interrupt of i-8094H for controller system z BYTE i8094H_ENABLE_RINT( BYTE cardNo)
Description: this function enables the interrupt function of i-8094H for controller system.
Paramemters: cardNo: Module number
1 : success
Example: i8094H _ENABLE_RINT(1);
//Enable the 1th interrupt function of i-8094H for controller system z void i8094H_DISABLE_RINT( BYTE cardNo)
Description: this function disables the interrupt function of i-8094H for controller system.
Paramemters: cardNo: Module number
1 : success
Example: i8094H _DISABLE_RINT(1);
//Disable the 1th interrupt function of i-8094H for controller system
ICPDAS 92 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
z BYTE i8094H_RINT_WAIT( BYTE cardNo, BYTE waitNo, DWORD TimeOut)
Description: Waiting for returning interrupt status number.
Paramemters: cardNo: Module number waitNo : sets the condition factors, multiple-choice is allowed, as the following table
Number Description
0x01 Line Scan finished , ( please refer to the section 6.4.8)
Macro Program finished.
(please refer to section
User defined RINT finished.
( please refer to section
7.2.8) being interrupted when execute a continuous interpolation.
Axes Error , (please use with the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE in section 3.6
, )
Module Error , (please use when reset module, please refer to section 2.3)
Example: Choose Axes Error and Module Error (0x40 + 0x80 = 0xC0 )
TimeOut : unit: ms. “0”=disable Time Out
Value( not zero) : receive the number of interrupt status.
BYTE irec = i8094H_ENABLE_RINT(CardNo);
//Please write the following code in Thread Function 。 irec = i8094H_RINT_WAIT(CardNo, 0xc8, 0); switch (irec)
{ case 0x08: AfxMessageBox(
TEXT("check Interrupt event is Finished (waitNo : 0x08)"), MB_OK, -1 ); break ; case 0x40: AfxMessageBox(
TEXT("check Interrupt event is Finished (waitNo : 0x40)"), MB_OK, -1 ); break ; case 0x80: AfxMessageBox(
TEXT("check Interrupt event is Finished (waitNo : 0x80)"), MB_OK, -1 ); break ; default : break ;
ICPDAS 93 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.4 Continuous Interpolation
6.4.1 2-Axis Rectangular Motion z * void i8094H_RECTANGLE(
BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2,
BYTE nAcc, BYTE Sp, BYTE nDir, long Lp, long Wp, long Rp,
Continuous interpolation will be performed to create a rectangular motion, which is formed by 4 lines and 4 arcs. The length of each side can be changed.
The radius of each arc is the same and it can also be changed. The deceleration point will be calculated automatically. This is a command macro command that appears in various motion applications. (It will not consume any WinCon system resources)
cardNo: Module number
axis1: The first axis (axis 1). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
axs2: The second (axis 2). Please refer to Table 2-1.
The first axis and It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
nAcc: 0 constant vector speed interpolation mode
1 Æ symmetric T-curve Acc/Dec interpolation mode
Sp: Start point 0 ~ 7. (Sp0 ~ Sp7 are defined in the following
nDir: Direction movement
0: CCW; 1: CW
Rp: Radius of each in pulses (1 ~ 2,000,000,00)
RSV: Starting speed (in PPS)
RV: Vector speed (in PPS)
YES An error has occurred.
Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE() function to identify the error.
ICPDAS 94 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1.
unsigned short sv=1000; //starting speed: 1000 PPS.
unsigned short v=10000; //vector speed: 10000 PPS.
unsigned long a=5000; //acceleration: 5000 PPS/Sec.
unsigned long d=5000; //deceleration: 5000 PPS/Sec.
i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_XYZU, 16000);
//set the maximum speed to 16000 PPS.
i8094H_RECTANGLE(1, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 1, 0, 0, 20000, 10000, 1000, sv, v, a, d);
//execute a rectangular motion on the XY plane, will auto-calculate deceleration point.
ICPDAS 95 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.4.2 2-Axis Continuous Linear Interpolation z * void i8094H_LINE_2D_INITIAL( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2,
This function sets the necessary parameters for a 2-axis continuous linear interpolation using symmetric T-curve speed profile.
cardNo: Module number
axis1: The first axis (axis 1). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
axis2: The second axis (axis 2). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
VSV: Starting speed (in PPS)
VV: Vector speed (in PPS)
//This function should be defined before the i8094H_LINE_2D_CONTINUE()
//function is used. Please refer to the example of this function.
ICPDAS 96 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
z * void i8094H_LINE_2D_CONTINUE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE nType, long fp1, long fp2)
This function executes a 2-axis continuous linear interpolation
(It will not consume any WinCon system resources.)
cardNo: Module number
nType: 0: 2-axis linear continuous interpolation
1: end of 2-axis linear continuous interpolation
fp1: The assigned number of pulses for the axis 1 (in Pulses)
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
fp2: The assigned number of pulses for the axis 2 (in Pulses)
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
YES An error has occurred.
Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () function to identify the error.
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1.
unsigned short sv=300; //starting speed: 300 PPS.
unsigned short v=18000; //vector speed: 18000 PPS.
unsigned short a=500000; //acceleration: 500000 PPS/Sec.
unsigned short loop1; i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,160000L); i8094H_LINE_2D_INITIAL(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, sv, v, a); for (loop1=0; loop1<10000; loop1++)
{ i8094H_LINE_2D_CONTINUE(cardNo, 0, 100, 100); i8094H_LINE_2D_CONTINUE(cardNo, 0, -100, -100);
} i8094H_LINE_2D_CONTINUE(cardNo, 1, 100, 100);
ICPDAS 97 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.4.3 3-Axis Continuous Linear Interpolation z * void i8094H_LINE_3D_INITIAL( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2,
This function sets the necessary parameters for a 3-axis continuous linear interpolation using symmetric T-curve speed profile.
cardNo: Module number
axis1: The first axis (axis 1). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
axis2: The second axis (axis 2). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
axis3: The third axis (axis 3). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
VSV: Starting speed (in PPS)
VV: Vector speed (in PPS)
Example: i8094H_LINE_3D_INITIAL(…);
//This function should be defined before the i8094H_LINE_3D_CONTINUE()
//function is used. Please refer to the example of this function. z * void i8094H_LINE_3D_CONTINUE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE nType, long fp1, long fp2, long fp3)
This function execute a 3-axis continuous linear interpolation.
