Omega CN2516-CN2508-CN2504 Owner Manual
TM User’s Guide Shop online at e-mail: [email protected] For latest product manuals: MADE IN UNITED KINGDON CN2516, CN2508, CN2504 Limit Controllers [email protected] Servicing North America: Omega Engineering, Inc., One Omega Drive, P.O. Box 4047 Stamford, CT 06907-0047 USA Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only) Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only) Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only) Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700 e-mail: [email protected] U.S.A.: For Other Locations Visit The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice. WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications. Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Users’ Manual CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 This manual supplements the Concise Product manual supplied with each instrument at the time of shipment. Information in this installation, wiring and operation manual is subject to change without notice. Note: It is strongly recommended that applications incorporate a high or low limit protective device, which will shut down the equipment at a preset process condition in order to prevent possible damage to property or products. WARNING: THE INTERNATIONAL HAZARD SYMBOL IS INSCRIBED ADJACENT TO THE REAR CONNECTION TERMINALS. IT IS IMPORTANT TO READ THIS MANUAL BEFORE INSTALLING OR COMMISSIONING THE UNIT. Products covered by this manual are suitable for Indoor use, Installation Category II, Pollution category 2 environments Products covered in this issue of the manual: CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 series limit devices. Page i Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Contents Page Number: Contents...................................................................................................................................ii How to use this 1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Installation......................................................................................................................................... 2 Unpacking .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Panel Cut-outs ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Panel-Mounting ............................................................................................................................................ 3 3 Plug-in Options ................................................................................................................................. 5 Options Modules and Functions ................................................................................................................... 5 Auto Detection of Option Modules ................................................................................................................ 5 Preparing to Install or Remove Options Modules ......................................................................................... 6 Replacing the Instrument in its Housing ....................................................................................................... 9 4 Wiring Instructions ......................................................................................................................... 10 Installation Considerations ......................................................................................................................... 10 AC Power Wiring - Neutral (for 100 to 240V AC versions) ......................................................................... 10 Wire Isolation ............................................................................................................................................. 10 Use of Shielded Cable ............................................................................................................................... 11 Noise Suppression at Source ..................................................................................................................... 11 Sensor Placement (Thermocouple or RTD) ............................................................................................... 12 Thermocouple Wire Identification Chart ..................................................................................................... 12 Connections and Wiring ............................................................................................................................. 13 Power Connections - Mains Powered Instruments ............................................................................. 15 Power Connections - 24/48V AC/DC Powered Instruments ............................................................... 15 Universal Input Connections - Thermocouple (T/C) ........................................................................... 16 Universal Input Connections – PT100 (RTD) input ............................................................................. 16 Universal Input Connections - Linear Volt, mV or mA input ................................................................ 17 Option Slot 1 – Relay Output Module ................................................................................................. 17 Option Slot 2 - Relay Output Module .................................................................................................. 18 Option Slot 2 - SSR Driver Output Module ......................................................................................... 18 Option Slot 2 - Triac Output Module ................................................................................................... 18 Option Slot 2 - Linear Voltage or mADC Output module .................................................................... 19 Option Slot 3 - Relay Output Module .................................................................................................. 19 Option Slot 3 - SSR Driver Output Module ......................................................................................... 19 Option Slot 3 - Linear Voltage or mADC Output module .................................................................... 20 Option Slot 3 - Transmitter Power Supply Module .............................................................................. 20 Option Slot A Connections - RS485 Serial Communications Module ................................................. 20 Option Slot A Connections - Digital Input Module ............................................................................... 21 5 Powering Up.................................................................................................................................... 22 Page ii Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Powering Up Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 22 Overview of Front Panel ............................................................................................................................ 22 Displays ..................................................................................................................................................... 23 Keypad ...................................................................................................................................................... 23 LED Functions ........................................................................................................................................... 23 6 Messages and Error Indications ................................................................................................... 24 7 Instrument Operation Modes ......................................................................................................... 25 Select Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 25 Entry into the Select Mode ................................................................................................................. 25 Navigating in Select Mode ................................................................................................................. 25 Unlock Codes ............................................................................................................................................ 25 Navigating in the Product Information Mode ...................................................................................... 26 Entry and Navigating in Lock Code View Mode ................................................................................. 27 8 CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group ................................................................................. 28 CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Limit Devices - Configuration Mode ............................................................. 28 Entry into the Configuration Mode ...................................................................................................... 28 Scrolling through Parameters and Values .......................................................................................... 28 Changing Parameter Values .............................................................................................................. 28 CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Limit Devices – Setup Mode ........................................................................ 34 Entry into the Setup Mode.................................................................................................................. 34 Scrolling through Parameters & Values ............................................................................................. 34 Changing Parameter Values .............................................................................................................. 34 CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Limit Devices - Operator Mode .................................................................... 36 Navigating in Operator Mode ............................................................................................................. 36 Limit Setpoint Adjustment .......................................................................................................................... 37 Exceed Condition ....................................................................................................................................... 37 Limit Output Function ................................................................................................................................. 37 Limit Annunciator Outputs .......................................................................................................................... 37 Resetting Limit Outputs & Annunciators ..................................................................................................... 37 Using the Reset Key to Reset Limit Outputs & Annunciators ............................................................ 37 Resetting Limit Hold and Exceed Time ...................................................................................................... 37 CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Devices – Serial Communications Parameters ............................................ 38 Bit Parameters ................................................................................................................................... 38 Word Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 38 9 Modbus Serial Communications .................................................................................................. 42 Physical Layer ........................................................................................................................................... 42 Link Layer .................................................................................................................................................. 43 Device Addressing ..................................................................................................................................... 44 Supported Modbus Functions .................................................................................................................... 44 Function Descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 44 Read Coil/Input Status (Function 01 / 02) .......................................................................................... 45 Page iii Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Read Holding/Input Registers (Function 03 / 04) ................................................................................ 45 Force Single Coil (Function 05) .......................................................................................................... 46 Pre-Set Single Register (Function 06) ................................................................................................ 46 Loopback Diagnostic Test (Function 08) ............................................................................................ 46 Pre-Set Multiple Registers (Function 10 Hex) .................................................................................... 47 Exception Responses ........................................................................................................................ 47 10 ASCII Communications ............................................................................................................... 48 Physical Layer ............................................................................................................................................ 48 Device Addressing ..................................................................................................................................... 48 Session Layer ............................................................................................................................................ 48 Type 1 Message................................................................................................................................. 49 Type 2 Message................................................................................................................................. 50 Type 3 Message................................................................................................................................. 50 Type 4 Message................................................................................................................................. 51 Error Response .......................................................................................................................................... 51 11 Calibration Mode ............................................................................................................................ 52 Equipment Required For Checking or Calibrating the Universal Input ........................................................ 52 Calibration Check ....................................................................................................................................... 52 Recalibration Procedure ............................................................................................................................. 53 12 Appendix 1 – Glossary ................................................................................................................... 54 Alarm Hysteresis Type: Limit Device Parameter .................................................................................... 54 Alarm Operation Type: Limit Device Definition ........................................................................................ 55 Annunciator Type: Limit Device Definition ............................................................................................... 56 Band Alarm 1 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter................................................................................. 56 Band Alarm 2 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter................................................................................. 56 Communications Write Enable CPU Type: Limit Device Definition .................................................................. 56 Type: Limit Device Definition ......................................................................................................... 