(It will not consume any WinCon system resources.)
cardNo: Module number
nType: 0: 3-axis linear continuous interpolation
1: end of 2-axis linear continuous interpolation
fp1: The assigned number of pulses for axis 1
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
fp2: The assigned number of pulses for axis 2
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
ICPDAS 98 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
fp3: The assigned number of pulses for axis 3
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
YES An error has occurred.
Use the i8094MF_GET_ERROR_CODE () function to identify the error.
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1.
unsigned short sv=300; //starting speed: 300 PPS unsigned short v=18000; //vector speed: 18000 PPS unsigned long a=500000; //acceleration: 500000 PPS/Sec unsigned short loop1; i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,160000L); i8094H_LINE_3D_INITIAL(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, sv, v, a); for (loop1=0; loop1<10000; loop1++)
{ i8094H_LINE_3D_CONTINUE(cardNo, 0, 100, 100, 100); i8094H_LINE_3D_CONTINUE(cardNo, 0, -100, -100, -100);
} i8094H_LINE_3D_CONTINUE(cardNo, 1, 100, 100, 100);
//execute X, Y, Z 3-axis linear continuous interpolation on module 1
ICPDAS 99 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
6.4.4 Mixed Linear and Circular 2-axis motions in
Continuous Interpolation z * void i8094H_MIX_2D_INITIAL( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2,
This function does the initial settings for mixed linear and circular 2-axis motions in continuous interpolation.
cardNo: Module number
axis1: The first axis (axis 1). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
axis2: The second axis (axis 2). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
nAcc: 0 constant speed (VV)
1 Æ symmetric T-curve Acc/Dec (VSV 、 VV 、 VA)
VSV: Starting speed (in PPS)
VV: Vector speed (in PPS)
Example: i8094H_MIX_2D_INITIAL(…);
//This function should be defined before the i8094H_MIX_2D_CONTINUE()
//function is used. Please refer to the example of this function. z * void i8094H_MIX_2D_CONTINUE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE nAcc,
BYTE nType, long cp1, long cp2, long fp1, long fp2)
This function executes mixed linear and circular 2-axis motion in continuous interpolation.
(It will not consume any WinCon system resources.)
cardNo: Module number
nAcc: 0 continuous interpolation.
1 Æ it is the last command of this continuous interpolation.
In Acc/Dec mode, it will perform a deceleration stop. In constant speed mode, it will directly stop rather than decelerate.
ICPDAS 100 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
1 Æ i8094H_LINE_2D( BYTE cardNo, long fp1, long fp2);
2 Æ i8094H_ARC_CW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2, long fp1, long fp2);
3 Æ i8094H_ARC_CCW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2, long fp1, long
4 Æ i8094H_CIRCLE_CW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2);
5 Æ i8094H_CIRCLE_CCW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2);
cp1: It assigns the center point data at axis 1.
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
cp2: It assigns the center point data at axis 2.
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
fp1: It assigned number of pulses for axis 1
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
fp2: It assigned number of pulses for axis 2.
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
YES An error has occurred. Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () function to identify the error.
Example: cardNo=1; unsigned short sv=300; //starting speed: 300 PPS unsigned short v=18000; //vector speed: 18000 PPS unsigned long a=500000L; //acceleration: 500000 PPS/Sec unsigned short loop1; i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 160000L); i8094H_MIX_2D_INITIAL(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 1, sv, v, a); for (loop1 = 0; loop1 < 10000; loop1++)
{ i8094H_MIX_2D_CONTINUE (cardNo, 0, 1, 0, 0, 100, 100); i8094H_MIX_2D_CONTINUE (cardNo, 0, 2, 100, 0, 100, 100);
} i8094H_MIX_2D_CONTINUE (cardNo, 1, 4, 100, 100, 0, 0);
//execute X, Y, 2-axis motions in continuous interpolation on module 1
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6.4.5 Multi-Segment Continuous Interpolation (Using Array) z void i8094H_CONTINUE_INTP(
BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2, BYTE axis3,
This function executes a multi-segment continuous interpolation(symmetric T-curve). Please write the motion data arrays first.
(It will not consume any WinCon system resources.)
cardNo: Module number
The first axis (axis 1). Can be either X, Y, Z, or U axis (1 、 2 、
4 、 8) . Please refer to Table 2-1 for the axis definition.
The second axis (axis 2). Can be either X, Y, Z, or U axis (1 、
2 、 4 、 8) .
The third axis (axis 3). Can be either X, Y, Z, or U axis (1 、 2 、
4 、 8) .
nAcc: 0 a constant speed interpolation. Please set VV.
1 Æ a symmetric T-curve interpolation. Please set VSV, VV,
VA, and VD.
VSV: The starting speed (in PPS)
VV: Interpolation vector speed (in PPS)
Acceleration PPS/Sec)
VD: Deceleration (in PPS/Sec)
YES An error has occurred. Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () function to identify the error.
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1.
unsigned short sv=100; //set the starting speed to 100 PPS.
unsigned short v=3000; //set the speed to 3000 PPS.
unsigned long a=2000; //set the acceleration to 2000 PPS/Sec.
unsigned long d=2000; //set the deceleration to 2000 PPS/Sec.
i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 20000);
//set the maximum speed to 20K PPS .
BYTE nType[10]= { 1, 2, 1, 2, 1,7,0,0,0,0}; long cp1[10]= { 0, 10000, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0}; long cp2[10]= { 0, 0, 0,-10000, 0,0,0,0,0,0}; long fp1[10]= { 10000, 10000, 1000, 10000,-31000,0,0,0,0,0}; long fp2[10]= { 10000, 10000, 0,-10000,-10000,0,0,0,0,0}; long fp3[10]= { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0};
//put data of the required segments in arrays. i8094H_CONTINUE_INTP_ARRAY(
ICPDAS 102 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
cardNo, nType, cp1, cp2, fp1, fp2, fp3);
//========================================================== i8094H_CONTIUNE_INTP(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 0, 1, sv, v, a, d);
// Select module 1, execute the multi-segment continuous interpolation.
//The deceleration point will be calculated automatically.
//For this example, the final position of this motion will return to the starting point.
BYTE cardNo, BYTE nType[ ], long cp1[ ], long cp2[ ], long fp1[ ], long fp2[ ], long fp3[ ])
This function executes a multi-segment continuous interpolation.
cardNo: Module number
nType[ ]: Maximum segment: 1024 (0 ~ 1023). It contains the interpolation commands defined as follows.
1 Æ i8094H_LINE_2D( BYTE cardNo, long fp1, long fp2);
2 Æ i8094H_ARC_CW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2, long fp1, long fp2);
3 Æ i8094H_ARC_CCW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2, long fp1, long
4 Æ i8094H_CIRCLE_CW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2);
5 Æ i8094H_CIRCLE_CCW( BYTE cardNo, long cp1, long cp2);
6 Æ i8094H_LINE_3D( BYTE cardNo, long fp1, long fp2, long fp3);
7 Æ It indicates the end of continuous interpolation.
cp1[ ]: It contains a list of segment center point data at axis 1.
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
cp2[ ]: It contains a list of segment center point data at axis 2.
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
fp1[ ]: This array contains a list of segment end point data at axis
1. ( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
fp2[ ]:
fp3[ ]:
This array contains a list of segment end point data at axis
2. ( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
This array contains a list of segment end point data at axis
3. ( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
(Note: The 2-axis and 3-axis motion commands can not be mixed together when applying commands. Please fill 0 for the cell values in the array if these cells are not used.)
Please refer to example for i8094H_CONTINUE_INTP(in previous section).
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6.4.6 3-Axis Helical Motion z * void i8094H_HELIX_3D(
BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2, BYTE axis3, BYTE nDir,
DWORD VV , long cp1, long cp2, long cycle, long pitch)
This function performs a 3-axis helical motion. However, it is a software macro-function; therefore, it requires CPU resource to run this function.
(It will not consume any WinCon system resources.)
cardNo: Module number
axis1: The first axis (axis 1). Can be X, Y, Z, or U axis.
Please refer to Table 2-1 for the axis definition.
Axis2: The second axis (axis 2). Can be either X, Y, Z, or U axis.
Axis3: The third axis (axis 3). Can be either X, Y, Z, or U axis.
1 Æ Move in a CCW direction.
VV: Vector speed (in PPS)
cp1: The value of center at axis 1
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
cp2: The value of center at axis 2
( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
cycle: Number of cycles ( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
pitch: Pitch per revolution (the advanced distance for each revolution) ( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
YES An error has occurred. Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () function to identify the error.
ICPDAS 104 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1.
//=============================================== i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,160000L);
//set maximum speed for all axes to 16K PPS.
long v=50000;
//set vector speed to 50K PPS.
i8094H_HELIX_3D(cardNo, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z, AXIS_X, 1, v, 0, 1000, 5, -2000);
//the circular motion is on YZ plane, and the linear motion is
//along the X axis.
//=============================================== i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 160000L);
//set the maximum speed for all axes to 160K PPS.
long v=100000L;
//set vector speed to 100K PPS.
i8094H_HELIX_3D(cardNo, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z, AXIS_U, 1, v, 0, 25000, 50, 3600);
//the circular motion is on YZ plane, and the linear motion is along
//the U axis.
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6.4.7 2-Axis Ratio Motion z * void i8094H_RATIO_INITIAL( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2,
This function sets the Initial values for ratio motion (motion in ratio) using a symmetric T-curve speed profile.
cardNo: Module number
axis1: The first axis (axis 1). Can be either X, Y, Z, or U axis
(1,2,4,8) . Please refer to Table 2-1 for the axis definition.
Axis2: The second axis (axis 2). Can be either X, Y, Z, or U axis (1,2,4,8) .
SV: Set the value for the starting speed ( in PPS).
V: Set the value for the vector speed (in PPS).
A: Set the acceleration value (in PPS/Sec).
CMX: Set the molecule value between the two assigned axes (1 ~
+127) .
Set the denominator value between the two assigned axes (1 ~ +127) .
Example: i8094H_RATIO_INITIAL(…);
//Initial setting for i8094H_RATIO_2D(…) function.
//Please refer to the example of i8094H_RATIO_2D() function.
z * void i8094H_RATIO_2D( BYTE cardNo, BYTE nType, long data,
BYTE nDir)
This function performs a two-axis ratio motion.
(It will not consume any WinCon system resources.)
cardNo: Module number
nType: 0 Perform the ratio motion.
1 Æ Declare the end of ratio motion.
data: The pulse number of axis1
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( -2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000 )
nDir: Direction of the second axis.
0: CW; 1: CCW
YES An error has occurred. Use the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () function to identify the error.
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1. unsigned short sv=300; //set starting speed to 300 PPS.
unsigned short v=18000; //set vector speed to 18000 PPS.
unsigned long a=500000; //set acceleration value to 500K PPS/Sec.
unsigned short loop1; unsigned short loop2; i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, 0 AXIS_XYZU,160000L);
//set maximum speed value to 18000 PPS.
i8094H_RATIO_INITIAL(cardNo,AXIS_U, AXIS_X, sv, v, a, 9,25);
//assign U axis as the axis 1 and X axis as the axis 2. for (loop2 = 0; loop2 < 5; loop2++)
{ for (loop1 = 0; loop1 < 5; loop1++)
//perform the ratio motion in the CW direction.