56 Deviation Alarm 1 Value Type Deviation Alarm 2 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter ................................................................. 56 Type: Limit Device Parameter .......................................................................... 56 Display Strategy Type: Limit Device Parameter ...................................................................................... 57 Exceed Condition Type: Limit Device Definition ...................................................................................... 57 Exceed Time Type: Limit Device Definition ............................................................................................. 57 Input Filter Time Constant Input Range Input Span Type: Limit Device Definition............................................................................................... 57 Type: Limit Device Definition ................................................................................................. 57 Latching Relay LED Type: Limit Device Parameter ....................................................................... 57 Type: Limit Device Definition .......................................................................................... 57 Type: Limit Device Definition ......................................................................................................... 57 Limit Device Type: Limit Device Definition............................................................................................... 58 Limit Hysteresis Limit Setpoint Lock Codes Type: Limit Device Definition ......................................................................................... 58 Type: Limit Device Definition ............................................................................................ 58 Type: Limit Device Parameter ............................................................................................ 58 Page iv Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual mADC Type: Limit Device Definition ...................................................................................................... 59 PLC Type: Limit Device Definition ..................................................................................................... 59 Process High Alarm 1 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter................................................................... 59 Process High Alarm 2 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter................................................................... 59 Process Low Alarm 1 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter ................................................................... 59 Process Low Alarm 2 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter ................................................................... 59 Process Variable (PV) Type: Limit Device Definition ............................................................................... 59 Process Variable Offset Retransmit Output Type: Limit Device Parameter .......................................................................... 60 Type: Limit Device Definition .................................................................................... 60 Retransmit Output 2 Scale Maximum Type: Limit Device Parameter ...................................................... 60 Retransmit Output 2 Scale Minimum Type: Limit Device Parameter ...................................................... 60 Retransmit Output 3 Scale Maximum Type: Limit Device Parameter ..................................................... 60 Retransmit Output 3 Scale Minimum Type: Limit Device Parameter ...................................................... 60 Scale Range Upper Limit Type: Limit Device Parameter........................................................................ 60 Scale Range Lower Limit Type: Limit Device Parameter........................................................................ 61 Serial Communications Option Triac Type: Limit Device Definition .................................................................. 61 Type: Limit Device Definition .................................................................................................... 61 13 Appendix 2 - Specifications ........................................................................................................... 62 Universal Input ........................................................................................................................................... 62 General Input Specifications .............................................................................................................. 62 Thermocouple .................................................................................................................................... 62 Thermocouple Ranges Available ............................................................................................................... 62 Thermocouple Performance....................................................................................................................... 63 Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) ........................................................................................... 63 RTD Ranges Available ............................................................................................................................... 63 RTD Performance ...................................................................................................................................... 64 DC Linear........................................................................................................................................... 64 DC Linear Ranges Available ...................................................................................................................... 64 DC Linear Performance ............................................................................................................................. 64 Digital Inputs .............................................................................................................................................. 65 Output Module Types ......................................................................................................................... 65 Specifications of Output Types .......................................................................................................... 65 Process Alarms .......................................................................................................................................... 67 Digital Communications ............................................................................................................................. 67 Reference Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 67 Operating Conditions ................................................................................................................................. 67 Standards .................................................................................................................................................. 68 Physical Specifications .............................................................................................................................. 68 Page v Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual How to use this manual This manual is structured to give easy access to the information required for all aspects of the installation and use and of the products: Section 1: Introduction - A brief description of the product range. Section 2: Installation - Unpacking, installing and panel mounting instructions. Section 3: Plug-in Options - Installation of the plug-in option modules. Section 4: Wiring Guidelines - Guidance on good wiring practice, noise avoidance, wiring diagrams and input/output connections. Section 5: Powering Up - Powering up procedure and descriptions of displays & switches. Section 6: Messages & Error Indications - Display Messages and fault indications. Section 7: Operation Modes - Describes operating modes common across the range. These include Select Mode for gaining access to the Setup and Configuration menus and the Product information menus. Section 8: CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Model Group - Describes unique operating features of these limit controllers. It covers the Configuration, Setup & Operator menus, and Communications parameters, adjusting the Limit Setpoint and resetting the Limit Output. Section 09: Modbus Serial Communications - Details the physical layer and message formats used for the Modbus communications protocol common to all products in the range. Section 10: ASCII Serial Communications - Details the physical layer and message formats used for the ASCII serial communications protocol available on some products. Section 11: Calibration Mode - Step-by-step instructions to calibrate the instrument. This section is intended for use by suitably qualified personnel. Appendix 1: Glossary - Explanations of the terms used and product features. Appendix 2: Specification - Technical specifications for all products in the range. Page vi Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 1 Introduction These instruments are microprocessor based limit devices. They can measure process variables such as temperature, pressure, flow and level from a variety of inputs. Models are available in three sizes. 1/16 DIN (48 x 48mm front), 1/8 DIN (48 x 96mm front) and 1/4 DIN (96 x 96mm front). The operating voltage is either 100-240V at 50/60 Hz or 24V-48V AC/DC depending on the model purchased. EEPROM technology protects against data or configuration loss during power outages. Inputs are user configurable for connection to thermocouple and RTD probes, as well as linear process signal types such as mVDC, VDC or mADC. Output options include relays, SSR drivers, triacs or linear mV/voltage modules. These can be used for alarms or retransmission of the process variable to external devices such as data recorders or PLC’s. A Transmitter Power Supply option module can provide an unregulated 24V DC (22mA) auxiliary output voltage for external signal transmitters. Alarm indication is standard on all instruments. Alarms may be set as process high or low, deviation (active above or below Limit setpoint) or band (active both above and below setpoint). These alarms can be linked to any suitable output. Alarm status is indicated by LED’s or the alarm status screen. Limit Controllers shut down a process in order to prevent possible damage to equipment or products. They have a latching relay, which cannot be reset until the process is in a safe condition. Limit controllers work independently of the normal process controller and have approvals for critical applications. Introduction Page 1 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 2 Installation Unpacking 1. Remove the product from its packing. Retain the packing for future use, in case it is necessary to transport the instrument to a different site or to return it to the supplier for repair/testing. 2. The instrument is supplied with a panel gasket and push fit fixing strap. A single sheet concise manual is also supplied in one or more languages. Examine the delivered items for damage or defects. If any are found, contact your supplier immediately. Installation CAUTION: Installation and configuration should be performed only by personnel who are technically competent and authorised to do so. Local regulations regarding electrical installation and safety must be observed. 1 /4 - DIN & 1/16 - DIN Instruments 1 /8 - DIN Instruments Figure 1. Main dimensions Installation Page 2 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Panel Cut-outs The mounting panel must be rigid and may be up to 6.0mm (0.25 inches) thick. The cut-outs required for the instruments are shown below. 1 /4 DIN 1 1 /8 DIN /16 DIN 92mm 92mm +0.5 –0.0 +0.5 –0.0 45mm +0.5 –0.0 92mm 45mm +0.5 –0.0 45mm +0.5 –0.0 +0.5 –0.0 Figure 2. Panel cut-out sizes Panel-Mounting CAUTION: Insure the inside of the panel is with the instruments operating temperature and that there is adequate air flow to prevent overheating. Slide mounting clamp over the instrument housing, towards rear face of mounting panel, until the tongues Mounting Panel engage in ratchets and instrument is Instrument Housing clamped in position. Ratchets Gasket Hold firmly in position (apply pressure to bezel only) Figure 3. Panel-Mounting the device CAUTION: For an effective IP66 seal against dust and moisture, ensure gasket is well compressed against the panel, with the 4 tongues located in the same ratchet slot.. Installation Page 3 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Once the instrument is installed in its mounting panel, it may be subsequently removed from its housing, if necessary, as described in the Fitting and Removing Option Modules section. Instruments may be mounted side-by-side in a multiple installation, but instrument to panel moisture and dust sealing will be compromised. The cut-out width (for n instruments) is shown below. 1 /8 - & 1/16 - DIN Instruments: (48n - 4) mm or (1.89n - 0.16) inches 1 /4 - DIN Instruments: (96n - 4) mm or (3.78n - 0.16) inches If panel sealing must be maintained, mount each instrument into an individual cut-out with 6mm or more clearance between the edges of the holes. Note: The mounting clamp tongues may engage the ratchets either on the sides or the top/bottom faces of the Instrument housing. When installing several Instruments side-byside in one cut-out, use the ratchets on the top/bottom faces. Installation Page 4 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 3 Plug-in Options Options Modules and Functions A range of plug-in option modules is available to add additional input, output and communication functions to the instruments in the range. These modules can be either preinstalled at the time of manufacture, or retrofitted in the field. The modules are installed between the instruments main circuit boards into the four option slots. These are designated as Slots 1, 2, 3, and A. Installation is detailed below. Note: Slot 1 modules are fitted with a fixed limit relay. Slot 2 & 3 modules cannot be fitted into Slot 1. Some Slot 2 &3 modules should only be fitted into one of the two slots. This is detailed in the - Option Module vs. Model Matrix below. PSU BOARD CPU BOARD Figure 4. Typical rear view (uncased) & main board positions Auto Detection of Option Modules The instrument automatically detects which option modules have been fitted into each slot. In Configuration Mode, the menus will change to reflect the options compatible with the hardware fitted. The modules fitted can be viewed in the products information menu, as detailed in the Product Information Mode section of this manual. Plug-in Options Page 5 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual OPTION SLOT 1 OPTION SLOT 2 CN2500X-R Relay CN2500X-DC SSR Driver CN2500X-T Triac CN2300X-F Linear mA/V DC OPTION SLOT 3 CN2500X-R Relay CN2500X-DC SSR Driver CN2300X-F Linear mA/V DC CN2300X-TPS Transmitter Power Supply OPTION SLOT A CN2300X-485 RS485 Comms CN2300X-DI Digital Input SOFTWARE & ACCESSORIES CN2500-SOFT Config Software CN2504 CN2508 MODULE PART NUMBER & Function CN2516 Table 1. Option Module vs. Model Matrix Fitted with fixed Limit Relay Preparing to Install or Remove Options Modules CAUTION: Before removing the instrument from its housing, insure that all power has been removed from the rear terminals. 