//perform the ratio motion in the CCW direction.
} i8094H_RATIO_2D(cardNo, 1, 7200, 0);
//End the ratio motion.
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6.4.8 Synchronous Line Scan Motion z void i8094H_LINE_SCAN( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE Type,
BYTE outEdge , BYTE PulseWidth , long Pitch)
Equal distance Line Scan trigger out : Max speed < 100KHz (Pulse Width 10 uS) .
Unequal distance Line Scan trigger out : Max speed < 18KHz .
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis number: equal distance X or Y (1,2) unequal distance X(1)
equal distance motion (please refer to C+ , LP)
1 = unequal distance motion (please refer to C+ , LP)
2 = equal distance motion (please refer to C+ , EP)
3 = unequal distance motion (please refer to C+ , EP)
outEdge: trigger OUT active logic:
0 = low active; 1 = high active
PulseWidth: trigger OUT output pulse width
0 = 10 uSec
1 = 20 uSec
2 = 100
3 = 200
4 = 1,000 uSec
5 = 2,000 uSec
6 = 10,000 uSec
7 = 20,000 uSec
Pitch : Specify interval pulses (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
Example: long lp1, lp2, lp3, lp4;
//set the maximum speed of X and Y axes to 4M PPS.
//set the driving mode to be symmetric T-curve.
//set the maximum speed of X and Y axes to 2M PPS.
//set the acceleration of X and Y axes to 2M PPS/S.
ICPDAS 108 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
//set the starting speed of X and Y axes to 2M PPS. i8094H_LINE_SCAN(CardNo, AXIS_X, 0, 0, 0, -39); i8094H_LINE_SCAN(CardNo, AXIS_Y, 0, 0, 0, -79); irec = i8094H_RINT_WAIT(CardNo, 0x01, 10000); z void i8094H_LINE_SCAN_START( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis, BYTE Type, long Position)
Enable Line Scan trigger out motion.
When performing unequal distance motion, please note (there is no restriction for equal distance motion): a.
All ISR will be stopped. b. Do not execute the following commands: i8094H_READ_bVAR
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis number: equal distance X or Y (1,2) unequal distance X(1)
equal distance motion (please refer to C+ , LP)
1 = unequal distance motion (please refer to C+ , LP, it require to accordingly adjust i8094H_LINE_SCAN_OFFSET )
2 = equal distance motion (please refer to C+ , EP, it require to accordingly adjust i8094H_LINE_SCAN_OFFSET )
3 = unequal distance motion (please refer to C+ , EP)
Position : Total pulses, movement distance(-2,000,000,000 ~
ICPDAS 109 i8094H Function library V1.3 2007/10/17 Manual
Please refer to examples in above section.
z void i8094H_LINE_SCAN_OFFSET( BYTE cardNo, DWORD Total, char Offset[ ])
Set unequal distance interval offset pulses.
cardNo: Module number
Example: long lp1;
//set the maximum speed of X-axis to be 4M PPS.
//set the driving mode of X-axis to be symmetric T-curve.
//set the maximum speed of X-axis to be 2M PPS.
//set the acceleration of X-axis to be 2M PPS/S.
//set the starting speed of X-axis to 2M PPS. char offset[40960]; for (lp1 = 0; lp1 < 40960; lp1++) i8094H_LINE_SCAN(CardNo, AXIS_X, 1, 0, 1, 105); irec = i8094H_RINT_WAIT(CardNo, 0x01, 10000);
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6.4.9 3-Axis Arc Interpolation z long i8094H_ARC_3D( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2, BYTE axis3, long *P1, long *P2, DWORD DR, DWORD VV)
Description: Triple points to scheme a 3D circle, the start point of the circle:(0, 0, 0), the second point of the circle:(P1[0], P1[1], P1[2]), and end point of the circle:(P2[0],
P2[1], P2[2]), using the 3-axes linear interpolation to approximate.( fixed speed)
cardNo: Module number
axis1: The first axis; can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
Please refer to Table 2-1 for the axis definition.
axis2: The second axis; can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
axis3: The third axis; can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
P1: The relative position of the center to the current circle :
(P1[0]_axis1 , P1[1]_axis2 , P1[2]_axis3)
P2: The relative position of the end to the current circle :
(P2[0]_axis1 , P2[1]_axis2 , P2[2]_axis3)
DR: set the error value for linear approximation (+1 ~ +2,000,000,000 Pulse)
VV: Set the vector speed(PPS)
< 0 (negative) vector speed exceed the limit, will return the value of the circular maximum vector speed(PPS)
> 0 (postive) the settings are within the range, will return the time interval(ms) for performing circular 3-axis motions
If an error occurrs, execute the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () function to identify the error.
Example: long P1[3], P2[3];
P1[0] = -10000; P1[1] = 10000; P1[2] = 5000;
P2[0] = -10000; P2[1] = -10000; P2[2] = 10000; long rec = i8094H_ARC_3D(
1, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z, P1, P2, 5, 1000000);
//DR=5 Pulse 、 VV=1,000,000 PPS , rec return value: +45 (ms) long rec = i8094H_ARC_3D(
1, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z, P1, P2, P3, 1, 1000000);
//DR=1 Pulse 、 VV=1,000,000 , rec return value: -724397
//It means the module executing with VV=724,397 PPS
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6.4.10 Mixed 3-axis motions in Continuous Interpolation z void i8094H_MIX_3D_INITIAL( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis1, BYTE axis2,
This function performs initial settings for linear and circular 3-axis motions in continuous interpolation and symmetric T-curve Acc/Dec interpolation mode.
cardNo: Module number
axis1: The first axis (axis 1). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
axis2: The second axis (axis 2). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
axis3: The second axis (axis 2). Please refer to Table 2-1.