1. Remove the instrument from its housing by gripping the side edges of the front panel (there is a finger grip on each edge) and pull the instrument forwards. This will release the instrument from the rear connectors in the housing and will give access to the PCBs. 2. Take note of the orientation of the instrument for subsequent replacement into the housing. The positions of the main and option PCBs in the instrument are shown below. Plug-in Options Page 6 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Removing/Replacing Option Modules With the instrument removed from its housing: 1. To remove or replace modules into Option Slot A, it is necessary to gently separate the CPU and PSU PCBs. This is achieved by detaching the main boards (PSU and CPU) from the front molding by lifting first the upper and then lower mounting struts as shown. This frees the boards from the front. If only Option slots 2 or 3 are to be changed, this stage is not required as these slots are accessible without separating the main boards from the front. CPU PCB Mounting Struts Option Slot A Option Slot 1 (Fixed Limit Relay) Option Slot 3 Option Slot 2 PSU PCB Figure 5. Location of Option Slots - 1/16 DIN Instruments CAUTION: Take care not to put undue stress on the ribbon cable attaching the display and CPU boards. CPU PCB Mounting Struts Option Slot B (Do not use) Option Slot A Option Slot 2 Option Slot 3 Option Slot 1 PSU PCB (Fixed Limit Relay) Figure 6. Location of Option Slots - 1/8 & 1/4 DIN Instruments CAUTION: Take care not to put undue stress on the ribbon cable attaching the display and CPU boards. Plug-in Options Page 7 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 2. Remove or fit the modules into the Option slots as required. The location of the connectors is shown below. Tongues on each option module locate into slots cut into the main boards, opposite each of the connectors. Figure 7. Option Module Connectors - 1/16 DIN Instruments Option Slot 1-(Fixed Limit Relay) ConnectorsPL7&PL8 Option Slot A Option Slot 2 Connectors PL5 & PL6 Connector PL4A Option Slot 3 Connector PL4B CAUTION: Check for correct orientation of the modules and that all pins locate correctly into the socket. Option Slot B (Not Used on Limit Controllers) Option Slot 2 Connector PL4A Option Slot 1 (Fixed Limit Relay) Option Slot A Connectors PL5 & PL6 Option Slot 3 Connectors PL4B Figure 8. Option Module Connectors - 1/8 & 1/4 DIN Instruments CAUTION: Check for correct orientation of the modules and that all pins locate correctly into the socket Plug-in Options Page 8 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Replacing the Instrument in its Housing With the required option modules correctly located into their respective positions the instrument can be replaced into its housing as follows: 1. If required, move the CPU and PSU boards back together, taking care to locate the option module tongues into the slots in the board opposite. Hold the main boards together while relocating them back into the mounting struts on the front panel. 2. Align the CPU and PSU PCBs with their guides and connectors in the housing. 3. Slowly and firmly, push the instrument in position. CAUTION: Insure that the instrument is correctly orientated. A mechanical stop will operate if an attempt is made to insert the instrument in the wrong orientation, this stop MUST NOT be over-ridden. Plug-in Options Page 9 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 4 Wiring Instructions Electrical noise is a phenomenon typical of industrial environments. As with any instrumentation, these guidelines should be followed to minimize the effect of noise. Installation Considerations Ignition transformers, arc welders, mechanical contact relays and solenoids are all common sources of electrical noise in an industrial environment and therefore the following guidelines MUST be followed. 1. If the instrument is being installed in existing equipment, the wiring in the area should be checked to insure that good wiring practices have been followed. 2. Noise-generating devices such as those listed should be mounted in a separate enclosure. If this is not possible, separate them from the instrument, by the largest distance possible. 3. If possible, eliminate mechanical contact relays and replace with solid-state relays. If a mechanical relay being powered by an output of this instrument cannot be replaced, a solid-state relay can be used to isolate the instrument. 4. A separate isolation transformer to feed only the instrumentation should be considered. The transformer can isolate the instrument from noise found on the AC power input. AC Power Wiring - Neutral (for 100 to 240V AC versions) It is good practice to ensure that the AC neutral is at or near ground (earth) potential. A proper neutral will help insure maximum performance from the instrument. Wire Isolation Four voltage levels of input and output wiring may be used with the unit: 1. Analogue input or output (for example thermocouple, RTD, VDC, mVDC or mADC) 2. Relays & Triac outputs 3. SSR Driver outputs 4. AC power CAUTION: The only wires that should run together are those of the same category. If any wires need to run parallel with any other lines, maintain a minimum space of 150mm between them. If wires MUST cross each other, insure they do so at 90 degrees to minimize interference. Connections Page 10 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Use of Shielded Cable All analogue signals must use shielded cable. This will help eliminate electrical noise induction on the wires. Connection lead length must be kept as short as possible keeping the wires protected by the shielding. The shield should be grounded at one end only. The preferred grounding location is at the sensor, transmitter or transducer. Noise Suppression at Source Usually when good wiring practices are followed, no further noise protection is necessary. Sometimes in severe electrical environments, the amount of noise is so great that it has to be suppressed at source. Many manufacturers of relays, contactors, etc supply ‘surge suppressors' which mount on the noise source. For those devices that do not have surge suppressors supplied, Resistance-Capacitance (RC) networks and/or Metal Oxide Varistors (MOV) may be added. Inductive coils: - MOVs are recommended for transient suppression in inductive coils, connected in parallel and as close as possible to the coil. Additional protection may be provided by adding an RC network across the MOV. Figure 9. Transient suppression with inductive coils Contacts: - Arcing may occur across contacts when they open and close. This results in electrical noise as well as damage to the contacts. Connecting a properly sized RC network can eliminate this arc. For circuits up to 3 amps, a combination of a 47 ohm resistor and 0.1 microfarad capacitor (1000 volts) is recommended. For circuits from 3 to 5 amps, connect two of these in parallel. Figure 10. Connections Contact noise suppression Page 11 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Sensor Placement (Thermocouple or RTD) If the temperature probe is to be subjected to corrosive or abrasive conditions, it must be protected by an appropriate thermowell. The probe must be positioned to reflect true process temperature: 1. 1. In a liquid media - the most agitated area 2. 2. In air - the best circulated area CAUTION: The placement of probes into pipe work some distance from the heating vessel leads to transport delay, which results in poor control. For a two wire RTD a wire link should be used in place of the third wire. Two wire RTDs must only be used with lead lengths less than 3 metres. Use of three wire RTDs is strongly recommended. Thermocouple Wire Identification Chart The different thermocouple types are identified by their wires’ color, and where possible, the outer insulation as well. There are several standards in use throughout the world. The table below shows the wire and sheath colors used for most common thermocouple types. The format used in this table is: + Wire - Wire Sheath Table 2. Thermocouple Extension Wire Colors Type J T K N B R&S C (W5) International IEC584-3 +* Black - White + Brown USA ANSI MC 96.1 Black Red White + Green -* White + Pink - White + Grey - White + Orange - White Red Blue Brown Brown Yellow Red Red Yellow Purple Green Green Orange Orange Red Orange Blue Grey Grey Blue Blue Blue Blue Orange Pink Red Black Yellow Brown Yellow Red Yellow Blue Blue Yellow Green German DIN 43710 Black White Blue Red French NFC 42-324 Black Blue Blue Brown - Yellow White Black British BS1843 Red Grey Grey Red Grey Black Orange White Green Red + White - Red Yellow Green Blue Red White Green Green White White Note: * = Wire is magnetic Connections Page 12 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Connections and Wiring The rear terminal connections for 1/16 DIN and 1/4 & 1/8 DIN instruments are illustrated in the following diagrams. In general, all wiring connections are made to the instrument after it is installed. Copper wires must be used for all connections (except thermocouple signal wires). WARNING: TO AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCK, AC POWER WIRING MUST NOT BE CONNECTED TO THE SOURCE DISTRIBUTION PANEL UNTIL ALL WIRING PROCEDURES ARE COMPLETED. WARNING: CHECK THE INFORMATION LABEL ON THE CASE TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT VOLTAGE BEFORE CONNECTING TO A LIVE SUPPLY. Note: The wiring diagram below shows all possible combinations. The actual connections required depend upon the features available on the model and the modules and options fitted. Figure 11. Rear terminals (1/16-DIN Instruments) Connections Page 13 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual WARNING: TO AVOID ELECTRICAL SHOCK, AC POWER WIRING MUST NOT BE CONNECTED TO THE SOURCE DISTRIBUTION PANEL UNTIL ALL WIRING PROCEDURES ARE COMPLETED. WARNING: CHECK THE INFORMATION LABEL ON THE CASE TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT VOLTAGE BEFORE CONNECTING TO A LIVE SUPPLY. Note: The wiring diagram below shows all possible combinations. The actual connections required depend upon the features available on the model and the modules and options fitted Figure 12. Rear terminals (1/4-DIN & 1/8-DIN Instruments) Connections Page 14 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Power Connections - Mains Powered Instruments Mains powered instruments operate from a 100 to 240V (±10%) 50/60Hz supply. Power consumption is 7.5VA. Connect the line voltage (live and neutral) as illustrated via a two-pole isolating switch (preferably located near the equipment) and a 1amp anti-surge fuse. If the instrument has relay outputs with contacts carrying mains voltage, it is recommended that the relay contacts supply should be switched and fused in a similar manner, but should be separate from the instruments mains supply. 9 L ∼ 13 ∼ 10 N 14 N 1 L 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 13. Mains Power Connections WARNING: CHECK THE INFORMATION LABEL ON THE CASE TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT VOLTAGE BEFORE CONNECTING TO A LIVE SUPPLY. CAUTION: This equipment is designed for installation in an enclosure that provides adequate protection against electric shock Power Connections - 24/48V AC/DC Powered Instruments 24/48V AD/DC powered instruments will operate from a 20 to 48V AC or 22 to 55V DC supply. AC power consumption is 7.5VA max; DC power consumption is 5 watts max. Connection should be via a two-pole isolating switch (preferably located near the equipment) and a 315mA slow-blow (anti-surge type T) fuse. _ 9 ∼ 10 + 1 _ 13 ∼ 14 + 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 14. 24/48V AC/DC Power Connections WARNING: CHECK THE INFORMATION LABEL ON THE CASE TO DETERMINE THE CORRECT VOLTAGE BEFORE CONNECTING TO A LIVE SUPPLY. Connections Page 15 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Universal Input Connections - Thermocouple (T/C) Use only the correct thermocouple wire or compensating cable from the probe to the instrument terminals avoiding joints in the cable if possible. Failure to use the correct wire type will lead to inaccurate readings. Insure correct polarity of the wires by cross-referencing the colors with a thermocouple reference table. 4 _ 3 _ 5 + 2 + 1 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 15. Thermocouple Input Connections Universal Input Connections – PT100 (RTD) input For three wire RTDs, connect the resistive leg and the common legs of the RTD as illustrated. For a two wire RTD a wire link should be used in place of the third wire (shown by dotted line). Two wire RTDs should only be used when the leads are less than 3 metres long. Avoid cable joints. 4 3 5 2 RTD RTD 6 1 1 1 /16 DIN Figure 16. /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN RTD Input Connections Four wire RTDs can be used, provided that the fourth wire is left unconnected. This wire should be cut short or tied back so that it cannot contact any of the terminals on the rear of the instrument. Connections Page 16 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Universal Input Connections - Linear Volt, mV or mA input Linear DC voltage, millivolt or milliamp input connections are made as illustrated. Carefully 4 4 _ 5 + + + 3 _ 2 + _- 6 _ mA mV/V mA mV/V 1 observe the polarity of the connections. 1 1 /16 DIN Figure 17. /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN DC Volt, mV & mA Input Connections Option Slot 1 – Relay Output Module If option slot 1 is fitted with a fixed relay output, make connections as illustrated. The relay contacts are rated at 5 amps resistive, 240 VAC. 1 N/O 19 N/C 2 COM 20 COM 3 N/C 21 N/O 1 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 18. Connections Option Slot 1 – Fixed Relay Page 17 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Option Slot 2 - Relay Output Module If option slot 2 is fitted with a relay output module, make connections as illustrated. The relay contacts are rated at 2 amps resistive, 240 VAC. 1 13 N/O 22 N/C 14 COM 23 COM 15 N/C 24 N/O 1 /16 DIN Figure 19. /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN Option Slot 2 - Relay Module Option Slot 2 - SSR Driver Output Module If option slot 2 is fitted with an SSR driver output module, make connections as illustrated. The solid-state relay driver is a 0-10V DC signal, load impedance must be no less than 500 ohms. SSR driver outputs are not isolated from the signal input or other SSR driver outputs. 13 23 14 15 _ 22 + 24 _ 1 + 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 20. Option Slot 2 - SSR Driver Module Option Slot 2 - Triac Output Module If option slot 2 is fitted with a Triac output module, make connections as shown. This output is rated at 0.01 to 1 amp @ 280V AC 50/60Hz.. 13 23 ∼ 14 ∼ 24 1 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 21. Option Slot 2 - Triac Module WARNING: THIS MODULE MUST NOT BE FITTED INTO OPTION SLOT 3. Connections Page 18 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Option Slot 2 - Linear Voltage or mADC Output module If option slot 2 is fitted with a DC linear output module, make connections as illustrated. 13 _ 22 + 23 14 24 _ 15 1 + 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 22. Option Slot 2 - Linear Voltage & mADC module Option Slot 3 - Relay Output Module If option slot 3 is fitted with a relay output module, make connections as illustrated. The relay contacts are rated at 2 amps resistive, 240 VAC. 1 16 N/C 10 N/C 17 COM 11 COM 18 N/O 12 N/O 1 /16 DIN Figure 23. /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN Option Slot 3 - Relay Module Option Slot 3 - SSR Driver Output Module If option slot 3 is fitted with an SSR driver output module, make connections as illustrated. The solid-state relay driver is a 0-10V DC signal; load impedance must be no less than 500 ohms. SSR driver outputs are not isolated from the signal input or other SSR driver outputs. 16 10 _ 11 17 18 _ 12 + 1 + 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 24. Option Slot 3 - SSR Driver Module Connections Page 19 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Option Slot 3 - Linear Voltage or mADC Output module If option slot 3 is fitted with a DC linear output module, make connections as illustrated. _ 10 _ 16 11 17 12 18 + + 1 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 25. Option Slot 3 - Linear Voltage & mADC module Option Slot 3 - Transmitter Power Supply Module If option slot 3 is fitted with a transmitter power supply module, make connections as illustrated. The output is an unregulated 24V DC, 22mA supply. _ 10 _ 16 11 17 18 12 + 1 + 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 26. Option Slot 3 - Transmitter Power Supply Module WARNING: THIS MODULE MUST NOT BE FITTED INTO OPTION SLOT 2. Option Slot A Connections - RS485 Serial Communications Module If option slot A is fitted with the RS485 serial communication module, connections are as illustrated. Carefully observe the polarity of the A (Rx/Tx +ve) and B (Rx/Tx -ve) connections. 