It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
VSV: Starting speed (in PPS)
VV: Vector speed (in PPS)
This function should be used along with function: long i8094H_MIX_3D_CONTINUE(BYTE cardNo, BYTE nAcc, BYTE nType, long *P1, long *P2,
DWORD DR) z long i8094H_MIX_3D_CONTINUE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE nAcc, BYTE nType, long *P1, long *P2, DWORD DR)
This function executes linear and circular 3-axis motions in continuous interpolation.
cardNo: Module number
The first axis and It can be either X, Y, Z, or U (1 、 2 、 4 、 8) .
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nAcc: 0 continuous interpolation
1 Æ slowdown to stop interpolation motion (if it is moving in constant speed, it does not need to slowdown for a stop)
nType: 0 Æ i8094H_LINE_3D(cardNo, *P1)
1 Æ i8094H_ARC_3D(cardNo, *P1, *P2, DR )
P1: 3-axis linear relative position :
(P1[0]_axis1 , P1[1]_axis2 , P1[2]_axis3)
Circular midpoint relative pos ition :
(P1[0]_axis1 , P1[1]_axis2 , P1[2]_axis3)
P2: Circular endpoint relative pos ition :
(P2[0]_axis1 , P2[1]_axis2 , P2[2]_axis3)
DR: approximation of curve errors (+1 ~ +2,000,000,000 Pulse)
< 0 (negative) vector speed exceed the limit, will return the value of the circular maximum vector speed(PPS)
> 0 (postive) the settings are within the range, will return the time interval(ms) for performing circular 3-axis motions
If an error occurrs, execute the i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE () function to identify the error.
Example: i8094H_MIX_3D_INITIAL(
CardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, AXIS_Z, 100000 , 100000, 100000); long P1[3], P2[3]; long rec1, rec2, rec3, rec4; long lp1, lp2, lp3, lp4;
DWORD t0, t1, t;
P1[0] = 10000; P1[2] = 10000; rec1 = i8094H_MIX_3D_CONTINUE(CardNo, 0, 0, P1, P2, 1);
// max RTC speed = 5KHz
P1[0] = -10000; P1[1] = 10000;
P2[0] = -10000; P2[1] = -10000; P2[2] = 10000; rec2 = i8094H_MIX_3D_CONTINUE(CardNo, 0, 1, P1, P2, 1);
// max RTC speed = 5KHz
P1[0] = -10000; P1[1] = 10000;
P2[0] = -10000; P2[1] = -10000; P2[2] = 10000; rec3 = i8094H_MIX_3D_CONTINUE(CardNo, 0, 1, P1, P2, 1);
P1[0] = -10000; P1[1] = -10000; P1[2] = -10000;
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rec4 = i8094H_MIX_3D_CONTINUE(CardNo, 1, 0, P1, P2, 1); loop:
//Sleep(100); if (i8094H_STOP_WAIT(CardNo, AXIS_XYZU) == NO) goto loop; i8094H_GET_LP(CardNo,
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6.5 Other Functions
6.5.1 Holding the Driving Command z * *void i8094H_DRV_HOLD( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This command is usually used when users desire to start multi-axis driving simultaneously. When this command is issued, users may write other driving commands to the control card. All the driving commands will be held after i8094H_DRV_HOLD() is issued, and these commands will be started once the i8094H_DRV_START() is issued. However, if in driving, this command will not cause the driving to be stopped. But the next command will be held.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or Axes (Please refer to Table 2-1 for the axis definition.)
Please refer to the example in section 6.5.2.
6.5.2 Release the Holding Status, and Start the Driving z * *void i8094H_DRV_START( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This command releases the holding status, and start the driving of the assigned axes immediately.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or Axes (Please refer to Table 2-1 for the axis definition.)
BYTE cardNo=1; //select card 1. i8094H_DRV_HOLD(cardNo, AXIS_XYU); //hold the driving command to XYU
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i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_U, 10000);
//set the maximum speed of U-axis to be 10K PPS. i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(cardNo, AXIS_U, 0);
//set the driving mode to be symmetric T-curve.
i8094H_SET_V(cardNo, AXIS_U, 2000);
//set the speed of U-axis to 2,000 PPS. i8094H_SET_A(cardNo, AXIS_U, 1000);
//set the acceleration of U-axis to 1,000 PPS/S.
i8094H_SET_SV(cardNo, AXIS_U, 2000);
//set the starting speed to 2,000 PPS. i8094H_SET_AO(cardNo, AXIS_U, 9);
// set the AO to 9 Pulses. i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XY, 20000);
//set the maximum speed of X and Y axes to 20K PPS.
i8094H_AXIS_ASSIGN(cardNo, AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, 0);
//set the X-axis as the axis 1 and Y-axis as the axis 2 for a 2-axis interpolation.
i8094H_VECTOR_SPEED(cardNo, 0);
//set constant speed motion. Therefore, VSV=VV. Only VV is required.
i8094H_SET_VV(cardNo, 5000);
//set the vector speed for card 1 to 5,000 PPS. i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(cardNo, AXIS_U, 5000);
//command U-axis to move 5,000 Pulse. This command is be held.
i8094H_LINE_2D(cardNo, 12000, 10000);
//command a linear interpolation motion on the XY planes. It is held, too. i8094MF_DRV_START(cardNo, AXIS_XYU);
//release the holding status. X,Y , and U axes will start to move simultaneously.
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6.5.3 Waiting until the Motion Is Completed z BYTE i8094H_STOP_WAIT( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function can be used to assign commands to be performed while waiting for all motion to be completed (stopped).