11 A 17 B B RS485 12 16 A 18 1 /16 DIN Figure 27. RS485 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN COM Option Slot A – RS485 Serial Communications Module Connections Page 20 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Option Slot A Connections - Digital Input Module If a digital input module is fitted in option slot A, this may be connected to either voltage free contacts (e.g. switch or relay), or a TTL compatible voltage. Connections are shown below. 11 _ 16 + 12 + 17 _ 1 1 /4 DIN & 1/8 DIN /16 DIN Figure 28. Option Slot A – Digital Input Module Connections Page 21 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 5 Powering Up WARNING: INSURE SAFE WIRING PRACTICES ARE FOLLOWED The instrument must be powered from a supply according to the wiring label on the side of the unit. The supply will be either 100 to 240V AC, or 24/48V AC/DC powered. Check the supply voltage and connections carefully before applying power. CAUTION: When powering up for the first time, disconnect the output connections. Powering Up Procedure At power up, a self-test procedure is automatically started, during which all LED segments and indicators are lit. At the first power up from new, or if the option modules are changed, # / 3 C" will be displayed, indicating configuration is required (refer to section 6). At all other times, the instrument returns to operator mode once the self-test procedure is complete. Overview of Front Panel The illustration below shows a typical instrument front panel. Refer to the following table – Typical LED functions for a description of the front panel indicators. Each model in the range will vary slightly from the example shown. Reset Key Lower Key Raise Key Function Key Figure 29. Powering Up Typical front panel and keys Page 22 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Displays Controllers are provided with a dual line display and LED indicators for mode, automatic tune, alarm, and output status. The upper display shows the process variable value during normal operation, while the lower display shows the Setpoint value. See the preceding diagram Typical front panel and keys. Keypad Each instrument has either three or four switches, which are used to navigate through the user menus and make adjustment to the parameter values. See - Overview of Front Panel above LED Functions Table 3. Typical LED functions LED Function ON indicates the Setup Mode has been entered (This LED is labelled ) FLASHING indicates that an alarm condition is present ON in unison with Primary output Powering Up Page 23 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 6 Messages and Error Indications The following displays are shown when an error occurs or a hardware change is detected. Table 4. Error/Faults conditions Error/Faults Conditions Upper display Configuration & Setup is required. Seen at first turn on or if hardware configuration changed. Press to enter Configuration Mode, next press or to enter the unlock code number, then press to proceed. # / Lower Display (where fitted) 3 C" (# / for 1 second) Configuration must be completed before return to operator mode is allowed 1 Input more than 5% over-range2 Input more than 5% under-range 3 Sensor Break. Break detected in the input sensor or wiring 2$$9 * Normal Display 2''9 Normal Display * ) ( * Normal Display Auxiliary input over-range Normal Display 2$$9 * Auxiliary input under-range Normal Display 2''9 Auxiliary Break. Break detected in the auxiliary input Normal Display * ) ( * Option 1 module fault. **** @C Option 2 module fault. **** @C Option 3 module fault. **** @C Option A module fault. **** @C ** @C * Note Input sensor and Auxiliary over/under-range or break indications will be seen wherever these values would normally be displayed. Option B module fault. 1 This feature does not guarantee correct configuration. It only helps to insure that the unit will be configured before use. Use of set-up mode is not enforced but may be essential for the user’s application. 2 3 If the PV display exceeds before 5% over-range is reached, an over-range indication is given. Indicators will allow up to 10% under-range on non-zero based Linear ranges. If the PV display is less than before the % under-range is reached, an under-range indication is given. Instrument Operation Modes Page 24 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 7 Instrument Operation Modes All instruments in the range share a similar user interface. For more details, refer to the mode tables below. Select Mode This mode is used to gain entry to each of the modes available in the instrument. Entry into the Select Mode Hold down and press in any mode to force the unit to enter Select Mode. Navigating in Select Mode Once in Select Mode, press or to select the required mode, then press to enter the chosen mode. To prevent unauthorized entry to Configuration, Setup and Automatic Tuning modes, an unlock code is required. These are shown in the - Lock code values table. Table 5. Select Mode Menus Mode Description Operator Mode Set Up Mode The Default Mode on power up used for normal operation. Used to tailor the instrument to the application, adjustment of tuning terms etc. Used to configure the instrument for first time use or on re-installation. Used to check the hardware, firmware and manufacturing information of the instrument. Configuration Mode Product Information Mode Upper/Main Display Lower Display @/+ -'3/ -!/@ -'3/ 3 C" -'3/ C" -'3/ Unlock Codes The 0' N screen is seen before entry is allowed to Configuration, Setup and Automatic Tuning modes. An unlock code must be correctly selected using the or keys to enter the required mode. An incorrect entry results in a return to Select Mode. The value of the lock codes only can be changed from within the modes to which they apply. Table 6. Lock Code – Entry and Default Values Description Upper/Main Display Default values are: Set-up mode = Configuration Mode = . Instrument Operation Modes Lower Display 0' N Page 25 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Product Information Mode This is a read only mode describing the instrument and the options fitted to it. Navigating in the Product Information Mode Press to view each parameter in turn. Hold Down and press to return to Select Mode. Note: If there is no key activity for 2 minutes the device automatically returns to operator mode Table 7. Product Information Mode Parameters Parameter Possible Values Input type Universal input 0C %C: Option 1 module type Relay +'5 )C Option 2 module type No option fitted. C C )C Option 3 module type Auxiliary option A module type Upper/Main Display Relay +'5 SSR drive --+ Triac /+ Linear voltage / current output 'C No option fitted. C C Relay =+'5 SSR drive --+ Linear voltage / current output 'C 24V Transmitter power supply =N No option fitted C C! RS485 comms + Lower Display )C )C Digital input Firmware =# Value displayed is firmware type number "<& Issue No. Value displayed is firmware issue number %,, Product Rev Level Value displayed is Product Revision Level. )*' Manufacturing date code (mmyy) Date of manufacture First four digits of serial number Serial No.1 =Mm -C Serial No.2 Second four digits of serial number -C Serial No. 3 Last four digits of serial number -C Instrument Operation Modes Page 26 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Lock Code View In the event that a lock code is forgotten, the instrument lock code values can be seen in the lock code view. In this view the codes are read only, the codes can be changed from the mode to which they apply. Entry and Navigating in Lock Code View Mode Press is shown. and together while the instrument is powering up until the 3' N display Once in this mode Press to step between lock codes. Note: If there is no key activity for 2 minutes the instrument returns to Operator Mode. To forcibly exit this view, switch off the instrument. Table 8. Lock Code View Menu Lock Code Name Description Upper/Main Display Lower Display Configuration Lock Code Setup Lock Code Read only view of Configuration Lock Code. Read only view of Setup Mode Lock Code. Current Value 3' N Current Value -' N Instrument Operation Modes Page 27 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 8 CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Limit Controllers protect processes that could be damaged or become hazardous under fault conditions. They shut down the process at a preset level. Three model sizes are available: CN2516 1/16 DIN Limit Device (48 x 48mm), CN2508 1/8 DIN Limit Device (96 x 48mm) and CN25041/4 DIN Limit Device (96 x 96mm). High or low trip 5 amp latching limit relay Exceed & relay trip indicators 2 Annunciators or process alarms RS485 Modbus and ASCII comms option Remote reset option PV retransmit option PC configuration option CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Limit Devices - Configuration Mode This mode is normally used only when the instrument is configured for the first time or when a major change is made to the controller characteristics. The Configuration Mode parameters must be set as required before adjusting parameters in Setup Mode, or attempting to use the instrument in an application. Entry into the Configuration Mode CAUTION: Adjustments to these parameters should only be performed by personnel competent and authorized to do so. Configuration is entered from Select Mode Hold down and press to force the controller into the Select Mode. then Press or to navigate to the Configuration Mode option, then press . Note: Entry into this mode is security-protected by the Configuration Mode Lock Code. Refer to the Unlock Code section for more details. Scrolling through Parameters and Values Press to scroll through the parameters (parameters are described below). Note: Only parameters that are applicable to the hardware options chosen will be displayed. Changing Parameter Values Press to navigate to the required parameter, then press as required. CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group or to set the value Page 28 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual When a value is changed, the display will flash to indicate that confirmation of the change is required. The value will revert back if not confirmed within 10 seconds. Press to accept the change. Or Press to reject the change and to move onto the next parameter. Hold down and press to return to Select Mode. Note: If there is no key activity for 2 minutes, the instrument returns to the operator mode. Table 9. CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Configuration Mode Parameters Parameter Input type and Range Lower Display %C)/ Upper Display Description Default Value When Visible 3 B type: 100 to 1824 ºC Always " B type: 211 to 3315 ºF 63 for Europe 33 C type: 0 to 2320 ºC 3" C type: 32 to 4208 ºF &3 J type: -200 to 1200 ºC &" J type: -328 to 2192 ºF 6. 3 J type: -128.8 to 537.7 ºC with decimal point J type: -199.9 to 999.9 ºF with decimal point K type: -240 to 1373 ºC 6. " K3 K" K type: -400 to 2503 ºF '3 K type: -128.8 to 537.7 ºC with decimal point K type: -199.9 to 999.9 ºF with decimal point L type: 0 to 762 ºC '" L type: 32 to 1403 ºF '. 3 (3 L type: 0.0 to 537.7 ºC with decimal point L type: 32.0 to 999.9 ºF with decimal point N type: 0 to 1399 ºC (" N type: 32 to 2551 ºF +3 R type: 0 to 1759 ºC k. 3 K. " '. " 6" for USA CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group 63 for Europe Always 6" Page 29 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Parameter Lower Display Input type and Range (Continued) Upper Display Description Default Value +" R type: 32 to 3198 ºF for USA -3 S type: 0 to 1762 ºC -" S type: 32 to 3204 ºF /3 T type: -240 to 400 ºC /" T type: -400 to 752 ºF When Visible T type: -128.8 to 400.0 ºC with decimal point T type: -199.9 to 752.0 ºF /. " with decimal point )3 PtRh20% vs PtRh40%: 0 to 1850 ºC )" PtRh20% vs PtRh40%: 32 to 3362 ºF ).3 Pt100: -199 to 800 ºC )/" Pt100: -328 to 1472 ºF /. 3 )/. 3 )/. " : Pt100: -128.8 to 537.7 ºC with decimal point Pt100: -199.9 to 999.9 ºF with decimal point 0 to 20mA DC : 4 to 20mA DC : 0 to 50mV DC . 10 to 50mV DC : 0 to 5V DC : 1 to 5V DC : 0 to 10V DC : 2 to 10V DC Scale Range Upper Limit +1' Scale Range Lower Limit +100 to Range Max Scale Range Lower Limit +'' Range Min. to Scale range Upper Limit 100 CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Linear inputs = 1000 (°C/°F = max range) Linear = 0 (°C/°F = min range) Always Always Page 30 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Parameter Decimal point position Lower Display =) - Upper Display Process Variable Offset ""- Limit Action 3.*' Description Decimal point position in non-temperature ranges. 0 = XXXX 1 = XXX.X 2 = XX.XX 3 = X.XXX ±Span of controller (see CAUTION note at end of section) $ High Limit. Limit relay is energized when process “safe” (PV < Limit Setpoint) ' Low Limit. Limit relay is energized when process “safe” (PV > Limit Setpoint) Default Value When Visible %C@.= Always $ Always mV, V or mA Setpoint Upper Limit -)1' Current Setpoint value to Scale Range Maximum Range Max. Always Setpoint Lower Limit -)'' Scale Range Minimum to current Setpoint value Range Min Always Alarm 1Type ' ):$ Always Range Max. '= ):$ Range Min. '= ):' '= = '= C= Always ):$ Process High Alarm ):' Process Low Alarm = Deviation Alarm C= Band Alarm Process High Alarm 1 value* C C No alarm )? Range Min. to Range Max. Process Low Alarm 1 value* )' Range Min. to Range Max Deviation Alarm 1 Value* =' ±span from setpoint Band Alarm 1 value* ' Alarm 1 Hysteresis* $4 1 LSD to 100% of span (in display units) on “safe” side of alarm point. ' As for alarm 1 type Alarm 2 Type 1 LSD to full span from setpoint. ):' Always Process High Alarm 2 value* )? Range Min. to Range Max. Range Max. '= ):$ Process Low Alarm 2 value* )' Range Min. to Range Max. Range Min. '= ):' Deviation Alarm 2 Value* =' ±span from setpoint. '= = Band Alarm 2 value* ' '= C= 1 LSD to full span from setpoint. CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Page 31 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Parameter Lower Display Upper Display Description Alarm 2 Hysteresis* $4 1 LSD to 100% of span (in display units) on “safe” side of alarm point. Output 2 Usage 0- 'Mm/ Limit Output Relay 7:= Alarm 1, Direct Acting :+ Alarm 1, Reverse Acting := Alarm 2, Direct Acting :+ Alarm 2, Reverse Acting Linear Output 2 Range /4) Default Value := when @C is not linear output type, + /) if @C is linear output type When Visible Always @C = +'5 Not linear Not linear Not linear Not linear +:= Logical Alarm 1 OR Alarm 2 Direct Acting +:+ Logical Alarm 1 OR Alarm 2 Reverse Acting +:= Logical Alarm 1 AND Alarm 2, Direct Acting Not linear +:+ Logical Alarm 1 AND Alarm 2, Reverse Acting Not linear C:= Limit Annunciator, Direct Acting Not linear C:+ Limit Annunciator, Reverse Acting Not linear +!/- Retransmit SP Output Linear only +!/) Retransmit PV Output Linear only : 0 to 5 V DC output 1 : 0 to 10 V DC output : 2 to 10 V DC output Not linear Not linear : @C= 'C : 0 to 20 mA DC output : 4 to 20 mA DC output Retransmit Output 2 Scale maximum + $ to Display value where output is maximum Range max 0,!= +!/- or +!/) Retransmit Output 2 Scale minimum + ' to Display value where output is minimum Range min 0,!= +!/- or +!/) Output 3 Usage 0- As for output 2 7:= @C is not C C! Linear Output 3 Range /4) As for output 2 : @C= 'C CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Page 32 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Parameter Retransmit Output 3 Scale maximum Lower Display Upper Description Display + $ to Display value where output is maximum Retransmit Output 3 Scale minimum + ' to Display value where output is minimum Display Strategy =,@ C PV is visible in Operator mode =- PV not visible in Operator mode Comms Protocol Bit rate )+ / -" Displays -" in Operator mode when Limit Output is not active -3% ASCII MmC Modbus with no parity Mm Modbus with Even Parity 1= Communications Address ==+ Communications Write Enable 3 Configuration Mode Lock Code 3' N C Mm Modbus with Odd Parity . 1.2 kbps . 2.4 kbps . 4.8 kbps . 9.6 kbps . 19.2 kbps r_o r_Ww A unique address for each instrument between 1 to 255 (Modbus), or 1 to 99 (Ascii) Read only. Comms writes ignored Default Value When Visible Range max 0,!= +!/- or +!/) Range min 0,!= +!/- or +!/) Always C MmC @C= + . @C= + @C= + r_ Ww Always Read / Write. Writing via Comms is possible to Always Notes: Option Slot 1 is a fixed Limit Relay output. A Digital Input module, if fitted to Option Slot A will duplicate the function of the front Reset key . As these functions cannot be changed, configuration menus are not required. Alarm parameters marked * are repeated in Setup Mode. CAUTION: Process Variable Offset modifies the measured value to compensate for probe errors. Positive values increase the reading, negative values are subtracted. This parameter is, effectively, a calibration adjustment and MUST be used with care. CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Page 33 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Limit Devices – Setup Mode This mode is normally selected only after Configuration Mode has been completed, and is used when a change to the process set up is required. Note: Entry into Setup Mode is security-protected by the Setup Mode lock code. Entry into the Setup Mode Hold down Press or Mode. The Setup LED and press to enter the Select Mode to navigate to the Setup Mode option, then press to enter Setup will light while in Setup mode Scrolling through Parameters & Values Press to scroll through the parameters (refer to the table below) and their values. Changing Parameter Values Press to select the required parameter, then press required. or to set the value as Once the displayed value is changed, the effect is immediate. No confirmation of the change is required. Note: If there is no key activity for two minutes, the instrument returns to the operator mode. Table 10. CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Set Up Mode Parameters Parameter Limit Setpoint value Lower Display -) Upper Display Adjustment Range Default Value When Visible Scaled Range Minimum to Scaled Range Maximum Range max when 3/+'=$ Range min when 3/+'=' Always Limit Hysteresis $5-/ 1 LSD to full span in display units, on the safe side of the limit SP Always Input Filter Time constant "'/ OFF, 0.5 to 100.0 secs in 0.5 sec increments (see CAUTION note at end of section) . Always CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Page 34 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Parameter Lower Display Upper Display Adjustment Range Default Value When Visible ' = ):$ Process High Alarm 1 value* )? Range Min. to Range Max. Range Max. Process Low Alarm 1 value* )' Range Min. to Range Max. Range Min. Deviation Alarm 1 Value* =' ±span from setpoint ' = = Band Alarm 1 value* ' 1 LSD to full span from setpoint. ' = C= Alarm 1 Hysteresis* $4 Up to 100% of span Always Process High Alarm 2 value* )? Range Min. to Range Max. Range Max. ' = ):$ Process Low Alarm 2 value* )' Range Min. to Range Max. Range Min. ' = ):' Deviation Alarm 2 Value =' ±span from setpoint ' = = Band Alarm 2 value* ' 1 LSD to full span from setpoint. ' = C= Alarm 2 Hysteresis* $4 Up to 100% of span -' N 0 to 9999 Always Always Set-up Lock Code ' = ):' **First Operator mode displays follows. Note: Alarm parameters marked * are repeated in Configuration Mode. Note: **Once the complete list of Set Up Mode parameters has been displayed, the first Operator Mode display is shown without exiting from Set Up Mode. CAUTION: An excessively large filter time could significantly delay detection of a limit condition. Set this value to the minimum required to remove noise from the process variable. CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Page 35 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Limit Devices - Operator Mode This is the mode used during normal operation of the instrument. It can be accessed from Select Mode, and is the usual mode entered at power-up. WARNING: IN NORMAL OPERATION, THE OPERATOR MUST NOT REMOVE THE INSTRUMENT FROM ITS HOUSING OR HAVE UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO THE REAR TERMINALS, AS THIS WOULD PROVIDE POTENTIAL CONTACT WITH HAZARDOUS LIVE PARTS. CAUTION: Set all Configuration Mode parameters and Setup Mode parameters as required before starting normal operations. Navigating in Operator Mode Press to move between displays. Table 11. CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Operator Mode Displays Upper Display Lower Display When Visible Description PV Value Limit SP Value Display strategy is set to C. (Initial Screen) Process Variable and Limit Setpoint values. Read only Limit SP Value Blank Display strategy is set to =-. (Initial Screen) Limit Setpoint value only. Read only -" or +- / Blank or PV Value Display strategy is set to -" . (Initial Screen) Displays -" and blank if Limit Output is not active. Displays +- / and Process Variable value if Limit Output is active. Read only High Limit Hold $$= 3/+' = $ in Configuration Mode Highest PV value since this parameter was last reset. Low Limit Hold ' $= 3/+' = ' in Configuration Mode Always available Lowest PV value since this parameter was last reset. Exceed Time Value / Active Alarm Status '-/ When any alarm is active. ALM indicator will also flash Accumulated time of Limit SP exceed conditions since this parameter was last reset. Time Format: to 99.59, then mmm.s (10 sec increments) Shows 2$$9 when ≥999.9 Upper display shows which alarm(s) are active. Inactive alarms are blank Alarm 1 Active C CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Alarm 2 Active Annunciator Active Page 36 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Limit Setpoint Adjustment Adjustment of the Limit Setpoint can be only made from Setup Mode. Exceed Condition An Exceed Condition occurs when the Process Variable exceeds the Limit Setpoint value (i.e. PV is greater than the Limit Setpoint when set for high limit action, PV is less than the Limit Setpoint for low limit action). The LED is on during this condition, and is extinguished once it has passed. Limit Output Function The Limit Output relay(s) de-energize whenever an Exceed condition occurs, causing the process to shut down. The LED is on when the relay is de-energized.The relay remains latched off even if the Exceed condition is no longer present. A reset instruction must be given after the exceed condition has passed to re-energize the relay, allowing the process to continue. The LED then turns off. Limit Annunciator Outputs An Annunciator output will activate when an Exceed condition occurs, and will remain active until a reset instruction is received, or the Exceed condition has passed. Unlike the Limit Output, an Annunciator can be reset even if the Exceed condition is present. When an Annunciator is active, the LED will flash and the Alarm Status screen is available. Resetting Limit Outputs & Annunciators A reset instruction can be given by any of the following methods. The front panel Reset key, the Digital Input (if fitted) or via Serial Communications command if an RS485 Communications module is fitted. Using the Reset Key to Reset Limit Outputs & Annunciators Press the key to reset an active Annunciator or latched Limit Relay. Note: Annunciators will deactivate immediately, Limit Outputs will only re-energize if the Exceed condition has passed. CAUTION: Insure that the cause of the Exceed condition has been rectified before resetting the Limit Output. Resetting Limit Hold and Exceed Time The highest PV value reached (for High Limit action) or lowest PV value reached (for Low Limit action) and the accumulated time of Limit SP exceed conditions can be viewed. To reset the stored Limit Hold and Exceed Time values Display the value to be reset, the press the briefly shows when the value is reset. key for 5 seconds. The upper display CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Page 37 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Devices – Serial Communications Parameters The Modbus parameter addresses, and the possible ASCII message types and parameters indents for the CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 are detailed below. RO indicates a parameter is read only, R/W indicates it can also be written to. Communications writes will not implement if the Communications Write Parameter is disabled. Refer to the Modbus and ASCII Communications sections of this manual for details of the protocols used. Bit Parameters Bit parameters are not applicable to the ASCII protocol. Table 12. CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Communications - Bit Parameters Parameter Communication Write Status Modbus Parameter No. 1 RO Notes 1 = Write Enabled, 0 = Write Disabled. A negative acknowledgement (exception code 3) is sent to write commands if communications writes are disabled 1 = Low Limit, 0 = High Limit 1 = Reset Latched Relays. A read returns the values 0 1 =In Exceed Condition, 0 = Not in Exceed Condition 1 = Active, 0 = Inactive 1 = Active, 0 = Inactive 1 = Relay latched, 0 = Relay not latched 1 = Active, 0 = Inactive Limit Action 2 RO Reset Limit Relay 3 R/W Limit Status 4 RO Alarm 1 Status 5 RO Alarm 2 Status 6 RO Limit Output Status 7 RO Annunciator Output 8 RO Status To set the bit value to 1 write FF, to set the bit value to 0 write 00. Refer to Function Code 05 in the Modbus Communications section. Word Parameters Table 13. CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 Communications - Word Parameters Parameter Modbus Parameter No. Process Variable 1 Limit Setpoint 2 RO R/W ASCII Ident & Message Types Notes M Type 2 RO S Type 2, 3/4 Current value of PV. If under-range = 62976 (<??>5 ASCII) If over-range = 63232 (<??>0 ASCII) If Sensor break = 63488 (ASCII = n/a) Value of the Limit Setpoint. R/W CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Page 38 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Parameter Hold Value Deviation Modbus Parameter No. 3 4 Time Exceeded Value 5 Limit Hysteresis 6 Alarm 1 Value Alarm 2 Value 7 8 Scale Range Lower Limit 9 Scale Range Upper Limit 10 Decimal Point Position 11 Input Filter Time Constant 12 Re-transmit output Maximum 13 Re-transmit Output Minimum 14 R/W RO R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W ASCII Ident & Message Types Notes A Type 2 RO V Type 2 RO T Type 2 RO F Type 2, 3/4 R/W Highest PV value (High Limit Action) or Lowest PV value (Low Limit Action) since this parameter was last reset. Modbus: Write any value to reset ASCII: See Controller Command 00160 for reset. Difference between Process Variable and Limit Setpoint (value = PV-Limit SP) Accumulated time of Limit SP exceed conditions since this parameter was last reset. Modbus: Write any value to reset ASCII: See Controller Command 00170 for reset A band on the “safe” side of the Limit SP. Adjustable 0 to 100% of span. A latched limit relay cannot be reset until the process passes through this band Alarm 1 active at this level C Type 2, 3/4 E Type 2, 3/4 H Type 2 Type 3/4 G Type 2 Type 3/4 Q Type 2 Type 3/4 m Type 2, 3/4 [ Type 2, 3/4 \ Type 2, 3/4 R/W Alarm 2 active at this level R/W Lower limit of scaled input range RO R/W Upper limit of scaled input range RO R/W RO R/W Read only if not Linear Input. 0 = xxxx 1 = xxx.x 2 = xx.xx 3 = 0 to 100 seconds R/W R/W R/W Maximum scale value for retransmit output, 1999 to 9999. This parameter applies to the first re-transmit output fitted (see also Modbus parameters 2224, 2225, 2234 & 2235). Minimum scale value for retransmit output, 1999 to 9999. This parameter applies to the first re-transmit output fitted (see also Modbus parameters 2224, 2225, 2234 & 2235). CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Page 39 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Parameter Modbus Parameter No. Process Value Offset 26 Alarm 1 Hysteresis Alarm 2 Hysteresis Controller Commands 32 33 Controller Status R/W ASCII Ident & Message Types Notes v Type 2 Type 3/4 RO R/W Z Type 3/4 R/W L Type 2 RO Modified PV = Actual PV + PV Offset. Limited by Scale Range Max. and Scale Range Min. 0 to 100% of span 0 to 100% of span The Type 3 {DATA} field must be one of three five-digit numbers: 00150 = Reset Limit Outputs 00160 = Reset Hold Value 00170 = Reset Exceed Time value The response contains the same {DATA}. A negative acknowledgement will be returned if Reset in not possible or already implemented. Bits Meaning 0 Alarm 1 status: 0 = Activated, 1 = Safe 1 Alarm 2 status: 0 = Activated, 1 = Safe 2 Not used 3 Change Indicator: 0 = No changes, since Controller Status was last read. 1 = A parameter other than Controller Status or PV has changed 4 Comms write status: 0 = Disabled 1 = Enabled 5 Not used 6 Not used 7 Not used 8 Not used 9 Limit status: 0 = Not Exceeded, 1 = Exceeded 10 Limit Relay Status: 0 = safe, 1 = Latched Off 11 Limit Action: 0 = Low Limit, 1 = High Limit 12 Annunciator status: 0 = inactive, 1 = Active R/W R/W CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Page 40 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Parameter Modbus Parameter No. Scan Table Equipment ID Serial Number Low Serial Number Mid Serial Number High Date of manufacture 122 123 124 125 126 RO RO RO RO RO Product Revision Level 129 RO ASCII Ident & Message Types Notes ] Type 2 Reads back main process values. Response is: L{N}25aaaaabbbbb cccccdddddeeeeeA* where: aaaaa = Limit Setpoint value bbbbb = Process Variable value ccccc = Hold value ddddd = Exceeded Time value eeeee = Controller Status (see above) The four digit model number 6700 Digits aaaa Unit serial number. Digits bbbb Format aaaa bbbb cccc, (12 BCD digits). Digits cccc Manufacturing date code as an encoded binary number. E.g. 0403 for April 2003 is returned as 193hex Alpha part of PRL. Low Byte E.g. A = 01hex RO High Byte Firmware Version 130 RO Numeric part of PRL. E.g. 13 = 0Dhex Bits Meaning 0-4 Revision number (1,2...) 5-9 Alpha version (A=0, B=1...) Numeric version (starting from 121 = 0) Input status. Read Only. Bit 0: Sensor break flag Bit 1: Under-range flag Bit 2: Over-range flag Maximum scale value for retransmit output in slot 2, 1999 to 9999. 10 - 15 Input status 133 RO Option Slot 2 Re-transmit output Maximum Option Slot 2 Re-transmit output Minimum Option Slot 3 Re-transmit output Maximum Option Slot 3 Re-transmit output Minimum 2224 R/W 2225 R/W Minimum scale value for retransmit output in slot 2, 1999 to 9999. 2234 R/W Maximum scale value for retransmit output in slot 3, 1999 to 9999. 