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
BYTE cardNo=1; //select module 1 i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 20000);
//set the maximum speed of all axes on module 1 to 20K PPS. i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0);
//set the speed profile of all axes on module 1 to be symmetric T-curve i8094H_SET_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the speed of all axes on module 1 to 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_A(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU,1000);
//set the acceleration value of all axes on module 1 to 1000 PPS/S.
i8094H_SET_SV(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the start velocity of all axes on module 1 to 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_AO(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 9);
//set the value of remaining offset pulses to 9 pulses.
i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 10000);
// move all axes on module 1 for 10000 pulses. if (i8094H_STOP_WAIT(cardNo, AXIS_X) == NO)
//perform some actions here if the X axis has not finished its
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6.5.4 Stopping the Axes z * void i8094H_STOP_SLOWLY( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function commands to decelerate and finally stops the assigned axes slowly.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Example: i8094H_STOP_SLOWLY(1, AXIS_XY);
//decelerate and stop the X and Y axes z * void i8094H_STOP_SUDDENLY( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
This function commands to immediately stop the assigned axes.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
Example: i8094H_STOP_SUDDENLY(1, AXIS_ZU);
//immediately stop the Z and U axes.
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z void i8094H_VSTOP_SLOWLY( BYTE cardNo)
This function commands to stop interpolation motion of the assigned module in a decelerating way.
cardNo: Module number
Example: i8094H_VSTOP_SLOWLY(1);
//stop the interpolation of card 1 in a decelerating way.
z void i8094H_VSTOP_SUDDENLY( BYTE cardNo)
This function commands to stop interpolation motion of the assigned module immediately.
cardNo: Module number
Example: i8094H_VSTOP_SUDDENLY(1);
// stop the interpolation of card 1 immediately.
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6.5.5 Clear the Stop Status z * void i8094H_CLEAR_STOP( BYTE cardNo)
After using anyone of the stop functions mentioned in section 6.5.4, please solve the malfunction, and then issue this function to clear the stop status.
cardNo: Module number
Example: i8094H_VSTOP_SUDDENLY(1);
//command the card 1 to stop motion immediately. i8094H_CLEAR_STOP(1);
//clear the error status of card 1.
6.5.6 End of Interpolation z * void i8094H_INTP_END( BYTE cardNo, BYTE type )
Description: z If the current motion status is running a interpolation motion and you would like to issue a single axis motion or change the coordinate definition, you should call this function before the new command is issued. z You can redefine the MAX_V for each axis. In this way, you do not have to execute i8094H_INTP_END() function.
cardNo: Module number
type: 0 2-axis interpolation
1 Æ 3-axis interpolation
Example: i8094H_INTP_END(1, 0); //declear the end of a 2-axis interpolation on card 1.
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Additional Functions Supported by i8094H
z Default Settings for i8094H when system boots: i8094H_SET_PULSE_MODE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0 ); i8094H_SET_MAX_V(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 2000000L ); i8094H_SET_HLMT(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0 , 0 ); i8094H_LIMITSTOP_MODE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0 ); i8094H_SET_NHOME(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0 ); i8094H_SET_HOME_EDGE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0 ); i8094H_CLEAR_SLMT(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU); i8094H_SET_ENCODER(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0 , 0 , 0 ); i8094H_SERVO_OFF(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU); i8094H_SET_ALARM(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0 , 0 ); i8094H_SET_INPOS(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0 , 0 ); i8094H_SET_FILTER(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU, 0 , 0 ); i8094H_VRING_DISABLE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU); i8094H_AVTRI_DISABLE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU); i8094H_EXD_DISABLE(cardNo, AXIS_XYZU); z Functions could be used in downloading parameter table (please refer to 7.1): i8094H_SET_PULSE_MODE i8094H_SET_MAX_V i8094H_SET_HLMT i8094H_LIMITSTOP_MODE i8094H_SET_NHOME i8094H_SET_HOME_EDGE i8094H_SET_SLMT (i8094H_CLEAR_SLMT) i8094H_SET_ENCODER i8094H_SERVO_ON (i8094H_SERVO_OFF) i8094H_SET_ALARM i8094H_SET_INPOS i8094H_SET_FILTER i8094H_ VRING_ENABLE (i8094H_ VRING_DISABLE) i8094H_ AVTRI_ENABLE (i8094H_ AVTRI_DISABLE)
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z Set the return value of the functions(please refer to 7.2.3) to variables: i8094H_GET_LP i8094H_GET_EP i8094H_GET_DI i8094H_GET_DI_ALL i8094H_GET_ERROR i8094H_GET_ERROR_CODE i8094H_FRNET_DI i8094H_HOME_WAIT i8094H_GET_LATCH i8094H_STOP_WAIT
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7.1 Initial Parameter Table
There two ways to download the parameter table: z Please use i8094H_Tool to download parameter table into i8094H. For detail information, please refer to manual “ i8094H_Getting_Started_1.1tc.pdf”.
z void i8094H_LOAD_INITIAL( BYTE cardNo)
Another way is to write the settings into i8094H parameter table (please refer to table 2-1a) by functions; and then load the initial setting values into i8094H by i8094H_LOAD_INITIAL.
cardNo: Module number
Example: i8094H_SET_PULSE_MODE(1, INITIAL_XYZU, 0);
//set the pulse mode of X, Y, Z, and U axes as 0, write into the parameter table in module 1. i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, INITIAL_XY, 200000L);
//The maximum speed for the X and Y axes of module 1 is 200KPPS. Write into
//the parameter table. i8094H_SET_HLMT(1, INITIAL_XYZU, 0, 0);
//set all the trigger levels as low-active for all limit switches
//on module 1. Write into the parameter table. i8094H_LIMITSTOP_MODE(1, INITIAL_X, 0);
//set X axis to stop immediately if any limit switch on X axis is triggered on
//module 1. Write into the parameter table. i8094H_SET_NHOME(1, INITIAL_XY, 0);
//set the trigger level of NHOME of X and Y axes on module 1 to be active low.
//Write into the parameter table. i8094H_ LOAD_INITIAL (1);
// load the initial setting values of the parameter table into i8094H
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7.2 Create Macro Program(MP)
7.2.1 Create Marco Program Codes z void i8094H_MP_CREATE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE mpNo) z void i8094H_MP_CREATE( BYTE cardNo, BYTE isrNo)
Write in Macro Program codes into i8094H, and execute the program byi8094H_MP_CALL.