2235 R/W Minimum scale value for retransmit output in slot 3, 1999 to 9999. Note: Some of the parameters that do not apply to a particular configuration will accept reads and writes (e.g. attempting to scale a Linear output which has not been fitted). Read only parameters will return an exception if an attempt is made to write values to them. CN2516, CN2508 & CN2504 – Model Group Page 41 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 9 Modbus Serial Communications All models support the Modbus RTU communication protocol. Some models also support an ASCII communication protocol. Where both Modbus and ASCII are supported, the protocol to be used is selected from Configuration Mode. The RS485 Communications Module must be fitted into Option Slot A in order to use serial communications. Refer to the relevant Model Group Section for the ASCII and Modbus Application Layer (parameter address/ident information). For a complete description of the Modbus protocol refer to the description provided at or Physical Layer The Base address, bit rate and character format are configured via the front panel in Configuration Mode or by using the PC Configurator software. Physical layer configuration settings possible are: Data rate: 1200, 2400, 4800 (default), 9600 and 19,200 bps Parity: None (default), Even, Odd Character format: Always 8 bits per character. The transmitter must not start transmission until 3 character times have elapsed since reception of the last character in a message, and must release the transmission line within 3 character times of the last character in a message. Note: Three character times = 1.5ms at 19200, 3ms at 9600, 6ms at 4800, 12ms at 2400 and 24ms at 1200 bps. Modbus Communications Page 42 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Link Layer A Query (or command) is transmitted from the Modbus Master to the Modbus Slave. The slave instrument assembles the reply to the master. All of the instruments covered by this manual are slave devices, and cannot act as a Modbus Master. MODBUS SLAVE MASTER INSTRUMENT QUERY RESPONSE Figure 30. Modbus Link Layer A message for either a QUERY or RESPONSE is made up of an inter-message gap followed by a sequence of data characters. The inter-message gap is at least 3.5 data character times. Data is encoded for each character as binary data, transmitted LSB first. For a QUERY the address field contains the address of the slave destination. The slave address is given together with the Function and Data fields by the Application layer. The CRC is generated from the given address, function and data characters. For a RESPONSE the address field contains the address of the responding slave. The Function and Data fields are generated by the slave application. The CRC is generated from the address, function and data characters. The standard MODBUS RTU CRC-16 calculation employing the polynomial 216+215+22+1 is used. Inter-message gap Address 1 character Function 1 character Modbus Communications Data n characters CRC Check 2 characters Page 43 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Device Addressing The instrument is assigned a unique device address by the user in the range 1 (default) to 255 using the ==+ parameter in Configuration Mode. This address is used to recognise Modbus Queries intended for this instrument. The instrument does not respond to Modbus Queries that do not match the address that has been assigned to it. The instrument will also accept global Queries using device address 0 no matter what device address is assigned. No responses are returned for globally addressed Queries. Supported Modbus Functions Modbus defines several function types; these instruments support the following types: Table 14. Supported Modbus Functions Function Code (decimal) Modbus Meaning Description 01 / 02 Read Coil/Input Status Read output/input status bits at given address. 03 / 04 Read Holding/Input registers Read current binary value of specified number of parameters at given address. Up to 64 parameters can be accessed with one Query. 05 Force single Coil Writes a single binary bit to the Specified Slave Bit address. 06 Pre-set Single Register Writes two bytes to a specified word address. 08 Diagnostics Used for loopback test. 16 Pre-set Multiple Registers Writes up to 1 word parameter values to the specified address range. Function Descriptions The following is interpreted from the Modbus Protocol Description obtainable from or Refer to that document if clarification is required. In the function descriptions below, the preceding device address value is assumed, as is the correctly formed two-byte CRC value at the end of the QUERY and RESPONSE frames. Modbus Communications Page 44 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Read Coil/Input Status (Function 01 / 02) Reads the content of instruments output/input status bits at the specified bit address. Table 15. Read Coil/Input Status (Modbus Function 01/02) Function 01 / 02 Function QUERY Address of 1st Bit HI Number of Bits LO HI LO RESPONSE Number of Bytes First 8 bits 2nd 8 Bits 01 / 02 In the response the “Number of Bytes” indicates the number of data bytes read from the instrument. E.g. if 16 bits of data are returned then the count will be 2. The maximum number of bits that can be read is 16 in one transaction. The first bit read is returned in the least significant bit of the first 8 bits returned. Read Holding/Input Registers (Function 03 / 04) Reads current binary value of data at the specified word addresses. Table 16. Read Holding/Input Registers (Modbus Function 03/04) Function 03 / 04 Function 03 / 04 QUERY Address of 1st Word HI Number of Words LO HI LO RESPONSE First Word Number of Bytes HI Last Word LO HI LO In the response the “Number of Bytes” indicates the number of data bytes read from the instrument. E.g. if 5 words are read, the count will be 10 (A hex). The maximum number of words that can be read is 64. If a parameter does not exist at one of the addresses read, then a value of 0000h is returned for that word. Modbus Communications Page 45 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Force Single Coil (Function 05) Writes a single binary value to the Specified Instrument Bit address. Table 17. Force Single Coil (Modbus Function 05) QUERY Address of Bit Function 05 HI FF/00 RESPONSE Address of Bit Function 05 LO State to write HI LO 00 State written FF/00 00 The address specifies the address of the bit to be written to. The State to write is FF when the bit is to be SET and 00 if the bit is to be RESET. Note: The Response normally returns the same data as the Query. Pre-Set Single Register (Function 06) Writes two bytes to a specified word address. Table 18. Pre-Set Single Register (Modbus Function 06) Function 06 Function 06 QUERY Address of Word HI LO Value to write HI RESPONSE Address of Word HI LO LO Value written HI LO Note: The Response normally returns the same data as the Query. Loopback Diagnostic Test (Function 08) Table 19. Loopback Diagnostic Test (Modbus Function 08) Function 08 Function 08 QUERY Diagnostic Code HI =00 LO=00 Value HI RESPONSE Sub-function HI=00 LO=00 LO Value HI LO Note: The Response normally returns the same data as the Query. Modbus Communications Page 46 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Pre-Set Multiple Registers (Function 10 Hex) Writes a consecutive word (two-byte) value to the specified address range. Table 20. Pre-Set Multiple Registers (Modbus Function 10 Hex) Function 10 1st Word Address HI QUERY Number of Number of Words Query Bytes LO HI LO HI RESPONSE 1st Word Address Function 10 First value to write HI LO LO Number of Words HI LO Note: The number of consecutive words that can be written is limited to 1. Exception Responses When a QUERY is sent that the instrument cannot interpret then an Exception RESPONSE is returned. Possible exception responses are: Table 21. Modbus Exception Responses Exception Code Error Condition Interpretation 00 Unused None. 01 Illegal function Function number out of range. 02 Illegal Data Address Write functions: Parameter number out of range or not supported. (for write functions only). Read Functions: Start parameter does not exist or end parameter greater than 65536. 03 Illegal Data Value Attempt to write invalid data / required action not executed. The format of an exception response is: RESPONSE Function Original Function code with its Most Significant Bit (MSB) set. Exception Code as detailed above Note: In the case of multiple exception codes for a single QUERY the Exception code returned is the one corresponding to the first parameter in error. Modbus Communications Page 47 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 10 ASCII Communications This is simple ASCII protocol provides backwards compatibility with some older products. ASCII is not available in all models in the range. The Modbus protocol is recommended for future use. Refer to the relevant Model Group Section for the ASCII and Modbus Application Layer (parameter address/ident information). Physical Layer The Base address, bit rate and character format are configured via the front panel in Configuration Mode or by using the PC Configurator software. Physical layer configuration settings possible are: Data rate: 1200, 2400, 4800 (default), 9600 and 19,200 bps Parity: Even Character format: 7 bits per character. + 1 stop bit. The transmitter must not start transmission until 3 character times have elapsed since reception of the last character in a message, and must release the transmission line within 3 character times of the last character in a message. Note: Three character times = 1.5ms at 19200, 3ms at 9600, 6ms at 4800, 12ms at 2400 and 24ms at 1200 bps. Device Addressing The instrument is assigned a device address by the user using the ==+ parameter in Configuration Mode. The address may be set to any unique value from 1 (default) to 99. This address is used to recognise ASCII messages intended for this instrument. The instrument does not respond to messages that do not match the address that has been assigned to it. Session Layer The ASCII protocol assumes half duplex communications. The master device initiates all communication. The master sends a command or query to the addressed slave instrument and the slave replies with an acknowledgement of the command or the reply to the query. Messages from the master device may be one of five types: Type 1: Type 2: Type 3: Type 4: Type 5: {S}{N}??* {S}{N}{P}{C}* or R{N}{P}{C}* {S}{N}{P}#{DATA}* or R{N}{P}#{DATA}* {S}{N}{P}I* or R{N}{P}I* {S} {N} \ P S S ? * All characters are in ASCII code. See the following Parameter Key table for details of the parameters in brackets { }. ASCII Communications Page 48 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Table 22. ASCII Parameter Key {S} is the Start of Message character L (Hex 4C) or R (Hex 52). L is used for Controllers; R is used for Profilers. {N} is the slave device address (in the range 1 - 99); addresses 1 - 9 may be represented by a single digit (e.g. 7) or in two-digit form, the first digit being zero (e.g. 07). {P} {C} is a character which identifies the parameter to be interrogated/modified. # {DATA} P SS * indicates that {DATA} is to follow (Hex 23) is the command (Refer to the Serial Communications Application Layer information for each Model Group) is a string of numerical data in ASCII code (refer to the Data Element table below) is the Program Number is the Segment Number (01 to 16) is the End of Message Character (Hex 2A) No space characters are permitted in messages. Any syntax errors in a received message will cause the slave instrument to issue no reply and await the Start of Message character. Table 23. ASCII Data Element – Sign/Decimal Point Position {DATA} Content Data Format Description abcd0 +abcd Positive value, no decimal place abcd1 +abc.d Positive value, one decimal place abcd2 Positive value, two decimal places abcd3 +a.bcd Positive value, three decimal places Abcd5 - abcd Negative value, no decimal place Abcd6 - abc.d Negative value, one decimal place Abcd7 - Negative value, two decimal places Abcd8 - a.bcd Negative value, three decimal places (In the Data Content, abcd represents the data value, the last digit indicates data format) Type 1 Message L {N} ? ? * This message is used by the master device to determine whether the addressed slave device is active. The reply from an active slave is L {N} ? A * An inactive device will give no reply. ASCII Communications Page 49 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Type 2 Message L {N} {P} {C} * or R {N} {P} {C} * This type of message is used by the master device, to interrogate or modify a parameter in the addressed slave device. {P} identifies the parameter and {C} represents the command to be executed, which may be one of the following: + (Hex 2B) = Increment the value of the parameter defined by {P} – (Hex 2D) = Decrement the value of the parameter defined by {P} ? (Hex 3F) = Determine the current value of the parameter defined by {P} The reply from the addressed slave device is of the form: L {N} {P} {DATA} A * or R {N} {P} {DATA} A * where {DATA} comprises five ASCII-coded digits whose format is shown in the Data Element table above. The data is the value requested in a query message or the new value of the parameter after modification. If the action requested by the message from the master device would result in an invalid value for that parameter (either because the requested new value would be outside the permitted range for that parameter or because the parameter is not modifiable), the slave device replies with a negative acknowledgement: L {N} {P} {DATA} N * or R {N} {P} {DATA} N * The {DATA} string in the negative acknowledgement reply will be indeterminate. If the process variable or the deviation is interrogated whille the process variable is outside the range of the slave device, the reply is: L {N} {P} < ? ? > 0 A * if the process variable is over-range, or L {N} {P} < ? ? > 5 A * if the process variable is under-range. Type 3 Message L {N} {P} # {DATA} * or R {N} {P} # {DATA} * This message type is used by the master device to set a parameter to the value specified in {DATA}. The command is not implemented immediately by the slave device; the slave will receive this command and will then wait for a Type 4 message (see below). Upon receipt of a Type 3 message, if the {DATA} content and the specified parameter are valid, the slave device reply is of the form: L {N} {P} {DATA} I * or R {N} {P} {DATA} I * (where I = Hex 49) indicating that the slave device is ready to implement the command. If the parameter specified is invalid or is not modifiable or if the desired value is outside the permitted range for that parameter, the slave device replies with a negative acknowledgement in the form: L {N} {P} {DATA} N * or R {N} {P} {DATA} N * ASCII Communications Page 50 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Type 4 Message L {N} {P} I * or R {N} {P} I * This type of message is sent by the master device to the addressed slave device, following a successful Type 3 transaction with the same slave device. Provided that the {DATA} content and the parameter specified in the preceding Type 3 message are still valid, the slave device will then set the parameter to the desired value and will reply in the form: L {N} {P} {DATA} A * where {DATA} is the new value of the parameter. If the new value or parameter specified is invalid, the slave device will reply with a negative acknowledgement in the form: L {N} {P} {DATA} N * where {DATA} is indeterminate. If the immediately preceding message received by the slave device was not a Type 3 message, the Type 4 message is ignored. Error Response The circumstances under which a message received from the master device is ignored are: Parity error detected Syntax error detected Timeout elapsed Receipt of a Type 4 message without a preceding Type 3 command message. Negative acknowledgements will be returned if, in spite of the received message being notionally correct, the slave device cannot supply the requested information or perform the requested operation. The {DATA} element of a negative acknowledgement will be indeterminate. ASCII Communications Page 51 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 11 Calibration Mode WARNING: CALIBRATION IS ONLY REQUIRED FOR INSTRUMENTS IN WHICH CALIBRATION ERRORS HAVE BEEN ENCOUNTERED. REFER TO CALIBRATION CHECK BELOW. CAUTION: Calibration must be performed by personnel who are technically competent and authorized to do so. Calibration is carried out during manufacture and is not normally required again during the lifetime of an instrument. Equipment Required For Checking or Calibrating the Universal Input A suitable calibration signal source is required for each input type. To verify the accuracy of the instrument or carry out recalibration, the listed input sources are required, with better than ±0.05% of the reading accuracy: 1. DC linear inputs: 0 to 50mV, 0 to 10VDC and 0 to 20mADC. 2. Thermocouple inputs - complete with 0ºC reference facility, appropriate thermocouple functions and compensating leads (or equivalent). 3. RTD inputs: decade resistance box with connections for three-wire input (or equivalent). Calibration Check 1. Set the instrument to the required input type. 2. Power up the instrument and connect the correct input leads. Leave powered up for at least five minutes for RTD and DC linear inputs, or at least 30 minutes for thermocouple inputs. 3. After the appropriate delay for stabilisation has elapsed, check the calibration by connecting the appropriate input source and checking a number of cardinal points. 4. Repeat the test for all required input types. Calibration Page 52 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Recalibration Procedure Recalibration is carried out in five phases as shown in the table below, each phase corresponds to an input range of the instrument. CAUTION: The 50mV phase MUST be calibrated before the thermocouple range. Table 24. Input Calibration phases ): 50 mV ): 10 V ): 20 mA ): RTD input (200 ohm) ): Thermocouple (K type source at 0ºC required) To start calibration, apply the required calibration input from the source type list above, using the correct connections, 1. While the instrument is powering up, press displayed. and together until ): is Note: If a phase has not been previously calibrated the display will flash. 2. Press to initiate calibration 3. During calibration the display changes to for a few seconds. 4. If the input is misconnected or an incorrect signal is applied the calibration will be aborted and the display will shown "'. The previous calibration value will be retained. 5. If the calibration has succeeded, the pass display is shown ): (non-flashing). 6. Press to step onto the next phase. 7. Repeat this process for each input type until all the phases are calibrated. Note: Switch off the instrument to exit the Calibration Mode. Calibration Mode automatically exits if there is no button activity for five minutes. Calibration Page 53 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 12 Appendix 1 – Glossary This Glossary explains the technical terms and parameters used in this manual. The entry type is also shown: Limit Device Definition: Limit Device Parameter: Type: Limit Device Parameter Alarm Hysteresis An adjustable band on the “safe” side of an alarm point, through which the process variable must pass before the alarm will change state, as shown in the diagram below. E.g. a high alarm’s hysteresis band is below the high alarm value, and a low alarm’s hysteresis is above the low alarm value. Also refer to Alarm Operation. Active Inactive Inactive PROCESS HIGH ALARM Alarm Value Alarm Hysteresis Value Process Variable Process Variable Alarm Hysteresis Value PROCESS LOW ALARM Alarm Value Inactive Inactive Active Alarm Value (from Setpoint) Alarm Hysteresis Value Process Variable BAND ALARM Setpoint Alarm Hysteresis Value Inactive Inactive Inactive Active Active Alarm Value (from Setpoint) Active Inactiv Inactive Alarm Value (from Setpoint) DEVIATION HIGH ALARM Alarm Hysteresis Value Process Variable Setpoint Setpoint Process Variable Alarm Hysteresis Value Alarm Value (from Setpoint) DEVIATION LOW ALARM Alarm Inactive Alarm Inactive Alarm Active Figure 31. Alarm Hysteresis Operation Glossary Page 54 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Alarm Operation Type: Limit Device Definition The different alarm types are shown below, together with the action of any outputs. Also refer to Alarm Hysteresis, Alarm Inhibit, Band Alarm, Deviation Alarm, Latching Relay, Logical Alarm Combinations, Loop Alarm, Process High Alarm and Process Low Alarm. Process High Alarm Direct-Acting Process High Alarm Reverse-Acting Process Low Alarm Direct-Acting Process Low Alarm Reverse-Acting Band Alarm Reverse-Acting Process Variable Output On. .Output Off Alarm Off. .Alarm On Alarm. Value Process Variable Output On. .Output Off Alarm On. .Alarm Off Alarm. Value Process Variable Output Off. .Output On Alarm On. .Alarm Off Alarm. Value Process Variable Output On. Alarm On. .Output On Output Off .Alarm On Alarm Off Alarm Value Alarm Value Process Variable Output Off. Alarm On. Output On .Output Off .Alarm On Alarm Off Alarm Value Alarm Value Process Variable Direct-Acting Band Alarm Output Off. .Output On Alarm Off. .Alarm On Alarm. Value Deviation High Alarm (+ve values) Direct-Acting Output Off. .Output On Alarm Off. .Alarm On Alarm Value Process Variable Deviation High Alarm (+ve values) Reverse-Acting Output On. .Output Off Alarm Off. .Alarm On Alarm Value Process Variable Deviation Low Alarm (-ve values) Direct-Acting Output On. .Output Off Alarm On. .Alarm Off Alarm Value Process Variable Deviation Low Alarm (-ve values) Reverse-Acting Output Off. .Output On Alarm On. .Alarm Off Alarm Value Process Variable Setpoint Figure 32. Glossary Alarm Operation Page 55 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Annunciator Type: Limit Device Definition A special type of alarm output that is linked to a Limit Controllers main Limit Output. An Annunciator output will activate when an Exceed condition occurs, and will remain active until a reset instruction is received, or the Exceed condition has passed. Unlike the Limit Output, an Annunciator can be reset even if the Exceed condition is present Also refer to Exceed Condition, Latching Relay, Limit Controller, Limit Hysteresis and Limit Setpoint Band Alarm 1 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter This parameter is applicable only if Alarm 1 is selected to be a Band Alarm. It defines a band of process variable values, centered on the current actual setpoint value. If the process variable value is outside this band, the alarm will be active. This parameter may be adjusted from 1 to full span from the setpoint. Display code = ', default value = 5. Also refer to Alarm Operation, Band Alarm 2 Value and Input Span. Type: Limit Device Parameter Band Alarm 2 Value This parameter is similar to the Band Alarm 1 Value. It is applicable only if Alarm 2 is selected to be a Band Alarm. Display code = ', default value = 5. Also refer to Alarm Operation, Band Alarm 1 Value and Input Span. Communications Write Enable Type: Limit Device Definition This enables/disables the changing of parameter values via the RS485 communications link, if the communications option is installed. Possible settings are read only or read/write. Display code = 3 C, default setting = r_ Ww (read/write). CPU Type: Limit Device Definition This stands for Central Processing Unit and refers to the onboard microprocessor that controls all of the measuring, alarm and control functions of the instrument. Type: Limit Device Parameter Deviation Alarm 1 Value Type This is applicable only if Alarm 1 is selected to be Deviation Alarm. A positive value (Deviation High) sets the alarm point above the current actual setpoint; a negative value (Deviation Low) sets it below. If the process variable deviates from the setpoint by a margin greater than this value, alarm 1 becomes active. Display code = =', Default value = 5. Also refer to Alarm Operation and Deviation Alarm 2 Value. Deviation Alarm 2 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter Applicable only if Alarm 2 is selected as a Deviation Alarm. It is similar to Deviation Alarm 1 Value. Display code = ='. Default value = 5. Also refer to Alarm Operation and Deviation Alarm 1 Value. Glossary Page 56 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Display Strategy Type: Limit Device Parameter Alters the parameters displayed in normal operator mode. For example a controller could display PV + SP, PV + adjustable SP, PV + Ramping SP, PV only or SP only. Display strategy 6 will allow read only access to the setpoint values in Operator Mode, Setup Mode must then be entered to change the setpoint. Display code = =-@ Also refer to Process Variable, Setpoint and Setpoint Ramping. Type: Limit Device Definition Exceed Condition This is a state that occurs when the Process Variable exceeds the Limit Setpoint value. E.g. if the PV is above the Limit SP when set for high limit action, or below the Limit SP for low limit action. The Limit Controller will shut down the process when this condition occurs, and cannot be reset until the Exceed Condition has passed. Also refer to Annunciator, Exceed Time, Latching Relay, Limit Controller, Limit Hysteresis and Limit Setpoint. Exceed Time Type: Limit Device Definition The total accumulated time that a Limit Controller has been in the Exceed Condition since this parameter was last reset. Also refer to Elapsed Time, Exceed Condition and Limit Controller. Input Filter Time Constant Type: Limit Device Parameter This parameter is used to filter out extraneous impulses on the process variable. The filtered PV is used for all PV-dependent functions (display control, alarm etc). The time constant is adjustable from 0.0 seconds (off) to 100.0 seconds in 0.5 second increments. Display code = "'/, Default value = 2.0 seconds. Also refer to Process Variable. Input Range Type: Limit Device Definition This is the overall process variable input range and type as selected by the %C)/ parameter in Configuration Mode. Also refer to Input Span. Input Span Type: Limit Device Definition The measuring limits, as defined by the Scale Range Lower and Scale Range Upper Limits. The trimmed span value is also used as the basis for calculations that relate to the span of the instrument. Also refer to Input Range, Scale Range Lower Limit and Scale Range Upper Limit. Latching Relay Type: Limit Device Definition A type of relay that, once it becomes active, requires a reset signal before it will deactivate. This output is available on Limit controllers and indicator alarms. To successfully deactivate a latched relay, the alarm or limit condition that caused the relay to become active must first be removed, and then a reset signal can be applied. This signal may be applied from the instrument keypad, Digital Input or command via Serial Communication. Also refer to Alarm Operation, Limit Controller, Limit Hysteresis, Serial Communications. LED Type: Limit Device Definition Light Emitting Diode. LED’s are used as indicator lights (e.g. for the alarm indication). The upper and lower 7-segment displays are also LED’s. Glossary Page 57 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Limit Device Type: Limit Device Definition This is a protective device that will shut down a process at a preset Exceed Condition, in order to prevent possible damage to equipment or products. A fail-safe latching relay is used, which cannot be reset by the operator until the process is back in a safe condition. This signal may be applied from the instrument keypad, Digital Input or command via Serial Communication. Limit controllers work independently of the normal process controller. Limit Controllers have specific approvals for critical applications. They are recommended for any process that could potentially become hazardous under fault conditions. Also refer to Annunciator, Controller, Exceed Condition, Exceed Time, Latching Relay, Limit Hysteresis, Limit Setpoint and Serial Communications. Limit Hysteresis Type: Limit Device Definition This is an adjustable band on the “safe” side of the Limit Setpoint. For a high limit, the hysteresis band is below the limit setpoint value, for a low limit, the hysteresis is above the limit setpoint value. The latching limit relay cannot be reset by the operator until the process has passed through this band Also refer to Exceed Condition, Latching Relay, Limit Controller and Limit Setpoint. Limit Setpoint Type: Limit Device Definition This is the preset value at which an Exceed Condition will occur. When a Limit Controller has been set for High Limit control action, the Exceed Condition is above the Limit Setpoint. When a Limit Controller has been set for Low Limit control action, the Exceed Condition is below the Limit Setpoint. Also refer to Annunciator, Exceed Condition, Limit Hysteresis, Limit Controller and Setpoint. Lock Codes Type: Limit Device Parameter This defines the four-digit codes required to enter Configuration (20) and Set-Up (10). Display codes = N' N and -' N -default values shown above in brackets. Logical Combination of Alarms Type: Limit Device Definition Two alarms may be combined logically to create an AND/OR situation. Any suitable output may be assigned as a Logical Alarm Output, configured for Reverse-acting or Direct action. Also refer to Alarm Operation Table 25. Logical Alarm Outputs ON ON ON ON OFF ON OFF OUTPUT ON ON ON OFF ALARM 2 OFF OFF OFF ALARM 1 ON OFF Logical OR: Alarm 1 OR Alarm 2 Reverse-Acting OUTPUT OFF ALARM 2 ALARM 1 Direct Acting OFF ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON Glossary ON OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OUTPUT ON ON OFF OFF ALARM 2 OFF OFF OFF ALARM 1 ON OFF OUTPUT OFF ALARM 2 ALARM 1 Logical AND: Alarm 1 AND Alarm 2 Direct Acting Reverse-Acting Page 58 ON ON ON OFF Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual mADC Type: Limit Device Definition This stands for milliamp DC. It is used in reference to the DC milliamp input ranges and the linear DC milliamp outputs. Typically, these will be 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA. PLC Type: Limit Device Definition This stands for Programmable Logic Controller. A microprocessor based device used in machine control. It is particularly suited to sequential control applications, and uses “Ladder Logic” programming techniques. Some PLC’s are capable of basic PID control, but tend to be expensive and often give inferior levels of control. Type: Limit Device Parameter Process High Alarm 1 Value This parameter, applicable only when Alarm 1 is selected to be a Process High alarm, defines the process variable value above which Alarm 1 will be active. Its value may be adjusted between Scale Range Upper Limit and Scale Range Lower Limit. Display code = )$, Default value = Scale Range Upper Limit. Also refer to Alarm Operation, Process High Alarm 2 Value, Process Variable, Scale Range Lower Limit and Scale Range Upper Limit. Process High Alarm 2 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter This parameter is applicable only when Alarm 2 is selected to be a Process High alarm. It is similar to the Process High Alarm 1 Value. Display code = )$, Default value = Scale Range Upper Limit. Also refer to Alarm Operation, Process High Alarm 1 Value, Process Variable, Scale Range Lower Limit and Scale Range Upper Limit. Process Low Alarm 1 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter This parameter, applicable only when Alarm 1 is selected to be a Process low alarm, defines the process variable value below which Alarm 1 will be active. Its value may be adjusted between Scale Range Upper Limit and Scale Range Lower Limit. Display code = )', Default value = Scale Range Lower Limit. Also refer to Alarm Operation, Process Low Alarm 2 Value, Process Variable, Scale Range Lower Limit and Scale Range Upper Limit. Process Low Alarm 2 Value Type: Limit Device Parameter This parameter is applicable only when Alarm 2 is selected to be a Process low alarm. It is similar to the Process Low Alarm 1 Value. Display code = )', default value = Scale Range Lower Limit. Also refer to Alarm Operation, Process Low Alarm 1 Value, Process Variable, Scale Range Lower Limit and Scale Range Upper Limit. Process Variable (PV) Type: Limit Device Definition Process Variable is the variable to be measured by the primary input of the instrument. The PV can be any parameter that can be converted into a electronic signal suitable for the input. Common types are Thermocouple or PT100 temperature probes, or pressure, level, flow etc from transducers which convert these parameters into linear DC signals (e.g. 4 to 20mA). Linear signals can be scaled into engineering units using the Scale Range Lower Limit and Scale Range Upper Limit parameters. Also refer to Input Span, Offset, Scale Range Lower Limit and Scale Range Upper Limit. Glossary Page 59 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Type: Limit Device Parameter Process Variable Offset - Refer to Offset. Retransmit Output Type: Limit Device Definition A linear DC voltage or mA output signal, proportional to the Process Variable or Setpoint, for use by slave controllers or external devices, such as a Data Recorder or PLC. The output can be scaled to transmit any portion of the input or setpoint span. Also refer to Input Span, Master & Slave, Process Variable and Setpoint. Type: Limit Device Parameter Retransmit Output 2 Scale Maximum Scales a linear output module in slot 2 that has been set up to retransmit PV or SP. Retransmit Scale Maximum defines the value of the process variable, or setpoint, at which the output will be at its maximum value. E.g. for a 0 to 5V output, the value corresponds to 5V. It may be adjusted within the range -1999 to 9999; the decimal position is always the same as that for the process variable input. If this parameter is set to a value less than that for Retransmit Output 2 Scale Minimum, the relationship between the process variable/setpoint value and the retransmission output is reversed. Display code = + $, default value = Scale Range Upper Limit. Also refer to Process Variable, Retransmit Output, Retransmit Output 