1. All Macro Programs that were write inti i8094H could power outage carry-over.
2. It could not be applied to Macro Program.
cardNo: Module number
mpNo: Macro Program number (MP1 ~ MP157)
isrNo: Interrupt Service Program number (ISR1 ~ ISR20)
Example: i8094H_MP_CREATE(1, MP21); //Write Macro Program into i8094H.
//The following functions will not be executed, but will be written into i8094H
// for further execution. i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_XYZU, 20000);
//The maximum speedof the axis is 20K PPS. i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(1, AXIS_XYZU, 0);
//Set symmetric T-curve for XYZU axes on module.
i8094H_SET_V(1, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the speed of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_A(1, AXIS_XYZU, 1000);
//set the acceleration of XYZU axes to be 1000 PPS/Sec i8094H_SET_SV(1, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the start speed of XYZU axes to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_AO(1, AXIS_XYZU, 9);
//set the number of remaining offset pulses for XYZU axes to be 9 pulses.
i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(1, AXIS_XYZU, 10000);
//move XYZU axes to be 10000 pulses. i8094H_MP_CLOSE(1);
// module 1 finish, write Macro Program into i8094H
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z * void i8094H_MP_CLOSE( BYTE cardNo)
Finish writing Macro Program into i8094H, this function will take effect only when working with i8094H_MP_CREATE.
cardNo: Module number
Please refer to examples in above section.
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7.2.2 Execute Macro Program(MP) z * void i8094H_MP_CALL( BYTE cardNo, BYTE mpNo)
Execute a specific Macro Program on i8094H. For MP, the maximum layers could be up to 7. For ISR, only one layer.
cardNo: Module number
mpNo: Macro Program number (MP1 ~ MP157)
Example: i8094H_MP_CREATE(1, MP21); //Write #21 Macro Program into i8094H.
//The following functions will not be executed, but will be written into i8094H
// for further execution. i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_XYZU, 20000);
//The maximum speedof the axis is 20K PPS. i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(1, AXIS_XYZU, 0);
//Set symmetric T-curve for XYZU axes on module.
i8094H_SET_V(1, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the speed of all axes on module 1 to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_A(1, AXIS_XYZU, 1000);
//set the acceleration of XYZU axes to be 1000 PPS/Sec i8094H_SET_SV(1, AXIS_XYZU, 2000);
//set the start speed of XYZU axes to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_AO(1, AXIS_XYZU, 9);
//set the number of remaining offset pulses for XYZU axes to be 9 pulses.
i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(1, AXIS_XYZU, 10000);
//move XYZU axes to be 10000 pulses. i8094H_MP_CLOSE(1);
// module 1 finish, write Macro Program into i8094H
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7.2.3 User Defined Variables z * *void i8094H_MP_SET_VAR( BYTE cardNo, long varNo, long varNo1) z * *void i8094H_MP_SET_VAR( BYTE cardNo, long varNo, long lVar1)
Set variable VARn = VARn
Set variable VARn = Value of variable
cardNo: Module number
varNo: Variables to be used in Macro Program: VAR0 ~ VAR511
varNo1: Variables: VAR0 ~ VAR511
lVar1: Value of variable (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
Please refer to examples in i8094H_MP_VAR_CALCULATE section .
z * *void i8094H_MP_SET_RVAR( BYTE cardNo, long varNo)
Set variable VARn=return value of the function (the value will be transfered automatically to ( long ))
cardNo: Module number
varNo: Variables to be used in Macro Program: VAR0 ~ VAR511
Please refer to examples in i8094H_MP_VAR_CALCULATE section .
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z * *void i8094H_MP_VAR_CALCULATE(
BYTE cardNo, long varNo, BYTE Operator, long varNo1, long varNo2) z * *void i8094H_MP_VAR_CALCULATE(
BYTE cardNo, long varNo, BYTE Operator, long lVar1, long varNo2)
Description: calculation, +-*/ ) varNo1 = varNo2
Variable calculation, varNo ( +-*/ ) value of valuable = varNo2
cardNo: Module number
varNo: Variables to be used in Macro Program: VAR0 ~ VAR511
Operator: ‘ +' addition
‘ -' subtraction
‘ *' multiplication
‘ /' division(rounding down to the nearest integer)
Variables: VAR0 ~ VAR511
Instance variable for calculation: VAR0 ~ VAR511
varNo2: Variable for storing calculation result: VAR0 ~ VAR511
lVar1: Value of variable(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
Example: i8094H_MP_CREATE(1, MP100); // Write #100 Macro Program into i8094H.
//The following functions will not be executed, but will be written into i8094H
// for further execution. i8094H_MP_SET_VAR(1, VAR1, 100); //VAR1 = 100 。 i8094H_MP_SET_VAR(1, VAR2, 200); //VAR2 = 200 。 i8094H_MP_SET_VAR(1, VAR10, 10); //VAR10 = 10 。
//VAR6 = i8094H_FRNET_RA(1, 8) i8094H_FRNET_RA(1, 8); i8094H_MP_SET_RVAR(1, VAR6); //VAR6 = current input of RA8 on module 1
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i8094H_GET_LP(1, AXIS_X);
//Reads the LP value of the X axis on module 1. i8094H_MP_SET_RVAR(1, VAR5);
//VAR5 = LP value of the X axis on module 1.
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i8094H_MP_VAR_CALCULATE(1, VAR1, ‘+’, VAR2, VAR3);
//VAR1 + VAR2 = VAR3 。 i8094H_MP_VAR_CALCULATE(1, VAR3, ‘-‘, VAR1, VAR3);
//VAR3 – VAR1 = VAR3 。 i8094H_MP_VAR_CALCULATE(1, VAR3, ‘*’, VAR10, VAR2);
//VAR3 x VAR10 = VAR3 。 i8094H_MP_VAR_CALCULATE(1, VAR3, ‘/’, VAR2, VAR1);
//VAR3 / VAR2 = VAR1 。
//Final result VAR1 = 10 、 VAR2 = 200 、 VAR3 = 2,000 、 VAR10 = 10 。 i8094H_MP_CLOSE(1);
// module 1 finish, write #100 Macro Program into i8094H
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7.2.4 Command Loop (FOR~NEXT) z * void i8094H_MP_FOR( BYTE cardNo, long varNo) z * void i8094H_MP_FOR( BYTE cardNo, long lVar)
This function performs command loop, it could work on as many as 7 levels.
cardNo: Module number
varNo: Variables to be used in Macro Program: VAR0 ~ VAR511
lVar: Value of variable(-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
Example: i8094H_MP_CREATE(1, MP100); // Write #100 Macro Program into i8094H.
// The following functions will not be executed, but will be written into i8094H
// for further execution. i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_X, 20000);
//The maximum speed of the axis X is 20K PPS. i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(1, AXIS_X, 0);
//Set symmetric T-curve for axis X i8094H_SET_V(1, AXIS_X, 2000);
//set the speed of axis X to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_A(1, AXIS_X, 1000);
//set the acceleration of axis X to be 1000 PPS/Sec i8094H_SET_SV(1, AXIS_X, 2000);
//set the start speed of axis X to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_AO(1, AXIS_X, 0);
//set the number of remaining offset pulses for axis X to be 0 PPS.
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i8094H_MP_SET_VAR(1, VAR1, 100); //VAR1 = 100 。 i8094H_MP_FOR(1, VAR1);
// enable axis X to move back and forward 1,000 Pulse, loop for 100 times.
//or input the instant operating value i8094H_MP_FOR(1, 100) i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(1, AXIS_X, 1000);
//move axis X to be 10000 pulses. i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(1, AXIS_X, -1000); /
//move axis X to be -10000 pulses. i8094H_MP_NEXT(1); i8094H_MP_CLOSE(1);
// module 1 finish, write Macro Program into i8094H
//========================================================== i8094H_MP_CALL(1, MP100);
// call module 1 i8094H, execute #100 Macro Program.
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z * void i8094H_MP_NEXT( BYTE cardNo)
This function has to work together with i8094H_MP_FOR.
cardNo: Module number
Please refer to examples in above section.
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7.2.5 Condition Command (IF~ELSE) z * *void i8094H_MP_IF( BYTE cardNo, long varNo, WORD Operator, long varNo1 ) z * *void i8094H_MP_IF( BYTE cardNo, long varNo, WORD Operator, long lVar1)
Conditions to be described under condition command: For MP, it could work on as many as 7 levels. For ISR, it could work on 1 level at most.
cardNo: Module number
varNo: Variable to be calculated: VAR0 ~ VAR511
Operator: ‘< ' is less than
‘ >' is greater than
‘ <=' is less than or equal to
‘> =' is greater than or equal to
‘ ==' is equal to
=' is not equal to
(Operator : the single quotes(‘ ’) represent a single or complex operators.)
varNo1: Condition variable: VAR0 ~ VAR511
lVar1: Value of variable (-2,000,000,000 ~ +2,000,000,000)
Example: i8094H_MP_CREATE(1, MP100); // Write #100 Macro Program into i8094H.
// The following functions will not be executed, but will be written into i8094H
// for further execution. i8094H_SET_MAX_V(1, AXIS_X, 20000);
//The maximum speed of the axis X is 20K PPS. i8094H_NORMAL_SPEED(1, AXIS_X, 0);
//Set symmetric T-curve for axis X i8094H_SET_V(1, AXIS_X, 2000);
//set the speed of axis X to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_A(1, AXIS_X, 1000);
//set the acceleration of axis X to be 1000 PPS/Sec i8094H_SET_SV(1, AXIS_X, 2000);
//set the start speed of axis X to be 2000 PPS.
i8094H_SET_AO(1, AXIS_X, 0);
//set the number of remaining offset pulses for axis X to be 0 PPS.
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i8094H_MP_SET_VAR(1, VAR1, 100); //VAR1 = 100 。 i8094H_MP_SET_VAR(1, VAR2, 200); //VAR2 = 200 。
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i8094H_MP_IF(1, VAR1, ‘<’, VAR2); i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(1, AXIS_X, 1000);
//move axis X to be 10000 pulses. i8094H_MP_ELSE(1); i8094H_FIXED_MOVE(1, AXIS_X, -1000);
//move axis X to be -10000 pulses. i8094H_MP_IF_END(1); i8094H_MP_CLOSE(1);
// module 1 finish, write #100 Macro Program into i8094H
//========================================================== i8094H_MP_CALL(1, MP100);
// call module 1 i8094H, execute #100 Macro Program. z * *void i8094H_MP_ELSE( BYTE cardNo)
This function has to work together with i8094H_MP_IF.
cardNo: Module number
Please refer to examples in above section.
z * *void i8094H_MP_IF_END( BYTE cardNo)
Close i8094H_MP_IF function.
cardNo: Module number
Please refer to examples in above section.
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7.2.6 TIMER z * void i8094H_MP_TIMER( BYTE cardNo, long varNo ) z * void i8094H_MP_TIMER( BYTE cardNo, long ms)
Delay the execution of the function.
cardNo: Module number
varNo: Variables to be used in Macro Program: VAR0 ~ VAR511
ms: Value of variable(0 ~ +2,000,000,000) ms
Example: i8094H_MP_TIMER(1, 200);
//delay the execution of the function for 200ms.
7.2.7 Wait Motion Stop (For MP only) z * void i8094H_MP_STOP_WAIT( BYTE cardNo, BYTE axis)
The MP function could be executed only after the axes completely stop.
cardNo: Module number
axis: Axis or axes (Please refer to Table 2-1)
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7.2.8 User-defined RINT z * *void i8094H_MP_SET_RINT( BYTE cardNo)
This function configurate user-defined RINT settings. When this function is executed in MP, the module will send out 0x04 interrupt to the controller.
cardNo: Module number
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