2 Scale Minimum, Scale Range Upper Limit and Setpoint. Retransmit Output 2 Scale Minimum Type: Limit Device Parameter Scales a linear output module in slot 2 that has been set up to retransmit PV or SP. Retransmit Scale Minimum defines the value of the process variable, or setpoint, at which the output will be at its minimum value. E.g. for a 0 to 5V output, the value corresponds to 0V. It may be adjusted within the range -1999 to 9999; the decimal position is always the same as that for the process variable input. If this parameter is set to a value greater than that for Retransmit Output Scale Maximum, the relationship between the process variable/setpoint value and the retransmission output is reversed. Display code = + ', default value = Scale Range Lower Limit. Also refer to Process Variable, Retransmit Output, Retransmit Output 2 Scale Maximum, Scale Range Lower Limit and Setpoint. . Retransmit Output 3 Scale Maximum Type: Limit Device Parameter Defines the value of the process variable, or setpoint, at which Retransmit Output 3 will be at its maximum value. It is similar to Retransmit Output 1 Scale Maximum. Display code = + $, default value = Scale Range Upper Limit. Also refer to Process Variable, Retransmit Output, Retransmit Output 3 Scale Minimum, Scale Range Upper Limit and Setpoint. Retransmit Output 3 Scale Minimum Type: Limit Device Parameter Defines the value of the process variable, or setpoint, at which Retransmit Output 3 will be at its minimum value. It is similar to Retransmit Output 1 Scale Minimum. Display code = + ', default value = Scale Range Lower Limit. Also refer to Process Variable, Retransmit Output, Retransmit Output 3 Scale Maximum, Scale Range Lower Limit and Setpoint. Scale Range Upper Limit Type: Limit Device Parameter For linear inputs, this parameter is used to scale the process variable into engineering units. It defines the displayed value when the process variable input is at its maximum value. It is Glossary Page 60 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual adjustable from -1999 to 9999 and can be set to a value less than (but not within 100 units of) the Scale Range Lower Limit, in which case the sense of the input is reversed. For thermocouple and RTD inputs, this parameter is used to reduce the effective range of the input. All span related functions work from the trimmed input span. The parameter can be adjusted within the limits of the range selected by Configuration Mode parameter C@/. It is adjustable to within 100 degrees of the Scale Range Lower Limit. Display code = +0', default value = 1000 for linear inputs or range maximum for temperature inputs. Also refer to Input Span, Process Variable and Scale Range Lower Limit. Scale Range Lower Limit Type: Limit Device Parameter For linear inputs, this parameter can be used to display the process variable in engineering units. It defines the displayed value when the process variable input is at its minimum value. It is adjustable from -1999 to 9999 and can be set to a value more than (but not within 100 units of) the Scale Range Upper Limit, in which case the sense of the input is reversed. For thermocouple and RTD inputs, this parameter is used to reduce the effective range of the input. All span related functions, work from the trimmed span. The parameter can be adjusted within the limits of the range selected by Configuration Mode parameter C@/. It is adjustable to within 100 degrees of the Scale Range Upper Limit. Display code = +0', default value = 0 for linear inputs, or range minimum for temperature inputs. Also refer to Input Span, Process Variable and Scale Range Upper Limit. Serial Communications Option Type: Limit Device Definition This feature allows other devices such as PC’s, PLC’s or a master controller to read or change an instrument’s parameters via an RS485 Serial link. Full details can be found in the Serial Communications sections of this manual. Also refer to Master & Slave, Limit Controller and PLC Solid State Relay (SSR) Type: Limit Device Definition An external device manufactured using two Silicone Controlled Rectifiers, which can be used to replace mechanical relays in most AC power applications. As a solid state device, an SSR does not suffer from contact degradation when switching electrical current. Much faster switching cycle times are also possible, leading to superior control. The instrument’s SSR Driver output is a time proportioned 10VDC pulse, which causes conduction of current to the load when the pulse is on. Also refer to Triac. Triac Type: Limit Device Definition This is a small internal solid state device, which can be used in place of a mechanical relay in applications switching low power AC, up to 1 amp. Like a relay, the output is time proportioned, but much faster switching cycle times are also possible, leading to superior control. As a solidstate device, a Triac does not suffer from contact degradation when switching electrical currents. A triac cannot be used to switch DC power. Also refer to SSR . Glossary Page 61 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual 13 Appendix 2 - Specifications Universal Input General Input Specifications Input Sample Rate: Digital Input Filter time constant Input Resolution: Input Impedance: Isolation: PV Offset: PV Display: Four samples/second. 0.0 (OFF), 0.5 to 100.0 seconds in 0.5 second increments. 14 bits approximately. Always four times better than display resolution. 10V DC: 47KΩ 20mA DC: 5Ω Other ranges: Greater than 10MΩ resistive Isolated from all outputs (except SSR driver). If single relay outputs are connected to a hazardous voltage source, and the universal input is connected to operator accessible circuits, supplementary insulation or input grounding is required. Adjustable ±input span. Displays process variable up to 5% over and 5% under span. Thermocouple Thermocouple Ranges Available Sensor Type Range Min in °C Range Max in °C Range Min in °F Range Max in °F Resolution J (default) -200 1200 -328 2192 1° J -128.8 537.7 -199.9 999.9 0.1° T -240 400 -400 752 1° T -128.8 400.0 -199.9 752.0 0.1° K -240 1373 -400 2503 1° K -128.8 537.7 -199.9 999.9 0.1° L 0 762 32 1403 1° L 0.0 537.7 32.0 999.9 0.1° N 0 1399 32 2551 1° B 100 1824 211 3315 1° R 0 1759 32 3198 1° S 0 1762 32 3204 1° C 0 2320 32 4208 1° PtRh20%: PtRh40% 0 1850 32 3362 1° Note: Defaults to °F for USA units. Defaults to °C for non-USA units. The Configuration Mode parameters, Scale Range Upper Limit and Scale Range Lower Limit, can be used to restrict range. Specifications Page 62 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Thermocouple Performance Calibration: Measurement Accuracy: Linearisation Accuracy: Cold Junction Compensation: Temperature Stability: Supply Voltage Influence: Relative Humidity Influence: Sensor Resistance Influence: Sensor Break Protection: Complies with BS4937, NBS125 and IEC584. ±0.1% of full range span ±1LSD. NOTE: Reduced performance for B Thermocouple from 100 to 600°C. NOTE: PtRh 20% vs PtRh 40% Thermocouple accuracy is 0.25% and has reduced performance below 800°C. Better than ±0.2°C any point, for 0.1° resolution ranges (±0.05°C typical). Better than ±0.5°C any point, for 1° resolution ranges. Better than ±0.7°C under reference conditions. Better than ±1°C under operating conditions. 0.01% of span/°C change in ambient temperature. Negligible. Negligible. Thermocouple 100Ω: <0.1% of span error. Thermocouple 1000Ω: <0.5% of span error. Break detected within two seconds. Limit outputs turn off (goes into Exceed condition); Alarms operate as if the process variable is overrange. Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD) RTD Ranges Available Range Min in °C Range Max in °C Range Min in °F Range Max in °F Resolution -128.8 537.7 -199.9 999.9 0.1° -199 800 -328 1472 1° (default) Note: Scale Range Upper Limit and Scale Range Lower Limit Configuration Mode parameters can be used to restrict range. Specifications Page 63 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual RTD Performance Type: Calibration: Measurement Accuracy: Linearisation Accuracy: Temperature Stability: Supply Voltage Influence: Relative Humidity Influence: Sensor Resistance Influence: Lead Compensation: RTD Sensor Current: Sensor Break Protection: Three-wire Pt100. Complies with BS1904 and DIN43760 (0.00385Ω/Ω/°C). ±0.1% of span ±1LSD. Better than ±0.2°C any point, any 0.1°C range (±0.05°C typical). Better than ±0.5°C any point, any 1°C range. 0.01% of span/°C change in ambient temperature. Negligible. Negligible. Pt100 50Ω/lead: <0.5% of span error. Automatic scheme. 150μA (approximately). Break detected within two seconds. Limit outputs turn off (goes into Exceed condition); Alarms operate as if the process variable has gone over-range. DC Linear DC Linear Ranges Available 0 to 20mA 0 to 50mV 0 to 5V 4 to 20mA (default) 10 to 50mV 1 to 5V 0 to 10V 2 to 10V DC Linear Performance Scale Range Upper Limit: Scale Range Lower Limit: Minimum Span: Measurement Accuracy: Temperature stability: Supply Voltage Influence: Relative Humidity Influence: Input Protection: Sensor Break Protection: –1999 to 9999. Decimal point as required. –1999 to 9999. Decimal point as for Scale Range Upper Limit. 1 display LSD. ±0.1% of span ±1LSD. 0.01% of span/°C change in ambient temperature. Negligible. Negligible. Up to 10 times maximum span of selected input connection. Applicable for 4 to 20mA, 1 to 5V and 2 to 10V ranges only. Limit outputs turn off (goes into Exceed condition); Alarms operate as if process variable is under-range. Specifications Page 64 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Digital Inputs Voltage-free or TTL-compatible Connection to contacts of external switch or relay: Open = Minimum contact resistance = 5KΩ, Closed = Latching Relay, reset (edge triggered). Maximum contact resistance = 50Ω. 2.0 to 24VDC –0.6 to 0.8VDC = Latching Relay, reset (edge triggered) 0.25 second. 0.25 second. Reinforced safety isolation from any source of hazardous voltages. Type: Voltage-Free Operation: TTL levels: Maximum Input Delay (OFF-ON): Maximum Input Delay (ON-OFF): Isolation: Output Specifications Output Module Types Option Slot 1 Module Options: Option Slot 2 Module Options: Option Slot 3 Module Options: Limit Controllers have a fixed Latching Relay only. Relay, SSR drive, Triac or DC linear. Relay, SSR drive, DC Linear or Transmitter PSU. Specifications of Output Types Single Relay: Contact Type: OP1 Relay Contact Rating: OP2 / 3 Relay Contact Rating: Alarm Lifetime: Limit Output Lifetime: Isolation: SSR Driver: Drive Capability: Isolation: Specifications Single pole double throw (SPDT). 5A latching relay 2A resistive at 240V AC >500,000 operations at rated voltage/current. >100,000 operations at rated voltage/current. Basic Isolation from universal input and SSR outputs. 10V minimum at up to 20mA load. Not isolated from universal input or other SSR driver outputs. Page 65 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Triac: Operating Voltage Range: Current Rating: Max. Non-repetitive Surge Current (16.6ms): Min. OFF-State dv/dt @ Rated Voltage: Max. OFF-State leakage @ Rated Voltage: Max. ON-State Voltage Drop @ Rated Current: Repetitive Peak OFF-state Voltage, Vdrm: Isolation: Linear DC: Resolution: Update Rate: Ranges: Load Impedance: Accuracy: Isolation: Transmitter Power Supply: Power Rating Isolation: 20 to 280Vrms @47 to 63Hz. (140V max when directly driving motorised valves). 0.01 to 1A (full cycle rms on-state @ 25°C); derates linearly above 40°C to 0.5A @ 80°C. 25A peak. 500V/μs. 1mA rms. 1.5V peak. 600V minimum. Reinforced safety isolation from inputs and other outputs. Eight bits in 250mS (10 bits in 1 second typical, >10 bits in >1 second typical). Every control algorithm execution. 0 to 10V 0 to 20mA 0 to 5V 4 to 20mA 2 to 10V (default) 0 to 20mA & 4 to 20mA: 500Ω maximum. 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V & 2 to 10V: 500Ω minimum. Short circuit protected. ±0.25% (mA @ 250Ω, V @ 2kΩ). Degrades linearly to ±0.5% for increasing burden (to specification limits). Reinforced safety isolation from inputs and other outputs. 19 to 28VDC (24V nominal) into 910Ω minimum resistance. Reinforced safety isolation from inputs and other outputs. Control Specifications Setpoint Range: Setpoint Maximum: Setpoint Minimum: Limited by Setpoint Upper Limit and Setpoint Lower Limit. Limited by Setpoint and Scale Range Upper Limit. Limited by Scale Range Lower Limit and Setpoint. Specifications Page 66 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Process Alarms Two “soft” process alarms (high, low, deviation or band) Logical OR or AND of alarms to any suitable output. Maximum Number of Alarms Combinatorial Alarms: Digital Communications Asynchronous Serial. Modbus RTU (all models) and ASCII (some models). RS485. 1 to 99 (ASCII), 1 to 255 (Modbus). 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200 bps. ASCII: 10 Modbus: 10 or 11 (depending on parity setting) 1 ASCII: Even (fixed). Modbus: None, even or odd (selectable). Reinforced safety isolation from inputs and outputs. Type: Protocols Supported: Physical Layer: Zone address range: Bit rate: Bits per character: Stop bits: Parity: Isolation: Reference Conditions 20°C ±2°C. 60 to 70%. 100 to 240V AC 50Hz ±1%. <10Ω for thermocouple input. <0.1Ω/lead balanced (Pt100). Ambient Temperature: Relative Humidity: Supply Voltage: Source Resistance: Lead Resistance: Operating Conditions Ambient Temperature (operating): Ambient Temperature (storage): Relative Humidity: Altitude: Supply Voltage: Power Consumption: Source Resistance: PT100 Input Lead Resistance: 0°C to 55°C. -20°C to 80°C. 20% to 95% non-condensing. Up to 2000m above sea level. Either 100 to 240V ±10% AC 50/60Hz or 20 to 48V AC 50/60Hz & 22 to 55V DC 5W / 7.5 VA maximum. 1000Ω maximum (thermocouple). 50Ω per lead maximum, balanced Specifications Page 67 Limit Devices–CN2516, CN2508 and CN2504 Product Manual Standards CE. EN61326* EN61010-1 Pollution Degree 2, Installation Category II. FM 3545, 1998. IP66 when correctly mounted – refer to installation section Conformance Norms: EMC standards: Safety Standards: Front Panel Sealing: Note: *For disturbances induced by RF fields of 10V/m 80% AM at 1kHz the input accuracy specification is changed to 0.25% in the frequency bands 465 to 575 MHz and 630 to 660 MHz. Physical Specifications Dimensions: Depth behind panel: Front bezel size (w x h): Mounting: Panel cut-out size (w x h):: Terminals: Weight: 110mm (1/16 DIN instruments). 100mm (1/8 & 1/4 DIN instruments). 48 x 48mm (1/16 DIN instruments). 48 x 96mm (1/8 DIN controllers). 96 x 48mm (1/8 DIN indicators). 96 x 96mm (1/4 DIN instruments). Plug-in with panel mounting fixing strap. 45mm x 45mm (1/16 DIN instruments). 45 x 92mm (1/8 DIN controllers). 92mm x 92mm (1/4 DIN instruments). Screw type (combination head). 0.21kg maximum. Specifications Page 68 WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. This ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product. If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANTY does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs. OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by it will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages. CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner. RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIES Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RETURNING ANY PRODUCT(S) TO OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBTAIN AN AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence. The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit. FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA: 1.Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED, 2.Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product. FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA: 1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair, 2. Model and serial number of the product, and 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product. OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering. OMEGA is a trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. © Copyright 2018 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. 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